X. S. C. Library teat Lar.3i.ng, lleh. j Froth Frolic tonight in ) Michigan State News | Dcmflnstration llall. Han- | j rin« from fl to j Fair tonight. Increas¬ ing rlomlhiess tomorrow. LAST I.ANSlNl!, MIC'IIKIAN. KHIDAY, MAY in. I!l"."i No. 50 IRISH TRACKERS ChaftMCo-edspress CLUB TO Fool Proof Indentification LEWIS CHOSEN Carnival Winner ('onuiionces Win k SPRING VOTING • 10 MEET STATE Says HOLD MEETING Of Gems Perfected Here PRESIDENT OF OPENSMONDAY HERE SATURDAY NEXT TUESDAY" Rv (iFnttc.t: i imh v i it \i. STUDENT BOARD IN NOMINATIONS Thirty-firct Annual Mrel to At- Interested Students Planning to J Mollet Becomes New Vice-Presi- Candidates for All Major Class tricl Stronn Tvann to Local After J Banquet May 22 «' den!; Wismer is Named OJfficers to Be Named at Campus. Should be Present. . , Secretary-Treasurer. Annual Meetings. perfect (jMtwtlt'i TO PRECEDE GRID TEST EDITORS ASSIST CLUB ifu-ution wht.h DRAFT FUTURE PLANS NEW RULES TO APPLY , IS fo.fl- |„M |,H Allen Still Out With Injured Clcary and O'Dell to Propose ' Contemplate Investigation of Elrrlionr Will Br (iovrrnrd by Arkle; Ramblers Will Bring New Relationship Between Various Campus llonorariet New Eligibility Law. Drawn Stars. Their Staffs and the Cluh. 11i.viiiis; tinidctitirinl as First Undertaking. IJp hy Council. Bv BOH HI HIIWH I\\ t r\ I'M i! r ihlo 11> ;ii Ii>n«l 11 S -trt' Pante coitus t<» t Mooting Ttie*.lav for their tho tihpicil !"Uiiiali*nt lum- [ttftllilul banquet and < lection •m nnuv with one of the IMtroiind track loams juel. to ho hold M.iv 22. mil"! " r?1 it lor. history, whit h hiti« > a quartet of >ti fuoHduy night Krhts sprinkle.! thirvniyl art .o iling t.» he lifioup, except in by tho exe.u- Inn " Ml.'lie •mirth in tho Hold, iiml llacry Angelica Itn.lrirv LOCAL GRANGE FLOAT DRAWING MEETS TONIGHT Tu iif cannot < SET FOR MAY 14 ni.nl idihtifii Enurtrrn Mrmhrri Iniliatrd al Mill Rodney Will Auist in Marling Hrld Last Development of * Milestone* Friday. ASCE TO MEET MORTARBOARD of Michigan." HERE TUESDAY INDUCTS EIGHT F.venl Will be Revival of Join. Honored Junior Girl. Will be Mvelingi of Vari- Initialed al Churrh ous Croups. Toni(ht. FOUNDRYMEN CHICK SHOW TO GOVERNOR WILL MUSIC CLASSES MEETING HERE START TUESDAY REVIEW TROOPS PLAN PROGRAM Senity-five in Aftrndanre at Expect Many Entries for Eighth > Cavalry Unit Will Meet Fiti- Sectional Meet of To Present Sfcond in Serif! of Annual Show to he Held I girald and Escort Him to Student Rentals Next Foundry Craft. Here Next Week. "'J,'' •e HWO II en wearing the ■ Reviewing Stand. rtioti, whkh cov- m bbons »»f Mnrti n*» purl, of MieiT-^hMrl,CeW« Besides (he fralernitie* Surday. tapped upper peninsula Morning Sing last It a ban F< Hf »> 'M Pr>if K put I lyder wi rt A Dm1 SPEAKERS TALK H.E. PROGRAM ssop, field secretary ABOUT CLOTHES ATTRACTS 200 an Society of Civil king out of the New ill apeak on society Mortar Board Lecture Audience Srcord Annual Affair Aimrd to memliers of the A Given Tips on Choice Create Interest ii vitation is extended of Clothing. Course. •ember* l.f the De .1 Martin «»f the f tial section H. E. INSTRUCTORS to at- ..