Mefer Friday MICHIGAN returns ticket V UNIVERSITY STATK E NEWS Volume 63 Number 150 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 2, 1971 By JAMES SHELDON State News Staff Writer You chuckled when the blue crash Nixon orders Calley $ helmets vanished. And you laughed > * out loud when patrol officers failed to find your illegally parked car In some remote campus corner. But Thursday, smiles began to fade off the faces of many adventurers as wanton campus parking drew to a close. Mrs. Meter Maid had returned. Genevieve Helmer's descent into a white, which three - wheeled scooter Thursday morning marked the end of a three - month meter maid absence In the amount of parking released from prison FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP) One day police chief, at Ft. Benning and other Calley had been kept at the stockade was assigned administrative duties at this violations rose and the number of - Army posts. He asked that his name not be under the home of the U.S. infantry, with his living after he was sentenced to life heavy guard since his conviction tickets issued fell. used. by a six - man military jury Monday of the quarters across the street from his job — in MSU police officials said Thursday imprisonment in the My Lai massacre, Lt. "I don't know of any precedent,"' the premeditated murder of at least 22 a one room bachelor's apartment. The William Calley was released from the Ft. - they were optimistic that full - time Benning stockade by order of President retired officer added. 'This is something unarmed Vietnamese men, women and chief restriction imposed on him was that parking enforcement, now made Nixon. I've never seen." children at My Lai. Nixon once said of the he could not leave Ft. Benning without possible by the maid's return, will He walked out at 7:55 p.m. EST Nixon directed that Calley be freed from March 16, 1968, My Lai assaults "under no permission. means a rise in tickets issued. Capt. the sparsely furnished two - room officer circumstances was it justified." Thursday. Adam J. Zutaut of the campus police cell area in the stockade, which he had The boyish The presidential action also forestalled Blinking in the glare of television lights, looking Calley had led a remarked that persons will be less likely shared with a young second lieutenant the 27 - year ■ old decorated Vietnam war relatively free pattern of life since being any plan to transfer Calley to the Army to gamble with illegal parking now veteran saluted a superior officer who accused of bad check charges. The White indicted for murder Sept. 5, 1969, on the disciplinary barracks at Ft. Leavenworth, that full attention can be given to House said Nixon acted on his "own of his scheduled release from service. directed him to a waiting automobile. eve Kan., a move that was considered possible parking. About 75 onlookers broke into applause. initiative." During the 18 intervening months, Calley througout the day. Warrants dropped during winter As Calley emerged, gone were the phlanx term, officials explained, because of military policemen who have escorted patrol officers were forced to assume him outside the stockade for the past four the full parking burden. Parking enforcement Is less important for days. They were replaced by a single AMERICANS REACT uniformed guard in recognition of Calley's officers, Zutaut said, since other status as an officer - prisoner by decree of affairs often take priority over ticket - Calley release backed the President. duty. Defense lawyers had pressed for freedom Two meter maids made their last zip for the 27 - year - old Calley pending across campus before Christmas outcome of vacation, 1970. At that time, Mrs. appeal of his sentence. But Helmer asked for and received a three - they lodged their request with the post By The Associated Press Radio Station WKIL in Lenoir City, There were comments and actions from .commander, Maj. Gen. Orwin Talbott. The month leave - of - absence, and the With public officials at all levels of government. President's intervention appeared too catch telegrams, offers of money and Tenn., said it had received 1,137 telephone other maid could not be supported by calls in a 2V4 hour period following Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, in an the Army here by surprise. demonstrations, Americans in both the - reduced funds for the Dept. of Public interview with the Chicago Tribune, "It's the first case I can remember where public and private sectors expressed Calley's conviction. All but one, the station Safety. a man convicted of this offense has been growing opposition Thursday to the said, denounced the jury's verdict. refused to comment specifically on the released," said a retired colonel, who spent conviction and sentencing of Lt. William L. Radio Station WKIP in Poughkeepsie, Calley case, but said conditions during a 15 years as a Calley Jr. N.Y., took a one hour poll of nearly military operation "are not subject to military provost marshal, or - One man offered to serve a day of hard 2,000 calls and said only 36 agreed with Monday morning quarterback judgments." labor in Calley's place. Another the verdict. The station sent the results of volunteered to put up a $100,000 bond for the poll to Nixon. (Please turn to p b 15) MAY END 2-S STATUS Calley's release. Rep. John Davis, D - Ga., introduced a resolution in the House urging President Nixon to review the case. Calley, 27, was convicted Monday by a State senators urge Congressmen approve six - man military jury at Ft. Benning, Ga., of the premeditated murder of at least 22 Vietnamese old men, women and children at My Lai on March 16, 1968. He was sentenced Wednesday by the same jury to clemency for Calley 2-year draft extension life imprisonment at hard labor. Appeals are automatic. More than 1,200 telegrams were convicted, the resolution said the trial delivered Thursday morning to the would have serious implications for money in the bill." courthouse at Ft. Benning and thousands American military moral# and made Calley WASHINGTON (AP) - Turning aside all The measure passed 293-99. The House approved a third year of of letters were delivered to Calley's "the lone scapegoat" for the My Lai efforts to cut off draftees for the The bill's nearly tripling of President's civilian service for conscientious objectors apartment. Most were believed to support Shortly before President Nixon ordered atrocity. Indochina war, the House approyed a two - Nixon's pay boost incentives to attract — with a provision to put them in uniform the soldier, now being held in the post the release of Lt. William L. Calley Jr., year draft extension Thursday, clearing the enough volunteers to end the draft by June if they do not perform the civilian jobs stockade. pending appeals of his conviction, the "This could affect the entire military way for President Nixon's "zero draft" 30, 1973 - to $2.7 billion starting July 1 of this nation, the implication from Nixon's $987 million request — drew satisfactorily. Presidential press secretary Ronald L. Michigan Senate passed a resolution structure volunteer army. that men, serving in combat, must now fear Ziegler said Wednesday the White House Thursday urging the President to grant The bill, which also grants no challenge. the President's executive clemency to the young Army the very nation they defend," said Sen. requested authority to abolish student Rep. Otis G. Pike, D-N.Y., said he Drops, adds already had received 5,000 telegrams and there was a backlog of 20,000 waiting to officer if his appeals are unsuccessful. George S. Fitzgerald, D-Grosse Pte. Park, draft deferments as of last April 23, was changed his mind against trying to cut the Drops and adds continue today from 8 be transmitted. He said they were running While recognizing the "heinous" nature sent to the Senate where its fate Is money back to the President's request of the crimes for which Calley (Please a.m. to 5 p.m. 100 to 1 in support of Calley. was turn to page 15) uncertain. because of the outcry over the conviction Two days of efforts by Indochina war of Lt. William Calley. critics, first to abolish the draft and, that "It is going to make it a little harder to failing, to cut off draftees for the war, were get volunteers to sign up," Pike said, "and overhwelmingly defeated. so they are going to need every bit of MEET Italian repudiates Brezhnev doctrine MOSCOW (AP) — A leader of the Italian An unwritten part of the' congress mmunist party, the biggest in the West, agenda, but no less improtant because of it, insisted Thursday on the "full is justification of the Soviet - led independence of every country and every occupation of Czechoslovakia. Party' in a repudiation of the Brezhnev Beginning with the keynote address of doctrine. Brezhnev at the opening session on Enrico Berlinguer, No. 2 man in the Tuesday, speakers have been filing to the talian party, made the podium to approve of the 1968 invasion as declaration at the r*. c°npess of the Soviet Communist a duty and a necessity. r\,»y ?, Czechoslovak party chief Taking up Brezhnev's line that the 1 ^.v Husak publicly thanked Russia for occupation of Czechoslovakia was the WKlng country I" 1968. "rendering of international assistance," While Husak Husak declared: "this international help supported the doctrine of imited saved country from civil war, sovereignty for Communist our counterrevolution and helped preserve the 2 ? att»buted to Soviet party stflkoH Brezhnev — Berlinguer gains of socialism." staked out an inr* • - - - - - The official thesis is that Czechoslovak Party. government and party leaders — who to the outside world appeared to be giving their backing to Dubcek's reforms - invited the Soviet tanks in. A few minutes later, foreign delegates Candidates in the April 14 ASMSU reported, Berlinguer stepped to the Black protest elections podium. peacefully to back up their protests against college policies concerning He justified his party's bid for a role in An unidentified black student at Saginaw Valley College, University election 334 Student the government and rejected attacks on the Center, stands at the door of the office of Samuel D. Marble, SVC minority students. The signs refer to "protect 70,'' a series of minority Slices Bldg. Italian Communists' support of pluralism. demands made at the college almost a year ago. AP Wirephoto president, where a group of some 40 other black students demonstrate Soviets voice By WILLIAM L. RYAN AP Special concern over party The Cominform itself seemed to wither away, however. The carry disunity out tasks effectively, acquires increased importance." Correspondent News Analysis current Soviet leadership apparently is casting about for That statement testified to the extent to which the Comintern that Soviet X "J6 Sovlet Communist party's 24th congress suggest Fc-mething to take its place. Leonid I. Brezhnev, the party's and Cominform were missed. The idea in 1969 seemed to be that the world'® f?aders are obsessed with worry over disunity among general secretary, hinted at this before the 24th Congress. parties would voluntarily defer to Moscow in the planning of Kremlin set up the Cominform, or Communist Information The K ,?mmun'sts. Two years ago it was clear that the Kremlin was toying with the global strategy. The declaration also restated the "diverse forms asserting ™^S?,rely mlsses machinery it once had for Bureau, made up of Soviet and European Communist parties. of struggle" principle, meaning that Moscow would dictate, a idea. At the June 1969 international meeting of Communist The Cominto»« It's main claims to fame were the pronouncement of anathema « contr(^ over an International movement, leaders in Moscow a final declaration noted "at this time, when according to conditions of the moment, whether a party in any for wor|rt " Communist International — was a general staff upon Tito of Yugoslavia for his deviations and the direction of an there is International propaganda organ, still in existence, called Problems no leading center of the international Communist aPpease the he w* ? estern JosePh Stalin dismantled It In 1943 to of Peace and Socialism. movement, voluntary coordination of the activities of parties, to (Please turn to page 15) allies, but two years after World War II the 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 2, 197] I news N. Viets hit bases near Laos SAIGON (AP) - North In Saigon, the U.S. Command attack force returned from a one of defenders joined with Dak To battle of November, attacks were light. summary Vietnamese troops assaulted South Vietnamese outposts near the Laotian border in central reported 58 Americans killed in combat last week, the highest - day raid on an enemy base on the Ho Chi Minh trail six miles reinforcements and close fighting continued. - in 1967, in which Americans and more than about 280 1,300 The latest South drive into Laos by an elite Vietnam*.- Blartl From the wires of AP and UPI. death toll in a month, and 542 inside Laos. There was no immediate North Vietnamese were killed. Panther strike force of 200. 3nnl and northern sectors Thursday Americans in wounded, the highest apparent retaliation for in six months. Figures for the Latest reports from the report from allied officials Along the Laotian border in men "showed the enemy that I central highlands indicated that concerning U.S. advisers at Fire the northern province of Quang they are not safe even in thej I Saigon's drive on enemy supply previous week were 54 killed fighting was still going on for Base No. 6. A Viet Cong Tri, the North Vietnamese laid rear base area," a South Vietnam! lines and bases in Laos. It was and 335 wounded. control of one of the outposts, broadcast claimed American down an intensive rocket barrage spokesman declared in Saigon I the third devastating enemy The step - up in enemy action Fire Base No. 6, located sue advisers had been captured along against two other South Lt. Col. Le Trung HienEI attack this week. as a South Vietnamese miles east of the Laotian border with South Vietnamese troops. Vietnamese bases. The attacks said the troops came destroyed ijl and eight miles southwest of the U.S. Air Force B52 bombers began late Wednesday and huts and a quantity 0;l town of Dak To. and American helicopter units continued into Thursday. foodstuffs, weapons "I was bom at a time when lynching in the nation, especially in the South, Reports say It marked the third major enemy strike this week, with the joined the fighting. The U.S. Command said two UH1 One is a Ranger forward headquarters fire base called Phu ammunition. The attack was disclosed! was a respected and other two attacks made in the choppers were shot down, killing Loc six miles west of the Wednesday by President Neuvor, I honored institution. It era was also of segregation. Discrimination an hold E. Pakist northern Vietnam below Da sector of South Nang. one another. crewman and wounding Laotian border. The other Lang Co, five miles fr6m the frontier. is Van Thieu. He said it w s part ® the government's operation oil Lam I was at its height." Enemy attacked troops on Monday the northern district The scene of the fighting is a few miles from Hill 875, focal South Vietnamese Son 719, designed to smash| - Benjamin E. Mays, NEW DELHI (AP) - Rebel forces in East Pakistan captured The enemy supply routes and cripp|eI capital of Due Due, 25 miles point of the bloody three • week command said casualties in both Hanoi's fighting capabilities. B president emeritus, Thursday the key city of Jessore 80 miles southwest of Dacca, southwest of the Da Nang base, the provincial capital, newsmen returning from the scene Morehouse College killing or wounding 200 South reported. Wharton Vietnamese civilians and burning The Pakistan government charged it has reports of armed Indians infiltrating border areas of East Pakistan to join the secessionist forces. An Indian Foreign Office spokesman in New Delhi denied the charge. 1,000 homes before withdrawing two days later. On Sunday, enemy sappers struck Fire Base Mary Ann, 40 says education dehumanizes individuals "We went all over the town freely," said a Swedish reporter miles south of Da Nang, killing who returned to India after visiting Jessore with several other 33 Americans and wounding 76. Ecuadorian revolt fails correspondents. "There wasn't a Punjabi soldier in sight. It is The attack on Fire Base No. 6 liberated, or whatever you call it.'" began at dawn Wednesday, with Reporters said they saw East Pakistan civilians cut down at least FLINT Making human the individual and his integrity A disgruntled general's one - day revolt against the 12 western Pakistan businessmen with spears and knives on the seasoned North Vietnamese values the — guiding principle of within our institutions, basic values as justice, and order. equity II regime of President Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra ended troops storming the outpost Thursday in Quito, Ecuador, the way it began — with a streets of Jessore. after a rocket and recoilless rifle education is essential to especially our educational "All our major institutions are I They said all businesses were closed and no women or children barrage. rebuilding a national sense of institutions. We must reassert now managed as specialized andl communique. Not a shot was fired in the interim. were in sight. The raiders were identified by community and brotherhood, the value of each Individual, and impersonal bureaucracies. There I Gen. Francisco Guzman, undersecretary of defense, Bus loads of Bengalis from rural areas were coming into the the South Vietnamese military President Wharton said begin rebuilding the sense of has been an erosion of genuine! announced in a communique that the rebel leader, Gen.. city to join the fight against the Pakistan army, witnesses said. command as troops of the Thursday. community so vital to human concern for human values and 11 The reports said forces loyal to breakaway leader Sheik veteran 28th North Vietnamese Delivering the keynote survival in this nuclear age," great loss of the sense of j Luis Jacome Chavez, had surrendered to the army commander - in - chief, Gen. Julio Sacoto Montero. Mujibur Rahman battled for three hours with Pakistan soldiers regiment. address at the dedication of the Wharton said. community of man, 0f occupying strategic points in the city of about 300,000. An estimated 2,000 enemy Martin Luther King Jr. "If we are to build a new brotherhood. Our youth reflects I Jacome Chavez and his fellow rebels had issued a Western units, the reports said, retreated to a camp about a troops drove the South Community School here, world to reach the dream so this in their criticism communique Wednesday announcing their revolt against mile from town where they began shelling suspected Vietnamese from the base, but Wharton said local school often envisioned by Dr. King," society," Wharton said. Velasco Ibarra, elected president of Ecuador five times concentrations of resistance fighters. Witnesses said civilians had the defenders spiked their systems and universities have he said, "then education must be Wharton said the nation has already been evacuated and the artillery did little damage. | and ousted three times. artillery pieces, a government become dehumanized, resulting one of the keys — an education far to go to achieve the goal of I However, the official Radio Pakistan continued to maintain spokesman said, to prevent the in the erosion of human values which speaks to the roots of the late civil rights leader of 11 President Agha Mohammed Yahya Kahn's government had North Vietnamese from using and individuality. humanity; an education which fully humane society crushed the rebellion. "If we are ever to retina true Personnel evacuated them. Later the two companies sense of community, we must re instills a respect for human life respect for human dignity andl and human dignity and which individual justice. - establish a genuine concern for develops a commitment to such "Three years after his d A State Dept. spokesman said Thursday in Washington we continue to find injustices!! dependents of all official American personnel in East inequalities and inhumanities in I Pakistan will be evacuated by U.S. military aircraft. the dealings of men and in the I Press officer Charles Bray said private Americans in interactions of men with the I Dacca and elsewhere in East Pakistan also will be institutions of this society." he I offered facilities to. leave on a voluntary basis. said. I Racism is another measure of I However, the United States will continue to maintain the loss of community and sense I official presence of substantial size in Dacca where its an of brotherhood, Wharton said. | consulate general is located. - "We have white racism and | There are roughly 80 official Americans in East black racism — each feeding oi Pakistan, Bray said. the other generating social I conflict and violence," he said. I "A civilized environment cannot I be built and maintained under I GOP hits war critics the pressures of conflict and! violence. The fact that racism! Senate Republicans launched a spring offensive continues to persist within our I Thursday against Democratic critics of President educaional system is yet another I indication of the absence of I Nixon's Indochina policies. In a series of Senate speeches, seven human values in the conduct of | Republicans led our affairs." by Sen. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania, the minority The ceremonies marked the I leader, assailed targets ranging from presidential hopeful formal dedication of the new| Sen. Edmund S. Muskie to news accounts of South Vietnamese troops retreating hastily from Laos. Are you still community school opened last September with an I enrollment of 616 students. Sen. J. W. Fulbright, the Arkansas Democrat who is chairman countered of the Foreign Relations Committee, by praising news coverage of the war and the Laotian campaign. He called on the administration to reading SO50 ' per term $7 LJ COO p« month acknowledge the U.S. - supported operation had been a failure. the way your University T.V. Rentals Wage boost urged parents read? House Democrats, saying the war on poverty is being lost, opened a drive Thursday for a two - step increase in In the first grade, when you were taught week and finish each page in 31 seconds. the minimum wage from $1.60 an hour to $2. to read "Run Spot Run," you had to read it At 3,000 words per minute, you'll be Speaker Carl Albert promised speedy action on the out loud. Word-by-word. Later, in the second able to read the 447 page novel The God¬ legislation, which also would extend federal minimum grade, you were asked to read silently. But father in 1 hour and 4 minutes. you couldn't do it. These are documented statistics based wage protection to an estimated seven million state and on the results of the 450,000 people who You stopped reading out loud, but you local employes. continued to say every word to yourself. ■have enrolled in the Evelyn Wood course Although Congress last raised the minimum wage in Chances are, you're doing it right now. since its inception in 1959. This means that you read only as fast The course isn't complicated. There 1966, when it was $1.25, the final step to $1.60 went as you talk. About 250 to 300 words per are no machines. There are no notes to into effect just eight weeks ago in some industries. minute. (Guiness' Book of World Records take. And you don't hav? to memorize any¬ Albert said the increase in consumer prices since 1966 lists John F. Kennedy as delivering the fast¬ thing. has outstripped the pay raise, leaving workers at the est speech on record: 327 words per 95% of our graduates have improved minute.) their reading ability by an average of 4.7 minimum level worse off then they were five years ago. The Evelyn Wood Course teaches you times. On rare occasions, a graduate's read¬ to read without mentally saying each word ing ability isn't improved by at least 3 times. to yourself. Instead of reading one word at In these instances, the tuition is completely a time, you'll learn to read groups of words. refunded. Tires reported unsafe To see how natural this is, look at the dot over the line in bold type. Figures from auto makers show that 50 models of Take a free domestic and imported cars ride on tires which provide grass is green an overloading safety margin of less than one per cent of You immediately see all three words. Mini-Lesson the loaded vehicle's weight. Now look at the dot between'the next two Makers of the cars with the slim tire reserve load lines of type. on Evelyn Wood. and it grows Oo you want to see how the course margins call the reserves adequate, although tire experts works? rate overloading and its near - equivalent, under - Then take a free Mini-Lesson.™ The when it rains inflation, as major causes of tire failure. Mini-Lesson is an hour long peek at what With training, you'll learn to use your the Evelyn Wood course offers. Running a tire with more load than it is designed to innate ability to see groups of words. We'll show you how it's possible to bear is unsafe, says a government report. As an Evelyn Wood graduate, you'll be accelerate your speed without skipping a able to read between 1,000 and 3,000 single word. You'll have a chance to try your words per minute . . . depending on the hand at it, and before it's over, you'll actually UAW rejects AMC proposals difficulty of the material. increase your reading speed. (You'll only At 1,000 words per minute, you'll be increase it a little, but it's a start.) able to read a text book like Hofstadtler's We'll show you how we can extend your The United Auto Workers' American Motors American Political Tradition and finish memory. And we'll show you how we make Council Thursday rejected a company contract proposal each chapter in 11 minutes. chapter outlining obsolete. At 2,000 words per minute, you'll be Take a Mini-Lesson this week. It's a and called on its negotiators to demand a three - year wild hour. And it's free. .able to read a magazine like Time or News¬ pact patterned after settlements with the Big Three auto companies. Increase Your Reading Speed on The Spot The council also said a new three - year pact must at A "FREE INTRODUCTORY SPEED READING LESSON" include provisions to bring the 12,000 UAW members at this Mon 4/5 or Tues. 4/6 each day at 4 p.m. or 6 p.m or 8 p.m. American Motors to parity with their counterparts at at the University Inn General Motors, Ford and Chrysler by the time the contract 1100 Trowbridge Road expired. After the rejection, the talks were recessed East Lansing despite the fact that a strike deadline of 6:45 a.m. today had been set for the workers at three plants in Milwaukee and EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS ^^ Kenosha, Wis., and Brantford, Ont. No time 17320 West Eight Mile Road Southfield, Michigan 48075 was set for 313-353 any new bargaining sessions. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 2, 1971 Book tells of survival By BARBARA PARNESS "I was born at a time when Public Schools, and President ago to Mrs. King. Detroit, presented a plaque to Campus Editor lynching in the nation, especially Wharton also spoke as part of "I was a great admirer of Dr. Mays on behalf of the Michigan in the South, was a respected the memorial program. King. I thought I'd like to Legislature. Gifts were given to Benjamin E. Mays, president and honored institution. It was Fred McFadden, a Lansing donate the portrait," McFadden both Mays and Mrs. King by a emeritus of Atlanta's Morehouse also an era of segregation. resident, presented a portrait of said. representative of Alpha Kappa College, on campus Wednesday, Discrimination' was at its King he completed two weeks Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D - Alpha sorority. said he wrote his autobiography height," he recalled. "Born to Rebel" to show how Mays said he wrote "Born to Site set for leaving one black man found "a method Rebel" for both the black and of survival, physically, mentally white communities. and spiritually." "I believed and I believe now Mays spoke at Kellogg Center that black white relations since - Wednesday night as part of the turn of the century can best memorial events for the late glass for recycling be told in an autobiography Martin Luther King Jr. Coretta where one makes his experiences Scott King, who spoke central but at the same time is a Wednesday afternoon in the reflection of the times," he said. Auditorium, introduced Mays. "I can say honestly that Dr. Mays said the book can Illinois. The recycling process Ted Towl, administrative Mays was the greatest influence, benefit the white community requires that glass be clean, free assistant, called these groups outside of Martin's own family, "because no white man can ever of metal caps and cap retainer together and representatives met on Martin's life," Mrs. King said know what it was like for a rings and sorted by color. with Richard Bernitt, MSU BENJAMIN E. MAYS An attempt to collect and in her introduction. "Dr. Mays black man, what he has gone Groups working on this director of public safety, Bert was Martin's ideal." "Born to Rebel" through, because he is white." recycle glass containers on a project include E-QUAL and the Farris of the Grounds Dept., and was published Mrs. King said Mays was a by Charles Scribner's and Sons. Mays praised the students regular basis will be initiated Lansing Community Ron Granger of the construction black man who refused to be Autographed copies were on sale who worked actively in the civil Saturday near University Village. Organization Task Force on company to organize the glass MSU administrators and Environmental Quality. "subjugated by the system." at Kellogg Center Wednesday rights movement in the South, collection. Mays is chairman of the board night. but said this work could not representatives of several of trustees of the Martin Luther "I felt I had lived long enough have been accomplished without ecology groups have made plans for the pilot collection site to be BRAMS TH* King Memorial Center. He to try to chronicle the black - the groundwork laid by their A! elders. located in the visitor parking lot received an honorary degree white relations from the turn of from MSU in 1968 and was the the century to the present He said that in the "dark just off Kalamazoo Street east of main speaker at the first Martin time," he said. "I felt this was days" ahead in race relations he University Village. Springtime stretch Luther King memorial lecture last year. Mays said he decided to write something I had to do." Mays said any black man born at the turn of the century was hopes "Born to Rebel" will provide inspiration and hope for frustrated workers to continue If University Village residents and others deposit clean glass, free of all metal and sorted by a PLANETARIUM V0RL.P Now that spring has finally arrived, Cindy Graham, Decatur his autobiography 30 years ago, "born in the era of the backlash their struggle. color, it may be possible to Scie Fict establish other unattended ind produced freshman, can take advantage of the warm weather and and he began work on it in 1967 of Reconstruction." He called Richard Austin, secretary of collection sites on campus and in exclusively for presentation in the exercise her kitten. Butterdish, on the lawn near Case Hall. when he retired as president of this an eraof disenfranchisement state; Arthur Johnson, asst. planetarium chamber. Somewhat and lynching. the community, according to a State News photo by Jeff Wilner Morehouse, King's alma mater. superintendent of the Detroit abstract ... eye - opening . . . representative of the group. thought provoking. Multi - media In the past, glass collections visions and total stereo sound have required large numbers of with"Blo\vs Against the Empire" Jefferson Starship, this Fri. & Sat. OMBUDSMAN HEARS COMPLAINTS volunteers to clean and sort the glass. The group planning the night shows. To make this a truly together action said they hope the glass planetarium production, don't miss THE NEW WORLD will be cleaned and sorted so . . . PLEASE NOTE - Since this that additional handling will be hits services program is designed for a mature Money By JOHN BORGER squeeze In a letter to Wharton which Rust said some students have instruction, housing and unnecessary. Two previous glass collections have been held at MSU. Granger Construction Co., which operates a containerized audience, somewhat abstract with periods of total darkness, we advise young parents children. to Program Schedule accompany Miy 16, 1971 Admissions difficulties are only also complained about take - admission and registration, Fridays 8:00 p.m. INFORMATION State News Staff Writer some of the problems students accompanied the repcft, Rust Rust's report indicates. trash removal system in the Saturdays 2:30, 8:00 p.m. home finals. These students say 355-4672 Abrams Planetariui urged that some action be taken the Lansing area, will supply the Sundays 2:30 & 4:00 p.m. Science Financial pressures on the bring to the Ombudsman's to correct student complaints such examinations are really During fall, 1970, Rd. and Shaw Lar Office in 101 Linton Hall. Rust collection bins and haul them to Due to the i MSU, East Lansing. University are producing "a about term papers and are assigned at percentage of juniors and seniors professors violating Owens - Illinois Glass Co. at World progra SKY SCAN: Balkanization of the campus" in recently submitted a report on the time when a student has the bringing problems to the University regulations regarding Charlotte. dditional shows hav Free program emphasizing curre which each school and college the activities of his office during least opportunity to work on ombudsman was higher than the the time of final examinations. The used glass will be melted heduled: Friday 10 p.m sky study, second Thursday the others for funds, fall, 1970, to President Wharton. them. percentage of upperclassmen in each month. April 8, 8:00 p.m. Rust said students have down and formed into new University Ombudsman James "With (former President John "I suspect, however, that the University, while the complained about professors bottles and jars at Owens - D. Rust said Thursday. A. Hannah), I used to just drop there are more students who like percentage of freshmen, result of the financial in for brief chat and make my changing the time of the final sophomores and As a a examinations take - home finals than don't," graduate reports that way," Rust said. or giving tests he said. students was lower. squeeze, departments more and "But with the expansion of this during the week before finals. Rust said these more are taking care of their The Educational Policies The most frequent student percentages own, and not offering as many office fall term, I thought I problems involve fees and would even out by the end of Committee is currently service courses for studenls in should make a more formal tuition, followed by problems of the school year. ' investigating the matter, Rust other departments," Rust said. report to show the president said. Rust said such departmental what he was getting for his "If a substantial number of action creates difficulties for money." The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Theodore Brooks and Donald faculty want a different system University, is published every class day during four school many students. One senior was of final examinations, they almost prevented from Ensley were added to Rust's terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. should study the problem and graduating at the end of this staff fall term as associate and Subscription rate is $14 per year. then create a new system," he term because he could not get asst. ombudsmen, respectively. said. "But whatever decision into a required course in The addition of two staff members allowed students to they make, let them live with Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, what makes sociology. it." "When a student enrolls in Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press a knit Fortrel® talk longer about their problems MSU and wants to take a course, and enabled ombudsman Association, United States Student Press Association. if he can meet the EMPLOYMENT prerequisites investigations to proceed with he should be permitted to take more care and deliberation, Rust OPPORTUNITIES Second • class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. well worth the price CALIFORNIA ARIZONA HAWAII Rust said. said. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Knits are very comfortable, won't sag, almost never need ironing, COMPACT ^ guaranteed. Send $9 to: Phones: have a great look. Editorial 355-8252 REFRIGERATOR Classified Advertising 355-8255 i|^in the A: Made expressly for Redwood Display Advertising 353-6400 RENTALS... Business - Photographic Circulation 355-3447 355-8311 & Ross. We have the best; pure polyester double-knit 351-5652 trousers, flared or straight leg what's more (get the point?) . . . they're well worth "A memorable, heart-warming 90 minutes . the price. 16.00 to 22.50 "Who would believe history could be so entertaining and enlightening?" "I hope you will replay your special so our parents might have the opportunity to see it." THE PEOPLE SAID IT ALL! When it ran before, a flood of letters and telegrams came pouring in almost the moment "Swing Out Sweet Land" was over. We've printed a few typical comments above, partly to remind you how special the show was, but mostly to make sure you're watching again when ... BUDWEISER..—JOHN WAYNE A CINEMUS MAXIMUS 7:00 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. Customer Parking available Rear of Store Bank Cards honored Admission $1.00 IN "SWING OUT SWEET LAND" Friday, April 2 Saturday, April - 3 - 104B Wells 108B Wells Thursday, April 8 8:30-10 P.M. EST NBC-TV (Check for local time and station) Re&iuoocl § Ross 115 S. Washington - Lansing 205 E. Grand River - E. Lansing LAST 2 NIGHTS! ANHEUSER-BUSCH. INC. • ST. LOUIS OPEN: Wed. & Fri. Till 9:00 p.m. Sponsored by Union Board MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NE' UNIVERSITY Pollution area involves GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE complex considerations advertising manager MARK EICHER, To the Editor: other products of organic decompose managing editor such as nitrogenous compounds, ha* ED HUTCHISON, city editor I am writing to you as a concerned taxpayer regarding the question of disappeared from solution. BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor phosphate removal costs imposed on Thus, domestic wastes could be tracked KEN KRELL, editorial editor GARY municipal sewage systems and the longer and farther from their source o! WALKOWICZ, sports editor impending phosphate ban on commercial input by looking at the distribution and concentration of phosphorous than Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award detergents. bv I have always had the feeling that the using any other criteria. From publication, for outstanding journalism. of pollution data based on such criteria current fad on phosphate removal was just it is easy to see how came the conclusion that; a ridiculous, expensive fad and that that the removal of phosphates may actually phosphorous is the causative agent of ata, speed up algae growth and eutrophication growth, eutrophication, and other adverse effects associated with organic pollution, EDITORIALS processes of lakes. A recent paper written as a result of work done by John H. Ryther is my belief and the authors of the wc and William M. Dunsten of the Woods Hole cited that this is far from true. Oceanographic Institute has convinced me W. T. Edmundson's work on Lake that my suppositions were on the right Washington tends to show phosphorous as Calley: the limiting agent, however, this path. conclusioj a s The discharge ratio of nitrogen to phosphorous had been shown to have a can only be shown and drawn under relatively unpolluted conditions. His work definite and fairly static ratio of 5.8-1 from continued on to show phosphate in hj, primary sewage treatment facilities and study was present far in excess of that in the death 5.4-1 from secondary sewage treatment facilities. Phosphorous is a relatively easy required for algae bloom after the lake started receiving sewage effluent. We must remember that and simple analysis to make. Once the phosphorous# The current debate raging over Lt. William Calley's murder trial has rent and fails to take action to stop it. XD/Ck-'3/CK YOU'RE F/R&T CONFUSED. correlation of organic waste discharges was correlated to phosphorous, phosphorous only one of some 16 - 18 elements known essential to growth and that any one may Further, since 1965, according to the American conscience at the Fdward Kennedy's Senate A PLACE, THEN WE 6EN became the standard measure for organic pollution. Furthermore, it persists when become a limiting factor in growth. cells have been reported under Algae laboratory seams. It was a trial America will not subcommittee studies with nitrogen to phosphorous rati« on refugees, a soon be allowed to forget. minimum of 150,000 Vietnamese by atoms of 30.9-1 for phosphoroui For while the war continues, civilians, an average of 68 per day, ART BUCHWALD deficient cells, 2.9-1 for nitrogen deficient cells and 5.6-1 for normal cells. soldiers now face a damned - if you - have been killed by American Assuming that the present nitrogen do, damned - if - you - don't military action or with weapons phosphate ratio in fresh water situation. For civilians, perhaps the supplied to the Saigon command by phytoplankton is 15.1 and that the most questions are only academic, but for Americans, and another 350,000 idealistic reduction of phosphate in streams SST take two: made in Japan the Vietnam soldier, each order must is 50 per cent, we are still discharging at i Vietnamese civilians wounded and ratio of 11.6-1 and 10.8-1 a level o( be weighed in light of new questions maimed. In 1946, the U.S. phosphorous which is still in excess o( raised, but not answered, by the government tried and hanged a phytoplankton needs. trial. Japanese general, Tomoyuki In laboratory seedings of water samples For instance, at what cost does a Yamashita, holding him responsible from coastal waters having a rapid soldier dare disregard a superior's for 25,000 civilian deaths in the eutrophication or high phytoplankton order? What responsibility does the content, the Oceanographic Institute Philippines. How many more WASHINGTON — The Japanese have put "You're going to build a supersonic then have announced that their tests showed no increase in growth of water Army's intense indoctrination thousands of civilians have