2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, a ubi,„ news Milliken statement raps Monday took the Detroit this weekend for their Dems' resolution would have to repudiate later," Impact °n the convention this Republican summary "sting" out of the issue, he said state convention, to adopt a 'They hope it has. But we'll platform dealing with state he said Milliken said he does not weekend. The conservatives met In New conservative, liberal. moder«e From the.wires of AP and UPI. Gov. Milliken added wait and see." issues. expect conservative Republicans, Buffalo last weekend to discuss "I think that criticism to Milliken said he expects state "I am not going to accept any led by State Sen. Robert J. strategy for the convention. conservative thinking" »in an amnesty - for - 1 ^on ' think 60 people draft Republicans, who will meet in plank in the platform that I HnKor nf Trnv Huber of Troy, tn have much to have much represented at the m - dodgers resolution passed meeting in New Buffalo are Milliken said. nvent- Sunday by state Democrats, and representative of the Republican Milliken said called the issue a "political party in Michigan," Milliken that delegates heisvervi. boomerang" for state said. "I think that the 1,600 will Democratic leaders. duly elected delegates blacktorunforasutet I would very "The progressive step by the - Democratic gubernatorial assembling in Detroit will be much Democratic candidate Sander Levin, U.S. party, while representative of the party." However, admittedly Sen. Philip Hart and state Atty. He said the party platform he WoulHe a project for the Gen. Frank comment on whn Kelley Monday would represent "responsible candidate might be, y future, has the potential of disassociated themselves from recalling the disenchanted youth the resolution that would grant of this country to the democratic amnesty to persons who have avoided the draft in objection to process." - ASMSU Cabinet President Bob Grossfeld commenting on the Indochina war. "It is interesting to note that they (Levin, Hart and Kelley) Candidate the amnesty plank of the did not raise objections to the Democratic party platform resolution until it was apparent (Story on page I) that it would be a political boomerang, and until after Mrs. Romney attacked the respect resolution," Milliken said at his Roger G. Kidston, Kalamazoo "I firmly believe that rest** attorney, said Tuesday he wants not something which c weekly news conference. state Republicans to nominate The governor said he views the commanded but mils him for attorney general so he earned," he said, resolution "in a very very International News negative way." can return some lost respect to Kidston said he anticipi the law. open convention in "These people (draft dodgers) Detroit* Battle - battered Cambodian troops dug into defensive have violated the law," Milliken said, "and we are still a nation of "Without respect there can be but one of two consequences - dispute0' ^2 positions Tuesday at Prek Tameak in anticipation of laws. That is why I believe anarchy with the rule of the preference for Wi'liZ another North Vietnamese and Viet Cong drive through Grand Rapids amnesty is wrong." jungle where might makes right, attorney f( attorney general post. y'11 Phnom Penh's outer defense ring. Milliken said the amnesty resolution "seems to be building Meets the police state with • - "Milliken is the captain of . The government also sent reinforcements into the H * policemen at every shoulder to u as an issue" for the team," Kidston said "J Mekong River village, nine miles northof the capital, the campaign. Gov. Milliken held a news conference Tuesday and discussed action by three Democratic party sep see that that thp the wishes wishes nf of n a « convention u _ ul When asked if he believes the will choose totalitarian state scene early Tuesday of the heaviest fighting of the war three Democrats' rebuttal leaders in renouncing an amnesty - for - draft - dodgers resolution passed Sunday at the state Kidston said. are obeyed," players on that team" so close to the Cambodian capital. Democratic convention. State News photo by Dick Warren He said he believes he wil nominated "because nominated I will National News MAKES NO PROMISES vigorous grass • roots ci wage the - you have ever seen, The Supreme Court, which has yet to rule directly on "As a commercial pilot, al school busing, deal of the told four Southern school districts campaign will conducted by air," he said. Agnew hears Tuesday it will not hold off their desegregation orders Ko since we are the W until it does decide the issue. Wonderland, and in view of past training and experience, A judge who was up for re-election Tuesday was can assure you that SEOUL (AP) - South Korean A scheduled two - hour withdraw 20,000 of the 63,000 but campaign will also be coi injured when a bomb exploded as he started his car at without authority to repeated later this week in President Chung Hee Park meeting between the two leaders American troops stationed here, commit the administration to on the land and on the se his Tulsa, Olka., home. Thailand where presented Vice President Spiro stretched to six hours before Agnew will have Calling himself "somewhat District Court Judge Fred Nelson was taken to a Although Agnew announced in any specific arms program. to explain _ T. Agnew with an expensive breaking up at midafternoon. a speech here Monday that the U.S. military aid to Korea is congressional reluctance to finance proposed a Taw'- and - order candi hospital with burns and lacerations over most of his shopping list of military needs They resumed discussions over United States would provide Kidston said destruction currently $140 million a year, and Thai assistance to Cambodia. body as a result of what police said was a dynamite Tuesday but failed to win a dinner Tuesday night and then new aid to help modernize the buildings "in the name of - detailed pledge on a promised agreed to meet again at breakfast any new program would require Agnew is scheduled to fly to firebomb rigged to the firewall of his station wagon. 600,000 - man Korean armed approval from a U.S. Congress increase in U.S. arms aid. today. Formosa after Formosa visit today to after aa visit He said he bellves new laws , forces, he said before his visit to increasingly weary of American U.S. and South Korean troops '"j An official Korean spokesman, ?eded to replace the "to A military judge finished hearing oral pretrial produce a specific new aid spending in Asia near the lU~ demilitarized J— zone archaic" statutes that deal arguments Tuesday and gave attorneys two weeks to file _ . ^ r. . described the atmosphere as program. Other American — The " Korean pattern may be between South Korea and written briefs before setting a new date for court - RpH Knrn rinpH sources serious» said whi,e it other Korean officials said no decision would Communist North Korea. campus unrest. as somewhat be made until a study is made of martial proceedings for Army Lt. William L. Calley Jr. tense. Korea's detailed needs. b-r \lag Agnew himself Appeals Court on charges of murdering 102 Vietnamese civilians in the Lieu nnimII up ~ ~ went "very the about talk* ParkThereand were indications that alleged My Lai massacre. * * * the well." Asked length of the discussions, a just such his advisers a presented detailed list during reverses Representatives of the Red spokesman said: "This doesn't private sessions with Agnew, The New York Board of Elections said Tuesday that Barn restaurant, 1010 E. Grand necessarily mean they aren't U.S. Ambassador William J. Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, rejected as Democratic River Ave., pleaded guilty in getting along." Porter, Gen. John N. Michalis candidate for another term in Congress, has squeaked through at the last minute with enough petitions to let him run as an independent. East Lansing Muncipal Court for operating condition. in billion 's understood to be and other U.S. officials, unsanitary seeking a pledge of some $3 over the next five years as Agnew came here at President Nixon's request to pledge marijuana sale convictior The board said it had received 3,377 signatures - The restaurant was fined $50 the Price for dropping his continuing U.S. support for By United Press International Court constituted "cruel and assessed costs of $10. objection to the U.S. plan to Korea and listen to Park's views The State Court of punishment." 3,000 is the minimum - all postmarked before last Appeals ruled Tuesday that In another case Tuesday, the Appeals Co a defendant's previous prison sentences are Capi Friday's midnight deadline. inadmissible as evidence in court. ordered resentencing of a Detroit woman w If the petitions are held valid, Powell, who has The Appeals Court overturned was handed a 10 to 20 year sentence for secon the sale of represented Harlem for 24 years, will face Charles B. marijuana conviction of Nelson White of Detroit degree murder on the grounds that state 1 Rangel, who has both Democratic and Republican on the grounds that his jury may have been permits a more lenient sentence than that unusual cases. endorsement in November. adversely prejudiced by testimony revealing he > had previously been sentenced to 2 to 10 years in The case involved Mrs. Geraldine Shamb the state who was convicted of murdering her boyfrie penitentiary for possession of Michigan News marijuana. The court said that while the state legal code when she discovered him with another w~~ A 50-cent-a-ticket lottery, with a drawing each month, permits admission of a defendant's prior According to the court record, Mrs. Shambl the mother of two children, cut her boyfrien has been proposed by a Detroit city councilman to pay convictions, it may not disclose the exact sentence. hip with a penknife, severing a vital artery, for garbage collection. man later bled to death. "It is the prior conduct undertaken by the loth The Rev. David Eberhard Tuesday proposed the accused and not the ensuing punishment which is The Appeals Court ordered resentencii lottery and asked the city's corporation counsel to relevant," the court's opinion said. declaring that Mrs. Shamblin's "excellent recot However, the court ruled against White's was grounds for leniency. The court also said I investigate the legal and constitutional hurdles that contention that the 20 to 25 year sentence wound she inflicted on the man was, uni would have to be cleared to enable the city to conduct a handed down by the Wayne County Circuit normal situations, unlikely to cause death. lottery. Eberhard, who six weeks ago proposed that cars entering the city pay a 25-cent toll, said a lottery would gross S61 million a year before deductions for prizes and overhead. The city now spends $27.5 million for Shop garbage collection. Thomas Doyle, who has served 20 years in jail for similar offenses, has waived pretrial examination in Clarkston on charges of kidnaping and molesting two youths a month ago. Clarkston District Judge Gerald McNally Monday ordered Doyle, 38, of Royal Oak, to be arraigned on the sexually All Vhep< H Three E S >ard< Great charges in Oakland County Circuit Court Sept. 8. Doyle is charged with kidnaping, assault with intent to DOWNTOWN AVANT GARDE ingtc commit murder and sodomy in connection with a 326 S. WASHINGTON July 120 S. WASHINGTON 'Lansing's Leading Family Shoe Store' 21 incident in which two Oakland County youths told EAST LANSING "Ultra Women's Fashions police they were abducted at gunpoint and driven to 317 E. GRAND RIVER Clarkston, where they said they were sexually molested. 'Family and Campus Shoes" Calling Michigan a pioneer in enacting antipollution Since 1944 First Choice - of MSU Students legislation, Gov. Milliken Tuesday signed a bill that requires industries to report and pay penalty fees for dumping pollutants into the state's waters. The new law requires industries to furnish the State RANDALL'S Water Resources Commission a list of all products HEALTH manufactured, a list of by-products, and the total our door's open m number of gallons of waste water Brookfield P|a" - including cooling water - discharged into the waters of the state or to any just across from t sewer system. A&P - stop in and FOODS The amount of assessment depends on the volume, browse thru °u content and number of pollutants and ranges from a selection of organic minimum of $50 to a maximum of $9,000. foods. Because of another law, Milliken signed Tuesday would-be bombers will find it harder to buy dangerous * Teas * Grains * * Natural Sugarless explosives in Michigan. * * cosmetics Under the law, anyone who wants to purchase Rice Juices * Dietetic dynamite, nitroclycerine, TNT or similar explosives * Seeds * * Vegetarian must first obtain a permit from local or State Honey * Allergy - free Police. Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! PHONE: 332-6892 - GOOD NUTRITION THRU NATURAL VITAMINS^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 26, 1970 3 18-year-old vo to face high court Oct. 15 WASHINGTON (AP) - Chief had doubts about its higher than 18. Kentucky and In addition to the Justice Warren E. Burger said Supreme constitutionality and wanted a Georgia already allow 18 - year - Court cases, five New York State Tuesday the Supreme Court will speedy court test. The Justice olds to vote. residents have filed suit in U.S. hear arguments on the 18 At least 24 states, - year - Dept., when it filed its test suits including district court here contending old vote case on Oct. 19. Aug. 17, did not seek a special Kentucky and Georgia, have said the law conflicts with their state The Justice Dept. has been session but asked that they will conform to the 18 - constitution. pressing for an early court groundwork be laid for year - old vote. Ten of the 14 President Nixon has said he determination on the arguments soon after the court states with literacy or good thinks a constitutional constitutionality of the Voting reconvenes Oct. 5. requirements have agreed to amendment would be Rights Act of 1970 which grants The eliminate them for the Nov. 3 necessary government also seeks to legally grant the vote to 18 the vote to 18 - year - - olds, special orders requiring states general election. year - olds. outlaws literacy tests and sets a with literacy tests to register new 30 day residency otherwise eligible illiterates for requirement for Police sift rubble voting in voting in general elections, should presidential elections. 1 the court uphold the new law's The states of Texas and ban on literacy tests. Oregon filed suits against the Idaho and Arizona were government, challenging the act. picked for the government suit And the Justice Dept. has filed suits against Idaho and Arizona to force them to conform to the because both said they would not comply by lowering their voting age. Idaho also said it for clues to blast law. would not obey the shortened Although the government had MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Police questioned and released a residency requirement for Experiment lost sought an early ruling, the 18 • year provision does not go into presidential elections. Arizona has refused to drop its literacy number of young persons Tuesday as bomb experts sifted through rubble for clues into an explosion which ripped through the Army Mathematics Research Center on the ■An experimental auto, the XJ-001, valued at $150,000 by crashed into a bridge. The accident occurred Monday on effect until Jan. 1, and would test. University of Wisconsin campus Monday. (Kaiser Jeep Corp. of Toledo, burns beneath its truck carrier the U.S. 127 overpass of M-50. not affect this fall's elections. However, the court's ruling As the investigation progressed, a student leader r Jackson after the truck apparently blew a tire and AP President Nixon said, when he would affect all 48 states which predicted the Wirephoto school would be confronted with "the signed the bill June 22, that he now have voting age limitations increasing phenomenon of bombs" as a means of social protest. The blast, which authorities said packed "unbelievable power," ripped through the research center in the predawn hours, killing a I By JOHN B. LENGEL ommitment in Cambodia ...... we can can to help the Lon Nol for Cambodia, Cambodia, and the the use of Henkin: I talk about what we to our forces. to our hazy soldier in Cambodia a threat? threat' graduate student, Robert Fassnacht, 33, and injuring three other persons. Services for Fassnacht, a physics researcher, today. Friends set up a memorial fund to aid and three children. were scheduled for the victim's widow government" because "the U.S. air against talk about. The importance Q. Is there Henkin: I don't know. Anyone The FBI and Military Intelligence joined local authorities in the I Associated Press Writer whole matter of power can a widening of the Cambodia is Communist forces in that of the interdiction operations in U.S. position? probe, which police officials said had turned up few early clues. could be. related to the security of our country raised the question of a Henkin: Widening of the U.S. Capt. Stanley Davenport of the Madison police dept. said the IaSHINGTON - Just how troops in Vietnam." Cambodia is to reduce U.S. and Q. How is that decided? blast appeared to be the work of subversives U.S. commitment, if any, at allied casualties in Vietnam. position? I wouldn't characterize Henkin: I don't know how using an explosives - | will this country go in At another point, Agnew said it as such. We are interested in laden truck. ; defense? Is there a Tuesday's Defense Dept. briefing Q. Are we committed to the Gen. Abrams, the U.S. "we have no commitment to for newsmen. Parts of the truck, which may have been one t U.S. commitment, written defense of any regime in reducing casualties, the commander in Vietnam, decides reported stolen Cambodia," but this Aug. 20 from a campus parking lot, were found on the roof of an Jnwritten, to Cambodia's Lon views events there as theycountry affect This is how it went with the Pentagon's chief spokesman, Cambodia? Henkin: The Dept. of Defense continued success Vietnamization and reduction of of that. eight - story building about 800 yards from the explosion. ■ government? conditions in South Vietnam. Q. Is the success of Authorities declined to say what type of explosive Daniel Henkin, asst. secretary of our forces with as few casulaties lice President Spiro T. Agnew The vice intent is to conduct operations Vietnamization linked to Lon been used, but a deputy state fire might have I newsmen last weekend, president's defense for public affairs: there in hopes they will impede as possible. Nol? marshal, Frank Robert, said the statements, the announcement blast was of "unbelievable power -this is no kid stuff." ft're going to do everything Q. Are we committed to the the flow of men and material Q. How does close air support Henkin: You should ask of a $40 • million assistance pact survival of Lon Nol? for Cambodia Damage was estimated as high as $6 million, including into Vietnam that pose a threat help someone else. a $1.5 Vietnamization? million computer. Windows were knocked out as far away as 10 Q. Then is it the military view blocks. Henkin: What I know is that that Vietnamization can't Michael Jaliman of Great Neck, we attack forces in Cambodia by succeed without Lon Nol? N.Y., president of the iffice finds air. If these attacks are not Wisconsin Student Assn., the student government, Henkin: I would say if the predicted at a news conference that the pursued these forces would pose Communists take over all of 34,500 - student Madison campus pe a threat Vietnam. to our forces Q. Is any North Vietnamese in Cambodia it would present increased threats to U.S. forces in Vietnam. would experience more bombings. "When all of the outrage and condemnations fade all still be confronted with the away, we will increasing phenomenon of bombs replacing reason as a vehicle for social protest," Jaliman said. lor surp war mate fASHINGTON (AP) — An obscure but profitable government ias spent 21 years finding peaceful uses for billions of Vietnam arrived in Oakland, Calif. TOP CASH Included among the 391,000 cubic feet of cargo, valued at in obsolete war materials, including a Titan missile silo to become a university marine Miami Dade Junior College in Florida biology laboratory. approximately $6.5 million are diesel engines and truck tires as well as medical refrigerators and disposable surgeon's gloves. FOR occupies what was i 230-acre, 80 • building Navy airport; students in Cocoa :h, Fla., track moon shots with surplus Air Force equipment; Security guards set e-time 185-foot Navy patrol boat is a floating classroom for [Cape nese Fear, N.C., Technical Institute. and other successful conversions are the work of the Ice of Surplus Property Utilization, in the Dept. of Health, USED ication and Welfare. Ince its creation in 1949, the office has transferred federal for Capitol Complex !rty with original cost of almost $7 billion to tax • supported BOOKS nonprofit hospitals, medical centers, schools, colleges, Trainees for the newly created be in charge of the unit with a cities, educational radio and television stations and libraries, Lansing Capitol Complex staff of five corporals and 15 e recipients pay a few cents on the dollar to cover moving Security Unit are scheduled to troopers. service costs. report for 144 hours of training Facilities are currently being federal office, in turn, has returned some $5 million more next week, the State Police he announced Tuesday. prepared for the unit in the Treasury than its total operating appropriations over the two decades. The income is from sale Thirty - seven candidates for garage of the Treas. Dept. of property that "t be donated or is surplus program entered returned by the original recipients, a new phase Tuesday when the the assignment will be given physical examinations and Building. The Capitol Security Unit was VISIT OUR "BUY BACK" large shipment of donatable military property from South training in basic law authorized by the legislature in enforcement procedures, an attempt to provide law physical plant security and crime enforcement for the Capitol DEPARTMENT FOR VACATION ude movie prevention in preparation for the Sept. 26 opening of the Capitol Complex which includes the Capitol and four major state Security Unit. government buildings in a three - Sgt. William H. Carter, 45, will block area. bjecf to city wd the Lansing City Council required to inform the city of city's licensing and the contents of the machine and THE COLONEL CA$H !n"y ordinances Tuesday in : to make coin machines keep them informed as to any INVITES YOU changes in its content. jig nude movies subject to C1'y s jurisdiction, action was Nude movie machines will not qualify for the licenses under the TO DINNER FOR Complete selection of Fall Term Textbooks available d apparently by the installation revised ordinance. of machine In the Adult The state obscenity statute u )re at 503 S. was included in the city's 99c BUY USED "Won which shows nude "mending the definition of disorderly persons ordinance. Now, any person knowingly selling or distributing caught (WITH COUPON) • SAVE 25% , nical device, movie machines the council lewd materials as defined in the 1 DINNER PER COUPON subject to statute is a disorderly person. "censing laws. Applicants The amendments are effective ine "censes also will be Immediately. FUN FRIENDS FRENCH FRIES y!*Sl»te News, the student newspaper at Michigan Stat® FRIED CHICKEN (,. W5lty> is published every class day during four school (KENTUCKY STYLE) plus Welcome Week edition in September. UD*nption rate is $14 per year. inland Associated Press, United Press International, AUG. 24 THRU 27 Hichi y Pr«» Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Association, Michigan Collegiate Press "ion, United States Student Press Association. jfecond class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. .■nd business offices at 347 Student Services ten Kichkw Michi*,n State University, East Lansing, fried iJS" 3M-82S2 Chicken 1040 E. Grand Rtver, E.L. Cll^Advertising 355-8255 3140 S. Logan ta/ Advertising 353-6400 3200 N. East St. (U.S. 27) tore r^ifculiUon 355-3447 4238 W. Saginaw ^"Vsphlc 356-8311 1620 E. Michigan 421 E. Grand River MICHIGAN VIEW STATE NEW' County fair yields perspective UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief EDITOR'S NOTE: hold of this knife, please. FREDERICK J. LESLIE Recently Dal M. anymore? After all, the fair is a relic of a prizes, political handouts, balloons and Take th- and this hammer and drive advertising manager Harris attended the Ionia Free Fair. disappearing rural heritage. In the jargon of handbags. the knif\ The today, it isn't "relevant." Most Michigan into this brick. That's it! following Point of View Now . with the knife KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor represents his observations and folks, especially if they are under 30, Replacement .. . sharp as ever' Th ,sli guaranteed ! - meditations the festivities. couldn't tell the difference between a In these days of confrontation, social never to get dull LARRY LEE, city editor on - L Guernsey and a Jersey cow unless the action and urban crisis, it may be that the advertised on television for JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor $6 k JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor The sign was written with a felt-tip pen names were painted on the animals' sides. Some things are different at the fair this rock festival has replaced the county fair as the summer social event. at the fair you can get it for This is an election only $Xh' year, so the Doliti j on a paper plate and decorated with a 4-H Club cloverleaf symbol. year. Blue jeans and riding boots are still Maybe so, but there is evidence that the are at the fair, too. The for fair is fSH Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award It read: the mode, but bare midriff blouses and bell fair is healthier than ever. youngsters who like to H for outstanding journalism. "Cookies two cents each or 12 for 25 - bottoms are common, too. By the time the Hillsdale County Fair campaign buttons or bumper stickl 1 cents." parent isn't fussy about his politic?