Monday . we simply let everything MICHIGAN Sunny STATE NEWS act by itself, it will be contented with its nature and destiny. STATE . . . — Kuo Hsiang UNIVERSITY . . . and mild, with high temperatures in the mid 70s. ,1 63 Number 44 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 24, 1970 Name' candidates selected to fill out Democratic ticket These and other resolutions were tends to support parochiaid while Levin, Sen. Philip Hart, who is seeking re-election By JEFFSHELER spearheaded by younger delegates, many of who is Jewish, outspokenly opposed the against Republican Lenore Romney. Safe State News Staff Writer whom were delegates for the first time. Estimates are that about half of the measure in the legislature this year. Also, Austin's presence on the ticket will Hart and Levin met with newsmen delegates to the convention were first - add a racial balance to the party slate. Saturday afternoon just before Hart GRAND RAPIDS — A sense of timers. Austin just missed being elected Detroit's delivered the victory — keynote address to the past and future - filled the minds of Other resolutions passed by the delegates first balck mayor in 1969. convention and told of the called for support "partnership" r Michigan Democrats at the party's state convention here over the weekend as of the Student Bill of Also present at the convention was U.S. campaign they intend to wage. Rights legislative package sponsored by nearly 3,000 delegates elected the State Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D-Detroit, remainder of the party's statewide ticket support of Vaughn's bill to exempt *" ~ M 1 II M 11, y, and adopted platform. a traditionally liberal Michigan men from serving in undeclared wars, a "student unrest" resolution that STEVENS, CARRIGAN Delegates Sunday elected a ticket of says, "only peaceful protest is legitimate," "name" Democrats to run in the November and a tall stack of other measures . ranging election with State Sen. Sander Levin, the from abortion reform and civil rights to party's candidate for governor, who will face Milliken. Republican incumbent William Included on the ticket are Livonia mayor protection of antlerless deer. was Action on the convention floor Sunday preceded by two days of caucusing and behind - the - scenes campaigning . Going Michigan fleet Edward H. McNamara, Levin's hand - into the convention, only the positions of picked cui.d'date for lieutenant governor, lieutenant governor and Supreme Court 4. incumbent Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, who is running for re-election; Richard Austin, Wayne County auditor for secretary of judges Levin were apparently left undecided. made known his choice running mate Saturday afternoon when he for a U' trustees nominees state; and two former Michigan governors, and McNamara held a joint news Dem lea G. Mennen Williams and John G. who will run for Supreme Court. Swainson, conference in Levin's hotel suite. Levin said he telephoned McNamara at I Democratic candidate for governor Sander Levin, left, and U.S. Senator Topping the resolutions adopted by the 2:30 a.m. Saturday to ask him if he would convention was a minority report on accept the nomination. McNamara, who I Philip Hart, D-Mich., joined fellow Democrats at the state party Indochina that calls for an immediate said he was awakened by the call,told GRAND RAPIDS - MSU Board of I convention last weekend in Grand Rapids. Levin opposes Gov. Milliken ceasefire and a complete withdrawal of all newsmen he didn't get much sleep the rest Trustees Chairman Don Stevens, 1 in the November election and Hart, the keynote speaker at the troops in Southeast Asia. of the night. D-Okemos, and Patricia Carrigan of Ann Another controversial resolution passed News of Levin's choice Arbor received the overwhelming support ■ convention, seeks re-election against Lenore Romney, a Republican. surprised most by the delegates calls for repeal of the draft of state Democrats here Sunday to run as State News photo by Dick Warren delegates and observers, since many people and amnesty for draft dodgers. the party's candidates for MSU trustee were expecting unsuccessful primary candidate Zolton Ferency to be named. positions. When word first got out it would be What appeared to be a tough jace going I. VIETS WANT U.S. OUT McNamara, a question voiced by many delegates was, "Who's McNamara?" into the convention narrowed down to a three - way noncontest by the time the But McNamara seemed to lend both vote was taken. STEVENS CARRIGAN ethnic and political balance to the top of Lansing attorney Tom Downs, who was the ticket. McNamara, who is Catholic, expected to compete strongly against unanimous support to Stevens and Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Carrigan, dropped out of Carrigan. Suppressed poll cited the race Saturday afternoon. Nominated for the U-M Board of Regents Also dropping from the race Sunday in were James Waters, a recent U-M Law an unexpected move was former trustee School graduate from Muskegon, and Paul C. Allan Harlan. Brown, Petosky attorney. Harlan came to the convention and Nominated for Wayne State University's largely suppressed by American officials in 40 votes for the proposal at this time and campaigned [WASHINGTON IcGovern said (AP) - Sen. George Slagon because I think the American hopes to pick up the additional needed strongly In the district caucuses, aiming his attacks at Stevens. But Board of Governors were Max Pincus of Sunday the majority of the people have the right to know that our votes before Labor Day. Pleasant Ridge and Leon H. Atchison of lople of South Vietnam want U.S. forces when nominations came before the floor forces are there against the objection of the Dole said the McGovern amendment is Detroit. Ithdrawn immediately. He accused majority of the people of South Vietnam Sunday, Harlan's name was left unspoken. State Board of Education nominees were erlcan officials In Saigon of saying "in effect, that the President's suppressing that we claim to be protecting. The only other contender who stayed in Anetta Miller of Dearborn and Thomas program Is successful, that we want to p information. McGovern's amendment would require embrace It. the race through the balloting was MSU Brennan of Detroit. e South Dakota Democrat said recent that all American troops be withdrawn Peter Oppewal of Grand Rapids, a ■lis taken in both the United States and "The President is ending the war and I graduate student Randall Petersen. from South Vietnam by Dec. 31, 1971. would guess that this amendment is an Petersen, however, withdrew his name present member of the State Board of luth Vietnam showed that the majority The South Dakota senator said he has over endorsement." before the balloting was completed, giving Education, was denied renominatlon. I the people support his amendment to Id the war on a definite timetable. RlcGovern appeared oii the ABC pevision " • radio program "Issues and Convents alleged buying Indian girls along with Sen. Robert J. Dole, •Kan., a strong supporter of President Ton's Vietnamlzatlon program for Iding the war. Pole said this plan is succeeding and Tflicted 80 per cent of all U.S. combat VATICAN CITY (AP) - The involved in importing Indian girls for prices The Vatican official, who asked that his Pops will be out of South Vietnam by The Times said its reporting team knew ranging from $600 to $750. It added that some of the girls in Italy Pt Vatican is investigating charges that name not be published, said an investigator of 26 Italian convents which had bought May. had suffered nervous breakdowns because The Vatican announced late Sunday was sent out by the Holy See several Indian girls from eight priests or religious |Speaking of the amendment which he is impoverished Indian women have night that the recruiting of impoverished months ago to look into the allegations. communities in Kerala state in India. of homesickness. been ■ sponsoring with Sen. Mark Hatfield, purchased and transported to girls from India to become nuns in The investigator's report has not been Three Vatican congregations are involved The paper said one convent in Florence jn., McGovern idoreed said it "has been Europe to become nuns. European convents had been suspended made yet, the Vatican source said. bought 20 girls from priest. in the investigation. They are the by a majority of the American A high Vatican official reported The official added that the Vatican had one Congregations of the Religious, of Eastern pending an investigation. Another Florentine convent ordered 12 rple in a Harris poll a few days ago and this The statement climaxed a feverish day of learned enough about the case to consider Churches, and of Missions. |nas been endorsed In principle by the Sunday after the London girls from the same priest, sent him a check The Vatican source said that the consultations at the Vatican following it "a very messy situation all the way for $7,200 and got 11 girls in December, |ople of South Vietnam in a poll taken by Sunday Times said European around." allegations came to the Vatican last spring reports of the nun - recruiting scandal. 