Tuesday You . . . MICHIGAN e . just can't 63 Number 152 kill for Jesus. - James Taylor UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 6, 1971 LOWEST SINCE 1966 U.S. Command reports troop cuts in Vietnam SAIGON (AP) - .The U.S. Command they repulsed another North Vietnamese up their strength by installing antiaircraft announced Monday another cutback in attack Sunday. guns near the royal capital of Luang American military manpower in South The South Vietnamese command in Vietnam dropping the number to about Prabang. Saigon claimed 1,817 North Vietnamese A ministry spokesman. Gen. 300,000, lowest since late summer 1966. have been killed in the five days of combat Thongphanh A further cutback is in prospect. Knoksy, said newly arrived North and list their own losses as 71 killed and Vietnamese troops northeast of President Nixon is scheduled to 132 wounded. Luang Prabang had brought in 12.7 mm guns announce Wednesday the next round of The Saigon command also reported a capable of downing T28 bombers and troop withdrawals. He has already sharp engagement Sunday in eastern helicopters. indicated that he will maintain or speed the Cambodia three miles southwest of the He also reported that government forces present rate of 12,500 men a month. town of Snuol. The command said South have been unable to advance more than a The U.S. Command in Saigon announced Vietnamese troops killed 50 enemy soldiers few miles north of Luang a reduction of 4,600 men that dropped the and took casualties of one killed and 25 Prabang along the Mekong River as North Vietnamese over - all troop strength to 301,900 as of wounded. last troops continue to occupy mountains Thursday. Since then, continuing In Laos, the Laotian Defense Ministry overlooking the Mekong Valley withdrawals have lowered said North Vietnamese troops are building on the east. the total to 300,000 or a little below. The last time that milestone figure was reached was in late August of 1966 in the midst of the fast - paced buildup that hit its peak of 543,400 troops in The current sixth round of U.S. April 1969. U.S. neutrality troop withdrawals comes to an end May 1. By that time, the American force here should be down to 284,000 men, and may be even fewer if the present rate is maintained. in Vietnam Nixon's announcement Wednesday will WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate He said it would be cover the next Democrats interpreted as a phase after May 1, although Monday called on the "covert move to undermine the he has not indicated the time administration to stay out of this year's present period it will government or to maintain it." embrace. elections in South Vietnam and prove U.S. In another resolution introduced His last such announcement on dedication to self determination. April 20, - Monday, Sen. Jack Miller, R - Iowa, calls 1970, covered one year and he ordered a "We have preached self - determination for complete withdrawal of all American cutback of 150,000 men. at least since the time of Woodrow forces from South Vietnam within 12 The U.S. Command announcement on Wilson," majority leader Mike Mansfield months following* an the troop question came to the fore as the said. exchange of POWs and an accounting for men missing in fighting died down in Indochina. "I think it is time to put that principle action. There was no word of any fresh into effect and not just talk about it," he fighting at Fire Base 6, a South Vietnamese declared in a floor speech in which he artillery outpost in the region where borders of called the war a "corrosive cancer on the Another run, another season Laos, Cambodia and South Vietnam converge. body politic of America." Introducing a resolution designed to SN requests Curt Flood of the Washington Senators scores a run after a wild pitch in baseball's traditional season opener Heavy fighting has raged at the fire base, guarantee U.S. neutrality, Sen. Adlai E. 300 miles north of Saigon, for five days Stevenson 111., D - 111., accused the IMonday in Washington. Flood's run was all the Senators needed as they-beat Oakland, 8 - 0. See story, page 6. AP Wirephoto. and South Vietnamese defenders reported administration of active# workirtg for re - election of President Nguyen Van Thieu candidate and Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky. The two leaders are up for re • election in October following legislative elections in information Senator pens By The Associated Press anti-Red bill August. Stevenson said Agency in South Vietnam has the promoting the Thieu-Ky regime. U.S. Information He also said U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth been Candidates for the ASMSU board should submit to the photos of themselves and following questions no later than answers The board has been reduced by Supreme The board has had so little work in the decision, the board threw out 12 cases then Mississippi senator is trying to breathe Bunker was quoted in the South noon Wednesday. The State News requests Court decisions to shadow of its former past decade that its greatest publicity came pending. !w life into the Subversive Activities Vietnamese press last fall as saying the the information for publication Friday. self. It had two cases in the past year, but from allegations that one member was The Supreme Court has limited also the )ntrol Board, United States supports re - election of Late submissions will not be printed a giant in the Red - hunting it has survived demands in Congress that it given a sinecure for marrying a presidential board's power with regard to Communist ovement of the 1950s. Thieu and Ky. because of deadlines. Answers should be be abolished. secretary. or Communist - affiliated groups. It has Sen. James 0. Although Bunker later denied such a limited to a total of 150 words, and should Eastland, D-Miss., Since it was created in 1950 by a bill ruled that the board cannot traduced legislation Monday to revitalize In addition to declaring suspect groups to required the statement, Stevenson said the damage was be triple - spaced on a 65 - space line. If partially written by a California senator be Communist Communist party to register itself. Such a board and give it some teeth. - affiliated organizations, done. longer, the State News reserves the right to named Richard M. Nixon, the board has the board used to put the finger on requirement, the court held, would violate In floor edit. Among provisions of Eastland's bill are been asked to find that 27 groups were the organization's constitutional a speech and at a news individual members of the Communist protection conference later, Stevenson accused the 1. ASMSU is often criticized for ies prohibiting persons who remain Communist - front, Communist - action or against self - incrimination. lacking embers of groups party and require them to register as such. administration of seeking to continue the relevancy and for not serving its that the board Communist - infiltrated organization. ftermines are Communist - affiliated from However, the Supreme Court decreed in Vietnam conflict as "a proxy war among consituency. Why or why would you not Only three such requests have been 1965 that a person could not be required Under Eastland's bill, persons who Asians." support this statement? How would you iching, holding union office or working received by the board in the past eight remained members of a group that the defense industry. to register as a Communist. In 1970, it Stevenson's resolution would establish a resolve this situation? years, two of them since June of last year. upheld an appeals court decision that held board decided had Communist ties would commission of five House members and 2. Many ASMSU programs are criticized the board could not even be prohibited from working in a defense five senators to oversee U.S. activities declare an as being of only marginal value to students. individual to be a Communist. facility. Members of such a group would be during the election campaign to assure a If elected how would you direct the barred also from union office. hands - off policy. expenditure of student tax monies? For Mlende wins support a The board depends on the Justice Dept. for its work. It can take no action without petition from the Justice Dept. Last day "The intent of this resolution is not to defeat Thieu and Ky, but to neutralize the political advantage which our involvement affords them," Stevenson said. military instance, would you support a legal aid program? 3. What direction do you see the Student Board and, through its leadership, the requesting it. Today is the last day to add courses, Senate Republican leader Hugh Scott student body taking in the upcoming year? o continue programs Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell gave the board its latest assignment when he asked them to declare two New York City groups change sections or drop a course with full refund. said Stevenson's resolution might do more harm than good. SANTIAGO, Chile (AP)- Marxist The election was the first chance for to be Communist - front organizations. resident Salvador Allende's leftist Chileans to express what they thought of oaiiuon government has won a firm Allende's first five months in office. More The board is now holding hearings on the i! t, mun'cipal . actions to continue than 8,01'G condidatc < competed for 1,600 cases of the Center for Marxist Education ^transformation of Cnile into a Socialist city and town couno:! so* in 280 and the Young Workers Liberation League. Since 1950, various attorneys general municipalities. J",!!"81 returns from Sunday's voting, Popular Unity's share of the votes have asked the board to declare 66 ornmi • . y candidates> including tabulated Monday was a substantial individuals members of the Communist 37K and Soc'a»sts, received increase over the 36.3 per cent Allende party. With the Supreme Court's 1970 teSC5"48-7- received in election Sept. 4. a three-way presidential Allende's supporters had conducted a Council meet vigorous and expensive campaign, hoping Petitioning to get close to 50 per cent of the vote as a p.m. Academic Council will convene at today in the Con Con Room of the 3:1b It was a test for man and Petitions for the State News Board of sign of support for his plans to "open the machine as Tiny MacDonald International Center. The meeting will be 'rectors can be picked up at 341 Student doors to socialism in Chile." followed by a meeting of the Elected takes to the track at the wvices The three main opposition parties-the Bldg. The deadline for petitioning Faculty Council concerning collective wheel of his mini car in a Christian Democratic, National and Wednesday. torturous test of (Please turn to back page) bargaining for faculty. equipment at a playland in Vancouver, B.C. Tiny and Art Borstad M COMMITTEE (background) maintain the equipment at the Pacific National Exhibition Playland. Ryan denies killing bill By JEFFSHELER the Social Services Committee over three other eligible CP Wirephoto State News Staff Writer committees "mainly because of the proponent's arguments." Issues related to abortion such as overpopulation and u^aker William A. Ryan, D-Detroit, said Monday he family 1' .. Relieve he doomed a Senate passed abortion reform bill - problems due to unwanted children, could best be considered by p ln8 it to what some observers call a "hostile committee, the Social Services Committee, he said. r ki"> which would legalize abortions in Michigan "The only objection proponents of the bill have to the committee is that they did not assess adequate support for the ouse WM'oduring the first 90 d«y& of Pr°Snancy' £ bill in the committee," Ryan said. ainst th "I". lhemeasure. Service? Committee which is said to be split 6-3 Other committees that could have received the bill include the 1 n'tS "ot true because a majority of committee members Public Health, Judiciary and Civil Rights committees. Supporters of the bill favored the Public Health Committee which "I not u a k'" wllen it first enters a committee that they they dip .> ote to let it out," Ryan said. "No bill is ever predestined considered to be more favorable toward abortion reform. Van, an °PPoneni (Please turn to back paqe) ( n ation reform legislation, said he chose 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 6 , news Forces vow to defeat Pakistan declared. "Buy them from Russia if they agree." CHUADANGA, East Pakistan (AP) — Sheik Mujibur Rahman's towns such as Chuadanga remained in the hands of the followers summary independence forces held onto stretches of East Pakistan territory along the border with India Monday, vowing to fight until they of the sheik, leader of the Awami League who is believed to be in a West Pakistani jail. He demanded that the United States and other powers arms embargo on Khan's regime in West Pakistan "for the cla sal'"1 From the wires of AP and UPI. defeat the Pakistan army. Reports received in this command post of the southwestern humanity, justice and civilization." Keol The army of President Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan, trying to sector of the sheik's forces said the army was trying hard to "These arms'are being used to massacre thousands of jnn civilians and all of us are asking why there has been no prevent this province of 75 million persons from seceding and regain control over the strategic district city of Jessore, 40 miles condemnation of what has been going on by the United St wc^ becoming an independent nation, appeared to be in control of the to the southeast. major cities, including Dacca, the provincial capital. Radio Pakistan continued to say that the army is in full control he added. But 11 days after the civil war broke out, numerous border of the situation in East Pakistan "and is effectively dealing with Rahman vowed the secessionist forces of Bangla Desh w the armed infiltrators and miscreants who are now isolated." wage guerrilla war "until every Yahya Khan soldier has left^ "We have preached self - The Indian government denied again it was permitting any soil. VICE CHAIRMAN infiltration from its borders. An official spokesman said in New "We shall throw up roadblocks, cut bridges, tear determination at least since the up rail Delhi that an order had been issued to border security forces not lines and carry on a commando war until we are victorious time of Woodrow Wilson. I think "We shall raise an army from among our it is time to put to permit any Indians to cross into East Pakistan. young people that principle into effect and not just talk about it. " GOP creates In Chaudan&i, 80 miles north of Calcutta, the local "liberation forces" were so confident of victory that they talked about letting West Pakistani soldiers surrender. from among our 400,000 ex-servicemen. The East regiments are already with us to a man, and we have 80 police of whom half are armed." Be - Mike Mansfield, Rahmani, reported a provisional government of Maj. Mohammed Abu Osman, one of the two supreme Bangla Dai youth position Senate majority leader commanders of East Pakistan's armed forces, proclaimed a policy already has been appointed and its members would be annoim. of harassment and starvation against the West Pakistanis and shortly. ^ declared: "If they surrender we will let them go. If not, we will (See story, p. 1) butcher them all." By unanimous vote Saturday, top level Republican decision He claimed the southwest sector, comprising 25 million the Republican State Central making." Bengalis in a half moon in a curve of the Ganges River, was Committee voted Roe added that Party to establish a totally liberated except for Khulna and the cantonment of Strike decision disputed new position of youth Chairman William F. McLaughlin Jessore. vice-chairman had long been considering the to direct the In Agartala, India, a border town, the acting leader of Bangla Militants at four key Ford plants said early this week new position that was approved party's efforts for youth Desh — the name given the rebellious province — told Associated in London that most workers there have reversed their involvement. without dissent by the Press correspondent Dennis Neeld his forces were trying to acquire 76-member committee. arms from anyone who will sell them. decision to end a nine - week - old strike that has The position, which The new vicechairman, to be necessitated a change in the Mijanur Rahman, organizing secretary of the Awami League paralyzed the Ford Motor Co. in Britain. elected every two years, will and the ranking East Pakistani leader still at liberty, said in an A spokesman for the American - owned company party bylaws, will be filled at the June committee head a new, 18-member youth interview his representatives were negotiating in London for meeting. It is disputed the claim and said all 22 British Ford plants open to any person between the steering committee, also 100,000 rifles from any friendly country. expect to resume production Monday, in keeping with a ages of 18 and 24 who has established Saturday. "We will buy arms from anyone who will sell them," he large majority "vote by Ford workers to return to work. expressed active interest in Militant shop stewards said the "large majority" of Republican party politics. Considered in the light of the 12,900 workers at three plants in Halewood near the port of Liverpool and a Ford factory at Swansea in Wales voted by a show of hands at weekend meetings to continue the strike. pending 18-year-old vote, the move appears to be aimed at enlarging the voice of youth in Daley confident party policy. "The main reason for the Court allows 'bugging' move," Jerry D. Roe, party executive director, explained, "is in Chicago race to place more emphasis on the In a major "bugging" decision, the Supreme Court involvement of young people in CHICAGO (AP) - Mayor Daley, who will be 69 in May, Can guess at the figures." Monday gave government agents permission to send Richard J. Daley, in a confident was heavily favored to win informers into the homes