'A working Friday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEWS East Sunny and mild with a high in the Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 9, 1971 ADMINISTRATION SETBACK fWWyy -a Court denies officials ? - v . ..... • • " wiretapping authority CINCINNATI, Ohio (UPI) - A federal Keith's ruling Jan. 27, the Justice Dept. internal security of the United States as to " Appeals Court rejected the government's asked that if it lost the appeal that it be warrant the use of electronic surveillance to * > u argument Thursday that it can wiretap advised before the I Ifc* domestic groups without a court order if it converstations were turned over to wiretapped gather intelligence information concerning the acitivities and plans of such individuals St. .4^.-' ' ' feels they are a threat to the security of the Plamondon. and groups, the 4th amendment does not country. require the additional safeguard of In It said that disclosure of the conversations a prior a major setback for the Nixon warrant." Administration's claim of broad wiretap would prejudice the national interest and Justice Dept. lawyers argued that the authority, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of asked the Appeals Court to have the President has just as much authority to order Appeals upheld a lower federal court ruling opportunity to determine whether to appeal domestic wiretaps when he feels the nation's in Detroit that such a further, let the conversations be made public policy violates the security is endangered as he does when the Constitution's 4th amendment prohibition or drop the case. The Appeals Court did not order the government to make immediate danger comes from a foreign government. against unreasonable search and seizure. But the majority of the appeals On a 3-2 vote, the appeals panel ruled that disclosure of the conversations. judges, in the Justice Dept. must disclose the contents an opinion written by Judge George In arguing the case before the 6th of the conversations to Lawrence "Pun" circuit, Edwards, said: "We hold in dealing with the the government contended that "when the threat of domestic subversion, the executive Plamondon, 25, a White Panther accused of President . . . determines that certain branch of our government is subject to bombing the Central Intelligence Agency ... individuals or groups pose a danger to the (CIA) office in Ann Arbor, Sept. 29,1968. (Please turn to page 17) The court's majority said a major consideration in its ruling "was the fact that disclosure may well prove to be the only effective protection against illegal wiretapping available to defend the 4th amendment rights of the American public." Milliken frow The Justice Dept. had no immediate Go fly kite comment, but was considered virtually lust because a date isn't expensive doesn't mean a it can't be exciting. This couple has found certain to carry the case to the Supreme Court, if only because two other federal courts have ruled in favor of on the issue. hero status one of the best ways lo spend a windy afternoon: kite - flying. In appealing U.S. District Judge Damon J. doubt that a move of that type would be successful in Michigan or in the country. I Gov. Milliken said State News photo by Tom Gaunt Thursday if the intend to support the President in 1972. American public ever makes Lt. William ' Calley a hero "then heaven help us.'' "No president has made the kind °f record he has made on the withdrawal of American "Lt. Calley was accused and convicted of troops from Southeast Asia," he said. herding 22 men, women and children into a ixon's pilot tells of threats "I think everyone agrees so long as one life ditch and killing them," the governor told is lost, be it American or other, the war has his weekly news conference. "If we ever gone on too long. make Lt. Calley a hero in this natioa then "The question is, 'How can we get out?' heaven help us." How can we get out in a way which would Milliken said President Nixon's statement has Belgrade and Madrid and so on," Albertazzie allow us to stay out? If I had my way we JaSHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon's never been early or late to a destination Albertazzie said the first threat occurred continued. it says there have been three bomb scares by more than 28 seconds. on the President's first foreign trip, in • would never have gotten into it in the first "Someone called in to the Spanish police there, and the question is ■presidential flights — at Berlin,at Dublin Albertazzie talked of his assignment at the Berlin, on Feb. 27,1969. that (See related story, p. 6) place. But we are B on Nixon's most recent trip to Lunchbox Forum, a meeting of aviation He said he had just rolled the plane out on they had placed a bomb on the how to get out. The President is moving oriented individuals at the Smithsonian President's plane. Again, no trate of an • more effectively than any other president to pfornia. the runway for takeoff when the airport r Force Col. Ralph D. Albertazzie also Institution's National Air and Space control tower asked him to hold his explosive was found. end this tragic war." "And this last threat we had, the one out that he would have the final say in Calley's h he has had to decline, sometimes almost Museum Wednesday. Milliken also said he would propose major position. in California on this last trip, some man punishment "represents the final authority ■ the point of rudenfess, offers of some "We have our moments of panic and our changes in Michigan tax structure in his Someone at the Berlin airport he has in this case." n governments for fighter escort for moments of pleasure," Albertazzie said. had received anonymously, called American Airlines education reform message to the Legislature reservations at Rockefeller Center in New He declined to elaborate on his feelings on I presidential airplane. "We have had our scares and our threats — a telphoned threat to blow up the plane. next week, but declined to say what they the Calley trial. three actual bomb threats, one of them in "We had a similar threat in Dublin on our York, of all places, and said, 'We are going to would be. . proud that in its service for a The governor also said a lictual minded President, Air Force One California this last trip. last trip to Europe when we went to blow up the President's plane.' "dump Nixon" Observers expect them to be similar to his "The agent immediately called Secret move wihin the Republican Party would not proposal in the original education reform succeed if it materialized. Service, who called me in California. plan for a reduction of property taxes and a "My first reaction was that the man was Milliken, who is vice chairman of the replacement of the property tax revenues going to have to travel all the way from New Republican Governors Conference, said, "i with an income tax increase. IS. losses clim York to California. But then I remembered the backup plane, painted the same as ours, was in New York getting some work done, and I realized he could be referring to it. 828 SIGNATURES OBTAINED "So we tightened up our security. We do iombs wreck tighten things up considerably." Albertazzie said that as a simple matter of safety, to avoid any possibility of a collision, Air Force One never has an aerial escort. "There are still some nations in the world Petition supports halt |A1G0N (AP) — American battlefield wounded. Earlier reports have said 40 were North Vietnamese positions in an effort to that feel this is a matter of protocol with ■ths climbed sharply to 88 last week in the wounded. help the beseiged South Viet namese artillery them, and feel they really ought to fly escort "ochina War, the highest weekly toll in the nine months, the U.S. Command )unced Thursday. It was the first such attack directed against Americans in Saigon since last December. U.S. planes hammered North Vietnamese at Fire Base Six. The base, 300 miles north of Saigon, has to the President's plane," he said. "I have had two confrontations so far and managed to turn both of them off. of unionization cards other developments: A terrorist forces besieging a South Vietnamese been under daily attack since March 31 and 'We even were threatened one time with a ibing wrecked a downtown Saigon bar artillery base in the central highlands. it changed hands twice in the first two breach of diplomacy. By STEVE WATERBURY days. authorization cards until Sept. 1, a ■wded with U.S. soldiers Thursday night, Of the 88 Americans killed last week 33 North Vietnamese shelled the base before State News Staff Writer "I said,'Well, if that's what it takes we will spokesman said Wednesday. ■ing two persons, one an American soldier died in the North Vietnamese sapper attack dawn Thursday but South Vietnamese just have a breach of diplomacy — I won't With signatures still coming in. 828 William C. Deal, Tl the other a Vietnamese woman. Twelve professor of March 28 on Fire Base Mary Ann 50 miles headquarters said there were no casualties or have any fighter aircraft fly escort with me.' faculty members have signed a petition biochemistry, said that an informal tierican servicemen were among 16 south of Da Nang. I heard from them." supporting a moratorium on the signing moratorium committee has attempted to damages. never Tabulations showed that American and submission of collective bargaining give all faculty members on the tenure battlefield deaths in the first three months track an opportunity to sign the petition, of the year were about 80 per cent less than excluding all administrators above the level lixon twists in the same period last year, and 80 per cent of departmental chairman. less than in the first quarter of 1969. The Command also reported 347 Americans wounded last week, the a drop from previous week's total of 542. The latest MSU prof criticizes drug a The final number of signatures is likely to reach 1,000 and will probably constitute majority of the faculty members contacted, he said. Thi final results of the feace stand, figures raised to 44,876 the number of Americans killed in he war and to 297,258 moratorium petition drive will be heralded announced on April 20. the total wounded. Deal said he viewed the signing of the iuakers U.S. officials tallied 22 deaths last week as cancer cure petition as a "pledge not to sign an say from nonhostile causes such as accidents and illness, raising the total in that category to authorization card until Sept. 1." The circulation of the petitions began at 9,408. there, it's active and the drug is not the close of winter term, following the LADELPHIA (AP) - The Philadelphia South Vietnamese headquarters reported effective." circulation of a similar petition to members " Meeting of Friends (Quakers) has 523 government troops killed and 1,178 of the Elected Faculty Council (EFC). The ih'd President Nixon's Rosenburg's cancer drug is scheduled for description of wounded last week, compared with the A testing on human beings this May. NCI had EFC petition was signed by 48 of the 61 ■jselt as a "deeply committed pacifist." recently discovered drug heralded as a I Rr()up, representing 16,000 Quakers previous week's figures of 756 killed and, possible cancer cure has been criticized by previously scheduled the drug to be tested members. ■our states, wrote the 126 wounded. an MSU professor. on humans in February, but Rosenburg When the Faculty Affairs Committee President saying he The allied command claimed 3,687 North Barnett said at every step along the way the time recently sent questionnaires to all faculty Rosenburg, professor of , «'• Ltheir denomination's rhe President stand on Vietnamese and Viet Cong killed last week biophysics, said Thursday he thought "very had been extended. on the tenure track, a mailing list was raised as a Quaker. ■ n a to boost the war total to 730,756. low" of the drug, Rifampicin, which is Rosenburg's compund has proved 100 numbering 2,167 names was used. widely publicized interview in early In the blast at the Saigon Waterfront Bar, per cent effective in curing certain forms of The number of tenure track ■! Mr. C. L. Sulzberger of the New reported to have blocked the growth of faculty U.S. soldiers said the bomb apparently had cancer cells for the first time. cancer in mice, including leukemia. members who are presently on campus, I lni(>s'' the letter said, "you referred ■ been planted in the building earlier. It went Rosenburg directed MSU Rifampicin was also praised by Robert C. excluding those who are now on sabbatical I?, 'mes to your Quaker heritage and off shortly after 9 p.m. in front of the team that an research Gallo, head of the NCI section on cellular leave, would be significantly lower. discovered another possible Tifist y°UrSe'^ as a 'deeply committed bandstand. cancer drug from a platinum compound control mechanisms. Calvin predicted his Both MSU Faculty Associates (MSUFA), In South Vietnam's highlands, North this fall. The drug is still being tested by drug will be tested on patients this year. an affiliate of the Michigan Education Jomwi faL(>nu'nts were coupled with a Vietnaemse troops kept up pressure on the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The drug was originally discovered 11: Assn., and the American Assn. of Beies i!eT °f present administration South Vietnamese outposts for a ninth day. American B-52 bombers and smaller tactical Melvin Calvin, director of chemical years ago to fight tuberculosis. It is thought to be a possible cure for leukemia, University Professors (AAUP) in drives are engaged Intinuin,, AUthe-St Asia' and with a bombers intensified their attacks against biodynamics at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory of the University of California which is cured with powerful drugs in to secure recognition as the exclusive bargaining agent for the MSU ■°ui!hoiit . ,mencan military posture at many patients but often returns. By giving faculty. lderstan,r world- This is not our Berkeley, found that at least one form Inl^a"dl"g of the Quaker ■*"*oeace of Rifampicin prevented the start of the drug to known leukemia victims, it Both organizations set spring term target cancerous growth in normal cells might be possible to prevent recurrence of dates for the completion of their card ASMSU that are the disease. distribution drives. lakefr? reco8nized that individual infected with a virus known to cause Life ,7' take" Part in military ASMSU election candidate coverage cancer in chickens. the In order for an election to be called by |rPorate L n,°ted that the society's appears on page 5 of this issue. "Cancer is caused by a passive, latent Commission, Michigan Employment Relations ^'military. stlmo"y still remains Elections will be held Monday. virus, not an active virus,'' Rosenburg contended. "Once vou know the virus is (Please turn to page 17) BARNETT ROSENBERG one organization must (Please turn to page 17) secure 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April q news Draft board members resign Draft board members in more than a dozen states have asked all those who resigned to reconsider. summary in protest over the conviction and sentencing of Lt. William L. CaHey Jr., saying they disagree with the verdict and want no part of resigned reported resignations in Pennsylvania, three in Texas, about half a dozen in Indiana, eight in Iowa, six in Arkansas, eight in Nebraska, one in Utah, five in Illinois. Hawkins said those who did resign will be replaced in days. He said the resignations would cause "no great problem'3111 abtn I From the wires of AP and UPI. a system they claim is unfair. In Michigan, where 10 draft board members were Selective Service System officials interviewed in an Robert Alimon, 50, was among the three members of the have quit, a Selective Service spokesman said, "Our reportL I Press survey said the resignations would have little or no Associated Harrison County, Iowa, board who resigned. "We just felt we these men have not resigned. We expect to confer with p<,sili 10 I upcoming inductions. effect on could not, in all good conscience, draft men to be trained to kill them°111 And they stressed only and then have them possibly be court - martialed for doing what hope to resolve their feelings." w a few members of the nation's 4,102 they were trained to do," he said. The spokesman noted the relatively small number draft boards were involved. Dr. Edward J. Sawyer, 77, a member of the .Newton, Mass., resignations and said "probably the President's quick roai tion hJ I Typcial of those resigning was Ben. F. Stringfellow of the slowing effect." Hampton, Ark., board. "I will not and cannot in good conscience board for 30 years, resigned, saying, "1 feel that I can no longer be unbiased in my position in expediting draft in the military a "J "If we ever make Lt. Calley a serve on a body that will send my son or anyone's son to combat service which penalized both for obeying and disobeying orders .. hero in this nation, then heaven help us." in Vietnam not knowing whether he will return a convict or a hero," said Stringfellow. In contrast, Roger G. Sherman, a member of the Through the Calley conviction, the military is telling subordinates all down the line, 'Maybe you should obey and FBI spies -Gov. William Milliken draft board, said, "Of course I'm Indianapolis maybe you shouldn't. The decision is yours." continuing to do my bit. I have James R. Heiser, resigning from the Richardson County, Neb., (See story, 1) complete confidence the Army judicial system knows what it is possible p. board, said, "As a combat veteran, I cannot accept the trial or the doing." verdict against Lt. William Calley. My conscience will not let me Calley, 27, was convicted last week of premeditated murder of continue when the officers and enlisted men are treated in such a Vietnamese civilians at My Lai and sentenced to life manner." --Wharton)SJ imprisonment. The conviction and sentence are subject to Selective service officials said that because of the small numbers Syr ma |oins peace effort automatic appeals and President Nixon has personally will make the final military decision. Nixon also announced he involved in the resignations, the induction system would not be , affected. Some also said that draft board members who had \ liigli - ranking Syrian military delegation met with ordered Calley released from the President Wharton military stockade pending resigned had changed their minds, either because of Nixon's Jordan's King Hussein in Amman Thursday to seek a appeal. Thursday he would not The resignations were scattered. For example, four of New promise of review or because of appeals from local officials. surprised should he learn \ peace settlement between the king's army and Mexico's 164 draft board members resigned. There Col. Glen Hawkins, a spokesman for the Georgia Selective MSU faculty members tkl Palestinian guerrillas. were two Service System, said the state director, Gen. Mike Hendrix had are unfel federal surveillance. I The meeting was unusual. Syria has been one of the He explained, sharpest Arab critics of Hussein and harbors a guerrilla LIBRARY LOCATION knew of no such however, thith.1 force hostile to the monarchy. now being conducted at He told newsmen at his MS!'