enate OKsvote 'ASHINGTON (AP) The Senate gave WASHINGTON swift, 94-0 approval Wednesday to a proposed constitutional umendment to imvp 0m,iK 1"an m ,he Sponsors hope ratification time for elections in 1972, age can be completed in opening all ballot amendment Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., to give the District of Columbia full voting representation in "It is imperative . . . that no action be taken to lower the voting age to 18 in state and lowrTh??!tempted last year by 'egislation to boxes to about 11 million Americans between Congress just like a state. jeopardize the effort to extend to 18-, 19- and 20 the SunrL r"8 to 18 in a" elections. but the ages of 18 and 21. year - olds the full franchise of the ballot in all local as well as federal elections. - Kennedy offered his amendment rider to only Srit^ as a ld the ,aw is constitutional They noted that the 19th amendment, the other amendment, but on the motion of elections," Mansfield said. Approval by the House is expected next week officials^ rCSPeCt t0 e,ections for federal extending the franchise to women, was ratified Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, D-Mont., it was Kennedy called this a false argument and or shortly thereafter, and then the by the states in less than 15 months. tabled and thus killed by a 68-23 vote. defended his rider as "the only real chance we will be submitted to the states for amendment anfendmi °f proposed constitutional Approval of the 18 - year - old vote Mansfield said he feared the 18 year - old vote will have now and for the foreseeable future" to ratification vSTv voting system resulting » . d° away with the dual from the court's " amendment followed the Senate's another proposed constitutional amendment rejection of amendment would be endangered if the two - give District residents the right to elect their own decision senators and House members. by proposals were hooked together. (elley sees Thursday io odd -year MICHIGAN /ote on DST By United Press International Volume 63 Number 146 UNIVERSITY STATE fATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan ty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley ruled out Thursday, March 11, 1971 lednesday a statewide vote on the Michigan 18 - year - old vote referendum us year unless the legislature calls a ,ecial election in November. DUE TODAY I Kelley also said that a statewide vote on Lrlight Saving Time (DST) may not Lally be decided until November, 1972. |The elections rulings were contained in |n opinion written for Secretary of State Richard H. Austin and four state Judiciary to release Cpresentatives. I Kelley said DST will have to wait until [972 since the state constitution requires islation proposed by initiative petition fvoted on at the next general election. "It is my opinion that the proposed ruling in ASMSU suit By JOHN JUEL board chairman, was not lection (DST) must be submitted to the eligible to run for State News Staff Writer the chairmanship. As MHA president, icople at the next general election to be Buckner was a nonvoting member of the n November of 1972," Kelley said. The All - University Student Judiciary "However, the legislature possesses board at the time of his (AUSJ) is expected to release this election, Stempel istitutional authority to designate a afternoon its decision on a suit charging alleged. ecial election for the purpose of that ASMSU Chairman Harold Buckner Buckner said that he had made it clear at Kubmission of (the 18 - year - old vote) was elected the meeting of his election that he would Constitutional amendment and such special unconstitutionally last spring. AUSJ heard the suit, filed by Sheryl resign as MHA president if elected lection could be held at the same time as chairman. Green, Detroit sophomore, Tuesday night. year general election if the The suit charged that Buckner was not Bill Rustem, board chairman when the [islature so directs." eligible to run for the board chairmanship ASMSU constitution was written, testified I Normally, there would have been no according to Article II, Section 4 of the that the original intent of the document ASMSU constitution. was not to exclude major governing groups Question concerning the legal date of a vote All students who were heads from running for the chairmanship. %ia constitutional question. However, the voting members of the student board at the time of Buckner's Rustem also added that the long delay in fcgislature last year passed an odd • year election last iection bill which permits spring were named as filing the suit should be considered by the municipalities defendants in the case.. judiciary. k hold certain elections in odd numbered - The ASMSU constitution states that the tears. "The fact that Buckner has been serving board chairman must be chosen from I DST backers argued the odd as board chairman for over 10 months - year bill either the present voting members of the makes this suit not only unreasonable, but puld be used to put fast time on the ballot student board or from past voting members ludicrous, ridiculous and a farce," 'lis November. of the student board from the pMceeding Frederick D. Dilley, coupsel for Rustem, I However, New bus year who are not presently on the board. said. "There are ample precedents in law Kelley said "legislation Larry 'Stempel, counsel for the showing that any unreasonable delay will proposed by initiative petition of the At Tuesday's meeting of the All - University Student Judiciary, a suit was filed against Harold E. Buckner, complainant and a defendent in the case, nullify the right of a petitioner to bring leople may not be submitted to them for charging that he was unconstitutionally chosen as ASMSU board chairman. State News photo by Doug Bauman contended that Buckner, president of suit." ir approval or rejection at the odd - Men's Halls Assn. when he year was elected election A further difficulty in the case involved provided by the the existence of two different versions of legislature." the ASMSU constitution. One version, said Peking aid N. Viets I The 18 - year • old vote question, which by AUSJ to hold in the case, states that to s raised in the legislature rather than both present voting members and past rough popular petitioning, could go on be ballot lid. as early as this November, Kelley By The Associated Press vows from China, to the Americans and South to the United States to keep the hostilities voting members not currently on the board can run for chairman, while the other version states that only present members are eligible for the chairmanship. voting "The legislature is authorized to direct a Vietnamese. expanding its war of aggression in Stempel challenged the validity of the in Indochina within tolerable bounds. ■(pecial election for the vote of the people Peking is promising all - out help to The communique was published Indochina, the Chinese people are version of the constitution used by AUSJ That was contained in this passage: determined to take all necessary measures, constitutional amendments proposed by North Vietnam, even "the greatest national following a weekend visit to Hanoi by and submitted evidence in an attempt to Ithe legislature to coincide with the date of sacrifices," if the United States permits Premier Chou Enlai. He was accompanied "The Chinese people will never allow not flinching even from the greatest prove the other version was the valid one; South Vietnam to invade the North or national sacrifices, to give all - out however, he based his case on the accepted fuch off - year election," Kelley said. draws the war close to Red China. by Chinese military men, including an U.S. imperialism to run amuck and do and assistance to the Vietnamese and other support version of the constitution. expert on logistics who would have much whatever it pleases in Indochina. Should In other words, odd election is The promise is in a joint Hanoi - Peking Indochinese peoples for the Buckner said the two versions of the an - year to do with the dispatch of new military aid U.S. imperialism go down the road of thorough a general election as defined by the communique published Wednesday, to the North Vietnamese. defeat of the U.S. aggressors." constitution resulted from a clerical error. (constitution, but the legislature can emphasizing statements made earlier this The talks, said the communique, circumvent that by calling a special week in broadcasts. The communique concerned the current Indochina situation Section The 18 on the same date. old vote proposition has sounded tough, but the document as a and "how to deal with possible military OPPOSES CALLEY - year - whole carried the suggestion that North adventures by U.S. imperialism." ■passed the state House and is awaiting Vietnam remained able at this juncture to In the war zone the North Vietnamese faction in the Senate. face up by itself, with material support have stepped up pressure on royal Laotian army troops fighting about 80 miles south of the South Vietnamese drive into Laos. A Laotian military spokesman said in Vientiane on Wednesday that the North Medina denies issuing faculty members call Vietnamese had driven the royal troops off the eastern edge of the Bolovens Plateau where they held positions overlooking the Ho Chi Minh trail. orders to kill civilians [for halt of unionization Foul weather halted the South Vietnamese drive into Laos in the Sepone sector, north of the plateau. South Vietnamese military officials in Saigon FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP) - Capt. Ernest Q. Is your recollection that you did not By STEVE WATERBURY the decision to circulate the petition was claimed that 7,000 enemy troops had been Medina testified Wednesday that Lt. say that everything in the village was to be State News Staff Writer made at an informal gathering Friday killed in the month - long operation. Such William L. Calley Jr. ignored orders to destroyed? attended by about 15 members of the "body count" figures have been questioned spare the lives of women and children at A. Yes, sir. 1 informal group of Elected Faculty for years. My Lai three years ago and two days later Q. Was it known to you immediately JCouncil (EFC) members are distributing a 1Fritz M. Rottman, associate professor of The spokesman in the Laotian capital remarked, "My God, I can still hear after March 16 or after you left the village ■Petition calling for a moratorium on the biochemistry, said Tuesday that said the royalist troops abandoned their screaming. of My Lai 4 that many unarmed people lining of consideration is currently being given to last positions on Tuesday. "Did you at any time order or direct Lt. had been killed in the village? collective bargaining I'uthorization cards until Sept. 1,1971. circulating a similar petition to all members The Hanoi - Peking communique said Calley to kill or 'waste' any Vietnamese A. On the evening of the 16th of March, I The petition states that the decision on the invasion of Laos had produced a "new people?" asked Col. Reid Kennedy, the at the night defensive position, I became ■*bether to adopt collective bargaining is ^Rottman'said that the faculty members and extremely grave war escalation" judge in Calley's court - martial on charges aware of the fact that due to the number I.'00 important to make without more who are considering circulating the petition directly menacing the security of North of the premeditated murder of 102 men, of people — that there had been a large ■"formation and discussion. are united by their common belief that Vietnam and of Red China and causing a women and children at My Lai. number of noncombatants that had been I We are in danger of being forced to "things should be slowed up." threat to Asian and world peace. "No, sir," replied Medina, 34. killed in the village of My Lai 4. I was not The statement was, in effect, a warning Before the My Lai assault on March 16, to learn until some time later how many, (Please turn to page 13) 1968, Medina said of his troops: "I felt the See related stories, page or you know, the great number of civilians 2 people of Charlie Company were good that had been killed. a decision prematurely by the soldiers." It was during the night bivouac, Medina ■ 1 ■collective hanics of the card procedures for He said it dawned on him only hours continued, that he asked for a body count bargaining," it reads. afterward that innocent civilians had died of innocent civilians slain by his ■ Une of the EFC members circulating the Potion, James T. Bonnen, professor of Mr'cultural economics, said Wednesday British soldiers by the score in My Lai and that he recalled saying: "Oh It was my in the God, what happened?" course of the brigade level My Lai and received a from both Calley's and the leader of the 2nd platoon. The 3rd Platoon reported six. troops at figure of at least 50 ■'A1 of the 40 EFC members contacted. investigation into My Lai two days later It was at that point that Medina recalled 1 tv tJ1em *1ave signed the statement." J,.. figure amounts to more than two - I i^s of 56 members of the EFC. near strife-torn during the past month. that Medina said he was asked by the prosecution if he was "aware of any atrocities that had been committed." exclaiming, happened?" Medina was "Oh my God, what called as a witness by the six |.lhe signers of the petition "urge our BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - The soldiers were believed to be from the Medina replied, "Lt. Calley made a - man court - martial jury after prosecution Three British soldiers were shot dead EHNEST |"!culty ■ ratorium colleagues at MSU to support this Royal Highland Fusiliers, a Scottish comment as to 'My God, I can still hear the MEDINA and defense rested their cases. He by not signing cards before Wednesday night on the outskirts of regiment on duty in Northern Ireland with screaming' " . the platoon, adding: "I said, 'Dammit, commanded Charlie Company and Calley f*Pt. 1,197i)» strifetorn Belfast, the British army more than 8,000 other British troops. During the infantry advance through My what's going on up there? I want all this led the company's 1st Platoon. I Bonnen said Medina the idea of circulating the Lai, Medina said he twice radioed cease firing stopped 1 want to make sure no has been charged with Ligoniel, hilly district at the top end of - a"rhe a ... JP tlon derived from discussions between bodies were found in a ditch near a the embattled Crumlin Road, is not fire orders — "by cease - fire I mean to innocent civilians are being killed.' " responsibility for at least 100 deaths at My niem'>ers who were concerned that saloon in Ligoniel, a neutral area in feuding make sure no innocent civilians will be Medina said that in briefing Charlie Lai and faces a court - martial. ' MSU faculty was being "pressed to predominantly Protestant or Roman between Roman Catholics and Protestants killed." Company before the My Lai assault he Calley, 27, followed intently Medina's Catholic. It had been a quiet area in the in this British - ruled province. Three other Ke a decision before they were well relayed instructions from his superiors to testimony which contradicted the ■ j?u8h informed." British soldiers have been killed in fights "burn hootches, kill livestock, close wells defendant's claim that he directed a mass LU0|jald O. Meaders, professor of with Irish Republican Army extremists (Pleaw turn to page 13) Medina said he got the radio - telephone ,0 and destroy all feedstock." (Please turn to page 13) °ndary education and curriculum, said 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tiiursday.Marchi news Faculty weighs AFT affiliation By STEVE WATERBURY "Departmental chairmen are state legislature. legislature." whether the MEA affiliate summary State News Staff Writer Several faculty members at obviously representatives belong in a management and do not collective bargaining "If you are really looking for more dollars for higher Repas said the amount of effort that the AFT can expand decides to include or exclude departmental chairmen from its iS«fi2«3S5 From (he wires of AP and UPI. MSU are considering the unit," he said. "The argument possibility of petitioning for a that is often made is that education, it's the AFT that do it, not the AAUP and not the can at MSU Is partly dependant on what happens at Wayne State bargaining unit, and the amount of interest displayed by the MSU TiSSS* members. ssy-jSI U f*ull MEA," he said. University (WSU) and Eastern bargaining agent affiliated with departmental chairmen do not faculty. "Organized labor is the single Michigan University, where the The AFT has secured The AFT the American Federation of exert normal managemental most effective lobbying group in AFT is presently diverting its presently rerm» Teachers (AFT), Robert F. prerogatives because they accept signatures form 30 per cent of nontenured this state," Repas said. "A major resources. the faculty at WSU, and has the faculty Re pas, professor of labor and the advice of the faculty. higher education group affiliated City University "... you do not kill women and Other factors cited by Repas petitioned the Michigan Y°*. and has 0f m industrial relations, said "This argument begs the with the mainstream of the labor children» You must use common that may affect whether the Employment Relations contracts Wednesday. question because they do have movement is going to be more AFT decides for fa to make an Commission for a collective sense. If they have a weapon and "It is my own belief that the the authority to reject faculty effective with the state numerous community AFT may be needed in order to organizational attempt at MSU is bargaining election. across the nation are trying to engage you, then you advice, and in fact, they often can shoot back, but you must use avoid a company union on this do so," he said. campus," he said. Repas stressed that "in many common sense." Capt. Ernest L. ^^dina Repas criticized the MSU cases the grievances of faculty AVAILABLE NEXT WEEK chapter of the American Assn. members are directed specifically of University Professors at actions (AAUP) taken by their for including department departmental chairman." Bargaining dcompilei chairmen in their tentative Repas said a second major bargaining unit, and criticized reason he is considering MSU Faculty Associates supporting an AFT bargaining Soviets protest tests (MSU/FA), an affiliate of the unit is because its affiliation The Soviet Union Michigan Education Assn. with the Michigan AFL - CIO By STEVE WATERBURY Subcommittee members also officially protested Wednesday (MEA), for "riding the fence on would enable it to exert Industrial Relations. State News Staff Writer talked with representatives from against what it said were U.S. intentions of conducting this issue." considerable influence on the Only one campus universities where a collective organizati. undersea explosive tests in the western Atlantic, Tass seeking status as the exclul Sandra A. Warden, associate bargaining agent has been bargaining agent for said. u selected, but where no collective The official had conveyed news agency said the Foreign Ministry the government's protest to the U.S. Meetings scheduled professor in Justin Morrill College and chairman of the Faculty Affairs Committee bargaining agreement has been negotiated. faculty responded to questionnaire subcommittee, sent out bv Miss Warden a t Embassy in Moscow. (FAC), said Tuesday that a Mrs. Warden said the The questionnaire is concern The Tass dispatch said the protest was made "in connection with the plans announced by the United States to stage this month underwater blasts in the on faculty bargaining special report on collective bargaining compiled by the FAC will be available next week. subcommittee "limited legislators" number on contacted of the Senate and state a with issues such as of agent the the positk prospective bargain!, on merit increases the si Two meetings on collective bargaining are scheduled for 4:10 The report produced in of the western part of the Atlantic Ocean." and 7:30 p.m. today in 108B Wells Hall. was House appropriations bargaining unit, whi response to a motion passed at committees. areas would be '71 Models found fragile subject i Participating in the meetings will be the MSU Faculty the February meeting of the negotiation and what Associates Included in the theannu (MSU/FA), the MSU chapter of the American Assn. of Elected Faculty Council asking report are dues of the University Professors (AAUP) and the unaffiliated Faculty for the Faculty Steering Committee interviews with collective would be. bargaining aeei 6 Reorganization attempted Collective Negotiations (FCN). to produce an "impartial" report bargaining experts C. C. Only MSU Faculty Associate The agenda for the meeting includes a panel discussion of the on faculty unionization. Killingsworth and C. Keith an affiliate of the Trygve Bratteli, 61, leader of Norway's Labor party, merits of collective bargaining. Members of the panel will include The Groty, both faculty members in Education Assn. Michip steering committee responded I tackled Wednesday in Oslo the job of Sigmund Nosow. president of the MSU chapter of the AAUP; referred the matter for the School of Labor and the inquiry, she said. putting together a Matthew Medick, chairman of the FCN, and a representative from government to run the nation, without a implementation to the FAC, majority in MSU FA. which parliament. appointed a IT denies pact Quest ions and answers will follow the panel discussion. SANDRA WARDEN subcommittee composed of Mrs. King Olav V tapped him for the task after Kjell Warden, William J. Hinze, the sense that the document Bondevik of the Christian People's does contain speculations and party failed to professor of geology, and organize a government in succession to a non The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Stanley K. Ries, professor of opinion," she said. "It doesn't - Socialist four University, is published contain with tire dealer part coalition which every class day during four school horticulture. our speculations and - collapsed in a row over the terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. The final report will probably opinions, however." European Economic Community - Common Market. Subscription rate is $14 per year. be about 50 pages in length, Mrs. The report of the Benefit raise possible Warden said. subcommittee was accepted by Member Associated Press, United Press the FAC By DIANE PETRYK International, "It isn't entirely objective in on Tuesday. Inland Daily Press Association, Associated State News Staff Writer *71 models found fragile Collegiate Press, Mrs. Warden said the No arrangement has been made between MSU and the Genei. Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press subcommittee held Tests of 1971 automobiles show Association, United States Student Press Association. British show conference telephone conversations with the Tire and Rubber Co. to provide University employe discounts the company's products, It faculty and staff witl they sustain greater chief academic officer, or his on was announ damage in low - speed crashes than did 1970 models, a Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Wednesday. Michigan. representative, and the president Senate committee was told Wednesday. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Tut treasures of the union, or his some A statement issued by the Office of Business and Finance a members of the faculty and staff have been receivin "The base line of low speed crash Building, Michigan State University, East representative, at the four four - damage reflected in Lansing, "discount cards" in the mail. estimated repair costs generated in our 1971 model tests Michigan. LONDON (AP) - The year universities in the United States where According to the statement, the General Tire material ay London Times newspaper and a collective j . . appears to have worsened," said Dr. William Haddon Phones: "arrangements have been made with your employer entitling yoi the British Museum announced bargaining contract coveting, to 10 per cent discount" ur., president of the Insurance Institute for Highway Editorial faculty membefs, is in fore*. a on automotive tires and acessories. 355-8252 joint sponsorship of an "Contrary to this statement, MSU has made no sud fSafety. Classified Advertising 355-8255 exhibition of treasures from the •The four universities with a He testified before the Senate Commerce Committee. arrangement with this or any other company. Nor does it suppl; Display Advertising 353-6400 3,300 • year - old tomb of collective bargaining agreement names for commercial Business Circulation Central mailing lists," the administration statemen - 355-3447 Egypt's King Tutankhamen. It are Michigan University, said. Photographic 355-8311 will run six months from May, Rutgers University, City The company got its mailing list from the MSU New regulations needed 1972, and mark the 50th University of New York and Staff phone book, Edward Major, district Faculty am manager of stores fo Chairman Arthur F. Burns of the anniversary of the discovery of Southeastern Massachusetts General Tire, said. King Tut's tomb. University. Major said Federal Reserve Board told senators no current arrangement is in force with t University, but the group purchase discount plan has been Wednesday it may be necessary to "long-standing arrangement" dating back to 1967. tighten some of the nation's labor "It NASSAU was a goof on our part," he said. "We thought v laws to reduce the power of unions to performing something mutually beneficial for all partie force wages up. concerned. Burns said such action Major said the program has been "very appreciated" over th essential "to protect the workers might be SPRING VACATION OPTIONS breakfast & years by MSU employes and has brought extra business t< " company. themselves." 8 DAYS 7 NIGHTS 7 course dinner Roger Wilkinson, vice president for business and finance, sail He made the statement while Round Trip Jet daily $45 that, due to a number of inquiries from faculty and staff, tit CAA testifying on the state of the economy From Windsor ^ WW University is sending a letter to the company expressing it before the Senate Banking committee. concern over the matter. Via Air Canada * * Some Wayne Bruin, manager of the Lansing General Tire Store,si unions have become so ACCOMMODATIONS AT the previous two years' offer to MSU employes included ai powerful he said, that they have won introductory free wheel alignment. FLAGLER INN $80 (+ $10 TIPS) settlements which actually cost jobs He said the mailings were initiated from Lansing, but tl and thus were against the interests of MARCH 19 • 26 water skiing company's main office in Akron, Ohio, could have added to th form letters that "arrangements have been made with you) their members. car 8i cycle Headquarters For: Academic Apparel Sales & Rental LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE rental employer" without their knowledge. Benefit raise possible MSU Catalogues Tickets Still Available MSU Faculty - Staff & Student Directors* Contact : MSU TRAVEL OFFICE Congressional leaders have cleared the tracks for an attempt to enact speedily a raise in Social Security Magazines - Supplies - Souvenirs Cigarettes - Candy 2ND FLOOR - STU. UNION 11:30 - 4:30 Mon. - Fri. SPONSORED BY: MSU UNION BOARD ADMIN. SERV. BY: The Gra benefits now snarled in the controversy over welfare 353-9777 STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL reform, it . was learned Wednesday. While details still are to be worked out, the i for a 10 per cent increase in benefits, retroactive to Jan. plan calls open only to students, of Michigan State faculty & staff University Dead and their immediate families : 1, 1971. There may also be an increase to $100 in the Saturday, March 13 • minimum benefit, now $64 a month, but this is less Tickets at the YES, THERE ARE A FEW SEATS LEFT! Union, Campbell's | firm. and Marshall Music Company I Extra payroll tax to finance the increase would be i postponed until next year. SPECIAL GIANT COLOR 2 x3 POSTER OFFERTI We Have A Great Time See Union power ORDER 1 or all 6-DON'T WAIT Europe at Its Best! viewed In Store For You! These posters jre the original work of the famous f ontempo | The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEO) said rary artist - Raymond Kursat - They are not available anywhere ; Wednesday in Washington new regulations are needed to I bar powerful institutional stock traders, such as murual VS.T.O.P. Tours "Barebones Classic" • funds, from using inside information to profit from big ; corporate takeovers. JUL 55 Great Days Visiting | The SEC concluded that it could adopt rules I attacking the problem without asking Congress to pass Holland Greece » legislation. Italy Germany ; "The commission believes that regulatory action is Austria France | appropriate to prevent powerful institutions from ! being treated more favorably than individual investors," England ; it said. The bare essentials a you the maximum amount of Independence, yet with tl- - .. nt|C Independent travel eliminated. Included are trans • A , t#r transportation, twin and multiple rooms In student residences,' FINE DINING, ELEGANT SURROUNDINGS - European transportation by second class rail with c°uclie,t.8 5 Strike deadline set & JIM IIAR VIN A T THE PIANO. ALL overnight Journeys; transfers between half station and —hrBak'a> ' - day orientation tour of each city,escorted i savings with personal freedom to go as you will. YOU SUPPL Y IS THE COMPANY I lie United Auto Workers warned American Motors Corp. Wednesday that it would call a strike April 2 unless agreement is reached by that time on a new GAS BUGGY ROOM Round trip from New York only $1110. national contract. For more information: The strike deadline was set by the UAW after AMC informed union negotiators in Detroit that it had THE PLAZA its final offer on unsettled what it will cost to settle local national issues until it knows made 125 W. College Travel grievances. Michigan across from the Capitol 130 W. Grand River 351-6010 sdaV. March li|]9ll Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March 11,1971 3 Suit filed against legal aid ByJOHNJUEL State News Staff Writer hiring of a full full, timp.™ • time lawver James Humes, Grosse Pointe . ■ .. ■# " y t\hfse act )octors, dentists NEW DELHI, India assured of an absolute necessity of relying on (AP) — Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is majority in the new parliament, ending the Gov. commission Milliken praised the recommendations that would improve the welfare Cole de accusations independents and Communists to keep her system's administration and government in power. lower its dehumanizing effect, aler o get draft call Election returns early Thursday showed Mrs. Gandhi's Congress but said prospects for immediate expansion probe kickba are not good without Almost 70 Michigan doctors shortage of medical personnel in party heading for she told party workers as a landslide victory. "Our work has now begun," have to think of new programs to they decked her with garlands. "We help solve the many problems more federal aid. "Although the commission in on PX L) 13 dentists will receive draft Michigan," the officer said, "but I facing the country." recommends increased funding ktices within the next few think it should be remembered for income maintenance MSU and the Generi The election hinged [iks to fill medical needs in that the medical care of our men on selection of 518 members of programs," he said, "such WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Bg. Gen. Earl faculty and staff witl e armed services, a Selective in the armed services and their parliament. At midnight Mrs. Gandhi's party had won 144 of increases are not possible this F. Cole, denying that he was a bribetaker or a cts, it was announce 191 results announced. It was leading in a year because of Michigan's mobster, told Senate investigators Wednesday his irvice state officer said families is a major concern of majority of the other contests. tdnesdav. the federal government." revenue shortages. However, career has been wrecked by "untrue and The 51 - year • old retired Army officer was such recommendations make it slanderous accusations." warned that perjury charges may be Bute ' Selective Service Nationwide, the medical draft In the last parliament Congress' 220 seats were 30 short of a more imperative that federal Sen. Charles H. Percy, R-Dl., told him "there is him unless he can offer filed against majority. convincing explanations sharing be enacted to il Tire material si) TTJlT ZZ revenue assist in.such financing." a very good chance you've committed perjury before this committee" and said "In my on scores of allegations that he wrongfully used his rank in Vietnam to aid corrupt sales schemes. nployer entitling yoi "Old Towne" New England es and acessories. ed.cal doctors seven t draft ca!! since th"e first has made no su< liter said. and 13 dentists , the MDs ^ not untn CLAM BAKE! y. Nor does it supph 1972. •Whole Lobster linistration statemei This will mark the first •Clams 'Shrimp duction of doctors since 1969 • Corn-on-the-Cob he MSU Faculty am id of dentists since 1965. The officer said the inducteers Special cattle I Every Friday 6 to 11 p.m. nanager of stores TOSSED SALAD-CORN BREAD serve be expected to apply for commissions so they can reach center DRAWN BUTTER CALL FOR INFORMATION In force with th int rve as medical officers in the CALGARY, Alta (AP) - The BILL'S plan has been first Black Welsh cattle exported L967. med services. RESTAURANT & BAR IVe He said they will be sent to Canada have arrived. The two thought we wei for all partie^Bplications ^^tus for reserve officer bu,,s wi" 1)0 used at an artificial shortly after they receive insemination center. *ir draft notices. that denim look has come a long If they refuse to apply for ficer status the inductees ess and finance, sail ould be drafted as E-l privates way for Miss J it's showing ith no guarantees, the officer iculty and staff, tin ipany expressing 'We had a guy do that once just up now in cotton/polyester knit leral Tire Store, si be obstinate, I guess," the tficer said. "But after he was in lployes included here every line leads a couple of weeks he decided m Lansing, but thi )'be it would be better to d have added to thi >ply for a commission." to action. In a little jacket. n made with youl The medical draft call came at e when state health officials decrying a shortage pant and a print shirt of Ktors in Michigan. "We realize there is with a denimy background to pair ful riends plan with solid pants. Sizes 5-13 honor Ivey Zipped jacket. $12. Jeans. $15. John E. Ivey Jr., dean of the 'liege of Education, and his B Shirt in blue/white S-M-L. $9. will den**" be honored in a •bell's option 3 to 5 p.m. March 17 y the fifth floor of Erickson I. AH friends and & colleagues are filed to attend. > Best! IveV will return to teaching 1 research at MSU effective i 31. He has served as dean the past nine years. Rock Concerts at MSU "Beware The Ides of March!" Greece Italy France MSU students and rock concert fans, lend an ear to a very real problem. One that y°U can help with. March 13 (the Ides), the day of the Grateful Dead concert, will determine the state of r«ture MSU Pop Entertainment. proqram, ht1, the worries of 'his Is the situation: Allan'' trans - it residences, lnt« We have had a good selection of musical talent in the past. Ith couchettes ™ We hope to have a variety of popular artists in the future. hotel, breakfast.' throughout. Group ''fortunately, we have experienced a rash of property damage due to individuals ashing the gate at the Sly and the Byrds concerts, eyf "tent ru'es g°vern'ng smokingandandgate that, together with the damage obstructing aisles are being violated to the ■ crashing, pressure to end our concerts ?J/am is being felt. Jacobson's 51110. ' "is Saturday may be the proof thai I he people who dig music are hip to the situation and ACT WISELY, MtiiS J MICHIGAN VIEW STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE Profs stand up for standards advertising manager The following Point of View was In an abrupt turnabout from its MSU. MARK EICHER, Responding to an encouraging chairmen as our managing editor written by traditional white collar antiunionism employers ruth C. Patric ("Chip") Larrowe, faculty reaction, the Committee for the ED HUTCHISON, city editor professor of economics. position, the faculty now seems to be on Maintenance of an Excellent University colleagues in teaching and doubt that many of edlS* Want J J BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor us the brink of voting for one of these KEN KRELL, editorial editor (COMEU) has bloomed. employer / employe GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor "unions" to be its bargaining agent. The Perhaps because 1 move in a restricted atmosph ' to For some weeks now, a lively campaign organize MSU faculty for collective 180 even - degree switch is surprising. What is more surprising is the dearth of circle, I have heard condemnation of the letter. Some of my nothing but eSLT we *»« Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. bargaining has been underway on the campus. In the lead is the Michigan helpful public discussion about such a younger colleagues, in fact, call it the Scab JJr. Hannah couldn't h,,0 ^ revolutionary development. Letter. A few purists pick on the profs' Nor could I. But Educational Assn. (MEA) once again at m operating Fortunately, some of my fellow writing style, deriding it and of through a front organization calling itself economists have put aside their scholarly as pompous seeming to quibble, 1 do have , turgid. reservation. Just the Faculty Associates. Bringing up the rear is work for a moment to help us understand More mature, better other dav i informed critics talking with one of my senior the prestigious American Assn. of the full implications of this crisis. 1 refer to - *1 EDITORIALS University Professors (AAUP) a deathbed a letter of Feb. 23, 1971 which five point out that the writers of the letter are in a favored department, so naturally who s got it made. He's well naiH light teaching load. I figured convert to faculty unionism. The company union, Faculty for Collective Negotiations, members of my department dispatched to they're determined to preserve a system satisfied. So when I asked h?dh. each member of the MSU him how to have faded. faculty, urging that takes good care of them. They're about the union, I seems faculty to expected him to a oppose all efforts to unionize overpaid, too, these critics contend, but don t need it. a only their chairman and dean know for Instead, he half Lower age o sure. I don't agree with that. I say it took swivel chair, - jumped out r shouting, "I'm for jti» "How come?" I asked. courage for them to write that letter. As "To put those goddam art any tenured faculty member knows by administrators in their place!" he yell- now, whenever you stand up for standards, Then he sank back in his time to change you'd better expect brickbats. I couldn't agree more with my colleagues' implication half closed, and - lines from a union began to croon song: chair his that the present, open shop system rewards "The boss won't listen the creative and innovative and when one punishes squawks, Gov. Milliken's Special conclusion may not be the last word Commission on the Age of Majority on the subject, a wealth of evidence "The first demand we might has recommended that the age of from other sources points to the expect from a militant student union is a voice in legal adulthood be lowered from 21 extreme likelihood that today's to 18. The decision was based on University 'governance' instead of the young people mature at an earlier phantom role assigned them by the Taylor two factors: inconsistencies in the age. Report. Where will our rightful faculty present legal code and strong evidence that young people today Of course, any choice of an age of perogatives be then?" mature at an earlier age. age of majority must be arbitrary to some extent. But most The commission has recommended young people the incompetent and mediocre. Almost But he'd better listen when the 18 - year - olds should be allowed to graduate from high school at age 18, always. an event which usually talks." make their own wills, to drink, to be significantly Take my own case, for example. It's weakens the parental bond. Any common My five colleagues are especially parties of litigation, -to commit knowledge around the campus commended for warning us that ' further lowering of the legal age that I'm incompetent and mediocre. Yet themselves voluntarily to a mental last faculty members unionize, students would extend adulthood to young year, I got — brace yourself - a counter with a union of their hospital, to be able to enter into all whopping 12 per cent pay hike, when the own. people completely within the realm The first demand we might contracts and to vote in state and average was a mere five per cent. When one expect of parental influence. Making the age a militant student union is a vo' local elections. of my colleagues who specializes in University "governance" instead 19 or 20 would still leave a large econometrics heard I was troubled of Presently, a minor who enters into by such phantom role assigned them by the" contract for nonessential items can number of mature 18 - year - olds generosity, he suggested that I'm too a humble. Report. Where will our rightful fc out in the cold. prerogatives be then? repudiate the contract when he "After all, 'Chip,' " he reassured me, And who knows how far their d" reaches age 21. Under Michigan law, Some legislators have already "you were high on the CPL scale. might go? They might even launch i individuals between 18 and 21 years voiced qualms about one Remember the hundred pairs of shoes?" on our Academic Freedom. 