He. . . michigan Thursday Fair ,ever claimed to be a god. . STATE NEWS he never claimed not Butut then, state ■ . . with a high of 86 There is a ten per cent chance of degrees. Roger Zelazny university - I 63 Number 47 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27, 1970 Women's oogle- GWU as part By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of national strike sponsored a "oogle-in" from ll a.m. to l ranks of 30, took the whole street despite a TJWP Chanting slogans of liberation, activists across the country demanded equal rights Wednesday with a series of demonstrations aimed at eliminating job women p.m. on the Avenue. The commented won orner of Michigan and said they whistled and the male passers-by's "nice Capitol city order restricting their parade to one side. Betty Friedan, a leader of the National Organization of Women (NOW), had warned the women would not be discrimination, establishing child - care wiggles" to show them how it felt to be limited to one lane. Police took no action* centers and ending what they say is male oogled. Leading the parade was a car carrying domination. "Equal for equal jobs," shouted several pay elderly women who fought for marchers as they paraded down New female suffrage 50 years ago. The Locally, the Red Witch collective of the York's Fifth Avenue, lined with spectators. demonstration was timed to coincide with campus women's liberation group The marchers —mostly women — in the 50th anniversary of adoption of the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote. The sponsors called the demonstration a Unfair labor practices "Strike for Equality," and urged women to stay home from work and to stop performing menial household chores. Most large companies, however, reported no unusual absenteeism. The largest crowds charged against GOP turned out for lunch - hour ralies and the New main hours. York demonstration group for scheduled after working its By JEFFSHELER charging that the secretaries for the In addition to job opportunities and Traffic st State News Staff Writer Republican State Central Committee were forced to work for more than 10 hours a child-care centers, the 1970 demonstrators also demanded free abortions. Traffic came to a halt Wednesday along Connecticut Avenue in the northwest section of Susan Wojcik, former secretary to day. Washington, D.C., as Jerry Mrs. The big demonstrations were in the large sign • carrying demonstrators marched on Farragut Square after assembling at Dupont Circle. The march was Roe, executive director of the Republican Wojcik and her husband, Kenneth cities. nationwide protest nf a nationwide billed as Drotest billed a "Women's Strike part State Central Committee, has filed a Wojcik, a graduate student in sociology, of a as a Strike fnr for Fnnaii+w Equality." " AP Wirephoto A noontime crowd of 2,000 turned out also claim that the office employes were complaint with the state Dept. of Labor for a Boston rally, where Mrs. Florence told they had to attend the opening of Lenore Romney's campaign headquarters. (please t 3 page 5) Mrs. Romney defeated State Sen. Robert :!. Huber, R-Troy, for the Republican City Council to receive nomination to the U.S. Senate. Mrs. Wojcik said she will attend Huber's press conference today to inform him that she felt the State Central Committee was "completely for Lenore," prior to the primary. She also has written Gov. Price ind oter registration resolution inflation Milliken, Huber and Elly Peterson, national vice chairman of the Republican party, to inform them of the office's labor practices and biases in the state primary. In a letter to the State News, Wojcik said By JOHN BORGER State Newt Statt Writer resolution allowing any East citizenship as voter qualifications and provides that " in accord with the 1964 Civil Rights Act, no person or class of unsuccessful Democratic candidate for governor, also was present as legal counsel for the students. would like to sufficient see an affidavit alone be grounds for registration, but he believed the incident reflected "on the very "On fabric of this society." Friday, Aug. 21, after typing for 11 tapering Lansing expressed doubts as to its legality. WASHINGTON (AP) — A sharp decline dent to register to vote by simply persons shall be set aside for the Ferency cited the constitutional and "Our clerk is not instructed to hours, my wife . . . refused to work any in farm prices this month caused the first ling an affidavit will be introduced at administration of questions or criteria state law references to voter discriminate against students," Mrs. longer. On Monday, Aug. 24, she was registration, Sharp dismissed for this refusal and this was the drop in the government's Wholesale Price Sept. 14 meeting of the East Lansing which are not administered to all pointing out that while some sections said. "Establishing the fact of residency is a persons Index in two years, bolstering White House in his community." sole reason for the dismissal as she was told y Council. concerning residency requirements refer to hang - up with people who are mobile. contentions that inflation is easing. "If her work was totally satisfactory but that Sty Councilwoman Mary Sharp Mrs. Sharp and Wilbur Brookover "persons," another section states that no we could legally establish an affidavit The Labor Dept. said in a raised student representatives at a joint represented the city council at the meeting; "elector" may gain or lose residency while as proof of residency — God, we'd be it was unfair to leave while the other girls preliminary report Wednesday that the drop of five - cil ■ student meeting Wednesday that student representatives included: Glenn a student. delighted. And we'd make everybody sign were working til . . . midnight. (She left at tenths of one per cent in the index was the an affidavit will be prepared by that Foster of the Movement for New "If students were persons, you wouldn't it." 9:30)." a Roe first downturn since August, 1968, and the and readied for immediate use if the have a leg to stand on," he told the council "It's the council's job to pass on the denied that the office employes Congress; Bob Grossfeld, ASMSU cabinet greatest in nearly four years. olution is approved by the full council, were coerced to attend the opening of president; and Charlie Taylor of the White members. "You'd have to register them." justice of the law, and let the courts decide A later report bftsed on more resolution Panther Mrs. Sharp and Brookover said they whether it is legal," Foster said. Lenore Romney's headquarters and said complete specifies age and party. Zolton Ferencv. that the secretaries were paid overtime figures could alter the preliminary findings. Regarding qualifications of students, Dr. Joel Popkin, asst. commissioner of Ferency cited the case Miller vs. the wages the night Mrs. Wojcik walked out. the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Attorney General (1934) which said, in (please turn to page 5) (please turn to page 5) nto 'SLAVE TRADE' part: "A student at college who is free from parental control, regards the place where the college is situated as his home, has no other place to which to return in case of sickness or domestic affliction, is as much entitled to vote as any other resident Wartime herbicide use of the place where the college is situtated." India launches Brookover "parental control." "When "he can a questioned the extent person is 21," Ferency replied, arise any morning and say, of upheld in Senate vote 'Parents, I am no longer under your DELHI His statement did not calm opposition control.' Isn't that so, Wilbur?" WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate program that they said has already incurred (AP) — The Indian The Vatican radio, meanwhile, criticized cost overruns of 'eminent announced members, who accused the government of "Well, I guess that's right," Brookover refused Wednesday to ban plant killers in more than $2 billion. Wednesday it has newspapers it said had printed "disgusting" Schweiker said the "Med a causing the national dignity to be insulted said. the Vietnam war or to place restrictions on $200 million comprehensive investigation at headlines about the Indian nun scandal. ^ and abroad into reports by not preventing the incident. Also discussed were possible implications a $200 million contingency fund for the contingency fund, which Lockheed that the Some papers, the radio said, used of the 18-year-old student vote on student Aircraft Co., says it is owed and needs to ®>n Catholic hieiarchy in Kerala State "This is nothing but slave trade of the headlines not backed up by the content of costly C5 transport. "girls to European convents. 20th century," shouted Kanwar Lai Gupta the stories. registration. Then it turned to formal debate on the complete 42 of the planes, is just the tip of "e will so-called "Amendment to End the the iceberg of further demand for hundreds employ all possible sources of of the Hindu communal Jana Sangh party. "These headlines speak of a traffic of War," a of millions of dollars. ligation and arrive at the truth," J.B. Kripalani, an independent, said if nuns and measure designed to force President Nixon vocations, of girls sold and to withdraw all The amendment was defeated 48 to 30. Minister Swaran Singh told girls from Kerala "want to be nuns, let purchased, of entrapment of slave - military personnel from ™ment them be made here." Indochina by the end of next year. Meanwhile, a rewritten end - the war during a noisy hour long nuns traders," the radio said. This "is simply A roll call vote of 62 to 22 defeated an amendment was presented. - Won on the The foreign minister, in response to a K controversy. disconcerting and disgusting," it added. amendment by In essence, it mandates complete U.S. anything of this question, said the government's In its five Sen. Gaylord Nelson. comes inquiry," - minute comment, the radio military withdrawal from Indochina by the D-Wis., banning the of herbicides as ]ers ■dded, investigation will include a probe into said the character of the Roman Catholic use will help Us in "I am sure the Catholic jungle defoliants or crop killers in South end of 1971, but includes a 60 settling the matter." whether members of the Catholic hierarchy Church "should have suggested by itself a - day ogh said that the Vietnam. emergency escape clause which the papal nuncio in New actually sold the girls for foreign exchange. greater balance and responsible caution to i had Nelson told the Senate that President could invoke at his been called to the Foreign Singh also said that the government last reporters who claim to follow the code of one own % and had given an assurance that "a defoliant, 2, 4, 5T, has been blamed discretion to protect remaining year had investigated similar reports of girls truth." for troops. deal of care had birth defects in laboratory rats, mice and The amendment now seeks to been taken in from Kerala being sent abroad for training The radio said that any "abuses which codify n8 the girls" for chickens and may have similar effects on President Nixon's withdrawal as nuns after "payments to their parents." might have taken place for a human and program by training abroad, humans. stating no funds may be authorized or oreign minister added that "any girl He said the government had concluded deplorable fault of this or that person" Sens. William Proxmire, D-Wis., and spent after April 30, 1971 to maintain .J;0 ,ul1 conie back to India will be given that there was "nothing specific" to the could not reflect on the "value and Richard S. Schweiker, R-Pa., proposed more than facilities to do so." reports. 