.awmaker Rv.lFFP By JEFF CUCI SHELER CD seeks de State New* Staff Writer w'own pl,M 10""" services is interpreted by some observers as a "The only way you establish step a government is toward an all - volunteer army. through military might," he said. WASHINGTON, D.C. — The chairman of the ov"l,Ca"!d,8tud«nt defermente "an emotionally But Hebert said Wednesday that, while he Earlier this week Hebert said conscientious House Armed Services Committee said m T" number" » , of people. that affecte an "insignificant "won't stand in the way" of an all - volunteer objector status should be granted to anyone who - Wednesday he will seek to give President Nixon He said about 25 army, he doesn't believe it would work. proves he is sincere in his objection to war. "complete discretion" in setting draft deferment reach per cent of college freshmen "You can't expect to raise enough volunteers graduation, "which means that 76 per cent He said they could prove their qualifications, which, he said, would mean an *re when the people are losing their patriotism and sincerity by end to student deferments. already in the military or are eligible for the their desire to defend the country," he said. serving three years in noncombat duty either in the military or in "some other national Rep. F. Edward Hebert, D • Louisiana, said He cited growing antimilitarism in the United service. 'it's an insignificant number while President Nixon speaks of ending student that we're talking States which he said is manifest "Every citizen owes something to his country about here," Hebert by the deferments, he realizes that Congress. would said. "I'm sure our desecration of the flag, draft card that protects the life he is have to perform the "dirty task." education system won't fall burnings, war said. Hebert said he would leading," he apart if we don't nave student defermente." protests, "permissiveness in society" and support future "Although I don't want to criticize the attempts to free American prisoners of Hebert's committee is "flagrant and open defiance of authority." war in President, this is buck - passing," he said. four proposals currently considering "The list goes on and on," he said. "But what North Vietnam. Hebert said a draft law change giving the which would extend the draft system. One proposal which these protesters forget is that if the "I support any effective method to free President complete discretion would allow him would raise the pay military our scale for the first two hadn't established this POWs," he said. "It's just that the classifications in the armed government, they, last effort wouldn't have the right to protest. wasn't very effective." F. EDWARD HEBERT 'Immorality' Thursday Cloudy ... MICHIGAN with 10 per cent chance STATE MEWS . . . STATE of showers. 39, low 32. High temperature UNIVERSITY olume 63 Number 136 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 25, 1971 Calley's defense CHANGE IN PERSONAL INCOME FROM 1970 BY QUARTERS rests case (IN PER CENT) I II III IV Annual Total after testimony 1970 5.1 8.7 6.6 -1.0 killings 47 1971 14.7 9.1 11.5 19.0 13.7 FT. BENNING, Ga. - (AP) - Lt. A. Vietnamese men, sir. on Q. Would you say it was a large group? A. I don't know, sir, that they were, sir. William Calley Jr.'s defense rested at his Q. They were all men? Thev court martial Wednesday after he testified A. No, sir. were lying still and weren't A. I don't know, sir. Milliken predicts - Q. What were these people doing as they moving. that during the mass execution of My Lai Q. What did you do when you got there? were being fire upon? Calley then testified that the main thing villagers "the main thing was to go on, A. I fired into the ditch and told A. on his mind was finishing off the finish these people off as fast as possible to my Nothing, sir. men hurry up and get on the other side Q. You know if you hit any of them? Vietnamese, whom he blamed for delaying and get my men out into position." and get into position. the advance of his platoon and bringing A. No, sir, I don't. fiscal prosperity "It wasn't a real big deal," the 27 - year • old Calley said of the shooting of unresisting Vietnamese men, women and children after they had been herded into a Q. How long did you fire into the ditch? A. I have no idea, sir. Q. How many shots did you fire? Q. How far away were you from them when you fired? A. The muzzle would have been five feet down Medina's criticism on his head. He was asked why he encouraged execution and he replied: their A. Six or eight, sue. Semiautomatic. "Because that was what I was instructed away, sir. drainage ditch at My Lai March 16, 1968. Q. Who did you fire at? Q. You didn't see the bullets' impact? to do, and I had been delayed long enough. By ROBERTA SMITH Calley wound up his testimony at 4:32 A. Into the ditch, sir. At the I was State News Staff Writer people in A. Not that I recall, not that I recall, no trying to get out of there. Before I p.m. EST whereupon the defense rested. the ditch, sir. got criticized again, sir." The trial began Nov. 12 and the Q. How many people were in the ditch? Q. Do you recall going back to Charlie Gov. Milliken Wednesday forecasted a "rosy" economic picture government rested Dec. 8. reopening its A. I don't know, sir. for Michigan in 1971 with a 13.7 per cent increase in personal case briefly for two supplementary (please turn to the back page) ineome and a 99,000 - man increase in the state's labor force. The 13.7 per cent personal income increase would bring The next step in the court - martial, WSU considering Green which was recessed overnight, is to hear Michigan to a level of $41,663 million, the largest increase since 1947. prosecution rebuttal witnesses, beginning The Increase Is a "substantial improvement" for the Michigan today. They are expected to include economy, Milliken said in his 1971 economic report due to the government psychiatrists who will weak performance in 1970 — the result of the 67 - day General pronounce Calley "perfectly normal" after for university presidency Motors strike and the national economic recession. an examination earlier this month at the Milliken predicted some relief from price increases in 1971 with Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington. the Detroit consumer price index expected to increase 4.1 per cent above the 1970 average. Calley is charged with the premeditated Large economic gains are expected in the first and fourth murder of 102 My Lai villlagers while quarters of 1971, again due to the automotive strike. The first leading a platoon of Capt. Ernest L. By BARBARA PARNESS State Rep. Jackie Vaughn m, quarter gain would be the result of a strike - induced transfer of Medina's Charlie Company on an assault Campus Editor mission near the South China Sea. The D—Detroit, issued a statement Wednesday activity from the fourth quarter of 1970. The fourth quarter gain maximum penalty is death. Robert L. Green, director of the Center acknowledging that Green is being con appear to be excessive only because the base for comparison is sidered for the WSU post. the strike weakened quarter of 1970. - for Urban Affairs, is being considered for i To better understand the economic situation, Milliken said, it The government said 70 or more of the the presidency of Wayne State University "It is my understanding that Dr. Green would be helpful to utilize two - year growth rates for 1969 - victims died screaming at a bloodbath in (WSU), the State News learned Wednesday. is being considered by the presidential 1971 with their quarter by quarter changes. the ditch. Calley has denied taking part in WSU is in the process of selecting a search and selection committee at Wayne the execution of more than 30 others along president to replace 56 During 1970 total employment in Michigan declined 2.6 per - year - old William State University. From what I know of Dr. cent, making an unemployment rate average of 6.9 per cent. This a village trail. R. Keast, who announced in Octorber his Green's background, he makes an excellent was an increase of 2.9 per cent over 1969. intention to return to teaching. Keast, who Calley admitted he joined his GIs in candidate," Vaughn said. Milliken said employment will average 143,200 above the 1970 became WSU president in 1965, is firing into the ditch with his Ml 6 scheduled to begin a one - year sabbatical The 37 level and average unemployment would fall to a rate of 6.4 per automatic rifle after being drawn to the • year - old Green, considered an rent. in June. expert in the field of urban studies, is a scene by the sound of shooting. He was highest priorities in 1971, Milliken said. He said he intends to Leon Atchison of the WSU Board of native of Detroit. He attended Northern asked on cross - examination: place a greater dependence on income taxes as an alternative to Governors confirmed that Green's name is High School there. increased consumption or property taxes. Q. What did you find when you got among those being considered for the He has a bachelor's degree in psychology "Education policy must be directed toward program content there? presidency. "I do know that members of the board and a master's degree in educational A. My men were shooting men in the received copies of his (Green's) vita which psychology from San Francisco State (please turn to the back page) ditch, sir. indicated that there is an interest in him as College and a Ph.D. in educational Q. What men? a candidate," Atchison said. "I'm certain psychology from MSU. that his name is in." He joined the MSU staff in 1960 as an Atchison, a Democrat, elected to instructor in educational psychology. DOUBLE BIND was the board of governors in November. He is director of the urban studies program at In 1968, Green replaced Ronald Lee as the University of Detroit. director of the Center for Urban Affairs, Green said Wednesday that no one from with a joint appointment as asst. provost, Depts. forced WSU had contacted him ROBERT GREEN he is a member of the board of directors of regarding the presidency. the Martin Luther King Memorial Centei "I'm very happy with my work here at and the membership selection committee MSU, and I have enjoyed working with the mentioned as a possible choice is Edward of the Council of University Institutes for staff here at the Center for Urban Affairs, Cushman.WSU executive vice president. Urban Affairs. of The adm ission in particular President Wharton and names of the final candidates are not Green's current resume lists more than Provost Cantlon," Green said. expected to be released by the search 30 individual publications on urban "I am not pursuing the presidency of committee or the board of governors. related issues. Wayne State University or any university," said. "There's a great oversupply of he added. By JOHN BORGER resources in a number of fields here. We've The board of governors is scheduled to State News Staff Writer At the same time that they have mPosed restrictions on admissions of got to decide whether the University is going to continue to support them at the same level of generous support or to receive a list of 10 or more candidates for the position the third week in March, Henry Bohm, chairman of the WSU search E. Fee Hall may join cademic majors, many departments reallocate resources to undersupplied areas and selection also committee, said. like criminal justice and others." The 13 - colleges' complex ave member search begun to severely curtail the committee "rollment of nonmajors In their courses. Both phases of this double bind are With the current limits on nonmajor enrollment, students are occasionally includes five faculty students, one member of the Council of members, three new ugely caused by an oversupply of students finding it nearly Impossible to take even Deans, one alumni representative, one nd some required courses offered outside their complex, a lack of educational resources with university vice president and two members reservations for returning 'hich to take care of them. And both have own departments, Jerry Rupley, East of the board of governors. Atchison is not students in past years have been lower in "nited student choice in course selection. Lansing senior, said. Rupley is a member of on the committee. this hall than in other halls and the The School of Criminal Justice is one of the Presidential Commission on Admissions. Bohm said the last report to the board University presently has the greatesi "e many schools and departments which and Student Body Composition. of governors listed 400 possible candidates Pending approval of funds by the vacancies in the spaces provided for women ave had to "English 213 (Expository Writing) is to replace Keast. He said he is not free to legislature, the University is considering students. East Fee is a women's residence place limits on nonmajors *king upper - "We're delighted with the interest effectively closed to anybody except comment on "any candidate" at this time. converting an unspecified portion of East hall. level courses. Fee Hall for use by the new 'Last nonmajors have shown in our courses, and English and education majors," he said, Another name which has been College of year we averaged 35 per cent Osteopathic Medicine and the College of Though the legislature has not yet. 'onmajors and had to section many we'd like to accommodate them," he said. speaking from his experience last year on the University Curriculum Committee. Human Medicine. approved funds for the project courses to "But we've got to accommodate our keep the class sizes down to "But it's also a requirement in some According to recommended by Gov. Milliken, Wilkinson 'bout their former levels," A. F. majors first." Exam permits Roger Wilkinson, vicepresident for business and finance, lack said the University would make a decision "andstatter, director of the school, said. Brandstatter said restrictions may have departments in the College of Agriculture and others. A lot of people have just had to of space for incoming regarding the conversion in time for East "Now we've reached the to be placed on the number of new majors osteopathic medicine point where Permits for repeating University students prompted the University to Fee residents to apply for new rooming re in the school If enrollment continues to waive the requirement because they asking the college and University College final examinations must be examine existing facilities for assignments, if necessary. East Fee •urriculum committees for approval of a climb and no new resources can be found couldn't get into the course." obtained at the Student Affairs Office East Fee possible use. Hall was given special apartments will not be affected if the cent limit on nonmajors In our to take care of the increase. 1U Per no later than 5 consideration for "But I think our best course is to try to p.m. Friday. several reasons, he proposed alterations occur, Wilkinson f°urses, except for 110 (the basic (piease turn to the back page) indicated. It is close to the medical added. introductory course). get new money from the University," he 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Fehm 1HL25 news Sharp fighting noted in Laos SAIGON (AP) — Sharp fighting was reported Highway 9, the main summary Wednesday at two South Vietnamese bases inside Laos, where the U.S. Command said air strikes were hit route into southern Laos. Field reports said four American helicopters Tuesday and two more Wednesday at Americans killed, 10 wounded and 4 Command spokesmen said Wednesday they missing. had no Information on the reports of six more American ground combat !*<*• About 9,000 and American blocking positions on the forces trooos^n ent« From the wires of AP and UPI. have knocked holes in the enemy supply line on one of the bases, a new installation that was helicopters hit Tuesday and Wednesday In Laos, the border have come Vietnam^": the Ho Chi Minh trail. Field reports said six more U.S. helicopters being set up. Spokesmen for the South Vietnamese so far small, enemy under pressure. increased^0' "tho^ These reports, from helicopter pilots, said the command again reported no forward movement The big U.S. Army were shot down or damaged in the fighting six aircraft shot down combat base at1 c were or damaged, but it by the main body of the 16,000 - man was hit Wednesday night by an c Quango around the bases. was not clear how many were lost. Officers in the field government force pushing into Laos. They said attack Seventeen 122mm on the northern front told Since the South Vietnamese drive into Laos forward elements remained about 16 miles inside r«keU the base, but damno* r'ned into correspondents that the two bases had come began Feb. 8, the U.S. Command has the damage and casu»in~ country. reported light with no fatalities. "I am not pursuing the under heavy rocket and mortar fire. acknowledged the loss of 18 helicopters in Laos On the northern front, Brig. Gen. Pham Van time Quang Tri had been u 68the Ground fighting was reported around the with 25 Americans killed, 11 missing and 16 shelled g presidency of Wayne State Phu, commander of the 1st Infantry Division, While bases, but no details were available. Both bases wounded. told Associated Press correspondent William no major fighting wasretSortedhfi^' University or any university." were said to be about 10 miles inside Laos, one Headquarters has reported 11 more destroyed Barton that Highway 9 still is not open inside Vietnam or in a push by SoThvl - Robert L. Green, director, on the north side and the other to the south of on the Vietnamese side of the border with 15 Laos for supply missions because of North troops into Cambodia, sporadic engagements. there were ui l"""' Center for Urban Affairs Vietnamese ambushes. South Vietnamese "We must finish clearing it," he said. headquarters saic Phu said the highway had been used one or government marine battalion killed 32 Michigan an area six miles southeast of Hou ? two times for supply, but added that South Phnom Pe„h Cambodian capital. Vietnamese are clearing areas on both sides of said to have been killed near Twelve more enemfl! the road to increase security. He said his division is not having problems. of Kampong Trach, and 15 the Cambodia near Kandol ^ Chn," Cambodian and South Hanoi leader alive? The U.S. Command said American air strikes Vietnamese caST" R;idio Hanoi said Wednesday that North Vietnamese leader whose death Truong Chinh, was reported in on 18-year-old against the Ho Chi Minh trail network had resulted in major destruction to enemy facilities. supply were given as one killed A report from Phnom Penh and South Vietnamese forces were the sweep along the and four wounded said Cambodi., taking partin By ROBERTA SMITH could vote in state Mekong River, Southeast Thailand on Sunday, presided Tuesday over a meeting and local People are aware of the J£ST.JS^ .800 *ons of the capital in an operation aimed at improvil^ of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly. The Bangkok Post said it had unconfirmed reports ZZZTZ- "SKSSrMS zrf funeral environment." Motors' operations and products upon the pants. Free admission. GAS BUGGY ROOM The committee "will bring scientific talent to help some of the nation's top guide Generals Motors' activities Wednesday, March 3 8:30 PM in meeting the technological demands of our rapidly THE l!JCia&d, w'll consist of two Court OKs use of confessions voting member of the board Tuesday night Harty, a candidate in the contested Case election for - Wonders district representatives chosen by the candidates and about five nonpartisans named by the Judicial Programs office, . Before the panel can be ■WASHINGTON (AP) advised of their constitutional as the newspaper does not libel judgments has been largely confessions representative, asked to be initiated, both Harty and Miss jcutors may use illegally rights to remain silent. by prosecutors stand," Burger said, "Petitioner seated "until such time, if J°nes must agree to its knowingly print a lie and is not dispelled. either in makine their ned confessions to prove to Burger s five - man majority case Harris was under an obligation reckless about checking its facts, Justice Potter indeed the time does arise, that jurisdiction. If either candidate Stewart, directly or during cross to speak truthfully and Ijurv that a defendant who reached the conclusion that the the court said in two unanimous speaking for the court quoted examination - the All-University Student disapproves of the panel, Itifies is