1 can see of age can sell, but cannot recommendation of the commission I think, too, that if some of the now, demanding, under the rubric knockers of the letter had taken the buy,certain kinds of insurance. The - lowering the drinking age to 18. relevancy, that some of us revise trouble to subject faculty unionism to the most publicized nonsequitor Significantly, this is the only update our time - tested lecture notes. penetrating analysis my colleagues did, And what if their union deman concerning the age of majority iSs|Hgj^ v*ecommendation that carries they might have come to a different sacrifice rigor to clarity? What will Ifact that 18 - year - olds can vot^ui** moralistic over^pnes, and hence the conclusion. Indeed, instead of condemning to 6ur, workshops, our pro semi national but not state or local fear may be justified that legislators the authors of the letter, they might have practlcums? Would It mean an elections. will be more reluctant to extend full praised our plucky profs. moonlighting on the consulting cir~ Inconsistencies in the law alone, adult rights in this area. We hope Take, for example, the way the profs If you would like more informat stood up for our administrators: "A union these however, do not constitute grounds legislators consider the inconsistency N X HANDLE GLOBAL STKATEeV. .. BtlL HANDLES is likely to be a divisive force in our alarming developments, information has the number of the for lowering the age of majority. in their reasoning if they decide an community," they explained in the letter, OCR EKTlRE T&R&GN "POLICY STAND' of Faculty United To Combat Knoc These inconsistencies could be 18 - year - old can buy a house but "leading us to regard deans and department Unionism. removed without lowering the age of not a beer. adulthood. A number of states have allowed The crux of the issue is whether 18 those under 21 to drink alcohol in POINT OF VIEW year - olds are mature enough to - some form without ad'verse legally be considered adults. Almost repercussions. Eighteen - year - olds half of Michigan's 18 - 21 - year - must be able to handle alcohol; olds work, and many of them are married. Most of the others are enrolled in school. In any case, the vast majority of 18 to 21 - year - olds otherwise, it seems those states would have raised their drinking age back to its former level. Most people have made and acted on their young Rights in eviction proceedings today are under a minimal amount decision to drink or not long before EDITOR'S NOTE: The following Point contract's terminating date; 554.201), i.e., unfit for occupancy of parental influence having the of View was submitted by the Off - served the writ of restitution w turning 21. (2) refuses to pay rent, and has been according to the Building Inspector (East responsibilities but not the Campus Council. served with a notice to quit (unless waived) informs him that he has 10 days in ~ rights of We urge the legislature to pass all Lansing Building Inspector: Jim Wibert, and refuses to pay rent for seven days after to return the premises to the landl" adulthood. the recommendations of the age of 337-1731, or the Ingham County Health Off - Campus Council lately (for the past the landlord's demand for rent; the expiration of that 10-day period, A study was made by Professor Inspector 393-5960); majority commission. Their decision five years) has been besieged with (3) "willfully negligently landlord can ask the county sheri Joseph Adelson of the University of should be based on one criteria, or causes a (2) the building is a substandard another court appointed agent to k numerous legal questions from tenants serious and continuing health hazard to dwelling, i.e., "a dwelling of Michigan concludes that upon any class the tenant from the premises, forcib whether 18 year - olds are - presently regarding eviction and its prevention. The exist or causes extensive and continuing which is not so equipped as to have reaching the age of 18, most tenants' ignorance of the legal procedures physical injury to the premises" and necessary. assuming the responsibilities of running water and an inside toilet or which In summary individuals have reached maximum adulthood. If so, they deserve an governing eviction entitles the landlord and "neglects or refuses for seven days after has either inadequate cellar drainage, his manager to illegally eject tenants from demand" to surrender the premises. (1) The landlord serves the tenant w development. Though Adelson's defective plumbing, and inside room adult's legal rights. their dwellings. We herein hope to impart Under the same Summary proceedings having notice to quit, seeking repossession o no windows therein, improper exits or the rudimentary legal knowledge that statute, the tenant may bring suit against defective stairways so as to make such dwelling for the tenant's breach hitherto has remained concealed in law the landlord (or his manager) if "a forcible contract. On the seventh day after books and confined to lawyers and their dwelling "fire hazard" (MCLA 125.402 tenant was informed of the Ian" entry (by the landlord) Is made contrary to (la); dient, the landlord. We also hope that one the law (i.e., without a writ of restitution demand to surrender the premises, (3) the "dwelling and all the parts day in April the student body will vote to which proscribes the county sheriff, and he thereof including (2) the landlord begins A stitch in t appropriate money so that ASMSU can retain a full time lawyer. alone, to forcibly evict the tenant) or when an entry is made in a peaceful manner plumbing, heating, ventilating and electrical wiring are not kept in good repair by the owner and the proceedings to seek repossession, landlord or his agent obtains a The landlord initiates the eviction (usually when the tenant is gone) and summons apprising the tenant that he roof is not so maintained as not to leak and procedure by serving the tenant with a possession is unlawfully held by force." the rain water is not drained appear in court 7-10 days after the issu notice to quit or pay rent (herein referred Simply, the landlord or his manager can properly as to of the summons. avoid dampness in the walls and local 'grass9 to as the notice to quit). A notice to notifies intends the tenant that the landlord to terminate the tenancy for quit not repossess the dwelling unless the contract stipulates that he may do so. sanitary conditions." (4) the landlord has breached an celling in (3) the case comes before the the defendant is present he may cou plead Otherwise, the landlord Is trespassing and expressed right granted to the tenant in the guilty, i.e., that his breach of contract nonpayment of rent or in other instances can (and it is suggested that he should be, when the tenant contract. justified. If the defendant is absent- breaches the contract. arrested). By statute, it is provided that no Judgement court enters a decision in favor of Ann Arbor's local ordinance The landlord demand need not be person shall make any entry into lands, new ground, the law could be thrown out notarized A judgment shall be entered for the landlord (plaintiff). The court there making marijuana use and possession or approved by the court; it tenements or other possession, but in cases defendant (tenant) if the issues a writ of restitution that isser in court. alleged a misdemeanor was ruled merely informs the tenant that the where entry is given by law and, in such termination was intended: the tenant. If the tenant does not improper Certainly, a university community landlord desires repossession of the cases, he shall not enter with force, but t (a) as a penalty for the defendant's the premises within 10 days of tne by Michigan Atty. Gen. Frank J. poses problems in the area of drug property. If the notice is not heeded, it is not only in a peaceable manner. The landlord is attempt to secure or enforce rights under a being served, the tenant can be fo Kelley Tuesday. In his opinion, usage quite different from the a violation of a law. The notice to quit within this prohibition. lease or contract or under the laws of the removed by the sheriff. Total elasped advises the tenant to pay rent within seven Kelley stated the Ann Arbor average Michigan community. Thus, Summons state or of the United States; beginning with the date the tenant is ordinance would be valid, though, if days or else grave legal action will be The court, upon accepting the landlord's (b) with the notice to quit until the da the city council should have no as a penalty for the defendant's it had a clause brought against the tenant for repossession pleading, issues a summons instructing the complaint to a sheriff presents himself: 27 days a identifying a "local problem writing a rationale. Further, of the property. No notice to tenant to appear governmental authority quit is in court 7-10 days after with a report of plaintiffs violation of any minimum, 45 days on the average. problem" making the ordinance the Attorney General's opinion necessary to terminate a tenancy in the the issuance. Thereafter, the court health or safety code or case of a tenant holding over beyond the ordinance; necessary. seems to imply that he is not so convenes and considers two Issues in (c) as retribution for any other lawful Note 1: the landlord can I This means date of the contract's termination or if the a city can adopt an concerned with the logic and fine judging the claim for repossession: if the act arising out of the terminate the tenancy by issu' g the tenant is a trespasser. The landlord can defendant (the tenant) has paid the rent tenancy. (MCLA ordinance setting lower penalties for arguments in the rationale, but only 600.5646). to quit having a 30-day notification place a stipulation in the contract waving due and if the plaintiff (the landlord) has If the tenant decides not a crime than the state if that that such a clause be included in the the tenants' right to be served a notice to to appear in Note 2: the landlord can write a commited a breach of the lease which court a judgment shall be ordinance explains the need for ordinance. quit. excuses the payment of rent. The lessee is entered for the Into the contract waiving your plaintiff. The court will then issue a writ of lower local penalties. All Ann To Summary proceedings not liable for rent if: receive a notice to quit in case you prevent a legal hassle in the On the seventh day after the tenant restitution that awards the possession of the contract. He could therefore Arbor's city fathers will have to do is future, we urge the East Lansing City (1) the building is untenantable (MCLA the dwelling to the received the notice to quit or pay rent, the landlord. The tenant is the eviction process by seven days. add a preamble or an amendment to Council at their next meeting to landlord can initiate summary their present marijuana ordinance to proceedings amend the present local ordinance to to regain possession of the WHY DO THINGS LIKE THI5 give it the force of law. dwelling. I MEAN, H0U) COtfLP 1 EVER I COULD STRIKE HIM Of, include a statement identifying a Summary proceeding seeks an immediate HAPPEN? CHUCK'S A NICE 6UY The City of East remedy for the re-entry and repossession of ANP ALL THAT, BUT G0LLV... FLIP OVER SOMEONE LIKE CHUCK ? -mRee straight pitches- Lansing also local problem. Adding such a clause the property. Under the recently passed a local marijuana will take no more than a few minutes summary ordinance making possession and use proceedings to recover possession of of the council's time and a misdemeanor. potentially premises statute (MCLA 600.5634), the Also, East Lansing's could save the city a great deal of landlord is entitled to recovering the ordinance docs not state the time, trouble and worry in the property (by the means of summary existence of a local problem. On this balance. proceedings) if the tenant: (1) remains in the tenement beyond the Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigar Thursday, March 11, 1971 5 IIR READERS' MIND BARNEY WHITE Voter registration at IM (fieyyou! ho you wu Be WATep. v The legacy of gov't VCARNIVAL CHAIRMAN L! P yers rather first step in participation I understand that a group of This is the chilling thing. How but jching and y of us wanteduc « "concerned" individuals has often, I wonder, has the fate of inbreeding always carried a potential for catastrophe. People to live, contested the legitimacy of the you move from the this nation hinged upon whether mPl°ye atmosphere the Editor: city. anf, , . . . in government get hung up with To election of ASMSU Chairman fre we are all co||,' Po you care about your register to vote in K federal primary election, m Wilbur Mills likes Teddy the idea that they are the munity and your country? ■nsing you Lansing you musl must bc be a citi " of citizen , _No»emter 7, 1972-l„c,l,« Harold Buckner. The question Kennedy and, hence, his government. And what the heck, couldn't have said [y citizen lias a responsibility "» United Sates, a"t ip«" 18 and to participate. One yeare old, ge"enl1 elecli<"1 supposedly at something to do with an issue has proposal. In general, it is not the people who rule, but rather the if all your friends are right there be an informed voter. a resident of Michigan for 6 months by the date of the Your 2 exceedingly hazy wrinkle in that cliques and hangers - on in too, then its hard to believe that 3ut once again, at th. different nf does make - dubious document known the Washington D.C., or on the third there's anything else in the f' ! as lulbble, I do hale cannot vote in an vou next election, and reside in E , 06 P"5Pared to vote, ASMSU constitution. world. floor of the Student t the other , •inn unless you are registered Rising on the day you register' . ^nsing residents: register Services So the government becomes day i l°um.y Senior «>»«« a month in advance. It's (To vote . giVe„ v"„ JectS. B „ I IdTn . Interesting that the fate of man and/or government should a Building. The key factor is that 90 per your whole trip, your very own «S Wel1 Paid, b •gsv toi forget until it's too must register on or before the _ fifth» Friday " prweding" thl? , tS "I!" registration *6 uuimg bprn hinge on something as arbitrary cent of the actual act of vested interest. What is the -i ad. I figured he'd be . or to be discouraged by (If y°U don,t live as a printed word. Of course, response when somebody else n I asked him how ht . registry- _ , ion.) To demonstrate L, . E 5 ^Smg'. re8is.ter. .at : power configurations are, in the governing is not in the hands of the deliberative bodies, but has the audacity to climb on I expected l0 rationalize that "one vote Lansing residency, you should your cloud? Why you try to him to a final analysis, relativistic resides in the constellation of jjn't count." .. brin8 f document J bearing your constructs — and our particular individuals appointed by the push the malefactor off, of a|f - jumped owever, many elections are name and local address, such as a culture uses words to define course. out student board, etc. Secretaries, 'ting, "I'm for jt!» close: politicians work hard driver's license or a bill or letter their parameters. Still, we executive Officer Smith feels his position vote--your vote, sent to assistants, directors threatened because of a fracus I asked. >ose goddam ana every the Republican State call aHrfaJca address, y°" 81 y°Ur E' Lansing Voters of Women chairman,SLeague Voters of the Lansing sometimes act as if we have allowed the words to become and commissioners world, not the "representatives run the with Administrator Jones and their place!" he it? primary race, which Although 21-year-olds can Area the thing. responds accordingly. Jones then ye||e of the people." back in his enger won by 15 votes.) vote in any election, those 18-20 This is a tangent. A sincere gets furious because of Smith's chair, his March 3, 1971 And appointments go, as a Ibegan to croon ides, registering to vote on election day may vote only in put - down and rallies his friends softl challenge would be better rule, to those people known to who just happen to permeate federal elections- for president, — » fers additional privileges, leveled at the legitimacy of the song: the Congress, student board, etc. the entire government — to get n't listen when i as being able to sign and U.S. senator and U.s! entire student government, not President Nixon has stashed any one even. In Smith ulate various types of legal congressman. Thus, if you are just its chairman's election. number of response, his friends assembles his stalwarts, and the tions, to run for precinct now under 20, you probably pect egate or public office and to on a jury if your name is won't be able to vote until the 1972 federal elections. If you register now and remain in E. Reception: another prom? Ultimately, the people do retain the power of definition and redefinition — of their control construct, their throughout the webwork of the U.S. government. Similarly, ASMSU is run by roommates (in both senses of the term), friends battle is joined. Of course, this all takes place according to prescribed patterns and "for" utterly high - .. „ :e in Lansing, you say, "That's fine, but you will be qualified to e Ed'tor: government. and fraternity brothers. Offices llf been p,aced on viewing art. functions, we feel that they _ the much trouble to walk to too The arHnio in v°te in 1972. Ct f M sounding reasons. Perhaps the No, the against iylor hail." If you're a student hursday regarding cancellation We Thursdav have borrowed avant garde definitely should continue. But films from the Museum of if State News move chairman is motivated by baser the go to the dudes that hang around in the halls of the belligerents even begin to believe their slogans through time. No The election calendar is as of past attendance is a valid jg in East Lansing, your the Senior Receptions Modern Art and displayed the indication of student drives than esthetic Student Services Building and go ulty ilem is settled. You will be follows: requires correction. Actually, work of our own art interest, considerations of law. It is, in matter, so long as all are able to June 14, 1971--School election faculty. then interest in the continuation drinking with the board deny to observers that they are to register to vote in the the^e has not been a final For those students who have of the functions is extremely fine, a personal attack. We are members. In one specific case I motivated by avarice, spite or ramural Building during early f°r board of education decision p,um>~ — m abolish the attended the observing yet another — though know of, the individual gained D j receptions they low. vengence. stration, March 15-19, and candidates and millage issue. '* in ular registration, ^ePt'ons' have 1)6611 very responsive in March. (Your school precinct voting Wharton and I have discussed commenting on the new slant been Thus the receptions have not , this spectacular case delightfully an important because he played appointment Fortunately, at the campus !r listen when the — chapter in the paddlebail level we have judiciaries to settle dropped cavalier 10, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. P'ace may be different from this matter with others to see toward viewing rather than fashion, encyclopedia of petty power with a board officer. such things. We're not so lucky this year of your city precinct voting place.) whether a more suitable eating while squabbles that student gues are especially our home, responsibility for them, I have Inbreeding on the global scene. August 3, 1971-Primary function honoring the However, the number is so low given government is heir to. Such acts are not necessarily bad,, warning us that election for E. them Too hasty Lansing City ^ , a "g r.senI?rs cou,d ** m comparison to those who do thought, time and calls .. unionize, students Council candidates if at least 7 upon Ion of their fev, .op ' v16 ® not c^an8e not attend that I have others to assist me in doing them Still, we must not be too hasty own. nd candidates file. tradition lightly, but the more questioned whether the senior well in condemning them outright we might expect and I hope beautifully. The November 2, 1971--E. Lansing Can it be that the I'm - gonna - nt union is a voici not take advantage of this City Council election- the receptions is as whether now receptions have the Junior Prom. |'"nPorwnt question gone the way of numbers, however, show that it get - you •- you - fink syndrome LAST TWO DAYS! rnance" instead of ^ is time to reconsider. ortunity to become a "full" vacancies. constituted are serving the President Wharton and I do is characteristic of gned them by the Ti I would be extremely i?, Your registration will June 12, 1972-School desired purpose. pleased "government" in general and not vill our rightful i valid unless you fail to election, enjoy our various social meetings to have some comment from the en? Although the article with students and if a larger student just some especial manifestation for two full years, or unless body on this question. of student regimes? s' how far their derai August 1972-local, state that 'he numl)er ?f persons fraction of the graduating class Dolores D. Wharton attending the receptions is not in a given term attended these The difference is not so much light even launch at March 4,1971 known, this is not correct. We in terms of "maturity" or Freedom. I can see do know, and this is one of the "experience," but in ritual and . under the rubric some of us revise A better solution reasons why the effectiveness of form. ASMSU lacks the polish Support exchange the function is being questioned. and smoothness of form of tested lecture notes, The attendance rate at the legislatures and the Congress, heir union dema Editor: Would you accept Buddha? Senior Receptions has been nothing more. ;larity? What will is is a response to Karen American mythology Pont Paul toiic tells W running between 10 and 12 per To the Editor: holds i, our pro seminan, :k'i letter in the March 4 „rL us about "Christ . cent which tha|Jh far lower Community office at 353-9785,™that the higher one Jesus; *',c- who group of students have .Here Here is the goes in the Id It mean an e News: "Pollution of Soul gave himself . spring term boolr$power hierarchy the lie consulting circui est Danger." While I agree ransom for all "to be testified in ?° °r !?° Pf °ent attendance nature beg"n planning for the spring exchange schedule - hang Competent "and'divineTy on to * more logical ike developments, more informatk* Id problems are due to man's nature, and "in a world ... Christians, tL. . says: "And he is the As to costs, there is no Exchange. The book exchange is growing last term we handled leave their books (to be sold) in the West Congress pretty much has it "V-■ — Shaw meeting room he number of the C y decaying, we dare not ProP'twtion for our sins: and question that the University's over $7,000 worth of nonprofit between noon and 5 p.m. This together Legislatures are okav To Combat ] : what God says in . .. the .°iir® on'y' but a,so (f°r financial situation fequires book sales. The exchange is run but piagUed by vo - yos County pick up will enable students to Bible," I ask 1.*.®!"