M 2.I97| Monday Beware Partly Sunny . . . .the thoughts that linger MICHIGAN high in the 40s. Tonight STATE NEWS . . . fair, low in the lower 20s. STATE UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 5. 1971 ,e 63 Number 151 )eath awaits Jurors tell of harassment f extradited, ugitive fears State By BOB ROACH News Staff Writer following Calley decision FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP) - Military of the jury, told a visitor her husband comfortable, residential neighborhoods — At an extradition hearing before the jurors in the court-martial of Lt. William L. some of them on the base and others in wasn't home and would have no comment overnor's legal aide Friday, a quiet 21 - Calley Jr. are mostly disinclined to talk Columbus where substantial support for if he were. She politely offered a cup of ear. old black man who last year walked about their four month experience and, as coffee as long as it was accompanied by no - Calley has surfaced. o wav from a life prison sentence in one said, "are just trying to get back to At least three of the jurors have had talk of the Calley case. U'cislati. rkansas and into a Michigan classroom, normal." their telephones changed to unlisted Jd his return to the southern state could Maj. Walter Kinard, 33, a tall, crewcut blond and a Vietnam veteran, said the case numbers since the verdict. Two have taken Maj. Carl Bierbaum and Maj. Charles C. their names from the mailboxes outside Mcintosh also unavailable for Whileo^^fi've were - day furlough last spring, hadn't drastically changed his life or his their homes. comment, and neighbors of some of the r Stiggers fled to relatives in Detroit ftunlly's. They hadn't been harrassed Like Kinard, Capt. Ronald Salem, 34, jurors were equally unapproachable. Irom what has been described as a reign of "except by newsmen," he said. "We gave said he just wants to get back to a normal L0r by armed white prisoner trusties in Lt. Calley every benefit of doubt." He I ~ life. But he too, would not elaborate on his Brown's wife, however, said "The he Arkansas prison system. It was at would say no more about it. feelings about the trial and deliberations. families of the other jurors have been 'ummins Prison, where he spent three President Nixon announced Saturday he The wife of Col. Clifford Ford, president threatened, harassed and persecuted. rears that the bludgeoned bodies of three nmates were dug up in 1968. f\ would personally review the murder conviction of Calley and make the final Tried as an adult at the age of 15, judgment on his sentence. jtjggers was convicted in a one - day trial Nixon acted after an unprecedented ELECTIONS HELD >f the first - degree shotgun murder of his outpouring of public sentiment in behalf of ather who, he said, had beaten and the 27 year - old infantry officer who was - exually abused him. Arrested on a fugitive sentenced to life warrant in February, he is now in the Nayne County Jail. Kenneth ....... Franklin, legal aide to the Wednesday for the murder of 22 imprisonment last Vietnamese civilians at My Lai. John D. Ehriichman, a top Nixon aide, Allende seeks Governor, heard Stiggers recount the events told newmen that due to "widespread If his father's death and the conditions in for socialist public interest" the president felt that "a jrison, along with testimony on Stiggers' different quality of review — nonlegal, -haracter and self - rehabilitation. nontechnical — ought to be part of his Stiggers' ultimate fate lies in the hands of process before any sentence becomes i}ov Milliken, who must decide whether to operative." Daniel SANTIAGO. Chile (AP) - The leftist Vergara, a Communist, said the send him back to the Arkansas penal The President will make his review after coalition of vist President Salyador "abhorrent incident" would be system. The governor is expected to act the case has gone through regular legal Allende rece ire than 51 per cent of investigated. He said nine Socialists were within 30 days. appeal channels provided in the Uniform the vote in early ...urns Sunday night from arrested and that two revolvers were Stiggers explained that he had turned Code of Military Justice. Chile's municipal elections. confiscated. himself in to the police the day after his Maj. Harvey G. Brown, 37, the most Voter turnout was slow in the Santiago arrival in Detroit, to begin an immediate talkative of the six jurors, said he has With 190,000 votes counted out of an area when the polls first opened at 8 a.m. estimated three million cast, the Popular fight against extradition. They would not suffered some harassment since he spoke for eight hours of balloting. But attendance hold him without a warrant and warned about the verdict a few days after Calley Unity coalition candidates, including increased toward afternoon. him to behave himself. was convicted of murdering at least 22 Communists and Socialists, had 51.94 main The election climaxed a vigorous Stiggers then came to live with Lansing Vietnamese civilians at My Lai. opposition Christian Democratic and campaign by Allende and his coalition to relatives and last June enrolled in a 23 • week automotive repair course at Lansing Palm Sunday arrest Brown, a tall, dark man with a mustache and also a Vietnam veteran, said he talked National parties had 39.41 per cent. Splinter parties received the rest. gain more support for his leftist government. Community College. about the case to try to cool emotions that Bearded Hosea Williams, a civil rights group leader, is led out of St. Since taking office in November, flared after Calley was sentenced to life Allende, the first freely elected Marxist Allende's administration has frozen prices (Please turn to back page) Patrick's Cathedral in New York after briefly disrupting Palm Sunday imprisonment. president in the western hemisphere, and raised wages, sometimes by 60 per services at the cathedral. Williams, program director of the Southern Brown said eggs had been thrown at his received 36.6 per cent of the vote in cent, thus putting more money in the Drops, adds Christian Leadership Conference, was charged at the East 51st Street car, his family had received threatening September's three - way presidential voter's pocket. phone calls and he had asked police in election. Drops and adds continue from 8 a.m. to police station with disrupting a religious service, police said. "How can A program of distribution of free milk adjacent Columbus for protection. Last week, Allende predicted that to every child under 15 was begun. p.m. today. Tuesday is the last day to the church continue to preach the gospel of Jesus and continue to have No guards, either military or civilian, are Popular Unity candidates would receive 42 Thousands of pairs of shoes were given to idd classes, change sections or drop a class holdings in big companies that oppress people in South Africa?" in evidence near the homes of the jurors in to 45 per cent of the vote. the needy. nith full refund. Williams demanded. He was the only one arrested. AP Wirephoto There was also a special election in In addition, Popular Unity conducted an Chile's three southern - most provinces to expensive advertising campaign over radio fill the Senate seat left vacant when and television and in newspapers. Allende became president. cha But unemployment has risen plan from 6.8 Tenure Helmeted soldiers carrying automatic weapons maintained security at polling places, in accordance with Chilean election laws. Outside, carabineros, Chile's national police force, kept order. per cent to 9 per cent since Allende took office as local and foreign investors hold back to see how his administration treats private business. By STEVE WATERBURY Connor said that the tenure committee joint appointments or interdisciplinary An armed forces spokesman said voting State News Staff Writer has discussed the question of reasons for appointments for nontenured faculty in the capital was carried out in "an Blues concert nonreappointment "for several years." members this month. atmosphere of absolute tranquility." Tickets will be on sale at the door for the The Faculty Tenure Committee will In February, the board of trustees But in the city of Puerto Aysen, 900 Sanford Kadish, president of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band concert at 8 ecommend to the provost that written instructed President Wharton to designate a A second discussion paper prepared by miles south of Santiago, a 17 • year - old national AAUP, has endorsed the masons be given to nontenured faculty committee to reconsider University policy Greenberg argues that there should be a p.m. tonight in the Auditorium. The Committee A report. boy belonging to a Christian Democratic nembers whose appointments are not in this area. concert is sponsored by Students for "clearly specified majority department youth organization was shot and killed jnewed, if requested in writing by the The trustees' action was based on a with whom prime responsibility for- near Socialist party headquarters. Environmental Quality and Pop Conner said the Faculty Tenure acuity member, Gabel H. Conner, recommendation by University Attorney Committee will consider guidelines for reappointment actions preside." The undersecretary of the interior, Entertainment. hairman of the committee, said Sunday. Leland W. Carr Jr., who stated it was "sort committee recommendation of archaic" to not let faculty know why ^presents a reversal of a long - standing they are not being reappointed. Jniversity policy which maintained that Prior to the board meeting, Carr had he giving of reasons for nonreappointment vould "create more problems than It represented MSU in hearings before the Michigan Employment Relations Board vould solve." Commission, which involved ccomplaints Conner said that the committee decided a Thursday meeting to accept the ■ecommendation of a subcommittee on of unfair labor practices by nontenured faculty members who reappointed by the University. were not Buckner his matter. Eileen R. Van Tassell and Bertram G. The subcommittee was ormer Faculty Tenure hairman Bradley S. Greenberg, associate composed of Committee Murray, both asst. professors of natural science, and John R. Hildebrand, a former . . . stitch associate professor of social science, have The sixth session of the ASMSU •rofessor of communication; Wilbur B. stated at commission hearings that they Student Board is going out, not with a srookover, professor of sociology, and have requested and have been denied volland H. bang but a whimper. Simonds, professor of reasons for their nonreappointment. ASMSU Chairman Harold Buckner management. A report which will be considered this A was admitted to the University Health discussion paper prepared by month at the annual meeting of the Center Thursday afternoon with acute ■reenberg argued that "just as a faculty American Assn. of University Professors nember is appendicitis, was operated on an hour ne obligated to detail to a student (AAUP) recommends that the AAUP later and is presently convalescing there. reasons for a grade, and to justify that reverse its traditional opposition to the Because of Buckner's illness, this necessary, so I would wish that a faculty giving of reasons to nontenured faculty week's student board meeting has been nember be obligated to specify to his who are not reappointed. cancelled. It appears no action will be oileague the reasons for the evaluations The AAUP will decide whether to accept taken on a revised legal aid program yarding him." the report of its Committee A, which until a new board is elected April 14. Greenberg paper advocates that the recommends that "in every case of Buckner said he had a small pain in S"™* of reasons should originate nonreappointment, probationary teachers his side Thursday morning and "It got he Promotion decision body which must be given written notice thereof and f. , bigger." According to ASMSU Secretary recommends nonretention." offered reasons therefore, which must be Jeff Frumkin, Buckner was carried in pain to the health center Thursday afternoon. Frunkim added that Buckner chose Legislatures reduce to "bite on his gavel rather than undergo an anesthetic." Buckner, expected to be hospitalized for up to two weeks, has received a states' education funds number of gifts and cards, including flowers from the student board — a floral arrangement of yellow mums, By The Associated Press daisies and pussy willows — a fifth of Missouri, Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, New Cutty Sark scotch and a copy of "MSU: are onnL^'- the nation's state legislatures Mexico, Rhode Island, West Virginia and The First Hundred Years," inscribed by to - e,K 'V whoelsa'e shearing of aid ■ Maryland - are contemplating new President Wharton. of ediin f budgets despite the warnings education programs and are planning to An unofficial ASMSU spokesman said cuts X°r!,that the '^makers will force spend adequate funds to implement them, Sunday that Buckner's appendix may be of teachp«°t "If"1 and Pro8ratns. and a loss and in several cases, raise salaries. on display in the MSU Museum, from 1 None o?»h° ?tter payin« areas- But most other states discussing money 5 p.m., beginning today. for education in their current legislative - from ates indicates an actual cut tho Associated"^118 leVel °f 801,001 aid' an sessions are not providing for expansion or Buckner tak "Is it true you're running for re - election because the board keeps you in educatnre c ^ess survey shows, but big salary hikes. These include Washington, stitches?" Diane Rathnow, a South Dakota, North Dakota, North ASMSU Chairman Harold Buckner is recovering from an appendectomy last Thursday at University Health are being cut b^ increases they Proposed Carolina, Colorado, Oregon, Iowa, sympathetic visitor, asked Buckner ^mmittL, \ y governors and legislative Center. Asked Sunday if he was in pain, Buckner replied, "Not as much pain as some people would like. Sunday. -annot keen n 8 polnt where s^00'8 Montana, Florida and California. State News photo by Jonathan S. Kaufman Several^tes OL Nation. (Please turn to back page) j,; Jiana, Arkansas, Monday, April 5, 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 197| I news summary Support for WASHINGTON - When