280,000 U.S. troops in goodness" of religious vocations. BROOKOVER their C5 amendment to help control a Vietnam. U' mokes money the University at that time. The University on sh interest ceiling on short - term deposits, the speculative. The University buys interest ii. By DAVE SHORT invested $4,482,088 (market value) in U.S. invest any incoming money until the date State News Staff Writer University has been investing heavily in only blue chip securities that have high of expenditure comes up. For example, it government bonds and bills. Four million certificates of deposit, according to Bobby interest rates." dollars went towards a Michigan invests $4 million of the more than $5 National Ballard, the man handling MSU million appropriated and given to the tesenhal " ,term Investment field Bank certificate of deposit. One million dollars apiece were invested investments. AH the money invested by the University University by the legislature each month; Ui>ivei*iK,r!" ' no 'lose method for in certificates of deposit in the Ballard, an administrative assistant in the comes from excess cash. A normal balance and makes $7,000 to $10,000 month in Ocome u ma^e a<*ded money off Bank of Office of the Vice President of Business of money is a lc each year. Lansing, the National Bank of Detroit and and kept on hand but the rest is profit. Finance, said that the University can invested. the Old Kent Bank and Trust Co. A now get up to eight per cent interest the last year, MSU gained an $200,000 certificate of deposit was instead of the previous five or five and Throughout the JJ.800-000 ort" term in the general fund purchased from the American Bank and one-half per cent from certificates of In order events such as to allow for special paying process, there is a whole investment high turnover in cash. investments alone. Trust Co. payrolls, Ballard has to keep deposit. close watch But. there is always a substantial profit for a on investments in order to SKk 8re a big thing uZ' ey are n8ured ln for the as Part of Commercial notes totaling a market value The higher the interest rate involved in have enough cash on hand. August and the University. of $1,973,312 were also purchased by the an investment, the higher the income. As a September are traditionally low investment #5 i°m'n8 budget. The University Although short term investments University from four firms: the Burroughs result, Ballard spends a lot of time each periods because both come before the large represent the only type of investments that «tnmo . *15 million on the average in Corp., the Ex-Cell-0 Corp., Standard Oil week checking out interest rates. money intake at fall registration. the University partakes in, Knits A bonds, bank certificates of - of June 30, 1970, gives one an idea of the "It is they Ho in "d commercial notes. Co. of Indiana and the Whirlpool Corp. a sure cut winner. We never lose close to a million dollars type of money handlings involved. Ir yearly wilti no • - « the Because the government has lifted the because we don't invest in anything risk involved. University Investments as More than $13,655,400 was invested by 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 2 news State boardadopf< summary s of AP and UPI. sex education guid( John W. Porter, acting districts ( By The United Press International Superintendent of Public education courses After a year of often bitter Instruction, said the guidelines schools are not reauin.^ J debate, the State Board of will be published and mailed to to offer such courses l Education has quietly and Michigan school districts In time Dealing primarily ir unanimously adopted a set of for th® opening of the school philosophy on the D, sex education guidelines that ye"r ^ ^ education will determine state policy in "The guidelines reflect the schools, the guidelines 1 - , . "If students were persons, you Michigan's public schools. legal advice of the state attorney specific mention 0f" i wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Adopted without a dissenting Beneral and Insights gained suggested or prohibited J You'd have to register them. " vote, the guidelines stress from n,ne public hearings held content, teaching "wholesome attitudes" by the state b°ard last fall - Zolton Ferency to the East toward sexuality in elementary throughout the state, Porter jnstruction f provi<« schools and self understanding ■ said- behavior nnn °V.'an' L Lansing City Council "They are designed to provide and self shoots - discipline in high a broad frame of reference from nt' . 8 cS^m d m°lestat| (story on page 1) The 10 -page report includes a which ,ocal communities and identifvinc dS levell Tuning up section on courses in family high planning" schools,, their individual school boards can work out effective programs g™^»ncy e high school le m U, Members of the Ovid-Elsie High School Band rehearse Wednesday as part of a week - long emphasizing that this is a ^at w'". At the needs of each However, the guidelines! program sponsored by the Music Dept. High school bandsmen from throughout the state will be "sensitive area" in many community, he said. that only qualified on campus through Sept. 4 attending clinics in preparation for the fall football season. communities and offering a Generally, the long - awaited personnel State News photo by Dick Warren gentle warning against teaching guidelines offer advice and psychologist, psyehiatrij the use of contraceptives. suggestions to local school physician — must identify! deviancy * A 0 mam themselves. International News American and South Vietnamese forces Wednesday abandoned their base nearest to Laos, claiming they had Aqnew stops I m Formosa ss? must the review state attitudes of law as in( successfully disrupted a new North Vietnamese buildup SUN MOON LAKE, Formosa (AP) — — Vi™> ProciHnnt Spiro T Vice President T. Agnew commented to newsmen nniucmcn to Premier Lon Nol's Cambodian regime. nHHme. that Formosa's aid would be Wplrnmp welcome. two days of talks with President Dhlincr Chung Hpp Park Hee Park. t^fonTestabhshim- t nr™ along the northern frontier. The allies, the American command said, captured Agnew assured Chiang Kai-shek while en route here from South The Nationalist Chinese are Officials said Agnew En route to Formosa, he told "Since in the area of i Wednesday that the United Korea earlier in the day. "I have said to be interested in helping Chiang also reviewed the world reporters there is a possibility all planning information so Communist supply depots and disrupted logistical States will stand by its mutual never seen him refuse any." Cambodia, but there has been situation and discussed U.S. U.S. troops will be withdrawn no parents appear to be in perations. The coming monsoon season will keep the indication from Phnom Penh economic conditions. from South Korea within five because of insufficient ,nd area quiet, the same officers said. Agnew met earlier with Vice years, depending on the progress inaccurate information li s A U.S. A «n„k«n,»nilidlhpa.1. spokesman said the 83 Ch,ane th,t |a claw President C.K. Yen and of a modernization program for such programs, local di continued freedom w year - old Chinese president »WHy discussed moves in the U.S. the Korean armed forces. should provide adult edu U.N. special envoy Gunnar V. Jarring began a second vs. made no r' new request for "«""■«'?«' . t t f c.mbod»- «„ Southeast Asian A headline in Wednesday's Congress to limit textile imports, Before leaving here Thursday programs that would round of Middle East peace talks Wednesday despite the paper incorrectly indicated that 8 subiect viewed with concern for Saigon, Agnew scheduled a opportunities for paren absence of the Israeli delegate. sessions with Agnew, although it William Lazer Drofewor of on Formosa. breakfast with Vice Premier become knowledgeable L But the U.S Jarring talked privately with the ambassadors of is known Formosa would like marimtinn marketing in tho the Officials said both agreed it Chiang Ching - juo, son and heir area," the board's guil Jordan and Egypt in his 38th-floor office at the U.N. more modern jet lore muutin jet iigiirere. fighters. — ~ c . , in - Graduate^ _ premature apparent of Chiang. said. B1 "I would guess he would like possible assistance by Formosa *>cnooi . . . . , of . Business conclusions on the issue since Bldg. Adm.nistrat.on, would leave the the legislation has not yet passed University to assume an the House and still faces hearing* U.S. Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird announced Wednesday the first Soviet test of a new missile that ATTENTION CAR OWNERS executive post in the American Marketing continue Assn. Lazer will in the Senate. Agnew flew to Sun Moon Defense could open the way for a sizable jump in their number * on the University Lake, a mountain resort, by of nuclear warheads. Complete front end repair and faculty in addition to the new helicopter after a flight from South Korea where he wound up . k I I In a news conference Laird said that for the first time last week the Russians tested the SSI 1 missile. He said * alignment post. COmm,fmenf Brakes * Suspension that two U.S. destroyers observed three objects strike the Pacific Ocean. The SS11 is a multiple - warhead * Wheel balancing * Steering Announcing E. Lansing's WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary declared Wednesday U.S. air power of Defense Melvin R. ij will be used in CambodJ missile. long as it results in the reduction of American casulaties in S< Newest Men's Shop Vietnam. National News LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center "If we can destroy enemy troops and supplies withl minimum casualty rate, I'm for it and I will authorize it,"he| California produced at least one new pelican this year 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4- 7346 in Style at a news conference. The defense chief said he agreed with Vice President Agn good news for naturalists who had given up hope that statement that the United States will do all it can to help the I any would hatch. Nol government of Cambodia. Due to a pesticide compound that accumulates in fish The Heat's On DABNEY'S BOUTIQUE "It's exactly what I've said right along," Laird said, andac the Nixon administration commitment "is to a nei and which prevents the female pelican from transmitting 541 East Grand River government in Cambodia and that commitment has calcium to her eggs, naturalists had thought that the changed." breed was headed for extinction. On one island,, Agnew's remarks last weekend stirred comment from critii (next to Paramount News — where Paraphernalia used to be) inhabited only by pelicans, only four unbroken eggs administration policy that the United States' involvemen were found. Cambodia would continue to deepen much the same as it hi Vietnam. But, naturalists say, because pelicans live up to 25 Laird explained that the enemy's ability to move troops years, there is a chance that the problem can be supplies in Cambodia has had what he called a signficant effec corrected in time. U.S. operations in Vietnam, the casualty rate and also Vietnamization program. Michigan News "The use of airpower," he said, "to interdict or to stop ord whatever you want, enemy material and personnel in Cambodl The Dig Three auto companies announced Wednesday a good use of military power in that area with the minit^ possible loss of American life." that thjy will make economic proposals to the United Auto Workers on a new contract Tuesday at 10 a.m. All three proposals were expected to be identical. The move paves the way for the UAW to select one of Retirement demand the throe - General Motors. Ford or Chrysler - as a strike target and concentrate bargaining there during the Celebrate LUNCH . . . for your outlined in UAW adl Ice down this weekend with chilling party supplies from everyday hungry gourmet waning days of the present contracts which expire at Oade's. Oade's is the one place to go for midnight. Sept. 14. everything you'll FRIED CHICKEN 890 need to cool it — Beer, Wine, Liquor, and Mixes. Pick up a "Our membership DETROIT (UPI) - Members keg for that extra big heated thirst. And don't forget the ROAST BEEF SANDWICH.... 