®'°J the !vl"°le yvor,d;" _ ^ one question economies. Since I began to by students and enables students unload' their textbooksbefore r _ supervisors are hicks, and city offer what I believe is the ?"St JanSfl°"|effciof„manlk,"d handle the receptions, the to buy and sell used books spring break. The exchange will counriU are fools. And student er. She says, 'True SIn and its result, death,frpm greaU>st cost has ^en in the without (such as a a middle man operate in full (taking books and „ governments are only slightly istianity deals with the w"y should n°l . . . receive problem of evil and offers everlasting life. Is Christ unable ^l! mailing of the invitations, bookstore) making a profit. selling books) March 29 through more consistent than of sociologists. a conclave i A \' fl K f'f f W However,' *I tvv* feel this personal To ~ iimivc make vino this kxvivc service work, "win, we April U5 III npiU in H1C the West Shaw lUWa WWl OlidW lower solution far better than lo aellve"' llie nenetit ot his Its pure myth. Progression approach to individual students need student support. We need alism, capitalism or any anv sacrilice to all the world, as js very important and much students who can work on the lounge. If you have any books to through the levels of control and buy or sell for spring term - try made religion." The Panned? more meaningful than placing an exchange while we are picking the New Community Book power only makes one wiser in stion: what is this "better" ad in the paper that we are the maze of manipulating that jyj0 Christ will resurrect up books, selling books and Exchange. system. Congressmen and mankind into expecting guests. gs an earthly returning books and money. If senators are, le answer: many Christians kingdom in which righteousness The expenses of refreshments you can" help us, call 351-9601 after all, only men, eve that those who do not has been Margaret Mead a little older and more will prevail: Isa. 45:18; Isa. 61: kept to a bare and as ~ Midland sophomore ept Christ will spend eternity Micah 4:1-4; Rev. 21:1-4. The minimum. Instead the emphasis sophisticated than the student Lynne March 4,1971 place of burning torment or "last days" of "this present evil board, but equally as human. of restitution ate of separation from God. world" are very neat: 2 Tim. eh has 10 days in what purpose? Does God 3:1-7. lises to the landlori Jht in punishing sinners? Thomas Gilbert that 10-day period about a Buddhist who Grand Rapids junior the county sherif ird about Christ, but March 6, 1971 ointed agent to as much about him as we ___ he premises, forcib iw about Buddha? What if ■■ Idha tables were turned and H°t ummary was Christ, and serves king repossession ol the tenant w dhists telling came to us about him after the United j^H Pizza et seventh day after ned of the landlc tenant's breach many id in our years we've been Christain beliefs? 1351-7100 the premises, r« ord begins sural ELL YOUR BOOKS eek repossession, igent obtains a ' the tenant that he ) days after the issu sel before the cou esent he may pies' breach of contracl (fendant is absent, cision in favor of The court therei FOR SPRING , itution that is serve tenant does not va i 10 days of the ;enant can be ton riff. Total elasped late the tenant isse quit until the nself: 27 days in the average. date at BREAK CASH! landlord can You'll get more cash for ycby issu1 -g the n< yaj notification p® llord can write a c books NOW while our waiving your rig juit in case youW ould therefore sho stocks are low- sell before by seven days. term break! J ITRAI6HT STRIKE HIM Of PITCHER 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Genesis serpent POLL RESULTS attuned to today College faculty ca Entering through a geodesic dome, built according to NASA calculations for a space module to Mars, into a room filled with colored lights, sounds and shapes, one encounters "The Serpent," an origihal adaptation, by MSU's In the Company of Man of courts1 ,n9 Workshop Theater. then asked their attitudes of opinion, u Performed in an environment totally created by the dynamics of the company, the movement is not set, but fluid and ever country's college faculty nation's than 200,000 the justification for On this question breaki? H surveyed recently said that the more ia 1 changing, developing and evolving. courts have been "about right" college faculty members, perhaps more related t The atmosphere is filled with resonating, piercing, abstract and interviewers talked with a fundamental in the manner they have dealt sample of 200 instructors and value 0 melodic sounds created by the actors' bodies and incorporated with persons charged with relation bet we, with the musical score which can best be described as electronic, criminal acts. professors from 30 preference and representative schools, shown: answers , developed with audio generators. The play has developed from improvisations on Jean - Claude More interestingly, of the still Interviewing was conducted by "In general, do you ur d I sizeable number who seem to be telephone Feb. 15 and 16. not feel that van Itallie's "The Serpent," which itself is based on the Genesis dissatisfied with the tenor of story and originally performed by the Open Theater. The script is judicial decision, more than The nrst question asked them f0isagre^n?ent justifies his with a pariicnB not written but is improvisationally developed specifically for the eight out of 10 say the courts it?" disobedienpcl■ mood and time of each performance. Frank J. Elmer, with his have been "too lenient" rather ,,fn general, would you say Yes-disagreement Company of Man, has developed his own scenes confronting, contrasting and challenging this universal story of man. Experimental than "too strict." Asked about justification for that the courts have been too strict, too lenient, or about right disobedience 9.5% No--disobcdience The company is a class Elmer, a graduate assistant in the Dept. "In the Company of Man," an experimental theater workshop, is rehearsing their own play disobeying a law, a little under In their manner of dealing with justified 74.b°/( of theater, is directing in experimental theater this term. They one in 10 said they felt that persons charged with criminal based on Van Itallie's "The Serpent." The play is under the direction of Frank Elmer and will no opinion 16% have been working for the past two months in experimental, one's disagreement with a acts?" In a survey be performed at 8 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Brody Hall. There also will be a Sunday conducted t modern theater technfques, some developed by Elmer, the play's particular law warranted his Answers were: months earlier, 1,190 coll director and others by such groups as the Open Theater, the Polish matinee at 2:30 p.m. State News photo by Jonathan S. Kaufman disobedience to it. too strict 5.5% students were asked the si Lab Theater, and various other experimental groups. too lenient 27% question. They answered: about right 47.6% Yes-disagreement own The approach bodies and has awakened the players' sensitivities to their experiences, to the environment and the world, NO COLD CURE no opinion 20% disobedience 18.5% ju On this question, there was a No--di»obedience while exploring their physical and vocal potentials and is , developing strong relationship between justified 75.6% a unique company pulsation. Antibiotics aid symptoms political party preference and no opinion 5.9% attitude. More than half of those While it appears that twice! Tickets Still Available identifying with the Republican many students would condoT party said they felt that the disobedience as would tbl The Grat By BARBARA FARY State News Staff Writer MSU students with colds are not prescribed antibiotics unless "Children are not little people," Feurig said. "You can't dose down medication for them. Their systems cannot cope with medicine that has not been specifically prescribed for them." courts have been "too lenient." At the five similarly. same Democrats time, only one responded in teachers, it should the faculty more be noted tM members were inclined to reserve The majority of opinion and, in fact, the tJ muj thl Dead secondary complications like tonsillitis or bronchtis occur, Dr. James S. Feurig, University Health Center director, said in an Feurig said no single "cure all" exists for the common cold, and that while MSU students can tolerate not expect to walk into a doctor's office and antibotics, they should request a shot of Democrats responded that the groups could hold similar courts have been "about The faculty members right." Copyright, 1971, Unidex were Bloomington, Ind. vieJ Cor| interview. Saturday, March 13 penicillin "to help me get over my cold fast." Feurig was replying to a warning by a New York pediatrician If a doctor prescribes antibiotics, Feurig said, it will be to clear Tickets at the Union, and Marshall Music Company Campbell's who said antibiotics were useless for and cautioned parents against treating the common cold giving children cold medications up complications and not the cold itself. "When you treat the common cold you treat its symptoms," U' Wind Ensemble not prescribed for them. Feurig said. "Therefore, doctors recommend rest, fluids and Make a crazy hat and win aspirin." Commercial miseries, cold Feurig said, products but do are effective in not cure colds relieving cold themselves. offers winter concertl Commercial medications do not contain antibiotics. The Wind Ensemble of MSU and the Symphonic will present its winter concert at "People adopt fixed rituals for dealing with colds," he noted. S50 - *25 - s10 "They swear by one product or the other, when in effect, they are all much alike. A cold is a virus and has to be allowed to run 8:15 tonight in the Music Bldg. Auditorium. "Notturno for Turkish written by Louis Spohr in Band! tl its course." Conducted by Kenneth 1820s, will use only 16 Instrumentalists featured will playef in Lansing Mall's Mad Hatter contest. Bloomquist, MSU director of Feurig said the old folk cure for a cold, "the wiskey sling," « bands . . , the . n . 53-pece W.nd „f, , flutist iiutiM Kathleen rva E. Perril Bring hats to Lansing Mall's dates back to colonial times when alcohol was a popular way to Ensemble wiU open ts program Birmingham senior; clarinetj Bernards Wig Salon or the mall office induce sweating and increase circulation. with Aaron Copland s Fanfare Caro,BA. - Jessup DaJ no later than March 20. for the Common Man." Conn., graduate student, « "This practice has led to the false confidence by people who oboist George T drink excessively that they are virtually immune from "Concert Piece" by Burrill catching a Birmingham senior. cold," he said. "The fact is, however, that the alcoholic is very Phillips will feature bassoon susceptible to colds because of his generally poor health." soloist Don McGeen, Pontiac The Wind Ensemble also vj The best way to avoid a cold, Feurig said, is to senior. McGeen is first perform "Prelude, Opus 21 stay healthy. bassoonist in the Wind Ensemble Jim Barnes, a student at University of Kansas arranged much of the n v ■ 'V j 1 ■ " ./'j Spartan Marching Bail performed last fall. ■jV The music the prograj ■" on < Bloomquist said, was \nittfl specifically for winds and w include works by Serfl That Open Spacious Layout That's Hard to Prokofieff, Vincent Persichef Find. Complete with 4 Bedrooms and 3 Baths. and Walter Piston. The concert is open to t| public without charge. trees, large lot, two patios, REAL ESTATE Study in outside grill. For more information call Tipi Guadalajara, Mexico! Eyke 349 -9314 Arizona program, will offer, J 5 to August 14, art, folklc geography, history, polltl science, language and llterat courses. Tuition, $ 160; board J room, $155. Write Dr. Juan Rael, Office of Summer Sessl University of Arizona, Tuc» Arizona 85721. Open at 12:45 p.m. PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 TODAY TWO BI6 FEATURES "CELLAR" At 1:00-4:00-7:10-Late "ATTIC" At 2:30-5:35-8:45 p.m. 3 TIMES THE LAUQHTER. 7 TIMES THE IPVINQ ! V 1 23 N. WASHINGTON - DOWIS What the girls did to Paxton in the Attic... Colin is doing to the girls in the Cellar! □ CZI CUD CZ3IZZICU CZZ] CZJD incil THE BOYFRIEND March 11 - 8 p.m., March 12, 13 Wonders Kiva - 7 CEiian. WK STERN JOAN OOlliNS LARRY HAGMAN J N -JtvmMflW BJX Jill C+HRiStOWERjoNES Student tickets $1.50 & $2.00 at the Union JUDY RACE- DAVID ARKIN • NlRA BARAB coLog door. ££Mua Z ARKDFF&3aW£ H HlCHOlBON NORMaJT^R^ an AMERICAN W~T™ STSmcm, THEODORE J FUCKER I^rnaiional er 'ATtIC iuov CtaCE • MAGGIE THPETr • NAN MAtfW rsday, March Michigan State News, East Lansing, Uj9 Michigan Thursday, March 11,1971 J >r Ove By Dept. of Geography overhauls MICHAEL FOX department department *.» starting fall term . H ® * courses State News Staff Writer geography ''courses Tin'"^n 59 rt'Pref*nts lessening "of'^he wf ™orld,and. the waY the department's curriculum idling a Sommers noted. He said the material changes in !r! imPortance ... teaching. cover in all of the major overhaul of courses weight. content ° of straight factual 1 materia|. with greater emphasis u* ^* can 1)6 years ago in 1955 with no number of faculty will remain "The biotics sphere of world's major regions," he said „ the DeP1- °' Geography is The Jal thro"gh a systematic comprehensive changes since the same in the department. geography has been neglected about the regional geography new curriculum win °" the theoretical and a,reglonal emphasis," that time, Sommers said. Among the new developments until now," Sommers said in jed on 8 c an?e in ^e more emphasis to „ri,a„ K'Vj conceptiial aspects of geography courses, ,ditional approach to the tk The j '» . department Curriculum „ . Sommers said the new courses in existing courses will be the announcing a new area dealing environmental problems Jhe change is shown with an Commit^ are not 29 but ISt? entirely new courses, entir^.y broadenm simply specific "fwfotmM, broadening Committee, which of aerial with medical geography. Sommers said that the includes designations photography courses to include department SS"! is bringing out graduate for courses that had in the past Geography 4 3 2, ten >n ta 1 v#|Ues between nine new have taken niace'""^ T' 3 decrease p the emphasis on T ^ working for for beencou"®s groupedthat under had in umbrella the past material from satellites, The development of computer Biogeography, will be a aspects of the environment not dealt with before. ce and answers p>r Twenty • offered by courses the jrtfc h„vs; a-szx-Lrjs techniques, Somme,SSaid. ln th" —' "M«t probl,™ re total credits w* f,e|d that has developed very systematic introduction to the principles and an analysis of "Geography deals with the neral, do you or dov ,Kln, A»demk Council l ne last major overhaul of the it will offer will be about what was before the revision," rapidly in the last 10 to 15 years and geography — the environment — that's its reason geography of a specific mode of for existing," he said, 61 that will be covered in a new a l*rso life. GM T\wi[h a parlicu Sommers defined geography discuss More emphasis on the cities to lies his the study of the world disobedienct and urban society - such as its as Geography 150, Selected through spatial analysis, lisagreement Current growth and congestion — will be jUstif Problems, will be a ?nce 9.5% n course the department can covered in two new courses, "We look at the Earth's Sommers said. Geography 402, surface as to how it is organized Isobedience u . "always" keep relevant, he said. 74.5% ' DAVE PERSON Geography of the City, and culturally and physically. Man >ion 16% survey conducted ti By State News Staff Writer ■ ^inTe'Sart^^moAhe ministration Administration Bldg. ™ shareB°lde« ™«ng participate in the selection of «UI»mda representative to the introduce" stadents 7 the' Geography 403, The City and its becomes the focus as he is Region, are among the new responsible for most of the earlier, 1,190 coU. Representatives of General The Business ness Affairs The that- , recommend recommend TrSf ^recton; * GM be required j to publish meeting but did not would be. say who it discipline through contemporary urban geography courses. changes," he said. were asked the Corp. (GM) and the Committee i considering the problems. We hope it will In the san Corporate possibility * GM list on its annua reP°rt its Process Robert W. Little, associate stimulate interest in .„ '" rtlp .arii, traditional 2? regional "We're not just interested in lidatl for the nmw more They answered: ject making candidates on auto PoHution control, auto professor of u, ography field, facts, but in using conceptual isagreement just,I sponsibility ^ _ will discuss three ...ix.nrninrf recommendations of --- to the board __ direct™* nirprrr.rc _ the GM board of . . safety,».».u.uvi,,,ii.Iii16, and minority hiring. metallurgy, mechanics, and materials science field for them," Sommers said, £&£* Southeast Asia ISLd\willa course on be added, and theoretical approaches to of fructose "CLOTS of iposals concerning GM at a trustees o An t U„ the nomlnated by . nee 18.5% on proposals sharehnlrW- and chairman of the Business new area with two new Sommers said. A second African explain the similarities and ^obedience is jiversity Business Affairs formed by the project. The * c..' j i j The board of trustees will Affairs Committee, said the courses added is geographic geography course will be added, differences that exist," Sommers 75.6% immittee 10 meeting today. Proposals will be voted on at the ."Sf; dealers ant* decide whether to vote the J .. . . , s,,.- - - x mni employes . of GM be allowed to meeting is open to visitors, education, which is designed for This reflects the increasing said. lion 5.9% University's 5,593 GM shares on although participation will be majors these proposals. If "We lend understanding to t appears that twice they decide limited to committee members. S°mmc ... idents would to vote the shares, they must - attemPt to, br,d8e th® space in similar way the eondoi "We feel a responsibility to historian tries to explain time," nee as would thi then vote for decide whether they will CenSOTSCenSOr matter of geography and offer service courses that will he said. it should be noted tli or against the proposals. , — Joseph Onek, ;y members were mu lined to reserve th the a board of directors of the member of Censorship DOOK UN I VERSAL »nd, in fact, the ti Project on Corporate PRETORIA, South African •uld hold similar Responsibility, will be present at (AP) — South African censors 1971, Unidex ton, Ind. view . COED TOLD MSU police early Wednesday irning that she was sitting at a table in the ithwest corner on the second floor of the A DISTRIBUTOR CAP and reported stolen sometime a battery were between Friday and the Business Affairs Committee meeting. GM has indicated they h3ve banned a book "The Censor" by John Gardner. entitled WATER BEDS krary when a man seated across from her Monday from automobiles parked behind UNCONDTIONALY GUARANTEED nble posed himself. Williams Hall and in Lot X. PICKUP ABROAD. Hie man reportedly left the table after the ed went to call police. Police said they did not id the man in a search of the area. No other damage to the vehicles POLICE RECEIVED A COMPLAINT * * * was reported. Tuesday All makes of European cars. BUY DIRECT :oncert afternoon from Ilene G. Weinberger, Monday, $39.50 N.Y., sophomore, who told officers clothing, "Early Bird" 10% Savings Program. Police are investigating two MSU students who with an estimated value of $29, was removed Teacher/Student Specials. ^mphonic Band, ie stopped early Wednesday morning behind from a dryer she was using in the basement no for Turkish Band illips Hall after a coed earlier complained she laundry room in South Hubbard Hall. Free Bonus Extras. if an unidentified man looking through her Miss Weinberger said she was out of the y Louis Spohr II use only 16 ,p st floor window at Phillips. at the time of the theft. room □ Purchase □ Lease □ Rental TWIN FULT QUE EN KING felice said the men were released at the SEND CHECK or MONEY . scene. talists featured will Kathleen E. Perri VINCENT M. Kinney Europe, 535 Fifth Avenue, N.Y. 10017. (212) 697-6780 ORDER PANGBORN, Jackson tO tOGER PETERSON, 23, of Okemos, told UNIVERSAL m senior; clarinet sophomore, told police a drafting set and WATEK BED CO lice he discovered $41.75 in cash missing early equipment, which he valued at $30, were stolen 2 063 6 i. Jessup, Danbur Occupation_ WALT HAM raduate lesday night from his wallet in a locker at the sometime between March 4 and Tuesday from a DETROIT student, a Intramural Bldg. 4 82 05 George T. Riordi locker he was using in a room at the Urban Address___ tolice said they found no evidence of forced m senior, Planning Building. City to the locker, which Peterson said was Police said they found no forced entry to the di Ensemble also i :ked when he left and unlocked when he MICH RESIDENTS ADD 4% SALES TAX' locker, which Pangborn said was locked when he Prelude, Opus 20" ;umed. left and unlocked when he returned. es, a student at t y; of Kansas w nuch of the music I last fall. Marching Ba Jnion members to decide An MHA-WIC Presentation isic on the progra it said, was wri Last summer was too beautiful to ffor winds and forget...-] , works Piston. by Ser Vincent Persiche >n Motor Wheel proposal and too painful to remember. icert is open :oting had not yet begun late continue. workers while rejecting any lout charge. ednesday afternoon by Motor Wheel employes substantial changes in the work imbers of the Allied Industrial stopped working 62 days ago to rules. A proposal offered to itkers of America union on an strike for wage proposals and workers by the company was Study in understanding" reached iesday night regarding the against changes in the work rules said to approximate $1 per hour company officials wanted to in wage hikes and additional lajara, Mexico >tor Wheel liking company workers, Corp.'s offer to initiate. Union members asked for fringe benefits. spokesmen were not available Company ilajara Summer School for comment credited University o spokesman for the union parity with wages paid to auto Wednesday. ogram, will offer, Jul] ust 14, art, f— no details on the history, derstanding will be released rtguage and II til workers vote In secret litlon, $160; be lloting, expected to take place her Monday or Tuesday of xt week. Union members are expected discuss the situation Friday *moon. The spokesman said lion membership has the final »d on ratifying the offer. If offer is defeated next week, added, the strike will i! I MMMMlYi:. Wlth BARBARA HERSHEY, RICHARD THOMAS, BRUCE DAVISON ,nd CATHY BURNS screenpi*y by ELEANOR PERRY Fron, EVAN HUNTER ALFRED W CROWN .