lying, the _Supreme 1966 ruling did not bar accurately and the prosecution rulings. the late Justice Oliver Wendell "Moreover "Moreover," Brennnan said, Judiciary (AUSJ) rules the Schweighoefer said he "doesn't Kurt ruled 5-4 Wednesday. prosecutorss from using such here did no more than utilize election void. ~ " know" what further action will rn J u„ in • "IZ" As a result, political Holmes that "under our system "It is monstrous that courts the traditional truth - testing Voting in the Case - Wonders be taken on the case, abet lief Justice Warren E. Burger, credibility of a defendant, - the vices of the adversary district has not been validated Jaeger said the elections ■nificantly narrowed the In another miinc ,ho to ,ibel suits as it is for to afford protection even to lawbreaking police officer." process." since both Harty and his Court's controversial Ireme Supreme Court hronrfenpH Court broadened P^c officials under a 1964 Ti that we^loathe and The ruling went against Viven Brennan, in dissent, said: commission hopes the panel, if irre„ randai decision and some of freedom of the press press to reDort report m. on SngTeVw voung me mew YorJiorK Relieve „ to be fraught with Ha^is „ who of was ^ convicted in 1966 of » » "Even to the extent that Miranda was aimed at deterring opponent, Detroit Kaye F. Jones, sanctioned, will reach a final sophomore, have been decision by Tuesday. I protection it gave defendants on the private and public lives of Burger said of the confession charged with illegal campaigning. If the contest is ruled invalid, liastsell' incrimination. political candidates without fear selling heroin to an undercover police practices in disregard to • Another effect may be to case that when the defendant police officer. Harris is serving the Harty polled 227 votes as a new election ■At issue was trial use of of libel judgments. a Constitution, I fear that may be held. The encourage the news media to takes the stand and gives an six to eight year term. compared to 204 for Miss Jones. Case Wonders district has been ■tements made to police by Even old or false charges may today's holding will seriously The board ruled that seating - engage in more investigative account that conflicts with what During his trial, Harris undermine the achievement of > officially without a ■spects who had not been . . .. be relayed to the public so long , reporting since the shadow of he told police, the prosecutor testified he knew the agent and that objective." since Paul Korda, 1 may bring out the otherwide to defraud him had sold him a the ASMSU constitution but Detroit senior, resigned Jan. : The majority brought together invited Harty to remain as a IEET WITH " 99 SENATORS inadmissible statement during bag of baking powder for $12. President Nixon's two cross-examination. The prosecution then recalled nonvoting participant and urged appointments to the court, him to inform the Case-Wonders "Old Towne ' New England The chief justice said this a statement Harris gave to police Burger and Justice Harry A. tactic helps juries assess the immediately after his arrest. In district of ASMSU proceedings. CLAM BAKE! lotion's governors ask credibility of defendants and it, the suspect said the officer should not be given up "because had used him as a middleman to of the speculative possibility Hackmun, and three justices who dissented from the Miranda holding, John M. Harlan, Potter AUSJ recommended Tuesday that a panel be established to review the alleged violations and •Whole Lobster •Clams 'Shrimp •Corn-on-the-Cob buy some heroin from a third Stewart and Byron R. White, rule on the election's validity. that impermissible police person. Brennan was joined in dissent Every Friday 6 to 11 p.m. conduct will be encouraged Chief Ju stice David TOSSEO SALAD—CORN BREAD federal aprojects Burger noted that since police by Justices Hugo L. Black, DRAWN BUTTER thereby." did not tell Harris he could William O. Douglas and Schweighoefer said AUSJ itself The four will not hear the case since it ,CALL FOR INFORMATION - man minority, led remain silent his statement could Thurgood , Marshall:-Biemian,. ' considers an elections appeal by Justice William J. Brennan not be used to convict him. But, Black and Dodglas wfere iff the "not a judicial matter." BILL'S By JEfFSHELER State News Staff Writer money than the president's plan, he s«id Nixon's ^r-> hotly disputed this the clilef justice said, the Miranda majority which was Both candidates are scheduled RESTAURANT & BAR plan would make more money available to the interpretation of the Miranda Miranda ruling allowed the headed by then Chief Justice to meet Thursday with 711 E. GRAND RIVER, LANSING I WASHINGTON — The nation's governors met cities "where it's really needed." decision.' prosecuter to use the "" statement ~ Earl Warren. litli congressional leaders Wednesday to urge Conference leaders Schweighoefer, Elections are playing down the They said Miranda prohibited to attack Harris' credibility, ■tion on recommendations that came out of the disagreement between governors over the two use illegally obtained "Having voluntarily taken the ■tional governor's conference here this week. proposals to preserve an image of unity before I The conference goes into its last day today. Congress, which is now considering the revenue I Governors' committees on environment, rural sharing plan. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State lid urban development, transportation and But in Wednesday's plenary session Louisiana University, is published every class day during four school ■mmerce, human resources, law enforcement Gov. John J. McKeithen predicted strict federal terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. ■d executive management presented the control of funds under the revenue sharing plan. Subscription rate is $14 per year. ivernors' proposals to corresponding "I can't see the House Ways and Means Committee voting for additional taxes or for Jngressional committees. Member Associated Press, United Press International, ■ Gov. pural Milliken, resources a member of the committee and environment, met with on additional federal debts just to give us this money," McKeithen said. Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press 'MUSIC CO. is. Edmund Muskie, D - Me.; Gay lord Nelson, "If they do, they are certainly going to want a Association, United States Student Press Association. COUPON RECORD SALE - Wis., and John L. McClellen, D - Ark., and voice in how it's spent." fged federal reimbursement of funds used by New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller disagreed, Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. ■estates to fight water pollution. saying that the "finder of the cities" would point Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services ■ Milliken said he was at Congress next summer if they vote down some "extremely encouraged" Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, V Muskie's pledge to fight for the federal form of federal help for the urban areas. Michigan. ■mbursement. Rockefeller predicted passage of the revenue ■ Earlier Wednesday Milliken met with several sharing plan at the end of the congressional Phones: ambers of Michigan's congressional delegation session. Editorial 355-8252 Earlier at the J urge their support for President Nixon's plenary session Atty. Gen. John Classified Advertising 355-8255 Ivenue sharing proposal to return $16 billion to Mitchell, secretary of housing and urban Display Advertising 353-6400 |e states. development George Romney, and Secretary of Business - Circulation 355-3447 B While Milliken said the Agriculture Clifford Hardin spoke briefly to the Photographic 355-8311 " plan to federalize !, a Democrat proposed counter - plan to governors about the conference ' sharing, would give the states more recommendations. THESE SAVINGS FOUND ONLY AT EAST LANSING'S RECORD HEADQUARTERS MARSHALL MUSIC CO. 245 ANN ST. OFFER GOOD WHILE THEY LAST MICHIGAN ESS UR STATE NE' A antagonist di UNIVERSITY new GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager faculty now culpr OC MARK EICHER, managing editor ED In case you haven't noticed lately, HUTCHISON, city editor there's been a shift in positions the M BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor among the big three in University affairs — that is, found KEN KRELL, editorial editor students, faculty and administrators. ■erning GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor It used to be that students could look to IRAD's the faculty for support in their m t: Seven -time recipient of the grievances ladd Pacemaker award against the administration. And for years, for outstanding journalism. when the administration was .rtures l unresponsive, the "i the battle cry became "Let's sit in at the Ad Building." But jrly 'rri people aren't sitting in liss th at administration buildings anymore. sfuiu't EDITORIALS Because the enemy is really no administration — it's the faculty. longer the Under pressure in the 1960s, university administrations gradually began to relinquish power to faculty governing bodies, i.e., MSU's various faculty Courage in committees, the Academic Council, the Academic Senate. This is decisions on most academic where aspects of the the students, committees, if allowed to sit on University are being made. The faculty has will stop J. just realized the extent of its new power nonreappointments for younger,!! who threaten the old and is scared silly now that someone guard Thev.?^? by resolution — that if we start students, perhaps - might want to get a share in the decision committees we may sitting on CUrrw! - making. The faculty require them back to the books and has, indeed, become the instrument of begin catchinm the student repression. And this is really the whole issue of the scholarship in their fields have ignored for the wSj The Senate Democratic Policy with the system, but with the years. Et cetera. It took the past l0 Comfl so - called Taylor Report on Student faculty b Committee announced Monday their players. The Executive Branch has many years to get a Participation in Academic Governance. say in Univ« "alternative" to President Nixon's gained immense powers only on the Nothing was more clear than this at the governance that they refuse to the decision shareu legislative program. abdication of Congress. These can be board of trustees - making with students# IWAS meeting Friday where LUCKY. MOST OF the guise of On paper, the Democratic outline merits praise. They propose the regained and the will of the people £gEMY ,ER... DECEASED /VTJW faculty members stood to defend the Taylor document. The faculty is afraid rights. protecting their profesi ** served - but not by force of ' ' Well, what can students do about ip streamlining ' ' of the federal resolution. POINT OF VIEW answer is that we must of the resources begin to mab sponsib government, better distribution of The method exists within the available to us. Nui sheer between federal and lower law for a concerned Congress - a one: there is stUl resources lingering distrust on nple f part of trustees of the ar governments and, above all. Congress that truly desires an end to ftCg ir complete American military withdrawal from Vietnam by the end the war, a "streamlined government," etc. - to impose its Credit union issue needs hearing Administrators did not give in the University because they Number two: MSU has not been up theirpt wanU thei ninf Terence, fiv< of 1972. In sum, the senators have will. In of widespread violent place of meaningless student di! eparednf put themselves on the line with every EDITOR'S NOTE: have some campuses, and thus statements, however, change requires the following the ma Force, bet that the administration has Point of View do not bear such ill will concrete action. was submitted by the towards own tlia credit student population here. In hedged. One third of the Senate committee of the MSU other w« initial - — and "Again the real issue involved in the choice is not we really haven't turned the trusteeso This, in part, explains the nagging there are at least that many Employe's Credit Union, Howard really an appointed committee vs. an elected our pleas. transparency of the Democratic "liberals" Zindel, chairman. committee. The These are our resources; now - could effectively shut board of directors and the we g position. They have not come up down the war machinery by An important issue will be voted upon at management of the MSU Employe's Credit Union use them. The board of trustees design with cohesive program as much as a the annual meeting of the MSU Employes a subcommittee Friday to study theTj a filibuster hope to have a committee composed of hired mirror plan. image of the Nixonian game maneuvers and other parliamentary until the Nixon administration finally defused Credit Union on March 1, 1971, which needs, but is not receiving, a proper hearing staff personnel, responsible to themselves." Report, to identify areas of conflict, committee consists of trustees Ftti St( and clarification. A bylaw amendment is Carrigan, D - Ann Arbor; Frank Merrin Hence, the adoption of the Vietnam. They could refuse any being proposed by the board of directors R - Deckerville, and Warren Huff, "resolution of purpose." It costs money for administration programs and the credit union management (hired Employes Credit Union are not content to Plymouth. The trustees will only h Again, the real issue involved in the nothing, is not binding and will reap until the White House chooses to personnel) which would make the credit committee, presently a committee of Ave leave the change to a simple vote of the choice is not really an appointed how you feel if you bother to tell tit Their addresses are listed in the from in considerable political hay in the here comply with congressional dictates. membership on the night of the meeting. If committee vs. an elected committee. The and now. volunteer members elected by the the amendment should win, no election of board of directors and the management of every University telephone directory. At the very least, they could simply the Time is running out for the membership, into a committee of three credit committee will be held. the MSU Employes Credit Union Ti) Michigan Sen. Philip Hart recently refuse to vote any more money for appointed by the board of directors, at the However, if the amendment fails, the hope to Report. Unless students begin to is have a credit committee composed of hired expressed anguish and frustration at the war. conclusion of the present credit membership will be asked to vote for two staff personnel, responsible to themselves, themselves now against faculty repress the relative impotence of his We will not hold our breath, committee's term of office. The function new members of the credit committee against the indignity of the facul rather than a committee elected from the of the credit committee is to determine from among four treatment of them, they will lose t position. He is acutely aware that however. Courage of this magnitude persons, all hired staff of membership and responsible to the which loans are to be granted or denied, the credit union. Thus, the chance. The only hope for students no Congress has been criminally walks the precipice of political membership has membership. The membership should be and it is the final appeal that any member two choices — vote for the amendment and allowed to an alignment with a sympatln ineffective in serving the public. This suicide. And it is inconceivable that determine how the staff administration has on a loan. get hired staff members on the credit on this issue. members are to be placed on the credit is a catastrophic realization for, as the members of Congress would vote There is behind the bylaw journ more committee, or, vote for two out of a committee, as present members on the Sen. Hart notes, if he is incapable amendment than the simple language tuallv pa of acting, then who can? themselves out of a job for presented in the CRED -U-LET Actually, possible four members of the credit union staff for vacant credit committee positions. credit committee are being replaced. Those Letter policy 'The B something . as mundane as the desire the management attending the annual meeting on March 1 rdly h The problem lies not so much and the board of directors As stated in the Michigan Credit Union should be very clear on that point and vote The State News welcomes all let! and needs of their constituencies. want an appointed credit committee. inion i They League booklet entitled "Guidelines for on that issue rather than on the They should be typed and signed with can then appoint members of the credit Credit Union Directors," "It is worth simple home town, student, faculty or ndards. union staff, responsible only to themselves. bylaw amendment. At tirst, noting that a tendency exists nowadays, as standing, and local phone m pression Such a procedure obviously removes the credit unions get bigger, to play down the included. No unsigned letter will We recommend voting against the iply par credit committee, the key committee in bylaw rights, authority and responsibility of accepted for publication, and no letter Trustees need determining all loans, from direct control of the members. The management and board of the MSU members. In our efficient, the trend determination to be appears to take away, amendment and suggest nominating your own members from the floor. We you continue to elect members urge that to all be printed without a signature exce| extreme circumstances. All letters rait rather than add to, members less than 300 words long for publiol authority .." . standing committees. eisand e without editing. the bel MICHAEL FOX specific housin )histicat< play thai As one Since the board approved six general guidelines for campuswide housing last Friday, of trustees Four trustees support this option; four oppose it. If the coed plan must be voted Volunteer army: a slim chanc linst us to di r administrators have been wondering honest upon next month, a 4 - 4 tie vote whether the specific plan will need If the youth of this country were uld be n could prevent its approval. the draft is more of tax - in - kind thi reassured that, perhaps, the system really I wouli board approval next month. A coed protection of American democracy. plan, however, is a logical does work when the 18 - year - old gained Stern Overlooked in the current confusion Both Hart and Griffin expressed implementation of the board - the vote, Congress might shoot down any for early Senate hearings on the Sele chfighti is the basic issue of whether the restored faith when they act on the draft approved principle that style of Service Act before they are forced As to h board need ever approve specific this year. living is a matter for students and The vote. beration, items implemented under a board - Military Selective Service Act itement" parents, not the University, to Hart specifically notes, "For exam| approved policy. expires on June 30, 1971, with Congress decide. Hence, the specific plan would have difficulty voting for' rhaps lie We charged between now and then with issue of do not question the should not have to be approved which created a large professional by deciding whether to retain, alter or drop ter fro indisputable fact that the board has the board next month. the draft. and stand - by draft authority which be initiated on order of the Pres* ttnmittee the power to do just about It appears anything Board intervention would be very doubtful that the alone." ose whe it wishes. But the proper (as Congress will vote to end the draft and opposed justified if — and only if - the It would seem logical, however, cognize i to actual) role of the board is to institute the much debated all - volunteer even if this country did move to ai a text specific plans diverged radically from army. appoint capable administrators and board approved policy. Coed volunteer army, the Constitution ' - living Michigan Democrat, Sen. Phillip A. Hart to establish general policy on crucial does not depart from board wrote to this reporter, "I am reluctant at protect Hart's fear because it states issues. policy. this Congress will always have control ova The board has set the policy. There point to say I will vote for any bill In the past, the trustees have had a ending the draft." military. the matter should rest. The best forum for resolving difficult When liberal Phil Hart is time