Be sure . . . Thursday hide the roaches. MICHIGAN Nice . . . STATE NEWS . to Graham Nash mostly sunny, with high STATE — ■ ■ . 62-65. Tonight partly cloudy. UNIVERSITY |oiume 63 Number 154 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 8, 1971 15c m ■tf U.S. troop withdrawal rate to rise slightly, Nixon says WASHINGTON (AP) should hold me accountable if I fail." — President Nixon, He claimed a success for his disputed putting his second - term hopes on the line, Reps. seek announced decision to invade enemy bases in Wednesday night a slight increase in monthly troop withdrawals Cambodia, and said the equally from South Vietnam for controversial Laotian incursion was "even a seven - month period. more damaging to the capability of the North Vietnamese to sustain of war's At the same time, Nixon said in an major address "I can prepared assure for television and radio audience: you a nationwide tonight with confidence that American involvement in offensives in South Vietnam." Then he made an indirect reference to the courtmartial conviction of William Calley Jr. on charges of mass Army Lt. leg murder at My Lai. Saying he spoke as WASHINGTON (AP) — Three antiwar congressmen this war is coming to an end." Wednesday The chief executive said he intends to commander in chief, Nixon said: asked the U.S. District Court here to declare the Vietnamese war withdraw between May 1 and Dec. 1 an "I feel it is my duty to speak up for the illegal and to order it stopped in 60 days unless Congress approves two and a half million fine young it. additional 100,000 American troops from South Vietnam - a monthly average of Americans who have served in Vietnam. Since the Constitution gives Congress the right to declare war, barely over 14,000 as compared with the The atrocity charges in individual cases they said, the Nixon administration and, the Johnson [V T: average of 12,500 in effect for the past year. should not and cannot be allowed to reflect on their courage and their self - sacrifice. War is a terrible and cruel adminsitration before it, violated their right as decide whether the nation should fight. It is the first time members of Congress have congressmen to I s"v• . * . • This would reduce the troop level to sought such a . experience for a nation and particularly for court test. The Supreme Court has consistently refused to hear about 184,000. those who bear the burden of fighting." other suits against the war. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Last year it refused a direct test of a Massachusetts law Nixon's speech was the fact that he Nixon called again on Hanoi for against was immediate and unconditional release of all sending state residents to fight undeclared wars. That case now is Quite a m not to bowing to promise pressures an end from many sides to American prisoners of war in Indochina. Nixon cited the invasions of Laos and working its way up through lower courts. "This is something we' hope will not be just another futile involvement in the Vietnam war. Mickey Webster, Carson City junior, shares an ice cream break with Joe Instead, he said: Cambodia, as "two decisions I have made gesture," said Rep. Michael Harrington, D - Mass. The suit was Zebari, Detroit sophomore, on the median of busy Grand River which have contributed to the achievement filed by Harrington and Reps. Parren J. Mitchell, D - "In my campaign for the presidency, I Md., and Avenue. of our goals in Vietnam." Benjamin S. Rosenthal, D - N.Y. pledged to end American involvement in Lawrence R. Velvel, one of five young attorneys who drew State News photo by Tom Gaunt this war. I am keeping that pledge. You He went on to argue that both were up successful operations and, "consequently the suit, said recent legal trends make it likely the courts will tonight I consider the suit. — can report that Vietnamization has succeeded." The question of whether congressmen are being denied a right This was when he said that "because of to decide on the war is not political but legal, he said. Courts refuse to hear cases they consider political. iSMSU asks the success of the Cambodian operation, and because of the achievements of the Velvel said a ruling could be expected under normal South Vietnamese operation in Laos, I am circumstances in three or four months, but he said attempts would be made to speed up the process. announcing an increase in the rate of American withdrawals." After announcing the modest acceleration in troop withdrawals, the to review AUTC actions President said, "The government of South Vietnam fully supports our decision." In staKing his presidency on American involvement in the war, Nixon the end of TO GIVE ABORTIONS By JOHNJUEL regulations and practices by an "outside some faculty and staff have been selling Planned Parenthood said: State News Staff Writer and impartial body." Inclusive in the stickers to students, yet no action is "Many times in the past in this long and report of this investigation committee taken," she said. difficult war, actions have been announced would be an evaluation of the present "Changes are not going to come from Washington which were supposed to lASMSU Chairman Harold Buckner committee and recommendations for internally, and they are not going to come lead to a reduction of ■tiled for a "full and public investigation" American J the All • letter University Traffic Committee to President Wharton revamping. Diane Rathnow, the residence hall easily," Buckner said Wednesday. "If President Wharton isn't going to do anything himself about the situation, he involvement in Vietnam. Over and over these actions resulted in American forces in Vietnam and higher increasing to open NYC clinic ■ednesday. representative to AUTC, added to the should appoint a review committee." 1 Wharton, out of town for the day. was attack on the committee Wednesday. American casualties. By CHARLES C. CAIN The clinic is scheduled to be in pavailablc for comment. Eliott Ballard, assistant to the president, "Tonight I do not ask you to take what State News Staff Writer operation by late July or early August and "The whole committee is run by the I say on faith. Look at the record: will set a goal of handling 10,000 abortions said every Planned Parenthood of New York City is "In the past year the All Wednesday he was sure Wharton action taken by this administration, every • University ex-officio members," Miss Rathnow said. would give the matter "his full attention" planning to open a clinic in New York a year. ■affic Committee has been one of the "Students are discriminated against as a decision made has accomplished what I The proposed price will allow an MSU upon his return. where legal medical abortions could be ost incredible bodies constituted on this said it would accomplish." coed to obtain a New York abortion for whole." obtained for an average fee of $80. mpus," Buckner's letter'said. "There are $142, including round trip transportation Miss Rathnow said the committee had s practices, regulations (or lack o.f from Lansing. no direct decision m) and actions of AUTC, both past and - making process and The clinic, attempting to offer an sent "everything to nonfunctional 'sent, that have been called to question. alternative to the profit - making clinic committees." A proposal to eliminate boom, would handle a significant number "Our representatives to the committee, graduated parking fines for students has of the abortions not been acted on since it was proposed performed in New York. self and other students have complained Ira Neiger, director of public ten and bitterly to Mr. Bissel and other early winter term, she said. There also has information for Planned Parenthood in > of the committee about these been no action taken on a proposal to let New York, said that New York residents the letter added. "Their freshmen have cars on campus, she added. response will be given first opportunity in obtaining ften "The attitude of the committee has hostile, but rarely any positive abortions at the clinic. tion) has led us to the conclusion that been, 'We've never done it before and "That is not to say that we would not ther they are blind to the many problems aren't going to do it now,' " Miss Rathnow at exist or for some said. try to accommodate people front outside reason they wish to the state." things continue Miss Rathnow said the committee has no as they are." The average nonprofit clinic in New bylaws and no changes have been made in York charges a Robert W. Bissel, records fee of about $300 for an manager of the committee since the "parking sticker Safety, was unavailable for scandal" to prevent such a situation from abortion, while the average profit - making >mment late clinic in New York charges a fee averaging Wednesday. happening again. Buckner called on Wharton to initiate a $400. ublic "Faculty and staff are assured of getting The Planned Parenthood's clinic makes investigation of AUTC and its stickers for $18 and we have proof that it possible for an MSU coed with less than $200 to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. She could leave Capital City Airport at 10:05 a.m., any weekday and fly student State Senate ratifies standby (provided she is less than 22 years of age) to New York and arrive at 12:45 p.m., for $31. In New York, she could check into a ^outh vote By United Press International amendment The amendment needs approval by 38 single room at the Park Sheraton Hotel on 56th Street for $22. If planned beforehand, the woman could obtain an abortion that afternoon for $80. Michigan Wednesday became the 15th state legislatures before it will become a In the evening she could eat a lobster ;ae to ratify an amendment to the U.S. part of the federal Constitution. Congress dinner with all the trimmings at the Davy constitution to allow 18 - year - olds to already has passed a law granting 18 - year Courtroom Jones Seafood House for $9.50. '"ala" Wroval olds the right to vote in federal elections p.111 elections. - Afterward she could go to Alvin's came when the state and the amendment would extend that Theater and for $10 she could see the ate voted to This is KRON-TV artist Walt Stewart's conception of the melee which took place in the courtroom of Judge ratify the measure by a 24 right to all local elections. Tony Award Best Musical of 1971 — mar8in after more than two hours of The Michigan lawmakers acted shortly Walter Calcagno when a scuffle broke out after the judge had set a trial date for the so-called Soledad Brothers, . "Company." convicts accused of murder of a guard at Soledad Prison. This shows three deputy sheriffs subduing George ii ne a,r House anc* parliamentary maneuvering. After a night's sleep at her hotel room approved it last week. (Please turn to page 13) Jackson who triggered the disturbance by hitting a bailiff. AP Wirephoto (Please turn to page 13) ArmyWAS1!ingt°n (Ap) _ ln the pub]jc furor afler Lt. William nti than 8 year ago. slayings was reported, "at least in command regulations required, the order was countermanded by hareed ®xhausUv® Army investigation, 14 officers were George H. Young, to lose a star each and may effectively ruin part," to numerous senior officers. These included Calley's Saber Six. This was the radio code name for Koster, who was 'iih aMoopH r T,iction of dutyand other offensils in cor °! their military careers. Other officers, too, are under consideration battalion and brigade commanders, helicopter unit commanders, flying by helicopter over the operational area. for similar action, decided on in secret, for their acts after the the division hurder re to report or adequately investigate the mass officers. chaplain, Koster, Young and other division staff killings at My Lai. (Please turn to page 13) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan fhursday, April g,, news Activist claims announcement to Congress while presidents lie broken civil laws in their drive was American intervention and Nixon's purpose is to reHii I summary From the wires of AP and UPI. The Harrisburg Six, all vocal appealing for more funds last November. "Our indictment is the for peace. But they have never advocated violence. "We have been consistently Vietnamization of the war flrom 1954-64. From 1964-68 was the deaths, silence reduce Ahmad concluded. American the domestic equivalent of the Gulf opposed to the war. We have escalation of the war where protesters against the Vietnam Ahmad, a native 0f of Tonkin incident," Ahmad broken the laws protesting the defense expenditures went from war, were indicted to stop the Pakistan, is a fellow of thP 4j said. war, but we do not want to be $3-5 billion to $35 billion, and Stevenson peace revitalizing movement American sentiment from One North Vietnamese PT tried for crimes like Lt. Calley the last phase is Nixon's secret International Institute ^ boat was said to have invaded for Affairs at against the war, Eqbal Ahmad, a following orders and peace plan. University of , member of the "Six," told the Pacific fleet off the Gulf of commiting crimes against The plan, Ahmad said, is considered an expert Chicago on students Tonkin, and the resolution gave humanity," he said. mechanization of the war, where revolution. He is out "Tell me one occasion between Wednesday. the President the right to send of ii"l 1965 and 1971 when Speaking on behalf of the The "Six" have not been machines kill instead of men. $60,000 bond. 101 UN the troops into an undeclared war. discussing the details of the case Harrisburg Sue to raise money President of America and his for their defense fund, Ahmad Ahmad is confident the so as not to divert attention advisers have told a single truth to said none of the defendents had government does not have from the momentous problem of AT BERKLEY sufficient evidence to convict the Vietnam war, Ahmad said. the American people. When liars ever advocated violence against the United States the Harrisburg Six. He said they He advocated the signing of become president of superpowers government, we are literally on the disaster." edge of nor had they ever been known to tell a lie to the American people. have their individual and group integrity to back them, along with the substantial backing of the American people. the People's Peace Treaty, a document bettween the people of the United States and North Vietnam calling for withdrawal Radicals - EqbalAhmad, "Tell me one occasion EQBAL AHMAD "The happy fact is that there from the war and from support member of the between 1965 and 1971 when llarrisburg Six indicted Jan. 12 for conspiring isn't sufficient evidence against for control the South Vietnamese council the president of America and his (See story, p. 2) advisers have told a single truth to the American people," he to Henry kidnap Presidential Adviser Kissinger simultaneously and blow up the to us," he said. The grand jury which indicted regime. Ahmad noted the four phases to them is still meeting to find of Vietnam Intervention, which said. heating ducts in Washington corroborating evidence against he considers genocide for the "When liars become D.C. buildings. BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) them clear control them. Usually grand juries Indochinese people. 0f « Dresidents of superpowers we are Seven others were mentioned Having gained a 4-4 deadlock c government in this dismiss themselves after finding The first literally on the edge of disaster." but not indicted when FBI head phase, from the city council, radicals vowed town. a verdict. 1945-54, America's offer of The Harrisburg Six were J. Edgar Hoover made the was Wednesday to fight for Three self Ahmad said the has Casualties mount in Ceylon group aid to the French, the second appointment of another to give ?re elected as - styled council menfl radJ_ Tuesday's ■ Ceylon's government hurled armor and warplanes PUBLIC HEARINGS TO BEGIN election. Widener, a black who ssuppo - the radicals, was elected against hit - and - run Che Guevarist insurgents Wednesday and claimed there were heavy rebel - with a seat on the council. Panel studies casualties in countryside skirmishes. The council The government radio said air support was called in to help dislodge insurgents in control of a key bridge at Alawwa. 