been in a bid for the SST now that it has been transport airplane the size of this showed it wouldn't work as a train, but in samples enriched with phosphorous over killed and maimed by Nixon's turned down by the U.S. government. A conference table?" order to save all the taxpayers' money program bear for war atrocities? t the check samples. They did however get What is the difference between unrestricted air war over Cambodia delegation from Tokyo is in the United invested they would add wings and see if it as high as ten fold increase by enrichment States at this moment negotiating for the could fly." killing by a bombardier in a B-52 and and Laos., with nitrogen. plans and equipment, and I was fortunate "It probably would have worked," I said. If in fact the phosphate in detergents a foot soldier holding a rifle? No accident to speak to one of the members. His name "Tell me, Mr. Samauri, will your SST cause But the essential question is how is Mr. Hakai Samauri and he told me that replaced by nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) as is Those civilian deaths were no ecological problems?" the current trend, the net effect could be far up the chain of command he thought the Japanese would be able to "I can't give you a figure now, but we "We have made studies and we can say accident, either, Sheehan an acceleration and enhancement ol build two prototypes of the SST by July. also intend to miniaturize the passengers. If that if you had 500 Japanese SSTs flying at responsibility must be carried for emphasizes. In 1965, the American eutrophication process. NTA biodegrades we can get them down to size, we could get one time they would give off as much atrocities committed in Southeast "How much do you think the planes will to probably glycine and glycolic acids as Embassy in Saigon distributed a between 200 and 250 people on board." pollution as 12 pigeons at the Washington intermediates. These may be used directly Asia. Lt. Calley has become an cost you?" I asked him. Rand Corp. study to correspondents Monument." as a nitrogen source by at least somespeaes assuagement : not' only for the that concluded that peasants blamed "We estimate that each plane will cost "I must say," I said, "you people really of unicellular $79.50, but this includes color television at algae or be further military system but also for civilian Vietcong when their hamlets and have thi** ill worked " laminated to ammonia, which leaders who bear responsibility for each seat." "Americans have always been taught tft crimes, not only in isolated families'* were destroyed. Thus, "That seems awful low," I said. "The think big. We Japanese have always been you plan tom»ke?"i JpPilly'YWailAble to all species. fuess the whole crux of this letter "shrapnel, white phosphorous and Americans claimed they couldn't build an taught to think small. If you will excuse "Probably only a million in the first year. that the area of pollution control is an circumstances, but inherent in the We don't want to flood the market." napalm were good political SST prototype for less than a billion my impertinence, I believe the American extremely complex area. It is an area in very conduct and structure of the medicine." This contention SST manufacturers did not proceed with "Wait was dollars." a minute," I said. "What about the dire need of experimentation and study by Asian war. The Army has made it their plans in a wise way." challenged in an embassy study the dangers of a sonic boom?" the scientific community. To attempt to clear, by dropping charges against Mr. Samauri said, "That is because the "How do control pollution political or emotionally i following year, but theproposalfor re Americans are so far behind in you mean?" Mr. Samauri took a brown paper bag out superior officers such as division - examination was vetoed at the of his pocket, blew it up and only to compound the total situation am miniaturization. We feel we can get "They announced they were building a then, as I commander Maj. Gen. Samuel W. watched in amazement, smashed it with his problems involved. Legislation must highest levels of American authority everything down to size, which will cut supersonic transport airplane at the very proceed with caution lest we find ourselves Koster, that it is unwilling to probe in costs immeasurably." moment your country was more interested fist. It went "pop." Saigon. Terrorism and mass In a worse bind. the full implications of My Lai. But in mass ground transportation. Had Boeing He bowed and said, "You have just heard civilian destruction remained official "But how large will your SST be?" then, what else could be expected of said they were going to build a supersonic American policy as good politics of a Japanese sonic boom." Robert L. Kirkpatricl men who are themselves guilty of train, no one would have questioned it. Eaton Rapids residen pacification. After they built the fuselage they could Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times. March 25,1971 remarkable crimes against humanity. Protective reaction Neil Sheehan, a former New York The war crimes continue, despite Times Vietnam correspondent, ' chronicled some of those larger Melvin Laird's efforts to cloak RICK WILBINS atrocities in such terms as crimes in a bibliographic essay in the "protective reaction," or "reinforced Times Book Review last Sunday. protective reaction, which is Sheehan Understanding gay' culture concludes, by the different from spontaneous documentation of more than 30 protective reaction." books, that "if you credit as factual But convicting commissioned only a fraction of their information officers, and even higher officials, issembled here about what happened will not stop the war crimes. Only an "You can't be a homosexual and not "Yeah, from my experience, I think it's He paused for a minute, long enough for It's a bummer because at that point he can't in Vietnam, and if you apply the undergo a severe identity crisis because true. You see, being a writer or actor requires me to ask if those heterosexual relations immediate cease - fire and speedy depend on his youthful looks to attract laws of war to American conduct society expects you to play a different role a great deal of time and effort. If you're were part of the reason for the usual companions, so he often has to pay for withdrawal can accomplish an end to than you relate to." there, then the leaders of the United married, you naturally must slight your identity crisis. homosexual relationship." the bloodshed. The Army may have I started to say something but he work or your mate. Usually the mate wins "I would say those type of relations are It was almost time for him to States for the past six years at least, continued anyway. go to Olin, reasoned that the My Lai trial out, which is why there are so few married more of an outgrowth of an uncertain and I was already an hour late for work, so including the incumbent President would remove the taint that atrocity "The homosexual has the same problems couples in show business. A homosexual, identity. There are times, just once in a we both decided to leave for our Milhous Nixon, may well be guilty of do separate as straights, though, but the outside on the other hand, isn't restricted by that while, that I wish I were straight. If you're destinations. gave the Army, but instead, the world doesn't seem to accept this fact. war crin Responsibility commitment and can devote more time to a homosexual, you're American deviating from the As we left, he almost resignedly said, people reacted with Human dilemmas such as frustration, his work." norm and, therefore, Victor - vanquished bucking society. It's a "Now I'm going out into a straight world outrage to Calley's being used as a anxiety, love quarrels and so forth are My next question was inevitable. I'm a constant pressure that sometimes almost and must adapt somewhat to a different In the past, postwar trials have scapegoat. They know Calley is only merely complicated at times by society's role. I'm physically a male, so I've got to been a weapon of the victor over the constant pressure to make him conform." part of a system, a small cog in a act it for the most part or people get really vanquished, and if America were to I was talking with a friend of mine. It huge death machine that has little was getting late and I had to go to uptight. But it's this constant role suffer a full - fledged defeat in work, switching that society requires of any regard for the rights of humanity or but I stayed because I was, above all, Vietnam, another tribunal, the laws of this land. curious. homosexual that gets him down and causes conducted by the victims of "I suppose a great deal of the identity crisis." After all, what would you do if someone like any other straight I've told He split, heading for Olin; I struck off American atrocities, would 'queer' jokes, pantomined the 'drag queen' for undoubtedly indict Lydon Johnson Thieu's you had known for a while confesses to you that he is gay. You ask questions and listen — or you pretend you didn't hear fun, and called homosexuals 'fags' and 'fairies.' for the Student Services, I had been notably impressed by our conversation. and Richard Nixon for their parts in The very fact that I did, however, indicated an I suppose, him and leave. Right? I asked questions. like every other straight, I've the crimes. unyielding prejudice toward the 'gay' crowd that told "queer" jokes, pantoirimed the "drag In a news conference Wednesday, I had many to ask, and my friend The Army's regulations, in Field South Vietnamese President Nguyen answered them honestly, tearing down was amplified by ignorance and intolerance." queen" for fun and called homosexuals Manual 27-10, "The Law of Land "fags" and "fairies." The very fact that I Van Thieu called the Laos campaign many of my misconceptions about gaydom Warfare" the provisions of the Hague as we conversed. did, however, indicated an unyielding "the biggest victory ever" for the prejudice toward the "gay" crowd that and Geneva Conventions, now U.S. "Quite contrary to popular opinion, South Vietnamese armed forces. was amplified by my ignorance and law by virtue of Senate ratification, only a relatively small percentage of Although our first reaction to homosexuals are 'queens' — you know, the intolerance. heterosexual male, firmly entrenched with drives you mad. In fact, I'm going over to and the broad precedents of the Talking with my friend made that fault Thieu's statement consisted of a really effeminate ones. But somehow or the trappings of feminine beauty, etc. Olin soon to visit a homosexual friend who all too clear to me. It's now difficult for Nuremburg and Tokyo war tribunals, hearty chuckle, there is really another, every homosexual is stereotyped "Yes, I sometimes have relations with tried to commit suicide. He'd been me to think in terms all make it accepted American law as having a high voice, lisping and crossing females I like. 1 mean, I like the physical suffering through a real crisis of sorts and I of "fags" and "ferns' nothing funny about Thieu's their legs when they sit down." because I've got a friend who is « that there are limits to the terrorism feeling of heterosexual sex. It's just that I guess it just got too much for him. I evaluation of his forces' effort in He seemed eager to talk and eager for homosexual. He's real, not a stereotype, and bloodshed belligerents inflict never am as emotionally involved, always suppose I'll feel that way when I'm 30." and there are can Laos. me to understand his plight as he I couldn't figure out why many others just like h'"1' upon civilians in time of war. Yet yearning for a deeper involvement. Most being 30 was I've talked and laughed with him enough to Thieu was right. The South continued on about the drawbacks and homosexuals can and do have heterosexual such a pitfall, but he American leaders, both civilians and immediately think of him as and not "that Vietnamese put forth their best advantages of being a homosexual. relations but they find the satisfaction they straightened me out. military, have consistently ignored "I guess everyone wants to have a kid fairy." effort ever in the Laotian campaign. require only in interactions with their own "Thirty is just an arbitrary date when a I think every the mandates of their own law. later in life, but I won't be able to. On the sex." male is no longer appealing to other males. homosexual deserves that That they were somewhat routed is other hand I won't be stuck with a mate much understanding from the start. The Army Field Manual makes it immaterial; it was the ARVN's best who ties me down. Homosexual affairs are illegal to attack hospitals, yet performance. only temporary relationships that seldom hospitals have routinely been last over two or three years, so you don't bombed with American air power, Any other nation would have count on any longer term situation. called such a campaign a humiliating with the knowledge and consent of Because of this, we are a highly mobile the President. And the manual military defeat but let's let the South group. Most of us will be able to travel all says a Vietnamese bask awhile in the over the world before we're 25." commander acquires responsibility if brilliant glory of their finest hour. 1 had heard a lot of hearsay about he knows, or should have knowledge They'll probably never do any widespread homosexuality in the arts, so I through reports, of illegal activity better. asked him about it. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 2, 1971 5 BOO/C re Kent State scenario: murderers go An editor of national fame, free Stone does not pull conclusions The Killings at Kent State: from air. Fully half his book is # Murder Went Unpunished," on the Kent campus. and was slow to react to its have public support, officials in documentation. And Ibv I F Stone, A New York documentation supports the his These facts, remember, are implications. Stone himself these states have raped justice and left her bleeding. ■Review book, distributed by contention that justice has been from a Justice Dept. summary. suggests the topic would make a first class thesis. Of course, niether blacks not ■Vintage Books, paperback, - aborted and murder has gone They support Stone's contention that murder was committed at students will find it inherently |$1.95. The book, in short, is a unpunished. surprising that injustice exists. Kent State and murder has gone significant By GEORGE BULLARD At Jackson State, for education neatly But it seems a significant turn Editor in - chief unpunished, with a little help wrapped in a 158 - page - example, police collected spent from the law. downward when murder can be shells after shooting black paperback capsule. Within its Last May, four Kent State dormitories without up Required reading pages readers find death, pathos, nationally exposed and officially ■students were murdered, nine cause. Stone's book should intolerance, injustice, bigotry — condemned — and yet murderers tiers wounded. Ohio National Lack of many shells at the scene was offered as "proof'that no required reading for every be all recently performed in the go free and are even elevated in ■Guardsmen shot them. Most indiscriminate student. Studying ramifications name of Americanism. the public esteem. Most shooting had (Americans know some version of occurred. This destruction of of Stone's spadework could Stone does write Americans are not yet willing to ■these events. evidence, cited in the Scranton easily replace an entire not accept the fact that "the I But fewer of us really know University College course. optimistically. He does not offer system" blew it at Kent State Commission report and ■startling revelations of expanded upon by Stone, has Stone sheds instant hope for a better and Jackson State. ■subsequent investigations: more tomorrow. He finds that in not resulted in the prosecution Buy the book. The purchase I •The FBI found evidence that documented, unbecoming light reacting to blacks and students, alone will do some good; the of one law officer. And murder ■guardsmen jointly fabricated goes unpunished. on the American judicial than most books required by a system many Americans are ugly. Many author's royalties go to a legal Their stories, attempting to Americans are bigots and will defense fund to help Kent [protect themselves, and, Some observers still question whether the Ohio guardsmen political science course. even tolerate injustice to feed their bias against students or students indicted by the grand ncidentally, obstruct justice. He exposes sociological ills; he jury. But beyond that • The local grand jury that committed murder or perhaps records parents telling children blacks. contribution, readers will find an Lxonerated guardsmen was not "justifiable" homicide. Stone that they also should have been educational journey into Ljven all available facts and, lt&ves little doubt that foul shot at Kent State. Bigotry American justice. Incredibly, was denied access to murder was done. Appendix II Unfortunately, Stone also has The journey is not pleasnat, Stone's scathing criticism of . key witness who would have of his book even contains a found that this bigotry has but neither are the judicial the U.S. press deserves to be the Undoubtedly altered its biased transcript from a David Frost photographs show the guard at • Of the students killed, the attend classes that Gov. Rhodes already colored justice in Ohio abortions that make the journey Show in which Vice President the subject of a mandatory seminar and ■report. critical moments in a closest body was 90 yards from insisted remain open. in journalism. The press buried a Mississippi. Knowing they necessary. I «The grand jury exonerated Agnew agrees that the Kent standing position not seeking the guard, the farthest body was •On the day of the killings senator's announcement of the ■he guard, but its investigation killings were murder, although cover." 130 yards away. None of the there was no rioting whatsover lyas directed by friends of he does not think they were iormer Ohio Gov. Rhodes, who, necessarily murder in the first soldiers have to fire randomly? Was it murder? Did murdered students to guard lives. were a threat guard's fabrication conspiracy Small's LEVI'S * features is commander of the guard, had degree. Read Stone's inclusion of the , personal stake in the grand Whatever the actual degree of Justice Dept. summary. You will the Kent murders, they have find that: •One murdered student was shot from behind, two from the on your first Sunday bark Bury findings. side. 1 'Responsible followup to the gone unpunished. Stone finds Only one student, Jeffrey officials •The guardsmen had tear gas Miller, a former MSU student, Jnurders has been nil; Ohio that Ohio have paid remaining. They did not have to Officials seem reluctant to only lip service to justice: the was even facing his killers. lursue justice since many guardsmen were exonerated by a shoot, no matter how •Sandy Scheuer died on her Jitizens believe that "hippies," deliberately stacked jury endangered they thought they way to class, 130 yards from the ■'communists" and "outsiders" directed by persons with known guard. Her "crime" was to Taused the trouble anyway. antistudent sentiments. J These conclusions are The grand jury was misled. A ■e ported, documented and prime witness to the murders, Interpreted in I.F. Stone's new Guard Capt. Raymond Srp told look. "The Killings at Kent the FBI that guard lives were not State: How Murder Went in danger the day of the killings. Unpunished." ,His testimony never reached the 1 The book, an expanded grand jury. Nor did other reports |ersion of a piece previously run indicating the guard acted the New York Review, without cause. ftxplores the abuse of authority Some guardsmen still claim It Kent State and Jackson State. they thought snipers were firing J Stone's investigation is a at them. The Justice Dept. Seminal work, analyzing summary, included in the book , government's reaction to murder shatters these claims: fcn both campuses. He finds that "No guardsman claims he fell Kit both places, neither students to the ground or took any other |ior blacks found jiustjee,. evasive action and all available er, responsible nave still not prosecuted the ■nurderers, although some have fceen "exonerated" by slipshod ■nvestigations or packed grand s950,s2 500 J Stone finds that authorities ■nd Interested the public in seem trying little the University T.V. Rentals At Hi-Fi Buys Tnurderers since the victims were ■'only" students or blacks. "Restaurant" - "You Can Get Anything You Want. .." ^KENWOOD at HOLIDAY LANES OPEN 9 a.m. daily OPEN BOWLING All weekend starting Fri. 8:45 p.n Just North of Frandor 487-3731 PI22A Billiards • Cocktails • Good Food SCUISHJL PAR EXCELLENCE PRESENTS '/wye atQ/J/ieam TEAC When you've found someone to share your dream Kl H ttltlntosb Small's in the Meridian Mall welcomes you back with a 18 KT GOLD Settings DOMINO'S great new pant department. Covering you beautifully below the belt. $310.00 966 Trowbridge THORENS 351-7100 Does our "menu" suit your HiFi tastes? Well, here's really Small's the exclusive place for quality HiFi equipment in Mid - For pick-up or free delivery to East complex, Shaw Michigan. And you'll find it served to you by the most Just like your dream has been; experienced and courteous staff this side of the Red Cedar. Lane, South complex, - Brody dorms and married There's always fine recommendations and prompt service, housing. Just like your love will be: so step inside HI-FI BUYS and "feast" your ears and eyes Open 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. - weekdays; 5 p.m. ■ 2 a.m. Fri. Hart Schaffner & Marx Hickey • Freeman Timeless. • on the great sounds that will surround you. & Sat.; 4 p.m. - 1 a.m. • Sunday. • two locations — two eleven south can be Washington, lansing I sure of true meridian mall, okemos Hi Fi The pizza people diamond in each value MM* $ Buys of MSU. LJ"n diamond. 