Those Tuesday who are deluded by the MICHIGAN Sunny . . . TATE NEWS dispositions of matter become and mild with STATE a high from . . . attached to the dispositions and 77 to 82 degrees. resulting from them. actions - From Bhagavad Gita UNIVERSITY l)t 63 Number45 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 25, 1970 Top Democrats rebut party's amnesty stand observing the precedents of history may when it was later offered verbally from the and the accused than with the rights of the choose not to prosecute those who floor, law • abiding citizen," Mrs. Romney said. illegally most delegates were preoccupied sought to avoid service. But it is futile now with candidate nominations." Michigan's top three Democrats, in a to attempt judgment that cannot possibly joint statement Monday, rebutted be made until State Republican Chairman William F. a history has assembled all the The bulk of resolutions were acted upon resolution adopted by the state Democratic facts and cooled all the passions. McLaughlin added his criticism of the during a Saturday session. But late resolution Monday and charged Hart and convention last weekend that calls for "Moreover, condoning the illegal act on Saturday the weary delegates decided to Levin for reaching a "new depth of granting amnesty to persons who'have the part of some may encourage others to recess and return early Sunday to finish up dodged the draft in objection to the follow suit in the mistaken belief that the remaining resolutions. disregard and disrespect for Americanism." Indochina war. eventually exoneration is a certainty." Immediately after the convention The resolution, one of several U.S. Sen. Philip A. Hart, Democratic adjourned Sunday Levin refused to spearheaded by the younger Passage of the measure drew an gubernatorial candidate Sander Levin and delegates to immediate comment on the amnesty resolution and state the convention, was offered from the floor response Sunday from Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley criticized the Republican senatorial candidate Lenore said he needed time to study it. X method used to pass the resolution at the as an amendment to a resolution calling for Romney who called the resolution "an convention and said draft dodgers should appeal of the draft. The action came early Meanwhile, State Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, be ready "to accept whatever Sunday morning just before the convention arrogant act." D-Detroit, who voted in favor of the punishment began nomination procedures. is provided bv law." resolution at the convention, Monday, "Granting amnesty to those who have criticized his three fellow Democrats for "The Indochina war is a controversial "It should be pointed out," the broken the law is an arrogant act that being "afraid to take a truly meaningful one and the undersigned share many statement continued, "that the amnesty typifies the philosophy of Sen. Philip Hart stand. objections to it," the statement said. resolution was rejected 18 to 1 in the and his fellow Democrats, who are more "When the conflict is over, some president convention resolution committee, and concerned with the rights of the criminal "This measure was duly passed by a vote of the delegates present," Vaughn said. "Its purpose is to voice the party's concern over criminal, unconstitutional war in a AGNEW IN SEOUL a forceful, practical way." Vaughn said the citizens of the state S. would "no longer be satisifed with vague Korea prom objections" to the Indochina war. "We cannot in conscience allow another campaign and election to pass with no announced that the United assistance program for American military Blast da SEOUL (AP) — Vice President Spiro T. Agnew announced plans for increased U.S. provide the government of Cambodia up to States will advisers, officials said, in training programs. perceivable difference positions of the two parties on the crucial between the military aid to South Korea plus transfer of $40 million in military assistance including The small arms for Cambodia include issue of war and peace," he said. A Madison, Wis., policeman checks damage to a car which resulted from 54 F4 jet fighters from Japan as he arrived small arms, ammunition, communications automatic rifles, machine guns and an explosion Monday that demolished a portion of the Army mortars. It does not include heavy here Monday to launch his four - nation equipment, spare parts and training. "I voted for the amnesty resolution Mathematics Research Center at the University of Wisconsin. Military Asian tour. Agnew is expected to tell President equipment such as tanks or armored because I sincerely believe that the war is Intelligence and the FBI are heading the investigation into the blast Meanwhile the State Dept. formally Chung Hee Park in private conferences personnel carriers. illegal," Vaughn said. "I am sorry that my which killed a U of Wis. graduate student. today vhat specific details of the new U.S. McCloskey, in backing up the statement aid program, including the amount, must of Agnew on United States support for party's candidates are afraid to take a truly await a study of this nation's military meaningful stand against the (please turn to page 11) they claim to deplore." needs. South Koreans, who fear that U.S. plans Military, FBI heads probe to pull out 20,000 of the 62,000 American troops stationed here could lead to a new invasion from the Communist North, are expected to ask the United States for some $3 billion in aid over the next five years. Dissatisfaction U.S. military aid to South Korea now is nto Wis. campus explosion $140 million a year. Korean sources said Park told Agnew during a 50-minute courtesy call that the at USSPA c Koreans disagree with the U.S. assessment By ROBERTA SMITH ADISON, Wis. (AP) - Military activated National Guard troops to restore shattered in an intensive care section of of the likelihood of an attack from the State News Staff Writer (lligence and the FBI took charge of the and maintain order on the 34,000 - student University Hospitals, a block from the North and the ability of South Korea to estigation of an explosion that damaged handle its own defense. The vice president, MANCHESTER, N.H. - Dissatisfaction Although criticism is flying "thick and campus during antiwar protests, called with heavy," the delegates have not shown Army Mathematics Research Center on the incident an "insane act" and pledged Two students were hospitalized for tests in turn, pledged a full and frank discussion. filthy accommodations and irrelevant congress seminars was rampant Monday in enough interest yet to change things or to University of Wisconsin campus the full resources of the state to "help for possible tritium poisoning, a hydrogen State Dept. officials said the $40 million officially rap the USSPA executive board. nday and killed a graduate student. to Cambodia includes a relatively small the second day of convention proceedings bring to justice those responsible for this isotype, to which they were exposed of the United States Student Press Assn. spokesman for Gov. Warren P. outrage." shortly after the blast. amount for the training of Cambodian The reports that Manchester police are owles said the two agencies would Killed in the explosion was Robert troops in neighboring countries, primarily (USSPA) here. antagonistic toward youth have been ordinate the probe of the "This act," Knowles said, "represents the South Vietnam. The funds also will make it Among participants polled, feelings were substantiated by contacts delegates have predawn blast Fassnacht, 30, a graduate student and similar: the worst building on any of their ause of the center's twisted and distorted sense of values of a had with local police, and have extensive use of father of three. Two other students and a possible to determine how much can be prompted eral funds. deranged mind and an utter contempt for campuses was better than any residence still more criticism from delegates who night watchman were injured. provided to Thailand if the Thais decide to nowles met with the process of peaceful and orderly go ahead with such a training program. provided, the city had nothing to offer university and police Authorities said the blast occurred only ""alson how public change." There is no provision in the military congress delegates and the congress itself (please ti o page 11) buildings, especially minutes after an unidentified male caller university campuses, might be telephoned police at 3:40 a.m. and warned tected. there would be an explosion in the center. We didn't come up with any solutions," Purdue Exponent' shut down "Pigs, the Math Research is going up in a Pnen T. Boyle, the governor's executive few minutes," Dane County Sheriff Ktory, said. Vernon Leslie quoted the caller as saying. Protection of buildings was the heart of The blast shattered windows throughout ssion," Boyle said, "and we the six - story building, and knocked out a JJssed it with a sense of frustration " w blast also huge portion of the brick and reinforced from the campus by that school's board of uprooted trees, damaged concrete structure at the entrance. Twisted edition (a Welcome Week - type corporation that leases equipment and os in the area and shattered glass in steel trustees. edition) carried office space from the university. When the jutted from many windows. Bricks, a front - page story that n8s "ear the state Editor - in Chief Stephanie Salter said Capitol 10 blocks tree limbs and other debris littered the - reported the university had paid a OSU story hit the streets, the board of here Monday that the paper would controversial Ohio State trustees nearby street. JEANNE SADDLER University abruptly decided not to renew the university spokesman said the loss A chemistry building across the street Associate Campus Editor probably continue to publish — but only as professor to remain off the Purdue faculty. Exponent's lease, Miss Salter said. uluded a $1.5 million computer, an off campus operation. She is attending . from the research