! mom J Pakistani rebels victorious Information outlet added 3 press luncheon that East Pakistani independence forces claimed several possibility of such be survei||,J victories Thursday. If true, tliey will multiply the can attributed to J difficulties of the West Pakistani army already isolated A single telephone number, problem of not knowing where accessibility and University. opennessoftjlu HIC serves as a rumor control been performing these functions in major cities and rural fortresses in the secessionist 353-8700, has been designated to call, Perrin said, and the new The question was as a central point of center. informally for some time. Perrin appa|enth| inquiry for system is an attempt to prompted from reports that flF province. The expanded telephone and Chapin explained that the Federal Bureau of anyone seeking information centralize information service service is located at the reference staff will now have access to a Investigate Information received by Indian intelligence and other about MSU. has kept close watch, on official sources corroborated many of the The and eliminate random calling. desk of the Library. On duty wider range of information. othJ reports. expanded University In addition the Hubbard from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday universities' professor* Sources said the supporters of the jailed rebel leader. information service Any increase in the staff size, was Information Center (HIC) will Perrin said, will depend on the activities, telephone calls anil announced through Saturday and from 10 Sheik Mujibur Rahman, having gained control over Thursday by Robert continue its operation. Perrin a.m. to 11 p.m. on Sunday, staff volume of calls. mail. | mud. of the countryside in the first two weeks of the Perrin, vice president for said students may utilize HIC members will be able to assist Student volunteers at HIC, Wharton described t lie cam J University relations, and Richard because it is run by students in callers regarding schedules of also located in the mood as "volatile," but dccliJ civil war, appeared to be Library, will concentrating on disrupting the E. Chapin, director of libraries. cases where they would not trust be on duty from 10 a.m. to 9 to make prediction of J campus events, where to call for army's supply routes. People have encountered the' an official phone number. possiblity of spring specific help and general p.m. daily except for weekends and term breaks. violence. University information. Who controls Haiti? The Library reference desk has He told newsmen he can sei no significant attitude chaJ Presidential decrees are still being issued in the name Future groom since eruptions broke out ml SubVilla of Francois Duvalier in Haiti, but informed many of the country's ramp. J sources say BARNES last May. 1 his strong - willed daughter, Marie decisions. Denise, is making the FLORAL charged in theft "What I find as I go downtH list of priorities is that the rai OF EAST LANSING The 29 - year - old Marie Denise, the eldest of the order is still the same as a utB NAPLES, Italy (AP) Police presidtMit's four children, holds the title of executive arrested - bartender Rodrigo Tired feet? ago but the difference is whatto| DELIVERS Pagnozzi and charged him with do about it." secretary to the president. Reports abound that she has This coed has found one Wharton said that he does virtually become the chief executive since her ailing stealing the furniture from the way no apartment his fiancee had to cut down transportation think President Nixon hail father suffered another of his recurring health crises last prepared for their marriage. "It costs. particularly desensitized thtl month in Port Au-Prince. seemed the only way to avoid campuses with his Vietnam CO 11: 351-4731 This latest illness, widely believed to have been a the marriage," they SN photo by Gary Kasprzyk mild quoted him. programs. stroke, supposedly left the president unable to sign his name. He will be 64 next week. FBI agents < *■ assault police %>ASku« •* Or 357-774 © 216 ANN ST. ED 2-( Student opinions FBI informants working undercover with New Left organizations have assaulted policemen at demonstrations, according to purported FBI documents, it was ie;;r ;ed i : Boston IVsthJ on U' education program Thursday. Student members of the opinion to see if the University One of the memoranda told The recommendations fronB agents i»? a special squad University Educational Policies community supports increased EPC will go through the nomiiil assigned to New Left groups to caution their informants Committee (EPC) are soliciting flexibility in the general student University channels, including! not to get so carried away at demonstrations that they opinion to assist in education program which is now consideration by the Academii participate in assaults on police. writing proposals for increased restricted to University College. Council and the provost. The document, said to have been issued flexibility in the general David Embree, Lafayette, Fla. by the FBI's education program. senior; Kenneth Town, If implemented, thi Philadelphia office, said that there had been reports of Three student members of the Middlefield, Ohio senior; and recommendations could affect| agents getting involved in attacks on officers. committee said Thursday they Thomas S. Berlin, Fraser students by c h a are seeking student and faculty sophomore are asking students to requirements, offering nioitl Demands action on economy write or call them to express optional courses or improvingthtH WOMEN opinions of the subject. advisory system. Charging that do-nothing policies Embree said the committee is "The failure in the have left the nation "still in the throes interested in furthering a advisotjB Attend the general meeting student's "educational system currently is somethinfB of the 1970 recession," Sunday night, April 11th at 7:30 Speaker Carl p.m. In Women's Lounge Union experiences outside of his field." that definitely will have to bc| Albert said Thursday that House Bldg. to discuss structure and The "primary corrected," Embree siad. organization of campus Women's responsibility" added that better realtionshipsi Democratic leaders can no longer wait Liberation. Women who belong to for providing this experience has for President Nixon's to support groups and those who been given to the between students and ad vises J repair the wish to join support groups are University and economy. urged to participate. Workshops College and that "this is in no giving the advisers are planned. sense information on course offerings] "We accept a move to abolish the the responsibility," the are options central to reform. University College because the I Oklahoma Democrat told a news University College performs Students may contact Embw ■ I conference, "of providing the national SISTERS UNITE! those functions at 568 Gunson St. or by callnj ■ very well," he 351-7547. I leadership so urgently needed to end said. I our prolonged economic slump." Albert spelled out no program for I restoring the economy but suggested I the Democrats' answer is to UN I VERSAL Kelley to talk CARL ALBERT more federal money into it. pump d under the WATER BEDS authority of The Coca-Cola Company by; Coca Cola Bottling Company of Michigan UNCONDTIONALY GUARANTEED at Tues. meet Little girls lib the march Another all on ina'.c sanctuary fell Wednesday to the Look What BUY DIRECT Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley will speak to the Pre-Law Club at 7:30 ■ $39.50 forces of women's liberation - little people's division - p.m. Tuesday in 118 Kpplcy« Center, not today as originally ■ when two schoolgirls who had threatened court action told to Backs This reported. were they could compete in the soap box derby. Deborah Boissean and Sandra Sosa, both 10, had Kelley will speak on the "whole I threatened suit against the Chevrolet Division of General B i - swings and pleats for free movement and gamut" of issues now before the! easy breathing. Patch pockets and wide lapels on people of Michigan, Roy Kolberg, I Motors. Inc., sponsors of the event. the front. St. Joseph senior and Pre • I "They capitulated pretty fast," said Carol Forbes, Club spokesman, said. president of the Fayetteville, N.C.- chapter of the MICH RESIDENTS ADD 4% All students and faculty National Organization for Women (NOW). The SALES TAX' derby lias now opened the doors for women to soap box Sportcoats s59'5-s65 invited to attend. No will be charged. admission^ compete." Haggar Doubleknit Slacks Buy a Delicious Arby's Roast Beef AMC talks to resume The United Auto Workers and American Motors $16-*20 Sandwich and get a Corp. will resume negotiations for a new contract in Milwaukee. Wis., on Monday, it was announced Thursday in Detroit. Sessions will begin at 2 Free Large PEPSI®! p.m. in the Red Carpet Inn near the Milwaukee Airport, AMC said. AMC, smallest of the big four automakers, is the only one which has not yet worked out a new contract 1 i»e union, 1 2.000 of I lie union I rida; . whose members it employs. originally had set a strike deadline for last b it wiien the two sides failed to reach agreement with 207 W. Grand River Arby' Good Thru April 14th by that time, talks were recessed and UAW members Lansing Mall 4621 W. Saginaw OFFER GOOD ONLY WITH THIS AD! continued Open Every Night 'til 9 working at AMC's plants. <■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■•COUPON'■■■■■■■■■■■■>■■■■■■**' I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 9. 1971 3 SENATORS THINK SO n !^in aliom All froops withdrawn by 1973? jj Problem;- WASHINGTON (AP) - Two Democrat replied, "I think that said it is standing by Nixon's involvement in Vietnam. intention of completing the U.S. ,r<> ri'P<>rted in top Senate leaders, Republican is substantially correct as I refusal to fix a date for total Although Scott ur Position Hugh Scott and Democrat understood the President." pullout while Americans are held i, U.S. withdrawal. The President significance in Nixon's omission Robert C. Byrd said Thursday Scott said the date is flexible said he expects to be held by the Hanoi government, of any statement about On this point, Sen. Charles they believe President Nixon — depending on what happens accountable by American voters maintaining a residual U.S. force Percy, R-IIL, urged the number 0( plans to remove all U.S. troops with the prisoners. if he fails to redeem his 1968 in k Vietnam, he said the administration to tell the North Action hij from Indochina by the end of his term in January 1973 — The White House, meanwhile, campaign pledge to end U.S. administration still has no Vietnamese at Paris it could provided North Vietnam frees agree to a fixed withdrawal date in return for a phased exchange U.S. war prisoners. Scott, the Senate GOP leader, and Byrd, the Democratic Whip, said in conferences separate news Soviet delegates convene of prisoners and a guarantee U.S. forces would be permitted to withdraw without harassment. In this way, the Illinois they drew this Republican said in an interview, pick central committee interpretation from Nixon's comments congressional in briefing leaders before to Hanoi's insistence on a fixed U.S. withdrawal date "could be used to bargain with." Wednesay night's announcement MOSCOW (AP) — Delegates to unanimously approves of this of further U.S. troop the 24 th Congress of the Soviet organizational and political Percy was one of a dozen withdrawals. majestic, scientifically — based measure." Republican senators who sought Communist Party met in a secret "He did not state a definite program of economic and Many party officials would Monday night to convince session Thursday to select the the Wharton cultural developments of our have good reason for Secretary of Defense Melvin R. would not d he learn k, s,j( Straight from date," Byrd said, "but I had the very what definite impression from said that the President was men who will guide this nation in the 1970s. country." Meanwhile, Communist and and they have been resisting a systematic membership review doing just that. Laird that the time had come for the administration to tell the mbers Only the4,943 voting delegates non Communist specialists American people exactly when are unfc lambs on MSU Farms find their surrogate mother has a date in mind." Asked if the - Since the death of open debate (seemingly tabled bar) filling if not to the Congress were allowed to concluded that Brezhnev has all Americans would be out of date was before the end of at party congresses 34 years ago, mforting. State News photo by Sue Steeves assemble in the Kremlin Palace of however, thatk Nixon's term, the West Virginia encountered widespread criticism of or opposition to Vietnam. uch Congresses for the election of the resistance to his proposal to He called Nixon's acceleration suggestions from the top can be ducted at party's 360 - member central "cleanse" the Soviet Communist of the troop withdrawal rate expressed by silences and n at his committee, which in turn picks party. from 12,500 a month to nearly omissions. Brezhnev's card the 11 man ruling politburo. The consider formation on t - In his six hour report Brezhnev 101 - exchange proposal has met with 14,300 a month "a plus" but Communist and leftist o-ops proposed that party membership uch almost universal silence. Only said he would have liked it to go buted delegations from 90 countries be submitted to a broad review to to two of the more than 50 speakers up to 16,000. had to await the results outside. weed out members the who followed Brezhnev declared Sen. Jacob K. Javits, R-N.Y., Observers expected no change controlling organs considered support for it. the host for the Monday night in the ruling troika of party was appaiemd unworthy. Brezhnev also proposed rules session, called Nixon's speech "a General Secretary Leonid I. f federation The instrument for review reports that tJ changes that would increase party disappointment to those of us ' of watch, Investigate on ProfessorJ otU to Brezhnev, Premier Alexei N. Kosygin and President Nikolai V. Podgorny. But they foresaw a substantial turnover in the central would be an exchange of party cards, meaning that the 14,455,321 members would turn in their cards and receive control over the intelligentsia in school, research establishments, cultural organizations and who had counseled and hoped for an unequivocal policy of total U.S. military hone calls J committee. new medical institutions. disengagement at an early date." ones only if the leadership felt asking for it," he said. The results of the voting are they met the standards. ibed the cam J Since HUD begins to process applications on April 15, plans for expected to be announced Friday Brezhnev made it plain he The State News, the student newspaper at e," but decliJ an MSU student housing corporation must be complete soon. just before the congress closes. Michigan State liction didn't want the card exchange, University, is published every class day during four school of tU MSI' co-ops say they are seriously considering forming a "The decision will be made this month," Jones said. "If we Since March 30, the delegates the first in 17 years, to be a simple terms, spring camp] plus Welcome Week edition in September. >riy • holding federation that would be eligible for decide to go ahead, we could probably contract for sales before have listened to speech after formality "It would be correct if Subscription rate is $14 per year. nmcnt housing funds for expansion and property the end of the term." speech praising the party's ien he can senJ )vement. we approached the change of Jones explained that the HUD funds would make it easier to successes. Member Associated Press, United Press International, ittitude chaiJ R. Jones, Grand Rapids graduate student and spokesman party cards as an important ... ies expand the co-ops' facilities and make present and future repairs The delegates, selected by party Inland Daily Press Association, Associated broke out d 10 involved - Hedrick, Ellsworth, Beal, Ulrey, New co-ops easier to finance. Collegiate Press, organizations all over this vast Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press ntry's rampuj nunity and Bower Houses, said they are presently discussing "The federation would also provide a continuity in the land, have broad "Old Towne" New England powers on Association, United States Student Press Association. rganizational aspects of the proposed alteration, philosophy of the co-op," he said. "A central organization with paper. They have the right to 1 go down tin p have to figure out how to set this up," he said. "We full time personnel would help new members understand what a - formulate basic party doctrine CLAM BAKE! Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. is that the rani in't want a house that would be a financial risk." •Whole Lobster co-op is all about." and to decide "the most Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services same as a •Clams "Shrimp y« dent housing corporations now exist in Ann Arbor and Jones, a member of the Board of Directors of the North important questions of rence is what u Calif., Jones said, and •Corn-on-the-Cob Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, . tremendously successful, are American Student Cooperative Organization (NASCO), said the Communist construction." Every Friday 6 to 11 Michigan. co-op complex in Ann Arbor was built with funds from present Inter - Cooperative Council is a coordinating group that in In practice, the delegates only p.m. hat he does not TOSSED )ept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)," he said. the past organized recruitment and educational programs. affirm decisions worked out well Phones: t Nixon has I next year, with new houses going up, there will be more "A student housing corporation would be a property - holding in advance by the Politburo, Editorial sensitized the is in Ann Arbor than fraternities and sororities." 5 CLAM BAKE for 355-8252 body," he said. "It could buy houses and property." presided by Brezhnev. over Classified Advertising 355-8255 his Vietnan ? former Peace Corps volunteer said the HUD funds buted through the College Housing were Though Jones is confident that the federation will be approved, Kosygin summed up by noting BILL'S Display Advertising 353-6400 Program, a project that he says the decision will rest with co-op residents. that the speeches in favor of the Business Circulation ■d finance MSU residence halls. RESTAURANT & BAR - 355-3447 "We'll have to have a referendum among co-ops to decide economic guidelines "are 718 E. GRAND RIVER. LANSING Photographic 355-8311 his year they have a lot of money and not enough people whether members are favorable," he said. evidence that our party ol iscount records Hours: PHONE 351-8460 Daily 9:30 -8:30 Sat. 9:30 -6:00 Sun. 12:00-5:00 ugh the normal nels, including 225 Ann Street the Academic The only complete record store in the Lansing area ovost. ented, the could affect y changinj MODFL-M -504 IT USED TO BE TOP OF OUR LINE 8 TRACK TAPE CARTRIDGE COMPONENT offering more - rimproving the SYSTFM WITH AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE AND A GREAT BUY AT $149.95 AM/FM/FM - MPX/60 Watt Output/Four Speaker the advisory System with one 614" woofer and one 2-ft" tweeter in each sealed enclosure. is somothinj ill have to be TUN I k /Solid State AM/FM/FM MPX Stereo tuner jree siad. He with Push - amplifier/FM Stereo Pull dual channel r realtionships (MI'X) indicator/Slide rule dial with logging scale for and advises accurate tuning/Complete two band operation: AM idvisers better (540 1600 KHz)/FM (88 - 108 MHz)/ Built - in - jurse offering! AM/FM/FM MPX antenna/Black out dial with tinted to reform. [>ntact Emhree glass/Tuning Meter/Two Rot&.y Controls: Tuning, and Selector (AM. FM. FM MPX, Phono & t. or by Tape)/Four precision slide controls: Volume, Balance, Bass, and Treble/Two Rocker Switches: Power (Off - on). AFC (Off - on)/ Front Mounted NOW A NEW LOW PRICE Stereo Headphone Socket. AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE/ Precision deluxe Garrard fully automatic turntable/Ultra light counter balanced tubular tone arm/Viscous Damped cueing lever/Studio type II" turntable with non - slip mat/High compliance ceramic cartridge with long life nk Kelley will precision diamond needle. w Club at 7:30 TAPF PLAYER/Automatic Program Selector 118 Kppley plays program in sequence/Manual Push button as originally switch provides individual program selection/Tape Speed: 3% ips/Drive mechanism electrically on the "whole governed motor with flywheel and capstan/Computer low before the • styled program indicator lamps. , Roy Kolberg, CONTROL CENTER REAR PANEL /External FM and Pre • La* antenna connection/Aux id. (tape) output sockets (L & A FANTASTIC VALUE! Model 4800 offers a COMPLETE 5 PIECE R)/ Speaker Output Sockets (L & R)/AC convenience STEREOPHONIC COMPONENT SYSTEM with AM/FM/FM STEREO/ d faculty aie outlet. ; TUNER/AMPLIFIER. 2 SPEAKER ENCLOSURES. GARRARD RECORD No admissior Three piece system of control center and two speaker CHANGER and DUST COVER. THERE'S OILED WALNUT FINISH enclosures in walnut hardwoods with highly styled CABINETRY, 30 WATTS and a ONE YEAR WARRANTY on LABOR and control panel with dust cover/Si/.e: Center unit: PARTS! SEE AND HEAR IT NOW! -IV wide x 9 1/8" high* x 14 7/8" deep/Speaker Enclosures: 10" wide x 15 1/8" high x 6" deep (each) 8—TRACK PLAYER, A BEST BUY! TURNTABLE WITH CUEING, AM-FM STEREO RECEIVER ONLY o)iscountrecords 225 Ann Street MASTERWORK SACOLUMBIA *** RECORDS SAD! I MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NE' "S UNIVERSITY Campus politics cloud' KENNETH R. LYNAM Mrs. King's address advertising manager To the Editor: fluid, the first part was haltin i MARK EICHER, managing editor We wish to comment on your coverage ol awkward, almost as if she wer..^ ED HUTCHISON, city editor with the text. UnW1 the speech bv Mrs. Coretta King on March BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor We are certain that the 31, 1971. Your story, and those appearing state N ■ KEN KRELL, editorial editor aware that the Center for in other local media, failed to mention that Urban Afrl GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor Mrs. King devoted at least one - third of being considered for college sad that Mrs. King seemed stat,^ her remarks to a political pitch for Dr. to be d into the political Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award Robert L. Green and MSU's Center for maneuvering J!71 Urban Affairs. In the first 15 minutes of University on for outstanding journalism. her speech, Mrs. King referred constantly supposed to an occasion commemorate her that M hush# h| to "my good friend Bob Green' and „ bast . Linda C.ortnJ expressed hope that the concept of the Lansing graduatesh Center for Urban Affairs would be Mary Hi EDITORIALS expanded in some way. Although the latter MSUe„ portion of her speech was dynamic and April 6,1 AUTC inquest Review housing policy To the Editor: should be respected. In facilitate the needs and an attempt! In its latest display of regression, the desires of J a welcome, board of trustees has decreed that all resident halls must establish a floor with designated quiet hours and one with minority of MSU students, we find board has neglected to consider and desires of other less con; the dJ limited visitation. As residents of North minorities, and has adopted a ri ASMSU Chairman Harold 10,000 cars daily, permits can be attitude in regard to student Buckner's request for an investigation distributed among the three groups: and South Wonders halls we object to these In former years the floors living op3 arbitrary- and unnecessary rules and call for have J of the All - University Traffic students, faculty and staff. Tablets an end to the board's policy of "in loco permitted to establish their own « Committee (AUTC) comes as a from heaven do not indicate that parentis." As residents of the University as regarding quiet hours visitation. The success of this welcome spur to the inactivity of that students MUST be given the very well as of Wonders Hall, we believe that evident in the fact that there have bei poijJJB committee. short end of the parking stick. It is just our feelings in regard to living options complaints concerning such a tradition that probably AUTC, remember, is the committee springs from brought before the Wonders JudiciallS] from which a parking-permit scandal the claimed "intellectual authority" A PRESIDENT'S PERSPECTIVE of the faculty. within the past two years. students who desire extreme Presently,!]] erupted fall term. Student parking _ permits, for which AUTC is Who pays the brunt of parking fees study have found that classrooms J lounges have provided this degree of J responsible, were sold for private on campus? Students do. Examine the atmosphere. profit. Individual AUTC members system: Furthermore, policy of To a were not necessarily guilty, but the committee as a whole was negligent since it was responsible for student Faculty and staff pay S18 a year for driving permits, free parking - lot passes and free bus privileges. For a a president, it s the U' visitation unnecessary. sentiment among has In been this found case, North (Men) and sJ lesser annual transportation package By CLIFTON R. WHARTON JR. (Women) of Wonders is so permits. opposed to such an arrangement More recently. AUTC has been students can pay up to $70 a year, i.e., were in favor) that it is doubtful thatW $6 for vehicle registration, plus four On the campus today, it has become for MSU. urged to examine the progressive To the graduate student, pride in the will be sufficient number of residentstj fashionable to be critical, skeptical, even Institutional pride manifests itself in institution may be narrowed to pride in a student fine system under which bus passes at $16 a crack. And this such floors via freshmen. To set as cynical about almost everything — about diverse ways among different people. For specific department or college, and the students can be repetitively fined up student package includes neither entire floor to impose conditions ah people, University policies and, at times, some, the source of pride is what the quality of the other graduate students and to S25 for parking offenses. Faculty parking - lot passes nor very many on - about the institution itself. enjoyed is ludicrous. institution was or stood for in the past. For faculty there. Our final objection to the new n and staff are fined at a flat rate; campus driving privileges. In short, In part, this attitude can be attributed to others, it is a vision of what could be. To a disadvantaged student, pride in the that they will force the student rates start at $2, jump to S4, students pay more and enjoy it less. the time in which we live. Without doubt, Placing an MSU sticker on one's car, institution may result from our residents of Wonders Hall as relocation] well as «■ it is a time of questioning. Both values and then to $6 - up to $25 for the fifth AUTC ignores these problems and buying sweatshirts and sweaters with a commitment to give all those with campus residents to other floors and! institutions are under examination by all offense. involves itself with turning down Michigan State emblem, using Michigan the potential an opportunity to prove their if they do not like the new polk citizens, not merely students. Universitites State stationery, are all small ways of educational ability and worth. Essentially, AUTC has taken the legitimate student driving privileges. have received more criticism than most. although they may be perfectly s reflecting a pride in the University and an To an administrator, it may mean pride with their present residency. position that parking on campus is a For example, work - class conflicts do What concerns me, however, is that identification with it. But what does having in the continued forward momentum of much of the skepticism and cynicism seems The trustees who voted against thei "right" of faculty and staff and a not qualify students for special pride in MSU really mean? the University in finding new means of living plan claimed the support of pi directed at nothing in particular. Rather it To an alumnus, pride in Michigan State "privilege" for students, even if those driving permits. Yet, newly - hired seems to be a mind set or fashion where providing meaningful educational service to of MSU students who opposed the ( could be an affection for the athletic the citizens of the state. students work on campus or have secretaries automatically rate fully the We suggest that they examine the wish only acceptable attitude is to be critical program. To an hourly employe, it may mean legitimate claims to on - campus privileges, including a free bus and not praiseworthy, the citizens of Michigan, whom they cynical not constructive. To a parent, it could be the fact that the pride in the physical beauty of the campus parking. parking-lot pass. While in part this attitude among students supposed to represent. Last fall then University has a repuUiion as an which he he|ps to Several individual AUTC members may reflect the many uncertainties and outstanding institution based on its size, nature ant} piajntain. As is obvious, pnae in arta concern for a soundly defeated two candidates fa Unfortunately, much of the heat insecurities of the broader community, it board who opposed liberal housing puj privately admit that students get a raw diversity of programs, ability to recruit university are not simple concepts. At and elected trustees Carrigan and Sta directed against AUTC will have to be may also have a good deal to do with peer outstanding scholars and because a son times parking deal, but the whole . . . they defy articulation. Their who favor them. Messrs. Huff, T absorbed by Chairman John Baldwin, group influence. It is almost as if we are or daughter has been accepted there. ramifications committee listens to alleged Public are as broad and Merriman and Thompson should st» who is generally sympathetic to apprehensive of how our fellow students or To a faculty member, it might be fellow faculty members will react if one encompassing as the University itself. step with the desires of students andv Safety experts who sit ex officio on reflected in his reaction to the recent Perhaps a feeling, not completely rational, AUTC. These parking reform. He just recently of us says something like, "I am proud of American Council of Education study of instead of reverting to the policies o experts seem 'inherited' the committee and by now this institution." Or, "I really admire perhaps an emotional attachment, perhaps past. committed to preserving the "rights" graduate education which reported that an intellectual orientation, perhaps an In is probably Professor X." Or, "I have some excellent view of the aforementi of finding it the most MSU made great strides in a number of agreement on the correct focus of faculty and staff, especially if classes this term." Or, "I get along fields. conditions, we recommend the hindsighted groups on campus, education, perhaps .an identification with rescinding of the board's policy i challenged by "you students." extremely well with my roommate .." To the undergraduate student, it may the past, perhaps a lifetime of barring trustees, of course. . AUTC is ideally suited to Nevertheless, in my visits and discussions experience, matter. mean pride in a particularly innovative perhaps a desire to improve an aspect of with students, faculty and staff on the recommend parking reform on The committee must be spurred to program or curricula in which he is the University and achieve campus, I have found beneath what enrolled or his living unit and its unique personally, Steve Fred campus; it chooses, however, to action. The more progressive perhaps a means to an end, perhaps THE appears to be a rather superficial veneer of atmosphere; or the student groups of Durandji bumble its way through denying members have not been place to be in 1971 — perhaps all of these enough of an cynicism considerable pride in and concern which he is a member. for the Wonders Hall Co legitimate requests from students who singly or combined. inspiration. Perhaps a thorough public April 7, work on campus and need driving investigation will make AUTC permits. members conscious that they are RICK Reform be achieved. WILBINS can For responsible - not only for faculty and example, if the campus can handle staff - but for students as well. Local towing Jails: ineffectual institutions The present problem with East must file a "detailed and A 17 • year - old boy waiting in Dade To combat crime and reduce the chance and put in prison garb. Lansing's towing policy is that there understandable" rate schedule with County Jail in Miami on charges of stealing of being mugged or robbed, we must • They had been confined in a our prisons fulfill this role. is no policy. Amends, however, are the city clerk to prevent alleged price a car is hanged by his cellmates in a racial adequately rehabilitate the significant dormitory cell with 11 other men, some Why then, are we letting sucJB dispute. Inmates at the Cook County Jail percentage of the criminals who can't potentially valuable set - up to V presently being considered. discrimination. alleged druggies, pimps, forgers and police At the last East Lansing City in Chicago reveal the subhuman treatment adjust to the outside world. Our present assaulters. mistreated and misused? 