990 of a rank • and - file "30 and repeatedly demonstrated thl The Nixon administration and both Michigan senators ice. out" committee of United Auto and out should be numbel expressed approval Wednesday of a House version of CHOPT STEAK $1.19 Workers bought a full - page in the 1970 negotiations,! Coma As You Art • No Tipping advertisement said. "Thirt# legislation to establish the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore along Lake Michigan. OADE'S PARTY STORE 600 N Homer at E. Saginaw Open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 5001 W Saginaw advertisement in the Detroit FYee Press' Wednesday editions to say that retirement after 30 out would open up new job! allow the 30 - year man tol Testifying before the Senate Interior Committee, 314 S. CLIPPERT at an age, if he chose, that# Sens. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., and Robert Mon. Thurs. 10 a.m. - 11 p.m. Open Sunday — Thursday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. years service at $500 a month is Griffin, Just west of campus - Friday & Saturday —11 a.m. to 12 p.m. the "must" issue in current auto give him more of those g Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m. -12 p.m. R-Mich., and Dr. Leslie L. Glasgow, assistant secretary off Kalamazoo negotiations. years of retirement, yc® of the Interior Dept., said the House bill contained which so many now dreanl of which so many now v refinements of the Senate measure that were acceptable. tragically short." The proposed lakeshore project would cover 71,000 A spokesman for t acres of land and water along 65 miles of the Lake MZMJI Auto Workers Inte"iaI Michigan shore. It would be within 330 miles of executive board, whici| Chicago and 250 miles of the Detroit currently negotiating Grinding? - Toledo General Motors Corp., metropolitan area. Motor Co., and Chrysler q on a new three ■ Year coll Mrs. Lenore did not kn Romney Wednesday continued her attack said officers ] on a plank in the Democratic party's state platform and MY SHOP will be open during exams — advertisement had been PI called on her U.S. Senate opponent to remove it. "Thirty and out is <*■ catering especially to those late evening not the No. 1 demand dw The Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate said one of our three high ■ Sen. Philip A. Hart should remove the "draft - desires for good food, quick service, and PJ dodging a friendly atmosphere. proposals," a spokesman sap amnesty plank" in order to "properly and emphatically Contracts at the Wg repudiate this illegal, insulting and insiduous slap at our automakers expire at n1 servicemen, both living and dead, as well as their Sept. 14. families and loved ones." Gov. Milliken said Wednesday that the Water Resources Commission has identified 47 industries in the state using heavy leads which are potential Hobie's THE SANDWICH PEOPLE ONE HOUR pollutants in their manufacturing processes. He said the report listed five industries who use DINE-IN, CARRYOUT SERVICE arsenic. II who use camium and 31 quantities "large enough to have significance." The who use lead in at industries were not named and the governor said 930 TROWBRIDGE L0UI! they are not discharging the metals into the environment. The study made was following the discovery of mercury contamination in some Michigan waters earlier CLEANtRS this year. 623 F ^paMDr|VJ 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27, 1970 Dr. Werner a hit with USSPA By BARNEY WHITE a neutral case, weighing both something srong with State News Staff Wrl On the matter of how a sides equally without drawing particular approach. that kind of deviancy. A member of the audience sufficient personal attack to college any specific conclusions. Above offend people, I- _PD m v paper cou,d be#t disseminate Dr. Werner said much of the asked Dr. Werner what he I MANCHESTER, N. Y. n - i, It is possible, Dr. Werner said, Dr. medical information of a Ur Werner said, the misunderstanding and ill feeling thought of the popular that questions about sex, "dirty irnold Werner, who writes the controversial nature, Dr. Werner approach for the presentation of that arises p with campus connection that homosexuality News column, The indicated that there such 'terns as abortion must be publication* and the populace at words" and related topics cause are a etermined by local was a type of disease or disorder, the "middle American" 5 Bag," uwa8*h,f kf,r® number of possible approaches, conditions, large has to do with Dr. Werner answered that he to A remember the painful days of his lay at the ninth annual One effective method is newspaper, Dr. Werner said, constituency differences. of the United ^States to They could not technically agree with youth when he was forced to ask reprint ,;,peculiar kind . material from average college the contention since a disease obligation ' in this regard. It or woman is in newspaper man wi " questions. The < C j-nt Pre85 Assn- (USSPA). authoritative sources such his or her early involves considerations of onset, generation may also be |!j seminar entitled "Health, Sex and the Press" drew a medical journals, he said it . hand, present 20s and single. Discussions of duration, effect and other things indirectly threatened WOU|d be hard for detractors Jetractors to ®ccurate lnformati?n but at the same time to people, sex and other things that are that did not directly apply to discussions " ' of" sexuality "" "because H itial and interested crowd, fault material originally printed serve the meaningful to members of the interests of selective homosexuality. it makes them realize that their erner as directed an the informal in respectable Werner explained, sources, Dr. maximize impact. reporting to academic community are, at If the best, ill - understood by "middle "There are some people," Dr. growing children will £ja|j presentation Werner continued, "that argue asking questions about sex. This and spent most of the Another approach is to turns the readership - class America." that football is present off to the a sickness" in that challenge frightens them to the message, there ; Dr. Werner warned, however, it elicits intraspecies aggression, extent that they proscribe that in their discussion of sexual It is questionable in this context sexuality discussion with the behavior, campus papers have which "disease" Curfew holds the comment that "decent people colmsRoyal Oalc the responsibility to maintain an greater challenge for society, he shouldn't talk about such equilibrium in presentation. The said. paper should not make it seem things." In responding to a that popular modes of behavior question about why some people react so In addition to Dr. under discussion are to be Wemer, the negatively to the use of four - USSPA convention is considered absolutely normative, hosting jf letter MSU and State News alumnus nights words, Dr. two Werner ter A manifest danger would otherwide exist that readers who deviate from the popular indicated that the causes of such reactions are very hard to Phil set up a Frank, a syndicated cartoonist. Frank has nationally pattern determine because "they are so display of his work in IROYAL OAK (UPI) - A park," -Id Roya Oak Police the lobby of Merrimac [ew brought quiet to this .°!SIVe.?0beft p"s mi, GEORGE BULLARD Manchester pockmarked editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE MANCHESTER, N.H. - When you first many years — miasmic odor of too many to the owner of the hotel and/or dorm. almost everyone at the con - eVflll advertising manager get into Manchester it really doesn't turn people too close too long. The mind That's the only plausible excuse for cong - put his sheet down for J? * you on — later you discover you truly boggles. holding a hog - calling contest, let alone a nibldly right ■ wing. Que,,: who detest the place. There are holes punched in the wall — college editors' convention, in and about KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor Not that there is anything wrong with and they have been there for some time. this pockmark on the troubled face of the Workshops are not LARRY LEE, city editor any hnlto, JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor the city per se. It tries hard. It's just an The carpets are shiny with age and the good Mother Earth. Finally I sneak a look at the program. decaying buildings, that you can't fiS JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor honest, humble river - befouling, right - plaster is cracking. There are spiders on the you can manage to get by the sullen ^ wall. Nothing. Yeah, nothing. It's hard to believe townspeople. To sum it up, consider' wing, average American city with a shoe There is dirt everywhere. that the agenda is gonna keep all us college guy teaching "Investigative ReoorHn, i factory. Manchester never claimed to be anything Not dust lying in corners, but dirt, editor types going for a week. Dailies" is the editor of a weoklv h? f Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award "Now, Barney," my editor had said, a° f'° - other than a factory town — with all the greasy, oily dirt such as is found in old are you ready? - Boise for outstanding journalism. coarseness and filth that that implies. hotels a year or two away from urban "you send us back some nice articles. You Intermountain Observer, it's called No, the real villain, the guys that we — renewal. The place has not been scrubbed know, cover the main speaker and all But then, what else cotild one expect,, that is, just about every one at this in years. that." How do I explain to him that there conference held at the New S EDITORIAL convention — wants to get is the United I climbed the stairs — inexplicably it isn't a main speaker? eoljegeof Commerce and AccountW States Student Press Assn. (USSPA) takes five flights to get to the third floor. The heavy - weight attraction was the chief editorial writer of the Manchester They d better not let me get executive committee - I JL „ executive board, the folks that thought On the second flight there is the smell of cannot be h urine — on the third a touch of barf. Union Leader, but he cancelled after responsible for my actions if I do Ten Commandme that seedy Manchester would be an "oh - so - conference. boss" place to hold a college editors' The hall is so filthy, cracked and downtrodden that it literally oppresses the The whole situation can be summed up mind (flashes of a long descent into a pit). by a hand out sheet that came with the I get to the room and knock. A short revised and - orientation packet. It listed all the dude opens the door and I say (with my harassment ordinances, stated in very chic best conventioneering smile), "Hi, Barney terms — everything is so very groupsy here, White, Michigan State News — I'm your we don't have convention nametags; we roomie." I. Thou shalt hare no other gods before me . . . have USSPA "cong" badges - saying in The little fellow gagged and looks a trifle essence, that the heat hates kids and appalled. they're going to nail us all if they get a "But," he stutters, "I already have a chance. roommate." (Local color: editorial in the Manchester By this time I am inside and I suddenly understand his shock —the room is so paper headlined "The Filthy Few" put down rioters, perverts, other pinkos — only small that it is a wonder even two people cartoon that they carry is "Sgt. Mike," a fit. Perhaps it's a mistake. We check. No mistake. glorified - Nam strip.) "... it takes five flights to get to the third floor. On the second floor there is . unless they come in large denominations. the smell of urine - on the third a touch of barf." II. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image . Query: Why the hell schedule a "Don't knock it," the desk clerk conference in a town that is so avowedly explains. "Lot's of rooms have four guys in hostile? them." So I get off the plane (flown by a ham - It is incredible. When we get all the beds handed character whose last job was folded down, there is literally no room to move about. We must all sleep at the same driving a garbage truck) and get a cab. After getting gouged by the hack to the time because there is no floor space with tune of $3.50 for what looked like a buck the beds out. - fifty drive (I used to be a cab driver), I I throw down my suitcase, and go to fine walk in to registration. some liquid absolution. New England: There is a bunch of fat, flaky fruits "there aren't no bars open." Liquor unless it is socially approved. stores?? "Sorry son, them places close at 8 hanging around the registration desk. It . takes them 15 minutes to determine that o'clock." they can't determine anything. It takes Next morning. Take a shower, (shower III. Thou shalt not take the name nozel almost comes out of wall — tile job is me an hour to browbeat them into laying a of the Lord thy God in vain . . room on me. so bad it would give a tile setter apoplexy). That was probably my first mistake. The Go downstairs — gotta get out of the joint they put me in — one of their better snake pit. When I hit the lobby there are accommodations — is a literal snake pit. men putting buckets out — the roof is Yeah, a dorm of the New Hampshire leaking from some shower on the second College of Commerce and Accounting floor. (Yea h, that's what I said when I first heard The only thing that I have seen that rivals it) and that alone seems to explain the this slum dormitory is the "nice" hotel whole thing. that they have relegated to many of the The Son of Superman The building has the greasy smell of a delegates of the fairer sex. Maybe a theater lobby that hasn't been washed in member of the executive board is related al capp . . . unless it aids your cause. IV. Remember .. . unless the grass needs keep the Sabbath day, to make it holy V. Honor thy father and thy mother mowing, furniture needs painting . . . . . . or the surf is up. Puberty goes to Washington ... for parents universally deserve honor. "The audience ALWAYS applauds when "Maybe," said young Straight" Sen. Charles "Chuck" Puberty never Massachusetts," chuckled young they hold up an APPLAUSE card, and "they know that no matter how u smoked, drank, chewed, cussed or fooled Straightarrow, recalling some of the things anything you say to a liberal audien Sen. Kennedy had said when he was a Carson always nods his head in agreement around in his youth. He started as a loyal long as it discredits America, the maj student there. "But no one else can get when someone blasts the establishment," employe of a component of the Military - will swallow it." his young assistant explained patiently. Industrial Complex, and rose to be a cost - away with it anywhere else." "But the opposition will be listening to '"Hiey WILL?" asked the senator cutting executive. He sold out to a "According to this latest Gallup Poll, sudden twinkle in his eye. conglomerate, and at the age of 30, he had when youth on 200 campuses were asked if YOU, and they'll hit you with this report from the National Science Foundation "Yep," said the young Straight* amassed a personal fortune of $30 million they still considered America the land of as published in The New York Times: sadly. and went into politics as a liberal. opportunity, 87 per cent said 'yes'." Sen. Charles "Chuck" Puberty fire Although now pushing 50, his strategy "I hope they don't find that out in 'Seventy - eight samples of air were Massachusetts," said Chuck, who, although recently collected at different sites around young employe and gave the speech for winning the presidential nomination is to identify himself with rebellious, pot - a rival for the presidential candidacy, was a the world, and were compared with air without any changes. Although a samples taken 60 years ago. There is soreheads, including the National Sc smoking, anti establishment youth. In friend of Ted's. "Anything else bother precisely the same amount of oxygen in Foundation, the Gallup poll and preparing his first nationwide TV speech, you?" Agnew grumbled, he was hailed by the air today as there was in 1910'." he added Dwight D. Straightarrow, a recent "This part about how hopeless and bitter William O. Douglas, Arthur SchlesirT America's blacks are because they have no "That blows my whole speech," snarled Harvard graduate, to his speech - writing and Gloria Steinem as "a youthful vo. future in racist white America, is a laugh." the senator. "Why don't my writers know staff. It was his first political blunder. How honest despair at the refusal of Amen VI. Thou shalt was he to know that young Straightarrow "It's a rewrite of something Sen. Ribicoff enough NOT to give me things that are not kill. . . untrue." face the truth about its problems." was the first student to graduate from said," the senator bridled, "and nobody . . . except during student unrest, war Harvard since 1960 with a decent laughed at HIM." or when killing a commie for Christ. education? "Whom did he say it to?" "Your job," he said to Straightarrow, "is "The ADA." VII. Thou shalt not commit to give my speeches a youthful flavor. "Lucky for him he bunch didn't try it on a that knew something. Or they'd our readers' mind adultery . . . Stick in some youthful expressions like 'industrial ecological criminals,' 'militaristic have known that the same Gallup poll mass murderers,' 'Southern racial bigots' found that while 72 per cent of all whites American anti optimistic about their future in Pop festival n and 'Middle were intellectuals'." America, 75 per cent of all nonwhites are." Young Straightarrow began reading the "Throw the line away," sighed the speech and immediate said, "WOW!!!" senator. To the Editor: "THAT'S a youthful expression, all "I'll save it," said young Straightarrow, I wish to share your views on the issue of Legally barring future festivals . closes one of the channels which the right!" cried the senator. "Should I stick it "for your Yale speech. Say it there and closing future pop festivals (State News would have further used to track in the beginning?" Kingman Brewster will give you an editorial, Aug. 18). Judging from reports of more of the peddlers. "It's this beginning you'd better stick, honorary degree." the Goose Lake Park festival, it was While the governor does not oppose sir, " said his young employe. "Where you "I hope you're not going to mess up my probably the most peaceful in recent times. festivals, he supported the injunctr say, 'The American Dream has become a ecology stuff," grumbled the senator, The degree of cooperation which Richard prevent the one planned for Labo nightmare to American youth.' Where did "about how the military - industrial Songer gave the police was commendable. One vonders how he can ascertain you get THAT?" complex is committed legal murder^ by No single event has ever afforded the law future festivals would be free of drug "It's a rewrite of the exact same thing making our air unfit to breathe. It's a enforcement agency the opportunity to . . unless thou art famous. Sen. Kennedy said in Massachusetts." rewrite of something Ralph Nader himself make such massive arrest of drug pushers. without allowing one to be organized. "Sen. Kennedy can say ANYthing in said on the Johnny Carson show. The It is rather unfortunate that he should be 'Bayo' audience applauded and Carson nodded his made a scapegoat for the praise - worthy head in agreement." effort. VIII. Thou shalt not steal. . Letter policy ■ . . unless thou art government. The State News welcomes all letters. |M IftlfcVMtif/HERE'S THE WORlD-^ COFFEEEI6HTY-NINE... MU5TARP., il 60IN6 TO DO A LITTLE FAMOUS GROCERY TU)ENTY-THftE..0LlVE$..5IXTY-El6HT... HEAVY READING TONIGHT, EH ?" They should be typed and signed with the CLERK WORKING E66S.. FIFTY-NINE... MAGAZINE home town, student, faculty or staff AT THE CHECK-OUT IX. Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor local phone number standing, and ti £ v COUNTER.. unless on a legislative junket running for re-election. included. No unsigned letter will be h or accepted for publication, and no letter will . . . be printed without a signature except in A". Thou slialt not covet. extreme circumstances. All letters must be . less than 300 words long for publication .. . except in cases of manifest destiny. without editing. ^ n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27, 1970 5 Blindness to no bar WMa Don Paschke says he has to "look" youngsters were small, he would skate Since the University installed Braille instead of around the ice rink with them on the second floor, the new Braille lettering on the on his back. people is Shirley Sleep, an office assistant direction, they help him enjoy activities Four and a half years lettering beside the new lighted floor when he tried to use the new panel in research and overseas contracts. A Administration Bldg's elevator panels, he ago, he moved his wife, who is also blind, and his family to buttons on the Administration Bldg. directions for the first time. divorced mother of two, she drives him common to the sighted. It amazed his over - the back fence elevators few weeks ago, Paschke has had - - (excuse n, pr being Ww"dwhci"he sayd l•:na he me^ns it. he'd love to try water Lansing to begin a new business career. Today he singlehandedly operates the a to rely again on his sense of touch to find "To admitted, "I tell was you the truth," Pashke kind of annoyed." He had from work to his home in southwest Lansing every night. And, sometimes, she neighbor, Jerry Jacobs, another employe, to see Paschke shoveling his MSU his way to work on the second floor. learned how to feel for the old raised 0 combination coffee has lot on her mind. sehedul Though blind since 18, Paschke believes lounge - lunch counter Ironically, no one told him that Brille buttons. "Now I have to look at the a driveway last winter. Paschke also mows there's