u. S. c. Library am; LanalnA.. Hch .^Michigan State News i Partly chuiilv loiiichl I Mfiti frml; Wednesday :w yfr CASTI.ANKINf;. MICIIKiAN, TUJ-LSDAV. MAV 14, l!>r.' SOOTIBWIIL PATTON TO SING New York Titties Official CO-EDS TAUGHT Candidates For Class DRAW TONIGHT A„tntaiiicni mil TWO SOLOS AT Pleads for Seriousness BIG SISTER ACT Officers Are Selected for 35 floats p°ii,ifi1 Science Expert Law Rrqi;« band concert for next year At Jav Jcpsor and June Francis Weakness of Oalh. Memher of Music Facility to We Need More lalellifrnl Journaliili. Freshman Counselor Meeting Monday System Senior Class Presidencv It One of Three Offices to lie Voted Will Meet Representatives of .\Vh ,, ( ,n Vi, ,, Present Numbers by Verdi Outlined bv Co Chairman at 1 in Eliminations Thursday; Finals to be Groups in Union at 7:30. 1 i . t and HacdH Lomorrow Nifbt. Meeting in HocI Ruilding. Meld on Mav 23. TOPICS ARE ANNOUNCED . COMMENCES AT 7:TO LINTON IS MAIN SPEAKER II. I SIt II \ IHhII | Another Record Crowd is Ex* Lecture Course for Prospective IV Will no. P.< gflter Awards EsperteJ to r,.,., i (J , ♦•s Thnrsilny Praw More Entries for Var- i • pected to Attend Second ir Counselors to Begin To* M r h- jous Races and Events. \ Series of Annual Concerts. day. J i»ii n,«ii Fivshnuin to nK m» t tho . ?< o-t hairnii it for the freshman " ,un iiplut inir in tho IT (l yiMi. ,'inil hciinl the 11. "Mile !•,x|»lniiii,it at thou phvuuil will mo» <«i |i'>nt *>' | to hiii in tho horl ituUuni! jhuihliiiK- Tins mooting t• M»k mortarboard * Ml jlho phioi* of tho Hohoiliiloit I MAC Ili'tiumiil MSC W VVntnosihiy. fdixoUH.Hiori must Iwjir tho roups. I lust Ten Wars Air<> ' least ton pt*r cancels talk at wojlment of i ho lit ORIN Willi: ION •r to qualify I H« Absence of Dean Corrad Halts . At Thursihw's ollminat Plans for Final Talk Hi. haul I oltna, Trimona & J "y" breakfast county groups features skit hold festival Mothers Entertained at nlorful Program (iiven Ry May Morning Event of 1800 Rural Students. "Y" Oroup. jtt >1 Ill-Id /; S\ • nt Wit ...I M.rv Morn-, |V> k.-d Phi I>. It.. Thr la. college V W IP 11110. Uir- Mk-ial hall of ere In keeping ' t1" nromiim fn -playlet Whir swl installs In .in Anticjne foresters to new officers startjourney Miss Garvin, Advisor of League, Ill Wednesday, May 15, to Mark All nrrfm for ramiurmr- I Sketches Brief History of Commencement of Annual MSC PROFESSORS Organization. I this by id m givi Forestry Field Trip. menl Inviniinih mievt for turned in t.» Arthur ftirh no later than Otidr-nl Shaw Friday of this week \<»»»* will ! CHOOSE OFFICERS * recti 40.0UO ,md Professor Herbert to Head Local Chapter of A. A. U. P. PLAN TO ENLARGE FLOWER GARDENS New E.trnuon Alooj tbe River lo B» Named Garfield Pari. Mi. II II liX Mi... i. Mm II I' Kil.lu.nl. I),i wllr, Mr. K A - «l (' I. Shartle members. Mrs II I! Four DAIRY CLUB HOLDS 1rs t. If Ryder, Mrs ..in Mrs D. A *S«-eley. wer*» also Miss EXHIBIT THURSDAY will !