««, SIDNEY BECKERMAN &3SS? JOEL GLICKMAN D"ec,ldy FRANK PERRY m EASTMAN COLOR BASEOON TH€ NOVfllABV PMRIPRO'H Music by JOHN SIMON Warner Bros-Seven Arts Records Released by ALLIED ARTISTS Hear the theme song played by THE BRASS RING on ITCO Records USSim ASTANlfYR JAMf PRODUCTION si* RICHARD BENJAMIN JACK KLUGMAN mimm ALI MacGRAW SwWSCHUMflN "I .JflBjk.. ] amnio et «*swcs8. , ISCHMCOtOR' "The eve • S1ANUYR JAffE LARRYPKRCt: THt ASSOCIATION' A PARAMOUNT PICTURE laJ®* L '""—J Uta Levka Carmen undress." in modern - -V. Y. Times Tonight in Conrad Tonight in Wilson "Carmen herself, Uta Levka plays the , sexpot temptress for all she's worth - and 7,9 7, 9:15 t h • s q i t e iE.UK something." N. V. Post iNeS i—, plus - Experimental Films $1.00 admission $1.00 admission Fri., Sat. ^ 7:00, 8:45, 10:00 109 Anthony V LD.'s required I.D.s required $1.00 A 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS- Thureday, March I, in wcha playoffs 8 'S' swimm EDITOR'S Tech, Denver favorites NOTE: The playoffs — teams that play under Wisconsin, because it finished picked up momentum at the end in NCAA By DAVE WOODS MSU .500 hockey all year long lower State News Sports Writer hockey team begins than Denver in the of the season and have tasted play in the WCHA playoffs heading off with a chance at standings, is forced to house the success before. Minnesota came taking the national title. But "A" series Eight members of the MSU swim team have Qualify Friday. State News hockey with the odd in first place in the WCHA last , there is no cause to laugh, NCAA championship meet, to be held March 25 27 at writer Rick Gosselin because a first place team could numbered teams Michigan Tech, Minnesota and North Dakota. season but failed to advance in lowa St'- examines the Spartans' the playoffs. Although the Spartan contingent is not likely easily laugh itself out of the On Thursday night, Wisconsin top 10 teamwise, several of the swimmers to fin u opponents today and will playoffs and an eighth place will play Minnesota and Denver NORTH DAKOTA: The individually. are carwhi, pabk of Pli ?" view MSU and its' chances for team could find itself in Sioux have ^ u down all will play a national championship on Syracuse fighting for the ^lorado Co le^. On Friday night, the Spartans Their high point was on Sophomore Ken Wlnfieid has qualified in both the 100 Friday. national title. the , weekend when th will meet Minnesota - Duluth yard butterfly events and has the potential to The last time MSU won the and Tech will t MSU the onl team this in both races. finish near"!!ine play North to do ^ The ,ow In college hockey, just as in national title was in 1966, and Dakota. ^ Winfield's times have been somewhat last weekend the NHL, the playoffs are the believe it or not, the Spartans The winners of the Thursday was when the season, but when he is at his best there are inconsistent thr Wisconsln ultimate goal of each team. finished in sixth place that year. This season. MSU moved up and Friday night games will play j2-i crushed the Sloux, Jeff Lanini, who last weekend very few bet"8 After three long months of a sectional final on Saturday won the Bis from a seventh place standing of breaststroke crown, will swim Ten mn headaches and heartbreaks, night at the respective site, with WISCONSIN: Home ioe both breaststroke f last year to a fourth niche. the winners of those two Michigan was eliminated from games fldvantage is biggest asset. The the playoffs with the other eight Because they finished in fourth, gaining the Spartans will join Minnesota a national berth. Here's how the teams stack up 1}adBe^ were third in the league teams packing for the trip to in ?oals„f°r and in 8oals Allan Dilley is likely to have a tougher either Denver or Madison. - Duluth, Colorado College, and for the playoffs: against. Wisconsin scores goals in time of it j, backstroke events, as this year's backstroke field People laugh at the idea of host Denver for the "B" series of COLORADO COLLEGE: The streaks- the WCHA playoffs. strong. Dilley could place in both the 100 and 200 isexcenti vardXo0n>" having eight teams in the Tigers, who enjoyed winning MICHIGAN TECH: How is unlikely to finish in the top six. streaks at the beginning and at • es' does the label "Boston Bruins" the end of the season, are the of the college hockey world fit? Winfield, Lanini, and Dilley will be joined by senior type of team that will take If they lose in the Wisconsin Frazier power George Gonzalez in the medley relay. The Spartanfreest qu- everything or nothing. With series it will be the biggest upset qualified for the NCAA's by finishing second in the center Bob Collyard on his Big Ten since the Indians over Custer, Heavyweight champ Joe Frazier gives a clenched fist as he Five MSU divers have qualified for the game, Colorado can give anyone Four all - WCHA members, enters his board contests r car at Rockefeller Center in New York basis of fits. They beat Tech this season scores recorded freshman of the year in Mike Wednesday. Frazier had just finished a radio show in which during the regular season The and beat MSU on the road. Usitalo, coach of the prospects for high honors are Jud Alward on the year in he said he would three DENVER: With the WCHA's John Maclnnes. Lack very little, fight Muhammad Ali in a return bout board and Tom Cramer on the one "anytime he wants." - meter, but DaveCownrH.- AP Wirephoto Mike Cook also have a shot at leading scorer, Vic Venasky, two placing. Morenz who can break a game tiger manager confident open, the Pioneers would have to be looked on as one of the favorites. MINNESOTA The MSU - players voted Duluth goalie Glenn Resch the toughest DULUTH: We can beat Orioles—Martin netminder they had faced all LAKELAND, FLA. It's because Martin, who But season. Walt Ledingham and (UPI)-The word new Manager replaced Mayo Smith as college rah-rah tactics like latter, too. The big change in of age. Martin Tiger signs are only a small ,part of the says one p.. Murray Koegan were also high in Billy Martin used to describe his , the Tiger 11|CI lineup from 1970's uireui in spring votes for the Spartan all - Detroit Manager during the winter, is Martin effort. The big part is training will be to ' Tigers at their training plenty "hopped up" himself disappointments, is of course, out how well righthanded opponent team. Duluth is always camp here was work. the addition of "hopped up," about the Tigers' chances of .. Did you ever hear of shortstop Eddie Northrup, the outfielder who major — strong at home, but must face and before commissioner Bowie ...... a Brinkman, third baseman the Tigers in homers last MCIT MSU o neutral ice this +w;» beating" out the World Champion league manager who spent on a v..i Kuhn starts i.ii.! i A. J ° Aurelio Rodriguez, and pitchers talking about drugs " with 19, can play fust. _ ,r ... „ . . .. Baltimore . Orioles . weekend. The Bulldogs split again, be assured in the almost entire winter Jim Coleman and Jim Hannan, Billy only American League East, and he Asked if he would pl" with the Spartans earlier in the means his men are excited. travelling all around the country all obtained from the The Owl and the! has a way of communicating his and even to Mexico City to visit Northrup and Cash, Martin year. And there's a good reason enthusiasm to his troops. Washington Senators in the "First I must find out how MINNESOTA: The Gophers why they got that virtually every one of his players McLain deal. YouH remember Barbra Streisand way. "Sure, we can beat the and talk to them about their Northrup can play first." that when that deal was "The outfield should be Thursday at 5:15, 7:00, 8:45 Orioles," says Martin. "Why problems, their hopes, and his k ■ Friday at 5:45, 7:45, 9:45 not? I think our defense now is announced, Senators' Manager good," said Martin. "In left hopes? Ted Williams said bluntly he f Thursday Twl-Lite Hr„ Adults 90c 4:45-5:15 as good as theirs, and I think our That's what Billy Martin did. Willie Horton, who is one of didn't particularly like it because best hitters in the offense is as good as theirs. There were only two players he league (. he thought Washington gave ROBERT MICHAEL J. That's a pretty good start wasn't able to visit for too much. up "" with 17 homers).~ toward beating them. The key is Northrup also figures in REWORD POLLARD how good our pitching is going unavoidable reasons, The Tigers figure that, as a outfield when and if he Now, how would you feel if starter, the deal gave them little Fouss aid BIG HALSYi to be." the boss showed that kind of solid left side of the infield. a playing first base. Bill The Detroit dressing room is interest in you? Right-and that's Freehan, who dropped Thursday at 5:30, 7:15, 9:00 Brinkman, a top glove man who plastered with signs stressing the how the Tigers seem to 0 Friday at 6:00, 7:45, 9:40 Thursday Twl-Lite Hr., Adults 90c, 5:00-5-3( , hard There's work and Vince There is enthusiasm in the Tiger camp this spring, a marked Jeel. hit .262, is expected to beat out Cesar Gutierrez for the shortstop "You ing the plate. have to rem: job. Rodriguez, also a top glove, about some of those records' MUL NEWMAN ROBERTS famous line: difference in atmosphere from hit only .249 but had 19 homers last year that things went to "Winning isn't everything-it's last spring when ('affaire Denny BUTCH CASSIDY AND gp the only thing." Most baseball McLain hung over the camp and and drove in 83 runs for pretty much in the last month last-place team, the season," Martin said. ' THE SUNDANCE KID dressing rooms have one or two players went about their chores The right side of the infield team wasn't going anywhere* signs like that--at Tigerland tight-lipped. has Thursday at 6:15, 8:30 problems. Dick McAuliffe "is everyone was kind Enthusiasm, of course, is one set at second but hit only .233 I Friday at 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 thing, and base hits are another, last year. Lefthander Norm Cash discouraged." Thursday Twi-Lite Hr., Adults 90c 5:4 The way Well, what about the pitcf Martin sees it, Detroit (.257) is the veteran first that Martin says is the "key" Actress on carrie is going to have enough of the her way to snodgress baseman, but is rising 37 years 1971 for Detroit? _ We've got three very : an Oscar!" starting pitchers in LOS ANGELES ffTldCI ROUSCWjfC Lolich (14-19), " (12-13), and Les Cain (12- said Martin. "After that, 1 will have TONIGHTI ALL COLORI FRIDAY SAT.-SUNDAY look - a little, maybe," Martin. "But we've got Richard Burton At 9:30 Only excellent candidates Genevieve Bujold Coleman (8-12), in THE HALWALLIS PRODUCTION Kilkenny (7-6), and some oft young pitchers are liable dAnnnsf come Tom along, too." Timmerman, who tfte Tfjcusatib DayS 27 saves despite a relatively i wmtiBM "CUM OP -IT- —j—a-. 4.07 earned run average,L Shown Once at 9:30 Only iSL'«frt'le bullpen corps, which ■ ■ includes Hannan and Alfred UIOOd/tO<|« Patterson. also "i love you, ma'5e no mistake a SiT? TOPAZ 7:07 Onlvli alice b. toklas" ii At 7:07 Only it-the Tigers' biggest single factor is Martin. "A JOY TO WATCH. NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES Ends Today: rSPARTAN TWIN WEST GHISLAINE D'ORSAY "Quackser Fortune FRAN00R SHOPPING CfNTER 3100 CAST SAGINAW Ption* 391 0030 EXCELS EVERY Has A Cousin in OTHER PERF0MANCE The Bronx" 7:40 and 9:40 I HAVE SEEN IN RECENT MOVIES." "BEAUTIFUL FILM... ONE OF DISTINCTION!" -Judith Criat, N.« York Mag»in« "EXCELLENT... REMARK¬ ABLE! STIMULATING ENTERTAINMENT!" WINNER OF - Howard Klltall, Woman Waar t Daily 9 Emanuel L Woll presents AN ALLIED ARTISTS FILM 4 INTERNATIONAL L AWARDS ip DIARY OF A SCHIZOPHRENIC In Produced b» Gun Villono Baldi • Directed w by NELO RISI with Ghislame 0 Orvay • Margarita lo/Jrto Adapted from the book Diary oi a Schisophrenic by Marguerite Andree CASTMANCOtOR and CINtMASCOPL • An 101 Crnematotralrca Production • Released Themi song sung by Ju Sechehaye by ALLIED ARTISTS A HOWARD G. MINSKY ARTHUR HILLER Production John Marley & Ray Milland erich segal arThlir hiller PlMtodbv firculirt Pioduc* HOWARD G MINSKY DAVID GOLDEN FRANCIS LAI Mum Scowl bt TODAY: Complata Show* 1:00-3:00-5:00-7:00 |ff COLOR » PARWKXINI PICIUK i I •lopFjFq 9:0S. Frl. & Sat. 3:25-5:25-7:25-9:30 p.m. t MftS Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Thursday, March 11,1971 9 iers oaky scharrer 5TH PLACE POSSIBLE leet Spartan wrestlers a tight-knit group Cagers close long By JOHN VIGES team has never been a quitter, it season ' tavt and so it was with MSU. A bad ch 25-27 at qu.lina], State News Sports has done a good job of their final games they will also Writer game against Ohio State and a finish tied for the first division l0wa ^ overcoming adversity. It has been a stinging one point loss to the 1 MSU long season for spot. like|y t« finish had just Hoosiers started comments that s "re capable of in ik Last weekend MSU's wrestling team swept to its sixth Minnesota, 73-71, Tuesday night beaten the Spartans. After a brilliant the team was Ganakas and the Spartans -secutive Big Ten title. The Spartan WTestlersare rich in taleni and Gus start, including a big win in the reverting to the knew that the road would be "V* helped themselves further by develop^ wlnS f.time he a Ganakas was smiling Lobo Invitational, MSU game, only the fourth on into a ran head form it was predicted to have at the beginning of the season. tough even before the season " both the 100 titudes. tough started. "I to finish and 20 has been able to do Big Ten MSU hit a stretch where so schedule. they near the u Attitudes play as important a role in sports as thev do in life since the conference season After four games the only won one of eight games and "We were picked for ninth kg„od attitude is synonymous with success. The wrestlers haVe began way back in January. still looked picture even the fans deserted them to a place before the season began," inconsistent through irried these attitudes over into their daily lives and work "We may not have a bright, MSU had great extent in the last three Ganakas said, "and we may end winning beaten Iowa and Ohio State are very few belt™ ini into even,,1 whatever " Ganakas has that he is repeatedly stated to contenders Ohio State, face title Tuesday combined with a have played hard and they didn't the top , Hp's right. Whenever you see one of the wrestlers, you can proud of the job his and again, victory over Northwestern give up. be Indiana and if Be that there are more around. Veterans Mike Ellis team has done this season. MSU win this they could Saturday could do a great deal "We knew that we would have and John has pair of games they tojace tried to explain the team unity. played a rough schedule and to a salvage the season for the trouble with the power the other !her time of it in * would be in the thick of the title they have had to ignore some Spartans. If MSU wins they will teams possessed but there wasn't w field is | think the reason we are so close is because there is so race. and 200 yard exceptional much close defeats and finish the year tied for fifth much we could do about it. I ^petition in the (wrestling) room," Ellis commented "I don't continue the The best races,! season. Ganakas things that his laid plans of place along with Minnesota. If think we still did a good job in link there is any other sport that does the extra activities like basketball teams often go the rebounding department, Bill astray Iowa, Wisconsin or Illinois win led itting weight or wrestling at night sometimes. All the extra work by senior Kilgore especially." freestyl ireesty] id of keeps us together. 1ST BIG 10 TEAM The Spartan quart EVER his Ganakas had special praise for id in the Big Ten. 'We hang around together all the time," Ellis continued 6-7 sophomore center. Maybe 0Ur attitude toward life. We're all from different Kilgore was a virtual unknown u..» aii parts of the before the season started and board contests, xintry have a by on u Mich igan lular season. The most standards he was not tall to immon goal — success." going A on the three Wrestlers are sort of a different enough to play the center - met( » but Dave Coward refd of people," Abajace position. But the springy River an mtured. "It takes one wrestler Rouge product impressed the sort of understand and get entire league with his ng with another wrestler. NEW YORK rebounding ability and scoring (UPI) - Michigan place team to go to a tourney Buckeye captain Jim potential. Kilgore is in a virtual ■jut pushes team unity. became the first Big Ten team and the Wolverines have clinched Cleamons, believed to be out for tie with Ohio State's Luke Witte 'We look at each other as, ever to accept a bid to the at least a tie for second the season with a broken wrist place ire or less, brothers than as nmmates," Abajace added. National Invitation Tournament and Oklahoma accepted for the behind Ohio State with an 11-2 record. The Wolverines close less than two weeks ago, scored for second place in conference rebounding and he was among Defensive terror 30 points and rallied his team the top 20 league scorers. Minnesota's Jim Brewer (52) goes high to block a shot tin On some teams there's second straight year Wednesday their regular season after the Hoosiers had cut a by Saturday "If it has not been for MSU's Ron Gutkowski (34) during Tuesday issensio n among certain as the field was swelled to 12 night against Wisconsin. night's MSU - 19-point lead down to two with Kilgore's emergence as a top - idividuals but on our team this teams. The Wolverines Minnesota game at Jenison Fieldhouse. Brewer had a half are 17-6 seven minutes left in the game. notch center we would have t exist." This is the first year that the overall and are led by a 6-4 dozen blocked shots, but the Gophers fell to Michigan clinched at least a tie been a lot worse off," Ganakas MSU, 73-71. Both Ellis and Abajace Big Ten has allowed its second sophomore, Henry Wilmore, for second by State News photo by Tom Gaunt edging Iowa, stressed. tributed some of the closeness who played in high school ball in 86-82, at Iowa City. Wilmore The two senior guards, rtween the wrestlers to the New York City and is and Iowa's Fred Brown each had onal relationship established looking Captain Rudy Benjamin and forward to his first appearance 35 points ith coaches Peninger and Doug Bowlers vie in front of his hometown fans. honors. to tie for scoring Paul Dean also did fine during the season. Benjamin jobs lubaugh. Both mentioned t Michigan lost its chance for a Northwestern handed nose - scored enough points to become sped between the wrestlers as | possible share of the Big Ten diving Illinois its eighth straight bind to the team unity. in Union meet title Tuesday night when Ohio conference loss, 85-70, at the third leading scorer for a single season and Dean did a I am so proud as a coach, to State beat Indiana, 91-75, at Champaign. JOHN ABAJACE good job of controlling the associated with the type of In a recent Association of Columbus to clinch the In the other Big Ten game Spartans offense as well as Is we get in wrestling," Peninger said. "Wrestlers are the College Unions conference title and a trip to the Tuesday Purdue edged Bowling and playing a good defensive game uietest of all your athletes, most of them are introverts. Billiards Tournament at Western NCAA playoffs. Wisconsin, 81-77, at Madison. They every time out. on wrestling, eat it, drink it, and >'eep it." Michigan, MSU's women This was quite evident in the bowling team finished long bus ride home from second in ifayette, Ind. last Saturday night. Instead of setting the mood a field of 14 teams. ARTHUR TREACHER'S r some victory celebration, or instead of The MSU women's team filling the air with was pical "jock talk," the conversation centered around wrestling, led by Beth Meyer's 508 series, few of the guys reminisced of past wrestling matches, high Eileen Tucker's 498 and Jan WITH MAX SHULMAN hool matches, and of experiences of other wrestlers in the Turowski's 466. Kintry. Miss Meyer placed second in ir lout n't too long after thqt the entire team Was of the bus. Th£n Pininger joined them and sitting at the again they talked the tournament to alternate spot for the national earn an THE ORIGINAL Tisll US ' ESP Revisited wrestling. competition in Atlanta, Ga. this At regular intervals Bruce Zindel would sneak spring. A few weeks ago up to the front or I did a column on extra-sensory perception (or t bus and wake up Spartan trainer Don Kiger and once in a The MSU men's team placed TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: ESP, as it is called by its many friends and relatives). The amount of lile the attention would turn to 12th out of 22 teams. Curt mail I received from you about this column, dear something else, like evaluating readers, was so heavy Benham was high - point man Tisl) that I find myself with a heart full of gratitude. (I also find " high rise black boots of Big Ten champ Dave Ciolek. But RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT myself with a 604 series. with a ruptured postman.) I would of course like to write each one of litably the subject focused back on wrestling, ioth Ellis and Abajace suffered losses in the In men's pocket billiards you personally, but that is obviously not possible, so I will try to Big Ten lampionship matches to finish as runners-up. Eor Ellis it was the Lannes Gregory finished fourth. 2418 E. MICHIGAN answer some of your questions in today's column. tond time that he finished second in the conference. Abajace Carla Johnson garnered a third 99c QUESTION: Last night I tried an ESP experiment with my boy¬ on the title two spot in coed pocket billiards and and at friend, Preeog Nissen. He sat in one room and wrote a list of numbers. years ago. Ellis and Abajace were disappointed their defeats but were I sat in another room and tried to guess what numbers he was quick to blame themselves. Ellis Gregg Knap placed second in writing. Out of 25 tries I guessed wrong 25 times. I feel mitted that it hurt to be upended but because wrestling is an three - cushion billiards. 