being content with doubtful, one concerns about an all volunteer army must assume that there is not these broad responsibilities. widespread furor to end the draft prevailing come in Congress itself if that body Individual trustees have embarked on among U.S. senators. first term in the armed forces." to intelligently discuss the matter. "investigations" of Sen. Robert P. Basically, the report figures that a stable This is the One fears, however, that tney specific Misplaced Griffin, our very own mid force of 2.5 million men report's basic summary. range instead find themselves most like y - programs. More disturbing is the conservative, responded to a request foe (slightly smaller than pre - Vietnam) will The commission to renew the draft come June, board's tendency to approve broad this stand on the draft question in a rather require 440,000 new enlisted men per year. objections to argues against specific an all - volunteer draft ratl0)ln) elusive manner, but at least he did not use saying at the time that they need more policies, and then reject the memo his typical refrain — "I believe the "We unanimously believe that the it would not be too costly, would not study the matter. undermine patriotism, would not lead to I would suspect that the be programs developed under those President is doing his best." nation's interests will be better served by the growth of a policies. Instead, Griffin noted, "In order to an all - volunteer force, supported by an separate military ethos, anyone could give toward ending tw would not lead to a would be to make it an equal in Last September, for example, the hasten the day when an all volunteer effective stand • by draft, than by a mixed disproportionately To: ASMSU Board Member - higher number of blacks in the service and that is, to drop all student defermen trustees gave the administration Gary army can be possible, the President force of volunteers and conscripts; that would not necessarily attract men from the to start drafting women. Klinsky proposed significant salary increases for steps should be taken promptly to move in lower economic classes. , authority to develop "new modes" this direction, and that the first Only then - if we get rid of campus living," only to servicemen, particularly those in the lower Although the specific arguments of the reject a nonsense of exempting studenB Re: Chronic absenteeism ranks, to provide added inducement for indispensable step is to remove the present report are too lengthy for this specific proposal (men and women volunteer service." discussion, women — would we have some wi inequity in the pay of men serving their the commission seems reasonably sure that concern about the draft. living in alternate rooms in Snyder - The Nixon proposal Griffin refers to is one of the recommendations of Phillips Hall) two months later on a the Gates 4 - 3 vote. Report of a presidential commission that Now the board has strangely has yet to be disowned by the approved The Boys on the Board would like to man who ordered it, as he has reacted to so campuswide housing guidelines. One have you over now and then on many other commission reports. small part of these guidelines The Gates Report is an authoritative Tuesday. provides the option of coed housing appearing document, seemingly well for students over 21 or researched and supported in its study of students the under 21 with parental conscription situation in this country consent. both past and present. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 25, 1971 5 ss Uf READERS' MIND IEW Joni$t; ditorial about NORAD UFWOC benefit culpr aden with left' thought to poor workers the Editor, ™U^t^t-0n® can doinseekin8 Communist or "in some EDITOR'S NOTE: The labor, like the bracero program. way, recent editorial protection from found your nuclear shape or form - racist. a following Point of View was I worked along side of men rning the malfunction of detonation. John G. Schuiteman written by Gloria Mercado, a who were brought from Mexico JltAD's emergency warning With our current detection East Lansing graduate to work in the fields like slaves _ _ student California farmworker. It is in typically irresponsible apparatus we are apt to begin Feb. 24, 1971 being robbed of their wages, not lad den with the usual with about 30 minutes of response to a letter by Ralph to mention the conditions they Moulton that appeared in the Jtures to the naive thinking warning time. By the time the lived in or the food they were the "new left." You are average person would hear of the irly irresponsible when you attack he would probably have AP NEWS SPECIAL Jan. 29, 1971 issue of the State News. given. Maybe he is tired of the farmworkers being called dumb. lis the seriousness of the the five or 10 minutes you In reply to Ralph Moulton's You call us illiterate (I don't ^function" and label the postulate to seek shelter, letter, who has never been to the know who gave you those facts rning system as "an Depending on the size and type hronism from the McCarthy of blast in each area the time from the times of paranoid spent under cover would vary — defense' against 'them.' " the average time estimated at . States up veterans' ante lettuce fields of Arizona, who has never had to work at 5 a.m. California to 9 p.m., or who that you wrote about). The workers who came on strike are Americans by birth or by about ten to fifteen days. By LOUIS COOK Whether we like it or not it seems logical that people provides $100 to any state If he does not own property, more than $2.63 million to more are in the world today would want to make themselves Associated Press Writer resident qualified for the the veteran receives a one - third than 10,000 veterans who served lately 5,000 nuclear - aware of what they could do in Returning veterans ol the Vietnam Service Medal, reduction on the cost of his after 1964. Bonuses are paid to 1 workers walked out of the handful that are behind him, go to sit on t ^intercontinental ballistic the event that the'possibility of Vietnam war are being rewarded Beneficiaries of servicemen who annual motor vehicle all veterans of military service stoP recomm. siles waiting to be launched. a nuclear attack became real. in several states with bonuses as a resu't of service 'n registration Under the law's the. max'm"m payment, one or more of these or younger instn, >ther one ether Aside from a general lack of ranging upward from $10 for Vietnam receive $1,000. The provisions, a Vietnam veteran ®60y> gom1g.11to. dependents of voluntarily signed cards showing working on the boycott, such as guard. They're"^piles are launched against the concern, however, it also seems every month of service in s^a^e has given out 113,000 must have served after Aug. 5, se™061™11 killed in action, that our interests were best are. We have seven children itting on currk ted States accidentally or in that if one expresses knowledge Southeast Asia. Millions have veterans'^ bonuses and 2,500 1964 and must have been Among pending bills is one in served by the UFWOC. (ages nine to six months). Some squire them | pt to destroy our about such protection been appropriated and are being survivors grants for a total of awarded a Vietnam Service Arizona which would provide up Were you lbeg>n catching economic structure there when the families have ten children, eir itical procedures, one is likely to be spent on the projects. almost $14 million and has Medal. $1 000 for Vietnam veterans to growers signed their workers Would we come out here if we fields which difference to the little judged as a person who, An associated Press survey appropriated $3 million to fund who served in Southeast Asia for with a union that they chose? didn't believe in what we are Past 10 comfor s. Perhaps we have learned 'Ok the advocates the use of nuclear showed that among the states the program this year. South Dakota: A bonus bill at least six months and lesser We didn't even know what the asking? to stop worrying to some that faculty jt weapons or at least tends to have passed bonus passed in 1969 provides bonuses for veterans of military growers had done until we came a say in Unfa ree but no one loves the believe that they are a reasonable legislation since the conflict Massachusetts: A Vietnam payments of $10 for every service in other areas, out on strike. Is this the I would call our boycott refuse to share most everyone ii weapon to use in war. began are Connecticut, Illinois, veteran receives a $300 bonus month of service to veterans American way? successful even if one major with students i "id want to be warned about I oppose the use of any Massachusetts, New Mexico, ^ a veteran of service discharged after Aug. 4 1964 Another measure, in the West No, Ralph' it isn't, and this is grower (Bud Antle) admitted it ng their profess) uclear attack. nuclear weapon, but in Pennsylvania, South Dakota and elsewhere $200 under a measure and $20 for every month of Virg'nia legislature, would why we are striking and hurting them. acknowledging the fact that they Vermont. sponsored by State Rep. William service to veterans discharged Provide education benefits for boycotting. This way is the only As for the violence you speak ents do about You are most flagrantly The measures vary from state F- Ho8an» a Democrat. Hogan it? " may be used, I do not feel that 1 after July 1, 1958. Money for Vietnam veterans above those way left to us who are not of, we have newspaper clippings st begin to mab sponsible when you state out we shou,d djsmiss the waming to state, but generally all require said the state has paid out $35 the measure, however, was not offered in the existing GI Bill. protected from people who which show that our office in lable to Nu| us. sheer ignorance that system as an "anachronism" on residence in the state at the time ">"Hon since the program started appropriated until 1970 when California was bombed, and it A n,on(VMi in TnHinna w«,.ih exploited us. 5«"ing distrust on iple fact remains that the basis of a correctable of entry into military and are several years ago. $750,000 was allotted for the Drovide wasn't us who were arrested °f the . iirmageddon ever does malfunction. It has the potential $200 for sprvirp We want to be represented by faco ■a, dependent on some standard of New Mexico: A 1967 program and bonus director Lou anywhere outside tnP IJnitPrt a union who understands our carrying firearms and beating up 't give e °r women and young boys on the ause up their | n,n • 11 m • Ir • to save millions of lives. either the Vietnam proposal extended a state law service, Pavis the sum ran out after states during the Vietnam war needs and Chavez is the best one they -ul forme? picket lines. is not been then wanti rente. » As a to m Disaster New ,eft advocates m urged to not to consider the author to ?Te Me^al or f" honora.b}e giving property tax exemptions discharge. Some states provide to resident veterans of World 2>787 ve'e'a"s were paid an period md |500 for a disabled average of 251 each. Davis said • veteran or a survivor of a to lead us because he and his We are not asking for t student dis iredness orticer witn tne family are farmworkers. Does it be g fascjst war extra bonuses for disabled War 11 and the Korean conflict to 7>845 applications were unpaid serviceman killed in Vietnam anything but our rights, the and thus the monger matter if we like him? Force, I would like it made veterans or for families of men include men who served in as°f feb. l. There are three bills After the Korean conflict the Do all the union members of boys rights that so many of our same _ product of the military - II will towards that for persons clear of industrial complex, tool of the (Chicanos) have died for in billed in Vietnam. Vietnam. A qualified veteran Pend'ng 'n the legislation to state paid $200 to anvone with a the country like their leaders? there is establishment, rieht wing anti In ere. In other wi ed the trustees ol initial blast area, - - Pennsylvania, the state's receives a $2,000 property tax Vietnam Conflict Compensation provide further appropriations. Korean campaign ribbon and ^7^7RaipV,"he Maybe, Ralph, he is is tired tired of wars- And a better many our future for children so that exemption, applied on the " Delaware: Under 1968 $600 to a totally disabled the f'eldworkers being used and Bureau pays veterans $25 for assessed valuation of his they won't have to work in the urces; each month of service in the legislation the state's Military veteran or a survivor of a teken advantage of by the same fields. Not everyone's parents property. pay Commission has granted serviceman killed in the fighting, growers who got rich on cheap >f trustees Vietnam theater of operations. have titles, Ralph. design / to study the Ti Time spent in a military hospital eas if of conflict, trustees Patr Stern no prince for a disability incurred in Vietnam is counted in or; Frank Meiriu determining compensation. Warren Huff, The state has appropriated will $56 million for the program and in ?es Boys' review only h bother to tell has paid out $35 million so far, sted in the front with an average payment of one directory. $300. ORIGINALS, iut for the Tij To apply for the money,, a . nts begin to ui veteran must file a certificate of t play view of the roles in the faculty repress duty from his commanding ! of the fact The recent attack director, certainly seems to be a bit more on ^ ™ a discharge document hey will lose y Klinsky, by State News radical than Gay Lib's. In fact,it iewer Kenneth Stern, seems that Sterndid a.lot more He"'s how T for students noi works in some other states: 1 a sympathe rtainly seems to be an damage to the Gay Movement remely unprofessional piece that Gary Klinsky could ever do. Connecticut: Under journalism. That it was In his description of the various legislation passed in 1967, the ua||y passed off as a "review" roles, Stern repeatedly used the state has distributed $16 million policy welcomes all let! "The Boys in the Band" can most derogatory terms possible, rdly help but lower my At one point, he seemed to be in bonuses to veterans and their survivors. A veteran is paid $10 of the State News' having his own little contest to for each month of military and signed with faculty or ndards. how often he could can tne see service, anywhere in the world, 1 homosexual characters since Jan. 1, 1964, with a phone ni led letter will "faggots." If Gay Lib is going to maximum bonus of $300. ply part of the State News take offense, I would think that Vermont: Legislation passed >n,and no letter step right up and meet Lanz signature excep fiewers' policy of tearing Kenneth Stern rather than "The lagt provides veterans with Originals. . . . All letters miS ,r"LT„°Iie®lndn?S! (except for Barbra ■ B°yS ' cause. thC Band" WiH h® tHe $10 for each month of active the separates with California spirit now long for public* nsand duty in the armed forces from exhibitions, of course) Nevertheless, it is really the belief that it is more Aug. 5, 1964 - the date of the doubtful that Stern's review hurt Gulf of Tonkin resolution - our Miss J gallery of personality fashions. ihisticated to dislike a movie the play. The majority of the - - through June 30, 1971. There is play than it is to enjoy it. people who have seen the New # maximum of $120 per veteran. The Lanz look here features cotton Players production have left the reads on, however, ,a" *wlth The 1965 Bonus Act - a greater ms review takes on the understanding and sympathy for prints-on-prints with rows of ruffles and earance of a personal grudge homosexual today. And inci ns director to me, Klinsky. It that an objective the this, if nothing else, is a valid reason to see "The Boys in the Hot | ID Pizza rickrack for a full measure of charm honest appraisal of the play »uld be more in order. I know I would greatly appreciate it Stern would ch-fighting keep the on a private level. Band." David Zaffer Walled Lake sophomore Feb. 19,1971 H I m1351-71001 And this is Lanz look in our just the beginning of the Miss J Shop. Sizes 5-13 As to his A Ruffled shirt in red-on-yellow print. $17. challenge to Gay beration, to "issue a itement" regarding the play, Patchwork skirt in red/yellow/blue. $20. voting for1 rhaps he missed the February professional issue of the State News. In a ;ter from n yellow/red/white thority which GLM's Steering of the Presk immittee, it was "hoped that ose who the or yellow/navy/white prints. $17. see play will ical, however, cogni/.e it as a work of art, not lid move to an textbook..." Mr. Stern's Floral-striped flare pant in Constitution :ause it stat navy/yellow or red/yellow. $18. ve control over 'or resolving ' /olunteer army if that bodyd« he matter, most r, that they likely vjj J &L i June, rational need more tim' Jacobsoris bru,ary 25, |9? Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 25. 1971 7 " P*"1 er Grants may end Lake Lansing weed bliqht *»*».. before News Staff Writer ?»' '«*»! nutrient ' ^ W State authorized by recent excessive weed^rowth"1 fo8ters who fre now preparing the the 12 foot depth would still lower costs of the lake board Sode noted that the corps had the county general fund, five per f.h.rc of weed choker! hT^0"' reclfl™ the lake In a letter from Conm-PKm-n ff®farc^ fwopo^1 f°r submission adequate, but much chetfper project from its estimated recently completed its own nt from the Meridian 'n custody 3 ?^l„s^g 'fho asT^reatS %te «1 I ^nsinc area deDends V authorizes W told Sode that while the Ijinsino w»i co^ing the size o^Tak^ $1,315,000. Tl*omas G* .Ba]ir' WRI a^- The plan will be ar^ported - by investigation of Lake Lansing Reigle's letter, he said, and its findings and Township general fund and five for the La cent from lakeside property / fen* League te * J??,™ money for projects that per ^ , proposal has alreariv f'rector> ®xPlained the basis for a before - and,rafter study of informed him that the Army recommendations coincide with owners £nded*mfl "ot words."' rge'y on I being 3 bv prepared nr MSUs Sin by K! improved °J demf°.nstJrate methods ofnewlake ot several major « Brw«i J! review?!^ # the overall plan and the research dredging effort Ton the physical, Corps of Engineers is now the lake board proposal. project. chemical and hioloaiml reviewing the lake board reauest Plan ca,ls for enhanced st er Research should be m»H I^ituteOVRI) ngham bounty Drain pollution control preservation reclamation and Environmental "pr o t ion "°"r theorV is to dredge the propels of the lake, Bahr said, for overall feasibility and When the dredging grant is recreational outlets including a tommissioner Richard L. Sode The lake board, of which Agency (EPA) wlnts m™ S, deep enough to eliminate '/This will involve a chemical possible coordination with Army approved and final costs are half - mile public beach as part lid recently. Sode is chairman, is asking funds substantialitenHfJ JL*? ll?e places where these rooted analysis of the water, and studies projects. Subject to the corps' determined, Sode said that the of the dredging operation, and a Anticinatino . P s 8row>" he said. "That of fish and plant life by species final evaluation Army funds federal government would pay boat landing site, hopefully xhe proposal is .necessary to to show that dredging the lgment a request by the Lake shallow lake will eliminate the ,nttemeans we'" ^e to go deep and number" he added maybe made°available^for the 75 Per cent. Of the remainder, financed through kate water November 5th wni WR1 15? T e"ou8h offlclals• to preclude the Photosynthetic effect from If approved, the research dredging operation. 15 Per cent would come from improvement funds, Sode said. grant will run for at least three — surujght. The lake now has a mean years at an estimated annual cost of depth of five to 10 feet, he said, $100,000, with the ndidates | and the either 12 plan calls for dredging to or 15 feet. The 15 foot government providing 95 cent of the cost, Sode said, He added that the per separate An MHA-WIC Presentation "embers assocJ d*pth *°u,d provide a research grant is one of two 'n the substantial safety margin while East,as7 possible methods that would "'"g courses int. 