Don't try . . . michigan Tuesday yourself elected; if ... to get do you had better cut Tolerable . . . STATE NIWS ju your )ir. state . ■ . increasing cloudiness today with high in mid thirties. - David Crosby university Tonight variable cloudiness with low of 18. East Lansing, Michigan BOMB WRECKS ROOM Bomb rips U.S. Capitol; no one injured in blast WASHINGTON (AP) - A powerful the bomb exploded at 1:32 a.m. EST, a Powell said another call, received at 7:13 bomb pulverized a men's room and half hour after a male caller told a Capitol a.m. by an employe of House Doorkeeper severely damaged adjoining rooms in the switchboard operator: William "Fishbait" Miller, warned there U.S. Capitol early Monday 30 minutes "This building will blow up in 30 would be more bombs. The police chief after a telephone warning complaining of minutes. You will get many calls like this said six unfounded bomb threats against the Laos invasion. Nobody was injured. but this one is real. Evacuate the The blast occurred under the U.S. building. the Capitol had been received between This is in protest of the Nixon involvement Christmas and Monday's blast. Senate but the historic chamber itself was in Laos." untouched and the Senate met as Police had earlier issued a In midafternoon another bomb threat scheduled at midmorning, although visitors slightly different text of the call. Powell said there was received from a woman caller. Chief were not admitted as usual. was no recording of the warning. Powell said. Police continued their search President Nixon, speaking in Iowa, said FBI agents and for other explosive devices but found Army bomb specialists the bombing was intended by "the violence are aiding in an investigation of the nothing. people" to scare him into staying in incident. Metropolitan District of The damage was the most severe Washington and to force closing of public Columbia police used dogs in a search for buildings. "It won't work," he said, urging any other explosive devices. (Please turn to page 11) increased security measures. The Senate Public Works Committee scheduled an inquiry into the matter for AGAINST 'IT WOMEN Tuesday morning. Senators and congressmen of both major parties described the bombing variously as S >. *< n , :f : 1 tragic, deplorable, cruel, and the act of a revolutionary or a madman. HEW unit t The bomb shattered windows in the crumbling West front but newsmen could cracks. The Senate barber shop was alleged see no badly damaged. Some inside walls were buckled and sex workmen carted out load after load of Miss Sandler also stated that despite the rubble. By DIANE PETRYK fact women earn substantial numbers of The bomb site was on the ground floor, State News Staff Writer Search for evidence one level below the senate chamber. Two Alleged discrimination against women at the doctorates in many fields, they are conspicuously absent at MSU. of the damaged rooms were private offices MSU will be investigated by the \ "Nationally women earn 18.5 per cent sitting screen is used as the debris from a bomb blast was examined used by Sens. Caleb Boggs, R-Del., and B. Department of Health, Education and Monday following the blast on the Senate of the doctorates in speech and dramatic |ide of the U.S. Capitol. Extensive damage but no injuries resulted from the early morning explosion. Everett Jordan, D-N.C. Capitol Police Chief James Powell said Welfare (HEW) "as soon as possible," an HEW spokesman said Monday. arts," she said, " yet the Theatre Dept has AP only one woman, at the lowest rank." Wirephoto A formal charge of sex discrimination "None of the communication arts against MSU was sent by the Women's departments has a woman as a full Equity Action League (WEAL). N. Viets set up new professor. Of the 13 divisions in the bases WEAL's charges are based on figures College of Education there are only 26 from a report issued by the Office of the women out of a faculty of 182," she said. Provost in July, 1970. "In arts and letters, there are only 31 Empowered through Executive Order women out of a faculty of 254; women 11246, which forbids federal contractors have only a 9 per cent chance of becoming lAIGON (AP) — The North Vietnamese with two North Vietnamese divisions in Vietnamese have gotten the worst of it." from discriminating on the basis of sex, a full professor although 37 per cent of the Davision said that, when the allied drive j set up new sanctuary base areas in Cambodia, the 7th and the 9th," Lt. Gen. The South Vietnamese, however, have HEW can order remedial actions if male faculty have attained that rank," she lern Cambodia, and Saigon forces are Michael S. Davison, outgoing commander been unable no reach the stockpiles because across the border was launched last May, discrimination is found. added; Aging across the border to try to smash of the U.S. 2nd Field Force, said. of heavy resistance by the North documentary evidence indicated that the Donald Scott, investigator for HEW's The letter also mentioned that MSU In, a top American field commander Communist command moved at least 200 Contract Compliance regional office in Davison commanded American troops ■ Monday. Vietnamese, Davison said. tons of war materials out of the women are virtually not represented at the who took part in the first thrust into He sard the new sanctuaries are located sanctuary Chicago, said institutions that do not areas under fire. Heavy fighting in Cambodia has been Cambodia last May. He is leaving soon for a in an area called Dam Be halfway between comply with HEW requests would not be (Please turn to page 11) ■shadowed by the South Vietnamese new assignment as commander of the U.S. "If they moved that much, they cleared for future federal contracts. Te into Highway 7 and the town of Chhlong on the Laos to cut North Vietnam's Ho Army in Europe and the 7th Army. eastern banks of the Mekong River. probably got some more we didn't know MSU currently receives approximately I Minh trial supply lines that feed the "There's been about," said Davision. "Some of that, of $22.5 million in federal .contract money some pretty heavy Chhlong is 115 miles northwest of Saigon. ■bodian sanctuaries. [The South Veitnamese are tangled up fighting," Davison said in an interview. "Thus far, it looks to us like the North The allies did not drive this far north during the major incursions of last May and course, they've been expending in their Cambodian operations over the past nine yearly. In a letter to HEW, Bernice Sandler, Milliken aide months. chairman of WEAL's Action Committee June. kills rumors for Federal Contract Compliance in Education, stated: "Women (at MSU) account for 24 LAW CHALLENGED cent of the instructional staff but per are only 4.9 per cent of the full professors, 10.9 per cent of the associate professors, 13.6 per of candidacy Court rejects appeal cent of the assistant professors and 29.2 per cent of the instructors. "Thirteen of the 153 'temporary' Gov. Milliken's press secretary rumors Monday that Milliken dispelled may be faculty women have been employed at under consideration for the vice MSU for ten or more years, including two presidency. on school aid ruling assistant employed 24 professors who were first years ago." Speculation that Milliken might be considered for the slot in 1972 began with Snake thi WASHINGTON (AP) Court refused Monday - The Supreme to examine the decide whether members of be Congress prosecuted on charges of accepting can Council to meet an Associated Press story early this year that said a "Senate source close to the administration said Milliken might be a constitutionality of a Michigan law bribes. good candidate." gef bo granting state financial aid to religious The test case involves former Sen. Daniel An amendment to article 7 of the This speculation has been embarrassing a, schools. The court unanimously "dismissed for B. Brewster constitutional of Maryland and the "speeches and debate" Academic Freedom Report will be to Milliken. press aide George Weeks said. among the issues considered when the Weeks said Milliken believes it is want of jurisdiction" an appeal brought by provision that senators and representatives Academic Council meets at 3:15 p.m. very Harold R. Smith, acting as a taxpayer, "shall not be questioned in any other presumptuous to consider himself miss as a tarantu against a Michigan Supreme Court that the act was constitutional. ruling place" for their official actions. today in the Con Con Room of the International Center. candidate. The vice presidency is not one actively campaigns or runs a job for, he said. The church schoolaid bill was passed by By JAMES SHELDON the Michigan Legislature last year and State News Staff Writer Quite possibly, the Great Snake Robbery of referred by the legislature to the state high court for a test of its validity. GROUPS VIE FOR POST 1971 may go down in the annals of crime as Last fall, Michigan voters approved a one of the boldest constitutional amendment which would adventures since the days of Faculty deb fed Al Capone. ban direct state aid to private schools. They got the boa and the blue racer, but the tarantula got away. However, the legality of the referendum is When employes of the Carl G. Fenner now being challenged in the courts. Smith said the original law remains in effect. Arboretum, 2020 E. Mount Hope Road, came Smith claimed the law giving state aid to to work Monday morning, they found the church supported schools violates aftermath of the previous night's escapade on By STEVE WATERBURY the second floor constitutional requirements of separation NEWS BACKGROUND A red of the building. of church and stave. State News Staff Writer ( - tailed, six -foot • long boa A group of" religious bodies opposing constrictor worth about $15 a foot, a four - Three organizations have announced this month their inch Smith's challenge to the law said Smith had intention to seek recognition as the sole COMPARATIVE AVERAGE SALARY INCREASES FOR MICHIGAN • long Tegu Lizard worth about $20 and a entered the at the state level bargaining agent for Public Four Year College and University Faculties blue racer case only with MSU faculty. - which "wasn't worth anything' Were all permission to file a "friend of the court Central to their arguments for faculty unionization is the and Public School Teachers missing from their cages in the brief and was never a party to the suit arboretum's nature science room. impact collective bargaining may have on faculty salaries. Whoever took the reptiles didn't get the withstanding to bring an appeal." "In the face of the rising cost of living, decreased faculty spider. A The ruling will likely have no immediate mobility and budget limitations, the need for a collective voice building employe Monday morning Per Cent Increase °und the effect in the Michigan controversy of state among the faculty becomes essential," Matthew Medick, tarantula sitting on the floor of the aid to nonpublic schools since Michigan In Constant Dollars* Over Previous Year chairman of Faculty for Collective building office, about 30 feet from its cage. voters in November, through the approval Negotiations (FCN) and Barbara Gallup, Spring Arbor graduate professor of mechanical engineering, said. of a constitutional amendment, told Higher Higher dent and Proponents of faculty unionization point to the salary ranger guide at the arboretum, lawmakers they did not want public increases contained in a contract negotiated at the Academic School Education School Education sa'd the City University incident occurred sometime between 5 monies paid to nonpublic schools. of New York. The contract calls for one of the Year Teachers Faculty Teachers Pm- highest academic Faculty Sunday and 8 a.m. Monday while the In other action the court agreed to salary scales in the nation, with top professors receiving 1965-66 $6,196 $9,743 - - animals were up to snug in their cages. $31,275 by this October. 1966-67 6,569 9,860 6.0 1.2 some "suspicious characters" were seen The Michigan Education Association 1967 68 10,008 "rk"ig in the building Sunday, she said They (MEA) and its affiliates 6,952 5.8 1.6 compare salary increases gained by public school teachers who 1968 69 7,355 10,110 5.8 1.0 cft through the back door in the basement, she ded, and tried to Concert tickets have been organized with the salary increases of unorganized 1969 70 7,634 10,039 3.8 0.7 prop the door open. professors. Michigan public school teachers' average salaries have Lansing parks Security Dept. is reportedly Tickets for the March 13 Grateful increased about 10 per cent ■nvostigating the matter. annually since 1965 while the average Dead concert are now on sale at the salaries at four-year colleges and universities have increased about * Average salaries are deflated by the Consumers Price Index five per cent. (Please Union, Marshall Music and Campbell's. turn to page 11) using 1957-59 = 100. Figures are provided by the Michigan Prices are $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Education Assn. (Please turn to page 11) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday.March, mT| AT PLACEMENT BUREAU news summary From the wires of AP and UPI. Demonstrators hit use of facilities by recruiters "If the lessons of the past Shingleton replied that it was University policy to "allow c decades mean anything, they the students to draw the line. If there arc students who About 25 persons staged a peaceful demonstration at the wish to talk with mean that as power has been military recruiters, then that is their Placement Bureau Monday to protest the use of decision and their right." concentrated more and more in campus facilities by military recruiters. Washington, as decisions have The crowd engaged in a discussion with John B. been made by remote control, the Shingleton, director of Placement Bureau, for about 30 minutes before special needs of our rural dispersing. Shingleton said that periodic demonstrations have ii At the beginning of the Students for a occurred at the Placement Bureau since about 1965 and communities and of the great Democratic heartland of America more and Society (SDS) sponsored demonstration, John F. Royal, that MSU has formulated a policy which permits both Bethesda, Md., sophomore, proposed a "mill - in" around the non-obstructive demonstrations and the use of University more hare either been neglected offices used by the recruiters to facilities by military recruiters. prevent people from going or even gone unrecognized. " in. A report from the University Student Affairs Committee, President Richard M. Nixon "We see this one demonstration as a part of a larger - struggle carried on by workers and students throughout the following an investigation in 1969, stated that the country to aid the South Vietnamese liberation struggle," "University recognizes the fundamental right and freedom of any student to meet with any employer to discuss the Royal said. The halls of the Placement Bureau remained student's potential employment." throughout the demonstration. passable The report acknowledges the right of protestors to hold Peaceful protest Soviets push withdrawal One demonstrator asked Shingleton why he was demonstrations "focusing on specific interviewing agencies . Approximately 25 persons lined the halls by the "providing facilities for people to commit genocide." . . if such activities do not physically limit the freedom of Bureau to protest the use of MSU facilities Placement The Union urged the big "Would you let the Gestapo recruit?," a demonstrator by military Soviet Western powers movement and communication of either the interviewer or recruiters. The group held a discussion with asked. "Where do you draw the line?" the individual to be interviewed." John D Monday to press Israel into an early withdrawal from Shingleton, Placement Bureau director. occupied Arab territory as part of a general Middle East State News photo by Sue Steeves agreement. »$:•: s •. • •• At the same time, Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Riad summoned the Big Four diplomats in Survey lag Cairo and discussed the Israeli reply to UN mediator Gunnar Jarring's peace proposals. over In the talks with the U.S.. British. French and Soviet representatives Riad expressed his country's "dismay" Israel's latest reply, reliable Foreign Office sources Questionnaires United Fund-, were sent United to replies were received from 95 cites recipients of services are The Civil Rights Commissi™ in Cairo said. per cent of the agencies. nonwhite, and from low - Community Services The report states that, until tin or report included the income segments of the A report released Monday by Community Chest - supported following information: planning, coordination the community except for youth - The Lansing study revealed development of Michigan Civil Rights agency directors in Ann Arbor - *The agencies have 10 per oriented leisure activities. communit) the city has a Violence disrupts elections Commission revealed that Ypsilanti, Battle Creek, Bay- cent nonwhite board ♦The location of services, nine per cent nonwhite population, yet it has services agencies lack of participation improve tlx voluntary agencies financed by City, Benton Harbor - St. membership. by tin generally in "white" areas, more than twice that minority public contributions fail Joseph, Flint, Grand Rapids, ♦Persons most in need of the percentage group population, the) prevents participation by low - on voluntary agency boards. It will be unable Five persons were killed and scores injured Monday in to adequately represent blacks Jackson, Kalamzoo, Lansing, services of these agencies are not income and to take u and other minorities in 12 urban minority group was found that Ann Arbor has affirmative role in violence that disrupted the opening of India's 10 - day- Muskegon - Muskegon Heights, represented on the decision - persons. helping theii areas, excluding Detroit. the largest minority members become national elections for new Parliament and forced Pontiac, and Saginaw. Two making level. group more racial!] a "Community supported hundred and ♦Nearly 30 per cent of the representation on agency representative of the communit] forty ♦Clientele breakdown showed agencies suspension of balloting in some areas. voluntary agencies have an questionnaires were sent and that about 15 per cent of the sampled do not have nominating boards of any city in at the board, staff and clients stated policies of equal Supporters of rival political candidates - backing or obligation to actively recruit the state. levels. opposing Prime Minister Indira Gandhi - fought outside nonwhite board members and voting boot!is in four of the nine states that went to the staff," executive Milton J. director Robinson, of the PHI MU ALPHA polls. They used knives, pistols, stones and soda pop commission, said. bottles. "There is no excuse for failure Fraternity dropped from IFC to adequately represent the very people who help support them and need their services," he Kidnapings linked added. "It is not our intent to hurt possibility of becoming affiliated American," Penwell stated. the Academic Freedom Report this fraternity but merely to with The teenage son of a Venezuelan millionaire was Deal with a Phi Mu Alpha fraternity was clarify our position with them," Off - Campus Council or Intercooperative Council." Mark Hoag, IFC chief justice, said the three justices who heard that gives the IF^C judiciary tlx kidnaped Monday in Caracas for the second time in 14 Ditzhazy said power to pass judgement on il formally recently. * Penwell said that if IFC were months, while police searched for a kidnaped banker woman's body dismissed Interfraternity Council (IFC) from Lee Penwell, vice president of better suited to the fraternity's both sides of the case Friday fraternities within its structure Phi Mu Alpha, said Monday the gave it "adequate" whose ransom is S444.000. Both kidnapings are linked to leftist extremists. like a woman, membership Monday as a result of a hearing involving IFC and group was expecting the individual needs, there would not have been th| said, "the United States doesnol