day, March 5, ji Monday MICHIGAN Volume 63 Number 1 UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS CEASE-FIRE Mideast forces ready for combat By THE ASSOCIATED puree PRESS resolution of ~r i . June, 1967, which called for "none of the seasoned an indefinite cease fire and diplomats think and air force units had completed 48 hours would break out at once, "but if Egypt lasirhAe..II.idtdle ^ CeaSt' " fire that began shooting is going to start" - was accepted as a result of of military maneuvers with live chooses to go to war right away, we shall by both Jerusalem and Cairo. Sadat's decision. He added that both sides with Arfh f l° a" end uar'y ^nday was no immediate reaction from ammunition. certainly fight on her side." sTn tt nv" COmbat footi"g but no .. the U.S. State Department, but officials in seem restraint. committed to the idea of military Jordan's King Hussein placed his 55,000 Israeli observers in Tiberias said that the once hostillties wo"ld be resumed at Washington said privately that they man army on alert for possible resumption of fighting with Israel. Syrian army has moved up armored considered it encouraging that Sadat did reinforcements to the Israeli cease fire Hopes for an extension of the cease fire The armed forces of Egypt, Jordan and His army chief of operations, Brig. Zeid - - not say that line along the occupied Golan Heights. shooting would be resumed. XnlT ?• jUSLh°Urs before ^0 deadline George Bush, the new U.S. ambassador Syria all went the seven on month combat alert, just before old fire Ben Shaker, said all of Jordan's troops and The observers said that the number of L l?forcesftesk,ent hk armed his no Anwar Sadat said longer would be bound to the United Nations, told newsmen after an end. - - cease - came to armor had been positioned along the Jordan river cease fire line with Israel. Syrian tanks and other military vehicles in religious services at the White House that - the area had been greatly increased in the by its terms. Israel had Cairo announced that Egyptian army He said he did not believe that hostilities expressed a (Please turn to page 11) ifis* exiend the Israeli s,and - Foreign Minister Abba Eban denounced Sadat's decision not to extend the moratorium as the "most negative attitude possible. But he added was intended to that, if it frighten the Israelis, it had not succeeded. Eban stressed that Israel still abides by the United Nations Security Council PI ones, jeeps press search for 4 airmen ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Reconnaissance planes and rugged jeep - type vehicles provided by the United States for opium control joined in the search Sunday for four kidnapped U.S. airmen. But the gang of leftist extremists who seized the four radar technicians Thursday continued to elude thousands of police and troops in Ankara. An American spokesman said the kidnapers, who demanded $400,000 ransom by Saturday morning as the price for not shooting the airmen, had not contacted the U.S. Embassy. Turkish officials said there had been s not word from the kidnap gang, which called no gon itself the Turkish People's Liberation The warmer temperatures of the past few weeks had many people with ice on his windshield from the freezing snow that occurred after a Army. fooled into thinking spring was here to stay. This motorist struggles brief reprieve of better weather. State News photo by Don Gerstner Planes and vehicles searched the rolling countryside around Ankara, concentrating on the area adjoining the campus of Middle East Technical University — MGTA. Some of the aircraft and vehicles provided under a $3 million U.S. loan and are used by special units of the militia set up recently to stem the Turkish opium black market, source of much of the heroin were Panel By JEFF SHELER citizens full rights and responsibilities and urges 'egdrop agel' which reaches the United States. the drinking age, the right to make a will State News Staff Writer the opportunity to participate September to review existing state laws on Several news pleas were made by fully in our and other rights "as persons heretofore the society." rights and responsibilities of young Turkish leaders to spare the American lives. Gov. Milliken's Special Commission on acquired at 21 years of age." The commission's recommendation people and to make recommendations "to Former President and Premier Ismet Inonu, the Age of Majority recommended Friday Gov. Milliken, who met with the six - facilitate the coordination of those rights would involve voting rights, contractual chairman of the chief opposition that the age of legal adulthood be lowered member commission Friday, said he will and responsibilities." from 18 to 21, "granting our young agreements, the right to initiate civil suits, (Please turn to page 11) study the report before he responds to the Other commission members were recommendations. William R. Rustem, Birch Run junior; S. But he said there is "no question" that Martin Taylor, deputy director of the ENEMY REINFORCING the present law on the age of majority Michigan Dept. of Commerce; Bettye S. needs updating to extend rights to persons El kins, a University of Michigan law 18 to 20 years old. student; Joseph C. Cox, Fowlerville "When we permit and often require attorney; and John W. Hagen, associate U.S. planes back allies young people to enter the labor market professor at U-M. and earn their own way, it is illogical and inconsistent to bind our young adults to archaic guardianship," Milliken said. SAIGON (AP) - The United States sent infiltrating into South Vietnam and reported shot down and destroyed in Laos District Judge Frank Miltner, Tickets 1,000 warplanes into action across Laos Cambodia. We hurt them very bad so that on Saturday. Two crewmen were wounded in the three crashes. commission chairman, said Friday that on sale and Cambodia Sunday in support of allied they will require a whole year to get lowering the age of majority would have ground troops fighting Communist - led everything re • established." In a revised report, the U.S. Command Virtually every available U.S. combat said 56 American helicopters have been "sweeping ramifications; some of which Tickets for Pop forces reported to be reinforcing. will not be warmly embraced by all. Entertaiment's plane from a fleet of 1,200 to 1,500 was in lost in the Laotian campaign, 44 in Laos presentation of the Grateful Dead at 7:30 Many of the air strikes were "But we of the commission are the skies. Some were held in reserve, and 12 on the Vietnamese side of the p.m. Saturday in Jenison Fieldhouse concentrated north of Sepone, a key road unanimous and sincere in the belief that it are on apparently for use against surface - to • air border. Also revising casualty figures in the sale at Marshall Music, junction along the heart of the Ho Chi missile sites in North Vietnam should they air losses, the command reported 50 is a progressive and responsible step Campbell's and the Minh trail supply complex in southern forward," Miltner said. Union. threaten U.S. bombers attacking targets Americans killed, 14 missing and 43 Laos. The commission was appointed last along the border. wounded. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Lam, commander The objectives of the air armada were tany fa of South Vietnamese forces in Laos, said, "The North Vietnamese are being reinforced north of Sepone, but we can said by U.S. sources to include: * Continued heavy air strikes around Sepone, 25 miles inside Laos. South if Manson handle it. We can react to anything they Daley begins Vietnamese forces reported they captured do. We caught the North Vietnamese by the town Saturday and control its surprise by sending 2,000 men into Sepone in two days. We occupy the city. We have approaches. * ell Raids against the trail network, which in Laos." the between 20,000 and 24,000 men U.S. sources quoted Lam as also saying have grown fivefold since April. 1968, to follows previous strategy knock out routes being built to Los ANGELES that the Saigon ground drive to disrupt the (AP) - "He used flow of North Vietnamese war materials compensate for lanes lost to the South Vietnamese invasion force. |£®y^es." hea witness was a man of a thousand recalled during the along the Ho Chi Minh Trail could not survive without American air support. * Support for troops of the Laotian JJJ'lendant on l ate murder trial, speaking of Lam talked to newsmen at Khe Sanh government fighting North Vietnamese and headquarters. The election is April 6. The long line waiting to Charles Manson. Pathet Lao forces in northern Laos. CHICAGO (AP) Richard J. Daley is running for mayor again. Since the after visiting Fire Base Sophia 2, on high * — shake the mayor's hand included corporation presidents, city trial, now in its penalty Support of a new 2,000 man South At his age and with changing social customs, it could be the last ' se> began nearly nine months ago, ground three miles southeast of Sepone. Vietnamese operation against North successful display of personal power politics in America. employes, Congressmen, lawyers, judges, friends and anyone who The fire base was hit with 40 rounds of has a political job or wants one. nsPn's Vietnamese and Viet Cong sanctuaries in To begin with, Richard J. Daley doesn't really "run" for appearance has varied as artillery Saturday night, the commander j eastern Cambodia. Outside the theater, a band played "Chicago" again and "tically as his moods. said. * mayor. The theater marquee, dripping in red, white and blue again. He could turn a Continued suppport of another, much He announces he will seek an unprecedented fifth, four - year banners, warm smile Associated Press photographer Koichiro issues marching orders to the political organization that read "Richard J. Daley is Good for Chicago." °n his three women codefendants, larger South Vietnamese operation in term; Morita reported from Sophia 2 that eastern Cambodia involving 22,000 Saigon numbers thousands of lieutenants and soldiers: prints new ■judge 'atir 'eap scream'nB at t'le looking at Sepone he could see giant clouds biographies to update the number of programs completed and the No promises, no predict ions, no comparisons. troops. of smoke from bombs and rockets fired by The slogan is simple. Most Sources said U.S. warplanes were number of buildings added to the skyline during his regime; holds Chicagoans believe it. ■lith6 I ' aC0U'^ come t° court one day U.S. fighter - bombers and helicopter operating from at least four bases in court to accept the allegiance of Chicago's merchant princes; Daley was, of course, unopposed in the Feb. 23 Democratic- curly mop of hair hanging in ■ J**, then show up the next day gunships working over the surrounding Thailand, a half - dozen bases in South orders new buttons and reissues some of the old ones; then primary and he received 365,000 votes. Detractors immediately noted this was a decline from his 1967 total of 421,000 votes. hills. Vietnam and from 7th Fleet carriers in the declares: ■7^ head shorn nearly bald. Only light action was reported around Gulf of Tonkin. "We will win. It is a little too early to say by what percentage." But Richard E. Friedman, 41, a former Democrat who Itnirf"fid ' a an8u'ar face ,ias Sepone on Sunday. South Vietnamese In addition, U.S. helicopters are flying Daley's campaign probably will cost more money and involve accepted Republican urgings to challenge Daley, also was change in status - from forces pushed into the town Saturday thousands of support missions including more workers, more meetings, more posters, more billboards and unopposed and received only 38,000 votes. At the same time, 37 Jtt.LUsed hippie- syle clan leader to against only light resistance. gunship, troop lift, resupply and medical more of everything than that of his opponent, but the tone is so aldermen loyal to Daley won seats in the 50 - member City f^ted murderer. Brig. (Jen. Pham Van Phu, commander South Vietnamese 1st Infantry evacuation. low - key that voters of any other city would barely be able to Council and two other Daley supporters may win run • off races. With the primary behind them, many candidates start ■*Dttfinh h'S ,atest switch of of the The U.S. Command said 2,400 hear it. Aides have not estimated what the campaign will cost. campaigning in earnest. Friedman took a night off to go to a Kih Te: Manson explained: "I Division whose forces now occupy Sepone, helicopter missions were flown in Laos and The 68 year - old Democratic leader — he will be 69 May 15 • told newsmen: "We hurt the north — opened his campaign Feb. 18 just around the corner from City movie, then stepped up his visits to colleges, to meetings of head'!,an<^^ ^0V" a'ways has Vietnamese 559th Loigistical Corps, which Cambodia Three on Saturday. more U.S. helicopters were Hall at the Bismarck Theater, which has been rented as (Please turn to page 11) is the primary support unit for units 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March j news Freshman system, enrollm summary bring the rest of the classes up to their former we can level and stay only 6,915 of these were first-time enrollees that ti»rm around 41,000 for a while," he said. 1970, the registrar reported 6,923 n From the wires of AP and UPI. Cantlon said that to produce an increased freshman class for University credit programs. freshmen eA enro|l The 1971 - 72 freshman class will be almost as large as the class fall, admissions officials are increasing recruiting efforts. The difference in these figures can for the mfKt admitted in fall, 1969, Provost John E. Cantlon said Thursday. At a press luncheon explained by students returning from the The University sharply reduced the size of the Wednesday, President Wharton said not earned the 40 credits previous vpd 1970-71 applications for University admission have increased over last necessary for freshman class to stabilize total enrollment at around year sophomore and students who first enrolled at ih ',°n classiiw 41,000 despite a nationwide drop in college applications. students, Cantlon said. He said the during summer, 1969. lhe Ul" "We shall no longer be bound Additional class size cuts may have to be made in University has a target enrollment of 6,700 new Total freshman enrollment the next freshmen for next fall. during fall terms since 1°J by the cease - fire agreement, nor three or four years if total enrollment again becomes too large. been: 1960, 6,243; 1961, 6,281; 1962, 6,857 196* 7 J? The level of state appropriations last year caused the According to enrollment reports issued by the registrar's can we pledge to refrain from current office, freshman enrollment in 8,840; 1965, 10,389; 1966, 10,156; 1967 9 299 1QC0 ; reduction, he said. fall, 1969, was 9,192. However, shooting. But this does not mean 1969,9,192. » W.I968, "The legislature told us in effect that we could enroll as that the guns will be fired or that diplomatic efforts will tonight students as we wanted, but that they'd he said. "Our enrollment many only fund us for 40,000," LAOS projections showed us at 42,000, so we stop." had to cut back somewhere. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat (See story p. 1) "We couldn't very well reduce the number of transfers from community colleges, because that would have been like telling the community colleges that they had to become four - year institutions because they couldn't place their graduates. Air war: no place to hide "About the only place we had to make cuts was the KHE SANH, Vietnam (AP) freshman - fly low, the AK47s and 51 gunners estimate U.S. war exercises hit class," he said. The thing about flying a calibers get you. Fly higher and four choppers a day are shot an average of Ho Chi Minh trail Hanoi and Haiphone Cantlon said most of the 1,000 student reduction was made helicopter in Laos is that there's you're in the air bursts of the big down or badly damaged by ti Nortli Korea declared by Sunday that the United States not sending out as many admissions officials to recruit students at no place to hide from murderous stuff. Land in Laos and Charlie enemy ground fire, which would sorry for the Ar • was playing with fire by staging a war exercise last week high schools. Recruiters still went out, but efforts were ground fire. U.S. crewmen say hits you with mortars and bring the five - week helicopter warrant officer never pilots^ S» in which about 750 U.S. paratroopers were flown from more helicopters are shot down before enco considerably slackened, he said. RPGs." toll closer to 140. t The reduction in freshmen brought total many antiaircraft e the United States to South Korea. The official North Korean Central News to slightly less than 41,000, Cantlon said. University enrollment Sf?.m°tTqn nnn This is the lin8° of a U-s- Example: An Air Cavalry s'°w - flying, low altitu'- Agency said "With this small class moving up fppt " WO Rirhnrrt Nome 2fi of he,'coPter man these days- platoon commander was killed "'(Jl the exercises "all ended in a vulgar farce." In jumping through the University £n tL? Antonio, Tex., cIih said. "v!, You AK47s are the rifles the North Vietnamese use. The 51 calibers by a 51 - caliber machine gun ™eyre the most 1r into the mock combat zone, many soldiers were bullet in the face as he piloted a Buys m fhis war," said injured, are machine guns. Charlie is the it said. light observation helicopter. N'chols Kemph of Allende enemy and RPGs are rocket Vision obscured by a blood HiU' N-J- The exercise was to test U.S. ability to rush seeks - troops to propelled grenades. spattered windshield and with Squadron and South Korea in case of emergency. A door gunner on his third no formal ny'n8 training, his trip over Laos considered it a observer crash - landed the bullet ^°r"mander^ .exP"*s tfe'r ,"1en ca Chile' s "suicide mission." mission" - " riddled craft ■» «««■«« in ««"■». Laos. It was » strain of daily misi Rail talks stalled . . A United Transportation Union official said Sunday economic In five weeks of supporting the South Vietnamese invasion, later airlifted to Khe Sanh by a Chinook cargo carrier and is awaiting shipment to the United La°®- Some of the guys are up wel1' others aren't,"- in Cleveland that resumption of stalled rail the U.S. Command bargaining SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) - problems. problems he said his four - acknowledges losing 51 states for repair. But it is not £a m es T. Newma talks depends on revision by rail carriers of their stand President Salvador Allende says The Marxist leader also month • old administration has listed as a loss. Fayetteville, N.C., he will ask Chilean workers to been unable to solve. helicopters to enemy fire in Laos commander. "They're al on contract moratorium announced that starting Monday- provisions. "The idea is to raise up and nearby areas of South B,ut<* ls dead, the bird s a fantastic job but I sc The talks in stay on the job three or four he will head an action Washington were recessed indefinitely on hours a week extra nuurs wee* without industries, to create permanent Vietnam - 10 more than it has wreck> |>ut according to the WOnder: how long can y Saturday. Asst. Secretary of Labor W. J. Usery Jr. said cAira wunoui pay committee "to wuiiimwx declare w ucviaie war uu . , lost in nearly a year over generals I was never *ot down, to help overcome economfc unemployment," one of the asking a man to go out t "We have an understanding there will be no nationwide ~ SST on . Cambodia. But the men who fly the observer Sgt Donald this stuff, rail strike, but that does not eliminate the possibility of Saturday visit to the city of over figure Laos every day say this °ver ^ every **y ** IJ1'80"' ' Londonderry, "It would be differen selective strikes." The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Talc, 250 miles south of f"n,rP ,Ris ,M« inaccurate, because it does not include helicopters that had American ground tr University, is published every class day during four school Santiago. Veteran Air Force pilots who Laos to help us knock 0 Among the issues still in dispute are work rules that terms, plus Welcome Week edition in Allende said more than are shot down and later have flown fixed - wing aircraft of those guns. But the can affect the number of September. recovered. Laos and North Vietnam jobs open to the UTU's Subscription rate is $14 per year. 300,000 workers are without °ver Vietnamese have too 150,000 train - operating crewmen. jobs in this country of 9 million Pilots, observers and door compare the ground fire over the problems of their own." Member Associated Press, United Press inhabitants. Inland Daily Press International, Association, Associated Collegiate Press, "I recognize that we have not System plans announced Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press been ASMSU to able to halt MCI Lockheed Satellite Corp. build and operate a domestic satellite proposed Sunday to communications Association, United States Student Press Association. Second - class postage paid at East Editorial and business offices at 347 Lansing, Michigan. unemployment, which is that is brutally beating Chile," he said. a whip plead not guil Student Services Allende spoke again Saturday system costing SI68 million. Building, Michigan State at the opening of the Talca The company said in could be in operation by 1975 to Washington that the network provide television Michigan. University, East Lansing, Trade Fair, attended by Cuban Ambassador Mario Inchaustegui in suit involving Buckner Phones: Garcia and consular officials relay, business and data communications, including Editorial .