1101 E.Grand River Mall hours: Mon. — Fri. 10 to 9 "I> & 319 E. Grand Rlvar Compare. East Lansing, Mich. Sat. 10 to 6 Sun. noon to 5 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 2, |97, I Director, MSU volu honored by Boys' Boys' formerly with Club. Earl Morrall, the Baltimore programs interest and has showed a real activities," boys," Tucker said. He said that k Club term 25 MSU working at the Boys' dub 1069. 1969. TheThp club main rlnh hashoc two sin„ enters, I ^ Colts, was guest of honor. Tucker said. volunteers i programs club, The director of the MSU Cauley, who is working on a "Our volunteer of the year, including judo, cooking and Wednesday's dinner, an 11 a.m. SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Christian Reformed Church Lesson — Sermon Subject 1518 S. Washington and Student Center Sunday 7 p.m. 1509 River Terrace "Unreality " "The World's Worst Tragedy" (across from Hubbard Hall) Dr. Fred Brown Visit our new Student Center — Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Chattanooga, Tenn. 9:45 A.M. open daily 9 a.m. - 11 p.m. 8:00 p.m. College Bible Class COLLEGIAN Sunday School to age 20 Lunch Wednesday 12:30 - 1:30 P.M. in the fireside room. FELLOWSHIP Dr. Ted Ward, 8:30 p.m. MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE MSU, Teacher Fireside Room 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Reading Room Temporarily Located In Church Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor OPEN 00 A M Glenn"How R" B,ossom. To Walk Youth Pastor Rev. Hoksberpen Rev. Brink, Weekdays - 9-5 p.m. On Water" Mon., Tues., Thurs., Frl. Dr. Fred Brown preaching preaching FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening "Life Is How You Punctuate" All are welcome to attend Church Services and visit and Call 482-0754 for information. use the reading room. for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 2. 1971 7 Horses The 1 p.m. show Saturday take s Pony Hitch. A favorite with "Formerly, they were all in they go to college they join includes goat tying, broom polo, children, this is an act of six animal husbandry. Some of our clubs like ours and men's pleasure riding and ponies hitched to a small wagon members never rode a horse keep riding The Saturday afternoon Appaloosa, pinto, palomino forward seat equitation, in driven by Willard Waters. until they joined our club and ani gelding all will be well which the horse is judged for the performance is sold out, but "We've got something for now they want to own one." tickets for represented at the MSU Block way he walks, trots and canters. Friday and Saturday everyone," Rand said. "Our Rand said most of the nights are still available at. the and Bridle Club's 23rd annual A demonstration of cutting, show is not boring like some of members own their horses which horse show tonight and Saturday which is selecting a calf from a the longer professional shows. Judging Pavilion and at the door at the judging Pavilion. herd and working it with the they board at area farms and Friday night. Tickets for Friday Participants are all students and riding stables. night are SI.50, $2 for Saturday "We've got more entrants horse, will be held Saturday they're competing for fun, not Rand attributes the night. Profits from the than ever before and some of the afternoon and evening by the growing show money." number of entrants and horse will be used to support Blocl best horses in the state," Kirk Great Lakes Cutting Assn. The show is the Block and owners in general to the and Bridle activities and to fund Rand, Okemos junior, said. "The Featured events at the 7:30 Bridle Club's main event and is show is designed not only for breeding of more horses for three annual scholarships p.m. show Saturday will be prepared for during the year. horse enthusiasts but for anyone riding and to the growing awarded by the club. driving (two - and four • wheeled Club members are students number of high school riders. who enjoys an entertaining vehicles), broom polo and a interested in the various phases of "The Michigan 4 — H Club is Rand said that, event. It's a fun show that will costume class (judging the horse livestock. Several members also are although there the center of national no introduce spectators to the and rider with the best intercollegiate horse belong to the MSU Rodeo Club. horsemanship," he said. "More shows, MSU riders compete in world of horsemanship." costume.) "We've got members from and more kids are attracted to other shows throughout The 8 J.W. Stoker, trick rider and the Friday Four-footed p.m. performance features some the best barrel racers in the state of fancy roper, will perform the specialty act at ail three every major at MSU,"Rand said. riding, especially girls. So when state. from the Michigan Barrel Racing performances. He has performed Jumping over the high bar is made to look easy by the horse and rider, but it takes a great deal of time to perfect this the stunt. The students are preparing for the horse show to be presented by Block and Bridle Club Friday and Saturday evenings. State News photo by Milton Horst Assn. There demonstrations women's pleasure also of will be reining, riding and throughout the country and in Europe. Another event at all three PARENTS VISITING? broom polo. performances will be the Waters There's only one place they can stay and still be in the center of campus activity. Reserve them a room at Bands to present concert KELLOGG J A free concert by MSU's composer Erick Coates and will be conducted later this spring by Catron, who joined MSU's groups and the Spartan Brass, ■concert and activity bands will also perform highlights from the ■be presented at 4 p.m. Sunday in musical, "Man of La Mancha." ■the Auditorium. TheConcert Band will perform the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Assn. The Activity Band will play 'Dedicatory music faculty last July, was formerly director of bands at Lawrence (Kansas) High School Catron also works with the Spartan Marching Band. CENTER Robert Jager's "Stars and Bars" Overture" by Clifton Williams; and holds bachelor's This is the first concert David Catron, MSU's new and and "Scherzo" from 'Second the Concert Band will perform Harrison & Michigan asst. director of bands, will master's degrees from Western appearance this year for the Reservations 332-6571 ■conduct both groups in a Suite"' and Robert Russell Bennett's "Symphonic Songs for "Festive Overture" by State College in Colorado. Activity Band and the second ■concert which promises music Shostakovich. Besides conducting these two for the Concert Band. ■for all members of the Band." Each group will perform one ■family- The Activity Band will of the required numbers for the ■open the program with "The ■Dam Busters March" bv Enelish high school band competition to [Newspapermen offer linority I applications for the American Newspaper Publishers Assn. I Foundation's Grant in I aid minority students. - - I Applications may be obtained in 103 Journalism Bldg. The stude Minority students majoring in journalism may now obtain Aid Scholarship designed specifically to I forms must be completed and returned to the journalism office I 1 I by April 12 and must be accompanied by a statement of financial need. The ANPA Foundation Scholarship for black journalism It's time I students was established in 1968 by the Robert McCormick I Charitable Trust to encourage blackvtp enter journalism. I The winners of the awards will be announced before the close I of the 1970-71 school year. You Can Now Buy Textbooks for these classes from MAN & NATURE BOOKSTORE Anthropology: 100, 171, 263, 411, 434 ATL 113 ED 430, 482 474, 835, 865 HST104, 412,451,454, 897 IDC 389 JMC 254, 232 MC 113 PHL 213, 240, 380, 400H, 494 PSY 405,438, 914 give a damn! Be an MSU Volunteer SOC 241, 422, 423, 434 SPN 103 We're located on the 3rd Floor of Student Services Bldg. For further information call 353-4400 or attend an open recruitment session April 1st, 5th, 6th, or 7th at 7:30 p.m. in the Stefanoff Lounge of Student Services. MSU Big Brother and Big Sister Pine Lodge Halfway House program Scope Project Head Start Rehabilitation Industries Income Tax Service Follow Through Michigan School for the Blind Ciirl Scouts Opportunity Inc. Volunteer Probation Officer Program Boy Scouts Project Reach Northside Athletic and Recreation Club Brownies Foster Street School Tutorial Ingham Countv jail Adult YMCA/YWCA C. W. Otto Tutorial Education Program Boys' Club Pleasant View School Tutorial Beekman Center for the Laingsburg Elementary School Mentally 1 landicapped Friendship Day Care Center St. Vincent's Home for the MSU Volunteer Indian Program Mount Hope Day Care Center Family Planning Center Emotionally Disturbed Holt Home Inc. O.E.O. Youth Program Michigan Easter Seals 4-H Urban Project Ingham County Extended Care Emergency Sen ice Corps VFW National Home Ingham Countv Mental Health Campus Community Comm. Boys Training School Whitehills Elementary Aide Michigan Consumer Council Something very different. . . Camp Highfields for that unique girl. Express your love with engagement and wedding rings like these. A public service message East Lansing State Bank JacobiSari£FINE JEWELRY \ 8 Friday, April Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 2,197, Couple exhibit occult talents at local "Reading minds might sound Hypnotism can help people ma a bit far out," Damon's wife, when it is used properly, he Grace, a palmist, said. explained. He cited examples of "Determining thoughts is people who have used it to achieve Everyone has the ability to probably a more accurate many different goals, ranging read minds, Damon, a hypnotist phrase." from improving their memories and mind reader who is to stopping smoking. appearing at the Lansing Mail, Billed as "Damon and One of the reasons hypnotism said Wednesday. Madame Grace," the couple has is not used more often to been touring the country, giving help In an interview,Damon, whose performances in shopping malls. people, he said, is because real name is Jay Michele, said Damon will give hypnotism people are afraid of it. Madame that mind reading can be learned demonstrations tomorrow at 2 Grace said they were approached but not through a formal and 7 p.m.; Madame Grace will just recently in Lansing by education. Each individual must be available all day to read people who felt that they were learn for himself, he said. palms. dabbling in black magic. "When the phone rings," he A major reason for their tours "It frustrates me when peple said, "keep score to see how of shopping malls, Damon said, condemn us when they don't even often you can guess who is is to explain to people what know what we're doing," she calling. The more you try to hypnotism is and to illustrate said. exert your intuition, the better that there is no need to fear you'll get at it." being hypnotized by an expert. Having both graduated from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wis., where they majored in psychology, the Micheles take an almost clinical approach to their practice of the occult sciences. They have been married for 12 years and have four children, and are expecting Damon the hypnotist and his wife, Madame Grace, a palmist, perform their skills for curious another child. onlookers at the Lansing Mall. Performances are daily 2 and 7 p.m. through Saturday. State News Dhoto by Terry Luke They have appeared on many television talk shows and are currently negotiating with the DI ArC JU| E |U| T BUREAU National Broadcasting Co. * " ^m"" W W (NBC) for their own show. T.V. RENTALS Employment interviews slated The following employers will date. interest in interviewing the Waterhouse and Co.; Public Schools; Royal Globe Insurance be interviewing from April 12 to Additional information is student before and after his duty Administration Service; Stouffer Co.; Western International 16. June and August graduates available in the Placement with the armed forces. Foods; Systems Research, Inc.; Hotels; Social Security of all degree levels are eligible to Bulletin posted each week at the April 12: Grand Rapids Public Peace Corps. Administration. interview unless otherwise Placement Bureau and in most Schools; Hillsdale Community April 13: Arthur Young and April 15: Algonac Community indicated. departments. Intermediate School District; Co.; General Motors; Holiday Schools; American Home Foods; If you are interested in an Students are advised to Lakeview School District; Inn; Lakewood Public Schools; Bell Laboratories; Bridgeport organization, please sign up in interview with employers even Lincoln National Life Insurance Marcus, McCroskey, Libner, Community Schools; Burroughs the Placement Bureau as soon as though they have not completed Co.; National Bank of Detroit; Reamer and Williams; Wellcome Co.; Fremont Public possible and at least two school their military service. Many University of Notre Dame; Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.; Schools; Grand Ledge Public days in advance of the interview employers have indicated an Nutrilite Products, Inc.; Price, Niles Community Schools; Schools; Grant Public Schools; , mm mm 349 2700 Pennsylvania Mutual Insurance; Hesperia Community Schools: MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES TWFS MERIDIAN MALL Saginaw Township Community Newaygo Public Schools; Peat. I i ikU W GRAND RIVER & MARSH RD Schools; Sauter Laboratories; Marwick, Mitchell, and Co.; Three Rivers Schools; Travelers White Cloud Public Schools. EDUCED PRICES DURING TWI LITE HOUR Meet^Henry & Henrietta! Insurance Co.; Wickes Corp.; April 16: Albion Public ihe love couple GP DICK VAN DYKE Dept. of the Treasury; U.S. Civil Service Commission. School; Lansing School District; Lipton Tea Co.; Detroit Bank of the seventies... April 14: Arthur Andersen and and Trust. Co;. Atherton Community Organizations interviewing for and the laugh riot Schools; Baltimore Police Dept.; summer employment are: "SHE STANDS AS of the year- Chevrolet; Dow - Corning Corp; April 12: Flying bridge Factory Mutual Engineering Restaurant, Inc.; Mendelson's M4U LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES U Broadway Theatre Special j THE ULTIMATE iAssn.; Mason Public Schools; Manufacturers Life Insurance Atlantic Resort; Stouffer Foods. April 13: Toledo Jewish UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM j BLACK WRITER •' Friday: 5:45, 7:45, 9:45 Co.; National Morrice Life and Area Schools; Accident Community Center; Sauter Laboratories. Tuesday, April 6, 8:15 p.m. k Saturday: 1:45, 3:45 Tickets at Union Ticket Office ! FOR TODAY" I Twi \ 5:15 - Lite Hour, Adults 90c 5:45 Insurance Co.; Occidental Life of California; Port Huron Area April 14: Camp Easton for I —Julius tester, VlttAGl VOICE - Boys. Doors Open At 12:45 p.m. PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 Walter Matthew ""FOLK Su-glue*CONCERT TODAY... MUNSON VALCNtiNe Feature At 1:20-3:20-5:20-7:25-9:25 p.m. Elaine llay TheOi*landSe9al fHaurppn iKriElljmm 233 N. WASHINGTON-DOWNTOWN ANeuLeaf by MOVlELAB the Pussycat a K BILL KAHL-MARK TALABA All Walt Disney Program! or J ar.imounl Picture COLOR Friday: 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 Saturday: 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 - Friday: 6:00, 8:00,9:55 Saturday: 2:15, 4:00, 6:00, /Ifntf 2^3"^ 8 PM The channel pickiri -Lite Hour, Adults 90c, 4:30 - 5:00 8:00, 9:55 « Friday: 6:00, 8:00, 9:55 Saturday: 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, 9:55 Twi Lite Hour, Adults 90c, 5:30 - 6:00j - e* Twi - Lite Hour, Adults 90c, 5:30-6:00 TONIGHT! TOMORROW TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR to*(§jJJSS&2 1 MOWAM INfORMATBN 1P MI7 TODAY DOORS OPKN 6:45 ";ature at 7:JS 9:45 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Doors Open at 12:45 feature at 1:25-3:30- NOMINATED FOR f 215 AMOTTRD.. DOWNTOWN 9:45 ...and ACADEMY "a comedy the network AWARDS classic:;. BUNCH goes -nil iv BANANAS! BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR 66- "Hilarious'-.. BEST ACTRESS BEST ACTOR Uproarious" — ABC-TV BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR REST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY 'CRAZY1.. BEST MUSICAL SCORE highest rating KURT JOE HARRY WALLY RUSSELL FLYNN MORGAN • COX « SIDNEY GLAZIER PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS Production NORTH HEWITT HEATHER ALAN HAYDEN RORKE Ali MacGraw Ryan O'Neal A Mel Brooks Film RON MOODY, JOSEPH i McfVtl IY ■ LILA GARRETT & BtRNIE KAHN STEWART C Bill tTT John Marley & Bay Milland ,, A HOWARD 6. MINSKY ARTHUR HILLER Production ' " TheliielveOioirr BILL ANDERSON • ROBERT BUTLER ERICH SEGAL ARTHUR HILLER HOWARD G MINSKY DAVID GOLDEN FRANCIS LAI IN COIOR A PARAMOUNT PCTJM TECHNICOLOR (f3*&»SSr«» i EXTRA! I PROGRAM INFORMATION 390> [OPi >*. j Wait jgjisney World j 8th mg Tanrar i n ICHIGAN Open 1:00 P.M. — Complete shows 1:25 - 3:25 - 5:25 - 7:25- FRANK LANGELLA • DOM DeLUISE Rriltm Id Ihi ictHn ind diiicM brooks,,w! .US 9:30. - Sunday 1:10 ■ 3:10 - by [nculw pioducci DISNEY SHORT WEEK! p,Mucin t» 5:15-7:05-9:05 P.M. MEL BROOKS • SIONEY GLAZIER • MICHAEL HERTZBERG "COWDOGS" [Gl*32>< Color KMC PICTURES 1 OlWM UNIVERSAL H.DIOH CORPOHttlOH OfflC Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April 2. 1971 9 Music,,mixers, Antiwar rally seen first spring term weekend gathering support Support is mounting and On the local level, deposits across the country are sending as By ROBERT KIPPER moment, disrupting it with a comic routine the next, and plans are being made for the have been made on six buses many or more buses than were State News Reviewer making many of us Barbra addicts in the process. Shows at April 24 antiwar rally in which will be used to carry sent in 1969. At least 400 will 7 and 9:30 p.m. Friday in Conrad, Saturday in Wilson. Washington sponsored by the marchers to Washington. Tickets leave New York City, with GONE WITH THE WIND — The ageless Civil War classic National Peace Action Coalition for the round trip are $23 and Detroit sending 50 and Chicago A spring celebration, the return of two film favorites, a about the demise of the genteel South and the survival of Student Mobilization are available in more residence 54. student film festival and several music events mark the first a willful Southern belle. Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh star. Committee (SMC), local SMC halls and at the SMC office in SMC will hold business weekend of spring term. Shows at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Wilson and at 2 and 7:30 spokesmen report. the Student Services Building. a Music and mixers meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday in 34 p.m. Saturday in Conrad. A1 Harshey, SMC steering Harshey said that most cities Union. FIRST SUNDAY — A spring celebration with carnival 1 AM CURIOUS (YELLOW) - Your curiosity and committee member, said the rides a waterbed show and live music by Boones Farm, interest should wane within five minutes protest of U.S. involvement in watching this .wins Sunday at noon. In the Meridian Mall. Swedish socio skin flick. Clothes do not - begin dropping Indochina FOLK AND BLUES CONCERT — Munson Valentine, for a full 45 minutes. After that its neck and neck all the least as promises to be "at big" as the November, CHECK OUR SPECIALS Maureen McElheron, Bill Kahl and Mark Talaba appear in way as to which is more 'boring: the sexplay or the 1969, moratorium. concert beginning at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday in Wonders Kiva. Admission is$l. sociology. Check ads for showtimes. $1.50. Student admissions are "On both a national and local RACK. Many Great level, we are attracting many ORMANDY AND UNIVERSE - The Union Board will GENESIS III — Two hours of student made films from host a concert from 3 to 6 p.m. featuring the two groups across the country. Sponsored - by the Union Board (which more diverse groups than possible in 1969," Harshey said. was LP's at Low Prices! Sunday in the Union Ballroom. Admission is $2. sponsored the Genesis II and Take One Festivals), For example, SMC has the ZUBRA — Hubbard Hall student government presents a performances at 7 and 9:30 p.m. mixer featuring Zubra from 9 to 12 p.m. Sunday in are Hall anc; Saturday in 108B Wells. Friday in 104B Wells pledged support of the at California Federation of Hubbard classrooms. Girls are free before 10; admission for THE LOVED ONE — Tony Richardson's mortuary Teachers, the Cairo (111.) Black guvs B will be 75 cents. comedy with "something to offend everyone." Robert United Front, the DISC SHOP FUNNY GIRL — Movies In her first number Barbra Streisand Morse, Jonathan Winters and Rod Steiger star. Shows at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Friday and Lofty perch Southern Christian Leadership Detroit 323 E. Grand River Saturday in 106B Wells Hall. Conference and scores of third sings, "I'm the greatest star but no one knows it." Shortly MACKENNA'S GOLD — Gregory Peck, Omar Sharif and Using his windowsill in Abbot world, Open Mon. • Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m thereafter, everyone In the audience knows it. As Fanny 19 others search for gold in Arizona. Shows at 7 and community, religious, Sat. 9 Hall, this student gets a bird's a.m. - 6 p.m. 9:30 student, labor and academic Brice, Barbra triumphs as actress, singer and comedienne, p.m. Friday in 108B Wells Hall, Saturday in 109 Anthony view of the Phone: eye 351-5380 - warm groups. thrusting the film forward with a driving song at one Hall. weather. SN photo by Fred Mendenhall A GIANT OFA MOVIE 1225' fund short of goa *★★★ LIFE|. "Julie Newman makes the West wilder yet" Playboy M CHECOKTPECK OMARSHAIOF *' undergo a thorough cleaning," interested persons at a cost of $5 newsletter, engine may be arranged at any CARL FOREMAN S By JOANNA FIRESTONE he said. per year. Privileges will include The locomotive will be time by contacting Keefe at the open State News Staff Writer Major mechanical problems reduced rates on rail excursions, at the public from 9 a.m. to 5 Museum. fall into four areas: installation the opportunity to work on the p.m. every Saturday and of new flues, a new boiler jacket, "1225" and receiving of the club Sunday. Group tours of the A spokesman for the MSU replacement of the pony - wheel B A RISES ilroad Club said Thursday truck set and general cleaning at the club has encountered FLORAL -me difficulty" In acquiring nds needed to renovate the ton Pere Marquette engine and renovation. Most of the work will be done by Railroad Club members and volunteer NOMINATED FOR OF EAST LANSING I /j ACADEMY ■ workmen at the display site. ROSES SAY arCase hall. To aid in the rebuilding, SO MUCH SO One of two such locomotives Michigan State Fair officials BEAUTIFULLY existence, the "1225" is the have offered mechanical parts |y Pere Marquette which is 4* AWARDS from the "1223," the only other arly operational. In efforts to t the engine back on the original Pere Marquette in I existence. The "1223" will be cks, Railroad Club members used only for display, so the use We ve spent nine months checking telegraph flowers of parts in the "1225" will not te and federal operation and worldwide Thurs. & Friday 108B Wells Admission iler regulations and mapping harm its appearance. INCLUDING: BEST ACTRESS Sarah Miles 31.00 At present, the club needs an 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 Saturday 109 Anthony for converting ?omotive so it can be used for the electric generator and an BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR John Mills acetylene torch to begin work —riger service. When the engine is rebuilt, the on the engine. "At first, w« hoped have -A*' Astoryoflova * NORTHSIDE Driva -in NOW SHOWING THRU TUESDAY b hopes to transport students the engine back in operation ■l-ilmedtyba^dLean v /i * * iJ 4 3kS[vea*r? • EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN 4 HIT / ■d team members to selected within nine months," Keefe said. -tball games and run vacation !.■.> FJMF/f.'/VWvV SvB Ryan's "But now, looking at the task cursions to Aspen, Colorado, d Florida. Once the locomotive is realistically, more like a year to It's liable to take complete rfTnriiTiTir irrmimi n in— H0RR0RTH0N JOIN THE GANG the work." , native,it is expected to be self pporting and will be run on a Jnprofit basis. Trips at a Club members gather extra funds at Meridian Mall's Flea Market Sunday, he will try to Daughter d SUPER F*NAVtSON J FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS FOR EVERYONE! ELEC. Heaters jected cost of $10 - $12 for a added. mile round trip will be the The club is also offering urce of revenue. associate memberships to any Club member Kevin Keefe EXCLUSIVE MID MICHIGAN d he expects the cost of ENGAGEMENT r uilding the engine to run T.V. RENTALS out $10,000. 5628 W.SAGINAW- STARTS WED. 484-44Q3| "Our fund - raising campaign SHOWTIMES not lived up to our Monday thru Friday Evenings at 8:00 pectations," he said. "We're NEJAC TV RENTALS Wednesday 2:00 & 8:00 p.m. ping to enlist the support of 337-1300 Saturday 2:00 & 8:00 p.m. mni who are better able to nate money." Keefe said work on the engine CINE^ II begin this weekend, with the ilding of a crane to remove all series Pnetetai- All outside parts will have to "OITCRAGEOUS!' 'WILDEVEDriRREVERENt!' —Itlltj Cmthw, N.T.TIikm -Km Pttnrlck, JtWMl Amtricn -mttrn WtH, C« »H«"" orkshop "You'll love hating "STARTLING! TOUGH! CANDID! GLITTERING! SHOCKING! RAUCOUS! 'The Loved One' may be disturbing, but it is vital. et plan to Skillfully presented...wry appreciation of sham. It should offend a lot of people. Somehow, people seem to like that!"-**, » w ft proje "AUDACIOUSLY IRREVERENT! Boldest step up from conventional film fare ever THE CHAMBER OF HORRORS Dolores Wharton to come from a major American studio!" am. Saturday will in speak at Kellogg LIVES AGAIN! nj« rkshop as part of the day - long "WORTH SEEING...FEROCIOUS FUN! discussing plans Artrain Project. for mad abOllt. Veers gleefully Performances that are nothing short of So The ne workshop will prepare from theme to theme with nothing brilliant I terrifyingl southern Michigan "WE ALL HOWLED MERRILY. in mind except impudent deviltry ^unities for the 'ch will be project, sponsored by the and fun!"-^^.^^ Today we have a wildly fashionable category of humor...giant yocks... wehavb chigan Council for the Arts. Artrain, scheduled to begin its savage stabs...the movie is a sort rESERV£D — 'Journey though Michigan in V as part of Michigan Week, of mad Marx Brothers adven¬ ture in necrophilia!" Y°W COFFIN!.. include three exhibit Tl\a 'fyoud.d: cars H Jorks fhol to Vincent from Andv Van Gogh. Loved "A W7LD-EYED" FAST-PACED FAHCEI 'he train will stop in small Qne Vivid performances. Bound WHILE WA interested in easing art opportunities for to be one of the most dis¬ ROBERT I JONATHAN d' cihzens. The train is MORSE / WINTERS cussed films of the season!" vfffih stS state forf iraVel the nextthr°ughout five years. ANJANETTE COMER " * TH E"~L0VE DONE" D^T»£twi MilwBffW Ju»nC»bur« Jnk« to*s IS, INDEED A die, 3 sick RobfrtMortry BtriunNirWi UwlSuixhr from y HELLUVA MOVIE!" 0m •RODSTEIGER ' THE MAN shampoo' I.*.*-*"! ■u Chmloplwr Rwl>iW»«>T«ry Soulhtn WHO MADE "THE HUMOR IS WON- "TOM JONES"! DERFULLYHILARIOUS!" CoASlA,iicily erswerJ!" ed and three (AP) ~ er wo u reP°rted seriously ill Friday Room Shown fSg| SCOTT BRADY VIRGINIA MAYO tS 'ng/heir ha" with « and 106B $1.00 IDs DAVID BRIAN LISA GAVE HUGH MARLOW sty*— Saturday Wells Required Shown First at 7:37 10 Friday, April 2,197J -SPORTS Detroit IN SATURDAY CLASH Moore DETROIT (UPI) - Dissatisfied was Pan Detroit's No. 1 pick out of American in 1968. He Stickmen travel to U-M center Otto Moore was traded By NICK MIRON home with the Wolverines. U-M new winner. Doug Kalvelage continue J from the Detroit Pistons to the played behind Walt Bellamy was victorious twice when the Goalie Fred uoaiie rren Hartman found k set methe pace for sZ.M lor the sPirt."| Phoenix Suns Thursday "for during his rookie season and the State News Sports Writer future considerations subject to slender center won the starting two squads met last season, himself very popular with the with goals in the third ,J| beating the Spartans, 14-8 and Kenyon offense as they had an fourth periods when KenvJI certain contingencies." job two seasons past. Still enjoying the heady air of The high - priced Lanier, much its 6-5 win over Kenyon College, 13-5. Using the Kenyon game as open season on the &-y rallied back from a 4-1 ^1 Moore, who had averages of bulkier but not as swift as the MSU lacrosse team opens a a barometer, things may be netminder, peppering him with and came close to knotting u?l 9.6 points and 9.1 rebounds for different this season. 42 shots. Hartman and the score in the last minutes. Moore, approached his rival's two game home and home his three Spartan defensemen plugged the - seasons with the - - The small crowd of Kenyon National Basketball Association rebounding marks and is a much series at 2 p.m. Saturday at Southfield fans was unusually silent at the net, allowing only five shots to Walters junior heavier scorer. Moore split time Michigan. club, was not happy sharing the conclusion of Wednesday's eke through, equaled KalvebTI pivot with rookie Bob Lanier. nearly equally with Lanier until The stickmen will wind up series Wednesday, April 7 the match. For six years the home The win was a gratifying one mark. The 6-2, 185 Si He reportedly was trying touse the end of the season. Moore at midfielder powered in team had enjoyed victory after ' J for many of ru.A the Spartans who two playing out his option as would play the first and third I I 1. ikA knnr fr n act one being the first had made the five - hour trip last one being the first Spartan .... victory over the .... visiting„ leverage in prying a big contract quarters with Lanier coming in of the fourth quarter. out of the Pistons this season, for the second and fourth under Golfers 13th Spartans. Perhaps the fans ins were were waiting for the fourth quarter to vear. only to lose, 10-2. year, only to lose, 10-2. Coach Bill Van Breda Kolffs despite losing his job completely see their team drive the pestering at the tag end of the season to platoon system. in tourney green and white squad back to Lanier. There were reports Moore had East Lansing for the seventh SPORTS Men's IM MSU was in 13th place, after straight time, signed American with Virginia of the Basketball the first day of competition When the officials signified the SHORTS Wednesday, in the 40 team Golf quarter's end and the field Association, which prompted General Manager Ed Coil's America Classic at Cape Coral, erupted in a wild melee of By United Press International Florida. jubilant Spartans there was no statement that he was "for future consierations i The Spartans were 22 strokes doubt which quarter it was or CINCINNATI - The Cincinnati Royals announced Wednesdty I to certain contingencies." Howe honored behind the pace set by Haerston that MSU had won its first they have come to terms with their first - round college draft I •If Moore eventually r< College. The leaders held a 286 contest in varsity competition, pick, forward Ken Durrett of Lasalle, on a five year contract. Gordie Howe of the Detroit Red Wings holds a silver tray score to MSU's 308. The MSU win can be and signs with the Suns, presented to him by the Toronto Maple Leafs prior to Six players compete for each attributed to many things. The CINCINNATI - Officials of the Cincinnati Reds said ■ > Pistons presumably will then yk Wednesday night's Toronto - Detroit hockey game in team with the four best scores players themselves note that Wednesday that first baseman Lee May will not require surgery as I : compensated in an appropriate Toronto. Howe's 43rd birthday was officially declared ' counting in the final results. there is more of a team attitude a result of a knee injury he sustained during a game against the I manner. "Gordie Howe Day" in Toronto and Howe was honored in on, April 8, for their Denny Vass led the Spartans than last season. Soft - spoken New York Mets Tuesday night. t The 6 - foot - 11 Moore, 24, pregame ceremonies. APWIREPHOTO with a 76 score followed by coach Ted Swoboda lauded his Dick Bradow and John Payers before and after the ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - The New York Mets Wednesday I Vandermeiden with 77 and John match and the players noted night traded outfielder Ron Swoboda to the Montreal Expos in 5TH BIG WEEK! ^ ^PROGRAM INFORMATION332 694 OPEN 12:45-4 Shows Daily Today & Sat at 1:15 4:00 7:00 9:25 - - - Peterson and Rick Wolf with 78. Mark Engelman had an 83 score. that Swoboda deserved a lion's share of the credit for MSU's exchange for outfielder Don Hahn. MILWAUKEE, Wis. - Marquette University Wednesday I OGRAM INFORMATION 882 2429 rewarded Coach A1 McGuire for the school's finest basketball I "A TONIGHT! season by tearing up an old contract and giving him a new one for | f "A RAMBUNCTIOUS TRIUMPH! > BIG, FUNNY, EXCITING MOVIE!" a salary believed as high as any in college coaching. - CBS - TV ALL COLOR! "ONE OF THE THE 70s FIRSTBREATEPIC! SHOWN AT: NEW YORK — The Indiana Pacers, defending American I Basketball Association champions, begin a quest for their second I 'Littli Big 1m' is tbi now western to begin all westerns!" 7:27 & LATE YEAR'S 10 BEST!" successive title tonight when they host the Memphis Pros in one I •N.Y. Times of four opening round games of the league's playoff series. TIFFANY The ABA's first round playoff schedule, which was announced! "A FASCINATING "DUSTIN BOFFMAN IS A MA&VEL! RESTAURANT Thursday,has Indiana hosting Memphis, Virginia entertaining New I ACHIEVEMENT!" Alive it ever? moment and fill of dazzling surprises!" York, Kentucky hosting the Floridians and Utah entertaining! & LOUNGE - L.A. Times either Texas or Denver tonight in the first game of their best • of seven series. - f Stop in LAKELAND, Fla. — Pinch hitter Gene Lamont's two - run, two! for a out bases - loaded singled lifted the Detroit Tigers to a 13121 nightcap victory over the Boston Red Sox Thursday. after the Together the two clubs collected 42 hits in the slugfest. show. w Greek and A merican Specialties every nite special menu Sat. nite ACADEMY AWARD DOWNTOWN LANSING 116 E. NOMINATION DUSTIN HOFFMAN LITTLE BIG MAN" Michigan FREE K VENUS G HARKING "Best Parmvisiorf Technic otor^fGPj Siypyrttng Actor" CHIEF DAN GEORGE • FAYE DUNAWAY RHA BRINGS BACK . . ALSO AT 9:25 ONLY this is the HELL RUN ttfunny Gfrr Iii new screen splendor.. w&rk that you make alone! The most magnificent -''zfztjlneel-. picture ever! DAVID QSELZNICKSi production of M ARC ARU ; jw ^^^faELECTRIC unchained IN - CAR HEATERS MITCHFUS GONE WITH FIRST LANSING SHOWING THE WIND" Beal Film the most Group Presents Through Saturday important film of the last several years. FRIDAY IMUHI 100 Vet Clinic 7 and 9:30 100 Engineering 8:15 only SATURDAY COLUMBIA PICTURES and RASTAR PRODUCTIONS present barbra streisand omar sharif ;funnygirl" KAY MEDFORD ANNE FRANCIS-WALTER PIDGEON..^,.* ""K HERBERT ROSS -^JULE STYNE -^BOB MERRILL CI ARK GABLE Winner of the 1968 VIVIEN LEIGH A" rdsJ Oscar for the LESLIE HOWARD best actress! OLIVIA ,k> I lAYILIANl) Tonite in Wilson Tonite in Conrad 7:30 7 and 9:30 Saturday in Conrad Saturday in Wilson 2 p.m. and 7:30 7 and 9:30 $1.00 admission $1.00 admission Staff $1.50 I.D.'s required I.D.'s 21. Admission $2.50 required Faculty IP's will be checked Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 2, 1971 11 SPORTS S' By JOHN VIGES batsmen bo State News Sports Writer rIhLV?0rlWnaS row for Coach the Danny Litwhiler's coming to last ye81-'5 NCAA runner - up, Florida State. double play got him out of the a pair of runs in the first inning. inning. Shortstop Steve Cerez walked to Brain Lieckfelt survived a ""b*aten ,nanf», secondj1 half ofu to Lieckfelt, MSU's a promising addition pitching corps, was in From the second inning on the St. Clair Community College open the inning and after two batters were retired Rohde three run, home run in the first - the tournament. A victory today trouble only in the first inning, transfer doubled to right, scoring Cerez. student was nearly inning and went on to hold ho!? M,«mi wou,d cl,nch Two singles and a long homer untouchable Only a single in the Centerfielder Shaun Howitt Cornell scoreless the rest of the lhh® chamPionfshiP of ^ond over the' left field fence by eighthrMrredhis' game"after the reached base on an error and way, as MSU added a 12-3 win {^f °f the A°"rn!.y\^S.V ™.as Cornell's first baseman Fred initial inning. Dave Bewley came Phil Rashead drove in Rohde to their collection of victories in the winner of the first half. The Hoge put the Big Red ahead by a in to pitch the ninth inning and from third with a single. the Miami Hurricane Twin Spartans raised their season 3-2 count. Lieckfelt then yielded the A walk, two hits and an error sophomore righthander Tournament Thursday. record to 10-1, their only loss a double and a walk but a struck out the side. combined in the second stanza to As it has done give MSU the lead for good. AFTER HE SIGNS throughout the Pros must merge--Carr total of 16 hits as they managed to score in six of the nine when the right fielder made s wild throw into the infield. The Spartans added a pair of innings. runs in the fourth, sixth and Ron DeLonge and John Rohde ATLANTA ( UPI) eighth innings and finished with Austin Basketball Association ABA, that's just good business Carr. in town to accept the and, pace^ the Spartans with three one in the ninth. Naisnnth Thjphy for although he personally would fr°m our standpoint," said the each. DeLonge had four Kirk Maas will be on the being voted rather play in the NBA, "it's Notre Dame economics major, hits in five at bats and Rohde mound when the Spartans tackle the best college basketball player going to be a matter of which "But, you've got to consider the went three for five at the plate. Miami in the land this past winter, said today and Larry Ike will A makes the best offer. game — both from the pros R°h Ellis added a trio of hits in Thursday that while he is glad it pitch the final game of MSU's didn't happen before he got a viewpoint and that of the his six appearances at the plate. spring trip, Saturday, against "There's no way they can keep MSU opened the scoring with shot at all that bonus money, colleges. A merger has to come.' Penn State. on spending the kind of money „ "pro basketball Carr, . is going to have they've been paying people the a native of Washington, Lonely p to merge to stay alive." Carr, All - America at Notre last couple of years," Carr said. "But, I must admit that I'm D.C., and a senior was 'ast month as the nation's selected HUBBARD HALL STUDENT GOVERNMENT Finnish forwards surround U.S. goalie Carl Wetzel (center) during a World Hockey jDame,, is currently dickering happy that a merger — and the outstanding college basketball presents a MIXER with with the Cleveland Cavaliers of lower pay Championship game Wednesday in Geneva, Switzerland. Finland won this game, 7-3, and the the — is waiting until after P'ayer of the 1970 - 71 season in American team now has just one victory in six games in the international competition. National Basketball Isign. balloting conducted by United Association and the Virginia Press International ZUBRA AP WIREPHOTO „. and Squires of the American t ~ a P,ayer' 1 suppose 1 participated in by sportswriters should be opposed to any sportcasters from merger between the NBA and throughout the country. op high school trackmen Sunday, April 4 9-12 pm Hubbard Classrooms :o mpete in Spar J■uture A tested "proving ground" for miler Jeff Dixon, who has Detroit Northern, Grosse Pointe greats on the U.S. track covered the distance in 4:16, North, East Lansing, Flint Krcuit. And of the better than the meet record. Northwestern, Grand Rapids more same is 1 That's perhaps the main Ottawa Hills and Ann Arbor promised this year, with one Contribution of today and runner in particular, Marshall Class B stars include Huron, winner of last week's Saturday's Spartan Relays to the Dill of Detroit Northern, Belleville's Garrade Pettus, who Huron Relays. ligh school trackmen, coaches standing could compete in — and win — Preliminaries head and shoulders begin each Bnd schools in Michigan. above the rest of the field. four events, the high and low morning at 11 a.m. and run T Numerous Spartan greats have hurdles, long jump and high through mid • afternoon. The lompeted in the meet during Dill, one of the most • sought - jump. Add Northville's John charge for this session is $1. Iheir high school days, including after track men in the nation, Studyvant and Mt. Morris' Evening sessions each day begin ■hree members of the MSU has best of 9.4 for 100 yards and dashman Roy Young as top at 6 p.m., with students charged Thuttle hurdle relay quartet 20.6 for the 220 - yard route. entrants. $1 and the general public $2. frhich tied the collegiate record Other top performers in Class Most schools from around the In Florida last week. A include Stan Vinson I John of state will be here, with Detroit T.V. RENTALS Morrison, Wayne Detroit Hartwick and Dave Chadjey, who has public sdhools allowed to enter Free Service N^jrjin all cowered 600 yfrds on a board for the first time In the meet's per Burred at the two - day relays track as fast as State's Big Ten and delivery W.bO month larnivai in their high school champion Bob Cassleman. He eight year history. NEJAC TV RENTALS bays, as did many other current may tangle with Dill on a relay Included are Class A favorites prs, including John Mock, Kim or twol 'irtman, A1 Henderson, Randy Kilpatrick, Ralph Zoppa, Lloyd ■ridges and Jim Stevenson. 