effectively, all Irish toll mounts tenderly functions. said. "We are looking into the "The American Constitution does not require every person in members must together." bewillingto work allow any state to seceed fron the union, nor to disregan smartly The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State the United States to be an Hoag cited Section 4.3.2 of representation." University, is published every class day during four school The prime minister of the Irish republic and a Roman sensitively Catholic bishop condemned Monday the wave of guerrilla violence in Northern Ireland, a British femininely terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $14 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press Fire m ol's office providence. International, The aim of t'le guerrillas is to unite the North honestly Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, study with t te south. predominantly Roman The republic's prime minister. Jack Catholic republic to the Lynch, spoke out to curb Michigan Press Second - Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. of Lansing ii) Dublin after a weekend in which two policemen and a vaginal Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services A Lansing Fire spokesman said Monday that the Dept. of its Lansing plant at 1300 Turner St., according to Charles Bennie's Furniture Co. and soldier were killed, odor use Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Staszuk Van Lines. bringing the death toll in the Michigan. fire marshal's* office is J. Archey, the plant general Although residents evacuated province's two - year wave of violence to 45. investigating Bidette the cause of a major fire that devastated a two manager. The from the adjacent five • b'0" Phones: company, which has area were permitted to return to Mist daily... Editorial 355-8252 - block warehouse area on the three other plants in Michigan, their homes Sunday, f'remf° Bush city's North Side Saturday night. plunges into crisis Classified Advertising Display Advertising 355-8255 353-6400 No information will be employed 16 men at the local plant, from which construction were still hosing down ™ ruined buildings Monday. Business available until the investigation materials - Circulation 355-3447 were distributed is completed, he said. Photographic 355-8311 through the central part of the George Bush, the new U.S. chief The Grand Rapids Sash and delegate at the United Nations, Door Co. suffered a "total loss" state. COGS sets mee Although the plant was fully declared Monday he favored fair play insured, Archey said no cost of and opposed efforts to dictate terms the loss will be known until the for bylaw vote for an Arab - Israeli peace settlement. company reviews its records. Bush made the statement at a news The fire department identified The Council of Graduate HobfeTs conference on the first day of his new Harry Terzian the warehouse as the owner of Students (COGS) will 3:15 p.m. today in mee 338 Naiunu J complex at 1301 job - a day that saw him plunge 'IYirner St., in which the fire was Resources Bldg. to vote on immediately into the Middle East reported to have begun. new constitution and bylaws crisis. or Several businesses had offices to All COGS members are attend or to send urg storage in the He presented his credentials to and when a warehouse space complex including alternates. Secretary - General U Thant, held his first news conference, then huddled spray is not with, his diplomatic colleagues here enough, cleanse FLY WITH over a Soviet demand for it away with THE FINEST! an immediate Big Four meeting. Bidette Towelettes. J Noted author dies Paul De Kruif, noted medical science writer and author, who would have been 81 years old today, died Sunday of a heart attack. De Kruif was stricken at his home, Wake Robin,near Holland and was dead on arrival at Holland hospital. De survived Kruif, several Michigan's best minor strokes known in recent author, had years but MARINE IET0L0CISTS WANTED continued to be active. OPENINGS FOR ALL MAJORS! a0PL* His wife, UNDERGRADUATES & GRADUATES CAN Arru Eleanor, found him overcome and - NO ON-CAMPUS TRAINING De Kruifs first book, "The Microbe - COMMISSION UPON GRADUATION Hunters," was -MOREPAY... published in 1926 and is still used as a textbook in PLACEMENT BUREAU science classes. His FLY JETS! autobiography was published in 1 - 5 MARCH 1%2. He was a A.M.-4 P.M. prolific magazine writer until recently. ASK A MARINE! 9 March 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1971 Tuesday. March 2, 1971 3 3 trustees to study report By inuM nnor.cD JOHN BORGER Carrigan, D- Ann Arbor, Monday, State News Staff Writer I he exact date of MenSim ft ffJ subcommittee would probably the University. Some spokesmen the meeting scheduled'to r^rt to th rn y pnmar,1y on previously have urged that the report set trustees are expected to w not fixed because board March1?rt to the full expressed student, faculty, only minimum levels of students TX VZlZne nT" "Uff' DP|ym««th, has appoint bv L adm,n,stratlve a"d ^ustee participation, which individual ;as 0fr trustee concern with trustee concern with contacted Mrs. Carrigan Febmarv to irt!nt r concerns Wlth the rePort b"1 academic units may exceed regarding available days she t identify areas of would be receptive to any as desired. ,ylor/?H ,reased student n-rH8? n. , participation°n was Howev*r, ^ said, Huff S fol,ow'ng st"dent and additional comments received. Taylory-Report. Presentat'ons on the expected to contact her She She said said she has received c governance, Patricia » ■ re. few • Provisions for Monday night letters on the subject since the minority Mrs. representation through at - large Carrigan the February board meeting. One election. One trustee has called faculty member wrote to tell her the provisions "racism in reverse" Fee residents adjust he ^ favored of the Taylor more participation but urged approval student while another has expressed concern that white students Report as a step would be voting on minority at ■ forward, she said. large representatives. Mrs. Carrigan said previous official decision on hall discussion has following areas of concern: •The extent shows of the student • The representation well as men. need for to women assure as By RANDY GARTON middle of fall participation. The concern here term as a State News Staff Writer floating rumor," Miss is n°t with the number of "There's an added concern Adler, who is also East Fee's representative to student representatives, but that graduate students who Shocked and initially indignant, residents of •STWhenS Inter-residen«a» we Council (WIC), said. tried to trace the rumor, we met a with the areas in which students are not given a voting voice. often fill a faculty role, would be excluded from having Fashionable wives great deal of resentment for a vote il Fee Hall are adjusting to the likelihood of University officials * Extensions of Taylor Report "A Knapp - Sack of Spring Fashions," an annual fashion show by the Spartan Wives, will be apparently because on faculty matters (under the ,ing to move to new residence halls fall term, we were trying to find out principles to colleges, current report provisions) " Mrs. presented at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Meridian Mall. Spring fashions will be what was provided by t chairman of the hall said Sunday. going on before they reached a departments and school within Carrigan said, Knapp's and modeled by members of the organization and their children. Tickets are 'There was a lot of indignation at first," decision." $1. "We (MHA-WIC State News photo by Terry Luke borali J. Adler, Lake Orion sophomore and representatives and student m ^ ^- - — — [ the Placement leaders from East — ies by jt Fee chairman said, "but now everybody has Fee) finally had a meeting with ACCUSES ARMY the dean of students and military >tty much faced the fact that they probably other administrators late ■* ' B with John D. last term," Miss Adler I be moving." continued, "and cleared up some of the confusion." Pending the approval of funds by the state Medina claims story blocked islature, the University plans to convert an Though East Fee students are now specified portion of East Fee Hall for use by participating in joint committees with University .. new College of Osteopathic Medicine and the administrators, Miss Adler said she believes that students should have been notified earlier. Hege of Human Medicine. Miss Adler said that The students' anger was increased by the though students living in WASHINGTON (AP) - Capt. the Calley trial. refutation of Lt. Calley's East Fee apartments are relieved Hodson, judge advocate general It spoke of "a special reason" iinistration's apparent secretiveness about the allowed to stay, they are worried that they will be Ernest Medina accused the Army Daniel could not be reached, testimony," said the petition for of the Army; Col. Wilson for Daniel's belief in Medina's posed alteration. about the Monday of trying to keep him His assistant counsel, Capt. John writ of mandamus filed by Freeman staff judge advocate of credibility "and his desire to effect new construction will have According to Eldon R. Nonamaker, dean of conditions in the hall. on living from challenging the testimony °f Lt. William Partin, refused comment. It was ch. Alch. the 3rd Army, Ft. McPherson; utilize the available testimony," nts, the University was not secretive but Calley Jr., that the first confirmation that T* said Daniel wants to call It tain about the future of East Fee Hall, 'A lot of (apartment dwellers) are leery that Major. William G. Eckhardt. - but did not spell out the orders to civilians at My Lai Daniel wanted Medina's Medina to testify as a rebuttal identified "fied in the petition as the reason. reason, don't believe anyone was deceived about they y rmight be stuck with construction going on came from Medina. testimony in the Calley trial. witness in Calley's trial. man who probably will Medina asks, in the petition, Med he said Monday. "I think the right above them," she said. And another officer, Col. Calley's trial, in progress "He has, however, been University Students also are concerned about the . „ , , prosecute Medina if the case that the Army be prohibited ed in good faith." East Fee residents will be priority °.ran K. Henderson, charged intermittently since Nov. 12, is directed by respondents not to comes to trial; Col. Robert M. from referring Medina's case to first heard about the plan about the rooms in other residence given in signing up for with covering up the My Lai until Wednesday to do so," the petition added, Lathrop, staff judge advocate at court - martial, and that Resor, halls, she said. slayings, ci«„in«c said the Army a is s„ trying allow the prosecution time to Named as respondents to block his efforts to present Ft. Benning, and Daniel. Hodson and Lathrop be bring in witnesses for the Secretary of the Army Stanley ARLY ACCORD HOPED his side of the story. R. Resor; Maj. Gen. Kenneth J. exists directive dated on a written prohibited "from interfering with the or about '< administration of Medina, now stationed at Ft. Calley, who led the first McPherson, Ga., said he "is February 1971 from justice particularly as it pertains platoon in Medina's Charlie ready, willing and able" to Company, is charged with the BLFI schedules Respondent Lathrop to to Medina's available testimony Negotiators fo testify in Calley's court - martial at Ft. Benning, Ga., but that the Army has issued orders that he premeditated murder of 102 Vietnamese civilians. Conviction could bring the death penalty, . Summit COUnCll . Respondent Daniel reflecting the prohibitive order negating Respondent Daniel's desire to call your petitioner in rebuttal," in the Calley court - martial, Henderson commanded the nth Infantry Brigade, parent unit of Task Force Barker which not be permitted to do so. The order, Medina's attorneys .. Medina . has t been , „ meet on activities the petition said. conducted the My Lai assault formally esume alleged in an action filed accused — but not referred to The Black Liberation Front wage, Monday in the U.S. Court of Military Appeals, was issued in trial — of being "responsible for International (BLFI) has the alleged murders of scheduled their summit council The WASHINGTON (AP) — Hopes The emergency no-strike law writing to Capt. Aubrey Daniel, Vietnamese noncombatant j^eeting for 2 p.m. Thursday in Dept., with the help of Asst. the 29 elled Monday for early passed by Congress last Dec. 10 Secretary of Labor W. J. Usery - year - old prosecutor in persons allegedly committed by parlor A Union. mination of a nationwide rail ike threat as negotiators for ! union - legally free to walk to halt a short - expired at midnight Sunday. lived strike Jr- and George Ives of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. Alcohol level members of his company." The meeting has been called Gerald Alch, assistant to F. Lee to. review progress reports of Bailey — Medina's civilian lawyer w'nter term commitments made Dead i ic e Freedom Report IFC judiciary the 1 at any time — resumed talks wages and work rules. mnnnn 190,000 UTU rail workers stayed on the job and i™ • Qf Usery said proposed revision wor|( ru]es _ which rail change opposed - said the specifications allege b>' the BLFI- The executive Medina killed not less than 175 board also will discuss spring Are xjy ss judgement on il term activities. vithin its structure, 'We have made some progress f ,fjr negotiators continued management declares vital to persons. nstitution of IFC [led, all fraternitiei settling this dispute and we „ —r stay at the bargaining table long as progress is being ... talking 'on8 after midnight with fr°uP' . representatives of the employer efficient operation and the union says would eliminate .e National Railway thousands of jobs — was the last The alcohol .15 level per cent blood has been an effective level when it has been on "Your petitioner Medina is bVhalf of'theArmvin"direct Reports will be presented by ready, willing and able to testify the executive council. The meeting is open to the public. Coming to be members de." Charles Luna, president Labor Conference. major obstacle to settlement. enforced and should not be the United Transportation The talks were resumed e UTU is the sole holdout changed, the Michigan Licensed ion, said. i same analogy Monday afternoon at the Labor amon8 the four railway unions Beverage Assn. said Monday. institution," Hoai which staged a brief walkout in A bill to lower the level at ited States does no early December. The other three which a person is considered nor ate to seieid fmn to disregard ^Jixon lauds program made peace last month in settlements affecting 243,000 legally drunk is now before the Michigan Senate. It recommends workers. a .10 level. or farm development Bring In Your Old egm DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — reorganization of the federal Sandals And Get $2.00 OFF sident Nixon told the Iowa Cabinet ■ level departments and [islature Monday that his six - improved environment, and an nt pogram will bring "a new expansionary budget to fight nerican revolution, a peaceful inflation, on your Purchase of olution." Nixion got repeated applause rniture Co. Ml Nixon reinforced his bid for as he outlined his goals. 'Port from the farm belt by ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ NEW SANDALS You must owe money to borrow money." Kting by $100 million his g ■ |inal proposal to share in ■ A PLACE TO ... ■ al development. The original ■ • M.S.U. SHOE REPAIR ire was $1 billion. m Ihe President announced the 5 ' in a speech to a joint g of the Iowa House and g This is also known credit in the House chamber. ■ as a rating. And it's become a sets mee six goals Nixon ■ way of life to most of us. ntioned embrace federal J Before that way of life becomes chocolate-covered cotton, 'nue sharing with state, ! Jn(y and 3w vote ernments, welfare reform, ■ municipal g come to us. We can't pay off your bills for you but we can help straighten them out. explain all the possibilities before your next big financial decision, ease your cash shortage and increase your savings. In short, we want to be your monev advisor as well as your money vendor. That's East Lansing State Bank, your Hometown Bank. Member: F.D.I.C. It'll be to your credit! you've found someone East When to share your we have rings for the two of you to share. dream, Lansing State Bank Your Hometown Rank away from home at East Lansing Okemos llaslctt ltrookt leld Plaza Red Cedar at Trowbridge Jacob^ooB MICHIGAN TBB FROM WASHINGTON STATE NEW' Spring sights in Washington UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD ,i> W;; editor-in-chief Spring in Washington and new sights: Boston Brahmin, Elliot Richardson, head The q uestion is to adapt; calling a rival a "distinguished almost n, . FREDERICK J. LESLIE amusing, others less so. of HEW, and Edward Kennedy, of the should cloture be advertising manager some For example, when Sen. gentleman" is one thing, but wrestling with powerful Massachusetts Irish vote (60) rather applied on a uS? R-Mich., forgets that he is wired for sound Griffin, a wire is another. The two worst mumblers, newer, more aristocracy. The issue Is health insurance; thirds than the nil ' MARK EICHER, managing editor and starts to walk off the Senate floor with Clinton Anderson and John Sherman Cooper, won't use the new $125,000 shall it be handled by big private insurance (67)7 A group of youngsters of 50 or 60 are ££*** tl;, S ED HUTCHISON, city editor his electric leash undipped. It lets him companies (Richardson), or under social things up. As I listen in the go system. BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor 11 feet and then jerks him back and is like security (Kennedy)? One way or the other, read a report on - » KEN KRELL, editorial editor to tear off his coat. Nonplussed for a Another problem: senatorial America is going to get a national health awful housE® GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor moment he starts in the other direction forgetfulness; Sen. Javits yields the floor, forgets to unplug himself and carries on a program at last; it can't be stopped. Mr America, McGovern subcommittee s compiled by* and gets more entangled. conversation with Meanwhile it is a study to watch the two Congress has a secretary that stops passed five hoiKin Maybe you didn't know it; the Senate suave, handsome New Englanders sparring taws in 33 years, Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award has installed a ' speech re-enforcement being sotto voce on the air waves and politely and each remembering that the for every American promising "a deci for outstanding journalism. system" with a loudspeaker beneath each mingles with the next speaker like an other is a Harvard man. For two hours they McGovern says, would family » ! desk and a retractable reel of wire putting overlapping radio station. What it will do to ambulatory talkers nobody knows; throw broad "As" at each other new homes a year. require 15^ Actually, .... 100 elderly senators on dog leashes. At the Another kind of senatorial witness is is achieving only 100,000 units a end of the wire is a mike that can be former New York Sen. Royal C. Copeland used to have his afternoon constitutional Arthur Burns, head of the Fed. He has The harangue below 1, goes on aY EDITORIALS tucked into breast pocket giving free for gestures of viewing with alarm or play and Senate speech simultaneously. Observers watch with sporting interest: cranky congressmen eating out of his hand. How does he do it? I think he hypnotizes Mound Bayou, Miss., shows 10 units have throe? piped water; one jr pointing with pride. "Somebody will hang himself some day" a them. bathtub or shower; seven of loOUi Dozens of loudspeakers are scattered in He is gently suggesting that the and only half have reporter says hopefully. heat for »hi the galleries making reporters administration is off beam the house. jump when The Senate is in a six - week filibuster. - on they think Strom Thurmond is whispering Meanwhile, side shows go on. There is a economy. The New York Times front - On the Senate floor in their Sen. Dole is ear. Trouble is, senators can't seem confrontation between top - drawer. pages his testimony: "Burns Hints Nixon Is against a cloture change which Too Optimistic on Output for '71." Well, might Faculty unioni says, promote "hasty decision anrl of course, Mr. Nixon is! Only Burns gets the word over with a unique delivery. action Well it hasn'i p„ld« on housing. He sits without staff in the well of the The government demolished as hearing room. He takes out his curved pipe, houses in the 60s, the report sav< thoughtfully loads it and puts the zippered built. Washington subsidized somVi a very knotty pouch beside him. As questions begin his hand moves for the pipe. The other hand moves for a paper of matches. He does not rent homes but paid out five "hidden subsidies" to income families in tax timesmr.