,esday,March3,ls Love . . . Thursday . is the kty we must turn; MICHIGAN I truth it the flame we mutt burn; STATE MIWS and with I STATI warmer high . . . freedom the leuon we muit temperatures 25 to 30. Low - Elton John th« tonight in the Politicians decisions UNIVERSITY upper teens. Wl the public » is 63 Number 141 East Lansing, I 9. the main namese used ei Student leaders lose ' light pr °yerrunnin» the urces highway !« „ said the > vote on ASMSU board 7ft i up but not. 54 medium tank. Harold | By JOHN JUEL Buckner, ASMSU chairman, and Mark Jaeger, ASMSU elections if0™"'b "rnedwk State News Staff Writer commissioner, challenged the governing 76. The heads of five group vote proposal on separate grounds. major governing In the case of Off Campus Council vs - groups — Men's Halls Assn., Women's Inter - residence Council, Inter fraternity Jaeger, the proposal was contested on the Council, Panhellenic Council and Off - grounds that by placing a large number of Campus Council — lost their vote on the polling places in fraternities and sorority ASMSU Student Board Wednesday as a houses when Interfraternity and result of an action by the Student - Faculty Panhellenic Council stood to gain a vote on the board if the proposal passed, ASMSU Judiciary. The judiciary moved Tuesday night not had allowed a conflict of interest. to hear a pair of appeals by ASMSU In the case of Larry Stempel, McDonel - Shaw district representative, vs. Jaeger and contesting the decision of the All - University Student Judiciary (AUSJ) to Buckner, it was charged that the wording invalidate Proposal 4 of the recent ASMSU of the proposal passed by the board and referendum. the wording of the proposal that appeared on the ballot were not the same. Proposal 4, passed by a 900-vote margin, made the heads of the five major governing Stempel contended that groups voting members of the student Intercooperative Council had been board. included in the proposal passed by the In denying ASMSU's appeals, the board, yet was omitted from the proposal judiciary upheld AUSJ's decision that a on the ballot. conflict of interest in the placement of AUSJ upheld both charges, ruling that polling locations and a discrepancy the location of polling places had between the wording passed by the board constituted a conflict of interest and that and that which finally appeared on the the proposal had been placed on the ballot ballot were sufficient grounds for unconstitutionally. invalidating the proposal. The Student - Faculty Judiciary spent "I'm very surprised in Student - Faculty Ambush aftermath in Laos two weeks considering the appeals, devoting two of their weekly meetings to Judiciary's decision in the Off - Campus Council case," Buckner said Wednesday. South Vietnamese paratroopers move past the wreckage of a truck and the question. "In effect, they upheld a decision that said armored personnel carrier hit during a previous Highway 9, about four miles inside Laos. The paratroopers were on After the first meeting, Student Faculty even if no rule was actually violated, a court enemy ambush along their way to reinforce hard - pressed units inside Laos. AP Wirephoto Judiciary felt it needed further clarification could throw out an election because it from AUSJ before deciding on whether to looked like there might have been a hear the appeals, Ruth E. Renaud, director conflict of interest." More copters of judicial programs, said Wednesday. The A new proposed constitutional lost in Laos final decision not to hear the appeals was amendment to make the heads of the the result of considerable study of the case, major governing groups voting members of she added. the student board is currently before the board. The proposal was tabled at Tuesday Due to the appeals, the governing groups IA100N (AP) — Severe fighting broke for the first time in the war, aiming at two government position eight mildfe northwest the marks of battle damage. He said some had night's ASMSU meeting and will be acted continued to vote on the student American planes. Neither was damaged. on by the board spring term. in southern Laos again Wednesday and of the border. also had blood stains. board despite the AUSJ invalidation of the The North Vietnamese have been moving If the board passes the proposed South it U.S. helicopters fiying in support of these SAMS closer to their southern Vietnamese headquarters said North Vietnamese troops attacked but lost About 2,000 Vietnamese marines have proposal that gave them the vote. amendment — which would make South Vietnamese were shot down, the been moved into Laos in the past two days, Under the ASMSLT constitution, any border. 98 men killed in 10 hours of fighting. Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic . Command said. raising the number of South Vietnamese proposed constitutional amendment passed President Nguyen Van Thieu declared South Vietnamese losses Council, Off - Campus Council, Inter - t was the largest loss of helicopters in a were troops in that country to 18,000. in a referendum immediately becomes a that he hoped the North Vietnamese announced as one killed and three While South Vietnamese drives into Laos Cooperative Council and the newly created gle day since the drive to smash parts of part of the constitution. Until a final Residence Halls Assn. voting members — Ho Chi Minh trail began Feb. 8. "would soon awaken to the reality and not wounded. Sixty of the enemy were said to and Cambodia went on, there was only judicial decision was made on the appeals, the issue will once again be put before the n other put us in a situation which forces us to have been killed by artillery and air strikes. sporadic action reported at widely the groups could legally continue to vote. developments: student body in an all - University U.S. Command said North attack them right on their own territory." The new losses raised to 30 the number scattered points in South Vietnam. The original two suits brought against of referendum. tnamese surface - to - air missiles were The heaviest fighting reported in the American helicopters the U.S. ■d into South Vietnamese skies Tuesday Laos campaign was a battle at Hill 30, a Command acknowledges as lost in Laos since the South Vietnamese drive into that country began. Helicopter pilots say more have been shot down but are not listed as AFTER HEi louse OKs youth vote lost because they were recovered. A command spokesmen said he had no details other than that the eight UH1 Huey n state, local elections helicopters were hit by enemy ground fire, crashed and were destroyed in the lower panhandle of Laos while supporting South Vietnamese forces. In the eight losses, he said, one crew Guerrillas l member was killed, seven were wounded MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (APN - Tupamaro guerrillas claimed Wednesday By ROBERTA SMITH Rep. Louis Cramton, R-Midland, said and eight are listing as missing, that they freed American soils expert State News Staff Writer that although voters had turned down The 30 announced helicopter combat Claude L. Fly under an amnesty, but Proposal B they had spoken in favor of the losses now listed in Laos raised the casualty diplomatic sources said the kidnapers A proposal to give Michigan 18 - year - year - old vote at both major party figures in those aircraft to 17 killed, 28 obviously panicked when Fly suffered a conventions. wounded and 22 missing, according to heart attack. ds the voting franchise in state and local "We should give olds command figures. ections topped its first hurdle Wednesday 18 - year more Fly, 65, held captive for nearly seven There have been nine other U.S. combat hen the House of Representatives passed responsibilities than voting," he said, "but months, was reported in "delicate by a wide margin. if it must be done in steps let's start today helicopter losses on the South Vietnamese condition and resting" at British Hospital. In a 96-6 vote, the House started a by passing this resolution." ^de of the border in connection with the U.S. Ambassador Charles Adair called on tocedure that would line up Michigan's Opponents of the resolution contested Laos operation. Casualties in those crashes Fly twice and said the Fort Collins, Colo., 'ting laws with those of the federal the consideration of the measure saying the are listed at eight killed, 12 wounded and grandfather probably will remain in the wernment. voters had already decided against it. n01»^llSS,ug'4u j j u a hospital three to four weeks. "We are very As passed in that chamber, voters again "This is a typical example of thrusting Although the command said it had no worried about his health," Adair added. ould be able to decide on the measure in something back at the voters," Rep. Edgar details concerning the latest aircraft losses Fly was found Tuesday night on a special election Nov. 2, 1971. A Geerlings,e R-Muskegon, said. "It's like - • • ... ,thp reports said it was believed there was a helicopter combat assault by South stretcher outside the hospital. With him was Dr. Jorge Dighiero, 58, one of The bill now travels to the Senate where Laos voters) until you change your mind.' during the Uruguay's leading heart specialists whom two thirds approval vote is required to - - ut it on the ballot to make it a "The people have spoken. Give them a dajrAssociated Press photographer Neal the Tupamaros kidnaped to treat Fly. The Tupamaros, a leftist group which °nstitutional amendment. reprieve from voting again on this issue," Ulevich reported from the northern war kidnaped U.S. police adviser Dan Mitrone The proposal was rejected by a (Please turn to back page) zone that several American helicopters flew last July and killed him two weeks later, BANQUET 'bstantial number of voters in November; into Khe Sanh base during the day bearing said in a statement that Fly had been °wever, the U.S. Supreme Court has EN POT informed on Feb. 18 that he had been wided since that time that Congress acted given an amnesty and would be released 'thin its power when it authorized the 18 year - old vote for federal elections. BRIEFING DISCUSSED soon. However, the Supreme Court also said *t each state should be able to determine kill order r itself whether 18 - year - olds have the 8ht to vote in state and local elections. During House debate Rep. Jackie No MSU Library aughn III, D-Detroit, who has been the imary backer of the measure, urged the A/1 to close later 0Use to solution. A show the state its uniformity in voting guidelines is approval of the y Loi witne ■cessary to lessen «ur at election "l be the confusion that will time when 18 - year - olds able to vote for federal officials but FT. BENNING, Ga. ever were (AP) - No orders issued from a high - level Lt. asked: Col. Frederic W. Watke, who Q. Do you recall any specific mention of was during finals The Library will extend hours until 2 conference that women and children were C AND CHEESE °t for state officials," Vaughn said. to be killed at My Lai. prosecution women and children? a.m. beginning Monday, through March 18, Not A. Not specifically, no. changing Michigan's Constitution witnesses testified Wednesday at Lt. with the exception of March 13, Richard a.u'd K'quire separate voting booths, cards William L. Calley Jr.'s court - martial. Q. Was there an order given to kill every Chapin, director of the libraries, said *» man, woman and child in the area? counting rolls for 18,- year - olds, he Wednesday. One of the witnesses, William C. Riggs of A. Not at — no. The decision to extend Library hours for It's ridiculous for 18 Q. Was there an order given not to take o - year - olds to go Midland, Tex., commander of Alpha 10 days prior to and during exam week for booths and not be able to vote for the Company, said he attended a briefing on prisoners? winter and spring terms was made by the ices closest to A. No. them," Rep. William A. the eve of My Lai, conducted by Lt. Col. University Library Committee in February. i Wn. ,n view D-Detroit, said. of the altered federal Frank Barker, head of the task force which made the March 16,1968, assault. Calley, 27, is accused of premeditated murder of 102 unresisting Vietnamese Fly family The action was the result of a proposal by the Library administrators. men, women and children at My Lai while fi'CUmstances, it would be wise for "It was pretty much a standard Mrs. Claude L. Fly and her son, John, listen to questions from newsmen "We want to try to stay open year round leading the 1st Platoon of Charlie Jiigan *y«n to get in line, Ryan said. briefing," Riggs. a former infantry captain, Company on a search and destroy mission at a press conference Wednesday in Ft. Collins, Colo, on their plans until 2 a.m.," Chapin said. Whether the argued that communication had Library will financially be able to do this is iced and added. "There was nothing much out of through the hamlet. now that Mrs. Fly's husband, Claude, has been released by guerrillas knowledge was in a different the ordinary that I recall." questionable, he explained. ,■ ,e tban decades past when it was who held him captive for almost seven months in Uruguay. The committee will review the results of Another witness who was present at the J'na"y ,ot be decided 18 - year - olds would briefing, which Calley did not attend, was (Please turn to back page) AP Wirephoto the experiment after winter term. allowed to vote. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. March4 i news WASHINGTON Red China launches satellite AP The first Chinese satellite was After the initial Chinese of military weapon in space, but years, but Adm. John S. McCain The Chinese summary Communist China launched its second space satellite launched last April 25 from the Shuang in - Cheng - Central Tzu launching satellite went into orbit, Dr. John S. Foster, director of primarily with intelligence and perhaps communications." Jr., U.S. commander in the Pacific, said last December that advanced nuclear warheads apparem, in • From the wiret of AP »nd UPI. Wednesday, the Pentagon base China, the defense Chinese advances in missiles announced. Pentagon said. research and China had already deployed They held their lm The North American Air The first satellite was a 381 - engineering, told a congressional may have been delayed medium range ballistic missiles test last Oct. 14 with th* i committee that the space vehicle somewhat bythe disruptions of with reach of about 1,100 megaton device that Defense Command's satellite pound package that broadcast a " is not associated with any kind a exDlrvA?' detection and tracking network song, "The East is Red," the cultural revolution in recent miles. the atmosphere. Po<*4la is monitoring the flight of the honoring Chairman Mao Tse - satellite, which was launched at tung. After about a week in about 7:15 a.m. EST from orbit its signals began to fade. NEW CONSTITUTION "Through today's ecology Central China, the Red China's ability to launch movement man for the first time is announcement said. satellites into space suggests to The satellite American perceiving. in a broad public way, new was reported experts that the COGS to vote ondocumenl that the life support system of the orbiting the earth once every Chinese are well advanced in 106 minutes, with an apogee, or developing big rocket boosters planet depends on his complex high point, of 1,800 kilometers and moving toward an interactions with a variety - of and a perigee, or low intercontinental ballistic missile. point, of 269 kilometers. President Nixon, in his State • COGS shall not endorse a political candidate or * ^ A kilometer is a little over of the World message to party except by a two - thirds majority of those voting 0,1 half a mile. • COGS shall not contribute monies to Congress last week, said that • any political r, COGS shall not endorse political issues (See story page 8.) The Pentagon reported that a "China continues to work on The Council of Graduate Students (COGS) moved Tuesday to concern the welfare of graduate students which do not S1 U.S. Navy pilot, returning to the strategic ballistic missiles and, by submit a new constitution to vote of the entire (COGS) at MSIJ Fnw ^ of political issues which do carrier Kitty Hawk from a the late 1970s, can be expected membership. directly concern the graduate students shall require a two thirds maioritv n wolf!"*"' mission in Southeast Asia, to have operational ICBMs Copies of the proposed constitution and ballots will be mailed 0f to the COGS representatives in each department this week. A voting. ' ol " Cease-fire extension urged spotted the flight of the Chinese capable of reaching the U.S." More than four years ago, the three - fourths of the entire voting membership of COGS is Two amendments were passed on a satellite. proposal for an inb then secretary of Defense needed for passage. graduate judiciary. The United States pressed United Nations Secretary - He reported seeing "the bright Robert S. McNamara, forecast If passed, the new constitution will be placed on a graduate The interim judiciary proposal, now under consideration the Graduate Council, is intended to General U Thant on Wednesday in New York to ease the plume from the launching taht Red China might conduct a student referendum at the beginning of spring term for final provide channels n/?