i^^Marchl^ Friday .4 MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Volume 63 Number 147 STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 12, 1971 Buckner election ruled legal faculty in unanimous AUSJ decision eligible because he was "presently the certified board" at the time of his on by a public accountant if "If a little care is taken to make sure election. necessary — should be permanently filed In these things are properly dated, initialed, JOANNA FIRESTONE delivering AUSJ's decision, Chief in, for example, the Vice President of certified and filed, there is no reason why Justice David State News Staff Writers Schweighoefer made several Student Affairs' Office. It should incidences of multiple constitutions and informal recommendations to ASMSU "to means be available to by no see that this sort of just anyone who minutes should occur." * UnivCT8ity Student Judiciary mix-up doesn't happen walks in that office." again. "It's good to know that after 10 and (AUoJ) ruled unanimously Thursday that "AUSJ Schweighoefer said AUSJ recommends a the sixth session of the strongly urges the establishment the hiring of a full time or work study half months that I was really eligible to be ASMSU Student of an ultimate filing system," he said. "A - - Board was not secretary to be in charge of ASMSU's board chairman," Buckner said late guilty of illegally electing final approved Harold Buckner copy of all documents - official documents and minutes. Thursday. "I'll sleep lot better nights." as chairman. a Agnew Sheryl Green, Detroit sophomore, had tiled suit against the board, charging that iblican members in the Maryland Legislature took Buckner was not eligible under the ASMSU URBAN LEAGUE HEAD exception on the constitution when he was elected board of the House of Delegates Thursday to this poster that chairman last spring. eminently decorated one of the delegation rooms. Shown in the Miss Green's suit also questioned the chamber with a copy of the controversial poster is Democratic Whitney Young dies fUse exact wording of the eligibility Charles Blumenthal, who was requirements in the constitution, since two " responsible for hanging the versions of the constitution exist. il poster. AP Wirephoto AUSJ ruled that Article II, Section 4 of the constitution included a point stating LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) - Whitney M. resuscitation," said Broom. that "a voting member of The league Thursday named Harold R. Young Jr., executive director of the )IS TO HOUSE board from the the student preceding year not National Urban League who focused his Sims, its deputy executive director, as presently on the board" was eligible for the efforts in the civil rights movement on acting executive director until a successor chairmanship. getting jobs for blacks, died Thursday to Young is appointed. Aborf/on bill pas The judiciary mean that past not currently were eligible. interpreted the point to voting members who were voting members on the board while swimming. He was 49. Young, who turned away from medicine and toward race relations World War II experience, as a result of a At MSU President and Mrs. Wharton released the following statement: "We were deeply distressed to hear of the death of Whitney Young with whom we was here for an AUSJ found that Buckner was African American dialog. shared friendship and common endeavor in by 20-17 included - Senate . under this point, election to the board since, as president of Men's Halls Assn. (MHA) at the time of his He after collapsed while approaching the shore swimming off Lighthouse Beach at Tarqua Bay. Cause of death was not the struggle for our people All Americans who cherish freedom and justice and the dignity of man will his passing. The both a past chairmanship, he was mourn voting member and a current immediately known, but a heart attack was contributions of Whitney Young to these By JEFF SHELER restrict considered a possibility. An autopsy was principles need not await the recording of State News Staff Writer abortions in Michigan to state mem^er of the board, scheduled. residents," Brown said. "If we had a Rustem, former board chairman and history. They are here and now and very miracle cure for cancer The black leader had been real. Our nation and the cause of equality 20-17 vote, the would we restrict one authors of the present ASMSU swimming in Michigan Senate that also to Michigan residents?" constitution, had testified at the hearing the heavy surf with former U.S. Atty. Gen. for all have lost a champion who had that bill Thursday to allow abortions in Action on the bill came quickly the board's intent had been to include Ramsey Clark; William W. Broom, the rare ability to speak with passion while pn for any reason in the first 90 days Washington bureau chief for Ridder achieving real progress through reason, compared to last year when a prolonged heads of the major governing groups gnancy. debate preceded the defeat of a similar a™ong those eligible for the board Publications, and the wives of the two hard work and unswerving dedication. On bill, sponsored by Sen. Gilbert E. chairmanship. men. behalf of MSU, we extend our deepest R Auu Arbor, now goes to the "Ramsey pulled him out of the water, sympathy to Mrs. Young for her loss, Grejn's suit had contended not , (Please turn to back page) that as of Representatives where It will MHA president, Buckner would and we gave him mouth to mouth which we all share." be - - face stiff opposition, Born and raised in Lincoln Ridge, Ky., he WHITNEY YOUNG passed in the Senate, the bill would was graduated from Lincoln at the age of Michigan residents of 90 days to have 14 and received a B.S. degree from \oung served on seven Presidential irtion performed by a physician In a il, clinic or other licensed facility SUPPORT SOUGHT Kentucky State College — were he was first in his class and a basketball star — at the commissions and won Freedom, the nation's the highest Medal of civilian the first 90 days of award. He was president of the National pregnancy, age of 19. "I had hoped to be allowed in the Army Assn. of Social Workers and turned down amendment included in the bill numerous offers of public office. He had Teamster-faculty ties? require prior written consent of the to continue my premedical training but nd if he lives with his wife and if decided to be a researcher and strategist, he they sent me instead to train as an rather than merely a protestor. reached by the physician, engineer," Young recalled. "You can holler, protest, march, picket, bill would allow abortions after the After two years at the Massachusetts 90 By LOUIE BENDER Institute of Technology he went to Europe demonstrate, but somebody must be able days of pregnancy only if the to sit in on the strategy conferences and K's life is endangered or if the child is State News Staff Writer during World War II. med. After his discharge, he enrolled in the plot a course," he said of his role. A fourth hat seems to be sailing As Urban League director, Young was late afternoon vote in the Senate University of Minnesota, obtained his after three hours of debate over toward the faculty unionism ring at masters degree, and joined the St. Paul particularly concerned about finding jobs >:• MSU. C. Patric Larrowe, professor of for unemployed blacks. Urban League. In 1954 he returned to Iments, some which were aimed at economics, is heading a drive to enlist academia as dean of the School of Social liberalizing" the bill to chip, away support for the International Work at Atlanta University. ft for the measure. Brotherhood of Teamsters and In 1961 he was tapped to be executive COGS election ponents of the bill and others who Chauffeurs as the faculty's bargaining director of the National Urban League, a Graduate students will vote •nxious to vote on the measure on a that S agent. biracial social work agency founded in proposed Council of Graduate Students some other amendments, S When asked why he believes the 1910. were adopted, were designed to (COGS) constitution during early and i"the bill and gain votes, :j|: Teamsters would be a better union for Young resented being considerated a regular registration. the faculty than the other three moderate in the civil rights movement. such amendment, the 90 ■ The constitution was passed by the day organizations currently vying for the "We're all militants in different ways," ncv requirement, drew fire from Sen. business, Larrowe said: "We don't need he contended. "I can't afford the luxury of necessary three - quarters of all Brown, D - Highland Park, a members of COGS this week, and will ter of no namby • pamby company unions in a completely dogmatic position that says I the bill, who called the into effect if passed in the student here. won't make any compromise because I'm go Iment a "cop • out to gain votes." referendum. See text, "We need a union with teeth, and one dealing with the real world." page 5. amendment would obviously that ain't afraid to bite off a chunk of management's arm." £ Larrowe says his official title in the §: venture is SWAT (Scholars and Campus Coordinator for Workers: All Committee »rrns signed % Teamsters). Was he appointed by the union? "No, halt card ;ij: :j:j ijij Frank (Fitzsimmons, acting president of the International) and Lloyd (McKim, sec retary- treasurer of Teamsters Local 580, Lansing) have showed no interest housing alte question of whether freshmen should be able to choose to live off to date in organizing at this University." - campus and stribution x Then how was it our photographer caught Larrowe talking with the Students, after their first year at MSU, urged that the question be re-examined after the specific recommendations are implemented. BV STEVE WATERBURY ,:j: Teamster out on the highway? should be free to choose where they wish Recommendation "Look, I couldn't care less if the to live, a consensus of the Committee to One suggests a State News Staff Writer 5: bureaucrats are behind this campaign or Review the On-Campus Living housing policy to become effective fall Regulation not. I go to the rank and file. If they recommends. term, 1971, that requires all freshmen and tied Faculty Council (EFC) members 3 The committee's report will go to the sophomores, including transfers, to reside support me I don't care what the Jlating petitions calling for a :! arrogant administrators think." board of trustees next Friday with the in a University residence hall, with the |°fium on the signing of collective following exceptions: authorization cards announced •j: "I'm not advocating we join the approval of the administrative group. • Married students. % that 44 council members have I Teamsters because it's a paragon of The report, including 10 specific "he petitions. 5: democracy; we need their muscle. recommendations, was completed Jan. 28 (Please turn to back page) *: Period. And the real muscle is at the and sent to Eldon R. Nonnamaker, dean of 8 figure represents more than 70 per °f the 56 member council, two of | grass roots. Power in a real union students. Colonel • Members are presently overseas. S doesn't come from the top down, like The report said that permitting students 'Petition states that the decision on her to :|: V y0U see in these other three, quote, unions, unquote." to live where they wish after their first year would "give the student and his parents says adopt collective bargaining is * Larrowe went on to explain what the more responsibility for decision in a matter "nportant to make without more tation and discussion," and urges I I rank and file is telling him: "Now you take that fellow in the picture, for that greatly influences the student's satisfaction with his college experience." commander faculty members to not sign any $ They also said that such a policy would example. I asked him how he'd feel Ration cards before Sept. 1. be most compatible with the Iani J. Deal "nistry ' to the EFC Jr., associate professor of said Thursday that a petition | about having countered by asking professor makes. professors in his union. He how much a housing options and would seem most appropriate for today's student. concept of praised GIs petition should be * "I told him it pretty much depended "Such a choice would also enhance the 'ting today "in all of the colleges." FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP) - A S on how much seniority a fellow had, residence hall experience for those who beribboned brigade commander told Lt. stressed that the petition circulators * and he said what about six years, and I choose to remain," the report said. William L. Calley Jr.'s court - martial jury verse views on the issue of collective :x * guessed around $12,000. Weil, he told Union possib The committee could not resolve the in windup testimony Thursday that Gen. me right out, 'Hell, teach, he can join. William C. Westmoreland congratulated the Please turn to back page) * He needs it. I only been pushing this rig C. Patric Larrowe talks to a member of the Teamster's union. Larrowe troops that assaulted My Lai. U months, and I'm already knocking two is organizing a grassroots campaign to begin a union organization drive Ticket sales The trial's final witness, Col. Oran K. issue Si down more than that. And I quit school Henderson, said that a few days after the ''» the f in the fourth grade, too. on campus. State News photo Tickets for the Grateful Dead concert at operation, Westmoreland, who was top last issue of the State News (Please turn to back page) by Doug Bauman 7:30 p.m. Saturday will be available at the ""inter term. The State News door prior to the performance. (Please turn to back page) Plication March 31. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 12 PROPOSALS , news summary Resolutions From the wires of AP and UPI. to campus p A resolution that MSU should disarm its people of color if arrests are on the agenda of campus police force was one of 12 presented these to the Dept. of Public agencies." Safety Thursday by the Capt. Zutaut and the other police officials "I'm not advocating we join the Committee to End Police Aggression. did not respond to the resolutions when they Teamsters because it's a paragon Approximately 50 persons were present were presented. when the resolutions were read and handed to An observer remarked that the crowd was of democracy; we need their Capt. Adam J. Zutaut, uniform commander of very peaceful and orderly. There was some muscle. Period. And the real the MSU police, who was accompanied by a noise from the crowd after someone yelled "all muscle is at the grass roots. Power sergeant and a detective. power to the people" at the end of a moment in a real union doesn't come from Zutaut said of silence noting the death of Whitney Young. Thursday afternoon he would the top down, like you see in not yet make a statement on the resolutions. Additional copies of the resolutions were sent Police officials are studying the items, which to President Wharton; Robert Green, director those other three quote unions will be turned over to Richard O. of the Center of Urban Affairs; the Ingham unquote." director of public safety, he said. Bernitt, County sheriff , Lansing and East Lansing Demands - C. Pa trie Larrowe, police departments. State Police headquarters, Another resolution urged that MSU professor of economics the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Demands directed at the Public Safety Dept. for consideration over spring break were immediately take steps to insure that no other Central Intelligence Agency, the Office of read b I "law enforcement" group of black students who marched to the quonset hut Thursday afternoon. (See story, p. I) agencies be allowed Black Affairs, the Black United Front and the Copies of th on demands were sent to President Wharton, the FBI, the CIA and the campus without proper consultation of Black Liberation Front International. Lansing Police Dept. State News photo by Terry Luke! ill SUNDAY UNDER STATE LAW Gandhi victory declared Prime Minister parliamentary elections, Indira Delhi that her new government's first Gandhi, triumphant in declared Thursday in New priority will be to AAUP office in question lessen disparities between the rich and the poor in India. She outlined plans for a social revolution. By STEVE WATERBURY said. "They cannot show favoritism (to any pros State News Staff Writer bargaining agent)." "One feels the urge to do something quickly," she told her first news conference after her The MSU chapter of the American Assn. of Groty implied that if the MSU Faculty massive election victory. Congress party's Professors (AAUP) may have jeopardized its office University space request office space from the University, the Associates weJ adminktlJ allocation in Linton Hall by would probably be With results announced for 367 of the 518 elected launching its collective bargaining required under law to either evict the ul Take a friend and drive. or provide equal facilities seats in the Lok Sabha house of the help to MSU/FA. 1 - people - Mrs. Whether the AAUP retains its office space will be dependent Gandhi's party had 272 - an absolute Similarly, when and leading in most of the remaining districts. majority - and yourselves to cuisine from on what action, if any, is taken by MSU Faculty Associates, a rival of the AAUP in a collective bargaining authorization if other organizations card drives, they too initiate collect! was 1000 lands. As much as you bargaining distribution the use of University office facilities. may be entitiJT campaign. The AAUP was granted the Linton Hall want all day Sunday (1 office in 1968 And if the University decides it has no to 8 p.m.) space available a subsequent to the construction of the new John A. Hannah of the AAUP rivals Viets may be able to Indirectly evict the boycott talks For information , call 372-6550 Administration Building and prior to the AAUP announcement this term that it would seek through equal space requests. AaI recognition as the exclusive bargaining agent for MSU faculty members. James M. Peters, asst. director of The Vietnam peace talks hit a new low Thursday as all Since the AAUP announcement, the allocation of office has not been formally contacted space utilization, said thatl the Vietnamese chief delegates stayed away from the space by anyone protesting | to the AAUP may violate Section 1- of the Public allocation of office space to the AAUP. ' Employment weekly session in Paris. U.S. Ambassador David K. E. THE PLAZA Relations Act, which states that it is unlawful for a public "I will look into it if asked," Peters said. "If it Bruce was the only ranking diplomat at the conference employer to "intiate, create, dominate, contribute to or interfere appears thatl AAUP having space in a University building is at this table. (Former Jack Tar Hotel) with the formation or administration of any labor organization." C. Keith Groty, asst. professor of labor and industrial violation of Michigan law, we'll have to reconsider 1 timf Bruce denounced the other side's "propaganda relations, assignment." said Wednesday that it was his maneuvers" in the shortest conference speech on record. 125 W. impression that the University has Michigan "not done anything wrong by giving any organization space American officials said a continuing boycott of the unless another organization Peters said that his office presently "does not have across from the seeking collective bargaining rights any sf talks by Hanoi's chief negotiator, Xuan Thuy, was seen Capitol has been denied equal available," if another prospective bargaining agent were tc privileges." "Whatever the University does, it has to do as signal that North Vietnam has no interest in any equally," Groty serious discussions at this time. Subcommittee ready| Textile program lashed canvas steps into President Nixon said Thursday in Washington that the the summer limelight in to submit Japanese textile industry's program to voluntarily restrain exports to the United States for three Feathermoc slipper. years . . The trustee subcommittee on are trustees Patricia Card "will not result in an acceptable solution" to the United student participation in D-Ann Arbor; Frank Merrill States. a bright, comfortable academic governance, charged In a statement, the President with identifying the areas of R-Deckerville, and Warren if sharply criticized the D-Plymouth. "maneuver of the Japanese industry now sandal-style and easy-on concern regarding the Taylor apparently Report, will submit a statement Mrs. Carrigan said Wednei ratified by the government of Japan," and said it to the board at a meeting next all members of the boardH precluded further meaningful government - to espadrille perfect for travel - Friday. "most eager to do nothinA government negotiations. Members of the subcommittee further delay" the issue. and patio fun S-M ML-L-XL. Tighter security urged A Sandal with cork sole and little heel; The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan StaiJ University, is published evtry class day during four sch of Secret Service Chief James J. White or denim blue $8. terms, plus Welcome Week edition in SeptemUB Rowley told Congress Thursday the time has come to tighten security of the Subscription rate is $14 per year. B Espadrille slipper with Capitol, which was damaged March 1 by a bomb rope trim. Member Associated Press, United Press Interim on explosion. White Inland Daily Press Association, Associated But Rowley said no protection or yellow. $5. Collegiat" I system would provide Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegia'e absolute security "without Association, United States Student Press Association. making the Capitol a fortress." Hosiery Department Second - class postage paid at East Because of the large number of I.ansing, Michigan who enter the building daily, he said, extremely difficult task." employes and tourists "protection is an Jacob0oris Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Phones: Editorial 355-8*sl Announcement planned? Classified Advertising 355-8255 After months disclaimers, President of rumors and Mrs. Nixon and Crammin' FOR EXAMS? Display Advertising Business - Photographic Circulation 353 64001 355-34471 355-83111 appear to be planning to announce The Colonel will deliver chicken to next Tuesday the engagement of their your door in minutes! daughter Tricia to Harvard law student Edward Cox. 332-5025 'east Room The wedding date is reported to be Saturday, June 12. BEST* It's not much of a secret these that Tricia, blonde and days COLONEL SANDERS' RECIPE 25, is planning rJ cUi»tn« s»tl Fin* 00 P KmWky fh'ed to marry Cox, 24, from a socially prominent New York family, after a romance that goes back seven As things stand years. *0°]°coUo" »3,d now, the Nixonsare MISS NIXON expected to break the news on Special for East Lansing only! floor I** Tuesday. Free Coke with Dinner Box and tart* Purchase SST aid called folly with Thrift Box A Nobel Prize winner denounced continued federal purchase olj£ subsidies for the supersonic transport Thursday in Washington as "colossal economic folly." Other witnesses before the Senate with Bucket Appropriations Committee called the super plane a lemon, an or Barrel economic albatross, and a dangerous pig - in Nobel economics laureate Paul A. - a - poke. Samuelson said Purchase day.; ^ continuing the SST project will not create more new jobs, may harm rather than improve the balance of payments, and may cost the nation hundreds of millions of dollars if demand for the plane falls below hopes. FriJay, March |2, M Michigan State News, Er ansing, Michigan Friday, March 12,1971 3 |.Wef troops raked Dems eye recal Laos penetration of Chamberlain that a recall drive Would be By CHARLES C. CAIN lifiON (AP) ~ EnemV . This latter area was reported found a 123 - bed State News Staff Writer successful." T, raked South Vietnamese Jo be the deepest that the South area hospital in the with six wards. This, he explained, was Lj Thursday as they sweptVietnamese have penetrated into He said five an. _ l i i * ii j • because without a significant I of southern Laos in their Laos. prisoners were to U.S. Rep. Charles «»«.««. p~P'« ! nenetration since the 1 Ground troops said the RS9q taken- butall weresuffering from remove would remain apathetic to the Cgan more than a had smashed a bai and lS «»cuss.on from the bombing Chamberlain from his 6th Congressional District seat was recall drive. m Ground troops depot of the 33™ ® ™d.»d th.t fou, died late,. among topics discussed Reese said it would take B52 bombers had Vietnamese armv looisti^oi ) ^ sources in the north ,j 35,000 valid signatures to get vast destruction in the group. log,st,cal s*d the ground situation around Wednesday night at a meeting of East Lansing Democrats. th<| reca„ tj*n on the ^t Brig. Gen. Pham Van Phu f!