MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Volume 63 Number 137 STATE fATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 26, 1971 Nixon's world report sees hard choices' in Indochina WASHINGTON (AP) President Nixon — spread of fighting outside Vietnam and withdrawal of all outside forces" but U.S. equally determined to avoid is warned Thursday that some hard choices spoke of enemy troops massed in troops will remain in South Vietnam as underinvolvement. lie ahead in Indochina and that heavy U.S. neighboring Laos and Cambodia. long as North Vietnam holds U.S. war "After a long and unpopular war, there help may be needed for operations in Laos Enemy intentions "will cause some hard is temptation to turn inward, to withdraw and Cambodia. But he said, "In Southeast choices about the deployments of allied Overall, Nixon defended his doctrine of from the war, to back away from our Asia today, aggression is failing." troops as we pursue our own withdrawals," reducing U.S. activities abroad but said this commitments. That deceptively smooth In a lengthy "State of the World" his report said. report should not go too far. road of the new isolationism is to Congress and in a nationwide radio "North Vietnamese surely the actions could "We have learned in recent years the road to war." broadcast, Nixon blamed Hanoi for the require high levels of American assistance dangers of over - involvement," he said. and air operations in order to further "The other danger (please turn to the back page) — a grave risk we are Vietnamization and our withdrawals." While repledging a U.S. withdrawal 130 firemen policy and continued efforts for a negotiated peace Nixon added: Administrators weigh "If winding down the war is my greatest satisfaction in foreign policy, the failure to fail to contain end it is my deepest disappointment." At the Paris peace talks the North Vietnamese promptly disputed Nixon's church blaze thesis. Hanoi's chief negotiator, Xuan Thuy, said it is "contrary to the truth" that his country widened the conflict. "It is Nixon who has broadened the campus By DIANE PETRYK housing plan reconsider must be made by one who voted war," the North Vietnamese envoy said. State News Staff Writer with the prevailing side. About 130 firemen continued to pump In his broadcast, Nixon tended toward "Hence a request for reconsideration water onto a blaze late Thursday which an optimistic assessment Trustee Patricia Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor, could only come from someone who last raged despite some of through the Plymouth the problems detailed in the 180-page said Thursday the six trustee - approved week voted in support of the guidelines. Congregational Church, 213 W. Allegan St., document he and White House aides guidelines for a campuswide housing plan "I doubt that would occur, and I Lansing, directly south of the Capitol. which include the option for and Sources said the 96 prepared for Congress. men sincerely hope that it will not; to have set • year - old church "In Southeast Asia women living in alternating rooms cannot the housing committee back to the burned to the ground. today," he said, drawing be challenged because one trustee was board for the expensive efforts involved in The firemen were treated in area "aggression is failing — thanks to the determination of the South Vietnamese absent during the voting. developing a specific campuswide plan, and hospitals for smoke inhalation and burns "And, by the same token," Mrs. then to reverse the action which sustained in the blaze. Five reportedly were people and to the courage and sacrifice of still hospitalized late Thursday afternoon. America's fighting men." Carrigan said, "no specific plan can be established guidelines for that plan, would He said "our eventual goal is a total defeated on the grounds that it contains an seem to me a serious breech of Sources said they did not know how the good faith alternate room provision or a no opposite on the part of the trustees," she said. blaze began. It apparently burned for sex visitors provision or any other Mrs. Carrigan added that the University several hours before it was discovered. Firemen called to the scene about 12:40 Great Issues provision that is included in the approved guidelines." of Michigan Board of Regents voted last Friday to increase their alternate room p.m. were unable to locate the flames An assistant to President Wharton said coed housing. Former Greek government official which were smoldering among room Andreas Papandreou will speak at 2 p.m. Thursday, that regardless of the guideline She said they currently have two partitions in the church basement. approval, the plan can be voted down if residence halls with 148 rooms set up on A person in the church reported the today in the Auditorium as part of the four trustees vote against it. this basis. Great Issues series. He said President Wharton has requested The new regents ruling provides for two (please turn to page 15) Admission is 50 cents. an opinion from University Attorney more residence halls, increasing the total Leland Carr as to whether the housing coed option to a total of 330 rooms, she option question must return to the board. said. CAMPUS POLL The guidelines, approved 4-3 last Friday, stipulate that students participating in the coed housing option where men and women would be allowed to live in U' voters denounce alternating floor of a rooms or suites on the same residence hall must be 21 or have parental permission. No freshmen would be allowed to choose this option. U.S. invasion of Laos Mrs. Carrigan said she feels a specific plan could be defeated on the grounds that it assigns too many rooms to one opt ion or too few to another, but that should be an The question, "Do you think editorials administrative decision. in the State News generally reflect the "I am confident that the housing views of the student body?", brought a committee charged with developing the Almost 72 per cent of the MSU total of 55.5 per cent negative responses. plan will take into account relevant data students, faculty and staff who voted in Undergraduate student respondents from the housing preference survey and the first campuswide opinion poll said they rejected this idea by 52.3 per cent. other sources in putting together an believe the Laotian invasion is not justified Almost 54 per cent of the graduate optimum plan in terms of student as a means of facilitating U.S. troop students said they did not think editorials preference, parental concern and the withdrawals from Indochina, Robert in the State News reflected general student University's need to fill its dormitories," Perrin, vice president for University opinion. Other negative responses to this she said. relations, announced Thursday. question were: faculty, 71.4 per cent; "The board could, of course, revoke the On the question, "Should students be administrative professional, 65.5; clerical • guidelines it has approved. However, permitted to participate in determining technical, 58.6; and labor payroll, 48.9. according to Robert's Rules of Order, faculty tenure policy and decisions?", 58.5 (please turn to the back page) which the board follows, a motion to per cent of the poll respondents said "yes." Altogether, 7,630 ballots were cast during the eight hours the polls were open Tuesday and Wednesday, representing nearly 17 per cent of the approximately 44,300 eligible voters, Perrin said. He said responses, broken down according to End sought the voter's category on campus (such as student, faculty or staff), produced a number of interesting facts. For example, Perrin pointed out, 72.7 per cent of the undergraduate students restricting s voting said they believed students should WASHINGTON there's a good list and a bad list, and any (AP) - The White participate in determining faculty tenure House is quietly seeking to eliminate legal student who gets on the bad list, the policy and decisions, while faculty and restrictions which bar persons convicted of computer says 'bingo' and he doesn't get administration voters disapproved this idea campus disruption from receiving federal anything," said a White House aide. "But by 70.7 per cent. student loans and loan guarantees. there's no list." In indicating whether they believed The administration calls the restriction The chief congressional advocate of the there had been improvement in an administrative nightmare. "It assumes restriction said, however, that he'll fight to Study break Fire levels church information channels on campus, 51.7 of the undergraduates replied in the negative. keep it in new appropriations bills. Rep. Neal Smith, D-Iowa, also said he This student takes advantage ot the warmer temperatures and ■ I ^'ynoutii Congregational Church in Lansing burned to the ground late However, graduate students, faculty and Aid deadline plans to quiz officials from the Dept. of sunnier days by stretching out on Thursday afternoon. The 95 year old church was located directly - - administration, administrative Health, Education and Welfare at a cement bench to bask in the 1 south of the professional, clerical - technical and labor The deadline for summer term financial appropriations hearings next month on Capitol. Sources had noi determined how the blaze begun. aid how well they're enforcing the restriction, sun. payroll participants responded in the applications, including work - study, is J 'en firemen, of 130 called to the scene, were injured. affirmative. Monday. State News photo by Jeff Wilner State News photos by Doug Bauman and Michael Madura (please turn to page 15) Panel By JOHN BORGER State News Staff Writer may ease admissions troubles students and are duplicated elsewhere in the state with the view toward their possible elimination." Once the decision to eliminate of instructional models, more patterns of credit • contact arrangements and less rigid requirements as to time permitted to has been made, no new students would be admitted to the complete course and program requirements. I Decisions of the Presidential Commission on Admissions and program. The program's personnel would be reassigned "if at all • "The University should allow each student considerable I "dm possible." choice as to his major area of study. However, due to resource Body Composition may soon help ease, or at e • "Some constraints and controls must be applied to our totalize, I ision undergraduate problems of admissions to ip undergraduate program if we are to maintain and continue our allocation, certain areas may need to have temporary enrollment limitations." programs. ■ The commission should pursuit of excellence Unlimited expansion in the number of • "Detailed records should be kept on the applicants to various begin discussion ol the . . . soon Last in a series programs offered must eventually lead to the deterioration of I'undergraduate education" - of which student choice of major received the support of a large majority of the commission Dec. programs so that long - range planning and resource allocations quality in all programs. can be made to adjust the spaces available in | . adni'ssion to upper - division programs is a pari. 4: • "As our student body becomes more heterogeneous, we programs according IllVs, dllficult but to predict exactly what course the comm ssion some indication of the commission's feeling • "In order to conserve resources, the University should should not ignore the need for more fiexilibity in the choices to the demand for them and in view of other needs." y • establish a procedure for review of programs which serve very few open to students. The flexibility would include a greater variety (please turn to page 15) | d by the following recommendations, all <> 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February |^| news Defense implies FT; BENNING, Ga. - (AP) - An Army psychiatrist described conditioning On cross • examination, chief defense lawyer George Latimer Edwards added that he believed a summary Lt. William L. Calley Jr. Thursday as free of any mental said: human bein„ conditioned but that he did not impairment at My Lai three years ago. But the defense tossed a "I ask you, major, if you believe you can pathologically section of the mind without accept "the conrm COul(i bJ new idea at a court - martial jury — that the defendant's combat condition the mind along a certain channel I'll say a channel to affecting other areas " n,n8 °f Edwards began his testimony by training might have left him involuntarily "conditioned to kill." kill — and leave generally untouched other areas of thinking?" telling Daniel "In my opinion, on March 16, "Did you find anything to indicate any impairmant of Lt. Asked to rephrase the question, Latimer then based it on an 1968, Lt. Callev w«f Calley's thought processes on 16 March, 1968?" asked the any mental disease, defect or derangement. I could fi!^trc individual and his specific training and experience. ♦a in<4Uafa ¥r\ to indicate to me thai mo that hohe was urae 'Hu suffering from a"y form of[]{ f prosecutor, Capt. Aubrey Daniel, referring to the date on which "1 would not say that," replied Edwards, a slender, soft - illness or mental impairment." time Calley is charged with premeditated murder of 102 unarmed spoken mental expert. Vietnamese civilians. Q. Did you find any indication he was Latimer brought up the Pavlovian experiments in which disassociate "The board of trustees have "No, I did not," replied the prosecution witness. Maj. conditioned to react in an automatic way to certain stimuli. dogs with reality? "Moated In^ Henry E. were A. No, I did not. approved guidelines for a Edwards, one of three government psychiatrists who examined Edwards said he hadn't read Pavlov but added: "I don't know Defense the 27 old defendant at Walter Reed Hospital psychiatrists testified they found campuswide housing plan which - year - a few weeks that he ever made any comment that a person can be conditioned processes impaired by the stresses and Callev' ■ includes the alternate room ago and pronounced him "perfectly normal." to kill." extent that he could not have strains or comh!. ?ei"" premeditated murder 4 pattern as one option. This action Q. Did Lt. Calley In your opinion, at the time of tu cannot be challenged because of offense, have the mental capacity to premeditate? 8 the absence of one trustee. A BY 'U' GROUPS A In my opinion he did. In impairment of his thought processes on that date my opinion there » motion to reconsider must be Th parformed, he was responding to cues and stimuli made by one who voted with the As for whether combat stresses aroundhi^ ^ or strains could have Bargaining prevailing side." on a person's mental processes, Edwards said an Trustee Patricia Carrigan, certainly can I've treated "I think"15** po people who I D-Ann Arbor Edwards agreed that the responsibility of command in combat imposed on an officer "an added leadership By STEVE WATERBURY affiliate of the Michigan organization secures the Edwards testified he had observed str^"18' Textile agreement reached State News Staff Writer Education Assn. (MEA), is the signatures of 30 per cent of the incompetent and mediocre while earlier in the week. He was asked if Calley on the Calley's performance witnesL holding down the pay of the afrit MSU organizations interested campus group to begin the faculty, another organization creative and innovative." his basic opinion as to the defendant's mental stability The leaders of Japan's textile industry have reached in becoming the collective circulatlon of collective could secure a position on the The statenwit also raises the "It didn't change my basic opinion," Edwards replied "1 agreement to draft a proposal to voluntarily limit bargaining agent for MSU bargaining cards. ballot securing signatures from possibility that after faculty if anything it strengthened my opinion. He appeared tiTD exports of all varieties of textiles to the United States, a faculty are accelerating their The Msu chapter of the 1° Per cent of the faculty who members adopt unionization, operating under stress in the courtroom and he seemed to activity on campus. American Assn. of University ^d previously signed the cards "the students may follow and hud spokesman for the Chemical Fiber Assn. said Thursday Matthew Medlck, chairman of Professors, a third campus of the first organization. Q. Do you equate stresses and strains of in Tokyo. MSU Faculty for Collective organization which is At the request of the Elected form of us a union to make demands and the administration." stresses and strains of front line sitting there with troops? Do you equate thol J til Drafting will take place next week, he said. The Negotiations (FCN), said considering seeking the status of Faculty Council, the steering Ramsey said the equal? * faculty A. No, I do not equate ihem as proposal will contain essentially the following points: Thursday that FCN would begin sole bargaining agent for MSU committee of the faculty members who signed the being equal in anv wav fl Textile exports will be restricted on the basis of one the distribution of authorizaion faculty, was expected to adopt a discussed the possibilities of statement did not constitute an imagine that would be much greater, certainly. • ® cards during the next week. position on the issue at a constructing an unbiased Q. Do you consider fear a mental state at all? over - all quota with no individual organization of any kind, but are restrictions imposed "We feel we have a mandate Thursday night meeting. document stating the pros and »a group of concerned faculty A. Fear is certainly - I would consider it a mental on groups of could lead to disturbances that would interfere state III products or specific items; the growth rate from our questionnaire to go of Japan's textile exports as a whole to the ahead on this matter," Medick The question of whether a ISSUC °' members who thought the other But Edwards added that he did not with and imnairH United facu,ty member is permitted to consider fear a faptnVT States will be held to an annual rate of five The Peering committee Calley's actions at My Lai. ™ per cent, won,.™ r\ n a Sign the authorization card of decided to ask the University with 1970 the base year for calculation. fj/hi ALTfS! m°re than one comPeting Committee on Faculty Affairs Thnr^fhal ProsPec'lve bargaining agent and Faculty Compensation to A tunnel Berlin tunnel uncovered leading under the Berlin Wall to the Eastern sector of the divided city was uncovered shortly before 17 refugees from the Communist the faculty initial authorization members card by members of MSU Faculty board iS response of MSU appeared to the distribution Labor that the resolved Thursday study the impact that collective wj,en a spokesman for the State Mediation Board revealed 35 present practice of the is to count all cards that bareainim? faculty members mav have on facultv trom'tl^DeDt Legislators to flee to the West, it was learned regime were scheduled *:sz'" w,s ,re Ted kby a membCT <*■ The tunnel, nearly four feet Thursday. high and running at least MSU Facultv faculty Associates Associates, an an Pr°TsPectlve This bargaining means that if unit. one campus two MSU . page statement faculty to "oppose all urging on revenue 360 feet from the cellar of a West Berlin attempts to unionize MSU." By JEFFSHELER house, was Mills, D-Arkansas, chairman of per cent of the discovered by Western police, who said The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State The statement contends that State News Staff Writer funds would! they then the House Ways and Means to learned of the plan to bring out the 17 refugees. University, is published every class day during four school unionization "is unlikely to lead WASHINGTON - Gov. Committee which is currently states. the three most popuj terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. to higher salary increases than Milliken found the Michigan I otherwise would be the considering the proposal. Meanwhile, Subscription rate is $14 15-day ordeal ends per year. in the long run, may tend to case and, congressional delegation split along party lines this week on Mills opposes the plan and has Thursday Milliken and 13 other govemol Go| A Mont Blanc rescue team hoisted Rene Member Associated Press, United Press lower salaries President suggested instead a Including Reagan |J Desmaison, International, our by Nixon's proposed federal Inland Daily Press Association, Associated crying and saying "I had no more faith,"Thursday from Collegiate Press, downgrading MSU." revenue sharing program. takeover of the welfare program Rockefeller asked conp-essioni the sheer rock wall near Chamonix, France, that was the Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press The document was distributed Milliken and members of his to take some pressure off the 'ea<*ers to Pve them "necesr Association, United States Student Press Association. to various departments "at our staff, here for a National troubIed state budgets. authority" to modify Alpinist's prison for a week of a 15 - day ordeal with welfare system short of wind, ice and cold. expense," James B. Ramsey, Governor's Conference, met However, several governors, federal reform, oven) Second - class postage paid at East associate professor of with the congressmen to Lansing, Michigan. urge led by California Gov. Ronald The rescue team found Serge Gousseault. the 24 - Editorial and business offices at 347 Student economics, said ' hursday. their support fbr the revenue In a letter to Mills and Send Services year old companion of Desmaison. one of the world's Building, Michigan State Others si*! the statement sharing plan which would return Reagan, strongly oppose Finance Committee Chain: - University, East Lansing, federalized welfare because, they great mountain climbers, frozen dead since Monday in Michigan. were Th G. Moore, $210 million to Michigan in the Russell Long, D-La„ I Mordecha Kreinin and Jan next fiscal year. say, the federal government can governors cited four reforms'! the red tent that had been their shelter. not Phones: Kmenta, professors of While all but two of adequately administer the the welfare system that they J Desmaison was suffering from frost bite, but was the Editorial economics, and Jesse S. Hixson, state's program. could not await a general feden 355-8252 12 Republican reported in remarkable physical condition. Classified Advertising asst professor of economics. congressmen voiced support for Other overhaul. 355-8255 governors, including Display Advertising 353-6400 "Unions usually encourage the plan, Democrats said they New York Gov. Nelson They called for: Campaign reform pushed Business Photographic - Circulation 355-3447 raises and promotions based length of service," it reads. "A on opposed the plan but could not Rockefeller, sav they wouid not •A "realistic and workabi ceiling" based on the President® 355-8311 agree on an alternative proposal. oppose federalized welfare but Dut With the assertion that "never before has the union will "30 and 1/3" formula. time normally lead to The fate of Nixon's plan question that Congress would been so ripe," a bi - increasing •A "more effective" partisan group of House members the pay of the now in the hands of Rep. Wilbur pass the proposal when about 51 introduced Thursday a package of bills aimed at election review authority to determinl campaign reform. eligibility for welfare. The drive to try to hold down WE VE SOLD HUNDREDS •Authority to implenw costs and spiralling campaign JUST A FEW LEFT public work force programs fd force a more complete employable welfare recipient! accounting of candidates' receipts and expenditures also picked up •''Congressiom steam in the Senate with the introduction of a bill by Acapulco 14 openings -$219 encouragement" to help tl states get permission from tb| Republican leader Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania. Dept. of Health, Education am Court is Jamaica.-$219 Welfare to launch "innovithf 'going machine' There is 22 openings demonstration projects" in states. Taking the long view as he a a time for love. There is time for peace. For you the Nassau - $179 approaches his 85th birthday. Justice Hugo L. Black described the Supreme lime is now. Diamond rings of artistic excellence and highest S^eepcm,r% 189 String quorfef| Court Thursday as a "going machine," quality. Starting at $135. 