of narcotics suspects with and jocular mood, predicted on Daley supporters predicted T.V. RENTALS another four - year term in City early in the hidden radio transmitters and to the recorded the final day of his campaign for campaign his use Hall and to preserve a winning margin might exceed a fifth term that he will win "a conversations for prosecution. delivery $9.50 Democratic party winning streak the hajf . million vote plurality substantial wtory" today over that dates to 1927. Moreover, said Justice Byron R. White in the 6 - 3 of 1967i but observers now feel liberal Richard E. Friedman, a I m very confident," the that Friedman's hard ruling, the agent does not need a search warrant since Democrat turned Republican. - fought mayor told newsmen, "but you there has been invasion of the campaign will make it closer. no suspect's "constitutionally justifiable expectations of privacy." Asked how many of Chicago's 50 wards he expected to win, Hurry up and wait The ruling evoked a plaintive dissent from Justice Daley joked, "A majority." Job William O. Douglas. He asked: "Must everyone live in hunting students crowd the halls of the Student I Daley also appeared fear that every word he speaks may be transmitted or nonchalant about the Services Building early Monday morning waiting for the I recorded and later repeated to the entire world?" endorsement of Friedman by Placement Bureau to open with its new listings of job I the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, head opportunities. ' of Operation Breadbasket. The State News photo by Jonathan S. Kaufman | mayor asked if Jackson's Executive power questioned was support could sway the 300,000 A Court suit by the House to chtiHeflge the President's' blacks eligible to vote. "I thought he was a religious Radicals seek reins power to impound funds appropriated by Congress was leader," Daley quipped. proposed Monday in Washington by Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield of Montana. Friedman also confidently of victory in the midst of a 40 spoke hour marathon, of Berkeley council He told reporters that President Nixon's refusal to - no - sleep windup to his spend money voted by Congress "raises a grave BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — A department into neighborl campaign. constitutional question" and he would like to sec a "We are on the brink of hotly contested plan for separate controlled forces - one each I black, white and student police the white) b)ack and stU(fc Supreme Court ruling on the issue. victory," he said. departments is the key issue in communities. A victory Mansfield suggested such a ruling could be obtained if Friedman, 41, a Democrat today's city election that could either Wilmont Sweeney, 45,1 a suit were brought who turned by the House. Republican to lead to control of the city Warren Widener, 33, would gifl challenge Daley, ran a vigorous council by radicals. Berkeley its first black mayor. | campaign which attacked A slate of radicals — .two Daley's City Clerk Edythe Campbf Data witholding charged alleged communication with people. lack of whites and two blacks — is making a determined bid for the predicted an 80 per cent v( turnout. Voter registration "My campaign workers city council. They are among 33 64,674 57.2 per cent off Rep. Paul N. McCloskey. a young Republican who say council candidates seeking the or stands ready to challenge for the presidency, accused there will be a massive defection city's 113,000 populate of voters to my candidacy," four seats up for election and, if Berkeley is 30 per cent black, the Pentagon Monday in Washington of willful refusal to elected, could join with an Friedman said, and added that give him information on U.S. bombing in Laos. So, he the Jackson endorsement "came incumbent to control the nine - As the campaign ended, Poll said, he's going to see for himself. member board. Chief Bruce R. Baker said a|* as a pleasant surprise." The two top contenders in the took showed almost all lj McCloskey. a California!! who has announced he's Both sides expect that voter nine candidate mayor's race are - force would resign if the polr prepared to enter 1972 presidential primaries if turnout will exceed one million both black city councilmen. amendment passes. Radicals aj President Nixon doesn't end the war, said in an as it has in Daley's previous four Both oppose the city charter the poll was "a cheap r interview he will spend about eight days in elections. amendment to shoddy of trying tl Vietnam and split the police way Laos, talking to troops and refugees and "getting the influence the public's vote." facts." Tom Taylor, 36, a socioloji and leading nonradical candidi! for a council seat, said tP Hoover radicals have a good chancel resignation asked winning because Berkeley^ House Democratic Leader 351-3470 moderates are "diverting ij Hale much money, manpower # Boggs of Louisiana called Monday for man hours" to defeat the poli the immediate resignation of J. Hoover as director of the Federal Fdgar THE BSR AT THE DISC SHOP amendment. "It's amazing how difficult <■ Bureau of Investigation. (FBI). is to convince people arouBj "The time has come," Boggs told the House, "for the Attorney General WILL MAKE YOU THINK TWICE. town Taylor, of veteran and a the son danger," 9r decorated Vietntf of Gen. Maxwl of the United States to ask for the Remember the wise old saying, "Not everything that sounds expensive has to be Taylor, former Army chief oj expensive?" If you're thinking about music systems the BSR RTS - 40 at the DISC SHOP staff. "Berkeley could very resignation of J. Edgar Hoover." quite frankly sounds as good as systems costing twice as much. Centered around the elected He accused the FBI of tapping the AM-FM receiver that pumps out 50 watts of clean music power and can easily handle two have the first lewj telephones of members of Congress, sets of speakers you'll find a winner of a system. government in the UniWj Strong but sensitive for there's AFC to States." of knock out all the extraneous noise sometimes found on the FM band and there's many stationing agents on college The radical slate consists <1 more features here that you campuses and of "adopting the tactics probably thought you could only find on the very expensive Bailey, 29, and Ira T. Simmo'l models. The automatic turntable included is the 310/X with top of the line features like of Hitler's Gestapo and the Soviet 28, both black attorneys, «J HALE BOGGS Union." cue and pause controls, anti - skate control and Sure M-75 speakers are magnetic cartridge. The the EV 12 true acoustic suspension two - way system. The oiled walnut $59.95 Berkeley graduate student Rijl Brown, 28, and housewife D<™ covering will enhance any room, so think twice before spending your money — think Hancock, 30. Air fare rise expected BSR! The RTS 40 priced "student low" at $249.95. P.S. Don't forget the RTS-20, still - the "Biggest Little Sound In Town" for only $129.95. So remember BSR savings are THE TC 60 If the slate wins and . eltjJ . Kansas voters decide today on whether to give the found only at the DISC SHOP so start "thinking" today. Sweeney or Widener is elecwl ballot in state elections to those between the ages of 18 THE UNBEATABLE FROM SONY mayor, there would be a n vacancy on the council. V and 21. 1 — Here's an unbeatable value coming at you from Sony / radicals, joining with Widetwj Public amendment opposition to the proposed constitutional has been virtually nonexistent. Both Democratic and Republican leaders have endorsed the but it has created © Mcdonald i l Supercope. The TC-60 Cassette - Corder that's priced way down "low at $59.95 - but still offers unmatched recording quality, smart styling and a host of features like: * AC/DC Operation Sony who is considered an ally, coUl then fill come the up with the votes j postelection vacancp giving them either five or » measure, no real excitement. * Pushbutton Controls council seats — depending "I Observers say the issue may hinge on whatever * Remote Microphone whether Widener became may* resentment older voters feel toward a younger * Auxiliary Inputs The city council has the P°*T appoint police and fire clllT * to generation they have associated with campus unrest in Personal earphone So now it's time to pick up on the TC-60 - a and heads of city departing recent years. portable cassette - corder that can't be beat. There's alwavs a SONY Kansas decides for you at HIFI BUYS! y on vote $249.95 The Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) said rsrv fm, RSCOPE Washington it will decide most of the general investigation of air fares on or about next Monday in issues in its 323 E. Grand River | Open Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. DISC 7 HI-FI tttJYS Sat. 9 6 p.m. SHOP on ay when it is expected to a.m. - approve substantial 337-2310 • are increases. Phone: 351-5380 1101 E Grand River APnl 6,1 J Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 6, 1971 3 usiness committee vote lds for the ™ n,> United sakeofl orinnoce,|P word q( SUe^l ails to support proposals , ByDAVE PERSON with one abstention. added to the GM Board of ier has left on State News Staff Writer responsibility ' the areas of Hi™»PrOP? to .requ,lre °ne Robert w- Little- associate Directors. The other proposal - _ . auto safety, pollution and other . of three professor of metallurgy, allowed for a shareholder |he University Business problems to the board n i S P°UPk^ defeated mechanics and materials science committee on corporate lairs Committee has voted not ^ ^ ,tg declglons on th JJ-*. ^ one abstention The and committee chairman, gave responsibility to review GM's "8 People an J I recommend that the MSU propo8a|g three groups are employes, two reasons for the defeat of the public policies Kast Ird of Trustees support three BeniJ posals offered by the Project wou)d have allowed 8hareholder The ^ wh|ch consumers and dealers. proposals. An ad hoc committee e have ,A !.in Proposal requires GM Some committee members feel appointed by President Wharton 80,ooq| Corporate Responsibility nomlneefi for the QM Boar(J t° (Usc|®*1" its annua» "Pprt that voting MSU's shares is not and composed of members of Lcerning General Motors Dlrea t b , d data regarding air pollution the proper way to exhibit the Business Affairs Committee r Bangla D. (GM). committee TliH1"0""',, be corporations proxy totemen. announcijl was defeated by the committed ST.- voted againstI fi this proposal 7-5, cast He said other faculty members recommended „ U.t the board support the latter proposal but they dissenting votes because see the proposals as made no recommendation on the first. The trustees voted in Anonymous advice Youth Coalition unworkable or failing to favor of GM management ew to fill accomplish what they supposed to accomplish. The Business Affairs are both proposals, One person's approach to curbing the rising crime rate is displayed on this car parked on Farm Lane. bumper sticker on a State News photo by Milton Horst Committee considered making recommendations to the board PLANT PATHOLOGIST REPORTS eed for representation' upon K. Graduate the suggestion of Michael Haviland, Council of Students (COGS) Bv JOANNA FIRESTONE State News Staff Writer vehicle of the ballot box, must move quickly to provide itself with an alternative of influence particular life style. "Our primary function will be to search out these people and representative to the committee. . President fresi ,Te? Wharton committee that it then Pollution mage o spokesman^ for^ Hw M^toSES »He^d. " ^ members of the committee to make recommendations on the Air pollution damage to crops and plants is increasing across atmosphere. The results of these reactions are new energy requirements increase three- or four-fold. ** "•ESm-o. or the VoKt,o7lh^dt proposals trustees. to the board of the nation, according to Axel L. a_j Andersen, professor of plant chemicals called photochemical gaseous This means more air pollution ®,. fill .. j fnr fll!I coalition's main activities will be six other Michigan campuses, oxidants that can be highly toxic unless the pollutants can be we can expect increased air tiling "to fill the need for full to J pollution disease problems uth representation and tn people intaroc^ convince interested young it-. including the University of it.. fJ* for vot,ng .t^^Lr^Hible vul,llB the..5'593 GM snares P8!S?m(Kt .sThe most ^pnt recent „c to man, plants and animals. Andersen stopped at their sources. on people become question that 8rowin8 to Drecinrt lur me surveys said industrial orecinct precinct Miohiann Michigan FmtU Ferris 9taf* State PoIIpop CoIIpcp icvcni, surveys Anaersen 'There is no plants in the itical reform." ;iorm. coordinator Richard delegates, Michigan,Jerris State CoH^ge Qwned by MSU >t the annua, estimate that air pollution cost complexes and electrical some Michigan vegetable crop - transportation corridors "Antmv ADDroximatelv 40 Der cent Central and Northern Michigan stockholders meeting in May. the nation more than $500 generating plants that use coal or problems in 1970 can be connecting- Detroit with Saginaw tch said the coalition came on f ^ delegate ^ year' the then mlllion each year in damage to oil for fuel are the major sources 1U „IW ^ « Jr^ Fheels J™ yearT go unf||ie(1 universities attributed to air pollution Detroit with Chicago. irt of the recent Supreme Jooidnn decision onfranrhiTlno en a g - he ^ "Thta -ESSSt of its centralized headed two by Ralph Nader, proposals, both of which offered crops, forests and ornamental plants, Andersen said. of primary pollutants. This class of pollutants includes sulfur injury," Andersen said. ' "MSU has requested more unfortUnate occurrence leaves a location, activist tradition and 19- and were defeated. In some areas of the country, dioxide and He said he believes support for research projects For practical ^u-year-oia citizens, purposes, t e Qf representation that incomparable research potential, One proposal asked that three hydrogen fluoride. major air related to air pollution," can bec0me an avenue for Ann Arbor selected certain crops can no longer be Sources of the chemicals that pollution problems ing have been subjected to was as the public interest directors be grown because of increasing air react with sunlight to produce are "Andereen said effectjve influence open to the organization's base developing in southern Michigan i whole gamut OI -- v 6 and in the Saginaw "Some of the things we want optation, ranging . from powerless young." Recruitment, Kruch said, will operation," Kruch said. "It will serve as as Information' of the hardest Jfi,0"6 photoc,,hemi(;al oxidants include: hit areas with an car and truck exhausts; factories have a good chance of Valley, and getting to study include: effects ation representation focus Qn the ^|gh school level annual loss of about $125 that burn natural fuel oil worse before getting better. toxicants on plants, finding out distribution point and clearing gas, induction resentation," tauon Kruch said. ivrucnsaia. without "in order that individuals mtfy house for all activities and useful 'Tuesday' Andersen noted that air and coal; and industrial "Unless pollutants can be just how important pollutants be reached who otherwise might reference materials resulting complexes that manufacture are economically, how population, through the controlled at their 'This ^ eliminated of *his from local projects. coming pollutants injure growing plants nitric acid, in two major one type of sulfuric problems will sources, increase," pollutants work, finding plants He said the MSU chapter will Way#. acid, paint, roofing, rubber, soap resistant to pollution, how Andersen said. be the coalition's "governmental Primary pollutants are and some nylon products. resistance works, and how plants Tuesday," the State News directly toxic to "With increasing automobile he Student study group," working with plants, effect air pollutants." ing for the other special interest groups in |jterary art magazine. Secondary pollutants are formed Jw° maJor Photochemicid f ings of job applying pressure on relevant Wednesdav y' by photochemical reactions P0""*"* ozone? and between sunlight and chemical ■ Ptr°xyacety, Thpsp 'These pollutants do(PAN). nitrate more The State News, the student University, is published newspaper at Michigan State every class day during four school damage than other pollutants," terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. necessity, be the strength of the Andersen said. "PAN is very Subscription rate is $14 per year. organization. Each chapter will potent. So is ozone." ins ECRETARY •hard H. Austin OF STATE Smeekens termed, "totalitarian Monday power now being abused by the pursue as its primary objective the search and selection of Bus tickets available He reported that ozone Member Associated Press, United Press Inland Daily Press Association, Associated International, ed passage of a bill currently present members of the young persons to run as piecinct d^ttftge to plants and some Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press, the House calendar which commission." delegates," Kruch said. ftrtimals can occur when Collegiate Press ncil uld lower the legal age of ilthoodtol8. The letter contended that the commission has been arbitrarily Most high school civics classes, he said, do not instill a for Washington rally concentrations in atmosphere go above .05 parts the Association, United States Student Press Association. Second - class postage paid at East >ustin called the "age of forcing up the state property tax good sense of "practical politics per million (ppm). Normal Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services neighborhood0111?" bil1 "realistic and without adequate foundation for young students. Local Round trip bus tickets to the (Wilson Hall), Jim Maclntire ozone concentration reaches .03 Building, Michigan State such action to the point where it University, East Lansing, i- one each f chapters will serve as educational April 24 antiwar rally in (Holden Hall), Michael Hurwite Ppm aunng daylight hours, Michigan. k and stuc lesaid passage of the bill was Is an "unwarranted and sources, planning study groups Washington are on sale in the (Bailey Hall), Sherry Lassen ou" 0 ar P™'"tants \ victory essary because "It Is ironic indefensible burden on the tax to reinforce political Union, the International Center (Mason Hall), and Bob Clubb B* D" industry ano Phones: t Sweeney, 45, America has been payers of the state." participation. and the Student Mobilization (Snyder Hall). 