< March 9 Wednesday Time . . . MICHIGAN Cloudy . . . STATE TATE MEWS itself ii bought and sold. With Intermittent Neil . snow High Young - university 63 Number 145 Senators told ;ole Caper' S. Viets cut supply route; [ase blocked U.S. air strikes continue ■WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate SAIGON (AP) - South Vietnamese handle things," the officer continued. "It Ulevich, at a Marine fire base called Dong Instigators were told Tuesday of a troops in their drive into Laos now have will give them more experience, more Da inside Laos, reported Tuesday the adier general who suddenly vanished in cut nine major branches of the Ho Chi confidence, make them battle hardened so Marines had been in contact there almost iny and when found would say only Minh trail, Saigon headquarters reported they can better handle the job. every day since they went into Laos a week , „e had been offered $50,000 to take Tuesday. U.S. air blows have rained "It will help the over - all plan to ago. J fifth Amendment and "keep his widespread destruction on enemy war withdraw American forces. By stalling the jiith shut." supplies. The U.S. Air Force said strikes by North Vietnamese, we will be able to get Officers told Ulevich that once they had secured the high ground in that area south ■Describing what one senator called "the some assurance they won't come in and 1| weekend" of Brig. Gen. Earl Franklin fighter - bombers Monday set off 1,770 cream us while we're pulling out." of Highway 9, they believed they would be Tie and what he himself called "the Cole seconday explosions in one area about one In their latest communique on the able to cut the supply routes for the North • Brig Gen. Harley Moore, Army mile northwest of Sepone, a trail hyb Laotian campaign now in its 30th day, the Vietnamese army's 2nd Division. It has (Tost marshal general in Europe, testified inside Laos. Secondary explosions iare South Vietnamese command said 13,411 been named as one of five elite divisions the South Vietnamese have met in enemy . level roadblocks were placed in the usually taken to mean that stores of tons of munitions plus four tons of 22mm E'ofan investigation. ammunition or fuel have been hit. rockets have been destroyed by air strikes Laos. ■Chairman Abraham Ribicoff, D - Conn., Intensive air activity continued Tuesday and artillery. ■ the Senate investigations subcommittee around Sepone, the western tip of the Only sporadic fighting was reported It also listed as destroyed 95 tanks, 190 elsewhere between the South Vietnamese South Vietnamese drive. \ he will pursue the possibility the case A Vietnamese officer said thaC region trucks, 140,000 gallons of fuel and large and North Vietnamese in Laos. k whitewashed at Army headquarters in quantities of food and other supplies and From Vientiane, the Laotian capital, was regarded as "the throat" of North Jshington. Vietnam's infiltration corridor to South equipment. came word that the North Vietnamese ■Testifying that few of the important South Vietnamese headquarters said were on the attack in northern and Vietnam and Cambodia. Lt. Col. Tran Van Xents of Cole's version of his weekend Sepone still is the westernmost penetration southern Laos. An said at least five of the nine severed on the front. Other government units are ■appearance in October, 1969, checked main supply lines pass through the Sepone , Moore said he was unable to operating 26 miles to the southeast at There were indications the fighting in area. .'.jtand why details of accusations Other branches of the Ho Chi Minh trail Muong nong. southern Laos might be a reaction to the je against Cole In Vietnam, Germany There also are troops north of Highway South Vietnamese drive. A Defense lie west of Sepone and these have been I the United States were never brought 9, but the South Vietnamese have made no Ministry spokesman said Laotian troops under U.S. aerial attack. Vther in one criminal investigation. attempt to control all of the road between had clashed with the North Vietnamese on A U.S. Command assessment of the Laos ■Any chance of prosecution disappeared Sepone and the Vietnam border. They have Highway 9, about 55 miles west of Sepone. * summer, he said, when Cole was operation against the supply network was used mobile tactics. Fire bases are set up About 80 miles south of the South that it already has set North Vietnam's and abandoned as the main force moves Vietnamese positions around Sepone, the wed to retire on a $1,100 monthly effort against the South back five months. North Vietnamese repeatedly attacked the If it continues until the end of April as Associated Press •e that the Army had removed Cole photographer Neal eastern edge of Bolovens Plateau. m command of the huge European post expected, it could mean another nine months of time gained for the South ■hinge system, demoted him to colonel Vietnamese, the command added. p stripped him of a Distinguished Service "Every day they remain in Laos it is TO ORGANIZE FACULTY V advantageous to the Vietnamization Jfole is scheduled to testify Wednesday, process," a high U.S. military official said. fin the Senate hearings, witnesses have "It gives the Vietnamese time to build up ised Cole of repeated intervention to tect questionable sales oeprations in kitim and to influence sales of slot ■lines, whisky and beer to clubs and their training. Time is on the side of the Vietnamese." The U.S. Command figured a day's full load of war materials and other supplies Bargaining work under moved down the supply trail enables the Kin Oct. 10,1969, shortly after a witness North Vietnamese and Viet Cong to I Senate hearings in Washington had operate 10 days in the field. Iked him to a high • rolling sales "By knocking off half that load," the By STEVE WATERBURY members of the bargaining unit petitions pepreneur in Vietnam, Cole told a officer said, "the North Vietnamese can State News Staff Writer the Michigan Employment Relations ir officer he was leaving his post for only operate five days in the field. The Commission (MERC) to conduct an ■weekend. North Vietnamese troops south of election among the employes in the ■Moore said Cole's explanation that he Highway 9 are only getting half a load of In their attempts to organize MSU claimed bargaining unit. p been asked to a meeting with FBI and isury agents proved ■ fear the general might false and because have fallen victim Helping five days' supplies." Highway 9 is the main route taken by the South Vietnamese in the drive that faculty for collective prospective faculty bargaining agents are bargaining, operating under procedures outlined in the (Please turn to page 15) ■ foul play, A seriously wounded South Vietnamese soldier is lifted into an ended in the capture of Sepone. It runs east Michigan Public Employment Relations a Europe - wide search was (d for him. ambulance at Ham Nghi base for a ride to nearby Khe Sanh, South and west across Laos from the border of Act (PERA) passed by the legislature in ■Two days later he reappeared at the Vietnam. The soldier will be flown from Khe Sanh to a military Vietnam to Thailand and intersects the Ho 1965 as Act 379. Chi Minh trail running north and south. An outline of the provisions of PERA pnkfurt airport. hospital. "The Laotian drive will give the prepared by C. Keith Groty, asst. professor AP Wirephoto of labor and industrial Vietnamese forces a better idea of how to relations, states that the first step taken by an organization seeking recognition as the sole bargaining agent for faculty members is to determine Case rested Calley trial the nature of the bargaining unit. Vietnamese civilians in the at Sigmund Nosow, president of the MSU chapter of the American Assn. of University Professors (AAUP), Tuesday that the AAUP has not made its said village near the Among final witnesses slaughtering other Vietnamese civilians. |FT.jrnment BENNING, and the Ga. (AP) defense ended their - The South China Sea. government was Roger Murray, who There was no followup exploration by final decision concerning the size of the bargaining unit it will seek. Calley's trial began Nov. 12 but has testified Calley's platooon sent a score of defense or prosecution of the cryptic "It's up to the membership to decide nony at Lt. William Calley Jr.'s been wtmartial Tuesday, and the judge turned subjected to numerous interruptions. captive My Lai villagers back to company testimony from Murray, 30, of Waukegan, this," he said. It resumes Wednesday with Medina and headquarters and freedom at the same time a jury request to visit the far - away 111., who was a radio operator for Medina at Mitchell listed as lead off jury witnesses. the government says its members were ne of the alleged My Lai massacre. - My Lai. Nosow said that the AAUP is presently I The jury's request was made last week in working on the tentative assumption that ■conference in the chambers of the court the bargaining unit will include tho6e - ■•rtial judge, Col. Reid Kennedy. E. LANSING CODE University employes who have academic function." This a "primarily ^Kennedy told the six - man military that My Lai has become heavily presently includes all faculty members with category the rank of instructor and above, Town since Calley's infantry platoon including 'Pot' law changes cited *d through it three years ago, department chairmen. Librarians are also included in the tentative AAUP % killing Vietnamese civilians as bargaining «y advanced. unit definition. I He added that the jurors have maps, to the ordinance is its questionable A spokesman for the MSU effect on his office's operations, and said use Faculty Certification Certification ^olographs and a sandtable mockup of By JOHN McKAY legality. Michigan Supreme Court Justice Associates, MSU/FA, a second campus ot "no agent" of sole a*ent Milage as it was then. ne doesn't expect it to in the future. John B. Swainson said the ordinance organization seeking representation as the | for these reasons and others," However, East Lansing police officials may be unconstitutional, if it conflicts with sole bargaining agent, said that it is the edy added "it would appear to me a Marijuana users are not likely to find say they will meet with city attorneys this » of ""1 My Lai would add nothing to the Accordingly I'm going to order that East Lansing an oasis in the legal system just because a new city ordinance provides week to determine exactly what the ordinance means for local law state statues making marijuana a felony. possession of However, the former circuit court judge present intention of MSU/FA to seek "broad representation" in the bargaining unit. \ ^ > view be held." that persons arrested for possession or use enforcement. East Lansing City Councilman James added, it is unlikely that anyone would ■ *ith the defense and prosecution of the drug can be charged with a The second Brown, who voted against the ordinance, appeal a conviction by the municipal court step in the collective Kennedy told the jurors that of misdemeanor instead of a felony. said that warrants for drug - related cases to test the ordinance since he would be bargaining process is to distribute than 20 additional witnesses they Since East Lansing City Ordinance No. authorization cards to the members of the could come either from the prosecutor's subject to the penalties for a felony if he ^ to hear, three would be called, Col. 275 was passed Feb. 1, making possession prospective office, or from the city attorney's office in won the appeal. bargaining unit. Both the 11 Henderson, brigade commander at or use of marijuana a misdemeanor AAUP and MSU/FA are presently involved v Lai; punishable by up to 90 days imprisonment the case of a misdemeanor tried under the (Please turn to page 15) Capt. Ernest Medina, commander in card distribution campaigns. PUlley's Charlie Company, and S. Sgt. or a $500 fine, or both, one person has new ordinance. He said that it was up to Wd prosecuted under it. police to choose which authority to go to. Deadline Mitchell, a squad leader in the been "I think law enforcement agencies feel The cards state that the signer of the Want's platoon. "We've only authorized one warrant, for Today is the last day to submit card authorizes the designated organization |Henderson and Medina are awaiting an arrest a couple weeks ago," East Lansing they have a better chance of obtaining a student teaching applications for fall, as "my exclusive representative for rt conviction by starting with the higher • martial in connection with My Lai. City Attorney Daniel Learned said. 1971. purposes of collective bargaining." was Ingham County Prosecutor Raymond charge," Brown said. The first prospective bargaining unit to acquitted in a Ft. Hood, Tex., Another reason police may be reluctant Applications should be taken to 253 assault with intent to murder 20 Schodeller said the ordinance has had no Erickson Hall. secure signatures from 30 per cent of the iquor By RANDY GARTON on campus: offered alcoholic beverages at social functions. Five of these parties have been on floor A2 in beer, fun, few problems According to R. Lance Haddon, asst. resident adviser of Emmons Hall, there have been some "There said, were a "but the lot of keggers at the outset," he dean of students -Sent a only in private rooms and living areas. social function with alcohol, a student must file To have a State News Staff Writer problems with "crashers." memorandum a request with the dean of student's office Armstrong. that cleared up the I . " there is a party on campus that is serving "I've been very pleased with the attitude the "We've a minor problem with people trying to misunderstanding." specifying the party's time, date and place, the Jcoholic beverages in accordance with the men have taken in policing, clean - up and in crash some of these functions," he said. "But the Most of the parties are still not registered with nature of the event, how the event would be diversity drinking ordinance, the chances are men keep the activity to their own floor, there the University, Braaksma said, but the students financed, procedures to be used to enforce the controlling the behavior of the people who °Ane, In six that the brew is flowing in attend," Alan C. Coe, head resident advisor of hasn't been any real problems." are "very discreet" and there have been no legal age limit and how violators would be prosecuted. Hall ery* **ouse R0**) 'n Armstrong Armstrong, said. At North Hubbard Hall, Graduate Adviser August W. Braaksma said there was some serious problems. University Ordinance 22.00 restricts the The revised alcohol policy has had a drastic I "There haven't been any problems. Since the approval of drinking for 21- year' confusion at the beginning of fall term about the effect on arrests for alcohol, Capt. Adam M. Similar sentiments were expressed by staff consumption of alcoholic beverages to those I students by the University last April, 29 on - members at other residence halls on campus. exact nature of the University ordinance. students 21 years of age or older, who may drink (Please turn to page 15) mPus facilities, mostly residence halls, have 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March in i ^ TO DRAW SCHOLARS news Committee urges summary quality From the wires of AP and UPI. program "The unique program dimensions of the Honors College (greater flexibility in individual "Until it becomes clear that an student program planning, honors sections and agreement adequately constraining Program excellence should be the primary seminars, use of independent study, etc.) should basis for attracting highly qualified students to be maintained the Soviet threat to and if possible expanded, with our retaliatory MSU, the Presidential Commission on forces is attainable, the program Admissions and Student Body Composition effortrfi>eing made to aid the student to utilize these program modifications to enhance his will proceed in an orderly and recommended Tuesday. educational experience," another Prof The commission suggested that the Alumni timely manner." recommendation said. reports Distinguished Scholarship ADS competition is The commission noted that options which are one appropriate means of acquainting National successful during experimentation with Honors - Secretary of Defense Merit Scholars with the University, but reserved Melvin R. Laird College students might be eventually made making any judgment on actual ADS procedures. available to all students. (See story, p. 3) The thrust of the commission's The in recommendations in this area was to assert that commission also began discussion of India is India beginning a census begins massive head count Wednesday to simply bringing highly qualified students to the University should not be relied upon to strengthen the intellectual climate on campus. Actual program excellence is a much more valid indication of the intellectual climate, the possible expansion of the University's contributions to life long learning. This area will - be further explored at the next meeting Thursday. commission 30-year cold spe determine how many Indians there really are, in the country's 564,718 villages, in its cities and on the commission said. "While continuing to provide quality Commission discussion recommendations involving "quality and instructional programs," including course of several The weather forecast for the next 30 years calls for colder srjrf svr around 1958 won't subside until and probably the s-rxtzs Wisconsin and education for the more typical students, MSU year streets. numbering and the role of departmental courses and wetter conditions, an MSU Michigan 11,000 years ago. must not neglect the unusually academically which serve a large number of students outside In a nation where millions live without roofs over professor of geology predicted. Miller said the present cold talented student," the commission said in a that department, was postponed until a He added, however, that their heads, the task won't be easy. meeting Miller, director of the snap is part of 90-year cycle of temperatures must remain separate recommendation. Thursday. The census will take 21 days and will cost $5.3 Glaciological and Environmental cold, wet weather and warm, dry f°r thousands of years fori million just to pay for the services of a million part - time • weather apparently caused by a8e to occur, complex changes in solar energy. workers. There also will be the cost of 3,500 metric tons of HITS ABORTION REFORM During 1917, for example, . We know less about trench warfare was particularly :°nt> ' ra"8e glacial trends paper being used for instructional booklets and census unbearable because Western ™n we thought we did 20 forms that have been printed in 16 different languages. Europe was experiencing its ago'. Ml,ler said. "Upon Pakistani split looms Small protest—one picket coldest and wettest period in more than 100 years. Miller said the cyclic changes in climate are slight and usually T°n ,ny we''"d that the ca of lar8®r ice age cycles ■PParently much more com ,se 8,vin8 mere 90- President Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan will fly A lone picket stood outside committee Monday night. the first three months of unnoticeable to the average changes in solar energy." to East Pakistan the state Capitol Tuesday places on abortions are: human being, but "extreme today to meet with the leaders of the The bill, sponsored by Sen. * A 90 u afternoon to protest an abortion Gilbert E. Bursley, R - Ann pregnancy. - day residency climatic events do seem to occur He said variables powerful Awami League, who are defying his authority. law reform proposal that was The small protest Tuesday requirement, at the top and bottom of the complicate prediction A broadcast Tuesday from Rawalpindi, the Pakistani Arbor, would allow abortions in contrasted with 1970's abortion * Prior written consent by the cycles." changes in the elevation of reported out of a Senate Michigan for any reason capital, gave no indication of how long he will stay. during reform debate which drew woman having the abortion. He said that support evidence earth's surface, shifts ii hundreds of protestors and * The abortion must be for his cycle theory is provided currents, cosmic dust Sheik Mujibur Rahman, chief of the Awami League lobbyists to the state Capitol. performed by a physician in a by the fluctuating glaciers in variations through geologic who wants autonomy for East Pakistan, ordered the The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State The Senate turned down in the carbon dioxide and hospital, clinic or other licensed south coastal Alaska where he Eastern government to take orders from him in University, is published every class day during four school abortion law reform last year by an terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. facility. has been director of the Juneau vapor content announcement Monday. a single vote. * Abortions may be Icefield Research Program since atmosphere. Subscription rate is $14 per year. Quick action Government workers stayed off their jobs on Bursley's bill performed after four months 1946. Tuesday. appears unlikely. It was passed pregnancy only if continuance Glaciers are nature's Miller also said that whil They were reported determined to stay away from their Member Associated Press, United Press International, for the doubts that man offices unless the army forces them to return. The Inland Daily Press Association, Associated day Tuesday. of pregnancy would endanger historians," Miller said. "They army Collegiate Press, The only stipulations the bill the mother's life. are very sensitive indicators of pollution is yet a major fact is under the control of Yahya Kahn. Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press cycles of broad global cl:: Association, United States Student Press Association. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I past climatic changes." Miller said glaciers advance change, he recognizes Israel protests attacks Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. : WE SERVICE ALL MAKES and recede in 80 to 90 cycles, corresponding to changes - year expanding effects of poll; in local regions and says t Editorial and business offices at 347 Student could become an important Services in radiated solar energy. Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, : DELL TELEVISION SERVICE Monitoring of these changes i: factor in climatic change. Israel Hat protested to Jordan about a r«sket attack Michigan. V, J J;.' made possible by systematic by Arab |g^rftll«r following fexpiration of the cease - fire, sources said Tuesday. The Israeli military command Phones: ; 1000 E. GRAND RIVER observations of sunspots Pprifp ("*nmC Editorial resulting from periodic solar fJo reported two more incidents, at the borders of Lebanon and Syria. Classified Advertising Display Advertising 355-8252 355-8255 I Ph. 482-0868 flares which throw vast clouds of charged particles into space. Business Circulation 353-6400 ■ y jgyy The sources said the guerrillas fired rockets at the - 355-3447 Some of these particles, Photographic Tirat Zvi settlement on the Jordan River and that Israel protested Monday night 355-8311 * authorized PANASONIC servicenter primarily electrons and protons, are captured by the earth's , _ . , , J-C. Madamba of the Co , „ through U.S. diplomatic channels. There were no casualties. magnetic screen and change the of Agriculture University of The reported attack broke a four - month half in atmospheric energy level. Philippines, will be on eampu recruit specialized Peace C hostilities along the river frontier and followed As a result, the average volunteers Thursday and Fri January temperature in Juneau expiration of the cease - fire Sunday. The military rose eight degrees between 1917 He wil, meet with command said an Israeli patrol shot and killed an graduate students in swine and the 1950's. In this same j,eef production, infiltrating Arab guerrilla in a clash on the Lebanese time span, Miller noted that border. winters warmed as much as 16 production, agricultu economics and dairv product degrees in Arctic regions north of Norway. Interested students Filibuster stops rule change contact Madamba in A worldwide five to - eight - Placement Bureau in the Stu A long fight for a degree temperature drop in the Services Bldg. on the days of change in Senate rules to make it easier to choke off filibusters ended in present cooler period, according visit. No failure Tuesday appointment to Miller, would be in Washington. enough to necessary. The chief sponsors of a proposal to permit fillibusters to be halted by three fifths rather than a two thirds a - majority of senators voting conceded defeat. - for better mileage... They threw in the sponge after the Senate for a fourth time refused to cut off a southern - led filibuster, supported by conservative Republicans, against the proposed rules change. The vote was 55 for and 39 against ending the debate. War risks eyed Secretary of Sate William P. Rogers said Tuesday the absence of a formal Mideast cease -fire probably raises the risk of war starting there because of a miscalculation by one side or the ojher. JUST can'T FoJ&eT SBOJfG At the same time Rogers minimized the possibility that Premier Chou En-lai's visit to North Vietnam means Red China is about to enter the Vietnam war. "I suppose the real reason he's in $0*0*1RUSK Hanoi is to give comfort to the Vietnamese," Rogers said. He said the North SiGtf-UP XaEctf 8-12 North Vietnamese had suffered from aianroFTHe TouovfiifG: the allied operation in Laos. Flood program launched self-winding 5-7 PHi LefioDM President Nixon Tuesday ordered a federal HUBB3SD WiLSOjf day-and-date watch to help prevent flooding in the Midwest during the program east snaW This is the watch that has EVERYTHING! Completely auto¬ spring thaw. xaxxe* CaMPBftLL mated to shift both DAY and DATE It's big and strong, with on the dot of midnight' double spring cushions protecting The White House announcement the movement against both weather bureau has said the national -KoLpen GiLCKKiST It even has a temperature vertical and lateral compensated hairspring shocks^ and predicted severe flooding in eight a condensation-proof case. And Grand Tourismo racing northern midwestern states. The federal bracelet. It's really built to efforts, similar 8-12 aM. ioi go further! In yellow top, steel back, $97.50. In stainless steel, $92.50. Also available to a program launched in 1969, will be coordinated by sTUDejn: services with Grand Tourismo strap. Brig. Gen. George A. Lincoln, director of the Office a-s pjvi of Emergency Preparedness. Most seriously threatened, according to the weather bureau, are Minnesota, Wisconsin, Northwestern Illinois this ad space Open fa the and northern Iowa. If normal spring rains bagpiper occur with the Till 9 p.rn- thaw, flooding also will occur in donated by tin* |«w«liri parts of North and 219 E. Grand River South Dakota, Nebraska and Missouri, the bureau said. Phone: 332-3917 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan March 10 Wednesday, March 10,1971 3 Laird maps realistic deterrence' ■?)] WASHINGTON w president Nixon's P».f stiffened to. world (AP) blueprint for r.M - The niun,iin. expanding strateev _—?y . is present U.S. ?''l»u.r ^ ..-lmed at Tuclea! vear 5™ be8innin8 July ...... « 1, 1971. He orderly and timely on U.S. The" 1972 manner minimum minimum™ Washington, D.C., or Warren Air several thousand miles late last strategy large new Soviet ICBM" but said # peacetime military forces goal is v and vigorous Europe £i.Td locaT,,.* program Force Base. Wvo. year which could make it a the Pentagon does not know if it ^.5 million men and women, one such wars ™£ srwisu «ar ntssu TnH„„ui-_ - as Indochina nuclear threat in 1973 although million below Vietnam peaks, as.=. poiuonTf is a new missile or a ^ m„ that threat still is not expected modification of the Soviets' that will cost only seven per cent !?»• ™ — -rti - Mw asked for a fourth site either at ir. ~ - rired intercontinental ballistic missile before 1974 or 1975. —Said "there is evidence of a giant SS9. of the Gross National Product, which he called a measure of the fSi ^rrence," Secret", of Ko.ll.Uo de.e^y-'t1"8^'^0' * »rT»S —Said the administration's nation's priorities. <•*«£<• told" newlm™ three antimten. system to f?.re,guard !. Secretary °f of categories " he * ' ~ ".nt BLACK POETRY jpfensc Melvin R. Laird called after after the'closed the closed Services Committee House Arme! "iV™8 " contro1 agreement - ■ I* I , POLITICS , rVLIIIVS hearing=' "we ? uoinp for ma,ntain'ng a U.S. option He said the stratep's essential can can truly triii., moVe . toward we the tor Tr going B"mB to a "full tn a full lo a rul1 12 12 " site 10 „:i_ <£*t:"2r2& world military srica ^VdVnV^0^2 g Safeg—J tal^,are Until not successful. - ?.«■, Literature cr rid inability to steer America on on reDort" report it becomes clear that 1 agreement adequately Ezekiel constraining the Soviet threat to Mphahlele, a critic of African literature and a self - taught at a grammer school in Lagos and at the University of imposed exile from South Africa, will speak on "Poetry and Mld HU— o, „e„ retaliatory forces is Politics in the Black World: Africa, the Caribbean and the Ibadan. Mphahlele subsequently taught at the University of jolationism.' said, "the Americas" at 7:30 p.m. today in 108B Wells Hall. Zambia and the University College in Nairobi, organizing writer's program will proceed In an workshops at both universities. Rand Bishop, instructor in the Dept. of Linguistics, said He earned a Ph.D. from the Mphahlele is one of the leading African literary critics in the University of Denver in 1968 spe State supreme court sets world. An associate professor of English at the University of Denver, Mphahlele received his bachelors and master's degrees in English where he wrote the novel "The dissertion. His book of essays called "The African Wanderers," instead of a Image," published in other ice age literature from the University of South Africa. 1962, was one of the first books of criticism on African compulsory pretrial plan which advanced After 11 years of teaching in South Africa, the government literature, Bishop said. Mphahlele also has published a book of 1 s'n and banned Mphahlele from the profession for short stories and an autobiography. norl protesting the new 11,000 Bantu educational system years ago. allegedly aimed at lowering standards of He will speak before the education for Africans. interdisciplinary course on African art ied, however, that and humanities and is sponsored Five years later Mphahlele exiled himself to jointly by the Dept. of English, ures must By JEFFSHELER Nigeria where he the Center for Urban Affairs and the African Studies Center. EZEKIEL MPHAHLELE remain in sands of years State News Staff Writer continuing efforts to improve m. m b for; — ... _ cur. The state supreme court is CANDIDATE RUNNING know less about planning a "compuslory and He asked the legislature to inge glacial trends ccelerated pretrail" system to increase manpower in courts in thought we did 20 we r iller said. "Upon find that the ice age cycles peed up trials and reduce ,vercrowded dockets in Wayne jounty. I. Chief Justice Thomas Kavanagh said Monday. Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Kent counties and in the state's district courts. Election post petitions trickle in y much more com Under the system a case Kavanaugh asked that se giving mere 90- irould come to trial within six legislative committee, studying n r ° .r ™ e r 1 f c 4 ' ° n.8 the newly created commission, getting people to petition is due ballots and the scheduling the straightening out the elections it solar energy." norths after it is filed, the judicial article in the state constitution, to consider the ¥u^aT'°Tat I- f•V the ^ ASMSI7 ASMSU since ■ "Pe^itionin8 has been °Pen Feb. 17," Jaeger said. "As to the adverse publicity we've gotten this term with the special poll workers. Jaeger said each member will be "more or less" problems," Jaeger said. "And it's a good way of getting into [jvanaugh said in Michigan's . lid variables irst State of the Judiciary following problems: district April 14 representative elections Qf today, we have only received elections and their subsequent in charge of his own district's student government." may be in "serious one petition." appeals," Jaeger said. elections and referendums. ♦Jurisdiction between Circuit Petitions for the elections jInte prediction iddress to the legislature. trouble" if the board does not "This hassle was more the "I'm sure the full 11 - man commission available in 334 the elevation ol "This is a radical departure and Probate courts over divorce receive enough petitions to staff The commission are structure, exception than the rule. With 11 commission will do wonders in Student Services Bldg. irface, shifts ii im past practices where cases involving children. composed of three off - campus cosmic people handing elections, I'm i, dust iretrial discovery and and eight on - campus confident that the polling : through geologic .positions in some instances representatives, was approved in problems we encountered this bon dioxide and elayed docketing for trial as Cultural center SELL YOUR BOOKS an all - University referendum term will be be reduced if not content of ong as 15 months," Kavanagh *runding and manpower Jan. 21. It was scheduled to go problems that prevent retention into effect during the eighth completely eliminated," he said. lid. Commission members are of full time prosecuting He asked the legislature - DCIS S eS 10 ftl 111 io fl week of winter term. named for a one - year term and also said that whil iapprovea"crash program" to attorneys in northern counties. "I think the basic problem in are in charge of petitioning, hat man made - mport 10 outstate judges to *Costs involved in furnishing mark in visitors NOW is yet a major facti rk on Wayne County's counsel for indigent defendents. broad global clit :klog of cases, some which, he he recognizes tid, date back three and one- "While astronauts walk on the ; effects of pollu «lf years. moon, our judicial machinery BERLIN (AP) - Ten million egions and says th Kavanagh said the program, chugs and lurches along like i people have visited the U.S. Model T," Kavanagh said. Amerikahaus cultural center in FOR SPRING ome an important ihich would cost the state ilimatic change. West Berlin since it opened 25 1815,000, would reduce the "The needs of the people are ountry's backlog and allow trial years ago, officials said. Before i not being adequately served, and the Berlin wall went up in 1961 j f* one year from the time a their confidence* inr the* courts 35 © THOMAS M. KAVANAGH per cent 6T Th§ visitors came LOrpS case is filed. has been strainea to the breaking from East Berlin and East BREAK CASH! "It is not a question of 'Can point," he said. Germany. , afford it?' " Kavanagh said. terview ""'s a question of 'Can we operation of the Circuit, Word not to do it?' " Other measures Kavanagh said courts, Recorder's and Common Pleas 9.Q.G. and Qieat !)4AueA ns protecting Back Baby; Badi-Da; Prettiest ergy; Down Stretch; Give Me iteral shocks, Some; Come With Me; Dance of sirspring and Train; Y. Don't Miss Your Water; the Mind. irismo racing Felicity. low top, steel ilso available THE GREASE BAND MARK-ALMOND My Bab, Lett Me, The Ghetto; The City: Grass and Doubt; Let It Be Gone, WHhe Concrete/Taxi to Brooklyn/Speak Hosiery Department Easy It's Whiskey Scene; Tramp .ndthePiKLauSha''**^1 and the a Young Girl; Love: Renais¬ T:OLord, All I Wanna Jessie James, The Visitor. othe Down Home Mama, D sance I Prelude / Pickup / Hotel Backstage; Song for You. •Jacobson's MICHIGAN STATE NE' UNIVERSITY The GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief Doctor's FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager MARK By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. Ba( EICHER, managing editor Doctor's Bag Letters may be addressed ED HUTCHISON, city editor dangerous. The super bright lamn * BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. produce harmful amounts of Pu, ** KEN KRELL, editorial editor Names need not be Included unless a radiation, X rays or agents. The light is so cancern^ GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor personal reply is requested. cause some mild bright thS? While eye discomfort spending a dull evening at the before your eyes even Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award Library a few weeks ago, we hit on a rather thoueh for outstanding journalism. your lids closed. Such an novel method of entertaining ourselves. We only a few minutes. Repeated effect s^ took out usek., a couple of nickels and proceeded result in the waste of a lot of to the copy machine where we xeroxed our nick* I'm looking for a heads. The only precaution we took was to competent phv«j to perform a EDITORIALS close our eyes. Since we have had many vasectomy on myself | years old and quite positive of aches and pains, including some rather the vasectomy. the n«! severe headaches, since our experience at the Library, we are not sure whether we A vasectomy is an excellent me™ birth control. It is a have developed a good case of performed under local simple ooerl hypochondria, or the Xerox machine anesthesia Governor's may be responsible. The telling us that we are people who keep going to get cancer doctor's office. The tubes are tied off and function sexually in cut. The man is carrying ab and die every way that are not helping our morale. could before the procedure but ejaculation does not contain stress on reha According to a representative of the Xerox Corporation, the light source in their machines is a patented device with therefore pregnancy cannot without sexual problems