- from other countries. The ASMSU Student Board board chairman last tclepho6G,rv;lc.etronical special delivery of mail and other CUsrified Advertising 365-8252 voted Sunday to plead not a spring who as individuals. The president said the guilty not service^jroughout all 50 states. 355-8255 was eligible .under the One group would incll Display Advertising 353-6400 government program as a group to a suit filed against constitution. « members of the sixth se: Business - Circulation "establishes the most ample and the board charging that ASMSU All past and present members 355-3447 the student board now Withdrawal prospects viewed Photographic 355-8311 solid guarantees for the small Chairman Harold Buckner was of the sixth session of the board, but not and medium sectors of elected illegally. student board were named as when Buckner was industry." The suit was defendants in the case. Heartened by accepted chairman. apparent progress in Laos, defense Thursday by the All officials expect - University Because the charges were A second classification nearly 100,000 additional American Student Judiciary (AUSJ) and served individually on each will be heard Tuesday involve board membe troops to be withdrawn from South Vietnam over the night. board member by AUSJ, each next six ASMSU also voted Sunday to were on the board months, it was revealed in Washington Sunday. member will have the option of make the case an open Buckner was selected ch South Vietnamese capture of Sepone, a main road hearing. pleading individually to the but are not currently n The suit, filed by Sheryl L. luib on the enemy's charge if he so chooses. supply trail network through Laos, Green, Detroit sophomore, At Sunday's meeting, four of the board. boosted the optimism of Defense Dept. officials about charges that the ASMSU Student general categories were set so A third group includes increasing tiie momentum of the U.S. pullout. Board violated Article II, section people pleading in who were on the boar: save during MARSHALL MUSIC'S 25th Birthday 4 of its constitution by electing could act as a a similar way group rather than Buckner was elected and on the board. Soviets deploy new missile Our department managers have made many special purchases, to The fourth group bring you include those members ci The Soviet extraordinary savings. This 'Birthday'component system can sooth to Union is deploying and budget your ears plead guilty. huge, new, advanced intercontinental However, members fit the above groups can stil missiles qualitatively mightier than its known weapons, Sen. Henry M. OtO PIONEER individually if they choor Jackson said Sunday in Washington. The SX - 440 receiver offers Be entertain- The Defense Dept., queried on his features not found in many, in the Rathskel assertion, said "it is correct that we more have detected some new ICBM expensive units. DAILY Includes tape nion. speaker construction in the Soviet Union. We Cocktail Hou" are not sure switching, mode control exactly what it is or what and more. A fine AM/FM 4:30-7 p.m. Soviet intentions are." The statement stereo performer. Complete Private parties, wel was issued by Pentagon spokesman JMURSU™ with walnut case. Jerry W. Friedheim. ... at the Unite the SX - 440 with the Garrard SL55B turntable - complete with base, Dispute splits state cover for and magnetic cartridge; and two Utah HSI - C 3 - way speaker systems, an excellent \ dispute over strip mining has split West Virginia starting system at the price of a compact. A $495.00 value for only residents, placing conservationists . . . against miners in a controversy that could mean ultimate abolition of the practice, not only in West Virginia but in other coal producing states as well. - Introducing two exciting new Automatic Reverse tapedecks from SAVE UP TV 50% Opponents of strip mining claim the method of ON COLOR PRINTS bulldo/ing earth from the surface of the ground to reach Save the fuel is on developing slides, movies, black and devastating the mountains, wit1 boulders and sediment and clogging streams PIONEER white prints, too. Beautiful prints and other hurting the state's processing ... conveniently delivered to your tourism industry. The T - 6100 and T - 6600 decks door in just a few days ... at prices that save Supporters claim strip mining generates $232 million have many features and controls you up to 50% over usual "drug store" prices. in revenue within the state each We guarantee you'll save and be year and employs normally found on decks costing completely 22,000 persons 7,000 directly and 15,000 satisfied with our high quality. more in hundreds more. The T - 6100 has peripheral service and supply jobs. record AND IT'S SO EASY use your own envelope one direction, play both ... directions. The T with the coupon below just fill out coupon, - 6600 has play ... write name on roll or cartridge, enclose coupon New Detroit head and record in both directions. resigns Price: T - 6100 $249.95; T - 6600 and remittance. Or, use the coupon to get film mailers and extra coupons order film and William T. Patrick Jr.'s resignation as president of (shown) $299.95 flashes at low prices. ... New Detroit, Inc., will become effective June 1, when his extended leave from Michigan Bell Telephone Co. During our Celebration you can take advantage of great savings on many ends. items in all departments. Save on Components, Musical Intruments, Radios, I YOUR ORDER MUST INCLUDE THIS COUPON — (Only one roll of film par coupon) ^ Patrick. 50, the first black to be elected to Detroit's Televisions, and Accessory Items. Save 30 to 50% on all Electro - Voice units • Name Common Council, will be succeeded in stock. Many floor models and used • by Lawrence P. equipment at special savings too! Address Doss, who was elected the president - Come in for a demonstration and unbeatable values. designate at a meeting of New Detroit's board of trustees last week. , City— _State_ —Zip— Doss. 43 who also is black, served for the past year as □ Send me free film mailer envelope and discount decentral/. i coordinator for the Detroit Board of □ 20 exp. Black & White 1-" coupon Education. 245 Ann Street 402 S. □ 20 exp. Slides or 8 mm Movies .. 149 Washington □ I'm enclosing roll of film and payment (plus tax in □ Send me fresh Kodacolor film and/or flasjies Patrick, who left his executive position at 0hio' Bell Michigan East □ 12 exp. Kodacolor Rtt- Pric* You Circle your size: (limit two) 8f^e in October, 1967, to serve as the civic group's Lansing Lansing □ 20 exp. Kodacolor $2.99 12.33 Instamatic 126-12-127-120-620 executive 4.49 director, "has done an outstanding job at New □ 12 exp. Black & White 1.29 Circle your flash: (limit two sleeves) .... 88( ea Detroit." Stanley J. Winkelman, board chairman of the Ph: 351 -7830 WL Music Co. Cubes-AG-1-M-2-M-3 Ph: 372 organization, said at a news conference. ■ 9600 • MAIL TO: SPE-D-PICS Box 299 Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 • Dept. MS • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Monday, March i M'chig;an ^tatC ^ews' ^ast Lans'ng, Michigan Monday, March 8, 1971 3 se British seven-week-old ireshmen "SSJSS. enroll®^, I... hi«ho,1920s, •e the Britain's among many members 'He appeared the lembers ma«l accusina seHoutMnit u'S,,UU' would »„ through in Britain for the lirst have found A their dependenc numbt;r of ptople during the strike that the postal Although the massively retui .j to work -pproved ranging postal strike ends » from $36 to $65. At one point they ,»ffered to take 13 lost $432 and each counter clerk national newspapers alone at $6 the strike. The strike prevented itched on militants within the union $480. Many used up their million in advertising. time in servic was not per cent all post offices from converting (Sunday 190,000 of the nearly seven weeks. as great they reluctant and angered by what savings during the stoppage. Eleven million pieces "I shall be surprised if The post office offered 8 of mail to its new decimal nunv th™ght" T. . , they called a union sellout. The cent nt, the then hiked that to 9 per per The union counted up a heavy c|0gged British post offices and currency. Many will have to remain closed union strikers voted to staff disobey the decision ,he ...v" V0 ? by un'°" branches workers go back without any cost. I had exhausted the $1.2 other millions were expected to ent if the union would . for two or three days to make jj[* to their jobs without return to work," said Tom increase, putting Jackson, leader of the strikers was ^^59 for retiirn, 61 against, pay increase. some productivity measures. agree to million it had as a reserve when flood in despite pleas to go slow. the conversion. three man Bill ! he announcement by the The ballot also asked workers The stnkeis come back to the strike began. In addition it Normal service appeared to be The end of the strike meant Ryland, acting head of Union of Postal Workers put an to agree to a massive overhaul of a owed $1.67 million to - recommend a the Post Office, told "" 'Wst post Off J weeks away. the end, too, for most of the 50 to tent after an inquiry, don t think the Post - newsmen Office will , '>n', nd io °"e of* the ""^1workers strikes since ' ' ,u" the state - run postal1 service in the 1920s, search of greater efficiency mfflL^n^evenuef buTwhfch gain(.d jdeai. ipporting unions. account Its bank overdrawn by Full telephone and telegraph services resume with the end of private, strike that - beating postal mushroomed in ictance and anger ever be the same after somt, on tt| $816,000. this return to their are expected to Ihe strikers wanted 15 per * 8 the strike. Automatic telephones Britain. None of the "pirate" jobs this morning. cent increase British business lost millions. on weekly salaries functioned throughout the strike services apparently cashed in One estimate put the loss to but manual operations suffered, heavily. though something like half of Mrs. Lorraine Knowles, one of Britain's operators didn't answer the smaller operators who National AAUP h ead lauds the strike call. The Post Office handles com Britain. nications in Pay telephones will be slower to return to service. handled 200 to 300 letters a week, said, "In the early v were running at a loss. But at the end I think we have just Throughout about broken even." Britain thousands went out of Tim Randall and Paul i nontenured By STEVE WATERBORY nontenured faculty members. fa First when coin boxes filled and there was no one to empty them. - class mail gets the Sparrow ran one of the largest private post offices, handling up to 100,000 letters a week. Randall said, "We certainly nd the other State News Staff Writer Tht' committee will be involving board reconsideration of the Priority when the strikers return. haven't made a fortune out of Eileen Van Tassel I and expe« ted to implement the Bertram " f reappointment "of 12 tenured Second - class mail was not this. The national president of the Pol'cy expressed in the Murray, asst. faculty members whose exP«cted to move at all until at professors the Dept. of Roger Moore, a film company American Assn of University guidelines or a report by m.i,„ i iNaiuiui ^ contracts were not renewed at least the middle of next week- executive, said his foreign sueiice, were examined British postal services, rated Professors (AAUP) praised Committee A of the AAUP The the December meeting. D"'""u —" mailing service will make a profit Thursday in a hearing before the Michigan before the strike as among the an action taken by the rt>P°rt advocates that Employment Relations A best in the world, may change but "I don't think any of us MSU Board of Trustees * "Precise 'ms ann — — ^ motion niuuun introduced liiuuuucea DV 7 ° have made as much as we designating a committee conditions < mployment ii[jioymeui ^'"""^.mMERC) no, yel dehvered a which has decIsion in Charles P Larrowe, professor of drastically. There is talk about to establish procedures to allow should be reduced to writing and lhp economies, in the spring, 1969 cutting daily home deliveries from three to one, and the B nontenured faculty denied delivered to a prospective J8*"', I he meeting of the Academic Senate Within labor the post mortem board instructed the national innovations center reappointment to receive written teacher before appointment ,7. c urging u's»'K the adoption ot me adoption of the was in full swing. One liberal administration to report on the Committee A recommendations proposed that milk, newspaper London newspaper called the reasons for the action becomes finalized. and mail deliveries be combined, AALJP President Sanford "Probationary teat he should * committee in April. was defated by vote of the union capitulation "the most Kadish, professor of law at the ear'> informed otf the the ' timing allows for possible senate Higher postal charges, brought humilating climb - down in the University of California at substantive and procedural on by a big mail deficit last year, postwar history of British trade went into effect Feb. 15 during unionism." Berkeley, called the MSU standards to be followed in board's action "a very ON RENTING reassuring determining reappointment and welcomed development and/or granting of tenure "So far as I know, MSU is the first institution to move toward * A probationary teacher SQUeeZE BIG BUCKS should he notifed whenever a Nelson the adoption of the our matter." proposal of decision affecting lus status is in Committee A on this contemplation and afforded the The trustees' action, taken at opportunity to submit material in writing that he consideies to head d the February board meeting, relevant to such a decision. "In Frisbee fun instructed President Wharton e very bllways can make an adequate playing field for frisbee and Provost John E Cantlon to designate an all - University committee to establish notice thereof U. probationary teachers must be given written and offered special panel gui n. These two students are playing catch in the Student irvices Building. State News photo by Terry Luke procedures to be reappointment used in the or reasons therefore, which must be delivered orally 01 in writing at The Michigan House voted use deposit money to repair the option of the teache non reappointment of 'iday to create a special apartments after the money has Presently it is possible for a committee to investigate been retained because of alleged nontenured faculty membei to apartment rental deposit excessive wear on the facilities, ut not on the you Buckner was More books for your money, endation of landlords have come up with More money for your books. >nd classification .EVELAND, Ohio (AP) — fourth annual Motorcycle He said the I Always try SBS first! board member held 73 persons Sunday Custom and Trade Show, held at soon after that. During the past few years Carr money," Nelson said. n the board persons were killed and the Polish Women's Hall to raise Patrolman Robert Baugham has been involved 011 behalf of He said students often are was selected ch not a fight between money to buy wheelchairs for one of the five policemen in the the Univeisity in sevetal labor timized. currently r orcycle gangs trade 421-425 East Grand River Ave. ard. at crippled children. hall, said members of the Breed cases in which nontenured Nelson said the committee 0 HEADLINE HISTORY. P 0 Bo. 1 to raise money 867. 0 for crippled Police said they had heard walked in "in military style, two faculty members were not would attempt to determine: Across From Olin i group includes earlier in the evening that there by two." retained by tl University • Whether rental deposits are e on the boar< Ralph Joyce, head of the might be trouble at the show Another policeman, attempted to set vason for being placed in escrow and later was elected and tide unit, said the cause of and were on the lookout for Patrolman Thomas Burton, said the contract termi jn. 1 uiiitd to the renters. light between gang members weapons. A police spokesman he heard several shots where the Two of the mc What comprises "reasonable 'ing chains, knives, clubs said police had received reports fighting erupted and many of one involving John on furniture, carpeting pins was unknown that the Akron gang had beaten the people began swinging clubs Hildebrand, a former associate and other facilities. have 73 persons here for a member of the Violators and and knives, profess in the Dept of Social * Whether landlords actually ining to try to find that the New York group was seeking revenge. about 150 Police said some motorcycle tors of the Breed, an Akron gang members arrived at the hall "■cycle gang. and 80 carrying Be entertain* nbers of the Violators, a New disarmed 1 the Rathskel City chapter of Hell's stationed at the door. Suddenly, were involved in the however, Joyce said, about 100 DAILY cyclists rushed past the tocktail Houri I* trouble broke out at the policemen, overpowering them 4:30-7 p.m. » parties, welo ... at the the east Room rabies . . .now open tor dinner and cocktails every night Monday through Saturday dining hours: 11:00 A M to 9:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday Jacobson's Store Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Come dine amid the opulence of Oriental serenity and splendour where superb cuisine, attentive service and a relaxing atmosphere add to your dining pleasure. . where you can enjoy your favorite cocktails and wines with your meals. Even the parking ease contributes to your convenience. By parking on the fourth level of the East Lansing auto ramp, you have direct access to Jacobson's third floor restaurant through the covered walkway. Or, you may enter Jacobson's first floor at the Alle' entrance and take the elevator to the third floor. Your comfort and enjoyment are our prime considerations Bon appetit! Jacobson's MICHIGAN MARCH 8, 1857—MARCH 8, 1971 O TATE NEW! UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE International women's struggle advertising manager MARK ED EICHER, managing editor On March 8, 1857, women textile workers staged a demonstration garment • Schedule HUTCHISON, city editor on 12-1:30 Rice and tea BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor the Lower East Side of New York dinner w , • City. A Wesley Foundation, KEN KRELL, editorial editor long line of miserably dressed and sponsored Women's International Leatrue GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor exploited women marched from the poorer and Freedom. district toward a more affluent area nearby. 1:30 Silkscreening Seven -time recipient of the Pacemaker award culture - music, workshop J for outstanding journalism. These women were demonstrating art, etc. 36B Union, f against the impoverishment of the working 1:30 - 3 Abortion conditions and were demanding equality by discussions of women Testimonials roll for all in and their taT women work. They were the need for self defense, EDITORIALS especially angry about their indecent wages and a working day of 12 hours. When their vs. repeal, etc. 39 Union. abortion r procession got out of the poor district they 3-4 Films — 38 lived and worked in, the march was Demonstration. Day of Plain- Union. Miss .