4100 S. LOGAN ieky and worthless and have decided to kill myself. What future can a person hare without ESP? dividual sport, a defeat is an individual thing, and the only cure ANSWER: You must not despair. Lots of people without ESP In trudge forward. "Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste" manage to live useful and productive lives. For example, there was a nosing a good altitude is even harder than creating one. Next coed at Duke a few years ago, Maud Gonder by name, who tried guess¬ "ion the Spartans will have all ten wrestlers back who placed in Summer ing numbers, just as you did. In fact, she tried it every single clay for that, I will have tournament this year. So, the MSU wrestling squad will not the entire four years she spent at Duke, and all she ever got was wrong little, maybe," i ly terrorize the Big Ten, but will also chase the national honors in numbers. But it didn't hurt her one bit. Miss Gonder But we've got sc Cleveland? LIEBERMANN'S today is gain¬ fully employed as a telephone operator in Durham, North Carolina. candidates (8-12), and N 7-6), and some of Look forward to some Undergraduate and graduate students can "Great luggage for spring break!' shers are liable earn up to 9 semester ,{too." hours of credit during the mmerman, who 1 FUN seven-week term at Case ispite a relatively hi Western Reserve University KNAP-PAK d run average, lr (June 21 Aug. 6). Spring Term. — n corps, which For further information, Hannan and I write to the Office of el no mistake abo Join the the Summer session, Case Western Reserve rs' biggest single University, Cleveland, u-tin. Ohio 44106; or stop in IRANI INFORMATION 48?3«» MSU SAILING CLUB during your spring break. Case travel regattas parties Western Reserve QUESTION: This has nothing to do with ESP, but maybe you can tell me anyhoiv. What can you do for dry hair? e/Story" is Sailing lessons University ANSWER: Wear a wet hat. ^body's QUESTION: My ESP tells me I was put on earth to do some kind of important job, but I don't know what it is. So far I've had hundreds of ire! jobs and I still haven't found the right one. How will I know when I do? ANSWER: You'll know, don't worry. Take, for example, the fa¬ been nothing like " • I And nothing like A< Wherever You Go For mous case of Hans Helmut Steppenwolf. He too knew he was born for some exalted task, but what? First he worked in Kansas gleaning beans She is the girl u,k but that wasn't it, so he got a job with a logging firm in Montana. Story'happen." Here the erstwhile bean-gleaner worked as a stump-thumper. But that Time Man'2"11 Spring Break wasn't it either, so he moved to North Dakota where he tended the - furnace in a granary (wheat-heater). Then he moved to Omaha and got a job admitting cattle to the stockyards (meat-greeter). Then he nated for went to New Orleans and worked for a chiropodist (feet-treater). Then academy Show 'em Your Colors! to Minnesota where he cut up frozen lakes (ice-slicer). Then to Las Vegas where he determined odds at a crap table (dice-prieer). Then to awards Germany where he pasted camera lenses together (Zeiss-splicer). Still Hans Helmut hadn't found it. Back to America he moved (everyone else will!) and got a job in Milwaukee at the Miller High Life brewery, inspecting the ingredients that go into Miller High Life Beer and rejecting those which were not perfect (malt-faulter). MSU Sweatshirts Most versatile piece of luggage ever. It folds to And so finally, at long last, fulfillment came to Hans Helmut. For a compact 19" carry - all that goes under an this was his mission, his lofty purpose on earth — to make sure that you airliner seat. Or it expands to a 22" duffel with and I and every other life-loving, health-oriented, flavor-directed FROM $|95 straps to make it a knapsack. Made of sturdy canvas that's durable . . . and light. In beige American should rest secure in the knowledge that the next can or bottle of Miller High Life which passes our discriminating lips will be just as free of fleck and flaw as the last can or bottle of Miller High with distinctive red trim. Life which passed our discriminating lips; that can after can, bottle Flaunt your Spartan Status after bottle, keg after keg, Miller High Life will remain ever amber, wherever you are ever ambrosial, ever honest, sincere, true, good, beautiful, decent, $2500 kindly and relevant. And so, dear friends, to that small but shining list of human bene¬ factors-men like E. Pluribus Ewbank, for instance, who invented the opposable thumb without which millions of castanet players would be Arthur hiller Student unemployed; women like Rosa L. Sigafoos, for instance, who invented w> the bio-degradable roommate—let us humbly and gratefully add the waxurSB of Hans Helmut Steppenwolf. Right on, watchful malt-faulter! Book name Store EAST LANSING-209 E. Grand River DOWNTOWN-113 S. Washington Surely the story of Hans Helmut has left a lump in your throat, 42'42S e. grand river HV, the brewers of Millet High Life and sponsors of this column, know a pleasant way to n n.^je said lump. It comes in taws, bottles and teg^. TO Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1 hursday, March ,1.197|I Winter term busy for burglars watches and wallets. Capt. Adam J. Zutaut, uniform By JAMES SHELDON Sometimes persons State News Staff Writer News Analysis In addition to thefts and commander of MSU police, said. with prowling or burglaries, the following offenses Zutaut said theft victims exposure admit to could have prevented many of invJr This winter has been busy for thieves and burglars on campus. rooms, campus building rooms and automobiles and from wide - campus area. also were recorded by police: armed robbery, attack with a the incidents this term simply by officers other they were incidents?ng5i0,,l involved, he said Criminals Among items stolen this term deadly weapon, attempted locking a door or by keeping Zutaut maintained scampered through open areas when items were left their unattended by owners. were automobiles, books, cash, larceny, damaged property, property under control. the oh student residence hall problem would be buildings rooms, and The figure is startling. There clothing, furniture, headphones, disorderly conduct, indecent "There are a certain number of If persons were easier to rLl campus automobiles at the same time was nothing brief about police hubcaps, jewelry, microphones, exposure, molesting, peddling or offenses not maintained. reported," he extent of the educated on situation uS many persons were scoffing: news this winter. But the motorcycles, musical soliciting and prowling. apathy were eliminated "What crime rate? 1 know all clincher is that all campus crimes instruments, office equipment, A "Certain number of ™ "Our statistics show that at offenses" are never reported, the guys on my floor. It could were not included in "Police purses, radios, records, stereo he FRIDAY: Campus present an excess of 50 per cent M added, and these incidents suggest safeguards that never happen to me. Don't be so Briefs" because of space equipment, a tachometer, tape of the crimes are committed by often discovered by officers in are assure that williI paranoid!" limitations and the failure of docks and tapes, televisions, tires you won't re people with no known the process of investigating a from spring break While the MSU many persons to report similar and wheels trophies, typewriters. to u. community association with the University," report. yourself a victim of a was busy not being paranoid, incidents to police. burglar enough personal property was A closer look at crime stolen between Jan. 6 and March statistics compiled by police 10 that if it were sold on the shows that in January, 1971 >STS market, it would be enough for a alone, the total value of man to live very property losses totalled $28,392. comfortably for Defender more than a year in places like Property losses include stolen Caught napping A makeshift bed in the serves as a pillow. reading room of the Engineering Building allows this student to sleep. A bunched-up coat Farmington and Dearborn. A total of property throughout $13,260 in stolen was this term reported in State News' daily "Police Briefs" the personal items, property damages and fire losses. Statistics on Februrary and March crime incidents were not available this week. conducting a private legal practice and would confident with the prosecutor's. plan serve term I State News photo by Fred Mendenhall column. This amount was In January of 1970, the figure By BOB ROACH for property losses stood at State News Staff Writer The public defender would have reached by totaling the values of facilities provided bv th. stolen property estimated $18,600. And with this county, and the authority to appoint as many assistants and oth- through daily releases from the January's valuation, the total Citing rising costs for court appointed attorney, Rep. William personnel as the county board of commissioners would allow amount of property losses from V. Weber, R - Kalamazoo, introduced Selection of pubUc defenders would be Dept. of Public Safety. legislation Wednesday to made by a commits IEANS appointed by the county board, establish a statewide public defender system. Included in this sum are 95 July 1, 1970 to Jan. 31, 1971, including one count! separate incidents of burglary stands at a staggering $148,763. The proposal would require mandatory establishment of the commissioner, a circuit judge and a practicing and theft along with 29 larcenies This figure also includes fire public defender office in counties with a population of 100,000 Weber said the current system of attorney y defend indigent suspects has appointing an attorney to from automobiles. In addition, losses. or more. Establishment would be optional in less problems other than financial densely on* populated counties. The bill allows two such counties to join in "Many attorneys don't Reg. $9.00 Jeans NOW $7°° four automobiles motorcycles were stolen. and two Real impact of the statistics is emphasized by the fact that forming a public defender district. would rather stick to their civil want the appointments," he said "anrf practices instead of taking ™ Weber said that the cost of criminal cases." K The incidents occurred from these property losses occurred providing legal assistance for Reg. $7.00 Jeans NOW *4 50 locked and unlocked student only from the immediate indigent defendants has more than tripled in the last five years. "The average cost in counties of 100,000 or more is now Weber explained that an for recovery of legal fees in the case a important facet of the bill provida person defended under the around $100,000 a year," he explained. "With recent court system has obtained free legal assistance to which he was not E. Lansing Library decisions making free legal aid mandatory for criminal cases, the cost and complexity can indigents in only increase. legally entitled. "In my opinion, the practice of courts appointing attorneys on GRAND RIVER to present story hour a case • by - case basis will not meet the future caseload demands within reasonable cost limitations," he added. "Michigan's chief justice, in his State of the Judiciary message Faculty to PHONE 332-6878 Monday, mentioned the lack of a sound public defender system Where Style Is A Story Hour of two fun tales and "The "Shazira Shazam and the Devil" Basilisk" will be presented at 10 Baker and the as one of the most 'vexatious problems' facing our judicial structure," Weber said. "I agree with him, and believe the Co mm Arts a.m., Saturday at the East legislature should take immediate action to remedy this The faculty of the College of Lansing Public Library, 950 deficiency." The college's Undergrade Abbott Road. The program will Communication Arts will meet Affairs The optimum program would be one Committee also I last half an hour. totally paid by the state, at 1 p.m. today in 210 Bessey he added, but state financial problems would recommended to the dean tl_ probably preclude Hall to vote on dropping the course be dropped as i Children in such a program at the present time. kindergarten Communication 100 as a requirement for majors in tl "In view of the state's financial problems, I believe we should through fouth grade will hear requirement for all majors in the the story of an old man who establish a county - operated system and as soon as college. possible college. tries to outwit the devil and a provide for a state payment of all or most of the costs of Jack M. Changes in the course f the public defender system," Weber said. Bain, dean of the tale of an animal with eight legs, spring term will be formal); college, said voting on rooster's head and look that "I feel the state owes the presented to the faculty at th a a responsibility in this respect." Communication 100 is the first kills. In the more populous counties, the item on the agenda. meeting today. proposal would make the public defender a full - time official with a pay scale not less than The faculty of the School of 402 E. MICHIGAN, LANSING 80 per cent of county prosecutor's After the meeting, I salary. In smaller counties Journalism and the Dept. of informal discussion of collect , with optional offices, the public defender could be either 489-6168 part - or Advertising voted in February to f\re Rumors Getting You full - time. Full time public defenders would be bargaining Is planned, Bain saidJ SALE THRU MARCH 21 Anxious? Find the Facts. Call - prohibited from drop the requirement for their He said faculty members h H.I.C. 353 -8114. majors, but the all - college asked for an opportunity t requirement must be eliminated discuss the current unionizatio s48 ATTENTION CAR OWNERS for that decision to become attempts by the faculty at tl effective. University. All size beds and safety liners. * Complete front end repair and 5 year factory quarantee. Come and test ride the four poster canopy bed. * Brakes alignment • Alpha Gamma Delta All kinds of custom Suspension 10 Open every day or we'll give make your own. you frames, plans to * Wheel balancing * Steering plans annual reunionl a.m. to midnight More than 300 alumni and undergraduate members of I LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center Michigan chapters of Alpha Ganuna Delta sorority will meet I Saturday at the Union. Universities sending representatives I 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 include the University of Michigan, Central Michigan University, r Ferris State College and Wayne State University. I The program will feature a fashion show, "Fashions in ft Reunion," presented by Jacobson's. Models from the local I chapter are Cynthia Beuschel, Spartan junior; Karen L. Figg. I Perry senior, and Marshal L. Fra/.ier, Flint junior. I save during MARSHALL MUSIC'S 25TH BIRTHDAY ONE WEEK ONLY! The annual reunion program rotates where Alpha Gamma Delta has among the universities chapters. This year MSU I I undergraduates and alumni are serving as hosts. Another "FIRST" with Marshalls PENDANTS OF Presenting: The 'Multiple Choice' Stereo Component System M KARAT GOLD Featuring as the Control Center. . . ■ W 1 > 393' 1 What a choice! 1 1 A great collection of pendant* In styles of every The SONY® STR 6055 145 watt |IHF) A/ AM/FM Stereo description, many accented by receiver. This unit offers wide beautiful gems... J/g? and many control a variety of inputs, outputs all reduced to features, plus the finest amplifier performance you can obtain in its price range — bar none! Regular $?99 50 SYSTEM A SYSTEM B The SONY STR-6055 The SONY plus: Two Utah STR 6055 plus: Two West HSI-C 3-way speaker woofer in large floor system with 12" type walnut Laboratories Mark IV 2-way speaker system with 10" woofer in oiled walnut THE TC 60 enclosures enclosure THE UNBEATABLE FROM SONY AND AND The Garrard SL72B automatic turntable, The Dual Here's an unbeatable value coming at you from Sony I 1215 automatic Supercope. The TC-60 Cassette Corder that's priced way complete with base, dust cover and turntable, ■ complete with base, down low at $59.95 but still offers unmatched Sony dust cover and — $30.00 magnetic cartridge. $30 00 magnetic Regular value cartridge. Regular value recording quality, small styling and a host of features like. $631.85. $615.85. * AC/DC Operation * Pushbutton Controls * Remote Microphone 25TH Anniversary Special... Your Choice * Auxiliary Inputs * Personal earphone 4 . lo So it's time now to pick up on the TC-60 portable ONLY $489 cassette - corder that for you at HIFI BUYS! can't be beat. - a There's always a SON i Save Up To $142.85 MARSHALL MUSIC COMPANY 402 S. Washington Ave. Lansing 245 Ann Street 7 HI-FI East Lansing 337-2310 1101 E. Grand W# lay. March Michigan State News, East 1|i197i Lansing, Michigan state news Thursday, March 11,1971 1 ] classified Peanuts Personal Special deadline □rs 355-8255 1 p.m. today Room 347 Student Services. state news classified 355-8255 scr •tall ,> The State Newt does not ther U, |BVJJJJ incidents inS racial or discrimination religjou, jn Automotive fe&nkly speaking For Rent involved, he said advertising itJ MGB 196?. Ween, by Phil Frank For Rent For Rent columns. The wires, low mileage. maintained the 0-4- State News Excellent condition. $1025 will not MEN: ROOMMATE(S) needed to ONE GIRL 355-2732.3-3-12 to sublease spring. HASLETT NEW 2 vould be easier S bedroortH - •ccept share to .automotive advertising which luxury apartment near Americana Apartments. NO furnished. Electric heat, air" were educated onTJ OLDSMOBILE campus. Call 349-3530, 9 deposit. 351-1105. 2-3-12 the situation and Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or "Win.. cy'inder, 1967 standard -~F«6 6 p.m. TF a.m. - 6 conditioned. $185. Phone after 2:30 p.m., 349-2690 or 339-8394. « eliminated. Auto Parts & Service national 34.000 transmission, TWO MEN NEEDED, share large 2-3-12 origin. miles. $950. Phone WOMEN: ROOMMATE(S) needed to Aviation 349-0259.4-3-12 bedroom, Burcham Woods. Call y Campus polio, share luxury apartment near 332-2151. 1-3-11 SUBLET ONE needed for 2 man. guards that employment at will]£ • for rent OPEL RALLEVE Kadett, 1969. New campus. Call 349-3530, 9 Rich after 7 p.m., 351-4697. 'ng break to you won't retuj • tires, 4 speed, excellent condition ONE GIRL, spring term. Reduced 3-3-12 victim of a find Apartments Automotive $1725. 351-7672, after 5 p m" SUBLET SUMMER - Modern 2 rates. Call after 5 p.m., 2-3-12 351-2798. burglar Houses 3-3-12 bedroom. Pool. No deposit. Vi CEDAR GREENS CHEVROLET IMPALA Rooms cylinder, automatic, good 1963," 6 PLYMOUTH WAGON, 1962 June rent paid. After 6 393-5738. 5-3-12 p.m., ONE GIRL. Entire spring term, 1 bedroom furnished V-8 , for sale automatic, power steering, radio. $115, Capitol Villa. 351-7221. pool Animals TACcZ.C8"V-355$250' 353-6400 or Ca,t Bob. $60. 351-8139. 6-3-11 TWO GIRLS to share apartment. Will 2-3-12 9107. 5 3-12 Call 351-8631 Mobile Homes reduce rent in exchange for some NEED ONE CHEVROLET PONT I AC man spring term, personal 1964 - 6,^ick",~runs TEMPEST, 1964,6 automatic, 2-door coupe, perfect domestic 3-3-12 work. Call 332-5977 $50/month, Collingwood 3-Sf?' 349 3168 af,er 5:30 Apartments, 351-6804. SUBLEASE SPRING oneortw sed 2-3-12 peanuts personal second car. $250 or best offer. Meadowbrook Trace. $47.5& Call 676-1684 after 6 p.m. 3-3-12 LIBERAL PERSON for four month. 393-8289. 5-3-12 real estate man. . - FOURTH MAN needed CHEVY VAN 1957. Cedar Village. Spring. No deposit. spring, recreation Excellent PONTIAC summer. $58.75. condition. $300. See at 6036 TEMPEST, Excellent condition, ~966^ 332-5227. 3-3-12 campus. Call 332-0150. 2-3-12 Adjacent SUBLET FURNISHED 3 bedroom vould serve • service South Cedar. Call 393-6045 $750. Boon, 355-0896. automatic.' duplex, guys, girls or family. a term daytime; 663-8009 nights before 3-3-12 ONE OR two men wanted for 332-2961. 5-3-12 Typing Service ONE MAN for Cedar Village. Good JO^m. 3-3-12 Twyckingham. Call 355-0606. location, ms transportation TEMPEST CUSTOM parking space. Dave, provided by the COMET 1962, excellent S, 1969. V^8 3-3-12 353-5420 or Steve, 351-2182 ' assistants and otha wanted engine, new automatic, radio, Ralleye wheels (after 6 p.m.). 1-3-11 ers tires. $170. Call 6 belted tires. $1995. MALE TO sublet would allow. - 8 om 485-7934 two - man deadline 355-8012.3-3-12 ' " after 6 p.m. 3-3-12 ade by apartment, spring term. Close. a committee Reduced rates. Call 332-3452. ONE GIRL for 3 man across from ONl 0R tw0 male grads wanted for Jdiny one county 1 P.M. one class day campus. Reduced rent. 351-2794. Twyckingham. Call after 2 p.m* CORVAIR MONZA, 1964. 4 speed VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Excellent 3-3-12 2.3.12 ^51 -4217. 5-3-11 attorney. before publication. iting an attorney to Cancellations - 12 noon ,'res' chrome reverse rims, condition, over must sell. $500. 484-5226. 4-3-12 Best offer i which he was not engine 1 day $1.50 excellent, body excellent. $250 ONE GIRL needed spring term. 7-3-12 393-6788.3-3-12 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. MODERN ONE bedroom, Burcham Rebuilt Cedar Village. $45 a month. Call 15c per word per day Woods apartment, spring. $150. engine. California body, no rust. Auto Service & Parts 332-0653. 1-3-11 MEN: ONE block from Berkey, one 3 days $4.00 CUTLASS, $700. 487-5798. 2-3-12 Employment Call 351-3118. 3-3-12 rider 1354c per word per day 5 days $6.50 actual, 1968. W30, excellent condition. must see convertible, this 27,000 one VOLKSWAGEN 1964. Excellent MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Kalamazoo Street SUMMER EMPLOYMENT, Camp 124 CEDAR Street. 129 2-man furnished apartments Burcham. ONE GIRL, University spring, Terrace. for 3 man. Cheap. efficiency apartment with cookinj and 2 single rooms without. between 8 a.m. - 12 or CalJ evenings 882-3826. 3-3-12 condition. Call 655-3682 after 7 .Since 1940. 351-9504. 6-3-12 Sequoia, male and female . . 13c per word per day 332-3455. 