the history of the Vietnam War Is war debate that accompanied the votes. down in House theory that this was was the t time and place to stop tne spread . I written, it may well be recorded that last week was the turning point in the long, largely unquestioning support of administration At times the House chamber resembled a revival camp meeting as members stepped forward to tell of communism thatt cc interview last week. could lead to World War III," he said in I From the wire* of AP and UPI. agonizing bouts with their policies by the House of Representatives. consciences leading to a decision to oppose the draft. A year later Corman returned to Vietnam as one of a team I By a vote of 101 to 100, the Democratic caucus failed to adopt One of the most dramatic speeches was by Rep. John J. Flynt, House observers that brought back an encouraging report of tk, I a resolution approving a Dec. 31 termination date for U.S. involvement in Indochina. Jr., D - Ga., a Bronze Medal winner on the Normandy beaches of progress being made in the pacification program then beta ™ I World War II, who in 18 years in Congress has voted followed. Another trip a year later produced the first nagging | By a vote of 200 to 198, the House defeated an amendment to unhesitatingly for every defense and draft bill. doubt, I give the draft only one more year of life instead of the two "My conscience will not let me vote to continue to conscript when he heard the same optimistic reports or progress but w "Just as a faculty member is requested by President Nixon. young Americans to fight a war which most Americans do not disturbed by the big buildup in airpower. In the end the administration positions were largely upheld, obligated to detail to a student the want, and a war which the U.S. government apparently lacks the "I began to wonder if we could accomplish our objective " k, I reasons for a grade, and to justify but there can be little comfort for Nixon in the narrowness of courage to either win or stop," he said. said. By mid - 1968 the doubts had crystallized. I the victory margin, and even less in the nature and tone of the Then there was Rep. Charles E. Bennett, D - Fla., a veteran of that if necessary, so I would wish 20 years on the Armed Services Committee, explaining his vote "By then," he said, "I had concluded we had made a horribu I that a faculty member be to stop the draft. mistake in determining what could be accomplished with miliu?! I obligated to specify to his colleague the reasons for the Dutch journalist "I am here," he said, "not because it is very pleasant, because it is not, but because my conscience tells me that our country would be better off if we ended the callups under the draft." power and in counting on the stability of the South government. All the pieces that had to fit for our policy to wnri didn't exist." Vietnam*! 1 ■ evaluation regarding him." Corman And Rep. William L. Scott, R - Va., also casting his first vote kept his changed views to himself when Nixon took - Bradley S. Greenburg, associate professor to lecture here against a proposal from the Armed Services Committee: "I am going to do it because the people I represent people throughout the country — are fed up with the conflict in I believe the office, partly because he felt the new president deserved a chance to try his hand at ending the war, and partly because of his past commitment. own of communication Vietnam. They want it terminated at the earliest possible day." "Who am I to say it was a helluva good war A Dutch journalist and educator will speak on "The Dangers yesterday but« But the tremendous shift in the House's attitude is perhaps lousy one today?" he said. Confronting the Future of Newspapers in the Free World," at best exemplified by the case of Rep. James C. Corman, D • Calif., But now, particularly since the drive into 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in 101 North Kedzie Hall. Laos, Corman has a respected member who strongly supported the war during the stepped into the open as a leader of the end - the war effort to Henri G. Drechsel, former chief - sub - editor of the Amsterdam - Johnson administration but now is leading an effort to end it this Congress. He is conviced Nixon's Vietnamization policy k newspaper, Nieuwe Rotterdam Courant, is on campus as part of a lecture tour of midwestern journalism schools. His lecture year. doomed to failure. "If a half million Americans couldn't 'win' in .all the years we've been there," he said, "the South Vietnamese Tuesday is open to the public. Corman, a Marine rifle platoon leader in Guadalcanal, Independent course set Drechsel is a professor of contemporary history at the University of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Bougainville and Iwo Jima during World War II, had no doubts about the war in 1965 when he visited Vietnam at his own never can. "I am convinced now," he said, "that the longer we stay the The newly appointed foreign minister of Nationalist During the visit, he will meet with the journalism school faculty expense to see what was going on. more people — not just Americans but Vietnamese - will be and graduate students and will attend several journalism classes. "I bought completely the (Secretary of State) Dean Rusk killed absolutely uselessly." China said Sunday he will not rely solely on the United States in his effort to keep Taiwan's United Nations seat FRIDAY FROM NOON ON and its Security Council membership. Chow Shu Kai plans to leave at once for Formosa to - shape his strategy for the struggle which may come to a head when the United Nations Assembly meets next ALL YOU CAN EAT fall. The 58 - year - old diplomat, who has served six years Women s group as ambassador in Washington, is aware that the United States is weighing a shift to a two - China policy that would not oppose the seating of Peking. FRIDAY FISH FRY No let-up in tensions Includes Cole Slaw, French Fries, Roll, organizational and Butter By LINDA RANDALL Mrs. Harry Burnett of Detroit, exercising all tl.. privileges an Premier Golda Meir said "no" Sunday night in State News Staff Writer president of the Michigan responsibilities in equi Jerusalem to Egypt's latest proposal for reopening the chapter of NOW, will explain the partnership with men. Suez Canal. But she left the door open to further ★★★ The National Organization for organization's function in The organization is open discussion. Women (NOW), an activist both men and women, accordii response to a request from Meanwhile Army troops fought Palestinian guerrillas Monday - Italian Special organization to oppose women employes of the State to Joan Sheldon of the Highwi discrimination against women, for the 10th straight day in Jordan and King Hussein Dejit. of Highways. Dept. She is working with Rul Spaghetti - all you can eat will hold an organizational The purpose of NOW is to Popp, chairman of the Women vowed anew his forces will keep up the pressure so his meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in work actively to bring women Affairs Committee of tt armed forces can return to duty on the cease - fire line the State Journal Bldg. lounge, into full participation in the Highway Dept.. in notifyii with Israel. $J50 Reg. U.S. P«t. Off. 3121 E. Grand River Holiday Inn East Only Lansing. mainstream of American society, employes of the meeting. an At least 50 women have shot interest in the organizatio The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Port restrictions eased University, is published every class day during four school Mrs. Sheldon said. She said the terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. were especially interested The United States is easing its port security rules in a Subscription rate is $14 per year. contacting younger women wl would be able to see the chan way that will open many more U.S. coastal cities to Member Associated Press, United Press and who often are afraid visits by ships from communist East European International, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated speak out in new jobs. countries, U.S. officials said Sunday. Collegiate Press, The Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press group is involved The modest relaxation of merchant ship regulations working for the passage of t - Association, United States Student Press Association. imposed since early in the Cold War era is contingent on equal rights amendment n< similar easing of restrictions on visits by U.S. vessels to Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, before Congress. Michigan. NOW also favors the repeal Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services ports of the communist states. abortion laws, saying that it is U.S. officials said the reciprocal relaxation was posed Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, woman's right to have contri to the Soviets and to the East Michigan. Europeans in January and over her own life. that all have since agreed except the Soviets, who are Phones: still considering it. Editorial Like some sort of ideological drug addict, the United Classified Advertising States could be drawn into war with the Soviet Union Display Advertising Business - Circulation by Israeli "Communist - baiting humbuggery," Sen. J.W. Fulbright said Sunday night in Washington. The United States is permitting "client states like Israel and South Vietnam to manipulate American policy toward purposes contrary to our interests," the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations iCommittee said. He said the United States in the field of foreign policy is "rather like a drug addict and the world is full of ideological 'pushers'." Musician's condition critical W ► Jazz trumpeter "Satchmo" Armstrong remained Louis In the old days, in critical condition Sunday in Beth Israel Hospital in New York. they smacked us across was The 70 reported - year to - old musician be resting the knuckles comfortably without the use and of a breathing respirator. if we read with our hands. A hospital spokesman said he Today, reading with your hand is to increase their concentration so they was awake and alert at noon quite acceptable. won't have to go back and re-read so In fact, it's somewhat of a status often." after sleeping, for long intervals symbol, because people who read with Her principle worked. throughout the night. their hands are graduates of the Evelyn Since 1959, 450,000 people have The spokesman said when Wood Course. taken the Evelyn Wood Course and have The hand, however, hasn't always increased their reading speed by an Armstrong was told that it was been the symbol of rapid reading. The Palm Sunday he asked his nurse average of 4.7 times. old method of teaching students to in¬ Using the hand to read faster is a for a piece of palm which she got crease their reading speed was to equip very interesting experience. ARMSTRONG them with a reading machine. If you would like to try your hand and "he is holding it in his The theory was that a motorized at it, why don't you come to a Mini- hand," the spokesman said. arm on the machine would extend out Lesson™? In one hour's time, we'il have over the page. The arm would move Armstrong entered the you reading down the page faster than down the page at a steady speed. Hope¬ you can imagine. hospital March 15 for treatment fully, would your eyes go along for the In fact, you'll actually take home of a heart condition. ride. with you a definitely faster reading The machine, while seemingly a speed that can be used on newspapers, good idea, didn't live up to its expecta¬ magazines, correspondence, textbooks, tions. It couldn't slow down when the and technical journals. Withdrawal date asked reader ran into a confusing passage. We'll tell you about some of the And it was too awkward to use in easy other things that have made this the A new Cooper - Church amendment will ask chairs 6r beds. most popular extra-curricular course in President In 1945, Evelyn Wood discovered Nixon to set a date for total withdrawal of the world. We'll also show you how we all U.S. the hand as a device for reading faster. forces from Vietnam, its authors said improve memories, and how we make Sunday. Her reason for using the hand as a chapter outlining an obsolete study Sens. John Sherman tool was to "give my students the ability technique. Cooper, R - Ky., and Frank to read groups of words at a time and Church, D It's a wild hour. And it's free. - Idaho, authors of earlier amendments Increase Your Reading Speed on The Spot limiting U.S. involvement in Indochina, said the measure would give Nixon a at A "FREE INTRODUCTORY SPEED READING LESSON" negotiating tool to obtain release of this Mon 4/5 or Tues. 4/6 each day at 4 p.m. or 6 p.m or 8 p.m. American prisoners of war and "whatever else he could get." at the University Inn Both 1100 Trowbridge Road senators were doubtful about the proposed East McGovern - Hatfield amendment aimed at Lansing congressionally ordered withdrawal of all troops by the EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS Call Collect end of the year. 17320 West Eight Mile Road Southfield, Michigan 48075 313-353-5111 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. Aoril 5, 1971 3 Poet discusses By JONI BENN life, gives readings purpose, Snyder said as he dead," he said, "the planet is poet during the 50s as a "beat and Jack Kerouac. Orient for 12 years and spent his State News Staff Writer recalled the artistic "I don't confuse religion and works of treated like a supply depot." generation poet" in the San time studying in Zen Buddhist poetry. They primitive pin**mvv societies. s* The poet Included in Snyder's poetic In are distinguished Art should Francisco Bay area. During that 1956, however, he left his temples, engaged in a scholarly between that which be said things, not" jusThumans underscored his attraction to the expression as well as his political period, he was associated" with •„io circle of friends to'journey to life can Garv Gary Snvrtor tniH Snyder told » a group on P°?tryand song of the American philosophy Indians, Japanese and Chinese, society to return to a basis of is the need for such figures as Allen Ginsberg Japan " ^journey to life of study and self the " sufficiency through gardening.