who i sperm c result secret attributes, none of which are pressured into the operation do not to risk ap Gov. Milliken's special message to more accurate knowledge about psychological damage. the OUR READERS' MIND At the present time, the feeling an legislature on alcohol and drug street drugs. This increased spending people knowledgeable in this area is abuse reflects a significant could reduce the number of future the utmost caution must be exercised i re-evaluation of past policies in the addicts and bring a number of those the request for vasectomy comes fr< two areas. The tone of the message suggests new approaches to drug and alcohol abuse presently alcohol mainstream. dependent on back into the social drugs or Belief requires great courage single man or a man children. Marriage to a woman much desires to bear a child with very y( who herself - ones of make the man who had a To the Editor: vasectomyi rehabilitation rather than Milliken takes a much tougher courage to stand up for one's belief. and he was single rue his decision. The cleat I wonder if the only requirement for a dogma in churches, but these are not a young child retribution. approach to an alcohol - related Especially since any ritual or discipline the core and value of may result in the desii State News feature writer is to be able to religion. They are have another baby. On the from the past is ridiculed by those unable human constructions, but other hi problem which is killing 1,000 string a few words into a sentence and divinity is not. The governor recommends to make a commitment to many people with children well on t Michigan citizens each year - the anything. Stripped bare, religious philosophies are spew out his most disgusting bile in the The charities were "graciously" lauded way to growing up feel very certain a reducing drug penalties across the drunk driver. In this case, there is no name of journalism. Is the State News so beautiful and useful. These values and the only constructive usefulness of the size of their family and would board. The sale of marijuana would short of copy that the public must be as guides are the manifestations of the not time to waste; the drunk driver must religion. But it goes beyond that in giving divinity that Wilbins denies exist. to have children of their own again. be a felony punishable by five years subjected to writer's personal grudges? be taken off the road now. a one a sense of values and hope when I would highly recommend in prison and/or a $5,000 fine. Wilbins is a failure in his criticism on procedure for such people. If another < Milliken wants materialism and the rat race have beaten to expand the March 4 in that he lumped "church" and L. Kipp Burgoyne Presently, selling or giving away out one's morals and spirit. Buchanan sophomore is desired, adoption is an alternative. I implied consent law to include "religion" as one term and that he allowed must be pointed out that marijuana automatically carries a his childish There is hypocrisy, political involvement March 5,1971 with breathalizer tests for drivers in pique to carry him over his increased availability of abortions, ado 20-year mandatory minimum accidents and assess six points for head. babies are becoming harder and h sentence. Religion is defined from the Latin word Possession of grass would become drunk driving convictions. To make such convictions easier to obtain, the meaning "to bind." The belief in God is the binding feature of religion. Wilbins' Wilbins sh OWS CO nfusiion find. After a close shave, I often have i a misdemeanor if the governor's governor wants to establish .10 per bumps that, at later times, develop misunderstanding of this is underlined by To the Editor: "hair bumps." I have tried proposals become law. The first cent blood alcohol as the standard the criticism of the funeral. This ritual is In Hardly a cop - out, this is to face life at every it attempting a reply to Rick Wilbins' its best and to exult in it; and to face life at offense would carry for drunk driving. Stern application to comfort the family, not to possible to combat this condition (ra a maximum praise article, I would like only to clarify a few its worst — with all of its harshness and nonexistent virtues in a dead man. electric shaver and depilatory). The el« sentence of 90 days in jail and/or a of present drunk driving laws things. Rick seems to equate the organized social injustice — and to do something shaver doesn't really give a close $100 fine. Subsequent offenses combined with Milliken's proposals Something enabled this world to be and Christian religion with God. Although this about it. shave, it is not "copping out" to name this force is a common confusion, in reality the the depilatory cannot be used c would still be misdemeanors, but could significantly reduce the death and to build a ritual that satisfies the Rose Postema various churches themselves often distort enough. wotiid cuMwy ^stiffer maximum human need to feel one has done his best Grand Rapids junior rate on Michigan's highways. such basic things as who God is, who Jesus penalties qTup to one year and/or a Milliken's proposals on alcoholism to reference this force. It takes great is, what God and Jesus teach/and wMtjhk _ ? fhajina very close,.especially against $l,0t)0fiW Church should do in graSnC lanfchop thfe hatr off below the and drug abuse are sound, but a following their level teachings. It is direct result of just such resulting in a formation ofacrat Of course, one would still go to as a jail for marijuana possession, but the offense would critical test will come when they are enacted. Not just the governor, but Wilbins OK distortion that religious movements have infringed upon the rights of other members skin around the hair shaft. If are curly your whis they may curve back and re-e the skin, thereby be a misdemeanor, every public official needs to To the Editor: of their society. With Rick I point to the producing an ingr Dear Mr. Wilbins: hair. It has also been not a felony. The difference is recognize that hard drug abuse and Crusades and to attempts at blocking suggested th Just read your column entitled "Onward abortion reform. rough-cut edge of hair may encourage significant. A person convicted of a alcoholism are diseases. Christian Soldiers" — hear, hear! You For all such wrongs — be caught by the skin and monstrosities? — Christians grow inw felony carries a social stigma that we can only Dull Although we believe marijuana probably will get hate mail, but I, for one, apologize. blades result in the u makes it extremely difficult to get a should be entirely struck from thank you for having the guts to say what pressure when shaving, and this For God and for Jesus we cannot job anywhere. needs to be said. enhances the formation of skin bumps criminal codes, we commend apologize. They are such wonderfully Our Puritan ethics have shackled too ingrown hairs. Reducing drug possession Milliken for proposing a significant us positive, eternal beings that we can only I would suggest not penalties to misdemeanors is long, resulting in this dismaying state of want to tell of the free, spontaneous love shaving aL a step toward that goal. It took a dash affairs. If we hope to improve society, we grain and using a sharp blade. If the ele< significant step toward treating drug of political courage to propose such they offer. Contrary to popular belief then, razor does not must be rid of them. cause this condition, abuse not as a crime, but as a social Christianity is not reading the Bible, it sweeping changes to Michigan voters, Thank you again. can use more often even though it < joining Campus Crusade or even saying not ides] problem. The governor sees that drug Addiann Hinds give a close shave each t many of whom still believe that prayers faithfully every night. Rather, abuse .and alcoholism are in Editorial assistant in Christianity is a personal, joyous Depilatories are too harsh to use regul marijuana is the first check point on on the face. A beard solves the w themselves symptoms of greater the nonstop flight to hell. agricultural economics relationship with a radical and very - much March 4,1971 - alive man called Jesus. problem. problems infecting society. We assume that legislators will fall With this in mind, he has proposed into step and lead their increased spending to expand drug constituencies to drug reform rather education and rehabilitation than reflect parochial biases that MICHAEL FOX programs. Included among these is a traditionally thwart progressive $14,500 investigation to provide legislation. « Educational system in crisis Court decision The dean of larger colleges leaned one of this over University's his desk, looked Even the old guard faculty - whose one of the major complaints ; University College students. This woul me in the eye and said, "More people have response facilitated by the University publishin been educated in the New York to students' complaints is that "You're City public only here instructor evaluation manual for library than in all the universities in the for four years, but we're here all our lives," - will larger students much as they now prepal question nation." In another department well college, the chairman paced back and forth in his furnished of a agree that maybe there are a in this brain factory. few things messed up scheduling handbook. Fifth, require that all administra including the president, teach at least office, lamenting, section of average class size. Admitt The Supreme Court ruled "Students reasons for coming to college ... avoid the idealistic Monday expediency question in his decision. just don't want to learn — a place designed to help they are called upon mostly to that a person is not He implies, however, that anything today." draft, find a mate and find out where your understand and better man, not to eligible for any head is at. package businessmen, but they should know i conscientious objector status unless Both gentlemen made these comments his accumulated trivia into economic system which chooses to consider Even the old guard faculty — whose units. they are administering. he is against all wars. This voluntarily after being assured that First, eliminate all college degrees. effectively bureaucratic efficiency over human whatever reporting task I had visited them response to students' complaints is that Instead of Sixth, let this system be flexibleen< smashes the idea "You're only here four years, but we're telling a prospective employer so that the people within it can adapt of selective intersts merits serious about in the first place was completed. that, "I have a B.A. in opposition to "unjust" In the past two terms while I have here all our lives," — will agree that maybe microbiology," one serve the purpose they feel it should. wars. re-examination. tells the company that he studied covered various colleges on the there are a few things messed up in this A public university — more so th The high court's finding is The Supreme Court has thus campus brain factory. microbiology at MSU for four years during beat of this newspaper, the which time he accumulated private institution — has an obligate consistent with the letter and intent decided that a religion or value feelings of The word that the college dean and the information in the people of the state that it serves, frustration about the educational system such and such a field. of the Selective Service Act system that opposes all war qualifies have been expressed to me by department chairman wanted to fit into traditional role of being a closed • passed administrators, Second, eliminate all grades and institute for exemption, but that same the students' world was "motivation." haven for independent scholarly P1" by Congress, a law that contains right faculty and students alike. the pass - no credit system with an will not be extended to One is not motivated to read a good instructor evaluation. must be realigned. more than meets the eye, however. one whose I am sure that great abstract thinkers Surely a 3.0 in a are book here one is forced to buy Cliff doesn't . . . course By restricting the franchise of the conscience allows him to at this very moment compiling extensive notes to pass that damn exam. One iff not say as much as "This The resources of this institution alon explanations of why students are student can research conscientious differentiate between just and unjust so motivated to raise questions here fairly well, but has employed, could resolve many °' objector to those uptight about a lot of the garbage in the . . . one is trouble organizing his material." wars. so instructed to blacken in the space of the problems of our times. opposed to all wars, Congress, and - called educational system. Third, eliminate all required courses, now the Supreme Court, have As Douglas stated in his dissent, best right answer. replacing them with a variety of We must break down barriers ruled And I am sure that we could The other whole' in favor of the high court has never fully assign day I almost verbally background courses in many fields from departments and serve as t expediency. another committee to look into the assaulted three instructors I passed in the organization that, through knowledg, examined whether a man can be which a student would situation to make a report. hall. They were standing around discussing have several Simply, the task of determining choices. apply itself to areas of concern s1 required to kill. Any decision the But I am also fairly sure that MSU is all the neat tricks they had thrown into racism, war, poverty and ecology. something as elusive as "sincerity" is Supreme Court could have reached tests to mess up students. Fourth, promote courses by their nothing other than a place where most instructors rather than already beyond the meager talents of could not have resolved that students come for four years so I offer a modest proposal to make this by the course's subject. The differences in quality of the We owe more to the P^P1® most loyal draft boards. With the they can educational institution freer and more football games and sheets of dec question unless the justices get a degree so that he or she can make same course from instructor to instructor is paper known as added factors of selective opposition diplomas. considered the larger question of more money than if they hadn't obtained and potential changes of public that degree. whether any system of opinion within the course of a single involuntary servitude can be just, So it becomes a game of tolerating the war the Selective Service particularly University for four years System when the system forces individuals to . . . waiving or would strangle in its own wandering through general education paperwork, take another life. the court implied. courses, meeting credit distribution The injustices Justice William O. go to the very heart requirements for a major, heavy booking to Douglas, the of the Selective Service pass exams and all the other conditions lone dissenter in the 8-1 System, and decision, the court has yet to consider this "they" impose on the students. also addressed himself Of to the larger question. course, there are more academic Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 10, 1971 5 ign-ups CLASSES HELD ANYWAY or rush Ba ocontinue Bombs rip ROTC center Sign ups for spring term rush will continue despite heavy damage from two JJgh March for all Greek 20visiting coeds explosions Monday night. The Kudrna said classes were held in the damaged building Tuesday Both the Army ROTC beginning in late^M jjrested building at Washington Polirp saiH replace fachties burned by cadets who were '^disgusted Un!3y, which ^ed' aU blast tho r ^ Scu" ed^aLu " 3oTm Claudia J- Sowa, Grand Behind student demonstrators. at the destruction" and the colleges in the St. Louis area. Monday P a student aids iunior and Panhe,lenic walking A third explosion about three I chairman, said spring rush through heavy snow is a hours earlier again follow the structure grounds worker shoveling it damaged a #727 all from under building in a federal records aem since informal rush was the footprints. center in another time - consuming for both part of the » SN photo by city. Windows and glass doors competent phyji Terry Luke jt nu.mbers and rushees. were shattered. 1 an participants will visit each of Seven police officers and 19 sorority houses beginning seven firemen II 4t 5 and 6 with individual investigating the initial blast at the ROTC center L parties and preference suffered minor injuries when the rties scheduled through April \ . second, more powerful explosion wracked the building. Miss Sowa said all rush An FBI spokesman said a minors will have attended preliminary investigation did not minar sessions so that they will determine what kind of more helpful in responding to explosive was used. foee's questions. "But whoever used it knew The rush chairman also said what he was doing. It was a very mhel tried to set up sorority professional job," he said. cussions with residence hall Col. James Spartan Shopping Center Kudrna, risers, but because of the poor in the halls the project commander of the Army ROTC urn is ponse canceled. INTERNATIONAL ROLE program, said a telephoned Trowbridge & Harrison Road Women wishing to signup for urity rush may do so from 5 7 p.m. today through Friday Beauty Panel Gilchrist, Holden, Wilson, tDonel, Hubbard, Campbell or ther halls. day taken from udent Services Bldg. Applications will 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through March 20 in 101 By ROBERT ROACH adopts guidelines separate from that dealt with by Maxine B. Virtue, as3t. a Aids mo,i- Thre is no fee to signup to State News Staff Writer he state statute, Ui ,, Kelley replied attorney general for municipal in an opinion requested by State affairs, said she doesn't doubt probaSrfTunder thrhnmP inter-fraternity Council (IFC) ruTe Lni e^nt Thp" LARGE I conduct an informal and In a letter opinion Tuesday, Ann Arbor * PONDS structured rush system from 7 Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley said "M now drafted, there is no would have been no reason for 10 p.m. April 13 -16. .r the present form of a proposed discernible local problem and the city officials to draw up the J[d community' Mlss Vlrtue COLD CREAM ton L. Barnes, Royal Oak Ann Arb°r ordinance to the ordinance could be proposed ordinance, lor and csident, said IFC rush rush vice will be lower penalties related to marijuana casts doubts on its construed to have the sole While not speaking officially objective of amending the for the attorney general's office, AfT16riCGn mink 79* R*g. 1.19 ividually handled by each validity. penalty section of the state Miss Virtue said that a local (Cific house. The Proposed ordinance does statute dealing with possession, problem dealing with marijuana , »ve, I often have will be no sign - ups or not identify or determine that a control or use of the subject could certainly exist in a adapt to RllSSia er times, develop distinctly local problem exists drug," he said. university town such as Ann ive tried every The proposed ordinance Arbor, would make these this condition {ra offenses The problem could then be MOSCOW (AP) - American lepilatory). The elet punishable by imprisonment of related to the proposed ™ink transplanted in 1970 to up to 90 days or a fine up to ordinance, she said, because the ! annot give a close shave, be used ustice Dept. defends $100. The present maximum home rule act requires a home state sentence for a first offense eastern slope of the Ural ??oun^.in.s, ^?ve. adapted well, rule city to provide for the needs is a 10 year prison term and a of its citizens. JL o a' So^ news agency - l ass reported. ^specially agair $5,000 fine. hatr off below the formation of acrati omestic FBI spying Citing precedents related to the enactment of city ordinances WE HONOR for offenses already covered M/m shaft. If your whis • under state statutes, Kelley said curve back and re* WASHINGTON (AP) — had been seen in Life magazine the specific local problem producing Dvernmental self jeen • discipline, headquarters in New York, necessitating the action must be BankAmericard suggested tl it new legislation, is air may encourage "quite Rehnquist said the Justice Dept. mentioned directly in the skin and grow im lely" adequate to protect wrote Time - Life last Friday ordinance, in the inericans isuse of from information tyrannical the "asking if they do in fact have "It may well be that there is a files and, if so, demanding that local problem which the offers the most delicious, laving, and this city wnment collects about them, they be returned." ion of skin bumps Justice Dept. said Tuesday. should deal with by ordinance," "The fact that isolated he said. "If so, the existence of mouth-watering, delectable 36 s However, Asst. Atty. Gen. imperfections are brought to such problem should be spelled lot shaving against H. Rehnquest told a light, while always a reason for out in the ordinance." submarine ST. JOSEPH rp blade. If theele Game room, HOURS: subcommittee se this condition, on attempting to correct them, Once a local problem is visible sandwiches tn even though it institutional idespread rights, system "no of should not be permitted to obscure the fundamental as the focus for the exercise of the local governmental function pinball, pool tables, Mon.