\>,1 Huntl The dispersed by police. Vietnamese fo Discussions foliol women. move Some of the women were arrested and 4 Women's Liberation some were trampled in the confusion which Play Corner Society (tentative), Today the State News turns over a growing national trend and end followed police interruption. Three years 39 Union.! its editorial page to a discussion of later, in March of 1860, these women 6:30 Women's Michigan's archaic, moralistic laws. formed their own union. party and dinner women's liberation movement, Women's House, 359 N. The women's liberation movement Harrison including a schedule of events for the On March 8, 1908, thousands of women Bring one dish to pass. All workshops and teach - in honoring International represents a growing disenchantment from the needles trade industry marched with the exception of rice events of thel by women with the second - class again from the Lower East Side of New and tea di Women's Day today and an appraisal are open only to women. role Western men have forced York City. This time, 61 years Howeve of the upon later, the male Role Liberation struggle for women's demands for shorter working hours and group will be hi liberation in them. That movement becomes discussions of women's issues various revolutionary better working conditions remained the for countries. extremely important when the same js in 1857. Added to them, however, interested. The struggle by women in Marxist upsurge in households headed by were demands for legislation against child WOMEN IN CUBA females is considered. The labor and the right to vote. No mention of countries provides a framework from meager role women have been police intrusion is made about this which a variant of the Western assigned in demonstration. the professions, business and other women's role can be examined and evaluated. While the different role of women in revolutionary societies provide the view of the alternative, may economic moralistic assigned women endeavors, sexual roles and the the men silly, have abridged a In 1910 in Denmark at an Socialist Congress, March 8 was International proclaimed International Women's Day. Clara Zethkin, German Socialist in the labor movement Implementing The socialist revolution in changefunda women's struggle in capitalist, legal rights of women all and close personal friend of By JOAN BERMAN Cuba has are interested in controlling their fer Lenin, recalled brought about some fundamental changes. and industrial countries like the United represent social inequities the 53 years of struggle since 1857 and contraception is seen as med One of the main tasks of the movement is attempting to deal proposed, in memory of the first struggle continuing preferable to abortion, but there States must, at least at this stage revolution, and a primary focus of the in New York City, that a Before the Cuban revolution, women in propaganda or informational campai in development, with. If it is successful, men, too, day be set aside "Federacion de Mujeres Cubanas" center upon to internationally commemorate Cuba knew all the age - old forms of sexual urge women to limit the size of different objectives. will benefit by being relieved of the women (Federation of Cuban Women, FMC) is to and their struggle. Clara Zetkin has oppression that we in the United States families. On the contrary, become integrate women into the productive work popul A march will be held Saturday to stereotypic, super-stud role society known as a woman who have recognized. But their oppression was control is seen as an issue raise too often expects. was fighting for embellished and exaggerated by the social force. Discrimination against women in the state Capitol to demand the social equality for all women, and her work as we know it no longer exists, overdeveloped countries (like the I proposal was accepted. institution characteristic of Latin culture, States) to be able to maintain domir repeal of all abortion laws. Abortion The articles on this page have been "machismo," and by the moralistic although in certain situations old attitudes held by men are slow to die and cause over underdeveloped countries. laws, it has been said, would have written and compiled by the campus influence of the Church. Cuba rejects overpopulation as a Since then March 8 has been celebrated friction among fellow workers. Women get disappeared long ago if men had to women's liberation groups. Today is Traditionally, a woman could not be in of poverty and points out lhat bear the babies. Perhaps so. Abortion mostly in socialist counties by struggling the company of a man without her mother, equal pay for equal work, without regard development comes a natural tenden a time for discussion, reflection and women throughout the world. In Cuba and sister or aunt as to marital status or number of wage - the reform has been a long time coming a chaperone. Virginity was people to limit the size of appraisal of the movement. Saturday China emphasis is placed upon women as a highly prized jewel in the earners in the household. And women families. in this state and is long past due. dowry of a should be a day for taking one of militant participants in the revolution, prospective wife. A divorced woman was work in many jobs that in North America The population of Cuba is With enough pressure, however, this whereas in Russia its celebration would be considered men's work, i.e., only those problems to the state seems to practically synonymous with prostitute, million, of which more than two ir session of the legislature may follow have become similar to Mother's movie projection, tractor legislature. Day in the because there was no other way for such a operating and live in Havana. At present there is a United States. woman to earn her drafting. shortage considering all the work living. For to tha women participate in productive must be done to raise ^toiiN Cuba oi work, it is necessary for many of them to IH CHIHA, VIETNAM be trained or to increase their level of underdevelopment and to a economic self • reliance. Abortior education. Education at all levels for all mentioned before, are apparently ages has been a major thrust since the anti - available to women who want them illiteracy campaign in 1961, and there is From servitude to no the procedure for doubt that obtaining them is women are involved in this participation simple. equally with men. Fifty per cent of the Because the revolution has change student body of the medical school at the life style of many people, the University of Oriente are women, and institutions of marriage and the The mass organization for women, the similar proportions are found in other made up 30 - 40 per cent of those enrolled cannot help but change. Because the All - China Democratic Women's North it is not to the degree that the aunts in in schools, women's full equality was larger extended family situations. graduate schools. Among the Cuban Federation, became the main vehicle for romantic guerrilla girl picture would seem Women in South Vietnam against "machismo" has officially clearly not yet complete. Nonetheless, in women in the Venceremos to indicate. In labor, women now play a Brigade were the form of strengthening and stabi advocating women's equality and for 1957, the Women's Federation claimed The kind of problems described in the chemistry students, engineering students, traditional monogamy, many Cuban uniting the women's movement in 1949. that since the groundwork for major role. In agriculture, they make up 70 North probably are not the same in the equality in an interpreter, education students and deny that such change is in procei The federation followed the lines of per cent of the work force; women the law and in production had been laid, South, where it seems that different medical students who intended to may become defensive at questions action developed in the women's compose more than 50 per cent of the the equality oP men and women had been, dynamics have produced a greater specialize in such areas as surgery associations formed earlier in the liberated workers in industry. In 1954, when the suggest the weakening of the n by and large, realized, women's oppression consciousness of women's liberation. In the and psychiatry. areas. Its major functions were: 1) party first started the building of the family. had been uprooted and the fullness of her South, it is clear that there is less A woman automatically gets paid In education and organization of women into country, there were only 500 women distinction there between the military response to a question fro emancipation would be seen only through workers in industry and they were all maternity leave for six weeks before American about what will continue to local unions, 2) quasi - government tasks front and the rear guard; one doesn't talk the building up of a socialist China. The unskilled. Since then, women have been delivery and six weeks after, with more the Cuban family together now tha such as aid in planning and implementing about the women doing the jobs left time off if necessary. At the end of the federation then changed its name and material basis has been eliminated, so the new marriage law, 3) direct massively trained. behind. Women have been more involved in post natal six weeks, i.e., when the child purpose and turned its energies into the • there are no economic dependencies ar participation in party drives as an example involvement of in fighting on a day - to - day level, and is 45 days old, she is eligible to attend the to the masses, 4) women the Several laws and services protect its members, Fidel Castro quickly speaking on behalf of women frequently have the responsibility of "circule infantil" (child care center) so that "Love!" women at congresses and conferences and liberating certain villages and of setting up the mother can return to work. These 5) relaying women's recommendations and new Nevertheless, the call of the revolt governments in border areas, thus centers are free and are administered and demands to the appropriate frequently requires that a husband party or Oh man, this alone believe, playing a crucial role. controlled by the FMC. Until the child is a wife work in different locations acroi government organ. This difference also is reflected in the year old, the mother need only work seven One of the most important laws All sleeping women island. In these cases, for example, Paris peace talks, where Madame Binh is hours a day instead of eight. The child can the husband is a dentist in Camague; changing the status of women was the new now will awake and move head of the PRG delegation and several of stay at the "circule" from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. the wife is a bacteriologist in Havar Marriage Law, based on free choice of Yosano Akiko the people immediately under her also are or all week until Saturday afternoon. After the husband does agricultural work o partners, monogamy, equal rights for both women. She seems to represent a women's the age of six the child may continue the Isle of Youth and the wife works sexes and protection of women and power base and is not simply the same schedule at school or attend a children. The campaign to get acceptance factory on the mainland, they may | exceptional woman who got put into that boarding school. for of the law included Women's Federation establishment of communes as part of the in work. There is equal pay for equal work, a year, or even two or three years i role. Similarly, at the summit conference The concept of self - defense takes a "great leap forward." case of the Isle of Youth. If both hui meetings to discuss it, newspaper articles, paid maternity leaves — about four of Indochinese peoples attended by the top different form in a revolutionary broadcasts and plays about the law and Women's reactions to the communes months, two months before and two country. and wife are university student: leaders of the liberation forces in Laos, Rather than dealing with karate and how it changed were, however, very diverse and they do months after the birth — special health care judo scholarship, they will live in the men' people's lives and Cambodia, South Vietnam and the DRV, to defend themselves from attacks against women's dormitories respectively be blackboard notices as well as not seem to have been as successful in "speak provisions for women and nurseries and the only delegation that included women them as individuals, Cuban women learn bitterness" meetings in which women either production or full emancipation of there is no married housing. If they kindergartens for the children. was the Provisional Revolutionary military skills. In some secondary schools, to be alone together they spend the publicly aired their grievances against women as hoped. The third area, leadership of the party Government (PRG) of South Vietnam. all universities and technical husband or family. The early Crossroads and administration, appeared to be schools, all the in a hotel. Under these conditions, its campaigns for These facts suggest that the power base students receive military training at least acceptance of the law collided with deeply By 1960, the women's Federaton stood somewhat behind. Women experience that have three or four days a month and often for a likely that it would be difficult lode at a crossroads. It had built its work women developed in the South is and maintain a meaningful, long - Is entrenched ideas and created so much many struggles in trying to form women's very strong and much more liberation - couple of weeks during the summer. Many disruption that after several years, the primarily around women's oppression and cadres, because of much resistence to the conscious than that of the North. relationship, and one wonders why p« the need to establish women's equality, but women are members of the militia and bother to get married. Certainly party decided to continue the reform idea of women meeting in any form. Now, A woman from the PRG delegation serve on guard duty at their school or work peacefully, but avoided sudden and massive now it claimed that these tasks were women's leadership is increasingly situation encourages the indepen under Madame Binh said that she was sorry place about once a month. campaigns around it. basically completed. ON the one hand, accepted. Also, women work for the that we did not have time to talk about the Birth control is available to functioning of women to an extent many women felt that their full equality women who often found in the United States Economics enforcement of the new laws concerning United States' women's struggle. She went Another aspect of the government's was not yet realized and issues of male women's rights in work, marriage and on to say that women in the South had n drive for women's dominance still needed to be pursued. The property. equality was in been taking power, and that they know economics. The Land Reform Law of 1950 federation tried to appeal to women, not In the management of the society, there there is another struggle when the war is called for equal allotments of land to so much on the basis of their oppression, are more women in top positions now than over and are quite prepared for it. She women; women to but out of loyalty to the party that had before 1954, although not many. To meet were be paid equal expressed great solidarity with the women wages for equal work in both agriculture emancipated them and in the name of the this problem, they are making women in the United States in their future tasks of struggles. No and industry, given directly to them building a great China. assistants in many fields, such as the vice conversation we had with women in the instead of to the head of the Reports seem to indicate that women principals of schools and assistants in family; special North reflected that same level of provisions for the protection of women were a prime moving factor in the cultural health, education, industry and agriculture. consciousness of women's fight after the were written into the revolution and that women's liberation When women become trained as Labor Insurance assistants, war. This does not fnean that no women in Regulations and the Trade Union Law. The demands are still very alive in parts of then they will be prepared to be the heads the North could be thinking that way, but Women's Federation claimed that women's China today. Whether these reports are of various aspects of management of none that we met accurate, it does seem fair to conclude that expressed an awareness equality in the family and society at large society. of future struggle. would best be served they are quite plausible, since women's Family through their liberation and Finally, the most important thing that participation in production. Women with an end to male supremacy The final area is equality in the family. the women of Vietnam communicated to were not complete in 1960. The marriage laws passed in 1960 outlawed training and leadership in production were us was that they understood that their lives Women in North Vietnam 4 sent to organize women to do this work polygamy and gave women rights equal to were significant, not for individual glory and to protect their interests under the Currently, the North Vietnamese are men in the family, in divorce and in but for what they had to contribute to the laws passed. Implementing these objectives working to liberate women through the property ownership. Up to that time, "Five Equals Plan," launched in 1954. The struggles of all people. They realized that on a local level involved a combination of polygamy was an accepted part of the "Five equais" are: equality in they had a job to do in their country for its group pressure, persuasion and training; for (1) fighting, society, and women were not allowed to survival and that it mattered what they did example, in one village women's cadre (2) labor, (3) party leadership and divorce men, nor could they remarry if a with their lives; they were not purposeless worked on involving the most old - administration, (4) management of the their husbands died. Divorce is now a or alienated from doing very hard work fashioned and inhibited female, and when society and (5) the family. These are the simple procedure handled in the local areas in which because it had meaning for them. While she was won over, other women they are working to make courts. followed. they still face many problems in their own women equal within the By 1956., many more women were society, within the Day care services exist for about 50 per context of resisting U.S. struggle for liberation, they have moved ,<4m participating in various aspects of society. aggression and cent of the children from around four from a state of servitude to one of vital While there were four times as building socialism. months old and up. The other 50 per cent many Women are increasingly involved in the participation in a short time, and they face women workers as in 1949 and women are not necessarily taken care of future with militia and in home defense, by the confidence in their though in the mothers; many stay with grandmothers, or struggle. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 8, 1971 5 Evening College classes edu/e id tea dinner cover range of interests i j sponsored >nal The Evening League for"J College, now in Physical Fitness for Women; Workshop I: its twentieth year at MSU, is Furnishing and Interior Design and Educational Crisis. Planning and Designing Vacation Fixtures- Yogic Exercises aiming spring courses to interest Homes; Politics and Personality; Textiles; Magazine Thursday — Chinese Poetry ing workshop more students rather than just Rapid Reading; Retail Security Wednesday —Art Design and Writing; Recorder Playing; and Fiction; Creativity; Figure i. Environmental the homemakers at the Store Quality- The Sensitivity to Young Children .etc^B Union,] comprise the majority of who now course Conversation Level; (Basic); Spring Spanish Caribbean; the City and the Parent Effectiveness; Vegetable Drawing; Folk (Intermediate); The Image of Guitar enrollment. Future; DeGaulle i Testimonials roll Wildflowers of Michigan; Gardeing For the Amateur; War America; Introduction to France; Historical Archeology; and omen and their Morality; The World's Photography; Macrame; ?fense, abortion Evening College is a division Management and Managing; uion. New prog of University Continuing Education Services Extension, ^ — Navigation for Yachtsmen; New Directions in Literature; An Union. Miss An and is // / \N\. >— Overview Horizons," a new radio program, will be produced by students designed to provide a of the Research to aiv* variety of noncredit educational Capital Capsules f of Plane Process; Physical Fitness for Hunti jerience. At the controls is Al Heikkinen, Gettysburg, Pa., senior. Discussions foil, W° programs of general interest. Women; Planning and State News photo Last year, more than Conducting Conferences; Plays by Tom Dolan 4,200 •ration Play - men and women enrolled in over 'ii J o)) A M of Nothingness and of Hope; 140 different courses. Rapid Reading; Violence: A adio »«w), 39 Union. AN Christian Response. program COUNTY have informed him that the Automobile Club of Michigan irty and dinner No grades, transcripts, credits COMMISSIONER who won mercury level of Lake St. Clair is Saturday - Field Natural and the vehicular repair industry Science: 59 N. and examinations are Spring. Harrison given in °"ice largely as a result of a "generally higher than last throughout Michigan. Evening College. Individual successful successful write write - in campaign year." Sunday — Beginning The committee, authorized to »d events of courses have has criticized Swimming. varying fee criticized^ House House Bill Bill 4051 4051 student the Milliken Milliken asked asked Reizen to operate through of rice and requirements. Several courses „ _ 6 the... interim tea di which would prevent voters initiate appropriate procedures i women. group will be h< n's issues for Howevei or parti requiring a special $5 fee are available for students, student spouses and retirees. m v°ting for a person whose to "assure that the state is Pa!?e does not aPPear on the fulfilling its responsibility for bai'ot between the 1971 and legislative sessions, will be chaired by Rep. William S. Huffman, 1972 Bateman funeral any MSU," he said. "Our programs protection of the health of D-Madision Heights. By MICHAEL O'NEAL so far have been * A Emery said the bill Michigan citizens in all areas of scheduled today State News Staff Writer primarUy El!1-* b> D . . °r . SRnn§ term: would prevent the voters from the state." The resolution charges that "insurance companies prohibit radio program designed promotional programs for the niversity. of Detroit. The which starts April . expressing their right to select Milliken also Funeral services for R. Louis Anew Performing Arts Comnanv - pr0f?ram a modern - day continues through April 22, the candidates of their choice." asked the their policyholders from involve students in practical interviewing department to establish an obtaining "repair estimates or Bateman, associate professor io experience is being the director ' and Wel,es' "War of begins next Monday in the main Her district includes East education program to inform having some of the key actors in the u lobby of Kellogg Center, Lansing and the campus. tbe:r motor vehicles emeritus of chemistry, will be duced by a group of MSU • productions." Heikkinen said at least three Leaders from both political Michigan residents of the repaired by garages and motor ^e^d at 1 p.m. today at the hazards l*®*' .... • Another recent nromm h°Urs of Pr°duction work goes Brochures with course parties are deeply concerned involved in eating vehicle dealers who are on their Gorsline - Runciman East angt Hie program, tr Saturday Horizons, is Hdcast at 5:30 p.m. every on WKAR - produced by Larrv presented a forum on the new' rock ',Uo every 15 " minute program, desciptions will be available includes writing, March 8 att the Administration b, coordinating talent, procurring Building or the Evening College about the apathy of the electorate; yet, here in Michigan mercury - contaminated fish. A * SPECIAL * * boycott list, and that certain Chapel, East Lansing, segments of the vehicle repair Mr. Bateman who died \trolling their fei oDera opera,' " J*«..c "rj,;' "Jesus Christ, there is an attempt to further HOUSE industry have reaised prices for COMMITTEE authorized by a lepairs, parts and labor." f_nday been a member J°„calf ft* 19 Kellogg Center. of the chemistry - ^.Programs such as office . is seen Superstar." A panel tanel Hisriitcinn discussion "Newscast in the Year 2150" i— - restrict the opportunity of as me< 'Horizons' is basically a The following courses are resolution adopted last week by ,t j„, f. .. faculty from 1929 until his ion, but there mational campai unterpart on radio to 'Gamut,' bSrTdreligbu0sCkaSdermS ^ "P t0 ^ hours" to offered spring term, interested citizens to become ... ... involved in electoral politics," .. . „ the — House., «... investigate scheduled "3 " ° begTn oegin next retirement in 1968- nit the size of television program broadcast standpoint standpoint. musical produce. Monday - America's aileged price . fixing and Monday Burial will be in the East MSB, "Al Heikkinen, radio "We're cunentlv «,ori,inn "Untold hours are put in Geological Heritage: The mu The bill Sais discriminatory practices of Lawn Memorial Gardens. presently being insurance " ■ contrary, popu urdinator MSU rips of series of documentaries !