' Febi•ruury 2 Don't. Monday let . • them fool you with MICHIGAN STATE NeWS T,h;U-V p,,rs« dl*'nga«el!: and cocaine. STATE . .. cloudy. Little temperature change. High 32-37. ibat'bu^ UNIVERSITY ,n time th^ ne 63 Number 138 East Lansing, Michigan »b'"l'*"ru„ Monday, March 1, 1971 nail college S Viets to the very *, oses after dispatch troops turbances to bolster forces in Laos IRIE VIEW, Tex. (AP) - The SAIGON (AP) — The South Vietnamese The command acknowledged a total of level in Laos, it remained heavy more than of Prairie View A & M College 35 30 miles to the south in eastern Cambodia military command is dispatching as many helicopters and two fighter - bombers 'a small band of professional where a parallel drive by more than 20,000 as 16,000 troops northward to bolster destroyed in the Laotian operation on both for violence and protests that sides of the border. A spokesman said South Vietnamese is trying to smash North battered units fighting seven North Vietnam, some'J^Kulted in the school being closed American air Vietnamese supply routes, base in O.. ., Vietnamese regiments in southern Laos, casualties were 40 men camps and >MI! (,rn military sources near the battle front killed, 18 missing and 34 wounded. sanctuaries. Alvin I. Thomas, president of the There were field reports of many more reported Sunday. ninantly black college, closed the They said the troops were being drawn helicopters shot down or damaged. The North Vietnamese troops attacked the late Saturday. All students would from other areas of South Vietnam and U.S. Command reports only those aircraft headquarters of three South Vietnamese reapply for admission, he said, flown to the Laotian operations zones in that are considered total losses. task forces and a ranger battalion north of ting officials to screen students who C130 cargo planes. Though ground fighting was at a lower Highway 7, a main supply route. about an education, The South Vietnamese originally said he was closing the college committed 16,000 troops to the Laotian jii'tely with reluctance, sadness and incursion that began Feb. 8. It could not ointment, "but I feel that we have be determined from ENTERS COMPETITION the military er choice. informants at Quang Tri how many of the ,r students have been manipulated by 16,000 fresh troops would be replacements j ^nd of professional agitators to a or how many would be classified as that it has been futile during the past nysto reason with them,"he said, notions began last Wednesday when additional troops inside Laos. The seven South enemy Vietnamese regiments in Laos forces facing AAUP votes are engaged 1,500 of the school's 4,300 students in the biggest battle yet of the Indochina ed to Thomas' home and made 19 war. A North Vietnamese regiment at full ,ds, including one that he resign, students returned to the campus failing to reach agreement with strength numbers 2,900 Lt. Gen James commander of U.S. forces men. W. Sutherland, supporting the sole bargaining us, and fire destroyed the office of South Vietnames offensive, said the North »n of men. Vietnamese appear to be marshalling all jdows of the bookstore were broken their forces to thwart the Laotian drive. ,e books looted. A campus patrol "This is it," he said at Khe Sanh. "The By STEVE WATERBURY Sigmund Nosow, professor of labor and overturned. Thomas blamed arson State News Staff Writer industrial relations and president of the enemy has chosen to react with everything MSU chapter of the AAUP, said that 52 re that damaged the ROTC building he's got left so it appears we'll have to The MSU chapter of the American Assn. fight Thursday. him right here." of University Professors voted Thursday to per cent of all AAUP members replying to » students were arrested Friday and As the third week of the Laotian seek recognition as the exclusive bargaining a survey of the AAUP membership favor a »d with acting to produce injury to campaign ended, the fierce fighting of the formal collective bargaining contract agent for MSU faculty by a 48 - 5 vote. between past several days appeared eased somewhat At a meeting in the Union, AAUP faculty and administration. around the South Vietnamese bases on members set May 15 as the target for Twenty - three per cent were opposed to Hills 30 and 31. collective completion of a drive to obtain bargaining with 24 per cent petitions due But U.S. helicopters providing fire authorization cards from at least 30 per undecided. support still were drawing cent of the faculty. ititions for editor in chief and heavy Nosow said that more than 80 per cent - - antiaircraft fire and the number of losses The AAUP enters into competition with rtising manager of the State News continued to mount. The U.S. Command MSU Faculty Associates, an affiliate of of the respondents said they favor the editor of the Wolverine should be announced that three more were shot AAUP as bargaining agent should collective the Michigan Education Assn. (MEA), in duplicate no later than 5 down Saturday, and field bargaining come to MSU. reports said which announced the start of an today to William Wallner, chairman A South Vietnamese soldier in Ham Nhif South Vietnam, looks at the another went down organizational drive a week earlier at a ic Advisory Board for the State Sunday. Three Authorization cards will be distributed body of a South Vietnamese trooper killed in Laos. The soldier is trying crewmen were reported killed and one meeting in Kellogg Center. and Wolverine, 133 Natural wounded in the four crashes. by the AAUP this week, Nosow said. to identify the dead trooper. AP Wit fphoto Faculty for Collective Negotiations, an ice Building. unaffiliated campus group, also is expected In response to a question concerning the to announce the feasibility of using the Elected Faculty beginning of a card distribution campaign this week. Council as bargaining agent, C. Keith :ire guts David Klein, an attorney for the AAUP, Lansing bu ildings Groty, asst. professor of labor and said the AAUP is involved in drives to industrial relations, said that although it is organize faculty members at Wayne State not a common procedure, it is "not University, the University of Detroit, impossible for a standing organization Lawrence Institute of Technology and within the University to sever its ties with and Storage Co. was damaged. No cause the old Hotel Kerns burned down," he It Eastern Michigan University. the administration" and become the By BOB ROACH seen. just went up all at once and there on light or State News Staff Writer had been determined. said. were some small, muffled explosions." Faculty at Central Michigan University faculty bargaining agent. Several moving vans and a Lansing fire Warming his hands around a cup of hot have selected MAHE as their >nt culotte bargaining ipered by crowds and winds gusting truck were destroyed in the blaze that sent coffee, Deputy Chief Joseph Burtraw, who Ladder Truck No. 5, the department's agent, and faculty at Oakland University id summer m.p.h.. hundreds of Lansing area four firefighters to the hospital for was the first on the seen?, said there was a oldest serviceable truck, was caught by have selected the AAUP. Summer RAs ar, second n Saturday night battled a two - treatment of minor injuries. lot of smoke coming from the Bisuop flames and destroyed, the firemen said. In response to a statement by an AAUP Applications for resident fire called Lansing's worst in nearly member who said he was concerned that assistant Lansing Fire Dept. officials said a warehouse, but little in the way of flames. Tired rs. "Then all of and grimy, but still speaking collective bargaining would lead to the positions for 1971 summer orientation general alarm was declared shortly after the a sudden fire sprung out all eatening several blocks of private units responded to the initial alarm at 6:48 over," he said. "We first saw flames affectionately of the old rig that he drove, "complete bureaucratization of the sessions will be available today and Wilson told how the truck was trapped by Wednesday at the Counseling Center i, the blaze reportedly broke out in p.m. reflected from the river on the west side, University," McKay said that there was no d Bishop Furniture Co. warehouse on For the next several hours more than then the wind whipped it all over. Once it reason for the testing office, 207 Student Services Bldg. (Please turn to page 8) University's AAUP to r St., on the city's near - North Side, 300 firemen struggled to control the blaze. started, it was the fastest thing I've ever "follow other models." ! spreading to the Grand Rapids Sash Residents of the five - block area oor company across the street, between Turner Street and the Motor hough no cost estimate of damage Wheel Co. plant on North Larch Street ailable Sunday, both buildings were were immediately evacuated from their yed and the nearby Staszuk Moving homes when the strong westerly winds carried large chunks of flaming debris several blocks from the scene of the fire. Unofficial reports Saturday night said aze's path that approximately 25 homes sustained minor roof and porch Congested traffic and crowds of in the area fires. onlookers hampered the flow of firemen arked with and equipment to the scene, until members of five area police agencies were able to cordon off the area and reroute traffic. zarreness Police had been alerted to watch for looting of the vacated homes but reported By DAVID BASSETT Sunday that no arrests had been made. State News Staff Writer At 9:30 Saturday night, a state of controlled urgency still prevailed at the imbling through the smoldering ! with a Lansing Fire Dept. headquarters, at Lansing policeman Sunday Shiawassee and Grand avenues, about a oon, the first thought that came to as I mile from the fire. gazed at pretzel - shaped steel was the red sky Saturday night, Scores of grimy firefighters shuffled was hard to imagine flames painting upstairs to the makeshift clinic where aturday evening sky miles from the volunteers salved blistered ears and noses. of the blaze — until I walked past the In the downstairs kitchen volunteers, barricades Sunday and saw walls including Lansing Mayor Gerald Graves and drunkenly, steel beams molded into his wife, pushed hot coffee and hamburgers ed "u"s, power lines draped over at tired firemen who trudged in to relax a fire engine with its ladder a black before returning to the blaze. of iron. aculously, no one was seriously Raymond P. Breathauer, a deputy chief d in the general alarm blaze which who had directed the shuttling of men and Ned two buildings and portions of a equipment from the firehouse, called the ■ Tragedy was narrowly avoided, fire the worst in recent years. vef, when flames burst out of the ure "In the past 35 or 40 years, this is the Old truck ruined warehouse and engulfed a fire which had just hoisted its ladder. biggest we've had in terms of area. The last Ladder Truck No. 5, the Lansing fire department's oldest truck, was Bishop Furniture Co. warehouse in North Lansing. See other picture, (Please comparable major fire was in 1934 when destroyed Saturday night in the fire that firemen feel began in the page 8. State News photo by Jim Klein turn to page 8) Referral aqencies provide N.Y. abortions By CHARLES C. CAIN New York's law provides for legal medical abortions for any women h»™ women have Of this number received legal abortions in New v„.,. York. only one women in four operated through a can be performed for as little as of the pregnancy. as $150, depending upon the term ten State Newt Staff Writer women up to the 24th week of pregnancy. The non-profit organization talks to women interested in Since the change In the New York law about 150,000 women non-profit referral service, while the other three-fourths paid an a result of the liberalization of New York's abortion laws average of $650 through one of the profit making referral abortions and discusses the alternatives to abortion. have taken advantage of the change and obtained abortions. The clergymen tell the women where they can call t( arrange an 'Using businessmen are cashing in on the liberalization by About half of the women arc from the state of New York. services. "8 referral services. Michigan Clergy for Problem Pregnancy counseling service abortion, but the woman has to take the initiative by setting up . .. Michigan has a statistically impressive stake in the number of the appointment