33 openings ^ bigger than any justice or chief justice. plays March) ., "It just keeps moving," Black told INCLUDES,ALL EXTRAS?! no extra charges! newsmen, "but it does not always keep moving on the same level. It's DON Y MISS OUT FOR SPRING The Beaumont String Quart like government in general. It call Your rep. NOW!! will perform chamber works ol goes up Mozart, Webern Ml in waves, down and up." Mendelssohn at 4 p.m. March J In his 34th year on the court, Black dismissed the idea that a major era has JacobiSoms srutieNrouRSEileen Crookes Jim Pitcher not reported. Sunday, as previousM The concert will be nelflil J passed with the retirement of Earl 337-9414 351-2781 the main floor auditorium Warren as chief justice and the Steve Kaufman Phyllis King Kellogg Center and will be OF appointment of Warren E. Burger to 393-6850 351-1416 to the public without charge. succeed him. Board pressured by Nixon DISC SHOP WEEKEND SALE The Nixon administration BULLETIN applied more oral pressure on the Federal Reserve Board Thursday to pump more ALL LPs ON SALE money into the nation's sluggish economy. Secretary of the Treasury John B.Connally made it clear at a FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY hearing of the House Appropriations Committee that the administration wants GRADUATING SENIORS REG. SALE a more vigorous expansion of money to achieve its ambitious economic goals. 2.19 Auto sales up 1.89 GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS The optimistic predictions that the auto industry will 3.98 2.98 sell between 9.5 and 10 million cars this year are being 4.98 backed up by figures which show new car sales this arc running 1 2.8 per cent ahead of 1970. year ARE NOW AVAILABLE 3.98 5.98 The four major automakers have recorded gains over a year ago with Ford Motor Co. recording the biggest FOR 4.98 gain 19 per cent amid more predictions of an PURCHASE A GREAT CHANCE TO GET THOSE upswing in sales. OLD L.Ps YOU HAVE Through the first 20 days of February, sales by the BEEN PUTTING OFF! industry this year totaled 1,001,177, compared with Limited Supply 887,324 at the same time last year. — Get Yours Now Mack W. Worden, vice president in charge of 323 E. Grand River marketing for General Motors Corp., whose sales are up 12.2 per cent over last year, said in Detroit that there is MSU BOOK STORE DISC SHOP Open Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 Pm| Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m a "continuing strengthening " in new - car sales. Phone: 351-5380 Pebrua,arV 26, |9. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 26, 1971 3 IBCOMMITTEE TOLD }9 lie!: Surveillance-, spy vs. spy 'U' student 'alley wasfrej. WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress was told Thursday that the Lane said he remembered one file which showed "the depths rulrdfindS2 arv's domestic surveillance often is a case of spy vs. spy, like of the invasions of anyfon"of4 time 53 agents watched one another among 66 civilian ponstrators. a privacy of citizens" by the military. "It was on complete family. The mother was involved in antiwar protests, but this file even included reports on her sonj, including one in founddead dialed in 1 the Navy was said to have sent two intelligence experts any ^ junior high school, and on her husband, who is a 'somewhere on the West Coast" to infiltrate the peaceful, doctor." prominent ' of combat m to tk September, 1969, antiwar gathering outside Ft. Carson, U an Army installation. i 'hat account and other such examples were advanced to the Another witness, Texas state declared he had lost faith in legislator Curtis M. Graves, America, and his wife her health, because the military spied on him for the Thursday urder. 0* te subcommittee on constitutional rights by Lawrence Lane, Graves recounted that a former past decade. An agent of the 112th Military autopsy was performed er intelligence coordinator at the post and now an aide to ,te?e°fthe^ Intelligence Group at Houston, Walter Birdwell, had him listed in late Thursday afternoon on the Robert N. Giaimo, D • Conn. a subversives file" and had monitored his activities since he body of a 25 - year - old MSU '•on there was Jnder questioning by Chairman Sam J. Ervin Jr., D - N.C., participated in civil rights sit - ins in 1960. senior found at about 1 p.m. e declared, "Rivalry between various military intelligence ,date- • Ul1 The way i] Graves said he was told also of other personalities in Texas Thursday in his Haslett Street ar«und him jps was so great the gents were watching each other to being monitored, and noted that Birdwell reported seeing "a card apartment. Juld have an ■rmine what the others were watching so we could see what file on every member of the Unitarian impir Church in San Antonio." ahid: ,"1 think C important.' Sen. Ervin disclosed he had received a letter from a former Garnet M. Richardson was h° had emotion; ^ne, who was assigned to the 5th Military Intelligence clerk for Army Intelligence at Fort found dead in bed by his Ord, Calif., saying that in ;ed 'n combat." tachment at Ft. Carson, said he once found himself named on 1964 "I noted that a thick file was roommate. of ther agent's report as a "dissident soldier" because he was being kept on all the activities leadership M of the Monterey Unitarian Church." Although the cause of death 1 added stress." tted attending a civilian antiwar meeting. Lane said he was And Ervin, without naming his source, said he was informed has not yet been determined, n the witness feon surveillance duty himself. also that "In 1969 Naval stia, Intelligence had the Episcopal bishop of officials believe Richardson died jne, like several other former agents, testified that he and his "orinance affecu, stability, ds replied. "I eagues maintained extensive files on civilian groups and viduals. California, Bishop Myers, under activities." surveillance for his antiwar Body removed of natural causes. Sen. Birch Bayh, D - Ind., said "it is now There was no indication of p thin „ one case, he said, his unit was to monitor a "symposium on clear . . . that we Officials carry out the body of a 25 - year - old MSU senior found Thursday afternoon in his appeared t0 (, urgently need federal legislation in this area," Haslett Street apartment. foul play, the coroner reported. e ence" at Colorado College, and ordered dossiers on the State News photo by Wayne Munn seemed to handfe jduled speakers from Ft. Holabird, Md. •ting there with tin said the intelligence background received from Ft. Holabird °u Qvil rights activist Dick Gregory "was so tainted that it was Support of tax proposal urged equate those * sable." It was "completely subjective, based on jual in any instantiated information and unreliable sources," he said. way. ,„ne said that, typically, attempts were made to link viduals to Cpmmunist organizations through a process of guilt a mental state, issociation.' before to look to the federal "urban sprawl." men to the moon and bring e with and impair, Lane's testimony was similar to that of Oliver A. Peirce, By ROBERTA SMITH the air at unimaginable speeds is produced technologica ther former agent of the unit at Ft. Carson, who said he government for assistance," "Despite this dramatic shift, them back is able to clean up its able to educate its children," he ier fear a factor it State News Staff Writer equipment that men dared no nitored for about six months the activities of the Young Adult Brickley told members of we continue to try to deal with water. A nation which can send said. dream about 20 years ago is ab Michigan's Municipal League at a these realities of urban living super jets rocketing through "A society which to educate its children." ject in Colorado Springs. While Gov. Milliken toured Lansing luncheon. with the same structures an0 - has ieirce said YAP was a legitimate, primary church - sponsored Washington Thursday, mustering He said Nixon's revenue governmental relationships that zen group aimed at coordinating social opportunities for more support for President sharing plan would probably ed were designed one - half century jng people in the tourist community. He said he reported this Nixon's revenue sharing someday be "one of the most lis superiors, but was ordered to keep close surveillance of the up because one of its leaders had once engaged in antiwar program, Lt. Gov. James H. significant domestic Brickley urged state urban ever suggested." programs ago for a rural country," he said. Brickley said he hoped the Commission on Local S.0S.DAYS STARTS TODAY vity. officials to support the program. Some of the criticism the Government would solve some At intelligence briefings at Ft. Carson, Peirce said, YAP showed "With the state suffering from on a chart "next to Students for a Democratic Society" financial difficulties of its own, program has received is n°t of the city's problems. The AT HIFI BUYS! in g warranted, Brickley said. Cities commission is designed to review hough his reports did not justify such an association. it is more relevant than ever cannot wait any longer for current fiscal inequities and to financial assistance and criticism study the structure, power and Yes now is the time to step inside HiFi Buys and Save On Systems. We have a system for should not delay the relationships of local units of he funds would every size pocketbook starting with our $300 system Combining performance and il - t constider "transfusion of necessary federal government. e most populo funds." "A nation economy it runs circles around the compacts • Just add it up yourself: EV 12 Speakers- that un send .0 can A pair of radax cone speakers with 214 inch tweeters, uniform dispersion of high and low "We must all join the political and legislative battle to adopt frequencies is assured. Sold separately they're $99.90. NIKKO STA 501 - S Receiver - here's the most popular performer in the entire Nikko line, separately it's $189.95. the concept and introduce this 37 Bronze Age GARRARD — they're world famous for their record changers with synchro • lab motor, revolutionary program in like the 40B we have included here, separately it's $50.00 (with base). Then there's intergovernmental relations," he flanges SHURE, makers of the highest performing cartridges and in this system you'll find the in 7 sites found said. M44 • 7, separately it's $19.75. So it all adds up to $360. But during S.O.S. days at HIFI Fiscal problems are not the BUYS you'll find it priced at $300. So Step Inside HIFI BUYS and watch us add up your only problems cities face, KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — stereo savings! Brickely said. He pointed out to Mills and Sena Archeologists reported the By DAVE PERSON step procedure of the vehicle for input to Graduate the dramatic population shift discovery of 37 Bronze Age nmittee Chaima State News Staff Writer amendment process, states that Council from University and the adjoining of the central burial sites near Kandahar in ng, DLa. ?d four reforms fhe Academic Council will amendments must have the standing committees and hold city to smaller local units of western Afghanistan. approval of ASMSU. the Graduate Council government resulting in the stem thattheysai sider amendments to Article The purpose of incorporation accountable to Academic lit a general feden if the Academic Freedom of Graduate Council into the Council." port during the council I for: tic and workal sting at 3:15 p.m. Tuesday in Con Con Room of the faculty bylaws, according to Clarence W. Minkel, associate The amendment has been worked on by the Committee on Vaughn to talk dean of advanced graduate Committees and the Educational ^national Center, on vote, strike on the President studies, is to "reconstruct the Policies Committee and has the formula. other business, the council consider an amendment to existing situation of the graduate approval of both bodies. effective" loci The document on "Graduate council." State Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, rity to determto orporate the graduate council Rationale supplied by the Students Rights and D-Detroit, will speak on the 18 - welfare. the faculty bylaws. id Wright, Council of Committee on Committees Responsibilities" is a year - old vote and last spring's to i "codification of procedures that iduate Students (COGS) states that the "amendment is MSU student strike at 7:30 p.m. orce programs based principally upon the I think will prevent Monday in 304 Olds Hall. welfare recipient resentative to the council, speak on a report of organization and administrative misunderstanding," Wright said. Vaughn will be the guest of g r e s s i 0 ni He said it would be a help to the Psychology 336 class, t" to help cademic Rights and status approved by the iponsibilities of Graduate Academic Council and by the graduates as they are working on "Psychology of Social ■mission from Academic Senate in 1957." their degrees. Movements." The class is being dents." th, Educational The committee contends "the The document was drawn up run on an experimental basis this unch "innovatii Walter F. Johnson, fessor of administration and proposed amendment will by a joint student - faculty term with 15 undergraduates in projects' expedite Graduate Council committee which was authorized charge of recitation sections and education, will report on Feb. 19 meeting of the Assn. actions which require Academic by the Graduate Council in appearances by several guest Michigan Collegiate Faculties. Council approval, provide a spring, 1969. speakers. quartef introduction to the sed version of Article 7 of freedom report states that Viarc/i purpose of the revision is to "ambiguity and differing 'rpretations." nt String Quarte Present wording of Article 7, hamber works' ich gives the amendment Webern « •cedures for the document, ; 4 p.m. March s that consultation with as previously MSU is needed before endments can become will be held rativ >r auditorium he word consultation has and will be opei interpreted as approval on ithout charge. hand and as mere sultation on the other. The ision, which gives a step - by - Control Miss J buckles up a bit your mind of the wild, wild west. . . LY in the form of wide, rugged cowhide pant-belts by Russ Creations . . Improve your health & with antiquey buckles memory commemorating some of those grand old western institutions like Develop Wells Fargo and Colorado State Pen. your E.S.P. Three shown from our collection E OFF! Opening Lecture Sun. Feb. 28 7:30 p.m. UNIVERSITY nd Kiver INN 9 a.m. ■ 9I Cost $3.00 Students $1.50 Jaoobson's - 6 p.m. 1-5380 M ICIUG AN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Laos operation hastens FREDERICK J. LESLIE U.S. troop withdrawals advertising To the Editor: 1968 that the United States has manager h*. Tuesday's State News editorial says that supplying them MARK EICHER, U.S. support for the current Laotian that we use. with the American air same wJZa managing editor ED HUTCHISON, city editor operation "is pushing us deeper." It also claims that the South Vietnamese army has necessary as long as we fail to South Vietnamese traiiK * BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor received "a decade of American training missions. If they can pilots t0 fly thpi"°u»h KEN KRELL, editorial editor succeed in holdl°n GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor and assistance." I believe that both of these statements are inaccurate. outsiders then they can try to negotiate with the Viet Cong fe0" Their k °' Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award The sooner that South Vietnam's for outstanding journalism. borders are secure from attack by these North Vietnamese the sooner we can government wilh the » withdraw the remainder of our troops and let South Vietnam take over completely. There is a very real threat posed by as EDITORIALS many as 40,000 _,Mark F'lnt Nelson troops in Laos and 60,000 freshman in Cambodia. These troops have no Feb. 23,1971 common ethnic background with either the Nixon education Cambodians or the Laotians but for one purpose — conquest. are there Better world It would be a different problem if To the Editor: Saigon was putting down a rebellion of new bottles, peasants armed with homemade weapons, but they are fighting an aggressor armed with heavy artillery and Russian - made More and more concerned about destruction of our that some species of people are bein. pollution and environment it js 2 '! President Nixon is continually President's proposal slices in half the tanks. If the Saigon troops have actually animals, birds and fill have already accused of sacrificing the "public money allocated to explore methods destroyed over 12,000 tons of enemy disappeared because of th. wanton disregard for nature's endowment sector" on the altar of private for direct federal aid to institutions. munitions then this, too, was a very real and that others, enterprise. His proposed college The real bite of the new program threat. threatened with extinction. including man "The test conditions were not unlike normal worker conditions." The South Vietnamese army has not subsidy plan further supports this falls upon Nixon's very own Ecologists tell us that if this keeps ud it contention. -Pesticide Manufacturers Spokesman received serious aid for over a decade. It won't be long before we reach "forgotten Americans," those with has been a point 0 only in the past few years since no return. Yet, not a As with most administration middle incomes. The eligibility voice, except the Socialist Labor party dares to proposals, the educational aid idea maximum is defined as a SI0,000 root cause of this pinpoint the calamity. The Socialist has a very pleasing surface income for a family of four. ART BUCHWALD Labor party alone maintains that appearance. The prime thrust is Students caught between the capitalism with its profit motive is the toward helping the low - income parameters of rich and poor will have culprit. Under capitalism everything is student. Eligible individuals would little recourse but to borrow produced for profit with an almost be able to obtain SI,000 worth of complete disregard for the environment guaranteed monies at comparatively health and welfare of the nation Saga of Big Sam, Little Louse aid in a "mixture" of grants and and the high interest rates. Only the money world. The political state despotisms ot work - study jobs. Another $400 lenders private enterprise Soviet Russia, China, etc.. are also - stand m would be available in the form of a to benefit from these loans. contributors to worldwide pollution. subsidized low - interest loan. Other Further, the heavy emphasis in Only genuine socialism offers a solution Under socialism goods will be monies are available for students presidential proposal on work - study produced for WASHINGTON - The bullet ■ seared 'em-ups around here. I've seen some mean use instead of for profit as at present. attending high - cost colleges. jobs as opposed to outright grants Indochina Bar and Grill was jammed when "What are L.ittle Louse and Kid such a society in which Only The poker games, but this beats all." Kamboadia doing in the game?" the cooperation wiil President's plan contains presumes that there are jobs the dusty stranger walked up and ordered a "How did it all start?" the stranger replace competition will we be in i several sizable stranger asked. loopholes. In the first available. In a period of recession straight whisky. asked. position to preserve what is left of the "You doing a big business," the stranger "They were just two spectators environment and to restore place, he presumes that aiding this reflects more "Pollyanna" than "Wal, way back before anyone can watching, but Black Jack Hanoy and Big as much as students will automatically help to said. possible the damage done by capitalism. prudence. remember, Charlie Cong and Tiger Cy Sam made them sit in. Little and the Kid solve the education crisis. All the "Yup," the bartender replied. "We've Gone started a penny ante poker game don't even know how to play poker and Only the Socialist Labor party's practical In sum, the president's education been and peaceful program of expanding at a furious rate." amongst themselves. Pretty soon Tiger Cy Socialist funding in the world will avail little package again illustrates the "What's the crowd doing over there?" Gone, who was one of the worst poker they're both broke, but Big Sam says the Industrial Unionism points the if the universities have folded under more players there are in the game, the way to a administration's practice of giving us "They're playing poker. The game's better world. players around, began losing, and so Big more chance Tiger Cy Gone will have of fiscal pressure. In fact, the less but making it sound like more. been going on for eight years now, without Sam, who was considered one of the great a stop. It started as a little domino winning, and the sooner Big Sam will be game card players of all time, started to give the able to go home." but pretty soon it escalated into poker." Tiger advice. Big Sam also staked Cy Gone As they were talking, Big Sam dealt the Outdated p The stranger wandered over to the table. There were six men sitting around the table to a small stack of chips, which the Tiger lost immediately. So Big Sam gave him a cards. "Okay," he said, "this is the big hand. If we win this one, we'll win all the Black Jack Hanoy, Tiger Cy Gone, Tele-protest — larger stack and Tiger Cy Gone, who marbles." Charlie Cong, Big Sam, Little Louse and couldn't get the hang of the game, lost that Frenchie whispered to the stranger, "He Kid Kamboadia." and a 6goy9 "Who's winning?" the stranger asked a man named Frenchie. stack. "Finally Big Sam got so exasperated that he decided to get into the game himself. He keeps saying that every time he gets the deal." To the Editor: Many actions are planned to protest U.S. "Beats me," he said. "I quit playing with Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times destruction in Southeast Asia and to bring put a large stack of chips in front of him A homosexual group called the point out a glaring administrative these guys 16 years ago." hoping to scare Charlie Cong out. the war to an end. You can do something Gay Activists Alliance (GAA) filed Big Sam had a giant stack of chips in "But instead, Charlie called on his else, right now, personally. You can send a prejudice towards this gay group that front of him, and he kept giving chips to suit in New York last Wednesday to friend, Black Jack Hanoy, who was anxious telegram to the President and any legislator force the secretary of state to grant threatens to be a strong lobbying force in the state legislature and Tiger Cy Gone after each hand. to get in the game because he had a grudge Misplaced memo for 90 cents through Western Union. Frenchie whispered, "Big Sam says he (Limit of 15 words.) agaiast Tiger. them a certificate of incorporation as counsel for homosexuals undergoing wants out of the game, but he won't quit To: Mayor Graves I sent President Nixon Friday "Before anyone knew it, the game one a nonprofit until Black Jack Hanoy admits defeat. Re: A "distinctive" motto for organization. the usual identity crisis. escalated from penny ante poker to table Lansing. saying, "Now you lied to me about Laos. The deputy secretary of state. Black Jack just sits there with a poker face stakes with one winner. Big Sam figured Get all American killers out of Asia now." It seems that what the state is and every time his stack gets low the Write whatever message you want, but send John J. Gchzzi, originally turned that with all his chips he could bluff and really against is anything associated Chinese guy and the fat guy they call 'The Black Jack Hanoy would have to fold. something. Individual actions combined down the petition with a reply that: with furthering homosexual interests Bear' give him more chips to play with." "But Black Jack Hanoy was being with group actions can only make our case "The name of the corporation is not but prefers to hide its Dark - ages "What are the guns doing on the table?" How alout "You trust 'em: backed by the Chinese guy and 'The Bear' we stronger. - acceptable since it is not an bias by the stranger asked. because they had a grudge against Big Sam. bust 'em"? unnecessarily bringing "Each player says the other guy is Neila Pomerantz appropriate name for a corporation society's folkways and sentiments "So now the stakes are really high, and -E. Boone when one considers the connotation cheating. We've had some big shoot - nobody is going to admit he lost." East Lansing graduate student into a situation that should be only in which the words are Feb. 12,1971 being used." concerned with a legal question. He refused to comment on this statement but continued to elaborate GAA is not a facade for gay sexual POINT OF VIEW activity but is rather a lobby and on another reason for the denial. counseling center. Therefore, "The purposes of the corporation reasoning that the alliance Testing service student boon also raise a serious question whether not contradicts the penal code is totally a corporation may be formed to false and undocumented. promote activities which are At the base of the problem are, of contrary to the avowed public policy course, our outdated penal codes ... the filing of the certificate would that make be tantamount to a public sanction homosexuality between EDITOR'S NOTE: the following For one, the student never knows for sure consenting adults a crime. Hopefully, Point of View was submitted by John that his materials have been transmitted of the activities which are Even presently the New York Supreme Court will be A. Blazer of Georgetown University. more questionable than the mere handling correctly. Some system needs to be in violation of our public of the materials is the proported "analysis" which policy and able to differentiate between His address is Box 1502, Georgetown implemented whereby the applicant can penal code," he said. traditional prejudices and what University, Washington, D.C. your transcript undergoes. Nowhere in the verify his records. Considering the volume Gehzzi's whole argument seems to information booklet does it explain the process. of materials handled by ETS, machine ought to be law. error, somewhere, on someone's record, is Many of your readers are unwittingly No hint is given as to whether it is based solely quite possible. Human error is even mo" jeopardizing their further education. I am upon LSDAS estimation (or) some form of a Vocal probable. ... referring primarily to those students who Virtually every student of nignei support . course critique. are currently applying, via LSDAS, to law schools, and in general to anyone required learning in this country is forced to register with the Educational participate in ETS. The immense tasK Testing facing the admissions committees of ou for 18-year-old Services in Princeton, N.J. For those unfamiliar with the law school application process, let me explain. Most schools require that the student's Law all, I urge all law school applicants to correspond directly with the schools to which they have applied, inquiring as to caliber school application being received by the increases as the deadline nation's schools makes such a monopoy understandable. Yet it is a monopoly which must not remain unchecked, approaches. have every right to demand The Michigan House of state. The confusion that would School Admission Test (LSAT) and his whether the requisite materials have been received. If they haven't, and a reasonable Even more questionable than the mere information on any and every aspect exP;lc'f Representatives is presently almost transcript be handled by the Law School certainly result from such a Data Assembly Service (LSDAS), a branch time has elapsed since the transmission of handling of the materials is the purported their operation which affects our Pursul. considering a bill to give 18 - year - balloting procedure is itself sufficient of the Educational Testing Services the records to ETS, demand an explanation "analysis" which your transcript educational opportunities. We, olds the right to vote in state and (ETS). undergoes. No hint is given as to whether it reason to justify rapid adoption of Ostensibly LSDAS "analyzes" your from ETS. As so many of the school students, are the ones who bear the cos local elections. The resolution must is based solely upon LSDAS estimation of ETS error and misrepresentation. the 18 - year - old vote. Combining transcript and sends their analysis along pamphlets point out, it is the responsibility be passed by both the of the student to ascertain receipt of his the course work performed, or whether the I am sending this letter to as r Michigan this rationale with the already with your LSAT score to the law schools strong records. colleges and universities submit to LSDAS student newspapers as my pc1™' House and Senate and then approved arguments such as "18 - year - olds to which you are applying. All this is There are implications far beyond the some form of a course critique. resources will permit, hoping that I in a statewide referendum. intended in the interests of efficiency, are now as mature adults" and "If as expediency, and standardization. mere inconvenience which this may have In either case, when one considers how awaken as many students as possib In the form of Proposal B, the 18 - they're old enough to make the In October of last year I took the LSAT, caused myself and others. Law schools, arbitrary the grading system is to begin what has unfortunately become a men® year - old vote was defeated last moral decision to kill in battle, and on Dec. 23 my college transcript was unlike undergraduate institutions, follow a with, and how insensitive grades are to threat of the punch - card soc'® November by a substantial margin. they're old enough to vote for drain sent to LSDAS. On Feb. 4 I received a policy whereby applications are reviewed your performance and understanding in encourage anyone who is P1®* ^ commissioner" it is difficult to see notice from one of the schools to which I periodically; invitations or rejections may various courses, it is difficult to imagine registered with any branch of ETS to Since then the situation has changed be sent out at virtually any time during the verification of any action which m®y had applied. The notice informed me that that anything other than the how the 18 year - old vote will fail transcript substantially. The U.S. Supreme - they had not received my LSDAS applicant's senior year. The student whose itself could be a more accurate reflection been requested. I also urge anyone w Court to pass this time around on has made 18 - year - olds any materials. This was six weeks after the last application is received late is at a distinct of the applicant's ability. a complaint or suggestion to write ^ eligible to vote in national elections sound rational criteria. of my materials had been sent to ETS. disadvantage, for the chance of a higher There are other areas open to criticism. so that I may collect and present them the Educational Testing Services. but left the age of suffrage in state Nevertheless, the bill needs all the 1 called them immediately, demanding and to know the reasons behind the delay. I local balloting up to the support it can get, especially from IVE SEEN "THE AIRPORT, BUT I'VE was told that a computer malfunction was individual states. those who would benefit the NEVER FLOWN ON A PLANE... I most, hampering the assembly of the records of TOOK ATRIP ON A BUS ONCE... the 18-, 19- and 20 - year - old If Michigan does many students who had taken the LSAT in 1$ LIFE LIRE A TRIP ON A ? not adopt the 18 Michigan residents. At this juncture a October. (The majority of law applicants year old vote before November, - - letter or visit to one's state take the test in October.) I was told that 1(>72, separate balloting procedures the problems "should be remedied within a for under 21 representative will improve the - voters will have to be week." chances of finally making the state . adopted at considerable cost to the I bring this to the general attention of 18 year - old vote a - reality. your readers for several reasons. First of Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 26, 1971 5 A PRESIDENT'S EDITOR'S Trustee NOTE: It has taken two actions cata years and three member subcommittee of February of the plan next month. This is resident Wharton encourage* many, many long hours of - whether existing differences There is indeed considerable the September board meeting, tudents, faculty and »taff to research, the board composed of Mrs. between students, faculty and confusion over .u the u housing the motion was- "it was voted to ,riul,°" ine monon was" " a,u ,,ul deleSate *owa™ authority to the administration of the trustees,especially significant since one writing, discussion, Patricia Mr. Kenneth Carrigan, Mr. — «pond to his weekly debate, compromise Warren trustees on this issue can be options issue. While the trustees approve principle the to . { t K.,t mu * and implement the plan but — Huff and Mr. Prank Merriman , . , . .. Thompson, was absent from the jolumns or to raise questions rewriting before it reconciled, and whether a only approved the guidelines for statement submitted Dy ine finally will study the report and document mere)y to develop the plan to ,ast meeting Since the margin n other subjects of interest. received approval of the delineate those sections of issues acceptable to all the development of the Executive ^Group with the make jtg recommendati0ns on approving the guidelines ill seek to answer Academic Council and the which need to be resolved before groups can become University campuswide puswide housing plan, some P*0*1** |"OVI®° "jf* ^ .J"8! ^nal p,fns P,ans *U1 *,n hall designation, and to return including the option for ,er.inent in future Academic Senate. Last policy in the near future, contend end that the trustees need ^ submitted to the trustees be tnistees for the p|an to the b^d Gf- trustees - Friday, it the report can be adopted by the approval alternate suites or rooms for jolumns. Address questions was presented to the trustees as approve the comprehensive approval and and this tnis will win be termed' oe term fQr approva) in line with the men and women was only one trustees. Their report will be The board of President's 'development development of ot various < various types • a an information item. At that trustees plan, since . since nono snecific nrovision specific provision types ui 01 orj ina, motion origina, motion ofof September, September. vote (4 presented for discussion at the approved guidelines on the - 3), the additional vote »er$pective," Presidents time, several faculty members, as March board meeting. While I was made returning the plan for bving patterns rather than Ds„0^u0c nf Regardless of the «,«rHino wording or could be decisive. There is little jffice, 450 Administration well as a number of proposed housing options board consideration. I should 'experimentation in ^various the intent of the motion to doubt that the "issue will be students, would not hazard a prediction plan last week. There have ^ < ildg. had an opportunity to express on how or when the issue will be point out, however, that when typesof living patterns, approve the guidelines subject onsiderable been rhe Massey • McKee Taylor their views to the trustees conflicting reports the trustees approved the The motion which Passed.at Friday, a number of the trustees discussion next month when all decided, I think there is genera) about whether the detailed concept of a housing options *he leport continues to be an regarding the relative advantages agreement within the University expect to consider the specifics trustees are present nresolved question. Will it or inadequacies of the report. plan will be brought back to plan in September, 1970, it was "»d that the Office of community that students should the trustees for approval. with the understanding that the Student ,Affa,rs Proceed w'th a" yer be approved and Some of the trustees also voiced play a larger role in academic What mplemented? concern about several sections of procedure will be final plan would be reviewed and reasonable speed to develop a governance than is presently followed? And why has there not sure anyone is the report and expressed some approved by the board. comprehensive campuswide plan provided. been so much commotion using the six basic guidelines general reservations. Therefore, a Uling to make a prediction. The critical challenge remains over this issue? According to the minutes of above as a method of proceeding with this plan, and come back as soon as possible with the plans p NEWS SPECIAL to the board." The past practice of the board has been to retain its authority New kind of black to designate the uses of WASHINGTON - There is a w kind of black representative individuals, and were as such they either overshadowed by the nights when white girls dances. came to legislator with any fixed goal," he said, "but with a general direction I He thinks there are about 55 university buildings as specified by Article XI of their bylaws. In other words, the change in use of a building from residential to nonresidential or from an all - Satisfaction Congress today, and a slim, dazzling personal style of Adam now and that there will be 75 or male or all - female to a coed Clay organized swim - ins by wanted to move in. That is ;vy St. Louis .black is both more after 1972. The black vote status has always been a matter Clayton Powell or subdued by the blacks, a boycott on hair primarily to educate black could be the balance of power in AIMRANTIIft pical of the new breed and the power in the House cuts and picket lines around the people to the rights they should approved by the board rather gely responsible for its hierarchy of William Dawson, NCO club that led to some tense be enjoying and obviously aren't many of them, he said, and the than the central administration; the political boss of Chicago. caucus intends to make sure the the central administration does nergcnce. confrontations. He was given an and to articulate for the general blacks know where their interest Rep. William L. Clay, a Powell's defeat and Dawson's overnight transfer to the post of public the needs of black make the initial teran of almost two decades of death last year cleared the lies. recommendations. In the present way his choice and selected one close Americans." ttling for black rights although for a union of the blacks, and to his home. instance, since the likely is only 39, has emerged as a ading force among the 12 acks in the House who have with Clay playing a key role, the caucus members was formed. All 12 are Democrats Back in St. Louis he formed a black youth organization that the Clay sees the Black Caucus as results. The fund - "We're going to put out our key to achieving both own rating system on how the raising drive congressmen vote," he said. proposed changes will involve most of the residence halls, the board must approve changes for Beef Sandwich 99$ spearheaded the drive to inded together in a Black now being organized aims at each hall by name and by use. representing predominantly desegregate the city's The caucus has already stirred IUCUS. black districts. Sen. Edward W. restaurants, theaters and hotels, bringing in $100,000 to get a Unfortunately, from a student up controversy by boycotting About to launch a nationwide Brooke of Massachusetts, the and set permanent staff and hire experts up blockades that to President Nixon's State of the nd • raising drive to hire staff only black Republican in prevented delivery of milk and help the caucus draft Union address on the ground id expert consultants, the Congress, is not a member. bread in black neighborhoods legislative proposals. that he has ignored the nation's hopes to become a Although Clay, now starting until the companies agreed to As director of research for the blacks, and it is olitical and legislative his second term, is largely preparing a hire black drivers and office caucus Clay is compiling a list of court fight against the television imrnand post for the nation's unknown to white America, he workers. congressional districts in which networks for refusing to grant it million blacks. has long been in the forefront of In 1959 he was elected to the blacks make up 10 per cent or free time to deliver its own "If we're going to be the civil rights struggle. St. Louis City Council but he more of the voting population. message. ccessful," said Clay in an A child of the ghetto, he went remained active in the street terview, "it will be because to work in a St. Louis struggle and was arrested 've completely revised our department store at 12 and frequently. He spent 116 days in olitical philosophy. It's going stayed there 10 years, first as a jail in 1967 on a contempt - of be selfish and pragmatic, porter and then as a tailor. With court charge growing out of a used on the premise that we the help of another job waiting boycott of St. Louis banks in an no permanent friends, no on tables he put himself through effort to force them to hire ermanent enemies and no St. Louis University, graduating more blacks. ermanent interests. with a degree in political science. Clay was elected to Congress On some matters we may Clay's involvement in the in 1968 when court - ordered 1 outselves voting with fight for equal rights for blacks redisricting created a new outhern bigots if it serves our began when he was drafted and district about 53 per cent black urposes. We're going to be sent to Ft. McClellan, Ala., in and the veteran white eedy, like all other political irces, and take what we need 1954. He found swimming pool and the barber the post congressman who held the seat retired. As a congressman he has S.O.S. DAYS CONTINUES nd give up what we don't." shop closed to black soldiers, remained in the background, Until now, ive operated black congressmen mainly as and officers' the noncommissioned club off - limits on rarely taking part in debate. "I didn't come to Congress AT HIFI BUYS! Save On Systems Days continues at HIFI BUYS with our $400 system. It centers around A the Kenwood KR 3130 Receiver packing 50 watts IHF power. A sensitive AM-FM GERRY CWD Backpacking receiver with capacity for two speaker sets, two record players and tape deck. Combined with the EV 14 two way speaker system and GARRARD SL55B record change r it's a Backpacking, travel on your own two feet, is by component system you'll want to hold on to. The SHURE M44-7 cartridge is in Uided ;o far the least expensive, most independent and put this economical system over the top during S.O.S. Days at HIFI BUYS. Come in and enjoyable way to see the country. Backpacking add up your savings! no longer means "back breaking." Gerry , ' lightweight equipment means a comfortable light pack that makes your hours on the trail M A .$400.00 S.O.S. enjoyable sightseeing. Gerry CWD TRAVELER SACK Fits Gerry K Frame or similar frames. All-nylon materials for durability. Crown "wing sweep" zipper to prevent HI-FI 1101 E. Grand Rivei tape wear. A most comfortable rig for long trips or for those who must carry considerable gear. $22.00 PIZZA PAR ASMSU Great Gerry K-frame A rigid aluminum frame that's stronger than welded frames. Completely repairable. EXCELLENCE Dr. Andreas Papandreou Lightweight. Permanent sack studs can't get lost. $22.00 Weathervane Greek 2283 E. Grand River Revolutionary - in - exile The man whose life story was portrayed in the movie DOMINO'S 966 Trowbridge 351-7100 For pick-up or free delivery to East complex, Shaw Lane, South complex, Brody dorms and married housing. Open 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. - weekdays; 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. - Fri. & Sat.; 4 p.m. -1 a.m. - Sunday. HE IS ALIVE! The pizza people TODAY, Feb. 26 2 pm of MSU. MSU Auditorium 500 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fridav, Fehrua, Russia raps escalation' MOSCOW (AP) - The Soviet President Nixon's statement W. Abrams, U.S. commander in Union called the incursion in Feb. 17. He said he would not by stepping up military government said. Vietnam, said the operation was provocations against North "Sum, I Laos "another criminal act the United States" and warned by limit the use of U.S. air power going well despite heavy fighting Vietnam are also doomed to cannot but American relations affc^fJ Thursday against anywhere in Indochina except to bar employment of nuclear and some setbacks. failure." too."* I any The fighting in Laos occurred North resumption of large - Vietnam, the These relations scale weapons. at Hill 31, about 10 miles inside government noted, "is a member have „oi marked by American Vietnam. bombing in North Though it did not go as far as Laos. The bast- has been under of the Socialist family. The In any special recent months. Lj to say Russian security interests continuous attack for three Soviet Union and other Socialist been Thevcl "The Soviet Union cannot were involved — as Red China days. states will give the fraternal characterized by MS remain indifferent to the new has said about Laos — the Soviet The North Vietnamese struck harassment of dininmll Vietnamese people help in escalation of the aggression," said an official American statement represented an escalation in the commitment of with tanks in their first use of armor since early in 1969. U.S. repelling the U.S. aggression." businessmen in retaliation and for coSSjl bombiJT At another point the Russians statement published in the government newspaper Izvestia the Communist patron states to the outcome of the fighting. officers said the direct artillery fire, said, "The United States is Soviet installations States, strident a in the anti B? along with antitank taking upon itself a grave - Am* and distributed by Tass, the campaign in the Soviet It was reported in Saigon that weapons, helicopter gunships responsibility for the new and a deadlock nS news agency. "The Soviet South Vietnamese paratroopers and jet fighter - bombers, beat complications in the key issues under on many JJl people prepared to continue giving all are beat off a fierce assault Thursday by eight North off the attack. international situation," the between the negotij There was no word on superpowers. the necessary aid to the fraternal Vietnamese tanks on their base casualties at the base. Hill 31 is Democratic Republic of North in Laos, lowering artillery to five miles southwest of the point DRAFT EXTENSION Vietnam and to the patriots of point - blank range to help where a government ranger base Indochina defending their knock out five of them, U.S. was overrun over the weekend Greenhouse Judg legitimate rights." officers said. with severe losses to the South Headlined "Statement of the While there were no reports of Vietnamese defenders. Soviet Government," it was the further South Vietnamese The window panes on campus greenhouses provide a suitable surface for The Soviet reaction appeared graffiti lovers to write harshest official reaction to date advances into Laos to cut the Ho their newest sayinqs and the latest gossip. to be primarily for North State News photo by Tom Dolan to the operations in Laos and to Chi Minh trail, Gen. Creighton Vietnam. The United States lotte graffiti agreed Nov. 1, 1968, to halt bombing of North Vietnam in a appeal Plight of package deal that involved an A local man's Soviet challenge of President Nixon's three understanding on Hanoi's part to extension for the 1970 lower the level of violence. lottery group has been dismissed h?