'nd ««*lal KiegJ An epic drama of adventure and exploration! loose the S cited more often "|ibZ abj tk Concert benefits Ts >n other arj in other to aid magazine Jr Physical i, K'§t! ences and busij ? t* By BARBARA FARY State News Staff Writer J971, ngton, Ind. (Jni Two concerts featuring folksingers John Campbell, John Smith, Bill Kahl and Joe Janeti will be presented at 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday in Wonders Kiva. The concerts will benefit "Sing - Out," the national publication for folk musicians. oan Janeti, who organized last year's successful Pete Seeger Hudson River Sloop Concert, said both concerts would be two hours long and present a cross - section of folk music as a way of life. Friday's audience will hear Frank Culver discuss the art of making fiddles and the billing of traditional, blue grass, string band, blues and contemporary music. unting Entertainers will accompany themselves on guitars, banjoes and dulcimers, stringed instruments of the Middle Ages. Representatives from various companies discussed possible job opportunities at "Business "Sing - Out" is in financial trouble and is a great help to the Career Night" Tuesday in the Union Parlor. The program was presented by the Human. folk music community so we'd like to Environment and Design Dept. in the College of Human Ecology. help it," Janeti said. Janeti said folk music first gained popularity among college State News photo by Jim Klein students, booming in the 1960s with Peter, Paul and Mary. Then tioning folk music went commercial, he said, and the college crowd turned MGM STANLEY KUBRICK PRODUCTION opens Monday te to electronic rock. r*€S£NTsa s ys. ASMSU and will contim J elections will h distf. \ISF students "Now we are whole different performer - experiencing a strong comeback to folk, but in a way," he said. "Now folk music is no longer on a listener basis but on a level of personal involvement 2001: a space odyssey that is beautiful." Janeti said the folk influence could be traced In eseorch on popular music and includes the return to blue grass and songs of James Taylor, Steven Stills and the new Bob Dylan. today's KEIR DULLEA • GARY LOCKWOOD • STANLEY'KUBRICK SUPER PANAVISI0N' *nd ARTHUR C. CLARKE METR0C0L0R • STANLEY KUBWCK © MGM • open at 6:45-dn car hi MSU will host more young PftOGRA IWUIWAIIU* , rNlHjnAM !AT£B in 1959, more than 600 students for the summer program on the j >ULES gHB :ientists than any of the other have participated at MSU. basis of grades and faculty 51 American educational Thomas J. Pinnavaia, asst. recommendations, nstitutions taking part in the lational Science Foundation's professor of chemistry, said that in 1969-70 alone, at least nine The majority of the participants will come from NOW SHOWING-ALL COLOR Tonite at 7, 9:30 in Conrad y Rep. Jama jmmer Undergraduate Research articles co-authored by MSU. The rest will come - COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTS «n — Saginaw, articipation Program, John E. undergraduate researchers primarily from other Michigan WINS ALLEM PRODUCTION high as $10,00 ellor, asst. vice president of the appeared in major scientific colleges, n JOSEPH I. MANKIEWICZ' $1.00 admission I.D.'s required 0romipeH i by a judge undi ffice of Research journals. Kindel said his department PRODUCTION Similar legislate 96-4 vote in th evelopment,said. He added that many tries to select some students There 1970 session u it in the Senate. 2m^— in^^ich dimse area"as TtsFJsr&z Foundation feilowships and RICHARD was a crooked ssearch gradable pesticides, air other honors. independent^rch More than 3,900 college HARRIS man... tr ollution and nutritional value Approximately one out of students will participate ALEC four applicants will be selected nationally. plant seeds," Nellor said. EN. FRANK The 10-week program at MSU GUINNESS ounced Wednesi r's Digest (gins in mid-June. SJiie tAfew WANTED A total of $7 3,710 was with warded by the foundation to dations ive MSU departments: Jture sweepstd iochemistry, chemistry, FOR ASSAULT, ARMED ROBBERY AND lathematics, physics and iychology. Sandy Wilson's Roaring 20's COMMITTING A LEWD AND IMMORAL DANCE elcome Musical The 10 to 15 students in each Spoof WITH A CHOCOLATE PUDDING. clarify detailso epartment will receive a $60 js promotions 0 week THE Reader's Dip stipend. The remaining ant money covers operational we are a ists. e believe that il "The program provides junior BOYFRIEND requests id seniors an appreciation for should t ie techniques and mental iscipline required for dependent scientific research," / Kelley to cl iul Kindel, associate t promotions professor 9 Performances March 5,6,11,12,13 i" I made ■ . By a biochemistry, said. Most Tickets $2 50,2.00 Students (1.50,2 OOat the Union Jarticipants will work directly ln "'th an individual faculty nember. INFORMATION 482 3905 Since the NSF program began 3rd WEEK! PROGRAM INr0R;.,„,iQN 33? Ml? i Michigan W CHRISyiNS^M^ARD: PALOMAR PICTURES INTERNATIONAL PRESENTS Inesday by Rej 'Brew$ter McClQtKT ispne great, WOODY ALLENS erotkin, R-M big, blooming, 0 stuffed^atant, t "TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN- the first step I ban supersoij and glorious hell- >s by limits ■■ g satirical WOODY ALLEN JANET MARGOLIN :ichigan airportt. all| 1cal-tragici' A JACK ROLLINS AND CHARLES H. JOFFE Production fii WOODY ALLENMdMttKEY ROSE /CHARLESK JOFFE /S'ONEYiGLAZIER /JAcTgROSSBERG /MARViNhViSCH /WOOOy"ALLEN COLOR FROM THE AMERICAN BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC. DtSTRItJU I ED BY ClNthAMA RtLE ASING CORPORATION I ELDS ftner to CHAPLIN belches,s itches itigjil EL and IDY variety of vulgar nots^One of the most exhil^^^^p|^of AND - THE the year. _ Chicago Daily News R DOG BARBARA all be BRITTON BREWSTER V# XPO 2000 this 26 MC CLOUD Feb. forty Uproarioua C A Jury Selected Showcase of Films Rangina in Content from Pure Nonsense Broadway Hit to Biting Satire from Some of Today's Most Talented Young Film Makers. L KIVA Tuesday, March 2 A HOWARD 6. MINSKY • ARTHUR HILLER Production EVENINGS: MATINEES: 8:15 p.m. $1 00 Ml.. Sat II.* Mr hiller Man.. Tatt., Wad.. Thurs university John Marley 4 Ray Millard erichsegai auditorium HOWARD G MINSKY DAM GOLDEN FRANCIS LAI »[|§|J Tonite at 7, 9:20 in Wilson Student! $1.00 with full EXCLUSIVE! JDY BREAK - time id NOW SHOWING I $1.00 admission I.D.'s required UNION TICKET OFFICE AT 7:15-9:15 Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Februar Best' actresses: 'SECOND COMING' 'Who HOLLYWOOD are (AP) - The forth they?' hundreds of "women's Students must imve triwiri masierru show me Science of filn general public's reaction to the pictures." Female audiences neglected the art or are so bent on being artv thevT""*"* Academy Award nominations flocked to matinees to agonize and edit properly. Still, young moviemakers are the for best actress might well be. the travails of Norma Shearer, film future. 10 I*-' of fil,r> Who are they? Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, "The Second Coming," which begins tonight, will be the Student films, or any films by Jane Alexander, Glenda second festival of student fUm productions on campus this term. young people for ti, . Greta Garbo, Barbara Stanwyck are the first shaky steps that may someday be Jackson, Sarah Miles and Carrie and others. "Take One" was the first. There will be marked differences. Tomorrow's professional filmmakers will gZ Snodgress aren't exactly The war brought a new "Take One" was a collection of award - winning productions — than today's. The movies cannot have to h! es- household words. toughness and realism to the films that have already been singled out through competition. fnrovor without cnmoHov turn out "AiroorK" a* j ffereW Only Ali McGraw among the "The Second Coming" is made up of untried films in their firrt screen. Movie scenes became nominees was well known, bigger and more action - filled, competition. "Take One" offered the work of students from all parts of the largely because of the immense requiring masculine stars, publicity surrounding the hit Television destroyed theater "Love Story." None of the five nominees matinees. country. "The Second Coming" is restricted to films of students enrolled at MSU. "Take One" presented different films each night of its More bol For the past decade, women liad ever been up for an Oscar have been showing. (Your evaluation of the festival depended on what night disappearing from the before. For Miss "The Great White Hope" and Alexander, Miss Snodgress, 'The Diary of a Motion Picture Herald's annual list of top box - office stars. Wjth fpwer fema]e box . offjce you attended.) "The Second Coming" will show the same program each night. And finally, "Take One" was a showing. "The Second Coming" is also a contest that asks for audience response. Each added to , Mad Housewife,' it was their stars avajiab|e> producers have viewer will be given a ballot to name his choice of the best film NEW YORK (AP) --One of first appearance in ea ure Chicago Clubs had to seek newcomers. shown. A $100 prize will be awarded to the film that receives the America's oldest sports could gain film. Miss MacGraw had championship and most votes; $25 will go to the runner - are th become . appeared in only one previous movie, "Goodbye Columbus." The masculine tide may ebbing. Hollywood is be up film. "The Second Coming" films will be shown on four nights: at 8 newest one prime - of television's time attractions team. IVirU" h ^,1 tonight in 104 Wells Hall; 7 and 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday in if interest is high in NBC's Our problem is All three are Americans. nortoriously trend - conscious. that there, 109 Anthony Hall; and 8 pjn. Sunday in Conrad Hall. Admission so much Miss Jackson was nominated for her third film, "Women in Having followed the "Easy is 50 cents. nighttime baseball games this baseball on "heady that network h, J'i°f uSl Rider" to Love." She is English, as is Sarah filmmakers craze are now a dead leaping end, on Stuffed winners This is the second year of a festival restricted to local films; the Besides the 25 games in its not new," Miles, the only nominee experienced in films. Nominated the "Love Story" bandwagon, That means they will be Ken and Barb Wegner, winners of the 11th annual first in which the festival is open to people outside campus film classes. The films vary in length from 30 seconds to 17 minutes, Saturday afternoon "Game the Week' series, NBC of will 'What we've got to "What w«y to make it more dot"?. needing International House of Pancakes "Shrove and in subject matter from a bicycle chase across increase imique " for "Ryan's Daughter," Miss bright new actresses to star in Pancake Eating Contest, mount their prizes. Tuesday" campus to a Monday night Television Together, they battle between eggs. telecasts from three to five - Uadio Miles previously appeared in the coming spate of movie magazine reports that consumed 377 pancakes in a half hour. Student made films often are as painful as they are regular "The Servant," "Those romances. - rewarding. season games. night games 'than Wots State News photo by Some filmmakers are more fascinated by tricks than audiences It's an obvious ever wUl I* Magnificent Men in Their Flying Terry Luke conclusion telecast this season can ever be expected to be. by stations? Macl^ines," "The Ceremony," night baseball league cities. It says "Blow-up" and other British successful you will be seeing daytime weekJ games are more on the network. being Thrust movies. Monday broadcast less. ^ S. E. Asia Why did night baseball would be Baseball to Academy voters a I been nominate such newcomers? distinct possibility," said Carl moneymaker for most sUtf For one thing, the woman's role in films has been declining since World War II. seen Lindemann president for sports. Jr., NBC's The network also will telecast vice which have invested this year in $24 million rights fees. NBC on the other hand, has lost In the By JONI BENN international power. Nationalist and Communist the first night World Series on its three money 1930s, there poured "In a general sense,' AUFS staff in 1966 to report game - year $52 IQj|Z State News Staff Writer The earlier thrust, associated China. and the night All - Star Game, contract Lockheimer said, "the shaky from Tokyo on Japanese with major leagu* with Japan's military strength, The limitation of the focus on Network interest in baseball Is footing of the Japanese in baseball, Spring Break in "If indeed, Japan is going today has been replaced by a economic pursuits has produced development, has spent the past due in part to ABC's success Southeast Asia can be compared There ACAPULCO different, economically oriented results which vary greatly from week at MSU lecturing in various with Monday night football and nothing like , 8 Days anywhere in foreign affairs, it is to the position of the United winning team to increase the classroom situations on the in part to the impact of the All going back to Southeast Asia," expansion, Lockheimer said. the Japanese imperialism of an States in Latin America, where a audience, and the ratings in most $199.00 F. Roy Lockheimer, of the The change in direction, he earlier era, he added. In diversity of Japanese society. Star game last July 14. That cities go up and down focusing superiority complex on the part with the plus gratuities American Universities Field said, is closely tied to the change attentions on economic of one power elicits a super - game attracted 54 per cent of fortunes of the teams. Service, told a group at Owen in the political and psychological advancement the audience for the or alone, cultural sensitive reaction from the highest A spokesmen for WOK - JAMAICA Hall Tuesday night. climate of Japan. The Japanese involvement has been greatly other." Correction rating a sports event ever pulled New York, which telecasts TVj t The new thrust differs greatly aversion to military intervention neglected. in prime time. Mets games, said, "When « $208.00 - from the "Japanism" of the in the affairs of Southeast Asia "Japan's geographic isolation Answering the speculations of The State News incorrectly J Theu/ill ni8httime World Series program the Mets in was described by the speaker as and its lack of cultural "futurologists," who claim that ka rtnmn game will be tlio the lYmrtk .... plus gratuities however, in that it lacks reported fourth inin »kA the >'re confident we'll r.J Wednesday that i get bit the super - patriotism and .1 nrnrln^fc r*f tho pnnnfru'e uroll products of the country's well - eimilaritlAC _ similarities with with tho countries of the mianfviari nf t!l0 fOlG the of JSOdtl ro,e OI JaPa" Will illCT63SP III wil1 increase in LflWTCnCC Lawrence Libby, asst. professor match, to be played Wednesday, numbers in the ratings. " ' totalitarianism associated with established democratic Southeast Asia has left it from *** comin8 century, Lockheimer of agricultural economics, had Oct. 13. That is, unless the usually do." the country's emergence institutions and its self - denial the mainstream of -~:d: called for special legislation to society,1 as guaranteed in the nation's Lockheimer said, tax farm lands at the same rate if the 21st century is constitution, aggression. 6iraa.u... of military This isolation, coupled with the Japanese own conception of . . to be a Japanese century, or . going as commercially developed ... Libby is seeking exemption of areas. 2 area veterinarians Adding to the new economic themselves as "economic y s,?ows ,JKr^'se^ 0P®n ,ands ""ch as farms from expansion is Japan's ability to maintain a separation of political animals," Lockheimer said, has |nf'uence> we have to start the states current policy of ... vpnfurp venture, 1 - allegiances from economic T^trkhpimpr Lockheimer oairl Ac a said. As a left the Japanese in Southeast . . — that, — ..... Asia with a problematical that of of tho the "ITcflv .... "Ugly Jananoca image Japanese.1" , lookm8 VT ASla. , 80011 for miaginative 'inan^1 nrrtnrtcnlc in SnnthPDQt Japanese proposals in Southeast equal taxation. U» /«alU/j called for the exemption and special easements tax commended for work result of the policy, she is able The problem of image, in turn, Two to engage in trade with both creates problems in The K proposals, ^ include economic and political he said, must ^ protect open lands taken over by from being residential, Lansing area veterinarians recently were cited implications for t he North and South Vietnam and communication. development of human c and commercial for their contributions schemes plus programs for naustr,al to their vaccines. greater cultural exchange. developments. profession. Quinn, who received the Lockheimer, who joined the The State News regrets the * A.Dtr director of B,e"the R' BurImDest1fr' Regional D.V.M. here in 1943 has h< PICKUP ABROAD. Poultry his present post with the State ^ Research Laboratory of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture since 19f>9. Dept. of Agriculture, and Dr. "Under his guidance," All makes of European cars. "Early Bird" 10% Savings Program. Appearance added John S. Quinn, state veterinarian, received the annual MSU College of Veterinary Armistead said, "Michigan las achieved a role of national leadership in animal disease Medicine Alumni Awards. control." Teacher/Student Specials. Free Bonus Extras. to Papandreau visit Dr. Willis W. Armistead, dean Both have been the recipients of the College of Veterinary of several high national and state 6 Complete Showings Admission 50C □ Purchase □ Lease □ Rental Andreas appear at 3 p.m. Papandreau, former Greek cabinet minister, will Friday in the Owen Hall cafeteria following his Medicine, cited Burmester for his exemplary personal awards. Kinney Europe, 535 Fifth Avenue, N.Y. 10017. (212) 697-6780 achievements as a scientist and TIC 2ND MNUAL N60 STUDENT speech in the Auditorium, The question - and - answer session is as director of the regional Duo schedules Name being sponsored jointly FILM FESTIVAL ; ■ by the Council of Graduate Students and the Educational and laboratory. Occupation FH.2S* FE£ i« AOTMVY FEB. 27* \04 AMtveirt TO.ag* caAxc Address Cultural Committee of Owen Hall and is open to the public. Papandreau served as a key cabinet member in the Greek Burmester, who received the D.V.M. from MSU in 1951, has recital Sunday mm 8 government from 1960 to 1967. He was ousted in 1967 in a attained scientific prominence City and has since become coup A joint vocal and organ musk .State Zip a member of the York for his work on the viruses that University faculty in recital by Judy Connelly. Haslett Toronto. leukemia cause - like diseases in graduate student anil Mark D turkey and other poultry. Miller, Flint senior, will be given ASMSU great issues Recently the staff in his laboratory has developed a at 7 p.m. Sunday in Hart Recital Hall of the Music Bldg. there The two music students will vaccine for Marek's disease are some things Dr. Andreas which could save millions of dollars for the poultry industry and also has important present works by Honegger, Bach, Schroeder, Hovahness and Andresseti. The Pepping, worth Papandreou recital is open to the public without charge. remembering.. Be entertained Mrs. Connelly, a soprano, is a . greek revolutionary in the Rathskellar master's candidate in applied DAILY voice. Miller is a music major in exile who will receive a bachelor of Cocktail Hours arts degree in applied music ar 4:30-7 p.m. sacred music. Private parties, welcome WOLVERINE WEEK - FEBRUARY 22 - 27 Fri. Feb. 26 2pm ... at the Please reserve my copy of the 1971 MSU Aud Wolverine enclosed is - $10.00 (after March the price will increase to the yearbook will be available $12.50 and only in bookstores). - Student Number - This special offer expires March 1. Carry or mail to Wolverine, room 27, Student Services Bldg. MSU Campus WOLVERINE '71 because a yearbook never forgets Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 25, 1971 9 rs SMILES Festivity hurts 'Carnival' plot It isn't until the stage is title cards in the show. When she puppets are extensions of his fools the audience for one cleared of dancers and tumblers love for her, she finally admits unintentionally disrupts the minute. When he is mean and | and that the Company the bright lights are dimmed Performing Arts production of PANORAMA magician's act, she is fired. Disheartened, she meets Paul, the feeling she has for him. The basic story is a personal angry, the gentleness is likewise present. His rage is always that a gruff puppeteer; Joquot, his of a kind man, more desperate "Carnival" finds itself. one — a touching look at a girl friendly assistant, and their who loses her innocence in mm an than malicious. When a friendless young puppets. Enchanted by the atmosphere that abounds in The question that lingers in 'Oman is greeted by four puppets, she joins their act. She surface innocence. The the end is how long will it take puppets, close to the end of the finds in them and Joquot her movement and gaiety of the Lili to recognize what the first act, the simplicity and first new friends and in Paul, a circus should be used as merely a audience has long known: that | charm of the story begins to feared business partner. backdrop. Paul fools only the easily fooled emerge. With a sensitive walrus, an But "Carnival" insists on stage Lili about his true nature. The audience relaxes. The By ROBERT KIPPER eager carrot top and a wily fox - consuming effects. It seems As the magician and his lover, , stage is calm. A wide - eyed girl State News Reviewer by her side in the spotlight, Lili bent on using big musical Benjamin Wheeler III and Candy and her new - found friends becomes the star attraction of numbers to stop a show that Shannon give smashing, strutting begin to captivate their at the audience without the circus. should have halts. One > audience. The fivesome manages no performances. They make a improvement. All the time she is charming cannot get involved with the much too long subplot seem I what all the same sounding "Carnival" is the musical songs audiences, Lili is charming Paul. deepening relationship between rewarding in spite of itself. and confined choreography had version of "Lili," the 1953 But Paul finds he can only Lili and Paul because the parade "Carnival" would be better if Musical p been unable to viewer's attention and prompt a do: hold the movie that starred Leslie Caron. convey his gentleness through is always passing by. it was half as musical and twice Lili, a naive young woman, his puppets. Without the The finest moments of as simple. smile. arrives at "Carnival," a play version of the 1953 movie "Lili," is being presented by the a circus and soon is puppets, Paul is rough toward "Carnival " are the small ones: The play will be performed at Performing Arts The spell is broken all too infatuated with a Lili and jealous of her Company through Sunday. Shows are at 8 p.m. The play includes tumblers, dashing Lili singing "Love Makes the 8 p.m. through Sunday in puppets, songs and soon. The lights brighten. The magician. Eager to remain with admiration for the magician. World Go Round" the Fairchild Theater. Admission is I dancers. Tickets are $2. State News photo by Doug Bauman stage refills. And the songs come the circus, Lili gets a job When Lili realizes that Paul's to $2. holding puppets; the magician's lover singing "Always Always You" while the magician performs his Beatles' blues Material fouls act in silhouette; and Paul singing about Lili while she r dances around him in his mind. The supporting cast and the sets are festive and bright. It is tobacco taste too bad the story requires much ■ Beatles wasn't all the "yeh, John Lennon, George Tht^s wh^Hhe coiitlJas t?Am™ less. Sadder still that the cast is Allan Klein from talang over the years or cut a disc since To?