•search laboratoru t>n "Spectroscopy re mi sale at the office their talent, o CLEVELAND NURSE ha* been spending r- ibjeet the C« M label al Martin is d GIVE MANY TALKS ; office, at the door, or considered to lie the highest honor] DISCUSSES WORK any of the committee members, which can be given to a woman at If ft-rent method of -> ■'.TV The ticket# are 60 cents. s in metal analysis Appear in Almont, Bay City, Michigan State. <« thod is expected Jarkion and Sandusky, Ohio. with a great d'-at of .alysis Dr Martin n- Mi» 1 PI KAPPA PHI'S TO DWER CHOSEN : Amy Newburg Repaired Since Fire. fkers at Tuesday Meetin,. I Melt, is also scheduled foi that (tuddier » of medical Ai ttv» evening. ogram for the dinner t>f the Bay City' Tomorrow the Pi K.igpa Phis At an installation ceremony held day i Handel «turday at 9 o'clock. J Kiwar lub The subject of her will move back to their house at last lail. ask- iton u( the lainkentorimer , oo-mrOO ho 'Girl and llor Dad «l)3 East Grand Rivor. atnr wait- the military parade, new oHtcimt Tuesday afternoon following ("kind's Vif work^" arid^'increos- about, together with several Bart1 R.g iHratkm in . resiains,l,1e work foi the sell ■Why of Cincinnati. Ohio, > f etiquette which have not Ijeen ch.irt the homo ociaiomits di- in audience of more than mk '"r "early si* months while ware elected by the Seahiiard an I wll,0 luIrJe taken up in the earlier talks rnsont.a paper <>n "Entii- p.,,, e .mending the Home '< repaired and redeco- Blade, college honorary military i-r-t Properties of Cast ■•Cmiou.ly ,t mav he .aid that Miss Webb, giving advice to the ame Iron " • meeting F J Walls. ancj 10: IH,-in 30 Oiieninil program . Arhievrment Day o( "ted frllowm, a fire there la.< Tuscola county, held at Sandusky, osem r. _„rja„iaa.,o„ : New officers elected by the group the "p^ilie, m the co-eds on their choice of clothing, nur,in, profession ore at the lup said that physical characteristics fhe International Nickel com- An open hnuse is schcluled for I were: Guy DeKuiper. raptain; Hill Judging activities Ohio. I*an Marie Dye spoke on Th(,ri, „ „ critain alnollIll u( ,ruth -size, Danse Debussy New York city, will describe age, coloring — should be j j" 30-12" 30 Tripsthrough the Other I^inds. Sunday. May l», from 2 until 5.' Klrkpatrick. fiist lieutenant. Rex j foundry of 1950. jn ,he ktalement that many nuisc considered first in picking out Etude m C Mir Op. 25. Home Frconomics building, gym- an<* Kathleen Dietrich .... TenKyck, s.-e.,nd lleuleiuint; Fred, unabl, B,., WHrk i,ut ,ha one's garments, and that one's 12 . Chopin nastum. and Women's building ^l«o attended a meeting of the and fraternities and friends s Beniley, llrst sergeant Outgoing i 6rl, sh„ ]y # or inefficiently way of carrying herself, or any > Wendell Westcott 12 30 Lunch at the Women's Michigan Dietetic Association in [nvited to irnpect the remud»lebes. new';j ml; Robert St,.11, second lieuten- j ant, and Robert Humphreys, first who havc aim college preparalion ing a season* wardrobe around t lhan v#r C-^L %t F,JrH urwHAV ring TA HOLD can fm one coat or suit, so that its item* ICC J**'*! meeting, called by the furniture. French doors, re-land-; sergeant "Another great advantage which would be interchangeable and that Apartment of education, for all ^-hvmores' who are beginning & h.nd hbrTrJ FREE DANCE IN UNION ^ m.h^i tke n- ' ihe nursing profession has above one set of accessories would do Rollo May, director of student *&rk for the teachers certifi- 3 MM 30 Program ia the Lil- 'r l ura changes on the outside installed the new caplian. Guy De- other* is that it