* Middle East crisis by appealing for an extension of the vehicle well to his north and at long • range missile test before ratification. process for Graduate process graduate students students until final graduate so'di* until fin«i hiHw ' structures are established with the Israeli Egyptian cease - fire due to expire Sunday. high altitude," the Pentagon the end of 1967, but the Chinese In other action Tuesday, COGS passed several amendments to passage of The gradual said. have yet to achieve this. the proposed constitution and amended a proposal for an interim and responsibilities document. "S1"1 Diplomatic sources said U.S. Ambassador George graduate judiciary calling for open hearings in all cases involving Bush asked Thant to include the appeal in a report on graduate students except disciplinary actions. students PreSent "0 judlciar,es hear cases Involving graduate the progress of the Arab - Israeli peace talks under his special Sweden. envoy, Ambassador Gunnar V. Jarring of Milliken labels The amendments to the new constitution included: • The officers of COGS and representatives to COGS shall not receive compensation unless authorized by referendum. the The first amendment approved le interim judiciary, with the Tuesday states that members exception of the chairman Un„. simultaneously be members of the Graduate Graduate Council Pn..n»it memb Z! or memh« ™01 • COGS cannot raise taxes unless authorized by referendum. of COGS. '"emoen Bush asked that the report be issued in advance of a • All referenda must have at least one month prior The original proposal had established a seven baloney' • man judici™ meeting of the Big Four chief UN delegates set for Thursday afternoon. rumor announcement in the major campus news media. • with the dean of the Graduate School or his chairman, three faculty members chosen by the Graduate deputy actirw* Referenda cannot be held during the summer or during the first month of classes fall term. and three graduate students chosen by COGS. Counri! By United Press International sabotage at the Capitol involves "the age - old problem of Two dead in rioting Gov. labeled Milliken Wednesday speculation that he security versus personal freedom. APPROVES ECOLOGT CLASSES More rioting broke out Wednesday despite the might be a candidate for the vice "I would hope that it will to a point where we of troops called into Dacca, East Pakistan, to presidency in 1972 "pure never come House adopts hospital bill presence unadultered baloney." have to impose maximum prevent violence in the wake of a decision to postpone Pakistan's constitutional assembly meeting. Milliken was asked at a news security," he said. conference whether speculation The governor expressed Informed sources said one person was killed in the about the vice presidency had surprise when asked about a treatment or first aid to any new rioting after a night of clashes between police and $1,000 contribution to his 1970 By CHRIS MEAD R-Farmington, was rejected a house approved 73-25 a damaged his relationship with person on the basis of race, week ago. Since then, backers which would prohibit a demonstrators that left at least two dead and 80 injured. Vice President Spiro Agnew. campaign by Hazel Park Racing UPI Staff Writer color, creed, sex, national origin ptw, Assn. Board Member Peter J. agreed to a minor amendment holding an elective office to file There were other unconfirmed reports that 13 persons "That speculation is so or financial status. which insured passage. Bellanca. Bellanca was ordered The for another unless he fint had been killed in all. ill-based and such a fantasy that Michigan House has "It's as simple as this," Rep. The rejected version it just had no effect," he said. removed from the board adopted and sent to the Senate a Rosetta Ferguson, D-Detroit and resigns. stipulated schools "shall" "It is such pure unadulterated Tuesday by State Racing bill making it a crime for a sponsor of the bill, said. "You include such If approved, the measure environmental baloney and if I weren't sitting Commissioner Leo Shirley hospital to refuse emergency either want to would bar a local official from perpetuate topics as chemical Official admissions made in front of these cameras I'd because of his indictment last treatment to any person despite discrimination or you want to contamination of the air and running for a judicial seat or i have a better description than week on charges of holding a whether they have the money to end discrimination." spot in the state legislature hidden interest in a Las Vegas pay for the service. water, solid waste disposal, land that." Other backers said the and unless he either resigned or hi) Defense Dept. officials acknowledged Wednesday in use planning and The governor also said he Casino. At the same time Tuesday, measure would end the practice term would be up by the tin* Washington that South Vietnamese troops conducted "I wasn't aware of it," he the House reversed an earlier overpopulation problems. The expects the person who phoned in some hospitals of requiring the new term of office started clandestine operations in Laos long fctefore their big U.S. compromise versions states a bomb threat into the Capitol' "Said. "There were between vote and approved legislation proof of insurance or ability to schools "may" include those The proposal would not aj>| backed offensive began earlier this month. Tuesday was "deranged in one 16,000 and 17,0 00 requiring schools to offer , pay before a person can be subjects in their to ecology persons seeking a fed*, This is the first official confirmation by Pentagon way or another. He certainly was contributions to my campaign ecology courses as part of their admitted for . emergency programs. office or an elective offlc not a norman human being." and I didn't know all the people regular curriculum. treatment. officials of what has long been an open secret. In In another Tuesday, the within He said the potential of who made contributions." Approved 99-2 after a area a political party. "We've got to let the people addition to cross - border operations in Laos by the prolonged debate was a measure into the hospital and we can't South Vietnamese, U.S. special forces teams are known which could cost a hospital its ask a jillion questions first," to have accompanied reconnaissance patrols and led anti license if it refuses emergency Rep. Gerrit Hasper, - Communist tribesmen in Laos. Comptroller D-Muskegon, said. perform an act of mercy first "Let's Fire officials assess and ask the questions later." Applications for comptroller "If we can't see beyond the Five officers indicted are being accepted in 334 Student Services Bldg. Beginning today interviews will be dollar," Rep. Loren Anderson, R-Pontiac, said, "then God help us." damage at $950,000 Five Los A fire that Angeles policemen, a San Leandro, Calif., scheduled. In other action, the House destroyed three buildings on Lansing's north side policeman and one other person were indicted by a voted 68-30 for a bill making Saturday night caused about $950,000 in damages, Lansingfa federal grand jury Wednesday on a variety of civil some form of environmental officials estimated Wednesday. rights Are education and criminal charges. Rumors Getting You mandatory in all The cause of the blaze remained undetermined Wednesday# schools and Two indictments charge three Los the Angeles officers San Leandro officer with violation of the Our Food Is Anxious? Find the Facts. Call H.I.C. 353 8114. from through the 12th grade. kindergarten fire officials continued to investigate the charred rubble. Several businesses reported losses in the fire that destroyed the The measure, sponsored by constitutional rights of two Mexican nationals who were old Bishop Furniture warehouse and two other buildinp. Rep. Raymond Baker, AUARANTSIft shot to death last summer. Included in the loss list were the Campus Bookstore, which lost $5,000 in books, and the State of Michigan, which lost $196,000 Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell announced the SUPER HI-FI SPECIALS ON NEW in equipment and supplies including three chandeliers from Got. indictments in Washington. They were returned in U.S. Milliken's office. District Court in Los Angeles and involved three EQUIPMENT YOUR COST LIST separate cases. Steak-Chicken KOSS PRO 4A HEADPHONES SUPEREX ST - PRO HEADPHONES $35.95 $34.95 $49.95 $49.95 Welfare reform plan offered Beef - Fish • Sandwiches BONUS: FOUR DAY SPECIAL GARRARD SL-95B AUTOTURNTABLE $129.50 WALNUT BASE 8< DUST COVER $25.90 Gov. Ronald Reagan called SHURE M91E CARTRIDGE $49.95 California's welfare system "a $3 - TOTAL RETAIL VALUE $205.35 billion moral and administrative disaster" Wednesday and proposed a ALSO AVAILABLE AT Your Cost $129.95 reform plan that would make it J" tougher to get on welfare and require ™KTLHB0Ds^rENT'LEWIS wagNER recipients ] to labor in public works SONY, AR. AMPEX. ETC. 349-0270 projects or stop getting benefits. The Republican governor said his in proposals would save an estimated $740 million in the program, now We Have A Great Time serving 2.4 million Californians. He | address outlined the plan in a luncheon In Store For You! to a civic group in Los Angeles. The speech was televised throughout the state. £TAep uAed to toy-' Apollo 16 crew named 'What this town The space agency named the crew Wednesday in needs is a good The world's largest jeweler offers you Washington for the Apollo 16 mission to the moon, Hot Corned Beef a selection of diamond solitaires second to none.. scheduled for launching next March. sandwich!' every one an outstanding value! Navy Capt. John W. Young, 40, will command the Well, mission. ; It will be his fourth space flight. He now we have one. flew on the Gemini 3 and 10 flights, two - man earth orbital missions, and on Apollo 10, the first manned flight try it with FINE DINING, ELEGANT SURROUNDINGS a mug Around the moon. & JIM HAR VIN A T THE PIANO. ALL Diamond Diamond His command module pilot will be Navy Lt. Cmdr. of your favorite beer Solitaire Set Solitaire YOU SUPPLY IS THE COMPANY Thomas K. Mattingly II, 34, who was to have been the $250 $100 command module pilot on Apollo 13. A few before the launch of that spacecraft he was exposed to days 2U — urif/vt GAS BUGGY ROOM the German measles, and was Use one of our convenient payment replaced. a*nd @Mue plans The lunar module pilot for Apollo 16 is Air Force Lt. Col. Charles M. Duke Jr., who will be making his first THE PLAZA space flight. 31 a S. Washington and Lantlng Mall 125 W. Michigan across from the Capitol rsday, March4 News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March 4,1971 3 ite linese \ ASMSU to hire attorney aPparently ^ By JOHN JUEL go to court under the full U..A ...14.1. 1L_ « . time f special r projects. r * offering speakers and to notify Council, Panhellenic Council, contract, but, with the help of _ The cabinet will also include a community organizations of the Off State News Staff Writer the lay - Campus Council and advocates, will develop a number of organizations with availability of student speakers. Intercooperative Council — „ legiil referral system to aid horn the board wants to The board also tabled a voting members of the student Tn»or! Student Board students in finding an outside maintain communications but proposed constitutional board. •here. timp time UHni attorney for the f , 're,a fIul1' attorne> legal aid actions at who can handle court does not want to designate as the best possible fee. amendment that would have The proposal will be acted official cabinet departments. made the heads of the major on department. Interviews In other are currently being While these organizations may governing groups — Residence by the board at the beginning of action, the board held to select a person to fill the receive appropriations, office Halls Assn., Interfraternity spring term. approved a final cabinet full time attorney position, structure and tabled proposals to space and other forms of support i„ the past, ASMSU's In establish a speaker s bureau and 1 * L lega.... legal aid from the board, the board department has operated with assumes no responsibility for vote to the maior Part "me lawyer, who counsels their financial debts or public Judge comments * Thl fill T » • students on Wednesday statements. ! " f rient itS organizing, n || a g'Vmg t'^0" .,n a^ernoons, and a system of " student defenders. °S The board approved a cabinet Included in this second group are Women's Liberation MECHA, Student Mobilization training and structure "submitted"by"cabinet on jail, fine ruling ididato or a Committee, the book exchange, po)iti» voting. m counselors. nj«ht y Political mL . i j . ® Student Hiiectromcs siuaent Electronics Workshop, worKsnop, camuini ^ichdonotdfi . att,?rney antes that members of oi Graduate Students One proposal asked that three The By DAVE PERSON subcommittee u- clearing house for students from fines for traffic violations, Schoenberger said, it is not certain he chairman, cannot tate News Staff Writer representative to the Business public interest directors be recommended that the board of changed hls y°*e in » the ASMSU board and cabinet whether the Supreme Court ruling would apply to Michigan. Council or memben Affairs Committee, Wednesday added to the GM board of ESS?supportthe latter T hT"l"' ^i?0"! ?5 and other student organizations Michigan law includes the vehicle code under the criminal ven man expressed hope that some University Business recommendation would be made directors. allowed The for other proposal Shareholder proposal but made n wh.ch gave boaid backing to GM who wish to speak to University code, which makes all traffic violations misdemeanors. Courts judiciary proZskls ' • a recommendation on have the option of imposing a fine, a jail sentence or both when a the first. both and non - University groups. »is deputy Committee will hold a by the comm.ttee to the board Committee Corporate he Graduate acting u Coundl meeting today to of trustees. on Responsibility to review GM's The trustees initially voted 4-4 on the proposals Later ThV aJLZ J"W»T" proposaTs also were The function of the bureau would be to compile a list of person is convicted of or pleads guilty to committing a misdemeanor. ier possible directions the The three proposals have been rsity can take concerning submitted to institutions having public policies. Frank Hartman D-Flint de at d at the annual stockholder's meeting. speakers and organizations "When I sentence someone to a fine or to the alternative jail sentence," Schoenberger said, "I do not want anyone to go to jail General Motors Corp. shares in GM by the Project on simply because they do not have the money at that timet" shareholders proposals. Corporate Responsibility. The meeting has been proposals would: CASE-WONDERS Schoenberg said when a person proves by verbal examination that he does not have the money to immediately pay the fine and uled for 4 p.m. in the * Require GM to list on its that he will make an effort to obtain the money by a certain bill room of the vice proxy, candidates for director deadline, that person will not be sent to jail. Rep's election validated dent for business and nominated by shareholder His policy does not mean that the person will never be jailed ce at the request of petitions. the judge added. ;ntWharton. * Permit GM consumers, The deadline for getting the money is made "crystal clear," he t spring, the board of dealers and employes to roved 73-25 a bill explained, and if the person fails to appear at that time, a bench is voted not to support participate in the selection of warrant is issued for his arrest. Id prohibit a person elective office to file proposals supported by three GM directors. In action Tuesday, the finally fulfilled it! Jones' 204. disqualified," Jaeger said. Schoenberger cited only one case during his three - month term mer advocate Ralph Nader * Require GM to publish in its The All East Lannsing district judge where a man was jailed for a traffic er unless he fir* ASMSU Elections Commission responsibility" to the Case - University Student as would have given GM annual report, statistics on its voted to validate the Case - Judiciary (AUSJ) refused to rule He said AUSJ has not yet offense. This person refused to pay the $15 fine, Wonders District. Schoenberger greater voice in progress in auto pollution decided if it will now hear the said, and instead chose the jail sentence. Wonders election of Feb. 16, The election had been on the case earlier> CB,Iin« the oved, the measure rporation. control, auto safety and case. If it holds to its previous Although jailing poor persons for failing to pay a fine may not local official from officially declaring Kevin Harty. contested by Hartv and his appeal "not a judicial matter," a special meeting was called minority hiring. refusal, Harty will remain the be constitutional, Schoenberger said, jailing a man who can pay judicial Glenview, 111., sophomore, opponent, Kaye F. Jones, ind directing the Elections r a seat on barton so that action can Last sprin_ Commission to make final legally elected candidate. but refuses is not a violation of the recent Supreme Court he state legislature ;n before the formation of Affairs Committee the^formed Business district representative. a Detroit sophomore, both decision. ruling. sither resigned or hii Harty, who seated charging improper placement of 0~.0 Harty was denied a seat on igenda for the March subcommittee to consider two Tuesday night as a voting posters&andr illegal ^campaigning Elections Commissioner Mark the board Feb. 23 when it ruled i be up by the time meeting. proposals made by the Project The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State member of the board, said he on election day. Harty polled Jae8er said Wednesday that Miss that such a move would be in rm of office started hael K. Haviland, Council on Corporate Responsibilities. University, is published every class day during four school was "pleased that the board 227 votes as compared to Miss Jones has fi,ed an appeal of the violation of the ASMSU commission's judgment. terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. iqsal would not apjf B$oiutitution. Subscription rate is £14 per year. seeking a ftxitri i an elective offlo ARTON REPORTS "The appeal is being sent to AUSJ questioning whether or has The Case - Wonders District been without a Member Associated Press, United Press International, litical party. not Kevin's alleged violations representative since Paul Korda, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, should cause him to be Detroit senior, resigned Jan. 26. Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Ad miission reques Association, United States Student Press Association. .|S| Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. sess the next few weeks. much of a change in student The Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, enrollment of 6,700 new Michigan. Dead;-';; By JEFFSHELER Wharton also told newsmen attitudes and in the mixture of freshmen next fall term. 0,000 •tate News Staff Writer He said University officials "cannot at this time" he does not interpret the relative calm on campus after the Laos students at the University." He said the modest reaction Phones: Editorial 355-8252 say incursion by South Vietnamese to the Laos incursion may be a Are . sident Wharton said whether a tuition increase will Classified Advertising 355-8255 Lansing's north si< troops as a signal of declining sign that student activists are . isday that applications for be needed next year until the student activism. searching for new methods of Display Advertising . 353 6400 damages, Lansing (In Business Circulation 355-3447 to MSU are up this legislature decides on the "I would not for a minute say protest. - Coming' . over last year's figure University appropriation. that the small reaction to Laos "Perhaps there has been a Photographic . 