1 Editorial 355-8252 33, would Dnsistent and unfair to place Smeekens said that no person "Here at MSU, we'll be Committee office in the Student The Student Mobilization to,. Poputat on size Andersen Classified Advertising 355-8255 black mayor. vy responsibilities on our other than the governor has the working as an information Services Building. Committee will hold a business said that as the world population doubles between now and the Display Advertising 353-6400 ylvthe Campb People while at the same ln8 u/ithhnMSnrf power to do anything about the center by presenting a The $23 tickets also may be meeting at 8 p.m. today in 34 Business - Circulation 355-3447 p withholding nnnolif^r equality of rnmtniccinn'c rxt commission's abuses oKucdc Ko^Qiica fho because the rnmnrphpncivp comprehensive nfotnro picture nf of niirrhflRpH purchased in in rPSldPTinP residence halls halls Union. Union. PeODle interested People interested in year 2°0°> the amount of oil, in per cent vol Photographic 355-8311 registration ienship." commission approves its own presidential hopefuls-thelr from Dennis Sullivan (Holmes selling bus tickets are urged gas' water> coal and nuclear per cent of ouse leaders are optimistic recommendations. voting records, pet projects and Hall), Jim Garrison (Fee Hall), to attend. energy nee ed to meet new the bill will pass in that * * * stands on important issues," he Trisha Kane (Akers Hall), Tom 10 populatio mber sometime later in the THE STATE OF MICHIGAN said. Philips (Hubbard Hall), Bob r cent black. will have a new disease control "Ultimately, it is hoped that Lakey (Case Hall). John Gareao ebate is expected on one the young people gained to the part officer effective April 19. The the bill which would lower appointment was announced by system by this coalition will T.V. RENTALS drinking age to 18, but Dr. Maurice S. Reizen, state bring with them the enthusiasm Free Service tker of the House William A. public health director, _ per and populace concern necessary and delivery Jpy.oU month in predicted that the to rejuvinate the dying moral whole Dr. Norman S. Hayner, NEJAC TV RENTALS kagewill pass. associate professor of conscience of American * * * epidemiology at the University governments." PERATING A MOTOR of Michigan , will take over the MCLE with an inoperative post vacant since August, 1969, ipollution device would when Dr. George Agate retired come a misdemeanor from the position, lishable by up to 90 days in The disease control officer VETAVISIT1971 or a fine Miss J takes a shortcut to up to $100 or both studies the spread of disease and Ier legislation introduced into ways in which health can be "TRAINING state House summer suiting two separate Monday. maintained to prevent large - eP. David M. Serotkin, R-Mt. scale outbreaks of disease, PROFESSION" nens, sponsored the bill Hayner has done disease field difficult pieces, but very together in a how 'ng, "It's obvious that if we investigations with the U.S. people arou to lick pollution we must Public Health Services as well as SATURDAY, APRI space-dyed acrylic knit. It's her danger," e antipollution laws with working with the Washington rated Viett "• The situation is too ,f Gen. Max* °"s to be handled with State Health Department for several years. 9:00 A.M.—5:00 own special way of wearing a Army chief' 'shmallow laws, and vehicle could very « "THE SUPREME COURT let stand MSU VET the short-cut pant with a elected left the ban by Maryland's highest i the U' . :'n introduced similar court on the erotic movie, I Am OPEN H little flare leg, the long jacket nation last year which Curious (Yellow). The vote was passed ate consists House but was still ra T. Simmon the Senate pending four-to-tour, with Justice Doug¬ las abstaining presumably because ADMISSION buttoned all the way and circled at final attorneys, " ournment. Grove Press, the distributor, also e student * * * printed a portion of one of his web belt. Red or purple books in its Evergreen Review. If lousewife Do TRANSCENDENTAL Jf: J°HNtasP. SMEEKENS, you're planning a smut operation, to 13 sizes $32. sent a letter to take care how ■ por o fret copy ol Supreme I NATIONAL Rf- MEDITATION love thp ft" aSking him t0 many IvilW, wrll«i Dtpi. y e the three - member State Court Justices ask along." I 0- Commission for what you as taught by on Thompson MAC Avenue In E. Lansing Maharishi Mahesh JAefp Yogi a Complete Selection! of Diamonds Transcendental meditation Is a natural spontaneous tech¬ *Bracelets nique which allows each Individual to expand his mind and Improve his life. fighters Watches Jewelry Wednesday, April 7 r#tCh* Rin9 Repairina JWe $5-10 Gift, 4 and 8 pm 106B Wells Hall JaeobsoiiS 351.1 roe For information, call 351-7168 MICHIGAN DAVID BASSETT STATE UNIVERSITY Real value of blues GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief KENNETH R. LYNAM hard to appreciate advertising manager MARK EICHER, managing editor ED HUTCHISON, city editor Two of the few worthwhile thoughts to those of a reviewer are subjective il BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor emerge from last week's letters and phone reviewer should have little, if anythinj ul be tSI do with "art," while that should calls concerning my Butterfield preview (in KEN KRELL, editorial editor prime basis for a critic's appraisal. I two years I managed to confuse Butterfield GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor As often happens, however th.1 with Charles Musselwhite) were comments on why blues has largely been ignored by overwhelming majority of those who nil white Americans, and also the suggestion themselves critics are merely reviewers#! Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award tliat I write record critiques. chroniclers of a work or event, and thotl for outstanding journalism. To begin with the latter, my opinion of who are legitimately critics This lack of quality, irrespective of are full of cn»l record critics; if they knew so damned fact that it may be objective in its analyri much, why don't they do gigs, write books is due primarily to inexperience. It EDITORIALS and make movies? absurd to even contemplate one who |*_ It appears to me that "critics" in general spent his entire life encased in an artificial often confuse themselves (and are in turn sterile existence to make a worthwhS confused) with "reviewers," a mistake judgement on the work of an artist. I In other words, "Those who ^1 Cut used bo which invariably results in both a depreciation in credibility and a diminution in quality. those who can't, teach." Unfair? Nonetheless, it appears extremely tenuoufl can, Perhanl to consider valid a judgment of ilemingwJ I have always been led to believe that a by one who has never written novel |l a "critic" is one who, after carefully judgment of Clapton by one who had nergl could shorten studying a creation, renders an opinion on that work's merit while also offering played one a guitar, a judgment of whose cinematic experience consists* TruffautbJ suggestions regarding how that work home movies of his kids. I conceivably might have been improved. As for the usually faulty and ofJ The path is now clear for the MSU A "reviewer," on the other hand, is one nonexistent appreciation of blues hL Board of Trustees to lower used who observes a work, makes comments whites, the situation is criminal, to say J book prices at the MSU Bookstore. least. Not until white musicians such astlT and, occasionally, suggestions; his is the task of recolecting, describing and Stones, the Animals, John Mayall, Mill Michigan Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley opinioning. Bloomfield, Barry Goldberg and Siegell has released an opinion stating the Schwall began reaching white audienJ In terms of judgment, a critic's MSU Bookstore has the right to sell with their immltations and statements are necessarily objective, while interpretation used books at 65 per cent of original of black bluesmen did blues begin t< cost. Presently, the MSU Bookstore subliminally exist for most whites. OUR READERS' MIND The fault lies at the very roots of oJ and the off-campus bookstores all racist society in general, and in the pod sell used books at 75 per cent of structure of the music business J original cost. particular. While there have been labq According to Kelley, lowering the price of used books at the MSU Bookstore would not violate any interest of the MSU selling used books seems Bookstore in only casual. Calley support mocks justice such as Chess and Stax catered to blacks and rhythm 'n blues/soul, most - Volt which h« their blues u federal or state laws. This means the The MSU store presently only buys To the Editor: American people to what was happening in companies which have the power and resources to reach the masses have ignonf tl| back used books during finals week, The cheering crowd that greeted Lt. Nuremberg trials stand for nothing If they Southeast Asia. Apparently many (if not do not reaffirm that proposition. The blues. Michigan Independent Booksellers while local bookeries buy them back William Calley as he emerged from the more) Americans want to shrug their public response to the Calley trial supports Two notable exceptions are Job! Assn. probably has little legal ground courtroom in Ft. Bepning, Ga.m was yearround. With lower used book shoulders and accept Lt. Calley's weak the view of some commentators who told Hammond Sr. and Jerry Wexler, but thJ from which to attack University Indeed a chilling sight. If these people explanation that "he was only killing the price cutting. Of course, they can prices, the MSU Bookstore will represent the majority of the Americans, as enemy" as he had been trained to do. us that the only real meaning of was that the United States had won the Nuremberg often have compounded the problem, dif probably increase their used book primarily to the fact that they u still sue the University despite they well may, then the war in Vietnam Is The Nuremberg precedent established war and Germany had lost It. If we can Interested In music per se, not in tk stock some but not enough to only a symptom of the decay of American clearly that "merely following orders" is condone the killings of Lt. Calley, then people. Kelley's ruling. compensate for the complete society rather than the misguided blunder not a defense for murder of civilians or for both law and decent morality have ceased Both of these have attained their prese On the surface, the idea of cutting elimination of the off-campus which many commentaries have said it to any other war crime. Lt. Calley and the to exist In this country. status because of what they have done J market. be. other members of Charlie Company were used book prices 10 per cent sounds Did Gilbert E. Gildea and with blacks and, In my opinion, hvl Calley's supporters really well aware of the Nuremberg precedent Asst. prof of business law and member like a great break for students, but The net effect of lowering used understand what they were doing? The since it is incorporated into the Uniform of the Illinois Bar not returned in commensurate and quality what they have received. Bi quantltj reverberations of the maneuver may book prices at the MSU Bookstore, implications of their applause were clear. Code of Military Justice. If Lt. Calley April 1,1971 have shown the propensity to ride t! result in drying up the East Lansing then, would be to greatly reduce the They were, in fact, condoning the brutal expects us to believe that he was unaware horses into the ground; not coincidental! used book market- number of used books for sale in expectations. of over 100 noncombatant of the UCMJ, then he Is stretching their mounts often expired In front of ill East Lansing. Those used books Oriental fiuman beings — innocent'woman, credibility even farther than the proponets , bank. East Lansing merchants cannot profitably carry used books if the available at the MSU Bookstore would quickly vanish during children,1 and old men herded together and slaughtered with the grim impersonal of the Vietnam War. Quite clearly the My Lai massacre would Free Calley? A second reason appreciation of blues lies In the for the lack 4 structil MSU Bookstore lowers its used book effeciency that has become the trademark never have come to light except for the and content of the form ihelf. Bluest registration, forcing most students to of the American military establishment. efforts of other soldeirs who were at My prices. These bookstores presently To the Editor: virtually Impossible to dam to. It dof buy new books. If an American citizen can applaud the Lai. These soldiers received the same In the uproar over the Calley decision, not encourage people to snap i heir finji put a great deal of time and money actions of Lt. Calley, then certainly a This, we are sure, was not the training as did Lt. Calley. They knew that Americans of all kinds have registered their and clap their hands rhythmically. itslyrtl into providing students with used German citizen should have had the right they were required to disobey an illegal books. This practice will halt because intent of the student committee to cheer the exploits of Goering, Goebbels, protest for any number of reasons over the often are alien to the record ■ buytJ order just as Americans have always known which recommended lowering prices fate of Lt. Calley. These people must public. And perhaps most Importantly, blul selling used books at 65 per cent Himmler, and the other leading Nazis who this fact. To say, as have some Calley would not be profitable for these at the MSU Bookstore. Yet it is the were tried at Nuremberg. But there were defenders, that the Calley court - martial realize, however, that If Calley Is freed, as America seems to want, then the whole often Is appealing to whites only whenitf played by whites in modified form. effect, not the intent, which should no cheering crowds assembled outside the changes the legal responsibility of a soldier merchants. be examined courtroom at Nuremberg. Instead, there is worse than misleading; it is a bare • faced trial will have become a joke and the What it all boils down to is the fact tl^ by the trustees. administration will have successfully black blues is an almost absolutely p was a profound sense of shame experienced lie. The MSU Bookstore alone would Students will be better served by a sidestepped any question posed by the My form, and its artists are, for the most pi by most Germans. Those of us who have The real irony of this whole affair is that not be able to handle the entire East Lai genocide. purists. Blues simply is too serious, Ml large 75 per cent used book market opposed U.S. involvement in Vietnam It is we as a people who have always put Joan Sprigg vital, too overpowering for most of! Lansing used book market. The than a minute 65 per cent one. cherished the hope that the disclosure of moral responsibility over a soldier's or a Troy sophomore myself included, to fully accept i the My Lai massacre would educate the citizen's responsibility to his sovereign. The April 5,1971 appreciate. Chamberlain's TRB FROM WASHINGTON questions or U.S. Rep. Charles E. Chamberlain, R-Lansing, has decided to consult his The draft query, for example, is in three parts: 1) extend the draft for Subsidizing wealthy Americans constituency before going on and two years, then replace it with an all It's springtime, hey nonny, nonny, and European countries, the U.S. Federal - raise $2 billion. Loopholes are subsidies; invented in France, where even th« doing whatever he feels like in - volunteer army; 2) eliminate with the first robin comes Form 1040. state - local tax take is low. Of course, we they should be called that. MIT professor notoriously reluctant citizens can't escapi Washington. His communication deferments for college students, yes While you struggle with your income tax, could spend less money on trips to the Herbert Gans has a jolly idea; writing in the it. I vehicle takes the reflect that 56 persons with adjusted gross moon, arms competition and wars in New York Times the other day, he The name comes because a percentage!! form of a or no; and 3) continue the draft as is. incomes of a million dollars or more paid Vietnam. Knocking the SST on the head cheerfully proposed that we should relabel the tax is added to the cost of a pro Juct<| questionnaire mailed at taxpayer's No mention is made of the forth and no taxes the last time. They found nice was the first clear sign in Washington that tax loopholes: the oil depletion allowance each stage of manufacture of distril> Jtio»,B expense and cleverly entitled most important option, immediate loopholes. the taxpayers may really wanttoiretrench a would be "Oil Producers Public Assistance based on work or value added. It is sell# "Congressman Chamberlain Asks abolition. The American tax structure is the bit. Program;" there would be "Tobacco policing, each level jealously makes siHr What You Think?" greatest money - gathering machine ever But it is terribly difficult to reorder Growers' Dole;" "Aid to Sick and that the level below is fully taxed, tok«f Question 8 asks whether the invented, and it's breaking down. It is its own addition down. Ultimately t" And a most peculiar document it priorities in this quaint capital, where Dependent Airlines," and "Tax Relief for people support the President's breaking down because it is unfair and everybody