center was heavily - Previous to this time, she said, renewal of nowles who has in recent MANCHESTER, N.H. - In a surprise the United States Student Press Assn. The trustees were reportedly furious at , years damaged. Scores of windows were the lease seemed assured. action last week, the present staff of the (USSPA) congress here. this expose of alleged campus politics. She stated that when she reached the Purdue Exponent was, in effect, banned The trouble originally arose when the The Exponent is Purdue campus Friday the locks on the officially a private student publications offices had already Government been changed. Legally, the newspaper corporation owned the furniture and other equipment contained in the office. Maurice Knoy, chairman of the Purdue Board of Trustees, said the decision not to force renew the Exponent's contract was made o soldier's by the executive committee and still was to be reconsidered by the entire board. The executive committee consists of Knoy, the vice president of the university and another MIAMI (AP) — A suit supported by the The Justice Dept. said it would seek administrator. emment was filed |n y g Djstrjct Court invalidation of the cemetery's corporate Knoy said John Hicks, an assistant to the charger and deeds that restrict burial sites met* ^^ing to force an all - white to white persons. president, advised the committee not to ck cTJ" ^ ort P'erce to allow burial of a act renew the contract because there was some sold'er ki||ed in Vietnam, The department said its argument would question about the "proper operation of be based on an 1866 civil rights law the foundation." He said the an i recluested an emergency hearing guaranteeing all citizens equal rights to president was off"r . permit. c - Gov. Milliken supporting Sen. caution Also Robert Griffin's decision to oppose specifically prohr once would be the license iSob' funding of the SST. "any obscene di exhibition, show, (story on this page) NEW BUFFALO (UPI) — The conservative United Republicans entertainment or amusem«? of Michigan are prepared to withhold support from Gov. William Although considered what obscene wou?1 G. Milliken and Mrs. Lenore Romney unless "legitimate and is reasonable concessions are made us." defined, Milliken said the of the ordianance About 70 members of the conservative group, including State are International News Sen. Robert Huber, met here Saturday. clear." Despite the unanimous resolve to withhold support from Milliken "They are not designed to and Mrs. Romney, the United Republicans pledged to back all oppressive, although as other GOP candidates. Chairman George Behrends said. practical matter they will Middle East peace talks open today in New York cause "If the GOP is defeated in this fall's campaign, it will be the prospective promoter to thf " between U.N. special envoy Gunnar V. Jarring and twice before responsibility of Gov. Milliken, who refused to sit down with us staging an- ambassadors from Israel, Egypt and Jordan, advancing to the second stage of the U.S. ceasefire plan. and compromise on some of the issues," Behrends said. He added the United Republicans would reconsider their stand Dem Goose Lake," the Th3 13-page governor ordinance ' includes a built Jarring announced Monday that the negotiations against Milliken and Mrs. Romney in the fall election if the Candidates elected at Sunday's session of the State Democratic Convention in Grand Rapids - in c; would get under way and expressed hope that the conservatives get concessions at the Republican State Convention, are: top row from left, Edward McNamara, Sander Levin, G. Mennen Williams, Richard H. providing that if any portion1 declared invalid which begins Friday in Detroit. Austin, John Swainson, Max Pincus, Don Stevens and Frank Kelley; bottom row from left, by the cor1 discussions "will be elevated to the foreign ministers' the Milliken, who succeeded George Romney as governor, is seeking Tom Brennan, Jim Waters, Patricia Carrigan, Annetta Miller, Leon Hutchison and Paul Brown. remaining provisions level." his first full term. Mrs. Romney narrowly defeated Huber for the AP remain legally binding. Wirephoto Republican nomination against Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich. U.S. B52s staged a series of saturation raids Monday aimed at smothering a suspected new enemy buildup The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State NIXON ADVISERS HOPEFUL along the northern edge of South Vietnam. University, is published every class day during four school Most of the raids were against North Vietnamese terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $14 per year. positions one mile below the demilitarized zone and 20 miles or less from Laos. Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Anti-inflation gains cited The first helicopters to fly across the Pacific Ocean Association, United States Student Press Association. SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP) Paul McCracken, chairman of working and "the evidence On the price front, McCrac arrived in Da Nang, South Vietnam, Monday after a nine — President Nixon reviewed the the Council of Economic appears to be fairly clear it has pointed to the various econ- Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. been possible to cool off a indicators, such as the consir nation's economy with his four Advisers, said after the session at - day, 9,000 - mile journey from Eglin Air Force Base in Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services the Western White House. highly overheated domestic price index, which he said top economic advisers Monday Florida. Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, and was assured that the signs He said that while he did not economy into a very sharp seems to be rising less rapidly. The 13 crew members of two HH53 "Super Jolly Michigan. are encouraging. want to suggest inflation is over, recession or depression." He predicted that a good Green Giant" helicopters were greeted with handshakes, "It is quite clear we are now the administration's anti - He and the others are agreed, has been established for arise Phones: inflation policies definitely are business activity "that will beginning to see some results," McCracken added. champagne and a traditional dousing with a firehose. Editorial 355-8252 orderly and still make it possi The 'copters flew via Air Force bases in North Dakota, Classified Advertising 355-8255 for to us continue to n Alaska, Japan, Okinawa and the Philippines. Display Advertising 353-6400 progress against inflation." Business-Circulation 355-3447 National News Photographic 355-8311 Milliken names MoOacken conceded that inflation situation has been very stubborn, difficult thing but he said the advisers feel School districts throughout the South opened on an that the economy is respond! integrated basis Monday for the first time since the agriculture to anti - inflation policies. Supreme Court ruled that separate schools must be equal. to McCracken declined to an any questions about the bu ' Early reports indicated that the process was orderly. Gov. Milliken announced of and reports of the deficit " In Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Texas and resources Michigan. When "Through the appointment of Monday the appointment of a agriculture suffers, the entire this task force, which consists of might reach $10 billion to S Louisiana some schools integrated completely after sue - man task force, which state suffers., persons very familiar with t#ie billion, but he said the bud includes an MSU professor, to conditions of agriculture, was still consistent with previously operating on a freedom of choice basis. All we basic guidelines the Presi study the future of agriculture in "I am absolutely determined intend to develop approaches openings were reported normal. Michigan. to make certain that the laid down last month to f which will protect agriculti^re, Milliken assigned the interests of expenditures within the rev Michigan's and in so doing, advance the committee to investigate the agricultural community are welfare of the entire state," - producing capacity of A commercial jetliner with 86 persons aboard economic trends of agriculture, country. was properly protected, Milliken said. hijacked to Cuba on Monday by a man who said a bomb to gather the opinions of state was aboard. farmers on problems that they The plane, Trans World Airlines face and possible solutions and Flight 134 fromLas Vegas to Philadelphia with a stop in Chicago, was to recommend by Dec. 1 DESPITE POSYi tM programs that will assist forced to land at Pittsburgh for extra fuel, but the agricultural prosperity. hijacker refused to allow passengers off or officials on. Appointed to the committee were Arthur Mauch, professor of The Customs identified as a Bureau reported Monday a man it Roman Catholic priest was arrested at agricultural economy; Dan Reed, secretary manager Michigan Fbrm Bureau; Dwayne of the Lawmakers' rights hold OR Baldwin of Stockbridge; State confirmation of former Supre Dulles International Airport in Washington with drugs WASHINGTON (AP) - Free The franking laws were last Sen. Charles O. Zollar, R-Benton Court Justice Abe Fortas mailing privileges for revised in 1874 and a wealth of worth more than 514,000 taped to his body. The bureau CARRY OUT IN 8 MIN Harbor; State Rep. Stanley chief justice. congressmen are continued additions and rulings since then identified him as the Rev. Joseph Albert Amormino of 10 AND 14 INCH PIZZA Powell, R-Ionia; and John have set out general guidelines. The Post Office ^r~- virtually unchanged in the new Burbank, Calif. Dempsey, a special assistant to postal reform law which sets up Two years ago, after a quarrel finally dropped the case and the governor. Inspectors said they found 9.5 pounds of hashish chief counsel, Tim iMay, adv SPAGHETTI a system supposed ultimately to with Sen. Robert Griffin, "The future of agriculture and taped to the man's body on his chest, thighs and calves. become self supporting. - R-Mich., over