|™ne/nd ,n other areas of the Wallace N. Reese, Okemos flared near Sepone, commander of the i? remained much as junior, representing the New lste.n^!!! fa^ " - |0 Chi Minh trail crossroads Vietnamese army's 1st Gantry thlust They into -id Uoops which Congress, told the group of because he is a "hawk." of the Division, told Associated the battered, , 25 miles r about 25 that all was set to go in „niese border. photographer Huoh Vkn fbandoned town last Saturday he recall campalgn but added The question of whether lg . sliuth Vietnamese military reconnaissance units had spotted thu 3rea f°r enemy that some sensational olds wou,d be . itted S in Quang Tri, Maj. the base and called in thesis 2 E that n°ne had development in United States to circulate and sj reca„ bodL • Due Hoi, said 23 of the Along with the he 1? ^ P°S,tioned in the war involvement would be petitions, and vote on the subsequent were killed in two clashes said, were found 446 individual Monday or Tuesday. Th required to make such a recall should it become recall a question, reality, is not drive effective. "We decided to put off the yet answered. "0'""W "** ."dT'tonsX°' mob'l"UI"wiily, th,"t ££ 6Pot9 law discussed recall until starts Richard (Nixon) bombing North Vietnam Reese said he sent Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley last a letter to Hesaid the raid ai<^ ?®n?lf,xed Positions are on the or decides to drop an atom week, asking him for an opinion destroyed 8 tanks and iqtn.l ogher ground in the hi,,s around Changing the marijuana law to a $1 fine for possession was discussed bomb," he said. "We need a on the issue, but said he has not at Wednesday's meeting of rted from the northern 12 °f which were loaded with order to the East reversal of the war, and an yet received a reply. avoid possible Lansing Democrats held in Edgewood United Church. »t base at Quang Tri that suPPhes and equipment. obvious reversal of the U.S. 200 mortar and rocket Searching searching around ground' 'tr . troops also entraPment the valley town State News photo by Terry Luke foreign policy to have any hope Another proposal discussed at itself, they said. the meeting was the lowering of were fired in one shelling the penalty for possession of jovernment forces about marijuana to $1. miles southeast of Sepone. immediate word of Panel urges lWas no James W. Heyser, East Lansing life-long education Ities. graduate student, said that a icopter pilots returning recent opinion from the ; over Laos said attorney general might create an :ulty Associates was ground action at obstacle to the enactment of ncie "S'ty, the administrat points, but gave no such an ordinance. By JOHN BORGER the Dept. of Elementary and Special Education to either evict by the institution as a the State News Staff Writer ana a commission whole, rather than by resources should be used to Kelley's opinion said that a effectiveness of B52 raids member,7 said. J *■ departments . J support such efforts, u. . Hicks said . , . ,— uc|/aiuucu» ur colleges. i\< or uuueges. No required courses or the commission said. local governmental unit cannot Laos campaign was The Presidential Commission on greater emphasis on life long _ Admissions - campus residence would be required, make a law different than the nations initiate education was very worthwhile " but that life Proposals for experimental efforts which have collect ced Thursday in reports and Student a As an interim Body Composition Thursday measure, the University should University state law unless the local body 'y too may be entitled listed the finding of teds of enemy bodies along recommended that the University place more JfcT* p/°gram take great deal of a Zas ldea,lstlc and wl11 money. make some minor administrative changes to facilitate admission of students - wide resource implications should be subject to University - wide review, the can prove that it is unique and emphasis on life long education, the summer - The beyond the 18 - needs such a law. commission recommended that the commission said. 3 vast amounts of blasted session, academic experimentation and the 22 year bracket, the commission said, space available, any( proposed life - long education The commission said ideas produced by The East ins, vehicles, equipment integration of underclassmen into departments. committee These changes would include establishment of Lansing City Council directly evict the AA consider, among other topics, the possibility of experimental efforts should be incorporated in recently passed, in three supplies. Vietnamese The commission urged the formation of a universities granting "external a "readily accessible and identifiable information the general University program "where a to - - degrees." External and guidance center for the mature student" and applicable two vote, an ordinance that uarterssaid between 500 student faculty - citizen committee to • study the degrees would allow a student to do most of his revision of admission/readmission criteria as well and feasible." makes the first offense for « utilization, said that 00 enemy dead were found state's contributions to life long education, - work anyone otpappftc jle areas «.vpn seven and 25 mil** and 25 miles "This kind of a problem will independently and receive a degree by as an increase in the proportion of courses The commission also decided to possession of marijuana a protesting definitely require demonstrated competence on an examination. incorporate misdemeanor punishable by up ;ast of Sepone. statewide action," W. Vern Hicks, chairman of offered during the night, when students with full the spirit of several recommendations of the External degrees would probably be time jobs can more 1967 Committee on Undergraduate Education to 90 days in jail and a fine of granted easily attend class. id. "If it appears that "While $500. we need statewide cooperation on this (CUE) in its final report. CUE was created by lilding is at this tim whole problem, there are still some things we can former President John A. Hannh to identify Heyser said the ave to reconsider JORUM DISSOLVES do right here and now," Charles A. Blackman, major problems in the University's undergraduate pass a new council could ordinance with a professor of secondary education and program. preamble attached curriculum and a commission member, said. The recommendations which the commission does not have any sp The commission recommended that the exPlaining that East Lansing is a reaffirmed state that course numbers should unique community, so it would ASAiSU ing agent were to reqi legal summer term be regarded as an integral part of indicate the level of complexity of the conform to the standards the academic year. subject matter, that "departments outlined by Kelley. Academic experimentation offering service through Honors courses' have the obligation to attempt to meet Heyser said he is going to Several such cases had resulted in contempt of court citations, he College, residential colleges, living - learning the needs of the other departments involved and contactthe city complexes and other means should be the student body at large," and that attorney to said. departments examine the possibility of for oMu > 4 The purpose of his suit was to force a clarification of the suit before some outside body filed a formal civil suit against the encouraged, the commission recommended. A specifically designated portion of the University's should encourage the participation underclassmen in departmental affairs. of enacting ordinance. such a preambled board. Humes said. 'o hours of heated discussion, the ASMSU Student rd "decided" to take no action on a proposed legal aid Joseph Ditzha/.y, lnterfraternity Council president, also as their charged that the lay advocate system would violate Michigan quorum dissolved into the night air. statutes. COURSES IN LYMAIM BRIGGS, JAMES JUSTIN MORRILL COLLEGE he legal aid program, including the hiring of a lull • time will be acted on early next term. Proponents of the lay advocate system cited a number of court o Non-JMC Students - Spring 1971 cases, including the Supreme Court decision in NAACP vs. MADISON COLLEGE & JUSTIN MORRILL meeting marked by several questions as to the legality was Button, that they claimed would allow the use of lay advocates. Ihe proposed legal aid program, with most of the problems Charles Massoglia, head of the present legal aid department, COLLEGE OPEN TO STUDENTS IN THE eriny around Ihe proposed lay advocate system and the said the problem of aly advocates had been brought to a number ferral service. of lawyers and law groups — including the Detroit Lawyers Guild UNIVERSITY AT LARGE Humanities he first major battle was over whether the board would meet — and that in all cases the response was that lay advocates could Carrigan said Wednei all. ASMSU Chairman Harold Buckner said Wednesday he be used if certain precautions were taken. JMC 230A nbers of the board ild not call a special meeting to order, since the hoard voted JMC 230B Lay advocates would merely disseminate information and JMC eager to do nothin iday not to hold any more meetings this term. On Thursday would make no qualitative decisions on legal matters, Massoglia 231A JMC 232A Philosophy delay" the issue. niing, however, he received a telegram from the legal aid said. The three residential JMC 232B Philosophy imitlce informing him that a board meeting would be held at colleges will continue to make Other questions raised in JMC 233A Religion 4(3-0) the closed session centered around available limited enrollments in certain courses to students JMC 2 34A 4(3-0) difficulties involved in hiring either of the two candidates for the JMC in other units of the University. Listed below are specified 2 39 A 4(3-0) per atMichigan Stai toting members of the Student Board also received registered position, Richard Oleksa, associate professor of business law who informing them that a meeting would be held to discuss courses in each of the residential colleges which will be lyduring four schio is an attorney, and Kenneth Smith, the current ASMSU part • ion in Seplem!, legal aid proposal before the end of the term. time lawyer. opened to outside students during the Spring Term of an hour of bickering, Buckner decided to call the Most of the problems stemmed from the ambiguity of the 1971. The following are general criteria that will be applied JMC 2S0A 4(3-0) 'ting to order and the board immediately moved into closed proposed contract. to this program of allowing outside students to enroll in the JMC 251A 4(3-0) JMC 252A 4(3-0) The proposed contract did not clearly state whether or not the residential luckncr held that until a number of questions concerning the colleges' course offerings: JMC 25 3A 4(3-0) person hired as the ASMSU lawyer could still serve other outside JMC 254A 4(3-0) ility of the program were answered, the board should defer interests such as a private practice or a position on the faculty. JMC 255A 4(3-0) ^action ' suit on Ihe hiring of a full • time lawyer. The contract also placed no limit on the amount of office challenging the legality of the lay advocate system in the space, supplies and secretarial help that would be provided to the Natural Sciences iposed |i>(ia| aid program was filed Wednesday by .lames lawyer, other than as "reasonably needed." JMC 121A The Nature of Physical mes, Crosse Pointe freshman, with Ihe All - University Student Theory (2) 4(3-0) A final possibility raised to the board by Buckner was that a JMC 12 3A Man in the Natural World (3) 4(3-0) 2. The residential college students will have first priority during the suit may be filed against the board in circuit court for malpractice JMC 320A Science and Culture pre-enrollment period in the courses offered by the relevant 4(3-0) Humes contended that under Michigan law the use JMC 321A Studies in Science of legal if certain details weren't worked out before the legal aid orowam residential college. Following the enrollment of residential college 4(3-0) ales inay students, any additional places in these courses will be made constitute the practicing of law without a license. was passed. available to students in the University at large. Inquiry and Expre: Inquiry & Expression - 3. The determi of class sizes and the particular Expository Writing II (4) which outside ei its will be permitted are the respo Inquiry & Expression - Hie relevant resi :ollege. Individual Writing Project (4) 0 Experiments if*Expression (4) Studies in Composition Any questions concerning the attached coi course descriptions, students should be r college office numbers: Lyman Briggs Languages Madison College, 36758; and Justin Morrill JMC French Track 1 (5) 246A JMC 246B French Track I (5) JMC 336A French Track III (5) sck the JMC 336B French Track III (5) Catalog for prerequisite JMC 356A French Track IV (5) JMC 356B French Track IV (5) JMC 227A Russian (5) 5(5-0) JMC 227B Russian (5) 3(2-2) LYMAN BRIGGS COLLEGE JMC 228A Spanish Track I (5) 5(5-0) JMC 228B Spanish Track I (5) JMC 31 8A Spanish Track II (5) Title JMC 318B Spanish Track II (5) JMC 348A Spanish Track III (5) LUC 1 1 2 Calct is 1 S(S-O) JMC 348B Spanish Track III (5) LBC 113 Calculus II 5(5-0) LBCI2S Elements of Progran 3(3-0) 15' r ind Foreign Study LBC 132 Third Cultur 3(3-0) LBC 140 Biology I 3(1-3) LBC 141 Biology II 3(2-3) grand opening LBC 1S3 Introduction to Chemistry & Physics 111 4(4-3) March 17 LBC 333 Modern Poetry 3(3-0) 224 Abbott LBC 371 Introduction to the History of Science 4(4-0) JUSTIN MORRILL COLLEGE LBC 373 Introduction to the Philosophy of Science 4(4-0) Courses open to Non-JMC Students - Spring 1971 JAMES MADISON COLLEGE Number Title (2) Not open to students with credit in Natural Scie MC 21S Utopia & The Quest for Social Progress 4(3-0) MC 230 Education and Poverty 4(3-0) (3) Not open to students with credit in Natural Scie MC 240 Applications of Economic Policy Analysis 4(3-0) MC 252 Urban Policy Problems 4(3-0) MC 290 Section I "The American Founding: 4(3-0) (Special Intentions & Realities" ldmitted. Students who Topics) Section II "Research Problems & Techniques 4(3-0) MC 320 Political Stability & Modernization 4(3-0) MC 330 Human Relations & Personal Growth 4(3-0) (5) Placement in languages will be at tl MC 383 The Jews, Anti-Semitism & lntergroup Relations 4(3-0) ■ ppropriate JMC Language Program Director MC 385 Black Protest Thought 4(3-0) ">ased upon interview, high school or college i MC 424 International Conflict & The Future of Man 4(3-0) MICHIGAN STATE NEWS DAVID BASSETT UNIVERSITY # GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief So you really : - FREDERICK J. LESLIE Wq advertising manager to see Grand Fu MARK EICHER, managing editor ED HUTCHISON, city editor BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor KEN KRELL, editorial editor GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor to "ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! put on a concert. RIGHT ON! OFF THE PIG! FREE Fact B: Rock bands do not m Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award The prices range from $5 for outstanding journalism. BOBBY! FREE ANGELA!" yelled the kid Sebastian 00(ft in the front row, proud of the power he had used to crash the gate and occupy the Zeppelin and to $50,000 for Grand Funk. ri fenced area, which just happened to be an F*ct C." .The adm'nistration . to do with has n escape lane in the event the Auditorium setting ticket prices Pk had to be evacuated rapidly. set by ASMSU EDITORIALS Pop Entertain™ "What're you hasslin' the kid for? So he didn't have the bread to come see this th^rDtT;abso,utemi"in^"; not Fact D. The concerts on thiscamu ripoff concert, ripoffs, at least not so he crawled in through a window, so the concerts oughta be free here. The only foranvo2 people who make anyway. All power to the people, man." are the performers. Protest aborti "So who cares if we screw this concert? It'll probably be the last one anyway, so Fact E: The fire marshal are not administration andtl synonymous we might as well have a good time. The latter is an individual in cha« administration jacks the ticket prices up so implementing high that nobody can afford to pay to see designed to save rules lives. and JU| join 'em anyway. It'd be a groovy Fact F: The Saturday's banned concerts on this campus. TTien we could put our own concerts on and bands like Zeppelin and Grand Funk." thing if they get absolutely at concerts past administration no power in concerts. The lies in power to m the hands of has regard to inc tli "Listen man, I'll move my chair around Entertainment Committee Abortion reform whi legislation is limits of a woman's control of her if I damn well please. This is a peoples' composed entirely of students wl slowly trickling its way through the anatomy. Abortion is not a legal concert, and I'm the people, man, so if I unpaid. They handle every facet „ labyrinth of committees at the state wanna move chairs around I'll move chairs concerts, and they are responsible question, but rather one that should for around. There ain't gonna be no fire, happens at them. capitol. Still the pace is too slow and be regulated by the individual man." Supposition A: Suppose there wj the range of revision too restricted. woman's decision and the advice of Fact A: Nobody without money is going Supposition B: Suppose a nun the medical profession. people were injured crashing the Seizing on this theme, abortion In passing the abortion reform bill trying to get out of Jenison in a hum repeal advocates will meet Saturday Supposition C: Suppose there wi at Durant Park for a march on the Thursday, the Michigan Senate OUR READERS' MIND more rock concerts at MSU. (0! demonstrated a progressive concern Capitol. The rally will protest keeps order by employing scores of I for the rights of women. Solid legislative control over a woman's cops and a pack of very unfriendly G inherent right to abortion. support from the populace for shepherds and Dobermans.) abortion law repeal might present So what's it going to be? The Present attempts by the legislature to address itself to this question have enough push to persuade the House at least to pass the reform bill. Review of Cosi fan Tutte' unfair of Miami doesn't have concerts anymore. Why? Their adminis" Un on banned them after a Grateful resulted in an effort to Deadi liberalize, i.e., The march Saturday will be a show last October. reform the existing laws. These of solidarity for abortion repeal. We To the Editor: It seems as though half the grand and plotting fashion. Sophomore place reforms are simply evading the real urge students to rally to get an Re: Mr. Edward Ingraham's review of helped to make a performance that was bad trips and bent on Debbie Bussineau displayed an smashing I question - that the legislature has no "Cosi fan Tutte" totally alvie. townies crashed the gates and tore outdated and unnecessary law off understanding and flair for her role that is I felt that the review of the MSU My congratulations to all the fine up and a guy was walking around right in the first place to define the the books. Opera usually only found in much more Workshop production of "Women Are Like musicians who made the production of pistol threatening to shoot the place experienced players. Jeff Prater as Don That" was a bit unfair in that it only "Cosi fan Tutte" a reality. May the Penn State has concerts, but on Alfonso obviously relished his Opera touched briefly on the outstanding work of part as the Workshop continue forever! board cast's "wise man." composed primaril the players. P.S. — It's sad that the performances had administrators lets the kiddies havi Performances The chorus was one of the best that to be held in the Music Auditorium. It is fun. like the ones that Sue I've ever heard. Their presence on Rock on Wernette, Mary Jane Williams, Steve Oosting and Lee Snook played should not delightful — not draggy and dull as it could stage was definitely not made for such productions. People were turned away for lack of Tiny Massachusetts Worchester Polytechni uses a private force o camp be dealt with lightly. All four of the principles had a monumental task in even have been. Backed by a fine performance sparkled. orchestra, the adequate seating. A new auditorium, perhaps? baton carrying cops to keep the - Holy Cross College only admits stu peac learning the three and one half hour to its concerts. - - And bravo! to Leon Gregorian and Margie Gage Mozart opera — merely getting So what's it going to be? There have though the the Leona Witter. Their 'no smoki production with no problems would be something. Yet the memorization leadership and advice ""ififaMi no threats made by concerts from this campus. As anyone to bai long i style and sensitivity displayed by all four was marvellous — a be forgotten. production not soon to Support science funding crowds are orderly and no people are there will be concerts. In the past several years the folli To the Editor: The future Mary Jane and Sue played their roles of budget comes before committee and, in groups have appeared on campus direction of the want to make the front page of the Due to a recent cut in funds the the innocent little rich girls to the hilt. April, before the House and Senate. I urge Lovin' Spoonful; Bob Seger; Blood, i (1 ASMSU Pop Entertainment series New York Times that bad? National Science Foundation had decided all who attended They led their men along in grand style, an NSF-funded program and Tears; Catfish; Jethro Tull; will be determined by the manner in to cut all funds for And, right, we don't and we certainly knew who was in high school summer or anyone else who is interested to write Collins; the Byrds; Sly; the James expect charge! social and natural science which the crowd handles itself Steve and Lee as programs from your congressmen as soon as possible to the Temptations; the Airplane; the everyone to sit through the concert unsuspecting young its budget. The purported reason was that Saturday night at the Grateful Dead lovers to their glorious darlings urge them to support the attachment of a Chicago; John Sebastian; F straight. But did you ever think of displayed these programs contribute to the excess of rider to the budget while it is still in concert. Behavior at the last few vocal prowess that kept them incomplete scientists in this country, Connection; Richie Havens; Ten smoking before the concert? control of their parts. whereas I committee to fund these programs at the Drive; Pacific Gas and Ele rock concerts on campus has left contend that those high school students Finally, a lot of people have All four of the student musicians who attend these level they were at in 1965. Sweetwater, etc. much to be desired. Aisles have been mistaken programs are already This will help passage ideas about who is worked on their parts starting in the fall, science tremendously. So do you want to see Santana. blocked with chairs; "No Smoking" - oriented. In fact, many students Thank you for your help. profiting from Pop Entertainment and it showed. Control was the word for Nyro, Tom Rush, Neil Young, S signs have been completely ignored; the evening. Along with are discouraged from majoring in the Stills, the Velvet Underground. Hlton concerts. ASMSU is not "ripping vitality. sciences. Robert C. Ball The parts of Don Alfonso and the the Moody Blues, Paul Kantner, the gate crashing has occurred. off' anybody. To see groups of the Funds remain for this summer's Saginaw sophomore Such activities cannot continue. If chamber maid, Despina, were played in a programs only. In March, March 9,1971 Gritty Dirt Band, Country Joe? caliber of the Dead, Sly and the next year's rock concerts on campus cannot be maybe even GRAND FUNK? Byrds, one would usually have to held without a multiplicity of hazards, then rock concerts will not pay at least $5 in Detroit. Top price is $3.50 at Jenison. POINT OF VIEW be held on campus. The Dead concert It seems, though, that everyone can go either way. It can either be the last of a should be able to handle themselves good thing Court offers remedies for tenants or proof that local rock within the framework of the fire fans are mature enough to laws and enjoy the Grateful Dead at understand the present situation and the same time. Sure, moving your proceed accordingly. chair will get you about 10 or 20 The rock concerts are for the fans feet closer to the