The wall . . . Wednesday ... on which the prophets MICHIGAN Partly wrote is cracking at the . . STATE NEWS seams. . - Peter Winfield STATE . cloudy and cool. High 27 UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 3, 1971 FREE FROM JAIL w\ High court exempts poor /1I A J who cannot pay fines WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Haven women who were on welfare were L Court unanimously ruled out jailing people simply because they are too poor to pay their fines. The decision, in a Texas traffic Tuesday barred from filing for divorce because could not pay court and sheriffs costs. The New Haven they 1968 that the states may limit access to then- civil courts by the fees. Justice requirement of Hugo L. Black dissented. He said could have enormous impact across the case, Legal Assistance his colleagues were governed more by their Association took up their cause, but a own sense of fairness than by what the nation, since a large percentage of the three judge federal district court ruled in - Constitution says. people in jails and prisons are there only because they cannot pay a fine. Justice William J. Brennan said HALFBACK MOURNED imprisoning a convicted poor man for an offense punishable only for a fine is invidious discrimination in violation of the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection of the laws. In a second ruling, the court ordered the Heart attack termed states to open their divorce courts to poor cause of Love's death people who are unable to pay the cost of their suits. The 8 - 1 decision came in a case from Connecticut, where people seeking divorces By JAMES SHELDON have to pay about $60 each in court costs. State News Staff Writer Justice John M. Harlan said the Council right of all citizens to due process of the laws, and to Thomas E. Love, 22 - year - old varsity the only avenue for dissolving an untenable halfback for the MSU football team, died marriage, makes the system early Monday night at University Health The Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities document was passed in the Academic unconstitutional. Center of what the county coroner termed Council Taken together, the rulings jTuesday in the Con Con Room of the International Center. David Wright, COGS representative tomeeting the held council significantly advance the desire of poor people for equal a massive heart attack resulting from blood introduced w the document. clots in the coronary artery. _ ^ n treatment. State News photo by Doug Bauman Love, Sylva, N.C., senior, was stricken In the Texas case, Preston A. Tate, a with severe pains in his chest and arms Houston laborer who earns $25 to $60 a while en route to his residence hall after a week, accumulated fines of $425 on nine pickup basketball traffic convictions. Unable to pay the fines, game late Monday 'o uncilpasses he was committed to the (See related story, page 12) municipal prison farm for 85 days. Brennan said that since Texas has afternoon in the Men's Intramural legislated a fines - only policy for traffic Building. offenses, it cannot subject poor people to Wilton Martin, defensive tackle for the the harsher penalty of a jail term merely Spartans who was accompanying Love, grad students' rights because rushed for assistance when the halfback they cannot pay the fine. m He suggested the states might have fines paid off in installments, as California, could travel no further. While Martin was gone, another person reportedly found the Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New stricken Love and drove him to the health York, Pennsylvania and Washington do. Or center. THOMAS E. LOVE By DAVE PERSON The council also approved an amended in Love was pronounced dead at 7:30 Justin Morrill College, to add a they could adopt other procedures p.m. State News Staff Writer version of Article 7 of the Academic clarification sentence to the document was recommended by bar organizations. For Monday by doctors at Olin after a Tommy's teammates and coaches," Duffy Freedom Report for students which gives a 40-minute attempt to revive him failed. Daugherty, head football coach, said, "not approved. The sentence reads: "The rights example, the state could put the man to | The Academic Council reviewed and step - by - step procedure of amending the and responsibilities of graduate students as work or find him a job. Jack Holmes, Ingham county coroner, only because of the suddenness but also i the Graduate Students Rights and because he was such fine young man, report and allows anyone in the University identified in this document do not nullify At the same time, Brennan said, the explained the heart attack may have been a a ponsibilities document Tuesday after to propose amendments. the rights and responsibilities of students in court was not ruling out the imprisonment result of "stress and strain" and added that greatly respected by everyone." faking a few changes and additions. In other business, the faculty "no one will ever know why" the death Visitation was held for Love Tuesday in body general under the Academic Freedom of a defendant with the means to pay a voted to incorporate the Graduate Council the Estes Report of 1967." fine who refuses or neglects to do so. occurred. - Leadley Funeral Home. The into the faculty bylaws. According to In the Connecticut case, a group of New "It came as a great shock to all of body will be taken today to Love's stated rationale, the intent of the A footnote to the document states: hometown. incorporation is to "legalize in the Bylaws "This document pertains to all post - Gunners duel of the Faculty the present status of the graduate council as approved by the baccalaureate students at MSU except those enrolled as professional students and FUND HANDLING Academic Senate." those enrolled as nondegree graduate students." In mountains David Wright, Council of Graduate Students (COGS) representative to the Bishop N. Pipes Jr., professor of If south Laos council introduced the rights and responsibilities document and explained that it is the result of 21 months of humanities, voiced his concern over the amendment to Article 7 of the freedom report which certifies approval by ASMSU on any changes in the document. He said UMW leaders indicted discussions, interviews and open hearings. WASHINGTON (AP) - W.A. "Tony" Hubert H. Humphrey was He said that he thinks "the need for this that unlike the council, ASMSU "is not set year the with two counts of making illegal political ISAIGON (AP) — South Vietnamese and Boyle, 66 - year - old United Mine Workers unsuccessful Democratic candidate for contributions. kind of a document is very clear." up to be academically grounded." president, was indicted Tuesday on 13 fcth Vietnamese gunners dueled in the Gina D. Schack, Miami, Fla, senior and president. Two others were named as unin dieted The document has sections on: academic counts charging him with embezzling UMW •untainous jungles of southern Laos However, the indictments charged no coconspirators, Suzanne Richards, Boyle's rights and responsibilities, University undergraduate representative to the funds and funneling $49,250 illegally to 11 ■sday. High military men said it council, told the council that ASMSU was wrongdoing by the groups that allegedly executive assistant, and Robert Rowe, eared both sides were employed graduate students and graduate political campaign committees. received the illegal contributions, both former director of the league. regrouping and assistants, judicial structure, academic a closer representative of the students than Also indicated for activities carried out Inferring for bigger action. the University Student Affairs Committee between 1966 and 1969 were two other Democratic and Republican. ■Field reports told of some governance, procedures for amending and This latest attack on Boyle's stewardship ground revising the document and approval and and that a voice from both bodies would top UMW officials, secretary »hes in the area, where 16,000 South - treasurer of the union and its funds was in create "the best of both worlds." John Owens and John Ptnamese troops are trying to disrupt the implementation of the report. Kmetz, director of indictments handed down by a special ■rth Vietnamese ^Chi Minh trail. supply system on the The fighting was light The council changed the document from its proposed form by changing the Chitra M. Smith, associate professor in James Madison College, said she opposed the amendment because she did not want the Labor's Non UMW's political arm. • Partisan League, the The biggest recipient listed was the federal grand jury here, Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell announced. Prof queries minimum number of members on a The indictment involves the Ppared with the bloody hill fighting last to see ASMSU "jacked up" to the same most graduate students' guidance committee Salute to Humphrey Dinner but Committee, prominent labor union leader accused of of the South Vietnamese a position of duly elected student which the (Please turn to back page) from three to four. A motion by Paul M. Hurrell, professor representatives who will sit on the council. indictments said received $30,000 in October, 1968. That was the crime since teamsters President James R. Hoffa went to prison. accuracy The UMW issued a statement saying "we completely deny all allegations contained in the indictment" and "we are confident opinion poll jMan's flying that our innocence will be demonstrated. "We are confident that the courts will not sustain the government's attempt to abridge the First Amendment rights of our members. The scientific validity of the recent MSU to resemble Any said, was money expended by the league, it to secure passage of health, safety opinion poll is being questioned by a marketing research survey expert who said the questions allowed no conditional and related laws beneficial to the union's MEDFORD, Mass. (AP) - Jonathan span of experimental foamed 200,000 coal miners, and no UMW official answers and that the type of sampling used I Mead, 23, has aluminum and balsa wood frames secured any personal benefit. in the poll "pretty much went out of designed a pedal - I powered airplane that he shaping a plastic - film skin, will weigh "Chip" Yablonski son of slain insurgent practice in 1936." says will fly 1 now that only 119 pounds. With a 140-pound mine leader Joseph A. Yablonski Sr. who Eli P. Cox, professor of space - age materials and marketing and I methods are available. pilot it should fly on about 1 to 3 has carried on his father's battle against the transportation administration. said J Right now all he has is a fat thesis, a horsepower, less than the output of UMW leadership, welcomed the respondents were not allowed a degree of I $1,000 many model airplane engines. indictment. And he said it is time for Boyle uncertainty in answering the 10 questions engineering prize and a scale of the poll, conducted Feb. 23 and 24. 1 model that looks to resign his $50,000 • a - year like the offspring of "You can make a brick fly if you job and for I J b"zzard and a coat hanger. But while Owens to step down too. "If the purpose to was get mass put a big enough engine on it," says frying to raise $12,000 to build his Mead, explaining what spurred him to Yablonski's statement urged the Labor participation in something, it was I Plane, the Tufts University graduate and Justice departments to place a successful. If the purpose was to really find explore man - powered flight even out what people think, I doubt if it was I student in design engineering is monitorship over the independent union though he has had no formal and "freeze its very successful," Cox said. | thinking He ahead. aeronautical engineering training. assets to assure the "If this was a student envisions an "America's Cup" of propriety of its expenditures." group only, I man The maximum penalty, on conviction, would congratulate them. But if this was - powered flight with teams from With the help of a computer. Mead I ®r°und could put the UMW leaders behind bars for an official poll, I think it ought to be as the world drawn together by a set about designing the most efficient I wste for five years on each count and cost them a scientific as we can make it," he added. technology and man's old possible plane around a human engine. "The thing I object to the most is that $10,000 fine on each count. I bird"1 °f flying motor,ess ,ike the The result is an unlikely looking One count charges Boyle with everyone was forced to answer 'yes' or I The dream hai. been bird: 107 feet wingtip to wingtip - embezzling $5,000. Another count accuses 'no.' Many times a 'yes or no' answer scarcely more I [uitful than that of world amity: about the same as a 727 jetliner — and him with conspiring to embezzle and to simply isn't representative of anyone's I ™ways the wax has melted, or the 15 from the tail, which is in front, to make illegal political contributions totaling view." I D|ceps have tired or the oars have been the propellor, which is in the rear. $49,250, including the $5,000. Eleven Robert Perrin, vice president for I y£ avy- But all that, says Mead, was But Mead and the computer say it counts charge Boyle with actually making University relations, said a conditional | °erore technical advancement. will fly - at 15 feet altitude and such contributions. response format was considered but M*ad figures his cruising speed at 18 m.p.h. Kmetz was charged with the same discarded because of the additional work plane, with wing conspiracy and embezzlement counts and (Please turn to back page) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 1 . news summary WASHINGTON FBI (AP) - investigated the Capitol bombing in official probes The FBI Tuesday A theory that the bombing was the result of a conspiracy centers on remarks attributed to the bomb was made were news to him. bombing officials had located a house where they suspect Visitors were barred from the bombed Senate Capit off limits to visitors. Army Capt. Edwin Jeyner, theorized that the a bomh c silence while an anonymous radical letter writer Capitol Police Capt. Leonard H. Ballard. bomb, 15 to 20 ^ * of AP and UPI. claimed responsibility and theories sprouted like He has been quoted in news reports as saying wing of the Capitol Monday, but were admitted dynamite, could have been conceal^0' mushrooms. The Capitol returned to near normal activities, the Capitol switchboard received two calls, one from Spokane. Wash., and one from Chicago, almost as orders to usual Tuesday. Capitol police had inspect packages and briefcases and briefcase, but he said there wasn't say for sure. enoiSgn i?le*t to'IH and a Senate public works subcommittee began after the blast at 1:32 a.m. but before major were keeping visitors and unauthorized Capitol an inquiry to find a way to bombproof the news agencies spread word of it. This would workers away from the immediate bomb site He said the bomb was thought to haw u I historic building while still leaving it open to indicate someone outside Washington knew where buckled walls created a hazard. slipped behind washroom. a five - foot high false wall ^I wall mthe| visitors. about the bombing in advance. During the day Powell testified before the In one of the few concrete developments, Capitol Police Chief James M. Powell said, Senate Public Works subcommittee and suggested Subcommittee Chairman Mike Gravel "We have 44,000 people who , however, that he had no knowledge of such calls. that security could be tightened by expanding Alaska said the purpose of the had opportunities to express something or someone called "The Weather hearine' u J their Underground" claimed to have set off Monday's The Capitol switchboard also received a call a and upgrading his patronage - laden police force, determine how the bomb was planted in th r ■ opinion. I'd call that opportunity. early morning explosion in radical letters half hour before the blast, in which a male voice by inspecting packages and briefcases and by place and how such acts could be p— ^*1 We wanted to try to get the postmarked after the event. said "This building will blow up in 30 minutes." possibly making some more areas of the Capitol the future without barring the public "We have attacked the Capitol because it is . . . The caller added that "This is in protest or the campus community involved in a monument to U.S. domination over the Nixon involvement in Laos." thinking about these questions." One theory is that the bombing was an inside planet," said identical letters received by The - Robert Perrin, Associated Press and the New York Post. The AP job, the work of someone who would know vice president letter was turned over to FBI investigators who about the out - of • the • way men's washroom for University relations requested it. where the bomb exploded. Even Senate majority FBI spokesmen, meanwhile, refused to leader Mike Mansfield, D - Mont., said he didn't (See story, p. 1) know the comment on the investigation. However Atty. room was there. Gen. John N. Mitchell remarked tersely at a Chief Powell said the FBI has taken over White House ceremony that evidence points to complete responsibility for the investigation. He "something less than a conspiracy." said published reports that law enforcement Columbian students riot Thousands of university students, carrying black flags and screaming antigovernment slogans, battled with riot BUILDING EVACUATED police Tuesday in downtown Bogota, Columbia. The students, representing nearly all the 16 universities in the capital, first gathered peacefully in Independence Park to protest the death of a university student last Friday in Cali, Columbia. Bomb threat called The student was one of 15 persons killed in Cali during a day of street fighting with police and soldiers. Third defeat dealt rule change into state's Capitol The Senate Tuesday defeated, for the third time in a With Monday's bombing of Nearly 500 persons, including turned up nothing and that 23 - day debate, an attempt to end the run on talk about the U.S. Capitol in mind, Gov. Milliken, were evacuated its filibuster rule. Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, conceded "there's legislators, newsmen secretaries did not hesitate to and from the Capitol after the caller told a House of Representatives Capitol workers could return to their offices. The evacuation was ordered Baby bug evacuate the state Capitol secretary that a bomb would go This car is personalized with its own name: "Buggy Baby." It is not only an indication of the not much life left" in his attempt to change the rules and by the Dept. of Administration, Tuesday when an unidentified off in the building at 2:15 p.m. which conferred with Milliken. type of car but also its size. State News photo by Jeff Wilner make it easier to end future filibusters. caller phoned in a bomb threat. "There's a bomb going to go The vote this time was 48 to 36, eight votes short of off in this building at 2:15," a Athletic submits Council the two - thirds majority now required to limit debate in raspy voice told Anne Stoneham, secretary to House the Senate. It represented no headway for Church and his allies, short by the same margin as in their last USSR, Japan Clerk T. Thomas Thatcher. Michigan State Police were cloture attempt, one week ago. alerted immediatly and sent Nonetheless, Senate leaders agreed to let the debate sign accord their bomb squad for a search. for another week. proposal for ice rink run on The State Police were aided by new TOKYO (AP) — Japan and the Lansing Fire Dept. and the Soviet Union have signed a Lansing police. No-strings grants urged cultural and scientific exchange The Associated Press reported agreement for 1971 involving that the senate convened at 2 Contending federal requirements spell delay and stifle exchange of scholars, p.m. and immediately adjourned fund's $1 million and an additional $10 million from a student I technicians, scientific data and after learning of the threat. By JOHN BORGER imagination in use of federal funds to combat crime. works of art, officials State News Staff Writer tax. Students would have been taxed $10 per year until the $111 State Police announced at President Nixon Tuesday proposed giving the states million construction cpstp apd interest on the original capital loin I announced. 2:23 p.m. that their search had S500 million in no were entirely paid. ; v. ,,•< I - strings - attached grants for law enforcement. A proposal for a new ice rink has been Submitted to President A student vote on the tax issue had originally been scheduled,I Wharton and Executive Vice President Jack Breslin by the In the first of six revenue - sharing proposals he plans- The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Athletic Council. but highly vocal opposition to the building eventually halted ail University, is published every class day during four school work on the project. to send to Congress, Nixon called for elimination of terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. The facility would be financed entirely by the athletic building Fuzak said Tuesday an ice rink had always been the to. requirements that states provide matching funds, obtain Subscription rate is $14 per year. fund without a tax being levied on students, John Fuzak, Athletic priority construction item, but that other factors - student! prior federal approval of projects and maintain their Council chairman said Tuesday. registration could be conducted in an All - Events Bldg. to free I own spending in the same areas. Member Associated Press, United Press International, Men's Intramural Building, an ice rink would cost less, etc.-I Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, The proposal is being discussed by top administrators, but no Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press formal decisions or recommendations have yet been made. Any prompted consideration of the basketball arena before the ice \ new buildings must be approved by the board of trustees before facility. Association, United States Student Press Association. Unions sign agreement actual planning or construction can begin. The considerably lower cost of the ice rink would enable its | Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Fuzak said he could not tell when an ice rink, if construction without imposing a student tax, Fuzak said. approved, Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services would be completed, but he said "our hope is to get it done as An agreement designed to streamline work rules, Building, Michigan State The building fund is financed by the sale of season studentl University, East Lansing, soon as possible." football tickets. The $2 per game charge was begun several create more jobs and cut costs in the heavy construction Michigan. ago "with student support," Fuzak said. years| industry was signed Tuesday by 17 AFL-CIO unions and the National Constructors Association in Washington. Phones: He said the council had started the charge after consulting with I Editorial Charles H. Pillard, president of the International 355-8252 "Several years ago when the council was looking systematically student government and residence hall groups, although noactuill Classified Advertising 355-8255 vote to determine student opinion was taken. Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and chairman of the at all inter - collegiate athletic facilities on campus, we concluded Display Advertising 353-6400 that perhaps our poorest facility was the ice rink." he said. The fund negotiating team of the 17 Building and Construction Business - Circulation 355-3447 currently contains more than $1 million, he said. Trades unions, said the agreement proved the industry Photographic 355-8311 The present rink does not allow enough ice time for free could work out its own problems without outside skating and physical education classes and is inadequate for interference. hockey matches, he said. OUT ON BAIL "Hockey is a very fast - growing sport in terms of popularity," he said. "There's a lot of student interest." Agatha Christie honored A little Belgian detective with an "Hockey would A pay its own way and more." proposal in winter, 1970, for an $11 million All - Events Bldg. for inter - collegiate basketball failed to be approved after Narcotics raid egg - shaped head, magnificent considerable student and faculty protest last year. moustaches and too tight patent 6 persons - leather Buckingham shoes was Palace decorated in That facility would have been financed through the building nets Tuesday - in absentia. The decoration from Queen Two MSU students and three marijuana and posted $1M Elizabeth actually went to other area residents were free on bond. Agatha Joel Smith of Lansing « bond Tuesday following their Christie, 80 - year - old queen of arrest Sunday on narcotics charged with assault with into murder mysteries and creator of Hercule Poirot, the fictional sleuth charges. A sixth person was to commit great bodily than murder. He | ~'"J harml^ charged with assaulting a with the eccentric "gray cells" which policeman following a raid by bond. . MISS CHRISTIE area police agencies at 1420 East Lansing police said w always penetrate the crime curtain and Haslett St. were not involved in the raid W solve the problem. the narcotics division of jj Ronald N. Vetere, Detroit senior; Stanley G. Michigan State Police could Heat Beck, seen no threat to lakes Southgate junior; Thomas W. be reached for comment Perry of Southgate and Robert Tuesday afternoon. . A published report analyzing the impact of manmade Antkow of New York were District Court Judge Maunj thermal discharges into Lake Michigan has concluded charged with sale of marijuana E. Schoenberger said all " increases in lake temperature and water loss due to Whatever it is, here's the thing to hang your hang-up on. and posted $2,000 bail. persons demanded l'rfliml. ■ Got a yen for signs: Libra, Pisces, Taurus? Hang it on. examinations at ■ evaporation as a result of heated discharges are Phyllis Gautier of Cheboygan arraignment late M° 1 Got a thing for oth * things: symbols, emblems, charms? "negligible and will continue to be so for the rest of this Pick'em out. Har._ .n up. Let'em show. was charged with possession of afternoon. century." The LITTLE HANG UP is the new way to say what's Lansing 393-8568 Analysis of the other Great Lakes shows similar happening to you...right at the time that it's happening. 6200 S. Pennsylvania results, the report said. Delicately tailored, absolutely round, one piece GOLD- FILLED or STERLING SIL VEH BANGLE (with charm). Call Sub AMC talks resume Here are just a few of the many charms available. CLIP THIS COUPON AND SAVE* have their Negotiations resumed Tuesday between the United Auto Workers and American Motors Corp. in Detroit, ]| 50' * i| fe I A SAVE with .hi, 50c toward th* purchai* of: S 50' subs del the only remaining major auto company without a new contract. I! CO* ANY MEIIER to your Talks had been in abeyance since Feb. 16, when AMC made the union a wage offer which the union BEAUTY SALON SERVICE DELIVERY HOURS immediately rejected because fringe benefits were not 6 pm - 1 am Daily included. 4 pm - 12 Sunday Call The UAW's AMC council has set March 8 as a 351 • 4731 "bargaining deadline" for reaching Whether that also would be a strike deadline was problematical because of the AMC situation. an agreement. fine Jewelers 219 E. Grand River 0 Meijer BEAUTY SALON ®- 4980 Northwind East of Yankees All Deliveries over $3.00 - Free Sub Villa Phone: 332-3917 JV/iy Pay More! All Deliveries under $3.00 - 25c Extra. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 3, 1971 3 New avenues sought in My Lai testimony _ BENNING, Ctfl. nrMMINfi Ga. fAP^ (AP) — - Meanwhile f.h» # .CI1JCU1 ... . . B * „t l02 'court - martial of Lt. already has a limited go ahead - unarmedLa? of tb. extermination edict yet been ordered to stand court would be m L. Calley Jr., resumes from Kennedy to delve into a - up to Judge men women mHH hu's calling the when both government and Vietnamese civilian in a well helicopter crash less than three * orders h. he .L,received I i""i"? from BarTer 8°»?n>nent witness. ...... m,n man military jury iurv has has the the ri.hf right the abuse of prisoners and months after My Lai. antns alter m oarKer Medina has been - and the government obvin iv . T-cnargea charged withw,tn to to ask ask that that certain certain witnesses of its Vietnamese women. Calley, «-■» — 27, is accused of the hopes to show they fell far short ?sPpnsib,llt^'foJ the shooting of own choosing be called io snow Civ.hans at My Lai, but has not - they could include Medina. ase-fire end nears Mideast By The Associated Press | folks I s With time running out in the .... day night for failing to idrile East Middle East cease - fi«i . fka fire, the chief Israeli withdrawal. mit itself on withdrawal UN diplomats of the Big Four Fo'refgn Minister Ahh.yet to offer "a Arab territories occupied matching Jarring has received from the conferred in New York on rai|J|„ ? A . . commitment on withdrawal" Israeli ambassador the Israeli the 1967 war. to'ting statement was made in , comm„„ique ,o get the stalled Arab d affaires, O^ren^ZurheUra6 reply to Egyptian peace by Foreign Secretary Sir talks moving. They are the Israelis repeated their Anglo - Arab to Egypt, and the reaction from Douglas - Home, who apparently snagged on the oppositon to moves by3the Association reflected the Cairo has mainly been negative. ed Egypt's diplomatic The United States, withdrawal issue. At the ZJSH&JSl ^hoF0Ur wh'°r couT^^flu^nre Conservative government's The me Sovietsc Union sought i. time, Israeli Middle East necotiaMon^86 av°wed aim of strengthening its nphasis on withdrawal of emphasis , France and the Soviet leaders conferred with with Wactom Western m'oale ,ast negotiations. relations relations with states of nf the tho Arab a,«k Israeli fnrr Israeli forces. The United States were reported becoming diplomats in Jerusalem Douglas - Home praised to arid. favored withdrawal also, but has Egypt for offering a "public and The foreign secretary also made reference to international pressure for a total to terms with Egypt, ^hl}6 current whlle Pled8ed British backing for "insubstantial" changes in the Big Four exchanges on a frontiers prior to the 1967 war. system of guarantees for any Egyptian p"President :J 1 Anwar 4 Arab - Israeli settlement. Sadat has coupled his acceptance lection of officers doing so he appeared to line up behind the latest Soviet demands for speedier Big Four action in the search for a Middle East °f the cease - fire extension with a demand that Israel make a partial pullback of forces from the Suez Canal. He said Egypt would then Catching Easy up on current events and the latest sales before rea peace. re open the canal to a class begins can be an informative The latest cease fire expires shipping. way to use extra time. State News photo - by Terry Luke or RHA scheduled Sunday, although Egypt has not said it will begin firing at this time. Israel reported increased in soviet union By DONNA WILBURN candidates have the promise of 20 definite votes State News Staff Writer Egyptian activity in the Suez 30 Jews given exit visas necessary to win," Mauter said. Canal cease - fire zone. The The open meeting will begin at 6:30 military command in Tel Aviv he election of president and vice president of p.m. and is expected to last past midnight. "We will reported the Egyptians lofted a dence Hall Assn. (RHA), the result of the hopefully have a new RHA president by man in a balloon to photograph ger between Men's Hall Assn. and Women's Israeli residence Council, will climax tonight's Thursday morning," Mauter said. positions and that two The newly elected president will appoint other MOSCOW (AP) — About 30 Soviet Jews have been given number of collective letters over the past two years and a founder A-WIC meeting, Egyptian jets swept over the permission to go to Israel, Jewish sources reported Tuesday, of the Jewish underground executive officers, including a recording secretary, central sector of the canal. chronicle, Exodus. of Tuesday afternoon, three students had Most observers here believe the latest moves treasurer and executive assistant, with the Against this background, the adding that the exit gate has been open for some of the by Jews to nominated for president and two for vice troublesome to weaken the protest movement. persuade the government to respect Soviet law& <*/emigration approval of the entire representative assembly. UN diplomats consulted on iident. The Jews were granted exit visas after two sit ■ ins at the were worked out RHA officers will assume their new positions communique that was expected by Fedoseyev and others who have recently E. Mauter, president of MHA, said he reception office of Supreme Soviet, the parliament building. departed. during the first group meeting of spring term. to deal with expiration of the ects a few more contenders to be nominated The Jews sat in for nearly three hours Fedoseyev and his wife, Rachel Rubin, left Moscow, last Nominated for president are Michael S. cease - fire and possibly big Four Monday before a Soviet ng tonight's assembly meeting. official requested that they select six Saturday for Israel. Some people have not yet openly Flintoff, Grand Rapids sophomore and vice guarantees of eventual peace persons to discuss their declared demands for permission to emigrate to Israel. The government's encouraging president of East Akers Hall; Paula M. Fochtman, settlement. response to the Jews' efforts, didacy, but might be nominated in the event the sources said, also has a Petoskey sophomore and vice president of West The United States, the Soviet They were told to go to the emigration office where they negative side. They provided the compromise agreement," Mauter said. Akers Hall, and Diane M. Rathnow, E. Detroit Union, Britain and France each would receive exit visas. The group left for the office and were following examples: Jnder the RHA constitution, top positions received by an official named Shutov, the sources Pyotr Dubrov, a musician, was attacked by three men on a sophomore and president of Wonders Hall. had different versions of a reported. not be won without a majority of the Shutev told the Jews they would be permitted to leave even if Moscow street Feb. 5 shortly after he had applied for an exit visa. Nominated for vice president are A. William communique. The soukes said fesentative assembly in agreement. And, with He was beaten unconscious after he refused to withdraw his Golling, Farmington junior and vice president of one common element was they were unable to obtain character