50 miles from Colombo, the capital. There were reports of scattered resistance in several preliminary talks with housing deposit abuses "We're going to have to define attorney general's office before met with the committee, said appoint fill What a ninth councilman! the slot which vacated to run for mayor. kept radicals gaining complete control w Wid« froj experts and representatives of what is a reasonable cost for the public hearings begin. other areas but security forces appeared to have the landlords are required to place election state and local legal aid bureaus. these items to the consumer." "The attorney general has a deposit money in noninterest to the council "J upper hand in the three - day - old fighting. "One thing we found this Nelson said that he will meet Edward Kallgren. list of landlords who are now escrow funds. Statewide abuse in tenant morning is that the problem is with landlords and attorney who describes him* breaking the law and we are She is now working with an Slick threatens beaches damage deposit practices is soon not confined just to low-income representatives from the definitely going to subpoena East Lansing city committee to as an independent liberal. to come under close scrutiny, and student tenants," he said. these parties," he said. enforce this requirement, and to If the radicals can The British according to the chairman of a "The Michigan Legal Aid Bureau get government reported huge oil leaks state legislative committee presented us with a whole list of Labor chief hits The legal aid groups also have correct other housing problems. candidate, Rick Brown, J Wednesday coming from a sunken ship in the English similar lists and Nelson said the Placement of funds in escrow appointed by a council vote ^ Channel, threatening to pollute southeast coast beaches recently established to complaints from middle and committee will find these very should be required, she said, May, they say they will ei for the Easter holidays. investigate the problem. Rep. Earl E. Nelson, upper-income renters." The problem often involves a administration helpful. because many other preliminary on a program which indudesl Although his committee is suggestions discussed by the tax on income over Royal Navy and Royal Air Force craft were ordered D-Lansing, said his committee landlord withholding all or a authorized to conduct studies $12,0001| into action with fishing trawlers and coast guard vessels will begin public hearings in portion of the deposit for WASHINGTON (AP) - AFL - legislative committee attempt to replace the property tax. for a two-year period, the treat the symptoms and do not May, following the committee's CIO President George Meany in an effort to disperse the oil off a five - mile stretch of cleaning of walls and carpets, chairman feels it will reach a the Brown, the fourth memberoj preliminary accused the administration cure problem. coast from Ramsgate to Eastbourne. investigation Nelson said, when these final report sometime this year. "What good does it do the the radical slate, Wednesday. requirements are never spelled Wednesday of pursuing what he "If our conclusions warrant it, runnerup in the 33-n "We were definitely surprised out in the lease. called misguided economic game East Lansing courts, if I'm we race. at the degree to which the "It seems that some landlords plans and trying to make labor are prepared to draft supposed to send 500 students Egyptian buildup reported problem exists," Nelson said just make up their own rules as "the scapegoat for the economic legislation that will close the over to the small claims court," loopholes by which people are Mrs. Bender asked. A revolutionary proposal tl An airlift of Soviet after the committee's they go along," he added. mess." victimized by these deposit This type of solution, she divide the police force into men and arms to Egypt is under Testifying before a Senate separate forces — for 1 practices," he said. added, often way with a buildup of missile power suspected, banking subcommittee, the labor "Just imagine someone with a encourages campus and predominant!;! The State News, the student chifftain said landlords to retain the deposit white communities according to Western diplomatic newspaper at Michigan State wage curbs thousand - reports reaching University, is published every class day during four School recently decreed for units, getting $100" *^ntil Jforced by th£ ccjurt to defeated by about a 2-1 ir London. apiece for a year^T he said. "At terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. construction workers are unfair relinquish ij. f fn the election. ' "* Word of the airlift came Wednesday from prevailing interests of around "These ibusfts aren't diplomats Subscription rate is $14 per year. and unworkable. whose governments are represented in Cairo. eight per cent, that's quite a lot practiced by all landlords. Some The appointment of anottaB Any restraint, he said, should of money." be applied across the board on of them are really great. And council member will be the ne President Anwar Sadat of Egypt has said Member Associated Press, United Press April will be International, all segments of the economy. Dolores Bender, MSU there are some renters that council's first order of busineil a decisive month for the Middle East. He Inland Daily Press Association, Associated no warns fighting Collegiate Press, off-campus housing director who landlord deserves," she said. The council takes office May 11 could be resumed if Israel refuses to Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press respond favorably Association, United States Student Press Association. to Egypt's peace proposals. Second class postage paid at East SIGMA XI AWARD - Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Abortion policy assailed Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, A women's group assailed President Wednesday for tightening rules on abortions at military hospitals and said he should not interfere with women's Nixon Michigan. Phones: Editorial . 355-8252 Prof gets research prize "rights to control their own bodies and lives." Classified Advertising Winner of this year's Senior "Any professor that can do an 355-8255 The United Women's Contingent of the National Display Advertising 353-6400 Sigma Xi Award for Meritorious outstanding job of teaching and which is used in laboratories^ Peace Action Coalition is angered over Nixon's directive Business - Circulation 355-3447 Research is Willis A. Wood, at the same time do an throughout the world. to all military base hospitals to abide Photographic 355-8311 chairman of the Dept. of outstanding job of research — as His contribution to by abortion laws Biochemistry, it was announced Dr. Wood has — is an unusual modification of of the state in which they are located. Wednesday. faculty member this day and spectrophotometer to meai The effect of the presidential directive is to reverse Chairman of the Sigma Xi age," Fisher said. enzyme reactions contributed tl service regulations issued last summer which had liberalized the rules on abortions at military hospitals. "TELL SUZY SHE CAN PICK Awards Fisher, Committee professor of described Wood as a remarkable James geology, H. "His research devotion is matched to attention to students at both the scientific by his the success of the manufactuBf of that device by a Cleveland! instrument firm. _ teacher and researcher. Wood recognize® undergraduate and graduate is also Housing, jobs promised levels. A of intellect and internationally for his workom UP HER NEW TEAC NOW man wit, he brings a contagious the metabolism of microscopieB Chicagoans can expect more enthusiasm to the lecture hall forms of life. Recently he hll housing and jobs if Mayor Richard J. and the laboratory. focused his work on hot! Daley implements the promises of a s950 ihoii'ih s250( "His students regard him as a enzymes work and how enzyn*! campaign which resulted in his AT HIFI BUYS" congenial teacher whose friend and concern a gifted for their activity is regulated. He has authored more thanil re-election. The landslide victory again personal success is unselfish and hundred articles on metabolisui gives him a major voice in the national University T.V. Rentals sincere." and enzymes as well as a dozeil Democratic party hierarchy. Has anyone seen good ol' Suzy Goodthighs? Well, if you In 1970 Wood received the chapters in books <#■ have — tell her the new TEAC Tape Machines are W. A. WOOD Daley blitzed his Republican ready and highest honor which is bestowed biochemistry and microbiology# waiting for her at HIFI BUYS. Like the A-1230, for opponent. Richard E. Friedman, by $349.50. On it Suzy, you'll find a pause ^control, bias by MSU when he received the Harold L. Sadoff, professor microbiology and public health, ■ J■ more than 400,000 votes in Distinguished Faculty Award. Tuesday's current control switch and featherlight touchbuttons for said, "Dr. Wood's achievement!■ election and declared his fifth operation. It has all of Teac's professional level Wood's research centers on straight easy in the fields of bacteridl mayoral victory "a mandate to us." features and three heads too! And also microbial enzymology, and he adjustable reel has done extensive work in metabolism, carbohydraKH Daley said housing and jobs were platform heights to accommodate varying reel thicknesses. There's another Teac for you too — the A-1250, which is development of automatic interconversions and enzyn*| the top priorities for the next four somewhat like the 1230 but with an additional playback Arthur Treacher's offers relief laboratory instruments. mechanisms are recojjnizwJ DALEY years. In internationally." _ head and auto reversing for extended playback. It's priced from the common hamburger. pursuit of his special Wood graduated in 1947 fro®! at $449.50 — but really Suzy has to judge for herself. So if interest in applying electronics AEC denies first license you see her around campus (just tell her to Step Inside He's brought the original to biochemistry, he helped Cornell University and the Ph.D. degree in 1950 receive^ HIFI BUYS with you and pick up on TEAC (Tee-Ack), the English recipe for fish & develop a spectrophotometer Indiana University. >| For the first time since the name to remember when it comes to chips to America. Large founding of the Atomic tape systems. As Suzy North Atlantic whitefish likes to put it, "Like Wow! — It's a Groove!" Energy Commission, one of its licensing boards on fillets fried to perfection Wednesday refused permission for a newly constructed reactor to be operated. in our secret golden batter; chips cut thick (V* inch) Male Students Wanted: A three man board in - Washington turned down from the finest potatoes. A Columbia University's application controversial new mini - reactor on to start up its the campus in TEAC delightful change of pace in the English tradition for just pay for participation in densely populated upper Manhattan. 99<. Try some soon I A spokesman for the AEC said it was the first time an operating license had been denied. Operators of several other reactors around the ARTHUR TREACHER'S MOTIVATIONAL country have run into trouble THE ORIGINAL at public hearings, and decisions on their operating licenses still are pending. 3Fisij Sc (Dnjiii RESEARCH Insurance bill delayed PROGRAM The Nixon administration has delayed legislative TWO LOCATIONS introduction ol its plan for broadened health insurance For information call: 353-5343 because some powerful Republicans in Congress say it would hurt small employers, it Administration health officials said was learned Wednesday. 2418 EAST MICHIGAN or come to Room 400A Wednesday they Computer Center between still hope to win over the congressmen and avoid a Right Past Frandor, and HI-FI 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. April 5-9 politically damaging contraction of coverage under the proposal. 337-2310 " 1101 E. Grand River 4100 S. LOGAN I MichigP-' State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 8. 1971 3 DJs, clerks debate Calley tune "especially if it becomes a hit." Among local radio stations, only WJIM is playing the "Battle get opinions on it." Campus radio stations concur with Shepard's analysis of the Hymn of Lt. Calley." record's merit. Program Director Rock Moses of WMSN said his Program Director Bryan Halter said WJIM is airing the record disc jockeys are not airing it "because it is not a Workers at good song Lansing area radio stations and record shops aire although it does not accept requests. musically." generally "undecided" as to how they plan to handle the "We have an approved list of records and our disc jockeys Moses said WMSN has not had any requests from students to controversial hit record, "Tha Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley." select their programs from the OK'd listings," Halter said. "There air the record. The song, which calls Calley "just another soldier from the is certainly no requirement to play the song, though. It's left up shores of U.S.A., forgotten on a battlefield 10 thousand miles Nationally, comments on "The Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley" to the discretion of each announcer." range from "incredibly bad taste" to "a noble representation of a away," has already sold an estimated four million copies and may WVIC radio has had "quite a few requests" to play the record great man." gross as much as $10 million. but does not have any immediate plans to air it regularly. Shelby Singleton, who published the record on the Lt. Calley was convicted last Wednesday of the premeditated "To say we'll be playing it frequently is doubtful — not because "Plantation" label, says "The Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley" has murder of 22 Vietnamese civilians at My Lai, Vietnam. of the message or the political implications, but because it's not a already outsold his company's other hit, "Harper Valley PTA." East Lansing record stores workers say they had few requests strong hit record," Program Director Mark Shepard said. Set to the tune of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," a for the record and, unless a big demand arises, will not stock it. "In addition, there are indications that portions of the lyrics are typical lyric goes: "I just don't think it will go over very big in East Lansing," one untrue. If the pressures really build up, we will play 'The Battle "With our sweat we took the bunkers, with our tears we took store manager said. "Personally, I find it very offensive and Hymn of Lt. Calley.' But right now, it seems to be another the plain, with our blood we took the mountains and they gave it wouldn't stock it if they lined up at my door." schluck song." back again. David West, asst. manager of Meridian Mall's Recordland, said Shepard noted that the record was played once on WVIC by "Still, all of us are soldiers, we're too busy to complain as we his store does not have the record now but plans to carry it station manager Robert Sherman on his "Nightline" program "to go marching on." ACLU to sue FBI's Hoover WASHINGTON (AP) Two attorney for the American Civil Christine Hoomes, 18, to their The blonde Miss Janca and young women said Wednesday Liberties Union, said a third stuffing envelopes in preparation but she declined to name them they'were forced to resign as file jobs. red - haired Miss Hoomes told for massive antiwar and she said she didn't know wommtes been given an ultirmtum Crooked cobweb clerks for the FBI when they but her status is unclear, He said the suit would be their story at a news conference demonstrations April 24 here whether the FBI is aware of refused to give up off - hours against FBI Director J. Edgar in the downtown headquarters and in San Francisco. their work. Meanwhile, Hirschkop said Hoover and will seek also to of the National Peace Action Khat might be mistaken for a spider's web is actually an volunteer work for a peace the ACLU will get ahead with a The women said they were "I dont think it is fair to ask Inside view of a tall electrical tower. enjoin Hoover from "interfering Coalition (NPAC) where they called in last Wednesday to the 8rouP lawsuit seeking to restore Miss with the constitutional rights of my resignation because I came State News photo by Gary Kasprzyk had spent two or three nights a office of J. Allison Conely, an Philip J. Hirschkop, an Linda Janca, 21, and Miss here to do what I think was any other employe." week for the past two months official of the FBI's right," said Miss Hoomes. Identification Division where The FBI declined comment Miss Janca. of Biloxi, Miss., has the on young women's MU faculty worked since July, 1968, and assertions. vote where Miss Hoomes of The incident comes at assault Wednesday on a daily attack since March 31. It Bra! highlands fire base that changed hands twice in the first battle had not been received at Clothing I been under attack for a two days of the fighting. South Veitnamese headquarters V The South Vietnamese in Pleiku. The South Vietnamese still led up reinforcements. The North Vietnamese hold the base along with a string offensive in the mountainous of others along the frontier, Ihe fighting swirled around central highlands, had been 1 Base 6, near the border blocking some outlets of the Ho Chi Minh trail. expected. The enemy has Iture of Laos, Cambodia and launched similar offensives at »h Vietnam about 300 miles Putzel reported that the this time each year for the past Sale ■h of Saigon. A North North Vietnamese defector told few years. ■namese defector said his South Vietnamese officers that palion was low on food and not only had air strikes wiped starving because a U.S. out his unit's food supplies, but I raid last week wiped out U.S. air raids also hit the main plies. North Vietnamese storage point Travel Plans 10 miles southwest of Fire Base for Europe? _ j U.S. Cobra helicopter ■ships supporting the South Men's Suits and Tnpcoats >1* SOFA. SOFA Is the operator over 5000 Student Charter Flights ■namese were hit by enemy Heavy fighting also was meeting more than 50 European (Also Tel Aviv, Bombay. Pnd fire and damaged but reported at another South ilrobi.) Up to 70% s S599S *210™ je it back to their base with casualties. Dear SOFA, Plea . Associated Press Prig. $70.00 to 255.00 Values respondent Michael Putzel, »)fting from Pleiku, said the S950 JTll, S2 500 Icr in Bth Vietnamese rushed several City State Zip Walions of reinforcements to J frontier sector. The outcome Mall to: SOFA, European Student Travel Center. 1560 Broadway, New York. NY 10036. (212 566-2080) 47 Men's Sport Coats ■he battle was not known, University T.V. Rentals ■he fire base, a ■llery mountaintop outpost manned by S3995 t0 s 13995 Orig. 50.00 to $175.00 Values Easter Lilies Men's Quality Slacks $14" to S4499 $399 per plant Orig. $16.95 to $50.00 Values Beautiful, Gift boxed Zip "Rain-Shine" Coats Carnation Corsage 96c 53995 to 55999 Exotic, Long - lasting Cymbidium Orchid Corsage All Prices Cash • >|8y IM - Carry Dozen Roses Dozen Denver Carnations 399 399 HOLDENiR REID FRANDOR . . . famous brands for Dad & Lad SHOPPING E. Michigan • CENTER IV 5-7271 Free Parking Behind Store ART BUCHWALD MICHIGAN STATE NEW' UNIVERSITY MARK EICHER, managing editor ED HUTCHISON, city editor Whose fault is no-fault? BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor KEN KRELL, editorial editor GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor but automobile accident WASHINGTON - One of the-things would have to wait years to be paid off for cases bee I we're going to be hearing more about as an accident, the nation's courts would be very emotional when you mention Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award free to deal with other matters of much fault insurance to him. 1,0 I time goes on is "no - fault insurance." for outstanding journalism. Everyone has his own idea of what no - fault higher priority and, hopefully, automobile "They're trying to take the bread out J our mouths," he said automobile insurance should be, but insurance premiums could be reduced. tearfully, "if Wr !