°"a the behind the scenes to make National Parks; The Art and considered affiliates of the an issue raisr mdcasters Guild, said. "The on everything come off," Heikenin Philosophy of Karate; Brazilian by House Elections IS2.00 OFFI IS2.00 OFFl rehabilitaiton committee. tries (like the I pam, with its magazine • veterans veterans," " heho oirf llrr.Vietnam said. "The MSU Broadcasters Culture; Driver Education; East ^ ( ^ China's I STLS.'ff JST = $2.00 ™ > maintain domii 0"^ °< -Wdl 'Horizons' Vi format, gives the television which should be' aired Plow., sTrine is . countries, population as a : Wry cfnHont a rhanrp fo air on „Z'bro "w, . . b p,rems™d '°«st«tottbroadcaSl station on" (Basic); Golf to, MSU Faculty, GOV. MILLIKEN ASKED the Michigan Dept. of HAS hits $75 billion I sints a out that natural tender 1"P „ ne^y returned veteran! ^ student run." » "• Staff Novelist fc Spouses;andHe,mat, Hesse: Public Health to adopt rules governing the use of mercury - TOKYO (AP) — China's gross national product Communist • Mysti_. contaminated waters because, he ti the size of ,, , Program on the Lansing Interviewing: umh uivwirewmg. Basic Techniques; rose 10 per cent since 1960 to n gram ictiuui|u», I said, the about $75 billion in 1970, the btart °Peration also is Jwelve ?eople' a" televlslon • Investments and Securities; The problem is getting I QcuutaLi .. „r ,ho h.„o Cuba is only lore than two t lit \student or rated, Heikkinen said. University - 6 Produced. program, "Newscast in the Year 2150," produced Another radl° majors, are currently invo'ved m the 'Horizons' Language of the Child; Natural Resources in a Modern Society; worse. an In April 1970, Milliken issues estimated, emergency order restricting Japanese Foreign Ministry I resent there is i 'The program seeks to by Jerry operation. Physical Fitness For Women! the use of fish from Lake St. Sikorski, has been Anyone I hW all the work tha entered in the interested 'n Rapid Reading iress what is happening at annual television Clair and other contaminated Hubbard Information raise Cuba radio awards Participating is welcome - they Tuesday - The Buddhist don't have to be a television - waters in the area. Center t and to radio major, Movement; Creative Writing; In a letter sent to Public he said. "However, Action Line of M.S.U. iancc. Abortion ISTA recruiters to interview were especially interested in Curriculum Workshop for Health Director Maurice S. Call 353-8114 S M.S.U. SHOE REPAIR j Teachers of Young Children; :. Grand River re apparently re people with experience since we Reizen. Milliken said sources M»3619 ' -1 who want them have a shortage in that area." Divorce and Remarriage; Folk Guitar zocrofffmbb itaining them is (Basic); French ition has ersons with specific training MSU Broadcasters located in 318 Union. Guild is Conversation (Basic); Michigan an(j the Civil War; The Listening Ear, Inc., 5471/2 East Grand River, East Lansing, Michigan 337-1717 change Painting: people, the iage and the f ■'1STA cement recruiters, Bureau at today through the according to a presidential executive order, A REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK ige. Because the has officially dnesday, are interested in Conscientious objectors may lening and stabi yr, many Cubans ge is in process erviewing persons with r^uest lo,ca' bAoards |° as^n tific training in law, business, ^em to VISTA as alternative Ith disciplines, architecture, ^"'ce- FINALS-WAIVERS The Listening Ear intervention center which serves the Greater Lansing Area. Twenty - four is a crisis - churches and civic associations, citizens of Lansing, East Lansing, and the surrounding area, and members of the e at questions planning and teaching. hours a day, seven days a week, Michigan State University community UNWANTED volunteers trained in being helpful to ing of the nu Currently 4,400 fk with low income il areas, Indian volunteers groups in HAIR? ELECTROLYSIS; { HERE'S HELP! others are on duty to respond to requests for assistance. These requests for help have enabled us to continuously since opening, July, 1969. At this time provide we would like to ask you service reservations, PERMA A7-.A T I'ant campus and urban HAIR come from both people who walk into for a different kind of help. We guarantee .gether now tha Stos in the United States and REMOVAL' the center and those who call on the that calls we receive will be treated as n eliminated, so * FACIAL telephone. confidential. In fact, most calls for help dependence istro quickly re of April 23, 1970, draft We have notes for We have a philosophy we follow at the Listening Ear. We believe that from time that we receive are anonymous. Therefore, we rarely get the chance to erments are no longer granted to time VISTA people run into problems in their find out whether or not we were actually all of the revolt volunteers, hat a husband locations acros these courses: lives that they cannot solve easily with the methods they ordinarily use for helpful. We feel that getting feedback on whether we were helpful will give us ideas , for example, 1 ist in Camaguey EXPERIENCE A solving problems. We further believe that with help, most people can find new ways on how we can improve our service. We need your help in getting that feedback. Pizza logist in Havan Natural Science: of solving problems and resolve the It would help us if you would take 191A, 192A, 192B, cultural work oi difficulties they are having. some time and answer, if you can, the 192C, 193A, 193B and 193C. eit wife works questions Since opening the center 1 1/2 years we are asking in the "clip - out" nd, they may g< or three years ii TONIGHT AND American Thought 8t Language: 111, 112 ago, we have answered over 20,000 below. Please do not sign your name to the clip - out. We want these to be ith. If both husl and 113. requests for help with such problems as confidential and anonymous. Then either ersity student; ive in the men': EVERY MONDAY Social Science: 231A, 232A, 232B, 233A suicidal feelings, depression, loneliness, marital difficulties, troubles in families, mail us the clip - out or leave it in one of the "drop - boxes" we have placed respectively be< and 233B. drugs, problem pregnancies, and dating (WWk around the campus. If you need more >using. If they problems. To each of these calls we have hey spend the Humanities: 241, 242 and 243. tried to respond in ways that are helpful. space for any of your answers, please conditions, it s< attach an additional sheet. difficult todev Chemistry: 130 and 141. The Listening Ear is financially Drop - boxes will be placed in the FULL SIZE PIZZA ONLY $1 supported by the contributins of people Union, the International Center, and in ngful, long wonders why pe Economics: 200 and 201. from the community. We would like to the following dorms: Akers, Brody, Case, ied. Certainly acknowledge that support. We deeply Owen, Shaw, Snyder and Yakely. You s the indepem Geography: 204. appreciate the help we have received from may also drop the clip - out off at the ito an extent the greater Lansing Community. The person is constantly called upon to History: 121 and 122. Listening Ear, 547 1/2 E. Grand River, or ed States. money and assistance donated by mail it to us at that address. own future. Math: 108, 109, 111, 112 and 113. (i. Baton Psych: 151 (Readings in Psych Today). THE LISTENING EAR: REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK you may sign up for sorority Physical Science: 203. 4. What things did you (or your friend) dislike about talking Statistics: 121. 1. Have you ever called the rush MARCH 8 - 12 from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Listening Ear for help with to the volunteer? something? . . . ( )Yes ( )No a. If yes, about how at many times? TIMES If no, do you have a close friend who has called the Listening Ear and told you McDONELhail Plus Digests of the following books at about what happened? ( ) Yes ( ) No $1.00 each. Hubbard hall * holdlnhall 5. What things do you think \ e could do to improve our 2. Was the volunteer you service or to be more helpful? (or your friend) talked to helpful Rather hall * campbkll hall Devil in Massachusetts, Uncle Tom's to you (or your freind)? ( ) Yes ( ) No Cabin, Citizen Tom Paine, Poor White, PLEASE EXPLAIN w'lson hall * gilchrist hall Puritan Dilemma, The Black Experience, also Afro - American History - Frazier, 6. If you have never called the Listening Ear, was it Room ioi student servkts bldg. Autobiograpl of Ben Franklin, and because: Biography of Malcolm X. ( ) You haven't had problems you wanted help with? From 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. * 1 P'"-" -s p-1"- 3. What things did you (or your friend) like about talking ( ) You felt we couldn't help you? to the volunteer? PLEASE EXPLAIN Space courtesy of the CARD SHOP Catttpui Auri We gratefully acknowledge the donation of this 217 E. GRAND RIVER space by Cedar Village Apartments, Pat Pulte, Manager (y Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March « TRUE LOVE TRIUMPHS Boyfriend' spells harmless fun By KENNETH STERN of army mice) are being Pentecost, Framingham Center, Aside from that , "The Dolly" garb. State News Reviewer "finished" at Madame Mass, junior, as Lord Boyfriend" provides a fun-look "The Dubonnet's school on the Brockhurst. back to the '20s. The show's continue next Boyfriend" French Riviera. The only scene in the show costumes from past weekend are the ads for time, place it Characterizes the New PI»vprO They aM eventu»l,y r«nd that really needs work is the Broadway shows, Including tickets,and do watch ,!!..? off tickets.and and currenT pro^uction of Sandy *usb»"ds "nd trUe l° b°*innin* of the second act Dorothy four's "Hello, Cole, she is terrific. for v ^ B^Tp'oo, "tile rich of bouncy light - hearted and absolutely harmless - an excellent remedy for end -of term hassles. T Toncy, situation, son Brochhurst, off Ij|Hv Lady and working as a anH Lord similar 'Honors options' gel This latest effort, in contrast messenger to find a true love. Of . „ ThT «V-'««» „ course, the two meet *• /««o i presentations ( SalvationS»i *»' and "The Boys in the Band"), is happy nonsense and at times j immediatelv fall in love, immediately is happy. love and al The choreography, created by OK from c 'Boyfriend' quite entertaining. The book,on the other Connie Dickmeyer, East Lansing hand, is junior, and Greg McDonald, Bad courses, he will receive an "H" "I see the option as Sandy Wilson's musical comedy, "The Boyfriend," began its two • week run. The Roaring '20s uninteresting and rather dull. A Axe graduate student, adds some designation his one mi ' ^ bunch of squeaking English on transcript, hinrr that thing that at feast e^oZ"" ..a. " _ r girls of the spark to the show. The play will be performed March 11, 12 and 13. Student tickets are $1.50 and $2. (most of them squeak almost musical numbers are catchy, fl!!\a.S_200" Or,.400Hr m®king ffered encountered from the \ s,fsr.d'pir„s tt&sxzrs: z & t tQ Hmit the |on tQ dTpTrTmwts'^'lnc^ studentt"h" &ruon "ih-3 book drive for 'sister city' contemplate. Unfortuantly, Jane Hoppe, Kalamazoo freshmen, lacks the special format and designation. The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources has been been made- YOUTH EFFORTS pnuosopny. British necessary something to make her authorized to offer honors Honduras, a small country on the Caribbean Sea, is in Belizians desperately need books for the bare shelves of its characterization of Polly Brown options but will not do so spring trouble, and Michigan is working on a rescue plan through the libraries, according to John Hunter, director of the Latin memorable term. Vaughn or even Michigan Partners for Cities program. American Studies Center. very good. Miss Hoppe doesn't make the Lansing is conducting a book drive for Belize, the capital of the most out of the role that made Blackington said the honors Latin American country and Lansing's "sister Although the project orginally began with Lansing, the East city" under the Julie Andrews and Judy Carne. option designation is being plan. Lansing fire chief gave permission for the fire station on campus offered to "institutionalize" and near South Complex to be used as a collection point, he said. Celia Pollyea, Benton Harbor make more visible the courses Donated books will then be taken to political Lansing. senior, has a beautiful voice, and Tryouts Tonight "We do need books," Lennox August, a Belizian native and Noel Coward's "Parisian with "special study arrangements." These MSU graduate student, said. "We have Pierrot," which was added to the tA ew quite an extensive library system throughout the country. But they're not really very well show especially for her, is one of arrangements include groups projects, alternative syllabi and stocked." the highlights of the evening. Vaugh, chief sponsor of t forms of independent study. Spring Productions - The rest of the cast is all very By WANDA HERNDON Michigan 18 - year - old voti Medical books are old and out of date and there is a definite State News Staff Writer rights bill, stated that you "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest " lack of scientific and business books. fine with one or two exceptions. Blackington said the Honors The best of the rest includes Miss College is involved in the honors people are systematically deni Hunter said old textbooks are ideal for the book drive which Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D - Tom Paine" Dickmeyer as Maisie, squeaking option to "recognize that kind the right to participate will continue to the end of March. Detroit, recently told Holden Jacalyn Regottie, Berkley of work that is already being politics. "We need books primarily in the science and business Hall residents that for Stop the World, I Want to Get Off " he said. "The emphasis should be on the education areas," sophomore, as Fay and James done and to encourage those young "Young people represent - type who aren't doing it, both people to become more involved balance of power. This is u material. Most of the book stores have a good stock of fiction." and concerned with politics, a most politicians are upset. Th Applications political party and political new Monday & Tuesday March 8 & 9 cannot deal with students, awareness is needed. they hide behind the cliche tl union bdiiroom 6-11-00 "We just haven't had enough "Yound people should see if students are not old enough Scripts Available 149 Aud for waivers honors offerings as we would have liked to have," he said. they can build a creative, repl society in which the highest participate in politics," Vaug said. Iversit value will be people," he said. The present political The option also will syi due Monday permit students to approach a professor Vaughn suggested that groups such as the black militants, according to Vaughn, is addressing itself to young peo T. . . . ine aeaaiine . tor . . . a»d ask him to teach a course in women's liberationists and and if the system is to applying for an area of mutual interest. members of the peace movement changed, young people m "An endless number of things <° achieve . rca, society. register to vote. Permits may be obtained in might be done," Blackington . Vaughn who is also the v 170 Bessey Hall, 202 S. Kedzie said- president of the Michig With the StUQ6ntS CJ©t committee to free Angela Da Brody Hall or 245 W. Fee Hall, approval of the said the United States is mov Exams w,ll be given on March appropriate department and the QOOS6 Honors College, the class then 9 00 56 gnriC e99S, steadily to the political right demonstrated by Miss Da\ i language, natural T°a? science, "ghtsocial "-I would be disgnated an "honors ODtion " science and humanities. "When this will really work not sheepskins "Angela Davis because of political repressi is in best is when students go in to a Gov. Reagan Tired her as PARIS (AP) — Jacques teacher because of her politi professor and ask him, 'Will you do this this term?' " Huguier, medical professor, gave beliefs," Vaughn said, Blackington zeros to 127 of the 167 said. Vaughn also said that peo candidates for the French have to become militant becai gyecological degree. Students conservatism is not going said the goose eggs fell into three institute change. It is up to t categories: "zero, but could youth to bring about the chat continue studying;" "zero, that needs to come, he said. useless to medicine;" and "zero, a real public danger." MSU LECTURE SERIES presents - CONCERT Heavy metals MAZOWSZE 100 Dancers, Singers discussion set and Symphony Orchestra. The last in a series of f< Series B seminars on heavy metals "Co See MAZOWSZE' environment will be held fV( and when you 12:10 to 1 p.m. today ii leave, P»irmeni you will discover that Soil Science Bldg. *hes the you have forgotten how Topic of today's colloquii to frown." will be the essentiali his talk Walter Terry, Saturday Review deficiency and toxicity ofhei litory metals in the plant - soil - anil ildhood' University Auditorium - human system. Monday, March 8 Bernard Knezek, 8:15 p.m. professor of crop and Students $ 1.00 with full ■ time science, will be the discussi leader. The meeting is open I.D. Tickets on sale at Union Ticket Office all interested faculty members and students. Playing Thi Devastating, L "The White House Murder Case" Jules Feiffer Takes Politics And The ipiritua •ororiti °PPorti Wonders Kiva March 8 9 Brody Arena - McDonel Kiva March 10-11 March 12 -13 All shows 7:15 Admission $1.00 p.r Performing A rts Company J»y. March Slate News. East Lansing, Michigan 8,19 Monday. March 8, I97l 7 jusiness committ©© to oir Cigarettes 1.39 O.-T. 10% OFF The Discount Price .59 Coated un Tanning Lotion Boyfriend ext weekend. Che w J proposals with GM March meetine meeting th„i that the , a reps * 3/95c Limit 1 2oz. tube on Clairol Haircoloring all Rubber Bands 29c "me, piace and By DAVE PERSON «>mmittee is considerine the ieonardi™ that would Other committee members (Coupon) Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 (Coupon) nd do watch state Newi Staff Writer issue. The MSU Boarri ,!t jf°pardlze the retirement fund is expressed doubts as to whether Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 forM Trustees is responsible for vr.tinn East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only terrific. theTsq^ PMP^Ht,ble f°r im irrational but MSU should single out one East Lansing Store Only University Business 13 ™ Votin8 imm°ral," Edward W^Nath Committee decided MSU. ' MSU M °W"ed by Pressor of humanUes said consi<"iring 2.99 .89 ,/sday La**1 spring, the trustees f ! 50% OFF The Ksentatives arsysr mr** Dody Dra and m Retail Price on Lavoris ge Kporate -xt pa* Responsibility to meeting to discuss three conceltllng CM which favor that of time G'M composed largely of a « in . 1 all French-Italian Panty Hose Combination Mouthwash Iodine 1 oz. htter \ . ai«airs committee members haH ^ W. Uttle .asocial* «c„mmcnded lhat ^b"s ™ Sunglasses $239 49c tfee 14< metallurgy, metallurgy 7 oz. rials science ,jlowinp fot t JPff YE^R, ■ °LD man who escaped about 2:30 a.m. Limit 1 Limit 3 Limit 1 Corporate Limit 1 of the committee, .**•" "" orporati mnrninJ 7 d™ ^Ion,a Reformatory was apprehended later that (Coupon) _ I chairman (Coupon) (Coupon) morning at Birch Road and Shaw Lane Expires After 3-20-71 (Coupon) e option Cointed a subcommlIttee to publk^SyVwp^rted. °M'S attempting to steal an automobile. MSU police said an officer where , police said, he was East Lansing Store Only Expires After 3-20-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 3-20-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 3-20-71 East Lansing Store Only >t least as onem encourga* ^f^the Administration recomn^ndj tC°mmittee mad(' no saw the man in the walking to the station about 10 am vehicle tampering with the ignition switch and .89 .79 ween students ig to discuss the issues. TS ok him into custody. Police later ran a check and learned the 20% OFF The 20% OFF The Py now have |pt three proposals the directors toreethe pub,ic GM interest e o communicat has ■— devised would: GM to list on its directors. board of afternoon eSCaped fr°m Ionia' where he was retu™ed Saturday Discount Price Discount Price Sea & Ski lohnson & lohnson Both proposals were defeated jton said he negative reaction :"didr ited by "sarsf shareholder mi^i Michael «, K. iiict-UNg. lni Haviland, Council were TWO REPORTS of stolen vehicles from campus parking areas received this weekend by police. on all on all Tanning Butter Daby Oil John S Meiu, Lansing ut cautioned, Graduate Students sophomore, told officers someone stole anything with GM consumers ^consumers, e tQ the his car valued at $150, sometime Saturday night from the parking Polaroid Sunglasses Tanya Suntan Products one scream." and ... % At nf - Aiiairs Committee, made a.lrs Committee, made thp the bays of Chestnut Road near Wilson Hall. James B. Lansing graduate student, said Saturday his Blough, East 2oa. 57c 55c lost questions he I from the %tedidirectors. BGM KtoiI rtio" formed to that a subcommittee study the be social *400, was discovered missing from motorbike, valued at parking Lot X sometime Limit 1 (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 Limit (Coupon) 1 Limit 1 (Coupon) Limit 1 (Coupon) (Require GM to publish in ts responsibility between Feb. 27 and Saturday. Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 its have concert of the University East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only :ation ,, 1 report statistics on its as an investor Police said they were not aware whether Meiu's automobile East Lansing Store Only rather - consumer , in auto pollution The motion • was locked at the time of the theft. Blough's motorbike has been 1.09 auto aafety and M he would X, "he chained to a light pole in the parking lot, officers said. .18 " 200 OFF The 200 OFF The will be S!"iUee membeR " * "te, TWO BURGLARIES from the Music Friday to police. Building were reported Right Guard Dial Soap Knted at the annual GM The University Retirement Discount Price holders meeting in May Fund finances 2*00 of ^ A stereo amplifier with removed sometime before March 3 from an estimated value of $191 was Deodorant Discount Price •he Business Affaris GM shares, Roger E an unlocked cabinet in a 3V4 Wilkinson first floor room, police said. oz. fes Bmi,tee will request that the vice president for busTneiTnd b® informed at their finance, said. Robert A. Scott, East Lansing graduate student, told police 4oz. 49c on any Shampoo un any Hairspray three textbooks and one workbook with a total of $25 were stolen sometime estimated value between Feb. 26 and 28 from the 12c Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 3 basement storage room in the Limit 1 building. ecture tour (Coupon) (Coupon) tion * Expires After 3-20-71 (Coupon) (Coupon) * * Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 A COAT with East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only £ an estimated value of $10 was taken East Lansing Store Only afternoon from public coatracks near a first floor classroom in Friday lief sponsor of • year • old voti German prof Akers Hall, Gene M. Price, Lansing senior, told police. 1.00 .20 200 Count .59 stated that you NOW III.AR THIS FROM TIIK YOP HINGE Squirt Camellia Tampax to rstematically den participate lo discuss a AT Till. STOHi: WITH TIIK RKD IJOOH! Frisbee Guns Facial Tissues 10's jeople represent An internationally known Natural Resources MSU offers a choice of 23 sororities. lower. This icitor, and authority on Bldg. One of them is right for you. ans are upset. Th with students, deaf children will speak An evening lecture at 7:30 in the Union Gold Room will cover for sorority rush and find out for Sign up 63c 14c 20c 19' ampus twice today. "New Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 5 hind the cliche Aspects in Early yourself what we're all about. (Coupon) Limit 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) not old Education for Hearing Impaired Expires After 3-20-71 (Coupon) enough Armin Lowe, professor at the East Lansing Store Only Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 Children." East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 1 politics," Vaug Iversity of Heidelberg, East Lansing Store Only Lowe's visit Is sponsored by many, will give two public v nt the Dept. of Audiology and 1.00- 1.35 political syste 2.00 1.65 0 Vaughn, is ures dealing lirments in with hearing Speech Sciences under the Campbell's §> Shop _ children, i f auspices of the Alexander self to young peoj system is to iject of interest to educators, Graham icial education personnel and Bell Assn. for the Deaf. The Store With The Red Door Ph. 332-4269 Opaque Leg Hugger Nude Look Plain Knit iung people mi irnts of children with hearing te. iciencies. Knee Sox Panty Hose Panty Hose Panty Hose ho is also the the Michig ^t to the East Lansing / * free Angela ed States is tno\ i will * hls onIy stop jJ ADVENTS ARE 69c 69° sp 89c tWgan during a lecture tour Limit 3 - Limit 3 Limit 3 Limit 3 le political right the United States. (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 (Coupon) (Coupon) by Miss Da Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 East East Lansing Store Only Expires After 3-20-71 Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Some Davis lolitical repressi is in Iween the ages 6,000-7,000 children ehigan have been diagnosed or of 5 and 19 in LEADING THE WAY 1.10 .79 .29 .29 1 fired her as ise of her polit pected by school officials as Crest Eatons >hn said. ring some hearing impairment, Toothbrush Hinged » said that peo tording to figures released this rt by the AT HIFI BUYS Corrasable Dond ne militant beca ucation. Michigan Dept. of Toothpaste Holder Soap Box is not going ige. It is up to Typing Paper The department Is about the cha working 63A g come, he said. 1 local and intermediate When we planned Save On Systems Days (S.O.S.) at HiFi oz. 49c 17< 17< districts in the Limii 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 Buys we took care in putting together the best performing Limit 1 flopment of preschool (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) opams for the components you could get for your money and leading the Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 hearing East m eta Is and last year enrolled way are the ADVENTS. Stereo Review calls them the smoothest and widest range speaker system that they have Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only \ East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only children under five in the had the pleasure of testing. A concise high range, vibrant .79 2.00 2.25 education programs. mid-range and the extreme low bass reproduction, which is sion se ■k are still preschoolers living one of the most expensive characteristics to build into a Kodak Color Film i a series of f( ° an auditory wtected and untreated. handicap, speaker system, sets the Advent loudspeaker apart from Masking Black Lite Flashcubes anything else in its price class. In this respect it can only be heavy metals compared to the best acoustic - suspension speakers selling Posters 126, 127, 620 will be held fr< today in 20! towe will 's of discuss possible for twice its price — or more. At $116 it is a bargain — Tape (Includes New X Cube) m. detecting these Downtown — 210 S. Wash. during S.O.S. days. So Step Inside and compare the ldg. airments before the child 12exp. oday's colloquit essential! ™es the public school system talk on "Pros and Cons of Frandor Shopping Center East Lansing — Advents for yourself. 39' $p $J19 g^C Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 2 Limit 2 I toxicity of hei litory Training in Early 207 E. Grand River (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 (Coupon) i (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 plant - soil • anii ildhood" at 4:10 p.m. in 221 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Expires After 3-20-71 East Lansing Store Only Knezek, ADVENT 14.95 crop be the and discussi Flash bulbs leeting is open Are Sororities Really I faculty Sunlamp with Stand AG IB 99c itudents. M3B 19 Dying? $979 $ No. SB ^ 19 Limit 1 Limlit 2 How could this *' possibly be true when sorority life can offer (Coupon) (Cou pon) much to enrich the college life of any girl'? A sorority Expires After 3-20-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires Af ter 3-20-71 East Lansin;1 Store Only offers 11 b a friendship. But it is more than just simple friendship. binding sisterhood that endures lon« ^ years have ended. Opportunities are ayaltable o be Jh^me service a to others through sorority life. leader Is open to you through The ab.lity o active sorority $1.00 OFF The Discount Price1 on all 8 Track Stereo Tapes Lim it 1 Participation. An enriched college education by ass,)C1^ (Cou pon) others of similar Ideals will cause you to grow Expires Aflter 3-20-71 East Lansing1 Store Only sP'ntually, intellectually, and socially, Therefore, how can •ororities be dying? They are instead opening the goidu opportunity of belonging to more and more college worn . SIGN UP FOR SORORITY RUSH ST ATE DISCOUNT HI-FI 307 E. Grand River M.00 MARCH 8-12 1101 E. Grand River Next To The Card Shop - A PAID ADVERTISEMENT 8 SPORTS Monday,March 8, || Grapplers do it again--6th straighl By GARYSCHARRER tournament. Lon Kadman (158) and Bruce Hadman Hicks (126), Rick Zindel (177) 2; Wisconsin fifth, 25; Minnesota sixth, 24; Purdue seventh, 22; Indiana eight, 20; ^ State News Sports Writer copped third finishes. MSU grapplers Illinois ninth, 17; and Ohio State crowned Big Ten titlists were 10th, 4. Greg Johnson After the preliminary bouts MSU trailed LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Time, "like Old (118), Tom Milkovich (134), Gerald TV Iowa by four points, but the Man River," runs an unobstructed course. Malecek (167), Dave Ciolek Spartans You can't change the pace of time and the (190) and placed eight wrestlers into the semi final • heavyweight Ben Lewis. John Abajace bouts. Iowa put seven into the semi final power of the meandering river always - (150) and Mike Ellis (142) won second matches and from that point on it was exists. MSU's wrestling team is beginning place honors. obvious that the race was between MSU to inherit some of these characteristics. Prior to the tournament many observers and Iowa. The 57th Big Ten wrestling predicted a close race between MSU, Iowa, In Friday night's semi - final championships were staged here over the University of Michigan and Northwestern. matches, MSU ripped open a 79-62 weekend, and the Spartan grapplers But the Spartans provided an awesome advantage over the Hawkeyes. Seven of the eight powered the way to their sixth consecutive attack in amassing 101 points and out - Spartans advanced to the championship conference title. MSU wrestlers, en route distancing their closest challenger, Iowa, by pairings. to Hicks and Radman won their consolation capturing the Big Ten trophy again, 34 points. The 101 points broke MSU's utilized team depth and five individual own record of 96 accumulated last year. match-ups and earned the right to battle for the third spots. championships for their victory. U-M finished a remote third with 41 All ten Spartan wrestlers placed in the According to Spartan Coach Grady points followed by Northwestern fourth. Peninger, Hicks' victories and third place landing was a "real pleasant surprise." Hicks' record had slumped to a 4-7-1 mark ALL WRESTLERS PLACE in dual meets and he lost his first match of the two day marathon. But the Maple Heights sophomore swept through three consolation matches including two one Green & White flood' point victories. In the finale he upended Steve Wessman of Minnesota, 8-6. Radman, seeded No. 2, was upset, 4-3, by Todd Rhoades of Iowa in his initial match. Radman then wrestled to two even stuns Peninger decisive victories before his match with Wildcat Leo Kocher to determine third and fourth places. Kocher scored a second period escape, Big Ten wrestling By GARYSCHARRER Abajace was the Big Ten titlist two years but Radman took a 2-1 lead with a reversal Zindel and Jacob battled through two takedowns. Johnson also picked up a State News Sports Writer ago. In his semi - final match with Purdue's in the third period. With 1:30 third hopes with 7-6 victory. The Gary Drury, Abajace scored a remarkable 9 Kocher scored another escape to tie the remaining scoreless periods before Zindel finally period escape. Two more points for riding one a minute of margin I - 5 comeback decision after being scored an escape in the third stanza. One time gave him a 7-2 victory. riding time. ■ Some said that the injury - riddled nearly score. Radman had accumulated one point riding time added to the escape gave Abajace got off to a poor start pinned in the early part of the match. Sophomore Milkovich won five matches a„ minute Wolverine freshman Spartan wresting squad might see an end to "I think John Abajace's victory over riding time for Junior Bruce a 3-2 decision. Zindel lost Zindel a 2-0 whitewash. including his championship dual with trailed 4-1 Jerry Hubbard""] after the first period its five year Big Ten reign — the fire was a close 2-1 Drury was one of the igniters of our team Defending Big Ten and NCAA champion Minnesota's Reid Lamphere. Like Johnson, c slowly burning to ashes. But after last match to Badger Pete Leiskau in the semi - Johnson led the championship match. Matters spirit," Peninger commented. "For a man finals. The East Lansing Spartan parade in the Milkovich is also a two time Big Ten titlist. complicated for the Pennsylvania weekend's Big Ten tournament it's quite to get up off his back after he is down 5 - 0 product then championship matches following the Milkovich never trailed in his match with s defeated Wolverine when he aggravated a sore ankle ii evident that Spartan Coach Grady Peninger is indicator what you can do if you Roger Ritzman, 8-2, in consolation pairings. an the consolation bracket and faced Illini Lamphere. second period. The final score of the m and company have just thrown another pile Johnson looked impressive through the Milkovich struck first with second really want it bad enough." Paul Jacob in the consolation final. a was 12-4. of wood on the fire. entire tournament. He pinned his first period reversal. Lamphere tied the score in Malecek was runner-up at 177 ii It was the first time that Peninger could opponent, OSU's Ralph Cox, and shutout the third period with his second escape. A year's tournament but won the tophoil recall that a team had placed all of its Illini Bob Mayer, 11-0, in the semi - final take down by Milkovich with 2:00 this year by deeisioning Hawkeye jl entries. Last year MSU captured five match. remaining shot him into the lead again. Evashevski, 5-1. Malecek defeated I individual titles and set a new scoring In the championship tilt Johnson Two additional points for riding time gave season's 158 champion in the semi record. This year the Spartans broke the squared off with Hawkeye Dan Sherman. Milkovich the 6-2 victory. • Earlier in the year Johnson and Sherman Against Evashevski Malecek scor scoring record and finished not worse than Ellis was seeded No. 1 and won four takedown and a reversal to third in any of the ten weight divisions. drew but this time Johnson dominated the decisions going into his championship complenl "I couldn't hardly believe it myself and I Iowa ace. Johnson held Sherman to two one minute riding time. ] encounter with Indiana's Bill Willetts. was standing there watching it unfold," lone escape points while the Spartan Earlier this season Ellis whipped Willets, Sophomore Ciolek breezed tournament with through! decisive score; Peninger said. "Once we got started, it was mighty mite scored first and second period 9-2, but this time Willetts ended Ellis' title like a green and white flood." (Please turn to page 9) "It was probably the most gratifying experience in recent years and I have SET MILE RELAY MARK tremendous more respect for some of the individuals on our team," Peninger beamed. "We always felt that most of them had It buttMp&g; the year they never seemed to tjgja the tiger loose all at the "It felt six times better to win it than TYackm.en 2nd in Big 70 the first time," he added. "Winning never By DON KOPRIVA ever to win a title in a Big Ten track gets boring. State News Sports Writer championship meet. Casselman's winning Despite all the fruits of victory several time was 1:10.2. Spartan grapplers were dispppointed that MADISON , Wis. - Paced by a record - The Spartan hurdlers performed very they didn't go further. smashing mile relay team, the MSU track well with five placewinners. Wayne team placed a solid second in the Big Ten Both Mike Ellis and John Hartwick, John Morrision and Dave Martin Abajace track meet Friday and Saturday in placed second, third and missed last year's tourney because of fourth, Wisconsin. injuries. Ellis respectively, in the 70-yd. high hurdles, was runner - up two years ago Wisconsin claimed the league while Hartwick (third) and Morrison and the title again eluded him this season as he finished second. championship for the fifthstraight year by (fourth) came back to place in the 70 - yd. running up 57 points to 46 for the low hurdles. Ellis's championship bout was one of the Spartans, 30 2/3 for Indiana and 30 for Two more Spartans placed in the mile, most Northwestern. led by Dave exciting battles Saturday afternoon. Dieters, who finished second He trailed 2 -1 going into the third Besides the mile relay quartet, MSU's to Wisconsin's Don Vandrey in 4:08.1 Ken period, Herb Washington (in the 60 - yd. dash) and exchanged reversals and then scored an Popejoy followed Dieters across the finish escape. After his opponent scored a Pile driver Bob Casselman (in the 600-yd. run) also line in fifth nlace. were victorious. 10 With Henderson takedown Ellis tied the score with a Spartan entries placed pulling up lame jn the Last year's Big Ten and NCAA titlist in other events, including five in the two reversal with :20 seconds remaining. Ellis Greg Johnson drives a shoulder 440, the burden for Spartan points there lost the shot for the title with Willets into Hawkeye Dan Sherman in an hurdles races. fell directly upon the shoulders of Holt and attempt to complete the final "kill." With John Mock replacing an injured A1 holding a minute Johnson successfully defended his title and was one of five the Highland Park sophomore one riding time responded advantage. Spartans to Henderson, the MSU mile relay squad won by taking third place. win individual championships. Photo by Jim Wilson the event in 3:12.9, breaking the world Mock preceded his mile relay effort record of 3:13.1 for a 220 - yd. track. Iowa by taking third place in the half mile with a set the old mark in 1967. 