M. S. C. Library Bm* Lar.plris, Mich. Michigan State News :ast i.ansin'tmiciiujan, ti ksdav. ai'Iiii. -j. t:« Ottey Lists Seniors AVIATION JOBS English Dep't Announces SPECIAL PLANS Kirkpatrick Named To Fill Committees MAY BE FILLED Tu'° Literary Contests ANNOUNCED FOR Associate Editor;Six For Graduation Work BY GRADUATES ANNUAL PARTY Other Offices Filled Increase in Aeronautic Work is» BARRY REYNOLtw M- v. i-*: . ..p., i, ■ Armory Ballroom Selected to T ,?■ • » c ni ofr Blue i* tentative Appointmc-ts bv Clearv, Subject to Approval of Croupt in Effort to Promolr Efficiency During Heavy DtP*"d» or Cong ret.ional . 7.. 7".,.". jinn's Be Scene n r- i w. hev ». »Spring D 7 Publication Board. Make Campbell Co-ed Editor and Work of Spring Term. Passage of ^pproprialioni. Dance rndav Night. ... r ' • 1 * Winner Sports Head . TRAINING PAY RECEIVED V:V., .. :: DUANE SCHWENN PLAYS K.r., ,,, r. made " During the Four-year Period of 11 Fraternity Mfdley Will be Main • '! V"' .7 f' K"7. / Feature Program of Well liminnti'il b. t Instruction, Students Will Re¬ .1 and , on • > • < • • I: • ■ • ■ ■ • • • , Th.' t'ou ceive Excellent Training. Known Orchestra. . i'l'.' A, ' j. V , " . ' '' Rltli fl I'.tU riiiriun...r !■'. Ilui'li Wil- ,. •' flail ril.tn "it ti>- ;il I .is. I Si s:« 11. "" " COLGATE OFFERS s still ti •!«' • furiiii.il thf misei. h. I.I HfttiniPd AfWOCilltC nmtilinti' • " ■ '■ '• I it'IliI 111' State Ni '.V 3S3S& ORIGINAL COURSE .. .x.rit, M.mber- ni niiml « f..i 'h. i Hi Iter mim ii*'\i letratim Hall Imll iiiirht. April nmitti'f ;ir<- Itnbi-r. Politically Minded Students Will s' Cr Sent to Washington. FACULTY DIRECTS H. E. STYLE SHOW VACATION SCHOOL SET FOR APRIL 4 Engireering Professors Were in N«t> Spring Models Will be Dis¬ charge o( Two Conferences. played in Litlle Theater William \ Ktrkpj MORTARBOARD JbL-U* *ll». ™ GIVE TALKS srtsMJl EX NOTRE DAME FACULTY MAN'S PRESIDENT DIES DAUGHTER DIES Questions Asked bv Students Rev John Cavanaugh Was Uni¬ Millitent Johnston Fatally In versity Head From 1904 jured in Fort Wavne to 1919 Accident UNION PLANS TO HOLD RECITALS Moscow Summer Session Riggi Confers With Richards as Has Educational Benefit to Sunday Musicales. Russian Schooling Includes Tours of Soviet Unioo in Addi¬ tion to Regular Curricula. A. Students are Hated at the Top DRAMATIC GROUP w-Techaicil Men Have Op- HOLDS INITIATION NffuwUet Says Vocational Outdance Expert. Formal Ceremony for Fourteen Members to be Held Thurs. organized it\ 1933. by i of An Kimw a*- of world *dura and sck kwtutn. who tell* o iumiwr Schnol on hts recent f the Soviet Union. »nd how Health of Amer division of the i the^Anglo- Mrt|M.t|,r Sijl YAr tor "t (he Ave Mart* ma (far* ne the V S S R . S rr> 1*94 t.i ISKtt. and « • attracted students fro Holy CfOM seminal 5 oTNvtre Cm AXtU1 pivdsolssfuwl'Raw-ai'.'t II- Prominent Stato Grade from UM to IW Scandinavian and the lar Root the Soviet I'mut. Erori«*« Tw. hundred and twelve ato- ,,*) .. Ara Happily Grogi-pi , . f u.^ I s dmu attended the 1934 sr***oo philow.pf.. of Dialeetua) Marriad chung*- Rifle Team Third undergraduate*. ^jlim Adv-rw .d Ruan-- I pwri ' Unguag* eiimtrut t»« of In Hearst sMatch In addftsof. to the study •t i t the studt^r ail) McLiaren. v.rginia **d Dulljm Patton rUc«t High ia J h*a choice of *i* tours, vudting the yfllsxtn mi jgarrh 30 »n Benton nine Campbell, ,'ndianapalis JJJJ prtocipal cHlea TY-r tours, wh.cn a! -r,. u, ,!>'• honw Ti.r we Alire Wriggles- * Don't walk off that date, t Trophy MoUh; NaahtrTvo are inclodrd pari of the mm- e Saw. John Brat- Optra \ Tandem at Caac'*- Tom Tthti Sixth. -^imar^jpchool work, have he«« winter as a dairy major and began uiw llailman. Ira An-nrdinx to Mt Uaaioii, »r! .wily ofgii.i/rrt Tr»ey hvciwdd working for Armour and rorn- .Irvgg. and Margaret •*ev, director of voice In- »ml Utotftturt wnf th. n«mt pop-, A Michigan State coi- fourrwya on !hr Volga. ny at Dei Matnci, Iowa, on April, for tome of I d MtthH*n SIM* Col!