■ basically it boils down to the idea that The disadvantage is that no - fault when someone has an accident, his own insurance could put a lot of lawyers out of can't be that serious." insurance company would settle the claim work. "You can say that, But do It therefore comes as no surprise that you wj EDITORIAL instead of seeking damages from the other party or his insurance company. the trial lawyers are cranking up a fierce suing insurance companies is the secJ The advantages of no - fault automobile lobbying campaign to prevent no • fault largest industry in the United Stattfl insurance are that you would eliminate a insurance from becoming the law of the they institute no - fault insurance have breadlines from Baltimore yoJfl lot of phony claims from people who say land. to s, Penal code im they had suffered grievous injury. Litigants My friend Briefless, who deals in nothing Diego. I'm not just talking about law\ I'm talking about all the other will affect — private peon], J investigators, |J| secretaries and paid witnesses, notblB mention the yellow legal pad DlI) ® companies. There is more at stake h! but further rev than accident." two cars getting into a j "But Briefless, surely there is work that you can find?" I said. other J "Nothing that pays as well. Sometin*| if it's a difficult case, we get 50 bast year, Michigan Senate Bill 34 lowest offense. This penalty is State's alleged responsibility to percentotl certainly not punitive enough to prevent its citizenry from being the settlement. The very least we'll get J proposing a major revision to perverted by "dirty" pictures and third. If we lose we get nothing. But iff existing statutes relating to crime, prevent industry from defiling our the only thing we know how to do. Y«| was defeated by the legislature. It environment. We suggest that a "dirty" words. This task of policing can't say to a man who has been trained J separate section should be included, society's "decadent" nature has 'whiplash' and 'pain and suffering's has emerged again, however, with minor revisions, specifying that anyone discharging garnered more attention than it has go out and learn a new trade. Do you knJ House Bill 4004 as an agreed-upon deserved. The presidential what has made America the great counj (Senate Bill 2). Introduced in the large quantity of it is today?" sewage, oil products or litter into a commission that studied the "I'm not sure/' I admitted. House by Reps. J. Robert Traxler. D-Bay City, and Donald Holbrook, river or inland lake, or dropping an pornography question came to the "The right of one person to su< agreed-upon large quantity of litter conclusion that pictures and words person for an automobile crash." R-Clare, the "criminal code of 1971" "No kidding?" did not, indeed, pervert the is listed as a bill to "revise, "And also the right to select counsel J individual or spawn sexual crime. consolidate, codify and add to the Present laws sue the other person, plus the right of J statutes relating to crimes and to restricting this other party to select counsel to defend 13 repeal certain acts and parts of acts." activity have been often abused and suit. If you take these rights a\ seldom enforced. These provisions, Americans, what have they left?" On the whole, the proposed bill is "No thrust on us by a hide bound Puritan • fault automobile insurance?" a vast improvement over the present "Exactly. The American dream in laws. An immense undertaking, to morality, have infringed on the rights country is to be hit by a cola truck oi of other citizens not so shocked by say the least, it represents a decade Greyhound bus that was in the wrong." 1 of research and legislative work. The naked bodies and four letter words. "I never thought of it that way." on public or private property shall be "Are you going to result is Therefore, we suggest the state take this America a relatively gratifying subject to the penalty assigned to a dream away from the further update the penal code and people? What funi| liberalization of old laws. A maze of Class C felony. Stricter punitive it to have your own eliminate all references to insurance antiquated definitions, highly action against heavy litterers such as settle with you, when in your heart i technical language, and duplicated industries would help stop pollution pornography as a crime. hearts you know tljat with a sympathy provisions have been simplified in problem to a considerable extent. jury you'll get $100,000 from the o laymen's language. Where once the guy's insurance company?" "You make a strong case against no I laws were hidden in more than 3,500 Flag burning fault insurance," I told Briefless. (|) (f) sections, the legislators have reduced Sec. 5555 deals with the crime of "The legislators think no and condensed the laws into more desecration of venerated objects and insurance is a great idea," he s ^manageable 350 setrtibns. should be omitted ^except proVisldn" slamming a law book on his desk. " (a) that makes desecration of any when 'they find two million lavytfl j The bill sports., among other vim an unemployed electronic nuclear digital data public monument or place of worship collecting unemployment insurant things, a more liberal attitude burial computer micro systems engineer and if X say they're going to be sorry they didn't ler towards consensual sex, small or a crime. automobile insurance alone." property crimes and sentencing procedures, but a tougher approach Provision (b) of Sec. 5555 defines Civil rights Sec. 7501 (le) states "A person i that hot dog is done.] lady. . . it's done/' Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times to violent crimes against the person, flag burning or destruction of "any commits the crime of denial of civil other object of veneration by the organized crime and fraud against the citizen and small businessman. public" as a class C misdemeanor. rights if he does any of the POINT OF VIEW following: As an employer of labor But the proposed penal code Provision (c) states that performing he assigns to a female employe a task the national or state anthems in should be further revised. disproportionate to her strength or public as anything but an entire and Homosexual relations remain a felony; drugs laws are unnecessarily strict; abortions penalties still smack separate carries composition or number the penalty of a Class C employs her in circumstances that are detrimental to her health or A very meaningful relationship potential capacity for childbearing." of Puritan misdemeanor. This provision of an otherwise punitiveness-the list is a long one, and we suggest the The law satisfying section on civil rights is EDITOR'S NOTE: The following acquainted with other people who concerning venerated Point of View was written are good word for him because I know him.Hj following revisions be made. objects is based on a fallacy in which strangely discriminatory and appears by Karen genuinely happy. was never self righteous or goody • gc"1" - to be an overreaction to the women's Kruger, Rochester junior. This person is well known but has never or as some think, a cynical or angry y one mistakes the symbol, in this case liberation movement. The law A year and a half ago I met an interesting let pride creep into our man. There's no reason for anyone to a venerated object, for that which it relationship. I distinctly gives the female the person who has changed my life more than mentioned before that he has a true been afraid of him, except maybe for th represents makes the symbol an anyone. It really wouldn't do much good concern for others' who were afraid of change, of I advantage that no man can claim happiness and this has expression of free speech. Like the to describe this person's physical character led to his difficult life. As he became power. I had heard some of these t the right to refuse a task because she because his inner other sections, it is an outmoded qualities are so popular with people, the authorities began about him and even believed them M is incapable of handling it due to irresistably loveable that most people to view him as a radical. He's awhile. argument, a remnant of early 20th usually found anatomical disadvantage. If forget what he looks like the minute they hanging around those who are needy in all century xenophobia and should be meet him. He is a member of a minority kinds of ways. But now I know for myself what h! excluded. employment practices of male and female workers are to be on the same race. He's sacrificed much of his life for his enemies and has turned many of them into In time he was arrested and tried on no really like. He's fulfilled my search quality in life and I've found in hir ft| level, then it seems this clause ought clearer charges than stirring up the people answer to my questions and a wot Wiretapping friends forever. He is one of those people Correction?! force to include men as well. If so, there that others want to be more like, although or creating a disturbance. There is still a solution to everyday problems, Sec. 5630 (a) makes wiretapping he has had a difficult life. question about the fairness of his trial, but solution is in a relationship with a person*® Sec. 610 (b) states *'A warden or would be no argument here. legal. Electronic snooping, under this He's a natural leader, not because he they found him guilty, and this spring will the only one who ever claimed to belhH other authorized official of a jail, law, could be used be the anniversary of his death. Yes, solution and proved his claim by prison or correctional institution on any Homosexuality makes a lot of noise, but because he makes killed him. Since then, his name has been they his death and love,ijr "questionable" citizen, even one sense. He realizes, as many others have, thrown around and I'd just like to put in a resurrection - Jesus may use whatever physical force is Sec. 2318 states "A person that there are a lot of people who are living Nazareth. suspected of littering a sidewalk. authorized by law to maintain order commits the crime of consensual empty lives. Being a sensitive young man, Wiretapping, by definition, is an and discipline." admission that police do not have sodomy if he engages in deviate he looks on his leadership not as a duty or OUR READERS' MIND an intellectual program but with a sexual intercourse (any act of sexual genuine sufficient evidence to arrest a person. care for the happiness of people. I've This provision is a concession by If they had the "goods" on a gratification between persons not talked to him and he feels that hate, fear the legislators to those individuals that still feel prisons should be criminal, they would not need to tap his wire. "Fishing" for information married to each other, involving the sex organs of one person and the and greed are the main causes for man's unrest, and that when these qualities See you in Washington disciplinary rather than rehabilitative mouth or anus of the other) with overtake someone they produce the more on citizens seems an inexcusable well known issues of institutions. But another person. Consenual sodomy is today's society: war, To the Editor: penal reform invasion of privacy. and it is patently responsible for 1 1 class B misdemeanor." prejudice and poverty. To Mrs. Ruth Gage - Colby, National advocated by those connected with a He thinks laws unprecedented deterioration of ourva'" or violence have never Coordinator National Peace Action our penal system is based on the In times of national emergency, This section exists for one reason: Without a doubt, America produced a lasting change in the world, and Coalition: premise that society's duty is to officials in the past have justified to make male homosexual relations a that what is needed is a basic attitude I plan to be with you in continuously built for war and dcstrucWI crime. But it also includes female Washington on with flagrant disregard for peace »" make criminals , part of the wiretapping for a myriad of reasons. change inside people. If we would let love April 24, because I think this is the single Even accepting their arguments, a homosexual relations, heterosexual dethrone our own ego, we'd become less most development. ^ contributing citizenry and not to win important thing that I could do at It is my conviction that selfish people, people more open to one this time toward if a revenge. The "Captain Bligh" wiretapping provision has no place in cunnilingis and fellatio, and anal fulfilling my husband's number of elected officials combine another, to the truth and to the meaning of dream. principle of fear-keeps-them-orderly Michigan law. During national intercourse between nonmarried life. strengths with large numbers of I am gratified that persons like Sens. simply is not condusive to achieving emergencies, federal law will couples as a crime as well. A glaring This person never forgets a friend. I've McGovern, Hartke, Gravel, Hart and whose convictions are su^'cljntJ these ends. That philosophy is supercede Michigan law anyway. case of legislated morality, Sec. never been without anything I need, and he strong, and with a determination toend^ Tunney, and 14 members of the House of always seems to know what's on my mind. war, this will be a clear mandate to »1 outdated and frankly dangerous in 2318 is sadly dated. Society is finally Representatives have taken a strong the hands of undereducated and In the interim between realizing that homosexuality is no Somehow he usually seems to know people position in support of the April 24 Nixon administration to move to«*J| twice as well as they know him. There is an ending this brutal and immoral war. 1 often frustrated guards and wardens. emergencies, however, the proposed crime than demonstration. The forces that have forged believe that the power to bring » more a premarital atmosphere of peace about him that is the alliance for April 24 code permits police to invade represent the The law should foster penal reform intercourse was once thought to be. easily communicated to others. The more I broadest and most diverse base of positive, lasting change rests with rather than stunting it as this privacy, perhaps to "Fish" for an The section should be eliminated. get to know this person I've noticed a shift that the peace forces have ever had. support P^Ple. , ,,i provision certainly will. Therefore, excuse to harrass someone. House bill 4004 will be voted on in my whole sense of values. Life has taken This war has I will be with you on April ravaged our domestic Washington. iL Sec. 610 (b) should be eliminated. within the few on a more meaningful quality of purpose programs. It has created a climate of The wiretapping section should be next weeks. and reality. Through him I've become Mrs. Martin Luther M I wanton violence at home and revised to prohibit such activities at Unquestionably, formulation of the in Vietnam, March 26,191 Pollution any level for any excuse. bill has been a long and tedious one DZZaZBEET "THE SIX BUNNY-WUNNIES 60 Sec. 2725 deals with criminal and legislators are eager to settle the 10 L0NS BEACH'.'..."THE SIX littering and is unsatisfactory in that Pornography matter. Nevertheless, we suggest they BUNNY-UJUNNIES-MAKE COOKIES.'!. it does not differentiate between "THE SIX BUNNY-WUNNIES the Sees. 6305, 6315, 6310, 6320 are spend more time changing these JOIN AN ENCOUNTER 6R0UP" gum-wrapper litterer and the concerned with the crime of sections we have mentioned. corporation that discharges hundreds promoting pornographic material'as Otherwise, the bill will have stopped ol gallons ol sewage into a river defined by law. The question of short of its goal of updating the old every hour. In both cases, this what constitutes pornography is an code and making our penal code littering is a class misdemeanor, the old one, usually centering on the more judicious. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. April 8. 1971 5 w w* ~ y yw pwy* p* Frat aids day care center Sigma, national service sorority, prefabricated units. All of the Opelia said one or two term blood drive, organizing an gave four or five hours each to furnishings were built on wheels members had previous the project. to be moved out of the way upcoming financial affairs at experience in construction but Members of Alpha Phi Omega, "We were able to convince seminar, taking a group of night, when the center will be for most of the group the day national service fraternity, have several of our friends and some retarded boys to the circus and used as a community center by care project was a first attempt been assisting with putting of the girls' boyfriends to pitch students in married housing at ushering at last weekend's Block in, working with their hands. and Bridle Club horse show. finishing touches on the new too," Opiela said. "We units. became involved in the project Other service projects of the University Day Care Center. The first such facility for Alpha Phi when the Boy Scouts of Lansing Omega also Fraternity members spent married students on campus will fraternity to date include sponsors fund - raising projects most of last week preparing the were contacted for help and be staffed by four permanent sponsoring the fall term blood throughout the year to defray center for its official turned the job over to us." workers and several part - time drive, opening helping Farmhouse publicity costs of activities like The center consists of 12 volunteers. Monday. Fraternity organize the winter the blood drive. Created fall term by the Institute for Family and Child Research, the center will provide RESIDENCY CHANGE day care for 110 children, from six and one • half months old to preschool age. The men began working at the center shortly before spring break and returned early to build, sand and varnish Student may sue for fees bookshelves, room dividers and informed that he storage units, pick up and deliver was no longer an in-state student and was furniture, wash and wax floors charged out-of-state tuition. Fraternity carpenters and assemble chairs and tables. Kenneth Opiela, Dearborn A student who has been than two years, but contends he is charged out-of-state fees for more actually an in-state student, Except for spring and summer 1970, when he interrupted his studies to work for the University, Rumayor has been enrolled senior I Ken Opiela, Dearborn senior, puts the finishing touches on furniture made by the men of Alpha and president of the may soon sue the University for recovery of his excess fees and and paying out-of-state fees since that time, he said. He said he I phi Omega. The fraternity builds the pieces for the University Day Care Center, located south fraternity, said 16 members of for damages caused by "financial duress." has not had any significant sources of income except borrowing Alpha Phi Omega and six Ricardo L. Rumayor said Wednesday he I of Spartan Village. State News photo by John Harrington members of Gamma Sigma $3,000 in back fees and a similar amount or more for stress plans to ask for money fromfiiendsat eight per cent interest rates. damages unless he receives word by Friday that the University Rumayor has protested the University's action to various EW PRIORITIES CITED will reimburse him for the fee differential. administrators, pointing out that the University bases its residency requirement on the date of enrollment, not