>»• studied ut the Eagle Ot¬ i. .as tawa Leather company of Grand L ortrad, and Madam Haven where upholstered and Tkrufi Attend Demonstration Night at Besides the visit -to the leather! tF flSlon tO IV.a rs in charge of the Dairy Building. Day founding of tho University /ere Menu. Charlotte rrnan. Josephine Wid- company, the Holland Furniture dens. company will be visited where' Char leu W Cart COEDS WILL MEET Holding what promises to be¬ atfd from M»ch«g idugan—1«17. I Catherine Rothney, come an annual more dry kilns wil be studied, ' Trso First Strarr.tkjat on the y Ballard, chairman, event Michigan State campus, the Dairy on the' On Saturday, the only stop will, college in !8Ti>. » WAYNE SATURDAY r.-.K^s.—1818 Virgil homas, and Eleanor club Demonstration be made at the Kalamazoo Parch-: professor of fnirti- Night, first of merit company where the process of the state boarr Wildcat banking Leatherman. placccards, Hester its kind ever held in the state, took * of making paper will be followed, and then 4 banser Green Splath Swimmer, Meet Michigan Becomes ? I..; • • a State ] Green, chairman. Marjorie Kidder, place in the dairy building last j ;5 1837 Those seniors who are taking Ids He gave to G or The Canal at the 8oo—1839 At this tune Lortaim- DeWaele. j and Anna May Childs. service. Thursday evening, with over 2,000 the trip are Emerson Baker, Doug¬ land which ..< now f.ia?tieid park Second Foe of Seaton. Dorothy Baldwin, chad man. Lansing and East Lansing resi¬ The L«umber Industry. president, announced that Connie j Phyllis Gibson, and Katherine dents in attendance las Craig, Lawson Culver. Sam-i He put »e-,era: boys inr^-gr toi- The "Griffm Tankater*" from The Copper and Iron In- Majchrzak was the recipient of Lor em; tickets, Blanche Ross, uel Etschbcrg, William Fowle. i Uge, having no children of hn Plant Disease Book the $23 scholarship given bv the ! hairman, Virginia Taggart, Gret- .All of the equipment in the Shirley Cowing, Wilfred Hosley, own He died in 1934 Wayne university are coming ' building was in operation, under, here to compete with the Green league. The award is offered K.ilph Sin*.ley, () L Meade, F While in college he Agrjculture. Received by Bessey yearly to the junior member of j then Bock: hostess, Betty Pca- the management dairy club mem-; a room¬ Splash giH* in a swimming meet Establishing the Capitol at I body, Jean Kreuter, and June j Lers. The process of butter mak¬ Philhppo, Joy SpoeLstru, John mate of the late Char Let £ Bes.w> to be he id Saturday, May 18 The •n* —1847. the league who, In addition to : Lyons; publicity, Marjorie Kidder, Tillinghast, Merle Utter, and John of the class of 1849. and for many Recently Dr Bessey of the bot¬ rooet ill begin at 2 o clock m the ! Elizabeth Ziegler; program, Mary ing, cotage cheese and ice cream w Founding of Republican any department received a copy of maintaining a high scholarship Wood. They will be accompan-* years professor of botany at iowa making, the irradiation of milk afternoon, and a tea afterwards Jackson—184R average, takes an active part in led by Mr. Newins and Mr. State college and the University ■k book on plant diseases by Dr. D j Ellen Grover, music, Myrtle Pat- and fancy ice cream will be held at the Union at 4 ^ the work of the organization. decorating of Nebraska Bessey was the fath¬ founding of Michigan State AtanasofT. who graduated from The program concluded with j ton. Marian Dondero, and Polly being shown for the visitors' bene- j Dressel of the department. er of Dr. Ernst A. o'clock All members of Green ^*<*- 