has a veto. And in the meantime Purchasers of Tax Exempt Bonds." whole burden is is. Indeed, it is the sort of thing that Vietnam policy. Beyond that no regressive and inadequate. The graduated practically every social reform you can - dumped on the consunWj Tax expert Pechman figures that if all Or, if a finished article is for export,ti would give a statistical researcher income tax that comes due April 15 has a mention bumps into the same dead end: no - alternatives are suggested. unnecessary producer subsidies were government shyly remits the tax, giving* stomach cramps. But then, what's a good measure of "progressivity" in it: that money. This is not a theory, it's a fine concealed subsidy in world markets, r Items conspicuously absent from eliminated, along with exemptions given little science more or less among is, they put a bigger burden on the poor condition — cities, for example, are The tax is now standard for France* the questionnaire include than on the rich in relation to income. (A mainly to the rich and super - rich, the friends? actually curtailing schools, police, trash government would get $25 billion more a other Common Market nations, environmental considerations, other three per cent sales tax on a loaf of bread is collection. Money must be found. Scandinavia and Japan. This past week tn< Twelve major topics, ranging from harder on the poor widow with three year. My! Distributed to low - income than the now - defunct SST. Theoretically it should be easy. Why British government announced that theJB Social Security to the draft, are children than on the banker.) Overall, groups that sum would end poverty in The strangest phenemona of all can't states, for example, impose graduated presented for a "yes" or "no" vote. invoices the columns in which good American taxes are getting steadily more, income taxes? — some of them have, but America. Yes, end it. There are 25.7 million technically "poor" people (below too, willinstallit in 1973. Americans fulfill their annual vernal W # j The phrasing of the questions, regressive, says Brookings Institution tax only a few. If they voted progressive taxes rite of self immolation more heroicwl citizens record their answers. There $3,800 for a family of four), and they - however, leaves something to be expert Joseph Pechman. they could stay away from Washington! than any other people. Theoretically are two columns one for those under The disparity between rich and poor in But who wants to raise taxes? Governors would all be brought above the poverty tn»| desired. America goes to the heart of most of our line. fine; it makes us a little proud. But it* 21, another for those over. And know there's no quicker way to leave We doubt if it's done. Instead, we eroding. When Secretary Connally too* honest to social ills. And there, too, latest figures office. And why shouldn't Washington bail expect Freud, the "kiddy show the gap isn't shrinking. For instance, Mr. Nixon to come through next year with over the Treasury, Nr. Nixon's Abortion column" is on the left side of the page and the oldsters poll on the the slice of national income that the lowest fifth got was four per cent in 1947. It was them out? Everybody hates Washington anyway; Mr. Nixon apparently is going to run for re - election in 1972 on a hate - a gaudy proposal for a fairly painless, regressive, nationwide sales tax (called directive was to "review" the tax "from A to Z." Connally said structuj recently tn value - added "Is receiving continue "value added" tax) that will be the right. still four per cent in 1968. federal - bureaucreacy ticket. Let Uncle - study." Stronger hints come out. Soc The "Tax Reform Act of 1969" closed wonder of 1972. It will perpetuate the The Michigan What is Congressman Chamberlain Sam do the mean job, and then blame him. gap reformers are in despair. They Coordinating between rich and poor for years to come. know W'l only a few loopholes. The government is Or we could plug tax loopholes. How Committee for Abortion Law subconsciously trying to tell us? The value added tax has two great easy it will be for politicians to let afnuesp Reform is scheduling people to levying more and more payroll taxes, easy it sounds! Congressman Reuss, D - - contributors enjoy their loopholes wltf speak Perhaps the good representative beauties: it's a gusher for revenue, and it's mostly regressive. Taxes are inadequate Wise., figures that dropping the oil they soak middle - income and poor Pe°P" at the April 14 legislative recognizes that he need not consider hearings. and we can't recall a time when this was depletion allowance and other loopholes almost impossible to evade. A one per cent with a concealed sales tax that increa* Each speaker will have five minutes those opinions registered on the left more conspicuous. Governors have been to for the fat petroleum companies would tax would raise $5 billion. And it was the cost of living. during the periods from 1 to 4:30 side of the questionnaire, since the the White House; they're broke. Mayors have come; they're broke, too. And the p.m., and 6 to 9 p.m. ' vast majority of them probably will People interested in not support him in the next election Treasury is running a big deficit; "revenue- speaking in sharing," as Wilbur Mills says, means deficit the interest of abortion reform anyway. Thus, the opinion of sharing. There would be plenty of money If should contact Geraldine Chamberlain's real constituency Keyes at Washington hadn't cut taxes six times in 332-2629 or Karin Almy at the over - 21 conservatives, is clearly the past 16 years costing $25 billion to $30 351-3009, billion. or contact the committee distinguished from that part of the office on The dirty little secret which nobody 406 E. Michigan Ave., population that may react with more wants to utter is that we've got to have 484-9431. hostility to Chamberlain's positions. more taxes. Actually, compared to most Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 6, 1971 5 Prof discusses parts of traditional sexual roles because it excludes such things By KAY ELLEN FARISON sexual attraction. the excitement of the risk they accept or reject, and to holding hands and first State News Staff Writer make them as - date "However," he said, "people involved." ask themselves kisses. often have sex for totally non - Barclay said society's double "what its like to be where they Traditional sexual roles set up Love, he said, often doesn't sexual reasons, such as for standard, which allows open sex are." by society restrict spontaneous happen until after marriage, status, to prove independence for men but not for women, is and natural human Barclay said James Bond Before marriage, love is mostly and adulthood, to rebel or for emotion, novels still in existence. Andrew Barclay, asst. professor exemplify the strong, of psychology, told participants courageous and unemotional role man is expected to fulfill. in the first presentation of a six - part symposium at Sunday. human sexuality Akers Hall He said "To be men a often let this role get control of them. man in this society Board endorses proposal means you have to be Barclay said most people are said. sick," he "tremendously controlled about how "Society says, 'Let's see big, strong and good you to lower age of % sex" because of training begun fis early as 18 to 24 months of age. People maintain established are.' Men in competition become machines for production," he said. The ASMSU Student Board, on their parents until majority age 21, are age of majority proposal, sexual roles, he said, because it is Women are more likely to in a letter from Chairman Harold gone, yet our laws still read that remember there are more vital easier and more comfortable work together, rather than Buckner to the Michigan way," the ASMSU letter issues at stake than allowing an than striking out in compete, he said, when they Legislature, has endorsed Gov. concluded. "So when it comes 18 - year new old to buy a bottle of Sexuality symposium - realize it is for mutual benefit. Milliken's proposal to lower the directions. time to discuss and vote on the beer." But this could be a means of Speaking informally before a age of majority in Michigan from group of approximately 200 complying with their weak, 21 to 18. Andrew Barclay, asrt. professor of psychology, speaks to a group of emotional role. students in West Akers Hall students, Barclay explained that "There exists now in the State lounge Sunday night in the first of a six - part series on human Barclay said people avoid of Michigan literally hundreds of sexuality. The second talk of the the purpose of the symposium is series will be held tonight at 7 p.m. State News photo to help students decide what warm friendships with members thousands of 'semi by Milton Horst - citizens' of the same sex for fear of being who are faced with many of the called homosexual. He added fHEATER PACKAGE that healthy homosexuals are more than heterosexuals legal responsibilities adulthood, yet lack the means to of meet them," the letter states. becuase TODAY they don't restrict "The majority of the 'semi - 1 p.m. (AM): LECTURE - DISCUSSION: "Black Liberation: emotional feeling. citizens' are not students; they The Struggle in America." Betty Staging of black play set "If you find your own body Shabazz, widow of Malcolm X. are working and/or married 1 p.m. (FM): MUSIC THEATER: "Celebration." attractive, why wouldn't you taxpayers. Yet these same 7:30 p.m. (FM): BOOKBEAT: David Frost, author of "The like others of your own sex?" people have no say in electing Americans" is interviewed. he asked. "Often people find the men who enact the taxes. 8:30 p.m. (FM): BOSTON SYMPHONY the ORCHESTRA: opposite sex is only They do stand trial as adults, yet Sederunt principles by Perotin; "Points" by Stockausen; I'To Be Young, Gifted and The play has been heralded by of her plays, fiction and critical initial New superficially attractive." cannot serve on juries. Nor can "Symphony Number 3" by Schumann. Michael T. Tho-nas, York production: Lck," last season's longest critics. Nat Hentoff in the New «.!2f.lnS "hed"led Friendships automatically those that are married enter into conductor. lining, off ■ Broadway comedy York Times called it "an publicationarewithin the nextfor Tina Sattin, Bernard Ward and involve sexual feelings, Barclay contracts for the many things 11:30 p.m. (FM): RADIO SMITHSONIAN: "Music of Eric ■drama, will be presented at Garry Mitchell. Another national said. Restriction of sexual extraordinary achievement so several years. tour is scheduled for fall, 1971. they need (car, home, insurance, Satie" includes "Relache" and Gymnopedie" Numbers 1 and 3. ■ 15 p.m. today in the brilliantly and tenderly alive." t°urln8 feeling causes restriction of all etc.) or even write a legal will," WEDNESDAY Iditorium. "A milestone In the black • directed by • Will c°njpany Mott and is ^ Tickets available for the performance feelings. Children express at the ticket office the letter continued. 10:30 a.m. (AM): RADIO SMITHSONIAN: "Our the final offering in this white confrontation," Time features three members of the spontaneous emotion openly, If passed by the Environment: "Will We Have One?" Part II, with Paul Kotin, Ivan jn the Union. but legislature, ■ason's MSU Broadway Magazine commented. as adults, are trained to hide the proposal would change the Malek and Marshall Laird. and deny It, he said. Beater Package, the play is a Last fall, "To Be Young, age for voting, drinking and 11:30 a.m. (AM): BOOKBEAT: Interview with Ramsay Clark, If portrait by Lorraine Gifted and Black" played to sold Barclay said American society contractual relationships from author of "Crime in America." is "very drab in terms of Ansberry, the late author of the • out houses and standing 21 to 18. 1 p.m. (AM): LECTURE - DISCUSSION: "Popular Culture ■delv acclaimed stage play and ovations in 67 emotional feeling." he said the A commission cities and on on the "age of and American Studies." Russell B. »n, "A Raisin in the Sun." Bt is a major statement treating the world of the campuses after Its one - year run In New York. At 29, with the presentation Movie in strength of repressed emotions can football be seen games on campus and at during majority" spent a campus fall term interviewing students and administrators for day on Nye, Professor of English. 8 p.m. (FM): BBC WORLD THEATER: "The True the Passion": A medieval play by the Greban brothers. THURSDAY Mystery of fcman, the artist, and the black of "A Raisin in the Sun," campus disturbances. their responses to the proposal. 11:30 a.m. (AM): FEDERAL CASE: "The Railroads — Can Tperience, and will utilize an Lorraine Hansberry was the Although many people "The days when a person They Survive?" Jterracial irtravs Miss lople cast which, In turn, Hansberry, the who most affected her youngest woman American, the and the only dramatist ever to win the New fifth black seeks fisc consider themselves experts on sex, Barclay said, a public barrenness of knowledge" "general remained home, or dependent 9 p.m. (FM): JAZZ with Fred Thornton. d the characters she created. York Drama Critics Award for exists about the subject. He Meet the "The Best Play of the Year." SAN emphasized that the accepted PASSOVER SEBER The film version with Sidney — CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP) counter the film subsidies "We're In the grip of a granted abroad." definition of sex is too restricted MSU Poitter won coutless awards. Friday, April 9, 6:30 PM eadings Five years Hansberry died of later, Miss cancer while malignancy which could be terminal If something is not made In this He said it would allow films done about It," Jack Valentl said the first 20 per cent of country to exclude gross African censors SAILING Alumni Memorial Chapel her second play, "The Sign in today as he and two dozen other Income in tax ban publications CLUB if original Sidney Brusteln's Window" was running on Broadway. Her posthumous play, "Les movie Industry officials went Into conference with President outside the computations. Standing in the bright western sun White CAPE TOWN, South Africa TONITE Complete traditional turkey dinner will be served. Rides available. Students and faculty families welcome. For complete information, costs, reservations, contact Hillel, Nixon on the Industry's House, Valenti told newmen: Blancs," presented on Broadway (AP) — Government censors 332-1916 Please phone In your reservation today. economic Ills. loetry this season and starring James "Nixon is the first President who have banned publications since set Earl Jones and Cameron Valentl, Motion president of the has held a meeting like this, who 1963, Interior Minister Theo 7:30 Union Ballroom Picture Assn. of cared for this Gardener told Parliament. Mitchell, has been widely industry, and I'm mentioned America, told newsmen that grateful." as a contender for pouglas Lawder, asst. this unemployment in Hollywood Charlton Heston, president of year's Critics Circle awards. craft unions and guilds is 50 to Jofessor of English, ■lection of his poetry at 4 p.m. will read a Other of her posthumous works 60 per cent. the 23,000 - member Screen besides "To Be Young, Gifted Actors' Guild, told reporters: ednesday in the Union Green "All of the compalnes with and Black" have been edited by "last year 76 per cent of the Jom. one exception reported Robert Nemlroff, her literary heavy members made less than losses in 1969 and 1970," he $3,000 Lawder, who teaches creative executor. Several more volumes each, which is below the federa1 liting, has contributed to said just before the session at the poverty level.' ieral literary magazines as well western White House. I "Three Northwestern Poets," Valenti indicted that I anthology of poetry. Aid from abroad industry leaders want Nixon to ■Ladder's presentation will support proposed tax relief krk the first of a series of legislation. ■dings of original poetry by to rebuild town Asked what Nixon can do lofessors, both graduate and about producers' economic |idergraduate students and SKOPJE, Yugoslavia (AP) - woes, Valenti said: "We have The government announced that this bill before s living in the East Lansing Congress, 15 Yogoslav construction supported by the creative guilds plie goal of the eight • week experts will supervise the and management, and 30 to 40 rebuilding of the Peruvian town Republicans and Democrats, to Jries. according to one of its of Chimbote, destroyed by an ■jginators, Jay Paul, Lansing kduale student, is to present earthquake last year. Skopje was Lowest Consistent Prices in the Midwest! ■amples of good poetry while leveled by a quake in 1963. Ttiaining "as informal and Jseonnected The Buz •pt. as possible." from the English Vaul and English student, T.V. RENTALS Scaggs DORM DELIVERY Free Service Call and we'll deliver to innis Pace, Detroit ■th of whom have junior, worked and delivery (Q per month MOMENTS your dorm. Just 25c extra per order. Deliveries made mively with literary magazines NEJACTV RENTALS evenings Tues. - Fri. Tftnized the readings. 