the mailing of a Congress it should handle its prosperity if of tremendous He was wearing clerical garb. While the 18 - month debate 1966 newsletter, the Post Office such disputes in the future. importance to all of Michigan," SALMIS Milliken said in appointing the task force. "Agriculture and on such of a postal reform focused on weighty issues as creation corporate like new U.S. Department bucked the job of policing the franking laws back to Congress. Franking - a meaning "free" in legal * Britian,^ related industries constitute one adopted by the Ame Lt. William L. Calley Jr., accused of slaying 102 postal service, the congressional Postal lawyers contended the Continental Congress in 17/#. of the largest economic frank was one of several Griffin newsletter had been part It is mail carried free ub Vietnamese civilians at My Lai, went before a closed sections of existing postal law of his election campaign and facsimile of the congre military hearing Monday to seek access to top secret simply written into the new laws billed him for $25,000. Griffin documents which signature and its justificatw attorneys said are vital for his without change. countered the administration dissemination of govern® defense. trying to embarass him for reports and other informal was Calley, 27, made no comment as he entered the trial leading the fight against the public. facility at Ft. Benning, Ga., where his attorneys FREE PICK-UP presented motions to release to them reported Central Intelligence Agancy (CIA) documents relating to that AND DELIVERY Milliken unites wi th Sen. G agency's activities in Vietnam. ONE HOUR SERVICE in opposition The State Public Health Dept. said Monday it has OPEN-- LOUIS Gov. Milliken Monday joined U.S. Sen. Robert P. Griffin of supersonic aircraft. transport (SST) "formally denied" a request by United Migrants for 11 A.M. TO 1 A.M. Mon. thru Sat, CLEANERS Michigan in opposing a Nixon - "Sen. Griffin's decision w' Opportunity, Inc., for a hearing on the group's five - 623 E. GRAND RIVER backed $290 appropriation bill 3 P.M. TO 12 Midnight Sun. for continued welcomed by a" point plan aimed at improving the working conditions development of a concerned about ecology of Michigan's migrant workers. economy in 8°ve Dr. Maurice S. Reizen, public health director, said he ■UNIVERSITY- spending," Milliken said. would agree to meet with the privately sponsored migrant group, but felt that a hearing was unnecessary. 351-7363 132 N. HARRISON AT MICHIGAN ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * Griffin said Sunday careful study and that" researcn Reizen said he rejected the hearing proposal because Complete front end repair and decided to oppose tne with each sub Tuesdays! project because 487-3733 Just 3 on the health department has already met some of the light* South of Harrison St. 2417 E. KALAMAZOO alignment environmental and ee° , reform demands and that the agriculture labor camp THE SANDWICH PEOPLE Brakes * problems that could resu advisory committee should be consulted befoere any Suspension the program. . Hobie's that, in * further changes in state policy are considered. 1101 W. WILLOW Wheel "I agree with him Reizen also said the Health Department' plans to 484-4406 AT LOSAN balancing * Steering of other pressing needs enforce rules more strictly this season, institute a mid - DINE IN country, this kind of season camp inspection whenever possible and draw up 484-4555 TAKE OUT ONLY 2201 S. CEDAR Phone 351-3800 LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center proposal cannot this time, particularly be jus _ a standard bi - lingual complaint form available to all the unresolved question Sun.-Thurs. 4 p.m. CARRYOUT 124 SOUTH LARCH migrant workers. To 12:00 PJ^.,Frl. & Sat. To 1 AM. iv 4-73AA SST's impact upon environment," Milliken Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 25, 1970 3 Fun, Participants in Sunday's music concert in Valley Court Park enjoy the sun, the music and the companionship of the day as they cluster in front of a performing group ... or take a break for a cool, refreshing drink from park facilities. SN photo by Fred Ferri Women to strike for .omen liberatlonlsts i-esday, primarily for "care centers. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS across the nation plan to strike on job equality, free abortions and free Author Betty women's liberation, social change in this The Friedan, one of the organizers and a leader of says, "It's the fastest country." growing movement for Mrs. Friedan says it is not a sex strike. "This is not a war to be in the political fought In the bedroom, but In the city, arena," she says, listing the three immediate goals There will be a protest in Mandel's veto of a liberalized Maryiand job Annapolis Md., of Gov. Marvin abortion bill. day chosen for the action is the 50th job equality, day care centers and abortions. In New York, where abortions were legalized, women will 'ork stoppages, rallies, demonstrations, marches, boycotts and ratification of the 19th Amendment anniversary of as demand that they be made free. er activities are planned from coast to coast, as are giving women the right to The organizers have scheduled a noon vote. The Post Office will issue a 6-cent on the New York dialogue with politicians The National Organization of Women — interdemonstratlons by women more satisfied with their stamp. suffrage commemorative City Hall steps, a long parade down Fifth in New York a nationwide NOW — will announce Avenue and a "victory celebration" in boycott of four products whose ads Greenwich Village in the they find offensive.The products will evening. not be identified until In Detroit, just before the strike, but a spokesman said they treat a spokesman for the Women's Liberation Coalition deodorized young meat." women "as said its members decided not to iscrimination stay away from work because At Princeton, N.J., the film by "it's a tight economic situation cited now, and we women are the first America" will be shown. It's a "Up Against the Wall Miss sex to be fired." In Indianapolis, would be immobile for Sheila Diederich, 29, said that "even if women that disrupted the documentary on a demonstration pageant in Atlantic City in 1968. In Hawaii, leaders of the women's liberation only an hour, it would show how much about 175 active members in the movement, with force or power we really have." islands, plan to ask women not to go to stores on Rather than stay off the Wednesday. violation of federa law job, some women in Milwaukee "We don't call this a planned to leave their children with their husbands at the offices boycott because we aren't attacking particular stores or products," said Donna any "to demonstrate the need for better child Katz, one of the care." leaders. "We call it a demonstration. In Detroit, husbands and We want women to boyfriends sympathetic to women's the consumer role at least for one reject liberation will babysit so mothers can attend workshops. day because it is the one role In Syracuse, N.Y., women will take they are allowed to play that is socially ASHINGTON (AP) Sex for children to City Hall to acceptable, and because pay women than men for the discrimination on account of sex Pervas've In fact, show the mayor and council "How they are being denied other roles in crimination Is more same work and said this violates even more little can be accomplished society." s well as race, color, religion or with children around al 1 Housewivesin Milwaukee have been asked to espread than racial the 1964 Civil day." boycott all stores rimination in employment, a Rights Act. national origin. But Williams said Statistics in the report for In Boston, women, plan to march from on Wednesday to protest their lack of control over what is sold. "This kind of the State House to In Cincinnati, women have been blatantly "the ban against sex 1968 showed that for Government Center carrying a coffin inscribed with the urged to phone politicians, committee reported number check on job disparate treatment is discrimination continues to be professional and technical of women who have died from opportunities, write to a company whose ads in urging stronger illegal abortions. Other marchers they particularly obnoxious in view found insulting or do whatever else ral enforcement powers to of the fact that this law has been widely regarded as i kind of workers men averaged $10,152 a will be chained to typewriters, or weighted down with household they have been wanting to * equal job opportunities, legislative accident." year while women in the same cleaning equipment. in existence for more than five said ie Senate Labor and Public that while racial woric averaged $6,691. years," Sen. Harrison A. discrimination has received the 'ire Committee, in a report Williams Jr. , . FiBures f°r other occupations » bill it recently D-N.J., said in most attention, "our report '"eluded: clerical workers, mfen, approved, releasing the report.. shows 1 statistics showing lower that discrimination $7,351, women, $4,789; The 1964 banned against less operatives workers). (mostly men, factory $6,738, We're Set for Fall women, $3,991; service workers, ROIN, LSD men, $6,058, women , $3,332; sales workers, men, $8,549, . women, $3,461. This Is the type of evidence Complete line of fall term textbooks (though drug Growing use at MSU use ted cited proposed amendment by supporters constitutional providing of a that marijuana remains fairly tinues to increase, the constant but that the use of LSD symptoms. Methadone, law^haH^n ■ber of regular users is low and heroin Is rising. a heroin denied or abridged Jn account lared to many other Guidance and counseling are substitute, is used to reduce the patient's dosage level and ^ sex * " irsities around the nation, the primary methods of treating The' so-called women's riahu rding to Dr. James frequency rato. However, Feurig S. drug cases, Feurig said. In amendment has been aDDroved Jig, director !th Center. of the Olln some cases, however, said, nothing is accomplished if counseling and guidance £?TheHousebuTIten^ Ervin Jr Sam J counteracting drugs may be used D-N C is leadinc a information Is not effective. •Jrig estimates that only one to restabllize a patient who Is Normal dosages of heroin fiaht to"modify "it so that It oMO MSU atudtnta uaaa a regular abasls. He said on.'