355-8311 a nationwide falloff of The S e ate means the students will be less concern among the student it applicants to colleges Appropriations Committee has active this spring than they have activists over past tactics — that liversities. received the University's budget in past years," Wharton said. "I there are new methods that the result of a request and will consider it in don't think there has been that should be tried," Wharton said. effort by our department to ain the present level of ment," Wharton said at a uncheon. drop ment would in University likely mean ARTHUR TREACHER'S the state legislature's priation to the University, THE ORIGINAL arton said the University is down the road" to a target Did Towne" New England Natural Basic, 8.50 Natural Cluster, 8.50 TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: LAM BAKE! RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT hole Lobster " s •Shrimp on-the-Cob 2418 E. MICHIGAN !ry Friday 6 0SSED SALAD-CORN BREAD to 11 p.m. 99c and at Natural Frill, 8.50 DRAWN BUTTER llfor information BILL'S 4100 S. LOGAN ESTAURANT t BAR "Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste" Natural Tangle, 8.50 Double Petal, 12.50 IN REVIEW PORTS CARS! the Clinique lashes. to dramatize . a kinder way sensitive eyes with lashes applicator and adhesive allergy-tested to reduce lhe great ones. Mercedes- irritation. Five styles are hand-knotted to a |enz, Ferrari, Lotus Ford, comfortable band and pre-trimmed into the pv II (0 to 60 in 2.8 fees.), plus someftfty loveliest fringe you've ever looked through Itners spanning 65 years. fVinners at LeMans, In two shades: gentle brown or charcoal pdy 500, Sebring, Mille "iglia, German Grand Prix. >ee them all at Sports >OM ifrs in Review, March 5th ZA Inrough March 28th. Tpen 9 a.m. 5 p.m. weekdays, till 10 p.m. - HENRY FORD MUSEUM JaodbSoris Japitol ['"'day, Saturday, Sunday. Dearborn, Michigan MICHIGAN ART BUCHWAID STATE NE Antiwar UNIVERSITY protestors spying on the spys FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager MARK EICHER, WASHINGTON What managing editor - happened to all lieutenant commander in the W- ED HUTCHISON, city editor the antiwar protestors BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor KEN KRELL, editorial editor in spite of what of yesteryear? Well, you read in the W. walked Dumbarton, we're beine sSSST fnii newspapers, they're still around. Only those four girls in GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor dungarees " °Wed they're a new breed and in many ways Dumbarton looked much tougher. around "if, They're from the Air Force Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award I went to an antiwar rally at the squadron at Andrews Field " Inter for outstanding journalism. Washington Monument the other day with "But they're girls," I said. my friend Dumbarton who works on "Hie Air Force demonstrations for the Secret Service. always dress* agents in drag," Dumbarton said > Dumbarton was dressed in dungarees, had dont want their people to be mbL EDITORIALS long hair and was carrying a guitar which was really a very sensitive tape recorder. Naval Intelligence A Agents." Uken fight broke out anion, When we arrived at the Mall we saw five demonstrators standing bearded students carrying a Viet Cong flag. near the J, "Hey, Dumbarton," I said, "they look P^rm- were going at it thick Admission like anarchists." "Nah," said Dumbarton in disgust, "they're FBI undercover agents. I saw "My God," I trouble." said. "T^at "Don't get upset. Half the looks like- them last week at Harvard." guvs aw the Army Civilian Intelligence We walked around. There unit ,t were sue Holibird and the other half fmi breed are policy students, all with peace symbols painted on Army Civilian Intelligence their navels, sitting in a circle smoking unit »? Pentagon. what surely smelt like grass. "Each outfit claims thev h. "Look, Dumbarton," I said excitely, jurisdiction in Washington. "Communists." have seen the brawl YouV The recent State News series on But a university, particularly one they had ati Dumbarton shook his head in disgust. "we've broken the back of inflation! Nerr y headquarters a few weeks ago. Afterit* admissions problems in upper - school supported by public funds, owes "They're from the Naval Civilian over, both sides issued body counts" programs brings to light two areas of more than this to its students. It Intelligence unit. The guy waving the ER . . . BJFEAK HIS AT?*7 ' "Why don't the police break concern: the validity of admissions must be willing to instruct the photograph of Ho Chi Minh is really a it up?" "Most of the cops here requirements and the adequacy of mediocre as well as the brilliant, and are from Washington, D.C., undercover squad departmental priority systems for to insure that its students are all they don't the enrollment of majors and non - OUR READERS' MIND want to let on to anyone capable upon graduation, regardless of they are." majors. individual resources or knowledge The speeches began. One bet upon entry. student shouted, "The Admissions requirements blanketv b Pollution of soul greater danger are blank are not going to We suggest that a central student push us a~ ticklish business. Frequently, these - We'll put them up against the wall." requirements are dictated by faculty - administrative body, "Have you got your possibly the University Curriculum tape ma-1' professional necessity; certain going?" I asked Dumbarton. competencies are essential to success. Committee, investigate all To the Editor: "What for?" Dumbarton said. A math major should know how to departmental and college admissions Fortunately, God Is gracious and gives us in a world that is rapidly decaying, we dare " Better the world? A. Sim follows human from the Internal Revenue requirements to insure that only hope. "The free gift of God is eternal life not ignore what God says in His Book, the Sen- add, for example. With this type of nature and blames the system rather than in Christ Jesus our Lord." True Intelligence unit. I wish he'd get necessary requirements, or Holy Bible. a - requirement, we have no quarrel. man's nature, which is evil. Environmental Christianity, as Christ taught it, is not Pollution of the body is far less deadly speech." requirements imposed by outside concerns and pollution cannot be answered social gospel. It deals with the basic than pollution of man's immortal soul. The next speaker was introduced Other requirements are physical limitations, remain in effect by capitalism, socialism or humanism. problem of evil and offers a solution far Karen Black Swede who had just come back determined by physical conditions Science teaches us the "laws of nature," better than socialism, capitalism, or any throughout the University. All but it fails to solve evil. We won't "evolve" Bath senior Hanoi. beyond the control of individual proposals for new requirements man - made religion. As we search for life March 1,1971 into omniscient beings capable of coping "That's the CIA's departments, colleges or even should be presented to this body for man," Dum with the whole world with perfect said in disgust. universities. Nurses should have 'They have to get in the approval; proposals should be knowledge. "Isms" push us from all sides. all the time." forget that tip clinical experience as an integral part of their training, and if off - campus accompanied by a statement showing why the requirement is essential. Ecology is the password; but ecology is a man - made study of man • made theories. Don't As we were listening, clinical facilities have limited The emphasis lies on man as the only suddenly froze. "You see those four" In the second area of concern, over there with the "Free Father BerJ- resources, departments here must being capable of explaining and To the Editor: are having to find other jobs because they every academic unit should realize its manipulating nature. We ignore what has can't keep spending their time for nothing. signs? I've never seen them before, adjust enrollments accordingly. Such responsibility to educate nonm^jors been said by Someone who does know and There is a goup of working girls in town could be the real thing." He turned or The waitress works hard to bring out the a departmental course of action irQfM that are being exploited by the local tape recorder in his guitar and we ~ as well as its own majors. Decisions undeiffknd why the world is here and what orders as quickly as possible and then clean not merit commendation, but it*' *to restrict it is. Th$ Creator of the Universe, the One businessmen and students alike. They are over behind them. nonmajor enrollment may up the mess after you leave. In addition and Onty Source of allTRUIH,the Triune not being paid in many instances for their certainly does not deserve blame. affect only a few students here and service and I think that this should be they put up with your little comments and One of the students turned « God reveals Himself in the Bible. He alone those of you that feel a necessity to talk What we find disturbing are there, but eventually a consistent brought to an end immediately. I am "Hey, Dumbarton," he said in surrJ has the knowledge all men seek and He tells with your hands. "what the hell are you doing here?" admissions requirements which are policy of nonmajor restrictions will speaking in particular about the waitresses in us many things. He says men are evil. "All the local restaurants. The next time you're in for a sandwich non - essential to professional hamper the programs of almost every men have sinned and come short of the and a beer or Coke, count the number of "Collins," Dumbarton said. "What These often very good looking girls education. Departments which student in the Glory of God." "There is not one who is are trips she has to make for you. See if she is you doing here?" University. trying to make some money to put them reason that "It would be nice if all perfect; no, not one." trying to give you good service and tip her "I'm with the National Park S Undoubtedly, some restrictions This is why there is pollution, through college. They are paid an average our students had this course or this must be made in a limited resource why no of about a dollar an hour and their tips are accordingly. But remember that being a Antisubversive Corps." man - made system will ever be regular customer doesn't grant immunity; perfect, ability" should realize that there is a situation. But eventually restriction - why perpetual motion is not. We begin to supposed to suppiiment this and leave everyone has to tip. Don't penalize the girls "You're the last person I expected to them with a reasonable hourly wage. They great difference between an essential making reaches a point at which true realize what God means when He says, for management problems and bad food; here," Dumbarton said. don't expect the nationally accepted 15 course or ability and one which is education is "The wages of sin is death," and, if we stop talk to the manager. destroyed. The per cent of a fancy evening restaurant. The merely "nice." now, there is no hope for any man because William A. Champion Jr. University has not yet reached that all evil. customers could show some appreciation Even more disturbing are those are East Lansing junior point, but may not be far from it for the work they do. Many of these girls Feb. 22, 1971 Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times. departments, schools and colleges unless counter - measures are soon which deliberately attempt to taken. "upgrade" their national image by RICK WILBINS Faculty and administrators must requiring high grade points and make their decisions consistent with difficult courses of dubious the principle that the student's "necessity" to eliminate students Onward Christian soldiers education is the University's most who are less than outstanding. Of important product. If student course, this is understandable in a opportunity for a complete nasty sort of way: it takes little education is chipped away by college faculty effort to polish the and departmental restrictions on knowledge of a student who could nonmajor enrollment, nonessential I suppose this column is directed at all succeed in his chosen field with admissions requirements and other of you God • fearing and/or Jesus - loving deliberately aborting a fetus ii people who as yet, have not been able or Thousands of women each year hi nothing more than a high school policies outlined in the series, the to resort education and native ability. willing to take an honest second look at to illegal abortions becaua quality of education must suffer. your religion (if you had, you certainly Catholic dogmatism. wouldn't be God - fearing or Jesus son - - Sinning escapists of - God loving). "Organized religion disgusts me with its Organized religion disgusts me with Undoubtedly, I'm going to get hate mail hypocrisy, its endearment to the filth of /x)litics, hypocrisy, its endearment to the fin Balancing and raise time ago politics or in the process. people's hackles. I learned a long that one doesn't attack another's religion and not kindle some fire and above all, for its unyielding dogmatism that pervades our society like a corpse stinks a closed room." politics, and, above all, for its uny» dogmatism that pervades our society corpse stinks in a closed room. at motorists9 But I've been bearing a grudge against organized religion since that time in high I believe anyone eagerly acceptini organized religion as the final truth to society's most destructive cop ■ oiu school when I realized that politics and KKK, John Birchers and southern r To help balance the state budget religion were inseparable allies. I've transfer would be to keep the state remained quiet for a long time but an revel in their specific brand of dog for 1971, Gov. Milliken has proposed from having to raise taxes in 1971, at that is intrinsically tied to their Pro experience two weekends ago really soured religion). transferring $45 million from the the cost of losing up to $5 million a me and the proverbial camel's back was Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund I I consider any devout believer in year interest for the next few years. broken. so picked what seemed to be an easy organized to the state general fund. Each religions, have served foolhardy, an escapist who finds Officials in the secretary of state's You see, I went to a funeral. topic — the Crusades. With a little research, meaningfully for as long as their existence, rationale for his day - to - day uninsured motorist pays $35 a year office have no idea what effect the Don's father had died and three friends and I went to his funeral. After the service I began to see religious history in a different light, strongly tied to politics and setting up food dispensaries for the poor, you ever seen a military man '^insj into the fund; insured drivers pay transfer will have on the claims fund. sheltering the homeless, contribution to killing from day to day without some at the funeral home, we sat in our car the greed for power. I read of the mass heart and cancer research funds. $10. The fund pays claims on It must be of religion or salvation?). kept in mind that the waiting for the funeral procession to start. murders perpetrated in the name of On the other hand, accidents where uninsured drivers are $45 million transfer will not be The service had been short, a half religion; I saw religions help to separate by their very Take away the divinity nonsense hour, advocation of a supreme at fault. After a certain time the but somehow I got the impression that in man from his neighbor and turn them into being, a divine religion and what you've got left IS . brought about without cost to the word, etc., they have done a great deal of good philosophy without the se j uninsured driver must repay the fund state. When the prayers and readings, the man who had enemies; I followed the Catholic Church's harm and will continue to do so as taxes are raised in died had been forgotten. Instead, we were ruthless struggle in becoming the strongest long as trappings of asupremebeing. And for money paid on claims made people stUI believe that someone else is that "God," the Church, i.e., Michigan next year, they will have to deluged with the political power in Medieval Europe. against him. Otherwise he will lose grace of God, the responsible for their actions. Not only have rise enough to make up for lost resurrection of the dead and the sinfulness More importantly, though, I realized for men been separated religion, certainly would not his license. interest on the $45 million, besides the first time that religion was nothing by their religions (or perverting an influence as it has • of man. The claim fund presently religions separated by men which should sooner the better as far as I m co has $55 meeting the repayment plan. Religious treachery more than the strongest social pressure make the whole question of It seems to me that we all nl|8 . million in its account. conceivable. Divinity was man's invention. divinity so Dave, a normally rather straight obviously false), but at times the rights of little better off if we didn't have a Officials say interest drawn on this The uninsured driver's fund was individual, summed Quite naturally, I absolved myself from up all of our feelings nonbelieving members of society have been act as the whipping post for 0 when he the religion race, rejected God and , sum varies between $4.5 - 5 million a established for one reason to help said, "If that's religion, I don't infringed upon. Abortion reform, for want any part of it." accepted Christ as a great philosopher inadequacies. We might even get # , year, enough protect Michigan drivers. If the fund — example, has been constantly blocked by helping the next guy instead oi 1. money to pay the i don't want any part of it either. but no son of God. Catholic legislators who believed in an has $45 million to operating expenses of the claims spare, only one It's not that I haven't been involved. The Without a doubt, churches inane "gospel truth" which out and figuring that someone P conclusion can be drawn: Michigan is i.e., states that will take care of things. fund. church was my life for quite a while. In Under the governor's plan, $10 overtaxing motorists for the claim fact, during my sophomore year in high million would be left in the claims service. school I joined Campus Crusade for Christ and became active for a year. That was the fund. The $45 million Rather than transfer funds and presently peak of my religion. I read the Bible, being borrowed from the claims fund continue the uninsured drivers' tax, studied Christian history as the Church would be paid back in five $9 million it seems that a more fair solution to presented it and even made a habit out of installments starting probably in the over - tax situation would be to saying my prayers as any good Christian should. 