1:50.9. Mark Winzenreidof Wisconsin won Fencers edge out OSU by Mike Holt led off for the Spartan followed pulled running with a a muscle while 49.3 and Mike Murphy a 48.5. Henderson running in the finals entry had the 880 in 1:49.9. LaRue Butchee came home place in the 300-yrd. dash. Mike Goodrich of Indiana was victorioushere as he ran the in third of the 440 - yd. dash, so Mock stepped in event in 30.4. and ran a 48.4 for the third leg. to win The Spartan garnered all of their Big Ten When anchor man Cassleman got the points in the running events and actually crown baton he was a yard behind Illinois' Den Dozier, but the Spartan freshman passed Dozier on the final curve and raced home outscored Wisconsin, 46-40, in the events, but the Badgers managed 17 points in field events to sew up the running By CRAIG REMSBURG foil total of - tenth of a second in championship. seven wins was somewhat one front of him. State News Mitchell Gross, from Ohio State, MSU's best chance for points in the field Sports Writer disappointing, but, as Schmitter said, finished in the foil class. Indiana's Washinton, as expected, was a little too "Without these wins we wouldn't have Randy fast for the rest of the conference sprinters events came in the triple jump with Eric A short time ago, while Majors was second and Wisconsin's Neal anticipating the finished ud there in the standings." and won the 60 in 6.1, which is two - Allen, who was the defending champion. Big Ten meet, Spartan Fencing Coach Mathers had a big day, Cohen finished third. Charles Schmitter winning the Big tenths of a second off the world record he Allen fouled three times, remarked that Ten "It was a very close, four - way however, and epee championship. This effort dogfight shares with many others. "Wisconsin, Ohio State, Illinois and MSU qualifies him to travel to the Air Force and we were never far ahead," Schmitter one of those jumps nullified, an effort of are all on a Casselman's victory in the 600 was also par and anybody could win," Academy in Colorado, Mar. 18-20, for the said. "But we got a small lead at the 10 - 48-7, would have given him second place even though MSU had lost to each of these bout mark and expected, but was still quite noteworthy had it counted. NCAA meet. A first or second place finish hung on to win." teams in regular season action. in each since he became only the second freshman Spartan Asst. Coach Jim Gibbard was Bob Casselman weapon qualifed a player to Well, the Spartan fencers proved him participate in that meet. "exceptionally pleased with hi; right Saturday, combining a great team effort with a top individual performance The Detroit sophomore was only 3-3 in HOOSIERS WIN AGAIN performance. shoo the preliminary round, but advanced to the "Second aecoiiu isn't imi i what wiiav we •■■■' by epeeist Bill Mathers to win their first finals on the basis of the number of for, but we still beat eight other pr iststrok Big Ten championship since 1963. Swimmers good teams," Gibbard said. touches for and against him. Mathers and The Spartans finished first with 37 points, just nipping defending champion Ohio State by two. Wisconsin followed Ohio State's John Seich both beat Paul Herring in the final round and Mathers then defeated Seich for the title. Spartan 4th "We got a bad break witn (Henderson) pulling a muscle in e and with no points in the field even with 33 points and home team Illinois contest. The last MSU fencer to win the By DAVE WOODS Furthermore, Indiana failed to win and swam on the medley and 800 freestyle it's got to be a great performance. finished fourth with 28. Indiana with 19, Big Ten championship in any weapon was Mark State News Sports Writer only two swimming events, while sweeping relays. "We've got a lot to be happy aD Purdue with 13 and Minnesota with six at least the top three spots in seven races. Allan Haskell, Dilley had who turned a good meet for the 2 got a very young team. Th^ > the trick in sabre brought up the rear. Each bout won was competition in 1966. Lanini was far and away the most Spartans, as he managed a fifth and a sixth seniors who placed for good for one point in the scoring. The amazing swimmers of Indiana Herring, who finished second in the productive of the Spartans, as he also in two races against the best backstroke Hartwick. All our other placewinners "This is our best season since 1963 and continue to reign over the rest of the Big totaled a sixth in the 200 breast and a meet last field in the history of the be coming back next year. it's a pretty good feeling," Schmitter said. year, was undefeated in the Ten, unbeatable and unapproachable. Big Ten, if not of ninth in the 200 IM, and swam a preliminaries, winning six bouts. But, by Last weekend the Hoosier tankers rolled leg on collegiate swimming. "Before the season began, I was just MSU's second - place medley relay. hoping falling to Mathers and Seich in the finals, Dilley also placed ninth in the 400-yd. for a winning dual record." he ended up third. up an incredible total of 601 points at the That medley relay race was undoubtedly individual medley, led off the The fencers not only accomplished that Sabreman Doug McGaw had a good day, conference of second championships, far, far ahead place Michigan's 324. Ohio the high point of a Spartan performance relay, and swam a leg on the seventh - place medley Cleveland rally « matcl ting. goal, but their 9-6 season record was the finishing in a tie for second place with - that was otherwise somewhat 800 freestyle relay. best MSU mark in five State gave the Wolverines a bit of a scare He deft years. The Big Ten Dave Carson of Illinois. disappointing. While a few swimmers John Thuerer totaled 22 crown is icing on the cake and Schmitter attributes such a fine season to the attitude record, however, he will go down in the record books as By his touch before settling into third with 309, while MSU finished fourth with 207 points. turned in personal bests, and placed higher than expected, MSU's big guns were often points for the Spartans, with 1650 a individual fifth in the beats Pistons ln«ota's Hold of of his players. finishing in third place. On their way to their free, a seventh in the 500 free, and an Wisconsin's Tom Giaimo placed first. overwhelming just a bit off when it hurt the most. Paul eighth in the 200 fly, as well as a share of "We have a good bunch of scrappers and Spartan Fred Royce was 4-2 in the triumph, the Indiana swimmers quite the 800 relay duties. DETROIT (UPI) - Bobby Smith® (r trailir Ken Winfield, who last the kids put a lot into literally re-wrote the record book. Of last year finished basket with 29 seconds remaining it," he said. "Once preliminary round and won o"o big bout in second in both butterfly events to Thuerer had some bad luck in the 500, afternoon. Enabling the Cleveland Ca they began to believe in themselves they the final, li was the first year's 16 Big Ten records only four remain. as his final tiro was the fourth best of the Big Ten meet One of those Inc.ana'o Mark L»ptiz, l'ell to fourth in the to win their first road game 'nee n were off and running. new standards belongs to Everybody did their appearance for Royce. 200 and sixth in the 100. race, but his qualifying time had placed and defeat the Detroit Pistons 104-iw job and it was a total team effort." Foilers Ira Schwartz and Chris Spartan Jeff Lanini, who was clocked in him in the consolation A team effort it Held 59.5 for his preliminary heat of the A fourth and a sixth against the best of heat, and out of the national basketball association ga«>e- was, as the Spartans never made it to the final round. Schwart top six. showed good balance in the meet. The 100-yd. br ' • All the rest the ?•!'. Ten is a creditable The first - year Cavaliers, who have slightly "under the weather", according to belong to very Amonr the Spartans who failed to win epeeists won 17 bouts and the sabremen Schmitter, won four bouts and Held won Indiana. performance indeed, but Winfield at his many points, but came up with good won 13 games in 74 starts, were t<>PP i close behind with 13 victories. The The Hoosiers also set six NCAA best is better than that. Smith's 23 points and John Warren s three. records, personal swims and promise for the future, and one new American mark in the Winfield also finished 11th in the 50 free 11 coming in i furious fourth - qu" «mp|onsh (Please turn to page 9) rally. Monday, March 8, 1971 9 SPORTS Spartan, M' icers split; trade overtime victories By RICK GOSSELIN After trading pairs of goals in the first Gilles did in the Saturday night contest. State News Sports Writer period with Michel Chaurest and Gilles Bernie got three goals and three assists of In a classic case of poetic Gagnon scoring for State and Merle Falk the eight Wolverine goals to justice, the and Gamsby trigger the senior hockey captain, connecting for Michigan, the Michigan offense. playing in the final Spartans seemed to fall into a coma during home game of his collegiate hockey career, the second period that almost cost Michigan's Gagnon and MSU's Boyd scored the winning goal in overtime them traded goals early in the first period, as did against the game. the cross state rival. ■ Buck Straub and Jerry De Marco midway Not only was that the case Gary Connelly scored an easy goal at through the period. Mike Jarry's goal with Saturday 7:27 of the second stanza as he skated in night as Randy Sokoll scored on the power 33 seconds remaining in the first stanza alone on Watt from the play with only 3:07 gone in the extra right wing boards. gave the Wolves their third lead of the Watt seemed to lose his session, but also on Friday night as bearings on the net game after only 20 minutes of play. as he wandered out and Wolverine captain Paul Gamsby put the gave Connelly half Jarry scored again early in the second of the net to shoot at from the short side. session to thrust light on behind Jim Watt with 6:28 gone in Rene DesMarais scored a minute Michigan into a two goal overtime to give Michigan its half of the later, lead, but Sokoll clicked on his own climaxing a 3 - on 1 break by batting a rebound at the four minute mark to offset split. The Spartans won on Saturday, 5 - 4, goalmouth pass past Watt from the right of that goal. the net. / saw, I shot9 I scored while Michigan was victorious on Ann Arbor, 8 - 7. Friday in With time slowly running out on the Bernie Gagnon once again put the Wolves two up, but Sokoll plugged back on Spartans, the situation took on an even In front of a record - breaking crowd of a power play rebound to again slice the bleaker atmosphere as freshman lead. 4,134 on Saturday night, the Spartans put 1 against * Michigan to salvage I pestering and Karl Bagnell's vain kick an< MSlTsplit of me t^Lh^SoTolll series. Sokoll 3 draTath'C overtime 9oal on Saturday night scored the winner together in the third period what had been lacking throughout the first two periods. defenseman Bob Boyd was detected for elbowing at 5:49 of the third period and Jerry DeMarco tied the contest up at 14:09, taking a pass from Zip Thompson at the shot. despite Tom Marra's (5) then given a 10 minute misconduct for And, fortunately for MSU, the third period behind the defense and jamming the puck momentum carried overreacting to the call. past Wolverine goalie Bill Busch. State News photo by Bruce the Spartans on But good things come in small Remington through the overtime. and MSU packages, The Spartans, despite the open offensive has one of the best small showing by the two teams, couldn't take packages around. Gilles Gagnon scored the the lead in the game until early in the third first MSU shorthanded goal of the season period as Dave Roberts raced the length of razier, Ali with Sokoll doing more than his fair share the ice and split the defense for MSU's on the play. sixth goal in moving ahead, 6 - 5. Sokoll stole the puck along the left go wing Boyd made it 7 - 5 with a tip - in of boards and flipped the puck to Gagnon Mike DeMarco's point shot at 4:07 of the who was breaking in alone from the center period. lane. Gagnon pulled the ■new YORK (UPI) — Joe Frazier, The stage was set and slid the puck string on Bagnell The Wolverines engineered their first by Ali's return for the Tups fighting for the last time, faces the biggest entertainment spectacle has called Frazier an "Uncle Tom" and a who has fooled lot of people. I'rr second along the ice for his goal of the night. comeback bid as Falk slashed into the two Lest challenge of his career Monday an $18 million bonanza with each in history, "White Hope" and has established himself fighting for myself a only Not long afterwards, Gagnon finished goal Spartan lead with a screen shot that and my Ei when he meets Muhammad Ali in a • fighter as a symbol for many black Americans. family." eluded Watt from 20 feet out midway getting $2.5 - million. All of the ingredients off his hat trick, scoring this time on a Tround heavyweight title bout at are there. "There are going to be a lot of white Around the world, the fight will be power play in tying the game at 10:29. through the period. Idison Square Garden while the whole folks paying hundreds of dollars to sit watched and heard by 300 million Bernie Gagnon once again in people, The Spartans failed to capitalize on two stepped into bid watches. Both fighters are unbeaten, Ali with 31 those ringside seats and watch me and 19,500, paying up to $700 per ticket power play opportunities late in the third, the Michigan driver's seat by scoring the Tjust one year and 20 days ago, Frazier victories and 25 get knockouts and Frazier whupped," the 29 - year - old Ali said. on the scalper's market, will jam into the sending the game into the extra period that game - tying goal with only 1:22 left in the Led worldwide acclaim with 26 victories as champion by and 23 kayoes; never "They're going to be cheering him and Garden in boxing's only live million dollar saw Sokoll game. The powerful Frenchman put a before has emerge as the hero. Wing Jimmy Ellis in five rounds in a champion come back from booing me, and that's the way I like it. It gate except for the days of Jack Dempsey On Friday night, the Spartans played backhand shot into the upper corner from tame ring where he will meet Ali. But such a long layoff to regain a world title; it makes me strong when I step into a ring and Joe Louis. one of their most ragged games of the an almost impossible angle that even Watt ■onths later, Frazier's claim was is a classic confrontation between and hear those boos. All those couldn't believe got in. a slueeer people are season, but it still took a power play effort tllenged when AH received permission to and a stylist. going to want him to win, and think of the Ali has the physical advantages his during the overtime session to maim the Gamsby point shot with less than four Dim to boxing after being clipped of the side with an edge of But the emotional ingredients are there, pressure that's going to put on him." nearly four inches ii Staters. minutes left in the fourth period gave the If and banned from the sport for 3' $ too. In the United States, Frazier is a 7-5 height at 6 - foot - three, 6Va inches ii Bernie Gagnon played the dominant role "He called me Uncle Tom," Frazier reach Wolverines only their fifth WCHA win in us for refusing to go into the army. an at 80 inches and eight pounds ii favorite, but elsewhere Ali is favored. Ali 27, said, "but he's a clown and a phony in the Friday night affair just as cousin 21 tries. weight at 214. SECOND HALF DOOMS SPARTANS 701 M' blitz buries 'S' cagers, 88-63 By JOHN VIGES lose and still capture the conference surge. The high scoring sophomore found Johnson. Both men were able to State News get Sports Writer championship. himself open enough to pop in 18 points in underneath the basket for easy shots, each "We just couldn't stay with Michigan's the final half. man did a good job of one half MSU was able to dream of rebounding and firepower," Ganakas said after the game. "We did a good job on Wilmore in the their presence under the basket seemed to letting Michigan's second place "Wilmore started to hit in the second half first half," Ganakas said. "We were able to intimidate MSU when the Spartans were tetball team but the Wolverines made able to and we just couldn't stop him. We did a keep him outside and he didn't take many get inside. Bill Kilgore's bad day for MSU awakened to reality by shots. In the second half he began to shoot MSU has been good job on Ken Brady but then Ernie attributed somewhat to ^hing the Spartans with a 52 point Johnson comes in and kills us." more. We gambled that he wouldn't hurt us Michigan's big men. t spurt in the second half to win Rudy Benjamin led all scorers with a 29 from the outside but he did." The contest consisted of halves that hfaway, 88 - 63. point performance as he played one of his Dan Fife added 14 Wolverine points, 11 were polar opposites. The first half saw Shifting defenses that kept the high best games of the season. The senior coming in the first half as the experienced MSU play the style of game that they kered Wolves off balance, and some fine intended to, a conservative game on n shooting captain connected on his first four shots Michigan captain kept MSU from ever kept MSU in the lead for and finished with a fine 13 ■ 17 shooting opening up a big lead by popping in 15 offense and a variety of defenses to keep it of the initial half and it was the Wolves off balance. only game. foor jump shots. ■n by a point when the half ended. Benjamin started the game at a forward, A big factor in the Wolverines' victory MSU put in their first six shots from the ■But Michigan began to solve the Spartan the field and the Spartans shot 57 percent in a situation designed to get more motion was play of their centers, Brady and i the second half and, as MSU the half compared to into MSU's offense. Benjamin was to work Michigan's 40 t very cold from the percent. field, the $ started to connect on the open himself free, away from the ball, and then take a pass and shoot. The strategy worked Big Ten Standings In the second half it was the Maize and >tsthey were often given. well as the Spartan captain could get an Blue that had the hot hand as they made ■The Wolverines built up an 11 point lead 55 percent to MSU's 30 percent. Michigan open shot without tying up the ball when Til then outscored MSU 24 • 10 in the last was able to open up their running game, he didn't have a clear opening. i>t and a half minutes to clinch the The Wolves countered Benjamin with a what the Spartans had tried to prevent them from doing, and MSU could not balanced scoring attack, something MSU stay ■The final result was dissappointing for could not match. Michigan had four men in with the fast breaking Wolves. l"tan coach Gus Ganakas and his squad double figures and two others had nine The lead had see - sawed throughout the I eliminated any first half, the biggest lead held by either possibility of finishing points. Pat Miller scored 10 and was the season with a .500 record and they team being the four point edge MSU held w have to only Spartan besides Benjamin to reach after five minutes had gone by. win both of their remaining double figures. Michigan * to equal their Big Ten mark of a took the lead to stay on a Henry Wilmore Henry Wilmore led the Wolverines with ago. Michigan was even more 26 points and it was his second half SATURDAY'S RESULTS jumper with 20 seconds remaining in the srate for the win because they cannot Michigan 88, MSU 63 half. shooting that sparked Michigan's scoring Ohio St. 68, Northwestern 6 At the start of the second half a Red hot Purdue 99, Illinois 93 Minnesota 85, Wisconsin 81 Michigan press gave MSU troubles and helped to speed up the play of the game. A Rudy pair of Spartan time - outs could not slow Rudy Benjamin releases a jump shot over Michigan's Wayne Grabiec in TUESDAY'S GAMES Swimmers fourth Minnesota at MSU, 8 p.m. Indiana at Ohio State down the Wolverines and with 12 minutes left to play Michigan had opened up a 10 Saturday's game at Ann Arbor which the Wolverines won, 88-63. Benjamin had a good shooting game, scoring 29 points and keeping the Northwestern at Illinois point lead which was never seriously Spartans in the game until midway through the second half. Purdue at Wisconsin challenged. State News photo by Bruce Remington (Continued from page 8) races, getting seventh in the 200 and 11th in the 100. Bazant is a junior. O'Neill is a sophomore, while SPARTANS FINISH FIFTH azant Virtue, another sophomore, placed 11th came on strong in both in the 500 free and ninth in the 1650. He U-M tops in stroke events, Big Ten shaving seconds off of shaved more than seven seconds off his gym meet . Pte-meet times to finish ninth in the "d 12th in the 200. previous best in the 500 to finish in the top twelve. ONei" also p|ace(j jn both breaststroke The Spartans' three senior swimmers, By MIKE ABERLICH U — M's Ray Gura placed second in all - Illinois and Ben Fernandez of Indiana McCurdy's 9.15 took first on the high George Gonzalez, Steve Mitchell and Mike State News Sports Writer around and fellow Wolverine Red Marti along with Ken Barr of Illinois stealing the bar, and Iowa's Barry Slotten led all the Boyle, also picked up points for MSU. took fifth. show. competitors on the long horse vault. U - Gonzalez placed eighth, ninth and 11th in COLUMBUS, Ohio Goliath turned the The meet consisted of four sessions, the M's Murray Plotkin beat out Illinois' Gene Grapplers win — Hunt put together a 9.3 average in floor three freestyle races, and also swam on tables around in the Big Ten gymnastics first of which was the compulsary, where Kalin and Spartan captain Mickey Uram to exercise to outdistance the competition in both freestyle relay teams. the gymnasts performed prescribed round out the medal winners. meet hosted by Ohio State here last that event and pretty well set the weekend as the defending league and routines. stage for Boyle took 11th in the 200 backstroke, The compulsary scores were averaged the next three years to come in floor The Spartans, although they weren't NCAA champion Michigan Wolverines cast and 12th in the grueling 400 IM, while exercise. Michigan's Ward Black grabbed able to pull out (Continued from page 8) all of the potential Davids aside in with the scores from the second session, any individual Mitchell got a 12th in the 100 backstroke, the optionals, in which the performers second, followed by Jeff Rock championships, did provide some and anchored the medley relay. gathering the conference crown once again. (Minnesota), Ray Gura (Michigan) and entertainment for the two - day affair. were able to do their own routines. U - M's Rick McCurdy was likewise a Uram. Fred Zafran fell on his head and The Spartan divers finished in the The top six averages qualified for the Mickey defeated repeater, winning the league all - around Uram wound up on his posterior in some Purdue's entry, 11-3, money on both boards, but were unable to title for the third consecutive time, which individual finals on each event while the Fernandez made a name for himself with "nesota's Neil Turner, 17-5, and Chuck extracurricular activity, but Tom Kuhlman first place finish on still rings, edging out match the scores of Ohio State', places him in a select category with such top three teams went on to the team finals. a outdid them all by landing on assistant md °f Northwestern, 16-2. Ciolek The compulsaries kept a number of his Indiana teammate Chuck Earle, 9.3 to Paul Zander of Iowa for the title and springmen past greats as former Spartan Dave Thor. coach Pat Kiviand. The Wolverines depth proved to be too otherwise probable finishers from the 9.1. 