Is pro for the season. activities at Michigan State col- in the audif-riun cf the tic Theater, including talks on —* ~~ ,, . „ of the house ; Kulper, who In turn instslled the i eminently a woman's profession." Mr. Hurd made his talk prac- lege, and Geoige Dobsevage, tal¬ J»rt«niltural building. Tuesday, • How You Know a Vitamin" bv 'ndsy. May 17. the New-: The annual spring party will bc rest of the new officers lor the| These were some of the con- lica!, by picking out from the au- portwit editor, publisher and *4> 14. at 4 p. m. All sopho- Kathleen Dietrich: -Clothes for man club will hold a free dance n held on Saturday, Hay II. with coming year. Isiderations which last September dicnce two boys who were almost leader among the foremost Jewish who have begun work High School Girls," by Miss Ethel "•* Drtt°n- boning at 7:30. ad- Bdl Miller and his orchestra fur-, «ward certification are urged idecided Yale university and West- exact oppo*jtes—one foir and tall.; bookmen, will speak in the gov- » attend. Wehb "Home Economics Club StrmlMtoo 10 '"*• After the nishing the music. ■ At the University of Edinburgh.. ,rn Reserve university to raise the the other dark and short—and ei nor's room at the People* church For those who are enable to attend at 4 p. m. on M S C" by Virginia Grant, vire- d»nc* the tnembers of the group — Scotland, girls not only pay their,standard, of their schools of nurs- then telling in detail how he would at 8 o'clock Friday evening, in • May 14. a second Drcsidert of the organ,ration; *"'1 discuss pUns for the annual Rev. Paul D Sullivan at the own car fare when the boy friends; ing to thoM of graduate profea- dress each if the choice of cloth- service devoted to college youth, ■ Omicron Nu " by Barbara Aid- breakfast to be held the second University of Detroit owns a Bible | take them home, but they must: feting will be held at the Khools. Both give the de- ing were left to hlm^_He conclud- i Members of Alpha Epsilon Pi, tf* 15« 4place Wednesday. May rlrth itT president, and a sym- i 'n •»""'■ • j more than «S0 years old. j also pay for their theater tickets xrn. ol masU r 0, nurllng upon ed his talk by giving many bits of j Jewish fraternity at Michigan p. m. postum on the opportunities forj , .. 1 : Q , ' ! satisfactory completion of the information on the clothing in- State college, will i*t at hoata and , home economics students. flORm SOR Noiosl AT am— COUAOUTI IMMI SMOT — HUT TO STATE THEATER j course. dustry. Page Two MICHIGAN STATU NEWS alot Named Head of Theta Alpha Phi COLLEGE Michigan Stale News BULLETIN intrepid mqviir Solos pLived by IVan Wi ,llnn Kn.-U and Ronald PI If inclement weather pri on Wednesday evening, the ecrt will he postponed Thursday The following SADDLE MORS I gram will be presented, sti For Rent RED CEDAR ST A III I In a Monastery Garde1 Remember Her with Flowers Mother's Day May 12th PI.ANTS ( I T H.OWERS CORSAGES HOUSE of FLOWERS Plan Excursion to DINNERS AND LUNCHES Dow Chemical Co. Sl'NUAY, M.l\ I FOUNTAIN SERVICE KulJ Fashioned Silk Hosiery SANDY S GRILL Ring less Silk, an ( hiffon Ideal gift. or si "*(i Give Mother a Smart Handline ARROW PAR New styles of .