Friday A . . • MICHIGAN Chilly. STATE STATE NEWS . . . and partly sunny with minister of finance is a temperatures in low 40's. |egaHy authorized pickpocket. UNIVERSITY — Paul Ramadier ie 63 Number 66 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 16, 1970 9.3 ROUT STEWARDESS DIES Red machine Father,son team hijack Orioles win Baltimore (UPI) - The Baltimore to Cincinnati just didn't have the pitching con^pete with Baltimore. Soviet plane to Turkey Boles won baseball's world championship Merritt, the club's only 20-game winner, TRABZON, Turkey (AP) — A Jewish pilots' compartment. Then the chief pilot, a and accidents and previous hijack attempts the second time in five years Thursday has been bothered with tendonitis, and father and his son hijacked a Soviet airliner copilot and the radio operator were were not reported for several days or bombarding Cincinnati's crippled Anderson decided to take a chance on him Thursday and forced it to fly across the wounded. weeks after they happened. Iching staff for 15 hits in a 9-3 victory, in this game only because Jim McGlothlln, border into Turkey where the plane landed The authorities said the copilot took over The plane, a Tupelev F27 of the lazing Brooks Robinson made it official his second game starter, also has arm with the stewardess shot to death and three the controls from the severely wounded government - run airline, was seized 10 Tone last diving catch. problems now. other crewmen wounded. chief pilot and brought the plane in for a minutes after it took off from the Georgian /Hie victory, the Orioles' 18th in their Merritt had a 3-0 lead when he started to It was the first known successful hijacking normal landing. town of Batumi on the eastern of a Soviet passenger plane although there edge of the 119 games of 1970, gave the American work on the gloomy afternoon but he In Moscow, the Soviet Union asked Black Sea for Sukhumin, 100 miles to the Champions the series by four games have been at least four other attempts. ie obviously didn't have his stuff. Turkey to extradite the hijackers and to north. uiie - and erased at last the sting of Moscow promptly asked Turkey to return the airliner, passengers and crew. Blair singled with one out and Frank The Koroyeros were the first to leave the jf1 loss to the New York Mets by the Robinson pierced the gloomy weather with extradite the hijackers and return the plane. A Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman plane there. ,c count last year. Officials identified the hijackers as said it would be Turkey's duty to return the a two-run homer, a just fair blast down Brazinskas Koroyero, 46, and his son They were originally from Lithuania but t was fitting that Robinson, who was - the left field line. plane and personnel but the extradition had been residents of Uzbekistan. The father Ld the "Most Valuable Player" in the The weather kept Algedas, 18. They surrendered to police and question "is a more complicated matter." drove trucks or taxicabs while the son was a les, had a big hand and glove in the final getting brighter as the asked for political asylum. The Soviet news agency Tass called the afternoon wore on and the rain student. _iing - first robbing Johnny Bench of a stopped Turkish newspapers said the Koroyeros and hijackers "criminal murderers" in its The two hijackers were followed out by I with a diving stab to his right to open things kept getting much brighter for the Orioles. published account of the incident. The the 43 Russian passengers. They were taken I inning and then throwing out pinch - Johnson walked with one out in the (See related story, page 15) Soviet press seldom reports internal crimes to a Trabzon hotel. Iter Pat Corrales for the final out. second and Andy Etchebarren singled him Kobinson, who was l-for-5 in the game were Jewish and the father was a native of to second. When Cuellar lined out for the lie setting one series record and tying second out to right, Anderson decided to Lithuania. m others, got a standing ovation from the No motive was given immediately for the 1341 fans as he was called out on strikes bring on Wayne Granger, who was his top ■his final time at bat - although pitcher Re Cuellar and Dave Johnson, Paul Blair, Knk Robinson, Boog Powell and Merv reliever during the regular season. It was a sound idea, but it backfired. By the time Granger himself was yanked in the hijacking, but the Soviet Union has refused to permit thousands of Jews to leave Russia and many Lithuanians still object to the Soviet absorption of their country in 1940. Auto strike Ittenmund shared the final game very next inning, the Reds had gone from a Police surrounded the Aeroflot, twin - 3-2 lead to 6-3 deficit and the world Etiight. a engined airliner when it touched down at ■The Cincinnati pitching staff, Kvn with sore ■ armed hurlers, bldn't contain the Orioles, who collected bogged simply series, for all intents and purposes, over. Granger was greeted by back - to - back was this Black Sea port about 100 miles south of where it was seized while on a domestic flight inside the Soviet Union. in industrial b homers, two doubles and 11 singles to singles by Belanger, which tied the score, jn the tense title game into a rout. and Blair, which put the Orioles ahead to stay. Swinging The two hijackers were the first to emerge and handed over two shotguns, five pistols WASHINGTON (AP) - The auto workers' strike against General Motors annual rate during the July - September ■Cincinnati Manager Sparky Anderson This campus parking ramp isn't and three hand grenades. period, industrial production dipped by a Kbled on starter Jim Merritt and had to Frank Robinson filed out to end that showed its impact on the economy any Mt. Everest, but Tom Many of the remaining passengers surprising 1.7 per cent during September. fce in with five relievers. Of the six, only inning but the Orioles continued to blast Thursday, contributing to a sharp drop in In both cases, the auto workers' strike appeared to be panicky. The chief pilot was Kkie Milt Wilcox pitched well in a 1 2/3 Granger in the third inning. Powell led off Przybylski, Dearborn senior, taken to a hospital where he was reported to industrial production and keeping the played a key role. Without it, said a with a double that went past Pete Rose in ling stint, and he was taken out for a practices knot tying for be in critical condition with a chest wound. nation's total output from rising spokesman for the Commerce Department, Ich hitter after being hit on the side by ■ right field. Big Boog came chugging around mountain climbing on the side of The plane had a crew of five. significantly. the nation might have seen a small drop in rank Robinson liner. third like a runaway locomotive on The developments gave no clear the building. Przybylski is a Turkish authorites quoted the elder the inflation rate. 1 and Blair each collected three Rettenmund's single and slid into home just indication of whether the economy is on a fraction trf a second ahead of Bobby member of the Outing Club, Koroyero as saying he and his son opened the upswing as the Nixon administration The Commerce Department said the j while Frank Robinson, Powell and ■tenmund added two each, Tolan's throw to make it 5-3. whose weekend activities often fire when the crew refused to change course and break radio communications with has predicted. "real" GNP — the measure of the nation's Brooks Robinson hit a liner that Tommy include mountain climbing. While the Gross National Product (GNP), plrooks and Blair each finished with nine Soviet air controllers. output with inflation discounted - gained Helms knocked down before throwing him the market value of the nation's output of n the series to tie the hit record for a SN photo by Greg Woelfel The hostess, Natasha Kurcherko, 18, was by an annual rate of 1.4 per cent in the ■ game mark, although a Baltimore out, but Johnson followed with another slain as she tried to block the door to the goods and services, climbed at a 6 per cent July - September period. Without the e named George Herman Ruth got 10 run-scoring single to make it 6-3. strike, a spokesman said, the rise would Rhe Yankees' four - game sweep of 1928. have exceeded 2 per cent. *nd now the Orioles can spend a happy Iter in which no one will ask them about With inflation figured in, the GNP Rogers seeks deadlock end climbed at an annual rate of 6 per cent during the period to $986.2 billion, up Cuellar was rocked for three runs and $14.1 billion over the April - June period. Ir hits in the first inning — he's noted for Jing Buttled down and problems in the early going — but UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Secretary of violations of the Mideast standstill truce. proposed peace negotiations. But Cairo and Overall the Harold C. Passer, analyst for the pitched a six - hitter. Rogers - Gromyko sessions Commerce Department, said the GNP rise State William P. Rogers began a ten-day Assistant Secretary of State Joseph Moscow deny violating the truce. promise to give the Nixon administration a Cincinnati, outhomered by the Orioles J. indicates "the economy has been growing round of talks with foreign leaders Sisco, who handles Mideast affairs and Rogers plans to discuss with Gromyko high level look at the latest Kremlin J6 during the series, again failed to accompanied Rogers to New York for the such items as President Nixon's new - thinking on foreign affairs. at a moderate pace." |»lay the power that won it the Thursday, with priority on getting the United Nations General Assembly fall Vietnam peace proposal, Berlin, strategic Sisco said the Kremlin does not In the industrial production index the |tname .317 the "Big Red Machine." Tony hitter stalled Mideast peace negotiations going. In his scheduled meetings with Egypt's opening, declined to say whether Rogers is arms curb negotiations and other East - West want a appear to confrontation with the United strike showed its greatest effect, moving during the regular N with 40 homers and 129 rbis, was Foreign Minister Mahmoud Riad Thursday, demanding that the Egyptians and Soviets States. and with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. pull out surface to air missiles installed in the (Please turn to page 15) I biggest offender. He was 0-for -4 in the cease fire zone since the truce Gromyko Friday and again Monday, aides began Aug. 8. - although Mark Belanger leaped to - * one of his liners and went l-for-19 said Rogers is taking up the issue of what the Israel is demanding such a missile rollback STUDENT SURVEY — as the price for her attendance at the |he series. United States claims are Egyptian and Soviet Disorder Indications are that college students themselves are unsure causes polled Haye eyer taken an actjve in a «. about the future and the possibility of more campus disturbances this year, according to a nationwide student opinion demonstration?" poll taken the first part of this month. Student replies were: When students were asked their ideas about the causes of yes 42.9% campus unrest, opinions were varied. However, the cause most no 54.9% frequently mentioned was the Vietnam war. no answer 2.2% Nine hundred seventy - eight randomly - selected college \r students on 43 campuses throughout the U. S. were surveyed the week ending Oct. 3. Interviewing was conducted by telephone. a breakdown of student responses to this that over twice as many students with question indicated Independent or Student responses followed no particular pattern when Democratic political party preferences had demonstrated than interviewers asked — , those with Republican preferences. No significant differences "In general, from your impressions since the school year has were found on the basis of sex. begun, do you expect that campus disturbances will be more frequent, less frequent, or about the same frequency as they were during the past year?" „ r~\ I I C I I H fO C f more frequent less frequent about the same no opinion ^ III \J O III ^ O I 21.7% 30.7% 38.1% 9.5% - When asked their opinions about the leading cause of student unrest, responses ranged from "outside agitators" to "outdated rules I prompts ' and regulations enforced by university administrators." Most frequently named by students as a major contributor to WASHINGTON (AP) - Some 434 students at 86 colleges and student dissatisfaction was U. S. involvement in Southeast Asia. universities have lost federal financial aid because they Other factors participated frequently mentioned were: lack of in campus disorders, the Office of Education said Thursday, communication between students and school administrators; Most of the penalized students attended small failure of the public to pay attention to student thought and colleges rather than the major universities that experienced the most severe disruptions, ideals, and permissiveness on the part of parents and college M administrators. according to a government report covering the period since June 1969. In Rep. Edith Green, D-Ore., chairman of the House higher a poll conducted on 18 midwestern campuses in January-, education subcommittee, criticized by name such universities as collegians most frequently mentioned the lack of communication Wisconsin and University of Michigan for not between students and college administrators as the major source terminating aid despite unrest on their campuses. of student discontent. However, since that time, U. S. Federal law requires colleges and universities to cut off federal aid operations in Cambodia may well have become an overriding to students convicted of participation in campus disorders, campus issue. "Only 86 institutions out of 2,600 report taking any action at all When polled on her opinion about campus unrest, a coed at cutting off funds from those who engage in riots or major Florida State University said, "The unrest was already there disruptions," Mrs. Green said. because of a lack of communication between students and their ' mos' cases, the institutions with the greatest disturbances did school administrations. The poor handling of the war in Vietnam least in terminating federal assistance," she said. "This is an has given students a rallying point, and from there they air other almost incredible report for colleges and universities demanding Happy b problems." more and more federal funds." K*1 Orioles Manager Earl Weaver wipes champagne from his fece as he huddles with pitcher Pete Richert in The students were then asked if they themselves had ever taken Leading the list of aid terminations were Florida Keys Junior a|timore part in a campus demonstration. Over four out of every ten Co ege with 39; Arkansas A.M.N. College, 38; Draughon's Business dressing room after the Orioles won the 1970 World Series. AP Wirephoto students said that they had. The question was - College in Kentucky, 28; and South Dakota State College, 26. 2 Michigan State News, feast Lansing, Michigan Friday, Octoh^i,. , news summary Suit ByGARYWALKOWICZ to halt at 3 p.m. game flagrant drug abuse wouldn't occur "There hasn't been much discussion about it case today. »„ « From the wires of AP and UP1. State News Sports Editor (the suit) among Michigan athletic officials, and Block's suit has called football games a public- Michigan. Shortly after, the Jackson nrS" *1 Joel Block's suit to halt Saturday's I haven't talked to anyone from MSU about the nuisance because they permit the illegal use of filed suit to halt the Labor Phil Hertz, a sports writer Day festival ^"®i MSU-Miehigan football game will be heard in case. There has been no discussion at all of what alcohol and drugs and disturb neighboring student paper, said students at for ihp „ I Washtenaw County Circuit Court this afternoon would be done if the judge would issue an residents. had a mixed reaction to the suit. Michie. l 'I with University of Michigan (U-M) athletic injunction. The case is based on generally the same "Some of them are officials only mildly concerned about the "I don't plan on attending the hearing grounds that were used when the Jackson are a lot of others who laughing at it butn^l outcome. Friday. This is a legal matter and I don't have a suit succeed," Hertz said. "Most would like t0 ^§ "We would be stupid to accept a "I haven't thought too much about the suit, legal mind. The university lawyers are handling County prosecutor got a restraining order to halt a scheduled Labor Day rock festival at of tho,^ ^ 1 coalition because the Viet Cong but I don't think there's a serious chance that the case. They're in complete charge." Goose Lake Park. A three day rock gathering really want to see the game cancelled would accept losing the but Sl control nothing. They hare lost the game will be halted," U-M Athletic Director Block filed a suit last Thursday, and the - at the private park earlier in the summer the law. game just to 'oet ri^l siridofa their capacity for launching any Don Canham said. "I'm more concerned with following day Washtenaw County Circuit Court "Most of the athletic officials significant military offensive, and getting the football team ready for MSU. Judge Ross Campbell said he would hear the generated a great public outcry against the open drug usage, and Gov. Milliken vowed that such take the suit very don't I seriously, however." ! they hare lost their political control." South Vietnamese President SHARES NOBEL PRIZE Xguyn Van Thieu Internotionol News American wins award in medicine STOCKHOLM Sweden (AP) - understanding of transmission prize, the Karolinska Institute in a pharmacology laboratory at the awards the prize in medicine, An American biochemist, a between nerve cells, it was Stockholm reported, Bethesda facility. since 1939. Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau canceled Thursday British biophysicist and a announced Thursday. It was the fifth consecutive year "I thought an "Von his plans for a visit to the Soviet Union because of the appropriate Euler's and Axelrod's The Karolinska Swedish physiologist are sharing Julius Axelrod of Rockville, that an American was a Nobel problem would be to work on the discoveries have not only Institute * the prize - terrorist crisis in Quebec Province. the Nobel Prize in Medicine - Md., Sir Bernard Katz of London Prize winner in medicine. Last winners 'W sympathetic nervous system," he increased our knowledge about presented basic data about Informed sources said Trudeau had been inclined to go Physiology for independent and Ulf von Euler of Stockholm tb year, the prize went to three said, "and it was a marvelous the transmission in the discoveries the recipients of the $80,000 physical and ehemi, ahead with the trip because cancellation would be a boost leading to greater are American researchers for their choice." sympathetic nervous system, mechanisms of the work on the genetic structure of Sir Bernard svnai™ for the Quebec Liberation Front, which has kidnaped a Katz, born in they also form the basis for the traasmission and thus viruses. Leipzig, Germany, in 1911, is a gjven J British diplomat and the provincial labor minister. understanding of the basic information about how J Axelrod, 58, a specialist in the professor of biophysics at transmission in the central They reported some Cabinet ministers prevailed upon messages are mediated bctw« field of biochemical mechanisms University College in London. nervous system and it? nerve cells." him to forego the trip on the grounds he should not be out of drugs and hormones and He has held his biophysics post of Canada at a time when decisions might have to be made glandular research chief of at University College since 1952, ASMSU sets talks the pharmacology section ot the and since 1968 he has been the quickly. National Institute of Mental secretary of the Royal Society. The prime minister told the House ofCommonshehad Health at Bethesda, Md. Von Euler was born in 1905 notified Soviet authorities Tuesday that he might have to Axelrod said his work started and has been professor of cancel the trip. Since formal cancellation, he said, he had about 13 years ago when he received "a very understanding reply" from Premier Alexei N. Kosygin. received an appointment to set up physiology on the medical faculty at Karolinska, which by Hoffman, Fonda Abbie Hoffman and Jane If any group or organi/jtiJ The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Fonda will be the two speakers wished to purchase a block of 1» At least 32 workmen were killed Thursday when a University, is published every class day during four school brought to campus this term by terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. tickets, they will receive a 2,000-ton section of the ASMSU Great Issues a bridge under construction Subscription rate is $14 cent reduction from there per year. Committee. collapsed with a roar in Melbourne. Australia. Nineteen 50c admissions price. Seats ml Hoffman, speaking on were injured and 10 were missing. Member Associated Press, United Press International, "Revolution for the Hell of It," the front of the Auditorium be reserved for such ij "The whole damned thing sagged in the middle." said Inland Daily Press Association, Associated groups. Collegiate Press, will appear at 2p.m. Oct. 30 in Frank Piermarini. 