337-1300 53" A |f 1 -ax Emil's Bar & East Lansing State University Restaurant RECORD SHOP DurtMC 1C1 rnUIMC JO l-OO// qqtj Vcy&oyz ^H The only student - owned. Student- operated Record Shop In E. Lansing Our enrollment depends entirely on von. Help a student help himself through college. Buy Student Aid Bonds, exclusively from East Lan¬ I Pizza, 1 217 Ann St. - Next to Min-A-Mart sing State Bank. Fully guaranteed by the Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority and the Federal All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner Deposit Insurance Corporation, these bonds yield 5.T3°j, per annum daily Tuesday Nite $1.50 compounded interest. Stu "EVERY NITE IS PITCHER NITE" Pizza is our Speciality Students Wanted: dents are selected upon the basis of need and the recommendation of the University and with the 2012 E. Michigan Ave. approval of the Michigan Higher Educa¬ pay fur participation in tion Assistance Authority. For further information, ask for our bro¬ chure at any of our branches. Meet the MSU MOTIVATIONAL SAILING CLUB RESEARCH PROGRAM For information call: 353-5343 or come to Room 400A East Lansing State Bank Computer Center between 9a.m. and 4:30 p.m. April 5-9 East TONITE * 7:30 Lansing Okemos Haslett Brook! leld Pla/a Red Cedar at Trowbridge p.m. * UNION BALLROOM - Sponsored by Psychology Research Dept. TuesUuy, npfi| t> m Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS Productive spring trip By JOHN VIGES State News Sports Writer looked forward to the opening of the regular season and he also vnCln/ii reflected on the r»n thp .Qnartonc' Spartans' indicates MSU will be ready and eager for their northern opener, «( Do.ll Saturday at Ball State. ... "Pitching for THIS team is dream," . Pellerin "Anybody can look good explained . a . ...... readies batsmen the most powerful bat on the club The Grand Rapids junior i aa ... enjoyed in the summer leagues, Out of the large .. number of • n.ii i- in the Miami tournament and he had an excellent .43 earned run MSU's toP re,lef man and a®. starter. not only hit for a .420 average pitchers on the squad, Pellerin average. "Our Fresh from a very encouraging Southern success, The Spartans scattered base pitching looks pitching when your teammates but he knocked six balls over the and Litwhiler have narrowed the rpwo year |etterman Kirk Maas , trip to Miami, Fla. accompanied An 11-2 record is highly "We have by MSU's baseball team, pleasing to a coach in any sport, hits all Miami over the Hurricane park at the Twin get you close to 10 runs a fences and he easily led the team number and they now have five |s definitely a starter and Larry experienced group, P. «ne that || Assistant Coach Frank Pellerin an(j Pellerin thinks the record game. in total b is (44). men who they say will see most fke the top wjnner Dn last year's «et better when Tournament in which they won we Finishing the trip with a team Close behind the slugging Df the action. . > r% f _I ...til r be«into L - the first half with a 6-0 mark squad, and Dave Leisman will t just five or six men Our m batting average of .333, the outfielder were Gary Boyce and After an excellent spring, ^und' A t~ MSI i for MSU. and tied for the championship tn" for the second half —'iU with a 5-1 c 1 Spartans had four starters that John Dace with .408 averages sophomore Rob Clancy appears Brian out the starters Lieckfelt, a junior run we average wi)1 g() start to down^| play in the hit over .400. Of the 10 w batters and Shaun Howitt, Steve Cerez ready to head the mound staff. MSU grid „„„„„ „ record. America, will be weather and on soft ground" that were at the plate at least 20 and John Rohde, all of whom The Pontiac southpaw was 3-0 college All Although MSU did almost tjmes oniy three failed to batted over the .300 mark. everything fho' that lf it attempted »" in bat .300. Pellerin said that he and Head good fashion, it was the hitting that drew the most attention. Ron Delonge led the starters Coach Danny Litwhiler had with a .458 average and he expected the Spartans to be a gets Ferris Pellerin summed up his thoughts on the Spartans ; - hitting attack with a reference to the job that is performed 60 feet away managed to sew up the second base position, at least for the time being, in the process. good hitting team this year and he attributed the batting surge to the good finish everyone had MSU Assistant Football Coach Dave Smith has been picked as ,c atuov from Rob Ellis, one of two Spartans at the end of last year and the home plate. to the new head football coach at Ferris State College in Big Rapids. play in all 13 games, wielded fine seasons most of the players The official announcement from Ferris State officials is ixpected to come this morning. riNUE Smith thus becomes the third MSU assistant coach to leave MSU and take a head coaching job in the past three months. Earlier Joe Paterno left to take the head job at the U.S. Merchant •13 Marine Academy and A1 Dorow was named the head coach for ;he Hamilton Tigercats of the Canadian Football League. Smith will succeed Bob Leach who recently resigned to take a Bullets, NY open series NEW YORK (UPI) — Los their injury riddled team, open delay in starting the best - of - post as assistant coach with the St. Louis Cardinals of the National Football League. Angeles and Chicago conclude their NBA eastern conference seven matches with the their quarterfinal series in Los finals in the series that could be champion New York Knicks. The new Ferris coach has been an assistant to Duffy Daugherty Angeles and New York and termed the "battle of the Coach Gene Shue and Owner for four years, as coach for receivers last season and linebackers Baltimore open their semi - final knees." Abe Pollin wanted the opening for the three previous years. series in New York in NBA Baltimore survived an arduous game date shifted from Tuesday playoff action tonight. seven game semifinal set with to Friday so Bullet stars Gus He compiled a brilliant record as coach for 11 years at Walled The Lakers try to complete the - Lake High School where his teams won 76 and lost 15 and Philadelphia 76ers by Johnson (knee) and Wes Unseld their first major hurdle without winning garnered nine Inter - Lakes Conference championships before Sunday's game, (ankle) could recover Jerry West when they go against 128-120, and immediately sufficiently, going to MSU. the consistent Chicago Bulls in contacted NBA Commissioner Smith graduated from MSU in 1956 after playing end for the Kennedy made one slight the final game of the best Walter Kennedy to ask for a alteration. Instead of playing the Spartans for three years. He is a native of Detroit and attended seven series. second game Wednesday night in Charlevoix High School. He served in the armed forces before Tonight's winner gets the Baltimore, the second game enrolling at MSU. TI • rather facing dubious distinction Lew Alcindor and the Milwaukee Bucks in the Western of Corr., would be shifted to New York Friday game afternoon. The will be played in Baltimore third T.V. RENTALS I neismann signs wi Conference Finals. Sunday afternoon and the TORONTO (UPI) — Notre Dame Star Quarterback Joe man West was reduced to a for national television last month when he suffered a knee color sign fourth on Wednesday night in the Chesapeake Bay city. If Theismann, spurning the Miami injury in a meaningless game at additional games are needed, they will be played in New A non-contact Dolphins, has signed a three - year contract to play Canadian Buffalo. The Baltimore Bullets, NBA t York, Friday, April 16, in Baltimore Sunday afternoon Los Angeles Laker forward Happy Hairston (52) lands on top of Chicago Bull guard Jerry Sloan MSU Football with the Toronto partially successful in securing a April 18 and New York, April (4) during the Laker - Bull playoff game Sunday in Chicago. The Bulls won this game to tie the Lecture - Concert Argonauts. delay in playoff dates to rest BUFFALO, N.Y. (UPI) - Two 19. series at 3-3. The seventh and deciding game will be played tonight in Los Angeles. highly - sought college basketball AP Wirephoto Broadway Theatre Special stars signed contracts with NBA teams Monday — Elmore Smith ATLANTA BEATS REDS To Be Young, ATTENTION CAR OWNERS of Kentucky State with the Buffalo Braves and Austin Carr of Notre Dame with the * Complete front end repair and Cleveland Cavaliers. Gifted & Black "Marvelous!" * Brakes alignment * Suspension a Smith, newsmen a 7-foot center told he earlier had rejected $2.2 million pact with the Carolina Cougars of the ABA. Senators win opener, 8-0 —James Baldwin * Wheel balancing * Steering Carr, a 6-3 all - America guard, WASHINGTON (UPI) — Dick Oakland Shortstop Bert Vida Blue, was far less effective, bases with none out in tb signed the contract in threw a six hitter and - Campaneris opened the way to a The lefthander, who won a one - fourth. Howard's sacrifice (I] Tuesday, April 6 ceremonies at a downtown the Washington Senators pair of runs in both the first and hitter and a no • hitter late last produced a run and, afti 8:15 p.m. LISKEV'S Auto Safety Center restaurant following his first dispelled their opening - day jinx second innings meeting with Cavaliers officials, with a vengeance Monday by unearned. three of them season, was tagged for the first Epstein was hit by a pitch four runs. refill the bases, Foy deliveredhi University Auditorium Terms of the contract were not whipping the Oakland Athletics, Three walks, a hit batsman and 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Harrah led off the attack in sacrifice fly. Tickets at Union Ticket Office announced, though Carr had 8 - 0, before a sellout crowd of sacrifice flies by Frank Howard the first with his first major The Atlanta Braves, sparki and Joe Foy added two more in league hit, reached second on a by the bats of Felix Millanas The Senators, who had lost the fourth. The final two runs - walk to Curt Flood and scored Hal eight straight openers since the came in the fifth inning on a King, bunched four runso on Mike Epstein's looping single. John F. Kennedy days of 1962, double Cincinnati starter Garv Noli by Paul Casanova, Campaneris' boot of Foy's and added three more again Correction won this one with the rooting followed by singles by Tim grounder filled the bases and three relievers Mondav to take help of an army master sergeant Cullen, rookie Toby Harrah and Casanova's single sent home The rental prices in tl instead of President Nixon. Sgt. 7 . 4 decision and* spoil Howard. Flood. University TV Rentals Daniel Pitzner, a former prisoner Cincinnati Reds' Nation Bosmai., who had a 16 - 12 Bosman, Walks to Bosman and Flood advertisement on Friday 4/2 of war in North Vietnam, threw record for the last League Opener, place and another Campaneris error and Monday 4/5 should have out the ceremonial first ball as a Senators last year, filled the bases in the second stand in for Nixon, who was in read $9.50 per month command Minnesofa • throughout. He inning. Epstein drew a walk to $25.00 per term, not $9.50 California. allowed only two runners to get force in a run and send Blue to The Senators' cause also was as far as third and twice induced per term or $25.00 the showers. His replacement, month as printed. helped, however, by the A's Oakland hitters to ground into Jim Panther, uncorked a wild themselves. Two n 0 r mqi, errors by double plays. The steady pitch and the Washington lead IlLJIIlGjO llC" righthander walked three and stood at 4 - 0. struck out two. He also drew Walks to Bosman and Harrah, LOOK TO US walks that led to scoring innings. and Flood's bunt single filled the FOR QUALITY His rival starter, 21 - year old cagecoac AT LAST! A QUALITY 60 MINUTE 'complete selection of CASSETTE FOR UNDER ONE DOLLAR MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) frames Musselman, Coach of Ashtoi 'Sunglasses and wire rims (Ohio) College, Monday The 8.TDK - 'prescription lenses ground C-GOF named the head basketball co« at the University of Minnesot after the school's apparent fM 'repairs while you wait choice turned the job down. Musselman was brought I r MARSHALL 245 Ann St. OfUiCCCUVi East Lansing Minneapolis Sunday after CaW Luther — who had original ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. 402 S. Wash. accepted the post — announce! WALT DISNEY NOMINATED FOR MUSIC COMPANY Lansing he had reconsidered. Musselman reportedly was tt PRODUCTIONS' THE D MERIDIAN4 THEATRES, second choice for the Luther, who had been name job behin 'j BAREFOOT £EX«...«..r yiACADEMY | DICKVAM Barbra Streisand initially to fill the vacant created by the resignation < George Hanson at the end of® past season. T including AWARDS BEST ACTRESS Sarah Miles ffl \S:I \ pippa scon * George Segal BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR John Mills M \ BOBNEWHAfil v) A story of love. 11 TURKEY" "COLD [The andthe Owl D LI SUN HOFFMAN Filmed by David Lean \k S9 Uy II SV Today at 6:15, 8:15 Twl-Llta Hr., Adults 90c, A [Pussycat fUTodaylTT: 1577700, 8:45 , JUTTIE BIO MAN VfTwI-Llta Hr., A Ryan's ■J \J 5:45-6:15 k Adults 90c, k£Lf:45-5:15 J£ PanavtsiOfr Technicolor' IGP' o . CHIEF DAN GEORGE Daughter METROCOIOR and SUPER R^NAVISION t A iJ?l Hatter Matthou r | . DOORS OPEN 6:45 p.m. Lire at 7:25 - 9:35 ••**** Highest rating A COMEDY GEM!" NEW YORK DAILY NEWS EXCLUSIVE MID MICHIGAN ENGAGEMENT esS % STARTS WED. irfflElalnel1av lUa'A new Leaf" ENDS TUESDAY «GP' HELLO, ) "THE TWELVE CHAIRS" SHOWTIMES Monday thru Friday Evenings at 8:00 p.m Sfl fr£] "Today at 5130, 7130 [S| lis Twl-Llte Hr., Adults 00c, 8:00-5:30 D0LLY!»LATE' ALSO-AT 7:37 & Wednesday 2:00 & 8:00 p.m. Saturday 2:00 & 8'.00 p.m. WALT "THE BOY & __^^Sun^ay^OO^JjOO^jn^^^^^ DISNEY'S THE EAGLE FA.F.rrm pjnARHEAXP Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 6, 1971 7 Profs to study moon dust By MICHAEL FOX News Staff Writer sh?peeg0^f'lu th,8"unner#can P tne particles to the earth was formed tel1 man h°w and how it NASA stores rocks from the study three lunar is completed. Only a small State determine how many different evolved" -volved. landings in three collection of particles is needed processes have affected cabinets, only one of which is by researchers to make their This process, which involves The first set of Apollo 14 rocks. visual study of the rocks, has opened at a time for samples to evaluation of the shape of the circulate. When the Apollo 14 rocks. laffrffiS= 1 S mailed rnoe'inHouston by NASA today. from then affected Di^ess'tht^ihaDe by vvill another Ehrlich rhnno^ Ehrlich and his and colleagues cabinets will be accessible so Tight security of the required with the samples at MSU being stored in a moon Robert Ehrlich, associate but a 'residual of the former less than- - . -^ -._f°.r_tJh!/.0ckS scientists can study the shape of fire - proof walk - in vault under a year ago, and because these professor of geology, said shape will remain," Ehrlich said. they the only samples, many restrictions as to access. . .. tUflt tho ♦u/n cnm-*1— - *• are ones that are The earlier Apollo missions For instance, only one sample " out at a time. I sjsri- surface msu wui ^ samples from the site of year, Ehrlich said they will be ,Me,,ed speci",ock whuewas mo8t °f Ap°"°14 pulverized, Ehrlich said, Ehrlich said * - the scientists would like to do the bulk of I the lunar module's landing and able to study the shape of rock Core samples which show their work this summer. The I 100 yards away. samples. These rock samples indications of stratified rock schedule which NASA releases 1 The moon rocks from the collected by astronauts layers will also be available in samples will determine how long range the future to MSU, he said. landing earlier this year were fr0m loosely cemented rocks to they will be working. released from quarantine Friday, those that are The Apollo 14 samples will be He said NASA has been very completely Thomas Vogel, associate recrystalized by meteor impact. I professor of geology; Bernhard in the past, study of rocks I Weinberg, asst. professor of have been generally limited to I computer science, and Ehrlich composition and size, Ehrlich I will us® a new technique to said. He said that three years I study these samples and others ago, the MSU geologists became EQBAL AHMAD I to be received later. interested in the rocks as I The shape and texture of a information carriers, much like J dust grain often reveals more the chemical process that I about the history of a rock than implants a message on a 1 can be obtained I method, Ehrlich said. by any other photograph. He believes that study of rocks Activist to speak on counter-revolt Eqbal Ahmad, a member of completing a book, "Revolution the Harrisburg Six, will discuss and Reaction in Third World." 0 - YEAR - OLD coed stereo speakers with a total "Indochina and Counter The Chicago chapter of the I reportedly escaped a rape estimated value of $525 were - Insurgency," at 4 p.m. Committee of Concerned Asian ■attempt late Saturday night on reported taken sometime Scholars I Stoddard Avenue near East Wednesday in 109 Anthony Hall released a statement between March 19 and Sunday and at 8 p.m. Wednesday at St. ■ Grand River Avenue when she concerning Ahmad's arrest in afternoon from the East Wilson John's Student Center, 327 ■ told police an January saying, "It is all too unidentified man Hall room of Thomas E. MAC Ave. clear that Professor 1 grabbed her as she was crossing Schaerges, Franklin sophomores, arrest Ahmad's represents a desperate I the street. police said. Ahmad was indicted with the attempt on the part of the The coed told officers she was Berrigan brothers and four Nixon administration to silence I leaving an area store about 11 AN ESTIMATED $15 in others for conspiring to kidnap a most effective and forceful m. when the assailant attacked presidential adviser damage occurred Henry I broke >r from the rear. She said she free and ran to a nearby between Saturday and Sunday sometime Riding high Kissinger and simultaneously blow critic of their disastrous and criminal policies. to a left vent automobile Ferris wheel enthusiasts will up heating ducts in "His case is unique in that it is ■ house to call police after the window when government buildings. someone jump at the chance the first prosecution of an I man dragged her behind a clump to take a apparently tried to break into spin on this giant Ahmad, fellow of the Adlai established antiwar scholar I of pines. the vehicle owned ride at a by Michael L. Meridian Mall. Stevenson Institute for whose research has been Police said they searched the Ward, Addison, N.Y., International Affairs at the focused on revolutionary I area but could not find the man, sophomore. SN photo by Tom Gaunt University of Chicago, is movements in the Third World. 