*!? District Court Judge Albert J. ''President Nixon Engel. * The complaint by Bryan D. Floyd, 21, of BRUSSELS (AP) - Jews from unequivocally stated at a press dismissed by a Grand Rapids Lansing .1 delegates made three requests: from a sickbed to make the final turned Rabbi Kahane conference on Feb. 17 that he judge on a motion from thefatl 38 nations ended a three ■ day over to the the congress. government because the court did not have *Recognition of the right of speech, limited to 10 minutes by did not preclude the use of the jurisdiction in congress on the plight of Soviet Soviet Jews to emigrate to Israel. Belgian police. Beigin said angrily: "No area. order of his doctors. William A. American Air Force against the Jewry Thursday with a *A chance for Soviet Jews to Wexler, head of Jewish organization stands Congress had not approved the extension, "I am certain that this the Conference of Democratic Republic of Floyd contends! plea to the world to nelp their live and raise their children American condemned, including the and thus it was not constitutional. In as conference will not have been in Jewish Organizations, tried to Jewish Defense League." Vietnam again," the statement whose lottery numbers came addition, he said tho*T brethern in that nation. Jews in Russia. up in 1970 could not be In their final appeal, the 760 *An end to "the defamation vain," he said. But there get Beigin to leave the podium. The other incident occurred said. drafted^ was deep dissension "You're a liar and you know "Judging by everything, the of the Jewish people and Wednesday, when Dr. Morris Floyd's lottery number was 181 and the national among the 760 delegates, it," he declared. U.S. leadership seeks to number cut 0ffl- Zionism" in the Soviet Union. was 196. Because his number was below EDGEWOOD UNITED brought to a head by the Brafman, a U.S. delegate, seized condition public opinion to the the cut off |J • David Ben - Gurion, Israel's expulsion from Belgium on Beigin said later he did not was eligible to be drafted in the extension Nixon CHURCH a microphone and announced idea that the U.S.A. can act in ordered inl 84- year - old ex - premier, rose accuse any individual of that police had detained Rabbi September. I 469 N. Hagadorn Wednesday of Rabbi Meir Indochina with impunity." denouncing Rabbi Kahane, but Kahane. He was hustled back to Floyd was given a restraining order when he An Ecumenical Fellowship Worship Service and EAST LANSING Kahane, leader of the militant Jewish Defense League. he thought a statement issued by his seat Saying the United States had 8 induction to enable the court to decide on contested his the matter. Feb! by other delegates and already failed to crush North ■ Church School FRIENDS MEETING the conference press officer put "We will immediately seek a 9:30 and 11:00 Quaker Meeting for Worshii the Two major incidents marred otherwise calm the finger on the organization. young staff members. He said Vietnam's will by bombing, the to maintain the status stay of the district court quo in this case, to prevent action! surface of Thursday he had been promised statement induction," Floyd's attorney, Richard P. Okeksa asst. Floyd* Sermon added: "At present Sunday 1:00 the by Dr. Truman A. First Day School 1:00 proceedings: a full investigation to see if any U.S. plans to attain its goals , profess "The Jewish Defense League of business law and office Morrison Discussion Group 2:15 Menachem Beigin, opposition anyone in the congress administration, said. Child Care Provided stands condemned as a handful College Group leader in the Is-aeli Parliament of reckless men whose actions leadership had any responsibility Dinner and Program 6—8:30 Campus Church Bus Service, Morning and Evening Call 332-0606 or 332-8693 All Saints Parish 800 Abbott Rd., E.L. Further information: 337-0241 roused the anger of congress leaders Thursday when he declared: "The era in which do courage no serious harm and dignity of Soviet Jews," it said. to the for the rabbi's detention. Both Brafman and Beigin said Prof views independence _ Jews denounced other Jews to they had no connection with the The Rabbi Kahane, but that he police has passed forever." statement of Africa was an OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Congress leaders interpreted explantion should have been allowed to noneconomic of why Rabbi 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos this as a charge that they had Kahane had been barred from speak. as (2 mi. E. of Hagadorn, >/« mi. S. of Gd. R. behind MEIJER'S) Central United Methodist Beigin has a stormy history. UNIVERSITY The leader of Israel's and order," he said. An Independent Church With A Biblical Across from the Capitol opposition insist that despite coups ai Message SEVENTH-DAY Gahal party was the most By MICHAEL O'NEAL "Thus, for the African WORSHIP SERVICES military governments, thl 9:45 a.m. Church School -- all ages wanted man in Palestine in the State News Staff Writer nations, colonization meant not 9:45 and 11:15 a.m. ADVENTIST CHURCH African states try to solve theM 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship Services 1940s when he headed the anti - so much the control of resources but represented the imposition problems in the interest oT Topic British underground Irgun Zvai 5:15 p.m. Collegiate Fellowship Inspiration Sabbath School Leumi. The drive for independence in of a foreign or alien political preventing the occurence of tki -- - Refreshments 9:30 Rev. Robert Betts Africa since 1950 was largely a situation that led to the coup.1! For Transportation Call Worship Service 11:00 structure." 332-2133 351-5125 "The tendency is to W. E. Robinson, Pastor or A Meaningful Witness K. G. Smith, He became head of Irgun in political, rather than an Skinner said that after the sayMf E.D. Dawson, Ed. Minister pastor 1943, and after World War II it economic movement, Elliott independence was achieved the more things change, thl began harassing attacks against Skinner, Columbia University development more they stay the s 'Church School 9:45 Meeting at 504 Ann St. problems of the said. to 11:45 the British in Palestine, using professor of Africans "came home to roost." "However, this should nd (Corner of Division) antropology, said be considered a return to formej Peoples Church FIRST ASSEMBLY Crib Nursery Call 351-8994 if you pistols and grenades and blowing on campus Wednesday night. "The problem of Africans 485-9477 up British depots and convoys. Skinner said the noneconomic situations." need transportation competing for limited resources East Lansing nature of the independence Skinner said often a at their disposal led to the 11:00 back" occurs but usually thl 1125 Weber Dr., Lansing a.m. movement created problems attempt on the part of many society has moved to a highef Interdenominational (Blk. No. of E. Grand River BARNES when independence was achieved. African politicians to protect level of socio - culturiB 200 W. Grand River at Downerj Rev. Richard W. Bishop, Pastor EAST LANSING IRINITY CHURCH ijRiN FLORAL "For the European nations, their nation "This - states. provided the kind of integration. This model of societal progression* "helixicalj at Michigan if] 9:45 A.M. COLLEGE CLASS E. OF EAST LANSING economic development had not political situation where military 10:50 A.M. WORSHIP Eugene Williams, 841 Timberlane Drive the key to understanding rnanl Minister been an important consideration rule was a matter of course." 7:00 E.F. KALAPATHY East Lansing of the relationships SUNDAY SERVICE of Shalom Center, Chicago Stanley R. Reilly, in the colonization of Africa — Skinner said he felt the period if the main task on the one hand contemporary Africa, he said. M ■ , FRI., MARCH 5, 7:30 P.M. Assistant Telephone: 351-8200 of coups in Africa is not yet NIGHT OF MUSIC Interdenominational was to civilize the natives, and over. 9:30 and 11:00 five choirs and violinist University Class 9:45 on the other hand, to restore law "However, I would like Guest minisferl Don Kody a.m. to "The Ancient Law" 6:00 p.m. Rev. Wallace Robertson Rev. Stanley Reilly, preaching JESUS CHRIST- THE "A Place to Stand" EXPERIENCE Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. $1 OFF to folk Sunday| i We telegraph flowers on a United Pentecostal Church UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN worldwide Bucket Barrel CHURCH SCHOOL Corner of State Rd. & CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 or a Offer Good Thru Feb. 28 to Lutherans U.S. 27 North 9:30 & 11:00 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River The Rev. George Hrbeckl director of the Lutheran Crib through Adults Sun. morning Sun. evening 10:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m. EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY Relation Assn.'s Chicago project lluMy Wed. evening 7:30 p.m. COFFEE HOUR Rev. Ron Hackworth 882-3109 ALWAYS OPEN AT M.S.U. will be the guest speaker at 3: AFTER SERVICES For Transportation Call: Rick Dell 332-2575 Christian Reformed Church TheReVprnke^r-andeoCh' The^ Chicago project has J task of exploring, helping and Student Center develop and enlisting participation in mm'" 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) relating to the proble LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES poverty and racism Visit our new Student Center — Chicago metropolitan area. open daily 9 a.m. - 11 p.m. Lunch Wednesday 12:30 - 1:30 P.M. MORNING SERVICE 10:00 A.M. EVENING SERVICE 7:00 P.M. •eSSr- Rev. Brink Rev. Brink, preaching preaching First Church of CHINESE FOOD for transportation call 351-6360 Christ, Scientist or 882-1425 INTRODUCING FOUR NEW DINNER ITEMS • SHRIMP EGG FOO YUNG SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH • PORK EGG FOO YUNG $ |40 1518 S.Washington Sunday ? p m losing • SWEET AND SOUR PORK "This Cod Will Do" • PEPPER STEAK WITH OYSTER SAUCE 9:45 A.M. COLLEGIAN College Bible Class in the fireside room FELLOWSHIP SORRY, NO MORE DELIVERY SERVICE Dr. Ted Ward, MSU 8:30 p.m. PLEASE STOP IN : Teacher - 1700 E. KALAMAZOO Fireside Room Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor J0 am Glenn R. Blossom, Youth Pastor OPEN SUNDAY - THURSDAY 11 a.m. 10 p.m. "Is God Enough?" FRIDAY SAT. TILL 12 p.m. FRliE bUS SERVICE Morning and livening ^371-2650 Call 482-0754 for information. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 26, 1971 7 Kalamazoo By JOANNA FIRESTONE conditions in the county jail conditions and protes State News Staff Writer turned to a snow ball and rock irrelevant Gazette, the rush followed the police and sheriffs deputies, the oppression, has attempted to education," it added. institute reforms in the attack on the Kalamazoo burning of a U.S. flag, strung group spilled into the street county A spokesman for Kalamazoo According to a UF statement, between poles by two young where police began moving out jail, a free breakfast program to Circuit Court Judge County Building. the groups Raymond Police began holding the rally men. to disperse them. feed underprivileged children, a W. Fox said making arrests in "pleaded for a peaceful tenant's union and correction of Thursday that the sweeps after a police sergeant, After Sgt. Lectka was felled, United Front spokesman Kalamazoo County Grand Jury meeting" and had obtained a David M. Coburn said the educational problems within the has Sephen Lectka, was injured by a permit to hold the gathering squads of baton-carrying officers indicted Enrico Richard city's school system. flying chink of concrete. Two from the reportedly began pursuing organization is being "harassed Sanchez, 20, for felonious other officers and a 24 Kalamazoo City persons westward on Michigan and intimidated by the local Coburn said Judge Fox's assault with year - Council. calling of the grand jury to a deadly weapon old prisoner Others Avenue. Some protesters say political machinery" for its during disturbances there Feb. were given who have been Black session amounts to "a emergency treatment at they were "savagely beaten" - Panther - like approach a local identified as rally sponsors with police nightsticks when to community reform. purposeful and willful intention The grand jury was called hospital and released. include Serve the People, a to block the United Front in its by The United Front (UF), a apprehended by police. The group, described as a Fox to investigate disturbances similarly styled group at Western Joel Gage, 34, and Thomas nonstudent movement against efforts to achieve much - needed at community action group and Michigan the County Building in one of the University; the Sanchez, 24, who were both reforms in this county." Kalamazoo when about 125 rally's sponsors, said Mexican American youth Judge Fox could young people clashed with the incidents of "disheartened the front as much violence group, the Brown Berets and some church arrested profanity, for said loitering and they were Books sought contacted for comment. not be I police causing an estimated groups. sprayed by police with mace The UF said it feels "the as they disheartened the At least 10 windows in the $1,000 damage. Four persons were injured and community. five floor County Building were during their arrests. City police for sister city impartiality of the grand jury will be seriously jeopardized" eight arrested. "The violence that occurred broken in involved in the action were The conlfict came the conflict. They Those books you've thrown since Judge Fox as well as two as a reflects the profound frustration were later replaced wearing soft hats and were not under the bed because all your Bronson Park rally protesting by inmates other judges presiding at the brought about by bad housing, of the Kalamazoo equipped for riot duty. the invasion of Laos jail. bookshelves, boxes and favorite grand jury, allegedly witnessed and discrimination, inhumane jail County Prosecutor Donald A. According to the Kalamazoo Burge, who witnessed the chairs are full could serve a the scuffle between police and better purpose than dust young people. \ disturbance, said he saw nothing "out of the ordinary" in police collection. "We believe iU (the grand Belize (that's the new name jury's) use as a means to POLICE BRIEF behavior and said the UF had "thrown down the gauntlet" by its actions. for British Honduras) could use them. investigate the peace rally is highly inappropriate," Coburn No announcement was made Lansing and Belmopan, the said. "Last spring campus riot of the planned police action but capital of Belize, are "sister otLUired in ruu«,nazoo with Wet walk TWO Burge said a new law provides cities" and Lansing Mayor damage estimated at over LANSING Thursday morning in a student Gerald W. Graves has declared $10,000, RESIDENTS, aged 16 and 21, Farm Lane for about 16 minutes that this is no longer required. including broken is student was surprised when he discovered that the ice room at East Holmes Hall. March "Books for Belize" windows and son., damage done were apprehended Wtdnesday Police said they were advised Wednesday morning. There apparently were no ■lie was walking on was thinner than he expected. His Polifp said month. to several buildings. No night by MSU they called the moves by either police or grand at walking on water looks a little risky. police for Wednesday by State Police that Belize will obtain its jury was called then." possessing company to have the train demonstrators to halt the flag State News photo by Frederick Mendenhall marijuana and the man might be in the MSI removed from the independence later this year and At Tuesday's ASMSU narcotics paraphernalia in their area. crossing. burning or the snowballs. Police in the meantime is automobile. action was initiated when a working to meeting, the student board A Holmes Hall resident told stock its library shelves. agreed to back the United Front AN ESTIMATED $598 worth Police said they stopped the group began to rush up the steps police the man, a former MSL >'t Lansing fire stations are and Brown Berets and pledged two clothing, a stereo tape deck, to the building. )yola on Hagadorn Road prof student, was in the room. near Hubbard two stereo speakers, a cushion receiving books for the to help them raise money for Hall for a traffic The Having been repulsed by city collection project. man was committed pad and a tire jack were reported defense lawyers violation and observed the items the Thursday to Traverse City Sfp: stolen this week from three on floor when they Hospital. automobiles and a pick - In Roman N. approached the vehicle. the 16 Police said they will refer - year • old youth to WARRANT * * POLICE ARE SEEKING A * truck parked in lots. campus parking up Probate Court and will seek a Railroad this against the C&O Your Next Police said Step Up During ■The Rev. Raymond V. Schoder, professor of classical literature week after one of they found criminal warrant against the the evidence of forced entry into the Id archaeology at Loyola University, will present an illustrated company's trains blocked automobiles. mure entitled "Roman North Africa" at 8 p.m. today in the man, who also was carrying a diver's knife inside Kesge Art Center main gallery. automobile. the ■Sdioder's speech is sponsored by the Central Michigan Society ♦ * * I the Archaeological Institute of America. A 21 -YEAR-OLD S.O.S. Days At Hi Fi Duys ■The session is open to the public free of charge. An informal patient who Wsion with th< speaker will follow the presentation. escaped from Muskegon Mental Hospital was apprehended early v-—✓ — /71 V\\ Capital/ Capsules if i i .i \ \ i\ Is Our Featured System may STATE HIGHWAY have to take new eight projects and could prompt the forfeiture of all federal aid a Michigan has not been and leader," MacMullan said. is not SUITS 3D$17.3 million in highway on the projects if it is not Current environmental |ra< ts as a result of President followed. education in the state "follows a 2 BUTTON 3 BUTTON 4 BUTTON Your next step up is a big one — for here's our long time featured system that we find suspension of a extremely difficult to beat on performance while still watching the pocketbook. i of a law on President Nixon Wednesday disturbing hit • and - miss KENWOOD is featured, this time the powerful Again a federally suspended a pattern," he said. KR5150, 150 watts IHF power and the Ktrd construction projects, provision of the Lightweight Wools & capacity for 3 pairs of speakers. And we matched it with the best and most popular Davis Bacon Act which - requires Blends, latest in style & in loudspeakers today. The ADVENT. With the buy he suspension affects bids on fashion. payment of minimum wage rates Be entertained Wide lapels, perfecting PE 2038 record changer and SHURE M93-E cartridge, you'll find this the most 79919950 tapered bodies, deep center established by the Dept. of vents. appropriate system for the up and in the Rathskellar Bi-Swing backs & coming student — or home! It's our $640 system — a stereo investment with immediate )S teach-in Labor on all federally aided belted backs. returns, So Step Inside HIFI BUYS and compare for yourself projects. DAILY |tudrnts for a Democratic * * * Cocktail Hours (SDS) will sponsor a in on imperialism at 1 THE MOVE TO 4:30-7 p.m. . Saturday v Hall. in 109 - 110 RECONSIDER a bill to establish mandatory education in environmental Private parties, welcome Webster Men's Wear ■lie teach in will include Michigan schools A $640.00 S.O.S. * was applauded Thursday by ■ . . at the ■kers from the Democratic LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL f ular Front for the Liberation Ralph A. MacMullan, director of Palestine, the Iranian the Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources. Gables Open Every Night 'til 9 HI-FI 1101 E. Grand River Assn. and the Sunday 12 to 5 * "Education is perhaps the Jjressive Labor party. ■here will be no admission only major phase of natural resources managment in which YWLtlh-Jtt THE PAUL WINTER CONSORT/ROAD at HOLIDAY LANES OPEN 9 a.m. daily | OPEN BOWLING All weekend starting Fri. 8:45 p.n Just North of Frandor 487-3731 Billiards • Cocktails • Good Food Paul Winter is my Concert ! shall not want. For Art, thou be with it; He maketh /<■ b '< There are 193 Reasons He /< adcth ntc me to fine music; The Consort's classical guitar and sax, they comfort me. among giro - rangements They preparest music before me in the presence of To Stay at Kellogg Center He lestoreth my eardrums: Grand Funk, mine enemies; He guideth me into Requiems for mi/ stereo's sake. They annointeth my head with Bach Fugues; my delight Yea, though it soundeth like Muzak as it wandereth runneth over through the valley of criticism, Surely I shall wander this ROAD all the days of my life; It shall not be so compared it be evil, And the can no Lp shall dwell in my record library forever. Bob Chorush For free 4-color poster, clip this coupon raul Winter c/o A&M Records jf*;-' 1416 N. La Brea Ave. ^ Los Angeles,Calif. 90028 ADDRESS Here's one of them! i, mmm '•eommodations and KELLOGG lining, KELLOGG CENTER first choice. CENTER At&LM Records '"nvenient, comfortable. Reservations 332 6571 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Febru;'ary 26 , U-M students protest school assessment By DIANE PETRYK Tuesday the suit is on behalf of all married housing tenants, and - exempt educational institutions such as U - M have "an According to Joe Derkin, business manaeer fn, * State News Staff Writer it seeks a refund of the $6 per month per apartment assessment overriding obligation" to invest all revenue In their own Public Schools, MSU is collected since Aug. 1, part of which has been paid by the U - M educational programs. paying $300,592 in the A suit being brought by students against the Ann Arbor school pupils whose parents live in MSU apartments 1* regents to the Ann Arbor public schools. The amount of payment offered to the schools is based on an district and the University of Michigan (U-M) could have "We are taxed per unit, regardless of whether or not we have a Roger Wilkinson, vice president for business »nn application of the Ann Arbor school tax rate to an estimate of the rate is on a tuition basis, the <- implications for East Lansing schools and MSU, Leland Carr, child in the schools," Sprik said. "We're pretty sure this is the U M apartments current property value. cost beine *471 4n<*> University attorney, said this week. illegal. - enrolled In elementary school and Some of the regents even think it's illegal." In the past, approximately half of U - M students' school $722 oer%tuA . Plaintiffs in the suit are 21 residents of U-M's married housing Arthur Carpenter, attorney for the plaintiffs, said the suit was children attended the U - M School of Education's University age secondary school. p Kudent enroll^ apartments who charge that the university has no right to tax "This is relatively the equivalent mailed to the State Court of Claims by of what is n»i^ his office Tuesday. School and the rest attended Ann Arbor schools. Some Ann u their rent in order to make payments to the Ann Arbor school The suit states: "No other taxing Lansing taxpayer," Wilkinson said. P by lhe district. body in this world taxe6 Arbor students also attended University School, so a relative Protest assessment parents directly for their children's education, and this is a gross balance existed. U - M married housing residents have 375 children enrolled in violation of the Sprik said he and the other plaintiffs plaintiffs rights to equal protection in that The U • M regents' willingness to make payments in lieu of would , the Ann Arbor public schools, and university housing does not payments made to the Ann Arbor schools if portions of the regent's property should be taxed for such taxes to the local school board developed following a decision to thov J contribute to the tax base of the public school system, according the U M general fund. y we purposes." close University School. - made to John Hubley, asst. superintendent for Community Services of The regents are being asked to show cause why they should not Ann Arbor School Superintendent W. Scott Westerman issued "That Ann Arbor public schools. cease collecting the $6 monthly school assessment and be a statement last week claiming that if the University can pay the jnMy.be "but at least The property of state - owned institutions cannot be taxed and required to refund money collected since August. The school city for police and fire services it "seems reasonable" that it property taxes in Ann Arbor pay for the school system. district is being asked to show cause why it should not refund the should pay the district for school services. Roetman said he felt that if the One of the plaintiffs, Dale Sprik, a U • M law student, said University's first payment of these funds to the plaintiffs. payment is ruled Hubley emphasized that the relationship between the Ann dump 500 kids Into the system with , no Hubley said the cost of educating the 375 students is $390,000 Arbor public schools and the U - M has been excellent over the to scream." moneyy someone this year. Of this amount, the system receives i,- $66,000 in state years. aid. The remaining $324,000 cost is borne by the "We He said even though MSU taxpayers. keep in contact with them and use their resources in a seems to be paying four dollars ... Last May the regents agreed to pay the Ann Arbor Board of per apartment than U - M, MSU married Education $252,000 in lieu of taxes for the costs of variety of ways," he said. "There is not a department or program in the public schools that does not $115 per month, while U - M's is around housinerpnt pupils living enjoy an excellent relationship $130 and $170 in the U M's 1,245 tax - free apartments, - Carpenter said. with the U - M." Jack Hamilton, director of Payment was test For East the University's position is that if University Relations at it u Lansing public schools MSU reserves what amounts He said an application U - M made last spring for a formal to $10 per month per apartment from their general married the payments are they will have no legal obligation to help pay for rL opinion on the issue from Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley produced housing operating fund, but this money is not explicitly an children of married students. the eH.ZUCitl°11 v no response and the regents felt the only way to obtain a legal assessment from each married test was to make housing unit, John J. Roetman, "Ann Arbor schools would then be a payment. manager of married housing, said Wednesday. obligated to In January the regents voted to make a payment of $87,384. their education," Hamilton said. provide - Stephen Terry, asst. vice president for business and finance, Hubley said Wednesday that these funds have not yet been said the total per month payment to East received. Lansing schools is He said the payment was "assumed reasonable" by u approximately equivalent to $10 from each of the 2,468 married officials. He did not rule out the Merton A. Shill, a plaintiff in the case, told the regents that tax possibility that housing units. arrangements could be made after the legal decision, however SUNDAY AT 'U' HEALTH CENTER Charge MSU students may use Bank university health centers to have a Bank Americard or cards must be paid by Americard and Master Charge accept charge plates. Master Charge account, Smith register under the plates to charge services at the "We're trying to make the said. He said the amount charged University's card" plan. University Health Center, Joseph health facilities here more F. Smith, office manager, said. accessible to students," he said. Take a friend and help Under the plan, begun three weeks ago, a student may charge "The charge accounts will also reduce emergency charges or V College committe yourselves to cuisine from charges for additional any outpatient services received unexpected services, such as 1000 lands. want all As much as you day Sunday (1 to 8 p.m.) at the center except the 50 - cent charge for immunizations. X-rays, for students and reduce the number of times they have seeks agenda items Special arrangments to return to make payments. may be The steering committee of For information call 372-6550 made with the business office Students will benefit most University College will hold an - , for charging in - patient services. from using charge plates at the meeting at 3 p.m. today In the Dean's Conference Room 21 Bessey Hall. Smith said the use of charge pharmacy, he added. The purpose of the accounts at meeting will be to hear suggestions hospitals in the Services at the health center agenda items for the College Advisory Council and Lansing area is relatively new any propo* may be charged in the patient's complaints or inquiries. THE PLAZA and that MSU is one of the first name if he or his parents do not The steering committee is required to hold a public met" open to all students and faculty preceding each College Advi (Former Jack Tar Hotel) Council meeting. 