references and invitat ioi*> voting representatives, comprised of the MHA from Israel, required for emigration. application. When he reported the incident to the police lie was WIC Holmes Hall,and Richard Yarborough, Malvern, impatience over the Israeli warned that he was spreading anti ■ Soviet delegates, candidates must win at least Pa., sophomore and vice president of Shaw Hall. withdrawal stance. The shift toward militancy in the Jewish tactics already has propaganda and that if votes to attain an office. re,, '.ed in a number of exit visas he continued to tell the story he could face a three to six Mauter stated he did not consider running for Western sources admitted to being issued mainly to leaders sentence. year Representatives may also abstain from voting, of the emigration movement. flauter speculated that it will probably take an office since he would be exasperation, but said they Last week, three Jewish writers were graduating in June. didn't want to issue any Among those who have left is Viktor Fedoseyev, who was expelled from the Soviet Writers' Union after they had applied for exit vists to Israel. Two ballotings to reach a compromise that is Susan Carter, president of WIC, said she was statement at this time that might unquestionably one of the prime movers behind the plan to build eable to the majority. of them, Zinovy Telesin and Vasil tired from the activities of the past year. "One jeopardize the deiicate nature of an active emigration movement in this coungry. Baumvoll, were also ousted At this point I do not believe any of the from the Literary Fund, which is a combined trade union year is more than enough," she said. UN envoy Gunnar V. Jar ring's Ironically, Fedoseyev is not Jewish. He was the author of a and subsidy agent that also administers writers' old - age pensions. back your outdoor expeditions with sturdy knapsacks by Karavan from our Miss J shop a boon to hikers and climbers in tough grey canvas to back-pack or carry from the shoulder A Pouch-and-pocket style 14)4*11 $10. B Single-pouch style, 12)4*8 $6. Bathing Suit Includes Fashion Jacabsorie reduced prices Show J dojp* Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigai Wednesday, March 3, 1971 5 ition ctive ing evenue ASH I NtiTON Lsident Nixon's (AP) revenue , t regional comm . plan suffered I uesday it:, revenue sharing program Kit i n sharing ,ts the I*"! ,bul the P'()posed Senate egislation would authorize it set million dollar budget Tor the commission in 1972 This, the of Maryland who called the present system "the most this way of major legislative setback ground that the comi »lt those iife J Senate committee work wouli or our years, thus flying administration reasons, would essful of all federal desires th,J „ a believing that this kl |roved a bill to save the $1 which states could carr >uld duplicatt that DhfrT ,n f Nixon's give Congress time to pass programs tisnt. Appalachian antipoverty under re coiiimiooinn P °Ut 1 he Nixon's revenue sharing plan Gov. Arch A. Mooie Jr. of sharing. without financial interruption to ' AKt . West Virginia chairman of f choice ^at involved 1 the Senate with the The Appalachian Regional ' "" has ° never been the regional commission's the commisi testified in ol Kent to Development VISUal,zea ~nent . their way Act of 1965 •>*<- programs. of the Public Works hearings on the Senate bill that pre^'W pumped''iniilViis ofdoHm iiiTJ e,n' Jt"nnin«s -- - — bill now before the the regional panel "is too iion- Most nless peop|e 4 ininiittcc ||fe of e was a the bill to extend 13 state a mountainous from New York ridge of poverty ^ndolPh',D W-Va., said ^1° a,lerafter oenate Senate was introduced by Sens, important an innovation in our 1ved they honestlv J alachian Regional - bolsterthea to Mississippi to S m*et,"K- feel that whnt.m^ ^ "bul u "n",A " Randolph, the Publ,c w* Handolph' Public Works Works federal ^deral system to be dropped." ■'■ dropped.' am at this dwl Lniission four years and the In the ' not he Hunt, in ^ W°r c . Committee chairman, and John ■ ■ ■■ He said the commission needs only afraid thitl could be do e in f„!,r » past, Congret has Sherman Cooper, R Ky„ and it about $900 million in federal Gay Lib is leading rferent J ■patachian highway project authorized A p p a I a c h the work c I he administration, which has the co - 55 other senators. sponsorship of about funds to finish the Appalachian conclusion .1 |e years. highway system. whe administration has Commission ,7^!.?*; "nlyproposed 8 °.nea $273 Similar legislation has been Nancy (J anew every y two extension, *,Jear Possible impetus to getting Spring Lake sopho, introduced in the House. the In addition to extending the Randolph Cooper bill Feb. 26J through Congress may come Appalachian act, the new bill from two influential leaders who backl would provide for 90 per cent r federal grants to existing airports oppose Nixon's phase for the commission. out plan for general improvements They are would also set up Speaker of the House Carl 100 per cent Albert D.0k, and federal grants for aerial Democratic Whip Robert C. navigational aids, such as takeoff and Byrd of West Virginia. landing equipment. Strong support for continuing The Appalachian <. Regional , \ Nisi the regional commission was Governor's Conference here last Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, week. Kentucky, Tennesse, Virginia, One of the most vociferous of North and South Carolina, state chief executives backing Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi the bill was Gov. Marvin Mandel a"d West Virginia. changes rejected Members of the MSU Credit to gain the necessary _ three - ? ' Union rejected a proposed bylaw fourths majority for'approval, Chuck All amendment Monday night which Bauries said, would have changed the size and ansing graduate stud Feb. 20,1! selection method of its credit red it committee committee, Fred Bauries, asst. considers loan applications from Mud professor of advertising and the the union's members, :C OK Where the end zone begins and ends in this football game would be difficult to tell with group's publicity chairman, said Tuesday. amendment would have redu< the committee from five to th this muddy field. With a coating of mud, even team flayers would probably be difficult to Although more members members, Bauries said, ike this recognize. favored the change than voted opportunity State News photo by Terry Luke against it, the amendment failed He said the amendment also asm for a worthwhl would have provided that the iown, MSU pre I program for sur IRE PROBE FINDING committee members be selected by the union board of directors, urope. 1 was a rather than by direct vote of the 1970 Vienna gra membership. Warehouse sprinkler off d I can truly say thi ;rewarding experia Vern Severence, MSU general (rinan improved gra stores manager; Marvin setting and from Solomon, professor of natural r instructors, whoi science, and John Zimmer, asst. By BOB ROACH The fire truck was lost when flames id MSU. "exploded" out of a side dean of the College of Natural State News Staff Writer of the building where firemen had ;he Vienna group just set up the ladder. Science, were elected to the A replacement will cost more than $50,000, and it h; intellectually While normally board of directors Monday, investigation continues into the cause of the fire that takes two years before delivery can be made. cultural events Bauries said. stroyed two buildings Saturday night, Lansing Fire Marshal fun and education! Hip K. Alber reported Tuesday that the sprinkler system in the Drug Education Center From last sural rehouse where the blaze started had been shut off for five ( what great stut irs. s, and coming from Theodore M. Terzian, son of the warehouse owner, said lichigan student, ' sday the report was correct but added that the sprinklers were off under the advice of the fire department d up strongly urge anyo for the Gen Bremen speculated Sunday that the blaze might have been itained in the warehouse, rather than destroying the adjacent ind Rapids Sash and Door Co. plant, if the been operational. sprinkler system begins 24-hour schedule Robert dollar estimate of the losses has yet The Drug Education Center volunteers, doctors and lawyer Curtner said that the DEC been made Lansing fi Michigan sophoa e Chief Donald Burnett this week began operating on a on call, and is equipped to refer believed there was a basic was reported out of town Tuesday Feb. 18,U^^king a replacement for the ladder truck destroyed in the blaze. 24-hour schedule when it moved persons in need of additional difference between using drugs Terzian said the sprinkler system was shut off following freeze into new quarters at 405 Grove assistance to qualified persons in and abusing drugs. mage in 1966. St. the Lansing area. ( - - 'It was beyond repair and the fire marshal advised us to turn it According to Robert Curtner, We believe there is a he said. MSU graduate and spokeman for The DEC also is serving as the subjective difference that people Terzian added that the system was too expensive to repair or the center, the new center will primary source for a drug have to define for themselves," lace. offer drug information materials education course that will be he explained. "We provide Alber said he thought the system was operational until reports and round the clock crisis offered beginning March 29 at information and confidential ^ ^ stcame in from firemen at the scene Saturday. assistance. the People's Learning Center at advice, making no judgments on I C The warehouse system had been inspected since 1966, but The center has trained 404 W. St. Joseph St., Lansing, the individual's final decision. I w • • re was no indication that it was not turned oil, he said 'We're seeing more of a trend now that people are turning olf 'ir systems when they freeze in the winter. We're going to need of certain ritual(l« aw rwluiring people to keep their sprinklers operational." he jllgrimage. Or tall Cerzian said it s ite. was impossible to estimate the cost ot replacing warehouse. good deal of a'l At 203 E. GRAND RIVER lore honest about today's prices, it would cost millions of dollars," Ik said 'harles J. Archey, Lansing general managci of Grand Rapids n, it's pretty clear h and Door, said his is most of us a« plant was a total loss. The plant employed men and distributed construction materials, !until we have firo ire , ;her. generally a degre Further, f« department officials have not yet determined the cause ol blaze, and the investigation could continue for several days, Sale! Washable Antron we are exiled herei the, Nylon Shirts in 5 Colors e ke the Mecca ne«l nyWay di ELans t ;„|,L certaii™ accepted its an Keg $8 5^99 The great jean top you'll really groove on for style and comfort! Short sleeve, placket button front with breast pocket in cream, white, navy, brown, red. Sizes S, M, L. 1 y Sale! New Shipment Of Flare-Leg Denim Jeans my Reg. $8 2 PAIR ^ Great looking, great fitting denim flare - leg jeans in belt loop, zip front styling. Navy in sizes 7 to mi Shop All Day Wednesday 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Michigan St?te News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 3 | Council studies towing beefs By SYLVIA SMITH and does not control rates or notification policies State News Staff Writer "The whole arbitrariness of the system, the wav it "The whole arbitrariness of the system, leaves the student at the mercy of the person who i j no,i According to persons who have experienced it, automobile the way it is now, leaves the student at towing," the OCC representative said. s oinH the towing in East Lansing can be exasperating — and expensive — the mercy of the person who is doing the One student said he was charged $20 bv a » because of the lack of an established, citywide towing code. towing." towing his car 1.8 miles. y °Cal to*« f» "There's a need for a towing policy in East Lansing because Another student said a guest of his parked in the an « there's too much indecisive action that the gas stations or parking lot after 2 a.m. to avoid receiving a parking ti l e61 wreckers can apply," an Off - Campus Council representative said East Lansing police. The car was towed and the own*. 1 ^ Tuesday. between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. and may not exceed $12 after 6 p.m. $!3. wntr charge "Gas stations who tow cars go around and cruise looking for • Hates for storage are not to exceed $3 per day for storage East Lansing City Manager John M. Patriarch within a building or $1.50 per day for outdoor storage. said the cars. They don't receive a complaint," the representative, who attorney is presently studying the proposal. ck, asked to be unnamed, said. • Towers must notify the registered car owner by certified mail within 48 hours if the car is towed from private property. The Complaints such as this resulted in a proposal to the East towers also must notify the police department. Lansing City Council by ASMSU representative Claire Guthrie. • Towers may charge the owner of the car for the cost of Miss Guthrie said she would like to see a towing policy enacted in East Lansing modeled after the Lansing code which sets these qualifications for wreckers: mailing the letter and for the first 48 hours of storage but may not charge after that unless he has a receipt showing the certified POLICE • All wreckers are licensed. letter was sent to the car owner. • East Lansing currently does not require wreckers be licensed Towing rates are established and may not exceed $10 PERRIN CONCERNED INGHAM COUNTY talking to detectives. PROSECUTORS declined to take action Monday against a KEITH E. KUSTE: blackout hit Chelsea Nixon's Lansing resident who was caught sophomore, told of Monday he discovered g news writing words of an old song on a wall in the lobby of the MSU Dept. of Public Safety. and tire with value of $55 a total estir missing frora recent interview. effective instrument" and said An officer in the station vehicle parked from By RICHARD BALL Sunday Perrin, who worked for the University problems are reportedly observed the man use Monday in the traffic loot United Press International and different from federal ones only a purple marking pen to write East Fee Hall. p The only time a news in degree. "How you gonna keep them the Detroit Free Press before Just resting blackout is justified is when "a demonstrable coming to MSU, was critical of "MSU is in a transition period down on the farm, after they A VOLTMETER valued military President Nixon's recent from Hannah to Wharton, with seen Nirvanna?" while he was $48 was reported Waiting, watching or just resting, this student takes time to justification to save lives exists," embargo on news from Walter Adams in between. That sitting on a bench. somtime between Feb. 25 sit on a stair ledge and make herself comfortable. Robert Perrin, vice president for shift is not easy," Perrin said. Southeast Asia. Police said the man was Monday from a shelf in a -* State News photo by Terry Luke University relations, said in a Perrin also said he is "alarmed He said the University has "irrational" and came to the room on the second floor at the sharp decrease of open been going through a station voluntarily after he was Fairchild Theatre, John conferences which, with all "reappraisal of responsibility" stopped earlier in the Student Hanley, Rochester soph- SAMPLING PROJECT press their difficulties, provide the that has not been "shattering" Services Building for carrying a told police. public with an opportunity to because President Wharton's .22 caliber rifle with a curved Police said they found see the President respond to "style and decision - making barrel. evidence of forced entry to Scientists to take questions in an unrehearsed process is understood." The man was released after situation." Perrin's background includes work in government as an administrative Michigan's assistant to Ad hoc panel holds fingerprin late Sen. Patrick air McNamara director of and the Economic Opportunity. as deputy Office of one ROBERT PERRIN time, Perrin said. Speaking as a "citizen - Brody Hall waste burners, isolated from other pollution The late President John a LOS ALAMOS, N.M. (AP) - Scientists are using an atmospheric sampling program to build library of pollution 'fingerprints" that sources by areas of relatively clean air. "Such isolation in a relatively clean area makes it possible to develop techniques for observer," Perrin said Nixon's relations "highly with the selective" press are and Kennedy enjoyed "good relations with the press," Perrin said. "But his personal charisma meet at eventually may be used to tell where a offending "deliberately designed to present By MICHAEL FOX characterizing chemical composition and size was an important factor." meeting from 11:30 a.m. to 1 implementing the votingstu particle comes from, where it goes and how long the best possible posture of his He said Kennedy might have State News Staff Writer it remains in the air. changes in particles from various sources at p.m. Thursday in the Brody Hall representation in the Co administration. encountered "sour The University College ad hoc The project is carried out jointly by scientists distances up to hundreds of miles from a some dining "ningroom. room, Advisory Council and' "The credibility factor (in committee on student