™ middle-and? deductions This week a total of three Yet one trend that seems clear at "The harangue below goes on. A survey in organizations will be seeking this juncture is that diminution of Mound Bayou. Miss., shows three of every 10 recognition as the sole bargaining other academic governance units, units have piped water; one in four a bathtub or agent for MSU faculty, as both such as the Academic Council. If the shower; seven out of 10 out houses; and only half Faculty for Collective Negotiations disagreements between students and have heat for the entire house." and the MSU chapter of the faculty are resolved, Academic Americans Assn. of take his eye off the questioner. University Council could become a dynamic He gets a puff. Everyone sighs in relief. mortgage interest, property taxes Professors (AAUP) join the MSU force for academic reform, to the depreciation. McGovern is unhappy- Then the pipe is set in the amber ash tray it; he's never satisfied. Faculty Associates in distributing benefit of all components in the on the table, beside the tumbler and Things seem more cheerful at the collective bargaining authorization academic community. bedewed ice pitcher. There is a cameraman end of Pennslyvania Avenue. Sprins cards. kneeling in front. There is a stenotypist coming, tra • la - out of - - town A report by the American Assn. of behind the cameraman wearing sunglasses, snowdrops, nesting birds. But not nc.J A bargaining agent must either Higher Education, cited by Wollett, frothy scarf and dark dress pulled so far 'round the White House. They If secure the signatures of 30 per cent states that the record of collective above the knees that it would have stopped activated the starling squawk • box.'ltis of the faculty, thereby achieving a proceedings 20 years ago. Burns is feet up, in an oak, over the guard ho bargaining in industrial settings oblivious. The amplifier keeps bargaining election if the trustees reveals a steady expansion of union His white of hair has Pomeranian uttering cries mane tortured bird in distress from a approve, or the agent can gain concern and influence to topics wisps waterfalling down a high forehead; recording. It rises and falls eerily if outright recognition by obtaining previously identified as management thick glasses and beak nose. His voice is ear is tuned to it. "Quite a trick. ehT signatures of more than 50 per cent prerogatives, and a parallel series of calm, certitudinous, with a kind of guard says. of the faculty. events may occur in faculty measured monotone, as though he were Yes, though sometimes it's a It1 deliberately restraining emotion. Senators disconcerting. Almost human. Sup; In tlifc hustling by prospective bargaining. Spokesmen for faculty gape at his virtuoso performance. There is somebody had used a mike at My Lai bargaining agents, faculty members organizations cited in the report humor but it is almost lost in print: yes, he got the noises of the unresisting old ~ this week will be forced to address stated, "No matter how ineffective a says, the economic situation is grave: "We women and babes tossed into a ditch themselves to the larger issue of senate' may be, if it continues to may be approaching an emergency (pause) then shot: "gooks" and "ginks" and in the dark hours of the night (pause) I "slopes" and creatures of that sort." whether a faculty union is desirable exist and function alongside a even think we may come to wage • price would probably have been some nr. for MSU faculty. faculty bargaining agent, it poses a controls (pause) but when I wake in the before they died, with an occasional^ seriouS danger you should New phenomenon . . . morning and have a cup of coffee (long perhaps. eliminate it if possible. If that is "On MY tee shot, I clobbered three countries!" pause) I am able to reject the idea." Titter. "Quite a sound, eh?" the good • nat impossible, you should control it.. Burns' hand reaches for pipe. guard says. Collective bargaining by university . to prevent its being used against the In the Senate the filibuster drags on. Copyright THE NEW REPUBLIC personnel is a relatively new phenomenon. organization." City University of New York was the first faculty Other complications also could OUR READERS MIND unionized campus in 1967. Until arise. Although a faculty contract recently states' laws have often conceivably could provide for merit forbidden collective bargaining by public employes. Michigan changed its law as recently as 1965 with the increases for exceptional faculty talent over and above the terms of the contract, a uniform contract Veterans voicing their opinions Michigan Public Employment could result in a leveling of financial To the Editor: human beings who by chance and Relations Act but now has one of between departments. we, a right to know the facts, and only you will the most attractive laws for public resources Thus, colleges such as medicine may Work your ass off, until swelters, until every muscle burns from your skin irony we can are respected citizens, must do what to oppose the Indochina war. More give them the facts. We are having an organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Insurance employes seeking collective find themselves hamstrung in exhaustion. Work until your body stinks of our buddies are being killed and Monday, the 8th of March in Room 35 of To the Editor: and melts into the same bargaining. Only New York, New recruiting by the terms of the filthy smell as wounded everyday; and nobody gives a the MSU Student Union. Tips to students on how to efti"t your uniform. We must work harder. There damn. We do! Let us put a stop to this Jersey and South Dakota also contract, to the advantage of purchase insurance as outlined by Giry is a slaughter contain omnibus statutes covering coming up. Slaughter? — war now. Ron McClellan Stone, associate professor of accot"' departments that could hold Sheep? Pigs? No, Man. People — man, We urge every veteran to join us and Sault St. Marie junior and financial administration, college and university facilities, worthwhile faculty with smaller woman or child. Why so much sweat? voice his opinion of the war; the public has excellent. The article, which ap " Feb. 22, 1971 according to Donald Wollett. salaries. Afraid? Thursday's State News under the professor of law at the University of Stillness; quiet; complete silence. Warn, "Lawyer Outlines Legal Rights California at Davis. Warn, Pow, Boom! Corpsman! Corpsman! Arrested," should be clipped and saved. Tenure aid yhaa yhaa — Oh God! Help! Wonder who It Stone's comments are sound and prt- Since faculty bargaining is such is? Johnny, Jimmy or Joey? Please a Faculty unionization may aid God, and reflect his experience in the fr recent don't let it be Joey — please. occurence, results remain untenured insurance specialist. Because the faculty by securing their as a English unclear. Stench of death. Decapitated bodies. collective of The essential purpose in bargaining by any group is, positions, but machinery has already been set in motion to reform Blood, blood and Whose blood? American? Viet more blood. Red blood. Cong? course not closed had no separate heading, it may to"6 missed and should be reprinted. An additional time saving tip course, economic, but even the nontenured South Vietnamese? North Vietnamese? economic faculty hiring My prospective auto insurance purchasers results of faculty procedures. At God, Whose Blood!? It's all the same color. have the resources to teach all of the have Michigan drivers licenses is to their February To the Editor: bargaining too Tears replace sweat; tears storm from their own copy of the official are recent to be meeting, the trustees established a I students who wish to enroll in 213, but the eyes. Tears drip from your am responding to John Borger's Feb. , conclusive. Yet, pay raises that might committee to draft procedures under flow into the human blood splattered on body and 25, 1971, State News article about that problem is very different from the Vehicle Report from the State of Mic occur under contract have been which nonreappointed untenured enrollment curtailments. matter of enrollment priorities. Secretary of State, Driver R the ground. Tears start crying for the dead: discussed Information, 373-2650. It will be only in hushed tones faculty will be allowed to receive, Tears become uncontrollable sobs for the In 1969-70 the English Dept. instituted E. Fred Carlisle Then personally show this to the age among faculty members, presumably living. Then, you find Joey, his head upon request, reasons for dismissal. a temporary system of enrollment Associate chairman, you can get an accurate quotation, w because professionals should not be The flowing in the tears comes to a dead halt at priorities in English 213. The system gave Undergraduate to explain all accidents, at i«f plight of the nontenured faculty your feet. Tears yell out, "Someone lied to programs concerned with such a distinctively member is finally being realized, not priority to elementary education majors. In Feb. 25,1971 otherwise, so that the insurance cam us!" "War is wrong!" "Vietnam is a time of "labor class" issue as salary. wrong!" diminishing resources, it seemed know you are not trying to hide a clai by the majority of his colleagues, but "Who lied to us?" "Who lied to us? - My particularly important to assure Because insurance ™tes "e If higher salaries rather by his employers, the MSU God, who lied to us?" Tears arc achieved, become prospective teachers places in a writing complicated, some rating method unconsciousness. however, the money has to come from somewhere. And since the state trustees. Now, as veterans, we have a choice. Sit course. However, the funding of the BSTEP program in the College of Misplaced 260 possible classifications, quotations are not exact. If y°" t Education makes it, in our view, will be reluctant to raise the The tenure system at MSU has on our ass, go fishing, get married, have agent full Information, and if n® kids and enjoy the simple things of life — unnecessary to devote English Dept. down on the application you sj ^ University's appropriation because of placed the tenured faculty in as secure hoping to forget the hideous experience of resources so exclusively to education. should be able to get proper in faculty demands, the crunch will a position as unionization war. Or, we can, as we have To: Dr. James chosen, scream The deans of the colleges recommending Feurig Many students will get very - could possibly accomplish. Yet, the most likely be felt by students, who out our voices and let the people know or requiring English 213 were notified of cooperation by buying >nsurf" t could end up financing pay raises tenure system too has taken its toll. that war is wrong. We can let the people the original action and have been notified Re: Credit cards at Olin their home town agent. A go°d ag - We can only speculate on the know that the Indochina war is wrong. We tailor insurance to fit the customers through higher tuition, less financial recently of the present availability of 213. aid and reduced general number of talented, innovative can let the people know of the mass The point: English 213 is not Doc — by explaining all aspects of his p University murders of Americans, South and North by offering alternative policies 01 services. teachers who have been denied a "effectively closed to anybody except Vietnamese. We can challenge the policy of of companies. An agent long esta position in this University because English and education majors. English 213 I'd like to charge one malaria, two the United States in Indochina; the is open to any student in the University. the community or one recommeno According to Wollett, who that place was filled by an out - of - continual rheumatic fevers, one abortion, three friend or colleague will usually f! excuses by the Nixon During the fall term 1970, only nine of prepared an extensive report for the heart transplants and a bottle of touch tenured professor who has not administration for invading Cambodia — 264 students enrolled in 213 were English his way to protect his reputation National Conference on Collective and now Laos — is nothing but lies. It birth control pills to worthwhile service. read a technical journal in years. only majors. The enrollment In the course go. Negotiations, the paucity of reliable results in more death, more destruction consists clearly and overwhelmingly of George C. K information leaves fundamental and more war. If Nixon really wanted to nonmajors. - A. Student President, Independent in Finally, faculty must attempt this save lives, why didn't he invade the Ho Chi It is true that the department does not Agents of Greater j questions unanswerable at this point week to place the costs, both Minh trails long ago? Why didn't he stop in faculty collective the flow of men and equipment bargaining financial and otherwise, of years ago? 11 history. Little data has been unionization in perspective to the They have lied to the American People. We there are no oceans in collected must make ourselves known. Kansas ..there are no oceans ■;>. questions such as how possible gains. If unionization is in nebraska..there are no many bargaining units for faculty We have the power and the influence to successful, the tenor of the oceans in nevada..there are presently exist? How many actual stop this war. So, now is the time for the no oceans in minnesota.." University will likely undergo serious sweat, blood and tears. .contracts have been negotiated? alteration. The issues must be What is the scope of the contracts? We are veterans; we have done our time; weighed carefully, for a union once we have the respect of the American Why have faculty opted for gained is almost impossible to collective bargaining? public; we are opposed to the U.S. dispose of. involvement in Indochina and believe that Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, March 2,197] y_. JAi C group advise By DAVE PERSON decisions often baffled her. said. "But on the majority of matters that we've dealt with so far State News Staff Writer "It's unfortunate to an extent, but I found that the more I we're in agreement " knew about With debate something — the finances and the whole picture The necessity of the dean's consideting factors outside of the continuing over increased student participation in the harder it is to make a academic governance, four students and four decision," Carolyn Shorts, Mishawaka, ••mmiltee's realm apparently leads to doubts on the part of faculty members Ind., junior, said. members as to the effect of the committee's from Justin Morrill recommendations on College (JMC) have been experimentally Other members of the committee are: David Brown, Plainfield, the dean. working together in an advisory Personnel Committee for the N.J., junior; John Duley, director of field studies; Heather Hogue, "I have the feeling that Dean Rohman is college. Grosse Pointe sophomore; Paul Hurrell, professor in Justin Morrill decision before the question comes leaning toward a The group this week finished up in committee," Lehman to making its first recommendations College; Harold Johnson, associate professor in Justin Morrill said. He does lean in certain directions on certain Gordon Rohman, JMC dean, concerning changes in questions." College and Gary Lehman, Goleta, Calif., sophomore. "It's hard to tell how much we've influenced appointments, tenure and other faculty considerations. him," Miss Shorts The students and Decision - making said. faculty members say they bring together two The formal structure of the committee is two subcommittees But Lehman added that he sees the committee as different viewpoints for consideration: the of students alone and "really a in roles outside of the faculty see each other faculty alone headed by two subcommittee good start in the right direction." classroom while students chairmen: Miss Shorts and Struck. better generally are "You could call it tokenism but I'd rather call it a qualified to discuss a professor's merits inside the A former committee step in the classroom. organization involved two separate right direction," he said. committees making separate recommendations to the dean. The The four students Experimental gathered information on candidates through groups have been working together for two terms. informal contact with other students and Struck also said the through a campaign to With only 25 full - time faculty members and 15 to 20 part differing levels of complexity created "a persuade students to fill out potential weakness" in the committee: faculty evaluation forms. time faculty members, the volume of recommendations from the "The student is "I think the committee has potential weaknesses — that is, strongest in the area where the faculty is the committee is not large. Rohman estimated that 80 weakest," Rohman said. "The faculty see other per cent of the matters the committee takes there are a lot of factors used in deciding whether a man is faculty in a whole up are "routine considerations." going range of other roles in the college that students see Rohman said the exact nature of the to be hired or not that the students are unaware of and therefore less well and sometimes not at all." and the relationship between he lave a hard time appreciating," he said. committee, although he serves as its chairman, is "yet in By the same token, Rohman said he has "gone the process of Although the effectiveness of experimental committee is still in against what the being worked out." majority opinion is" because he must consider factors of which "We've tried a variety of ways but the question, members favor its continuation. neither the faculty the students are aware. thing we've tried first is "I'm inclined to think this use of students is in a nor that the committee members are very given the chance to speak Tenure, budget individually about every person in the college. In effect, we constructive direction. We've become so accustomed to student Rohman said these factors include the balance of faculty in simply go around the circle. I listen," Rohman said participation around here that I think a lot of the fears of student tenured versus nontenured positions, budget considerations and Rohman emphasized that the committee is participation will just disappear with th< actual practice oi the flexibility of the college. advisory rather than a decision - making body. fommittee," Hurrell said. "I have to interpret their advice to fit "I make the decision as to what advice I will "The reason I think of it as an experiment is that it goes ahead that into the context of the University accept and in turn ■r the outside," he said. my decision converts into advice to the provost who then makes present Taylor Report," he added. Herman Struck, professor in Justin Morrill the decision," Rohman said. Rohman cautioned that the experiment may not be the College, agreed with Tight squeeze Rohman on this point. "1 think the whole staff is interested in The committee's recommendations are frequently not clear «nswer for the issue of student participation. cut, Rohman said. "There might be ? tendency to use us as