"ay. March s. J The world . . . Tuesday .. around you never catches MICHIGAN Fair . . . TATE NEWS to partly cloudy and a STATE ... little warmer. High around 30. 5 cent chance of precipitation. UNIVERSITY per line 63 Number 144 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, March 9, 1971 fans thro 'JUST CAUSE' IDEA HIT j0 see A Court bars exemptions |0 weigh-in |neW YORK (AP) - The sporting crowd Tijjled with garment center businessmen Kconventioneers |n hotels and Idison Square bars Garden on Monday near for opposing Asian war Eernoon before the Joe Frazier - immad Ali heavyweight championship WASHINGTON (AP) participation in the Vietnam war would practices that are fair in form, but - The Supreme Court barred Monday draft exemptions for contradict "all that I had been taught in discriminatory in operation." Purge crowds thronged the lobby and men who claim conscientious objections to my religious training." The U.S. Circuit Court in Richmond. tot outside the hotel New Yorker to the Indochina war but not to all wars. Both men said the war is unjust and the Va., had ruled that the blacks would have (tch Ali emerge from his suite to go to The 8 ■ 1 ruling, based on what Justice court did not question their sincerity. to prove the company was practicing racial , prden. two blocks away, for the Thurgood Marshall called a straightforward Marshall, delivering the court's opinion discrimination in order to invalidate the in both cases, said, "We hold that Congress reading of Selective Service law, closes the tests and diploma requirements. 17ms climbed atop registration tables of door on Roman Catholics who subscribe to intended to exempt persons who oppose In a third ruling the court tied 4 to 4 T National Shoe Fair of America set up the "just war" doctrine as well as to other participating in all war . . . and that persons and who thereby upheld a ban in Maryland on selective objectors. object solely to participation in a See related story, p. 10 public showing of the movie, "I am Marshall said they are subject to the particular war are not within the purview Curious (Yellow)." The justices said of the exempting section . .." L the lobby, scattering pamphlets and draft, however sincere or religious they nothing about the issues involved. A Justice Dept. source said the ruling Invention literature in efforts to get a may be. He said Congress intended to opens the way for the government to seek Jtapse of their man. exempt only persons who oppose indictments against several alleged draft congestion delayed Ali's arrival at ■ The T weigh-in by more than an hour. When was finally weighed at 212 pounds the participating in all war. Justice William 0. Douglas dissented. He said the exemption provision is evaders who have raised similar arguments. "There are quite a few cases awaiting Airmen free 0 newsmen attending were asked to unconstitutional in that it discriminates in action," the source said. In second major ruling the court after six days a low the former champion to depart favor of religious persons and against miched for his dressing room. humanists and athiests with similar scruples prohibited employers from using job tests that do not really measure a man's I Frazier. the heavyweight title holder, against war. The decision upheld the conviction of qualifications but serve to block blacks officially weighed more than an hour from promotions. tjier to avoid what New York State ■tbletic Commission Chairman Edwin Guy P. Gillette, 26, of Yonders, N.Y. a self - described humanist, who said he would help defend the country or fight in a The 8 - 0 decision, given by Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, said Title VII of the as captives ■ooley called Viting match ted at a "delicatessen" - a like the one Frazier and Ali the official signing for the fight. Sing along United Nations peace - keeping effort but not in Vietnam. 1964 federal civil rights law prohibits all employment practices that operate to ANKARA, Turkey (AP) airmen were freed unharmed Monday night - Four U.S. At the same time, exclude blacks and cannot be shown to be ■ Frazier, who had been resting in Muhammad Ali and his assistant trainer and friend, Bondini Brown, sing the court ruled against after nearly six days in the hands of Louis A. related to job performance. liknown quarters since he received a death a song in the ring after Ali weighed in at 212 pounds for his bout Negre, 23, of Bakersfield, Calif., a Roman Catholic who was refused a Jack Greenberg of the National kidnapers. feat, weighed 2054, which he said was Monday at Madison Square Garden with heavyweight champion Joe Association for the Advancement of The airmen walked into their billets in I little heavier than I thought I would discharge from the Army. After completing Ankara just before midnight. Frazier. AP Wirephoto infantry training Negre declared his Colored People Legal Degense and Educational Fund, announced that civil The kidnapers — members of the rights lawyers will invoke the ruling in Turkish People's Liberation Army — had behalf of thousands of workers who claim demanded $400,000 ransom, threatening .Viet to have been denied jobs or promotions marines to put the Americans in front of a because of such tests. The Fund carried the issue to the court revolutionary firing squad if it was not paid for a group of black workers at the Duke by Saturday morning. Power Co. generating plant at Draper, N.C. The airmen were snatched by five armed who said they were frozen into lower - paid Turks on Thursday as they left the radar • ■ SAIGON (AP) — South Vietnamese Laos front. Battle reports put marine "We have had very hard fighting because communique on its Laos operation, said casualties st 17 killed and 50 wounded. 6,052 enemy had been killed up to 6 p.m. jobs by requirements that they either pass communications base where they worked urines, in fnelr first major fight since we are trying to cut the Ho Chi Minh trail two intelligence tests or obtain a high outside Ankara. Altering the Laos campaign, killed 250 Marine units moved into Laos last week and the enemy is trying to keep it open," Sunday. It also said 59 prisoners had been school diploma. They are: S. Sgt. Jimmie J. Sexton of orth Vietnamese Monday with the help as reinforcements when the South Lam said. taken, 30 of them in the last 24 - hour reporting period. Burger said the court was not charging San Angelo, Tex., and airmen 1. C. Larry J. l( air strikes and artillery barrages, the Vietnamese push started rolling again after There are two objectives in the Laos Government losses for the operation so the company with discrimination. Heavner of Denver, Colo.; Richard Caraszi Ituth Vietnamese command reported. days of bitter, seesaw fighting. operation, he said. "One is to destroy bases of Stamford, Conn., and James M. Gholson The commander of South Vietnamese and another is to cut the Ho Chi Minh trail. far were put at 435 men killed, 1,495 However, he said, the 1964 law "proscribes I As the allied drive into Laos entered its forces in Laos, Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Lam, We are continuing to do both of those wounded and 100 missing. not only overt discrimination but also of Alexandria, VA. i week, the commander of South said his troops now occupy three main things." fietnamese forces in the country said his junctions on the enemy supply trail — Sepone, a prime supply point on loops were achieving their two main' Objectives - destroying North Vietnamese Sepone, Ban Dong and Muong Nong. Highway 9 which was taken over the REPORT FINDINGS Lam said his troops have met elements weekend, was described by Lam as "very ises and cutting the supply network, on of five elite North Vietnamese divisions in important because it is a staging area with Ike Ho ChiMinh trail. the operation in the Laos panhandle, many enemy supply and ammunition I The marine action occurred 12 miles College reform Associated Press correspondent J.T. dumps." He added, however, that louthwest of the border outpost of Lang Wolkerstorfer reported from a forward government forces were not in Sepone "to Pei and was the heaviest reported on the command post at Ham Nghi. occupy terrain but to search for and destroy enemy supplies. I don't know and exactly how long that will take." WASHINGTON (AP) - A Ford uniformity of structure that makes their colleges and universities, adding Saigon headquarters said Sepone, 25 Foundation report bearing Nixon higher education reflect less and less the "There is a very substantial core of validity ■MEDINA DENIES GUILT miles from the border, is the farthest administration endorsement asserted interests of society," says the Foundation's in their anger." westward advance made by South Monday that higher educaton deserves a 113-page "Report on Higher Education." The immediate political significance of drastic shakeup because it is irrelevent to Elliot L. Richardson, secretary of the recommendations by the nine - Vietnamese infantrymen, but military students and society. Health, Education and Welfare, introduced member Ford group is their emphasis on ICourt-martial ordered sources said some reconnaissance units are "We have seen disturbing trends toward the study at a news conference terming it reform rather than increased federal aid for operating about seven miles west of it. "as significant a statement on higher Except for the marine battles South uniformity in our institutions, growing higher education. education as we have seen." Vietnamese spokesmen reported only bureaucracy, over - emphasis on academic But Richardson denied the credentials, isolation of students and Richardson agreed the report bolsters administration is giving the report sporadic clashes in Laos. for Calley's superior South Vietnamese headquarters, in a faculty from the world — a growing rigidity the complaints of some students about prominence because it supports President Nixon's disputed position that student aid, rather than institutional aid, deserves the By The Associated Press Medina could face the death penalty, the government's No. 1 priority in this field. The study was initiated by Robert H. Army said in announcing that the charges J■ordered The Army Monday in Washington will be referred as a capital case. No trial Finch while he was HEW secretary. But its Capt. Ernest L. Medina court ■ date was set. $35,000 funding came from the Ford ■ martialed for allegedly murdering not less Foundation. ■than 100 The 34 - year - old Medina, a native of Vietnamese civilians "with The task force was headed by Frank ■ machine guns, rifles and other weapons" at Springer. N.M., commanded a company