1968, the Sunday Times said. f American military command out there convents have bought 1,200 peasant from Sonia Dougal, a language teacher at J" was suppressed. the University of Florence, girls in India and forced them to join who [That poll said that 65 per cent of the religious orders. accompanied an ailing nun - recruit back to ■®P« of South Vietnam want us to her home in India. get The Times ([• Only five per want us to stay. reported that convents in The Rev. Edward Heston, secretary of 'egret the fact that the poll has been Britain, Italy, France and Germany were the Congregation of Religious, convened representatives from the other two congregations to launch the investigation. Papal envoys in countries where the feck soldier refused convents investigate. are located were The informant said the Vatican was not ordered to sure how many Indian girls were involved. However, he reported having visited one >urial because of race convent in Italy recently and finding so many Indian faces "that I thought I was In Bombay." port pierce) fla (ap) _ a dead soldier's family by a 27 - year • old white T!" rejected by a cemetary because he Is woman. L w®s 8'ven military and religious Attorney Ralph Flowers was preparing to i it m an armory Sunday, then carried nf°nUary "because he doesn't have six ask U.S. District Court in Miami to order the burial in the all white Monday Bus accid ld„ u s' ground on which to lay his cemetery, it was learned. Flowers obtained a deed to a plot at Hillcrest Sunday from I?' Edwards, a bearded llosv I iwi i black student An"eles who delivered the "kened the dead soldier, Spec. the donor, Mrs. John Dlehl, and prepared to ask the court for an emergency hearing injures ■ rendexieur Eugene Williams, 20, to "a so Williams might be buried this week. - wthout a During the service, Williams' mother, ALLENTOWN, Pa. (AP) - A bus '°f he will not country. The justice he Mrs. Mary Campbell, sat quietly near the carrying 40 members of a church group to s get." coffin clenching a handkerchief as tears a religious shrine crashed Sunday near this eulogy, Edwards told Williams' southeastern glazed her face. Pennsylvania community, l count am that * man fought for Lt. Col. Weldon Wright, an Army injuring 39, police said. Iftw. and his family has to go chaplain from Hunter Field, Savannah, Ga., No fatal injuries were reported. Several It orrt 6Xtra Paln °' w*'tlng 'or 8 told the more than 500 mourners, passengers were listed in guarded condition sn't h. head u bufy y°ur 8<>n because he 8lx 'ee* °' U.S. ground to lay tit h|m * m his mother can go out and including about 40 whites, the Army couldn't intervene with a private cemetery. Joyless at local hospitals. Police said the bus, carrying members of "But if it was ours to decide," Wright the St. Stanislaus Church, Shenadoah, Pa., An American tank laden with South Vietnamese local militia charges past an officer as it moves in on scattered said "thlsservlce would have been followed was climbing a hill and rounding a curve on oncers helping conduct North Vietnamese positions along the "Street Without Joy," 25 mi les southeast of the demilitarized zone. The by burial in the cemetery of the mother's Pennsylvania 309 when it struck an rta— exPrw,ed an*er the North Vietnamese units moved into villages in the area from foothills to the west with the apparent intention of embankment on the side of the road. It w tho k !i ,rest M«morial Gardens to b"rial In a grave donated to the (please turn to 6) disrupting South Vietnamese government pacification efforts. AP was raining "moderately," a spokesman page Wirephoto said. MICHIGAN STATE ME' UNIVERSITY New student group created , GEORGE BULLARD to function as voice of young editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor LARRY LEE, city editor The Association of Student Governments - To develop ways and means to effect legitimate political organization, to to move I — JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor very move into the r.inl nnri institutional change within political arena th JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor «.,oc was formed Friday during a inn>a,d* sock, one T* that ,b°Ught one boot and ?aybe one "» was the intent of Congress that the Title I money be used "We must realize that the legal and electricity, "I don't integratea," care one if the schools are delegate said. "I Organization system is just one small method conference (MWRO) underThirt. for poor children jn other discussion, mothers just want my children to go get agreed that their One only, not can use," the attorneys hit the continued efforts of the strategy mothers teachers an education and have clothes or buildings," the WRO commented. National Association for the and food." weeks must be school — B ..jeir local parn. thoir clothing o school boards «.„WI UUOIU to distribute Title read TW,me|nt J™ « . chi,dren- 1 funds for school . .... - "We're going to do They also discussed clothing for WRO attornevs attending the legal action the Titl* I th» attorneys attending the everything nnnr to Li Ordinance drafted , against g higher Higher nhone phone anH and Elementary ? . ~ to the conference said that the funds f, 3 m we can to help the Lon Not and Secondary are probably misused in some ' Cfl government fbecause) the whole districts and would be available, matter of Cambodia is related but not in every district. the security of our Vietnam." troops in to Heart recipient said local and statewide action would be necessary. They legal to regulate crowds Many delegates expressed - Vice President Agnew frustrations at the slow, ineffective legal processes they over the (story on page 2) hump' encountered in the past. Several mothers discussed tactics used in Milwaukee, Wis., last year when collected Gov. Milliken °^cers have drafted said Friday that state legal a proposed ordinance which Milliken's actions are the result of the Goose Lake Rock Festival held earlier this summer in INDIANAPOLIS (AP) think it's still a beautiful — "I old gunshot victim on Aug. 24, we'^are m°thers collecte could be used by local communities to regulate Jackson. thing," 1968, at the Medical College of large outdoor gatherings. A Louis B. Russell Jr. said spokesman for the governor said that International News he entered his third softly as Virginia Hospital in Richmond. British olannina However, the governor gave no specific details Milliken is planning two meetings in the coming with another man's heart. year of life "I was at Richmond in July " ® regarding the ordinance. week with local officials. The for purpose of the re-evaluation, and Dr. David cr./e f rnrliHr^nnl Milliken said that his legal office, in meetings will be to discuss the proposed The 45-year-old Indianapolis Hume, chairman of the college's I Abnormally rapid price increases in Western industrial school mUUImUiIUI cooperation with Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley's ordinance. teacher, the world's surgery department, said they iations, mainly the result of big wage hikes, is longest living heart recipient, had set the time