and providing her own transportation to New atl°ns 25 hn such abortion referral services havebegunfu'l women to obtain abortions in New York. handled the other one-fourth (4,500) of the women. York. since the liberal New York law took effect July l, Tbe Detroit Ne recently ~;timated that 30,000 Michigan They can put a person in touch with a rlini^ ".'hero an abort' - (Please turn to page 8) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 1, 1971 3 Panel calls for ed reform By JOANNA FIRESTONE orthodox and rigid systems." "Kids in school don't have said. "There are a great number State News Staff Writer McKee said university education," he said. "In East faculty options," he said. Most of the of psychological needs that must, members are the most resistent choices available to them are like but as of now, aren't being met Lansing, we're trying to give Three local educators teamed to them the option of where to change. asking the kid if he wants in our schools. This postponing with send their kids to school as well Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D - "Professors feel that students diptheria, whooping cough or of gratification has got to go." as what they will learn." Detroit, Thursday in calling are a threat to their professional measles." Robert W. Docking of the educational reform one of the rights," he said. Alum urged a relating East Lansing school system Docking called the state's top crises facing the United "The true test of of student agreed with Alum's judgment on schools "deplorable" and cited a States in the 1970s. involvement will "cognitive standards." be if any the shortage of options. lack of achievement The panel, addressing some and significantly different judgments "There's more to a human "Parents and students alike innovation in nearly all of its 150 students and teachers, come from student sat - on being than his cognitive self," he should be given choices in districts. emphasized the urgency of boards. Students on boards and changes needed in U.S. schools. committees must be "We are at our last hope," programatically Brickley cites need prepared and Vaughn said. "If we can't get the able to look at issues and blacks, the brown, the young agendas from and the dissatisfied radicals to a distinctively student standpoint." bring about innovative change, it McKee warned that if stands little chance they of ever "don't do their homework" on for youth, black help coming about." committee affairs, students will James McKee, professor of be co • opted by faculty sociology, said reform has little members who will Reforms opportunity of beginning on the university level. them. Dale Alum, easily coerce associate and nominate the best candidates available. late Rep. Jackie Vaughn Ml. D Detroit, spoke at a Panel Discussion "Colleges have rarely professor of secondary on Education Reform. The What Republicans termed major steps toward Ene| called for a reform in the U.S. educational system. undertaken educational reform education and curriculum, called liberalization and opening party doors to blacks from within," he said. State News photo "Usually for increased options in the Michigan Lt. Gov. James H. Brickley Saturday and by Don Gerstner they operate under quite youth occurred at the GOP spring primary and secondary grades. reaffirmed the desire among high Republican convention in Detroit. Since then little action has officials that youth should be lured into the occurred, Pete Sorum, asst. to the MSU registrar rATEMENT EXPECTED party. The need for Republicans to utilize the state's and East Lansing graduate student said Sunday. youth became more apparent to the party with Sorum, a leader in Mandate — the the results of the November election, Brickley Republican's newest issue oriented youth effort - Jews pressure Russians said there is — said. a sincere feeling among "The last election was not exactly a success Republican - elected officials to involve youth for the Republican party," but these officials have no idea how to do it. Brickley said at a Lincoln Day Dinner in Dearborn. In addition to "They have told us (Mandate) that we'r<> |)SC0W (AP) A group of seeking to leave Russia, have recommending a new emphasis fantastic and what they have been knew we would not leave the on youth, Brickley waiting for it Jews staged a sit - in at expressed skepticism over Making it clear that they suggested Republicans Party leaders are committed; they just don't place without some form of would not leave until include more blacks in GOP decision Supreme Soviet building last Dumin's promise, however. satisfaction." received an answer, the Jews they correct the making, "staid, status quo" Republican image know how to actually go about bringing in t and won a promise from Following a nine - hour The youth," Sorum said. informants gave this waited six hours before Dumin [overnment to make a major confrontation in the building in account of what happened: appeared. i decision reliable on the Jewish sources said downtown Moscow, Dumin told the demonstrators: "According to decision of At 11 a.m. Jews filed into the Wednesday, the 24 reception When the Jews asked him to Wharton's le gets Spring Break in ACAPULCO 8 a bureau and presented Days Ktions such as the sit - ins this office, all of these problems a justify the Soviet government's statement demanding free refusal to allow free emigration $199.00 Kre in the Soviet Union. Te sources said Alexander S. In, deputy chief of the you have spoken of will be decided upon by March 1. This is the decision of very high emigration and an persecution of those who have expressed a desire to leave the end to of Jews to Israel, Dumin replied: "You have the right to request Ira lue s Polley, special consultant high honor plus gratuities or Soviet reception government officials. permission and we have the right "Believes that the public school JAMAICA Soviet Union for Israel. to turn you down." to President Wharton and L, told them the decision "It will cover not the system is an indispensable director of the Commission on $208.00 agency for the perpetuation of jd be made public by today. common problem of all Jews, Admissions and Student Body (mcnt. Supreme Soviet is but leave." your personal desire to Governments' Composition, has received one of the highest honors of the the ideals of our democracy and a most necessary unifying and dynamic influence in American plus gratuities e demonstrating Jews, all One Jew who participated in Horace Mann League, an life." benda set the sit - in said cannot hide our Sunday: "We hope that the authorities have at last decided of p check le education association. At its annual conference in Atlantic City, N.J., where Polley to do something. But in all NEW YORK (AP) — You will be working two hours and 37 minutes out of an eight - hour day this gave the keynote address, the TDM honesty, not many of us are year just to pay your council truly optimistic. "We have been given a lot of taxes, the Tax Foundation, Inc. said Sunday. That means that if you earn $10,000 a year, taxes will take league presented its award for "Dedication and service in 5AW/EK5 | ordinance to amend the promises during the past few $13.05 out of $40 daily wages. The foundation, a private research serving public education." Polley served as Michigan's ■mm. I rates in East Lansing will years. None of them has been organization, said that of Corner of Ann & MAC this average daily bite out of your paycheck, $8.70 would go to superintendent of public J■ilmenup for discussion before fulfilled. There is little reason to ttye federal government and $4.35 to state and local governments. instruction from 1966 to 1969 at the bi-monthly believe he (Dumin) had any First pitch 10% and in 1970 was Ing of the East Lansing City il at 8 p.m. today at City motive other than to avoid a confrontation between us and the KGB (secret police) — he Sharp as the tax pinch will be this year, it isn't quite as painful as last year, when it took two hours day to earn enough to pay the tax collector. and 43 minutes each working With the first warmer days, the first softball games begin. president's commission. appointed by MSU to direct the work of the admissions Disc The decline is due in part to federal tax reductions, the SN photo by Jeff Wilner on foundation said. "The league," Polley said, Paperback Textbooks Or, for that matter, is Los of engineering capabilities April 1, 2 & 3 ing information, not, by neces¬ So we must, in a sense, Angeles? Or Chicago? Or Phila¬ which we already have. sity, people and things. catch up with the technological We Have M.S.U. Book List delphia? Or Dallas? Not only do we have the Your home will be the ab¬ potential and apply it for the Or any other city groping tools to provide the means for solute center of your life. benefit of all mankind. its way to an uninhabitable new styles in human settle¬ You will work from home, All we need sacrifice are anachronism. ments, but also to rebuild, in a shop from home, "visit" with the antiquated work practices A curious situation has de¬ sociological sense, the crowded family and friends from home, and our anachronistic traditions. veloped in America. Eighty per inner core of our major cities. receive in your home any intel¬ At RCA, through research cent of the people in this coun¬ The combination of inter-, lectual or cultural achievement and product development, we try live on less than ten per cent national satellites and cable known to man. are committed to closing the of the land area. will provide the means of bring¬ Fantastic, yes. Fantasy, no. technology gap and cancelling There used to be a good ing individuals all the informa¬ It is quite within' reason to the contradictions. reason for this. tion they need or want without expect these changes by the This is an age of innova¬ At the time of the industrial interference or control. 1980's. tions as well as contradictions. revolution, we congregated in And without the need to be If we want them. Nobody understands this better cities because that's where the in any specific place. If we want to change. If we than RCA. sources of energy were. Coal. (Think for a moment about want a better life for ourselves. You may be planning a ca¬ Water. Electricity. the Apollo 11 moon landing in Technology has advanced reer in industry—if so, you could And our communications July, 1969. 500 million people to such an extent, that man is be part of our vision of the network was so limited that we around the world saw, via tele¬ now, literally, capable of chang¬ had to be in close proximity to vision, precisely the same thing ing his world. We invite inquiries through IP each other for business and social purposes. at the same time. Being in New York or Los Angeles held no advantage over being in Keokuk Yet, today, a certain gap has developed between the po¬ tential of technology and its use your College tor—he can information Placement Direc¬ supply additional about an RCA There are no longer any or Harrisburg.) by mankind. good reasons to continue this Historically, we've been There is an obvious contra¬ We are an equal opportu¬ hopelessly outmoded life style. preoccupied with moving peo¬ diction in a method which can nity employer. With the advent of the ple and objects. Thus, our intri¬ land a man on the moon, yet whole spectrum of new com¬ cate network of highways and tolerates, perhaps even accepts munications available to us railroads and airlines — all of as inevitable, poverty and ignor¬ (wide-band communications, which have become enormously ance here on earth. laser beams), we will have the inefficient (not inherently, but in There is a contradiction in opportunity to live in signifi¬ application). a method which affords the best 99 cantly less dense population The future will see us mov¬ of everything for some, and next i centers. This is no idle prophecy. The concept is quite real¬ to nothing for others. istic and well within the bounds Make tracks. Hush Puppies multi-color track shoes IS NEW YORK REALLY come in a whole gang of colors One" s gotta be just your speed. Work boots, too. No-nonsense styling Low cuts or high-tops. Plenty of mileage in these suede NECESSARY? leather shoes with tough Real girl, that's you. crepe soles. Big cement cities turn you off. Counti Vours from $17 to $23 sincerity. Morning dew. Picnics foi That's your mood. The mood captured by Hush Puppies. Yours in smooth or suede pigskin. Unpretentious colors. Unpretentious price, too. About $16. Knapp's Hush Puppies • available at Knapp's Meridian WOLVIRINE Majland Downstairs Budget Shoes. Downtown MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NE UNIVERSITY Low enrollment by majors fi> Will*, FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager no guide for re-allocation MARK EICHER, managing editor ED HUTCHISON, city editor To the Editor: other resources BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor I found Professor Wolterink's remarks which I KEN KRELL, editorial editor on university graduate programs (reported corrected. (2) As likelihood of things stanH 101 7^iur* GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor in your Feb. 17 issue) very thoughtful and imbalances will additional sunnori *'""1 interesting. I am not sure, however, that require PcCt0°l Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award staff imbalances are as easy to recognize existing pattern of It is not the allocating * 1 case, howe^ for outstanding journalism. and deal with as he seems to suggest. For enrollment by majors is t?