from the Americal division which assaulted Newman, associate director of university Py Lai in 1968. relations at Stanford University. the tiny Vietnamese village during an "Members were chosen on the basis of infantry operation. At Ft. McPherson, Ga., Medina denied (Please turn to back page) the charges. racu/fy "I am innocent of the charges against me." he said. "I am surprised and dismayed that the Army has taken this action. My Suit charges trust in the military has caused me to In approving consistently resort to proper military channels in seeking justice. "Now pending before the U.S. Court of board with l^niooization Military petition to bar Appeals in Washington is a this very referral, a petition By STEVE WATERBURY State News Staff Writer upon which that court has not been given the opportunity to act. "The Army by its precipitous action illegal ballot A spokesman for MSU Faculty today has pre-empted its own highest By JOANNA FIRESTONE court." State News Staff Writer Jf^'ates *as (MSU/FA) said Monday that he A platoon leader in the company, Lt. T 'discouraged" by the initial response The All ■ attempts by MSU/FA to organize the William Callev, is on trial at Fort Benning, - University Student Judiciary *;% at MSU. Ua., accused of the murder of 102 (AUSJ) will hear charges tonight accusing the ASMSU Student Board with illegally It s an uphill fight right now," he said. Vietnamese civilians. MSU/FA affiliated with the Michigan In his testimony, Calley has claimed that electing Harold Buckner as board chairman on April 30,1970. ■ ,,Ucation Assn- and the American Assn. of Medina five times ordered him to kill The suit, filed by Sheryl L. Green, » ity Professors (AAUP) are both in 'in Ft Benning an ex-GI testified at Detroit sophomore, charges that the board I flj to secure signatures from 30 per Calley's court - martial Monday that the violated Article II, Section 4 of its I Em i°f facul*y to obtain a Michigan defendant took part in the slaying of an constitution by electing a board chairman lfivyment Relations Commission unarmed Vietnamese farmer some weeks who was not eligible under the |jleetto suPervi8ed collective bargaining before My Lai. constitution. Sixteen members of the sixth session of I■ ««pter >und of the Nosow, president of the MSU the board were named as defendants in the we AAUP, said nAUr, Monday tlmm saia wionaay case. BMsii? ICiiltv early ear,y to to tell" what the tel1" what the response respor. of Petitioning Opdl "The board has nothing to be ashamed A AI TP mrd Idu^L u"y members to the AAUP card of," Buckner said. "It's really tired of the I p hution drive will be. subterfuge — all these internal clock - and - I (PpM\Ulty for Collective Negotiations Petitioning for student positions on the dagger actions." lilsn a 'klrd I unaffiliated organization suPporting collective bargaining, state today. News Board of Directors opens Petitions may be filled out between Cold Buckner campaign" called against the the suit board a "smear and its I inSnced ,ast week that 11 does not 1 and 5 p.m. in 341 Student Services Bldg. Sunday's snowfall inspired some creative students to build this frozen couple. Not the usual in snow sculpture, chairman. | o at present to circulate authorization these two snow people sit on a cement bench outside South Wonders Hall. State News photo by Tom Gaunt (Please turn to back page) IPlM i turn to bMk pap) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Arab world urged By The Associated Press jubilation over Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's decision not to "The Arabs, therefore, must declare a general mohii summary Syria's strong man, Lt. Gen. Hafez Assad, called on the Arab world on Monday to mobilize for a "war of liberation" against extendthe cease-fire with Israel. It expired at midnight Sunday. "The only way left open for the Arabs to recover their cope with America's support of Israel and the liberation struggle," Assad added. prepan> th« J!?,U i From the wirei of AP and UP1. Israel. occupied land is that of armed combat," Assad told cheering Although he had steered Syria into a close allia Hours after he issued the call, Israeli thousands in the Syrian capital. Assad has been critical of Sadat's sources in Tiberias said a peace moves. "With unlimited political, military and economic backing from Assad vowed that he would not volley of rockets fired from Jordan struck an Israeli settlement in "tolerate anv M the United States, Israel is seeking to dictate surrender on the ait the Beisan Valley shattering a four-month halt to the liquidate the guerrilla movement." ''"'Ml across the Jordan River. But the shooting Arab countries under the pretext of peace," Assad declared. "The Palestinian commandos will sources added that the rockets remain amom. Assad said the United States is "as deadly an enemy of the armed forces of the Arabs in the th apparently were fired by Palestinian guerrillas. No casualties coming reported. were Arabs as Israel." liberation baU|";l He accused the U.S. government of "bolstering Israel's In Assad addressed a mass rally in Damascus asguanrilh leaders Washington, State Department press officer intransigence to an extent that leaves the Arabs with the sole it i L and Arab newspapers throughout the Middle East McClosky said the Soviet Union and the "Two years ago we didn't have expressed alternative of war to liberate their occupied land." counseling restraint to the Arabs and Israelis in the United St°t 1 student strikes in the spring; we the Middle East crisis. n„ W Pha4 l F | had wa ter carnivals. President Nixon received a 30-minute mzmk (See story, p. Mark Bathurst, ASMSU vice chairman 5) $100,000 reward offered from Israeli President Zalman Shazar. who courtesy call M In connection with Israeli fund-raising efforts. Sadat's decision not to extend the response from the Arab world. Palestinian guerrillas hailed the is in the cease-fire brought United* the air in Beirut and Amman. In Egyptian move by firing „ X for Capitol bombing clues Jordan, their shooting in, ■ off a clash with government forces in and two were kidnaped. which one Dersont, T1 ^ Was k« Jordanian Foreign Minister Abdulla Salah Rogers opposes limits Sunday was "positive and constructive because said Sadat's WASHINGTON (AP) - A it |eft th Senate Republican Leader Workmen are now repairing open for diplomacy to try to work out a Secretary of State William P. Rogers said Monday in $100,000 reward was posted information available to any law in the Middle East." just and honorahlp, Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania said damage estimated at $300,000. aWe> Washington "there is no reason why South Vietnam Monday for information leading enforcement agency or official, if a group of people was involved House Speaker Carl Albert, The foreign minister said Sadat has given the should be under any restrictions to the capture and conviction of in the March 1 including local offices of the an opportunity to exert Big Four Dr militarily" in whoever is responsible for the bombing, the D-Okla., Scott, Mansfield and FBI." pressure on Israel to from Arab lands it seized in the 1967 pledge a withdi J operations against the enemy. reward might tempt one of its other congressional leaders Scott said the $100,000 has Middle East way bomb blast in the Senate wing of members to testify against the issued this announcement has at the same time shouldered "sX Following his statement to a meeting of the Veterans the Capitol one week ago. of the been placed in escrow in a bank. historic others. the entire Arab world responsibility to J of Foreign Wars, a State reward: He said the bank will determine by committing himself Department spokesman, Senate and House leaders Senate Democratic Leader complete liberation of Israeli-occupied Arab land." to the 'cau J "For information leading to when the terms for its payment Charles Bray, declared that Rogers' context was Laos announced the reward after a Mike Mansfield of Montana said the arrest and conviction of the have been met. He said the bank Pro-Egyptian newspapers in Lebanon welcomed and Cambodia and did not include North Vietnam. conference on Capitok security there were "no leads that I know to extend the moratorium: Sadat's person or persons responsible for could not be identified, either. Al Moharrer ran a and said the money was posted of" to- the identity of the Sadat releasing Mars, the cartoon si However, Rogers denounced North Vietnam's use of the bombing of the United The Detroit News earlier god of war, from prison, and safe havens in by a private donor who bomber. "for the period in which we apoloaij pressing the against South Vietnam. States Capitol on March 1,1971. offered a $10,000 reward, under kept you locked up." war volunteered the funds and The bomb exploded in a f "Any person or persons similar terms for payment. Al Nahar said the effect of Sadat's insisted upon anonymous. remaining men's room near the Senate providing information will be Mansfield said the House and cease-fire. Its cartoon showed Sadat with speech was to a gun in one "freeze"! barber shop, damaging seven I Filibuster termed dodge At the same time, the rooms on the first floor of the fully protected. Sources of Senate leaders agreed an olive branch in the other. The caption reads, "Warfor hand til information will be regarded wanting war, and peace for those wanting peace."' congressional leaders said the as unanimously that the Capitol Is the prolonged, biennial debate over 622-man Capitol. The explosion occurred completely confidential. police force should be manned | altering the Capitol police force The French-language Le Senate rules to permit easier termination of filibusters would be made fully at 1:32 a.m. after an EST, a half - hour "Any person having entirely by professional police Jour said "despite the efforts Big Four powers, the United States had of I just a dodge to extend the chamber's recess for 30 days? professional, stripped of its warned a anonymous Capitol switchboard caller information should make such officers. joint appeal for renewing the cease-fire. torpedoed a bid fj current complement of Sen. James B. Allen. D-Ala., one of the operator of the bomb. No one principal patronage employes. filibustered against the rule change, says it is was injured. in part. - at least ACROSS U.S. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State The reason is that the almost ritual struggle has University, is published every class day during four school become so stylized that it keeps many members away terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. from the floor--and in more than a few cases, Washington for the first few session of each new Congress. weeks of the away from opening Subscription rate is $14 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Financial By The Associated Press ills Collegiate Press, unless something is done, of schools in Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Teachers are finding Cincinnati, said the but a state Supreme Court jil Officer denies bribe charge Association, United States Student Press Association. themselves without jobs and resulting cutbacks will boost class size in elementary schools budget for his 85,000-pupil blocked the move penditJ district was cut from $66 million pupils may find themselves to anywhere from 66 to 83 Tuesday hearing. Second - class postage paid at East to $62 million this year. He said An army colonel denied repeatedly to senators Lansing, Michigan. without seats these days as pupils next year. In addition, the 31 ll Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services school boards across the 365 nonacademic school school Monday in Washington that he ever used his position The Montana Legislature boards had annouii Building, Michigan State University, East country, caught in a financial personnel were fired Feb. 1 and they would defy the as head of the Vietnam PX system to solicit bribes or Lansing, opened a special session Monday the < aid diamond sellers or beer and Michigan. squeeze, cut back staff and on the state budget and results teaching staff will be board and refuse to lay I whisky merchandisers. increase class size. reduced by 400 could affect schools drastically. through substitutes. The city has! Under the persistent Phones: An Associated Press survey attrition. enrollment of 1.1 million pur questioning, the witness, Col. Editorial D.D. Cooper, president of the The city needs5 $4 million to Jack Ice, 7.. ^355*262 Showed the cutbacks In staff and acknowledged he received S4,000 in the mail Classified . * . Montana Education Association, balance the budget for the 60,000 teachers and a budge? from a Korean colonel and Advertising i..: .v .*355*8255 services came in both urban prpdfcted-i"massive cutbacks" if year $4.5 billion. Albert Shanl kept it in his desk in »... Display Advertising 353-6400 regions like New York City and '''b'Bre-bo nes" budget ending Dec. 31. If the state president of the triff Washington for more that three months before Anally Business - Circulation rural areas like Montana. Schools a legislature doesn't provide Federation of Teachers, said I 355-3447 threatened by some legislators is depositing it into a bank account in Denver. Photographic 355-8311 reduced staff either by firing additional money, an attempt if the substitutes were not h| But Ice, presently stationed at San adopted. He said one school will be made to pass an Francisco's current employes, eliminating district that employs 1,000 50,000 high school pupils w< Presidio, termed as untruthful previous substitute teachers additional property tax levy. If be without teachers and s< or teachers would have to cut 10 testimony that that fails, said a spokesman, schools would have to close. I the money was paid him in Vietnam as a bribe to help replacing educators lost through per cent of the staff. there will be cut-backs made In most areas, the attrition. the Korean officer's brother obtain a The immed| concession. PX laundry The over: The problem was the same money. The Dayton, Ohio, all Higher Education Association of Ohio said more that 100 of the state's 631 "across the board." New York City, faced with a effect of teacher layoffs is increase in class size. school board reported it will end A spokesman for school districts were in "a projected the academic year $14.2 million shortage of $40 American Federation financial crisis." million for the fiscal year Youth hijacks plane in the red and officials said that Paul A. Miller, superintendent June 30, announced ending Teachers said, "Especially inl plans for a urban areas, class size r series of cutbacks, including the increase. The A nervous 16-year-old high school sophomore who Are '#§§1 layoff of learning goes d ? Seated" the human life and would not for revolution," the narrator Greene said there were areas Red pkimm f.rostitutes in Shanghai than in I* that heSttate to ,ose 300 mi,,ion an ti. _ the where he couldn't travel but for documenta J Wm wT'" and 3 Arbor; a"d Andrea Soto^n Ann '"List" revolution l®rn'.Sl.„Hth because of the world," Battistini ** place little value on would people if In the process, they ,.Ch'na! ,» was produced by the "vast amount of China I was •dMtmrtinn ,film ^e part of Women's Liberation dilution Fehv Felix Greener"™ who said in an on *ront andj ,J was a common win Lee said the able to make my own A*^ndo^.?Xi°hne " a war. China " for itinerary." ch"»" wav r ? oirls *"« nr news agency had incorrectly introduction to the film that he Greene teens to earn money,**** said there P°sal is special «*use indt called the 1949 revolution of education, physical ed it education, and continues . . . Changes in ASMSU cited Mao Tse-tung "an end to the 1. Will not graduate prior to 1972. directly to institut n the East Lansing lore nightmare" of military strife and campus for adequate grant grim living conditions. iting the College of «es of Dean the Nb The hour-long color you are then urged to petition for have . ■ . been jn e College of allocations and office space and documentary showed old Education Dean Selection Committee. of the By JOHN JUEL "public <* handle budgetary matters, he newsreel film of conditions HOW TO PETITION Petitions available In 134 Erickson Hall, which is the Office of rivate enterprise State News Staff are Writer during the Japanese invasion of Undergraduate Student Affairs. ample. There has been a dramatic change in the role of ASMSU in the student in voTvpm^ i J ,d cont,nue to Push for increased Manchuria in the late 1930s and PETITIONS MUST BE RETURNED TO 134 ERICKSON HALL NOT LATER THAN 10:00 A.M. FRIDAY, MARCH 4 two years, Mark Bathurst, ASMSU vicechairman, said should in/I Should increase academic government communication with other in the future and the Communist revolution of EL£CTIONPRO£EGyfi£S 12, 1971 John H. Michigan universities. Mao Tse-tung in 1949 from —epared, which will Include the names of all Kenosha, Wis. s onday. eligible Chiang Kai-shek. The economic andidate Feb. 26, "To say that ASMSU is currently representative of the entire control of Western nations and ballot. During Early Registration and Regular Registration, indent body is a figment of someone's imagination," Bathurst ■ . . . ndergraduate students ii .. college of L. H. BATTISTINI the Japanese invasion devastated > are eligible to register for Spring Term. Ballots will _ id. the country and made "a land undergraduates upon presentation of their Permit t< Bathurst, leaving the ASMSU student board spring term to Register at Jenison Fieldhouse or Erickson Hall Lobby. ork for Sen. Philip Hart as a part of James Madison College's Application n repea eld experience program, resigned from the board Sunday The board, however, voted not to accept Bathurst's agnation, avoiding the problem of electing a new vicechairman i the brief period before ASMSU's upcoming 0 me, and many ot spring elections Bathurst has been a board member for the past two years. 1 staff does not kn for Bathurst noted a shift in ASMSU during his term from a Yugoslavia veen abortion ref group limarily concerned with social policy to a coordinating group since you have irservice organizations both on and off campus. ■changeably. You Two years ago we didn't have student strikes in the Jiving incorrect spring; we id water carnivals," Bathurst said. >n about the upcom epeal, March 13. Organizations connected with the ASMSU cabinet that reflect Applications being director and associate professor correspondents i reform strives growing social awareness, according to Bathurst, include accepted for the second annual of journalism,said applications are representatives of international Liberation, Man and Nature Bookstore, Draft International Seminar in Mass ting statutes, abort being accepted from all nations, news agencies. aimed at a comp formation Center and Gay Liberation. Communication, June 20 - July However, many places are e The changing role of the student board reflects a 23, on Sail, an island fishing held for being Cost of the seminar for North tion of abortion ft changing participants from the Diversity environment, Bathurst said. Most of the major social village off the coast -* United States of - and Canada. Total Americans is $760, which ) ^ questions of the past several years have been Yugoslavia. enrollment will be restricted to includes round-trip air solved-women's hours, liquor on campus and open houses, he The five-week transportation, fees, lodging and >*n ien » a major rational wnm» woman anda |, Such major projects as the Academic Freedom Report have out in seminar, carried cooperation with ^'Sn.a|.0„ Speakers ... . will include high , all an meals meais fori< five weeks. At the i been completed. conciusion official 'islative control UNESCO and the International g°vernment officials, directors "The work of ASMSU along these lines is virtually finished-the Press Institute, is there s three titutional, and w nrent movement is toward increased involvement in social open to international communication weeks for ' independent travel. al right to contra flcerns," he said. practicing journalists ?r®aJn®za.tions' heads of As a result of the diverse interest groups the board now broadcasters and university broadcasting systems, editors of Seminar sessions will be presents, the traditional position of the board as a spokesman students in mass SeveraI of the world's most conducted in the village school. "28" femii "student opinion" in a general sense no longer exists, Bathurst communication, sociology, Prestlgiou® newspapers, editors Participants will be lodged in from Case political science, education and T. underdeveloped nations, the new, modern Hotel Sali or in March 3,1 other disciplines in which n experts on mass communication first-class accommodations in Despite its changing role, "there is still a definite need for communication may technoloe foreign private homes. MSU," according to Bathurst. A central coordinating body is play ' to sponsor campus major role. and community organizations, provide ilabelec oi Stanley E. Smith, seminar v Last Night for Try outs jVew tjP/ayeu at the display of f Center is marred fudent petitioning open Spring Productions One Flew Over the Cuckoo's - labeling. The Nest" beneath the