1 These restrictions, granted, are the guards and other inmates expose them No one, it seems, wants to thinll prisons are simply not conducive to • They had not been allowed to sleep or Council meeting, a towing ordinance better than none. However, the to. An escapee from an Arkansas prison achieving this end. For the most part, they sit on their bunks during the day under the rapists, murderers and burglars tf was introduced to clear the present flees to Michigan and begs Gov. Milliken to coddled and having a good time in jail I proposed ordinance neglects the are still run on the ineffectual principle threat of having their cots removed. if this alleged situation. Presently a towing most crucial critical injustice of refuse Arkansas extradition rights; the that those who break the law should be • Sanitary conditions had been from coming back "good time" preventstjj operator can tow a vehicle without towing that towing a car is prison, he says, is a literal death house, and punished and disciplined. The results have disgusting; the shower drain again and turns tM he is scared to go back. been noticeably negative. was plugged into productive, adjusted members <>(■ and the toilet often overflowed. informing the owner or police. This equivalent to theft and forcing the These are but a few of the thousands of Low - level treatment • society, then it might do us all well® At snack times, the makes it extremely difficult for the guards had taunted shake our eye - for - owner to pay to get it back. indictments made against our penal system And why not? With the level of the prisoners by eye morality u""1 owner to find his car. Fees, which Members of the East Lansing City each year. The number of other stories that treatment two friends of mine received at holding candy bars just accept this reform. out of reach of the _ never reach public ears is inestimable, but the Ingham County Jail, why should we hungry inmates and After all, no one likes being car owners must pay to get their Council should look past the end of calling them pigs and animals. vehicles back from towers tend to be the undercurrent of inmate dissatisfaction expect different? robbed, and the chances of that hapP^ their noses and see that the real Unfortunately, it seems the Ingham and, at times, rebellion, indicates the Rob and Larry were picked up late one are a great deal less if the streets a" very much out of line, also. problem in the towing controversy is County Jail is not a rarity. cluttered with still unadjusted individfl percentage of the sordid tales that surface night last term for ripping off a couch from To expect an individual to be subjected Most disturbing of all. however, is towing itself. is frighteningly low. And if the stories they Owen Hall while blindly drunk. Their plan to this manner of degredation for a period the very principle of arbitrarily A motor vehicle should not be tell are not sordid, they are at least a of action included driving over to a friend's of time, even five hours, and then when testament to the unsympathetic treatment meifl0| room at Williams Hall and towing a vehicle which is not towed unless it is obstructing traffic- obstructing traffic. Towing cars from in some form. Cars left that is as much a part of our prisons as $75 couch there. depositing the released to adjust life and assume pride in his sufficiently to nonprison Misplaced blocking the Needless to say, they were caught. The being is to be half empty private parking lots is a - right of way are a traffic safety drugs and illicit sex. next day they were thoroughly naive. To: ASMSU Elections Comniissj common practice, a practice which Crime problem formally charged with Rehabilitate and educate Re: The difference between 1 hazard and should be towed. Also a felony and ordered to While Americans clamor for law and produce $500 bail The object of our penal system ought to and "e.g." has no basis at all in reason. Towing illegally parked cars should be towed apiece or rot in jail until the trial. order and less criminal coddling, they seem be to confine, educate and rehabilitate, Dear Litterateurs a motor vehicle constitutes denial of from private lots when the prople Five hours later, friends and I gathered rather than punish and to have neglected our sorely ineffective discipline. It offers, that vehicle owner's right to drive it; the money together and bailed Rob and Section who are paying to use the lots oenal system — which is unfortunate. The more than any institution, the perfect B1 of the Spring Larry out. Their account of the short time in a way, towing a tantamount to cannot find a parking place. root of the rising crime problem can be they spent in jail was disturbing, if not opportunity to educate the ignorant and Election Regulations clearly stll clearly traced to prisons. poor in areas of health, sex and that auto theft. Such a serious However, such towing should be our frightening, to say the least. on - campus polling |>l:,cjff Statistics show that many criminals who employment. These individuals are living in infringement of right should only be permitted only when a specific- have spent time in prison return to spend •Both "criminals" had been given a restricted environment with unfilled time limited only to South Wort*! permitted in dire circumstances. complaint has been lodged with more time in prison, some to spend haircuts — without their consent free from and little to tempt them. They Mayo Hall and West Fee. Sec )<>m can offer The proposed city towing the police. Otherwise all towing, the rest of their lives hopping from the jail the sheriff's department. correctional treatment aimed at helping the the AUSJ chambers. T • They had been stripped, disinfected, legislation imposes some but not especially the wreckers that rove the to the outside world and back. ill - adjusted inmate as well. But seldom do Every losing candtdj enough, restrictions upon tow truck streets and alleys on weekends, Comparably few of the criminals we iiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiii^I sentence to a term of confinement are THAT UJA5 THE MOST EXCITIN6 operators. The bill requires all should be barred. rehabilitated, i.e., able to adjust to the And so,the six Bunny-Wunnies NOVEL I'VE EVER REAP... I AAI5S HELEN 5WEETST0RY" 5OMEH0U), I HAVE JHJ wreckers operating within the city to The East Lansing City Council THINK I'LL WRITE A FAN FEELIN6 THAT SHE 5 Ail outside world. In other words, much of the said qood night, and went to be licensed by the city and LETTER TO THE AUTHOR... VER* NICE PERSON^ display a should not toy with very limited crime in the streets is being committed by sleep. Their adventure -was over, sticker on the wrecker. The licensee individuals who theoretically should have and all had ended well. JheSnd towing reform; it should get to the must notify the East Lansing Police never committed another crime after their heart of the matter. The Dept. immediately upon towing a proposed "rehabilitation" in prison. That situation ordinance is a step in the right vehicle should indicate to us that our penal system without the owner's direction, but a step of rather small is sadly inadequate and, more pointedly, a permission. Also the wrecker services pragmatic value. practically useless institution. 37 VIE FOR ASMSU: mark japhpd jaeger a preview of the candidates ■ IkDITOH'S nlidates' NOTE: Below , responses to th is ASMSU's problem not so much Brody Complex Akers-Fee EDITORS NOTE: The following S lions asked by the State News: relevance as it is Young Socialist Alliance slate is ASMSU <>f«en '* criticized for lacking STEVEN L.ANDRUM vancy and for not serving its c unstituency. ignorance — the david jordan comprised of Mike Kowalski, off board's ignorance of As a candidate to campus, and Jim v or why not would you ! upport this Garrison, Akers lenient? How would you n student feelings and represent the Akers ■ 1. ASMSU is not student ignorance of Fee district in relevant for the same ■ '""Many ASMSU programs are c what ASMSU does - ASMSU, I, Stephen f only marginal value to s reasons it is not 1. ASMSU is how would you direct the c through lack of Landrum, am serving its concerned with the justifiably criticized Bf student tax monies? For instance communication. for constituency, namely that lacking any Import a legal aid program? Perhaps a partial many of the board interest and active ■\ What direction do you see t relevancy to the solution would come| members aren't fairly participation in KEVIN HARTY ,'rd and, through its leadership, from replacing an student government. student body of: |y taking in the upcoming year? representing their Jt On this campus there MSU.5U. This is because I occasional Tuesday■■■■■■« — __ student body and exist many programs it is only an r night meeting with an open forum where often fail to justify 1. ASMSU seems tension of views could be aired from both sides. to which we are a | their actions to their J fairly "relevant" (I university iversity that is' t Budget expenditures should be made apathetic. As a result of this insensitivity, hate that word) to me McDonel-Shaw according to definite criteria, such as the constituencies. As far as serving my constituency, I would try to pertinent programs such as pop because I have an meaningless. The'' University doesn't in ^ number of students entertainment and legal aid are ignored and insider's perspective served, potential make myself aware of their views and needs any way begin pete shalager student need, program effectiveness, and then make my decisions in the best underdeveloped. on its operations. I relate to the availability of existing alternates services, Many students wonder why there is a would that * Ihe failure of and possibility of outside interests of all concerned. scarcity of pop concerts. I suggest if we assume problems of JIM GARRISON funding. Since the 2. I feel that certain marginal interests most of my American society or the world |MSU lies not with present legal aid program is becoming pay stricter attention to fire regulations in constituents could today. should be met, but too much is allocated to Students today are trained to take their structure, but inadequate for its demand, expanded Jenison Fieldhouse and the Auditorium, not share this view organizations of low relevance to the place as highly skilled workers in this |her with the services may be a very timely investment. majority of the students. The general perhaps we will see an increase in such and I won't promise sonnel composing If ASMSU is to survive, it will have to forms of entertainment. alienating, profit - generating machine welfare of the student bodv should be them that I can We feel that the student board. go An added dimension of concern would University should be out from the third floor of student resolve the problem. The factors that render services, thought of first, then marginal groups. I think restructured so as to be able to reflect the Ipresentatives, and face up to this campus' changing needs. the legal aid program should be maintained, promote a more useful and efficient legal ASMSU irrelevant — a lack of power and attitudes, needs and interests of both ■eving that their If the student board were to become but the expenditures should be more aid program. The last ASMSU referendum popular support, are not unique to MSU leaders, did not pass, solely because the students — students and the community. kquacy depends this next year could see a concerted effort to carefully watched. they reflect the tenor of our age. 2. We would like to see ASMSU tax l on how they collectively tackle problems that are still did not understand the nature or function 2. If someone feels a 3. The student board should be used as a program is of monies directed towards Jnmunicate with unresolved, such as dorm living conditions. tool by the students to bring the University of the tax. The tax would have been used marginal value to students then they should organizations that work for the above projects and Kir constituents, conflicts to the of effective to employ a full - time legal aide. I feel initiate their own program. All they need to I on how they vote thomas limmer awareness there are many goals. A legal aid program does reflect regulations on this campus do is register their organization and ask for I matters presented at board meetings, organizations. of which the student needs. An example of what we 1. The ASMSU average student knows some money — it's simple. I am in full would like to see done with the lpetuates the problem. board currently lacks nothing. support of an expanded legal aid program this . money is The majority of the people of this ■sing any monies necessary to develop a . . relevance because of stephen vajs JIM HILL and I hope to see it implemented within the Ik store which would save students the different month. campus are opposed to the war in Southeast Asia. The Student Mobilization 1. 1. ASMSU is indeed lney lias to be investigated. Relevancy to 3. It's a standard line — but I'd like to see ideological factions lacking relevancy. Committee is Jhe board must keep the issue of both which exist on the^Sy what? I would rather It far more students involved in advisory sponsoring buses to Washington, D.C.. on April 24 for the land off • campus housing alive. I was prevailing board. that such questions seems is that the board capacities at all university levels. Other than antiwar march taking place there. It needs be more specific. It more interested in appointed by the board of trustees' Many issues which that, I've learned to be wary of predictions money not only to reserve buses ($100 per Action of certain on-campus living would be politic of voting upon whether | come before ASMSU to sit at a table because well laid plans often hinder bus) but to lower the price of the tickets so ■ions after working on the commission me to charge that the or on are voted on in their the floor than it is in expedience. that as many people as ■ch proposed them. The Board must interests of the possible can take regard for the constituencies helping to part in this action. We would like to see ■tinue the drive to permit students to are student, but rather I not resolve students'] ASMSU monies going for projects such as 1 where they choose. Also I would like are viewed as a being served. I RICHARD VANDER VEEN struggle between two or more problems. I would this. lgee ASMSU attempt to get the price of interest groups. Service to the am awaiting a 3. If the student board remains the same passes lowered and the routing the preservation of a particular student, not definition of these consolidate ASMSU's | ideology, interests. Then I shall efforts upon three 1. I'm sure that as it has in the past, it will not be doing Jroved. would be my goal. which I feel all judge. areas each of us feel, at anything to further the demands raised 2. Since the ASMSU students are concerned about: above. If, however, it is to be changed for howard seufer budget is derived 2. The expenditure of monies must security, times, that ASMSU is from all students, the allocation of student financial aid and housing. the better, then it must take a i e h o w follow their collection. ASMSU maintains a less "relevant" than leadership tax monies should also be directed so it will 2. If elected, I would favor role in building mass movements to achieve coercive monopoly in that no undergrad excluding any it can be. But to fnected to most of benefit everyone. A careful reappraisal is group which did not prove to be beneficial to state, unequivocally, goals such as: free education for all who questions can register without paying the board's necessary in order to put the money to levied tax. the students as a whole, from that the board want it; student - faculty control of Therefore, ASMSU can offer any financial is founding ■ the low ASMSU better service to a wider range of students. I terrible, unprofitable programs without aid. By being more exacting on the totally incapable of education; ending campus complicity with regard would wholeheartedly support a feasible requirements for receiving financial support, the war and warmakers; for black, Chicano n for fearing a loss in financial support. No one, effectively acting to legal aid program, for such an endeavor is save duly recognized groups, can the cost for dues could be substantially- promote the MSU and native American studies departments; ■presentativeness." accessible to all operate a to end University oppression of women . business on campus for profit. Either allow reduced. The remainder of the dues should student interest is s one thing for ) 3. I am confident that ASMSU will move be spent on and set up a department to study and deal any group to tax the student (which would building up and financing drug unwarranted lin members of forward in the months ahead to better serve education, legal counseling and birth f with the problems of women under the probably tax students into oblivion) or cynicism. I feel that | student board to the student, but only after it rids itself of the force ASMSU to compete with some slick control. ASMSU can be control of campus women. they are various internal problems plaguing it. 3. I see student government entrepreneurs (which would allow the turning away effective if it becomes sensitive enough to fresentative. Their , from its figurehead function of public to express some preferences). allocating grasp the needs found within the academic i tell quite a i Case-Wonders 3. I would prefer to see a lot more reason money and becoming increasingly more and urban environment. Kerent story. 