not much you can't do if you in the Hannah Administration Bldg - was being added to the control panel. And Braille." On just such a night, Paschke startled her his own lawn, helps his wife hang out the fvour mind to it." For 22 years, he serving most of the building's 437 employes daily. The snack shop, offering the oversight sparked a frustrating dilemma Because he was blessed with sight, albeit when he said, "Come on, Shirley, smile," "I couldn't imagine how he knew I laundry and makes necessary repairs on j his way around Detroit as a door - to now familiar to their house. everything from cigarets, coffee and rolls many building employes. failing, for 18 years, he was able to read wasn't smiling," she said. "But I wasn't. He Annr salesman - without the help of a Jim and study regular books and Jacobs Peters, asst. director of space watched in fascination ,.d2 ™ dog. He can even drive a car, with to hot sandwiches, chili and goul^ grosses utilization, heard the story from his newspapers. Since his blindness, he has not used Braille seems to have Without his a sixth sense about people." summer day recently as Paschke conducted one from a passenger. And when his r-^t-n a na approximately $3,300 a montn. sight, Paschke, of course, has . (jiw,ti("ls secretary: Paschke ended ud in the very much. come to rely on other senses with an a lancscaping project in the back yard, the Like his counterpart, the sighted self planting of three young trees. - amazing degree of success that has not employed businessman, Paschke puts in a gone unnoticed by his customers. "I doubt if you or I could have spaced long day, most of it on his feet — "Don is the type of fellow who POLICE HEADQU them more evenly or in a straighter line," restocking counters and shelves, brewing a fresh coffee, cleaning tables, and bringing remembers the different things people do," says Lyle Ruth, from the business office. said Jacobs. It must have been his smiles and chuckles to his appreciative He explained, "I am usually humming a willingness to try customers. anything that prompted this 49 - year • old song or something when I come in to the businessman to take the wheel one "Most of the time I feel good. I made up day "Jam. AT my mind a long time ago that you have to snack shop, and before I say 'Hello,' Don says 'Hi, Lyle.'" while driving in Detroit suburbs with his brother. come to work so you may as well enjoy it. Ruth also noticed that Paschke always "Sometimes I hear someone who's kind talks as if he had sight.For example, when "I drove right through Drayton Plains," of grumpy, so I try to say he said, something to discussing television programs, he will say, smiling broadly, "but it's not cheer them up." "I watched that program last night." recommenuea. One of thosy somebodies touched and Paschke's hands are his eyes to a large And if someone gave him the chance, he cheered by Paschke's concern for other extent. And in combination with his sense of probably would try waterskiing. INFLATION EASING? Wholesale prices decline (continued from page 1) tapering off in the nation's worst conditions, temporary shortages on the average this month for wholesale food prices are likely inflation in 20 years. and other factors. every $100 worth of foodstuffs, to be reflected quickly in retail However, Popkin cautioned The easing of wholesale prices animal feeds and industrial raw grocery costs, raising hopes that tha food prices can fluctuate so far this year has been cited materials in the 1957-58 period consumers may soon see some sharply because of weather most frequently by Nixon on which the index is based. administration economists to The latest report on consumer Case dismissed support their statements that prices, for July, put them 5.9 Patty Voss of Anniston, Ala., and Frank Canibane of Chicago told an Atlanta (Ga.) Municipal Court judge that turmoil. The judge looked up the law, watched the arresting patrolman demonstrate the embrace and dismissed the Women's liberation inflation is tapering off. The five cent - decline tenths of one per per cent above living costs a year earlier, a slight easing from the annual rate of increase of 6 they were just kissing and hugging as above when they were brought the per charges. (continued from page 1) Women — FEW. They carried Wholesale Price Index down to cent or more that had prevailed arrested on charges of public indecency and creating a for the previous 18 months. AP Wirephoto signs reading, "GS 14 - 15 -16 - 117.1, meaning it cost $117.10 Luscomb, who worked for women's suffrage 50 years ago, 17, not 5 • 6 - 7," referring to said that when the feminist government pay grades. INFAIR LABOR PRACTICES movement started "it was immoral for a woman to speak President Nixon had issued a in public like this." proclamation marking women's Police estimated 3,000 people suffrage and urging Americans to Republican "recognize that women surely — both men and women — have a still wider role to par gathered to gawk and cheer at a play in noon rally in Chicago. About the political, economic and social life of the country." by Patric 350 women in the crowd wore symbolic buttons and shouted i Icontmed . j,inm[U„n from page 1) of over 2,000 delegates and Occupational Safety Division of determine the actual number of "right on" during the speeches. Several politicians, including alternates who were to attend the state Dept. of Labor, said employes at that New York Gov. office," Pool About 3,000 people also Nelson "They were simply told it the state convention she said, the case has been assigned to an said. Rockefeller and Mayors James 501'A E. Grand River Ave. East would be nice if they would On Friday, Aug. 7 Mrs. Wojcik gathered in Indianapolis while Lansing inspector. Although a Michigan statute members of a women's Tate of Philadelphia, Peter ittend," Roe stated, said, she was warned that she "First passed 1909 says that Michigan we must prove a in an liberation group performed a Flaherty of Pittsburgh and Lee Call 332-0904 Commenting on the incident "could either quit or be fired' violation and then we must employer may not employ skit Alexander of Syracuse, declared demonstrating their Friday, he said, "She just walked when she refused to work women for more than 54 hours a demands. Wednesday Women's Rights off the job, and that gave the overtime without pay. week 10 hours a day, the law or "We're against the idea of sex Day. iffice manager no alternative." In the letter to Milliken, Mrs. in "Last Friday was the first history I remember the Scarce rainfall 1969 was modified in December of to comply with Title 7 of and women's beauty being put on a pedestal," said one woman. iojeik the Republican "If State Central 3 DAY wrote, the 1964 federal Civil Rights Several feminist groups urged lepublican State Central Committee ever paying anyone Act. This provision says that any rough fish women to discard cosmetics, on Woo£co\ treats its employes for overtime," she said, employer engaged in interstate bras and other items they claim ike this, what can be expected Roe said employes are given commerce who employs 25 or >f the Republican candidates? alternate time off for )o they regard lumbers, or as real people? How people as overtime, working MUSKOGEE, Okla. (AP) Synar, a Muskogee - area more employes for a Ed 20 or more period of weeks in the current are symbolic of the sexiness forced upon them. About 1,000 women marched RECORD Mrs. Wojcik said she was told or preceding year is not subject SPECIALS! landowner and cattleman, had down Connecticut Avenue in ne the people put any faith when she was fired that she his own way of describing the to any limitations on women's Washington, D.C. behind a a you as a candidate when you would "get a good hours. banner reading, "We demand k iave lack of rain in recent weeks. people like this working for recommendation." Pool said Michigan law does equality." Several hundred I w? "It's been so dry we've been "When I left Friday," Mrs. not cover any employers who women attended a lunch hour Mrs. Wojcik claims that Wojcik said, "the office manager spraying the catfish for ticks," in the he said. are category described in rally by Federally Employed »ugh time is not allotted to (David Shelp) just said 'OK.' He Title 7. omplete the work. Four didn't say I was fired until about 'RARE EARTH'S' ecretaries were required to an hour after I got there Monday rork overtime BRAND NEW Friday to finish morning." Straightai yping the names and addresses Ralph Pool, asst. chief of the 33 1/3 ALBUM t how 1 audienc Showing Central Michigan's Most Complete Assortment of ,[the maj Smokers ptraightai PIPES Savanelli - G.B.D. AND - Comoys Articles - Dunhill CLEARANCE SALE Kaywoodie - The Pipe - Dr. Plumbs ierty fiiw And all other advertised brands. speech l eaturing imported Cigarettes From 35 Countries. lough Showing Over 100 Brands ■ Tobacco. lional Sci Showing Over 100 Brands-Cigars. >11 and i led by Ju 203 SchlesingJ North thful Washington of Amerii HIT BY NEW AIR FORCE festivals lich the p > track toppo^ 'injunctio r Labor ascertain REGULARLY [of drug [ganizfd RAY STEVENS 'Bayo, - LANSING'S GREATEST SELECTION aduate st Aug-^ OPEN TILL 9 TONIGHT OF PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Everything is beautiful CREEDANCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL sS 5 TO WA A, Bayou Country blNSTtM HASLETT HONDA & SUZUKI COUNTRY JOE Tonight Vm Singing Just for You 1605 Haslett 5 minutes from campus Road, Haslett 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27, i97o| 'U' to birth Magic society established serious study. wills," he wrote. effects on others is black centuries," he sairi Beethoven By JEANNE Three NORCROSS MSU students have While promote radical change groups through "The murderer has the will to live and his will to murder magic." White magic is dedicated to then 'But after 1866 and 1914, a decay set jn 187o ft is a false will at various with the destruction of black mistook organized a Society for revolutionary means under itself for A festival to commemorate the £ his true will, since he risks Thaumaturgical Research to the principles of Locke, Mills magic. It does this by superhuman and willed I bicentennial of Ludwig van :!