-Thurs. 11-1 Fri. & Sat. 11-2 ASPIRIN e shave each itigative activity ... is apt to necessity and importance of as expressed in the ordinance, foosball in town Sun. 12-12 FOR CHILDREN harsh to use regul perfect." And he conceded federal information • gathering" the validating precedents might ard solves the 4980 NORTHWIND DRIVE 21c t an FBI agent had Rehnquist said. then be applied, Kelley said, 351-4731 ippropriately provided Look igazine with inforamtion in 69 tending to li.ik San REG. 34c ancisco Mayor Joseph Alioto th the Mafia. SUNDRESSING Alioto, who is suing the igazine for libel, told the same . . for spring break in the licommittee March 3 that the Bahamas or spring term and other federal agencies 915 S.2XrtSKIXf&To«"AYC./ around the pool. Suits, MYLANTA IS given Look information for September 1969 article. *8933 f coverups, pants, skirts - in sunbright colors and LIQUID response to separate TELEPHONE (SIT) patterns. From sunrise r complaints udents. This w Wions by Alioto the same that confidential FBI files to sunset, skin or a show a little lot - but 109 show how "bright" diversity publishin >n manual for you are by picking they now prepai these sunflowers early! at all administo (nt, teach at leasl lass size. Admit ipon mostly to NYTOL jy should know " Helps induce sound sleep. g- Non-habit forming. em be flexible en Ithin it can adapt y feel it should, 109 y — more so th has an obligatio ite that it serves. t>eing a closed >nt scholarly p" S.O.S. DAYS CONTINUES is institution aloi solve many barriers LYS0L AT HIFI BUYS! down ve as a whole DISINFECTANT ough knowledge^ SPRAY of concern sue o _ Save On Systems Days .,,ntmues at HIFI BUYo „ , . uipi niiYS with our $400 system. It centers around wit y 67' nd ecology, g AM FM he Kenwood KR 3130 Receiver packing W o the people £ flnd tape deck. c^ed sheets of decori Reiver with capacity for two speaker the EV 14 two way weaker GARRaRD sl55b record changer it's a component system you'll s^st^. w..r.t to holdoii to. t SHURE M44-7 cartridge is included to and Put this economical add up your system over 'he top during s.o.s. Days at TOUCH6P MV savings! ,N0, CHl/CKy A $400.00 S.O.S. PRESCRIPTIONS ARE OUR BUSINESS J \ 1101 E. Grand River Across from the Union WE ARE PARTICIPATING IN ALL PRE PAID PRESCRIPTION PROGRAMS HI-FI 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, March m i Students voice discontent with Comm 100 presenta,t on of the Proposal, almost unan.mously to approve By MICHAEL FOX by - day syllabus," Miss Murray position to take over communication from individual, students and teachers, an State News Staff Writer nn v r cL6. pr°posal subm,tted by said after the meeting. chairmanship of the course next to two - person relationship, to unfixed external structure, and a spring term favor J? Sections "This is one time when the fall. the small group, to the large clearer perception by students of assemblies by section of students each. mpntion the course thev would f YOU llve Charlie Brown! terms had attempted to criticize — v....v.Mv professor ui piuicaaui of tviiuiiuiiitauuii, communication who said he spent an estimated $5,000 in researching them were The lecture notes , p 1AA „ involved 10 years of based on an inflexible agenda, the at' the ^ endJ of term - - said he would rule out of order changes Comm 100. recovered Monday afternoon by MSU police after someone study on Germ. such as a day - by - day syllabus, Spanish and Dutch art, Shakespeare, Luther and the meeting but had failed because Hav,d removed the notes last week from Bessey Hall. 1 dilutes the miracle of the human the topics had been unrelated any resolutions not related to iP7. Pr°ressor An MSU police detective said Tuesday that investigation into Century Renaissnace. The professor told police he had inves the topic. chairman ot the Comm 100 about $5,000 in researching, writing and mind." ones such birth control. the case was continuing this week, and the notes are revising the 200 Bonnie Murray, Detroit as After the meeting Thomas course, said Tuesday that many being held as notes, which were typewritten, mimeographed and hand page Five representatives of each of would not say if he had been changes already had been evidence. Police said the theft occurred between 10 writ freshman, said after the meeting planned and 10 20 the 11 sections conducted the instructed to block anv Planned for tor the tne course spring March 3 from a lecturn in a room at that during the section's discussion and in the end voted Bessey Hall. The profess discussion of Comm 100, but he te™'. . .... told police he left the notes, most of which were inside a man did say that references to a RalPh J»ld the changes were specific course in the debate probably would not have been t Jo have been announced at the College of Communication Arts MSU, Urban League folder, unattended on the lectum while taking a break classes. He said the notes were missing when he returned. No other copies of the notes existed, the betwi "germane" faculty meeting at 1 professor said. Woofoo p.m. Three students In the room at the time of the theft The speakers avoided singling Th"rsday in Bess®y Hal1 description of a person they said they saw take the notes. gave poli« out Comm 100 for criticism. "It's about a course I'm sure wfe" thrJ Dept. of Forestry, authored rock and roll bar 'The Grateful Dead," a rock group, will perform Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in Jenison Fieldhouse. disguise. Nothing personal, mind chapters band know! Tickets for the entertainment are on sale at Marshall Music, Campbell's and the Union for you, but it is really appealing to on "Forestry Resources" and "Practices and the Warlocks back in the * Enter an age of unknown $2.50, $3 and $3.50. "The Grateful Dead" is being sponsored by ASMSU think of watching a concert Barbra Streisand terrors, pagan worship Pop Entertainment. without worrying about people Concepts Management." in Forest Back when Signe and a Spence were with the and Airpli George Segal virgin sacrifice... getting trampled when chairs are moved and ope is smoked and emeritus in soil Louis Wolfanger, professor the Dead were the kings ofl "A Marvelous Mixture" matches are lighted en masse by the an audience full of psuedo - science, wrote chapter on "Soil Orders and Suborders of the United States San Francisco/Ken KeJ "Electric Kool - Aid Acid drug culture, playing louder! t! hippies. and Their Utilization." freakier than The Dead are, have been and Written as a basic text for better than most. anybody f _ probably will continue to be one natural science and conservation of the guiding lights in American students, the 685-page book also While there still aren't bands that play louder, the irj rock, and their three more offers an up-dated discussion of have continued to Dj recent albums, "Live Dead," use tL "Workingman's Dead" and resource problems for interested in natural anyone volume as a means to an from the ear end! resources. - splitting C.J Funk/Zeppelin final prodl something to compensate f fe\r\A ill be awarded a case of dog food. Winners in each of the 10 .. u,. Mil . . *. Hie . . • crunch of modernization while me Vincent was get ,tegories will receive miniature fire plugs as prizes. eomlntfv !°t Z m *7 Open at 6:45 In Car Heaters i shined his heart feels the pangs of - Weir by Elvis; Pig once did Judges are anlngham County dog warden, a WILS disc jockey can nnrlJrct rfwhy he doesn't can'tt understand h h jaren^f caring for someone he can never a thin od, possibly, get a job in the foundry like ^cRecc McCree's Uptown everyone else. His sisters are The film, directed by Waris embarrassed by his profession. Hussein and shot on location in TONIGHT! - ALL COLOR Rut But hie his customers . welcome Dublin, is as simple and sweet as itj5 ,eading chHaracter Richard Burton ISCONSIN V.P. Wilder ("The Producers," "Start Gene Genevieve Bujold the Revolution Without Me") plays Quackser and the film IN THtHALWALLIS PRODUCTION Indonesia project head named drifts freely along on his smiles, whistles and frowns. This is a story of a man the Tfjousanb DayS without a future whose .UWIBMKWR jSP! -K- ALL SEATS RESERVED jbert LeRoy Clodius, vice Mada University. Ultimately simplicity keeps him always Shown Once at 9:30 Only anH finite* aj • • vulnerable to hurt and dashed $3.50, $4.50, $5.50 dent of the University of onsin, has been named doctoral programs will be an6 "he State' oTpT™ ° a ^ciilturalAssn- Economics Assn., Natural Resources, hopes. Until he met the college Tickets on sale now! At in ^ developed Developed at these institutions specialist !n"^.".t», sDecialUt V"' "°u" Ass"-. OI University university Kirkpatrick Lawton, formerly LOST MARINER in E. Lansing >ct administrator of the P8013'1^ South America. He girl Quackser had left the UnlvereltlMOomottlum to provide trained /'ae "ai.ned personnel nprsnnnoi was chairman of the Committee Professors, Phi Ainha du: Beta v Kappa, never TOPAZ & both WURZBURG STORES Buy Now For Choice Seats!! I.,.,.. International Activities private — mnvo, mr inter institntionni u„ l.„ ..... , -- — .....HvivuHi ncmuiture, is more lasting than flings with an industry and top level Cooperation in 1968 authored numerous currently on the staff in overripe female found on his CIA) higher agricultural program in Indonesia. government positions. Clodius succeeds Clodius "s vice chairman of ^ m°n°PaPhs and Indonesia. manure route. After meeting the 2nd BIG WEEK KIA, Board of Directors Ira L. the executive txid of lh, the Journal of George H. Axinn, formerly on student, he is troubled and Box Office mnced that the appointment Baldwin, formerly of the University of Wisconsin, who has comiSn on^oV.,23 fSS Ec<"lom, lues/folk, and eleci chances of their vertimc are slim, :..rrni^r." October to NOMINATIONS KEN RUSSELL "A RAMBUNCTIOUS TRIUMPH! versity of Illinois, the December, 1970. ugh hyperbole, eno ng\ Until somel ersity of Minnesota and the of Wisconsin. Prior to his appointment vice president he was as PROGRAM INFORMATION «8S64»i LAST DAY—— THE 70s FIRST GREAT EPIC! the Blues Project professor The 'Littli li| Mai' is tki m western to begin all westerns!" he Indonesian project and chairman of the 1:15-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:25 3 or gets Jagger to Dept. of -SUiu lUnfer. Tim* Maculae ites under the Agency for Agricultural Economics. He has COLD TURKEY relationship I his money I [national Development been a member of the University between the Dead night is going to be con I) and the Indonesian of Wisconsin faculty since 1950. THURSDAY . . . two "CELLAR" at 1:00-4:00-7:10-Late "Attic" Big Features sensual "DUSTIN HOFFMAN IS & MARVEL! sorsium of Agricultural Clodius has served as a Aim it e»«ry iineat tad hll of Ml you might ever disliag svprisn!" sic is going to b« lo It is aimed at consultant to the Rockefeller 2:30-5:30 people eloping a system of Foundation, adviser to the 8:45 p.m. is limited: >n't have to move TIMES THE . >ian universities based hear better. Plenty on University of East Africa and a a cultural instruction and member of the committee on ive tickets are at Marshall Mui and the Union, ipment. primary focus is on two agricultural sciences reporting to the U.S. secretary of agriculture, ^yLAUQHTEIt— ' They must find 5 have to crawl throi mbina" institutions: Pertanian Borgoriense He also has served for the American as lecturer Council on ^TIMES THE a new way. nd break down do< Dead play music the Agrocomplex of Gadjah Education, Institution College 1NQ! LARRY KRAMER and MARTIN ROSEN present KEN RUSSELL'S m of I about anybody, have to smoke to Ends Thursday: Open 7:00. D.H. LAWRENCE'S t your nerves. "Quackser Fortune Has A Cousin In The Bronx" : "WOMEN IN LOVE" 7:40 and 9:40 ■ (R) P COLOR by Deluxe EVENINGS: ►ROCMM INF0#MA!l0N OZfll . . . Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. . . . $1.00 Frl., Sat., Sun $2.00 WED., SAT., SUN. DUSTIN HOFFMAN LITTLE BIG MAN 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 Other Days Panaviston*Technicolor8 [GPj 8688 W. SAdlNAW' 484-4403 ' 7;00 & 9:30 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATION Beai Film Group presents thru Saturday COLOR ★★★★★★★★★★★★ TONIGHT 100 VET CLINIC BOTH IN * WES JOAN LARRY SERIES ALLIED ARTISTS FILM STERN COLLINS'HASMAN AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL pictum 41' AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL REVIEW 4 DIARY OF A AN AN PICTUM ONF OF THE 10 BEST PICTURES OF THE YEAR! SCHIZOPHRENIC NORTHSIDE Dnva-in dynamic than TRI E A Comedy Special J • „ispjeafr? ' ... more i.i * * • a GIRL f.i.r if!Wf J.H.I (.HI I , loss c(|iii\ocatinp in its brutality than THE WILD BUNCH, far pithier GROUCHO* in its dclination of abnormal characters NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES than EASY RIDER and, for what its SPARTAN TWIN THEATRE worth, sexier than I AM CURIOUS (YELLOW). " ONLY THING FASTER THAN THE GUNS OR CHEAPER THAN Shown at 8:45 ONLY Wednesday Room 109 Anthony - s , 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Prof compiles data about the actions between could quickly obtain a print-out and on the amount of threat as nations' interaction By MICHAEL FOX science of conflict and a science would be data confrontation nations. showing the behavior of the measured by some scale. paper, for example, the student to of cooperation rather than just sessions where students develop process it Witi,„ State News Staff Writer To date, the group has now might determine 10 ideas about . United States towards Indonesia This model would be applied assume that we know enough hypotheses about nation's crises and then test them," Azar prepared almost 80,000 cards over the past 25 years. to earlier crises on record and if and just not do anything about A data bank containing behavior and could test them on said. covering events from 1945 "One important point," Azar correct, could be applied information on the domestic and to it," Azar said. the spot. "The data bank through 1969. The information said, "is that it is not true that predict future conflicts. He said never replaces international interactions of one possible "Instead of the old technique is taken from 17 international data will talk to you. One can "It is important to theories, merely facilitates Azar has held approximately 35 developing sources, ranging from the New develop a application of the data bank of going and writing a term them," he said. two confer- have all the data available but it on gathering, coding.dealing', and developed nations is being York Times Index to the Middle MSU's campus is immaterial without a question project has been compiled by Edward E. Azar, East Journal to the Swiss Review or model." underway for three years under analyzing events data, meajj. asst. professor of political of World Affairs. Azar said the major advantage the name of Cooperation / third such % Mideast flare-up Sethf science. "We're not only storing the with computer storage of data is Conflict Research Group. meeting Working with a staff of 12 to data, but we're storing it in such Stanford University and the that it can be revived quickly. 