•««'« riflo ulor nd th» llUck Frofewsor r « King is th« trdiAnapoht UM week .. c-onducted a diaeuaaKjn Uim placed third in the IUar«t ontl and (rnaral tduntlon 1 htrd porta, th* Cauca.ua and the naw Duller*- filled th» chair of editor tvf'Axitv U.tdrf t»f The id Prt •s the Future of Memorial trophy maun held dur- During th* uiimi of 1X33 th* mduatfiai center of the Kfiarkov of ir,r Ac: .itjru' 1,., a year »nrr*ent member* Thr «*f ihf pe «f the convention of the entered in th* cont*it. which *u,vari*ty of rourm. Enrnllmont. Arco«nmodatu.n. offered to Dud. M,„ Wrotrn i. * Chi are John Yaie Richard O Dell, won by the Ripon rotl*«P tram Mho look the Hot*1 fovUkle Ce- f4j Conference of Music are accepted for on* or more . latlara altendin* tfie rummer w»- Omega and ha» been employed In and Charles Kelley •Mor# which Mr The University of Wiacbnain num. each toum Uktng Jo "*m are of the donaituey type ItyrwriUr and tur nuiSrd Fatten at- m, ,r km placed aecond. Th* Spartan No Jlhoura, The total number of clan Thaaa quarter! ate dei.gned foe for Ui« part two year. Tlie yo.mg 2 accepting the icviu- >vad the ducursion »«J. team was alao among the leader* roam hourt may not Aca«d ninety itudtnta who wish to apprpaimalr K«wa'* from the HtoU Hww% Butler university (Indianapolis, on the CmXMoU* far ut Mail pwi- couple are planning on making •ffke km kATMd Ind l co-eds' weren't allowed to be¬ ««c trends. placing »i*th. Inat/uction la in th* English in lh*tr Irving conditions the life their home in lie. Mornc. after long to secret societies with young * th* Th* riO* team 1. at present corn- language, by an alD&ovtet facility of lb* typical Soviet atudtnU The ■ Tki* |WfMMi RUT return evening Mr. Patton and June I. men back in 1897. because it wis-' paling in the national mtetcoUa-, of profaaaar. and apartaliata. tram j Kuaaian atuder.u are very friandly hpt«Tilrr So thr km mi ^wtard IntermediaTe *" School to tim* the aduml la ad. _____ liiAdiAluly. with no imM suspected that one of the initiation sP«akinf choir of Detroit I I t*•ctock Mopn- •DwA or Ism Iter sNcrtsUvt sf • ^ vented a concert at the (Continued on page 2) ? heater in which the bart- k*H SUAXID UMUft a* I'ago Two MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Tuesday. April in SPRING EVENTS CONTROL BILL i college [CLASSIFIED THE SPARTAN ORACLE LISTED BY SWL Ry JIM Ql'KLLO IN PREPARATION !BULLETIN! ! 4. 4 M1CH ST VrK BIJMiK™ i Newly elected A W. S. council Dark grtwn with large w>. >. New Offieeri lo he Installed at fhtfcohnectf'd j New I will meet with the old council in ST> 15 Victor Bielin-ki p in scholastic and social activities so ir you are Banquet to be Held Early • j Teacher Certification ' Dean Conrad's outer office to- 2-23117 or 5-2548 discourses upon matters of no importance, it j night at 7:30. in Term. Authority. BICYCLES id our Men's Glee club members I A bill aiming at centralization j CIIIP8 FOR CHAT of teacher certification authority I change in date of the concert in the state board of education is j date of presentation is on Tuesd Another spring term has started and again one notices the general trend toward lighter clothing and new shades. New April 9. at the North Presbyter 1 ably be introduced during the pres¬ church. outfits are especially conspicuous among the females getting ready ent session of the legislature. The: ENTREE .. . for the Spring term pinning season. At Sandy's popular grill we noticed the Kappas and several Thetas breaking nut in spring j hill would extend to the state board 1 New Beginners sole supervision of the teacher The old order changes, editor1' come and go Co stvlrs—and an old favorite Helen Sutton walked in with Dutch j training program in all institutions glow brightly, then .die out as rapidly Recipients of fident and self-sure at its threshold, find themsel Kramer, old Tic. now employed in Detroit, while Ag Rodney and Grade New ins were having a tete-a-tete and looking smart in jpreparing»candidatcH for teachers'] , Class in bit sad. when it materialize* upholding the standards for Chi Omegas. And a hit of a change The advisory planning enmmis- i With the recent e!»