*? f\ BUDAPEST am qUamilS erupted while the group (AP) - Pal lyeh" that rocketed them to Harrison and Ringo Starr told of told hapLed 1968, was on tour. asked to do so many numbers Bueky, an expert in medicinal es and fame. what it was like to be a Beatle in TheTacks' iiw cracKS that caused the management Apple company, A °\ Corp.Bea"e the Beatles «P®<* an He added that at the height of He enormous income for years to the Beatles' fame, Paul still and is given so few real songs to plant cultivation, claims he has ie inside story came out affadavits read to the judge. The Beatles' breakun oneneri with FjV t IC. *. , - v. — > — sing. found a substance which when no.',p^ ■ ^9^ „ , . - . £ „ id,y in a British High Court: three - who did in ^ Nancy Gustafson makes the added to a mouthwash quickly the four were plagued by court - are fighting a bid by Lili who sings and the Lili who makes a chain smoker hate the ... Epstein, manager who instead. Of personal relations among itlers and spongers freely Paul McCartney to have the masterminded their meteoric "At the same time, I was talks with puppets a lovely, taste of tobacco. He said he soon thp But Ringo told the court that the four, 30 year old Lennon knding .jinn group s Beatles' business affairs put in success, - - helping to record his songs, and fragile creature. hopes to market the substance, ■timillion dollar earnings the hands of a receiver. spite of the quarrels "my Own said flareups involved the whole into the bargain, I was having to As Paul, Tim Staton never but did not identify it. They widened when John, the vjew — s- that all four of us bivuF In they hit the top. group but mostly George and ' - ' view » Uiat an iuui Vi uz> McCartney — married » leader, married Japanese actress - together could even put Up with him telling me how d how on record - breaking American divorcee Linda yet work Paul. to play my own musical singer Yoko Ono and drifted Harrison said that inevitable fbe. s that took personal them across the Eastman — also wants the jealousies group's partnership dissolved. apart from the other three. And out everything satisfactorily.' Cash as well as temperament instrument - a guitar." he said. 20% DISCOUNT ON they gaped when Paul is at the current core breech. of the Beatles' McCartney MSU string quartet TYPEWRITER REPAIRS KIO-RELIGIOUS claims the group is broke, with tax liabilities towering over FOR MSU STUDENTS perform Sunday assets. The other members of the to Multimedia show depicts quartet say the finances are in good shape, rescued them in 1969 after though Klein seven MSU's Beaumont String Quartet will perform chamber works by Mozart, Webern and Mendelssohn at 4 p.m. Sunday in the FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY years in which their combined Kellogg Center auditorium. earnings were 10 million a year. mustard seed Members of the quartet are Walter Verdehr, first violin; parable AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES A long playing record Theodore Johnson, second violin; Lyman Bodman, viola, and recently released by George Louis Potter Jr., cello. Harrison is expected to roll up 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett The program will include "Quartet, K.575, in D royalties of around $2 million Major" by By DAVID BASSETT identity who opens a Pandora s box of turmoil in Mozart, "Sechs Bagatellen, Opus 9" by Webern and "Quartet, alone. State News Staff Writer the region in which he lives. Opus 44, No. 2 in E Minor" by Mendelssohn. In 'defense of Klein, Lennon's The performance, open to the public without charge, is i unique light - sound interpretation of the Hollis said the modern counterpart of this affadavit said that the Beatles Jfcnieres • old parable at 8:30 |dent Center, 327 MAC Ave. of the tiny mustard seed Friday night at the St. John's situation is the influence of the mass media upon the public, especially the efforts of the press to capitalize on suffering. were suffering from lavish spending by an overloaded Apple presented by the MSU Dept. of Music. The auditorium is on the main floor of Kellogg Center. Community Bazaar Part two begins with a portrait of a second Corp. staff before the American e socio • religious multimedia show is the moved in two years ago Two Initiation of more than four months' effort on J part of Brothers Robert Hollis, S.M., and farmer tirelessly sowing and reaping his harvest for mankind. Hollis said this is analogous to the company cars disappeared $1 OFF Homemade breads, cookies, cakes and other Handicraft items, fun, games, prizes. yummies! completely and the group found In Velbeck, S.M., the program's coproducers. plight of people who must endure and maintain they «owned a house no one on a All provided by over 40 area non profit organizations. - ■he three - part show, employing three slide hope for a better world. remembered Bucket or a Barrel Support them all at Lansing Mall buying." Ejectors, a complete sound system, a 16mm A third farmer planting flowers begins part straightened out the Offer Good Thru Feb. 28 Tie projector, a custom - built triple screen three, evoking the impression of those who toil accounts and sacked surplus 1 a f audio computerized programmer to synchronize "an and visual effects, is described by answer to the negative aspects of despite the turmoil created by the first farmer. Part three concludes by stressing the universality and communality of religion, ending ct„ff ho sniH He estimated that while they Friday and Saturday in an invitation to explore and live the purpose | news media. l'Current movies are full of negative of the Church. Study in lansing mall liditioning," Hollis said. "They operate on the Hollis and Velbeck said that while "The pise that everything must get worse before it Is better. Mustard Message" is instructional, its aim is to permit the viewer to formulate his own ideas. Guadalajara, Mexico 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy. The Guadalajara Summer School, ■"We operate on the premise, however, that "I still think I am teaching religion," Velbeck 'ully accredited University of lebration, life and the Easter bunny are part of said, "but I'm not doing it in the classroom. We zona program, will offer, July 5 to August 14, art, folklore, I full human experience." use a low - key, open - ended approach so the geography, history, political viewer can develop his own ideas." science, language and literature JThe program, entitled "The Mustard Message." i. Tuition, $160; board and ■als with the often agonizing attempt to The program will be shown tomorrow and ■intain faith in a faithless world. [The first portion depicts a farmer seeking his Saturday nights and March 6 and 7. All shows will begin at 8:30. Admission is $1. . $155. Write Dr. Juan B. Rael, Office of Summer Session, University of Arizona, Tucson, "rlzona 85721. Zales Complete In the Language Getaway Adventures We've got It all in two beautiful free brochure*! 1971 is the year of the Getaway vacation to Europe with TWA, and KENT STATE The campus of Flowers EUROPE 71 we've got it all in two big beautiful new Getaway vacation brochures. CAMPUS call in the Guard? v Jam-packed with labulous vaca¬ tion ideas. Now you can visit the score: 4 students , "VjLT Here is what truly Roses Mean Love places you've always wanted to. dead, 11 wounded. UNDER happened — and precisely as you-and your pocket- Now Pulitzer Prize PIPF w^y. Including book-prefer. The great cities like RED ROSES London, Paris, Rome. Beaches and winner James Mich- ril*B- portraits of key resorts. The countryside. Cruise the Mediterranean or take off on ener reconstructs, hour people who have re- your own by car. Or (ravel with a by hour, the events that mained obscure — until 1 DOZ. $3M group. There never has been such a superb and varied Come in and pick up your two free TWA Getaway Adventures Europe brochures today. Or phone. selection. led to the bloody climax, now. Condensed from He answers such ques- tions as: Were outside Michener's forthcoming book. One of 41 articles [Ion Anthony Florist 809 E. Michigan College Travel agitators involved in the & features in the March riot? Was it necessary to READER'S DIGEST IV5 - 7271 130 W. Grand River Free 351-6010 Parking Behind Store Arby's R2TDBe«§« LLOYDS FM/AM STEREO RADIO WITH 8-TRACK CARTRIDGE PLAYER Ger one PReej Solid state FM/AM/FM stereo multiplex radio r« ceiver with 8-track cartridge player CONVENIENT 207 W. GRAND RIVER I! Student ZALES' TERMS AVAILABLE GOOD THRU MARCH 4th You don't have to be rich Downtown, Charge to be happy. Lansing Mall OFFER GOOD ONLY WITH THIS AD 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February ic , Lawyer outlines legal rights of arrested "Miranda" when arrested. rights people have need not answer any questions outside of identifying yourself, If the lower court does not have jurisdiction over the bondsman - or a bondsman can Selective Service board may give Gary K. Stone, associate does not case, a post bail for the defendant, in prohibit ™ "Don't say anything," Oleksa and you may voluntarily waive him the right to have witnesses professor in accounting and from said. preliminary hearing is held to which case the defendant loses in his defense, and he has canceling a policvT"'61 People who know the law A person must be arrested for ese If a j . . judge is not available „ ., U9ee lf the government has the 10 per cent. Only one per appear no right of appeal. financial administration, students tips on Insurance. gave .ndortheUrmsSL'L"" have a much better chance of getting around it legally, an "probable cause." meaning that a crime, no matter how small, when you are are charged with arrested and you a misdemeanor, enough evidence holding the accused for to justify trial cent is retained by the clerk if the defendant appears in court, Except secretary, for members the executive of the "You always need some "^'or-xmoTCSS insurance. My studies show you attorney and MSU asst. committed. fo:„r.rc?„rsi:»; was you can post an interim bond of need very little," Stone told the professor of business law and Once arrested a police officer $100 per offense to be released. ■■■•■■■•■■■■■■■•iiiiiimiimiiiMimimiiininmiiiimiiiiii office administration told students. is required to inform you of the Oleksa noted ® little known i ,, students Tuesday night. , c . c . _ Miranda rights: you are entitled Under thc Selective Service System „ law states that a person may a man is He explained the difference In a discussion sponsored by Sf . the Alpha Kappa Psi business to an attorney, which the court request an officer to produce the denied the right of counsel, and only in the past between straight life insurance, ♦ V*" his "cense B fraternity, Richard P. Oleksa must provide if you are accused of a major crime; everything you written authority order under stating, the which he is two years has he been given the right of a personal appearance. The Selective Service board where the same amount is always paid, and term Insurance,- state^how^ver USt reimbursetl* outlined the individual say will be held against you; you detained. He must offer the where the rates start out lower may give him the right to have witnesses appear Stone warned lawful fees to pay for the order. and increase. agalast Col)WP /m . , , r . students lending out in his defense, and he has no right of appeal. ^ . - , assault, rob If the officer or any other their cars Men official refuses to produce the order within six hours, Michigan •■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■iiiiiiiiniiMmiililiinimiiiiiimiimmiiii Stone warned against all the additional options on life Insurance policies which only other students students are covered parents' since under their law says he must pay $200, increase premiums. He said the the policy. Permission Z which Oleksa notes a person before a court with authority to chance of using the premiums is use car from the name of must be rece> Fee Hall student The opposite of a person's Selective Service board may need for bail or later court hear the charge." rights under the law is his lack of unpaid, Oleksa said. He also are remote. party, which in many the insurS fees- In Michigan a defendant has cases isn't rights under the Selective Service noted that a study showed a the student, he said. When arraigned, a person will 12 days, which Oleksa suggests stone also warned against be formally notified of the System, Oleksa said, a system he Selective Service board -limine a note to tue A 20 - year - old West Fee Hall student remained in the he try to waive to have more called more like "Kafka or deliberated about 37 seconds in Dav "Statistical!, women tend to University Health Center Wednesday afternoon after four college charges against him, informed time to prepare his case. prem|ums on jnsurance when a be better drivers than men" Mickey Mouse — you can't each conscientious objector case, age men attacked him about 1:15 a.m. Wednesday in a main again of his rights and given an in student doesn't have the money Stone admitted. The involving - cases opportunity to plead. figure it out." To appeal the case, a man to Dav for it Students are then rates for women accident lounge men's restroom in West Fee. misdemeanors or traffic Under the Selective Service must refuse induction, which is IT': drivers are The student reportedly suffered facial lacerations, possible Again, the attorney warned offenses, defendants can post monev from the much lower, as that one should remain silent System a man is denied the right punishable by five year's and have to pay the they are fot fractured facial bones and a fractured nose when the four men bond, usually by giving the court company married people, of counsel, and only In the past imprisonment and a fine, and go people living i„ entered the restroom and forcibly robbed the student of 25 cents. and a plea of not guilty will be clerk 10 per cent of the bail — in t- two years has he been given right intJ»st rural areas and in entered for the defendant. through a complicated some states for About 15 minutes later, an East Lansing coed told MSU which case the court acts of a personal appearance. The students with higher as a procedure of having a lawyer "If you cannot afford life grade point officers six men approached her in the basement corridor of West averages, and for car Fee. The coed said one man kicked her two dogs and tried to hit handy with a writ of habeas insurance, buy term insurance," with low owners corpus. Stone said. "There are policies horsepower cars. her. In both incidents, the men fled after the attack. of the four men in the restroom incident Descriptions appeared to apply to Police hold L by Most students avoid the draft a classified under 1 medical - deferment Y. At MSU 47 specifically designed with lower premiums the first four years." or five "If horsepower you of your ten and it exceeds the multiply car times the persons involved in the second attack, police said. weight of Police said it was doubtful that the men were provoked to the Stone described the your car, the insurance four company attack. Police said they did not find any of the men in searches inside and outside the building. The incident is under investigation. for 36 local med"<«Viec"rd. such action is .n 111- punishable by five J !ytlipdnuofU«*«»• owners ot """omobile negligence; 'Murance, medical considers it your rates go To a 'muscle' car up," Stone said. lower insurance and rates By JAMES SHELDON payments, designed to protect Stone suggested the other burglaries. stolen in the 36 incidents. year's imprisonment buying a lower State News Staff Writer passengers in the car; horsepower $10,000 fine. car, taking out high He suggested that anyone not physical damage, and uninsured deductible insurance Approximately 36 burglaries T-h e ™8 " dema,nded De^ectivre ^ De»n1Tuck«r°f JL'* ... droping collision insurance after and ™otorist> , from East Lansing apartments Pantry exam.nat.on for the the East Lansing Pol.ce Dept. interested in joining the military wh,ch pays. thol . the car is five years old. which occurred between January burglary at the Feb. 18 said the man averaged more than obtain a list of illnesses for ^he alignment jn East Lansing $100 a week in the five - to - six person at fault does not have Senternher and Januarv were which the Army will award a . - insiirjmfl„ "Use your common sense in recently attributed by East District Court. He was remanded month period during which the Y status, see if your illness fits the buying insurance," Stone said. Lansing police to an 18 - year - \°ni Ingham County jail after burglaries occurred. None of the discription and have a Michigan law prohibits "If you think you're getting old Lansing man faU,n8 to P°st $2,000 bond set money has ever been recovered, reputable doctor write a medical cancellation of liability something for nothing, you're The man was apprehended by by District Judge Maurice E. he added. history for you. insurance after 55 days, but this not." Lansing police while breaking bchoenberger. When questioned about the into a Lansing house last week. in checking through reports Lansing police later learned burglaries, the man told police of the 36 burglaries of which the he believed it was easy to come through the Law Enforcement man is suspect, Information Network that East police said they to MSU» Put books under his found most burglarized arm and loo,t tor unlocked Lansing police held a warrant apartments were unlocked at the ailment doors. f°r 