I lived . . . Thursday MICHIGAN Spring with hate and asked not; I STATE NEWS ... is here! High 70 under looked for love and asked too STATE partly cloudy skies. Chance of much' showers. Low tonight 40-45. _ Andiron Smith UNIVERSITY 63 Number 149 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 1, 1971 Calley sentenced to life in prison U' veterans Country still shocked |hit conviction FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP) - Lt. William the Calley verdict had "shocked the Calley was sentenced to life imprisonment sensibilities of the nation." Wednesday for the slaughter of 22 Protest demonstrations were planned in Vietnamese men, women and children many sections of the country, including |of lieutenant during the 1968 My Lai massacre. An San Diego, Calif., where police issued a appeal is automatic and could take many permit for a parade Sunday. months. Sen. Moss' theme was echoed in many He also was ordered dismissed from the By JOHN BORGER newspaper editorials printed on Calley's service and must forfeit all pay and State News Staff Writer conviction , prior to the sentencing. allowances. "If Calley is guilty," said the Houston versity veterans expressed Calley took the verdict with a limp salute Chronicle, "then so are many of his but betrayed no sign of emotion. ■dissatisfaction Wednesday with the superior officers, and so are some of the Eviction of Lt. William L. Calley Jr. for The relative leniency of the sentence was higher commanders, and so are our expected to cool to. some degree the ■premeditated murder at My Lai on March nationwide furor over Calley's conviction, political leaders who helped make the decisions which led to this tragedy, and so TVeteran's contacted said Calley was which has mounted steadily since he was are the American citizens who ultimately lorced to bear the blame for the entire found guilty Monday of premeditated murder. He could have gotten the death are responsible for national policy." military system. The New York Daily News asked, "How «I don't think it's right," Thomas B. penalty. about some tough crackdowns on those President Nixon is receiving thousands of ■Andersen, Lansing senior and vice higher up?" Ipresident of the MSU Veterans Assn., said. telegrams running at a ratio of about 100 The New York Times said the conviction to 1 against the court martial conviction of ■"Galley's taking the blame for something of Lt. Calley "cannot alone clear the Lt. William L. Calley Jr., the Western White ■that goes much deeper. conscience of the army or the nation." "It's the whole war: the Army trains its House said Wednesday. The Newark, N.J., Evening News said nen to.kill. and now he's getting it in the Within minutes after Lt. William L. "Further investigation and prosecution are ■neck for doing essentially what he was Calley Jr., was sentenced to hard labor for needed to assure that this young lieutenant ■trained to do. The Army doesn't train its life, Sen. Frank E. Moss, D-Utah, said in is not made a scapegoat for an easy way lmen to kill women and children, but there Washington he would introduce a (Please turn to page 17) [were other circumstances and pressures resolution calling on President Nixon to lthat have to be considered. reduce the term. I "Unfortunately, you can't put the whole "We as a nation," he said, "cannot wipe this blemish from our national conscience ■military system on trial, even though that Imight be the best and fairest way," simply by finding one man guilty. Lt. Calley should not go unpunished, but he House Dems lAndersen said. I The entire chain of command, including alone should not be called on to pay the flthe price." lAndersen President, should bear some blame, ■absolve Calley said. However, this does not of any responsibility, he "We all share the guilt if Lt. Calley is guilty as charged," Rep. Richard Fulton, adopt stand ladded. D-Tenn., said in Nashville. 1 Robert W. Spanogle, Okemos senior, said Sen. B. Everett Jordan told a news ■he considered the Nuremberg war crimes ■trial as binding on all nations. conference in Raleigh, sentence N.C., "brings out the necessity of that the on Viet war I "If (the events at My Lai) did happen getting this war over and getting our boys lthat way, and since we prosecuted the ■German officers, that precedent should Telegrams for home." The North Carolina Democrat offered his services to exj. - WASHINGTON (AP) ■ Divided House Democrats adopted a compromise end - the war resolution Wednesday that aims at Ihold for our own men," he said. "There Lt. William Calley Jr. and his attorneys open up hundreds of telegrams they received Wednesday morning. From Uite Calley's appeal. withdrawal of U.S. troops from Indochina Iprobably should have been a civilian jury, Mississippi Gov. John Bell Williams said left are Richard Kay, Calley, Capt. Brooks Doyle, Major Kenneth Doyle, and seated at the table, George Latimer, in Jackson he had telephoned Vice by the end of 1972. ■however." The 132 to 68 vote for the resolution at chief defense attorney. AP Wirephoto President Spiro T. Agnew to tell him that (Please turn to page 17) a party caucus marked a dramatic shift in sentiment in the House, which as steadfastly supported administration policy in Vietnam in the past. Mrs. King challenges universities • The issue was sufficiently clouded by the adoption of compromise language, however, that everyone but the extreme hawks came out of the closed - door caucus claiming victory. the Auditorium, Mrs. King received two give new direction to the lives of its i grateful to MSU for inaugurating a Mrs. House Republican leader Gerald R. Ford King said she does not travel standing ovations. citizens, or "historians will record that in lecture series to honor my husband," she much because of her four children. of Michigan even issued a statement She said universities have the facilities to the last three decades of the 20th century said. As part of the lecture series, a movie, applauding the Democrats for "urging full Coretta Scott King, on campus work for the betterment of man, but asked there lived a nation that gained a world but "King: A Film Record . . . From support of President Nixon's initiatives for ■Wednesday, challenged universities to if they had the will to do so. lost its soul." Mrs. King is currently president of the Montgomery to Memphis," will be shown peace in Vietnam and the release of all ■fulfill their "mission" by "Are Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Center in ridding American the facilities of the universities "From a negative, passive role, the at 1:30 p.m. Thursday in the Auditorium. prisoners of war." ■society of the scourges of racism, poverty reserved for the affluent? It is universities began to assume an active Atlanta, Ga. Her book, "My Life With The film is chronicle of the civil Speaker Carl Albert hailed adoption of ■and incongruous Martin Luther a rights war. to see well - kept campuses of universities posture, but many had to be prodded — King Jr.", has been movement from the Montgomery boycott the resolution as an example of Democratic 'Let me warn you," she said, "carrying surrounded by the decay of urban areas," published in 12 languages. She has received it the social students said, 'no, you must be relevant'," in 1955 to the Memphis sanitation strike of party unity in support of "expeditious" mission of the > awards and honorary degrees. university will she said. she said. "The university can no longer sit withdrawal from Vietnam. |not be easy." Mrs. King warned that this nation must on the sidelines of life." "It is not either a slap at President Speaking to a crowd of about 2.000 in use all its knowledge, skill and judgment to Mrs. King's speech was part of MSU's Nixon or a vote of confidence in his second annual Martin Luther King Jr. conduct of the war," the Oklahoma plague democrat said. "It states the desire of the hnancial Lecture Series. She was introduced by Benjamin E. Mays, president emeritus of woes Democrats to bring the war to a conclusion Morehouse College and president of the as soon as possible." Atlanta JBoard of Education. Mays was a The key provision of the resolution King memorial guest speaker for the lecture series last declares it to be the sense of the Democrats year. Mrs. King also spoke of the effect of the center in the House that the House "should work to end the U.S. military involvement in Vietnam war on social conditions within Indochina and to bring about the release of the United States. ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) — Three years after Robert L. Green, director of the Center all prisoners at a time certain, during the "The dreams of those working for the it was founded, the Martin Luther King for Urban Affairs at MSU, is on the board 92 Congress." freedom of man turned to nightmares by Memorial Center is in serious financial of trustees of the center. The resolution is similar to one approved escalation of the war in Vietnam," she said. difficulty, and officials have begun The institute will study and define by the Senate Democratic caucus in a major "Domestic programs were blighted as we fund raising campaign. theory, history and techniques of social February but moves one step further by allocated $55 for each poor person and "We are operating on an austerity change, and apply knowledge and results of specifying that withdrawal should be spent $300,000 for each enemy we killed. budget," Dr. Julius Scott, executive its study to "mass direct action," Scott completed during the 92nd Congress. "Students and the youth of our nation director of the center, said in an interview. said. The language was a compromise drawn began leading the way in rebellion against "We've had a few layoffs, we need more He lists as an example of "mass direct up by the top House leadership in a the archaic notion of war." personnel and the payroll is often in doubt. action" the trip by Mrs. King to California successful effort to block adoption of a Regrettably, Mrs. King said, the "However," he added, "we've begun a to participate in the rally of Mexican - tougher antiwar resolution that would have administration has been insensitive to massive campaign to raise funds from American laborers outside the jail in which set a deadline for withdrawal of Dec. 31 protests against the war. public, private and government sources." union organizer Cesar Chavez was being this year. The wife of slain civil rights worker Scott and Coretta Scott King, widow of held. Martin Luther King Jr. also attacked the the civil rights leader, feel that the most "As a result of consultations with Chavez Nixon administration for its record on civil compelling requirement of the center is to and others, the institute initiated plans to Petitioning rights. continue King's ministry by expanding the support the nationwide boycott," Scott said. Petitions for the State News board of "Nixon's attitude has been one of very Institute for Nonviolent Social Change directors may be picked up at 341 little concern at all," she said. "The civil (INSC) one of the components of the Student Services Bldg. center. (Please turn to page 17) rights movement has appeared to slow with the Nixon administration." Mrs. King added that despite the dismal signs of an endless war and frustrating poverty, she sees "a bright beam of hope. "Because you and 1 have the power to STUDENT FINED IN E. L. bring into the world lasting peace and to make this old world a new world, I have a lot of hope — hope is within each individual because he is involved in the process of change," she said. "Of course," she said, "theoreticians 'Pot' passes law prosecuted under the new law, entered a plea of no contest to the without activists are nothing — but if they charge. Petersen was given until Friday to pay the fine or face combine the result can be elevation of the possible imprisonment. Social ills discussed standards by which men live. "Twenty years ago I could not have said The new East Lansing marijuana ordinance passed a local test The ordinance, adopted Feb. 1 by East Lansing makes possession of marijuana a misdemeanor, punishable City Council, by a of constitutionality Wednesday morning in East Lansing District Kin?? ^C0U K'n9, sPeak'n9 at MSU's second annual Martin Luther it was within our power to feed the hungry of the world, clothe the ill - clothed of the Court when Judge Maurice E. Schoenberger fined an MSU fine of up to $500, 90 days in jail or both. Richard P. Oleksa, asst. professor of business law and office the ^ LectUre Series, discussed racism, poverty and war. Attending world or house the ill - housed. Now 1 student $125 plus court costs for possessing marijuana. Had the student been tried before adoption of the ordinance, administration and attorney for Petersen, said he moved the ds to rrieet, jome music to Hear/ inis is a season to welcome. Come i/iS/t with us this Sunofay, April 4, from noon o whenever &help us to make this First un.daX a Spring Celebration! MERIDIAN HOLDEN REID Nearly 20 MGU Organizations,- MALL • MASTER CHARGE HOLDEN-REID k»ant Woclc Carnival .Waierbec! Ghovv. famous brands for Lad & Dad • BANKAMERICARD CHARGE ACCOUNT FRANDOR E.grand river r> °ries Farm(a great new rock group -from * marsh ro. . Downtown » Lansing Mall St. Johns Logan Center Octrcit) plu5 b^yy |£ jocks' • m Thursday, April I, 197] 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES Winter's mark SPRING TERM Holland Beach on Lake Michigan lies deserted