admission, Rumayor, who expects to graduate in August, said he is not and that residency cannot be gained or lost while a student. anxious to become involved in a suit which might last two or three years. However, he said he is determined to get his money "My citizenship hasn't got a thing to do with it, " he said. Early teaching back because vital "getting S3,000 a year (average out-of-state tuition "The first time I went to school here I paid in-state fees, and they and fees) is a difficult proposition if seen you have no source." haven't asked for the money back yet. He said the University switched his My residency should be residency classification the same now as it was then." while he was in school and has discriminated against him because he is a foreign student. Rumayor said he plans to go back to Mexico after graduation administrators, educators, day ■ were: Mildred Berman, from the research and bacause his care and nursery school workers experimentation in Registrar Horace C. King declined comment on the situation. agricultural skills are more needed in that country. Office of Child Development public service programs, she said. The University catalog states: "No one shall be deemed a and social workers from and Health, Education and Solloway represented the resident of Michigan for the purpose of throughout the state attended Welfare in registering in MSU unless AT LAST! A QUALITY 60 MINUTE Chicago; Jerry community college response to he has resided in this state six months need for creative the day - long conference. Solloway, immediately preceding his CASSETTE FOR UNDER ONE DOLLAR _,I1C president of Lake training needs for preschool first enrollment." ■school teaching can be seen "We've boxed college students Michigan College; Jeanette workers and teachers. Lake It also states: "No ■dissatisfaction at the college into a predetermined method of one may gain or lose the status of a resident Drew, MSU Cooperative Michigan College in Benton while a student at the University." ■el with traditional methods of piling, Shirley Oczus, Head learning," Mrs. Oczus said, "and now they are saying, 'This isn't Extension Ruth home Applegate, economist; program Harbor workshop and initiated a training courses a year ago was Rumayor, who possessed dual citizenship because his father Mexican and his mother was American, The §TDK C-60F ■rt director from Escanaba, the way to learn." consultant for the began working in Program and is now developing an Hartford, Michigan, in June, 1967. ft) on campus Wednesday. Priorities are being reversed, Enrichment Project for day - experimental laboratory. In applying for admission to the Kirs. Oczus spoke during a Mrs. Oczus said, because people University the following fall, t care centers; and Margaret Mrs. 245 Ann St. Oczus, whose three he responded to the MARSHALL presentation at a have discovered that the residency question by saying he had six and a East Jacobson, professor and county program in the Upper half months residency in the state. Lansing »nce on Needs and prevention of educational chairman of the Dept. of Family Peninsula has been extremely This was the amount of residency he would have in _,„„.ccs in Early Childhood problems at preschool age is far and Child Science. January, successful, said it is necessary to 1968, which was the time he planned to enroll in his first clas. MUSIC COMPANY ■ucation and Child Care at more effective than remedial The presentation centered on convince private business and When he entered the University in winter. 1968. piogg Center. programs at high school age. the need for Rumayor was coordination, industry and various service charged in state fees. The next spring and summer. Rumayor Other members of the panel [Approximately 200 college cooperation and collaboration between local, state and national clubs that they have a stake in aiding the move toward better worked in Michigan and Mexico on a which he received some academic credit. work-study program, for LIEBERMANN'S groups concerned with child day - care centers. During his time in Mexico, Rumayor decided to become a full llaclc studies care. Another successful program is Mexican citizen and returned to America and the University on a role Miss Jacobson emphasized the of this university as a the Program Enrichment Project for day - care centers. Mrs. foreign student visa fall term, 1968. At this point, he was MODERN catalyst in bringing together Applegate explained that the ivailable to groups concerned with child care for the development of purpose of the program is to take equipment and supplies EASTER SUNDAY SER1GRAPHS comprehensive programs. into day ■ care centers to work Land grant colleges like MSU with the staff in expanding its 1'Mazungumzo," student be a versatile journal offering of African studies, is available free of charge black ideology, poetry, book reviews and editorials, as well as have a particular mandate for program. graphic excitement i) the African Studies Center, black history. Readers may b journal, the current edition submit comments which will be FROM THOSE for any room which is dedicated to considered for publication. ihammed formation Ali. presents Students and opinions of and "Mazungumzo" by signing may subscribe up to in WONDERFUL Jut Africa and the Diaspora. the African Studies Center. (Contribution of articles FOLKS MHO Itinonl on and the African subjects related to T.V. RENTALS BROUGHT Take a friend and help s of the Diaspora will be bepted by the editor • in - and'ddS $9-50 miiniI YOU yourselves to cuisine from lef, Chui Karega, and the rial board. NEJAC TV RENTALS CAMBODIA 1000 lands. As much as you MOCK PROSPECTUS ■"Mazungumzo" is intended to SATIRIZES VIETNAM WAR want all day Easter Sunday (1 to 8 p.m.) In format, it's an honest-to-goodness prospectus. In content, it is the For information call 372-6550 grimmest, funniest, most satirical expressions of frustration over "The , |See the 7 ft. Easter Bunny War In Vietnam," (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"). The business of the company, says this 16-page document, "consists primarily of acquiring and destroying real estate." Under Management: "Mr. Nixon is chief executive officer. Spiro T. Agnew is in charge of public relations... Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Agnew did not exist." Plush and furry, our Lansing Mall bunny has a Bittersweet reading. Send check or money order today. Order a few THE a PLAZA free balloon for you. And while you're here extra for friends. Just $1.00 each (add 30c postage - handling plus sales tax where applicable) have your picture taken with the bunny. (Former Jack Tar Hotel) CONTEMPORARY COMMUNICATIONS CO. Dept. 205, 15 East 36th Street / N.Y.C..N.Y. 10016 125 W. Michigan Every day 12 -8. Center court. across from the Capitol Yes please send me copies of "The War In Vietna: prospectus. I am enclosing my check or money order at the n of $1.00 for each copy plus 30<> postage plus handling. □ lanstiifj mall Address 99« _ 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy. City Christ not STORY.. You'll love LUMS famous COMPLETE for these automobiles!! I, served. just bring this ad and your student ID) | out to Hot Dog Dinner '65 VW BUS - new valves, new Learn how you Two delicious hot dogs, steamed in beer, with paint, and all ready for a summer "WHEAT" sauerkraut, plus side order of french fries $1.25 of camping and fun. Can you beat the can serve as a price? 19" x 19" $5.95 Vincentian Created in Denmark by artist Per '62 CHEVY II - 2 - door, 99c and it's yours Christ like Westermann, these wall decorations are striking and It" th , <>rpr1tssed anti ,hc neglected. His life was spent mm Also look at these special deals!! elegant in their black and white lever, L h nCC,(l1 Ml Pr^ched to then,, taught them, fed th. for 'hem. Like Christ, he simplicity. Complete with frame came not to be ser ■66 ^ '67 Buick Skylark '67 Mustang moulding and hanger device. See KstVin' ViniCmians' ,hc «>f St. Vincent, carry on 2 - door, new valves A Convertible Convertible these and others in the collection. ■ firini. ,/t1n"an')'°" can ease the misery of the poor an. fiew tires, great shape Aut°' and cnoi- 8' 1°™' brakes steerm9 stick, 6 - cyl. ? Mlk ThcV «'"nscl the troubled and the < $"5 $1095 ■»Rcs Th v"unB atul console the old and enlighten r $1495 ■ ncy trv 10 meet the needs of the Church wherever i ... if Vincc Mechanic Specials '67 Rambler Rebel .SST, s a Vir plus many . more auto, power steering and '66 VW X. Quinn, C.M., Vocation Dirt fine cars to brakes, 2 - dr hardtop. V - 8 $695 THE VINCENTIANS $210 10% discount on all cars to MSU students choose from ""K'fgiiiion of the Mission, Eastern ■ Province with ID cards (except on 99c specials) 500 East Chelten Avenue, Room 220 Vn Philadelphia, Pa. 19144 WHEELS TOYOTA USED CARS EAST LANSING-209 E. Grand River 2112 E. Michigan 372 09 DOWNTOWN-113 S. Washington 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Apri| 8 | Michi] Ryan's Daughter' Masterpiece If "The Bridge on the River adulteress in their midst. to familiar themes Kwai," "Lawrence of Arabia" Like mild schoolteacher. A change of The film has Haws. (What The music, provided by "The Informer," and "Doctor Zhivago" suggested a pace indeed for Mitchum. He recent films besides "Five Easy Maurice Jarre, is less a score than supposed patriot betrays "the creates a sensitive profile of Pieces" and "Patton" didn't it is a symphonic assault, that David Lean and the wide cause," dooming community screen were made for each other, Rosy's husband, a man who have?) u _ r . , efforts at off hated "Ryan's Daughter" makes it a British rule. choking loves his wife enough to ignore It is excessively long. One is Yet these flaws taae irom her indiscretions. close to collapse at intermission memory in the end. The power certainty. And like "Gone With the And Christopher Jones as time. of its dramatics, the sweep or its The British director's latest Wind," the viewer is left work is a masterpiece of size and Rosy's lover, Leo McKern as Its occasional forays into old visuals and the depth of its uncertain about the future of stature. His is a film with Ryan the informer, John Mills as fashioned romanticism are characterizations leave one with the central characters. After the village idiot and, above all, regrettable. Rosy's moonlit and only respect for Ryan s intimacy and intelligence to hours of film, the viewer wants Trevor Howard as the priest who sunlit rendezvous with her lover Daughter," an epic worthy of balance its breathtaking vistas to know and a splendid cast to animate more. meddles in town politics are are so clunky laughter often Lean's reputation and your What make each plot excellent. results. involvement, what is, in essence, a traditional compelling and so very much reworking of familiar themes. Bolt's own is the placement and Once again, Lean uses the juxtaposition of each in a grand, lyrical camera of Freddie Young and the bold pen of Robert Bolt to superb effect. As a result, Like passionate "The Virgin and Gypsy," it is the story of young the woman a unified narrative. Lean and Bolt weave their plot together. The drama builds from threads Students to seeing "Ryan's Daughter" is like unwilling to accept the a serene beginning beholding a classic painting. It is conventional and routine. horrowing climax, taking what rich in composition, beautiful to look at contemplate. and magnificent to Like "Doctor Zhivago," personal drama is told against a larger, dramatic canvas. An a seems to be a simple love story and complicating and discoloring it with the political and moral with 'Suitcase The film is based on an extramarital romance advances original story by wrote "A Man for all Seasons" Bolt (who to the rumblings of a revolution ^Asg'the6drama Expands and A youth troupe composed of downtown Lansing, East in the United States, in the background. peaks cameraman Youne sets 26 Michigan students, including Lansing, Lansing Mall and the Performances will be at 8 p.m., and the screenplays "Lawrence" and "Zhivago"). for Like "The Scarlet Letter," Set "Ryan's Daughter" is also a the film ablaze When he is not exploring a character's face five from MSU' wi" tour EuroPe Candor Shopping Center to Monday through April 16, and this summer as members of accept contributions. at 3 p.m. April 17 and 18 at the 'Gifted9 actress in the coastal Irish village of morality "Suitcase Theater." Members of the cast will also "Ryan's Daughter" is an original love story about a young tale about a documenting the bleakness of Lansing Mall. The Fiandor Kirrary in 1916, the story is a self-righteous The purpose of the tour, said perform several from girl aspiring toward a richer life In 1916 Ireland. David citizenry who the village, he is doting on the scenes Shopping Center will feature hybrid of familiar plots. executive director Powell "...these Lean's film, starring Sarah Miles and Robert persecutes and brands the beauty and terror of the natural truths...", Lindsay's Suitcase Theater performers at Mitchum, js Lindsay, is to show different play about intergroup relations 12 p.m. on April 17. now playing at the Lansing Mall theater. surroundings. His footage, as always, is part of American life to people brilliant. Raging waves and gently ripples, menacing skies pan m me louroitne Netherlands, Germany, ON INDEPENDENT STUDY and peaceful peaceful sunsets, ereen green uermany Belgium ueigium ?"d En8la"d W'U be Debra J- >fl forests and harren barren fields alternate in an unrivaled White, Detroit sophomore; Survey confirms opinion Thomas E. Sharrard, East display. The camerawork during alone* ^ing sohpomore; Marlette Charlene M. a violent should leave anyone who has ever held Cousins, sophomore; Heather A. Cripps, East Lansing 'respective camera breathless. The actors are never dwarfed freshman, Helen M. About half (59) said they are research project off - campus, "If students have the „ T • , . abili by the gigantic themes and currently doing independent independent laboratory and potential to work on t iuating col expansive sights. Last summer, Lindsay said, study. experiment, independent study own, they should be encouri bably find the troupe traveled to Germany, "For all the praise I might eration, cc Sarah Miles embodies Ryan's An informal survey circulated groups without instructor, to do this," she said. Denmark, Sweden and Finland iters in the daughter, Rosy. She makes her a by the Honors College among have for independent study, 1 internship, field work, their tour sponsored by the delicate creature who somehow honor students has confirmed community service, study She said, however, that a ook for in t finds the strength to go from Michigan Education Assn. and that many students abroad and independent art students are "fearful of Vhile the spoiled girl to teacher's wife to X°uth f.for Understanding, that independent student wrote. only by project, independence" involved d not whore" to town internat'Ona' teen-age exchange study is available. personal effort that I ever Miss Thompson said the independent study. scapegoat but is not destroyed ii program. Coupled the lack of discovered exactly what Honors College emphasizes olutionary "Some students are scared of the the process. This year, however, he said, knowledge albout what independent study could be. independent study only for n< death of it. It's traumatic Robert Mitchum becomes i the troupe is not sponsored and independent study ; and how t< Another student asked "What those students who feel they are are prob will have to raise the necessary enroll for the lack of 's independent study? I have not pable of doing it. them," Miss Thompson said. ; of th funds on its own. heard about it from anyone, jortant to T.V. RENTALS knowledge about the forms independent study can including my adviser." job 25 yi To help raise money, Lindsay said, Lansing Mayor Gerald W. SmeT'hT take, Mary Thompson, Honors were Of the 121 respondents, seniors, 35 were juniors, 34 44 POLICE »rn today. G NEJAC TV RENTALS "Suitcase 5°»erence ro greatest con-men who ever double-crossed each other! An RHA Presentation THE MIRISCH CORPORATION Pre*nh SIDNEY POmER ROD STEIGER JHE NORMAN JEWISON WALTER MIRISCH PRODUCTION ■ • ; "INTCkOTOF J HE NIGHT" COLOR by Deluxe Mm**, united artists m i mr MEIN KAMPF THE TERRIFYING TRUE STORY OF HITLER'S REICH Tonite in Conrad Friday in Wilson Also bits and pieces of 7 and 9:15 7,9 7,9 "TARZAN THE FEARLESS" 75c 109 ANTHONY No I.D. $1.00 admission I.D.'s required Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 8. 