• and Marx, this new society death at the hands of society destroying the powers and thing impossible. It violated Beethoven's birth is scheduled study the history and power of magic and sorcery. will operate under the theory by obeying his criminal spells of the black magician every principle of from Nov. 2 to 6 by the Lecture x White The society, organized in and practice of Hermes impulse." he said. magic, and so it fell." Concert Series and the College Magic puts limits on It is used to develop man's April, proposes to promote Trismegistus, Giordano Bruno no Magic in theory and of Arts and Letters. The Dept. what do or what he the use and understanding of and Apollonius of Tyana. man may ability to create and control practice is identical with of Music and WMSB television may be. It teaches self - his environment. mordem science, the an alternative form of logic — "Do what you wilt shall be m-oiid also will participate in the event. reliance and the value of the The knowledge of black contends. magic. the Whole of the Law." Underlying both U Daniel Barenboim, conductor - human will for producing and white magic comes from a faith in the The students, who wish to Magic is the science or art order and pianist; Jacqueline de Pre, cellist; remain anonymous, said they of causing change to occur in changes. the study of the rituals and uniformity of nature. Pinchas Zukerman, violinist; and £ conformity with will. It does not recognize or religions of ancient There are no are doing a service to elements of the Chicago Symphony mankind by enlightening him It contends that every man submit to the worship of a civilizations. It also comes caprice, chance or Orchestra will participate in the accident to the range of his power. has by the right of self higher power or diety than from studying the failures of In both the succession of week - long festival. man. modern nation states to events is "The study and practice of preservation to be what he is regular and certain and to fulfill himself to the The performance of all achieve peace and harmony, They can be foreseen and Barrenboim, an Israeli magic can tum man into a ceremonies and acts takes the organizer said. calculated conductor who has conducted supreme power," one said. utmost, according to the an precisely. form of white or black magic. A member of the society major symphony orchestras on "It can contribute to the group. Members of the both ides of the Atlantic ocean, Aleister Crowley, author of Black magic, a member of cited a recent example of a Society for . x emancipation of mankind Thaumaturgical Research sav the society explained, is the nation's failure to comply had learned all of Beethoven's from the slavery of tradition "Magick in Theory and of spiritual forces to they align their aims with sonatas at 14. and to elevate men to a Practice," a basic handbook use with the principles of white various radical for study, illustrates that, if obtain selfish or material magic. groups on larger, freer life with a campus. Zukerman, an Israeli violinist broader outlook on the this right is exercised with ends. "The young German has been acclaimed for recitals in ' world." evil intent, it injures not only "All magic operates under Empire, after finding itself "the practice of white North America and Europe. The the law or symbol and and its will, disciplined and magic will help to promote The society meets daily in itself but everything Chicago Symphony, the third the late afternoon. associated with it. intent," he said. "Any trained itself so that It justice in the areas of civil oldest symphony in the nation, deliberate alteration of events liberties and natural Membership is limited to only "Men of criminal nature are conquered the neighbors that rights" has been recognized as one of without considering its one said. those students interested in simply at issue with their true oppressed It for so many the greatest orchestras in the world. WASHINGTON Safeguard (AP) — The Safeguard Pentagon's top scientist said "don't know a damn thing about antimissile system proven Ur, John Foster, director of defense research,said the proven a talk answer workable, scientist and question • and • session with some 300 and defenae system are." against some new conflict Defense with Melvin Secretary of R. Laird's Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific since 1961, Foster answered saysfeeling that you don't want It I be feasible," Foster said. "Wt| workability is why the Nixon student Interns working at the Foster discounted a student's statement May 22, 1969, that and said it la the only U s' that's all right. ButwhatelieJ Wednesday most people who it," He said the system has take positions for or against the already proved it works. administration asked expansion Pentagon this summer. premise that expansion of the the first phase should be defense against a surprise attack you going to do to defend the now of Safeguard's Phase Two He repeated the assessment Safeguard system now with two deployed to find out If it works. 0n Its bombers and missiles bombers, these missiles?" rather than awaiting tests on that present additional sites - approved by The system has proved It To another student's U.S. • Soviet „ the Senate last week to Phase One which he said would defense buildup trends could put - seems works consistently In tests at "Your question Implies the that research on SafeguaL add two years and $2 billion to the Soviets ahead in strategic, should be completed before Itl $3 billion to the system's tactical and intelligence COOSI LAKE expanded, he replied: "Mo| V-DOWNTOWN development. capability by 1976. guys who take a position! Qptn 12:45 Feature 1:00- n premiere "This is one of those things," He said he is partially ABM don't know a damn thll 3:10 -5:15- Foster said, about It." Radio documentary set TODAY' . ihe'd rather kiss "where If you concerned about a potential 7:25.9:35 exciting engllsh musical decide you want to get into it Specifying the remark new intelligence gap which he said ELLIOTT CANDICE PROFESSIONAL Tues' $2.75 you don't dabble with It." would leave the United States aimed at some scientists wll GOULD-BERGEN THEATRE- Wed/Sun $3.25 He called the overkill debate not only behind but unable to argue against Safeguard, he sal - GRAND - Thr/Fri $3.50 "naive" and said the question is counter some decisive new "This is a good festival . . . the Byrds, along with many the festival had a different image an iron - clab case both for a! LEDGE - Sat- $3-75 of what went on that GETTltfL against the system can A not whether the United States well run .but this is one out of additional from - comments weapon the Soviets might be weekend, .. 627-7805 student i.d. $2.00 $3.00 has more warheads than it needs discovered to have. maybe 20 that's good. The rest performers and fans, hospital different from those whose only selectively pulled from the pi 6str S£rki tickets also at Paramount News iMAugi>26^eptj5^^30^;Mi to kill potential enemies but whether it has enough to of "The only counter to this veil of them are just shambles." Comments like the above were rescue workers, park officials and others who attended the contact was through the news media. People on the grounds of research building up that on has be 2 boosters. jAYt DZC 18" CANVAS BAG Spartan Head Coach Gus Ganakas is confident that both "ALL-IN-ONE" BINDER COMBINATION Lick and Aitch squads. can make the pro (B) Vinyl covered binder, zipper pouch, filler paper, . 249 CHARGE IT REG. $2.44 Durable canvas bag w "Dallas is really short on big signment book, theme book, dictionary, index. Binder h heavy duty zipper. Vinvl c< men," Ganakas said Wednesday, clip on inside of front cover. M/j" rings, one booster. SAVE ered handles. Blue or broi "and Tom has really improved since he played for us. He's got a good shot from the outside and can handle the ball well for a big man. He could be used at either SHEAFFER CARTRIDGE forward or center. "We would certainly hate to PEN REFILLS lose Mathew, but I know he's always had his heart set on Filler Cartridge fountain playing in the pros," Ganakas pen and 7 refills. // added. "Matt won't impress you with one shot or grabbing one Paper SMOOTH-WRITING BIOS' BALL POINT PENS rebound — he just plays a sound game of basketball all the time 500 sheets School saving! 3 Mathew Aitch and he gets the job done." No O'TPC skip writing. FOR / MACHINE PERFORMANCE Reg. 88c J The 1970 Purdue game will be WEBSTER'S NEW WORLD I the 30th NCAA-TV I for MSU. appearance PORTABLE TYPEWRITER DICTIONARY Now 61c Modern desk edition. before you go 3877 Index. 576 pages. s3" Check these Does almost every job a machine can do. Pica type. big Save 27c FINE OUALITY TYPING PAPER low prices Molded plastic frame. Convenient folio in lid. 3'/2"xI2"xI8". Pack of 240 sheets. Standard 8>/2x11". COc 05J on Bridal sets! r 1 *\/i Classmate Vinyl Binder with paper included. s137 teE TRAVEL Y0UR CHRISTMAS RESERVATIONS! KIDS LIKE THESE BRIGHT EL flights METAL LUNCH KITS ■avan K?°dations are still Save $3.00 Bdenn for your choice. No . I'CtionT. neCeSS8ry °n air Wrought iron desk has shelves for books and walnut textured 287 Colorful metal lunch box with plastic top. Chair has matching plastic upholstered seat. With pt. Thermos® bottle. gooseneck lamp. I C°LLEGE travel 130 w. Grand G. C. MURPHY CO. - First Quality Always River 329 S. Washington Across the Street from Penney' 351-6010 Open Monday & Friday Night! MERIDIAN MALL 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27 1970 state news state news classified Looking for a home near school? Consult the want ad pages for fast results. classified 355-8255 355-8255 The State News does not permit racial or religious Scooters & Cycles FRANKLY^tAIQNG Ptnl ftmJi For Rent For Rent For Rent discrimination in its HONDA 1970 350 CL. Low mileage. STARTING FALL single room in six STODDARD APARTMENTS, 1 advertising culumns. The Excellent condition. 2 helmets, girl house. 126 Woodmere, bedroom. Now leasing for Fall BURCHAM 2 bedroom (3 WOODS^745 BT~:~ or 4 m, frc> $700. 351-3598. 2-8-28 $70/month, 351-5518. S-8-27 Term. Balconies, laundry. Near One bedroom State News will not campus. Call 351-8238. 351-2003. (2 Furnished, heated po0 ' fngnl J21 ' • AUTOMOTIVE accept advertising which SUZUKI 1966 with windshield, good THE MARMAX. 225 Division, 4 man parking. Call between 3 ' 7mc Jl60 discriminates against condition 250cc. Either sell for apartments. Block from Berkey, Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or $300 or trade for snowmobile. Quiet. Call 351-5143. TF FOUR MAN, walk to campus, two 351-3118. |f no 484-4014.0 "JJ P*M Auto Parts & Service national origin. 663-3495. 2-8-28 bedroom, two bath, utilities paid, EAST LANSING One Aviation near campus. 489-1893 after 6. 2-8-28 THREE BEDROOM house butlef CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national' bedroom, furnished. Large airy * EMPLOYMENT companies. Compare our rates. rooms. Air conditioned. ONE BLOCK from campus. 2 furnished for three oMemale. 2705 Harton. student ™ ♦ FOR RENT Automotive 2205 East Michigan, Lansing or Beautifully clientele maintained. Lease. Select bedroom, 2 person, $160. 3 3-s ^ 505 332-3135 or person $195. Furnished, balcony, Apartments Albert, East Lansing, 882-6549. O Houses CHEVROLET 1963, standard, good 484-8173. O air conditioning. 216 Beal Street, Apartment 2A. 351-6088 after 2 Houses Rooms running condition, phone WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 p.m. 1-8-27 * FOR SALE 355-8129. 3-8-28 HONDA miles, 1970 perfect 100 Scrambler, 300 condition. Offer. bedroom furnished, start at $155. THREE PEOPLE"Vor"house"«! fall. 351-8979 after 6 Balconies, security locks, laundry. TWO MAN efficiency apartment p.rn. 2 Animals 351-1294. 3-8-28 Quiet area. Married and graduate Mobile Homes CHEVROLET 1965 I MP ALA: Power students, faculty, or employed available September 18th, $145. GIRL NEEDED~to Sha7e 7o"ur 2. steering, brakes, V-8, stereo, Call 353-6723, 353-8652 or see house for fall ma • PERSONAL belted tires, excellent condition, HONDA 1966, 160 Scrambler. 6,000 miles. Perfect condition. Call persons - only. Call 351-4698, manager, Edgewood Apartments, to campus. or three term, Call Z, 332-3311 and 351-8890.0 after - 355-6009. X-3-8-27 2-A. 2-8-28 • PEANUTS PERSONAL 332-0256. S-8-28 337-2406. 2-8-28 * REAL ESTATE FIREBIRD 400 1967 Convertible. TWO NEW large rooms, full bath, SUZUKI 1970 350. Excellent LOVELY, FURNISHED BEA • RECREATION Stick, air conditioned, all power. private, five minutes from campus, 0n condition, $650. Call 332-0318. bedroom houses, $140-$160 for two. 337-1525. 