over spring damage will have to be repaired before the UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM break. Winter's onset of summer activities. VIEWS POLLED State News photos by Doug Bauman 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Apr. 1 "THE ANGEL LEVINE" Stars Zero Mostell & Harry Belafonte Students look at Mideast A breakdown of responses by I While it appears unlikely that endorse the U.S. sale of arms to the questions of providing either large groups of college students Israel than did females. The air support and advisers or the religious preference revealed I •Thurs. - Fri. "FALSTAFF" of United States substantially more support foil will turn out in massive question, overall student involvement Orson Welles Production Israel among Jewish students | Apr. 29 - 30 demonstrations against U.S. response and responses broken troops. support of Israel in the Mideast down by sex are presented The second and third than among Protestants below. questions and resulting student Catholics. Thurs., May 6 "THE FIFTH HORSEMAN conflict, indications are that the college population may "Doyou feel the United States replies were: Among Jewish collegians,! Fri., May 7 IS FEAR" nevertheless harbor fears that should or should not sell more "Do you feel the United States more than five out of six! Eerie Czech Drama the situation in that area may arms to Israel if necessary to should support Israel in a Middle endorsed the sale of arms while | turn into another Vietnam. keep the balance of power in the East conflict, if it meant nearly half would approve 0 Thurs. - Fri. "FUNNY GIRL" Results of a recent poll Middle East?" providing American advisers or providing air support or advisers. indicate that students would overall response females males air support?" Jewish support for involvinj May 13-14 Barbra Streisand as late Fanny Brice should 49.8% 38.8% 55.5% "Would you favor giving U.S. troops on behalf of Israel, overwhelmingly reject attempts .... by the United States to provide should not .37.6% 45.6% 33% American support to Israel if it however, dropped to nearly the SINGLE ADMISSION $1.00 opinion .12.6% 15.6% 11.5% meant involving U.S. troops? same level as that among non support to Israel through U.S. no ■ TERM TICKET $3.00 This difference in opinion Jewish students. advisers or troops, and not even yes 21.9% Tickets on sale at the door. a majority of college students concerning U.S. support to Israel 16.4% Copyright, 1971, Unidex Corp.,| * would approve of increased U.S. disappeared, however, when the no opinion 11.7% Bloomington, Ind. Shown in Fairchild Theatre arms sales to Israel to maintain students were asked about the balance of power there. providing U.S. advisers or air Ticket Distribution Opens April 1 Interviewers for the poll talked with 1,010 students on 41 support. More interested contrasts on POLICE these points were the opposing Notice To Students: representative campuses across UNION TICKET OFFICE viewpoints held by students who the country the week ending March 13. Results of the termed themselves "liberal" or Hours 8:15-4:30 interviews indicate that: conservative" in their overall *Not quite half of the students political philosophy. f 56 BROADWAY would approve of further JU.S On the first question 56 A UNIVERSITY VILLAGE available on the incident. , M sale of arms to Israel to maintain percent of those who considered RESIDENT told MSU police * * * Spring Term Concert Calendar SPECIAL a balance of power in the Middle East. themselves conservative supported the U.S. sale of arms early Tuesday night he noticed 12 trees damaged in a had POLICE Tuesday afternoon INVESTIGATED! a complainl "TO BE YOUNG, * to Israel while 46 percent of Public j Two out of three students their liberal counterparts shared woodlot along Kalamazoo Street from Richard J. BittermanJ GIFTED & BLACK" would disapprove of the United near the Red Cedar River bridge. Chesaning senior, who said M Fri., Apr. 16 $5.00, $4.00, $3.00 this viewpoint. VAN CLIBURN j States providing advisers or air Those who felt their political Police said apparently coat and shoes, with a toti Tuesday, Apr. 6 support for Israel. * Well over philosophy fell toward the someone used an axe to cut estimated value of $20, wert| eight out of ten down some of the trees and to stolen from under a NETHERLANDS DANCE Mon., April 19 $6.00, $5.00, $4.00 | $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 would not favor U.S. support of Israel if it meant involving U.S. "middle of the road" tended to agree more with the partially cut through the others. of behind a lane in the Unio| COMPANY & Tues., April 20 I No estimate damage was Bowling Alley. troops. conservatives on the question of available. On the first question, college selling arms to Israel but aligned LONDON BACH Mon., May 3 $5.00, $4.00, $3.00 | males seemed more likely to themselves with the liberals on A COAT, with an estimated Ed college dean I value of $50, was reported SOCIETY $1.00 reduction to stolen sometime between to head society $1.00 January and March from the STUDENT ADMISSION - students with ""FOLK &gfae4 CONCERT storage room on the fourth floor Students must have full - time validated I.D. to purchase reserved seat tickets. Each | full time validated of Owen Graduate Center, bby Cole S. Brembeck, associatej student allowed to pick up four tickets. Full - time validated I.D. must be presented at the door with ticket. | I - I.D. MUNSON VALeNtiNe its owner, Mary L. Zuiderveen, dean of the College Education, has been selected to ol fflaurera fflrllbmm East Lansing graduate student, this week. head the Comparative and International Education Society. BILL KAHL - MARK TALABA No further Information was Brembeck, director of MSU'i Institute of International Studies AtoU 8 PM RENT A T.V. in Education, was named president elect of the 1,500 INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES - ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE £„eavrST'sts United Artists TIGATED who told them he will present complaint his latest proposals for education Bitterman, reform to the legislature in a tio said hi th a totil 'eek. The marchers, who met with LEARN Tonight, April 1 • 7:30 p.m. $20, wen their respective state legislators a bench ifter brief rally on the Capitol University Auditorium a the Unioi lawn, were protesting recent KARATE cutbacks in the education budget. "We have been Admission $1.00 going through The MSU Karate Club will very difficult times financially in give a demonstration at this state," Milliken told the 7:00 p.m. tonight, in the lower gym of the ety crowd. "1 feel very , associate about education reform. staff and I have been strongly My working Womens' I.M. Coed classes for intermediate and advanced students will be held beginning, RHA BRINGS BACK >llege day in and day out to develop a selected program for education reform this term. Everyone welcome. and education Iii ..funnyG »>/•• of MSU' ative and in Society The marchers financing." were led by Jane splendor. new screen 0*c .ttCKlesf nal Studie Hie most magnificent is named he 1,500 Duke, Duchess picture ever! n at tin islike hot pants FIRST LANSING SHOWING NOW! Open 12:45 4 Shows Daily DAVID 0. SELZNICKS production margaru Mitchells Today 1:00-3:45-6:45-9:15 Beal Film Group Presents Through Saturday ncentrated States am NEW YORK Duchess of (AP) - The the most important film of the last several years. ^LITTLE BIG MAN' IS^ "GONE WITH Windsor said the world includei luesday she thinks hot pants 109 Anthony 7 and 9:30 "A RAMBUNCTIOUS THE WIND" arent hot," and the so dubbed them "ridiculous." The duke and duke duchess Tonight 100 Engineering 8:15 Only TRIUMPH! —Stephen Kanfcr, Time Magazine A CHIEF DAN GEORGE ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATION - COLUMBIA PICTURES m RASTAR PROOUCTONS BARBRA STREISAND-OMAR SHARIF BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR! -"FIMGIRL" KAY ME0F0R0 ANNE FRANCIS-WALTER PIOGEON.,»™;«w ".'3^ CLARK GABLE Winner of the 1968 VIVIEN LEIGH Oscar for the LESLIE HOWARD best actress! OLIVIA dc HAVILLAND Tonite in Conrad Tonite in Brody 7:30 7 and 9:30 DUST1N HOFFMAN $1.00 admission $1.00 admission All -LITRE BIG MAN" 21. Admission $2.50 A Cinema Center Films Presentation Panavision technicolor |QP O I.D.'s required I.D.'s required IP's will be checked 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 1, I9711 t\kl• I I YY 11Q 1)110 on By ROBERT KIPPER boy was taken on a leash to a Unlike "The Miracle Worker," dramatic effect alone. frightening, surroundings. Cargol Stata News Staff Writer home for deaf mutes. Here he his film doesn't rely on high As the wild boy, Jean - Pierre handles his character's many became a freak exhibit for powered dramatic peaks and It is difficult not to compare Cargol gives a remarkable transitions superbly. outsiders to gape at and a victim emotional outbursts for "The Wild Child" is in the Francois Truffaut's "The Wild performance. In the course of for the other patients' pranks. effectiveness. Truffaut the film his animal final day of its run at the State Child" with "The Miracle - like walk A French doctor, troubled by underplays the action whereas becomes unsure strides, his wild Theater. Try to catch it. The Worker." Both are based on fact. Both the boy's treatment and "The Miracle Worker" grunts become modulated film is too good to let pass by fascinated by the case, had the accentuated it. deal with the determined efforts sounds and the desperate look in simply because a theater chose of a teacher to raise an boy removed from the home and Both manage to be touching his eyes of being a trapped to open it during semester break entrusted to his care. The doctor without close it before most individual from a primitive state. resorting to creature softens into a and then began painstaking lessons at sentimentality and Both succeed within the powerful bewildered acceptance of his returning students will have a confines of what are basically civilizing the boy. without "speeding up" action strange, but no longer chance to see it. Beginning with the most which by nature is repetitious two character, visual exercises rudimentary actions — standing and slow moving. wherein the mastery of ordinary movements and the grasping of simple concepts are the dramatic highlights and gestures, and objects, sleeping walking erect, holding dressing in a twd himself, — the The difference is that "The Miracle Worker" succeeded in expected fashion: Anne House resolution instructions soon ^emphasized Bancroft delivered a teeth - implications and expressions are the recognition of symbols and gritting, emotional performance praises U' band the subtle tools with which the the basics of speech. as the teacher; each triumph by story is presented. "The Wild Child" is the story Progress was slow, but the boy her pupil was celebrated with of an animal - like boy who was proved responsive and close-ups and victory pauses. discovered in a French woods in intelligent. The film leaves the In "The Wild Child," the The MSU band was honored in the state legislature Wednesday doctor and the boy without teacher, played by Truffaut, 1798. Abandoned by his parents by a House resolution commemorating the beginning of the as a baby, the boy had spent resolution, implying that lessons rarely expresses emotion. band's second century. will go on and the boy will most of his 12 year life away Yet the film manages all the The resolution commendedthe growth of the band from a 10 - continue progressing toward member brass ensemble in 1870 to an organization including from any contact with poignance and uplift that "The a civilization. normalcy. Miracle Worker" did. concert band, an activity band, the Spartan Brass, a symphonic Isolation had reduced him to a Truffaut tells the story with The triumphs of the boy, the band, a symphonic wind ensemble and the Spartan Marching speechless, near - deaf food detachment, recording the continually renewed inspiration Band. New th gatherer who roamed the progress and setbacks of his teacher, the human drama Copies of the resolution will be sent to President Wharton, wilderness naked, traveling dispassionately. His film is inherent in their efforts are Director of Bands Kenneth Bloomquist and Asst. Director of Bands David L. Catron. A mirror is one of the many strange objects that fascinate the primitive boy in Francois apelike on his hands and legs. simple, understated and almost obvious and compelling yet Truffaut never them The resolution was sponsored by Rep. William R. Copeland, Truffaut's "The Wild'Child," now showing at the State Theater. Truffaut and Jean - Pierre After being found, the wild purely cinematic. pauses over or exploits them for D-Wyandotte. Cargol star. TODAY Doors Open mICHIGAN 00-9:05 NOMINATED FOR U Staff bulletin begin ACADEMY AWARDSsm BEST PICTURE 7 The MSU News - Bulletin, a In a statement prepared for weekly eight - page tabloid, the first issue of the News begins publication today. The Bulletin, Perrin said, "We have a newspaper is the result of the single objective in mind: to merging of the Faculty News improve and expand the - campus - - an - expanded circulation. The circulation will be about - 8,000, Beverly I. Twitchell, associate editor, said. newspaper will be sent to faculty The professionals, graduate assistants clerical and technical employes. and clerical .employes, and The Faculty News had campus circulation of about technical I"f°™,ati1°n PfeVious,yJn Staff Bulletin will be on the last * ^ r» pages of the News-Bulletin. 