1 It was at this meet that Herb Others include East Lansing hurdler Steve Dart, Okemos' Steve Smith, son of MSU McDONEL FLICK Washington burst into indoor assistant football coach Dave ftrominence over 60 yards, Smith, and East Grand Rapids FESTIVAL April 2nd Tickets NOW On Sale For 7:30 & 10:15 Anthony Newley's McDonel Kiva Stop the World with I Want to W. C. FIELDS CHARLIE CHAPLIN - Get Off KEYSTONE KOPS - ABBOTT &COSTELLO- LAUREL & HARDY - a new styled musical MAE WEST- DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS.SR. April 21 through 24 ONLY 750 Husbands *HjEIK THE ffilWS TEN KSir WANDA ™«NUA HALF HALE1 -JOSEPH aily News I —IfKCDU PCI GELMIS -GENE SHALIT 1j -JAY mo rrfcir rum it HV rnr«C COCKS Newsday j Look Magazine | Time Magazine Al RUBAN o-d SAM SHAW », today" 2:00 9:30 - ^t., Sun. 2:00 4:30 - ■2:°0 -9: an 2ND EXCLUSIVE WEEK! nnall theatre "THE DENTIST" FrL 7:00, 9:00 Sot. 8:00,10:00 W. C. Fields $1.00 IDs Not Required At the Cathlic Student Center on MAC £12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April i State group meets PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS with Railpax official prepared by the Michigan TODAY 10:30 a.m. (AM): THE EISENHOWER the President" - the 1956 campaign YEARS: "Politics and and Eisenhower as , . „u .. ,, ... By United Press International and Grand Rapids. Interagency Transporation politician. A Michigan delegation is "The Michigan delegation will Council to present to the 2 p.m. LECTURE - DISCUSSION (AM): "New Cities." peter slated to meet in Washington have cost the revenue estimates corporation," Kellogg said. Morrison, demographer; Adam Yarmolinsky, Harvard Universitv today with the chairman of the 1 p.m. (FM): MUSIC THEATER: "The Desert Song." y> National Rail Passenger Corp. Moll SATURDAY (Railpax) in an attempt to work out an agreement to get more rail service for the state. to c 10 a.m. (FM): DETROIT ECONOMIC CLUB. 1 p.m. (AM): GREAT DISCUSSIONS: "Man and Hi* I Environment: What Price Survival?" Harlan Haginan, Wayne State was Heading the four - man delegation that left Thursday James C. Kellogg, Gov. First Sunday University, moderator. 1:30 p.m. (AM): 1 + 1- 3. ..4. ..5: "And for Grandchildren." New directions in population control. our Milliken's executive assistant. 4|m„ci Almost on 2U ,, „: university mi,. n„,„„on 1 he purpose of the „ 2 p.m. (FM): METROPOLITAN OPERA, LIVE FROM NEW I •11 j- ^ l .^'eSat'on organizations will have exhibits celebration, according to Joe YORK: "Parsifal," by Wagner. I will discuss the possibility of a state subsidy to continue intra - at Meridian Mall from noon to 5 Byrd, promotion director for 7 p.m. (FM): LISTENER'S CHOICE: Classics by request I p m Sunday as part of "First Meridian Mall, is to welcome phoning 355-6540. ' I state service to Flint, Lansing Sunday, A Spring Celebration." MSU students back to East SUNDAY Lansing and to inform them of 2 p.m. (AM and FM): CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: ■ % many available University music for brass and strings by Hindemith; concert concert I : WE SERVICE ALL MAKES related activities. - Tom Sawyer rides again arias bv I Among the exhibitions will be Mozart; "Symphony No. 2," by Brahms. Rafael Kubelik conductor, with baritone Dietrich Fischer - Dieskau. }I a sports car display by the MSU 4 p.m. (AM and FM): FROM THE MIDWAY: "The DELL TELEVISION SERVICE Sports Car Club, parachuting With a sense of adventure and the hope that their craft won't spring a leak, this triosails down Question." Discussion of the Scotch author by McGonasall I films and slides by the MSU the Red Cedar River on a raft they found hidden in the bushes. University 0{ I State News photo by Chicago professors. ■ 1000 E. GRAND RIVER Sport Parachute Club and a mule Jeff Wilner race between members of the Block and Bridle Club and WVIC Ph. 482-0868 disc jockeys. Foreign students rise In addition to the authorized PANASONIC ser vie enter organizations' exhibits, Byrd said, there will be a carnival with rides and parking lot sideshows in An Easter Bunny the Ch jn forej student world, the president of the countries which in the past were ^ other on need build w.H also be available to be National Association for Foreign developing nations to the composition in the United States completely dependent on The Union Cafeteria photographed with children, he reflect significant changes in the Student Affairs reported. Homer Higbee, asst. dean for Western institutions to train their undergraduates have faCe a a quite different problem- surplus of qualified persons, Higbee explained, to utilize their I highly trained people returning! Many developing countries from Western institutions, announces its new international exchange at .MSU, developed their own education "Welcome-Back-to-Spring" wTFiELDs¥ points out that the number of foreign students and scholars is swelling rapidly. resources." The opposed emphasis on graduate to undergraduate as I Pacifist to give talk This year, he said, 147,000 are education is particularly evident studying in the United States, an in coutries such as Malaysia, American & Continental alive and kicking increase of more than 100,000 since 1957. "The number of Indonesia and Singapore, Higbee explained. foreign graduate students as opposed to undergraduates," Higbee said, on "Heavy reliance is being placed higher education in these on U.S. resistance countries to solve the problems WMM "is continuing to increase. of national development," Eqbal Ahmad, member of the conspiring to kidnap presidential | "This means," he said, "that Higbee said. Harrisburg Six, will speak about assistant Henry Kissenger "There is a rational attempt to Indochina and the U.S. simultaneously blow up heating I plan for the countries' needs resistance movement at 4 p.m. ducts in government buildings. I through the development of Wednesday in 109 Anthony Hall Ahmad, a fellow of the Adlai | SUNDAY NIGHT SHOW BAR 8 P.M. in the BEADS human resources," he said. While Malaysia, Indonesia and and at 8 p.m. Wednesday at St. John's Student Center, 327 Stevenson International Institute Affairs at the | Singapore select persons for MAC Ave. University of Chicago, Food Specials Available specific training and "slot" them The Harrisburg Six and four working on a book. I according to national needs, he others have been indicted for "Revolution and Reaction in the | Third World." Ahmad is a pacifist and one of I the original organizers of the I TDM teach-in movement in America. I SPRING Complete dinners served from 5 On Monday, April 5 NEW ENGLAND BROILED DINNER a Corned Beef, Vegetables, Salad Dessert & Beverage $2.10 - special 7 p.m. 10% SAWyEKS J2QW MPT Comer of Ann & MAC APRIL A h-mad's speeches will culminatajour days of action in Lansing, sponsored by the Lansing Area Peace Council, the Lansing Welfare Rights I | I I Organization and Faculty for I On Tuesday, April 6, a special WESTERN DINNER $2.25 OFF ON ALL BOOKS Peace. Other activities tribute to Martin Luther King include BBQ Lamb, baked potato, squash, salad at 12:30 p.m. Sunday < Jr. | roll + butter, dessert + beverage April 1,2,3 Capitol steps, coinciding with I On Wednesday, April 7, a special Southern Christian Leadership I ITALIAN DINNER We Carry Conference and National Welfare I Lasagna, Garlic Toast, Salad, Italianne Rights Organization memorials I Pizza Figliata, Beverage $1.60 M.S.U. Paperback Texts AND in Washington. A four - day welfare fast will I On Thursday, April 8, a special Some Hardcover Texts begin with a meal of rice and I HUNGARIAN DINNER $1.90 beans at the Lansing YWCAI Goulash, paprika potatoes, salad, roll + butter We have Anarchist Cook Books following the tribute to King. dessert + beverage Rice and beans also will be I On Friday, April 9, a special served April 5 and 6 at the I Wesley Center, 1118 S. Harrison I INDIAN DINNER $1.90 Curried Turkey on Rice, Choice of Coming Soon! Rd. Condiments, Salad, Roll, Dessert, Beverage ZAP #4 A potluck dinner preceding I Ahmad's speech will break the I fast. Those attending are asked I Faster than the games people play. More powerful than a complete nervous breakdown. Able to to bring a dish to share. A film I about the necessity for action I leap tall tales at a single bound. Look, down there on that album, it's a pleasure, it's a pain, it's this spring will be shown. I Contributions of at least $1 at | the dinner and Ahmad's speeches will go to the defense I committee of the Harrisburg Six. f SUPERSHRINK, who can change the course of egos; bend minds in his bare hands; and who, disguised as Alen Robin, mild-mannered creator of "Welcome To The LBJ Ranch," 1 SUNDAY ~ A Spring Celebration fights a never ending Some clubs to struggle for truth, see, Some rides to ride Some Friends to, justice and the Amerikan Way. meet, jome music to hear,- This is a season to welcome. Come visit' with us this Sunday, April 4, from noon SHPIRSHRINK." to whenever dhelp us to make this First Sunday a Spring Celebration! AkEN ROBIN The hilarious "Sessions-in-Therapy" featuring the Nearly 20 M£U Org anizations *• MERIDIAN ACTUAL TAPED VOICES of NIXON, AGNEW, ROCKEFELLER, Giant WjcIc Carnival. Waxerbed 5hoyv. MALL LINDSAY, HUMPHREY, MAYOR DALEY, SENATOR THURMOND, E. GRAND RIVER GOVERNOR REAGAN, L.B.J, and WILLIAM BUCKLEY. Plus & MARSH RD. Also available exclusively on GRT 8-track cartridges and cassettes WVIC! JcK, Michigan Stat". News, East Lansing, Michigan Fnilay, April 2, 1971 13 state new£ STATE NEWS classified No fooling Classified ads work fast. Call 355-8255 and 355-8266 . . . see for yourself. CLASSIFIED 3558255 The State Newt doe* not lankly speaking by Phil Frank IJSbSl permit racial or religious discrimination advertising columns. The in its radio, Automotive VOLKSWAGEN, 1966. Sun-7oo7, REFRIGERATORS For Rent FOR rent. For Rent SUBLET SPRING, one man for 4 NEEDED: ONE For R ent man for four man ff UNITED new tires, excellent RENT ALL. 351-5652. man. Near Nfcwt will not $60/month, - State campus. basement apartment. Close. condition. $875. Days, 84-9 373-1728, 351-1656. 5-4-6 Reasonable. 410 Park Lane. accept adverti evenings, 361-4592. 5-4-7 332 2414. 3-42 • automotive discriminates VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Van camper. PARKING V4 black from Berkey. AVAILABLE FOR Scooters & Cycles Behind Polachek's. $20/term. ONE - TWO bedroom furnished Folding bed, closet, table, 351-3348. 5-4-7 immediate occupancy Auto Parts & Service refrigerator. $300. Call Ed 2-4273. . . . apartments. Close to camplus. Available for summer and fall. Oall Aviation 5-4-6 PARKING SPACES: 1 block from • employment campus. Private, paved, lighted RIVER HOUSE APIS 332-2712 after 3 p.m. Norwood Apartments. 5-4-6 VOLKSWAGEN 1969. 27,000. lot. $10. 372-2761 after 6 p.m. • FOR RENT Excellent shape. $1400 economy ONE 0-4-5 ROOMMATE wanted for Apartments Automotive car. Blue. 489-7088. 3-4-2 Luxury, 1 bedroom, furnished. $60 per month. REFRIGERATORS Dishwashers. furnished apartment. Extra Houses - Twyckingham. 351-0094. 3-4-6' FALCON, 1966. Standard, V-8, 2 VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Light blue. ESCHTRUTH ELECTRIC. Grand large with separate study. Rooms door, bucket 25,000 miles. $1350 or best offer. Ledge. 627-2191. 5-4-6 Ideal for 2 or 3. One block to seats. Phone I.FOR SALE 353-6854. 3-4-6 332-5258. 3-4-2 campus. Animals TV RENTALS. Color and black and JEEP, 1964. Wagoneer. New rubber. white. MARSHALL MUSIC, East TWO Mobile Homes 4 wheel drive. Rebuilt motor. Call Scooters & Cycles Lansing, 351-7830. C-42 Phone 351-3484 or BEDROOM furnished apartment available immediately. • PERSONAL 372-7342. 5-4-6 CYCLE See Building Manager 6 $87.50. No deposit necessary. Call INSURANCE. Central TV RENTALS Students only. Low PEANUTS PERSONAL . . - 351-7907. 5-48 Michigan's largest insurer. Any . REAL ESTATE KARMANN GHIA, 1969. Good condition. $1500. Call 351-3417 cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON monthly 351-7900 and term rates. Call UNIVERSITY TV RIVER HOUSE OKEMOS: 3 bedroom apartment INSURANCE AGENCY. far .RECREATION 1-4-2 332-5335, 484-8173. O RENTALS. C APARTMENTS sublease. 349-1712. 3-46 Available May ',1. .SERVICE MACH REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for 204 River Street , I, 1969. 351, 4 barrel, 4 Typing Service speed. Good condition. $1800. WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER rent. A TO Z RENTALS. THREE BEDROOM ranch housed 4 .TRANSPORTATION 485-7675. 5-4-8 Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. 349-2220. O 'ONE GIRL. miles south of MSU. A Phone 489-4811. Our new address county setting at close in. Horses boarded .WANTED MAVERICK, 1971. radio, 4 door. 5,000 miles. Must sell stick shift, 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF 'a muss miwewNe x! TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction nearby. $175 per month pfas utilities. Couple only, 882-8779 DEADLINE I guaranteed. Free delivery, service J>r Best offer. 351-8737, after 5 69 BSA. 650 Firebird, customized. and NEED ONE to four girls or four guys 882-3820. 3-42 clan p.m pick-up. Call NEJAC, '.M. one day 5-4-7 2300 miles. Must sell. 355-8024. 337-1300. C to sublet immediately. Excellent I before publication. 1-4-1 © Young America Corp. / 1304 Ashby rd. / St. Louis, Mo. location near campus. 351-0572 MG I Cancellations - 12 noon MIDGET, 1968. Wire wheels. Radio. 351-1420. Ask for Mike. 1970 KAWASAKI. ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. or 351-3835. 7-49 CEDAR GREENS class day before 250cc. 1300 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 1 bedroom furnished 3-4-2 miles A-1 condition. Call NEED TWO people for apartment. RENTAL, 372-4948. O publication. 351-4546, before 3 p.m. X-3-4-5 $57/month. Close to campus. POOL PHONE MUSTANG, 1967. Radio, air, Auto Service & Parts Employment 351-4856. 5-47 Call 351-8631 355 8255 excellent 332-6201.4-4-7 condition. Call YAMAHA 1966. 100 Excellent condition. Low mileage. Twin. Apartments WOMEN: TWO vacancies in 4 girl MASON BODY SHOP , 812 East $225. 349-4288. 1-4-2 apartment. 1 block from campus. ONE OR two girls for 3 man. Clo RATES Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. ONE GIRL needed for spring term. e MUSTANG, 1966. Black. Excellent Completely furnished, utilities and to campus. $70. Call 332-05: Complete auto painting and Eden Roc Apartments. Reduced | I 1 day $1.50 running condition. 8 track tape CUSTOM 350 Honda. Electric start collision service. IV 5-0256. C Local company looking for aggressive rates. 351-4635. 3-42 parking included. $65. 372-2761 2-42 15c per word per day deck. $500. 349-0869. 5-4-7 plus accessories. Best offer. after 6 p.m. 0-45 young men interested in sales, I 3 days $4.00 355-6338. 3-4-5 PIONEER AUTO tape deck. Also retail and retailing marketing MALE ROOMMATE needed for ONE APARTMENT and 1 room. 51 3 MUSTANG, 1968. Good condition, SUBLET SPRING. One man for two Albert. $135/month 13%c per word per day V-8 automatic. Wollensack reel recorder offer. careers. Willing to train for sales spring term. 731 Burcham 372-3410 or NORTON, 750. Mint. 1970 351-8323. 5-4-6 man. $80 monthly. Call Bennett, apartment; $15/week for rooi 5 days $6.50 positions open now while you are Apartments. 351-9568. 3-42 489-3324. 4-4-5 Commando 332-5053. 7-49 Good location. 332-2495. 2-42 I Roadster, $1250. in school, with opportunity for 13c per word per day 4,000 miles. 372-1660. 5-4-7 NOW - advancement into MALE NEEDED for 4 man spring I (based on 10 words per ad) MUSTANG, 1967. Yellow. 2 door. get management after you graduate, 25 to 40 per term. 1130 Beech. Cheap. Call GIRL. IMMEDIATE occupancy. ONE MAN needed for 4 Deluxe interior. 6 cylinder. 3 200 all the Call 351-72E CC DUCAT I. 1970 Suzuki week on variable schedule. Prefer 351-7734 after 4 p.m. 3-42 Peanuts Personals must be speed. Call 332-0472 or 332-1628. 350R. Best offers. Also helmets 3-4-5 _ Bugs juniors, seniors or grad students. pre-paid. and car carrier. 351-8810 9 a.m. - out here — service & body work Phone HAGER FOX HOME FOURTH MAN needed for spring 5 p.m. 5-4-7 term. Reduced UNIQUELY FURNISHED two THREE MAN apart.™ There will be a 50c service CENTER, 482-5501, extensions rent. Call NOVA, 1970. V-8, 3 speed. Two RECISIOIM bedroom three girl apartment $75/month, utilities included. Ci il 351-1253. 5-46 I and bookkeeping charge if tone, take over payments BRIDGESTONE, 1970, 175 cc DT. 153 or 154. 3-42 needs third roommate. $55. Woodmere Apartments, 351-903 IMPORTS . I this ad is not paid within 482-1772. 5-4-7 Low mileage. Exceptional MANAGER TRAINEE. 10 - 15 hours 2 ROOM efficiency, walking distance Dianne, Karyl. 351-1694. 3-4-6 2-42 also offering i one week. OLDSMOBILE F-85, 1965. Standard condition. $425. 353-7685. 44-6 per week. $300/month during to campus. One graduate student. I The State News will be shift. $300 or best offer. complete care for all training, $800/month during $100/month. 351-7283. 2-42 1967 YAMAHA 305. Rebuilt engine. Call I responsible only for the foreign models service summer. 482-9172 for BICYCLE 351-4471.2-4-2 Call — Barry, 337-9703. Leave appointment. 5-46 ONE GIRL for 4 man. Spring term. I first number. 5-47 and body work & repair day's incorrect OLDSMOBILE 1970. Delta 88. town Haslett Arms. 351-1536. $68.75. I insertion. sedan 4 door. Automatic 1204 E. OAKLAND 484-4411 ATTENTION MUSICIANS: Local 2-42 HONDA 90. Scrambler. Excellent hotel / restaurant is transmission. Power steering, air looking for condition. Free helmet. 349-9134 AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and patio entertainment June 15th LIBERAL MALE for 4 man. Spring conditioning. 15,000. $2900. or 349-2707. 3-45 American cars. If we can't fix it, it 651-5115, after 6 p.m. 3-4-6 through September. Saturday term. Block campus. 337-2633. can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O nights only. To discuss details, call 2-42 1970 SUZUKI T350. Excellent 351-7600. Ask for Food and SALE OPEL STATION wagon, 1964. 30 Automotive"' I mpg. Rebuilt motor. $350. condition. Bruce, 351-4471 or 'W - GUARANTEED repair. 7, Beverage Manager. 5-4-6 353-9100. 3-42 RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at 332-4307. 3-4-2 RESPONSIBLE SITTER needed. 2 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C |ARIZ0NA CARI Ford, 1961, no 1970 HONDA 125SS. Perfect children. 7:30 - 5:30 p.m. Monday rust. V-8, overdrive, air. $150. PLYMOUTH 1962. 4 door. Radio, condition. Best offer. 355-7599, CAR WASH, 25c or automatic wash, - Firday. 339-2329, after 5:30 485-8534. 3-4-6 standard transmission. Good JL51 ;?310. 5-46_ 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. p.m. 3-42 TWO BEDROOM, air conditioned. condition. Runs wells. $150. Call _ 430 South Clippert, back of Koko |CAMAR0, overall 1967. 327, 3 speed. Good 351-5791, after 12 p.m. 3-4-2 TRIUMPH 1970. Bonneville, Bar. 0-42 PART TIME employment: 12 20 Furnished. $240/month. Near condition. $1000. excellent condition. 2000 miles. hours per week. Automobile campus. 337-2681. 3-42 372-9103. 3-4-5 PONTIAC, 1967. Firebird. 2 door Call 351-8923, after 5 p.m. 3-4-2 required, 351-5800. O hardtop. Stick shift. 6 cylinder. Employment LANSING OR East Lansing. One |CHEVELLE, 1966. V-8, standard, 2 door. Good condition. Phone Very clean. Low mileage. $1100. Call NORTON P-11. 750cc. Thoroughly TEACHERS: MANY outstate Fall bedroom furnished. Large, airy Air 393-6045, daytime / rebuilt. Excellent condition. HELP WANTED, male. Maintenance openings. CLINE TEACHERS rooms. conditioned. 882-0149.3-4-5 663-8009, nights. 3-4-2 man wanted for approximately 2 AGENCY, 129 East Grand River. Beautifully maintained. Suitable 351-9109, after 5 p.m. 3-42 for faculty, grad students, business hours, 3 evenings per week to __3-42 | CHEVROLET 3 speed, 1964. Biscayne. 283, PONTIAC LEMANS. 1966. 70 TRIUMPH. Daytona 500 with clean Lansing office. For details LINE UP a spring job now. Car people, married couples. Lease. new clutch, tires and Automatic, power steering. Radio, extras. $1150. Call 482-5626, call 371-1730 between 9 - 5 p.m. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O snow tires with rims. $375. necessary. Also train for full time economical. $800. 332-8276. 3-46 372-3093. 1-4-2 summer work. Call 351-7319 for 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham. _ 5-4-8 71 XLCH Harley Davidson. Good 1 appointment. C 2-man furnished NEEDED: Immediately. Female apartments I COMET, 1964. Convertible. V-8, REBEL, 1967. 6 cylinder. Overdrive. condition. 6 6 - 527-2252 after 6 babysitter to come into home five includes heat. $62.50 to $80 per PART TIME and full time sales and automatic, $250. Good 4 door. $750. 337-2315, evenings. p.m. 5-46 days a week. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Call man. 135 Kedzie Drive, $85 to transportation. Must sell. management positions available $90 per man. Leases starting June 3-4-5 355-0800. 1-42 351-6533. 5-4-8 with Anti Water Pollution ^ 1970 HONDA CB 350. Excellent 15th and September 1st. Days condition. Call after 5 Company. Call Win Smith at RENAULT 16. 1969. Radio, p.m., BABYSITTER NEEDED for 6 487-3216; Evenings until 10 p.m., | CORVETTE air, radial 1969. Two tops. 427, tires, other extras. M ichelins, excellent condition. $1450. Call 641-6280 or IV 332-2144. 3-42 month old boy, 8 - 5 weekdays. 351-6444 between 3 - 7 p.m. 2-4-2 882-2316mo C LOW RATES. Call 355-2244 or 349-9503. 1-4-2 $4,100. 349-1404. 5-4-6 Specializing in 4-9176. 3-4-2 motorcycle insurance. FEIDLER INSURANCE AGENCY. NURSES. RN'S and LPN'S. It's About Time For A J CUTLASS, Good for 1965. Four speed, $250. THUNDERBIRD 1^65. Vinyl top, __676-24^:W-5 Expansion creating additional Bicycle Sale: Friday, April 2, 1971, 1:30 P.M. at Salvage mechanically inclined. spotless interior, excellent openings in specialty areas. SPRINQ 339-9176. 3-4-2 HONDA S65, 1966. Good condition. Intensive care Yard, 1330 So. Harnson Road, Michigan State University condition. $750. 