„««, Dr. Feurig laid thai LSD users the clotta, nervoua would not nullify "3d to? £ laws he system. In essence, the patient's many more have often 1 n experience permanent ~ protection ot women. imented with various senses dulled. drugs psychotic disorders. In extreme often cause convulsions The Lab6r Committee that and report they are not regular cases the patient may have to be sometimes death. ?®id..women CTi'ahfV*7^* 8 -r.lghts 816 3'! not a Institutionalized, he said. laughing matter." e treat from five to seven Heroin patients usually seek i week during the treatment when they are srschool year," •to see Feurig said, experiencing withdrawal one or two heroin in an symptoms, he said. Stomach average week." cramps and emotional instability that the use of are the most common ittenger requests rimary vote recount t»te Rep. PhiHp o. Pittenger, R-Lansing, asked for a recount . ,otes 'can ^nger '• the °f 25 precincts. In the Aug. 4 primary race for the nomination to the state Senate. was the victor In the six way race by 16 votes. Polly - candidate who finished second, requested a recount Buy Used now-Save 25% ^Precincts last week, race was for the seat being vacated by State Sen. Harold W. BOOK BUY R Lanslng. who is retiring. - BACK NOW GIVING TOP CASH FOR USED u nger s , BOOKS request would require a recount of the votes In East iship Township and some precincts in Lansing Gibson has requested that all precincts in Lansing, four in ? Township, two In Leroy Township and 18 in Delhi j'P be recounted. n,®tf®r1. °«al District. 128 precincts will be recounted in the 24th Tat wah Restaurant anV order of '"ners, the lower two complete I this coupon 8 1 /I APr priced dinner |GoH». »•, disparity 0f inCom» Times story, as true today as two years flagrant. You know the figure five per cent get about 20 -th! k ago: "The failure of government to prevent rioting, despair and 'threatened anarchy' in income; the lower 20 per cent per cent however that Associated Press Writer counseling techniques and giving climate, physical environment qualifications. officers have reported that States is a growing source of These subjects were paSsages are open only few, better service to P8Ce Ufe One view expressed here is if any, nonwhites valuable high quality intending mentioned, too, by the young to Persons of European descent, that if Australia went all out to appear to have migrants. rnarrieds and the singles, applied for further information, migrants." though wbich has resulted in a Jamaican ■ SYDNEY Tension in Australia has The investigation covered 129 their main reason for tu MnW, ^ hety y » • * * " Aust,ral,a? i- « in Britain attract Americans, the campaign One official commented: "It le United States is causing offices in New York, immigration Washington American migrants, all of whom Australia was a coming to wish to travel 5KL W8S y submitting complaint to the Race Relations a would stimulate black as well as appears that the blacks are Icreasing migration of and San Francisco. Two bureaus, had been in Australia than three months but less for more and to experience life in another dt£!ine * • American migrant return Board there. white interest. This has not been the case trying to get into things in America and that some whites than ■mericans to Australia. in Chicago and Los Angeles, are ayear- country. rate has been double the Also, nonwhites are bound by with teachers. The New South scheduled to open soon. According to the probe, the average are just trying to get out of 1A government in the last 10 years — one in four more stringent residential Wales government's recruiting America." The Ivestigation indicated that, new offices necessarily herald a move for an do not Australian officials report leaving. The suggestion is that Jlikc the majority of the all out "astounding" greater affluence and campaign, but merely a Bizarre herbal - response to U.S. advertisements accustomed mobility play |6 million migrants who large sold wish to serve potential asking for a settled in Australia better and to cope with migrants the immigrants. One seven - brought 11,000 letters from Americans city insertion part in this. This is supported by the fact cures World War II, increasing flow of inquiries. that of the people interviewed, Two asking about immigration to Australia. [mericans are not seeking years ago, there were 93 per cent said they would by African witch doctors 76,000 salaries, better months inquiries.of In the first six advise others to migrate to 1970 the total was Australia. fusing or even job 61,664. The only aggressive Fifty three of those Americans were better educated Though no hard - sell approach ■vancement. step has interviewed were married with *'ian avera8e migrant, has been made in the United been taken Does l'They just want to get by the state children, 29 married with no °ne in three are in the States — apart from the DURBAN, South Africa (AP) — Troubled by your baby have an upset stomach? government of New South Wales children and 37 single people. Ground ostrich egg elixir is the an immigration in its effort to overcome professional, technical or related campaign for teachers — the asthma? Try some elephant's foot powder. answer, says Pachai. For an adult stomach ache the cure is The families employment group, compared Australian Ificial said. critical teacher shortage. a unanimous: were almost government is now Earache your problem? Sip a glass of python fat. certain kinds of stones ground They wanted to with 12 2 Per cent of British subsidizing passage fares from There are many cures for up finely. ke report was researched by Independently, the state's escape the tension and pressure m'8rants and an across - the American to a much many ailments, but "The Africans know them all," says Pachai. "It i psychology staff for the Education Dept. greater none so bizarre as those sold here. It's all is impossible to bluff reached the of life in the United part of them, they know exactly Ltralian Immigration Dept. same conclusions about said States, they board avera&e of 10 3 Per cent extent. a brisk business in the back streets of most South what they are buying." tension They found it easy to find jobs Migrants can expect up to African cities, a trade that dates back number of American as the survey. It advertised: Other motivations included though briefed by centuries. Skunk skin is a best seller. So is "Teach in the happy $375.20 toward each adult fare Herbal medicine men and African python fat, grants is still small: The country ; problems, smog, pollution, Australian immigration officers and up to $403.20 for each — witch doctors — cater to the "inyangas" among those with swollen feet. Any snake skin down under." will do to put on sores or cuts. ' ■mated 3,600 this year is i the United States, still found child's fare. blacks and a few what - have • I superstition of Ter than two per cent of The response was astounding, the salary drop a shock. As assisted passage migrants, whites. - got - to - lose The shop's goods are not only used for fctralia's annual intake. But it with 11,000 Americans Average basic wage for i bank remedial purposes. Women buy asking newcomers must stay for two African tribesmen and most liquid herbs to Increasing; 10 years ago only n Americans came here as further information to the insertion advertisement one in Nixon fete manager is $6,028 annually, for a design draftsman $5,300, and for bricklayers, plumbers and years or repay the subsidy, The survey found that fewer dwellers believe in the their forefathers. detribalized city "magic" remedies as did use as scent. And special bark considered the height of a bath, as the Western woman chips are luxury when taken with newspapers in seven cities, New than 10 per cent of American would use bath EusTralia has maintained a York, Washington, St. Louis, truck drivers $4,077. ' from the South David "kwaDavid" Pachai, known respectfully as salts. Ids Eted • off policy toward the States as a migrant San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans and Chicago. preempts Few of them complained about it, though. They felt the which, to some commentators here, exploded the theory that to his satisfied customers, is a herbalist in Durban. Animal skulls and adorn the walls of his skeletons Pachai insists that he does not sell or love potions. "And if someone is prescribe very ill I will ■urce. The Canberra The fact that the lower salaries had equivalent Australia is attracting white shop and snake skins send him straight to the nearest hospital," he lernment has been anxious to survey lid being accused of "people - shows at least the psychological was commissioned at all growing hotel space buying power and, in any c racist Americans. dangle from the low rafters. Tree bark, wood chips and turtle shells litter the floor. declares. It would seem that he has customers anyway. enough awareness here of America as a CORONADO, Calif. (AP) - An elegant seaside hotel is telling persons with confirmed reservations for 120 rooms Sept. 3 that they have been preempted by an elaborate state dinner Wave to a Cop given by President Nixon. The management of the today 400-room Hotel del Coronado across the bay from San Diego was told that 120 rooms would be needed the night of the dinner for Mexican President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz. He's a nice guy Reservations manager Vincent Lyons has to tell guests at the hotel's busiest time of year they have to find a room elsewhere. v*'i Wave A billboard in Portland, Ore., urges good relations between the community and local law enforcement officials. AP Wirephoto ■IEW testing ds project eva I WASHINGTON (AP) — The Dept. of Health, Education and pelfare is spending $899,000 to find out whether college