1857. Michigan State in 1917. The book Louise Dietz. At. Four reels of motion pictures Beswey, profes¬ Splash are practicing for the the singing of the Alma Mater. sor of botany and dean of the Michigan In the Civil War. is printed in Bulgarian, and was illustrating the use of and he meet, and anyone wishing to par¬ The Salt Industry. The toastmistress for the affair A.A.U.W. TO HOLD BANQUET graduate school at State now. punted by the University of Sofia ticipate in the- events may sign The Fishing Industry. where Dr AtanasofT is professor up at the gymnasium for their J* The Automobile Industry. of plant pathology. "o^' •Y' Michigan in the World war. After getting his B.S. and M.S. AT GRAND RATIOS FRIDAY of the outstanding attrac- tjo'nciut^t Frida^[, nigh^ at^fl^30 Softball Teams practices and the events they wish to take The Bank Holiday—1933. at Michigan State, Dr. AtanawifT MILTON KAPLAN I t,«■**. andtt»e true .nu> drv.u., AT BAY PORT WEDNESDAY ( otlrcutwr.: Faying heavy ft»r fhr prix ilic «4 ih«orbint a r«l rdutalioii — taking vnap c«ur*e* and being elated when ilawe* arr dismissed' miU4tr» NS%\W.SS,.%SS',W.%%S\V.W\%%%%N%\W%SV\SV.V.SSV. . »rr different than our*. ldr.il rt»-ed | \ gat smart enough . to satisfy you? pnide vet dumb enough to think you're great •! MITOGA Secret ol friendship hat e the same am hi t muss ihr 'TJ 5 IVe have the answer to every man's same co-ed Campus Lotharios ate hard to •: color instinct this Spring in our new disrern It a gal dates other inen he become Jealous, if she dorsal he H afraid of becoming too in* I ARROW FANCY SHIRT LINE \ oh ed J 1 These pmr at! *A" student*-^ UpUis?. A vitki) I'ATTKUNS? Ni-« in strji with Spring flsrlf. Ihr world Soda) has dimmed the £• Htripra, checks and clip guiel genius to take order* Don % hguri',-, brassy mediocrity, •» < 'I I.AK STVI.Kp? Tab . . . round collar at¬ tached. am: iiuttrvi down collar. n.RSO.VALS AND HAMMINGS .J The Frosh F'jniif was a £'■•»? % AH model* arc made in the .um.u! T lirn a fiaJiuli fop tri. - if r>"t fm&rw.ial v.. •* uhaocu (p hi Mitoaa Jan GMtrr u;L really pork . r. 5» ^ to alay you uitli hi. siiii|«Tiug auaiity . . . don't for the Jj $2.00 mr\ »rt • to-at th« Or ID May V. Ta< nr wreck Iliu topjar. Offer him a mikkiIIi Old (>ohl. last 29 .wars. du'itg wnuu l:mt The Cnieago Daily Mtrmn. UM my fxrrd'ctions h r- w.u. S he has tirkJ fioMteau. >.C.anai»- \vmt> of Chicago, rv.mtly of merle: Jim Lew?# is the iww su(- % lla fricudU fraprancc will tranafonn bun into ' olK Detr-jn SprmgfmfeL Rhiiu- ferod silver loving cup to a era- ?den! council head over the forecast half Ihr |lot dciphut, Dutxsiv and Nr* York it of Ht kfl »• lewhin#p«tij<.r n uk. ^u> ,r. ■xj.tr m Uvf tt!f lim: MTrisr nmiMUm he could Sfor M<4kt, while the Sigma S.. prttiai? »-»>i-Ihf I.., Ibejd. Cl.u WU1 JJ Sodruv, AT TRYING TIMES .... TRY A SmcotA OLD GOLD „iav, M«.v n. hw> MICIIlliAN STATU NKIVS t'lKW Thrtt Kr(,sh Frolic iWd Friday Nbht l eatiires Music ol Russ Lyons, OLD GOLD PRIZE Mischievous Miss Misses STUDENT PULSE. «• STUDENT BOOKLET f" "i-oM^r^ m* i-^i . i %* i j- Clever Decorations and Lights WINNER NAMED Moonlight and Melodies IS READY FOR USE I BULLETIN fmhman rotor, ai.i.,1 Feon Bonk Contains Information " r>rmon,trntton,. ttoii mfA|v,y Win, Twenlv 7. 