1 whom the coed could not It is the administration's ■ describe. She did not seek hope, obviously, that other scholars I medical treatment. Travel opposed to U.S. global counter - NO COMPLAINT WARRANT has yet been issued AND association insurgencies will be intimidated by this arrest." The against an 18 - year ■ old Mason Harrisburg Six Hall coed who was apprehended defendants, who are all pacifists. early Saturday afternoon after she reportedly left an East tourism research issued stating: a statement Feb. "Our anguish for the victims of the brutal war has led 8, Lansing bookstore without all of us to nonviolent resistance, the travel research profession and related fields. paying for a book. some of us to the destruction of A security The winning paper will be presented at the agent in the draft records But, unlike our Colorado conference and published later in the . .. Student Book Store told East The Travel Research Assn. is sponsoring a accusers, the government of the Lansing officers she saw the proceedings of the conference. United coed leave the store with contest for the best paper submitted on travel or All entries should be addressed to David E. States, we have not the advocated or engaged in violence tourism research. Shirley, Division of Economic and Business book, valued at $1.95. Police Entrants for the Wesley Ballaine Travel Research, against human beings." said they arrived at the store and University of Arizona, Tucson, A potluck dinner at 6 p.m. arrested the coed, who was Research Award in the 1971 Travel Student Arizona 85721. Contest will win will precede Ahmad's speech at booked and released until a $300 award and an expense The Travel Research Assn., a newly formed St. John's. Those attending are :ounty prosecutors take action. paid trip to Aspen, Colorado, August 15-18. international travel organization, is an The winning paper will be presented at the asked to bring a dish to share. * * * incorporation of the Western Council for Travel second annual conference of the Travel Research Contributions of at least $1 at BATTERY, with an estimated Research and the Travel Research Assn. Assn. Entries must be postmarked no later than the dinner and speeches will go value of $25, was Members of the organization are affiliated with reported to the defense committee of the stolen sometime Sunday night June 1, 1971. universities, state travel promotion and from an automobile parked in 'To qualify for the award, a college student recreation agencies, federal bureaus, advertising Harrisburg Six. Lot X south of the railroad must submit a 500-1,000 word abstract on travel agencies, media, transportation, foreign travel tracks on Hagadorn or tourism research. The research may be promotion agencies, research firms, hotels, resort Road, the /FOR RUMOR CONTROL, owner, Ronald R. Sipka of concerned with primary or secondary data areas and other travel industries. analysis or of a theoretical nature. AND Lansing told MSU police. Mari Lou Wood, executive secretary, may be * * * Three finalists will be chosen on the basis of contacted for further information at P.O. Box GENERAL TWO SETS OF their abstracts and will submit their entire paper 8066, Foothill Station, Salt Lake City, Utah, INFORMATION HEADPHONES and two for final judging. The judges will be members of 84109. CALL H.I.C. 353-8114 pair of RINGDAY SALE! SAVE $4.50 SHEPARDS At MSU BOOKSTORE 2nd Annual STUDENT BOOKSTORE CAMPUS BOOKSTORES THE CARD SHOP Sandal Hap Until April 9th Deposit $8.00 SPECIAL *2.00 DISCOUNT 3 Daily Prizes Prizes given through April 10. Win either a free pair of sandals or Free movie tickets to "LITTLE BIG MAN" at the Campus Theater (2 pr. of tickets daily) Come in and register. No purchase necessary. GOLDEN While you're in, view our SIGISj^TURg r°<" signature John Rob.,I, imlud.d ob.olufly In* if||M* ri„g pu,thawd during King Day. * selection of 51 sandal styles. Womens' in stock in sizes 4V4 thru 11 Mens' in stock in sizes OFFER OOOD ONIY ON DATES SHOWN ^ 7 thru 13 BUY NOW AND SAVE ON YOUR I0HN ROBERTS SCHOOL RING Save 4.50 thru April 9th Shop Since 1944 -- Wed. First choice until of MSU students ffiWMS iVctMTI* 9 p.m. 3" E. Grand Rlv*r East Lansing Store Only East Lansing, Mich. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 6J97| | STATE NEWS state news classified Rain or shine, classified ads work all of the time to satisfy your needs. CLASSified 355-8255 355-8255 For Rent For Rent The State News does not Automotive A utomotive Scooter* & Cycle* Employment permit racial or religious ONE OR two girls needed HONDA 305 Super Hawk AMBITIOUS COUPLES and TV RENTALS - Students only. Low Cedar for 4^ discrimination in' its METEOR 1962. Good condition. VOLKSWAGEN 1965 SonrfHM monthly and term rates. Call Village. Fall $250 or best offer. Call 332-2951. excellent economical excellent condition. 11,000 mile*. individuals for local sales work. 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV 353-2341.4-4-8 ' advertising culumns. The 3-4-7 transportation. $550. 332-2317. 355-0*3? 3-4-7 Part time, good earnings, training RENTALS. C State News will not 5-4 12 provided. Call Don Goldsmith, GIRL NEEDED to share"" accept advertising which 1970, 1-Sss 1.000 miles, 351 3647 or 393-1430. 3-4-7 HON OA REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for bedroom apartment I • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against VOLKSWAGEN, 1$66 Bus. like new. $325. Phone 485-9981. $75,349-1736.5-49 ■ rent. A TO Z RENTALS. Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or Everything in excellent condition WANTED: SUMMER employment. 349-2220. O except needs engine. Only $625 or Young men for waiters position. 216 BEAL Street. 2 Auto Parts & Service national origin. MUSTANG, 1967. Radio, air man f"rnish« I 13718 Main, Musical ability desirable. Room Aviation excellent condition. Call take over payments. Aviation and board and salary. TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction apartment. Includes heat n I 1-4-6 • EMPLOYMENT 332-6201.4-4-7 Bath. 641-6553. WEINSTEINS RESORT, South guaranteed. Free delivery, service bedroom, $90. Call after 11 p.m. 34-7 332-28»| LEARN TO FLY' Complete flight and pick-up. Call NEJAC, • FOR RENT VOLKSWAGEN 1969 Light blue training. All courses are Haven, Michigan. 24-6 337-1300. C A MUSTANG MACH I, 1969. Black, A utomotive 25,000 miles. $1350 or best offer VA certified. Apartments sharp After 5 10-4-16 ^ 35, 7459 332-5258 after 5 p.m. 3-4-8 government FRANCIS and AVIATION, Airport TIRED OF earning minimum wages? How would you like to be your AVAILABLE FOR Houses CHEVELLE, 1969. SS396. Road, Call 484-1324. C boss, make your own immediate occupancy Rooms Convertible, 3 speed on floor. MUSTANG, 1965. Black. Excellent VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Convertible. own Phone 351-6685 after 5 p.m., running condition. 8 track tape Red. AM FM radio 7 100 miles. decisions, and control the results? FOR SALE . Animals weekdays. 5-4-9 deck. $500. 349-0869. 5-4-7 Like new. Phone 332-1.'59. 3-4-8 Auto Service & Parts If so, MANAGEMENT PROGRESSIVE Apartments RIVER HOUSE APIS Mobile Homes COMET, 1964. Convertible. V-8, MUSTANG, 1967. Fastback. MASON BODY SHOP , 812 East INCORPORATED has an opening VOLKSWAGEN 1969 27.000 FOURTH MAN needed for spring Automatic. 1 owner. Clean. Best Kalamaroo Street Since 1940. for you. For appointment call Luxury, 1 • PERSONAL automatic, $250. Good Excellent shape. $1400. Economy . . . term. Reduced rent. Call bedroom transportation. Must sell. offer. 351-2140.4-4-9 car blue. 489 7088. 3-4-7 Complete auto painting and 393-0230, ask for Steve or Don. furnished apartment. Extri PEANUTS PERSONAL 351-1253. 5-46 • collision service. IV 5-0256. C .14-7 I large with separate studv NOVA, 1970. V-8. 3 speed. Two Ideal for 2 • REAL ESTATE VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Sun root. or 3. One block to COMET 1966. V-8. 4 speed, crager, tone, take over payments AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and SUBLET SPRING. One man for two . RECREATION Dark blue. Excellent condition. NOTICE campus. mags, many extras. 337-2239. 482,1772.5-4-7 $825. 332-1274. 34-7 American cars. If we can't fix it, it man. $80 monthly. Call Bennett, • SERVICE 5-412 OLDSMOBILE 1966. F-85. 4 door, can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O 332-5053. 7-49 SUMMER JOBS available in Torch Typing Service Phone 351-3484 or Lake Resort area for 2 sharp • TRANSPORTATION Scooters & Cycles VW GUARANTEED repair. attractive gals. Reception and ONE MAN wanted for 4 man at See Building Manager 6 hp, 4 speed, one owner, under RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at Meadowbrook Trace. 393-6299. » WANTED 20,000 miles, like new condition. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C general office work. Housing 3-4-6 Phone 485-6929.5-4-9 < OLDSMOBILE 1970. Delta 88, town sedan 4 door. Automatic CYCLE INSURANCE. Central Michigan's largest insurer. Any available. Send picture and resume RIVER HOUSE DEADLINE CAR WASH. 25c or automatic wash, to Mr. Rankin, MIDWEST cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON NEED TWO people for apartment. 1 P.M. one class day CORVETTE 1969. Two tops. 427, conditioning. 15,000. $2900 INSURANCE AGENCY. 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. 430 South Clippert, back of Koko RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, Ml 49615. 20-430 $57/month. Close to campus. APARTMEHTS before publication. Cancellations - 12 noon SicSSUKbST extr8S- 332-5335. 484-8173. O Bar 04 6 . SECRETARY. CHALLENGING and 351-4856. 54-7 P ON T I AC LEMANS. 1966. OWN ROOM. Meadowbrook. $60. WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER STUDIO one class day before COUGAR, XR7, 1969. Superb, one responsible position for East - EFFICIENCY Automatic_ steering. Radio apartme,,. publication. owner. Radio, automatic, all economical. $800. 332-8276. Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. Phone 489-4811. Our new address Employment Lansing firm. 372-7700, Male. Spring / Summer. Pool, air, sauna. 393-8988. 3-4-6 Close to campus. Modern. PsrkiniL power, new tires. Remaining 5.4-8 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF PERSONNEL CONSULTANT. Ideal for grad student. If no answer, 349-9269. 349-392jl PHONE warranty. Phone 332-8993. 5-4-8 STATIONERY ARTISTS wanted to 3-47 NEED ONE man for four man well 5-4-6 RENAULT 16, 1969. Radio. submit samples of work to the 355-8255 COUGAR 1969 XR7. Good HONDA SL-100, 1970, 1000 miles. John Henry Company, attention NURSES. RN'S and LPN'S. furnished apartment. Call MARRIED STUDENTS Michelins, excellent condition, Great shape, $400. 353-7574, Expansion creating additional 393-1218 or visit Apt. 102, RATES condition, power brakes and $1450. Call 641-6280 or IV James Doll, Box 1410, Lansing, & Mike. 3-4-8 openings in specialty areas. Building 6A, Meadowbrook Trace. FACULTY 1 day steering. 339-2553. 3-4-7 4-9176.3-4-7 Ml 48904. 3-48 $1.50 Intensive care - coronary care; 6-4-9 Live In A Luxury 15c per word per day COUGAR 1969. Convertible. Full 1970 SUZUKI 250X6 Mint labor and delivery, newborn 3 Bedroom Apt. SAAB RALLYE car. Must sell. $300. 3 days $4.00 power, air conditioning. Four condition. 33 hp. Must see. nursery; pediatrics; emergency and KEDZIE STREET. X block from for $185 mo. Call Jim, 351-4490 evenings. 3-4-8 PART TIME JOBS NOWI speed. Stereo AM-FM radio. 355-8806. 54-12 post partum. Full time and part campus. Wanted, one man for 2 13Vic per word per day Work part time while in school, or 2 bedrooms for $165.00 332-0841,372-8974.3-4-8 THUNDERBIRD LANDAU, 1966. time openings. Afternoon or night terms. Mornings, 351-9045 or 5 train for full time summer work. KNOB HILL days $6.50 Loaded with extras plus air. SUZUKI 19 69 250 cc. X-6 shift. Call Personnel, LANSING anytime, 351-5800. 6-4-9 Very . We are interviewing on 13c per word per day Scrambler. Excellent condition. GENERAL APARTMENTS FALCON, 1966. Standard, V-8, 2 good condition. Can be bought for Wednesday, April 7 at Student HOSPITAL, 2800 (based on 10 words per ad) door, bucket seats. Phone $34/month or $850. Phone Call 3514310. 3-4-8 Services Devonshire, 372-8220, ext. NEEDED GIRL for new Cedar 349-4700 Building, Stefanoff 353-6854.3-4-6 627-6712.5-4-8 335-336. 5-4-6 Village. Spring. $60/month. Peanuts Personals must be 1968 BSA LIGHTENING, 650 cc. Lounge. 2 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5 p.m. Open 1 - 6 Mon. - Sat. 351-6708. 3-47 FALCON Alcoa - Equal Opportunity MANAGER TRAINEE. 10- 15 hours Sunday by appt. pre-paid. WAGON, 1964. $375. TRIUMPH, 1967. Spitfire. Excellent condition. Call Employer. C-4-7 On Okemos Rd. across Have all service records. $375. Convertible. 25,000 actual miles. 489-0211 or 489-0159, ask for per week. $300/month during TWO MEN NEEDED for 4 man, There will be a 50c service Frank. 54-6 training, $800/month during from Okemos High School 355-7886,353-9033. X-4-6 Excellent condition. 676-1930. sublease, $50 a month. Call and bookkeeping charge if summer. Call 482-9172 for 353-2764. 5-4-9 ONE GIRL for Cedar Village spring ■ this ad is not paid within FORD 1964. Tan. Body in ——- NORTON, 750. Mint. 1970 appointment. 5-46 summer. Reduction. Phor one week. reasonable condition. Engine TRIUMPH TR3 1958. Red. Good Commando Roadster, $1250. LANSING OR East Lansing. One needs repair. Will sell for best ATTENTION MUSICIANS: Local 337-2027. X-54-6 condition, just tuned. Call 4,000 miles. 372-1660. 54-7 bedroom furnished. Large, airy The State News will be offer. 353-7006. 2-4-7 351-0364. 3-4-7 hotel / restaurant is looking for rooms. Air conditioned. NOW RENTING for summer and responsible only for the 200 CC DUCAT I. 1970 Suzuki patio entertainment June 15th Beautifully maintained. Suitable fall,| JAGUAR one and 2 bedroom furnish 1969. XKE Roadster. TRADE: 1957 Chevrolet Belair 2 350R. Best offers. Also helmets through September. Saturday first day's incorrect for faculty, grad students, business insertion. 10,000 miles. AM-FM. $3900. Call door hardtop, 6 cylinder, and car carrier. 351-8810 9 a.m. - THE JEWEL HOME nights only. To discuss details, call people, married couples. Lease. unfurnished. Choice of apartments^ 351-9278. 1-4-6 automatic, original interior, mint. 5 p.m. 54-7 351-7600. Ask for Food and are. Bay Colony, Bee SHOPPING SERVICE 332-3135 or 882-6549. O For competition gokart or? Call Beverage Manager. 54-6 , Delta Arms, Evergreen, Haslcttl JEEP, 1964. Wagoneer. New rubber. 393-8816 after 10 p.m. 3-4-7 Arms, Princeton Arms, Univen 4 wheel drive. Rebuilt motor. Call BRIDGESTONE, 1970, 175 cc DT. Low will be on the MSU campus PART TIME employment: 12-20 Terrace, University Villa 1 mileage. Exceptional 372-7342.5-4-6 VOLKSWAGEN BUG, 1965. Red, condition. $425. 353-7685. 44-6 Tuesday, April 6th, hours per week. Automobile CAMPUS VIEW tyorth, Poiote. Special disco clean. Reasonable. Call 4 - 5 p.m., required, 351-5800. O rates for those signing priori! Automotive MACH I, 1969. 351, 4 barrel, 4 conducting Interviews for full APARTMENTS 351-8224.3-4-8 June speed. Good condition. $1800. 1967 YAMAHA 305. Rebuilt engine. time and summer positions. 1st. Call HALSTEA&| Call Barry, 337-9703. Leave WAITRESSES FOR CD CLUB. 4122 MANAGEMENT, 444 Michigw CHEVROLET 1962. Wagon 6 485-7675. 5-4-8 VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Blue sedan. Rapid advancement and North East Street. Apply Tuesday Avenue, 351-7910. O number. 5-4-7 Williams Hall on Michigan scholarships available for men 1 Acros the stre t from passenger. Automatic, $100. After Excellent shape. 26,000. After 5 and Friday evenings 7 - 9 p.m. Ave. University approved SUBLET SPRING, one man for (■ 6 p.m., 351-9286. 3-4-7 MAVERICK 1970. Automatic, radio, p. m., 349-3526. 5-4-12 who qualify. See your Saturday and Sunday, 12-3 p.m. 1 968 KAWASAKI 120cc other extras. Less than 10,000 Placement Office for further 44-9 Supervised apartments for man. Near campus. $60/monti™ combination Road Trail. 2,000 students. Leasing CHEVROLET VAN 1964. Excellent miles. Perfect condition. VOLKSWAGEN 1963. details. women 351-1656. 5-4-6 miles. $300. 355-3057. 5-4-9 condition. New tires / exhaust. 482-3570.1-4-6 Reconditioned motor, new tires, LINE UP a spring job now. Car this week for summer and $606.50. 332-8894. 5-4-12 great for dune buggy or parts. necessary. Also train for full time fell. Call today: ONE ROOMMATE wanted fori MAVERICK, 1971. radio, stick shift, 1970 HONDA 350CB. 1600 miles. HELP WANTED, male. Maintenance Very cheap. Call between 5 - 7 summer work. Call 351-7319 for CHEVY DUMP truck, 1962, 2 ton. 4 door. 5,000 miles. Must sell I Like new. Luggage rack, back rest, man wanted for approximately 2 332 6246 furnished. $60 per month! Best offer. 351-8737, after 5 p.m p.m., 337-9944, ask for Room 16. skid \i appointment. C Twyckingham. 351-0094. 3-4-6 | Must sacrifice, $995. 882-8729. plate. $600. 627-2884. 54-9 hours, 3 evenings per week to 3-48 5-4-9 5-4-7 clean Lansing office. For details ONE TWO bedroom furnished CUSTOM CB 350 Honda 1969. call 371-1730 between 9- 5 p.m. For Rent — Rebuilt. Must sell. $500. Call 34-6 apartments. Close to campus. 355-0957. 3-47 REFRIGERATORS FOR rent. Available for summer and fall. Call RESPONSIBLE SITTER needed. 1 UNITED - RENT ALL. 351-5652. 332-2712 after 3 p.m. Norwood TWO BEDROOM furnished! child. 1:15-3:15 p.m., Mondays, 84-9 Apartments. 5-4-6 apartment available immediately.! Wednesdays, and Fridays. Call $87.50. No deposit necessary. Cril mornings and evenings, 349-1385. PARKING V4 black from Berkey. ONE GIRL for 4 man." University 351-7907. 54-8 70 TRIUMPH. Daytona 500 with 3-47 Behind Polachek's. $20/term. Terrace. $50/month. 332-3635. extras. $1150. Call 482-5626, 351-3348. 54-7 5-49 after 5 p.m. 84-9 WAREHOUSE MEN - Agricultural PARK TRACE chemicals. Hours fitted into class REFRIGERATORS - Dishwashers. NEED TWO girls to sublet 71 XLCH Harley Davidson. Good schedule. Ted Maguire, EZ Flow ESCHTRUTH ELECTRIC, Grand condition. 616 527-2252 after 6 Chemical Company, 2011 N. High Ledge. 627-2191. 5-46 immediately. Excellent location The Spacious One Offering 1,1 near campus. 351-0572. 