34. who was hospitalized with a broken Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press back. specialQ&hoe Association, United States Student Press Association. the Auditorium. Miss Fonda will speak at 2 Auditorium. p.m. Nov. 20 in the "I could see daylight through enormous cracks in the concrete. As I tried to scramble out, the whole world 30 pairs of shoe Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services The Great Issues Committee is Car club holdl seemed to go into a massive slide. I thought 1 was Building, Michigan State working from 331 Student University, East Lansing, Services Bldg. Anyone with finished." Michigan. Desmond Gibson, a tyroken rib and burns said: 29-year-old driller, who suffered a Phones: suggestions for future speakers should 353-8857 call the Monday office through at beginner rally] fedittorlal 355-8252 The MSU Sports Car Club »l "All I can remember wa?,a crash, thfn.hurtling through l-/20o-9oo Classified Advertising Thursday between 2:30 and present a beginner road rtllyaS 355-8255 3:30 p.m. the air and praying" as I went down. Then someone was "Gml S- - ZW - U-OO - ?•B • TV series "If I am on ' be aired at 2:30 any campus," she said, "is a iNov. 1. wide variety of living options from restrictive to liberal." jevens. ■board of current chairman of Ernst said he was trustees, reported I the University has been J by legal authorities not to »nd or jaw has had ' said expell a student until he a chance to act. lersity should not wait. thinks the Hafee 0' Usm SNIP N' SAVE T student who commits an Jof violence should be GOLF ■lied regardless of what the Boes," Dichi said, pestions on various Jed issues were put to the ■dates by interviewers Tim campus - COURSE - CARPET |lck of WMSB, Jeff Sheler, NOW OPEN TO 100% NYLON 100% NYLON fs! MOOSUSKI Still has a J|P°Pen'ngs for its leaving •rested? Call 353-5199. Dec. Austria 26. THE TWEED PILE SHAG PILE With Waffle Rubber Back PUBLIC With Hi-Density Rubber Back Do it yourself and save the labor — perfect for every room from bedroom to basement. Easy to cut with scissor or knife | Fun to Spare" 1B0WLWG $ •Golden Palm •Avocado •Blue/Green 5" PER SQUARE YARD mm Special sale of I Brunswick bags - PLAN NOW TO TRY THE FABULOUS 25% off LAKE O' THE HILLS PAR 3 GOLF |OUday lanes COURSE. BEAUTIFUL GREENS, A 1201 E. SAGINAW 1 and Vj blocks east of STREET Pennsylvania Ave. °pen 9 TELEPHONE 482 1 455 Daily CHALLENGE ON EVERY SHOT. - |M North of LANSING, MICH. 487-3731 MAKE UP A FOURSOME AND JOIN FREE ESTIMATES AMPLE PARKING P'ards Cocktails G°od Food US EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. OPEN MON. & FRI. Till 9 P.M., SAT. Till 5:30 MICHIGAN LOUIE BENDER STATE NEW! UNIVERSITY If you're a radical GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE you're at U-M, etc advertising manager MARK EICHER, managing editor be "calmer, more conservative J ED HUTCHISON, city editor I damned near cried the other day when quite liberal)" (sic), and students BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor I read in President Wharton's column that able to choose, - KEN KRELL, editorial editor "We received angry letters from students in according t„ lhejr persuasions, which they will JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor the President's office as did many of the atten(j GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor trustees." Now, as 1 see it, this kid has™, Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award together about how to Dick 1 for outstanding journalism. They probably used Wharton's own college. It might be a little meT"^ typewriter. John Hannah never let students what with all the MSU into HIS office to write him letters, you compelled to transfer to Ann ahwT radS' can bet. And even if they had written them in the dorms he'd probably never have read Ihe U M conservatives including liberals) moving J\U lu^.1 EDITORIALS them. But then, Hannah himself "We" either. never called Lansing, but in the long run it wiliS neater. If nobody changes his mi years, anyway. 011 So I was feeling pretty depressed by it all when I got to the bottom of the In fact, the only thing wrong with editorial page and found the solution to all kid's Hruskan point of view Sino-Canadian the University's problems in a editor from some freshman letter to the who had, I doesn't go far enough. politics on the campus, ri^ht? I Why stop is u suppose, had Bob Perrin or somebody from this kid's method could pply t0, Wharton's office rush it over to the State from Supreme Court Justices to News. water. pragmatic step The kid was upset because somebody had laid it on him about how it's too bad that U - M is more radical than MSU and so You got two major ;inds thing, you gotta mak • a choice which one's going to have of th bubbls the kid wrote in to say that since high Canada Dry or Schwer»pes? Get if For the last 25 years much of school graduates from Michigan have only it to your life. not conquer the mainland this is "It's good to see someone working within the systeti "two large, prestigious in state North American foreign policy has history. There are two Chinas - this - Like so: there are two universities" to pick from, one ought to be major n< been characterized not by the hawk is present and probably future fact. in this state. Only one, radical, and the other should continue to according to or the dove, but by the ostrich. In The problem, of course, is Taiwan. Kid's First Law, should report the - see? Because there are lots of recognizing Red China this week the The United States has staked so pc_ri> don't dig sports and are offended Canadian government has finally much of its prestige on the OUR READERS' MIND extra section, and they should by' chosen to pull its head out of the maintenance of the ha* Nationalist choice. sand. regime that it cannot easily abandon And while we're on newspapers, The Canadian move is, of course, this position. Nor, in light of these let'j- another thing straight: there is Chiang rules truth Formosan will based more on pragmatics than commitments, should we abandon there is untruth, and they shouldn't ideology. Ottawa is recognizing the fact that Peking - simply the Nationalists. over mixed up in the same daily. So let's sides and roll those The answer lies in adopting some up presses. for better To the Editor: or worse - controls one sort of "Two China" formula. Foggy counteract. The members of the group are work In reference to the Canadian recognition together, to form a united front in the Another thing is, there an quarter of the world's population Bottom could simply recognize the of China, I would like to present my views willing to die for their cause and they fight for a democratic government. A special races in this country, and if, like the and a considerable percentage of its de facto existence of the mainland on the Formosa question. represent the new hope for Formosans to be effort has also been made to appeal to the able to say, everything's got to be either black resources. Formosa's freely administer their own affairs world through its world - wide Chinese government as well as the multiparty system is not white, then so be it. But let's a The unfortunate corollary of the democratic, but the Chiang Kai - shek regime through the democratic process. With their representatives to obtain mutual roles so we don't get all mixed around island republic. At present influential activities, they have created a Ottawa - Peking entente is the uses it as a window dressing to the outside ■ understanding. confused like some MSU students sub-ambassadorial level staff could world. The Kuomintang (KMT), the single popular followingthroughout the Formosan In order to combat the Kuomintang's don't know if their school is radictl scuttling of relations between be exchanged between the U.S. and political party of the regime, is heavily world. Both Formosans and Red Chinese propaganda, there is an obvious need to conservative (up to and including' Canada and the Nationalist Chinese. would like to see the KMT regime collapse, stimulate and clarify world opinion, Red China with the matter of full financed by the tax money that is collected but the Formosans keep warning the Red American public opinion in particular, on Again pragmatics is the source. from the people on the island. The I guess the kid who wrote that recognition being allowed to ripen in Chineseto keep out of their affairs. the Formosan question. During the past government is run by Kuomintang members would say something like, "In this - Disrecognition of the Nationalist time, even granting the Red Chinese The WUFI represents, in general, the decade, the WUFI has given us reason to are the whites, and in this corner who must share the objectives of the party. government was a pre-condition laid now insist upon the renunciation of One of the objectives of the Kuomintang is Formosan intelligentsia who belive they are believe that it has fulfilled this aim by blacks (up to and down by Red China - and Red entitled to manage their own affairs without including Chicane the Nationalists as a preamble to full to preserve its existence by destroying the keeping us informed of many aspects of 'er hell." the manipulation of Kuomintang. China, simply, has considerably more diplomatic exchange. political base of the Formosans. Through They Formosan affairs that are of particular to offer Canada than does Taiwan. the use of political power, the regime speak from the Formosan heart and clearly importance to the world. Essentially, the Now we're beginning to get C. If pragmatic considerations can read the Kuomintang mind. The Now would be an excellent time move the Canadians toward Peking, deprives I trae people of economic gains by organization has had a particular approach weapons in the hands of the organization Are squared away, right, kid? By the way,' for Washington likewise to consider taxation, by nationalization of the major strong and attractive. This will continue to could have saved ourselves a lot ofirou however, there is reason to hope that to attacking the regime — industries, communication, foreign trade exposing its be part of the dilemma for the Chiang Kai - If, around 1964, we'd known enuqjb, casting off the political chains of the Chinese could be made to see the and power production. In the Kuomintang's corruption and mismanagement. The WUFI shek regime if Formosa still remains under clue LBJ that East is East, c officials believe that a key objective of the George Marshall and John Foster wisdom of these same struggle for survival since 1945, the regime its tontrol and individual lives on the island Dulles. The Nationalist Chinese will has tried to exact more and more from the independence movement is to establish a are threatened. Well, the obvious next thing is that" considerations. Formosans in order to maintain its armies government "of the people, by the people are only two major sexes. The memben; and for the people " on Formosa. each, so as not to offend anybody, and power. Consequently anti - Kuomintang Clyde Kiang In addition, the WUFI has been have to learn to assiduously refrain sentiment among the Formosans is deeply seeking to Formosan graduate student exacerbated by widespread economic and get all peoples, Chinese and Formosans, to Oct. 15,1970 ever crossing that boundary separ them one from the other. political distress. The Formosan independence movement I mean, if there can be no radio TV has placed the regime in a terrible dilemma. imp MSU, doesn't it follow that there can ? uses HPR Shall the regime strike at the movement — and risk the life of Formosans and Chinese on the island? Or shall it submit to the threat change necessary chicks who cuss good? Or men whocij!| And to carry this kid's line ofrer of Formosan nationalism? Special meetings only a step further, why limit oursete; To the Editor: have been called by the Kuomintang to situations is better prepared for probable life Revision of the HPR 105 requirement is just two choices? If there had been to attack ne tackle the independence movement. The government is operating in an atmostphere vital. In an age where relevance is emphasized, the course is grossly outdated. situations. One who can recite the number of miles a person should run daily isn't much help at the scene of an accident. One isn't space in the State News the other nr the kid would presumably have assigned of tension and crisis. It is a classic case of The material covered, which involves the the moderates to Western, the Birc1" peoples who fought and struggled for the going to save a drowning victim by Alma, and the middle - of • the study of exercise routines and the basics of President Nixon, as expected, independence of their nation. This is what the body system are superfluous explaining which exercise is best for Republicans to Lansing Sexton, President Kennedy once described as "When repetitions reducing the thigh. As yet, the value of first vetoed a bill designed to limit the of high school health classes. The latter are presumption gives us free rein to aid and related knowledge has been amount political candidates could you make evolutionary change impossible, too general to allow an ignored anything that has got more than oi understanding of the by this university. It is time for a change. By you make revolutionary change inevitable." human body. The exercises are of itself for us to choose from. spend on radio and TV advertising. The World United Formosans for rarely shifting even half of the general attention Nixon justified the action stimulating enough to induce their focused upon HPR 105 to emergency by Independence (WUFI) is a strong, politically continuation. So ABC News could have e> pointing out that the bill "plugs dedicated group in the complex highly The time required for this one credit course training, a noticeable relevance would be rights to the Indochina war coverag added to the department. only one hole in a sieve." By leaving nationalistic Formosan independence would be effectively spent gets the Middle East, and CBS repoiu learning or Diane Buehrle the expenditure hole open, Nixon movement. It has one highly effective reviewing first aid and fundamental rescues. the sacking of Ann Arbor, starting t indeed kept the seive unplugged so weapon — nationalism — which is difficult to A student trained to handle Muskegon sophomore at six. Drop everything and tune % emergency Oct. 14,1970 whichever turns you on. that Republican hopefuls, who are in better financial shape than the Democrats, can continue to POINT OF VIEW effectively use TV to perpetuate their "slick images." Of course, Republicans are not the only ones who use TV, nor are they the only party to use a public relations approach to campaigning. Views expressed on DGEI Democrats, too, have abandoned the smoke - filled caucuses in favor of EDITOR'S NOTE: The program) has never been adequately among different following defined. If it is a black segments in our the TV cutting room - Republicans statement, concerning the Detroit community control community. Urban Affairs and Equal Oppo program, those sectors of the We also realize the delicate Programs. Geographical Expedition and Institute, community nature of this simply have more money to use for TV expenditures are curtailed, the was issued have never been pointed out to the Black situation. Therefore, we want to Tuesday by the executive make sure more TV imagery. advertising revenues will go for board of the Black United Front. United Front, which leaves this to point open the above statements are not BUF, lastly, feels that it mustsped> Nor is TV the only media that is inquiry. misunderstood. BUF feels that the DGEI against the pitiful response made to newspaper advertising. The station as well black admissions in ge j being used to sell candidates on their There has been much 5. Even our last attempt to offer some concept of an urban extension as concluded that fortunately the questioning and program charm and wit instead of on their wondering why the Black United Front did organizational assistance was treated with a (i.e., tuition free, black control and the larger university adminiS"- President foresaw this inequity, and not issue relevant class specifically those having decision stands. But since TV became a major a statement in support of the high degree of indifference, that is, giving structure) could be one of hence vetoed the legislation. Detroit Geographical Expedition and us no detailed information as to the exact the most progressive power as to the direction ot' , J of candidate exposure, programs for the source a What the President foresaw was a Institute on Monday. We would like to nature of the rally, tactics of the rally and admission of large numbers of BUF intends to investigate and dem black people new candidate has emerged. chance to relate the facts upon which our decisions demands related to it. Thus, this leaves the into the University. BUF does not mind comprehensive program dealing - put the bulging white whole spectrum of problems re Increasingly less is said about issues were based. Black United Front with no active role in people being involved in the Republican coffers to effective use. 1. The staff of the planning or the participation of the black admissions, as well as t _ in political DGEI has shown a program, but their role should be advertising since the When politics becomes a rich man's high explicitly advent of TV and politicians are now disregard for the interests and concerns of rally. defined by the black community (on principles and concepts oi game, the Republicans will surely the black student campus and in Detroit). BUF recognizing that there are forces , groomed community, and Realizing that we are responsible for any feels that by expensive advertising emerge the victors. specifically, in the staff relationship in the there should be a to stifle those programs that type of activity that may effect the black reorganization of staff agencies rather than by their The fact that TV will also emerge community's elected representatives, they (with inputs and final approval of both the benefit the black < 1 '1, student community, we fail to see how consciences. being the executive board of the Black any anticipate resistance and the nc i None of these arguments richer should have no bearing on the United Front. individual, i.e., the staff of DGEI, can act realizing that ,uDetroit this would communities), us to struggle against them. H are new. argument. We do not understand independently without consulting the increase the 2. The staff of DGEI has failed to administrative efficiency of the program. will only engage in ' Newspapers across the country have why TV to attack newspapers already established black community. This BUF also been sees present the Black United Front with any can only lead to confusion and distrust recognizes the contributions knowledge and approval ot pointing out the need for instead of addressing themselves to kind of comprehensive information that made to the program by the Center'for campus community. tighter control of campaign the essential argument ■vould allow us to inform the black student the rising expenditures, and have vigorously cost of campaigning. body in order to reach an intelligent and supported the legislation Nixon collective community opinion. We have no large financial stake in 3. A highlight of the staff's recently vetoed. political advertising, we support the administrative inefficiency can be pointed A local TV station has attacked the newspapers' stand legislation because of its merits. And out by their failure to communicate as well by claiming we suspect other newspapers did as to attend prior agreed upon meetings that the press' interest in this and commitments. likewise. The