351-0841. 3-4-2 - coronary care; Reasonable price. Call Pat, labor and delivery, newborn Campus. Various makes and conditions. All items may be | COUGAR 1968. 3-speed. V-8. 302 THUNDERBIRD LANDAU, 1966. pediatrics; emergency and seen at Salvage Yard. engine. Good body. _351-42i5^ 1"4"2 nursery; April 1, from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Running Loaded with extras plus air. Very post partum. Full time and part and April 2, from 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. condition. 485-5687. 4-4-5 1969 ALLSTATE. 124cc. 2000 time openings. Afternoon or night good condition. Can be bought for miles. Excellent condition. Call $34/mo nth or $850. Phone shift. Call Personnel, LANSING Terms: Cash ■ COUGAR, owner. XR7, 1969. Superb, one Radio, automatic, all Power, new tires. 627-6712.5-4-8 351-4546, before 3 p.m. 3-42 GENERAL Devonshire, HOSPITAL, 372-8220, ext. 2800 TUNE-UP Remaining 335-336. 5-46 warranty. Phone 332-8993. 5-4-8 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE convertible. Aviation We Stock Over a Million Parts 1969 demonstrator. Only nine TEN PART - time jobs. Leading to CROSSWORD | DODGE months old. 485-9650. 3-4-2 LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight ©KRAMER AUTO PARTS WINDOW van, 1965. $475. Good condition. 351-4346. 3-4-2 Aftfcr 4, TRIUMPH, 1967. Spitfire. training. government and All courses VA are certified. summer full time. For ambitious, serious person. For appointment, PUZZLE Convertible. 25,000 actual miles. FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport call Mr. Rowe, 6-8 p.m. 482-6430. 800 E. Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 Excellent condition. 676-1930. Road, Call 4841324. C 2-42 DART, 1964. Automatic, 5-4-7 ACROSS 24. Coerce 82,000 miles, snows. $250. Phone l.Dey 25. Wrap 353-6964, 353-7229. 2-4-2 VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Blue sedan. 6. Art of 27. Postal Excellent shape. 26,000. After 5 HOW MANY APARTMENT BUILDINGS SUPPLY IF85 self-defense 28. Famous street 1969 6 cylinder. Power FREE MAINTENANCE ON ALL THESE ITEMS? steering, p.m., 349-3526. 1-4-2 JO. Unskilled 29. Dejected *Tl'evva"s- Standard transmission. 13. Malaria 30. Because 12,000 miles, excellent condition. VOLKSWAGEN 1965, excellent 14. Large crowd 32. Knack 355-5855. 0-4-2 condition. Can be seen at 8217 15. About CEDAR VILLAGE DOES! 33. Persia I fALC0N, 196977 passenge7-van. Clark Road, East Lansing, 17. Clear gain 34. Lower 641-6257. 3-4-5 18. Buddies 35. Compass point 5. Before noon excellent condition. $1000 Cedar Village has 24-hour emergency b«t offer. or 19. Spring 36. Acidity 6. Bread spread 694-8338. 2-4-2 VOLKSWAGEN 1966 sedan. Original service 20. Conjunction 37. Soft drink and daily maintenance service by l.Steinway 7. Western owner. Good condition. Faithfully 21. Pious 38. Engrossed 2. Fury Indians serviced. Rebuilt engine. our on-site staff. 22. Bazaar 41. Unit of force 3. Rabbit's tail 8. Light moisture 355'7886- Reasonably priced. 355-5922. 23. River island 42. Stout 4. Cultivator 9 Forward 3-4-5 Ask your friends what Cedar Village service 11. Hymn of praise r- 3— 5 7 12. Subject has meant to them! H WE HAVE TIRES FOR - .6 % " i 16. Subway tokens 18. Register • ^ Cedar Village now leasing for summer and 19. Variety of IS 16 0v Porsche's fall terms. A few subleases for spring term 13 % ** % chalcedony 21. Ululate Chevy's $ still available. •7 % 18 19 22. Contour io ii %zl 23. Stop %23 24. Satyr 25. Graceful bird %% Is 26 ft 17 26. Seraglio 27. Mild cigar %% d 29. Feel one's way Village 26 29 io 30. Under officers 31. Shovel 31 33. HqIv image 36 37 34. Take forty !8 % 39 % MO winks 36. Some 37. Blood relative Ml ni % VA 39. Hypothetical force PHONE 332-5051 BOGUE ST. at the RED CEDAR 40. Behold Friday, April 2,1971 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Sale For Sale For Sale For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, all HARMON KARDON stereo. DACHSHUND MINIATURE~m7 MEN NEEDED, 551 Albert. ROOMMATE to share furnished 2 71-72 SCHOOL year. Large home, ROOMS WITH private bath. Air CLEAN, QUIET. Comfortable room; brands. 30% off list price. Rich: Slightly used component system puppies, 6 weeks old. $95 T" excellent location. Kitchen, conditioning, swimming pool, bath. Male grad student. Phone 351-5869. O matched speakers, original 2 0380. 1-4-2 TU $65/month. Near Berkey. bedroom duplex in Dimondale. adjacent to campus. For 1 person, with 351-1918. 355-1224. 3-4-2 351-2140. 3-4-2 parking, laundry. 8 women ED 2-1354. 3-4-2 cost $449, now $295. Used students. 332-1918. 3-4-2 $95, two persons. $115. Mobile Homes 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, Realistic stereo amp and extension 351-5509. 5-4-6 ROOM FOR male student. Walking Guaranteed TWO BEDROOM. Furnished mobile ROOMMATE FOR 3 bedroom home canisters and uprights. speakers. Selection of used No cooking. Call home units. Lake view lots. in East Lansing. Grad student SINGLE ROOM male student. Linens distance. 332-3170. 3-4-2 one full year. $7.88 and up. portable stereo phonographs. Bell MOBILE HOME 12x60^ $30/week. No lease. 15 minutes preferred. 332-85191_3-4-2_ furnished. Near campus. Phone DENNIS DISTRIBUTING and Howell stereo cassette bedroom. Large aluminum ihJ from campus. 641-6601. 0-5-11 COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. recorder. Used Westinghouse skirting, can be sold on or off MARRIED STUDENTS WANTED: ONE person for house. 332-1682. 3-4-2 Opposite City Market. C-4-2 portable TV, plays good $45. New $4,500,625-3481.10-4-13 1 NOW RENTING for summer and fall, & FACULTY Own room. $37.50 plus share of For Sale 9x12 Oriental pattern rugs and utilities. 484-8157, or 489-7434. MEN, SINGLE rooms for rent. $60 one and 2 bedroom furnished or Live In A Luxury 2-4-5 per month. 131 Bogue. Call KING SIZE water mattress, $39 ppd. wall tapestries. 1500 used and 1968 bedroom 12x60. Partly furnished" 3 quality, quaranteed. mobile unfurnished. Choice of apartments 3 Bedroom Apt. 337-9091. 5-4-6 RUMMAGE SALE, Estate items. Finest guaranteed stereo records and 8 home i Manufacturer seeks local excellent condition are. Bay Colony, Beechwood, for $185 mo. Lovely lamps, chairs, bed, kitchen track stereo tapes. Hermes already on |ot GIRL WANTED - $60/month. Close distributor. Contact Steve Boone, in Windsor Mobile Home park Delta Arms, Evergreen, Hasiett supplies. Clothing, shirts, 1554, portable typewriter, excellent 2 bedrooms for $165.00 to campus. Utilities paid. MEN. ROOM. $130 a term. Clean, Arms, Princeton Arms, University dresses, sizes 10-12. Reasonable. INDUSTRIAL FABRICS, INC., condition, $39. Selection of jsut 15 minutes from MSU off KNOB HILL 351-7646. 3-4-6 quiet, cooking. 1 block to campus. 1-96. Includes shirting and Terrace, University Villa and Thursday and Saturday 735 South Fidalgo Street, Seattle, 35mm SLR cameras used. shed 487-5753, 485-8836. O Priced to sell at $4500 North Pointe. Special discount APARTMENTS afternoons. 2688 Terri terrace, 1 Washington 98102, (206) Polaroids and movie cameras. Call rates for those signing prior to SUMMER. 8 girls, near campus, 646-6467. 3-4-2 349-4700 block north of Cahill, East .763-8911.4-4-5 Bosch and Lombe used June 1st. Call HALSTEAD parking, laundry, 2 baths. Lansing. 3-4-2 microscopes. Used 8 track and MANAGEMENT, 444 Michigan Open 1 - 6 Mon. - Sat. 351-2605. 6-4-9 1968 MARLETTE in Lansing GUITAR D-20. Martin twelve string, cassette auto tape players, all area Avenue, 351-7910. O Sunday by appt. FREE PARKING at rear of store, for hardshell case. Five months old. tested and guaranteed. Bargains on Washer and dryer, 344 EVERGREEN. 2 to 3 man LADIES. SINGLE room. Private garbaw On Okemos Rd. across convenience. OPTICAL disposal, utility shed. 484 3615 NEED ONE or two girls to sublet apartment. $180. (313) LI 6-0459, entrance. Close. $15 per week. your 337 1220. 3-4-5 used lovely diamond ring 0r from Okemos High School DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan 489 4578. 3-4-2 spring. Newly redecorated evenings; 332-1677, Saturday 351-5705. 2-4-2 engagement sets, $39 up. Avenue, 372-7409. C-4-2 FREEZER 16 FT. $50. Wollensack Layaways, Bankcard, Master charge. apartment one block from Union. STUDIO - EFFICIENCY apartment. afternoon. 3-4-2 FOR MAN, single. four track stereo tape recorder. SECONDHAND 1969 HILLCREST 2-bedroom, Close to campus. Modern. Parking. No cooking. Very WILCOX Call 332-0629. 3-4-2 MUST SELL. Walnut finish dining skirted. Fully carpeted, garbage Ideal for grad student. 349-3920. ONE GIRL. Immediately. Own quiet, clean, convenient to $150. Call Leo, 351-3312. 2-4-2 STORE, 509 E. Michigan, campus. $11 a week. University table. Best offer. Call 351-4656. Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours disposal and many extras Call If no answer, 349-9269. 5-4-6 room. Close to campus. 337-0818, 6:30-9:30 p.m. 4-4-6 625-3520. W YARD SALE. Saturday, Sunday. evenings. 3-4-2 rules of 1968. 428 Grove Street. daily 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. C PARK TRACE Clothing, dishes, pots, pans. 237 TWO BEDROOM, block from 351-4266, 349-4834, 353-6786. 3-4-5 WATER BEDS Our Kedzie. 1-4-2 CANON FTQL 1.2 with booster 28, 45x8, 1954. Great Lakes. Two campus. Sublease, $180/month. - King The Spacious One Offering 1, and Queen sizes are selling for 135, 200, 400 mm lenses. Brand bedroom. 6 miles from MSU. On Between 7 - 9 p.m. Upstairs 132% 2, 3 bedroom Unfurnished Beal. 5-4-8 MALE HOUSING. Block Union. $39.95. Guaranteed for 25 new. Must sell. 355-8024. 1-4-1 Park Lake. $1400. 641 4525 apartments with all the GRAD OR older student, own room. Cooking. $13/weekly. 314 years. Come see us. THE H20 __6-4-7 extras. Applications now Close to campus. Cheap. Evergreen. 332-3839. 3-4-6 SHELVING - BRICKS and boards, 1970 SQUIRE 12x60. All SHOP, 314 Evergreen, behind USED AMPEX music center. Tape burlap covered. John, set up being taken. Children 351-3045. 2-4-2 E. Lans. State Bank. some are with skirting, Windsor Estates HALF DOUBLE, for woman. Near deck. Garrard SL-65B $350. Ron, 351-6245. 2-4-5 welcome. Call 349-4030. Call 372-7022, 645-7780. 3-4-6 Union. $10 per week. 332-1895. 351-0873. 5-4-8 Okemos Rd. at E. Mt. Hope. ONE MAN wanted for 4 man at TWO FOR eight girl. Near campus. 3-4-5 BRITANNICA GREAT Books, 54 STOVE FIXTURES, adding machine, Meadowbrook Trace. 393-6299. Bath. Deposit. Rent negotiable. 10x50 TWO volume set. Also many TAPE RECORDER. Sony TC-630. bedroom. Close to GIRL. SPRING. 4 man. Large 3-4-6 Jackie / Sandy. 351-2605. 7-4-9 cash registers, storage cabinets, BY THE WEEK or by the month. paperbacks. 351-5362. 2-4-2 10 months old. Phone 349-9309. campus. Good condition. $1800 bedroom. Block Berkey. Patty, pants cabinets, air conditioners, Easily accessible to MSU. Cooking 5-4-7 351-6628. 5-4-8 351-2546. 3-4-2 FEMALE. SHARE 2 man, own TWO MALE students for Christian and glass case, and miscellaneous. laundry facilities. Call 351-6245. 2-4-5 room. $83. 351-4154 after 4 p.m. co-op. One block from Union. 251 393-8345 or 489-7917. 3-4-2 ZENITH, CIRCLE of Sound with Lost & Found LIBERAL MALE roommate needed 2-4-5 West Grand River. 3-4-2 AM-FM receiver. Must sell. Best for Meadowbrook Trace. Call REFRIGERATORS, trailer size. Hot offer. Jim, 353-1835. 3-4-5 393-4738. 3-4-2 GIRL TO sublet Cedar Village. GIRLS. FALL or summer. Near CA"PETl|;D'. Two blocksPfNEL':!11?' from MSU. 425 1 Ann MOVING! Must sell set of the Great Books. Terrific savings. Call plate, 2 burners. Best offers. John, LOST: GRAY kitten with white face nished. Parking. 351-6245. 2-4-5 in Marble School area. Call Jane Spring term. Rent reduction. Street. 351-2103 or Ben, 355-0722. 3-4-5 12x9 RED and black shag carpet. ONE GIRL for Cedar Village spring / 337-9563. 5-4-8 332-8903. 3-4-2 332-4387. 3-4 2 337-9365. 5-4-6 With undermat. Used 2 terms. Call summer. Reduction. Phone BICYCLE REPAIRS. All models. 353-8323. 2-4-2 337-2027. X-5-4-6 HAMMOND ORGAN, Model B3, NEW COMMUNITY BICYCLE LOST GOLD OWN ROOM. Meadowbrook. $60. wedding band in or Rooms WOMEN - ATTRACTIVE, well Leslie speakers. Sacrifice $1945. SHOP. 351-7118. 1-4-2 near Horticulture Building March Male. Spring / Summer. Pool, air, furnished, clean room. 2 blocks Call 332-4613. 2-4-2 FURNISHED 4 room apartment. 31st. Call 625-7238 evenings. sauna. 393-8988. 3-4-6 from MSU Union. Telephone One bedroom, basement, garage. WANTED 1 or 2 men for house in Hasiett. $45/month includes 332-1760. 3-4-2 BRAND NEW all electric : FOX HOLE PX, Frandor: Cigarettes. Reward. 3-4-6 All utilities paid. Security deposit Royal req u ired. 393-1126; 485-7702 NEED ONE man for four man well utilities. 339-9140. 3-4-2 portable typewriters. Never used. GUITAR SIX string, never been used, 35c per pack; paddle balls, 57c; """"r .77.7" after 6 p.m. 3-4-2 furnished apartment. Call SINGLE: MALE, kitchen privileges, $95 each. 2343 Eiffert Road. $70. Best offer. 353-8350. 3-4-5 paddle ball paddles, $2.50; aviator LOS; WHILE hitchhiking, purple 393-1218 or visit Apt. 102, NICELY FURNISHED, pleasant, bed linens furnished. Parking. Holt. TF sun glasses, $3.98; tennis balls, 3 *elv9t purse m br,9h' or«n9« Building 6A, Meadowbrook Trace. near campus, parking. ED 2-1183 489-0583. 3-4-2 MAN'S BICYCLE, SINGLE - speed, for $2.29, tennis racket, $5.95; 5 °od0e Demon- p,ease call Nancy, Yes two 6-4-9 after 5 p.m. 4-4-5 BRIDAL GOWN, Organza with lights, baskets, good condition. HP outboards, $99; mummy 332-6711. 1-4-2 MALE STUDENTS. Single rooms. F~0UND; p~L~A~CEMATS 7nd ... Venetian lace. 12 tall. 351-3163. S25.351.253312:4-2 keeping bags. $14.88; camping johns per KEDZIE STREET. V4 block from Parking available. Refrigerator. campus. Wanted, one man for 2 TWO MEN. Private entrance. Study Call ED 2-5791. 3-4-2 3-4-2 HARMON - KARDON SC440 $298' canteenT^c- 'backpack sentimental gift signed Kathi. 500 apartment. and balconies too. .. terms. Mornings, 351-9045 or room, per bedroom, bathroom. $120 term each. 712 Northlawn. 45 USED sewing machines $12.50 AM/FM Garrard changer. HK-40 355-8025. 3-4-6 g£; »«>.242 anytime, 351-5800. 6-4-9 * ba„s $1 g8; waders $12 50. p . — 332-4674. 3-4-2 up. 18 cabinet models, 38 WATER'S EDGE portable models. Singers, Whites, denium bells, $5.99.0-10-4-14 * erSOfial and Houses COMFORTABLE. SINGLE room WATER BEDS, all sizes. King size [ Kenmores; Zig - Zag and straight $39.00, guaranteed. Phone ~ LADIES! GREAT opportunity * you ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. . . RIVER'S EDGE for a gentleman. Fine location. stitchers. All guaranteed. 353-3574.3-4-6 Animals Completely furnished. 372-8077 like children. Day Care Center EAST SIDE — Pennsylvania near. 3 Parking. IV 2-8304. 3-4-2 ELECTRO GRAND, 804 East APARTMENTS before 4 p.m. C - ——— available. Owner retiring. Licensed bedroom completely furnished, Michigan, Lansing. Hours 9 5 - 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish 10% S f UDENT DISCOUNT on fish for 20 children, room for new, remodeled. Conservative, SINGLE ROOM for girl without car. p.m., 9-12, Saturday. 3-4-2 SPARTAN HALL, Singles, men, and all other live merchandise ancj a\\ other live merchandise, responsible adults. $200/month. House privileges. 351-3439. expansion. Earns up to $20,000 women. V4 block from campus. (take a friend home to dinner). 351-3969.0 S-5-4-6 (everybody needs somebody to net per year. Lower 3 bedroom 351-9286. 372-1031. O SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. DOCKTOR PET CENTER, love). DOCKTOR PET CENTER, apartment for you. Interested? Brand new portables - $49.95, $5.00 per month. Large selection Meridian Mall, 349-3950. 5-4-9 Meridian Mall, 349-3950. 3-4-2 ' Phone Lloyd Beryen, 484-9876 or CROSBY REALTY, 351-5044. of reconditioned used machines. Your blueprint for Luxury.. SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49; chest, AKC REGISTERED puppies for sale. B-3-4-2 Singers, Whites, Necchis, New $11.95, TV, $12.95. ABC Saint Bernards. Phone 663-3689 . Home and "Many Others." $19.95 SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 5.4.6 ALWAYS OPEN Monday through to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS Turner. C — Friday, 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. UNION DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, r—ir- SIAMESE KITTENS. Silver points. BUILDING BARBER SHOP. 1115 Norths WaSfli'nlgtrtfV TV, 17" portable. $20. 12" as is$10. Ideal for apartments. PaTftfStheiP ** v 489-6448. C-4-2 Oak speaker cabinet, $15. Heath and first shots. 339-8302. 1-4-2 amp - preamp, $25. Garrard EARN DUTCHMAID clothing. Take changers. 332-6250 after 5 p.m. KINKAJOU. FEMALE. Declawed. advantage of my starting bonus. Sr-^ OVERSEAS STUDENTS - Australii 1-4-2 Call 625-4575 after 4 p.m. 5-4-8 Until May 10th. J. Burt, 626-6003 (local). 2-4-5 So. America, Africa, ettf. All DIAMOND RING and wedding band. FREE KITTENS. Box trained. professions and occupations, $700 to $3,000 monthly. 21 points, yellow gold, size 5'/a. Raised with children. Call after 6 ADDRESS ENVELOPES, $100 | $50,485-8534.3-4-6 p.m., 332-0031.4-4-7 week, send self - addressed Expenses paid, stamped envelope, to Quality sightseeing, Free informatic Write TWA Researcl ONE CRITERION 150A speaker, SCOTTISH TERRIER puppies. AKC. Distributors, 155 Briarwood, Ft. 5591-H, San Diego, Cal. 92105. good condition. Call 355-6825. Reduced for Easter. 337-0060. Collins, Colorado. 80521. 2-4-2 3-4-6 2-4-2 FREE . . .A lesson in complexion MU care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS STUDIOS. C-4-2 ==jj=L BtUMUUIVI III , , \ 11 7/12 X 14 __hri Peanuts Personal yg] um APT. 440. HAROI Spring MC for the big wigger bush Luv, Ma Berry. 1-4-2 - with the TO the pink strawberry tt. 1-4-2 is the in the sky! new clothes. Happy 19th. JANIE AFRO LADY - Still a few places MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN EVERYDAY 1 - 6 except Sunday left for summer & fall Phone 332-6441 or 372-2797 MARSHA CHANEL CoIIingwo^ TWYCKIIMGHAM These APARTMENTS are now spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and leasing student units. ftpurtmento furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each (formerly Northwind Apis.) unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - central air conditioning and Hotpoint appliances. These four man 3 mo. leases units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, 6 mo. leases 9 mo. leases MEADOWBROOK TRACE IS recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the 12 mo. leases first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units starting at $60/month per man. 2|C 200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING FUN IN YOUR OLYMPIC POOL FELLOWSHIP AND RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB ROOM TV ROOM, AND EXERCISE ROOM. $ SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS. * * SHAG CARPETING NEW FURNITURE £ PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS. * UNLIMITED PARKING * DISHWASHERS £ READING ROOM FOR PRIVATE STUDY, rUDY. * AIR COND. SPECIAL SUMMER * ON THE BANK OF $ SUNDECKS. - * S3750 ONLY RATES FROM THE RED CEDAR * 4 MAN $220 Mo. & INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS, * 3 MAN $210 Mo. /PERSON/MONTH * 2 MAN AND NINE £ MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA. MONTH LEASES ALSO 4620 S. HAGADORN £ 1, 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. AVAILABLE just north of Mt. Hope Rd. management exclusively by: MEADOWBROOK trace MODEL OPEN To get to Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State Campus DAILY on 1-496. Exit west onto Jolly Road and go to corner of Dunckel Road. behind the 1 +rr»0Pl no- ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY OPEN 10-6 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT Yankee store CALL 361-8282 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 2 1971 15 r~f^nut* Pergonal ' Service Service 1 KcphEN I KflisTINE. Thankt, but how find you. T.E. 1-4-2 MISS you alreadyl ALTERATIONS AND by experienced Dreasmekii^ «eemitre«s! Reasonable charoe. Call 355-5855 0-4-2 NEED COPIES? Want COPY SHOPPE can how to get two Xerox copies for to save? THE the price of one. Phone 332-4222. show you (Continued from page 1) Calley release backed the conviction and sentencing. America and its system of federal offense. I Rabbit Day Is cominfl. If. • aln to EXTERIOR PAINTING. Spring it 541 E. Grand River. C Gov. Edgar D. Whitcomb of He said Galley's conviction "on military defense." Christopher Vineyard, 21, who Scuffles and shouting broke 1 laugh. He arrive, at Metro Sunday. comingl Call now for free Indiana, a decorated World War the basis of actions carried out Support from individuals took said he was a Vietnam veteran, out at a rally in Milwaukee, Wis., I Little Doll. 1-4-2 estimate. Grad students. COMPLETE TYPING and printing II veteran, ordered all state flags in time of war in the defense of several forms. on Wednesday. About 300 service. Copy stored on said that as a forward air Dependable references. Putting magnetic flown at half - staff to protest the nation is a body blow to oersons had gathered for the ... Edgar M. Nobles, a member of controller IaTHY Our love will la»t forever. paint on your house puts bread on tape. This eliminates all re-typing the Houston County, Ga., draft who directed demonstration at a municipal | Hbppv Birthday. Bruce. 