8 January time of the theft- which usually "The main point in the case is 7£™^en.Feb.l7in 0CCUrIed Unsing District Court for the thathe entered the**** WW apartment Don't let get Police said only money was A 22 success you down Lansing incident, the man was stolen nipn from from the the anartments. apartments, Tucker saii * student - YEAR is - OLD expected to be Lansing her in the apartment building area, the coed said. damage was done to the ignition switch of her automobile parked turned over to East Lansing which were occupied mainly by Once there was an upwardly mobile man whom I will call Case¬ Tucker emphasized the arraigned today in East Lansing Cherry Lane residents at McDonel Hall. ment R. Glebe (not his real name). Even as an police who learned through MSU students. Police had not importance of locking doors District Court on charges reportedly told police of the undergraduate Mr. Police said the youths were 91ebe didn't fumble and dither and grope for the meaning of life like investigation about his role in yet determined the total amount when the resident must be attempted to choke an East attack. Police said they are returned to the training school ?ome lazy long-baired slobs I could name. He knew exactly what life absent from his apartment. Lansing coed Monday night in seeking a criminal and probably will be referred to ^as about. Life was working hard so you could get good grades and the Cherry Lane apartment area, against the student. Probate Court. graduate with honors and find a swell job and get married and move to Westport and have three children like every other decent American. Call Sub V Police said student on a they released the $100 interim bond TWO 15 - YEAR - OLD RICHARD L. FOSTER, East And that's precisely what Mr. Glebe did. He graduated magna, got a swell job in the advertising game, married a girl, whom I will call Mavis Davis (her real name), who was not only service-oriented have their Travel Plans Monday after they apprehended chasing the coed near the youths who escaped from the B°v,s T™lnl"! Sch™1 '"^ng Lansing someone senior, told removed a wallet and officers and achievement-prone but also had a real nice ;r or Wilson and Birch roads watch with a total estimated build, and they bought for Europe? a lovely home in Westport with electric baseboard heating and within three years they had three fine sturdy little boys—Flopsy, Mopsy and subs deli Writ* SOFA. SOFA it the operator of over 5000 Student Charter Flights The coed told police she night that they earlier attempted to steal an automobile parked in value of $65 between 6:30 and 6:35 p.m. from an unlocked Seymour. connecting more than 50 European the McDonel Hall service area. locker he was using in Jenison cities. (Also Tel Aviv, Bombay. argued with the student and To his sons, Mr. Glebe was a loving but stern father. He them to believe in his own guiding values—ambition, self-denial and raised to your Bangkok. Nairobi.) Up to 70% sav- jumped out of his automobile at Before the apprehended, police said, they youths were Fieldhouse. hard work—and the boys responded Dear SOFA, Please Spartan Shopping Center off brilliantly. Flopsy, the oldest, received a complaint from a THREE BURGLARY finished high school as valedictorian and was Harrison Road. The student accepted by Harvard. DELIVERY HOURS Butterfield Hall coed who earlier INCIDENTS in which thieves Mr. Glebe was, of course, very eluding listings c chased her on foot and assaulted proud and happy. The following year 5 pm - 1 am Daily discovered estimated Mopsy was also valedictorian and was also an $5 stole an estimated $119 worth accepted by Harvard. 4 pm 12 Sunday Again Mr. Glebe was proud but, to be perfectly honest, not - of records* a watch, a purse, a quite so Call City State Zip - happy, for now he had two sons in Harvard at the same time, which Mall to: SOFA, European Stuc wallet and cash were reported to is something 4980 Northwind ATTENTION CAR OWNERS no man in the world can afford, not 351 - 4731 Travel Center, 1560 Broadway, f police Tuesday from campus man. even an advertising York. NY 10036 (212 586-2060) 4 East of Yankees Sub Villa buildings area. * * * All Deliveries over $3.00 Free * A RADIO with an estimated All Deliveries under $3.00 - 25c Extra Complete front end repair and value of $5 was reported stolen alignment sometime Tuesday in parking * Brakes ♦ Suspension Lot Y at the corner of Farm Lane and Mt. Hope Road from Jeans. Slacks. Shirts. Vests. Jackets. Socks. Western Wear. Boots. '• Wheel automobile belonging to balancing * Steering an Nathan J. Nakamura, Ann Arbor junior. LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center Police said entry to vehicle was gained through the the right - hand window vent, and 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 the radio was unscrewed from the dashboard. Then a horrible thought struck Mr. Glebe. "Good grief!" he cried one night to his wife Mavis (her real name). "Next year Seymour gets SHEPARDS out of high school. If he makes Harvard too, I am ruined!" He ran at once to Seymour's room and found the industrious lad doing his homework in modern Sanskrit, urban entropy, ethnic bra and societal dysfunction. "Son, have you ever thought of becom¬ alge¬ "The Tie That ing a moral degenerate?" said Mr. Glebe to Seymour. "Wouldn't like to drop out, maybe have an you identity crisis, wear beads, get busted Lace it, or just slip it on in Amsterdam, stuff like that?" 'That's rich, Dad," said Seymour, chuckling, and went on to An ideal pant shoe graduate as valedictorian and thence off to Harvard. Poor Mr. Glebe! So distraught was he with financial worries that day his mind finally buckled and he made a disastrous error. One of his accounts at the advertising agency was Dullbrau Beer which, frankly, was just an ordinary, run-of-the-mill kind of beer. Glebe had managed to think Still, Mr. up this real catchy advertising slogan: Drinl: Dullbrau . . . it's belter than nothing Well sir, sales were not entirely what the Dullbrau people had been hoping for, so they insisted on a new slogan. And Mr. Glebe, the poor devil, his mind unhinged by fiscal mentioned disastrous error. Here was his new problems, made the above- slogan: Drink Dullbrau it's better than Miller High Life . . . Well sir, I guess I don't have to tell you what happened! Every¬ body in the country just stamped and hooted and laughed till they wept. "Dullbrau better than Miller High Life, the Champagne of Beers?" they cried, stamping and hooting and laughing till they wept. "How droll! Why, no beer is better than Miller! In fact, no beer is re¬ motely as good us Miller!" Then everybody finished stamping and hooting and laughing till they wept and went back to drinking Miller High Life and every distinctively delicious drop. enjoying Dullbrau, of course, went out of business. Mr. Glebe, of course, got fired. His In stock in black quit school. sons, of course, had to crinkle, brown crinkle, and brown suede. Sizes 6 thru Today, alas, the once prosperous Glebe family is destitute 10, S, N, M and living in a macrobiotic- commune in the former Dullbrau cept for Seymour. Though out of brewery. Ex¬ college, Seymour remained in Cam¬ bridge and now works at a three-minute girl wash on Harvard Square. H c, lite brewers of Miller High Life and. the sponsors °v"^hcartjeU sympathy to the luckless Glebes. And to the rest of you, of this column Wranjjler® Jeans Meijer's Thrifty Acres, Lansing, Michigan and branches Yankee Dept. Stores, Lansing, Michigan and branches J.W. Knapp Co., Lansing, Michigan Citv Ramps With Purchase \hepards y HCp E S Since 1944 First choice of MSU students kegs delicious all waCllampagne °f Beer8-«» cans, bottles and EAST LANSING avant garde Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 25, 1971 11 SPORTS" CONSISTENT CAGER S' fencers er steady By JOHN VIGES at any spot tough foe State News Sports Writer position on the all - tournament team at the Lobo Invitational. But as conference play leading fencer, lived up to his got under way Paul Dean emerged as a At the start of the basketball season, when Gus Ganakas was competent guard and Miller was moved back to a forward reputation by defeating all three spot. strugglin8 to "n(* ^ve startin8 Payers, the only thing he was sure It isn't easy for a 6 - 2 player to play the forward position in of his Spartan opponents in that 0f, aside from Rudy Benjamin's position in the line • up, was that Big Ten basketball but Miller has filled the position well for the The MSU fencing team winds meet. Spartan foilists Ira pat Miller will have to be in the starting line - up someplace." Spartans. up its regular season schedule at Schwartz, Chris Held and Robin Ganakas was already realizing that his team would not be able It has been 12:30 p.m. Saturday in the Luce will again be charged with necessary for the competitive junior to make use of to rely solely on one individual player. If it was going to win the other assets besides Sports Arena of the Men's IM as stopping Simmons. height or brawn, and this is what Miller has victories would come flrom consistent playing. And Miller was one been concentrating upon this season. they face the University of State Sabremen Fred Royce of his most consistent players, Ganakas reasoned as he sought a "I have to hustle a lot to make Detroit and Chicago Circle in a and Harry Sorensen lead the up for the lack of physical position to play the Menominee junior. strengths," Miller said. "Sometimes my size can be an advantage tri - meet. team in wins thus far, with 24 - Consistency is what Miller has strived for all year and he has because I'm quicker than Although already assured of 11 and 23 - 15 records, my opponent. I can get the shot off een able to deliver it to the Spartans. Among the starters on the better and have more freedom to manuever on their first winning season in five respectively. Epeeist Paul the offensive club Miller is second in shooting percentage with 51 percent of boards. I think I like years, the Spartans naturally Herring is at 22 - 9 and Foilist playing forward better than guard because his shots finding the hoop and he is third on the team in scoring of these reasons. I'm more confident hope to improve their 8 - 5 Schwartz has a 21 -10 mark. playing forward." with an 11.7 average. Miller is also second on the team in Miller is MSU's specialist when the record. Two wins Saturday Spartans play a team that rebounds. Dur to his size, 6 - 2, Miller was slated to work at the uses a zone defense. A zone is made to order for Miller's shooting could top the 1966 record guard position, opposite Benjamin, but Ganakas did not rule out the possibility of returning Miller to forward where he had style. number of victories by one. But it Ashe kept Deadly accurate from any distance, the biggest problem for the won't be easy, and enjoyed a good sophomore season. For most of the pre • conference schedule, Miller played at the hustling forward is that he does not have a quick shot. His best shot is a set shot where he does not have a player close to him. Spartan Coach Charles Schmitter believes the contest will be a from play backcourt position and his position at that spot earned him a Miller is aware that he often "tough one," as both opponents passes up good shots because he have shown they have excellent CAPTOWN, SOUTH AFRICA does not have the time to set up, so he has been concentrating (UPI) — The South African lately on his jump shot and the driving squads this season. aspect of the game. government Wednesday night OSU tops Against Wisconsin he made use of both as he connected on jump shots from varied distances and drives into the middle for the - up or short jumper. lay - Chicago Circle, a branch of the University of Illinois, has a 7 2 record thus far. Last year barred American tennis player Arthur Ashe from next April's competing in National "Basically, I'm a set - up shooter and I think a player should do they defeated the Spartans 17 - Championships. what he does best," Miller explained, "but if I don't drive 10, and placed just one notch Ashe, enough a Negro playing out of but star i the opposition comes out on me to shut off the well. I think from now on I'll be a help to my whole game." outside shot as driving more because that will be below MSU in the NCAA meet, finishing in ninth place. U - D has a great 15 - 2 Gum Springs, refused a visa republic because of Va., was again to enter remarks the If he can keep up his record, which is no surprise since by shooting percentage while taking more him about South Africa which Ohio State moved into first shots it would also help the team. Miller thinks that he is not the they seem to come up with a first incurred the wrath of Michigan was dropped out of good team every year. Earlier type of player to take 20 shots a game and he stresses the authorities in 1970. place in the Big Ten basketball first place when Indiana beat the this season, the Titan fencers Tuesday night, but staying importance of knowing when to take a shot, but if he takes some The decision was expected to race Wolverines, 88-79, Tuesday more offensive initiative it defeated MSU, 16 - 11, even there may be difficult. night in Bloomington. George might take some of the pressure off cause a storm of protest against The Buckeyes defeated Iowa, McGinnis scored 33 points and Benjamin who often seems to feel he must carry the scoring load 'Patented shot after spotting the Spartans a 10 - South Africa, both in the United and it might also open 8 lead at one point. 80-71, Tuesday at Iowa City, grabbed 15 rebounds and Ed passing lanes to Bill Kilgore. Pat Miller launches one of his accurate jump shots over an States and in other countries Despite his lack of height, Miller is the second leading But U - D came back to win where anti - apartheid factions but played without star guard Downing had 28 points and 17 Iowa player during a recent game in Jenison Fieldhouse. rebounder on the the next six bouts, three each in Jim Cleamons, who suffered a rebounds to lead the squad, a fact which he attributes to a are well organized. - Hoosiers, Miller, especially adept at playing against a zone defense, foil and epee to win the meet. hairline fracture of the left wrist while Henry Wilmore "forgotten technique," that of screening his man away from the has been averaging almost 12 points a It will also provide fresh had 26 basket. game for MSU and he Schmitter attributed the MSU last weekend. If Cleamons plays ammunition to such as those in points for U-M. "I have to has made over 50 per cent of his shots. The Menominee loss to frequent mental mistakes anymore this year it would have rely a great deal on this," Miller emphasized. Australia opposing the 1971 - 72 The win moved IU to within a "Getting the rebounds is a matter of technique and it's something junior has played both guard and forward this year for the by state fencers. South African Rugby Team's to be with a cast on his left arm game of Michigan and a game - I work hard at." Spartans. state News photo Tyrone Simmons, the Titan's visit. and Cleamons shoots left ■ by Teri Franks and - a - half of Ohio State. handed. Despite the loss of Cleamons, In other the Buckeyes had little trouble Tuesday night Wisconsin league games FOR 9TH WIN GRAND OPENING upset against the Hawkeyes. OSU held Illinois, 88-84, at Madison and 10% off on Everything door prizes a commanding 45-28 lead at the Minnesota edged Northwestern, Thurs. 25th Fri. 26th half and coasted the rest of the 81-79, at Evanston. Tankers down Badgers To Improve Service To Our Customers We Have way. Here's how the Big Ten stands Moved to a Larger Location Sophomore standouts Allan with overall records in Hornyak and Luke Witte combined for 23 and 22 points, parenthesis: *210 Abbott Rd* respectively, to lead the The MSU swim team brought Jud Alward and Tom Cramer. second. Jim Rockwell had a Come In For Refreshments and Meet The Buckeyes. Dave Merchant Ohio State (15-5) its dual meet season to a Alward racked up 340.75 personal best of 23.53 in the 50 People of Our Store replaced Cleamons in the Michigan (14-5) successful close Tuesday night, points to take first on the three free, good for third, and also starting lineup and scored six Indiana (15-4) - placed third in the 100 free. Gifts From 50 Countries Purdue (13-6) downing Wisconsin, 78-45, in meter board, while Cramer Distance ace John Thuerer * Clothes * Candles * Wall Decor * points. Illinois (10-8) the IM pool. The win totaled 306.05 points to rule the Jewelry Ohio State meets Michigan brought suffered his second losses of the MSU (9-10) the Spartans' record to 9-3, and lowboard. It was the highest crossroads imports Saturday afternoon in Ann lo\ .(8-11) season in both the 500 and a (9-11) produced several season's best - total of the season for Cramer, .Arbor in a showdown battle performances by MSU who is still 1000, at the hands of with the conference lead at recovering from a leg Wisconsin's Rod Petersen. Both swimmers. injury. stake. races were extremely close, but The Spartans won seven of 11 Other winners for 351-6245 W the in each case Thuerer seemed to individual events, and ran away Spartans were Jeff Lanini in the Mon. - Sat. 10 - 9 Sunday 12 - 5 fade somewhat near the end. with both relays. IM, Mike Boyle in the Thuerer has been bothered by a MSU's most productive backstroke, and Larry O'Neill in virus for the past week, and may swimmer was again Ken the breaststroke. have been rather tired. CAMPUS Winfield. The sophomore All - American turned in a strong MSU also had several non winners who turned in career - performance in the 50 free for bests in their events. Pat Burke S.O.S. Days victory number one, and then swam the butterfly in a very SPORTS NEWS clocked a 1:54.97 in the 200 fly, the fourth best time recorded by respectable 2:01.71 for second Start Friday place, while teammate Tony a collegian this season. Bazant recorded a 2:06.17 in the at HIFI Buys MSU's Sailing Club will act as host to the 1st Also outstanding were divers individual medley, also taking Intercollegiate Ice Boat Regatta this Saturday and Sunday at Lake Lansing. Six collegiate boats and crew figure to be on hand for the two days of competition over a mile - long course. The event will be LIEBERMANN'S staged from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and from 9 a.m. to noon Sunday. Boats are entered from Ohio State, Toledo, Wisconsin - Perfect luggage for student travel Oskosh, Detroit, General Motors Institute of Flint and host MSU. All are members of the Midwest Collegiate Sailing Association which goes to ice boating activity during the winter months. MSU boasts the new doubles team in paddleball. national singles champion and runner Paddleball is a relatively new game played on a regulation handball court under rules and conditions similar to handball - up KNAP-PAK except that a larger ball and a paddle are used. The singles winner in the national tournament at Flint was MSU senior Steve Keeley, a veterinary medicine major. He beat a Michigan graduate student, Craig Finger, in the finals, 21-13, 21-20. MSU's veteran doubles team of Dr. Gale Mikles and Herb Olson, twice Michigan champions, lost to Finger and partner Paul Lawrence. The scores were 21-20, 16-21, 21-4. Mikles is a professor of health, physical education and recreation at State and Olson is assistant an professor in the deparment. MSU's Women's Basketball team will face Central Michigan at | P;m. Saturday Junior in the Women's IM, Gym 127. There will be a Varsity and a Varsity contest. The MSU Volley ball club will meet Ohio State's team in a The one book every couple should Jjwtch here Sports Arena. Friday. The match will begin at 8 p.m. in the IM read before marriage. Admission is free. Because of the Green Splash High School Clinic the time for It's sort of manual. It tells you the a on your campus or in our Chicago Saturday Swim in the Women's IM has been changed. The how to buy line diamonds for less. It's showrooms. There are no middle-man Swim, which is Co-Rec, will be from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the lower Most versatile piece of luggage ever. It folds to the 1971 edition of the Vanity Fair profits to drive up the price. a compact 19" carry - all that goes under an Diamond catalog. If you're thinking about engagement airliner seat. Or it expands to a 22" duffel with Vanity Fair has been selling the and wedding rings, you need Vanity straps to make it a knapsack. Made of sturdy finest diamonds to dealers across the Fair. Visit our showrooms at 55 E. canvas that's durable . . . and light. In beige country since 1921. Now these same Washington, Chicago. Or send for our with distinctive red trim. diamonds are available to you at the 36-page, full color catalog. We'll send JEANS-? $25°° same low prices (50% of retail). Our secret? We handle the whole process making a ring ourselves, from buying of it to you >5 E. free if you send us this coupon. Washington • Chicago, lllin the rough stone in Antwerp or Lon¬ don, to selling the finished ring to you EAST LANSING-209 E. Grand River DOWNTOWN-113 S. Washington OVmit^iciir ]2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Febm, STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Want Ads Are Ready To Go To Work state news For You . . Just Call 355-8255 classified . 