Friday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Volume 63 Number 142 STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 5,1971 Milliken asks new drug laws to reduce fines, rehabilitate expense for society than any drug," he stream should be set as the "drunk said. driving" expand implied consent law provisions to level, and called for a "court liaison include breathalyzer tests for drivers "No single aspect of the alcohol and program" to insure consistent handling of involved in accidents. Gov. Milliken drunk - driver cases. asked the drug abuse problem requires our attention "If we are to deal adequately with legislature than the alcohol - related traffic alcohol and drug abuse health Thursday to reduce that claim 1,000 lives in accidents He also asked the lawmakers to create a must squarely face the fact that our problems we penalties for sale and possession of Michigan each medical advisory committee in the Dept. of society year," Milliken said. has for many years relied almost some drugs in State, apply six points on a person's drivers entirely Michigan and to shun He said .10 per cent alcohol in the on criminal laws to deal with a mental and blood license for conviction of drunk driving and social health problem," Milliken said. a totally punitive approach to drug abuse problems. "As responsible public LATE PRESS CONFERENCE officials, it is time we adjusted the law so that it recognizes the difference between drug profiteers and their victims," Milliken said in a special alcohol and drug abuse. "Under message on Nixon charts Viet plan Arrival current laws the victims are too often punished and those WASHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon adding the proposal was made on a mutual Cambodia," he said. li s. delegate David K. Bruce waved on his arrival at the International guilty of said Thursday night that the United States basis, with the North Vietnamese to Nixon also said Thursday night the Conference Center in Paris to attend Thursday's session on the Vietnam greater offenses are allowed to would keep troops in Vietnam as withdraw at the same time. United States stands ready to join with the long as "After we withdraw we cannot Soviet Union in guaranteeing a Middle keace talks. It was the 105th session of the peace talks. Chief remain free." there are American prisoners of war in North Vietnam. guarantee that there will not continue to Eastern peace but will not attempt to Communist delegates boycotted the session. AP Wirephoto be fighting in Asked in a 9 p.m. press conference if he Vietnam, Laos and (Please turn to page 17) Among his recommendations, Milliken is trying to asked the lawmakers to: prepare the American people for the presence of about 100,000 troops in Vietnam by election time next EW MANEUVER year, AUSJ agrees to hear • Remove a mandatory 20 Nixon replied: - year sentence for conviction of "As long as there are American selling narcotics POWs, and other dangerous drugs. we will have to keep some troops in Vietnam. jLeapfrogging • to a Reduce simple possession of marijuana misdemeanor punishable by 90 days in jail and/or a $100 fine. "As to when we will have them will make the announcements in due time. We will make one in April." out, we suit against ASMSU • Nixon said a U.S. proposal for a unconstitutionally last spring. Increase state funds for drug abuse id Southeast Asia settlement is "a The suit, filed by Sheryl L. Green, in S. one Vi control and rehabilitation by $3.3 million. - la • package situation" covering Laos, Cambodia and South Vietnam on the Detroit sophomore, will be heard by AUSJ Tuesday. The complainant lists all past and Provide $582,000 for a drug abuse withdrawal present members of the sixth session as troops of both sides. education program in public schools. Asked to clarify statements about witnesses, along with Bob Grossfeld, llGON (AP) Mrs. Binh's The All • University Student Judiciary — Leapfrogging in replacement, Nguyen Van problems in the rest of Southeast Asia if former ASMSU cabinet president. Miss (AUSJ) agreed Thursday to hear a suit |fteds of U.S. helicopters, South forces Tien, alleged that American and South "By making felons of number of an increasing agreement should be reached on South against the sixth session of the ASMSU Green lives at the same address as Vicki e plunged six miles deeper Vietnamese troops were massing an our youths we undermine Banks, the current cabinet director. iLaos Thursday in a new mobile tactic invasion of North Vietnam. public attitudes toward the seriousness of Vietnam, Nixon said: Student Board charging that ASMSU "Our aim is complete withdrawal," Chairman The suit charges that the board violated Communist all felonies," Milliken said. Harold Buckner was elected ped to smash the Ho Chi Minh trail. It spokesmen refused to Article II, Section 4 of the ASMSU heir first advance in 15 days. indicate whether Thuy and Mrs. Binh While Milliken stressed a less punitive constitution by electing a board chairman Ifield commander said the would return to next week's session. approach for first offenders and nonsellers who was not eligible under the troops had A change in tactics in the Laos drive of drugs, he called proposals to legalize ra to a point about 24 miles from the constitution. appeared evident, some drugs "unsound and dangerous." Cosigner \ the farthest they have penetrated with the South Part of the controversy is the result of a I South Vietnam thrust Vietnamese relying more on "I believe that we have an obligation to into Laos Feb. helicopter discrepancy between two existing versions mobility rather than operating from fixed protect the health of our citizens through of the ASMSU constitution containing I South Vietnamese spokesman, Lt. positions. appropriate control of the distribution of requirements lists for eligibility as board jLe Thung Hien, said no contact had Field reports said 500 potentially dangerous drugs," he said. "We chairman. helicopter sorties ■ made yet with the V the new front enemy on what he along Highway 9. ■ Paris the chief Communist delegates involving troop lifts alone had been flown Wednesday, and the number Thursday was expected to be about the same. must maintain system of a credible and enforceable quality controls, licensing, administrative regulation and appropriate on loons In the copy of the constitution originally distributed, the chairman can be legally elected only from present Voting ■>tted the 105th criminal sanctions." members. In the copy of the constitution weekly session of the A U.S. adviser told Associated Press Bam peace talks Thursday to protest Milliken said the classification of Cosigners will no longer be necessary for most short - term currently on file in the ASMSU office, the correspondent Holger Jensen at a forward MSU loans, the financial aids office announced Thursday. chairman may also be "a voting member of ^t what they called "threats and acts Jr" by the Nixon administration. base inside South Vietnam that the South marijuana as a narcotic is "hypocrisy" that "affects the credibility of our entire drug A revised short • term loan policy will become effective with all the Student Board from the Vietnamese had "suffered bad defeats at preceding >ear Brth Vietnam's Ambassador Xuan the abuse program." loans given for spring term, 1971. not presently on the Student Board." J and the Viet Cong's beginning of the operation, but they Tom Scarlett, asst. director of financial aids, said a cosigner Nguyen Thi Binh have learned their lessons." "The bill I will propose rejects the According to Buckner, the second point ■third will be required on loans for students under 18 years of age, on was deleted in some copies of the • ranking deputies to the four ■ "Now notion that harsh penalties are effective in they are leapfrogging in loans with due dates beyond the end of the term in which the constitution due to a clerical error. ■meeting. suppressing use of marijuana and proposes luy's substitute, Nguyen Minh Vy, said helicopters from one area to another, nonpunitive options for the first conviction loan is issued and on renewed loans. When elected chairman, Buckner was I invasion rather than sitting in one place and waiting Previously cosingers were required for all loans over 30 days, of Laos, the aerial for simple possession," he said. to get hit," he said. regardless of the borrower's age. (Please turn to page 11) iardment of North Vietnam and other Milliken said alcohol abuse causes more ►can activities were a "direct threat to Heavy flighting was reported early in the "We received quite a bit of friction over this," Scarlett said. problems in Michigan than drugs. The short Tecurity of the Democratic Republic of day around Fire Base Aluoi, near the "It accounts for more broken homes, ■ term loan program is designed to help students highway and six miles inside Laos. wasted lives, accidental deaths and greater meet emergency situations. In order to more effectively fulfill this purpose, the Financial Aid Policy Committee approved the four part policy change. • RHA elects The other changes in the short - term loan policy are: •The amount of the loan at the beginning of a term will be the officers after furks kidnap Americans, amount the student must have to register. At other times the amount should not exceed $250. Scarlett said this change is significant because previously the amount of a loan was based on class standing. Freshmen could borrow $150, which might not be enough for their registration, he said, while seniors could borrow up to $600. talk, 13 ballots lemand $400,000 ransom •All loans will be due prior to the first day of early registration for the following term. Students whose loans are not paid will not be allowed to register until payment is made or renewal of the loan obtained. At 4:30 a.m. Thursday, after 13 ballots and much deliberation on the Hall Assn. and Women's Inter Council representatives, part of Men's • residence Michael S. PKara, Turkey (AP) — An extremist armed youths appeared at the semiofficial radio must broadcast agreement to these This, Scarlett said, is a tool to keep the money in circulation. Flintoff, Grand Rapids junior, was elected "We've run out of money in the past years because short - term kidnaped four American airmen Anatolian news agency. They handed the terms after which specific instructions for president of the newly created Residence Fay and threatened to shoot them turnover of the money will be given. loans were becoming long-term loans," he said. Hall Assn. (RHA). night editor a three - page ransom note and •A short - term loan generally will not be renewed. Only under i $400,000 ransom is paid by this the identity card of Gholson. They The note said the TPLA was responsible the most extreme circumstances will a renewal be allowed and Flintoff and the new vice president, Jg. demanded that the note be published and for another kidnaping Feb. 15 when an Paula Fochtman, Petosky Jteritan officials said the four radar left. then only for a maximum of one additional term with a cosigned sophomore, were American airman, Jimmy Ray Finley, Fort note from the University Business elected vice presidents from Akers Hall. Pcians were Copies of the note also were left at the Office. kidnaped by five armed Worth, Tex., was seized at a U.S. base in Scarlett said formerly poor counseling of students resulted in Both have served on the MHA and WIC V as they were driving in a military car turkish state radio with demands that it be Ankara and released 17 hours later. Ja necessary renewals. representative board for the past year. radar and communications base to broadcast. The "We're being more realistic when we counsel students," he Flintoff said he will have a more ransom note called for the J billets in Ankara. The ransom note was signed by the "liberation of Turkey by armed struggle." said. "If they need more than a short - term loan we'll try to put difficult job than past executives because Turkish Peoples Liberation army. of the merger It called on "all Turkish patriots" to join in of the two organizations. ■» Jrr,San Angelo, Tex; The witness, Maj. Charles C. Calhoun, civilian casualties but that directive was check on civilian casualties was hurting any civilians or doing any but any Army board has not announced its : D!Urry J- Heavner, Denver, said the order was given by his brigade countermanded by the highest ranking countermanded by the Americal Division unnecessary burning. I relayed this to Capt. decision whether he must stand trial. u Caraszi, Stamford, Conn., cuDeriors when they became suspicious of officer in the area and never carried out. commander, Maj. Gen. Samuel Koster. Medina," Calhoun continued. Iverai u Ghols°n. Alexandria, Va. goings * Un kamlnf in the hamlet where, tho urhnro the The 39 - year - old Calhoun was Testifying for the government at the Calley had testified that he directed the (Please T ral hours after the kidnap, three turn to page 17) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fri«iay, March 5 news Convicts kill third prison guarc SOLEDAD, Calif. (AP) - A McCarthey, who was called to the point of killing two whites. Three black convicts summary were The guard died Thursday of stab Pinell's cell on the pretext of Three days later, guard John three, Georn« charged with killing Mills and Fleeta wounds inflicted by a convict at getting a letter to mail. Mills, 26, was beaten and thrown three others with killing Schull. Drumgo „ck*» From the wires of AP and UPI. Soledad Prison. The guard was Sent to San Quentin from San to his death over a railing in the Clutehette, arc no,1"1 Jo the third killed by convicts at Quentin Francisco for rape in 1965, disciplinary wing. Militants have charged the awaiting trial. the prison in little more than a Pinell was convicted of attacking A note found near his body three men accused of Mills' a leader in year. a guard three years later and read, "One down, two to go." killing were victims of racial Angela Davis nsideration asked IN GRADUATE EDUCATION [r health MSU administration is care plan "In the meantime, the issue Panel discusses J. students, faculty and will be considered by the All - I employes to consider the University Health Center Let of a prepaid group Advisory Board, which includes Jh care plan for themselves representation from students |,eir families. Isident Wharton announced Loposal. well as employes." faculty, staff and other A prepaid plan differs from a as scope By JOHN BORGER of priorities societal needs or where the University p The primary purpose, he fee - for - service plan in that a State News Staff Writer unquestioned strengths." J "is to improve the quality person contracts with a group of Dr. Daniel F. Cowan, asst. dean of the College of Human Medicine and a commission ■availability of health care physicians and other health Total University priorities should determine member, professionals who agree to asked who would decide where the |o reduce the costs. If such a the scope of University commitment to J can be successfully provide health services for a set individual graduate programs and to graduate "unquestioned strengths" were. "I'm really kind of underwhelmed by any |menti'd at MSU, it would monthly fee. education as a whole, the Presidential mechanics for determining this," Cantlon said. "I |be helpful to the education If it is a Commission on Admissions and Student Body comprehensive plan, think this has to come out of the people Lysicians and other health as envisioned by MSU, the Composition decided Thursday. involved." Lionels and could prove to health services include not However, decisions regarding which students "Do you mean we should continue with an only [nodfl system. hospitalization, but also office should be admitted to graduate programs should adversary type of relationship, where I try to sell Jor these reasons, we would calls, house calls, dental work, generally be made by the individual departments, and you try to sell yours?" Dr. 111 concerned to familiarize rehabilitation therapy, medical' the commission said. my program Cowan asked. tselves with the prepaid social services, etc., with the "We recommend that graduate admissions be C plan concept. left primarily as the responsibility of the "That's the name of the game," Cantlon said. group providing a full range of individual departments," it said. The commission stressed the importance of ■ithin a few months, the specialists. both basic and applied research. It recommended Lrsjty community will be "Any new program contemplated and the size Prepaid group programs have of any graduate program in a department or that the ■eyed to determine the University "maintain a strong Inents of students, faculty been operating successfully for college must comply with the needs and commitment to research particularly in those Kther employes. several years in some states and priorities, not only of the department, but with areas in which interest, competency and research Kn the basis of this survey, are now being viewed by the the University as a whole." facilities and capabilities already exist." Icted costs and other federal government as a likely Lecture The University recommendation states that the The commission began serious discussion of s, the board of trustees means of improving health care may make priority decisions not only the problems of undergraduate choice of v asked to decide whether inequalities, reducing costs and between graduate programs, but also between Not all classes can be inspiring, as illustrated academic majors. This area will be further K)t we should start a pilot better utilizing doctors and by this sleeping student. Maybe he'll obtain the graduate and undergraduate programs, Chitra M. lecture material subconsciously. discussed when it meets again Tuesday. other health professionals. Smith, associate professor in James Madison The commission unanimously endorsed State News photo by Jonathan S. Kaufman College and a commission member, said. increased "flexibility in the choices open to Mordechai Kreinin, professor of economics, students." argued that the University should not make the latter type of decision. "The University should allow each roup before any substantial debate has taken place or union policies ,. .1 iscussing collective to• . . bargaining, MSU for the 'educate purpose of MERC will determine whether "The department is the best judge of how to divide its resources between graduate and undergraduate programs," Kreinin said. ^hat "Ultimately, the administration must make decision," Provost John E. Cantlon answered. "The authority has always resided in undergraduate student considerable choice as to his major recommendation said. "However, area doe to of study," resource manpower needs (employment opportunities) and other constraints, certain areas may need to another allocation, have temporary enrollment limitations. articulated." nmreii COMEU • is a product of a becoming the sole bargaining the organization has obtained the central administration. Thomas G. Moore, COMEU agent for MSU faculty: MSU legitimate signatures from at "If an individual department makes its "Information pertaining to these majors of J group of MSU faculty favorable reaction to an open Faculty Associates, an affiliate least 30 per cent of the undergraduate program third or fourth - rate to limited enrollment must be made available to ■bers have formed a co- chairman, said Wednesday letter written by five members of the Michigan Education employes in the defined aggrandize its graduate program, this is definitely student prior to admission to the ^nittee for theMaintainence that the organization was in the University," Excellent University process of recruiting new u- which u .t- questioned Economics Assn.; the whether an MSU chapter of the bargaining unit. not 'n the best interests of the majority of the the recommendation said. llEU). for the purpose of members and American Assn. of University If the required number of students," Cantlon explained. gathering organized organized facultv faculty wonlH would ho be d—.e Comments from various commissioners ■eating ourselves and the information. better able to secure salary Professors, „..uan(j faculty for iaiu signatures has been obtained, The commission also recommended controlled the discussion of this recommendation showed during Collective Negotiations, MERC will supervise a collective expansion of graduate education, with priority ■ty on the issue of Moore said the Thursday increases than an unorganized that the commission's intent is to insure that, in ftization." letter is designed to "describe if any organization secures bargaining election. 8iven "to those areas where there are important faculty he said. signatures from 30 per cent of the long run, University resource commitments |)MEU began circulating an out the voting procedures and point the importance of not ><■ 5 / a charged that a the employes in whatever they The Ko-Ko Bar Welcomes back will tend to follow student desires. In the short Jniational letter on the leveling of salaries' will occur conceive to be the appropriate run, however, some temporary departmental active bargaining issue to the signing cards if you are uncertain if the faculty are unionized, enrollment limitations may be necessary. bargaining group, the Michigan ty Thursday. you want a union." resulting in a decline in the letter COMEU representatives will Employment Relations to Lansing urges faculty quality of education at MSU. Commission (MERC) will meet Ibers to "consider the be available to departments or e organizations have with the organization to decide ■ion most carefully since colleges which are holding announced intentions to on the definition of the ■re being asked to sign cards meetings for the purpose of circulate authorization cards at bargaining unit rORE FINED the Countrymen ieat fey SYLVIA SMITH quality law violated chemical additive. He was fined fat not to exceed 30 per cent. routine basis. We do this to keep Friday, Saturday & Sunday — Plus these extras — Pizza & Sandwiches 'til 1:30 a.m. late News Staff Writer $40 plus $25 costs and a $4 He said the amount contained them (meat stores) in line," he Cocktails after 2 p.m. on Sunday judgment fee. in the sampled hamburger was said. podrich's ' Spartan Shop-Rite Goodrich's Shop - Rite was 910 Trowbridge Road, According to a spokesman of minute; for it to be harmful, a •ined for violating hamburger ■ Judge the Food Inspection Division, person would have to consume 1 quality standards recently benzoate, a substance which "10 pounds a day for two a comminuted meat license and Maurice E. "brings out a beautiful red color years." convicted in 1958 for not having again in 1961 for short weight, Ko-Ko Bar The Food Inspection Division the spokesman said. KALAMAZOO & CLIPPERT ST. lenberger. in meat and is poisonous in large luce Goodrich, part - owner quantities," was found in the spokesman said the charge was Goodrich could not be (CLOSE) Goodrich hamburger. instigated a routine reached for comment Thursday. fee store, pleaded guilty to a by by the Food Inspection According to state standards, inspection of the market. ■sion of the Michigan hamburger may not contain any "Every week we sample at Open Friday Evening Until 9:00 ■ulture Dept. that hamburger additives. It must be made up least 48 comminuted (finely ■ by the store contained a completely of meat and fat with ground) meat products on a mate reviews PIZZA hire females PAR ■ASHINGTON (AP) - ■ing hearings on whether to Jacob testified. K. Javits, "It is high R-N.Y., appointed to "investigate all time we angles" of the issue after Senate EXCELLENCE! Iris be congressional pages, a practiced what we preach." Sgt. - at - Arms Robert Dunphy late panel was asked refused to enroll girl pages Sen. Charles H. Percy, R-Ill., nominated by Javits, Percy and pday: "Is equality of the asked the subcommittee: "Do Sen. Fred R. Harris, D-Okla. 1 sacred everywhere but on we want to tell the American lenate floor?" Page positions have always been public that equality is sacred held by teen-age boys, who leven years ago we passed everywhere but on the Senate receive $7,380 a year to run ■Civil Rights Act outlawing floor?" senators' errands and attend a wild! Wimination on account of sex The special panel special school in the mornings. private employment," Sen. was balloon sleeve shirts. . . o whole collection of them in easy-care polyester and cotton blend with the new long collar and two-button cuffs. Gel yours in the nostalgia print shown, DOMINO'S hot multicolors, flocking on 966 Trowbridge deeptones, or self-stripe 351-7100 crepe. Sizes S,M,L $9. For pick-up or free delivery to East complex, Shaw Lane, South complex, Brody dorms and married housing. Open 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. - weekdays; 5 p.m. • 2 a.m. - Fri. & Sat.; 4 p.m. -1 a.m. - Sunday. Jaool xson's r The pizza people S I lop of MSU. for young men M ICHIG AN ART STATE NE1 BUCHWALD UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD Reruns better deal editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE than Nixon advertising manager speed MARK EICHER, managing editor WASHINGTON - The recent fiasco said. "The reason ED HUTCHISON, city editor for the aUt at NORAD, when the wrong tape w s •wiron. to prepue BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor inserted in a computer, hlnwif KEN KRELL, editorial editor warning the GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor country that there was a national "I read somewhere emergency and all TV and radio stations that , have a half hour should J® ^ - go off the air, boggles the before we Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award imagination. "That's about for right," outstanding journalism. The Waffer^ message containing code words "Well, what are we sim^ .. "hatefulness, hatefulness" was only that half - hour?" Pp^d *<> A supposed to be used for a real nuclear attack. The fact that the message was "I don't know," Wafferman .u EDITORIALS ignored by most TV and radio stations slightly irritated. "That?