1973, discontinue uninsured drivers fees Then The net effect of the $45 came my senior year in high - million and continue protection. school. I was late as usual on a term paper Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March 4. 1971 5 OINT OF VIEW testors; ie spys DITOR'S NOTE: The Ada ms' domestic analysis incorrect priorities, at the cost of welfare identical owing Point of View was education and health war of genocide, priorities! it to be were was not important to the 3) Adams did not consider the employers make higher profit. products of the labor of the this society to eliminate the fitted by Eric Amador, a war which was Amerikan government to win, as basic sources of our domestic people therein leave to line the values which gave rise to the ider in the 2) That Amerikan military profitable to this Very interesting. Seabe* cago, III., »nior. society. To the struggle problems. It seemed implicit in pockets of the owners who live problems. The institutions in «y- forces should leave out the human was merely The racist values of this Suddenly! immediately and legal aspects is to neglect the crux of ideological. While the conflict is elsewhere. Thus, once again, we which these problems fester, w withdraw from Indochina. Adams' speech that stopping the oU seem to have found society keep blacks, and other er Acting MSU President 3) That the war is very the matter. The war in definitely ideological, it is also war and spending the tax money minority groups of nonwhite see that the unemployed and the must likewise be restructured. moratorium speech to the masses of costly Indochina is a war of genocide, definitely territorial. at home would solve many of origin, oppressed. To start out sub - employed provide a And if you think the Amerikan people in this The wealth of the Indochinese our problems of "bigotry and with, these groups were convenient means for property ruling circle is going to stand by opriate on the occasion of society. imperialism and aggression on area was the primary reason for poverty." This contention is and let us peacefully reorganize renewed acts of aggression I nonetheless the part of the "Free World" our genocidally put under the foot owners (in the large sense — (fisagree with the forces. This is a very intervention. The false. The only solution to our of the white man as his slaves, factories, etc.) to make profits. society into a better place for forces are committing in analysis of the speech on the important imperialistic china. I found the speech to point and it must be nature of U.S. problems in these areas is to and even though I'm told this is Strange, huh? Racism, sexism all, take a look at what is following grounds: ventures in Indochina leaves no restructure our society in its longer true, I still think and poverty all work to keep the happening in Indochina, the Icorrect in its analysis of our 1) The priorities remembered if we expect to doubt on this point, and it is not no jstic situation. Therefore, I Amerikan government of the analyze the war correctly. institutions, in such a fashion as people of color are slaves. The ruling rich in power and inner city ghettoes and the high - hard to document the wealth in to eliminate the values and ethic school hallways of this country. d |jke to state the points on are truly No benefit reason I think so is simple: in wealthy. befitting the nature of its natural resources of the area. which originally gave rise to the much the same fashion as What would I put in the place Take a look at the man's stick. I disagree, after first 2) Throughout the speech, empire. And it most certainly Adams contended the United The Amerikan forces and their problems of sexism, racism and females, these groups are denied of this country? A society where And get one to match his. If you briefly stated the points does not seem hich I agree. appropriate to me States did not stand to puppets are fighting for high poverty. The problems arose not access to many jobs, and their people are guaranteed work, love peace, struggle to institute a to "clinically gain stakes: in the past, much wealth and much by remaining in Indochina has been exploited from the out of excessive spending on the pay rates are much lower. This is housing fit to live in, food, society which will promote peace. lereas I agree with the main dispassionately" analyze the military, but rather, the not hard to document. The adequate health care, and above Our present society will not »ntionsof the speech: "cost/benefit" merits of the war (specifically, Vietnam), and he Indochinese and Chinese excessive also contended our withdrawal regions; spending on the oppression of these minority all, political power. To achieve promote peace, nor will it That the priorities of the on our domestic scene. the British, French, military To use would not benefit "the Amerikan, arose from the groups, once again, means cut - these goals will require a welcome those who do. We must rikan government are such an attitude when enemy" Dutch and other governments problems. political system wherein people change our country if we expect analyzing significantly. There were hints have rate wages for the workers from ed, with higher regard the war would most known this wealth, and Oppression certainly that Red China would not these groups. Once again, this are represented in proportion to to change our lives. We must given to military and space lead Adams into gain presently U.S. forces trying Let me clarify this: this their have control the decisions accepting an much. Adams further claimed it are means more profit for the presence. Proportional over hard to hang onto it. society is based on oppression; employers. Does that seem like a representation means affecting our needs, or our needs our ghettoes at home and our communities have control over will not be met. Remember, if pattern? Racism + sexism = colonies abroad amply testify to Profits. their own affairs, and also have a this country were a country UR READERS' MIND this. From its inception, this country has been one where Sub-employed voice in the decisions made where a person gets what it Poverty can also be seen in externally which will affect produces, the black people large masses of workers and this light. When a capitalist them. Thusly, I would not desire would own the South. Their slaves have done the work which white boards of education to sweat built it. The solution is to country has a core of Remember the restroom! makes the factory owners, decide the affairs of schools in institute a government which unemployed people, wages can plantation owners and be kept at a lower level due to black ghettoes. But, back to the truly is responsive to the needs politicians rich. From its the higher demand for work and issues and the problems facing us of its people and truly protects inception, the ruling circle of the lower demand for workers. today. and fills those needs. An this country has benefitted from Not only that, but employers In order to rid ourselves of unarmed people are slaves, or the exploitation of its peoples. the can control their employes more problems Adams lamented, subject to slavery at any given ie Editor: The basic sources of our ^ began. One "The beank th the advent of the has nothing to lose; for if this domestic problems reside in the tightly, as they are assured of a we must basically restructure moment, as Huey would say. blanket) bli act discredits the antiwar body of unemployed from ng to push us" aroui noid administration of movement, Bingo! Bird No. 2; values of this society, and, which to hire workers should gainst the wall." ird Milhous Nixon, came a and if it causes an outcry for specifically, the values they decide to fire a few of political acts which, "law and order," maintained by the ruling rich. troublemakers on their staff. t your tape macbi Bingo! Bird dering the mental condition No. 3; and if it The sexist values of this society The nature of the "sub mbarton. reflects on - ur illustrious leaders, were unruly minorities, Bingo! Bird keep females oppressed on the employed" (as Nixon so >u mbarton said. labor market. Females get paid -# ling but surprising. Those No. 4; and if.... etc. We firmly graciously called this group of na! Revenue Seni 5 who make a hobby of believe this less than males for identical to be the case. poverty - stricken people) is I wish he'd cat weather watching have work, and further, females get a Jittery legislators on Capitol are more perverse. The ghettoes of |y, with tongue in cheek, Hill, some of whom are getting denied access to certain this country provide examples of er ssed the ugly thunderhead so paranoid they are packing positions which are reserved for "sub employed" people. These - was introduced males (usually WASP males, at lolitical persecution take submachine guns in their office people live in communities in just come back fn that. Hmmmm.). The oppression in the distant horizon and closets according to the news, which most of the property is alarming rapidity drift in needed an excuse to tighten of females means employers get owned by people living outside A's direction. female labor at cut rates. Hence, the man," Dumbut is security around their offices. community, hence, the have to get in th«i ime of us members of the already being unleashed on the This prevents ey American irate antiwar called culturally and people, unawareness suppress his glee, the madman citizens from coming within and all. (For instance, a couple cationally deprived chortled the cue which America hearing distance. Also, we can listening, Uumbutt jrities who by virtue of our of Hawaiian senators are now is supposed to take up in chant: look forward to an escalation of TRANSCENDENTAL ou see those four Id of a locked in legislative combat to "A shocking act of violence political persecution and "Free Father Berrip irsensitivity to the jackboot prevent the Spiro • Nixon gang which will outrage all repression, particularly of MEDITATION sen them before. Tl oppression are becoming from working on the Americans." minorities. ing." He turned onl lasingly apprehensive at the concentration camps of World We are outraged all right. This is In this "crisis" we depart guitar and we wt War II fame which are quietly "antiwar bombing" smacks too; from file,Right Wi#g,\|vith several disregard thorance?) and complete being readied for the grand much of an attempt to create a cries to rally them around the taught by LIEBERM ANN'S as idents turned aroui ireness displayed by the reopening. That these two "burning of the Reichstag" flag, motherhood, God and Maharishi " he said in surprii llectual community senators are of Japanese mood. The Nixon gang's efforts country. "Remember the Maine extraction is not mere to portray itself as the victim of Mahesh ou doing here?" Bbouts, to put it mildly, . . . Remember the Alamo . . . erton said. "What« tie fettering and loading of coincidence. And who can read a Supreme Court to control daily without some sign of the a political fragging are almost Remember Little Big Horn .." too childish to warrant serious To the politically sophisticated . Yogi SPECIAL judiciary; the withholding of Spiro - Nixon plan? thought were it not for the grave we say . . . "Remember the Bay National Park Semi cational funds to coerce repercussions they portend. It of Tonkin Remember the PLAID LUGGAGE . . . who won't "toe the line," One of the latest, though by has all the trappings of a Capitol Bay of Pigs . . . Remember the blatant and hypocritical no means last, political ploys is Hill who • dun - it which by its U-2. erson I expected to i ks on the media which the "anti-war bombing" in the very obviousness should cause We can only speculate as to Transcendental meditation is a natural spontaneous tech¬ by Atlantic lid. iars to be broken; these and Capitol on Monday, which, if we any pseudo - intellectual to the slogans which may well nique which allows each individual to expand his mind and than other events are by no are to believe the news, blew up collapse in helpless mirth. A become the rallying cry for the improve his life. r fighting fori s normal political a restroom in the basement of calm analysis of the action Rightish hawks as they close eedings. They are all part of the Pentagon or some such unfortunately leads to the ranks with the police and second introductory lecture Los Angeles Times. designed scheme to building. The media, which is sobering discovery that Nixon national guard to crack antiwar rol the minds of the people thoroughly trained now, and cohorts are not trying to be student skulls . .. Remember the Thursday, March 4 prepare them for the dutifully presented the chorus funny. They are playing a Restroom! mand performance which is line replete with such deadly game in deadly earnest, if 7 p.m. o come, intellectual giants as Sen. Hugh you'll excuse the pun. Jose F. Trevino Bear in mind that the think Chairman MSU Chicano Veterans Assn 104 B Wells Hall plebeians are too keenly Scott, White House spokesman that the grandiloquent Ronald Ziegler, and the car tank in the madhouse Cabinet March 2,1971 For information, call 351-7168 tudes oozing from the salesman himself "Madman ths of the Spiro • Nixon Milhous." Almost before the ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ are but a cover-up for the speculative and condemning ink itarian fascism which they blotches were dry on the openly espouse and which newsprint and equally unable to TONIGHT 7-12 Shaw Hall Lower J THE COLONEL Lounge Plain Brown Wrapper Backstreet J )r SAYS Touchstone Proud Flesh Benefit Concert -$1.50 yL SAVE UP TO ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ We want to talk to you about a career in law... •2.50 ON DELICIOUS without law school. COlONfl UNOCKS' RtCtK Light . . easy to carry ... roomy! Atlantic's great flyweight When you become a Lawyer's Assistant, Kmtuduj fried £kick«* zippered luggage has a size to fit every need. Choose single pieces or matched sets in striking McPherson or MacArthur you'll be doing work traditionally done by tartans. Outfit yourself now with the famous Grasshoppers lawyers — work we think you'll find challenging and responsible. And Lawyer's Assistants are now so critically "25"of"F"" 50c OFF | and Val - A - Paks .. and save. Reg. NOW needed that The Institute for Paralegal Dinner Thrift Box : Aero - Tote 12.00 9.60 Training can offer you a position in the 3 big pieces of Kentucky ■ Eech Thrift Bo» contains t 21" Overnight 16.00 12.80 city of your choice and a higher salary Fried Chicken, plui meshed 5 pieces of delicious Ken. 24" Packing Case 19.00 15.20 than you'd expect as a recent college 26" Packing Case 22.00 17.60 potato*!, crecklin' gravy, JJ tuclcy Friad Chicken, seryes graduate. You'll work with lawyers on colailaw, and hot roM. ■ 2 to 3 hungry folks. Men's Val-A-Pak 29.00 23.20 interesting legal problems — and the Ladies' Val-A-Pak 31.00 24.80 rewards will grow as you do. A representative of The Institute for Family Val-A-Pak 40.00 32.00 75C0FF 51.00OFF [ Paralegal Training will conduct inter¬ views on: j The Barrel £ THURSDAY, MARCH 11 The Bucket IS pieces of flngar llckin' I j 21 pieces of hearty chicken ■ Two Weeks For Only Inquire at Placement Office good Kentucky Friad Chic- j for hearty eaters, serves 7 J for exact location of interview 9 hungry people. " ken, the Colonel special j to gravy, and hot rolls. ] • EXPIRES MARCH 5. 1971 • The Institute for Paralegal Training OFFER GOOD WITh COUPON ONLY 13th floor. 401 Walnut St.. Phila Pa 19106 1040 E. GRAND RIVER, E.L. 4238 W. SAGINAW 3140 S. LOGAN 3200 N. EAST ST. 1620 E. MICHIGAN (U.S.27) 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursdii Iav- March,, AgeTheatergoers in Michigan have quite recently been exposed to gap bridged with Actually the entire evening is on with Ann going off to marry grandfather. sex*. ' a level of pleasant toleration, Peter, leaving her inhibitions and Nancy Cushman as Ann's several productions which nothing really exciting or society's disapproval to comfort attempt to bridge the generation gap sexually. PANORAMA1 disastrous but enjoyable. each other. mother, Maud, was a camp and thoroughly delightful. regular I do not object to It was her deep voice and comic "The Apple of His Eye" "Forty Carats" centers anybody around the life of Ann, a 40 - loving anybody else, but I antics which added some life to y TfWE featured an old buzzard farmer, old (what else?), question some of the aspects of the evening. starry - eyed over his young year - the Peter • and Ann housekeeper, and was absolutely successful real estate broker, - "Forty Carats" is not one of dreadful. "Forty Carats" which who has a fling in Europe with a relationship. She looked Broadway's best examples of 22 - year - old Romeo and is ridiculous dressed in hippie garb was presented Tuesday night as a her comedy, but it is not the worst. Lecture - Concert Series then haunted and courted by the on way to the Electric- I didn't love it and I didn't hate Circus, which was just too much Broadway special, also was By KENNETH STERN glory that was Greece. it, but found the evening mildly for the old girl. Obviously, the concerned with May - December amusing and rather tolerable. relationships and fared much Y State News Reviewer y Ann had given the young man couple saw something in each other that I didn't. better. a false name, but when, one fine "Forty Carats" is aimed at a evening, he comes to pick up middle - aged, middle • class Adapted by Jay Allen from a York joke typically is concerned Barbara Britton as Ann is not Ann's daughter as a favor for a audience. French play by Barillet and with the New York life style, friend, passion is renewed in the my idea of a real beauty, and Gredy, "Forty Carats" seems as such as the paranoia about door Robert Dannenberg as Peter was In bringing "Forty Carats" to American 20 cent young lad's heart. as a - locks, good and bad buildings so bland and lackluster that he MSU, the Lecture - Concert hamburger. The one - line (one doesn't speak of It seems that the young man, could have been her Series seemed to neglect the funnies and obvious action are a neighborhoods anymore), student population in favor of Peter Latham, is quite persistent, • step above the usual Broadway congestion and the like. and Ann, for a while at least, is local - area residents. I would dreck but, unfortunately, some have rather have seen something of the laughter is dependent The humor is pleasant resistant. Ann's mother is a Reception off more in focus with student upon New York jokes. A New without being really funny. typical meddling old biddy who attempts to interest Peter in tastes. Student cra 4th WEEK - OPEN 12:45 ,^2-i | PROGRA INFORMATION 482 3905 PROGRAM marrying Ann to involve the family in the fortunes of the due to cost cut If y°u missed any p"* of A student craft show is being presented at the Meridian Mall through March 14. item$ b I nrhg ICHIGAN well - to - do Lathams. "Forty Carats" or wish to see it again, another version starring sold include jewelry, prints, butterflies mounted on leaves, rope candles, knitting and A glass blower and glass sculptor also is featured. artw ?I or I UjJ® Theatre • tansinq Ann's old, has a daughter. 