11111 and less emotionalism. I fear I shall be active in University adminsitrative decisions 2. Greater ■ranted, they go through the motions of sensitivity by the bob shubert I also see the board disappointed. becoming more involved representatives to ASMSU would I'm "representative," but until they in politics now that the 18 - year - old vote lize that their often autonomous actions 1. The amount of confident, more fruitfully utilize a share oT bill has passed. the potential energy and talents so vast in a relevancy and 1 in large part responsible for student responsibility to Holden-Wilson body of 40,000 students. Concrete ■thy, until they stimulate, gather up and HAROLD BUCKNER ■resent the views of those they constituency is examples of this growing involvement ron wahula The relevancy of could be. briefly, the establishment of a ■esent. ASMSU will continue to be dependent upon the ASMSU has to be tenet's rights committee and the already commitment of the lly criticized for its irrelevance. The present taken from the realm individual ASMSU board is not suggested expansion of a legal aid service. ■oposals that provide important services of accident to design. II students and programs representative to his serving its Regaining the vote for such student designed to One important area groups as Panhellenic. IFC, OCC, ICC. and EDITOR'S NOTE: The following oft job and the effort he Ject the social inequalities between any is willing to make. I i •er constituency to the for this is taxes and RHA would more greatly insure - campus slate is comprised of Jodie lips of students should be the concerns will best of its abilities. the budget. After a representation of concerned attempt to There is not enough minority Knofsky, Wayne Simmons, and Dwight j ASMSU's strongest efforts and lenditures of funds. Legal aid is one notify every resident of the actions taken W ^ { regard for what the students want in the year on the board I believe that if initially opinion 3. This on the ASMSU'board. real effort of concern is the Fw program. The rightly rejected funded and properly at each meeting responsibility of a body such as ASMSU, lipensation of representatives is not. way of representation administrated, most but, unfortunately, has not evolved to such through newsletters and personal and services. One way cabinet departments discussions. proportions — yet. larry stempel to achieve this is to go could become self - supporting, such as 2. In discussing a legal aid program the Pop directly to the students via informal talk Entertainment, travel, the loan fund, etc. Jtudents have decision must be made to hire one lawyer sessions with them in order to get a better Indeed, a comprehansive legal aid plan could pplained for years in particular on a full • time basis or to hire feel for what they want and need. be set up using this method without a tax ASMSU does a firm of lawyers. I feel it is more practical I feel that students should have a say in the increase. [ represent them, to hire a firm due to the advantages of appropriation of their money. I would like Of the many areas the board must become Slates i ASMSU board specialization. to see more individuals reached by ASMSU involved in next year, an outstanding one is ■mber this past 3. I would like to see the board pursue activities and by the organizations which it dealing with the board of trustees. We must e of my programs that would benefit the majority supports. Large amounts of money should deal as the very political group they are, EDITOR'S NOTE: The following off J test frustrations of students and attempt to draw the entire not be appropriated to help just a handful of who, for all their power and "duty to the slate is comprised of J been the refusal campus - campus closer together. The board should people. it board taxpayers," are still bound by law and the Margaret Mead, Rick Kibbey, Joe look into the avenues opening if the age of The board is on the verge of breakdown constitution to give us our rights as citizens. fibers to represent maturity is changed by the Michigan Kelley Robert Rosenthal and Barbara , SIMMONS NEWELL unless students are convinced that it can be There are many policies of the University People that Legislature and how this would 'change the Gray. The answers were written by beneficial to their lives here at MSU. If such as housing and admissions which are ASMSU has been Jted1 them. have During this past year, 1 feel requirements for on - campus living. 1 would also like to the board form ASMSU can prove itself by properly probably illegal and should be challenged. In one of the members of the slate. accused of being successfully communicated see a representing the student community, it fact the three major concerns for the next i my constituents, through house and irrelevent and not student employe bureau that would not could mean a new type of student I board should be the trustee dealings, student serving the students. BR meetings, weekly office hours, and only standardize on - campus employment, government that would do constructive 6t important, by personal contact. but would also aid students in housing (on and off campus) and general Un f o r tunately finding things for the students in the academic and economics. , Bn often heard student turnout at complaint is that off-campus jobs. housing aspects of university life. ■ents are not campus elections getting their money's ■th from ASMSU. this though it is nearly rufusrhea Off-Ca mpus M supports statement. Board possible ■ providein a community of this diversity West Circle K-d members are programs that will benefit Criticism is always Tyone, I do feel that ASMSU has a MIKE McGRAW STEVE CROCKER confused as to whom justified if an ■"risibility to provide services for a individual or a group D i s t r i c t 1. I think most they represent. It is important for the |ader mm I Past.range of students than they have in This has been is serving only his representatives are criticisms students to learn, one of my main vested interests and i responsible for ASMSU's irrelevance through newsletter Jtentionstopduring the past year, and will a'n a ignoring the needs of 1 polling the feelings of stem from bad similar device, who or KNOFSKY priority of mine if re-elected, the constitutents their area communication legal aid program, the board members are and how to reach which I am involved. ASMSU is a frequently (vote, between ASMSU and them. We would support and push for such fe. y helping to develop, is definitely a relevant government questionnaire, poll) the student body. The ROSENTHAL MEAL "i the an increase in communication. Once the right direction. agency, for it is concerning campus, board should take I don't like meetings. 1 think they are desires of the student body are known, steps structured to local and national more initiative in necessary and 1 go to them but that doesn't can be taken to serve the [Hubba rd-Holmes represent people, and. anything that I issues. They must solicit peoples' ideas letting students know what it's doing and mean 1 have to like them. I go to to find out what other people are doing. I meetings relavent manner. This increased empathy would facilitate a planned expenditure of constituency in a brian jordon jukdon represents people is I— — and keep information finding out what they want. think the whole notion of meetings being student "tax dollars." Programs supported ■ his is a crucial time relevant. However, I ask, "Why isn't posted concerning I 2. I favor a constitutional amendment places for action, on the relevance of issues, district positions and board stands. by ASMSU funds (legal aid. interest groups, r ASMSU a more instrumental political letting students vote on special taxes to ASMSU or being representative are bogus. ■ student In concurrence with the duty of this committees, etc.) are worthy only if the machine for those it represents - otherwise ISI support specific projects. If major programs There's no way 16 people, even 16 people lament MMSU and the at MSU. the Board of Trustees' dormitory policies University to act .as an organizing center were financed this way, ASMSU's who get along well, much less ASMSU, can majority of the students are in favor of or will receive benefits from the expenditures. would not be forced on us now?" for the improvement of society - person - discretionary budget would be mainly used know what's going on or what to do about ■^ntsnt here have an I would support a legal aid program, in nature relationships, ASMSU must involve for low - budget programs, emergency it. The way I've worked in the past, and It is the responsibility of the board to regulate the spending of student monies and ipSl ■ opportunity itself directly with social change, 1 gfasp some reai spite of the fact that it may be of marginal allocations and internal operating expenses. hope to work in the future, is to work with keep the "taxpayers" informed. We feel er in value to some students, for many services supporting, finding and originating student I'd generally favor financing any activity people already doing something. respect to actions directed that, with increased communication only needed by students in an toward such change. . Planning of are having significant student support — legal People know what they need and are ASMSU can serve the "student consumer ASMSU should promote book and food - J'fulum arid the emergency situation. When the emergency aid, an effective course evaluation program, willing to work for it, and governments, taxpayer" better and that student occurs the service should be available. cooperatives, free university courses, community services like the Listening Ear, being institutions, are inherently show to government can be integral part of EC1 r,,in8 % I see the student board going through a 'bureaucratic house cleaning' consolidating population control and conservation efforts, alternative newspapers, the antiwar the rebuilding of the "1225" railroad engine and most of the other activities supported catch on. The best that can be hoped for is that a government is open, to offer its University life. an I* fhat thiS chflnce not lost. more expedient services peace movement and minority - agencies for previously. substantial resources to helping people get recruitment efforts. Pde for ourc fr US t0 raise our volces and rendered to students. 3. Students are becoming increasingly done what they want to work. I whoshouS' WP Want t0 'earn Also, a critical review should be made of ASMSU will work to acquire for students concerned about the academic and ASMSU should be working with, not |e togefher ?n fhi l° US" ASMSU needs the Academic Freedom Report, The Student Handbook, and the extent of a greater control of University facilities (bookstore, health services, printing economic aspects of the University. ASMSU needs to make the same commitment to against or in ignorance of, various groups on campus and in the community who are pow£r of ASMSU so that there will not be machines, supples, budget allocations and positive change in these areas as it has working for necessary changes. This is the |''»««,aihn'lrnytb,uw"1 academic policy (grading and exam a repeat of some of the trustees' actions previously made to liberalizing student kind of "leadership role" ASMSU should that occurred this year. requirements). social regulations. take in the future. Fnday-April 9, | J Customs Trial seen as of brides NEW YORK (AP) - Several dignity and it was at stake in the upholding explained! the concept of Jr. for killing 22 civilians at My Protestant and Catholic, agreed noted theologians say the Calley case," says Rabbi Dr. individual responsibility. "The Lai. provided a "great service to in interviews that the premise of widescale reactions against the Abraham Heschel of New York's moment you deny a person's America" in maintaining that personal accountability was Calley verdict reflect a Jewish Theological Seminary of responsibility for action and his principle, even though the basic to the religious view of sharpening public insight into America, one of the country's freedom to act or disobey, you "primary blame" rests with man's individual significance, no the collective processes of evil leading Jewish thinkers. destroy the dignity of man." those responsible for the war. matter how overwhelming be and a painful recognition of He says the outcome was a But the military court, in Dr. Heschel says, any system, its corrupting thing of the shower takes the past and Jl' p|aJ J*| general involvement in it. "triumph for America" in convicting Lt. William L. Calley Other theologians, both influences or military orders. h "What people are saying is that the case doesn't get at the real ">'V l" '» "WhiT Which *"d«y'»hrtjfHI means that .l haven't changed as mn,h ®M devil in this thing," says the Rev. DEFENSE DISCUSSED may think, for it wasjusu? Richard A. McCormick of situation that Chicago, president of the inspired thS Catholic Theological Society of wedding shower." p.rin«l Harrisburg outlined ne*2| Hopkins, author of a America. •- ,,, / V case on this modern "They're bringing out an prenuptial custom. ™! underlying sense of national Miss Hopkins says guilt." legendh.. that years and years The scholars say this indicates The record of integrity and the October, will be a factor on the ago a Ik nonviolent civil disobedience system in Washington, D.C. the "just war." St. Thomas girl was in love with a heightened awareness of the government's side. Aquinas, intbe 13th century, said proverbial poor young m,„ social dimensions of moral of the Harrisburg Six will be buildings, and to kidnap Harrisburg is a "Bible belt President Adviser revolutions against tyrants could failings, even if only factors in their defense, Eqbal district where long hairs are less Kissinger. Henry be justified. Still, the state was KXlAl Qf*f»0«T UNITY PROGRAMS poor because of his others. Because of his generosij subconsciously, but they state it Ahmad of the six indicted told a hated than Catholics," he said at a lack the warring agent, and for many 312 a<>nn H Hannah Admin wealth, the also tends to obscure a basic group of students and faculty talk to raise money for their Blck) girPs fati The 'Six' includes Ahmad, a years the church was one of the CAU - 353 3922 considered him a religious corollary — the Wednesday night. defense fund at St. John's most conservative forces in poor niarrd Moslem, the Rev. Phillip prospect and he refused t0^ responsibility of each individual But, Ahmad countered, Student Center. society. the for his acts. Harrisburg, Pa., where the trial Berrigan, the Rev. Joseph couple a dowry. ! "This is the heart of human will be held in September or Ahmad said the aim of the group was to keep the war in Wenderoth, The Rev. Neil In 1967, 16 Roman Catholic Winning poster Sympathetic villagers decta Vietnam alive in the conscience McLaughlin, Anthony Scoblick, David Work, Lansing sophomore, designed the poster, to help the young couple J an ex priest, and Sister Elizabeth - bishops warned that revolution making the the do* of the American people. winning the contest sponsored by Equal Opportunity McAlister. Among the seven might be the only answer to some themselves. Each person FIRST ASSEMBLY EDGEWOOD UNITED Programs. The poster was designed to symbolize EOP's gave) "We believe that if obeying a co-conspirators are the Rev. social evils in some situations. bride a treasured possession OF GOD CHURCH law makes you a bad human, you Daniel Berrigan and Paul Mayer, a Ahmad is a specialist in politics fight against illegal discrimination and to convey to the his own. , 469 N. Hagadom should break that law," he said. former Benedictine monk. and international relations at the University community that EOP is for students, faculty and Miss Hopkins retells the leJ Adlai Stevenson Institute in staff. The poster will soon be appearing across campus. in her "The Bride's An Ecumenical Fellowship The Harrisburg Six were Historically, early Christians Chicago. State News photo by Doug Bauman Showers" (Grosset & Book J Easter Sunday—Worship Services indicted in January on a charge of were pacifist. St. Augustine, Dunli^ 9:30 and 11:00 conspiring to blow up the heating however, formed the theology of Sermon by Dr. Truman Rev. Richard W. Bishop. Pastor 9:45 A.M. COLLEGE CLASS 10:50 A.M. WORSHIP A. Morrison FROM NOON TO 3 P.M. Choir at Both Services 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC Campus Church Bus Service, 484-6640 484-2807 Morning and Evening Call 332-0606 332-8693 GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Good or EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY AT M.S.U. A lumni Memorial Chapel Area churches Friday services set will be 1 to 3 p.m. presenting Good Friday services today. They are open to the Jesus Christ You May A ttend AII Or Part Of The Service Sponsored by University Reformed Church public. University Luthern 504 Ann St., will present "The Church, Superstar' Seven Stations of the Cross" from offered local church First Church of the Brethren Walter Bucher, Pastor noon to 3 p.m. Participating in the worship service will be at congregations from Martin 3020 S. Washington Luther Chapel, Calvary Luthern Don't let me stop great self Worship 10:00 A.M. 3.00 Holy Communion Church, Grace Luthern Church, destruction your • today at Peoples Church, 200 W. Grand Kiver Ave. | Discussion Group 11:00 A.M. 9:30 Holy Communion & Sermon Central United Methodist UNIVERSITY Faith Luthern Church, and St. "We nursery available Across from the Capitol Die if you want to you misguided martyr are trying for enough output, sound • adult discussion program SEVENTH-DAY Paul Luthern Church. and transportation WORSHIP SERVICES I wash my hands of your demolition wise, to simulate an actual rock concert," Dave I 11:00Holy Communion & Sermon Ph. 351-3389 or 5:00 Holy Communion ADVENTIST CHURCH 9 45 and 11:15 a.m. The Lansing Area Council of Die if you want to you innocent puppet! Rice, technical director of the production, said 484-7589 Churches is sponsoring services These words, spoken Topic by Pontius Pilate, will Jesus Christ Superstar will also be presented as from noon to 3 p.m. at Peoples not be found in any Sabbath School 9:30* Bible. They are a portion of part of a one hour special on WMSB'i OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Howard A. Lyman Church, 200 W. Grand River Ave. the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar by Worship Service 11:00 Assignment. 10, The program, entitled Participating in the service will be Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. The 4684 Marsh Rd.