125 W. Michigan Call Sub V The next University at 4 p.m. College Advisory Council meeting will March 11 in Wonders Kiva. across from the Capitol have their subs deliv NOTICE To those of you who have been - enjoying the Jazz & Blues and Dixie to Land music of the Basin Street 5+2 at the your Park Lake Tavern;Wean PROGRAM INFORMATION 482-3905 now featuring a versatile 4 ■ piece group called the Blue Echoes every Friday and Saturday night. These young men play ICHIGAN DELIVERY HOURS today's music with a soft rock beat. They play sax, electric piano, guitar and drums. Three of them ar 5 pm - 1 am Daily vocalists. Our lights are low, our Theatre - Lansing 4 pm - 12 Sunday prices are right, and we welcome young people, but you must have I.D. Call 217 S. WASHINGTON-DOWNTOWN I 4980 Northwind 351 - 4731 East of Yankees Sub Villa All Deliveries over $3.00 - Free PARK LAKE TAVERN All Deliveries under $3.00 — 25c Extra NORTHSIDE ' Drive-in Friday 6-9 All the Fish You Can Eat $1.50 /K * * J *• iSfbeafrg r.m.i £vS Fri. Sal. Sun. 2 Mites North NOW THRU SUN. Qn U§-27 4§2-74Q9 EAST IANSING ON M 43 * PHONE tD. 2 1042 ' EXCLUSIVE X PROGRAM FIRST SHOWNl , HOTTEST HEATERS IN TOWN! SPECIAL POLICE! TO SUPERVISE ADMS. Elec Heaters 3 ADULT HITS r THE STUDENT BODY MORE DYNAMIC VOTED HER THE MOST THAN TRUE GRIT LIKELY ... TO...! .SEXIER THAN ...AND SHE DID! I AM CURIOUS AGAIN AND AGAIN (YELLOW)...' AND AGAIN!!! [*J National Review no one under is years ADMITTED THE TALK OF THE starring DEANS christine MURRY jim GENTRY mark EDWARDS anita COLOR JOYCE by MOVIE LAB I Shown 2nd at 9:09 I ■2nd (R) Feature ■ WIFE ALL THE YOUTHFUL ROD TAYLOR asTravs McGee • SUZY Kf N BEAUTY OF EUROPE ENSLAVED DARKER THAN AMBER" FOR THE PLEASURE OF tfCMNOXOn* ANA1J0NAI GINfRAl PtClUHfSRflFASf •ACINfMACfNTfHMMS PM THE 3RD REICH IN EASTMAN COLOR Shown First at 7:09 . FROM OLYMPIC INTERNATIONAL ^^3rd Adult Hit National General Pictures Presents A Leon Clore Production A HOWARD G.MINSKY-ARTHUR HILLER Production ERICH SEGAL ARTHUR HILLER HOWARD G. MINSKY John Marley & Ray Milland ^ IN COLOR A PARAMOUNT PICTURE |% EASTMANCOLOR-^ HOT SPUR shown twice at Ail Neat in DAVID GOLDEN .. FRANCIS LAI Black Stockings A WLSTfcWN WITH THfc SCOPE 7:09 and 10:50 AND QUALITY OF THE LARGEST LOVE CAMP 7 Complete Shows at 1:25-3:25-5:25-7:25-9:30 STUDIO AND THE BLATANT at 9:14 Sunday Complete Shows at 1:00-3:00-5:00-7:05-9:05 p.m. p.m. RAWNESS OF A SATURDAY © COLOR fL NIGHT SMOKER FILM f Discover the new excitement of sharing] Shown 3rd at 10:34 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 26, 1971 9 new system sought Seminar By BILL HOLSTEIN learning system ought to be," discuss learning to de Rohman said. systems without considered still. Rohman said the planning for will State News Staff Writer using the normal vocabulary. develop. JMC will be six years old in "There were a lot of ideas in JMC II are in such early stages "We're not going to talk "But that kind of challenge, it A special seminar is being June. the '60s that we should attend that little is known of what the about 'courses,'we're not seems to me, is exactly what all planned for spring term in Justin "The kind of going to. I think it's equally bad for role of students will be in planning I have to organizations need. They need Morrill College (JMC) to in mind has to be talk about 'teachers' or the conservative to say that the addition to their particiaption in plan for disciplined and to be constantly challenged to "JMC II", Gordon Rohman tough - minded. It's more than 'students', we're not going to only thing we should change is the seminar spring term. , talk defend the legitimacy of what one big rap session in the about 'credits', we're not V », JMC dean, said Wednesday. sky," the present structure as it is for "We just haven't thought hard they're doing. Otherwise, it "Ste; Rohman said. going to talk about 'college', the radical to say we ought to t The seminar will be a "Whether we're not going to talk about throw everything out," Rohman enough and long enough to becomes self - approving," he A "^conceptualization of what a or not we can know anybody's role," he said. said. college ought to be in the '70s translate this into JMC II or the 'dormitories' — mainly because said. based the minute you frame your Rohman acknowledged that Rohman said his "educational on what we learned in the University we don't know. But conversation in those categories, "I'd rather take a more the results of the seminar may realism" is in part a response to '60s," Rohman said, our primary consideration will He said he doesn't have "any not be to worry you're already trapped by them. pragmatic view of starting afresh be difficult to translate into the the "outdated" y about that. The and but not automatically exclude present educational system and "inaccurate" notions of what • ^'P® 'a'd out for the seminar," primary thing will be to run it "We're not interested in an ourselves - to anything that is that pretty much as an intellectual inevitably a philosophical undergraduate education should .-jjfci but James that two student associates, exercise in trying to making better courses, for current or traditional." argument concerning the results be. Fairweather, East Lansing design a example. That already accepts a sophomore, and Richard system that we think best fits model called 'course' that has a Bernard, Westmont,Ill., junior, what we understand about kind of legitimacy to it," Ice are assisting with plans. learning theory," he said. Rohman said. fungus I The melting snow and ice combined with flooding "What we're trying to do is Rohman said the task of step outside every conception "translating" the results of the He wrote an article for the college newspaper, "The Sheet", STILL NOT SATISFIED WITH I conditions created this ice formation around a tree trunk and convention and stereoptype seminar, or adapting them to the outlining the background of about an educational system and present educational system, will JMC II in which he emphasized m the Red Cedar River. if be the second stage. S.O.S. DAYS AT HIFI BUYS? see we can't that State News photo imagine some of what educators by Doug Bauman completely afresh what a Rohman said the seminar will learned in the '60s should be Placement bureau Well, here's the system we suggest to the true audiophile. Our BIC/LUX, BOSE and DUAL System — and if we need to say more than you should pick from the other S.O.S. Days packages. Businesses Yes here's the ultimate in receivers, the BIC / LUX 71/2R, computerized listening in your set interview dates home. Plus the revolutionary direct / reflected sound of the BOSE 901'sand the DUAL 1219 record changer — you'll have nothing more to ask for, unless it's savings and you get that too! With a STANTON 681EE cartridge you can figure out yourself the high performance level of this professional ■The following employers will Co.; McGill Mfg. Co. Inc.; Meyer Intermediate School District; Community Schools; Travelodge Mgmt. Corp. system. It's our $1250 system and to find | interviewing from March 8, Laboratories, Inc.; Ramada Inns, Win Schulers Restaurants, Inc.; International, Inc.; March 9: Winkelman Stores, Tough March 12. March, June Inc.; Royal Oak School District; Alexander Grant and Co. Western Electric Co. Inc.; U.S. Navy. Inc. out how much you will be saving, we ask Jd August graduates of all West Bend School District; March 11: Baxter Lab, Inc.; March 12: Baltimore County March 10: Win Schulers you to step inside HIFI BUYS and Igree levels are eligible to VISTA. Bentley Community Schools; Board of Education; Benton Restaurants, Inc. compare, compare! compare, compare, and fcrview unless otherwise March 9: Fraser Public Booth Newspapers, Inc.; Harbor Area Schools; Garden March 11: Booth Newspapers, Hicated. Schools; General Motors Corp.; Bridgman Public School District; City Public Schools; Northville Inc; Camp Tamarack; Four - ■if you are interested in an Huntington County Community First National Bank & Trust Co. Public Schools. A $1250.00 S.O.S. lanization, please sign Way Lodge, Inc; Oakhill up in School Corp.; Kearsley of Michigan; the Institute for C Placement Bureau as soon as Companies interviewing for Country Club. Community Schools; Lakewood Paralegal Training; Janesville March 12: Jewel Kssible and at least two school Public Schools; L'Anse Creuse summer employment: Home Public Schools; Lake Forest March L-s in advance of the interview Public 8: Food Facilities Shopping Service. Schools; Northview School District; Lyons Township Public Schools; Schlumber Well High School; San Diego City f Additional information is Service; Wayne Community Schools; Swartz Creek in the Placement School District; Westinghouse Elletin posted each week at the Electric Corp; Winkelman [icement Bureau and in most Stores, Inc.; U.S. Dept. of Bpartmcnts. Agriculture. | Students are advised to March 10: Amstar Corp.; r with employers even Carson Pirie Scott; Cassopolis The State News Wednesday lough they have not completed Public Schools; Colgate incorrectly stated that the PASOA dinner to assist Angela Jeir military service. Many Palmolive Co.; Forest City, Inc.; Davis Iployers have indicated an Fox and Jacobs Construction would be held at the ■terest in interviewing the Co. Inc.; School City of Gary; University Methodist Church. ludent before and after his duty Hackley Union National Bank The dinner will be held at the United Ministry Center at 1118 HI-FI 1101 E. Grand River nth the Armed Forces. and Trust Co.; Highland Park • ■ March 8: Bay City Board of Deerfield High School District; S. Harrison Rd. and will be open lducation: DePaul University; International School of the to the public. lood Facilities Mgmt. Corp.; The State News apologizes for Hague; Libbey - Owens Ford; Berber Products Co.;Kansas City Manufacturer's Life Insurance this error. Kern BREWSTER Insurance Co.; Co.; Mead Johnson and Co.; lommunity College District; Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.; ■ncoln National Life Insurance Owosso Public Schools; Tuscola ALL YOU CAN EAT MONDAY thru FRIDAY Spaghetti - Our Own Special 5449 Sauce — Toasted French Bread ' Lumber Jack Special — Pancakes and Maple Syrup s.49 UNIVERSITY BIG BOY 1050 TROWBRIDGE RD 351-5132 TONIGHT & SAT 106B WELLS "This is a modest but slickly photographed sexploitation tale of a winsome young chick who leaves home to make good and is made plenty." how does an yeah 010 girl Sandra become a 19 year old woman? THE MAKING OF A WOMAN MSU ID \ | DO WHATEVER I I FNJOY IT DOES THAT OFFEND YOU? "Something else" from \ WELL rM SORRY, BECAUSE IT JUST DOESN the director of M*A*S*H /MATTER YOU SEE. THAT'S WHAT "FREE" IS ALL ABOUT! METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER presents'BREWSTER MCCLOUD-Starring BUD CORT ■ SALLY KELLERMAN MICHAEL MURE; HY ■ Co-starring WILLIAM WINDOM and RENE AUBERJONOIS wmie-bv ocwan wiiuamcannon Reeled try ROBfRTAlTMAN Produced by LOU ADLER FilmedmOMSIAV6K3N"a"d METROCOLOR EVENINGS: MATINEES: -SEI €» Mon, Tuai.. W»d. Thurs . SI 00 Wed Sat fn. Sal., Sun S2 00 Sunday EXCLUSIVE Shows At 7:30 & 8:30 mall theatre NEXT WEEK TODAY at 7:15 & 9:15 The Marx Brothers in and 10 p.m. "Night At The Opera" $1.00 and worth it I Continuous Sat. & Sun. and Lon Chaney in In Two Weeks 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 HOT SPUR B628 W. SAGINAW« 484-4403 "Phantom of the Opera" 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. February An MHA-WIC Presentation IFC judiciary to hear suit By DONNA WILBURN Phi Mu Alpha fraternity with IM sports events or Greek He also said that in recent Lee Penwell Vi«. i An epic drama of adventure and exploration! State News Staff Writer lack of participation. activities for more than a year, personal contacts with Phi Mu the fraternity sam J Joseph Ditzhazy. Northville "It is not our intent to hurt Alpha, Ditzhazy concluded that as a The Inter fraternity Council junior and president of IFC, said this fraternity but merely to the fraternity wished to remain professional and that their m,i? 0p* (IFC) judiciary will hear today Phi Mu Alpha has not been clarify our position with them,' six - the case in which IFC charges represented at council meetings, Ditzhazy said. autonomous. are not advaS"' Ss Phi Mu Alpha has a status within the fraternity embmi"P ^ University. The "'phe ar, IFC constitution requires that all Dart!!? il n°l vin(Hil Confessions on our fraternities be members of this Penwell sa.H uT part°MfH ru organization difference of Intend H Ditzhazy said that since the Academic Freedom Report hou^I'LrinvSjJf 1 low house is officials now ii allows major governing groups to on wield d judicial responsibilities to avenues ASMSU, either _ of represe^^ thr,!,^? 01 their members, IFC has a right • to decide the standing of Phi Mu cooperative Couiui|l Coun. ii ** WASHINGTON (AP) — Law used to discredit Campus Council a defendant's confession only when Alpha. enforcement officials are divided testimony if he takes the stand somebody. not being "In the past thr««. on how much easier it will be to "Very helpful," said Virginia's interrogated as a suspect, blurted "If Phi Mu Alpha call gain convictions under the Norfolk Country Dist. Atty themselves a fraternity and live years we have had "I „ out something incriminating _ _ contacts or funnim °with Supreme Court's newly loosened tieoige Burke. ' "Certainly 'a ■ confession rule. Then, if he took the stand aftrt in off • campus housing, IFC is at ail," Penweli said'"i I ipj] useful tool for law other police work had mack- a responsible for them," Ditzhazy caret "■ do "Very helpful," said one. Of enforcement." what he said could be said. "We only wish to clarify rds dr.,p. limited use, said others. The case, of It California Asst. Atty. Gen useful." their posit ion in'." varying assessments surfaced in Albert W. Harris said the an Associated Press ruling spot check would not help in of reaction to the court's latest proving a case directly, Wilson Hall students plan "but it certainly interpretation ol its landmark would help in trail to I960 Miranda v Arizona keep the ruling defendant from coming up with MGM.h, .K.STANLEY KUBRICK PRODUCTION In that case the court said a fabricated confessions could not be used story." Michigan Supreme Court 2001: a space od/ssey against a defendant if obtained Justice Thomas M. Brennan without telling him in advance lie could remain silent and have a agreed. "You're only checking his veracity," he said, occasional' coffee house lawyer. Indianapolis police legal Wednesday the court, with adviser Roy F. Jones said the The students of Wilson Hall have KEIRDULLEA• GARY LOCKWOOD STANLEY KUBRiCKARTHUR C.CLARKE STANLEY KUBRICK President Nixon's two new ruling will have limited planned a cost and cover both folk and t, coffee house for early Saturday to accommodate according to Sheldon Kirsch, Lin,, SUPFR PANAVISION METROCOLOR appointees tipping the balance, effect for police. "It's now students who have nothing planned for the early ruled 5 1 that such student. illegally routine to give the warning and morning hours. Norbert Wyse, Detroit obtained confessions could be They will have two male and we would get an unusable sophomore, said. femi formations, two duets and a single gUy The Occasional Wilson Hall Coffee House will » MSU LECTURE performer, Kirsch said. Friday - two locations - BROADWAY SPECIAL CONCERT SERIES open at 1 a.m. Saturday free entertainment, Wyse in the Wilson grill witn said Access will be from both throughout the night, Wyse sain. sides ot V*,ImhiHi "This campus closes down too early on The coffee house is being Friday 7, 9:45 in Wilson "GREAT FUN! A BREEZY. BEGUILING COMEDY." nights. There's no place after 1 a.m. to hang Hall Student Assn, the halt student arranged by u - Wafer Kerr. N Y Taws out," Wyse said. Wyse said the grill will Iv ..pen Six groups have offered to perform free of admission will bechuiged. 8:30 in Brody The Produa^ Managers Company Saturday - 2,7,9:30 in Conrad presents Blacks asked *' $1.00 admission I D's required BARBARA of medio a Members of the black community are invited by WMSB BR1TT0N Saturday to a discussion of black accessibility to and representation by the mass media, focusing on a Channel 10 program on the problems facing the traditional black mutm. The discussion will be at 11 p in. Saturday i, Studio a of WMSB. preceding the program at 11:30 a.m. The piwdum TIFFANY and cast of the program will be present to meet with n,. &orty Carats The Uproarious Broadway Hit RESTAURANT & LOUNGL The program presents three interpretation ,.t black youth who have turned away from and activism. udirti. c. ,.,.iblinis religion u. :>t„rk (iridt The first paa of the show is a dramatization of a Greek and black minister talking with a black trad.iioalj college student w«, Adapted * JAYALIEN A mericun himselt unable to relate to his religion. specialties The focus then is switched to a discussion of th< problem by MSU black graduate students and at prices undergrade■: . vutii From a play by BARILLETand GREDY black ministers from Lansing. WANTED you can at that ythes The program ends with a dramatic Mtntrs comedy smash 'Cactus Rower interpretation of the epilog enjoy of the black musical "Pearlie." FOR ASSAULT ARMED ROBBERY AND st^edbyCHARlfSMARYAN J'-4 *11 COMMITTING A LEWD AND IMMORAL DAN<> WE SERVICE ALL MAKES WIIH A CHOCOLATE PUDDING. BabdU upoti ABE BURROWS staging of tie original Ne* M (xoductw night Tuesday, March 2-8:15 p.m. DOWNTOWN LANSIM DELL TELEVISION SERVO UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM 116 E. Michigan Students $1.00 with full - time I.D. FREE EVENING t'ARKINC. 1000 E. GRAND RIVER UNION TICKET OFFICE i ■ wk Ph. 482-0868 NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES SPARTAN TWIN EAST PANASONIC FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER • 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351 0030 1 program - wpttow -1 1 3JP6W4 * HURR Y! ENDS SOON OPEN 1 p.m - 4 Shows Daily 1:30-4:00-6:45 9:20 PAIOMAR PICTURES INTERNATIONAL PRESENTS WOODY ALLEN S "TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN- WOODY ALLEN JANET MARGOLIN c°i A JACK ROLLINS AND S AMERICAN BROAOCASI,NG COMPANY. INC CHARLES H. JOFFE Production S? GLAZIER /,AC* >s8tftG /MAHViN HAMLlSCh / #OOoTALLEN /COLOR OlSiR.QUTo BY C'NcKAMA REltA^NG CORPORATION baMME! Civil war, pageantry, battle, political contention, V,. EXCITING AND TIMEIVI" ~ Archer Winsten. N.Y Post AND "****! Highest Rating! film!" XPO 2000 "A must ..Wanda MY. Daily Hale. Ne*s A Jury Selected Showcase of Films "A LAVISH HISTORICAL Ranging in Content from Pore Nonsense to Biting Satire from Some of Today's Most Talented Young Film Makers. [SPECTACLE! A rich expan; sive and moving epic! —Catholic Film Newsletttf Friday-7, 9:20 in Conrad Saturday-7, 9:20 in Wilson RICHARD HARRIS ALEC GUINNESS $1.00 admission I.D.'s required itoUKKT MOW.FY IXMtOTHY TUTIN -FRANK KINI-AY UU/ION PATRICK WYMAKK PATRICK MACKF Ml-' CHARI.KSGRAY MK'HAEL JAYSTON s.r„nMi., b, KKN huo^ il KONAI.n KAKWOOD I, Troducr ANDBKWtX'N*^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. February 26, 1971 11 Films, plays, rodeo "The Boys in the Band," "2001: A Space Odyssey," the Friday through Sunday Fairchild Theatre. Admission is in 9;3C Hall Saturday in Conrad set about his next caper. Shows at 7 and 9:20 p.m. Friday in Conrad Second Coming student films $2. and Hall, Saturday in Wilson Hall. a rodeo are the DANDELION WINE - a play WAR AND PEACE entertainment highlights this SANDRA based on Ray Bradbury's book American three - hour - and - 28 — an 18 - year - old weekend. girl becomes about a 12 - year - old and his ' minute version of Tolstoy s a 19 - year - old Stage for the world colored by the mysterious classic. Although it can't woman benefit of the THE BOYS IN THE BAND - always loyal skin flick crowd. and the supernatural. Performed compare to the two - part Mart Crowley's play about eight Check ads for showtimes. at 9 p.m. Friday in Studio 49 Russian version, this film has its homosexuals and one party - (the basement of Fairchild moments of power and a superb crashing outsider who celebrate Theatre. Admission is free. performance by Audrey Music a birthday with rounds of name - Hepburn as Natasha. Shows at Two folk music concerts will Rodeo calling, admissions and The second annual MSU 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday present a cross section of folk confessions. music at 8:30 p.m. Friday and Rodeo Club Intercollegiate in 108 Wells Hall. A remarkable cast does justice Rodeo, complete with bull - Saturday at Wonders Kiva. to CASABLANCA - Humphrey Crowley's characters. George riding, calf - roping and bronc - John Campbell, Jeff Elliot Jacobs' Emory is a romping Bogart and Ingrid Bergman star busting, will be held at 8 p.m. in this intriguing film set in the and Maureen McEUear will be triumph. Peter Marinos' self - Friday through Sunday and at 1 the featured performers Friday North Africii. , >rt. citv. Named pitying Harold, Robert Ward's p.m. Saturday in the Judging with Charlie Smith, Bill Kahl best film of 1943, ••(.'asablanca' tormented Michael and Brad cherishes four puppets but runs Pavilion. Admission is $2. shows prjday an(J and Vick Jacobs on stage Riesenberger's kind Donald are in fear of the man who Movies 6Band9 plays last note standouts. manipulates them. Songs and THE SECOND COMING - a nights in 104 Wells Hall. Saturday. Joe Janeti and other If you haven't seen "Boys" by staging too often intrude on the festival of films produced by TAKE THE MONEY ["Boys in the Band" by Mart Crowley will finish its campus tour this weekend in Erickson Kiva. all means do. Final performances essential plot but for the MSU students. Roughly 17 short RUN - performers will appear both Woody Allen plays nights. The concerts will benefit tonight and |Thursday and Friday performances are at 8:30 p.m.; Saturday performances are at 7:30 and 10 are Erickson Kiva. Saturday in A J : Admission : is performances, la. scattered i one song -i __ and_ films of varying lengths will be _i m._ __.J; • »» i_ crook who bungles crime after ° "Sing - Out," a national moments, it be shown. The . audience will be _ p m. Tickets are $1.50. State News photo by Sue Steeves $1.50. can e but never gets discouraged publication for folk musicians. enjoyed. Performances at 8 p.n asked to vote for its favorite film. tREWSTER MC CLOUD' Ballots will determine which films win a $100 first prize and a $25 second prize. At 7 and 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday in Philadelphia Film triumphs in Anthony Hall and at 8 p.m. Sunday in Conrad Hall. Admission is 50 cents. 