2-8-28 ni DECOUP $1800 or best offer. 351-3873 3-8-28 utilities. 351-5696. • SERVICE HILLSDALE 2 2-8-28 6-8-28 - bedroom, ART RE Typing Service FOUR ROOM furnished with garage, * TRANSPORTATION FORD COUNTRY Squire 1963, 9 HONDA SCRAMBLER 1966, 250cc. no pets or children. IV 2-9218. unfurnished, disposal, close to air conditioning, downtown. OKEMOS AREA, 4 baths, two car garage, b^oom~~ta Buildii Excellent condition, $275 or best 2-8-28 fireplac« passenger. Needs some repairs. 485-8284. 2-8-28 walk-out patio. Will * WANTED offer. 351-1867.6-8-28 consider leu 693 M-43, Will trade for color TV or black with option to buv Ph„„ GRADUATE STUDENTS: one DEADLINE and white TV and air conditioner YAMAHA 1969 250 twin, low bedroom NEED ONE man for three man, two 484-4159.3-8-28 * or other furniture. 482-5166. furnished, beautifully bedroom apartment, $70. Bob, 1 P.M. one class day mileage, excellent condition. Call maintained. Phone 351-5909 after before 4 p.m., 4-8-28 351-2093. 2-8-28 SHARE TWO bedroom, 351-1524.4-8-28 own roo, before publication. 5 p.m. 2-8-28 Call 351-9018 after 7 n Cancellations — 12 noon FURNISHED TWO rooms and bath. $67.50. 3-8-28 MALE STUDENT wants apartment First floor, utilities paid. Rent one class day before good. $150. Call 485-1618. 3-8-28 CHIEF-(A)£ RAIDED THE "R3T PARTY near campus with other (s). Call through June. One or two males, WANTED TWO older or publication. 353-1255 after 10 p.m. 2-8-28 PHONE JAGUAR 1968, air, AM-FM, wire MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Kalamazoo Street since 1940. BUT "mepe'J t\ HITCH'.' parking. 1214 East Kalamazoo. 2-8-28 students, share three bedrooi house, north of airport wheels, blue, $3,400. 484-2531. . . . s> yaaig MEN: ROOMMATE (s) needed to 355-8255 3-8-28 Complete auto painting and Miee/cA corp / rx>t asm by w>./Cr , share Chandler Road. Furnished, w collision service. IV 5-0256. C luxury apartment near utilities, $70. Contact Al Eby, 50 RATES MIZ campus. Call 351-0782 9 a.m. to 6 Grove, phone 332-1763. 2 ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call p.m. 4-8-28 1 day $1.50 TWO BEDROOM duplex, close to FURNISHED KALAMAZOO STREET BODY THREE t 15c per word per day GIRLS: ROOMMATE (s) needed to SHOP. Small dents to large campus, 4 students, $55 each. house, suitable for 4 or 5 student 3 days $4.00 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA 1965: 13%c per word per day Slant six, 225. Best offer; call wrecks. American and foreign cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286 Employment Employment share campus. luxury apartment Call 351-0782 9 a.m. to 6 near 332-4589. 3-8-28 good parking, clean, newer type 5109 Jodon Drive, references. Ca 485-5514. 3-8-28 p.m. 4-8-28 ONE after 5, John 351-7165. 2-8-28 2628 East Kalamazoo. C BEDROOM unfurnished, 5 days $6.50 GRAD STUDENT wife for HEAVY PRODUCTION cook babysitting and light housekeeping carport, balcony, married students 13c per word per day PONTIAC 1965, $125. Real wanted 20 - 30 flexible hours per EAST S)DE Furnjshed 1 and 2 in faculty home. 9 a.m. - 3:30 or faculty, 332-2872. 3-8-28 (based on 10 words per ad) transportation special. Home AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and week, $2.50 per hour. Call bedroom apartments. Adults only. p.m. One pre-schooler welcome. 337-9519, work, 484-8443. 3-8-28 American cars. If we can't fix it, it Own 337-7400. 3-8-28 phone 372-3520. 4-8-28 ONE OR two girls to share luxury Fo Peanuts Personals must be can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O transportation. Call 332-8039 after 9 a.m. 3-8-27 apartment. Pool. 482-2256, GUNSON STREET, 2 blocks fror PONTIAC EXPERIENCED EXECUTIVE - type pre-paid. 1963 convertible. 1963 TW0 BEDROOM furnished 694-8587, 337-0810. 3-8-28 campus, two bedrooms, par Comet. Volkswagen van, new secretary needed immediately. Aviation apartment, private entrance. Will accommodate 4 or 5 student! There will be a 50c service NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, Part time engine, good for camper. $550. parking, IV 5-7593 after 6 p.m. 484-8173; after 5 p.m., 351-444) and 15-20 hour/week for typing and TWO BLOCKS from University, bookkeeping charge if 1965 Dodge wagon, good FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to 3-8-28 2-8-28 shorthand. Hours flexible. Pay WOODMERE APARTMENTS, 2 this ad is not paid within transportation. Reasonable. Phone learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. negotiable. Call 489-5176. 4-8-28 and 4 man units (till available. one week. Mel, 332-3226, days. 0-8-28 Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C TWO GIRLS for four-man beginning For Rent fall. $57.50. After 6 p.m., 351-9036, 337-2437. 5-8-28 The State News will be HOUSEKEEPER, $45 per week plus 351-1240. 3-8-28 responsible only for the Employment board and room. Phone 351-6729. 4-8-28 Part time, live-in. BAY COLONY, one and two bedroom, $145 and up. 337-9228. first day's incorrect TWO GIRLS needed for 4-man. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT insertion. SUNBEAM ALPINE Roadster 1966. TYPIST 60 wpm $50/month each. 351-7659. , - LINE UP a fall job now. Begin work COMPANY, 351-7910. O Wire wheels. Good condition. Call accuracy. Evening work. Apply at TV RENTALS — Students only. Low 3-8-28 and training in August. Subsidiary 482-6690. 3-8-28 Willstaff, Inc., 427'/j Albert Street, of Alcoa. Car necessary. Call monthly and term rates. Call SINGLE STU 351-7900 FURNISHED ONE bedroom THREE oLOCKS from University, 1 East Lansing, after 3 p.m. W 351 -7319 for interview. C to reserve yours. only, walk UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C apartment for Grad student or and 2 bedroom furnished VOLKSWAGEN after 6. 2-8- 1966, 1300, HOUSEKEEPER, LIVE-IN or out. married couple. Close to campus, apartments. 332-6347, 351-9036. Bahama blue, $700. Good shape. HIRING COLLEGE students for full Occasional babysitting. Whitehills RENT A TV from a TV company. 332-2495 after 5 p.m. 4-8-28 5-8-28 Automotive Phone 351-7541. 2-8-28 time work now and part time Estates, 351-6223. 4-8-28 $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. during school year. Fantastic job, FURNISHED APARTMENT for 1 to NEJAC TV RENTALS. C AMBULANCE 1961 Cadillac. Superb condition, stereo tape, $430. VOLKSWAGEN blue, grey 1968 top. convertible, Excellent FOUR AMBITIOUS students to call good pay. Call 371-1813 between 8 - 12. C TV 4 girls. No pets. Close to 332-2495 after 5 p.m. 4-8-28 campus. YES. .TWO JOHNS ROOMS FOP condition. $1,700. on Fraternities and Sororities RENTALS. $8.50/month. Free Leasing no ; 332-0987. Mike. 3-8-27 339-2981, after 8 p.m. 2-8-28 during week of September 21st, to take orders for cleaning supplies. CLEANING hours, WOMAN $2.00/hour. one day, 8 Own deliveries. COMMUNICATIONS, Call SELCO 372-4948. PENNSYLVANIA furnished studio, NORTH, utilities paid. PER APARTMENT, p.m. 2-8-28 CHEVELLE SS 1965, V-8, console, Catalog furnished. Company transportation. Call after 6 p.m., • convertible, $550. 32-8872 anytime. 2-8-28 Phone VOLKWAGEN 1962 convertible. Good condition, $400. Willing to delivers. Top commission. For appointment, phone 484-9312 or ED 2-5634. 3-8-28 Private entrance. $110 a month plus deposit. Phone 627-5454. and balconies 3-8-27 bargain. After 6:00, 351-4923. 489-2286. 5-8-28 Apartments YOUR OWN CHEVROLET WAGONS 1959, good body, runs, $100 or (two): 3-8-27 VOLKSWAGEN 1969 SUMMER AND part time PART TIME typist hours per - secretary; 20-40 month; Hours to be arranged. 351-8932. 3-8-28 401 FAIRVIEW SOUTH, 4 rooms, UNIVERSITY VILLA: Three and four man furnished, $185 and up, too... plos the * * SHAG CARPETING NEW FURNITURE Near. Parkir $60. 332-33 employment with full line best offer; 1961, good engine, poor body, $20. Both for $95. SQUAREBACK, AM-FM radio, complete service records, 25,500 merchant wholesaler. Automobile required. 351-5800 for RESIDENT MANAGER for large bath, down. $125/month, utilities paid, furnished. No children or 35 1-3729. MANAGEMENT HALSTEAD COMPANY best location in * UNLIMITED PARKING pets. Phone 882-5763 before 3 351-7910.0 * 332-5555 after 5:30. 3-8-27 miles. $1,900. 351-4892. 3-8-27 information. O student project in East Lansing. DISHWASHERS Parking, Must be able to start September 1. Married or single. Phone 484-4014 p.m. in the afternoon. 2-8-28 MALE OWN room, furnished house, town at * * AIR COND. ON THE BANK OF 9Vm. Stuck col ONE BEDROOM 3-8-28 apartment, air and leave information. 2-8-28 conditioning, furnished, fine yard, September 17. Call immediately, 351-0788. 3-8-28 RIVER'S EDGE * THE RED CEDAR 4 MAN $220 Mo. I sm o ffl |A| will show 5 - 9 p.m., 2950 East FALL Mount Hope, Corner Hagadorn. 2-8-28 CEDAR GREENS and * * 3 MAN $210 Mo. 2 MAN AND 9 to campus, 351-3960 Fall Leases 2-Man WATER'S EDGE t LEASES BEECHWOOD: Three and four man, furnished, $200 and One Bedroom - Furnished MONTH LEASES ALSO AVAILABLE 3-8-28 IOM 332-0965. MANAGEMENT HALSTEAD COMPANY, up, $160 - Phone 351-8631 $170 APARTMENTS IRADUATE Parking. Ca evenings. IV $175 351-7910.0 furnished 2 bedrooms, luxury apartments MODEL OPEN DAILY EN MINUT PER M01V HASLETT ARMS next to Cedar Village completely behind the Wore 4 p.m SEE DON 332-4432 UNIVERSITY tNex-Aj ^ JERRACE in Water's Edge Roommate Service Yankee store CALL 351-8282 'EN, S200 332-3574 rc 3 EVERGREEN ARMS . * 'ALE HOUSI 3 AND 4 MAN APARTMENTS FOR FALL TERM FROM $232.50 FOR A NINE MONTH LEASE. CROSSWORD 132-3839.3-1 Roger Taskey 351-3420 SELECTED MANAGEMENT 3D. PUZZLE Stan Guski 351-8160 Free wit 444 E. MICHIGAN 351-107i ACROSS 28. Cosset 1. Expert 30. School book • Tl 6. Heroic poem 34. Jumbled type 10. Packing 35. White vestment From Kamins Stereo Shop machine 11. Sofa 13. King of the Visigoths 36. 38. 42. 44. Sweet potato Deities English river long-haired 15. Yarns wild ox Our Larger and Better Quarters Are: THE COMPLETE 17. 18. Convened Swab 46. Mama 47. The people 5. Adorn 20. Erudition 49. Administration 6. Man's 21. Hurried 51. nickname Variety of STEREO 23. Encore cabbage 1. Embarrass 7. Chasm The McClintock Bldg., 2400 E. 25. Eggs 53. Jury Lama 8. Athletic field Michigan Ave. 26. Paid 9. Sassafras tea 54. Reasonable 3. Overjoy SOUND CENTER announcement 55. Path 12. Audacity just past Frandor F- 3 T" W 7~ 14. Male swan 7 B- T~ P 11 i 16. Burn (former Cadillac Dealership) MODEL GE 5 IO " 19. Orange seed 22. Papa FOR THE HOME, CAR, 13 .4 r§~ 11 24. Weaken 27. Scottish dairy BOAT OR PLANE •7 iS To Inaid - FOUR WAY BALANCE - * % 23 % igm 29. Russian fightef —OPEN TODAY— - LOCK IN CASE % % plane 30. Electric catfish Th t - FOUR CHROME SPEAKERS wmMwmmwmmm 31. 32. Pixies Ringed boas wmmmwM'SMwwsM 33. Obispo Come and S % 36 37 % 30 39 IO 11 37. 39. Impair Forebodings ii $89.95 12 13 11 wr 40. Japanese news «7 % «§'■ & 46 agency 41. Scent 51 43. Temporary star 55" Wiik 4 WHEELS of Lansing, Inc. YOU SAVE $10.00 n su % 5r 45. Preserved 48. Scion 50. Billfish 52. Bib. pronoun Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27, 1970 9 Student Service For Sale For Sale Personal Service directory RE LAX-A-CIZOR - Effective weight reducer. Excellent condition. Best offer. 355-6122. 3-8-28 RIDING HORSE, gelding, old with bridle and saddle. 663-3495. 2-8-28 12 year $275. WE CAN CUT: We you UNION have SHOP. C-8-27 to can keep BUILDING trim it it, but combed. BARBER ACME Typing Service TYPING. Amazing celerity. YOU CAN see the savings with Term papers and theses. Phone college travel quality glasses from OPTICAL Mobile Homes 482-0094. 