Un "Tom Paine" or search rsonally e averse to Scots, Welsh inorary more appropriate Englishme panel positions "Stop the World, I Want to Get Off " available this election of the college's comprised of six representatives } to "The Uni College of undergraduate student body from the major divisions within \Tuesday March 9 bility of Celtic wr ucation Student Affairs during p reregistration the college, a liason and one titude of directi< Union Ballroom 6-11:00 134 Erickson Hall, for procedures next week. additional faculty member led. dent positions on that selected by the provost and two When organized, the search students, one graduate and one Scripts Available 149 Aud Derek Whord tge's search and selection and graduate stud imittee for a dean. and selection committee will be undergraduate. tryouts. call 353 0659 March 4, 'etitioning is open to HMMI graduates who are enrolled the College of Education as EmiTs Bar & s mentarv education majors or Rial education majors and will be on campus at least i terms before Restaurant June, 1972. •tudents in secondary ■cation, who are dually oiled in other n excluded colleges, have from the petition 12" Pizza, 1.65 End of term-end of your money kks to allow for a limiting of All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner number of students Tuesday Nite $1.50 Has winter devastated your budget? A student Master Charge account from East Lansing in on their g trying the two positions available, "EVERY NITE IS PITCHER NITE" State Bank can definitely relieve the money shortage and start the spring off right. It's good, he one undergraduate Pizza is our Speciality ^ rhere I want to and the post of you know, from Kellogg Center to San Juan. ticing in the pap (mate will be filled at an 2012 E. Michigan Ave. ilty's been root union together. P iast three differ] IV|SU Student Master Charge^Applicatioii 3*1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 (PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW) ps lapping up, to represi aroij FIRST NAME jJsTUDENTNUMBER AGE | YOUR LAST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL draft status lem gaining with the! FULL NAME OF SPOUSE SPOUSE'S STUDENT NUMBER pie even claim i» enough: that majl MSU ADDRESS CITV 1 ZIP CODE i their own. And! j STATE TELEPHONE NUMBER SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER MAJoft cSsS birmingham JGPA it all anyway, rigl grosse p0inte NAME OF PRESENT EMPLOYER (IF ANY) POSITION HOW LONG monthly salary it first. The Studf detroit BUSINESS ADDRESS g at the corner® ann arbor . ,iver as proof, y dearborn NAME OF SPOUSE'S EMPLOYER POSITION imontmlvsalary grand rapids Union will everej east lansing NAME AND ADDRESS OF YOUR PARENTS ire got first dibs. NAME OF BANK. ^"uSE" Q CHECKING Q SAVINGS Q LOAN □(OTHER) CREDIT REFERENCES olicy MORTGAGE HOLDE R OR LANDLORD BALANCE DUE monthly payment STORES &OTHFR 2. 3 4. 1 (WE) REPRESENT THAT t ME INFORMA1 IDN CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE AND UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR BANK WILL RELY UPON ITSTRUTH IN GRANTING CREDIT TO THE APPLICANT(S). i, u) career at MSU so. Add to this, MSU is seasons Straight games' but theV broke Brewer is 15th in the league in time will be 8 p.m. in Playing with at least 18-Joint PauT E ,e Fieldhouse. The MSU - in front of the home Performance. The an won't break anv c"1 °f their slumP when the and the big sophomore is „ Knesota encounter will be crowd season for the last time this Spartan scoring records hut th« jil! Spartans traveled to also a tough rebounder. In the and these reasons by the All • University Plural championship game sUnr8h 10 p,o"">i«- should m,P^r.,;rbiecTi az Zirssfssi s X&WftZL+Z _f mcitv oi MbU s ~rr offense and j • is 'Minnesota has started to play the come on and way everyone ^ popping in baskets from the outside and on defense he intimidated any MSU player CLA still bessone blasts voters that went inside. The Gophers also have a fine shooting guard in Ollie Shannon, who is currently seventh in the |o.l team YORK (UPI) - UCLA Thompson lone all-star By RICK GOSSELIN league in scoring. It will be necessary for MSU HGff [taken a commanding lead State News Sports Writer jMvsBjfcss: ™ - ettner. U.S. Supreme Court acts l.0nly one week remaining in T, voting for. in the 100's as'they did asainsl Wisconsin Saturday, a feat the [United Press International J"6 A" : WCHAteam was allow JLj of Coaches Major College announced Sunday and to the disappointment of Amo Bessone "The team is just a popularity contest B€SSO"e continued, last season with a knee injury", ^partens have not accomplished to Haywood to play [Vetball Ratings, but and Snartan hnnklv 'r^ii make their votes before collected five points over the WASHINGTON (UPI) - Spencer Haywood and the Seattle Xything hinges on next only one MSU olaver SaceTon !5? !? over,and "lot. of weekend against Michigan to MSU may use a one guard Supersonics were given another vote of confidence by the K„rday's game against the team things can change from the time project him past Thompson and offense with Dean out front, government Monday when the Supreme Court sustained a "thern California. Don "ZiDDv" Thomnsnn rhey, V°te Until season's end- Ledingham in the scoring race. Benjamin and Pat Miller at wing previous action by Justice William O. Douglas to allow Haywood POINTS the lone on Spartan^o landTa the sauad as soot hp inin^H J"0* at Gafon" "e ,ed ®a*>ue in 8oa's and was one of But Venas*y of Denver added seven points to his totals against positions and Van Pelt and Bill Kilgore at low post positions. On to resume playing in the National Basketball Association. On March 1, Douglas had ruled that Haywood could finish the |l)CLA(26) " rile (24-1) (6) (27-0) 34 30 Duluth's Walt r^Hinohnm top 1 also voted for Colorado over the weekend for defense the Spartans may make season with the Supersonics, handing the NBA a severe blow in its rn I'al (2) (24-1) 28 Colorado College^ Bob Collvard . ^Marco and1 Bob B°yd on my tea,n They played as good an unofficial tie for the WCHA scoring title, with each player use of a pressing defense, hoping attempt to stop Haywood from participating in any league games. The Supreme Court's action Monday virtually assures Bftnnsylvania (26-0) 22 it iMm fm„t ii«™ to keep Minnesota's guards away ■ins«(l)(23-l) nicksunville (22-3) 21' 12 °nMikefiChS Rob and 38 8"y defenseme'n fn the l^e ^ting 38 points. from a run - and - gun game. Haywood's participation in the Sonics' remaining games this season and possibly the playoffs. ■Ltd Carolina (20-4) 11 Murray of Michigan Tech ■wtsiern Kentucky (20-S) 72 made the number one squad ■Hwlucky (22-4) 66 defense, while Tech's Morris I A A ■ Fordham (23-2) ■ Ohio Slate (18-5) ■Duquetne (21-3) ■ Brigham Young (18-9) 49 40 21 17 Trewin copped the first team I goalie shot. On the second team, /\/|I I f T All-U ■ North Carolina (20-5) 11 Wisconsin's Murray Heatley, gillesgagnon for Tech's Mike Usitalo, and r Ai Denver's Vic Venasky garnered the forward Minnesota's Wally Olds and posts with O T toni SPORTS Wisconsin's .,iavUllwll a John uaKRer „UIUI Jagger getting Keiun„ Tonight's All University IM Jj1 will depend on 6 - 1 center went down to defeat to the four SHORTS the defensive votes. Glenn Resch of Duluth snatched the number basketball championship game will be played between two Marvin ^OP®1 in this category, teams mentioned earlier in the °?h*r Po^'ble starters for Kappa All - U quarter final games,- By United Press International two goaltender berth. runners-up. Alpha Psi areLanryfiarven, Kappa Alpha Psi shook off a A bitter Bessone lashed out at KaPPa A1Pha Psi> fraternity Gerald Peaks, Mike Harding, and second half rally by Baal of ■ NEW YORK St. John's - University, Hawaii, Georgia Tech, the official team (under sanction runner " up> and the Panthers, Kn£de?' and won going away, 56 - ill® and Syracuse Monday were added to the field for the of the Denver Post) for not independent runner - up, meet at . t Panthers have two men 39. The Panthers had a more LOOK TO US i annual National Invitation Basketball Tournament at finding room for more Spartans 5:45 Pm-in Jenis°n Fieldhouse, ng " 2J Bruce Smith and difficult time with Worthington . lison Square Garden, March 20-27. on the team bessone was Preceding the MSU Minnesota Raymond Rodgers. Bill Mitchell, of Wonders before winning, 43 - FOR QUALITY |The addition of the five teams brings the number of berths especially SeaseTwith the ^ohn Woodward and Bruce 39. Umoja dumped McRae of id to 10 for the 16-team tournament. Previously announced absence of center Gilles Kappa Alpha Psi advanced to comprise the remainder McDonel, 45 - 41 and Delta Tau 'complete selection of "t. Bonaventure, Tennessee, Providence, Massachusetts and Gaenon's name from the two the final game through a 47 - 44 of the starting team. Delta took advantage of a cold frames by ton. teams. besting of Umoja Sunday. ^ast Thursday was a dark day second half by Snafu of Shaw to 'Sunglasses and wire - rims "I can't see how a man who is Umoja was the independent ,,r t]le res'dence hall teams, as erase a 22 - 20 half - time deficit (ATLANTA — Red Holzman, coach and general manager of the leadinc the leaeue in scorine all champion, having beaten the all four complex champions enroute to their 42 - 32 win. 'prescription lenses ground v York Knickerbockers, flatly denied Monday a pubBshed vear long can't even get a vote Panthers 41-40 for the crown, 'repairs while you wait rt that he would relinquish his coaching job to Richie Guerln for the second team," Bessone The Panthers had a much at season. blasted. "There are just too easier time LEASE featosi I "There's nothing to It at all," said Holzman, who guided the their first National Basketball Association game, gaining the final beating the fraternity 010.000 Trad» Marl Reg. A. H. Pond Co. { 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, March 9,10 STATE NEWS StATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Only 3 days left to place your Peanuts Personal 347 Student Services. 3558255 classified The State News does not permit racial discrimination or religious in- its Auto Service & Parts fe&nkly speaking by Phil Frank For Rent For Rent For Re zns&mxnm advertising columns. The AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and PINE FOREST. East Lansing. TWO MAN apartment, subleaae, near 1Wasfl American cars. If we can't fix it. It State News will not can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. 0 Sublease April - September or campus, recently refurnished. Call ONE term. GIRLTorV^ s^' longer. 1 bedroom, unfurnished. 332 2390. 