1. Bulletin includes editor GeneW. Rietfors, Susan E. Smith and T^tchpn. Reitfors Miss Twitchell. Mrs Smith was Rpitfors wat editor of the Faculty News, and I Jitor of' thJ and the Staff Bulletin. opportunities for members, administration 6,000 and did not distribute to The staff of the News - Staff Bulletin. BEST DIRECTOR The change will reduce communication among BEST ACTRESS production costs, Robert Perrin, administrators, faculty and staff BEST ACTOR vice president for University at MSU. BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR relations, said. "We hope to save "Despite diversity in our several thousand dollars a year." assignments, all of us who are TOURISTS FIND BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY employed by the University BEST ORIGINAL MUSICAL SCORE share a common bond of interest AliMacGraw Ryan O'Neal Ts T.V. RENTALS ind delivery V-1*" month in the institution and the quality of its service to students and the state of Michigan. We hope to bridge the Doll ar declines overseas NEJAC TV RENTALS NEW YORK (AP) - The "Internationally, the standing commercial banks, corporations foreign currency during 'knowledge gap' within this John important segment of the MSU purchasing power of the of the dollar is probably even and individuals. average two - week stay there, I Marley & Ray Milland G "In the early 1950s American travel agents say. , community about what the American dollar, shrinking at worse than its domestic = University stands for and what home in recent year*, atoo b* standing, says Fred Tordelte, tourists in countries like France A U.S. traveler, for instance, | declined abrbfetf as thfe a&rormng vice president of Mftnfra ware approached *• the street to ■wiH geV 622 lira for 'Hi people are thinking and AGIANTtJFA MOVIE doing," Perrin said. Another reason for the change American tourist m&y discover again this summer. Tordella & Brookes Inc., dealers in foreign currency to sell their dollars/'' he says. "Foreigners wtete'drilling to pay quite a premium so they could an Italian bank compared with 627 a decade earlier, Tordella reports. I | ★★★★ -LIFE salt dollars away under their relative! "Julie Newman makes the West wilder yet" - Playboy Lorraine Han pillows. "Now the American's got to Economists link the weakening of the American I be contented with paying the dollar to the nation's consistent | GrecohyPeck Omar Sharif official exchange rate for some deficit in the balance foreign currencies or maybe even payments. A payments deficitB means Americans are spending® a shade less." The American tourist in more of their money abroadl Western Europe typically than foreigners are spending ofl theirs in the United States. changes $200 to $300 into 3INE < SERIES Pl&dMto "SHE STANDS AS TtCHfi/lCOlOR MSU LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES THE ULTIMATE A Surreal Broadway Theatre Special SHOWN AT Thurs. & Friday 108B Wells UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM BLACK WRITER Fantasy by DR.SEUSS Tuesday, April 6, 8:15 p.m. 7:00 & 9:00 Saturday 109 Anthony Tickets at Union Ticket Office FOR TODAY" % — Julius letter, VILLAGE VOICE PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 ■ Ilia 349-2700 MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES ATkF.S lift meridian mall ■■■W GRAND RIVER & MARSH RD Doors Open At 12:45 p.m. REDUCED PRICES DURING TWI LITE HOUR TODAY . . . The Original Chapter Meet...Henry & Henrietta... FEATURE At 1:20-3:20-5:20-7:25-9:25 p.m. 233 N. WASHINGTON - DOWNTOWN BUCK ROGERS One the love couple of the seventies... pi(u,reSpresents Tonight Room Shown 75c Only! at No *R°°®S'PRODUCTION 104B Wells ' t3llieyear911 HILI TheCHIMP Tunes 7 & 9 IP's and the BANANAS! BUNCH goes network mm* By JIM YOUSLING State News Reviewer Walter Matthau At 7 and 9 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday the MSU Cine Series will show my personal candidate for the strangest Elaine May movie of all times. I've it exists. seen it, but I still can't quite believe Produced by Stanley Kramer, "The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. "A New Lear T" with was intended for the children of 1952, but its market is the heads of 1971, who should appreciate this hallucinatory fantasy which is one part "Metropolis," one part "Wizard of Oz," and one part Busby Berkley. |jQCK(X)6St0n teorge Rose lames Coco Essentially, the film is one long dream by a young piano and William Redf ield i<* Ma«duke student in which he envisions a gigantic castle where his tloine May piano teacher plans to take over the music world by . MOVIE L/ enslaving all his students. This may sound dull, but wait till you see it. The many sets which are literally fabulous bear an I unbelievable resemblance to Dr. Seuss' drawings combined with the garish colors and soft air - brush effects that were popular in the commercial art of the late 40's. Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy remain negligible despite their top billings, but Tommy Rettig is enduringly precocious and Hans Conreid, as the fiendish Dr. Terwilliger, makes a most menacing fop. Still thA sets and the mind blowing special effects dominate the film. Imagine, for example, the 5,000 fingers of 500 imprisoned boys playing a huge piano with 480,000 siamng KURT JOE HARRY WALLY keys. Call it silly, call it camp. But, it's the damdest thing RUSSELL- FLYNN ■ MORGAN • COX you ever saw. heather NORTH alan HEWITT hayden RORKE TECHNICOLOR' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 1, 1971 9 Soviets emphasize unity Brezhnev, in his keynote, six MOSCOW (AP) - Soviet hour - China's sort of revisionism as a of Brezhnev's long policy , acL stepped up attack televised report to the menace to Marxism. speech, Communist sources said proposed at the Geneva Congress, liad disarmament conference Wednesday on Red China's "left "slanderous rejected inventions Harsh critic they saw nothing new in his Tuesday ban all wing revisionism' and on other Foreign delegates said proposals on disarmament or a on Thrpats to International concerning the policy of our Mashorov was the harshest of offering better relations with bacteriological and biological party and our state which are weapons and toxins. Communist collaboration, and being spread from Peking." He the three and had criticized "the China and the United States. But They asserted that this was unitv emerged as a dominating had disgusting formulas of the they said this was the first time a Sme of the 24th Communist balanced that with the statement that Moscow is Chinese leaders who, describing Soviet leader presented a only the first of a series of steps the Soviet Union would like to themselves as Communists, number of proposals In one P#For^ngCommunist delegates "prepared in every way to help not only to normalize relations slander the Soviet people." global package. take in the field of disarmament and in easing tension around the wDorted that speakers at the but also to restore neighborliness The Chinese Communists, The sources, both Eastern and world. Sond session of the Congress, and who were not even invited to Western Europeans, said Brezhnev's proposal for including two members of the friendship" between the send a delegation to this Moscow is a five Russians and Chinese. ready to take - power disarmament conference mling Soviet Politburo, took up Congress, had been blasting the initiatives on the diplomatic of the world's nuclear nations — Some sources saw Brezhnev's »he unity theme and made no Soviet leaders recently with level to implement Brezhnev's Inference to the offer Tuesday olive branch as a device to absolve Moscow of blame for renewed vigor as "revisionist proposals. the Soviet Union, the United States, Communist China, wy the party chief, Leonid I. renewed polemics. In the closed renegades." The sources noted that the Britain and France is not new, of better relations — Brezhnev, The Chinese do not pose the Soviet Union and its allies second session of the Congress, the sources noted. with Peking. only threat to unity, and Basic theme Politburo member Pyotr Shelest, speakers also attacked other the party chief of the Ukraine; "The basic theme was unity," forms of "revisionism," reported a Western European Pyotr Masherov, an alternate including the sort attributed to Politburo member, and Grigory Communist. "1 don't think they members of the influential want to do anything that would Romanov, a Leningrad party disrupt that unity. secretary, lashed out angrily at Italian party. Duan speaks Prof to a Among the speakers at the second session was Le Duan, first secretary of the North Spring Vietnamese party, who was the first foreigner to speak. This tended to turn honor stu Rick Laffler, Southfield freshman, finds that spring n that had been stored away for the winter. is repairing and cleaning State News photo by up the bicycle Terry Miller a spotlight on Soviet pledges of aid to North Martin Benjamin, visiting an experimental Honors College Vietnam, which recently has been promised increased aid professor of philosophy, will program, called the Freshmen from China. The two speak to freshmen honor Honors Program, which for the Commercial jet LEGISLATION INTRODUCED IN State House Wednesday Red stuients at 7 p.m. today in first time admits freshmen to the would impose a mandatory five - year prison sentence for persons Communist giants have been Erickson Kiva on the nature and Honors College. found guilty of using a firearm in the commission of a crime. contesting for influence in Rep. Thomas J. Anderson, D-Southgate and sponsorer of the Hanoi. function of university education. Benjamin, who has taught hijacked to Cuba The gist of Benjamin's remarks are bill, said it would be an effective deterrent to the future use of Duan's address was secondary school in Ethiopia, firearms in crimes against Michigan citizens. made public and contained only expected to include a discussion was an associate WASHINGTON (AP) An of grades, requirements and professor at - House Bill 4663 also would carry a mandatory 10 - year repetitions of familiar themes Miami University in Oxford, Eastern Air Lines jet en route sentence for the second offense. about the Indochina war and premature decisions on academic Ohio, where he wrote a tract from New York to San Juan, The sentence would be in addition to the sentence given by the Hanoi's gratitude for the help majors. He will also discuss ^he called "The Gentle Revolution" Puerto Rico, has been hijacked, students' concept of the which court for the specific offense and could not be changed by the extended by the Soviet Union. suggested major reforms to Cuba, the Federal Aviation court. He promised "utter failure" for university. for that university. Administration said Wednesday. * * * He is the first speaker in a 10 - the Nixon administration policy week seminar of speakers and THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Wednesday announced of Vietnamization. discussions for freshmen honor its intention of finding ways to utilize vocational education Discussing the possible impact HUBBARD HALL STUDENT GOVERNMENT students. The seminar is part of facilities in Michigan schools, particularly in summer months. State Board of Education President Edwin L. Novak has hinted presents a MIXER with that job placement training for both adults and youngsters could in the school facilities when they are not in full be handled the slow summer months. use in SPRING S "It would be clearly unwise if we fail to take whatever steps are necessary to help those involved in vocational education programs maximize their service to the citizens of our state who need job APRIL ZUBRA training," Novak said. * ♦ * A MEMBER OF THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION has 1 & 2 Sunday, April 4 advised that the lowering of the voting age to 18 should not be made until "serious" studies have been made. 9-12 pm James O'Neil, in a letter to Gov. Milliken Wednesday suggested lowering the voting age to 19 because that is when young men become draft eligible. Hubbard Classrooms O'Neil also cited a statistically poorer drivfeg record by youth Girls beforei - Free than their older counterpart as evidence of youth not being able to assume the responsibility of adulthood implied by the lowering Guy^ - 75c of the voting age and the age of majority question currently awaiting state legislaUve action. brazier Open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. 