an Regular - sized parking spaces aren't always necessary for better chance to see the effects of teaching, but we have a example oi motorcycles. This one makes do with the extra so-called staff work and "What happens is that the committee itself cannot everybody ought to do. I'm not even sure it's what we ought space committee work. And really it can affect the character assemble a do. The returns simply aren't in. We're between two parked cars. of the majority. In other words, it's split. In most cases, the committee trying it. We're sfvmj. courses," Struck said. either agrees with me and there's no hether or not realistically and hard • headedly it's going to ork State News photo trouble or I get no clear by Jeff Wilner At least one student agreed that the whether it really does the interests of students and complexity of personnel signal. Then, obviously, I have to decide as best I can," Rohman serve faculty," Rohman said. Faculty Club By BILL HOLSTEIN summer, Loyal J.H. Milligan the this committee and to make The assess club still hosts special monthly charge of State News Staff Writer first clubhouse mortgage payments. Each composed of prominent Mikles said that the trustees voted by a 6 - 4 manager, said. additional The building, located about a changes. Tuesday luncheon speakers member is required to pay an businessmen and friends of the completion of the club house margin to donate the land for Ia minimum monthly charge In the process of every week. initial fee of $225 which is the half mile west of the Forest restructuring University. Regular membership took longer than expected but building under the 1 $12.50 to be used toward the constitution, consideration returned in the event that his Akers Golf Course Forest is open to faculty members, that members wert _ ite stipulation that the land would on will be The club serves luncheon Kb services, will be charged to given to types of membership is dropped. administrative professionals and patient. The building is revert to the University if for Road, houses a dining room, and dinner daily. : >w Ih member of the Faculty grill, cocktail lounge, library, membership and a restructuring from Milligan said 120 to 140 members medical appointees, Milligan finished. some reason it were not to be of membership The club house lb, the club president said four private dinner rooms and a payments, Mikles was partially added. used for the Faculty Club. said. The need to restructure attend each luncheon. financed by trust fund left to Inday. snack bar. Outside the the a According to Clair W. The managerial position of ■Gale E. Mikles, professor of building payments is due to the wider use faculty for the project by Huntington of the MSU office of the club house will be taken over Tilth, physical education and is a swimming pool and tennis courts. lighted of facilities by members who have The club, which is self Floyd Owens who graduated in Prof to address business and finance, the club is on March 8 by David L. eation explained that the families than by those who are supporting, employs about 50 1902 from the University, which financially "equal to or better Butterfield, who is presently the The cost of the single. people. Club dues are $17.50 per was then Michigan Agricultural than the projected income by Irpose of the new policy is to building was about $1.9 million, Mikles said. month of which $9.81 goes to College (MNC). The trust fund faculty luncheon food director at Kellogg Center. 11 more "traffic" through the month." Milligan has accepted a position Mikles said the club is Kb. The club, he said, is The club has a $0 hoping amounted to $637,698. On Dec. 14, 1967, the board with a private club in Chicago. - year to have the new constitution Armand L. Hunter, director mortgage. pigned for more members than iv has. finished and approved by club Aids office OKs The club allows a maximum of continuing education, will Mikles said the club is in the members by July. address members of the Faculty membership of 1,200. According Jlhe change is a result of process of 'wstfticturirtg its to Milligan, the club now has Club after the regularly Kion taken by the club's board ■directors in February. constitution. Since 1929 when the Club began, its main Faculty activity has work-study jobs about 900 members. scheduled luncheon today at the "With the change to regular been the Tuesday speakers in the Faculty Clubhouse. An ■ Faculty club membership has ■reased 20 per cent since the facilities, we have organized a Union, Mikles said. The social over term break open associate to no membership is more than Hunter will discuss "New social committee." he said. The committee 100, Developments in Public Instruction now has added bridge of a clubhouse la new constitution will provide for Students Milligan said. These members are Broadcasting." clubs, sponsors two dances a currently eligible month, with special dances on for work - study who wish to holidays and has a TGIF happy work part - time during spring This Wednesday Night WWIM hour every Friday. break may do so if approved by their departments. Full time work subsidized by 'AT'8 4 Bathtub gin ■ era work study funds will not be is SENIOR NIGHT - authorized, and any hours DiRrt documented in worked over the 15 hours per APMNj week limit between March 22 tAST King LANSING POLICE are a warrant this week pnst an East Fee Hall coed o allegedly stole a jumpsuit, Saturday night in which thieves broke a rear door window and stole drugs and sleeping capsules with a total estimated value of historical movie "Roaring Twenties," documentary film on the era of a and March 28 must be totally paid for by departments. Money earned by students will be included in their total prizes - gifts food and drink "r specials 8 p.m. 2 |ued* at $18, from the Scotch $30. barnstorming and bathtub gin, dollar authorization. - a.m. in East Lansing. will be shown at 7:30 and 8:45 Damage to the door was |Two store clerks reportedly estimated at $100. East Lansing p.m. today in 108B Wells Hall. ■sed the coed several blocks The film sponsored by the ler she left the store with the patrol officers said litey found the broken window in a routine Dept. of History, has been ppsuit. A clerk told officers I saw the coed carry the suit a dressing room and emerge patrol. described as "running the gamut of life in the 20s, including many of the social, political and Sophomores Bh an empty hanger. cultural aspects." iPolice said they arrived after TWO BURGLARY The movie is composed of * clerks had INCIDENTS in which thieves short film clips from the era, apprehended the (tody She and was taken released into until stole a purse and wallet estimated at $7 and $40 in cash with explanatory narration, on personages such as A1 Capone, Seniors fsecutors take further action. reportedly occurred over the Rudolph Valentino and Charlie weekend from campus building Chaplin and strikes by the TWO INDENCENT areas. budding labor unions. IP0SURE incidents which portedly occurred in the first Grad Students r, west wing of the Library | in the main lounge of the n were investigated Sunday The®! fcM by MSU police. ■In both incidents, men in Dead Here's a new opportunity. J'rJs 20s exposed themselves to Are,:lg|| seated nearby. Police did It apprehend either man. (GULLIVER'S ORE, 1105 E. STATE DRUG Grand River Coming Apply now for the Army Reserve Officers Training Corps Two Year Program CLEAN UP FAST . was the scene of a burglary * WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU $50 per month while in the program . . . PLENTY AT SUNSHINE CENTER * Earn a Commission as an Army Officer * Serve in a branch associated with your degree * Deferments for graduate study * Many other options, including Flying QUALITY DRY CLEANING ONLY LB ' 'AL cmL ' t Apply Today in Room 1 Demonstration Hall or Call 355-1913 50* THREE LANSING LOCATIONS: * 213 ANN ST. * CORNER OF ONE LB. USUALLY = ONE SKIRT OR ONE PR. SLACKS OR TWO SWEATERS WILSON AND HARRISON RDS. * NORTHWIND DRIVE OPPOSITE THE YANKEE PLAZA 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. March 2 i New Players offer 'the ultimate in camp' By KENNETH STERN the 1969 London version and dress worn by Dofothy Labour and Laurel Montague, Detroit Friday and State News Reviewer (he latest production with Judy in the Broadway production of sophomore, will Till the role of Saturday inM- Came in New York in 1970 "Hello, Dolly." the French maid, Hortense. The Sandy Wilson's smash musical It has become institution The 22 actors and actresses musical director for the an Thursday p«rfunn, spoof "The on the Roaring Twenties, Boyfriend," opens its nine among musicals and has been i" "The Boyfriend" all are MSU production is Mark Miller, Flint 8 P.m.. and the J- ftZ1* presented by all types of theater «tudents. Following Julie junior, and choreography will be performance run Friday in organizations and in all different Andrews and Judy Carne in the under the direction of Miss Saturday '•30 p.m. perform,J* McDonel Kiva. The New Players have leading role of Polly is Jane Dickmeyer and McDonald. Gary and 10 * Described by New York tickets for all chosen to do the spoof as "lush" Hoppe, Kalamazoo freshman. Klinsky, Southfield senior, is Times critic Clive Barnes as "the campiest musical I've ever seen," as possible and "have "gathered The male hero, Tony, will be directing the spoof and promises Of £e "SlarsL^1 H"'011^ ho tthe cnnnf together an outstanding and played byTho JoeFrpnrh Dean, Hnwfl0pr Mason the audience "the ultimate in Discount—-'' ic- spoof hnnck boasts 0121 mit<,L,..i musical . . most unusual array of costumes .. fMchmnn freshman. The French dowager r»nmn camp.' M **r% . numbers in its three $2.50 for center " acts of and set designs? * head mistress of the girls'school The Boyfriend" will tot sWf seaiin., romping and galavanting on the The 58 costumes used in "The will be played by Denise Cole, staged at 7:30 and 10 p. cent discount -vlewMaUni.Sk French Riviera. f„, Boyfriend" have been rented St. Louis sophomore, and her The New Players have from Eaves Costume Co. of New long - lost beau, the honorable changed their routine with "The Boyfriend" since this is the first York and most of them are from Percival Brown, will be OPENS TONIGHT the Judy Carne production, portrayed by Greg Grenias, Flint play they have produced that They include striped blazers and freshman, can be defined as family straw hats for the men and The comic relief roles of Lord PAC to entertainment. "Salvation" and cloche hats and colorful dresses and Lady Brockhurst will be 'The Boys in the Band," their first two offerings, were most definitely for mature audiences, "The Boyfriend" was for the women. The costumes for the beach sequence include the Roaring Twenties bathing portrayed by Celia Rose Pollyea. Benton Harbor senior, and James Pentecost, Framington, perform Mass., junior. The lead dancing murder case' costumes with all the trimmings. originally produced in London The third act of the chores will be handled by Musical "Bo in 1947 and on was first presented the New York stage in 1953 production takes place at the Connie Dickmeyer, East Lansing with a new young star ga|a carnival ball and the cast all junior, and Greg McDonald, Bad "The Boyfriend," by Sandy Wilson, is a musical comedy with the playing don carnival costumes. They Axe graduate student. MSU's Performing Arts the enemy. Roaring 20's as its setting. the leading role Miss Julie ^ Nine performances will be given March 5, 6, 11, 12 and 13. Student tickets are $1.50 and $2 at - Andrews. Since then the show include Little Bo Peep and Little Julie Sheldon, Three Oaks Company will open tonight its The wind .... direction <• the Union. State News photo by Sue Steeves has seen many revivals including gQy Blue, an Indian princess, senior, will portray the role of newest presentation "The White blowing the nerve Pierrot and Pierette and the the "ultimate flapper," Dulcie, Hmm Mnr/W pBc» " writtan a m or i„• American „ lines, and t president has the problem 'DOCTORS' WIVES' The author of the play takes aim at the Vietnam war, Army deciding what to do. The play will be present*) big-wigs, the Cabinet and the p.m. tonight through Sir' president himself. the Auditorium Slick Ar The play takes place "several Theater. It will then soap presidential elections hence" and Kiva op theaters on the action alternates between a camps showing March 8 and 9 battlefield in Brazil and the Wonders Kiva., March office of the president. lOandl at Brody Arena and _ March' m "Doctors' Wives," the new In the play, the United States and 13 in McDonel Kiva! film at the Spartan East, is K°h 8 'S S^0t ^ her other doctors' wives they brings the newest nerve gas to Kiva performances begin .. converge on the hospital, each the battlefield only after issuing Hollywood's latest serving of When the report of Lorrie's 7:15 p.m. Tickets are on sale fatal wondering if her husband was orders not to it. the Fairchild Theatre box o" slick, sick soap opera. fling reaches the ears of the involved. use However, the battle progresses weekdays from 12:30 to5p- From glBI&ft The screen is filled with then on, the plot of from confusion to desperation, and at the theaters one ' smartly dressed people, plush "Doctors' Wives" ambles on and and the gas is eventually used on before performance times. sets and shiny cars, but if you Concert-mixer on as lives tangle, lovers recline look beyond the and affairs are discovered in the style show you will find sluggish melodrama. slated Students aftermath of Lorrie's death. Thursday The film reprieves the viewer to Once again moviemakers By ROBERT KIPPER viewers through the "Peyton tug State News Reviewer in Shaw lounge from personal entanglements Place" syndrome, only long enough to bathe them Hi! I'm Fay. I'm a host of characters and presenting a smearing in their ridiculously complicated .. benefit gof'p lo V"ap' "°, °*he5 m?" s featuring Plain Brown Wrapper, concert - mixer in blood. Mozart opera com perfect young lady Open heart surgery, recorded private lives. wife or other wife s husband to PrOUd Flesh, Touchstone and in extreme close-up down to the studying at a sleep with, or no breath left to Backstreet will be presented "Women Are Like That," a disprove his contention I finishing school on last incision, heartbeat and "The Strawberry Statement" speculate about who is sleeping from 7 p.m. to spurt comic opera by Mozart, will be women cannot be trusted. the French Riviera. /' midnight of blood, is shown for and "Getting Straight" this with whom. Thursday in the Shaw Hall lower ... warm-ups. performed in English by test their fiances, the two looking forward to and brain surgery is shown near summer offered the premise that students in MSU's Opera town as if going to combat seein^^.^tu campus protestors are just The story begins with the lou"Be- fv V?deout The floor of Workshop at 8 p.m. Friday and to return disguised as young "The* lend." bunch of sex death of Lorrie, a doctor's wife ,^ceeds .from the thp crram .FOP™! K Efst, should Saturday, in the Music Building starved kids. Wnl wealthy visitors who al~ - "Doctors' Wives" says the same who did everything. humanly wiH be used to P8* ,rf.' boxes9'Mtte^d with half consumed Auditorium. succeed in wooing possible to live up to her motto: ovnanea'! nf R°" penses of Backstreet's of popcorn as a result, Fiordiligi thing about doctors and their Better known by its original "An orgasm a day keeps the drummer, who has been arrested Dorabella. spouses. They act like doctors head shrink twice in the past month on "Doctors' Wives" involves a title, "Cosi Fan Tutte," the Tenor Stephen and wives only when there is no away." She is opera is the story of two young discovered in bed with another narcotics charges. Admission is lot of people who should have Grand Rapids senior, will $1-50. known better: Richard military officers, Guglielmo and the role of Ferrando, Crenna, Ferrando, who test Gene Hackman, Rachel the baritone Lee Snook, ^ Roberts, Sandy Wilson's LITTLE BIG MAN Diana Sands and Cara Williams in leading roles, and Dyan constancy and fidelity of their fiances, the sisters, Fiordiligi and senior, will Guglielmo. Sopranos Suz~ sing the role Roaring 20's Musical Spoof Dorabella. WiS EITHER TIE MOST NEGLECTED HERO» BISTORT Cannon, of "Bob and Carol and The Wernette, East Lansing senim Ted and Alice" fame, in a five two officers make a and Mary Jane Williams, La"' OR A LIAR Of INSANE PROPORTION! minute role as Lorrie. - wager with the cynical old senior, will be heard in the philosopher, Don Alfanso, to of Fiordiligi and Dorabella. The Other production students are soprano Bussineau, Flint sophomore, De Despina, and bass Jeffrey Prit Chappaqua, N.Y., grad student, as Don Alfanso. Boyfriend The opera direction of Leon Greg"' asst. conductor is under of the M 9 performances Mar. 5, 6, 11 Symphony Orchestra. 12, 13, Tickets $2.50, $2.00 There will be a $1 ad~: Students $1.50, $2.00 at the charge at each performance cover the expense involved Union. the rental of costumes. The dress rehearsal at 4 p DUSTIN HOFFMAN "LITTLE BIO MAN' Wednesday, in From the People Who Panavtsion' Technicolor ■ |GP| «»• Auditorium will be open WINNER ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATION those Interested in this aspect Brought You Salvation & The Boys in the Band "Best Supporting Actor" a public performance. CHIEF DAN GEORGE Faye Dunaway - Martin Balsam - Jeff Corey mogram mromunoft jk«m PAC 71 Presents: Jules Feiffer's fKj Starts Wed. The WHITE HOUSt Wed, is LADIES' DAY Open 12:45-4 Shows Daily - 1:15-4:00-6:45-9:15 75c to 6 P.M. a— EESH3 Fi PROGRAM INFORMATION «JS MIS OPFN OPEN At At 11:00 FEATURE At 1:30 nn n m I DYAN CANNON F J GENE HACKMAN CARROLL O'CONNOR RACHEL ROBERTS JANICE RULE 3:25-5:20-7:25-9:25 DIANA SANDS CARA WILLIAMS MURDER ease BATTLE OF THE BUTT1 Even bathing every MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES, can't stop it- "COLD Feminine odor starts ir PHONE 349-2700 nally, and no amount of TURKEY' ing can remove it. water simply can't reacn soap Barbra Streisand area where the odorstarts- and the m George That's the reason you ^ Norforms*... the 5t'con , Segal These tiny internal 5, ul s»: ant." I DOWNTOWN positories kill germs - st°P Wa Open 1 p.m.-4 Shows Dally effectively yet safely. In ';ut. • HENRf fONDf ~A 1:30-4:00-6:45 -9:15 tie, doctor-tested Norform^ T1ivtrvi whs _ so safe and easy to use, V0' ja use them as often as nece. a crooked R /RICHARD ALEC No hath or shower can £ ma n.•• Norforms' protection. JMARRI5 GUINNESS you Norforms, and you H J> 0;r cure and odorfree for 1 FAUL NEWMAN The second deodora*1' ROBERT RSMORO [68 INFORMATION 33? Ml7 KMtMNNEROSS. BUTCH CASSIOV AND THE SUNDANCE KID March 2-7 Arena Theatre 0™ 8:00 P.M. carrie snoagress' Wonders Kiva: March 8-9 Brody Arena: 10-11 McDonel Kiva: 12 13 frank langella All Shows: 7:15P.M. richard benjamin Admission $1.00 1 diary of a _BoxOffice open 12:30 - 5:00 p.m. daily. 