^ shows how serious the credibility gap is in Nixon is supposed to tell us TV stations this country between the people and its go off the air" ^ government. "Maybe we're supposed , Civil Defense and military leaders are bathtubs with water?" Joe| said Legalized pro now investigating the foul - to find new fail the public to a - up and trying safe methods of alerting nuclear missile attack. "I don't like you nuclear war. It's ,ery being unpatrioii^"* My friend Wafferman was explaining at "Or maybe he'll tell us to time run dinner the other night what had and put for serious happened plastic over our heads." at NORAD, when his 17 - year - old son, "It's typical of Joel, raised some disturbing questions. your genen Wafferman said, trying not to "Why would they want to turn off all temper, "that even when there The world's oldest profession is *Organized crime would lose the television programs and radio shows in attack you have no faith isi!* in theiW case of a nuclear attack?" also the world's oldest hangup. Since exclusive control over prostitution the United States." ^ Biblical times, prostitution has been and lose money. "Because," Wafferman said, "it would "I do have faith in the ♦Venereal disease could be give President Nixon an opportunity to go President i officially defamed as shameful sin. In on the air and calm the people." probably describe it as the greatest nu controlled through professional attack in the Michigan, it is a crime. SNOW HERE'S MY PLAN FOR 6r£TT/N& OUT OF "I don't want to hear President Nixon history of mankind But have a half - hour to live Prostitution should be legalized. licensing. just before I die " Joel said adamantly. Love I'd rather J Reasons against the profession are *Perhaps a price ceiling could THf MXtD W/7H HONOR Lucy.' "You're not going to die," Wafferman "I'd even settle for a archaic. A man or woman in eventually be established. re ■ n ♦Prostitutes would be off 'McHale's Navy'," Joel said. Michigan may legally sell eight hours the of labor a day to any corporation streets. POINT OF VIEW "I don't see any reason to contiw* that will buy it. But the same man or *Sex crimes might decrease. discussion," Wafferman said, "if y0j, see the woman cannot sell a few minutes of Legalized prostitution laws would importance of Civil Defensein of nuclear attack." his time for sexual gratification. apply to both male and female "1 see the importance Exchange Legalized prostitution would prostitutes: each group would be of it; involve only adult men and women in any combination — who chose free to buy and sell legally. Few nonreligious groups are against more views replied. "But what why we can't watch a good just before we go. Why can't a I don't understa television compro to buy or sell pleasure. Liquor laws personal freedom, even if it is only be worked out? Nixon can be on on work the the freedom to be a sex object. the channels, and the other on same principle: The FCN feels that it is extremely station (formerly MAHE), an affiliate of MEA; continue their regular consenting adults are allowed to We agree with prostitution EDITOR'S NOTE: The following important at this time for all faculty to programming. 1 point of view was submitted by Mathew Sigmund Nosow, professor of labor and people will at least have a choice ofi inbibe as long as they do not opponents that, in some respects, respond to the needs of their colleagues by industrial relations and president of the they can watch in the last 30 mini endanger public safety. prostitution degrades sex. Certainly Medick, professor of mechanical sharing their views on collective bargaining. their lives." engineering and chairman of the Faculty Those faculty who have not responded to campus chapter of the AAUP, and If one admits that sex is basically sex has more potential than a one - for Collective Matthew A. Medick, professor of Joel started to Negotiations. the questionnaire, very general in nature, laugh. good, then it can be of little public night stand. The meaning of sex, mechanical engineering and chairman of involves no commitment on the part of any "What's the Faculty for Collective Negotiations. so funny?" Wafferman as! consequence that adults privately sell however, is largely up to one's faculty member. The FCN pledges the "I'd like to be themselves. Antiprostitution laws imagination. No single definition of The Faculty for Collective Negotiations anonymity of those who choose to identify Each of the above individuals will briefly around, just to see tkt (FCN), an independent movement initiated themselves and to share the results of the ratings the next day." actually intrude on a citizen's, "meaningful" should determine the introduce himself and make a statement as and formed by a group of concecned MSU questionnaire with the entire faculty mtjie privacy by decreeing what you cannot legal conditions under which sex is future. wU to the goals,of his particular organisation. do with your own body. faculty members and comntitted to near > • * A fftnel discussion will IfortietMtefy folf&w'. laijjoIoaU ,mioliaa < performed. The FCN is calling two University - wide assisting the entire MSU faculty assess the The panel will be composed of individuals The law also forbids every citizen The U.S. goverment is already potential of collective bargaining as a meetings on Thursday, March 11, one at who will present pro and con viewpoints from buying . sexual pleasure. involved in trafficking prostitutes. In means of enhancing its professional and 4:10 p.m. and the other at 7:30 p.m., both on collective bargaining. This discussion is Letter policy economic in 108B Wells Hall, to discuss the possible Consenting adults should not be Korea, some Army posts transport status has decided not to scheduled for one half hour after which the restricted from distribute collective bargaining impact of collective bargaining at MSU. any private prostitutes to PX clubs. To board the The agenda will be the same for each panel will dialog with members of the The State News welcomes all Id authorization cards at this time but audience. relationship, including sexual ones bus for a free trip to the GI market, reserves the right to respond to the needs meeting and we hope that most faculty will They should be typed and signed wi for pay. a prostitute must home town, student, faculty or I only show a health of the faculty at a later date if called upon be able to attend one or the other. The Our aim is free and open discussion. All At nightclubs, adults buy an card that verifies he standing, and local phone or she is free to do so. At this particular time the FCN meetings will start with the introduction of viewpoints are welcomed and encouraged. included. No entertainer's talents. After the show, unsigned letter will from venereal disease. will continue to pursue its original purpose, the executive officers of the three groups Any faculty member desiring to actively accepted for publication, and no letta they should legally be able to buy namely that of assisting the faculty in on campus advocating collective bargaining participate in the program is invited to Army officials reason that the make his wishes known by contacting be printed without a signature excep sexual talents. obtaining information, exchanging views at MSU; Peter G. Haines, professor of extreme circumstances. All letters mul plan controls VD since it insures that and encouraging wide discussion on secondary education and curriculum and Matthew A. Medick or may do so by less than 300 words long for publia Buying pleasure is a matter of only healthy prostitutes stalk Army collective bargaining. president of MSU faculty associates simply presenting his views from the floor. without editing. degree, and the case against clubs. prostitution is primarily a religious Michigan should follow the one; Christianity tells us it is bad. Army's excellent example and get But religion should be separate from involved. Even East Lansing could A PRESIDENT'S PERSPECTIVE the state and reason tells us legalized show some initiative be repealing its prostitution has its benefits. ordinance against prostitution. If legalized Legalized Fee Hall question government prostitution steps prostitution, it would begin taxing and regulating the profession out of habit. The benefits of government regulation are obvious. toward more personal liberty. Unlike rape, murder and other crimes, prostitution is not committed. It is a particiption sport and should be unresolved Tax monies would roll in. allowed to flourish whenever men Perhaps MSU would get a larger and women of imagination can will On the issue of the status of It was recently reported that East Fee "investigate" charges that MSU has women, I appropriation next year. muster the money. Hall might be closed next fall due to a discriminated against women? think there is no question that certain On a campus as large as this on( imbalances or inequities have developed form of transportation is almost a mi shortage of students. Is there any truth to We that report? always welcome any constructive over the years, not maliciously or vtfiy is there a special charge for the investigation by an official body. First, it deliberately but for a variety of reasons. passes? should be understood that it is the Regardless of these reasons, however, we Basically, because there is a good« Thieu9s view East There has been no decision to "close" Fee Hall, but plans are being considered to convert some of the rooms in unequivocal policy of MSU that there shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex — for reasons of race, creed or color. If intend inequities most to as attack rapidly and remove these as possible. What is truth in the old thing as a free lunch. adage that there is nol East Fee Hall into nonresidential use. or paradoxical and surprising is that the The University's basic instruct* HEW — or anyone else — comes up with current "charges" These plans are still being studied and against MSU sent to programs are supported mainly by specific evidence and examples of HEW appear to have been based appropriations and student tuition prepared. If the final plans are approved, entirely on look out, North Vie certain offices rooms for would use by be converted the College of into discrimination, we want to know about them so that we can take corrective action. However, I must emphasize that long information the patterns of discrimination. University itself in order to track down and eliminate compiled any Other major areas of operation suclt® bus system, married housing Md residence halls are classified by thestt Osteopathic Medicine along with the before HEW came into the picture, the College of Human Medicine. Certain other "auxiliary activities" and as such mj Committee Against Discimination and the What efforts have you made to meet facilities in Fee are also being considered supported from user charges. Thes Office of Equal Opportunity Programs had with students on the campus? not permit state funds to be used 0 South Vietnamese President that he is being serious. Plainly for possible conversion into laboratory begun working actively to develop and From the very activities and the students who bi Nguyen Van Thieu announced space. Thus partial conversion, not closing, beginning, Mrs. Wharton enough, officials in Washington and is implement the University's Affirmative and I have made a conscious effort to meet hike it would howl if their tuition tees anticipated. Wednesday that he hoped the North Saigon are discussing an invasion of Moreover, 111 apartments have been Action Program. The inclusion of women with as many students and student groups to assist the riders. And the bi e Vietnamese "would soon awaken to in the terms of reference of the as possible. These visits hikers outnumber the riders more North Vietnam even in the face of constructed in the past two years in Fee are an attempt to the reality and not put us in a recommendations of the Brookover Report meet and talk three to one, even in the winter te massive Red Chinese reaction. Hall at a cost of $761,450. These have in informally with large situation which forces February, 1970, came at the University's numbers of students. For example, over mother nature places the heaviest us to attack The whole matter seems ludicrous proved to be very popular with students. the past year we As long as there is student own initiative, not as the result of outside have visited virtually all of on the bus system. them right on their own territory." since the success of the Laotian interest, these the residence halls. We m Such statements can only be invasion can only be described as apartments will be fully utilized in both pressures. My charge to the Committee against number of off have also visited a The University of Michigan doespj sides of Fee Hall. The - campus living units ranging "free" bus service for its students interpreted in two ways: one, the uncertainty about Discrimination to develop an affirmative from fraternities and abortive. The point is, though, that the prospects of legislative approval of the action plan for women was given in March sororities to the not really "free." Bus expenses ar P word "reality" has a different the supposed purpose of American plans has meant a apartment of five coeds. out of a student fee assessed ^ corresponding of last year, again because I believed this to In our opinion, these meaning on each side of the presence in Indochina is to allow the uncertainty regarding future plans of the experiences have students regardless of whether tn y be an important area where redress was proven to be International dateline; or two, Thieu students in East Fee who might be extremely worthwhile. Mrs. bus system or not. Thus, the t people of South Vietnam to urgently needed, not because of the threat Wharton and I plan to continue these just doesn't know what he is talking determine their own government. If involved. As soon as there has been a of investigation. In other words, we have activities in the future and approach has been to char£e.a definite decision, the students in East Fee attempt to for the bus service, while MSU about. been working to correct the situation long broaden our contact with Thieu and Ky actually decide to Hall will be informed. • before outside charges of discrimination — students who are interested in any and all to charge only those who actual y The reality, as we see it, is that the invade the North, the entire scope of As is well known, we are operating the we were doing it because we believed it to points ov view. We only exchanging service. Regardless of the met'11 South Vietnamese expeditionary the war changes. Instead of the residence halls well under capacity this hope the students the fact remains that state fun®• be the right goal, not because of any fear have found these force in Laos has been bogged down South allegedly year. Part of the residence vacancy discussions to be as used to finance such transports defending itself from of legal action. helpful as we have. problem is related to the decline in provide it free of charge. completely for weeks: that if it the North, the North would then be freshmen enrolled this year. We weren't for American air support, expect, defending itself from the South. however, to enroll approximately 1,000 FOR THE FIRST TIME IN M0NTH5 the whole Laotian enterprise would Who then would be the obvious more freshmen next fall than we had in the I FEEL THAT THERE JU5T VOUR BLOOD SU6AI^ ijS have died long ago, and, that if it fall of 1970. The proposed MIGHT BE SOME HOPE FOR ME UP FIVE CENTS, .. imperialist menace in Southeast campuswide weren't for America's intrusion into Asia? Who would believe the "self - housing plan may help make the residence halls more attractive by Indochina, President Thieu would be determination for the people of providing options which will meet a wider range of Citizen Thieu. South Vietnam" theory? Who then, preference. Thieu's statement would be if Red China enters the war, would laughable except for the probability even be around to care? What is your reaction to the report that the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 5, 1971 5 WALD DR READERS' MIND OUR READERS' MIND Work off price of book To the Editor: Last spring I borrowed a book lost First of all, book we found that a only costs the Actually I could have stolen the Raises: who gets less? speec m a friend, and was asked to m it when I was finished. I offender a maximum of $15. Mend took this Information to My book, or just kept it, and I would have saved $1. Possibly Jn for the alert J., „ living in West Wilson at the je and assumed the book had Mr. Chapin, the Library director, and he flatly refused to the money on the refund the Library would be give me a job in order to the book that is willing to pay off sitting on their And what does it cost? x from the Wilson library fPare himself"^ lich is, 1 understand, a branch It had already gone I grounds that through. shelf. To the Editor: And what does this act'°n? May I still seek the the MSU Library), and I then contacted the Betsy Alles To: Dr. Peter G. Haines, representation cost me? When troth? Do you pay for the picket Bwh«re that ombudsman on campus, and he Battle Creek sophomore we ^ urned it there on the proper President you seek a redress of my s'gns? March 2,1971 ur before we g®*1" admitted that he could give me no assistance MSU Faculty Associates grievances, do you want D. E. Ullrey n late August she received a whatsoever I received your form letter anything in return? Do I retain Professor of animal ice from the MSU Library concerning the Library. I even the husbandry today requesting my privilege of individual Feb. Faculty definition unclear tried to arrange an appointment 24,1971 irging her $16 for an overdue with authorization of the MSU Mr. Wharton which was D|{ It seems they had not Faculty Associates as my that it had been virtually impossible at the time. lized irned to the wrong library I am an average student with To the Editor: they may not be)? How do I some internal perceptions of bargaining representative. I am afraid it isn't clear to me with ALL YOU CAN EAT an average bank account which The drive by the AAUP and find out the sentiments of other that time. She was forced those roles. whom you expect to bargain. Is MONDAY thru FRIDAY covers the necessary the MSU Faculty Associates to faculty members? The board of trustees may ,jy this in order to register things each it the MSU administration, the fall term, and immediately term. Naturally I am expected to seek recognition as the exclusive have assigned people to one or students who pay fees, the Spaghetti — Our Own Special $ owing, we launched a full pay my friend back, and $16 is bargaining agent for the MSU (2) What constitutes the more roles, administrative units governor who prepares the state Sauce - Toasted French Bread j 49 estigation. not a drop in the bucket. faculty raises many questions, faculty at MSU? The term may have assigned certain roles Lumber Jack Special - but I have budget, the legislature which few. faculty a at this complex institution cuts across numerous and functions, each of us may see ourselves in one or more appropriates funds, or the taxpayer who pays the bill? Pancakes and Maple Syrup *.49 (1) Has anyone polled the lines and across several entire faculty (however defined) roles, and apparently the wooing If you plan to get my salary to see if they desire collective functions. This institution has agents can see the University raised (and of course I deserve UNIVERSITY many kinds of faculty with no community as they see fit but Cramming all day? bargaining and/or a union. This single or simple defintion question should be raised as a appropriate. There exists separate issue from who should MSU, in addition to wholly not necessarily coinciding with at any other current faculty it), who gets relatively less? Is it a superintendent at the Plant, a purchasing agent, my Physical BIG BOY 1050 TROWBRIDGE RD. the Editor: best represent the faculty if a numerous descriptions or perceptions. secretary, you? Could it be an enrollment Recently while sleeping limit from universities of this state. With the union were desired. It seems ranks, voting rights, and Thirty per cent of what is a fair East Lansing plumber, an 351-5132 administrative locations, any question? ough my morning classes these new students additional probable that a faculty that number of ways of Ingham County farmer, a copper describing Thomas M. Freeman miner in the Keweenaw in "I had a dream." I tuitions and a minimum increase prides itself on careful and the faculty, including but not Asst. professor and The MSU Railroad Club thoughtful deliberations on limited to teaching peninsula? How about an ith in the ught, wouldn't it be great if in operating expenses the faculty, asst. director abandoned black mother above sses went all night instead of issues may be forced toward the research President. University could gain badly faculty, public services Office of Institutional Research the Belle Isle Lunch on Detroit's day. needed bucks. most important decision of its faculty and administrative March 1,1971 East Jefferson? presents rhe school system of Las After all if the night is good history without being given a faculty and/or combinations of is experimenting with a chance to consider all all of enough for Dawn Do-Nuts and those. Many people, liar idea. They run two shifts the boys in Plant 3 at Olds it's alternatives. including myself, might be ttle " for a Joel said. re ■ classes. Such a system of good enough for MSU. cation could be the answer MSU's financial woes. With a The question as posed by me legally as well as emotionally (divorced of any descriptors) is upset by an not intended to be for or imposed or implied There's Always A Sony Rex Decker against change in our status and/or The 1942 ny reason to continue ible use of facilities the collective bargaining nor for or functions Deckerville junior by an agency that I ferman said, "if ce of Civil Defense» yot slature might lift their March 2,1971 against any agents. Just simply, did not choose to categorize me. haven't we gotten the bargaining At this point in time, the For You At HiFi Buys. Film Classic agents (cart) ahead of the issue board of trustees has, by virtue Tonight (horse) and, therefore, clouded of its appointments, assigned 100 importance iat I don't of understa Stone' music OK the entire process. What if I were in favor of collective multiple roles for University Engineering Building tch a good bargaining appointees. In turn, people tele\isio||i but against any >. Why can't a compm he Editor: on an instrument. If you are a prospective acting in certain ways have also 7:00 & 9:30 P.M. Nixon can be on 01 d your article on the new agents? How do I make this established certain roles and nonmajor, you lose. d the other Musical Geologists of The literal meaning of the known? Or what if I'm against ways of perceiving their Only 75c stations collective bargaining, but I think functions which may or may not Like the Sony gular programming, rica, and was rather word "amateur" is, a lover of TC-110, YouH "The Greatest everyone else is for it (although coincide with external find new ast have a choice of nded at the tone you took something, and many people are or even recording freedom in the last 30 ard it. Certainly, Musical amateurs in the field of music, with the built-in electret Action Serial logists of America is a rather and need a club like Musical condenser microphone. Ever Made" iful title for a club, and a Geologists of America to express laugh. eation" with a "Requiem for Proceeds Go To this love, because the University ny?" Wafferman