source," a laboratory spokesman said "This not periods" if he had lived. At the meeting, members of standing committees, from the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Vietnam) has become zero," Perrin called the federal participation in the academic the committee are expected to The Committee will hold the Air Force under the readiness program only can be used as a tool to predict the Perrin said. However, he said, movement of pollutants, but can be used as an bureaucracy "a remarkable and governance will hold an informal go from table to table asking for first substance meeting M originally used to track down debris from Nixon inherited the credibility student views on what role he said, atmospheric nuclear testing. important meteorological aid for relatively long - range forecasting," the lab's test division gap fttrth the Johnson students should play in the "Until now we have si Since atmospheric nuclear tests have been associate leader, George Cowan, said. administration. academic government of been listening to students banned by treaty, the scientists are checking other kinds of pollution. RB57 aircraft from the 58th Weather The scients use "neutron activation analysis to fingerprint the particulate sources through the He called former President Johnson's "indescribable." press relations Accident vic University College. "We found this is far more effective than to call an open faculty," Ezell said. A questionnaire went out relative ratios of the elements present," Cowan week to general educit; Reconnaissance Squadron at Kirtland Air Force Perrin said Johnson's press said. This process is used to identify elements in meeting," Macel Ezell, asst. classrooms and to some r Base in Albuquerque fly air sampling missions within a 500 - to 600 - mile radius of particles from automobile exhausts, power plant smoke, sawmill waste burners and oil and gas relations were "indescribable and highly personal. He leaned toward small group chatting over out of intensive professor of American thought and language and chairman of division classes to further student views on the question Albuquerque once or twice a week, a Kirtland refineries. the study group, said Tuesday. student participation, he said. drinks and visits to the LBJ spokesman said. A scanning electron microscope is used to He said the committee hopes One black organization ranch." Joseph L. Schechter, Ann Arbor junior, was reported in fair They collect particles from clearly identifiable identify, examine and photograph minute condition Tuesday afternoon in to complete its collection of asked to respond to Johnson had the habit of Sparrow Hospital with injuries he pollution sources such as the coal - fired power pollutants — to show what individual particles sustained in a Feb. 25 accident near the entrance ramp to 1-96 at student and faculty views this questionnaire to obtain plants in northwest New Mexico and sawmill look like. watching three television sets at the 1-496 intersection. term so that members can write opinion, Ezell said, different aspects of a first draft He said that to < Spokesmen said Schechter was removed from the intensive care of a report during spring break, unit where he had remained in serious condition since the faculty has not had much to Ezell said the committee about student participation, accident. A truck driver who struck Schechter told State Police that hopes to submit a report to the "in general, it's not neg" Schechter apparently was walking along the freeway and Unjversity College faculty by at this point. We're optimi mid - April. The proposals will about faculty response to suddenly jumped in front of the truck. No tickets were ;issued, outline suggestions for report," Ezell said. troopers said. lanslng mall's Bean researchers awarded Camper and Trailer Show for distinguished service Today-Sunday Two MSU scientists involved with bean research and educit See this fantastic array of campers, trailers and motorized have been presented homes from 10 top area dealers. Distinguished Service Awards by Michigan Bean Shippers Assn. Free admission. Axel Andersen, professor of botany and plant pathology, Clifford Bedford, professor of food science, were recognized their contributions to Michigan's bean industry. El lansing mall 5330 W. Andersen has carried out research and educational programs bacterial blight control. Bedford has helped European pro- Saginaw Hwy. use the latest techniques to process Michigan - produced and has aided the bean processing industry in the United 3?"$ „ Hea the Mating Diamond Marquise Cut $325.00 t Shape $425 Interlocking Trio $295 Tiffany Solitaire $250 10% Discount For MSU Students 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 3,1971 7 Wrigiey announces a giant step backward: the return of the returnable bottle. Remember when you had to Vernor's(29oz.). Starting this week tote bottles back to the store to will also have Coke get we (63^oz.), and your deposit? Well, Wrigiey brings Seven-Up (28 oz.). So now you can these not-so-good-old-days back start buying returnables again. Bot¬ again. Not to give you the exercise. tles have to end up somewhere. But to preserve the environment. Bring them back to us. Non-returnable bottles don't If you prefer, we'll stili sell you cause all the pollution on earth. But non-returnable bottles. But if you get they sure do contribute. behind our return to returnables, we Of course, we like the will provide more and more of your "convenience." We like less paper¬ favorite brands and sizes. work. We like easy solutions. But there are more important things in life, and the beauty of our surround¬ ings is one of them. We feel that returnable bottles are a forward step back to the right direction. Accordingly, | Wrigiey is again stocking returnable bottles of Pepsi 8-pack (16-oz.), Hires Root Beer 6-pack (12 oz.), Squirt (28 oz.), and :wrigley; ) Help save the earth.. .you can't go anywhere else. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March? , STUDENTS' WORKS Quartet 'Instant critics' rate films performs By ROBERT KIPPER rewarding. To this reviewer, the median strip of Grand River and pulverization with a falling Last people State News Reviewer weekend almost became instant movie 1,400 festival yielded two excellent films, two surprisingly good ones and a host of works that, Avenue, flanked by bumper - to Physics book all come into play - bumper, rush • hour traffic. as war takes its familiar toll. The room is soon filled with cracked Sunday MSU's Beaumont strin. sustained, Quartet will perform critics when they viewed "The although not had "Throwing Off" contains the eggs, fragmented armies and works by chaS Second Coming," the MSU student film festival. moments worth remembering. qualities often lacking in student dashed causes. "Eggs" is a clever films: economic length, smooth idea, cleverly done. Baniszewski Mendelssohn Mozart, \Vebern at ^ "Throwing Off" 4 The audience saw nearly two The most popular film of the composition, unswaying theme is a Erie, Pa. sophomore, Sunday in the Kellogg (£ hours of short productions after festival was also the best. and, above all, the ability to "I Saw America" auditorium. 6 ntar which each viewer was asked to sustain interest. The film was the Camera and editing tricks Members of the quarts. vote for his two favorite films. (The ballots were tabulated by hallway of Berkey Hall as it goes A student is trapped in a work Birmingham of Jack Epps Jr., junior, who also dominate content and brevity in this film. A young man takes a wit., Verdehr, Theodore Johnson, ffSj JX awarding one and two points beserk. Rooms beckon to him, their doors served as the film's bewildered, stroll as the symbols and J1?5 L,y and Louis Potter nan Hodl"an,vio? respectively to each viewer's first swaying and engaging hero. frustrations of modern times Jr., cello and second choices.) persuading and sometimes flash on the screen. it Tb® P^gram will inci'u. The critics' choice: demanding he pass through "Finale Fantastic use of sunsets and a Quartet, K. 575, jn ^ them. Second prize went to a kaleidoscopic Major" by Mozart, "Sech. "Throwing Off," a film that array of camera stunning film montage that tricks distinguish a film that Bagatellen, Opus 9" received more than twice as Inside, each room offers him Webern and J many points as the runner - up something different. In one, depicts the racial violence, length weakens. wartime Still, the film "Quartet, q2 Mendelssohn. E MinorS atrocities, student succeeds in film, "Finale." businessmen localizing frustration m ' i ?• I m tempt him with turmoil and social unrest of our $25 Those films prize awards. won the $100 and Following money. In another, freaks tempt him with drugs. Down the hall, a "mes- and events expression (most of the are recognizably based in Quartet p The performance, the public without open to behind them in order were room gives him a gun and puts Initially, "Finale" makes its East Lansing) and does credit to charge b The Beaumont String Quartet will perform Sunday in the Kellogg Center auditorium the presented by the "Eggs," "I Saw America," "The him in uniform. As he moves point with rapidly presented still ts cr;eator' .Wayne A Munn« E»st on Dept 0| main floor. Lecture," "Blue Moon," along, he is tempted with sex, photographs. A picture of a ^nsing junior, "Daybreak" and "Effects." All overwhelmed by media and racial lynching here. A mangled other films shown received less war victim there. Flags browbeaten by library's waving at than 50 points. knowledge. a one moment. Flags draping HOW TO DO A UNIVERSITY' The audience also was asked coffins the next. In total, he confronts all the to appraise the festival itself. frustrations, temptations and Climatically, the use of films Profs book Most responded enthusiastically. college life One viewer wrote on his ballot, supposed values of today's transposed over stills creates the "I liked it to ecstasy." Indeed, the festival proved society. Frustrated, he flees the building. Outside, he strips off his clothes as he bolts down the illusion of the destruction of the world. Billowing clouds fill the screen as innocent mushroom Billed as a 190 - page pen book asst. professor of psychology; on m children chant the Pledge of feel covering problems not normally William Crano, asst. professor of confused, misinformed and n for the first time Allegiance on the soundtrack. "Racism," accord found in freshman inadequate." Thr._». ,ccord",B college psychology; Dr. Arnold Wemer, . „ u rnornton, Barclay and fw A musical Stylistically "Neurosis college journey thematically pertinent, "Finale" expert, pamphlets, "How To Do a asst. professor of psychiatry, and students is among almost normal wa8 written f- University" deals with topics Charles Thornton, research understand, although into the soul of a nation was the work of J.T. Mitchell. such as tests for mental illness, assistant for the Equal because of the extreme pressures mK«op t™ w„ b \ 1 bK "e99s" „ sexuality, the double bind of Opportunities Programs. homework assignments vs. real and conflicting student role. o, u. 2B£»- «—i _ . Three dozen eggs wage war in Barclay said he started writing learning, effects of drugs, the book at the request of Wiley They charge all - wu t .orm1., ro°™film. n . ineffectiveness of campus Book Publishing Co., which said institutions „ Baniszewski s Waving demonstrations banners, marching troops, identity. and racial it wanted an informative book professors emphasize learning as utionaiized ra telling students how they can the most important thing while i* |Wu ure ^ I J cannons, hand - to - hand The book was written by best Byf JAVON JAVO JACKSON hpijpv__ it combat, the clergy, the royalty senior author Andrew Barclay, survive the rigors of they assign an overabundance of . „ .. gently superic university life. homework interfering with the ., . cultures. especial Barclay said he was chosen students' assimilation of the th " ese. ltut'ons- & NOW THRU SUN. because he taught a class, achieve maximum benefits. learned material. This is a fy'deny ,hl> validityc 2 GREAT HITS "Motivation and University Life," perfect way to cause anxiety in if.™Ia^ ®xpencnce and try | tAST LANSING ON M 43 » PHONE ED. 2 1042 and was familiar with the After writing the basic outline students," he said. make blacks lose their raci functioning of the University, book and the chapters on identity. Behind every "successful" man is an the ~ needs" o f stu den ts "and "the' the history and function of the Crano wrote the chapters . on Barclay said whites take understanding woman...or two...or three! interaction of the University and university, Barclay asked other the drug subculture and on the granted how to approad its students. experts to contribute to the student demonstrations. learning - what courses to til The main purpose of the book book- campus and how to schedule their tin according to Barclay is to show demonstrations, Crano recorded Many inner city blacks do nt students how they can best use Werner, author of "The ThC . , ... . d.,« ♦»,„ the pattern of events: First the d«al w,lt.J «®«™«ng this Oft6tl fall COUFS6S, he S&ld. t^nbihdoir«rk to stay in school but with time c°,umn n,n **the state News ^ chapters on the detection cfllHonfc houo leads o stud®nts have *grievance to a demonstration wh'c^ irrimronnn wkinK "Racist whites do not beta left to deal with social and England' sponsored by illness> the effecls of followed by arrests that Muse a that some blacks could find the Campus Crusade -popular st^ for Christ. developmental Issues. He stresses In the text how d on the mind and ^ an IN A DAVID l WOLPER Production students can evaluate their «>e physiology of sex. a police confrontation which university behaves as if the blac sight and sound experience of Israel's ELLIOTT GOULD "I LOVE MY...WIFE" progress over the four - year "The 'new morality,' leads to more arrests, students bring nothing to past, present and future. Shown Twice at 7:07 • 11:20 college span. He relates what to Barclay said, "makes students negotiations, arbitration and university and take everythii Wednesday -7:00 Wilson Auditorium" expect from college and how to pretend to indulge in and enjoy 9:00 Holden G-8 amnesty. The students are freed, away from it. Thursday-7:00 Holmes Room 106 "THE SEXIEST, WACKIEST FILM YET!"-playboy sex at a time when they fed but the grievance 9:00 McDonel Men's Lounge sexless. Most students in college unresolved. "Blacks want to keep tlx ^fjda^7^0^^1assroon^ blackness but still graduate so to attain credentials needed An MHA-WIC Presentation Heironymus MERKIN :| find a job in a racist societj Blacks may play the game ever TorfjelflilRCY Humppe j| CINE SERIES -3 tough militants on campus, I will they be tough in Cairo, ALL or Alabama?" he asks. OF Gkcvdie White culture, according Barclay, has plenty to learn fro the "spontaneously alive" bbc Gkcuv culture. Ut WKAR-AM SH to host rock OVER CHINATOWN! opera forum Room The new rock opera, "Ja 109 No Christ, Superstar," will Anthony 75' I.D.'s I examined from both a religio and musical standpoint at 5:! p.m. Saturday on WKAR-AM. ;*★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Robert Anderson, chairai of the Dept. of Religion; Path Forget your troubles. Come on Richard Loehrlien, director Lansing Community Ooll Get Newman Center and Jos^ Happy . . . Back to a time Buys, sales manager of W will participate in the disc' when "War" was only something kids did to the soles of their shoes. RONMOOO OLIVER REED HARR/SECOMBE asTagr,' asBuSWc' asVrBurttte »SHANIWLL6,w win T>ver'ptey«3MARK LESTER TheAittuiDa^-Deyed^JCKWlD iin^ww^LIONELBARt Mjscal SuperMson and Afrangemenl by JOHN GREEN Chore^apr^andMuscaiSequencessJaeBdbyONNAVVHITE Produdon Desert t* JOHN BOK Phaloerap^OyOSWALD MORRIS Scrwr^aybyVERNON HARRIS ftoduwdfty Orededby ^*2# JOHNV10XF CAROL REED mmrimmv ® Suflg..t.d for GENERAL (uditncM. ^ SANDY WILSON'S 8:30 in Brody THE B©y FRIEND $1.00 admission A Musical Spoof of th« 1920 s I.D.'s required . cs St oo Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. March 3,1971 Q Top fil ms ROBERT KIPPER Ryan's Daughter/ Poppa?' head list of 1970 s best, worst By State News Reviewer roSP|LC""dnl'v«;W ""5 "sts "nd vear l< Tc" B« order> of«'■ »' 1»TO (in preference): "Ryan', "R.P.M.," "Zabriskie Point," pants down "Myra wrap-ups, one feels obliged to "Beyond the Valley of the Breckinridge." Daughter," "Five Easy Pieces," Dolls," "Myra Breckinridge," film reviewer worth his "Little Big Man," Most unnecessary scene: The "Patton," " ^Performance," "Move" and "Sunflower." "W.U.S.A.," waiters' dance in "Hello, Dolly." m p can "resist making inealer n""®8ers- fiends and "M*A*S*H " "The Bovs in the Best imagery: "Fellini Valuations .