4-3-12 351-0137. 6-3-12 10 accept advertising which $165. Call after 5 30 p.m.. • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against CAR WASH, 25c or automatic wash, 351-4190. 3-3-10 ONE GIRL for 4 ONE OR two man, spring / male grads ~ Scooters & Cycles religion, 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. Twyckingham. race, color or 430 South Clippert, back of Koko summer. No deposit, very dote. Call a,,"'' Auto Parts & Service national origin. COUPLE - ONE bedroom furnished, $60/month. 351-3115. 2-3-10 361-4217.5-3-11 Bar. 0-3-9 plus. At 1-96 and Cedar. $125. Aviation • EMPLOYMENT MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Also near LCC, $105. 663-8418. 5-3-12 ONE BEDROOM apartment, $140 plus electric. Call furniahad roommate"®,;~(MENr,;" bedroom. Grad preferred u • FOR RENT Kalamazoo Street .Since 1940. before 5 p.m. 351 9036. 3-3-11 —39:9468;353-7229 . . Automotive Complete auto painting and ONE MAN senior / grad for two 5-3-10 Apartments collision service. IV 5-0256. C - 401 SOUTH Fairview, one bedroom. ONE GIR^r Vee Houses man. Spring / 351-2614 after 5 p.m. 3-3-10 summer. Call Furnished ^ Rooms EDSEL. 1959. 2 door hardtop, runs good. $250. Phone 485-2928 VW - GUARANTEED repair. apartment, paid. $125 a month. 393-3725. utilities 55!2to c#mpus 160 33 • FOR SALE RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at SUBLET SUMMER - Modern 2 4-3-12 3-3-9 Okemos Road. 349-9620. 7-3-12 bedroom. Pool. No Animals deposit, ft 2, 3 or 4 men. 220 Cedar June rent paid. After 6 p.m., OKEMOS. ONE bedroom furnished. Sh Phone 351-1394 Mobile Homes (if no 393-5738.5-3-12 Utilities included. $125, $130. 351-73191. S-5-3-9 • PERSONAL Employment Phone 3494071, 349 3084 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment, 4-3-12 MEN: ONE block • PEANUTS PERSONAL EXPERIENCED BARTENDER. furnished from Berkev FORD TORINO 1970 or unfurnished. efficiency apartment with • REAL ESTATE - GT, 351 Resort hotel. June 12th - 882 0949. 5-3-12 ONE MAN needed. coo CID Spring term. $65. and 2 single rooms engine, red interior, wide September 12th. Call 332-6839. No without • RECREATION ovals. $2395 or best offer. 3-3-10 deposit. Close to campus. between 8 a.m. - 12 or 351 8664. 4-3-12 • SERVICE 489-6114. 3-3-11 351-9504.6 3 12 HOME ECONOMISTS. Generate new Typing Service FORD FALCON 1961. $150 or best TWO GIRLS to share Cedar Village • TRANSPORTATION offer. Call after 4 p.m., 349-1314, food ideas. Product development and ONE ROOMMATE March 1. Cedar Apartment. Fall, Winter, Spring, Houses improvement. $8,000 - Greens, Apt. B23. Ann 351-5731. 71-72. Call 353-2341. 4-3-12 • WANTED 355-7055. 3-3-10 $12,000. Relocate. Fee peid. 5-3-12 experience Phone 372-7700, Personnel ONE cooperati DEADLINE GIRL to sublet Spring term. living. Bower House Consultants. 3-3-10 IN MASON: 2 room furnished $55 month. Coop a Call 355-4431. membership openings for 1 P.M. one class day apartment. Private bath, entrance. Many extras. 2-3-10 spring term and next fall before publication. IMPALA MALE COLLEGE students. Good I K0WHITCCW FR0W M6 IF I 6941931.3-3-10 Visit us any afternoon at ti Cancellations 12 HARDTOP, 1967. Power, pay plus bonus. Part time. Call TWO MAN Whitehills Drive. Room and - noon 32,000 actual, V-8 automatic, 351 3591. 12-3-12 IM JtST MAKINa THIS UP ' SUBLEASE SPRING one or two men apartment immediately. New Cedar Village available $225 per term. Call 351 ba one class day before 449c excellent condition, many extras, Meadowbrook Trace. $47.50 Apartments. Call 332-3791. information or to arranae publication. first $1250. 351-3567.3-3-9 PART TIME. Ambitious person with month. 393-8289. 5-3-12 3-3-11 43-10 a sincere desire to earn PHONE $15,000 JAVELIN 1969 232, 2-barrel. Good annually. Mr. Dunn, phone SUBLET EAST SIDE. Newly 3558255 © Young America Corp. / 1304 Ashby rd. / St. Louis, Mo. FURNISHED 3 bedroom ONE OR two males for huge 4 man. remodel condition. Many extras. Best 393-1007. 7-3-12 duplex, guys, girls or family. One month free! No deposit I furnished 3 bedroom ho offer. 485-4021. 4-3-11 Carpeted, strict landlord wi RATES 332-2961.5-3-12 $77.50. MSU one block. HOUSEKEEPER. EXECUTIVE 332-6909. 4-3-12 serious conservative 1 tenants $' day $1.50 MAVERICK 1970, manual shift, 7 requires 351-3969. O experienced live-in ONE MAN Meadowbrook Trace Ibc per word per day 5 new tires, 14,000 miles. 355-1110, housekeeper in the East Lansing For Rent For Rent spring and summer term. Own WANTED ONE man for four man MAN FOR 4 man, 4 J days - 9 p.m. 3-3-9 $4.00 area. Full charge of large home bedroom and bath. $60/month. apartment. Cheap. Call 393-2961 bedroom to Cedar 13%c per word per and 3 children including 1 FOURTH MAN needed BURCHAM WOODS. Deluxe 1 and 2 393-8988. 5-3-12 after five. $45.00 per month. Village. Spring day MGB WHITE 1965. Call 484-4143 spring, 337-0631. 3-3-11 5 days after 3 p.m. New top and paint pre-schooler. No housecleaning, summer. $58.75. Adjacent bedroom furnished. Available 4-3-12 $6.50 will consider job. 8-3-12 couple. campus. 332-0150. 5-3-10 immediately or for spring term. ONE OR two men. Own room, TWO FOR 8 girl. Near 13c per word per day campus Swimming pool. From $150. sublease. Ask for Bill. 351-8372. ONE MAN for Cedar utilities included. Deposit. Village (based on 10 words per ad) Also excellent wages for reliable MARRIED STUDENTS Manager, 351-3118. If no answer, 3-3-10 Spr OLDSMOBILE 1967 - F-85 6 apartment, Spring term. Call Sandy / Jackie. 351-2605. 8-; cylinder, standard transmission, woman to do housecleaning 3 & FACULTY 484-4014. 745 Burcham Drive. TF 351 4654. 4-3-12 Peanuts Personals must be days a week. 372-0200, ext. 411 34,000 Live In A Luxury CAPITOL COMPLEX near, 3 pre-paid. miles, 349-0259. 4-3-12 $950. Phone Dave, 351-9437, evenings. 3-3-9 3 Bedroom Apt. MALE TO sublet. Cedar bedrooms furnished. $135 TWO MAN apartment on Cedar NEED THREE basement. or four people" Village Spring - sum, There will be apartment. Reasonable includes utilities. Girls or married Street. $210 / quarter / man plus a 50c service for $185 mo. rate. Call 351-9029. 3-3-9 PART TIME employment: 12-2& couple. Call 489-1276. 5-3-12 and 351-2286. 3-3-9 deposit, six month lease. bookkeeping charge if hours per week. Automobile 2 bedrooms for $165.00 351-2183. 3-3-11 this ad is not paid within GIRLS, CHEAP exciting living required, 351-5800. O KNOB HILL NEED ONE roommate for 2 man. Hedrick House Coop < one week. PLYMOUTH Downtown. Cheap. 484 2237. IV ONE GIRL for three WAGON, 1962. V-8 LINE UP your spring or summer job APARTMENTS man. Spring 332-0846. 5-3-12 The State News automatic, power steering, radio. 7-5953, office. 3-3-10 term. University Terrace. $55. Call will be now. Car necessary. Call 351-7319 349-4700 $60. 351-8139.6-3-11 SPACIOUS 2 bedroom 332-1887.4-3-12 NEED TWO girts, own responsible Open 1 - 6 Mon. Sat. furnished bedrooms, only for the for personal i - student CEDARVIEW APARTMENTS. One apartment. Close, necessary. 485-8588, after 6 p first day's incorrect PONTIAC GTO 1968 excellent Sunday by appt. reasonable, parking. 332-0965. 0 bedrooms. Furnished. March 1st. TWO MAN Lansing apartment, own 6-3-12 insertion. On Okemos Rd. across 351-5647. 5-3-12 room, $50 includes utilities. condition, rustproof, 3-speed, For Rent from Okemos High School 4854469. 4-3-12 GIRL SPRING. Luxury apartment. ONE GIRL for large roomy & reasonable, one owner. 372-3697. TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction Delta Arms. No deposit. house. 512 Abbott. 351-79 NEW TWO bedroom. 1 mile from $62.50. 3-3-10 guaranteed. Free delivery, service CEDAR GREENS NEED ONE man for four man 4-3 12 campus. Unfurnished. $166. 351-7668.3-3-9 and 1 bedroom furnished apartment. Call Tom, 351-0971 pick-up. Call NEJAC, 332-5742. 8-3-12 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Excellent 4 3-12 ONE OR two girls for house, close FEMALE ROOMMATE, Automotive condition, must sell. Best offer 337-1300^0 Graduate POOL student preferred. Whitehall campus, $60 a month. 332 20i over $500. 484-5226. 4-3-12 ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. Manor. 351-4208. 5-3-12 Call 351-8631 ONE TWO girls wanted for Eden 4-3-12 BUICK SKYLARK SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV Roc. Reduced rates. 351-4635. 1963. Air - conditioned, V-8 automatic, snow VW, FASTBACK, 1967. Blue, RENTAL, 372-4948. C 3-3-11 NEEDED: FOURTH man ONE MAN needed, 4 man, COUPLE, SUBLEASE spring, excellent spring, no LANSING _ tifes' 353-4786. 3-3-9 condition, new tires. TV RENTALS Students only. Low deposit. Come over, 551 Albert summer. Block from Union. OR East Lansing. One bedroom house, close. 351-13 $1400. 355-1162.6-3-12 - bedroom furnished. Large, airy EFFICIENCY. UNFURNISHED 3-3-11 CHEAP No. 3. 7-3-12 353-7822, 10 - 1:30 p.m. 211ft D WAGONEER, 1964. monthly and term rates. Call MAC. 5-3-12 rooms. Air conditioned. except range and refrigerator. Combines best features of jeep VW SEDAN, 1966. Mechanic owned. 351-7900 to reserve yours. Across from campus. Reasonable. and station Beautifully maintained. Suitable GIRLS — Summer, fall. Furnish wagon. 4-wheel drive. Radio and new engine. Top UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C ONE GIRL, transportation to MEN: for faculty, grad 332-0792. 4-3-12 Perfect ROOMMATE(S) needed to students, business parking. Near campus. 332-89 body. Good motor and condition. $950. 372-8130. 5-3-9 campus. $45 a month. Call share luxury apartment near people, married couples. Lease. 4-3-12 tires. Power steering. $990 or best REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for 349 9438. 3-3-9 FOUR campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.m. - 6 332-3135 or 882-6549. O GIRLS. New 2 bedroom offer. 351-4571. 3-3-11 rent. A TO Z RENTALS, p.m. TF apartment on 20 acres with FOUR GIRLS for 7 girl house spr Scooters & Cycles 349-2220. 0-3-12 GIRL TWO horses. 4 miles from campus. $55 CHEVROLET IMPALA NEEDED to sublease spring BEDROOMS furnished. All term. All utilities (includ 1963, 6 WOMEN: ROOMMATE(S) needed each per month. 882-3820. 4-3-12 term. Ideal location. Reduced to utilities furnished phone) paid. 351-8182.4 312 cylinder, automatic, good CYCLE except INSURANCE. Central share luxury electricity and telephone. Walking mechanically. $250. Call Bob, Michigan's largest insurer. Any Apartments rent. 337-2284. 3-3-11 apartment campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.m. - 6 near distance to campus. Four man ONE - TWO girls to share 4 girl. CUSTOM. TWO bedroom. 353-6400 or 355-9107. 