period of two nnw rum cnnnlv office, drafted the ordinance for the purpose of With Milliken at the meetings will be State ' ' ■hreatening world trade, an authoritative British received the heart of a 17 year - years as "over the "adequately protecting public health and safety. Police Director Col. Fredrick Davids; Dr. Maurice - hump,' " "I will be meeting within the next few - — days Research institute said today. jMHfer,. Russell said. LONDON (AP) — The royal with local officials to „ - — Reizen, director of the State Dept. of Public explain this ordinance and I The National Institute of Economic and Social "That in itself is enough to navy announced plans to sell to to urge its adoption," Milliken said, Health and the governor's legal adviser, Joseph Research thus backed last month's cry of alarm from make a guy kind of happy, isn't Public thousands of gallons Thibodeau. Milliken, who outlined a program to prevent it?" he said. rum no longer needed since drug abuse on a radio and TV appearance last The first meeting will be held Monday at Organization for Economic Cooperation and Kalamazoo City Hall; the second will be a-lopment (OECD) over the rising tide of inflation in During the past two years traditional daily rum ration week, mentioned the ordinance as a follow - up Tuesday Russell has taught industrial arts *or sailors was abolished in July, to the antidrug program, at the Oakland County Courthouse in Pontiac. Its 21 member states, the most advanced industrial to junior high boys, although his liations. classroom schedule 1 The institute also said it was less hopeful that "OECD interrupted frequently to speak throughout Indiana and nearby PROGRAM'S EFFECT, VALUE |n the chance of a slowdown in the rate of inflation states. He's a skilled lext year despite of what appears to be a leveling off of woodworker and does most of :es | The U.S. in the United States. > in South Air Force is closing a major fighter - bomber Vietnam and withdrawing nearly 100 the repair jobs around his house. He visits his doctor's office three times electrocardiograms. a week for Griffin attacks SST plan PORT HURON (UPI) - The _ Doctors report it's been more his opposition to a $290 million other mersonic transport supersonic transDort Droffram Republican senators to thp nf tho Jupersonic jets, and it is planning to shut down another than a year since his body last program'ss annmnmtinn ronnoctoH appropriation requested by tho the take a similar stand j ...i when .u. the Iie LUSl ol me eoT 331 lo ine important base in Thailand, informed sources said Nixon administration. tried to reject the transplated heart. He returns to Richmond a The assistant GOP leader in question oossiblv possibly next comes up for a vote next month. month. The ST-Th T*1" 1 kmd °.f S"bsld.y $3 T Pr°POSal to funday. FRANKLIN KAMENY value" have led Sen. Robert P. the U.S. Senate made public his The House build aircraft for private business "The moves are in line with the general tenor of troop couple times a year for tests. Griffm R.Mjd,., to announce already has approved a $290 opposition Saturday night in a leductions around the world," according to the source speech to the Michigan Jaycee's million continued appropriation development of the for ,g^ ^^the^other'nrSS Pressin8 lvho said the Air Force would close Tuy Hoa air base on convention here. jumbo airliners. .. needs in the country." ■South Vietnam's central coast. I Guarded by 1,500 policemen, Prime Minister Indira Homosexuality piSSS ■ "A^r, T,u, „uay ,„d Judge Clemm, the Supreme Court and since he hS"«ision largely ? J, The "IN" Boots , , for ,, fandhi's four - acre farm survived an attempt Sunday ,f,, because of "unresolved 2 socialists to seize it Imb" movement in India. as part of a nationwide "land matter of sex Griffin Nixon has been one administration's loyal supporters. of the most questi°ns ab°ut the ^ ,mPact uPon the environment, "in addition the heavy Guys & Gals [Possibly expecting a. full - scale invasion by landless Although the Senate amount of government subsidy asants, the police had an arsenal that included tear preference for members of the Appropriations Committee is in a program of such doubtful s. steel - tipped poles, wicker shields, radio opposite sex. homosexuality still studying the appropriation, n VJ1S/ ° value disturbs me," Griffin said. Iransmitters and receivers, jeeps and horses. None of it merely Griffin's opposition could stir He said, "one estimate places , ^ ho homosexuals are happy in their Jvas needed as the Socialist party volunteers arrived at Frank Kameny, president and ' condition and would not change ■lie scene armed only with posters and flags. founder of the if they could, he added. Most of luuiuwr ui me Washington, »Ta»iiiiigtuu, He said that there is a ... The State News, the student newspaper at D.C., Mattachine Society, said in tendency among many to look Michigan State caused b heterosexual University, is published'every class day during four school I Two rival rock festivals wound up four days of music, a speech Saturday that upon homosexuality as purely . terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. homosexuality is not an inferior lustful and physical and this and peace in Stockholm Sunday, with police state and that homosexuals "are view is completely untrue, kameny said that homosexuals Subscription rate is $14 per year Reporting that a few of the several thousand youths first class human beings." Homosexuals have just as "have a moral right" to be the Member Associated Press, United Press Present had been arrested but there were no problems of way they are, and that they International, Sponsored by the MSU Gay much love and affection for one Inland Daily Press Association, Associated ■rugs or alcohol. Liberation Movement (GLM), another as heterosexuals, he should be free of any penalty. Collegiate Press, "The homosexual Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press 1 A Thousand Nipples, Blue Mink Mungo Jerry and Kameny spoke to 200 people said. wants no Association, Utiited States Student Press Association. more than anyone else wants," Wade in Sweden were among the groups that performed about misconceptions and myths Kameny said that a common of he added. lit Sweden's first nonprofit, government - sponsored homosexuality. myth about male homosexuals is Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Kameny said that most people that they could not relate to Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services lock festival at the Groena Lund Amusement Park. 1 Crowds estimated at between 2,000 and 5,000 who- write homosexuality, or talk such about as women and that they disliked women. The myth is unfounded "freF Building, Michigan. Michigan State University. East Lansing, Ittended this and a rival free festival held in the Gaerdet psychiatrists or clergymen, are, and untrue, he said. ■ark. which organizers said was arranged to protest the "at best, onlookers" with little real According to the Kinsey storage Phunes: lovernment - backed affair. knowledge about the Report, he said about 10 per Editorial 355-8252 5 Minute — Heel Service subject. He added that most cent of the population in the service Classified Advertising 355-8255 IA leader in the U.S. women's liberation movement discussions about homosexuality "tend to sink into irrelevance." United States could be defined as homosexuals. FOR YOUR CLOTHING Display Advertising Business-Circulation 353-6400 355-3447 MSU SHOE REPAIR Pd an Asian women's congress in Tokyo Sunday she In his definition of Kameny said that perhaps the Photographic 355-8311 is found that Japanese homosexuality, Kameny said biggest myth surrounding the women are far more supressed that "human beings are creatures homosexual is that he is sick, fan 1 Barbara those in America. Bye, 26, of New York City advised all J Asia to "gather force and seize power." women of preference," and that almost all people have a primary preference. He said that "The only homosexuals that psychiatrists ever contact with are the ones that come in LOUIS homosexuals have a preference they treat as patients, he said, for members of their own sex and, because of this, the National News just as heterosexuals have a psychiatrists have assumed that |Sen. J. William Fulbright, chairman of the Senate ■orcign Relations Committee, said Sunday the United lotions Videast crisis. should use force if that is necessary to settle the |The Arkansas Democrat said the United Nations has Pe authority to create a police force to keep the peace Pthe Middle Last and it should use that authority. ■ Fulbright said he believes the Russians are as Perested in peace in the Middle East as the United Rtatcs ;md that settlement of that crisis would be in the ■""est ol both countries. lOrval E. Faubus, seeking the Arkansas governorship he lnce he'd for six straight terms, says concern over 1" "ig and a new round of desegregation in his state month will influence a "considerable" number of l° 'n Tuesday's Democratic gubernatorial primary. 