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY - to meet with The film spreads its wings wealth of its Stanley Kubrick's vivid, social comment. Or without the protective eye of his y ROBERT KIPPER with precision, gaining altitude Miss Kellerman whose mysterious, beautiful and President Wharton will have an informal discussion with the lose yourself in its underlying | State News Staff Writer with each ensuing frame, themes, gleaning what guardian. The convergence, performance as "Hot Lips" in ambiguous space epic. Shows at MSU Alumni Club of Greater Philadelphia at 7 p.m. March 10 at you can however, is delayed until the "M*A*S*H" may well bring her and 9:45 p.m. Friday in the Marriott Motor Hotel in that city. dropping criticisms without of the supernatural and natural film has scrutinized the an Oscar come >ctor Robert Altman has April, sets the Wilson Hall and at 8:30 d m Topics of discussion will include student unrest, the future of from success with eTiriTn iJn°l Th implications en route to its calculated core. that exist at its Any way you approach it, personalities of the characters involved and placed all film's eerie mood with her the statuesque, haughty appearance, Friday in Brody Hall; at 2, 7 and the Universil\. rogress of the medical school and enrollment. |A*S*H" to triumph with destination. you should be dazzled. pwster McCloud." Brewster McCloud is a film interlocking pieces necessary for Cort makes Brewster a touching Brewster McCloud is a a shattering climax. intrepid title of complexity — a portrait of a boy whose complexity Iracter, Altman's film has teenager who dreams of flying. The acting from bit player to dependence blinds him to the THE It soars above all recent pr r ?r lha" smothei"s Not flying in an airplane but featured actor is never less than cage that has always enclosed i0c in hri11ianrp brilliance anH and aud,ence to savor on fasnnat,on-11's a work flying with his own strength on perfect. Margaret Hamilton, who him. any or all of its wings of his own design. With a thank God has retained the "Brewster McCloud" will Jnality and glides beyond the many levels. combination mother and — laugh that - immortalized her confuse as well as amaze you; t satires in pertinence and Welcome it merely as guardian angel around to watch witch in "The Wizard of Oz," make you impatient with and' entertainment. Accept it for the over him, Brewster hides away in plays a screeching soprano. then thankful for its the fallout shelter of the Stacy Keach plays a flinty old complicated structure. If it takes koup aims to better Houston Astrodome. Here, living miser. William Windom you two viewings to piece it on smuggled - in health food, personifies the ambitious together (as it did me), the Bresster assembles his flying politician. effort is well rewarded, apparatus as he conditions his Rene Auberjonois appears as a "Brewster McCloud" is larking on weekends body for the task. Outside, a murderer is at large, striking down those who disheveled bird man. And Shelly Duvall plays a Fay Dunaway - like hippie chic. showing at the Lansing Mall Theater. If you loved "M*A*S*H," see where its veral students in efficient communter bus service directly or indirectly keep But it is Bud Cort as Brewster director has gone from there. ..munications 205 are from Lot Y to the campus. This, Brewster from his project, and Sally Kellerman as his Compared to "Brewster Iking to improve on- campus the group believes, would have Each victim's death is supernatural protector who give McCloud," "M*A*S*H" seems ■kend parking. the twofold effect of relieving foreshadowed by bird droppings the film its proper mysterious no more than a talent warm - up , it_ . traffic congestion on campus and followed by a thwarted balance. for Altman. e aim of the group is to and controlling illegal student police investigation. I unused service area spaces I student parking on parking and driving Ultimately the outside and group wjn present its inside plots converge. The police PAC71 Presents: Jules Feiffer's ikends. According to the vjews ^e All-Universitv close in on the Astrodome just Bents' plan, faculty and staff Xraffic Committee, as Brewster makes his solo flight es will remain off • limits to the guidance of ^ The WHITE HOUSE Kdon Thomas, East Lansing lyor and professor of MURDERCASE limunications, the students J also seeking more metered Iking spaces in front of ldence halls. fcther goals of the group llude proposals for 6 Complete showings Admission 50c more Spring Break in THE 2ND ANNUAL N\50 STUDENT ACAPULCO 8 Days FILM FESTIVAL $199.00 plus gratuities FEB. 28* CONUo AuelTottvfA JAMAICA $208.00 plus gratuities ill Stan Feldman 393-6575 i>r Erin Elto 351-3611 ★★★★★★★★★★★* * ★★★★★★★★★★ SPORTS- BIG 10 TITLE AT STAKE G-men U 'S' hosts Badgers icers in final By RICK GOSSELIN State News Sports Writer Michigan Tech series, the Denver set, and the Colorado couplet standings. But Wisconsin has been building can no the longer claim to be high in WCHA scoring pace, because By MIKE ABERLICH Besides mee Marti pacedMcCurdy have all been anti-climactic itself up to a peak, reaching the State News Sports Writer n11K I now he is ON TOP MSU Hockey Coach Anio compared to the two - game identical 7-3 mark in conference points. in total Rick McCurdy must be 1 n"mbor theWolvii of pairing brewing this Friday and play with a dramatic two game Though the Toronto center is times jni f Bessone will tell you that every Saturday at Demonstration Hall. killing of the Minnesota Gophers tied with two players for a lead turning around a lot these days. If you had MSU's 18 wless campaign ihie... * thiSye# | 1 series his team plays is a crucial Game times set for 7:30 Mickey Uram are last weekend. The Badgers are (Walt Ledingham of Duluth and In U - M's laci m I one. each night. breathing down your But this weekend, more than p.m. or The Spartans, though high on the crest of a five game Bob Collyard of Colorado), it is wouldn't you? neck, Northern Illinois i?*'1"! any weekend thus far, stands as stand at 9-9 in they WCHA winning streak, which has the first time this season that U - M's two - time all around who supplied the .VH pushed Bob Johnson's Wisconsin Thompson has scaled that high. - point power with ^ the most important for the Big Ten champion McCurdy and competition, are a stable 7-3 in crew into second place of the His 11 goals and 9 assists allow P°inti Spartans. Big Ten action. A pair of splits WCHA standings along with Spartan captain Uram will ^he Spartan's all him to put in a claim for The Spartans have been with Minnesota, an earlier the top square off at Ann Arbor in the ,ook may be hurting somLi Denver on merit of a 11-7 waiting for this series with with Wisconsin, and two split record. rung with 30 points. traditional gymnastics rivalry as Randy Balhorn hasj Wisconsin since game Thompson will also February of sweeps over both Michigan and The series with the Spartans be Friday night. It's the closing troubled with a throat 1967: the year they last won the shooting for the MSU single >„ Big Ten hockey title. The to the Ohio State have projected MSU will be Wisconsin's last Big Ten season assist record this dual meet of the year for both teams. infection, ™ question which S top of the Big Ten games. MSU, on the contrary, mark for th.l weekend, needing one more Coach Newt meet. ine >i will have a two game set with assist to Loken's tie the mark of 33 Wolverines, securely nestled as The possible Michigan on its schedule during (overall count) held by Doug the ones to beat in the |oss 0f r, the final week of the season in Roberts. Big Ten will put pressure and perhaps the nation, are on DE PAUL UNIVERSITY wrapping up both Big Ten and Giles Gagnon has made Ken Factor. it sporting 9 - 0 mark behind the f8( WCHA seasons. known that he has no consistent event hj plans of potent punch of all around But, as the MSU hockey team being muffled in the scoring - rings. well realizes, the Big Ten title race, for he stands as the number men McCurdy, Ray Gura and Ted Marti. The last time GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS will likely be decided this four scorer in the circuit with 28 Mi McCurdy has already Wolverines ws REPRESENTATIVE weekend on the home ice of the points. And Gagnon finally himself proven meet in was in the R' B#| Spartans. a number of times as one .1968. however, will be on campus Earlier in the year, MSU the goal overtook Tech's Mike Usitalo for scoring lead. Gagnon is Flying soph of the nation's best. He will be won between the he earl.er t dual J traveled to Wisconsin for a series alone on top in the goung after a third Big Ten all - March 8, 1971 goal column around crown next weekend at in an overall tie for but could manage only a split. with 18. Usitalo has Fred Zafran takes to the air as he 17, and no performs on the long to discuss The Spartans won the first game one is close after that horse vault. Zafran and the rest of the the conference meet in leadership. with two Spartan squad will be MBA Program or MS in Taxation Program of the set, 5-3, and had the players facing the defending Big Ten and NCAA Columbus, a mark that a choice "Without a doubt," boasting 13. champions few have achieved in the Coach s second game of the series all but Wisconsin will be missing two Michigan tonight at Ann Arbor. Big tallied in the win column before Ten. Former Spartan Dave Thor smiled, players since the last time the State News photo by Don Gerstner was the last. opponent. it. 'IThey are a collapsing in the third period. two teams met in Madison. ve Contact Placement Office for details. team." Going into the final stanza The squad's leading goal with a two The Wolverines goal lead (2-0), the getter and number two man in have heldl Spartan batsmen - least two and Spartans fell back on their old points, Murray sometimes U Heatley, and four performers ways of generosity and gave ir graduated at mid - year and is range in every event, S; Wisconsin three third period no longer available to the PROGRAM INFORMATION 88." ?4*> goals and the game, 3-2. reported, and are just i OPEN AT 6:30 Badgers. In that two game set, Spartan Goalie John Anderson will capable of scoring 27 poin goaltender Jim Watt held the also be out of uniform for the Badgers scoreless consecutive minutes, a stretch for 88 remainder of the season, as his eligibility has also run out. for spring trip each event. double twist into hi beginning late in the first period WMSN will act, which is his top of the first game and broadcast the Preparations for Cornell, Penn State, Florida stretching and "e ending games starting at 7:25 on each MSU's throwing," McCurdy is tr*- early in the third period of the night. baseball season have State, Ohio State and Rutgers. Litwhiler said. "We've even had the rings, and already Murray PlotkiJ second game. begun Head Coach Danny them playing paddleball with The Spartans have a load of Here's how the Big Ten as Litwhiier gets his Spartans ready A budget cut of $2,000 will their glove hands to help develop the one most likely to J , , . - hockey race looks going into for another force the Spartans to only take Spartan Charlie Moi league leaders going into spring trip to Miami. 20 players and two coaches on quickness." on the parallel bars. weekend play: n ov .... „ Wisconsin series. ... The Spartans will play 13 the trip. In the past 24 players Individually, Don Thompson MSU games against six different teams had made the annual spring trip. in the Miami tournament, which Wisconsin "Right .now we have 34 Minnesota lasts from March 22 April 3. Four of the games will through players, including 11 returning SPORTS mm InoriD ; Michigan 1 5 lettermen, working out," SHORTS Qjir be against the host Miami team, Litwhiier said. "That means Ohio State \iaiiHau \mmn \ 0 2 while other MSU foes include, there will be 14 eil very caeim , PROGRAM INFORMATION 372 243a Open at 6:30 disappointed young men after the final cut is made." By United Press International FIOVVOP All Color The Spartan players have been KANSAS CITY, Mo. First A spokesman - , - - . . ... round sites in the NCAA selections completed the sites] preparing for the spring trip with UMriRHMfl TONIGHT regular workouts in the dirt Basketball announceti Championship were Notre Dame was named ea as \yest Virginia All first round games will j •GP?a ««■ Thru Sunday arena of the Men s IM "We ve had the boys on a University, St. John's University, P»»yed March 13. Invitat J University of Pennsylvania, at - large teams will be extent conditioning program for over a University of Houston and Utah next Tuesday, month now, running, exercising, State University. ★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ SCOTTSDALE Outfielder Bill Williams t< signed the first 8100,0 contract ever given by I i Film Group Presents Chicago Cubs, announcement came from I Bogart - Casablanca There wun a Take a study break Cubs' spring training camp. LAKELAND, Fla. Martin, the Detroit crooked McDonel Kiva manager, returned to s base Thursday to show D man,.. McAuliffe exactly how I SihtMN fcT Friday Feb. 26 m position should be played. TECHNICOLOR* • PANAVISION* Martin, who spent sir ALSO DEAN MARTIN AS MATT HELM ii IKE 7:30 and 10:15 p.m. at second base with the N York Yankees, held a half-hi demonstation for tho benefit "THE SILENCERS" GREW McAuliffe and shortstop & Brinkman as the Tigers heldl second full squad workout W.C. Fields will be up to his old tricks this the spring. PROGRAM INFORMATION 486 648') FrL, with a little help from his friends Only two players - OPEN AT 1 p.m. baseman Aurelio Rodriguez I Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, and Cameo I'm the Joe the whole 3RD WEEK! 1:15-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:25 ffMil - the Wonder Dog. shortsop remained Cesar Gutierrez unsigned. Neither! reported to camp and the fl front office still has no ideaw DON'T MISS ALL THE FUN! country's talking about! either of them might be. THE BATTLE OF THE BUTT! . . . And We've Got An Oscar Nom¬ ination For 'BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY." THE CHALLENGE: Every man, woman, y 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-5817 and child to quit smoking for 30 days ^. .for your country, j y 215 abbott rd. -downtown for your honor, .for $25,000,000! "A TRIUMPH 1 A RIP-SNORTER! A 'THIS MINUTE' FILM!" ?"'J0E' MUST SURELY RANK IN IMPACT —JudithCrist WITH 'RONNIE AND CLYDE'!" —Time Magazine "★★★★I LOVE IT!" —Chicago-Sun Times t'TAUT AND COMPELLING!"—Washington Post "WILL RE A R0X0FFICE SENSATION!"-Chicago Tribune "AN OCCASION FOR CHEERING!"-Philadelphia Daily News "A MASTERPIECE!" —Chicago Today BRILLIANTLY DONE, DEVASTATINGLY FUNNY!" n York Daily News "joe OPEN 6:45 p.m. Feature at 7:30 Sat. and Sun. 9:35 Sat. Sun. 1:00 p.m. 1:25-3:25-5:25- 7:30-9:35 p.m. Febri"Uary 26 I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 26, 1971 13 SPORTS ackmen PLAY AGAIN TUESDAY jv/lceyes Cagers battle at Purdue jy DON KOPRIVA , Dave Dieters, winner of the By JOHN VIGES MSU Coach Gus Ganakas said. "Playing two straight games te NewsSports Writer mile in two duals and the MSU State News Sports Writer against us makes each of them more important for Purdue and Relays, willbe seeking to MSU condenses a crucial two game set with the they know they will be vital." Purdue ug win ;x°„7 rh:„r -5h„^,wS MS0 ,„ck Ganakas' team, coming off an important win over Wisconsin, Boilermakers into the next four days, beginning with a 4 p.m. w,th Iowa hopes it can get a continuance of the fine play that earned them ®redu#I "Jj Popejoy, apparently on the way Saturday game at Purdue before the two teams meet in Jenison the 97-78 win last Saturday. Warm. uJU's Bie Ten teck to ^ 4:°4 form of last year Fieldhouse next Tuesday. "We're looking on the five games ahead of us as our season," iX* toltelt'mT' """ * 8Un'""8 The game will be broadcast over radio stations WKAR-AM and WILS. The back to back games are critical ones for Purdue, a team - Ganakas said. "I feel that we have been playing as well as possible. If we could win three of the games and finish at .500 I - think we have done a good job." still slightly in the running for the Big Ten championship with a The Spartans will go with the same starting lineup that was nning events beginning at NCAA meet to be run , 6-3 mark and they will be very important for the Spartans as well successful against Wisconsin; Rudy Benjamin and Paul Dean at wi|1nu,rk the last home Detro>t>s Cob() Arena jnc|ude as they try to end the season on a winning note. the guards, Ron Gutkowski and Pat Miller at forward and Bill iiCe indoors for seniors John Morrison Hartwick and "MSU stands between Purdue and a possible playoff bid," artman, Wayne Hartwick Daye Martjn jn the hurd)es; Kilgore at center. Ganakas expects Purdue to use a zone defense, so the key to inM Washington in the 60; Mock in . ii MSU's offense should be whether Miller is able to connect from s meet will determine the half - mile; Henderson in the the outside. The Boilermakers vary their defense so they would the Big Ten for us *s e an to oach Jim Gibbard said take Iowa lightly t they've always been 440; Cassieman Dieters jn the mj,e an{, th relay quartet. jn 0ther defjnite entrjes fof ^ the 60Q. State/ U-A/l not hesitate to play man to man if MSU could hit from outside. Ganakas has been thinking of giving Dean a little more freedom to shoot against a zone in hopes that the senior guard could take ble but we should win. some pressure off Miller. 1 time Spartans Saturday includeLaRue If Purdue does switch to a man to man defense, the Spartan Saturday MSI! ^ looked strong in its last Butchee in the 60 and 3QQ T 1 was in the scoring initiative will switch to Benjamin. MSU's captain has been a 72"2 - 67'^ thriller over 968, however (j Big Spuller |n the 3()0; Murphy' ^ having an unusual season as his shooting alternates between hot n at Ann Arbor, and the and Henderson in the 44o; Boggs and cold. ear>'« dual , appear ready to in the 600; Pete Rejff jn thg CHICAGO Against Wisconsin Benjamin started poorly, missing his first . tie two which i Wisconsin for the (UPI) - Ohio Indiana, which faces last - mile; and Kim Ilartman, Randy State, leading the Big Ten nine shots, but he finished in fine fashion as he connected on 8 of rail tie for the |q place Northwestern (1-8) on Kilpatrick and Ralph Zoppa in On the basketball race by half a game, television Saturday, also remains his last 13 attempts. the way for MSU the two mile. move risks its title hopes Saturday in title contention with a 7-2 "Sure Rudy's been inconsistent at times," Ganakas said, "but a doubt," Sp» will be two undefeated In the field events, Eric Allen MSU's Rudy Benjamin drives past an Indiana he hasn't played badly. We need him in the line-up, he's our best player in a against its toughest rival on a record. The Hoosiers after sprinter Herb Szypui,^ a«' a iton and 600 - man Bob in the triple jump, Mike Bodak, Steve Randolph and Lloyd recent game in Jenison Fieldhouse. Benjamin and his foreign floor, appearing at Saturday will play at Wisconsin driver and after Miller he has the best outside shot on the team, formid, teammates be at Purdue Saturday to face a Michigan for the most important and Ohio State and at home when he is on. They are a Bridges in the long jump and tough veryj Boilermaker team, game thus far in the conference against Iowa and Illinois. Thus lington has equaled the Marv Roberts in the shot put. which struggling to stay in the Indiana could move itself into a "Who else are we goi/ig to have take any outside shots, Paul Iverines have ark at 60 yards this year conference race. held State News photo by Tom Gaunt The Buckeyes took over the Dean can take some but shooting isn't Paul's game. Rudy has and i.9 and last week won the par with Ohio State by beating sometimes tl league lead, held by Michigan the Buckeyes but would have to been playing well lately in knowing when and when not to take )erformers in the ; invitational 50meter - since the first day of play, the long shot. When he doesn't drive he's usually New York. Cassieman rely on somebody else to beat working himself ?very event, Szyp FINAL DUAL MEET Tuesday when the Wolverines Michigan. in to 12 to 15 feet before taking a shot." and are fourth fastest 600 ever, a just ^ suffered their first loss at two weeks ago in the Without All American Rick Mount, the Boilermakers have coring 27 points Indiana while Ohio State nudged Other games Saturday include - elays. lowered their scoring potential but they are still a dangerous team neludes 3t into his high I a diftic Ihed MSU mile relay will be to dip below its recently fieldhouse mark of Matmen face Gophers Iowa on the Buckeye court. The results gave Ohio State the lead with a 9-1 record and placed MSU (3-6) at Purdue (6-3), Illinois (4-5) at Minnesota (3-7) and Wisconsin (2-7) at Iowa withgood outside shooting. "They are not as devastating a fast break team but they are more balanced and you can't concentrate on is his By GARYSCHARRER Michigan second at 8-1. The just one man," top evt The Spartans, with Al (3-6). Ganakas explained. the one to watch , Mike Murphy, Mike State News Sports Writer wLk » ho S grappler accumulating the .... Buckeyes, though, nucReyeS, nave likely uiuugn, have iiseiy nd Murray Ptotkii , and Cassieman running, The countdowm to the Big ^SfvinJ» 'S highest P°int total in varsity iost star Jim Cleamons for the lost likely to (j a brilliant 3:14.4 on the Ten tournament is ready to "I'= It Li a just s a - ,f rotten turn of fate action f ff( duri"8 a season- U is season with a broken wrist. based on five February is Dinner Special Month at arlie Morse trool points for a win by Everv other team in the turned Yost Fieldhouse begin but before the Spartan that we have had so many kids pin) default, or forfeit, three ieague was lost at least twice and lei bars. grapplers can get excited over hurt, Peninger commented. points for a decision and two for V$kCaesat£ thus the winner of the Ohio the championship frenzy they It s also hard for him to put a draw. state - Michigan clash will move must face one more foe. his finger on the problem He Although Mike Ellis leads the into first place with a chance to The opponent is the pointed out that it difficult to team in victories, he trails in the s grab an undisputed league title Minnesota Gophers and the understand, especially quest of the award by a narrow by winning its remaining games, PARTAN contest is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. today in the IM Sports considering that the Spartans three points to Gerald Malecek, aren't doing anything differently who has totaled 44 points, Whether either team can do Ho l Arena. The battle with the from last year when the team Malececk leads because he has that was problematical since CHICKEN DINNER WEEKEND Gophers closes out the Spartans had only a few injuries. notched three pins and won one Ohio State will have home games against Minnesota and Indiana 4 Pes. Chicken, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Roll 10 C0UP dual meet season. Entering the meet MSU stands 6-3-1 overall As the Spartan wrestling match by forfeit. Milkovich, season draws to a close, spotlight who has missed several meets and a road game at SHRIMP DINNER Northwestern and Michigan will 6 Pes. Jumbo Shrimp, French Fries , Cole Slaw, Roll •s the schedule of varsity and 4-0-1 in the conference is also focused upon the >/ith a shoulder injury has be on the road at Illinois and I events on the MSU while the Gophers sport a 9-8-1 individual MSU grapplers in the dropped to third place with 38 iowa and home against MSU and FISH DINNER I this weekend: record and 2-5-1 in the Big Ten. race for the Walter Jacob points. Wisconsin 2 Pes. Breaded Fish, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Roll Minnesota, like the Spartans, Award. MSU have been The award, named after vs. crippled by various Isin. 7:30 p.m. Friday and injuries this season. Their main Walter C. Jacob, who was MSU's PICKUP OR DELIVERY |ay at the MSU Ice Arena, threat is two outstanding first NCAA wrestling titli*" in .tfS SlICI DALE, individuals in Reid Lamphere lESTLING - MSU vs. and Jim Axtell. Lamphere was 1936, is given to the FRYE BOOTS ON CAMPUS Bill Williams toJ V)ta, 3 p.m. Friday at the the runner- up to MSU's Tom Spring Break in 1071 TROWBRIDGE first SlOOjf e |orts Arena. Milkovich at 134 pounds in the ACAPULCO 337-1681 ver given by I MSU vs. Iowa, 1970 Big Ten Meet. Axtell is the 8 Days 15 Cubs. " :nt came from I |p.m. Saturday at Jenison defending conference king at $199.00 158. plus gratuities OFF CAMPUS ND, training camp. Fla. [ ■jpiMP _ v«oiT vc Because injuries this of the many MSU season, Spartan or 29.95 1203 E. GR. RIVER le Detroit fo It. Circle and University 12:30 p.m. of Saturday at Coach Grady Peninger has had * hlsf llne"p for JAMAICA $208.00 imw 337-1631 sturned to i ■ - I Sports Arena. - o y different meets and as a result, plus gratuities 211 Abbott Rd. day to show II the starting team hasn't reached exactly how I NEXT TO STATE THEATRE the point whre Peninger would Call Stan Feldman 393-6575 uld be played, ■ like it to be. or Erin Elto 351-3611 who spent si "We haven't peaked yet, but jase with the N es, held a half-hc| GRAND OPENING benefit^ \ n for the nd shortstop B 10% off on Everything door prizes i How to get a simtan in the Tigers held squad workout I Fri. 26th To Improve Service To Our Customers We Have Moved to a Larger Location Sat. 27th February Use your Master Charge for anything from a new sunlamp to Spring Break *210 Abbott Rd* in Jamaica. Come In For Refreshments and Meet The People of Our Store All Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate Students eligible regardless of age. Please Gifts From 50 Countries * apply in person at the Brookfield Plaza Branch. Clothes * Candles * Wall Decor * Jewelry 1it n. ■ . ■ Won. Aon.