5-3-12 cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON ONE p.m. TF $66.25 Spring, spacious, pool. 353-0093. campus, schools. Ideal for coup 414 SOUTH PINE. 1 bedroom BEDROOM, unfurnished. a person, three man INSURANCE AGENCY. Auburn Street, Holt. Stove and $77.50 a person. HALSTEAD 4-3-12 337-1525.4-3-12 CHEVROLET 1964, wagon, 6 stick. 332-5335, 484-8173. O furnished apartment in older refrigerator furnished. No children GIRL FOR 4 man - Spring term, MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O Must sell, make offer. 355-9419. home. All utilities paid by owner. or pets. $115/month possibly Summer term. Waters DESPERATE! One girl needed for CLEAN, FOUR room, two r 5-3-12 Ideal for 2 people, $110 per Phone WE HAVE Moved. ROLL ROSSER Cedar - 393-7480. 5-3-11 Edge Drive Apartments. $70. TWO BEDROOM duplex. apartment. Village. upstairs house. 202 Our Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. month plus deposit. No lease Phone 351-5836. 5-3-10 Range, 332-1431.3-3-11 351 4389.4-3-12 Phone 4894811. Our new address required. Call 6 - 8 p.m. only, Mr. refrigerator, dishwasher, fireplace, CHEVROLET, sharp 1965 Impala, 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham. drapes, carpeted. Available March Alban 337-2510. 15-3-12 automatic, V-8. Best 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF 2-man furnished apartments ONE GIRL NEEDED ONE male. 2 bedroom, 2 offer. - Spring. New Cedar 15th. Call 482-4682 or 489-5366. THREE BEDROOM Duplex, No 371-1286.3-3-9 includes heat. $62.50 to $80 Village. Reasonable. 337-2558 7-3-12 bathroom. Meadowbrook Trace. 1969 TRIUMPH TR-6 $900. Take ONE MAN for four per Abbott Road. Stove - man, spring man. 135 Kedzie Drive, $85 to after 3 p.m. 7-3-12 393-7678. 3-3-11 f r e r i gerator. I mmedi advantage of me. Do it, today! term, Collingwood Apartments. $90 per man. Leases CHEVY NOVA 1970, 3 speed, starting June ONE MAN to sublet 337-1857. 3-3-9 351-6804. 3-3-9 spring. $75. ONE GIRL for 2-man occupancy, $200 plus utili 15th and September 1st. EAST SIDE, 2 units, furnished. 1 Senior efficiency. automatic, V-8, light blue, 2 door. Days or graduate student. Call before 5 p.m., 351-91 Call 834-5973 in Ovid 487-3216; Evenings until 10 bedroom each. 3 months least. $60/month. No deposit. or MAKE THE best of a good thingl ONE MAN wanted for 3 pm Capitol Villa. After 5 p.m., B-43-11 373-6628 in Lansing. 5-3-9 man 882-2316. O $110 and $130. 337-0409. 8-3-12 337-2450. 4-3-12 Sell pianos and organs with low 351-4615. 5-3-9 apartment. Spring term. No lease. cost Classified Ads. Dial $70. 332-0905. 3-3-9 ONE GIRL needed for four man, GIRL WANTED, spring, CHEVY II 1963. Good running 355-8255. Burcham Woods, $55. 351-4543. Convenient, comfortable he Ctupcfeinsljam condition. New snows, new carb. 4-3-12 134 Gunson. 351-7970. 3-3-9 SUZUKI 350, 1970. Asking $600. $250. 482-4257 or 484-1445. 3-3-10 Very good condition. Call ONE MAN, 489-0960. 5-3-12 GLASS NOTES! close to campus, Spring, huge apartment, $60. 351-2062. CORVAIR VAN 1961. Fair 4-3-12 8ttxlll condition $100 evenings or or best offer. Call Saturday 355-5781. Aviation „ ^ page can copy two ^sheets onto — one Sftxll^ only 7c per copylH" has it 3-39 LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight CROSSWORD hhdo rang ago training. All •THE COPY SHOPPEj heated p courses CORVAIR MONZA 1965. Red, government and VA are Below Paramount News sararsB bdhJ| certified. automatic, radio. $350 as is. FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport PUZZLE 484-4292. 3-3-9 Road, Call 484-1324. C □rjnag anau and all es mm Pasture grass ACROSS 29. Tsetses 2! Ml ON THE TRAIL! . . Weeps Culmination .Seconds 31. Goblin 31 3; 32. Mixed type 3; 33. Cymbals and iUk amaciraas dns| NO WE WON'T HUNT Unfaithful drums □HH nnra |Qg| - S. Yellow ide 36. College degree: abbr. nsa asa aa$ YOU DOWN WITH A GUN 3. In person 17. Glockenspiel 9: Lily palm 19. Small island [). Turkish inn 10. Hard-wOrking I. Live 13. Sunburn 4. Angry 3. Racket HOWEVER 14. Vapor 5. Angle ol 1 1. Weigh gold >5. Ability 1. Glitter leafstalk - 4620 S. Hagadorn 5. Choose 17. Spine-tingling 2. Rabble 6. Ointment 7. Catamaran 8. Openbill 7. Hautboy just north of Mt. Hope Rd. 3. Before noon i 8. Tunisian ruler 3 1 Student Ads must be paid by noon, % 10 b V, 1 8 9 % 9. Radio interference Friday, February 26th, and n V, 12 prepaid from Monday, March 1st; 10. Murmurs means no or you go on the HOLD list.'This 13 .1 15 12. Lurk paid. registration, no diploma, no transcripts, no nothing until 61 16 % ib 15. Sorceress 17. The Orient io % 21 22 % 21. Exists 23 Catastrophe So, hurry and pay up! TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean W% 2<< % 25 % a 23. 25. Burning Room 345 furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central-control air 27 26 2? %30 26. Persian fairy 27. Peruses conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If ii % 3f 33 3H % w 28. Variety ol feldspar Student Services Building you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom 36 47 'ft lb 30. Neuter pronou units start at $65/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL. 372-2797 or 332-6441. HO % «« % 39 13 32. Dwarf 34. Board 35. Delivered MICHIGAN STATE NEWS SIX, NINE and TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. «W % % w- 37. Ananias 38. Termites 41. Protection MANA CEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y BY: Alco Management Company ti % 42. Make lace 46. Behold sday, March 9, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan \ » STATE NEWS Tuesday, March 9, 197* 9 for Rent For Sale CLASSIF|Ed For Sale Peanuts Personal 355-8256 TWa°nHM RiHALL SPe8kW C^ne,s Service 1 BASSETT HOUND puppies.Trom it's what's lid wnn 1 ■ndj Artley flute. 349-0718. »ood hunting stock. 393 4593. 1-3-9 $15. Phone DOG AND Cyn, Thanks for a wonderful Winter term. Happiness NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE , COPY SHOPPE can show Happening is definitely a warm maN needed for house. Ann SEARS 12" black and white puppy. Love how to get two Xerox you 2 blocks from Berkey. TV from The Secret Admirer. 1-3-9 copies for for Rent 337-Wer 8-3-10 JJJJ 8arphone- «75. 355-7780! CH'^SE black 484 PUG puppies. AKC, fawn, masked, reduced price. the price of one. Phone 332-4222. 5095. 3-3-11 SEWING MACHINE March 8th TYPING DONE in Clearance Sale. - 12th. peanuts my home. Fast Brand new portables $49.95, Mobile Homes personal special 55.00 per month. of Large selection words for $1.00. - 10 g^3-U12,e SerViC®' Phone 351 "6259. reconditioned TWO Singers, Whites, Necchis, used machines New Will BEDROOM. accept clowTo^Trr^ reasonable ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith It'tWhat s Happening must be The Mome offer offset printing. lawyer will be at ASMSU from and 351-6628. 7-3-12 Complete service "Many Others." $19 95 1 to S p.m. Wednesday. Call 353 - of the Indian." for submitted in person to 341 minutes from campus, 10 m4f95, Terms- AWARDS SOCRATES: WHEN things get too dissertation^, theses, Student Services Bldg. at least 0659 for appointments. Admission is free. jlctelv furnished. 372-8077 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY MOBILE HOME skirting; Concrete ripe they rot: unless eaten soon manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 1 1 1 5 21 years experience. The Sophomore Theater Practicum North Washinaton block appearance. after 349-0850. C two State News working days The Sailing Club will meet at 489 6448. C-3-11 $220 installed picked: Your Valentine. will present Euripedes' "The Trojan Call 371-1407. 7:30 p.m. today in X-3-3-9 (Sunday - Thursday) before Women" at 3:30 p.m. today and discuss the spring 35 Union to ROOM. Share house. East PROFESSIONAL campaign. An L »or three 100 USED vacuum publication. Entries may be Wednesday in Studio 49, Fairchild important Executive Board meeting 484 3608.2-3-10 cleaners. Tanks ELCONA 1969 12'x56', 2 THESIS Theater. Admission is by donation. bedroom. inserted twice and be will be held at 6 p.m., campus. $60. 333" canisters and uprights. Guaranteed Central air conditioning, skirted, PREPARATION must preceding the meeting, in the Union UN Lounge. one fun year $?88 flnd quiet park. Must sell. 641-6601 submitted from a registered MSU j,s MALE students. Volunteer Probation DENNIS 0-3-12 student organization. Officers, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, OMSonable. clean, near. DISTRIBUTING Real Estate Student Mobilization Committee COMPANY, 851-1394 men. 220 Cedar Sti (jf no ^ parking. 332-3094. 3-3-1 Opposite City Market. 316 North Cedar C-3-11 '969 HILCREST 2-bedroom,skirted Camp Opportunity Highfields, House Pine and Lodge, any will meet Union to at 8 discuss p.m. today in building 31 spring OKEMOS SCHOOL Transportation interested volunteers: Ernie Shelley, . 9). S-5-3-9 Fully carpted, garbage disposol + DISTRICT. 3 Complete Professional Thesis Service for ((KING GIRL or woman. Room. many extras. Call 625-3520.W bedroom frame ranch. VA Mister's and Doctoral Candidates. Free consulting psychologist for the privileges. Parking, baths. Ingham County Full finished troetiure and Consultation. Please Call Juvenile Court, "Where Does War Begin" is the : block from basement. Oil heat. specialist in criminal psychology and V apartment Berkey references. $50 a month, MARLETTE 1969. Built-in countertop range and wall Cliff and Paula Hiughey 337 1527 or 627 2938. LIMOUSINE SERVICE to Detroit innovator in the Michigan penal topic of a talk by Frank Kifer, 12'x60'. 2 nflle rooms with cook 371 2834. 4 3-12 bedroom. Carpeted, skirted. Good oven. Lots of storage. Large 1 car Metro Airport. $11/person. Call institutions, will try to advise you in regional director for Campus Crusade for Christ, at 9 p.m. without garage. Handy to East COMPLETE TYPING and 882-0722. 3-3-11 today in North 8am condition. Located Lansing, printing any problems you might have Wonders Hall 12 Qr ev#n. It STUDENT kitchen - Estates. 646-6686. 4-3-12 in Windsor Okemos, Mason. 349-1125. 10-3-9 service. Copy stored magnetic on encountered in a question/answer rap welcome. lounge. All are jrivileges Phone mornings IV tape. This eliminates all re-typing RIDERS NEEDED to Miami area. session from 3:30 to 5 p.m. today in 1-8151 - 3-3-11 TWO BEDROOM. Finished except author's changes and Leaving March 18. Phone the Stefanoff Lounge, Student The Spartan Pistol Club will have louses Lost & Found basement. Close to MSU, schools. corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT 882-2977. 3-3-11 Services Bldg. an important match at 7 p.m. today FOR LEASE, one girl a, Small down payment. Assumes MAIL ADVERTISING, across In Demonstration Hall. All members 114) Albert. Call 694-8266 LOST: CAT, black and white low land contract. Call 337-1525. from Frandor. Phone 337-1773. C NEED RIDE downtown "Oh, Make It Mean Something" by are asked to attend. NCE manx. Lansing Phil Jower COOPERATl Gunson Street area. 4 3-12 from MSU. 12:30-5:00 p.m. Austin will be presented at 7 House Coop Reward. p.m. today and Wednesday in the more on rship openings for 337-2002, evenings. 