issues are only blurred legislation is motivated by self - 4. The relationship between white interest. The reasoning by implications that newspapers leadership and control in the DGEI (which says that if acted with selfish motives. should be a black community control Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. Oitohcr l(>. I()7l) ^ U.S. drives to rebellion: Lerner By DAVID BASSETT which 80 people were arrested. and Washington can relate to." State News Staff Writer Lerner said the group was "The first point," he said, demonstrating against the "eliminates taxes from people Chicago conspiracy trial. making less than $10,000 a year, Mike Lerner said he and the and places most of the burden Lerner, Seattle seven other people on the Liberation Front (SLF) member, were arrested higher wage earners and said because the federal government large corporations. Wednesday night that the federal government is driving the was afraid of what they (all members of the "Next, the program youth of this country toward SLF) were would revolution. doing. make it illegal for any Speaking before a small group "The radical movement of the Washington resident to in Wells Hall as part of a fund • 1950's failed," Lerner said, participate in any war. It would also make it raising drive for the "Seattle 8," "because the Communist party mandatory to re - Lerner tool all war said that revolution is tried to abstract all acts into factories, institute inevitable in this country. violations of civil liberties. When open university enrollment and take care of pollution." "Young people just don't Joe McCarthy started running want to become part of a system wild, the Lerner said he doesn't forsee Communists put which rips off Panthers and the program being everything in a perspective that accepted in Vietnamese, oppresses women nobody could ever relate to." the near future, but he did think and spends billions of dollars on "But in Seattle," he said, "we it would help solidify the radical imperialism," Lerner said. have a broad based, mass movement and attract many Lerner, a former asst. radical movement that a lot of people who aren't usually professor of philosophy at the people relate to." thought of as radicals, especially University of Washington, is one "For example, a few months older people. of eight people charged with ago we formed a collective that turner concluded his talk by conspiring to destroy federal will coordinate our tax initiative saying that Americans must On the revolution property and using interstate program. This initiative deals engage in a three - point program commerce facilities with intent with the problems of our war to stop the war in Vietnam. Liike Lerner of the Seattle Liberation Front told MSU to riot. economy — of the taxes, "We must realize," he said, Jtudents Wednesday night that the federal government is These charges stem from a inflation, unemployment and Lushing young people in America toward revolution. disturbance at the federal war production, and it's "that all struggles are related, State News photo courthouse in Seattle Feb. 17, in but we must see the primacy of by Milton Horst something the people in Seattle the Vietnam War. It has made us see that a small and dedicated group can overthrow a large WEAKENED imperialistic power." "The people of this country first have to make it known that they do not support the Thieu Vietnam war. Second, they must reassures nation make peace with the Vietnamese people, not wait for the government to do it." "And third, the people must llGON (AP) - President offensive, in reassuring his ntua. f , „ ... . ,, Van Thieu said countrymen that the United L settlement would Viet Cong control nothing. They enforce this peace on the ,■ the Viet Cong could States was not running out on rni,r«>eI!L rse, we #.!!rn 8 will never * accept a have lost their caPacity for government. We must let the longer launch a military them. oaiiuon. launching any significant government know that if it "American forces will not We military offensive, and they have won't make peace, then we would be stupid to lost their urch merges withdraw until we have become accept a coalition because the political control." won't let it function." strong enough to defend ourselves," Thieu told village |L, Calvinism and hamlet officials Mekong Delta, the original Viet in the TAKE OUT A FISH, Cong stronghold. 3-part series As he spoke, the United States formally ended the fourth TONIGHT. |st Christian Reformed phase of its troop cutback. This For only $1.35 you can take out almost any food h, 1509 River Terrace, will phase reduced by 50,000 men the U.S. manpower in Vietnam, item on our menu. Fish, Chicken, Shrimp dinners ir a three • part lecture - with all the extras. For your convenience our carry lip series relating American leaving 384,000 troops here. This is the lowest total since the - out specials take only seconds to prepare or you ■ht and Languages courses end of 1966 when there were can call ahead and well have it waiting for you. If Ivinistic and Puritan thought 376,000 Americans in the you're in a hurry for excellent food and service, ly America. Hurry into Holiday Inn. ■day at 7 p.m. Lester country. Thieu said he does not believe Bister, editor of "The the Viet Cong would accept a ■r," a weekly magazine of Christian Reformed Church, political settlement of the war. Holiday Inn East • 3121 E. Grand River I speak on Calvinism in "A coalition government is 489-2481 the minimum they could fimentand revolution. s will be based on the accept," Theiu declared. "No Don't forget our "All you y used by John Calvin in Can Eat" Specials. Iburg and Geneva in 1542. Annual AAUW Sunday pry Stob will speak on Chicken Dinner $2.25 USED BOOK SALE fistic and Puritan ethics on October 15, 16, 17 Children $1.25 >, and Richard Mouw will > God's sovereignty and Open during regular Mall hours Monday I free will in Calvinistic MERIDIAN MALL Spaghetti Dinner $1.50 Iht Nov. 1. Over 10.000 Books of All Kinds Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. HOURS: DAILY 9:30-8:30 iscount records sale of SAT. 9:30 6:00 - SUN. 12:00-5:00 225 ANN STREET *Solid State dual channel amplifier $ 95 men's 99 *20 Watt output *BSR Mini Changer- fully automatic 4-speed changer •Separate Volume, bass, treble, balance controls •AM-FM - FM stereo mulitplex FREE: One Record With Stereo famous name radio "Built-in antenna 'Headphone jack Model 812 •Dust cover included all-weather "Solid state dual channel amplifier *2-speed record and playback operation and 3 % ips - 7% coats 95 •99 •Frequency @ T/t ips. response - 80-15,000 cps •2 4" x 6" permanent magnet speakers 34.88 *12 foot stereo separation I ^rEE: One Blank •Push button controls - Stop, Rewind, I 'ape With Recorder 7% Play , 3 % Play, Pause • 2 precision VV level indicators • 2 On/Off Volume controls •Left 8i Right channel Record buttons • zip-out cold-weather liner of cotton-backed acrylic pile •2 Tone controls •Inputs for monitoring and external • neatly styled with split raglan shoulder and slash pockets speakers •Accessories - 2 high quality cylinder • most-favored colors: brown, black, tan and olive microphones with stands, 1 empty 7" reel, 1 full 7" reel (700 ft) including demonstation • sizes 36 to 46 now at substantial savings information, alligator patch clip connection • Store for Men, mezzanine Downtown and Meridian Mall MASIINWON* \ WARCAS REG •ASTERWORKIScolum'b'airecords Knapp's £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Ociob^, Pope's advisers favor ordination Public Safet Dept. VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope largely devoted to discussing the Paul VI's own Commission has recommended consideration of Theological priesthood. The source said the honors four persons ordaining commission upheld Pope Paul's married men to the priesthood, a encyclical prohibiting priests s later learned the The Dept. of Public Safety honored four source close to the commission said this week. from marrying, suggested men already married but also individuals in a ceremony Wednesday afternoon for their service to police and to the University from lack of oxygen in the Miller attempted the rescue vawlf under The commission's work was might be ordained to help solve conditions," Bemett said. un'tno*i community. geared to the 1971 Synod of the priest shortage in Latin Bernitt said an employe had been in »k Robert Perrin, vice president for University Bishops, which is expected to be America and Africa. July 21 and later complained of fee|in« r letter made relations, presented awards to two persons. The The following day, three public other two could not attend the ceremony. other J„i " Monday, the Pope reaffirmed °dd dd thC VaUU t0 Ch6Ck thP compE°yJ Clergyman the to Roman save Catholic prohibition of abortion the life of the mother Church's — even — J. Wilson Myers, associate humanities, and William D. Miller, former MSU professor of public safety officer, were presented certificates Two men and called for collapsed and the other aid, Bernett said. ^ and of mercy killings, even with of bravery for the July 22 rescue of two Jack L. Kelly, public to discuss the consent of the patient. From the start to the end, life University employes who collapsed In an underground vault area on campus. presented a certificate of merit for apprehension of an arsonist at safety officer the M, , is in fact subjected to grave Miller,not present, left the department in Demons^ '70 mission threats, that is from abortion euthanasia," the letter said. to Police a September and is currently employed in Wisconsin. during Bernitt a said disturbance, Kelly entered the buiin saw the arsonist 11 it >n "It must be cleatly said again, Richard O. Bernitt, director of public and took him into action: Richard O. Bernitt, director of public safety, reads the certificate of merit presented later to safety, custody. in the face of opinion campaigns A co-ed, not present Bishop- James Armstrong, Jack L. Kelly, public safety officer, at the police awards explained Myers and Miller took turns entering at the Wednesday. On the right is the >irnwhich i put the very fundamentals ceremony , former member . of ... Pans Robert Perrin, vice president for University the vault through a manhole on Auditorium C('femony .. , , , . . relations, who made the presentation. Not included Consultation on Rebuilding in the picture is J. Wilson Myers, associate professor of humanities, who received certificate of Road, south of Kedzie Hall, and tied a rope ... apprehending and identifying" ^ °n* Vietnam, will speak at the 9:30 Nothing except self defense e a bravery. State News photo by Terry Luke around each employe to pull him out. charged with a felony. persoa and 11 a.m. services, Sunday at authorizes a man to dispose of the life of another man ..." University Methodist Church, 1118 S. Harrison Ave. His topic will be "Ministering in Pentecostals seek religious revival' the 70's." The youngest United Methodist bishop in the United States, Armstrong will speak at 7 p.m. Sunday at the Wesley Foundation also on S. Harrison Ave. By RANDY GARTON parish student council and a techniques to a group of students experience. It took time to much At 3 p.m. Sunday he will talk a more reserved method ot After the Second Vatican leader of this "Pentecostal on a retreat. have discovered the on church - related vocations at < grow." worship and the sight of people Council, many Catholics felt that sp movement" at MSU, these gifts The movement spread to Notre "food" that the Wesley Foundation. Although Pentecostal Catholics speaking in seemingly the church was too concerned many you Recent years have seen what take many forms, such as gifts of Dame, where a group of MSU Catholics have been Armstrong participated in a are accepted by official church unintelligible tongues turns more with the legalistic side of searching' Vietnam religious and political some have termed a "religious prophecy, wisdom and healing, students experienced a leaders, some of the more conventional Catholics off, he dogma Walters added. revival." Today's youth, and had neglected the spirit that study group and is currently a Pentecostals believe, Walters "charismatic" renewal in 1967 conservative parishioners cannot said. They believe that if the dogma embodied, he said, member of the Congressional according to many religious said, that these phenomena are and began their own meetings in relate to "the vocal, enthusiastic Pentecostals feel, however, that movement continues to grown leaders, are searching' to fill the manifestations of the spirit of East Lansing. It has moved nature" of Pentecostal meetings, By reaching for ' a personal has, the entire church Conference on War and National they are filling a void in the relationship "with Christ, the spiritual gap that American God who is active in them. They across the country. Walters said. The Catholic mass is experience a " Responsibility. materialism has produced. church, according to Walters. Pentecostals believe that they stress, not only the personal In the East Lansing area it was renewal'.' Bishop Armstrong moderated for some Roman Catholics, the award relationship with Jesus Christ primarily a Roman Catholic - winning television this search has led to a different that is achieved through intensive movement, and when Walters program "Insight" for seven years. an(j exciting kind of religious prayer, but the relationship of arrived from California several IN MODERN PROBLEMS Armstrong spent 10 years as experience called "baptism in the Christ to the entire Pentecostal years ago, he was skeptical. senior minister of the 3200 spirit" or "charismatic renewal." community. A girlfriend persuaded him to its roots are in the disciple Paul The Pentecostal community at attend a meeting, he said. He member Broadway United Christ's who writes of "spiritual gifts," in St. John's Parish has 50 members, attended reluctantly. relevancy cited Methodist Church in the New Testament. ' They are a diverse group, "I was determined to be an Indianapolis, Ind. He is currently a delegate to the National Council According to Dennis Walters, including a reformed dope addict observer," he said, "not to get ofChurches. president of St. John's student and a former seminary student, personally involved." Meetings of Pentecostals are He soon found himself, By BILLHOLSTEIN problems existing at every level Little said people concerned similar to those of the Assembly postulated, UNITARIAN however, joining in their prayers State News Staff Writer of the university. with First Christian a Protestant sect, Walters and later felt changing "the system" Although education helps "spiritually at He suggested during the hour - should instead concentrate on raise man's awareness, Little UNIVERSALIST 1S. "intensely lid. peace" for the first time in years, Jesus Christ is Church The first ,Jesu®, ""*'1^ long i°ng presentation presentation in Erickson changing the people working in it doesn't seem to change "Heretic - For A Cause" "baptisms in the he said. relevant to the modern co leg Kiva that many aspects of the the spirit" occurred when torn, ^Although he was aware of system. "essential nature of Rev. Robert Edward Green 0 Worship 8:30 a.m, student, author andI Educator diversity are misguided, aisguided, "Any system C»n work if the mm professors from DuquesAP feeling spiritually at peace, it was suggesting that only JesusCJi Red Cedar School £a?1 Little told the South comparing them to ani airplane men and women In that system in the answer. 11:00 a.m. University in Pittsburg, Pa. a month before he fully realized Collegiate Fellowship recently. p„ot who tells hjs passengers: are loving and honest and kind Sever Dr., East Lansing attended an Assembly of God the extent of his "spiritual Speaking to about 11U "We're lost... but Referring to people who 1 bl. W. of Harrison, Church School making and just," Little explained, hallucenogenic drugs, Little 9:30 a.m. ting there and later rebirth," he said. people. Little said the power of tremendous time." "Even a benevolent dictatorship 1 bl. N. of Trowbridge these prayer "It was not a sudden, emotional Jesus Christ can help to solve jn partjCular, he singled out they are trying to solve would work under those spiritual problems ir Sunday Service, Children's 1001 Chester Rd. student radicals as examples: conditions. isn't spiritual. Program, and Nursery 10:45 482-6063 Central United Methodist "They are prepared to burn "What we're looking for is a 11:00 a . . He agreed with u Church Office 489-1023 this place down and tear it up Across from the Capitol power strong enough to change Rollo EAST LANSING;TRil\ IRINITY CHURCH WORSHIP SERVICES out of frustration." human nature itself." he May who has tei many college people as "Ir E. 9:45 and 11:15 a.m. men" saying "they Eugene Williams, 841 Timberlane Drive ALC-LCA LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES for Students and Faculty at LCMS for Students at Minister Stanley R. Reilly, Assistant fl Interdenominational East Lansing Telephone: 351-8200 Topic "ItPays to Pray" FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1125 Weber Dr. (Blk. N. of E. Grand River Just Five Minutes From MSU at Downer) wondering what life i about." But Little said completely against "hippies." Many people, he said. he University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel University Class 9:45 a.m. learned that material things' Division & Ann Streets Dialogue: "Vocation On Purpose" Richard W. Bishop, Pastor 444 Abbott Road 6:00 p.m. h School 9:45 ti life are not all important f • Trinity Collegiate Fellowship 9:45 a.m. COLLEGE CLASS 11:00 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE 332-0778 7:30 p.m. "our hippie friends," who Ciib Nursery 7:00 p.m. EVANGELISTIC MEETING - Pastor David Kruse Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. dramatized their belief it 485-9477 WEDNESDAY, October 21,7:30 p.m. certain life stvle. "The Blackwood Singers" WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP HOURS First Church of UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN famous Nashville musical group UNIVERSITY 0 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Christ, Scientist CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE For Transportation Call 484-6640 or 484-2807 SEVENTH-DAY 1st and 3 rd Comm. 2nd Grand River at Haslett Entrance 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River ADVENT1ST CHURCH Matins Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m. Collegian Seminar East Lansing Sunday Services 9:30 a.m. Sabbath School 9:30 lla.m. ALWAYS OPEN 11:00 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Worship Service Lesson - Sermon Subject Nursery K. G. Smith, CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Campus Minister, OTTAWA AT CHESTNUT pastor AND STUDENT CENTER Minister, Kail Ruffner Gary Hawes "Doctrine of Atonement' REV. IRVING R. PHILLIPS - PASTOR Meeting at 504 Ann St. 332-5193 332-3035 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) (Corner of Division) Sunday School to age 20 WORSHIP-9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Call 351-8994 if you 10:00 A.M. MORNING SERVICE need transportation SERMON: "THE TEN MOST WANTED 7:00 P.M. LECTURE-WORSHIP SERIES MEN" Testimonial Meeting FREE BUS SERVICE TO AND FROM THE CHURCH EDGEWOOD UNITED Related to American Thought and Language Dept. Free Public SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH (See bus schedule for both services in your dorm) *~" CHURCH 469 N. Hagadorn Reading Roc 1518 S. Washington 134 West Grand Sunday 7 p.m. Ecumenical Fellowship" CALVINISTIC AND PURITAN THOUGHT River OPEN UNIVERSITY UNITED Worship Service 9:30 in early America THE DA Y GOD CHANGED H/STOR Y" Folk Liturgy 11:00 METHODIST CHURCH Sermon at both servicesby This Sunday: Calvinism... Dr. Truman A. Morrison 9:45 A.M. Government and COLLEGIAN University Group Dinners™ College Bible Class FELLOWSHIP Program 6-8:30 pi"' Revolution Church Services in the fireside room Campus Church Bus Service, and 8:30 P.M. Bishop James Armstrong Dr. Lester De Koster, speaker Dr. Ted Ward, MSU Teacher Fireside Room morning and evening,c«l Guest Speaker 332-0606 or°"° flfiQ3 Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor Glenn R. Blossom, Youth Pastor "Ministries In the 70's" OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 11:00 A.M. "Man's Greatest Quest" peoples Church Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 East Lansing FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Church School 9:30 and 11:00 4684 Marsh Road, Okemos Evening Call 482-0754 for information. Buses on Campus Interdenominational An Independent Church with Biblical a Message 200 W. Grand Riv« 9:45 a.m. Church School for all ages Michigan [/MORNING SERVICE: 'THOSE ORDINARY CHRISTIANS^ at II a.m. 8t 7 p.m. Worship Services J EVENING I / SERVICE: Potluck Supper at 5:30 EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY 00 a. m. • 5:15 p.m. Collegiate Fellowship Inspiration Refreshments Morning followed by Faith at W at M.S.U. SUNDAY SERVICE Worship • Alumni film, "A New Thing" Memorial Chapel, one block 9:30 & 11:°° Transportation call 332-2133 or 351-5125 cast of the A uditorium. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. • Coffee Hour will be celebrated at the 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. • Alumni Robertson Appr«'iatio" Discussion Chapel Groups for Day 6KA ND RIVER AV£ Adults • Sunday School every Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Classes for Children. UNIVERSITY Nursery at 9:30 & 11.00 ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH "Reflexions" REFORMED MSU I CD * after 9 tZ. 355 0135 CHURCH 800 Abbott Road The Rev. William Eddy,'Rector - 351-7160 CHURCH SCHOOL 7:00 • Evening The Rev. Richard p.m. Randall, Curate 10:00 A.M. Worship • Ground The Rev. Jack L. floor of pAt'or 33i?7i 64 F HAMMAN ;X,MI SOUTH 2^=3 tfTi \ Alumni Memorial Dress discussion is follows Chapel informal and the a Miss Joyce Friesen 8:00 9:30 Hilyard, University Chaplain Holy Communion Morning Prayer Sermon Crib through COFFEE Ad"lts HOUJ, R 11:00 Holy Communion AFTERS Sermon State News, East Lansing, Michigan Micliigan Friday. October l(>, 1970 7 I . itudents bate between two his alleged socialist philosophy of ,h Afi enter deba KELLOGG CENTER ON THE CAMPUS AT MSU FOR FINE DINING AT A ■ nn Ghana sponsored by and communist leanings, was all uJl , Center disregard for the local Ghanaian busy ants digging holes and Bretton's words, "an Studies Center this president of the Republic of REASONABLE PRICE TRY THE ■ Afriran rii'"j® ,6 WCfe structures." gathering food while all life went incompetent boob that they j into a three - way Ghana for six years until his Henrv Button aufhnrnf In his book on Nkrumah and on above them to describe the (Britain) could handle." with several itKiuif fV,"i overthrown in regime was wvnuirowil in a «ThIr R* qui **p"'. ™in his speech, fconUtion students over the military coup in 1966 while he "Thp Nk and , „ . Ernst rSI? Bretton, a re, unimportance of the I'rofe^r aTthe State UnTve^sity P®°Pje of Ghana in government the If this thesis were accepted, student said, then Britain STATE ROOM versial ader Kwame was out of the country visiting ,,!?, Belam,n New decisions. Au,it"inc was just as much responsible for nr„f ic , York, stressed the the years he Russian dignitaries in the Soviet Professor P°HticalI science at Monteith Collece of Wtvne'state importance of the top levels of Benjamin accused Bretton o Nkrumah s fall as the deposed 2d the small West African Union. Nkrumah was forced into Univestv University government in Ghana rather overemphasizing top level leader himself. VARIED & INTERESTING MENUS ARE IT I'i ' mah. ... object eXi,e !n_ G.uinea of present resides. ^ at ""iryu One student said _ Bretton who has done extensive field research than the countr/s own social c™tro1 of Power and 'nfl"*nce. Benjamin, who did research to The African students seemed agree that Ghana was not OFFERED DAILY FOR BREAKFAST, and Political structures. Idwide attention because of African students and members Ghana, showed a "total Bretton used the analogy of on state and local institutions in Ghana in 1963 - 1964, visiting directed by Nkrumah alone in his years as president but rather LUNCH, AND DINNER. farms and factories, criticized by foreign and domestic powers IIDEX survey Bretton for calling the that Nkrumah ultimately had to fragmented state of Ghana's appease in order to remain in his culture and society "an high level position, atomistic void." Benjamin agreed, adding that Another African student 'oil gets student opinions more this same pattern of foreign strongly criticized Bretton's control was evident in politics in thesis when he said the professor Ghana today, had "painted the whole thing Benjamin cited American (Nkrumah's control) in the control in particular, saying that reverse manner." "as long as we (Americans) jByMICHAELO ■ NEIL poll is quite accurate in has been "much less than we'd "lore specifics. It not only shows The student was referring to continue to perpetuate our state News Staff Writer predicting student opinion. expected," according to the reader what students are Bretton's implication that corruptive foreign influence and "The poll statistically carries a Copeland. "But " he said "it has thinking but makes them think Britain had given Ghana to refuse a truer American role, the much debated question 95 per cent confidence of being been positive " ' themselves." Nkrumah because he was, in African nations can do nothing." ,llit college students are within three per cent of the ^ thjng ^ Ling has promptea iwo response had the entire student encourages us is the University students to population been asked the same representative selection of student opinion poll now question," Copeland said. papers that carry our poll," week in nearly IF YOU REALLY CARE ng every Copeland stressed the Beggs said. "Papers of all type's, ■ hundred newspapers across necessjty Gf objectively phrasing all over the country, have been [United States, including the questj0ns to be used in the interested in us." News. polls. Mrs. Patty Lodato, a full - e poll, incorporated as "It-S very jmportant not to time MSU employe is the ersity Index (Unidex), was ask a ioa<|ed question," he said. University Index interviewer for a year ago by Daniel «We pre . test all of our What you pay for art and engineering MSU and the University of supplies and Henry Copeland, questions before a random group Michigan. She interviews 15 e students at the Indiana of students, and then ask them students from each school for ersity School of Business. questions about the questions, each poll. lthough originally interested This pre - test should be able to "I do about four interviews an narket analysis, Beggs and show us any weaknesses in the hour," she said. "For MSU, the Hand said they quickly questions." names in the sample are picked ne curious about student "for example, we 'ghosted' a by Unidex from last year's ides 011 current affairs and question last year to test out the student directory, since the new C TO 1 to poll 270 Indiana polling apparatus. We asked a one hasn't been issued yet." irsity students. group of students what their Mrs. Lodato worked last ,.e poll has now expanded to political party preference was, spring as an interviewer and ide 1200 students from 50 Republican, Democratic or in the sample. secretary for Unidex in The independent. On that poll 67 Bloomington, Ind., before tmatic random sample per cent answered Independent, moving to the Lansing area. ;des students from small which seemed high to us. "I enjoy the telephoning," she Vanguard and Liquidtex 2 oz. 55-$1.25 O fges and large universities as ..go we asked, what is your said. "It's fun to find out what as from public and private tutions. political party preference with Consideration is no specific parties mentioned. given to geographical Qn this poll only 35 per cent put students are thinking." Mrs. Lodato is "very Acrylics impressed" by the University pbution. >r each school, the sample is down Independent. »jhe word 'independent' Index Corporation and feels that their f Porter Board 22 X 28, .28 28 X 44, .55 from the student carrjes such a poll special positive load that importance. |tory. Interviewing is then Matt Board 20 X 30 white .45 M biased the question in the first "Of course, there are a lot of | by telephone. Until poll," he explained. polls around," she said, "but it July all calling was done by J staff ■poration at the office Unidex in The reaction to the poll so far seems to me this poll gets at Newsprint Pad 24 X18 .90 Imington, Ind.. but local Viewers have now been UNCLE SAM'S Construction Paper 12 X18.03/sheet 9 X12 .02/sheet Ji to conduct the polling. Iccording llice still lack to Copeland, the STEAK HOUSE P Prismacolor Pens by Eagle -all colors .59 Flow Chart Template .36 pntification No. 26 Drawing Board Kits 4.95 Btification material Police Laboratory of the contents of Filet Steak $1.54 Sirloin Steak $1.51 (|l A Adjustable Curve by Dietzger 2.10 1 bottles found in 1 Hall Tuesday evening had Lansing Pork Chops $1.41 Fried Chicken $1.30 Jumbo Fried Shrimp Engineering or Architects scale .80 1 yet been received late $1.44 ' rsday afternoon by Lansing p. Fried Lake Perch $1.35 Rapidograph Pen Alone 4.50 includes fcsby Qingir said Thursday he knew more about the bottles Baked Idaho Potato, Texas Toast and Salad. Rapidograph Set 20.25 contents. Steak Burger $.89 Protractor 8 in. 1.00 |mbThursday ¥>rt threats at Capitol City caused hour includes Baked Potato and Texas Toast. I delays of two flights. - Pickett Twin Pak Slide Rules 15.00 J>rt Manager Russell Brown ■anonymous callers ^flightsandwere sabotaged. said the The One for the desk and one for the pocket 20.00 or 25.50 baggage Open 7 Days a Week 229 S. Washington From 11 a.m. to V p.m. Downtown Lansing Breakfast from 7 a.m. - 10 a.m. , Telephone 482-1759 FREE PICK-UP I AND DELIVERY PNE HOUR SERVICE YOU SHOULD CARE Look into our relaxed \';i / credit plans •0UIS Diamond I CLEANERS E. GRAND RIVER Set WE DO \ $250 I Take a sun filled I vacation this winter I break - NASSAU | for only $189.00 [Dec- 13-Dec. 20 deUils FOX JEWE BOOK STORE and/or ■Pauai,MSCallTomBertrand P Sr at 3B1 - 8917. Meridian Mall • Frandor I In the Center 203 S. Washington- Lansing Mall jor Intern Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Octoher |6 . Film ugly College of Ed experiments confu Sln9, with 'compressed incoherent By MICHAEL O'NEAL 4>000 education students this According to Perry's doctoral State News Staff Writer year The students will be able «There may be faculty who thesis, compressed speech had its donU want to ^ J* through VuUJet th* urge haii reCorded," he Performance" u A teaching technique l° fhoose from any of three beg.nn.ngs in 1940. However it ^ "But I think you'd find out, follow your instinct, which rnav may eventually sa^ehZre ^'ons eventually save nou of the lecture. The original 55-minute lecture was not practical until 1954 when equipment was facult j how can { stay around honi ' designed to uJextXSlv hX MSU 76 T* ™ 'n'° ' ^ usp thjs9 Good Drofessors like TolT'.n a clarification or neither is provided. direct!? ' cSlegeTfEduXn if2.minute presentation with The recorder which media avai|ablei and choose "Performance" js a The ine technique lecnnique,, called 27. ^'^emphasizing the main cauea pomts Through compressed compress speech costs $3 000 them with the purpose in mind" cinematic assault ;a film asurt!? „ to $4,000, according to Page. Pa„e nredicted that of ° tap ed ^lec tu res ° or spSes speech "lb ^7*°". W8S then MSU, which does not have such VS " '5 "UmbinUl which have had small pE of shortened t0 ™ ?*nutes with a machine, used equipment at rane electLnLal LTed v a the same number of slides interval^ The Researc£ conducted by make the "Teaching and the University of Michigan to compressed speech would be less effective with a greater amount of complex con8tent material, r mind. Here sex, rdtTrro,nh'srr^ is violent random elimination of Darts of vowels Thomas Perry' tl\en a Ph D- Teaching Tools tape. but ^ that «this is merely an opinion — maybe research would photographed, and "slopnjS'S incoherently presented consonants °f„^rtS and hesitations candidate, showed that the "I would imagine the MSU ^ve me wrong, If you can students comprehension was Instructional Media Center somehow H results in a faster word - per - through the dizzying 1 approximately the same using would eventually have the "It is possible that frenetic minute speed. Total presentation time is reduced by 30 to 40 per either 12V4- or the service," Page said. "If its value compressed speech would be a photography\JJ splitting sound effects,yon nu 7i/2.minute' on. is proven and instructors can use help for reviewing such material, locate what could be cent. it advantageously, future giving the Gestalt view," he said. IoJt "Compressed speech does not "Compressed speech ^lves called a plot. ^ budgets would include it on a "The question now is James Fox, have a Donald Duck effect," students and instructors s a hiding fronittl James L. Page, director of the smorgasbord of possibilities priority basis." compressed speech worth getting gangster ring he once served MSU Instructional choose from," Page to However, Page said it is "hard the additional equipment?" Page Assistance an apartment from three 2 Resources Center, said. "It is still clear and student said. "The SU,k: uine to say" how soon compressed said. "If enough students and In an attempt to fj concise." version he prefers." w .c ever w|ji ^ widely used. professors used it, reducing new tenant, the psyche out tS The _ „ , "There is still a lot of research listening time 30 to 40 per cent. •Tagger) and his two mates landlord (Z College of Education is (2 , Normal speech takes place at Anita Pallenberg helps Mick Jagger with his make-up ii this from "Performance," now to ^ donehe said. an enormous amount of time scene using compressed speech in a about 150 words per minute. showing at the Spartan Twin East. •'allenberg and Michele BrZ Page does not anticipate could be saved." turn Fox on with tape on "Teaching and Teaching Compressed speech increases this Tools" which will be available to rate to 250 words opposition from the faculty to way of life until the drugs andtJ per minute. the use of compressed speech. violence spoil the gangsters? « collective 2 RESOURCE ECOLOGY Jagger, prancing about in variety of ruffles, robes and [» PURLIE! purses his lips and rolls like his J Class a frustrated queen. Fox lit with Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee & Godfrey Cambridge Banned for a long time as offensive to Southern Whites, later called "Racist," this show was produced for the first time on ■ attracts students the and and Breton dolls: audience, looks uninvolved. Misses are at best functional but unexciw Patient*, service^ not « Broadway in 1961 and was a smash hit. The stage script According to enrollment signed up for the class this fall. increased environmental "Man is beginning to realize appealing. remains intact. It's the outrageously funny figures, one of the most popular But because the Natural of students and the The film is at the Spartan Trt tale of a glib, self - classes offered that he's in a crisis situation and ordained black preacher in the South. this fall is Resources auditorium seats only general public. East. must do something about it." Interdisciplinary course 200. 400, the other 700 students will "We're gratified that there is a Entitled "Resource Ecology have to wait for another term. demand for knowledge in this IDC 200 reviews the "Superb, delightful, riotously comic" — Judith Crist "Howlingly effective" — Crowther, N.Y. Times ] and Man," the course is a three - When the course was first area." he says. "We think it's mechanisms by which the Nigerian visits credit elective taught by George offered environment controls the status by the College of important that all intelligent PLUS A. Petrides, professor of fisheries and wildlife. He is Agriculture and also Resources four years ago, only Natural citizens become knowledgeable of plants, animals and linguistics dept. — "HOCUS" Experimental film of 1964 Republican in environmental matters so they microorganisms. It confirms the Ayo Bamgbose. chairman of convention. Stars B. Goldwater, N. Rockefeller and 10,000 associated with the African 40 students responded. Petrides be common principles which affect can prepared to handle the the Dept. of Linguistics it fa Republican biggies. 108 B Wells Study Center. attributes much of the steady important problems facing us in the production of all living $1.00 More than 1,100 students enrollment growth since then to University of Ibadan in Nigak this field today. resources, and surveys the is visiting the MSU "A gas" — Village Voice Oct. 16,17 6:30,8:30,10:30 scientific Dept. g| foundation for Linguistics and Oriental i understanding man's use and African languages. LEDGES NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES Treat Your Stomach RALEIGH BIKES DO NOT CAUSE CANCER. SMOKt ONE TODAY. misuse of lands and waters. Petrides said the course will He will lecture Research and Teaching in W« on "Linguist* be offered again during the PLAYHOUSE ' tSPARTAN TWIN WEST (Contains no Cyclemates) coming winter and spring terms. Africa" at 4:00 p.m. Mondavi M 43 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER .i/liss Barbra Streisand, the 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351 0030 to Something 607 A Wells Hall. i (20 min.) PROFESSIONAL THEATRE OPENING TONIGHT super performer, has never sat. & sun. Carlton. Mercier, Raleigh, Falcon, Robin Witcomb, Bob 1,536 STUDENTS THROUGH OCT. 25 "OH WHAT A been better!. Different at... Jackson, Pogliaghi • «T»■ eye!" a nces Friday Sun. & Wed. H , 6:00; 8:10 & 10:30 2:20; 4:40 A MIKE NICHOLS FILM 7:00; 9:30 And Mick Jagger. ALAN ARKIDI Saturday 1:30; 3:40 Mon. Tues. & Thurs. The world changed for KMl 6:00; 8:10 MKiMmwvfttr JOSEPH NELIER & 10:30 7:00; 9:30 'ADAffl Of* A National General Pictures ReieaK A Cinema Center Films El • MMTMIALSAM. RICHARD BENJAMIN, AUTHORGAffUNKEl, JACK 8IIEOBO; BUCK HEN8Y. BOB NEWHART; ANTHONY MICHAEL DOUGLAS * LEE PURCELL PERKINS, PAOIA PRENTISS; MARTIN SHEEN JMV0GHU 0RS0IU WELLES ASOREEOU SCREECHY BY BUCK HENRY PRODUCED BY JOHN CAUEY & Mick Jagger. MARTIN RANSOHOFF DIRECTED BY MIKE NICHOls' And James Fox. tUWMSMMiniMttttailWI | "v 1 exclusive! pt:i?FO!M)AneE mall theatre 5628 W. SAGINAW • 484-44Q3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. October 16, ll>7() q Film Weekend entertainment is once woman who fears she has cancer. fare—no for hit Broadway musical "Purlie" is cau AIRPORT — A square film with M*A*S*H — How to preserve again confined to movies. With a The idea was more based. Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee and all an - star cast. selection that offers the intriguing, critics said, than the your sanity during wartime as Godfrey Cambridge star in this At Meridian 1. demonstrated by Elliott Gould. perfection of Maggie Smith and end result. Shows at 8:45 p.m. parody on segregation, bigotry CATCH - 22 — Mike Nichols' Donald Sutherland and their wild Barbra Streisand and the and 10:20 p.m. and civil rights. Judith Crist Friday and distinctive and often brilliant film compatriots near the Korean perceptions of Mike Nichols and Saturday in 106 Wells Hall. wrote, "It's a delightful version of Joseph Gillo Pontecorvo Heller's frontlines. At Meridian 2. as highlights, THE NIGHT THEY RAIDED entertainment — and a laughter - novel. Alan Arkin as ON A CLEAR DAY YOU CAN nobody should be complaining. MINSKY'S — Britt Ekland plays a laden lesson for our times." Captain Yossarian is perfect. At SEE FOREVER — In a dual role girl with a strict religious Shows at 6:30, 8:30 and 10:30 Lansing Mall. On Campus Films background who becomes a as an exquisite 19th century - p.m., Friday and Saturday in 108 EASY RIDER - The beauty and an insecure 20th flashy stripper to the delight of Wells Hail. BATTLE OF ALGIERS-Gillo her audience, the surprise of her devastating Peter Fonda - Dennis century student, Barbra Streisand Pontecorvo's cinematic SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL Hopper motorcycle epic. At is in top form. An absolute promoters and the horror of local SHERIFF — James Garner plays a Meridian 4. recreation of the incidents and delight for Barbra buffs. At police. sheriff with some new approaches GETTING STRAIGHT - No Spartan West. people involved in the Algerian shows at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. By ROBERT KIPPER struggle for independence from Friday State News Reviewer to law enforcement in this matter how insulting it is to PERFORMANCE - Mick in Conrad, Saturday evening in Western spoof. Shows at 7 and 9 1954 to 1957. Occasional critic students and instructors, Elliott Jagger and James Fox star in this Wilson Auditorium. Jason for Life magazine, Maurice Rapf, p.m. Friday in Wilson Gould's best performance to date disastrous film about a man who Robards and Elliott Gould co values, prejudices and approach wrote, '"The Battle of Algiers' is - Auditorium, Saturday in Conrad. makes it worth seeing. At tries to star. to life and love. The school escape a gangster ring. At certainly the most exciting — and Meridian 3. THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN Off Spartan East. meaningful — film of recent years authorities are outraged but her - Campus Films THE GENERAL - Buster BRODIE — "My students are the students are R.P.M. — A liberal professor a welcome steadfastly — and ADAM AT 6 A.M. Michael Keaton's most acclaimed film ... triumph of solid creme - de la - ereme," Jean often - (Anthony Quinn) is made acting Douglas plays • content over style and tragically — loyal. Maggie a youth who shows with W. C. Fields' "A president to quiet campus unrest. boasts as she enters her never Smith is searches for self and technique." Shows at 7:30 p.m. magnificent in the title country. NIGHT WITH THE GREAT Ann Margaret co - stars. At the - again drab classroom. role. Shows Friday and Saturday Sound familiar? At the ONE" at the State. Friday in University Auditorium. Jean's lectures consist less Campus. Michigan. CLEO FROM 5 TO 7 - Agnes evenings in 104 Wells Hall. of traditional study than a vain Varda's 1962 film about a young PURLIE (GONE ARE THE mixture of her own experiences, DAYS) — The film on which the Green thumb I Barbra Streisand explains her extraordinary ability to grow I flowers as a skeptical Yves Montand looks on in this scene I from "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever," a musical I comedy about reincarnation now showing at the Spartan I West. leading expert TTHIBALLET attend meeting SERIES A Heading specialist William K. Michigan Reading Assn. and has Tr. professor of elementary served as a member of the UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM special education, will national board of directors of the Itiiipate in the New Mexico National Assn. for Gifted Monday, October 19 at 8:15 P.M. Assn. Conference in Children and the board of Shown at our luquorque Thursday. directors of the Michigan will discuss "How to Congress of Parents and Teachers. ICHIGAN regular admission prices Reserved Seats: $5.00, 4.00, 3.00 students S1.G0 with Theatre Lansinq• Validated Full Time I.D. lividualize Your Reading He is a member of the board of i with the International directors and chairman of the Tickets on Sale at Union Ticket Office Biding Assn." and make a Committee of Parents and pscntation on "Reading is Reading of the International jrybody's Responsibility." Reading Assn. Je will speak at a dinner session The chief author of the MHA - WIC PRESENTS - ALSO: FRIDAY ■he Assn. for Supervision and Houghton Mifflin Reading Iriculum Development. He will Program, Durr wrote "The Gifted 1 address a session on the Child." He has also published Ibjectives and Goals of numerous articles in professional FRIDAY CONRAD AUDITORIUM Inentary Reading." journals. WILSON AUDITORIUM | faculty member at MSU for We are sorry for any st 15 years, Durr Ight elementary school previously inconvenience caused by the SAT WILSON SATURDAY in Killy cancellation. Tickets are polis and was still good for the Nov. 9 show J'V r4jk'^ 7 and 9 pm [erintendent Is in of elementary or may be refunded after Nov. St. Joseph, 111. Bad men... Bad ladies... Bad horses.. 6 r is a past president of the MSU SKI CLUB CONRAD AUDITORIUM ID'S REQUIRED Now Thru Tues. 7 and 9 pm $1. First Run Show ID'S REQUIRED Cable Hogue says... James Garner Joan Hadcett Walter Brennan [ Support Your Local Sheriff "] OCT. 22 24 - WILD BUNCH & THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR NOV. 12 - 14 - GONE WITH THE WIND & WINNING Coming OCT. 29 - 31 - WEST SIDE STORY & IF IT'S TUESDAY . . . NOV. 19 - 21 — BEN HUR & ODYSSEY to MS NOV 5 - 7 - Z & ALICE'S RESTAURANT DEC. 2 4 - APRIL FOOLS & HIS MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE Steve McQueen "The Reivers" Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve # are "The April Fools" 13» [m| Technicolor A Cinema Center Films Presentation. '—I A National General lectures Release. COLOR by Deluxe i MIRISCH PICTURES "HIS MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE" PRUia nEiumnn now you can SEE as you would have others mm WOODWARD anything you want do unto you." ^ ROBERT UinenER at... TUB BALLAD Or uiinmnG - CABLE H06VE WINNING .IS EVERYTHING* 4 TECHNifiOLOR ® A UNIVERSAL / NEWMAN /PANAVISlON- - FOREMAN PICTURE ...... ARLO GUTHRIE COLOR by Deluxe United Artists I The Mirisch Corpon nJ^PN- ROBARDS STELLA. DAVID 11 ACADEMY AWARDS inciudin«"BEST PICTURE"! COLOR In Delu STEVENS WARNER In iM-H smith splendor...The most Hwnniliniii |»irliirr ni r! :v JONES • PETER WHITNEY- R G ARMSTRONG • J^gws^ • - liffiViA JkiikiUMV)t JTi • 11- 0us; ■ ,V;"r- SyJOHN C«WORO& FOMUNOPEMrtV MGMSTANLEY KUBRICK PRODUCTION ' I 1D ■ '- ->i by SAM PECK M*m • ![CHNiCOU»*mOM WARNER BROS ALSO "THE STALKING MOON" with \ ^ iiark(ivkij. v: I 2001 GREGORY PECK EVA MARIE SAINT . * j YIM1MB.11 LKSLIK1I0WAKI) Ol.lYIAdcllAMI.IAM) ® I At 7:07 a space odyssey ^PLUS "THE Will nmmru" At 11:30 SUPER PANAVISI0N®- METR0C0L0R 10 Michigan State News, East L ansing, Michigan F riday, October |() -SPORTS , By JEFF ELLIOTT Spartans, should be able to handle the Spartans with relative ease. But offense has scored just enough Bill Triplett will start at flanker. Wolverines The four deep backs will be State News Sports Writer points each game to win, while While this trio will start, others roverback Brad McLee, anybody that's seen a U-M/MSU their defense has been one of the who will see plenty of playing cornerbacks Harold Phillips and game, knows there just isn't such best in the country. time are Earl Anderson, Mark The game is here. Doug Barr. with Brad VanPelt at a thing as a "favorite." As the MSU's inability to move the However, it's not the game that Charette, DougJRoot and Randy safety. is found in the MSU Bookstore. sports cliche says, "in this one ball has been costly, although Davis. Who does the punting for the you can throw away the book." they have been up against two The offensive line will be the This game will be found in Spartans will not be determined Anyone who doubts that can pretty good outfits in Notre same with center Tom Beard, until later today Daugherty Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor look back to last year's game this weekend and will involve live Dame and Ohio State. The tackles Gary Nowak and Vic indicated. However only one when the Wolves looked two Spartans have not scored since players. And while the game Mittelberg and guards Errol Roy kicker other than Borys Shlapak touchdowns better than the the fourth quarter of the and Joe DeLamielleure. The line "game" is played for fun, there will make the trip to Ann Arbor. won't be any fun involved when Spartans, but suffered an 11 Washington State game, leaving will have their hands full Sophomore Mark Grua has the University of Michigan and point loss. them with a 11 points per game Saturday as the Wolverines take looked the best in practice this The Spartans and Wolverines average. MSU square off Saturday for the pride in their defense against the week and may get the nod over are similar in a couple of 63rd time in a series that dates ways this Spartan Head Coach Duffy rush. In four games, they've only Dick Salani and Pat Miller. year. Both are having trouble Daugherty changed his line-up for allowed an average of 65 yards back to 1898. As usual the game will be a For any out - of - stater, it moving the ball consistently and the OSU game last week but the per contest. sellout, the 23rd consecutive time both defenses would appear that Michigan have,^hjned on result was a second straight 29-0 On defense the Spartans will it has been so. Seven of the top occasions. However, U-M's loss. Sophomore quarterback stick with the same outfit that has ten all - time crowds to watch George Mihaiu got the starting started the last two games with collegiate football games have sat call against the Bucks and will one possible exception. Wilt GOLDEN FALCON ROOM probably be the starter this week Martin and Doug Halliday will be also, although Mike Rasmussen at the ends with Duane in on Wolverine - Spartan games played at Ann Arbor. In the 22 previous sellouts prior to will see plenty of action. McLaughlin, Mike Hogan and Saturday's contest, according to Capital City Airport "I just wish one of them would Tom Barnum in the middle of the come through with a great game," line. McLaughlin is one of the the National College, 1,973,242 fans have been in attendance, an Featuring Daugherty said earlier this week. unheralded players on the team. average of 84,000 per game. "That way we could name a no. 1 He doesn't get a lot of tackles in The Paul Bunyan - Governor of THE DON RODRIGO TRIO quarterback. It's hard to platoon the game, but he's been Michigan Trophy will go to the your quarterbacks as the timing consistent and does a good job of winner of Saturday's game. Put Thurs., Fri., Sat. Eves. and coordination in your filling the hole. into circulation in 1953, MSU has backfield will suffer." Cal Fox, who continues to lead Daugherty indicated he'll stick the team in tackles with 53 will be won it 13 times to four. Among the 101,000 plus Michigan's Bye-bye with the same running backs that one linebacker while Jay Breslin faas expected for the game will be MSU will need tackier - shedding runs, like Bill Triplett's scamper against Ohio State, when started last week. Eric Allen, will be the other if a pinched Gov. Milliken, who will sit on the face they Michigan. The Spartans will be facing one of the best defenses in the country when they co-captain for Saturday's game, nerve in his neck is okay. If Michigan side one half and the break out of their scoring slump against the Wolves. try to will be at tailback, Henry Breslin doesn't start Gall Clark. v For Reservations Call SPECIAL Matthews will be the fullback and will get the call. Spartans' side the second half. State News photo by Milton Horst 485-1764 Dinirtg Room PRIME RIB DINNER CHECK OUR SPECIALS BUT STILL UNDEFEATED Mon. thruM/Ved. Thurs. Fri. Sat. $4.95 6 • 9:30 RACK .Many Great Thurs. thru Sat. 6 - 12 COFFEE SHOP SUNDAY BRUNCH BUFFET ALL YOU CAN EAT 12 to 3 ADULTS $3.25 CHILDREN $i.95 Only LP's at Low Prices! M' unimpressive winners Open Daily Wolverines, who were rolling along with a Sunday Dining 3:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. at By JEFF ELLIOTT State News But an inspired MSU team unleashed a powerful ground jan* Sports Writer that day and upset the Wolves 23-12, costing Michigan®' DISC SHOP On paper, they appear to be anything but a seventh ranked team. But on the playing field it's another story. That's where undisputed claim on the Big Ten crown. Schembechler, back on the defeat, said earlier this week, "We played n looking 323 E. Grand River game of the season and 1 don't want thai to happen again you win or lose vour ball games and that's where the Universtiy of Michigan football squad has earned the rating of the seventh The emphasis at Michigan has changed Open Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.r slightly this yeai Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. best team in the nation this year. ago the Wolverines were an explosive outfit with a defense of i The Wolverines (4-0) are off to their finest start since 1955 somewhat lesser proportions. Now, the defense has been Phone: 351-5380 when they also won four straight. But, while MSU has suffered much earning Drugs, thugs and of the load, while Schembechler waits patiently for the shutouts to Notre Dame and Ohio State, you won't find U-M ignition of his offense, the same wail Duffy Daugherty is freaked-out starlets, Coach Bo Schembechler taking Saturday's game lightly. presently going through. ritual murder and The Wolves' defense, extremely experienced cannibalism, dedicated CINE dWl) SERIES The second - year coach remembers all too well the result of last year's game at Spartan Stadium. The setting was similar to allowed just one touchdown and an average of 5 ;. throughout, ha points per this year: The Spartans has just dropped a pair of game. It has been notably rugged against running, permitting just games to the 'Tiic k v to the proposition Irish and Buckeyes and were decided underdogs to the (Continued on page 11) l Q 21 sPrimeof D U Open 12:45 P.M. TODAY . . . Two MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES fflPc lit Hlfotl MMiDM i UUW k GRAND mvijUliaifthS »1 DURING TWI LITE HOW GMiss3iean Exciting Hits! At 1:15-4:20-7:20-Late PLUS! 6"Brodie David janssen- "STILETTO"—EXCITEMENT a fugitive on the run from the Author of "THE CARPETBAGGERS" hunted fy HAROLD BOBBINS bl000 lust killers! BECAUSE OF CERTAIN SHOCK SCENES WE SUGGEST YOU DON'T COME ALONE! COUNT YORGA, vampire |f^ Jfflaggie Smith BRAMSi AB If Academy Award Winner Shown 2nd at 9:15 Room 104B Wells 7 & 9:30 $1.( th I TONIGHT! ALL COLOR! PLANETARIUM | RED SCREEN MKHK PROGRAM , ( I THE MOST SAVAGE 4BEMHlTs!' FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS I FILM IN HISTORY! > 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY, OCT. 17 & 31 The Beatles Yellw Submarine" ^ 2:30 and 8:00 p.m. SUNDAYS 2:30 and 4:00 p.m. ! Due to the increased interest in the UFO program, two additional shows have been j THE CASE STOP scheduled: FRIDAY 9:30 OF THE WORRYING' p.m. SATURDAY 9:30 p.m. K2S oTHE BEATLES UFO Concludes Oct. 18 - lunching at the "trouble - making radicals" who think "isartTSTis ssssr,? ihl-m p is iMded +2 L srrirasi £££ will give the Spartan bootersa big games I could possibly halt one of the nation's biggest sports competitive excitement soccer SSTFZ 2? 5.".^ *!. the game. S,e pre . action in practices Is test and are very important, not Irtacles and deprive 100,000 people, most of them alumni and ff.. aged football fans, of an afternoon of entertainment, because of a shoulder injury only for MSU but for the other , teams as well. ■hers scoff at those who think that the system really might The Spartans will host the MSU berths, Spartan S3 Kn s^d^fheS th"^ "I think that fitness wise we are I k and that the court might reject a double standard and apply i law equally to the adult majority and youth minority. soccer Invitational Tournament tangle with ninth rated University Friday and Saturday afternoons of Wisconsin at Green Bay. for his £&££ defensive play is prepared and I would be surprised if we lost, but the other teams will ■ loel Block's attempt to get an injunction against tomorrow's sophomore Junior Higgins. be coming in here ready to knock U Michigan football game created a slight sensation for a day - Following the Wooster game, off Michigan State," Fuller 1 wo but it was soon forgotten by most people. Press coverage mostly limited to a small story when the suit was filed and W tough defensively however, Fuller was quick to praise the efforts of Higgins for commented. "If the team pulls together and puts out a little En disappeared, even though a successful suit would be the (Continued his dominant play over their best extra effort they should win." Lst sports story in many years. 18 first downs from page 10) the ground. ■These ho - ho and ho - hum attitudes have been mainly on I ressed by those who profess strong belief in the American Linebackers Mike Taylor (42 tackles) and Marty Huff (37 item and there is a disgusting realization that by refusing to tackles) along with Henry Hill at middle guard and Pete Newell at tackle have led the charge. Newell at 226 Concerned About The Environment? e suit any chance of success these people have admitted pounds and Hill (220) : a deep hypocrisy in American justice. are unusually quick, teaming 14 times for tackles amounting to 58 yards in losses. Newell was named UPI's Midwest Investigate Lineman of career opportunities in personal & environmental Festivals and games are similar the Week this past week for his health. The University of Michigan program in health performance against Purdue. In that game, Newell was credited with 15 solo tackles. planning will be interviewing prospective Masters degree II don't think that Joel Block or any of his supporters would The Wolves' defense has also produced those vital third down candidates Monday, Oct. 19, 9-5 at the Placement Bureau. 1 lo say that drug and alcohol violations and the disturbing of stops. Purdue last Saturday faced 15 third - down situations and - B.A.'s in Social Science preferred. Full financial assistance Ijghboring residents are present to the same degree at both could convert only three into a first down. For the season, available. lllege football games and rock festivals. But the fact remains Michigan has stopped the opposition on 53 of 65 third down - ■at there IS illegal use of drugs and liquor at football games and plays. Saturday afternoon gatherings DO disturb some residents of Sign up at the Placement Bureau 355-9520 In the deep secondary, the Wolverines have speed and PAYTON FULLER NIGEL GOODISON Je area. And those are exactly reasons used to suppress the consistency. They have yielded 61 pass completions in 118 fond Goose Lake rock festival. Certainly anyone who has attempts for 623 yards, but have been able to come up with the Doors Open 6:45 P.M. PROGRAM INFOfir.:„,iON Mended a college game has to admit the fore - mentioned key interception. Huff has stolen five this season and at least one Simpson stars "7 33? ?817 (nditions do exist in every stadium in the country. I Even those laughing couldn't honestly say they see a clear - cut in each game. As a unit, the defense has 12 thefts, the same TODAY... Lai distinction between Goose Lake and U - M — MSU, yet they Ki't seriously believe that the game might be cancelled. The number as the Spartans' defense. Michigan's offense had been "good enough to win" but better than that the first three games. Schembechler had a host of no in pro debut WeVe ■pocrisy is slapping them in the face and they can't even see it. ■Those in power always tell young dissidents that the way to ■rrect injustices is to "work through the system." Well, Joel backs to pick from and a different player or two seemed to have a good game each week. Against Purdue though, Schembechler feels he found what will probably be his starting backfield Former Spartan great Ralph Simpson made his professional basketball debut Wednesday Wringing |ock is trying to right a wrong by running a quick opener right rough the middle of the system and the establishment is just alignment for the remainder of the season. Billy Taylor and Preston Henry operated at tailback, Fritz night Rockets with and paced 28 the Denver points in a Toge g back and laughing at him for his foolishness. Seyferth at fullback and losing cause to Utah in ABA Glenn Doughty and Bill Berutti at wingback. Taylor, with 244 action. Canham is unconcerned yards in 69 carries this year, and Doughty, 28 carries for 46 yards, were the Wolves two big men last year but neither are W.C. I This case should vitally concern U • M Athletic Director Don likely to start. Henry, who has the best average (5.4) and Berutti, who FIELDS BUSTER KEATON knham. Listen to his pronouncements on the suit: has only carried the ball seven times for 19 yards, will probably j"I haven't thought too much about the suit, I'm . more be in the backfield along with Seyferth and quarterback Don icerned with jte. getting the football team ready to play Michigan Michigan athletic officials haven't really gotten together id discussed the suit. We haven't discussed what would be done Moorhead. Moorhead's passing 30 figures aren't too impressive - completions, 80 attempts, 326 yards and 3 TDs - but he's double threat since he's A.fl.B.7Di C^TMSTOHEFUCE a of MIME one ■the game were cancelled." the best running quarterbacks in ■ Now Don Canham probably believes strongly in the American the league. He's the Wolves' incept of justice, yet the chance that his budget could take a third leading rusher with 50 psh of $200,000 on one judges' decision doesn't seem to worry carries for 155 yards. n the least. He can't conceive that Judge Ross Campbell has Paul Staroba is Moorhead's 'the SF than one possible decision to hand down. Does your face primary receiver. The split end "The General" m a little sore, Don? It's that old nemesis, hypocrisy, slapping has