355-0148 ijmad housewife TODAY AT 5:15 6 7:00 8:45 Twl-Llte Hr., Adults 90c, 4:45 Michigan StatoNcws, East Lansing, Michigan fuewte • March 2 197 i 7 'JS* College By MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writer may Both drop requirement Ralph and David K. Berlo, chairman of the Dept. of for the assignment to teach required courses for the college. He Communication, said they would like to see all required courses said that perhaps a better alternative would be to have a number The College of Communication dropped. of courses within the collge which the student could chose from Arts Undergraduate Affairs "I'm opposed to required courses. In Committee has recommended to the general, they are all right to fulfill requirements. college's faculty that only after you know a student, not before," Berlo said. Communication 100 be abolished as a "I would rather teach a course that another department toll' the college. requirement for majors in He said he had "no strong feelings" on the recommendation of me they wanted to require," Ralph said. Broad impact A meeting date for the the other department's faculties. Communication Arts The Communication 100 course is now requried for majors in the recommendation has faculty to vote on Innovative not yet been set. many departments outside the College of Communication Arts, "The committee wants to emphasize that this in no way "Generally, we find choice is important. The student who he said. This has made planning for the future difficult, as som< reduces the concept of selects a course tends to communication arts as a college," David enjoy it more than if he is in a course drop the requirement while others add it. C. Ralph, professor of because it's required. We prefer to teach students who "A big problem is that people don't believe we have communication, said. enjoy the theory and The School of Journalism and course," Berlo said. practice in Comm 100," Ralph said. the Dept. of Advertising has asked the He said it was the most innovative course the He said the department's course is being imitated across the college in February to consider dropping the Dept. of requirement. Communication offered and that it changed constantly as the country, even though it is being questioned here. Communication 100 is the last commuications environment and students changed. "I think Communication 100 has had a tremendous remaining collegewide "The course requires that students have impact in requirement in Communication Arts. The developed values," the teaching of speech and communication across the Dept. of Television and he said. "It is a country," Radio and the Dept. of rational, consistent communication attack on the Ralph said. Communication will continue to require world as it ought to be and as we see it. the course for their "We send out three or four syllabi a week for the course out of majors. "The course also assumes the students wants to The Dept. of go to school," this office in response to requests," he said. Audiology and Speech Sciences has not yet taken he said. a stand on the "The student ou^it to have the opportunity to be immersed in requirement. "If you want to goof off and make it a Ralph said that in dropping the requirement, the college would Michey Mouse course, the communication process. We will continue to work in that not be it's possible — we had to do it that losing any "unity." way to benefit the student direction," Ralph said. who wants to break out and "Required courses are not the way to achieve go," Berlo said. He said they turn away almost as many as they enroll, and college "Communication 100 does not attempt to trick students into that the current job situations blocks them from increasing the commonality," he said Monday. Experimental learning against their will," he said. number of sections. Frank Senger, chairman of the The course now has 726 students School of Journalism, enrolled, with 66 students in said each of 11 sections. Second and the main reason the third-year graduate students journalism school voted to teach the course assisted abolish the requirement for their by professors and undergraduate majors was the experimental nature of the course and a lack of content. understanding about its teaching assistants, Ralph said. "There are close to 50 people involved in teaching the course 11 MSU seniors cited "We asked them on numerous any given term," Ralph said. occasions what was being covered in the course, and we never Basic aims By the riverside response," he said. Kenward L. Atkin, chairman of the that in addition to the reasons offered received a satisfactory Dept. of Advertising, said Ralph assumed the post of course coordinator for winter term when Berlo resigned from the position. The pending resignation of Dean Jack M. Bain will allow Bain to take over the course. by Wilson foundation by the journalism school, Bain submitted his resignation in Eleven MSU students have been named winners his department aslo has a October, but a successor has or finalists in high number of juniors coming into the not yet been named. I Two students take time to watch the white capped rapids - program who don't want to take a freshman level course. the 25th annual Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship "I had hoped to be competition. on the Red Cedar River. The warmer temperatures make it "Most students come in here as teaching Comm 100 this spring term if I juniors. To make them go back was out of here," Bain said. Four students have been named as fellows, seven as finalists. more comfortable to sit and watch the river's activity. and take Communication 100 is ridiculous," he said. He said this "The basic aim of the course as I see it is to A Woodrow Wilson Fellow is supported by the foundation State News photo by Jeff Wilner year 120 juniors and only 30 freshmen entered the expose freshman advertising on what is involved in the process of communication," Bain said. for a first year of study at the graduate school of his choice. Finalists do program. "The ultimate objective is to bring as not receive financial support but are recommended for many students together as possible. I'm not sure that is fellowships and assistantships awarded by graduate schools. HSCUSSES HAZARDS said. proving to be the practice," he The purpose of the competition, according to the foundation, is to encourage Ralph said Communication 100 is the remaining course of outstanding young people to consider careers of three courses developed 12 to 15 service, primarily in college teaching. years ago which were to be required of all communication arts majors to give the college More than 10,000 college seniors were nominated for the Rep hits proposedMSU unity. He pointed out that the Dept. of Communication did not ask competition by professors in their respective colleges. The foundation's 15 regional selection committees interviewed the candidates and made final selections. The Woodrow Wilson Fellows from MSU are •Louise T. Eareckson, history, Palto, Md. By MICHAEL WALSH to provide complete and detailed coveraged of all the "it is necessary," he said, "to vest the final decision authority the Under the present proposal pipeline would be coed •Don A. Howard, Lyman Briggs, Hamilton, Ohio •James M. Krell, chemistry, Kingsport, Tenn. environmental implications of in some other body ( Congress), constructed by the Alyeska •June S. Manning, sociology, Orangeburg, S.C. ■ The Michigan Student the ronmentai nr companies." » colli lege graduates: Inge of styles and media. ■eluded will be paintings, Pwings, photographs, ceramics, lints, sculpture, hollow ware ATTENTION CAR OWNERS a Honeywell ■ l»k in metal and serigraphs. Faculty members * Complete front end repair and computer career •rt icipa ting Bexander, loward Church, Anthony Noah are Robert Alonso, * Brakes alignment * Suspension seminar. PHIasi, John deMartelly, James »gan, Roger Funk, Ralf * Wheel balancing * Steering If college didn't prepare you lor a place in the real world, may¬ Jnricksen, Imes Lawton, William Gamble, be Honeywell can. Come to Honeywell's computer career seminar and learn David ■Jen Leepa, Melvin Leiserowitz, lifton McChesney, Jens Plum, Logan, LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center about exciting high-paying careers in computer sciences. Learn how you can apply computer technology to your own field ot concentration lacy Proffitt, James McConnell, <24 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Detroit s most outstanding computer institute The Honeywell Pncy Margaret Institute of Information Sciences It s the only school of its kind offering a course exclusively lor college graduates So come on. Bring a friend Refreshments will be served " "" ? " The 1971 Senior Class Council brings you Thurs., March 4, 6:15 PM. or } Saturday, March 6,10:00 AM. SENIOR NIGHT Why not spend it with the Directions: HIIS is located on the corner of West Nine Mile * Road and the John Lodge Freeway, one half mile north of the most absorbent tampon ever put * Northland Shopping Center in an applicator. And the most comfortable. |"I Admissions Officer Postgraduate Studies MS-2*I }* | j Honeywell Institute of Information Sciences 17515 West Nine Mile Road Southfield. Michigan 4B075 Phone (313) 352-1900 ! The Modess tampon. It's made with a new patented fiber at the I j I will not be able to attend rush me full information Honeywell's Career Seminar Please about the Honeywell Institute ot Infor- • I , that not only absorbs faster than other tampons, but keeps * | mation Sciences j on absorbing—to hold over 40% I more than what you're'probably Name_ wearing right now. TOMORROW, March 3,8 p.m.-2 a.m. Street _ Yet, the Modess tampon is so compact you won't even feel it. And you can't be any more Telephone: (Home)_ comfortable than that. LJ Prizes • Gifts • Fantastic Drink Bargains The Other Computer Company: The Modess it won't feel like Mu&M Mocie&si Fun • Guys • Girls Honeywell 6 years out of your life. L **★**★★★★★★★★************* 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS- Yesday. March),, Cagers By JOHN VIGES MSU could not handle the teams met in assignment: bulky Boilermakers when the two Lafayette, Saturday. The Spartans fell by a 100-70 Saturday's game for fighting. If Van Pelt can do a good defensive job on the Boilermaker's size score. MSU could remove the sting of that defeat if leader it could slow Purdue down and possibly force them into State News Sports Writer they could come up with a victory when the two squads meet again at 8 If everything goes as expected the MSU- Purdue rematch tonight in Jenision Fieldhouse. p.m. taking more outside shots. Larry Weatherford is the outside shooter for Purdue, but he is or three passes before shooting instead of throw i [J 1,0 I tonight will be a battle of finesse versus muscle. MSU Coach Gus MSU will rely mainly on the leaping ability of Bill Kilgore and a streaky shooter and lately the Purdue senior has not been very and praying like we did Saturday. K ,e ba'l up I Ganakas hopes that the Spartans will provide the finesse that was the shooting of Rudy Benjamin as it continues its fight to finish impressive. In the first half Saturday he helped keep MSU in the missing Saturday because he knows Purdue will bring the muscle. the year with a .500 season. Both players must have excellent game for a good portion of the half as he continuously missed his nights if they expect to stay with the pnysical Boilermaker team. The big, experienced front line that the Boilermakers utilized 20 foot jumpers. - Big Ten Standings Bob Ford and Franklin will present more "inside" problems Freshmen st in their romp over the Spartans Saturday will have to be at least partially neutralized. Outweighed by a total of 85 pounds, the for MSU. Only a junior, Ford is averaging 23 points in conference play and he is virtually in a tie for Purdue's top rebounding spot. Ohio Stale w •0 L * W 16 , L 5 TUESDAY'S Purdue Michigan at MSI' ,AM| s x n m Spartan's two forwards and center were an easy conquest for Working from a high post position, Ford has good moves to the » 2 >6 4 at Illinois Indiana Minnesota at Ohio st,. Purdue. basket and he can hit the short jumper. »2 6 Indiana at Wisconsin record Michigan agains Hoping to put the clamps on Purdue captain George Faerber, who made 11 of 12 hosts to dominate the offensive game, Ganakas has assigned Brad Van Pelt to cover him. Franklin has good power and a surprisingly good outside jump shot that will give MSU more problems. After the Spartans dreary performance Saturday, Ganakas is Illinois Minnesota 73 4 4 3 6 7 7 14 10 10 9 6 9 11 II Northwestern allow, SATURDAY'S CAMES MSU at Michigan (Tvi i MSU Iowa at Indian. Now that the freshmen cagers cites guard Terry Fagan of Flint Van Pelt will add some needed muscle to the MSU line up. - not harboring a great amount of optimism about tonight's game, Iowa 3 7 8 12 Ohio St. at Northwest#™ seem to have found the winning as one of the main reasons for His strength was sorely missed by the Spartans after "Bad Brad" although he thinks a Spartan win is possible. Wisconsin combination, it seems as though the frosh victories, was ejected, along with Boilermaker William Franklin, from "It will be a tough order," Ganakas said. "We have to have a Northwestern 1 9 Wiscoi the season is going to end too Fagan, at 5-11, hasn't pulled soon. down a great deal of rebounds or 6-5 will have on the season, the frosh one last chance to scored heavily this year; he hasn't been expected to. His VITAL TO CHAMPS show their wares tonight when thing is running the team and the basketeers of Central this he does well. If anyone on Michigan University come calling the frosh team could be tagged in a 5:45 contest in Jenison Fieldhouse. The CMU Chippewas have a balanced team, with five players registering in double figures as a floor general, Aitch once noted, Fagan. A it would have to be good ball - handler, it is Penalty killers and Chaurest Ihnir fivct 13 Tn usually Fagan wno usuany ragan who taxes takes the ine ball Da those first 13 the 10. The Chips had Spartans are sure to give won a rriarnd rs ?'?ev pass from Fagan that leads to eventual basket. Fagan's star on ice the CMU squad a taste of the By RICKGOSSELIN that if Chaurest was in the area, the squad. But the Spartans Spartan brand of balance which J ™"*1" > State News Sports Writer he would the disc "P- plotted a starting rotation of six has recently been discovered by '°, the frosh cagers. The frosh have Muskegon The province of Quebec has It so in happened that Chaurest the defensemen and Houtteman's was area, and in the name was not to be found in the developed a degree of depth in produced many fine, young vicinity with a full head of steam midst of it. their three game winning streak Fagan also accents the . _B_~ hockey players in recent years at that. Regarded as one of the - - - - „ He then eyed the opening as a „ r „ that they had lacked earlier in defensive play of Tyrone Lewis who seem earmarked for fastest skaters on the team, penalty killer, with his abilities the campaign. Freshman Coach Matt Aitch by posing a strong defensive threat in the frontcourt. J Piayersti Iike_, S£rge Chaurest flew by the lone Savard, Gil Perrault, and ° " ~ defenseman Guy the right side and as a forward and his new found on talents as a defenseman making LaFleurto name a few. had all the time in the world to the task a little easier for But last Saturday night, MSU set up for the winning shot, "Hoot.'' hockey TRANSCENDENTAL coach Amo wouldn't have swapped his own Bessone saw "I was on the fly and Gilles me," Chaurest recalled. "I Laking has always been steady skater for the Spartans, Follow the leader French Canadian right wingman, skated in and the angle I had Action in the Wisconsin series came in furious doses with attention and the penalty killing job was centering around both m MEDITATION Michel Chaurest, even-up for any wasn't too good. But I took a just an extended phase of his This sequence catches the Wisconsin goaltender with all the pressure on as Gilles of those players. Gagnon and chance, I shot, and I scored. I checking abilities. As a team, Randy Sokoll move in for the rebound. State News photo by Bruce Chaurest scored the most didn't have much of a chance to Houtteman and Laking form a Remington important goal of his collegiate do anything other than shoot. I cohesive unit, possibly the best o.v taught by career last Saturday night in an overtime game against Wisconsin couldn't deke him, so I just shot twosome at the penalty killing LOOK TO BIG 10 MEET for the far corner. It hit the profession in the WCHA. Maharishi to lock the Big Ten hockey title inside of the post and went in." "Hoot is a strong skater who Mahesh in the Spartan trophy case for at Chances are good that can hold his ground," Bessone G-men shake off defeat least one year. Yopi sophomore Michel Chaurest will said. "He's a good forechecker The 5-9 Frenchman, because remember how he scored that and when he misses a check the he plays on a line with high overtime goal for a long time. first time, he can still get back scorers Gilles Gagnon and Randy Another key factor in the and cover up without hurting us. By MIKE ABERLICH first on paper, but was only only get him a fourth, Sokoll, hasn't had much of a Spartans' rise to Big Ten and "Laking is also a strong chance to bask in the spotlight State News Sports Writer good enough for third place. Morse and Rand WCHA prominence has been the skater, and one of the finest _ this season. But he was not to be Sophomore Dave Ziegert took each earned a portion oftJ work of penalty killers Al pokecheckers on the team," fifth with a strong 8.9, but the denied last Saturday night. How do you beat place with 9 05 scores 0 Transcendental meditation is a natural spontaneous tech¬ Laking and Rick Houtteman. Bessone continued. "He's got As Gagnon took a pass at his gymnastics team that can score visltors stm went into the second rings, and Uram's 0.1 gave 4 nique which allows each individual lo expand his mind and Houtteman, a senior, and that long reach which helps his 27 points in every event with event trailing by 0.75 points. own blue line from Sokoll with third on the hjgh bar, but bl improve his life. Laking, a junior, worked their stick play immensely." hardly a minute gone in the way into Coach Amo Bessone's It is really a rare -moment some room to spare? Charlie Morse was the only that time, things weir alresM MSU Coach George Szypula Spartan to dent the top five in pretty well wrapped overtime session, Chaurest favor at mid-season after when the up by tin opposition scores may be having nightmares about s't'e horse, but his 9.1 could Wolverines, revved up his engines and took Thursday, March 4 off out of the blocks in a fashion numerous other players had while the Spartans are last Friday's loss to Michigan, been given shots at the two shorthanded. Often times, that would have made Herb but he also has to begin thinking 7 p.m. penalty killing posts. Houtteman and Laking will carry Haywood about ways to upend the Washington proud. As Gagnon Houtteman, who played on the play to the team with the 104 B Wells Hall gathered complete control of the varsity squad as a sophomore defending champion Wolverines the man advantage, as was the case when the Big Ten meet comes puck, he whisked it off to and on the junior varsity team against Denver. But as well as For information, call 351-7168 the around this weekend. right wing boards almost last season, was intent on the two Spartans play and have And if there is any way to without looking: knowing well landing a at all costs. varsity role this season A forward in high school and played this season, they have yet to accomplish the one dream that every penalty killer alludes develope a quick headache, it is when trying to think of ways to beat a powerhouse like U-M. to ploy for "JUST RIGHT FOR EASTER!" in his first years with the MSU hockey program, Houtteman to. They have yet to score a goal while a man short, The Wolverines racked up 27 WASHINGTON (UPI) - order. Douglas' made the switch to defense so as points in each of the six events Supreme Court Justice William the order, "It would really be nice if we en route to an al) - time NCAA to better his chances at making p. Douglas cleared the way Douglas, ii three p could score one," Laking said. dual meet record output of Monday for basketball star opinion, said "the matter is pitiieui 165.00 against the Spartans, who didn't have that bad of a Spencer Haywood to finish out some urgency because tlfl ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY ™ i the season with the Seattle athletic contests are underwj day themselves, noted Szypula. Supersonics of the National and the playoffs between th "We did a good job," the Basketball Association. various clt Spartan menter claimed, "but Haywood's problem stemmed March 23." what can you do when they score 165 points?" from a lawsuit over his status in The NBA lawsuit concerns| the NBA. A U.S. District Court rule that no player can b Marks of 9.0 or better became in Los Angeles early in February until four years after N common place as the hosts had a barred the NBA from taking any graduates from high school. Thl least three performers in that action against Seattle to stop wouldn't be until June if category in every event, while true-to-life portraits the 9.0 Haywood from playing, pending §partans were al)'e to pull theoutcomeofthecase. scores six times. Haywood's case. NBA rulesw require that players be hi On Feb. 15 the 9th U.S. only through the college di Mickey Uram's 9.1 in floor Circuit Court of Appeals and there is certainty th IN COLOR no exercise looked good enough for blocked the District Court's Seattle would have drafted hi« r Your Next Step Up During S.O.S. Days At Hi Fi Buys Your next step up is a big one — for here's our KENWOOD is featured, this time the powerful KR5150, 150 watts IHF long - time featured system that we find extremely difficult to beat on performance while still watching the pocketbook. Again a capacity for 3 pairs of speakers. And we matched it with the best and most popular buy power and the 0UMM V# BI^EAD«w/ALE ®i in loudspeakers today. The ADVENT. With the perfecting PE 2038 record changer and SHURE M93-E cartridge, you'll find this the most appropriate system for the up and coming student - or home! It's our $640 system - a stereo investment with immediate returns, So Step Inside HIFI BUYS and compare for yourself. WET YOUR WHISTLE BAVARIAN DARK BEER |^\ IN LIVINCShCOlOR FROM FIIANKENMUTH 5x7 COLOR PORTRAIT, OF 4 WALLET SIZE PHOTOS EACH ADDITIONAL 5x7 or a set 1.49 AND OTHER GREAT PORTRAIT 1.49 POMESTIC Sc IMPORTED 2 CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHED TOGETHER . . 