355-8256 3558255 The State News does not permit racial discrimination or religious in- its Automotive MUSTANG 1970 Fastback. Yellow, frankly speaking .. by Phil Frank _For_Rent For Rent ForRei advertising columns. The wide tires, TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction radio, automatic. ONE MAN needed for 4 man. Own ONE State News will not Cheap. 332-6817. 3-2-26 guaranteed. Free delivery, service ROOMMATE March 7 Z and pick-up. Call room, furnished. Near campus. NEJAC, accept advertising which • AUTOMOTIVE Scooters & Cycles discriminates religion, race, color against or MUSTANG Automatic 1966, 2+2, 8 cylinder. transmission, dark 337-1300. C Parking. $65/month, utilities paid. 351 9369. 2-2 26 jSrApt- girl for green paint, black interior. Needs 2 ONE OR two girls for spacious, 4 man, pu^ Auto Parts & Service national origin. some body work, $745 as is. Apartments Aviation CURTIS FORD, 655-2133. 5-2-26 man, spring term. Pool. Call _ campus. Call 332 1664 393 8056. 2-2 26 414 SOUTH PINE. 1 bedroom GIRL TO sublet • EMPLOYMENT furnished apartment in older sprina *.7™ « NEW OPENING LANSING HHI.tt2.8Q, • FOR RENT Automotive FOREIGN CAR CENTER. IV home. All utilities paid by owner. Idaal for 2 people, $110 per FEMALE student ROOMMATE preferred. graduate Whitehall Call 361-024$^ Apartments or major repair, and complete Houses CHEVROLET 1968. Impala station body repair. 314 South Hosmer month plus deposit. No lease Manor. 351-4208. B3-3-1 TWOG'RLSneeded.o^ Rooms wagon. 9 passenger. Full power, Street. 489-9714. 5-3-2 required. Call 6 - 8 p.m. only, Mr. LOWER FLAT. 5-2-2(5 aPar,menl-CaH 332-V Alban 337-2510. 15-3-12 Okemos, 3 original owner. Call 351-5795. bedrooms. Furnished, parking. FOUR • FOR SALE GIRLS: 5-3-1 LEMANS, 1964 convertible, buckets, Available immediately. 351-6586. apartments Beau,i,;r; Animals 326, floor console automatic. PARK TRACE 5-3-3 on 20 acra CHEVY II 1970. $300. 353-4276. 2-2-25 THE SPACIOUS ONE. Now taking horses. Four miles J Mobile Homes Nova, V-8, campus. automatic. Rallye wheels, radio. applications for rentals. Offering $55 each 88, REDUCEDI $60. Girl. • PERSONAL $1995. Phone 677-1381. 3-3-1 LEMANS, 1967. 2 door 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments with University B-3-2-25 2 hardtop. Terrace, across from campus. • PEANUTS PERSONAL Full GTO options. all the extras. Families welcome. ECONOLINE, 1964 Van. Very clean. Extra clean. 351-6806.1-2-25 TWO MAN • REAL ESTATE 14" rims and tires. Rebuilt motor. 372-9558, after 9 p.m. 3-2-26 Okemos Road at East Mount Apartment, nearc^J $600. 372-2306. 3-3-1 Hope. 349-4030. 5-2-26 recently refurnished T" . RECREATION ONE MAN Meadowbrook Trace 332-2390, after 6 OLDSMOBILE 1< Cutlass p.m s 5.2.26" spring and summer term. Own • SERVICE CHEVY 1964 yellow Impala Supreme. Very low mileage, TWO BEDROOM rtment bedroom and bath. $60/month. TWO GIRLS Typing Service convertible, $550 or best offer. power brakes, power steering, h" cttft -inished. 393-8988 3-3-2 Hill. 485-5732 to sublet" ,t c™ • • TRANSPORTATION 353-2840. 5-2-26 automatic transmission, vinyl top, other extras. Excellent condition. 5-2-io YX-.I Trace. 882-0949. ONE MAN sublet for 2 girl NEEDED for ,^5^ ,0^^' man • WANTED 355-2757. 5-3-1 COMET 1964. 2-door. Runs great, apartment. Very near campus, $85 Own 3NE OR two girls for 4-man, Haslett room. Spring automatic, 6 cylinder, must sell. PLYMOUTH WAGON, 1962. $100 a month. Nights 489-1656 or DEADLINE Apartments, spring. $65. Barb. 351-2449.3-3-1 $200. Call 351-7368. 3-2-25 or best offer. 332-0987. 5-3-2 1 P.M. one class day 351-8139, after 6 351-2546, after 5:30 p.m. 5-3-2 before publication. CONVERTIBLE: 1968 Plymouth p.m. 1-2-25 'TRVM0TTO5NVcfaM Y(Kl£!' 3RADUATING SENIORS FOUR - MAN luxury apartment to ROOMMATE(S). bedroom. Grad (MENUo^ preferred H Cancellations - 12 noon Fury III; One PLYMOUTH 1968 GT 2 door must rent sublet. $57 / month / person. owner; 29,000; Riverside East 339-9468, 353-7229. 3-3-1 class hardtop. V-8 engine with 4 on the apartment. Call 487-0846. 3-2-26 one day before extras. 626-6585. 3-2-26 publication. floor. Nice white paint, dark green /afdoM Mac* a&p. evenings, 351-8076. 3-2-26 DESPERATE. GIRL needed CORVETTE 1968 red convertible, vinyl roof. Bucket seats with tape man, low price, own spring rwo GIRLS. New Cedar room A PHONE 300 hp, 4-speed. Make offer. stereo. Must be driven to Village. conditioned, swimming, 7 349-3148. 2-2-25 appreciate. $1195. CURTIS Spring term. No damage deposit. mim,- 355-8255 FORD, 655-2133. 5-2-26 332 1959. 3-2-26 SUBLET, SPRING term, two man, ^22 ,r°m campus 337-2C RATES ESTATE SALE. Chevy Impala, 1967. near campus, reduced rate. PONTIAC 1962 Catalina. Highest 351-9404. 3-2-26 ONE Iday $1.50 2 door. After 5 p.m., 482-8765. GIRL to sublet s bid. Call Rick, after 5 p.m. Cedar 15c per word per day 4-2-26 Scooters & Cycles Village. $55. "eiIw 3 days $4.00 351-7308.5-3-2 Employment ONE OR 2 girls. Spring. Haslett NEEDED: ONE girl spring term - Haslett Street. Reduced rent. FORD 1965 two door hardtop. New PONTIAC 13'/ic per word per day 1962. Good condition. HONDA 305 Superhawk. Just SALESMAN WANTED: Nationally Apartments. Very cheap. 351-1132.3-2-26 ONE GIRL to sublet battery, brakes, muffler. $350. 337-0207. 3-2-26 spring \m 5 days $6.50 known corporation Haslett 332-3170. 1-2-25 holding ONE GIRL for four man, near Apartments. 351-15* 13c per word per day interviews Monday evenings. Call DESIRE ROOMMATE over 25. 319 campus. Reduced to $50, Spring. for appointment, IV 5-4324. 3-3-1 (based on 10 words per ad) FORD 196? ell. Must sell PONTIAC CATALINA SUZUKI 250cc, X-6. Excellent East Hillsdale, Apartment 12. 1965 V-8. 351-6451.2-2-25 MEN: ROOMMATE (S) i $2C S0»-Vynn, 332-0851. Power steering, power brakes. condition, $400. 339-9407 or AMBITIOUS PERSON with 484-2237. 3-2-26 share Peanuts Personals must be 3-2-i 337-9960. 10-3-9 a sincere luxury apartment 355-9880, 6 - 8 p.m. 3-2-25 desire to earn $15,000 SUBLEASE 4 man now for spring pre-paid. annually. campus. Call 349-3530, 9 SPARROW HOSPITAL, Near. and summer. $65/month. No Mr. Dunn, phone 393-1007. 5-3-3 There will be a 50c service FORD FAIR LANE 1964. Good PONTIAC 1963 LeMans. 4 cylinder. 1967 IMPALA. Will trade or sell for Lovely, new, unfurnished, 1 deposit at Meadowbrook Trace. motorcycle. After 5 p.m. bedroom, carpeted. Air Call 353-0578. 3-2-26 WOMEN: ROOMMATE(S) and bookkeeping charge if GENERAL OFFICE WORK and needed- 482-8765.4-2-26 conditioned, heat furnished. $135. share this ad is not paid within typing. Must have present work - 482-8911.3-2-26 luxury apartment i TRIUMPH 1963 Spitfire, ith 1967 study approval. Immediate campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.i one week. i WE HAVE moved! ROLL ROSSER FORD XL, 1967. Automatic, $1195. engine. 17,000 mi - openings, call Mrs. Sue Wilson, ss. Call Motorcycle Insurance Specialist, LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom The State News will be Ford Fairlane, 1963, $100. Ski 351-8504. 3-2-25 Social Science MDP, 355-6676. - Phone 489-4811. Our apartment. 121 Beal. Available Doo new 3-2-25 536 ALBERT. Furnished. Girls or ONE BEDROOM responsible only for the snowmobile, $400. March. $195. 349-3604. 3-2-26 furnished, $140 address, 2400 North East Street, married Plus electric. Call before 5 first day's incorrect 694-8010, call 6 - 9 p.m. 5-3-2 TRIUMPH GT6+ 1970. 9600 miles. couple. $135 including pjn, Lansing. TF VJEED EXTRA utilities. Deposit. 351-6165. 351-9Q36. 5-3-3 insertion. Need money I $2750. MONEY, N. R. & D. MODERN SPACIOUS 2 bedroom Bruce, Corp. needs sales people, 4-2-26 HORNET 1970, 2 door sedan. 355 3832. 5-2-26 BMW, 1969, R60 US. Excellent fully carpeted apartment. G. E. ONE MAN Radio, 11,000 miles, 6 cylinder especially women. Call Perry, for condition. Phone 655-3055. appliances, air conditioner, SUBLET standard transmission. May be TRADE AUSTIN Healey 100-6. Plus 484-8574. 3-2-26 TWO man apartment, $57.50/month. 3-2-26 garbage disposal. In Haslett, only seen at 5900 Orchard Court or call spare Healey for parts. Interested spring term, close to campus. Apartments. Near minutes from campus. No pets. _ PART TIME employment: 12-2b Parking. 337-2785. 3-2-25 351-7177.3-3-1 Automotive 882-4787, after 5 p.m. 3-2-25 MG, (prefer TD, TF or "A" $140 and up. Phone 339-2490 for CAT MINIBIKE.New, $135. hours per week. Automobile after 3 p.m., 485-0815. 2-2-26 appointment. 5-3-2 ONE GIRL for 3 man spring term. ning variety of autos for SS 1964. Burgundy, silver required^351-5800. O Haslett Arms. $6& 75. 351-1536. sale, see today's Classified Ads. buckets - Best offer. After 4 MEDICAL GIRL call p.m. VOLKSWAGEN 1964. Good TRIUMPH 1968, 500 Trophy. Real .TECHNOLOGISTS.. NCEDED spring term. Old 3-8-H6l!'.«. r J .jalpn'c .b9noit'b"03 351-4374. 3-3-1 clean. Must "see to r—'I—V-— -a ASCP or eligible for expanding, Cedar Village. Reduced rates. condition, rebuilt engine. $500. ONE OR 2 men needed for C'; BMW 1800TI 1965. Rebuilt engin $650. 645-9541. 2-2-26 modern clinical laboratory. 351-8927. 10-3-1 JAVELIN, 1969. Excellent 351-7531.3-2-26 Excellent salary Village, spring term. 337-95r trans, brakes, perfect interio and increases. 5-3-3 condition. New polyglas tires, Paid vacations, insurance and 482-9968, 5 - 7 p.m. 5-3-1 VOLKSWAGEN 1967, red, ski rack, CEDAR VILLAGE. $55/month. 1 vinyl top. 353-9503 or 351-6349. good tires, good condition, Aviation holidays. Write or apply in girl, spring term. Phone 351-7583. ONE MAN to sublease, LANSING OR East Lansing. Om 3-3-1 spring term. CHEVROLET confidence. SPARROW 1-2-25 New Cedar Village. 351-6770. bedroom furnished. 1965 Bel Air, V-8 489-3482. 5-2-25 Large, airy! FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to HOSPITAL, Personnel automatic. Power steering and 3-2-25 rooms. Air conditioned.1 JEEP 1968 CJ5. V-6, canvas top, learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. Department. 5-2-26 brakes. Good tires, trouble free, VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Blue, AM-FM STUDIOUS GIRL for 4 man Beautifully maintained. Suitably $450 or best offer. 393-7432. radio. Radial tires. $1,000. Phone Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C ONE MAN needed for 4 for faculty, grad students,busii PART TIME, earn up to $50 - $75 apartment, two blocks from man. 2-2-26 355-6121.3-3-1 campus. Spring and or summer Meadowbrook Trace. Call people, married couples. Lea# per week. Car necessary. Call 393-6299. 3-2-25 terms. Call 351-2674 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 MUSTANG FASTBACK 1968. V-8. Auto Service & Parts 351-7319 for interview. C evenings. VOLVO SPORTS car, 1963 2-2-26 Full options. $1600. 353-4055 body, TWO OR three males to share 1968 engine, 699-2105, after plush 2 QUIET, STUDIOUS roor after 3 p.m. 3-2-25 5 MASON BOD/ SHOP, 812 East For Rent TWO BEDROOMS furnished. All bedroom. No lease. 351-8995 or needed for 2 p.m. X5-2-26 man, Milford Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. . . . utilities furnished except 372-9600, ext. 55, before March Apartments, close i Complete auto painting and REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for 1. 3-2-25 351-2207. 4-2-26 collision service. IV 5-0256. C electricity and telephone. Walking rent. A TO Z RENTALS, distance to campus. Four man 349-2220. 0-3-12 $66.25 Best AT MEL'S a person, three man Selling Imported wt $77.50 a person. HALSTEAD American c can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O MANAGEMENT. 351-7910. O GIRL SPRING. Luxury apartment. Employment TV RENTALS - Students only. Low Delta Arms. No deposit, $62.50. monthly 351-7900 and to term rates. reserve Call 351-7668. 3-3-1 ADD THI i DIMENSION* DENTAL ASSISTANT. Full yours. 4 door Sedan in U.S. time with orthodontic Downtown. Call482-9695 or part experience. days! UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C TO YOUR STEREO • 484-0702 eveninas. 3-2-26 LIVING ON or near campus year Quadphonic Sound bySANSUI SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: round? Tired of your old furniture Available only from Life guards 18 or just can't find a furnished years Assistant Manager, 20 years old, WSI. old, apartment? Let GLOBE ONE GIRL for The Stereo Shoppe WSI, coaching experience. Salaries INTERIOR RENTALS help you. spring term. At i Nejac of East Lansing based on Rent one room of furniture or a Riverside East Apartments. $55 qualifications. Send 543 E.Grand River Ph. 337-1300 houseful! Coordinate your own monthly. 332-1297. 5-3-3 resume to: Orchard and Valley Swim ensembles Next la Paramount Neu i I Racquet Club, Inc. 7085 or rent an entire suite. Beverly Crest Drive, Birmingham, Contact our Lansing SPARROW NEAR: Upstairs one Mt Michigan, 48010 or call Brent representative at 482-8226 bedroom, unfurnished, utilities Meyers, 626-2530. 1-2-25 anytime day or night or call our paid. Clean. Parking space. IV showroom collect at 313 - 5-2671, IV 4-4108. 1-2-25 MALE COLLEGE students. Good 682-0078 from 10 6 p.m., CROSSWORD - pay plus bonus. Part time Call Monday through Saturday for 351 3591. 12-3-12 further information. 5-2-26 PUZZLE 26. Fashion ACROSS 1. Dude 29. Profit 4. Boston's Don't Be Hassled!! nickname 7. Withers 30. Shack 31. Ignoble 32. Through 11. Sonnet 33. Gentle se* 12. Metal 34. Sturgeon Get Your Car Repaired AT 13. Nest of boxes 37. Indian corn TOYOTA Corona SEE KAMINS 14. Attention 15. Truck 16. Naught 39. Crazy: slang 40. Unique 17. Peace goddess 44. State: Fr. — 41. Colfee maker SOl'JTiON OF YESTERDAY'S PU«" TUNE UPS 19. Enjoyment 20. Facsimile 45. Artiticial 2. Harem room 3. Gemstone language OUR MONROE 22. Aviate 46. Petition 4. Shanty Now equipped wtih the beautifully engineered and $^95 6 or 8 24. Wild ox 47. Pedestal part 25. Spanish uncle 48. Statute DOWN 5. Monitor lizard 6. Service well-proven 108 hp overhead-cam Mark II PLUS NEEDED PARTS STEREO SHOCKS 1. Enemy 7. Lightheaded engine. 2 3 " b 6 ' 6 ALL WORK CHECKED DEPT. '13" PAIR " % 12 % 13 9 8. Arrow poison 9. Misjudges The New TOYOTA Corona INSTALLATION AVAILABLE % 10. Grime Comfort, More Luxury, More Performance, features More Room, More LIFETIME LARGEST % •5 i .6 18. Turmeric 20. Biped Better'Brakes, ''4 % " •e 19 21-Single in kind Better Gas Mileage and Better Looks than ever before. MUFFLERS IN 21 n % TT 23. Behold FROM CENTRAL 11 % K % it 2/ % 28 25. Uproar 26. Variety of app|e % jkm/ns 27. Enzyme 29 23. Private room Test-drive this practical FREE INSTALLATION MICHIGAN % 30 % 31 30. That man car at • 31 31. Charles Dickens %% 33 3b 36 37 % 32. Snapshot WHEELS TOYOTA INC. 36 KAMINS SgnaT automotive 39 HO "| %% Hi 33. Dowager 34. Vanished CHARGE specialists % % 35. Jot 2400 E. Michigan Ave. - Just West of Frandor S526 N. LARCH 1 >,'■ 46 ft ut 36. 38. 42. Cigarlish Egypt'311 s Furrow % % 43. By birth I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Febru Student BAB awnni s» ^ DIRECTORY urate 100 USED vacuum cleaner*. 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish Tanks, canisteri and uprights. Guaranteed and other live merchandise one full year. $7.88 and up. (finally, a roommate that doesn't DENNIS DISTRIBUTING talk back I) at DOCKTOR PET COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. CENTER, Meridian Mall, TERESE: MUCH HAPPINESS Opposite City Market. C-2-25 349-3950. 5-2-27 your 19th. The future WASHDAY SAVINGS It'sWhat's Happening must be has been extended to March 4. If bright and with your red hair it |s Space Is For Rent! 25c per load The best for lest SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. Brand new portables ST. BERNARDS, stud service and almost 1-2-25 has to be! PUKK ELLI submitted in person to 341 your GPA is 2.0 or better and you can serve through next winter, and BOB JONES PAINTS - $49.95, pups. 2 females, $75 each. AKC. Student Services Bldg. at least are interested in department relations SpecUl Texas Wwher 50c $5.00 'Call 355-8255. per month. Large selection 482-5887. 3-2-26 State News working with students, submit your WENDROW'S ECONOWASH of reconditioned used machines. APARTMENT 345, Marty, Denny: two days nomination to 301 Morrill HaU. 3006 Vine St. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New ST. BERNARD Thanks for inviting me to that (Sunday - Thursday) before NOW!! Home and "Many Others." $19.95 puppies. AKC 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., • blk. W. of Se«r« registered. Championship wild party. Penny. 1-2-25 publication. Entries may be The Sports Car Club will meet at or $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS 8:30 p.m. today in the Union background. Call 349-1271. inserted twice and must be DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 3-2-26 Captain's Room. A film on the 1970 [bead CRAFTS. BUD'S 1115 North Washington, submitted from a registered Indianapolis 500 and a driving lamp jOUPAGE SUPPLIES, AUTO PARTS COLLEGE TRAVEL 489-6448. C-2-25 Mobile Homes student organization. exhibition by K and W Engineering Co. will be featured. The 1970 [rt reproductions Late Model Motors and Plarts OFFICE Real Estate The Hotel, Restaurant and Sebring night is next week. Jcandle making supplies ~ a specialty. Halfway 130 West Grand River 1966 CHAMPION, 12'x46'. Newly The Wilson HaU Occasional Coffee Wfield's Incorporated between Holt and Mason on Blvd, carpeted, excellent condition. Call FIVE BEDROOM Tri-level, built-in : Advisory Committee H ""' " f " t Okemo.. 349-1940 n. Cedar. 694-2154. 351-6010 STEREO: GARRARD turntable. 655-3983. 3-2-26 stove and dishwasher. Two f i rep I aces, 154 baths, full Wilson Hall grill. Music and good Masterwork amp, speakers. $125. 1967 exchange, committee goals and the MARLETTE, 12x60, deluxe basement, two car garage, 4" well. Taylor Report will be considered. times are free. Refreshments are Call Bob, 339-8150. 3-2-25 model. Colonial interior, step-up Phone 349-0864. 3-2-26 available. lONTACT LENS LARRY'S FROZEN FOODS Explore the NEW and kitchen, with dishwasher. Porch, Consult the department office for location. T SERVICES SONY TC-110 rechargeable cassette skirting and utility shed. After OKEMOS SCHOOL DISTRICT. 3 SDS is sponsoring a teach - in on 655-2138 CHALLENGING career recorder, $60. imperialism at 1 p.m. Saturday in I d, m. dean, an *37 W. „ Grand River, Wllllamston opportunities with Remington, Typewriter, 4:30 p.m., call 393-3295. 5-3-2 bedroom frame ranch. 11/4 baths. the The deadline for nominations for next 109 Anthony Hall. Speakers from the US CHOICE BEEF portable, $35. Full finished basement. Oil heat. Dept. of History 210 Abbott Rd. halves. Beef and pork by quarters, THE LINCOLN 337-0905. 1-2-25 CLOSE TO campus, 1J4 bedroom Built-in countertop range and wall Undergraduate Advisory Committee Democratic Popular Front for the Suite #16 Lockers rented. Custom bu The GRAD PLAN house trailer for rent; recently liberation of Palestine, the Iranian 332-6563 meats. Company ROGER'S oven. Lots of storage. Large 1 car Students Assn. and the Progressive Call Mr. DRUMS with remodeled. 351-1938. 3-2-26 Metz, 351-8810 covers, garage. Handy to East Lansing, Labor party and others will be ■' Ziddgeon cymbals and accessories. Okemos, Mason. 332-0732. 10-3-9 Service present. No admission will be A beautiful set in FOR SALE. Skyline, 10x55 with excellent charged. All are welcome. condition, $450. 351-3197. 4-3-2 shed on lot. Call after 6 p.m., SUEDE and LEATHER e EYES EXAMINED ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith NORTON'S Cleaning and Refintshing e GLASSES 699-2436. 5-3-2 Recreation offset printing. Complete service Tired of Inflation? How does LEAR JET, 8 track car tape - player. $200/term for room and board grab jr Shell Station. Major e CONTACT LENS 1 Excellent condition. 