'trailing 3-0 came back for a 15-8 The on - meter results showed three much for Illinois and Iowa, who finished finals, as pre - meet favorite on the parallel Zafran landed the wrong way while gover the MSU senii in the top ten, led by Tom The Hoosier freshman hit a near Hawkeye hope. second and third, respectively, behind the bars Charlie Morse managed only a 7.85 to attempting a flip in floor exercise, and as a vyweight Lewis won a 3-0 shutout Cramer's excellent fourth - place showing. Cramer' virtually eliminate him from the finals. perfect routine in the finals, earning a 9.5 result of the Jim perennial powerhouse, while Indiana untimely fall, was pulled from Waschek and squeezed by Dave Jud Alward and Dave Coward followed in Morse did make it on the side horse, and "son of grabbed fourth and MSU, plagued by low competition because of a slight injury. Minnesota, 3-2. Lewis lost to eighth and ninth, respectively. scores in the compulsary session, took Uram reached the finals via floor exercise Illinois's Barr and Iowa's Ken Liehr nsoti in a dual and parallel bars, but Uram was the only meet with the Gophers Uram, while attempting a difficult «eek. The Spartans fared less well on the fifth. fought it out on the side horse before Barr yAiinHc Hrftnnpd Spartan to qualify for the NCAA finals, compulsary routine on the rings, also fell highboard, as bad last rounds dropped j i inci MSU sophomore Randy Balhorn pulled away to earn individual honors m»t Boilermaker Mike Cerqua in taking third on p - bars. and Kuhlman, in the optionals on the there. MSU's Morse finished fifth behind "na1 and achieved the Alward *~ 10 eighth and Cramer to tenth In provided the Spartans with ore of their only pin of the few high points as he finished fourth in all - Individual standouts dotted the Dick Kaziny of Michigan and Wisconsin's horizontal bar lost his grip, and wound up the three - meter standings. They had been jjpplonshii ""L'p matches with a fall at the fourth and seventh going into the finals. around, just 0.45 behind Iowa's Carl Walin. competition with freshmen Paul Hunt of Larry Scully. tumbling with Kivland, who was spotting. >10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. March 8, The State News does not permit racial or religious discrimination in its Scooters & Cycles fe&nkty speaking by Phil Frank For Rent For Rent For He 1969 TRIUMPH TR-6 $900. Take advertising columns. The GIRL TO sublet spring. Reduced GIRL FOR 4 man Spring term, advantage of me. Do it, today! W&sfl Close. Call Andrea, rates. possibly Summer term. Waters State News will not 337-1857 3 3-9 351 2370. B-3-8 Edge Drive Apartments. $70. accept advertising) which refriger (( Phone 351 5836. 5 3-10 • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates SUZUKI 350, 1970. Asking $600. occupancy, $200 plus against PINE FOREST. Lansing. East Call Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or Very good condition. Call Sublease April - September or ONE GIRL Spring. New Cedar B-4-3-11 before b pm 3 ^ J5191 489 0960. 5-3-12 Auto Parts & Service national origin. longer. 1 bedroom, unfurnished. Village. Reasonable. 337-2558 $165. Call after 5 30 p.m.. after 3 p.m. 7 3-12 Aviation 351 4190. 3-3-10 OKEMOS AREA. 3 bedroom • EMPLOYMENT Aviation with fireplace, large V8I(1 f , ' MEN: ROOMMATE IS) needed to only. $226 plus utilities • FOR RENT FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to COUPLE - ONE bedroom furnished, share luxury apartment near AvaiiJ plus. At 1-96 and Cedar. $125. immediately. 349 980?. j 3 ,0 Apartments Automotive learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE campus. Call 349-3530, 9 Also near LCC. $105. 663-8418. Houses Special $5.00 offer. 484 1324. C Rooms FORD VAN, 1963 and 1966 5-3-12 NEfDE ,MMEDIATEl Y two h • FOR SALE passenger school bus May be seen A uto Service & Parts ONE MAN senior / grad for two - WOMEN share ROOMMATE(S) needed luxury apartment near to 339-9419.5 3 12 aSl''U' at 921 E. Grand River, Lansing man. Spring / summer. Call campus. Call 349 3530, 9 a.m. 6 GIRL Animals 2 3-8 351-2614 after 5 p.m. 3-3-10 TO sublet Spring AT ME L'S repair all foreign and we p.m. TF Mobile Homes Summer. $52.50/mo'n American cars. If we can't fix it, it FORD 1 959. Good running SUBLET SUMMER Modern 2 351-6934.5-3 12 • PERSONAL can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O TWO BEDROOMS furnished. All condition for around town. $100 bedroom. Pool. No deposit. 54 utilities furnished except MUSICIANS .PEANUTS PERSONAL or best offer. Must sell. 351-1131 June rent paid. After 6 p.m., SEEK roommate REED'S GARAGE electricity and telephone. Walking • REAL ESTATE 1-3-8 393-5738. 5-3-12 FOR distance to campus. Four man 351-9160.5-3-12 • RECREATION FORD FALCON 1961. $150 or best TUNE UPS, BRAKES, $66.25 a person, three man LARGE TWO bedroom apartment, NEED COMPLETE EXHAUST $77.50 a person HALSTEAD THREE •SERVICE offer. Call after 4 p.m., 349-1314, furnished or unfurnished. or 355 7055. 3-3-10 SYSTEMS, GOOD WORK. "MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O basement. Spring Typing Service 882 0949. 5-3-12 351-9029. 3-3 9 2707 E. KALAMAZOO • TRANSPORTATION LANSING OR East Lansing. One PHONE 489-1626 COUNTRY DUPLEX » WANTED bedroom furnishod. Large, airy 2 VW GUARANTEED repair. rooms. Air conditioned. bedrooms, fullbasemen! DEADLINE RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at 'm MIGHT HAVE E1HIS DIVIS LOTHE T ONE ROOMMATE March 1. Cedar Beautifully maintained. Suitable carpeted. Appliances furnis 1 P.M class Okemos Road. 349-9620. 7-3-12 for faculty, grad students, business conditioned. A day country before publication. one FIRST "IM m m W E#)M(' AN ORAL Greens, Apt. B23. Ann 351-5731. 5-3-12 people, married couples. Lease. close in. 4 miles south se a IMPALA HARDTOP, 1967 Power, MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East 332 3135 or 882 6549 O Couple. $175 pei Cancellations 12 noo< Kalamazoo Street 882 8779. or 882 3820 5 3 12 32,000 actual. V-8 automatic, Since 1940. . . IN MASON: 2 room furnished one class day before Complete auto excellent condition, many extras, painting and apartment. Private bath, entrance. FEMALE. WANTED to share r publication. first $1250 351-3567.3-3-9 collision service. IV 5-0256. C GIRLS, CHEAP exciting 694-1931.3-3-10 apartment. Jolly ai Hedrick House Co Pennsylvania, 882-2542. 5 3 8 PHONE JAVELIN 1969 232, 2-barrel. Good 332 0846 5 3 12 3558255 condition. Many extras. Best Employment © Young America Corp. / 1304 Ashby rd. / St. Louis, Mo. SUBLEASE SPRING one or Meadowbrook Trace. two men $47.50 2, 3, or 4 men. 220 Cedar Street. ONE MAN needed for h, offer. 485-4021.4-3-11 month. 393-8289. 5-3-12 Phone 351-1394 (if no answer, „ RATES EXPERIENCED BARTENDER. Street. 2 blocks from Ber 351-7319). S-5-3-9 Iday $1.50 MAVERICK Resort hotel. June 12th - $65/month. 337 936b. S 3-10 1970, manual shift, 7 SUBLET FURNISHED 3 bedroom tires, 14,000 miles 355-1110, September 12th. Call 332-6839. For Rent 15c per word per day new 5 9 p.m. 3 3-9 3-3-10 For Rent duplex, guys, girls or family. EAST SIDE. 2 units, furnished. 1 NEAT GIRL. Share older h< 3 days $4.00 332-2961. 53-12 bedroom each. 3 months least. Near campus. Own REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for bedic 13Vic per word per day MGB WHITE 1965. Call 484-4143 HOME ECONOMISTS. Generate new BURCHAM WOODS. Deluxe 1 and 2 $110 and $130. 337-0409. 8-3-12 unfurnished. $53. 35, , 5 after 3 p.m. New top and paint food ideas. Product development RENTALS, bedroom furnished. Available ONE MAN Meadowbrook Trace 2-3-8 days $6.50 349-2220. 0-3-12 job. 8-3-12 and improvement. immediately or for spring i spring and summer term. Own ONE MAN to sublet spring. $75. 13c per word per day $8,000 bedroom and bath. $60/montfv Senior or graduate student. $12,000. Relocate. Fee paid. Swimming pool. From $150. GIRL WANTED, (based on 10 words per ad) MGB 1967, green, wires, low mileage. 393-8988. 5-3-12 Capitol Villa After 5 p.m., spring. Phone 372-7700, Personnel Manager, 351-3118. If no answer, Convenient, comfortable Peanuts Personals Excellent condition. Negotiable. Consultants. 3-3-10 Apartments 484-4014. 745 Burcham Drive. TF 351-4615. 53-9 134 Gunson. 351 7970 3 3 ho 9 must be 355-2732. 3 3-8 ONE OR two men. Own room, pre paid. MALE COLLEGE students. Good 414 SOUTH PINE. 1 bedroom SPACIOUS 2 bedroom sublease Ask for Bill, 351-8372. TWO BEDROOM duplex. Range, ONE furnished GIRL, furnished duplex 1 MONTEREY, 1 965. Very pay plus bonus. Part time Call furnished apartment in older 3-3-10 There will be a 50c service refrigerator, dishwasher, fireplace, dependable. New snow tires, 351 3591. 12-3-12 home. All utilities paid by owner. and drapes, carpeted. Available March bookkeeping charge if shocks. 58,000. 332-5210. 3-3-8 Ideel for 2 people, $110 per CAPITOL COMPLEX near, 3 15th. Call 482-4682 or 489-5366 this ad is not paid within PART TIME. Ambitious person with month plus deposit. No lease bedrooms furnished. $135 7-3-12 MALE TO sublet. Cedar required. Call 6 - 8 p.m. only, Mr. Village includes utilities. Girls or married one week. a sincere desire to earn $15,000 Alban 337-2510. 15-3-12 apartment. Reasonable rate. Call Rooms annually. Mr. Dunn, phone couple. Call 489 1276. 5 3-12 SUBLEASE FOR The State News will be 351 2286. 3-3-9 spring and/or 393-1007. 7-3-12 summer. Near campus. ROOMS Phone 10 minutes from , responsible only for the PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE, 1970, 6 NEED ONE roommate for 2 man. 337-0703. 3-3-8 CEDAR GREENS ONE GIRL, transportation to Completely furnished. 3 first day's incorrect cylinder 3-speed, tape player, WAITRESSES: Full or part time. No Downtown. Cheep. 484-2237. IV campus. $45 a month. Call before 4 p.m. C insertion. Ziebart rust proofing, 9000 miles. experience Will train. necessary. 1 bedroom furnished 7-5953. office. 3-3-10 349 9438. 3-3-9 $1700, firm. 339-2438. 3-3-8 Apply in person, ROCKY'S POOL LARGE FARM, house pr TEAKWOOD LOUNGE, 3600 CEDARVIEW APARTMENTS. One Deposit, call 393 0409 Call 351-8631 SUBLET TWO bedroom Burcham PLYMOUTH WAGON, 1962. V-8 South Logan. 3-3-8 bedrooms. Furnished. March 1st. FRIENDLY GIRL for p.m. 3-3 10 Woods apartment. Spring term. spring in automatic, power steering, radio. 351-5647. 5-3-12 Cedar Village. Call 332-2151.2-3-8 Reduced. No $60,351-8139.6-3-11 FEMALE. APPLICATIONS being deposit. 351-1557. 3-3-8 MEN: ONE block from Berkey, one FEMALE Automotive taken for parttime, mornings and efficiency apartment with cooking ROOMMATE, Graduate PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 1965. evenings. Apply DOG 'N SUDS, student preferred. Whitehall ONE GIRL for three man, spring, Fair running condition. Best offer. 4919 West Saginaw. 3-3-8 and 2 single rooms without. Call Manor. 351-4208. 5-3-12 GRAND RIVER. Furnished BUICK SKYLARK 1963. Air close to campus. $60. 332-1316. 1 - between 8 a.m. 12 351-6804.3-3-9 Greg, 339 8750, 339 8750. • or evenings, 7-3-12 employed person. Call t conditioned, V-8 automatic, snow 351-9504. 6-3-12 . 3 tires. 353-4786. 3-3-9 X-2-3-8 PART TIME employment: 12-20 COUPLE, SUBLEASE spring, p.m., 482 9059 63 12 ONE MAN wanted for 3 man hours per week. Automobile summer. Block from Union. PONT I AC GTO 1968 excellent NEED GIRL to share apartment with apartment. Spring term. No lease. ROOMMATE(S), (MEN) for two CHEVROLET IMPALA 1963, 6 required, 351-5800. O 353-7822, 10- 1 30 p.m. 211V4 D bedroom. Grad preferred. Haslett. ,, condition, rustproof, 3-speed, two sisters. $40/month. Block $70. 332-0905. 3-3-9 cylinder, automatic, good MAC. 5-3-12 floor shift, Iow mileage, west of 339-9468, 353-7229. 5-3-10 FEMALE ASSIST with Wilson. 332-6916, mechanically. $250. Call Bob, light NEW TWO bedroom. 1 mile from reasonable, one owner. 372-3697. housework and occasional 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham. EAST LANSING unsupervised r 353-6400 or 355-9107. 5-3-12 3-3-10 babysitting in exchange for room campus. Unfurnished. $165. 2-man furnished apartments Houses room for men. Private er.ti ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished. 332-5742. 8-3-12 includes heat. $62.50 to $80 per and board. 351 9596. 2-3-8 Cooking Parking. Nearly I CHEVROLET 1964, wagon, 6 stick RAMBLER 1962 Wagon. Reliable Auburn Street, Holt. Stove and man. 135 Kedzie 5 Must sell, Drive, $85 to EXPERIENCE COOPERATIVE house. Available Match 20th make offer. 355-9419 refrigerator furnished. No children $90 per man. Leases transportation. Call Phil HOUSEKEEPER. EXECUTIVE starting June 332-2361. 2 3 8 living. Bower House Coop has 5 5-3-12 337-2258. 3-3-8 requires experienced live-in or pets. $115/month Phone 15th and September 1st. Days membership openings for this 393-7480. 5-3-11 housekeeper in the East Lansing 487-3216; Evenings until 10 p.m. spring term and next fall term. ■ CHEVROLET, sharp 1965 Impala, TRIUMPH 1967. Spitfire. Wire WHEN ENOUGH'S enough look for 882-2316. O area. Full charge of large home Visit us any afternoon at 127 5 automatic, V-8. Best offer. wheels, Toneau cover. 845-2337, EAST LANSING. Nice, spacious 2 that better job in the Classified and 3 children Whitehills Drive. Room and board, ; 371 1286 3 3-9 after 6 p.m. 5-3-8 including 1 bedroom apartment home. Ads each day I pre-schooler. No housecleaning, GIRL SPRING. Luxury apartment $225 per term. Call 351-4490 for Unfurnished. Stove and will consider couple. Delta Arms. No deposit, $62 50 information to MEN. SHARE $130 J- CHEVY NOVA 1970, 3 speed, VOLKSWAGEN 1964 automatic refrigerator if desired. Private ONE MAN needed, 4 man, spring, no or arrange a ride. room. a 351-7668 3 3-9 4-3-10 Clean, quiet, cooking. 1 bl } automatic, V-8, light blue, 2 door. heater, radio AM-FM. Good Also excellent wages for reliable entrances, private basement. Close deposit. Come over, 551 Albert \ Call 834-5973 in Ovid in. No single students. 332-2686, campus. 487-5753, 485 88 or mechanical condition. 663-8492. No. 3. 7-3-12 TWO FOR 8 girl. Near campus. $65 woman to do MAN TO share ( 373-6628 in Lansing. 5-3-9 housecleaning 3 before 7 p.m. 3-3-9 one bedroom days a week. 372-0200, ext. 411 apartment utilities included. Deposit. Spring. SPARTAN HALL I spring term, pool, ONE OR 2 girls for sublease, spring, reduced rent. Sandy / Jackie. 351-2605. 8-3-12 Singles, V CHEVY II 1963. Good running Dave, 351-9437, evenings 3-3-9 349-0335. 5-3-11 men, wc VW, FASTBACK, 1967. Blue, 1 block from Berkey. 351-2765. 372 1031. O > condition. New snows, new carb. excellent condition, new tires. LINE UP your spring or summer job 3-3-8 FURNISHED, ONE double bedroom, J $250. 482-4257 or 484-1445. $1400. 355-1162. 6 3-12 SUBLET: 4 girl flat, utilities paid, off campus, children, pets, $115 now. Car necessary. Call 351-7319 \ 3-310 for personal ONE OR two malegrads wanted for FOURTH MAN needed spring, screened porch, available month. 882 6380. 4-3-8 For Sale VW SEDAN, 1966. Mechanic owned. Twyckingham. Call after 2 p.m., summer. $58.75. Adjacent immediately. Close. 351-1645. j' CORVAIR VAN 1961. Fair Radio and new engine. Top 351-4217. 5-3-11 campus. 332-0150. 5-3-10 3-3-8 EAST SIDE. ' condition $100 best offer. Call For Rent Newly remodeled, YOU CAN see the or condition. $950. 372-8130. 5-3-9 I rcished quality glasses from OPTICA evenings or Saturday 355 5781. Carpeted, strict landlord wants DISCOUNT, 2615 East Mi L 339 TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction Ctopcfutigliam Scooters & Cycles guaranteed. Free delivery, service serious conservative tenants. $200 Avenue, 372 7409 C 3 17 351-3969. O ► CORVAIR MGNZA 1965. Red. and pick-up. Call NEJAC, I automatic, radio. $350 is. WE HAVE Moved. ROLL ROSSER as - 337 1300. C NEED TWO girls, own bedrooms, car SEARS 12" black and a ; 484 4292. 3-3-9 Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. necessary. 485 8588, after 6 p.m. wi,h earphone. $75 3 55 778 Phone 489-4811. Our new address 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF TV RENTALS monthly 351-7900 - Students only. Low and term rates. Call to reserve yours. has . it 6 3-12 CYCLE INSURANCE Central UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C CROSSWORD ; EDSEL, 1959. 2 door hardtop, runs good. $250. Phone 485 2928 Michigan's INSURANCE largest insurer. Any cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON AGENCY ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV heated PUZZLE ► 3-3-9 p 332-5335. 484-8173. O RENTAL, 372-4948. C ACROSS 31. Lean to and 1. Begone! 5. Chapeau 32. Things to be added 8. New England 34. point ON THE TRAIL! cape 11. Bulrush 12. W. W. II area embroidery 36. Babylonian storm god 13. Cameroons 37. Devastation NO - WE WON'T HUNT tribe 39. Compound 14. Grafted: Her. ether 15. Centaur 44. Council YOU DOWN WITH A GUN 17. Gulf 47. Misprint DOWN 19. Midge 48. Legendary bird 6. Boinb 20. Alternative 49. Dusk 1. Greek portico 7. pick-me-up 22. Christmas song 50. Love god 2. Check 8. Marauder HOWEVER - 4620 S. Hagadorn just north of Mt. Hope Rd. 25. 30. Medicinal alkaloid Vegetable 51. However 52. Spread to dry 53. Lichen 3. 4. 5. Friend Golf pegs Dress edge 9. West Indian sorcery 10.June bug 16. Prize ma Student Ads must be paid by noon, 1 contest 18. Pacifier Friday, February 26th, and 21. Creek prepaid from Monday, March 1st; means no paid. registration, or you go on the HOLD list. This no diploma, no transcripts, no nothing, until 1 23. Medieval 24. Meadow 25. Horned viper I 26 Article TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury 11E 27. Repudiate 28. Hatefulness So, hurry and pay up! apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central-control air 1 29. Shaping tool 33. Unpaid Room 345 conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The adequately 1 35 Home ol the lamas planned for with Student Services Building giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If a you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom 1II 38. Glacial units start at $65/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 1 40. snowlield Stalk FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. 41. Neophyte SIX. NINE and TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. Heroic poem MICHIGAN STATE NEWS 42. 43.Tree ba-k 44.Shout MANA CEMENT EXCL US/ VEL Y BY: Alco Management Company 1 45. Cultivator 46 Inflamed Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigai Monday, March 8, 1971 11 for Sale For Sale Real Estate UNDERWOOD FREE KITTENS. Six Mideast weeks ol„ Liable, $24.95. Used furniture trained. 351-5021. 1-3-8 Rox OKEMOS SCHOOL DISTRICT. 3 ,1 kinds. ABC SECONDHAND bedroom frame ranch. 1'/, b8,hs. 1208 Turner. C Mobile Homes prepares STORE. "! ^nish«J basement. Oil heat, countertop range and wall T.'pnMBONE - KING 3-B, excellent oven. Lots of storage. Large 1 condign- Cell 339-8138. 3-3-10 BEDROOM. car Will accept ^age. Handy to East Lansing, (Continued from page 1) Israeli air space since the cease - and air force squadrons in the reasonable offer Okemos, Mason. . The paper speculated that the United Nations Secretary !• 351-6628.7-3-12 349-1125. 10-3-9 past few days. If83"' occupied Sinai. envoy's visit might result in General U Thant had called on 1969 HILCREST FA^UyrV 4 C0L0n,AL. Near MSU Syrian planes flew over Israeli C. , government Sadat revealed in his resumption of full diplomatic both sides to make concessions 349.3733. s-6-3-10 carpted. garbage sklr„,, disposol , bedrooms, 1'/, f lrePlace baths, washer positions in the Golan Heigh's on rged that Israel p m,htary preparations of its had stepped broadcast that he had paid a relations between the United secret visit to Moscow last week as proposed by his special many extras. Call 625 337-1597 after 3 $24,500. Saturday. It ™oe was the first States and Egypt. Middle East representative, D NAVARRE F-50 auitar with 3520.W p.m. 5-3-11 time Syrians had intruded into own, including deployment of and reached his decision not to 351-9034. 3-3-8 new P . ... . . „. ... Gunnar V. Jarring. case. mobile artillery, armor, rocket pads extend the cease - fire after I'orei8n Minister Khalil Abu home EAST „ skirting; Corcr LANSING. block appearance. $220 installed J*™"* 3 bedroom ranch conferring with Kremlin leaders. Hammfd °f ^eba"on afpPealed Jarring had asked Egypt for a Hollywood bed. $35. 1960 Tbird, offer of $50 or more. Call Call ELCONA 1969 371-1407. X-3-3-9 12'x56'Tbedroom condition sut>division. K7^Q,29,500 throughout. Priced 677-4915. 3-3-8 bv ownw- phone Like new at Pop< e urges increase "I came back completely satisfied and confident that the - Soviet Union supports our cause anew to the fiessu,re on srae' to formal commitment ,F°ur to e*ert *° withdraw make a commitment to enter peace agreement with Israel. He called in turn on Israel for a into a h«i Central from war-conquered territories. air for liberation and a just peace to ,f,er 3:30 p.m. 393-7264. 3-3-8 conditioning, skirted Hamad said in a statement in commitment to pull its troops 0-3^12P#rk MU$t Se"' 6416601' MAKE THE best of a Sell pianos and cost good thingl organs with low in Rome's churches the utmost limit," he said. "We shall no longer be bound Beirut that Arab states have gone to the farthest limit of out of occupied Egypt to the lines that existed between Egypt Classified Ads. Dial by the cease - fire agreement, and British mandated Palestine Lost & Found 355-8255. VATICAN CITY (AP) Pope Paul VI urged Sunday that concession and that pressure - church building be - "or T we to. refrain must be brought on Israel to do before Israel became an LINGER LAND DRUMS. Gene FOUND: TAWNY Recreation on Rome's periphery. stepped up in the sprawling modern quarters fr°m sh^ttng, Sadat said. But, added, this does the same. independent state in 1948. This puppy - Cocker would mean that Israel would Krupa deluxe. Covers and trap - clipped tail The pontiff, case $350. Call 393-7173. 3-3-8 Call: 353-2850. - near Wonders speaking from his window overlooking St. Peter's ?.ot .mean the 8"ns wi" ** In an appeal Friday for an give up the Sinai Peninsula 3-3-8 S, THERE are a few seats left on Square before his regular Sunday fired tonight or that diplomatic extension of the Union Board's Nassau blessing, said he wanted to cease - fire, occupied during the 1967 war. Trip, March use warm words in his appeal "that might break the ice of so efforts will stop." MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, all PUPPY FOUND: On Grand River 19-26. $189. Call 30% off lilt price. Rich: 353-9777. many indifferent souls, cold as are these Asked by newsmen if he saw brands. FebruarV 25. Call' B-8-3-8 days of snow." The Pope said this positive element in Sadat's 351-5869. C 355-2464. 