- and that which cannot," Snyder campus Friday. with their sense of "nature, custom, tradition and face - to - facuU^^dL^M his^ite work and in the going^ face encounters, ~ FOR E. PAKISTAN mOSt most preceding a reading of his recent poems. n<""" intelligence °" 8 Hls concePt of tribalism, the Of special concern during the discussion Reflecting hii commitment by tile nature of Buddhist ideology, SSJT?' "foC taci was Snyder's participation in the BuddhSt.n"SH*h,df.'Pte°,f?n Buddhism and his interpretation Snyder stressed man's ethical asrsr.jzartc assr — »« belteteof that considered by the American Indian "'"l-'lonary concepts. the advocate as Indians' support urged of poetry. Doetrv "everything is alive." Today, we assume cultural "Poetry should be approached He dep,ored ,jurili the superiority only because we have Prime Minister Indira world and in the United Nations "What is happening there metal and wire tightly wrapped GARY SNYDER "sickness of Western culture." material superiority," he said. Gandhi's ruling Congress party over the brutal massacre across makes one angry, but one must with jute twine and equipped as songs, each with a particular "Believing that everything is Snyder emerged as a noted the PeoPle of Ind>a ?ur borders," Mrs. Gandhi said get over this and consider things with potassium chloride Sunday to lend their in rejecting demands from some calmly, detonators that touch off on wholehearted support to the delegates that India give arms to "We should be careful that i impact. They are small but used East Pakistan independence the East Pakistanis. do not say or do anything that with Molotov cocktails often Americans killed in battle are movement. The prime minister also will only add to the suffering in effective. > But a resolution adopted unanimously by the party's 700 rejected criticism from President Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan's t Bengal." In the fighting itself informed The hostile local has made supply a critical population national committee members government that India had no sources said many Calcutta avoided any commitment of problem for West Pakistan army business in commenting on the youths, expert in making units direct aid to the East Pakistanis, developments in East Pakistan. homemade bombs that have trying to enforce Pakistan's central highlands base Meanwhile East Pakistan "India has desire been used in political terrorism unity. no to or independence forces, short of arms and fuel, have kept cat - and mouse pressure on western interfere in the internal affairs of another country," Mrs. Gandhi here, have slipped border assistance to lend across the technical The soldiers have turned to local supplies for food, fuel and said. "But it cannot remain to their fellow other necessities. Now many Pakistani garrisons while training silent over the oppression and Bengalis in East Pakistan. encampments are wondering SAIGON (AP) — Five region where the Frontiers of figure may be exaggerated as helicopter in the Meking Delta, organizing themselves, wanton killing across the border. The bombs contain slivers of how to get more ammunition. mericans were killed and one is South Vietnam, Laos and government counts of enemy Another helicopter, an OH6 reliable report in Calcutta said, ssing in the battle for South Cambodia meet about 300 miles dead often are. South Scout, was reported shot down Newsmen back from wide etnainese Fire Base No. 6 in north of Saigon. Vietnamese casualties were in Pleiku Province on Saturday areas of the neighboring central highlands, military After the North Vietnamese officially listed as 68 killed and with two crewmen wounded. province said roads were badly okesmen junded. said Sunday. Two Americans were reported withdrew from the base on Thursday, fresh South Vietnamese forces reoccupied it 104 wounded. The U.S. Command also reported four Americans and 10 One American was killed and cut and occasional Pakistani one wounded when a U.S. sniper team outside the nearly army patrols unable to were harassed and move at will. HOP on over Four of those killed and the and withstood renewed assaults South Vietnamese were killed in abadoned Khe Sanh airstrip was "What we are doing is to raise missing apparently Friday and Saturday, the crash of a UH1 Huey attacked early Sunday. o\tr voice in the capitals of the visory members team of that the Viet the U.S. There were no new fighting Sunday. But Lt. Col. reports of for ng en >rran claimed they had captured an the others enemy base were regiment Wednesday, crewmen Tran Van An, spokesman for the Saigon command, said: "The enemy possibly is still around in the area." Group formed EASTER CARDS oard two helicopters that were He claimed that "North at down in the fighting. The U.S. Command said fewer 10 Americans were at the Vietnamese 28th Regiment may have suffered between 60 and 70 per cent casualties" in the action students' views and se when it was attacked and but that it has other units Hecker noted that the college viable means See the NEW layout of it some of them had survived, express reinforcing it. By MICHAEL FOX recently had a difficult time grievances, Fire Base No. 6 is an artillery The South Vietnamese said State News Staff Writer filling the four student positions tpost of the South they have killed 1,508 enemy in on the dean's search and One of the itnamese 22nd Infantry the battle around Fire Base So. major goals of the . A group of students in the selection committee. group will probably be to seek vision. It is in the tri - border but observers believe that College of Education are "This points out that students recognition from the College of attempting to gain support for in the College of Education Education as a voice of the efforts to channel student views don't know what is going on and students, Hecker said, to the college faculty and don't care. Perhaps we can spark jty council administration. The Student Education Assn. has scheduled an open meeting some and interest," he said. Complaints about methods core courses are among the T.V. RENTALS Downtown - 210 S. Wash. at 7:30 p.m. today in 507 the Frandor areas association might Shopping Center idewalk repa Erickson Hall. "Students solutions to have a lot of offer, but no concern itself with, Hecker said. No official student advisory NEJAC TV RENTALS EastLansing — 207 E. Grand River council has been set up in the Open. Wed. and Thurs. till 9 p.i channel to go through," Stephen College of Education, which has The East Lansing City Council -will consider a recommendation R. Hecker, East Lansing junior some 4,000 students. In the past City Manager John M. Patriarche to request property owners and association spokesman, said, numerous ad hoc committees at learn to fly install or repair sidewalks according to a prepaired list at its bi - "We are interested in forming the departmental level have onthly meeting 8 p.m. scheduled for 8 p.m. Monday in the unicipal court room of the East Lansing City Hall. Council also will consider a traffic control order and a a group that faculty can look to for answers about the student suggestions, handled student complaints and you can atmosphere toward certain issues One problem in the past is that •posed resolution favoring revenue sharing. in the college," he said. students have not seen any tr: 4? ^ ~ ^ 4L 4 with WINGED SPARTANS "Learn To (Basic, Instruments, and Refresher Courses) Fly And Ground School Introduction and Sign Up stage a brilliant holdup with stratch suspenders and belts. . . TONIGHT 7 p.m. Room 35 Union Bldg. with your jeans and skirts and short-cuts. It's fashion profit plus Tonight's meeting, sponsored by the MSU Flying Club — Winged Spartans, will include a complete presentation on what's involved for you to start flying this week, if you wish. fun to add these heavy textured stripes and solids You'll be surprised at our low prices! Courses available to everyone, not just members, in the community. with shiny and antiqued latches and snaps by Ben Berger. You will be introduced to the eight weeks basic ground school, which is taught by a certified flight instructor. Suspenders in stripes, solids and denim-tones. $6. ^ NEW Belts. 1Ji" wide in solids and stripes. $3. Wide 3" belts. $5. For the Private Pilot concerned with upkeeping his proficiency and safety, the new PRIVATE PILOT REFRESHER COURSE. If you are already a qualified pilot, you can find out how you can obtain an instrument rating in a fully instrumented late model Beechcraft Bonanza. If you can't make tonight's meeting, but would like to know about learning to fly with the Winged Spartans, please drop your name, address and phone number in the mail to: Winged Spartans Info, P.O. Box 287, East Lansing, Mich. 48823. We'll have one of our flight instructors call you. Come on up! JacobSoivS AVIATION GROUND SCHOOL SIGN-UP TONIGHT MICHIGAN LOUIE BENDER, BA STATE NEWS Bender's back and he's grad UNIVERSITY |»X FREDERICK J. LESLIE their sport coats, the president of advertising manager So now I'm more or less graduate decorous dignities at all times. happen, you see; we have fabricated it of t||, a whole cloth for your entertainment as you University, Dr. Clafton R. Whirton ml*, student. Less, if you must know, but Here, for example, are excerpts from MARK EICHER, managing editor columns I've been working up, read it here. venture into the rowdies' camp. ' w enough a graduate student to comprehend some Well. It seems that, during the trustee Here, then, is a conversation ED HUTCHISON, city editor bearing in mind my propers, if you catch „ this new station, to already know my mien, BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor my demeanor must undergo a change: my drift. meeting in question, one trustee, a Wurren might ensue (of course, we do not, for!? KEN KRELL, editorial editor Haff (you understand that, since this moment, believe this exchange could to from now on I furrow face and sprinkle That the board of trustees has chosen to editor incident did not actually take place at all, place, given the no - nonsense attitude 2 GARY WALKOWICZ, sports footnotes in it; no more sheet - eating require juniors, as well as freshmen and president toward such carryings we must not use the real names of those our grinning through classes. sophomores, to Jive in the residence halls is Serious note taking. Serious test - unfortunate. That the board has seen fit to persons involved — that is, involved in the and, on the other hand, the rank inahii! utJ - Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award sense of their involvement in our story, of all but a few undergraduates to taking. Less break - taking. Hard at it. limit the living options of those students coherent sentence, but we offer for outstanding journalism. which has no basis in fact - but we can, thiso give free, detailed information about I much (ARIES). o seek coi work as an abortion counselor in a New secure safe, inexpensive abortions, popular I am writing in response to the recent York City referral service. The name of our agency is the Abortion Referral Information and Evaluation particularly if the agency has no monetary interests of its own involved, i.e., if the agency itself does not stand to make a kinds depending of abortions on available her particular stage pregnancy. We inform her of the co for his week. THREE point of view (Feb. 23, 1971) entitled Service (ARIES). Since we are funded by profit from the referrals it makes. involved. The woman is then free ockers in "How to Get a New York Abortion," and The writer of the point of view indicated contact whichever facility she feels is I* ocker Michigan Speaker of the House abortion reform to attend. the Community Sex Information and rooi to Charles Cain's article "Referral Agencies Education Service, a private, nonprofit that a referral service would be "an added for her needs by calling it directly. Wei Men's William Ryan performed a figurative Writing members of the House expenditure of $25 to $50, and it is really try to help by providing travel and ho ocker roc abortion when he sent the state Social Services and Corrections more reliable if you go straight to the information when needed. As Mr. C Saturday a Senate's abortion bill to the House Committee can increase the chances source." Those of us who work here feel, indicated in his article, commert police. Social Services and Corrections of the bill being reported out to the >ERS' MIND on the basis of our experience in abortion agencies do serve a need. However, tl Four h counseling, that there is a desperate need tremendous profits are based on the« fom Ann Committee. Ryan has already stated House floor. This committee is for a nonprofit, impartial resource which and ignorance of women throughout! >igh schc his opposition to the Senate abortion chaired by David Holmes; its bill and reports from the House members Rosetta has up - to - date information on New York state abortion facilities. country who are unfamiliar with and costs for having an abortion. It procedij lenison, ti are Ferguson, w»tch, tra indicate a hostile reception for the Harry Gast, Gustave Groat, Gerrit Furthermore, there is a very real need now been publicly stated that mi legislation in the social services and Hasper, Robert Mahoney, Ray for a source of clinic quality and price commercial referral agencies misadveit 5104, wen corrections committee. This hostile committee send the abortion bill to the House may not M it tan, John Mowat and Jelt Sietsema. Let these people know how you feel about abortion SN maligns trustees control, and we feel that this objective may best be met by a local referral group which can influence these conditions by its number of referrals to the various clinics. and fail to inform women of the breakdown of doctor, hospital and fees. In the instance of one very known New York agency, women who< e? ref« wd Let yi floor, which would kill for To our knowledge, we are the only New are told that they will be paying a 5 Msu a move legislation. Also write your own state another the possibility of representative concerning abortion. York referral service now in the process of "registration fee" to the referral agen year instituted it first at Notre Dame. setting up a comprehensive follow - up when in fact, former employes of J