stage, but what EDITOR'S NOTE: The and, ironically, it may be the fans following affidavit: ". the clerk of the district both parties may consult a . Point . happens should a fire start? Do we that cause them to be canceled. of View was written by Phil court . . . shall prepare (the) affidavit for a lawyer prior to with the 55th District Court clerk« Bozzo, secretary of the Off - Campus the hearing. claimant upon request." The plaintiff office is in Mason (407 N. Cedar Council (OCC). For further The conduct information, waives his right to counsel, right to trial by governing the litigation in 676-2402). court is not nearly as complex as might be contact OCC in 316 Student The only structural Services jury and right to appeal in signing this defect of the Bldg. call 355-3803. affidavit. anticipated: the judge 1) reads the affidavit claims court is that the or and informs each plaintiff (ie The clerk then mails party that his right to landlord) Taylor a notice to the may opt to remove the case counsel, right to trial by jury and right to Report Often the tenant has no judicial means of recourse when his security deposit is retained. The fact that the laws are written defendant, apprising him of his right to counsel, right to trial by jury, right to appeal and the right to remove the case from small claims court's jurisdiction to appeal have been waived in the plaintiffs affidavit and the defendant's (assuming that each document was signed notification small claims court. Speculating, suspect the intent of Michigan legislaU provide a facade of justice concealini continued domination of those wit this by the property owners for the property by the appropriate party); 2) asks the the district court's jurisdiction. If the legal resources by those with^ once again emerges and manifests plaintiff to give evidence needs owners student itself as the underlying reality when the tenant confronts claims court, the law. But the small defendant waives these rights the case will be heard in small claims other hand, he decides not to waive these courts; if on the action, and 4) decides the case. If the supporting his case; 3) asks the defendant to defend his resources. A "constitutional statutory) right once again appears. be an "economic right" i.e., an econ a division of the district decision is awarded to the court, offers the tenant a summary remedy rights, the suit will be automatically dismissed from the small claims court. judge directs the defendant plaintiff, the to compensate privilege. Even though all American "equal under the law" (fantasize ' % The much berated for securing the return of his security the plaintiff in the - Taylor Report referral would be but a small The affidavit filing fee is $5; an amount specified in the moment), they are not all equal unda on Student chapter deposit unjustly and unreasonably affidavit or an amount decided upon by Participation in in the stormy history of student withheld by the landlord. Small claims additional cost of $1 is charged to the the court plus the laws governing economic, social Academic Governance should be claimant for each notification sent to each filing and notification cultural dynamics: and until equality11 participation documents. The nature courts provides an informal, inexpensive fees. The decision is reported out of subcommittee at of the referral, and immediate defendant. The court will hear the case binding on both latter realms is attained, equality m however, is of procedure for litigating parties and cannot be appealed (as that next week's 15-30 days after the filing of the affidavit former is mythological. board of trustees paramount security deposit - retention cases involving right was waived). concern to the MSU and the mailing of the defendant's Because the small claims court pro1 meeting. Trustees may send this a claim of $300 or less. If the claim arises out of actions student body. notification. political hot The tenant (plaintiff) intitiates the occurring in East Lansing or if the an inexpensive ($6), efficient (15-JU potato back to the The present report was Assuming that the two parties agree to after the filing of an affidavit), simp academic community. passed by proceedings by filing a small claims defendant resides or has his the faculty over the affidavit with the district court clerk. This resolve the suit in small claims court, the business in East place of and informal litigating procedure, objections of court will then convene. The court is Lansing, the affidavit is The report student groups, affidavit requires that the defendant's filed with the 54th District longer should the tenant dismay was originally directed including ASMSU. (landlord's) name and residence, besides conducted informally with the judge, the who is located in the Court clerk stoically accept as unalterable the Ian to the To send the East Lansing City subcommittee to examine Taylor Report back to the plaintiffs name and residence, be made defendant, the plaintiff and the witnesses Hall practice of retaining security de|K>s' possible areas of conflict. Among only the faculty could invite incident to the suit being the (337-1731); if the claim arises out of trite as it may sound, a means of an public along with the cause of the only parties actions occurring in either conflicts instant replay of past mistakes. permitted to convene in the court Meridian or redress for such landlord greivanc# were the merits of the plaintiffs action (e.g., "the defendent Lansing township chamber. No attorney at law or other or if the defendant exists and, until we form a tenant11' proposed method of selection of Students must be actively involved (landlord) unjustly and unreasonably legal resides or has his agent is permitted in the chamber although place of business in one the most expendient path to jus in reshaping the document. retained the plaintiffs (tenant's) security of these minority representatives. Other An ideal townships, the affidavit is filed committee to rework the document deposit in violation of the expressed through the small claims court door. questions involve the validity of security deposit clause in the plaintiffs student vote on "intellectual" might include three undergraduates, contract stating, to wit, that upon the I D0NT KN0U) MOU) THESE I KN0U) H0U) IT IS COHEN StW matters and the three faculty members, three THINGS HAPPEN MAYBE HE'S •FALL FOR SOMEONE..YOU THINK dwelling being returned to the defendant ... composition of ALWAYS LIKED ME AND JUST various committees. administrators and three graduates. in the same condition as it was in prior to NEVER REALLY SAID ABOUT THEM ALL THE TIME... But irrespective of the plaintiffs tenancy, the security deposit ANYTHING POOR CHUCK... I'LL BET HE particulars in I HATE 10 MAKE HIM CAN'T EVEN SLEEP. Considering the touchy nature of would be returned to the plaintiff.") The UNHAPPY... these items, it would any future reconsideration, students not be at all court clerk is obligated pursuant to the should have a vote on the surprising if the trustees refer the shape of District Court: Small Claims Division their participation in issue back for academic statute (M.C.L.A. 600.8401 - .8425) to further study. A governance. assist the claimant (tenant) in filing the I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 12, 1971 5 LOUIE BENDER ART BUtHWAlD Firesign 1$ sale you with the second deposits totaling $675 Eviction Leather," Tying up WWW buried up your nose. notices thrown in J „.,u "Suburban OUD .tat I'm going to do charge to the custom™ ™ m tP' ,For each. For the the first tw°. $2.50 last one, $1.50, rd ,.m s„ „.du.«n, this ^vr^to^raS.tv | . «d to unload DRINKING BALLAM (19651 wnhCen,t ititSlightl^ wnen wrinkled inadvertently got WASHINGTON Hopsack, the Hollywood agent, and Frederick Roarington, the — Harold Roarington said, "We are paying each of the participants $250 billion. In order to meet manner we "Will choose." the wini get percentage besides the "$250 faUkfulfrom ■ of now Such all . Ume bathtub. ,nt° a" aSpic * filled well - known sports promoter, our expenses and make a billion?" , my eight or so "Kriggin' in the RioJin *• rar^ACHEL0R OF have just announced that they reasonable profit, we have had "No, this is a flat fee „ an MSU undergraduate, »Frankie and Johnngg'\ ARTS have tied up the closed circuit to demand complete exclusivity arrangement. Neither side -ouis the unloadee. No way Weirdos" and "Sa Chi versatile' MulHHi (19?1J In fashionab|y 3nd prestigious television rights to World War HI. for the rights to World War III. expected to get anything like - rrhog °f Mine" f- ShouM^ P ",nary Social Science- niimK^ la"d you a i°b at any Hopsack told reporters at a This means able to see or that no one hear it will be on their that sum for World War III, if they can come out and of press conference, "This has got je rv(i9?i) York ii |Cj3SS places; the New to be the greatest fight of all regular TV channels, even on a delayed basis. There also will not something like that with $250 billion [Jilliantly suwessful, %lly sunny one like mine offers tQ b i"raynce 343 Rovpp " Tribune, Rolls time, and we think that there are be any radio broadcasting of the cause to guaranteed no complain," Roarington one has offers of ^ Kew .°othe East Rising millions and millions of people fight <|xc^pt where it has been said. (all !S RuStaurant' but a few. Haul it to name all over the world who would be authorized by Musical Variety "Musical Variety Enterprises," away and it's willing to pay 15, 20 or even 30 Enterprises, the company which Hopsack said, "will pay all the feerhta^t^1"'8 ^ an< gent,emaC" - bucks to event." see this historical will license engagement." and sell the expenses TV for the closed circuit j$E iauty, CATCHER. (1964) [JjcoS^of^S "Does this mean that our GIs installations, so the only of lavish corrasable hand,ing; $m Q5 P°staBe a"d REFERENDUM will not be able to see or hear expense to the participants is out - of pocket expenses during - lui^e erasure < E Veritably alive with <^3%/ ™ ^JON LINT. World asked. War III?" a reporter the fight." "Will there be press seats?" T * eifhtt " COGS Constitution working on someone asked, "We are mental as well as practical season in handy Teforator arrangements now for the armed "O^ course the press has been it is handy for scooping before the waitress gets Maxim jars En yourself ^ tha8t ecora^ forces network to pick it up, but Pr°vided for," Roarington said, or , we cannot permit broadcasting We're counting on you guys to "'; il,IS '"rffmm'camoJSl oniy with a girl from Campbell Someone" $10.95. a 1 " shirt. Cheapv at capacity Bylaws. a y be specified i ARTICLE VI. in areas where the rights have Prom°te this event like no event Offices and their election already been sold to commercial ^as keen Promoted before. And . it is inscribed with a Jack TERM PAPERS. (1964) Onlv Council of Graduate Students C. Voting: 1. Each Department A. Officers: l. The Officers of The promoters. Our first believe me, you will have plenty jn pawprint. It^s yours for two j ever wrote „The Role Qf (COGS). All graduate students Representative (or his recognized Council of Graduate Students shall E. Upon repetition of one thousand responsibility is to our clients." to write about- World War III will have an be a President, a Vice President alternate) shall be entitled to one for opportunity to comes along only once in a IA?1OIL or more BURNING '».»». ««<«»" » *»in- pager Suitable for any course vote on it during registration. vote on COGS; 2. Each officer of University Relations, a Vice President for Graduate Welfare, a Vice represented students, a referendum shall be held graduate „„„ , What do you think a fight like this could gross?" a reporter lifetime." I. (1964) The very same ARTiric . M ARTICLE I. Name COGS shall be entitled to one vote President for Internal Affairs, a on any issue or officer. A reporter said, "It's true that ~L&> on COGS; 3. Committee ARTICLE X. Operating funds to soot a four - letter Recording Secretary, a Treasurer and this is probably the greatest box i Th "^me °-,th.e or8aniza««on shall Representatives shall be nonvoting Corresponding Secretary; 2. These A. A majority of the graduate "We estimate which we will not print a that with the office event of all time, but isn't but which rhymes with (COGS) Gradua,e Students members of COGS. officers shall comprise the Executive students voting in a referendum may authorize COGS to assess graduate excitement that World War III there a possibility that some of ARTICLE II. Objectives D. R e present. Board. = students a tax of an a has engendered, we could make the theaters will be destroyed luck," on the ceiling of A. The objectives of The Council of legitimac 1. The gradua B. Election of Officers: 1. Elections iount specified by the referendum. tot McDonel Hall. $11.99. Graduate Students shall be; 1. To °f each c stituent department shall shall be held during the first regularly $3 trillion, not counting the during World War III?" ^ wllllv,„ iCEIPT. (1964) In the it of $55.50, for materials promote the academic, social and elect economic aims of graduate students Departmi c otherwise select Representative and an a scheduled meeting of February or during the second meeting of the shall be of COGS used*to'fur th er"the objSes specified in .bjectives Articfe " Printed P^ted commercials programs we and6 and hope to sell the "We've thought about that," Hopsack at Michigan State winter term, whichever is as ll. said, "and we will University; 2. To alternate The Council of Graduate later; 2. c. officers of COGS, Department between the battles. [labor used in restoring the establish effective communication Student (a) The method of Any Representative Member of refund the money to anyone of 309 West McDonel among graduate students and create selection - ...... ...... — to be determined within COGS at the time of election shall be HaUd C,ommittee "We have already committed caught in a theater which has a to its original pristine channels of communication with other student organizations and with . . 6aCh dePartment and reported . to the eligible for any office; 3. The term of —an¬ office lall be for one Senmio7 unless authoriz7dCe^ the lar8eSt halls and arenaS' Plus direct hit." $55.50, and I'm not the academic and administrate year. referendum. face tracks and hotel ballrooms "Are you making any plans for this cent on one. of the University. FinancrncCommir,Trrhan- f """ committee shall hA be 'n to every ma]or c.ty in the world, carry the event. We also plan a rematch?" someone asked. jU SCORING PENCIL. B. The Council of Graduate Students is not political COGS of The'councli of*Graduate stirHmf** to make a fi,m of [t which we "Of course there will be a I) The one they laid on me organization and shall not endorse a . . . promote the academic, social and summer orientation clinic, political issues which do not directly economic aims of graduate students to 2. The Finance Committee shall be w'^ distribute in theaters one rematch. We have too much which I've used at every concern the welfare of graduate ... responsible for securing and year after the war is over. Our invested in this to have just one establish effective communication. the status of The Council ition since. Now one and students at Michigan State ng of Graduate Students as a nonprofit contract with the participants war." University. gives us carte blanche to sell any Copyright 1971, Los Angeles eighths inches long, with ARTICLE III. Constituency organization; 3. All expenditures of and all of the rights in any COGS shall conform to guidelines set Tjmes a quarter of the eraser A. Vice President of Internal Affairs; Definitions: I. Graduate (b) commencing the day by the Finance Committee and Scrawls good, self students are herein defined as Each selection shall have prior public election and terminating the day notification within the department officers , , approved by COGS. iting, runs on either cord Michigan State University students in ~r" are elected. ARTICLE XI. Amendments Classes 6, 7 and 9; 2. Constituent conducting that selection. 2. Officers included) or batteries, the College of Social Science, departments are academi of COGS shall be elected by the a A. A h £1 ~ngs All meetings off The Council ., of a. A Constitution motion to amend this •• a°d "The Freudian Aspects of sending department may be made by representati Department Representatives. Graduate Students shall be open and ' " petition of 20 per cent of the RAFT NOTICE. (1966) " (you fill in the '"COGS. for officers.) ShnU !HVe P"°r Public notification. Department Representatives B. There shall be at least two or by petition of 20 per cent of the meetings during each of the fall, represented graduate students, winter and spring terms of the b. A motion to amend shall be dor's item, since I made it latter runs six pages, and both academic year and at least one voted Upon by The Council of $.03 (less than the worth can be submitted again and meeting during the summer. . Constituent Members of cogs. ARTICLE VHI. Bylaws Graduate Students at least two weeks but not more than four weeks after he paper it's bonus: copies printed on), of the orders again. $25 each, or will consider top • notch job application letter gr^uatT" J?".'"?.'' represented students - ® by The Council of Graduate Students A. This Constitution and Bylaw* consistent with this Constitution Mid motion shall have been made. cogs shall be deemed Associi Amendments to this the five times I made PFC. in trade. Members of COGS for life shall be organized into three divisions shall be the rules of The Council of Constitution shall be declared ratified of activity: University LASS NOTES. (1963) Only HANDOUTS. (1963 • 71) I've ARTICLE IV. Graduate Welfare and Relations, Internal d t!'6 f,?dentS. B. The Bylaws may .be amended , by and adopted following a three - I fourths affirmative vote of the ever took, from Speech kept these in a special place all Representative membership Affairs. at least two - thirds of the total Department Representatives of (I'm not sure what it's their own in the attic, and it's A. Representative Members of The voting membership of COGS. COGS and a majority affirmative I now). To entice you to Council of Graduate Students are of getting so the falling plaster in lasses: 1. Department ARTICLE IX. vote of graduate students voting in a sampler Of pearls the bathroom would drive you Referenda and redress referendum. Representatives: 2. Officers of COGS the quality of the educational "Speech is very to take a hardhat into the (as defined in Article V); 3. Graduate experience for graduate students and A. All referenda required ...... by this ARTICLE XIL Ratification — - A. This Constitution shall be irtant to all of us in our day shower. (If there were enough itudent representatives on the to the relationship between graduate Constitution .tall be conducted by declared ratified and adopted day lives." "Do not be room to accommodate the both Jniversity Graduate Council, the students and other units of the The Council of Gradui Students ii following a three - fourths affirmative to use gestures." "Great \cademic Council and standing University. and impartial n ner decided of you.) But they're going at if the Academic Council g. Graduate Welfare shall be up°n >: a. Cicero, b. Daniel sacrifice prices, friend: $2 the (her r called Committee B. All referenda must have at... least Representatives to The Council of concerned with matters pertaining to Graduate Students and a majority ster, c. Everett Dirksen, d. Representatives). one month prior announcement in ton. Bring along your checkbook the economic and social welfare of affirmative vote of graduate students b. The classes of representative the major student news media. Backus, e. Rod McKuen." and take home the whole graduate students, voting in a referendum, membership defined in Section A of Internal Affaiirs shall be C. Referenda shall not be held B. This Constitution shall be much, much more. $49.95 hogshead, this article shall be mutually concerned with matters ers of an internal during the summer or during the first effective upon ratification, and the he collection. BOOKS. (1963 - 71) Only exclusive. No member of COGS may nature pertaining to membership and month of classes fall term. officers at this time shall be retained ECEIPTS. (1968 - 71) For three I've ever bought: "Orgy in belong to more than one of these the continuous and efficient D< UP°" Petition of five hundred j„ their positions until new officers classes, except in such ex officio operation of COGS. or more represented graduate illected apartment security the Afternoon," "Nightmare in are elected P122A PAR EXCELLENCE The MSU Book Store will buy back books now and during final exam week. DOMINO'S 2. To give us the opportunity to buy - back books more For 2 reasons: prudently and to assure that we buy all of the books we need 1. To help eliminate the tremendous of and not more than you need. registration week and to enable us to assign all of our personnel 966 Trowbridge to the business of helping student buyers. Special extra hours have been arranged during finals week for your convenience. REGISTRATION WEEK 351-7100 FINALS WEEK MARCH 29 For pick-up or free delivery to East complex, Shaw MARCH 15-20 - APRIL 3 Lane, South complex, Brody dorms and married The only official Uni MON..TUES., FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. MON., THURS., FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. housing. Open 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. - weekdays; 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. - Fri. WED., THURS.,Buy Back 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. TUES. &WED. 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. & Sat.; 4 p.m. - 1 a.m. - Sunday. MSU & Lobby Shop SAT Buy Back SAT. 11:00 5:00 p.m. STORE a.m. & Lobby Shop 10:00 a 2ND WEEK SPRING TERM The pizza people TERM BREAK MARCH 22-26 APRIL 5-9 of MSU. In the Center for Intern MON. -Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.i MON. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Prof finds clues By RICK WILBINS to man's past old beds of Lake Rudolf. State News Staff Writer During his fieldwork there, he made a One find, a human skull, promises to shed new light on the East significant discovery, he said. African populations present during the late Stone Age, he said. "Skeletal material dug up in the same area, also, might have An MSU archeologist said in a recent interview that he feels his Accidental find research and fieldwork in Stone Age archeology reflects more than "I was digging in the desert near Lake Rudolf when a member important implications in studiei concerning recent African just a devotion to "bones and stones." of the populations," he said. neighboring nomadic trive, the Turkanas, stopped to Talking about his experiences during the past few years digging watch. He told me of a hill not far away where 'the bones were as Oldest pouery for clues to the African past in the Lake Rudolf area of hard as stone,' Robbins said. Kenya, Another find proved equally important. While digging in the old Africa, Lawrence Robbins, asst. professor of anthropology and in These Africans and I began searching for the lake beds, Robbin's field party found what the African Studies Center, explained the concept behind his hill, driving appears to be the through 15 miles of sand dunes, cutting in between hills to short oldest pottery in East Africa, he said. - work. cut the journey, and "These bones and stones that we collect often are the following an old stream bed. Carbon dated back to 601 B.C., the old pottery seems to key or nising link that leads us into a re-evaluation of old data and new "Finally the stream bed became impassable, so we stopped and indicate a strong relationship between the ancient peoples of East took a look around. We found ourselves Africa and the Nile Valley where similar insight into the old cultures," Robbins said. right in the middle of the pottery had been found. site. We had stumbled across it Since doing graduate work at the University of California, by accident; otherwise we would never have found it because it wasn't visible from afar." "The question of the relationship betwen these two areas is Robbins has searched for the keys that unlock the doors to Africa's late stone age history. The site Robbins stumbled on turned out to be the certainly an open one at this point, but the old pottery found in location Kenya and the old pottery found in the Nile Valley seems to During his study in California, he traveled briefly in Africa for where, in 1968, the skeletal remains of the oldest known hominid narrow the debate," Robbins said. the first time. were found. The Logatham site, as it was later called, is now He returned to Africa in 1965, famous in archeological circles. centering his attention on the After almost a year of sometimes long hours toiling in sand and "Like many important archeological finds, our stumbling on sun looking for a clue and waiting for some luck, Robbins the Logatham site involved a little luck, an educated returned to MSU barely in time to teach a class fall term. guess and a Unemployment level clue," Robbins said. African history He plans to use his Course planned digging to teach another class. After his second trip to unchanged for state return to Kenya and the lake beds. He set out in Africa, Robbins waited until 1969 to August with an MSU graduate student and an "I'm supervising a class this term that will allow students opportunity to observe and analyze this data. It's significant in that very few people in the United Stales have the DETROIT (UPI) - jobless workers. Nationally, the undergraduate student to once again sift through layers of earth experience - wise, in African archeology, and MSU is one of the any training, hat tell man's There was little change in the unemployment rate stands at 5.8 history. few institutions where one can get that experience. employment picture in Michigan per cent. Robbins encourages a career in from January to February as the Unemployment for February archeology for students. highest number of workers in was slightly below the January What "At escape a time when students are searching for an opportunity to from the world's fast and furious pace and to contribute Sleuthing archeologist nine years were out of jobs. rate of 8.4 per cent, or 298,000 they found was "new information that appears relevant to Lawrence Robbins, asst. professor of something original to society, it seems fitting that a study of our Michigan's unemployment jobless. African history, significantly tying present traditions to stone age past should satisfy those desires. Archeology makes that devoted much time and research anthropology h J rate last month was 8.3 per cent Unemployment for February cultures," he said. study searching for clu«* ! even more inviting because it is a first hand study." Africa's late Stone Age history. of the labor force, William R. was the highest since 1962 when Ford, director of the Michigan 9.0 per cent of the labor force State News photo Gmployemnt were out of work. A year by Milton Horttl Security ago, Commission, said Thursday. 238,000 workers were jobless, Seminary launched in That figure represents 296,000 for a 6.7 per cent rate. EDGEWOOD UNITED CHURCH 469 N. Hagadorn An Ecumenical Ford said he employment to increase in the spring with increased business expects activity. He noted construction, retail trade and service industries sang NEW YORK hymns, prayed, (AP) - They heard remain fluid. "We are becoming," said Its increasingly traditional modifying inaugurated in January, with five university. streets modern Fellowship seminary patterns, students enrolled and 15 more ministers, now thai Worship Service speeches, then munched cheese director, Dr. Gerald Taylor, a took The open ended process is old are generally at their low points and sipped wine as they talked New York on a radically innovative applicants set for admission next - definitions 9:30 and 11:00 in the winter. psychiatrist, as he form in the part of the general flux and collapsed. She launching of the new fall. Some are said Sermon about what it takes today to be mingled with students and seminary here. seminary ferment in seminary education included the "medieval at 11:00 A.M. a minister of God. No one was visitors here to celebrate it. graduates; most are substituting u by Dr. Truman A. Morrison Central United Methodist No theological academician the as a result of sharpened of contemplative sure. But they're "street" term for one of ascetic, Folk Liturgy Service at 9:30 a.m. Across from the Capitol exploring some He said that just as Jesus himself, Dr. Taylor is an three questions over just what makes a implied that salvation invoU new terrain to try to find out. centered his years of traditional minister In College Group work, not in Episcopal layman whose the midst of flight from the world, and Dinner and Program 6—8:30 WORSHIP SERVICES I's called the "Seminary of institutional religious structures, seminary training elsewhere. enormous Reformation 9 45 and 11:15 a.m. the Streets," an unconventional psychiatric work with people, "The regular system tends to changes in living - type s Campus Church Bus Service, but among the "inhabitants of including candidates for the styles. whose erudition also tern Morning and Evening Call and experimental the put you in a mold that doesn't Topic undertaking highways and byways, the priesthood, convinced him that Dr. send him apart from the; 332-0606 or 332-8693 without classrooms or fixed fields and the work any more," said Kevin Rosemary Ruether, a villages," so the . an effective Christian ministry Martin, 24, of Dallas, who Is Roman Catholic Today's idea of the miu Dr. Howard A. Lyman curricula. It has no regular new seminary is "one with the must be shaped, not in theologian, said she added, is scholarly replacing his third at the inaugural services that mainly that First Ch faculty, no buildings, streets." year at urc h of "Don't Push The Panic Button" denominational attachments and no "For the streets are people, isolation but in personal Berkeley Seminary in New similar experiments are "prophet" who pro, encounter with real problems, Haven with the "springing up all over the United injustice, defends the vie] "street" Christ, Scientist 'Church School 9:45 to 11.45 even its general operational lines and the he added. people are the church," among people. It involves a experience here. "What we get in States these days." and brings "new hope" to Grand River at Haslett Entrance "sweeping the streets is much more poor. Crib That away helpful Most Involve expanded field Nursery DON'T GIVE UP concept, percolating of boundaries" on the premise "But it is not at all clear East in preparing for the Lansing 485-9477 ON RELIGION through the churches and that "the church is everywhere, ministry." work and internship programs in you educate a person to b Sunday Services The mixed, variable 11 a.m. program secular environments to fill the as far as the breeze will blow," involves volunteer work with a prophet," she said. Moi™ United Pentecostal Church EAST LANSING he said. gap between classroom work and "we are still dragging community groups, sensitivity the practical ministry. along Corner of State Rd. FRIENDS MEETING The new seminary, demands of the earlier mods lacking and group dynamics sessions, & Quaker denominational connections, is modern communications study, the minister. Each new view Meeting for Worship Dr. Reuther, of Howard U.S. 27 North Sunday 1:00 First Day School 1:00 being sponsored on an meditative discipline and some University, cited a widespread superimposed its educal Sun. morning Discussion Group 2:15 ecumenical basis by Manhattan's academic course in a New York demands without a fum" Sun. evening 10:00 a rich uncertainty over the role of the 7:30 p.r Child Care Provided old Trinity church, a remodeling." Wednesday Testimonial Meeting evening 7:30 p.n All Saints Parish bastion of big endowments, 8:00 p.m. 800 Abbott Rd., E.L. whose wealth enables it to Further Information: U.S. finance a varied program among D Sunday School to Rick Dell 332-2575 Justice age 20 337-0241 11 a.m. Wall Street's passing throngs and ALL SAINTS CHURCH in missions among the 800 Abbott Road poor of Reading Room Temporarily OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH the Lower East Side. 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos "We're freer than most Weekdays -- 9-5 p.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs., eves. 7 9 p.m. 8:00 Holy Communion (2 mi. E. of Hagadorn, V* mi. S. of Gd. R. behind An Independent Church With A Biblical MEIJER'S) churches," observed its rector, the Rev. Dr. John V. Butler. "We're not responsible to any low enforcement pro - 9:30 Morning Prayer Message & Sermon nursery available constituency for support, so we All are welcome to att adult discussion program can do all sorts of offbeat By CHRIS PEREGRIN costs, he must show financial need. Otherwise, Church Services and v use the 11:00 Morning Prayer & Sermon things." loan cannot exceed $699 a term, Scarlett said. reading room. After a trial semester, the new The loans carry a seven per cent interest n 5:15 p.m. Collegiate Fellowship Inspiration Refreshments Nearly $250,000 has been given to the -- - seminary was formally beginning six months after graduation. Payii For Transportation Call 332-2133 or 351-5125 University's Law Enforcement Education back the loan can be cancelled at a rate of "Love Fulfillment" Program this yepr by the U.S. Dept. of Justice In 25p W. E. Robinson, Pastor cent for each year of full - time E.D. Dawson, Ed. Minister the form of grants and loans, Thomas employment ii EAST LANSING"1RINITY CHURCH UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD asst. director of financial aids, said. Under the Federal Omnibus Crime Control and Scarlett, state, local or federal law enforcement agency. Dept. of Justice grants go up to $200 a tei and must be used for tuition E. Eugene Williams, t\ 841 Timberlane Drive Safe Streets Act of 1968, the only. No repayme program, involving of grants is required, but a student Minister East Lansing 300 criminal justice majors, was established. It is receiving CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE 1125 Weber Dr., Lansing grant must work for two years in a Stanley R. Reilly, I, _ ^ (Blk. No. of E. Grand River designed to encourage and financially assist enforcement agency following graduation. Assistant ■ Telephone: 351-8200 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River persons planning careers in law enforcement. at Downer) To be eligible a student must be a U.S. cil Interdenominational Discussion Groups 9:30 ».m. "Each year we re-apply for more financial aid University Class 3:45 Rev. Richard W. Bishop, Pastor and an officer of a publicly funded It a.m. 9:45 A.M. COLLEGE CLASS from the Dept. of Justice," Scarlett said. Concert by Stuart Noordyk Ensemble enforcement agency who is enrolled full • time 6:00 p.m. ALWAYS OPEN 10:50 A.M. WORSHIP To be eligible for a loan the student must be Rev. Stanley Reilly, a preaching 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC U.S. citizen and enrolled in a full part - time in an undergraduate or gradua Nursery - time Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. Campus Minister, undergraduate or graduate program leading to a officers. program. This includes corrections and U Minister, Kail Ruffner degree or certificate directly related to law Gary Hawes The applicant's degree or certificate must be enforcement. 332-5193 SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH 332-3035 an area related to law enforcement. State in In awarding the loans, students who are local officers UNIVERSITY receive priority over federal l» Free Transportation presently law officers at the state and local level officers in 1518 S. Washington are given priority over federal law awarding of grants. SEVENTH-DAY officers and Deadline for next year's applicants for gran over students who are still Sunday ADVENTIST CHURCH training to be law or loans is May 1. 7 p.m. LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES officers. Applications are available the Office of Financial "God Keeps His Word" If a student wants a loan Aids, 265 Studen exceeding eductional Services Sabbath School 9:30 Bldg. for Students and for Students Worship Service 11:00 9:45 A.M. Faculty at at K. G. Smith, College Bible Class COLLEGIAN University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel in the fireside room. Division & Ann Streets pastor FELLOWSHIP 444 Abbott Road Dr. Ted Ward, 332-2559 332-0778 8:30 p.m. 149 MSU, Teacher Highland Ave. Fireside Room Pastor David Kruse Call 351-8994 if you Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor need transportation ™ a IX) A.M.«» Glenn R- B'ossom, Youth Pastor WORSHIP HOURS "This Is The Life" 8:15 am Matins 1st and 3rd Commt peoples Church 9:15 am Common Service FREE iiUS SERVICE 9:30 and 11:00 East Morning and Evening 10:30 am Common Service 2nd and 4th Lansing. Call 482-0754 for information. 11:30 New Matins 9:30 only a.m. Expressions I nterdenominat ional 200 W. Grand River Christian Reformed Church /MORNING SERVICE: ®r- William Bronnson, speaking on^. II "A Momentous Meeting" at Michigan and Student Center I EVENING SERVICE: 5:30Potluck Supper 11:00 a.m. * Morning Worship • 7:00 Presentation of Chicag 1509 River Terrace Alumni Memorial Chapel, one SUNDAY SERVICE (across from Hubbard Hall) block east of Inner-City Work Auditorium. Visit our new Student Center — 9:30 and 11:00 IOj 30 a.m. * Coffee Hour open daily 9 a.m. • 11 p.m. a.m. * Discussion Groups for Adults Sunday School Classes for Children Lunch Wednesday 12:30 -1:30 P.M. MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE Nursery at 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. For rides call 355-0155 after 9 Rev. Hoksbergen Rev. Brink, CHURCH SCHOOL It's the real preaching "The Christian View of War" preaching 7:00 p.m. * I Ground floor of \ Chapel. Dress is Evening Worship • Alumni Memorial informal and a Rev. Tom Stark pastor 351-7164 9:30 & 11:00 Crib through Adults thing. Coke. Real life calls for real taste i\discussion follows the sermon. COFFEE HOUft. For the taste of for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 your life Coca-Cola. AFTER SERVICES miiminii Friday, March i2 ,1 M»chigan State News, F Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 12, 1971 7 iCULTY VOTES |Comm Arts drops required course By MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writer thT1'd,m "!!? A<|yertising droD thp r t ,ht. Scho°l " voted in February and to M faculty of the College of Communication Keniet?1Tt Kenneth Atkins, re?uirement chairman for their majors. Pv0ted Thursday afternoon to drop the of the Dept of [irement of Communication 100 for majors theTd^H-Sa'^ Thursday lhat the decision of the college. Kwever, the course may still be required for w largelyiSLe d'0P 'he TL within certain departments in the college. abouAn fheKDept 0f Advertisi»g usually admits Kjh only one dissenting vote cast in a voice Dent uept. of of r " a"d 130 juniors'and that the Communication 4 the 36 faculty members present decided seniors from taking Comm discourages juniors and 100. 0'along with the recommendation of the We would like to maduate Affairs Committee that the keep it strongly recommended for all j not be maintained as a college wide students, but see no sense lament. IntnaH into r°|Ut »3° advertising," Wa'VerS f°r jUniorS COming Atkins said. * dropping of the requirement is effective In other business, the faculty received reports u students who graduate from the College of punication Arts after winter term, 1971. (tra.Tfe' Heges to the of credit from community College of Communication Arts d C. Ralph, professor of communication, and on evaluation of international All lit up j out at the meeting that Comm 100 will programs on campus. He required for majors in the Dept. of A report on the progress of the selection of Small divers of light illuminate a campus parking ramp liinunication. new dean for the college also was given. a creating geometrical designs at night. State News photo by Jim Klein CHINA 6ts I Course to ex Inew interdisciplinary course, be examined historically. Then, ■ntinuing Revolution Problems and in changes in different societal Chin^inL^" ,eCtUre 0n the "The purpose of the course is "The is al*> designed to sectors and China's relations p., At- to give MSU students exposure serve as a base and equip Iroaches," will be offered (us this spring, on with studied. her neighbors will be beuSd'tX'Sou'™ r'TT' be used in the course to to„ how depict affected ,he this quarter stud™«* f<" ".oresophisticated of investigations into different the Nationalist and Communist e than 240 students have After a study of the Confucian era- humanity in the past century," aspects of Chinese society " he pre-enrolled for the tradition, the rise of nationalism, Hinikersaid. said. [*', which will be taught by the rise of Mao Tse-tung and the ^operating faculty members impact of two decades of Ivisiting scholars. Communist rule, the lectures AT REGISTRATION ■w course is offered will explore changes in fcugh the Asian Studies literature, philosophy and the ■cr and is administered by economic It. of History in cooperation Political Jhropology and Geography problems in China. Loren Fessler, long • time East Science, Asian journalist with Time Life News Service and • Information room planned AUFS irtments. It is coordinated (American Universities Field J Walter Gourlay, asst. ■essor Hiker, ftical science. of asst. Service) scholar visiting history, and Paul will lecture on current professor of developments in China. He will also discuss campus, contemporary to help minority students le emphasis of the course is Taiwan. A minority student information center will be The Black United Front is preparing a' set up ■change. The revolution will Martin Yang, a visiting scholar during spring term registration on March faculty evaluation sheet so that students can see 29 and 30, in 208 Mens' Intramural Bldg. what instructors to sign up for when choosing _ AM 870 ^ The information center will be similar to the classes. center used during winter term g^FM90.5 registration! At the center, minority students can get information Representatives from the center will be and help with their problems. stationed throughout the building to handle Representatives from the work study office, immediate questions of students. academic assistance program, and financial aid The minority information center is being PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS office will be there to talk to students who need sponsored by the Counseling Component of the ^ help in one of these areas. Supportive Services and Counseling Center. Today J:30 a.m. (AM) - THE EISENHOWER YEARS: The isitiori from war's end to the presidency. p.m. (AM) - LECTURE - DISCUSSION: "Campus and Services slated iety," Kingman Brewster, Yale University. p.m. (FM) - MUSIC THEATER: "Hair." Saturday for Mrs. Tinney Da m. (FM) - DETROIT ECONOMIC CLUB, p.m. (AM) - GREAT DECISIONS: "Vietnam, Laos and Services for Lina Tinney, wife nbodia: Which Way to Peace and When?" of Ralph W. Tinney, director 30 p.m. (AM) - 1 + 1 - 3 ... 4 ... 5: "I Believe . . . emeritus of MSU's short courses igion and population growth. (now agricultural technology), p.m. (FM) - METROPOLITAN OPERA, LIVE FROM NEW will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday RK: "II Trovatore" by Verdi. in the East Lansing Trinity :55 p.m. (FM) - BASKETBALL: MSU vs. Northwestern Church. iversity from Evanston. 0:45 p.m. (FM) - LISTENER'S CHOICE: Classics by request Mrs. Tinney died Thursday in phoning 355-6540. a local hospital. She was 75. Sunday Contributions may be made to P.m. (AM-FM) - CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: the Youth Ministry Memorial of andenberg Concerto No. 1," by Bach; "Piano Concerto No. K. 467," by Mozart; "Lyric Suite," by Berg; "Mazeppa," by the East Lansing Trinity Church. 1. Pierre Boulez, conductor; Robert Casadesus, piano. I P.m. (AM-FM) - FROM THE MIDWAY: "Population tribution and Family Structure in America" - Bertram Gross, Mer College; Hubert Locke, urbanologist, and Margaret Mead, stripes to the V$leCaesa^ hopologist. . „ Pm. (FM) - LOS ANGELES PHILHARMONIC: "Epitafio, Nordheim; "Nuits d'Ete," by Berlioz; "Symphony No. 3, by Udelssohn. Zubin Mehta, conductor; Janet Baker, soprano. fashion fore — CHICKEN DINNER in Garland knits 4 Pes. Chicken, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Roll 89c Great sports these Garlands of free and SHRIMP DINNER 6 Pes Jumbo Shrimp, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Roll 99c easy cotton knit. Comfortable as can be, and as colorful as you like them. Sizes S-M-L. The super-shirtdress with solid -*«■» FISH DINNER 2 Pes. Breaded Fish, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Roll 69c color pocket, placket and collar on stripes of navy/white or brown/white. The dirndl dress, tops stripes with a scoop necked solid and ties it all up with a drawstring NO LIMIT - NO COUPON NEEDED at the waist. Red or brown. Puff sleeved KNIT SHIRTS peasant dress in multi-striped navy or brown with draw neckline and elastic waist. Sportswear, second floor Downtown and PICKUP OR DELIVERY Meridian Mall. I few & Placket Collars, ON CAMPUS Iton Knapp's & Tie Fronts. la«P°Vers" **1® election of 1071 TROWBRIDGE ■ »orted colors, stripes, solids 18nd Prints. Sizes S, M, L, XL. 450.750 337-1681 OFF CAMPUS Webster Men's Wear 1203 E. GR. 337-1631 RIVER I Lansing mall MBRIDIAN MALL Shop tonight 'til 9. Saturday Downtown to 5:30, Meridian Mall to 9 |2*n Every Night 'til 9 Sunday 12 to 5 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Grateful today, the Dead are scheduled to ven sc By ROBERT KIPPER 10 p.m. Saturday in Wonders 49, in Fairchild Theatre. perform four hours in a show Kiva. is also scheduled for Sunday. State News Reviewer THE that will be divided into three SERPENT - an THE WHITE THE ME NOBODY KNOWS HOUSE parts: acoustic, country - blues - improvisational play that MURDER CASE - Jules Feiffer black musical about 12 — a The last weekend of winter and - folk and electric. "confronts, contrasts and looks at a future American war term offers the Grateful Dead, Stage ghetto children who talk and challenges" the universal story but aims his satire at the five plays and five on-campus sing about birds, drugs and being of present THE BOYFRIEND - a spoof man. Performances at 8 p.m. one. Performances at 7:15 p.m. films. black. Performances at 8 p.m. of the English comedies of the Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Friday and Saturday in McDonel Music 1920s. Ken Stern, State News Friday and Saturday in Studio Brody Hall. A 2:30 p.m. matinee Kiva. Admission is $1. GRATEFUL DEAD - theater critic, has called the WORMWOOD — an orginal Tickets are still available for play, "Joyful, bouncy, light - play, Students to tour presented by the Saturday night's 7:30 p.m. hearted and absolutely harmless Experimental Theater. concert in Jenision Fieldhouse. — an excellent remedy for end - Performances at 8:30 p.m. Considered by some to be one of of term hassles." - Performances Friday and at 8 and 10 p.m. the best groups in rock music at 8 p.m. Friday and at 7:30 and Saturday in the Arena Theater OPEN AT 6:30 NYC for credit (in the Auditorium). Admission is by donation. Screen New York City will become a fine LAST SUMMER - Frank arts laboratory for 25 Perry's TONIGHT students March 23-26. The Justin Morrill beautiful, stunning film of adolescent sad and THRU SUNDAY College (JMC) program is^finearts seminar which will include off cruelty and its effects on a - Broadway shows, ballet, tours of ALL COLOR PROGRAM people warehouse art galleries and experimental theater. The tour is being offered for credit trusting human being. Cathy Burns is brilliant as the victim. as part of an MMe';- interdisciplinary March 23. course at JMC. The group will attend a performance by the Joffrey Ballet on GOODBYE, COLUMBUS Z the film that introduced Ali MacGraw to the movies, a story On March 24, after a tour of the of a Jewish Guggenheim Museum, the young man who has W&m students will attend a fling with a Radcliffe girl as he "Story Theater," George Harrison and Bob Dylan's parody of "Grimm's Fairy Tales." That see the evening they will searches for his film is too identity. The 'Summer' premiere performance of Edward Albee's "All stylish and too which the playwright claims will make a Over," imitaive of "The Graduate" to Cathy Burns, Richard Thomas, Barbara Hershey and Bruce Davison greater impact than play four teenager) whi "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" be welcomed with spend their last summer of innocence in "Last Summer" open arms, showing on campus tonight in Wil The following day the students will tour but it has its moments. and Brody halls. " warehouse art galleries in Greenwich Village, talk with critic John Lahr and director Ellen Stewart, and view the avant - garde LaMama Experimental Theater. They will conclude the evening at The Bitter End, the iwoodl/tod< coffee house where folk career. singers Peter, Paul and Mary began their IN 'CARETAKER' The program also will include a tour of Lincoln Center, and discussions with the staff of Experiments in Art and Human Technology, condition sly & the family stone • ten a consortium of artists and years after •the who • and 400,000 other beautiful people scientists who were responsible for the effects in the movie "2001: A Space AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM Odyssey." ... Students will be responsible for arranging their own PETER transportation to New York and their meals. A $67.50 fee will SELLERS IN "I LOVE cover lodging at the Taft Hotel and tickets to all the events. brothers and a caretaker," Pinter question a violent one, and we YOU, ALICE B. TOKLAS" By ROGER POWELL uncovering the The fine arts seminar is open to all MSU said, who refuses to admit are freqeuntly made more aware nakedness of silent Shown at 7:07 and Late students, though of that violence islation. preference will be given to JMC students. For anymore specifics about the by the threat of he has described contact Barbara more information, Harold Pinter's speech Ward, asst. professor in JMC. play, "The purpose of his work. it rather than by its living "constant strategem to Caretaker," will be performed at However.the intense study of presence. nakedness." 