£ IfP Most of the booth's customers at the Ionia Free Fair didn't realize that they outflt his kids with headdresses, fans, flyswatters b.Ln?a and f„J hats without spending a dime "* EDITORIAL were saving no money by buying in bulk. Except for the kids, they weren't really The carnival part of the fair is loud.. interested in the cookies anyway. pushy and dusty and hot. It's fun After unless you are , tramping through exhibition buildings, terribly modern consciously sophisticated. and'J animal barns and equipment displays, they were interested most in sitting down in the Quieter shade for a while. The other fair is UnfortunJ Smoke-filled The visitors had been hanging implacably quieter. to their wallets and handbags many visitors hardly notice that it hd through a The trinket counters and costume on at all. ends on Oct. 3, more than 80 Michigan gantlet of amusement rides, games, hotdog jewelry shelves are dominated by peace To get to it, you leave the stands and soft drink concessions. The 4-H symbols and small American flags. county and community fairs will have been midwav d held. past the display of snowmobiles and mi booth, staffed by attractive young girls The newest and busiest concession at the bikes sitting hub - to No attendance figures are available, since selling cookies and ice cold milk, was like fair this year is renting strollers to - headlight * aided during an oasis in the desert. But does anybody go to county fairs parents. Besides toting a toddler in its seat, the stroller makes an excellent rack for weary many of the fairs do not charge admission or otherwise record the number of visitors. A Nashville, Tenn., agency which mammoth green - and - yellow tractors. This other fair surrounds John D< the fan! inner carnival like provides talent for entertainment at fairs a courtyard of nastnT estimated that one of every two Americans sanity. 1 Michigan But the party regulars are Sunday evening, the Democrats left their Grand Rapids increasingly finding themselves the will attend a fair this year. Here one finds the 4-H Club and the exhibit barns, the milk bool The State of Michigan subsidizes county the cafeteria run by the high pony rides aiL state convention convinced, as were victims of their own acts. It was the and community fairs, believing that they benefit agriculture and the rural economy boosters. school ban] * many people, that the facade of party that, in 1968 after the Chicago Urban visitors are reminded of of the state. convention, told disillusioned youth t unity and singleness of purpose that According to Jim Hall of the County Fair ignorance about things agricultural. So to start over, at the grass-roots level, emerged would carry the party to Division of the Michigan Dept. of Items they recognize. Tractors 9 victory in November. by running for precinct delegates. Agriculture, state assistance to local fairs in instance, are familiar. Other machineP 1968 amounted to more than $1 million. leaves them in total mystification. "None of the money comes out of the One strange device at the Ionia L By Monday, of course, all such Followed advice attracted much attention. It looked illusions had been destroyed by the general fund," Hall said. "The state puts in likeL Last week was the first test of how half of the premium (prize) money, half of large, galvanized - iron sawhorse about 1 argument over a little - known well Michigan youth, followed that the building and maintenance costs and feet long. Suspended from the c resolution that passed the hung - advice. The younger delegates, over convention early Sunday unaware that important decisions morning. were made in closed midnight In these days of confrontation, social action and urban crisis, it may be that the Gov. Milliken, who knows a good meetings, had to assume that what occurred on the convention floor rock festival has replaced the country fair issue when he sees one, criticized as the summer social event. Maybe so, but mattered most. Dem leaders for not reacting to the there is evidence that the fair is healthier resolution until it backfired. Thus, they pushed for the minority than ever. plank and amnesty resolution, not But the politicians are so used to quite sure what they could paying attention only to the accomplish, and certainly a little provides 75 per cent of the harness race box-like thing with pulleys and apertuJ proceedings in smoke - filled, closed surprised when the minority plank purses. All of this money comes from the whirred electrically from one end to tj rooms at party conventions - while state taxes on pari-mutual betting." other, then reversed itself with passed. The newcomers are unaware t ignoring the action on the floor - Each county fair is really two fairs going clank. of "political realities" that prevented on at the same time and Finally, that they were totally unaware of the party from being a Jeader in the overlapping in someone explained the d the amnesty resolution until Sen. places. The most visible part of the fair is was a mechanical cattle- feeder. The ci past. They were unconcerned with symbolized by the midway ferris wheel, folks nodded and turned away, Philip Hart saw an article on the and trie sideshow tents. subject in the Washington Post. Even give - and - take compromises and expressions implying that they knew it the time. | responded instead — naively, perhaps Little people tHfen'he thought, perhaps, it was only - on the basis of belief. This part of the fair is what it is really"! a hoax. "Ladies and gentlemen! I will give you about. Compared to riding the J" ' $600! Yes $600 if these Little People are Death Wheel, watching a 13-year-old An onslaught of reaction has now — not alive. Alive! Yet small enough to stand win a blue ribbon for her sheep is m gj occurred following the Levin - Hart - in the palm of your hand. Step inside and thrill. Lenore excused Kelley denunciation of the see the Little People from the valley of the Unless, of course, you are the girl -1 Lenore Romney can be excused resolutions. Amazon!" her parent — or her friend. They are caught in the for her emotional, irrational, twisted The concession stands, the rides, the If this part of the fair does nothing el middle, condemned by Republicans it reminds us that milk still comes frJ games of chance and the "demolition reasoning that amnesty for draft for being soft on crime (Lenore still derby" auto races make up this part of the cows, not from factories. Bread begins I dodgers somewhow demeans "law says Hart has not adequately fair. The hucksters and gadget salesmen are fields of grain, not in laboratories. and order." State Republican repudiated the proposal) and a there, too. Sometimes, this seems like a world I Chairman William F. McLaughlin can "Now, young lady, do you work for me? aluminum foil and plastic. The county disappointment to youthful C| be expected to call the resolution, Of course not. Step right up here and take helps put things back in perspective. delegates who assumed, incorrectly, and those who supported it, that the politicians would not act disrespectful of "Americanism." They are politicans in an election like politicians by responding to political pressure. AP NEWS ANALYSIS year, and reactionaries to boot, who used the situation to appeal to The Democrats have undoubtedly "Americanism" and the Republican been hurt by the incident. The party. The Republicans can be excused, but the Democrats cannot. It is futile illusion of unity Republicans have a is gone; the juicy law order campaign issue; the younger, more liberal wing of the party is - and - Victory hinges on army's ability to discuss the legality of resistance to don't know what will happen to us." Those who have seen similar operations of Vietnam, generally has far i threatening to desert the ranks, and an illegal war. Such terms become party regulars are wondering how it Officially the government plays down the in Vietnam spoke of only two courses open firepower than the government. TheyJ EDITOR'S NOTE: The role of the Khmer Rouge, but recruiting by to the government — abandon the using 122mm and 82mm mo meaningless in the context of ever could have happened. following extensively throughout the coui article is part two of a two opposing forces may be winning large mountain, whose strategic importance was Vietnam. The American goverment - part news indicative they have no major su analysis by Associated Press Writer numbers in the countryside even if the tiny, or send in such an overwhelming has had no concern for legality major source of persuasion is gunpoint. force that the enemy would be forced to problem. Most government units c John T. Wheeler. Brighter outcome retreat. Instead Phnom Penh sent its troops 60mm mortars into the field, and tl except in dealing with those who Some sympathetic foreign military in piecemeal and 300 or more of some of ammunition often is limited. question the legality of our military But perhaps a brighter outcome By JOHN T. WHEELER experts are dismayed by the inability of Cambodia's best troops were killed or Some government units have I acts. Then, suddenly, those who have may be the realization that, indeed, Associated Press Writer the Cambodian command to analyze and wounded. overrun or sent fleeing simply because M supported a shaky regime and waged the party, if not those within it, can anticipate North Vietnamese moves. They lacked even rifle ammunition to fight ml The general was worried that attempts to Cambodian troops sent into heavy an illegal war, in direct be changed by starting at the grass - cite the battle for Kiri Rom, 55 miles than a skirmish. The United States I oppostiion to recruit people into the Khmer Rouge fighting often have no artillery support and the Geneva accords, become roots level and working up. Three southwest of Phnom Penh. Enemy overran the Cambodian air force often seems less supplied more than 40,000 weapons I would succeed unless the government a government battalion defending the tons of ammunition, but the firepof preoccupied with legal niceties. years ago even the mildly worded could demonstrate its ability to hold the 3,000-foot mountain and then dug in to than responsive when a military crisis solution is nowhere in sight. L arises. Sometimes urgent requests for air . majority resolution would have been countryside. The Khmer Rouge are ambush and smash government units sent Even if the firepower were tilted ml A Cambodian Communists. strikes are ignored, or the American - built metamorphosis has occurred scoffed at by the Democratic party. to retake the area. In all, five government government's favor, the Cambodians w(J "We cannot contain the Communists battalions were overrun, heavily ambushed T28s arrive many hours after the request. within the Democratic party that is Last weekend, be hardpressed to hold their own. 1 however, to the now," one officer said recently. "If the or sent fleeing for their lives in an only now becoming evident to the astonishment of everyone, both a Khmer Rouge becomes strong as well, I I8:day No American commander in Vietnam troops now fighting them have repeats battle. old guard within the party. The New would consider moving troops into a engaged elite American units, o strongly worded antiwar resolution Democratic Coalition, the ultra - dangerous area without full artillery inflicting serious casualties. Cambo and an amnesty resolution passed the support. U.S. jets sit on strip alert at officers, on the other hand, still I liberal faction that backed both the regular ranks of the Democratic OUR READERS' MIND Vietnam air bases and can be launched in a learning such rudiments as coordina| minority plank on Vietnam and the party. matter of minutes to go to the aid of multiunit forces and trying to s amnesty resolution, were considered embattled troops. enemy feints from major blows. by party regulars to be powerless. The fact that neither was Even if Cambodia tightens up its military The joint U-.S. - South Vietnamese lu And until now, perhaps they were. supported by either the party bosses or the candidates, does not change Leopardi first dough boy organization, its fighter - bombers and artillery can cover only a small percentage of the battlefields at any one moment. into Cambodia in May and June ins talk about giving the Phnom government a breathing spell to ge | the fact that the Democratic party is South Vietnamese aircraft regularly join in fighting machine organized. changing. To the Editor: One Western expert said the two • I Misplaced I write to take exception, and umbrage, chose to name this dish after his present university rather than MSU, a fact that has fights, but often after they are needed most. U.S. jet fighter - bombers regularly period was welcome but that the ! with a suggestion in a reqent item in the If the party regulars are not ready become somewhat obscured by the have pounded targets in the northeast, turning Cambodia's military mt State News that MSU professor Emeritus effective fighting f^rce.should be me memos for that change, if they are not ready Americanized spelling of the word (pizza). including-close air strikes technically made Giacomo Leopardi is but a figment of some for the party to lead instead of Leon Weaver as part of Washington's program of hitting in years. Only five months ago mos I TO: Candidates Hart, Levin and professorial imaginations! Professor of criminal justice- infiltration routes. regular government units were engag follow, they may discover that in I can report that as of tjiie summer of The Communist command, in a reversal roadbuilding and other civic projects. Aug. 17,1970 Kelley 1972 the youth