15 undergraduate and graduate a way so we can scan it or break Massachusetts Institute of The storage allows students students, Azar has coded on it up over a period of time," and others to test models or Technology both have begun to computer cards and stored all data l!.at is publicly available Azar said. theories they might develop develop similar data banks using Applications unlikely, For example, Azar said, one about certain political situations, MSU's coding and scaling Azar said. scheme. Going South For Break? "With the data bank we will be able to test models about the world so we can understand it The recent end of the Middle East cease - fire knowledge," he predicted, "and further pr secret When finished the group at MSU hopes to have more than 200,000 events recorded for foreign is unlikely to produce open warfare between Special Pre-Season Offer better and have confidence in these models," Azar said. Israel and the Arab powers, asst. professor of political science. according to a MSU talks between the United States and Jordan. "Then, of course, there will be public covering a number of geographic, political and cultural study offere "Many have argued that the negotiations that will produce the charges and regions around the world. The Edward E. Azar expects to see a continuation current data bank ' world is too large and complex countercharges, threats and counterthreats, and has more FLAT SANDALS of the present series of to analyze. There is data in complicated negotiations periodic border fighting we've seen in the past." information on the Middle East more and occasional border clashes but not a Application for the today's world than repeat of Azar said the Russians appear content with the because of Azar's interest in th- • annual sec- we can ever the 1967 level of hostilities. of the world. International Seminar make any sense out of. Unless present stalemate between Israel and the Arabs as area Mass "Israel has nothing to gain by attacking the they concentrate on making inroads in other Azar said development of a Communication can we develop good models we Arabs except a little more land that it would made by contacting Bev don't advance very much," he areas of the Middle East. data ba> k might reach a point Twitchell in 323 Linton said. probably have to give back later anyway," Azar where i could serve as an Hall. said. "And this time "Current anti ■ Americanism in Turkey and early IT1*1 an attack on Azar cited an example of Egypt could the warning system for future The five week semr a prove quite costly." tougher line recently taken by Iran in oil conflicts. - model where the three most which will be held in HEELED SANDALS Egypt, on the other hand, won't attack negotiations with the West indicate a possible "In a way, nations behave all Yugo June 20 yLg - ^ important variables that a nation without Russian approval and the Russians don't turn toward the left, or at least toward - July 23, is „pen the time and emit $13.90 kM in a conflict situation is likely to seem interested in neutrality, by the Northern Tier nations, Azar signals much practicing journalis investigate to seeing the Middle East aflame like humans," he said. "We will broadcasters various styles predict the again, he added. noted. and Univer Wm behavior of its enemy. probably be able to understand students in Azar, who has computerized the events that He said one final factor working against the how to manage conflict." ma The findings were that a communication, sociolo have taken place in the Middle East since nation would investigate its own 1945, resumption of open warfare was the weather. The operation is expensive, he political science, education believes negotiations will continue on two levels. "It freezes at night on the desert during this admits. By the time an event is preferences and its opponents' other disciplines in which "There will be secret negotiations time of year," he said. "Historically, people wait preferences, the cost involved involving coded and recorded on a communication Egypt, Israel and the United States with Russian until the weather is better before may play starting a war." computer card it costs almost $1 major role. APPRENTICESHIPS IN EUROPE DEBATE CONTINUES Spend a two or three year apprenticeihip period in S'orwmy or Germany and return Cancer agency opposed to the United State* at a ikilled craft*- w man with European training. Beit prepa¬ i SHOES JP THINGS ' ration for good earning job, technology ttudiei, or language tkillt. Alio college grad». Orientation courte, travel, inten¬ sive language training abroad, paperwork all arranged tor you. Men, WASHINGTON (AP) serious scientific and managerial We Accept Women, age* biomedical research and from and 16-25. Write or call for free brochure. The Nixon administration error to set up a new agency to Welfare, would be count- health in general, now under the expressed willingness Tuesday to do the job. "°°° productive and should not T—umbrella 233 MAC BBm" 0*»>.SL, 220 I. N«w YcrV (212) n SO St. City 10022 spend millions to help conquer cancer but said it would be "The separation of cancer research of the Institutes of Health (NIH) and National undertaken," Jesse L. Steinfeld told a from the rest of the Dept. of Health Education a Health subcommittee. Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Flanked by Secretary Roger 0. Ege NIH Director Robert Mar and Dr. Carl G. Baker, head PORK" ROAST National Cancer Institu Steinfeld opposed a bill t would create a National C- END Authority independent of NI Instead, they defended President's cancer • cure sea proposal that would call ■PORKCHOPS spending more than S3 J VI HI HI ST £ CENTER CENTER million during the next ft year. Steinfeld said Presid RIB Nixon has promised to in- CUT available for the enlarged ci program with NIH "wha additional resources . . . ca ECKRICH SKINLESS - ALL MEAT "Why Pag effectively used." Fun Franks % || "n'hff Pag Mmrei" j| HERRUD'S Skinless Franks - REO. OR MILD n>. f*Tc 01 H "II7*! Pmw 3fT«r'|M| ARMOUR STAR The officials told the Sen ECKRICH SMOKED FALARSKI HERRUD'S Labor and Welfare Commit*: A Ac ARMOUR STAR CORN BEEF Roasted Sausage „ HERRUD'S n> POLISH—ROASTED TfOC Hickory Boiled Ham *»."&. 99 MIRACURE SLICED subcommittee on health t agree there is a need for BRISKETS All Beef Franks h> orBOCKWURST *. /7 HERRUD'S Sliced - ALL MEAT BACON management techniques. Th FARMER PEET Large Bologna HERRUD'S PARTY ASSORTMENT * OS they said the administra' wants to set up the can - 99c lb AA. Smoky Links SKINLESS fighting program with leade* w». pk8. Cold Cuts 89 Why Pay More! FRANKS 2 I *J19 » supported by a new manage" group and by an advisory pa on priority • setting and m " Why Pay More! allocations. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Mass., subcommittee chair TOMATOES 3/79< and a backer of the indepen GAYtORD agency bill, pointed to a re" - by the National Panel Consultants on the Conquest Cancer, a group of 13 scien^' and 13 laymen, recommended that managem I 11' * I SAVE wtth this Tlc Sill ..upon I [2323c.? I I SAVE WiHl rt,i' 23c s 23c ,#Up°" 10 " SAVE 10c oW\1 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT efforts be concentrated unJ- special agency. • with thli coupon | C0 *. ,u,ch«. ,f: ICQ ft. purthaio Kennedy said this is not I HEINZ 11. ! I C0 rmlim •!' 0N TO LIMIT REASONABLE suggestion that there be a si" j Gelatin 32-«i, wf. W. I CHASE & SANBORN approach toward meeting ! Keg-O-Ketchup | COOP THKU SATURDAY, MAKCH 13. W1 44c ..;.. | -.4/69' ! Coffee £ 4%-OFF 0 <£. QUANTITIES problem. He said it is an atte to try to get around B | OOOD THRU SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1»71 I OOOD THRU SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1*71 bureaucracy and get the done. I THRIFTY ACRES — SUPER MARKETS I THRIFTY ACRES SUPER MARKETS «d PRICES GOOD THRU Sen. Peter Dominick, K Colo., backed the Preside 40' * SAT. MARCH 13, 1971 proposal and ,sa'c'll^ .1 > SAVE 40c with •hit coupon o40c| I I 20' 4 SAVE 20c with Hilt coupon o20 & |21ce> ^ SAVE 21c 0.21' independent agency idea " to be based on the assunipt_ QQ\> MAXWELL HOUSE ,#w«"d »h* •'< /> q || I ■{JO* • ^ with »hl« coupon Hworrf tho purchaio »fi V N that cancer research is adapt* to the same programm 10-... I BAGGIES AQf J ISO ct. Wx A Ar " I DETERGENT POWDER OTc " approach which has been usefl ! Instant Coffee -C.; [Sandwich Bags 29 I Punch ** oh urn 1 wlr' Of solve defined technotop, I GOOD THRU SATURDAY, MARCH II, 1*71 OOOD THRU » problems on a crash basis SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1*71 I OOOD THRU SATURDAY, MARCH II, 1*71 as putting a man on the m 0 THRIFTY ACRES ■ > SUPER MARKETS He questioned that assumption. the validity IV' 27' s 16c 5 16c S 16c When Sen. Claiborne Pell. ■ A SAVE with this coupon SAVE I 32'* save 32' s 32' R.I. pressed on whether j believed cancer could have^ 0QV I A I fQ]| jco* .f, qn I CO with Ihl. Mw possibly anguishing durat Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 10, 1971 1] rogram o ,b review outlook Faculty displays Blue and red marks neon question by James Lawton flash on plates mounted are smashed, mauled and by Noah Alonso on a MSU Faculty Art Show now at art work are connected by round, skinny figure. The line drawing of John and off like the "eat" white wooden checkerboard. Kresge Gallery until March 28. poles resembling the skeleton of signs on A gold ring designed by David DeMartelly is finely executed Grand River Avenue. Lawton's A seven foot a building. The construction with sensitive lines forming the - square of paper Logan sits on a black velvet ,ne Washington, former All tubing is embedded in a pile of is covered by Karl Wolter with appears stationary at first, but curve of the arm and the weight Lrican split end from MSU gravel and faint pastel lines of pedestal with its zicron setting then a motor begins to sound infinitesimal colored dots that of the breasts. esently All-Pro wide neon emanate detached from the band, as if in and the poles slowly slip from from the move from red to for the Minnesota green to blue orbit. perimeter of the gravel heap, with the their fixed positions. The whole Paintings range from Clifton will be featured on the too. delicacy of a But the action is in a kinetic construction becomes McChesney's multi - colored needlepoint. sculpture by Melvin Leiserowitz. forms ill radio station, WKME Twenty - four white clay These works precarious, a tension developing that resemble enlarged are all part of the Three standing metal columns muscle tissues to the soft muted IO-AM) at 11 a m- Friday- as though everything may colors of Ralf Hendricksen. collapse. Washington, asst. director of Psych Dept. After several minutes of slow placement Bureau, will ss job opportunities In a ogram. hour special service to offer movement, the poles stop in place with the exception of one which stubbornly continues to twitch at one end. Three tender drawings of "Variations Ecclesiastical Theme" squares of pulsating, on is an two opulent fabric that has been stitched with vibrant stripes of glowing pink, udent program ,port unities," Icorski. program is geared to involvement said and Jerry director for new The basic Dept. of Psychology has "To improve the courses nudes are also in the show. Jens Plum's charcoal drawings of seated nudes show the sensuality and substance of the female orange and purple and stretched like a canvas. Margaret Yuill's work seems to emanate heat with its incandescent colors. KME-201, a radio and TV announced that introductory his social environment. for training broadcasters. Psychology 151, courses and arrange the subject General Psychology 161 will be e s students want and need and some may even Psychology, and Psychology 200, Principles of Behavior, will be offered for the matter in a way more suitable to the interests of different small enrollment discussion class for students enrolled in a Greek Interpreters last time during students, the department is Psychology 160 who are ,come ' active as a result of he said. our Electrifying art summer terms, 1971. spring and planning to offer new introductory courses," interested in discussing a particular psychological topic in host dinner-meeting Beginning fall term, 1971, the Frankmann said. Other guests on the program «r>l, tU!rS impl8nted in a per,odICal,y comprise James Pi'e of gravel that glow introductory courses in He said the new courses depth. dude Dr. Arnold Werner, Lawton's exhibit in the psychology will be Psychology Psychology 170, Introductory The Greek Interpreters will hold a of "The Doctor's Bag" Faculty Art Show in the Kresge Art would not be simple meeting at 6:30 p.m. ,r Gallery. The art show 160, 161 and 170, Raymond W. Psychology: General, will be a Thursday at Brauer's 1861 House, Lansing. sst. professor of psychiatry. will continue through March 28. replacements of the old four credit introductory survey Frankmann, associate chairman - The Interpreters is an offshoot of the famous Baker Street State News photo of the department, said. introductory courses. The exact of principles underlying the by Doug Bauman nature of the new courses will Irregulars of New York. It is one of several groups throughout the behavior of humans and animals. not be worked out until country dedicated to the study and appreciation of A. Conan spring The three new courses have Doyle's famous detective, Sherlock Holmes. term. nternational affairs been approved by the social Psychology 160, Introductory science subcommittee of the Students of Doyle and anyone interested in other detective story genre are invited to join the Interpreters for dinner Psychology: Social - Personality, University Curriculum will be a three credit course Thursday night. - Committee and approval is Those interested may contact Donald A. Yates, professor of Committee dealing with the complex anticipated by the committee as romance languages, or George A. Hough, associate professor of gui deliines functioning of the individual in sets a whole, Frankmann said. journalism. By DAVID PERSON State News Staff Writer and that "no one should be without designated to serve on a project The University International Affairs Committee interest, and competence and his participate at home and/or abroad." willing consent to adopted a new set of guidelines under which the committee Tuesday will The guidelines also operate. specify that the committee should closely examine the degree to which a The guidelines are designed to give the committee a project would make a significant "broader contribution to the social, economic and base" on which to operate, Warren H. cultural development of Vincent, professor of the host country. agricultural economics and chairman of the subcommittee that The receptivity of drafted the goals in the institutions of the host country guidelines, said. and the extent to which The guidelines state that international involvement "should they are favorable will also be determined by the committee. support and enhance the integrity and reputation of the University" and "have a potential for significant contribution to !he University's educational programs in extension, teaching and research." v introduces the newest The guidelines also state that"international activities should nsofar as possible lead to the development of reciprocal relationship with foreign institutions and activities." They require hat activities administered by the University be disclosed to participants and that University personnel contemplating foreign assignments "be prepared to disclose the purpose and of such assignments" to sponsorship appropriate University administrators, colleagues and interested persons. The guidelines require that "international projects should be associated with bona fide educational and research institutions" nfo tells of or minority Project Grapevine, an Grand Rapids senior, and formation facility for minority Ballard, St. Louis junior. iidents. has incorporated into The Center for Urban Affairs services a monthly newspaper has made its photographic ititled Info aimed at facilities available to Info. The Jasmine Ensemble sseminating news of services Westside News prints the sheet. fered by the University to For our linority students. After we make it perfect, one exquisite love "Project Grapevine is trying we keep it perfect. we chose one enduring style. create stem that a communications minority students relate to and benefit from," The Jasmine Ensemble. Two special rings . toject Grapevine, said. And two more for every day: Faberge cools the spring with TIGRESS Spray The February issue of Info Carved wide bands Mist Cologne .... spray all over! As often as ontained features on financial . Jasmine from you like! Super wild value. TIGRESS MIST which included an interview Orange Blossom. ith Amos Johnson, asst. We chose togetherness. COLOGNE. rector of financial aid. The «ch issue will deal with the •cement Bureau and the ...On the tobudsman. cosmetics dept. The Info staff includes Leon Alle' mt, Detroit senior; Catherine °°l, Detroit sophomore; haron Brown, Detroit 319 E. Grand Rlv«r 'Phomore; Maria Moron, jjfegon freshman; Fred Lewis, THIS WEEK ONLY! Urankn&trin ScatmtnmJ Trivia 8:00 p.m. to Night 11:30 p.m. MEN'S NYLON We are proud to introduce NORVEL HILL JACKETS and his new entertainment. Zipper front closure Bratwurst or Knackwurst includes Sauerkraut & Potato Salad $1.45 Assorted solid colors Sizes: S-M-L-XL Good Beer at even Better Prices! Fun — Dancing Bring valid Student I.D. Come see what t iWed. & Thursday Pitc AFTER AD PRICE Friday Night Saturday Night Thursday Night Dance to Polka to the Helmet (5 Werner, Sing-a-long to Bob on the accordian $3.97 tunes of Johnny back from Austria, and Jim Basel MEN'S WEAR DEPT. Jakowic and and Bob on the **0 S. Howard on the guitar St. - next to the x-way Walt Ozanich accordian Ween 6:30 p.m. -12 Michigan and Kalamazoo 8:30- 11:30 p.m. 6:30 p m. -12 5125 W. Saginaw—6200 S. Pennsylvania — Grand River at Okenaos Road 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday SPORTS- 'Fight century is Frazier'sshow The moat decisive action in Monday night's J™ p Muhammad All fight came In the 15th round as Fra?^ w with a barrage of vicious left hooks that canvas and helped Frazier earn a finally dumped0^8111 The AP Wlrephotoa at the right show unanimous 15 . riTj ;to the punch that finally floored All and then Frazier connect!^ show tho r«n ^ ** he struggles to regain his feet. ne faUen All The end for All probably came in the 11th round u,k crumbled. The man who prided himself for his over his own feet from sheer rhythm m exhaustion from th* Frazier had set and his knees buckled from the im Frazier's punches. There was nothing left in become hollow and his punches lacked All his bZ[ any power After the 11th round All made only one last to pull out a victory, trying to desperate .» regain his composure anH„, & the needed knockout In vain in the 14th round. 8 f Referee Arthur Mercante made it 8 - 6 • 1 for f™ • Judges Artie Aidale followed with a 9 6 verdict while Bill n ' - gave Frazier a whopping 11-4 margin. It was consecutive victory and he barely missed Frazier'. » gainine his o knockout. Z4 73-71 THRILLER Cagers nip Minnesota Bill Kilgore grabbed the corner, missed and Kilgore breaking much of the time. rebound of a missed Ollie grabbed the rebound to give The first half was very evenly Forward Pyle was a big MSU's its fourth Big Ten win. Shannon shot from the corner played as the lead switched vV gu.n for the Gophers,sc and held on to the ball for the Minnesota broke to a 10-point hands 10 times and neither team . P°ints °n six of eight lead early in the second half, but final three seconds of the game held a lead of more than six 8hots- to insure MSU's 73-71 victory MSU slowly inched back and points. Minnesota scored nine over Minnesota Tuesday night at finally went ahead on a driving kraight points late in the half to ®enja™in scored hook by Kilgore with three MSU and Jenison Fieldhouse. minutes left and the Spartans take a 39-33 ieaa, Breslln and lead, butDut Brian K?thi2 If »Ui.j i . u r Brad Van Pelt had missed a never .