«,n In at the end of a film fooTw filmJ or"T^th0"oWy Band'" "The Great White HoPe" Michigan, because of new films, or more than 200 and "The Owl and the in Best Actor: "Patton." George C. Scott Satyricon." Some screen firsts in '70: One Best Actress: Barbra Streisand bombardier lost his stomach and "The Owl and the Pussycat." another was cut in half by a Worst Actor: Anthony Quinn swooping airplane in "A Walk in the Spring Rain." Wit h magazines and rable" of those hours Ten Worst: "Where's Worst Actress: Barbra "Catch-22;" two men wrestled nude in "Women In Love;" the Poppa?," "Tora! Tora! Tora!," Streisand in "Hello, Dolly." camera followed a bullet into Best Director: Bob Rafelson IUSIC, THAT IS forr "Five Easy EaSV PlPrpc Pieces." " Best Supporting Performance: and through "Porf7»'m<>nnn "Performance. » a man's head in And, finally, 1970 would have Chief Dan George for "Little Big been better . .. Man" If Ali MacGraw had taken Piano quest Best line: "I beg your leads pardon, lessons on how to say "bullshit" boys, but you are intruding on from Barbra Streisand, my privacy so I'd appreciate it If Richard Zanuck had been very much if you'd just - off," fired from Twentieth Century spoken by Barbra Streisand in Fox's presidency before he "The Owl and the Pussycat." sponsored "Tora!," "Myra" and geologists to rock Worst line: (Tie) "I could love "Beyond the Valley of the a woman until the roof comes Dolls." off the house with happiness," If Mae West had not heard spoken by Anthony Quinn in "A Walk in the Spring Rain;" and about relaxed censorship until Film fiasco after she wrote her lines for By DAVID BASSET geology department members Laughing at criticism of the "Mv.ra Breckinridge." State News Reviewer attempted to acquire a piano. group's musical credibility,Fine spoken by Rex Reed in "Myra If John Wayne, instead of «i u -ii . . m ... claims that geologists have every Breckinridge." Cary Grant, had given up movies "Myra Breckinridge/' a 1970 film, was heavily promoted but disliked by many critics, claiming Best Scene: trvine to ppf a n" ° 7 "S ri®ht to COIts'dered as serious with his invalid Bobby, alone to become a perfume salesman, it as tasteless. The film starred Raquel Welch and Mae West. I Music critic Ralph J. Gleason Jffe| brea8ks .. ^ QaviTsaT musicians *he next Ruy. empty field in father "Five in an Easy Lee said that no entity exists ■bout which a rock song cannot During the ensuing battle for ■e written. Students in the Dept. the piano, the group decided to "There's a strong gut feeling f°r music in the Dept. of storm see Pieces." Most exciting scene: The MUSTARD SEED in "Ryan's ■f Geology, writing music such register itself with the University Geology," Fine says. "A lot of Daughter " "March of the Sediments" as a club. people enjoy performing music, Multimedia Most sensual scene: Alan parable d "Requiem for a Feldspar" "I though it would be big not Just music students." comparing lovemaicing to a Bates Jiay be proving that Gleason was hassle, but all they wanted to eating a fig, in "Women in light. know at Student Services was if While no concert dates have Love." 1 These two tunes as well as we were g°'ng to discriminate been set, the group rehearses Funniest scene: Louis XVI A light - sound presentation of the age - old parable of the tiny Ithers such as "Let There be aga'"st anyone," she said. regularly in Miss Davis' living arriving at an elegant ball dressed mustard seed will be shown at 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the St. John's Student icks" compose the program No one to mind that room. as a giant bird in "Start the Center, 327 MAC Ave. "I still think I'm a "rock oratorio" describing composer Richard Wagner, who Revolution Without Me." The socio - religious multimedia show is described by its teaching religion," Velbeck said, "but I'm not creators, Brothers Robert Hollis, S.M., and John Velbeck, doing it in the classroom. We use a low . "geological creation" written died 88 y^rs ago in Venice, was "And we're still working on a M°st notorious scene: Raquel S.M., as - key, open - ended a glimpse at the bright side of life. approach so the viewer can develop his own ideas." A performed by the geology registered as club president, she piano for our coffee breaks," Welch cornering a young man "Current movies Admission to the show is $1. ts added. Miss Davis said. stmnned strapped over a tahiptable with hie his are full of negative conditioning," Hollis said. "They operate on the premise that everything must get I Webster defines "oratorio" as before it gets better. \ I choral work on a usually "We operate on the premise, however, that celebration, life and ■riptural subject consisting Volunteer Bureau the Easter bunny are part of the full human experience. ■iefly of recitatives, arias and The show is presented in three parts, employing three slide lioruses without action or projectors, a complete sound system, a 16 mm movie projector, a lenery." Handel's "Messiah" is custom - built triple screen and a computerized programmer to I example of the oratorio. synchronize the audio and visual effects. I Most Velbeck said that while the show is seeks student help of the composition was educational, one of its ■itten by Michael Fine, New lork City junior. I "It's a combination of classic & MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES Id insane forms," Fine said, Anyone interested in working with the life. You might help him with school work o ktuch of the music is a parody VoliMitser Bweau should contact the office in just do "fun" things together. ■ Gilbert and Sullivan, Wagner the basement of the Student Services A little boy in Grand Building. Ledge needs help ii ■d Schubert." reading and other homework. Can you help? Volunteers must be willing to spend three to ■ Mary Davis, The Ingham County Mental Health graduate assistant five hours a week on their volunteer work and Dept. 1 geology, said the project needs one student to work with a must have their own car. junior - high - ■iginated when a group of aged boy who reads at a fourth - grade level. A young girl wants very much to become a Volunteer must be male. beautician. She needs tutoring help so that she Are you a psychology major? The county [rogram set can pass the cosmotology test. Could you spare two or three hours a week to tutor a 13 - year- old boy in math and English? mental health department needs a therapist aide. Community work is involved. For details on any of the above volunteer He'd really appreciate it. |n delinquents Be a friend to a 17 retarded boy who needs something to perk up his - year - old mentally opportunities, contact the Volunteer Bureau, 353-4400. Also needed are Big Brothers and Sisters with their own cars. Big | The MSU Broadcasters Guild II present "The Treatment of lelinquents" at 11:30 a.m. Iturday on WMSB television, prold Gazan, director of Insing Boys Training Center, 111 discuss the change in leatment philosophy at the j Your kind of place! UN Lounge J I Basement, Union Bldg. ■ ?■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ NORTHSIDE Drive ^ . * * '• Qeatre THTT PhBfy/jDv). ADMER I 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 3 '9711 TOP EMPLOYES CHARGED Publisher su By United Press International superintendent of the hospital, economic and social pressure, to an attempt to stifle freedom The publisher of a Northern Robert Mosher, the hospital's threats and innuendos attempt of the press by the use of Michigan tabloid has filed a $2.5 administrative officer; Omer to cause the demise and economic pressures to muzzle a million damage suit against the Curtiss, community relations destruction of The Weekender." newspaper critical of the Traverse City State Hospital and director, and Wilma Schmidt, Traverse City State Hospital is hospital's action." four of its top employes. director of nursing. the largest single employer in the E. Gordon Yudashkin, The suit, filed with the State Traverse City area. director of the mental health jQhn p. McCann, the Court of Claims in Lansing. Last September, the department, suspended the b|isher of the Weekender, alleges the hospital tried to crush Weekender published a series of salary of Summerness for a week The Weekender, because the £ . thp four hospital articles about the death of following Kelley's report. ,oyes xt out to destroy the weekly newspaper published a series of articles concerning the np^ nreLurfntT^ocal Cronk- pressuring® local by P The articles attempted to anjilv7.p t.hp Hrrumstjinrps of the "The Weekender's" suit is the -visVj J . _ .. withdraw their . analyze the circumstances of the second filed in a month against death of John R Cronk a death to determine whether it the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. the Weekender, mentally retarded patient at the 6 was caused by criminal action, Francis W. Cronk Sr. of Ionia Traverse City Hospital. Named in the suit were: Dr. The suit alleges the hospital "did willfully, wantonly and gross causes. negligence or natural have asked the court for $4 million in damages, alleging gross Study M. Duane Summerness, medical maliciously, by persuasion, A special medical examiner This student uses natural surroundings as his study corner. the sun as lighting. negligence in the death of their has exonerated the hospital from 26 A bench serves as a chair, a trash barrel as a foot rest and State News photo • year - old son. by John Harrington criminal Parade permission death. activity in the man's However, the examiner issued a report to the state COLLECTION DRIVE URGED mental health department granted to lib group indicating noncriminal negligence was involved. Bottle build-up solution offered By United Press International A pathologist hired by The Lansing City Council, upon recommendation from Police Cronk's parents conducted an Chief Darold Husby, granted a parade permit Monday to a autopsy which concluded Cronk Women's Liberation group allowing a march on the city's streets died of bruises and internal March 13. injuries. The hospital report nonreturnable bottles at central commercial trash collector who depend on students and various be added to that sum I A delegation from Wayne State University's women's liberation listed pneumonia as the cause of gathering spots would pick up the bottles and on campus. service groups to make sure the commerical company wnavea| met with city councilmen to protest an earlier denial of the death and did not mention any At the East Lansing City take them to a nearby plant to bottles get there, Towl said. 'he glass. pick UD|I permit. Helen Schiff, a member of the group, said the council had other injuries. An MSU employe hopes he Council meeting Monday night, be melted for reuse. The commercial pick - up plan the I used a new law that requires 30 days' notice for the first time Later" Atty. Gen. Frank J. The only stipulation to has a solution for the problem of council members decided to He said drop - off bins placed could be self - supporting if the market price Is that the when it denied the permit. Before the meeting and council Kelley released a report accusing nonreturnable bottles. explore the possibility of at every residence hall would be <■ 1 ZI bottles are segregated at the approval of the permit, Miss Schiff said the women would take the hospital of attempting to Ted. W. Towl, administrative working with Towl on such a ideal but the bins would cost drop off stations, Towl and clear glass be separated ic TV "I I court action against the city's new ordinance if necessary. muzzle" the Weekender - because ui_~ melting for by assistant in the center for project. However, Towl said he about $1,000 each. explained. i_ She said the demonstration would be to protest the state's pressuring local advertisers. requires glass of the same color I laboratory and animal research, has not yet been contacted by Consequently the bins would The market price for a ton of s»irt L abortion laws and bring pressure on the legislature for "free and to be placed together, Towl Kelley's report said the is attempting to organize a anyone on the council. have to be placed at strategically *on glass is $20, which —,J would mean "I would hope that we legal abortions." hospital "made the state a party campuswide drive to collect Towl said he knows located stations. would no other monies would have to could! get the whole campus mobilized! church groups, Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay Mor fraternity | . . Why Pay More! . Why Pay More! Why Pay More! and sorority groups, and dorm | groups, to get people educated! CHOICE ECONOMY to segregate the bottles," Toil | said. MEIJER Towl said the drive v CHUCK STEAK 67? 57? probably not begin FINEST operation until the beginning of | spring term. I Always FINEST properly "Once people are educated to do something like this, they fill | Aged "™"' ' in the groove and will to do it," he said. continue! U.S.D.A. OSCAR MAYER - PURE PORK ARMOUR STAR - ANY SIZE PIECE CHOICE Link Sausage Prof outlines Guaranteed Braunschweiger to be TENDER with OSCAR MAYER Sliced Bacon - REGULAR OR THICK SLICED ■ I CANNEDARMOUR STAR 3 (Jk 2 OO ARMOUR STAR - Chunk Large Bologna ANY SIZE PIECE ways to end HAMS 5 lb. six* 9 lb. tlx* HOLLY FARMS * HOLLY FARMS T.L.C.-IN MEAT CASE "Testender" '4.49 »7.29 5 Pak Chicken Liverwurst Fresh Dog Food 7-ox. oa unemployment! WITH COUPON Charles C. Killingsworth,'! FALARSKI'S professor of labor and industrial! relations, told a congressional I subcommittee in Washington! WHOLE Tuesday that the adoption of 11 public service program was the best way employment! to! reduce current unemployment I | "Why Pmy More!" [Ml HERRUD'S - AU BEEF Speaking before the I' Select Subcommittee on Labor,! FOOD CLUB Skinless Franks the labor and industrial relations! PURE PORK HYGRADE'S BALL PARK ARMOUR HOT DOGS 1 KRAFT 6'/«-ox. wt. box ARMOUR STAR SLICED PEPPERONI expert also said the Nixon! LINK PORK Sliced Large Bologna SMOKED unable! % Noodles Romanoff ' - administration has been SAUSAGE - 69c HERRUD'S HICKORY KRAFT 19'4-ox. wt. box SUMMER SAUSAGE SALAMI — - HARD SALAMI TASTY PARTY — SLICED to cope problem with the unemployment I because it is "the! ROLL PORK Boiled Ham Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce GENOA TANGY THURINGER unwitting victim of a powerfull SAUSAGE - 49e - VAN CAMP bias and illusion." I FINISH AUTOMATIC—12c OFF LABEL i That illusion, Killingworth ■ ROLL PORK Spanish Rice w« "n Dishwasher Detergent 4-ox. said, is the mistaken belief that ■ 57" _ „ SAUSAGE" 8? < PESCHKE'S jobs in the private sector are ■ more productive than jobs in the ■ Skinless Franks wt.pi Clean & Wax "1 ! public sector. He called it iff "private sector bias." I TOP FROST FROZEN A "The implication is that i| CASSEROLE A ' TOP FROST FROZEN men's room attendant paid by ■ private funds is contributin| I IZ* 49* more to the general welfare thanl MACARONI 8 CHEESE FISH x CHIPS | a teacher's aide paid by public funds," he said. Killingsworth dismissed a "kind of conventional wisdom I recent statement by Secretary ■ |49< a MoreV'l "Why Pay 15' OFF LABEL of Labor James D. Hodgson that ■ IVORY 32 FL "the best job creation program is I AUNT JANE S a healthy economy." I He said no informed analyst! OZ. BTL. PICKLES FRESH PAK POLISH DILLS NO GARLIC DILLS ANY ONE JAR KOSHER ICEBERG DILLS ^■LIQUID disputes that proposition, but! that economic growth alow 1 would not solve the problem otH chronic unemployment. ■ KLEENEX "The fastest economic growtt | 2 TOWELS 2/691 that is reasonably predictable ■ 39- WITH COUPON Roll over unlikely the next two years to reduces DECORATOR Pkg. unemployment below the per cent level," he said. "A public service employ^®1 ■ n«| I program is the most esse" I * We Reserve ingredient in the remedy w■ 31° SAVE 31c 18 Q> SAVE 18c o 43'«S> chronic unemployment, ■ O with thlt coupon <1 to Limit Qu concluded, "and U is a'50 | toward tho purchat* oft missing ingredient." !co^ H a. Mm purchat* of CO* ! riunnS PILLSBUI PILLSBURY | BIRDS EYE FROZEN SUPER »<« 4/89 10-OI. wt. box i TAMPON J *EG *« SATURDAY. MARCH ! Brownie PalsGOOD THRU WALNUT FUDOI CHOC. CHIP i AWAKE Jobs increasing SATUR0AY, MARCH », IWI J SATURDAY, MARCH ft. I THRIFTY ACRES - SUPER MARKETS I THRIFTY ACRES- SUPER MARKETS I THRIFTY ACRES -SUPER MARKETS | for female grods 25' A nationwide poll reCfe"jj!| SAVE 25c SAVE 16c 16 IV* SAVE revealed that 63 per cent of. ■ V2 u Mid-American CnilKKnrl snubbed (Kn the Mr* A A NCAA - a year ago, ZOO/?v /oo c\ i! ji i. c v«T. V ;. .. V m luiu-miiniuiii March wiarcn 18 i£5 and ana 20. The zu. East ine t »•••••» ... — line and their closeness has captured the past four trophies Since then MSU has terrorjzed obviously rubbed off in the attitudes of the team as they iI"VOred tbU^' the Big Ten wrestling have molded their strategy. TtaSSLrr t0 tTn ctodS Mock aims competition and has The Spartans have demonstrated national honors as well The "We all work together and we at Big 10 title superior power on the mats and all rest at the same Spartans won the NCAA title in time," Care odds on picks toconference sixthconsecutive win their 1967 ^ placed second last When they won the Peninger commented. quickest way to start a downfall "The » title this weekend at Purdue. national fruits four years ag0) in your program is to have By DON KOPRIVA second in the Last year the Spartans set Big Ten, behind a MSU was only the second Big goldbricks not working and State News Sports Writer Winzenried's 1:48.9, and puts good of the team here," Gibbard ronferenrerMordwhiiesweeping Ten representative to do so. everybody else knowing that him on the straight and narrow said. "He's one of the most GRADY PENINGER *o their fifth straight wrestling indiana reached the innacle in there is nothing wrong with John Mock has timed it right Path toward a sub 1:50 honest performers we've ever championship. No team has ever 1932. them. You can't allow that once again. clocking next week. had here." Reasons ie Spartan situation to exist. The senior half MSU's track team - miler on was slow in "John has been one of the most dedicated performers we've Mock's and - career at MSU down until 1970. As was i a Top ratings remain wrestling dynasty are many and varied, some inevitably lie in "Doug Blubaugh and I had the same college coach," he getting going this year, just was in — in 1Q7fl 1970, »«.