-uniuUted »« •'» em. igiurth l|W| Fine Quality Cape Gloves In Tailored and N'mrln i •hlrv; wanted w*"1 Millinery for Mother This is the Shirt ttuit The shirt that fits in 5 places studied anatomy instead of 2 After tutu It anatomical ma-arch, AKROU Give Mother a paim to St correctly crt the Mak.nglv created the MlTlKiA, a foruvlittiiig, Fashionable ►liapcij-to-ht 4un. I rout collar to cufT, Mlioca New Dress PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS shoulders—lorn-hti the rtnbodtc* the itylc, the comfort, and the fit of a •oi*t lilting in l.ve custom-made slurf. Broad ahouldcrs Liu yoke, . . tapered sleeves, end a draped-in wai»t, are the MEMORY BOOKS r«e:i *t-fit shirt.'And gunran- particular ucw feature* of MI Tot, t —designed es¬ S3.99 to S7.95 ' L .CQU4C its Sardcmoa- pecially for the trim athletic huihl Give Mtioci a try-out today arid you'll ct«r iWak AKKOI. Give Mother a SCRAP BOOKS New Cotton Frock In white and Crfcp m. rro.li, Uul f ir>.t rhimini; in L«lt»ini: u( Ike fancy «w oh..,. (Iv,. FELT PILLOWS AND MANNERS New Aroxt Skirl — Nevt Week Mow $2 and $2.50 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT State CollegeBookstore ] winder tf ?hw*f two Mlootv j Alpha. Phut who were rescued fiom Uiu sug liu-i at a recent sen* LEWIS, Inc. 11.1 Scuth Ma^hrn^ioa A%«. iui (uuly and teUiudcii by klano- . ing vheir rescuer* up later think 4 MICHIGAN STACK NEWS T'nife Thrtt Ftnl7o Ku™!shh Book By Dean BesSey_ T MAKES PLANS peering under stancn, climb- tree#. crawling about on hands "ition on their staffs a Press lembershin must be held, isual the meeting will be Term Dance at Armory Tonight Attracts Wide Notice f0R BREAKFAST ir «e kneey'g-elentleswly -stalking p.u/ If you see one of temporary insect lovers en¬ the nl faculty dining room on i'.onr of the Union ahd 'omiuenoe at 7:30. Dick Frosh trolir tn be held ,n Dcmon«tr»tion hull Friday ni«hi Textbook in Mrcoloty" Pliers Local Writer Hiih on Lilt of he is after !" t,. 12 15. IS probably (he mo« . r . , T sure big game, camel outrtandlng all ,eh.v,i M,tv ti .- n r . M',,n "»'«« of Tomorrows crickets. And don't be alarmed .... spnnn term .-vrlnmt is t" furnish the Runs Lyon and his famous NBC oreheslra Nationally tamons Botanists. Event Will Be Well Known if you see lights wandering musie for this party. Lewis Smith. * through the fields and woods- on Of ihe deeerations eommlttee, ,■ plans to feature unique deen- which will depict the trials of the fresh rlurlna their first S.VtVt '• ■■ ru n the fH fmes.' it. 4 Play. davs Ahh«."«h the arcents it ready «., •«■< .d milda-atlon.' spired hunters looking for moths ampul ctrvrr programs liar. Iieen nnlered. Whieh Win eel- and interests ef Dr IVsws dean »o.< n A|iriII .. I'i'i. tn■ , «t • --py i'f the graduate whiwl. and head *wn.s pubiieli I Mm t«w»k M- PRESS ru It MKETINf* PLANNED FOR TIESDAY tvlu Chi Term I'arty STUDENT ASME F VISITS DETROIT ti Thirty-one Members to be Guests ' of Detroit Section Nest f. . CLASSIFIED LOST Blue I.apis setting from] a ring Reward for return to Mrs IV A Parsons. 