SAILIN( abortion reform. Hearings on the We hope the House Social Services In a March 31 editorial, the State News One more point. The assertion was made program. We believe, that although we agency testified at the hearing held by "J CLUB subject will start April 5. The results and Corrections Committee gives the of these will have much to do with bill chance. A bill of such took the position that four MSU trustees that the four trustees are uneasy because investigate the facilities which we refer to, York State Atty. Gen. Lefkowitz j meeting a are archaic, hidebound, backward, "MSU sits in the legislature's back yard." subjective criticisms by the patients women were actually paying up tr the fate of the abortion bill. A importance as the abortion bill paternalistic, moralistic, afraid, righteous, How many times does President Wharton themselves can add a valuable perspective for the referral service alone. Tuesday hearing in Lansing will be held April deserves at least the chance to come "crusaders" possessing the idiosyncrasies of have to tell us that the University is A - to whatever knowledge we can obtain Every woman has the right to choose April 6 14 in the House chambers; we urge unmitigated ignorance, a lack of backbone, POLITICAL. The trustees, as part of the beforehand. herself whether to terminate a pregnan up for a vote before the entire House and unwillingness to their The author of your first article states Moreover, the decision to seek all in the Lansing area interested in of Representatives. assert University, are immune to the idle threats once Union B, constitutional responsibility. Really now! of politicians and governmental pressure. that her abortion cost about $200. It is abortion has been made, she should exp No one is perfect. Furthermore, these are now possible to obtain a vacuum aspiration to obtain accurate information about tn< In closing, the State News staff might do very human sorts of flaws. abortion in an out - patient clinic in New resources open to her without well if it considered trustee rulings from a It should be noted that those four York City for as little as $150, with special Draft exploited. vote h trustees are not entirely to blame for their "unmitigated ignorance." Consider, for example, Trustee White whose term of different perspective. It could be that MSU's radical the 21st quartet of - liberal elements century the are pushing morality and THAT trustees only seem considerations given to any women on public assistance. It is difficult exact cost of a to quote the saline abortion because Women who, feel they may and who seek referral can call either the Michigan ~ be ps. counseling and/or au~ Last week the office is nearly expired. One can't really factors of residency, length of pregnancy for Problem Pregnancy counseling - U.S. House of supply of either money or of men. antediluvian because of the difference in and financial situation have to be taken Representatives voted to extend the Thus expect that a man in such a vulnerable vantage points. or us, ARIES, at (212) 861-7313. far, congressmen have been position is going to put his reputation on into consideration for the individual organizations exist to help women - draft for another two years. Richard S. Kruch unwilling to risk their political the puritanical chopping block. Remember, West Branch, special student woman. Generally, however, it should not safe abortion at the lowest fees. There is gross hypocrisy in this "more than 90 per cent of the parents do careers with the act of courage action. A majority of this very same not want their children living in co - ed necessary to cut defense spending. GBilZBItil House is publicly on record as opposed to the Indochina being dorms." Consider also Trustee Huff. Now there is ( (,K ilTj) HE'S D0IN6 IT! HE'S D0IN6 IT.1 war. Thus, depriving the Chief a man with a system. His behavior has been Indeed, they have stated their intent to compel President Nixon to effect Executive of his cannon fodder is conditioned over the years by continually % left as the single alternative for having to respond negatively to the person a pullout of some description. ending the war. And last week's of that radical - liberal Stevens dude. The Realistically, there are only two House action clearly indicates that most basic principles of psychology tell us ways a pullout can be accomplished that S - R is operating here. Congress is more committed to What's more, if God wanted universities by cutting off the President's sound than substance. to have co - ed living, he would have Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 5, 1971 5 Cigarettes 10% Off the Artrain Mobile art display to travel state rails 3/95' Limit 1 (Coupon) Expires After 4-10-71 East Lansing Store Only Discount Price on all Film Developing Limit 1 (Coupon) Expires After 4-10-71 East Lansing Store Only 2.25 J The Michigan Artrain, a mobile display which will carry the history of art to Michigan experiences will be the ultimate goal and Kodak Color Film Flashcubes outgrowth of the exposure" which Artrain will communities this spring, was enthusiastically provide. endorsed Saturday by Dolores Wharton, wife of MSU's president. "Culture is an illusive concept," Mrs. 126,127,620 (Includes New X Cube) Wharton said. "We have great difficulty Speaking to some 100 representatives from the host communities at Kellogg Center, Mrs. explaining its development, but its absence is conspicuous. Art, no matter how unique, is a 89' $119 Wharton said the Artrain will help fill "a Limit 1 Limit 1 symbolic expression of culture and is a j ' cultural void in our society." (Coupon) (Coupon) primary path to achieving healthy cultural Expires After 4-10-71 Expires After 4-10-71 Artrain, a project of the Michigan Council identity." East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only for the Arts, is a display on the history of art Mrs. Wharton, who lived for six years in Art display mounted in a renovated train. Its rail journey Southeast Asia, said she immersed herself "in 1.79 14.95 to Michigan towns will be launched in May the customs, culture and art of Malaysia ... to The Artrain Project, a mobile art display visiting communities across the state as part of during Michigan Week. Mrs. Wharton also noted that Artrain will learn about that very unique culture." Psssssst Sun Lamp The day - long workshop, Michigan Week, was the subject of a workshop at Kellogg Center Saturday. sponsored by Speaking at the "expose section of the population, meeting, sponsored by the Michigan Council for the Arts, was Helen Milliken. wife of the a cross - not just children, to some of the faces of Continuing Education Service, prepare community representatives was held to for the Dry Shampoo w/Stand governor, and Dolores Wharton, wife of MSU's president. State News photo by Doug Bauman American art. I can only hope that creative Artrain visit to their towns. 7 oz. SJO? $9/9 Limit 1 Limit 1 5 (Coupon) (Coupon) Prof calls Expires After 4-10-71 Expires After 4-10-71 for . liberal East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 10% Off the 20( Off the By BILL HOLSTEIN seminar course offered through Discount Price on all State News Staff Writer Justin Morrill College. commitment" to a major or a businesses and graduate schools and detrimental to real learning. distinction between grading and Discount Price on Benjamin said learning how to vocation. During this time, a student should have maximum but actually hinders students from learning. They stand in the way of an education." He noted criticizing students, calling the Clairol California a fixation latter "central to education." A university education should learn should be emphasized freedom to consider concepts "Two weeks ago, I had to on grades that many students Benjamin said the university all Clairol Haircoloring Girl Cosmetics a liberal education rather rather than vocational training such as self - awareness and self - make final grades. Who was I develop as well as a also places the interests of the (than vocational or professional, because a number of the facts understanding as well as working for when I made final "pathological anxiety" about business community over those Limit 1 Limit 1 JUartin Benjamin, visiting involved in a profession are alternative views of (Coupon) (Coupon) learning and grades? I was working for grades. of students in preparing students Expires After 4-10-71 Expires After 4-10-71 fcrofessor of philosophy, told continually increasing, making his General Motors, I was working "People stop learning because East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only most of relationship with the for a vocation instead of ■reshmen honor students what we learn today university and society, he said. for the University of Michigan they're over concerned about (Thursday. obsolete in 20 years. allowing them to pursue a liberal 2.00 Benjamin discussed two Law School, I was working for grades," he said. education and a moratorium Benjamin said a liberal "To be practical, an education opposing views of education: the Ford. I'm helping them pick However, he made Education should teach students should prepare a man for work assembly line as opposed to the who they want to keep the a from vocational pressure. 2 Dars Dove Dlack Lite i to learn, rather than teach that doesn't yet exist," he said. public library. wheels turning," Benjamin said. Khey m a may certain body of facts, so continue to learn after To do that, an education must teach him how to learn, he said. In the assembly line concept, students Moreover, Benjamin said, NOW IIKAR THIS FROM THE YOP AT THE STOHE HINGE Complexion Soap Posters move through the grades are "positively harmful WITH THE RED DOOR: ■hey leave the university. Benjamin said subject matter university at about the same m "A liberal education should at phasing the teacher out. does education. not define The a liberal important rate, taking courses and acquiring Starfish believed Don't toss out that old broken 26' S129 credits. He said this view ignores Limit 1 Limit 2 Ilnfortunately, in the university element is the teaching method. that people learn at their own Pipe. Let our pipe repair service (Coupon) (Coupon) Le emphasize just the reverse; The undergraduate years, paces and forces a student to fix it for you. New bits, custom Expires After 4-10-71 Expires After 4-10-71 e try to make ourselves very Benjamin said, should provide moratorium from pressure to a keep pace with his peers. no threat to reef fitted $2.75 and up. Allow two East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ■lecessary," he told the first Benjamin called for an make "nremature weeks. 2.50 1.69 ssion of an honors freshmen a educational system closer in principle to the public library, in CANBERA, Australia (AP) - Contrary to previous reports, the Ribbed Opaque Hude Look police which a person may pick up a book or subject and if he finds it Crown of Thorns starfish will not eat away Campbell's Shop too hard or boring, he may it back on the shelf without put mile Great Australia's 1,300 - Barrier Reef, a The Store With The Red Door Ph. 332-4269 Panty Hose Panty Hose scientific committee reported. being penalized. The student should be able to alter the pace of his education Limit 3 99' T.V. RENTALS Limit 3 l (Coupon) (Coupon) according to his interests and Expires After 4-10-71 Expires After 4-10-71 COMPLAINT AND lockers they were using in the abilities — a much more realistic Free Service cr. per East Students Wanted: Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only (warrant will be sought this fieldhouse. approach, Benjamin said. ind delivery month Hweek by MSU police against a 21 Police said they found no Benjamin also criticized NEJAC TV RENTALS 1.79 1.79 ]• year • old MSU student who signs of forced entry to the grading, saying it helps 337-1300 (officers said was carrying a nine - lockers, which had been ■inch • long hunting knife under when the students left them for locked pay for participation in Virginia Maid Outsize |the front seat of his automobile. about 50 minutes Saturday Patrol officers reportedly night. Panty Hose Panty Hose MOTIVATIONAL *200 ■stopped the student about 10:15 In the Men's Intramural Jp.m. Friday on Shaw Lane near s ■Harrision Road for a traffic Building incident, Halbert K. Evans, 24, from Detroit, told $| 19 149 (violation. approached They the said vehicle they and officers his trousers, a belt and two shirts, with a total estimated RESEARCH Limit 3 (Coupon) Expires jf'.er 4-10-71 Limit 3 (Coupon) Expires After 4-10-71 ■noticed the knife protruding East Lansing Store Orly East 1 ansing Store Only ■from under the driver's side of value of $13, were between 2 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. stolen PROGRAM 2.00 |the front seat. 1.10 TRADE IN Saturday from a locker he left unlocked. FOUR MSU STUDENTS and four other persons were arrested Police said shoes and a coat, also in the locker, had not been For information call: 353-5343 Opaque Gillette Foamy Detween early Friday morning Shave Cieam fcnd early Sunday morning for taken. For your Old Sandals or come to Room 400A Panty Hose (drunken driving on campus WILLIAM R. DUBRUL, St. Computer Center between fctreets 11 and on campus entrance Clair Shores freshman, told $109 oz. ^c TOWARD NEW ■streets. Police said they expect 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Jan. 11-15 ■to seek complaints and warrants police his motorcycle valued at Limit 3 Limit 1 ■this week. $500 was stolen sometime (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires After 4-10-71 between Friday night and Sponsored by Psychology Research Dept. East Lansing Store Only Expires After 4-10-71 East Lansing Store Only J three Saturday afternoon from the THEFTS from Bockers in a parking bays off Brody Road 1.15 1.09 SANDALS Jenision Fieldhouse West at Armstrong Hall. ■ocker room and one theft from fr Men's Intramural Building ■locker room were If You Haven't Heard Close Up Right Guard investigated T>atur(iay afternoon and evening Toothpaste Deodorant fy police. S9 50 Per $2500 P« at Four high school ■from Ann Arbor, students Anything Good Lately.. 