astt^^ldspar" ildspar" really is aa good really is joke, good joke, has no place for this. This 1225. meant to be, but there is a University has always slighted around, just to see tin need and desire for such a the humanities, and clubs like this make up for the University's people have interest failing in this area. Musical any msic, and want to perform, an Geologists of America is more HI-FI are nonmusic majors. In our than just a good joke; its also a 1101 E. Grand River ic department, there is no good idea. er policy for the nonmajor, except Meta R. Ayers he 300 voice chorus, and no Birmingham senior The Listening Ear, Inc., 5471/* East Grand River, East Lansing, Michigan 337-1717 ws welcomes all lei rses offered for the beginner Feb. 28,1971 yped and signed ident, faculty or A REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK local phone The Listening Ear is a crisis - churches and civic associations, citizens insigncd letter wll intervention center which serves the of Lansing, East Lansing, and the ication, and no letter ut a signature excepl Greater Lansing Area. Twenty - four surrounding area, and members of the All letters mid hours a day, seven days a week, M ichigan State University inces. community >rds long for publki volunteers trained in being helpful to have enabled us to provide service others are on duty to respond to requests continuously since opening, July, 1969. for assistance. These requests for help At this time we would like to ask you come from both people who walk into for a different kind of help. We guarantee the center and those who call on the that calls we receive will be treated as telephone. confidential. In fact, most calls for help We have a philosophy we follow at the that we receive are anonymous. Listening Ear. We believe that from time Therefore, we rarely get the chance to KNIT SHIRTS to time people run into problems in their find out whether or not we were actually ved lives that they cannot solve easily with the methods they ordinarily use for solving problems. We further believe that with help, most people can find new ways helpful. We feel that getting feedback on whether we were helpful will give us ideas on how we can improve our service. We need your help in getting that feedback. Crew & Placket Collars, of solving problems and resolve the It would help us if you would take Button & Tie Fronts. difficulties they are having. some time and answer, if you can, the Slipovers. Large selection of Since opening the center 1 1/2 years questions we are asking in the "clip - out" s large as this one* tion is almost a mint assorted colors, stripes, solids and prints. Sizes S, M, L, XL. 450-750 ^ INTRODUCES THE NEWEST ago, we have answered over 20,000 requests for help with such problems as below. Please do not sign your name to the clip - out. We want these to be ecial charge for thi suicidal feelings, depression, loneliness, confidential and anonymous. Then either marital difficulties, troubles in families, mail us the clip - out or leave it in one of good d«i se there is a lage that there is noi h- Webster Men's Wear drugs, problem pregnancies, and dating problems. To each of these calls we have tried to respond in ways that are helpful. the "drop - boxes" we have placed around the campus. If you need more space for any of your answers, please r's basic instruct# The Listening Ear is financially attach additional sheet. LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL an ported mainly by supported by the contributins of people Drop - boxes will be placed in the d student tuition from the community. We would like to Open Every Night 'til 9 Union, the International Center, and in of operation such# Sunday 12 to 5 acknowledge that support. We deeply the following dorms: Akers, Brody, Case, irried housing antl appreciate the help we have received from Owen, Shaw, Snyder and Yakely. You classified by the it the greater Lansing Community. The may also drop the clip - out off at the s" and as suchn" money and assistance donated by er charges. The state mds to be used for They're back again! Listening Ear, 547 1/2 E. Grand River, or mail it to us at that address. students who bike l fi their tuition fees' One of America's rs. And the bikers the riders more in the winter term* Great Dance Bands THE LISTENING EAR: REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK ces the heaviest 4. What things did you (or your friend) dislike about talking f> Michigan does pw the 1. Have you ever called the something? Listening Ear for help with ( )Yes ( )No a. If yes, about how to the volunteer? for its students but1 Jasmine Ensemble . . . lus expenses are pi» many times? TIMES If no, do you have a close fee assessed upo" of whether they at. Thus, the U ' • %/aolieA, we one For our exquisite love chose one enduring style. friend who has called the about what Listening Ear and told happened? ( ) Yes ( ) No you 5. What things do you think we could do to improve our i to charge all s'u The Jasmine Ensemble. 2. Was the volunteer you service or to be more helpful? (or your friend) talked to helpful , while MSU hascW sc who actually J Friday, Saturday, & Sunday . a, DR. at state fundsicj* And two more lor every day: uch large transportation t/^D f DELLS Carved wide bands . 6. If you have never called because: the Listening Ear, was it OOP ^KE LANSING RD. ^ke Jasmine from Orange Blossom. We chose togetherness. 3. What things did you (or your friend) like about talking ( ) You haven't had problems you wanted help with? ( ) You felt we couldn't help you? (E CENT*, to the volunteer? PLEASE EXPLAIN 51 HASLET! RD. jbelU ...On the Alle' ITCINTM 11W RAND river Be there! 319 E. Grand Rlv*r We gratefully acknowledge the donation of this space by Cedar Village Apartments, Pat Pulte, Manager 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Noted war critic recreates 'Trojan Women' cartoons in 'murder case' performance sef The Vietnam war has, among United States, kills 750 and President Hale's wife is not a present Euri«Llh,e ne*' other things, precipitated a theater curriculum at MSU, will bombardment of antiwar plays and anti - Vietnam comments in PANORAMA' paralyzes at least 90 American troops because of meteorological conditions. The president and Ladybird or a Pat. She is a critic of her husband's foreign policies Trojan Women" at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday and Studio 49 in Fairchild Theatre. ' d,Usday in! and publicity disagrees with him. many theatrical productions. cabinet are in a tizzy about what Poor Mrs. Hale is ruthlessly "The Trojan Women" is a play about the wm Jules Feiffer, noted cartoonist to do. The deaths mean nothing disposed of as a peace sign Trojan warriors. It begins in Troy where defeat and Vietnam war critic, makes to them. ("Make Love, Not War") is air. The women greive over their lost still? °f the his feelings blatantly clear in his inflicted by the Greeks. men and the he suff«inj th' play "The White House Murder What is important is that the into her chest, Case," now being presented by election is six weeks away and . Her de"th fj?»nts a Problem The Greeks, of course, went to war when Paris kin the Performing Arts Company. their image will be tarnished if becau^ she is a human being,' the beautiful and somewhat notorious Helen. kldnaW Feiffer's cartoons are By KENNETH STERN they don't invent a story to tell no a ra^ 'a" or a After The Sophomore Theater Practicum consists of a or marvelous and much more the "truth" to the American some heated d.scussion a story .s State News Staff Writer undergraduates who "experience" theater toePthTP,°f effective than his attempts at public. The administration is, of ""vented to explain her death three consecutive playwriting. Until Feiffer course, absolved from blame. " ,s aPP«rent,y Feiffer's elements of terms. Within this time play production including acting the?. discovered the services of Alan The action alternates between opinion that the The best scene in the play president and his energies of the dLr Arkin as director, some of his the President's office and a concerns the first lady's death, policymakers designing, costuming, lighting and set students work construction Th^' plays were flops in New York. jungle in Brazil. Brazil is are devoted to inventing and creating "True Confessions" to production. together to present a highly doIS y P0"^ "The White House Murder Vietnam and "Chico" is Case" at times seems a live "Charlie." The situations sound explain their behavior. In this respect the Sophomore Theater Practicum enactment of Feiffer's cartoons, familiar — U.S. soliders get high. Fare's errand Feiffer and Director Holdman blame both Holly John one step further than the typical class; after concepts of the several aspects of theater, study!? . The imagery and several of the morale on the home front is low they aoDlvTk remarks by the characters have a and the nation is losing the war • . Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson in a real situation. y apply th«m I I • for U.S. involvement. There was Feiffer flavor. The title of his and cannot possibly win despite "The Trojan Women" is cast SHOCKS CQDDIG no mention, however, of Nixon. entirely of martin... play refers both to the murder what the generals say. The whole members. Some of the major roles will be perform* k of the president's wife by a thing is just one big, horrible cabinet member and also to the mistake. The president spoke with a definite Kennedy accent while Finishing touches Claudia A. Esch, Detroit Livonia sophomore; sophomore; Daniel J aJ NOTTINGHAM, England the female secretary'of defense Nancy A. Pulk, Rochester sonhoZ!' mass murders perpetrated by the A special nerve gas, part of "The Trojan Women," a play to be presented next week by Linda A. Kosy, Grosse Pointe junior, and Ann M U.S. government. (AP) _ «i was astonished when had a southern drawl. the Sophomore Theater SD L' the "peace arsenal" of the police told me what he'd done," Director Holdman assembled Practicum, rehearses the Lansing sophomore. It is directed on an elevated sta» £ taxi driver Ron Taylor said of production. The play portrays women in Troy after the Frank C. Rutledge, associate professor of theater a PROGRAM INFORMATION 372-2434 Open at 6:30 a good cast for the production Trojan War. director of theater productions. the fare who pulled off a $1,200 and the evening proved to be a IN CAR HEATERS bank robbery. "I dropped him fairly enjoyable and meaningful State News photo by Terry Luke Admission to the play is by donation. outside the bank and picked up experience, TONIGHT Thru a book, but he was soon out again. There wasn't any panic at Sunday all. Then I dropped him a mile IN BRIDGING GENERATION GAP He's mean, rotteni, away from the bank. He paid his thieving, a womanizer. fare and offered me a pound. I You're going to love suppose he could well afford it." Big Halsy. Study p/aces about how to sustain it," "Youth and the students will have to realize that elders The bu Task Force t_ By JOHN McKAY Rockefeller said in 1968 before Establishment. concrete results can be achieved; study concludes the burdet the Society for the Family of that establishment participants taking the initiative is on I Man. "The student activists The results show that despite have no ulterior motives such as Establishment because it A studv commissioned hv perform a service in shaking us numerous obstacles there is a appeasing or cooptlng them, that been relatively unresponm John 'D Rorkefri er ni h»« out of our complacency." broad agreement among students they are equal partners in the years while young people b recently concluded that possible to bring together the age, experience and money of £ , Atten.ptln, into to convertaction, meaningful „,s Ulk attention leaaers wui not cop out wnen been actively change. pressinf PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS ROBERT BEDFORD MKHAEL J. POULARD the Establishment with the Rockefeller established the Task Force on Youth in the spring of ^ ^ °wn Parochial interests are In citing some of the obst They indicated that at8ta,ce- of cooperation, the i energy, idealism and social 1970. The task force spent Establishment leaders are keenly attempts to describe the ca Little Fauss and BIG HALSY consciousness of youth, to nearly a year of exhaustive r,io«H«.r0 " nn ih. nth« of the conflict, divisivenen ■ combat America's problems. research to determine whether Interested in working with . 7 " instability in America todajr. i m students and are sympathetic to »h«t' >tuH»ntc serious ?AMOUN* PICTURE US2 "Instead of worrying about student activist# and corporation »r« ALL SEATS RESERVED their goals, aod that the majority v how to suppress the youth executives felt they could work of students want to work with con^^ive «nd are willine to ''The students \ —Ml J farrow I $3.50, $4.50, $5.50 _ revolution, we of the older together and recently released its ' the establishment leaders. L™ immediate end to the 1 L In I tWNam CnH* Production ■ Tickets on sale now I At hnwnf thohndniHc LOST MARINER in E. Lansing generation should be worrying findings in an 89-oaee booklet a"d kn0W " h°W °f th* bUSine8S Vietnam; large segments dj & both WURZBURG STORES The study cites the four most leaders, not just financial public fear national humili Buy Now For Choice Seats!! promising areas for cooperative support for projects, and that and a defeat to American lu effort as poverty, pollution, students are not unduly in a faster withdrawal oftrai social justice and reform of ™P«tient or unrealistic in the The students challenge all NOW SHOWING! TV, Billiards, Ping Pong, Pinball Machines, party politics. kinds of resu,ts they anticipate. forms of established a the public sees the challengii The study contends that to Lansing views Box Office Opens 12:45 PM Magazines.. threat to the stability ol i . have a meaningful alliance, the Lansing area businessmen institutions at a time ot 4 Come on down to the mirrored the views of the 1:15 . .. hunger for law and order. executives interviewed in the 4:00 UN Lounge and Billiards Room "The student Are Rumors Getting You Task Force on Youth study, 6:45 indicating that there is general 'counter - culture' thm Basement, Union Building Anxious? Find the Facts. Call 9:20 H.I.C. 353 -8114. willingness to look into joint deeply felt traditional n efforts with students, but with patriotism, hard work, re" reservations. respect for authority, i morality, material well -1 "There's a lot of difference in neatness and cleanliness." thinking, but I'm sure there are a lot of 'A RAMBUNCTIOUS TRIUMPH! similarities," a local Student attitudes corporation president said. The report added that stt ' TEE'70s FIRSTfiREAT EPIC! Every "Perfect Young 'Little Big Mid' is the gen western te Stefan Kanfer, Time begin ill westerns!" Magazine Lady99 Should Have ■m a Boyfriend. 'DUSTIN HOFFMAN IS A MARVEL! Alive at every moment and foil of -Newsweek Magazine dazzling surprises!" DUSTIN HOFFMAN 1ITTIE BIG MAN" , o A Cinema Center Films Presentation MARTIN BALSAM JEFF COREY CHIEF DAN Screenplay by CaJder W.llingham GEORGE Based g— A m/w~~ |k| iU/it/ I on the Novel by Thomas Berge. I7\¥ L "UiNAWAlI j — AS MRS PENORAKE J F°day, March s(„H Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 5, 1971 7 Little Big Man'--a spellbinder By ROBERT KIPPER State News Reviewer lr?/VrU,!Jty inai it tC!the red man snould send you reeling. lin2ers like "Bonnie rrh" film The f!1*~ is and Clyde." Captured by Indians at the "Little Big Man" is both the simplicity, wisdom and ...... is 1based > on— m Thomas _» —j „!..j . «.■— uaacuun iiiurani, age oiof iu10 and ana raised raisea by Dy them, inem, spirited retelling ot of a pioneers pioneer's compassion to cherish. As you might guess by its ("Bonnie Bonnie and and ri H " "ah" ?f about 8388 121 60 years Crabb was recaPtured by wh'te tall tale and a critical study of a Clyde," "Alice's of Jack Crabb's title, "Little Big Man" is a film Restaurant") has taken these year - long - cavalry as a young man. Hurled He delivers lines like of contradictions. i"" life. r,"~uu Crabb claimed'to be the -,*1 J nation's bloody evolution. Penn "Seeing contradictions into white society, he survived a and associates look at the West you makes my heart soar like a and blended It is a only white survivor of Custer' stint with "hell and hawk," and he makes comedy but also a t"em- Like a novice, he's daring; a with a satirist's flair and a them tragedy. It tells a personal story '"ce a craftsman, he is sure of damnation" preacher and his moralist's indignation. They sound like poetry. and a national one. It promiscuous wife and traveled embraces himself. Like a social reformer, wrinkled invalid. prod the viewer always to look When Live Skins broad slapstick well is concerned. Slowly, with a crooked medicine at America's history when the explains his as Like Jack blindness to Crabb — "My eyes sensitivity. begins retelling the highlights of peddler. Crabb, his central character, he his life. One myth is present and, finally, still see but my heart no At one moment soon understands Then, in turns, Crabb became longer it proves to be a master storyteller, when the myth is stripped away, the wrinkles. receives it" — the viewer is harmless adventure As a result, "Little a gunfighter, a businessman, a story, Big Man" The acting cannot be faulted, reminded how beautiful and believable as you want it to be nostalgia, ' enjoyable as it could ■ spellbinder, an epic with the power to move, the charm to sometime^ by ^tteM^and bigamist, a hermit and an alcohS. 3 His experiences Dustin Hoffman the larger - than makes Crabb moving the screen can be on rare often by an old man's desire to - life character possibly be. At the next moment beguile and the panoramic sweep opened his eyes to the brutality he must be, filling his every guise it becomes spin a good yarn, Crabb's tale of the white man toward the deadly serious, so to dazzle. Laced with humor and and changing role superbly, For all its strengths, "Little depicts „„ ....v,, his life that w,verea wavered Indian and the violence with uncompromising in its depiction humanity, Penn's film advances between the cultures of the Faye Dunaway is perfect as a like vintage Mark Twain and which the white man won the Big Man" falls just short of "Indian and the white man. preacher's wife whose virtue lies perfection. Excessive length, West. in her words rather than her some pretty painful stereotypes q uivering expressions and (the depiction of Gen. Custer CHALLENGE CITED frequent actions. when she bathes Crabb and talks The scene and that of a gay Indian, for instance) and a heavy bias in about religion is glorious to favor of the Indians mar the Volunteer watch. final product. tutors ght But it is Chief Dan George, a sou real Indian, who attains quiet brilliance in the role of Chief But only a fool complain. "Little Big would T Bv MICHAEL O'NFAI Stlte News Staff Wr-tn rpU * .. . . , . . Live Skins, Crabb's tutor and redeems its scattered faults with Man" NPW* Staff Writer !• Ce ^ operation in the 7°h began t c°m™tment is four to six weeks for a fall, has been ho«».P«'week. tutor to come in." adopted grandfather. What could an abundance of spirit and Johnsons said volunteers Critics pleased Students interested in developing a program of The tutoring is either on a especially needed now are in have been a paternal stereotype perception. It is one of the finest tutoring other students the aca<>emic assistance primarily for one - to - °ne or small - group becomes, in George's hands, a and most American films of the remainder of winter term or m'nority students. Due to an basis," he said. "If the tutor is political science, German, foods breathing human being with year, ■any film critics rated "Little Big Man" highly. The film and Ears Dustin Hoffman of "The Graduate" and co-stars spring term are being sought by increase in the number of handling subject where we have 390. nutrition, math and IDC Center for Supportive student applicants, more tutors two kids needing help, we may jartin Balsam and Faye Dunaway as Mrs. Pendrake. Services and are needed. "The opportunity to tutor Counseling. get the best interaction by would offer a challenge to "We're trying students who feel that to locate having them work together. they are "We'd like to gain a educator," he said, anyone interested in becoming an BREWSTER ^MCCLOUO of capable of helping others in a substantial number of tutors in future offer Interested students should ays past, specific academic area, and then match them up with students needing assistance," Henry each area so that they could be available on call," he said. "This way a student needing help contact Supportive the Center Services Counseling, 32 Union, for for and an "Something else" from the director of M*A*S*H Johnson, administrative wouldn't have to wait several appointment, coordinator of the center, said. P.D.Z.: [eekend entertainment Between 100 and students are presently involved in the program as students and 200 104B Wells Hall Fri, Sat. 7:00, 9:30 A clear triumph of the imagina¬ tion. 'Brewster McCJoud' is the most $1.00 liberating, wild, comic cri¬ ikend highlights include a Newman plays a prisoner who instructors' he said" The avera8e tique of contemporary society Ket in the future ("The becomes a hero to his peers as he Task Force on Yci |House Murder Case"), one is beaten into submission sincethe marvefously mad com¬ oncludes the burdeol Ispoofs the past ("The authorities. Shows at 7 and 9:15 by the BRAMS edies of the 1930s. Altman per¬ AB the initiative is f ishment 00 lend" I and the return of p.m. Friday and Saturday in ceives America as divided because it L foiiver" and "Cool Hand Wells. between a materialistic main¬ datively unresponsiwl I to campus screens. TIME MACHINE - the film vhile stream and the idealists, be¬ young people tf Stage version of H.G. Wells' novel, actively pressing WHITE HOUSE tween the humanists and the 11)ER CASE s play about a - future Jules war distinguished by splendid special effects. Shows with "Forbidden Planet" Friday and Saturday ir crazies of the counter-Culture A Swiftia n metaphor epitomized lAmerica's use of a banned PLANETARIUM In the figure of adefacting raven. nights in Wells. ■gas is thwarted by fate and Robert Altman is the first man |nd direction change. CAPTAIN MARVEL - the This weekend only: at 8 p.m. to hit one out of the Astrodome. lances Friday '40s super - hero special. Shows lugh Sunday in the at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Friday in 100 — Newsweek Lsion ura is $1. BOYFRIEND Arena DU I r IVIDHL/ theater. - « .« home ipr himseii, given extended life thanks to Engineering Bldg. Admission 75 cents. ,<■ is Kingdom , EXCLUSIVE TODAY AT 7:15 & 9:15 J CONTINUOUS SAT., SUN. 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30] in the . J i. IMPACT III — two nights of spoof of the *20s with ^how - stopping music and set - bursting screen treatment. mall theatre treatment, "relevant experimental films LUKE ,.cir n..mhp« »nH >e changes. Performances Shows at 7 and 9:45 p m Friday exploring man," at 8 in Wilson and at 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday - --- - 0 and 10 p.m. Friday and p.m. in Mason Iday ■r I in McDonel tickets are priced at and $2; student tickets, Kiva. Friday in Brody; at 2, 7 and Hall cafeteria. Different films 9:30 p.m. Saturday in Conrad, will be shown each night. COOL HAND LUKE — Paul Admission will be 25 cents. Sky 5628 W. SAGINAW « 484-4403 The story of selected Greek sky f $1.50. myths uniquely portrayed. Music MSU LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES Planetarium equipment will bring Doors Open ■MEN ARE LIKE THAT the Gods to life before your eyes. PROGRAM 'FORMATION 482-3905 - Series B presents Review the Greek Concept of 1:00 p.m. . It's comic opera about two Sun. 12:45 p.m. creation, then witness dramatic s finances. who test the loyalty of Performances at 8 stories of the sky. ICHIGAN Jriday and Saturday in the Starting next week: Theatre Lansinq - Building auditorium, The New World 217 S. WASHINGTON-DOWNTOWN fcion is $1. J"S ■ RTET will BEAUMONT STRING PROGRAM perform Student attitudes eport added that sti iber ■n and works by Mendelssohn at 4 Mozart, SCHEDULE FRIDAYS 8:00 P.M. Nominated for which provoke J 1 Sunday in »s are reactions among I the tendencwl J auditorium. Admission is the Kellogg ACADEMY icize violence" and T the values of those * |- Costa Movies Garvas' AWARDS - BEST PICTURE-BEST ACTRESS-BEST ACTOR snjoy the privilege^ Bal Jrpiece, a fascinating BEST DIRECTOR-BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR •ducation and tr thriller based on actual Plus 2 Other Nominations 1 events. The film deals >e planned assassination of fal leader and its aftermath )vernmental suppression. I miss it. At 7 and 9:30 "Go sec 'MAZOWSZF.' and when you leave, you will discover that you have forgotten how f riday in Conrad, Saturday to frown." - Walter Terry, pVER — the joyous screen Saturday Review n of the Lionel Bart play. UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM |s ™n who Dickens' tale of a young Monday, March 8-8:15 p.m. falls in with a gang Students $1.00 with full - time I.D. lick pockets en route to Tickets on sale at Union Ticket Office A HOWARD 6. MINSKY-ARTHUR HILLER Production i Written b, Directed by P.oducedb, t.ecutive P.oduc* Music Scored by IN COLOR A PARAMOUNT PICTURE I ~ ERICH SEGAL ARTHUR HILLER HOWARD G MINSKY DAVID GOLDEN FRANCIS LAI B Complete Shows at 1:25-3:25-5:25-7:25-9:30 p.m. Sunday Complete Shows at 1:10-3:10-5:15-7:05-9:05 P.M. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Poll finds split in uncertainty exists faculty opinion on drug; If some professors, there exists a clear asked about the legalization of be legalized? the availability and use of always allow a certain number of cent margin for error. While chances are more Should be Ipo about distinction between marijuana the hallucinogenic and harder Should be legalized i 43.2% percentage points owing to illegal drugs on college campuses — ~ - and the. . other .commonly drugs - LSD, heroin,.— etc. Should not be legalized 38.0% "statistical error." Survey results With the present sample of 200 faculty members, the reader faculty members would favor Should not hii d 8.<«r I —»- legalization than those who galized 88&I . t. ^ today, there appears to be one mentioned drugs such as LSD, ci In the NooDininn point that can be made pretty "speed," heroin, etc. second_of a series of No opinion three nationwide 18.8% based on samples of from 1,000 should allow about seven would not, the results are 3.1*1 faculty opinion In interpreting these conclusively: in the eyes of both How well founded the surveys, or any interviews queried a survey results, the reader should to i.500 should normally be percentage points in viewing sufficiently close so that neither A8al" faculty college students and their distinction may be is a question random given about a three to four per their answers. case could be stated Caching courses i- sample of 200 college humanities perhaps best directed to the clinical researcher. In the faculty members associated with co?ctu!ive.y. In December, 1,190 college "thematic; ^ 30 representative schools, phyJ Wesley Center meantime, among the nation's Interviewing was conducted students were asked the same question and they answered: mwJicine, business, were college faculty members, a fairly by telephone Feb. 15 and 16. somewhat „L to host luncheon even split exists between those The questions and their answers Marijuana should be legalized 56.6% A rice and tea lu"cheon will win who would favor ,egalization of below are compared with results Marijuana should not be legalized Copyright i97l marijuana and those who would of identical questions posed to . Corp., be held at "oon^ondayin not t igQ students in 36.5% Boomlngton.lnd. Wesley Center, 1118 S. Harrison Among the students, a December No opinion Ro?dA , ... donation of $1 will be . decided majority would have the legalized. Both groups, The were coilege asked: faculty members Bri99s playerjl collected for maternal and child The divorce in attitudes care center in North Vietnam, Child care will be provided. howeVer, were dramatically less liberal in their opinions when j)Q yOU feel the use of ... or should not marijuana should toward other marijuana as opposed to drugs is clearly perform satire| exemplified in responses to the second question asked of both 11 nrf £ym" (LBC) Players will "'tocoitf preSent ">>***." . faculty and students: mad physicists. VISTA Do you feel the use of drugs such as LSD and "speed" should or should not be legalized? Saturday 101 and 102 and 3 p.m Holmes Hall Tickets are free and at 8 SuJl 1 5" College faculty answered: av»ii* Volunteers In Service Should be legalized 3.5% at the LBC and West Holmes office or the! Should not be legalized 87.7% Hall re desks. No opinion 8.8% To America Viewers are encouraged!! The same question posed bring pillows was to students two months earlier to sit on tlTftJ the supply of Needs: Business Majors and as chairs' they responded: limited. Education Majors City Planners Liberal Arts Majors and THOUSANDS of others!!! Free TODAY 10:30 a.m. (AM): THE EISENHOWER YEARS: "The See "The Woman Play,' directed by Philip Heald with the Streetcorner Society, will be performed PjJ representatives in Placement Bureau Thrust" — Victory in Europe. March 8 Saturday at 1 p.m. in Snyder Hall, 4 p.m. in Case Hall and 8 p.m. in Owen Graduate Hall. 1 p.m. (AM): LECTURE - DISCUSSION: "U.S. - 10, 9:00 to 5:00 Sunday's performances will be at 2 p.m. in North Hubbard Hall, 5 p.m. in East Holmes Hall and Fore( Policy" — David Halberstam, editor of Harper's magazine FREE FLICKS: March 8-9, 3:00, Rm. 31, Union 8 p.m. in Brody Hall. Admission is free. 1 p.m. (FM): MUSIC THEATER: "Showboat." State News photo by Terry Luke 7:25 p.m. (FM): HOCKEY: MSU vs. U - M from AnnArtaJ SATURDAY ^ 10 a.m. (AM): DETROIT ECONOMIC CLUB. 1 p.m. (AM): BIRTH CONTROL TODAY: Population Cental AN MHA-WIC Presentation and Social Stability. 1:30 p.m. (AM): 1 + 1 - 3 ... 4 ... 5: "A BRAVE Nil WORLD" — future influence of medical research on society T 2 p.m. (FM): METROPOLITAN OPERA, LIVE FROM Nil YORK: "La Boheme" by Puccini. 2:05 p.m. (AM): BASKETBALL: MSU vs. U--M from A Arbor. 7:25 p.m. (FM): HOCKEY: MSU vs. U - M from East LansiJ 10 p.m. (FM): LISTENER'S CHOICE: Classics by request ui 2 The a.m. by calling 355 - 6540. SUNDAY 2 p.m. (AM and FM); CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: 0vertu| motion to the "Magto Flut«>" hyMo^rt; "Violin Concerto No. 3. K. 21 by Mozart; ''Symphony No. 4," by Bruckner. Erich Leinsi picture conductor; Leonoid Kogan, violin. 4 p.m. (AM and FM): FROM THE MIDWAY: Method in the Romantic Period" - L.P. Williams, ( "Scientii event University. of NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES the 'SPARTAN TWIN EAST year! COllMBAf*MS trews i^ROWlUSPROOJClOJd LIONEL BARTS NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES The Stars! rSPARTAN TWIN WIST ALL CtNT£R 3100 EAST SAGINAW Pt>on« 351| The Story! TODAY AT : 7:30 • 9:20 ALL The Spectacle! AND HELD OVER ALL The Songs! XPO 2000 He lives on skis., A Jury Selected Showcatt of Films Ranging in Content from Pure Nonsense and off women! to Biting Satire from Some of Today's Most Talented Young Film Makers. Friday - 2 locations 7, 9:45 in Wilson 8:30 in Brody Friday in Conrad 7, 9:30 Saturday in Conrad 2, 7, 9:40 Saturday in Wilson 7,9:30 jj'00 admission I.D.'s required $1.00 admission I.D.'s required Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 5, 1971 9 Profs research role of ,y BARBARA FARY te idea News Staff Writer of women in history seductress redeemed by who was motherhood, chastity or ultimately in both, as represented by the Virgin Mary. only women "The flapper of the 20s became the matron of the 30s," he said. "Women's new role was to and should not be removed from their families." Today's role for women is and in saving decisions in the family." The Karsons history predicted a middle - class affluence as a goal, Motherhood has been de emphasized with the threat of - interpreted through the hold the home together that of consumer agent, Karson n Women's major role change in the role of women of over - population, I,f men, a husband and wife was during difficult times. said. the future. fertility," he said. Carry overs of these ideas "Where the frontier woman Also influencing .vomen's [of MSU professors told the The American Revolution did Alternatives to marriage are turning away from marriage as a irican Studies Assn. on today are that girls must be was a partner in production, not give any new freedom to careful to marry good providers developing in our society, they goal is the new freedom of the (us Wednesday. today's woman is a partner in said, because have women, Karson said. Property and that women are women 'hippie' life style and the wide Ix>rt Karson, professor of rights came about in 1848, only only a consumption," he said. "It is the become disillusioned and temporary reserve work force who makes the spending availability of contraceptives, ►jean thought and language, because the strongest lobbyists woman dissatisfied with traditional they said. I Martha Karson, asst. for this minor liberation were sor of psychology, spoke I group's fifth seminar. fathers wanting to protect their daughters' marriage dowries. OF CAMPUS LIFE , Karsons are editing a The Karsons said the period "The Idea of Women in from the Civil War to the jca/' a review Iretations of middle Jbsculinity of historical class and femininity Depression of the 1930s was the most American beneficial they receive women. period Not only did the vote, but for Blind fight impersonality gmerica are culturally women were encouraged to get students should not confine Miss Blocher said she is out of Usually readers are personal led," Karson said. "We AL KARSON MARTHA KARSON an education. A larger By KIM FERRIS themselves to fields exclusively touch with campus activities and friends, but most charge for the Impted to ®tudy the rejected the "great woman" books and magazines of the percentage attended graduate related to blindness, such as would like the University radio service. school than now, they said. It is difficult for blind rehabilitation. He said he feels stations to broadcast more Opinions varied on how much The Depression and World students at MSU to overcome this is only furthering an blind students information of campus activities. should stay War II destroyed the "impersonal barriers" that "intertia" that blind students options together. Although they don't '.srssr^zz Jr.fs that had been opened to Karson said. women, characterize campus life. This was the observation of tend to fall into. Tricomo said he is Manson said he believes that fellow students are "about as regularly seek each other's company, both Miss Blocher and two blind students interviewed concerned as they should be" disappointed by many in the Manson said a meeting of blind LMS, DISCUSSION about their life at the Lois University. University community who fail to recognize the potential of about him. He has worked on making Braille maps for blind students "once in a while" would be a good idea. Tricomo Blocher, Grandville blind people. He plans to move students in geography. said this is unnecessary. graduate student in Tricomo said he had 36 to Tanzania and "work for At one time a blind students from set rehabilitation 'Report counseling, said President Nyerere" as soon as he readers, 34 women and two men club functioned on campus, but some departments strongly finishes work on a master's a week while Manson and Miss the idea received little support discourage blind students from Blocher had four to six readers. enrolling in their courses. degree. He said he often gets and eventually folded. aggravated at "good deedism," In other classes, professors are which he termed "sick." ■JOANNA FIRESTONE American Revolutionary Media information |tete News Staff Writer (ARM), is cosponsored by and analysis of the Chinese revolution and "relate Scholars, will follow Sunday's skeptical that blind students can follow the course properly, John to prod Miss Blocher said she is trying LAST CHANCE! several MSU film. University officials to JUST A FEW OPENINGS LEFT groups including the Chinese example to the Manson, Bellevue, Wash., improve the maintenance of the Report from China," two Lee, who lived in mainland a - ASMSU, the Black Liberation struggle for meaning and social China until 1949, is a specialist graduate student in education, reading equipment for blind FOR SPRING Jnultimedia presentation of Front International, the Council change in America." said. students in the Library. ■ Chinese revolutionary fience, will feature the film of Graduate Students and the Women's Inter Will said a panel discussion by in Chinese humanities and the philosophy of Mao Tse Tung. Ray Tricomo, a third blind She said most students are JAMAICA 219°° residence Joseph Lee, professor student from Detroit and 'very genuine' in their attitude ACAPULCO 21900 - ■na - One - Fourth of of On March 12, "Report from Council. humanities; Lawrence Battistini, China" will offer the CBS graduate student in African toward her. She mentioned the Inity," at 8 p.m. Sunday in Charles Will, a coordinator of CALL NOW STUDENTOURS I Wells Hall. the program, said he hopes the professor of social science, and documentary "Red China studies, disagreed. He said that if University Health Center and the LAST CHANCE ^ Andrea Solomon of the Diary" and a Japanese film made blind people did not rely so Residence Hall Programs Office FRANK BUCK BOB LEIDER FRED SANCHEZ i ie program, initiated by the films and speakers will provide 337-9020 Committee of Concerned Asian during the proletarian revolution much on canes or leader dogs as being "particularly 355-2824 there. they would soon gain more self - cooperative." The films will be followed by assurance. rrocwM iwrom«Tioii a discussion and He said he is trying "to gouge workshop led Feature 7:50-9:50 by William Hinton and Robert out of people's mentality" that starts TODAY: .Fl member cites need Sat. and Sun. 1:40 - Williams. blind people cannot cope for Open 6:45 P.M. 3:40-5:35-7:30-9:25 Hinton, who worked in China themselves. for the United Nations, is the Tricomo said that blind author of "Fanshen, A Documentary of Revolution in a HAPPINESS IS A QUACKSER FORTUNE >r black political revival Chinese Village." Williams, also widely traveled in mainland China, is a former __Q Q □ Gene Wilder's performance is sad, president of the North Carolina NAACP. He fled from the Movement.. "One of the major movie surprises of the year! A heartwarming and exuberant, open and touching. He is terrific! Margot Kidder is endearing students need a political revival L. Greene, director of Center for offbeat film full of gentle charm and United States to China in 1961 and always believable. She invites to renew the resistance Urbaft Affairs, was a waste of 40 second hilarious truthfulness about human to avoid prosecution on alleged - Gene to a dance which turns into a movement in the' United States. tithes Kamga said. Greene has Iridnaping charges. nature...Elliott Gould and Dustin ; Black Liberation Front Blacks must heroin cure Hoffman can move over because disaster which turns* ijito^fiyght of organize, educate not been willing to discuss love which turns into a naory The two - day program is a Rational (BLFI) Summit and remain in motion, he said. relevant issues, and BLFI will follow-up to the "China Week" Sunday, 3:00 p.m. Gene Wilder is more than just an¬ other pretty face...he's dynamite!" ending. Everyone ought to )>ave a meeting Thursday Karega reviewed previous increase its attitude of hostility lovely time at this earthy, romantic lloon began with a moment program held in Ann Arbor by 108B Wells comedy." resolutions made in an eralier towards the Center for Urban the HOUOA* MAGAZINE tnce in memory of Tommy University of Michigan Jan. summit meeting this term. Affaris, he said. 10-16. 1 black MSU senior, who The African Studies Center, a "We have met with President Monday of a heart attack. tool of neo - colonialism Wharton and director of the Jother business Chui Karega, I's minister of information, Center for Urban Affairs," he designed to subjugate the people of African ancestry, has shown Open Tryouts said. "Our meeting with the Ihe black student movement itself to be unreceptive to all I United States is dead. president was very beneficial for ideas which will assist Africa in Black students formally were all parties involved. developing, according to Karega. Spring Productions - activists. The black "We have decided to withhold Because of this, BLFI will Int movement in the United our attitude of hostility towards maintain its attitude of hostility "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' I has gone from the sit - in President Wharton until we see it and suggest limited engagement I through the militant stage, necessary to pursue it again. In Tom Paine" by all black students, he said. the present inert stage," essence, we are extending his During spring term, BLFI will ' GENE [a said. period of grace." Stop the World, I Want to Get Off also said black BLFI's meeting with Robert be sponsoring major educational WILDER. programs on campus. Start Your Evening Oft Monday & Tuesday Union Ballroom 6-1100 March 8 & 9 Quackser Fortune has a Scripts Available 149 Aud cousin in the Bronx at If you can't attend open tryouts,call 353 065J or 351 8287 MARGOT KDOtR ■ SCT^y GlAZiEB • b, -OM H CllSHINGHAM M£L HOWARD a. Kellogg Center's STATE ROOM A SPECIAL CINE SERIES P On the Campus at MSU DOUBLE jn excellent meal in pleasant surroundings, and prices well within a student budget, visit Kellogg Center's STATE ROOM. Dinner from 5:30 to 8 P.M. Sunday, the STATE RO Treat a friend, or even yo« Located on the main flooi GflTES OPEN AT 6:30 PROGRAM INFORMATION 882 M29 ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS TONIGHT THRU SUNDAY \TURE SHOWN ONCE IN ORDER LISTED BELOW VINCENT PRICE'S Now Showing! n/£TiMtr ■ TffiTTl f'WifflT ALAN YOUNG BaiiiiiiitumiiiiiiM Friday Room 108B rvtnt wiwitux sebashah caboi iow wtMDg in METR0C0L0R & Wells SJOO Required Shown at 8:45 p.m. Saturday ONLY! 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday,Mar Gl CLUB 'SNOOP' Women Committee hears solidarity of threat to major A rice and tea luncheon "expressing solidarity with the people of Southeast Ada" will be held at noon Monday lunches thoughout l^heid will not the Unit,J only beTt, ^ WASHINGTON (AP) - An strange world where he said which in term was subject to at the Wesley Center, 1118 S. remember •kters of the Asia, but wJJ»1 Army major told senators lawbreakers were protected by a Harrison Road. t° contribute manipulation on the currency i„ Wednesday he was threatened by general, a civilian vendor boasted black market, a transaction The luncheon, sponsored the Army's top enlisted man he the clubs and oriental by Women's International way to In reaffirming hSl after his "snooping" threatened ran an which could' have added a country which "dragon lady" pulled strings to hundreds of thousands of dollars League for Peace and to implicate a general and stop systematic looting of GI clubs at open a brothel disguised as a to their profits, Freedom (WILPF) several women's liberation groups in ^»;;yyefiofk4i war, she said. "■ steam bath. . military posts in Vietnam. The major told the Senate *Cole "adjusted contracts at Lansing and East Lansing and Tickets for the Maj. Clement E. St. Martin lunch-a said he was removed as club investigations subcommittee he ^e request of Crum. the Faculty for Peace, is one are $1 for students atidSl could have made at least *The club system bought four of many events being held all others. officer and transferred after a They are " $10,000 monthly had he turkeys and gave them to Cole Monday thoughout the at the Wesley three • month duty tour in a nation "cooperated" with Brig. Gen. at a cost of $117. as part of Reservations also Earl Cole and his civilian International Women's Day. made may j friend, , , , . by contacting j" Iiness n o c c fTorces r» rrot super Crym - salesman William J. ;Cole quashed investigations and covered up all evidence of the Ann Francis, director of Francis Masterson of or Mrs. j Lansing Area Peace WlLpp wrong doing as best he could. Council and member .. ii* Last summer Army mmj St. a of Faculty for Peace. ' talk cancellation removed Gen Cole from Martin said Madame WILPF, said International "he European'lPX Ph°u"g- anattractive The Dept. of Educational command of system, reduced him to colonel, who described herself . M-nd" of Cole as a woman very was in Flowery w Women's Day "has special significance this year for who have felt All proceeds from luncheon will be Maternal and sent to 3 M Psychology has canceled the stipped him of a Distinguished active H^ hiHHina fnr women Child f ^ bidding for a a contract "She Walks in Beauty," the seventh annual flower and bridal show, was held compassion and horror at the Care seminars scheduled to be given Service Medal and ordered him by the MSU Center in by Jerome Bruner of Harvard retired - all "forinduct for conduct not not fr°m the ?ub and operate a ^m to buiW Floriculture Forum Wednesday in Fairchild Theater. This bride models one of the three suffering inflicted on women Vietnam. The steam bath and wedding ensembles, entitled "She Walks in Daisies." The three complete weddings used floral in Southeast Asia. University due to Bruner's consistent with 'the integrity specializes in the treatnn iHness expected of a general officer." massage parlor. arrangements made by students. State News photo by Tom Dolan "The rice and tea female diseases. Bruner was to conduct a Cole is tentatively scheduled general session and seminar on to be called before a panel next Friday and two seminars week. Judiciary suspends 2 students Saturday. st- Martin and subcommittee investigator LaVern Duffy gave these allegations as indications of the accuracy of Crum's boast: *The club system at Long Binh was used to order cars and found guilty and received a evidence to substantiate trucks and to import them, free By JAMES SHELDON they know has been forged or part of AUTC for their own issue criminal State News Staff Writer written reprimand from the charges against the four of customs, for use of Crum's counterfeited. warrants $ judiciary. personal gain." by Sari Electronics Co. Remaining four students found innocent, she In a statement released police against persons involved in the hearings said. Charges against the students involved in the *Large quantities of club Two MSU students were Thursday, the alleged sale. ■ found stemmed from a Nov. 9, 1970, equipment — beer coolers, recently suspended from the were innocent of all All students have been Judiciary maintained that Thursday's statement also! charges. investigation by MSU police into that during the freezers and so on — were University after members of the Miss Renaud notified of the judiciary's temporary parking permits had allegations that illegal student questions arosehearings "sj ordered in Army warehouses at Student - Faculty Judiciary explained the decision. Hearings for the been issued "which were driving and parking permits were procedures and practices as toL Long Binh. decided in closed disciplinary suspension the penalty two does not students were held between Feb. unauthorized under Student being sold through AUTC in issuing special . to 11 p.m. £* -lii Smith. COSMOPOLITAN OPEN AT 1:00 P.M. "FAST! ROUGH! EXCITING! 4th WEEK Robert 1:15 - 3:15 • 5:15 7:25 9:25 Redford, as always, - - is totally devoted to the character. He's inside it. HURRY . . . MUST END~SOON . . . What looks out is a DON'T MISS ALL THE FUN! charming liar, thief, lover, deserter, THE BATTLE OF THE BUTT! brave, not lucky, and a man who'll never stop trying. Brilliant!" THE CHALLENGE: Archer Winclen. NEW YORK POST Every man, woman, "I LOVE MY...WIFE" and child to ROMRT miCHIXU. ELLIOTT GOULD quit smoking MDFOAD POLLARD £ IN A DAVID L. WOLPER Production for 30 days UTTU muss M "I LOVE MY...WIFE" v...for your country, PROGRAM INFORMATION 349 2700 HAD BIG HfllSY for your honor, Enter an age of u JBRENDA VACCARCI - ANGELTOMPKINS Baitra Streisand terrors, pagan ",or»n" AN ALBERT S. RUDOV PRODUCTION ,0B"T .for $25,000,000! virgin aacriflct- LAUREN HUTTON Shown Twice 7:07 NOAH BEERY LUCILLE BENSON TZiMM Shown Twice at 7:07 obXl wom" 11:22 George Segal and 11:24 ! The Owl * — - aidthe Pussycat CAUTION! THIS THEATRE IS OFF LIMITS! Jfrlday 6il5, 8:00, 9:45^ ■ Saturday 2:00, 4:00, 16:00, 8:00, 9:45 I Friday TwhLlta Hr., "\Adults 90c, 5:45-6:15® \ o-«S3>' Friday 6:00, 7:45,fM° Saturday 1:30, 3:30, 5- 7:30, 9:30 Sunday 2:15, 4 [1 || AS:00_ During the engagement of "CAN HEIRONYMUS MERKIN EVER FORGET MERCY HUMPPE AND FIND TRUE we must advise our HAPPINESS?," ROBERT I patrons that the picture Playboy Magazine devoted 10 pages to is DEFINITELY WOT FOB EVERYONE! "Actress on 4 There are some scenes so explicit, so realistic, hfi way to so natural that an Oscar!" John Cassavetes 1 "IT MAKES BLOW-UP' LOOK LIKE I SHIRLEY TEMPLE IN'LITTLE MISS MARKER'!' COLD TURKEY ^h"^°,,d0n • Sidney'Wdlen Blackmer Maurice Evans, and Ralph Bellamy Anthony Newley • Joan Collins Milton Beiie ■ ^ BUD YORKIN NORMAN I EAR PRODUCTION diary ofa housewife n?