of this country 1967 when I * made a visit to Italy, RE: Refusing amnesty to war listened too well. Professor Leopardi was. alive and well, {JHAT'S THE SCORE ON 'WE CHECK-OUT CLERKS * dissenters By then, 18-year-olds will be working happily among his rare Etruscan manuscripts in his leaning ivory tower at the University of Pisa. THIS NEW GRAPE JElltf? CARRVOUT! A LOT OF YELLING- Fellows, voting, and the control of the party It was thete that I learned that, among will belong to the dissident voices his other scholarly contributions, Professor Do unto others . . . who say "no" to Vietnam and "no" Leopardi deciphered an ancient Etruscan J.C. to prison. It will not be a time for manuscript giving the recipe for a dish of either baked dough, meat, anchovies, etc., which two - faced candidates or has become a staple of diet in this jittery party regulars. country as well as in Italy. It is regrettable that he Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 26, 1970 £ Negotiator's day uneventful EDITOR'S NOTE: SALT - Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. Negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union to confine the powth of nuclear missiles by the two superpowers. The former ^palace' loaned" An^ricaiw—Ground from buTldingby The the American between 8:30 and 9 a mldiUsht*1 ^ principal m ' officers tn the corner th* !n®tructions a"d other Emba™v in^he mor^no BO K2 ifl two ElS days of the , ' ^ » items of excluding ^hin^on- meet,n& who some minutes before 11 points. A few L°n 1 e with the Soviets will go to the week-Tuesday American With the take place alternately. or When the Eml>assy, where the meetings a.m., those attend the plenary meeting the Soviet by the interpreter En8lish- PaPers w'th 1 American After this, Semenov Presentation, exchanged. which interpreter. translates makes his the presentation Smith then asks his into MEN final talks are globally significant ihrouah the A.se,.ect °ver If the talks if there are h< are any other matters to documents which _ and supersecret. But, here may have preowed for th 75 f*® C" American Embassy, Ambassador taken up. If not, he will j, a look at what a typical day come in during the preceding 15 hours, to make sure they catch anv S V Smith iS the chairman of the Propose the date and the hour of li like for an unnamed nr> with messages, y. . wfda^e guidance " fmm from w K Washineton Washington day" He °Pens the meeting and the next meeting. Semenov makes his nrwonfaH/™ delegate. guidance makes ' presentation, which agrees and the meeting adjourns agrees and the meeting adjourns. translated into Russian - The afternoon is spent on clearance By ERICWAHA reports to Washington, after Associated Press Writer Smith has met with his top aides to review what has VIENNA (AP) - Their occurred. After the reports are business is to bargain with the filed, the day is over for some of the Soviets to curb the deadly nuclear missiles. delegates. Others continue to work on issues in their special They are, to all outward fields, or start preparing for the ippearance, an average group of next Americans. meeting. They are all specialists, in the foreign service, the military service or science. Let us look at a typical Museum SALT-day of an American delegate. Because of the secrecy lid on the talks, he does not want to be named. He is a member of a delegation composed of six principle officers headed by Smith and approximately 25 advisers. The principal officers in expedition A zoological expedition to addition to Smith are: Ambassador J. Graham Parsons, Mexico headed by Ronald H. a former assistant secretary of Baker, director of the Museum, state for the Far East; Paul succeeded in collecting tropical and sub - tropical species of Nitze, a former deputy secretary of defense; Dr. Harold Brown, rodents and other mammals, president of Cal-Tech; Lt. reptiles, and amphibians. They also brought back 500 to 600 General Royal B. Allison of the joint Chiefs of Staff; and preserved mammals. Campus famous name Baker, who led his 20th Lewellyn Thompson, former U.S. ambassador to Moscow. construction Mexican expedition in the past Work continues on the first Life Sciences 25 years, was The U.S. delegate gets to the Building i the Life Sciences accompanied by south of the complex Robert G. Webb, professor of American SALT headquarters in Veterinary Clinic. on campus biological sciences at the State News photo by University of Texas, and four dress shirts Terry Luke students. The trip was financed by the Ford Foundation through Public school the Center. Latin American Studies alternative Baker said the group left June 3.99 25, traveling more than 7,000 miles in a University Museum truck. Most of the expeditionary objective of learning center work was done in two Mexican states, Zacatecas and Nayarit. Your last chance to pick The group also traveled to the up several famous name shirts at great lowlands of western Mexico. The savings. Choose from long sleeve styles in white. In sizes 14Yi to 17, 32-35. Short stripes, solids or party returned on Aug. 20. sleeves in Pprovide an opportunity for Julia Allen, a June graduate in stripes ... & Rv stpvp pvqd By STEVE GYSEL interested The center will also provide high schools," Powell said, hurry! individuals to fisheries and wildlife; Richard ^"mHiiinnw^ opportunities for socio • political New Options, Inc., a coalition radically different develop for themselves new awareness Fitzner, a graduate student in educational experience, the 'earning options relevant to their through involvement of individuals in community projects, meeting representing biological sciences, and Gary People's Learning Center, will Individual needs and to the various organizations and groups Dawson, a graduate student in with experts in various open soon to interested fields, in the Lansing area, is sponsoring irea individuals. Lansing communities, nation and world analysis of political systems and the center. fisheries and wildlife, were the in which they live. MSU students on the expedition, real political involvement in the The center will The center has not been provide an 'Freer structure' center and in James Koschmann, a graduate alternative to the public school (< election accredited by the state, but "The center will have a much student at the University of system, according campaigns. organizers say they are working to Mike freer structure than the public "The center will begin with Texas also participated, Powell, one of its organizers. school system," Powell said. four full on a plan in which MSU would The specimens will not be on While tentatively scheduled to - time staffs of MSU, Students will, according to accept qualified graduates, Lansing Community College and display until they are fully open late this fall to Powell said. people of Powell, choose the studied according to Baker, ages, the center will be geared which they will study, primarily to the 12 through 18 Instructors will *ge group, Powell said. rather than as serve as lecturers. guides POT-SMOKING EFFECTS Headquarters for the center Sensitivity - awareness groups, w in the United Ministries individual and group goal • office, 506 N. Washington tang. several permanent Classes will be held in temporary locations until Ave., setting, individual and a construction educational programs, variety of other of Brain functions modified facilities can be experiential learning techniques established. will replace the traditional CHICAGO (UPI) — A "social ™any marijuana cigarettes as class Qf its preciseness," the Aid founding system, Powell said. high" produced by smoking they wanted in a laboratory said. "Associations journal Vincent Salvo, asst. professor marijuana had become Irf Of caused mild or un*. tney reached their usual somewhat looser, there was sociology, and the Rev. . .. _ Cflnter minimal changes in cerebral subjective high, the journal some excess Kenneth jocularity and the Wood, have been The center will offer courses in electrical responses and in f?ld- the average, two to prosody of language tended to jjstrumental in the founding and . reading skills, mathematics, life neuroligical responses, an article were consumed, show a wilding of the Learning Center, sciences, physical sciences and in the American Medical Assn. slight sing - song type purpose of the social sciences Journal reports. findings of neurologic^ examination, except for mental pattern." tokd in its draft center, i proposal, is to "Courses and experiences can me article by Dr. Ernst A. status had remained completely be added, dropped or changed as Roden, Dr. Edward F. Domino th* artlcle «»d- ^subjects " Gestelt wereTestgivenbefore the found desirable by the center's and James P. Porszk in the Aug. Specifically there was no taking marijuana and while institute members Powell said. because of the 24 issue of JAMA reports on a evidence of ataxia (lack of under its effects. Initial flexibility of the system," study of 10 healthy male freshman medical students who impairment J™®01!" tcoor*fal™ of the cortical significantly poorer 10 subjects tests had Students will have a greater admitted responses they had used sensation. than a nondrug - to honor votee p^ss fn^he whole educational marijuana for a year in "^ertbele.. thinking control group but were still using college at the center. All frequencies varying from several members will meet weekly to times a week to twice a month. subUe fash,on- » had lost a ™thin the of normal behavior. decide matters of change, policy The doctors are from studen and curriculum, according to Lafayette Clinic in Detroit. jteven r. Auvii( Snover poweU The subjects were given as PRESENTS FOR THEIR l Kite ac MAGNETIC TAPE SYSTEMS no-iron casual slacks | JJuate 'ded an student, has been honorable mention LAST BIG WEEK THIS TERM 0 Problem contest Permanent press slacks take you year around ftj6 American Institute sponsored of 5 good reasons in good looks. Patterns or plain. 29-48. A Tf1 hisi Engineers (AIChE). LIVE FROM CHICAGO # achievement, he will be to buy TEAC tape decks: JJW a certificate at the Chi cago"Ual NOV" 7Ae QsieemuMxi *Model A-1200U famous name knit shirts AIChE $299.50 e award is one of the Easy care, neat looking knit shirts in j" t honors conferred on an •Model A-1500U solids and fancies. In S-M-L-XL. stripes, $399.50 S?iaduate istry engineerinB student across the in County Hcutd *Model A-6010U $649.50 ^J8 the third consecutive •Model A-7010U $749.50 walk shorts & swimwear Jt an MSU student L has •Model A-7030U recognition for an HAPPY HOURS NO COVER $849.50 r? nf> solution to Perfect time the |8 -11 P.M. Wed. & Thurs. Wed. & Thurs. to stock up for the days ZL prob|em which is next summer too. Assorted warm 0^0^. 'v^red during the spring. See Them All at... Downtown and Meridian Mall. color, styles. C#C# J*? e"tnes are permitted ALSO Mm • jf JT jTeach school. Hi-Fi L ^petition at MSU The Dells Now Features i was ated by Martin C. DRAUGHT BEER associate professor of '"peering. 7> Anvil IN PITCHERS AND .Plated with high Buys Knapp's or REGULAR SIZED DRAUGHT J»n MSU in June with a THE BEST DRAUGHT «1..eigree 'n chemical Jln8- S During his AT THE LOWEST PRICES " Uate education he IN TOWN! numerous 1101 E.GRAND RIVER awards, te ct„i 8tudy here. fellowship for (50c COVER FRI. & SAT.) Ph. 337-2310 Alio in Ann Arbor Shop Knapp's Thursday Downtown 9:30 to 5:30, Meridian Mall 10 to 9 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 26' 197(1 111 UNITS Fee Hall offers By IRENE PINCKES apartments will also be available "The furniture is comparable floor has a variety of apartments rented and most vacancies are in State News Staff Writer in Akers Hall. to the type of furniture offered ranging from nine four - man the four • man apartments, "Response to the apartments in off - campus housing," the apartments to three two - man A security deposit of $75 must has been really good, but there manager said. apartments. There are only two ^ Paid before moving in. To attempt to maintain are still some vacancies," he said. "The only comment that I student interest in dormitory singles in the building. L'Huillier said that all current Speculating as to whether the have heard from students is that "Everybody likes singles," University rules and regulations living, the University has rest of the dorm will be the apartments are a good L'Huillier said, "but some aPPty to the residents of Fee converted eight houses of Fee converted, he mentioned the combination of on-campus living people do not want to pay Hall apartments. However, the Hall into individual apartment lack of money and said that and off units. - campus living," higher rent." apartment floors will not have "tentatively, the whole dorm L'Huillier added. The singles rent for $390 per resident advisors. "The university must feel the will be converted, but it's hard Although each apartment has a term, two-man apartments are He added that freshman apartments are worth the to say positively." fully equipped kitchenette, $220 per person per term and students will not be allowed to expense," Robert J. L'Huillier, L'Huillier said that students can the four - man apartments are move into the apartments manager of Fee Hall said. "We Advantages still eat meals in the dormitory $190 and $205. because they need the type of must market. change with a