1 a", Us' a symbol of white resistance when Little 1:. Central High School was integrated in 1957, won ■ s sixth straight term as governor in 1964 and has not P1 since. IJhis year, he and rmPeting to oppose seven two - other Democrats are term Gov. Winthrop fockefeller. Campus News ■ Forty-four vehicles - most of them resembling family Te?nS Lrace trials more than cars of the future - went through Sunday for a cross - country clean air race Jwning today. fcnrip ra^e is one of air quality rather than speed. The ■he | ln var'ous classes will be the ones emitting laJ? r dctiusetts P°1,ution during the 3,600 - mile trip from the Institute of Technology to the California r1'"!! of Technology. 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August ,4 E. Lansing man challenges Mercury n U' solicitation ordinance awaif$ By BECKY BELLINGER The trial for John Stockmann. who was arrested July 7 for He is challenging the University ordinance forbidding solicitation (selling) of materials on campus. Stockmann. 22, 323 Ann St., was in Wonders Hall outside the final soliciting on campus, will be held today in East Lansing Municipal ROTC recruiting room for orientation students. He and his The State Water r~ Court. brother, Leonard, were talking with incoming freshmen and selling information materials on The Committee to Abolish STr-^-55 ROTC. prohibiting the ofT"* Racial discrimin use Stockmann was in the hall as part of The Committee to Abolish in Michigan except ROTC orientation program. The committee decided to reach the vitally necessary in laboratory me! "/'» medlcal N men going into ROTC with both points of view. use. charged To do this, people were assigned to pass out leaflets of all The commission in orientation students with the committee's view on ROTC. Others, including Stockmann. were assigned to stay outside the tentative rule" set k ian , Motor Wheel Corp., Lansing's of the case disclosed evidence to recuruiting room with literature and information against the mercury. bani»n| support White's allegations, but existence of ROTC for those who showed interest, The commission third largest private employer, rt,ques. conciliation efforts have failed. was charged with racial "i was sitting outside the recruiting room when an older man legal opinion on the br * A public hearing will be discrimination last week by the came up to me and asked me what I was selling," Stockmann Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley scheduled within 15 to 20 days said. If Michigan Civil Rights Kelley decides that the b»» on the charges made by the Stockmann Commission (MCRC). allegedly gave the man literature and received is legal, it would go into commission, which ask for an effect money for it. The man turned out to be a plainclothes campus along with strict The charge is based on the complaint made by a black man, order directing Motor Wheel to reinstate White effective on the date of his policeman. He left and returned with another policeman and the arrest was made. Play pra supervision agriculture and of jIM)us schools whirt Thomas E. White, that he was discharge, and "As I understand the University ordinance on soliciting, you are potential users of me, reimburse him back wages. The The cast of "The Real Inspector Hound," a play by Tom Stoppard, prepares for tonight's discharged on June 24, 1969, cannot sell any goods on the land or in the confines of area Gov. Milliken earlier because of his race. MCRC staff time limit was set to allow the governed by the board of trustees." Stockmann said, performance in the Arena Theatre. Curtain time for the one - hour play is 7. month proposed an members said their investigation corporation time to answer the Stockmann's bond was set at $25. State News photo by Bill Porteous charges. "From all the evidence we have," Motor Wheel Vice President Edward K. Ellsworth Nixon lauded for island turnover commented, "the corporation is convinced that there was no OPEN 12:45 START 1 P.M. discrimination against Mr. White. Feature He was dismissed for sleeping on t: 15-3:20-5:25-7:25-9:30 the job while away from his work area." NEW YORK (AP) — Carrying jugs of water and The symbolic new landing on the island was for five years as a rehabilitation center for Dr. Matthew, a Ellsworth said that White had signs reading "America's new immigrants are carried out with the blessing of the National Park drug neurosurgeon whose black self been warned for violation of addicts, ex - convicts and welfare recipients help projects range from a hospital in Queens to here," 25 persons who invaded Ellis Island by Service, which on Tuesday gave a permit to the Dr. Thomas Matthew, president of NEGRO rules before, such as absenteeism a bus line in the Watts section of stealth last month came back in triumph National Economic Growth and Reconstruction Los Aneeles and and one of the nation's best known exponents said the approximately 2,000 fighting. Thursday. Organization - NEGRO - to develop the island - persons eventual!*' of black self - help, led the contingent ashore and living on the island would be chosen bv said the government action in consultation with "all of America." turning the island LOLICH FANS 14 over to NEGRO showed President Nixon was All those picked to live in Ellis Island, "keeping the faith with the black masses." from 1892 to 1954 saw 16 million Referring to a statement by Whitney M. immigranti pass through the doors of its Great Hall reception Young, executive director of the National Urban center, will be taught a trade or skill. League, that the black community was Tigers edge Brewers, 1-0 This, he said, will make it possible forthemto "universally disillusioned" with the Nixion "immigrate" back into society to become administration, Dr. Matthew said: "productive rather than destructive." "The mere fact that we are on this island is Dr. Matthew said that by Oct. 15 he proof that the Nixon administration is not hopes to have electricity and running water restored to the MAE JOHN antiblack. Nixon asked for workfare, not welfare; island, so that it will no longer be /iron — Tnm retiring® the side without a run as runner Russ Snyder at the plate, four innings. McAuliffe led off for him to have denied us the island necessary to WEST HUSTON Timmerman turij came on lorn with the the Detroit Tigers edged the Tommv Harner Tommy Harper tnnk took a ™IIpH called the sixth with a walk and two he was anti Nixon.' would mean import water in jugs, as the landing party'did Milwaukee Brewers. 