|l example, he lists my department, a r i the re'if ] sufficient guide to philosophy, as one of six which "have a light enrollment of graduate and process. e"aUo<*| undergraduate majors." And he makes a EDITORIALS general proposal that "extra retirement slots in those colleges that have sufficient faculty members go to colleges that are understaffed." Court decision It is true that our department has a relatively light enrollment of majors, but not a light total enrollment or a low ratio of students to staff. This term, for Upgraded To the Editor: L civil liberties example, our total teaching staff adds up to 19 (plus an awkward, extra regular, full - time members. Class fraction) In reply to the letter State News by Mr. Antekeier in the F* »f2| I enrollments total about 1,850. The ratio of Downgraded": Miami University of 1 With the new Nixon appointees 1954 decision allowing a prosecutor has long been held in high to inadmissible some 97 students per each regular football power in the regard J tipping the scale, the Supreme Court use evidence instructor is quite high, much Mid . aJI Wednesday chipped away at the obtained in an illegal search to higher than Conference. Almost would be viewed as normal for most every yeuJ coaches have termed Miami Warren Court's landmark 1966 contradict a defendant's testimony. philosophy departments in universities of a beat" in order to the "J Miranda decision. The benefits of exposing false quality comparable to ours. capture the eonfJj In the first case the new court has To sum up, I am in agreement with championship. Miami has always J testimony, he said, outweighed "the known for its clean, aggressive footbtOj heard on the Miranda decision. Chief Professor Wolterink on two speculative possibility that points, and for its success against Justice Warren E. Burger, writing for suspect that he would agree with me on a recall the 1962 win over Big Ten teams.il impermissible police conduct will be third. (1) There are, within the university, Purdue (10.1 and the 1964 win over the majority, said a statement that encouraged" by the decision. serious imbalances with respect to staff and Northwestern J was inadmissible as evidence because The court is sanctioning 24) as examples. The past several so Miami has ranked the suspect had not been informed nationally in defa* lawbreaking by law officers, it seems, ART BUCHWALD statistics. Over the past two seasons,atJ of his Miranda rights - the right to to obtain evidence and testimony, so of less than 15 points have separated )M remain silent, the right to a lawyer, long as that evidence is used only to from two undefeated seasons. Let us not forget the | the right to know that anything he refute a defendant's testimony on played and/or coached at Miami many greats J says may be held against him - still the stand. oval years: Earl "Red" Blaik (former com! Fighting dirty duck the can be used in court to contradict a A broad interpretation of the suspect's testimony. Thus, if a defendant blurts out a decision by the lower courts could severely infringe on a defendant's to cut Army), Paul Brown Cleveland Browns, Cincinnati Bengals), (former coach oil now coach ol I Weeb Eubank oil New York confession before being informed of rights by allowing police to squeeze a Jets, Ara Dame), Woody Hayes (Ohio State), ol Parsegian (nI his rights, the prosecutor cannot confession out of him, whether it be WASHINGTON - The trouble with "Croton will reply 'Problems. What sales contacts, I can get a new Cozza (Yale), John Pont convict him on that information but truthful or not, and then coerce the most business administration schools is position Schembechler (Indiani)J can introduce it as evidence to show that they teach you everything about problems?' with another company tomorrow.' " (Michigan), Ernie KellenJ defendant into staying off the "His drinking, sir. When O'Toole first (defensive back Cleveland Browns) that his courtroom testimony is witness stand in his own behalf business except how to keep your job came here he never touched a Wholesworthy said to me, "Now if you Bob Babich (linebacker San dI j drop. Thtn when a company starts to lay off people he fell apart. But it wasn't his fault. You'd were Croton, which man's head would you Chargers) to name those that cometoiJ contradictory to his confession. because his testimony would allow a put on the block?" The 5 - 4 decision does not during an economy drive. have taken to drink too if you had been immediately. I prosecutor to use the illegally "The reason they don't teach you how overrule the Miranda decision but obtained confession. to survive during an economy wave," said under the pressure he's faced lately.' " "Poor O'Toole," I said. "I knew him C'mon Mr. Antekeier, Miami of ol 'Pressure? What kind of pressure?' well." will be a fine football opponent! does substantially narrow a The chip by no means leaves the my friend Wholesworthy, who has lived " 'Well, sir. O'Toole's a friend of mine "There are other methods of holding Michigan State, not one that will as defendant's rights by allowing the Miranda decision impotent, but through every pink slip crisis in his and that's why I hope I'm not violating a onto your job during a cut - back period," winning season for MSU. You can coi company for 20 years, "is that the only confidence. The pressure came mainly that. police to secure a confession illegally neither will it remain entirely intact. Wholesworthy said. "One is to go to way to keep your job during a personnel from his Croton and say, 'I don't envy the dirty and then use the confession against An Indianapolis police legal adviser gambling. O'Toole started losing Arthur Unfl reduction is to fight dirty. And schools Okemos graduate stud the defendant, should he choose to heavily to the bookies and they threatened work the board of directors has assigned said it is now customary to warn don't want to admit you have to fight dirty to tell his wife about the woman O'Toole you, Mr. Croton. Before you're finished, Feb. 23,li testify in his own behalf. Justice people of their Miranda rights, and, to stay in business." was keeping if he didn't pay his debts.' you're going to be the most hated man in William J. Brennan, in the dissenting hence, the decision would be useful "Give me an example," I said. " 'O'Toole was gambling and keeping the company.' "All right, suppose you are working as opinion, said the decision "tells the for prosecution only if a suspect a woman and he's got a drinking problem " 'Yes, it's true,' Croton will reply. police that they may freely blurts something out before being an executive for the Soft - Serve Tennis Ball Co. The word is out that there is going and you want me to keep him on the 'They'll all hate me. What can I do?' " Misplaced payroll?' Croton will say. 'Why not form an employe's "Force interrogate an accused informed of his rights. to be a 15 per cent across - the - board cut " 'We all make mistakes, Mr. Croton,' incommunicado and without counsel Reduction Committee" and let the memo in jobs. You don't sit back and wait to see But what you protest. 'As soon as O'Toole committee absorb all the blame for the and know that although any happens if, either by if you're in the 15 per cent. You act straightens out his financial affairs and cuts in personnel? We'll take all the flack.' To: President Nixon statement they obtain in violation of police action or further court erosion immediately. makes up his mind whether he's going to " 'Who's we?' Croton will ask. of Miranda, police begin stalling for "You go to see Croton, the vice " Re: Spiro Agnew's support I Miranda can't be used on the state's get rid of his wife or his mistress, he'll be a 'Me and my committee,' you say. time before warning a defendant of president in charge of personnel, and you great addition to the company.' 'Whenever someone screams, you can revenue sharing. direct case, it may be introduced if his rights, just to see if perhaps he say 'if you have to fire someone in my "At this point Croton will get suspicious blame it on us.' the defendant has the temerity to department, Mr. Croton, I would prefer it " Dick — and say, 'How come you're begging for 'You're a good man, Wholesworthy. I testify in his defense." might "blurt" something out, or be rather than OToole. You see, own The 5-4 decision may indicate the confess under a little police pressure. me O'Toole has had some serious problems O'Toole to stay and you to go?' " don't know what the company would do We'll share the revenue ifyou'llsl| 'Because,' you reply, 'the shape without you.' " sharing the vice president. new conservative A delay between the time a person is and that is why he hasn't been able to O'Toole's in, he'll never be able to get - liberal court split - The Goverai arrested and the time he is informed function for the past six months.' another job, while with my record and that could overrule many of the Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times Warren court's 5-4 libertarian and of his rights could make a great deal civil rights decisions. The of difference and would be difficult coalition included Burger and Harry majority for the courts to police. POINT OF VIEW Blackmun, Nixon's two appointees, More importantly, perhaps, the and three justices who dissented in decision may be a portent of the the 1966 Miranda decision John future. Further attacks by the new Grand jury demonstrates bias - Harlan, Potter Stewart and Byron five - man majority on the Warren White. Brennan's dissent was joined Court, civil libertarian decisions by William O. Douglas and Thurgood could seriously deteriorate already Marshall, with Hugo Black dissenting eroded civil liberties, lending court of impaneling and intent of this grand jury, without stating reasons. sanction to the wave of repression we beiive that its use the grand jury to Investigate the atmosphere was created by H EDITOR'S NOTE: The following as a means to disturbances, presumably because of the propagated by certain county official] Burger based his opinion on a and abridged personal liberties. Point of View was submitted by David investigate the peace rally is highly extent of the violence that occurred. The the day of the incident, Sheriff ™! Coburn for the United Front and Brown inappropriate. damage was estimated at $1,000, which for informed the Gazette that more vioW Public announcements have been made the large part was broken windows. The Berets of Kalamazoo. could re-occur the following day. On I in the Kalamazoo Gazette by involved or windows, we might add, were repaired by following day, 30 sheriff deputies were] On Wednesday, Feb. 17, in Kalamazoo, concerned public officials. These officials jail inmate labor. special guard duty at the com Administration on Michigan, a peaceful demonstration to are directly related to the functioning of Last spring, a campus riot occurred in building at a cost of $300. In additi I protest the invasion of Laos was held. This the grand jury and will in specific instances Kalamazoo with damage estimated at over march and rally was called by the United be required to render unbiased and non - this, 85 civil defense personnel " $10,000, including broken windows and activated and present in the building. Front, supported by STP, a campus