*d | v I"*™ »0» the Sc 'een and Orecied by Roman Poland r 'Can Heironymus Merkin ever forget Mercy Humppe and find true Friday 6:30, 8:15,9-55 DICKVAN DYKE .'COLDTURKEY" 4j happiness?" _ \ 9:40 Saturday 2:00,4.d0, 6 °<6:15. PIPPA SCOTT-TOM P0STQN-EDWARD EVERETT HORTON■ BOB«odRAY 4Sunday 2:00, 4>00, 6:15, 8:41 * BOB NEWHAR1 / Fri. Twl-Llt* Hr., - — "II #0c, 5:00-5:31 Friday.MarchS|| I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 5, 197! H hold ecture-concert series un Boyfriend' actors wear c ifns4 gh°ut being he|d » United Polishfolk troupe original Broadway garb n°t only be Tf'^1 Zielinski said, "a hat was professionalism in the play. mbr the wom^ Asia, but at Mazowsze, a company 100 folk singers and dancers of with traditional music By JOANNE MARECEK missing, a jacket was torn and the bathing suits didn't all fit, The ballroom costumes scene are for the elaborate. A on tribute arranged by Stanislas but called for re-order and in from Poland, augmented by a Wysocki. "The we a Spanish dancer wears a white to Boyfriend," a musical reaffirming hra* full orchestra, will perform at The company carries with stage play opening on campus two days later it was received. We've had no problems other satin gown with a black lace country which J" 8:15 p.m. Monday in the it 2,000 authentic costumes tonight, will have its cast dressed than that." overlay and a black lace train. The top of the gown is made of ?2arofks1 Auditorium. The company, now on its from all parts of Poland. In addition to the typical songs in the the same costumes worn when play was on Broadway a year Miss Zielinski said she believes the costumes for "The black beaded crepe and the whole costume is topped with a third North American tour, and dances of Poland, various ago and starred Judy Came, the -kets for the Boyfriend'' reflect red flowered mantilla. has not been to the United 1 for students |unch(j folkplays to music and folk - former "sock - it - to - me" girl and SHI States for seven years. It will legends are recreated during of television's "Laugh - In." hers- They are be a Series "B" attraction in av the performance. The Roaring '20s costumes the Wesley vations by also contactii MSU's Lecture Series. A - Concert The company uses several unusual musical instruments were made especially for "The Boyfriend." But one costume, a POLICE polonaise, a krakowiak, in its performances. Most red crushed velvet formal that :is or Mrs. v polkas and mazurkas will be unusual is the Diabelskie appears in the carnival ball •rson ty for Peace. of WILPF , included in the fast moving program which Mazowsze, - Skrzjke or "Devils Fiddle," a stringed instrument nearly as scene, was used in the Broadway musical, "Hello Dolly." BRIEFS Poland's premiere national tall as a man, which can be Penelope Zielinski, Detroit Proceeds frora song and dance comapny, will bowed, scraped to sound like junior and the show's M THREE MSU STUDENTS were identified Wednesday night by eon will be •nal and sent to 3 present here. The polonaise, set in the a marimba, or bounced production coordinator, said it MSU police as being responsible for removing four sections of a Child \ causing bells to ring. was unusual for a University chain link fence near Erickson Hall that evening. Center in Napoleonic era of Poland will Present director of the production to rent costumes A patrol officer said he saw the students lam. feature colorful uniforms for tampering with the The c group is Mira Ziminska - rather than make their own. fence. Police could not place a value on the fence sections. No ilizes in the the officers and authentic "With 58 costumes in the treatn* Sygietynska who, with her further information was available on the incident. e diseases. costumes for their ladies. The late husband, Tadeucz show, we didn't have time to * * * dance is set to original music have people look for or sew their Sygietynski, a Polish A SLIDE PROJECTOR with an estimated value of $149 was by Nichal Kleofas Oginski. musician, founded the own," she said. reported stolen sometime Wednesday from an open room in A new polka — introduced company in 1948. The costumes were ordered Erickson Hall, Instructional Media employes told police. for the U.S. tour — will be a Mazowsze is the name of from Eaves Costume Co. of New bright work by Witold the central part of Poland, York. Eaves is New York's JAMES A. KOHAN, Davison senior, told police Wednesday his (nts Zapala, chief choreographer, which includes Warsaw. largest costume house and has coat, with an estimated value of $90, was taken from public coat and set to the music of Originally the troupe supplied costumes for the racks near the cafeteria in Brody Hall. 'Carnival' Leopold Lewandowski. The hi-jinks and fun of a presented only material from this region, but now has Broadway shows "Hello Dolly," "Man of La Mancha" and A THEFT investigated early * * * Stanislaw Maciszewski ii the man in the basket scene from "carnival in Wilamowice," a number carnival in Thursday morning by police a small Polish included folk material from "Fiddler On The Roof." involved a motorcycle helmet, with an estimated value of riminal warrants i the repertoire of Mazowsze, the Polish national dance $30, olice company of 100 singers, dancers and village set the scene in every part of Poland. "When the costumes arrived taken from the South Case Hall upper lounge while the owner, against ^ lusicians coming to the Auditorium at 8:15 p.m. Monday. "Carnival in Wilamowice," Tickets are available at the two weeks ago Steven D. Brown, 20, of Southfieid, was in the Case Hall i in the Saturday," Miss grill. alleged sale, also choreographed by Zapala MSU Union Ticket Office. sday's statement alsoi ring the hearings^ is arose ■es and practices as to usa immunity approach MSU Union Building n issuing special dj king permits." billiard room Extensions offer Renaud said memba iciary plan to meet! i ty vith AUTC to die of minimizing that could a j the first time a course like this and their effect on the body, drug course Lowest rates in the Lansing area: $1.00 arise. Natural Science, said the course will has been offered by the and Edward J. Lynn, asst. course encourage the has been so successful he has establishment of local drug eachers, school University extension program. professor of psychiatry, booked requests to have it education and counseling per hour listrators, policemen and The MSU professors explore concentrates on the types and taught in other Michigan centers. its are learning how to all facets of the drug problem, symptoms of drug abuse. communities until June. "We want to get across the rith drug abuse problems in including methods of Legal aspects are outlined by "We're taking the experts to importance of the drug problem communities in a course recognizing and counseling Victor G. Strecher, professor of the people," he said. "I think it and not just what drugs do to 12 Pool Tables loles youngsters who experiment with criminal justice. In addition, is very important for every taught by five MSU the body," he said. "We are isors. drugs. three students from the Drug school system to have some telling people 'Look at your 2 Snooker Tables le Dynamics of Drugs — Stressing the historical Education Center in East means of allowing youngsters to school and your community and iterdisciplinary Approach" perspective of the drug scene is Lansing conduct a session and seek help in this area." find out why your young people ements Iniversity extension course LaWr&ice R/ Kriipka, profawor, relate some of their experiences Sandefur said he hopes the 2 Billiard Tables of with drug users. ar»turnlng to drugs." ng and innocent lea ed by the Continuing natural sciertte. Arthur M. .ponsibilities for tion Service. Vener, professor of social The course is offered with is," Volpe said, must put an en is being taught in five day sessions through April science, lectures and psychological on the social causes of drug college credit in sociology, biological science or education, Call Sub V Students, Staff, Faculty and Guests ing advertising, Fremont, Livonia, Warren or without credit. of MSU if overloaded aircn the use of inadeqn illsdale. pilot in Utica usage. John M. McNeill, asst. Bennett T. Sandefur, have their WELCOME! i course in professor pf pharmacology, talks Continuing Education , unairworthy plai ight planning, i l drew 250 people. It is about the types of drugs in use coordinator for the College of subs deli ly rated pilots." *Play the pinball machines while to waiting for a table! jgh >ne Volpe named example he da mind was that of State charter crash ghway enginees/afe DELIVERY HOURS 5 pm - 1 am Daily your i last Oct. 2 4 pm - 12 Sunday "JUST RIGHT FOR EASTER!" were killed in an ;d plane. nnuol educational 4980 Northwind East of Yankees 351 Call 4731 Sub Villa s Break? higan's proposed Dept. of portation is among matters The conference is sponsored by the College of Engineering Service in cooperation with the Michigan Dept. of State All Deliveries over $3.00 — Free All Deliveries under $3.00 - 25c Extra lenneuf ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY * i will be discussed when and Continuing Education Highways. roject engineers from the igan Dept. of State ways hold their annual itional conference on is March 10-11. proposed department will iewed by J. P. Woodford, Free to director of the Dept. of highways. highway engineer's role in college graduates: true-to-life portraits reservation of environment ecology — "Engineering onment" — is the central afioneYwell IN COLOR of sessions in Kellogg Facets of management computer career vill be explored, eakers will be authorities seminar. r i. i university and industry as is government. If college didn't prepare you (or a place in the real world, may¬ be Honeywell can. Come to Honeywell's computer career seminar and learn about exciting high-paying careers in computer sciences. Learn how you can apply computer technology to your own field ol concentration. Detroit's most outstanding computer institute: The Honeywell Institute of Information Sciences It's the only school of its kind offering a course exclusively for college graduates So come on. Bring a friend Refreshments will be served h "« CHICKEN DINNER4 Pel. Chicken, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Roll I "•» «.M SHRIMP DINNER Saturday, March 6,10:00 AM. 6 Pes. Jumbo Shrimp, French Fries, cisuv>Roll Cole Slaw, koii ■ ■»- FISH DINNER 2 Pes. Breaded Fish, French Fries, Cole Slaw. KoM ■ 69c Directions: HIIS is located on the corner of West Nine Mile Road and the John Lodge Freeway, one half mile north of the |^\ IN LIVI N(a*COI*OR Northland Shopping Center. Admissions Officer Postgraduate Studies MS- I PICKUP OR DELIVERY Honeywell Institute of Information Sciences 17515 West Nine Mile Road. Southfieid. Michigan 48075 1.49 Phone (313) 352-1900 5x7 COLOR I will not be able to attend Honeywell * Career Seminar. Please PORTRAIT, or a set ON CAMPUS rush me full Intormation about the Honeywell Institute of Infor¬ OF 4 WALLET SIZE PHOTOS mation Sciences 1071 TROWBRIDGE EACH ADDITIONAL 5x7 PORTRAIT 149 337-1681 2 CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHED TOGETHER .. 2.98 Great color portraits, as only the "Pixy" photographers cap¬ OFF CAMPUS Telephone: (Home)_ ture them. All portraits are delivered to you at our store. You have your choice of several poses. No mailing, handling, 1203 E. GR. RIVER The Other Computer Company: or other charges. Age limit, 12 years. Photographer'* hours: Honeywell 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS- BIG GAME FOR BOTH Grapplers Cagers, M' climax year for By JOHN VIGES State News Sports Writer was the start of the season again. "We are pulling out all the stops," a have to check everyone on the grim Ganakas said. "We squad, check their own special Big talents and figure out how we can utilize them." By GARY SCHARRER The schedule will show two tames remain to be played but the One of the pressing needs for the State News Sports Writar basketball season will have readied its climax by Spartans is someone who can the end of the avoid turnovers. MSU had four more turnovers than Purdue in MSU Michigan game to be played Saturday in the Wolverine's Tuesday's In recent years the early part game, which, if they had been converted Into baskets, Crisler Arena. would have won the game. of March has created a wave of Important in so many ways to both teams, the traditional intra excitement for sports enthusiasts Avoiding turnovers against the Wolverines will be crucial - Big Ten (lame of the Week state battle will be televised as the because the Wolves can use their fast at MSU. And not all of this over WJIM (channel 6) beginning at 2 p.m. breaking offense to quickly take advantage of any Spartan mistakes. atmosphere is centered around It's do or die for both teams as MSU struggles to finish the MSU will have to be careful when the "March Madness" of the they have the ball because season with a .500 record and Michigan fights to stay in the race high school basketball Michigan is tough defensive team. It will be difficult for MSU to a for the conference championship. shoot fom inside due to the 6 10 presence of Ken tournaments. A win over the powerful Wolverines would erase the memories - Brady, a good The Spartans have dominated jumper who lays back and waits for shots to block. of the close losses from the minds of Coach Gus Ganakas and his Ganakas expects that the Spartans will have to take the Big Ten wrestling for one - half outside team and might allow the Spartans to finish the conference shot more than they would like to because of decade and today MSU begins its Brady. season on a winning note. Perimeter passing will be an essential part of the Spartans quest for a sixth consecutive impetus gained from a win Saturday could carry over into The offense, both to slow the game and to hit the right man at the conference championship. MSU's closing games with Minnesota and Northwestern. right time. The two day struggle will be - Tht game will also be of individual importance to Spartans Benjamin may be used at forward for the game. Ganakas staged at Purdue's Mackey Arena hopes Rudy Benjamin and Bill Kilgore as attention will be focused upon his team captain will be able to work himself free without the ball, in Lafayette, Ind. them. Both players have good chances of making the All - Big Ten then take a pass from one of the MSU has blazed the path with guards when he is open. second team and their performances Saturday could have a "We desperately need more team motion," Ganakas said. overpowering performances in bearing on the selections. "We can't have just the ball passed around the the last two years, winning by Aside from these more plebian reasons for wanting to win the circle, we have to get the players moving. Hopefully, if we move enough we can margins of 40 and 30 points over game there is the fact that this is MSU versus Michigan and that get Brady away from the basket. We are going to need team the second place team. Spartan TOM alone should inspire the Spartans. more than we ever did if play Coach Grady Peninger contends MILKOVICH we are going to win." years ago but Ganakas, as could be expected, is going all out to knock off the that the interest and excitement missed last Wolverines. He has cast out any ideas of players that are assured Defensively, Ganakas has to discover some way to shut off the is becoming greater each tourney with an flow of points that comes from Wolverine super - soph Henry could be favored injury of starting berths and is evaluating everyone on the team as if it campaign around. but £ Wilmore. stiff competition "When we won the fifth time, from I. The spectacular forward is third in the conference in it felt five times better than the Bill Willetts, 14-2. ' Big Ten Standings with a 25.8 average and he also helps the Wolves with scoring good first," he commented. "There is The IU sophomore k* never a ho-hum one Big Ten match this. rebounding, almost 10 per game. feeling. It just That came at the hands ol gets better all the time." Wilmore works from the bottom of a triple stack offense and Wisconsin freshman Ohio St; Although the Spartans have ( he usually break free from six to 10 feet for the shot. can Lawinger, 11-2, could also Michigai been plagued by injuries this Ganakas plans to use either Brad Van Pelt or Ron Gutkowski on the spotlight. Purdue Wilmore. Fingertip control season, they are favored among the contingent of conference 150 - weight the Big Ten's Peninger cab The Wolverines have made use of balanced squads converging upon the scoring throughout MSU's Bill Kilgore {22) seemed to be class. Leading com the season, all five starters are averaging in double figures. Dan balancing the ball on Purdue campus. Three 1970 hisfingertip as he put up a hook shot against Purdue include Fife is the team's second leading scorer and an experienced individual champions and two Northwestern',, leader. Rodney Ford gives the Wolves defensive Tuesday. The slender sophomore center will be a key to Smith, MSU's John strength and MSU's hopes of upsetting arch - rival 1969 titlists return to defend Abajw Michigan Saturday at conference champion two Wayne Grabiec gives U - M size, 6 - 6, at the other guard spot. Ann Arbor. their The Spartans hold crowns. State News photo by Tom Gaunt the balance with three of them. ago, Jerry Hubbard of U Purdue's best Following are the contenders hope [L individual crown, >IS in the 10 weight divisions: Gary Drj 158 — Minnesota's Jirej 118 — MSU's Greg Johnson is the must be considered the leading defending c MSU's Rick Rade contender of his weight class. He Wisconsin's Mike Jons S' fencers seek crown is last year's Big Ten and NCAA champion. Johnson mid-season but has come back was hurt at U-M's Tom Quinn will chil Axtell for the top honors. 167 — Four good m with impressive victories. will battle for the No. 1 q tough," Schmitter said. "He's with his 27 10 mark. Chris Expected to battle Johnson this weight. They include' By CRAIG REMSBURG all the way are Jerry Hoddy of very cool and intelligent and Held, selected as the number Bob Huizenga, MSl"s State News Sports Writer U-M and Dan Sherman. more mature than last year." two man in foil, has struggled 126 — Northwestern's Mark Malecek, Iowa's somewhat, finishing with a 17 - Evashevski and Wisi Mathers forms a good one - 26 record. Massery looms as the favorite. Roger Wendrof. Six Spartan fencers, chosen two punch with Herring, to the Massery sports a brilliant 20-1 177 Iowa - Midi by coach Charles Schmitter to surprise of his coach. The Royce had a fine season, record, losing only to Oklahoma State's entry in the Midlands champion Steve DeVi make the trip to Illinois for the Detroit winning 26 of his 41 bouts. He sophomore fenced in the undefeated this season i Big Ten, meet Satwfflp^ will be M finished just ahead of Capt. Tournament. last v^ar, compHinfta 2. picked to capture the title. putting fine "won - lost records 4 record. He switched to - epee jHiftfy Sbfrertsen, thus earning the Best, challengers to Massery MSU junior Bruce Zini on the line in an attempt to be early in this season, and did a right to compete this weekend. appear to be Nyle Kessinger, achance to score an upset the first MSU team since 1963 fine 13-2 of Wisconsin, Bill job, as his 26 -14 record "He's only a freshman, but Wisconsin's Pete Leiskaa to be Big Ten champs. indicates. Andrew of Purdue and Jon for a guy to come on so Ohio State's Bill Reinbolt. Paul Herring and Bill Mathers strong, I Rcbken of Iowa. MSU will felt he earned the chance to 190 - This weight d in epee, Fred Royce and "I didn't expect Mathers to compete with Lon Hicks. Doug wide open with MSU McGaw in sabre and Ira come along as well as he did," make the trip," Schmitter said. 134 — MSU's defending Ciolek, Badger Ron I Schwartz and Chris Held in foil commented Schmitter, "I didn't think he would develop champion Tom Milkovich has so soon," he commented. Hawkeye Paul Zander, Wot will also try to end Ohio State's obviously pleased with the never lost in Big Ten Lon Harris and Wildcat! two year reign as champs. ■ results. competition and is again Fellow sabreman McGaw had Arnold fighting for thetof Herring, the number one favored. The sophomore flash a 21 13 record and the MSU - Arnold has an impressive Schwartz claimed the team will be strongly challenged by epeeist, won 24 of his 36 bouts coach believes the Bloomfield of nine pins in 14 victoriet this season, many of them leadership in victories this season Hills senior is "back in stride Northwestern's Wydell Boyd. HVT - Title could | important victories. He again," after slow start. Boyd finished fifth in the NCAA either of six diffi CHINESE FOOD competed in the meet last year a meet last year behind fourth contenders. They ini and finished second in the In the meet, a random place Milkovich. 1700 E. Kalamazoo epee More surgery Spartan Ben Lewis, Boil competition. drawing is held to determine the Minnesota's Reid Lamphere Mike order and opponents each player and Iowa's Don Brigg (third last Cerqua, Hoosier Phone "When Paul is on he is Donatelli, Wolverine will fence in a preliminary 371 2650 • for Greg Cook round. A fencer has to place first year) also contenders. are 142 - Mike Ellis, 14-3, was Bolhouse, Gopher For Speedier Service BRITISH Simonson and Illini or second in his weapon in the the Spartan's runner-up two For Your Carry - Outs Levant. CINCINNATI (UPI) - The final round to gain a berth in Cincinnati Bengals disclosed the NCAA meet, Mar. 18- 20 at ® TRIUMPH Thursday their star quarterback, the Air Force Academy in Colo. TRY OUR Greg Cook, will undergo further surgery on his injured right Not member more in than one team each weapon can SPORTS shoulder at the Cleveland Clinic. qualify for the Nationals. SHORTS 4 NEW LEYLAND NEW YORK — Massachusetts and Vaughn Wedeking and DINNER FOR Providence, two of New England's outstanding basketball Nelson, likely miss will NCAA sub regional game - teams, Thursday were added to Western Kentucky March the field for the 34th annual 1971 according to the Jacksoi ITEMS National Invitation Tournament at Madision Square Garden, team Physician. March 20-27. $1.40 per serving COLUMBIA, S.C. ' MARK 4 SPITFIRE JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Two Joyce, a key South Co - Jacksonville University players player who was sidelined sidelined with ankle injuries three weeks with a leg11 SWEET AND . was pronounced Thursday in next * SOUR PORK SPRITE for action Atlantic Coast ConW Basketball Tournament. * SHRIMP EGG F00 YUNG GT 6 + LAKELAND, Northrup, Tim Kla. Hosley, with Rice Brown and Mike collected two hits eacli ' PORK EGG TR6 Bob Reed hurled two innings the Joe Sc as l blanked Charley & the E00 YUNG 5-0, in the Detroit Tigers t NOW AVAILABLE-COME IN FOR A TEST intra squad game. with Rice DRIVE * PEPPER MSU STEAK wi.h Oyster Sauce & Rice SPORTSCAR wins ice titl 1200 E. OAKLAND Roger Cady. an MSU CENTER Open Sun Thurs - from East Lansing,« ' 11 AM 10 PM, Fri in the national Ind PHONE 482-1226 - and Sat till 12 PM Skating weekend at the IMA Cady won th" OPEN MONDAY Indoor Peed^turd S where his 1:51.0 ranks him help 1 for the top honors. second; John Morrison and Wayne 7 - Four good wn 1 BIG TEN MEET Hartwick in the high and low hurdles, where each ranks in the top yourselves to cuisine from five runners, with Morrision first in wttle for the No. 1 each; and LaRue Butchee, 1000 lands. ranked second in the 300 with his 30.9 behind As much as you veight. They include' Hoosier ace Goodrich's 30.5. want all Huizenga, MSU's In the distances, the day Sunday (1 to 8 p.m.) ecek, Iowa's Spartans boast a fine 1-2 punch in the G-men shoot hevski and Wist mile, with Ken Popejoy and Dave Dieters entered. Popejoy, third For information , call 372-6550 in this meet last year as a Wendrof. • freshman, has a best of 4:06.8. Dieters, 7 ipion — Iowa Midi Steve DeVi a junior, won the MSU career best for him. Relays mile crown last month in 4:09.5, a iV NCAA dual meet mark against Senior Kim Hartman and eated this season i d to capture the title. U junior Bruce Zini By MIKE ABERLICH State News Sports Writer the Spartans last weekend with 165 points to add to Coach A sophomore Philadelphia, Factor much from has added could win all - around." Uram, who suffered from mainstays of MSU's Big Ten the two mile. cross sophomore Ralph Zoppa, two country champs, are entered in THE C/u/PLAZA ' Newt Loken% laurels. - needed depth to the injuries last year, has worked Henderson and Holt are entered in the 440 while Tom ice to score ifter finishing off the dual The Spartans, as a result, will over minor Spuller (Former Jack Tar Hotel) Spartan attack this year, getting Injuries this season Is In the 300 and Chris Boggs in the 600. nsin's Pete Leiskav »n at Ann Arbor last to, along with Charlie Morse, go into the meet fighting along his highest score on rings and p Field event entries for the Spartans include Eric Allen in the State's Bill Reinbolt. skend with a loss, the MSU 125 W. Michigan with four others to stay above • bars. keep the Spartans in the thick of triple jump, where he is defending champ and has a 48-6 best this ) — This weight d nnasts will get their chance to water in the run for second The maturity of Randy nearly every meet. year; Steve Randolph in the long jump, with 22-4'/4 best; and from the open with MSU ke amends this Saturday at Balhorn has taken a great deal of Morse is cited the Marv Roberts in the shot with a across Capitol place, all the while hoping for a as top a best of 52-5%. k, Badger Ron I Ten meet in Colombus, shot at the league title. competitor on parallel bars, but pressure of Mickey Uram this eye Paul Zander. Woli The Spartan chances will be year, Szypula noted. after that, Szypula stated, it will Harris and Wildcat 'he Spartans, matter of leaning heavily on the work - take as a From the heart land of a sterling individual d fighting for the top will get a chance to load of the three all performance to grab another avenge - around gymnastics, the Oak Brook, i has an impressivei s suffered at the hands of men. Ken Factor, Randy Illinois native has progressed championship spot for the e pins in 14 victoriei opponents, as this is the Balhorn and Mickey Uram. enough to be considered a real Spartans, although several are T — Title could. kend that the season marks Similar to the decathlon in threat for the final six in rings, listed as possibilities. (r of six difft tossed aside and eight teams ' track, the all - around gymnast parallel bars and high bar. snders. They in a fresh fight for the league has to be recognized as the In fact, mentioned Szypula, n Ben Lewis, Boilen lichigan, wieghed down with workhorse of the team. "he could be among the six top Jerry West out Cerqua, Hoosier "All three of them," Szypula all - around men, as a Wolverine lbundant number of honors, telli. Gopher be the team to beat, noted of his all - around trio, sophomore." for rest of year ouse, Spartan "have had to give up solely Spartan captain Mickey Uram ison and Illini ich George Szypula has led the team in LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Jerry working on their specialties to scoring all hasized. and is Szypula's hope to grind it out at six events. year, West, the Los Angeles Lakers he defending NCAA and Big "Some of them have to work dethrone U-M's Rich McCurdy superstar guard, will be lost for champion Wolverines passed in events they don't even enjoy as the league's all - around the season with torn ligaments in ugh another undefeated for the good of the team," champ. his right knee, a spokesman said TS garnering ten victories to their school string to 40 Factor has had to sacrifice his To do that, however, Uram would have to have one of his Wednesday, dimming the team's specialties, parallel bar and still hopes for a National Basketball ITS ght over a '•M also set five a - year period. new all - time rings, in becoming the third finest hours, but as Szypula Association championship. Spartan all - around worker. added, "on a good day, Mickey Wedeking and HOURS: miss discount records will likely PHONE: Daily 9:308:30 sub • regional game Notjbrtheblalis 351-8460 Sat. 9:30-6:00 Kentucky March Sun. 12:00-5.00 ig to the Jacksoa lysician. 