7' INi«t ShiHeti, Farmer low* Slat* Sltttlelti) Rewailt Litlt ni Spring , ...... _ five Dollar, in Drawint. Srrena.le, til M,cltiSnn Stale. About Fcon Majors. JIM BRAKEMAN NEWSGU HEAD ==«: EAST MAYO CO EDS in. tiuiM tight now Sigma C.amma Upsilon, llolel ENTERTAIN SUNDAY u'lt ' rv,- ^\'\vinkled Honorary, Fleets . How,o id tniM hirvon ,l> ii1- President. .10 Mother, and Fathrr, Ob,rrve ' ' Mother', Day at Dorm. . FORESTERS GIVEN , : ; SECTION OF WOOD t"' !t" 11 ( Piece From California Redwood •, I Knight. \b ..ltd Mi Tree to be Put on Display. ••'•••at XnttollfliU1 I>fit€» for r,.!' fiivrti Splash Meet Ml Make 1- iH-writrfN* HOME EC SPEAKER Id Uenled — I'epiirctl I ran hi in fb'KMnr Co. TO BE DR. VINCENT » S l.fjiMl \y I..iliMlii; Annual Ranquet to Be Held at !• Union Thursday, May 16. M'( Slate Theater Firevra©! I tsl TIME* loll W "l.llr lien ins *t 4« starring U ill Kmrn UI.IINIMIIAI %M» (III ItsliW "\iinr«vi llrr Imr Store Starring Helm lla>r* 4mi Robert DUANE YATES Chase Is New Head of I'anhellenie CAM ITS IIA RUHR SHOP C omer Abbot ami Grand River rl1"!1"1" " 81 SHOW WEAKNKW.HKS IN Miium KapUn. M..: New Y,.r„ A.NTI-rtKO l.KUISI.ATION ere It IS a Jul A PERFECT ( iJv, who was operated oil for ap- •d to it ail MAN'S GIFT ...pendkritte* on May 0 at the Sjwr- (Continued from jiofje 1> easily. row hospital, last night underwent ,>ath. Citizenship i- u fused to him, ' a second operation for gangrenous But what i? an Ameru.m t«»nn<7C- sup- Jdvj>«i. and was chit-fly respond- Wry each of yuur coalumva • * * ; ported college*. But the bill row now { i* M^ging that organization with two net., of aete,,. ! East Mary Mayo 'before the Michigan hgi&laiuie tuie t0 lh,> iamVuy Boy* And her a A dinner for the giiis whose .calls only for an oath to support rrx.ri *'*';l u 100 One of Ihern •rtoa. bitthdgys come in May. was given the constitution of the United .ited wUl "Wh>'» sh*' even get* da!. > Wear on intensely feminine at East Mary Mayo Thursday States: And although the const.- n .f - l'lT a when he * down in , Wt with your May 0 The maun table was shaped tution provide* that'."The right of" punted like n square, with a centerpiece the people to keep and lr -ir arms In the way of hobbies, Ma* Slta- •ilka or sheers. r» enjoy-i ali sorts at flowers. The girl* who were shall not be infringed it •my& of art. of A ; entertained were Ann Borland,' nothin at fill about corapubury ursiy and music. In connection one-piece linen fr>tk— ' country luncheon., or U, ... Jf; *'<"'U'-K:W '» IntertMed in Fitted Dressing Gcraldine Hartz. June Yfungcrford.! ally states that "congress shall tn wear in town. Elaine Thyken. Dori* Jcffcry. i make no laws abridging the free- , f. wieiy or books and i* mak- loading a Cases I.M In EUiel Wahl, Betty StawitU, Ruth dorn of speech." S«i after aUtgx- 'r".'u' TV) Prnlrrl I'ndrfralril Rernrd al p, ||\nt!V XVtaXtFR Three fnr Spartans; Ili!th It* Utility ttlMtil i: llniur; Unmi snd KmhlwrH .n H«rlin« IWI. v,""u 1 Sweep 440 ami 220 L. H. ' n ,M n ItakMlflrfrr U.lh Ohm Tki« Wrrk WRIGHT WINS HAI.K MILE Iser Stars tor Visiting Team With 1.1 Points Mueller High Max in Ti.uk for State With fi Marker*. tlx ItCH t!IRK\ 'ilk iHIT rJevott fwnl NESTLING COACH IS CONVALESCENT t olitns Released From Hospi¬ tal; Operation a Sttccenv SPARTAN NETTERS TAKE TWO MEETS Warnr and Nnlrr Damn Raw In Slalr Rtrqaeleeit Prof. Predicts True American VETERINARY COURSE Will Anthropnlofi.t M»ke« Slalr- GRADUATE MAN) IS JI XI mrrl-Tkat an Inditidnal it Brine Developed. ALERTS By AL THEILFR SADDLE HORSES For Rent RED CEDAR STAIIII> Q-J' . mnki-s for rippling musrlox. \ iy"1 uouiucr—tiosa and Sertoli? (Si . DOWIIIIP health, and n more art ivy mind. •—OWnifc here a few nights a owl—and I'l; .! Chiller and Chomiekt t\V 6-3. . keep fit. 16-0. Meyer and Iiradlcy (Wt d Sexton and iXIdl tS 6-3. 8-6. RAINBOW RECREATION . Ei*»ler and Steal* bowit.* and Ratchick (W), 6-1, 7*5. *'11 have an edge Oliver U Notre Dame ,sweet first baseman and a fat Welon (ND) d. Klunzinser (S>,f bitter. * 11-9. 6-1; Rosa (S> d McNulty Thr,r . 6-3. 15 a dodd Pul1 bitter and a strong of U the rest o! the }>;kx g world of apmt, strong U g> and , xwigh* ch«e to 175 Dick •quad keep* ur the good wwrk. 1-6. 6-3. Prendorgast (ND) d. om Rvg«x:a i« practically wro- vxbe the Spat tans will ha\e a very fx^xl EUsle (S) 6-4. 6-4: ishipped in Ann Arbor, but seems playing hi*, final year this toil, and he chan.t of winning another State Doubles-Klunanger and Rosa to ^ publicised too much and is hopes as vcc do for a (S) d Welden and Fallon, 6-4.to title next Saturday The sum¬ god one He is also the best place ™>' have Uo of lhe b«1 P»lch- kicker on the team, booting them maries. §-«; Scholt* and Sexton d Can- ROMANCE FOR THE AGES high, straight and far Edwards One Mile—First. Hurd (S non and McNulty 6-i. 6-3. 6-2 j i" lrt Xh* wwt al the university JKihUfcktr.. batted Thompson in—Wonsuak F 2. Run* JohitMn. has won letters in track akmg w ith football running in the dash¬ ond. McKrnnu (ND). Ihird. Card-: nrr (Si Timr—i.ii 1 440 Dub-Tint. Bernard wood. Bom (S); third; Hammer! • HELEN HAYES Foger. Fiedler; Ziegt'i Triple— es and pole vaulting He took (ND);j (8). Time-BJSI Woneruak Sacrifice . hft»--Ban- linft. Fiedler, S*tw Struck out — second place in the pole vault last .Saturday against Kotre Dame. artwnd. Paraun (ND>, thud i(ND) Tjmr—.49a. Rubly ;aacond. Laydm (ND); third. Linki »0 L. H.—Firrt. Elaer (ND>.! ROBERT MONTGOMERY By Jdhtmin liK. ty Hronbarh. ? 100 Daah—rirtt, Vurllrr (NDI; third, Pra«.; C 6—auitj, ';a.s' I vri Polr Vault—First. J. Edward.1 (*D>: arcond. R. Edwards ;' Vanessa "-Her Lm Steo Wcndt tKncmbaa^ > Wild pitch— at home. • 110 H ""Firrt. La.vdrn (KD);;twd far third. Uckele (S). Mc-' Big track Meet here OTTO Ul'GU — MAT KOftSON — LEWIS 8TONE itHhnaaxiL PwstsS ball—Wtlnon, thb *atarda* Wwevre. and It wit! arrmd. Link (ND). third. C>un— Firrt, Wright (S Mcoavj. MichuU (ND). Ihird. Ten • If pays than half of the ro-eds at . 'Tennb team play* mi the home amnd. Ducasa (ND); IhirdJftpA (8). DiaUncr—41 n, 1-4 in. to shop Of Kxiward college f Birmingham. ■ lot again thb week, as does the Shc'.s (ND) Timr— 1;S4-T. .Mifh Jump — Firat. Murphy I Ala) smoke, a recmt survey dts-J golf team coached by Ben Van 220 Dash—Firrt, Erawlry (ND); armtd. Qulnlan (ND); , cloned. Approximately two-thirdf] _ second, Boyle (ND); third. Mucl-'UUrt. Dtttrich (S). Dtatancr— the men are addicted to nico- ,!« (S). Timr—:2L7, • ft. 84 in. Two Mile—First. Ottey (S); Javrtin—Fir*. Levieki (ND);