2-8-28 $1 00 service BUD'S DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan Peanuts Personal charge o.ung i i of I Joyce 355-8255 Qn% Vine St. 7 encyclopedia, 371-1849. 2-8-28 Realtor, 332-1248, 332-4605 TU I 693 M 43, Okemos, 337-7505 a.m. -11 p.m. 2-1946. 5-8-28 1 block west of Sears GARAGE SALE: lots of teenage and NORTON'S women's clothes, size 7 and EAST LANSING - 2 bedroom brick Frandor Shell Station Pre Labor Day Sale up. $1500 DISCOUNT on 12 x 60 1970 duplex, garage. 405-411 Beech. DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term There will be a Gay Liberan, THursday noon, August 27 - papers. Expert typist with Movement meeting tonight at 7:30 Major repairs including Saturday, August 29. 544 Haslett Mobile Home, shown by Near schools and degree Buying Golf Clubs? appointment only. Low down, BUBOLZ University in English. IBM. Also editing, sharp in Stefanof Lounge, Student tune-up and brake work Why not check at Street, East Lansing. 2-8-28 REALTY, INC. 351-8950. 0-8-28 Service mechanic balance like rent. 655-3828 or 332-1248, 332-4605. 5-8-28 Building to settle how GLIV on duty Indian Hills Golf Shop RCA 655-2684. 6-8-28 will relate to campus needs and issue- All State Road Service COLOR TV. AM-FM 3024 E. Saginaw Indian Hills Golf Course, phonograph toaster stereo 363 UNIVERSITY Drive 4 Wanted for fall. Bring ideas. Call the GLM 489-8010 - - luggage - 8 x 45 ROYCRAFT, - office, 309 Student Services Building, Okemos - 332-6925 kitchen table. 351-4050. S-8-28 newly bedrooms, dining room, den, 2 furnished, carpeted, close. Ideal baths, new 2 car garage with BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for 353-8859, noon to 9 p.m. daily for for couple, 351-9249. 6-8-28 information and answers to questions For Occupancy Of LOUIS BEAUTY SALON • EYES EXAM'NED GARAGE SALE: Twin and roll away garage opener. Excellent location and in good condition. and AB pertinent to GLM and Services bed, miscellaneous. 240 Oakhill. BUBOLZ negative, $10.00. O This Space Call On Campus • GLASSES 10x54. Excellent available to the homosexuo1 2-8-27 REALTY, INC. 332-1248, negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN • CONTACT LENS iw furnace, water 332-4605. 5-8-28 COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, community. 226 Abbott Road 641-6601. 4-8-28 Joyce DR. I.L. . 507Vi East Grand River, East 332-2369 Collins, Optometrist REFRIGERATOR (APARTMENT FACULTY HOME: 355-8255 large fireplace, Lansing. Above the new Campus Synthetic and Co-Optical Services size), dinette set, 1968 new Lost & Found two bedrooms, screened back Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 Human Hair Wigs standard encyclopedia, 371-1849. Wanted 5218 S. porch. 10 minute walk MSU, low p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Logan 393-4230 2-8-28 LOST: GREY and white kitten, Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 POLICE MONITORS, Sonar FR103, vicinity Beta 339-9140. 3-8-28 House. Reward Call 351-8629. X8-8-289 C°UntrV p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C MALE GRAD desires room in special sale $29.95 faculty RESPONSIBLE HIP graduate couple home or apartment with For Rent For Rent COUNTRY. New four bedroom, 2 otho>- For Sale crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, grad (s). 353-0599. 3-8-27 5558 South Pennsylvania Avenue, Personal bath ranch. Carpeted, $25,000. August 31st. Rescue us from | OKEMOS, 3 bedroom townhouse. WOMEN - FIND a new FRESH SHIPMENT of Folk Guitars. Lansing. C 646-6376. O Lansing middle • class dudes. Centrally air conditioned. Fully experience at HEDRICK HOUSE GRAD STUDENT male over 25 FREE A thrilling hour of 489-9130. 1-8-27 : carpeted. No pets. Available CO-OP. This fall. 332-0844. 140 All styles and prices at ... beauty. share furnished house in Okerr For appointment call .^s. ' September 6th. $225 MARSHALL MUSIC, East 484-4519. $90 plus utilities. 351-9306 a, per month. Haslett Street. 2-8-28 MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS WANTED: HOUSING for two senior 351-7213. 5-8-28 Lansing. C-8-28 Animals STUDIO, 1600 East Service guys for 10 weeks. 351-9075. 6. 3-8-27 MEN: CLEAN, Michigan. quiet rooms. C-8-27 2-8-27 ORGAN - FARFISA Combo BEAGLE PUPPIES, AKC _ Rooms Cooking. One block to campus. registered. Supervised, 487-5753, 485-8836. Compact. Good condition. $300 Wormed. $40. Phone 482-9781. IF YOU NEED MONEY s LIFE CAN be beautiful with th or best offer. VETERAN: Share 2 b 351-3777 after five 4-8-28 you don't need no great sporting goods you find ii own (SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and 355-8255 for fast action I the Want Ads. Check now. room. 337-1115, 10 - 3 p 3-8-28 en. 5:30 • 7:00, 351-9286. 313-646-4213. 4-8-28 time -372-1031.0 BARN SIDING for paneling. Red or WE WILL Your unpainted. 663-6821. 4-8-28 blueprint for Luxury... 484-4422. 4-8-28 ■SINGLE STUDENT rental, female V, er walk to campus, 489-1893 6. 2-8-28 For Sale SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. Brand new portables - $49,95, EVEN FURNISH THE DISHES ' (ROOMS Leasing FOR now. women,- fall 337-1408 term. after 3 I G70-15 (equivalent to 8:25x15) radial tires, used 2,000 miles. Full Singers, to $39.95. DISTRIBUTING Whites, Necchis, New Home & "Many Others." $19.95 Terms. EDWARDS With Every Lease ... ^|Oj BATH p.m. 2-8-28 guarantee, 40,000 mile tires. Call 1115 North COMPANY, Washington, f \ 353-0957. 2-8-28 489-6448. C-8-27 Signed This MOVING SALE: Furniture, ski rack, 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, Week for |Y0UR OWN room as you like it. ar. Parking. Double 0. 332-3357 2-8-27 $35, single bikes, grills, sewing machine. August 29-31. 9 - 7 p.m. 1615C Spartan Village. 355-9782. 2-8-28 canisters, up-rights. $7.88 1 North year guarantee. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 and up. DENNIS WATER'S EDGE -^^CLOSET^^ . Cedar, opposite City DANISH Market. C-8-27 |Y.M.C.A. MODERN sofa, 2 end and □ - ROOMS for young men tables, refrigerator, antique organ, or 2 typewriters, old table and chairs, women. Membership privileges. Parking, color TV, lounge, pool, free books, misc. Friday CHEAP SALE - Bed, drapes, lamp, ladies suede jacket, coat, others. RIVER'S EDGE J»m. Student rates. 489-6501. Saturday, August 28-29. 26 Call 337-0416. 4-8-28 We will give you BEDROOM 3-8-28 University 1-8-27 Drive, 332-2770. a free set of dishes. IQ 11 4/12 x 14 ROOMMATE SERVICE ^DOUBLE SANSUI 4000 Amp, $290; Advent |I ' ROOM females, utilities privileges included, very close :ampus, parking. $50 each. 351-3960 before 1 p.m. Jim. BEDS. STOVES, refrigerator. Buy, sell. ABC STORE, 1208 Turner. C SECONDHAND 12" speakers, $200, used only one month. Call 393-1409 after 6. 3-8-27 PROVIDED See Don in Water's 332-4432 Edge I 3-8-28 □ ■GRADUATE MALE student. CAMPUS VIEW ^ Parking. Call early mornings or IV APARTMENTS 5. 2-8304. 3-8-28 Across the street from Jen minutes from campus, Williams Hall ^ completely furnished. 372-8077 on Michigan 1 Ave. University approved p.m. 3-8-28 Supervised Housing for women students under 21. Leasing this week for Fall I 332-3574. 3-8-28 1970. Call Today: MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN EVERYDAY 1-6 PALE J "nion, HOUSING: Singles, block cooking, 314 Evergreen, 332-6246 MODEL NOW OPEN CLOSED THURSDAY i. 332-3839 3-8-28 Phone 332-6441 or 372-2797 MARSHA CHANEL TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing » with student units. These spacious luxury apartments are your rent at Seven-Thirty-One completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - central air conditioning. These four man units have up Live on campus- to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. ... off-campus... at If you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. APARTMENTS Live it up! Join the Campus Hill mob. More than just a pad to hang your hat . . . because there's lots ^ ®topcfungf)am of bonus extras! Like: a Mini-bus that takes you (5 round trips a day) from apartment doorstep to class¬ room eliminating parking problems, expense and tardiness. Like: a romantic "social" area with picnic tables and B-B-Q pits and stuff. Read below for more features than you'll ever get . . . and dig this . . . Three Man or woman Luxury Suites from only $180 a month. 9 'u!' Iime 0n'Sl,e Professional Maintenance and ■ Central Air Conditioning ■ All Utilities included Management Staff UV except electricity ■ Carpeting Throughout ■ Drapes 4620 S. HAGADORN ■ Completely Furnished ■ Balcony or Patio Units ■ Study Area with drop lite ■ Walk thru Kitchen 7 7WYCt featuring ■ Refrigerator ■ Range ■ Disposer APTS. Dishwasher ■ Laundry facilities ■ Storage and / ■ ■ Unlimited Parking. ■ Party Room Model Apt 202-A I PHONE management exclusively by: meia*cuff 9* Open 9 a.m.-6 p.m.! 351-0782 UfljgUBij SSSSS On Grand River West of Okemos Rd. Practically next door to Coral Gables. I MT. nofil RD- ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 97 l9?l With CovpoRS From Your Savtngs Conquest Mailer Guardsmen's status GET u» T° remains By United Press International Gov. Milliken Tuesday night again rejected a unchanged Milliken said his decision, made after conferring with Maj. Gen. Clarence C. Schnitke, the Michigan adjutant general, was unpopular but Kroger) 800 EXTRA Wo Raaarv* Th« Rijht To Llmi prudent. request by 2,500 Michigan National Guardsmen "It is regrettable that the possibility, however Quontitio*. Copyright Tho K roger Co. 1970 who were under federal command during Detroit's 1967 riots to be placed on inactive duty. remote, of recurrence of civil disorder requires such a high state of readiness that requests for transfer cannot now be favorably considered," Top Value Stamps "The immediate loss of over 2,500 of our best - the governor said. trained and most experienced personnel would "From Detroit to Kent State, we have learned reduce all units to an unacceptable state of the importance of training, skill and restraint," readiness for any emergency duty," Milliken he said. "I believe, as does Gert. Schnitke, that said. our units now have the capability for measured The Guardsmen had cited a federal law which allows a governor to transfer men to the inactive response to civil disorder." reserves for the last year of their six - year Milliken said the men who would be lost enlistment if they served as little as one day thrugh the change in status were the experienced ones who would be expected to be leaders in any under federal command. The Guardsmen said New York Guardsmen called to federal service for the postal strike last spring had been released to the inactive reserves. Inactive status means the men do not have to future callups. The governor vetoed a similar request in July after conferring with Schnitke. But after renewed inquiries from Guardsmen and their EEBS3 attend could monthly meetings or summer camp but be called up in the event of an emergency. Congressmen, Milliken ordered a review by his staff and Guard officials. Mixed Fryers o, j;-(ck JI CONVICTS VOLUNTEER Cholera serum Cut-Up Fryers Mixed Tasty Peschke's I Breaded Pre-Cooked Fish Crisps or I Peter's Rolled >* 29c Bakers Dozen n.iwail !■ J "or more J EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River PHONF 482-6226 Peaches California Assorted i * 5 98< Watermelons 56 Site Sun Blushed Each 89< 9ra"ges Vine Ripe 13 For S' ; 3 lb«. or Bananas j DOWNTOWN 107 S. Washington Plums 3 98( Nectarines 3 Lbs 98c Tomatoes 29(