changing L'Huillier said there are cafeteria at an additional orientation afforded by the Fee apartm numerous advantages to living in expense. Vacancies regular living situation. "A fair amount of renovation campus apartment in Furniture such this has replaced regular dormitory furniture in Fee Hall where 1 was needed, walls were removed an on - "We would like to offer some Anyone wishing to rent an There are too many things as comparison to an off - campus meal packages," L'Huillier said, apartment should come to the they need to know, he added, apartment units await returning students this fall. Eight houses in the hall were renovated to and door openings moved The rent includes linen "but have not yet been able to around," L'Huillier said. one. service, all utilities, and manager's office in Fee Hall. All fnd jn J;he apartments people combine on-campus and off-campus living situations in individual apartment units on campus This fall 111 apartments will come up with any rates." the two - man apartments are to themselves. State News photo by John Harrington telephone service. Each The manager said that some be available for occupancy, 65 apartment is carpeted, air - of which are additional units people complain about the noise conditioned, and furnished and and studying problems in the constructed this summer. with a set of pots, pans, comes dorms, and added that carpeting East, West Fee combined L'Huillier added that 20 similar dishes and silverware. the apartments and halls has helped. Absorbs sound "Carpeting absorbs a great deal of sound," L'Huillier said, "and While the building has quieted the building down By IRENE PINCKES name of Fee Hall, retains the the former worked together with students to form a proposal, but spring advisers on the apartment floors, the other floors the RA's will try to identify concerns — • studentsL State News Staff Writer try to work| considerably." . ,r . . office of head adviser will be term ended without any will be leaders of together with students h^ Rent in the apartments livL »LTthillwK living will begin this fall with the Changed to director for student progress. He said that he had not heard understanding groups. "The __ resident - advisers will provide a variety 0f Uvinfl on experiences. with hvn . the man greatest demand tor onoi-fmonfc ITo/>k ""ft"™ common Bob Maurovich, <■ currently head adviser of Abbott Hall, anymore about the subject until Bernard Abbott, area director of help individuals themselves and other people," relate assume the position of director. "We've come to the point where and staffs East campus, recently told him that "girls will be living on the fifth floor of West Fee." Maurovich added. "This is an attempt to tie the RAs Into educational Hunting men women programs." Maurovich said. "Fusing two staffs will make it easier to work understand Maurovich said, "the apartments in it," "Fee Hall is an experiment next year," he said, "to find out of burr Fee were built as a test what kind of administrative staff together." project." structure is appropriate to meet The changes consolidation, however, more than just the administration staff. On the west The new director said that the response to the apartments has been good and he expects to see students' needs." Concern: control the past," Maurovich prohibitedI side of Fee Hall, six floors the whole dorm eventually added, "student personnel SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)| formerly housing only men have converted, people have been concerned The state Senate has decided nol been converted into apartments. Favorable conditions with control. Our concern is in to let hunters shoot the wi|| Women will now be living on "If the University finds out enhancing the individual burrows which the fifth floor of these that there is such a need for student's outlook." California's southern deserts apartments. on-campus living and all He said that he hopes to look mountain ranges. On-campus living conditions are favorable," at students' values and help the It voted 20 to 4 against a bil to permit the hunting aft# 'Apartments on-campus Maurovich said, "I think there students unscramble their lives should provide the same type of Senate Democratic will be a move in that through groups working chairman Mervyn Dymalli campus direction." together. He said that the staff is trying Maurovich will be assisted by quipped it was "a Republics! i make the apartments the former head adviser of East plot to kill all the Democrat! Maurovich expressed surprise appealing to students and that Fee, Claudia Quick, whose new jackasses." on the summer passage of the this new living situation will be title will be associate director for Republican Sen. coed more in tune with off - campus student education. Richardson sponsored the bill Miss Quick will be developing saying the burros compete f« There will be -no resident student - oriented educational food with game animals such q programs and the whole staff the big hom sheep. fprP 3S1 8800 MfRlOtAN MAIL I A ft MM GUANO HIVffif. VARSH RD DURING TWI LITE HOUR1 {benefit for drug info, centen don't cry tony ... torn mix lives! tonite at 7:30 only, peoples church 200 w. grand river; TERROR TRAIL, sound, & THE MIRACLE RIDER, sound. (Chap. 4) Co-star - jason robards exploring cinema, phone 351-0979. MUSIC MAN postponed 'till november V Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 26, 1970 7 IIWASHINO1 Doctors expect hNGTON chiNGTON (AP) An government health offJcials officials say further diptheria outbreaks - say. exn«-t limits ■ ■ | d h Doctors in the U.S. Public dKL outbreaks of nJ parJ- in thAe . ^ specialists say from three "Probably the majority of the CommunK , B us "Black Death" of the Health Service's , conversation were Feldman, chief of the Dr. Roger A. to five diptheria outbreaks can iow - economic ghetto areas against diptheria, compared with "Yes, causes of plague have been about 70 rrs&i special pathogens section; Thomas M. Buchanan, a medical CDCy Dr be expected yearly in the United States for the indefinite future unless the levels of throughout the country are p0orly immunized,» the doctors per cent comparably • sized cities. for recorded among hippies." The experts said plague is usually transmitted to man by epidemiologist; Dr. Gerald A. reported Feldman said five cases of immunization are increased and wild rodents, such as rats and »San Antonio esDeciallv in plague have been reported in squirrels and the fleas Faich, epidemic service intelligence officer; and Dr. Arthur S. maintained. Buchanan said diptheria has the LeT e^nomSTeS bit New Mexico and two in harbor. they a|so including some hieher California this year. There have Osborne, director of the foreign economic arei hit San Antonio hardest, with 55 been 31 cases Faich and Osborne said the quarantine division. - has even lower S of TmmuniStTon tZ reported since \ontreal, cases reported so far this year-, cholera currently being reported Toronto 1965 — all in Western states — Diptheria outbreaks have been 25 in the past month. There from Russia and eight Eastern other cities of its size compared with fewer than 10 reported in Chicago, Miami, San Antonio and Eligin, Tex. have been 192 cases reported nationwide, compared with 200 Buchanan "hroLhout the count^ " during any previous five year - nations is not expected to spread to any significant degree to the Bubonic plague said period since 1925. Bubonic plague, which killed cases in all of 1969. mIv continue A new CDC report concludes main Euroepan continent or to North America — but sporadic Epidemics Les Gourmets »wa „ t that the increase "reflects a hundreds of thousands when it "TTiis jn swept across Europe during the mean does not necessarily that that i 1971 there will be for the outbreak will°conSe larger number of persons being cases may be introduced. Faich said reports from Russia Middle Ages, has been reported epidemics of quite a while," Buchanan exposed to wild rodent activity, marked only the second time massive in six Western states in the added, "and obviously there is either by their living styles or past proportions,' Buchanan said, need for since 1948 that Russia has five years. ? considerable effort recreational Iforonto and Montreal are the through contributions from About 35 students will be Cholera, another ancient killer, "or that diptheria will become r d s particularly camping." activities, reported having cholera. !,(two cities on the agenda of hotel and restaurant making the trip in October. analarmfng national problem." immunization." Osbome said that the World E Gourmets field trips. organizations and by Last year Les Gourmets visited has been reported in Indonesia, But he said that with at least A recent survey showed Hippies plagued Health Organization feels that the Philippines, India, only ■res Gourmets is an complementary donations from Washington, D.C. and Denver, Vietnam, 15 per cent of the nation's 50 per cent of the pre - school "And the disease by 'living styles' we westward from Russia will not spread onization of students in the the establishments visited. Colo. Burma, Nepal, East Pakistan, children not immunized, "we to and school • age children in San mean the any restaurant and South Korea and Russia. can expect repeated outbreaks." style of living of the so called 'hiDDies'," Feldman said. significant degree. ,el Antonio had been immunized ■ Ititutional management lUnatMSU. Be field tr'P is schedu,ed for L 13-18. L purpose of Les Gourmets topromoU' professional pride L fellowship in the service annual field trips to cities ■die United States and Canada Mplement the formal training Ke classroom. Ty visiting hotels, restaurants PESCHKE'S SMOKED MAMS I clubs and their staffs, (dents have a chance to professional techniques, erve be field trips are financed BONELESS I "W *» frofessor Pmg Worm!" 11 armour star FRYER Baves U BREASTS OR WHOLE LEGS jrnew job Irketing Lazer, in professor of the Graduate lb. 37« Thool of Business kministration, will assume an FOOD e post in the American SALAD DRESSING 135< irketing Assn. (AMA) vice CLUB serve as ladent of the AMA's n division. The 17,000 Jmber association includes d government fecials as well as academicians 1 more than 130 college TOP FROST 16-oz. FISHSTICKS ■temationally known for his ' in marketing, Lazer will be lonsible for the work of 10 Wt. I forces and six committees. ;t week with Virginia Pkg. it, presidential assistant for PAGE 'r affairs, is part of this Assorted Napkins OTop Fresh APPIAN WAY—5c off Label «md <> Top Fresh o Top Fresh » ; c} Top Fresh is the coauthor of three in of marketing and the Regular Pizza Mix I a soon -to-be - PUFFS PRINT new work, "Marketing ^ Facial Tissue «».' CALIFORNIA ORANGES 59? Jigement - A Systems SWIFT'NING ■pective." Twill be installed in his new 1 following the marketing (J5 Shortening A WESSON SUNKIST 's annual conference on, Mass. Cooking Oil BREAST O' CHICKEN M ^FORMATION 48? 390b Light Chunk Tuna HOME v ass TOMATOES 15* rOP FROST FROZEN Pie Shells S N 12:45. ■TODAY: Feature 1:00 3:10-5:15- TOP FROST FROZEN GROWN 7:25-9:35. Mixed Vegetables TOP FROST FROZEN BLUEBERRY |jp lS1:00LADIES DAY! or l!?1 - to R-nn pm Cherry Dome Pies FOOD CLUB THOMPSON SEEDLESS OR RED CARDINAL OR DLUE EXOTIC Sour Cream SHUftTENDA GFTTW&. Chicken Patties ,, tSTl t/VMTgg HEAT AND SERVE KRUNCHEES OR Perch Fillets ¥ Top Fresh «ira O Top Fresh <»EB O Top Fresh »•( o Top Fresh O To J°DAY . . . Op3en Ajn (WO DISNEY hits! SAVE 21c 20'* SAVE 20c ' 267 save 26c R ■ will) thir coupen toward Hw pwrchat* of ! White & Auorted FAB LAUNDRY SAFEGUARD BEIGE M DETERGENT !BATH DARS "NK ! CHARMIN msu" pil" 19 KCHNICOLoit" d0mBBzaa 2ND FUN R,DISNEY HIT! ITT* SAVE 16" PILLSBURY FLOUR thrifty acres I? THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 AM TO 10 P.M. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. SUNDAY HOURS 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. L?5c to 6 p.m. 5125 W. Saginaw — 6200 S. Pennsylvania — Grand River at Okemos Road 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, AugUst 26, i97q -SPORTS- Ugh—Irish, By JEFF ELLIOTT State News Sports Editor '70 Spartan football Bucks/ and Tim Anderson and Mike didn't even see any Sensibaugh (defensive backs) are early drills this spring. all three year starters. A likely action during Offensive tackle Dan Diedorf, W but former Betts has been and will be quarterback moved to Wne(1 J° -'« i safe!! choice next to Stillwagon in the middle guard Henry Hill and Darden, last year's roving The Spartans will play Notre middle of the line is sophomore linebacker Marty Huff could all Dame, Ohio State and Michigan on successive weekends this accounted for 420 yards in total Quarterback Rex Kern will George Hasenohrl, a former high land on the All America team - school fullback and heavyweight along with Doughty or Taylor. ZiLZ S year. If State wins two of the offense against top ranked Texas start his third year as the Buck's wrestling champ. The Wolves secondary will miss three games, they'll be in the Rose Bowl in January — I'll in last year's Cotton Bowl. signal caller, and for the third In Ann Arbor this fall a Tom Curtis and Barry Pierson s„Td°srw: Larry DiNardo, a sure-bet All - straight year will be pressed by healthy and recovered Bo stake a week's pay on it. American, and Gary Kos are the outstanding b^ck-up man Ron Schembechler will begin his In nearly every pre-season poll only returning linemen but Maciejowski. If that duo isn't second season after an incredible that has been published to date, several promising sophomores enough Coach Woody Hayes can first year in which he led an the Irish, the Buckeyes and the appear ready to help out. Tom always turn to sophomore Ross unheralded squad to the year's Wolverines have been in the top Gatewood, who grabbed passes Moore, who broke Joe Namath's upset and a berth in the Rose ten and have yet to be left out for yards and 3 touchdowns high school records in Bowl. of any list of the top 20 teams against the Spartans will also Pennsylvania. At the end of spring practice for the 1970 season. The only return. Kern will have two of the best Schembechler said the question in mind is what order On defense, the Irish lost ends in the Big Ten to throw to, Wolverines should be better than they'll be rated in relation to everybody's All - American, Jan White and Bruce Jankowski, last year's squad which spells each other. Mike McCoy, but that's about all who split 46 passes and 10 nothing but trouble for the rest Notre Dame is probably the they lost. Clarence Ellis is a touchdowns last year. Anchoring of the Big Ten. The Wolves will "weakest" of the three, if you prime candidate for All-America the offensive line will be Tom have one of the top returning dare use the term weak when honors at defensive back and DeLeone who will probably be quarterbacks in the league in the talking about Irish football. will be joined by three other moved to center to replace all - person of Don Moorhead. He's Quarterback Joe Theismann veterans to provide the Irish league center Brian Donovan, a the key to Michigans' attack, returns after an outstanding with a solid pass defense. doubtful starter for the '70 having carried the ball 170 times season last year. Theismann was If Notre D^me sounds solid, season due to a knee injury. and passed 210 times last year. a proven runner and last year's Ohio State is made of steel. It's Buck coaches are high on Moorhead outpassed and outran 108 completions for 1,531 yards hard to find a weak spot in the sophomore guard, John Hicks, OSlTs Kern and Purdue's Mike also proved his effectiveness as a Buckeyes lineup this year, either the biggest (6-3, 240) guard to( Phipps in headon duels last year. passer. on offense, on defense or on the play for OSU since Jim Parker.' If the Wolverines' dynamic Behind Theismann, the Irish bench. Head Coach Woody Jack Tatum and Jim duo of Glen Doughty and Bill will probably start an Hayes and his seniors who went Stillwagon were All - Americans Taylor stay healthy, Michigan U-M halfback Glen Doughty sheds off Cal Fox and an experienced backfield of Bill to the Rose Bowl two years ago last year and tould be joined by will have the best one - two unidentified MSU player in last year's contest at Spartan Barz at fullback and Dennyr have all but made their hotel two or three more defensive punch in the league. Both junior Stadium. A healthy Doughty could spell trouble for the Allen and Andy Huff at the halfs, reservations in Pasadena for this mates this year. Mark Debevc halfbacks were hampered by a trio that along with Theismann year's game. (end), Doug Adams (linebacker) injuries last year and Doughty Wolverine opponents this year. University of Michigan quarterback Don Moorhead ij sandwiched between Brad McLee (35) and an unidentified Spartan while Clifton Hardy (30) moves up to lend assistance in last year's MSU • U-M game. Moorhead will be back this year to lead the Wolves who will be seeking revenge for last year's 23-12 defeat to the Spartans. Top golfers to play in Dow Jones open CLIFTON, N.J. (UPI) — A field of 150 including ail of golfs top names begins shooting Thursday for the biggest first prize ever offered on the lush PGA tour, $60,000, in the Dow Jones open at Upper Montclair Country Club. A record $300,000 kitty will be at stake in the 72-hole event in which most of the profits go to charity. Just a dozen years ago, Arnold Palmer won his first yearly money winning title as a young pro with $42,608, but this weekend the tournament runnerup will earn nearly that much. Palmer, of course, is in the field. Billy Casper, the tour's top winner this year with four titles and $139,585, is entered, too, along with Jack Nicklalis, Gary Player, Sam Snead and 57 of last year's top 60 money winners. The four players who have won two events this year - Lee Trevino, Dick Lotz, Bruce Devlin and Frank Beard - are entered. Nicklaus has won three, but only the Byron Nelson Classic counts on the tour list. The British Open and the PGA Team Championship, which he won with Palmer, do not. Winners of the year's big 4 tournaments — Nicklaus (British Open), Casper (Masters), Tony Jacklin (U.S. Open) and Dave Stockton (PGA) — also are entered. Casper is the "hot" player right now after winning the AVC0 Classic Monday by three strokes at Sutton, Mass., where last year he missed a cut for the first time in five years. The Dow Jones will be the fifth tournament held at Upper Montclair, a generally flat, 7,085 - yard, par - 72 layout which borders the Garden State Parkway in northern New Jersey. BASEBALL STANDINGS EAST EAST w L PCT. GB W L PCT. GB Baltimore 80 45 .640 - Pittsburgh 70 " " New York 69 57.548 llVi New York 66 59 .528 3 DETROIT 68 57 .544 12 Chicago 66 62 .516 4W Boston 63 60 .512 16 St. Louis 60 66 476 9Vi Cleveland 61 64 .488 19 Philadelphia S7 69 452 2tt Washington 60 65 .480 20 Montreal 55 71 .437 14)4 WfcSl WEST W L PCT. GB W L PCT. GB Minnesota 73 50 .593 _ Cincinnati 84 45 .651 - California 69 56 .552 5 Los Angeles 55 .560 12 Oakland 68 58 .540 6Vi San Francisco 63 62 .504 19 Kansas City 49 77 .389 25W Atlanta 63 63 .400 19)4 Milwaukee 46 80 .365 28Vi Houston 56 70 .444 26)4 Chicago 46 83 .357 30 San Diego 48 79 .378 35 TUESDAY'S RESULTS TUESDAY'S RESULTS New York at Kansas City, night Houston at Montreal, night Boston at Minnesota, night Atlanta at New York, night Miss J's at ease in the long and the short Washington at Chicago, night Cincinnati at Philadelphia, night Milwaukee at Cleveland, night Pittsburgh at San Diego. * g. * Oakland at Baltimore, night Chicago at Los Angeles, night of Garland's fabulous fashion mix. . .length is what it's all about this California at DETROIT, 2, two-night St. Louis at San Francisco, night fall and every length here is looking good in powerful plaids KEEP IT U-M practices of moss/marigold/black/red pepper wool/nylon with color-cued CLEAN WITH ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Col Bo Schembechle «n ONE HOUR University of M'chl« tops. The skirts and pant, sizes 5-13 The tops, sizes 36-40. Wolverines through the first of double drills Tuesdl A Tunic vest of marigold wool, $16. Turtleneck sweater of SERVICE FROM emphasizing conditioning workouts without pads. Sixty-eight football pW, pepper red B Knit Orion1® $8. Short fringed plaid kilt, $16. poncho with buttoned front and fringed edge, marigold, $17. LOUIS CLEANERS turned out days of for the first of conditioning ' before an audience that several graduates from includ last y 623 E. GRAND RIVER Rose Bowl team. Brushed plaid pant, $14. C Crew sweater of marigold wool. $11. Longer plaid skirt with full-length front zipper, $15. Shown with upbeat accessories from our Miss J Shop Ja cob son's Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 26, 1970 9 eti L'MKimi Mall aftwuis Sim wote atV Lansing Mall • meridian and lansing „ nff.ii u u ..Meridian Mall Yankee Center . . mon. thru sat. 10 am to i 5210 W. SAGINAW O AT sundays—noon til If I ELMWQOD 1982 W. GRAND RIVER CORNER OKEMOS 930 W. HOLMES RD. CORNER LOGAN ST. TOMATO KETCHUP HAMADY BROS GmpCetc^W (cnfeU 2-LB; KEG SIZE 44< " »27c thank you TOP O' THE GRADE j PUKfc stems PEAR HALVES IN SYRUP . .'.^n02 4Z MOTHER HUBBARD NOODLES . AjJ FRESH oscar mayer attached LB. TRrf CHILI WITH BEANS. 37c adam's florida *fcar delmonico f GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS '-IT ELBOW MACARONI FRYER LEGS HAMBURG PICKLE SLICES .^53° b-vitamin rich vegetable juices U COCKTAIL JUICE 9^13 ^ ff michigan 9 YduN£ Miae/cA ccizp/ ftoq Ashby V>./Cr. uou\L,*p. EAST SIDE, Furnished 1 and 2 bedroom, furnished and 694-8587,337-0810. 3-8-28 EN MINUTE! transportation. Reasonable. Phone LVSZ bedroom apartments. Adults only. unfurnished, $130 $175 completely fi East Lansing, after 3 p.m. W - TWO GIRLS want RATES Mel, 332-3226, days. 0-8-28 Phone 372-3520. 4-8-28 to sublet fai before 4 p.m.I monthly. Possession now or fall and spring. 1 day $1.50 HOUSEKEEPER, LIVE-IN or out. September 1st. Call manager, 351-4537! PONTIAC TEMPEST 1963 4 door. NEED ONE male for three man, own N, $200 roo 15c per word per day Occasional babysitting. Whitehills 351-2439 or FOX PROPERTY Radio. Automatic. Good bedroom, $60 monthly. Call jnd parkin, 3 days $4.00 transportation, $150, or best offer Estates, 351-6223. 4-8-28 Employment For Rent 332-8641 after 1 MANAGEMENT, 372-1954. TF 332-3574. 3-8 p.m.; ask for 13!4c per 5 days word per day $6.50 353-4164. 1-8-26 GRAD STUDENT babysitting and light housekeeping wife for LINE UP a fall job now. Begin work Art. 1-8-26 UNIVERSITY VILLA: Three and four man furnished, $185 and up, SANDALS ALE HOUSIN and training in August. Subsidiary APARTMENTS ACROSS from 13c per word per day in faculty home. 9 a.m. - 3:30 of Alcoa. Car necessary. Call 35 1-3729. HALSTEAD CUSTOM-MADE campus. 1 and 2 bedroom MANAGEMENT COMPANY 332-3839.3-8- (based on 10 words per ad) p.m. One pre-schooler welcome. 351-7319 for interview. C TO FIT YOU! TV RENTALS, $8.50/month. Free apartments, downtown Lansing. SUNBEAM ALPINE Roadster 1966. Own transportation. Call deliveries. Call SELCO T elephone days, 489-4208. 351-7910^0 IUTH END: Peanuts Personals must be Wire wheels. Good condition. Call 332-8039 after 9 a.m. 3-8-27 'The latest styles - 15 COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. Evenings, 372-1411.4-8-27 MALE OWN room, furnished house, paid, boys < HIRING COLLEGE students for full choose from. Made of fine pre-paid. C _ ^2^690_ 3-8-28 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, Part time time work now and part time BEECHWOOD: Three and four man, September 17. Call immediately, quality prime leather. 2-6677. 3-8-28 There will be 50c service 351-0788. 3-8-28 a TRIUMPH 1962 TR-4. Runs well. 15-20 hour/week for typing and during school year. Fantastic job, TV RENTALS Students only. Low - furnished, $200 and up, EN: CLEAN and bookkeeping charge if Phone 332-6628 or 482-8410. shorthand. Hours flexible. Pay flood pay. Call 371-1813 between monthly and term rates. Call 332-0965. HALSTEAD Measured to your foot 8 -12. C GIRL NEEDED; own bedroom, Cooking. One this ad is not paid within 3-8-26 negotiable. Call 489-5176. 4-8-28 351-7900 to reserve yours. MANAGEMENT COMPANY, September - June, $65. Evergreen. make them the 1 Supervised, 41 week. UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C 351-7910.0 one TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1966. 4-speed, HEAVY PRODUCTION cook Call Rosanne, 351-2481. 3-8-28 comfortable sandals you HOUSEKEEPER, $45 per week plus News will be ever wear! The State radio, wire wheels. Call 355-3057. board and room. Part time, live-in. wented 20 - 30 flexible hours per RENT A TV from a TV company. WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 OUR OWN ro 5-8-26 Phone 351-6729. 4-8-28 week, $2.50 per hour. Call furnished responsible only for the $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. bedroom or Near. Parking first 337-7400. 3-8-28 NEJAC TV RENTALS. C unfurnished. Balconies, security CAMPUS VIEW Here's what to do: day's incorrect VOLKSWAGEN 1964 Squareback. $60.332-335". DENTAL ASSISTANT for locks, laundry. Quiet area. Call APARTMENTS insertion. AM-FM radio, gas heater. Leaving Orthodontic office. Experience PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH 351-4698, 332-3311 and Stop in anytime. 8 a. country. 332-3937. 3-8-27 necessary. Call 482-9695 days, 484-0702 evenings. 3-8-26 assistant. Part time. Fall, maybe winter. Keep calling, 353-7103. Apartments 351-8890.0 Across the street from 5:30 p.m. weekdays, 8 noon Saturday. Williams Hall on Michigan VOLKSWAGEN 1964: sun roof, 3-8-28 THE MARMAX, 225 Division, 4 man Ave. University approved excellent shape, great body. After FOUR AMBITIOUS students to call Come in today! 5, 482-8756. 3-8-28 CLEANING WOMAN one day, 8 apartments. Block from Berkey, Supervised Housing for Automotive otv—Fraternities and Sororities Quiet. Call 351-5143. TF women students under 21. during week of September 21st, to hours, $2.00/hour. Own ONE GIRL needed, 3 girl luxury. OUBLE ROOf VOLKWAGEN 1962 convertible. take orders for cleaning supplies. transportation. Call after 6 p.m., Leasing this week for Fall Parisian Shoe Repair and AMBULANCE 1961 Cadillac. Superb EAST LANSING near One 332-4085 weekdays after 5 p.m. privileges Good condition, $400. Willing to ED 2-5634. 3-8-28 campus. 1970. Call Today: condition, stereo tape, $430. Catalog furnished. Company bedroom, furnished. 3-8-26 501 E. Grand River B campus, i bargain. After 6:00, 351-4923. Large airy 332-0987. Mike. 3-8-27 delivers. Top commission. For 351-3960 be < rooms. Air conditioned. 