judgmental decisions. From these some damage done to several buildings. No (Western Michigan University) published remarks we cannot in any way grand jury investigation was called. In light The Sheriff's department expljj on co-ed living organization; the Brown Berets, and local church and peace groups. After the crowd left Bronson Park, individual actions understand how these officials impartial to those individuals involved in the demonstration. By their own can be of that we cannot help but feel that the calling of the grand jury to investigate this these extraordinary measures by that armed revolutionaries (rumored claffl|j comparatively small disturbance is a Black Panthers) were plotting with ce™ The recently passed co-ed occurred which lead to confrontations and statements, they have without a doubt housing allowed to stand. The time of in loco purposeful and willful intention on the students at the university to raid J arrests. taken a pre-trial position. Their eagerness guidelines are already under fire by part of governmental machinery in and free the prisoners by force. Simw parentis has passed. Allowing co-ed The United Front, an organization to make public statements has disqualified Kalamazoo to block the United Front in its the administration. The guise is member of the county board of living to 21 - year - olds and students composed of concerned community them from related legal proceedings. We efforts to achieve much needed reforms in circulated the rumor that the ciy supen^ parliamentary; the intent may not above freshman status with parental people, is attempting to institute needed insist that these officials disqualify this county. j be. sealed off by roadblocks to keep o 1 reforms in the Kalamazoo County Jail, a themselves. Out of the 150-200 permission belatedly recognizes the people outside the Officially, President Wharton's realities of contemporary society. free breakfast program to feed elementary The disturbances were witnessed by county building, few were from racial Black Panthers. All of these rumors^ statements were obviously false. office is questioning the validity of school children from poor neighborhoods, Judge Fox, who called for the grand jury minorities, yet Wednesday's arrests There also are pragmatic the 4-3 vote that approved the considerations. Residence halls are in a tenant's union and correction of educational problems within the school investigation, as well as two other judges who will be presiding at the grand jury. involved 3 Mexican - Americans, one black, In summation, the decision to M 3 people with long hair and another white. the scope of the citizens' gran j guidelines. Had Trustee Kenneth fiscal trouble. They can compete system. Because of the nature of our The county prosecutor and several of his In addition to this, certain j Thompson, R-Grand Rapids, been assistants were also witnesses to the police officers investigate the incidents of reb- 1 with off campus housing, however, - reforms, we have been highly critical of acted unlawfully and unprofessionally. made in an atmosphere of an* 1 certain public officials in Kalamazoo disturbances. The prosecuting attorney has present and voted with the minority, if they are allowed to These obviously warrant investigation as hysteria. The illegal activity folio" compete on County. A citizens' grand jury originally made a statement to the Kalamazoo the guideline vote would presumably equal terms. Significantly, very few called to investigate the drug traffic in Gazette saying, "This is only the beginning much as the illegal acts of some demonstrators. Yet, the officials who are peace rally, while intolenjg] have failed on a 4-4 tie. President sexually segregated living units exist Kalamazoo County has been broadened to they've thrown down the gauntlet." comparatively modest, yet the "J to preside over the grand grand jury°v J . . be involved in the . Wharton concludes that, perhaps, the jury have created in East Lansing. include those events leading up to and Because these people were witnesses and Board should reconsider the motion. because of the prosecuting attorney's an atmosphere of conflict in which it seems creating a situation that will It could be argued that Wharton is occurring on Feb. 17. unlikely that both sides will be heard. prejudicial to anyone subj Chances are probably silm that For the reasons stated below, the afore - statement, we feel that the impartiality of On the day following the incident, when not at all happy with the prospect of the investigation. For these reasons J mentioned organizations feel that unjust grand jury will be seriously Judges Sweet, Fox and Anderson met and this will happen. Within the scope of co-ed housing. Why else would he be urging you to oppose the use o J the trustees' bylaws the vote is legal. suppression and intense persecution has jeopardized. decided to utilize the citizens grand jury, jury as a means of suppressing ^ " throwing so much procedural flak in been brought to bear upon those of a The three presiding judges called upon there was an atmosphere of hysteria! This dissent in this community. Reconsideration can only be the specific political persuasion and with a firm way of an otherwise initiated by a trustee who originally commitment to combat the ills of their commonplace motion? voted with the winning side, community and society at large. The Subtlely is always, of course, a United Front wishes to state that we as a according to Robert's Rules of comforting trait to find in the Order, which Trustee Patricia community organization are being harassed Complete Bureaucrat. Procedure and intimidated by elements of the local Carrigan says governs trustee aside, however, a substantive political machinery. Therefore, we appeal meetings. decision on co-ed housing from the to those concerned individuals and parties Procedural questions aside, the to act to halt this misuse of the judicial co-ed administration could prove living guidelines should be system and laws of our state! worthwhile. Because of the composition, bias, haste Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March I, 1971 majors UFWOC Americans living and working in official Cigarettes 3/95< 10% off the discount price on Bv HARD CAMPOS RICHARD CAMPOS the Unjle, C ^ Uimea maies. An issue Oredain considered imDortant ic th.t Ij jail, too, for iui bringing uiiu^nig them uiem .L up to up tu Oredain uicuain said njiu he tells tens them mem that . " .... all photo developing . , ne inai asked asKed Oredain, Ur "How can we Antonio Oredain spoke of workers workinolL ni ri m Strike he Chavez would not come until help the farmworkers." limit ^ . no cation , nited United Farm L Workers >rking in working in the the fields fields as and as a makj „ a -"-.A- ju vounc young I wenit dare towork in a "rs t0 however, th* * a re-aC, that relbbil b ifl idal show set at my small check and that I then saw was paid $1.75 an hour." Another issue was what he 87c $119 termed "brother worker limit 1 limit 1 pushing (Coupon) brother worker." Farmworkers' (Coupon) Expires after 3-6-71 Expires after 3-6-71 Wednesday William J. Calbn brothers who work in the fields East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only irman' Philosophy^ Feb. or in Mexico come to the States and work for lower United 18,1 and wages ultimately break the strike. Zonkers [tudenfo^anizaUon ta'The and $1.25 forothlr^availaK UnifeT State.''ToToJk ^JJy Virginia Maid raded America's Newest Toy Panty Hose t.0'109 Ho",cu,tu'e Bid8- «*». #er and bridal show at 7 p.m. ■dnesday in Fairchild Theater. 59c S|I9 The show, entitled "She |ks in Beauty," will consist of Forty Carats' due limit 1 (Coupon) Expires after 3-6 - 71 East Lansing Store Only ree complete weddings, king use of several thousand worth of floral Uars angements created completely on campus Tuesday students. Broadway rent American comedy hit. Opaque Fitalon ''FYfcftv Parafrc " The first wedding, "She Walks comedy hit "Forty Carats,'' Deposit bottles Panty Hose m. Daisies," will have a blue - aturing a New York cast, will The comedy's theme is whether a considerable disparity return Panty Hose ite color scheme and give be presented Tuesday in the in age should ^ an obstade to After studies showed a demand for deposit amples of simple bridal Auditorium as part of MSU's people who love each other _ stores beverage bottles, shoppers in 86 Wrigley and K-Mart in Michigan now will have the option of buying soft drinks in deposit or no-return Sf9 S129 shions and formal wear. Broadway Theater Package. here an - ardent 22 - year - bottles. More than 60 per cent of Allied Supermarkets, Inc., customers polled in December said limit 3 limit 3 . 410. Barbara Britton, star of many u. . and a cautiously hesitating they would buy the deposit bottles if they (Coupon) (Coupon) The second, She Walks in popular movies and the "Mr. and were made available. Expires after 3-6-71 Expires After 3-6-71 woman of 40. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only State News photo by Jeff Wilner jwer ridal party, IKS f tasnions lor uie wnoie church and New York divorcee who i~ consider herself-- a jewel and wooed and won by a 22 - year think of her years in terms of :eption. old man diamonds — hence 40 carats. Perfect Fit Chiffon For the third "Forty Carats," which and most formal Also featured in the cast will ■dding, "She Walks in Candle - recently concluded a two - year ow " Fairchild will be entirely Broadway, was originally be Robert Darnell as Miss Panty Hose Dishwashing Lotion Britton's ex-husband but still by candlelight. The wedding a French farce by the same pair g00d friend; Nancy Cushman 11 emphasize dark blue and who wrote Cactus Flower." mi «««:«».. ...kuin A 19 YEAR OLD Fee Hall resident was - - Police said they found the hunting knife under SJ19 22 27 C oz. Mrs Jav Allan author of "The P,iL ofL Miss ^ amb'tloUS ^pected to be freed Sunday afternoon on the student's belt. limit 3 limit 1 Prime Mic' Jean i J Brodie. Brodie, mother and Tracy Brooks Swope $2,500 bond after MSU police apprehended him n » her 17 The student demanded preliminary (Coupon) (Coupon) Professional commentators turned the French play into the as year - old daughter. - Expires after 3-6-71 -is After 3-6-71 Miss Britton, as Ann Stanley, Friday night for possessing marijuana and a examination at arraignment Saturday in East East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store II describe the New York hunting knife, will be playing the role Lansing District Court. idal fashions and formal wear Police said the student broke into a run Friday ^ ~ . . . originated by Julie Harris in the PATROL OFFICERS recovered a stolen odeled by 35 coeds and their AoMoU opens New York production which was night after he a patro| car on Fee Road. Officers, who said the student acted suspiciously, automobile early Saturday morning in parking directed by Abe Burrows, who was responsible for such hits as got out of their car and gave chase. Police said lot I behind the Men's Intramural Building. Police said Michael Kosar, 23, of Detroit, 20C off the discount Don Ami Following the weddings, there fgD the youth stopped suddenly in an east stairwell DetltlOninQ Cleanser II be a complete reception in a mpletely landscaped area with ~ ~ _ ® "Cactus Flower" and "How to Succeed in Business Without in Fee Hall and handed officers believed to contain marijuana. a tobacco can reported the vehicle missing Friday morning from parking Lot L at the corner of Harrison price on all ^ . Road and Kalamazoo Street. Arthur Iim ore than 7,500 tulips and Petlt,°Tg opera today and Really trying." Corn Silk Cosmetics emos >s graduate sty " ffodils including a three - foot for co"tlnue f°r u10 class students wishing to have "Forty Carats" is the fourth attraction in the 13° Feb. 23,li 23.!! Broadway limit 1 (Coupon) imimiiiiiiinii Expires after 3-6-71 East Lansing Store Only ASMSU district laced tudent struck positions. representative mo y truck near Crest Toothpaste on No Doz ew's support eewoy romp Joseph L. Schechter, Ann 165 59c 6.75 oz. 59c limit 1 bor junior, was reported in (Coupon) rious condition Sunday at Expires after 3-6-71 'enue if you'll si East Lansing Store Only arrow Hospital with injuries esident. stained Thursday evening The Govern ten he was struck by a truck 1.75 ar the entrance mill nil" ramp to 1-96, ir the 1-496 intersection. Head & Shoulders Clearasil The driver