310 W. GRAND RIVER E. LANSING How many cups of Gatorade can you drink between Corbin, Ky., and Tampa, Fla.? (For free.) On your way to your Florida Easter break, every Marathon station along 1-75 from Corbin to Tampa will give you new orange Gatorade free. With or without buying any¬ thing. There's no limit. If you're thirsty, drink all you want. (Our cup runneth over with conviviality.) There's also a straight reason for stopping at Mara¬ thon. Even your parents would approve. Our gasoline. That we don't give away. We sell it. (A little capitalistic, maybe, but it's a living.) And to show that our hearts are pure, all Marathon petroleum products and automotive services are guaranteed. Satisfaction or your money back, as our lawyers say. For considerations not entirely altruistic, our dealers accept most major credit cards. BankAmericard. Master Charge. American Express. Carte Blanche. Diner's Club. And our own. So when you go south, keep your car filled with the Big Red M (your basic sis boom bah). Then when you get to Corbin, start filling yourself, too. If you're flying down, we don't even want to hear about it. 10 Michigan State News, East Thursday, April |, 197, Lansing, Michigan Bargaining assistance from police. According to East Lansing District Court Judge Maurice alters Including widespread dissatisfaction with existing laws and the char "Now we are worried about drug abusers," he said, "whether they are suburban housewives using pep pills, or alcoholics, or By JOHN McKAY sf«|j;gering number of cases awaiting disposition by the courts. heroin addicts." Schoenberger, some considerations involved in plea bargaining "We find outselves in an unbearable situation," said Justice include the criminal record of the defendant, how long the person Swainson. "We cannot try every case." Swainson, a former Michigan governor, said it is wrong to treat Despite a state law requiring judges to give minimum prison has been selling and how aggravated the specific instance was for Ingham County Prosecutor Raymond Schodeller echoed this a public health problem by applying criminal sanctions. sentences of 20 years to those convicted of selling drugs, only "The negative after - effects of a felony in our society which the person was arrested. cc ncern, calling plea bargaining a "very real part of the whole today two people arrested for are horrendous," Swainson said. He pointed out that even after drug offenses were sent to Michigan Other factors are the defendant's background, what he is doing system. prisons in 1969 for 20 years or more. now ("Is he on the right road?"), and whether he is willing to "We couldnt get along without it. Only something like 12 per serving a prison sentence, a convicted felon £111 cannot serve on a Through the process of plea bargaining, commonly known to help the police in getting at the source of the drug traffic. cent of all cases are disposed of by trial," he said. jury or vote, is ineligible for civil service jobs, which employ mow laymen as making a deal, many people arrested for selling drugs than 40,000 in this state alone, and suffers many other Although widespread, this last factor is the exception rather were convicted on lesser counts after their charges were reduced. than the rule in deciding whether a pereon's plea is reduced, A bigger concern seems to be existing drug laws which make deprivations as a result of his record. William Kime, research director for the Michigan Dept. of possession or sale of marijuana a felony and set a 20 - year Prison questioned Schoenberger said. He added that he is personally against this Corrections, estimated that more than 90 per cent of the 169 form of making a deal. minimum sentence for sale. Swainson said that he weighs what he will be doing to help a people imprisoned in Michigan in 1969 for possession of drugs "If a person is entitled to another go - round," Schoenberger Aura of emotionalism person by sentencing him to prison, adding that, "besides being a were originally arrested for the sale of drugs. said, "he's entitled to it independent of his willingness to inform, Schoenberger said one reason for the prevalence of plea judge, I'm a parent." Supreme Cburt Justice John B. Swainson, explained that many and without having to dirty his hands by incriminating peers." bargaining is the disparity between the sentences called for by law "If rehabilitation will occur through incarceration, it sure as crimes have included in them lesser crimes. For example, a person Schoenberger added that authorities always will ask a suspect and modem thought on crime. He expressed complete hell will occur before 20 years," Swainson said. tried for murder could be found guilty as charged or acquitted, or to inform, but that a person by no means gives up his chance for disagreement with legislators who think they are implicitly Zutaut said that prison serves a legitimate punitive function in he could be found guilty of second - degree murder, manslaughter a plea reduction by revising. condoning the crime by lessening penalties, and said that present our society, and rejected as "complete nonsense" assertions that or assault and battery. Concerned with pusher laws were passed in "an aura of emotionalism." rehabilitation is the only purpose of the prison system. He added "To sell, you have to possess," he said. Thus a person arrested Law enforcement officials emphasized that they were more Swainson said that proponents of the present laws, enacted in that he did not favor plea bargaining because many people were for selling drugs could be charged with two counts, one of selling concerned with the supplier than the user, or even the person 1952, "conjured up for the legislators a very hideous picture of a able to plead guilty of lesser offenses who didn't deserve to, and and the second of possession, and might plead guilty to the lesser who may occasionally give some marijuana to a friend. person with a long dark coat leaning over a schoolyard fence, said that it was unfortunate that present conditions necessitated but included offense. "We're looking for the professional pusher," said Capt. Adam getting kids to take the stuff." this. Reduced plea Zutaut of the MSU Department of Public Safety. "If we can use a Arrangements for reducing a plea are usually made between suspect, well use him to get to the supplier. Our concern is not the prosecutor and the defense attorney, often with some with the kid who's experimenting." East Lansing Deputy Police Chief Steven Naert emphasized that police cannot bargain a plea. However, although they cannot promise a suspect anything in return for cooperation, the police tell the judge and the prosecutor when they feel a person merits special consideration. Naert added that a "good working U' prof discusses conflict Swing into Spring relationship" exists locally between the police and the OPEN HOUSE prosecutor's office. Charles Filice, chief of the Ingham County Prosecutor's criminal division, said that after the police investigate and present the (pets, the prosecutor tries to weigh all the factors before between Pakistani factions You're invited April pressing charges. to determine what is actually loyalty" to the Bengali culture. 1, 2, 3 & 4 to preview "These are cases where someone helps out the police and still happening in East Pakistan He said more industry has SlOjS OUr Spring & Summer collections - gets convicted of the original charge," Filice said. because of a strictly enforced been developed in the western TENNIS PRO SHOP jPc^V Filice emphasized that when a suspect agrees to "help solve the news blackout and because section and there is also a higher * LIGHTWEIGHT BACKPACKING EQUIPMENT fXy community drug problem," he must produce in good faith, byt The tension between eastern United News of India, the news ratio of food production per CO-) *SPORTS & SWIMWEAR # .V said that officials don't say "you have to catch X number of and western Pakistan is likely to agency reporting the capita. The western part controls QO *ADIDAS SHOES fcfflg people." continue even if troops from the disturbances, is allegedly pro - much of the banking and TENN1S special t&!!r Sanctioned by the American Bar Assn., plea bargaining is western section of the country succeed in quieting the civil strife East. Veenendaal finances of the east. "It looks to me if this Bancroft Racquet I Cragln Racquet Tllden Racquet especially common in cases involving drugs for several reasons, explained that as in the east, an MSU professor economic factors lay at the root C*y Press & Baits I $20 or more, Free Press & Baits (conflict) won't be settled unless who recently returned from $12.00 | $11.00 Stringing $17.50 Pakistan said in an interview of the tension between the two a much greater autonomy is sections of the country granted to East Pakistan. I just All tennl*_wUhTglng^Isjixpertly done _ln 24 hours with 20% DISCOUNT ON Tuesday. "They haven't solved the separated from each other by — can't see it going back to the about 1,000 miles of Indian way it was before," he said. NEW SUMMER HOURS Mon, Thurs, & Frl TYPEWRITER REPAIRS problem suppress even if the troops the easterners," Wilfred territory. "East Pakistan, which has the Veenendaal summarized the immediate events and attitudes 10a.m-9p.m. Tues, Wed, & Sat, FOR MSU STUDENTS Veenendaal, asst. director of the Instructional Media Center, said. largest population, feels that West Pakistan has controlled the leading disorders: up to the current Veenendaal recently returned The nation in October, 1970, government and has not given WILFRED VEENENDAAL from a 10 week stay in East had its first "honest" election in them their fair share of tax Pakistan, where recent press money, money coming in from years because of a strong WE WELCOME: « 0. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY reports indicate heavy fighting foreign aid and money from military rule. governmental agencies. Later, Michigan Bankamericard still exists. full scale violence broke out. international exchange — that The Awami League, the Master Charge ' He said it is nearly impossible Veenendaal said the fighting Diner's Club they have been taken advantage largest political party in East of. This has led to desire to Pakistan, won an overwheliming was largely restricted to the AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES a cities of East Pakistan where just separate from West majority of seats to the National 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett 339-8258 BEADS Pakistan," Veenendaal said. "This present army control, Assembly — a body .that would draft a new constitution. college students and political parties -■ are strongest opposition to the national in or attempt to control, by the Western political leaders, who 201 l/i E. Grand River government. national (western) army, they still held the reins of political Above Hosiers 10 - 6 "It's fairly apparent — it was feel, is just another abuse of power, balked at holding the when I was there — that college their rights," he added. meeting of the assembly for fear students are taking considerable Veenendaal said the two of losing their political power. sections of the coutnry are very Veenendaal leadership in opposition to the This said westerners different. The west consists of were concerned with Awami national government," Veenendaal said. "The riots (in four provinces while the east has League discussion of a only one heavily populated federation of the five provinces Dacca) were caused by college applicator province; the east has a greater degree of cultural homogeneity and elicits a "tremendous instead of the present form of government: they feared it was students." 14-year-old fails filled attempt to break West an was Pakistan in four parts, thereby lessening its political strength. T.V. RENTALS in hijack attempt- TW\ Conflict over the political a week and delivery Sw-O" month situation as well as years of tension between the two sides NEJACTV RENTALS surfaced in early March when charge delayed East Pakistani strikes and INTRODUCES disorders closed schools and BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - A 14 - year - old youth was talked out of hijacking a jet airliner to Cuba Wednesday after holding a PICKUP ABROAD. stewardess at gunpoint for nearly an hour, police reported. Vi OFF All makes of European cars. Police said the youth, John Mathews of Birmingham, "Early Bird" 10% Savings Program. attempted the hijacking as the Teacher/Student Specials. Delta Airlines New Orleans - to ■ Chicago Flight 400 made an Free Bonus Extras. intermediate stop in Birmingham. The stewardess $g£)Youth TWTM MM MMTinUTWN CAW tmiCiTUM 10* OU 12 TIM II □ Purchase □ Lease □ Rental Kinney Europe, 535 Fltth Avenue, N.Y. 10017. (212) 697-6780 held at gunpoint was identified as Marilyn Jordan of Houston, Tex. — PICK OlESKV Mathews was not immediately charged. With a Youth Pass¬ Officers said the boy got on Address_ the 70-passenger DC9 plane by port card you get V3 off on all TWA City rushing past a ticket agent while the plane was being refueled. domestic flights, on a standby basis. And No. 4000274 Youth Passport cards reduced rates at many cost $3 and are available places you'll stay. to students aged 12 thru 21. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND 2 YEARS TO PAY Emko research has produced a new applicator for applying foam contraceptive . . . new WE'RE OPEN Emko Pre-Fil features an ap¬ plicator that can be filled in advance of use. .up to a week TODAY 8:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M. ahead of time. The filling of an applicator at With TWA's Getaway Card, you can charge The Getaway Card the time of need can be emo¬ tionally disruptive... can lead FRI. 8:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M. airfare, hotels, meals, is available to most to "skipping"...Emko Pre-Fil cars, just about any¬ students in the U.S.A. is a way to help overcome thing to just about For additional anywhere. And then information contact TWA this problem ... better family planning. to assure SAT. 11:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. take two years to pay. or your local travel agent. Emko Pre-Fil... highly effec tive, substantially free from side effects, easy to use. Ask your physician about EMKO* Shop These Special Hours! and EMKO PRE-FIL™. TWA's Getaway Program Available at drug stores every¬ where without prescription. M.S.U. BOOKSTORE U.S.A./Europe/Asia/Pacific/Africa Riflht in The Centor of Campus THC KMKO COMPANY. «T. LOU I#. MO. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 1, 1971 ]] NOW1 2 WAYS I Board O Ks 8 ap TQ charge-it| OPEN DAILY 10-10; SUN. 10-7 THURS., FRI., SAT. approves leaves for 25 Henshaw Jr., professor, The MSU Board of Trust... Oct. 1, 1971 - March 31, management, to study in Michigan jnd Europe. Sal vino A Division of S.S. Kresge Co., with Stores in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rice, Australia rh 19 approved 8 appointments; 1972, to Leaves Lostuzzi, instructor, Romance Languages, April 30; Oarab promotions; 2S leaves; 12 study in the U.S. and Europe; Hideya The board approved leave* for; B. Un walla, transfer: and changes in assignments; Kumata, professor, communication, associate professor, and Stanley J. Chojnacki, assistant management, Aug. 31; Viggo W. esignations and terminations; and director. International professor, history, Sept. 1, 1971 - BLOSSOMTIME DISCOUNTS Communication Institute, Sept. I, Jensen, clinical professor, psychiatry, JVndudTd"in the board action was 1971 - Aug. 31, 1972 to study inEast Aug. 31, 1972, to study at Princeton University and in Italy; Vandel C. osteopathic medicine, Dec. 31, 1970; Matthew i. naming of Sidney Kat/ as Lansing and the East - West Center, R. Dillingham, assistant Johnson, professor, administraiton professor, rifessor and director of the Office Honolulu; John E. Ivey Jr., professor and higher education, March urban planning and „r Health Services Education and and dean, education, April 1 • Aug. to serve as senior education 1-31, landscape architecture, Aug. 31; and "Larch and Robert A itant professor, pathology and Brooks 31, to study and conduct research in the U.S., England and in South Vietnam. planner Sally B. Pratt, assistant professor, institutional research, Feb. 15. as>.s director of medical technology Turkey, also Julian Kately John A. Ruzak, professor and Jr., professor, The board approved the following computer science and associate retirements s director of the School of Medical associate dean, education, and director, computer laboratory, April (first year of MSU director, School for Advanced employment In parentheses): S. TtthJJ/s'app<>,ntment is part of the Studies, June 16 - Sept. IS, to study 16, 1971 March 31, 1972, to supervise Lansing Area Biomedical Howard Bartley, professor, ■mansion of the medical program in East Lansing; Jean M. LePere, psychology, July I (1947); Helen Computer Services; Charles L. Brasted, head food supervisor. Union from a two - year to a degree - professor, elementary and special See beck, associate professor, Building, May 1 (1952); William li program. His appointment is education, Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 1972, to mathematics, Sept. 1, 1971 - Aug. Effective June I. Brooks' study and travel in East Lansing and 31, 1972, to study and conduct Burt, gym store manager, health, •Inointnient is effective July I. He the U.S.; and John F. Vinsonhaler, research at the University of physical education and recreation, hM served as acting director of associate professor. Learning Systems Georgia; July 1 (19SS); Mildred Cross, and Paul Bakan, medical technology since Esther Institute and counseling, personnel professor, practical nurse, MSU Health Center, Smith resigned last year to accept a services and educational psychology, Sept. 1, 1971 - Aug. 31, July 1 (1956); Margaret Doorenbos, psychology, 1972, to teach in British Columbia, service leader, Union Building, April position at the University of Jan. I - June 30, 1972, to study and more 1 Missouri. travel in Michigan and Europe. Leaves were also (1952). _ approved for; James F. Halm, 4-H youth agtnt, • - "I Service, July ?97l""Au^ll3IC.,'l971?s held March 18 - 20 at the Air "The same thing happened in eliminated in the preliminary Mirkpv llram's turn Force Academy in Colorado, 1963," Coach Charles Schmitter round. AT LAST! A QUALITY 60 MINUTE turned in disappointing a said, obviously disappointed. three CASSETTE FOR UNDER ONE DOLLAR performances were p.rfor^nce.nd finikin.tie "We were confe*** champions dls.™ ,Xg, but thl, is the A/ C II /-Ink SSL'S ending an otherwise successful Air Force for the NCAA meet £ bert'-r we've h„d in eight MOU ClUD " Schmitter said, proud of The &TDK C-60F —and didn't play well, finishing Bill Mathers in epee, foilist Ira 17th. It wasn't our day this year years £he the team's . 9 - 6 regular season Schwartz and sabreman Doug either." mark and Big Ten crown. Columbia and NYU tied for sponsors McGaw, all instrumental in Schwartz made it to the final first place in the NCAA meet, 245 Ann St. r MARSHALL rally each with 68 points. The East Lansing University of Detroit fenced car 402 S. Wash. RINGDAY SALE! SAVE $4.50 well and compiled 63 points, MUSIC COMPANY Lansing good for third. The only other The MSU Sports Car Club will Tenure; or Old Teachers Never Die Michigan team to participate was sponsor an April Foolery Wayne State which finished gimmick car rally on Sunday, Today let us discuss tenure, a»-4ciriiaffeU&i8tom which stipulates LIEBERM ANN'S DATE: March 30 thru Apr. 9 TIME: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. eighth in the tourney. Individual weapon champions April 4. Registration for the event will that#a college-doesn't fire a teacher fast enough, they are stuck with included U - D's Tyrone start at 11 a.m. and the first car "MM forever. ["he rules of tenure vary from campus to campus, but in general, Attache cases in a Simmons, in foil, Bruce Soriano, from Columbia, in sabre, and is scheduled to leave at noon, M.S.U. BOOKSTORE a teacher gets tenure when he>reaches the rank of associate professor Start of the 120 mile long route or, failing that, when he completes eight years on the faculty. There¬ NYlTs George Szunyogh, who will be in the commuter lot. after, he cannot be fired except for two rigidly defined causes: a) if he finished as the top epeeist. is habitually nude during lectures; or b) if the college can prove he has been dead for more than one semester. new, sensible size No special needed for equipment will be the rally and T.V. RENTALS complete instructions and Small wonder, then, that colleges are so careful about granting $goo definitions will be given to the tenure. Who wants to be saddled with a dull teacher for the rest of his lumpish life? For—let us speak frankly—even among a group as glit¬ tering as teachers, you will find an occasional deadhead. Take, for ex¬ (they're 13" high) SPECIAL *2.00 DISCOUNT Free Service and delivery ^ W.OU per month new participants. Club members will be charged ample, Ralph J. Stagnant. NEJAC TV RENTALS $2.50 and non members will be assessed $3.50. i Ms Mr. Stagnant was not only dull, he was stupefying. Believe me, I would never say such a mean thing, true though it is, if he were a sensi- Enjoy the lite of sailing man, but he is not. In fact, if you want an example of how insensi¬ tive he is, he wrote his entire Ph. D. thesis on a chair that had a nail sticking through the seat. And if you want further evidence of his dullness, the thesis was called "The Dynamics of Luggage." "tut even so, the academic job market was booming at the time Mr. Stagnant got his doctorate, and he soon found employment. What's more, by blending with the ivy and always walking on tiptoe, he managed never to attract the Dean's attention and thus got rehired GOI5DEN every year. run But finally came Year out. This time rehiring No. 8, and Mr. Stagnant knew his luck had would mean tenure and naturally the Dean would first take a good hard look. How, thought Mr. Stagnant with a §IG1^TL)RE tout iignatur* included abioluttly lm iniidt toch John Robert! pure hand during Ring Day. * MSU SAILING CLUB sinking heart, could he persuade the Dean he was worth keeping? ring Meeting Tuesday April Well sir, as everyone knows, the way to impress Deans is to pub¬ OFFER GOOD ONLY ON DATES SHOWN — 6 t lish books. So Mr. Stagnant, who thus far had been too sluggish even 7:30 Union Ballroom to attempt a book, now began turning them out at a frantic rate— The Foot Locker Through History. .Valise and the Single Girl . . . . My Satchel, Right or Wrong. Alas, the publisher rejected them all. Finally, in desperation, Mr. Stagnant tried a novel, but this fared better. "We are herewith returning your cornball novel," wrote the publisher. "Are you kidding with this stuff? Can you seriously believe They're tall enough to take SVi" x 11" ring binders upright and add so much convenience. Hardy "Skai" vinyl or top grain cowhide CLEAN UP FAST AT that in this modern day and age anybody would want to read a tear- coverings assure long wear. Choose olive or black. jerker about a rich Harvard boy who marries a poor Radcliffe girl who SUNSHINE dies of leukemia?" And so, alas, Mr. Stagnant was fired. Today, a broken man, he lives in a New Orleans slum, working part-time as a praline. In Skai Vinyl 3" with file 23«° 4" with file 24»° CENTER WE LOVE ACTIVE There is a powerful lesson here for all of us: if you want tenure, 5" with desk PEOPLE. ACTIVE don't be dull. and file 2500 PEOPLE LOVE US In Top Grain Cowhide QUALITY DRY CLEANING ONLY ONE LB. = ONE SKIRT OR ONE PAIR SLACKS OR TWO SWEATERS Take, for instance, Miller High Life Beer. Do you think that if Miller had been dull, it would have enjoyed a tenure of 115 years so far? Of course not. Miller abides because it is the very opposite of dull; it is lively, sparkling, vivacious, animated, sprightly, buoyant, spry, ardent, sportive and waggish. Just pour a Miller and the hills are alive with the sound of music, and there's a bright golden haze on the mead¬ ow, and every cloud lias a silver lining, and zing! go the strings of your heart. Perhaps you think I'm being a bit effusive about Miller High Life. If you do, I ask you to remember one thing: to me Miller is more than just a beer; it is also an employer. Il s true. We, the brewers of Miller High Life, bring you this column 213 ANN STREET • CORNER HARRISON AND WILSON ROAD every week, sometimes nervously. And every day, always confidently, we EAST LANSING-209 E. Grand River bring you Miller High Life. If you've got the time, we've got the beer, ^^s^buUle^andJ(egs—ar^(dl ways delicious. DOWNTOWN-113 S. Washington NORTHWIND DRIVE OPPOSITE THE YANKEE PLAZA Thursday, April 1, 1971 13 -SPORTS- ALL TEAMS IN ACTION NBA By United Press International playoffs continue tonight Hawks tonight in New York, The Hawks, now only one Baltimore pulled away in the while Milwaukee, holding a 3-0 game away from elimination, final half as Marin and Earl lead over San Francisco, meets had the score tied 101-101 with Monroe set the pace. The first Lew Alcindor and Willis Reed the Warriors in Oakland tonight. 4:24 left to play but the Knicks half ended deadlocked at 62-62 Chicago Coach Dick Motta was can move a step closer tonight to The two other playoff series ran off eight straight points to as the Bullets used the foul line fined $1,500 Wednesday by the greatest playoff battle of continue tonight also. Chicago pull out of reach. to Walter Kennedy, commissioner stay in contention. centers since the Bill Russell - and Los Angeles, tied at 2-2, Frazier and Barnett led New Baltimore moved out to an of the National Basketball Wilt Chamberlain match of meet in Los Angeles and York with 26 and 22 points, 89-81 lead at the end of three Association, for his "outrageous 1969. Baltimore, leading Philadelphia, respectively, each while David conduct" in the Bulls' 106-98 periods and led by as many as 19 Alcindor's Milwaukee Bucks 3-1, can clinch that series DeBusschere, who fouled out points in the final period when victory over the Lakers Sunday. and Reed's New York Knicks tonight in Baltimore. late in the final period, had 19 Marin made his first seven shots can both clinch their first round On Tuesday night Alcindor for the winners. to Motta walked onto the court help the Bullets pull away. playoff series tonight with scored 33 points as the Bucks Jack Marin scored 15 of his 27 Bob Love scored 17 of his during the first quarter of the victories. New York, with a 3-1 beat San Francisco, 114-102, points in the last quarter game and refused to go back to game high 36 points in the last lead over Atlanta, hosts the while Reed was tallying 16 Tuesday the bench when asked to do night as Baltimore period Tuesday night to lead the so points as the defending defeated the Philadelphia 76ers, Chicago Bulls in a fourth period by referee Mendy Rudolph. A champion Knicks beat Atlanta, 120-105. rally for a 112-102 triumph over technical foul was called on Prep track 113-107. Alcindor, the NBA's most the Los Angeles Lakers. The Bulls, trailing throughout Motta, but the coach continued walking toward Rudolph in the valuable player, has conquered every opposing pivotman in the 2 from the first period, earned a 52-51 lead at the half even though Wilt middle of the court. Rudolph ejected Motta for his refusal to meet run league this season with the Chamberlain blocked seven of leave the court. in Jenison exception of Reed, who seems to psych out the Milwaukee giant at each meeting. New York will att beat the Bucks four out of five IF YOU'RE ( The 8th annual Spartan Relays will be run this Friday and games during the regular season, one - fourth of Milwaukee's total services of 14 losses. Saturday Fieldhouse. in MSU's Jenison Billed as the nation's largest