2.98 Great color portraits, as only the "Pixy" photographers cap¬ ture them. All portraits are delivered to you at our store. You DRAFT BEEF"» have your choice of several poses. No mailing, handling, or other charges. Age limit, 12 years. 2 // r . if rf. , Ph.otographer's hours: rues. Wed, Thurs, Sal - 9:30-5:30 . M HI-FI Hl % 1101 E. Grand River j; Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, March 2,1971 9 LONDON Britons stage protest walkout (AP) — A walkout by more than two million with a 30 seat workers, protesting the government's strike control - majority in the 630 - member House of record 11 million mandays last year because of strikes and is vital sections of British - bill, halted Commons, will succeed in passing the bill into law by summer. industry Monday in defiance of the The TUC approach, outlined to all affiliated unions in likely to lose just as much work time in the first four months of national trade union this year. leadership. preparation for the March 18 meeting, calls for a Militants closed down policy of The government blames strikes, designed to back up claims for newspapers, shut car plants and noncooperation to defeat the workings of the bill when it shipyards and disrupted hundreds of firms in wage increases of 15 per cent or more, as the key to the engineering becomes law. country's allied trades. 6 B and inflationary problems. The cost of living in Britain is growing at a The bill aims to make contracts between An unofficial poll of industries affected by the walkout managment and labor rate of nearly 10 per cent. estimated total lost production for legally binding and enforceable in the courts. But the bill says Two major strikes this year already have cost millions the day at contracts will be and By far the biggest loser was the British nearly $24 million. binding only if both sides agree. The TUC called show little sign of moving toward settlements. A Britain s biggest car manufacturer. Leyland Motor Co., on all member unions to refuse binding contracts. stoppage by The company estimated its postal workers is now in its sixth week, and it has been predicted loss at $9.6 million to The government is determined to $12 million. push the bill through. The it "could last for weeks" more. But the 24 British economy has one of the lowest - hour stoppage may have backfired growth rates of any Auto workers have shut down all Ford Motor Co. union militants against the advanced West European state, due plants in by touching off the strongest reaction within the partly to strikes. Britain last a Britain for a month. They seek higher pay. trade union movement yet Moderate national union leaders countered with rival proposals for fighting the government bill without strikes. They scheduled a 18 that could showdown meeting for March PROPOSE BILL split the British trade union movement wide Hugh Scanlon, left - wing chief of the nation's open. second largest union, the 1.1 million Amalgamated Engineers, called the strike Veterans ask benefit hike and a similar for one March 18 in hopes of government to withdraw the bill. Two forcing the smaller unions also walked out. But the parent body - the Trades Union Congress which speaks for all (TUC) "However, we felt we had an they could help to balance the that it would face organized labor in Britain - condemned Scanlon's action. The TUC immediately obligation to fulfill when asked atmosphere of dissent, protest difficulty in called a special passing the legislature. March 18 to meeting to serve, and we resent being and violence which Thin shadows rally labor to a more moderate course. The TUC is so The state's poor financial represents 9.4 million workers. Vietnam veterans told a state treated as second - class veterans prevalent today on the college The TUC opposes the bill as joint legislative committee upon our return." condition will hold the bill back campuses, Andersen, Lansing As the sun set behind this clump of trees, long shadows are the rights of unions to strike. favoring employers by impeding recently that they have not Single veterans currently senior, told the committee. legislators warned. The formed on the ground. The But it believes strikes sun can be seen through the bill will only inflame against the received due recognition or receive a monthly allowance of The Joint Committee on association has devised a leaves and branches. public opinion against the unions and into the government's hands. play sufficient benefits after their $175 when enrolled in an Roles and Objectives / Ways and financing plan, however. State News photo bv Paul T. service and want something done educational or vocational The association has proposed Steohev Besides, the TUC concedes that the conservative Means was in favor of the bill government, about it. training program. The Michigan but cautioned the association that the state use a three - cent To bring benefits up to a level Assn. of Collegiate Veterans cigaret tax implemented to raise FUNDED BY AIR FORCE comparable with those granted Korean War and World War II feels this "in no way" compares with benefits received by the MSU Flying the World War II veteran cash bonus and the two cent cigaret - veterans, the Michigan Assn. of World War II veteran who tax used to raise funds for the Collegiate Veterans has proposed received complete compensation Korean War veteran cash bonus IBehavioralists a Michigan GI Bill that would for tuition, books and moves to to fund the assistance rch supplies. plan. waive $1,000 of the total cost of "Today veteran is required Using the cigaret taxes for this resea a tuition, books and supplies. to pay for his tuition, books, The MSU Flying Club moved purpose would be an investment The bill also would guarantee fees, supplies, food, shelter, its operations Monday from for the state, Andersen said. It Vietnam veterans business and clothing, transportation, medical Capitol City Airport to Jewett would increase revenue for the home loans of up to $10,000. expenses and all other living Airport in Mason. future in the form of higher of Benefits would be available costs from The club relocated its five income taxes. This would be nature conflict, alliance a subsistence for 48 months in an eligible allowance that hardly matches planes on the Mason grass strip even better than the bonus, since school or program. the minimum poverty levels to reduce operating costs. it would have an effect over a The club planes, "Michigan veterans do not established by the federal including a longer period of time, he said. like the Southeast Asian war government," chairman Tom Cessna Cardinal and Cessna Massachusetts, irch funded by the the other. However, Oregon and Phillips and other players. The markers were implications and applications of anymore than the rest of the Andersen said. Skyhawk certified for Illinois have a similar program, Bilitary is often viewed in terms others became interested in what convertible to dollars at the end instrument flying, are leased at while Minnesota, West his research are limited. people," the organization's ways Michigan would also be Virginia I building better bombers or in factors govern the actions of of the game. and means chairman told the benefited by the nonprofit prices to MSU and Tennessee are considering e other way contributing to three or more "First, we are dealing with an legislation, the participants all In one variation, each student ultimate form of committee. "We hate it more association contends. Through it students and employes. the proposal. [i> technology of war. engaged in a single conflict. started with 20 markers. One, conflict, and than most because we are the more veterans would live behavioral scientists at For three, it was easy second, we're doing it in a on enough however, had the ability to take laboratory," he said. "But we do ones who have had to risk our Michigan campuses and it would Bsc. working under Air t grant, are an trying to reduce to refer to a "truel," but with more participants terminology eight markers from one of his opponents on each turn, while feel have that made the observations be useful we lives in it. put veterans in a position where Emil's Bar & je need for bombers and maybe became cumbersome. So the the second could take six and can in [en make the military itself term "uelative" was used to understanding more realistic the third and weakest player conflict situations. Restaurant inecessary. I The group iologists enlists of psychologists, and form political MSU's describe conflict between any number of combatants. more As with the simple duel, no than one and possibly none could take only four. If all acted rationally, on the first turn the strongest player would be reduced to 10 markers, "The object, of course, is to deal with conflict before it gets on the uelative stage." The,;.;| 12" Pizza, 1 ^operation Conflict Research of the participants can survive. the second to 12 markers and Lawrence Messe, asst. joup(CCRG). Previous theorists in the area the weakest would retain all 20 professor of psychology and a All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner ■ Begun three years 100,000 grant from the Dept. I the Air Force, the CCRG has ago under a now called "uelative conflict" hypothesized a "Power since he would not have been attacked by either of the other CCRG researcher, is trying to learn more about bargaining as a resolution of conflict. Are 'AS8 Tuesday Nite $1.50 inversion" phenomenon to two. "EVERY NITE IS PITCHER NITE" {inducted a number of studies i ^operation. the nature of conflict and govern the outcome of such situations. "The power inversion theory Carried to conclusion, the player who its logical along "People generally tend to get started from the weakest "Every day each of us bargains very well," Messe said. if Coming Pizza is our Speciality 2012 E. Michigan Ave. I Researchers are trying to holds that when combatants of position would be the only one his way out of many potential the variables that conflict situations and we do it varying strengths find themselves with a chance of survival. c whether protagonists in the same arena, each will But that's not the way willingly on the basis of equity." settle their differences it The third major research attack whom he perceives to be always turned out. Between 10 and 40 per cent of the time the project at MSU's CCRG involves i the battlefield or by peaceful his strongest opponent. Since the weakest participant would weakest did not survive. running history through a rently three major areas have the fewest attackers, he The outcome tends to lend computer to predict the future. rider investigation by the would have the greatest chance Called "events data analysis," weight to the lessons of history it is based on the . All three projects are of survival," Phillips explained. that show men cannot be premise that |amples of basic history tends to repeat itself AVROC research. They If all participants acted assumed to act rationally in an i foundation for further rationally, the power inversion intense conflict situation. provided its course is not altered kostigation that could have a theory would hold up, but by the introduction of new effect on the limitation of Phillips emphasized that the factors. Phillips' laboratory tests at MSU Inflict. The studies are have shown that it is unsafe to ned with: predict this rationality. Games used ■iV'ed Using students as the ► participants and dollars as liarargaining as means to rewards, Phillips and his >m conflict. associates devised a number of * Kvents data analysis as a "games" to test the power > lo anticipate and head off inversion theory. ernational conflict. Generally three players were Conflict research used (a truel). Each started the James Phillips, CCRG game with the same number of 'gram manager, had to coin a "markers" but with a different * word to describe his work ability to take markers from the conflict research. 'he word is "uelative." Us 'I is "duel," the familiar fight the HOt B finish between two ystery exists about the Pizza | plications of contestants in a each simply tries to kill 351-7100 A unique and exciting Naval Aviation Program, designed especially for college Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors. As a college Freshman or Sophomore you will have no obligations until the summer prior to your Senior year. No meetings. No classes. No LUMCH drills. Also, if you qualify and sign up now accumulated three years longevity by graduation. This means thai during your first year of active duty as an Ensign you'll be making you will have THE BEST Cowles $9,149.76. You'll also be receiving extensive training in prepaiation for the day when you'll pilot one of the Navy's newest jet aircraft. * TEST PREPARATION NOON MEAL This is the opportunity that you shouldn't pass up. To see if qualify for this program take the Naval Aviation Qualification Test you BOOKS IN TOWN! at the Placement Bureau today, March 2, The test does not through Friday, March 5. WHEN riding there's so much on the results, go obligate you in any way. into that exam in complete control. Plan ahead with the only study guides that ac I Law School Admission' curately simulate the test you'll soon face - in both format and level of diffi¬ culty. No clutter. No frills. I Miller Analogies Test FEATURING DRAFT BEER Just the facts you need to pass. Confidence gives a big edge. I GRE Aptitude Test I NTE Common Exam Insist on Quality ^•N US AT NOONTIME - OR ANYTIME AT Insist on Cowles g Reg /Grad. Nursing School Admission Take Pride in Yourself - Fly Navy 8Vi"xir* Paper • *$4 95 "$4.45, all others $3 95 each 231 MAC See these and many others at your local bookstore COWLES BOOK COMPANY, INC. OPEN DAILY 11* 2 SUNDAY 12 12 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, March > i0l| STATE NEWS state news CLASSIFIED End of term Peanuts Personal Special March 8 12. - classified 355-8255 3558255 tKmfJka The State News does not permit racial or religious For Rent P&nkly speaking by Phil Frank For Rent For Rent discrimination in its TWO GIRLS for four man ONE GIRL for spring term. EAST SIDE. advertising columns. The apartment. Spring / summer. Very Riverside East Apartments. $55 Newly close. $60/month. Call evenings. furnished 3 bet, ' d!l< Wast! State News accept advertisinq which will not 351-3115. 3-3-4 BUY MOUR NEED GIRL to share apartment with two sisters. $40/month 332-6916 monthly. 332-1297. 5-3-3 MARRIED STUDENTS Carpeted, serious consei strict conservative landf"" ho" t»n°r69.0 O e,enan" $30, & FACULTY YEARBOOK, Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or apartment, appliances. Also 2 ONE GIRl immediately, 2 bedroom, Live In A Luxury Auto Parts & Service national origin. furnished rooms for man. 2 bath, furnished. Meadowbrook. 3 Bedroom Apt. Rooms ■O-HElREO | 482-0563. 3-3-4 Aviation $55. No deposit. 393-3355. 3-3-4 for $185 mo. * EMPLOYMENT EFFICIENCY: SPRING. Close to ■ 2 bedrooms for $165.00 • FOR RENT campus. $115/month. 332-81 ONE GIRL wanted for Eden Roc. KNOB HILL Apartments Scooters & Cycles after 5 p.m. 3-3-4 Reduced 5-3-5 rates. Call 351-4635. APARTMENTS GIRLS. SINGLES. Houses 349-4700 Close WE HAVE moved! ROLL - F MEN: ROOMMATE (SI needed to private entrance. 1 nvaila'bl Rooms Open 1 - 6 Mon. - Sat. 332-0939. 5 3 3 Motorcycle Insurance Specialist, share luxuiy apartment near ♦ FOR SALE Phone 489-4811. Our new Sunday by appt. MEADOWBROOK TRACE. Two campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.m. 6 On Okemos Rd. across MEN OR Animals address, 2400 North East Street, bedrooms sublease spring and / or p.m. TF women. Close to cam. from Okemos High School Parking. Phone 351-9584. 3.J4 Mobile Homes Lansing. TF summer. Immediate occupancy. $200. 393-1876. 3-3-4 WOMEN ROOMMATE(S) needed to • PERSONAL BSA 650, 1968. Good condition. share luxury apartment near MEN. SHARE room. Metal flake blue with $130dtWr • PEANUTS PERSONAL matching ONE GIRL for 3 campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.rr Clean, quiet, cooking. 1 block, man Spring helmet. 627-7409. 3-3-2 NEED TWO girls campus. 487-5753, 485 88; ♦ REAL ESTATE $59. University Te own bedrooms, 332-1887. 2-3-3 car necessary. 485-8588 after 6 • RECREATION ONE BEDROOM furnished. $140. LADY OVER 20 Single with p.m. 5-3-5 * SERVICE Plus electric. Call before 5 p.m., cooking. Close in. Available SUBLEASE ONE male for 2- 351 9036. 5-3 3 $15,663-8418. 3-3-3 Typing Service Next to campus. Will sacrifi 137 BOGUE Street; apartment Phone 337-0224. 2-3-3 available for married couple. Call * TRANSPORTATION Aviation SUBLET LARGE 3 or 4 man CO-OP. LIVE off campus ] 351-7322, 332-3870. 10-3-12 ♦ WANTED EAST apartment, spring. Offers. Friendly atmosphere. 1 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to LANSING furnished 351-2794. 3-3-2 campus. 332-8491. 5-3 5 apartment across from campus. COUPLE SUBLEASE spring, learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. DEADLINE No children or pets. Available summer. Block from Union. Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C ONE 1 P.M. one class day April 1st. Prefer married couple or GIRL, spring. 2 man. Own 353-7822, 10 -1:30 211'AD p.m. For Sale before publication. Auto Service & Parts single graduate 332-8552.9-3-12 student. Phone su& wensewirvw after gmwioh. room. University Terrace. 351-2794. 3-3-2 MAC. 5-3-5 Cancellations - 12 noon 100 USED vacuum one dass day before FEMALE. WANTED to share W4TSW75 IS IN? THIS MUM TWO BEDROOMS furnished. All CEDAR GREENS canisters and uprights. cleaners, T Guarai AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and my one full year. $7.88 publication. American cars. If we can't fix it, it apartment. Jolly and utilities furnished except 1 bedroom furnished and DENNIS can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O Pennsylvania, 882-2542. 5-3-8 electricity and telephone. Walking DISTRIBUTE PHONE © Young America Corp. / 1304 Ashby rd. / St. Louis, Mo. POOL COMPANY, 316 North c«i distance to campus Four man Opposite City Market C 3-4 355-8255 CAR WASH, 25c or automatic wash NEAR MSU 1 - 2 bedroom. Private $66.25 a person, three man Call 351-8631 50c. Wax and vacuum U-DO-IT. entrance, parking. Call 332-5210. $77.50 a person. HALSTEAD RATES 430 South Clippert, back of Koko 4-3-5 MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O SEWING MACHINE Clearance Brand new portables 1 day $1.50 MAN BURCHAM Woods. Two 549 15c per word per day Bar. 0-3-2 For Rent For Rent - $5.00 per month. Large seieci CEDARVIEW APARTMENTS. One ONE OR 2 men needed for Cedar man. Spring term. Phone of reconditioned used mac 3 days $4.00 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East bedrooms. Furnished or TWO BEDROOM Village, spring term. 337-9555. 