1971 7 to BE YOUNG' Actress Hansberry play presents play's im meaning, relevance for all By WANDA HERNDON and Does this feeling stem from black play, "The Me Nobaody JONELLA THOMPSON Autobiographical in nature, State News Staff Writers the work is a patchwork of Miss the fact that the author was Knows," beautifully adaptor! young, gifted and black and now and directed by Thomas Rachel Hansberry's life and those who "To Be Young, Gifted, and Black" means many things to me. have affected her. It weaves back dead, and that I moum the loss? last term at MSL. i has made me more aware of Lorraine Hansberry than I was I am not black. Therefore and forth through time. Each of Does she arouse latent guilt felt Both works are urgent, and kfore," Phylicia Ayers Allen, an actress in the play, said. the integrated cast, both male from 300 years and continuing Lorraine Hansberry's writings, contain so much the black white oppression of the black? is I Miss Allen, a 1970 graduate of Howard University, has thoughts and her being, as and female, portray her, the Or is it because Miss Hansberry's expressing. These are the only Lrformed in many plays including "The Owl and the Pussycat" presented in "To Be Young, characters in her plays and her political and social views "plays" in the last two years Kd "A Raisin in the Sun" but says that "To Be Young, Gifted, Gifted and Black," raise certain acquaintances. are that have attracted consistent with mine and that a substantial Ed Black" is serving as a special learning experience. questions and problems for me. Miss Hansberry shares with she presents them in a number of blacks. This is the direction theater at MSU must I "This play is relevant to black people because it makes There is black theater for her audience personal joys, "palatable" way? It might be a Lmaware of a black writer and it tells the roles of black people," blacks and frustrations, anxieties, fears and part of all three. go if it is to encompass the total black theater for said. happiness as we relive with the community. ie whites, and this play, performed author memories of the Chicago The author does not arouse I gj,e said Lorraine Hansberry's writing has an historical meaning Tuesday night as a Broadway ghetto, a trip south to see her fear. She does not hate whites "To Be Young, Gifted and Theater Lause the author was a very militant and profound woman for Lecture-Concert Special of the relatives, a race riot at and America. Clearly, her Black" was, to me, a joyful and Series, falls Englewood High, the year at the writings "Slaveship." Miss deeply involving evening. I like |>r time. more in the latter category. are no neither University of Wisconsin during Hansberry goes beyond the Uncle Toms nor "People are very responsive to the play because it has Compiled from notebooks, which she discovered Sean illusion of Martin Luther King militants who are racist. I think I Amething for everyone in that it deals with the human viewpoint letters, diaries and portions of O'Casey's plays (whose works and has strength, dignity and love Lorraine Hansberry. Jfthe author," she said. Search for love Miss Hansberry's plays by her had a profound influence on her power. She is proud of her husband, Robert Nemiroff, the ancestry and the gifted black s Allen said the play has not affected her outlook on life, Phylicia A. Allen starred in Lorraine Hansberry's "To Be own), her efforts in playwriting, evening has special meaning for the involvement artists of today. Jut "it has made her question more extensively the events that Young, Gifted and Black" presented Tuesday night in the whites as well as relevance for successes her ensuing quest for meaning and Jurround black people, for example the Calley incident and the Auditorium by the Lecture Concert Series. blacks. It is a very moving and The marvelous cast seemed tngela Davis case. State News photo by Doug Bauman important piece of theater. and deepening involvement in "the movement." equally proud to portray her. Lorraine Hansberry, at age 29, Using a minimum of sets, was the first woman and director Will Mott has managed only- black playwright to win the New tudents' to create a feeling of intimacy York job Drama Critics Circle and association between the late Award for Best Play (1959), author and her audience. I feel a which "A Raisin in the Sun" particular warmth and closeness deserved. That was the start of a for and with Miss Hansberry, brilliant career that ended too and I wonder why. Can I short. prospective employers for the tailored impressive fringe benefit will do after school, three by presume to profess an lion's nearly one million programs to accommodate the sex or even year in school. tightening of the job market in students have a "definite career" Students attending colleges in just the past eight or nine understanding between her life Nemiroffs adaptation of Miss Jduating college students will more security • minded employe in mind. the East months may have the effect of and soul and mine. Obviously, Hansberry's Ibably find that the "now" of a generation ago, are however, were white people have shown a thoughts and leration, compared with job doubtless Finding that they are a On this subject, the first question interviewers asked was: noticeably their post less definite about college plans. making college graduates the next few years more over nearlyuniversal range writings covers a remarkable of feelings. It is If you care ers in the past, do, in fact, weaker selling point. - security "Right now, would you say misunderstanding of the black. reminiscent of another recent r in their ideas about what Book for in an occupation. Attitudes of the country's seven million college students, that you have a definite career in Respondents Preferences were then asked conscious. Copyright 1971, Unidex enough, maybe TlVhile the college recruiters who will be entering the job mind or not?" Answers were: their ideas about what be looking for in they will Corp., Bloomington. Ind. 70u can meet Jd not brace for any market over the next four years, Yes, have career in mind 73% "What three an occupation. factors would he Paulist lolutionary attitudes on the were the subject of a survey It of the new job applicants, conducted Nocareer in mind 17.7% you say are most important in BARNES ■y le are probably finding ftiat of the considerations during the among second March. Interviewers talked with students week of No answer Asked to speculate 9.3% about choosing a job?" The most frequent answers, in FLORAL challenge... their future employers, the order of preference were: OF EAST LANSING Lortant to a person looking 1,010 students from 41 It isn't easy. being a Paulist. greatest number of students see 1. Happiness and interest in J a job 25 years ago are of less representative campuses. ■cern today. Goals The Plans large themselves joining corporation. About one in six a large work. 2. Pay. Order Easter BURT Bridging gaps between young and old. black and white, majority of plan to be self ■ employed, and past and future. But it is LANCASTER a 3. Challenge and opportunity. Flowers happiness, opportunity and students, regardless of their year government service, at least for challenge. It is notable that security and kary are important in school, are very much the present, is attractive to and The Paulist mission is to fcsiderations to today's college thinking about the role they will fringe benefits were mentioned Corsages about one in 10. rather infrequently. Until this people individually ■dent; just as they have been VALDEZk DEZk . take in society and business. For Early . . Little difference exists in and in all the societies in khe past. every one student who has no year, the average student over responses to the question on the past which they live half decade has had pet the companies whip)] have specific plans for what he (she) We telegraph flowers having a definite career in mind little cause to worry about worldwide is r ... to discover Christ wherever he is acting landing a job — offers have been COMING *inH lead of IFG re-elected; to be attuned to the needs fairly abundant. 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 ... of the present, yet to form However, the pronounced TODAY AT: 7:30-9:30 a vision of 1 If you are interested in ees revival of fraternity Friday Fish Feast finding out more about the Paulist priestly challenge, PANCAKE write to: With Crisp French Fries, seph A. krthville junior, unanimously kcted Tuesday night to a Ditzhazy, Ditzhazy said MSU would follow the trend of he believed students and would contribute to the University. try to Creamy Cole Slaw & Roll $lio the Midwest. "We're going to be more open lond term as president of the "I think there is a swing Thursday Steak Burger $ 1 10 to suggestions of change from cpaulist ■erfraternity Council, said his re-election that a toward re-establishing traditions which are relevant," those within and without the Greek with Cole Slaw & French Fries | cFathetg system," he said. Don't Forget our Easter Special king from emotionalism to he said. Room 111 lionalism" Ditzhazy said that in the past, Open at 7:00-Elec. In-Car Heaters Opposite Sears 415 West 59th Street among college 301 ■dents is renewing student fraternities were "hung up" on Clippert — Across From Fraridor New York, N.Y. 10019 Terest in fraternity life. selecting persons according to (Citing figures released at a their race, creed and background meeting of national instead of their character. feternity organizations, "We have changed," he said. ■zhazy said that the nation has "After all, fraternities are TONIGHT! ALL COLOR! lperienced a tremendous jump communes that have lived for CINE J the past two years in the Imber of new fraternity 200 years." Ditzhazy said his do.. . uihot> th* /tory?) lapters established on college administration would attempt to lupuses. make the fraternity system more J'There has been an increase credible in the eyes of MSU penally in the West and idwest." he said. "In the East, f>ugh, there is still a down - the number of fternities." S950 ,non«l S250( College panel University T.V. Rentals > solicit items University College ALSO ACADEMY AWARD pfug committee will hold an . . . Xn routing at 4 p.m. J [TONIGHT AT 8:00 p.m.| WINNER . . . "THEY SHOOT HORSES, DON'T THEY?" at 9:50 •ufrsday in the dean's yrence room, 270 Bessey ACADEMY ir Heate ■ Suggestions on AWARD agenda items ¥ the College OMINATIONS Advisory Council Iri t r.eceivetl from students rnww m'ttee y' Donald R- Come, chairman, said. IWWM INFORMATION VO.MUI ||] n— | "ni2 ?5 i BREATEPlC!'^ ' 4 Sh°ws Dally" THE In G&EAT fuc£ Co uutk Complete D^tif^s. Ray St&pp, 5'-$, tp squad to a 19-13 win over th/,Wesi>» « belp the East ' » place finish ih. the'4 f4W iOO p°mts m a pro basketball in the lineup. But Bulls' Coach c. * MM*. »„d f9™rna^riro„d„°r thinker? Jack Zindel of East Lansing, a Spartan Big Ten champ at 190 pounds in 1970, captured the other honor. He won the 180.5 pound crown at the U.S. Wrestling Federation Tournament held Senior captain Tom again hold down the first spot Gray will other baskets Tuesday the Los Angeles Lakers night beat the as Dick Motta stuck to his theme the Lakers could win. In the Eastern Conference Answer Yes No. in conjunction with theAll-StateMeet. for the netters. Gray and junior or Chicago Bulls, 109-98, for the playoff, New York won the Rick Ferman advanced all the right to meet Alcindor and the opening game with 112-111 1. All your friends have decided to victory i Baltimore Tom Cray ■Near short shorts. You really don't like the look. Do you follow the IT'S Bullets Tuesday. PICKUP ABROAD. Bullet Coach Gene Shue's gang? All makes of European protest of an official's call may have cost Baltimore the game. Robi nson paces 2. You've just n interesting guy who's shorter than COTTON-PICKIN' cars. "Early Bird" 10% Savings Program. Shue drew a technical protesting a judgment successful ball Knick and foul the shot you. Would you be embarrassed to go out with him? Yes No ~ TIME! Teacher/Student Specials. Free Bonus Extras. provided difference. the The one - disputed play was over an alleged 24 - second point Oriole victory □ Purchase □ Lease □ Rental violation with 9:02 remaining in 3. You've been invited to dinner BALTIMORE (UP1) — Frank Robinson, who was on thfl the fourth quarter. Time to pick a bunch trading block all winter, delivered a run - scoring double in thfI again by a group of nice but Kinney Europe, 535 Fifth Avenue, N.Y. 10017. (212) 697-6780 of these fresh little fifth inning Wednesday which snapped a 2-2 tie and carried thf uninteresting people. Do you feel obliged to accept? classics - in easy-care world champion Baltimore Orioles to a 3-2 victory o Yes 1 cotton knits. In stripes, Washington Senators. No" solids and patterns, It was the first game of the season for the Orioles. 4. All the charts say you're 10 with Robinson's drive off the rightfield wall came off Casey Con a variety of and followed singles by Dave Johnson and Boog Powell. The hii pounds overweight. You feel fine sleeve lengths and enabled southpaw Dave McNally to register his first victory of thf and your clothes look well. Do collars. Spring just isn't McNally, who won 24 games last season, went the distance,! Yes ~ No H complete without allowing nine hits while walking one and striking out s dress or Senators stranded 10 runners. 5. You appreciate all kinds of music. Except opera. Do you think Harmon Killebrew's two run homer in the first inning and - thfl four • hit pitching of 20 • year - old Bert Blyleven sparked thf■ you should listen anyway because it's "the thing to do"? THE BIG TEN Minnesota Twins to a 4-0 victory over the Milwaukee Wednesday. Breweisl I Yes ' No ~ Killebrew hit a looping fly ball 391 - feet into the leftfieW | stands after Tony Oliva singled and the twins scored again in"" |f you've answered "No" to three is at first when Rich Reese, who had throwing error by outfielder Andy Kosco. singled, came home o or more questions, you really Jose Cardenal and Joe Hague each batted in four runs ■ rate as an independent thinker. Wednesday to pace the St. Louis Cardinals to a 14-3 rout oftl*| Another example of your in¬ Chicago Cubs. | dependent thinking: You Tampax tampons. Why Tampax tampons? Be¬ use ZALES JEWELERS Nine of the Cardinal runs errors. seventh The Cardinals had inning gave were a unearned as the Cubs made fi« 12-0 lead before Joe Pepitones ■ the Cubs their first run. Billy Williams I ■ second homer in two days - a two - run shot in the eighth | cause, when you compare them accounted for Chicago's other two runs. all, only Tampax tampons give you these advantages: Each Tampax tampon comes in a silken-smooth container-applica¬ It's the 10% You tor. Both applicator and tampon can be flushed away. No un¬ wieldy stick or plastic tube to Save With Your dispose of. Worn pons are internally, Tampax tam¬ completely comfort¬ able. Can't chafe, cause odor or ( V. M. S. U. I.D. Card irritate like bulky pads. Tampax From clock radios to ZALES finest diamond rings, you save tampons. They make every day 10% on most everything you buy. Your MSU student of the year Independence Day. discount applies whether you pay cash or use ZALES Custom Right from the start . . . Charge. Check ZALES first for all your jewelry and gift needs. ZALES " JEWELERS 318 S. Washington ( across from FREE SPIRIT) BRANCH OFFICE 4217 Okemos M- . Across from the Union Tipi Eyke 349-9314 or Hi. 349-3310^1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. April 8, 1971 9 SPORTS- tiN TWICE Tournament c S' hurdlers shine lack of blocks in South ern meets AUGUSTA, Ga. (UPI) Tournament Chairman Clifford Roberts said Wednesday that the Masters is "the loser by never - the few making a black golfers who serious effort. "There is no doubt that when are single black who has come near the first eight in the national amateur," he said. The first eight crown at Drake and became the are invited the Experience. Confidence. A blacks make the same effort in following year to By DON KOPRIVA record-holders at 57.3. That held motive. Strong enough reason having had a black golfer." play in the Masters. I State News Sports Writer until The Jayhawks set the mark But Roberts was quick to add golf as in other athletic fields, for any winners, and Roberts was asked why the hopefully that this has been caused by the they'll ave a place here. But few enough to bring home the are making a serious effort." qualifica ons for a U.S. golfer Isll's BUVshutttle lata«ood hurdle th relay na The Spartans didn,t have an tr°Phy *om Drake inability of black golfers to were so much stricter than for rtet has got a good thing opponent |ike Tennessee at the TRACK TALK: With warmer meet the rigid qualificaion Roberts blamed the present the dozen or so foreign golfers standards of the Masters and not state of economics. "It's easier Kentucky meet, but they did weather seemingly on the way who are invited each year. e Spartans have won twice U— hflVe . because of any effort to keep to get started in baseball or tough foe in windy the Spartans will be able to do "It's true, on the foreign level llu' r^rhrrv=s weather Though it can help on more work on the Ralph Young blacks out. football," he noted. "To play we invite anyone we choose," bard- ought , at victory the Florida and the re, the hurdlers clocked ,t a]so cgn h„4111' „ still fine ^ . preparing -for the "No one ought to qualify except on his proven and golf you've got to purchase a costly set of clubs and other Roberts said. "But we don't a opener at Ohio Relays in have as clear a set of guidelines ■tucky Relays- But 17.2, showing the Florida time Columbus demonstrated ability to play equipment. The matter of for Iht'st is yet to come, next Friday and economics is working against picking foreign players was no fluke. golf," countered Roberts to flthough the Spartan Saturday...Spartans coaches them." because there isn't enough But the roughest part of the consider Ohio meet for suggestions that perhaps a way international play. We try to lu t Wayne a fcues, Dave H®rlv^,*)k' Marim, donn Spartans' tn come. Ohio to „nn,a relays schedule is Relays come up yet experimenting f„_ and getting ready might be found to invite a black golfer not otherwise qualified. But, Roberts also said he was surprised that there haven't been pick those we think have a for Drake possibility to give competition |rjson-was confident it next week, April 16-17. And the week...Spartan "The sooner a black plays in more Black golfers playing in to this bunch of tough d win both times out, the the Masters, the happier I will college. gangbusters we have developed ■tans knew they'd need a ^ake.' hurdle, distance medley, four be," Roberts said. "Sooner or "I may be mistaken, but I in the United States. Not many ■t effort to win at Florida. All four Spartans know that's later we are going to have Black don't believe there has been mile, 440-yard, 880-yard and a measure up." ■ennessee, which always the roughest. It's the one that' mile relays...Herb golfers and sooner or later black ftes up with some fine most remembered and all wil Washington going to have a black Masters will go will be running to win the 100 rerS'with r IT NCAA a iLiSS '"door for nou8ht—in track buffs-if the minds of State wins at title he took two years ago Wayne Hartwiek champion." "Blacks often time furnish the 20% DISCOUNT ON fccr-up Bill High leading the greatest of ail athletes — in |d. And the Vols had been Florida, Kentucky and Ohio but joses at Drake, NICKLAUS FAVORED football, in baseball, in TYPEWRITER REPAIRS ting outdoors longer than fhe Spartans were second basketball, in the Olympics," ■Spartans, who got their first of warm air when they there last year—to a Texas A & said Roberts. "Think how much it FOR MSU STUDENTS M team which many said jumped e down to Florida on their on the would help our TV rating if we "exchange." But excuses "uring spring break. e thought we d have to go 57 to beat them, will be no good, and last means wj|| j,ave to nothing. So the Spartans year Masters tourney starts had a Willie Mays in the Masters," Roberts continued. "But even though we have FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY produce. prison said. Increased the number of players They've got a lot going for AUGUSTA, Ga. (UPI) — Lean champion wants to win here this Defending champion Billy who can get in through their "11""? n""1""*." and bronzed, Jack Nicklaus, thP Vols ,ok iust that to The SDartans j Spartan units which have determined to blaze a trail of week, capture Open crown in June and his third