nabbed 13 passes for 158 8:00-10:15 p.m. Moo. yards in four games. Staroba also Sat. Sun. ■Now just like Joel Block, I think that rock festivals and lotball games are both great. Tomorrow's scheduled game does the team's averaged punting and has over 40 yards a kick in IK Eitcutnt faftm, JAY WARO PRODUCTIONS. INC 1:25-3:35- 5:50-8:05- Product* By RAYMOND ROHAUER loinises to be very exciting and I would love to watch it, but if it 30 punts this year, CopyrtQM 1970 Jiy W»rd P'oduclonj. Inc And Itopotd Fmdmwi Truiltt 10:20 P.M. leans supporting a double standard in the American system, I R.H.S* By JOSEPH BRENNER ASSOCIATES. INC li't say that I want the game to be played. ■ Neither football games nor rock festivals should have to be team, the Wolverines have totaled 1161 net yards, 799 icIgNf" fj "Great One" rushing and 362 through tb*air. 7:05-9:20 ■celled, but if the people in per are going to sweep the drug IF YOU WANT A BABY THAT'S YOUR BUSINESS. andW.C.FIELOSin Sat. Sun. 2:40-4:55- fclem out of the public's eye IF YOU DON't, THAT'S OURS. 7:10-9:25 P.M. ■ discriminate against the Ith sub-culture by using the lerican legal system they We're and both u men nonprofit family planning agency with physician supervision offer contraceptives by mail. We have effective methods for and women. Nationally known products which are PROGRAM INFORMATION 482 3905 R.P.M. a night wHhthe GreatOne ^ THE POOL SHARK-THE DENTIST-THE GOLF SPECIALIST CI luld have to accept the ■sequences when the law is completely safe and require no prescription. We offer them,to you at great savings. And we send them to you in a plain package so that your ICHIGAN Theatre Lanslnq ■ A story totally of today. Bed on them. private life stays that way - private. DpwNTowN qj tensjon turmoil, and the We've engineered Send for full details. Doors clash of ideals on a college campus. ■injunction against the ■d possibly shake game some POPULATION SERVICES. INC 105 N. Columbia St., Dept. D-46 | Open I ^ers of the superbly - named majority" out of the CHAPEL HILL, N.C. 27514 R.P.M* arty contest that Gentlemen: an Please send me full details without obligation: 'Revolutions Per Minute. iw apathy they seem to be starts TODAY: A movie that's getting there... ■wing in and make them put ADDRESS could give you all - Bountry and its values under T scrutiny. CITY -STATE ZIP - importantly, it would I lots of ■'ally me, a glimmer of hope lmaybe this system can be 1 to work. young people, Beal Film Agnes Varda's Group Presents EXISTENTIAL TRIP Friday and Saturday " " j the supplies you need 1 I this semester. i lAlR Board BUS TRIP |K departs Union Building to • 8 40fc •9 m -ifi! £ S 0 • ^REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE ANTHONY QUINN • ANN-MARGRET GARY LOCKWOOD |ott Entrance, 12:30 p.m Tday.Qct, 18 i •$100^ | B 1:45-3:45-5:40 7:45-9:45 ' I Songs Performed byMELANIE [Soundtrack A tium Available on Bell Records pD| "wans , CLEO FROM 5 to 7 GRANDMA'S more, uiul more, Jah> Wtous und more . people are HONEY-DIPPED enjoying dinner at II And^kat MakeA- i restaur an r Ail *7he, ^ Ali you have to do to win is enter our very ecological poster contest. & 'WAKE OF THE ZOMBIES Ecology. That's the theme. So just get on down to Michael's Art.Craft Drafting Supplies store and pick up your Student Discount registration card. tiffany ■■■■■■■■ The card will serve as your entry form. So put your rr.ind together arid lounge COUPON"" get it on. Entiief. close Nov 2, and the winner will be announced Nov. 16. (in <'* sl><'< 'ialtici "PYRO" "VOODOO WOMAN" Jr. Box 69c You could win up to $100 worth of the supplies you'll need this semester. One more thing. Ask for your free Michael's M pc! Child poster. .Hit No. 4 2 Pes. Chicken, Mashed Potatoes y Sat It should ne'p to give you inspiration. and Gravy or French Fries "THE UNDEAD" MICHAEL'S Program Unclassified ART, CRAFT, DRAFTING SUPPLIES 1900 E. Kalamazoo . . 484-4471 Each Feature Shown 555 East Grand River Ave., East Lansing, Michigan 48823 (51?) 351-1150 4516 S. Cedar St ... . 393-4770 Once in Above Order 3007 N. East St ... 487-6091 We have a way of fulfilling your needs. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS- Orioles climax year BALTIMORE (UPI) — A year late, the Baltimore Orioles Frank Robinson, who was involved in a mild fond with Anderson of waiting what you're thinking of." celebrated a World Series victory Thursday, their 1969 earlier in the week over the future of Frank's career, said he could "Alter last year, I think we dedicated ourselves ton, embarrassment only a memory. not compare this World Series victory with the one in 1966, the it. No one said anything out loud, but I think wc "This makes up for everything," said Brooks Robinson, the series' year he joined the Orioles. ourselves. We wanted to get another shot at it." outstanding player. "There's a lot of satisfaction and pride involved "It's an altogether different feeling," he said. "In 1966, it was the Sparky Anderson managed to smile even in defeat. in bouncing back to win it. first one here for this club and t here's never one as sweet as the first "I said before the playoffs began one of four managers* "When you feel that you had the best club and didn't win it, like one. The memories stay with you all the time." come out or all this a genius," said the Cincinnati manager last year, it's a long wait to get it back," he said. Reminded that the winning players' shares had increased "Earl Weaver won out. He deserves it. This is Baltimore' Robinson, who had nine hits in the series and repeatedly made l^ist year belonged to the Mets. This one belongs to defensive plays almost beyond belief, called it "The greatest considerably the past four years, Frank said, "That's not really Baltimore"6" I thing that ever happened to me." But the 33 year - old third baseman took - winning in stride, just as Collegiate Football he took Wednesday's only loss for the Orioles. Wearing a black tee - shirt and pants from his uniform, Brooks met the press with his arms folded and showing little emotion. "I feel like a young 33 now," he said in answer to questions. "No, I don't ever remember making a series of plays on defense like the first three games. Yes, I can use the car." The car Robinson referred to was the one awarded by a magazine to the series' "most valuable player." Robinson won it, and no one was in second place. "Robinson dominated the series," Red's manager "Sparky" Anderson stated flatly in his office of the Reds' dressing room. "He deserved to win the most valuable player award unanimously." Brooks Robinson Anderson paid a visit to the Baltimore dressing room to congratulate Earl Weaver, the Orioles' manager, but escaped before the celebration got wild and the champagne began to flow. Most of the other Baltimore players echoed Robinson's Ruggers face sentiments. Beating the Reds, they said, finally had taken sting of last season's five - game loss to the Mets. "After we lost to the Mets last year, we had to come away the back," said first baseman Boog Powell. "It was a long winter for us last year and in Sat. double I didn't want to go through another winter like that. "You know what would have happened. It would have been the same thing. We would have to listen to people all winter asking, From its conception in ancient England, rugby has been a game gridiron and the rooting will be done for a game called football, a what happened to you guys against have a machine of our own." the'Big Red Machine?'Well, we HARRIERS SEEK REVENGE of great rivalries. One of the most game that owes its birth to rugby. Shortstop Mark Belanger said, "We beat a pretty good club" and notable perhaps being the rivalry Meanwhile, just a short walk from admitted he was looking back after the Reds rallied from behind to between Yale and Harvard in the the U S', Gophers in rematch - M Stadium, the parent take their only victory in the fourth mid - nineteenth century. There game game. rugby will be played. "There were some thoughts in my mind, yes, about last year," can still be heard across the Belanger said. "I think that's why we shook it up so much today, campus green, "give him weight" Two games between a strong U - bore down harder. Today, we'd get a run, and everybody would say or "bloody good kick". M club and a fast MSU club will let's get another, let's get five, six, ten. This weekend two great rivals, be played. The first game starts at "As soon as we got the run, we forgot about that and were country last year and shows Mike Hanley was the second U M and MSU meet on U M's - 3:00 p.m. Saturday. By DON KOPRIVA n Big Ten i e Daly,J - thinking 'let's get more.'" sign of surrendering that spot. Gopher across the line against the junior who finished 36th "I think we all had State News Sports Writer something to prove," said Belanger, who Spartans and he's back for a MSU counters with „„„ snapped an 0 - for -12 slump with a game - tying hit in the second But MSU counters with senior return shot in his junior year, IF YOU ARE inning. The MSU-Minnesota Kim Hartman, third in that meet a year ago. It was Hartman's last though he may be a questionable sophomores who placed highrL freshmen. Randy Kilpatrictfc because of tendon country battle set for 10 i presently the Spartans' n meet for the Spartans in 1969 problems. Don Timm and Tom one man, was 11th. Wangl THRIFTY AS A Saturday at Forest Akers Golf (Yinreo mioht ho inct « of because less than a week later,he Page, b ' 2-3 finishers behind Krueeer *>rut*w — 13th and Rityl MAKE IT ... U „. quired knee . 9 clash. Bjorklund in the Big Ten meet, Zoppa was 17th. Ken Popejnl d the season. also return for their senior years, SQUIRREL But no matter, because if the inning for the Chuck Starkey, who rounded and Pete Reiff both missed Bjl 1970 meet goes off anything like Spartans again this year but has into form for MSU last week and Ten action last year but have bn| AROUND THE last year's version, fans should be been coming into form just grabbed third place against Ohio among MSU's top r timearound. in for a real thriller. Minnesota State, is the only other senior o Other entries include Spartil SAVE CORNER edged the Spartans 27-28 year and each "team returns the stars for each team but there the MSU squad. Dave Dieters, freshmen Steve Rockev, Ste*r Moffat and Doug Kurtis. lm almost the squads which weire a ^ost supporting OFF GRAND RIVER same produced that squeaker. and only two are not back. Each few only freshman running tul UNCLE JOHN'S For starters, the logical place to Gopher captain Pat Kelly and team sophomores who as a last year and . Minnesota will be Dan Humes. H Last year's meet was one to k| _ Sun. - Thurs. 6 A.M. -11 P.M. u • ^ begm would be at the top. There MSU captain Ken Leonowicz helped out. Besides Bjorklund, remembered. This year's likehl both graduated, but younger the Gophers have Mike Lawless, Fri. & Sat. 6 A.M. nne will not be forgotten either,audi - 4 A.M. "I?8 Minnesota sophomore faces were all around them and Greg Nelson and John Hopko. could furnish a small clue tol 2820 E. Grand River 487-3761 Between The Union and the Courthouse have filled In ably this year "" None ran in the . —Big _ Ten. The winner of the Big Ten title licfl well. Gophers' only other experienced here Nov. 14. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. October !(v 1970 ^3 state news Let us know what's in state news classified your bag for the 31st. classified 355-8255 Place your Halloween Spooky Special today! 355 8255 The State News does not A utomotive tPAnklystX'AkitK permit racial discrimination or religious Employment For Rent For Rent in its MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1966.8 advertising columns. The automatic. Power steering and GLAMOROUS POSITION ground STUDENTS. WILL accommodate 4. floor opportunity with Automatic washer State News will not top. Deluxe interior. $850. and dryer. 1-10-16 355-0706. 5-10-21 multi-million dollar cosmetic Completely furnished. Call accept advertisinrj which L AUTOMOTIVE ■ discriminates against MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE company. $10 an hour, and up. 337-1194. iaiai6 332-4228. 489-2326. 10 10-28 Evenings, call TEN MINUTES from MSU New duplex. 2 bedrooms. Carpeted, Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or 289 automatic. 1965. stove, refrigerator and draperies Sharp. $595. Auto Parts 81 Service national origin. Phone 694-9522. 3-10-19 SALES LADY for Boutique Shop in DELUXE TWO bedroom. Furnished. provided. $135 per month, plus Frandor Shopping Center. Must be Close to Campus. $180 a month. , Aviation able to style wigs and sell. Call electricity. Deposit required. I EMPLOYMENT MUSTANG 1967 fastback; new Mrs. Cody, 351-5806. 3-10-19 351-9036. 5 10-21 Phone 372-3487. 3-10-20 shocks, tires; Cobra kit, mags, |» for rent must liquidate. 351-3650. 5-10-20 ONE OR TWO girls to share two NEW MANAGEMENT. 2. 3 and 4 Apartments Automotive NEEDED: DENTAL assistant. bedroom, new apartment. Two man. UNIVERSITY TERRACE. Experience required, full time blocks EVERGREEN. Walking distance Houses MUSTANG FASTBACK, 1965, from campus. $75 a CHEVROLET 1962. Clean. Snow position. Call 332-2939. 3-10-19 to AM-FM, 289, Dark Green, very month. 351 9036. 5-10-21 campus. HALSTEAD tires. New parts added. $250 , Rooms 353-3650 or 353-6400. after 6 YOUNG MAN MANAGEMENT COMPANY i for sale p.m. 5-10-22 a week to work several hours doing yardwork and odd TWO BRAND NEW 351-1717,351-9117.0 Animals MUSTANG |obs. ED 7-0485. 2-10-16 2 BEDROOM LUXURY HILLCREST. NEAR 1965 six. campus. Mobile Homes CHEVY IMPALA 1962. Automatic. Automatic, Furnished. radio. Completely winterized! APARTMENTS NOW Dishwasher. $240. i personal Runs but needs some repairs. $100. Bill, 351-3956. 2-10-19 $550. 489 6642, 353-0346 READY FOR LEASING. 3510705. HALSTEAD i peanuts personal 3-10-19 MANAGEMENT COMPANY 351-1717. O i real estate CHEVY VAN 19RK paneled and OLDSMOBILE 1969. Delta BOY, 11-14 years of age for daily All new furniture and 88 and Sunday newspaper delivery in I recreation carpeted. SOV-U 332-1632. Royale. Loaded. Must sell. Make appliances. Next to campus, EAST LANSING, Couples and 3-10-16 University Village and Cherry students offer. 332-1363, for 3 or 4 people or married Efficiency, 1 and 2 ■ service 2-10-16 351-8810. Lane area. Call 484-2796, between bedrooms. Furnished and I Typing Service CHEVELLE 1967, Malibu. V-8, 9-5. 1-10-16 couples. Large picture unfurnished. From $125. After 6 windows and balconies. Call I TRANSPORTATION automatic, hardtop. Excellent OLDSMOBILE F85, 1962. Good DENTAL ASSISTANT for 332-4432. p.m., 351-0595. O condition. Best offer. Leaving I WANTED country. 332-2697 after 5 p.m. 3-10 16 condition, power brakes, steering, 882-6794. 3-10-16 power orthodontic office. Orthodontic experience necessary. Full or part LOWEBROOK APARTMENTS. deadline Need 1 or 2 people to fill time. 482-9695, days. 484-0702, OLDS CUTLASS S' 1969. 2 door EAST LANSING near campus. One apartments. Reduced rates. Call ,',M. one class day CORVAIR 1961. New evenings. 5-10-20 351-5289. 10-10-29 snow tires hardtop. Black vinyl roof. All bedroom, furnished. Large, airy before publication. and battery. Best offer. 353-5219. power and factory air. 20,000 rooms. Air conditioned. ■Cancellations - 12 noon 5-10-22 miles. Roger Laine, For Rent Beautifully 353-4377, maintained. Select E>ne class day before CORVETTE days. 4-10-16 HALLOWEEN COSTUMES. clientele. Lease. 332-3135 or cedar greens 1967 convertible. Publication. Costume Rental Service, reserve 882-6549. O 327/350. 4 speed. AM-FM. OLDS 1965. Jetstar phone Excellent condition. Best offer. I. hardtop. Low mileage. Excellent 2 door Automotive A uto Service & Parts early. By appointment only. 1130 1 Bedroom Furnished BEECH — two bedroom 351-2645.10-10-16 condition. 393-4766. 3-10-16 489-9061.9-10 28 3558255 CAR WASH, 25c or automatic wash, student apartments. Furnished, air Short Term Leases 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. COMPACT REFRIGERATOR - conditioned. Close to campus. rates COUGAR, 1967. In good condition. OLDS DELTA 88, 1966. V-8. Power 430 South Clippert, back of the rentals, 2 cubic feet deluxe. Call 332-0965. HALSTEAD Jl day $1295 or take over steering, brakes. $1-50 625 3746. 3-10-16 payments. power Real VOLVO, 1963. P. 1800 Koko Bar. 0-1-16 now. Campus Coolers, 351-5652. MANAGEMENT COMPANY, speakers. Very good condition. Excellent ■15c per word per day $800. 355-8126. 5-10-16 condition. Phone, PRECISION 2-10-16 351-7910. 0 B days $4.00 CUTLASS 1965. Silver with black IMPORTS, 484-4411. 5-10-19 PRECISION VM STEREOS, for rent. $9.50 per ONE MAN needed for BAY E3V2C per word per day top, 3-speed on floor, bucket OLDS CUTLASS 'SX,' 1970. IMPORTS month. A to Z RENTAL. COLONY, one and "two Fee Apartment. two man West 353-1892. seats. $650. Call Loaded. Must sacrifice. 353-3846, XKE COUPE, 1963. Best offer over * bedroom, unfurnished. $150 and Kdays $6.50 351-7401. 9 - 5 p.m. 2-10-19 Complete service for 337-1617.6-10-16 up. 337-9228. HALSTEAD 5-10-19 5-10-22 $1600, or trade. 351-3963. [>st foreign models - ■ 3c per word per day 1-10-16 MANAGEMENT rvice, repair, and COMPANY, Ibased on 10 words per ad) DODGE PICKUP, 1951. Runs great, OPEL STATION vagon. 1968. bodywork. 484-4411 TV RENTALS, $8.50/month. Free deliveries. Call 351-7910.0 CONGENIAL GIRL for 2 man. $55 SELCO includes utilities. Close. 355-7973, Excellent peanuts Personals must be $170. Phone Keith, 332-8028. sh^QVV.I after 7 p.rr Scooters & Cycles 1204 E. Oakland COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. 2-10-16 4-10-19 351-5859.9 5-^1 fi S-^J-ie Burcham Woods re-paid. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East FALCON PAIR OF 1928 model A 1967 SUZUKI 250cc. X-6. Good Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. RENT A TV and watch your favorite Apartments MARRIED STUDENTS: spacious 2 iere will be a 50c service 1962. $125. Good sports . . . bedroom coupes. Call after 5:30 shape. Best offer. 332-3215. Complete auto painting and apartments. Carpeting, Lnd bookkeeping charge if transportation, recently tuned by p.m., 3-10-19 program. NEJAC TV RENTALS, Furnished 1.2, 3, & 4 man. drapes, air conditioning, and 339-2044. Ask for Eric Hall. collision service. IV 5-0256. C owner. 484-6013. 3-10-16 337-1300. C kitchen Unfurnished Available. appliances, otherwise Jhis ad is not paid within 5-10-20 DUCATI 1966. Street Scrambler, AT MEL'S PORTABLE unfurnished. 20 minutes from week. we repair all foreign and DISHWASHERS. Brie 350cc. $350 or best offer. American If we can't fix it, it Compact Swimming Pool campus in Eaton Rapids. Modern PEUGEOT, 1963. Black 404. $325. cars. Refrigerators, rentals. ■he State News will be 337-2381. 5-10-21 Ample Parking brick building. $160/month. Call Good can t be fixed. Call 332-3255. O ESCHTRUTH APPLIANCES & transportation. Low Mr. Shimnoski, Responsible only for the mileage. 332-5650. 5-10-19 TV. Grand Ledge, 627-2191. O From $125 663-4266. 5-10-21 evenings First 966, 305cc Yamaha, completely day's incorrect 745 Burcham Drive. PONTI AC overhauled, good condition. 500 TV RENTALS -- Students only. Low hsertion. FIREBIRD, 1969. 350 miles since over hauled. $350. Call monthly and term rates. Call HASLETT AREA. Spacious 2 FORD GALAXIE 1966. V-8. engine and more. $2250. Original Resident Manager 351-3118 625-7726 after 5:30 p.m. 5-10-21 351-7900 to reserve bedroom. Fully carpeted, luxury. Automatic transmission. Excellent owner. 882-3168. 3-10-16 Aviation UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C yours. If no answer 484-4014. New G.E. electrical appliances. Air condition. A steal at $725. SUZUKI Mod PORSCHE, 1963, super 90 coupe. - transportation) conditioned, garbage disposal. 699-2652.3-10-19 1966 250cc. Good condition. 1 Married TV RENTALS. Color and black and couple. 339 Very good condition. $1695. helmets. Sacrifice STODDARD APARTMENTS. One 372-2252. 3-10-16 $250. whit*. MARSHALL MUSIC bedroom, furnished, near campus. appointment. 5-10-21 Automotive ■ , „ . M FORD 485-3813, after 1 p.m. 5-10-19 Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C — VAN 1966. Radio, wood COMPANY, 351-7830. C Call 351-8238. O paneled, carpet. Call 332-6389. RAMBLER FOURTH GIRL needed for large AMERICAN, 1969, 6 iriQUE CHEVY, 1936. 4-10-16 HONDA 1968 S90. 2700 miles. apartment. For information call lriginal. Beautiful condition. All cylinder, Excellent automatic, 4 door. condition. $1495. Good condition. $200. 337-2176. Employment Apartments AB - BODE, Holt. Modern bedrooms. Furnished, 1 - 2 351-8102. X-3-10-19 •1500. 