Kudents and other young people are capable of gathering ■ Under the project, 150 young people have been sent out to lather information on 15 HEW projects in seven cities. I HEW won't get much new data from its $899,000 amateur valuation, however, because in many cases the projects being ivaluated have already been thoroughly studied by professionals, Recording to a spokesman for BLK Group, Inc., the firm directing Jhe program. ■ Lawrence A. Landry, a director of BLK, said duplicating Itevious work is necessary in order to give evaluators of the ■valuation program a basis for determining the validity of the loung people's study. I The project is called Programs Evaluation By Summer Interns ffEBSI) and is in its final week of field work in Atlanta, 1 Washington, New York, Boston, Cleveland.Albuquerque and lx» Downtown — 210 S. Wash. •ngeles. I Among l^grams, the HEW projects under study are family rat • control projects, community mental health P0iects, Head Start, Upward Bound, vocational rehabilitation • planning Frandor East Shopping Center Lansing — <3 207 E. Grand River You're Pograms and social services I* with Dependent Children Funds. projects for recipients of Aid to on TOP with A B &T Mother's little helper Drop off dry cleaning, ... a checking account from AB&T. It's the top way to shop. And each month AB&T sends you a state¬ 45* 45$per pound ment that's itemized, accurate and on time. And all your checks are imprinted with your name and address free at AB&T. 1 skirt 45< 1 sweater 45$ We love active 3 1 2 3 - - - Great people 213 Ann Street 1 pair slacks 45$ active people love us! Locations Corner of Harrison & Wilson Road Northwlnd Dr. Facing Yank«e Stadium Plaza For I BANK AND TRUST * * American * COM PAN Y MEMBER: F.D.I.C. * * * Join Thoat Who Export Mori . Tuesday, Augus(a 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan >970 NOW HEAR THIS FROM THE TOPu ) TERM-END SALE AT THE STORE WITH ^ TERM-END SALE THE RED IT'S OUR LAST Cloth Guitar Straps still 30% Off FOOT quitting Record Special the clothing SALE 59c.Sf27.$|99 OF THE SUMMER ALL VALUES TO $4.98 business Rental Guitars- $29.95 all regular price Stereo Album Sale SHOES and BOOTS and SANDALS -1/2 PRICE hair goods with Albums Priced (Broken Sizes) Reg. $ $2*9 SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS M.S.U. I.D. only $3.77 $4.77 $389 - 1/2 PRICE (Small Sizes) $5.77 Limit 1 $409 (Coupon) * Eait Laming Store Only tifyop Explrw Attar 8-29-70 State Discount iportsmristM 7 213 E. Grand River (fr ' 10 - 6 Mon. to 307 E. Grand River E. Lansing, Mich. open mon. -sat. 9«30 tii 5«30 Are Our Business Sot A Sideline Next to the Card Shop Ph. 332-3531 WED- 9,30 To 9,00 - Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS- -1^1^125 , Bombs away in Spartans of 79 total EDITOR'S NOTE: This it the first in the Varsity — Alumni battle last spring passes last year. At the split ends will be playg in the snrin I of a four - part series by Sports Editor Jeff Elliott in a preview of the ten (Varsity won 43-7). Sixkiller, a Cherokee Indian from Ashland, Ore., completed 24 '70 Spartan football sophomore Ira Hammon, Washington coaches claim has the ability to who we plan to put the ball |n In Pullman, Wash the Washin jrKt?e)'I J » of the 50 passes, for 389 yards. become one of Washington's best receivers be out to better Spartan football opponents for the in history, and JC All • American transfer, 1970 season. Part one will be on the What's ironic about Sixkiller's While the Huskies' passing game appears gained 613 yards and had a 4.5 average last Jim Kreig, whom coaches rate also real mark. The Cougars will g0 vvJhmal 14| University of Washington and performance is that he wasn't even t> be sound, the running attack could year, the seventh best Washington figure of sophomores and junior colleJ I *^1 Washington State University. supposed to start. Gene Willis, the team's no. 1 signal caller last year, was in actually be more effective than last year. all time. Halfback Joe Bell also returns and high on. If the Huskies do have weak spot, it's this year in what appears to bo aV^I charge l,oth running back starters of a year ago had the top rushing average on the squad their defensive front a wall where three year. Sophomore Ty pajn„ have the starting job at a rebuil1 this v ■ coach Otto Kofler. accomplished our no. 1 goal for spring ball — we threw the football. We probably following Saturday ^ear.thtl At tight end will probably be Ace Bulger, won't throw quite as much (53 times out and TOMORROW: Notre Dame Michigan. ' 0hin 0hl0 sUle| o, I a big 6-4, 231 - pounder who caught 13 All-Stars subdue Pontiac; unbeaten streak now at 17l By JEFF ELLIOTT Kauffman said. "Our linemen were setting pass which covered 26 yards, and to. State News Sports Editor up the wall well and the backs used their 20-6 lead at halftime. * blockers effectively. Last year they were Former Spartrn halfback Kermit a "The only time I relaxed in that whole successful too." wasted little time at the star', of the sets# game was when the final gun went off." Lansing scored twice in the second half as he took the opening kickoff u, That's how Lansing All - Star Coach Turf quarter, the first on a Wedemeyer to Bob went 85 yards down the sidelines Kauffman described his feelings after to udS Lange pass covering three yards and the Lansing lead to 26-6. But Pontiac w Saturday's 28-18 triumph over a fired-up second on a Wedemeyer to Jim Garrett from throwing in the towel. Pontiac team at Wisner Stadium. The win An upset winner over p0», boosted Lansing's season record to 5-0 (3-0 Lackawana last week, the Firebirds All eyes o in league play) and stretched their in each of the third and fourth quartenj sc* unbeaten streak over the past two years to Holcomb continued to pick i University of Washington quarterback Greg Willis is the will be a senior this year but may see limited action due ti 17. patched up Lansing secondary. ] man on the spot in the photo ahove, in last year's U-W — a knee injury suffered in the Huskies' practice last spring. The 18 points racked up by Pontiac were night Holcomb completed 12 of 2i the first ones scored on the All - Stars since MSU battle at Spartan Stadium before 63,000 fans. Willis for 240 yards and three touchdowns 131 the Firebirds crossed the Lansing goal line McEUlgot. ' m in the season opener four games ago. Up The rinal scoreof the game ca until Saturday, the 'Stars had posted Dick Kenney punt went dead STANDINGS twol Casper ends strong BASEBALL at the successive shutouts over Dayton, Detroit yard line and three plays later ScotT and Wyoming. Emlong blocked a Pontiac punt whkl Saturday's battle was typical of the first rolled out of the end zone for a safety. 1 to win Avco Classic L PCT. GB Pittsburgh 70 57 meeting between the two clubs — the All - Stars fumbling the ball away numerous Kauffman had praise for the combo of Holcomb and McElligott. FirebirdJ times (5), but Pontiac unable to capitalize "When they cut our lead to 8 pointswitl DETROIT 68 57 .544 12 SUTTON, Mass. (UPI) — Veteran pro Billy Casper calmly pulled on the opportunities. The Chiefs showed Boston 63 60 .512 16 St. Louis 60 66 .476 9Vi still six minutes to play, I was reall away from the field Monday to grab the $32,000 first prize in the they were up for the game when Avco Golf Classic with a decisive three - stroke victory for his Cleveland Washington 61 60 65 64 .488 -480 19 20 Philadelphia Montreal 57 55 69 70 .452 \2Y. .440 12 quarterback Doug Holcomb connected sweatln' it," Kauffman said McElligott Monday, can score at any time from an "ThJ fourth win of the current tour. with speedy Chuck McElligott for a 73 place. I wasn't even that confident « The 39 - year - old Casper, already a millionaire, surged from yard pass run in the opening minutes of the Newest Falcon had them the two, as McElligott seventh place to the top of the current tour earnings list ahead of WEST W L PCT. GB game. we on u| go 98 yards just as easy as he can go 2. the idle Jack Nicklaus with a $139,585 total. Minnesota 73 SO .593 - But the Stars recovered form the shock Frank Foreman, who caught 22 California 69 56 .552 5 Californian Casper shot a three under par 69 in the rain - Oakland 68 58 .540 6% 70 54 .565 and tied the score at 6-6 on a one yard passes for 573 yards last year for "That was a big play by our defensel 63 62 .504 blocking that punt. Scott (Emlong) play! ) postponed final round of the tournament while fighting off the Kansas City 48 77 .384 26 62 63 .496 plunge by QB Charlie Wedemeyer. Dick the Spartans, has been signed by late challenges of Tom Welskopf, Rod Funseth and Dan Sikes. Milwi .365 28'/i Kenney's first of two extra points put the a whale of a game for us at a new an .365 30 the Atlanta Falcons of the positkr Casper's triumph with a 72-hole total of 277, 11 under par, Chicago 83 .357 Stars in the lead for good. We moved him to defensive tackle and J v National Football Conference. earned him a big slice of satisifaction in addition to the one of the The touchdown was set up by a 56 yard in Bob Vinney who was a real demon | fattest purses of the year. He missed the qualifying cut in the punt return by Lansing halfback Dick Foreman was originally drafted defensive end." Avco on the same Pleasant Valley Course just a year ago, the first Allen. by the Green Bay Packers but and only time of his 15-year tour career that he has failed to "I don't know why, but our punt returns released from the club last Saturday's game will begin at 7:30 pJ qualify for the money rounds. always seem to work well against Pontiac," was at Lansing Everett High School f week. Centennial Field. 