225 ANN ST. Sometimes people will use their charge cards The only complete record store in Lansing or East Lansing just to make JMBIA, S.C. -• themselves feel a little better when life's got them down. key South C- But there are better times and better reasons. For a who was sidelined j . * fc Master Charge can mean up to twenty-five example, days of free credit eeks with a leg ^ U.B.KtNG if you pay on time. That means your money can continue to nounced Thursday^ Liv* m earn interest through this period. tion in next « It can cut down the number of checks Coast Confe COOK COIHfTV JAtt you write and must ill Tournament. pay for. Simply by consolidating your many bills into one monthly statement and one monthly check. It can keep an accurate record of all your purchases. Pretty SLAND, Ha. - handy around income tax time. Car warranty time. Insur¬ p, Tim Hosley, ance time. and Mike ' It can simplify traveling because it is 1two hits each negotiable around the world. And replaced if lost or stolen. We want you to use your money wisely. East Lansing State ■Hp Bank, your Hometown Bank. Member: F.D.I.C. the Charley Si ei Detroit Tigers i ad game. - s national i L I Champing at the IMA m ice stu todo*' $3.89 PLUS: NEWEST RELEASES FROM JOHN COLTRANE JOHN LEE HOOKER - 2 RECORD SET - 2 RECORD ONLY SET $4.99 $3.89 $3.89 BE SURE TO CHECK OUR MANY OTHER SPECIALS! OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 12-5 WITH SPECIAL SALES. East Lansing State Bank 1 r won Speed th; s whip w a'jj ONLY East Lansing Okemos Haslett Brookfleld Plaza Red Cedar at Ihmbrldge liscount records te. The state noi an aivuniuW« The only bank in Michigan offering MASTER CHARGE to Juniors, Seniors and Grad students regardless of age. , five first three of events^ - th"J 225 Ann Street yd. 880 yd «nl1 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Volunteers Question of identity calle< activity of A small, poorly heated annex school sports, crochet lessons the Towar Hart Baptist and arts and crafts at either the students' biggest problem Church, Towar Avenue is the recreational center or at the By BARBARA FARY question has been "a constant discover we were a campus ministers represent site of a community recreational White Hills Elementary School State News Staff Writer feeling reinforced by society." ministry. She asked, 'Are your student speakers center for underprivileged gymnasium. Individual counseling is one - sensitivity sessions religious?' I on local church and campus |Z elementary school children. The The program is necessary The biggest problem of the quarter of the work of UMHE. told her that if you defined civic nZ! center is run by the MSU because of the area's MSU student is realizing his The organization is also active in the University and East Lansing getting to understand yourself ,the "MHEJ? •>» distribution of Students for unfortunate economic situation, and your neighbor as religious, Community identity, counselors at the materials to the Operations through People Barbara Block, Skokie, 111., United Ministries for community developing programs then they were." and the student k Effort (SCOPE), a branch of the junior and volunteer, said. Higher to "touch human needs and Pohl said the counseling done community. Exam Education in East of literature on the MSU Volunteer Bureau. Lansing concerns." UMHE 0i "White Hills is a prosperous (UMHE) have found. by UMHE focuses on the identity table include Offshoots of UMHE include excerpts I "By and large an increasing problem, or "Who am I in this popular books Twenty - nine volunteers area of wealthy houses," Miss number of students are the Listening Ear, the Draft world of change?," but also like "pO operate the center three days Block said. "But adjoining it is facing an each week. They offer after - Towar Gardens, made up of identity crisis," the Rev. Keith Pohl of UMHE said. Information Michigan Clergy Center and for Problem the touches the areas of vocational, interpersonal, academic and Nigger." """ "S,U*« impoverished homes on dirt UMHE is affiliated "The student Is pressured Pregnancy. marital and premarital problems. Christian Churches with roads. Children from both areas (I)isdni, from all sides to be UMHE also conducts seminars As counselors, three staff attend the same school and call outstanding Christ), Church of the Bretti on topics ranigng from ecology members provided 827 hours of Day's theme: the dividing line between the two neighborhoods "The Wall." and feels he is a failure when he can't meet up to these unrealistic to human sexuality and its ministers lecture in MSU counseling for 607 clients last United Episcopal Church Church, of c u Miss Block said she hopes the expectations," he said. "So he year. In addition to working Methodist Church classrooms, coordinate programs and recreation program will make feels detached and loses his self directly with students, the United Presbyterian A New Life "The Wall" less tragic for the esteem. - for residence halls and sponsor Church, student groups and the Albatross Towar Gardens children. "Today, our commercialized Coffee House. "A New Life Awaits" is the SCOPE was formerly mass society says if you're The work of UMHE is divided SOCIAL CHANGE theme of the 1971 World Day of young, you must look like sponsored by the Panhellenic into four areas of concern: Prayer, being observed today at Robert Redford Council but now operates on the or Raquel undergraduate ministry, headed the First Christian Reformed Welsh, and if you can't do that, Church, 1509 River Terrace. The Rev. Stanley Reilly of funds that remain from that sponsorship. Laurie Munger, Grand Rapids you must be an outstanding student, and if you can't do that, you must have a super by Pohl; science and human values, headed by the Rev. Richard Jackson; international Minister East Lansing Trinity Church will junior and coordinator of Problems discussed personality." ministry, headed by the Rev. Warren Day, and experimental speak at the service sponsored SCOPE, said the volunteers plan The Rev. Keith Pohl, a member of the The problems of students theology by the local chapter of the a field trip to a police station, a UMHE, discussed ministries, by the Rev. Don shift with Church Women United, which pizza party, and swimming college students' problems in an interview. He said he feels the biggest problem students face is finding their correct Pohl said, but fluctuating situations, during his five Ward. on has chapters in 155 countries. activities. "UMHE is a merger of several identity. State News photo by Jeff Wilner years at MSU the identity denominational campus Nursery care will be provided, and a coffee hour will follow the ministries," Pohl said. "When we began draft counseling three The church's growing role as an instrument of social service. COUNCIL SURVEY years ago, and more recently causing increased enrollment in the nation's theological scho< chanp with the problem pregnancy the Rev. Keith Pohl of United Ministries in "NIGHT OF MUSIC" Higher Educat counseling, there were those (UMHE), said in a recent interview. Fri. March 5, 7:30 p.m. who felt getting Congregations dwindle we were Pohl is co-ordinating a day - long statewide conference involved in areas where we at the April UHME office on South Harrison Road for stude should not be. considering entering seminaries. "Some say we should not be Representatives of 24 seminaries and graduate schools SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 College Class NEW YORK counseling a young man about theology will be available to students for consultation and (AP) - This left the total almost the Churches last year for its 1971 It the draft because it is not Assn. of Chicago Theological Schools will 10:50 Worship American church was noted that complex present a view membership, same. edition of the Yearbook of factors presently are at work In religious. But Christ said, educational reform in seminary graduate 7:00 Evangelistic whose growth has been slowing The tiny gain lagged sharply study. American Churches, paralleled U.S. religious life, with a rise in 'Whatever you do to the least of Featured speaker at the conference FIRST ASSEMBLY down for the past decade, has behind the 1.1 per cent growth banquet will be the R other slowdowns in statistical my brethen ' In this Gerald O'Grady of Christ Church Cranbrook, Bloomfield come to a virtual halt for the in noninstitutional and ecumenical . . . Hills. OF GOD population, thus making the yardsticks of Church life. communities of faith, a possible community, people with "Today's young person is concerned with the problems of i first time recorded in this 1125 Weber Dr., Lansing proportion of people that are The latest attendance factor in the trend. problems are 'the least' ", he society," Pohl said, "and the church is also concerned and ft century. church members a surveys shrinking part show that 42 per cent of In 1960 the part of the said. responsible to stand against the dehumanizing of human 1 New figures from 230 of the citizenry — now down to Americans attended church on The UMHE office is on South economics, politics, social work - all of these are thus denominations issued this week 62.4 per cent. population belonging to religic an average Sunday, down seven Harrison Road, which is one The church, through groups like showed that total membership It had reached 64.4 per cent churches was 63.6 per cent and UMHE, is attacking 'sac: per cent from the all - time high after edging up at a reason why Pohl feels students cows' that would have been left alone 10 inched up in a year only three - years ago, he said. in 1967, although the upward of 49 per cent slowing pace make wide use of it. UMHE was "We've gotten flack for some of our hundredths of one per cent, or rate registered in to its 1967 peak, it stated activities," Pohl st had been slowing down 1958. the first organization of its kind "Especially for our work in problem pregnancy 34,348, to a total of since the start of the '60s. It down, hitting 63.1 per cent for in Michigan. Several others have draft counseling. But this is the work that has to counseling Constant H. Jacquet Jr., the 1970 report, and be done." 128,505,084. went into an actual decline three editor of the falling followed its lead. Some students, he said, attend seminaries Yearbook, to 6.4 per cent in the latest because they off« years ago, sagging sharply this cautioned against drawing hasty "I'm sure some students do truly balanced and liberalized education. EDGEWOOD UNITED time. measurement. not consult "The seminary is a graduate school without conclusions from the statistical us because they are CHURCH The new figures, gathered Every other decade in the specialization," by comparisons, but said the latest turned off because we are explained. "You study history, clinical ALL SAINTS CHURCH 469 n. Hagadorn the century, from the sometimes psychok* National Council of minimal gain is the lowest in ministers," he said. "Once we communication, theology and philosophy. It's a good solid thn An Ecumenical uncertain figures available, show 800 Abbott Road Fellowship modern times. sponsored a sensitivity session year program and for that reason attracts students who Worship Service and Central United Methodist a smart gain, except for 1910 to without mentioning our name. interested in church - related vocation." are Church School 1920, when the percentage clung 9:30 and 11:00 Across from the Capitol ARE YOU TIRED OF We had to cancel it, but some Theological students must hold four Sermon to a standstill of 43 per cent for - year college degrees, WORSHIP SERVICES PLAYING CHURCH? the start and end of the people did not find out so they pass graduate school entrance examinations before be by Dr. Truman A. 9:45 and 11:15 period. came and we had to drive them admitted to a seminary, he said. a.m. Morrison United Pentecostal Church back to their dorms. More information and College Group application blanks are available fn Topic UNIVERSITY "One girl was astounded to Pohl at UMHE. A $2.50 Dinner and Program 6—8:3' Corner of State Rd. registration fee will be charged. Campus Church Bus Service, Dr. Howard A. Lyman & SEVENTH-DAY U.S. 27 North Morning iand Evening Call "When Men Weep" ADVENTIST CHURCH 332-061 SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH 'Church School 9:45 Crib Nursery to 11:45 Sun. morning Sun. evening Wed. evening Rev. Ron Hackworth 10:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 882-3109 For Transportation Call: Sabbath School Worship Service K. G. Smith, 9:30 11:00 Rally scheduled to protes Rick Dell 332-2575 1518 S. 485-9477 Washington Soviet treatment of Jews pastor Sunday 7 p.n UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN 149 Highland Ave. "Broken Dreams" Call 351-8994 if you CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE need transportation A rally protesting the Wilson Hall. In addition, a be a "public display of sup 310 n. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River oppression of Jews in the Soviet speech and film will be for Soviet Jews." 9:45 A.M. Union will be held at 3 p.m. COLLEGIAN scusslon Groups 9:30 a.m. presented by David Masterman, David College Bible Class in the fireside room. FELLOWSHIP First Church of Sunday at Beaumont Tower. who recently toured the Soviet Bale, South A march to Wilson Hall will Union. sophomore and organizer of Dr. Ted Ward, ALWAYS OPEN MSU, Teacher Nursery Christ, Scientist follow the rally. Organizers of The march and rally, event, said the purpose of rally is two fold. Grand River at Haslett the event said folk Dr. Howard F. Campus Minister, Entrance singing and sponsored by the MSU Struggle "We primarily wish to sh Sugden, Pastor Minister, Kail Ruffner Gary Hawes East Lansing dramatic readings will be held at for Soviet Jewry, is designed to Jews in the Soviet Union nn * */. LK) A.M. Glenn R-Blossom> Youth Pastor Sunday Services 11 American Jews care what 332-5193 332-3035 a.m. "Don't Let Them Rob You/" happening to them," Bale si Free Transportation Lesson — Sermon Subject "In addition, we are attempt FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening to bring awareness to Call 482-0754 for information. OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos "Man" IT'S SPRING ! campus oppression concerning which Soviet experience." ! mi. E. of Hagadorn, '/< mi. s. of Gd. R. behind MEIJER's) Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Included in the program An Independent Church With A Biblical Message 8:00 p.m. COME ON DOWN FOR « Wilson Hall will be the read of statements from several Sunday School to age 20 senators who have v< support for the rally. Reading Room Temporarily 5:15 p.m. Collegiate Fellowship Located In.Church - Inspiration - Refreshments w. e. For Transportation Call 332-2133 Robinson, Pastor or 361-5125 OPEN Congregatio e.D. Dawson, Ed. Minister All are welcome buys Church Church Services, use the reading r of Nazarene EAST LANSING E. Eugene iRlNITY CHURCH ;jRiN Purchase of the East Lansj Williams, 841 Timberlane Drive Peoples Church by in Minister Church of the Nazarene East Lansing Stanley R. Reilly, East University Seventh - >ii ■« B Lansing, Adventist church was announc Assistant ■ Telephone: 351-8200 Interdenominational this week by Kenneth G. Smi I nterdenominational University Class 9:45 a.m pastor of the latter organizat" "The Forbidden Anger" 200 W. Grand River Located at 149 Hyland A« Rev. Stanley Reitty, preaching 6 0t) n m the New England - Christian Reformed Church at Michigan erected in JJ Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m structure was and Student Center 50 by the Lansing ward of SUNDAY SERVICE Church of Jesus Christ of Ut 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES - day Saints (Mormon). Nazarenes have occupied Visit 9:30 and 11:00 our new Student Center — church since late 1966. open daily 9 a.m. • 11 p.m. The Adventists congregai for Students and for Students Dr. Duane Vore has been worshipping ■" Faculty at at Lunch MORNING SERVICE Wednesday 12:30 - 1:30 P.M. EVENING SERVICE University Lutheran Church Division & Ann Streets Martin Luther 444 Abbott Road Chapel "Credible Christians" MOUNTAIN University Lutheran Churcn East Lansing for the past 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 332-2559 Pastor David K RASPBERRY SHAKE years. The first Adventist .ull serv« Rev. Brink H SCHOOL will be held Saturday, with Sabbath school begiij1 at »■ Rev. Brink, 9:30 <. 11:00 followed by the reg McOmlA preaching preaching WORSHIP HOURS a.m., 8:15 am Matins Jrib through Adults worship service at 11 am- 9:15 The Nazarene poup am Common Service 10:30 am Common Service COFFEE HOUft continue to hold Sunday serf for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 11:30 a.m. New Expressions AFTER SERVICES in the church for an indefin 1024 E. Grand River • 234 W. Grand River period until relocation plans Michigan StateNews, East Lansing, Michigan state news Friday, March 5, 1971 15 classified Next week Peanuts Personal state news 355 8255 Special 347 Student Services. classified 355-8255 The State News does not permit racial discrimination in or advertising columns. religiou, itl MGB 1967, Automotive S P&nkly speaking by Phil Frank For Rent For Rent For Rent The Excellent State Nam ONE GIRL wanted for Eden Roc. will BURCHAM WOODS. Deluxe 1 and 2 •ccept advertisinq which not 355-2732. 3-3-8 Apartments Reduced rates. Call 351-4635. AUTOMOTIVE discriminates MG MIDGET SOUT^ -it3!5 , Scooters & Cycles against radio, 1969~Y~eHow.~A~M.FM 414 PINE. 1 immediately or for spring term. Swimming pool. From $150. religion, race, color or wire wheals. $1800 furnished apartment in older MEN: ROOMMATE(S) needed to Auto Parts & Service national origin. 485-9844. 4-3-5 home. All utilities paid by owner. Manager, 351-3118. If no answer, 484-4014. 745 Burcham Drive. TF Aviation Ideal for 2 people, $110 per campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.m.6 6 MONTEREY, 1 965. Very month plus deposit. No lease .employment dependable. New snow tires required. Call 6 - 8 p.m. only, Mr. LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom •fob rent shocks. 58.000. 332-5210. 3-3-8 Alban 337-2510. 15-3-12 WOMEN: ROOMMATE(S) n apartment. 121 Beal. Available share March. $195. 349-3604. 5-3-5 Apartments Automotive OLDSMOBILE luxury apartmer Houses door hardtop. 1967 0^7 Tw MEN: ONE block from Berkey, one campus. Call 349-3530, 9 PARK TRACE Power steering. efficiency apartment with cooking Rooms CHEVROLET, sharp 1965~|mpa,a~ Power brakes. One owner. Good and 2 single rooms without. Call THE SPACIOUS ONE. Now taking automatic, V-8. Best offer! •ransportation. 669-3505. 2-3-5 between 8 MARRIED STUDENTS applications for rentals. Offering ,for sale a.m. - 12 or evenings, 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments with 351-9504. 6-3-12 * FACULTY Animals 0L°S 1964 all the extras. Families welcome. CHEVY wagon. „„ $300. Live In A Luxury Mobile Homes NOVA 1970, 3 speed Phone 355-7780. 5-3-9 NEED GIRL to < Okemos Road at East Mount automatic, V-8, light blue, 2 door' two A bedroom Api. Hope. 349-4030. 5-3-5 sisters. $40/month. .PERSONAL Call 834-5973 in Ovid PLYMOUTH Block for $185 mo. or BELVEDERE, 1970,6 west of Wilson. 332-6916, .PEANUTS personal 373-6628 in Lansing. 5-3-9 cylinder 3-speed, 2 bedrooms for $165.00 124 CEDAR ! 129 E Ziebart rust tape play'er, 351-7262.2-3-8 2-man fur . .REAL estate proofing, 9000 miles. KNOB HILL includes heat. $62.50 to $80 per CHEVY SI .recreation 1957 Panel Van.VxceTlent condition. Best offer. 700, firm. 339-2438. 3-3-8 GIRL Need SPRING, cheap, nice APARTMENTS man. 135 Kedzie Drive, $85 to Call $90 .service 393-61 40 days; 663-8009 PLYMOUTH WAGON, "l962T~V-8 351-2546. 1-3-5 349-4700 per man. Leases starting June Typing Service evenings. 3-3-5 automatic, power steering, radio. Open 1 - 6 Mon. Sat. - 15th and September 1st. Days $60. 351-8139. 6-3-11 MALE TO sublet. Cedar Village Sunday by appt. 487-3216; Evenings until 10 p.m , TRANSPORTATION CORVAIR VAN 1961. apartment. Reasonable rate. Call On Okemos Rd. across 882-2316.0 Fajr .WANTED condition $100 or best offer. Call PLYMOUTH Fair BELVEDERE* 351-2286. 3-3-9 from Okemos High School ONE MAN to sublet evenings or Saturday running condition. Best spring term at deadline 355-5781. offer! Campus Hill ONE BEDROOM, GIRL TO sublet spring. Reduced P.M. one class day X23-8 339"8750' 339-8750, Auburn Street, Holt. Stove and unfurnished. rates. Close. Call Andrea, 5-3-5 CORVAIR MONZA refrigerator furnished. No children 351-2370. B-1-3-5 before publication. (Mediations - 12 noon automatic, radio. 1965 $350 as Red is' PONTIAC CATALINA, 1965. D V-8. THE NEXT CmfZOFASlfJESS IS REWH& or pets. $115/month. Phone SUBLEASE 2 ONE BEDROOM furnished. Close to campus. 485-2700, 353-1760. 484-4292. 3-3-9 steering, 393-7480. 5-3-11 man spring. block class day before power brakes. ID THE adminctwion KIW from campus. Parking, air 5-3-5 publication. EDSEL, 1959. 2 door hardtop,Tuns EAST LANSING. Nice, spacious 2 conditioned, garbage disposal. PORSCHE 351-9479 after 5 p.m. 5-3-5 FEMALE. WANTED to share my 911-S, phone 3°39 *250' Phone 485-2928. AM-FM perfect 1970. Silver, condition. Unfurnished. Stove and apartment. Jolly and 3558255 349-0235 mornings. 2-3-5 (S) Young America Corp. / 1304 Ashby rd. / St. Louis, Mo. refrigerator if desired. Private THREE FOR huge 4 man. 1 month Pennsylvania, 882-2542. 5-3-8 FORD entrances, private basement. Close free. No deposit. $77.50. MSU 1 VAN, 1963 and 1966 rates passenger school bus. May be seen RAMBLER 1962 in. No single students. block. 332-6909. 5-3-5 332-2686, . Wagon. Reliable 1 day $1-50 at 921 E. Grand River, transportation. Call Phil before 7 p.m. 3-3-9 Lansing. SPACIOUS 2 bedroom furnished 15c per word per day 337-2258. 3-3-8 Scooters & Cycles Beautifully maintained. Suitable 3 days $4.00 FORD 1963 Fairlane RAMBLER 1965. Convertible. 6 Employment reasonable, parking. 