♦ but kie his 1:51.0 as qqa he hadZTut^yeaW" MSU mTd'fidle he was hurt much of time and failed to help the intangible levels, but Peninger attempted to zero in the continued. "If you ever came in and told him that you couldn't distance coach Jim Gibbard unchanged in poll! pikk j said. on Saturday against Iowa team much unU, 8parklinPg on success story. work out because you were hurt dispelled any doubts about how lnh°S IkUwo mwt meetsc """ mile relfly duty at the end of the year. "You have to attribute it to a lot of hard work and a lot of his famous statement was, 'show EZtlgSST" B'6 As a freshman ... out of Mt. NEW YORK (UPI) - South Carolina and Kentucky made the TEAM 1. UCLA (23) (21-1) P9'!^TS good kids," he stated. "If you me the bone." He's got one aim for this week emens, Mock competed ...... don't organize Although comparing wrestlers and another for the next. And For Mock, the year has been a days of freshman Jnthe ineligibility biggest jumps this week in the 2. Marquette (9) (23-0) 3. Southern Cal (1) (21-1) 296 266 a tough with discipline that is also tough program is difficult because of different United Press International Board each ties in with Wisconsin half - bit different. He s been runing and posted a 1:10.7 600, which 4. Pennsylvania (24-0) 217 but fair, you'll create a situation competition, Peninger favorably Qf Coaches major college mile great Mark Winzenried. more volume in his workouts heWi as 5. Kansas (1) (22-1) 6 not to your liking." parallels this season's squad with Mock has never beaten the and his times in practice have until Bob^Cassleman Spartan frosh^ wiped markit off basketball ratings. 6. South Carolina (19-4) 7. Western Kentucky (2-4) 8j Recruiting is as vital to a past MSU * Badger senior, who, like Mock, is been much faster this year than the books this season. won eight in a row and njne of 8. Jacksonville (21-3) 78 successful program as trees are - - This weekend the Sparu Spartan 9. Fordham (21-2) co - captain of his team. The Mt. last. He's also given up a possible If desire is Mock's "cup of jts jq games, advanced one 10. Kentucky (20-4) to a landscape and MSU has grapplers will attempt to defer._ Clemens native was second to spot on MSU's crack mile relay tea," so too may be pressure. spol to lured several blue chip wrestlers g after boosting its 11. North Carolina (19-4) the winning tradition of MSU Winzenried in a school record - unit because he would not be Mock came through here in the record to 19-4 with 12. Duquesne (20-3) to its green and white mats in wrestling. three tying 1:50.6 in the last Big Ten able to run on it in the NCAA, dutch last year to battle vjctorjes last week. Kentucky 13. Ohio St. (16-5) indoor meet and followed that ... . . Winzenried in the Big Ten half, which ciinched its 26th 14. Houston (20-5) 15. Louisville (17-6) with a third, behind NCAa X relav trials Fridav fh SraT fifSoutheastern Conference title 16. Lasalle (19-4) Win/enried's first, in .be NCAA meet a week later at Detroit SUuM no""£ night and Mock would not be gaining all - America honors. 'nd .^...climbed, places to No. 10 by boosting its two 17. Utah St. (20-6) 18. (tie) Hawaii (22-4) able to run both. So the His team is better than past (tie) Weber St. (20-5) And so Mock's goal, naturally, Spartans will record to 20-4~throueh rami* of (tie) Villanova (22-6) is two - fold, and all it means is run_ the same years, too, and that should help Sunday, Feb. 28. two wins over Winzenried. And A6* Te" that W"' „ S,P"U" S"U,d? ha,e Mock seems to be timing things ® finished fourth and third the The Department of American just right. The 1:51.0 ranks him "John has sacrificed for the ye&*s Johns been competing SHUTTLE BUS with the varsity, and this time Thought and Language and For Our Service around it looks like the MSU the Department of English are team has the stuff of greatness Customers Spartan fencers and could challenge for the league title. Mock wants to be sponsoring a public lecture a part of "EMERSON'S REVOLT that and contribute to victory in [or Big AGAINST THE Ten big way. And nothing would a be bigger than a win over ESTABLISHMENT: Winzenried before the highly - A New View of Emerson" By CRAIG REMSBURG The Spartans proved last weekend that they partisan Wisconsin fans, Glenn Herriman State News Sports Writer were "on" by defeating Chicago Circle, 14-13, by . . . . Volkswagen, Inc. ■ For most members of the Spartan fencing and almost pulled an upset win over U-D before " ^twantto improve on GAY WILSON ALLEN 6135 w. saginaw st. pni, last Saturday's home action against the falling, 15-12. In the windup match, Chicago what Jd. last, year' Mock , phone 482-6226 piversity of Detroit and Illinois Chicago Circle - Circle won a close one over the Titans, 14-13. "which only .means . . New York University pnalled the end of their season. Schmitter was very pleased with his foil we 'a things, Thurs., March 4, 8 p.m. it six players must now face a tough day of squad, one of the few times this season he has Like a Big Ten championship, Gold Room, Union Bldg. ■mpetition Saturday when they travel to had a chance to. The foilers compiled an 11-7 to name one. ■lampaign, 111. to participate in the Big Ten record for the day, the only MSU squad to post a l^t. held this year at Illinois. combined winning mark. ■ Coach Charles Schmitter said he plans to take "Yes, our foilists came through all right," he SHEPARD'S 1"! Herring and Bill Mathers in epee, Ira said. "Ira Schwartz, especially, fenced Pwartz and Chris Held In foil, and Fred Royce brilliantly." ■d ¥"° Doug McGaw in sabre, in a bid to unseat State and that school's two - year reign as Schwartz set the Spartan pace by six of his bouts. One of his wins was winning all a 5-3 touch "NEED A DRESSIER SHOE?' IgTen champs. victory over Tyrone Simmons, the Titan's top ■ ^he Spartans will be facing fencers from fencer, who has a 43-3 season record. CHECK THIS ONE OUT Pnois. Wisconsin, Indiana, Minnesota, the Robin Luce won two of six bouts, one a key Pckeyes and newcomer Purdue. Indiana, win enabling MSU to defeat Chicago Circle, and ■nnesota and Purdue do not have varsity teams, Held was 3-3, two of his wins coming against 1 'hey will be competing with fencing club U-D. •mbers. The epeeists did not fare too well, J If we're on, we're as compiling a 9-9 mark. Mathers was the only tough as anybody," Bhmitter said in winner with a 4-2 record. assessing his team's chances in In sabre, V meet. "Our guys are capable of winning in the Spartans were soundly beaten, P1' weapon, but it depends on who is sharp at falling to a 6-12 record. McGaw fenced well, rtime and how steady the though, winning four of his six bouts. players are." $17 IN STOCK IN WHITE PATENT, BLACK PATENT, BLUE PATENT SIZES 5% thru 10 N & M CAP & GOWN RENTALS te j, Monday, March 2 - Friday, March 12 Park Free In Since 1944 - 8:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M. City Ramps First choice Fourth Floor Union For Information Call With Purchase aras of MSU students UNION DESK 355-3498 AVANT GUARD 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 3 l STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Peanuts Personal Special 10 words for $1.00. 355-8255 classified The State News does not permit racial or religious For Rent feankLy speaking . by Phil Frapk For Rent For Rent for Sale discrimination in its TV RENTALS - Students only. Low EAST SIDE. Newly remodeled, 8-TRACK advertising columns. The monthly and term rates. Call stereo, 8 track ^'* State News will 351-7900 to reserve yours. furnished 3 bedroom home. amplifier and AMf' not R anger UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C Carpeted, strict landlord wants in-c.r accept advertising which NEED GIRL for spring term Cedar serious conservative tenants. $200. 355-0892. 1-3-3 • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for Village. Call 332-0653 for 351-3969. O information. 3-3-5 25,000 Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or rent. A TO Z 349-2220. 0-3-12 RENTALS, MAN TO SHARE 3 bedroom home each. USED Library";^ Auto Parts & Service national origin. 5,000. 50c e*h ONE GIRL for spring term New with 2 others. 322 Hayford Street. JERRY'S FLEA Aviation TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction Cedar Village. 351-2394. ♦60/month. Phone 627-6081. 669-9311.3-3-5 ARKET • EMPLOYMENT guaranteed. Free delivery, service Reduction. 3-3-5 5-3-3 • FOR RENT and pick-up. Call NEJAC, TROPICAL FISH"and Apartments Automotive 337-1300. C ONE MAN Senior to sublet spring. $75. 10-55 gallons, l0* or graduate student. Houses STROBE LIGHT rentals by the night Capitol Villa. After 5 p.m., £T owner. 6^ VOLKSWAGEN 1962. Factory or weekend. Call MARSHALL 351-4615. 5-3-9 Rooms rebuilt engine, mag wheels, wide MUSIC, 351-7830. C-3-3 Rooms ANTIQUE SEWING . FOR SALE ovals, air, shocks. $395. 393-5945 RIGHT BY campus, 2 man furnished. projector. machi^ ' "« Animals after 5 p.m. 1-3-3 Air conditioned, pool, sublet. ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. Mobile Homes Apartments 337-0213. 3-3-5 Completely furnished. 372-8077 VOLKSWAGEN 1964 automatic before 4 p.m. C • PERSONAL heater, radio AM-FM. Good 414 SOUTH PINE. 1 bedroom EAST SIDE, 2 units, furnished. 1 condition. furnished apartment in older NEWLY DECORATED, neer • PEANUTS PERSONAL mechanical 663-8492. bedroom each. 3 months least. TYPEWRITER ELITE 5-3-9 home. All utilities paid by owner. $110 and $130. 337-0409. 8-3-12 campus, for woman. $12. Garage guarantee. - ~2 • REAL ESTATE Ideal for 2 people, $110 per available. 332-5187. 3-3-5 Like new 393-7678 anytime. 1.3.3 • RECREATION VOLKSWAGEN 1965. This bug has month plus deposit. No lease GIRL TO sublease spring. Haslett required. Call 6 - 8 p.m. only, Mr. NEAT ROOM. Quiet home for male SERVICE been well taken care of. Asking a Arms. $60 month. 332-2475. • reasonable price. 332-6417. 3-3-3 Alban 337-2510. 15-3-12 3-3-5 graduate. Fine location, IV AMPEX 800 Stereo UpTr Typing Service 2-8304. 3-3-5 Son* TC8 eight • TRANSPORTATION SPACIOUS 2 bedroom furnished ONE OR VW SEDAN, 1966. Mechanic owned. two girls. Riverside East. student apartment. Close, • WANTED Radio and new engine. Top $57.50. Call evenings, 351-8076. reasonable, parking. 332-0965. 0 DEADLINE condition. $950. 372-8130. 5-3-9 3-3-5 ENCYCLOPEDIA 'BW^ P.M. class 1963 FLOWERED ONE GIRL for Cedar Village spring / MEN. SHARE room. $130 a term. 1966 edition. Yearbooks 1969. Used very little tZ 1 one day Super Chicken Clean, quiet, cooking. 1 block to ly before publication. (Falcon). 2-3-4 $200. Call 482-8433. summer. 355-0903. 5-3-5 Reduction, Phone ww mlaiSHAiRr owt campus. 487-6753, 485-8836. O 484-5726. 3-3-5 Cancellations - 12 noon NEED TWO to sublease furnished SEARS 12" black and one class day before COUPLE SUBLEASE spring, , Call publication. Scooters & Cycles summer. Block from Union. apartment, 332-2390. 3-3-5 near campus. wi_«h earphone. $75. 355-Vl 353-7822, 10 -1:30 p.m. 211KD PHONE WE HAVE Moved. ROLL - ROSSER MAC. 5-3-5 Young America Corp. / 1304 Ashby rd. / St. Louis, Mo. 2, 3, or 4 men. 220 Cedar Street. GIRLS. SINGLES. Close, quiet, GARRARD SL65B. Less tl Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. private entrance. 1 available now. 355-8255 Phone 489-4811. Our new address TWO GIRLS for four man Phone 351-1394 (if no answer, 332-0939. 5-3-3 months old. Perfect con apartment. Spring / summer. Very 351-7319). S-5-3-9 $80. 353-1466. 3-3-5 RATES 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF close. $60/month. Call evenings ' CO-OP. LIVE off campus cheap. 1 day $1.50 NEW CEDAR Village. Graduate 1970 351-3115. 3-3-4 ADMIRAL frost 15c per word per day 1968 BSA 441 Motorcycle, Shooting For Rent For Rent woman preferred. Spring term. Friendly atmosphere. Close refrigerator, white, $125. • ft Star, 2000 miles. Call 372-7255. campus. 332-8491. 6-3-5 c 3 days $4.00 GRAND 351-2308. 3-3-5 393-5378 after 6 I-3.3 3-3-5 RIVER, E. Unfurnished p.m. ROOMMATE NEEDED for freaky 13'/4c per word per day apartment, appliances. Also 2 furnished rooms for man. couple. Come over 102 Albert TWO MEN wanted for 4-man at For Sale WIG - NATURAL hair, champ^ 5 days $6.50 482-0563. 3-3-4 Apt. No. 7. $40.00. 3-3-3 Meadowbrook Trace. 393-6299. blonde, cost $129, worn 13c per word per day NEED TWO girls own bedrooms, 3-3-5 SCOTT MODEL 17 speakers. Fisher cleaned. $75. - 332-3464, hour (based on 10 words per ad) EFFICIENCY: SPRING. Close to car necessary. 485-8588 after 6 MEN: ROOMMATE IS) needed to model 210 stereo receiver; TEAC 9 p.m. 3-3-5 Aviation campus. $115/month. 332-8894, p.m. 5-3-5 share luxury apartment near GIRL WANTED, New Cedar Village, model A4010-S stereo tape deck, Peanuts Personals must be after 5 p.m. spring term, reduced rates. used 8 track tapes, 8 track home LES PAUL 1971 model, b. 3-3-4 campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.m. - 6 - pre-paid. FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to 351-1687. 3-3-5 tape decks and auto tape players. new never been used. P-m. TF Complt learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE CEDAR GREENS TV sets - used color console TV. with warranty and faultli There will be a 50c service Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C 1 bedroom furnished AM-FM and police band radios, hardshell WOMEN: ROOMMATE(S) needed to case. $430. 484-276 and bookkeeping charge if share Italian tapestries. SNOW ski sale: 3-3-5 POOL luxury apartment near this ad is not paid V4 off on skis and equipment. within Auto Service & Parts MEADOWBROOK TRACE. Two campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.m. - 6 bedrooms sublease spring and / or Call 351 8631 Houses Swap and save. WILCOX HAVE A ball on a REBIRT one week. summer. Immediate occupancy. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East WATERBED. Mattress a< The State News will be AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and Michigan, 485-4391, 8-5:30 $48. Custom frames. Come 0 $200. 393-1876. 3-3-4 ONE BEDROOM furnished, $140. THREE BEDROOM Duplex, North American cars. If we can't fix it, it BURCHAM WOODS. Deluxe 1 and 2 p.m., Monday thru Saturday. C responsible only for the Plus electric. Call before 5 p.m., Abbott Road. Stove and one at 402 East Michigan. 3-3-5 can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O bedroom furnished. Available first day's incorrect ONE GIRL for 3 man Spring term. 351-9Q36. 5-3-3 refrigerator. Immediate $59. immediately or for spring term. 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tank insertion. University Terrace. occupancy, $200 plus utilities. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East 332-1887. 2-3-3 Swimming pool. From $150. ONE GIRL for Call before 5 canisters and uprights. Guiranti spring term. p.m., 351-9036. Kalamazoo Street . . .Since 1940. Manager, 351-3118. If no answer, Riverside East Apartments. $55 5-3-3 one full year. S7.8J Complete auto painting and 484-4014. 745 Burcham Drive. TF DENNIS D I ST R I BUTIN SUBLEASE ONE male for 2-man. monthly. 332-1297. 5-3-3 collision service. IV 5-0256. C COMPANY, 316 North CkH Next to campus. Will sacrifice. LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom MAN BURCHAM Phona 337-0224, 2-3-3 apartment. 121 Beal. Available - Spring Woods. Two ^ Opposite City Market. C-34 Automotive man. term. Phone Employment FEMALE. WANTED to share my March. $195. 349-3604. 5-3-5 332-4133 evenings. S-3-4 ONE MAN needed immediataly. Own SEWING MACHINE Clearance ft CHEVY room. $55/month. 351-9421. Brand new portables - $49.9 NOVA 1970, 3 speed, PARK TRACE GENERAL OFFICE WORK and TWO BEDROOMS furnished. All 3-3-5 $5.00 per month. Large select* automatic, V-8, light blue, 2 door. Pennsylvania. 882-2542. 5-3-8 THE SPACIOUS ONE. Now Call typing. Must have present work taking utilities furnished of reconditioned used rr 834-5973 in Ovid or - except applications for rentals. Offering Singers, Whites, Necchis, N 373-6628 in Lansing. 5-3-9 study approval. Immediate NEAR MSU 1 - 2 bedroom. Private electricity and telephone. Walking 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments with Home and "Many Others." $19J openings call Mrs. Sue Wilson, distance to campus. Four man entrance, parking. Call 332-5210. all the extras. Families welcome. CHEVY Social Science MDP, 355-6676. $66.25 a person, three man LEAR JET component system. to $39.95. Terms. EDWARD 1957 Panel Van. Excellent 4-3-5 Okemos Road at East Mount GIRL TO share new home. Own DISTRIBUTING COMPAN running condition. Best offer. Call 3-3-3 $77.50 a person. HALSTEAD Receiver, 8 tract, turntable, Hope. 349-4030. 5-3-5 room. 1J4 baths. Many extras. 1115 North Washingtor 393-61 40 days; 663-8009 CEDARVIEW APARTMENTS. One MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O speakers. 11 months old. $190. NEAT PERSON to live in with young $70. Call 482-4624, after 6 p.m. John, 393-8522. S-3-3 489-6448. C-3-4 evenings. 3-3-5 bedrooms. Furnished or 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham. male handicapped attorney of 3-3-5 unfurnished. March 1st. 351-5647. 