1-0. third strike and pinch hitter outs later, scored the game's - Thursday. U a tj-ij lire* riii bases '°aded and nobody out in Dave May was thrown out by KAl^UCL WeLLHI the ninth inning Sunday and Lolich had faced only one second baseman Dick McAuliffe only run when Jim Northrup m..»i L.ii. a Next! Julie Andrews i nresprvprl MicVpv Tstlifh'c preserved Mickey Lolich's twn two - . batter over the minimum fo blooped a double into short left to end the game. in "Darling LiLi" Nation's barber business hit, 14 strikeout performance by through the first eight innings Timmerman's 22nd save gave The Detroit win coupled with but walked pinch - hitters Gerry Lolich his 13th win against 14 the New York Yankees 2-0 loss McNertney and Roberto Pena before hitting Bernie Smith to „ • *° t'ie Chicago White Sox moved load the bases. Marty Pattin lost his 11th the Tigers within a half game of Timmerman then came on and got Ted Kubiak to force pinch - against nine wins P|fc'1'n8 hitless ball for the first „ , despite . the second place program infobmatiom 33^8p1 ni&ht i when iiiiv they Yanks. iailIW, The Tigers will be idle until Tuesday h°st the reduced by longhair trend California Angels in a twi-night doubleheader. CHICAGO (AP) - The Journeyman Barbers Union, don't bring home the money number of barbers in Chicago AFL-CIO. what can they do? has been trimmed by the long - Siracusa said Thursday that his "I think the government hair fad, so their union is urging local, which he described as the should do something about them to cut their patronage of largest in the nation, is down to Siracusa said. the shaggy maned. a membership of 2,500 from close to 3,000 about two years "They should kick these "We've lost about 400 barbers a8°- longhairs out of school, as as some of them are. This is a in the last couple of years," said our ma8azine we try to national problem, it's hurting Thomas Siracusa, secretary - Prom°te the clean • cut look," barbers all across the country." treasurer of Local 548 of the he said- "And we're tellin8 our He said many of the barbers in barbers not to patronize long • hairs. his local quit the trade to go into another business. Most of the "They don't give us any business," he said. "Why should job attrition has been in shops we give them that employed more than one SPECIAL any? "I even told my wife, 'If you barber. go to a store where longhairs "If a barber shop had three Stretch work, don't buy there, go barbers," Siracusa said, Wigs down to one or two barbers. someplace else." "And what can the wives They just can't afford to keep Summer's a bi th our s20 ready-to-wear hair, an easy-care stretch wig of modacrylic fiber. . .an unusual value al this low price. Natural shades including frosts, browns, blacks, blondes. Jacobsaa'g One hour free parking, present ticket with purchase SPAGHETTI? all you can eat $J50 TONIGHT Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 24. 1970 5 Automotive Employment For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale Real Estate For Sale JFVELLE 1965 Mslibu SS. GENERAL OFFICE, secretaries, STARTING FALL single room in six utomatic, bucket seats, flood clerical jobs in abundance. Phone girl STODDARD APARTMENTS, 1 LOWEBROOK APARTMENTS. house. 126 Woodmere, WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony COUNTRY, New four bedroom, T addition- 351-5777. 2-8-24 CURTIS EMPLOYMENT bedroom. Now leasing for Fall 1300 East Grand River. 1 and 2 $70/month, 351-5518. S-8-27 Term. Balconies, laundry. Near model 530 stereo tape recorder. bath ranch. Carpeted, $25,000. AGENCY, 482-0783. 3-8 26 bedroom, furnished. 2, 3, 4 man. jcJrOLET 1963 convertible, fair campus. Call 351 8238. 351 2003. Used Akai, Sony, Panasonic stereo 646-6376. O SOUTH END: Walking distance to MSU and 00 ndition, $200. Call 677-2302, 1 DENTAL Furnished, utilities tape recorders. 100 used 8 track ASSISTANT for paid. Boys shopping. From $180. 351-5289. ST. JOHNS. .5-8-26 Orthodontic office. Experience only. Parking. IV 10-8-25 stereo cartridges tapes $2.50 each. For sale by owner. 4 * 2-6677. 3-8-25 Cassette tape recorders. Koss necessary. Call 482-9695 days, Pro-4-A stereo head apartment. New 2 HEVROLET IMPALA, 1968. 484-0702 evenings. 3-8-26 ONE GIRL needed to sublease TWO BLOCKS from University. Garrard turntables $25 up. Vfo phones. mortgage, car $1500 garage 7% Custom coupe, power steering, down. September WOODMERE APARTMENTS, 2 1-224 7974. 1-8-24 FOUR AMBITIOUS students to call through June. BURCHAM WOODS. 745 Burcham. 120 watt stereo receiver. Sharp, 3510 184. 2-8-24 2 bedroom (3 or 4 30 watt man), $210. stereo receiver with on Fraternities and Sororities 351-9036, 337-2437. 5-8-28 1960 WESTWOOD Deluxe 10x55. 2 One bedroom (2 man), $160. speakers. Coral 30 watt speaker during week of September 21st, to TWO BEDROOM apartment near 300 stereo bedroom furnished. Near. Service take orders for Frandor. 3, 9 or 12 month lease Furnished, heated pool, ample EAST set. albums 75c up. cleaning supplies. LANSING, large, furnished, 3 Used 351-0985 after noon. 5-8-25 drvette 1968 Convertible 427 4 Catalog furnished. parking. Call between 3 7 p.m. golf sets $14.95 up. New and GUITAR LESSONS. Private Company available. Call for information, - bedroom. For 3 or 4. 332-3107. Rock - 351-3118. used fans. Used TV sets $39.50 cp transistorized ignition, AM-FM, delivers. If no answer call 3-8-26 Folk Semi-classic. MARSHALL Top commission. For 351-7319, 351 3613. C 484-4014. O Realistic 55 watt stereo $1500 DISCOUNT on 12 x 60 1970 - excellent. 351-1676. X-8-26 appointment, phone 484-9312 or up. Mobile Home, shown MUSIC COMPANY, 351-7830' 489 2286. 5-8-28 amplifier. WILCOX by C-8-24 WANT TWO girls for GRAD STUDENTS Male, 2 men, 2 appointment only. Low down, itla^S 1964 Convertible has roomy duplex TWO GRADUATE women, - SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East near campus, $66. 351-7825 seek bedroom furnished. balance like rent. 655-3828 or 65 Cornet 440, 9 Janice, TWO BEAUTIFUL Raliegh 10 speed ROYCRAFT, newly TERM PAPERS quickly, a clerical help. Phone 482-0783 family or students individually. 351-3320, 353-2256. furnished, carpeted, close. Ideal station wagon, V-8. 3-8-26 Deposit and lease required. For 3-8-26 ONE man bicycles. Like new, Man's $75, done. 1156 Burchar needed for sharp three for couple, 351-9249. 6-8-28 i condition, new battery, further information call IV man lady's, $75. 355-6096. 3-8-25 337-2737. 3-8-26 4-6560 apartment. September 351 8141 after 12 noon. SUMMER AND after 5:30 p.m. DESPERATE: NEED one girl to part time weekdays. 5-8-25 through June. Close to campus, employment with full • line sublease Fall Term only. 355-6245. 3-8-26 YOU CAN see the savings with Personal merchant wholesaler. Automobile GIRLS FOR furnished apartment, 337-9370. 4-8 27 quality glasses from OPTICAL fall, four blocks MSU, utilities FEMALE SUBJECTS needed for jOGE DART Convertible 1964. required. DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan 351-5800 for included, 332-0143 until 1:30 ONE GIRL needed for 4 Houses Avenue, 372-7409. C-8-28 mass media study. Call 355-3483. Standard, economical, good shape, information. O man, p.m. anytime weekends. 3-8-24 Meadowbrook Trace. 28-25 owner, $400. 351-5101. Call PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. HIRING COLLEGE students for full 355-5005 or 393-6945. 3-8-26 BEDS. STOVES, refrigerator. 6-8-28 Buy, IBM Typing, Multilith Printing, & sell. ABC SECONDHAND HOROSCOPES. ACCURATELY Complete Thesis rEBIRD 400 1967 Convertible. ir conditioned, all power. during school year. Fantastic'job! good pay. Call 371-1813 between Colonial Arms Apartments. 4 STORE, 1208 Turner. C ning man (woman) POLICE Master's & Doctoral < 8 12. C apartments. V2 MONITORS, Sonar FR103, $1800 or best offer. 351-3873, block special Free Brochure and Consultation."-' from campus. ONE BEDROOM sale $29.95 up plus 6-8 28 EAST LANSING duplex, modern crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, Call CLIFF and PAULA-T CLERICAL HELP: Good typing and $65/month. 351-7146. from Campus. 372-1031 anyl„,.„. Real Estate HAUGHEY: airy, 3 bedrooms, recreation 5558 South Pennsylvania Avenue, 337-1527 or: 1964 Galaxle Wagon, 6 experience required. 351-9286, 5:30 -7 p.m. 0-8-28 3RD Permanent carpeted, G2 7-29361C position. Apply at 3308 Lansing. C h cylinder, standard, 353-1723, South family or 4 man consider... 393-2832. Leaving, 4-8-25 Cedar, No. 11, Lansing. 3-8-25 APARTMENTS ACROSS from FACULTY HOME: large fireplace, COMPLETE THESIS service." WANTED: ONE girl for Fall 351-9036, 337-2437, IV 5-4869 8 TRACK stereo tape player. AC-DC. - Spring. campus. 1 and 2 bedroom two bedrooms, screened back Discount printing. I E>M typing and NURSES Walking distance. $63.75. 5-8-28 Completely portable, extendable )RD 1963, 6 cylinder, 3 speed. - ATTENTION registered apartments, downtown porch. 