—single lost the lead after that. Benjamin hit outside , P on the SP" season scoring list free throw with 12 seconds left The game was an exciting jumpers for MSU in the final 30 seconds ^ncT j*;oring of and Minnesota grabbed the wide •* open contest with both ■ --- the half to cut rnti^ uutkowski D u had, 13 re t- points a rebound and rushed downcourt, - Minnesota's halftime lead to teams pressing and and Kilgore led all but Van Pelt knocked the ball fast - 39-37. rebou- with 18. away from Shannon deep in the Shannon led a ba|- Gopher end and Minnesota got the ball out of bounds with only Gopher attack with 23 while Tom Masterson h* five seconds left. Shannon got the ball and fired deep from the Kappa Al Pyle 13 and Eric Hill 12. A sparse but very vocal c of 4,613 watched the Spr All-U final home game of the wins MSU is now 4-9 in conference and still hasai y An excellent combination of outside shooting and inside of John Woodward, the Panthers ^ finishing In a tie for fifth Minnesota. closed the gap to two points, ' *" power led Kappa .„r._ ._rr> Alpha __ Psi to „ 35-33, ...in the second half but uu„ „a another Big Ten the All - basketball University Intramural succession of free throws kept Tuesday night Ohio S championship the Panthers at bay the rest of wraPPed UP the champion: Tuesday night as they defeated the way. and 8 tr'P to the NCAA play the Panthers by a 42-35 score at Jenison Fieldhouse. Woodward with 10 points. led the Panthers ^y^ beating Indiana, Columbus. The fraternity team fell ^ behind at the outset of the game but came back to tie the Panthers, 7-7, and then go ACC cage ahead, 9-7, with 7:49 left in the first half. a Kappa Alpha Psi then built up 14 point margin, by keeping the Panthers outside where they gets started were missing their shots. At the GREENSBORO, N.C. (UPI) - Back before the start of House of Sandwiches half the fraternity runner-up basketball season, North Carolina wasn't given much ofac team was ahead, 25-15. to be in the running for the Atlantic Coast Confer Led by the outside championship. Hobie's shooting Coach Dean Smith has lost talented Charlie Scott graduation, the reasoning went, and without a player of Sco DINE-IN Varsity Club ability, the Tar Heels didn't figure to go far in the circuit. The MSU Varsity Club will hold its Thursday the team that wasn't supposed to have a chance' Phone 351-3800 final meeting of the terra at 7:30 tonight at the Stadium clubroom. into the three day ACC tournament with top seed, a 20-5 of - CARRYOUT& DELIVERY Frank Palamara of the Ralph Young all record and 11-3 mark in the conference. The Tar Heels, ran Scholarship Fund will be the guest 14th in the nation, whipped presently seventh - ranked So Carolina early in the season but lost to the Gamecocks i second meeting. The Gamecocks faltered in mid-season for unexplained reasc SHEPARD'S losing four conference games, but ended the regular season o strong note behind the ball - handling of guard John Roche TIRE TREADS many figure they have the momentum to sweep the do - or- tournament. North Carolina opens against the bottom team in SPRING conference, Clemson, and the winner will either play Wake Foi (7-7 in ACC, 16-9 over - all) or Virginia (6-8 in ACC, 1' The super sandals with over-all) in the second game. heavy treads JEIJER THRIFTY ACRES BEAUTY SALON thrifty acre: CI VP on any forecast: dry spring Sflc service of J\J or more OPEN EVENINGS for Gleneagles men For appointment, call: 372-8766 5125 W. Saginaw Lansing To weather 393-8568 a Michigan spring: the American Traveler by Gleneagles - a single 6200 S. Pennsylvania breasted classic with wrinkle - free shell of 67% polyester, 33% cotton. Lansing to do you proud: Styling 351-3880 split shoulder, wide bal collar, slash pockets. Natural, wheat, This is one of 25 styles of Grand Rlvar at Okemos Rd. light olive. 38 to 46, regular and long. $55. The Douglas $50. Store for mens' and womens' sandals ■ CLIP THIS COUPON AND SA Men, Me/./.anine, Downtown and Meridian Mall. awaiting selection at 50< * your SAVE with this coupon 50c KI Knapp's vV toword tha pur the Bears' home out, he was called again to ii, has a capacity of about But the glory was all MSU's in that final event relay duty and responded with a fine 48.4, his fastest effort this Madison. And not even the luster of Saturday at year, to set the stage for Cassleman's heroics. 'about 9,000 less than Badger Pat Matzdorf's brilliant 7-3 high jump effort could take je Stadium. generated by Bob Cassleman's great last - ditch away from the thrills This same Spartan relay will be competing in the NCAA meet effort in Saturday, aiming at the first win in NCAA competition for a ihe Big Ten in addition overtaking Illinois' Ben Dozier on the anchor leg of the relay. Spartan relay unit. The 1968 MSU quartet, the team that started "roved a legislative change the current Big Ten win string, placed third and earned all h will permit one or more Record T11.Th? Grand ^pids freshman, Illinois ace, held there and starting off a yard behind the America mention. - tried to pass on the Iference basketball teams to the curve loomed fast and Cassleman had to bide his backstretch, but pete in the National national Tournament in New this tlme^tVon another MSU mile relaV team Poses for the camera. But He finally time. moved, and for any who had seen him run earlier Other Spartan entries in this weekend's NCAA meet Detroit's Cobo Hall include Herb Washington in the 60, where at (from ,6ft left to riohti mT°mMurPhV. John r,flht) M,ke i. " th® faSt6St 6Ver °n 3 220Yard track- The quartet includes Mock. Bob Cassleman and this year, there just was no doubt. He finished strong into the he'll defend his national title; Cassleman in the 600; Holt in the Mike Holt. tape, edging Dozier and giving MSU its fourth 440; Dave Dieters and Ken Popejoy in the mile; and Wayne State News photo by Doug Bauman win on the indoor straignt mile relay Hartwick and John Morrison in the 60-yard Big Ten circuit. high hurdles. EAM CAPTAIN S' women's Sokoll a leader and a scorer I By RICK State News GOSSELIN Sports Writer type of take , a two year letterman . altogether.' , enn just glad I got wirn rtMmi „ a chance to play Pioneer goalie John McWilliam. team 2nd - charge guy that had racked ud 21 onku and '"le defender was quick to MSU's Coach Amo Bessone needed in w n women's __a the MSU hockey team 8 ** ' wi fb'® to f"1 * snatch the rebound, but Sokoll team won swimming six events and finished Coward's high finish was a bright pulling together all the material number thrTe spot inteam spot for the MSU divers in |rted its drills for the the Spartans had in their SP f"168 tH' made a *b at jt a"d second to Indiana in the Big Ten an jming WCHA hockey season J"' quest AtoT\h?lL.nfT. ZSF* among them a four - goal netminder almost let the puck championships last weekend at event dominated by seven |October, the team seemed to for WCHA In thp A , dominance. for WCHA dominance. upo, c, „ SrHA WCHA> he ^ finished in the top twog goal n ^ . ♦ Hf'u Bowl.ng Green, a showing in the lone win trickle through his legs. Bloomington. Indiana and Michigan divers. Patricia Johannes finished sixth everything it took to tallied!L"!l32 Michigan" > point,. o,.r "Randy's a hard skater," MSU's Marilyn Corson was the in the one- meter 26 points and was the Tech, and a diving event. ie a substantial winner, This is by far my best season Bessone said. "He's star of the meet with firsts in the number two scorer on the team. satisfying fo one of the e Spartans had established up here," the Spartan captain performance against Michigan on hardest skaters we've got. He's 100-yd. butterfly and 100 and Freestylers Miss Harrison and Qltenders; fast and high forward O^Iic ^2°"W8S Ma said" "But you re 12 Bpals a"d was viewed remember the on,y ^ to *he final n'ght of season continually in motion. He's got 200 She - yd. individual medleys. Miss Gustavson had a good meet, i lines; and „ -t. . . . . , goals Suou you juu didn't uiuu i which wiih.ii was climaxed cumaxea with wim an two good players to work with was also a part of the s Gustavson placed second in * f ^ bn8htest , experienced defense young get instead of the ones you got. I overtime and as a line, they work like winning 400-yd. freestyle relay the 50 yard freestyle and third players to hit this can remember about ten chances captain. goal by the Spartan . hell - t the only „ nniv nonitinn fh». position that hockey in s" both practice and in a game." team and the runner - up 200 campus since Doug Volmar. In't filled when the players At the I had that I couldn't convert. "I'd have to say that winning yd. freestyle relay team. beginning of the Michel Though Sokoll does admit Pam Kruse of MSU won the the 50-yard free and fourth together for the first rrpnt opnenn Acct Alov (Chaurest) \ and Gilles the Big Ten title against he'd like to in ^ / ^ . . ® play on the 100 and 200-yd. freestyle races the 100-yard free event. that of leader. for^w . inter is senior a right wingman Terpav the durable left Gagn°n) bave inemates all been great Wisconsin year, and with gratifying was the mos American Olympic team when and swam on both relay teams Indiana won the meet with game of the year," he gets out of school, he is with Miss r^orer if he ne ran can m.t put it will be Y°U some a,Ways know there 80,1011 ^'d- "But the last opportunities. I'm game presently entranced with the Corson, Gustavson and Ellen Harrison. Linda 354 points; MSU 326; U-M, 290; against Michigan was a good way thought of winning the National Purdue, 221; Ohio State, 208; to go out. You really feel like Diver Martha Coward placed "" Illinois, 154; Minnesota, 130; second in both the one and three Jhamp you contributed something to Northwestern, 118; and Iowa, Frazier "We've got a real good shot at RANDY SOKOLL - meter diving competition. Miss the win in a game like that." 35. Sokoll, though he boasts one it," Sokoll said. "When you of the hardest shots on the MSU come right down to it, all team and in the WCHA, has Payers have the same amount s Ali continues made a habit of getting his goals from close in. His best individual effort came in the second game talent. Desire and determination ,s what makes the difference. If you .bave ™renftban tbe. "ext NEW YORK (UPI) against Denver and surprisingly ^uy' Pays 0 • ve &ot !t- — Joe else," and a cordon of armed, More than 100 reporters and ■izier's enough. didn't net him a goal or And that wasn't Walter Mitty victory over uniformed policemen and his friends crowded the hallway Tummad Ali was billed the an as own plain clothes security force leading to his hotel room, and the *»aiTie two minutes pht of the Century." But of five men hovered about him the 29 - year - old loser held 'nto overtime period, the Jerry Perenchio at the party. Not even the court just like in the old days se^01"went into the Denver BHot predicts that the promoters knew where Frazier before packing his entourage litch will be zone on a one - man even bigger. had been taken right after the f°rechecking venture. As the >fter suffering his first loss as bout. into his two - camper caravan for the return trip to Florida. defenseman circled from behind Pizza 3 Itofessional, Ali immediately While Frazier hiding, Ali hif\ net- ^P11 stole the puck mi was Ali refused to concede that ilenged Frazier to a rematch. was back in the spotlight, he had lost, saying, [ think I and put a drive on the pads of 351-7100 'ever, Frazier L said me, rest awhile and think he will seemingly relishing his role loser as much as he had after 31 as a won at least nine rounds. You watch the films and then look at _ MUSIC CO. " what I'm going to do consecutive victories. his face. I'm sure I won the fight.'' Jithout»rs are exception, Frazier's advising him to tiles are everywhere COUPON RECORD SALE f, but the fighter probably ■tready for that step yet. |If ^ 1 he (Ali) "it's alright for really wants to back for more," Frazier me, but I nbelievable Waitresses he A nim hard lot of IK if he ever comes back. I a times, some hem harder than when he got eked down, and that beating » take everything out of done enough," said w'll notice the change Durham, Frazier's Ker. "and now he should be f to enjoy it. I want him to itne youngest champion in W to retire unbeaten. We'll Ne and talk about it." [Ive always F*r would have predicted that a short and Macular career," said [ws should trainer, Eddie Futch. never fight again, "ts hard to tell that to a ^8 1man when he's a winner." reward for winning, he ksk and You Shall Receive hidden away beneath a !»t of security after a brief 'guarded appearance at his osher dills and ham 231 MAC 2 P«ty. There had been " that he better "lose or ii o m .9am Sunday 12 12 351-2755 l*ST 3 DAYS! THESE SAVINGS FOUND ONLY AT CAP & GOWN RENTALS EAST LANSING'S RECORD HEADQUARTERS TODAY,March 10- Friday, March 12 fox: 8:30 A.M. -5:30 P.M. Fourth Floor Union For Information Call UNION DESK MARSHALL MUSIC CO. OOWNTOWN F RANOOR LftNSINI 245 ANN ST. 355-3498 OFFER GOOD WHILE THEY LAST 10% Discount for MSU Students 14 Michigan State i,ews, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March in. STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Peanuts Personal Special only 2 days left, 10 words for $1.00. classified 3558255 355-8256 MfofftMdSs The State News docs not permit racial discrimination or religious in- it* SUMMER Employment EMPLOYMENT, Camp fcanktyspeakinq . by Phil Frank For Rent For Rent OKEMOS. ONE bedroom furnished. ONE GIRL for 4 man, spring / advertising columns. The Sequoia, mala and female Utilities included. $125, $130. summer. No deposit, very close. counselors needed. Contact Tom State News will not Phone 349-4071, 349-3084. $60/month. 351-3116. 2-3-10 Boersme. Phone 489-6096. 3-3-12 accept advertising which 4-3-12 • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates EXPERIENCED BARTENDER. ONE BEDROOM furnished against ONE OR two Sir's for Resort hotel. June 12th - ONE MAN needed. Spring term. $65. apartment. $140 plus electric. Cell hou» Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or September 12th. Can 332-6839. No deposit. Close to campus. before 6 p.m. 351-9036. 3-3-11 Auto Parts & Service national origin. 351-8664. 4-3-12 3-3-10 Aviation 401 SOUTH Fairview, one bedroom. • EMPLOYMENT HOME ECONOMISTS. Generate new TWO GIRLS to share Cedar Village Furnished apartment, utilities F°URTH bMlmom house, • FOR RENT food ideas. Product development and Apartment. Fall, Winter, Spring. 71-72. Call 353-2341. 4-3-12 paid. $125 a month. 393-3725. clo*. 35* improvement. $8,000 - 4-3-12 Automotive Apartments $12,000. Relocate. Fee peld. GIRLS Phone 372-7700, Personnel ONE GIRL to sublet Spring term. ONE GIRL for three man, spring, - Summer fa|| Houses F JAVELIN 1969 232, 2-barrel. Good Rooms condition. Many extras. Best Consultants. 3-3-10 $55 a month. Call 355-4431. Many extras. 2-3-10 close to campus. $60. 332-1316. 7-3-12 itu N*" » . FOR SALE offer. 485-4021. 4-3-11 PART TIME. Ambitious person with FOUR GIRLS for Animals KARMANN GHIA - 1969. Very a sincere desire to annually. Mr. earn Dunn, $15,000 phone TWO MAN apartment immedietely. New Cedar Village available NEW TWO bedroom. Unfurnished. 1 mile from term. All 7,^ utilities Mobile Homes campus. $165. (in., good condition. $1650 or best 393-1007. 7-3-12 Phone) paid. • PERSONAL offer. 351-3417. 3-3-12 Apartments. Call 332-3791. 332-5742. 8-3-12 351-8182.4.3 , 3-3-11 PART TIME employment: 12-20 CUSTOM. TWO .PEANUTS PERSONAL LANSING OR East Lansing. One bedroom MERCEDES BENZ 1960 190B. hours week. Automobile campus, schools. Ideal » REAL ESTATE per ONE OR two males for huge 4 man. bedroom furnishod. Large, airy f0,', Motor overhauled, no rust on required, 351-5800. O One month freel No deposit I rooms. Air conditioned. 337-1525.4-3-12 • RECREATION body. Call 332-0369. 3-3-12 $77.60. MSU one block. Beeutifully maintained. Suitable •SERVICE MGB WHITE 1965. Call 484-4143 LINE UP your spring or summer job now. Car necessary. Call 351-7319 332-6909. 4-3-12 for faculty, grad students, business CLEAN, upstairs FOUR"room"two"!" house. 202 n Typing Service after 3 p.m. New top and paint people, married couples. Lease. for personal interview. C WANTED ONE man for four man 332-3135 or 882^549. O 351-4389.4-3-12 " job. 8-3-12 • TRANSPORTATION apartment. Cheap. Call 393-2961 ONE MAN needed for » WANTED MGB 1967, green, wires, low mileage. For Rent after five. $45.00 per month. TWO BEDROOM duplex. Range, Street. 2 blocks hou* Excellent condition. $1025. 4-3-12 refrigerator, dishwasher, fireplace, from d' DEADLINE $65/month. 337-9365. 355-2732. 3-3-12 TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction drapes, carpeted. Available March 5.3.,^ 1 P.M. one class day guaranteed. Free delivery, service '1W 7WE /WW THAT A£Wf ONE MAN for Cedar Village 15th. Call 482-4682 or 489-5366. 7-3-12 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY tvw1 before publication. OLDSMOBILE 1967 F-85 and pick-up. Call NEJAC, apartment, Spring term. Call for house in 6 DIE repairs?' - cylinder, standard _337J30OC 351-4654. 4-3-12 Haslett Cancellations - 12 noon transmission, 339-9419. 5-3-12 34,000 MEN: ONE block from Berkey, one class miles, $950. Phone ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. one day before 349-0259. 4-3-12 TWO MAN apartment on Cedar efficiency apartment with cooking SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV TWO FOR 8 girl. Near publication. Street. $210 / quarter / man plus and 2 single rooms without. Call campr RENTAL, 372-4948. C utilities included. deposit, six month lease. between 8 a.m. • 12 or evenings, Deposit. OPEL RALLEYE Kadett, 1969. New PHONE is) Young America Corp. / 1304 Ashby rd. / St. Louis, Mo. 351-2183.3-3-11 351-9504.6-3-12 Sandy I Jackie. 351-2605. tires, 4 speed, excellent condition. TV RENTALS - Students only. Low 355-8255 $1725. 351-7672, after 5 p.m. monthly and term rates. Call MAN FOR 4 man, 4 3-3-12 351-7900 ONE GIRL for three man. Spring ROOMMATE (SI, (MEN) for two bedroom RATES to reserve yours. term. University Terrace. $55. Call bedroom. Grad preferred. Haslett. to Cedar Village. Spring UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C 337-0631. 3 3-11 1 day $1.50 332-1887. 4-3-12 PLYMOUTH WAGON, 1962. V-8 339-9468, 353-7229. 5-3-10 15c per word per day automatic, power steering, radio. REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for For Rent For Rent NEED TWO girls, own bedroar 3 days $60. 351-8139.6-3-11 TWO MAN Lansing apartment, own $4.00 rent. A TO Z RENTALS, necessary. 485-8588, after 6 349-2220. 0-3-12 FOURTH MAN needed GIRL FOR room, $50 includes utilities. 6-3-12 13'/2C per word per day spring, 4 man - Spring term, summer. $58.75. 485-4469. 4-3-12 5 days PONTIAC TEMPEST, 1964, 6 Adjacent possibly Summer term. Waters $6.50 STROBE LIGHT rentals by the night campus. 332-0150. 5-3-10 ONE OR two male grads wanted for GIRLS, CHEAP exciti automatic, 2-door coupe, perfect Edge Drive Apartments. $70. 