*, Okenios - * K. G. Smith, 'Are There More Surprises A head?' congregations from St. John's album will be presented at 7:80 p.m. and 9 p.m. Contemporary Religious Worship, will be J pastor broadcast at 10 p.m., May 2. (2 mi. E. of Hagadorn, lA mi. S. of Gd. R. behind MEIJER'S) Student Center, Eastminster 149 Highland Ave. •Church School 9:45 to 11:45 Presbyterian Church, Edgewood An Crib Nursery United Church, University Independent Church With A Biblical Message Call 351-8994 if you 9:45 a.m. Church School — all ages 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship Services need transportation 485-9477 Baptist Church, and University Methodist Church. South Baptist Church, 1518 S. Pope attributes Washington Ave. will present a vile For service from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Transportation Call 349-2830 W.E. Robinson, Pastor or 349-2533 EAST LANSING E. Eugene Williams, IRINITY CHURCH 841 Timberlane Drive entitled "We Remember His Death." to priests' J East Lansing Minister [ All Saints Episcopal Church, ROME (AP) — Pope Paul VI defectors in a Holy Thursday 800 Abbott Road, will hold a LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES StanAssistant'^ ■« ■ Interdenominational Telephone: 351-8200 three - part service from noon to 3 assailed the defection of Roman Catholic priests "for vile earthly ritual commemorating Christ's last supper. The Pope washed University Class 9:45 a.m. motives" on Holy Thursday, and and kissed the feet of 12 poor, "One must distinguish c for Students and Faculty i for Students at "The Badge of Christianity" came close to comparing them old Italian men from a nursing from case, and 7.Q0 p.m. Martin Luther Chapel Sunrise Service 6:30 A.M. to Judas who betrayed Christ. home. This was a departure from understanding, pity, forgiver University Lutheran Churc Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & Peoples Church The Pope denounced the his previous Holy Thursday patience perhaps in waiting W Division & Ann Streets 444 Abbott Road prayer 7:00 p.m. the return, and always love."r 332-2559 332-0778 East Lansing said of the defecting priests. UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN CHECK OUR SPECIALS "But how can one fail on ttj CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE I nterdenominational occasion to weep from tl abandonment I WORSHIP HOURS 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River 200 W. Grand River RACK. Many Great deliberate some and the moral mediocr :15 am Matins Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m. at Michigan which thinks it natural » LP's af Low Prices! logical to break a f Matins 9:30 only ALWAYS OPEN SUNDAY SERVICE premeditated promise solemn) Nursery taken?" • Campus Minister, at "Among the personalities ol Minister, Kail Ruffner * 9:30 and 11:00 Gary Hawes the Last Supper we SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH 332-5193 332-3035 J DISC SHOP 323 E. Grand River forget "The Judas," he continue* presence of the traiW 1518 S. Washington Lansing Free Transport weighs on the heart of « Sunday 7 p.m. Rev. Wallace Robert: Open Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.n Master. Who cannot hut fH' Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. shiver in his heart at the gfl "Life's Road Is Rough " UNIVERSITY UNITED Phone: and terrible comment of What Common Experiences Do All Men Share? 351-5380 it were better for that man if* Is There an Answer To The Questions That Rock and Shock METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH SCHOOL had not been born." 9:45 A.M. 1120 South Harrison "I cannot think of this tr College Bible Class COLLEGIAN FELLOWSHIP Phone 351-7030 9:30i_U:00 EASTER SUNDAY Easter drama without associate in the fireside room. Crib through Adults it in my spirit as bishop •» Dr. Ted Ward, 8:30 p.m. MSU, Teacher Fireside Room Contata presented by the Chancel Choir COFFEE HOUft pastor to the abandonments "The Garden and the Cross" AFTER SERVICES the flight of so many brotlw Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor from the priesthood." Glenn R. Blossom, Youth Pastor by Alec Rowley "The Stone Is Gone! " HEY YOU AMONG THE T Hi! ^ First Church of AND GRASS FRliE i>US SERVICE Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 Morning and Evening Call 482-0754 for information. Church School 9:30 and 11:00 Christ, Scientist CYCLING GIVFS YOU A f'l OF MIND Buses on Campus irlton, Raleigh. Hoi.r Christian Reformed Church Take a friend and help ;i*r, Falcon, WH.-ont Jackson, Pogliaghi. and Student Center yourselves to cuisine from Touring and Racing P<'rh accessories. Complete rcpn' for all Racing and Tourinfl 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) 1000 lands. As much as you Visit our new Student Center — want all day Easter Sunday (1 to 8 p.m.) open daily 9 a.m. - 11 p.m. For information call , 372-6550 Lunch Wednesday 12:30 - 1:30 P.M. MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. THE PLAZA Rev. Hoksbergen Rev. Brink, preaching preaching (Former Jack Tar Hotel) "Life Is How You Punctuate" 125 W. Michigan for traiisportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 across from the Capitol Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April9. 1971 7 |ncome upswing for families cited Family incomes are on the rise, and have been for over a decade. In fact, an MSU economist reports, "median family income rose y nearly 75 per cent during the decade 1959-1969." f The really encouraging part of this news, rests with the income ncreases found among middle and low - income families according o David I. Verway, research associate in the bureau of business nd economic research. J The upward movement for these families ahs been even more fcroiuHinced than the average for all income levels. T for example, while 5.1 per cent of American families had Lcomes below the $1,000 mark in 1959, only 1.6 per cent were in ■his income bracket 10 years later. slacks for today's 1 Although half of America's families are still earning less than |l0,000 a year, more than 25 per cent are now in the $10,000 - |15,000 bracket. T Verway's findings are reported in the current issue of the man in uncrushable Michigan State Economic Record, a bi-monthly publicationof the |ISU Bureau of Business and Economic Research. I What the pronounced income rise among middle and low income fcmilies means is this: there has been what Verway calls "a modest - polyester knit Recline in the degree of inequality in income distribution" among It's a ijew era for fit, fashion and down (American families. earth comfort with Farah®Premier®knit - to - ¥ His article on "Shifting Income Distribution" traces the reasons slacks fcr this upswing. of 100% polyester. Such stamina! They walk, JHe finds that "high level demand" for labor has meant a larger run, bend, stoop ... they do whatever you do . lumber of income earners per family. In 1969, 54 per cent of . . and recover instantly. Completely machine Imilies had two or more wage earners. washable and dryable. Try a pair . . . straight J An increase has also occurred in the proportion of family heads legged or flare. Herringbone with angle pockets, |ho are fully employed. buckle front waistband. Navy/white. 32 - 42. ■ But the major contributing factor in rising incomes, explains the S22. Same style in subdued gold/black checks. ||SU economist, is "the narrowing earnings differential Irious occupational categories, and moderate a among 32 - 42. S20. Store for Men, main floor restructuring of Downtown and Meridian Mall.Farah®knit flares Inpayment away from the low - paying occupations toward those with wide belt loops and angle pockets, Igher on the wage ladder." ■ Verway explained that emphasis on formal education and subdued checks in gold, navy or black. 29 - 36. iaining in this country contributed to the shift to higher level skills, SI 8. Young Man's Shop, mezzanine ■nd this shift resulted in fewer workers with lower level skills. Downtown, Meridian Mall. ¥ The resulting supply and demand situation promoted above Ire rage wage rises for the lowest paid occupations. ■ The continuing problem still facing the society, Verway Includes, is "the inescapable Knapp's poverty on the part of some citizens ■ho get shunted aside in the process of economic growth." |"The solution for them," he contends, "is guaranteed annual fcome at some dignified minimum." Placement B sets job interv [The following employers will though they have not completed J interviewing April 19 - 23. their military service. Many ■ne and August graduates of all employers have indicated an fcgree levels are eligible to interest in interviewing the ■terview unless otherwise student before and after his duty plicated. with the Armed Forces. (students should sign up in the April 19: Amway Products, ■cement Bureau as soon as Inc.; CIBA - Geigy Chemical lssible and at least two school Corp.; Owens Illinois, Inc.; Jvs in advance of the interview April 20: Ann Arbor Public ■te. Schools; Consolidated Foods JAdditional information is Corp.; H.D. Lee Co.; ICI America, Mailable in the Placement Inc.; Leasco Response, Inc.; ■lletin posted each week at the Maple Valley Schools; New South Ticement Bureau and In most Wales, Australia; Production ■partmehts. Credit Assn.; Progressive Tjtudents are advised to Management, Inc.; Sault Saint Terview with employers even Marie Area Public Schools; State Mutual of America. April 21: Clevelend City '.S. Bullock, Schools; Equitable of Iowa; Godwin Heights Public Schools; Lever Brothers Co.; Lorain City hternational Schools; Oscoda Area Schools; Stamford Public Schools; Stanley Works; Ubly Community Schools; United States Air Force; |istorian, dies April 21: Grosse Pointe Public Schools; Jefferson Schools; State Ii11 man S. Bullock, an of Michigan; Ortho le(nationally known authority Pharmaceutical Corp.; Roseville I South American natural Board of Education; Saga Food •lory, died at his home near Service, Inc.; Wyandotte School District; [igol. Chile, on April 5. He was April 22: Groose lie Township 1902 graduate of MSU Schools; Westwood Community •llock spent Schools. most of his life in Wicultural work, natural history Organizations interviewing for ■dies and missionary work in summer employment; Wthern South America. April 20: Allpine Inn; Four - Way Lodge, Inc., For Girls; |le leumented had collected and Weinstein's Sun'n Sand Resort: information about Je plants and animals of central April 22: Camp Sequoia Pie. and had provided the MSU wseum with many biological |ecimens and much Bhaeological material. ■The founder of a museum at El s950 s25oc Pgel. Chile, Bullock was the Ppient of MSU's Distinguished ■unini Award in 1956. His Piuscripts. letters, and other University T.V. Rentals vunients will be preserved in | MSU Historical Collection. " EASTER SUNDAY IS APRIL 11 tcuke the TO THE ALBE I'OR EASTER * Featuring: baked hickory smoked ham. With Fruit Sauce KOAST BONED CORNISH GAME HEN * broiled lobster tail, * Drawn Butter roast prime rib oe beef, Au Jus *SPRING LAMB chops. With Apple Mint Jelly SERVING NOODI ALBERT PICK [jffg'&k I Corn* c M0T0R HOTEL IP—■'' p9inT Music for the show was written music, Korte said. region," Bob Little Gamut program sponsored by and performed by Dan Conners, This will be the guild's twenty - presented at the Meridian Mall, Marsh Road and E. Grand River director, said. ?! ' no> MSU's Broadcasters' Guild, will with one piece especially first show and eight more are Sales be aired Saturday on Channel 10, Ave., from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. representatives will.. WMSB. composed for the broadcast. planned for this spring. Monday. April 12 through be available from 6 lo 9 "Boob Tube" gives a powerful Syndication of some of the better Saturday, April 17 and noon to "We are the reality, you are the programs is being investigated, 5 p.m. Sunday, April 18. reality to television, Korte said. illusion," is the claim made by the half - hour program on the "I want to slap people in the Jim Riggs, executive producer, said. The show is open to the Concert face with the fact that television public, and will feature more implications of television and Gamut will present "Gamut than 50 foreign sports cars and videotape. The reality refers to is more powerful than they television with a glass screen think," he said. Looks at COGS" April 17 and "Big Band Jazz" featuring the sedans. to aid center The show's overlapping scenes Sponsored by the MSU Sports separating it from the audience, utilize both half MSU Jazz Ensemble April 24. ■ inch and one - Car Club in cooperation with the A benefit concert featu' which is the illusion. Meridian Mall Merchants Assn., Mission and inch videotape. The use of half - Siddhartha win the show will include Chrysler's held at 8 p.m. David Korte is the producer, director and cameraman of the inch tape enabled Korte to use less expensive and more portable Britain spending new subcompact. Cricket, and a Union Ballroom to raise Saturday jn ■ funds show. He uses film, live music, equipment. The added movement collection of 17 privately the People's • Learning Centw sketches, photos and the creative of the camera allows thecamerato more for health owned sports, grand touring and Lansing. racing cars. The center is a non - Proli "This exhibition, aside from organization worktop with J TICKETS ON SALE NOW LONDON (AP) - Official being the largest collection of school drop - outs in the La J for statistics show that British Illusion vs. reality sports and foreign imported cars area. . 0 government expenditures national health services rose for 49 ever assembled under one roof in central Michigan, will afford the and Tickets for the concert are available at Sounds aita TED HOLLIS per cent between 1951 and MSU's Broadcasters' Guild will be sponsoring a look at the reality of television entitled "The show visitor an excellent Diversions in Free Maiden Voyage and at Spirit tk Boob Tube is You" to be shown on Channel 10, WMSB. opportunity to acquaint the'do# STo? THE WoRJS subpoenaed for Pentagon IWNTToGEToFf atytr-ftljlt Xmot with JULIANNA BOEHNLEIN "What Kind of Fool Am I?' ~«, Book, Music & Lyrics by LESLIE BRICUSSE CBS NEW YORK (AP) — The "The Selling of the Pentagon." the latter material not appearing between the federal government outtakes and other materials and ANTHONY NEWLEY special subcommittee Columbia Broadcasting System and the press in this nation in connection with preparing CBS President Frank Stanton investigation of the House on the broadcast "raises an ... 0:00, was served Thursday with a "We will respectfully decline to broadcasts, but not ar replied with a statement that CBS Interstate and Foreign Commerce unprecedented issue in the subpoena by a House committee would furnish to the committee Committee, headed by Rep. history L! of " 1U~the relationship u,~ furnish to the committee the broadcast," Stanton said. Tickets at UNION, MARSHALL'S, for various materials in only "the material actually Harley O. Staggers,D-W. Va. STATE DISCOUNT & LUMS S2.00 connection with the program - broadcast." He said he would not The committee asked for the ONE OF THE FUNNIEST FILMS IN YEARS! turn over material not broadcast, The subpoena was served by the film and written transcript of the documentary and the broadcast at a second showing March 23 of MSU volunteers comments on the program by Vice President Spiro Agnew, CBS SO50 ' per month sir00 I ver LJ term News President Richard Salant and others. It also asked for "all film, in consumers' I workprints, outtakes, sound tape MSU volunteers were featured complaints, preparing reports, expand the type and quality recordings, written scripts" and in the March newsletter of the monitoring debates and voting in our services." University T.V. Rentals other material used by CBS in Michigan Consumers Council, the Michigan legislature and The volunteers met i preparing the broadcast, whether Student volunteers are developing special research with Colstan E. Wati^ actually aired or not. working with the council projects. This is the first such Consumers Union presi" Stanton said the demand for investigating consumer program to be offered for who is often called the "Fat students. of the American "I can't say enough in movement." appreciation of the work these The Consumers Union is enthusiastic young people have publisher of the mag-': been doing for Michigan "Consumer Reports" v consumers," Dianne McKaig, conducts tests and executive director of the consumer products, Michigan Consumers Coundl, i Warne said he was glad tot said. "Because of their help, we young people becoming invoW have been able to increase and in the movement. SubVilla A Mel Brooks Film DELIVERS* "TheTwelve Chairs" FRANK LANGELLA DOM DeLUISE mit brooks., ^ ■ RON MOODY '"mel BROoi's""sioneVglTzier michael"hertzberg Call 351-4731 OF 33 7-7 740 Beat Film Group Presents Tonight CINE EASTER PROGRAM Let us watch the good Christians at play. NOMINATED FOR BANNED FOR YEARS IN GERMANY! ACADEMY "Erwin Leiser's Mein Kampf is probably the best general approach to the problem of Nazi Germany with an able historical view that is not overbearingly dramatic ... No other documentary has included this kind of footage, the AWARDS dull reality of wartime brutality." Leonard Rubenstein, Film Society Review EVERY FOOT OF FILM AUTHENTIC FROM SECRET NAZI ARCHIVES! BEST PICTURE Scenes never before shown on BEST DIRECTOR the American Screen BEST ACTRESS BEST ACTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR The In Color G&EAT !UC£ BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY BEST MUSICAL SCORE Complete & [jack lewun/m Uncut CusUiA- paramount pictures PRfSENIS AliMacGraw- Ryan O'Neal plus PiataLe It/oad Tonight Only! A HOWARD G MINSKY ARTHUR HILLER Production John Marlev & Way Milland ERICH SEGAL ARTHUR HIlLf R HOWARD G MINSKY DAVID GOLDEN FRANCIS LAI in color * paramount mm MEIN KAMPF I.'IIMIU.