332-4074 3-8-27 PART TIME typist - secretary; 20-40 appointment, phone 484-9312 or 332-9246 CHEVROLET WAGONS 1959, good body, runs, $100 or (two): VOLKSWAGEN 1969 489-2286. 5-8-28 hours per month; Hours to be arranged. 351-8932. 3-8-28 Beautifully clientele. 882-6549. O maintained. Lease. Select 332-3135 or WE WILL (Below Campus Drugs) IA0UATE best offer; 1961, good engine, SQUAREBACK, AM-FM radio, CURTIS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Parking. Call poor body, $20. Both for $95. 332-5555 after 5:30. 3-8-27 complete service records, 25,500 miles. $1,900. 351-4892. 3-8-27 has fee paid and FEE negotiable jobs for general office, secretaries, HASLETT ARMS EVEN FURNISH ings. IV 2- clerical help. Phone 482-0783. Escape from ordinary CHEVROLET 1963 convertible, fair Scooters & Cycles 3-8-26 UNIVERSITY THE DISHES... condition, $200. Call 677-2302,1 - 4 p.m. 5-8-26 STUDENTS $400/month guaranteed JERRACE apartment living to the luxury of North Pointe. And CHEVROLET 1963, standard, good HONDA 1966, 160 Scrambler. 6,000 miles. Perfect condition. Call if you meet our requirements. Train now for a position that EVERGREEN ARMS With Every Lease while you're basking in the running condition, phone 332-0256. S-8-28 allows you ample time to study. * luxury of air - conditioned, carpeted North Pointe living 355-8129. 3-8-28 SUZUKI 1970 350. Excellent International company; must have car. 484-1335.2-8-26 3 AND 4 MAN APARTMENTS FOR FALL TERM FROM $232.50 FOR A NINE MONTH LEASE. Signed This . . think of the economy. . CHEVROLET 1965 IMPALA: Power condition, $650. Call 332-0318. Rentals from $175 per steering, brakes, V-8, stereo, 3-8-28 SUMMER employment AND with part full time line SELECTED MANAGEMENT GO. Week for month. belted tires, excellent condition, - merchant wholesaler. Automobile 444 E. MICHIGAN " 351-1070 ic. 355-6009. X-3-8-27 HONDA miles, 1970 perfect 100 Scrambler, 300 condition. Offer. required. 351-5800 for WATER'S EDGE WING MACHI Brand new CUTLASS 1964 Convertible has Information. O pi record player. Must sell, best 351-1294. 3-8-28 and $5.00 per moi reconditior offer. 351-6305, 3-8-26 CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national companies. Compare our rates. RIVER'S EDGE Singers, Home & "Mai Whit DODGE 1965 Coronet station 2205 East Michigan, Lansing or <° wagon, very good condition. CEDAR GREENS We will give you $39.95. " 505 Albert, East Lansing, a free set of dishes. OlSTRI BUTI Owner leaving country. $825, 946 Fall Leases 2-Man 484-8173.0 "15 Nor Lilac, 351-8141. 1-8-26 ROOMMATE SERVICE One Bedroom - Furnished *89-6448. C-8- PROVIDED FIAT 850 Spyder — Corvette yellow, KAWASKI 1969, 250 Scrambler. $160 $170 Corner of Haslett Road and M-78 - See Don in Water's Edge 1600 miles, $450. 484-2709. black convertible top, sharp, cute; 2-8-26 Phone 351-8631 332-4432 Roger Taskey 351-3420 Stan Guski 351-8 40 mpg. $1200 list, only $995. 694-4641. 2-8-26 FIREBIRD 400 1967 Stick, air conditioned, all Convertible. power. TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student CROSSWORD $1800 or best offer. 351-3873 units. These spacious luxury apartments are completely PUZZLE Bona H COLOR T 6-8-28 nrara ras Ponograph apartments - carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean k^en table.: FORD COUNTRY Squire W HDE 1963, 9 furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and passenger. Needs some repairs. ACROSS □□gp Will trade for color TV or black individual control - central air conditioning. These four man 1. Move 24. Choice coffee uHQara and white TV and air conditioner (formerly Northwind Apis.) [dfflZlH S units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure 6. Conforms 28. Fleer or other furniture. 482-5166. 12.Labor 29. Client □□ 4-8-28 time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated 30. Lawful 3d ratsa organization FORD GALAXIE 1964 Country swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you Live on campus- 13. Monkey 32. Superlative want to bo among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call 14. Operatic ending Squire. 6 cylinder, economy. soloists 33. Chalice 355-7917,353-1723. 2-8-26 today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. ... off-campus...at 15. Coin 16. Sever 17. Honey 36. 37. 38. Egg drink Jaguar Number five 18. Stout 40. Theme WIS llll 19. Mountain 42. Shrewd DOWN MODEL (B-17) NOW OPEN defile 43. Soap plant 1. Burgeon Going, EVERYDAY EXCEPT THURSDAY 1 P.M. FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: - 6 P.M. apartments * * SHAG CARPETING NEW FURNITURE 20. Engine 22. Almond syrup 44. 45. Showered Attempted 2. Mythical animal * MARSHA CHANEL 332-6441 or 372-2797 UNLIMITED 2 T- r- 22 f T" r- 5~ W n— GONE • NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES Live it up! Join the Campus just a pad to hang your hat . . . Hill mob. More than because there's lots of bonus extras! Like: a Mini-bus that takes you (5 * * PARKING DISHWASHERS AIR COND. FT" ir- Avoid the round trips a day) from apartment doorstep to class¬ * nr is- AVAILABLE ON THE BANK OF last minute room eliminating parking problems, expense and tardiness. Like: a romantic ''social" area with picnic THE RED CEDAR iT~ fr ig- crunch during tables and B-B-Q pits and stuff. Read below for more * 4 MAN $220 Mo. finals. For the features than you'll ever get . . . and dig this . . . * 19 20 3 MAN $210 Mo. best location in town in a apartment, hurry to luxury ®tol»clunsf)am from only $180 a month. ee Central Air Conditioning ■ All Utilities included except ■ electricity ■ Carpeting Throughout ■ Drapes Completely Furnished ■ B;lalcony or Patio Units * 2 MAN AND 9 MONTH LEASES ALSO AVAILABLE w 28 w TT 26 __ 4620 S. Hogodori ■ Study Area with drop lite ■ Walk thru Kitchen WATER'S EDGE and featuring ■ ■ Refrigerator ■ Range ■ Disposer Dishwasher ■ Laundry facilities ee Storage and mm una■ 33 K 35 jr~ Wti. 37 MODEL OPEN RIVER'S EDGE APARTMENTS ■ Unlimited Parking. ■ Party Room DAILY 35" * P Roommate Service Provided MANA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y B Y: «££•» Model Apt 202-A I PHONE W 55" See Don at 1050 Open 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. I 351-0782 behind the Water's Edge or UMMMH On Grand River West of Okemos Rd. Yankee store W 53" call 3324432. Alco Management Company OBSESS Practically next door to Coral Gables. CALL 351-8282 22 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 26, 1970 |1 "For Rent For Sale Acquittal requested ORGAN - FARFISA BEDROOM house, a Combo for three students, mal Compact. Good condition $300 £ 2705 Harton. 3-8-28 or best offer. 361-3777 after Skip. W five Houses POLICE MONITORS, Sonar FR103 by Panther defense •pecial sale $29.95 up plus bedroom, carpeted. crystals. MAIN UHNISHED September 4 lit. Call ELECTRONICS, 6558 South Pennsylvania Avenue 02-5882.4-8-28 Lansing. C FRONT house for couple: RELAX-A-CIZOR — Effective weight NEW HAVEN, Conn. lot, sandy beach, 10 minutes reducer. Excellent condition (AP) - While the jury prepared to Sams also gave police Best Black Panther Lonnie McLucas decide McLucas* fate, between MSU, garage, $150 plus offer. 355-6122. 3-8-28 is statement that led to the arrest charged in a crime that "came 500 and 1,000 persons, most of of national Panther Chairman GARAGE SALE: Twin and roll out of the sadistic, demented them white, rallied across the away Bobby G. Seale on murder and mind" of bed, miscellaneous. 240 Oekhill someone else, street in his support. conspiracy charges. 4 bedroom, two KEMOS AREA, t garage, fireplace, 2-8-27 McLucas' lawyer told a Superior John Froines, one of the Koskoff called the Court jury Tuesday. case against Chicago Seven conspiracy McLucas "a tissue of speculation ^OU. patio. Wi" funwid%h^ YOU CAN see the savings with Pleading for acquittal of the defendants, told the gathering, and conjecture based ith option to buy. Phone quality glasses from OPTICAL 24-year-old McLucas, attorney don't ^4-4159- 3-8-28 see myself activities of other people." DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan Theodore I. Koskoff attributed supporter of the Panthers. I see three Avenue, 372-7409. C-8-28 the torture, abduction and myself as a comrade in their Markle said in his argument mfurnished, $220 plus shooting of Alex Rackley 15 struggle." that McLucas committed "the tiedr oom, final act of indignity" when he Frandor area. Immediate Animals months ago to George Sams Jr., He urged the crowd to remain ,n. Call IV 4-6560, after who has fired a shot into the apparently pleaded guilty to throughout the jury 3-8-28 BEAGLE PUPPIES, AKC second degree murder in the deliberations. lifeless body of Rackley. registered. Wormed. $40. Phone 482-9781 "No matter what happens, we McLucas and others testified 4-8-28 T7TRE TWO bedroom, t have to be C.I! 351-9018 after $67.50. 3-8-28 SCOTTISH TERRIER weeks, AKC registered. - male~~14 Phone Lonnie University prepared to free McLucas," of Oregon physics the that Warren Kimbro, who has pleaded guilty to second degree murder in the case, fired the first Rally at Protestors gather outside San Quentin Prison in California Monday during a rally opposing the ffMOS 3 bedroom townnouse. 351-6710. 3-8-26 professor said. tonally air conditioned. Fully _ . , The defense argument before , , and apparently fatal shot. first court calendar session held behind San Quentin prison walls. The building, in right McLucas testified that he went carpeted. No pets. Available FREE BOX trained kittens. Six the jury followed the state's background, normally a training center, was converted into a courtroom for the experiment. back under orders from Sams September 6th. $225 per month. weeks old. Two beige, two tigers, $1.00 service hour - long presentation on the and fired a shot into Rackley's Protestors disapproved of the idea of holding the hearing at the prison instead of the Marin 351-7213. 5-8-28 and one black. Give a lovable charge per 24th County Courthouse in San Rafael, where a shootout Aug. 7 took four lives. kitten a break. Call 487-3096 insertion to be pre day of the trial. In it, body. - paid. 12 - State's Attorney Arnold Markle AP Wirephoto Rooms 5-8-28 p.m. deadline 1 class day before. called for McLucas' conviction LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial on all four charges stemming ,arTAN women HALL singles. Men and 5:30 7:00. 351-9286. 355-8255 now for a quick - action Plans for the fall will be discussed at the meeting tonight at 8 p.m. of the from what he called "an outright DEMAND BLACK WARDEN Classified Ad. brutal, crass murder." me- 372-1031. O Student Mobilization McLucas was the first of eight room 314, Student Servici L CLUB. $12/week. A r Mobile Homes Panthers facing charges in the living. Rackley slaying to come to trial. San Quenfin inmates strike student Open Duplicate Bridge session each Wednesday evening, 7:15 sharp, He was charged with kidnaping Parlor A at MSU Union resulting in death, conspiracy to Building, 2nd iN MINUTES from campus, 0 kidnap and to murder and x 50 ROYCRAFT deluxe. "completely furnished. 372-8077 Furnished. Behind Tom's Party binding. SAN QUENTIN, Calif. (AP) — in its 118-year history for court when the before 4 p.m. 3-8-28 Real Estate The Store, No. 411. 355-7604 charge of kidnaping About 800 prisoners demanding proceedings. About 200 civilians about in the yard, refused to go their cells 90 minutes after the 351-2549. 3-8-26 resulting in death is a capital appointment of » black kiooir warden warrian protested outside the main gate «•»« .... to their regular ... job assignments demonstration, ine COUNTRY. New four bedroom, 2 offense, but the state said it at Sa" Quentin Prison Monday while the court was in bath ranch. protest of the refusal of NEW MOON. 1965, 10 x 50. Carpeted, $25 000 would not seek the —- death driven back to their cells by . . _ - They claimed the officials to respond to list of Ritter said he had no estimate Furnished, 646-6376. O penalty. The maximum . carpeted, shed, penalty guards using tear gas Tuesday program would deny convicts 15 demands, of damage to furniture, wooden excellent condition, 627-2877 for conspiracy to kidnap is 30 ALE HOUSING: Singles, block 3-8-26 after the inmates staged a fair trials. window frames, and other union, cooking, 314 Evergreen. Service years; conspiracy to murder, 15 sitdown strike and set fire to Prison officials said Tuesday' About 100 black prisoners wood-work charred in the steel nine counseling - 332-3839.3-8-28 MARLETTE 12x50. Come and join years; and binding, 20 years. offices. court demonstration and the appeared at the prison's yard and concrete counseling r Sams, one of the three There reported the Mobile Home Generation. GUITAR LESSONS. Private - Rock ■ court proceedings apparently office Monday and demanded Beautiful home set up on shaded defendants who pleaded guilty, injuries. were not related, except that the employment of a black Other convict demands Folk - Semi-classic. MARSHALL testified 4.1—j. m-t that McLucas assisted in *— Officials said lot in Willow Village. Priced to papers and one demand of the convict warden, two black associate included closing two disciplinary MUSIC COMPANY. 351-7830. sell. Call now, before it's gone. 1-8-26 Rackley's torture at Panther furniture burned but the J demonstrators was that they be wardens and a Mexican - cellblocks where 200 prisoners 655-1736 or 655-2684. 