U.S. Casper, second two years ago and a playoff winner here last play on the winter tour, we still haven't had a black to qualify. It AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES the 480-vard • Lat Moines major tournament victories few successfully defend his British year, and South African Gary was our hope that this extension 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett 339-8258 lessee runnlna carnival They're in the past men will be able to follow, was Open title the following month Player, only foreigner to win the would bring in one or more of experienced. Only established as a 3 to 1 favorite — thereby passing Jones and, at Masters (1961) and currently |. «»en time tied Kansas' Jac(^ues was not on the Msu Wednesday to win the 35th the same time, becoming the hot as a pistol, were both 7 - 1 m«i rolleciate record set in team that P,aced second a year Masters Gold Championship. first man ever to win all of the choices while golf's "Mr. X," ked the fastest ago' They're confident after The blond bomber, most world's top professional golf Mm~- n—1— A BOWL OR BILL* I pvpr at that distance Two tying the nationaI mark and recent winner of both the British tournaments in the same year, lie II had never eone under 57 winnin8 two for thov'w nut 8ood meets. And Open and PGA Championship, The 31 • year - old Nicklaus lnds before in the same race. they're out for revenge rovonoo nuor over now UMU<. holds 11 11 such titles - two already is the only golfer to win Notre Dame, the hurdle quartet [he last time MSU held tonal shuttle hurdle the relay that deprived them of an Indoor less than all - time leader Bobby Jones - and thus has set his all of those four titles at least twice each, Detroit wuc tnU1967 when*a fipne record over the shorter ' distance by one-tenth second, relay sights tv>a on a double goal for 1971. fu«Aa nf Nicklaus has made no secret FRIEND fcington-led team won the time Masters of hiehis <4ocSt>o desire tn to win win fho the Mactow Masters which today begins its four over - day run the 6,850 - yard, par signs ledera/ 72 Augusta national. He • court skipped the last two tour events to come here where he also won five years ago and hone his game to Boswell razor sharpness. !ijrt Floods anfor "I'm more than ready," proclaimed after practicing here a Nicklaus week. "I feel my DETROIT (UPI) - Dave Boswell, a 20 winner for Detroit - Pitcher game ' game is in the same shape now Tigers |EW YORK . . . . ,, < ( UPI) - The the St. Louis Cardinal outfield holding that_oiyanlzed ^basebaU ■ was just before , wo„Hthe PGA Manager Billy Martin when he 1 Court of Appeals struck out before being traded by the Cards w#s not subject to anti • trust six weeks ago." was manager of the Minnesota Flood's challenge to laws because it was not involved KollV to the Philadelphia Phillies prior Eyen th* Qther ,fers were Twins in 1969, signed a contract baseball's »nr/l>nn reserve to 11, »„ the 1969 „ 1C1CO L>..t season. But Flood J id i D t PTCt t P interstate fl mmmorfP commerce. In In ... ... .. ... with Detroit Wednesday. calling Nicklaus the favorite. The e Wednesday in an opinion chose to forego his $100,000 1953 the highest court refused way they see it in Federal Court. the wide Boswell also is the pitcher salary for the 1969 season, and to examine or review its 1922 fairways and short'. cut rough Martin knocked out during a ■he court upheld an opinion spent his time in court instead of approach. ive the edge to the .. . In concluding, the court held long - ball fight behind a downtown hitter. •per. which had dismissed a"ai"St commissioner that Flood, who had kept the Nicklaus Detroit tavern when the Twins v6llK„ and all Kuhn oll „lllKe ln clubs in organized „ first won here in were visiting here in the same fcds complaint alleging that KacoKoii nn fniif irvminric all, foreclosed his argument as to..... Vof 23toEome yea7. ^ clause clause violated vioiaiea baseba11 u . on four *rounds' . . the Masters' youngest champion; Iral and state anti - trust He had objected to being sold his constitutional rights. set a Masters record of 17 - He will report to the Tigers in traded, claiming this was "The judgment of dismissal is under - par 271 when he won Baltimore Thursday. To make "bondage" and brought the affirmed" the court ruled. here in 1965; and became the room for Boswell on the roster, Blood had been federal court action cuon charging Flood can now take the case a mainstay in cnarging only man to win two Masters the ">e Tigers optioned catcher 1'Sers °puc that the boycott against players to theU.S. Supreme Court as he ^ ^ Hocinoc back to back when he won again 6 Gene Lamont to the Toledo Initas' career Mud Hens of the International League. »..u VT.,- -- , Four - time champion Arnold violation 'his "constitutional the Phillies traded the articuiate lay be ended right m - choice of to play for a team of his outfielder to the Washington since 1964 but who, at 41, Senators. Palmer, who hasn't won here Flood emphasized appears back on top of his T.V. RENTALS JALTIMORE irterback Johnny (UPI) Unitas of - One of the main reasons - for iowe(} uPon his return that even though game since he is this year's he he has has come come back, Ul" his suit ",u leading — 1 winner "',tK with Free Service and delivery W.OU per month ■ Baltimore Colts seriously dismissing the action followed money NEJAC TV RENTALS ■red his foot Wednesday while ancient ■ ■ Supreme - Court aP*»nst professional baseball earnings of nearly $100,000, was 337-1300 decision by Justice Holmes would still stand. made the 5 -1 runnerup. wing paddle tennis. I'nitas ruptured his Achilles Jlon and doctors fear the FREE SHEPARDS Jry will have an adverse affect 1 his future in professional ■tball. He underwent surgery LT. CALLEY 2nd Annual yinesday ■norial night at the Union BUMPER STICKERS Hospital here. V'nitas, 38. recently fcipleted his 16th season in pro •tball. The 6 foot 1, 196 Sandal Hap "6325 W. SAGINAW l^d quarterback guided the ■ts to the American Football *900 SOUTHLAND Inference title. *2700 N. GR. RIVER 3 Daily Prizes Prizes given through April 10. Win either a free pair of sandals or Free movie tickets to "LITTLE BIG MAN" at the Campus Theater (2 pr. of tickets daily) Come in and register. No purchase necessary. While you're in, view our selection of 51 sandal styles. Womens' In stock in sizes 4'^ thru 11 Mens' in stock in sizes 7 thru 13 Tisffif/ups Try any of our locations City Ramps With Purchase >ards Since 1944 First choice of MSU students » 5751 South Cedar 5417 W. Saginaw JH <(> E East S _3214 N. Fast Lansing Store Only 1 Vs Michigan State News, bast Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Apm 8 Safety engineer April through June. warns Tornadoes, Eigenauer said, are violently rotating columns of air As a of tornado hazards center of the vortex. tornado passes over a building, the winds twist and rip at to get them." Tornadoes strike at ground level so the beat precaution is to that descend in funnel shapes from thunderstorm cloud systems, the outside at the same time that the abrupt pressure reduction in below ground, he said. I usually in the spring, when large contrasts exist between warm air the tornado's "eye" causes explosive over • pressures inside the "Last spring there was a short or no watch period at..,,, Although spring term brings blue skies, baseball games and Eigenauer said, "so a person must decide for himself when to till frisbee throwing to campus, it also means the threat of tornadoes from the south and cold air from the north. building. I cover. It is best to keep a radio or TV turned on affecting on - and - off campus residents alike. They occur most often in the middle and late afternoon when a Walls collapse or topple outward, windows explode, and debris during tori?r warm day is at its warmest and are often accompanied by heavy is driven through the air like a dangerous barrage. weather to be informed." 00 " Last spring students were forced to take cover April 29 and 30 Watch rain, hail and lightning. Heavy objects like machinery and railroad cars are lifted and vs. warning when campus warning sirens sounded. A dark funnel cloud was sighted in the campus vicinity April 30 but did not touch down. "Tornadoes are the deadliest storms because they can occur carried by the wind for considerable distance. Many people do not understand the difference between fl Carl J. Gigenauer, MSU Safety engineer, said that if students without warning," Eigenauer said. "They spot at night." are especially hard to "Our biggest concern are the married housing units," he said, tornado watch and a tornado warning, he said. A tornado w»u is announced over radio and television stations and means I "because of the number of children there and because the units understand tornadoes and the precautions to be taken relative Tornadoes, he said, are destructive because of the combined are close to the railroad. Married housing units have no tornado is expected to develop. safety is guaranteed to the campus during the tornado season of action of their strong rotary winds and the partial vacuum in the A tornado warning is a "take shelter now" basements, but they are made of brick. It would take a direct hit conditio* I announced over local stations and by the sounding of a stead I OPEN DAILY 10-10; SUNDAY 10-7 tone campus and police vehicle sirens. It means a tornado I THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY been sighted. I The campus is also protected by a master disaster plan jf I tornado did strike, the Dept. of Public Safety would conJ I several key people who would instantly mobilize their units. The best place to take shelter during a tornado is in the I basement or interior corridors, stairways, or rooms on the lowest I floors of buildings. Windows should be avoided because of flyi» I glass. "A small room, like a bathroom, or even a closet is good' L f You're Safe When You Save At Kmart Eigenauer said, "because you are protected from Hying and I debris. I "Some people worry about being trapped, but first you have to I PRE-EASTER DISCOUNT SPECIALS worry about being hit with something. Also, on campus, advocate closing windows if there is time to save wind and rj damage to the interior of a building," he said. I Large rooms with wide, free - span roofs, such as gynmasiunu I or auditoriums should be avoided, he said, although the basement I areas of the Auditorium and Jenison Fieldhouse are approved I shelters. [ In open country, move away from the tornado at a right angle I to Its path, or, if this is impossible, lie flat, face down, in the I nearest depression or ditch. Do not stay in your car, he warned, f Shelter areas Residents of married housing are directed to various locations I according to the zone in which they live. Those in faculty! apartments go to their basement or the basement of West Wilson I Hall as do those in Cherry Lane Apartments. People from area III In Cherry Lane go to the West Holdenl Hall. University Village residents are to take shleter in Jenison Fieldhouse. | Residents of Zone 1 of Spartan Village are to go to the south I entrance of the enclosed area on the east side of the footbjll stadium and those from Zone II of Spartan Village to the south I entrance of the enclosed area on the west side of the football stadium. | People from Zone III of Spartan Village are to seek shelter in I the basements of the Agricultural Engineering Bldg., Anthony! Hall or the Engineering Bldg Those in Zone IV should go to the ■ Anthony Hall basement. The important point, he stressed, is remaining calm and bein{l prepared. The Dept. of Public Safety recommends that blankets ! a flashlight, a transistor radio, necessary medicines and a first aid I kit be ready to take to a shelter when a warning is sounded. "Actually the probability of being in the narrow path of 11 tornado is quite small," Eigenauer said, "but knowing whattodol might come in handy some day. We have an excellent 15 minute I • film that we'd like to show to interested groups. We welcome I calls for information." Tornadoes are sighted by radar or the human eye, and bulletins I issued are by the National Weather Administration The Dept. of Public Safety has a direct radio monitor of the weather chanrn | and notifies the campus police, who turn on the sirens. "People think there are more tornadoes today than before bu that's not true," Eigenauer said. "It's just that they are reported more often because we have more | densely inhabitated ar Recording artists enferfain at sorority club Friday I The Kappa Ivy Leaf Club of Alpha Friday to 3 a.m. Saturday inthl Alpha sorority will Hubbard Hall multi - purpr1 sponsor a dance from 9 p.m. room. Entertainment will T.V. RENTALS provided artists. The by top dance recordio(| will f $9.50 highlighted by the Ivy Leaf Gi performing "Ivy Explosion." Donation is 75 cents. RINGDAY SALE! SAVE $4.501 At LEON G JEWELERS MSU BOOKSTORE STUDENT BOOKSTORE With Slight liody CAMPUS BOf'STORES MEN'S KNIT THE CARD SHOP Until April 9th SPORT COATS Deposit $8.00 SPECIMl <2.00 DISCOUNT 21.88 Solid or Arncl® stripe sport coats in shape-retaining triacctate/nylon. Smart two-button, singlc-brcasted styling with deep center vent and new wider lapels. 38-44, regulars,longs. "Ctbiwn Cwpodtion R«f trademark a.MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS COOL SPORT SHIRTS NO-IRON SHIRTS Our Reg. 1.96 -3 daysOnly Reg. 4.44. Striped,no-iron; long-point collar. Kodcl® polyester/cotton. 14V4-17. 4m • W 194% m* Our Reg. 2.96 - 3 days Only SICl^URg V7 |46 Comfortable, short-sleeve, regular collar, Regular - collar - style, short-sleeve sport shirts in an easy-care, no-iron poly sport shirts in no-iron polyester/ b.MEN'S WIDE TIES ester/cotton blend. Available in new solid cotton. Fashionable solids, colors, colors and stripes for spring Sizes S-M-I.-XI. and stripes • 8 to 18. Reg. 3.44 Mm mm J1 i°es "avenow. 2*°' 4*44 FLARE-BOTTOM JEANS BOYS' FLARE JEANS BUY NOW AND SAVE ON YOUR I0HN ROBERTS SCHOOL RING ..MEN'S FLARE SLACKS Our Reg. 6.88 -3 days Only Our Reg. 3.33 -3 days Only Reg. 9.96. No-iron, Ivy- mv Save 4.50 thru April 9th 66 33 2 style flaresi in woven poly- 5 Men's leisure-time favorites. Fashion-style Boys' five - pocket, flare - bottom ester. Solids, colors. 29-40. ^ ^9 flare bottom jeans made of fibers blended jeans in rugged cotton bull denim. for long wear and good looks. Solids or Colorfast solid colors. Sanforized® Shop From your jeweler stripes to please any taste. 28 to 36 Save! 8 - 18 in slims and regulars. - Wed. where service is part of the *»T"ctNTf« until jrr W. Saginaw ;nsible GIRLS. FALL or summer. Near 351-9749. 3-4-8 only for the John Henry Company, attention Arms, Princeton Arms, University James Doll, Box 1410, Lansing, campus. Furnished. Parking. lirst day's incorrect OLDSMOBILE 1967. All power, 1970 KAWASAKI 100 Centurian. Terrace, University Villa and GIRL NEEDED now for 3 man 332-8903. 3-4-9 Ml 48904. 3-4-8 lisertion. automatic, radio, cleen. Must sell. Excellent, only 50 miles. Best North Pointe. Special discount apartment. Spring term. Rent paid 351-0144. 3-4-12 offer. 655-2413. 3-4-12 rates for those signing prior to through May 1st. Phone 351-3053 LOVELY 3 bedroom unfurnished PART TIME employment: 12-20 • June 1st. Call HALSTEAD mornings and evenings. 3-4-9 home. Appliances included. Close hours per week. Automobile ROOMS IN house. $50 a month, OLDSMOBILE 1966. F-85, 4 door. HONDA MANAGEMENT, 68, 305 Scrambler. 444 Michigan to University. Call 332-1936. If no meals optional. Call Ron c«ad«n. Powar Steering and brakes. required, 351-5800. O SUBLET: Cedar Village. 4 man. Excellent condition. $425. Call Avenue, 351-7910. O - answer, 339-8666. 3-4-9 '< "-Gootf condition. 669*349. 5^4-12 after 5 p.m.", 3554186. 6-4-14 ' Reduced rates. Spring term. 351-7226.^4-14^ Automotive Ynb OR two girls needed for 4 man, 351-6877. 5-4-13 LIBERAL STUDENT share house, MEN OPEL RALLYE, 1968, 1.9 leader, 4 1968 BSA LIGHTENING, 650cc. NOTICE Cedar Village. Fall term. SINGLE'roipm, 3 blocks from GIRL NEEDED for four Lansing, $55/month. 484-3565 Union. Phone 337-1408 or speed, yellow and black. Best Excellent condition. Call 353-2341. 4-4-8 - girl after 7 p.m. 3-4-9 JCK 1955. 2 door. Hardtop. offer. Call 484-8884 anytime. 489-0211 or 489-0159, ask for SUMMER JOBS available in Torch apartment. Immediate occupancy. 351-5076 after 3 p.m. 3-4-12 Komplete with idiosyncrasies. Lake Resort area for 2 sharp Reasonable. 332-1297. 5-4-13 3-4-9 Frank. X-5-4-13 GIRL NEEDED to share one k50. 337-0014.3-4-9 attractive gals. Reception and MEN - TWO girls want room in MEN. ROOM. $130 a term. Clean, bedroom apartment furnished. general office work. Housing exchange for domestic duties. quiet, cookirjg. 1 block to campus. $75. 349-1736. 5-4-9 UPPER ONE bedroom apartment. PONTIAC LEMANS. 1966. 70 TRIUMPH. Daytona 500 with - 372-9521, Diane after 5:30 p.m. 487-5753, 485-8836. O available. Send picture and resume Automatic, power steering. Radio, extras. $1150. Call 482-5626, Unfurnished, except stove and Mr. 3-4-9 to Rankin, MIDWEST refrigerator. Utilities paid. Garage. economical. $800. 332-8276. after 5 p.m. 8-4-9 RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, 5-4-8 CEDAR GREENS $125/month. Couple. IV 9-7954. FOR SUMMER. Sleeps 8 to 10 For Sale Ml 49615. 20-4-30 5-4-13 1 968 KAWASAKI 1 20cc 1 bedroom furnished people. §CK RIVIERA 1966. Air, vinyl PONTIAC 1962. Bonneville, combination Road Trail. 2,000 Modern conveniences. everything $1400. Call Mike Lake, 35 miles from campus. MUST SELL EVERYTHING. Desk excellent condition. $300. Call miles. $300. 355-3057. 5-4-9 LINE UP a spring job now. Car POOL ONE, 2 girls sublease Spring. rson, 489-3776. 5-4-14 Isolated. 349-3653 or 355-6683. ($30), records (50c - $1.50), necessary. Also train for full time Call 351-8631 Reduced rent. Air conditioned. evenings, 355-1485. 5-4-13 ~ summer work. Call 351-7319 for 5-4-12 bookcase ($8), chest ($30), 351-1315. 5-4-13 fVROLET VAN 1964. Excellent appointment. C curtains, tapestries, lamps. Red Toridition. New tires / exhaust. RAMBLER AMBASSADOR, 1963. AvUttUM 1 NEED ONE ONE OR two male, or female. Own shag carpet / pad, 8'/s x 14% ■606.50. 332-8894. 5-4-12 Radio, V-8, good condition. $300 ONE GIRL for 4 man Spring term. girl for 2 bedroom. room. $30 plus utilities. ($90). Gold carpet / pad, 9x9 ci vi rnmni«. fiinht WAITRESSES FOR CD CLUB. 4122 $80/month. 351-7907, after 5 or best offer. 355 4864. 