1-4-2 our tablet 372-8158. C except author's changes and bombings on Vietnam villages he War Memorial Center when board offered to serve a corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT day in was responsible for the deaths of Real Estate von's custom MAIL ADVERTISING, across from Frandor. Phone 337-1773. C Soviet leaders talk Calley's place and urged others to do the same. "as many, if not more, innocent civilians than Calley." Albert Stergar, 49, seized a microphone and shouted, "We must fight those who ordered clothes (Continued from page 1) B.F. Taylor, president of an LARISK" SUBDIVISION A Original Spring Fashions COMPLETE THESES service. Discount printing. IBM typing and given country should adopt legal or illegal, peaceful or Indianapolis construction firm FoDowing the action of several panels, the four man Stafford Calley to kill. We must fight ■ hpautiful 3 bedroom ranch, brick - Ready to wear or made to nonpeaceful assault upon the established government. offered to post a $100,000 cash - Washington and the Pentagon." I i minum Family room, full order. Reasonable prices. 426 binding of theses, resumes, Since 1969 the disunity, if anything, has become more bond for Calley's release and County, Va., draft board Stergar and a group of about 10 I Lament," attached garage. Call M.A.C. 351-6038. publications. Across from campus resigned in protest over the young people scuffled briefly I Si Chadwell, REAL ESTATE corner MAC and Grand River, worrisome to Moscow. Breszhnev told the Congress that while said, "111 take the check Calley case. Board chairman with a group of war veterans, 1 MART, 393-6550 or IV 9-0239 NEED A babysitter? Call Linda. below Style Shop. Call international meetings of Communists were of great importance, personally to Ft. Benning if Wilbur L. Gray Jr. said, "We just then left. A spokesman for the I 3-4-2 COPYGRAPH SERVICES, other forms of collaboration were needed to meet "the needs of necessary." Taylor said, "I'm fed don't want to draft men to Local references available. Phone organizers of the rally said the _ 337-1666. C the Communist movement as an international force." The Soviet up with this ridiculous 353-1163. 2-4-5 subject them to that sort of demonstration had "nothing to IfREE BEDROOM, full basement PROFESSIONA'N party, he said, intends to call frequent sessions of leaders from miscarriage of justice." Soldiers treatment." do with the war or the Army. I with furnished recreation room. 2 BABYSITTING BY former nurse's THESIS abroad to provide an international forum "as the need arises." and veterans, Demonstrations included plans We are here to get Lt. Calley I car garage, large lot near aide in Pediatrics. Daytime, fenced PREPARATION This could replace the Comintern - Cominform concept, though including some highly decorated for a Sunday march in San Diego ■ MacDonald and Marble Schools. it might lack the former freed ..." yard. Babies welcomel 694-9332. advantages of permanent headquarters, officers, servicemen, also that was expected to draw I June 15th occupancy. $24,750. 3-4-5 • IBM Typing agents and machinery for coordinating activities. To get any complained of the verdict. several thousand. A spokesman Gov. George C. Wallace of ■ 351.2192. 12-4-16 fe • Multilith Prlntlni closer to a central world directorate could result in Seven Alabama said he would attend a increasing, military veterans for 11th Naval District JppORT YOUR businesa with • PINK CAPRICORN Haslett. Artistic, creative cer7mic^ rather than stemming, the disunity. A reconstitution of the planned to try to surrender to Headquarters in San Diego said protest meeting at an American Complete Professional Thesis Service far Comintern in any visible form could bring down the wrath of the U.S. Legion post in Columbus, Ga., ■ boost from Want Ada. Advertise instructions. Class openings attorney in the Navy declined to furnish Maitir'i and Oacteril Candidates Fraa parties which like to consider themselves relatively independent Albuquerque, N.M., for "war Friday night. Earlier Wallace said (services there. Dial 355-8255. Monday, Wednesday. First lesson Brochure and Consultation. Plaast Call in bands and color guards for the Calley should be pardoned and free. 339-2713. 1-4-2 Cliff and Paula day - to - day strategy and tactics. crimes." They tried to surrender march, but said there Haughey 337 1577 or S27 ?tM was no Alabma may refuse to draft any The more obedient party leaders outside the Soviet bloc, as well to city police Wednesday, but Recreation as leaders within it who owe their told objection to servicemen taking more men for military service BABYSITTING In BARBI MEL: Typing, pre-eminence to Moscow, were war crimes would be a part. my Spartan multilithing. until Calley is set free. Village home. Reliable. Full time No job too appear to favor some sort of central direction once again. The ■ding INSTRUCTION. Also wil' large or too small. Call Kay, 353-7949. 5-4-6 Block off campus. 332-3255. C French party indicated this. ■ train or help you train your ■western pleasure or hunter "We highly value the principle of the independence and FOR SALESPOWER try a little ■ prospect. Call 1 - 589-8814, ■355-5878, evenings. 1-4-2 [et summer flights days. Typing Service Classified Ad to sell a homel Dial 355-8255 large mobile today. sovereignty of every Communist party," Georges Marchais, deputy chief of the French party, told the Congress. Senate seeks clemency Detroit / London TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. (Continued from page 1) murder by the most deliberative $194.00 Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Transportation ifB WHflt S ^ who introduced the resolution. military trial in history. Contrast order her release," Brown said, "I see Ann Lance, 626-6542. 0-4-2 nothing wrong with this Call: The resolution was opposed this with Angela Davis who is MUG NEED RIDE lone exercise of the President's way or round) any Fred: 355-2824 ANN BROWN: weekend to Carbondale (Illinois) by Sen. Basil W. Brown, D- only accused of assisting to prerogative, but look at the Typing and multilith FHdie: 393-7520 offset printing. Complete service St. Louis area. Phone: 353-6939 Highland Park, who said that it commit murder. thousands of others imprisoned after 10 p.m. 2-4-2 I wonder if the President for dissertations, theses, was improper to interfere in without bail on charges they JMMER FLIGHTS to Europe, matters till before the military would be similarly inclined to haven't yet been convicted on." manuscripts, general typing. IBM. WHATEVER YOU want to buy, ■$194. Detroit to London. Call 21 years experience. 349-0850. C court. ■ Frank Buck. 351-8604. ?0-' there's a good chance you'll find it in the Want "Instead, we ought to For the fun ot it in e nil I _ I T7 Zero Population Growth will interested to visit them from 3 to S United States, but by all the toward TOWaratne thp price nrirp nf Of A 9 ir» ♦ uJ W sP°nsor an Abortion Symposium at 7 p.m. Sunday in the Varsity Room, on people of the world." this System! L°^o;„COSt Want Ads Di*' p.m. Monday in 108B Wells Hall, the west side of the Stadium. "Mr. President," Toepp said ^ .Jbo-8255. Sen. Gilbert Bursley, Jack Stack, in his formal statement, "we ^ Lorraine Beebe, Nancy Hammond, All those interested in joining or must know what Lt. Calley went ourse for Free University Rpwarp UvVVUI W nf vl • % "pSxtpSSs-in message with a Want Ad. Come MSU Volunteers - Rep'Jack,e new and spring term can k i call 3S3-978S. Exchange is being held through. He was plucked from our shores, trained to kill, sent to Vietnam, ordered to kill. He ■ ■ ■■ ■■ today. 347 Student Services. a experienced - should plan to attend . fall. You can buy your killed — undoubtedly too well." expensive imitations. |• ~; i 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. today, 11V *Tnn cW'th ?00km9- hu."e:~ p your money from noon "Who is the judge? Who is to ,m. through Monday, blame," Toepp said. Stefanoff Lounge, Student Services are needed. Call 353 - "If we gave a man a gun and mhh ■ ■■ A $80-$ 100. Shaw Lane - BJdg ^■■■ll W Trowbridge area. Write: Robert told him to rob a bank and kill LJCJIJLJ ® Graham, 334 Michigan, E. Akers Hall presenting a "Gamut" will present "Changing anyone who got in his way, a Lansing. 5-4-7 symposium on human sexuality Tradition," would he be w which will consist of six a television show about guilty — or would programs the change in Chinese art from we?" A NEED A garage or lot to park Honda between April 4 and 18. The initial traditional to abstract, at 11:30 a.m. A $5/month. 355-6349 1-4-2 presentation will be given by Andrew Saturday on Channel 10 WMSB. Toepp said he was delighted ^ Barclay, asst. professor of when later informed of the A psychology, at 7 p.m. Sunday in the The Sports Car Club will sponsor President's decision to release J origin: sardonic ORIGIN- SARnnNir "Sardonic smile" isn't a very formal lounge, West Akers Hall. an April Foolery Rally, a gimmick rally of 120 miles. Registration will be held at noon Sunday. The first car Calley. Brown disagreed with the • flattering term. The word will start off at 1 p.m. from the President's decision. stems from "Herba sardonia" Commuter Lot (Lot Y). Cost is $2.50 "This is an example of justice for members and $3.50 for for one and injustice for plant grown in Sardinia. It s229'5 a was poisonous and frequently Who's non members. thousands of others," he said. twisted the faces of its dying Women's Liberation will hold "Not that I'm not in 1 The new BSR McDonald's RTS-40 is a complete AM/FM/MPX Phono Stereo A an ■ System pre packed in one carton ready to take home, plug in and play. victims into contorted important delegate meeting at 7:30 sympathy with Calley, but here's A p.m. Sunday in the Union Women's a man convicted of 22 counts of ■ And the RTS-40 sounds as good as "grins." systems twice its price. You get 50 W Jan Hoffman, E. Lansing junior. Phi Lounge. All sisters in rap groups are ■ watts of clean music power The But you'll have a happy smile speakers are true acoustic suspension A Mu to Tom. Faurig, E. Lansing junior, urged to attend. ■ 2 way systems. The turntable is full size-complete with base, dust cover ^ when yoy find how easy it is Alpha Kappa Psi. t.v. rentals fand famous Shure M-75 magnetic cartridge. W to get cash dollars with State The Soaring Club will be flying Service Special Price Saturday at Ionia County Airport. e per on Top Stereo Albums with any System Purchase) News Classified Ads. Look ENGAGEMENTS All interested persons who do not I delivery ^ W.OU montf The Stereo Shoppe around your home for good things you no longer use or have rides should meet at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at the Union lounge. Opoti Dolly 10:00 to S:4S enjoy, make a list of them, Bahai Fireside will Wad. Nights TM • P.M. discuss the then dial 355-8255 for an Ad Linda Ann Ross, Redford junior to Baha'i faith and the 543 E. Grand River (i. Ph. 337-1300 Writer. She'll put you in Baha'u'llah at 8 p.m. teachings of Gerald Warren McClain, Western Saturday in touch with cash buyers. Do it Spring, III. senior. Phi Kappa Psi. Apt. 106 at 701 Cherry Lane. Call k ^ ---—■■"-■ii. Willis — DitnK ureaii oaras weicomeu ® today! 355 - 7765 for rides and information. (!!•••••••••••••••••• Suzanne junior Schroeder, Birmingham to Gerald L. Brown, Sault Ste. The Society for Creative Anachronism has cancelled its Marie junior. seting for Saturday. PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD Today Just clip, complete, mail. . . . STA TE NEWS will bill you later. Welcomes You Back With a 50< COUPON! KNIT SHIRTS I Caesars PIZZAl Consecutive Dates to F Classification |Print Ad Here: Crew & Button & Placket Tie Collars, Fronts. Slipovets. Large selection of PICKUP OR DELIVERY s45,-750 assorted colors, stripes, solids and prints. Sizes S, M, L, XL. DRESS SHIRTS Short Sleeved ON CAMPUS Save 20% now on new, 1071 trowbridge fashionable short sleeve dress Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. shirts in stripes and fancies. Great color selections. Sizes "14V6 to 17. syo Regularly $7.30 337-1p ■JO Words or Less: 1 3 days - $4.00 5 days - $6.50 |°ver 10 Words Add: day $1.50 40c per 65c per word i tta 5 15c per word □ □ word □ Webster Men's Wear OFF CAMPUS LANSING MALL 1203 e. gr. river Mail to: Michigan State MERIDIAN MALL News 337-1631 347 Student Services Bdfl. Open Every Night 'til 9 MSU East Lansing, Mich. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan F"day, April 2, | Tate LOS ANGELES (AP) - The - case haired mortician who presided juror rebuffs Zamora, a juror who said jurors said Tubick. "... Most of us money offer to jurors. report "It didn't help the flamboyant m foreman of the Sharon Tate over deliberations in the trial of had been "promiscuous" while were shocked ... I just walked On other facets of the trial. They were A BILL INTRODUCED INTO distributed to financially murder trail jury denied Charles Manson and three sequestered at a hotel through out of the room. I didn't want Tubick said: the state house Thursday would troubled local school districts in Thursday, a report that jurors women codefendants, called a most of the nine - month trial. any part of it... My reward was offended by were ^\cxxl\ng the judge a„^ give the governor the power to compensation for recent had been "promiscuous" during news conference to clear up "We've had our inside jokes in doing my civic duty." irsts of Manson court and I didn't think . cutbacks in school funds. proper." *11 appoint the trustees at the their long stay in a hotel, saying, misunderstandings he said were and played around," Tubick Life has said it made no state's three largest universities. "In view of the fact that "If anybody was having any created by other jurors in said. "But if anybody was having The bill, cosponsored by Rep. Michigan's Supreme Court has hanky panky I don't know interviews with news media. any hanky panky, I don't know James N. Brown, R - Okemos; held the recent vote on Proposal about it." Specifically, he cited a about it If anybody brought amendment ... C to be legal, it is ridiculous to OK Rep. Bert C. Brennan, R - Herman Tubick, 58, the white television statement by William that up, it's very small of him." Saginaw, Cramton. and Rep. Louis K. R - Midland, would change the present procedure continue million to hold the $9.5 parochiaid fund in escrow," Mastin said. ON LIVING OPTIONS Zamora has said he is writing a book about the lives of jurors, on and he said it won't please the whereby the governing boards of Mastin explained that the state others. He didn't elaborate on the schools are elected by the public school aid had been his "promiscuity" remark. RHA head hits expected next reduced by $25 million and the people at a general election. Tubick said another matter The three universities MSU, the U of M, and Wayne State University. * * * are $9.5 the loss. million owuld at least compensate for 40 per cent of has caused among The post jurors, - trail squabbles money. moment they left the wee courtroom Two of the five members were absent Monday, after Michigan ratification of the proposed U.S. Thursd. defeat of plan A COUNCIL COMPRISED of A BILL INTRODUCES INTO afternoon, and Richardson said the matter w« THE STATE returning death verdicts, Tubick constitutional amendment that would allow 18 ■ educational, church and civic HOUSE said juror Larry Sheely, 24, such importance that he wanted to see THURSDAY would allow a year - olds to vote in all elections may take place action | organizations Thursday called announced to the others "that if sometime next week, State Sen. Robert L. the full committee, and not by just a quorum the Supreme Court's decision person to purchase license plates we all stuck together we could The committee will likely meet Tuesday A Richardson, R- Saginaw, said Thursday. which would allow the with his or her name or any "high level of ignorance little chance for the options to be making a package deal" to said, with passage of the ratification resold about The resolution, which the House passed last continuance of auxiliary services other word which is not residence halls among be put into effect next year, he sell their story to Life magazine. week, is now in the Senate Judiciary Committee, expected to follow within "a day or two." offensive to some trustees' contributed to to nonpublic schools a "very "good taste and said, but RHA hopes meanwhile He said Sheely told them he's of which Richardson is chairman. In other action, Gov. Milliken's legislate the defeat of the coresidential gratifying and appropriate decency." to persuade those trustees who been in contact with an attorney Richardson had hoped the resolution would be package on the age of majority was reported0 and alternating floor sections of decision." Rep. William L. Jowett, R - rejected the that with recommendation to the House floor Council Against Port Huron, introduced the bill the Variable Living Options measure students can handle a coed living who could set up the deal, and reported out of his committee to the Senate by J lean his dei The Parochiaid had been against and suggested an additional $25 Plan, according to Michael S. situation. they could make perhaps floor this week, but other legislative business Committee on Youth and Student Partioipati™^" u,hilp ,,n : A similar package in the Senate has not $200,000. kept the full committee from meeting Thursday direct aid to nonpublic schools fee for the special plates. Flintoff, president of the "We would like all members "I didn't think it been acted on by the Judiciary Committee. "If a person is willing to pay Residence Hall Assn. of the board of trustees to visit was right," morning and afternoon. but had contended that the the Flintoff said that the living the residence halls more often," auxiliary services to parochial price, then why shouldn't schools should not be impaired. the state let him have a special options were the victim of he said. "In this way perhaps In a decision Wednesday the plate," Jowett said. "After all, it "outdated thinking" on the part they would understand more of the dissenting trustees. Supreme Court upheld that would help to make the paying clearly the life style of 1111 mi 11 -1 and decided that of this tax just a little easier to "The living options that were contention today's students." although direct aid was not swallow." passed (provisions for quiet constitutional, indirect aid via houses, limited visitation houses auxiliary services could India limits entry and special interest houses) were already available," he said. Body 'cool* continue. Though extremely at 244 A BILL WHICH WOULD NEW DELHI, India (AP) - The disappointed by the decision of IF IT ISN'T YOURS AND the board, Flintoff said ALLOW senior citizens to government said it has told R$A purchase limited game licenses customs officials to limit "the does not consider the issue TOKYO (AP) - The perfectly- YOU WISH IT WAS COME for a reduced fee was introduced resolved. preserved body of a Japanese entry and stay in India of "A committee is now exploring woman buried 244 into the state Senate Thursday. foreigners who are likely to be a other avenues to determine how been years ago has discovered in a grave DOWN FOR A TEST DRIVE Sen. Patrick H. McCollough, D social nuisance because of their to keep this issue alive," he said. beneath an underground spring - Dearborn, introduced the bill indulgence in narcotics, indecent which Since spring sign - up will take that kept the body cool and dry, would allow senior behavior, vagrancy and begging." scientists reported. citizens to purchase the license place in mid - April, there is for $1, instead of the normal $18 fee. REP. PHILIP MASTIN, D ■ SP0RTSCAR Hazel Park, Thursday called for the transfer of $9.5 million .originally parochial earmarked for schools to be CENTER SEE ALL THE NEW '71's—MARK 4 SPITFIRE, SPRITE, GT-6+, TR-6 Tollc to review 1200 E OAKLAND British police —OPEN MON & THURS TILL 9—OVERSEAS DELIVERY P. J. Stead, dean of the general studies program at the Police College, Bramshill, England, will speak on the "Evolution of the British Police Service" at 3 p.m. Wednesday in 102B Wells Hall. Stead is an officer of The S4\£Tf* Order of the British Empire, a noted authority on the French police and the author of several books on law enforcement. LONDON (AP) - Customs I officers at London Airport i discovered 50 pounds of hashish I sewn into the linings of hockey gloves shipped from Pakistan. j ! Celebrates the Opening T.V. RENTALS of 4 New Locations 3 East Lansing Lansing 515 W. Grand River — 337-7740 3921 W. Saginaw - 482-7740 (1 Blk. west of E.L. Bus Depot) 536 E. Gd. River - 485-7740 4980 Northwind -351-4731 3205 S. Cedar - 393-7740 Miss J makes a spring showing in Call the store in your area for open toes imported from Italy in shiny crinkle patent leather. combination of straps and open space a fascinating FREE DELIVERY minimum $3.00 order < Open-heel shoe in black white. or PIZZA-Round-14" & 16" Closed heel, double-strapped in white. Square-10", 20", & 40" Chicken $15. Submarine Sandwiches Coupons not included for delivery. THIS COUPON GOOD FOR "1 T THIS COUPON GOOD FOR ^ THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 1 SANDWICH ij s100 OFF THE , 5100 TOWARDS FREE with the 11 PURCHASE PRICE | ANY purchase of one 11 OF ANY PIZZA 1 s300 PURCHASE ONLY 1 COUPON PER DAY | ONLY 1 COUPON PER DAY ONLY 1 COUPON PER DAY Jacabsoris Expires 4/6/71 1 1 Expires B—' — 4/6/71 Expires 4/6/71