337-1067, 1-10-16 evenings. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE, 1965. 677-4611.5-10-21 unfurnished. Family living. EARN EXTRA money. We need Beige / black. New tires, excellent CAME LOT APARTMENTS, 4901 Schools and stores close. Heat anfl TRIUMPH 1970. Tiger 650cc. campus representatives to sell condition, $850. 351-0184. SUNBEAM ALPINE coupe, 1969. South Pennsylvania. QUIET utilities, except electricity. §TIN AMERICA, 1968 , 26,000 3-10-20 Excellent condition. Need money, Excellent condition. 5 old. 351-6180. 3-10-20 months quality Electronic components, at very competitive prices. Write to: location for married, grad students Starting at $150. Call 669-6601 or A COLLOQUIUM: Clean! $895. 355-9859, must sell. 337-2134. 1-10-16 and faculty. ONE bedroom 669-3676. 10-10-22 Jeff Johnson, National Direct ■fternoons, evenings. 3-10-16 JAGUAR - XKE, 1968. 3 band TRIUMPH 1962. Rebuilt engine, TRADE FOR motorcycle or sale, Sales Co., Suite 111, 32 South 10th Street, Hopkins, Minnesota furnished. Immediate $150 monthly. possession. Call YOUNG MALE - share apartment THE G.M. STRIKE radio, air conditioning, new paint 1964 Ford and 1957 Dodge J 2002, 1969 . 4 speed. AM-FM. transmission, brakes. Two new 55343. 3-10-20 Manager, 393-8657 or FOX with as same. 393-3700. 11 p.m. - 1,000 miles. Excellent, $2500. and exhaust. Phone 485-5622. tops and side curtains. Good wagon.. 625-7425 after 7 p.m. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, 11 a.m. 9-10-23 Boger Laine, 353-4377, days. 5-10-20 3-10-16 Convened by the condition. Best offer. 393-4379. 372-1954. O COEDS EARN f-10-16 1-10-16 $20-$45 weekly ONEJE MAN e""~fC.D furnish' effi--:-,n furnished, Worker-Student Strike YAMAHA 1970. 250 Enduro. 950 working 10 - 15 hours / week. FLAT TO let: 4 man, K WILDCAT JAGUAR, 1967 XKE Roadster, $50 each. utilities after Support Committee, convertible, 1965. $3100. Call 485-9664, after 5:30 miles. Knobbies, cheap. Call Apply (in person) to University Large, pleasant, close. 332-3226 iod rubber. $400 or best offer. 332-6389.4-10-16 Inn. Ask for Mr. Eshleman 332-0309. 3-10-19 an independent organization p.m. 4-10-16 days. 339-8450 after 7pm. C BB2:2993. 5-10-16 between 4:30 7:30 p.m., TWO BEDROOM mobile home units. HARLEY DAVIDSON, 125cc, Tuesday, October 20th. 3-10-20 NEED TWO TRIUMPH 1966 Spitfire, removable roommates. Luxury Lake view lots. No lease. MERCEDES BENZ, 1967. Excellent jCK 1965 Skylark sports coupe, working condition. No reasonable hardtop, $600. Call after 4 p.m., Rapido. 4,000 miles. Must sell. YOUNG MAN needed age 19 - 25. furnished 4-man apartment. 641-6601. TF ' Film __!5_13118: momjngs. 500-16 $85/month. No lease. One block Jellow, black interior, V-8, bid refused. 351-9310. 5-10-22 339-2914. 2-10-16 Earn $30 - $45 per week working from campus. Call after 6 p.m., wtomatic, power steering, must 1968 HONDA 305 Scrambler. TWO MEN for 4 man apartment. ■-e. 482-5397. 5-10-21 part time. See Mr. Semenik, 6 351 ^3685_ J F MERCURY MONTEREY 1966, V-8, automatic 2 door hardtop, power TRIUMPH 1957 GT6. condition. Best offer over $1300. Good Excellent condition. $400. Phone, 355-8818. 3-10-16 p.m., Tuesday, October 20th at University Inn. 3-10-20 ^ UNIVERSITY VILLA: Three and $55 each. Large. Walking distance. 332-3255, days. C Refreshments Call 371-1776, ask for Dale. After |1AR0tires.RALLYE Sport 1967. steering. Excellent condition. 6 p.m., call 371-1876. 3-10-16 four man, furnished, $185 and up. NEEDED: FOURTH for Best offer. 351-4377, $875. After 6 p.m., 641-4295. HONDA 450, 1967 Excellent shape and clean. Fall Scrambler. WAITRESS WANTED, Sugar Loaf Village. 21 and experienced. Call 351-1669. HALSTEAD apartment. $190 man per Fee term. Discussion P.m. 5-10-21 5-10-20 MANAGEMENT TRIUMPH TR-3. New paint. Good 482-4609. 5-10-16 COMPANY. 353-1917. 3-10-16 special. 694-8262. 5-10-19 tires. Runs well. $435. 482-7351. 351-7910.0 2-10-16 ONE MAN TRIUMPH 1969, TR6 650cc. A-1 PART TIME, earn up to $50-$75 per nee1 485 4917, 372-4747. 5-10-22 RUMMAGE SALE, EVERYTHING new 30" stove. Beige YOUNG LADIES: 10 minutes from YOU CAN THINK OF. Bikes, art colonial chair, $5.00. 372-3912. POLICE MONITORS, Sonar FR 103, 1-10-16 with cage and food . Call encore? - The Bro's ""tl campus. Completely furnished. 3-10-16 special sale. $29.95 up, plus 351 6266. 3-10 16 EAST LANSING. 3 bedroom. Full 372-8077 before 4 p.m. 10-10-21 SALE OF antiques and second hand DALE crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, - HAPPY 22nd 1 basement. Carpeted. Duplex. $200 household, etc. COME AND 5558 South Pennsylvania Avenue, merchandise. Beds, trunks, Love BROWSE. FISHER XP6 speaker SIAMESE KITTFm i weeks, free to always, Barb 1 10. monthly. 351-9036. 5-10-22 DRAWING FREE system. For Sale Roberts Akai X200D stereo reel Lansing. C refrigerators, etc. 1174 West good trained. IV PRIZE. Sunday, Oct. 18, 10 - 4 - Grand to reel tape deck with cross - field. River, Okemos. Friday. 7 3315. 3-10 16 WANTED: TWO people to share p.m., 1541 Spartan Village. SWEET CIDER at Corda West Mill. Saturday, Sunday, 351-7814. house. Large yard. Parking, good MUSICAL Garrard model AT60 stereo INSTRUMENTS, all 1-10-16 5817 North Okemos Road. 1-10-16 study conditions. 351-6957. 9 brands. 30% off list price. Rich: changer. Sony model 200 stereo 337-7974.20-10-30 AFGHAN HOUND, show quality. Black masked apricot female. 10 VOurilJJttle Dooijy "JJ; J* p.m.-9 a.m. 3-10-20 351-5869. C GARAGE SALE tape recorder. Fisher TX100 stereo amp preamp. Fisher model months. 332-1895. 1-10-16 SWEETHEART Qc clothes, books, furniture and GUARANTEED USED sewing SUBLET LARGE furnished 4 man. 101R tuner. Panasonic 8 track silver, etc. 205 Ridge Road machines, $9.95 up, over 65 to House, $60 each. Near campus. At DOUGHNUTS, (behind All Saints Church), East cartridge deck. Panasonic mini choose from. Portable and cabinet HORSES BOARDED. Box stalls. 15 >V|J 507 Spartan. 351-6274. 5-10-20 minutes east of MSU. 1 468-3665. added. CENTENNIAL MARKET, Lansing. From 12 - 6 p.m., changer. Webcor AM-FM plus 8 models, some late models. Zig-zag CHEST, $12.95. Stove, $12.95. track stereo receiver. 5 10-16 4 miles North of Lansing on U.S. Saturday and Sunday. 1-10-16 Knight 80 and straight stitchers. ELECTRO Refrigerator, $19.95. Bed, $19.95. GREATEST watt amp preamp. Pioneer reverb 111 nev„ ■ 27.669 3157. O GRAND. 804 East Michigan ABC SECONDHAND STORE, BEAUTIFUL WEDDING Gown, amp. Dynaco model SCA35 Avenue, Lansing. Hours 9 - 5 p.m., 1208 Turner. C BASSETT HOUND puppies. Field V0U.M.E. 1-10-16 °° HB and show blood lines. AKC. Shots MUST SELL. 23 foot Fan luxury matching veil, size 10. 484-5545, amplifier. Concertone Saturday 9-12 noon. 5-10-19 JOE (HAROLDI after 6 p.m. 5-10-22 1970 Zig Zag sewing machine. Happy M r Mike and Perra. 1 GIRL NEEDED t recorder. Stereo speakers, $15 Turntables $25 up. 8 track tapes uPp. MUST SELL. Magnavox home $39.95 with easy terms. Call 1016 $2395.627-6494.5-10-19 CORNET OLDS recording model. theater. 2 weeks old. $1000, new, 694-8159. 4-10-16 JOE JELLO and Co. Excellent instrument. $150 firm. $2.50 each or trade. TV sets, will sell for $850 or best offer, from your Happy B|; WOW! PLASTIC Furniture. Chairs 489-5125. 1-10-16 radios, beds, cameras, typewriters, 351-7611 after 5 p.m. 2-10-16 BOX TRAILER. High sides. 8' long, Jolly je|lo EAST LANSING - 7 room sofas, hassocks. Super colors jewelry. We Buy, Sell and Trade. 5' wide. With lights. Good Mobile Homes (Wiggle while you wain " nM GIRL'S BICYCLE WILCOX SECONDHAND KENMORE PORTABLE washer. 8 condition. $135. 351-3645. contemporary ranch. Near Marble Super Styles. 337-9215 Noon excellent STORE, 509 East Michigan WANT ADS have McDonald School. Call between Midnight. O condition, with basket. Good months old, excellent condition. 2-10-16 KEY 1968, 12x65, 2 bedroom. Bow every » in93"««it t4,fl 485-4391, 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. C .. , tires. $18. 355-3866. 5-10-22 655-3690 or 655-1089. 2-10-16 81 5:45 - 6:45 p.m. $300/month. STEREO TAPES, old comic books SAIL BOAT. National One - design. window, fully carpeted, walnut lastiijijj 332-8363. 5-10-16 paneling, plumbing for washer. from 1952 and up. 351-8154. EXCELLENT USED FURS Coats in Excellent condition. Lot at VAN, THANKS for THREE BEDROOMS. Northwest of 3-10-16 all sizes and types. $20 - $50. , Storiegate. Priced to sell. life 18 months Lansing, available for students. Call 484-3392. 5-10-16 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA 351-6337. O-10-16 393 0287. 5-10-19 to go. Happy ago. On^Sl Anniversary Jl with year books and bookcase. MEN'S TEN speed bicycle. Excellent DRAFTING PARALLEL 36". used 1969 NEW Moon. Excellent Sue. 1-10-16 °*B Like new, seldom used. IV condition. Must sell. 351-3218, about one year. $19. Call IV condition. Fully carpeted and 9-5809, before 3 p.m. 3-10-16 mornings. 5-10-16 2-0136. 5-10-21 completely furnished. Ideal for Recreation GIGANTIC GARAGE Sale. Alpha appreciate. Located in Windsor 'AIN. THIS Spring break - Chi DO YOU SEEK A CAREER AS A PROFESSIONAL Omega Sorority Chapter. Saturday, October 17, 9 5 p.m. 243 Burcham Drive, East Alumni - Estates. Call 646-4651. 5-10-20 For details call Tom 339-8326 or 353-1313. or MnJ PaZI 1969 LIBERTY. Mobile home. Lansing. 2-10-16 12x50. Located in Stonegate. christmasbreaH ENGINEER OR SCIENTIST? "REMINGTON WOODSMASTER," 300 Savage Deer Rifle. Model 81. Make an 393-1551. 5-10-21 offer, must sell. in SPAIN 9 Days Case included. 337-2679, MUST SELL. 1962 $209.00 10x55 Alma 353-6071. 2-10-16 Limited Spate 00 YOU WANT TO PURSUE GRADUATE STUDY? GIGANTIC BASEMENT rummage condition. $2500 c See at Havana Tra Call Jim Ilartlc 353-695'.) North U.S. 27, Lot fi lIDING, HAYRIOES ; ildren MUST SELL this week. $695. Near room. For appointments a. The Applied Physics Laboratory is a technical laboratory dedicated other MSU. Fine condition. 32 x 8 677-0071. WHITE BIRCML p.m. Curtis. 351-7219. 5-10-19 exclusively to research, development, and systems engineering. Weapon CTABLES AND SHOP. O-IO-M systems, space, urban transportation, geophysics and medical physics are some VAGABOND. 1967. 12x60. Skirted. MIDI of the areas studied. King Arthur's Court. Best offer. Real Esiote vs. ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses? Save 489 7089. 5-10-16 APL is a division of The John Hopkins University. It has a total staff of 2500, at Optical Discount, 2615 East of whom 1000 are professional engineers and scientists. The main laboratory is Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. RICHARDSON, 1969, 3 bedroom, COUNTRY. NEW four 355 skirted, shed. Children, pet section bath ranch. at a acre country site within commuting distance of Washinton, D. C., and Carpeted, $25001 in King Arthur's Court. Phone 646-6376. O Baltimore, Maryland. Midis FAROUT CANDLES and 489 4153. 3-10-19 The scope of activities is broad. help men to exercise incense. their HASLETT BRICK R, imaginations! John 393-1123.5-10-16 Lost & Found Applied Research, Analysis, and Systems Engineering: 339-9370. 1-10-16 Jan, you look great in 1970 SINGER. $55.00 cash price. anything but keep your minis. LOST: GLASSES between Holmes Systems Defini tion and Implementation: given a problem, to determine the Just a few • months old in a . 2 bedroi Tex. beautiful walnut sew table, fully and Chem Building. Reward. Call system needed to solve the problem in an effective and economical way; 353-6227. 4-10-16 with den. Newly Bring out your bobbie - socks. equipped to zig-zag, monogram Fireplace. New landscaping nh representation of systems by mathematical models for evaluation and Join the midi revolution. and make buttonholes. You have a LOST: GOLD Schwinn parametric studies; integration of system parameters; definition of interfaces Marcia selection of fancy embroidery Varsity between system elements; dynamic analysis of closed loop control systems; designs by choosing from an 10-speed. Chrome fenders, basket, assortment of Also winds brand new tires. License 1267. Men only see what midis don't A midi day keeps the cams. analysis of information - handling techniques in the presence of noise and a r the bobbin automatically. Buy on 353-2781. 3-10-16 random signals; development of computer systems, languages, and techniques away. Marty E-Z terms. Call 484-4553, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. 0-10-16 LOST: GRAY white striped male cat such as computer graphics; development of prototype components and I hope Midis go out as fast a vicinity 200 block Bailey Street. subsystems; experimentation with system prototypes. they came in. C.A.B. STEREO 8 track, walnut cabinet No front claws. Reward. Call FREE WIGS Urban Transportation: technical evaluation of advanced urban transportation with 4 speakers, $80. 353-1534. 332-6472. 3-10-16 Midis provide a fashionable 5-10-16 systems, including development of prototype components and subsystems. ST. FOR BALDIES winter cape for my minis. BERNARD puppy. Female, 4 Design and Development Jenny months old. Lost in area of Mt. Hope - Hagadorn. 332-3156 or Design and development at APL means taking your original idea for a device 332-6721. 3-10-16 British taxpayers spend| or system and following it through yourself through breadboard, $2,400,000 annually on test, and final Personal wigs for their baid fellowH stages. You are responsible for a finished prototype or working device. citizens. Doctors prescribe Electronics engineers design circuits and systems used for missile guidance, radars, computers, communications, signal processing, controls, and other areas. Mechinical engineers design structures, thermal devices, special 1 Apt. Available DON RIEGLE needs your helpl Join his Congressional campaign in Flint. For information, 351-2546, nings. 5-10-20 wigs under the Nat'l. Service Plan pre-scription entitles tbefl recipient to 2 human hairwipl and HealthH etcbH mechanisms, conduct applied research in propulsion and materials. Systems Engineering If you're flipping your «i|l Americana livingdoH about the high cost of The systems engineer views the problem of a larger system as a whole, rather *ti» what many smart over MSU do to supplement* studentsilli than the details of its individual circuits or devices as such. Systems their income . . . sell nolonpB engineering needed household items will! requires the formulation of value judgments regarding the interaction of result - getting State Ne«B subsystems, weak links in the system, and the resolution of conflicting Had 1 apt. that didn't move in Classified Ads. It's easy! Mib| requirements at the subsystem level to achieve an overall objective. a list of items you'd like u>H turn into cash, then di«l 355-8255 for a helpful Ad|| Systems Evaluation Super large 4 man Writer today! For the systems engineer not interested in design, development or analysis: Systems evaluation engineers view a very large system as a complex of blackboxes. Tests are designed and monitored on site. Problems are identified 3 parking spaces and solutions recommended. Good self - expression, considerable travel and liaison are required. Special training is provided. Training Program Phone 332-5322 If you have a B.S. or M.S. degree, you are enrolled in a four - month training program taught by Laboratory personnel. This program serves as a link between your college work and the activities at APL. You are then group at the Laboratory that best suits your interests and abilities. assigned to a CAUTION.BENJAMIN WILL NOT Advanced Educational Opportunities BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT You are encouraged to undertake graduate courses at the Laboratory's expense at any of seven local universities. In addition, four complete graduate HAPPENS WHEN THE S0N0GL0 programs — Electrical Engineering, Numerical Science, Space Technology, and Applied Physics — are offered by The Johns Hopkins University at our facilities. 5 SIGHT AND SOUND To assess October 21,1970. your possible future at APL, sign up for an interview on Wednesday, SPEAKERS COME ALIVE. If you are unable to schedule an interview, write to: belore you turn them on o< and slave unit Each oiled w Rodger B. Krakau wooler 3 3/8 8 Only $149 50. tt College Relations Associate The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 8621 Georgia Avenue TEE STEBEO SBOPFE Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 An Equal Opportunity Employer ""£s=2r SI NEXT TO PARAMOUNT NEWS L. | M/F See our complete line of stereo components Michiga" State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October I (>. I <)'/() Service it's what's ® R. p T hnoler 9515. care. in my 2-10-16 opening for licensed home. Security measures normal AND jumpers: Custom inexpensively. Call jg"g494 aftor 6 p.m. 3-10-20 L HAflONS AND kMAKlNG by experienced ( at Russian air terminals (msiress Reasonable charge. $1.00 service charge per St. John's Student Parish is The MOSCOW (AP) — In contrast to Western airports, where anti - [,355-5855.0-10-20 insertion - to be pre - paid. 11 sponsoring a coffeehouse Sunday Society for Anachronism meets Saturday at 8 Creative hijack security measures have slowed passenger processing and passengers inside the terminal building. Airport officials claim this would hinder passenger operations; p.m. deadline 1 class day before. October 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the p.m. in the South Hubbard Lower delayed schedules, it is business as usual at Soviet air terminals. they allow Pan American to i LESSONS. Private. In any cafeteria of the student check only after the passengers have boarded buses for the plane. '/ MARSHALL MUSIC M.A.C. Bring guitars, parish, 327 Lounge (note change) for yet more medieval As far as the passenger can tell, no special measures have been A Pan American official said its special checks are not meant as LiPANV. 351 7830. C 10-16 People who would like to work for a harmonicas, etc. No banjos, admission and renaissance dancing. Meeting of musicians and singers applied here following the hijackings that last month prompted a slur on Soviet precautions but are simply a part of the interested tighter controls in Western Europe. company's worldwide security program. candidate who is concerned with the in pre-1650 music at 7 Soviet security has i need copies? student's point of view and who cares p.m, some music provided. There will always been tight. No one gets a visa to fly in or out of the country without Soviet authorities Now, as always, Soviet customs officials make spot checks of It to save money? The about our environment, will be The following Free U classes also be instruction in sword and having a fairly good idea who he is. Internal security is apparently sharp enough baggage before clearing it for transport to the plane. If they have meet shield techniques; anyone interested d, Shoppe can show you interested in Len Stuttman, this weekend: Classes Friday: Yoga, in fighting should attend or call to cope with introduced any special new factors in this inspection, it is not ■ to get two Xerox copies candidate for the Mich. State Senate 7 8 a.m.. Green Room any hijacking attempts on domestic flights. obvious to the passenger. from this area. There will be a Union; 353-8379. Short meeting of the Until Thursday, there was no known instance of a successful ■the price of one. Phone meeting for interested canvassers this Classes Saturday: Swimming, Tailors', Equerries,' Leeches and hijack from a Soviet airport. But a father - and - son team seized a Strict passport control is a key to the Soviet system. The 0222. afternoon at 1:30 p.m. in the Women's IM, Upper Pool, 2 - 3 p.m.; Sorcery Guilds are scheduled. King passenger hands his passport to a border guard inside a booth. _______ Philips Soviet Aeroflot airliner over southern Russia Classes Sunday: Self today, forcing it to The window is too high to Hall Lobby. If you want to - defense, 5 - 6 Franz is coming Oct. 31. Call permit seeing what the guard does fcAITS, CANDIDS, Passport. help, but p.m.. Men's IM, Judo Room; fly to Trabzonn, Turkey. Turkish officials said a hostess was shot with the passport, but he ,rcial black and white, can't come to the meeting, call 351-1690 or 353-8380 for more dead and two pilots wounded. usually takes a long time about it, 355-9494, 355-4902, Sensitivity and Sensory Awareness, 8 information. presumably studying the document and checking it against a photography. Phone or 351-8558. The hijackers surrendered and were taken into p.m., 36A and 36B Union. police custody. watch list. 1-5726. 