indoor high school meet, the Alcindor handling had no trouble Nate Thurmond at Madison, Wis., as Milwaukee Funeral services for Saturday in Miami, Fla. will be Mrs. Dorothy Litwhiler, who died last r "WHO'S WHOSE" beat San Francisco for the 12th held today in Ringtown Pa. two - day relays carnival, with some 150 schools and 2,500 straight time over two seasons. Representing MSU at the athletes competing, has sessions The Warriors, who trailed most services will be Athletic Director Big men slated for 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Admission for the morning of the game, pulled to within one point of the Bucks, 96-95, Biggie Munn and his wife and Frank Palamara, coordinator of . . . matrimony then beautiful way ... in a graduate into the most and afternoon preliminaries is $1 and could get no closer than two the Ralph Young Scholarship BRIDES SHOWCASE San Francisco's Nate Thurmond (42) works against Milwaukee star Lew Alcindor (33) during behind at 100-98 on a Fund. wedding gown. Over 100 for students and the general Tuesday night's playoff game in Madison, Wis. Milwaukee won the game, 114-102, to take a 3-0 Thurmond basket. Mrs. Litwhiler, the wife of styles to choose from . . . public. For the evening sessions from traditional d in their best - of - seven series in the first round of the NBA playoffs. The faster Bucks then turned MSU Baseball Coach Danny to mod, each day, tickets will go at $1 pants and peasants. Plus AP Wirephoto on the speed and pulled away. Litwhiler, had accompanied her for students and $2 for the right - on fashions for the The Knicks, got stellar last - husband and the team to the spring rest of the wedding party. public. They are now on sale at OUT OF COURT Jenison Fieldhouse and will be quarter play from guards Walt tournament in Miami. Bridal gowns from $49. FREE advice from available at the door. Frazier and Dick Barnett, to She passed away Saturday professionals in selecting Grosse Pointe North defends beat the Hawks Tuesday night. afternoon after a long illness. your invitations and its Class A title Saturday with planning the wedding. In fact, BRIDES SHOWCASE Haywood resolved Friday Fish Feast1 East Lansing and Detroit has EVERYTHING for the case Northern expected to be the biggest challengers. Ecorse will be gunning for its fifth Class B BRIDE but the GROOM! title in six years. With Crisp French Fries, LOS ANGELES (AP) — Spencer Haywood's Haywood met with U.S. Dist. Judge Warren J. Creamy Cole Slaw & Roll dispute with the Denver Rockets was finally Ferguson Tuesday afternoon and emerged from sett,led Tuesday and a federal court jury trying the meeting pleased with the outcome of the RENT AT.V. Open Mon., Thur., Fri. dismissed. settlement. Terms of the settlement he breach of contract case was Haywood's attorneys reported that the were divulged but Rockets' attorney Frederick P. not $9.50 J 25.00 f" SATURDAY & SUNDAY SPECIAL M; nights until nine Ph. 332 - 5081 Furth said he believed the case was settled on contractural obligations to the Denver team. "fair terms." (set lement fre s the star forward from any We deliver. 6oz. STEAK'n EGGS Denver attorneys confirmed the settlement. . . $199 Haywood will now be free to play for the Seattle Supersonics, the team with which \rf>e The Rockets had sued Haywood for breach of contract when he jumped to the NBA and signed UNIVERSITY T.V. RENTALS and Pancakes | 16 page color brochure. signed after tearing Up'his purported $1.9 million with the Seattle team. He reportedly signed a ™|fay 351-7900 BRS>ES SHOWCASE contract with Denver. $1.5 million contract with the Sonics. ^Opposite Sears 1047 E. Grand River ippert — Across From Frandor mm Til FOR THE TILLERMAN & M0NA BONE IAK0N QNA&M Licensed by Island Records Limited, London* Thursday, April |, Mich 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan |97, ST A American British writers CL/ BOOK EXCHANGE 3E to lectu discuss Service grows steadily By JOANNA FIRESTONE m By JOHN JUEL Monday in the Union Green seriously in his late 30's, when a most recent novel is "MF." S State News Staff Writer State News Staff Writer Room . At 10 a.m. Tuesday he doctor in Malaya told him he had His critical works include "Re $ will read from his own novels a brain tumor and less than a Joyce," a study of James Joyce A spokesman for the New Community Book Exchange said . AUTOI British novelist Anthony and the works of James Joyce in year to live. and "The Novel Now," a survey Wednesday that she expects at least 7,000 books to be bought Scoot s and American poet Gary the Union Gold Room Returning to England, he of the contemporary novel. He and sold by students in the Shaw Hall exchange ending April 2. Auto Snyder will be on campus in the Both events are sponsored by promptly sat down at the has edited a shortened version of Sheryl Green, Detroit sophomore and one of the exchange's next few days to read and the Department of English typewriter and rapped out five Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake." organizers, said the service has continued to grow steadily since Aviat discuss their works. Anthony Burger ' original novels in the next year. The Gary Snyder is one of the its establishment winter term, 1970. . emplc Snyder will appear in the ambition was to be composer brain tumor never materialized, better known and most "We've received tremendous cooperation from everyone this • for r poetry room of Morrill Hall at 3 rather than a writer, and he but Burgess continued his respected young poets in the term," Miss Green said. "The management of Shaw Hall has been Apart p.m. Friday to discuss his works, produced and performed a prolific production, grinding out United States. A native of the very helpful in setting up tables for the books and keeping our House He will read his poetry at 8 p.m. number of his musical works. 15 novels, five books of criticism West Coast, he was associated money overnight." Miss Green said about 25 volunteers have offered to work Room Friday in the Union Gold Room. After serving with the British and hundreds of reviews and with the "beat poetry as Burgess will give a lecture Army during World War II, he essays. movement" in the San Francisco clerks and cashiers. . FOR Si entitled "Condemned to -was named education officer in Burgess' novels include Bay area, a group which "At least 4,000 books have passed through us already this Animi Writing," an account of his the Federation of Malaya, "Enderby," "The Wanting included Jack Kerouac, Lawrence week," she said. "It's safe to estimate that about 75 to 80 per Mobil) career as a writer, at 8 p.m. Burgess began to write Seed," and "A Clockwork Ferlinghetti and Allen Ginsberg cent of all the books will be sold." .PERSO Orange," soon to be made into a among others, Students who offer books for sale in the exchange set their ♦ PEANU film by Stanley Kubrick. His Snyder has published several of a new168' which Miss Green said> usual,y run about 60 percent GIANT BLOW-UP 2x3 ft. Poster (black Informnl rnnrprt books of poetry, the most recent being "The Back Comtryfn ot anew more, edition's cost. Area bookstores charge nearly 15 per she said. cent .REAL I .RECRE & white) mTOrmai COncerT "Regarding Wave" and "Earth .SERVIC House Hold." "We're pleased to hear that Atty. Gen. Kelley has ruled that Typint . slot6Cl the MSU Bookstore can legally lower its prices to 65 per cent. If RONALD JAYE Poster Service Sunday Snyder's poetry is concerned with travel, work, rural life and they had done this in the first place, the New Community Book .trans P.O. Box 43 Exchange might not have been needed." .WANTE Plainview, N.Y. 11803 Ormandy and Universe, ^he back "j«cs have Enclose cash, check or money formerly Universal Family, will ^uently, llk,fned ,h'm to Walt, Miss Green said the only overhead encountered by the DE order (no C.O.D.'s) in the be featured in a rock concert Whitman in his celebration of exchange is the $40 charge for a printed book list supplied by the 1 P.M. amount of $3.50 for each from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday in the ^e physical life and the spiritual MSU Bookstore. before put blow-up. Union Ballroom. <*uallty of work" "The students who make use of the exchange seem to be very Cancellatit Sponsored by Union Board, «As a poet, I hold the most happy with our services," she said. Students buying from the the concert will stress an one clas archaic values of earth. They go exchange said it helps them avoid the "extravagant prices" and Satisfactioi informal setting, with the publicatioi guaranteed. Allow 30 days for delivery. Add 450 audience seated on the floor. back to the late Paleolithic; the fertility of the soil, the magic of Exchange continues "rip offs" of local book dealers. pi for postage & handling. Admission, payable at the animals, the power-vision in Seven thousand books The exchange is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Students may pick - are expected to be bought and sold 35 door, is $2. solitude, the terrifying initiation up their money or unsold books from noon to 6 p.m. Friday at the book exchange at Shaw Hall ending Friday. The and rebirth, the love and ecstasy through Monday. r exchange is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. of the dance, the common work Returns will not be 1 day State News photo by Terry Luke accepted after today. ... TDM of the tribe," Snyder has said of himself. 15c per wc 3 days .. 10% 5AW/EK5 5 13%c per v days 13c per wc Medic Alert drive lauded Corner of Ann & MAC (based on 1 Peanuts Pe OFF ON ALL BOOKS prepaid. There will is allergies should the Those who register A drive which began earlier serving as general director of States registered and wearing the wear w this year's program. necklace or bracelet. Medic Alert initiate a file and bookk April 1,2,3 this month that encouraged persons with medical problems The necklaces and bracelets easily recognizable insignias. The insignia serves to let a The Lansing Life Turlock explaining their media this ad is to obtain identification are distributed by the Medic Underwriters Assn., sponsors of problem In detail, week. We Carry an bracelet or necklace explaining Alert doctor or anyone else the drive for the past two years, foundation, which began one Foundation, with administering emergency care to The State their specific medical problem headquarters in Turlock Calif. have distributed than 1956, has telephone lines ope M.S.U. Paperback Texts AND has been "extremely sucessful" The nonprofit foundation, at a person suffering from an illness more 90,000 information pamphlets 24 hours a day through whi responsible which could alter the type of in doctors first da according to Rob Dickinson of last estimate, had more than Ingham County explaining the or other authorize Some Hardcover Texts emergency care given know of operations of Medic Alert. persons can rapidly find out insertion. Equitable Life of Lansing, who 340,000 persons in the United the specific medical problem before treatment begins. Dickinson estimated that this specific medical problem of H We have Anarchist Cook Books m'J m Dickinson said people year's drive has addenings mtefisive in specially areas. Reduced rent. After 7 p.m., months old. 486-9650. 3-4-2 Excellent shape. $1400 economy labor and care - delivery, coronary care; newborn 372-3241. 3-4-2 osinfc. Automotive TRIUMPH, 1967. car. Blue. 489-7088. 3-4-2 Beautifully maintained. Suitalle MAVERICK, 1971. radio, stick shift, Spitfire. nursery; pediatrics; emergency and 4 Convertible. 25,000 actual miles. BRIDGESTONE, 1970, 175 cc DT. post partum. Full time and part ONE GIRL needed for spring term. for faculty, grad students, business door. 5,000 miles. Must sell I VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Low mileage. Exceptional Eden Roc Apartments. Reduced people, married couples. Lease. Best offer. 351-8737, after 5 p.m. Excellent condition. 676-1930. Light blue. time openings. Afternoon or night 25,000 miles. $1350 or best offer. condition. $425. 353-7685. 4-4-6 rates. 351-4635. 3-4-2 332-3135 or 882-6549. O 5-4-7 5-4-7 shift. Call Personnel, LANSING 332-5258. 3-4-2 GENERAL HOSPITAL, 2800 1967 YAMAHA 305. Rebuilt engine. MALE ROOMMATE needed for 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham. Call Devonshire, 372-8220, ext. Barry, 337-9703. Leave spring term. 731 Burcham 2-man furnished apartments Scooters & Cycles 335-336. 5-4-6 HAS SOUNDS number. 5-4-7 Apartments. 351-9568. 3-4-2 includes heat. $62.50 to $80 per KAMIN'S man. 135 Kedzie Drive, $85 to SENIOR MALE. Part time telephone HONDA 90. Scrambler. Excellent MALE NEEDED for 4 man spring $90 per man. Leases starting June TRIUMPH 1970. Bonneville, sales. $2.50 per hour guaranteed. FOR SPRING! excellent condition. 2000 miles. Call 351-8923, after 5 p.m. 3-4-2 condition. Free helmet. 349-9134 or 349-2707. 3-4-5 For appointment, phone 351 7178. 3-4-2 term. 1130 Beech. Cheap. Call 351-7734 after 4 p.m. 3-4-2 15th and September 1st. Days 487-3216; Evenings until 10 p.m., 882-2316. O NORTON P-11. 750cc. Thoroughly FOURTH MAN needed for spring 1970 SUZUKI T350. Excellent RESPONSIBLE SITTER needed. 2 rebuilt. Excellent condition. Bruce, 351-4471 or term. Reduced rent. Call condition. children. 7:30 - 5:30 p.m. Monday AVAILABLE FOR 95 351-9109, after 5 p.m. 3-4-2 353-9100. 3-4-2 351-1253. 5-4-6 - Firday. 339-2329, after 5:30 p.m. 3-4-2 immediate occupancy . . FOURTH MAN needed. Luxury 70 TRIUMPH. Daytona 500 with 1970 HONDA 125SS. Perfect extras. $1150. Call 482-5626, condition. Best offer. 