10 minute walk MSU, low 351-1097 evenings. 3-8-24 Lansing. speakers, $40. 534 Albert, No. 3. nurses who want a T elephone equity, owner leaving country. publications. Across from campus"* J Excellent transportation, $150. challenge; An days, 489-4208. NEAT GIRL needed. Share house. 2-8-25 371-1086. 2-8-25 opportunity to do bedside, WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 Evenings, 372-1411.4-8-27 Own Call 351 -8629. X8-8-28 corner MAC and Grand River.ii bedroom. Near comprehensive nursing care; And bedroom Available September campus. below Style Shop. CaH„J furnished 15th. $53. GUAR 1959 Classic Mark IX attend a two month orientation unfurnished. Balconies, security or WANTED: ONE girl fall term for 4 351-1362. 5-8-28 Animals EAST LANSING: Owner transferred, COPYGRAPH SERVICES, j sedan. Excellent condition. combining clinical experience and locks, laundry. Quiet area. Call man. Haslett Arms. 332-0460. must sell lovely 4 bedroom 337-1666. C classes. Applications 3-8-26 GIVE PRECISION IMPORTS, 1206 East are now 351-4698, 332-3311 and AWAY puppies mixed Colonial. Carpeted, brick Oakland. Phone 484-4411. 3-8-24 being accepted at the personnel _3 5 !_-8890^0 Rooms Elkhound and English Shorthair. 6 fireplace, family room, attached ANN BROWN. Typing and multilith J office of E. W. SPARROW _ ONE GIRL needed, 3 girl weeks. 655-1660. 3-8-24 offset luxury. garage, fenced yard. Located near printing. Complete service-J| ^RMANN GHIA.1963. Runs good. HOSPITAL for full time and part NEED ONE girl. Meadowbrook 332-4085 weekdays after 5 pm. for SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and MSU, Red Cedar school area. dissertations, theses, « best offer. 355-2736. time positions in the Cardiac Care Trace. No car 3-8-26 BEAGLE PUPPIES, AKC registered. ir necessary. Call women. 5:30 - 7:00, 351-9286. $29,500, could finance to manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 3-8-26 Unit. Plan to begin orientation 332-4371. 5-8-24 Any time - 372-1031. O Wormed. $40. Phone 482-9781. qualified buyer, 351-3472. 5-8-27 CEDAR GREENS JSeptember 14, 1970. 3-8-25 BEECHWOOD: Three and four man, 10 3-8-24 5900 PHEASANT Avenue FULL TIME advertising secretary for furnished, $200 Fall Leases 2-Man MINUTES from campu7 Grove area. Large lot of — Maple BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing^ and up. completely furnished. SCOTTISH TERRIER male, 14 half permanent position with national 332-0965. HALSTEAD One Bedroom - Furnished before 4 p.m. 10-8-25 372-8077 weeks, AKC registered. Phone - acre. 2 bedrooms. over No job too large or too small.% FHA Block off campus. 332-3255. C retailer. Advertising knowledge MANAGEMENT > ilUMPH 1962 TR-4. Runs well. or COMPANY, $160-$170 351-6710. 3-8-26 commitment, $10,350, Total price Phone 332-6628 or 482-8410. experience helpful. Good starting 351-7910.0 MEN'S DOUBLE: 511,000. i George C. Bubolz, salary with increases after training. Phone 351-8631 3-8-26 Call 351-3661, Personnel Office. BAY COLONY, one and two cooking, $50/month/man Id. Two beige, two tigers, Realtor, 332-1248, 332-4605 TU 2-1946. 5-8-28 Transportation : IIUMPH's, MG's, Alfa's Equal Opportunity Employer. bedroom, $145 and up. UNIVERSITY VILLA: Three and many 337-9228. including utilities. Available s black. Give a lovable 3-8-24 HALSTEAD four man furnished, $185 and up, KISS different models. See them at MANAGEMENT September 15, 332-4709. 5-8-26 i break. Call 487-3096. EAST LANSING - 2 bedroom brick MONEY WORRIES'* 35 1-3729. HALSTEAD PRECISION IMPORTS, 1206 E. COMPANY, 351-7910. O duplex, garage. 405-411 Beech. GOODBYE. Sell no longer used1 LINE UP a fall job now. Begin work MANAGEMENT COMPANY MEN: CLEAN, quiet -j Oakland, Lansing's largest rooms. Near schools and University appliances for cash with Classified 5 and training in August. Subsidiary 351-7910. O selection of quality sports cars. Cooking. One block to campus. MINIATURE BUBOLZ Ads. Dial 355-8255 nowl I of Alcoa. Car necessary. SCHNAUZER, AKC REALTY, INC 3-8-24 Call Supervised, 487-5753, 485-8836. registered 332-1248, 332-4605. 5-8-28 351-7319 for Interview. C THREE GIRLS needed for academic female, shots, ears year 1970-71, $200 a term, room cropped. Phone 882-7054. 3-8-25 IUMPH SPITFIRE 1966. 4-speed, HOLT, LARGE one bedroom 363 UNIVERSITY Drive 4 and board. ULREY HOUSE. men. single rooms, close to - Call 355-3057. unfurnished luxury. bedrooms, dining room, den, 2 The only hand-made For Rent Pool, 351-0100. 3-8-26 parking, cooking, private entrance.' msu Mobile Homes 5-8-26 balcony. $155. Contact Bill, baths, new 2 car garage with sandals are made for you a 699-2115.3-8-25 351-9369. 3-8-25 garage opener. Excellent location TV RENTALS, $8.50/month. Free SINGLE WORKING girl or grad 0 x 50 ROYCRAFT deluxe. and in good condition. Parisian Shoe Repair ,LIANT 1967. 2 door, BUBOLZ deliveries. student wanted to share two Furnished. Behind Tom's Party Call FOUR Call 487-0024. SELCO MAN, walk to campus, 2 bedroom apartment in East For Sale Store, No. 411. 355-7604, REALTY, lisle. 332-1248, COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. bedrooms, 2 baths, utilities paid. 332-4605. 5-8-28 Call after 6 p.m. 489-1893. 5-8-25 Lansing area. Call Donna, at 351-2549. 3-8-26 332-5120, after 6 p.m. 3-8-26 ORGAN - FARFISA Combo TV RENTALS Compact. Good condition. $300 JEW Scooters & Cycles - Students only. Low OKEMOS: VILLAGE Green or best offer. 351-3777 after MOON, 1965, 10 x 50. Free with your rent at monthly 351-7900 and term rates. Call to reserve yours. Apartments. Ideal for married THREE BLOCKS from University, 1 and 2 bedroom furnished five. Furnished, excellent carpeted, condition, shed, 627-2877. Seven-Thirty-One INDA, 1969, 350 Scrambler. 3200 and faculty. 1 and 2 UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C apartments. 332-6347, 351-9036. 3-8-26 s. 4171 Dallas, Holt. bedrc furr guild 12 5-8-28 string guitar. New value, 1461. 3-8-24 unfurnished, $130 $175 $380. 3 months old. 646-4321. RENT A TV from a TV company. $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. monthly. Possession WANTED 3-8-24 LD TWO Hondas 305. UNFURNISHED - sexy September 1st. Call manager, NEJAC TV RENTALS. C apartment. 2 girls. Fall. $295; S90, $149. Phone 351-2439 or FOX PROPERTY 353-4113. 3-8-24 $110/month. Shirley, 351-3820. CLE INSURANCE. Five national Apartments MANAGEMENT, 372-1954. TF 3-8-26 Going, es. Compare our rates. CAMPUS VIEW 2205 East Michigan, 605 484-8173.0 Albert, East Lansing or Lansing, THE MARMAX, 225 Division, 4 man apartments. Block from Berkey, Quiet. Call 351-5143. TF APARTMENTS Escape from ordinary Going, Across the street from apartment living to the ONDA SCRAMBLER 1966, 250cc. EAST LANSING Williams Hall on Michigan luxury of North Pointe. And GONE r Excellent condition, $275 or best Ave. University approved while you're basking in the offer. 351-1867. 6-8-28 Supervised Housing for luxury of air - conditioned, women students under 21. carpeted North Pointe living Avoid the last *uto Service & Parts Leasing this week for Fall . think of the minute crunch 1970. Call Today: . . economy. ISON BODY SHOP, 812 East Rentals from $175 per during finals. ONE BEDROOM unfurnish For a choice Kalamazoo Street since 1940. month. e . . . carport. Married students 332-6246 location one block auto painting and faculty. 332-2872. 