2-3-12 p.m. 2-5-12 Complete auto painting and counselors needed. Contact Tom includes heat. $62.50 to $80 per 1 on 10 words per ad) collision service. IV 5-0256. C man. 135 Kedzie Drive, $85 to NEW TWO DODGE VAN 1965. $595. Boersma. Phone 489-6096. 3-3-12 IN MASON: bedroom. 1 mile frorw: ./rse Peanuts Personals must be condition. After 4pm Good VW BUG, 1967. Good engine and $90 per man. Leases 15th and September 1st. starting June apartment. Private 2 room bath, furnished entrance. campus. Unfurnished. $1651 351-4346. 1-3-11 body. Dependable. $600. Must MAKE THE best of a good Days 694-1931. 2-3-12 332-5742. 8-3-12 thingl lege's Undergraduate •paid. sell. 489-4703, after 5 p.m. 2-3-12 Employment Sell pianos and organs with low 487-3216; Evenings until 10 p.m., 882-2316. O DYNAMIC, 1964, cost Classified Ads. Dial ONE MAN for 4 LANSING OR East Lansing. One; ommittee also h« There will be a 50c service 88 convertible in MODEL WANTED size 4B shoes. man apartment. good VW, 355-8255. Reduced bedroom furnished. Large, air\f' led to the dean that md condition. $325. 1408 FASTBACK, 1967. Blue, Interviews to be held March 20, 2 ONE rates. New Cedar Village. bookkeeping charge if Llnva excellent BEDROOM, unfurnished, Call 351-1035. 2-3-12 rooms. Air conditioned: be dropped as this ad is not paid within 1^372-3850. 2-3-12 condition, $1400. 355-1162.6-3-12 new tires. p.m. at Howard Johnson's Motor For Rent Auburn Street, Holt. Stove and Beautifully maintained. Suitable; t for majors in EDSEL 1959 2 door Lodge, 1-96 at Cedar Street. Apply refrigerator furnished. No children ONE for faculty, grad one week. hardtop, runs GIRL needed - Haslett students, business; in person to Norman TV AND stereo or pets. $115/month. Phone good. $250. Phone 485-2928 Savloff, rentals, satisfaction Apartments. Spring. Save $73.75. people, married couples. Lease." The State News will be 2-3-12 Scooters & Cycles room 122. 3-3-12 guaranteed. Free delivery, service 393-7480. 5-3-11 Call 351-1580. 2-3-12 332-3135 or 882-6549. O in the course responsible only for the and pick-up. Call NEJAC, n will be form F-85 1965, HOUSEKEEPER, EXECUTIVE TWO OR three girls for spring, S day's incorrect new tires, battery. V-8, HONDA 337-1300. C MALE FOR 0 the faculty at 125, 1970. Perfect requires experienced live-in Across from Williams H New Cedar Village. DESPERATE I One girl needed for; automatic, power. Beautiful condition, best offer. 355-7599 or Spring term. No lease. 332-3207 apartment, Cedar Village.! lay. 351-2677.3-3-12 351-9310. 2-3-12 housekeeper in the East Lansing _ 351-2686.3-3-12 2-3-12 332-1431.3-3-11 area. Full charge of large home SPARTAN GARDENS ONE - TWO bedroom furnished the and 3 children meeting, FIAT SPYDER 1968. Excellent CYCLE INSURANCE. Central including 1 apartments. Close to campus. ONE MAN for spring term. Evergreen NEEDED ONE male. 2 bedroom, 2". scussion of collectiw condition throughout. Black. pre-schooler. No housecleaning, Arms. Michigan's largest insurer. Any Available for summer and fall. Call $150/term. 351-3840 bathroom. Meadowbrook Trace.; will consider couple. s planned, Bain $995. 355-6193. 3-?-12 cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON Spartan Gardens will 332-2712 after 3 p.m. Norwood 2-3-12 393-7678.3-3-11 take , «"ijnto it iioiiuo r.Ji'-r INSURANCE . iculty members hat Automotive AGENCY Also excellent wages for reliable telephone reservations only, I : Apartments. 3-3-12 TWO MAN apartment, sublease, near FORD TORINO 1970 - GT, 351 332-5335,484-8173.0 between 6 ONE GIRL for 2-man efficiency." an opportunity to woman, to do - 9 p.m., March 31 CID engine, red interior, wide housecleaning 3 'LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom campus, recently refurnished. Call $60/month. No deposit. current unionization ICK SKYLARK 1964 convertible. ovals. $2395 or days a week. 372-0200, ext. 411 through April 2nd., for 332-2390. 4-3-12 337-2450. 4-3-12 best offer. SUZUKI 350, 1970, Asking $600. apartment. 121 Beal. $180 per / the faculty at the Full power, average condition. days; 351-9437, evenings. 3-3-12 25'x50' plowed, harrowed, 489-6114. 3-3-11 Very good condition. Call month. Available Spring term. Reasonable. 349-2664. 2-3-12 and fertilized garden plots. •THREE MAN sublet, 154 blocks from ONE GIRL needed for four D. 5-3-12 man, FORD 1964 MALE COLLEGE students. Good Cost per plot, $7.00. Call 34^3604. 3-3-12_ Berkey. $150. Call 337-2577. Burcham Woods, $55. 351-4543. Galaxie. Runs well. WE HAVE Moved. ROLL pay plus bonus. Part time. Call 355-3066 (No calls accepted CAPITOL COMPLEX near, 3 rooms 1-3-11 4-3-12 Convertible. Automatic. Delta V-8. - ROSSER 351-3591. 12-3-12 before March furnished. $135 includes utilities. $250. 694-8010, near 6 p.m. Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. 31st.) Phone 489-4811. Our new address Girls or married couple. Call ONE AND 2 roommates needed for CEDARVIEW APARTMENTS. One ' 2-3-12 iPRICE, 1970. Chevrolet four • 489-1276. 5-3-12 Spring term. Call 332-4432 for bedrooms. Furnished. March 1st. ' 2400 North U.S. 27, door. Power brakes. Power Lansing. TF ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. FORD FAIRLANE, 1964 wagon. more information. 2-3-12 _ jl5j _5§tl. 1-3-j 2 ; ing. Automatic. Air. Radio. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV GIRL FOR two-man own bedroom, junion Cruise - control. Many other offer. 351-3417. 3-3-12 now. Call IV 2-6677 after 5:30 utilities furnished sI from the local ievelle ,0„0 2 door, green, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY married p.m. 3-3-12 NEW CEDAR except;" _ . _ VILLAGE: 1 or 2 electricity and telephone. Walkings! 307. Floor shift, mags, chrome, Mcnrencc students: Begin part time from Karen L. Figg. MERCEDES BENZ 1960 190B. AT MEL'S . ir; we repair all foreign and girls, spring term. 351-3187. distance to campus. Four MT's, sidepipes, tac. 676-5556. Motor overhauled, no rust on American cars. If we can't fix it, it home, up to $1000 per month Apartments ACROSS FROM MSU Sailing Club. 3-3-12 $66.25 a person, three manj» man-J 2-3-12 body. Call 332-0369. 3-3-12 can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. 0 potential. No obligation, no Need for 2 bedroom, 2 ng the universities information 414 SOUTH PINE. 1 bedroom one man $77.50 a person. HALSTEAD:l over telephone. man apartment. Call 655-3291 GRAND This year MSU ievr0let 1964, MGB WHITE 1965. Call 484-4143 VW Phone 676-1798, between 5:30-7 furnished apartment in older 8fter 5 p.m. 3-3-12 RIVER, West. (717) East MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O 'l wagon, 6 stick. - GUARANTEED repair. Lansing. For 2 to 3 people. $180 Must sell, make offer. after 3 p.m. New top and paint RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at p.m. 2-3-12 home. All utilities paid by owner. includes ONE MAN needed, 4 355-9419. utilities. Furnished. man, spring, no 5-3-12 job. 8-3-12 Okemos Road. 349-9620. 7-3-12 Ideal for 2 people, $110 per 332-2593, 655-2937. 3-3-12 deposit. Come over, 551 Albert% PAIVT, FULL career. Your choice. month plus deposit. No lease No. 3. 7-3-12 Men and women. 6 - 8 p.m. required. Call 6 - 8 p.m. only, Mr. GIRL WANTED. Grad student 482-6430. 2-3-12 Alban 337-2510. 15-3-12 ONE GIRL for three man, preferred. Spring. Cedar Village. spring, Itopcfemgfjam PART TIME. Ambitious person with a sincere desire to earn annually. 393-1007. 7-3-12 Mr. Dunn, $15,000 phone COUPLE — ONE bedroom furnished, plus. At I-96 and Cedar. $125. Also 5-3-12 near LCC, $105. 663-8418. GIRL NEEDED spring term. New Cedar Village. Rent negotiable. ONE Call 351-2308. 3-3-12 MAN summer. for 2 351-1171, man, spring 355-7493. or close to campus. $60. 332-1316.'' 7-3-12 TWO GIRLS to share Cedar Village^ 2 has it .. . PART TIME employment: 12-2b ONE ROOMMATE March 1. Cedar Call Mary, 351-4304. B3-3-12 NEED ONE for 3 3-3-12 Apartment. Fall, Winter, Spring, *» 71-72. Call 353-2341.4-3-12 s hours per week. Automobile man man spring CROSSWORD HHM OdlDiTl p required, 351-5800. O leated LINE UP your spring or summer job GIRL NEEDED to sublease spring ONE GIRL for 4 man, spring. Cedar PUZZLE aaa nan hscia sanasraa nam nana nrasriQ airana SHE and all ACROSS 28. Catch sight of □sanm annnaBa □nraaman □□□□ 1. About town 30. Machinist's pin Han GET READY FOR 6. Instigate 10. Positive electrode 33. College yell 34. Hindu goddess of splendor □□rana uxanm nana □□raarinn □DOE sun said SPRING BREAK 11. Circle the earth 13. Washes lightly 15. Beleaguer 17. Dowry 35. Spoil 37. Float 40. Marrow 42. Craggy hill ytiLya saa rans $59.95 LUBRICATION BREAK PACK THE 18. Cry 20. Marquisette 44. And not 45. Hovels 21. Tight 47. Small bar JOB ADJUSTMENT FRONT WHEELS 23. Slope down 25. Greeting 49. Rail birds 51. Upright 1. 2. Cooking fats Pungent 4. Classified section 4620 S. Hagadorn 26. Pilot's flight 52. Roman tyrant vegetable 5. Dregs for only for only SONY M north of Mt. Hope Rd. for only record 2 T~ 5 53. Fashions 6 ' 8 3. Conference 9 6. 7. Function Globe 11 from Sony I at's priced way 1 matched Sony 88c 88c $J88 10 i % " >2 i i 8. 9. 12. Cain's victim Disillusioned Opera singer | save $2.00] | $2.00| 13 15 16 14. Turf f> features like: 8 Track save Tapes $1.00 OFF Our Regular Price '7 18 %19 20 16. Royal flycatcher % % 19. 22. Call at bridge Received TWVCK.NGHAM APARTMENTSiare STEREO 21 22 % 23 2H y4 25 24. Through apartments are completely carpeted andfurn no.^ individual central-control air TAPE HEAD %W it 27 28 20 27. 29. Masterpiece Tool q — a portable furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, pM' 30 31 33 30. Trophies always a SONY conditioning. These four man units have up t P ^ ^ unit. Recreation is CLEANER 3i % 36 37 %% 38 39 31. 32. Overlooks ^ rQomsand prjvate balconies. If Informer Planned for with a giant heated swimming p0 ' YCK|NGHAM today. The 2 bedroom for only % 36. Thickened Vou want to be "nits start at among the first WYCK'WHAIM su(yj[jAY % 12 % fruit juice $65/month per man. MODEL o 38. Coercion OR S|x. NINE RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANtL. and TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILAB .. CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. 88c "5 19 Vfc % to *7 51 39. Easy gaits 41. Present % £2 'fa 43. Oxhide strap Management exclusively b Alco Management Company a $1.10 | % % 53 46. Sparoid fish 48. Theater sign .E Grand R'ver 50. Accordingly 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March U,, J For Rent For Sale For Sale Student For Sale ROOMS 10 minutes from .YOU CAN see the campus. savings with FISHER MODEL 110 AM-FM stereo 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish BLOND / quality BROWN DIRECTORY Completely furnished. 372-8077 glasses from OPTICAL music center. Kenwood model and all other live merchandise h. before 4 p.m. C DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan KR-100, AM-FM 140 watt stereo (Instant parenthood) DOCKTOR Avenue, 372-7409. C-3-12 receiver. Console r MALE. GRADS preferred. 3 blocks Stereo record color TV players, $15 and up. sat. PET CENTER, Meridian Mall 349-3950. 5-3-12 5-4216.3-302 LV Msl to Union. Perking. 332-0205. 443 ENGAGEMENT RING, * carat Portable TV sets $35 up. 200 used Grove Street. 2-3-12 perfect. Appraised value, $967. 8-treck stereo tapes $2.50 each. TALENTED LEAD WASHDAY SAVINGS AKC ALASKAN Malamute puppies. Shouldn't You Be BAUTEL'S 35c pot load SINGLE Sell for $725. 351-7949, after 9 50 new 7" reel tapes. $2.00 and Largest of Northern breeds. *h° feels music 351-4490. 2-3-11' "*1 Yarns — Supplies The best for lew ROOM, nicely furnished, p.m. 6-3-12 $2.50 each. 300 used stereo Will« Using This Space? hooking, knitting, weavl quiet. Call after 6 p.m., 351-5604 albums. Oriental wall tapestries. Affectionate, devoted compenion Special Texas Washer SOc 2-3-12 $75 up. 669-3423. 2-3-12 crocheting WENDROW'S ECONOWASH OLD books, BOOKS, Magazines, comic WILCOX SECONDHAND MCr~T EXAM' KVpSTaJ CALL 355-8255! 2916 Turner 3006 VIM St. SINGLE ROOMS for men. 3 blocks antiques for sale. STORE, 509 Eest Michigan, DOG OBEDIENCE classes sponsored IV 5-9212 332-0112, 1 - 5:30 p m. 4 3-12 485-4391, 8 - 5:30 p.m., Monday by Student Veterinarian's wives, 7 a.m. to 11p.m.,- blk. W.of from Union. Phone 337-1408, 351-5076 before 12 TWO MARSHALL speaker cabinets thru Saturday. C starting April 5th. Call Mrs. Rock, enrollment call'r"10" 626-4651. 3-3-12 I p.m., after 5 P.m. 2-3-12 and 1 372-6936 after 6 p.m. 3-3-12 NORTON'S Artley flute. 349-0718. TYPEWRITER, UNDERWOOD COLLEGE TRAVEL Frandor Shell Station. Major SINGLE ROOM for women. 3 blocks 7-3-12 portable, $24.95. Used furniture of all kinds. ABC SECONDHAND CHINESE PUG puppies. AKC, fawn, KINGSIZE WATER guarantee, only $45 be Dri R.S; I repairs including muffler and OFFICE black brake work. Mechanic on 130 West Grand River Blvd. from Union. Phone 337-1408, 351-5076 before 12 p.m., after 5 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. Brand new portables - $49.95, STORE, 1208 Turner. C masked, reduced price 484-5095. 3-3-11 ^monthly, call 351-7466 ^1 duty. All State Road Service. 3024 E. Saginaw. 489-8010. 351-6010 ROOM p.m. 2-3-12 $5.00 per month. Large selection of reconditioned used machines. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, brands. 30% off list price. Rich: all Mobile Homes DUEEASVA~cT.nd70rJ Now booking -wo *| FOR mature Available March male student. 20th Singers. Whites, Necchis, New 351 5869. C 337-9495. 3-3-12 36625 after 12 noon. ONE canisters and uprights. Guaranteed 2-3-12 GIRL for three man. Spring CLEAN, FOUR room, two - man, ROOMS MEN, singles and doubles. one full year. $7.88 and term. University Terrace. $55. Call upstairs house. 202 Durand. — up. 332-1887.4-3-12 351-4389 4-3-12 Furnished, carpeted, paneled, DENNIS DISTRIBUTING ENCYCLOPEDIAS, 1970 edition, parking. 425 Ann Street, East COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. children and adult sets. Will sell TWO MAN Lansing apartment, own EAST SIDE. Newly remodeled, Lansing. Call Don, 351-2103. Opposite City Market. C-3-11 separately. 676-1905. 3-3-12 room, $50 includes utilities. furnished 3 bedroom home. 3-3-12 485-4469. 4-3-12 Carpeted, strict landlord wants NICELY FURNISHED single room the Affluent serious conservative tenants. $200. WATER'S EDGE Society for male student. NEED ONE man for four man 351-3969.0 Cooking, reasonable. Call 332-6736. 2-3-12 apartment. Call Tom, 351-0971. 4-3-12 TWO FOR 8 girl. Near campus. $65 utilities included. Deposit. STUDENT NEEDED - house own Spring. Sandy / Jackie. 351-2605. 8-3-12 room, $47, no lease. 337-0860. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY two girls 3-3-12 GRADE POINT Slump due to and for house in Haslett, $40 distractions trying to EFFICIENCY. UNFURNISHED 339-9419. 5-3-12 study? Quiet, convenient, clean room for except range and refrigerator. $10.50 RIVER'S EDGE man at Across from campus. Reasonable. NEED TWO girls, own per week. No bedrooms, car cooking, women or .332-0792.4-3-12 necessary. 485-8588, after 6 p.m drinking, thus 6-3-12 suiting students desirous of ideal study conditions. 428 Grove. First FOUR GIRLS. New 2 bedroom MUSICIANS SEEK phone 351-4266 or 351-9023. apartment on 20 acres with roommate for Available in 1'/4 weeks. 2 blocks will start horses. 4 miles from campus. $55 nice house in East Lansing. leasing for this summer and next fall 351-9160. 5-3-12 Union; residential area. 4-3-12 each per month. 882-3820. 4-3-12 ROOMS. MALE on Monday, March 15. ONE GIRLS, CHEAP exciting living at students. MAN Meadowbrook Trace Hedrick House Reasonable, quiet, clean, near. spring and summer term. Own Coop. Call Free parking. 332-3094. 3-3-11 332-0846. 5-3-12 * bedroom and bath. $60/month. 'FULLY CARPETED 2 MINUTE WALK TO 393-8988. 5-3-12 TWO, THREE men roommates WORKING GIRL or woman. Room. CAMPUS needed, "farout" Duplex, full Home privileges. * OKEMOS. ONE bedroom furnished. Parking, FULL TIME basement, $55 per month. references. $50 a month, * Utilities included. $125, $130. 351-7226. 2-3-12 MAINTENANCE WALK OUT BALCONIES 371-2834.4-3-12 Phone 349-4071, 349-3084 4-3-12 GIRL, SPRING term, spacious, MALE STUDENT - kitchen # sunroof, parking, $71. Ann Street. privileges. Phone EXCELLENT LOCATION ONE MAN needed. mornings IV Spring term. $65. 337-2036. 2-3-12 4-8151. 3-3-11 No deposit. Close to campus. 351-8664.4-3-12 GRAD OR older student. Own room. ROOM FOR LEASE, one girl at Close to campus. 351-3045. 1141 Albert. Call 694-8266. Call Frank or Joanne Houses 3-3-12 4-3-12 332-4432 ONE GIRL needed, 2 blocks from COMFORTABLE MODERN TWO bedroom Duplex. ROOM, quiet. or stop by 1050 Water's Edge Dr. No. 221 Union. $50. Utilities included. Grad student. Fine Furnished, pets welcome. $200 location, 351-2098. 2-3-12 parking. IV 2-8304. 3-3-11 351-3408. 2-3-11 WANTED ONE duplex. ONE Frandor area. Own for Fred. 3-3-12 man GIRL, spring term, for room, North tri-level Call 485-8433 ask $60 a HOW MANY APARTMENT BUILDINGS SUPPLY FREE MAINTENANCE ON ALL THESE ITEMS? TOYOTA MARK II month. 351-7646. 3-3-12 CEDAR VILLAGE DOES! 315 NORTH Harrison. 3 bedroom Cedar Village has 24-hour emergency house. Furnished, utilities paid. A lavishly appointed small 351-9525. 3-3-12 service and daily maintenance service by luxury car of high quality and superior our on-site staff. performance, featuring craftsmanship found otherwise ONE MAN needed for house. Ann only in European Street. 2 blocks from Berkey. imports costing hundreds of dollars more. $65/month. 337-9365. 2-3-12 Ask your friends what Cedar Village service has meant to them! TWO BEDROOM house unfurnished, Experts call the Mark II the best buy on the market. We feel it's a.so the $125 a month plus deposit. 485-2604. 2-3-12 Cedar most practical car on wheels. Village now leasing for summer and fall terms. A few subleases for spring term FEMALE GRADUATE student to share house. $75. After five, still available. Perhaps you can afford to join the enthusiastic Air Conditioner group of Mark II owners. 332-5239. 3-3-12 SUBLET: FOUR bedroom $60/man Visit us for a test - drive. utilities paid. Near campus. 351-6144. 3-3-12 Cedar Village TWO OR three girls needed for nice house starting the last of March. Call 351-0082. 3-3-12 THREE BEDROC Abbott Road. Stove and refrigerator. Immediate Duplex, North occupancy, $200 plus utilities. WHEELS TOYOTA INC. PHONE 332-5051 2400 E. MICHIGAN AVE. annncsT BOGUE ST, *ttha at the RED CEDAR Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March 11,1971 13 Service in complexion DAVEY Soviet Jews stage sit-in A lesson POO, I love you. Number ALTERATION*: ami-TT, - 'all 484-4519, East Michigan *ih5-7 197. Lamina Mall. Reasonable charge. "E N°rMAN COSMETICS Real Estate Call 355-5856. S. C-311 TWO MOSCOW (AP) - More than 100 Soviet Jews Tnote - LIZARD'S GRAND BEDROOM. Finished two minutes to disperse. They did. to telling applicants they could leave the Soviet cwiNG Wednesday, March S^ITh' 0,o,e ,0 msu'sch00ls- demanding exit visas for Israel staged a sit - in at Foreign newsmen were allowed to enter the Union only after the Middle East situation is the Parliament Special Beer PricesI 2-3-12 E-Jr pavment. Assumes building Wednesday but a much larger force of Moscow militia forced them to building and talk with the demonstrators before satisfactorily settled. 4 3-12 *Ct- CaM 337-1525. it closed for the day at 5 p.m., but after that She said they had been instructed to persuade oiuMS, F'SH - °arad for leave, informed sources said. police chased the correspondents away. their Israeli friends to exert their influence on lfl break. Experienced Fifty - seven Jews from Latvia entered the The said the HASLETT. GOOD buildable sources demonstrators told J. call 353-0480. 2-3-12 o« n duplex parliamentary reception room at 11 a.m. the Premier Alexei N. Kosygin and President Nikolai the Israeli government. area. Haslet,best multi For • family informants said, and later were joined by 60 , V. Podgorny in a petition that they would In their petition to the Soveit leaders, the 57 Jews also demanded: information, call Lithuanian Jews who had conducted a brief sit eanuts Personal Maynard SIMON REAL Beery 351-5210 or In at the Communist - remain in the building and refuse to eat until •Simplification of formalities involved in the ESTATE, Okemos party Central Committee they received permission to emigrate. Branch, 349-3310. 4-3-12 headquarters. completion of documents at OVIR, the Soviet NE TAKE a break Members of the families of the Latvians who - The sources said two officials of the passport and emigration administration, and "in me 100DB: Love you. M. Supreme participated in the demonstration staged their particular an end to the mockery in connection .I 1-3-11 NWReriNSING' Redecorated Laf8e' 3 bedr°OT. »h and and carpeted " typing Service Soviet, demonstrators or parliament, appeared at before the 5 p.m. and told them their own sit - in at 5 p.m. at the parliament in the Latvian capital the informants said. No building with obtaining the required character throuahniit u rn*iin references." ^rouahout. Aluminum siding. ... cases would be resolved by the ,m. today is the baths °atns, 2 car oaraafi garege, swing, 1 % fenced-in 154 COMPLETE rw„ D Discount scm.nt . THESES """ service service. ^vice the passport and regional offices of other details were available. • "The replacement of the head of the Latvian double lot. printing. IBM typing and emigration administration. One of the Moscow demonstrators, Girsh Valik ad l i n e for Approximately $500 of ^ese,. resumes. The demonstrators refused to move, the of Riga, said all of the sit - in participants had OVIR bureau, Kh. V. Kaii, who drives people to anuts personal 48^2668N°2-3C12S'n9 ^ °a" Publications. Across from comer MAC and Grand campus informants said, and 450 militiamen marched in at 7:20 p.m. and applied to go to Israel. He said he first asked for despair with insults inadmissible for an official representative of the authorities." below River separated the dissidents into an exit visa in 1956. cial. TAMARISK SUBDIVISION: style Shop. Call groups of 25. Five minutes later, a high - ranking Another protester, Rebecca Alexandrovicha, Two other Jewish demonstrations have been beautiful 3 bedroom ranch, brick A SS'.Z0"_ApH SERVICES, militia officer appeared and gave the protesters also of Riga, said the Soviet authorities had taken held in the Soviet capital in the past 16 aluminum. Family room, full - days. AND Harold: Thanks for ig Thursday's orange fingers basement, attached garage. Call Darrell Chadwell, REAL PROFESSIONAL- Bte suppers worth it. Happy ESTATE THESIS Break, Sue. 1-3-11 j 2*3^2 393 6550 or ,V 9-0239. preparation INESS IS Living with a Cancer FACULTY „ possesses an infinite supply 4 bedrooms, COLONIAL?N~earW 154 pickers and chuckles. (A spot baths, washer ,ireplace It'sWhat's Happening must be 9n is better than none.) $24,500. Complete Professienal Thesis Service 337-1597 after 3 for Grover Cleveland's p.m. 5-3-11 Mister s and Doctoral Candidates, free submitted in person to 341 a little early! Sagittarian Brochure and Consultation. Please Call Student Services Bldg. at least CIHf and Paula Haufhey 3371527 or 627 293U Recreation two State News working days MARGARET (Sunday - Thursday) before j|K SHEPARD has made RICE: Term STUDENTOURS SUMMER: papers, publication. Entries be ation 450 worth taking, London, $209. Spring Break dissertations, etc. Electric. 