1-3-8 Sunday has been set aside as "a day for new any PlPHONE BASS Guitar, two LOST: LADIES' calendar watch. AIR FARE ONLY churches, then asked rhetorically: "A need for new churches in Rome, where tourists say there already are too many churches? implication of an unlimited state of no shootin8> Eb811 sa'd: Search continues m0nths old. Perfect condition. Spring Break "Yes, a need for new churches in Rome; yes, in the Broken, brown band. In or around Wl 484 6009. 5-3-12 JRN Bldg. or Wells. Jamaica $150. and always very vast a*™01 Praise ® statement (Continued from page 1) the Turkish Law Association and Reward. Call growing Rome of modern urbanism, where there is a continues brandishing guns Republican People's party, asked a leading leftist professor, said 351-0341. 1-3-8 lack of churches that are INGSIZE WATERBEDS only $55. Acapulco $165. indispensable for the religious life of the as m'litary threats or political the kidnapers not to "stain their "true revolutionaries, Socialists new population." Dressure." 0,11 351-9525 after 12 noon. Summer pressure. hon^ ...itu hands with blood.'i»» and humanists do not spill 5-3-12 Personal Detroit to London $199. The Lebanese newspaper A1 Inonu said the safety of the innocent blood — even to attain Nahar, in a dispatch from Cairo, NGAGEMENT RING, V4 L2£lL£rankjuck 351-8604 I said the airmen was the responsibility of their dearest goals." carat OLDEST COMPANY Egyptian government the nation. "The honor of the "Getting angry with the perfect. Appraised value, $967. NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE nil plans to send an envoy to nation has sustained a severe master and killing his slave is not s,ll for $725. 351-7949, after 9 The oldest STUDENTOURS SUMMER: »v W company in the London, from $194; Spring COPY SHOPPE can show you Washington shortly for a "fuller blow," he said. an act befitting a revolutionary," p.m. 5-3-12 world is said to be the Great Break: how to get two Xerox copies for dialog on the Middle East crisis." Muammer Aksoy, president of he said. Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, the price of one. Copper Mountain Mining $219; Nassau, $179. Call Fred, Phone 332-4222. Abdi Ipexci, Turkey's best - fATERBED, KINGSIZE, new, still Corp., located in Sweden. c It'sWhat's Happening must be 355-2824. 14-3-12 known columnist wrote Sunday Mayor Daley in box. $35. 351-7192, before 3 There are records of its p,m. 3-3-10 in business there being since 1288. EUROPE $194 STUDENTOURS ANN BR7w"N7T7p^n"d"mu".^ t0 ,341 in the daily Milliyet that if the You're round trip jet to London offset printing. Complete service v tu^ent Services Bldg. at least (Continued from page 1) kidnapers kill the Americans ISCOVER EUROPE on a Bike: part of something summer for dissertations, theses, two State News working days they will be no better than '71. Call Eddie, 393-7520. independent voter groups, to coffee gatherings, to the black and Travel the fastest, easiest and most even older when you use 6-3-12 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. "those" (Sunday - Thursday) before Spanish who shot innocent exciting way - by EURO-BIKE. State News Classified Ads. 21 years experience. 349-0850. C publication. Entries - speaking neighborhoods. people whose hands were tied in may be Daley went to Florida for Euro - Bike offers you a new tax free motorcycle, or dune buggy, The first "Want Ad" unearthed in ancient Thebes was LAST CHANCE inserted twice and must be a week. He returned to politics March 3 when he dined with more than Vietnam. BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. submitted from completely licensed, registered md insured, plus air shipment for over know 3,000 that years ago. Folks SPRING BREAK i small, student organization. registered 10,000 loyalists at a dinner sponsored by various labor groups at McCormack Placelakefrontexposition hall. "It is necessary to halt this anarchy which is pushing our Classified fills your bike back to the U.S. Euro - It wasn't a fund raising affair, country to a dark and bloody Bike can even arrange economy jet needs and solves problems. ACAPULCO $219.00 - merely what may well be the The future," Ipekci said. To find IF Sailing Club will meet at 7:30 biggest banquet under a single roof in history. travel between New York and a home, a car, JAMAICA $219.00 YOU'VE said you want to sell it, ~ Tuesday in 35 Union to discuss One of the anachronisms is a distaste for the electronic media. London. Contact: EURO - BIKE, furniture, anything - turn to say it again with a Want Ad. Dial thl spring campaign. An important Opposition politicians lauched Inc., Suite 703, 810 1 8th Street, the Want Ads NOW! 355-8255 nowl executive board meeting will be held Daley, the campaign manager, may spend a lot of money on radio CALL NOW at 6 and television spots before the attacks on the pro - West Justice N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 NOW YOU p.m. preceding the meeting in April 6 election, but Daley, the party government of Premier can rent a WATERBED FRED SANCHEZ candidate, won't appear in them. 12021 3 4 7-0 7 6 6. Area agent for only $10/month. 351-9525 TWNG. THESES ™ Suleyman Demirel for its needed. 1-3-8 355-2824 Rapid, accurate service. A rice and tea luncheon will be Daley doesn't come across on television. His sagging jawline after 12 noon. 5-3-12 and stacatto speech, tinged with the lackadaisical diction of inability to catch the kidnapers FRANK BUCK Experienced. 393-4075. 20-3-12 held at noon today at Wesley Center, many and halt student disorders and 3RMALS, WEDDING gowns, veils, 1118 S. Harrison Road. A donation native Chicagoans, do not ATTENTION: FRATERNITIES and 351-8604 portray the mayor at his best. anti American violence. - cocktails, mothers, and of $1 will be collected for maternal In winning four consecutive Sororities. Solid. Reasonably TYPING SERVICES in my East and mayoral elections, Daley has Bridesmaid, dresses. Jewelry, child care center in North mastered a political skill other elected officials covet. slips, priced trio. Call 484-6009. 3-3-10 STUDENTOURS SUMMER: Lansing home. Phone 332-3306 etc. 4960 Northwind Drive, East Vietnam. Child care will be provided. Inonu, whose party is London, $209. Spring Break: 6-3-12 "You campaign every day. I never stop," he For information, call 482-2962 or says. Democratic Socialist, said the Lansing, 351-3180. 1-3-8 Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, $219; 3S5-60S8. EARLY U.N. STAMPS "present crisis" was the result of Freeport, $189. Call Fred, PROFESSIONAL VOU KINP OF LIKE ME, DON'T the Justice party's SHER MODEL 110 AM-FM stereo 355-2824. 14-3-12 THESIS Spartan Wives will present Carl YOU, CHUCK ? I'M 6LA0 VOU DON'T failure to music center. Eigenhaur of the Dept. of Public COME RIGHT OUT AND make basic reforms. Kenwood model PREPARATION IT, KR-100, AM-FM 140 51 or, $2 huys 12 diff. sel Safety, at 8 p.m. today at People's TH0U6H...I RESPECT FOR THAT receiver. watt stereo approvals. LEIGH, Bo: Service . IBM Typint Church. He will discuss "Emergency Ferruh Bozbeyli, chairman of Console color TV set. Multilith Village Station, N.Y. 10014, • Printing Precautions and Measures in the Stereo record players, $15 and up. the conservative Democratic STUDENTS - FACULTY income . Hardbindiitj Portable TV sets $35 up. 20i) used party, set up by right tax service, $5.00 federal, $3.00 - wing 8-track stereo tapes $2.50 each. state. 351-4955, after 5 p.m. 3-3-8 Couplet* Pr«fesii»n»l Thesis Service for ^ Will Tfie'kophombre Tfieafer Practicum defectors from The Justice party, 50 new 7" reel tapes, $2.00 and Master's and Doctoral Candidates. Free pfisent Euripides' "The Trojan said, "not passes without $2.50 each. 300 used Brochure and Consultation. Pleas* Call Women" at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday and stereo albums. Oriental wall tapestries. PAINTING INTERIOR - Custom Cliff and Paula Haughty 337 1527 or 627-2936. Wednesday in Fairchild Theatre, an incident, without wounding PASSPORT AND Visa Photos by work at reasonable prices. Grad or murder." Studio 49. Admission for the play is WILCOX SECONDHAND appointment. All types of students, references. 372-8158. C TERM by donation. STORE, 509 East PAPERS quickly and Michigan. photographic work. Information Turhan Feyzioglu, head of the 485-4391, 8 • 5:30 p.m., Monday Service. Photo Lab, 355-0230. accurately done. Call 337-2737, All those interested ii Fine Arts THAT'S ALL1 WHAT DID WU thru Saturday. C PHOTO PORTRAIT after 5 p.m. 1-3-8 a I NEED.,. "5M, CHUCK? centrist Reliance party, said 5-3-12 Center should attem "RESPECT" i DON'T MUMBLE.. Demirel "has lost his prestige SPECIAL , meeting of the College of Arts and DISSERTATIONS, THESES, and authority." GOLF CLUBS. Power Bilt. Full set Term Letters Student Advisory Committee Plus bag. Must sell. 372-8922 Peanuts Personal 1 8X10 black and papers. Expert typist with degree ? pm- Tuest)ay »» 203 Berkey white $5.95 in English. IBM. 349-3655. 0-3-8 5-3-12 After we make it perfect, Includes good selection of TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. we keep it perfect. ROBERTS 770-X stereo tape Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann recorder, recently serviced. $180. R O W I E proofs Lance, 626-6542. 0-3-12 , A N T I 339-9436. 3-3-9 For appointment call DISESTABLISHMENTARIAN ISM. Cookie Bear, too. H.B. Love 332-8889 TYPING DONE in my home. Fast The Sierra Club will meet at 7:30 WO MARSHALL speaker cabinets accurate service. Phone 351-6259 .m. today in 30 Union. All are Weirdo Wing. 1-3-8 VAN DYKE STUDIO Artley flute. 349-0718. 9-3-12 'elcome to attend. 7-3-12 209 Abbott Rd. VERLA: HAPPY 6th or really gotten into some good 15th. We've Next to State Theater Transportation "Where Does War Begin?" is the topic of a talk by Frank Kifer, SPRING STILL OPEN! GOYA G-10 Classical Guitar, with things. Love you for your pudgy, regional director for Campus Crusade Just fewa openings 70 case. Like new. $90. 372-6655 puny body. Jim. 1-3-8 GUITAR, DRUM, FLUTE Lessons. for Christ, at 9 p.m. Tuesday in after 5:30 p.m. 3-3-8 Private. Folk Rock, Semi - Classic. NEED RIDE to East Lansing from North Wonders Hall Lounge. All are ACAPULCO 21900 MARSHALL MUSIC, East Holt, 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Will share welcome. Glenn Herriman SONY TC-630 Tape Recorder echo. Lansing, 351-7830. C-3-8 expenses. Phone 699-2215. 2-3-8 MSU Folklore JAMAICA 219°° Volkswagen, Inc. Society will present Call SOS, mikes. $260. Inquire, End of the term Peanuts a "song - shop" at 7:30 p.m. today in now - last chance 353 0575. 3-3-8 Typing Service Wanted 135 Music Bldg. Bring a song and a Personal SPECIAL words for $1.00. Additional ... 10 friend. All are welcome. STUDENTOURS ookes Mike Panter Phyllis King COMPLETE TYPING and printing Animals words 10c. Starts March 8th - service. Copy stored on magnetic BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for The Undergraduate Anthropology 351 - 2770 351 -1416 all positive, A negative, B negative Assn. will hold its final meeting of 12th. tape. This eliminates all re-typing the term at 7:30 p.m. today in 121 and AB negative, $10.00. 0 0% STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish except author's changes and Baker Hall. All majors are urged to negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN aid all other live merchandise corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT attend. Several important COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, announcements will be made at this (Instant parenthood) DOCKTOR pET CENTER, Meridian Mall, MAIL ADVERTISING, across from Frandor. Phone 485-1238. C 507V4 East Grand River, East Lansing. Above the new Campus time. OKAY, 349-3950. 5-3-12 Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 A ^ FREE 6 month old COMPLETE THESES Discount printing. IBM service. typing and p.m., Monday, Thursday and meeting of the Mobilization Committee will be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday in 31 Union to Student SO A LOT puppies. NOOKIE, HAPPY nineteenth. Really Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Call binding of theses, resumes, discuss building the spring actions. 393-0486. 2-3-9 missed you this weekend. Love, Turkey. 1-3-8 publications. Across from campus, corner MAC and Grand River, p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C OF WHAT'S frEE. ADORABLE. Black fluffy DOBRO OR steel resonator type MSU Volunteer Probation below Style Shop. Call Puppies. 485-3555. 3-3-10 5 weeks old. Call COPYGRAPH SERVICES, guitar. Good evenings. 3-3-8 shape. 355-9770 Officers, Camp Opportunity Big Brothers. Big Sisters. Highfields, House Pine and Lodge, HAPPENING 337-1666. C . any interested volunteers: Ernie Shelley, consulting psychologist for the IS WRONG! Ingham County Juvenile Court and HOW MANY APARTMENT BUILDINGS SUPPLY specialist in criminal psychology and FREE MAINTENANCE ON ALL THESE ITEMS? innovator in the Michigan penal institutions, will try to advise you in That's What We'd Like To Talk About any problems you might have encountered in a question / answer / CEDAR VILLAGE DOES! rap session from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday in the Stefanoff Lounge, JOIN VISTA Student Services Bldg. Cedar Village has 24-hour emergency service and daily maintenance service by Two documentary films will be shown at 7:30 and 9 p.m. Monday in Reps in Placement Bureau 106B Wells Hall. Contributions will our on-site staff. be sent to the maternal and child care center in North Vietnam. The films friends what Cedar Village service are sponsored by Faculty for Peace. Ask your has meant to them! JOIN THE PARADE! Cedar Village now fall terms. leasing for summer and A few subleases for spring term THE still available. PIZZA PEOPLE Cedar Village CAP & GOWN RENTALS TODAY, March 8 - Friday, March 12 8:30 A.M. -5:30 P.M. Fourth Floor Union For Information Call UNION DESK 355-3498 BOGUE ST. at the RED CEDAR pH0l\IE 332-6051 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 8, |Q Prof d iscusses current economic situation By BILL HOLSTEIN Board as head of the banking these conflicts come, rather than research section and later as a good resources are going unused, people," he said. sterile discipline to having discipline of economic State News Staff Writer either side expressing "free - floating" adviser on itself, they I'm not sure that this is°a matter Robinson said the discipline something effective to say about negate one another," Robinson that can be summed up in terms Economists should analyze research to members of the said. of economics, in starting to public policy. Within my Economists, not of fiscal policy or monetary "learned journals," but in ^ the economic system not only concern Itself with the generation, there was a period in on the basis of facts and figures but also on "the qualitative T.ddiUon «o teaching, he "Vou «»1 help but adm,„ PoUcy." Robin™ Mid. qualitative aspects of the system, shows only part of the change which economics made real advances." some vehicles, when they candidly, are *" broadcasts a weekly stock t'ie efficiency of a system that "If you have well - trained "less itiX.- aspects of the system," Roland Robinson, economist and market analysis on a local radio station functions whether way it works or not, you like the he added, people coming up graduation and now so frenzied toward the discipline has seen recently. "Economics, in my lifetime, I But Robinson said he among young economists senses in their discipline relevance to the i„ ^ scene inau * professor of accounting, said think, did go through a "ow have than they Wer" ' 'Our whole process of particular a "growing sense of Friday in an interview. Robinson said he ^ a about getting a job that they get transition from being fairly Robinson said the current spending money in the public difference i„ viewpoints in the up o clock in the morning a dissatisfaction with the decadeag°. Robins,. „ said area is come to be almost a to be at the Student Services economic situation is not simply students he has instructed in the shambles. Do we really get Building, in due course this must a matter of monetary policy past 10 years, money spent for what we want? have an eroding effect on self- fiscal policy or Graduate versus Are we getting the sort of stud "I think we have a real change confidence and self - esteem. unemployment versus inflation. society we want for what we're in the nature of business "I don't think the issues can .*It certainlv H«trnv« WW be judged on the size of the "We're paying af for alntnf a lot of leadership. different This is group than a very .onfidence came to he said i^e'^own'worth"" deficit, for example. The more froth and, it seems to me, this office 10 years ago. The important thing is that maybe ineffectual government change in 10 years has been a AAHE Robinson said he has we're spending money for the wrong things and that we're 'ailing to get what we should expenditures," Robinson said. He said the economic system dramatic change," he said. Robinson said the encountered "young, more than average successful businessmen" to regio is inefficient partly because of a current who are under unusually strong 'rom our resources," he said. "I suspect that a great number conflict of the young viewpoint 'n^'ciency of the( system is H,coauir "to pressure produce" and who w F,„uuv Charles F. Upshaw, Denver, Colo, graduate regional coordinator, explained. >f us on this campus would versus an older viewpoint. evidenced in the difficulty that fear losing their jobs. student, has been appointed to the Midwest He further explained that the councils ROLAND ROBINSON "It may be that we're going highly trained professionals are Regional Council of the American Assn. for High emphasize the Scranton igree that the qualitative use of through this transition in which now encountering in securing "This matter of recommendati overnment resources is for the questioning Education (AAHE). "calling for reconciliation between systems are made inefficient by emP'°yment- If - worth is not confined to education and the general hi; vrong thing, for fighting a Robinson, who said The public." deep unresolved conflicts inside those who don't have jobs but is midwest council is one of six area Paul L. Dressel, asst. errible and very expensive war," provost and Institutional Research, is president of director 'near retirement," worked 17 them. This is one of the "I find myself really appalled also found in those who do have groupings which include 10 faculty, students, le continued. years with the Federal Reserve AAHE problems of government: when by the idea that highly skilled jobs," he said. administrators, legislators and lay personnel. year. "The councils have the A He said the potential for acting on $292,300 grant from the W. K underlying cause some of the recommendations Keili of the Scranton Foundation makes possible the is inflation; corporations are AAHE regio Commission," Ken Fischer, the program. IN EDUCATION trying to cut costs and are not program's hiring people to fill vacant positions. "This is why jobs are hard to Team reviews get. Rather than hiring new people if someone leaves, they spread the job out among several others, putting greater tension on the ones that are already By JONI BENN preparation of teachers. during the review period was the jn which to clarify any questions State News Staff Writer The three day study by the there," Robinson said. ■ University's educational raised or correct any dificiences team included conferences with specialist degree program which found. He noted parallels between As part of a decennial review both graduate and was established since the last the "Great Depression" and the af the University's teacher undergraduate students, a review accreditation study in 1961. Final evaluation and ... current situation in that the self education programs, the College of the college's facilties and on Manufacturer's Close - Out subsequent accreditation will be • confidence of well ■ trained of Ecuation was visited last week consultation with Following the visit of the made by the total 22 - man Styles, Shaggs, Dutch Boys, Basic, members of the system is being by members of the National undergraduates now involed in NCATE representatives, Rist NCATE evaluation committee, Little Boy Styles included. Prices Council for the Accreditation of subverted by difficulty in getting their student teacher explained, a report will be The committee is comprised of from $5.00 Teacher Eduction (NCATE). jobs. experiences. submitted to the college within professional educators and "it>$ trauma you don't very Preparation for the visit of the Included in the probe was a one month. The college will then members a special 12 - man team began a survey of the coordination of be granted a two • week period °^jV^tions easily forget. related to teacher education. It really shattered year ago with compilation of the joint efforts at teacher education confidence of many more than 300 - page NCATE with other departments in the report on the state of the various University, especially teacher The education programs. report, the product of faculty effort coordinated by Marvin Rist, assistant professor departments of dual enrollment. "The institution, not the college, is accredited," Rist said, "because many aspects of the Dept. head see of education, was forwarded to the accreditation committee in January. said, The visiting'Wlrtn's visit, Rist was inferided to test the University are teacher education." which is divided by each educational involved The granting of accreditation, program at in as curbing 'Fight air pollution with a keeping an automobile wc" 1 ' • poll o MSU totribu (*CN), dio ' •nnoun blend