2-man furnished apartments FORD ECONOLINE Van, real good slight build requiring morning and SELLING. PRIVATE collection old PANASONIC STEREO systen 4-3-5 includes heat. $62.50 to $80 per evening help. (Including lifting TWO BEDROOM furnished, carpeted cassette tape recorder, turnuM shape. See at 3804 South Cedar. and antique books, antique car and light housekeeping man. 135 Kedzie Drive, $85 to 1 mile to campus. $125. 402 N. 3-3-5 duties).. NEED GIRL to share apartment with manuals and forth. 337-9430. AM-FM. $200, best c DESPERATE: GIRL needed for $90 per man. Leases starting June so Person free to own pursuits, 8 - 5 two sisters. $40/month 332-6916 Foster, 536 South Magnolia. 3-3-4 355-3537. 4-3-4 Cedar Village apartment. Call 15th and daily. Compensation room and September 1st. Days 351-7262. 2-3-3 482-6906. 1-3-3 FORD FALCON 1963. Rebuilt 355-5914. 4-3-5 or board plus $30 weekly. 484-1938, 487-3216; Evenings until 10 p.m., ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses'S» engine. Body good. After 9 p.m., YASHICA A, Yashica mat EM, after 7 p.m. 3-3-4 882-2316.0 OKEMOS, 3rd girl. Own bedroom at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 26! 349-1749. 2-3-4 ONE GIRL for 2 ONE GIRL immediately, 2 bedroom, Exakta VX11A, Yashica EZmatic, man apartment. now til June 20. $50 plus utilities. 2 bath, furnished. Meadowbrook. slide East Michigan Avenue, 372-7*1 Reasonable. 351-8102 ONE MAN to sublet 332 2294. 3-3-5 projector, trays, 2" and 3" spring term at $55. No deposit. 393-3355. 3-3-4 6mm C-3-5 FORD 1963 Fairlane automatic. 351-3633. 4-3-5 movie lenses. 351-7252. Campus Hill apartment. 353-1607. Radio and dependable 3-3-4 5-3-5 TWO GIRLS $60. No lease. Utilities transportation. $300. ONE GIRL wanted for Eden Roc. 393-3696 SPRING, ONE man needed, block paid. 351-9322 after 5:30 p.m. 5-3-5 from Reduced rates. Call 351-4635. WASHING MACHINE, spinner type, Berkey. $150 / term. ONE BEDROOM furnished. Close to 3-3-5 5-3-5 excellent condition, spotless, $65. 35J-3287. 3-JM campus. 485-2700, 353-1760. 5-3-5 MAN Also good trailer hitch, $12. NEED ONE girl to sublet spring NEW TWO bedroom. 1 mile from TO sublet. Spring term. Phone 351-5543 mornings and HEATHKIT, A R-29 receiver 17 term. Campus Hill $62.50. Spacious house. Three blocks watts rms) and AS-16 spsski campus. Unfurnished. $165. evenings. S-TF 349-4065 after 5 p.m. 3-3-3 LANSING OR East Lansing. One 332-5742. 8-3-12 from Union. $70 (includes system. Interested? Call Bofc bedroom furnished. Large, airy utilities), 351-0269. 3-3-5 353-4270. 3-3-4 Air conditioned. TYPEWRITER; UNDERWOOD SUBLEASE 2 man spring. V4 block rooms. JAVELIN 1969. Must sell. GIRL portable, $24.95. Used furniture V-8 from campus. Parking, air Beautifully maintained. Suitable NEEDED for four girl of all kinds. ABC SECONDHAND BEAN BAG chairs. Cheapest into* automatic, power steering, conditioned, garbage disposal. for faculty, grad students, business apartment spring term. Walking Assorted colors, $28. Evenini AM-FM. 355-2548. 3-3-5 SALES PERSONNEL must be STORE, 1208 Turner. C neat. 351-9479 after 5 p.m. 5-3-5 people, married couples. Lease. distance. 351-3054. B1-3-3 351-7337. 4-3-5 TWO GIRLS New Cedar Village. Apply in person, 3 p.m. Thursday, 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 MGB WHITE 1965. Call 484-4143 Spring term. No deposit. SKIDOO. SNOWMOBILE. March 4th, 231 Beal, East THREE FOR huge 4 man. 1 month 332-1959. 3-3-5 TWO FOR 8 girl. Near campus. $65 $295. EIGHT E-V PA 30 horns. Two * after 3 p.m. New top and paint Lansing. 1-3-3 utilities included. Deposit. Spring. free. No deposit. $77.50. MSU 1 NEW ONE bedroom. Walking job. 8-3-12 block. 332-6909. 5-3-5 distance. Sandy / Jackie. 351-2605. 8-3-12 Furnished or SUBLET TWO man furnished EXPERIENCED COOK wanted. Full unfurnished. Completely modern. 1G MIDGET 1969. Yellow, AM-FM time. Must have experience and apartment close to campus. LARGE TWO bedroom apartment Call after 5 p.m., ED 2-1183. Reduced rates and parking. FURNISHED, ONE double bedroom, 'adio, wire wheels. $1800. references. Apply in person at upstairs. Completely remodeled. 5-3-6 off campus, children, pets, $115 Hillcrest Street. 351-2476. 3-3-5 9844. 4-3-5 LIZARDS, 2-3-4 224 Abbott Road. Williamston area. 655-3833. 5-3-4 TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile month. 882-6380. 4-3-8 CROSSWORD home units. Lakeview NEED ONE man for spring term. ■•'OR 1968 green, res, radio. $1550. 28,000 miles, 393-3562 NEEDED: POISED female student IMMEDIATELY NEEDED. Girl for luxury apartment. $55. 337-1107 $30/week. No lease. 15 minutes lots. Own bedroom. Meadowbrook SUBLET bedrooms, NEW 4 $220 man per duplex. 3 month. 4 PUZZLE iiiu r 9:30 p.m. 3-3-3 after 5 p.m. 3-3-3 from campus. 641-6601. 0-3-3 Trace. $60. Call 393-1818. 5-3-9 (white), and male (black) student blocks to campus. 351-1526. 3-3-5 to serve as accomplices in two Psychology experiments. $1,75/hour. Call 332-2982. 1-3-3 ACROSS HOW MANY APARTMENT BUILDINGS SUPPLY 23. Tramp PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 1965. FREE MAINTENANCE ON ALL THESE ITEMS? 1. Country roads 25. Bright I'M WILLING to spend an hour to Fair running condition. Best offer. 6. Gen. Bradley 26. show you how to make good Hygienic Greg, 399-8750. 3-3-5 10.Lasso 28. Foxy money. Are you willing to listen? For 11. Dossier 31. Grape PONTIAC an appointment call CEDAR VILLAGE DOES! CATALINA, 1965 V-8. 12. Equilibrium 32. Buzz Power 351-3647, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. 1-3-3 steering, power brakes. 13.Absconded 33. Ice mass 355-9880, 6 - 8 p.m. B1-3-3 Cedar Village has 24-hour emergency 14. Finished 34. PART TIME employment: 12-2b Dillydallies hours week. 15. Beer barrel 36. Light and per Automobile service and daily maintenance service by required, 351-5800. O 17. Yellow bugle unsubstantial our on-site staff. 18. Mining chisel 38. Leg joint 3. Stannum The 19. Deep blue 39. Blue penciled 4. Chopped CLASSIFIED MARKET is a great place to sell antiques. For a 21. Obsolete 40. Worsted crudely PONTIAC FIREBIRD 1969, V-8, Ask your friends what Cedar manual shift, must sell. $2,200, result- getting Want Ad dial Village service 22. Sulk 41. Grades 5. Male bovine 355-8255. has meant to them! 1 r- 6 7 r~ 9 6. On vacation 351-2498. 3-3-3 PORSCHE MALE COLLEGE students. Good % 1tr % " 7. Environment 8. Brewer's tub engine, new 1956 Speedster. 1967 paint, interior. $695. PaV P,us bonus. Part *■ - Cedar Village now leasing for summer and 1 i V/ % 13 9. fortification 10. Molten rock 487-0046. 5-3-4 351-3591. 12-3-12 fall terms. A few subleases for spring term •H IS % 16 17 12. Mafsh RAMBLER 1965. Convertible. 6 cylinder. Good condition. Best AMBITIOUS PERSON with a sincere desire to earn $15,000 annually, Air Conditioner 16 % w % W 16. Aquarium us» 19. Fabric offer. 371-1851. 3-3-5 Mr- Dunn, phone 393-1007. 5-3-3 % 20. Destiny 21. Kimono sasn % 21 22 1%% 1 Cuban ciga' Cedar Village RAMBLER 1963. New tires, brakes, LINE UP your spring or summer job 23. 23 2H 25 Wild ass battery. Needs clutch repair. Make offer. Call Ed 355-8252, now. Car necessary. Call 351-7319 for personal interview. C % it> % % % y4 28 i9 id 24. 25. Fleet 27 Light carriage 355-1585. S-3-5 HORTICULTURE AND Landscape 31 32 % 33 26. for one t THUNDERBIRD 1962. Good motor - extras. $200. Call 351-9325 after Architecture students and Sunday retail sales of plants Saturday 3H % §5 86 % 37 27. Carpenter tool 6 p.m. 5-3-5 and garden supplies. Guaranteed base plus commission. Experience 36 % w 28. Wild pW» 29. Audible TRIUMPH 1967. not necessary. Orientation prior to ?A 1 •3°-1 d0- wheels, Toneau after 6 p.m. b-3-8 • ea-iy April start. TWISS LANDSCAPE CENTER, East Lansing. 351-0590. 11-3-12 PHONE 332-5051 BOGUE ST. at the RED CEDAR HO 1 Y/< % 33. Garden party 35.Japanese com 37. Convene 3,19? Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan TATE news Wednesday, March 3, 1971 15 For Sale Personal -lassified Service 355-8255 Tg OHGAN amplifier. Model FREE ... a lesson in NO PROBLEMS FORESEEN care. Call complexion PAINTING INTERIOR - Custom ■ 1 Excellent condition. Be*t 484-4519, East Michigan work at reasonable prices. Grad or W. 337-1600. 2-3-3 485-7197, Lansing Mall students, references. 372-8158. C MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS CN j,orv 3-3 SIZE weterbed, lifetime warranty, $55. 332-2943. DUE STUDIOS. EAST (a C-3-4 rock roll booking, 349-4239. 337-9495. band) now married students day CARE Apply Summer — Infants thru 5 yr». for Spring and MSU water supply adequate' F CLUBS. Ben Hogans. Like terms: Married By MICHAEL FOX The water is pumped from a necessarily be a health hazard Driver and three woods. All Student Services, Human State News Staff Writer "Chlorine will react with management," Keyes said. OPPORTUNITY-: sandstone strata approximately but instead IS Golf bag included. Chuck, Vou. Four months of LET us~show Ecology Bldg. 100 feet below the campus. minerals that might could contain certain things such as organic He said the two municipalities 8483. 3-3-4 part - time While some communities In Nineteen active wells are located clog the materials to produce an odor — are going together to provide work, you can have a CHI LDCARE water pipe. but it's not too detectable," business of OPENING for the United States are better mana'iment at the HART XXL'S, with Marker your own. For appointment call preschooler facing in small brick structures He said they have not had any ' 627-2659 after 6 p.m. 3-3-4 in my home. difficulties in supplying adequate scattered across the MSU Peabody said. present time. mat bindings. $255. New, Convenient to MSU and Lansing. quantities of safe drinking water, problem with surface water jke offer. 332-0965. X3-3-4 Phone 372-4522. 1-3-3 grounds down to Jolly Road. He noted chlorine can be He said that they had no MSU officials see no problems in The water is stored in an flowing into the wells. Peanuts Personal supplying the campus with The Dept. of Microbiology removed by those who dislike it trouble with surface water ALTERATIONS AND dressmaking water. underground tank where it is tak"s 12 samples of water at with a charcoal filter or simply contamination. by experienced seamstress. treated with chlorine to kill Reasonable charge. 355-5855 "We have an adequate various locations to detect the letting it evaporate from a Hardness of water and a high supply, disease organisms and then presence of colin intestinal standing container. 0-3-5 The trend appears to be towards iron content are the major March 8th 12th. PEANUTS pumped to residence halls and bacteria. n SAXOPHONE. Rene Lorein, - stabilized size of The City problems with best offer. Call 332-6151 PERSONAL SPECIAL the other buildings. of East Lansing and local water, ,r - 10 ABRAHAM'S INTERIOR painting University," Ronald T. Flinn, "We are not expecting an "Basically it's a problem of Meridian Township have Keyes said. 4:30 p.m. 5-3-4 words for $1.00. Good work at very reasonable associate associated!—■ director of the physical ...increase in protecting what we have in the recently formed a water cost. References. 355-9344. 8-3-5 usage. We expect it reservior," Frank R. Peabody, plant, P^nt, said. has stabilized with the authority to better manage the associate Animals TV, RADIO and Appliance Service. Flinn said the University population," Flinn said, professor of water the growing municipalities Instead of dote, BY NOW you should know pumps two billion gallons of He said that on campus it microbiology and public health, are pumping in their wells. Reasonable rates. Phone E. water said. appliances sell fast with a Want a year out of the ground, would be possible for one STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish Harvey, ED 2-2425. 20-3-5 " >11 other live merchandise (can Ad. Dial 355-8255. which to hypothetical^ computes particular well to become Peabody said the decline of widespread intestinal disease in Walter Township Keyes, engineer Meridian and policeman gets spare a little love?) FIVE STRING Banjo lessons, Scruggs 50,000 gallons of water per contaminated. Flinn said the the nation indicates that supervisor, is chairman of the 0CKTOR PET CENTER, Real Estate - style. Call Dick after 5:30 p m contamination might not chlorination is effective new water authority. vidian Mall. 349-3950.6-3-5 484-6151.3-3-3 purification an self investigated OKEMOS SCHOOL DISTRICT."3 technique. The The bedroom frame ranch. 1V4 ^ IT'S what'S State of Michigan has required authority is now letting SKAN MALMUTE puppies. The baths. that bids for 14 new wells which it Full finished all community water nest breed, the most devoted basement. Oil heat. RANDBURG, South Africa Happening Built-in countertop hopes to be supplying treated impanion. Ready now from range and wall supplies be chlorinated for many oven. Lots of TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. water out of by Dec., 197" (AP) — A motorcycle policeman IOO. 669-3423. 5-3-3 storage. Large 1 car years, he said. waved a pretty married woman garage. Handy to East Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann I Lansing, Lance, 626-6542. 0-3-12 "The Tri- County Commission to the side of the road and asked ER. SELL or trade. AKC male. _ Okemos, Mason. 349-1125. 10-3-9 reports that we have enough for a date. Authorities said they % year old. iask, white Fawn with black 59-9141, afternoons. 3-3-4 markings. $75. HASLETT. GOOD buildable duplex lot in Haslett's I st multi - family COMPLETE Discount THESES service. printing. IBM typing and It'sWhat's Happening must be everyone interested in Yale p water until the year 2,000 if we are handle it the way we do now "policemen on investigating because duty should not area. For information call binding of working on without too much do this sort of theses, resumes, submitted in the People's Peace Treaty at 8 thing." ~TH~ SIDE K-9 TRAINING Maynard Beery 351-5210 or publications. Across from campus, person to 341 speak tonight in the Union ) SL65B. Less than .UB will hold dog obedience isses starting March 9th, Call SIMON REAL ESTATE Okemos Branch, 349-3310. 3-3-5 - corner below MAC and Grand River, Style Shop. Call Student Services Bldg. at least two State News working days lobby. second floor to COPYGRAPH Gay Wilson Allen, old. Perfect cor ,1a Miller, 641-4462; Frank SERVICES, (Sunday - Thursday) before emeritus of New York professor Woo£cv 1-1466. 3-3-5 nau, 669-9497; Dean Miller, Recreation __337-J 666^0 publication. Entries University, art may be will speak on "Emerson's Revolt MIRAL 9-3160; or Mary LeFever, 9-9513. 3-3-5 TYPING- IBM Selectric. Fast inserted twice and must be Against the Establishment: A New on frost accurate service. View of Emerson," at 8 p.m. Thesis, term submitted from ator, white, $125. Q Spring Break in papers. 484-2661. 0-3-5 a registered Thursday in the Union Gold Room. student organization. Robert F. DSPARTMIMT ST MIS Bafter 6 p.m.' Mobile Homes ACAPULCO A reception will follow the lecture. Thompson, 8 Days A volunteer's meeting for all associate professor of art history DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term Gr. t Issues at Yale University will speak on TURAL hair, ILE HOME skirting: Concrete people interested in working for the encourages letter champiji $199.00 papers. Expert typist with degree writing to Sen. Edmund Muskie, cost $129, worn oix ock appearance. $220 installed. in English. IBM. 349-3655. 0-3-3 spring term book exchange will be D-Maine, to urge him to pay a "The Atlantic Art History: plus gratuities held at 7:30 tonight in the $75. 332-3464, how. 5 II371-1407. 3-3-5 PhiUips nonpartisan, academic visit to the Black Africa, the Black Hall lounge. For additional or MSU campus spring term. ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith information, call Sheryl at 351-9601. Americas," at 7:30 p.m. today HILCREST 2-bedroom,skirted . offset printing. Complete service in 108B Wells Hall. 1971 model, brn IIv carpted, garbage disposol + JAMAICA for dissertations, theses, A A spring fashion show, with . - meeting will be held for Thompson, considered an Call 625-3520.W fashions for children, the coed and er been used. Compli extras. $208.00 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. the expectant mother, will be authority on African 21 years experience. 349-0850. C art, arranty and fauldi case. $430. 484-276 Lost & Found plus gratuities Transportation sponsored by the Spartan Wives at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Knapp's lectured last year at the Detroit Institute of Arts and Eastern 4 DAY HIT SALE COMPLETE TYPING and printing Community Room in the Meridian service. Copy stored on magnetic Mall. Michigan University. He spent LIMOUSINE SERVICE to Detroit two ball on a REBIRT tape. This eliminates all re-typing years in Nigeria as a Metro Airport. $11/person. Call Ford Foundation fellow and has BED. Mattress and lin The Baptist Student Union will MOOSUSKI SPRING ski trip to except author's changes and 882-0722. 3-3-4 sponsor slides from around the world made three stom frames. Coma» Boyne. Lodging, meals, lift corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT taken by Mr. and Mrs. subsequent trips to 2) East Michigan. 3-3-5 MAIL ADVERTISING, across Wayne Taylor West Africa. tickets. Lessons - $103. NEEDED: RIDE TO Boston at 7:30 p.m. Personal 337-9555. 