6.2 oz. 59c 4 oz. 49< P'gh school track attending the meet at M.S.U. SHOE REPAIR Limit 1 | Limit 1 ■Jenison, told police a ring, a University T.V. Rentals (Coupon) ( (Coupon) T^tch, track shoes and cash, 3 • MINUTE HEEL SERVICE You Haven't Heard Expires After 4-10-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 4-10-71 East Lansing Store Only jwith a total estimated value of 225 E. Grand River 332-3619 p "4, were missing from three 2.00 1.00 | Let yourself The The BOSE 901. lergens Extra Wig Heads Shag Dry Lotion 12 $j For '71 For here's an innovative speaker system that gives the true audiophile everything they could ask for in clarity, realism oz. 29 49' Limit 1 Limit 1 and true dispersion of sound. 89rc reflected and 11% (Coupon) (Coupe .1) 5 directed sound — like a concert in your home. A solid state Expires After 4-10-71 Expires After 4-10-71 equalizer i6 included for accommodating this natural sound East Lansing Store Only g& East Lansing Store Only Long, Lo to room characteristics and personal tastes. The BOSE 901. only at HIFI BUYS, So Step Inside and hear something 9 Volt very good! The MARCI Unbreakable transistor by Plastic Combs Radio Batteries Nu-Look JHE 7C 19' r£IZ2A Limit 1 Limit 6 38 colors in Choose from stylable modacrylic fibre. 547 600 (Coupon) Expires After 4-10-71 (Coupon) Expires After 4-10-71 people 6" long neckline, 4" long bangs. A long, long shag that East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only can be combed flat or curly. $24.95 You can hear the difference now. State [liscount 307 E. Gr and River > HI-FI Next to the Card Shop 337-2310 1101 E. Grand River "East Lansing's Only Wig Boutique" \ 6 Monday, April 5, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan i97, lU's McGinnis Batsmen marring the record of the 13 host Miami as each team Dace followed with a finish home run. Outfielder Shaun Howitt led seeks pro pact By JOHN VIGES games MSU played. The losses produced 5-1 records. Four more hits in the opening the Spartan attack with four hits were to Miami, who the Spartans The Spartans hit three Penn stanza contributed to State News Sports Writer a pair of in five at bats and Boyce, Dace had beaten in the three previous State hurlers for a total of 18 runs. and Ron DcLonge each had INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) - Indiana's Big Ten scoring am. MSU rebounded from a between the two teams, hits Saturday as they were never The Spartans added three in three hits. Rob Ellis cracked his rebounding champion, George McGinnis, announced Saturday he narrow loss to Miami on Fridav and hi8hly rated F,orida State. behind after takin8 a le«d in the next inning and- followed sixth home run of the year in has appointed an agent to seek a professional basketball contract for him. to close out its southern trip ,ast seas°n's NCAA runner - up. the opening inning. with one in the fourth and the eighth inning, McGinnis said he wants to continue his education with a 12- 8 pasting of Penn The 11-2 record produced one Gary Boyce opened MSU's another three run rally in the MSU checked out their and would State Saturday. The big win championship and a tie for the sconng ™ singled and John then fifth. A run in the eighth closed running game as well as their like to sign with the American Basketball Assn. champion Indian» helped the MSU batsmen wind other first place honor in the came Qulckly home out MSU's scoring. hitting as they stole 7 bases Pacers, but that his decision will be based on "where 1 can get the best financial security in the total package, including all up one of the most successful Hurricane Twin Tournament. against Penn State. Three double ftjnge steals, each resulting in a run, benefits." spring trips in Spartan history. The first half of the tourney was ■ Coach Danny Litwhiler's squad returned from sunny Florida with only two losses the sole possession of the Spartans and MSU shared the second half of the tourney with MSU golfers 8th shocked the Nittany Lions. Although never close to MSU, Penn State exercised their bats In Chicago, Big Ten Commissioner Bill Reed said McGinnis has automatically made himself ineligible for Big Ten play by appointing Garry Donna, president of Total Management lnc and a friend of McGinnis, to seek a contract. by coming up with eight runs on TOM in college tourney 11 hits. most Larry Ike was the victim of of the Nittany Lions According to NBA rules, a college player cannot be signed until his class graduates, but the NBA appears to be weakening on this rule, since Seattle has signed Spencer Haywood, whose University SAWyEKS The MSU golf team finished eight in the 40-team All - American hitting as he yielded six runs in the first five innings. Brad Van of Detroit class has not yet graduated. Collegiate golf tournament, which ended on Saturday. Pelt pitched the final four Comer of Ann & MAC Rick Woulfe led the Spartan golfers with a 296 over the 72 innings andgave up a pair of runs »ss holes, firing a 75 over the final round. The Spartans finished the on as many hits. The fire - tournament with a score of 1,193; 69 strokes behind first place balling sophomore walked five 15% Discount On finisher Houston. Florida was the runner-up with a score of and struck out five in his second AH Hardcovers is 1,152. Houston's John Mills Other MSU was scores were: the medalist with a 279. John VanderMeiden, 301; Denny Vass, pitching appearance. Miami's Terry Brown bested Kirk Maas and held the Spartans U-M routs 301; Dick Bradow, 305; John Peterson, 307; and Mark Engleman, to their lowest run production more experienced U-M ten ran their game total, A Permanent Policy 324. of the spring. By NICK MIRON State News Sports Writer their record to 3-1 with an 8-3 The remainder of the contest MSU took an early 1-0 lead toppling of the visiting Spartans, belonged to U-M. Although MSU two walks and two singles, Saturday was a good day to sit With temperatures well below had numerous chances to catch Full Line but the Hurricanes tied the game around a fireplace and sing freezing and a biting northern the Wolverines, it could not get in the bottom of the first and about chestnuts and Jack Frost wind crossing the field, MSU fell running smoothly and failed to added runs in the third and and the like, a good day to sleep behind early in the contest, 3-0, capitalize on 14 U-M penalties, fourth to go ahead to stay. MSU in, a good day for anything but and could never catch up. MSU had only 4 penalties and scored its final run in the ninth, outdoor sports. U-M, a team that is comprised this should have been a decisive The hardest task now MSU's youthful lacrosse team mainly of grad students, handled factor in the Spartans favor, facing the Spartans is waiting a found it was also good day not their sticks well, firing 25 of Dan Denov scored the other week for their next action. to be playing at Michigan. The their 44 shots on goal. MSU put MSU goal in the last period. 19 shots at the U-M net on goal. U-M, with a balanced attack, had The Spartans only once truly seven men score, MSU hurdlers take threatened the the second U-M squad. In period Doug The loss was the first for the Spartans in regular season play Kalvelage fired two shots past but will not count against them the U-M netminder as the in the Midwestern Lacrosse Kentucky relay title Spartans sprayed the opposing net with 18 shots, nearly half of Association where they have 1-0 record. a MSU's shuttle hurdle relay quartet, which tied the collegiate record nine days ago in Florida, won again Saturday, this time taking the crown at the Kentucky Relays in Lexington. Wayne Hartwick, Rich Jacques, Dave Martin and John Morrison clocked 57.2 in windy weather to win for the second time in as Trio of gomes many tries. The same combination had clicked for a 56.7 effort March 27 at the Florida Relays in national collegiate record. The Spartans will have two more stops on the Gainesville, tying Kansas' later this month, with better weather offering them chances at relays circuit opens baseballseason Smugly certain that it is still to as the "senior circuit" offers lowering the mark. They'll compete, along with the rest of the the great American pastime, two opening games — Cincinnati, MSU team, at the Ohio State Relays, April 16-17 and at the Major League baseball goes its oldest club, is at home to Drake Relays, April 23-24. through its tribal rite of Atlanta, but staid tradition gets throwing out the first ball a jolt with a night game in M«»t and Monday. rsVNGLE | J ^ I I ^ ^ m 9m by COMPUTER Data] Hundreds of eligible* wont to meet you in the oreo'i largest JI pass President Nixon, a real fan, will not use his golden season to attend the Senator Houston, where the Los Angeles Dodgers, the old exiles from Brooklyn, meet the Astros. I group of tested, computer-matched, single adults. No obli- - On the playing field this Oakland game in Washington. | gation for information and questionnaire. The chief executive will get his season, the experts agree that DATA-MATE of LANSING , the World Champion Baltimore I inning by inning results in his > - Orioles will win their third California White House office. | [ address today to: straight American League The National League, which insists subtly on pennant. Not a few are of the being referred opinion that Cincinnati's "Big Red Machine," dismantled by I City State Zip the Orioles in the 1970 World franthiserf Nationally — Confidential Urvlc Series, will again misfire, with the Dodgers the prime candidates to face Baltimore this time around. S' diver 8th in AAU meet MSU diver Jud Alward was the only Spartan entry to garner a place in the AAU swimming and diving championships held over the weekend at West Point Academy. Diving Coach John Narcy said that Alward turned in a fine performance as he finished with an eighth place in one - meter competition. According to Narcy, Alward was also doing a fine job on the three - meter board until the finals when he hit the board. BMOD CREHIVE WRITING MUDS COMPETITION: 1171 iW Earn money and fame in your spare time! Those poems written last October when Phyllis left you or ALSO-AT 9:24 ONLY that old short story handed in instead of a Frank Norris paper for ATL 112 could mean cash and "ANGEL UNCHAINED" literary recognition for you! ELECTRIC IN CAR HKATKRS Enter them now. Or write more. All of six weeks left. Hundreds of dollars in prizes (more details here tomorrow). And it's easy! Two big categories: Fiction and Poetry. Deadline for all entries is May 7. All manu¬ scripts should have attached a sealed envelope containing your name, address, etc. ENDS TUESDAY «GP' SEND OR DELIVER ENTRIES TO: AND THEN: Creative Writing Competition c/o Al Drake, 322 Morrill Hall, MSU The cultural event of late May! Prizes awarded, winners read, poets, films, music, happenings?, insanity, erotic HELLO, 9 or mixed media, and more, at the: DOLLY! 43 ONLY c/o INGHAM COUNTY BICENTENNIAL MEDIA FESTIVAL ALSO-AT 7:37 & LATE ' FREEWAY, E201 Holden, MSU & CREATIVE WRITING AWARDS PRESENTATION NO. II WALT "THE BOY & (May 27, time and place to be announced, absolutely free) DISNEY'S THE EAGLE' lELECTRinmPARHEATiaSI Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 5, 1971 7 Veterans group tovoice war opposition By JONI BENN credible opposition to U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia. Despite the fact that the organization is presently campus - State Newt Staff Writer As part of local Although attempts at establishing the group began fall term, based, its leaders hope to expand into a Lansing area group, activities, the Veterans for Peace plan to establish a speaker - debater real organization and membership did not materialize until uniting veterans from the entire community as well as students bureau, where Vietnam veterans and I veterans for Peace will hold an organizational meeting at 8 p.m. March. others who are vocally against the war will meet with civic from MSU and Lansing today In the Union Ballroom. To date, the peace group has a Community College. groups, church clubs or high school and I The group, still in the early stages of development, is working membership of approximately The group plans to their views on the Indochina war college classes to discuss 220, about 20 more than the reported membership of the MSU give recognition to nationwide veteran's while relating their I on the premise that men and women with first - hand knowledge Veterans Assn., according peace movements, such as the March on Washington planned by experiences in combat. 8 personal Persoi«" I of the military and the Indochina war can most effectively voice to Thomas Spragle, Pontiac sophomore, one of the group's founders. Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) this month. The group is expected to join other veteran groups in the state in petitioning for improved educational The organization's activities are benefits for GIs. They for volunteers at the local expected to be devoted to work level, focusing on communication and education. will also seek answers to the GIs who are unemployed. disproportionate number of recent Let yourself go!! Bureau alters sailing kayaking By BARBARA FARY State News Staff Writer regattas A\ travel Orientation sessions for the MSU Office of Volunteer Programs This term recruitment sessions are being held at 7:30 p.m. have been restructured to give the new volunteer as much today, Tuesday and Wednesday in the Stefanoff Lounge, Student I information as possible for effectively carrying out a volunteer Services Bldg. I assignment. Most of the spring volunteer opportunities require a whole 1 "We've changed the program to give each student a personal term's commitment of three to five hours a week. I interview and contact with staff and experienced volunteers so Programs range from educational to recreational to one to - - ie'll know exactly what he's getting into and what resources are one relationships. Work is with children, teenagers and old people. Most of the to MSU SAILING CLUB one one assignments - - (Big Brother, Volunteer lovelist to discuss Probation Officer) require a volunteer to have his own transportation, but the volunteer office pool of eight station Tuesday, April 6 wagons, two vans and one sedan, all driven by MSU students, is 7:30, Union Ballroom available to get volunteers to and from most other Party following meeting assignments. )ooks, life as writer British novelist Anthony Burgess will discuss his career as a I writer in a lecture entitled "Condemned to Writing," at 8 p.m. ■today in the Union Green Room. I At 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Burgess will read from his novels and ■ the works of James Joyce in the Union Gold Room. Both events I are sponsored by the Dept. of English. I Burgess began writing in his late 30s, when a doctor told him |he had a brain tumor and less than a year to live. The brain tumor ■never materialized. I Burgess' novels include "Enderby," "The Wanting Seed" and J"A Clockwork Orange," soon to be made into a film by Stanley ■ Kubrick. His most recent novel is "MF." He also has written five ■books or criticism and hundreds of reviews and essays. SALE! SPRING SANDALS 20% OFF THIS WEEK ONLY (THRU 4 10-71) SELECTED STYLES PANTY HOSE - 2 PAIRS / $1.00 The Union Cafeteria announces its new "Welcome-Back-to-Spring" American & Continental Complete dinners served from 5-7 p.m. TODAY, April 5 NEW ENGLAND BOILED DINNER a special , V < Corned Beef, Vegetables, Salad Dessert & Beverage $2.10 , ->r On Tuesday, April 6, a special $2.25 WESTERN DINNER BBO Lamb, baked potato, squash, salad roll + butter, dessert + beverage On itC V' Wednesday, April 7, a special ITALIAN DINNER "My father waited until Lasagna, Garlic Toast, Salad, Italianne he retired to buy the car he'd always wanted. Pizza Figliata, Beverage $1.60 On Thursday, April 8, a special That was too long for me? HUNGARIAN DINNER $1.90 Goulash, paprika potatoes, salad, roll + butter destert + beverage On Friday, April 9, a special INDIAN DINNER $1.90 Curried Turkey on Rice, Choice of Phil Gordon's Inc. 2924 E. Grand River Avenue, Lansing, Michigan 48912 Phone:517 - 484 • 2551 ^Condiments. Salad, Roll. Dessert, Beverage 8 Monday, April Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan S>19? STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Make your budget go further., shop the classified ads every day. classified 3658255 355-8255 MUSICAI brands. 351-5SC diamond 21 P°ir The state Newt does not Automotive Employment For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent $50. 48! permit racial or religious discrimination in- its ONE OR two girls needed for 4 man. HALF DOUBLE, for SUBLET SPRING, one man for 4 DELUXE. AVAILABLE In Fall. worn, advertising columns. The NOTICE man. Near campus. $60/month, Cedar Village. Fall term. Walking distance. Furnished, Union. $10 per we8k ,! 353-2341.4-4-8 3-4-6 ' * State News will not 1970 HONDA 350CB. 1600 miles. 351-1656. 5-4-6 fireplece, completely carpeted. 4 distribu SUMMER JOBS available in Torch accept advertising which' Like new. Luggage reck, back rest, responsible girls, references. $80 INDUS' Lake Resort area for 2 sharp LANSING OR East Lansing. One GIRL NEEDED to share one GIRL, SPRING, each. 332-5320 after 6 p.m. 54-9 * AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against skid plate. $600. 627-2884. 5-4-9 attractive gals. Reception and bedroom furnished. Large, airy bedroom apartment furnished. 735 Sot Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or general office work. Housing rooms. Air conditioned. $75,349-1736. 5-4-9 CUSTOM CB 350 Honda 1969. ONE MAN, own room with double Auto Parts & Service natioMl origin. available. Send picture arid resume Beautifully maintained. Suitable Rebuilt. Must sell. $500. Call bed, $50. 10 minutes to campus. MEN. TWO blocks. to Mr. Rankin, MIDWEST for faculty, grad students, business 216 BEAL Street. 2 man furnished Aviation 489-2114. 54-9 Private ei 355-0957. 3-4-7 RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, people, married couples. Lease. TV, phone, loase. First tw GUITAR I • apartment. Includes heat. Own employment Ml 49615. 20-4-30 332-3138 or 882-6649.0 free. 361-0497. 3-4-7 hardshe bedroom, $90. Call 332-2858 NOW RENTING houses and * FOR RENT 1968 TRIUMPH 650cc Bonneville. 337-125 Automotive Low mileage. Excellent condition. ONE ROOMMATE wanted for after 11 p.m. 3-4-7 apartments for summer and fall. NURSES. RN'S and LPN'S. GOOD L O C A TI ON Apartments Call 355-2859. 3-4-7 Expansion creating additional furnished. $60 per month. Groups of 2 to 6 girls, all aveileble. $15/week Houses MUSTANG, 1965. Black. Excellent Twyckingham. 351-0094. 34-6 extremely nice. Clean, furnished, openings in specialty areas. CEDAR GREENS privileges. Call Rooms running condition. 8 track tape Intensive care - coronary care; 332-5320 after 6 p.m. 5-4-9 332-2495.3^ deck. $500. 349-0869. 5-4-7 1 bedroom furnished ♦ FOR SALE labor and delivery, newborn POOL WANT QU ItET~? Attic" Realistic nursery; pediatrics; emergency and efficiency, close Animals MUSTANG, 1968. Good condition, 1970 SUZUKI T350. Excellent jn. speakers post par turn. Full time and part Call 351-8631 nonsmoker, over 20. RefJ Mobile Homes V-8 automatic. 372-3410 or condition. Bruce, 351-4471 or time openings. Afternoon or night TWO BEDROOM furnished portable 489-3324. 4-4-5 353-9100. B-1-4-5 apartment available WANTED: ONE person for house. $24/weekly. 663-8418.14.5 shift. Call Personnel, LANSING immediately. • PERSONAL $87.50. No deposit necessary. Call Own room. $37.50 plus share of GENERAL HOSPITAL, 2800 SINGLE ROOM utilities. 484-8157, or 489-7434. for portable • PEANUTS PERSONAL MUSTANG, 1967. Yellow. 2 door. YAMAHA 1966. 100 Twin. Devonshire, 372-8220, ext. 351-7907. 5-4-8 ONE GIRL for 4 man. University Excellent condition. Lowmileege. __24-5 campus. Light cooki 9x12 C » REAL ESTATE Deluxe interior. 6 cylinder. 3 335-336. 5-4-6 Terrace. $50/month. 332-3635. OKEMOS: 3 bedroom apartment for $70. Cell before 5pm 3si wall tai speed. Call 332-0472 or 332-1628. $225. 349-4288. 1-4-5 54-9 TWO FOR eight girl. Near cempus. * RECREATION 3-4-5 MANAGER TRAINEE. 10- 15 hours sublease. Aveileble May 1. Beth. Deposit. Rent negotieble. SERVICE track ♦ 1966 HONDA 305 Super Hawk. per week. $300/month during _^49;1712._34-6 NEED TWO girls to sublet Jeckie / Sandy. 351-2605. NOVA, 1970. V-8, 3 speed. Two Excellent condition. 11,000 miles. training, $800/month during J4-9 SINGLE. PRIVATE entrance portable Typing Service 355-0532. 3-4-7 summer. Call 482-9172 for ONE - TWO bedroom furnished immediately. Excellent location SUMMER. 8 bath. 1 block from c# conditio tone, take over payments apartments. Close near campus. 351-0572. 7-4-9 girls, neer campus, « TRANSPORTATION appointment. 5-4-6 to campus. Parking. 351-5313. 1-4-5 482-1772.5-4-7 Available for summer end fall. Call parking, laundry, 2 baths. • WANTED HONDA 1970, 125ss, 1,000 miles, 351-2605. 6-4-9 Polaroid ONE GIRL for 4 man Spring term. OI.DSMOBILE 1970. Delta 88, town like new. $325. Phone 485-9981. ATTENTION MUSICIANS: Local 332-2712 after 3 p.m. Norwood Apartments. 54-6 Cedar Village. Reduced rent. WOMAN. QUIET in. Separate kitchen. No single"room" DEADLINE sedan hotel / restaurant is looking for 4 door. Automatic 5-4-9 351-2271.34-8 mi patio entertainment June 15th 132-0647. 3-4-7 1 P.M. one class day transmission. Power steering, air Rooms conditioning. 15,000. $2900. through September. Saturday before publication. Aviation ROOMMATE WANTED. Own room 651-5115, after 6 p.m. 3-4-6 nights only. To discuss details, call CAMPUS VIEW in large apartment. Cell 351-1679 NICELY FURNISHED, pleasant, For Sale Cancellations - 12 noon 351-7600. Ask for Food and engagem one class day before LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight Beverage Manager. 54-6 APARTMENTS after 5 p.m. 3-4-7 neer campus, parking. ED 2-1183 Layaway PONTIAC LEMANS. 1966. training. All courses are after 5 p.m. 4-4-5 HARMON - KARD0N S« publication. Across the street from Wl LCC Automatic, power steering. Radio, government and VA certified. LINE UP AM/FM stereo, HK-40 spei a spring job now. Car STORE, economical. $800. 332-8276. FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Williams Hall on Michigan SINGLE ROOM for girl without car. Gerrard changer. 355-8025. PHONE necessary. Also train for full time privileges. 351-3439. 5-4-8 Road, Call 484-1324. C summer work. Call 351-7319 for Ave. University approved House 3558255 S-5-4-6 daily 8 a interview appointment. C Supervised apartments for WANTED. MALE faculty - steff or WATER BEDS, all sizes. Kinj, RATES REBEL, 1967. 6 cylinder. Overdrive. women students. Leasing gred student to share deluxe $39.00, guaranteed 4 door. $750. 337-2315, evenings. Auto Service & Parts furnished townhouse ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. 1 day $1.50 3-4-5 For Rent this week for summer and with Completely furnished. 372-8077 353-3574. 3-4-6 fall. Call today: professionel man. Own bedroom, Mu 15c per word per day MASON BODY SHOP , 812 East before 4 p.m. C v. REFRIGERATORS FOR rent. $115/month. 372-4478. 34-7 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT on 3 days RENAULT Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. 16, . . . $4.00 1969. Radio, UNITED - RENT ALL. 351-5652. 332-6246 and all other live 13%c per word per day Michelins, excellent condition. Complete auto painting and 84-9 NOW RENTING for summer and fall, SPARTAN HALL, Singles, men, (take e friend home to dirus rnerchan^^jHELVING collision service. IV 5-0256. C women. % block from cempus. $1450. Call 641-6280 or IV one end 2 bedroom furnished or DOCKTOR PET 5 days $6.50 TWO BEDROOM, block from 35 V9286. 372-1031. 0 CENTE 4-9176.3-4-7 PARKING V4 black from Berkey. unfurnished. Choice of apartments Meridian Mell, 349-3950. 5-4-9 13c per word per day AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and campus. Subleese, $180/month. Behind Polachek's. $20/term. are, Bay Colony, Beechwood, ROOMS WITH private beth. Air American cars. If we can't fix it, it Between 7 - 9 p.m. Upstairs 13254 IT0VE FIX (based on 10 words per ad) THUNDERBIRD LANDAU, 1966. 351-3348. 54-7 Delta Arms, Evergreen, Haslett conditioning, swimming pool, SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49; can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O Beal. 54-8 cash reg Loaded with extras plus air. Very Arms, Princeton Arms, University edjacent to cempus. For 1 person, $11.95; TV, $12.95. Peanuts Personals must be good condition. Can be bought for PARKING SPACES: 1 block from Terrace, University Villa and $95, two persons, $115. VW GUARANTEED SECONDHAND STORE, pre-paid. $34/month or $850. Phone - repair. North Pointe. Special discount 351-5509. 5-4-6 RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at campus. Privete, paved, lighted 627-6712. 5-4-8 lot $10. 372-2761 after 6 p.m. rates for those signing prior to There will be a bOc service Okemos Road. 349-9620. C TAPE RECORDER. Sony Tl 04-5 June 1st. Call HALSTEAD CARPETED, PANELLED, perking. ONE MAN wanted for 4 man at IEFRIGER and bookkeeping charge if TRIUMPH, 1967. Spitfire. MANAGEMENT, 444 Michigan 10 months old. Phone 349-93I Meadowbrook Trace. 393-6299. Two blocks from MSU. 425 Ann Convertible. 25,000 actual miles. REFRIGERATORS Dishwashers. plate, 2 b this ad is not paid within Excellent condition. 676-1930 Employment ESCHTRUTH - ELECTRIC. Grand 3-4-6 Avenue, 351-7910. O Street. 351-2103 or Ben, 54-7 351-6245 one week. 337-9365. 5-4-6 5-4-7 Ledge. 627-2191. 64-6 ONE GIRL for Cedar Village spring / ZENITH, CIRCLE of Sound HELP WANTED, male. Maintenance The State News will be FEMALE. SHARE 2 man, own IICYCLE man wanted for approximately 2 TV RENTALS - Students only. Low summer. Reduction. Phone MEN, SINGLE rooms for rent. $60 AM-FM receiver. Must sel TRIUMPH TR3 1958. Red. Good room. $83. 351-4154 after 4 p.m. NEW CC responsible only for the monthly and term rates. Call 337-2027. X-5-4-6 month. 131 offer. Jim, 353-1835. 3-4-5 condition, hours, 3 evenings per week to 2-4-5 per Bogue. Call SHOP. 35 just tuned. Call first day's incorrect 351-0364. 3-4-7 clean Lansing office. For details 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV 337-9091. 54-6 TWO BEDROOM. Furnished mobile USED AMPEX music c insertion. call 371-1730 between 9 - 5 p.m. RENTALS. C GIRL TO sublet Cedar Village. home units. Leke view lots. deck. Gerrard SL-65B $350. TRADE: 1957 Chevrolet Belair 2 3-4-6 MEN. ROOM. $130 a term. Cleen, Spring term. Rent reduction. $30/week. No leese. 15 minutes 351-0873. 5-4-8 REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for quiet, cooking. 1 block to campus. Yi door hardtop, 6 cylinder, AMBITIOUS COUPLES and 337-9563. 5-4-8 from campus. 641-6601. 0-5-11 rent. A TO Z RENTALS. 487-5753, 485-8836. O automatic, original interior, mint. individuals for local sales work. MOVINGI Must sell set of theft For competition gokart or? Call 349-2220. O STUDIO EFFICIENCY epertment. Automotive Part time, good earnings, training OWN ROOM. Meadowbrook. $60. - Close to campus. Modern. Parking. Books. Terrific s 393-8816 after 10 p.m. 3-4-7 Male. Spring / Summer. Pool, air, 355-0722. 34-5 ARIZONA CART provided. Call Don Goldsmith, TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction Ideal for grad student. 349-3920. Ford, 1961, no sauna. 393-8988. 3-4-6 351 -3647 or 393-1430. 3-4-7 rust. V-8, overdrive, air. $150. VOLKSWAGEN 1965, excellent guaranteed. Free delivery, service If no answer, 349-9269. 54-6 FOR MAN, single. No 485-8534. 3-4-6 condition. Can be seen at 8217 and pick-up. Call NEJAC, NEED ONE cooking. Very man for four man well WANTED: SUMMER employment. 337-1300. C quiet, clean, convenient to CAMARO, 1967. 327, 3 speed. Good Clark Road, East Lansing, Young men for waiters position. furnished apartment. Call Houses cempus. $11 a week. University BRAND NEW ell electric Ro 641-6257. 3-4-5 393-1218 or visit Apt. 102, rules of 1968. 428 Grove Street. overall condition. Musical ability desirable. Room ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. $1000. portable typewriters. Never 372-9103. 3-4-5 and board and salary. Building 6A, Meadowbrook Trace. EAST SIDE - Pennsylvania near. 3 351-4266, 349-4834. 353-6786 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV $95 each. 2343 Eiffert VOLKSWAGEN 1966 sedan. Original 6-4-9 bedroom 34-5 WEINSTEINS RESORT, South RENTAL, 3724948. O completely furnished, owner. Good condition. Faithfully Holt. TF CHEVROLET 1962. Wagon 6 Haven, Michigan. 2-4-6 new, remodeled. Conservative, serviced. Rebuilt engine. KEDZIE STREET. V4 block from responsible adults. MALE HOUSING. Block Union. passenger. Automatic, $100. After $200/month. ONE CRITERION 150A spea Reasonably priced. 