*«imn we saw our appr fondest arnbi in Stewart s too—all the big bar larks is the heer. right Ka>"- Orson < of is hark with a sport» vrllow ear—another tIsn't that ,{sion on teacher training tification points to many and err- ; desirable; changes in the state education sys- ; BALLROOM of feel -diutely depi eased Su one of his mans transportation changes which is the object of tern which would be wrought by ; office, but at the u sentiment that put . manv a male's envy. Incidentally. coming hark to Sandy and Jo— the immaculate Ho Vtatche looks trim and perk and can wisecrack authority in a single DANCING might win. same Working the most persistent of counter-irritants at the Grill. the popular spring term rendezvous. the Dells at the lake is sched¬ Incidentally, H The body Foxtrot — W'olll — Unr - uled to open in three weeks and we'll be seeing you out there! NOW STAUTINI. PRO IOOTRAIXERS %T I.FIftl Kl TI'KSUAV & THCRSIt •-h.ilI lhm» of Chattanooga, I rank fort. Hi 'I,Hiiro, tollf. ttathmgiow D. t... Wyandotte and JameHawn, V Y.. we« BILL PORTER cvmoeeulive placet of r*Mdence-*ll uI editor a co*.mo|M*|itan background. Reside* his present position whwh gate AMI HIS t* managing editor of the Stale News, Clear) J orchestra U a member Thela Kappa N«; •f l:»il. won hia •the three stars" m W Wither*, dean. polo pontes And to add the tovsipy tlH AI. TRIO Education. New York . Thomas Woody, protes- At the UniwrMty of Mi I'HONK j.-9itl w 4J3 N. ItlXLKK 10.\ I). fYnnsylvauuu: Harvey than ftrtoen cents worth of food, in German lor two LANSING . fW Zorb*u&h, director, Clinic for; ty signed a plixigt not to eat more he discovered he wag in the 5 the Social Adjustment of Gifted^ they,didn't >pcvOy afti tii.w place- He thought it j Children, New York university > Unilt • in geology April 2, 10.15 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Blue Key to Present First Party STATE BEATEN Grosse lie. Mich., and immediater no of Spring Term in Demonstration CONTEST PLANS STATE EDUCATORS | continuation of flight training af_BTc the Naval Training Station, Pen- s,d*ration. IN POLO OPENER Hail; Sehwenn's Band Will Play ARE ANNOUNCED ™CK LATE BILLS saroln, Fla. Upon graduation from Pensacola, the student will be or¬ dered to active duty with the air¬ , >1 -tridents away from the rumpus last Culm in Series Here Next Week- — '"hi almost at a standstill, with week, social activity craft squadrons, U S. fleet, .. .nm.a.v only the vacation dance scheduled for the week-end. At this party those who at the end; Eicitng Coutests Seen. American Mercury Magasine to ;• riod not to exceed three years Hold Essay Contest for With reference to this training, of graduation school OVet vacation, as well aa Lan.inu and East Lansinu tVxtbonk" bill and the ,he »tudont receives pay dunnn .lanced to Red Drennan's music adio star, was featured with the orchestra. Miss Betty Jane Wolfe. bel£ College Students. Wfth reuurd to county ,hl' pn,1«' period He is trained . iiniruoiifi requirements, utld'-r the best of instructors and , quiet uf vacation, the outlook (or the rest of the term is MarclrO^^T^^Iortto American Mercury mafia- ini, iich rerf-idly passed the with the finest of flight The Blue Kuy |>arty with Dunne. Sehwenn and the ltes- to-3*2 Chicigo flier journeyed nm' ha* announced an essay con- , n tie use with Femes music are scheduled for next week- te Michigan S?a*cyAth<'n *iie> test for college undergraduate* on ' ,n . Krosh Frolic is coming® - ■ - ■ — -- -— played Two ear>?