17 mind of her - years own and - President Wharton has discontinued the traditional Barbra Rush is at Detroit's Fisher Theater. State News photo by Milton Hor# I marries a 45 - year - old wealthy senior reception for this term Texan. Love triumphs in the end. and untiI the University is in better financial shape, James D. TREATMENT PERMISSION Spaniolo, asst. to the president, MSU JAZZ said Wednesday. ENSEMBLE The reception for graduating seniors has usually taken several days each term. No record has been States ease VD kept of attendance, easier for youngsters to get treatment without I and II Spaniolo said. By The Associated Press treatment without their parents' consent. parental to step in and take of the family." ( knowledge or permission. "I think most health officers Similar Spaniolo said discontinuing With the incidence of venereal Massachusetts legislatio HUBBARD RM. 132 passed the would concur that this law the reception is one of several disease in the United States now nation's first such law in 1954, would help," says Lawrence pending in WiscoaJ 7:30 adjustments made by the estimated at more than two and 33 states and the District of Minnesota, New Mexico, Geort president's office to cut costs Burinsky, chief of the Health and Ohio. The Georgia j TONIGHT MARCH 4 million cases a year, nearly twice Columbia have followed suit, during current fiscal constraints. Department's VD control provides that the number five years ago, state most of them in the past two or section. physicians may Ptogwn iwroMMTiow a? mi? legislatures have passed or are three years. Such a bill reached the patients' parents but are dl starts TOMORROW considering laws to make it In North Dakota, according to the state medical association, the Nevada Legislature, but it returned to committee after was a required to do so. A similar 1 was approved law leaves a physician by the li open to legislator called it "Communist" Rep speaks an assault charge if he treats because it "allows government last Lester year, but was Maddox, then gove vetoed || minors for venereal disease State Rep. Jackie Vaughn, without their parents' consent. D-Detroit, will spoak on "Black Politics" at 7:30 p.m. today in G-8 Holden Hall. However, a bill to change that is pending in the legislature. Selection committee Arizona, which requires that The speech is sponsored by parents be notified and give their & HOWARD G MINSKY - ARTHUR HILLER Production "Gene Wilder is H o Id en's Black Culture permission before their children can be treated for VD, has a bill to finish candidate lisl Committee. There will be no John Marley & Ray Milland erich segal arthur hiller terrific! Margot under consideration in the admission charge. The chairman of the College legislature which would permit position to return to full • I HOWARD G MINSKY OAVID GOLDEN FRANCIS LAI of Communication Arts search iyJH Kidder is teaching. afid evaluation committee said i , "I cant imagine it wouldtil endearing and Wednesday the work of the us beyond the 15th or 16th 1 group should be completed by April to compile a final If always believable. mid- Apr 11. unless we possibly get hung J She invites Gene His committee will develop a in some way," Robert H. D list of three to five candidates committee chairman, said. to a dance which which will go to the provost who will then make a selection to Davis affirmed that tl turns into a committee has intentionsf The New no replace Jack M. Bain who is disaster which resigning from the dean's releasing the names of tl under consideration. turns into a night He said resumes had In ("Salvation," "The Boys in the Band") received from seven candiditJ will take you back of love which turns four of whom are from MSI to romp through into a happy ending. The others are from outside tlf University. the elegance, the glamour, Everyone will have "It's possible to begin I a lovely time at make some judgments the frivolity aboj candidates," Davis said. that make the '20s this earthy, romantic The committee intends I interview some of the candidil| ROAR comedy."-Gene Shalit, NBC-TV during the first week of sp term. "We want to be sure if we GENE WILDER „ bring in candidates fromfj campus for interviews that.M "QUACKSER FORTUNE are viable and will end upintl| top three," he said. HAS A COUSIN IN THE BRONX" ENDS TODAY: "JOE" ... at 7:20-9:25 P.M. Lecture - Concert Series | presents TONIGHT—100 VET CLINIC Vladimir Ashkenazy HARPO CHICO GROUCHO ZEPPO MARX in NIGHT AT THE OPERA u„, -SUN0j| at 8:45 only Vincent FESTIVAL OF PRI»| ALSO horror L0N r wu'v CHANEY ■ ■ - NOBLE: SAVAGE! "CRY OF THE BANSHEE" THE BOYFRIEND "SCREAM AND I SCREAM AGAIN- Friday, Sat., Mar. 5 & 6 7:30, 10:00 "THE HAUNTED McDonel Kiva Student Tickets $1.50, $2.00 The Owl i diary and the | of a mad 60 Elaborate Costumes The same musical that played at Pussycat THURSDAY 6:15, 8:30 housewife THURSDAY 5)19, 7:00, 8:45 the Fischer Theater in November \ FRIDAY 5:30, 7:30 9:40 1FRIDAY 6:30, 8:15, 9:55 ■■thurs. twi-lite hr„ f THURS. TWI-LITE HR., ******** J ADULTS 90c, 4:45-5:15 / ADULTS k THURS. TWI-LITE HR., I ADULTS 90c, 4:45-5(15 90c, 5:45-6:15 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, March 4, 1971 7 ttorney discusses facets of Collins L KAY ELLEN FARISON ^ case murder cases. the insanity defense, He «l™ attorney must look Delhey add as a asked if the n "I think they jury was influenced sophisticated. They consider the Delhey criticized press press is still thought they Jridence which may have He said the law about them1"1 "hounding noundIn8 us" carefully at the weaknesses and by the fact that Collins refused individual's constitutional rights of the murders and doesn't allow could win"the"? case " he said t ' take t„Vo the th„ stand. Kfar,ri to a greater extent. coverage trial. He said the JSsmn press tf-SSSs 5=?"-- =s^«5£S Delhey said that 15 man years ago, didn't take the stand, arm "I would have given my right for Collins to take the overemphasized details. unimportant --SrS =s:&JKS him . . _ guilty. But today, he said, stand," he said. "But, the first time I even heard his voice was our "The press didn't understand case then and doesn't „ murder trial, said ffS on of Karen Sue Beineman who* disD^Tof ^P t,° r*i£ursa=£ or misjudge time factors, he said. — —» member ■ juries are much more at sentencing " A member of the audience today," he said. He said PaPers we"> trying to [us Tuesday. X sK « n„w asked why the case had been outdo each other by offering . Delhey said. "The nude ^dy was didn t try a collateral summer before in near Eastern a found wooded area .„S Michigan Sfher^LTJ »h^g V?? . ™P. had been fn» h* ^ « .uW°T?8 ^t,cles The four Phases of Delhey's strategy included tracing Miss ^Oman's activities on the day No bomb tried in Washtenaw County after all the publicity about the awards and by bringing Peter hat the to the xe"e- He added P™ss made it difficult Jtion was whether Collins Universit Michigan other cases. But the judge didn t she was killed, tracing Collins' murders in the area. to out the. for Miss ^^ the' ury to hear this substitute a mannequin p,la" to , Karen Sue Beineman He |g presenUy jn ^ Delhey said the defense could an informal talk before state Law Club meeting Delhey in the Prison jximately 30 students at a extradition to California fortrial h^n 5 t6XP J awaitino n^iK ^ n , . ^ he activities in a similar manner, investigating the murder scene for c,ues which Collins in Kedzie have /.forced, l,_ „ county but a move didn't. would have been created all . to another Publicity ^ * bv Drenan'no°th r* ?° over aileged murdpr f case attemPted to hide and carrying MSU police said Wednesday they did not find any type of "The sonic legal evidence existed California coed h preparing the final arguments out microscopic analysis of hair explosive device in a Wednesday afternoon search of North and again wherever the case was trial, which lasted three W„g Collins in some of No tadlclmentli hsye ^ 5^ ™™dle„" .Jthat analyzing the crime. linked Collins with South Kedzie Hall after Communication Dept. employes in the taken, he explained. Delhey said he had hoped to months, cost between $200,000 and $500,000, Delhey said, Delhey said building told police they received a bomb threat from an get a jury with engineers because "The jury was locked up in seven girls talked unknown telephone caller. to Collins on the of the statistical material used as hotel rooms over six weeks," he day of the Police said two officers rushed to Kedzie about 1:30 murder. The four Collins knew p.m. after evidence. Seven of 14 jurors said. "And there were meals the call was received and searched all chosen engineers. The he did not ask to go for a ride on public areas inside the were seven days a week to pay for. his motorcycle. One of the three building. jurors' ages ranged from a 22 • The cost of justice is high, No firemen were called, and the year - old girl to a 78 - year ■ old "You don't try a case like he did ask replied no, because he building was not evacuated. man- Police said the caller did not specify where the bomb supposedly this," he added. "You live it." might be the coed killer. He answered that he was located. had some No suspects were apprehended. Police said they were not able paper and a pencil and would c EMMONS HALL resident wallet with contents estimated to give a reason for the threat. of his fraternity house at 453 write her a warranty that he was treated at the MSU Health at $5 was removed from the top Abbott Road. not» Delhey said. ?r and released Tuesday shelf of his locker. Wentzel told officers he left 0ne audience member asked after he sustained a cut Police said Vansickle's locker the keys in the ignition. Delhey why Collins did not use CINE lip when a man, about 20 was left open for five minutes, SERIES P I old, reportedly struck him during which time the theft |r that evening. occurred, and the padlock r/Vem lank nore, L. Davis, Union Lake told police he was Haver's locker had been pried open, on ttP/ayeu Gkcuilie j with the man in the [yard between Brody and * * * ions halls over who had the ■ of way on the sidewalk, AN ESTIMATED $200 damage to a student's in Sandy Wilson's Roaring 20's Chan I unidentified man then automobile parked in the West x Musical Spoof in Vd him, Davis said. Shaw Hall traffic loop occurred ie assailant reportedly fled sometime between Monday and irea after the attack. Police ■Davis went by himself to ealth center where doctors Tuesday when thieves reportedly broke into the vehicle and stole a transistor radio with an THE SHADOWS OVER CHINA |tf-d the incident to MSU * * * estimated value of $18. Stephen L. Rivette, Flint junior, told officers he found the BOYFRIEND Room I THEFTS from lockers vehicle's convertible top slit and Tonight 7, 8:30 I by students in the Men's l.he frontrad,° missm* from the r,8ht 9 Performances March 5, 6,11,12,13 109 & No lamural Bldg. were seat. Tickets $2.50,2.00 Students $ 1.50,2.00atthe Union Only Anthony 10 75' I.D.'s ■igated Tuesday afternoon KEITH K. WENTZEL, Ivening by police. Detroit junior, told East Lansing Iris A. Vansickle, Alma police his automobile was stolen ■late student, told officers Monday afternoon from in front patch with an estimated 1 of $80, was stolen from AN MHA-WIC Presentation | a boot on the floor of his r. Frederick Haver said his TONIGHT' ALL COLOR! MAZOWSZE 41 "COMPLETELY I 100 Dancers, Singers ,* FASCINATING |nd Symphony Orchestra. SBSt* TO WATCH!" The Series B | "Go See MAZOWSZE' and when you leave, ROBCRT MDFOAD motion will discover thai I you have forgotten how miCHfMU. POLLARD picture waiter Terry, Saturday Review . LITTU FAUSS £ event If ROD BIO HAL$Y^\i J University Auditorium Monday, March 8 b j of s 8:15 p.m. S1.00 with full ■ time Shown tonight at 7:07 Only the ALSO MIA FARROW II year! . . . ... [ Tickets on sale at Union "ROSEMARY'S BABY" el Office Shown at 9:15 Only 104B Wells Hall Thurs, Fri, Sat. 7:00, 9:30 .00 I OPEN UIKE At 1:00 p.m. ' PROGRAM INFORMATION —n 485 6W AU The Stars! 14th Week... ALL |;15-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:25 The Story! ONE OF THE FUNNIEST MOVIES YOU'LL EVER SEE ... ALL AND HELD OVER 'he Evil Tobacco Co. said: The Spectacle! The 4.006 WE LL BET $25,000,000 Good Citizens ALL THAT NO TOWN IN AMERICA CAN GIVE UP ^SMOKING FOR 3Q DAY— M u(cough) of Eagle Rock replied: The Songs! XPO 2000 YOU'RE A Jury Selected Showcase of Films Ranging in Content from Pure Nonsense ON!" to Biting Satire from Some of Today's Most Talented Young Film Makers. 7, 9:30 in Conrad 7, 9:30 in Wilson A BUD YORKIN NORMAN I FAR PRODUCTION DICK VAN DYKE GOID TURKEY . $1.00 admission I.D.'s required $1.00 admission I.D.'s required 52 COLOR I)V 1)1-1 me United Artists 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursd^March4 ! v/ ' w /7 nY\ wx Ax' CANTLON SPEAKS Capital Capsules THE VICE PRESIDENT of Michigan Bell Telephone Co. charged Wednesday that Atty. Gen. Prank J. Kelley is using specify the exact increase it seeking. A BILL * * * THAT WOULD was A BILL THAT WOULD GIVE municipalities abolish the right the office of constable to Ecology study: intellectual activities to reach all department#. The center a series of eventual^ J REQUIRE credit cards to have a programs that would make all students rZ« adoPte. delaying and diversionary tactics was introduced in the state the environment. in stalling the company's request current photograph of the owner 8w»feof Senate Wednesday. "We see a lot of people leave here each for increased rates. was introduced Wednesday in year" rwi ♦ * ♦ University programs are part of the local and national ecology "We felt we shouldn't turn out several Lloyd J. Haynes described the the House of Representatives. A BILL WHICH WOULD movement, which indicates a major turning point in human thousand ^ financial condition of Michigan Cornirs,' with defects in their training jn envi? tui1 Rep. John Bennett, make it illegal to sell detergents understanding, Provost John E. Cantlon told student and faculty awareness." * Bell as "deteriorating." D-Redford Township, sponsored environmentalists Tuesday night at Phillip6 Hall. with more than 10 per cent The Campus Kelley had suggested Friday the bill which he said would Water Plan is a major research project «. phosphorus in Michigan after Appearing before members of the Sierra Club Committee and study the interrelation of rural and urban arMc1*® . that the rate case be dismissed protect Michigan consumers July 1, 1973, was introduced Students for Environmental Quality (E QUAL), Cantlon said that because the company did not against misuse of the cards. Wednesday in the state House of recent local and federal programs place the movement for possibilities of recycling nutrients found in a"d effluents, he said. «Wflge pUnt Representatives. ecological awareness alongside the intellectual discoveries of Private grants totalling $1.2 million must now The bill, aimed at alleviating a Galileo and Darwin. be matnk JL $500,000 appropriation from the state before work can Job seminar planned "serious source of pollution," is sponsored by Rep. Lucille H. Galileo showed man's relative insignificance in the universe, while Darwin offered proof that man is related to the animah that also inhabit the earth, he said. the project, Cantlon said. The state cut from the present budget and must now money was approved be passed nn h!S°° ** McCollough, D-Dearborn. budget. passea on the nj, '"ITirough today's ecology movement," Cantlon said, "man for The University is taking corrective action on waste h the first time is perceiving, in a broad public way, that the life for TV-radio students A BILL WHICH COULD reduce within eight years the number of billboards on Michian support system of the planet depends on his complex interactions with a variety of sensitive organisms. irregularities discovered in a study recently comnieterf private engineering firm, the provost added. Use of fertilizers, pesticides and other "This is not fad, but a whole new turn of the wheel. We'll chemicals are >i« ^ highways was introduced a controHed, but Canton said he is not A job placement seminar for television and radio students has been scheduled for 6:30 p.m. today in 34 Union. Wednesday in the House of Representatives. JOHN CANTLON never return to our previous ignorance," he said. Examples of the University's commitment to ecological action the chemical monitoring system is completely totally effective satisfafj Participants in the seminar, sponsored by the Dept. of He said entry into environmental studies Rep. Raymond J. Smit, and awareness include the Center for Environmental Quality, the by "big scienr" Television and Radio, will include Edward Fitzpatrick of the academia and the federal Placement Bureau and Robert W. Schlater, chairman of the Dept. R-Ann Arbor, sponsored the bill. Campus Water Plan and an extensive study of University waste ecological awareness government is here to stay. also indicatedV of Television and Radio. "Michigan legislators . . . have problems, Cantlon said. With support from the National Science decided that prompt action is From its beginning, the center faced budget problems and the Atomic ;omic Energy Commission's Oak Foundation The meeting, scheduled for graduating seniors and graduate needed to stop the growth of the dilemma of whether to reach for a broad or narrow focus, he said. Ridge LaboratorvT Laboratory- U'no, students in the program, will cover use of the Placement Bureau, It could either sponsor a small, technical studying problems caused by radioactive waste disorganized billboard jungle program or aim its Cantlon said. fallout, resume writing, tips on seeking a job and an outline of the general which is disfiguring the state," outlook on the job market for broadcasting in 1971. Smit said. OPEN DAILY 10-10; SUNDAY W-7 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY A Division of Hit S. S. Kresgg Company March ULTRA-BRITE 63/4-oz.MACLEANS' TOILET TISSUE PRISTEENSPRAY 48* Extra-strength toothpaste! 