8 p.m. Monday and Tuesday in relationships, Men generosity and grappling with life Pinter's play, "The Careti Studio 49, Fairchild Theatre. cruelty cannot pass the viewer perceived in these terms can be is a thought Admission is free. without provoking suggesting profound Intensely funny, but beyond the of the fears and anxieties "The Caretaker" was first questions concerning the state of absurdity of existence there is a , plague all of us. No one st performed in London in 1960, the human condition. For Pinter terrifying cruelty. At the end of miss this play. overwhelming its audience with stands steadfastly in line with his a sequence of thought and The play is a production the play's wit, accuracy of dialog predecessors in seeking to hold a action, Pinter is constantly MSU Dept. of Theate and the laughter it created. It mirror up to nature. also confused them because of He still seeks to represent to us the often vague levels of the abiding anxieties of human 'IT PROF meaning in parts of the play and individuals, memories and the apparent meaninglessness of dreams, hope and, most the whole. "It is a insistently, fears. The world that play about two his characters occupy is beyond Concert offers SISTERS, MARCH WITH US solo clarinetist FOR ABORTION REPEAL Elsa Ludewig, clarinetist with MSU's Richards Woodi Quintet, will be guest soloist with the MSU Chamber Orchesti SATURDAY MARCH 13 its concert at 8:15 p.m. today in the Music IN LANSING Bldg. auditorium. Miss Ludewig and the orchestra, conducted ASSEMBLE AT NOON AT DURANT by Dennis B will perform Mozart's "Concerto for Clarinet and PARK Orchestra.' An associate professor of music here, she rece Rides will be available starting at undergraduate degrees at Oberlin conservatory of Music and 11:00 from Shaw Lot. For further Doctor of Musical Arts and Performer's Certificate from information, call 337 - 0951 Eastman School of Music. The concert, which is open to the public without charge, will include Mozart's "A Musical Joke" and Richard Strauss' PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-6944 Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Opus 60" ("The would-be gentlemn 2N0 "Mozart's 'Musical Joke,' " Burkh said, "was the AMPUS BIG statement on how not to compose music." The Strauss work was written as incidental music for compa Theatre-Fast Lansing Moliere comedy, "The Bourgeois Gentleman," and is consider 107 E. GRAND RIVER - pOWNTOWN WEEK! virtuoso piece for orchestra. EXTRA ADDED M-78 BLUE Box Office Opens 12:45 - 4 Shows Daily 1:15 4:00 TONIGHT AND JOE FRAZIER MUHAMMAD ALI SATURDAY - 7:00 Heavyweight Championship Fight Pictures 9:30 Open at 12:45 NATIONAL TODAY EITHER THE MOST p.m. PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 TWO BIG FEATURES REVIEW "CELLAR" At 1:00-4:00-7:10-Late "ATTIC" At 2:30-5:35-8:45 p.m. LADMER Theatre NEGLECTED HERO IN HISTORY SAYS - LansTnq OH LIAR OF INSANE PROPORTION! "...MORE DYNAMIC 3 TIMES THE \ 1 23 N. WASHINGTON-DOWNT THAN TRUE GRIT... LAUQHTER. SEXIER THAN rj TIMES THE IpVlNQ' I AM CURIOUS (YELLOW)..." ONE OF THE 10 BEST PICTURES ] What the girls did to Paxton in the Attic... Colin is doing to the girls in the Cellar! ^ . OF THE YEAR!! Chief CfuaR. DUSTIN HOFFMAN Dan George SH "Oscar" "LITTLE BIG MAN" Nomination "Best IN —"rva* MiMiEMX A Cinema Contef Films Pieaentatior Supporting Actor" WE5STERN JOAN OOLUNS LARRY WAGMAN lilE&eawHEBjoNES martin balsam jeff corey JUDY PACEJWlD ARKIN • NlRA BARAB £olor chief ban george fate dijnaway SAMuaZARKOF^JAMBH NlCHOlSON NORMAfTrVfERMAN 1=1 ™ ~ ~ ^THEODORE J FUCKER iNTERNATKm AN AMERICAN Ju'o/ ATHC pace Maggie ~fcg£Tr- Martin Screanplay by Caidef Wilkngham Baaed on lha Nov* by Thomaa Befgw Produced by Stuwl MiH» DMctod by Arthw Pww Psnawsoii-^chrocoiof A National Ganwal frcfarw Added Sports [6f»| «► Novelty & Fun Cartoon MSU ID $1.00 and 7'8:40.n U2L15 JK2gh ttL. and 10^20 Friday, MarchI2 B Michigan State News, East Lansing. Miclumn Friday, March 12,1971 9 |Or»g/na/ Cultu re Icheduled "Wormwood," an original, nonverbal ^ -iter production b7 Robert W. McTyre, gLingham senior, will be )roducti Within the past two groups of black students living in University residence halls, have attempted to years, establish black rooms. culture rooms and libraries or similar facilities for use There —— Shaw, Holmes, Mason News and Wilson halls have completed also exist by students in other residence halls students in the particular halls. who are Black students say there are holding up room - facing problems that are Background Abbot black work with the students to establish a culture room in Akers Hall. Although the black students living already in Holden Hall established a black need cited have faced were similar to those being faced by black students in other residence halls. "One of our main problems when we first got started was where we were going to get the money," Dennis Means, Detroit sophomore and head of the Holden Committee, said. Hall Cultural The black students in the hall first went to the General Council and were allocated funds. From there committees and needed materials bought, Means said, were Another problem that organized plagued the organizers of culture rooms is not having enough furniture. Among problems facing Fee were has performed at 8:30 tonight, completion of their culture room, the problems they Hall's culture room, organizers many reasons why culture rooms culture rooms, ,nd at 8 and 10 Saturday should be established. Demetria Rencher, Saginaw Students living in Akers, Fee, ujght in the Auditorium's "All aspects of the junior, said that not enough Arena Theater. University Hubbard, McDonel and Rather Sci-fi are white materials have been purchased. oriented, Gregory halls have began work on their Miller, Flint sophomore," She said East Lansing does The experimental -eduction was developed in "The black culture said, room black culture students say rooms. they But, the have progra not carry the kind of materials and supplies needed to start a ^gemble fashion by the provides an atmosphere that encountered reflects the background of the securing materials needed to problems in culture room or library. 12-member cast, McTyre said. "There are no stars," he explained. "The play was black student, thus feelings of alienation." He explained that the reducing the operate, The major culture according to these students, are problems, opens at The black culture committee in Hubbard Hall is in need of books, accoridng to Gregory evolved by the entire cast, room also serves as a place where funds and hall management. Laster, Detroit freshman and a The mysteries of science Fridays, 2:30 and 8 p.m. ysing nonverbal techniques. blacks can come together and There are other problems but fiction member of the book drive will come to life on Saturdays and 2:30 and 4 p.m. "We are trying to achieve a enjoy each other's company. these seem to head the list. campus in "The Sundays. committee. To build up their Another student said he felt a "The main problem stems library, the residents in the hall Jtotal experience for the black culture room was needed from not beginning today Admission price is $1 for have been asked to donate old ■judience," he said, "using having enough Planetarium, adults, 50 cents for children so that he and other black money," books that pertain to black ■ body movements, vocal Sheryl Shellman, The science fiction story under 12, and 75 cents for MSU students could have a center in Detroit freshman historv. ■ expressions, ■ instruments percussion and unusual Experimental which to their black see and read about cochairman of the cultural and effects place the audience space capsule traveling at high students. An experimental theater heritage. committee in Akers Hall, said, speed. The setting allows one to ■ lighting techniques." group will perform "Wormwood," Many black brams groups in The money allocated to the actually become involved in the c'RObe" AB residence J Friday and W- McT»,e- halls have committee at the beginning of Admission to the will be at 8.30 p.m. 8 and 10 i successful in been story, writer Ken Parr, member ■ production is by donation, the Auditorium Arena theater. p.m. Saturday in > setting up and the school year is not enough to, of the planetarium staff, said, I McTyre added. opening some type of black buy materials to get started, she "** "Pop" " music, a new technique ' " State News photo by cultural facility. Holden, Terry Luke j: Case, explained. in planetarium sound tracking, The money is used to buy will be used throughout the u> paintings, sculptures, books and show. The theme music is PLANETARIUM other items. Hall Private life' claims that management they don't have enough funds to appropriate for supplied Airplane. "The New by the World" Jefferson will run An iginal Science Fiction the materials, Miss Shellman exclusively for presentation in the through May 16. ilm alters said. planetarium chamber. Somewhat Public programs are at 8 p.m. abstract . . . eye - opening Most managers contacted said . . . thought provoking. Multi - media new Sherlock Holmes behind the magnifying glass image Physically, he suits the role. they were room. Some willing to help the students establish a black culture managers said they JUNE GRADUATES JOBS AVAIL/MAJOR CITIES CALIF-ARIZ- HAWAII visions and total stereo sound add to make this a truly planetarium miss THE NEW WORLD together production. Don't .. . and were helping students in the hall Professional/Trainee positions > has arrived. It's nice beneath the distinctive His Holmes, however, is not set up a cultural facility. Please note - we adise parental currently available in all fields. [t it isn't really what was tweed cap. But the detective deft or deceptive enough to "I think that a culture room is Available positions monitored discretion in allowing young children to view this program, the tected or hoped for. was too interesting to invite be cherished as sleuth and not a good idea," Alice Creyts, Food daily & rushed to you weekly. content being directed towards speculation regarding the warm or pleasant enough to Service Manager in Akers Hall For full information package, a ihen one thinks of a personal side of the man. be tolerated as a romantic. said. She expressed a desire to including a 4 week subscription more mature audience. ■erlock Holmes movie, The film ponders the on currently available jobs, plus sample resumes, salary & cost s of a tightly wound, personal aspects of Holmes, of living comparisons. & area Program Schedule Kptively clever adventure showing him as a man bored executive recruiters directory, INFORMATION ling to mind. One expects send $9 to: Fridays JMC with his profession and giving 8:00 p.m I fascinating unraveling of a Ipelessly complicated plot d readies himself for the him all sorts weaknesses and habits. They of human plans weekend JOBS IN THE SUN Box 133-La Jolla-Calif 92037 Saturdays Sundays 2:30, 8:00 p.m 2:30 & 4:00 p.m 355-4672 Science Abrams Rd. and MSU, East Lansing. Planetarium, Shaw Lane, featuring workshops even hint at a romance. The ■ailed investigation of every Holmes in this film is not |ist and bend of the story aloof, mysterious or even NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES lAbove all, one braces Like It Apartment" Hot" — no and one "The can much common. An fun. He is all too "Spring Weekend" is being organized by students and faculty in Justin Morrill College (JMC) for April 16-18, Sherrili Smith, SPARTAN TWIN WEST FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER investigation of a case is Grand Rapids senior and planning committee • 3100 EAST SAGINAW • Phone 351-0030 Inself for Holmes' climactic match their inspired pacing chairman, said. included, to be sure, but the The JMC Spring Weekend will feature two - hour Mergence, smug in his and wit. In dealing with romantic subplot pads and workshops taught by JMC students and faculty on topics such as painting, fution to the case. Holmes, when pacing and dilutes it. drama, dance, Gestalt art, clay modeling and haiku poetry. Private Life of underlying wit are essential, they forget both. It's not fair to reveal plot when it comes to detective Gordon Rohman, dean of JMC, will teach the workshop on haiku When a Lady poetry, Miss Smith said. Jerlock Holmes," the new Their film lacks spontaneity films — especially Holmes "We have a lot of talented students and ■ilmes ■scinating film, or is neither hopelessly and respect. The film drags steadily (after a while, one films. What can be discussed don't have a chance to teach what they're into," she said. faculty in JMC who is applauded — and lamented — is the Other activities such as candle Implicated. It is handsomely could mistake its movement - making, film - making and enactment of the title role. canoeing also will be available. jounted and sometimes it just doesn't for pacing). Worse still, the film dares to tamper with may Robert Stephens, who you remember as the artist in The weekend is open only to JMC students, 65 of whom are expected to attend at Camp Wesley Woods, Miss Smith said. by 30 million |>ve or twist as it should. Holmes' image. "The Prime of Miss Jean Registration is limited, and JMC students are encouraged to ■he viewer doesn't mind Patient filmgoers can forgive the dragging but what Brodie," plays Holmes. register early by contacting Elizabeth Roberts in 141 Snyder Hall. people, lng thrown off the track (as Holmes readers do) reader wants humanized, sentimentalized? Holmes PROGRAM INFORMATION 482-3905 she owes them use he is not involved. Yet this is what Wilder and TODAY 5th WEEK! 0 ICHIGAN an encore. ! fascination and Diamond have attempted Istration of knowing a here. Bution lurks just beyond the Holmes' charms has always Doors open 1:00 P.M. Theatre LansTnq - • Sun. 12:45 P.M. Irizon is missing. rested in his professional 217 S. WASHINGTON-DOWNTOWN detachment, his impersonal J)llder i rectorand- writer Billy dedication to a case first, last ■writer I.A.L. Diamond his favorite and always. Holmes' heart didn't necessarily tick; his Nominated for elaborated for this film. mind clicked. Jen I they |Poors these STARTS TODAY: men are good were with "Some — Of course, suspected that —, a man readers existed PROGRAM INFORMATION JK 5117 7 AWARDS ACADEMY Open 7:00 P.M. - Sat., f I/.LJJ BEST PICTURE * BEST ACTRESS * BEST ACTOR * BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR * May at 1:00 P.M. BEST DIRECTOR * BEST MUSIC SCORE * _^^7^IB0OT^^Towntown BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY. "LOVE STORY" IS Lady for your EVERYBODY'S PICTURE! enjoyment "There has been nothing like it in a generation! WINNER OF 8 ACADEMY AWARDS And nothing like its star, Ali MacGraw, to remind the world of the kind of stars that used AUDREY HEPBURN REX HARRISON to glisten in Hollywood! She made "Love Story" happen." — Time Magazine paramount pictures presents NfC0- Ali MacGraw * Ryan O'Neal ii r Starts Saturday Jhe Year's THE FIGHT OF THE CENTURY: #1 Best Seller muhammad ali DIARY OF A vs. SCHIZOPHRENIC joe frazier GIRL A HOWARD G. MINSKY-ARTHUR HILLER Production DIRECT FROM RINGSIDE l*INNER OF 9 INTERNATIONAL AWAR0s | John Marley&Ray Miiland erich segal arthur hiuer FIRST EXCLUSIVE FILM PRESENTATION Produced by Enecutive Producer Music Scored by COLOR ' HOWARD G MINSKY DAVID GOLDEN FRANCIS LAI a paramount picture IN COLOR [ SOUND TRACK AlBUM AVAILABll ON PARAM0UNI MUWS , [GP]XSSXS&m1* WS SEE EVERY EXCITING MOMENT! Feature Today 7:30-9:36 P.M. • Saturday Complete Shows 1:25-3:25-5:25-7:25-9:30-Sun. 1:10-3:10-5:15-7:05-9:05 „ and Sunday l:30-3:35-5:35-7:4(V9:J»J_£_ 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Police propose safeguards for property By JAMES SHELDON on routine inspection*. Zutaut said he "wouldn't hazard a guess" about how serious the when many thlevea came from State News Staff Writer Plain clothesmen and uniformed officers will travel by outside the F.« , , crime problem might be over term break and during spring term. strike at temporarily vacant automobile, bicycle and on foot for round - the - clock patrols. Expects worst residences Uns|n« n Spring break traditionally marks the season for liberation. It's a Recovering stolen property depends on wh(.th» time to throw caution to the wind and blot out dingy classrooms, Procedures Sgt. Dean Tucker of the East Lansing Police Dept. said he had a record of serial numbers or of other Idemin» .L ° mundane meals and tedious, robot - like student routines. Unfortunately, however, many times students return to campus Zutaut explained procedures students should follow when they leave campus for term break: t . no idea of how intense the crime problem might be over break. He said he always expects the worse. said. A low recovery situation. Tucker added. percentage of?to£T^0" tems 18 u ■ and discover that while they were liberating themselves, other ♦Make a record of serial number on property. Tucker also has a few suggestions to safeguard property in a less escapist individuals had liberated valuable merchandise from - ♦Scratch initials or identifying marks in an inconspicuous house or apartment over break. place apartments and residence hall rooms. on items. I *Give someone who is not leaving the area an address where you Reports drop "Take valuable items home, or lock them in some sort of (in be reached. safety Although theft and burglary reports to police drop over term deposit box. 'Tell your building manager where you are going. breaks, Capt. Adam J. Zutaut, uniform commander of MSU ♦Make sure room doors are locked when leaving campus. "Take valuable items home. police, said this week, the department still receives many Zutaut explained there is a "very small chance" of recovering ♦Secure patio doors with a prop from the inside so the doors complaints when students return to campus and find items stolen property, since thieves usually take the items to other areas can't be shoved open. missing. to be resold. ♦Make a list of property serial numbers if you have to leave He said the drop in campus population reduces the potential for Even when stolen property is recovered, he continued, police items in your residence. thefts, since "it takes people to create crime." have no way to determine ownership if Ed?t Lansing police are not able to furnish personal property identifying marks cannot However, Zutaut added, many thefts occur over term breaks be found on items. Zutaut told about one person who thought a inspections for departing residents. Tucker cautioned, because the when items are stolen from residence hall rooms. recovered tape deck belonged to him but could not positively department does not have enough manpower to individually Because of this, campus patrol efforts are to be intensified identify it. policy all area houses and apartment buildings. around residence halls and buildings throughout the The tape campus. deck was turned over for disposal In a salvage yard, he "Sttklents will have to help on their own," he emphasized. Officers will be checking doors in addition to entering buildings said, whick auctions unclaimed merchandise to the public. Tucker explained burglaries were "heavy" over Christmas break Meeting open until a proposed federal grant could be obtained from Rodger A. Woudenberg, East set Proposed solutions to the might be able to hire a director Lansing graduate student, said, Raft's problems are centered on who could Vvork on to p "Things did not work out," the Office of Criminal Justice. He and his wife, Hazel, lived at getting the he said, "but we learned a lot. Less than a year old, the Raft the Raft as house reopening it as a crisis - house back again. But we have We want to keep the Raft parents until intervention center which would to have going money before we even if we have to A special meeting to decide been plagued with problems December, put runaways in contact with attempt to manage anything as change its the fate of the Raft, East from the start- !t never was ab,e Installing a new furnace and people willing to help them. big as a house." format. We'd like all those lntorOC,nj Going my way? Lansing community center for to serve as a temporary shelter paying back rent were the two "What we need is a full time - Woudenberg is optimistic ^ A sign, a suitcase, a thumb and a for runaways because not biggest money problems of the director," Woudenberg said. "If about the new, direction of the _ runaways, will be held at 1 p.m. ride are the Saturday in the Stefanoff enough money was available to Raft, Woudenberg said. ^urday- We have to get it this hitchiker needs to enjoy the warm only thi, we could obtain a grant we Raft. together and happening again." weather of Jam* Lounge, Student Services Bldg. make repairs necessary for the "We know there is a need for State News photo by Don Genu The center, at 420 Evergreen required state child care license, a runaway center in the St., was closed after a fund drive "We were always making community by the response we earlier this month failed to raise repairs, but there was just too did get," he said. "More and WELFARE PROPOSAL enough money to keep the Raft much that had to be done," more kids were coming to the Raft all the time and although PROGRAM INFORMATION 372-2434 OPEN AT 6:30 we couldn't house them, we were able to help them about their problems. Woudenberg said financial staff problems mounted to the point of being too much to cope and Reagan's plan similar to WPA with. SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - they didn't they wouldn't draw stepping stone to self - support. can to California Gov. Ronald Reagan come make welfare balance with other state THRU SUNDAY welfare. Reagan said he thinks the basic "We attempted to do too eliminate the need for itself." i says "do - gooders" may sneer at A first step of the Reagan plan failure of the nation's welfare "I think there's a Since certain much, too fast, and with too his idea of putting welfare is to take the state's World War II, the beyond which you can't AT 9:30 ONLY little," he said. aged, blind system has been that it has no welfare system has grown with recipients to work, but he thinks and totally disabled —-who will goal. He feels his own program no pressing the people" for it would give the poor some always need state assittance — can be a model for the nation. purpose, Reagan believes: taxes, Reagan said. "It's just gone on treating the pride and self - respect. and put them on an "I think, darn it, it's a benefit, automated Despite all the jokes about it, problem as If all they're pension program like; Social the WPA was relatively supposed to do is perpetuate Richard "HAS THAT YOUTHFUL spiritually, to the individual," Reagan said in an interview in Security. Others would be given a choice successful, Reagan said: "It had these people on the dole." He Grad studei ACCENT WHICH PLACES IT IN A virtually replaced welfare." called it "social tinkering" by his Capitol office. Burton of actively seeking work, faking Strong incentives those who dream of Genevieve LEAGUE WITH ZEFFIREILI'S 'ROMEO ANO JULIET.'" "I know everybody wants to job training, or sneer at this. All the do-gooders public work force — Mrhich going oil the With strong work incentives, Reagan believes welfare will have unpoor, undiseased society. "I have no quarrel with the totally prof compi -JOHn Mahoney, FM and Fine Arts Mag. that howl about materialism are Reagan considers a temporary- a goal —"tosee how close you dream," he said. '♦! just think Bujold all too often the materialists themselves. They seem to think that some of the dreamers were bibliograph HalWallis just feeding someone and impractical." PRODUCT1C He said he had been an putting a roof over their heads is More than 1,000 rete "A PERFECT MOVIE... RICHARD all that is required. advocate of the basic proposals have been compiled by in President Nixon's family BURTON, CHARMING, ROMANTIC. "But they are human beings W. Minkel and Ralph assistance plan ufe Ifjousatii GENEVIEVE BUJOLD, ILIRTY. with the need to have pride, self reform: of welfare Alderman in their "Bibliop THEY'RE GREAT TOGETHER!" - respect, things of the spirit. of the British And therefore we think they're "It started out to be what we Cosmopolitan Magai 1900-1970." ALS0 all dreamed about, a going to be better off if they program Minkel, associate EXPLOSIVE EXPOSE OF THE ALL SEATS RESERVED know they are performing a MSU POLICE were called at 2:40 a.m. Thursday to West that was going to place the Advanced Graduate Studie useful service. McDonel Hall after someone apparently set off the sprinkler emphasis on work." SPYSCANDAL THAT SHOOK THE WORLD! $3.50, $4.50, $5.50 The Republican governor's far system in a third • floor incinerator room. But it has evolved so that professor of geography, the bibliographic project in Tickets on sale now! At Police found water in the incinerator room and called fire "even though there is still when he was named chairm ALFRED HITCHCOCKS reaching welfare reform plan, - AT 7:07 ONLY j1 TOPAZ ! I LOST MARINER in E. & both WURZBURG STORES Buy Now For Choice Seats!! Lansing which must be approved by the Democratic • controlled department personnel to turn the system off. No damage to the room was reported. Police said sprinkler. * thpy did not know who set off the ♦ supposed to be inducement there, a all work the the research committee Michigan Belize Partners California Legislature, would loopholes are still there that Alliance. MARK E. WEBER, Essexvilletsophomore, told officers three offered the incentive not to create a mandatory public work Minkel and Alderman, force similar hubcaps, with a total estimated value of $35, were stolen work." to the Works sometime between Monday and Wednesday from his automobile Lansing graduate Minimum payment Progress Administration — WPA parked in Lot X south of the railfood tracks on Hagadorn Road. compiled references of the depression. The governor said he is P*&)esi& categories: physical, cul - SERIES - Those able - bodied persons A THEFT of $36 in cash * * i* basically opposed to the idea of economic, political and ge who wouldn't work, or couldn't occurring between 2:20 and 2:45 a guaranteed minimum payment, aspects of the British Horn p.m. Wednesday from the top drawers of two desks in an East such as the Nixon plan contains. find jobs, would do public Copies of the 93 Akers Hall student room was reported by two victims, roommates His own program would be service such as school reference book may be obt Donald E. Nye, Dollar Bay junior, ahd David H. Armitage, Grosse tailored to the ability of the playground supervision or work from the Latin American St Ilefreshman. i state's revenue in the field of environment. If Police had no further information (on the incident. - producing Center, International Cente system to finance welfare in fe< $2. AUDREY NORTHSIDE Dnvej HEPBURN /.