509 may Grove. 332-1266. 1-3-11 inserted twice and be piness is watching Frank Acapulco, $219; Jdmaica, must Jamaica, $219; iy; — submitted from a spard being zappy wild! A big registered u from a cheerful face in back of the room. 1-3-11 366-2824'WV-lT 1 C8" ^ BA™ No )°b ^EL: Typing, multilithmg. too large or too small. student organization. \ (NABA?) and Denise are LIZARDS GRAND OPENING Block "mpus. 332-3255. C Allan Mandelstamm, professor of economics, will speak at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdey, March 17th. Come ,of the nicest people we could listen COMPLPTF TvUiiur 7~T7~ today in the East Wilson Hall lounge. hope to find in our to our fabulous sound 1Copy T™storedG, 8"d pnnt,n9 on magnetic system. 2-3-12 . The Experimental Theater will hrooml Donna and Kathy. tape. This eliminates all re-typing present "Wormwood," an original CARIBBEAN except author's changes and SAILBOAT play, at 8:30 p.m. Friday and 8 and CHARTER. Sail from Miami to corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT 10 p.m. Saturday in the Auditorium WPY hopping Doris: My best the Islands. $100, all MAIL ADVERTISING, across Arena theater. inclusive, for Admission is by is a lover of groats and week from Frandor. Phone 337-1773. C donation. one of adventure and fun tia. Miss your smirk, (such a .bo,™I . C» "Gamut" will I) Liked your last health present "Cislynar John. 351-8282. 2-3-12 cheer. (Had to make it offset printing. Complete service Evensong," a psychedelic trip both for visually and aurally at 11:30 a.m. ,| Happiness is a Christmas AIR FARE ONLY dissertations, theses, Saturday on Channel 10, WMSB. in March. Rejoice! K.J. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Spring Break 21 years experience. 349-0850. C A public service will be brought to Jamaica $150. you by the Phalanstery Record FOR FAST, efficient typing, call Exchange on Monday, Tuesday and Acapulco $165. SHIRLEY MENSE, 339-2069. Wednesday in 314 S. Case Hall, Summer 3-3-12 where you may sell or buy records at J Detroit to London $199. . bargain prices. For further details, call 3SS - 6702 or 353 - 5126. NEED COPIES? Want to save? AND njratulations. It's official Katie now. _^aiman^iuck35V86(M| COPY SHOPPE cah show THE you Zero Population Growth (ZPG) how to get two Xerox twishes. KIM. 1-3-11 STUDENTOURS SUMMER: copies for will meet at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the the price of one. Phone 332-4222. Union Gold Room. All are welcome. London, from $194; Spring Break: Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, $219; Nassau, $179. Call Fred, QUICK ACCURATE service Dave Winchell will speak at the Paper dragon on t Campus Action meeting at 9 p.m. 355-2824. 14-3-12 One of the Free nanprc Pnm/onmni today in 39 Union. University classes offered is origami, or EUROPE $194 STyDENTOURS Edward Albee's "The American • %JMN trip^tattUMMhO Dream" will be ptssettttd Bt T:3»and paperfolding. Other classes •71. Call Eddie, 393-7520. 6-3-12 •10 p.m. today in 49 Auditorium. include guitar, modern dance and Admission is free. Everyone is deaf sign. SIM photo by Chas Flowers Free University classes being held today: Male Role Liberation, 7:30 "today is becoming p.m., 43 Union; Book as an Art nerday, to recollect and laugh Object, 7:30 p.m., 42 Union; it tomorrow ..." 463448. Photography, 7:30 p.m., 120 Physics Astronomy Bldg.; Radical British 487-3101.4-3-12 soldi Capitalism, 7:30 p.m., 210 Bessey I0US: LOVE sunshines, smiles, ik. 1-3-11 , July and YOUI Little BABYSITTING BY former nurses aide in Pediatrics. Daytime, fenced yard. Babies Welcome! 694-9332. Hall; Organic Agriculture, 8 p.m., 311 Bessey Hall. If you have ideas for spring term Free University classes, call 3S3 - 978S. any 3 3-3-12 An army spokesman said: IRA accused the leftist "official" branch (Continued from page 1) "They were MARRIED STUDENTS DAY TYPING SERVICES in my East Lansing home. Phone 332-3306. Transportation Wednesday night. deliberately murdered. It was an A police officer told newsmen: "We ambush." earlier Wednesday of beatings and torture in the battle for control of Belfast's CARE - Infants thru 5 yrs. 6-3-12 The owner of Squires Hill tavern, a understand the three men were shot in the LIMOUSINE SERVICE to Detroit Catholic area. Apply for Spring and Metro Airport. $11/person. Call nearby saloon, reported hearing five shots head. They had not been riddled, The TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. though accusation followed a series of Summer terms: Married 882-0722. 3-3-11 after the three young nien — aged between several bullets may have been fired." Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann 18 and 20 shootings in which at least two men died Student Services, Human — left the inn. The militant "Provisional" and four were Lance, 626-6542. 0-3-12 NEEDED: RIDE to downtown wing of the seriously wounded. A Ecology Bldg. 355-7747 Lansing, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., March reliable source said the two sides had called 18-31.351-1186. 2-3-12 a two - day truce. FRIENDSHIP is pillow Transportation IF YOU'VE said you want to sell it, Medina's trial A statement from the "provisionals" confirmed that a man shot dead Monday in say it again with a Want Ad. Dial Belfast was one of their members and ta, pep talks, and a smile, IMAGINE SHOPPING for great buys RIDERS NEEDED to Miami area, 355-8255 now! "I little concerned at blamed the shooting on the "officials," inks; Bucky. 1-311 from your easy chair!! Turn to the Leaving March 18. Phone (Continued from page 1) was a having shot Classified Ads now! 882-2977.3-3-11 the woman," Medina replied. "I was whose policy places Marxist revolution 5: FANTASTICI Incredible! Wanted execution at My Lai only after being scared. I didn't see any weapon. I was ahead of a union between Northern Ireland " a NEED RIDE downtown Lansing and the Irish Republic. Knight of the Red ordered to do so by his company upset at shooting her." nation and now an active of *FREE Computer dating* from MSU. 12:30-5:00 p.m. NEED ONE or two for mobile home. commander. There has been extensive testimony since "These tactics are obviously aimed at to Kappa Psi. Tuesday, Thursday. 351-3196. Spring only. $30, share utilities, Congratulations ^information. Send your name # 4-3-12 Calley testifed from the witness stand the trail began Nov. 12 that Calley's 1st diverting the republican movement from its H 1-3-11 own bedroom. 487-3512 Friday Platoon encountered no enemy fire and no historic path — that of *and address to DATA -» after 5 p.m., Saturday before 4 that Medina briefed Charlie Company on spearheading the »MATE, 1324 CM, Commerce » WANTED: RIDERS to Florida. $30 p.m. 3-312 the eve of My Lai and ordered his troops to resistance in My Lai. But Medina testifed fight against British imperialism in SMILE: Listen closely. Hear Center, Lansing, Michigan round trip, leaving 19th. destroy every living thing in the village. that the first of his platoon leaders to radio Ireland," the statement said. bbles of happiness? Cold • * The provisional and official wings of the tter. 1-3-n 332-6113. 2-3-12 TURN YOUR EMPTIES INTO cash! Medina denied this. him a body count after the My Lai assault Fill rental vacancies fast with a began was Calley, who gave him a figure of IRA split in December 1969. Want Ad. Dial 355-8255! Q. Let me ask you were there any 65. A contingent of 450 troops of the APPINESS "'"HNfcss in in hnttw bottled huhhins bubbles EXTERIOR PAINTING. Spring is DRIVE OUR California, questions asked of you at that briefing. King's for free _ Call now for . . t>u. Almost time. K. coming! nnuu free se»ttio Seattle ornr „r any city U.S.A., for cost Calley testifed that during a noon Own Royal Border Regiment arrived 1-3-11 A. Yes, sir. One of the questions that estimate. Grad students. of alone. For more GARAGE FOR boat storage. Near gas was asked of me at the briefing was, do we luncheon break at My Lai, he sat with Wednesday in Northern Ireland, bringing & RAT II: The All - Dependable references. Putting information call AAACON AUTO campus. Call evenings. 355-0818. Medina and they discussed British army strength in the province to nighter 4-3-12 kill women and children. My reply to that final body • 9reat. Thanks for paint on your house puts bread on TRANSPORT, INC. (313) counts for the operation. 8,250 men. everything, our tablel 372-8158. C 9632111. Must be 21. 2-312 question was, No, you do not kill women ^yaboth! CMB. 1-311 BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for and children. You must use common sense. Medina was asked: II Q. Did you have any conversation with all positive, A negative, B negative If they have a weapon and are trying to and AB negative, $10.00. 0 Lt. Calley at that time? negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN engage you, then you can shoot back, but you must use common sense. A. No, sir. VW Trade-Ins ON THE TRAIL! COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 507V4 East Grand River, East Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 Q. Was there any provision made for the capture and collection of the Vietnamese in that village? Q. Did you have a meeting with your platoon leaders? A. No, sir. Come In All Sizes p.m., Monday, Thursday and A. There were no instructions given as Q. Did you have any conversation with no - we won't hunt far as the capture or collection of any Lt. Calley or the other platoon leaders 39 Triumph Spitfire Roadster Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C noncombattants in the village of My Lai 4. concerning body counts? 22,000 miles, new tires, you down with a gun A - 1 condition It standard A. No, sir. was procedure in WHEN ENOUGH'S enough look for other operations that we had conducted In fact, Medina testified, he never had $1695 that better job in the Classified that the sweep elements, when they moved lunch with Calley that day in My Lai. '67 Karmann Ghia coupe Ads each day I only 27,000 miles, like through the village, they would move HOWEVER - I AM A young man $1000 immediately. I need a co-signer at the bank. I have who needs a through as rapidly as possible pushing any of the inhabitants to the far side of the village collecting them in an open area. Moratorium 9 new from bumper to bumper $1395 Opel Kadett LS Sport Coupe only 13,000 miles, white wal $3000 collateral, if interested in Medina repeated a story he has told white finish, spotless black helping, please call Dave at publicly before — of how he came to kill a (Continued from page 1) leatherette interior Student Ads must be paid by noon, prepaid from Monday, March 1st; or you Friday^^rugy go on the HOLD list Thb 26th and 337-2127. If not home, leave name and number. 2-3-12 Vietnamese woman at My Lai. He said he came up an incline from a small trail and saw "We are taking no position on collective $1445 '70 VW Convertible bargaining," he said. means no registration, no diploma, no transcripts, no nothing, until ENERGETIC BABYSITTER for what he took to be a Viet Cong lying in a rice field. MSU Faculty Associates and the MSU paid. enthusiastic twin toddlers. Call chapter of the American Assn. of "I seen it was a woman," he continued. :kshift, only after 8 p.m., 355«175. 2-3-12 "I did not see any weapon in the University Professors are engaged in card 7,000 miles distribution campaigns in attempts to BETTY CROCKER immediate area. I started to turn around $2195 coupons for secure signatures from at least 30 per cent So, hurry and pay up! kidney machine for 4 year old and as I started to turn around I caught a of the '69 Oldsmobile Cutlass hardtop employes in the prospective boy. Send to: Coupons, c/o movement out of the corner of my eye. airconditioning, vinyl top, Room 345 bargaining unit in order to obtain a automatic power steering & brakes, WHFI, Box 404, Birmingham, Her eyelid moved, or her head, or her 48012. 2-3-12 chest. Michigan Employment Relations $2495 Student Services Building "My immediate reaction was, 'She's got Commission supervised collective LIZARDS, 224 Abbott Road Has a bargaining election. Brass Bar. Grand a weapon. My God, you've had it.' I shot Both organizations have announced they Glenn Herriman Opening her twice. I assume I killed her. I did not Wednesday, March 17th. 2-3-12 are aiming for an election this spring. turn her over. I assumed I killed her." Volkswagen, Inc. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS GOOD CONDITION piano needed by local church. Tax deductible to donor. Call 482-5543. 1-311 Since he thought the woman has a weapon, Kennedy asked Medina did not search her body for it. why he Faculty for Collective Negotiations, a third campus group supporting collective bargaining, announced last week that it is not now distributing authorization cards. 6135 W. Saginaw St. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday1MarrMl I U' international studies grow The number of departments offering such international courses Intensified with the building of the Center iw . I rose from 19 in 1950 to 49 in 1970. In the academic year 1969 • Programs inn 1956, is definitely on the MSU curricni,,"11® 70, University offerings increased by 4.4 per cent, while This was noted by Mrs. Hayden curriel An international dimension has been who found th successfully introduced international courses increased 23 per cent. average number of courses with international into the University curriculum and is steadily expanding, a recent The Hayden study agrees with a 1967 report by the MSU graduate was four, while in 1970 content*1 the number? lakenbL report to the dean of international programs disclosed. International Programs Review Committee which staled that an Both figures were adjusted to The report on undergraduate international studies eliminate Unlv«LuW,« finds undergraduate could get little or no international or cross - requirements. university r ■ "although progress has not always been uniform, and certain cultural emphasis at MSU outside of University College social "The situation is definitely different deficiencies are apparent, there is a sizeable science and humanities requirements. from the iq<;n and growing ere trying to get people interested in and knowlpH- J1 international studies dimension at MSU and an "It would be somewhat misleading to depict the undergraduate average MSU world affairs," Mrs Hayden said. student at this University has considerable course and program undergraduate in a veritable garden of international delights," the o clock news and have "Today students watrK J options in the area of international or comparative studies." Hayden report reads. "As international courses are structured at exposure to other help but being world citizens. culture T' 1 wy c| The report was written by Rose L. Hayden, assistant to the present, much of the fruit in this garden is either inaccessible or The Hayden report named the four as director of the Latin American Studies Center. Mrs. can be plucked main contrihut I Hayden spent only In the junior or often the senior year." development of an international dimension. 14 weeks during the summer of 1970 examining course offerings Only 24 per cent of the 1970 international offerings lifted in A revision of the basic social science They are- at MSU, using catalogs and schedule books. the catalog are on the 100 or 200 and humani.i introductory level. Language with a Ford Foundation grant, the She obtained figures for student enrollment in internationally courses account for all but a handful) of these offerings. studies centers, the creation of a establishmen™/ ?*■ related courses by studying registrar print • outs of enrollment in On the 300 to 400 level, approximately 48 per cent of multidiscinlinarv m.■ College of Social Science and the establishment courses by the credit hour. Mrs. Hayden said some difficulty international offerings can be found, but are often closed to of iff'ln dealing with world areas and occurred in computing data because catalogs are not 100 per cent nonmajors or require previous course work, if not upper - class development. problems assori^l fl i reliable in accessing course content. status. An increase in The report classifies international course offerings into four "The "internationalization" general categories: interdisciplinary courses (IDC) are a promising new incorporate expanded overseas experiences in both faculty J feature," Mrs. Hayden said. "They are feeder courses and make 'h n research! teaching into their courses has occurred. Comparative and development — foreign languages, the student aware of international studies. Some students "We did not start from get zero," Mrs. Hayden said "W 1 anthropology, sociology, geography, etc. Western European, non 'turned - on' by an IDC course and decide to take other built upon an international dimension western (geographical area approach), and special study (foreign international courses while at MSU." which already Now that students are in study or independent study.) Over 1200 students enrolled in area IDC courses general more cross during the past we should concentrate on • culturally » "I found that international studies are not only a part, but a academic year, she said. helping them to use this knowlwL.1 two - way appreciation of world affairs. That is. growing part, of this University," Mrs. Hayden said. "However, Mrs. Hayden stressed that although 25 per cent are enrolled in from, as well as about, other cultures. they shouW'J W there are gaps in the quality of the depth of international studies international studies courses, this figure must be Friend adjusted to "We are turning from or foe? here." Mrs. eliminate University College and foreign language requirements. heavily stressing foreign affairs greater discussion of domestic issues in this I Hayden found that white the total number of courses at When so adjusted, the figure is almost halved to 13 per cent. country"! This deserted snowman on hill Butterfield Hall explained. "This shift is timely and shouldn't be a near lonely, for he has the company of many inches MSU increased by 51 per cent over the past two decades, those The Hayden report makes it clear how the international stamp necessary realities, but at the same time we should realize given cJ, of snow that fell in the past few days. Probably few with an international focus increased by 54 per cent. of MSU, first introduced by President John Hannah in 1942 and and physical environment is that the hi inevitably international students enjoy the company of the snow. State News photo by Jonathan S. Kaufman NftlAfl2 WAYS TO pk NUVfS CHARGE-IT [ CIIDIT CARD ^^■iTTlT^4IK'lT»1 OPEN DAILY 10-10; SUNDAY 10 7 A PROPOSAL PASSED IN that the Detroit School District THE State House and now on its is facing a $20 million potential way to the Senate for approval deficit. would make it possible to pay If School districts engage in for 1972 license plates with deficit spending the lawmaker personal checks. said, Michigan is headed for a Presently only cash is school finance crisis which will accepted in payment at state dwarf any problems we have had branch offices. in the past. Secnetary of State Richard Austin said he is in favor of the check payment because he is "deathly afraid" that a license plate office worker is going to be College panel seriously injured or killed during a robbery attempt. Legislation introduced into to meet today the Michigan Senate The University College Wednesday would repeal a law which now Advisory Council will meet at 4 makes it an offense to refer a p.m today in Wonders Hall Kiva. person to abortion clinics. A report from the Educational Sen. Garland Lane, D-Flint, Policies and Curriculum said the removal of the little • Committee and a report on the known statute was imperative exchange of information among before attempting to reform University College present abortion laws. representatives to all • University * * * committees are on the agenda ATT. GEN. FRANK J. for the meeting. KELLEY received a letter A statement on changes in the Wednesday asking him to issue wording of a proposed an opinion on the legality of a amendment to the college school district bylaws and discussion of the engaging in deficit a spending. time and place of advisory State Rep. F. Robert council meetings are also Edwards, R-Flint, is concerned scheduled. 20% DISCOUNT ON TYPEWRITER REPAIRS FOR MSU STUDENTS FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett fOUMM \® Bf^ADwALE • lo tay '• 4 What this town needs is a good Hot Corned Beef sandwich!' Well, now we have one. try it with a mug of your favorite beer — tinrfci lAe £Reft aru/ &Mue LANSING ~ w Saginaw St. near Waverly - S. Cedar St., Jolly near Road OKEMOS" Grand River near Okemos Ro0'