1-3-1 from Frandor. Phone 485-1238. C (Arlington area if possible), over Thursday in 102 B Wells Hall. Refreshments will be served. Thompson has published two vacuum cleaners. Tank articles entitled "Tradition and can rent a WATER BED TYPING DONE in my home. Fast Spring break, will share expenses. and uprights. Guaranta Persons interested in attending a r onlv $10/month. 351-9525, HAVE A ball on a REBIRTH accurate service. Phone 351-6259. Call 353-3650 before 9 a.m. or five - week international seminar on Creativity in Tribal Art" and year, $7.88 and u| WATERBED. Mattress and liner, after 10 p.m S-3-3 "African Influence on the Art of S DISTRIBUTE oon. 5-3-4 9-3-12 comparative journalism in Yugoslavia $48. Come try one at 402 East this summer are invited to a the United States" in two MY, 316 North Cidi NEED meeting Michigan. 3-3-5 RIDE. Will pay. Sparrow at 7 p.m. Thursday in 39 Union. All different books. City Market. C-34 PROFESSIONAL THE Best in hair care, see us. Hospital to East Lansing. Details, majors invited. ACHINE Clearai HON BUILDING BARBER El^OPE.trip$209 round jet STUDENTOUfflto to London, summer THESIS PREPARATION 482-6104. are His visit is sponsored by the Dept. of Art, the Center for OP. C-3-3 Provost John E. Cantlon will speak ws portables $49.9 '71. Call Eddie, 393-7520. 20-3-12 Urban Affairs and the African - on ecology at an informal seminar at r month. Large se RDS MANY thanks to all the 11:30 a.m. Friday in 9 Human Studies Center. He will speak to ditioned used machiw it have applied for jobs, WHEN ENOUGH'S enough, look for Ecology Bldg. the IDC 390 class on African Whites, Necchis, N ard. 2-3-4 winterized cars in the Classified arts and humanities. Complete Professional Thesis Service for The Journalism Student Advisory i "Many Others." S19J Adsl DESERVING GUY Master's and Doctoral Candidates. Free hungering for Committee (J-SAC) will meet at 7:30 95. Terms. EDWARD Brochure and Consultation. Please Call ride to Miami area. Will pay. Call STUDENTOURS SUMMER: p.m. Thursday in 102-C Wonders BUTING C0MPAN1 RE-ALARM CLOCK Cliff and Paula Haufhey 337 1527 or 827 2936. 353-8321.3-3-5 Hall. slorth .C-3-4 I Washingtoi London, $209. Spring Break: Ac8pulco, $219; Jamaica, $219; jrree University classes today: Deaf Bulletin gets NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE re alarm clocks English Freeport, $189. Call Fred, COPY SHOPPE can show you Wanted " Sign, 9:30 p.m., 215 Evergreen St.; approval for 355-2824. 14-3-12 Modern Dance, 6:45 to 8 p.m., 218 IC STEREO systM 1 criers were hired by how to get two Xerox copies for Women's I.M. Bldg.; "The University JANIS JOPLIN ape recorder, t vy sleepers to wake them, the price of one. Phone 332-4222. Administration: Can It Be Had?," 8 YES, THERE are a few seats left on BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for NEW HIT "PEARL' . $200, best offt y would yank cords tied C p ^ 117 Bessey Hall' Union Board's Nassau Trip, March all . 4-3-4 the toe of the sleeper, ch dangled out of the 19-26. $189. Call 353-9777. BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. and positive, A negative, B negative AB negative, $10.00. 0 Homosexuality, 7:30 p.m., 209 Bessey Hall; Guitar, 9 p.m., 141 meal planning MILY wear glasses?S* dow. No job too large or too small. Block off campus. 332-3255. C negative, $12.00. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, MICHIGAN Music Bldg. YOUR CHOICE ONLY! :AL DISCOUNT, 261 A I'll be awakened bright 507V4 East Grand River, East "Black Perspective" presents "A new publication distributed early by the ringing of GET IN on the funl Read the Lansing. Above the new Campus Tribute to Brother Malcolm X," at by the Consumer Service of the phone when you place a Peanuts Personals in the Want Ads Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 11 ton,8ht on WMSB Radio, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture has lit p.m.. Monday, Thursday and been suggested for use in - getting State News each day I students for McGovern for Bsified Ad to sell good Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 President is planning and preparing meals. getting organized on TYPING. THESES and letters, etc. p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C The The bulletin "Your Money's igs you no longer use. campus. group needs help and workers. Call Howard at 484-8217 — I'll be ringing in on extra Rapid, accurate service. Worth in Foods," has been cited INTERESTED IN extended after 5 p.m. for information, AR-29 re Experienced. 393-4075. 20-3-12 for its usefulness in providing 1 dollars too. Decide what motorcycle tour to Southern )s and AS-16 spaala 1 want to sell information on shopping tips then dial BE WHERE it's at and motorcycles California. Leaving around April The .Kfndo club. wl1' sponsor a Interested? Call Bot and >-8255 today! sell fast in the Classified Ads. Dial 1st. Cal. Walter, 332-8918. 3-3-3 menu planning, Kathleen 3-3-4 ' 355-8255 nowl Cutlar, associate professor of , . tonight in Akers Hall. human nutrition and foods, said. HOME IN East Lansing by end of ;hairs. Cheapest July, under $35,000. Prefer large The MSU Chess Club will meet at "It is a publication which, I colors, $28. Evenii traditional with trees. Phone 4-3-5 7:30 tonight in the East Holmes believe, young families and ttopckingfiam 351-3541.3-3-3 Lower Lounge. students sharing apartments, PA 30 horns. Two OLDER MALE student desires room MSU College Republicans will planning and preparing meals rs. $160 or separst would find helpful to control 3-3-4 in house _ Spring term. 487-0375. J"eeJ at J P-™- Thursday in 218A Berkey Hall. Details of the state their spending for food," Miss conventions will be discussed. Cutlar said. as it... WANTED: FUNNY cards Michelle's 30th, Box for 87, Brotherhood Moveme and Nature Bookstore will present a with Man The publication, designated Home and Garden Bulletin 183, as Buchanan, Michigan. 3-3-3 benefit concert at 7 p.m. Thursday in is available for 25 cents from the eated pool MALE STUDENT desires room near Shaw Hall loyer lounge, featuring Plain Brown Wrapper with Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing campus during spring break. Call ®ac^ntruetV .Touc.hit,or® and Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 353-4017. 3-3-5 Proudflesh. .s $ 1.50. all ON THE TRAIL! 1 NO - WE WON'T HUNT YOU DOWN WITH A GUN 3. Stannum 4. Chopped 0 -1 crudely 5. Male bovine 6. On vacation HOWEVER - - 7 Environment 8. Brewer's tub 9 Fortification Student Ads must be paid by noon, Friday, February 26th, and 10. Molten rock prepaid from Monday, March 1st; or you go on the HOLD list. This - 12. Marsh means no registration, no diploma, no 16. Aquarium W transcripts, no nothing, until - 19. fabric paid. 20. Destiny 721. Kimono sasn TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student ulTits These spacious luxury £ 23. Cuban cigar 1 7 V 25. Fleet ■ 24. Wild ass - 26. Light carriage for one . t ^=&^J22S£S: Vou want So, hurry and Room 345 Student Services Building pay up! 27. Carped to be among the first residents of TWY^' «« "art CWCQV nA Y cvrcPT SUNDAY SENSATIONAL OFFER! 28. tool Wild pl"ms S66/mo„th m.n, MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCE„ SUNDAY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! 7 29. Audible ??» Sl*. NINE and RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MA"SHA CHANEL. 372 2797 TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. / A -30 33. A 35.Japanese com Id0- Garden pa' ,fN MANAG•EMENT EXCI. USIVEL Y BY Alco Management Company MICHIGAN STATE NEWS WOOLCO r-J MERIDIAN MALLpT JBSk 37. Convene 19eOGrai^Rivef A*? and MarehRoad ^U'.:_ WH 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday,March, i, Lie ends Norwegian leader's governmeni OSLO, Norway (AP) — The Storting, Norway's parliament. Bratteli, a Socialist, and ask him The crisis started when Borten in that Norway's present confidential. "Norway's application for which way to telling of a lie brought an end to After the announcement the to form a minority government, last Saturday withdrew a negotiating position in Brussels, "But at the same time the EEC membership is a question go the 5"j - year - old government prime minister ^went to ^KJng Borten's Center party served previous denial and admitted it was only natural that a lot of "Therefore public has the legitimate right to of greatest national importance leaves Tuesday. But a move was under cabinet to stay on as caretakers party, Conservative party and of Norway's anti - Common government has to be possible," he said. way to keep the opposition until a new government could be the Christian People's party. opinions in our people about what to tell lhe Socialists from taking over. formed. Market movement, Arne public ™ They held a majority of 76 to 74 Haugestad, with confidential Borten's acknowledged lie — — which was in he his The president of the Storting, Berni Ingvaldsen, who asked to in the Storting. Bratteli said he is prepared to information about Norway's IN SOUTH LAOS negotiations for membership, denial that he had given secret look into the possibility of take over in a Socialist political "I am aware of the fact that I Gunners duel information to opponents of forming another non - Socialist comeback 19 months ahead of be criticized because in jungles can my Norway's entry into the government headed by a new the next scheduled general European Common Market. The 57 - year - old ex-farmer prime minister. But all indications were that elections in the fall of 1973. In announcing his resignation, first right press statement I did not careless away admit that 1 when was in making a •ailed it a "working accident" in Ingvaldsen would fail in this Borten again deeply regretted confidential report available for enemy targets nearby. tanks spotted now tnouncing the resignation of effort and would have to turn to the lie that triggered his political (Continued from page 1) appeared con a prominent leader of the anti - Fires burned at several points around the 14-man cabinet the the Labor party of Trygve fate. EEC movement. "I accept this criticism, but abandoned another position. Scattered base. The enemy was not inactive, sending rru°r«hw'yMht^^ The North ground engagements and mortar shells on South Vietnamese Vietnamese used Mom can explain that I first wanted Mr. Haugestad's word that he shellings were reported in South Vietnam, positions. amphibious tanks in ovem,!? Community and there was trie sharp fighting in Cambodia Mortar shells exploded ammunition portions north of the kept the information to in a twin South Vietnamese drive to break stores at one South Vietnamese base within U.S. military sources highway Jj said ihe wJ himself," Borten said. up enemy bases. sight of Delta 1. Vietnamese had brought The EEC is the European A U.S. assessment of the drives into The hardest the Russian made T54 up but Jj Economic fighting took place at ■ medium t«k Community, or Laos and Cambodia held that they had pre Landing Zone Brown, a position about two This tank, a | Common Market. miles 40-tonner, ernpted plans for enemy offensives. One is armed* of west of Delta 1. The North BUF executive Contents of the confidential report ambassador from to Norway's EEC the Foreign of the sources giving this assessment in Saigon said: "North Vietnam has been Vietnamese struck behind a mortar but were repulsed. Col. Phan Ba Hoa, commander of the 1st barrage bigger gun and has more power than the PT76. over placed on the defensive and has directed A well Informed - source told Ai By WANDA HERNDON residence hall. "We are seeking to secure the Mnistry ,ater "PPe^ the large numbers of troops in defense of its Division's 3rd Regiment, said he had Press correspondent State News Staff Writer J.T, Wolkers The board members are Miss enrollment of blacks on MSU's Llberal newspaper Dagbladet in supply lines as opposed to offensives." advance intelligence of the attack and that the northern 1st One of the main goals Corps that tl Black of the Carter; Winnie Ward, Detroit campus and to make sure they ®s'°- From Delta 1, a South Vietnamese base 68 North Vietnamese were killed with the Vietnamese "have taken quite , L United Front's (BUF) sophomore; Ralph Hanson, are financially and academically help of artillery and air strikes. He Dagbladet has said Haugestad 12 miles inside Laos, Associated press gave his casualties, but the enemy has newly elected executive board is Detroit sophomore; Forrest able to remain at the was not its source. correspondent Holger Jensen said artillery own losses as two killed and nine wounded. too particularly from the taken ,! to make sure black students on McCants, Detroit sophomore; University," Miss Carter said, Borton said in his statement and helicopter gunships were attacking Military officers said most of the enemy pulling back to regroup and air. He J1 campus do not get out of touch David Kinchen, Detroit reinfow," P with the black community in freshman; Leon Gant II, Detroit Lansing and elsewhere, Sherrie senior; Elias Tyler, Aliquippa, Carter, Detroit junior and Pa., sophomore; Irving STOREWiOE DISCOUNT PRICING MEANS SAVINGS ON YOUR member of the board, said late Armstrong, Detroit Monday. and Linda sophomore; Landers, Detroit TOTAL SAVINGS TOTAL PURCHASES. .. ENJOY SPECIAL SAVINGS THIS WEEK ON MEAT. SAVE 18' S The new executive board sophomore, members were elected Feb. 15 The members of the board are and Feb. 22 by the assigned to various divisions of representative council which the University and to off - SAVE 31c LB. - Reg. 99c - Center Cut consists of two BUF campus facilities affecting black representatives from each students. Pork LARGE EGGS 38' Prof queries (Continued from page 1) opportunity. We wanted to try to get the campus community Chops involved in designing the ballot involved in thinking about these and scoring them questions," Perrin said. SAVE 21c LB. TENDFRLOIN "Admittedly the '>es or no' Cox said the questions format does have defects," themselves were "awfully Perrin said. The "yes or no" format also was used to keep the balloting process as simple as genera) and fuzzy" and open to different interpretations, "Unless Pork Loin Roast everyone interprets possible, he added. every question the same, they Cox, who said he has been are not answering the same involved in marketing research questions," Cox said, surveys for 30 years, said the Cox said the 3301 EAST MICHIGAN 58c question method of Selecting respondents concerning State News editorials to the poll should have been was SAVE 38c REG. $1.37 ambiguous because students random rather than "self FARMER PEET'S SLICED may agree with some editorials selecting." "When people and disagree with others. Yet, select they were forced to answer themselves, they are obviously "yes" or "no," Cox said, different from those who don't get to vote," Cox said Perrin said the questions were "valid" and that "every effort BACON i PKG. 99° W W "No matter how many people was made to make them valid." participated, the members of the Perrin said he did not know if SAVE 30c-REG. $1.19 sample were self - selected and they were scientific, however, HERRUD PARTY ASST'MNT. cannot possibly be "I don't pretend to be an representative of the whole. A expert in this field and I'm not 1 LB. QQc probability of a few hundred sure if 1 know what a scientific would be better than a self selected sample of 20,000," he - question would be," he said, Perrin said the questions LUNCH MEAT PKG qj SAVE 18c REG. 56c added. EGGS z. were "broad" to interest the Perrin indicated one primary range of groups the poll was in SAVE 16c-REG. 65c reason taking the poll was designed to reach. "getting people involved." "We did had FARMER PEET'S SKINLESS AQc feel we an "We have 44,000 people who obligation to make the questions had opportunities to express wide as possihle to interest o2 FRANKS as their opinion. I'd call that these various groups," he said. PKG. Winter Apple MICHIGAN THE COLONEL SAVE 8cPKG. SLENDER - ECKRICH FLAVORBEST L89c S RED DELICIOUS SAYS SU. MEATS OR 3 CQC IT" 3 AQC PKGS. W W IDA RED BSJU I jonathanlbs.iJ0 SAVE EXTRA LARGE 56 SIZE UP TO . i CALIF SUNKIST ORANGES ... 8 FOR 89c *2.50 "X x. A Br Big E Blended or Sweet or Unsweetened ON DELICIOUS ■f) £ftss ORANGE JUICE 2 77c J tUHS COIONU SANOCftS new ™ cans * ■ Ktntudty fried thicken Big E Grape or Orange SiU ",,,25cOF7"|",,,,5O"off" Dinner £ Thrift Box FRUIT DRINKS 1 I ■ 46oz. wt. cans $J00 3 biq pieces of Kentucky ■ Each Thrift Bor contains 9 SAVE 40c ON POLLY ANNA Big E Canned Fried Chicken, plus meihed ■ pieces of delicious Ken. r 16 oz. FRESH "SPLIT-TOP" potatoes, cracklin' gravy, coleslaw, and hot roll. JJ tucky Fried Chicken, ■ 2 to 3 hungry folks. serves APPLESAUCE ( \ * wt. cans 99c Buy 3 - Save 12c Fresh 'N Good 75C0FF $I.OOOFF| nnillfirc Coco-bars. fudge nut, , LUUVVIrN almond wind, sugar ) 12-14 The Bucket The Barrel V vwiiikv or oatmeal , %9 1 «• 15 pieces of pkgs. finger Itckin' ■ 21 pieces of hearty chicken ■ good Kentucky Fried Chic- ken, the Colonel's special n for hearty eaters, serves 7 J Save 12c-Reg. 71c frenri's J ' hungry people. " Fl. gravy, and hot rolls. ■ ■ DRESSINGS "•=' 16 Oz. 59c • EXPIRES MARCH 5, 1971 • OFFER GOOD WITH COUPON ONLY 1040 E. GRAND 3140 S. LOGAN RIVER, E.L. 4238 W. SAGINAW SAVE 10c POLLY ANNA OATMEAL OR OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY.. 1620 E MICHIGAN 3200 N. EAST ST. Brown Sugar Cookies 2 59c (U.S.27) DOZ. SEVEN DAYS A WEEK