332-0965. 0 for faculty, grad students, business 13%c per word per day Radio and cylinder. Good condition. Best CYCLE people, married couples. Lease. dependable INSURANCE. Central PART TIME. Ambitious person with offer. 371-1851. 3-3-5 ONE GIRL for Cedar Village spring / 332-3135 or 882-6549. O 5days $6.50 transportation. $300. 393-3696 Michigan's largest insurer. Any a sincere desire to ONE OR two male grads wanted 13c per word per day 5-3-5 cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON earn $15,000 Twyckingham. Call after 2 p summer. Reduction. Phone annually. Mr. Dunn, TWO BEDROOMS furnished. All RAMBLER 1963. New INSURANCE phone 351-4217. 5-3-11 355-0903. 5-3-5 (based on 10 words per ad) FORD ECONOLINE tires, brakes, AGENCY. 393-1007. 7-3-12 utilities furnished Van, real good battery. Needs clutch repair. Make except shape. See at 3804 South Cedar 332-5335,484-8173.0 electricity and telephone. Walking offer. Call Ed MODERN ONE bedr Peanuts Personals must be 3-3-5 355-8252, WAITRESSES: Full or part time. No 355-1585. S-3-5 furnished. Quiet repaid. Aviation experience necessary. Will train. 351-7253. 1-3-5 THUNDERBIRD Apply in person, ROCKY'S There will be a bOc service 1962. Good mo— FRANCIS AVIATION: So TEAKWOOD LOUNGE, 3600 - extras. $200. Call 351-9325 al easy to GIRL SPRING. Luxury i and bookkeeping charge if 6 p.m. 5-3-5 learn in the PIPER South Logan. 3-3-8 CHEROKEE. Delta Arms. No deposit, $62.50. is ad is not paid within Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C 351-7668. 3-3-9 TWO MEN to share two bedroon TRIUMPH FEMALE. APPLICATIONS being furnished apartment. King's Poin eweek. 1967. Spitfire. W taken for part time, East. $55. Call after 5:30 wheels, Toneau cover. 845-23: mornings and MAN TO share one bedroom TWO MAN apartment, '/s block from p.m The State News will be after 6 p.m. 5-3-8 Auto Service & Parts evenings. Apply DOG 'N SUDS, apartment spring term, pool, campus. 351-8943, 351-1241. 351-3359. Graduate student responsible only for the 4919 West Saginaw. 3-3-8 2-3-5 preferred. 2-3-5 reduced rent. 349-0335. 5-3-11 VOLKSWAGEN AT MEL'S day's 1962. Factory we repair all foreign and rebuilt engine, mag American cars. If we can't fix it, it FEMALE ASSIST ONE MAN needed, 4 man, spring, no GIRL FOR 4 man wheels, wide — Spring term, ovals, air shocks. $395. 393-5945 can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O deposit. Come over, 551 Albert possibly Summer term. Waters No. 3. 7-3-12 Edge Drive Apartments. $70. first $1250. 351-3567.3-3-9 NOW Phone 351-5836. 5-3-10 - ONE GIRL, transportation to VOLKSWAGEN 1964 get ONE OR 2 girls for sublease, campus. $45 a month. Call spring, /lOir.Ul J^KBWNU^9 NflllH^ V-8 heater, radio AM.FM, Good all the YOUNG COUPLE to act as resident 349-9438. 3-3-9 1 block from Berkey. 351-2765. ONE GIRL — Spring. New Ced^r automatic, power steering, 3-3-8 mechanical condition. 663-8492. Bugs complex. ... ... Village. Reasonable. 337-25^5 Automotive AM-FM. 355-2548. 3-3-5 5-3-9 out here—service & body work SUBLET TWO bedroom Burcham after 3 p.m. 7-3-12 FOURTH MAN needed spring, RECISION plus weekly salary. Call 351-8144 from 9 - 5 p.m. Ask for Call 332-2P151. 2-3-8 P 9 summer. $58.75. Adjacent ONE GIRL for 3 man spring. Campus campus. 332-0150. 5-3-10 Hill. Call 349-4008. 2-3-5 IMPORTS Jeff. 3-3-9 Good deal. ONE MAN for four 355-9S also - man, spring offering term, Collingwood Apartments. UICK SKYLARK 1963. HOUSEKEEPER. Air - ^p a^S complete care for all requires EXECUTIVE experienced live-in 351 -6804. 3-3-9 3a3Ug0rT'at"::' S"OW FASTBACK, 1967. Blue, foreign models SUPERSCOPE job. 8-3-12 f s. 353 4786. — service housekeeper in the East Lansing ONE MAN wanted for 3 man and body work & repair area. Full charge of large home $1400. 355-1162.6-3-12 apartment. Spring term. No lease. and 3 children including 1 $70. 332-0905. 3-3-9 It's About Time For A /W SEDAN, 1966. Mechanic owned, 1204 E. OAKLAND 484-4411 /W pre-schooler. No housecleaning, will consider couple. CEDARVIEW •\mi never heard it so good?* - GUARANTEED repair. APARTMENTS. One condition. $950. 372-8130. 5-3-9 RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at bedrooms. Furnished or IRRI^C Also excellent wages for reliable Okemos Road. 349-9620. 7-3-12 unfurnished. March 1st. 351-5647. woman to do housecleaning 3 SONY TAPE SPECIAL Scooters & Cycles MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East days a week. 372-0200, ext. 411 Kalamazoo Street Dave; 351-9437, evenings. 3-3-9 Friday and Saturday Only . . .Since 1940, DESPERATE: GIRL needed for WE HAVE Moved. ROLL ROSSER Complete auto Cedar - painting and LINE UP your spring or summer job Village apartment. Call Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. collision service. IV 5-0256. C 355-5914. 4-3-5 1800' recording tape TUNE-UP Phone 489-4811. Our 2400 North U.S. 27, new address Lansing. TF CAR WASH, 25c or a now. Car necessary. Call 351-7319 for personal ONE GIRL for 2 — Reg low price $3.89 We Stock Over a Million Parts 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. 430 South Clippert, back of Koko For Rent Reasonable. man 351-8102 apartment. or Now $349 Save even more — buy V*10 351-3633. 4-3-5 Bar. 0-3-5 2400' polyester tape - Reg. low price $6.49 ©KRAMER AUTO PARTS TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction NEW TWO bedroom. 1 mile from 800 E. Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 TR-6 $900. Take Employment guaranteed. Free delivery, service and pick-up. Call NEJAC, campus. 332-5742. 8-3-12 Unfurnished. $165. Now SjW save even more - buy 3/^ 16 advantage of me. Do it, today I 337-1857. 3-3-9 MALE COLLEGE students. 337J 300. C Charge it! Bankamericard or Master Charge Welcome Good TV RENTALS Students only. Low pay plus bonus. Part time. Call - adjacent 351-5263. 5-3-9 351-3591. 12-3-12 monthly 351-7900 and term rates. Call to reserve yours. campus. The Stereo Shoppe ttopciungf)am TWO GIRLS New Cedar Village. At Nejac of East Lansin UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C PART TIME employment: 12-2b Spring term. No deposit. Ph. 337-1300 hours per week. Automobile f 332-1959. 3-3-5 RENTALS. Color and black and required, 351-5800. O white. MARSHALL MUSIC, East Lansing. 351-7830. C-3-5 SUBLET TWO man furnished ••••••••••••••••••••A has it .. . SUMMER CAMP JOBS Fine northern Wisconsin REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for apartment close to Reduced rates and campus. parking. girls' Hillcrest Street. 351-2476. 3-3-5 camp seeks general counselors rent. A TO Z RENTALS, CROSSWORD heated p and specialists. Mr. Jacobson, 1960 Lincoln Park West, 349-2220. 0-3-12 COUPLE SUBLEASE PUZZLE Chicago, 60614. and all ACROSS 1. Mister 4. Old dress 7. Vacation spot KAMINS 11. Caviar 12. Fuel 13. So be it STEREO 14. Hostel 15. Social directory 17. Sonnet SHOP 19.Endeavor 20 Prima donna 22.Shoshonean see our new 23. Windmill sail baking pit prices on 26. Sandarat tree (47. Bills 27. Denial 48. Transit system ^620 S. Hagadorn tape players 28. Survey 49. Young scout HW north of Mt. Hope Rd. 1 3 4 5 7 'O 9. save lansing's largest 1 % 11 1 Sign of the zodiac 10. Writing fluid selection! iq 15 16. Prior to $40.00 '7 % 19 18. Attempt 20. Pedestal part 8-TRACK STEREO HOME RECORDER/ %% % % f, % 23 21. Inflexible 22. Cosmos TWYCK.NGHAM PLAYBACK TRANSPORT 26 % ll 23 23. Scholarly n^w l^s^g^studjnt ^mts^ % APARTMENTS are MODEL HRP-1356 Par ments are completely carpeted an^,urnfdisposa| . . . Features: Designed to existing stereo amplifiers to provide enjoy¬ 29 SO | 31 24. Magic rod 25. Remnants furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher,^rbagedispow. and individual central-control air % i 28. Scat conditioning. These four man un.ts have up to 3l*9 ^ Theadequately ^ prjvate ba|conies. ,f ment in 8-Track stereo entertainment. in "Anti-erase" system to prevent accidental Built d 33 i 33. Yellow bugle 35. Charity Planned V°u want to u"'ts start at for with a giant heated swimming be among the first residents of $65/month per man. MODEL OPfcN p0°^YCK|NGHAM T today. The 2 bedroom EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 332-6441. erasure of pre-recorded tapes. channel recording selectors . . Automatic . simply % 37 d 38 %39 35 % 36 1,1 %% 36. Routes 37. Astern 38. Wither p0R RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or depress either single channel stop, all chan¬ 39. Vase SIX, NINE and TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABL . nel stop or repeat modes for unlimited record¬ MM M7 % 46 J "6 19 40. Unfortunate 42. Huge bird ing possibilities, plus many other features. % Y/, 43. Butter management exclusively by Alco Management Company Size: 11"Wx10"Dx4"H. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 5.197 For Rent For Rent FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil Fronk ONE OR two girls to share. Spacious, FOUR GIRLS for 7 flirl house spring For Rent Peanuts Personal Service SMC sets ROOMS FOR girls. Cooking, bath, TV, RADIO and Appliance Service. pool. Call 353-0093. 3-3-5 term. All utilities (including private entrance. Call 332-0063. Reasonable rates. Phone E. phone) paid. 351-8182. 2-3-5 NEED GIRL for spring term Village. Call 332-0653 Cedar for BAILEY, FURNISHED 4 bedroom, B-1-3-5 MEN'S SINGLE room. Clean, quiet, March 8th PERSONAL SPECIAL - 12th. PEANUTS - 10 Harvey, ED 2-2425. 20-3-5 meeting t information. 3-3-5 4 - 6 students. 353-0769; after 5 bed linens furnished. 140 Orchard, words for $1,00. Typing Service ONE Cedar GIRL for spring term New Village. 351-2394. ONE p.m., MAN 332-5622. 2-3-5 needed for house. Ann East Lansing, ED 7-2758, after 5 p.m. 1-3-5 COMPLETE THESES Discount printing. IBM typing and service. plan rally Reduction. 3-3-5 Street. 2 blocks from Berkey. SPARTAN HALL leasing for spring. PAM, SO what's the story? binding of theses, resumes, $65/month. 337-9365. 5-3-10 Singles, 351-9286, Congratulations on getting your a men, women. publications. Across from campus, ONE MAN to sublet spring. $75. trinket I Roomie. 1-3-5 372-1031.0 corner MAC and Grand River, Washington, Senior or graduate student. TWO BEDROOM furnished modern below D.C., win ^ he Style Shop. Call at 8 p.m. Capitol Villa. After 5 p.m., duplex. Pets welcome. $200. CO-OP. LIVE off campus cheap. COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Tuesday in 31 Unin 351-4615. 5-3-9 351-3408. 2-3-5 Friendly atmosphere. campus. 332-8491. 5-3-5 Close 337-1666. C mm? Mobilizationft0' Committee theS*« (SM RIGHT BY campus, 2 man furnished, need ONE man. Own room. $55. TYPING SERVICES in steering committee said ti Air conditioned, pool, sublet. Real Estate my East Guitar for sale. Fender Mustang. MEN. SHARE room. $130 a term. Lansing home. Phone 332-3306. meeting is part of the 337-0213. 3-3-5 prima 489-2114. 2-3-5 Clean, quiet, cooking. 1 block to 6-3-12 groundwork being laid for t OKEMOS SCHOOL DISTRICT. 3 campus. 487-5753, 485-8836. O march, which "hopefully will bedroom frame ranch. 1V4 baths. EAST SIDE, 2 units, furnished. 1 NEAT GIRL. Share older house. MOHSSIONAV larger than the November lqc brtoi bedroom each. 3 months least. Full finished basement. Oil heat. Near campus. Own bedroom, THESIS $110 and $130. 337-0409. 8-3-12 unfurnished. $53. 351-1362. For Sale Built-in countertop range and wall PREPARATION moratorium." ' ^ 2-3-8 oven. Lots of storage. Large 1 car ''While we aren't 25,000 USED . IBM Typln| getting t GIRL TO sublease spring. Haslett Library Books 10c garage. Handy to East Lansing, building support from eith each. 5,000, 50c each. Call Arms. $60 month. 332-2475. GIRL WANTED, spring, $50. Okemos, Mason. 349-1125. 10-3-9 Republican or Democrat 3-3-5 JERRY'S FLEA MARKET, liberals that Convenient, comfortable house, we had in 1969 669-9311. 3-3-5 NEW ALL brick luxury home with \ 134 Gunson. 351-7970. 3-3-9 CompltM Profesiional Tksilt Service far are attracting apartment unit with good return. enormous supw ONE OR two girls. Riverside East. from labor and $57.50. Call evenings, 351-8076. ONE GIRL, furnished duplex, close TROPICAL FISH and aquariums, Open this weekend, 4045 Dell minority gr0m 10-55 gallons, some really Road. 882-3820. 1-3-5 "We have been in' 3-3-5 to campus. $37.50. 332-0415. conta it-ups. Private owner. with Leonard Woodcock 3-3-9 of t EAST LANSING. 3 bedroom ranch. united Auto Workers NEED COPIES? Went to save? THE (UA1 TWO FOR 8 girl. Near campus, Tamarist subdivision. Like new COPY SHOPPE can show you Harshey said, "and we ha condition throughout. Priced at utilities included. Deposit. Spring. how to get two Xerox copies for every indication that the UA NEED TWO to sublease furnished only $29,500 by owner. Phone will support Sandy / Jackie. 351-2605. 8-3-12 the price of one. Phone 332-4222. the march. 677-4915. 3-3-8 apartment, near campus. Call "In addition, 332-2390. 3-3-5 FURNISHED, ONE double bedroom, For Sale For Sale blacl HASLETT. GOOD buildable duplex Chicanos, women's liberatu off campus, children, pets, $115 ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith and various other TYPEWRITER, lot in Haslett's best multi - family groups have i 2, 3, or 4 men. 220 Cedar Street. month. 882-6380. 4-3-8 UNDERWOOD offset printing. Complete service voiced support and will Phone 351-1394 (if no answer, portable, $24.95. Used furniture Animals area. For information call for dissertations, theses, take COOPERATIVE of all kinds. ABC Maynard Beery 351-5210 or active part in the march." 351-7319). S-5-3-9 EXPERIENCE SECONDHAND manuscripts, general typing. IBM. SIMON REAL ESTATE living. Bower House Coop has STORE, 1208 Turner. C 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish - 21 years experience. 349-0850. C Harshey also said MSC Okemos Branch, 349-3310. 3-3-5 NEW CEDAR Village. Graduate membership openings for this and all other live merchandise (can tentatively reserved 12 buses TWO MARSHALL speaker cabinets woman preferred. Spring term. spring term and next fall term. you spare a little love?) FACULTY COLONIAL. Near MSU. TYPING. THESES and letters, ejc. transport marchers 351-2308. 3-3-5 Visit us any afternoon at 127 and 1 Artley flute. 349-0718. DOCKTOR PET CENTER, Rapid, accurate service. Washington. Ten buses 4 bedrooms, 114 baths, washer w< Whitehills Drive. Room and board, 7-3-12 Meridian Mall. 349-3950. 5-3-5 Experienced. 393-4075. 20-3-12 used in the 1969 march. TWO MEN wanted for 4-man at $225 per term. Call 351-4490 for ROBERTS 770-X stereo tape dryer, fireplace. $24,500. recorder, recently serviced. $180. GOYA G-10 Classical Guitar, with 337-1597 after 3 p.m. 5-3-11 Meadowbrook Trace. 393-6299. information or to arrange a ride. NORTH SIDE K-9 TRAINING BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. 3-3-5 4-3-10 339-9436. 3-3-9 case. Like new. $90. 372-6655 after 5:30 p.m. 3-3-8 CLUB classes will hold dog obedience starting March 9th. Call Recreation No job too large or too small. Block off campus. 332-3255. C Coed named GIRL WANTED, New Cedar Village, EAST SIDE. Newly remodeled, SELLING PRIVATE collection, old Tula Miller, 641-4462; Frank furnished 3 bedroom home. and antique books, car and sports SONY TC-630 Tape Recorder echo. EUROPE spring term, reduced rates. 351-1687. 3-3-5 Carpeted, strict landlord serious conservative tenants. $200. wants magazines and so forth. 337-9430. SOS, mikes. $260. Inquire, 353-0575.3-3-8 Beachnau, 669-9497; Dean Miller, 669-3160; or Mary LeFever, round $194 STUDENTOURS trip jet to London summer COMPLETE TYPING and service. Copy stored on magnetic printing runner-up in 669-9513. 3-3-5 *71. Call Phyllis, 351-1416. 6-3-12 tape. This eliminates all re-typing __351-396a O CEDAR GREENS ANTIQUE SEWING machine. Slide BICYCLES: USED and Mobile Homes except author's changes end corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT queen contesl 1 bedroom furnished ONE MAN needed immediately. Own room. $55/month. 351-9421. projector. 35mm camera. Travel clock radio. reconditioned. Will also buy or trade. NEW COMMUNITY LAST CHANCE MAIL ADVERTISING, across Michigan's Honey Quee Microscope. New from Frandor. Phone 485-1238. C POOL 3-3-5 Barbara Call 351-8631 western hat, 7 3/8. 489-9210. BICYCLE SHOP, 351-7118. 2-3-5 TWO Will BEDROOM, close accept to campus. reasonable offer. SPRING BREAK Ball, East Lansi sophomore, was runner-up in t TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. SLINGERLAND 351-6628. 7-3-12 recent American DRUMS. Gene ACAPULCO $219.00 Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann Honey Que PANASONIC TV, 12" black and Krupa deluxe. Covers and trap Lance, 626-6542. 0-3-12 contest at Columbus, Ohio. FURNISHED THREE white, $60. Phone 337-2698. case. $350. Call 393-7173. 3-3-8 1969 HILCREST 2-bedroom,skirted JAMAICA $219.00 Miss Ball thus becomes rooms. . GIRL TO share new home. Own 1-3-5 Fully carpted, garbage disposol + Utilities, private entrance, parking. TYPING DONE in my home. Fast American honey princess a room. 154 baths. Many extras. 3-piece sectional many extras. Call 625-3520.W CALL NOW Graduate or employe^ 332-5157. davenport. 2 accurate service. Phone 351-6259 will represent the 3-3-8 $70. Call 482-4624, after 6 p.m. GOLF CLUBS. Power Bilt. Full set matching end tables. $50. Call 9-3-12 honey que 3-3-5 FRED SANCHEZ in this area if the queen is plus bag. Must sell. 372-8922 484-0893. 2-3-5 BASEMENT APARTMENT for rent. 5-3-12 Lost & Found 355-2824 available. 1 or 2 men. Walk to MSU. GIBSON SJN flattop guitar, month FRANK BUCK Winner of the honey que LOST: PRESCRIPTION 351-9137. 2-3-5 RACING SKIIS, metal Italian, 210 old, will sacrifice, $250. sunglasses, 351-8604 contest was Betty Ledbetti dark grey. Reward. Call 355-1227. cm, Tyrolia bindings. 355-7886 349-3733. S-5-3-10 3-3-5 Shelby ville, Tenn. OKEMOS, 3rd girl. Own bedroom TWO BEDROOM duplex. Range, refrigerator, dishwasher, fireplace, now til June 20. $50 plus utilities. (night). 1-3-5 GUILD NAVARRE F-50 guitar with STUDENTOURS SUMMER: London, $209. Spring Break: Transportation when Miss Ball will act as hosti 332-2294. 3-3-5 FOUND: TAWNY puppy - Cocker a new Michigan hon drapes, carpeted. Available March HOOVER PORTABLE washer spin hardshell case. 351-9034. 3-3-8 Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, $219; - NEED RIDE to East queen is crowned March 15th. Call 482-4682 or 489-5366. dryer. Good condition, $75. Freeport, $189. Call Fred, Lansing from 7-3-12 TWO GIRLS $60. No lease. Utilities 489-4210. 1-3-5 355-2824. 14-3-12 Holt, 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Will share during Farmers' Week paid. 351-9322 after 5:30 p.m. ONE copy of "Taiwo, a expenses. Phone 009-2216, 2-3-8 campus. More than 60 girls 3-3-5 Altered in the contest. SUBLEASE FOR Uprtng and/or , ifctOrC 4kntin-iam* summer. Near campus. Phone best offer of $50 or more"'C51l musicians." Found in vicinity of Miss Ball is the daughter of MAN TO sublet. Spring Break DESERVING GUV hungering for Dale Ball, director of t 337-0703. 3-3-8 Spring term. 1-3-5 after 3:30 p.m. 393-7264. 3-3-8 Frandor Shopping Center. ride to Miami area. Will pay. Call Spacious house. Three blocks 349-4258 after 7 p.m. 2-3-5 Jamaica $150. Michigan Dept. of Agricultui from Union. $70 (includes 353-8321. 3-3-5 FISHER MODEL 110 AM-FM stereo NIKON F body. Good condition. Acapulco $165. utilities), 351-0269. 3-3-5 music center. Kenwood model Best offer. 485-8048, after 5:30 KR-100, AM-FM 140 watt stereo p.m. 3-3-8 Personal Summer MAKE THE best of a good thingl Series presents Detroit to London $199. FRIENDLY GIRL for spring in receiver. Console color TV Sell pianos end organs with low Rooms set. wild lion film Cedar Village. Reduced. No deposit. 351-1557. 3-3-8 Stereo record players, $15 and up. Portable TV sets $35 up. 200 used USED REMINGTON typewriter, Polaroid camera, best offer. After EARLY U.N. STAMPS ^Caimjanl^uck351i860^ cost 355-8255. Classified Ads. Dial ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. 8-track stereo tapes $2.50 each 6 p.m., 339-9468. 1-3-5 YES, THERE are a few seats left on Wild African lions are ONE GIRL for three man, spring, Completely furnished. 372-8077 50 new 7" reel tapes. $2.00 and 6 diff. mint sets! Before 1961 for Union Board's Nassau Trip, March close to campus. $60. 332-1316. before_4j>.m. C $2.50 each. $1 or, $2 buys 12 diff. sets. No Wanted stars of "Lion Pride," a film 300 used stereo MOVING: HAVE oil paintings. Large 19-26. $189. Call 353-9777. approvals. LEIGH, Box 18, be presented as part of 7-3-12 NEWLY albums. Oriental wall tapestries. and two small. $35 takes all. Also B-8-3-8 DECORATED, near Village Station, N.Y. 10014. World Travel Series, at 8 | WILCOX SECONDHAND dog case. 485-6979. 1-3-5 campus, for woman. $12. Garage BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for ONE GIRL for 4 man, spring. Cedar available. 332-5187. 3-3-5 STORE, 509 East Michigan, HAVE A ball on a REBIRTH Saturday in the Auditorium. ell positive, A negative, B negative Village. Call after 5 p.m., 485-4391, 8 - 5:30 p.m., Monday GET IN on the funl Read the WATERBED. Mattress and liner, The color film will AMPEX 800 Stereo tape recorder, and AB negative, $10.00. 0 332-2163. 2-3-5 NEAT ROOM. Quiet home for male thru Saturday. C Peanuts Personals in the Want Ads $48. Come try one at 402 East narrated by the produce $180; Sony TC8 eight track negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN graduate. Fine location. IV each dayI Michigan. 3-3-5 Geveland and Ruth Grant. cartridge recorder - player. $90. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, ROOMMATE(S), (MEN) for two 2-8304. 3-3-5 VIKING 88 stereo record / play back 351-4508. 3-3-5 507V» East Grand River, East The film is a graphic study bedroom. Grad preferred. Haslett. tape deck. Only used 25 hours, Ordinary or Neurotic Service Lansing. Above the new Campus the behavior of three prides 339-9468, 353-7229. 5-3-10 $75. Garrard Changer. Kit type ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA According to psychology a Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 lions in Mozambique tuner pre-amp, amplifiers cheap. ABRAHAM'S INTERIOR painting. 1966 edition. Yearbooks through neurotic worrier has little p.m., Monday, Thursday and Rhodesia: the black mane prii ONE OR two people wanted for two Good work at very reasonable 351-6548, after 5:30 p.m. 2-3-5 1969. Used very little. $225. Friday. Tuesdey and Wednesdey 1 man apartment on Cedar Street. GRAND RIVER. Furnished room for concrete basis for his worry, the four - cub pride and "T cost. References. 355-9344. 8-3-5 484-5726. 3-3-5 whereas an ordinary worrier p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C $210 / quarter / man. Due March employed person. Call before 4 Group." ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses? Save has some basis for it and can MARRIED STUDENTS DAY 15. 351-2183. 2-3-5 p.m., 482-9059. 6-3-12 The four - cub pride at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 SEARS 12" black and white TV, turn it off. CARE - Infants thru 5 yrs. spotlighted in this film in East Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. with earphone. $75. 355-7780. GIRL NEEDED You can turn off worry about spring term. New C-3-5 5-3-9 Apply for Spring and attempt by the Grants to sh Cedar Village. Rent negotiable. budget problems when you Summer terms: Married that lions can be affection Call Mary, 351-4304. B-2-3-5 let State News Classified Ads GARRARD SL65B. Less than 2 Student and lovable, despite their w EAST LANSING unsupervised single WIG - NATURAL hair, champagne Services, Human FEMALE room for men. Private entrance. blonde, $129, worn once, months old. Perfect condition. give you some help. There's eating habits and diet wh ROOMMATE, Graduate cost $80. 353-1466. 3-3-5 better way to reach cash Ecology Bldg. 355-7747 student preferred. Cooking. cleaned. $75. 332-3464, hours 5 - no include oribi, wildebeast, zeb Whitehall Parking. Nearly new Manor. 351-4208. B-2-3-5 house. Available March 20th. Call 9 p.m. 3-3-5 buyers for your no longer PAINTING INTERIOR - Custom buffalo and hippo. BEAN BAG chairs. wanted sporting equipment, 332-2361. 2-3-8 Cheapest ir work at reasonable prices. Grad Tickets may be purchased LES PAUL 1971 model, brand musical instruments, students, references. 372-8158. C the Union Ticket Office ~ Houses LOVELY ROOM for serious student. new never - been used. household goods. Try one Complete the door. Quiet. Walk to campus. 351-6286 with and faultless ALTERATIONS AND dressmaking NEED THREE or four people, full warranty today. Just dial 355-8255 to 3-3-9 hardshell case. $430. 484-2762. BY NOW by experienced seamstress. basement. 351-9029. 3-3-9 Spring summer. GIRL: 3-3-5 you should appliances sell fast with Ad. Dial 355-8255. a know Want start ad. your money - bringing Reasonable charge. 355-5855 0-3-5 Who's PREFERABLY instructor or 353-4017. 3-3-5 grad student. Attractive, better HAVE A ball on a REBIRTH The CLASSIFIED MARKET is a neighborhood, walk to campus. WATER BED. Mattress and liner, MUSICAL great place to sell antiques. For a STUDENTS - FACULTY income WHEN ENOUGH'S enough look for INSTRUMENTS, all Parking. 