-Ull'lil BUCK ROGERS Room 108B Wells Narrated by CLAUDE STEPHENSON • Wrillen and Fdiled by ERWIN IEISER • Produced by TORE SJ06ERG I v tr*n ■ n ICHIGAN ia Shown at 6:25 Open 1:00 P.M. — Complete < MINERVA INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION -HCOIUMBU PICltKfS RtlEASf CHAPTER 3 8th shows 1:25 - 3:25 - 5:25 - 7:25- ^ and 9:30 Theatre • Lansinq 9:30. - Sunday 1:10-3:10- SHOWN AT 6:20 ONLY! WEEK! 5:15 - 7:05 - 9:05 P.M. Also bits and pieces of 7 and 9:15 75c No ID's "TARZAN THE 106 B WELLS Jk, FEARLESS" 75c Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 9, 1971 9 By 'Chairs-instant and lingering pleasure ROBERT KIPPER What could have been a simple are constantly being divided up furniture museum to national task, to Siberia, Yalta and News Reviewer a mere journey to the old and transported in all directions, a lofty But it is his exasperated moments. Suddenly the wild State estate to find which chair of the archives, from a shipboard acting hilltop for the frantic priest. Langella. who mistreated It is up to the ingenuity and reactions to disappointment, his comic edges soften with the Carrie Snodgress in "Dairy of a twelve chair set contains the company to a traveling circus, In time, eleven chairs have ■Mel Brooks, Dom Deluise, Ron luck of the three men to follow from the backroads of Russia to giant moans and pitiful sight of a forlorn Vorobyaninov Mad Housewife," plays Ostap in been found and loody and Frank Langella have jewels, becomes a hopelessly the chairs in all their directions, the Moscow bound railways, searched dejections, that make his reduced to a beggar and with the unruffled style, - without success. With the priest fcoled their talents and created complicated venture. The chairs Their pursuit takes them from with setbacks for all and detours character a wholly engaging one. concluding compromise he stranded the The Twelve Chairs," a should • hilltop, on His moment of prayer before makes to retain Ostap. seen, will - be - remembered Vorobyaninov and Ostap fortune hunting — "Oh thou •medy set in 1927 Russia. converge on the spot where the who knowest all (pause . . . twelfth chair sets. Still, the task ■Tin' film is based on a Soviet sigh); you know it all" — his is Tvel by Ilf and Petrov but has a not easy. Further cornered groping for an Jodem flair that makes one complications and a nifty plot explanation of his actions — (sped much improvisation and twist await them. "C'mon brain" — and his plea to Tvorking was involved. It is a "The Twelve Chairs" is one of the fastest and funniest films be rescued from a hilltop — "I've Jork with instant and lingering around. The simulated Russian been your priest for twenty - ■easuri's with wild imagination five years; for Christ's sake, help locales add immeasurably to the Id hilarious moments to fun. The acting by all involved me down," are precious (predate instantly and warm, and the writing by Brooks are moments. (nder moments to savor sources of constant Moody, who immortalized Aerward. joy. Fagin in "Oliver," makes ■The dying revelation of a one - DeLuise, in particular, is Vorobyaninov a sympathetic as lie Russian aristocrat, that she fantastic as the priest. The man well as comic figure. The glint in Ks sewn a fortune in jewels in incites snickers on appearance alone with his puffy cheeks, his eyes, the flinty mannerisms Be seat of a chair in her old and the jerky movements of his Itate, sets off a two man multiple chins and wide grin spindly body are Fagin - like ■ramble for the jewels that beaming from priest's habit, effects used again. Econies a threesome shortly peasant's babushka garb and even a And when the comic face (ereafter. woman. ■ clad disguise as a fades into a sad one, "The ■involved are: Father Fyodor, a Twelve Chairs" finds its tender ■ussian priest who learns of the Id woman's jewels through her buI confession and quickly Krsakes his priest's habit, beard Ad scruples to begin finding lem; Vorobyaninov, the old ■oman's greedy son - in - law ■ho has already squandered mray half of her fortune; and 10:30 a.m. (AM): THE 7 p.m. (FM): LISTENER'S ■st'ap Bender, a handsome W- EISENHOWER YEARS: "The CHOICE: Classics by request by (rtune hunter who learns of the White House Years — The phoning 355 - 6540. ■wels from Vorobyaninov. Second Term." SUNDAY ■ The Teompanied opening credits by the song "Hope are Wet and wild 1 THEATRE: p.m. (FM): MUSIC 2 p.m. (AM - FM): "Little Mary CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: the Best (Expect the Sunshine." Meridian Mall's waterbed display affords thi- unidentified "Symphony No. 8" by Haydn; Buist)." The message carries shopper a chance to put her feet up. 1 p.m. (AM): LECTURE - "Music for Prague, 1968," by liroughout the picture. State News photo by Tom Gaunt DISCUSSION: "Vietnamization, Husa; "Overture and»Arias" by Part I." Rossini. Louis Lane, conductor, THE SOUND OF LAUGHTER SATURDAY Marilyn Home, soprano. Bob Hope. Daniiv Kavr, Binf: Crosbv. Milton Bcrlc IOVIES TONIGHT ONLY 1 p.m. DECISIONS: (AM): GREAT 4 p.m. (AM - FM): FROM "Communist THE MIDWAY: "Updating the Fri. 7:00, 9:00 Sit. 8:15. 10:15 $1.00 ID's \ot Required China and the U.S.; Can We Live Congress: Present Structures and At the Catholic Student Center on MAC in Peace? Needed Reforms." 1:30 (AM): URBAN Weekend p.m. short CONFRONTATION: "Newspapers, TV, Radio: Can They Be Trusted?" 2 p.m. ( F M ) : NOW! COMPACT REFRIGERATOR EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN SHOWING! NOW! NOW! ■With most students homeward METROPOLITAN OPERA, EXTRA CARTOON and 9 p.m. RENTALS - PLUS SHORT! Friday in Wilson. Hearts. Shows with "Icabod and p.m., 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. LIVE FROM NEW YORK: - T)und this weekend, things Mr. Toad." "Alice" shows at 7 351-5652 ftould be pretty quiet on THE GREAT RACE - Blake Saturday; 2:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. "Tales of Hoffmann" Edwards' spectacular comedy and 9:30 p.m.; "Icabod" at 8:30 Sunday. Impus. and 10:45 p.m., Friday in 104 about a turn - of - the - century ■Films will be shown tonight Wells Hall. automobile race from New York C EMPLOYMENT C ply. OPPORTUNITIES to Paris. Jack Lemmon, Tony Movies MEIN KAMPF - a shocking CALI FORM IA ARIZONA HAWAII Curtis and Natalie Wood star. The |IN ■IGHT THE Norman - HEAT OF THE Jewison's pie fight, alone, is worth the price documentary about Hitler and the atrocities of the Third Reich. Professional / Trainee positions currently available in all fields. ■cedent film about of admission. At 6;45 ,and 9;30 Check ads for showtimes. For 1 month's subscription con a bigoted lainlni hundreds of current nuthern sheriff and a black p.m. Friday in 108 Wells Hall. Abrams Planetarium openings and complete job fcteetive from the North who Chapter three of the continuing THE NEW WORLD - An search information package in Buck Rogers serial will also be ■in together to solve a murder. original science fiction story, eluding sample resumes, salary shown. & cost of living comparisons, & 1 the process, mutual hostility written especially for area executive recruiters direct¬ ■rns to mutual respect. Rod ALICE IN WONDERLAND - presentation in the Planetarium ory, (satisfaction guaranteed) Alice trips out with the Mad Sky Theater. Intended for mature jeiger and Sidney Poitier star, send $9 to: ■inner of five Academy Awards Hatter, the smirking Cheshire cat audiences, "World" is shown at 8 JOBS IN THE SUN lcluding Best Film. Shows at 7 and the bellowing Queen of p.m. and 10 p.m. Friday; 2:30 Bo* 133. La Jolla, Calif. 92037 An RHA Presentation THE MIRISCH CORPORATION Pmnts Shown Twite At 7:51 and 11:15 METB0C0L0R ^ SIDNEY POITIER ROD SIEGER PLUS —2no THRILL FEA TURl mTHE NORMAN JEWISON WALTER MIRISCH PRODUCTION V y ZSupmRGo « "limffOTOF , Alice in Wonderland AND THE FACELESS GIANTS /'if 7:00 & 9:30 IK NIGHT" Shown Twice COLOR IjMjui ^unitedartists M ' Friday At 9:45 and 12:30 SPECIAL HORROR SHOW SAT. NITE! $1.00 Children 50c Tonite in Wilson . PROGRAM INFORMATION 372 243- MIDNIGHT MADNESS 7,9 AT THE N0RTHSIPE! $1.00 admission I.D.'s required with WVIC's Vahn Ryan in AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL ot Henry & Henrietta BOX OFFICE OPENS AT [the love couple" MIDNIGHT - Admission *1.00| of the seventies... and the laugh riot VINCENT PRICE of the year- CHRISTOPHER LEE PETER CUSHING niter Matthau COLOR „ «l | Elaine Nay "A New Leaf" x. -"LOVERS AND OTHER STRANGERS" "SPECIAL PROGRAM POLICY" Jack Weston®^ Due to the Special arrangements for the Mid-Nite Madness I foorgeRose James Coco and Shown al 7:.10 and Lat Program the box office will close at 11:00 tonight, and you I may come as late as 9:00 and still see War Between The | >■ William RedfMd ?%%%&£ plus PLUS * * ~~ Planets and Superargo. Following this at 12:00 Mid-Nitc, the theatre will be emptied and the box office will for Mid-Nite Madness Program, Admission $1.00 reopen I UTTU THEY SHOOT ACADEMY AWARD our per l||jH ROD 0IO HftlSV iM.ruumw too* ftT WihUMfj HORSES, DON'T THEY? WINNER BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR GIG YOUNG person. SPECIAL NOTE: There evening you may see either Mid-Nite, Adm. $1.75 . are . two separate programs one or both. Program No. 1 War Between The Planets and Superargo, 6:30 to 12:00 Program No. 2 - Mid-Nite this I I | Madness from 12:00 Mid-Nite on. Adm. $1.00 per person. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Aprj|9 Backers deny may By ROBERT ROACH radicali ze With passage of the ratification city politics toward social legislation, peace — While state residency and State News Staff Writer measure Wednesday by the state the whole issues of poverty, registration will have to be Senate, Michigan became the repression and racism." reconsidered after the 15th state to ratify the Dively said the election of self - amendment is enacted, Dively Radical politicization of amendment. As a cosponsor of styled political radicals, such as said he hopes there will be a Michigan University college the ratification resolution, Dively recently took place in Berkeley, differentiation for graduate towns should not necessarily helped pass the measure in the Calif., would probably not occur students who are raising families follow enactment of a proposed House two weeks ago. in Michigan college towns in the U.S. Constitutional amendment community and thus have a Another House cosponsor, because of the character of the stake in its affairs. enabling 18 • year - olds to vote in Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D - state's young people. local elections, one of the move's Dively urged that most Detroit, Thursday hailed the "I don't foresee anything Ike students, however, should vote in chief backers in the Michigan Senate passage as another step that happening here," he said "I their home communities because Legislature said Thursday. toward "a new political era in the feel that the vast majority of our they are little affected by local Rep. Michael A. Dively, R - lives of the young people of our young people are responsible and politics and are isolated from the Traverse City, said he anticipates some problems after the required state." concerned about government, off -campuscommunity. Halls Vaughn said he sees the real but I don't think that they're all "Most students," he said, 38 states ratify the amendment, implications of the amendment radicals." "should have more interest in and Anything can create a striking visual effect if seen from the Erickson Hall, but most students should vote in ratification as a shift in political If the amendment is enacted, be more aware of the problems in State News photo by their home communities. right angle, even the traditional ivy growing on the side of Doug Bauman power and "a change in attitude Dively said that ensuing their home communities." registration problems could have serious implications for college VETAVISIT1971 tuition scales. "TRAINING PROFESSION" Students who residents and to were enrolled Michigan schools as out - of - state later allowed register to vote in Michigan could conceivably qualify for in - state tuition, he said. in Prof taps water problems!! It takes 110 gallons of water Water," a course he is teaching that fresh water is locked up in world's cities under water." "You look "It is not inconceivable that a to produce breakfast egg. for the first time this term and can at Kgypt WJ one the polar ice caps." Desalinization — processing heavy irrigation in rm court could construe the fact that SATURDAY, APRI an out - state student was During the biological processes the subject of a forthcoming that result in one quart of milk, book. Since groundwater supplies all over the world have been taxed salt water into fresh water — sounds good in theory and might has resulted in widosprtl permitted to vote in Michigan as 1,200 gallons of water are used. Borgstrom, internationally be the answer for meeting the schistosomiasis," he said. t9 almost to their limits, Borgstrom debilitating and sometimes [J 9:00 A.M.—5:00 grounds for paying resident The food requirement to feed known geographer and food believes that man will have to water needs of coastal cities, but blood disease is carried by J tuition rates," Dively explained. the average American for one scientist, contends that lack of is impractical for large scale rely on the hydrological cycle introduced into previously h Such a court ruling would have day represents almost 3,000 water will be the most limiting MS IJ VET legal priority over any gallons of water. factor in trying to feed an and get along on a fairly agricultural needs. areas of the Nile Valley M administrative ruling by a These are a few of the expanding population. constant water supply. He disagrees with optimists Borgstrom said the most irrigation waters. 1 obvious problems of using 0PE1S H university that students can't statistics cited by Georg And man can do very little to who say the ice caps and oceans desalinized water for agriculture Borgstrom said tJ change residency status while Borgstrom, professor of food stretch the water supply to meet can yield the additional water are "how do you get it from the hydrological cycle tan suppJ ADMISSION enrolled, he added. science, in "The Geography of the increasing demands being necessary to make the deserts ocean to the farm," and "what only about 50 million raJ put upon it, he said. bloom. do you do with the salt." people in the United StatJ "Those of us living in climates Discounting as "nonsense" Pumping the water to the After that it will require sonJ with ample water supplies tend BRAMS recent proposals to tow icebergs hinterlands, he said would heroic, and largely limponnl th* nen to overlook the importance of south of fresh water, as a source require an enormous amount of effort like tapping the Graf K this resource," he observed. "We PHONE 349-2700 Borgstrom warns that "large energy that we don't have now Lakes or the Yukon u seldom realize that only three scale melting of polar ice would, and probably won't have in the Mackenzie rivers to meet tli percent of the world's water is ff JACK NICHOLSON for one thing, put many of the foreseeable future. country's water needs. 0 PLANETARIUM viprw? f ir nvr.rjisupieces Friday: 5:45. 7:45, 9:45 fresh, and that 97 per cent of T.V. RENTALS « Saturday: 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45, 9:45 ~ ' -Ite Hour, Adults 90c 5:15 - 5:45 Barbra Streisand The Owl and the SUNDAY, MAY 2, 8 P.M A 16 - YEAR OLD girl from - front of an apartment at 3:40 vehicle, told police he left tij \ Friday: 6:00, 8:00, 9:55 CIVIC CENTER University Village was treated p.m. Wednesday. motorcycle in the ramp on De J Saturday: 2:15, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, 9:55 and released Wednesday from Police said the girl apparently 10, 1971, and could not find| / Fri. Twl-Llte Hour, Adults 90c, 5:30-6:00 WVIC PRESENTS suffered Sparrow Hospital after an area from an overdose of Wednesday. resident noticed the girl lying drugs and was releastd from the Meet Henry & Henrietta... unconscious the sidewalk in AN EMPLOYE at CeniJ on hospital about 7:30 p.m. No tV\p> lannhn™ lannh nm AH°WARO H. W.KOCH- ^ further information was Services Building east of Spam of the 76^3 S-RD ELK,NS PR0DUCTI0N available on the incident. Stadium, told officers a brcil : ZUBRA leather mail pouch estimated value of $40 * with i] A MOTORCYCLE valued at : & $200 was reported missing stolen sometime between April and Monday from an unlock! ; dancing Wednesday from the northeast corner of the first level Parking MSU mail truck parked intlf southwest bays at CentJ "ANewLwf" ; 6 nights a week Ramp 1 across from Shaw Hall. Matthew Neithercut, Flint Services. Police said no mail wasinti | TEMPERED^YNTHFSIZErI''' : freshman each month. May 1 3, 8:00 p.m. 1 I r=i gg Color by MOVIELAB Meridian 4 Friday: 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 Saturday: 1:00. 3:00. 5:00 7-01 Frl. Twl-Llte Hour, Adults 90c, < OPEN BOWLING and owner of the pouch the time of the theft. J I f\ IM \ V/ f\ Friday: 6:00, 8: L'l Saturday: 2:00, Twl-Llte HeHour. Adults 90c, 5:30-6:00 : Sat. nights : at Daily at: 7:30 - 9:20 Saturday at: 2:00-3:50-5:40-7:30-9:20 MSU TICKETS ON SALE NOW : I0E JOSEPH'S Sunday at: 3:50-5:40-7:30-9:20 LOST MARINER, E. LANS J PRO BOWL 915 S.&fosHltf&TortlAYC, Lecture-Concert or both WURZBURG stores # N. Logan at Gr. River JLMSKfc.dOlCtfl&Wf *8133 | HURRY FOR CHOICE SEATS! » 372-7502 Series 3ELEPH0M£(SI?) 37Z-6Z0 HURRY! ENDS SOON presents: Box Office Opens 12:45 (Opening 4 SHOWS DAILY Qsboon Today & Sat. at 1:15-4:00-7:00-9:30 "one of the tear's 10 best!" PROGRAM INFORMATION W W OPEN AT 7:001 But they "stringent and powerful!" ELECTRIC | BURT forgot idith Crist. NBC Today Sh vToral, self associates limited presents puybuch with the ' "dustin hoffman is a marvel! Aliie at nerj meat aal fall of da&liag sirprises!" l&Sil jacques AND ... ON THE SAME PROGRAM Loussier Battle. "Etio SPECIAL DUSTIN HOFFMAN "LITTLE BIG MAN" ofRntain A Harry Saltzman Production Wed., April 14 8:15 p.m. Panavision® Technicolor® (GP) color BvTechnicolor* himto in Panavision" UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM CHIEF DAN GEORGE * FAYE DUNAWAY Tickets at Union Ticket Office Added! Sports Novelty & Fun Cartoon Shown At 9:50 Only Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, A,',ril 9. |Q7I H kfrican students U' receives Kellogg grant iam teach class BO meet the fcjcan students are growing demand for information on Africa, two teachers as well as students at MSU. lohn Dovi Afesia of Hohoe, Ghana, and Besa Kotati of [bumbashi, Congo Kinshasa, help coordinate and team teach . than 500 students a term in an introductory course on to help economics, involved in the rual rural leaders in decisions involving the Cooperative Extension Servict communities program, sees the management of community field staff to help them better e course is offered through the African Studies Center and is program bringing about greater public services. serve Jt part of the center's thrust to improve education on Africa. community leaders in The W.K. Kellogg Foundation University involvement in The program will help these public affairs. ■'In the past," Afesia said, "United States teaching about Africa has awarded a $634,000 studying, interpreting and local governments establish grant to Is been very inadequate at the undergraduate level. Most of the MSU to aid rural communities organizing the flood of priorities concerning education, The leader training program is |>rk lias been done at the graduate level through individual and their public officials in information pertaining to transportation and expected to be an intensive on learch problems. management decisions. management decisions faced by healthservices, G.E. Rossmiller, campus program for selected J"In terms of a general introduction," Afesia said, "the The funds will be used to local officials. asst. professor of agricultural members of the field staff. 