48* Large family size tube of Lady 18* Scott*super quality tissue 97* Feminine hygiene deodori^ Brightens breath as it brightens MACLEANS*toothpaste for n roll of 500 sheets. Two-ply spray. Feel fresh all day. Lightly teeth. 6-3/4 ozs. net wt. BEST SELLING STEREO ALBUMS . whiter teeth. Freshens breath. Eoch sheet 4 K * 4 U ". Savel scented. 2.5-oz. net weight. Our Reg. 3.72 - 3 Days 67 A SPECIALLY SELECTED GROUP INCLUDING: • Swoot Baby Jam©* Jamas Taylor • Dton John Album • Close To You Carpenters • Tap Root Manuscript Neil Diamond Each • The Partridge FamHy Album The 5th Dimension • Portrait Charge It 20-oi.LISTERINE JERGENS LOTION FACIAL TISSUES 68* Lister ine®Mouth wash, gargle Large Family Size With extra 64* 18* Box of 200 sheets for co«M« and powerful germicide. Fresh¬ 17 oz. net. weight softening action. For smoother, lovelier skin all overl use. They're 2-ply quality, super ens breath. Helps fight colds. Save at K-Mart 9- \i •OiidA -ozs. net weight. soft and strong. Charge it. Reg. 1.78 3 Days • Spanky & Our Gang • Gold. Ira of Dane* SPECIALLY PRICED VARIETY PACK INCLUDING: • Original GoM Soul • Sopor Otdios, Vol. 5 • Country & Wostorn Hit-makersI Vol. 2 _ STTLlfNAIR SPRAT CRIME RINSE PRELL'SHAMPOO 56* • HH-makers. Vol. 3. Various Artists 47* 97* Specially priced, manufacturers' overstock dburnt at a savings during this four day •vent. Charge H at K mart. • • Groat Hits by tho Groat Stars Tho GoMon Sound* of Solel 8-trock stereo Pop cartridge tapes of great hits! Shaving gel for closer shaves. Regular or Super Hold. Water- "Tame" rinse, reg. or with soluble. Exclusive "Protex" tex- 86* Liquid "Prell" for gloriooscUon, It's now, try it! turizer. 13-oz. net weight. body,for softer easy-to-manaae shining hair. Leaves ^a,r . ♦ net weight hair. Squeeze on. 16 fluid ozs bodied. 11.5 fluid oz«. Save! LANSING- W. Saginaw St. near Waverly S. Cedar - Jolly Road OKEMOS Grand River near Okcmos Road Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS »|G 10 TRACK Spartansready Gropplers put team crown, for fast meet individual titles on A team en route to winning season but has looked impressive product was injured again this the year and sat on the sidelines for Big Ten wrestling in recent outings and will be a the latter part of the season. Big Ten has improved at Michigan. Both teams are far championship must have depth favorite as he goes for his second and win several individual titles. title this weekend at Purdue Peninger said that "when k so have its meets, and ahead of any others. Abajace is he can go." But MSU while streaking to five University. on Vkend's 61st annual meet consecutive conference crowns because of his injury a "wait and should be no f ^Le,d Events If the shoulder injury that has tadison 8 ' Pat Matzdorf see" situation exists. Pf Wisconsin has the best high has had many wrestlers capture limited Tom Milkovich (134) in Tom Muir individual championships. the final weeks of the dual meet was granted □ fieldhouse at Wisconsin ®1 7 ' 2 b"1 Northwestern's is another year of eligibility jumping and jam-packed ^gers is at 7 - 1, season healed, he will be the because of an injury that forced ibid track fans, as it °"jers are »t 6 -10 or better and In 1969 the Spartans set a tournament record by sweeping overwhelming favorite for a him to miss most of the action , is when the Badgers are ^ at 6 - 8 or 6 ■ 9. So it's second conference title, And that alone should J„ a™ut1 UP for g™bs. Pole u six individual first place finishes Milkovich is considered to ,ast year' Muir was off to a good produce some fast times J?"'1 '°oks the same with out of the 10 weight divisions. have the r- potential to be one of start thls year when . . . . an '"jury - - again tr"k Ui*v* 4-u- ■ - Last year MSU garnered five of lineup. took him out a£a1"^ )D • notch performances. ,sco",in s Gordon Crail tops at the greatest Spartan wrestlers the the elite spots. In his freshman year he by event, the meet 10 " 10/< and «x more at 15 -4' ever. the Muir displays such ;nUp like this: anduP- This season as the Spartans won placed conference fourth in the title and NCAA competitive drive that even attempt to defend their team ballooned knees couldn't — MSU's Herb J**'** 0n^° championship several MSU tournament. He had a fantastic prevent him from working out in nrton the odds - on choice, f" abe*dK *P,e JumP at grappiers will also be guarding 70 - 0 mark as a high school a i 5 9 best. l T arrv Indiana's Mike Hiehbaueh and f* * " J? Eric Allen of MSU " ^ a D°ug Vine of their individual titles. wrestler at Maples Heights, Ohio. He has only one loL in dual ""J8 ,way u Muir challenged „ teammate r Radman and lost a Miller, MSU's LaRue }nd,ana (48 ■ 5'/«) should battle After sitting out his meets this season. "That only loss" Coach v: dlsaPPomting match. Radman ee Ohio's Jim Harris and m"ner, "P honors- sophomore year with an ankle mil and Michigan's One f"d injury Greg Johnson (118) rose Grady Peninger commented, has.fh°wn steady improvement as Muir's replacement and "should 1S" battle for runner. the 'on8 s Johnson look like jump's best, while to become the most outstanding "was to Dwayne Keller who is going after his third national holds down the now Spartan ™orS- lightweight wrestler in the title. It's no disgrace for a assignment in the tournament. defending champ Bob Winchell First an country last season. Not only sophomore to be beaten 1 — Goodrich tops here Jpdlana Jihould have a tough will Johnson be defending his senior who is already a two ■ by a OSU, U-M win, ; 30.5. He's also defending 'f "le with M nnesoU's Colin Tuesday night's rugged MSU-Purdue game at Jenison Fieldhouse often resembled a football Big Ten title but the NCAA time national champion." , but could be pressed by ^"dersofn Michigan's Steve game with lots of bumping and shoving on the court. Here Purdue's George Faerber (33) onors as well. Johnson and Milkovich are but Hoosiers fall ring Butchee and Hoosier Adams for shot Put honore- appears to be tackling MSU's Brad Van Pelt as they fall to the floor while battling for a Johnson was hampered by an the only MSU returning champs lates Highbaugh and rebound. state News photo by Tom Gaunt injury in the middle of the from last year's tournament, but Ohio State held its lead in the John Abajace (150) and Tom Big Ten basketball race by Muir (158) won titles in the beating Minnesota, 84 - 70, — Looks like a four way 1969 showdown. while Michigan nipped Illinois, Tankers seek 3rd in Big 70 with Ohio's Harris, on a Abajace missed all of last 75 - 74. Wisconsin shock?d 1. 440 double, MSU's A1 season with a knee injury but Indiana, 94 - 87, in double rson, Wisconsin's 1970 should be among the contenders overtime and Iowa beat or champ Mark Kartman, this season. The Washington, Pa. Northwestern, 78 - 64. ;her Illinois' Ben Dozier or The Big Ten Koster. _ swimming o mect earlier this season, they both the 100 and 200 fly last medley relay. Jud Alward and Tom Cramer. — n Bob U Lassleman or «r championships toHav ln - - get - under way .—j edged MSU by four The Snortonc —— points. ru...vu. year, jcai, behind ueiuuu Indiana'ss Mark muiaiiu iviarh Another backstroker uacimiruKer who wno today in Columbus, with teams ,„uu t The Spartans are far from out Sptiz. He could do as well this figures to get into the scoring is the pick with his l:i from every acuuui A good performance could school in in (lthe of the picture, however. Coach time around. senior Mike Boyle, who has won but Dozier and Wisconsin s conference fighting for points in Dick Fetters has some excellent Kent could mane imngs 15 individual events flnd thfee Winfield is swimmers on his squad, and all top man in the alsojhe Spartan's 50 freehand is P°ii«sfor MSU in the test two MmpeTiUon" but relays. The meet will run until are healthy and ready for the likely to swim that event as well. Distance lie John Thuerer highboard men in the Big Ten Defending champ Saturday. meet. He will also join Lanini in the took sixth in the 1650 last year, that anything could happen. Winzenried of Wisconsin Perennial champion Indiana Unlike the Buckeyes, who have medley relay. and should move up a notch or leavy favorite, but MSU's 1,88 the number one spot all but a young, deep team, the Junior Pat Burke lias come on two this time. There are only a iving John Mock, last year's 8ewn UP< and Michigan is a heavy Spartans rest their hopes for very strong of late, and should handful of distance men in the imp, should challenge. So fav°rite to retain the runner-up success primarily on a handful of join Winfield in the butterfly Big Ten that Thuerer cannot Study in Illinois' Bob Mango and shot- but after that, things top - flight, experienced scoring. Burke placed in the 100 beat, and all are on the Indiana LaBadie and Wisconsin's fandrev. ?h°uld get very interesting indeed. swimmers. Fetters does not have last season, and has improved a large number of swimmers to steadily since then. team, Joining Thuerer in the Guadalajara, Mexico The Spartans iusvc rhe Guadalajara Summer School, r* k 1 .. . Northwestern s lom , _ have i.Huuieu finished work — with, but — he has— -—vsome MSU's top prospect in the distance races will be senior 1 fully accredited University of WITH MAX SHULMAN third for the past six years, but good ones. backstroke is A1 Dilley, who George Gonzalez. Gonzalez is rogram, will offer, July has a 2:08.7, second only for the ,ast four they»ve ^ to nzenrieds 2:07.2 and hell One of the best is junior Jeff finished fourth in the 200 and likely to swim the 200, 500, and hold off challenges by La™0'. who has to rate as a fifth in the 100 last year. The 1650 freestyle races, and swim T of J c j 0hio state to do it. This year, favorite for top honors in both backstroke is one of the Big one or both of the freestyle ' $155. ESP; or Extra-Sensory Pollution Write Dr. Juan B gan s Kick Storrey and qSU boasts a stronger squad the 100 and 200 yard breastroke Ten's strongest events, so Pilley relays. , Rael, Office of Summer Session, Phillips should to than ever/and are slight flvorites events. Lanini placed third in the may find it difficult to improve u3Jhe Spartans' strong diving^ University of Arizona, Tucson. o Bach in this one. contingent will be led by seniors^ Arizona 85721. - ' Phjfcicists tell us there«re three basic forces at work in the-arii- finally overtake MSU *00 'ast year, and has the best upon those finishes, verse: matter, energy and chopped liver. te — Winzenried again, as The Buckeyes came on strong time by a B'g Ten swimmer in Dilley also placed in the 400 But I, for one, am no longer satisfied with this narrow definition. ding champ, but should be |,te last ^3^,, to finlsh 10th in the 200 this season. yard individual medley last year, _ How do physicists classify ESP? Certainly it falls into none of these d by MSU s Ken Popejoy Dave Dieters, Illinois' the NCAA meet, and have been going strong ever since. In a dual Another Spartan who should and will repeat that performance ^o^ big points is sophomore if he swims the event. Fetters 20% DISCOUNT ON categories, but just as certainly it exists. And not as a mere theory; ESP is a proven, demonstrated fact. Rick Gross, American Ken For example, how many times have you walked into a place you mate Vandrey, Minnesota's one Winfield, of the league's best butterfly may elect to enter Dilley in the 200 free instead. Dilley will also TYPEWRITER REPAIRS never saw before and yet recognized everything? How many times have you known the exact u-ords someone was going co say before he ever Hopko and Michigan's men. Winfield finished second in swim the backstroke leg of the Pierce. Memorial FOR MSU STUDENTS said them? How many times have you been absolutely certain some¬ thing was going to happen hundreds or even thousands of miles away o Mile — 1970 winrier and, sure enough, it did? Bjorklund the pick. But A memorial service for former Let me tell you about a case I am fortunately able to document. could be a strong varsity football player Tommy Some years ago I went fishing with my dear friend Donald L. Fromkiss JEANS nger, along with Indiana's Love will be held at 3 p.m. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY at a virgin lake deep in the Canadian wilds. It was hellishly difficult to Handera and Steve Kelley, Sunday in Wonders Kiva. Father get there, but we did not mind, for the moment we dropped our lines linnesota's Don Timm. lies — Dick Taylor of Parish and Rev. Wallace Zippel of St. John's Student $450 we each caught a splendid crappie. Mine weighed just over 300 pounds. Donald's was somewhat smaller, but by far the friendlier. estern, John Morrison of Robertson are scheduled to and Michigan's Godfrey conduct the services. AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES Imagine my surprise then when, before we could throw our lines back for another try, Donald suddenly leaped up and cried he'd had a 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett premonition that he must go home immediately. He could not tell me are deadlocked in the 339-8258 why. He only knew that some one or some thing was calling him back at 8.3 while Morrison, and he had to go at once. Apologizing profusely, he left me alone on and Purdue's Don Price Hot 541 E. the lake and portaged to the nearest town (Moose Jaw, well over a B the best in the lows at 7.8. thousand miles, and poison sumac every inch), and there he charteied GRAND RIVER a Ford Tri-Motor and flew home. Relay — Illinois has the PHONE 332-6878 I Mere Style It KLH-17. STILL THE I Pizza time at 3:13.5 but that Well sir, at first he felt like an utter dolt. Everything was perfectly normal at home. His wife Edith was quietly reading The Sensuous on Ohio State's fast track Woman. His son Herschel was taking his daily glassblowing lesson. MSU's second - rated 351-7100 His dog Trey was eating his leash. came on the tight turns And yet the premonition would not leave Donald. Carefully, he BEST SPEAKER BUY went through the house, inch by inch, room by room. when he got to the back hall he suddenly heard a faint whimpering Sure enough, The ASK FOR A SHAKE noise outside. He flang open the door. And there, by George, he saw where the whimpering was coming from: someone had left a basket on the back stoop! WITH YOUR NEXT Well sir, who can blame Donald for crying a cry of joy and tri¬ SANDWICH ORDER PHONE - FOR THE MONEY. umph? What a find! A whimpering basket! That's something you don't see every day, let me tell you! Are 351-3800 And so today, as you know of course, Donald L. Fromkiss ana tf His Whimpering Basket is one of the highest paid acts in show busi¬ ness. Next Sunday, in fact, he completes his 84th consecutive year on Ed Sullivan. Putting aside all that hoopla over the higher priced speaker systems, Coming HIFI BUYS stfll has the KLH 17's - a two - suspension system. Moderately priced at $74.95, but with an way acoustically impressive full - range response that makes it possible to compare this speaker against systems costing considerably more. The 17's have an active, alive treble, bass and midrange sound to fill any medium si/.ed room. Compact and sharply designed in oiled walnut See Europe at Its Best! finish and beige grill cloth. So Step Inside HiTi Buys and consider the KLH 17's - the best buy in stereo loudspeakers around! . S.T.O.P. Tours ■w f"Barebones Classic" 55 Great Days Visiting Holland Greece As for me, I too was a beneficiary of Donald's ESP, f,>r when he Germany Italy left me alone on the lake I figured I would get to drink all — not just Austria France half— of the goodly supply of Miller High Life Beer we hai • >ught along, and as you know of course, Miller High Life is never si as it is on a tranquil sylvan lake while a flock of Canada geese darkens England the sky above. Of course, Miller isn't bad in a noisy bar either while a flock of American coeds darkens the jukebox. For that matter, it's even bare essentials are provided In this free-lance Pr°oram, leaving great in the dorm while your cruddy roommate darkens the tub. the maximum But as it happened, I never did get to drink all our Miller High amount ol Independence, yet with the wo 'Pendent travel eliminated. Included are trans - Atianxic Life because I forgot how well sound travels across a sylvan lake. No importation, twin and multiple rooms In student residences, inter sooner did I pop my first can of Miller when — lo and behold!—ten '"Pf™ transportation by second class rail w11h couchettes <°r Mounties galloped out of the forest singing selections from Hose Marie! lourneys; transfers between station and hote'. Ivo*kfasla dav orientation tour of each city, escorted throughout. Group • Of course, I shared my Miller with them, and gladly, because I know 9S with personal freedom to go as you will. it's hard being a Mountie, especially if you're an alto. And so by the time they polished off my Miller and said adieu, we were all fast friends. One of them, in fact, let me slide down his hat. Round trip from New York only $1110. $74.95 For more information: 130 W. Grand College Travel River Hobie's shakes HI-FI 337-2310 1101 E. Grand River We, the brewers of Miller High Life Bi umn, are id the sponsors of this col¬ like the Mounties in one respect: we too always get our man- that is, if our man wants a beer that always makes it right—Miller High Life, the Champagne of Beers! 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March 4 STATE NEWS STATE news CLASSIFIED Want ads are ready to go to work for you. Just call 355-8255. 355-8256 classified 3558255 The State News does not permit racial or religious Automotive ffeankLy speaking by Phil Frank For Rent For Rent F°r Rent discrimination in its VOLKSWAGEN 1964 automatic ONE, TWO HOLT, UPPER unfurnished one advertising columns. The heater, radio AM-FM. Good bedroom. Carpet. $105, includes menHasle,,";^^ State News will not mechanical condition. 663-8492. heat. OX 4-4761. 1-3-4 __»™._No, deposi,. 351 accept advertising which 5-3-9 NEED GIRL for spring term Cedar ONE GIRL wanted - AUTOMOTIVE discriminates Village. Call 332-0653 for SUBLET: 4 girl flat, utilities paid, ».<■««, «■» • against VW SEDAN, 1966. Mechanic owned. information. 3-3-5 ,«,t screened porch, available Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or Radio and new engine. Top immediately. Close. 351-1645. Auto Parts & Service national origin. condition. $950. 372-8130. 5-3-9 ONE GIRL for spring term New Aviation Cedar Village. 