74-9 2, 3 bedroom Unfurnished! - p.m. 5-46 St. Lansing. 44-8 ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. ONE GIRL for 4 man Spring term. apartments with all the! FLEXIBLE HOURS: and sales. Management SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV Cedar Village. Reduced rent. extras. Applications now! Fighting pollution. Knoll, 332-3671. 1-4-5 water RENTAL, 372-4948. O 351-2271.34-8 being taken. Children! welcome. Call 349-4030! ROOMMATE WANTED. Own room Okemos Rd. at E. Mt. Hope.] in large apartment. Call 351-1679 (Etopckmgftam after 5 p.m. 34-7 TWO ROOMMATES bedroom luxury apartment. $55 each. Call 351-5970 3:30 p.m. 44-9 wanted, 2| PoolB befo»| has it .. . CROSSWORD POZZLE heated p ACROSS 30. Myself iMA zr 31. Outcome 1. Yelp 33. Wire Service and all 4. Honor card 8. Handle roughly 11. Attribute 34. 36. Sweethearts Willowy 12. Bacchanalian 38. Soldier 39. Before noon cry 41. Forward MEADOWBROOK TRACE IS 13.Sonnet 14. Inimitable 17.Annoy 42. 48. Boastful Entire 49. Vocalist 18.Lever 19. Couple 50. Pewter coin ■C 21. That man 51. By birth 2|1200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING FUN IN YOUR OLYMPIC POOL 23. Railroad siding 26. Cadmus' 52. 53. Stained Fruit of the 2. Beard of wheat Mountain pass| 3|CFELLOWSHIP AND RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB ROOM TV daughter 3. 4. Cucumber: Sp. Pull Seaweed Sea anemonf! ROOM, AND EXERCISE ROOM. 21. Identical 29. Filthy place 5. Kava Amer. author | $ SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS. 4620 S. Hagadorn Marry Clumsy boat I W just north of Mt. Hope Rd. £ PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS. Eur. forage plant f Branch READING ROOM FOR PRIVATE STUDY. rUDY. i Arrow poison ■ Owns | SPECIAL SUMMER £ SUNDECKS. - Ratite bird L * 53750 ONLV RATES FROM Mormon Stat'B $ INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS. 1 PP Ptarmigan p Gender TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury £ MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA, g 1, 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. /PERSON/MONTH apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal distinctive Spanish Mediterranean and individual central-control air conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. Recreation is planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If i 0 P P House Spoil Squirrel monkey Spry wing MEMBOOS trace To get to Meadowbrook you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom units start at $60/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. I- 1 m PP Incisor Friend Particle Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State Campus Front on 1-496. Exit west onto Jolly Road and go to corner of Dunckel Road. THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. October bre* ■ Mining chisf | OPEN 10-6 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT MANA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y BY Alco Management Company i Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 6, 1971 For Rent For Rent For Sale For Sale For Sale Peanuts Personal Service ■eDED one man at Meadowbrook SUMMER. 8 girls, near MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, all campus, FOX HOLE PX, Frandor: Cigarettes, parking, laundry, 2 baths! brands. 30% off list price. Rich: AKC REGISTERED ■Trace «or Sprinfl »rm only. 35c per pack; paddle balls, 57c; puppies for sale. CHRIS. P, P, 81 M must not know; COMPLETE TYPING and printing 361-2606.6-4-9 351-5869. O Saint Bernards. Phone ■882-5026. 3-4-8 paddle ball paddles, $2.50; aviator 663-3689. you are the best auditor I've met. service. Copy stored on magnetic Care to handle my account? Baker tape. This eliminates all CHICK WANTED for own room. re-typing t, NEEDED Spring tafm for 4 Albert St. $66. 351-0688. 2-4-7 513 HARMON KARDON stereo. sun glasses, $3.98; tennis for $2.29; tennis racket, $5.95; 5 balls, 3 BIRDS. NANDAY Conure, $20. Street. 1-4-6 except author's changes and The sponsoring Communication a book exchange from I Dept. is Xan. Meadowbrook Trace. Slightly used component system corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT with HP outboards, $99; mummy Halemoon conure, $10. to 5 p.m. today in I Auditorium. matched speakers, original Myna, ■ 882 4948. 2-A 7 $40. 372-3994. 3-4-7 Recreation MAIL ADVERTISING, You FURNISHED BOOKISH house fo71 cost $449, now $295. Used sleeping bags, $14.88, camping from Frandor. Phone across 337-1773. C — can buy unication books and at sell used; reasonable. V. for 3 man apartment. Spring person. September 1971 to Realistic stereo amp and extension saws, $3.90; army folding shovels, niddle nan pri< August 1972. 337-0709. 3-4-8 $2.98; canteens, 99c; back pack JET SUMMER FLIGHTS Jterm. University Terrace. speakers. Selection of used Mobile Homes COMPLETE THESES service. $2.88; pup tents, $7.88; shag Detroit / London (351-0360. 3-4-8 portable stereo and Howell phonographs. Bell balls, $1.98; waders, $12.50; Discount printing. IBM typing and The Sailing Club will meet at 7:30 today in the Union Ballroom. Rooms stereo MOBILE p.m. ^ cassette HOME 12x60, two $194.00 binding of theses, resumes, L"CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham recorder. portable Used Westinghouse TV, plays good $45. New denium bells, $5.99. 0-10-4-14 bedroom. Large aluminum shed Call: publications. Across from campus, Sailing lessons and use of the club's discussed. Refreshments Hnrive 135 Kedzie. 2 man BEDROOM IN 2 bedroom duplex. 9x12 LIKE NEW: skirting, can be sold on or off lot corner MAC and Grand River, will b ved. ■furnished apartments. Includes Oriental pattern rugs and Sony TC-8X cartridge $4,500. 625-3481. 10-4-13 Fred: 355-2824 below Style Shop. Call Young mature woman. Call wall tapestries. 1500 used and player and lheat. $62.50 to $90 per man. 351-0935. 1-4-6 microphone. recorder. $85. Plus one Eddie: 393-7520 COPYGRAPH SERVICES, The students of Hotel, Restaurant ■leases starting June 15 and Sept. guaranteed stereo records and 8 track 351-5944. 3-4 8 Phone WINDSOR MOBILE home - 1968, 337-1666. C and Institutional Management will 10x55 SUMMER FLIGHTS Hi Days. 487-3216. Evenings til 10 LARGE SINGLE room for male stereo tapes. Hermes with tip-out. $450o! to Europe. present "Hospitality Weekend 1971." 82-2316. O portable typewriter, excellent Imperial Village, Grand $165. New York to London. Call James Farmer and other noted student. No SADDLE, STUBBEN Siegried, and Ledge SUPPORT YOUR business with a cooking. Phone condition, $39. Selection of 627-7745. 2-4-6 Frank Buck. 351-8604. 17-4-28 speakers will speak. A gourmet boost from Want Ads. Advertise 332-3170. 3-4-8 35mm SLR fittings. 3 months old. New $340, dinner with a Spanish theme will be ■ficiency. UNFURNISHED cameras used. now $200. Bridle, $20. 641-4572. 1970 SQUIRE services there. Dial 355-8255. served. For tickets, call 355-01 10. range and refrigerator. Polaroids and movie cameras. 12x60. All set up, Real Estate EAST LANSING. 3-4-7 with skirting, Windsor Across from campus. ~ Room with Bosch and Lombe used Estates! PKOFESSIONAL The second discussion of the Akers cooking privileges. Near campus Call 372-7022, 645-7780. microscopes. Used 8 track and 3-4-6 fO 2-0792. 5-4-12 332-4076. 34-8 cassette GUITAR GIBSON Dove. Sunburst THREE BEDROOM, full basement THESIS Hall sexuality symposium will begin auto tape players, all finish. 5 months old. New $525, with furnished recreation room. 2 PREPARATION at 7 p.m. today in the formal lounge. tested and guaranteed. 1970 PARKWOOD 12x60. Two MEN, SINGLE Bargains on car West Akers Hall. Florence Stevenson, rooms for rent. $60 used now $250. 641-4572. 3-4-7 bedroom. Raised kitchen garage, large lot near per month. 131 lovely diamond ring and MacDonald and Marble Schools. dean of women at the University of Bogue. Call engagement utility Call Tulsa, Okla., will 337-9091. 5-4 6 sets, $39 up. SKIS room. Webberville, June 15th occupancy. $24,750. speak on - CROSS Country, bindings, after 6 p.m., 521-3996. 4-4-9 masculinity and femininity. Layaways.Bankcard, Mastercharge. 351-2192. 12-4-16 boots. Package or separate. : male for 3 man toniahed WILCOX SECONDHAND MEN. ROOM. $130 a term. Clean, 351-1886, evenings. 3-4-7 Complete Professional Thesis Servico for MSU volunteers and STORE, 509 E. STAR, 12x60. Two bedroom. - new lartment. o ea . quiet, cooking. 1 block to campus. Michigan, SPACIOUS AND VERY Master's and Doctoral Candidates. Free experienced should plan to attend Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours Skirted. Garbage disposal. - 412 Many BEAUTIFUL FIVE bedroom Brochure end Consultation. Please Call an MSU volunteer 487-5753,485-8836.0 daily 8 a.m.-5:30 extras. 393-2152. 5-4-9 Cliff and Paula Haughey 337 1527 or 627 2936 recruitment p.m. C Colonial home. Solidly built. session at 7:30 p.m. today or LEASING: 2 and 3 man ROOMS FOR men. No Extra nice floor plan. So many Wednesday in the Stefanoff Lounge, cooking. $10 DIAMOND RING and wedding band. 45x8, 1954. Great Lakes. Two BARBI Student Services Bldg. ipartments. Close to campus. and up. 716 North Washington. 21 points, yellow bedroom. 6 miles from MSU. On quality features. Formal dining No MEL: Typing, multilithing. 70. 126 Milford. 372-5767 and 484-9850. 2-4-7 gold, size 5Vi. room. Warm and cozy family job too large or too small. HOOVER VACUUM. 50 feet play Park Lake. Student $50. 485-8534. 3-4-6 $1400. 641-4525 Block off campus. 332-3255. C Mobilization Committee {9-1656, evenings. 20-5-3 yard fence. 5-4-7 room with fireplace. Three will Rocking horse. separate bathroom meet at 8 p.m. today in 34 ROOMS FOR students. 1 block areas. 2 car men Miscellaneous baby furnishings. Union. The antiwar demonstration in (L: SUBLET spring. Campus Hill. off TAPE RECORDER. Sony TC-630. attached garage. And much more. FOR SALESPOWER try a little campus. Cooking, parking. 646-5801. 5-4-9 Washington will be discussed. People educed rates. No deposit. 351-9749. 3-4-8 10 months old. Phone 349-9309 Lost & Found Priced at $41,900. Really a great Classified Ad to sell a large mobile are needed to help with publicity and (87-5252. 3-4-8 5-4-7 buy. To see this lovely home, call home! Dial 355-8255 today. bus ticket sales. All H-3 PENTAX are welcome. body. Top mounted LOST GOLD wedding band in or Martha Mertz, 339-9466, or exposure meter. Soft case. 2X and 3X near Horticulture Building March SIMON REAL ESTATE, Packaging Society will meet at 7 telextender. 646-5801. 5-4-9 31st. Call 625-7238 evenings. OKEMOS BRANCH, 349-3310. Transportation p.m. today in 31 Union. Ted Klein of the Metal Tube Council will speak. -4-8 MEN. TWO blocks. Private entrance. BOSE 901 Reward. 3-4-6 4-4-9 speakers, 5 months old, BRAND NEW all WHATEVER YOU want to buy, TV, phone, lease. F irst two weeks electric Royal $420; Sansui AU 999 amplifier 2 LOGAN NORTH. 3 bedroom home, The annual Passover Seder of Hillel LOST: SABLE and white there's a good chance you'll find it free. 351-0497. 3-4-7 portable typewriters. Never used. months old, $250; phone collie. Foundation will be held at 6:30 p.m. CEDAR GREENS $95 with warranty and $75 355-6028. 3-4-7 Male. 2 years old. Very friendly] large rec room, walk out in the Want Ads. Check now! Friday in the Alumni Memorial 351-4251. Reward. 2-4-7 basement. Take over contract. 1 bedroom furnished GOOD LOCATION. Rooms without. 2343 Eiffert Road, Holt. Phone 372-2906. 5-4-9 Chapel social hall. For information available. $15/week. ONE and/or reservations, call 332-1916 POOL Kitchen CRITERION 150A speaker, LOST: YELLOW tiger cat. End / today. Call 351-8631 privileges. Call 332-2495. 3-4-7 good condition. Call 355-6825. term. Spartan Village. Phone Wanted HAMMOND ORGAN. Model B3. 3-4-6 355-3094. 1-4-6 Service Campus Crusade for Christ will SINGLE ROOM for man. Near Leslie speakers. Sacrifice, $1945. hold its spring kick-off from 6:30 to PIONEER AUTO tape deck. Also WORKING MAN desires room or campus. Light cooking, parking. Call 332-4613. 2-4-7 BABYSITTING in my Spartan 8:30 p.m. today in the Union Gold LOST: THREE dresses at Train apartment with cooking. RY80DY KEEPS trying for $70. Call before 5 p.m., 351-9036 Wollensack reel recorder offer. Village home. Reliable. Full time. Room. A report on Ft. Lauderdale station 3/28. Call 355-8980. $ 8 0-$100. Shaw Lane letter employees. Get them with a 351-8323. 5-4-6 - 5-4-9 BASS GUITAR Call Kay. 353-7949. 5-4-6 spring activities and and amplifier. summer Please. 3-4-8 Trowbridge area. Write: Robert int Ad. Dial 355-8255 nowl Excellent sound opportunities will be held, followed and condition. WOMAN. QUIET single room. Close USED FURNITURE. 1 sofa, PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free Graham, 334 Michigan, E. by a teach-in. Paul Jensen, campus Only $200 or best offer. •MOS: 3 bedroom apartment for in. Separate kitchen. No parking. 337-9200, days. 3-4-8 matching chair, coffee table, pole Personal estimates, grad students, Lansing. 5-4-7 director, will speak. ib lease. Available May 1. 332-0647. 3-4-7 lamp, small dinette. Double bed, experienced, references. Brighten The 49-1712. 3-4-6 half bed. 372-7193. 2-4-6 JUST A little off or we will cut it all. THINKING OF someone special? Outing Club will meet at 7 KENWOOD TK-140X receiver, $270; up your house for spring. SINGLE ROOM for girl without car. UNION Send a "Peanuts Personal" p.m. today in 116 Natural Science BUILDING BARBER 349-4817. C DED ONE man for four man. Magnecord 1020 tape deck, $250. YOU WON'T BELIEVE our large message with a Want Ad. Come in Bldg. Forthcoming trips will be House privileges. 351-3439. SHOP. C-1-4-6 nt free. Deposit is yours. Canon FT camera with F/1.2, selection of planned. S-5-4-6 frame styles. INCOME TAX - Are you ready for today. 347 Student Sen/ices. Jail 393-2961.4-4-9 $200. 353-7724. 3-4-8 OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East FREE ... A lesson in complexion this time of year? If not, face it Spartan Engineer will hold a staff SPARTAN Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. care. Call 484-4519, East BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for HALL, Singles, men, NEPTUNE WATERBEDS Michigan without fear. For Income Tax meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday in 114 - King and C-5-4-9 all positive, A Houses women. % block from campus. queen size; both bed and liner or 485-7197. Lansing Mall. service, phone 882-4749 day or and negative, B negative Bessey Hall. For further information, - AB negative, $10.00. O call V. Rybicki at 332-0814. 351-9286, 372-1031. O MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS night, we'll handle it just right. $39. 485-6181 between 6 9 p.m. - negative, 512.00. MICHIGAN IT SIDE - Pennsylvania near. 3 Animals STUDIOS. C-4-8 4-4-9 ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. 5-4-12 COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, New ■ The ledroom completely furnished, Veterans Assn. will Completely furnished. 372-8077 507'/j East Grand hold i HOME BAKED hors River, East , remodeled. Conservative, msible adults. $200/month. before 4 p.m. C GOLF CLUBS Rodriguez starter Spalding set. Like ChiChi new. d'oeuvres. Luscious pastry sweets. Mostly Typing Service Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 meeting this spring at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the East Lansing 51-3969.0 original. Parties, weddings. American Legion Hall, off Grand GIRLS. SPRING and summer terms. $45. 351-4405. 1-4-6 ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith P.m., Monday, Thursday and Brochure. 349-9834. 1-4-6 River Avenue, behind Arby's. Fast Kitchen privileges, etc. 5 blocks FREE KITTENS. Box trained. offset printing. Complete service Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 and slow pitch Softball are among the from Union. Call 5-7 GIRLS BICYCLE. For sale or rent. Raised with children. Call after 6 for p.m„ WATERBEDS, KING sized. Only dissertations, theses, P.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C many activities the club has to offer 351-8177. 2-4-7 Good condition. John, 351-6245. p.m., 332-0031.4-4-7 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. $40 or rent one for $10 per 2-4-7 21 years experience. 349-0850. C month. Call 351-5988, after 12 AKC ALASKAN Malamute ROpMS WITH private bath. Air puppies. noon. 5-4-12 Recent decisions of the Calley "fconditionrng, swimming pool, ' MOVING SALE I Washer, dryer. 6 Champion blood lines, $50 and court - martial will be discussed. NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE adjacent to campus. For 1 person, piece maple bedroom set. Necchi up. 669-3423. 10-4-19 State and national conventions FOR eight girl. Near campus, MCAT EXAM six day kaplan COPY SHOPPE can show you being $95. two persons, $115. sewing machine, refrigerator, held this spring will be a topic of th. Deposit, Rent negotiable, 351-5509. 5-4-6 BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY puppies, 7 tutoring course being assembled how to get two Xerox copies for EDITING PROOFREADING of interest. miscellaneous items. Power and for May' 1st exam. 851-6077. the price of one. Phone 332-4222. manuscripts e^ie /Sandy. 352-2605. 7-4-9 hand mowers, lawn furniture and weeks, mostly Shepherd. Shots, 15-4-23 541 E. Grand River. C by experienced CARPETED, PANELLED, parking. $10. 489-5146. 1-4-6 person. Call 351-0935. 1-4-6 It's What's Happening On Page 10 iLL HOUSE for rent. miscellaneous lawn care items. Completely Two blocks from MSU. 425 Ann Good condition, best offer. ■nished, 2 miles from center of Street. 351-2103 or Ben, 882-9911. 2-4-7 AKC REGISTERED black cocker impus. 3 bedrooms, 1 V& baths, 337-9365. 5-4-6 spaniel. 5 months. Has all shots. month. $100 security KUSTOM 200 amplifier. Like new, Good with children. $50. 482-2192 after 5:30 p.m. MALE HOUSING. Block Union. also 655-2975. 10-4-19 Mayfair bass guitar. Cooking. $13/weekly. 314 353-0012. 3-4-8 Or, for that matter, is Los of engineering capabilities ing information, not, by neces¬ So we must, in a sense, 2 SCHOOL Evergreen. 332-3839. 