1.19 Bui Icy phone "COME IN AND SEE ME SOMETIME Idd Iluff Haulers To List of Mann (ampus Oddities AND,"flow dors U> like thair'Snrlt ith those heard. ell the .due. SHlllllil white. •a- in an WJIM every Wrd- ■rwlav evening at f» n'rlork. Phone 2-1504 At lib \V. Allegan Give Flowers— Wear Flowers Mother s Day Specials— MOTHER'S DAY You'll find the Iwst at I>nr poiiltd attractively boxed T.'k- Two pounds, beautifully put up in Collegiate Flower Shop flower* by in re—allywhere Heart Box *2.00 III Xhtml IC-'-Ml Phone lies Lamb's Candy Shop At KOSS FROM ST \T> IMK.ATUt Don't Forget a Box of Candy for Mother Have you remembered We puck and mail them Mother? SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1935 Mary Stewart's Eaal launiniL Mich. FOR THAT 7* INNING STRETCH v m elections must have to em Mother's Day fdit » a mmunum of 5ft hours beginnng at winter i«ib, uui «i #v \Z Cake p 4 seeking A juruor cuuwt office at -prmg term election rrnast have his credit "a minimum of 7« urt at the beginning of ^rrnf Jm \pwi '•"xh White Cnkc, thick fruit and nut filling 5) "Id ki\c(v decoration £U V ® am you* JsicltyStowM. SUNDAY DINNERS Sen ice Itinin^ ituum DANGNG . $1.15 S5c TONIGHT ®l|c ^uitt Jjooii DUANE YATES AND HIS OKI HKSTIIA r tpbocco* than those used in Luck* with CONNIE ROBINS MTCmc.AN STATE NEWS STATE RACQUETS Tomorrow's Classic YPS1LANTI NINE Dust DEFEAT ALBION Diamond Is Final Analysis of FACES SPARTAN Sweep All Seven Malrhes at # State Grid Machine VETERAN HERE^EM? Methodists Win Only 2 Sel». Bate ball Personal it% Kronhach on Mound for State Metropolitan Scribes to Be on Hand as Rarhm.in's Warriors in Attempt to Set New Win¬ m IMRRV WISMKH Finish Spring Training With Infra-Squad Clash at ning Pace. Iti-rhill ti .iik. .fttd 'fnolhatr Macklin Field. Mill all k |>iiI nit ilivpl.is in a grand panorama of *porl here NORMAL LINEUP TOUCH the «frl* rod John KoIia and hi*. UdMirivint »o Id* the men Southpaw Hurls for F.*perienced from Mhhisui Normal in knofsi. the Squad in This Afternoon's Classic. It* M Till II I R CAMI'lTS HAKKKIt SHOP Comer Abbot and Grand Ritrr riioNi: a mm I USB ----- ntimv JM» S\T1 RDAY Match a our uiiv u lth the female tnastfr-mlml of. tnyvlif v fiction MifiMnv fi cnritiHm 'The WHITE COCKATOO' II %N Ml li: Rll %mw i OKTI / M\n%v — Sports MenllU Tkij Week 10& i Faculty Facts "I.IFK BKRINS AT 40" | My roti McDotialtl I 'w sometimes usked about cigarettes . . . and I believe they offer the wildest and purest form in which tobacco is used . . . Mild Ripe Tobacco... Aged 2 years or more... —the farmtr who grows chc (obacm . . . •—tlx trartbouitman w ho sells it at auction to the highest bidder . . . —tvtry man who knows about leaf tobacco—will tell you that it takes mild, ripe tobacco to SPORT BACK make a good cigarette; and this Sl KDi: JAI KKTS is the kind we buy for CHEST¬ The ROW FhtU'olM A ) ERFIELD Cigarettes. sh*itc W, M*.fU j»hh?'ir irAti All of the tobacco used in CHESTERFIELD Ggarettes is aged for two years or more, p K k. I" I * •• Ligcitt a Mvtas Toaacco Co. S \7v> * Oo.»" I5,jf MI *.l Spurt Hats Feather-weurliti. v ?t. tidied' 51' 'V ..« |!«— pre*, A belter buy for the money can-, eru-via> athWtes He claims that not be found. Here's a shoe you 11! : they are not privilege at all .but he pleased to went and ptood to; i1 a*. 'h<- broad-shouldered youths tva 1 > tarn all the extra help the v in*ti uctors give em. Let any grind (iarterlcss Sox who think* the athlete's life is a $2.95 and $.'i,50 Knox 'Vagabond,'' iht finest, $5 ■of; nm get r»ut and drag hi* frail ft-lf around with any major team iT* $1.00 on a hard afternoon'* practice and | when he come* home bruised and Headquarters titr tMiey {>! tired to. try tn concentrate on the Chesterfield is the cigarette that's MILDER ertgmator* TrUtasiuted O [ morrow* work he will perhaps I understand why hi# major-letter »IVi and K