5-4-13 LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight North East Street. Apply Tuesday Cedar Village. Reduced rent. _332-424013-4-8 ($45). Dishes, table ($7). And training. All courses are 351-2271.3-4-8 p.m. 5-4-13 pVROLET IMPALA, 1967, 2 ' ~ government and VA certified. and Friday evenings 7 - 9 p.m. FURNISHED BOOKISH house for 1 more! After 10 p.m., 332-3848. ior hardtop. Vinyl roof, power SAAB RALLYE car. Must sell. $300. Open house Saturdays April 10 'ering, brakes. $1300. Call FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Saturday and Sunday, 12-3 p.m. ONE GIRL. Immediate occupancy. person. September 1971 to Call Jim, 351-4490 evenings. 3-4-8 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham and 17. 5-4-14 1)37-1463, after 5 p.m. 3-4-9 Rogd Ca|| 4g4^ 324 c 4-4-9. No rent until May. Call 351-1765. August 1972. 3370709. 3-4-8 Drive. 135 Kedzie. 2 man 54-13 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish SUNBEAM TIGAR 1967, V-8 ~ _ === For Rent furnished apartments. Includes NOW RENTING houses and and all other live merchandise engine, white convertible, British AutO Service & I arts LANSING OR East Lansing. heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. apartments for summer and fall. stripes. 487-6237. 2-4-9 One Leases (take a friend home to dinner). 1-4-9 TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction starting June 15 and Sept. Groups of 2 to 6 girls, all MASON BODY SHOP bedroom furnished. Large, airy DOCKTOR PET CENTER, , 812 East 1 Days. 487-3216. Evenings til 10 extremely nice. Clean, furnished, TRIUMPH 1963 Spitfire. Re6uilt guaranteed. Free delivery, service rooms. Air conditioned. Meridian Mall, 349-3950. 5-4-9 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. p.m., 882-2316. O 332-5320 after 6 p.m 5-4-9 fVELLE 1964. Malibu SS. with 1967 engine. 17,000 miles. ... and pick-up. Call NEJAC, Beautifully maintained. Suitable Bucket Complete auto painting and 337-1300. C seats, automatic floor for faculty, grad students, business SOFA, $9.95, chair, $2.49; chest, Call 351-8504. 3-4-9 collision service. IV 5-0256. C DELUXE. AVAILABLE in Fall. "Shift. Small V-8, power steering, NOW LEASING: 2 and 3 man people, married couples. Lease. $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC like new interior, low mileage, VOLKSWAGEN BUG, 1965. Red, TV RENTALS - Students only. Low apartments. Close to campus. Walking distance. Furnished, h 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 ftood tires. $600. Phone 355-9909 . _ , 1 >> tl.. clean. Reasonable. Call 4 - 5 p.m., r- AT MEL S we repair all foreign and monthly and term rates. Call $170. 126 Milford. 372-5767 and fireplace, completely carpeted. 4 A ,, ,. .. .. Turner. C 372-5790. 3-4-9 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV responsible girls, references. $80 NEED ONE man for four man well 489-1656, evenings. 20-5-3 RENTALS.C each. 332-5320 after 6 p.m. 5-4-9 HARMONY SOVEREIGN guitars, 2 furnished apartment. Call ■ EVELLE, 1969. SS396. VOLKSWAGEN 1967, Blue sedan. 393-1218 or visit Apt. 102, GIRL: SUBLET spring. Campus Hill. styles $98.50 and $119.50. This VW GUARANTEED repair. REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for SUMMER. 8 girls, near campus, week srtible, 3 speed on floor. Excellent condition. 26,000 Call Reduced rates. No deposit. only, includes plush lined RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at TO Z RENTALS. parking, laundry, 2 baths. $18 S20 values, at - 351-6685 after 5 p.m., 349-3526. 4-4-12 rent. A 487-5252. 3-4-8 case, weekdays. 5-4-9 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C 349-2220. O 351-2605. 6-4-9 MARSHALL MUSIC. C1-4-8 ■ EVELLE 1964, MaliPT, VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Light blue. PARKING, '/4 block from Berkey, convertible, 4 speed, rebuilt 327, 25,000 miles. $1350 or best offer. Employment behind Polachck's. $20/term. 332-5258 after 5 p.m. 3-4-8 CROSSWORD HHfp HEQR3 DBS BICYCLE /receipts). Sacrifice $450. 351-3348. 3-4-12 B51-7904. 3-4-9 TYPING AND library research. Must ■MET, 1966. V-8. 4 speed, crager, VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Convertible. Red. AM-FM radio. 7,100 miles. have work study approval. Call Mrs. Marshall 353-9047 or ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV PUZZLE saasnag' EHJHQ ■mags, many extras. 337-2239. Like new. Phone 332-1259. 3-4-8 353-5228.3-4-9 RENTAL, 372-4948. O ■5-4.12 ukimih ■rvette, 1968. Convertible 350 fiGHHSHd aoraHra ■!!!!'*0 speed. one owner, under miles, like new >.5-4-9 condition. KAMIN'S SALE 1. Nasal tone i Brazil nut 11. Sucking fish 29. 31. 32. Reviser Extend Wag aa BHfln aasa H™ noHBa HAS SOUNDS 13. Occurrence 33. Wild turnip {IRVETTE 1970 14. Panacea 35. Potential metal ana auraa aaa T" age. Must sell. coupe. ph0ne after 5 Low FOR SPRING 15. Nervous 37. Parent una aHai=i acan h' 485-6973. 2-4-9 16. Olden times 38. Upset XR7, 1969. Superb, SEE THE NEW DRESS-UP 17. 19. Overcast River island 41. Longlegs one 43. Knobbed Tvvner' Radio, ■Power, new automatic, tires. Remaining all ITEMS FOR 1971 20. 22. Spring flower Devitalize 45. Wash lightly 46. Mystery DOWN 1. Genealog? 4. Goddess of night J_ ty. Phone 332-8993. 5-4-8 24. 27. Kitchen utensil 47. Body of water 2. Gusher 5. Football field Foreign 48. Leaven 3. Among 6. Fast plane ■VGAR 1969. Convertible. Full 7. Part of the eye To^h 8jf cond'tioning. Four 3 4 7 e . 3 .0 8. Deer meat K'i,1Stereo 32 0841, 372-8974. AM-FM radio. TAPE DEK CONVERTIBLE STEREO rr" 9. Establish 3-4-8 TAPE PLAYER n 10. 12. Consumed Seed covering i m IB %in°N 1962 au,omatic. Good MODEL: GES-8111 . . . The leader of the 18. Impair Ltt'BnrlCOndition- New ,ir9» stereos. Features: 16 watts peak power out¬ K 17 55" 20. Rent ■355-777V9aftAeSkin8 I $275' Ca" '9 eher noon. 3-4-12 put, Four-way speaker balance controls, key- 20 TF~ 21. 23. Celebration Church bench locked theft-proof mounting bracket. Can be . 24. Light moisture ,S TT~ iTxtrsf °ileaC^IVEHRT.IBLE' 26 taken into the home w/optional home power 25. Foolish 1969- Low 26. o"! WhMl'- °,h#r supply. Complete with four chrome grille 75"" Lemon yellow p32-2135 C ,13135- V? 5:30 P™- speakers. Plays 8-Track, 4-Track w/Gidget® _ P 28. Gull WNS aS~" 30. A,ter, 351-7528. 32 Collide and optional "Custom Radio-Pak" Tuner _ 34 Ballot 3S 39 If1 36. Operatic Cartridges. SIZE: 8"L x 7"D x 3%"H. Bicycle Sale: Friday, April 9, 1971, 1:30 P.M. at Salvage '•413 SJeed66EPri me COndl,ion' E*tras- 353-6226. automotive Yard, 1330 So. Harrison Road, Michigan State University >41 42 VA 5T~ heroine 38. Official robe Includes: Campus. Various makes and conditions. All items may be M6~ 39. Doctrines specialists seen at Salvage Yard, April 8, from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. '4. Bautomat|c 'raifio' Studded ■$1450 0r' k t: 6 cyl,nd#r' snows. $9995 4 Speakers Lock in mount 836 N. LARCH and April 9, from 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 57" M8~ . 40. Fuel 41. Theater sign 42. Half score ■ 5-4-14 0f,"r- 355-5805. Terms: Cash 44. Meadow grass Thursday, April 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 8,197, Michig ttanUy speaking| • by Phil Frank For Sale For Sale For Sale Student 1969 TWO bedroom Monarch mobile BASS GUITAR and amplifier. DIRECTORY home with 7x10 expando SITCOTIT Excellent sound Only $200 or best 337-9200, days. 3-4-8 and condition. offer. 485-5002. 2-4-9 beautifully finished Mediterranian decor, one 5 piece bath, storage shed, porch, landscaped and KENWOOD TK-140X receiver, $270; condition and located in of Magnecord 1020 tape deck, $250. one special! :ONTACT LENS WASHDAY SAVI^ Canon FT camera with F/1.2, courts. To see call Maynard Beery VW Tune-Up.$14.95 Complete. SERVICES JSC per load Th* best for ^ $200. 353-7724. 3-4-8 SUNN COLISEUM PA system, West |,„ 351-5210 or SIMON REAL Including parts.All work guarar D. M. DEAN, an Special Texas Wiihw Fillmore 8 12", 6 15" West so, ESTATE, Okemos MSU Branch, 210 Abbott Rd. WENDROW'S NEPTUNE WATERBEDS - King and Cabinets, Fender bass, 2 EV 349-3310. 7-4-16 randy's mobil ECONOWASH horns. Call 351-8193. 2-4-9 Suite #16 queen size; both bed and liner - 1-96 at Okemos Rd. $39. 485-6181 between 6 - 9 p.m. 349-9620 332 -$563 BRAND NEW all electric Royal 1970 PARKWOOD 12x60. Two 5-4-12 portable typewriters. Never used. $95 with and $75 CUSTOM PICTURE KUSTOM 200 amplifier. Like new, warranty branson bay FRA^ without. 2343 Eiffert Road, Holt. many patterns of also Mayfair bass guitar. GOLF COURSE and molding 353-0012. 3-4-8 Lost & Found DRIVING RANGE BOB JONES EVERYBODY KEEPS PAINTS trying for better employees. Get them with a Animals 6" a miles W. of Mason o LOST - SMALL grey - striped cat Want Ad. Dial 355-8255 nowl Columbia Rd. phone (George). Campus Hill 663-4144 Apartments. 349-4778. 2-4-8 YOU WONT BELIEVE large BEAD CRAFTS. • EYES EXAMINED selection of fram LOST THREE dresses at Train BROOKS Imported Cars OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East POODLE PUPPIES. Tiny toy. Light • GLASSES station 3/28. Call 355-8980. DECOUPAGE SUPPLIES. Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. apricot. One male, one female. 6 Please. 3-4-8 Sales and • CONTACT LENS weeks old. AKC. $75 349-3277. ART REPRODUCTIONS C-5-4-9 Service DR. I.L. candle making supplies Collins, Optometriu __3L4-9_ Personal 482-1473 SOLID STATE Magnavox stereo. COLTS FOR SALE: 1 black yearling Enfield's Incorporated Co-Optical Services Detachable speakers. Excellent 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing 5218 S. condition. Phone 372-9428. 3-4-9 and 1 registered. 6 month old HELP SAVE AMERICA 693 M-43. Oktmoi, 349 1940 Logan. 393-^ Appaloosa. > Join the AMERICAN VIGILANTES! For information Buy and Read 'rwp mwsm USED. AMPEX music center. Tape — deck. $300. Call Ron, 351-0873. THE AMERICAN VIGILANTE ELDORADO GOLF COURSE COLLEGE TRAVEL The LARGE ad for mtuiemiem a m?' 3-4-9 by Alaric Branden Press, 221 the small ad price. Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass., OFFICE Student Service MAGNAVOX CONSOLE stereo with 021 16. $4.95. 15-4-27 130 West Grand River Blvd, Directory AM-FM multiplex. Must see to BOOK SALE 351-4010 REN A 355-8255 believe. 355-3228. 5-4-13 STANDARD SCHNAUZER; male, Old books, magazines. Big, little For Sale For Sale SONY TC8, 8 ti months. AKC. Salt and peppe books. Pults, collector's items, etc. Phone 393-7275 after 5 p.m. 3-4 CURIOUS-BOOK SHOP, 541 East - recorder. $ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FOX HOLE PX, Frandor: Cigarettes, 3-4-9 AKC ALASKAN Malamute puppii brands. 30% off list price. Rii 351-5869. O 35c per pack; paddle balls, 57c; Champion blood lines, $50 ai paddle ball paddles, $2.50; aviator GARRARD TURNTABLE, Solid up. 669-3423. 10-4-19 sun glasses, $3.98; tennis balls, 3 walnut base, magnetic cartridge, FREE ... A lesson in complexion for $2.29; tennis racket, $5.95; 5 make offer, 332-2670^3-4-9 FREE KITTENS for Easter. Cute HONEY QUEEN ai care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan Congratulations, HP outboards, $99; mummy lovable. After 5:30 p.n You were always a Queen in our SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. or 485-7197. Lansing Mall. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING sleeping bags, $14.88; camping Brand new portables - $49.95, 351-5589. 2-4-9 MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS eyes. The Men of Farmhouse. Journalism graduati saws, $3.90; army folding shovels, Phone 372-2906. 5-4-9 COMPANY, 316 North Cedar $5.00 per month. Large selection STUDIOS. C-4-8 Opposite City Market. C-4-8 $2.98; canteens, 99c; back pack of reconditioned used machines. urnalism Building r. $2.88; pup tents, $7.88; shag PUTT, REALLy sorry, really sorry, balls, $1.98; waders. $12.50; Singers, Whites, Necchis, New problems really sorry, really sorryl Jon. Recreation Home & "Many Others." $19.95 denium bells, $5.99. 0-10-4-14 2-4-9 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS Elder inmates at a state SUMMER FLIGHTS to Europe. DISTRIBUTING FREE LOVABLE kit* COMPANY, $165. New York to London. Call REGENCY MONITOR radio, all trained. 10 weeks old. penitentiary received Real Estate The Management Club will Frank Buck. 351-8604. 17-4-28 7:30 p.m. today in the Teak transistor police radio, TMH1. 489-6448. C-4-8 351-5385. 2-4-9 questionnaires as part of a Phone 393-3410.3-4-9 national survey seeking to Eppley Center. Mr. Stewart . GOYA GUITAR G-10. Good and Roebuck will condition. Best offer. 355-2012. HARMON • KARDON stereo. AKC REGISTERED black cocker pinpoint the problems of SPACIOUS AND VERY Service "Retailing Management." spe BOOK SALE Slightly used component system spaniel. 5 months. Has all shots. older people. They listed lack BEAUTIFUL FIVE bedroom 3-4-9 Good with children. Colonial home. Solidly built. Old books, magazines. Big, little with matched speakers, original $50. of HORSES BOARDED. Ten miles The Steering Committer transportation and income Extra nice floor plan. So many books. Pults, collector's items, etc. cost $449, now $295. Used 655-2975. 10-4-19 northwest of Lansing. Box stalls. University College will ORANGE BLOSSOM diamond ring, as major criticisms of their quality features. Formal CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 541 East Realistic stereo amp and extension dining Ample lighting area. Reasonable meeting open to faculty and >. new $260 Asking $150. STRAWBERRY TOM, tasseled ears, environment. Warm and speakers. Selectior of used room. cozy family rates. 372-3515. 5-4-13 332-5227, Larry. 3-4-9 of good character seeks owner of If you are unhappy with your with portable stereo phonographs. Bell room fireplace. Three good character. Reasonable. environment, whether you recorder. 351-9084 after 5 p.m. 4-4-12 are a home owner in search of attached garage. And much more. Used Westinghouse cedar village ■ portable TV, plays good $45. New Priced at $41,900. Really a great 351-4745. 3-4-9 9x12 Oriental pattern rugs and FREE EASTER kitty. All black, buy. To see this lovely home, call apartment renter in search of apartments ! wall tapestries. 1500 used and female, trained. 4 months Phone old. 372-5790 Box a home, State News Classified Martha Mertz, 339-9466, or WOULD LIKE t ■ guaranteed stereo records and 8 or SIMON REAL ESTATE, Kenmores; Zig-Zag and straight Ads can be a great problem 355-9909. 3-4-9 OKEMOS BRANCH, 349-3310. . . provide continuous free! stitchers. All guaranteed. track stereo tapes. Hermes solver. Check there now! maintenance ELECTRO GRAND, 804 East portable typewriter, excellent on toilets, g - IRISH SETTER. 2 years old, AKC Michigan, Lansing. Hours 9 - 5 condition, $39. Selection of BOARD EXAMS garbage disposals, stoves, air| 35mm registered championship breeding. - Kaplan tutoring COUNTRY LIVING p.m., 9-12 Saturday. 3-4-9 SLR cameras used. classes conditioners, and many otherB 351-7873.5-4-13 now being formed for June and July. ATGSB Exatrmand July J- ^ To get to Meadowbrook Trace, FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. p.m., Monday, Thursday go two miles south of Michigan State Campus on 1-496. Exit THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. Friday. Tuesday and Wed"""' west onto Jolly Road and go to corner of Dunckel Road. Transportation p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-718J OPEN 10-6 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVE!. Y BY: Alco Management Cnmpany FOR SALESPOWER try a little Classified Ad to sell a large mobile EXTRA TV'S sell fast in low - cost Want sprint homel Dial 355-8265 today. 355-8255. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday,. April 8, 1971 13 rmy investigates alleged My Lai (Continued from page 1). Capt. Medina is facing murder charges. In all the ranks above his the charges involved the Westmoreland, in person and by regulation, had tried from the coverup required prompt reporting of even suspected war crimes Later it was said there might have been tactical reasons for not for the killings at alleged coverup and not responsibility onset of U.S. participation in the war to make it clear that civilian deaths to higher headquarters and then and fcrnint! to My Lai that day, but the House unit's evidence was My Lai. Another Captain, Eugene Kotouc, faces unnecessary civilian casualties were intolerable. launching an \ no one returned at all until Washington ordered an court - martial on charges of investigation of his own. maiming and assaulting an Stratton and some others, including a few in the military, view unidentified Vietnamese. He was Ligation a year later based on hearsay reports form an ex • suspected enemy during the My Lai assault. assigned to interrogate the handling of Koster's case as the clearest evidence that the After Stratton charged that the dismissal amounted to ■ Ronald Ridenhour of Phoenix, Ariz. Army has changed its mind how best to deal with the a With the nation's entire defense on whitewash, the Army said Koster had been censured e most damning evidence that there was a conscious effort establishment under heavy aftermath of My Lai. and would, together with other by Seaman pressure due to the Vietnam war and other officers, face possible further Suppress evidence was the disappearance of documents from issues, the My Lai When Lt. Gen. Jonathan O. Seaman, as immediate administrative action. The Army says the months issue could not have commander come at a worse time for the Army. One of of the accused at Ft. long delay in 1 files of U.S. organizations between early 1968 and mid - - Westmoreland's Meade, Md., dismissed court - martial announcing the censure was due to " the House panel's report said. aides said, "I think it is a tribute to the charges against Koster, and Seaman, the general "did not show a "public relations blunder." that it has followed Army Gen. Koster for his failure to through aggressively on the murder report civilian casualties and to t)l six documents the congressman said related to the no matter what it does charges any intentional abrogation of responsibilities" in the My Lai insure that the circumstances of those casualties Instigation, only one copy of one of the least important to our public image." affair. The charges against Koster involved regulations which promptly and thoroughly." were investigated lived. This was a report by the brigade commander, Iderson, to Koster giving the number of civilian casualties at ut 20 and saying these were due to artillery, gunships and s . fire on the ground. Henderson is being court - martiallled | charges of dereliction of duty, failure to obey lawful TOYOTA Illations, making false official statements and false swearing. Officers called to testify quoted Gen. Young and another Ision staff officer as saying, "That's