5-10-16 HELP SMASH GM ON SUNDAY! Students for Levin will meet Sat. at 9 The plane was carrying 50 persons. The security of aircraft is another precaution that needed no Last June the Soviet SDS is holding a .car smash on a.m. and Sun. at 12 noon, in room 30 press, in a rare disclosure, said that a tightening. Unlike Western airports, Soviet airports have always LOOK also alterations, Baha'i fireside, Sunday, October 18 of the hijack plot was thwarted before would - be hijackers could board Sunday at 2 p.m. in Parking Lot G Union, and will then canvass in placed a special guard on parked foreign airliners. Lssmaking. Satisfaction at 8 p.m. Come hear about the Baha'i (next to the Physics - Astronomy the Lansing area. For more a plane in Leningrad. The guard inspects all parts of the Jranteed. Mrs. Elliott, faith. Call for ride. Apt. 106, 701 information, call 351-1914. Help The Soviet press has not taken plane in which a stowaway 1.4766. 5-10-16 Bldg., behind Giltner). The Radical up the problem of hijacking in might hide and watches the plane continually while it is in the Cherry Lane. 355-7765. brirtg Levin's Arts Troupe (RAT) will be message in the general, but the Palestinian guerrilla plane thefts in September airport. The purpose is obviously to prevent any unauthorized Governor's campaign to the drew such newspaper criticism as KSSIONAL DRUM instruction. performing and a splendid time is people. "dangerous actions against the departure from the country, but it also takes care of sabotage or I Marshall Music, 351-7830 or guaranteed for all. The Badminton Club will meet means of transport linking the capitals of different countries." hijack plots. le 351-1020. 3-10-16 tonight, 7 - 9 p.m. in the Women's "Pornograhy, Obscenity, and the Soviet airport officials decline to give any information about Opening this week, the 1.M. Bldg., lower gym. Novices as Law" will be presented their security arrangements and ALTERNATIVE Coffeehouse. Folk well today as part precautions against hijackings. as experienced players are of the daily 1:00 p.m. Lecture - They tell concerned Western airline officials that security music, coffee, popcorn, people welcome. All faculty, staff and Discussion Series on WKAR-AM, 870 measures are adequate. Pan American, which lost a plane in the digging on life and Jesus Christ. students are invited to attend. khz. Contributing speakers today are Come join the adventure. There Hugh Hefner, publisher of Pacinian guerrilla hijackings last month, make additional checks of its own in Moscow. Russian ■u NEED MONEY, sell things exists all the poetry, beauty, people Benefit rock concert for the PLAYBOY; Dr. Morris Lipton, airport officials, apparently a little and experiences that are worth miffed that the airline is not satisfied with the : need now! Dial doing. Listening Ear will be held tonight, 8 - member of the President's security, have not Every Saturday night from 9 p.m. - 12 p.m., Union Ballroom, been overly cooperative. 18255 for fast action. featuring Commission on Obscenity and 12. It's at 4930 S. Hagadorn, the Maxx and another band to be Pan American is not allowed to check hand across Pornography; and Dr. Daniel X. luggage or search from Hubbard Hall. announced. $1 donation will be Freedman, Professor and Chairman I Typing Service asked. of the Dept. of Psychiatry at the ■brown: Typing and multilith Philip C. Thorpe, Associate Professor of Law, Indiana University, School of Law, will be on our campus The announces HILLEL Shabbos FOUNDATION Services, Sat., University Medicine. of Chicago School of Auto strike causes dip printing. Complete service (Continued from page 1) Wednesday, Oct. 21 to talk with 9:45 a.m. Free Kiddush following; If you are interested in precision during the quarter. That dissertations, theses, the pre-law students. The interviews will Israeli folk dance, Mondays, 8:30 marching, doing things with a rifle September figure to 166 per accounted for most of the gain cripts, general typing. IBM. be held in Room 103 Linton Hall. p.m., 217 Bessey; Israeli Topic that only we do, performing before cent of the 1957 - 1959 in the GNP. average. lyears experience. 332-8384. C Students seeking an appointment Discussion, Tuesday, 8:30 p.m., 217 enthusiastic crowds all over the The Federal Reserve Board said The inflation rate climbed to may call 355-6677. Bessey; Hebrew classes, call Hillel for country, then consider joining the this was down from the 168.9 an annual rate of 4.4 per cent, II MEL: Typing, multilithing. details; Sunday Supper, "On the Spartan Guard Drill I job too large or too small. team. No per cent of August and 4.9 per up from the previous quarter. Beginners Road Rally this Sunday Hill." Afterwards transportation experience necessary. Also no cent below the :k off campus. 332-3255. C presented by the MSU Sports Car provided to Congregation Shaarey affiliation with military science is peak of July, Club. 1969. Published rally hints and Zadek to hear Dr. required. If interested, call John, Aryeh Nesher, The board said the strike | YOURSELF the business! instructions wil* be given each Israeli government consultant in 351-2425. jstaurant specials with contestant team. Duplicate trophies, Human Relations and eminent social accounted for about two - thirds sified Ads. Dial 355-8255 driver - navigator review session scientist and economist, speak. Hillel Students of the decline, "with the balance International Meditation 11:30 a.m. First car out at 12:01 reflecting curtailments in Foundation, rides, 332-1916. Society announces a weekly meeting, p.m., starting point Lot Y. Finish at Sunday, Oct. 18 at 4 p.m. in the production of consumer goods IlETE THESES service. the Gables. For information or The David Hilbert Society presents Gold Room, Union. There will be an other than autos, business and it printing. IBM typing and matching service for those unable to Dr. Sharma, speaking on "Has man a advanced lecture by Stan Crowe, a defense equipment and various ■ding of theses, resumes, find a navigator or driver, call Future? A Philosphers' view of teacher of Transcendental materials." s. Across from campus, 332-3700 anytime. Come out and reality," Sunday, Oct. 18, 7 p.m. at Meditation, who has just returned The strike iC and Grand River, join the fun. 138 Akers. from three months with Maharishi. began in mid - ityle Shop. Call All meditators welcome. September. As a result, the are For ■ PYGRAPH SERVICES, Registered student organizations Second class in board said, auto assemblies fell beginning Zazen will information, call 351-7168. 1-1666. C must re-register with ASMSU each be Sat. Oct. 17 at 9 a.m. at 1541 Mt. to an annual rate of 5.7 million year and do so by completing the Vernon, East Lansing. New people units compared with 8.4 million ION* L appropriate form. The registration for this year is due Friday October are welcome. Call additional information. 351-9421 for Who's Whose units in August. Production of furniture and 23, 1970, and the form for this is available in ENGAGEMENTS some appliances dropped, and so the Student Activities All Women interested in planning an did output of business Division, 101 Student Services. When action around support for Angela it is completed, this form should be Davis are to meet in the Union, Marty Scharchburg, Livonia, senior. equipment. Crude oil production rose while returned to this office for Women's Lounge on Sat. Oct. 17, 10 Delta Omicron to Robert Scott, St. output of steel and verification. Organizations which fail Women Clair Shores, grad. student, Phi Mu chemicals changed little. te Professional thesis Servl a.m. from L.C.C. will be d Doctoral Cindidatis. to re-register will not be entitled to there too. Alpha. The Commerce Department Frit nd Consultation. Please Call the privileges accorded registered said the new GNP figures are Carla M. Motz, St. Johns, senior. la Haughty 337 1S27 or 627 2936. student organizations. Their Persons who signed up for UNION Delta Zeta incomplete, with the estimate of to Mark Emerson, privileges include sponsorship of all - BOARD'S Oct. 25 HAIR trip may inventory investment reflecting POCKETS? Fill up Johnstown, Ohio, senior, Phi Kappa f by renting University events, outside speakers, purchase the package on Tues. Oct. only two months. I spare room with a Classified and revenue producing events, and 20, Union Board Travel Office, 9 ■ Dial 355-8255 now! the use of University services and a.m. to 12 and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Limit ^^ale^increa^d^^^3_billion^ facilities. 2, all sales final; NO refunds, trades, IMPORTED BRITISH transfers, etc. Package ONLY. |rtaTIONS, t theses, Term Don't miss "The Case of the U.F.O.," typist with degree ■English. IBM. (Also editing). 1-8950. 00 now in its last weekend at Abrams Planetarium. Due to the large Mixer, Saturday, October 17, 8 - 12 p.m. in the East McDonel Hall SWEATERS increase in attendance, two Lounge. THE MEATBALLS will be 100% PURE SHETLAND WOOL! llENCED, EFFICIENT typist additional shows will be given for playing. |e to campus. Reasonable rates this, the final weekend. Showtimes ■ 351-1765. 1-10-16 are tonight, 8 and 9:30 p.m. REEDED Saturday, 2:30, 8:00 and 9:30 p.m. and Sunday, 2:30 and 4 p.m. cash fast! Sell musical Admission prices: Adults, $1.00, o eager band students Party for Peace "Meatball Tuesday" today from 3 featuring the THE COUNTRY THAT BROUGHT YOU ROLLS RICHARD BURTON, THE BEATLES, AND THE ORIGINAL AMERICAN REVOLUTION NOW ASKS ROYCE, JUDY COLLINS MSU students with I.D. 75c, and p.m. to 6 p.m. Come to the party in YOUR HELP IN SOLVING A BALANCE OF Classified Ad. Dial PAYMENTS children, 50c. Sorry, no pre-school children are admitted. Twyckingham Apts., Bldg. D. PROBLEM. GET YOUR SWEATER FROM DAVID REDDING. Jenison Fieldhouse The East Lansing Friends Meeting This weekend at the ALBATROSS, a invites students and faculty members transportation coffeehouse Tonight, that Special!! feels HUMAN. Jazz oriented to join in our weekly silent meeting for worship and meditation, held I'M BACKING BRITAIN [TRUST LUCK! Get things contemporary music by Green Sundays at 3 p.m. in the All Saints' EAT A BIG ONE INSIDE CROSSROADS IMPORTS t^st withturn Classified Ads! Dial Mosley Complex. There will be 3 sets Church library at 800 Abbott Rd. > household items at 9 p.m., 12 midnight and 2 a.m. Child care provided. Call 355-2326 or 222 ABBOTT RD. cash now! Cover charge is $1.50 per person. 337-0241 for information or 351-6245 Coffee, hot cider, and pretzels will be transportation. provided. Albatross opens at 8 p.m. Wanted Don't miss it! Saturday Oct. 17: folk duo Bill Kahl and Bob Carr. Open 8 ■SENIOR ticket. ,owa . p.m. - 2 a.m., with refreshments and "looming game. Call Shirley, people. $1.00 donation. The f276 ■aV evenings or Saturday or Albatross is at 547 E. Grand River, morning! 2-10-16 across from Berkey Hall. C'mon by! ■HING TO shout about There will be Women's Liberation . . . Tfast results when a you sell Delegate meeting, Sunday, Oct. 18. It Jehold 1355 goods with Want Ads. will be held in the Women's Lounge 8255 now! in the Union at 7:30 p.m. L.C0^ FAST when your ted in Classified. Dial fD buV, small used stereo ■ULTY !r Call 355-4818. 3-10-16 HURRY! GETTING in touch ■ someone? Try a Classifjed IS°nal Ad. Dial 355-8255 place your FROM DOMINO'S OF MSU 1^d0N0rs needed. $7.50 for Iar A nega,ive- B negative state L . IMUmitv2'00' "egative, 'MUNity BLOODmichigan $10.00. CENTER, O news 50C COUPON 50c lir>9.a«LGrand Above the East want OFF Domino's, the pizza people would like to offer you OFF T ^we. Hours: Campus 50c off on any large (16") pizza with one item or Muurs: 3 a.m. v to 3:30 ad more. Just pick up the phone and within 30 minutes * Wrt' WednesdaV, and have a delicious, piping hot pizza delivered to your |o6\n and Thursday, 12 now! |10 6 30 p.m. 337-7183. C door. While enjoying your pizza, listen to the 5125 w. Domino's Hour on WVIC from 10 p.m. - 11 p.m. at Saginaw 94.5 FM. This offer is good at the Trowbridge shop lONALs th? "PEANUTS call 372-8766 only. Jfied 'n State News open evenings |ATElv Nee°---^- call DOMINO'S 11006 C"' G™9- 355-8255 351.71(H) r$s EXPIRES 10-18-70 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Volunteers needed Bv JAVON JACKSON Services for Minority Students, academic assistance, may phone department for to tutor academic staffing offices in the dormitory minority student complex will be held in Brody students on campus. In fact, two resources to alleviate th supervised by Lloyd M. Cofer. 353-5310 or visit Room 32 of assistants, so that volunteers will complexes, where they will seek Hall room M-A; for East blacks were among the 10 would seek to make th Johnson said he hopes to Volunteers needed for the volunteers from get the Union where the center's be able to utilize a department's out students needing academic Complex, in Hubbard Hall room students awarded the prestigious confident, indepenk are graduate and offices are located. He will fill facilities in assist^ students. assistance and refer them to the G-30, and for the South MSU Alumni Distinguished responsible," johns0 academic assistance program for Honors College students as well out an application form and be Last'year the tutorial program proper assistants. Complex, in room 111 of Scholarships for 1969-70. This "If our bud»t minority students, said Henry as upperclassmen. The referred to a person in the used Equal Opportunities Johnson said another task of Holden Hall. program is for students with augmented," he coiim! Johnson, coordinator for the volunteer's role is simply to department in which he is having Program fellows as tutors. This EOP fellows is to conduct "This program does not imply insufficient high school could provide sprvU-®?' Tutorial and Development assist the student academically, Center for Supportive Services His only qualification difficulty. year some of the EOP fellows, learning sessions in each that most of the minority backgrounds." students who" J?"" is Johnson is at present graduate students studying on dormitory complex on Monday, students are in academic Johnson said that additional assistance, not and Counseling. The center is competence in a given subject, students." negotiating with all department EOP grants, are working in Wednesday and Thursday from 7 trouble," he explained. There financial assistance would under the Dept. of Special Any minority student needing chairmen for provisions in each supportive services. Others are to 10 p.m. Classes for the Brortv many o^cellent minority increase the program's Johnson, 24 effectiveness. with an infant' daughter With an increased budget the graduate graduate center could hire full - time staff Teachers' ■ vaviirn r.t Colien Kan a! college ~ draft rights wh Center advises members who would stabilize received his is " Bachelor Z on the program. . _ "This professional backbone of talent would be well as his educational is Master nsv,.h„i- ofS psychology^ highly year, he was the direct^ ' sensitive to minority problems Center of Urban By PAULA BRAY deferment usually includes a Donaldson replied, "Would a "mock Interview" to prepare pay a doctor $20 to $150 for a fj and would have the time and University of North*? State News Staff Writer physician's report, lab tests and you rather die?" him. According to Donaldson, medical examination. As a X - rays as well as letters to the What about obtaining a 30 to 40 per cent of the result, it is harder for them to local draft board and the State conscientious objector applicants do not receive the get a medical deferment, Too HORSE many men who are Selective Service officials. classification? Donaldson said conscientious objector status, Donaldson added, DRahh eligible for the draft don't know . Donaldson explained that 85 "We can work with anybody but this percentage is decreasing. Of those seeking advice at the what their rights are, according to a counselor at the Draft can 95 per CCnt of medical cases resuit jn deferments but who is willing to state that he is opposed to war and killing." One reason for the decrease is better counseling, he said. center 90 per cent are MSU students, mostly seniors. The Hay Rides Information Center. added "the guys that do not Counselors the at center "I would be willing to state rest are high school students and BV Gerrv Donaldson a counselor mJ>ke it are the ones who do not explain the conscientious that anyone who has enough men from other universities, Appoint^ at the center said' men often want to 8° through the hassle." objector application form and time and - or enough money will He said very few blue collar CALL 58* receive wrong advice from One undergraduate who is advise on answers draft boards beat the draft. And for this workers or blacks come to the friends relatives and even their seekin8 a medical deferment look for. They also suggest reason, it's a very unfair center. He does not recall draft board ' Donaldson and ' more because of a foot ailment told counselors he "didn't have time" books the applicant should read, Before the applicant appears system." Donaldson said the draft is counseling a Chicano. Donaldson, a conscientious Bar-M Riding Stable volunteers at the center at 507 than^ 20 to write letters because he was at his draft board for an bad for blacks, Chicanos and the objector, did his alternative E. Grand River counsel about carrying a full load of classes. interview, the center will set up poor. Many can not afford to e at Sparrow Hospital. 120 men each week. The staff includes MSU instructors, lawyers, conscientious ex - servicemen, objectors other interested individuals. and Hi! X'/A Little: "We don't recommend my p 12.1 a has ra anything," he said. "We lay out all the alternatives and say, 'now Wad in tr around stuVeutsbecause finest you pick out the one you want and we'll help you'." These students take a breather from classes to frolic IN&EEI»EAITSMoHCV CAH Buy ALotH, The medical deferment and in the water by the dam at the conscientious objector the Red Cedar. Soon it will classification are two of the with my secret be too cold for barefeet in many ways men can avoid the river. military service, he said. OC EA** ' RIPENED ££ SN photo by Jim Klein Obtaining a medical International Z'AI */ IN AV»REHTOAt-So J set discussion Ik Iwute Stony... OPEfiATE A ovT A/fWJ Of IN A HIGH TRAFFIC "International Studies and Tuesday in Parlor A, Union. Programs in the '70s," will be This will be the first in a series YOUR fftlZNPS Utile PIZZjQ. discussed by Ralph Smuckler, of meetings for foreign scholars, n dean and of International Studies Programs, at the opening Executive Vice President Jack Breslin will discuss "Issues in Caesars You* fill-A. meeting of the MSU foreign Public Financing of a State scholars, their sponsors and University," at the second ... made with Little Caesar's Real Italian Sauce and Select Blended Fulbright scholars at 7:30 ~ Cheese... from the giant 600°ovens in the window. Small Medium Large ALSO, X. TELL Sou CHEESE 1.00 1.20 2.30 WITHPEPPERONI 1.40 1.75 2.85 PAS in (rfor (FREE.DELIVERS WITH MUSHROOM 1.55 1.90 3.00 WITH HAM WITH BACON 1.55 1.55 1.90 1.90 3.00 3.00 IS A JoKE) oeuveh an CHEESE, Your Choice of Any TWO ITEMS 1.80 2.15 3.25 CHEESE, Your Choice of Any THREE ITEMS 2.00 2.35 3.45 £x pemse THAT H WITH FAMOUS ITALIAN SAUSAGE 1.55 1.90 3.00 WITH BLACK OLIVES 1.56 1.90 3.00 Fort /H sons Xyaw WITH GROUND BEEF 1.40 1.75 2.85 WITH GREEN PEPPER 1.40 1.75 2.70 PER order tan, x WITH ONION 1.40 1.75 2.70 LITTLE CAESARS SPECIAL, CHEESE, don't take it out of PEPPERONI, BACON, MUSHROOM, HAM, GREEN PEPPER, ONION (ANCHOVIESON REQUEST) OF MY ni-T-A . 2.65 3.00 4.10 EXTRA ITEMS (ABOVE ON REQUEST) .30 .35 .60 DELIVERY CHARGE 50c J01PM / FREE PtZ7~A PiFTEE YOU PtElA COLLECT CAW ,, Little ^TRM-HOt/SE I'LLGIVE Caesars CHICKEN YOU A YOU HA^E TO EQUEST K 00 I featuring Little Caesar's Famous Recipe... CHICKEN DINNER COUP-4 pes. Chicken, capo when voo Fries, Roll, Slaw 1.45 CHICKEN SNACK COUP - 2 pes. Chicken, Fries, Roll, Slaw .99 THRIFT COUP-8 pes. Chicken only 2.45 HOUSE FULL - 16 pes. Chicken and 4 rolls 3.99 So C'MoN f OttT CHECH f BARN FULL - 20 pes. Chicken only 5.25 ME A call . ORDER Open Sun. - Thurs. 1 a.m Ppieajds AND sp Fri. - Sat. 3 a.m. DELIVERY CHAR&E. 337-1681 337-1631 THAHK wt Campus Off-Campus Delivery & Circle Drive Little Caesar 1071 T rowbridge 1203 E. Grand River Near Cedar Village PS. l(o" che PIZ.2.a ess Near Harrison Rd. Across from Holden Hall and Campus AN0 3 ITEMS VEL'VM TO YOU FOR *H.09 PELtVCXY CHAE6E 77 A Little Caesars the cheapestppice /h tdyjn // RFMEM0O? • . . PEUVEty ONLY j&eat chahg e pefi okdba