1 4-H > A SALE JUST FOR YOU 10" OFF all items in the SPARTAN SPIRIT SHOP 20% OFF on all Jewelry in the SPARTAN SPIRIT SHOP (Sale Ends Friday, August 28,1970] TShirts MSU Sportswear Jackets Children's wear Sweatshirts Mugs Gift items Greeting Cards Pennants Jewelry Etc. Etc. The MSU BOOK STORE SPARTAN SPIRIT SHOP in the Lower Lobby of the International Center Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 25, 1970 9 andlord': frank look at urban ills Sale (m tenants out and refurbish the a shotgun. Elgar's only repulsion for the insensitivity of And Pearl Bailey brings all her lesson that individual concern is By ROBERT KIPPER house into a plush pad for consolations through it all are a the white culture in which he m himself. gritty charm, earthy humor and powerless against the mass News Reviewer State In the interim, he is the new landlord. His evacuation plans, friendly fortune - teller who mothers him, a black dancer was In brought up. dealing with Elgar's swelling warmth to the quirky role of Madge, one of Elgar's indifference of his white society. This is a film with enough Thru Landlord" presents who loves him and his assurance confusion and concern, focusing tenants who specializes in talent to make you laugh and plalm . haired, blue - eyed Elgar fcprs a pampered young rich needless to say, do not go as smoothly as expected. He is that no rent strike will be against him since no ternant waged on a representative group of troubled blacks and commenting readings and homemade pot enough guts to make you think Sun. greeted by black tenants with a liquor. The scene in which he — an engaging and surprisingly i naive of the world pays rent anyway. on universal discontent in urban welcomes Elgar's mother ino her telling combination. In light of ,j his parents' mansion as range of responses from indifference America, "The Landlord" is a apartment and gives her liberal the bland screenfare that has to C hovish looking. warmth. hostility to Through his hectic, often first rate film, as • entertaining as doses of her famous brew is confronted moviegoers this {tee 29, he decided it is time Neighborhood gangs strip his hilarious, sometimes tragic it is honest. It is a funny, sad, marvelous. summer, "The Landlord" is a Brookfield Plaza - Charge It! Jeave home. He buys a run - tenants threaten him, encounters, Elgar gets a long poignant and, at all times, welcome and substantial change In tenement house in the car; one overdue lesson in human splendid work. "The Landlord" is such an ■ . of a black ghetto, eventually to move its with barbecue an arrow sauce dipped and another with in relations. He leams compassion for the black urban plight and "The Landlord" is the rare film that can be comical without easygoing film at the outset that one expects a light, easily of pace. BACK-TO-SCHOOL straining, touching without digested and quickly forgotton social comedy. But the comedy simplifying and tragic without distorting. Its comedy, like its tragedy, springs from the reality of its presentation. Ito message is delivered deftly without the rosy becomes so pointed it borders on satire and, almost before the viewer is aware of it, he is swept into what becomes a tense and BARGAINS sociology that smothered "Guess timely film. "The Landlord" delivers little Who's Coming to Dinner?" or the thunderous platitudes that shattered "The Liberation of in the way of new regarding insights the black crisis. Its BRICK 66 distinction lies in achieving what SHAMPOO L.B. Jones," two of Hollywood's most recent "probes" into the appears to be an honest portrait of the two poles involved in the race problem. The film is elevated by expert issue (the unconcerned affluent 4 ox. concentrate ! writing and superb acting as compared to the resentful blacks of the urban ghettoes) or 7 oz. liquid throughout. Bill Gunn has written a shrewd script from the and in splicing its limited Kristin Humter novel. observations with humor and Beau Bridges employs most of perception. Above all, it the bewildered, blushing, boyish communicates Elgar's sobering mannerisms he used as Ben in ZIPPERED "Gaily, Gaily." He Is more effective here because "The Landlord" respects him and SPORTS turns his vulternabillty into appealing pathos, whereas "Gaily, Gaily" merely ridiculed him. THEY CJUL ME BAGS As Elgar's patrician mother, a frosty ■ haired socialite who has MISTER TIBBS! Leather grained with zipper. vinyl Name bags tag. time for her children only between dance lessons, Italian lessons and charity chores, Lee STARTS Lightweight, for all sports. durable. Fine $-|79 Big p Grant is perfect as is Diana Sands who portrays Fanny, a TtCMMCOM Shown < lit 8:00 & Late TOMORROWI ju Brid(|«« clowni with Marti Bay ai ha tall* her his plant for the tenement houie he ha» discouraged black wife and - ALSO Lrchiitd In thli scene from "The Landlord." The film li ihowlng et the Spartan Twin West. - mother who goes to bed with '101 DALMATIANS" Elgar and loses what limited hapDlneu she knows. Shown wt I o:oo BIC PENS 49c Pkg. of 3 Safefy screens measures window and to lock their doors Big Back to School Special ^ meat and on the flrat floor at night," she said. patrollng on foot this fall, he said. n Hsll have been bolted Basement residents were given "The dorms are quite safe, and ^windows after a room was a choice of moving off the floor we've had very few Incidents of Reg. 39* Pkg Into. If they didn't feel safe or staying breaking Into rooms," Nowery ! had been complaints there with the added safety said. "Most of trouble Is 12 LEAP our |it room security before this 29* measure. Only a few girls chose with thefts." according to Peg to move to a different Jle, the hall's head adviser, floor. ■only after someone actually "When we do have led entry to a room was the Incidents, such as the isolated one in PENCILS ly measure undertaken. Mason Hall, a special officer will ■metal bar has been bolted be assigned to walk the area at ji each screen In the rooms night," Cpl. Lawrence R. few first floor and In the Nowery of the MSU Dept. of Public Safety, said. Geggie said she had ULTRA BRITE' id several »ens complaints that weren't secured well "Police officers are encouraged to leave their cars and meet and talk with people and learn about Toothpaste - 6%oz., $1.09 Value . .. 69c (h and that it "Is very easy Inyone to remove a screen ■the outside." any trouble an area is having," he said. JERGENS 69c Students will see more officers Lotion - 9% oz. btl., $1.19 Value . . , ■ unidentified male early last 1 gained entry into a first TALCUM I room m by prying off what people have said, a Cashmere Bouquet, 6% oz 49£ from the previous summer RIGHT GUARD $ |t,t there hasn't like this, ■ complaints about been much except the Anti-Perspirant, 12 oz. can, $2.29 Value 129 ^k Mrs. Geggie said. peeping bolted screens ought to DOUBLE E 19 pt further break-ins, she Keep Alert Tablets, Box of 16 CELLO TAPE 11 ALBERTO VO-5 Hair Spray, 17 oz. can $|39 POND'S RINSE $ Set Conditioner, 4 oz. bottle . 119 FEMINIQUE $119 1 Feminine Hygiene Deodorant, 4V4 oz. SKIN BRACER Mennen, 6 oz. bottle 79c AQUAMARINE $|35 Shampoo by Revlon, 14 oz. $2.50 value MOUTHWASH IjUOHUl Muir's Thylo, 16 oz. bottle 49c RIMS LANDh Regular 49* THEME SiuuIUA8-l ISP ONI »»?." fZn Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 25, 1970 11 For Sale For Sale Pergonal Service LtinGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony jel 530 stereo tape recorder. a Akai, Sony, Panasonic itereo e recorder*. 100 uaad 8 track YOU CAN quality see glasses the savings with from OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. C-8-28 FOUR BARBERS on duty to serve you, 8 - 5:30 p.m., Monday - Friday. UNION BARBERSHOP. C-8-25 BUILDING Typing Service TERM PAPERS quickly, Pol ice raids net suspects o cartridges tapes $2.50 each, accurately 8 TRACK stereo tape done. 1156 Burcham. Call tape recorders. Koss player, AC-DC. FEMALE stereo head phones, Completely portable, extendable SUBJECTS needed for 337-2737. 3-8-26 charged in bombing death mass media study. $2.00 for turntables $25 up. VM speakers, $40. 534 Albert, No. 3. one 2-8-25 hour participation. 355-3483. PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. t20 watt stereo receiver. Sharp, IBM Typing, Multilith watt stereo receiver with 2JB-26 Printing, & Hardbinding. Complete Thesis makers. Coral 30 watt speaker Animals FREE ... A thrilling hour of beauty. Service for the most Discerning F, 300 stereo albums 75c up. For appointment call 484-4519. Master's & Doctoral Candidetes. ri golf sets $14.95 up. New and MINIATURE SCHNAUZER, AKC MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS Free Brochure and Consultation. OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - Fifteen Poindexter and Eddie E. Bonds on Boiden and House i fans. Used TV eats $39.50 registered female, shots, ears STUDIO, 1600 East Michigan. Call CLIFF and PAULA young blacks, including leaders Bolden, 25, who was head of the set at Wednesday, and Rice were the Realistic 55 watt stereo of the were $10,000 each. Other object of an intense cropped. Phone 882-7054. 3-8-25 HAUGHEY: 337-1527 or militant National Black Panther party in Omaha bonds were set at $10,000 and police , p , I f ier. Wl LCOX 627-2936. C Committee to Combat Facism, until he was expelled from the search. [eC0NDH AND STORE, 509 Eart BEAGLE PUPPIES, AKC registered. have been charged or arrested in $5,000. Peak's grandfather, Peanuts Personal party after a party dispute, were the Rev. Michigan, 485-4391, 8 a.m. - 5:30 Wormed. $40. Phone 482-9781. DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term Patrolman Larry D. Minard Foster S. Goodlett, the booby - trap urged the ,m. C 4-8-28 papers. Expert typist with degree bombing that booked on suspicion of was killed in the predawn hours HAPPY killed a white policeman a week youth to surrender. _ tlCE MONITORS, Sonar FR103, Mark BIRTHDAY Mark. From to"My~Mark in English. IBM. Also editing, ago. conspiracy to commit murder. of Aug. 17, three days before his "As it stands now, he is in a SCOTTISH TERRIER - male, 14 His Princess Raleigh B. House, 23, and 30th birthday, when a suitcase fecial sale $29.95 up plus weeks, AKC registered. Phone 1-8-25 COMPLETE Two, 15 - year - old Duane C. Robert E. Cecil, 19, members loaded with dynamite position to be hurt or killed in Totals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, 351-6710. 