of the truck, Roger Butt, 24, of Detroit, told ate Police that Schechter ran Dandruff Shampoo Vanishing Formula front of the truck and was 1.2 oz •uck .3 oz tube 99 C tube rQ by the vehicle. No tickets J7 re issued, troopers said. limit 1 (Coupon) Expires after 3-6- 71 IS East Lansing Store Only created by nu i county officials, dent, sthat Sheriff M more viok Jergens Right Guard dlowing day. On Hand Lotion Dry Deodorant rif deputies were uty at the com M/^oz. $300. In addition jgc oz 59c nse personnel " limit 1 nithe building. (Coupon) Expires After 3-6-71 Ex iresCa°teP°n) EastLansing Stare Only East Lansing Store Only jpartment expl» neasures claim by aries (rumored t plotting with cert rsity to raid the by force. Sin# Contac 10's Excedrin 100's board of super" that the city cks to keep out f,these rumors 79c S-J09 jslv false, limit 1 (Coupon) expires after 3-6-71 decision to bra East Lansing Store Only izens' grand W stn of Feb. 1' here of anger ctivity folio*"# Shoe Saver Eatons Corrasahle . intolerable, yet the officii liquid Silicone Dond Typing Paper 'nd jury overreaj that will be W yone ese reasons# subject oz. 79c 49c limit 1 limit 1 use of this the (Coupon) ippressing leS1"" Expires after 3-6-71 East Lansing Store Only lity. IT'S EA5V -- NON TME^e IW» State Discount T 307 E. Grand River Next to the Card Shop 6 ' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mondiay SPORTS • March | Purdue rips ca Powerful By JOHN VIGES State News Sports Writer century mark. MSU was never in the half Purdue took advantage of two replacement, travelling calls against MSU. completely dominated the batlgame after Purdue reeled off three straight missed shots and The quartet equaled the game Jim Rogers first was half The SDart*n center unable to bloclTthe progress g-mj After his Purdue team 10 straight points, breaking a an offensive foul as the of rebounds captured number of the Purdue forwards as^hey finished loss, a handing MSU a 100-70 Boilermaker assistant coach tried to console MSU 1515 tie" The best chance of MSU DOintS. winning anything during the Boilermakers scored 10 points mnctanHv constantly scoring from'inside Van Pelt scored the next two the Spartan defense. by 1 the straight entire MSU team and they were because ?« drove towards the basket to™afraid'at g"t?ng hislJurth" fouL bounce j coach Gus Ganakas by saying game came when Brad Van Pelt baskets for the Spartans to keep Faerber played his best game RutJy Benjamin was the next cJrpX: sf; H that the game would be closer the next time the teams met, and Boilermaker center William the difference between the two ever Franklin traded blows for a brief teams at 10, but following his as a Boilermaker. The senior highest scorer for the Spartans McCurdy new who Crisler Arena blew *311 and he added the old cliche, moment before they captain had 12 chances from the ejection from the game Purdue floor and he converted 11 of with nine P°ints and Paul Dean Spartan down Si "You know, when it rains, it were separated by officials and tossed went on another scoring spurt them, added eight, as the gymnasts in (hp .*1 out of the game. finishing with a total of and the lead was increased to 18, 24 points, the Michigan all a, ""f pours." high for the game. The tired apt description _r. r saying provided an of the game __ played Saturday as the Spartan According to Van Pelt, Franklin had given him an elbow in the mouth, Van Pelt shoved the difference at halftime. Faerber also added seven MSU never had the rebounds and eight assists to the satisfaction of being only 18 Boilermaker's cause, Ohio State Msu < -a defense crumbled before the him away and then Franklin hit points down in the second half Ford was the other principal noUl,CUrdy ga,n" i. msi weekend's league clash with a 82 with Morrison taking the highs "I thought the team, 54 trouncing of Iowa with few MutpM. Mik, Saturday. and Hartwick the lows. Dave - The Spartans won 10 of 11 Martin completed the sweep in exceptions, excellently," Dittrich said. performed fieldhouse record set i'^ i same team); 2. Iowa 3:20.1. the high sticks while Rich Mile Run — I. Ken Popejoy. MS, Jacques placed third in the lows. Al sweep Henderson led in the 440, with Mike a MSU 4:06.8; 2. l)ave Fastland, I; 3. Pete Reiff, MS. High Jump — 1. John Tefer, I, 6 - Fencers split I Holt and Mike Murphy 0; 2. Gary Shelly, I; 3. Chris following, while LaRue Butchee, with a 30.9, claimed a 300 win, Marchand. MS. Long Jump -- 1. Gary Shelly. I, 22 . i 3/4; 2. Steve for 9-6 markl Randolph. MS; 3. Herb Washington finishing Bruce Prewley, I. The Spartan fencing It second and Tom Spuller third. 440 — I. Al Henderson. MS. equalled the highest numberI Other notable efforts Included 49.1; 2. Mike Holt. MS; 3. Mike Murphy, MS. wins a MSU team has compill a 1:51.0 half - mile by senior in the sport in the last 20 yea High Hurdles — I. John John Mock, the second best Morrison, MS. 8.5; 2. Wayne by splitting a tri-meet held at t| posted in the Big Ten this Hartwick, MS; 3. Dave Martin, MS. Sports Arena of the Men's if 1000 I. Bob Schum, I, 2:13.8; season, a 4:06.8 in the mile by Saturday. 2. John Clark, 1; 3. Ken Popejoy. MS. Ken Popejoy, also second in the MSU defeated the I'niwnj Pole Vault — I. John Tefer, I, league rankings, 6.0 and 6.1 15 - 0; i other place of Illinois • Chicago Circle by! times by Washington and 14-13 score, but lost to tr Butchee in the 60, and a 1:10.3 always tough University I 600 by Bob Cassleman. Detroit fencers, 1512. If 600 1. Bob Cassleman. MS, MSU's mile relay continued 1:10.3; 2. Chris Boggs, MS; 3. Steve ending regular season play wi its excellence, outclassing Iowa Hempel, I. 9-6 record, the SpartiB with a fieldhouse record - Triple Jump 1. Gary Shelly, I, matched mark set five tying 41 - - 10; 2. Bruce Presley. I; 3. Mike a ye| 3:14.8. The quartet of Maxted, I. ago. The 1966 team had a f Henderson, Murphy, Holt and 300 I. LaRue Butchee. MS, record. 30.9; 2. Tom Spuller, MS. Herb Washington, MS; 3. Ira Schwartz, in foil, was big .winner of the day for MSB J 880 I. John Mock, MS, defeating all six of lfl -- 1:51.0; 2. John Crisswell, I; 3. Have meters, MS. opponents. Bill Mathers was J Low Hurdles - Hartwick, MS, 7.9; 2. John Morrison, 1. Wayne in epee, and Doug the same mark in sabre. McGawkJ UNION CAFETERIA SPECIALS Because our complete dinner specials have been so well I received, we will continue serving them the balance of I Winter term. Why don't YOU come and bring the family? Monday Night Tuesday Night — — New England Boiled German Dinner Dinner | Wednesday Night — Italian Dinner Thursday Night — English Dinner Friday Night — Indian Dinner The dinners are served from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Monday | through Friday nights. LITTLE BIG MAN On the screen for the first time WAS EITHER THE MOST A musical journey NEGLECTED HERO IN HISTORY into the soul of a nation OR A LIAR OF INSANE PROPORTION! DUSI1N HOFFMAN "LITTLE BIG MAN Panaviston* Technicolor* (GP) WINNER OSCAR NOMINATION "Best Supporting Actor" CHIEF DAN GEORGE a sight and sound experience MONDAY - 7:00 - Brody, Southwest dining room 9:00 - Williams cafeteria TUESDAY - 7:00 Akers, Room 137 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March I, 1971 7 SPORTS ^ 1 lr 1 [ , 1' - y mL I leers By RICKGOSSELIN the first clinch B State News Sports Writer begone time^ since the long year of 1967. overtime game. But this time, way at 12:30 of the second would n r lose. child who has lost a toy stanza, Bill Sipola and game hero The Spartans collared the two an(j wants it back, the Spartans Chaurest clicked to push the Chaurest, playing in the best Yes, all resident disbelievers, most 'mPortant games of their were successful in salvaging the Spartan lead to 5-2. series of his college career, the MSU hockey team does exist season by dumping the wjn. scored on a power play on a A third period nightmare with Saturday nights. And when Wisconsin Badgers, 4-2 on 1 on Gilles Gagnon and Jerry goal scorers Pat Lannan, Stan perfect goalmouth pass from ;he Spartans win on a Saturday ^r,day night and 6-5 on ' KatlirHav nirrhf DeMarco gave MSU a 2-0 lead Hinkley, and Jim Boyd starring Randy Sokoll at 8:31 of the first night, they do it in grand style. Saturday night. . • . . .. «... . . • « after the first period. for the Badgers forced the period. This past Saturday With a crowd of 3,137 r-- -.-v.-, night at ^ # Jim Young climaxed _ Spartans to go an extra period the MSU Ice Arena, the Spartan standing' stomping, cheering, Wisconsin staged short frustrating minute and one - half before they could lay claim to a - hockey team: and pleading for the to of the second■ period •by the game and the Big Ten title. lived comeback at 5:28 of the totally Prod"ce a victory, an overtime Beat Wisconsin to second period as Jim Johnston capitalizing on the inability of On Friday night, the Spartans shatter their Saturday night jinx'. Period be8an scored which the Spartans to clear the zone struck gold early, kept digging, on a partial break-in from • Took a sweep from a WCHA 20 feet on the right side. I team for the first time since the waf tel1 the Bl& Ten wor,d with the puck by banging home and rushed home with the 4-2 0 wasuthe *** Jim Boyd's rebound shot. win. MSU jumped into a tie for early January killing of Before either goaltender could Randy Sokoll got that one Don Thompson banked in a third place in the WCHA with Michigan. tbe ^ee' ^e puck in the jjack on a power play effort, ?iL# • Destroyed the long standing overtime jinx that had plagued sudden - death session, Michel Chaurest popped a shot steering home Bob Boyd's point shot from the left of Makey. rebound of a Bob Boyd backhand point shot at 5:10 of the first period to project the Wisconsin with but more a record of 11-9, important, polished its Big Ten championship record at the Spartans for three, long, tlle right wing boards that After Wisconsin's Norm Big shot for agonizing • years. Broke the all - time single Wisconsin goaltender Jim Makey ~uld d°,Htt}e about but look at. Cherrey scored on a break - a - Spartans into a lead that they ■Michel Chaurest, scoring his third goal of the series, booms home a long slap shot from the season win mark Cbaurest s s^P shot at 1:18 of II £ I A ■side of Wisconsin goaltender Jim Makey for a sudden death overtime riqht hockey team by copping number by an MSU P*n°d four cau8ht the ,ns,de of v u^/ V-r ^ ^ USC victory last Saturday 18 the far goalpost and fell cleanly ■night. The goal assured the Spartans of the Big Ten title in hockey. . . . State News photo • And last, but surely not *nto. V1® setting off a botnSCIUeakby by Bruce Remington least, took the Big Ten title for fre,nz,ed' triumphant on - ice ^ ' celebration by the Spartans, EAT GOPHERS, 21-9 with Chaurest acting as master of ceremonies from the bottom Both No. 1 - ranked UCLA and No. 3 - ranked Southern Cal of a pile of 19 green - and - had to come from behind to win whiters. Saturday. UCLA edged S' But until that goal, MSU's Washington State, 57-53, and JI ByGARYSCHARRER grapplers win finale with his 10 - 5 win. Hicks had Bates and sophomore Musser. dream game was growing progressively sour. With a 5-2 lead going into the third period, the Spartans surrendered three goals within USC nipped Washington, 81-80. In other games involving ranked teams Marquette crushed Tulane, 90-76; Penn trounced Yale, Saturday State News Sports Writer vint.nrioQ anrtv in tho (190). 