351-2394. 3-3-8 Rouses 1963 FLOWERED Super Chicken Reduction. 3-3-5 • • EMPLOYMENT FOR RENT (Falcon). 2-3-4 $200. Call 482-8433. ONE POUR term. GIRLS-.;;?^ All utilities ( ' MAN to sublet spring. $75. Apartments Automotive Senior or graduate student. TWO MAN apartment, V4 block from ^Phonal paid. 351-8182. jj}1 Scooters & Capitol Villa. After 5 p.m., Houses FORD 1963 Fairlane automatic. Cycles 351-4615. 5-3-9 campus. 2-3-5 351-8943, 351-1241. BAILEY, 4 FURNiSHEoTblT 6 students. 353-0769^2 - Rooms Radio and dependable • FOR SALE transportation. $300. 393-3696. RIGHT BY campus, 2 man furnished. ONE MAN needed, 4 man, spring, no P-m., 332-5622. 2-3-5 * 5-3-5 Air conditioned, pool, sublet. Animals deposit. Come over, 551 Albert ONE MAN needed (or 337-0213. 3-3-6 No. 3. 7-3-12 Street. 2 blocks houu" Mobile Homes WE HAVE Moved. ROLL - ROSSER from 0t • PERSONAL Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. Phone 489-4811. Our new address EAST SIDE, 2 units, furnished. 1 ONE OR 2 girls for sublease, spring, __*®5/m°n,h. 337-9365. 5.3.," bedroom each. 3 months least. • PEANUTS PERSONAL 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF 1 block from Berkey. 351-2765. TWO BEDROOM fum^T $110 and $130. 337-0409. 8-3-12 3-3-8 duplex. • REAL ESTATE 1968 BSA 441 Motorcycle, Shooting 351-3408. 2-3-5 Pets welcomed • RECREATION JAVELIN 1969. Must sell. V-8 GIRL TO sublease spring. Haslett FOURTH MAN needed spring, Star, 2000 miles. Call 372-7255. Arms. $60 mooih. 332-2475. • SERVICE automatic, power steering, 3-3-5 summer. $58.75. Adjacent NEED ONE .nan. Own room AM-FM. 355-2548. 3-3-5 3-3-5 campus. 332-0150. 5-3-10 Guitar for sale. Typing Service Fender M, 489-2114.2-3-5 • TRANSPORTATION MGB WHITE 1965. Call 484-4143 Aviation ONE OR two girls. Riverside East. • WANTED after 3 p.m. New top and paint $57.50. Call evenings, 351-8076. THREE BEDROOM duplex ^ job. 8-3-12 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to 3-3-5 Abbott Road. stov. DEADLINE learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. TWO MEN to share two bedroom MGB 1967, green, wires, low mileage. Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C 1 P.M. one class day Excellent condition. Negotiable. ' furnished apartment. King's Point East. $55. Call after 5:30 p.m. occupancy. Call before $200 plus^L before publication. 5 Cancellations - 12 noon 355-2732. 3-3-8 Auto Service & Parts THIS 0NE5 WARM ~ OKflV. NEtfT • NEED TWO to sublease furnished 351-3359. Graduate students preferred. 2-3-5 B-3-4 p.m " 35, 5,'9(1! one class day before MG MIDGET 1969. Yellow, AM-FM apartment, near campus. Call TWO FOR 8 girl. Near publication. radio, wire wheels. $1800. AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and 332-2390. 3-3-5 GIRL FOR 4 man utilities included. Deposit. 485-9844. 4-3-5 - Spring term, Spr American cars. If we can't fix it, it Sandy / Jackie. 351-2605. 8-3 possibly Summer term. Waters PHONE can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O Young America Corp. / 1304 Ashby rd. / St. Louis, Mo. 2, 3, or 4 men. 220 Cedar Street. Edge Drive Apartments. $70. MONTEREY, 1965. Very Phone 351-1394 (if 3558255 no answer, Phone 351-5836. 5-3-10 FURNISHED, ONE double be*# dependable. New snow tires, VW - GUARANTEED repair. 351-7319). S-5-3-9 off campus, RATES shocks. 58,000. 332-5210. 3-3-8 children, pets, RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at ONE GIRL month. 882-6380. 4-3-8 - Spring. New Cedar 1 day $1.50 Okemos Road. 349-9620. 7-3-12 NEW CEDAR Village. Graduate OLDSMOBILE 1967 Cutlass. Two Village. Reasonable. 337-2558 15c per word per day door hardtop. Power steering. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Employment For Rent woman preferred. Spring term. 351-2308. 3-3-5 after 3 p.m. 7-3-12 SUBLET bedrooms, NEW $220 4 man dupli 3 days $4.00 Power brakes. One owner. Good per mom Kalamazoo Street ... Since 1940. blocks to campus. 351-1526. MALE COLLEGE students. Good 13V&C per word per day transportation. 669-3505. 2-3-5 BURCHAM WOODS. Deluxe 1 and 2 TWO MEN wanted for 4-man at 5 days bedroom furnished. Available $6.50 Meedowbrook Trace. 393-6299. 13c per word per day immediately or for spring term. 3-3-5 FURNISHED THREE rooms. Swimming pool. From $150. (based 10 words per ad) employment: 12-2b on PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 1965. Employment PART hours TIME per week. Automobile Manager, 351-3118. If no answer, 484-4014. 745 Burcham Drive. TF GIRL WANTED, New Cedar Village, Utilities, private entrance, parking. Graduate or employe. 332-5157. ONE MAN needed immediately., Peanuts Personals must be required, 351-5800. O spring term, reduced rates. 3-3-8 room. $55/month. 351-9^ Fair running condition. Best offer. PART TIME. Ambitious person with 3-3-5 351-1687. 3-3-5 pre-paid. Greg, 399-8750. 3-3-5 LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom a sincere desire to earn $15,000 There will be a 50c service annually. Mr. Dunn, phone For Rent apartment. 121 Beal. Available BASEMENT APARTMENT for rent. PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE, 1970, 6 1 or 2 men. Walk to MSU. 393-1007. 7-3-12 March. $195. 349-3604. 5-3-5 and bookkeeping charge if 351-9137. 2-3-5 cylinder 3-speed, tape player, TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction this ad is not paid within Ziebart rust proofing, 9000 miles. guaranteed. Free delivery, service PARK TRACE WAITRESSES: Full or part time. No ONE GIRL immediately, 2 GIRL TO share home and bedroom, TWO BEDROOM duplex. Range, new one week. $1700, firm. 339-2438. 3-3-8 pick-up. Call NEJAC, THE SPACIOUS ONE. Now taking 2 bath, furnished. experience necessary. Will train. Meadowbrook. room. IH baths. Many 337-1300. C applications for rentals. Offering refrigerator, dishwasher, fireplace, The State News will be Apply in person, ROCKY'S $55. No deposit. 393-3355. 3-3-4 $70. Call 482-4624, alter 61 PLYMOUTH WAGON, 1962. V-8 drapes, carpeted. Available March TEAKWOOD LOUNGE, 3600 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments with 3-3-5 responsible only for the automatic, power steering, radio. REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for all the extras. Families welcome. NEED TWO girls 15th. Call 482-4682 or 489-5366. South Logan. 3-3-8 - own bedrooms, first TO Z 7-3-12 day's incorrect $60. 351-8139.6-3-11 rent. A RENTALS, Okemos Road at East Mount car necessary. 485-8588 after 6 EAST SIDE. Newly remode insertion. 349-2220. 0-3-12 Hope. 349-4030. 5-3-5 FEMALE. APPLICATIONS being p.m. 5-3-5 furnished 3 bedroom lm PONTI AC 1963. $195. Will finance. SUBLEASE FOR spring and/or taken for part time, mornings and Carpeted, strict landlord wi 694-8010. Call between 6 - 9 p.m. TV RENTALS - Students only. Low 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham. summer. Near campus. Phone evenings. Apply DOG 'N SUDS, MEN: ROOMMATE (S) needed to serious conservative tenants. 1 3-3-4 monthly and term rates. Call 2-man furnished apartments 337-0703. 33-8 4919 West Saginaw. 3-3-8 share luxury apartment near 351-3969. 0 351-7900 to reserve yours. includes heat. $62.50 to $80 per campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.m. - 6 PORSCHE 1956 Speedster. 1967 UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C man. 135 Kedzie Drive, $85 to BABYSITTER WITH transportation Automotive engine, new paint, interior. $695. wanted in my East $90 per man. Leases starting June 487-0046. 9-3-4 Lansing home. 15th and September 1st. Days April 1 - June 30. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 Apartments 487-3216; Evenings until 10 p.m., WOMEN: ROOMMATE(S) needed to share FRIENDLY GIRL for spring in OKEMOS, 3rd girl. Own CHEVY NOVA 1970, 3 speed, p.m. Monday - Friday. 337-1279. luxury apartment near Cedar PORSCH.E 911-S, 1970. Silver, 882-2316.0 Village. Reduced. No now til June 20. $50 plusutiliti automatic, V-8, light blue, 2 door. 1-3-4 414 SOUTH PINE. 1 bedroom campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.m. - 6 AM-FM perfect condition. deposit. 351-1557.3-3-8 Call 834-5973 in Ovid or furnished apartment in older P.m. TF 332-2294. 3-3-5 349-0235 mornings. 2-3-5 LINE UP your ONE MAN to sublet spring term at 373-6628 in Lansing. 5-3-9 spring or summer job home. All utilities paid by owner. ONE GIRL for three man, spring, Campus Hill apartment. 353-1607. MAN - BURCHAM Woods. Two now. Car necessary. Call 351-7319 Ideal for 2 people, $110 per - TWO GIRLS $60. No lease. Utilil RAMBLER 1962 close to cempus. $60. 332-1316. CHEVY 1957 Panel Van. Excellent Wagon. Reliable for personal interview. C month plus 5-3-5 man. Spring term. Phone paid. 351-9322 after 530 deposit. No lease 332-4133 evenings. S-3-4 7-3-12 transportation. Call Phil 3-3-5 running condition. Best offer. Call required. Call 6 - 8 p.m. only, Mr. 337-2258. 3-3-8 ONE BEDROOM furnished. Close to 393-61 40 days; 663-8009 HORTICULTURE AND Landscape Alban 337-2510. 15-3-12 NEW TWO bedroom. 1 mile from ONE GIRL for 4 man, spring. Cedar Architecture campus. 485-2700, 353-1760. MAN TO sublet. Spring evenings. 3-3-5 RAMBLER students Saturday campus. Unfurnished. $165 1965. Convertible. 6 TWO 5-3-5 Village. Call after 5 p.m., and Sunday retail sales of plants GIRLS for four man 332-5742. 8-3-12 Spacious house. Three b cylinder. Good condition. Best 332-2163. 2-3-5 and garden supplies. Guaranteed apartment. Spring / summer. Very from Union. $70 (inclu CORVETTE 1966. Two tops. 307 offer. 371-1851. 3-3-5 base plus commission. Experience close. $60/month. Call utilities), 351-0269. 3-3-5 cubic inch. Economical. evenings. ROOMMATE(S), (MEN) for not necessary. Orientation prior to 351-3115. 3-3-4 CEDAR GREENS two Dependable. Sharp. 353-1526. RAMBLER 1963. New tires, brakes, bedroom. Grad preferred. Haslett. 1-3-4 early April start. TWISS 1 bedroom furnished battery. Needs clutch repair. Make LANDSCAPE CENTER, East GRAND RIVER, E. Unfurnished TWO GIRLS New 339-9468, 353-7229. 5-3-10 Rooms offer. Call Ed 355-8252, POOL Cedar Village. DODGE VAN Lansing. 351-0590. 11-3-12 apartment, appliances. Also 2 Spring term. No 1965. $650. Good 355-1585. S-3-5 Call 351-8631 deposit. ONE OR two people wanted for two ROOMS 10 minutes ft furnished rooms for man. 332-1959. 3-3-5 condition. After 4 p.m., man apartment on Cedar Street. 351-4346. 1-3-4 EXPERIENCED COOK wanted. Full 482-0563. 3-3-4 Completely furnished. 372-I THUNDERBIRD 1962. Good motor $210 / quarter / man. Due March before 4 p.m. time. Must have experience and SUBLET TWO man furnished C extras. $200. Call 351-9325 after 15. 351-2183. 2-3-5 SUBLEASE 2 - references. Apply in person at EFFICIENCY: SPRING. Close to man spring. VJ block apartment close to campus. FORD ECONOLINE Van, real good 6 p.m. 5-3-5 from NEWLY DECORATED, LIZARDS, 224 Abbott Road. campus. $115/month. 332-8894, campus. Parking, air Reduced rates and parking. GIRL NEEDED spring term. New shape. See at 3804 South Cedar. 2-3-4 after 5 p.m. 3-3-4 conditioned, garbage disposal. campus, for woman. $12. TRIUMPH 1967. Hillcrest Street. 351-2476. 3-3-5 Cedar Village. Rent negotiable. 3-3-5 Spitfire. Wire 351-9479 after 5 p.m. 5-3-5 available. 332-5187. 3-3-5 wheels, Toneau cover. 845-2337, Call Mary, 351-4304. B-2-3-5 after 6 p.m. 5-3-8 The NEED ONE man for spring term. FORD FALCON 1963. CLASSIFIED MARKET is a THREE FOR huge 4 man. 1 month NEAT ROOM. Quiet home for Rebuilt Own bedroom. Meadowbrook great place to sell antiques. For FEMALE ROOMMATE, Graduate graduate. Fine l< engine. Body good. After 9 p.m., a free. No deposit. $77.50. MSU 1 result- Trace. $60. Call 393-1818. 5-3-9 student 349-1749 2-3-4 getting Want Ad dial MEADOWBROOK block. 332-6909. 5-3-5 preferred. Whitehall 2-8304. 3-3-5 355-8255. TRACE. Two Manor. 351-4208. B-2-3-5 bedrooms sublease spring and / or CEDARVIEW APARTMENTS. One summer. Immediate occupancy. LARGE TWO bedroom apartment bedrooms. CO-OP. LIVE off can Furnished or TWO BEDROOMS furnished. All $200. 393-1876. 3-3-4 upstairs. Completely remodeled. unfurnished. March 1st. 351-5647 Friendly atmosphere. Clo Ctopckmgfjam utilities furnished except Williamston area. 655-3833. 5-3-4 4-3-5 campus. 332-8491. 5-3-5 electricity and telephone. Walking SPACIOUS 2 bedroom furnished FEMALE. distance to campus. Four man student apartment. WANTED to share my Close, DESPERATE: GIRL needed for $66.25 a person, three man SPARTAN HALL leasing for spn reasonable, parking. 332-0965. 0 apartment. Jolly and Cedar Village apartment. Call $77.50 a person. HALSTEAD has it .. . ONE GIRL for Cedar Village spring / Pennsylvania, 882-2542. 5-3-8 LANSING OR East Lansing. One 355-5914. 4-3-5 MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O 372-1031.0 summer. Reduction. Phone ONE GIRL for 2 man apartment. 355-0903. 5-3-5 bedroom furnished. Large, airy Reasonable. 351-8102 heated p or COUPLE SUBLEASE spring, rooms. Beautifully Air conditioned. maintained. Suitable 351-3633. 4-3-5 CROSSWORD for faculty, grad students, business summer. Block 353-7822, 10 -1:30 from Union. people, married couples. Lease. SPRING, ONE man needed, block PUZZLE all 21V/aD from Berkey. and $150 / term. p.m. MAC. 5-3-5 332-3135 or 882-6549. O ACROSS 351-3287.3-3-4 1. Conqueror 33. Triton 5. Assault 35. Peacock 8. Eggs butterfly 11. Monitor lizard 36. Girl's ON THE TRAIL! name 12. Rip 38. Intimate 14. Purchasing 4Q. Adept agents 42. Fairy tale 16. Mountain crest monster NO - WE WONT HUNT 17. Suffice 44. Article 18. The Orient 45. Throne YOU DOWN WITH A GUN 20. Spawn of fish 47. Made-amends 21. Because 50. Large hunting 5. Banana genus 23. Director dog 1. Center of 6. International 25. About ' 52. Ethereal activity organization: HOWEVER 4620 S. 26. Too 53. French season 2. Learned abbr. Hagadorn 28. Moos 7. Irritate just north of Mt. Hope Rd. • 54. Clique 3. Synthetic fabric 8. Work too hard T~ T- H T" 6 ,0 9 Overrule 7 B 9 " i a % 0. Helm position 3 (.and measure % 13 Student Ads must be paid by noon, Friday, 5. Bobbin February 26th, and 11 r — 9. Sandal prepaid from Monday, March 1st; or you go on the HOLD list. This means no registration, no diploma, no transcripts, no nothing, until '7 *6 % 26 1. Adage paid. %21 % IT W •9 % 2. Roman philosopher TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean Is a % 27 26 SO% 4. Choir singer 7. Obstacle furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central-control air So, hurry and pay up! 31 % n 54 % 3b 9. Hot dogs 0. Bean conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and adequately Room 345 % vr 55- w % 2. Delight 4. stimulate you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM private balconies. If call today. The 2 bedroom Student Services %% 40 w % 7. Lemur Building % units start at $65/month per man. MODEL OPEN «3 *1 FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441 «/£> % w «7 % 49 9. Craze 0. Zenith SIX, NINE and TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. 50 % 5l si ]. Converse 3' catamaran MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVEL Y BY Alco Management Company MICHIGAN STATE NEWS 53 1 55" 6. Neuter B. Paddle 9. Stain 1. Iron symooi pio"0" I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March 4,1971 11 For Rent For Sale Service IT*B WHAT'S, ROOM. Share house. East C484-3608. 2-3-4 HEATHKIT watti A R-29 rm») and receiver (70 AS-16 speaker Student Service 11a wnni 1 ALTERATIONS AND dressmaking m tyttam. Interested? Call women. Ck>« to camput. Bob DIRECTORY m 353-4270. 3-3-4 by experienced seamstress. 1 phone 351-9584. 3-3-4 Reasonable charge. 355-5855. BEAN BAG chair*. 0-3-5 Cheapest in town fcHARE room. $130 a term. Assorted E quiet. cooking. 1 block to colors, $28. Evenings STUDENTS - FACULTY income 351-7337. 4-3-5 r', 487 5753, 485-8836. O GEORGE TOTH WASHDAY SAVINGS tax service, $5.00 federal, $3.00 EIGHT E-V PA 30 horns. CUSTOM TAILORING SHOP BAUTEL'S state. 351-4955, after 5 p.m. 3-3-8 Christ, Superstar" from Two X-8 Yarns 25c per load It'sWhat's Happening must be both - Supplies The best for less religious and musical viewpoints. crossovers. $160 or separate. •Iterations, custom tailoring, repair submitted in person to 341 Tune in to part one at 5:30 hooking, knitting, 485-9051. 3-3-4 iaranteed workmanship 124 West Qrand crocheting weavi _ Special Texas Washer WENDROW'S ECONOWASH 50c Typing Service Student Services Bldg. at least Saturday on WKAR - AM. p.m. [ jsED Library Books 10c SKIDOO. River. E. Lansing two State News working days I 5 000, 50c each. Call SNOWMOBILE. $295 351-4330 2916 Turner 3006 Vine St. COMPLETE THESES service. This week 694-8010. Call between 6 9 n m IV 5-9212 (Sunday SRY'S FLEA MARKET, 3-3-4 - Pm 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., • blk. W. of Sean Discount printing. IBM typing and - Thursday) before Treatment in o which 193113-3-5 binding of theses, resumes, publication. Entries may be program the treatment NORTON'S publications. Across from campus, inserted philosophy at Lansing Boys Training MUSICAL twice and must be School will be discussed. JcAL FISH and aquariums, INSTRUMENTS all Frandor Shell Station. Major COLLEGE TRAVEL corner MAC and Grand River, submitted from a registered Hardy, graduate student in television Thomas ■5 gallons, some really nice repairs including muffler and below Style Shop. Call studeiit organization. and radio, will interview Harold )S Private owner. 694-9689. brake work. Mechanic on OFFICE COPYGRAPH SERVICES Ga/an, director of the training school, at 11:30 a.m. Saturday on AMPEX 800 Stereo tape recorder duty. All State Road Service. 130 West Grand River Blvd, _337J_666._C_ $180; Sony TC8 eight track 3024 E. Saginaw. 489-8010. NEED COPIES? Want to save? Students' International Meditation Le SEWING machine, slide cartridge recorder 351-6010 COPY SHOPPE can show THE iciety will hold a second Free 35mm camera, travel - player. $90 you University classes today 351-4508. 3-3-5 how to get two Xerox introductory lecture on Advanced hypnotism, 7:30 p.m., 316 radio, microscope, new copies for transcendental meditation at 7 p.m. hat 7 3/8. 489-9210. -ONTACT LENS LARRY'S FROZEN FOODS the price of one. Phone 332-4222. today in 104B Wells Hall. For Bessey Hall: Human relations, 9 p.m.. , ENCYCLOPEDIA BUD'S 201 Bessey Hall; Male role liberation, 1966 edition. Yearbooks BRITTANICA SERVICES information, call 351 - 7168. 7:15 p.m., 43 Union; Book as an art through d. m. dean, an AUTO PARTS object, 7:30 p.m„ 42 Union; Radical 1969. Used very little. $225 TYPING- IBM Selectric. Fast Gay Wilson Late Model Motors and Allen, professor capitalism, 7:30 p.m., 210 Bessey 484-5726. 3-3-5 210 Abbott Rd. US CHOICE BEEF Parts accurate service. emeritus from New York by fl — Thesis, term University, Hall. All other classes will meet as Suite #16 halves. Beef and pork I a specialty. Halfway papers. 