3-8-26 THESIS service. Peak, who is charged with first - of the NCCF, also were booked exploded trying to resist," said the Rev. Discount in his face. Seven policemen tjgg South Pennsylvania Avenue, Real Estate printing. IBM typing and degree murder, and Davis L. on suspicion of conspiracy to hurt. Mr. Goodlett, paster of the binding of theses, resumes, were Mount Moriah Baptist church. ising^C FREE BOX trained kittens. Six publications. Across from campus, Rice, 23, charged with commit murder. The eight patrolmen had been weeks old. Two beige, two Rice, dismissed for undisclosed — FARFISA Combo tigers, EAST LANSING: Owner corner MAC and Grand River, conspiracy to commit murder, Of the others, four were lured to a vacant house in the and black. Give transferred, Compact. W Good condition. $300 kitten one a break. Call a lovable must sell lovely 4 bedroom below Style Shop. Call remained at large Monday. booked on suspicion of being Near North Side by an reasons as a neighborhood 5, offer. 351-3777 after five. 487-3096. COPYGRAPH Rice is minister of information worker for an Omaha anti 5-8-28 Colonial. Carpeted, brick SERVICES, accessories after the fact, one on - 337-1666. C for the National Committee to anonymous telephone report poverty agency fireplace, family room, attached suspicion of giving false that a woman was screaming for Aug. 11, has garage, fenced yard. Located near Combat Fascism - NCCF - been active in a number of black LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial information to |,SUI 4000 Amp, $290; Advent 355-8255 now for a quick - action MSU, Red Cedar school area. BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. which was formed after the a police officer help. organizations. speakers, $200, used only one and four were booked as state's " $29,500, No job too large or too small. Authorities said the He led Call 393-1409 after 6. Classified Ad. could finance to Black Panther party disbanded witnesses. civil rights qualified buyer, 351-3472. 5-8-27 Block off campus. 332-3255. C its Omaha chapter. explosion was similar to those demonstrations seeking an open The four booked as state's that ANN BROWN: The chairman of the damaged a police assembly housing law in Omaha in 1967 JviMAGE SALE: 2229 Victor, Mobile Homes 5900 PHEASANT Avenue - Maple Typing and multilith offset printing. Complete service Edward A. Poindexter, 25, and NCCF, witnesses and one of the two building in Omaha and police and was a leader of the Black Grove area. Large lot of over half booked on suspicion of being an stations in Des Moines and Ames s clothes, toys, household 10 acre. 2 for dissertations', several of its members were Panther chapter in Omaha. He x 50 ROYCRAFT deluxe. bedrooms. FHA theses, accessory after the fact were in neighboring Iowa earlier this leat and clean. August 26, also Furnished. Behind Tom's Party commitment, $10,350. Total price manuscripts, general typing. IBM. jailed after weekend raids by released on signature bonds. operated a "liberation 3 a.m.-6 p.m. 3-8-27 20 years experience. 332-8384. C school" in his home to teach Store, No. 411. $11,000. George C. Bubolz, police in the predominantly Bonds for Poindexter and 355-7604, Peak, a 5 foot, 6 - inch high 351-2549. 3-8-26 Realtor, 332-1248, 332-4605, TU black Near North Side. - children about Huey Newton Cecil were set at $50,000 each. Jg CARPET. 9'3" x 10*. acyrilan. 2-1946. 5-8-28 school dropout who will be 16 and other black militants. &25. Good condition. Call IV NEW 1.7483. 2-8-26 MOON, 1965, 10 x 50. EAST LANSING 2 bedroom brick Wanted The conspiracy charge was Furnished, carpeted, shed, - filed against Rice after police excellent condition, 627-2877. duplex, garage. 405-411 Beech. confiscated a case of dynamite, WE WILL 3-8-26 Near BUBOLZ schools and REALTY, University. INC. BLOOD DONORS needed. all positive. A $7.50 for negative, B negative blasting caps and three rifles from his home, Deputy Police 1965 and AB negative, $10.00. LIBERTY, 10x50, air 332-1248, 332-4605. 5-8-28 O I EVEN FURNISH conditioned, skirted, excellent condition, near campus. 351-4650 363 UNIVERSITY Drive - 4 negative, 507'/a East $12.00. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Grand MICHIGAN Chief Glen W. Gates said. after 4:30 bedrooms, dining room, den, 2 River, East IHE DISHES ... p.iji. 4-8-28 baths, new 2 car garage with garage opener. Excellent location and in good condition. BUBOLZ Lansing. Above the Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. p.m., new Monday, Wednesday and Campus to 3:30 Agnew (continued from page 1) REALTY, Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 With Every Lease 8 x 45 ROYCRAFT, newly 332-4605. 5-8-28 INC. 332-1248, P.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. c' Cambodia, declared, "We believe furnished, carpeted, close. Ideal it is in our interest and in the FACULTY HOME: GRAD STUDENT male over 25 to Signed This for couple, 351-9249. 6-8-28 two bedrooms, large fireplace, screened beck share furnished house in Okemos. $90 plus utilities. 351-9306 after interest of Southeast Asia that Cambodia be allowed to remain $1500 DISCOUNT on 12 x 60 1970 porch. 10 minute walk MSU, low a neutral country." Week for Mobile Home, appointment only. Low down, shown by equity, owner Call 351-8629. X8-8-28 leaving country. 6. 3-8-27 While there is no doubt of U.S. balance like rent. 655-3828 or MALE GRAD desires room in faculty determination to provide the WATER'S EDGE 665-2684. 6-8-28 COUNTRY. New four home or apartment with other 600,000-man Korean armed bath ranch. Carpeted, $25,000. grad (s). 353-0599. 3-8-27 forces with the necessary rifles, and VAGABOND 10x54. condition, new furnace, water Excellent 646-6376. 0 RESPONSIBLE SUPER keen couple artillery, naval and air heater, carpet. 641-6601. 4-8-28 equipment they need to RIVER'S EDGE Service needs shared unfurnished apartment or • house situation in East modernize, any new program 1960 WESTWOOD Deluxe 10x55. 2 will have to get the approval of We will give you Lansing area before August 31st. bedroom furnished. Near. LOOKING FOR A GARAGE SALE? a free set of dishes. Offers considered. Call 489-9130 Congress at a time it is showing 351-0985 after noon. 5-8-25 See today's Want Ads for • anytime. 1-8-25 coolness to expanded Asian air I ROOMMATE SERVICE complete listing. FULFILL YOUR DREAM of home programs. | PROVIDED MALE NEEDS apartment In his talks here, See Don in Water's 332-4432 Edge ownershlpl See the good home buys In the Classified Section BEST WAY TO SAVE TIME I Shop for your next auto In the near campus. Will or room share Free tell the South Koreans that he Agnew will apartment. Call collect doubts Congress will enact the today I Classified Adt. Check nowl 313-646-4213. 4-8-28 Senate • passed amendment to Four days of love, music and peace, in protest of the Swedish government's sponsorship of a curb the extra combat rock festival nearby, ended Sunday in Stockholm. Police pay for reported no problems with drugs or alcohol and only a few of the several thousand Korean, Thai and Filipino forces Your Fun in the Sun Location . . . youths arrested. AP v\firephoto in Vietnam. MAY GO OFF CAMPUS Purdue paper (continued from page 1) organization is formed, Miss The student body, Miss Salter the Exponent will probably Salter said she hopes to be able continued, would continue to print in the fall but probably because I haven't even to get individual colleges and recognize the Exponent as the its size would be seriously seen the paper. It was simply a organizations such as USSPA to rightful student publication. curtailed, Miss Salter said. temporary decision not to renew withhold recognition of the The Exponent had been using the contract at the present on-campus paper. the university's printing facilities time," Knoy stated. The Purdue matter is expected under a buy-lease agreement. It appears probable that the to take the highest of Miss Salter said she felt the She said she fjjiorities corporation, and not the hoped the in the business of the USSPA university's next action would Exponent would continue to be convention. At university, has the right to use be to present it attempt to assemble a recognized as the legitimate the name Exponent. appears that members of the puppet newspaper staff on Purdue newspaper despite convention If some sort of peace are highly whether it was on the Purdue settlement cannot be reached, sympathetic to Miss Salter's campus. USSPA convention (continued from page 1) convention, those few already wonder why the congress was enlightened believe Manchester booked for Manchester when the could have its own private i 1 '-'Maij), board had numerous other revolution. possibilities. The MSU delegation made an I tWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing The usual convention official I complaint to the I student units. These spacious luxury apartments are I completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive I Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a 1 Xi ' : no™ . atmosphere has not pervaded here. Possibly the roaming spiders running on webs of cracked executive board Monday which was far, laughed off and ignored. Thus no action has been taxen on I dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - | (EtovtkinglMtn \*y plaster, the long - present gashes and holes in the the complaint which specified irrelevant seminars and I central air conditioning. These four man units have up walls, unfriendly townspeople inadequate housing. It0 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time and the hazy, polluted USSPA Director Barry 1 has been adequately planned for with a giant heated atmosphere have killed the Holtzclaw answered the State I MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN enthusiasm of the college News' criticism by explaining Rimming pool, Ilf you recreation rooms and private balconies. EVERYDAY 1 - 6 editors. that the board did not want to want to be among the first residents of Most have realized that CLOSED THURSDAY hold the congress in an isolated, I TWYCKIIMGHAM call something is drastically today. There are units starting at Phone 332-6441 or 372-2797 wrong elitist, college community. I ^0/month per man. MARSHA CHANEL here cause. but can't pinpoint the If the more than 400 He said the congress was being held in the East becuase it has delegates discover what has been been in the Midwest every year shoved at them in the form of a except 1969. Holtzclaw questioned the attitude of the delegates. "Have they come for the fun convention time or to get things done?" ho asked. Denouncing the State News $1.00 service charge per delegation for its poor attitude, he said that no other person had insertion — to be pre - paid. 12 complained to him and that p.m. deadline 1 class day before. many thought the seminars wore very productive. 