9 3-6 3; Houston Love Won coacnn «ciir_ i i upset k(o™tomoSlum«dinn though"'S a. .... » . , . before hi had V"' «i«ory o»„, Jacksonville, 83-82; Kansas j Big Ten championships 7 record'"jdGopher 1 mark prior to the to :3- against seasoned kids and you last year's Big always wish too much," he said. 158, Jim Axtell. Ten champion at session. MSU, which had prided nipped Colorado, 66-65; I NCAA tournament are the itseif on its third period play Fordham ripped NYU, 102-87; T" But j* added> "not being Zindel's match is bond u remaining competition for Bates . drew the .. ... ... starting berth pinned itself was a moral closer. A was even takedown at the buzzer throughout the season, could South Carolina beat North our to earth ■ Spartan wrestling team this not reclaim the lead, and was Carolina State, 82-69 and Notre -u™ Lamphere, Big Ten rnwrestled runner Reid victory. I m very pleased with gave him a 5 - 3 win. Ciolek forced into a previously dreaded Dame beat St. John's, 92-79. - up them." wrestled to an early 4 - 0 lead the weekend the behind Milkovich last year. Peninger said that although and then scored an escape and each other ■pplers entertained inesota Gophers and defeated the Lamphere encountered problems as he chalked up a 16- few Milkovich and Abajace could takedown to complement riding WE'VE SOLD HUNDREDS have wrestled and that they time points for a decisive 9 - 2 guests, 21 - 9, in a tune - up 4 victory. wanted to, he didn't want to risk win. JUST A FEW LEFT the conference tourney next Mike Ellis almost repeated the chance of recurring injuries Heavyweight Ben Lewis took (kend. The victory closed out Spartans' dual meet schedule Johnson's wallop as he coasted to a 16 2 decision over Ron that might keep them from the his first conference loss as Big Ten meet. was defeated by Dave Simonson. he Acapulco 14 openings -$219 St. Patrick's Day brought their record to 7 - 3 Henrickson. Like Johnson, Ellis Rick Radman (158) scored a Spartans dominated the gave up only two escapes for his reversal in the second period but We fix the same car Jamaica. .-$219 March 17 opponent's points. Ellis is now was behind 3 22 ith seven victories in the 14 • 3 this season. - final period. Radman, 2 throughout the everyday openings however, rches. Two of the MSU ,ats came to inexperienced Musser made his first won two minutes riding time b our service Nassau - $179 iy Bates and Rod Musser appearance this although trailing by only year and one advantage for a narrow, 4 - 3 victory. ■ 7 openings' -r pojnt after the first period he suffered a 11 - 3 setback. After The Spartans opened up a 21 - 6 lead with decision victories Freeport$189 Ireg Johnson and Lon Hicks the meet Coach Peninger was by 33 openings .. Gerald Malecek (167), Bruce 18 and 126, provided MSU pleased with both freshman Zindel (177) and Dave Ciolek INCLUDES-ALL EXTRAS1.! h an early 6 - 0 advantage. no extra charges! 120-2 margin racked up by Glenn Herriman DONY MISS OUT FOR SPRING second EXPERIENCE A Volkswagen, Inc. call Your rep. NOW!! jressive victory in consecutive Bks. His opponent was able to • only two escape ■ks broke a long losing points. streak Pizza F SruOeNTOlIRS Open. Wed. and Thurs. till 9 p.m. SKIERS! TONIGHT AND JOIN US ON THE ZOO - CAR EVERY MONDAY RIDE TO ASPEN Lift tickets Transportation Food Un-Cola Fun Friends MooSuski 353-5199 FULL SIZE PIZZA ONLY $1 SONY'S TC-60 CASSETTE- CORDER: THE $59.95 WONDER! Here's another Sony "sound" idea! The Sony Model TC-60 AC/DC Cas'sette-Corder is your best choice for inexpen¬ sive, portable, cassette recording. It offers unmatched Sony quality, handsome styling, and a variety of outstand¬ ing Sony convenience features. You get the famous Sony- tou might be happier at . Umbrella Special matic Recording Control that automatically sets and monitors record level for perfect recordings every time. And with Sony's Remote Control Microphone you merely flip a switch on the microphone to start and stop record¬ I We think we might have what you're We have jobs in all divisions of our $6 ing! It even has a special Personal Earphone that lets you I listen privately without disturbing others. If you ever looking for. Something 27 million people company. If you'd like face-to-face con¬ wanted a portable tape recorder to use on the beach, at tact with people we have many positions ^J depend on for security and a better life. We'd like you to consider taking a sales that will give you immediate contact with A a conference, in the classroom, or just for-in-the-home enjoyment, pick up Sony's remarkable TC-60 Cassette- great selection of slim, fashion umbrellas is Corder. Unbeatable value at just $59.95. The TC-60 — I Management position with /Etna Life and the public. If you'd rather deal with your co-workers and other professionals, we you never heard it so good! I Casualty. We have hundreds of broad- Features: I gauge management positions, both in the have those, too. Tell us your preference, priced for savings jus! before the spring rain season I ''eld and in the home and we can work it out between us. • AC/DC Operation • Record Interlock prevents office, that pay sub- • Pushbutton Controls accidental erasure I i,ant'a' salaries right from the start. A brochure called "The Whole Truth" starts. Choose shower-shedding nylon in a I hey all take goes into the specifics on sales manage¬ creativity and hard work. I the rewards can be ment as well as other opportunities. It'll very high. To I yourself. To others. tell you how /Etna works, what it does, beautiful array of colors with uniquely designed I If the insurance business is still the and how you can become part of it. It's an honest picture of an honest business. I Uvcr|°oked Profession to you, it's prob- wood, lucite and metal handles. I ™'y because Why not stop in at your placement office you haven't heard the whole V ruth about it and read it. yet. How fast-changing it I Today, one out of six Americans looks J ."a'hS it. c.°mc- Or how sophisticated. Or is where the to /Etna for insurance protection. You greatest variety of ■ J°t> opportunities arc—today, insurance might build a successful career helping us help many more. MUSIC CO. | Pr ably takes more college graduates I lan any other Jacobsaris profession. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer OUR CONCERN IS PEOPLE 245 ANN ST. I " a JOBS-particlpatUig company. 8 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Mond ,ay-March. /A life WHAT'Swnnrs H1 Abortion referral services H provided by businessmen An abortion referral service Mitchell refers girls who are abortions. It'sWhat'i Happening must be submitted in person to 341 Student Services Bldg. at least two State News working days P.m. The present president of Problem, MSU Tuesday Eppley Center Markciim |je,n F ?' l>il|sbury |n ,hl Thom a«k ?• «1 e*k * 3 (Continued from page 1) (Sunday Thursday) before which began last October to fly under 12 weeks pregnant for a The service, which began last products. m"rketing A spokesman for the clergy Michigan women to a private charge of $300. If the term of October, charges $245 if the publication. Entries may be William Delhey service, who choose not to be clinic in New York for the pregnancy is longer the price term of pregnancy is under throe inserted twice and must be „ attorney in the J„hn Nn identified, said he believes that is purpose of obtaining an abortion goes up, but not at any standard months. submitted from a registered why Michigan women would is'still in operation, although rate. Tint Horowitz, senior student organization. rather work through a some changes have been For an additional $100, counselor, said about half of the Mitchell's service provides for air profit-making referral necessary. women come from outside the The student education association service-they don't have to Martin Mitchell, 31, Oak Park transportation to a New York state of New York, with about will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in 226 meal after the 30 per cent of that Erickson Hall to discuss trouble themselves with the businessman who runs the clinic and a figure courses, Albert Karson, ptnf practices, requirements and personnel American thought imi details or arrangements. Mitchell Referral Service of abortion. comprised of Michigan women. i„° Mo' The clergy service is made up Niagara Falls, said he now refers Mitchell's package deal of The service is made up of in the College of Education. his wife will Today" at .pefk 'to'1 on 7:30 Pm of ten clergymen from 5 the women to private clinics in $400 allows a girl to be picked up people who have B.A.'s in social Moosuski will meet at 7:30 p.m. denominations. New York rather than to his in Detroit, flown to New York work. Miss Horowitz said. Tuesday in 208 Men's Intramural West Wilson H.ll admission charge. formal f„*V and returned to Detroit the same Bldg. A skiing film will be shown and The abortion referral services own clinic which he used at the Miss Horowitz said roommates and lodge for the Aspen have placed their advertisement beginning of his service. day. arrangements can be made trip will be discussed. in college newspapers His clinic was stopped as a Mitchell would not say how within 24 hours after the woman 7:30 p.m. result of a city ordinance drawn people have operated gets in touch with her service. The Performing Arts Company will Tuesday ,„uher^P? throughout the country, many present an open dress rehearsal for Physics - Astronomy students are asked B|dg , provided that the up by the citizens of Niagra through his service, but did say Information can be obtained "The White House Murder Case" at 7 315 Physics - to mJ.T* administration of the university Falls, a predominately that 50 per cent of the women by writing Professional p.m. today in the Auditorium arena weather is cloudy Astronomy a W,"7! film had objection. Roman-Catholic community. he dealt with were married and theater. No admission charged. y' 3 fllm no Scheduling Services Inc., 545 shown. 75 per cent of the women were Fifth Avenue, Room 1107, New Free University classes today: over 21. The Alternative Co York, N.Y. Knitting and Crocheting, 7:30 p.m., be held from 9 p m Mitchell said if at least six Dr. Arnold Werner, author of 2 01 Bessey Hall: Beginning Deaf ... Friday ^ Beat the Hush! at 4930 Hagadom Rd MSU coeds were in need of an the Doctor's Signs, 9:30 p.m., 215 Evergreen St.; from Hubbard Hall Rd"' Bag, which appears Auto Mechanics for Women, 8 p.m., abortion he would provide the weekly in the State News, said 2 15 Evergreen St.: Individualist New University Conl transportation from East he does not think women who Anarchism, 7:30 p.m., Mural Room, is having an open meeting Z Lansing to New York and the have abortions experience Union; Sensitivity, 7:30 p.m., 38-39 program nnrl to "tl abortion for a package price of "significant" problems Union. $450. afterwards. The Sierra Club and E-Qual will Cantilever will meet Mitchell, who calls himself a Werner said that he was sure present Provost John E. Cantlon at 8 at 71 today in 183 Natural "businessman, not a some people have problems after Fire aftermath p.m. Tuesday in Phillips Hall dining There will be a special Resourci progrj humanitarian," said the extra an abortion, and said he thought room. Cantlon will discuss MSU nominations will be taken fi environmental policies. A film on Isle $50 is because East Lansing is the ones who had the most Firemen view buildings destroyed by what was called Royale will be shown. farther from New York than difficulty adjusting are those Lansing's worst fire in nearly 40 years. The cause of the Detroit is. who are pushed into it by The MSU Folklore Society a blaze has not been determined. will Information about Mitchell's husband or boyfriend. meet at 7:30 p.m. today in 135 State News photo by Sue Steeves Musk referral service can be obtained Bldg. All are welcome. by writing to Box 1053, Niagara Falls, New York. The Professional Scheduling SMOLDERING CONTINUES Services Inc., also refers people to places where they can obtain Spring Break in ACAPULCO 8 Days 8 izarreness glanced up in time to see a brick "but we don't want to. Most left (Continued from page 1) only thought the previous night $199.00 wall tumble into the Grand people are just curious, but there was to let the warehouse burn, plus gratuities 'We just dropped everything and River to the cheers of a group of is still some valuable material in keep it where it was." or got the hell out of there," a kids watching on the opposite those buildings." Another fireman said that his "A fire is a sad fireman said. At 1:30 Sunday bank. thing when Fanned by 40 to 50 is a business, but most of tin JAMAICA afternoon, everything flatnmabk It's inrredible the kicks m.p.h. winds, the blaze is reported to places are insured and nobod $208.00 had long since burned, but smoke still poured out of the people get out of a fire," my shivering young police escort have burned for almost two Prof to 'going to be out anything exa plus gratuities hours before police and firemen the insurance companies. rubble and hung heavily in the said. "Last night, people were air. The fire had officially been wandering around with smiles ear to ear and their eyes as wide were alerted. "When we got here, flames infancy "We treat all fires the brought under control several a kid on Christmas morning. Infant development and the professionally, but emotiooi as were shooting out