-Sat. rossroa&s imports Sat. 10 -9 - 351-6245 T Sunday 12-5 iJf|pt cMiitieiii iT|ciMcr ciidiytry\|j|jiiLiiiiuii J YOUR LAS1 NAME (PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW) FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL 1 ONLY H 1 1 1 1 [STUDENT NUMBER AG. \ MINI DRAFT STATUS The 5'3 ' SPOUSE'S STUDENT NUMBER mIsled^b'yh*ursday '""ad"V°Grand OpTn 1 FULL NAME OF SPOUSE 1 MSU ADDRESS CITY □ RENT 1 | STATE J ZIP CODE q OWN MAJOR CLASS | TELF PHONE NUMBER SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 1 |GPA d iscount records PHONE: HOURS: j NAMF. OF PRtSEN 1 EMPLOYER (IF ANY) POSITION HOW LONG MONTHLY SALARY 18460 Daily 9:308:30 BUSHMESS PHONE Sat. 9:306:00 | BUSINESS ADDRESS Sun. 12:00-5:00 J NAME OF SPOUSE'S EMPLOYER POSIT ION 1| MONTHLY SALARY 225 ANN ST. 1 NAME AND ADDRESS OF YOUR PARENTS The only complete record store in Lansing or East Lansing 1 SERUSEDS □ CHECKING [ | SAVINGS Q LOAN Q (OTHER) NEW FROM COLUMBIA | CREDIT REFERENCES BALANCE DUE MONTHLY PAYMENT ■MOLOEROR LANDLORD • ERSTAND THAT YOUR R ATUREOF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF Si JOHNNY WINTER BOZ SCAGGS East Lansing State Bank $3.49 $3.49 East Lansing Okeao* Haslett BrookHeld Plaza Red Cedar at Trowbridge 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 2>, STATE NEWS state news CLASSIFIED Shop, Rent, Swap The Easy Way. Read And Use Want Ads Every Day! 355 8255 classified 3558255 The State News does not permit racial or religious discrimination in its Automotive speaking by Phil Frank Employment For Rent For Rent NEW OPENING LANSING MALE COLLEGE Good SUBLEASE 4 men now for tpring ONE MAN needed advertising columns. The FOREIGN CAR CENTER. Minor students. for and summer. $65/month. No 4 fbsr! State News accept advertising which will not or major repair, and complete body repair. 314 South Hosmer Street. 489-9714. 5-3-2 pay plus bonus. 351-3591. 12-3-12 Part time. Call deposit at Meedowbrook Call 353-0578. 3-2-26 Trace. room, furnished. Parking. $65/month uti,•' ** ^ • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against 351-9369.2-2-26 ' tW|P* PART TIME employment: 12-2b Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or hours per week. Automobile fWO GIRLS. New Cedar Village. ONE OR OLDSMOBILE 1968 Cutlass required, 351-5800. O Spring term. No damage deposit. two girls for I Auto Parts & Service national origin. Supreme. Very low mileage, 332 1959. 3 2 26 man, 393-8056. spring ,er(T1 *"7», Aviation power brakes, power steering, 2 2-26 C automatic transmission, vinyl top, PART TIME, earn up to $50 - $75 • EMPLOYMENT per week. Car necessary. Call FEMALE • FOR RENT other extras. Excellent condition. 351-7319 for interview. C student roommate^' 355 2757. 5-3-1 preferred 1 Apartments Automotive Manor. 351-4208. B3 3-, OPEL 1967 Kadette. $350 or best For Rent DIME OR 2 girls. Spring. Haslett Houses Apartments. Very cheap. offer. 349-1627 Rooms CHEVROLET 1965 Bel Air, V-8 automatic. Power steering and 3-3-2 or 355-3432. REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for 337-0207. 3-2-26 L°h^R bedrooms. Furnished • FOR SALE brakes. Good tires, trouble free, rent. A TO Z RENTALS. Available immediately '1 DESIRE ROOMMATE over 25. 319 5-3-3 Y Animals PLYMOUTH WAGON, 1962. $100 349-2220. 0-3-12 $450 or best offer. 393-7432. East Hillsdale, Apertment 12. or best offer. 351-8139, after 6 Mobile Homes 2-2-26 484-2237. 3-2-26 TV RENTALS, color and black and p.m. 1-2-26 • PERSONAL white. MARSHALL MUSIC, East CHEVY II Nova, 1970. • PEANUTS PERSONAL automatic. Rallye wheels, radio. V-8. PLYMOUTH 1968 GT 2 door Lansing. 351-7830. C-2-26 5PARROW HOSPITAL, Near. Lovely, new, unfurnished, 1 rm™'2 $1995 Phone 677-1381 3-3-1 hardtop. V-8 engine with 4 on the • REAL ESTATE LIVING ON or near campus year bedroom, carpeted. Air L, 0 floor. Nice white paint, dark green ONHMAN needed • RECREATION CHEVY 1964 yellow Impala vinyl roof. Bucket seats with tape round? Tired of your old furniture conditioned, heat furnished. $135. Albert, No. 3 (no phone). spring"^ •SERVICE convertible, $550 or best offer. stereo. Must be driven to or just can't find a furnished 482-8911.3-2-26 S-if 353-2840. 5-2-26 appreciate. $1195. apartment? Let GLOBE GIRL OwnNEEDED.or,our™:^ CURTIS Typing Service FORD, 655-2133. 5-2-26 INTERIOR RENTALS help you. LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom Rent one room of furniture or a apartment. 121 Beal. Available room. 351-2449.3-3-1 Sprino ^ • TRANSPORTATION CONVERTIBLE: 1968 Plymouth housefull Coordinate your own March. $195. 349-3604. 3-2-26 • WANTED Fury III; One owner; 29,000; PONTIAC 1962. Good condition. ensembles or rent an entire suite. extras. 626-6585. 3-2-26 $150 best offer. Leaving country. VIODERN SPACIOUS 2 bedroom ROOMMATE(S), (MENU* Contact our Lansing bedroom. Grad preferred DEADLINE 351-1658. 2-2-26 fully carpeted apartment. G. E. I ECONOLINE, 1964 Van. Very clean. representative at 482-8226 339-9468, 353-7229.3-3-1 1 P.M. one class day anytime day or night or call our appliances, air conditioner, before publication. 14" rims and tires. Rebuilt motor. $600. 372-2306. 3-3-1 PONTIAC bid. 1962 Catalina. Highest Call Rick, after 5 p.m. IEARNEP HOW 75 PICK A BkLL showroom collect at 313 • garbage disposal. In Haslett, only DESPERATE, girl neededspi,™ Cancellations - 12 682-0078 from 10 minutes from campus. No pets. AN, Q one class day noon before ESTATE SALE. Chevy Impala, 1967. 351-7308. 5-3-2 mum am-vm: Monday through Saturday - 6 p.m., for $140 and up. Phone 339-2490 for man, low price, conditioned, swimming, own room 7 min# A udent. 75. 33 2 door. After 5 p.m., 482-8765. further information. 5-2-26 appointment. 5-3-2 walk from publication. PORSCHE 1956 Speedster. 1967 campus 337.2111 4-2-26 ongine, new paint, interior. $695. 2-2-26 TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction GRADUATING SENIORS EE BE PHONE 487-0046. 5-3-4 tc> Young America Corp. / 1304 Ashby rd. / St. Louis, Mo. must rent guaranteed. Free delivery, service Riverside East apartment. Call ONE girl to sublet 355-8255 and pick-up. Call NEJAC, evenings, 351-8076. 3-2-26 spring fy< RAMBLER 1963, station wagon Cedar Village. $55 RATES 337-1300. C automatic. Runs well. Must sell. 351-6234.3-3-1 1 DNE OR two girls for 4-man, Haslett day $1.50 FORD FAIR LANE 1964. Good $195. Call 332-8641. 1-2-26 TV RENTALS - Students only. Low Apartments, spring. $65. Barb. ONE 15c per word per day 3 days condition, 332-0851. 5-2-26 $250. Call Wendy, TRIUMPH GT6+ 1970. 9600 miles. Scooters & Cycles ^Service & Parts monthly and term rates. Call 351-7900 to reserve yours. 351-2546, after 5:30 p.m. 5-3-2 GIRL to sublet Haslett Apartments 351 iy spring in $4.00 3-3-1 Need money! $2750. Bruce, UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C 1314c per word per day BSA ROYAL Star 500cc. Just MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East ONE 355 3832. 5 2-26 MAN Meadowbrook Trace FORD XL, 1967. Automatic, $1195. Kalamazoo Street 5 rebuilt, bags, extras, new paint. Since 1940. MEN: days $6.50 spring and needed^ . . . Ford Fairlane, 1963, $100. Ski - summer term. Own ROOMMATE (SI 13c per word per day Doo snowmobile, $400. TRADE AUSTIN Healey 100-6. Plus Must be seen. 355-2784. 2-3-1 Complete auto painting and collision service. IV 5-0256. C Apartment* bedroom and bath. $60/month. share luxury apartment « spare Healey for parts. Interested 393-8988. 3-3-2 campus. Call 349-3530, 9 (based on 10 words per adl 694-8010, call 6 - 9 p.m. 5-3-2 1966 HONDA 50. Electric starter, 414 SOUTH PINE. 1 bedroom a.m. • MG, (prefer TD, TF or "A" CAR WASH, 25c or automatic wash, centrifugal clutch. Phone after 5 furnished apertment in older ONE MAN Peanuts Personals FORD twincam). Call 393-8816, after 10 sublet for 2 men must be PICKUP, 1950, V-8. Good p.m., 337-1160. 2-3-1 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. home. All utilities paid by owner. p.m. 3-2-26 apartment. Very near campus, $85 WOMEN: ROOMMATE (SI pre paid. condition. Best offer. 372-4927, 430 South Clippert, back of Koko Ideel for 2 people, $110 per needed) a month. Nights 489-1656 or share luxury apartment n before 3 p.m. 1-2-26 bi>A Bar. 0-2-26 month plus deposit. No lease There will be 650, 1968. Good condition 332-0987. 5-3-2 campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.m. a 50c service VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Blue, AM-FM Metal flake blue with matching required. Call 6 - 8 p.m. only, Mr. and radio. Radial tires. $1,000. Phone bookkeeping charge if helmet. 627-7409. 3-3-2 Alban 337-2510. 15-3-12 this ad is not paid within 355-6121.3-3-1 Employment FOUR sublet. - MAN luxury apartment to $57 / month / person. ONE BEDROOM furnished, $14 one week. VOUWAGFN PARK TRAiJE 487-0846. 3-2-26 Plus electric. Call before 5 IM?ALA SS 1964 Burgundy, silver 1964. Good pji SALESMAN WANTED: Nationally THE SPACIOUS ONE. Now taking The State News condition, rebuilt engine. $400. 351 9036. 5 3-3 will be buckets - Best offer. After 4 p.m. known 351-7531.3-2-26 corporation ho'ding applications for rentals. Offering responsible only for the call 351-4374. 3-3-1 TRIUMPH 1968, 500 Trophy. Real interviews Monday evenings. Call 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments with ONE MAN for first day's incorrect clean. Must see to aooreciate for appointment, IV 5-4324. 3-3-1 all the extras. Families welcome. JAVELIN, 1 969. Excellent $57.50/month. i insertion. $650. 645-9541. 2-2-26 Okemos Road at East Mount condition. New polyglas tires, SUBLET, SPRING term, two man, Apartments. Near AMBITIOUS PERSON with a sincere Hope. 349-4030. 5-2-26 vinyl top. 353-9503 or 351-6349. near campus, reduced rate. 351-7177. 3-3-1 VOLVO SPORTS car, 1963 body, desire to earn $15,000 annually. 3-3-1 Aviation Mr. Dunn, phone 393-1007. 5-3-3 TWO BEDROOM lpartment 351-9404. 3-2-26 1968 engine, 699-2105, after 5 JAVELIN? p.m. X5-2-26 furnish" 'urnished. NEEDED: ONE girl spring term - MUST sell. 1969, V-8 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to eutomatic, power steering, mag learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE DENTAL ASSISTANT. Full or part MeadowbB'rir Trace. 882-0949. Haslett Street. Reduced rent. Automotive wheels, AM-FM. 355-2548. 1-2-26 Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C time with orthodontic experience. 5-2-26 _351-m2JJ-2-26 ONE OR 2 men needed for Ctf Scooters & Cycles Downtown. Call482-9695 days, MARRIED STUDENTS Village, spring t 484-0702 evenings. 3-2-26 MAN - BURCHAM Woods. Two BMW 1800TI 1965. Rebuilt engim JEEP 1968 CJ5. - 5-3-3 V-6, canvas top, & trans, brakes, perfect interior. HONDA 305 Superhawk. Just Auto Service & Parts FACULTY man. Spring term. Phone 32,000 miles. Good condition. 332-4133 evenings. S-3-4 rebuilt, very clean. Call any time, WAITRESS FULL time. Age 18 - 25. Live In A Luxury 482-9968, 5 - 7 p.m. 5-3-1 351-5784. 5-2-26 LANSING OR East Lansing. On 351-8214. 3-2-26 AT MEL'S See Manager 8 - 5 p.m., Monday - 3 Bedroom Apt. bedroom furnished. Large, ai we repair all foreign and SUBLET SPRING, 1 man needed, CAMARO, 1969 Z-28. Yellow with American cars. If we can't fix it, it Saturday. LUMS, 231 MAC. 3-3-2 for $185 mo. rooms. Air con ditior black stripes. Very clean road car. LEMANS, 1964 convertible, buckets, SUZUKI 250cc, X-6. Excellent $80 for entire term, 731 Burchem, can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O 2 bedrooms for $165.00 call 332-1966 after 5 p.m. 3-3-2 Beautifully maintained. Suitabi $2,250. 393-6434. 3-3-2 326, floor console automatic. condition, $400. 339-9407 or ASSISTANT GARDEN shop for faculty, grad students,busine $300. 353-4276. 2-2-25 337-9960. 10-3-9 manager. Spring and summer KNOB HILL people, married couples, lea* GRAD STUDENT / professional terms. Full time. Plants and APARTMENTS 332-3135 or 882-6549 0 MUSTANG 1966, 2+2. 8 cylinder. WE HAVE moved! ROLL -ROSSER garden supplies sales. TWISS man, share two bedroom. South 349-4700 Automatic transmission, dark Motorcycle Insurance Specialist, Bugs LANDSCAPE CENTER, East Washington. 393-6491 after 2 QUIET STUDIOUS roommn CHEVELLE, 1969. Excellent shape. Phone out here—service & Open 1 - 6 Mon. - Sat. P.m. 1-2-26 green paint, black interior. Needs 489-4811. Our new body work Lansing. 351-0590. 11-3-12 needed for 2 man, Mill# Good deal. Call after 6 p.m. some body work, $745 as is. address, 2400 North East Street, Sunday by appt. Apartments, close < 351-9424. 2-3-1 CURTIS FORD, 655-2133. 5-2-26 RECISION ANESTHETIST CRNA On Okemos Rd. across QUIET, ONE bedroom, furnished Lansing. TF - 351-2207.4-2-26 from Okemos High School apartment desires occupant. Close. CHEVROLET 1968. Impala station IMPORTS Full time position - Obstretical 1967 IMPALA. Will trade sell for Department. Excellent salary and $150. 351-7253. 2-3-1 MUSTANG 1970 Fastback. Yellow, or ONE ROOMMATE March 1. C wagon. 9 passenger. Full power, also offering STUDIOUS GIRL for 4 man wide motorcycle. After 5 p.m., benefits. Contact Personnel Greens Apt. B23. Ann, 351-5731 original owner. Call 351-5795. tires, radio, automatic. apartment, two blocks from SUBLET LARGE 3 4 5-3-1 Cheap. 332-6817. 3-2-26 482-8765. 4-2-26 complete care for all Department, ST. LAWRENCE or man 5-3-1 HOSPITAL, Lansing. B1-2-26 campus. Spring and or summer apartment, spring. Offers. foreign models — service terms. Call 351-2674 evenings. 351-2794. 3-3-2 BMW, 1969, R60 US. Excellent and body work & repair 2-2-26 WE HAVE TIRES FOR - HORTICULTURE AND Landscape condition. Phone 6 5 5-3055. ONE Architecture students Saturday GIRL, spring. 2 man. Own 3-2-26 1204 E. OAKLAND 484-4411 TWO BEDROOMS furnished. All and Sunday retail sales of plants room. University Terrece. ^at$un's - and garden supplies. Guaranteed utilities furnished except 351-2794. 3-3-2 base plus commission. Experience electricity and telephone. Walking Chevy's 4 It's About Time For A not necessary. Orientation prior to early April start. TWISS distance $66.25 a to campus. Four man person, three man WOMEN. VACANCIES (2) in four girl apartment. One block from TWO MAN Apartment, nearcampu $77.50 a person. HALSTEAD recently refurnished, Ci LANDSCAPE CENTER, East campus. Completely furnished. % Ford's MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O Utilities and 332-2390, after 6 p.m. S-5 2-26 Lansing. 351-0590. 11-3-12 parking provided. $65. 349-9609. 0-3-2 tudent GIRL SPRING. Luxury apartment. TWO GIRLS needed to sublet Cedi 89-1893 MEED EXTRA MONEY, N. R. & D. Corp. needs sales people, Delta Arms. No deposit, $62.50. LARGE TWO bedroom apartment Village apartment. Call 332-1431 351-7668.3-3-1 5-2-26 especially women. Call Perry, upstairs. Completely remodeled. Williamston area. 655-3833. 5-3-4 j 484-8574. 3-2-26 TUNE-UP MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS, ASCP or eligible for expanding, RE DUCEDI $60. Girl. University 536 ALBERT. married Furnished. Girls 0 couple. $135 includi' utilities. Deposit. 351-6165 : 12x1! 10% vvi Terrace, across street from We Stock Over a Million Parts modern clinical laboratory. 4-2-26 55-5361, campus. 351-6806. 1-2-26 TIRE CENTER Excellent salary and increases. ONE GIRL for spring term. Riverside East Apartments. $55 ILISH B ©KRAMER AUTO PARTS 3165 E. Paid vacations, insurance and Michigan Ave. Lansing holidays. Write or apply in confidence. SPARROW monthly. 332-1297. 5-3-3 CROSSWORD stresses 351 0400 - 800 E. Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 HOSPITAL, Personnel Department. 5-2-26 PUZZLE •ndition ACROSS 26. Pitcher plant 1. Forbidden 30. Mucilage TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. 5. Sign of the 31. Inventor Thew spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and zodiac Whitney Special Announ furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control central air conditioning. These four man parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time has been units have up to 3 8. Forefoot 11. Algerian seaport 12. Candlenut tree 32. Acumen 34.Launder 36. Dirk 37. Fish 39. Baby carriage 13. Creek 43. Height adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, 14. Minus 47. Bomb pit 4. Dangerous recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be 15. Past 48. Scull among 5. College cheer Due to popular demand. Cedar Village will open leasing for summer and the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. Their 2 17. Weather 49. Note of the scale W%WN 6. French friend fall terms to the public on bedroom units start at $65/month per man. satellite 1.Lacquered 7. Flag pole Monday, March 1. Air - conditioned model 18. Infant 50. Ardor metalware 8. Ward open 9 - 5. Sorry, we're full for spring term. 19. Decree 51. Purchase 2. War god 9. Melody 23. Armadillo 52. Answer book 3. Choir voice 10. Route MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 16. Pinnacle 20. Writing flu™ FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL 372-2797 or 332-6441 m 21. Sweetsop 1 22. Formerly 24. Jitney SIX, NINE and TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. 1 25. Mornings a®1- 26. Modern 1 P 1% Cedar Village 27. Utmost hyperbole ii 28. Fishing p'a« Ctupclungliam 29. Compass po|nl 33. Relative 35. Humid 38. Twilight 4620 S. Hagadorn just north of Mt. Hope Rd. & 1W 1 40. Characteriza¬ tion MA NA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y BY: 1 w i 41. Wolfhound 42. Patch 43. Weep PHONE 332-5051 BOGUE ST. at the RED CEDAR Alco Management Company 1 I 44. Greek Idle' 45. Caviar m. 46. Engtish cathedrals, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan lbruary 26, l9l, Friday, February 26. ATE NEWS For Rent For Sale For Sale Personal -assified Panel study admissions SCOTT MODEL 17 to speakers. Fisher model 210 stereo receiver; KNEISSL WHITE star skis with TEAC model A4010-S stereo marker rotomat tape deck bindings. $125 used 8 track 355-1531. X-3-2-26 COST OF KIDS tapes, 8 track home tape decks and auto tape (continued from page one) players. talking about their TV sets - used color console TV. REALISTIC COMPONENT set, The Dept. of Agriculture • "If the own perceptions of the needs of society," he AM-FM and police band $135. Perfect condition. Call after estimates that at 1969 prices the University is to provide more flexibility in the said. BEDROOM furnished mobile radios, 5 p.m., 485-0815. 2-2-26 cost to raise a child to age 17 Is development of academic programs it will be necessary to place "I think frRent ') units. Lakeview lots, Italian tapestries. SNOW ski sale: $19,000 In the Midwest to more emphasis upon both the quality and quantity of academic student demand is as valid a way as any of e 54 off on skis and equipment. determining the needs of society, although simply because of the in/week. No lease. 15 minutes Swap and LEAR JET, 8 track cost food plan. Food Is about a advising and counseling." present structure of resource distribution, it may be save. WILCOX car tape - player. necessary to gin campus. 641-6601.0-3-3 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Excellent condition, 351-3241. fourth Includes of the total, which Although the recommendations chart a position somewhere temporarily limit enrollment as a last resort. Michigan, 485-4391, 8 - 5:30 clothing, housing, between absolute student choice and 2-2-26 medical care, education and rigid controls, that position "Simply locking someone out of the College of Education is not pinpointed. If the commission's final Houses p.m., Monday thru Saturday. C transportation. to be more than recommendations are when society needs doctors is not going to make him become a WESTINGHOUSE COMBINATION generally vague statements of principle, possible doctor," he said. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, nil 12" TV, record If kids are costing a lot economize player. AM-FM conflicts between the extent of "considerable John N. Winburne, asst. dean for student affairs of brands. 30% off list price. Rich- radio, alarm clock, timer, $100. by using State News Classified (student) choice as University Ads to find good buys in nursery to his major area of 351 5869. C 332-1307 after 5 p.m. 4-2-26 furnishings, bikes, trlkes, good study" and "some controls and constraints College, strongly defended the system of giving students great outgrown clothing. It's a fine Idea applied to our undergraduate program" must be resolved before freedom to change their majors. GIRL needed to sublet in WIRE FRAMES? Many styles, white SONY TAPE deck, Nikkol to check the Want Ads no matter the final report is issued. 50 watt "The MSU no-preference system is nationally uuse, spring or spring and or yellow gold at OPTICAL what your needs. Turn there now! It does appear regarded as THE amplifier and tuner. Two speakers. likely that lower - division students at the system to handle students," he said. "Every year there is a jmmer terms. 2 blocks from DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan Leaving country. University who are making satisfactory progress will be assured a 351-1658 gradual increase in the percentage of no-preference students. This ampus. Reasonable. Call Avenue. 372-7409. C-2-26 place in some upper division program, although not necessarily in year, 22 per cent of all freshmen and sophomores were no-pref. ■ nmco >1-2528. 3-2-26 jusi went down the program of his choice. WASHING MACHINE, spinner again Mr. Investor. Why not "And a lot of the students who do make decisions type, purchase this lot in Haslett and "There's a difference between change their excellent condition, spotless, $65. Animals build a duplex on it? For more guaranteeing an upper - school minds before their junior year. Forty - four per cent of all Also good trailer major and an upper - school major of the student's choice," hitch, $12. University College students changed their majors last year," he Phone 351-5543 information, call MAYNARD Willard G. Warrington, director of evaluation services and mornings and COLLIE AKC, Male. 8 months. All 3EERY, 351-5210 or SIMON said. evenings. S-TF commission member, said at the Feb. 11 shots. $40. 353-9174, 355-6090 REAL ESTATE, Okemos Branch meeting. "We have to The system of giving students free choice and then attempting 3-3-1 349-3310. 5-2-26 keep this difference in mind." to redistribute resources to meet demand may WEDDING GOWNS, sizes 6/8, Where the rejection for admission to appear to be ideal 10/12. $55 each. 355-5962. upper division is for the individual students, but it creates some problems for the TROPICAL FISH and aquariums, 10 APPLICATION PHOTOS predicated upon the student's qualifications, few commission 3-2-26 academic community as a whole. - 55 gallons, some really nice PASSPORTS members would object to a department or college's right to turn Not only are tenured faculty difficult to shift rapidly LEAR JET component set-ups. Private owner. 694-9689 Call 332-8889 down students who do not meet its standards. enough system. to 3-3-2 VAN DYKE STUDIO But where rejections are based respond to student interest changes, but the University's Receiver, 8 tract, turntable, upon lack of resources or upon tremendous investment in specialized equipment also limits )ED TWO or 3 people for house speakers. 11 months old. $190. PART GERMAN Shepherd 209 Abbott Road arbitrary departmental decisions, many commissioners feel they j East Side. $42 each. 484-3608 John, 393-8522. S-3-3 pups. 5 are unjustified in the long run. flexibility, Provost John E. Cantlon said. months old. House broken (next to the State Theater) "Right now the - ytime. 3-3-1 372-1865. 3-3-2 "Limiting enrollment in colleges leads to a status quo University is geared up for a tremendous TYPEWRITER, UNDERWOOD situation," Jerry Rupley, East Lansing senior and commission science program, but most of the student interest is in the social NOW YOU can rent a WATERBED EE GIRLS, spring. No lease, portable, $24.95. Used furniture GERMAN SHEPHERD pup. 8 weeks for only $10/month. member, said. "I think the admissions committee would tend to sciences," he said. "We can't very well convert laboratories to 351-9525, tlllties paid. 351-9322, after of all kinds. ABC SECONDHAND old. Purebred. Black. Wormed and after 12 noon. 5-3-4 choose in its own image. conventional classrooms." 30 p.m. 3-2-26 STORE, 1208 Turner. C housebroken. $35. Harrison at "We have a contract to students when Administrative efficiency might be increased, although student they come here that choice would decline, if the University decided to adopt 332-3574. 2-2-26 they can continue for four Peanuts Personal years," Rupley said. "If that's going to AN, QUIET, liberal female grad HEATHKIT 27 compact, 30 watt be changed, it should be done modifications of two systems now in use at the University of udent. Begin April. Own room. stereo amp tuner, BSR turntable. ALASKAN MALMUTE puppies. The explicitly, rather than implicitly or department by department." Michigan (U-M) and the University of California at Berkeley. IS. 337-0011, 351-7307. 