332-4133 evenings. S-3-4 furnished mobile NEED ONE girl to sublet spring Singers, Whites, Necchis, 13V2C per word per Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. unfurnished. March 1st. 351-5647. 5-3-3 day . . . home units. Lakeview lots. term. Campus Hill $62.50. Home and "Many Others." $|o Complete auto painting and SUBLET SPRING, 1 man needed, 5 days $6.50 $30/week. No lease. 15 minutes 349-4065 after 5 p.m. 3-3-3 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARL collision service. IV 5-0256. C MODERN SPACIOUS 2 bedroom $80 for entire term, 731 Burcham, from campus. 641-6601. 0-3-3 DISTRIBUTING C0MPAH 13c per word per day fully carpeted apartment. G. E. call 332-1966 after 5 p.m. 3-3-2 DESPERATE: GIRL needed for 1115 North Washmgt SUBLEASE 2 man spring. Vi block (based on 10 words per ad) Cedar Village apartment. Call appliances, air conditioner, C-3-4 Peanuts Personals Employment 355-5914.4-3-5 IMMEDIATELY NEEDED. Girl for luxury apartment. $55. 337-1107 f'om campus. Parking, air conditioned, garbage disposal, garbage disposal. In Haslett, only minutes from campus. NEW ONE bedroom. Walking . must be No pets. distance. Furnished or after 5 p.m. 3-3-3 351-9479 after 5 p.m. 5-3-5 $140 and up. Phone 339-2490 for TYPEWRITERS. IBM o« pre-paid. GENERAL OFFICE WORK and ONE GIRL for 2 man apartment. unfurnished. Completely modern. electrics. One like new, stanc typing. Must have present work - Reasonable. 351-8102 or appointment. 5-3-2 Call after 5 p.m., ED 2-1183. There will be a 50c service ROOMMATE NEEDED for freaky THREE FOR huge 4 man. 1 month $250. One used, but 9 study approval. Immediate 351-3633. 4-3-5 5-3-5 and couple. Come over 102 Albert *ree- N° deposit. $77.50. MSU 1 executive, $150,00 bookkeeping charge if openings call Mrs. Sue Wilson, Apt. No. 7. $40.00. 3-3-3 block. 332-6909. 5-3-5 351-5510, 9 - 5 p.m. X3 2 this ad is not paid within Social Science MDP, 355-6676. SPRING, ONE man needed, block ONE MAN Meadowbrook Trace week. 3-3-3 from Berkey. $150 / term. one spring and summer term. Own HEATHKIT AR-?'« receiver 351-3287. 3-3-4 bedroom and bath. $60/month. watts rms) and AS-16 spe The State News will be NEAT PERSON to live in with young (Etopckmgtam 393-8988. 3-3-2 system. Interested' Call Bo responsible only for the male handicapped attorney of BURCHAM WOODS. Deluxe 1 and 2 353-4270. 3-3 4 first day's incorrect slight build requiring morning and bedroom furnished. Available ONE MAN sublet for 2 man insertion. evening help. (Including lifting immediately or for spring term. apartment. Very near campus, $85 BEAN BAG chairs. Cheapest in tm and light housekeeping duties). Swimming pool. From $150. a month. Nights 489-1656 or Assorted colors. $28. Et Person free to own pursuits, 8 - 5 daily. Compensation room and board plus $30 weekly. 484-1938, Manager, 351-3118. If no answer, 484-4014. 745 Burcham Drive. TF has it... 332-0987. 5-3-2 DNE OR two girls for 4-man, Haslett 351-7337. 4-3-5 EIGHT E-V PA 30 hon after 7 p.m. 3-3-4 LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom Apartments, spring. $65. JMr£>. crossovers. $160 1 Automotive BUICK 61. Power, radio, automatic. SUMMER CAMP JOBS apartment. 121 Beal. Available March. $195. 349-3604. 5-3-5 heated pool 351-25.46. after 5;30p.m. 5-3-2. 486-9051. 3-3-4 Fine northern Wisconsin KLH STEREO Receiver. Model Needs repair starter. $45. Call girls' PARK TRACE and all 90 watts. Garrard Lab camp seeks general counselors THE SPACIOUS ONE. Now taking mornings, 355-0903. X3-2 turntable. Lincoln Peerless sti and specialists. Mr. Jacobson, applications for rentals. Offering speakers. All for $300. Mono 1960 Lincoln Park West, CAMARO, 1969 Z-28. Yellow with 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments with Houses telescope 55x255*60 with black stripes. Very clean road car. Chicago, 60614. all the extras. Families welcome. barlow, $35. Norelcocassette) $2,250. 393-6434. 3-3-2 Okemos Road at East Mount recorder with leather ci BABYSITTER, SPARTAN Village. 6 Hope. 349-4030. 5-3-5 microphone and adaptor, SS - 8 hours I day. Mature woman. Baby's deluxe carbed, S8; jumpii 355-0807 after 5 p.m. X3-2 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham. THREE BEDROOM house. Partly exer^isor, $4, automatic mi 2-man furnished apartments furnished. On East swing, $8. 355-0905 X-3-3-2 side. FORD 1963 Fairlane automatic. includes heat. $62.50 to $80 per $135/month. 484-3608. 4-3-5 Radio and dependable man. 135 Kedzie Drive, $85 to PANASONIC STEREO sysu transportation. $300. 393-3696. $90 per man. Leases starting June ONE GIRL to share. Close to cassette tape recorder, WAITRESS FULL time. Age 18 - 25. _ 5-3-5 See Manager 8 - 5 p.m., Monday - 15th and September 1st. Days campus. Reasonable. Call after 6 AM-FM. $200, best off FORD 1961. S65. 487-3216; Evenings until 10 p.m., p.m. 351-9488. 3-3-2 355-3537. 4-3-4 Runs good. Saturday. LUMS, 231 MAC. 3-3-2 882-2316.0 4620 S. Hagadorn ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses'S» „ FOR A winning variety of autos " ~ AMBITIOUS PERSON with a sincere ONE MAN to sublet spring term at at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2f for desjre tQ $15 000 annua||y just north of Mt. Hope Rd. eam Campus Hill apartment. 353-1607. East Michigan Avenue, 372-74 __S !'_Se6_t0 V S Mr- Dunn' ?hone 393-1007. 5-3-3 5-3-5 THREE BEDROOM Duplex, North C-3-5 MG MIDGET 1969. Yellow, AM-FM Abbott Road. Stove and line UP your spring or summer job ONE BEDROOM furnished. Close to refrigerator. Immediate LEAR JET component sysu ^'£;„„WLr!LWheelS- 85-9844. 4-3-5 $1800' now. Car necessary. Call 351-7319 campus. 485-2700, 353-1760. occupancy, $200 plus utilities. Receiver, 8 tract, fQ(. persona| interview. C 5-3-5 speakers. 11 months old. $1' Call before 5 p.m., 351-9036. 5-33 John, 393-8522. S-3-3 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment upstairs. Completely remodeled. MAN TO SHARE 3 bedroom home after 9:30 p.m. 3-3-3 TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS ROGER'S DRUMS wi1 and Sunday retail sales of plants Williamston area. 655-3833. 5-3-4 are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury with 2 others. 322 Hayford Street. and garden Ziddgeon cymbals and accessor! supplies. Guaranteed apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean $60/month. Phone 627-6081. NEW OPENING LANSING A beautiful set in base plus commission. Experience LOWER FLAT. furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central-control air 5-3-3 FOREIGN CAR CENTER. Minor Okemos, 3 condition, $450. 351-3197, not necessary. Orientation prior to bedrooms. Furnished, parking. or major repair, and complete early April start. TWISS conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The adequately Available immediately. 351-6586 GIRL NEEDED. Own $54 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, body repair. 314 South Hosmer LANDSCAPE CENTER, East planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If room. 5-3-3 includes utilities. 351-8579, 533 brands. 30% off list price ft Street. 489-9714. 5-3-2 you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom Lansing. 351-0590. 11-3-12 Spartan. 5-3-5 units start at $65/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY I'ONTIAC 1963. $195. Will finance. PART TIME employment: 12-20 LANSING OR East Lansing. One FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. 694-8010. Call between 6 - 9 p.m. hours per week. Automobile bedroom furnished. Large, airy 3-3-4 required, 351-5800. O rooms. Air conditioned. SIX, NINE and TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. Beautifully maintained. Suitable 'ONTIAC FIREBIRD 1969, V-8, for faculty, grad students, business manual shift, must sell. $2,200, 351-2498. 3-3-3 MALE pay COLLEGE students. plus bonus. Part time. Call 351-3591. 12-3-12 Good people, married couples. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O Lease. MANACEMENT EXCl.USIVEL Y BY Alco Management Cnmpany PONTIAC 1962 Catalina. Highest bid. Call Rick, after 5 p.m. For Rent 351-7308. 5-3-2 PORSCHE 1956 Speedster. 1967 engine, new paint, interior. $695. TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery, service and Pick-up. Call NEJAC, How many apartment buildings supply continuous free maintenance on toilets, garbage [T_ -> 487-0046.5-3-4 337-1300. C disposals, stoves, air conditioners, and many REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for other appliances? Cedar Village does! Cedar RAMBLER 1963. New tires, brakes, rent. A TO Z RENTALS battery. Needs clutch repair. Make Village has 24-hour emergency service and daily 349-2220 0-3-12 offer. Call Ed 355-8252, maintenance service by our on-site staff. 355-1585. S-3-5 TV RENTALS - Students only. Low monthly and term rates. Call THUNDERBIRD 1962. Good motor 351-7900 to reserve yours - extras. $200. Call 351-9325after UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C TRIUMPH 1967. Spitfire. Wire Apartments X 3 T- ) ra- 9 wheels, Toneau cover. 845-2337, after 6 p.m. 5-3-8 414 SOUTH PINE. 1 bedroom .0 i " furnished apartment in older 13 % |S 16 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. This bug has been well taken care of. Asking a home. All utilities paid by owner. Ideal for 2 people, $110 per This is our on-site maintenance room, used by >1 '6 %4 ic reasonable price. 332-6417. 3-3-3 month plus deposit. No lease required. Call 6 - 8 p.m. only, Mr our staff to provide the service you demand 21 22 23 % 2« TZ' Alban 337-2510. 15-3-12 16 % w w % w paddles SPACIOUS student 2 bedroom apartment. furnished Close, %m% 30 % 1 Overjoy 2. Acid neutral'^ Cedar Village 31 Scooters & Cycles reasonable, parking. 332-0965. 0 3b 32. it 33 %37 31 3R % 19 no % 3. Teachers' orp.anizat'C HONDA 125SS 1970, Perfect ONE GIRL for Cedar Village summer. Reduction. Phone spring / %5 5, Brain ope™ 8. Make lace condition. $400 339-9407 or 337-9960. 10-3-9 Utilities and parking provided. $65. 349-9609. 0-3-2 %% % n Kidney"1'"' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, March 2,1971 1| for Sale Lost & Found \ MODEL 17 *>eakers, Fisher Recreation LOST MAN'S white Dept. gold probe prejudice band between Student wedding I model 210 stereo receiver; TEAC "\del to A4010-S stereo tape deck, Services 8 track tapes, 8 track home and Spartan Village. $10 reward. Spring Break in 355-9852 after 6 p.m. 1-3-2 ACAPULCO e decks and auto tape players. 8 Days ■|TV sets ■ used color console TV. FOUND: LOVABLE MUTT. White WFM and police band radios, with light brown $199.00 (Continued from women to be markings plus gratuities page 1) promoted," Miss "Women students also fare for university relations, said "I think it's 355-8830, 355-9182. 1-3-2 Sandler said. "In 1970, interesting that „ 0f( on skis and equipment. or administrative level other than in throughout badly; _, women graduate students „ Monday that MSU is working i the 'charges' now filed seem to the entire University far less likely to receive and mv*. WILCOX are IMan tapestries. SNOW ski sale: Swap such fields as home economics only seven women compared to rapidly as possible to be based primarily on figures the cfCONDHAND STORE, 509 East Personal JAMAICA and nursing. 192 men were recommended for financial aid that their male areas of discrimination on the University itself developed for Michigan, 485-4391, 8 ■ 5:30 counterparts." basis of sex and NOW YOU $208.00 "It is almost impossible for promotion. to the sole purpose of insuring that pm Monday thru Saturday. C for can rent a WATERBED Robert Perrin, vice president appropriate action. only $10/month. 351-9525 plus gratuities any necessary corrective steps after 12 noon. 5-3-4 are taken," Perrin said. ASHING MACHINE, spinner type, (Call Stan Feldman 393-6575 excellent condition, spotless, $65. ~ "We will be pleased to 351-3611 explain good trailer hitch, $12. RE-GRAND OPENING ■phone 351-5543 mornings and ■evenings. S-TF Science Fiction Comic Books SALE BARGAINING DEBATED to making HEW the efforts to fulfill antidiscrimination pledge. we are our Curious Book Shop, 541 E. We IpEWRlTER, underwood River, downstairs. Open 1 - Grand 5 30 are confident that any investigation will support our portable, $24.95. Used furniture P.m. 5-3-2 Service good faith in attacking these IE,I kinds. ABC SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 Turner. C SUE 251 ■jr. ORGAN amplifier. Model Excellent condition. 337-1500. 2-3-3 Best pLOCKS, POMPEII STYLE] In ancient Pompeii, in lieu of alarm clocks, a large metal hourglass container was filled with sand. After eight hours, FIVE STRING - 484-6151.3-3-3 Banjo lessons, Scruggs style. Call Dick after 5:30 p.m. Groups seek problems," he said. Miss Sandler's letter requested an "immediate" investigation to include the areas of admissions and financial aid; placement of PAINTING INTERIOR Custom (Continued from page 1) enough sand sifted through to work - A questionnaire distributed women graduates; recruiting, N SIZE waterbed, lifetime at reasonable prices. G.-ad by FCN states that, "in an era of hiring and promotion policies make the contraption crash students, references. 372-8158. C growing student involvement and established on a metal sheet below. power, faculty must organize if they are to have an administrative for both staff and faculty; and Ifactory warranty, $55. 332-2943. 2-3-3 effective voice If the sands of time TV, RADIO and Appliance Service. However, inflation has consumed a large part of these in decision making." salary inequities. are gains. WEAL also requested that all 7f CLUBS. Ben Hogans. Like closing in on your budget you Reasonable rates. Phone E. According to the MEA Research Division, in terms of "real" Other reasons for collective bargaining are cited by a leaflet Driver and three woods. All can stop the crash with the Harvey, ED 2-2425. 20-3-5 dollars or distributed by the National current contract negotiations , purchasing power, public school teachers have made Society of Professors, an affiliate of "be suspended until such time as is. Golf bag included. Chuck, only five per cent gains while in four-year universities the National Education help of the State News ABRAHAM'S INTERIOR painting. Association, which states that faculty Classified Ads. Look around members have registered a one faculty members organize "for protection: to all inequities are eliminated and Good work at very reasonable per cent gain on the average for assure that every faculty an acceptable your home for good, usable each of the past four member has fair treatment in matters plan of affirmative 13 2-8483. 3- 4 cost. References. 355-9344. 8-3-5 years. of employment, 15 HART XXL'S, with Marker MSU promotion and assignment; to provide retention, action is implemented as is roiomat bindings. $255. New, things you no longer use, faculty salaries over the past four years have averaged a guarantees of due process make a list of them, then dial 4.78 per cent annual increase. In terms of "real" in matters of termination or dismissal." required by the exective order." make offer. 332-0965. X3-3-4 dollars, or 355-8255. A helpful Ad Typing Service purchasing power, salaries averaged less than a one-half increase per cent "They organize to promote better salaries, better fringe at MSU Scott said HEW's investigation will begin as soon as BEE PIECE sectional davenport, Writer will assist you in annually, according to a statement issued by MSU benefits, better working conditions, and better related Ohio State matching end tables, $50. wording a result - TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. Faculty Associates (MSU/FA). employment features," the leaflet reads. University, Wayne getting Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann State University, the Want Ad to put you in touch "These differences are directly attributable to organization and A group of five faculty members from the Dept. of Economics University [84-0893 1-3-2 Lance, 626-6542.0-3-12 at MSU of Chicago and Northwestern with cash buyers. Do it NOW! negotiation efforts made by public school teachers recently issued a statement which questions whether an and the lack LING. PRIVATE collection old of such commitment by organized faculty would be better able to secure University are investigated for itique books, antique car FREE A lesson in complexion COMPLETE TYPING and University faculties," according to salary increases the same reasons. ... printing Richard J. McLeod, information officer for than a non-union faculty. manuals and so forth. 337-9430. care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan service. Copy stored on magnetic MSU/FA. Scott added that WEAL is McLeod, associate professor in the Science and Math "It seems dubious that the State of an J3-3-4 or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. tape. This eliminates all re-typing Teaching Michigan would increase its "absolutely credible" MERLE except author's changes and Center, said that each year the University "seems to commit budget for higher education even if the MSU NORMAN COSMETICS its faculty went on organization and said it may be STUDIOS. C-3-4 corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT budget to every other item before it considers its most vital strike," the statement reads. "Before we rush into a union let us and one of the strongest women's ISHICA A, Yashica mat EM, MAIL neccessary resource, its teaching faculty." wait and see whether Central jxakta VX11 A, Yashica EZmatic, ADVERTISING, across Michigan University and other glide projector, trays, 2" and 3" SEE JOE BARKLAY Mondays at from Frandor. Phone 485-1238. C Sigmund Nosow, president of the MSU unionized institutions actually achieve groups. "They're definitly a UNION BUILDING BARBER American Association of chapter of the what other effects unionization higher salary increases and very intelligent group," he said. movie lenses. 351*7262. University Professors (AAUP), contends produces." WEAL has also filed charges SHOP for your Afro. PROFESSIONAL that the drive for collective 355-3359. bargaining on campus was given a Contradicting this statement is one issued by FCN, which C-3-2 THESIS substantial boost when the trustees reads, "The Administration is in against approximately 200 other PREPARATION rejected a proposed a better position when dealing universities. llTARS FROM $25. Banjos from University Committee on Faculty Compensation and Academic with the legislature if K57.50. Banjo and guitar lessons DUE EAST la rock roll band) IBM Typing an organized faculty position is now • Budget. established." le with experienced booking, 349-4239, 337-9495. • Multilith Printing A modified version of the new "As the number of organized institutions of 3rs. MARSHALL MUSIC, 3-3-4 • Hardblnding faculty committee which omits higher education any references to the right to consult on the academic increases, it is obvious that the position of those not n Street. 351-7830. C-3-2 OPPORTUNITY - LET you. Four months of part - time us show Complete Professional Thesis Service (or Mister's and Doctoral Candidates. free passed by the trustees at the February board In a statement before the Jan. 12 meeting. Academic Council budget was increasingly vulnerable." A statement by Afred D. Sumberg, associate secretary of the organized is Blast hits work; you can have a business of Brochure and Consultation Please Call Jack Stieber, professor of* meeting, national office of the AAUP, states that an (Continued from page 1) Cliff and Paula Haughey 337 1527 or 627-2936. economics, charged that the modified AAUP chapter may your own. For appointment call version of the new committee attempt "to achieve through collective "amputates the most important bargaining those 627-2659 after 6 arm of the economic and professional benefits which most inflicted on the Capitol since the p.m. 3-3-4 NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE proposed committee, namely, that which allows the faculties are able io SAXOPHONE. Rene Lorein, COPY SHOPPE can show you committee to consult with the Provost and the to obtain without engaging in collective British set it afire in 1814 during r best offer. Call 332-6151 Administrative The present stance of the AAUP bargaining." 