3-8-24 service. IV 5-0256. C from campus, hurry to CIDENT PROBLEM? Call Three Man or woman Luxury Suites KALAMAZOO STREET BODY WATER'S EDGE *wnD Small dents American and to large foreign and $66 cyVortl} RIVER'S EDGE fc;;„~uaran,eed work 482-1286. APARTMENTS ■628 East Kalamazoo. C ooifc Roommate Service Provided REED'S GARAGE See Don at 1050 FOR Corner of Haslett Road and M-78 Water's Edge or TUNE UPS, BRAKES, Roger Taskey 351-3420 Stan Guski 351-8160 call 332-4432. COMPLETE EXHAUST SYSTEMS, GOOD WORK. 2^07 E. KALAMAZOO _ PHONE 489-1 TWYCKINGHAM Collingttwrt APARTMENTS are now leasing student MEL'S n 'Pair all foreign and units. These spacious luxury apartments are completely . If we can't fix it, it fQ O J carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean Aviation I. Call 332-3255. O MINI-BUS furniture. individual control Each unit has - a central air dishwasher, garbage disposal and conditioning. These four man Apartments CROSSWORD PUZZLE '£'S AV'ATION: So easy to mil wn units have up to 3 time has been parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure (formerly Northwind Apts.) ACROSS 1. Wherewithal 25. Extinct bird 26. Green tea 5. Starred lizards 28. Vital organ Special"«e Special 9 PIPER CHEROKEE. adequately planned for with a giant heated $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C Live on campus- swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you 11. Disfavor 13. Mutilate 30. Normal 31. Furious J T? ' SCHOOL o find in the ITEMS are want to to among the first residents of TWYCKI.'OG; !AM call 14. Plastic 32. Ship's crane Want Ads. building 34. Exists »■ -two johnsi ... off-campus... at today. There are units starting at 370/month per man. material 16. Dull finish 36. 38. Fetid Legendary bird 17. Married 39. Hindu title woman's title 40. ER apartment, Kitchen utensil mm in MODEL (B-17) NOW OPEN 18. Meadow 42. Flagrant 20. Foray 44. Interferometer EVERYDAY EXCEPT THURSDAY 1 P.M. 6 P.M. 21. Article 46. Climbing vine and balconies APARTMENTS FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: * * SHAG CARPETING NEW FURNITURE 22. Explosion 24. Dowry 47. 48. Moon goddess Concoction * MARSHA CHANEL 332-6441 or 372-2797 UNLIMITED too... Live it up! Join the Catnpus Hill mob. More than just a pad to hang your hat . . . because there's lots NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES * PARKING DISHWASHERS " ' X 1— %i 13 6 7 8 "O at of bonus extras! Like: a Mini-bus that takes you (5 round trips a day) from apartment doorstep to class¬ AVAILABLE * * AIR COND. ON THE BANK OF HI % 16 room eliminating parking problems, expense and THE RED CEDAR 12. Wild duck tardiness. Like: a romantic "social" area with picnic river's edge tables and B-B-Q pits and stuff. Read below for more features than you'll ever get . . . and dig this . . . * * 4 MAN $220 Mo. 17 VA i6 20 15. Turmeric 19. Residue (Etopcfungijam 3 MAN $210 Mo. 21 22 2M and from only $180 a month. * 2 MAN AND 9 % 25 26 P 22.Anaconda 23. Characteristic ■ Central Air Conditioning ■ All Utilities included MONTH LEASES ALSO % 25. latric- water's edge except electricity ■ Carpeting Throughout ■ Drapes ■ Completely Furnished ■ Balcony or Patio Units ■ Study Area with drop lite ■ Walk thru Kitchen 4620 S. Hagadorn AVAILABLE 51 18 31 % 33 30 3H % 35 27. Convened 28. Rock salt 29. Oriental lute apartments featuring ■ Refrigerator ■ Range ■ Disposer ■ Dishwasher ■ Laundry facilities ■ Storage and 34 % 37 36 31. Customs MODEL OPEN ■ Unlimited Parking. ■ Party Room % 33. Pledge 34. Violet ketone Joshed, 2 bedrooms. Model Apt 202-A PHONE MANA GEM t:NT EXCL USJ VEL Y B Y DAILY % Ml 35. Tendon I*} stE t° Cedar Village HWHSTW Open 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 351-0782 behind the 1S 37. Cancel DON 332-4432 ,n Water's Edge Qjl|Uifaji3 EES9 On Grand River West of Okemos Rd. Alco Management Company Yankee store i "8 39. Leading lady 41. Mythical lance Roommate Service Practically next door to Coral Gables. CALL 351-8282 %% 43 Bird's beak 4b. Compass point 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan _ Monday. AugUM, Panthers Eban to speak for Israel back at Mideast peace parley guerrillas JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel has suggested a location closer to the Middle East but has not leaders will ask thP p„. .. AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - A named Foreign Minister Abba Eban on Sunday as its delegate made this a strict condition. to avoid any large '""L U.S. Black Panther delegation arrived Sunday and pledged to the informal Middle East Israel's appointment of Eban action that would peace talks before. jeopiftl ^ peace talks to be conducted concrete support of Arab guerrillas in their stand against the U.S. ■ under U.N. special envoy indicated its willingness to enter the peace talks despite its The emerges from tSjT Gunnar V. Jarring. continued protests over alleged Egyptian . sponsored Mideast ceasefire. The Israeli government, at a position in the talks is i Members of the six • man six - hour Cabinet meeting in Egyptian missile buildups near withdrawal from all delegation refused to give their the Suez Canal In violation of terriwJ occupied in the 1967 war names. They said 18 other Black Jerusalem, also appointed Its the U.S. • initiated ceasefire. jl Panthers would arrive Sunday U.N. ambassador, Yosef Tekoah, as Eban's alternate. In another development, King just settlement of the refugee problem in acc PaLiS" night from Syria. The selections were seen as Hussein of Jordan and top with previous U.N. "The Black Panthers support Israel's way of stressing its officials of his government on this subject. the Palestinian people in their preference for talks at the returned to Amman after a three fight to liberate their In an interview foreign minister level while - day trip to Egypt during which homeland," one member of the newspaper Alrai ■ accommodating Arab demands they are believed to have group who acted as spokesman that contacts start at U.N. envoy hammered out a joint strategy Kuwait, Palestinian 1 said. leader Yasir Arafat level. with Egyptian President Gamal rejected tkL "It is just a struggle and peace idea of the will not be achieved until the It was assumed the decision Abdel Nasser for the peace talks. establishment of ■ separate Palestinian state Zionist entity is removed." meant that Tekoah would Prime Minister Abdel Moneim i The spokesman added there is represent Israel at the beginning Rifai told newsmen the two up of Jordan's the Gaza Strip. west bank i! round of talks before Jerusalem a similarity between the struggle countries are "in complete would seek to have the foreign He of the Palestinians and the Black ministers take over the talks. agreement" on issues that may described such ideu J Power movement in the United develop in the talks. "soap bubbles." States. Twister damage Egypt and Jordan already have named their U.N. ambassadors as Arafat reiterated The group, which will spend a In addition to agreeing on movement's week in Jordan, left Amman to Onlookers view the wreckage of one of 25 homes destroyed victims of the tornado, but no deaths were reported. their delegates to the talks. peace talk strategy, the two rejection 0f 1 visit command bases in the by a tornado which hit Bridgeport, W. Va., late Saturday. APWirephoto The Arab states also have leaders reportedly discussed the peaceful settlement with but evaded direct IgJ stated their preference for New south. It will meet commando National Guardsmen joined police Sunday in the search for challenge to the Arab - Israeli Nasser's comment!. leaders todav. York as site of the talks. Israel ceasefire by the Palestinian and HuwiS commandos in Jordan and the acceptance of the U.S. c fo: the Mideast. bitter dispute between Egypt and Iraq over peace moves. The Palestinian revolution J Opium farmers As a result of the weekend now facing Israel alone, he ai discussions, observers think but it had more men and th m Hussein and the Jordanian were better armed. Now, the world standard DISLI, Turkey (AP) - "We've it? It must be because they have as animal fodder. starting in 1971. Production and "the eighth on the way,"has an growing it here for 400 years," of excellence in AM/FM heard about drugs, but we've so much money. What sort of "We could never stop growing heretofore has been in 21 income of about $135 a year said Gumush There is little never seen them," said an opium government do they have that it. We would oppose this with provinces. from a quarter acre in poppies cultivable land In Disli — "If stereo receivers: the farmer. "We don't even drink they can't stop it? They rich blood, are our our lives," Gumush There have been loud political and a half acre in wheat. they ordered that everyone had Marantz Model 22 wine or liquor. We don't talk to there. Let them think of us." said. "Our lives would be repercussions against the Justice those who do. How can we In