355-7599, TEACHERS: MANY apartment. $58.75. Adjacent after 5 p.m. 8-4-9 351-9310.5-4-6 openings. CLINE TEACHERS outstate Fall campus. 332-0150. 5-4-6 RIVER HOUSE APTS AGENCY, 129 East Grand River. 2 ROOM efficiency, walking distance 3-4-2 to campus. One graduate student. Luxury, 1 bedroom, PART TIME and full time sales and $100/month. 351-7283. 2-4-2 furnished apartment. Extra 1971% MODEL- INTRODUCTORY OFFER Also a Very Large management with Anti positions Water available Pollution ONE GIRL for 4 man. Spring term. large with sepaiate study. Ideal for 2 or 3. One block to Company. Call Haslett Arms. 351-1536. $68.75. campus. |1 s-track car stfrko tape player Stock of 8 Track Tapes! 351-6444 between 3 Win - Smith at 7 p.m. 2-4-2 2-4-2 '.i )DEL CME-1476... Features: Plays 8-Track Phone 351-3484 or I caitfidges, 4-Track with GIDGET®, solid state LINE UP a spring job now. Car LIBERAL MALE for 4 man. Spring necessary. Also train for full time term. Block campus. 337-2633. See Building Manager 6 1 -ircuitry, manual or automatic tape program- work. Call 351-7319 for 2-4-2 I rning selector, ultramodern recessed control / appwmtment. C RIVER HOUSE I knobs, indicator light, operates on any 12 volt FEMALE. ASSIST I negative ground source. housework and with occasional light APARTMENTS babysitting in exchange for room 204 River Street and board. 351-9596. 2-4-1 ATTENTION MUSICIANS: Local hotel / restaurant is looking for patio entertainment June 15th through September. Saturday CROSSWORD nights only. To discuss details, call 351-7600. Ask for Food and PUZZLE Beverage Manager. 5-4-6 ACROSS 29. Devastation 1. Thin cooky 30. Sesame 6. Cotton packers 31. Marriage 12. Nimble proclamation 13. Foreign 32. Exclamation 14. Disclaimed 33. Lower foreleg 16. Heath genus 35. Furze 17. Book of maps 37. Whitefish 19. Sun disk 39. List 20. Otiose 42. Costume 5. Totter 22. Malice jewelry alloy 6. Exist 24. Petition 44. Net 7. Hatchet 25. Radiated 45. Sensitive 8. Strap-shaped 26 About 46. Ancient 9. Eaglestone 28. Myself chariot 10. Food staple 11. Survey 15. Swanky 2 3 4 B— " li % 18. Godfather 20. Doctrine % IS 16 21. Outstanding 23. Republicans '7 % e '9 25. Luminary 26. Mradow barley % 20 11 27. Shade tree % 29. Sour 4 26 30. Achilles! mother 28 *9 46 31. Buffalo % 32. Beasts of 33 W, 3q 3!> 'd 36 hi 33. burden Gael 37 V/, % V/, no 34. 36. Lease Dorothy Perkins 38. Ballad HI ^3 •w 40 Compass point Hb % 41. 43. Coral Syllable of % Thursday. April Michig 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1.19] For Sale F01 For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent Student, Service ArM°N NEEDED: ONE man for four man NOW RENTING for summer and fall, Houses 344 EVERGREEN. 2 to 3 man siightiv "sed Close. one and 2 bedroom furnished or match® DIRECTORY basement apartment. apartment. $180. (313) LI 6-0459. with Reasonable. 410 Park Lane. unfurnished. Choice of apartments 71-72 SCHOOL year. Large home, evenings; 332-1677, Saturday cost $449. LEFT HANDED 332-2414. 3-4-2 are. Bay Colony, Beechwood, excellent location. Kitchen, afternoon. 3-4-2 golf set 4T0 Realistic stert Delta Arms, Evergreen, Haslett parking, laundry. 8 women woods, putter, |,aa speakers, S ONE TWO bedroom furnished Arms, Princeton Arms, University ONE GIRL needed. Own room. 355-6907. 2-4-1 portable ster. - students. 332-1918.3-4-2 apartments. Close to campus. Terrace, University Villa and Evergreen Street. Call 351-9132. GEORGE TOTH WASHDAY SAVINGS and Howe WATER BEDS - Our King BRAND NEW Available for summer and fall. Call North Pointe. Special discount 3-4-2 25c per load all record®r • SMALL HOUSE for rent. Completely and CUSTOM TAILORING SHOP electric Queen sizes are selling for 332-2712 after 3 p.m. Norwood rates for those signing prior to furnished. 2 miles from center of The beat for leaa portable typewriters. Newr""1* portable TV, $39.95. Guaranteed for 25 A garments.J>j4^6 June 1st. MANAGEMENT, 444 Call HALSTEAD Michigan campus. 3 bedrooms. 1V4 baths. ONE GIRL. Immediately. Own years. Come see us. THE H20 alterations, custom tailoring, repair workmanship Special Texas Washer SOc WENDROW'S ECONOWASH $95 each. 2343 Holt. TF EifC'£ Rl* 9x12 Orient MEN NEEDED, 551 Albert. $160/month. $100 security room. Close to campus. 337-0818, guaranteed wall tape*"' Avenue, 351-7910. O deposit. 482-2192 after 5:30 p.m. evenings. 3-4-2 SHOP, 314 Evergreen, behind 124 West Grand River, E. Lansing 3006 Vine St. guaranteed s $65/month. Near Berkey. 5-4-6 E. Lans. State Bank. 351-4330 MAN'S track stereo 351-1918, 355-1224.3-4-2 NEED ONE or two girls to sublet 7 a.m. to 11p.m.,' blk. W. of Sear* BICYCLE, SINGLE EAST SIDE - Pennsylvania near. 3 portable ty spring. Newly redecorated TWO MALE bedroom completely furnished, lights, baskets, good condi.! condition, • TWO BEDROOM. Furnished mobile apartment one block from Union. students for Christian $25. 351-2533. 2-4-2 ™ co-op. One block from Union. 251 new, remodeled. Conservative, VON'S CUSTOM CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMES 35mm SLF home units. Lake view lots. Call 332-0629. 3-4-2 West Grand River. 3-4-2 responsible adults. $200/month. many patterns of molding COLOR TV. 14" with Polaroids ar $30/week. No lease. 15 minu*« 351-3969.0 CLOTHES stand. 3/ from campus. 641-6601. 0-5-11 old. Perfect condition Bosch an( MALE OR FEMALE. Own bedroom. Original Spring Fashions BOB JONES PAINTS v< roscopes. 482-5170.3-4-5 * Large house. Furnished. $50 plus Ready to wear or made to cassette autc utilities. 351-2240. X-4-1 Rooms order. Reasonable prices. 426 Fast Service - The Price ia Right tested and gui GIRL. SPRING. 4 man. Large BRITANNICA GREAT Books M.A.C. 351-6038. 677-SI41 Mason loveh bedroom. Block Berkey. Patty, volume set. Also GRAD OR older student, own room. WANTED 1 or 2 men for house in rnt 351-2546. 3-4-2 paperbacks. 351-5362. 2-4-2 engagement Close to Haslett. $45/month includes Layaway s.Bar campus. Cheap. • EYES EXAMINED apartments CONTACT LENS 351-3045. 2-4-2 utilities. 339-9140. 3-4-2 BEAD CRAFTS. Wl LCOX LIBERAL MALE roommate needed • GLASSES GIBSON 6 string guitar. Excels 5< Meadowbrook Trace. Call SERVICES DECOUPAGE SUPPLIES, condition. Call 351-8922.3.4.5 STORE, for TWO FOR eight girl. Near campus. NICELY FURNISHED, pleasant, • CONTACT LENS Lansing. Phoi 393-4738. 3-4-2 D. M. DEAN. O.DI ART REPRODUCTIONS Bath. Deposit. Rent negotiable. near campus, parking. ED 2-1183 candle making supplies DR. l.L. Collins, Optometrist MOVING! Must sell set of the daily 8 a.m. - (formerly Northwind Apis.) Jackie / Sandy. 351-2605. 7-4-9 after 5 p.m. 4-4-5 210 Abbott Rd. Gn ONE GIRL for Cedar Village spring / summer. Reduction. Phone Suite #16 Enfield's Incorporated Co-Optical Services Books. Terrific savir jX HOLE PX, ROOMS WITH private bath. Air 5218 S. Logan. 355-0722. 3-4-5 337-2027. X-5-4-6 GIRLS. FALL or summer. Near 332-6563 693 M-43. Okemos, 349 1940 393-4230 35c per pack Furnished. conditioning, swimming pool, campus. Parking. HAMMOND paddle ball p* 332-8903. 3-4-2 adjacent to campus. For 1 person, ORGAN, Model [ FURNISHED 4 room apartment. $95, two persons, $115. SPECIAL! New York Bagel Co. WASH AND SAVE Leslie speakers. Sacrifice $191 sun glasses, $ One bedroom, basement, garage. 351-5509. 5-4-6 Call 332-4613. 2-4-2 for $2.29; tei All utilities paid. Security deposit THREE BEDROOM ranch house. 4 VW Tune-Up.$14.95 Complete. BAGELS Save up to 15c on 1 machine. HP outboar miles south of MSU. A country Minimum order: 1 dozen. $1.10. What could you save a month? required. 393-1126; 485-7702 Including parts.All work guaranteed. sleeping bags SINGLE room male student. Linens TWO MAN mountain tent after 6 p.m. 3-4-2 setting at close in. Horses boarded Any assortment. Order deadline: A & M Laundromat a $3.90; * nearby. $175 per month plus furnished. Near campus. Phone RANDY'S MOBIL 1 Friday nite. 911 E. Saginaw sleeping bag. $50. After 5 p, saws, $2,98; cante« STUDIO - EFFICIENCY apartment. utilities. Couple only. 882-8779 or 332 1682. 3-4-2 1-96 at Okemos Rd. 1 355-7055 35 3-0201 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Clean 349-9342. 1-4-1 $2,88; pup Close to campus. Modern. Parking. 882-3820. 3-4-2 349-9620 j 349-1314 355-7063 Attendant Carpeted GUITAR D-20. Martin twelve str balls, $1.98 Ideal for grad student. 349-3920. MEN. SINGLE rooms for rent. $60 month. 131 hardshell case. Five months denium beils, If no answer, 349-9269. 5-4-6 per Bogue. Call * SHAG CARPETING 337-9091. 5-4-6 337-1220. 3-4-5 * NEW FURNITURE ONE MAN efficiency. Furnished. Am * UNLIMITED Very clean. $95 includes utilities. MEN. ROOM. $130 a term. Clean, For Rent For Rent For Rent FREEZER 16 FT. $50. Wollensi PARKING 371-2890, 371-2230. 3-4-2 WANTED PERSON to share house quiet, cooking. 1 block to campus. four track stereo tape recotd ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. SINGLE FEMALE. Near campus. SINGLE ROOM. Near campus. Light |% STUDENT * DISHWASHERS with other girl spring term. Private 487-5753, 485-8836. O $150. Call Leo, 351-3312, 2j cooking. Parking. Call before 5 and »H' othe * AIR COND. Completely furnished. 372-8077 With family. Furnished. 332-5632, room, good study conditions. Call (everybody r * ON THE BANK OF TELEPHONE TALK 351-6957 after 6/ 30 p.m. 2-4-1 FOR MAN, single. No cooking. Very before 4 p.m. C after 5 p.m., 353-0769. 1-4-1 p.m. 351-9036. 1-4-1 TAPE RECORDER. Sony TC-63 10 months old. Phone 349.93 love). DOCK! THE RED CEDAR quiet, clean, convenient to Meridian Mall, ONE GIRL needed immediately for COMFORTABLE. SINGLE room BY THE WEEK or by the month. 5-4-7 * ROOMMATE to share furnished 2 campus. $11 a week. University 4 MAN $220 Mo. In a three minute phone house. 420 Ann Street. 337-9741 for a gentleman. Fine location. Easily accessible to MSU. Cooking bedroom duplex in Dimondale. rules of 1968. 428 Grove Street. * 3 MAN $210 Mo. call, if you are an average rate 2-4-2 Parking. IV 2-8304. 3-4-2 and laundry facilities. Call ZENITH. CIRCLE of Sound 351-2140. 3-4-2 351-4266, 349-4834, 353-6786. n * 2 MAN AND NINE gabber, you'll probably use 3-4-5 393-8345 or 489-7917. 3-4-2 AM-FM receiver. Must sell, SINGLE; MALE, kitchen privileges, SINGLE ROOM for girl without car. MONTH LEASES ALSO 450 words. ROOMMATE FOR 3 bedroom home offer. Jim, 353-1835. 3-4-5 bed linens furnished. Parking. House privileges. 351-3439. And for as little as $1.50 in East CARPETED, PANELLED, parking. AVAILABLE Lansing. Grad student 489-0583. 3-4-2 S-5-4-6 Two blocks from MSU. 425 Ann UTAH 3 way speaker system ,0TTISH TERI per day for 10 words, STATE preferred. 332-8519. 3-4-2 Reduced for Street. 351-2103 or Ben, 12" woofer and horn twi NEWS Classified Ad you can Rove re as jobs for' LADIES. SINGLE room. Private MALE STUDENTS. Single rooms. HALF DOUBLE, for woman. Near 337-9365. 5-4-6 now $150 a pair. MARSHAI place a result - getting * STUDENTS Australia, Europe, i entrance. Close. $15 week Parking available. Refrigerator. Union. $10 per week. 332-1895. MUSIC, East Lansing. C-1 MODEL OPEN - per message to 50,000 people. So ^So. America, Africa, etc. All 351-5705. 2-4-2 Cal1 ED 2-5791. 3-4-2 3-4-5 WOMEN - ATTRACTIVE, well Mobilt DAILY make a list of good things I professions and occupations, < furnished, clean room. 2 blocks 12x9 RED and black shag carg around your home you'd like J $700 to $3,000 monthly.. from MSU Union. Telephone IOBILE HO With undermat. Used 2 tei behind the Expenses paid, overtime, Place Your bedroom, L« to sell, then dial 355-8255 for 332-1760. 3-4-2 353-8323. 2-4-2 sightseeing, Free information. skirting, can Yankee store a helpful Ad Writer. Do it PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD < Write TWA Research Service, Box TWO SINGLE rooms for serious male $4,500. 625-: CALL 351-8282 today! »5591-H, San Diego, Cal. 92105. students. Close in. Bed Linens HILLCI furnished. 332-2471. 2-4-1 Today. .. Just clip, complete, mail. skirted. Fully STATE NEWS will bill you later. TWO MEN. Private entrance. Study disposal and 625-3520. W room, bedroom, bathroom. $120 term each. 712 Northlawn. *7teca per 3RIDAL GOWN, Orgai 332-4674. 3-4-2 <8, 1954. 1 Venetian lace. 12 tall. 351-31 bedroom. 6 n 3-4-2 Park Lake. CLEAN, QUIET. Comfortable room; 5-4-7 bath. Male grad student. Phone 45 USED sewing machines $1 ED 2-1354. 3-4-* u pan 18 cabinet models, 12x60. F portable models, Singers, WhN bedroom m ROOM FOR male student. Walking Kenmores; Zig - Zag and stra <^^ul^E^a^r^ED^0877 changes since it was founded. Originally employes out of a staff of thirty • three on BABYSITTING In ^ Bldg. the library project, were dropped for lack the Ebenezer Baptist Church, which King "This verdict is going to have my Spartan planned as a library for King\ papers and co-pastored with his father; his grave site quite an effect on junior officers Village home. Reliable. Full time. The Lansing Boys Training School other documents of the civil rights of funds. located next to the church, and his birth in the military," Berger said. "It Call Kay, 353-7949. 5-4-6 Visiting Group will meet at 7 p.m. movement, it was expanded Into a center The library documentation project is place, a small frame house nearby, on will probably instill a greater Tuesday in Ithe Union lower lounge. BABYSITTING BY former nurse's Old members and anyone interested of knowledge, history and culture of the heavily in debt, Scott said. Auburn Avenue. degree of conservatism in officer toTTISH TERRIER puppies. AKC. welcome; black people. "We have boxes and boxes — enormous educed for Easter. 