13c per word per day NEED ONE for four second car. $250 or best offer. or weekend. Call MARSHALL Phone 351-5836. 5-3-10 man man Twyckingham. Call after 2 p.m., Hedrick House (based on 10 words per ad) Call 676-1684 after 6 p.m. 3-3-12 MUSIC. 351-7830. C-3-10 SPACIOUS 2 bedroom furnished apartment. Call Tom, 351-0971. 351-4217.5-3-11 332-0846.5 3-12 student apartment. 4-3-12 Close, ONE GIRL - Spring. New Cedar Peanuts Personals reasonable, parking. 332-0965. 0 MUSICIANS SEEK must be PONTI AC GTO 1968 excellent Village. Reasonable. 337-2558 Houses r< pre-paid. condition, rustproof, 3-speed, Apartments after 3 p.m. 7-3-12 ONE TWO girls wanted for Eden Roc. Reduced retes. 351-4635. nice house in East La] floor shift, low mileage, TWO OR three girls for spring, $60. 351-9160. 5-3-12 There will be MODERN TWO bedroom Duplex. a 50c service 414 SOUTH PINE. 1 bedroom 3-3-11 reasonable, one owner. 372-3697. Across from Williams Hall. MEN: ROOMMATE IS) needed to Furnished, pets welcome. $200. and bookkeeping charge if 3-3-10 furnished apartment in older 351-2686. 3-3-12 share 351-3408. 2-3-11 this ad is not paid within home. All utilities paid by owner. luxury apartment near EFFICIENCY. UNFURNISHED Rooms campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.m. - 6 PONTIAC TEMPEST, 1966. Ideel for 2 people, $110 per SUBLET ONE needed except range and refrigerator. one week. for 2 man. WANTED ONE man for tri-level Excellent condition, automatic. month plus deposit. No leese Rich after Across from campus. Reasonable. ROOMS 10 minutes from cr. 7 p.m., 351-4697. duplex. Own The State News will room. North be $750. Boon, 355-0896. 3-3-12 required. Cell 6 • 8 p.m. only, Mr. 3-3-12 WOMEN: ROOMMATE IS) needed to 332-0792. 4-3-12 Frandor area. Call 485-8433 ask Completely furnished. before 4 p.m. C 372] responsible only for the Alban 337-2510. 15-3-12 share for Fred. 3-3-12 TEMPEST CUSTOM S, 1969. V-8 luxury apartment near FOUR GIRLS. New 2 first bedroom day's incorrect campus. Call 349-3530, 9 a.m. 6 STUDENT NEEDED automatic, radio, Ralleye wheels, ONE MAN for two - man Lansing CEDAR GREENS - epertment on 20 acres with he insertion. I p.m. TF room, $47, no lease. ' belted tires. $1995. 485-7934, apartment, own room. $50 horses. 4 miles from campus. $55 1 bedroom furnished 3-3-12 after 6 p.m. 3-3-12 including utilities. 485-446G. each per month. 882-3820. 4-3-12 PINE FOREST. East Lansing. 3-3-12 POOL Sublease April - September or 315 NORTH Harrison. 3 bedroom VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Excellent Call 351-8631 DESPERATE I One girl needed for ONE longer. 1 bedroom, unfurnished. house. Furnished, utilities paid. condition, must sell. Best offer - TWO bedroom furnished $165. 5:30 p.m.. apartment. Cedar Village. 3&1.9526. 3-3-12 over $500. 484-5226. 4-3-12 apartments. Close to campus. 33fci*bi.'i£3-i1' " Auit&Mtive Available for summer and fall. Call CAPITOL COMPLEX near, 3 rooms 351-4190. 3-3-1$ •r' imnt.il « 1 ; flbOMS. MALE 332-2712 after 3 p.m. Norwood CLEAN QUIET female grad student, Reasonable, quiet, clean, furnished. $135 includes utilities. COUPLE ONE bedroom furnished, NEEDED ONE male. 2 bedroom, 2 BUICK 1961. — own room. Walk to Free parking. 332-3094.3-3- Running condition, Apartments. 3-3-12 Girls or married couple. Call bathroom. Meadowbrook Trace. campus. radio, power, heater. $75. Call plus. At I-96 and Cedar. $125. 337-0011.351-7307. 3-3-12 489-1276. 5-3-12 Also neer LCC, $105. 663-8418. 393-7678. 3-3-11 mornings, 355-0903. 1-3-10 WORKING GIRL or woman. VOLKSWAGEN 1966 sedan. Very LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom 5-3-12 EXPERIENCE COOPERATIVE Home privilege good condition. $750. 372-8130. apartment. 121 Beal. $180 per GIRL FOR two-man own bedroom, ONE GIRL for 2-man efficiency. living. Bower House Coop has references. $50 3-3-12 month. Available Spring term. $83. 351-4154 after 6:30 p.m. $60/montfi. No ONE MAN senior / grad for two - deposit. membership openings for this 371-2834. 4-3-12 349-3604. 3-3-12 3-3-12 337-2450. 4-3-12 man. Spring / summer. Call spring term and next fall term. VW, FASTBACK, 1967. Blue, 351-2614 after 5 p.m. 3-3-10 Visit us any afternoon at 127 MALE STUDENT CAPRICE, 1970. Chevrolet four - excellent condition, new tires. GIRL WANTED - to share 2 girl ONE GIRL needed for four man, door. Power Whitehills Drive/ Room and board, privileges. Phone brakes. Power $1400. 355-1162. 6-3-12 furnished. $80 month rent. 745 Burcham Woods, $55. 351-4543. SUBLET SUMMER - Modern 2 $225 per term. Call 351-4490 for 4-8151. 3-3-11 steering. Automatic. Air. Radio. Burcham Drive, 332-1051. 3-3-12 4-3-12 Cruise bedroom. Pool. No deposit. % information or to arrange a ride. - control. Many other NEW CEDAR VILLAGE. 1 or 2 extras. Call 484-3974. 3-3-12 * Scooters & Cycles girls, spring term. 351-3187. APARTMENT: June rent paid. After 6 p.m., ONE 4-3-10 ROOM FOR LEASE, one FURNISHED, 393-5738. 5-3-12 MAN, Spring, huge apartment, 1141 Albert. c 3-3-12 utilities paid. Boys only. Available close to cempus, $60. 351-2062. FEMALE GRADUATE student to CHEAP WAGONEER, 1964. 4-3-12 CYCLE INSURANCE. Central now. Call IV 2-6677 after 5:30 share house. $75. Combines best features of jeep LARGE TWO bedroom apartment, _4^M2 After five, Michigan's largest insurer. Any GRAND RIVER, West. (717) East p.m. 3-3-12 furnished or 332-5239. 3-3-12 and station wagon. 4-wheel drive. unfurnished. FEMALE ROOMMATE, Graduate COMFORTABLE room, cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON Lansing. For 2 to 3 people. $180 Perfect body. Good motor and 882-0949. 5-3-12 student preferred. Whitehell Grad student. I INSURANCE AGENCY. includes utilities. Furnished. ACROSS FROM MSU Sailing Club. SUBLET: FOUR bedroom $60/man tires. Power steering. $990 or best Menor. 351-4208. 5-3-12 parking. IV 2-8304. 3-3-11 332-5335, 484-8173.0 332-2593, 655-2937. 3-3^12 Need one man for 2 bedroom, 2 utilities paid. Near campus. offer. 351-4571.3-3-11 man apartment. Call 655-3291 351-6144.3-3-12 WE HAVE Moved. ROLL GIRL WANTED. Grad student after 5 p.m. 3-3-12 COUPLE, SUBLEASE spring, FURNISHED ROOM - ROSSER CHEVROLET IMPALA 1963, 6 summer. Block from Union. immediately, 334 Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. preferred. Spring. Cedar Village. ONE ROOMMATE TWO OR three girls needed for nice cylinder, automatic, good March 1. Cedar 353-7822, 10 -1:30 p.m. 211V4 O Across from campus. 351 Phone 489-4811. Our new address Call 351-2308. 3-3-12 house starting the lest of March. mechanically. $250. Call Bob, Greens. Apt. B23. Ann 351-5731. MAC. 5-3-12 2-3-10 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF 353-6400 or 355-9107. 5-3-12 ONE MAN for 2 5-3-12 Call_3S1-0082.3-3-12 man, spring or TWO BEDROOMS furnished. All THREE BEDROOM Duplex, North QUIET ROOMS, seriou SUZUKI 350, 1970. Asking $600. summer. 351-1171, 355-7493. IN CHEVROLET 1964, wagon, 6 stick. MASON: 2 room furnished utilities furnished except students. Two single, 0 3-3-12 Abbott Roed. Stove and Very good condition. Call apartment. Private bath, entrance. electricity and telephone. Walking Must sell, make offer. 355-9419. refrigerator. Immediate - $70, $75, $136. Share u 489-0960. 5-3-12 694-1931.3-3-10 distance 5-3-12 to campus. Four man occupancy, $200 plus utilities. Close, no parking. Lim" J GIRL NEEDED spring term. New $66.25 a person, three man Call before 5 p.m., 351-9036 privileges. Available Ma": MAKE THE best of a good thingl Cedar Village. Rent negotiable. CHEVROLET 1964 SUBLEASE SPRING one or two men $77.50 a person. HALSTEAD 351-1754. 2-3-10 - 6, stick, runs Sell pianos and organs with low Call Mary, 351-4304. B3-^12 B-4-3-11 good. $250. 349-3168 after 5:30 Meadowbrook Trace. $47.50 MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O cost Classified Ads. Dial TWO GIRLS to share apartment. Will 3-3-12 month. 393-8289.5-3-12 EAST SIDE. p.m. 355-8255. reduce rent in exchange for some NEED ONE man for 3 ONE MAN needed, 4 men, Newly remodeled, man spring spring, no furnished 3 domestic work. Call 332-5977. bedroom home. term, $62 per month. 731 SUBLET FURNISHED 3 bedroom deposit. Come over, 551 Albert CHEVY VAN 1957. Excellent Cerpeted, strict landlord wants 3-3-12 Burcham. 351-7670. 3-3-12 condition. $300. See at 6036 Aviation duplex, guys, girls or family. serious conservative tenants. $200. South Cedar. 332-2961.5-3-12 351-3969. O Call 393-6045 LIBERAL PERSON for four ONE GIRL for 4 man, spring. Cedar ONE MAN Meadowbrook Trace LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight - man, daytime; 663?8009 nights before Cedar Village. Spring. No deposit. Village. Call after 5 p.m., NEED ONE roommate for 2 man. spring and summer term. Own 10 p.m. 3-3-12 training. All courses are bedroom government FRANCIS AVIATION, and VA certified. 332-5227. 3-3-12 332-2163. 3-3-12 Downtown. Cheep. 484-2237. IV 7-5953, office. 3-3-10 and 393-8988. 5-3-12 bath. $60/month. CROSSWORD CHEVY II 1963. Good Airport condition. New snows, new carb. running Road, Call 484-1324. C ONE OR Twyckingham. two men Call wanted 355-0606. for GIRL term. NEEDED to sublease spring Ideal CEDARVIEW APARTMENTS. One ONE OR two men. Own room, PUZZLE $250. 482-4257 or 484-1445. location. Reduced 3-3-12 rent. 337-2284. 3-3-11 bedrooms. Furnished. March 1st. subleese. Ask for Bill, 351-8372' 3-3-10 Auto Service & Parts 351-564?. 5-3-12 3-3-10 MALE TO sublet two • man COMET 1962, excellent apartment, spring term. Close. engine, new AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and 1. Weir 27. Garnish tires. $170. Call 6 - 8 p.m. American cars. If we can't fix it. it Reduced rates. Call 332-3452. 4. Backward 29. Book palm rgaa 355-8012. 3-3-12 CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE 1963. VW can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O - GUARANTEED repair. 3-3-12 EAST SIDE, 2 units, furnished. 1 bedroom each. 3 months lease. ON THE TRAIL! 7. 11. 12. Rarefied Edible tuber Humble 30. Rabbit foot 31. Shrewd 32. Fasten □□ mm ranHnarag Q Automatic, radio, engine RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at Okemos Road. 349-9620. 7-3-12 $110 and $125. 337-0409. 3-3-12 13. Man's name 35. Twinge aaaO excellent, body excellent. $250. NO - WE WONT HUNT 14. Well-bred 36. Den 393-6788. 3-3-12 16. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East ONE MALE needed for 2 bedroom Courtway 37. Umbrella fabric Kalamazoo Street . . .Since 1940. house, newly renovated. YOU DOWN WITH A GUN 17. War god 40. Mud CUTLASS, 1968. W30, convertible, 18. Live coal 41. Scrap Complete auto painting and Downtown, spring quarter. excellent condition. 27,000 collision service. IV 5-0256. C $50/month. 484-8663. 3-3-12 19. Panatela 42. Attention 3. Administra actual, must see this one. 21. Favoring 43. Toboggan 4. Sneer HOWEVER 882-3826. 3-3-12 MODERN ONE bedroom, Burchem 22. Solar disk 44. Alternatives 5. Streaks in Employment Woods apartment, spring. $150. Call 351-3118.3-3-12 - 23. Canonized 45. Color mahogany 6. Bird of F-85 1965, new tires, battery. V-8, MODEL WANTED size 4B shoes. 7. Beyond" automatic, power. Beautiful. 2 r- 6 .0 ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished. 3 7 0 9 8. Medicinal 351-2677. 3-3-12 Interviews to be held March 20, 2 p.m. at Howard Johnson's Motor Auburn Street, Holt. Stove and refrigerator furnished. No children 11 i 13 9. Arrow po1 FIAT SPYDER 1968. Excellent Lodge, 1-96 at Cedar Street. Apply or pets. $115/month. Phone Student Ads must be paid by noon, Friday, February 26th, and % 10. Close 15. Happened condition throughout. Black. $995. 355-6193. 3-3-12 in person to Norman Savloff, room 122. 3-3-12 393-7480. 5-3-11 prepaid from Monday, March 1st; or you go on the HOLD list. This means no registration, no diploma, no transcripts, no nothing, until 11 IS 1 u*. $60 entrance. 332-0939. 3-3-12 a month. TOMMY, THANK Don't feel signatures from at least 10 per majority of the valid votes cast, When a valid collective 332^ DAVENPORT, Good condition. Gray""^"^ 332-3467. 2-3-10 dumb. Let's you. talk, okay? Fido. MARRIED STUDENTS DAY cent of the proposed unit. a run - off election is conducted bargaining agreement is in effect, D: point Slump due to Lost & Found 1-3-10 CARE Infants thru 5 yrs. This conference then attempts between the two choices it prohibits an election FOURTH — up to tractions trying to study? THE ORIGINAL Dirty to voluntarily agree on the receiving the largest number of three years after the execution 9om house, dose. 35,. jeI convenient, clean room for watches. Also Tim7spiro LOST: CAT, black and white manx. Apply for Spring and description of the bargaining valid votes cast. of the agreement. at $10.50 per week. No Dicky. Moshe and °U"s°n Street area. Summer terms: Married During this Peace Time Watches. unit and establishes whether the 663-4332 Reward. period, no election can be held women or drinking, thus 337-2002, evenings. 4-3-12 Student If an organization receives a ing Services, Human petitioner has obtained cards to - Summer, fall. fJ~ students desirous of ideal SILLY, HANG on. Your worth simple majority of the valid decertify the bargaining Near ,g waiting Ecology Bldg. 355-7747 signed by at least 30 per cent of agent. conditions. 428 Grove. First FOUND: WATCH. a year for. campus. 33j. , 351 4266 or 351-9023. FANTASTIC SALE -" one wtek Union and Human Tuesday"beiXeen 1-3-10 Love, Me. IMAGINE SHOPPING for great buys the employes in this agreed - votes cast, it is certified by on VI 25 50% off all Ecology. MERC as the sole ,le in 1 V» weeks. 2 blocks - plastic 351-2545 after Call from your easy chair!! Turn to the upon unit. bargaining Individual employes may inflatable furniture. Chairs, 5 p.m. 3-3-12 agent for all employes in the 3IRLS for If the parties to A" 7 girl utilities hou^ residential area. 4-3-12 hassocks. Call 337-9215, sofas noon - THREE KEYS found Classified Ads now! conference cannot this informal unit. present their grievances though non - union channels if this is midnight. 0-3-12 Friday on walk agree, a If the e) paid. 351-8182 FARM, house privileges, near Student formal hearing is held and the "no agent" option not inconsistent with the terms Services Building «■ TWO it, call 393-0409, after 6 MAMIYA C equipment, 55mm sent to Key Shop. S-4-3-12 Typing Service unresolved issues are resolved by receives a no simple majority, then of the negotiated contract, bedroum, order of MERC. agent is designated. PERA provided that 105mm, Probag, Leica 11 If 50mm COMPLETE a representative of us, schools. Ideal f0r THESES service. prohibits the conduct of 1626.4-3-12 ra " share room. $130 a term. f2, 100mm f3.5. Cannon 135mm after 6 p.m. FX Personal Discount printing. IBM typing and The collective election is conducted by secret bargaining election in the same bargaining an the bargaining chance to be agent has had a , quiet, cooking. 1 block to 351-5074 binding of theses, unit present at the 3-3-11 FREE resumes, within one year after a FOUR room, two A lesson in complexion publications. Across from campus, ballot under the supervison of grievance hearing. IUS. 487-5753, ... , ■ care. Call DORIS KANGAS: Love MERC. previous election has been held. •rs house. 202 n, 484-4519, East Michigan you for your corner MAC and Grand River, Any organization The bargaining election is not 1389. 4-3-12 rTAN HALL leasing for spring, ENGAGEMENT RING, % caTat or 485-7197, ever below Lansing Mall. present umbrella, Style Shop. Call presenting authorization cards AN needed for hou* ingles, men, women. 12-1031.0 351-9286, perfect. Appraised Sell for $725. P.m. 5-3-12 value, $967 351-7949. after 9 MERLE NORMAN STUDIOS. C-3-11 COSMETICS multipurpose broom, flashy red boots, infantile smile, and infinite kindnesses in times of stress. Your COPYGRAPH -J^Z'J!666- C SERVICES signed by 10 per cent of the unit is placed on the ballot, along required if an organization obtains authorization cards from more than 50 'Pot' law •' 2 blocks from R« with the option to reject all per cent of the (Continued from page 1) BLOND / BROWN hair Waif (Kathy Sweetie). 1-3-10 COMPLETE TYPING and unit, and the public employer twnth. 337-9365. Eng Mat printing 5-3-1 For Sale GRINNELL JUNIOR portable Susan GM mimic of Mon. service. Copy stored on magnetic bargaining agents. consents to Learned said that as long as piano, - Call D Absentee ballots recognize the agent ) good condition. $250. M at 5-4134 CUGGER, HAPPY 21st tape. This eliminates all are available the state statute remains on the IMMEDIATELY Phone or LV MSG at birthday. re-typing to voluntarily. the savings with 543-3596. 2-3-10 You except author's members of the unit. books, a municipality cannot house in t see 5-4216.3-3-12 lucky boozerl Love Bones. changes and The designated agent and the Haslett corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT 419.5-3-12 jjlity glasses from OPTICAL 1-3-10 change it but emphasized that ISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan SEWING MACHINE Clearance TALENTED MAIL ADVERTISING, across Sale. LEAD guitar wanted police are not obliged to ?, 372 7409. C-3-12 Brand new who feels music. John from Frandor. Phone 337-1773. C )R 8 girl. Near portables campi - $5.00 per month. Large selection $49.95, 351-4490. 2-3-11 Williams /a IT'S what'S i a a wnm a _ prosecute anyone under the East es included. Deposit.! of reconditioned used TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. Lansing ordinance. r/ ITH BLACK and white portable H Jackie. 351-2605. machines. End of the He said that if state legislators /, 21". Just overhauled. $80 or Singers. Whites, Necchis, New MCAT EXAM. Kaplan tutoring term Peanuts Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann Personal SPECIAL Lance, 626-6542. 0-3-12 don't like the ordinance, they offer. 353-0982. 3-3-12 Home and "Many Others." course to begin 10 3R 4 man, 4 bedrooi. $19.95 Saturday, March ... can enact statute to $39.95. Terms. 13. For information and words for $1.00. Additional a specifically edar Village. Spring EDWARDS TYPING pre - empting this area for the NORELCO Cassette player / enrollment call 851-5265 or SERVICES in East 631. 3-3-11 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, words 10c. Starts March 8th my. icorder, AM-FM radio. Was 1115 North 626-4651.3-3-12 - Lansing home. Phone 332-3306 state. Learned said that the fact Washington 12th. 6-3-12 129.95, $75. 353-2518. 1-3-10 489-6448. C-3-11 that the ordinance might KINGSIZE possibly be questionable should WATERBEDS, Life TYPING. THESES and letters, etc. 6'5" poles, Garmish boots size 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, guarantee, only $45. Rent for $10 It'sWhat's Happening must be p.m. today in the Arena Theater. It not deter the council from Rapid, accurate service. i, Cubco bindings. Excellent canisters and uprights. Guaranteed monthly. Call 351-7466. 3-3-12 submitted in person to 341 incorporates drama, song and dance acting. Experienced. 393-4075. 20-3-12 n. $50. 626-6759. 