3-8-28 ' ' CLEAN, quiet headquarters here and in his building itself not damaged. tried before a jury of their peers r__ American associate warden. are now confined, appointment subsequent removal to a rural The The outbreak outbrea occurred in the oking. One block te 1965 LIBERTY, 10x50, — presumably other prisoners They also asked that all „ °f more black and Mexican - I Supervised. 487-5753, 485-8836. Typing Service spot about 20 miles away, where he shot. exercise yard the day after the prison used for the first time if other trials are held there. "political prisoners" and three American prison guards, and was was The demonstration began political asylum for all Death inmates charged with murdering Row prisoners "in countries BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. No a guard be freed. under the flag of Africa, Asia, job too large or too small. Peace negotiations Block off campus. 332-3255. C White and Mexican - American Ra.ss|a' ^rth Ko[ea and other TERM PAPERS quickly, accurately prisoners joined blacks in the sit P010^ where *he American - ROOMS for young men 45 done. 1156 Burcham. Call - down strike. Officials said 28 ™ohitionaries have established x ROYCRAFT, newly en. Membership privileges. furnished, carpeted, close. Ideal 337-2737. 3-8-26 per cent of the prison's 3,600 the free wor,d solidarity pact." | Parking, color TV, lounge, pool, for couple, 351-9249. 6-8-28 (continued from page 1) Zayyat told newsmen the first would back "unreservedly" the inmates are black, 23 per cent Prison officials said they had gym. Student rates. 489-6501. PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. Mexican American and 49 per from Arab territory i the violations of the ceasefire guerrillas even at the cost of - no idea what the demand for VAGABOND 10x64. Excellent IBM Typing, Muitilith Printing, & cent white. Hardbinding. Complete Thesis June 1967 war and recognition by Israel, but that Egypt did not "disagreements with a ^number asylum referred to. They said of Arab countries." ROUBLE ROOM females, utilities heater, carpet. 641 -6601! 4-8-28 Service for the most Discerning of the right of Israel to exist publicize them, Associate Warden Irving Ritter that so™ of the demands were id privileges included, very close Master's & Doctoral Candidates. within legally established "I really think if you are going ambiguous and at times I campus, parking. $50 each. $1500 DISCOUNT on 12 x 60 1970 Free Brochure and Consultation. boundaries. to sail contradictory. one way you should not ■ 351-3960 before 1 Mobile Home, shown Call CLIFF and PAULA p.m. Jim. by Tekoah told reporters, "If the row in the other way," he said. appointment only. Low down, HAUGHEY: 337-1527 or Among Death Row Arab governments He added: "people who can JRADUATE H Parking. Call MALE studen balance like rent. 655-3828 or 655-2684. 6-8-28 627-2936^0 COMPLETE THESIS service. desirous of attaining genuine peace with Israel, we prove are make war in six days certainly can reach a solution in 90," a Liberation drive prisoners, who participate in the outbreak, was Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, convicted early mornings « Discount printing. IBM typing and confident that this will be reference to the 1967 war and IV 2-8304. 3-8-28 Lost & Found binding of theses, resumes, .„ of assassinating Sen. Robert F. possible." the present ceasefire. will demand more top level city Kennedy. His cell is on the fifth publications. Across from campus, (continued from page 1) LOST: But he said prospects would be Sharaf said that Jordan jobs for women. They will go to fl00r of the For Sale GREY and white kitten, corner MAC and Grand River, better "were it not for news demands total withdrawal of Women marching down New the Federal Courts building, vicinity Beta House. Reward below Style Shop. Call mt, iui news v.t.iio..uo bvi.ai mwiuiamai Ui Bldg. to „,v.6 339-9140. 3-8-28 COPYGRAPH SERVICES, about continuous violations of Jt ^ Israel from all occupied Arab . .. . , lfr , York fln s ,Fifthrallv PVPnincr Avenue today for march - at Rrunnt Parlr evening rally at Bryant Park march in • .. . in support of , the equal .. Monday's special court session 337-1666. C the cease-fire by Egypt." territory and a solution to the rights amendment recently was an outgrowth of the In Jerusalem, Israeli Foreign 42nd Street may or may not Personal Palestine refugee problem. The passed by the House, then shootout Aug. 7 at the Marin ■OS, STOVES, refrigerator. Buy, DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term Minister Abba Eban said Tekoah meeting with Jarring was abid®have by 8onlycity one rulin8lanethatofthey the parade to downtown stores in County courthouse in nearby XBC SECONDHAND OWNER OF GREEN Dodge Dart, papers. Expert typist with degree had been instructed to tell "fruitful," he said, and Jordan protest against ■ STORE, 1208 Turner. C avenue- Erickson Hall Parking lot Monday in English. IBM. Also editing, Jarring that violations could would present later its concrete fashions. afternoon. Please return articles 351-8950. 0-8-28 hinder the peace talks. position. Angered at the city's refusal to block off the entire avenue to placed in your car by accident. Tekoah paid a second Peace was not the mood of Call 339-9236. 3-8-28 traffic during the march, Miss 35-minute call on Jarring in the other Arab nations and the Friedan said that suffragettes afternoon before preparing to Palestinian guerrillas who oppose piNG MACHINE Clearance Sale. THE PLAY "Hair" You return to Jerusalem for the cease - fire and negotiations, had the whole avenue when they i portables - $49.95, be winner UNION can a too. marched to celebrate the right to month. Large selection BUILDING BARBER SHOP. consultations. He is deputy to Algerian President Houari vote 50 years ago and "we can tioned used machines. C-8-26 Eban for the negotiations. Boumedienne said his country have it again. ■ Singers, Whites, Necchis, New ■ Home & "Many Others." $19.95 TYPING DONE by experienced In Atlanta, Ga., where another FREE A thrilling hour of beauty. Fast, neat and ... ■ » $39.95. Terms. edwards ome. rally is planned, a spokesman For appointment call 484-4519. ■ DISTRIBUTING . 882-2065. 3-8-28 said members of the National company, MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS ■ 115 North ■ 489-6448. C-8-27 Washington, STUDIO, 1600 East Michigan. BEST WAY TO SAVE TIME I Organization for Women — NOW Shop — would be "trying to explain C-8-27 for your next auto in the what our goals are." Classified Ads. Check nowl (continued from FEMALE SUBJECTS needed for page 1) admittedly project for the the In St. Louis, Mo., women mass media study. $2.00 for one fall. I don't know," Bodwin said. potential of hour participation. 355-3483. Wanted "I hope people will forget about recalling the disenchanted youth marchers will wear exaggerated 2-8-26 of this costumes depicting the it before long." country to the American GRAD STUDENT male 25 to stereotyped roles they believe Real Estate over share furnished house in Okemos. Donald Tucker, Michigan B democratic society forces them into coordinator for Students for * $90 plus utilities. 351-9306 after COLOR TV. AM-FM stereo 6. 3-8-27 Hart, said Tuesday that 'Hart's "Mrs. Romney, in attacking bride> a cleaning woman and a ■ponograph - toaster - luggage - GROSBECK GOLF Course near. On statement will likely have a bad this traditional measure which sexpot. An outdoor skit will ■"lichen table. two beautiful lots. All the room , 351-4050. S-8-28 effect the student portray how some needed for your children to play LOOKING FOR A GARAGE SALE? on American _ev*|? W&1 history, has seen fit to mistreated and discouraged from PAP SALE See today's Want Ads for a organization. - Bed, drapes, lamp, safely. Three bedroom, $13,700. their complete listing. "What has transpired is going 'by an arrogant act' fan the developing JS«re ■&11 337-0416.jacket, 4-8-28 coat, others. Don't delay. Call Randy Biggs, 372-7550 or 694-8503, OPPER to ....... have" a tendency'to alienate flames of d«vWon in this Potential, REAL ESTATE. 3-8-28 MALE GRAD desires room in faculty the more liberal students in the country. As young people, we At the public library in St. home or apartment with other JS?'!*"' ■Wl 355-9781. ru9 and bike for sale. grad (s). 353-0599. 3-8-27 organization," Tucker said. "But have ***" tossed about between Lou*, women will demonstrate 2-8-26 EAST LANSING: Owner transferred, I think the effects will be felt 'arrogant' men and women too for more books on the history of and at City Hall they must sell lovely 4 bedroom more in the student group than lon8>" !t said. „ , b;°USEstereoCOLOR TV. Sony ■Hun ,, taP® recorder. Colonial. Carpeted, fireplace, family room, attached garage, fenced yard. Located near brick BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for all positive. A negative, B negative and AB negative, $10.00. O in the overall campaign." Tucker said that if Hart would E. W Aka'.Sony, Panasonic stereo recorders. 100 MSU, Red Cedar school area. negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN clarify the reasoning behind his used 8 track $29,500, could finance COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, statement, hopefully "the MSU properties to ■c2.Car1ridfles ,aP«s 52-50 each. qualified buyer, 351-3472. 5-8-27 507'/j East Grand River, East students will recognize the IPtM A ,ape r8corder« Koss Lansing. Above the new Campus senator's position is a reasonable ,rr "r<™ a stereo head phones. 5900 PHEASANT Avenue - Maple Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 turntables $25 up. VM "It stereo Grove area. Large lot of over half p.m., Monday, Wednesday and receiver. Sharp, "Right now, beyond a doubt, (continued from page 1) acre. 2 bedrooms. FHA Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 it's f.5tere° receiv®r with commitment, $10,350. Total price fuzzy," Tucker said. p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C $400,000, is used as an adult ceramic education center and as a l*t vvi 1 30 vv#tt *P«»ker $11,000. George C. Bubolz, "Hopefully we can get a public ceramic museum. The University also leases part of the MJl stereo albums 76c up. Realtor, 332-1248, 332-4605, TU clarification on it." ? wts 514.96 up. New and 2-1946. 5-8 28 Meanwhile, three student building to the Michigan Council of Arts. »». Used TV sets $39.50 organizations banded together Through endowment gifts, the University owns business ■•"Pirn', 55 "»« stereo EAST LANSING - 2 bedroom brick 313-646-4213. 4-8-28 Tuesday in a joint statement buildings in Lansing, Battle Creek and Plymouth which it leases to area business concerns. |&H4«D STOrVE ! 509 East ■**», 485-4391. 8 a.m.- 6:30 duplex, Near BUBOLZ garage. 405-411 Beech. schools and University. REALTY, INC. FULFILL YOUR DREAM of home ownershipl See the good home charging that Mrs. Romney's criticism of resolution was a partisan move the amnesty MSU owns the Lansing building in which the W.G. Grant department store operates. In Battle Creek, the University owns 332-1248, 332-4605. 5-8-28 buys in the Classified Section that will have a divisive effect on some property and a building as a result of a gift of the White today I Motor Co. Although it is trying to sell the Battle Creek property, the country's young people. W" L.T0 Amp- $29°; Advent 363 UNIVERSITY Drive - 4 "We cannot remain silent the University is now leasing it to a trucking company. |r!*nth p6rs' $2°°, used only one bedrooms, dining room, den, 2 while our elders fight over the Through the Forrest Akers estate, the University has a building |^.27' a" 393-1409 after 6. baths, new 2 car garage with garage opener. Excellent location course of our future," said the in Plymouth that it leases to the Bell Telephone Co. MSU also owns and plans to maintain, even though the state and in good condition. BUBOLZ statement issued by ASMSU auditor's report recommended that it sell because of an infraction ■SIS, ?ALE: 2229 Victor] |< *, thM- toVs, household REALTY, 332-4605. 5-8-28 INC. 332-1248, VETERAN: Share 2 bedroom house, own room. 337-1115, 10 - 3 p.m. Cabinet President Bob Grossfeld and endorsed by the Movement of the endowment terms, the Forrest Akers Golf Course in East MSU holdings ■l7,2D a and cl"n. August 26, 3-8-28 for a New Congress and the MSU Lansing. FACULTY HOME: large fireplace, New endowment gifts over the past year have not significantly ^ - 6 p m 3.8.27 two bedrooms, screened back GRADUATE STUDENTS want to Council of Graduate Students. altered the University's real estate ownings. And neither has the The shaded "TTie area superimposed over the map of Lansing progressive step (the ■^Good' ■&7483 2^) 93 * 10' acvrilan- porch. 10 minute walk equity, owner leaving MSU, low country. lease Furnished house. / East Lansing. unfurnished. amnesty resolution) by the state auditor's report; the University plans to maintain its land ownings for the time being. present indicates the size of the combined MSU property holdings, 26 °nditi0n C8" 'V Call 351-8629. X8-8-28 332-5615 after 5 p.m. 1-8-26 Democratic party, while totaling some 19,000 acres. f2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 26 , 1970 STRFTCff YOUR BUDGET BY 193! 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