484-2661. 0-3-5 will speak at 8 p.m. today in the scheduled. Lockers rented. Custom pi I2 SEARS 12" black and white TV, 332-6563 between Holt and Mason on Union Gold Room on "Emerson's with N. Cedar. 694-2154. TYPIST, Revolt Against the Establishment: A earphone. $75. 355-7780 EXPERIENCED. The New Players will present 88 stereo record / play back 5-3-9 Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann New View of Emerson." A reception Sandy Wilson's "The Boyfriend," a SUEDE and LEATHER will follow the lecture. I deck. Only used 25 hours, • EYES EXAMINED Lance, 626-6542. 0-3-12 Roaring 20s musical spoof, at 7:30 I Garrard Changer. Kit type GARRARD Cleaning and Reflnithing • GLASSES p.m. and 10 p.m. Friday and SL65B. Less than 2 "Hor is week, the |r pre-amp, amplifiers cheap. months old. Perfect condition Okemos • CONTACT LENS COMPLETE TYPING and printing MSU Broadcaster's Guild presents an Saturday in McDonel Kiva. Tickets *6548, after 5:30 p.m. 2-3-5 $80. 353-1466. 3^-5 service. Copy stored on magnetic analysis of the new rock opera "Jesus are on sale at the Union, Lum's, State DR. I.L. Collins, Optometrist BOB JONES PAINTS Dry Cleaners tape. This eliminates all re-typing Discount, Marshall Music and Campbell's. Student tickets are $1.50 EN Tjcal SKIS, boots and poles. guitar. Good condition. WIG — NATURAL hair, champagne 2155 Hamilton Road Co-Optical Services except author's changes and and $2. Okemot 12358. 1-3-4 blonde, cleened. cost $129, worn once $75. 332-3464, hours 5 332-0611 5218 S. Logan. 393-4230 corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISING, across Transportation The Baptist Student Union is - 9 p.m. 3-3-5 from Frandor. Phone 485-1238. C sponsoring a presentation of slides ■ CO AUTOMATIC Cassette Explore the NEW and BEAD CRAFTS, DESERVING GUY from around the world taken by Mr. hungering for r Plays 6 tapes. $99.95 at CHALLENGING career Shouldn't You Be ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith ride to Miami area. Will and Mrs. Taylor at 7:30 p.m. today LES PAUL - 1971 model, brand DECOUPAGE SUPPLIES, pay. Call IsHALL MUSIC. C-3-4 opportunities with offset printing. Complete service 353-8321. 3-3-5 in 102B Wells Hall. Refreshments will new with never been used. Complete THE LINCOLN ART REPRODUCTIONS Using This Space? for dissertations, theses, be served. IG-10 warranty and faultless candle Classical Guitar, with hardshell case. $430. 484-2762 The GRAD PLAN Company making supplies manuscripts, general typing. IBM. LIMOUSINE SERVICE to Detroit The Journalism Student $90. 372-6655 21 years experience. 349-0850. C Advisory BW. 3-3-5 Call Mr. Metz, 351-8810 Enfield's Incorporated CALL 355-8255! Metro Airport. $11/person. Call Committee (J - SAC) will meet at I5 30 p.m. 3-3-8 693 M-43, Okemos. 349 1940 882-0722. 3-3-4 7:30 p.m. today in 102 - C Wonders TYPING DONE in my home. Fast Hall. HAVE A ball on a REBIRTH lTC-630 Tape Recorder echo. accurate service. Phone 351-6259 GET IN the funl WATERBED. Mattress on Read the more on back page and liner, 9-3-12 Peanuts Personals in the Want Ads . $260. Inquire, $48. Custom frames. Come 0575 3-3-8 try Lost & Found Peanuts Personal each day! one at 402 East Michigan. 3-3-5 Recreation PROFESSIONAL ICLES: USED and FOUND: ONE copy of "Taiwo, a BY thesis VW Trade-ins Iditioned. Will also buy or SCOTT MODEL 17 speakers. Fisher myth for actors, dancers and NOW_ you should know STUDENTOURS SUMMER PREPARATION Wanted apphances sell fast with a Want model 210 stereo receiver; TEAC musicians." Found in vicinity of London, $209. Spring Break NEW COMMUNITY model A4010-S stereo tape deck, Frandor Shopping Center. Ad. Dial 355-8255. Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, $219; • • IBM Typing Multilith Printing Come In All Sizes |CLE SHOP, 351-7118. 2-3-5 used 8 track tapes, 8 track home 349-4258 after 7 p.m. 2-3-5 Freeport, $189. Call Fred, • Hardbinding BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for all positive, A negative, B 355-2824. 14-3-12 negative tape decks and auto tape players. and '69 Triumph Spitfire Roadster |ERLAND DRUMS. Gene TV sets used color console TV. Complete Professional Thesis Service for AB negative, $10.00. 0 . Covers and trap AM-FM - and police band radios, Personal End of YES, THERE are a few seats left on Master's and Doctoral Candidates. Free negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN 22,000 miles, new tires, the | $350. Call 393-7173. 3-3-8 Italian tapestries. SNOW ski sale term Peanuts Union Board's Nassau Trip, March Brochure and Consultation. Please Call COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, A - 1 condition NOW YOU can rent a WATERBED Personal SPECIAL 10 19-26. Cliff and Paula Haughey 337 1527 or 627 2936 50714 East Grand River, East V4 off on skis and equipment. ... $189. Call 353-9777. $1695 I sectional davenport. 2 for only $10/month. 351-9525, words for $1.00. Additional Lansing. Above the new Campus Swap and save. WILCOX Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 '67 Karmann Ghia coupe thing end tables. $50. Call after 12 noon. 5-3-4 words 10c. Starts March 8th BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East - only 27,000 miles, like 893. 2-3-5 WHEN ENOUGH'S No job too large or too small. p.m., Monday, Thursday and Michigan, 485-4391, 8 - 5:30 FREE 12th. enough, look for new from bumper to bumper A lesson in winterized Block off campus. 332-3255. C Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 complexion ... cars in the Classified p.m., Monday thru Saturday. C care. Call p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C $1395 N SJN flattop guitar, month 484-4519, East Michigan Ads! • sacrifice, $250. or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. TYPING. THESES and '69 Opel Kadett LS Sport Coupe letters, etc. fc733. S-5-3-10 TYPEWRITER; UNDERWOOD MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS Rapid, accurate service. DOBRO OR steel resonator type only 13,000 miles, white walls, portable, $24.95. Used furniture STUDIOS. C-3-4 WM ELMER, May your new age Service Experienced. 393-4075. 20-3-12 guitar. Good shape. 355-9770 white finish, spotless black of all kinds. ABC SECONDHAND evenings. 3-3-8 leatherette interior bring you peace, happiness, and STORE, 1208 Turner. C PAINTING INTERIOR Custom $1445 someTHING FOR Everyone. Try a good fishing. The little girl with - BE WHERE it's at and motorcycles work at reasonable prices. Grad MALE STUDENT desires hot comb. UNION BUILDING the pink bathing suit. 1-3-4 sell fast in the Classified Ads Dial room near '70 VW Convertible students, references. 372-8158. C campus during spring break. Call ■COUCH and matching chair SKIS, HART XXL'S, with Marker BARBER SHOP. C-3-4 355-8255 now! yellow with black striping, 353-4017. 3-3-5 I Round dinette sat, $50. H rotomat make bindings. $255. New, ABRAHAM'S INTERIOR painting. black top, white walls, radio, wood bed, $35. 1960 Tbirfc qffer. 3,32-0965. X3 3-4 LIZARDS MANY thanks to all the Good work at automatic stickshift, only very reasonable-' (offer of $50 people that have applied for jobs. 7,000 miles TheSl or mora. Call coSf'.' References. 355-9344. 8-3-5 i. 393-7264. 3-3-8 KINGSIZE WATERBEDS only $55. Lizard. 2-3-4 $2195 Call 351-9525, after 12 noon. Real Estate '69 Oidsmobile Cutlass hardtop TV, RADIO and Appliance Service. 5-3-4 BORED? Reasonable airconditioning, vinyl top, OKEMOS SCHOOL DISTRICT. 3 rates. Phone E. automatic power steering & brakes, A psychiatrist has found that Harvey, ED 2-2425. 20-3-5 ALTO SAXOPHONE. Rene Lorein, bedroom frame ranch. ^V, baths. $175 or best offer. Call 332-6151 with bored people tensions Full finished basement. Oil heat. $2495 increase. The mind, muscles, Typewriter before 4:30 p.m. 5-3-4 Built-in countertop range and wall QlG, PRIVATE intique books, antique |uais and collection old so forth. 337-9430. car Animals and nerves become He claims if you stay you can never become bored. tighter. relaxed, oven. Lots of storage. Large 1 car garage. Handy to East Lansing, Okemos, Mason. 349-1125. 10-3-9 Repair (Electrics) Foreign & Domestic 5? Are Glenn Herriman Volkswagen, Inc. Yashica mat EM, 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish and all other live merchandise (can You can relieve boredom when you make it a habit to read State News Classified HASLETT. GOOD buildable duplex lot in Haslett's best multi family - Campus Typewriter Service Louis E. May Sr. n Union ED 2-0877 W Coming Open 6135 W. Saginaw St. Phone 482-6226 Mon. & Thurs. Till 9 |taVX11A, Yashica EZmatic, you spare a little love?) area. For information call | projector, trays, 2" and 3" DOCKTOR PET CENTER, Ads. The "Personal" ads are Maynard Beery 351-5210 or e lenses. 351-7252. Meridian Mall. 349-3950. 5-3-5 fun to read, the bargains are SIMON REAL ESTATE - great for antique hunters, cars Okemos Branch, 349-3310. 3-3-5 NORTH SIDE K-9 TRAINING for car buffs, furnishings for acuum cleaners. Tanks, liters and uprights. Guaranteed CLUB will hold dog obedience classes starting March 9th. Call decorating ladies. See them NEW ALL brick luxury home with apartment unit with good return. Toyota all each and I 'ull year. $7.88 and up. Tula Miller, 641-4462; Frank Want Ads. every day in the Open this weekend, 4045 Dell Land INNIS DISTRIBUTING Road. 882-3820'. 1-3-5 |IPANY, 316 North Cedar, Beachnau, 669-9497; Dean Miller, -3160; or Mary LeFever, Cruiser te DUE EAST (a rock roll band) now City Market. C-3-4 EAST LANSING. 3 bedroom ranch. 669-9513.3-3-5 booking, 349-4239, 337-9495. Tamarist subdivision. Like new G 3-3-4 MACHINE Clearance Sale. condition throughout. Priced at ' portables - $49.95, Mobile Homes only $29,500 by owner. Phone OPPORTUNITY - LET us show |0 Per month. Large selection 677-4915. 3-3-8 you. Four months of part - time Reconditioned 8rs. used machines. TWO BEDROOM, close to campus. work; you can have a business of Whites, Necchis, New Will accept reasonable offer. he and "Many Others." 351-6628. 7-3-12 your own. For appointment call Recreation $19.95 627-2659 after 6 p.m. 3-3-4 ■$39.95. Terms. EDWARDS ■TRIBUTING COMPANY, 1969 HI LCREST 2-bedroom,skirted . AIR FARE ONLY |5 North Washington. Fully carpted, garbage disposol + Peanuts Personal Spring Break ■"'B. C-3-4 many extras. Call 625-3520.W Jamaica $150. HONEY BEAR, Happy, happy love, Acapulco $165. |S0NIC STEREO system, Lost & Found happy 21st birthday!! Miss Love. Summer |»e tape recorder, turntable. 1-3-4 Detroit to London $199. |FM. 537. $200, best offer. LOST: PRESCRIPTION sunglasses, 4-3-4 Call Frank Buck 351-5604 I dark grey. Reward. Call 355-1227. 3-3-5 Family wear glasses? Save HAVE A ball on a REBIRTH ptlcal DISCOUNT, 2615 ■ FOUND: TAWNY puppy - Cocker WATERBED. Mattress and liner, Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. $48. Come try one at 402 East - clipped tail - near Wonders. Call: 353-2850.3-3-8 Michigan. 3-3-5 SERVICE is what makes CEDAR VILLAGE DIFFERENT! These are the friends what the Cedar people who provide that extra service. Ask your Village difference has meant to them. see our large Now renting for summer Central Michigan Sports & Boat Show and fall. A few sub-leases still available for spring. Next Week Wednesday thru Saturday, Lansing Civic Center WHEELS TOYOTA INC. BOGUE ST. at the RED CEDAR 2400 E. MICHIGAN AVE. [H0Ne 332-6061 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, f No order to kill issued (Continued from page 1) Watke was not asked nor did he On the witness stand, Calley said he was volunteer the nature of the observations by obeying orders from his company Thompson, a warrant officer at My Lai, commander. Capt. Ernest L. Medina, to who later was commissioned a lieutenant and who testified early in wipe out every living thing in the hamlet the court - near the South China Sea. martial. Medina attended the Barker briefing and Thompson was said to have been the first to call the attention of superior the prosecution aim in its rebuttal testimony was to convince the six - man officers to atrocities on the ground at My court - martial jury that no such orders Lai during the 1968 assault. It was a year later that information of the killing of were passed down from the high level conference. civilians first came to the attention of Further rebuttal testimony is expected Washington. to deal with a subsequent briefing Medina Barker died at the age of 40 in a gave the men of his company, including helicopter crash less than three months after My Lai. Henderson is awaiting Calley. courtmartial on charges of taking part in a Watke, 37, a heavily beribboned veteran, was a major at My Lai, in charge of a coverup of the My Lai incident. Similar helicopter unit. He was followed to the charges of coverup against Watke and stand as the court - martial resumed after a Young have been dismissed. three day recess by S. Sgt. Lones Warren - Medina has been charged with overall of Ft. Riley, Kan., a tall, muscular man responsibility for civilian deaths at My Lai who was a senior military policeman in but he has not yet been ordered to trial. He has claimed the Army is charge of security for Task Force Barker. preventing him from testifying at Calley's trial, where he He, too, testified he attended the Barker said he could refute the defendant's briefing and heard no orders against taking prisoners and no orders to kill women and allegation regarding his orders. children. In the absence of the jury, the trial On cross • examination, Watke said he judge, Col. Reid W. Kennedy, told recalled Barker telling the briefing that he prosecution and defense lawyers that the "wanted a good sweep" through My Lai. jurors have the right to call witnesses — Asked to interpret that, the dark • haired including Medina — after both prosecution Watke said: and defense have pleaded their case. "Look in all treelines, look in every "If the witness is called by the court building, look in every hole. If they saw jury, he becomes a witness and he would be any Viet Cong, they would kill or capture subject to cross - examination by both them." sides and neither of you would be vouching Watke also testified he replayed for the credibility of that witness," Kennedy added. observations and reports by pilot Hugh Thompson to Barker, Col. Oran helicopter Referring to the possibility that Medina MARCH COME SEE Henderson, the brigade commander at My might be called by the jury, Kennedy said: Lai, and Brig. Gen. George H. Young, "Capt. Medina is a party of interest and his testimony would have to be accepted SALE THE ALL assistant commander of the Americal Division, the task force's over - all with greatest caution." 4 - 13 NEW 240Z ifs WHAT'S. MG this summer should attend at 7 p.m. today in 39 Union. All (Continued from page 1) he said. Vaughn has introduced a package of rights, bills and resolutions passage to of the 18 accompany - year - old majors invited. Great Issues encourages letter vote. Similar bills and resolutions were introduced by Vaughn in 1970 but were held ,0o"Y" THE LARGEST SELECTION OF writing to Sen. Edmund Muskie, D Me., to pay a nonpartisan, academic visit to the MSU campus spring term. No charge is involved. - up in committee and never came before the House for a final vote. HURRY! OLDSMOBILES IN THE WORLD SIARCHIKH Vaughn's proposals include: MSU College Republicans will • Two bills that would meet at 7 p.m. today in 218A Berkey protect a student from unjust Hall. Details of the state convention wilt be discussed. expulsion or suspension by requiring a hearing and consul. Brotherhood Movement with Man • A bill to allow all eligible and Nature Bookstore presents a voters to circulate petitions, benefit concert featuring the Plain A meeting for Campus Action will Brown Wrapper with Backstreet at 7 including 18 - year - olds. >J' 1 « be held at 9 p.m. today in 39 Union. • A bill to p.m. today in Shaw Hall lower give the right of Evaluation of this term and plans for next term will be discussed. lounge. Admission is $1.50. serving on a jury to all persons The Sports Car Club will present eligible to vote, including 18 - The MSU Management Club will "Twelve Hours of Sebring 1970" at year - olds. hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in • Several resolutions 8:30 p.m. today in the Captain's the Teak Room, Eppley Center. Mr. Steele of Snclling and Snelling will Room, Union. suggesting constitutional speak on the "Employment Agency's amendments giving students Role in the Job History majors: The cfeadline for seats on the State Board of Hunting Process." entries in the history essay contest is March 12. Papers must be typed, Education and boards of trustees A meeting of the Young Socialist Alliance will be held Sunday night in double • spaced and no more than 35 or regents of universities; and 33 Union. A discussion on the pages long. The author's name should giving students a grievance board appear only on the title page. The "Communist Manifesto - Its and lowering the required age first prize is $50. Relevancy for Today" will be held. for lieutenant governor and Three Cuban films will be shown The Pre - Vet Club will meet at governor of the state. 7:30 p.m. today in 146 Giltner Hall. at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. today at the Vet students will be there to answer Albatross Coffee House. Donations any questions regarding the College for the Venceremos Brigade will be of Veterinary Medicine. Final sign - MOOSUSKI collected at the door. ups for the trip to Parke - Davis will SPRING SKI TRIP take place. An open meeting of the Dept. of German and Russian Student Sisters, join us in a celebration of Advisory Committee will be held at 2 International Women's Day, Monday, p.m. today in 740A Wells Hall. All in 36B, 38 and 39 Union. Discussions welcome. IMMEDIATE are will be held Vietnam, on women abortion in China and testimonials, Over 1,000 SAVE ON Persons interested in attending a workshops on women and their five - week international seminar on bodies, self - defense and female DELIVERY Oldsmobiles comparative journalism in Yugoslavia Captain And ALL ON THE CAR 150 NEW ATTENTION CAR OWNERS Marvel 150 * Complete front end repair and OF YOUR CHOICE Datsuns DATSUNS alignment * Tomorrow Night Brakes * Suspension * Wheel balancing * Steering 100 Engineering Bldg. USKEY'S Auto Safety Center 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 only 75c ■ ■ Buy a Delicious Afby's* Roast Beef j Sandwich and get a j Free Raspberry j Super Shake!! LOOK FOR THE BIG RED AND WHITE TENT | ft Arby's * Good Thru March 11th OPEN 'TIL LAST CUSTO MARSHAl| STREET ™7 W G^and River OFFER GOOD ONLY WITH THIS AD STORY OLDS AT SAGINAW