4-3-12 Tuesday, Thursday. 351-3196 page 10 TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. 4-3-12 »rm and next fall PORTABLE ROOM, quiet. EPIPHONE BASS Guitar, two HASLETT. GOOD buildable duplex Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann „ •(3fl student. Fine location, months old. Perfect condition THREE KEYS found Friday on walk lot in Haslett's best multi - any afternoon family Lance, 626-6542. 0-3-12 at irking. IV 2-8304. 3-3-11 Call 484-6009. 5-3-12 neat Student Services area. For Wanted s [ ,erm- Call 351 Drive. Room 4490 and bo sent to Key Shop. S-4-3-12 Building Maynard information, Beery 351-5210 or call Join the Parade! ion or to WISHED ROOM available KINGSIZE WATERBEDS SIMON REAL ESTATE, Okemos TYPING SERVICES in my East arrange only $55 PERSON WITH first class FCC mmediately, 334 Michigan, Branch, 349-3310. 4-3-12 Lansing home. Phone 332-3306 jcross from campus. 351-7492. Call 5-3-12 351-9525 after 12 noon Personal 6-3-12 license to do substitute work over I-3-10 FACULTY COLONIAL. Near MSU. spring break. Nate, 351-9792. >E. Newly SAVE TIME. Make an remodel appointment. 4 bedrooms, 114 1-3-9 •d 3 baths, washer bedroom WATERBED, KINGSIZE, new still 8 5:30 p.m., weekdays. UNION - WHEN ENOUGH'S enough look for , strict landlord l£T ROOMS, serious female in box, $35. 351-7192, before 3 dryer, fireplace. $24,500. that better job in the Classified BUILDING BARBER SHOP. 337-1597 after 3 BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for mservative tenants $; Students. Two single, one double P.m. 3-3-10 p.m. 5-3-11 Ads each day I C-3-9 all positive, A negative, B negative .I O $70, $75, $136. Share utilities, and AB negative, $10.00. 0 ose, parking. Limited house no 4 man, 4 bedroom ivileges Available March 29. CHECK OUR 25th anniversary LIBERATE YOURSELF! Think Recreation TYPING. THESES and letters, ejc. negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Guitar Specials! See today's ad. free!! Sign up for Sorority Rush. Rapid, accurate service. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, r Village. Spring. 3511754. 2-3-10 MARSHALL MUSIC COMPANY Experienced. 393-4075. ITUDENTOURS SUMMER: 20-3-12 507% East Grand River, East . 3-3-11 C-3-9 London, from $194; Spring Lansing. Above the new Campus 3 girl. Near FREE ... A lesson in complexion Break: Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, IF YOU'VE said you want to Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 campus, sell it, OLD BOOKS, Magazines, comic care. Call484-4519, East Michigan $219; Nassau, $179. Call Fred, p.m., Monday, Thursday and tcluded. Deposit. Spr 13-9 say it again with a Want Ad. Dial books, antiques for or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. 355-2824. 14-3-12 355-8255 now! Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 tockie. 351-2605.8-3 sale 332-0112,1 -5:30 p.m. 4-3-12 MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C ADE POINT Slump due to STUDIOS. C-3-11 EUROPE $194 STUDENTOURS EE or four people, tractions trying to study? BARBI MEL: round trip jet to London summer Typing, multilithing. GARAGE FOR boat storage. Near Spring iet, convenient, clean room for No job too - '71. Call Eddie, 393-7520. 6-3-12 large or too small. campus. Call evenings. 355-0818. .3-3-9 at $10.50 week. No Block off campus. 332-3255. C n per HIGHWAYS 4-3-12 iking, women or drinking, thus THE ORIGINAL Dirty Time Spiro AIR FARE ONLY EAP exciting living ling students desirous of ideal watches. Also Dicky, Moshe and The Interstate Highway House dy conditions. 428 Grove. First System will Spring Break The Coop Peace Time Watches. 663-4332. have cost an 5-3-12 tone 351-4266 or 351-9023 3-3-11 estimated $60 billion before Jamaica $150. liable in 1V4 weeks. 2 blocks it is completed and another Acapulco $165. jn; residential area. 4-3-12 FANTASTIC SALE - One week $320 billion is needed for Summer SHARE room. $130 only! 25 50% off all plastic - road construction in the next Detroit London $199. to a tern* inflatable furniture. Chairs, sofas, 15 years. an, quiet, cooking. 1 block ti hassocks. Call 337-9215, noon - I Call Frank Buck 351-8604 I 487-5753, For worthy of the super a car Are npus. RTAN HALL leasing for spring, ingles, men, women. 351-9286, midnight. 0-3-12 MAMIYA C equipment, 55mm, highways you'll be on the right road when you check State News "Autos for Sale" STUDENTOURS SUMMER: London, $209. Spring Break: Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, $219; :|||| Coming 72-1031. 0 105mm, Probag, Leica 11 If 50mm > girls for house, close in the Classified Section. Freeport, $189. Call Fred, 12, 100mm f3.5, Cannon FX, 135mm after 6 p.m. 351-5074. You'll find a selection 355-2824. 140M2OOP of makes and modtels to choose from. Check now! Service AND RIVER. Furnished room for ENGAGEMENT RING, % carat perfect. Appraised value, $967. PASSPORT AND Visa Photos by snployed person. Call before 4 CUSTOM PAINTING. Exterior and 482-9059. 6-3-12 Sell for $725 351-7949, after 9 appointment. All types of interior painting by experts. p.m. 5-3-12 photographic work. Information Licensed and insured. For reliable Service, Photo Lab, 355-0230. service and free estimates,, call !E FARM, house privileges. i. 332-891 5-3-12 5sit, call GRINNELL JUNIOR portable piano, 487-3101.4-3-12 393-0409, after 6 3-3-10 good condition. $250. Phone NOW YOU can rent a WATERBED 543 3596. 2-3-10 for only $10/month. 351-9525 EXTERIOR PAINTING. Spring is > for 7 girl house spr I utilities after 12 noon. 5-3-12 comingl Call now for free (includ GUITARS. GUILDasking F30-NT estimate. Grad students. .d 351-8182.4 312 $200. Martin D-12-20 12-string. ATTENTION: FRATERNITIES and Dependable references. Putting 351 6144. 1-3-9 Sororities. Solid. Reasonably paint on your house puts bread on WO bedroom, our table! 372-8158. C hools. Ideal for coup priced trio. Call 484-6009. 3-3-10 MUSICAL 4-3-12 For Sale INSTRUMENTS, all TW\ brands. 30% off list price. Rich: ALTERATIONS AND Dressmaking, room, two CAN see the savings with 351 -5869. C Peanuts Personal by experienced seamstress. lity glasses from OPTICAL Reasonable JR louse. 202 Durai GIBSON SJN flattop guitar, month charge. Call 355-5855. 5'SCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan DONNA BUN: Thanks for accepting 4-3-12 old. will sacrifice, $250. iue, 372-7409. C-3-12 349-3733. S-5-3-10 my curlers, penny loafers, and Typing Service INTRODUCES buckwheat cookbook; sharing IERTS 770-X stereo tape thoughts (deep and not so deep); ecorder, recently serviced. $180. and proving that not all "Human 539 9436. 3-3-9 beings" live on reservations. COMPLETE THESES service. Groaty Kathy. 1-3-9 Discount printing. IBM typing and EWRITER, UNDERWOOD Animals binding of theses, resumes, •ble, $24.95. Used furniture publications. Across from campus, y30FE WATERMELONETTE - MEET me 'kinds. ABC SECONDHAND ONE LOVELY little blue lassie, 1 in St. Louis. I'll miss you — corner MAC and Grand River, ITED, spring, TORE, 1208 Turner. C lovely little blue laddie. Bluepoint Banana. 1-3-9 below Style Shop. Call , comfortable he Siamese, $15 each. Weekdays call COPYGRAPH SERVICES, n. 351-7970. 3-3-9 HER MODEL 110 AM-FM stereo ED 2-5859, after 6:30 p.m. 2-3-10 KARL - PLEASE continue the 337-1666. C revolution (even without me) center. Kenwood model *1-100, AM-FM 140 watt stereo 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish Love Kath. 1-3-9 r. Console color TV set. and all other live merchandise record players, $15 and up. (Instant parenthood) DOCKTOR PET CENTER, Meridian Mall, Youth .table TV sets $35 up. 200 used tmtn rut wcHTinuttoN cut *wic«no» rot mis 1 j tmu :t :r*k stereo 349-3950. 5-3-12 tapes $2.50 each, "ew 7" reel tapes, $2.00 and 50 each. 300 used stereo *ims. Oriental wall tapestries. With a Youth Pass¬ '"■COX SECONDHAND 'ORE, 509 East Michigan, FREE. ADORABLE. Black fluffy 10A - PUT up candlelight signl port card you get V3 I-4391, 8 5.3q p,mij Monday . puppies. 5 weeks old. Call Winter brought commitments. off on all TWA Saturday. 485-3555.3-3-10 Congratulations, Korny. 1-3-9 C domestic flights, on a standby basis. And 4 000 27 Youth Passport cards reduced rates at many cost $3 and are available SERVICE is what makes CEDAR VILLAGE places you'll stay. to students aged 12 thru 21. DIFFERENT! These are the people who provide that extra service. Ask your 4. 5. Angry Angle of a leafstalk friends what the Cedar Village difference has meant to them. AND 2 YEARS TO PAY 6. Ointment Cedar 7. Hautboy 8. Tunisian rule Now renting for summer 9. Radio and fall. A few sub-leases interference still available for spring. 10. Murmurs 12. Lurk With TWA's Getaway 15. Sorceress Card, you can charge The Getaway Card 17. The Orient airfare, hotels, meals, is available to most 21. Exists 23. Catastrophe cars, just about any¬ students in the U.S.A. 25. Burning thing to just about For additional 26. Persian fairy anywhere. And then information contact TWA 27. Peruses Village take two years to pay. or your local travel agent. 28. Variety of feldspar 30. Neuter pro"011 32. Dwarf 34. Board 35. Delivered 37. Ananias 38. Termites TWA's Getaway Program 41. Protection 42. Make lace 46. Behold BOGUE ST. at the RED CEDAR U.S.A./Europe/Asia/Pacific/Africa 332-6061 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. March Q' Support (Continued from page 1) cards. inaccurate information relevant to whether or not one could sign bargaining unit. The MSU/FA representative for the College of Human have all sponsored Ecology The College of Education and un meetings to the College of Engineering have The MSU/FA spokesman said more^ card." card, than one authorization said that some faculty members enable faculty members to meetings scheduled for "have the misconception that that the organization will make a Several collective secure more information on Wednesday to discuss collective bargaining you are voting for a particular collective second major effort in the near experts on campus were initially bargaining. bargaining. future to gain enough signatures organization when you sign a quoted in the news media as card. to meet its target date. stating that faculty members "it is not understood that the "We have not altered our permitted to sign the signer of a card is not even Illegal election were objective, which is to secure a authorization card of only one bargaining election early spring prospective bargaining agent. obligated to vote iU~ term," he said. bargaining election, and that if This view was reversed when a he (Continued from page 1) The 16 board members who One reason cited does, he can vote for any by the spokesman for the MERC in were sitting on the board April organization on the ballot "The whole v««««..»