4:30 p.m. 5-3-4 Peanuts Personal how to get two Xerox copies for group on matters relation to 'allocation of financial resources for the various academic functions and as outlined in the statement thf War of 1812. The blast came the price of one. Phone 332-4222. activities of the University.'" "Policy on Representation of Economic Interests," passed by the l*i years U> the day after Puerto C.C. Killingsworth, professor of labor and AAUP Council Oct. KgSIZE WATERBEDS only $55. ICERS, CONGRATS Big Ten said at the January AAUP industrial relations, is designated as a 31, 1969, states that when an AAUP chapter Rican fanatics firing from the House visitors' gallery shot and ii 351-9525, after 12 noon. Champs. Great Skatingl Saturday? BARBI MEL: Typing, meeting the fact that the initial version bargaining agent, it should pursue the following multilithing. of the committee received decisive objectives: wounded five congressmen on j.4 Pleading Fans. 1-3-2 No job too large or too small. faculty support, and was rejected by the administration and trustees, called into the House floor. SUE Blo^ ojff c^mp^^^SS. C the worth of the more limited question The last time the Capitol was CONGRATULATIONS on consultation provided for in the • "To TYPING. THESES and letters, etc. establish within the institution democratic Animals becoming a Sammy Little Sister. adopted version of the new committee. which provide full participation structures bombed was in 1915, when a Love your Big Brother, Barry. Rapid, accurate service. "If this kind of unanimity cannot influence the by all faculty members." blast damaged the Senate Experienced. 393-4075. 20-3-12 decision that is l1'tf-2 ' ' made, it is very difficult to see when faculty opinion would exert | STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish reception room. Later the ill other live merchandise (can TYPING DONE in my home. Fast an influence upon the administration," Killingsworth said. • "To protect and promote the economic and other interests of incident was confessed by Frank spare a little love?) accurate service. Phone 351-6259. Some faculty members view collective the faculty." Holt, a young ' instructor bargaining as a means of |OCKTOR PET CENTER, __9-3-12 stemming what they perceive as a growing diminution of faculty "To establish within the institution democratic structures opposed to U.S. arms sales to in Mall. 349-3950. 5-3-5 End of the term Peanuts power. The foothold that students appear about to World War I allies. ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith acquire in the Personal SPECIAL offset printing. Complete service Academic Council could be negated White House press secretary ... 10 by vesting the powers of the which provide full council in a collective bargaining participation by all faculty members." Ronald L. Ziegler told newsmen (HSHUNDS: 3 months. Paper words for $1.00. Additional for dissertations, theses, unit, which would be closed to lined. Black and tan. AKC. IV • "To obtain explicit manuscripts, general typing. IBM. student participation. guarantees of academic freedom and traveling with the President 0779. 2-3-2 words 10c. Starts March 8th - 21 years experience. 349-0850. C tenure." aboard Air Force 1 on the trip 12th. |(ER. SELL or trade. AKC male. to Iowa that Nixon had been ' old. Fawn with black COMPLETE THESES Discount printing. IBM typing and service. 11*5 I1B WHAT'S Nnna ^ working late and was informed white • "To create an orderly and clearly defined procedure of the bombing by the 24-hour markings. $75. within 169 9141, binding of theses, resumes, the faculty governmental structure for mm afternoons. 3-3-4 prompt consideration of situation room. publications. Across from campus, corner MAC and Grand River, problems and grievances of faculty members." He said the President ■JPICAL FISH and aquariums, 10 1 55 gallons, below Style Shop. Call contacted Senate Republican some really nice The Michigan legislature facilitated the collective letups. Private owner. 694-9689. COPYGRAPH SERVICES, bargaining for leader Hugh Scott of Real Estate 337-1666. C faculty members through passage of Act 379 of the Public Acts Pennsylvania and expressed hope of 1965, which amended the Hutchinson Act. The the incident would not lead to act, also OKEMOS SCHOOL DISTRICT. 3 Transportation It'sWhat's Happening must be known as the Public Employment Relations Act (PERA), applies closing the Capitol to visitors. IT GERMAN Shepherd pups. 5 lonths 72 1 865. 3-3-2 old. House - broken. bedroom frame ranch. 1V4 baths. Full finished basement. Oil heat. Built-in countertop range and wall oven. Lots of storage. Large 1 car submitted in person to 341 Student Services Bldg. at least Brotherhood Movement with Man and Nature Bookstore will present a benefit concert featuring Plain Brown Wrapper with Backstreet, Touchstone to all types of public The law guarantees employment, including public education. faculty members the right to organize in a "The President feels that the Capitol is a building that belongs to all Americans and symbolizes fcSKAN MALMUTE puppies. The two State News working days and Proudflesh, at 7 p.m. Thursday collective bargaining unit, and provides that "representatives a form of government that for breed, the most devoted garage. Handy to East Lansing, in (Sunday - Thursday) before Shaw Hall lower lounge. designated or selected for the purpose of collective 192 years has provided a means lion. Ready now from Okemos, Mason. 349-1125. 10-3-9 LIMOUSINE SERVICE to Detroit Admission is $1.50. a majority of bargaining by Metro Airport. $11/person. Call publication. Entries may be employes within (an) appropriate unit shall be the for peaceful change," Ziegler exclusive representatives of all IilOO. 669-3423. 5-3-3 WHERE it's HI fast in the Classified at and motorcycles Ads Dial Recreation 882-0722. 3-3-4 NEEDED: RIDE TO Boston inserted submitted twice organization. from and a must registered be Packaging Society will p.m. today in 31 Union. Guest meet at 7 speaker will be Rudy Albachten, sales manager of Alton Box Co. membership in the organization." employes in the unit regardless of said. "The President feels that this act of violence is totally deplorable and will be YES, THERE are a few seats left on (Arlington area if possible), over A spokesman for the MEA said that the condemned by all Americans." Michigan law is f5-8255 now! Spring break, will share expenses. more Union Board's Nassau Trip, March The MSU Railroad Club will meet conducive to the organization of It was, in fact, immediately Call 353-3650 before 9 a.m. or faculty in higher education than 19-26. $189. Call 353-9777. at 7:30 p.m. today in 30 Union. laws in most other state. Mobile Homes B-8-3-8 after 10 p.m. S-3-3 Progress reports will begiven on 1225. condemned by dozens of New members are always welcome. congress members. "I can only NEED RIDE. Will Sparrow pay. say it's a tragic, barbaric thing Hospital to East Lansing. Details, Bill Thomas will speak on Carlsbad for anyone to do," said Sen. London, $209. Spring Break: 482-5104. 3-3-3 Caverns during the MSU Outing Club i. with u _ dishwasher. Porch, . The Boycott Committee of George S. McGovern, D-N.D. Acapu|co $219; Jamaica, $219 meeting at 7 p.m. today in 116 9 and utility shed. After WANT TO Commute spring term Students for Farmworkers will meet Natural Science Bldg. Spring trips An amendment to the 1970 "Anyone who w^uld plant a call 393-3295. 5-3-2 FreeDort $189. Call Fred, at 7:30 p.m. today in 32 Union. higher education appropriations bomb like that any place, let from Flint to MSU. Will share will be finalized. act provides guidelines for the number of class room hours to be alone the nation's Capitol, has to expenses. Call 353-3655. 3-3-2 taught by instructional faculty at public supported (CLASSIFIED The Astronomy Club will hold an Alpha Phi Sigma, national police colleges and be a revolutionary or a< MARKET is I EUROPE, $209 STUDENTOURS, observing session with telescopes on honorary, will meet at 6:45 p.m. universities. completely place to sell mad," said Sen. Harold Hughes, antiques. For a round trip TOLEDO / CLEVELAND after 5 the roof of the Physics - Astronomy today on the first floor lounge of the jet to London, summer D-Iowa. getting Want Ad dial '71. Call Eddie, 393-7520. 20-3-12 p.m. Friday 19. Call Kim, Building. Interested students are asked Union. Transportation will be This type of "legislative interference with the constitutional 353-1975. 1-3-2 to meet first at 7:30 p.m. provided for all members and "Obviously, security must be today in 315 Physics - Astronomy students of criminal justice to the autonomy of the University," as one faculty member has also contributed to sentiment for a phrased it, improved," said House Bldg. If the weather is cloudy, a film county jail. A complete tour will be collective bargaining unit will be shown. given following a brief meeting. at MSU. Republican leader Gerald R. Ford of Michigan. ON THE TRAIL! Wanted There will be a prayer meeting at 8 p.m. today at Bethel Manor. 803 I'. Snake rustlers strike Grand River Ave. Students interested in working on NO - WE WON'T HUNT BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for the People's Peace Treaty will meet all positive, A negative, B at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the second negative and AB floor lobby of the Union. (Continued from page 1) Miss Gallup speculated that boa YOU DOWN WITH A GUN negative, $10.00. 0 waste negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN material on the floor indicated the thieves had COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Free University classes today: "It was probably somebody who just likes problems with the victim. Building employes Hitch hiking (spring trip planning 507Vi East Grand River, East - reptiles and wanted to keep the snakes for traced the waste materia) down the Lansing. Above the new Campus meeting), 7:30 p.m.. Phillips Hall themselves," Miss Gallup said about the stairway HOWEVER and out the back door, she said. Book Store. Hours: 9 lounge; Hypnotism (beginners). 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., 316 Bessey Hall: Art, 7 p.m.. thieves. Next to the boa cage, in the semicircular - p.m., Monday, Thursday and 120 Physics - Astronomy Bldg-. Miss Gallup recounted how she envisioned Turtleareum, the black - and grey - striped - Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Origami, 7:30 p.m., 215 Bessey Hall; the daring desperadoes' effort: p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Jazz, 7 p.m., 135 Music Bldg. Tegu lizard nestled sleepily among wooden The thieves entered the building and axed a chips. Thieves probably crawled over the top BY NOW All people interested in hole through the solid wooden door to the of the eight - foot - you should know working high natural habitat for Student Ads must be paid by noon, Friday, appliances sell fast with a Want for the spring term book exchange basement. From there, they climbed a staircase turtles to snatch the four - foot long South should attend a volunteers and unhinged a door leading to the nature prepaid from Monday, March 1st; or you go on the HOLD list. This Ad. Dial 355-8255. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in meeting American lizard. Miss Gallup said the lizard Phillips Hall science room. means no registration, no diploma, no transcripts, no nothing, until lounge, or call Sheryl at 351-l>601. bites and "wallops" his tail around like a paid. INTERESTED IN extended The mottled, dark brown boa constrictor, alligator. motorcycle tour to ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ native to South America and other tropical Next in line California. Leaving around April So"^" wherever you want to go! Planning areas, was lying in his cage among sand and racer, an was uncommon the five - foot - long blue snake in central 1st. Call Walter, 332-8918. 3-3-3 meC|jng at 7:30 p.m. today in branches, around which he likes to perch and So, hurry and pay up! Phi||ipS Hall lounge. Michigan but "not worth anything." Here coil. Thieves chopped a hole through the thieves lifted the wire mesh from the top of HOME IN East Lansing by end of E-QUAL and the Sierra Club narrow - gauge wire on top of the glass - the snake's aquarium cage and lifted him out. Room 345 July, under $35,000. Prefer large present Provost John E. Cantlon fronted wooden cage and removed the snake. traditional with trees. Phone His bite is nonpoisonous. oc, speaking on MSU environmental Either there were several men or the thief o 11 "He doesn't have a very good disposition," Student Services Building 3813B41- 3"3^3 policies plus a film on Isle Royalc at _ Tp.m. today in Phillips Hall dining had a container to carry the snake. Boas Miss Gallup explained. "At least the one we OLDER MALE student desires room room' usually coil around a man's windpipe or arm, had didn't. The blue racer we had wasn't a in house Spring term. 487-0375. Miss Gallup said, to cut off circulation. nean j. very nice snake." 3-3-3 Thomas, vice president of "We do know that it normally takes about But the thieves had a surprise when MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Pillsbury Co., will discuss the they three persons to hang onto the boa," she problems in market ln| food product* tackled the four - inch diameter Tarantula. WANTED: FUNNY cards for al 7;3o p.m. today in the Teak added. "He's very powerful. He could kill and Miss Gallup said the spider Michelle's 30th, Box 87, Room, Eppley Center, sponsored by harm if he was wrapped around someone's probably jumped Buchanan, Michigan. 3-3-3 «h* MSU out when the thieves opened the - age and Marketing Club. neck." scared them away. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Tuesday, March 2,! Med school criteria rise Less than four per cent of number of students seeking a something, to make some sort of action discipline," he said. these, or one in 26 are accepted, medical education. an impact on and contribution Underprivileged applicants are he said. Applications rise Idealism to society." also given special consideration, When the medical school "For a long while medicine Hard work Cowan said. While hundreds and perhaps admitted its first class in fall, had to compete with industry While academic "If we look at a fellow who's thousands of additional doctors proficiency is 1967, around 250 people for brainpower," he said. "But not the only criterion had to work 30 hours per week are needed to meet the growing applied. There followed a period now that engineering and considered, Cowan said the just to keep himself in medical problems of the nation, when the number rose by about chemical companies are being admissions committee looks at undergraduate school, then his statistics from MSU's College of 20 per cent each year. At the forced to cut back their an applicant's academic 2.5 grades will indicate a higher Human Medicine reflect a time, the number of national trend showing medical same operations, we're seeing more background to check his level of performance than those schools unable to absorb all but openings rose gradually until 45 applicants from the people who capacity for hard work. of some other applicants." students were admitted in fall, would have gone into those "We like to see someone with One - to - one the best of academically 1970. fields five years ago." hard science background," he Cowan said the number of qualified applicants. More medical school This has occurred because the The number of applicants for said, "because medicine is openings for next fall hasn't Share number of applications to the this class and the one to enter applicants now have advanced primarily a biological science been Set yet and will depend on next fall rose remarkably, degrees and about five per cent that demands expertise." the amount of money MSU medical school rose Cowan said, with more than 850 have doctorates, he added. Academic appropriated by the significantly in each of the past proficiency is state last year and 1,300 vying for Cowan said young people now then put in a "total legislature. But whatever the two years, reflecting social and the medical field as an area economic factors that make the admission next fall. see performance" context, Cowan amount, the unique flavor of the in which they can put their said. medical education must also be M.D. degree more desirable. Cowan pointed to several ideals into constructive action. "Anyone who spends all his considered. Dr. Daniel F. Cowan, medical factors that seem responsible time at the books is bound to "Medical education is not just school admissions chairman and and explained the criteria on "Young people have seen that asst. dean for student affairs, which an applicant is judged. destructive idealists don't get better grades, but we're a mass, group affair," he said. interested in students who don't "It requires much more in the said in a recent interview that While the national economy accomplish anything," he said. around 60 per cent of all applicants to MSU are qualified must be considered, he said he feels social factors have been "Our students are now very idealistic. They see medicine as a just TALK, but DO. "Medicine contemplative is not just discipline but a an way of a one - to - one relation between faculty member." the student and the a academically. more influential in the rising way to fulfill their need to do While money and faculty size are major factors limiting enrollments, another University BY ACLU spokesman said teaching circumstances outside the Smile. classroom are also important. Student "This relates to the rights availability of hospitals in which the medical student receives additional training," Charles R. Downs of Information Services' biology and medicine branch The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is conducting a said. performance of faculty members and the relative allocation of the survey of student rights at colleges and universities across the institution's resources among its various educational programs. While hospitals in Lansing, country to determine the extent to which guidelines set forth in Grand Rapids and Flint are used ♦"Picketing, demonstrations, sit - ins or students strikes, an ACLU report on academic freedom are being followed. to train MSU medical students, provided they are conducted in an orderly and nonobstructive The report, "Academic Freedom and Civil Liberties of he said, they were not originally manner, are a legitimate mode of expression. Students in College and Universities," was released in June, 1970. "Demonstrators, howeves, have no right to deprive others of set up for training on a basis It proposes "new concepts of student rights and responsibilities." comparable to the University of opportunity to speak or be heard, take hostages, physically Upon the release of the report, John de J. Pemberton Jr., obstruct the movement of others or otherwise disrupt the Michigan's University Hospital in ACLU executive director, and Samuel Hendel, ACLU's Academic educational or institutional processes in a way that interferes with Ann Arbor. Freedom Committee chairman, said they hoped "implementation the safety or freedom of others. of the recommended procedures will tend to ease some of the tensions that have contributed to student unrest on the nation's ♦"A students charged with or convicted of a crime should not Prof to assume canrat?es." be subject to academic sanctions by the college for the same conduct unless the offense is of such a nature that the institution The par.iphlft advocates student participation in "an effective New Hampshire capacity" in deriding policy needs to impose its own sanctions upon the students or to on all matters affecting their education and student life. safeguard the academic process." In Michigan, the higher education appropriations act requires dean position SUGAR Also included are guidelines on such areas of student concern universities to expel any student "who causes willful damage to as: fref