Disli, where the soil is poor, Unal, with six children and to be buried in their field when paralyzed. We might as well be party government for seiUng just under four acres, mostly in afford to drink?" opium poppies they died, there wouldn't be are a profitable dead." these limits. The farmer, Hasan Huseyin opium, is known as the chief room for the graves." crop. The Turkish government, Disli, population 3,000, voted farmer of the village. The Disli villagers, like all Unal, 40, was answering a "The state makes medicine encouraged by the United 60 per cent for the Justice party from it," Unal said. The seed They said about 90 per cent of other Turkish opium farmers, question about the Turkish States, which claims 80 per cent in the 1969 elections. If the Disli's fields are planted in opium that reaches American inside the poppy pod makes a of the deny they have anything to do heroin getting to government banned opium opium. Without the poppy, with the black market but addicts as heroin — a matter of high • grade vegetable oil used in American addicts originates in between the U.S. and growth, "we wouldn't let a which grows in dry ground, the concede that others do. concern making bread and other foods. Turkish poppy fields, has limited Justice party man in the village," village would starve, they said. Gumush and Unal condemned Turkish governments. Farmers burn the stalks for fuel legal opium cultivation to Afyon Unal said. "Our ancestors and U.S. pressure on Turkey to ban This remote village is in the and use the crushed seed residue and three other provinces Gumush, a father of seven grandfathers grew it. We've been opium. province of Afyon, which means opium in Turkish, and is a center for cultivating the poppy which exudes the narcotic. The village BLACK JAMES BOND Marantz ushers in a new age of excellence in AM/FM stereo sound with the Model 22 AM/FM stereo receiver. Here, in one I consists of a dreary cluster of is the ultimate in AM reception and package, I several hundred mudbrick superlative FM stereo duction-both made possible by exclusive Marantz-engineered fea I repro-1 houses. The only entertainment tures. Check for yourself, and see Marantz' separate ultra-sensitive I is a tiny cafe with a dozen rickety chairs. Unal and a farmer, Yusuf Gumush. 39, are typical of the devout Moslem fellow opium Spear': Africa's superhero signal-strength and center-of-channel/multipath meters for extreme' I ly accurate tuning through precise antenna orientation. Silky-smooth I Gyro-Touch tuning, a patented innovation, lets you tune with unmatched I precision. Exclusive patent-pending Variable-Overlap Drive eliminates I across English - speaking Africa. Known as "look • reads" in the educated, often underemployed printing is done in East, West irritating crossover-notch distortion and current-limiting circuits pro-1 peasants who raise opium Instead of a cape or mask he and South Africa by Drum tect the receiver and your speakers to provide EDITOR'S NOTE: The publishing trade, the action Is who read it. years of flawless per-1 poppies. They agree with a sign wears a bow tie, straw hat and The Spear rules the city, which Publications. formance. And the Model 22 has the power-80 watts RMS, which I that warns In large green letters: hero of readers across English photographed, instead of drawn sports jacket; drinks whisky on and the dialogue appears in "Spear is a black James equals 120 watts IHF to reproduce the full dimension of natural "Liquor and drugs are the work - speaking Africa li Lance the rocks, and drives fast cars. ballons above the speaker. The his readers frequently find cold, heartless and too often jobless. Bond," a Drum representative in - sound. If you're still not convinced that Marantz has created the I | of the devil." Spearman - the Spear to his His trusty companion, more technique has long been popular Nairobi said. He appeals to the finest AM/FM stereo receiver ever, come in and hear the Model 221 He has the urbane sophistication Asked about American efforts fans - who appears In a often than not, is one of several in Italy and other parts of for yourself. Then let your ears make and success of which they young Africans and fills a need up your mind. $449. to get the Turkish -government for entertainment unmet by photographed cartoon strip. attractive young women who Europe but is relatively new to dream. to ban opium production, other publications for the price Some call him a black James spend as much time fighting off, Africa. Published as "Spear Magazine" Gumush said: "We grow it and or submitting to The dialogue (She: '4I won't in South Africa, his adventures —14 cents. kK*«aimtx| we don't use it. Why do they use Bond. (depending on their mood of the moment) his feel safe until I'm In bed." appear in "African Film "Fearless Fang," a black NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - He advances as she does using the Spearman: "That's a good Magazine" in English speaking Tarzan, appeared briefly in East HI-FI isn't faster than latest judo chop to help the Idea.") might be considered high black Africa. His adventures Africa but was withdrawn a speeding bullet Spear subdue the bad guys. camp In New York but It is right against crime carefully stay away because bush Africa is what local Superman at - as was. He doesn't have a trusty Every two weeks, on payday, - on for followers of Lance from politics and race relations readers are trying to escape. Indian companion — as the Lone he appears in a comic book • size Spearman. to avoid upsetting sensitive Jore Mkwanazl, the African publication which often The Spear dresses, eats, loves, censors around Africa. who portrays Lance Spearman, Ranger did. $1.00 insertion service - to be pre ■ charge p.m. deadline 1 class day before. paid. 12 per But he does the job. His name is Lance Spearman, better known as The Spear to more than half a million African frustratingly ends it a climactic fights, drinks, smokes and talks moment "continued." copies are with the Some purchased word 300,000 every with ease, confidence. His manner style of and self living - is His enemies are characters such as "The Cat," a burglar who climbs outside walls of tall buildings, and "Dr. Devil," was playing when scrubbing floors in apartment for $35 a month and a Durban a piano in a night club spotted by a white 1101 E. GRAND RIVER BUYS fans. He appears in a month and there is a brisk frequently as far removed from whose electronic wizardry photographer five years ago. "»*»»»« second - hand trade. the lives of the young, partially directs international •«» Science Organization, Tuesday at experimental rockets off course. His friends are lovely damsels 6:45 at the Alumni Memorial Chapel. ■ . in distress and a police captain. The Real Inspector Hound" by Tom AnV/lTD TT\ I I" fC fQ H f \ O/*! Stories are selected in South Stoppard will be presented Monday at 7:00 in the auditorium - arena theater. Admission free. #1 V» V I V W I J i |\ I Ly ■ I I Africa. The action photographed in Swaziland and is brazier The following Free U Classes will • • ■ Albert; p.m., Man Elementary Group Art, 4 and Nature in news maqoz Bookstore; f NEW YORK (AP) - Dw» to criticize he likes to call for Waterhouse — (accountants) to Tarot Cards, 9 p.m., the Albatross. Acheson advised the late brave, bold new ideas, and he discover that 1,500 Cubans were President John F. Kennedy to doesn't have a great many brave, not as good as 25,000 Cubans. It = rr/ V j ~ cancel the Bay of Pigs invasion bold new Ideas." seemed to m. this was a rr anted of Cuba and told him not to ' Acheson said he then disastrous idoa." name Sen. J. William Fulbright recommended LOOKING FOR A GARAGE SALE? Dean Rusk, as secretary of state, Newsweek whom Kennedy did not know, Newsweek said Acheson also complata'lstlng^'nt " _ reported Sunday Newsweek said but who later got the post, as Achesons "strong, loyal and good In recalled every against advising Kennedy naming his brother, WLOOD DONORS needed $7 50 foi advice 'S revealed in h,s way," Newsweek said. Robert, attorney general and all positive. A ■nd neoative, B negative unrelease