murder," when told of the |Lai details shortly after the killings. Koster was quoted by I witness as saying an oral report blaming all known deaths on ■Icry and helicopter fire was "unacceptable." Is further proof that senior officers knew possible war crimes ■ been committed, the congressmen said, officers and enlisted h in the division were "informed directly or indirectly that the I Lai operation was being investigated and therefore were Jructed that they should not speculate on or discuss the matter ■ding completion of the investigation." |n a slap at top Army brass, the subcommittee also said: ■From its inception the subcommittee's investigaiton has been lipered by a generally uncooperative attitude of the lartment of the Army." Commenting on the Army's switch from courts - martial to Grand Ope let administrative actions, Rep. Samuel Stratton, a hawkish tabcr of the staunchly promilitary House Armed Services jnmittee, said, "The army now is involved in a coverup of the ferup." Stratton, a New York Democrat, was one of four Jnbers ofthe subcommittee that investigated My Lai. SPKIAL Jtobert MacCrate, a Wall Street lawyer who was special counsel ■the select panel which investigated My Lai for the Army, said ■was "shocked" that charges against Koster were dropped. He ■ed that the action "effectively cut off the orderly progress of Timand." I senior aide to Army Chief of Staff Gen. William C. ■tmoreland said the Army report establishes that senior Iters had lied. He said the trouble was establishing who lied ■ut what since there was so much conflicting testimony, Test drive a Toyota today and qualify ■tratton called for a reinstatement of charges. But a senior ■iv legal expert said in nearly all cases this was impossible since ■ statute of limitations on such charges had run out. for many free gifts and door prizes! \ group of Democratic congressmen has announced an ad hoc fcstigation of command responsibility for alleged American war lies in Indochina. Led by Rep. Ronald Dellums of California, I group says U.S. military leaders will never willingly discuss ■cies that it states lead to atrocities committed by Americans. I organizers of the hearing, scheduled for April 26 - 29, say L have received no response from high • ranking military ■rial sinvited to ■he Army's testify. original charges of a coverup show how Now is the time to buy a Toyota. ■plicated were the threads. Besides Koster, Young and ■derson, they involved, among others: Col. Robert Luper, an "lery battalion commander; Col. jNels A^Pay«>n, division chief taff; Lt. Cols. Davte'Garrih and|'• uinn. Our inventory is American bers to Vietnamese units; Ipany commander, and Capt. Dennis H. Johnson, Maj;tFreel«fic%atke, helicopter member of a better ■tary intelligence detachment. Wne central figure is dead. Lt. Col. Frank Barker, Calley's ■alion commander and boss of the task force which swept particular about color, you' ■ugh My Lai and surrounding areas, was killed three months y in a helicopter crash. order now for fastest jtratlon says while the original "suppression" of My Lai events I have involved only officers in that region of Vietnam, the delivery. lsior.s to prevent embarrassing courts - martial of senior leers can be traced to top brass in the Pentagon. 1 spokesman for Westmoreland denied that Westmoreland had ■red or influenced Army officials who decided to Don't — wait Toyotas ar drop courts lartial charges. Westmoreland did, however, recommend the I pending administrative actions against Koster and Young, ■rding to reliable Department of Defense sources. ■oster so far has declined all comment either action. 1 he feels "like on Young a political scapegoat" since the administrative Im came about six months after the original charges were fped. Youth vote You are SAFE shopping at WHEELS: ■Continued from 18 - year - olds now can vote for page i; federal officials, the situation f Kansas became the 14 th has changed. They said the • ^ to ratify the amendment. question remained one of No Misleading POE Prices Opponents based their stand whether 18 year - olds should - fry °n the fact that Michigan be barred from voting for local We don't use port of entry prices that are not worth the paper they are overwhelmingly rejected officials while voting for federal ■ 18 year - old vote in both office holders. printed on to lure you into showroom. - our T 1968 and 1970 general In addition, Judiciary Jtions andwould Bndment said to ratify the Committee Chairman Robert be "failing to Richardson, R - Saginaw, said it • W faith with the lackers, however, people." would cost the state between said since $1.25 million and $1.3 million We are an Exclusive Toyota Dealer to conduct an election in 1972 with 18 - year • old through 20 - We do not handle bortion clinic year - old voters casting separate ballots. take care of our Toyota customers. as a side line. Toyota is our livelihood i;nd we ir'tinued from page 1) VW Trade-Ins • l°u'd leave New 7:40 •fa Airport York's La Come In All Sizes Our Parts Inventory is more than TWICE at ■ return a.m., to Capital City AS LARGE as the parts inventory of most domestic car dealers. oft at 10:48 a.m., in time Jer atternoon classes. ■tal rharge - $183.50. more economy nil • i could leave in th(' - minded Lansing at morn'ng, Nationwide, most Toyota dealers sell F m New York and have her TOYOTA exclusively. They are strong ;nd devoted deolers — a true bssot ■tin"' ■ng. ?nc* ^ack that arriving at 9:47 p.m. to the traveler. ' T,!.'total ■Rion would charge for the latter $1995" be $142. 1968 MG Midget Roadster dark blue finish with wire wheels, whitewalls, dio.excellent top. body.motor et< See us this $1495 non>y Bldg. fir',' Glenn Herriman WHEELS TOYOTA INC 2400 E. MICHIGAN AVE. - 4 blocks west of Frandor Volkswagen, Inc. ■lakermeeta1U7.,i„Anthr0Po,o*y Saginaw St. OPEN EVERY NIGHT (except Saturday] TILL 9 P.M. DURING APRIL 6135 W. Ha,| I .f° p m *oday In Phone 482 6226 u«tlend.' are Open Mon. & Tliurs. Till 9 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Apri| 8 Pop culture target By BILL HOLSTEIN State News Staff Writer stereotypes the black actor in commercials, the relationship between black actors and the television industry and television's of Participants in the first national conference of the Popular influence on image formation. Conference Highlights Culture Assn. on campus this weekend will discuss from the sociology of stripping and the topics ranging etymology of the"go-go Another highlight of the conference will be Norman Mailer's film, "Maidstone," at 1 p.m. Saturday with a spokesman for Today girls" to how television stereotypes blacks. Mailer on hand to explain and discuss it. 8:45 p.m. — "The Popular Musician and His Craft: Music and The conference, scheduled for Kellogg Center, will include The events will get under way at 2 p.m. Thursday with a Commentary," Maury Crane and the New Michigan Jazz Group. panel discussions, lectures, symposa and films on mass media and keynote program followed by tours and exhibits. Continuous Friday the popular arts. discussions and presentations will start at 9 a.m. Friday and 9 a.m. — Panel: "The Blacks and the Jews, the 1920s and One panel will discuss sexuality in continue through 4:30 p.m. Saturday's program will start at 9 popular culture at 11 a.m. 1930s." Panel: "Psychological Approaches to Popular Culture." Friday, emphasizing topics such as the "good guides to sex" that a.m. and continue through 1 p.m. All events are free to MSU 10 a.m. — Panel: "New Black Stereotypes: TV Meets the students and faculty. originated with Fanny Hill and exist today in the form of Masters Challenge of Yesteryear." Lecture: Cartoons - H. James Clark, and Johnson's books. The national conference is evidence of a growing academic University of Wisconsin. Panel: "The Role of the Motion Picture Another panel at 10 a.m. Fridav will examine how television interest in the popular culture as an "index of the times" and as a Socializing Agent." "one of the ways you find out about culture and about people," 11 a.m. — Panel: "Sexuality in Popular Culture." Russel Nye, distinguished University professor of English and 1:30 p.m. — Panel: "Underground Culture." Symposium: "Popular Literature." Committees formed president of the Popular Culture Assn., said. The "movement" is interdisciplinary involving sociology, 2:30 p.m. — Panel: "Folklore." Symposium: "Counter history, psychology, language study and many other disciplines Culture." and shows what Nye termed "shifts in scholarship in the last 10 3:30 p.m. — Panel: "Sociology and Popular Culture." 8:45 p.m. — "We the People:" Popular Drama of Today — to organize services years." Nye said he feels, as do most scholars, that the movement is Performing Troupe of the College of Lake County, 111. Plans i progressing to make student coordinating committee too big to be a passing fad and is giving education a broader base tt_s s».. rk„. Saturday use of the new University Day - - - - of the Day Care Center. ■ and greater richness. Critics, however, say the movement is 9 a.m. — Panel: "Popular Music." Panel: "The Western." Care Center to meet the needs of Committees formed cover "anti-intellectual" and "debasing culture." 10 a.m. — Panel: ' Black Popular Culture." Panel: "Mysticism, married students. of "If you do it in a south sea island-that's anthropologically areas babysitting, planned . - Occultism and the Spiritual Quest." In a meeting Tuesday night, expectant parenthood, adult and respectable. If you do it is East Lansing, it isn't." This is what 11 a.m. — Panel: "The Theater of Popular Imagination." Panel: the Married Student Activity child recreation, recreation critics say of the movement in essence, Nye contends The "Science Fiction." Assn. formed 11 interest group movement has drawn attention from national newspapers and - equipment, fund raising, 1 p.m. — Norman Mailer's "Maidstone." committees and selected two entertainment, consumer newsservices, including the National Observer and the Associated members for the faculty - information, foreign students. Press, Nye said. Also, about 35 universities around the nation Welcome Wagon, car pools and offering work in popular culture, he added, an ecology program for glasss Overseas study and paper recycling. A spokesman Counseling Center said the meeting marks the beginning of "very" exciting things" from the for Council gets nominations still accepting married housing residents. "They're developing their programs, things they i Nominations three are engaged research, teaching, administration, The nominating ^U1U has submitted the Robert W. nam« interested in," the "spokesman positions Little, on the University extension or counseling on a The University Committee on professor of metal' Language courses include a 3.5 average in Spanish to said. "Nothing has ever been Steering Committee and the regular basis, in an Committees has nominated six mechanics and materials scf German 321, 322 and 323 or enroll. The program is from June done before to make married chairmanship of the University administrative unit. Faculty with additional faculty member for and Frederick D. Will- part-time temporary — -" * Committee on Faculty Affairs - - German 427 for seven weeks, 18 to July 3 housing like a community." or the steering committee professor of history, for July 5 to Aug. 20 in Vienna, The More than 50 students and Faculty Compensation were appointments are excluded from Applications for the comparative Russian positions. chairmanship of the Comra study program this summer will Austria. language program ana attended the first meeting and a presented at the Academic the voting faculty. nominated They include Bonnen; Duane on Faculty Affairs and F- meeting for continued Council meeting this week. Six faculty L. Compensation. be accepted until May 1, a Barcelona, Spain, will be the comparative for education program jmp|ementatjon Qf the programs Steering committee members for the steering committee Gibson, professor of w !- this summer have alreariv already spokesman for the Overseas site of the seven - week " — js icheduted for May whose terms expire June 30 are positions by Academic sociology; Martin C. Hawley, ........ „ associate professor of chemical The committee Study Office announced Spanish 311, 312 and 313 Married students interested in Walter F. Johnson, Professor of Council Nominating Committee Spanish 427. French 311, 312 Committees has nominated Wednesday. Anyone interested in further participating in developing administration and higher composed of James T. Bonnen, engineering; Beatrice Paolucci, Keith Groty, asst. professor "We iust wanted to let and 31?wil11)6 offered for seven information should contact the activities for MSU married education; Hideya Kumata, professor of agricultural acting chairman of the Dept. of labor and industrial rela^ students know we'rp still weeks in Paris. Both of these are Overseas Study Office, 108 students should contact Terry professor of communication, economics; Daniel F. Cowan, Family Ecology, and H. Owen and Stanley K. Ries, professor accepting applications for nnr from Ju,V 5 to Aug. 20. International Center. Coles at 355 -1223. and Dozier W. Thornton, asst. professor of pathology, and Reed, professor of music and , horticulture, for the position. overseas study programs," Sandy ssociate professor of Dena C. Cederquist, professor of Johnson. Mediterranean Studies, Bryson, assistant in the office, offered in Rome, Italy, is psychology. and family ecology, said. London is the site of sponsored by the universities participating in the American MSU mathematicians Thornton re-election. i for The Richard six nominated Heisey, are S. associate Gordon E. Guyer, chairman professor of physiology; Harold humanities, political science and Universities Field Staff, of the Dept. of Entomology, and S. Johnson, associate professor social science courses, running from July 12 to Aug. 26. on The summer institute focuses political conflicts and ran Ic 73 in competit Thomas H. Greer, professor of humanities, are continuing Justin Morrill College; Paul M. Parker, professor in Lyman Humanities in London, "The modernization of the differing members of the committee. Briggs College; Rollin H. Making of W^ern Man," offers societies, culture and religions in A three member team of The Ballots and biqferaphical Simonds, rofessor pit of the Mediterranean - mathematics team area. MSU students has placed 13th coached sketches of the nominees for the management; Gle Uenn L. Waxier, by Fritz Herzog, n'ositions"wilThTdrrulnteri "to Science ComDarative British and Junior status is re(luired to out of 252 teams comPetmg in professor of mathematics at fhe votinc facultv Mav 3 rs i I fiXni-h,» • Ampri^n Society,' ic O;oht American enro11 and students may earn between 7.5 and 12 credits in the Putnam annual- William Mathematical1 Lowell MSU, who has student teams siuaeni directed since i»b4. teams since 1964. the Results of the election will be Deal With 0 credits in either 232 and 233 or announced council 300. Ze*l7*ntWZk,mmbetWeen ""SET'S™, colleges and MSU has consistently ranked meeting June 1." woman s body Students may earn up to eight universities across the country high in thc comPetition Pacing The voting faculty includes all like a credits in Political Science 349, Advanced Spanish studies will jnntpri in (hp si* - hour ^irst t'iree times in the past 10 ^u"> associate and assistant woman, 356 or 490. be offered in Mexico Committee City by the Institutional examination whiihisTponsored ProfesSors and instructore who protectively oo tj,e Mathematical Assn. of Social Work 882, 885 and 890 Cooperation, which inlcudes the America will be offered in Oslo Norway for six weeks from July 10 to Big Ten schools University of Chicago. and the A One member of the team, Ben Murray New City N Y ATTENTION CAR OWNERS lovingly Aug. 21. Students must be social Spanish students must be in ^0,. science or education majors. their third year and have at least students ranked 51st among 1 444 in the individual * Complete front end repair and tenderly competition. Murray is majoring in biochemistry. alignment smartly The other members team, both sophomores majoring of the * Brakes * Suspension sensitively in mathematics, were David J. femininely * Wheel balancing * Steering Kaplan and John F. Reiser. Kaplan is & 1969 graduate of honestly Central High School in Omaha, Neb. Reiser is a 1969 graduate of LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center A BILL INTRODUCED into the state House Wednesday would institute a modified version of no-fault insurance for the state. Central High School in La 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 to curb Crosse, Wis. Under the proposed legislation, cosponsored by Reps. Matthew McNeely, D-Detroit, and James H. Heinze, R-Battle Creek, each vaginal person's insurance company would pay their client's damages odor use before any fault had been determined. Bidette adidas The insurance companies involved would then go into compulsory arbitration to determine how repayments should be Mist daily... made. REP. GEORGE A. PRESCOTT, R-Tawas City, Wednesday introduced a resolution into the state House which would boost The Ultimate the state sales tax to six cents on the dollar. The resolution, if passed in both houses, would require voter approval at the next general election before going into effect. Now ITEMS SUCH AS filing cabinets, typewriters, copying machines and office desks will be auctioned at noon Friday at the at Artillery Armory on Marshall Street in Lansing. The merchandise to be auctioned is the state surplus of office the TONIGHT supply equipment that has been accumulating over the past year. Weathervane Make a date especially if you have too much homework. We can make it manageable by and when EURAIL a increasing your reading rate at least 3 times The study technique we teach is efficient spray is not effective and thorough—a definite improve¬ Unlimited 1st class enough, cleanse PASS ment over travel by train in it away with unorganized cramming. Schedule a free Mini-Lesson for yourself. Europe Bidette Towelettes. 21days$110 1 month $140 2 months $200 3 months $230 TONIGHT WILL BE YOUR LAST CHANCE TO REVIEW THE EVELYN WOODS COURSE THIS SEMESTER PLAN ON COMING TONIGHT! STUDENT- University Inn RAILPASS 2 months unlimited 2nd class 1100 East Trowbridge Rd. Lansing travel for $125 EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS College Travel 17320 West Eight Mile Road Southfield, Michigan 48075 130 W. Grand River ,K1 Rni t Call 313-353-5111 (Collect)