4620 S. HAGADORN The Christian Science Organization The MSU participants will hold its Regular Testimonial complained earlier that most of Meeting in the Alumni Memorial the seminars were irrelevant to a Guarding Chapel, tonight at 6:45. management exclusively by: large daily News. such as the State They specifically singled •The MSU Sailing Club will have a A St. out an interpretive reporting Paul, Minn., policeman stands guard at the door of a picnic - meeting today at 6:30 at the ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY in Dayton's department store after a bomb seminar led by a seasoned washroom Club Site on Lake Lansing. Shore School will be held tight after the reporter from the Intermountain exploded Saturday. The bomb shattered washroom meeting. Rides will be leaving the Press, a small weekly tabloid fixtures, and «re shopper was hospitalized in serious west entrance of the Union at 6:00. paper in Boise, Idaho. condition. AP Wirephoto 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 25 . /■ J-Bldg. set for renovations By JOHN BORGER at the front than of the room, rather ringing the room as they do renovation are due Tuesday, Peters said. Once the low bid has said. Peters said furniture for the Monday. The entire renovation js funded through the Office of m GRAND gp PRIZE BEEF ROUND State News Staff Writer currently. been established, work could room - three round tables and the Executive Vice President, he Nearly journalism a year and students a half after protested Bids from local firms for this begin as early as next week, he 18 ordered said. The reading room, which shared by the School is of STEAK conditions in the Journalism CENTER CUT SLICES Journalism and the Dept. of Bldg., minor renovations and Advertising, is expected to be room realignments are being used for small seminars and scheduled. More extensive changes are not being considered, Jim Peters of conferences, Peters said. Peters said the renovation finished by 89c LB the space utilization staff said should be the Monday, because a new beginning of fall term. The other scheduled FRESH SLICED Communication Arts Bldg. is change is high on the construction priority assigning Room 13-13A in the BEEF LIVER basement of Linton Hall to the list and could be built within the next five years if funding is made available. School of Journalism as a mock copy room, Peters said. The 49c "When room will be equipped with large you're thinking in those terms, you don't spend a work tables for copy editing ROAST RITE SMALL fortune on some old building," classes of 10-15 students. he said. Most of the Linton Hall space School of Chairman Frank Senger said the Journalism in question is currently occupied by the Dept. of Mathematics, TURKEYS 68LB AVERAGE lb. 39c major necessity is not improved which is scheduled to move to physical facilities or even new the Wells Hall addition. THANK YOU typewriters, but a typewriter However, completion of that repair contract. new "Students could go through typewriters in a few building is currently being held up by a strike among workers who will finish the flooring. Tomato Juice 32 OZ. BTL. 4/$1 weeks," he said. He said current Consequently, journalism — WAGNER LOW-CALORIE University maintenance and physics and social sciences — ORANGE OR GRAPEFRUIT arrangements often fail to cannot move in until furnish even new ribbons. mathematics has moved out. Roger Wilkinson, vice And mathematics cannot move Drinks 54 °z 38c president for business and out until Wells Hall is finished. finance, said the University is "It's a big game of dominoes," currently working out a Peters said. THANK YOUJ maintenance agreement for the journalism typewriters, which he hopes to have completed by fall term. Perm CHERRY OR APPLE Pie Filling 29c The major physical change will be renovation of the Journalism Reading Room on floor of the Journalism Bldg. the second Pinhole view calls MARTHA WHITE The room will be carpeted and receive new lighting fixtures and drapes. One end of the room will The Natural Science Bldg. takes on a hazy look when viewed through the pinhole "shutter" of a JMC BIX MIX White Bread be paneled. Shelves for back issues of cardboard box used as a camera by State News photographer Milton Horst. Greater sharpness could have been achieved by reducing the size of the pinhole. Charles Spence, former director of student FLAPSTICK CORN MUFFIN 8C newspapers will be concentrated associate relations in James Madison EACH SPUD FLAKES IN PRISON College, has been named director of residence hall programs at LB LOAF 4/89C Pennsylvania State University. He replaces Timothy L. Langston who will become dean of students at Virginia Priest Commonwealth University in gets no Richmond, Va. Spence received a bachelor's degree from Ohio State ICE CREAM DANBURY, Conn. The Rev. Daniel J. Berrigan, who (AP) - be transferred to according to Danbury today the Bureau of participation later is "unlikely because of his vocation - the Selective Service laws been sent there, many of them have University in 1965 and a, master °f sc,«nce deQff iS STRAWBERRIES eluded authorities for four Prisons in Washington. priesthood." during and after World War II. Wayne state Uiniversity in months, is the first priest ever After a 30-day orientation Although Father Berrigan is Several men who have refused held at the spacious Federal the institution's first priest - induction during the war in He received a doctoral degree program, which began Aug. 11 Correctional Institution here, when he entered the institution, prisoner, a number of pacifists Vietnam are serving sentences in counseling and higher but that distinction won't entitle and others convicted of violating now- education from MSU this year. Father Daniel Berrigan will be him to special privileges. assigned a job, Norton said. Warden John J. Norton says Father Berrigan will receive >L Thef Priest, manufacture gloves 'f3"1 mayor electronic to the The cable parts, spend his time same treatment as the other 700 inmates of the two - storv welding or plumbing, or . work in concrete prison, mos, of theS L7P£ shops. Whatever " his activitiy, he'll be kept busy. The prison is a medium - Father Berrigan, a 49 - year security institution for men who old Jesuit priest who went are not considered serious escape underground to avoid serving a Guessing risks. None of the guards inside three - year term for burning its walls carries a gun. draft records, was arrested last A work release program - here, week on Block Island, R.I., by which allows inmates to hold NEW CROP MICH. U.S. No. 1 FBI agents posing as bird jobs outside the prison, was watchers. among the first in the federal Father Berrigan was convicted of destroying files at Catonsville, penal system, and is regarded with some pride by prison APPIES Game: Md., on May 17, 1968 in a officials and townspeople alike, CHIQUITA protest against the Vietnam war. Norton does not think Father His brother, the Rev. Philip Berrigan will be placed in the - Berrigan, 47, who is serving a six year sentence in Pennsylvania for destrovine draft records, will work release program because so much of his term remains to be served, and his soon BANANAS Cello Carrots Ed wards heads We now have COLD BEER! accounting group ^E3SSEBSEBBi&ESIP^ James Don Edwards, chairman of the Dept. of Accounting and Financial Administration, has been named American Accounting Assn. president of the I 500 Oft REG. PRICE § Potato Chips | Edwards assumed the post recently during the association's annual convention at the University of the 18,000 - member international year. Maryland. He will head organization for the coming How much would you Any Canned Ham 1 LB. BAG 38{ |f A CPA in Michigan and Texas, Edwards is the author and 3 LB. OR LARGER f. WITH $5.00 FOOD PURCHASE § coauthor of more than 10 books and has contributed numerous save on a new car if LIMIT 1 PLEASE § articles to professional journals. you saw your credit iSHOP-RITE He has served MSU as department chairman since 1958 received wide recognition for his contributions to the listed in "World Who's Who in Commerce and and has field. He is union first? ^SHOP-RITE Industry," and "American Men of Science." Edwards is also a member of GOODRICH'S numerous professional organizations and scholastic honoraries: the Look at the price sticker on the car American you want to buy. It lists the base Management Assn., American Economics Assn., Michigan Assn. price, extras, license and tax. What it doesn't list is the cost of financ¬ of CPA's, Phi Kappa Phi and Beta Alpha Psi. B ^ ing - and that's where you start guessing. How do you beat the I M S * guessing game? Don't guess. See your MSU WE HAVE Employees Credit Union first. A helpful loan counselor will give you dealer cost and trade-in information which can save you several hun¬ MOVED dred dollars. He'll also explain the mysteries of interest rates and tell you in one lump sum how little your credit union car loan will to ALCO BLDG. It pays to be a credit union family. cost. IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER FREE PARKING Harrison at Trowbridge Between Spartan Villas al1" Bator Optic !lsJ Cherry Lane Apartnierts MSU EMPLOYEES■ CREDIT 241 E. Saginaw ED 2-5222 «nd of Abbott Rd. 1019 Trowbridp Rd. • Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday (M-78) • Phone 353-2280