of walls, we treat them differently, hours earlier, but firemen said "I don't know what the hell significance of the first of ceilings and doors like it had year guy who owns the warehouc } FRIDAY FROM NOON ON that they would continue they expect to see," he said. "I been burning forever," a fireman life will be the focus of MSU's probably crying right n pouring thousands of gallons of guess it's cruel, but it seems like who had been on duty for over second educational psychology have less pity for him ALL YOU CAN EAT water on the ruins for at least people get a thrill out of seeing 16 hours said. visiting scholar program. another day, possibly longer. Jerome Bruner, professor of guy that would of lost his hoi something being destroyed: if the fire would have spread Gingerly touching a mangled unless it belongs to them." "I was at the church fire psychology and director of the steel beam, I heard a crack and Most area residents had been (Plymouth Congregational Center for Cognitive Studies at permitted to return to their Church) Thursday, and I wasn't Harvard University, will discuss "I guess what it all boils dot to is that you can replace thin) FRIDAY FISH FR homes by Sunday afternoon, but scared then. Last night I was his current studies on infancy at they had to do it on foot. scared as hell. I've been a 10:15 a.m. Friday in the Con you are going to sell, ' Crowds of sightseers were kept fireman for 11 years, and I've Con Room, International personal things are behind police barricades. never seen flames like those. We Center. forever." "We haven't had any trouble didn't even think about saving Includes Cole Slaw, French Fries, Roll, t® with looters," a fireman said, the buildings. We just wanted to Fire razes (Continued from page 1) and Butter couldn't get back to the true YOU'RE HERE TO GET the fast - moving fire. Chief Burtraw agreed AN EDUCATION . . . PERIOD "We'd backed it in on the Wilson and exonerated the north side of the warehouse of any blame in the truck'sk* where there weren't any flames, Wilson said the ladder tra With a full academic load and Monday - Italian Special then set up the ladder," he said. was a 1941 model that had In \1|Llnn maybe a job on the side, you "All of a sudden, the flames just rebuilt and converted to a die) Spaghetti - all you can eat need all the time you can find blasted out of the side of the engine in 1967. A replacer to get what you came for... building. It was so hot we will cost about $50,000. a college education. Marine $ 150 Officer Programs do not require on-campus training. JHkthda^nf^as^nl^ CHOOSE AVIATION OR GROUND. GRADUATES AND UNDERGRADUATES CAN BE GRANTED GRAD JUST PUBLISHED SALE SCHOOL DEFERMENTS in 21 FIELDS OF STUDY, INCLUDING LAW. APPLY NOW. BE A LEADER OF The hard-hitting MEN BE AN OFFICER OF MARINES. new blueprint for ... 1 survival by the Hundreds of L.P.'s on sale . . . Downtown — 210 S. Wash. - 5 MARCH author of THE Frandor PLACEMENT BUREAU 9 A.M. 4 P.M. Shopping Center - POPULATION East Lansing — JAZZ AND CLASSICAL 207 E. Grand River Student Services Building BOMB Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich $|98 Would You Believe?? and Richard L. Harriman HOW TO BE A SURVIVOR Compare our prices on all the bestselling current LP's A Trade-In Wig Sale!!! "This book vividly describes the problems... suggests of ideas for solving them ... tells how college students scores can join in the clean-world battle."—Publishers' Weekly A Friends-of-theEartm / Ballantine Original $4.98 list. . . Our Price {2.99 Trade in Your Sick Wig nodacrylic accepted) on a 100% Human (human hair or Other Key Survival Books: SCIENCE & SURVIVAL by Barry Commoner Hair Hand Tied Wig (from our regular TEACHING FOR SURVIVAL: A Handbook $5.98 List... Our Price $3.49 stock). The most versatile, comfortable, durable natural wig available. for Environmental Education by Mark Terry $1.25 each wherever No coupons needed No limit Q£)BAU.ANTINI BOOKS are sold Styling by our NEW ARRIVALS IN SONG BOOKS: You pay only Expert Beauticians is extra or take it to Crosby, Stills, & Nash - James Taylor - Elton John John Sebastian - Joni Mitehell, and many more - Judy Collins $30.00 your own salon. Calling All Sick Wigs for Trade In - This Mon. through Sat. ChfapUA 217 E. GRAND RIVER AiuAU 541 E. Grand River DOWNSTAIRS New Hour* 10-6 Monday Browse around the Mezzanine at SBS Saturday l immediately or for spring term. apartment desires occupant. Close. 332-0987. 5-3-2 student. Begin April. Own room. $75. 337-0011, 351-7307. 3-3-1 DACHSHUNDS: 3 months. Paper per day Swimming pool. From $150. $150,351-7253.2-3-1 - trained. Black and tan. AKC. IV BSA ROYAL Star 500cc. Just ays $4.00 Manager, 351-3118. If no answer, ONE, GIRL needed spring term. rebuilt, bags, extras, new paint. THREE BEDROOM Duplex, North 5-0779. 2-3-2 484-4014. 745 Burcham Drive. TF SUBLET LARGE 3 4 Cedar Village. 351-1990. 5-3-2 4c per word per day Must be seen. 355-2784. 2-3-1 or man Abbott Road. Stove and RUG: 12'x15' rust tweed with pad, apartment, spring. Offers. ,,ays $6.50 LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom 351-2794. 3-3-2 DIME OR two girls for 4-man, Haslett refrigerator. Immediate 100% wool. Good condition. TROPICAL FISH and aquariums, 10 55 gallons, some really nice [c edper word 1966 - HONDA 50. Electric starter, occupancy, $200 plus utilities. per day centrifugal clutch. Phone after 5 apartment. 121 Beal. Available Apartments, spring. $65. Barb. Call before 5 p.m., 351-9036. 355-5361, Tom. X-3-3-1 set-ups. Private owner. 694-9689. on 10 words per ad) March. $195. 349-3604. 5-3-5 ONE GIRL, spring. 2 man. Own 351-2546, after 5:30 p.m. 5-3-2 3-3-2 p.m., 337-1160. 2-3-1 5-3-3 LEAR JET room. University Terrace. component system. anuts Personals must be PARK TRACE 351-2794. 3-3-2 MODERN SPACIOUS 2 bedroom Receiver, 8 tract, turntable, MAN TO SHARE 3 bedroom home PART GERMAN Shepherd pups. 5 [epaid. THE SPACIOUS ONE. Now taking fully carpeted apartment. G. E. with 2 others. 322 Hayford Street. speakers. 11 months old. $190. John, 393-8522. S-3-3 months old. House - broken. applications for rentals. Offering ONE GIRL for spring term. appliances, air conditioner, $60/month. 372-1865. 3-3-2 e will be a 50c service helmet. 627-7409. 3-3-2 Phone 627-6081. 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments with Riverside East Apartments. $55 garbage disposal. In Haslett, only 5-3-3 d bookkeeping charge if all the extras. Families welcome. monthly. 332-1297. 5-3-3 minutes from campus. No pets. FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, odds ALASKAN MALMUTE puppies. The WE HAVE moved I ROLL-ROSSER js ad is not paid within Okemos Road at East Mount $140 and up. Phone 339-2490 for and ends, very good condition. finest breed, the most devoted TWO BEDROOM Duplex. $135. Motorcycle Insurance Specialist, Hope. 349-4030. 5-3-5 appointment. 5-3-2 Moving in mobile home. Call after [eweek. Phone 489-4811. Our new TWO BEDROOMS furnished. All Couples only. Call 351-9209, after 5 p.m., all day Saturday and companion. Ready now from utilities 5 p.m. 3-3-1 $100. 669-3423. 5-3-3 > State News will be address, 2400 North East Street, furnished except MAN BURCHAM Woods. Two Sunday. 694-0019. X-3-3-1 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham. - - onsible only for the Lansing. TF 2-man furnished apartments electricity and telephone. Walking man. Spring term. Phone distance to campus. Four man EAST SIDE. Newly remodeled, TAPPAN day's incorrect includes heat. $62.50 to $80 per $66.25 a person, three man 332-4133 evenings. S-3-4 furnished 3 bedroom home. STOVE, $15. Two Mobile Homes SUZUKI 250cc, X-6. Excellent playpens, $15 each. Phone man. 135 Kedzie Drive, $85 to lertion. $77.50 a person. HALSTEAD SUBLET Carpeted, strict landlord wants 484-4290. 2-3-1 condition, $400. 339-9407 or $90 per man. Leases starting June SPRING, 1 man needed, serious conservative tenants. $200. 1967 MARLETTE, 12x60, deluxe 337-9960. 10-3-9 15th and September 1st. Days MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O $80 for entire term, 731 Burcham, 351-3969. O ROGER'S model. Colonial interior, step-up call 332-1966 after 5 p.m. 3-3-2 DRUMS with covers, 487-3216; Evenings until 10 p.m., GIRL SPRING. Luxury apartment. kitchen, with dishwasher. Porch, FOUR GIRLS for 7 girl house, Ziddgeon cymbals and accessories. 882-2316. O Delta Arms. No deposit, $62.50. spring skirting and utility shed. After Aviation GIRL NEEDED spring term. Old term. All utilities (including A beautiful set in excellent 4:30 p.m., call 393-3295. 5-3-2 351-7668.3-3-1 Cedar condition, $450. 351-3197. 4-3-2 ONE MAN to sublet spring term at Village. Reduced rates. phone) paid. 351-8>82. 5-3-® Automotive FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to Campus Hill apartment. 353-1607. 351-8927. 10-3-1 FOR SALE. Skyline, 10x55 with ONE MAN needed for furnished KLH STEREO Receiver, Model 27, learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. 5-3-5 90 watts. shed on lot. Call after 6 p.m., I 1800TI 1965. Rebuilt Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C duplex. $45/month. 332-1095. ONE MAN needed Garrard Lab 80 engine, 3"3"1 spring term, 551 turntable. Lincoln Peerless stereo 699-2436. 5-3-2 brakes, perfect interior. ONE BEDROOM furnished. Close to Albert. No. 3 (no nhnnel speakers. All for $300. Monolux 8, 5 • 7 p.m. 5-3-1 campus. 485-2700, 353-1760. Auto Service & Parts 5-3-5 telescope 55x255x60 with 2x Lost & Found K barlow, $35. Norelco cassette tape 61. Power, radio, recorder with ON THE TRAIL! leather case, 'air, starter. $45. AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and ONE OR two LOST MALE dog in area of Charles Call roommates spring microphone and adaptor, $50. rnings, 355-0903. 1-3-1 American cars. If we can't fix it, it term. New Cedar Street wearing red collar. Call Village. Baby's deluxe carbed, $8; jumping can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O 332-1157. 1-3-1 351-9139. 3-3-3 exercisor, $4, automatic musical |AR0, 1969 Z-28. Yellow with 1 swing, $8. 355-0905. X-3-3-2 REED'S GARAGE es. 1,250. 393-6434. 3-3-2 Very clean road car. FOR IMMEDIATELY NEEDED. Girl for NO - WE WONT HUNT Personal luxury apartment. $55. 337-1107 PANASONIC STEREO after 5 p.m. 3-3-3 system, TUNE UPS, BRAKES, YOU DOWN WITH A GUN cassette tape recorder, turntable. NOW YOU can rent a WATER BED COMPLETE EXHAUST AM-FM. $200, best offer. for only $10/month. 351-9525, ROOMMATE NEEDED for freaky after 12 noon. 5-3-4 SYSTEMS, GOOD WORK. 355-3537. 4-3-4 2707 E. KALAMAZOO couple. Come over 102 Albert |velle, 1969. Excellent shape. Apt. No. 7. $40.00. 3-3-3 ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses? Save RE-GRAND OPENING SALE 11-9424. I. 2-3-1 Call after 6 p.m., PHONE 489-1626 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Kalamazoo Street . . .Since 1940. NEED ONE girl to sublet spring term. Campus Hill $62.50. HOWEVER - at East C-3-5 OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. Science Fiction Comic Books Curious Book Shop, 541 E. Grand wROLET 1968. Impala station Complete auto 349-4065 after 5 p.m. 3-3-3 River, downstairs. Open 1 - 5 30 painting and f9°n. 9 passenger. Full power, collision service. IV 5-0256. C SKIS, HART XXL'S, with Marker P.m. 5-3-2 ial owner. Call 351-5795. SUBLEASE 2 man spring. Yi block rotomat bindings. $225 new, Student Ads must be paid by from campus. Parking, air noon, Friday, February 26th, and make offer. 332-0965. 3-3-3 BE WHERE it's at and motorcycles ii Nova, 1970. V-8, Employment conditioned, garbage disposal. prepaid from Monday, March 1st; means no registration, or you go on the HOLD list.'This sell fast in the Classified Ads, Dial latic. Rallye wheels, 351-9479 after 5 p.m. 5-3-5 no diploma, no transcripts, no nothing, until WASHING MACHINE, spinner type, 355-8255 now! radio, paid. i. Phone 677-1381. 3-3-1 SALESMAN WANTED: Nationally excellent condition, spotless, $65. THREE FOR huge 4 man. 1 month Also good trailer hitch, $12. HELP: WOULD 2 people riding known corporation holding free. No deposit. $77.50. MSU 1 Phone 351-5543 Brody bus through University interviews Monday evenings. Call mornings and P0LINE, 1964 Van. Very clean. block. 332-6909. 5-3-5 Village around 5 p.m. Monday •" rims and tires. Rebuilt motor. for appointment, IV 5-4324. 3-3-1 evenings. S-TF So, hurry and pay up! February 22 and anyone else who |00.372-2306. 