355-5922. TIRED OF earning minimum wages? campus. Wanted, one man for 2 351-3969.0 Cooking. $13/weekly. 314 6 p.m., 351-9286. 3-4-7 good condition. Call 35568 3-4-5 terms. Mornings, 351-9045 or Evergreen. 332-3839. 3-4-6 How would you like to be your 3-4-6 CHEVY DUMP truck, 1962, 2 ton. own boss, make your own anytime, 351-5800.6-4-9 VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Sun roof. Must sacrifice, $995. 882-8729. Dark blue. Excellent condition. decisions, and control the results? Apartments Golfers Attention 5-4-9 If so, PROGRESSIVE $825. 332-1274. 34-7 FOURTH MAN needed for spring PARK TRACE MANAGEMENT Reduced Cell ®r Shag Balls CHEVELLE, 1969. SS396. INCORPORATED has an opening term. rent. P VOLKSWAGEN 1969. 27,000. 351-1253.5-4-6 $1.00 doz. Convertible, 3 speed on floor. for you. For appointment call The Spacious One Offering 1, Phone Excellent shape. $1400. Eco. jmy LOOK THEM OVERI See the Went Plastic Practice 351-6685 after 5 p.m., car blue. 489-7088. 3-4-7 393-0230, ask for Steve or Don. NEED TWO 2, 3 bedroom Unfurnished weekdays. 5-4-9 34-7 I people for apartment. Ads for the living quarters Balls 6 for $1.00 apartments with all the you're $57/month. Close to campus. af.er. Check "FOR RENT' extras. Applications now Shuttle Cocks ■COMET, 1964. Convertible. V-8, Scooters & Cycle* FLEXIBLE HOURS: Management 351-4856. 54-7 being taken. Children Tennis Rackets automatic, $250. Good and sales. Fighting water YES. TWO JOHNS E WOMEN: TWO vacancies in 4 girl welcome. Call 349-4030. Tennis Balls transportation. Must sell. pollution. Knoll, 332-3671. 1-4-5 CYCLE INSURANCE. Central Okemos Rd. at E. Mt. Hope. ^REE: 1971 Golf apartment. 1 block from cempus. . 351-6533. 5-4-8 Michigan's largest insurer. Any RESPONSIBLE SITTER needed. 1 Completely furnished, utilities end CORVETTE 1969. Two tops. 427, air, radial tires, other extras. cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON INSURANCE AGENCY. child. 1:15-3:15 p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Call parking included. $65. 372-2761 after 6 p.m. 04-5 ONE GIRL needed, four men. Reesonable. Riverside Eest. Call PER APARTMENT, Purchase of $1.00 Rule Book with or more. (Hundreds of modern 332-5335, 484-8173.0 351-8076. 5-4-9 /diamonds sold with a 3 $4,100. 349-1404. 5-4-6 mornings and evenings, 349-1385. Larry Cushion ^satisfaction money CORVETTE, 1968. Convertible 350 WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER 3-4-7 SUBLET SPRING. One man for two man. $80 monthly. Call Bennett, TWO MEN NEEDED for 4 man, and balconies too Sporting Goods \ guarantee Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. 332-5053. 74-9 sublease, $50 a month. Call hp, 4 speed, one owner, under WAREHOUSE MEN - Agricultural Phone 489-4811. Our new address 020 Vine 332-1667 20,000 miles, like new condition. Phone 485-6929. 5-4-9 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF chemicals. Hours fitted into class schedule. Ted Maguire, EZ Flow GIRL. IMMEDIATE occupancy. ONE 353-2764. 5-4-9 GIRL sublet MR'? EDGE Open Fr. til 8; Daily til 6 69 BSA. 650 Firebird, customized. Chemical Company, 2011 N. High University Terrace. $55 monthly. to Spring. One block north of Mich. St. Lansing. 4-4-8 351-6806. 3-4-5 Reduced rates. Close, modern. tOUGAR Ave. one half block west imfe 1969 XR7. Good 2300 miles. Must sell. 355-8024. - 351-3851. 1-4-5 ! condition, power brakes and 1-4-1 steering. 339-2553. 3-4-7 COUGAR 1968. 3-speed. V-8. 302 1970 miles KAWASAKI. 250cc. A-1 condition. 1300 Call Lansing firm. 372-7700, furnished includes heet. $62.50 to $80 per apartments GIRL SPRING Apartments. 351-2546. 1-4-5 for 4 men. $60/month. Haslett HHSB Sti engine. Good body. Running 351-4546, before 3 p.m. X-3-4-5 PERSONNEL CONSULTANT. man. 135 Kedzie Drive, $85 to CROSSWORD aasmn condition. 485-5687. 4-4-5 3-4-7 ncaaHaH0H|iSB, COUGAR, XR7, 1969. Superb, one CUSTOM 350 Honda. Electric start plus accessories. Best offer. PART TIME employment: 12 - 20 hours per week. Automobile $90 15th per man. Leases and starting June September 1st. Days 487-3216; Evenings until 10 p.m., NEEDED Village. GIRL Spring. 351-6708. 3-4-7 for new Cedar $60/month. See Frank or JoAnne PUZZLE □0330 ma aaos si sBEpJi lei owner. Radio, automatic, all 355-6338. 3-4-5 332-4432 HE nana 001 . tires. required. 351-5800. O 882-2316. O power, new Remaining ACROSS .28. Elocution warranty. Phone 332-8993. 5-4-8 NORTON, 750. Mint. 1970 1. Consign 30. Twine □wars aSE® TWY Commando Roadster, $1250. 5. Alehouse 31. Ourselves HmnraH ags0nn These DODGE 1967. Coronet 500. V-8, 2 4,000 miles. 372-1660. 5-4-7 8. Gossamer 32. Misjudge □□HI! furnij door, hardtop, bucket seats, radio, 11. Giant squid 33. Pottery □an flaaa BBS unit How as □assail automatic transmission, power 200 CC DUCAT I. 1970 Suzuki many apartment buildings supply 13. Constellation 34. Regional centr steering, 350R. Best offers. Also helmets power brakes and new tires. Uses regular gas. Best offer and car carrier. 351-8810 9 a.m. - continuous free maintenance on toilets, garbage 14. Completely 36. Note of the □HEHUMansi! units disposals, stoves, air conditioners, and many 15. Breakfast food scale over 1,050. Phone 373-0702 or 5 p.m. 5-4-7 has b other appliances? r>dar Village does! Cedar 16. Wild revelry 38. Unite 882-9121. 1-4-5 fecrej 17. Tea tree 40. Truck BRIDGESTONE, 1970, 175 cc DT. Village has 24-hour emergency service and daily 18. Appropriate first FALCON, 1966. Standard, V-8, 2 Low mileage. Exceptional 41. Paddle maintenance service by our on-site staff. 20. Heart 42. Adept door, bucket seats. Phone condition. $425. 353-7685. 4-4-6 startii 22. Burmese 43. Senorita's veil 5. Senator's 353-6854. 3-4-6 demon 45. Bleak messenger 1967 YAMAHA 305. Rebuilt engine. l.Shoo FORD 1966 Galaxie convertible. Ivy 23. Before noon 46. High in the 2. 6. Insistence Call Barry, 337-9703. Leave Dugong 7. Alongside green, black top. A-1 condition, number. 5-4-7 '25. Aria sQple 3. Unfortunate $775,655-3915.1-4-5 26. Sea anemone 47. Sense 8. Verruca 4. Dad r— 9. Work unit y- i 7— l'& £ > HONDA 90. Scrambler. Excellent Now e leasing for JEEP, 1964. Wagoneer. New rubber. 4 wheel drive. Rebuilt motor. Call condition. Free helmet. 349-9134 and fall. A few sub-leases summer " ii % •3 10. Cove 12. Only % or 349-2707. 3-4-5 372-7342. 5-4-6 16. Ocular still available for spring. 'M iS if 18. Albumin MACH speed. I, 1969. 351, 4 barrel, 4 Good condition. $1800. 1970 HONDA condition. Best 125SS. Perfect offer. 355-7599, This is our on-site maintenance room, used by % % W W. Picture borw •7 21. Palm leaf __48517675. 5-4-8 351-9310. 5-4-6 our staff to provide the service you demand. u 'ft 2i % ti % 1M 23. Terrier MAVERICK, 1971. radio, stick shift, 4 door. 5,000 miles. Must sell! 70 TRIUMPH. extras. Daytona 500 with $1150. Call 482-5626, V//, is %26 % IT 24. Furious 25. Scatter see® Best offer. 5-4-7 351-8737, after 5 p.m. after 5 p.m. 84-9 in % 46 26. Advent 27. Correlative" 71 XLCH Harley Davidson. Good % neither METEOR 1962. Good condition. $250 or best offer. Call 332-2951. "*-4-7 LOW condition. 616 p.m. 5-4-6 RATES. - 527-2252 after 6 Specializing in 31 %$ 4 32 $Si 3\ % IT TT % 29. Grampus 33. Desire 34. Opinion 35. Grandma MUSTANG MACH I, 1969. Black, motorcycle insurance. FEIDLER 38 39 hB iii sharp. After 5 p.m., call 351-7459. INSURANCE AGENCY. $ w 37. Spoken 104-16 MUSTANG, excellent 1967. condition. Radio, air, Cell 676-2449. 34-5 1968 KAWASAKI combination Road Trail. 2,000 1 20cc PHONE 332-5051 ui us d4 43 % m 38. Discord 39. Wood sorrel 41. Bravo 43. Myself 332-6201. 4-4-7 miles. $300. 355-3057. 54-9 44. Provided Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. April 5. 1971 9 For Sale ForSale ForSale Lost & Found Im usic a l"nST RUMENTS, " all' FOX HOLE PX, Frandor: PIONEER AUTO tape deck. Also Service IT'S WHAT'S. ii a wnni i brands. 30% off lift prica. Rich: Cigarettes, Wollensack reel recorder offer. 35c per pack; paddle LOST GOLD wedding band in or BABYSITTING 351-5869. 0 balls, 57c'; in my Spartan Happening paddle ball paddles, $2.50; aviator 351-8323. 5-4-6 near Horticulture Building March Village home. Reliable. Full time. IniAMOND ■ RING and wedding band. sun for glasses, $3.98; tennis balls, 3 $2.29; tennis racket, $5.95; 5 ROSS AM-FM stereo radio, tape 31st. Call 625-7238 evenings. Reward 3-4-fi Call Kay, 353-7949. 5-4-6 yellow Oold, size 5%. . . 21 points, HP player, only 2 months old. GUITAR, DRUM, BANJO lessons. outboards. $99, mummy $50. 485 8534^3-4-6 sleeping bags, $14.88; camping Separate speakers. Call 337-2558. Personal Private. Folk, Rock, Semi - Classic. MARSHALL MUSIC, East ■ ifiNG " SIZE water mattrat*, $39 ppd. saws, $3.90; army folding shovels, Finest quality, guaranteed $2.98; canteens, 99c; back pack EARN DUTCHMAID clothing. Take Lansing. 351-7830. C-4-5 BOSE 901 speakers, 5 months Manufacturer seeks local $2.88; pup tents, $7.88; shag $420, Sansui AU 999 amplifier 2 old, advantage of my starting bonus. Until May 10th. J. Burt, 626-6003 PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free distributor. Contact Steve Boone, balls, $1.98; waders, $12.50; months old, $250; phone (local). 2-4-5 estimates, grad students, South Complex will present present "Hospitality Weekend 1971* INDUSTRIAL fabrics, inc., denium bells, $5.99. 0-10-4-14 355-6028. 3-4-7 "Horizon '71," a night for students c .a Student . .. Mobilization .• - Committee April 17 and 18. James Farmer and 716 South Fidalgo Street, Seattle, experienced, references. Brighten, »o talk with faculty from more than ^ it 8 p.m. Tuesday in 34 other noted USED FURNITURE. &OVERSEAS JOBS house for spring. jjnj< speakers will be featured, Washington 98102. (206) 1 »ofa, MUSICAL STUDENTS Australia, Europe, j up your 40 majors, at 7:30 p.m. today in antiu/n ®*usf. demonstrate..p in an^, and a gourmet dinner with a Spanish 763 8911. 4-4-5 matching chair, coffee table, pole INSTRUMENTS, - 349-4817. C Holden Hall cafeteria. tj, antiwar A Washington thcme win be served Fof ,jcke,s ca|, lamp, small dinette. Double bed brands. 30% off list price. Rich: America, Africa, etc. All on April 24. People are needed to 355 0110. - half bed. 372-7193. 2-4-6 351-5869. 0-4-5 >professions and occupations, I BABYSITTING BY former nurse's help with publicity and bus ticket ■ GUITAR D-20. Martin twelve string, '$700 to $3,000 monthly. aide in Pediatrics. Daytime, fenced sales. All are welcome. hardshell case. Five months old. paid, overtime, yard. Babies welcomel 694-9332. Service The xconi discussion of ,he Ake„ 337-1220^3-4-5 METAL TENNIS racket. Unused Animals ^sightseeing, Free information. < XK , , . . Hall sexuality symposium will begin Tensor, $25. Year's guarantee. 'te TWA Research Service, Box / 3-4-5 TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. olniza.ion Organization ^n will meet mert ,1% ^ "Hall7 P'm" at 7 p.m. Tuesda* in ,he W«' Ak'ers formal IhaRMON - KARDON stereo. Dan, 332-3577. 1-4-5 !-H, San Diego, Cal. 92105. Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary today in 404 Natural Science Bldg. Stevenson dean lounge of Florence Slightly used component system wj,h matched speakers, original SADDLE, STUBBEN Siegried, and Typing Service Ann Lance, 626-6542. 0-4-5 All interested zoology majors i women at the MCAT EXAM cost $449, now $295. Used fittings. 3 months old. New $340, FREE KITTENS. Box trained. six day kaplan ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith FOR SALESPOWER try a little Electi 971 72 Realistic stereo amp and extension now $200. Bridle, $20. 641-4572 Raised with children. Call after 6 tutoring course being assembled offset printing. Complete service MSU Volunteers - new and for Classified Ad to sell a large mobile Interfraternity Council offi speakers. Selection of used 3-4-7 P.m., 332-0031.4-4-7 May 1st exam. 851-6077. for dissertations, theses, portable stereo phonographs. Bell 15-4-23 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. home! Dial 355-8255 today be K* held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the "* * ™ " ~ Volunteer * Recruitment and Howell stereo cassette GUITAR GIBSON Dove. Sunburst AKC REGISTERED puppies for sale. 21 years experience. 349-0850. C Delta Sigma Phi house. All fraternity house presidents should come to Session at 7 30 P m today TueX JET SUMMER FLIGHTS or Wednesday in the Stefanoff Used Westinghouse recorder. portable TV, plays good $45: New finish. 5 months old. New $525 now $250. 641-4572. 3-4-7 Saint Bernards. Phone 663-3689. Detroit / London PROFESSIONAL^ Transportation Lounge, Student Services Bldg. _JM-6_ The Astronomy Club will hold 9x12 Oriental pattern rugs and $194.00 THESIS ero Population Growth will BIRDS. NANDAY Conure, $20. observing session with telescopes s wall tapestries. 1500 used and SKIS — CROSS Country, bindings, PREPARATION nsor an Abortion Halemoon conure, $10. Myna, Call: p.m. Tuesday on the roof of Symposium at 7 guaranteed stereo records and 8 boots. Package or separate. $40. 372-3994. 3-4-7 D,... .. i. I...... today '""a; in "I 108B ivoo Wells "CI 13 Hall. nan. ocilSen. track stereo tapes. Hermes 351-1886, evenings. 3-4-7 Fred: 355-2824 LnrfVn.t Students interested Ast'onomy are askedBuilding. to meet Gilbert Bursley jack Slack Beebe Nancv Hammond Lorrain, portable typewriter, excellent Eddie: 393-7520 WHATEVER YOU inaiSPhysics Aatronomy Bldg.All Ren condition, $39. Selection of Mobile Homes want to there's a good chance you'll find it buy, , - and, if cloudy, a Richar(j A„en and Rep. * Jack£, 35mm SLR cameras used. Complete Profession!! Thisii Ser»ic« lor will be Vaughn will speak. in the Want Ads. Check nowl < Polaroids and movie cameras. mobile home 12x60, two * Peanuts Personal Mistir's mil Doctoral Candidatas Free bedroom. Large aluminum shed, I Veterans for Peace will r Spartan Wive I hold : Bosch and Lombe used Brochure and Consultation. Pltlte Call t 7:15 p.m. today at People's microscopes. Used 8 track and HOOVER VACUUM. 50 feet play skirting, can be sold on or off lot. I M.K. WHAT is your telephone Clitt and Paula Hjugtiej 337 1527 or 827 2936 Wanted p.m. today in the; Union Gold Room. union ooia Koom. rhnr< Church Registration for e cassette auto tape players, all yard fence. $4,500,625-3481.10-4-13 I number? J.E. 1-4-5 All wo, ...