351-3241. for dissertations, theses, you? Interested? Come to the including muffler and Okemos Lost & Found EUROPE, $209 STUDENTOURS, "smoker" at Elsworth House, a men's ■s DR. I.L. Collins, Optometrist 2-2-26 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. round oJ Work. Mechanic on Dry Cleaners trip jet to London, summer 21 years experience. 349-0850. C coop, at 711 W. Grand River Ave. '71. Call Eddie, 393-7520. 20-3-12 Friday at 8 p.m. Free refreshments. K aH state Road Service. 2155 Hamilton Road Co-Optical Services SONY TAPE deck. Nikkol 50 watt LOST: GOLD cuff link. Initial C. For rides and further information, E. Saginaw. 489-8010. Okemos 332-0611 5218 s. Logan. 393-4230 amplifier and tuner. Two speakers. Nat. Science vicinity. Reward. STUDENTOURS SUMMER: BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. call 332 - 3S74. Leaving country. 351-1658 355-5771. 2-2-26 No job too large or too small. London, $209. Spring Break: 2-2-26 Block off campus. 332-3255. C A discussion of the main action Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, $219; FOUND: MALE Tiger Cat, wearing proposals and workshop reports of Freeport, $189. Call Fred, the SMC National BAUTEL'S Conference and aqua collar. Vicinity Phillips. 355-2824. 14-3-12 l/t professional* Shouldn't You Be ways to implement them will be held Yarns — Supplies 355-4991. 1-2-25 jv> thesis at 8 p.m. today in 311 Student hooking, knitting, weavi Using This Space? SPRING BREAK. Acapulco $219. F jVa preparation Services Bldg. FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, odds crocheting and ends, very good condition. Personal Jamaica $219. Call Frank Buck, 351-8604. TF wTVTJ . IBM Typing The Festival of community and 2916 Turner CALL 355-8255! Mf/ • Multilith Printing Moving in mobile home. Call after ATTENTION Lifestyle Alternatives will hold a IV 5-9212 5 p.m., all day Saturday and SPRING Graduates. • narDDinoing Now is the time to order the car STUDENT TRAVEL, trips, charters. meeting at 3 p.m. today in the Sunday. 694-0019. X-3-3-1 of your choice. Be sure it Europe, Orient, around the world. Complete Professional Thesis Service (or Stefanoff Lounge, Student Services arrives on time. Checked out to Write S.T.O.P., 2150C Shattuck, Mister's and Doctoral Candidates. Free Bldg. All groups and individuals WESTING HOUSE COMBINATION your wishing to participate should attend. For Rent For Rent 12" TV, record player. AM-FM satisfaction. Special discounts. Berkeley, California, 94704 or see Brochure and Consultation. Please Call For Sale CURTIS FORD of Williamston, Travel Agent. 1-2-25 Clill and Paula Haughey 337 1 527 or 627-2938. "Christianity and Social Action" radio, alarm clock, timer, $100. MAN TO SHARE 3 bedroom home 332-1307 after 5 p.m. 4-2-26 655-2133. 5-2-26 will be the topic for the campus SCOTT MODEL 17 speakers. Fisher WORK OR with 2 others. 322 study in Europe this action meeting at 9 p.m. today in 39 Hayford Street. model 210 stereo receiver; TEAC Summer. Call Jan. 355-4348. TYPING. THESES and letters, etc. Union. Those going to Ann Arbor $60/month. Phone 627-6081 MUST SELL fur coat. Medium. Worn model A4010-S stereo tape deck, Spring Break in 3-3-1 Rapid, accurate service. Friday should notify Keetsie, 58678, I BEDROOM furnished mobile 5-3-3 used 8 track tapes, 8 track home once. Great condition. $40. ACAPULCO Experienced. 393-4075. 20-3-12 or Marty, 375 59. > units. Lakeview lots. 337-2450. 3-2-25 tape decks and auto tape players. 8 Days YES, THERE are a few seats left on jO week. No lease. 15 minutes TWO BEDROOM Duplex. $135. TV sets - used color console TV. Union Board's Nassau Trip, March Antonio Oredain will speak at 3 im campus. 641-6601. 0-3-3 Couples only. Call 351-9209, after AM-FM and police band radios, KNEISSL WHITE star skis with $199.00 19-26. $189. Call 353-9777. T ransportation p.m. today in Union Parlor B. He is 5 p.m. 3-3-1 secretary - treasurer of United Farm Italian tapestries. SNOW ski sale: marker rotomat bindings. $125. plus gratuities B-8-3-8 Workers Organizing Committee. TWO bedroom apartment 355-1531. X-3-2-26 VJ off on skis and equipment. or There will be a donation. 50 cents. , Completely remodeled, Swap and save. Wl LCOX NEEDED: RIDE TO Boston nston area. 655-3833. Rooms SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East REALISTIC COMPONENT set, JAMAICA Service (Arlington area if possible), over Attention all students intere ted in Michigan, 485-4391, 8 - 5:30 $135. Perfect condition. Call after hotel, restaurant and institi ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. 5 p.m., 485-0815. 2-2-26 $208.00 LIMOUSINE SERVICE to Detroit Spring break, will share expenses. a p.m., Monday thru Saturday. C Call 353-3650 before 9 a.m. or (HRI) management major and all Houses Completely furnished. 372-8077 plus gratuities Metro Airport. $11/person. Call after 10 p.m. HRI majors: The American Hotel and S-3-3 before 4 p.m. C 882-0722. X-3-3-1 Motel Assn. will speak and discuss HEATHKIT 27 compact, 30 watt PORTABLE, HOME draft beer Call Stan Feldman 393-6575 the HRI field and its career stereo amp tuner, BSR turntable. dispenser with refrigerator, cooler. or Erin Elto 351-3611 FOR GLAD tidings look for opportunities and salary benefits at 8 GIRLS. SINGLES. Close, qui^ ^gjj^ $130. Heath AS 16 speakers, $80. Call 484-3762. 3-2-25 something you've lost with a Want p.m. today at the Eppley Center private entrance. 1 available now Both excellent condition, less . Ad. Dial 355-8255 Teak Room. All are welcome. year 332-0939. 5-3-3 old. Must sell. Bill, CLOTHE YOURSELF! Loom, | GIRL needed to sublet in after 5 p.m. 3-3-1 351-8118, FREE ... A lesson in complexion The McLaine Film Group makes ise, spring or spring and textbook, complete supplies. r terms. 2 blocks from IN OKEMOS — rooms for women. Leaving town. Bargain. 351-7308. care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan Campus Typewriter Service Wanted its debut Friday night. See the State KLH STEREO Receiver. Model 3-2-25 or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. across from Union News movie section for details. js. Reasonable. Call Cooking privileges, parking, air - 27, MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS 90 Louis E. May Sr. ED 2-0877 1-2528. 3-2-26 conditioned. Singles, $10 and $13, watts. Garrard Lab 80 STUDIOS. C-2-25 The Dept. of History is sponsoring double $18. Call 3 49-0354 turntable. Lincoln Peerless stereo CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE: a film, "The Golden Twenties" at Sofa, two chairs, cocktail table, all positive, A negative, B negative afternoons and evenings; mornings speakers. All for $300. Monolux PAINTING INTERIOR Custom 7:30 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. March 2 in EE GIRLS, spring. No lease, APPLICATION PHOTOS - and AB 349-0264. 4-2-26 telescope 55x255x60 with 2x two end tables. Everything very work at negative, $10.00. 0 108B Wells Hall. Admission is free reasonable prices. Grad paid. 351-9322, after good condition. $225. Phone PASSPORTS negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN and all students are welcome. The 3 p.m. 3-2-26 balow. No. 35. Norelco cassette students, references. 372-8158. C 882-1158. 3-2-25 Call 332-8889 COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, film is a documentary and features MEN. SHARE room. $130 a term. tape "recorder with leather case, 507V4 East Grand River, East significant social and political events: Clean, quiet, cooking. 1 block to microphone and adaptor, $50. VAN DYKE STUDIO TV, RADIO and Appliance Service. Lansing. Above the i.e., barnstorming, Rudolph campus. 487-5753, 485-8836. O Baby's deluxe carbed,$8; jumping SANSUI 1000X, PE turntable. Allied 209 Abbott Road Reasonable rates. Phone E. new Campus speakers. New, $530; 4 months Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 Valentino, Prohibition, strikes, exercisor, $4, automatic musical (next to the State Theater) Harvey, ED 2-2425. 20-3-5 Chaplin, etc. swing, $8. 355-0905. 3-3-1 old. Will sacrifice. 355-6410. p.m., Monday, Thursday and WALK TO CAMPUS. Female. 3-2-25 ABRAHAM'S INTERIOR painting. Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 The MSU Sailing Club will host the BE - OWN room. Now / spring. Student rental. Utilities paid. p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C WEDDING GOWNS, sizes 6/8, SPRAYS, TONICS, combs, shampoo, Good work at very reasonable first Intercollegiate Iceboat Regatta blocks campus. $55. 489-1893. X-3-1 AMPEX 7" reel to reel tape recorder. brushes cost. References. 355-9344. 8-3-5 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, at 10/12. $55 each. 355-5962. and dryers. UNION §1-9421.2-2-25 3-2-26 Built in echo, sound on sound. BUILDING BARBER SHOP. NEED APARTMENT for summer, the club's site on Lake Lansing, 351-6793. 3-2-25 cheap. Call Irene evenings, weather petmitting. For details and ities GIRLS spring term. All WIRE FRAMES? Many styles, white C-2-24 Typing Service 355-8563. 5-3-1 time and place of the Saturday night (including phone) paid. GIBSON SG standard and Fender party, contact Nancy at 351 - 7970 or yellow gold at OPTICAL BRIDGE CLASSES: Starting March TYPING IBM Charlie at 353 |1-8182. 5-2-26 For Sale DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan precision base guitars, 8th. Bettie Brickner. Certified — Selectric. Fast WATER BED distributors wanted. or - 7430. night registration will be at Apt. 442, Friday's accurate service. Thesis, term Write to 1306 Granger, Ann Avenue. 372-7409. C-2-26 Gemeinhardt flute, E.V. instructor. 349-4247. 3-2-25 papers. 484-2661. 0-3-2-26 1024 Waters Edge St. I MAN wanted to share Musicaster Arbor, Michigan call 313 speakers, Bozen PA or - ■penses. Call 371-2695, after 6 Ti. 5-2-25 RUG: 12'x15' rust tweed with pad, WASHING MACHINE, spinner type, amp, many Shure microphones. GETTING IN TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. _ 769-8163.5-2-26 Clifton Deberry, black presidential excellent condition, spotless, $65. 484-3560. 5-3-1 your hair is our candidate in 1964 for the Socialist 100% wool. Good condition. Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann I AM a young man who has my own Also good trailer hitch, $12. business. UNION BUILDING Workers party, will speak at 11:30 355-5361, Tom. X-3-3-1 Lance, 626-6542. 0-3-12 business and I'm doing very well. r SIDE. BARBER SHOP. C-2-25 a.m. today in 109 Anthony Hall. Newly remodeled, Phone 351-5543 mornings and And most of my job is helping Deberry was a personal friend of I'nished strict 3 bedroom home. ENGLISH BICYCLE 3-speed, $25. evenings. S-TF Animals INTEREST RATES just went down COMPLETE TYPING and printing people help themselves. I need Malcolm X and is author of "Black landlord wants service. Copy stored on magnetic Two connectabie bunk beds and again Mr. Investor. Why not $3,000 to expand my business to Nationalism and Socialism." Pons conservative tenants. TYPEWRITER, UNDERWOOD FIVE, TWO week old shrews. Free to tape. This eliminates all re-typing $200. mattresses, $20. All sxcellent 11-3969. purchase this lot in Haslett and except author's changes and meet my needs. If you would like 0 portable, $24.95. Used furniture good homes only. 353-3413. condition, after 2 p.m. 351-4214. 1-2-25 build a duplex on it? For more corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT to invest $200 or more and by of all kinds. ABC SECONDHAND X-2-2-26 information, call MAYNARD MAIL ADVERTISING, across May 31st, 1971 be paid back plus [NISHED'<■ to THREE bedroom, 1 STORE, 1208 Turner. C BEERY, 351-5210 or SIMON from Frandor. Phone 485-1238. 10% interest, please call Dave at More It'sWhat's campus. 4-6 students, TELEFUNKEN STEREO ALASKAN MALMUTE puppies. The REAL ESTATE, Okemos Branch, C. 351-6444 Happening tape between 5 - 8 p.m. 'king, utilities paid, deposit. TYPEWRITERS. IBM office finest breed, the most devoted on back page recorder looks and records 349-3310. 5-2-26 NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE 2-2-25 •2-5144. 5-3-1 - electrics. One like new, standard, companion. Ready now from professionally, with many features COPY SHOPPE can show you $250. One used, but good, $100. 669-3423. 5-3-3 and accessories. Call 353-4114. OWNERS OF German Shepherd how to get two Xerox copies for |AN, QUIET, executive, $250. Call 351-5510, 9 found in University Village the price of one. Phone 332-4222. liberal female grad X-1-2-25 5 p.m. 5-2-25 CINE<®> - pdent. Begin April. Own room. JS 337-0011, 351-7 307 . 3-3-1 EPIPHONE GUITARS SPECIAL. See MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, all- COLLIE AKC, Male. 8 months. All shots. $40. 353-9174, 355-6090. Tuesday would like to finder. 372-8842. 3-2-26 reward __C COMPLETE SERIES THESES service. Rick for best deal at MARSHALL brands. 30% off list price. Rich: 3-3-1 Discount printing. IBM typing and ■EE BEDROOM Duplex, North MUSIC. C-2-25 RE-GRAND Opening Sale 351 -5869. C binding of theses, resumes, lbb0,t Road. Stove and Science Fiction publications. Across from campus, "Exciting beyond words." - NY Times ator. Immediate LEAR JET component system. FENDER ELECTRIC 12. Excellent GERMAN SHEPHERD pup. 8 weeks Comic Books corner MAC and Grand River, turntable, Curious Book Shop, 541 ppaticy, I before $200 plus utilities. Receiver, 8 tract, n $400 new, $125 or best old- Purebred. Black. Wormed and housebroken. E. Grand below Style Shop. Call 5 p.m., 351-9036. speakers. 11 months old. $190. offer. 332-6701, after 4 p.nr $35. Harrison at River, downstairs. Open 1 - 5:30 COPYGRAPH SERVICES, JL John, 393-8522. S-3-3 332-3574. 2-2-26 p.m. 5-3-2 ISMS'I ill 3-2-25 337-1666. C |YCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units, VW Trade-Ins spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and BRHBLBLMHF e d with distinctive has a dishwasher, Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each garbage disposal and individual control - ON THE TRAIL! Come In All Sizes Jtfal ■king air conditioning. These four man units have up to spaces per unit. The student's leisure time has been 3 NO - WE WON'T HUNT Mil ^quately I'eation planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, YOU DOWN WITH A GUN (needs paint) rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among $395. 7 first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. Their 2 '68 Fiat "850" Sport Coupe r0om units start at $65/month per man. HOWEVER - 13,000 mi., radio, heater, whitewalls $895. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY '68 VW Sedan red finish, radio, FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: low mileage, automatic MEL MARSHA CHANEL 372-2797 or 332-6441 Student Ads must be paid by noon, Friday, February 26th, and stick shift, excellent tires prepaid from Monday, March 1st; or you go on the HOLD list. This $1395 means no registration, no diploma, no transcripts, no nothing, until '69 Montego MX station wagon SIX, NINE and TWELVE MONTH LEASES paid. 302 V-8 engine, AVAILABLE. luggage rack, radio, whitewalls $1595 So, hurry and '68 Chevelle SS 396 up! 'tupctungliam pay white with black vinyl roof, Room 345 automatic, radio, power steering and brakes Student Services $1595 4620 S. Hagadorn Building just north of Mt. Hope Rd. Glenn Herriman MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY Volkswagen, Inc. Alto Management Company MICHIGAN STATE NEWS 6135 W. Saginaw St. TONIGHT AT BRODY HALL Shown at 7:30 Only! $1.00 - ID's Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 2^. Depts. forced to cut nonmajors admission (continued from page one) growing number of cases where students' programs are interfered been required to emphasize this Cantlon said departments will individual during the period of rapid probably have to limit that's generally impossible," he basis, but financially percentage are admitted by it eliminated altogether." U-T System Rupley, who has supported with due to their inability to get random selection or open A system of mixed admissions Board of growth, since there was no need enrollment of both groups said. admissions. Under the U-T ni0 maximum student choice in required or highly desirable similar to the one Cantlon spoke for reminders then," he noted. (majors and cent of all course selection in several courses," Provost John E. With resources no longer produce graduates with nonmajors) to Cantlon said the University "Screening is an essential of (although it is applicable to lower division new f^l40 tranVf!.^ subcommittee meetings of the Cantlon said. training and the departments may need a process," he said. "On the other initial entry to the University, available to cope with expanded that does not have serious mixed admissions Admission Commission, said "All departments have a dual policy in hand, any arbitrary line is just not to admission to courses in any department which enrollment stresses, however, deficiencies. Students should not which the responsibility to provide enrollments must be curtailed, have majority major gaps in their admitted are chosen on the basis of students that - an arbitrary line. I'd like to see some flexibility restored division programs) was approved upper chosen bv a „„37, r»nrf„ 2 *"8 are applicable to all or many essential instruction for students Dec. 4 for the University of Cantlon said. majors should be staffed well from other colleges and education simply because the of "We'll have to remind the University could not staff the ability while a certain fixed to that line, but I wouldn't want Texas (U-T) at Austin by the process. The chosen bv remain™*" enough to meet the demand. departments as well as from departments that "We're very aware of the their own. We probably haven't curtailing necessary courses, he said. standard melhaj enrollment doesn't mean "We want to f- ifs WHAT'S 1 servicing their own majors to the individual's needs central," he keep the DEFENSE RESTS exclusion of nonmajors," he said. "During the current money said. constraints, we're fighting to Cantlon said this was being preserve the maximum Saturday in Wonders Kiva for "Sing done largely through persuasion and "showing the departments that it's a disservice to the entire University to create these kinds of fences." flexibility for students tempered by "A prudent administration of public funds and the interests of a wise education." degree must have somi Calley testifies (continued from page one) means i was supplied with were Q. What did on you tell him? killings Out" magazine. A cross - section of every type of folk music will be and Saturday in Erickson KJva. All tickets are $1.50 and are on sale at the Union, Marshall Musk, Lums and "After all," he said, "if a focus or emphasis," he said . folllna thom thmt hand grenades. Shortly after the helicopter a. i told him he would have to make that decision. A A. wihafj? rteiihira? I told him then> , student can't get the courses he "There should never be total people shot featured. State Discount. needs from another department, freedom to just take any random X incident, Calley said he received Q. Did you tell him which of over tllere j This week on "Gamut" the SDS is sponsoring a demonstration his own department will selection of courses and call that mnin^thi running the show, but I L.n'm m tte the a cease ' fire °rder 5" wh,ch toid him that j,e was "In Vour men had involved ,at? People shot through the village. methodology of both the traditional to protest the presence of Air Force, eventually have to create a an education. Some guidance shooting into the ditch? Q- Did you tell him and contemporary approaches to a A. , a position to hold up fire." a. It wasn't a real big deal, religion are contrasted. The program Navy and Marine recruiters at 1 p.m. parallel course. We don't want to must be worked out by the No, sir. This contrasted with earlier no circumstances in whjch , Monday in the Placement Bureau. end up with an 'Engineering student and his counselor." , sir. were shot? 1 involves a drama in which a traditional black minister in a small Student Services Building. There will English' situation." Cantlon pointed out that iiSv^Ln^it t!f Medina Inl Prosecution testimony that q. You told Capt. Medina No sir, why should p church - speaking about a black be a rally demanding U.S. withdrawal from Indochina. The exact relationship of enrollment controls and major airfUofX^nUin Medina had radioed "the party's that you rounded these people . youth who has "become so scientific minded" that he can't believe in God Film classics and a cartoon festival nonmajors to majors enrolled in restrictions do have arguments in aid Xlthln, to