3-3-1 $130. Heath AS16 speakers, $80. finest breed, the most devoted SO YOU'RE only number 2, better Rupley said he objected to placing program priority upon the However, it does not appear likely that the Admissions Both excellent condition, less year companion. Ready now from luck next year. L.L.W. State Commission will make recommendations to that effect. $100. 669-3423. 5-3-3 "needs of society," a course several commissioners have EE BEDROOM Duplex, North old. Must sell. Bill, 351-8118, Chapter. 1-2-26 At U-M, students are admitted to the University by bbott Road. Stove and after 5 p.m. 3-3-1 suggested. The phrase appears repeatedly throughout proposed departments. A modification of this system was suggested during rator. I mmediate ST. BERNARD puppies. AKC commission recommendations. KATHIE, ONE month of good the early stages of the commission's work. ccupancy, $200 plus utilities. registered. Championship "When they talk about the 'needs of karma, a lifetime left to go. Love, society,' they're really The system would provide that if a student declares a I before 5 p.m., 351-9036. ickground. Call 349-1271. Harry. 1-2-26 major when he enters the university, he is guaranteed a 3-2-2i place in that GIBSON SG standard and Fender E.J.C.: HURRY back. October 29 major so long as he makes satisfactory progress toward a degree. |R GIRLS spring term. All 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish lities (including phone) paid. precision Gemeinhardt base guitars, flute, E.V. and other live merchandise will be "Our" day. Love, L.A.M. 1-2-26 Who's Whose M However, if the student wished to change his major at any point, he would have to compete with all applicants from inside 1-8182. 5-2-26 (finally, a roommate that doesn't and outside the university who wished to be admitted to the Musicaster speakers, Bozen PA talk back I) at DOCKTOR PET BARNEY: amp, many Shure microphones. HAPPY 22nd! Let's go program. INISHED THREE bedroom, 1 484-3560. 5-3-1 CENTER, Meridian Mall, out and have a highball! Love, BC. This modification has received little attention within the lock to campus. 4-6 students, 349-3950. 5-2-27 1-2-26 Beverly Brescoll, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. commission during its meetings in the last few months. king, utilities paid, deposit. ALTO SAXOPHONE. Rene Lorein, senior to Michael C. Mills, E. ST. BERNARDS, stud service and Lansing, Berkeley's plan places severe limits on the size of all 32-5144. 5-3-1 senior. Phi Kappa Tau. >MMATEISI $175 or best offer. Call 332-6151 pups. 2 females, $75 each. AKC. Real Estate It'sWhat's departments within the school, both in regard to students and to neede before 4:30 p.m. 5-3-4 482-5887. 3-2-26 Happening must be iry apartment iT SIDE. Newly remodeled, ENGAGEMENTS submitted in faculty members. It attempts to provide student choice within II 349-3530, 9 t.m. . HOUSE BY owner: 3 bedroom brick person to 341 these limits through a large attrition rate. urnished 3 bedroom home, TWO SHORT blonde wigs. 1 human Student Services Bldg. at least arpeted, strict landlord wants hair, $30 and 1 synthetic, $25. Mobile Homes ranch, $27,500. 339-2208, 5878 two State News working days Ideally, under the Berkeley plan there are many more slots onservative tenets. $200. Bayonne, Haslett. 1-2-26 available throughout the upper - division 351-4504. 1-2-26 programs than there are OM furnished, {141 51-3969. O 1967 MARLETTE, 12x60, deluxe (Sunday - Thursday) before sophomores seeking entry. The slots remaining open are filled by :. Call before 5 pa FIVE BEDROOM Tri-level, built-in NEWLY, COMPLETELY, model. Colonial interior, step-up publication. Entries may be students tranferring from other schools and from >33 stove and dishwasher. Two community g TO SHARE 3 bedroom home reupholstered couch. Reasonable. kitchen, with dishwasher. Porch, inserted twice and must be colleges. lith 2 others. 322 Hayford Street. fireplaces, 1V4 baths, full This sort of priority system appears to be on its way out at this Call 484-0391. 2-3-1 skirting and utility shed. After submitted from a registered 60/month. Phone 627-6081. 4:30 p.m., call 393-3295. 5-3-2 basement, two car garage, 4" well. Phone 349-0864. 3-2-26 student organization. University, however. The Admissions Commission has approved HEATH FM tuner ($250 new) also, the principle that a community college graduate seeking pair of head phones. Jim 1966 CHAMPION, 12'x46'. Newly admission to an upper division program will have the same chance OKEMOS SCHOOL DISTRICT. 3 BEDROOM Duplex. $135. 351-5156. 1-2-26 carpeted, excellent condition. Call bedroom frame ranch. 1V4 baths. Young Socialist Alliance will hold for entry as he would have had if he had attended MSU his first louples only. Call 351-9209, after 655-3983. 3-2-26 Full finished basement. Oil heat. a meeting at 8 p.m. Sunday in 38 two years. ip.m. 3-3-1 ZENITH 19" portable TV with Built-in countertop range and wall Union. The topic for discussion will BARRON Nancy C. Patch, Troy, senior, Zeta The Berkeley plan also depends heavily upon providing stand. Black and white $55. Call 1 12'x50'. Located in King be "Socialism and the War in oven. Lots of storage. Large 1 car - 517-543-0745. <-2-26 Arthur's Court. $3,200. Call Tau Alpha to Lawrence W. Dloski, Indochina." alternative majors for the same vocational plan for students who Rooms 489-5936. B-1-2-26 garage. Handy to East Lansing, New Baltimore, senior. Lambda Chi cannot gain admission to the core major. Okemos, Mason. 332-0732. 10-3-9 Alpha. Hillel Foundation meets for KINGSIZE WATERBEDS only $55. Winburne said this has not worked well here. "Shabbos with Lubavitch" at S:30 IMS 10 minutes from campus, Call 351-9525, after 12 noon. FOR SALE. "For example, there are a lot of ways to get into a career in Skyline, 10x55 with p.m. today with dinner. Saturday smpletelv furnished. 372-8077 5-3-4 shed on lot. Call after 6 p.m., Recreation Elisabeth A. Vialpando, Sault Ste. morning services will be held at 9:30 business besides enrolling in the College of Business," he said. I East Lansing. Oi efore 4 p.m. C Marie, junior to Case DeGroot, Jr. 699-2436. 5-3-2 a.m. Lee S. Shulman will speak on "Students majoring in advertising or taking the managerial jrnished. Large, a EUROPE, $209 STUDENTOURS, Coloma, senior. "Educational Systems in Israel" at SWISS METAL skis 6', step-in Mr condition! IKEM0S rooms for women. round the 6 p.m. Sunday Supper. Rally sequences in agriculture and packaging and so forth can also - binding, boots. Used 5 times. $85. trip jet to London, summer maintained. Suitai ivileges, parking, air - 355-1109. 1-2-26 Lost & Found '71. Call Eddie, 393-7520. 20-3-12 Susan L. Brandjord, Dearborn, workers should call 355 - 6704. For obtain excellent business backgrounds. jrad students, busin mditioned. Singles, $10 and $13, senior. Alpha Phi to Charles Job, rides and information, call 332 - "But the students still want a degree from the College of rried couples. Lett $18. Call 349-0354 LOST: GOLD cuff link. Initial C. STUDENTOURS SUMMER: Xenia, Ohio, senior, Delta Tau Delta. 1916. Business." KLH STEREO Receiver, Model 27, 882-6549. 0 ternoons and evenings; mornings 90 watts. Garrard Lab 80 Nat. Science vicinity. Reward. London, $209. Spring Break: Winburne also criticized universities which require students to Three one - act plays, "The <9 0264. 4-2-26 355-5771.2-2-26 Lois Ann Thorby, Saugatuck, senior choose a major upon entering college. turntable. Lincoln Peerless stereo Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, $219; American Dream," "Opening Night" IDIOUS roon to Richard C. Crane, Jr. Fennville "The people who are proposing that major choices be made speakers. All for $300. Monolux Freeport, $189. Call Fred, and "Please, No Flowers" will be 355-2824. 14-3-12 MSUgrad, 1970. LS. SINGLES. Close, quiet, telescope 55x255x60 with 2x presented at 7 p.m. Sunday in 49 strictly on the freshman level don't know anything about the ts, close camput entrance. 1 available now. Fairchild Theatre. Admission is free. modern barlow, $35. Norelco cassette tape university situation," he said. "How can you say to 18 - 32 0939. 5-3-3 recorder with leather SPRING BREAK. Acapulco $219. case, year - olds that by the time you're 17 you have to have known Jamaica $219. Call Service If you are interested in attending a Y. SHARE room. $130 a term, microphone and adaptor, $50. Personal 351-8604. TF Frank Buck, sensitivity weekend run by a what you're going to major in? There are just too many students Baby's deluxe carbed, $8; jumping qualified trainer at 8 p.m. today and who are not ready to make that choice." quiet, cooking. 1 block to exercisor, $4, automatic musical ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith ATTENTION SPRING Graduates. Saturday, call 332 - 0861 for 487-5753, 485-8836. O READ NEW York Times and Chicago offset printing. Complete service swing, $8. 355-0905. X-3-3-2 Now is the time to order the car M LADY Tribune in the Union Browsing for dissertations, theses, over 20. Quiet, single of your choice. Be sure it arrives oom om available Sunday. Limited cooking. Close in. STEREO BSR 600, Nikkoamp. KLH 17's. Must hear. $250. Sony 8 track recorder $110. Marty, on time. Checked out to your satisfaction. Special discounts. WORK Room, Sundays. B1-2-26 OR study in Europe this manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 21 years experience. 349-0850. C ■vill be attending Student aid restriction 4.15/weekly. Others spring CURTIS FORD of Williamston, (continued from page one) any crime which involves the use 351-0671. 1-2-26 Summer. Call Jan. 355-4348. BARBI MEL: m. 663-8418. B1-2-26 655-2133. 5-2-26 Typing, multilithing. of or the assistance to others 3-3-1 No job too large or too small. which first went into effect in the use of SKI BOOTS. Black. Size 10. 5 HELP: WOULD 2 people riding Block off campus. 332-3255. C The Hindu Assn. will meet at 7:30 three years ago. Smith said there force, trespass or the buckles. Never used. Originally YES, THERE are a few seats left on seizure of property under Brody bus through University p.m. Saturday in the Union Sun should be "some kind of list" of $40. ED 2-4608. 1-2-26 Union Board's Nassau Trip, March Porch. control of an institution of Village around 5 p.m. Monday DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term campus disrupters. February 22 and anyone else who 19-26. $189. Call 353-9777. Papers. Expert typist with degree Government figures show that higher education to prevent New University Conference (NUC) officials or students TAPPAN STOVE, $15. Two witnessed student being dragged B-8-3-8 in English. IBM. 349-3655. O at such an will hold an open meeting to discuss during fiscal 1970, 40 students institution from playpens, $15 each. Phone by bus, please call 355-6097. 2-3-1 program and organization at 7:30 from 12 colleges or universities engaging in 484-4290. 2-3-1 Service p.m. Monday in 37 Union. had their federal aid terminated their duties or pursuing their OWNERS OF German Shepherd studies." For Sale FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, odds found in University Village The Comedy Film Festival is because of the legislation. About The clause is LIMOUSINE SERVICE to Detroit 1.7 million students had federal included in Furnished. Girls« and ends, very good condition. Tuesday would like to reward TYPING. THESES and letters, etc. sponsoring an evening of films at 9 15' Metro Airport. $11/person. Call p.m. today in Case Hall Cafeteria. loans or loan guarantees that appropriations to the Welfare ale. $135 includii rust tweed with pad, Moving in mobile home. Call after finder. 372-8842. 3-2-26 vool. 882-0722. X-3-3-1 Admission is 50 cents. Department as well as the ieposit. 351-6165 Good condition. 5 p.m., all day Saturday and Experienced. 393-4075. 20-3-12 year. 55-5361, Tom. X-3-3-1 In his Defense, State and Labor Sunday. 694-0019. X-3-3-1 RE-GRAND Opening Sale ABRAHAM'S INTERIOR painting. higher education Departments. Good work TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. message Monday, President Science Fiction at very reasonable Similar USH BICYCLE Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann language, 3-speed, $25. ROGER'S DRUMS with Comic Books cost. References. 355-9344. 8-3-5 meeting of the Society for Creative Nixon proposed expansion of barring "o connectable bunk beds and covers, Lance, 626-6542.0-3-12 Anachronism this Saturday in the federal aid to an additional one salary payments to federal 'tresses, $20. All excellent Ziddgeon cymbals and accessories. Curious Book Shop, 541 E. Grand ~~ ". " " Union. Weapons practice will be held A beautiful set in excellent River, downstairs. Open 1 5:30 TV, RADIO and Apphance Serv.ee. million low - income college employes promoting a riot has ld'tion, after 2 p.m. 351-4214. - Reasonable rates. Phone E. NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE been included for several condition, $450. 351-3197. 4-3-2 students. years j 2-26 P COPY SHOPPE can show you in appropriations for the Harvey, ED 2-2425. 20-3-5 The Baha'i Club is sponsoring The administration attempt to Dept. how to get two Xerox copies for of Defense, the price of one. Phone 332-4222. weekly seminars on "Baha'i eliminate the campus disruption Housing, Interior PAINTING INTERIOR - Custom Teachings and the Dynamics of and State. work at reasonable prices. Grad Social Change." The first class will be provision was not trumpeted as But the Civil Service ON THE TRAIL! students, references. 372-8158. C Transportation held at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Phillips Hall library. This weekend at the Albatross part of that message, however. Commission It shows up only in the form of telltale brackets around the case said it knew of no where salary had been withheld under the provision, Typing Service Coffeehouse: Paul Luzak will be existing language as spelled out and the White House is NO - WE WON'T HUNT NEEDED: RIDE TO Boston featured tonight. Christopher in the telephone - book - sized its seeking TYPING - IBM Selectric. Fast DeLoach will be featured Saturday. elimination, too. (Arlington area if possible), over appendix the the federal budget accurate service. Thesis, term Four Albatross tables will be YOU DOWN WITH A GUN Spring break, will share expenses. released by the White House Jan. papers. 484-2661. 0-3-2-26 Call 353-3650 before 9 auctioned to the highest bidders at 4. Dangerous a.m. or 29. 5. College cheer 6. French (new COMPLETE Discount THESES printing. IBM typing and service. WANT after 10 p.m. S-3-3 10 p.m. Saturday. 547 F. Grand River. $1 donation. Coffee, tea and pretzels free. 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. The existing language: "No part of the funds appropriated Church fire 7. Flagpole TO Commute spring term HOWEVER binding of theses, resumes, under this act shall be used to (continued from page one) 8. Ward from Flint to MSU. Will share Steering Committee of University 9. Melody - publications. Across from campus, corner MAC and Grand River, expenses. Call 353-3655. 3-3-2 College will meet at 3 p.m. today in the Dean's Conference Room, Bessey provide loan or a a loan, guarantee of a incident when he noticed smoke 10. Route grant to any applicant in the building. below Style Shop. Call Hall. The purpose of the meeting is who has been convicted by any 16. Pinnacle COPYGRAPH SERVICES, to receive At approximately 1:45 p.m., 20. Writing M 337-1666. C Wanted suggestions for College Council agenda items. court of general jurisdiction of all off - duty Lansing firemen 21. Sweetsop were ordered to Student Ads must be paid by noon, Friday, February 26th, and BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for report after the 22. Formerly COMPLETE TYPING and printing The Baha'i Club will hold a fire had spread throughout the prepaid from Monday, March 1st; or you go on the HOLD list. This 24. Jitney 25. Mornings * means no registration, no diploma, no transcripts, no nothing, until service. Copy stored on magnetic tape. This eliminates all re-typing all and positive, A negative, B negative AB negative, $10.00. 0 discussion about the Baha'i faith at 8 p.m. Saturday in 701 Cherry Lane, Minorities' aid church. paid. negative. $12.00. MICHIGAN Apt. 106. For information and rides, About 10 firetrucks and two 26. Modern except author's changes and COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, call 355 7765. ambulances from Holt and Delta set for summer - 27. Utmost corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT 507V4 East Grand River, East Twp. were on the scene late hyperbole MAIL ADVERTISING, across United Ministries in Lansing. Above the new Campus Higher 28. Fishing pW from Frandor. Phone 485-1238. C Education is sponsoring a retreat: "Is Thursday. Nine relief crews were 29. Compass po|ffl So, hurry and pay up! Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 There Room for Lasting Minority students interested called throughout the afternoon. p.m., Monday, Thursday and in financial aid for 33. Relative PROFESSIONAL' Relationships in the Future?" summer term Two 50- to 60 - foot high Room 345 THESIS Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 beginning at 8 p.m. today at the 35. Humid p.m. to 6:30 p.m. UMHE Student Center, are advised to see the Project portable water towers were set PREPARATION 337-7183. C 1118 S. 38. Twilight Harrison Road. Call 332 0861 for Grapevine monthly news sheet up near the church, along with a 40. Character** Student Services Building WATER BED distributors wanted. information. - which deluge gun capable of shooting will be available at 6 tion Write to 1306 Granger, Ann 1,000 gallons of water through a 41. Wolfhound Cantilever will meet at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the dormitories. Arbor, Michigan or call 313 - large nozzle fed with three two - 42. Patch 769-8163. 5-2-26 Monday in 183 Natural Resources Monday is the last day to file and - one half inch hoses. Complttt ProltJSlomI Thesis Service lor MICHIGAN STATE NEWS 43. Weep Bldg. There will be a special program for financial aid. Matter's and Oactaral Candidates. Fret and nominations will be taken for Townsend and Allegan Streets 44. Greek letter Brackure and Censiiltatlen. Plaatt Call NEED APARTMENT fer summer, next year's officers. For rides and Grapevine officials said the were blocked with 45. Caviar cheap. Call Irene evenings, patrol cars, Cliff and Paula Hau|kty 337 1527 er 627 2936 information, call 351 - 9597 or 355 - news sheet will list instructions hoees and firetrucks positioned 355-8563. 5-3-1 0598. to file last - minute applications. on the street corners. 16 Michigat. State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fri opportunities should be increased, while faculty Million and staff that il faculty rejected the idea by 53.2 per cent. The total representatives, did an excellent respondents, however, job organizing the poll. iys to Voting "yes.' on the question, "Do you approved participation by 58.5 per cent. think tht* 18 year - old vote will influence - ruptio Totals for all Perrin said he had hope for a 1,500 the outcome of federal elections?", were: eight questions were larger turnout of voters, since the distribution of ied to undergraduates, 57.8 per cent; graduate computed, including voters who did not students, 48.8; mark student or employment polling places on campus and the polling jds, in faculty, 38.1; catagory. hours administrative professional, 51.7; clerical - - were arranged to make it as easy as stud Negative responses to the question, "Do possible for all members of the community failir technical, 62.5, and labor payroll, 60.8. you believe the Laotian to vote. as, an Total affirmative responses were 54.8 per operation is justified as a means of of cent. facilitating U.S. He ascribed the light turnout to the fact >an military witndrawals from Indochina?", idows Nearly 73 per cent of the total that there were no "hot" issues •vere: represented ome b respondents said they were "reasonably on the ballot and because of minimal as ove satisfied" with their relationship with undergraduates, 79.8 per cent; graduate publicity. thai MSU. Administrative ■ professionals were most students, administrative - 72.7; faculty, 57.7; professional, 55.1; clerical - "Many persons on campus did not don't miss out on storewide values re Thursc 3 stuc satisfied, with 86.5 per cent voting "yes." technical, 60.7, and labor payroll 53.2. realize the poll was being taken," he said. id wit HEW establishes MP unit for women cotton knit cotton print ititions Rising editor WASHINGTON (AP) - The Womens liberation movement gained a new foothold in the Government officials said the program is the first advocacy office established and financed pantsuits pant-dresses federal government Thursday by any Cabinet - level when the Department of department in response to Health, 16.90 Education and Welfare set in demands by the womens motion an advocacy branch for its female employes. Secretary Elliot L. Richardson announced he will establish a liberation movement. There is a small Women's Program in the Civil Service Commission Federal for 11.90 Women's Action Program that upgrading the jobs of women in federal service. It was established Misses' and juniors' short sleeve tunic tops over will insure equal hiring and in 1967, before the liberation straight leg pull-on pants. Solids, jacquards and Reg. $16-520. Easy - care cotton florals on light or promotion for the department's dark grounds. Rolled legs or pleat front culotte movement gathered momentum. tweeds in assorted smooth and textured knits. 62,000 female employes. ipered A Women's Bureau has Reg. S20 to $22 values. Sportswear, second floor styles. Sleeveless, back zippers. Spring and summer m.p.h The program will also operated for many years in the Downtown and Meridian Mall. favorites for the busy life. Sportswear, second promote day care centers, Labor Department to floor Downtown, Meridian Mall. gather and flexible hours and liberal disseminate information on maternity leaves for employes, women. eatenir according to the woman named The woman named to develop the I to direct development, Xandra the new advocacy office, Miss d Bishc Kayden. Kayden, 31, joined the Welfare St., c "Despite the enormous Department in 1969 after spreat contributions made by women to receiving a bachelor's and oor coi this department, we have tended master's degree from Columbia hough to apply a double standard in judging their performance and have sometimes required that University. The new job won't be she said, adding: "Even here at easy, misses' knit jr's. cotton vailablc )yed ar they be superior to their male HEW where you get some of the counterparts in order to be most open - minded people who Give it a gallon of gas cotton tops elevated to positions of support almost any other cause, authority," Richardson said in a there is a lot of snickering when recent memorandum. you bring up Women's Lib. And and it'll give you knit shifts 02 The secretary said the the women are just as bad." program will insure that the 35 miles. arl 2-o On Saturday, February 27, 1971, department's agencies consider 6.90 at Meridian Mall, from 10:00 women for all job vacancies and to 4:00 p.m., the sisters a.m. of Delta will help resolve "day - to Delta Delta Sorority are day holding a problems that make recognition ZQ and advancement women." difficult for (IS THAT A STUDENT DISCOUNT?) j By Stal Reg. $4-$6. Easy - care cotton knits in solids, Choice of three free and easy - going styles in solid imblir Appearing t stripes and patterns. Short and long sleeves. Crew or mock turtle necks. Some shirt looks with and stripe combinations. Crew or collared styles in two tones or multi - color le with - stripes. Exceptional noon, ti THE DE The long placket or laced fronts. Good color array. Sportswear, second floor Downtown, Meridian values. Junior Shop, second floor Downtown and Meridian Mall. 1 as s was I g tl Mall. The Woolies distance runner. was Sat u r da; of the ha ® barri g drunk Friday & Sunday IIMINE ted "U a fire The Ones BEMMIIKH famous sheer 2-pc. steak of iron iraeulo ed in t umed ti pantyhose d- Traj Saturday only platter set ever, w| iture k which wi (Pie Va LAKE LANSING RD. DELLS Vke 2-$3 1.69 11799 P.O.:. IT Reg. 2.50 value. Famous make nylon stretch Reg. 1.98. Aluminum inset on a beautifully jbelU with the fit of second skin. Smooth, no sagging or bagging. Surfside, Brown Dahlia, Demi styled contemporary design bakelite holder. Protects table tops, lets you serve steaks sizzling SPORTSCAR CENTER Tassc, black or navy. Proportioned S - M - MT T. Hosiery, Main floor Downtown, Meridian Mall. - liot. Home accessories, mezzanine Downtown Meridian Mall. and a resu Open Monday & Thursday until 9 pm GRAND RIVER MALL Be there! prising ;i»g refei 482-1226 1200 E. OAKLAND bout 2! 'ations s Shop Meridian Mall tonight and Saturday 'til 9.