*.. * - jj 4 as Holly Golightly goes irwf ... from beer to champagne, from day to day and from date to date until. . . From the wickedly funny bestseller! Breakfast "Tiffanys HknlCKEYROONEY BL*KE^DW*R0S • MARTIN JUROW'.«°R'CH*RDSHEPHERD X - Rated • X — No Infants No Children — No one under 18 *★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★* A k* Admitted * Specie! Police Will Supervite Admitiloni Adult. $1.75^ erh Arfs center ,e the on E®st whether Lansln, ^ the ■ By JONI BENN State News Staff Writer The proposal for some kind of offered last year in performing arts center was response to plans for an All - Events Building concerts in the 400-seat Music camp Bldg. auditorium. Not only is the acoustical system of the Auditorium a w to be built on the football problem, identification practice field south of the stadium. various musical groups en items is thfs °pinion camPai8n was launched The proposed $11 million All - Events Bldg., including 15,000 • Auditorium facilities often cripples their complain, but the cost of using the u the infprL^f gC of Arts and Letters aimed at awakening seat arena with cushioned theater seats and pull-out bleachers, Cost of assembling the music shell at the meager budgets. ppntl center on ° Un,vers,ty administrators to the need for a cultural campus. was aimed at improving the University's athletic facilities. The example, is placed in the range of $500, whUe use of better Auditorium, for builkiing would have taken the function of Jenison Fieldhouse. facilities at Okeroos High School is atSderi1^!!^ StU*intS and a handful r of faulty members The athletic arena, to be financed by football ticket sales and only $50. Use of the Okemos cS?al cent- . Hgtth'f WCek t0 Sh°w for « Proposed an expected $10 rise in student fees, met with student protests site, however, poses still another problem - its distance from campus prohibits many students from attending these events. begin^ext tCTm 8 maSS'Ve PUbl'C relations campaign to over such issues as without student student financial responsibility for the project During the debate over the proposed All - Events Building last representation on the planning committee and chlLTn^r8 "J* Roe, Exton, Pa., junior and the greater need for other facilities, including a fine arts center year, Executive Vice President Jack Breslin was that "a new Auditorium is quoted as saying SSimliL J? ? and LetterS Dean's Student the ™ f<»• Advisory «* Proposals for such a facility, supported by the music and theater departments, rise from campus." probably the most needed facility on complaints about the poor or Despite a pledge by Breslin to place plans for a fine arts inadequate facilities of the Auditorium. complex high on this year's University legislative building priority Performers have criticized the allegedly cramped conditions of list for the 1970-71 academic year, many feel the proposed the dressing rooms while the Ma rch planned In response to the seating structure and poor acoustics have won it the title of "The Bam." quality of the Auditorium's sound system, facility is not likely to be funded in the near future. Although the renewed campaign to spark interest in the program is student-led, the group encourages faculty and East the Dept. of Music has been holding many of its recitals and Lansing residents to join the cause during spring term. on U.S. coasts Student program GLENDA JACKSON BEST ACTRESS lJhnIn?r! °f Byron King, editor of "New BEST DIRECTION "Cijlunar Evensong," a student - produced television show, kabor party and democratic Society Students for a Left Notes" speaking at an SDS (SDS) will meeting Wednesday, said that 1 Oscar will be aired at 11:30 a.m. Saturday on WMSB. Gary march against "racist students and workers will join NOMINATIONS KEN RUSSELL The Owl and the Pussycat Steinke, Midland, Mich., graduate student, will serve as unemployment" in Washington, together in marches on the East director. The musk for the dancers will be composed on a u C" and Sacramento, Calif., on and West coasts to oppose Barbra Streisand moog synthesizer with Bill Moulton as choreographer. March 20- United States "bosses" and to k Friday: 5:45,7:45,9:45 State News photo by Jim Klein demand an unemployment and the end war to in o ■ Saturday: 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, 9:! f Frl. Twi - Lite Hour, Adults 90c 5:1 , Southeast Asia. ROBERT MICHAEL J. • wayr ride V shows seem "This will be the first national labor demonstration since the 1930s," King said. "So far we REWORD Little Fauss and BIG HALSYi P0I1ARD are the only thi have gotten a pretty good varm weather of Jan* response from students, but we \ Friday: 6:00, 7:45, 9:40 n photo by Don Gent eruns are here also urge the unemployed workers and welfare mothers to join in the march." They must find a new 0 Friday PAUL NEWMAN ROBERT _ . - In "New Left Notes," "bosses way. NEW YORK (AP) — That than last year. Anther factor is only 18 episodes and goes into racist unemployment" is defined BUTCH CASSIDY AND gp ing you may have that you that in 1970 the network had its repeats next week. The show as the unemployment of seeing television reruns pre,m'^re week earlier than ABC was preempted by NBC for eight minority workers in the United LARRY KRAMER and MARTIN ROSEN resent KEN RUSSELL'S to of THE SUNDANCE KID ier than ever this year is right and CBS and so went into reruns straight weeks. States. According to the cases — but wrong in earlier. This fall CBS and NBC D.H. LAURENCE'S ABC the week of Sept. 21. "Four in One," which also - began the week of Sept. 14 and begins reruns next - week, will be shown in a different manner this publication minority workers are hit the hardest. "The U.S. bosses fire workers » "WOMEN IN LOVE" 0Fridaar Lite Hour, Adults 90c, 5:00 - 5 3 COLOR by DeLuxe 'Here's Lucy," "Hee Haw," A complete schedule of repeat time. The four miniseries will dates was unavailable from ABC, rotate here, so as to take advantage of EVENINGS: ["Actress on carrie snodgtess :e with other state N^i'nc i.™t with a different show bLUt il aPPears that many of its each week, as in the manner of the cheap labor in foreign | her way to diary of a hink there's a IS went Intn countries to maximize profits," WED., SAT., SUN. an Oscar!" certaini well ,8St shows wl!1 8° ,nto rePeats later "The Bold Ones." the publication said, I LOS ANGELES mad housi a d which you 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 ig the people" for can't the vear hofaro ''l8" the other networks because As in the past, some series will of its later start. That also was be King said he anticipates Other Days HERALD-EXAMINER replaced by summer shows approximately 5,000 people in S628 W.8AQINAW 484-4403 ' i Friday: 6:30, 8:15, 9:55 Reagan said. the pattern last year. after only a few repeats. Des 7:00 & 9:30 NBCs . Bold _ Ones „ . began The television season has been O'Connor will the Washington demonstration. uns Sunday and three more begin a summer shrinking slowly over the years, "Music Hall" series beginning ad studer IS shows, "Family Affair," jnieand Mary Tyler Moore, due to rising program costs and the economic squeeze. Series May 26. a new show, "From a Bird's af compi into repeats this week. Nine es begin reruns next week. once ran to 39 original shows, Eye View," will replace Red but each year that number was Skelton reduced. on Monday nights An MHA-WIC Presentation beginning March 29. Skelton will 'he repeat pattern is different the current season the reapper June 6 in Bill network. CBS is Cosby's -Last summer jliograph average number of runs from 24 Sunday time slot. Cosby will was too beautiful to forget... F ideasting repeats slightly 26 episodes. But "High move to Tuesdays to replace lier than last year. Chaparral," for instance, has "Julia." re than 1,000 refd But NBC, with more pre and too painful to remembe 3een compiled by CU 'Ptions for specials, generally -^"loing into reruns slightly later - - Minkel and Ralph man in their "Bibllop the British F 1970." ikel, associate iced Graduate Studie eague slates sor of geography, I biographic project in he was named chairm gnup of voters ■search committee o ;an Belize Partners o !e. t registration kel and Alderman, The League of Women Voters g graduate led references Lansing will conduct physical, [istration of voters during tile, poimcaTa'nd gW^istration next week and > of the British How nn« registration on March 29 of the 93 d30. book may be obt Monday through Friday next tie Latin American St *k- students who are 18 years International Centt 'or o|der may register to vote federal elections in 208 Men's tamural Bldg. For regular registration on 29 and 30, students ild go to 215 Men's 'fimural Bldg. Hours will be (ni9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students should have some totification with an East W-" 'I"... THRU "tE77^!l TUES sinSdriver's ' addresslicense on It, suchmailed or as a niA niuo ter addressed, to them In East 7 BI6 DAYS ft ' Michigan residency of at least months also is required. exual brutality NOW! Exclusive First Showing! „„ BARBARA HERSHEY. RICHARB THOMAS. BRUCE BAVISON... CATHY BURNS and ELEANOR PERRY »EVAN HUNTERALFRED W CROWN SU*NSINC UN M 43 ♦ PHONE ED 11042 XnndluU adH AY years under 18 No oneadmitted „a SIDNEY BECKERMAN SES JOEL GLICKMAN "-'K FRANK PERRY i. EASTMAN COLOR base 0 on the novella b> philip roth NOW the sexual revolution is complete. Music by JOHN SIMON Hear the theme song Warner Bros-Seven Arts Records Rr.11.3 t;y played by THE BRASS RING on ITCO Records ALLIED ARTISTS |HI»5&"<3*£51K astameyr jafff production simmc RICHARD BENJAMIN JACK KLUGMAN NAN MARTIN ALI MacGRAW Sodschuman s-pSiwar wooucioe- WHCII0 8. STAMfYR JAffE LARRY PEERCE 1ECHNOXOR- rsv— [THt ASSOCIATION; A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ISF5* m Tonight in two locations Tonight in Conrad Wilson - 7, 9:30 6:30, 8:30, 10:30 Brody - 8:30 Saturday in Wilson Saturday in Conrad 2, 7, 9:15 7, 9:15 $1.00 admission $1.00 admission WWW—AMSilNDH-lOMSCKl-til^fAiSON ,. )A1 IOHTERIawoman fflKTin.. '■ — I.D.'s required I.D.s required 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fr»day, Ma arch'2,l9 Poll samples opinions on Honors Colle ge By BILL HOLSTEIN taken 14 credits or more. know the Frank H. Blackington, faculty who are courses and the campus. I Honors State News Staff Writer Honors interested in certain subjects," College should be haven't got a whole lot out of available to all students. "... the major problem with College director, said he has "a he said. independent the Honors College because A pretty positive reaction" to the Blackington said the Honors adviser wasn't too enthusiastic," my majority of students study is providing a vehicle whereby the EDITOR'S NOTE: The survey findings although he College seemed to feel the criteria of students can get to know the faculty who is attempting to questioned whether the survey stimulate this student one respondent said. admissions should not be a strict are following story is based, in - faculty Other interested in certain subjects." students cited their grade point average. Instead, . part, on an informal sample was representative. interaction with hopes of In response to criticism that an seeing advisers as the primary they said a student's program telephone survey. The State increase in the use of the Honors College is used by advantage of membership: and the nature of his classes News makes no claims as to independent study. "If you get a good adviser, students only to waive basic should be carefully examined. the scientific validity of the "Unfortunately we don't have that's one big advantage of the of the fact that requirements, Blackington said more of this. We don't have a Respondents who said they we are looking at has developed toward rejecting findings. he feels University College has system," he said. Honors College," another wished to see a minimum programs and are deeply students with high grade point willingness to lo t, grade Honors College seniors have been very useful in providing The seniors, who averaged 7.3 student said. point average strictly enforced involved in annual reviews," averages who are not interested with really fine n ' '~i who automatically waived an average honors sections. We encourage terms in the Honors On the other hand, some made comments such as these: Blackington said. in a "significant program." haven't reachpHaan* of 15 credits of University College, students complimented their "The purpose of the He said an increasing trend He noted number. We do llV 18 College requirements through advisers for "leaving me alone." institution no longer exists if an "increasing other than the GPA" " 01 A minority of students have membership in the Honors you lower the requirements to Criteria for admission into the Honors very little contact with the College and have taken six the point anyone can get into credits of independent study, an College is a widely contested issue. Some Honors College staff after it." informal State News survey students said the 3.5 grade point average admission and consequently said 'The Honors College should shows. should be strictly observed. Others said they have not been gTeatly still be an exclusive thing. If affected by membership. Forty five of the the advantages of the Honors College they keep lowering the grade "I really haven't approximately 575 seniors in the thought point, it would no longer be Honors College, or about eight should be available to all students. about the Honors College, I anything special. I don't see that per cent, were contacted by really don't pay much attention there's any better criteria. If a to it," one senior said. telephone. person wants the advantages of "I think advising varies from the Twenty - two per cent (10) students to take University commented on a wide range of Honors College, I think he said they have used the department to department — no would strive to be in College courses that seem to topics including their advisers doubt about it. In the main, I it," another advantages of the Honors make sense for them." and the criteria for admission said. College "extensively" to change think the advising is Some However, he said, some into the Honors College. students disagreed their educations; 22 per cent conscientious and good. In some students do use the Honors The importance of the saying that "the program should, (10), "very much"; 45 per cent areas, the advisers are terribly without a doubt, be extended to College for that purpose." adviser's role in a student's (20), "some"; 11 per cent (5), overworked," Blackington said. everyone. I think the whole Concerning independent education varies drastically from He said the Honors "little". No students said they College University should be like the study, Blackington said it has department to department and has attempted to inform its had not used the Honors Honors College." College been "immensely useful" for from adviser to adviser, the at all. advisers of offerings in other One student some Honors College students survey revealed. said "most One student had waived all 45 but unused by others. Comments ranged widely on colleges and programs through people are capable of forming credits of required University use of the "adviser's handbook." their "I'm convinced that the major the adviser's role in a student's own academic program and courses. Forty - two per cent problem with the independent "But it's never enough. We pursuing their own interests — education: (19) had taken no independent study is don't do enough of that. It's not just a select few." providing a vehicle "I wish he had a little more study while 18 per cent (8) had whereby the students can impossible — let's face it — to sit Many students said a student's get to knowledge about the types of on top of everything in this course content should be university," he said. evaluated closely rather than He said the Honors College is relying on his grade YOU MEET "becoming more of a clearing average as a criterion point for house for advisers" in an admission. "informal brokerage role." THE MOST Criteria for admissions into "What's necessary is stricter the Honors College is a inspection of course content," widely student said. "It's very, INTERESTING contested issue. Some students one easy to get in by taking easy very said the 3.5 grade point average courses to get the average." PEOPLE should be strictly observed. "I would see the trend toward Others said the advantages of the the raising of standards by virtue at the UNION IN KALAMAZOO SCHOOLS BOWLING ALLEY 50c per line 15c shoe rental Program studies racial conflict conducted by four MSU staff wanted help in facing the crisis. teachers and students to help members. Thomas S. FREE ADVICE Gunnings, asst. them find solutions to the racial The program was conducted at professor in the Counseling problems In Kalamazoo schools. OPEN BOWLING Examining the elements of the request of Kalamazoo public Center, coordinated the ni.J ynoiii., racial conflict was the aim of a program Thurs. 5:30 p.m. - 11:00 school officials who were in four Kalamazoo schools. He "The school system must p.m. two - week program alarmed Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 over a potentially has established similar programs incorporate the ideological, p.m. Kalamazoo schools in February riotous situation Sat. 12:00 noon • 11:00 there and in other cities. philosophical and cultural p.m. patterns of the total population. Sun. 2:00 p.m. - 11:00 Working with Gunnings was p.m. So what is needed is not just one Joseph H. McMillan, director of Students the course in black studies but a - Staff Faculty - Equal Opportunities wide program of black studies, Groups or Individuals Program; Robert B. Winborn, professor of counseling black teachers and black WELCOME! counselors based on the school Basement Union personnel services and Building educational psychology; and population," Gunnings 355-3357 Wayne Rowe, graduate assistant explained. in counseling personnel services. The teachers, counselors, Gunnings said the four men principals and school board directed group sessions with members who attended the program were given goals to strive for with students. Gunning BARNES said, "because we have to work together." FLORAL Students were shown how, OF EAST LANSING Psych class to focus A carefully Fried Chicken on social movement! chosen stretch of beach awaits Lunch 89$ k We telegraph flowers worldwide Psychology 336, an experimental class focusing on th 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 Psychology of Social Movements, will be offered again sprm you. You've got term. it all The experimental format involves 15 sections, taught planned undergraduates who have taken the course the preceding tern from arrival to Now is the time to take part and a lecture section, conducted psychology. by Charles Wrigley, professor return. Why not The professor will lecture on hit the beach in social movements in general wli style? Small's can in S.O.S. days. the student sections will discuss the current student movement help you with Yes now is the time to step inside HiFi Buys and Save On Systems. We have a system for fashionable trunks every size pocketbook - starting with our $300 system Combining performance and Back in their second smash week economy it runs circles around the compacts - Just add it up yourself: EV 12 Speakers - and toppers. Come A pair of radax cone speakers with 2V* inch tweeters, uniform dispersion of high and low in and check out frequencies is assured. Sold separately they're $99.90. NIKKO STA 501 S Receiver • - here's the most popular performer in the entire Nikko line, separately it's $189.95. the Fabulous our Spring GARRARD — they're world famous for their record like the 40B we have included here, changers with synchro - lab motor, swim-wear today! separately it's $50.00 (with base). Then there's SHURE, makers of the highest performing cartridges and in this system you'll find the WOOLIES M44 7, separately it's $19.75. So it ail adds - up to $360. But during S.O.S. days at HIFI BUYS you'll find it priced at $300. So Step Inside HIFI BUYS and watch us add up your stereo savings! Friday, Saturday, & Sunday Small's Hart Schaffner & Marx Hickey - Freeman ^DR' 7u DELLS two — two eleven south locations — Washington, lansing LAKE LANSING RD. *1ke meridian mall, okemos Meridian Mall Mon - Sat 10 am - 9 pm A $300.00 S.O.S. ^belU Downtown Tues Thurs.• 'til 5:30 pm Mon & Fri 'til 9:00 pm HI-FI 1101 E. Grand River * GRAND RIVER MALL Be there! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan illiken urges tax hike on Cigarettes 1.75 Psssssst By BOB ROACH State News Staff Writer ri„ . also"p"ror^,dTintlr","i TiC° 'h,ouehoul a«te, Milliken duplicate programs, Milliken said. gas 3/95c 7 oz. Dry Shampoo $107 1 ■ in a special message on transporation «"» would Concurrent with a recent ruling limit 1 limit 1 delivered t,» »k by Att. Gen. Frank J. Kelly, (Coupon) fciaturc Wednesday, Gov. Milliken proposed an increase in the the governor explained that before gasoline taxes can be used for Expires After 3-20-71 (Coupon) % gasoline tax and reorganization of the transportation would ETlrfr* for administra«ve reorganization public transit programs, the legislature will have to redefine East Lansing Store Only Expires After 3-20-71 East Lansing Store Only Ministration. "highway purpose" in the Michigan Highway law. fin line with the governor s earlier promise of no new taxes this Although gas tax revenues are now earmarked for highway "r, the prop^-d 1.3 cent a gallon increase would not take purposes only, Lewis Caruso, asst. attorney general for highway 2.25 until Jan. l»//. affairs, said Kelley's January opinion allows the ict IThe tax a, hike would generate an additional $52 million yearly ~ ."ew, department," Milliken said, "will have redefine the term. legislature to Kodacolor Film I „e used for expansion of highways and urban mass trS h5S?D^de.Vel?Pfment transportation 8nd imPlemen^ation of our state state ™»ss transit program, state a air Flashcubes ■ograms. 126, 127, 620 ■The governor proposed establishment of I d that would adminster $20 million a a state discretionary an^r^nTSeTe^16 'nterdty SyStem a"d T,sit needs on priority basis. year to urban maZ mass fedeTgoTerSm/nf?80."^0" °f transPortation functions at the S|19 89c { The remaining revenue would be (Wl leVe1, the g°vernor il *as necessary to limit 2 limit 1 Lations of $16 million each going to evenly the state split with anm.ai highway system rh»nao une i ni*#6 a8ency 1° deal with federal programs The (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 East Lansing Store Only (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 East Lansing Store Only Lthecity-county road system. y y centralized department is economical state necessary to implement the - wide transportation system and avoid IOPOSALS DISCUSSED 2.00 1.00 Opaque Orion Knee Sox Panty Hose GA4 reps review $109 limit 3 69' limit 3 J ByDAVE PERSON directors to be nominated by reouest nf proposals were defeated at the (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 | State News Staff Writer consumers, dealersandemployes hoiever, hareholders, shareholders meeting. Onek said GM East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ie I University committee Rusiness auto ^Ihition^auto Mfely'a'nd The (^ Proxy for the annual to the may be opposed proposal on constituent Thursday .representatives of General minorityh.ringto be ITHS'!? Wi" be nominations because of the cost 1.00 1.00 irs Corp. (GM) and the incorporated into GM's annual report is also being proposed early^prlf ,P ' m°nth °r of mailing ballots. ,iea on Corporate The mee.i„g wls'Sfd in.o >„ ,, Opaque Knee Sox Nylon Knee Snx nsibihties express views on two parts. The second Dart at II ,• ?u P£ S„ . °nek> China program jration. public because, under the ruling to show 'Diary/ 69< 59c "- • - limit 3 limit 3 ,e proposals which were 0f the Federal Securities and (Coupon) (Coupon) i by the project and will o Exchange Commission, . . ~ GM is "aa reiorms oniy ior Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 not allowed to publicly release GM was that the project has revolution movie East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only only enough resources for one for nominations by ..brforecampaign and GM I. the tagest "Report From China" will 1.00 1.98 !holde,S for the GM board meeting is retard. corporation. present the CBS documentary |irectors to be listed on the GM is allowed to give Onek explained that since GM "Red China Diary," and a Crazy Cats Fitalon proxy, and three GM information privately at the is the leader in this Japanese film made during the area, actions proletarian revolution there at that it takes are likely to be 7:30 p.m. today in 108B Wells Slipper Sox Panty Hose followed by other automobile Hall. 19 manufacturers. The converse of The films will be followed by Win ding 69c this would not true, he added. necessarily be a discussion and workshop led down limit 3 (Coupon) limit 3 by William Hinton and Robert The project is not trying to Williams. Hinton, who worked in As winter term classes wind up, these students wind down Expires After 3-20-71 East Lansing Store Only ExplresCA#ern3-20-71 East expose GM as the prime deviater China for the United the stairs of Bessey Hall for one of the last times this Lansing Store Only Nations, is term. in the areas presented, Onek the author of "Fanshen, A State News photo by Fred Mendenhall said. 1.25 Documentary of Revolution in a 1.50 lENATE BILL 225, which does not directly benefit and if He explained that the project Chinese Village." make the sale of not directly connected with the 's financed mainly by Williams, a former president SPRING STILL OPEN! Sheer F.D.S. Feminine Jrgents with more than 10 use of our highways .. individuals. Its operating budget of the North Carolina NAACP, I cent phosphate illegal in * * * is under $50,000. fled from the United States to Just few a openings Panty Hose Deodorant Spray ligan, was introduced in the AN EAST LANSING MAN He said the project has three China in 1961 avoid bte Thursday. to ACAPULCO 219°° and a Lansing woman were Senator Basil W. Brown, p - among three appointees to the °* • t'me employes. A large part prosecution on alleged kidnaping worH >s done on a charges. JAMAICA 219" 69c 3 oz. 99c ■land Park, sponsored the Citizens Committee volunteer basis. Tne progtiSA' Is" spbrtsbf^d by' limit 1 Consumer Affairs by Gov. on 0nek told the committee that ASMSU, the Black Liberation i C^IJhdi^^ast chance •T • Expires After 3-20-71 (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 manufacturers irgents and cleaning supplies of Mi 11 ikbn Thursday. The appointees are: George T. ,a University is a shareholder it has a corporate Front International, the Council of Graduate Students and STUDENTOURS Eileen Crookes Mike Panter Phyllis King East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only \e to limit the phosphate Trumbull Jr., 842 Northgate responsibility. He said an Women's Inter - Residence 337 -9414 351-2770 351 1416 lent of their product then Drive, East Lansing; Polly D. abstention from voting on the (only alternative is statewide Gibson, 1521 Cambridge Road, Proposals is like voting for GM Council. 200 OFF THE 0 ISCOONT PRICE ■station and hopefully Lansing, and William F. management. |lation at the federal level in Morrison of Kalamazoo. ^ast year< when similar . ON JILL is," Brown said. The appointments, not Proposals were offered at the requiring Senate approval, are ™1 shareholders meeting, SONTAN LOTION CASH for terms ending Dec. 31, 1972. most universities took a position PREPARED on them, he explained. Those limi t 2 |ATEMENT delivered Expires Aft! Don) er 3-20-71 WE""EVV IC E" AL L"M A KYS" "I the Highway Users East Lansing Store Only Iference of ■rd as Michigan went being opposed to on ; , 1.10 1.00 pipriating subsidize highway user taxes • DELL TELEVISION SERVICE Z mass transit in the Prell Concentrate Maybelline Bt its annual meeting, the 1000 E. GRAND RIVER • m Iference representatives For ALL Your Shampoo Oltra Lash Ided to make it known to Milliken and Michigan Ph. 482-0868 : 3 oz. tube 59' 65e Jnakers that they were I wed to limit 1 limit 1 "any diversion of |»;ay PANASONIC servicenter J * (Coupon) (Coupon) BOOKS user taxes for the lorized Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 ' of East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store mass transit which Only 1.75 1.10 Arrid Extra Close-Up Top Dollar For ALL Your Books Dry Deodorant toothpaste Gfi£AT/ Fast Friendly Service - f t I 9 on. limit 1 (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-7i 6.2 oz. 59C limit 1 (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 GOURMET DINNER East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Buying or Selling 98c Dathsize Roast Prime Ribs of Angus Beef Au Jus GIBSONS No Doz 36's Safeguard Soap Aged and Roasted to Perfection ROAST PRIME RIBS 128 W. GRAND RIVER 59c 17c OF ANGUS BEEF EVERY SATURDAY limit 1 limit 2 AU JUS (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires After 3-20-71 Expires After 3-20-71 • • Fantasy of Fresh Fruit 1 Block West Of Union BL'}. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Crisp Tossed Green Salad • • Baked Idaho Potato Fresh Garden Vegetable Delicious Apple Pie $4.75 GRAND OPENING MON. MARCH 15TH $1.00 OFF IIIE DISCOUNT Coffee or Tea PRICE ON ALL STEREO L.P.'s ALSO: Old & BOOKRare ADDIC Used Paperbacks limi t 1 SCOTT BRADSHAW (CouiK>n) " Expires Aft er 3-20-71 AT THE PIANO East Lansing Store Only For The Book Lover For Reservations Call SvWmC - east OPEN: 1:006:00 Sat. 12:00-5:00 7:00 10:00 Mon. - Fri. State Discount 3121 E. Grand River Ave. ABOVE GIBSONS 307 E. Grand River Mew Phone 351 - 1440 124% W. GRAND RIVER Next to the Card Shop c4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS- FACE DULUTH TONIGHT IU, Gopher cage leers move into playoffs coaches By RICK State News GOSSELIN Sports Writer eleven teams on the schedule, only one eluded the Spartans' prolonging their season another week in traveling to Syracuse punch than Joe Frazier, and qU( wrath of at least one MSU win. for playmaking abilities that the national title playoffs. By United l»res!i At the outset of the college wouldn't embarrass Gordie Internaii,,,,.,) League powerhouses Michigan But Arao Bessone is not about hockey season, a hockey Tech and Denver Howe. were both to commit himself as to his newsletter was circulated among The Big Ten lost two basketball coaches within soundly outplayed on the first team's chances of moving on to Randy Sokoll claimed the . college coaches with predictions number seven slot on merit of hours Wednesday night when Minnesota's Georire ?, m#tter<> night of their MSU series, and at to how the leagues around the a bigger and better title in his 13 goals and 19 assists. Indiana's Lou Watson both resigned. "anson only lady luck and late scoring nation would do and how the Syracuse. On defense, Bob Hanson, in his first year as head coach at gave them splits. Boyd has Minnesota teams would be ranked in the "The playoff berths are so statement "I m disappointed in results . , A crucial Big TV been the biggest of this season " final . winning open you'd have a better chance surprise. The The Gophers finished their season ini standings. sweep of third place Wisconsin Toronto freshman finished Tuesday with »«; at picking the winners by n Apparently the people doing pitched more dirt on the coffin (numbers - wise) in the top ten in the Big Ten, 11 - 13 overall. 8 5 ' 9recon the voting for that newsletter labeled "MSU: last place team." throwing darts at the standings listings of WCHA scorers. Hanson's resignation was effective did not have much faith in the And dramatic than trying to figure it out A department spokesman said no successor immediately a win over logically," Bessone said. The Spartans will be keyed for considered. MSU hockey team, as the Michigan in overtime on the last nad be« "Whoever comes up with a hot Duluth tonight. The Bulldogs Watson's resignation followed Spartans were delegated to a last day of the season provided MSU widespread rumors the i„», goaltender is going to win a few handed MSU its most weeks of dissatisfaction of place finish in the WCHA with momentum for the playoffs alumni, students and Dlavpri * * without a single game having this weekend. games." humiliating loss during the year members met late Jim at Wednesday with university ofriciaU i? been played. For team that Watt, the Spartan 8-4, and now have the chance President John Ryan and Athletic Director i a wasn't Bill But the Spartans were not netminder, has all the ability and at them without either team Some sources said Orwig supposed to make the playoffs, there had been content in spiting just those potential to be that strong holding the home ice advantage. "strong nr,« particularly from influential alumni, for , it is only right that that team voters, they had to show the should be one of the favorites. goalie. When the chips were on If the Spartans can gather a little felt the Hoosiers should have done a coaching . haLl c' the better this season WCHA that hockey games are Along with Denver and table. Watt never bluffed momentum and destroy Duluth, Other reports said some Michigan himself nor his team. The the Boston Bruins would have a players complained of ':Dref,ron( won on the ice — not on paper. treatment of „ Tech, the Spartans are eyed as sophomore star George McGinnis, the And win they did. Of the having the best chance at Wisconsin series proved that. hard time trying to take the leading scorer and rebounder. and that others did BiTr . 1 get en°«gtJ The Spartans needed a sweep to national title away from this not eet on win the playing time. Big Ten title, and Watt "last place team." There was speculation knocked shot after shot out of WKAR-FM will broadcast the Need a hand? refuse to play at Ohio State early in the week some ulavm , danger until MSU could secure Friday night game beginning at the undisputed conference crown Tuesday when the Buckeyes HhS the sweep. Freshman defenseman Bob Boyd (5), an honorable with a 91 75 victorv k7 9:55 p.m. If the Spartans should mention - on the WCHA all boycott failed to materialize. ut 1 Few teams can match the win on Friday night, WKAR-FM - league team, proves here against Michigan Tech that two sticks are better than one. Boyd However, sophomore starter John Ritter said he personnel MSU has in the front will also broadcast the Saturday will not play Saturday." "definiw lines. MSU had the numbers game at 9:55 p.m. was the highest scoring WCHA defenseman last season with Upset over the entire episode Ritter 2 27 points. Watson was one of the big reasons he two, three, and seven scorers in State News photo by Milt Horst enrolled at Indiana WCHA play. The number two scorer, Gilles Gagnon, also led the circuit in goals with 23 (one of only two WCHA players to IN NCAA MEET AT COBO score over 20 goals this season). Overall. Gagnon collected 27 goals, only two short of the MSU single season record. Number three scorer Thompson could possibly be the most talented player in the Don Trackmen eye finish in WCHA. He has more moves than By DON KOPRIVA Houston last month and the Big push the Spartans to a high spot Cassleman and with his State News Sports Writer in a hungry cougar, a better scoring Ten meet last week, is rated the the meet. experience will be a major favorite but should be pressed "If everything goes well, we threat. Add 1970 runner - up DETROIT Cobo Arena, by defending champion Kansas, can be in the top five," Coach Tom Turner of Murray State MARCH & JUNE GRADUATES when readied for quite unlike a the track meet, is place the 1970 runner Texas - El - up ViUanova, Paso and Southern Fran Dittrich said. "We've done well in the past and this year (with loader a 1:09.1 best) and national Tom Ulan of Rutgers Detroit Pistons used to. It's California. should be no different." are (with 1:08.5) and it should be PROFESSIONAL CAREERS just as well, because most of the nation's top college trackmen But MSU is sending some of its strongest representatives since The entries Spartans' three top a fast a race. Washington, Bob The Spartan mile relay unit, will be running around the seven the first year the meet was held. Cassleman and the mile relay — with Mike Holt, Mike Murphy. with the 9th largest corporation in the world The Spartans finished fourth - year old board track today and rank at or near the top of their John Mock and Cassleman Saturday. then, in 1965, as Gene events in the nation running, is ranked at 3:12.9, the It's always a sellout, with all Washington won the high, Washington is defending fastest time this year on a 'personable *all managers promoted from within the ducats gone weeks ahead of hurdles title. NCAA champ and world record - regulation track. Adelphi, time. But television is The Spartans seventh holder in the meet at 5.9 and *4 year degree 'salary plus commissions invading were a ViUanova, Oklahoma State, and the precincts again after a two ■ year ago with Herb Washington's should be the favorite to repeat 'self-confident 'paid in direct efforts expended Illinois, the team MSU defeated 'no year absence, and WJRT — TV six points for the 60 - yard dash on the basis of his undefeated by a whisker last Saturday, traveling 'working with young associates (Channel 12 in Flint) will win, John Mock's three for his season and win over chief rival should be the biggest obstacles 'management potential 'joint work in the field televise meet highlights locally at 880 - yard run third place and Jim Greene of Kentucky at the to a Spartan win. with million dollar producers & p.m. Saturday on Wide World Bill Wehrwein's three for his U.S. Olympic Invitational Meet Marty Liquori of ViUanova and managers - of Sports. third at 600 yards. in New York last month. * and Howell Michael of WiUiam write resumes to: Wisconsin, winner of the But Spartan coaches think Cassleman, a Grand Rapids and Mary are the top milers, but USTFF championship at MSU's nine - man contingent can freshman, posted a 1:10.2 time after that the field seems in winning the Big Ten 600 - generally wide open, and MSU's yard run title last week and has two entries, Dave Dieters and the nation's second fastest time Ken Popejoy, will have to make at 1:08.8. their move in the tough trials to Notre Dame's defending make the finals. champ in the event, Rick Holt, third in the Big Ten 440 Wohlhuter, the man Cassleman last week, is also entered in the ran his 1:08.8 against, could be event here while MSU's double back for another try at hurdle punch of Wayne HERB WASHINGTON *★★★★★★★★ Hartwick and John Morrison is slated for the 60 - yard high hurdles. Hartwick and Morrison finished 2 - 3 in last week's Big Ten behind Northwestern's Dick Taylor, last year's fifth placer here. Tigers win LAKELAND, FLA. (UPi) Ken Forsch walked AI Kali MSU soph sprint star Herb with the bases loaded in Washington of Flint ran the 100 bottom of the ninth in in :09.5 to win the 1970 Big Ten Thursday to force home championship. He also won the winning run and give the Detr loop indoor 60-yard dash title in Tigers an 8-7 victory over'' :06.0. Houston Astros. Come One, >°th° ST. PATRICKS CELEBRATION, and have a ball THIS COMING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 8-2 a.m. LAST DAY! to pack up caps and gowns for Winter Commencement Be measured, fitted and issued your cap and gown TODAY! 830 a. m. -5:30 p. m. for information call UNION DESK 355-3498 k Ma j , Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 12,1971 15 ' SPORTS coge| >th quji Matmen By GARY SCHARRER committee told us that we in d did," move the conference Peninger said that there are a second State News Sports Writer Peninger commented bitterly. "I tournament up to where they crown. Other Spartan number of schools willing to think the formation of district won't mean anything. grapplers to garner places last After winning their sixth hold the national tournament year are Tom Milkovich (134) *- within 18 . I consecutive Big Ten qualifying tournaments detrimental to the sport." is "There is just too much strain the each year. and Gerald Malecek (167). Both (*°'ge Hanson i, on kids," Peninger stressed. " championship, are now MSU grapplers talking about the laurels He said that the mental and "Out of physical and mental The Spartans have reaped the national honors only once. That Milkovich and Malecek won fourth place finishes. physical fatigue 1 at Minnesota • I of the NCAA wrestling meet season, and of the long dual necessities, qualifications for the fruitful season came in 1967 The MSU delegation this season " ' *"d tournament. conference NCAA tournament have to come with NCAA champions Dale attempting to «>«y The Spartans will enter ten tournaments, added to the from conference place winners." Anderson (137) and George earn a qualifying wit,'a5-9rec^ conference place winners in the qualifying meet, is too big a One of the big factors in the Radman (167) paving MSU's spot for the national NCAA district price to NCAA's championships include Big Ten- L'diatfly qualifying meet pay enroute to the change of the path to the country's No. 1 national meet. tournament structure is the size champions Johnson, Milkovich,' successor had | at Northern Illinois (DeKalb, Consequences wrestling spot. will result such as of the huge Malecek, Dave Ciolek (190) and 111.) this weekend. causing teams field of entries. Last season MSU was runner The meet at DeKalb will to lose their own conference There aren't - heavyweight Ben Lewis. Mike rumors the be many schools in the up to Iowa State. Greg Johnson Ellis (142), John Abajace last t, one of tournament. Or teams will be country big enough to hold the (150), ?nts and players eight regional tourneys (118) is the defending NCAA Lon Hicks (126), Rick Radman. TmJ under the new NCAA set - forced to shorten their season or massive tournament, but up champion and will shoot for his (158) and Bruce Zindel (177) this ') season. The top five are the remaining Spartan ?n "«n"e presswe- finishers at Northern Illinois in each SEEK FIRST NCAA TITLE grapplers vying for the trip to weight qualify to wrestle in coaching change. his season, J, the NCAA championship meet Auburn. at Auburn, Ala. March Fencers go to nationals ained of 25 27. - Ellis sports the most "preferential- In past years, all wrestlers individual wins among the MSU cGinnis, the Big Ten'J entered went hers did not get directly to the wrestlers with 17. Milkovich and enougt national site. Malecek each have 16. Jchnsorr, By CRAIG REMSBURG in the top ten in the NCAA you ek some Spartan Coach Grady season and was 4 2 in the missed part of the season with a players woul, State News Sports Writer have a good team," Coach - Big > the yi " Buckeyes clinche, 75 victory, but7 Big Ten Peninger was irked by the new plan and said that the NCAA planning committee must devise Three Spartan fencing team Charles obviously Schmitter respecting said, the Ten meet before failing to advance to the final round. shoulder injury and has a 11 - 2 record. Spartan Dave Ciolek takes down Paul Zander of Iowa. Ciolek drew with the Hawkeve 190 a better system or go back to the members will attempt to bring excellent teams that compete in McGaw did even better, finishing Ciolek, another Lansing* ter said he "definitely pounder in the regu ar season, but beat him 15-8 in the conference and teammate: will attempt to qualify for the NCAA tournament i7a championship match Ciolek original tournament. back the first NCAA title over for a MSU squad when they the meet. third in sabre with an 8 - 3 native, hasn't absorbed a loss^; tire led episode, Rittersai at Indiana. vveeken d!strTct meet this "We didn't have to have a travel to the Air Force Academy Schmitter looks for another performance. His 21-13. season mark since an Oklahoma State early season loss to< University. I* ' State News photo by Milt Horst district qualifying tournament, good performance from Mathers, was in Colorado Mar. 18 - 20 to who won the Big Ten epee but the NCAA tournament compete in the national championship last week. The championship meet. The best Detroit sophomore was 26-14 eek fifth place the Spartans have ever placed in the meet in the regular season and was 7 - Parents coming up after spring Break was fourth, 4 in claiming his title. accomplishing that in 1966. Both sabreman McGaw and Bill Mathers, in epee, Doug foilist Schwartz have experience S' faces McGaw, in sabre, and foilist Ira in NCAA competition, which improving 'Cats Schwartz will also be trying to should benefit both fencers. improve upon last year's eighth McGaw placed 20th in the sabre place finish for MSU in the competition and Schwartz was nationals. The Spartans tied with 14th in foil in last year's meet Notre Dame for that position. held at Notre Dame. By JOHN VIGES square off at 9 p.m. "I hope we can do better than State News Sports Writer and the game will be Saturday Northwestern players. The to end the season on a winning Schwartz compiled an broadcast last year but every time you're excellent 27 10 record this number seven scorer in the note. A mid • season - over WKAR - FM. slump in conference, Ron Shoger, starts which it won only one of eight jfth place, a Big Ten record "We have to worry about the game sitting on the bench. games prevented Ganakas from to last years' plus a chance them having the momentum," The Wildcats operate from a 1 coming up with a winning record lish the season on a winning Spartan Coach Gus Ganakas •2-2 offensive alignment with but the pain could be eased if with two straight victories said. "They have really come on Douglass out front, 6 - 4 Rick MSU could finish the season as a til within reach Saturday, strong in their last two games. the MSU cagers meet last Sund, 6 - 1 Mark Sibley and winner of their last two games. They have started playing a Northwestern in Evanston. Shoger, when he gets into the A different guard, Paul Douglass, victory would give MSU an game, at the wings. Underneath tut, the Spartans may have and he has really perked 11-13 overall mark and a 5 - 9 up their the bucket Northwestern has a the wrong time to face team." formidable pair in Barry Moran, finish in Big Ten play, good for a offers the most delicious, Wildcats. Doormats of the Douglass, a 5 • 11 junior, has tie for the last first division spot. among the top 15 scorers in the I season iwestern has come alive in long, been directing the Wildcat attack and he also gives Northwestern conference, and 6 • 9 Barry Making his final appearance mouth-watering, delectable last two games, losing to quick man who can put on the a Hentz. for MSU will be the Spartan's Moran and Shoger carry most dynamic team captain, submarine Why not have them stay on campus? ference champion Ohio State Rudy pressure in the Wildcat's man to of the Northwestern HOURS: scoring Benjamin. The 6 - 3 senior has in mere two points and idly thrashing Illinois on the man press. The addition of Douglass to punch and Moran plus Hentz excited many Spartan fans pintail.00"1' sandwiches Mon.