- case amounts to a MSU/FA spokesman for the Detroit said that the present 15, 137., 1& 1970, will will offer offer aa common regardless of which organization series of personal grudges by "disappointing response to the practice of the commission is to he signed a card for," he said. defense Presented bv Buckner card ji-i-iu..*: distribution drive j_.„„ ,.,„o t was that ...... count 1. j i~. people on and off the board who an(j vice C. Keith Groty,asst. professor Chairman Mark "the issue has been obscured by don't have the guts to stand up legitimate of labor and industrial relations, Bathurst. and make charges themselves, said Monday that "many faculty "We'll present the facts as we They're merely hiding behind see them in an members are seeking more open hearing," Education information about bargaining" before deciding collective on someone Buckner repercussions else." said could the be Buckner said. "The board is really _ tired _ of seeing (Continued from whether to support collective judiciary used as a weapon to page 1) experience; instruction "incredible" if AUSJ rules his meet our including tutorial, off bargaining or which organization personal vendettas." their ability to think about - campus chairmanship invalid. conventional problems in ^"^ed - geared to to support. "The whole sixth session According to the constitution, the chairman can be erience, rather than "A large number of faculty would have to be literally legally unconventional ways, Newman _._r ^ om let , elected only from present voting classroom lectures; and the members seem to be taking a thrown out. While the board said, adding that s°mt: members or voting members addition to faculties of such 'wait and see' position," Groty members prominent university presidents were legitimately th.e preceding year not tjtioners as laWyers, said. elected, their actions will be and education critics were J hiatristsand politicians, The College of Agriculture considered invalid because they presently'on the student board. purposely excluded. When elected chairman suggests also Natural Resources, the The report recommends were never officially called to creation of new inst,tutions that decentra|izatf0* of state college College of Arts and Letters and order." Buckner was president of the Men's Halls Assn. (MHA). MHA emphasize enrollment regardless university systems, regional and the other major of students examjnj universities for governing a creative dropping out age; for work ^ r|form *of de«rees and groups lost their votes board on the - pr^fessiona, constitution when was the passed in new an all accreditation groups to encourage work - training as an University referendum in alternative to academic February, 1970, although they - only retained the status of past preparation. voting members. The Rep. David M. Serotkin, R-Mt. Clemens, "All evidence we have in the study group says higher was in Washington education"erredTn" adopting as Monday to serve as cochairman of a special hearing on state - level ASMSU files incidates that there for sorority spring rush from 5 to its model the elite, academic efforts opposed to the SST. was no violation of the p.m. today through Friday i university with its high - In the Michigan legislature, Serotkin has introduced a bill to constitution," Buckner said. McDonel, Hubbard, Rather, Wilsor Miss Green could not be powered Ph.D. ■ laden faculties. block the SST from Michigan airports. He also is Holden, Campbell, Gilchrist or Eas preparing a bill contacted for comment. Shaw halls from 8 to prohibit the supersonic transports from flying or a.m. to noo "The modern academic over the state. "Both of Michigan's senators and most of the congressional university has, like a magnet, delegation from this state stand in opposition to further drawn all institutions towards its development of the SST," Serotkin said. We March to repeal the abortion laws at noon Saturday in Durant organization form, until today Park, the same teaching method, the Lansing. Child care will be available. An order to "cease and desist" a practice of For rides, meet in Shaw halls same organization by deceptive parking disciplines advertising was issued by Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley to the lot at 11 a.m. For and the same information, call professional pay 332 -09S1 or 351 - S962. president of United Tae Kwon Do, Inc., of Westland. academic training for faculty are The karate school was charged with soliciting memberships at a All those interested in a fine arts nearly universal," the report "special introductory offer" of $35, although individuals half. center at MSU are welcome to attend says. an answering the ad were pressured into signing a contract for a long open meeting of the College of term course costing $840. - Arts and Letters Student Advisory Recent reforms emphasizing * ♦ * GRAND PRIZE Committee at 4 p.m. today in 203 diversification of curriculum and The House Berkey Hall. changes in governing are A. Republican leadership has appointed Rep. Michael Dively, R-Traverse City, as chairman of the House Republican You pay BEEF CHUCK ROAST The New Players tryouts for insufficient, according to the Campaign Committee. The committee coordinates election "Cuckoo's Nest," "Tom Paine" and "Stop the World" continue from 6 to Ford study. campaigns with the party's state central and finance committees. the other. 11 p.m. today in the Ballroom. If you cannot attend, call Union Special Half Price BLADE CUT GRAND PRIZE BEEF 351 - 8287. E - QUAL will plan for Earth - New England publisher Rate for Faculty and Students 58{... RIB STEAK J8< Action Week and a concert at 7:30 p.m. today in Union Sun Room. All Please send the Monitor for bans Clay-Frazier news me are invited. □ 1 year $15 □ 9 mos. $11.25 A rap session will be held at 7:30 □ 6 mos. $7.50 p.m. Wednesday in the East Wilson I am □ faculty Hall lounge. Topic for discussion □ student will MANCHESTER, N.H. (UPI) the Connecticut Sunday Herald. In related □ Check/money order enclosed concern the University's housing — Publisher William Loeb, who a development, the □ Bill me later MICHIGAN GRADE NO. 1 options. Trustee Don Stevens will be In a front page editorial in the Manchester Veterans of Foreign previously outlawed all Vermont Sunday News, Loeb Wars Post had called for The last scheduled meeting of the term for Block and Bridle ciub will advertising in his newspapers for reiterated his longstanding picketing of the New Hampshire IDAHO BAKING POTATOES ROASTING be held at 7:30 Monday night's Cassius Clay - criticism of Clay's refusal to State Armory where the fight p.m. today Joe Frazier fight because of 10 lb. bag 69' Anthony Hall. Discussion topics will include the horse show and any other spring term activities. Anyone Clay's refusal to enter the Army, has banned all news stories as serve in the Armed Forces. "Any able who will not • bodied American fight for his own was to have been shown closed circuit television, on City State Zip SAUSAGE 76c interested is welcome to attend. ln addjtion, the commander weH, The The news K1 blackout triggered J country doesn't deserve to be of the Amerlcan Ugion Post ECKRICH Free University classes being held today: Hitch hiking, 7:30 p.m., the resignation of David James allowed to fight in the prize ring and make millions of dollars just here ^ the y g n would ^ Christian Science TEXAS All Meat - flown at half staff Monday to Monitor. 10 Phillips Hall lounge; Jazz, 7 p.m., 135 as managing editor of the St. because someone else is fighting Music Bldg.; Origami. 7:30 p.m., 215 Albans remind the blic of the (Vt.) Messenger, who Bessey Hall; Power Structure Study, charged Loeb with "suppression fighting the battles he ought to be sacrifices by those who served CABBAGE lb. 69c 7:30 p.m., Hypnotism, 7:30 Hall. 316 p.m., Bessey Hall; 316-Bessey of the censorship." news and press on the battlefronts of the world," the editorial said, tj,eir country FRANKS 1 lb- pkg. There has been no sports page California Loeb owns the Manchester Puffs Facial Tissue - 200 ct. The coverage of the bout since last Inter Fellowship will - Varsity Christian Union Leader, the largest week. Clay and Frazier will PASCAL LETTUCE 25' White or colored, limit 4 plz 22' CO OPTICAL SERVICE meet at 8 p.m. today in Bethel Manor, 803 E. Grand River newspaper in New Hampshire, receive each $2.5 million from Ave. Special guests will include Mr. the St. Albans Messenger, the Monday night's heavyweight and Mrs. Cleon Morrill and Rick New Hampshire Sunday Cooley. News, championship bout at Madison 5218 South Logan Hawaiian Punch lowered 28' the Vermont Sunday News and Square Garden in New York. Lansing Campbell's Fould's 16 oz. . VEGETABLE Macaroni & Spaghetti pkgs. 4/o9c Martha White TO PROTECT SOUP 15' BIXMIX, FLAPSTACKS .. 7' Corn Muffin, or Spud Flakes EPIPHONE GUITARS VENTURA GUITARS EYESIGHT.. SPARTAN FESTIVE MODEL Butter Sauce Vegetables 6832 was $105 NOW s7995 MODEL V10 was $65 NOW SEE US CORN, PEAS, GR. BEANS & MIXED VEGETABLES YOGURT 2/49' MODEL ALL FLAVORS 6730 was $99.50 NOW s7450 $4995 THIS WEEK! EKCO STAINLESS SALAD MODEL FORK 29c MODEL V11 was $75 NOW Let check your eyes soon. If you do need 6732 was $79.50 NOW 55995i us glasses, MODEL $5350 we will be able to fit you expertly, with the right lenses and frames. Correct glasses will help you to V12 was $85 NOW look and feel better. Let us fill your doctor's prescription. Yes, we have wire frames! s6451 MODEL GOODRICH'S SHOPRITE In LARRY'S SHOPRITE Spartan V-26 was $165 NOW Harrison at Shopping Center, Trowbridge. Between Spartan Village and Cherry Lane 1109 E. Grand River, Between Gunson & Milfotd. Close to East Apts. Hours: Mon. - Frl. 9 to Campus. Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 $9995 CONTACT LENSES Dr. I. L. Collins Saturday 9 to 6. 9. to 9. Frl. & Sat. 9 to 10. Sunday ASK about SPECIAL Registered Optometrist CASE PRICES Miiua GUITAR PICKS 3 for 250 FRESHLY GROUND PLUS OTHER SPECIALS ON DISPLAY HOURS 6 PACK -16 OZ. NON-RETURN Mon. & Thurs. 11:00 a.m. -8:30 p.m. Tues.,Wed., Frl., 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. ALL BEEF MUSIC Saturday 9:00 a.m. -12:00 noon Sponsored by Local HAMBURGER 7- 3 LBS. OR MORE " CO. UNIONS and CREDIT UNIONS kOFF 5ANN42' ST. ^ Membership Open to Everyone REG. PRICE \ Limit one with $5.00 Food Purchase