3-3-1 AMBITIOUS PERSON with a sincere ONE GIRL wanted for Eden Roc. GIBSON SG standard and Fender witnessed student being dragged ■D 1963 Fairlane desire to earn $15,000 annually. Reduced rates. Call 351-4635. Room 345 precision base guitars, by bus, please call 355-6097. 2-3-1 automatic, 5-3-5 ■adio and dependable Mr. Dunn, phone 393-1^07. 5-3-3 Gemeinhardt flute, E.V. The Student Services Building CLASSIFIED MARKET is a Asportation. $300. 393-3696. WOMEN. VACANCIES (2) in four Musicaster speakers, Bozen PA great place to sell antiques. For a GENERAL OFFICE WORK and girl apartment. One block from amp, many Shure microphones. result- getting Want Ad dial typing. Must have present work - campus. Completely furnished. 484-3560. 5-3-1 P XL, 1967. Automatic, $1195. 355-8255. study approval. Immediate Utilities and parking provided. I'd Fairlane, 1963, $100. Ski openings call Mrs. Sue Wilson, MICHIGAN STATE NEWS - >o snowmobile, $65. 349-9609. 0-3-2 H-8010, call 6 - $400. 9 p.m. 5-3-2 Social Science MDP, 355-6676. 3-3-3 CROSSWORD LARGE TWO bedroom apartment JOIN OUR leadership i itructional upstairs. Completely remodeled. PUZZLE Williamston area. 655-3833. 5-3-4 ACROSS 31. Treasure staff. Part time or ful 1. Twilled cloth 32. Lixivium Mr. Perkins, 663-8 4. Attribute 33. Little Chief JLA SS lckets - 1964. Burgundy, silver Best offer. After 4 p.m. 7. Boutique Hare i 351-4374. 3-3-1 11. Gums 34. Racing boat Special Announ LINE UP your spring or summer job 12. River island 36. Sea duck now. Car necessary. Call 351-7319 [EUN, 1969. Excellent for personal interview. C 13. Gangster's girl 14. 38. Cadmus' >n. New polyglas tires, Manuscripts daughter ) 353-9503 or 351-6349. 15. Concealed 40. Wallaba CUSTODIAN - SUPPLY Clerk. Hours passenger 41. Memorable Noon - 8 p.m., Monday through 17. Pipe joint 45. Signal ll^!)L1969 6 cV'inder. White, Friday. Call 485-9473. 1-3-1 19. Zero 48. With: Fr. niles, power. $1750. 20. Trees 49. Light bed DOWN v*° ' H /, 1-3-1 WAITRESS FULL time. Age 18 - 25. 4. Fertile spots Due to popular demand. Cedar Village will open leasing for summer and 23. Careless 50.Japanese fan 1. Grog See Manager 8 - 5 p.m., Monday - 5. Humor | 1968 green,-28,000 miles^ 27. Grandparental 51. Legend 2. Saturday. LUMS, 231 MAC. 3-3-2 fall terms to the public on TODAY, March 1. Air - conditioned model City railways 6. School cap radio. $1550. 393-3562 28. Cheer word 52. Black cuckoo 3.Seasoned 7. Petit ^9:30 p.m. 3-3-3 open 9 - 5. Sorry, we're full for spring term. 30. Mirthful 53. fester smoked beef ASSISTANT GARDEN shop 8. In what way 0 PENING manager. Spring and summer d 5 & 7 9. Palm leaf LANSING " 0 9 ■o 're'gn car CENTER. terms Full time. Plants and 10. Thickness Minor garden supplies sales. TWISS " 12 13 16. Desire LANDSCAPE CENTER, East Lansing. 351-0590. 11-3-12 14 % 15 % 16 18.Conger 20. Tires 19-9714. 5-3-2 17 % •9 21 Oast % % %% 22.Endeavor 24. Catalyst Immobile ~i968~Cut~iaf. zo 21 2* 'wer'T LVerV low 22 V* % Cedar Village m',ea9®' required, 351-5800. O 25. Dessert torn s- Power steering, 27 ie 29 30 26. Coconut fiber her e transmissK>n, vinyl 5.2757ra53E1XC0l,ent condition- top, MALE COLLEGE students. Good 31 % % 33 29. Roman bronze 32. Marquisette pay plus bonus. Part time. Call 33. Soft drink 351 3591. 12-3-12 36 35.Key 37. Desert plants 34 f' % % % Landscape 39. Killer whale HORTICULTURE AND Architecture students Saturd8^ m Mi Mb %% *4b 41. Poor actor olAC CATALINA i.9RnnSt!erin9, 1965 V-8. power brakes. and and Sunday retail garden sales of plants supplies. Guaranteed «9 1 SO 42. Creepsr 43. Clique 9^80, 6 8 - p.m. B1-3-1 base plus commission. Experience Orientation prior to 51 i 63 44. Charged particle TlA(j F|REBIRD 1969, V-8, not necessary. narlv April start. TWISb PHONE 332-5051 BOGUE ST. at the RED CEDAR % % 46. Past LANDSCAPE CENTER, East 47. Abyss 98h33.3mUSt i8"' $2,200' Lansing. 351-0590. 11-3-12 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. March |_i^ Peanuts Personal Service POOKIE, HAPPY 5th anniversaryl COMPLETE Discount THESES printing. IBM typing and service. Judiciary Love is here. Look around. Whole bunches more for usl Love, your Kawyn. 1-3-1 binding of these*, publications. Across from campus, corner MAC and Grand River, resumes, to decide ★ CAPI below Style Shop. Call March 8th PERSONAL SPECIAL - 12th. PEANUTS - 10 COPYGRAPH 337-1666. C SERVICES, IFC case ATTY. GEN. FRANK J. KELLEY filed Michigan Public Service Commission Friday tn^'0" With « « . ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith A decision is expected late proposed rate increase by Michigan Bell words for $1.00. offset printing. Complete service today in the case of Inter - Telephone <* d°*n» for dissertations, theses, Kelley said the company in its aDDlication fraternity Council (IFC) against much the increase would be but manuscripts, general typing. IBM. the Phi Mu Alpha fraternity. to adjust the rates based on the had merely askeTr^ ^ 21 years experience. 349-0850. C The hearing was held Friday In addition, he said, the company's experS esu by the IFC judiciary, consisting of three justices, in which IFC company had not given to the public stating the amount of rate ad,.n.IT*' increase ^ GAMMA OMICRON 1204: Happy charged the professional music "It is clear from the foregoing that Bell'., New Year from Loving pinmate. fraternity with lack of "application* is not «n application within the meaniru, Chi 933. 1-3-1 10 of the Telephone Act," Kelley said. participation. ^ of ^'ioc Joseph Ditzhazy, IFC GOV. MILLIKEN Real Estate president, said Phi Mu Alpha had Friday announced the appointment ,, C. Roskopp of Mt. Clemens 41st District Court Complcti Priftisiinil Thislj Strvlc* fir Master's ind Doctoral Cindiistss. Frts violated provisions in the term beginning today and ending Jan. 1,1973. as ton # ^ OKEMOS SCHOOL DISTRICT. 3 '1 Brochure and Consultation. Plmi Call governing group constitution bedroom frame ranch. I'/j baths. requiring all fraternities to be Roskopp, a 1948 graduate of the University of rw., Cliff and Paila Hauflity 3371577 »r 1277*31. Full finished basement. Oil heat. members of IFC. School, succeeds Judge Hunter D. Stair who Milliken .1°!! U* Built-in countertop range and wall Tuesday to the 16th Judicial Circuit Court. oven. Lots of storage. Large 1 car NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE "Phi Mu Alpha has not been aPP°mted represented at our meetings, IM garage. Handy to East Lansing, Okemos, Mason. 332-0732. 103-9 COPY how to get SHOPPE can show you two Xerox copies for sports events, Greek activities or ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ the price of one. Phone 332-4222. paid dues in more than a year," Recreation Ditzhazy said. Chief Justice Mark Hoag said Senior Night in 2 Days BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. Sunday that both IFC and Phi EUROPE, $209 STUDENTOURS, round trip jet to London, summer No job too large or too small. Mu Alpha presented their views Wednesday , March 3 Block off campus. 332-3256. C 8 p.m. '71. Call Eddie, 393-7520. 20-3-12 Friday. - 2 a.m. DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term Hoag said the justices found Phi Mu Alpha to be in violation Rodeo Spring Break in Papers. Expert typist with degree ACAPULCO 8 Days in English. IBM. 349-3655. O of the IFC constitution, but that the formal results of the decision Almost 100 contestants from 15 colleges participated in the second annual Intercollegiate Rodeo this weekend in the Judging Pavilion. This cowgirl participated in the breakaway roping event which involved roping calves. Points won in the rodeo at the will not be available until this go toward the National $199.00 afternoon. Intercollegiate Rodeo Assn. ratings. State News photo by Tom Dolan plus gratuities or •TYPING. THESES and letters, etc. Rapid, accurate service. JAMAICA Experienced. 393-4075. 20-3-12 $208.00 plus gratuities Transportation STUDENTOURS SUMMER: London, $209. Spring Break: NEEDED: RIDE TO Boston Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, $219; (Arlington area if possible), over Freeport, $189. Call Fred, Spring break, will share expenses. 355-2824. 14-3-12 Call 353-3650 before 9 a.m. or after 10 p.m. S-3-3 WANT TO Commute spring term from Flint to MSU. Will share YES, THERE are a few seats left on expenses. Call 353-3655. 3-3-2 Union Board's Nassau Trip, March NEED RIDE. Will pay. Sparrow 19-26. $189 Call 353-9777. Hospital to East Lansing. Details 482-5104. 3-3-3 BY NOW Service you should know appliances sell fast with a Want LIMOUSINE SERVICE to Detroit Ad. Dial 355-8255. Metro Airport. $11/person. Call 882-0722. X-3-3-1 Wanted ABRAHAM'S INTERIOR painting. Good work at very reasonable cost. References. 355-9344. 8-3-5 BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for all positive, A negative, B negative GUITAR, and AB negative, $10.00. 0 DRUM, FLUTE lessons. Private folk, rock, semi MARSHALL MUSIC, Lansing, 351-7830. C-3-1 FIVE STRING Banjo lessons, Scruggs - classic. East negative, $12.00. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 507)4 East Grand River, East Lansing. Above the Book Store. Hours: 9 p.m., Monday, Thursday and MICHIGAN new Campus a.m. to 3:30 Featuring juicy, hand carved STEAMSHIP ROUND OF BEEF - style. Call Dick after 5:30 p.m., 484-6151.3-3-3 Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C PAINTING INTERIOR - Custom work at reasonable INTERESTED IN extended prices. G.*ad students, references. 372-8158. C motorcycle tour to Southern California. Leaving around April TV, RADIO and Appliance Service. 1st. Call Walter, 332-8918. 3-3-3 Reasonable rates. Phone E. HOME IN East Lansing by end of Harvey, ED 2-2425. 20-3-5 July, under $35,000. Prefer large ROAST BEEF PLATE SCRUMPTIOUS traditional with trees. Phone Typing Service 351-3541.3-3-3 We'll carve it rare, medium, as you or like it- well done. DESSERTS COMPLETE TYPING And we'll even carve a J unior We've been famous—for and printing OLDER MALE student desires room service. Copy stored on magnetic 'n house Spring term. 487-0375. Beef Plate for young beef nigh unto 95 years — for tape. This eliminates all re-typing 3-3-3 lovers. ice cream treats like our except author's changes and unique Hot Fudge Sundaes, corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT WANTED; FUNNY cards for Hot Fudge Puffs, sodas and MAIL ADVERTISING, across Michelle's 30th, Box 87, other fountain treats. You'll from Frandor. Phone 485-1238. C Buchanan, Michigan. 3-3-3 love 'em. TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann NEED APARTMENT for summer, ROAST BEEF cheap. Call Irene evenings, Lance, 626-6542.0-3-12 355-8563. 5-3-1 SANDWICHES WORLD'S GREATEST Try our hand carved roast CANDIES beef on an oversize onion MANAGING MAILER roll. Milk chocolates sweet chocolates . . ... . dark all Lil' ole Norman's campaign kinds of centers. Other can¬ manager, the wry-witted Joe dies, too . . . from our own Flaherty of the Village candy kitchens. Voice, has gone and writ ten a bawdy, hip, political narrative about two bar¬ GREAT SALADS room bon vivants who de Tempting array of salads FABULOUS LAYER CAKE cide to take Fun City by with your choice of dress¬ Moist and tender inside storm. ..and fail... because . . . political machine ings. lavishly spread with delicious cannot function without what they promised "no icings created by our own more" of. Sanders confectioners. One is forced to smile, then to giggle, then guffaw, then wipe one's eyes, blow one's nose and sigh for mercy "-Hew York Times an unfettered, immensely readable insider's account of what was at once the most colorfully improbable and OPEN: Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays 12 noon to 8 seriously inventive campaign in the city's history." p.m. -Saturday Review Available at your local bookstore at Lansing Mall and in Frandor Shopping Center BERKLEY PUBLISHING CORP. TASTING'S BELIEVING.. .That's why these we urge you to use coupons worth $1.50 ROAST BEEF SANDWICH OR PLATE HOT FUDGE SUNDAE Meadow Milk Chocolates i ANY LAYER CAKE Regular price, 55C Regular price, 1 lb.—$2.25 around the Mezzanine at SBS at regular price of $1.95 or more . Always try SBS ,250 With This Coupon Save 25C With This Coupon Save 50C With This Coupon Save 50C With This Coupon $ J| first! 421-425 East Grand River Ave. ?"ly J* "?e Lanelng Mall, and the Frandor Shopping Center. February 28 thru March 14. J Good only at the Lansing Mall, and the Across From Olin I Shopping Center. February 28 thru March 14.