351-6286 or 332-3743 $43. Custom frames. Come try brands. 30% off list price. Rich: result- getting Want Ad dial tax service, $5.00 federal, $3.00 that better job in the Classified Kathy Cheadle, Wilmette, III., 1-3-5 one at 402 East Michigan. 3-3-5 355-8255. state. 351-4955, after 5 p.m. 3-3-8 to Len Bergersen, Saginaw, seni 351-5869. C Ads each day I Farmhouse. Chris Hofmeister, Detroit, Oh ON THE TRAIL! David Williams, Beavercreek, How many apartment buildings supply senior, Delta Tau Delta. continuous free maintenance on toilets, garbage disposals, stoves, air conditioners, and many ENGAGEMENTS other appliances? Cedar Village does! Cedar NO - WE WONT HUNT Kassie Magarac, Trafford, Pa., 8' Village has 24-hour emergency service and daily student to Bud Komlenic, W maintenance service by our on-site staff. YOU DOWN WITH A GUN Newton, Pa., senior. Phi Garni Delta. Elizabeth Ann Walker, E. Lansi HOWEVER grad student to Arthur A. Seagi Ph.D., E. Lansing, Assoc. Pr Now leasing for summer Wanted and fall. A few sub-leases still available for Student Ads must be paid by noon, Friday, February 26th, and spring. DOBRO OR steel resonator prepaid from Monday, March 1st; or you go on the HOLD list.'This guitar. Good shape. 355-9* This is our on-site maintenance room, used by means no registration, no diploma, no transcripts, no nothing, until evenings. 3-3-8 our staff to provide the service you demand. paid. EVERYBODY KEEPS trying better employees. Get them « Want Ad. Dial 355-8255 now! So, hurry and pay up! Cedar Village Room 345 Student Services Building MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 5, 1971 17 mm Happening must be tted in person to 341 Man IfestoJ and^s^R-iev'™' The Young Socialist Alliaiu This Trei k of on "Gar Delin. "The ATT. GEN. FRANK KELLEY notice to a advertisement. Lansing trailer Thursday issued a 48- hour park to stop engaging in false Kelley issued the order to King Arthur's Court, 2201 East State Road. Coeds for EVANSTON, 111. (AP) - Would you agree slophoppy turn to tell him of some recent misbehavior and was which the treatment ^lure to comply to the to accept a spanking for $15, in the interest of to receive the number of spanks he nt Services Bldg. at least Today" at 6 p.m. Sunday"1 thought : i and desist order would result in . Philosophy at Lansing Boys Training cease scientific research on the sexual reactions of School a $1,000 civil penalty to the trailer park. the offense deserved. st>te News working days Union- •lardy, will be discussed. Thomas graduate student, will Kelley charged the trailer park with advertising tennis such a spanking? He warned them they must not discuss the : Thursday) before nterview Harold courts, a Thirteen Northwestern University coeds did. Entries may be *deleBa,e meeting will be i the Gazan, director of putting green, a shuffleboard court and a baseball field which are project with outsiders. That, he said, was a 20 - training school, Some said later they became at 11:30 a.m. not facilities available at the court. suspicious, spank offense. |f November,"l'g^J^twice and must be Women™' Lou^/e. '"aii^wc Saturday on Channel 10 WMSB. Kelley further charged the trailer park with after a couple half - hour research sessions, of After the open - hand research, the spanker j pd from a registered "beratlon rap group deleeat. sodded lots when there are advertising 390 the young spanker's unprofessional conduct discussed it with the subjects. " ,nf°rma"pn discussion of the "considerably less than 390 lots." and enthusiasm for his work, and even more so organisation. to attend. B h when their $15 checks bounced. "I like to spank girls," he was quoted. "That ; was terribly erotic." A FRESHMAN LAWMAKER i String Quartet will Liberation will sponsor a lation and rides, call was named Thursday to two But, in the end, they collected, with the Some coeds protested that the spankings i n. Sunday at Kedofg potluck dim S p.m. major legislative committees. help of Northwestern's security police and the m. Admission is free, the Albatros Sunday at Sen. Patrick H. hurt, but their main complaint was that their • further details, call McCollough, D-Dearbom, was named to the state's attorney's office, $30 each. ' first $15 checks were no good. Horizons" the MSU Senate Labor and Commerce committees. It began with an advertisement in the ■caster s Guild will present an The Senate Labor Committee deals with Daily They consulted the security office, which in ■ every Friday. Faculty, sis of the new rock all labor legislation, Northwestern student newspaper. It offered turn consulted the state's attorney and the opera, : staff are welcome to us Christ, Superstar," from including workman's compensation, plant safety and compulsory girls 18 to 26 a chance to earn $15 for a half researcher. The settlement was $30 in the form ■ i"d club. Racquets and overtime. hour participation in "research discussion ... ■ s m )US and musical viewpoints at of cashable checks for each subject. ^'available wi,h '£*• upper pool. Everyone is invited. Building 5 30 P-m- Saturday on WKAR-AM. The Senate Commerce Committee deals with legislation groups." The security office said it ascertained that : Sisters affecting mass transit, health and life insurance, railroads and there is G & L Love Industries and that the ine interested in taking a n a celebration of small businessmen. Of 100 girls who responded, the : by Self - Realization s Day a group spanker has an arrest record for armed : shin stressing the yoga Messagc" will be Monday in 36B, 38 and 39 Union" leader selected 13 for his scholarly work on I. ,30 P;m- Saturday and discussions their sexual response to robbery, possession of stolen goods, burglary : should call 482-1929. on women in China and spankings while lying and forgery, but no convictions. irtion testimonials, across his knee. He said the research was in He still hasn't. None of the girls wanted to Baha'i Club is sponsoring a women and their THE MICHIGAN HOUSE passed a bill Thursday that would behalf of G & S Love Industries. Each f seminars on "The Baha'i bodies, self defense and female girl was prosecute. culture will be held. eliminate the $1 fee for the Uninsured Motorist's Fund if in „« and the Dynamics of Free University classes any being held fiscal year the fund has a rhanRC." at I P.m. every this weekend: Educational reform 1 Hedrick House is surplus equal to or greater than 40 per , j„ tin' Phillips Hall library. having an open cent of the combined claims and claim P.m. Sunday, 42 Union; Self - friends and anyone expense reserves. defense, 4:30 p.m., Judo interested i co-op living at 9 Room, Baha'i Club will sponsor a Men s Intramural Building; Yoga, p.m. i» on the Baha'i faith at 8 • I a.m., 9 - Saturday at 140 Haslett St. Saturday. Refreshments and Nixon charts Viet iday at 67.) Virginia Ave. For a light show by WHILE THE HOUSE got down to plan Nummy" will be presented. business, the Senate Sierra Club will meet Thursday appeared to be recovering from its party - line •t Soviet Jews will Monday in 30 Un Campus Action will sponsor a squabbles of the previous day. presentation of "Heroin Cure p.m. Sunday at welcome to attend. Witchcraft" - Senators met at 2 p.m., passed several resolutions and then at 3 p.m. Sunday in recessed for a Republican caucus, 108B Wells Hall. Wes Smith, author conducting no further business The China Week of "Mission Impossible" will be the Thursday. conference leet for Comm ...» „ Dinner Anyone interested t, speaker. at press JZZ&S™" f°r mee,i"g rorThae^fA^dn°f,he^Cie,y Democrats amassed Wednesday one power left to them by the Republicans — their votes — and rejected all bills on the floor. "i to the opp^ewed Brothers at 2 p m Saturday ™ The decision to carry out the play came earlier in a caucus a"'7^> Saturday m The film "°ne * of Those attending should when Democrats decided they would stop all legislation unless (Continued from page 1) "Rogers is always the chief foreign be Republican doled out some of the chamber's leadership policy adviser in this nation." lobby. For posts. .formation, call J^ek„Hall. 108B Wells V. A? discussion P.m' Sunda* information, impose settlement of Arabs Israeli Kissinger, the White House foreign des, caU 332-1916. led by 35l '690. a - policy adviser, has a different role, Nixon panel of speakers will follow. differences. The Society for Creative said. He serves as adviser for ested ii a Fin At the same time, the President told a foreign policy Anachronism will meet for medieval and also in matters dealing with national attend ar MSU Symphor c Band, under the White House news conference he believes dancing at 8 p.m. Saturday in Union of the College of Art! security, the President said. Policy stopped 'th Bloomquist and Parlors B and C. Plans for future progress has been made in Student Advisory David Catroi bringing peace ill perform at 4 p.m. events will be discussed. For to the region. Describing Rogers as "my oldest and 4 p.m. Tuesday in 203 Sunday i uditorium. closest friend," the President said he values information, call 353-8379 or "There were four years of fighting up to Admission is free. 353-8380. (Continued from page 1) his advice and ability. August last year," Nixon said. "For seven them on to months no guns have been fired in the Symington knows that, Nixon said, something longer so a renewal won't be necessary." Middle East. That is progress." calling any attempt to build up a conflict =SsS3a-af? Shouldn't You Be All loans under 90 days still will be interst free, he said. between Rogers and Kissinger a - Scarlett advised that students who will need loans The President was specific about a "game." Jsing This Space? for next He needs both men and their advice, Nixon reported peace offer by the Arabs and Native ^ d,SCUSsio" • wi" inc,ude the McDonel Kiva.Tickets^areon sale term should begin coming in next week. "Students should try to avoid whether it was not time for the Israelis to indicated, and he respects both. waiting, during registration this "make concessions of their own." be served. Admission office will be jammed," he said. is $1. Student tickets cost $1.50 and $2. "The question there," said Nixon, "is whether the United States will impose a settlement in the Mideast and the answer is, no^" AUSJ "We can make suggestions," he said. "We hope the Egyptians and the Israelis (Continued from page 1) will continue some kind of discussion. We president of the Men's Halls Assn. (MHA). can make suggestions. But we are going to MHA and the other major governing groups have to depend upon the parties concerned lost their votes on the board when the new to reach agreement." constitution was passed in an all - Nixon said the United States would join University referendum in February, 1970, with the Soviet Union to guarantee any although they retained the status of past settlement and added: "We will be there to voting members. see the balance of "All evidence we have in the ASMSU power is maintained." Nixon also said Thursday the recent files indicates that there was no violation criticism of Secretary of State William P. of the constitution," Buckner said. Rogers' role in administration foreign "I have to wonder about these policy was "a cheap shot." 'concerned' students who wait 10 or 11 Referring to the charge by Sen. Stuart months to charge that I was illegally Symington, D-Mo., this week that Rogers elected," he added. "It is strange they was secretary of state in name only and waited until now, considering their chief had been supplanted by presidential adviser witness (Bob Grossfeld) was on the board Henry Kissinger, Nixon said: before, after and during my election." COME SEE US No harm to civilians NOW IN 1971 (Continued from page 1) orders to wipe out every living thing in My SINCE 1905 Lai. Calhoun testified he heard no such orders at an upper echelon "I issued some instructions to Capt. briefing which Dayton TIRES LOW PRICES Medina the afternoon of the operation," Calhoun testified. "We had gotten word Medina attended on the eve of My Lai. Calley was not present at this meeting, from brigade that they wanted us to re - but subsequently he and other members of enter My Lai 4 to see if any civilians had Company C were briefed by Medina. been killed and The captain complained earlier this week by what means they had to the U.S. Court of 650^13 White Premium (Nylon) 16.84 + St. Tx. been killed. the Army had denied him an Military Appeals that Q. And you passed these instructions on opportunity 775*14 B,ack Delux Rayon 18.59 + st. Tx. to Capt. Medina. to testify at the Ft. Benning court - martial in response to Calley's claims that Medina A. Yes, sir. 775x14 White Oelux (Rayon) 20.47 +st. tx. Q. After you gave Capt. Medina these ordered the killing of Vietnamese villagers. instructions concerning returning to the Army sources said that for the Army to g 25-* 7 4 B'ack De,ux 'RaVon) 20.47 +st. tx. area, do you know whether or not he did; call Medina as a witness would amount to A. No, sir. He did not return. Capt. an endorsement by the Army of his 825X14' White Delux (Rayon) 22.36 +st. tx. Medina requested me not to have him go truthfulness, and might adversely affect its case in any back to the village. He was getting near his subsequent court - martial of $25X14 White Premium (Nylon) 23.41 +st. tx. the captain. night laager, or night position, and he was 855x14 White De,ux 22.98 +st. tx. - "Everyone will be watching to see if this promptly added Koster's name to a list of 23.07 + st. tx. witnesses they want to hear before the trial new type of arrangement will be 885X15 Black Premium (Nylon) ends. successful." The trial judge, Col. Reid W. Kennedy, He further commented that heading a took the request of the jury under new organization will be demanding for the advisement. Military jurors have a right to first officers. AK,n AND TAKE OFF'S ALSO TRUCK TIRES call witnesses on their own, with the "The responsibility of getting RHA approval of the judge. adequately functioning rests with the new F78X14 Blk. Belted 20.00 Tx. 700X14 6 piy 26.88 T?' Under additional questioning, Calhoun said: officers. They will be the life - blood of RHA in its initial formation process," J78*15 Blk. Belted 23.00 Tx.' 700x15 «piv 32.52 V?' 30 "According to Capt. Medina, the 20 to were killed mostly by artillery and Flintoff said. RHA's new executive said he will work 890X15 ""v 35.17 gunship fire." closely with the group representatives F78X1 4 28.00 Tx' detleBm Congressional investigators found evidence of a coverup on the Americal during the next few weeks to establish goals for his year's term of office. Flintoff Division level of the My Lai atrocities, will appoint the RHA treasurer, secretary Price, Include Fed. Ex. Tex & Moimtinj (with »«lel which did not come to Washington's and executive assistant in the near future. attention until a year after the assault on Displeased with the loss of the governing STORY TIRE CENTER the South China Sea hamlet. group vote on the ASMSU board, Flintoff Both Calhoun and Koster were accused said he will file for another vote through of taking part in the coverup, but the petition or amendment. charges later were dismissed. "I cannot believe a decision that passed Calley is basing much of his defense on by a 900-vote margin is being overlooked," the contention that he obeyed Medina's he stated. 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 5,1! Lindsay's presidential candidacy rumored NEW YORK (AP) — Speculation is building that Mayor John last mayoral victory, has admitted to "lowkey, inl" al being organized in New York and some colleges, such as Stanford, rubble of the cities" fcnd run for president. V. Lindsay is headed for the Democratic party to run for discussion" with New York Democratic leaders and reportedly have working Lindsay clubs. In two campaigns for mayor, president in 1972, or maybe 1976. received a generally favorable reaction. * Public opinion polls show the mayor respectably high on the Lindsay's biggest support in vJ The tall, handsome, 49 - year • old Lindsay denies plans for York City came from the heavily Democratic either move. But the talk goes on, fueled by developments like * Top Democrats, such as national party Chairman Lawrence list of Democratic presidential nominees and especially popular and Puerto Rican ghettoes; from liberal poor in thl w these: O'Brien and Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, have said Lindsay would with the newly enfranchised college - age crowd, partially because both Democratic and Republican, and middle class - w?' be a welcome addition to the party. of his liberal, antiadministration stance the Indochina college - age you * Lindsay's staff, many of them Democrats, have been talking * on war. who served as volunteers - and voters. Several of his fellow mayors have urged his * up such a move. In fact, Deputy Mayor Richard Aurelio, a * candidacy. Lindsay gets more and more national exposure — and good His antiwar stance brought opposition A national nonpartisan Lindsay - for - president from hard Republican, one of Lindsay's closest advisers and architect of his effort, to receptions — in his unofficial role of spokesman of the nation's construction workers and veterans' coordinate local citizen and campus efforts across the groups. Lindsay has country, is revenue - poor big cities. won strong labor union support. The question "will he or won't he" has even inspired a poll in the New York Daily News that asks readers to say whether WITH INSULTS Lindsay should witch parties and run for president. Several Republicans, meanwhile, especially the state's senior Fraternity to sponso senator, Jacob K. Javits, have urged Lindsay to stay put, implying Martha all-University dance they believe he has a national future in the GOP. amazes doctor But Aurelio has made it plain that Democratic party's presidential scrap. the slogan: 'We'd rather Lindsay's future is in the "Those of us who believe deeply in John Lindsay have adopted switch, and then fight,' " he said Kappa Alpha will sponsor an Psi fraternity all • University project. General WASHINGTON (AP) - Never in his recently. Aurelio did not elaborate and later said he was joking. Cabaret Dance from 9 admission is it, but not until I think it is necessary.' p.m. Greeks will be life, said a Houston doctor who tried to But the mayor repeatedly says he charged 75 c "Then she said, 'I'll just call the plans no such move. today to 3 a.m. Saturday in the Women arriving before treat Martha Mitchell's 10 - year - old "Not a chance," he said in England on television, a medium he Akers Hall multi l President,'" Withers said. - purpose p.m. will not be cha daughter, had he encountered such a has mastered with the help of his cool, "That was so damn funny that it was faintly atistocratic good rooms. admission. situation as his meeting with the looks and his facility with repartee. The dance is the just ridiculous." fraternity's "The Resurrections" attorney general's wife. "I'm not interested and I have no plans," he said in San special service undertaking for Withers said he started to leave and provide music. "Never, ever have I been insulted and Francisco at a mayor's conference where several the term, with the proceeds to walked out into the hall. mayors, For rides call treated in such an odious and including Pittsburgh's Peter Flaherty, urged him to "rise from the be donated to a community 351-7291 "But I said, 'You know, I can't leave 353-2075. disrespectful manner ever in my life," here because of that obnoxious woman. Dr. Henry Withers said in a telephone It's the little girl that's sick. I've got to interview. go back and see about the little girl." Withers was summoned to the Withers said he examined the girl and Mitchell suite at Houston's Warwick found her not to be seriously ill. He said Hotel early Feb. 14 to treat Marty, the there was medicine at the bedside which daughter of Atty. Gen. and Mrs. John N. had been prescribed earlier by the space Million. Mitchell. center doctor and he concluded it was When he walked into the suite, sufficient. Withers said Mrs. Mitchell asked the FBI "Mrs. Mitchell goes about with this agent escorting him: "What kind of a frantic stuff about this 105 fever," sack did you pull this character out of?" Withers said. "That's, in common The doctor, who had been awakened language, just a bunch of in the night to rush to the hotel, said "I came back through the same living Mrs. Mitchell called him "a seedy - room that Mrs. Watch - a - ma - callit looking character" and "a hotel hanger - MARTHA MITCHELL had been in and she wasn't there," on of a doctor." Withers said. "I never saw her again." "Yes, sir. Right to my face," said "She didn't even greet me," Withers Texas Children's Hospital in Houston Withers, who has one of Houston's said. "She said, 'Here, take this phone. said the girl was admitted later but Saturday and Sunday largest practices and is on call to hotel Talk to this doctor.' And I said no, I'm would not confirm reports she had a guests. not going to wake up another doctor Withers said high fever. She was discharged four days as soon as he walked in unless I need him. later. A spokesman said the hospital the door, Mrs. Mitchell insisted he "She kept saying talk to this doctor Meridian Mall only "had no trouble with Mrs. Mitchell." consult with a doctor at the Houston and I said 'no.' Finally, the third time, I Withers said he had showered, shaved Manned Spacecraft Center who had said, ' I told you if I have to talk to him examined the child earlier. and combed his hair before concerning this case I certainly will do leaving home. CIRCULATE PETITIONS Students and South Vietnam. back By DEtflSfe McCOURT It calls for immediate treaty Feb. 8 and appropriated airmen, who have been State News Staff Writer $75 to the Off Campus Council prohibited from distributing the - withdrawal of all American to advertise the treaty. Copies of paper themselves. Campus supporters of the troops now in Vietnam and the the treaty petition are available The Lansing Area reace People's Peace Treaty are Thieu pledge to "end the imposition of in the ASMSU Business Office. Council and the WILPF will seeking campus and community of - Ky - Khien on the people sponsor a draft South Vietnam in order to repeal debate at backing for the proposed insure Jackie Brown, an instructor at 8 their right to self - p.m. Wednesday in the settlement in Vietnam. Lansing Community College, Edgewood United Church, 469 The coalition of students, determination. outlined activities the The nine point treaty, which treaty N. Hagadorn Rd. some of whom have been - supporters could be working on. states that "the war is carried Supporters of the People's circulating petitions in residence out in the names of the people The Women's International Peace Treaty will be working on halls, met Wednesday night to of the United States and South League for Peace and Freedom information packets to discuss preparing an information packet explaining the economic Vietnam without our consent," (WILPF) went to Selfridge Air distribute to the community at 2 has been circulated by antiwar Force Base in Mount Clemens p.m. Saturday at the repercussions of the war in Lansing Southeast Asia and groups for signatures. today to distribute copies of the Area Peace Council Office, 506 asking ASMSU voted to endorse the Broken Arrow newspaper to the S. Washington Avenue, community support for the Lansing. treaty. The People's Peace Treaty, drafted in July, 1970, was negotiated between a delegation 30% to 50% from the National Student Assn. and representatives of the North save Peace group to sh ow Two documentary films on salesmen's sample sale of famous make North Vietnam will be shown at 7:30 and 9 p.m. Monday in 106B Wells Hall. Contributions will be sent to the maternal and child care center in North Vietnam. The men's furnishings films are sponsored by Faculty for Peace. We pay dress shirts 3.99 ,o 4.99 half. You pay knit shirts 3.99 to 8.99 the other. Special Half Price Rate for Faculty and Students sweaters 9.99* 17.99 Please send the Monitor for 4.99 me □ 1 year $15 □ 9 mos. $11.25 □ 6 mos. $7.50 men s pajamas I am □ faculty □ student □ Check/money order enclosed □ Bill me later Exciting savings, exciting values, not just from one top the salesmen manufacturer, but two. We bought up s sample lines; most items offered here are in medium sizes. dress shirts in solid colors and fancies. Long and short sleeve Address Sweaters, cardigans and a wide selection of short sleeved casual knit shirts in many styles and colors. Regular and shortie style pajamas. Here's a great City State Zip chance to restock your wardrobe with . great buys ... but hurry. Just 2 days Store for Men, The Meridian Mall. . Christian Science Monitor. Shop Meridian Mall Saturday to 9, Sunday 12 to 5