1-3-10 one full year. $7.88 and BARBARA DARLING, to depict the "Americanization of "When you're talking about up. Happy Student Services Bldg. at least DENNIS sensuous 22nd. You'll always be the Indian." Admission is free. DISTRIBUTING WHEN ENOUGH'S enough look for two State News implication, you get into a grey YCLOPEDIAS, 1970 COMPANY, RICH COP my lady. Love Hippie. 1-3-10 working days edition, 316 North Cedar. that better job in the area," Learned said. ildren and adult sets. Will sell Opposite City Market. C-3-11 The richest traffic Classified (Sunday - Thursday) before cop in the YOU GOTTA want it Ads each day! East Lansing Councilman VNS SEEK r< parateiy. 676-1905. 3-3-12 world is Richard Brooches, Beat publication. Entries may be house in East La MUSICAL Hoyle of Calvin. End it. Big!! 1-3-10 inserted Wilbur Brookover said that it is INSTRUMENTS, all Johannesburg, South Africa, PROFESSIONAL' twice and must be Draft Repeal Forum will meet at 8 160. 5-3-12 WRITER, brands. 30% off list price. Rich: today at Edgewood United "entirely too early to tell what's UNDERWOOD a multimillionaire textile THESIS submitted from a registered p.m. 351-5869, C JUDY, GAIL - Good luck next Church, 469 N. Hagadorn Road. going to happen." He said that table, $24.95. Used furniture PREPARATION student organization. plant owner, who moonlights term. Your headaches Panelists will include Edwin Bladin, he would be surprised if there inds. ABC SECONDHAND - Sharon, Rooms as a policeman. Lesty. 1-3-10 asst. attorney general; Richard had been time to take action ORE, 1208 Turner. C Animals Even if you're not a A lawyer will be at ASMSU from 1 Oleska, asst. professor of law, and under the new ordinance, millionaire you can look for to S p.m. today. Call 353-0659 for George Griffiths, a Lansing teacher. MODEL 110 AM-FM stereo ST. BERNARD. Male, 1 year old, appointments. considering the time necessary lately furnished. 37! part - time jobs in the State Profession!! Thesis Strvic* for to publish the legislation. center. Kenwood model AKC, good with children. Best 100, AM-FM 140 watt stereo offer. 393-7469.3-3-12 News Classified Ads. Whether Manor's anil Doctoral Candidates. Froo A rap session at 7:30 The Cycling Club will meet at 7:30 Brookover said that the intent PYRAMID LIVINGSTON: Get well Brochure and Consultation. Please Call p.m. today in Console color TV set. you're a future moonlighter the East Wilson Hall lounge will p.m. today in 208 Men's Intramural of the council in passing the soon. Good luck on finals. Cliff and Paula Hau(liey 337 1527 or 627-2938. include discussion of the a housewife Your Bldg. A film of the 1967 National reo record players, $15 and up. DOG OBEDIENCE classes sponsored or looking to University's ordinance was "to give officials personal student. 1-3-10 housing options. Don Stevens will be Bicycle / sets $35 up. 200 used by Student Veterinarian's wives, supplement Racing Championships will your budget NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE present. be shown. The public is welcome. an alternative and to increase the rack stereo tapes $2.50 each starting April 5th. Call Mrs. Rock, while the kids are in school, GOOCHBERG: HAVE fun student COPY SHOPPE can show you chance of getting some 7'' reel tapes. $2.00 and 372-6936. 3-3-12 start checking now! All are welcome to march to An adaptation of the new black teaching! I'll miss you. Love, Nan. how to get two Xerox copies for repeal convictions." .50 each. 300 used stereo the abortion laws at noon musical "The Me Nobody Knows" 1-3-10 the Saturday Oriental wall tapestries. ONE LOVELY little blue lassie, 1 price of one. Phone 332-4222. in Durant Park, will be presented at 8 p.m. PASSPORT AND Visa Lansing. Child care Friday i. male stui ICO X SECONDHAND lovely little blue laddie. Bluepoint appointment. All ,,typ^^c of Photos6by C will be available. For rides, meet in and Saturday in Studio 49, Fairchild ORE. 509 Siamese, $15 each. Weekdays call Real Estate the Shaw packing lot at 11 a.m. For Theatre. Admission is free. labia, quiet, clean, >4391, 8 5:30 p.m., Monday East Michigan. ED 2-5859, after 6:30 p.m. 2-3-10 photographic work. Information Vvfiwa DONE I^W'TOW Fasf information, call -332-0951 or arking. 332-3094.3-3- Service, Photo Lab, 355-0230. 351-5962. Liquor accurate service. Phone 351-6259. The Chess Club will meet at 7:30 Saturday. C TWO BEDROOM. Finished 5-3-12 9-3-12 p.m. today in East Holmes Hall lower G GIRL 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish basement. Close to MSU, schools. or woman. lounge. Please bring sets. ON SJN flattop guitar, month Small down and all other live merchandise payment. Assumes DISSERTATIONS, THESES, EARLY U.N. STAMPS term I sacrifice, $250. low land contract. Call 337-1525. Marijuana legalization petition and (Instant parenthood) DOCKTOR papers. Expert typist with degree 9-3733. S-5-3-10 PET CENTER, Meridian Mall, 4-3-12 the recall of Congressman (Continued from page 1) in English. IBM. 349-3655. 0-3-10 6 diff. mint sets! Before 1961 349-3950. 5-3-12 $1 or, $2 buys 12 diff. for Wanted Chamberlain will be discussed at the East Lansing Democrats Zutaut of the MSU Dept. of IIFLE with scope, excellent sets. No HASLETT. GOOD buildable duplex FOR meeting at STUDENT approvals. LEIGH, Box FAST, efficient typing, call Edgewood United Church at 8 p.m. Public Safety said. tion. Skis and Cubco 18, lot in Haslett's best multi • jes. Phone morr Village Station, N.Y. 10014 family SHIRLEY MENSE, 339-2069. DREAMS COME to life in off of the today. Meeting and membership is idings. Call after 5:30 p.m., area. For information, call 3-3-12 "For example," he said, . 3-3-11 friendly new rentals advertised in open to all students. For 2-3112. 1-3-10 485-3555. 3-3-10 Maynard Beery 351-5210 or the Want Ads! information, call Jim, 355-7984. "there were 241 arrests for HAIR CUT the way you want it. 4 SIMON REAL ESTATE, Okemos ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith alcohol violations on campus barbers. UNION BUILDING Branch, 349-3310. 4-3-12 offset printing. Complete service NEED ONE SDS will meet at 8 p.m. today in from July 1, 1969, to Jan. recorder, stereo, tapes, KINKAJOU (Honey Bear). Very rare or two for mobile home. 31, Sell for $95. 349-4555 after BARBER SHOP. C-3-10 for dissertations, theses, the Union second floor lounge. The . pet, easy diet. $125. 371-2058 Spring only. $30, share utilities, March 1970. For that same period this FACULTY COLONIAL. Near MSU. 20 demonstration in 1.3-3-12 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. own bedroom. 487-3512 Friday anytime. 3-3-12 MONEY! NEED up to 3 sets of 4 bedrooms, 1VJ baths, washer 21 years experience. 349-0850. C Washington against racist year there have been 144 after 5 p.m., TABLE room, dresser Saturday before 4 unemployment will be discussed. All arrests." drawers. 489-2124, dryer, fireplace. $24,500. p.m. 3-3-12 student. Fine lo LOVABLE CAT needs home for are welcome. 482-9322. 3-3-12 337-1597 after 3 p.m. 5-3-11 IF YOU'VE said you want to sell Meanwhile, the men of Red j. IV 2-8304. 3-3-11 three months. Will pay. Call it, Rock will say it again with a Want Ad. Dial NOTHING LASTS forever! So for Veterans: The Veterans Assn. will continue to take 351-5216. 3-3-12 PURE MAPLE syrup — candy, cream Recreation 355-8255 now! new or newer household goods meet at 7 p.m. today at the East advantage of Ordinance 22.00. 'HONE BASS Guitar, two and sugar. Visitors welcome. check today's Want Ads! Lansing American Legion Hall to "We're a sophisticated, upper CHINESE PUG puppies. AKC, fawn, onths old. Perfect condition. Ralph Snow, 3188 West Plains discuss the membership TG next class black masked, reduced price. STUDENTOURS SUMMER; BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. floor," Louis A. DeLorme 484-6009. 5-3-12 term. Bring signed state GI Bill 484-5095. 3-3-11 Road, Mason. 676-1653. 3-3-12 London, from $194; Spring No job too large or too small. BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for your IV, Roseville junior and floor Block off campus. 332-3255. C all positive, A negative, B negative social Break: Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, chairman, said. "We like $219; Nassau, $179. Call Fred, and AB negative, $10.00. 0 to have ROOMS, serious Mobile Homes negative, $12.00. Allen Mandelstamm, professor of fun, and we love girls. 355-2824. 14-3-12 MICHIGAN economics, will speak at 7:30 p.m. And we show them .stTwo single, one $75, $136. Share 1 TWO BEDROOM, close to campus. DUE EAST (A rock and roll band). Transportation COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 507% East Grand River, East Thursday in the East Wilson Hall time." a good EUROPE $194 STUDENTOURS lounge. no parking. Limited Will accept reasonable offer. Now booking, 349-4239, round trip jet to London summer Lansing. Above the new Campus .se Available Marc 351-6628. 7-3-12 337-9495. 3-3-12 RIDERS NEEDED to Miami Free University classes being held Fruit area. Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 '71. Call Eddie, 393-7520. 6-3-12 54. 2-3-10 Leaving 882-2977.3-3-11 March 18. Phone p.m., Monday, Thursday and today: p.m., Modern dance, 6:45 to 8 218 Women's 1M revenue Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Bldg.; • MEN, singles and do AIR FARE ONLY Homosexuality, 7:30 p.m., 209 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C topcfungfjam rises in Chile NEED RIDE Bessey Hall; Guitar, 9 p.m., 141 had, carpeted, V» Spring Break downtown Lansing Music from MSU. Bldg. For ideas and . 425 Ann Street, Jamaica $150. 12:30-5:00 p.m. GARAGE information for spring term, call FOR boat g. Call Don, 351- Tuesday, Thursday. 351-3196. storage. Near campus. Call evenings. 355-0818 353-9785. Acapulco $165. 4-3-12 4-3-12 SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) Summer The Capital Area Conference on - as it .. . Detroit to London $199. Call Frank Buck 351-8604 LIMOUSINE SERVICE to Detroit Metro Airport. $11/person. Call TURN YOUR EMPTIES INTO cash! Maternal - Child Health will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March The Central Bank says Chile's dollar revenue from fruit exports I Fill rental vacancies fast with a 17 in the Union. Topic for the went up an average of 15 per 882-0722. 3-3-11 Want Ad. Dial 355-8255! conference will be "The High - Risk Seated po YES, THERE are a Union Board's Nassau few seats left on trip, March NEED RIDE to Miami for twc EVERYBODY KEEPS trying for Mother and Fetal Speakers will be Dr. Sheets and Dr. Monitoring." cent a month last year. Chile netted $509,523 last January, a 19-26. $189. Call 353-9777. March 20 or after. 355-1985 better employees. Get them with a Caruso. All RNs, GNs, LPNs and jump of $65,053 over January, o students in maternal - child nursing 1970, the bank said. B-3-10 355-9422. 1-3-10 Want Ad. Dial 355-8255 now! STUDENTOURS SUMMER: London, $209. Spring Break: Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, $219; Freeport, $189. Call Fred, How many apartment buildings supply 355-2824. 14-3-12 continuous free maintenance on toilets, garbage Service disposals, stoves, air conditioners, and many other appliances? Cedar Village does! Cedar ATTENTION. LET me be your Village has 24-hour emergency service and daily alarm, ANYTIME. $1.00 monthly. maintenance service by our on-site staff. 3. Administra 663-7161. 1-3-10 4. Sneer 5. Streaks"! BABYSITTING BY former nurses mahogany aide in Pediatrics. Daytime, fenced 6. Bird of P'e yard. Babies Welcome! 694-9332. 7 Beyond tw 3-3-12 8. Medicinal 9. Arrow pms Now leasing for summer CUSTOM PAINTING. Exterior and 10. Close and fall. A few sub-leases interior painting by experts. 15. Happens Licensed and insured. For reliable still available for spring. 18. Bombyx service and free estimates, call 19. Detonator 487-3101.4-3-12 This is our on-site maintenance room, used 20. PhilipPilie by our staff to provide the service you demand. negrito 2lSa|ary PHOTO PORTRAIT 23. Hemstitch «VCK,NGHAM APARTMENTS' « SPECIAL 24. Compli"19 Par ments and are completely carpeted fu'n'^dj Cedar Village 25. Sea eagle a, and individual central-control air 1 8X10 black and 26. End of W ^iture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garba*^sposa. ^ ^^ ^ white $5.95 28. Slack ^ditiontng. These four man units have up t P ^ roomsand private balconies. If Includes good 31. Bevels 32. Charity Panned for with VQ" want to be a giant heated swimming poo among the first residents oFTWYLR M ^ today. The 2 bedroom selection of day EXCEPT SUNDAY proofs 33. Founder s start at $65/month per man. Shoot , * RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: M0Df.LAO<;HA MARSHA CHANtL, CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. For appointment call 332-8889 35. Young sal" 37. Menagerie - NINE and TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. VAN DYKE STUDIO 38. Deposit 39. Square"18 1 r'KMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: Alco Management Company 209 Abbott Rd. Next to State Theater 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March |, Completion Bus talks resume; care c Construction of 12 modular units to comprise the university's Community Day • Care Center, is progressing with the projected opening date set for April 5. new hopes raised The center, created fall term under the auspices of the There is new hope for the new loop are reserved traffic ballot to face Institute for Family and Child Research, is voters being settlement of a Lansing bus lanes for buses during rush • constructed on the south side of Spartan Village. strike that has inconvenienced hour traffic and a "ride and When completed, the center is expected to provide day - area residents for 88 days. shop" program in cooperation care facilities for 110 old through preschool children, from six - and a half • weeks At a meeting Monday, the with merchants in downtown coordinator, t0 LP<1 age. The infancy and toddler unit has been organized by Lansing City Council ordered Lansing. : A proposal which could have Hiram Fitzgerald, professor of psychology. A preschool negotiations between the city and the striking bus drivers increased the mill subsidy of the program is also planned. bus operations was decided In addition, to volunteer resumed. operations on a help from mothers and against by the council members. until temporar , students, the center will be manned by a permanent staff of Largely responsible for the The proposal was to have placed such transportation time as a rl four, including two graduate students. new hope was an agreement by the mill question on the April 5 be authority Although most of the children enrolled in the day - care the State Bureau of established. c program are residents of the married housing complexes, Transportation to pick up the the facility is intended to community. provide service to the entire Enrollment in the day - care facility will be provided on a tab for any deficits in the operational costs of the bus m service until July 1. term basis, with tuition costs set at $5 for each full - The dollar amount of such a day INDtM MCIP1 session and $2.50 for half - day sessions. deficit is not yet known and To help defer the cost of enrollment, a scholarship would depend in part on the KmUffcn fry fluckt* ,Hii - Under constr committee has been organized by the Ingham Si iiiii mi ilr, County Dept. wage the striking bus drivers of Social Services. agree to, when and if they agree. Applications for enrollment are available at the Institute The bureau also has agreed to ,e Deiwewi «-| Twelve modular units are being constructed for the University's Community Day Care Center. for Family and Child Research on campus. Situated on the south side of Spartan Village, the center is scheduled to open facilities will accommodate 110 children. April 5. The new State News photo by Doug Bauman to In addition to providing child care, the center is expected accommodate the needs of the residents of married grant Model Cities $135,000 establishment of a for the downtown neighborhood bus Icr housing for a community center. loop. Included in the plans for the SAVE 25* pWi! SAVE 14' . : =! ii: _ •&! ! 1: \V A DIME DEPOSIT on all individual - sized beverage containers may be enacted following a bill soon to be introduced in the House by Rep. Thomas J. Anderson, D - Southgate. The bill stemmed from a study by the Special Committee on Disposable Beverage Containers, of which Anderson is chairman. Anderson said anything less than a dime per bottle or can would not motivate people enough to return the empties. UNEMPLOYMENT AND ENVIRONMENT may get some relief through a resolution introduced Monday by Rep. Wayne B. Sackett, R - Portage. If approved, House Resolution 55 would direct the Dept. of Natural Resources to provide a priority listing of current public works which are environmental in nature, exist in high employment areas and could be implemented within ten days after federal funds become available. "I believe this would put federal funds which Serve With Pride may be made available to the best possible use," Sackett said. GOV. MILLIKEN HAS PROCLAIMED March 21 - 27 as Poison Prevention Week in Michigan. The goypmnr praised the leading efforts of the Michigan Swift's Premium PharmaceuIleal Assn. in the campaign to reduce accidental poisonings. "The greatest tragedy associated with accidental poisonings is CHUCK the fact that it most often occurs among our very young children, those under five years of age," Milliken said. "Adult responsibility and supervision are essential." IN A LETTER to Senate Majority Leader Robert VanderLaan, ROASTS R • Kentwood, Gov. Milliken Tuesday asked for legislative action on a proposed amendment that would permit a bank holding company to be structured in the form of a corporation. "I believe the time has now come for state action to authorize corporate bank holding companies through amendment of the corporation act to permit corporations to hold bank stock," the governor said. Milliken said the Dept. of Commerce and the commissioner of swift's proten blade financial institutions have strongly recommended the amendment as necessary to strengthen regulation of the state banking system. CHUCK STEAKS 69' reg. 89c a lb. save 20e a pound) BUY 3 SAVE 24c ON POLLY ANNA BREAD CRACKED WHEAT SAVE 20c - ON POLLY ANNA PLAIN, SUGARED FRESH DONUTS SAVE 8c - RAGU PLAIN. WITH MEAT OR MUSH. SPAGHETTI SAUCE BARBARA DEE ASST'D. # ,CED OATMEAL # BUTTER * ASST'D. COOKIES # CHOC. CHIP # DANISH CRESCENT SAVE 30c - FL. 16 1( OZ. NO RETURN DIET PEPSI PREMIUM large 88c size -california QUALITY SUNKIST the great ORANGES Spring jean topper! "sugar-sweet" 12 size Nubby Knit "Thick'n Thins" PINE- e Margarine | 7 and s10 APPLES * 38 3 16 02. if The goings great in these comfortable jean tops of thick 'n thin cotton blend. Choose the zip-front style in natural or tweeded brown and navy or the crewneck, slip over in natural or PSH 24 HOURS A DAY.. white. Sizes S, M, L. OPEN WEDS. 'TIL 9:00 sEVEW DAYS A WE*K