3-4-6 FIVE LOVABLE, box trained Angeles? Or Chicago? Or Phila¬ which we already have. sity, people and things. catch up with the technological year. Large home, delphia? Or Dallas? Not only do we have the Your home will be the ab¬ CHECK OUR Pioneer ad in today's kittens. Just in time for Easter potential and apply it for the cellent location. Kitchen, Or any other city groping tools to provide the means for solute center of your life. benefit of all mankind. irking, laundry. paper. Check us for the best Hifi gifting. Free to good, considerate 8 students. For Sale its way to an uninhabitable new styles in human settle¬ You will work from home, All we need sacrifice are specials in town. MARSHALL humans. 487-3096. S-5-4-12 32-1918. 3-4-8 anachronism. ments, but also to rebuild, in a shop from home, "visit" with the antiquated work practices MUSIC. C-4-6 A curious situation has de¬ HARMON KARDON sociological sense, the crowded family and friends from home, and ouranachronistic traditions. - SC440 PUPPY PART German Shepard. SUMMER. Sleeps 8 to 10 - veloped in America. Eighty per inner core of our major cities. receive in your home any intel¬ At RCA, through research AM/FM stereo, HK-40 speakers, SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. Free. To good home. Lovable. eople. Modern conveniences, cent of the people in this coun¬ The combination of inter¬ lectual or cultural achievement and product development, we Garrard changer. 355-8025. 3-4-6 Brand new portables — $49.95, 351-1726. 3-4-8 ake, 35 miles from campus, try live on less than ten per cent national satellites and cable known to man. are committed to closing the solated. 349-3653 or 355-6683. $5.00 per month. Large selection of the land area. will provide the means of bring¬ Fantastic, yes. Fantasy, no. technology gap and cancelling WATER BEDS, all sizes. King size of reconditioned used machines. There used to be a good ing individuals all the informa¬ It is quite within reason to the contradictions. $39.00, guaranteed. Phone Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Golfers Attention reason for this. tion they need or want without expect these changes by the This is an age of innova¬ 353-3574. 3-4-6 Home & "Many Others." $19.95 At the time of the industrial no male, or female. Own ZZi Shag Balls interference or control. 1980 s. tions as well as contradictions. to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS revolution, we congregated in And without the need to be If we want them. Nobody understands this better $30 plus utilities. 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish $1.00 doz. 32-4240. 3-4-8 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, cities because that's where the in any specific place. If we want to change. than RCA. If we and all other live merchandise 1115 North Washington, Plastic Practice sources of energy were. Coal. better life for ourselves. You may be planning a ca¬ (Think for a moment about want a (take a friend home to dinner). 489-6448. C-4-8 Balls 6 for $1.00 Water. Electricity. the Apollo 11 moon landing in Technology has advanced reer in industry—if so. you could DOCKTOR PET CENTER, And our communications July, 1969. 500 million people to such an extent, that man is be part of our vision of the Shuttle Cocks Meridian Mall, 349-3950. 5-4-9 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, network was so limited that we around the world saw, via tele¬ now, literally, capable of chang¬ Tennis Rackets had to be in close proximity to We invite inquiries UXE. AVAILABLE in Fall, canisters and uprights. Guaranteed vision, precisely the same thing ing his world. through SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49, chest, full year. $7.88 and up. Tennis Balls each other for business and at the same time. Being in New Yet, today, a certain gap your College Placement Direc¬ 'alking distance. Furnished, one $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC DENNIS DISTRIBUTING FREE: 1971 Golf social purposes. York or Los Angeles held no has developed between the po¬ tor—he can supply additional replace, completely carpeted. 4 No more. advantage over being in Keokuk tential of technology and its use information about an RCA sponsible girls, references. $80 SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Rule Book with There are no longer any or Harrisburg.) by mankind. ach. 332-5320 after 6 Turner. C Opposite City Market. C-4-8 p.m. 5-4-9 Purchase of $1.00 or more. good reasons to continue this Historically, we've been There is an obvious contra¬ We are an equal opportu¬ USED AMPEX music hopelessly outmoded life style. preoccupied with moving peo¬ diction in a method which can nity employer. MAN, own room with double center. Tape OVERSEAS Larry Cushion With the advent of the ed, $50. 10 minutes deck. Garrard SL-65B $350. Ron, ! JOBS FO R ^ ple and objects. Thus, our intri¬ land a man on the moon, yet to campus. STUDENTS Australia. Eui whole spectrum of new com¬ cate network of highways and tolerates, perhaps even accepts Sporting Goods - ItCJI 89-2114, 5-4-9 351-0873. 5-4-8 ^So. America, Africa, etc. munications available to us railroads and airlines — all of as inevitable, poverty and ignor¬ ^professions and occupations, € 3020 Vine 332-1667 (wide-band communications, which have become enormously ance here on earth. N RENTING houses and THEY'RE HERE. Genuine [$700 to $3,000 monthly., Open Fr. 'til 8: Daily til'6 laser beams), we will have the inefficient (not inherently, but in There is a contradiction in Partments for 'Expenses paid, overtime, opportunity to live in signifi¬ a method which affords the best summer and fall. handworked "Function and One block north of Mich. application). 'roups of 2 to 6 sightseeing, Free information. { cantly less dense population of girls, all Form" record racks. All wood, all [Write TWA Research Service, Box 1 The future will see us mov¬ everything for some, and next Ave. one - half block west xtremely nice. Clean, furnished, handmade. At DISCOUNT centers. to nothing for others. 32-5320 after 6 p.m. 5-4-9 >S591-H, San Diego, Cal. 92105. J of Sears This is no idle prophecy. RECORDS or call 337-0133. 2-4-6 The concept is quite real¬ istic and well within the bounds For the new picture in fashion The State News has IS NEW YORK REALLY put a new face on their Spring Fashions Special Edition. Deadline April 23. NECESSARY? 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Tuesday, Aprj| 6l< 'ECUMENICAL MINISTRY' Chileans support! Catholic to direct Allende coa/if/0n Popular Unity. 1) Protestant church (Continued from paqe "This country will cn r Democratic Radical traveling down democratic road." the |e!> parties- received 1,343,484 votes 1 or 47.57 per cent. However, DUNSTABLE, Mass. (AP) - A Catholic Members of the Dunstable church came they ran separate contests and However, political , priest who married a former nun in 1969 to know Manseau through his participation said Allende may competed against each other. now _ will become pastor of the Protestant in an ecumenical group based in a nearby A large number of Chileans confident enough t0 cai ."I Congregational church here in May. The Rev. William J. Manseau, who says town, he said. Last summer he replaced the abstained from voting. Election national th rough plebiscite to 0,1 he has been technically suspended from the vacationing regular minister for a Sunday service and has since met officials said 968,898 voters-- his tjovernnii regularly with nearly 25 per cent of the programs. This would J Roman Catholic ministry, was asked to members of that church and others, registered voters-stayed away going through the ChiJ some take on the post by an overwhelmingly including Roman Catholics, to conduct from the polls. The usual Congress where the o favorable vote of the 120 - person ecumenical services. abstention rate in municipal in the majority. congregation, a church member said. elections is 19 per cent. Manseau says that he does not consider The project, he said, represents "the different traditions of Christianity trying The Allende already government J himself an ex-priest and is still a Roman The other 3.73 per cent of the submitted ImuJ Catholic. He said he will conduct an to help the healing of the divisions of the votes were blanks, nulls or for tp nationalize the U.S.3 whole church It would be helpful if ecumenical ministry in which "everyone is ... people could realize that all Christian splinter party candidates. copper American mining J allowed to maintain his own previous copper c0mpa denominations are attempting to follow Allende, first freely elected have religious conviction." Christ. That is the foremost task before Marxist president in the Western nearly invested in Chile, which $700 ^ Manseau, 35, married the former Mary it us." Hemisphere, said the voting world's largest Doherty in Boston in June, 1969. His wife, copper expo who had been a Roman Cathlic nun for 10 returns demonstrated that Chile Manseau, his wife and their infant son, is moving to the left. In addition, the govern J years, had previously left the Order of St. Sean, will move to Dunstable when he plans to nationalize banks J, Joseph. At the time, Manseau said he married becomes pastor May 1. He is currently assistant health director for the Boston Don't get we "We are not arrogant nor do think it is necessary to credlt, industries communicatiol and all because "1 have come to a junction in my Model Cities Administration and has not change attitudes," he said. "We monopolies." life when I really felt in order to be true to decided whether he will continue in that The Red Cedar River holds wonders that fascinate baby. Amy, but her mother, Jacqueline will continue with the same His administration also the Gospel, I should enter into the deepest vr relation of the Gospel to a Christian — to post. He said the post of pastor in Stewart, must keep a careful watch to guard against her falling in. serenity and the same firmness to speed up agrarian reform! Dunstable is part time. State News photo by Jeff Wilner in completing the program of establish state be married. farms state-supervised cooperatL IT'S what's. ii a tmnni at Within the Popular (Jul ^ ■< SENT TO COMMITTEE coalition, Allende's 0T MUG Socialist party did well. \ candidates votes. received Communist candidi 631^ A lawyer will be at ASMSU from to 5 p.m. every Wednesday this tern ;r the meeting the club will J smoker at the Coral Gables, Ryan (Continued from page 1) Ryan said that before he sent denies Monday with one scheduled for human needs," he said. "It's a killing If the committee votes to kill received 479,206 votes. T.V. RENTALS Call 3S3-0659 for an appointment. free beer will be served. the bill to committee he offered Wednesday in the House question of the mother's basic the bill, a majority of votes from "Abortion is question of The Pistol Club will hold busine health a to "break precedence" by chamber. need for privacy from state the House is needed to discharge NEJAC TV RENTALS | a only if you are trying to adding to the committee three Ryan criticized some interference versus the basic the committee and bring the bill 337-1300 All married students are invited tc determine how an abortion supporters of abortion reform proponents of the bill for trying human need of life for the to the floor, i Hall to' vote on a the kick - off meeting of Adult , All members ai should be performed, not and one oppoennt. to make a religious issue of unborn child." Evening Programs at 7:30 p.m. today whether it should be legal," "Had abortion law reform. in the new day center in they accepted they Spartan Village. - care Recreation, sport Ryan said. would have no doubt had a ''They point to my Ryan said the only reason he Our Average Student reads Since performance of an majority," Ryan said. "But they Catholicism and say that is why would wish success on an abortion would put the mother's turned it down claiming they I am opposing the bill," he said. abortion reform proposal would 4.7 times faster right to privacy against the would still be one vote short. "They are trying to use my be to allow the U.S. Supreme unborn child's right to But as facts turn out, that is not Court to rule its than their starting speed with religion to whip up fervor for protection of life under due the case." the bill instead of using the constitutionality. process of law, Ryan said, the Social Services Committee merits of the bill itself to whip comparable comprehension bill could have gone to either the Chairman Rep. David S. Holmes, "That is the only way we are up support." Civil Rights Committee or the D-Detroit, said last week that going to settle this issue once Bessey Hall; Guitar, 9 p.m.," 135 Ryan said religion and morals and for all," he said. "It's not Judiciary Committee. several of his committee "have nothing to do" with the "But subject matter - wise, it members are undecided on the abortion bill. going to be decided by a belongs in the Social Services proposal. A series of statewide "The basis for our decision legislature or by a referendum. Committee," he said. public hearings on the bill began should be what best fits basic "The Supreme Court is the only governmental body that has the authority to decide if an Peace C orps recruiters unborn child has the right to protection under the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, or if the mother's right to to offer special projects privacy under the First Amendment takes [precedence." Ryan said the Social Services Committee would likely vote on Peace Corps recruiters will be feeling that they might adjust the bill in late May or early any other kind of worker and on campus April 12-16 looking better than Anglo - Americans June. supplies one - half of its total 7:30 p.m. today it for volunteers to fill 2,000 who have not faced overseas force to the classrooms on 1225 starts this weekend rice and beans at 6 p.m. today in openings in the corps for discrimination at home. of developing countries. members should attend this meeting. Wesley Center, Harrison Road, East summer and fall, including 250 Since its beginning, the major B^Jj Lansing. for thrust of the Peace Corps has The two a special agricultural - year program sends The University Lutheran Church program. been its teaching program and volunteers to 61 . countries will present East - West seminars, "A A potluck supper will break the The recruiters are particularly teachers still are needed. Faith Odyssey," at 7 p.m. today in fast at 6 p.m. Wednesday in St. including Latin America, South McDonel Hall Conference Room A John's Student Center, 327 M.A.C. interested in agriculture majors The Corps receives more America, the South Pacific, and Wilson Hall Conference Room B. Ave. Eqbal Ahmad will speak at- 8 or students from rural requests for teachers than for' Africa and India. 351 nnn mm p.m. He also will speak at 4 p.m. in backgrounds, Mike Schaal, 109 Anthony Hall. A contribution of corps' communications director, They should bring at least $1 will be asked for the talk. The money will be given to the defense committee for the Harrisburg said. The corps is also seeking Start The New Term Right. . Six. minority group volunteers, WITH STEREO HIGH FIDELITY COMPONENTS FROM PIONEER DID TAXES TAKE A PIONEER Japan's Largest Manufacturer of Quality Components has just announced NEW LOWER PRICES on four popular models and, as always, MARSHALL'S is the first to bring these prices to the enthusiast. IT'S The PIONEER SX-440 king of the budget receivers. A HARD PROPOSITION Offers 2 pr. of speaker outputs, tape mon., mode TO BEAT... switch. IHF power 40 watts, IHF sensitivity 2.5 u V. learning to read 3, 4, 5 times faster.. .improv¬ Regularly sold for; $199.95 ing comprehension, recall and study skills. Be honest with yourself. Next semester's reading ...... including and study loads will be no easier than this NEW LOW PRICE 169 walnut enclosure semester. Even your grades will be just about The PIONEER SX770 offers the same unless you do something about it. more features and better Investigate now the advantages of a course BIG performance than the SX-440, in Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics. Besides BITE? such as, FM muting, high filter, increasing your reading efficiency from 3 to center channel and 10 times, we emphasize pre-amp study and recall tech¬ outputs. IHF power 70 watts, niques. We teach you "how to learn" more IHF sensitivity 1.8UV. Regularly easily, more efficiently. $249.95 If your taxes are We talk about this at Mini-Lesson. paid and you're feeling wiped out, don't fret. Instant a Cash is waiting at your MSU Employees Credit Union. NEW PRICE s19995 including walnut case "FREE"—Increase at of the listed your reading speed on the spot Borrow up to $5,000 on your signature and arrange a repayment one "Mini-Lessons." The PIONEER SA-500 amplifier and TX-500 schedule to fit your budget. Use convenient payroll deduction for tuner offer the additional flexibility of separate painless repayment. Credit life and permanent disability insurance is included at no additional cost. And the low, low credit union interest rate is subject to a refund at the end of the year. Last year's interest refund rate was 10%. components, at a modest price. These models .offer some features not found on the SX-440 and SX770, plus IHF power of 44 watts at less than 0.5% distortion, and IHF sensitivity of 2.5 I? 0 o 0 Q m University Inn 1100 T rowbridge Rd. TODAY 4&6& Wed. 4&6& 4/7 u V. Regular $109.95 each. I* 8 p.m. 8p.m fj To get back into the black fast, phone or stop by for some Instant East Lansing Cash right away. NEW LOW PRICE EACH ca tra. Buy a complete system featuring PIONEER and save even more! EVELYN WOOD EMPLOYEES|^JNIONjj 245 Ann Street MSU □ East Lansing READING DYNAMICS 402 S. Washington 17320 West Eight Mile Road T019 Trowbridge Rd.» Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday Lansing Southfield, Michigan 48075 • Phone 353-2280 Call 313 - 353-5111 (collect)