337-0060. aide in Pediatrics. Daytime, fenced are Yet to be built are an ecumenical action, and overcome any gung - Then, several months ago, a unit of the amounts of material waiting to be indexed. yard. Babies welcome! 694-9332. Akers Hall Is presenting a worship center and the Freedom Hall, to hoism that the Army might try 3-4-5 symposium on human sexuality center separated from the parent They can't be indexed until we get some be used for the display of films and to instill in its men. Senior Mobile Homes which will consist of six programs organization on a philosophical split on money ... We need at least two full - time documents of King and other civil rights officers will probably be between April 4 and 18. The initial how black people can best achieve self • people in archives," Scott said. leaders. challenged more often." HOB ILE HOME 12x60, two Typing Service presentation will be given by Andrew determination. Among the materials waiting to be Plans call for all the components of the Berger said the court - martial 1 bedroom. Large aluminum shed, Barclay, asst. professor of The Institute of the Black World, a cataloged are papers of civil rights workers center ultimately to be located in an area proceedings I ikirting, can be sold on or off lot. psychology, at 7 p.m. Sunday in the themselves have NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE formal lounge, West Akers Hall. research center of black history and culture in various southern states, the original to be named the "Martin Luther King already had a similar effect upon I $4,500,625-3481. 10-4-13 COPY SHOPPE can show you headed by historian Vincent Harding, manuscripts of King's six books and papers Memorial Park." the enlisted men, who do not how to get two Xerox copies for Phi Kappa HLLCREST Phi scholastic honorary from the Southern Christian have to worry as much about the 2-bedroom, the price of one. Phone 332-4222. will meet at 3 p.m. today in 510 became a separate entity dissolving official Leadership The center will not be a monument of I skirted. Fully carpeted, garbage Conference, the Mississippi Freedom party, brick and mortar, said Mrs. King, who sees ■ disposal and many extras. Call 541 E. Grand River. C Erickson Hallto approve new ties with the center. possible effect oi disobedience the Student Nonviolent Coordinating it as "a place for developing new strategies ■625-3520. W nominees for membership. In a personnel shakeup, Harding moved on their future careers, COMPLETE TYPING and printing to full - time director of the Institute of Committee and the Black Panthers. for the process of social change which will The Communication Department 1x8, service. Copy stored on magnetic the Black World, and Scott took over as Despite the financial problems, the reflect Martin's thinking and spirit. 1954. Great Lakes. Two tape. This eliminates all re-typing is sponsoring a book exchange from 1 head of the center. library documentation project is open to "The whole idea of fund raising for the Russian StompS ■ bedroom. 6 miles from MSU. On to 5 p.n. today through April 6 in 1 except author's changes and The of Scott's the public. It is located in the future is being planned by trustees and I Park Lake. $1400. 641-4525. corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT Auditorium. announcement •. appointment by Mrs. King was marred by Interdenominational Theological Center friends of my husband to implement the CIT e COSmOnOUTS MAIL ADVERTISING, across The Book Exchange will be in Library. from Franddfr,.Phon« 337.-1773. C Shaw Hall lower lounge. You can buy the appearance of pickets, former building of the center," she said. 12x60. Partly furnished 3 , MOSCOW (AP) - Two postage Bbedroom In your books from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. mobile home ANN BROWN; today and Friday. You can pick up stamps have been issued fat Typing and multilith (excellent condition already on lot Soviet Cosmonautics Day, April n Windsor Mobile Home Park, Ijsut 15 minutes from MSU off offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses, your money from noon to 6 p.m. Friday through Monday. Volunteers JUDGE FINES STUDENT 12, Tass reported. One depicts are needed. Call 35 3-0636. the late Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin ll-96. Includes shirting and shed , manuscripts, general typing. IBM. All those interested in joining or with the ■ Priced sell $4500. Call 21 years experience. 349-0850. C legend: "Tenth to at teaching courses for Free University ■646-6467. 3-4-2 spring term can call 35 3-9785. Anniversary of Man's First Space B MARLETTE ■ Washer and in Lansing area. dryer, ^disposal, utility shed. 484-3615 or garbage SUPPORT YOUR business with a boost from Want Ads. Advertise services there. Dial 355-8255. "Gamut" will present "Changing Tradition," a television show about the change in Chinese art from traditional to abstract, at 11:30 a.m. New 'pot' low tested Flight." The other shows a spaceship in flight and reads: "Space Exploration for the National Economy." 59-4578. 3-4-2 the 100 block of Kedzie Street where patrol officers observed the PROFESSIONAL Saturday on Channel 10 WMSB. (Continued from page 1) THESIS marijuana in Petersen's automobile glove compartment. The Schoenberger heard the argument, Oleksa said, and decided the LOVE PREPARATION Silva Mind Control will hold its Lost & Found student had been stopped for a traffic violation. opening lecture at 7:30 p.m. today at the University Inn. Admission for city council did indicate there was a marijuana problem when the Petersen stood mute at the Feb. 17 arraignment for possession - law was passed. In view of this, the judge upheld the JST: GRAY kitten with white face students in $1.50. All are welcome. of marijuana and posted 10 per cent of a $500 bond set by Jin Marble School area. Call Jane ■332-4387. 3-4-2 Complete Professional Thesis Service for Pre-Veterinary Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in 146 Giltner Hall. constitutionality of the ordinance, Oleksa added. Oleksa said he based his argument on a recent attorney general's opinion which found an Ann Arbor ordinance, similar to Schoenberger. KISSES - Master'! and Doctoral Candidates. Free Raffle tickets to be sold at the Block Best Selection BUND: PAIR man's black leather Brochure and Consultation. Please Call and Bridle Show will be distributed. East Lansing's, unconstitutional because the city had failed to ■9loves, near Berkey. ■353-6097. 1-4-1 Donna, Cliff and Paula COMPLETE Hauihey 337 1527 or 627 2936 THESES service. The Sports Car Club will meet at 8:30 p.m. today in the Captain's enunciate its marijuana problem when the law was passed. Schoenberger was not available for comment on the trial Wednesday afternoon. ATTENTION CAR OWNERS! * Lowest Prices Good Advice |UND: PLACEMATS and Discount printing. IBM typing and Room, Union. Slides of the 1971 Acting for Petersen on a pro bono publico basis (non - fee Complete front end repair and Sunshine Art Supply ■sentimental gift signed Kathi. 500 Sebring Race will be shown. representation), Oleksa commented on Schoenberger's decision: 201% E. Grand River Iblock Grove. 351-0577. 2-4-2 binding of theses, resumes, publications. Across from campus, "I'm very, very happy with the court's finding. Although I am alignment Above Hosiers 10-6 * corner MAC and Grand River, Registration for the Sports Car opposed to nonsale drug prosecutions as long as we have the law, Brakes * Suspension below Style Shop. Call Club April Foolery Rally, a gimmick I would hope the city council would order the chief of police to ■UND: BLACK-brown dachshund COPYGRAPH 337-1666. C SERVICES, rally of 120 miles, will be at noon Sunday. The first car will go off at 1 p.m. from the Commuter Lot Y. The make all arrests under the ordinance revenue, so the city can rather than having fines under the state statute go to the gain the * Wheel balancing * Steering r ...exclusive! \ cost is $2.50 for members and $3.50 State of Michigan." Ion March 18. Call 355-2007, BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. No job too large or too small. Block off campus. 332-3255. C for non-members. Women's Liberation will hold an Asked whether all persons arrested in East Lansing for possession of marijuana will now be prosecuted under the new LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center Student important delegate meeting at 7:30 ordinance, East Lansing Police Dept. officials declined to fares to 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Personal TYPIST, EXPERIENCED . p.m. Sunday in the Women's Lounge, comment on the situation until a written policy procedure for Union. All sisters in rap groups are Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary police officers is prepared. ■DIES! GREAT urged to attend. opportunity^ you Ann Lance, 626-6542. 0-3-31 City officials reportedly are in the process of preparing this ■'ike children. Day Care Center ■available. Owner retiring. Licensed 20 children, room for FOR SALESPOWER try a little Classified Ad to sell a large mobile All attend an MSU students open are invited to house at 3:30 p.m. Friday at the American Legion Hall, policy and say it is expected to be completed soon. Petersen was apprehended Feb. 16 by East Lansing police in How Much To Spend Europe Save ■ne' lexpansion. Earns per year. up to $20,000 Lower 3 bedroom home! Dial 355-8255 today. off Grand River Avenue, behind up to Arby's. The open house is being On Loudspeakers? '212 ■apartment for you. Interested? sponsored by the MSU Veterans Assn. B e Ll°yd Bergren, 484-9876 Transportation Bring your mugs. Unfortunately a lot of people feel they have to spend quite a bit of ■j^OSBY REALTY, 351-5044. NEED RIDE (one way or round) any VW Trade-Ins money to get really great speakers. At HlFl BUYS we don't think that way. Why? The KLH Seventeen costs only $74.95, and two of these are really all you need for a sound you can be proud of. The round-trip jet I 9.50 mor have long noted that most 0$oc>n people compulsively look either to the right or the left when A hurricane. canes, typhoons, storm centers. setting machine. It's called the We're involved with them. And Six hundred people were We can spot sea ice and snow VideoComp. with so much more. killed by one in New England in cover. Calculate wind speeds. It can set type as fast as We like to think that at RCA 1938. Anywhere on earth'. 900 lines per minute. Compare the drive toward innovation Four years later, eleven This program exemplifies this with the 15/minute of me¬ should be everybody's concern. thousand were killed by one in the importance of interdisciplin¬ chanical typesetting, or the 300/ Because this concern is India. ary engineering, the engineer¬ minute of photosetters. needed if we are to continue The winds of a hurricane ing concept of the future. It is our goal ultimately to the forward direction of crea¬ are over 75 miles an hour. It is becoming increasingly produce an RCA electronic tive technology for people. It takes the form of a circle more apparent that in the fu¬ printing system that will accept You may be planning a ca¬ or an oval, sometimes a£ much ture, the engineer will touch a manuscript as input and de¬ reer in industry—if so, you could as 500 miles in diameter. virtually every aspect of our liver printed copy — packaged, be part of our vision of the future. There is no prevention. lives. From medicine to the arts addressed and sorted to the — We invite inquiries through But if we reduce the ele¬ to education to leisure products. shipping dock. your College Placement Direc¬ ment of surprise, we can reduce And he will do this in con¬ Now consider another field tor— he can supply additional its deadly potential. junction with other disciplines which had previously been out¬ information about an RCA And we've taken steps so to complement, overlay, and side the realm of the engineer: that it will never surprise us unite his output for an end re¬ medicine and health services. We are an equal opportu¬ sult that is both balanced and We've been involved in the nity employer. RQA has designed, devel¬ complete. development of a mobile labora¬ oped and produced the world's Think for a moment about tory to provide comprehensive most advanced family of weather endeavor which, like mete¬ ItCJl an physical examinations in on-the- satellites. It's called the ITOS orology, is seemingly unrelated spot locations to people other¬ program. to classical engineering: the wise out of the mainstream of It's the most sophisticated graphic arts industry. our health services. weather detector yet devised by Recently, RCA engineers, And we've researched a man, and perhaps one of the working in conjunction with that high-speed turbine drill to in¬ most beneficial facilities man industry, developed the world's crease the efficiency and de¬ has created since he broke the most advanced electronic type¬ crease the pain in dental work. bonds of earth! And we've done extensive From the detailed photo¬ work in developing facilities for graphs transmitted back to teaching speech to the retarded. earth, we can see the formation Communications? Comput¬ and plot the course of hurri¬ er education? Oceanography? from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. today A SURPRISE for CAN KILL MORE USED BOOKS THAN EVER BEFORE 507 E. GRAND RIVER - across from Berkey Hall 131 E. GRAND RIVER - across from the Union