< or. March 22 the -Topic. "'The Professors Got the ' this spring will ';?d*.2aM S!d 'f• , ,ier come *' V!. V"ff-Tie County Into Tht* Mess: But We AWS GROUP TO - dances, and the fpatrr- i nrities will hold open #x tho HNrondS gaimt Ji *h« /*an Out " The contest is en.mi! Ray Vickerstaff seniors at their parties 2*t tc tGl- open to bona fide undergraduates *•/ AMI Ills ORCHESTRA MEET TONIGHT lit SI'KING PARTIES New Council Members Take Up Duties in Joint Meeting With Old Council. Walkover's CABANA puts the world on breezy feet Want to fuel on top of the world? Then CABANA for you. New la« • design. Cools your feet. We have them ' in a smart choice of styles and colors. All fitting verified by X-Kay. ""d BURTON'S A\ IATION JGIIS OPEN TO KOTI GRADUATES WALK OVER SHOP 321 South Washington Ave. State Theater Support Your Michigan State News Advertisers Help them to make Y()t R Haper a BETTER Taper >111 lilt. \N *1 \Tt MI.Wh 111 llUlffl,' ,9m yowi QruX. $ujm\c( Samr« jCickuSOalu to anxiety — I bring relief JS ha& fascuKie c>- distress — I bring courage r to •nous to the dress." cape aleovea wj important spring to achievement - -1 bring content ^5 to loneliness - -1 bring companionship N .9vh.£t>.op MICHIGAN STATE NEWS y, April k1 Spartan Nine Back ThincladsGain New From TrainingTrip Records In Vacation Through the South Meets; Allen Stars Ba!l Team Make Tour of Carniina'4 in Annual Jaunt Prior to Mfdlry Ralay Quartet Shatter* Thrrr Records at Wade Allen.)"1' Clean 6 Feet, 5 Inches at Butler; Gardner Opening of College Season, Winding Up With Percentage ot .400. Shines in Mile. in \l fill fi n: B> BOB lit'RIIAS'S Seventeen • t.i*. - bofun- ?lu op* nin^r of the big league -ea-on. Stale'- i>all team had wound up 'In it annual spring" -<»u! he I'll training trip am! war.- hoim ward In,tin.I Whit*- the Spar- 4 >3^ the The white-faced, ever-changing rerun 1 U.rds of former years on the track are hoards that adorn lobby of the gymnasium ami inform passtrshv of the rec- due for some dusting !find fresh green paint, the result of some shattered records j during the past month. The Michigan State trackers were seldom idle in the windup of the indoor season ami during Art Bu*v formrr slur tackle | their travels they hung up Home new standard-. This vva-' epp,,v|!i<.ji va ke.i entirely fh.rn the Caro¬ mm - pi. for the Spartan* and one of the It was wholesale slaughter'*Mrw| j|tA(, 1 Ui> (Jj: Wl lina- I lie w hitman and til. University of on the records of the Armour ')()innj greatest competitor* ever to wear }! .• f ti.t-.- T«'< h relays and Central A. A. o , t , < i:i m,. E»t I :111.1ns Phnni* S-JIM i I'. combined on March 1.1 ami I :r.!on f «i.i> Art has a few more credit* to |Id when a hruce of Spartan- Also u, ?t>i. < u th»- pick up before he grain the old !romped away from some of blond an.', i -. i' w..i- Am-n •theepskin Boss, vou will re the bigger schools ill the lbs- n.-.rtcl to. »••• to i.a ,, o i member. played a great game tarn «• medley and 320(1 met. r- / u '' for the ( hieago Bears last fall „ , ■ • o ; , .17 Yk\ la M b. p ' ' ' ' 1 in the National Professional league. The Bears are generally rated throughout the fooihall The team is enai-hed t>s George llalas and llalas claims that destlneil to Irecomi; one it the greatest tackles in pro yvo punts in the Bears I ions ame in Detroit last fall paying RAINBOW RECREATION I here's something about a Chesterfield *Jhete's eat thlity especially hie a/eat ntvfx tj et /title ctttm/s ej( te/acce in my me nth C^ltesletpells — entltely aside the tehacce tieesit t spill cut and th.it the {u ^ jHtcLe (^lujitx^leLls . Bachman Calls Gridmen 9 _ ^ « »•» the yp4M>n, ami yyllh a law Out Tor Spring Practice for the pitcher* lo get |hr feel ' Si.ity-f.vr llnpr.i l> Shout An.»rr. F.«fh E,«rr lor a Chanrr. A. »| f)pi)y D.fjjl Start*; StlMOni Will.Continue lot Me«t today Nlryp HrU. ippran Si* Werki * ■" 1,1 1