„l welcome to attend. c|asses j,e held. The topic Rocking horse. tested and guaranteed. Bargains on Miscellaneous baby furnishings BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for The WINDSOR MOBILE homo 1968, NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE Communication Dept. used lovely diamond ring - EARL OF Derelectus: Would like to 646-5801.5-4-9 10x55 with all positive, A negative, B negative sponsoring a book exchange froi tip-out. $4500. COPY SHOPPE can show you engagement sets, $39 up. apply for genuine shining (k)night. and AB to 5 p.m. through Tuesday in 1 Imperial Village, Grand Ledge. how to get two Xerox copies for negative, $10.00. O t I married students are invited to Layaways, Bankcard, Mastercharge. H-3 PENTAX body. Top mounted Fair Damsel. 1-4-5 Auditorium. You can buy and sell the price of one. Phone 332-4222. negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN t|,t "kick - off" meeting of adult WILCOX SECONDHAND exposure meter. Soft case. 2X and _ _6_2Z:?Zi5.i COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 541 E. Grand River. C evening programs at 7:30 p.m. STORE, 509 E. Michigan, 3X telextender. 646-5801. 5-4-9 1970 SQUIRE 12x60. All set up, Real Estate 507Vi East Grand River, East Tuesday in the new day - care center Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours with skirting, Windsor Estates. Lansing. Above the new Campus in Spartan Village. COMPLETE TYPING and printing The Sailing Club will meet at 7:30 daily 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. C GUITAR GIBSON J-45, $110. Also Call 372-7022, 645-7780. 3-4-6 Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 THREE BEDROOM, full basement service. Copy stored on magnetic p.m. Tuesday in the Union Ballroom. Self Realization blacklight, $15. Call 355-4851. p.m., Monday, Thursday and Refreshments will be served. - Fellowship is tape. This eliminates all re-typing (CANON FTOL 1.2 with booster 28, 1-4-5 10x50 TWO bedroom. Close to with furnished recreation room. 2 car garage, large lot near except author's changes and Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 teaching Yoga," a "The Ageless Science of course stressing the Yoga 135, 200, 400 mm lenses. Brand campus. Good condition. $1800. P.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C MOTOROLA SOLID MacDonald and Marble Schools. corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT postures, meditation and relaxation. v. Must sell. 355-8024. 1-4-1 state portable .vi» stereo. One year old. $65. 35V6628Lji14-8_ June 15th occupancy. $24,750. MAIL ADVERTISING, across For informatio :all 482 - 1929. from Frandor. Phone 337-1773. C EXTRA TV'S sell fast in spring with HELVING - BRICKS and boards, 337-9687. 5-4-9 1969 HILLCREST 2-bedroom, 351-2192. 12-4-16 low - cost Want Ads. Dial some are burlap covered. John, skirted. Fully carpeted, garbage SUPPORT YOUR business with a COMPLETE THESES service. 355-8255. 351-6245. 2-4-5 YOU WON'T BELIEVE our large disposal and many extras. Call boost from Want Ads. Advertise Discount printing. IBM typing and selection of frame styles. 625-3520. W OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East services there. Dial 355-8255. binding of theses, resumes, THINKING OF someone special? T0VE FIXTURES, adding machine, 45x8, publications. Across from campus, Send Michigan 1954. Great Lakes. Two "Peanuts Personal" Opening $pecial a cash registers, storage cabinets, Avenue, 372-7409. SUMMER FLIGHTS to Europe, corner MAC and Grand River, C-5-4-9 bedroom. 6 miles from MSU. On message with a Want Ad. Come in pants cabinets, air conditioners, $194. Detroit to London. Call below Park Lake. $1400. 641-4525. Style Shop. Call today. 347 Student Services. glass case, and miscellaneous. 351-6245. 2-4-5 ENLARGER - DURST M600. 5-4-7 _FranM^k,_351-86°4. 20-4-28 COPYGRAPH SERVICES, savings toward 337-1666. C IEFRIGERATORS, trailer size. Hot plate, 2 burners. Best offers. John, Accessories. 351-7857, after 5 Also Speedlight. Braun. 515 Professional. Call Bob, p.m. B-1-4-5 STAR, 12x60. Two Skirted. Garbage disposal. bedroom. Many LOGAN NORTH. 3 bedroom home, large basement. rec room, walk Take over contract. out BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. WORKING apartment $80-$100. MAN desires with Shaw room cooking. Lane or - S1 goods and services with this coupon extras. 393-2152. 5-4-9 Trowbridge area. Write: Robert 351-6245. 2-4-5 Phone 372-2906. 5-4-9 No job too large or too small. April 5 - April 10 THEY'RE HERE. Genuine Block off campus. 332-3255. C Graham, 334 Michigan, E. Service Lansing. 5-4-7 ICYCLE NEW REPAIRS. All models. COMMUNITY BICYCLE handworked "Function Form" record racks. All wood, all and FOR GLAD tidings look for something you've lost with a Want NEED A licuiM-a/ia few SHOP. 351-7118. 1-4-2 handmade. At DISCOUNT babysitter? Call Linda. faJicj, Ad. Dial 355-8255 <£ Jlcu/i gfyluU Local references available. Phone RECORDS or call 337-0133. 2-4-6 353-1163. 2-4-5 Your Blueprint for Luxury... GLENN HERRIMAN, INC. wo © TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Transcendental meditation is a natural spontaneous tech¬ nique which allows each individual to expand his mind and improve his life. Still a few places Wednesday, April 7 FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: left for summer & fall MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. 4 and 8 pm 106B Wells Hall twyckingham apartments are now leasing student units. For information, call 351-7168 These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each RINGDAY SALE! SAVE $4.50 umt has dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - TisiTouTUNET a central air conditioning and Hotpoint appliances. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time ATL: 111, 112, 113 DATE: March 30 thru Apr. 9 TIME: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. nas been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, Hum.: 241, 242, 243 recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the Soc.: 231 A, 232A & B, 233 A & B first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units Nat. Sci.: 191A, 192A & B 8> C. 193 A & B starting at $60/month M.S.U. BOOKSTORE per man. Chem.: 130, 141 Economics: 200, 201 Geography: 204 Three, Six, Nine and Twelve History: 121, 122 Month Leases Available Math: 108, 109, 111, 112, 113 sgoo SPECIAL'2-0a DISCBUMr Psych: 151 Phys. Sci.: 203 Statistics: 121 "PLUS "(These Book Digests At $1.00 Each.)" Devil in Massachusetts vv Uo «sr> Citizen Tom Paine Puritan Dilemma I 'Autobiography of Ben Franklin S TtyyCKJNGHAM 4620 S. HAGADORN just north of Mt. Hope Rd. The Black Experience .Afro - American History Uncle Tom's Cabin - Frazier "%£■ ^ APTS. Poor White Gt [OLDEN if* management exclusively by: Biography of Malcolm X CampuA. Auric Shop. SIGI^URE ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY I 217 E. GRAND RIVER Monday, April 5 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1971 Legislatures reduce states' education funds (Continued from page 1) these elements of society which benefit little — such as an inner - Evans of Michigan's Gov. Washington, and Milliken has South Dakota school officials are among the most Association, said the increase "is ridiculous when the rise of costs "barebones" budget and a state absolutely crucial unfortunate omission." and Not all educators are New Mexico unh "nhappy Sc| I Leonardsch°oii| Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie of city family while school official says "there will superintendent — leaving been hinting. disappointed. Gov. Richard due to inflation alone will Dpi^' I Illinois sliced $177 million of untapped the be massive cutbacks in graduate Board of says his state's $142 primary Indiana's legislature has before Kneip's budget request for $29 demand more than $5 million The California State ■ higher education's request for beneficiaries, the students it a proposal that any school million for eduation, provdies an programs, limited enrollments, Education has proposed a $859 million, saying, "It is time themselves." just to keep even with the costs staff cutbacks and, in effect, the which increases tuition rates will increase of only $156,000 from of operating our schools. We can statewide property tax to we question whether we should legislators will be saying to support Ogilvie asked for tution have its state appropriation cut the current year. only anticipate a tremendous kindergarten through continue drawing increases at state Montanans, "Send your kids colleges and by the amount brought in by David W. Smith, president of outback in programs. " community college programs but priority ... to deny up¬ somewhere else to school.' " . disproportionate support from universities. So did Gov. Dan . tuition hikes. their plan also calls for $400 state the South Dakota Education North Carolina Gov- Bob Gov. Ronald Reagan of is not a leader relation to its per nati„na||" I Scott trimmed education's California proposed nominal million in addition state aid, a sum which would put Reagan's its per capita capita ineo® 1 wealth, would ,! I MILLIKEN TO ACT request for $295 million for the 1971-73 period to $80.4 million increases for higher education $337 million for universities and — budget in the red. stupid." W1 and State Supt. Craig Phillip says $315 million for state colleges— schools "are on the threshold of disaster." in his $6.7 billion general budget EXPERIENCE A Fugitive fears extradition, proposal. Gov. Evans of Washington He wants more hours of asked that enrollment increases at the state's four be limited and that - year colleges there be no instruction from education faculties and for a second year has not submitted 5 higher Pizza increases at the two state per cent pay raises requested by universities. He also proposed return to reign hiking tuition at the schools and the House Appropriations Committee slashed all higher educators. Charles Hitch, president of the University of California, says the TONIGHT AND (Continued from page 1) Farm from which he fled. The of his rehabilitation but felt that reeks of Dachau and education spending by 2.5 per failure to ask for raises is "an EVERY MONDAY Arkansas would have to make cent. fugitive said he had not received Auschwitz." "He was not a star student, medical treatment for fallen the final decision. C. J. Flora, president of academically," his teacher, arches, and that mounted The attorney also explained T.V. RENTALS Schwartzbach then read from (WCCii^ Edward M. Mystrom, recalled trustees fired rifles and Western Washington State shotguns the decision of an Oregon court that Stiggers has guarantees of a College, said, "There's a real • Friday. "But I was impressed at his heels when he fell behind that refused to extradite four home and a job if the governor with Lester's attitude. He did on the danger that under Evans' plan, daily three - mile run to Arkansas fugitives in 1967. refuses extradition. whatever I asked him to the very many students will not be able the fields. "Arkansas conducts at their to enter Washington's public FULL SIZE PIZZA ONLY $1 best of his ability." Stiggers' stepfather, Andrew Stiggers also said that another two penal institutions, Cummins higher education Droerams." Nystrom said he tried to get prisoner - overseer called the and Tucker," the court said, "a Brockman of Detroit, told close to his student but found Franklin that he would continue If Montana's lawmakers can't "rider," or outrider, extorted a system of barbarity, cruelty, Stiggers quiet and to provide home for him, as he agree on a sales tax, the state withdrawn. very weekly shake - down fee of money or consent to torture, beastiality, corruption, terror and animal viciousness a had for most of the boy's youth. will adopt a $165 million BOWL OR BILL* "I was impressed with his homosexual acts. If the fee was work," he said, "but it was very not paid, the rider would order evident that Lester had gone guards to shut the prisoner in with a through some traumatic "the hole" without food or experience and quite a bit of administer a "special Arkansas suffering." beating" by two guards with FRIEND Nystrom added that when the cowhide strips five feet long by school was unable to place six inches wide. Stiggers in Lansing, he went to *You and a friend can go bowling or play billiards for half Representing Arkansas, Asst. Detroit and found a job on his price if you take this coupon to the Union Bowling Alley or Michigan Att. Gen. J. Ronald own. Kaplanski asked Stiggers if he Billiard Room tomorrow between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. In opposing the extradition, trusted the federal court system Stiggers' attorney, M. Gerald that ordered Arkansas to correct Twice the fun at half the price! Schwartzbach, cited a recent the prison abuses or shut them federal district court ruling that down. said the Arkansas penal system "I don't know about the constitutes "cruel and unusual courts, but it's the people in the punishment" prohibited by the prisons that I don't trust," he Constitution. (coupon) replied. According to Stiggers, white Kaplanski said he understood inmate trustees terrorized other Good 5 - 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 6, 1971 Stiggers' fear and was convinced prisoners at the Tucker Prison HALF PRICE Make This coupon entitles the bearer and tracks... BWlfiSS to one one game at one the Union Bowling Alley or hour of play at the Union Billiard Room guest U7~ , I PANTY HOSE One size fits all at half the regular admission. W \ Were $1.17 OA( H- now just 00 BIKINI PANTIES I florals, solids, stripes * — | only 4I ■ e%eStuWj -<$&- m mm mi m m+ STONEWARE MUG SPECIAL m your choice ()~J^ t/jm mm m GET YOUR. VALUE CREDITS HERE IMPORTED 5'x8' I STRAW RUGS ■ special $3" I - -#)> SPRING MATERIAL ART SUPPLIES DENIM only GRANNY PRINTS 99w 93' (Complete Supply For AMERICANA "RED, WHITE, & BLUE"54Q9 .PRINTS USED BOOKS « KOTEX TAMPONS - -Va ' STILL AVAILABLE 40 ct. Reg- & Super ' Out of stock titles arriving daily iu, si"! ------ -#$>■"1 SCOTCH HAIR ^ SET TAPE Reg. 69c NOW 47C PAPERBACKS OUTSIDE READINGS CANNON STRIPE SOLID TWIN SHEETS , Always try SBS ^irst! only S2" mm- ----- -^ I ITALIAN STYLE j SANDALS SBS will serve many styles with 1" raised heel y $2.99 pr. or