-Thurs. 11-1 At Kellogg Center your KELLOGG give the Wildcats a front line during his three year career and Fri.&Sat. 11-2 ijown court. and the Wildcats *w11t the starting line • up creates a that is tough to rebound against. he will finish it as the ninth in town Sun. 12-12 parents can be part of the PCMTCD strange situation among the MSU would desperately like leading scorer ever to don MSU's campus community. Close, ULRiLIi Green and White. Benjamin will also hold a place as the third 4980 NORTHWIND DRIV 351-4731 convenient, comfortable. Reservations CLA, Southern leading Spartan point getter for a single season. An excellent "one on one" player with quick moves and a good jump shot, Benjamin has SELL YOUR BOOKS or Pacific 8 ch led MSU in scoring all season and will finish the year with better than a 20 point average. NOW! State game, one of Saturday's Also playing his last game for y United Press International key players because of injuries nine NCAA first round games. MSU will be Paul Dean. The 6-1 Saturday, however, play ie NCAA basketball The other game in the West Alma product has come on making guard Vaughn Wedeking roament gets urday with nine first round underway district finds Weber State and reserve forward Greg over a in his senior year to take strong 51 ers win ies but much of the attention playing Long Beach State. Nelson. starting guard position. In the Mideast Marquette In the Midwest games at Dean has directed the Spartan's AND, FLA. (I'PIl the nation's basketball fans Houston Notre Dame will meet attack throughout the season. sch walked Al Kali bases loaded of the ninth inn be focused on Los re UCLA and Southern Angeles Cal plays Miami Jacksonville Kentucky in (Ohio) meets a pair of games at and Western Texas will Christian and play New Mexico State. Houston will Against Northwestern, MSU go with their two senior Get Cash For Your Big GETAWAY Notre Dame. These two games In the East unbeaten to force home lie UCLA — USC clash will guards, Bill Kilgore at center and will be televised on WOOD - TV Pennsylvania meets, Duquesne at Ron Gutkowski, Brad Van Pelt iin and give the Detri televised locally on WJIM - West Virginia, St. Joseph's plays Sell Your Books before term break - Buy 8-7 victory (Channel 6) beginning at 5 (Channel 8) with the Marquette ■ plus Pat Miller will all see action Miami clash beginning at 2 p.m. Villanova at Pennsylvania and Back Prices are highest now while our Vstros. at the forward spots. and Jacksonville Western Furman tackles Fordham at St. - stocks are low! CLA goes into the Kentucky coming on at 4 p.m. John's. game on Two of the nation's best big In first round games in the te All lome i a one floor, Pauley Pavilion, - game lead over USC men, Artis Gilmore of Atlantic Coast Conference Hermes he Pacific 8 Jacksonville and Jim McDaniels tourney Thursday North standings. UCLA ^d USC its > only loss of the 64 • 60, five weeks ago. of Western Kentucky, will be matched up in that second game. Carolina and beat Clemson, 76 - 41, South Carolina beat made the perfect oher UCLA win would " the Pacific 8 title and a give Jacksonville may be missing two Maryland. office typewriter. in the NCAA ® playoffs, Check our stock of MSU sports - they would be seeking ' fifth straight national title. IF, if you take a sax, a piano, guitar and drums, mix the wear - show your colors wherever you go! owever, if USC wins memory of yesterday, the awareness of today and a hint of the two teams would tomorrow with a touch of the Blues, you will have the soft for the league title and would rock beat of the Blue Echoes, playing every Friday and playoff Monday night Saturday night from 9:30 to 1:30 at the Park Lake Tavern. HOP IN THE | Pauley Pavilion) to And of course on Sunday, the late afternoon matinee of '"mine the Pacific ragtime, jazz and blues by the Basin Street 5+2. if! fesentative to the NCAA "lament. The loser will not DRIVING'S FINE! ' able to d gowns "onal go to the "fnament ference rules. Invitational because of PARK LAKE TAVERN to Pacific 8 ves representative '"to the West Regionals BSSTJK-- SSZl SMSST""uk""• People keep taking it " home. If you need the cement the weekend to face the winner Brigham Young Friday 6-9 All the Fish You Can Eat $1.50 - Utah perfect home office type¬ writer stop by for a no obligation demonstration. Exciting Hermes 10 type¬ id issued Buy a Delicious ArbyV Roast Beef writer featuring sturdiness combined with years of own Sandwich and get a trouble economical in free service price. yet Free HOT CIDER American Business TEST DRIVE THE NEW TRIUMPHS TODAY AT AL EDWARDS p.m. with CINNAMON STICK! Machines SPORTSCAR CENTER a call 1 , Arby' Good Thru Finals Week ■ 1477 Haslett Rd. SEE ALL THE NEW '7Vs - MARK 4 SPITFIRE, SPRITE, GT 6', TR 6. 207 W. Grand River nFFER GOOD ONLY WITH THIS AD! g Hermes 1200 E. OAKLAND- OPEN MON & THURS UNTIL 9 - OVERSEAS DELIVERY 4621 W. Saginaw "•■■■■■■■■■■■•■•■■■■■'COUPON .16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS Champs ed in IM winter sports With few events left to be Tuesd»y n"8ht- include Bob Green (154), John decided, Intramural winter In residence ha" competition Ware (165), Ed Manderfield sports drew to an end this week Baal of Bailey took the (176), Rex Wooldrige (205), and with many team and individual individual championship while Larry Haggart in the over 205 champions being decided Wonders and Bailey Halls shared competition. the hall title. Delta Tau Delta Residence hall team table In women's IM sports the All - clinched the fraternity crown tennis championship rites went University basketball and Umoja took first place in to Abbot, the fraternity champ championship game was played independant battle. In the was Zeta Beta Tau and the last night with Pierson Product unofficiated open league the independant winner Sny - Phi. and Mason Hall squaring off for Aggies were champions. C.W. Moss and Hobbit the title. The Baumadiers defeated combined to score 4,843 points, Pierson Product had Bailey, 3 - 1, in the final match giving Holden Hall the residence gained the to take the hockey title. I hall bowling championship, finals, by knocking off the in IM Superstars for the independent took honors. wrestling seven athletes McDonel was the runer up. The - championship. Mason Hall had Noecker (134 They were Bill individual team champion was defeated Gilchrist Hall for the Dan - pound class), Felch of Fee with 2,502 points, McClain (142). Bob Wilson, East Shaw, Holmes, residence hall laurels. In single el.mmation the sorority finalist, McCreery (150), Chris Hartzell and Bailey Halls all took (i58), Bob Zuhl (168), Gary complex titles in Kappa Alpha Theta, was beaten swimming. Tompkins (177), and Bob Wilson Hall went on to take the by the Superstars. Helvey (190). residence hall In other women's Omega earned the AH — U team sports Chi Mark Whitaker won 8rand champion in judo. He was honors as 54 - championship. Sigma Chi and Delta Chi tied, 54, to share honors in the Swimming § swimming championship. Kappa also champion in the 139 pound fraternity swimming championship, was one of dozens of champions crowned in Men's Delta was the runner or under class. Other victors and Women's IM • up. competition. winter. Jill Schiffer and Ph„,„ k Photo by , . sforts,"i» John Brubaker Kathy Sapia took the title of doubles champions in table tennis. The IN HOCKEY, WRESTLING, FENCING IM action singles in both table tennis and badminton and the paddle ball Action in the IM All-U championship game Tuesday night finds a Panther player (white shirt) championships have yet to be shooting over a Kappa 3 team titles decided. Alpha Psi member. Kappa Psi highlight S' won the championship with winter aa 42-33 victory over the Panthers. In bowling Alpha Delta Pi State News photo by Doug Bauman clinched the sorority bowling crown and Phi Mu was the runner • up. Grady's reign as State wrestling WCHA final stats. By DON KOPRIVA boss that all his wrestlers had GillesGagnon ELEGANCE IN DINING MEN'S IM — Marvin Cooper State News Sports Writer done that, and the first time the led the league in goals scored with 23, and finished second in led his Kappa Alpha Psi team to Brighter hopes shined for MSU J'" ^ ^'^'Th^^on T n'V championship U"ivf7sity. with 17 points ca?e ath,etics in m activities. Three winter sports teams Charlie Schmitter, the man third with 37 Zn°s nn.sn S! n dumping the Panthers, 42 - 33, Big Ten titles, a captured fourth finished who makes fencers out of boys kkoll^venth wiJh 32 and Jerry in the upper reaches of Jenison DeMar^o ninth with 27 MrnprpHa!rHiviHii»Thnnnrc>artanS o{ gMnered individual honors. Fieldhouse< delved into experience and his Thompson was named to the The parlayed it WCHA all star team. kingpins of Big Ten jnt0 an 3.5 duai season and - Summer a in G radv'ss Grady 8Rakjen;W Raiders or or the^MSU the MSU "arr°W Big since 1963. ^en win' the first hada gooTth^ng going"1 but a'big zero in field events at the Bic r*nSfin« expecting a6"! a mt hiif close battle B'ftTen after BiU Mathes won the ePee Ten meet Proved their downfall Cleveland? a titie in a three . way playoff for and State finished with a solid nut Ii?h1 B?80!1' !fy . the crown that decided the team 46 points, eleven back of Undergraduate and graduate students can wh^nn^l whopping Tm J!iL meet? 101 points, a tiUe also' And Amo Bessone's dynasty - building Wisconsin, hungry Herb Washington successfully earn up to 9 semester T2 lnt,„mn no tv, icers near,y did il poking defended his 60-yard dash title, hours of credit during the MnEiJ,i T the dreafy Ice Arena on many freshman Bob Cassleman seven-week term at Case !t1fi7 n»ve r^i«k^ JS 5 weekends enroute to a 19-11 romped to a 1:10.2 win in the Ben iLril »t SStSJJi a"2 Western Reserve University (June 21 °VeraH mark' bCSt eVCT f°r 8 600' four weeks after P°sting a — Aug. 6). the w/n n!SlP he^ Sparta" SqUad' * Big Te" Ut,e at n*11™ * ^ding 1:08.8 over the For further information, write to the Office of LvS?r «! 10 4 and a fourth in the WCHA- distance- The MSU mile relay thirrt least third, n?* time in scorers the first n The in Spartans Placed four broke all records for a 220-yard Buffet Dinner the Summer session, Cose Western Reserve tlie top ten in the track, with Mike Holt, Mike Murphy, John Mock and University, Cleveland, Cassleman combining Every Friday night from 5 -10 P.M. Or choose from our varied ala carte menu Ohio 44106; during or stop in ALL YOU CAN EAT 3:12.9 win and State's fourth your spring break. For reservations, phone 337 -1741 MONDAY thru FRIDAY straight league title In the event. Case Basketball proved that one Spaghetti - Our Own Special man can make a difference. With Western Sauce $ 4 49 Corner Saginaw (M-78) and Grand Reserve — Toasted French Bread I Ralph Simpson gone to the pros, the Spartans struggled and River (M-43), East Lumber Jack Special - t Lansing. 43823 University jq scraped to a 4-9 Big Ten mark Pancakes and Maple Syrup .4/ and 10-13 season ledger with one game left Saturday against UNIVERSITY Northwestern. Take A "Wig-Break" During Finals Week!! BIG BOY A win then could tie them for as high as fifth, but Spartan eyes Come in and try on one of our 20 1050 TROWBRIDGE RD will be on Rudy Benjamin and Bill Kilgore as well. Sophomore standout different styles of modacrylic from Pussy Cat to wigs . . . 351-5132 Benjamin, the team's captain, MSU's sophomore center Bill Kilgore (22) hooks a shot Gypsy! was on his own this year and over Minnesota pivotman Jim Brewer (52) in action from Tuesday's game which MSU won, 73-71. The emergence of gunned down the opposition to Kilgore immensely helped the Spartans and as the River Many styles from $5.00. at CLOSE OUT PRICES . . . 9.Q.G. and Qiecd 9MueA " «nd HurTnn^yb^ ^ie and top sabreman O the mornin' to Debbie. 1-3-12 Mary, Elllnor. a 501769*5$ SWEETIE: THINK _ " ' vou always, Y°Ur S"0PPV- photo portrait special UNITED Wid er Israel-Thant rift noted NATIONS, N.Y. I k*. £ you 1 8X10 black widening rift between > .r;u ! and told reporters: are now "It is not our purpose to Diplomatic sources said that M^acrr,2,eminine pu,chri,ud9- white $5.95 and it saw nosign oT^breakdowrHn ^AmhaLaHeneral ■'»ant. awaiting the Egyptian response enior establish secure and recognized the next significant development ,n a ^*th the ,n tlK negot"iio"s wouldbeihe Includes good 0 I BROWN hiirV" CALIFORNIA approaches, iss, but Ole awaits. May wi.h 1-3-12^0° Y- Spendin9 "wvday 9rea,• LOV8' Cheryl- selection of proofs ^ptT„d""ZBSTo!!s0n<50™ 255f.Z".!•■«« a XT .. Nations special . — envoy, and then Mohammed H. el n Ambassador iii v a - a a u u i Zayyat of newmen questions. Israel in New York next week. ,e, peace, happiness and For appointment of mI "' ■n GM mimic call Egypt follow. Care, John. 1-3-12 saw Jarring for Thant reacted with some Eban is expected to arrive « 5-4134 332-8889 218.3-3-12 or Lw -0 AL:^B°V- million ONE~~ ending"and" begmnings. Love, "Your a van dyke /a it's i i a what's wnm a _ minutes. El - Zayyat told newsmen that Jarring still had bitterness to an Israeli policy Monday and perhaps bring new studio paper issued through its embassy Israeli proposals with him. Graduate." 1-3-12 no reply from Israel to questions in Washington on Wednesday. It MR 209 Abbott Rd. submitted to both sides Feb. 8. Tekoah told newsmen that •ARLY U.fj McEWENITES: Next to State Theater denounced Jarring's proposal, Israel was not asking Egypt to STAMpj THANKS for"a Egypt replied Feb. 15. bappy ending. May supported by Thant, that Israel accept the Israeli position, and Springtime PINK An ;GRATULATIONS, JAN. Our blossom! CAPRICORN Egyptian spokesman withdraw to old 1948 Egypt "cannot dictate their ':EnbuT.,!,%fei' *i Lori. 1-3-12 ceremi utest torchbearer. Love, Your Haslett. Artistic, creative charged that Israel was seeking boundaries between Egypt and position to us." ov«'». I® LEIGS ' Station, N.Y, 0T Sisters. 1-3-12 COLLEEN, GOOD luck on instructions. Class openings an imposed solution and added: the British mandated territory of Asked if a breakdown in talks ioo^x VOU should write. The Cartel. AWomy final ,in8|. Love your Ed Monday, Wednesday. First free. 339-2713. 1-3-12 lesson It'sWhat's The Royi "It seems that Israel is still Palestine. was in sight, he replied: "I see Happening must be Grand Kingdom of waiting for us to come crawling Thant said through a no sign of it." J-12 Poland in Ej ill be conducting on our belly." submitted in to 341 a EFM EXTERIOR PAINTING. Spring is person census throughout finals week in The spokesman that all he had seen El - Zayyat was asked if flE AND 2B. Do you like guava WARFFLEdT wTcked" comingl Call now for Student Services Bldg. at least Holmes Hall grill. A head tax of 25 Complicating the situation were press reports on the Jarring gave him any reason to wonderful, wantin' woman. Mine free two State News cents will be charged. further were signs of increasing .|)y7 The Potterville, Mason, etc. today and forever. 1-3-12 estimate. Grad students. working days embassy policy paper, but that if believe the talks had collapsed. differences between Israel and rU 1 3-12 Dependable references. Putting (Sunday - Thursday) before izational meeting for the the reports were accurate he He did not reply directly, but TO: HIPPY - hoppy happy paint on your house puts bread on publication. Entries may be ^ An orga ek co - op will be held at Thant. Thant finds it hard to believe the said that unfortunately he had - hustler came under LEY EYES, pistachios in the - our table! 372-8158. C inserted twice and must be 4:30 p.m. . pril 1 at the Hillel House, sharp reports emanated from an learned Jarring had no replies „li turn to samores on the 1 ivT' HaPPV B-daVl Luv, S.L. submitted from a registered 319 Hillcre t, St., East Lansing. criticism in Israel after he issued official Israeli source. from Israel to his questions. each. Love is today; now is IMAGINE SHOPPING for great a report last Friday praising The chief United Nations Pressed as to whether there is Roar said the mountain buys student organization. The Hillel Passover Seder this MARGARET, GREAT having a Lll'l from your easy chair!! Turn to the will be held at 6:30 year Egypt and asking Israel to give delegates of the United States, any hope in the situation, he p.m. April 9 in Sis- Luck Classified Ads nowl the Alumni Memorial ground on the issue of the Soviet Union, Britain and on finals. Beth. 1-3-12 Chapel social responded: "If we have any it is An adaptation of the new hall. A complete turkey dinner will withdrawal from Arab territory France held another session on LIZARDS black the hope that the international Drink Beer, Wednesday, musical, "The Me Nobody Knows," ved. Students and occupied since the June, 1967, - faculty the Middle East, but issued no Real Estate March 17th. (Cheap!) 2-3-12 will be presented at 8 p.m. today and families slcorne. For war. community will make its will Saturday in Studio 49, Fairchild inforn report of progress. prevail." RY AND Kathy: Thanks for the TWO BABYSITTING BY former Theater. Admission is free. BEDROOM. Finished nurses in the messy Phi Mu aide in Pediatrics. n basement. Close to MSU, schools. Daytime, fenced The Phalanstery Record William Hinton and yard. Babies Welcome! 694-9332. Exchange Robert 1-3-12 Federal (How Room. Small down payment. will be held Monday, Williams will speak on China at 7:30 financing Assumes 3-3-12 Tuesday and low land contract. Call p.m. today in 108B Wells Hall. Two 337-1525 Wednesday in 314 S. Case Hall. 4-3-12 Students will be able to films will be shown. buy and sell records at HASLETT. GOOD buildable Typing Service details, call 3SS bargain prices. For further - 6702 or 3S3 - SI26. A departmental book exchange duplex being sponsored by the Hott lot forwafer in Haslett's best multi COMPLETE - family THESES Restaurant and purific service. ro Population Growth Institutional (ZPG) area. Maynard For information, Beery 351-5210 or call Discount printing. IBM typing and neet at 7:30 p.m. Gold Room. All Sunday in in th ine Management Student Advisory s binding of theses, resumes, ii are welcomi SIMON REAL all ESTATE, Okemos publications. Across from campus, required Branch, 349-3310. 4-3-12 corner MAC and Grand River, eluding University below finals week. Come in Howard A. Tanner, director of Environmental Protection The $2.1 million would be NW Style Shop. Call to buy texts during the first week of •' NEED LANSING. Large, 3 bedroom COPYGRAPH used to build a pipeline to carry up to 3 ten SERVICES, ter drawers. 489-21 Redecorated and carpeted throughout. Aluminum siding, 1V4 337-1666. C consult ThT' de^artmen^offtcT'o; said he was "quite hopeful" of "They've never said no but three million "gaifons"of"waste >322.3-3-12 The Outing Club will hold its final ■like Feidman, 332 - S048. Books acquiring federal funds for a neither have they found a way daily from the East Lansing baths, 2 car garage, fenced-in PROFESSIONAL* and volunteers are needed. water double lot. spring trips organizational meeting at pollution plan even to fund it," Tanna said, sewage plant to four man - made 1APLE syrup Approximately $500 THESIS 7 p.m. Tuesday in 116 Natural _ candy down. No PREPARATION Science Bldg. All Snyder Hall will present Archangel though the latest request for the ~' - Dept. • of Natural ponds on the extreme southern • ugar. Visitors closing cost. Call are welcome. grant was denied Thursday. Resources has already raised we^ in free dance 489-2668. 2-3-12 IBM Typint a - concert at 9 p.m. edge of campus. i Snow, 3188 West ft BY: THANKS for the "good • The Experimental Theater will today in Snyder Hall. "I don't regard it as a final $1.2 million of the estimated Nutrients would be taken from Mason. 676-1653. 3-3-1 . Multilith Printing , Twig, Bags, Sandy, TAMARISK SUBDIVISION: A present "Wormwood," an original answer," Tanner said. $2.1 million required for the the wastes to raise • Hardbinding play, at 8:30 p.m. today and at 8 and aquatic ndy. 1-3-12 beautiful 3 bedroom ranch, brick - He said he will relabel the project. The money is coming RT AND Visa Photoi 10 p.m. Saturday in the Auditorium will be plants for use in animal feeds • Intment. aluminum. Family room, full Complete Professional Thesis Service for Arena theater. Admission is presented at m.Sunday i Studio project "construction" instead from the Ford, Rockefeller and that would have the nutritive All typas Master's and Doctoral Candidates. Free by of "research" to make it eligible graphic work. Infom* HOBIE's, pinball, little sleep - basement, attached garage. Call Brochure and Constellation. Please Call 49, Auditoi rks of Kresge foundations. value of alfalfa. miss you friend. Take care, Darrell Chadwell, REAL ESTATE Samuel Bee ill be featured, for more federal funds. He said Another $500,000 of state =8. Photo Lab, 35M rry back. MJM. 1-3-12 MART 393-6550 IV 9-0239. Cliff and Paula Haughey 337 1527 or 627 2936. Faculty performer Else Ludewig Supporters of the plan have I or hopeful the new funds is still up in the air after said the water after 2-3-12 will appear with the MSU Chamber recycling Orchestra under the direction of approach may break the budget cuts were made would be pure enough to use in ST (A rock and roll bi HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Becker NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE COPY SHOPPE can show you Dennis Burke at 8:15 p.m. today in reside"'u>a d i cutset ^ s h Ba h a ° 'fa i t h apparent deadlock in November. The request for state a swimming pool. The swimming booking, 349-42 Love, Western Union Operator ehols. 1-3-12 Recreation how to get two Xerox copies for the Music Bldg. auditorium and the dynamics of love at 8 p.m. negotiations with the Water funds must now complete the pool is part of 495. 3-3-12 performance of Saturday 06, 701 Cherry a proposed the price of one. Phone 332-4222. clarinet Lane. For information "" "* 'i'4" Quality Office of the Federal entire appropriations STUDENTOURS SUMMER: 355 again. OU can rent a iRATULATIONS NEW AK Psi Faculty, students and staff are - 7765. WATERS London, $209. Spring Break: inly 12 noon. $10/month. 351-91 5-3-12 Itle Sisters' V.P. CKY. P.S. idying Friday nights aio't so Acapulco, $219; Jamaica, $219: ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith invited to attend the Badminton Club from 6 to 9 p.m. today in the Ernie Jackson and Glenn Scott will Who's Whose J/.WRQa.i. c»il Fred, offset printing. Complete service Women's Intramural' Byilding. perform Friday and Charlie Smith 355-2824. 14-3-17 • and Jeff and J udy > Tordoff wfll note 'for dl sse r t a t i o\i £ treses, • LIZARD'S GRA The S®turd.ay - Boys Training School group the Albatross, IING, Wednesday. Mi Special Beer Prices! M LAST CHANCE manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 21 years experience. 349-0850. C isiting the school they x meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Unio lower lounge. For information, ca Grand River coffeehouse will be open from 8 p. to 2 a.m. A $1 donation Ave. The "11 be Mary Little, Lathrup, junior. Kappa |