1,.disciplinary course on Africa plays a vital, significant role in develop Cooperative Extension "In the process, we will provide economics, said. Hathaway said. Iposing the American student to African affairs, Service programs in the areas of some kinds of training in County officials having to cope frlie course which has continued high enrollment, is designed to rural development and management of public affairs and with budget problems and how to The county agents will be public I the interests of everyone without specializing in any particular affairs, accoridng to Dale E. services," Howe explained. allocate the trained in public affairs revenue effectively tu, he said. Hathaway, chairman of the Dept. Several MSU departments and was an example given by management systems, T'i'he approach taken in the fall term course was to look at of Agricultural Economics. colleges will become involved In Rossmiller illustrating some of government finance and fcse factors — geography, history, political science, economics, Hathaway will administer the the over - all public affairs and the services the program administration. This leadership might ijiropology and education - that influence the social grant, which will allow expansion rural development program. The provide. program builds on an extension fciromnent in Africa," Kotati said. in an area the cooperative Colleges of Human Ecology, Surveys of resources and their program established under a J'Winler term, the course was devoted to the subject of arts and Extension Service is already Education, and Medicine, and the quantities will also be conducted Kellogg leadership grant. ■inanities in Africa. Gems Ngugi discusses his book, 'A Grain of working in. Insitute of Community to help establish a functional Another community and the influences on the African writer, and there were "We have organized several Development may be included in budgeting program for the rural leadership program sponsored by the |o demonstrations of African music and dance," he said, programs to improve rural the program. communities to work with. extension, "New Horizons," has the course, coordinated by a team including one faculty communities' ability to manage One part of the MSU program Another portion of the grant also built upon a tmb;r and three graduate assistants, explores the arts and resources," he said. "We won't be calls for the experimental money will help fund the special program that ■inanities of Africa - their meaning and relevance to the West. placement of a specialist in public was originally funded by the telling local officials how to run training program for the Kellogg Foundation. their governments, but rather we affairs in a county or region to |\fesia and Kotati are part of this team. They share in all the Ipisions of course content, materials, examinations, and will provide pipelines of provide educational service and -j takers, Victor Low, director of the African Studies Center, Security is . information and educational opportunities which other information, assisting voters and TONIGHT AT 8:00 P.M. FOUR ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS \- walking off into the sunset with your girl on one side will be readily accessible." I'll is my impression tliat there is ■ American students to know about Africa," Kotati said. a growing interest on the part and "01' Faithful" on the other. State News photo by Gary Alvin professor House, associate of BEST ACTRESS-Sarah Mile Kasprzyk agriculture BEST SUPPORT!^ ACTOR I welfare upper • diet fast that began spokesman, was to show the average daily ration en I fa re awareness of the many problems fast I the Capitol steps Sunday direct relationship between our ics*f consisted of a Uoot * to whirh thp cmvprnmpnt mnct accomplished that end, but the TIFFANY toast breakfast, a to which the government must ' a « Id Wednesday evening with a participants new sense of unity , * Indochina policy and the nek supper at the St'. John's poverty peanut - butter sandwich, and give absolute priority, was more significant and helped RESTAURANT and problems powdered milk lunch, and a Ident center and a speech by surrounding us here at home. reaffirm "our committment to 8c LOUNGE bean and rice dinner. Miss Francis said the fast had Kal make peace a Ahmad of the Harrison The fast was a tribute to the The money saved on food reality." ■ protesting the Vietnam war. late Martin Luther King, Jr. during the three day fast was •(sponsored by the Lansing Approximately 60 fasters lived donated to the Peace Council, Lansing on a welfare allowance diet of Lansing Welfare Rights Organization for FromMGM, ire Rights Organization, and approximately 57 cents per day. redistribution. IMSU Faculty for Peace, the Ann Francis, director of the ; purpose, according to a Lansing Area Peace Council, said She said the groups primary A story of love. aim was creating a community Greek and A meriean Rimed by David Lean Specialties Nightly I' health center releases Special Greek Menu Saturday Evening Ryan's D METROCOOR and SUPER FANAVtSlON® nOWNTOWN LANSING 'ictim of drug overdose 16 F. Michigan FREF EVENING PARKING 489-1196 EXCLUSIVE MID-MICHIGAN ENG;\UMENT EXTRA PERFORMANCES EASTER WEEK. fJPaily Monday thru Saturday 2:00 1 8:00 p.m 20 °"e i B628W SAGINAW-484-4403 Sunday at 2:001 7:00 p.m. YEAR OLD East ■ - Per,fn involved scuffle suffered scrapes on his in the Poiice said other persons who pon Hall resident who MSU attended the party told officers aid was under the fmger and leg and a cut lip and another dent was under the (if mescaline and beer person sustained no . . .. .. ■ated and released injuries. The two declined to in^uence mescaline. No lirsday from University sign a complaint against the further action will be taken Center after officers student. against the student. Irehended him running down • floor hallway in " klire |>rl said from they investigated Wilson residents a ofi Sennicz!! But 3:30 a.m. Thursday about (rug overdose and found the i the hallway. The Bent was "incoherent and pie to communicate," police |. and was taken to the health where doctors found on the student's face and J'ieeresidents n said they learned the from student had r been drinking at a party I student room and began fist PHONE: 482-6226 fighting after neighbors •plained he was playing the Open at 12:45 p.m. 01()0 loud in his rnSHSsml room. 2nd Fun-Filled Week feologisfs meet Feature at: 1:20-3:20-5:20-7:20-9:20 P.M. Look who's Special on light 1 cation ...an imp of a chimp is the big brain behind the network's boy wonder! and dark beer lyilern at reduced prices trends in geology jation will be the theme of a ■ting for geology teachers in education to be held on [pus today. f"1. Pl|blic is also invited to I" ''a11" ^y sessions at 204 *«ral Sciences Bpus- There is no Bldg. on charge. T°, 1rs '"elude J.L. Snyder, |i, Pr°gi*am. director for f«p Curriculum ■n.''nu'nt< National Science k.R. Cranson of I ' g c°mmunity College's ■hnH !fnce d°Partment; F.D. lerir ' 'rector of education, p ideological t. Institutute, Rhodes of the ■ min V I Mich'g«n's geologv |">"U'ral0gy department. wmkom wmmm eAIHIM NORTH AL A* HEWITT hayo.* RORKt f TECHNICOLOR lUSII'lll M.IVIHV HIAMRRiltABlRNH KAlIN . STtWARTC BltllTT [Qj BIU ANOIRSOH ROHfRl BIITlfK » W TXTRA! Wait Disney's "COWPOGS" I * Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan am, SPORTS- MEET OHIO WESLEYAN Stickmen at Coody shoots a 66| By NICK MIRON State News Sports Writer Wesleyan finished third Midwest last season in the and rumored to have a potent attack is assistant coach Rick Bays said, "but it is also a finesse game. This is where Michigan beat us." to AUGUSTA, lead in Masters GA. (UPI) two of the last to finish the Coody. running For MSU teams there is only - thr(* one thing more distasteful than again this year. The two teams' The Wolverines are one of the Texan Charles Coody broke out opening round of play, both under par at the of a tight battle for'H tj* H only common opponent thus far Midwest's finest clubs this year, of the pack with a red • hot 6 - came with 69's to create a five - the bile of defeat. That is having by fLB J this season was Kenyon, whom round lead that defeat boasting better than average under - par 66 Thursday to way tie for second with Murphy, attributed to straight birdies Michigan. Wesleyan beat, 11-4, and MSU experience. Skip Flanagan and storm into a three - stroke lead Floyd and Irwin. - on "J; V clipped, 6-5. Dick Dean of U-M played four in the opening round of the Pre-tournament favorite Jack 15th The MSU lacrosse team will be MSU's coaching staff was years for Rutgers and Cornell, Masters Golf Tournament. Nicklaus got a pair of early remembering the two U-M making no excuses after birdies and played steady gold in i ne dj defeats when they face Ohio respectively. Bob Murphy, Ray Floyd and . year . 0iH „ Wednesday's whipping by the who Wesleyan in a 2 p.m. engagement "We had a lot of mental Hale Irwin had shared the lead at finishing with a 2 - under - par tournaments in has Wotl ^ Saturday on Old College Field. Wolverines. "Lacrosse is contact mistakes," Bays said. "Our 69 until Coody, a 33 - year - old 70. career hispffi, a game," offense isn't clicking, we haven't tour veteran from Abilene, put Murphy and Floyd were - the last in iq2| leading the '69 jelled. Out East we had a much greater offensive punch. We were together four birdies on the back nine — three of them in a row. among the very early finishers. Irwin, who matched them later, three holes but MasJ| ran Rentzel ii pleads guilty,- playing with Tom Larkin for one thing. He has a great shot." Larkin has been sidelined with Although he has made good money the past few years, Coody has only two tournament is a 25 - year - old bespectacled pro who wouldn't even have been here if the invitation list trouble and lost Today he had He birdied the out no second bomJ hJ ■ a pinched nerve in his back. It is victories to his credit the 1964 had not been expanded. the eighth to reach the placed on probation i — hoped he will be back in action Those three were a stroke 34 He picked within the week. Dallas Open and the 1969 Cleveland Open. He finished two ahead of Dale Douglass who shot of the day on up his the third! lothanfl "We're 70 and two ahead of 1959 S'Sh through the 15thf"1 having 13th fbhirdi\baurrage DALLAS (UPI) — Lance Rentzel, a flanker for the Dallas a shooting strokes behind the winner in the a slump," Bays observed. "We're 1969 Masters. Masters champion Art Wall and Cowboys, pleaded guilty to a charge of indecent exposure today * and not shooting hard. We're taking Bob Lunn and Don January, Bert Yancey, who had 71s. way out front. _ was given a five - year probated sentence. Irwin, Rentzel's sentence was handed down District Judge John Mead. a lot of shots but we're not shooting effectively." who now a native of plays out of JoP J Rentzel was charged last November with exposing himself to a Attackman Colo., has bJ 10 year - old girl. The felony - charge could have carried a 15-year Paul returned to action Wednesday Safran than his second in never finished! prison sentence. the 1W LOUGHERY HURTING Injuries hamper Bullets YORK (UPI) - "Loughery had an injection The Knicks have their own limore's . chances of squaring before the first game to relieve the pain," a Bullet injury problem as Willis Reed is lNBA's Eastern Conference spokesman still suffering from a bad case of loff finals appeared meager said. "But the pain became more tendonittis in his left knee. The i Kevin Loughery qualified severe and Kevin had to stay pain in the knee reduces the 6-9 la pair of crutches Thursday completely off his right foot center's mobility. Reed was I Gus Johnson's injured knee today. We won't know whether noticeably hampered in ned little inclination to heal he'll play until just before the Tuesday's game and played |klv. game. The same is true for poorly, although he did score e Bullets dropped Tuesday's Johnson." the winning basket for New here by one point, Coach Gene Shue, still York. llll, as Johnson sat out the smarting over the $500 fine The other NBA semi • final i civvies. Loughery was meted series will start out by National tonight as the d to wear an ice pack on his Basketball Milwaukee Bucks face the Los Association Ised right heel after the game Commissioner Walter Kennedy Angeles Lakers in Milwaukee. ;e the pain, The game will be telecast Thursday for publicly fcw York's chances of taking denouncing officiating in the nationally on ABC-TV, starting 1-0 lead Friday afternoon opener, said Johnson is more of at 9 p.m. The Knicks - Bullets wmed considerably after the a doubtful starter game from Baltimore Sunday than it medical communique was will also be televised, Loughery. Gus had a soft cast starting at Junqed from Baltimore. removed from his left leg 2 p.m. Thursday and flexed the knee The Lakers • Bucks series with considerable pain. figures to be decided on the duel If both Loughery and Johnson between centers BA star team are sidelined, Shue will go with Cb&mbetUin and Lew Alcindor. Wilt Fred Carter at guard and John Chamberlain's strong play was Tresvant at forward. Carter a major factor as the Lakers, s new faces nearly ruined the Knicks despite the absence of all star - Tuesday when he hit a torrid guard Jerry West, beat the :w YORK (UPI) - Only third quarter streak and netted Chicago Bulls, 4-3, in their of last year's American his first fivfc floor shots. quarterfinal series. 'tball Association's all - - Rick Barry of the New Mets and Indiana's. Mel UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIS! litis - managed to retain CHURCH spots on the 1970-71 team, ining rstar, lion [wn. Rounding was Barry, at the the Indiana's Nets' forward out Roger the . Not who will answer for what happened in the past. But who will answer for what is happening today . .. Bargains to Here, now in this land. 'ting for the first Nation's press were linia's Charlie Scott and the jidians" d Mack Calvin team by at the ^ H "WHOaddress WILL ANSWER?" by Rev. Robert Edward Green This Sunday at the Unitarian Smile About!! position. Universalist Church we will ask. It will be left to each individual to respond T.V. RENTALS for himself. RED CEDAR SCHOOL, SEVER DR., E.L. (1 bl. "deUm" |NEJACTV $9.50 RENTALS fnon,! W. of Harrison. 1 bl. N. of Sunday Service and Children's Program Trowbridge). - Jackets - A great selection 337-1 300 10:45 A.M. Church Office Ph. 489-1023 Your Choice $5.00 (in main store only] VStikCaesa^ - T-Shirts and Sweats - "Beat Buy one at regular price - get OFFERS YOU A second for 10 (Mix or Matchem] GREAT PIZZA! Caesars pizzja Class Ring Special PICKUP OR DELIVERY Save $4.50 ON CAMPUS 1071 TROWBRIDGE Monday Last Day 337 1681 In Time for Graduation OFF CAMPUS 1203 E.GR. RIVER MSU BOOK STORE 337 1631 The Big Smile on Campus 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan ffve ALWAYS TO UFWOC? RLT THAT ft GOV. MILLIKEN has sent FARM UNION © MUCH MORfc Lorrowe to s a THE STATE HIGHWAY telegram to Rep. Wilbur Mills, DEPARTMENT Thursday called APPROPRIATE the driver's seat, I don't think the Teamsters could enough gear to travel the rough road ahead." get int 10 hiik Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means, for the ban of studded tires on Michigan highways. FOR. MAD. But why the Farm Workers? "Well, they're the only crew I know of ever tulluOBUli, informing him that in his opinion, The department's C. Patric ("Tex") Larrowe, professor of economics and campus Teamsters at their own game. And when you're up a committee proposal to replace recommedations were based on coordinator of Scholars and Workers: All Teamsters (SWAT), said against a h of rough - and • tumble bosses like we are you need a revenue sharing with a federal recent studies which indicate that Thursday the response to his all • out drive to get faculty members muscle." union1"1Wl takeover of welfare payments studded tires cause extensive to sign Teamster authorization cards has been "gratifying." would be "inadequate." But is the Farm Workers' Union an appropriate damage to Michigan highways Larrowe launched the campaign the last day of winter term, and one for M«jip Such action, Milliken said, and roads. now claims to have "an overwhelming number" of the signed cards. professors, given its usual identification with stoop laborers? would mean Michigan's allotment "Cesar's union will be just right here for two reasons: Under present law, studded But when asked to quantify he gruffly replied, "Look, buster, let of proposed revenue sharing tires me tell you something: when you've been in this racket as long as I "Consider, like I have, the striking similarities betwee are permissable from Nov. 1 would be cut back from $229 to April 30. have you'll know you don't leave organizing campaign figures working conditions of the starving, sweating serfs stoppine in ,C million to $45 million. lettuce fields around Salinas and those of the laying around where the bosses can pick them up." oppressed t i Milliken spoke in favor of giving When told one of his colleagues has remarked that, as a Ph.D., he slaving for the Basic College over in Bessey Ifeli (apparenM the states "absolute discretion to LEGISLATION reference to the Universitv Collect1, which University College, which received i»c its ^1 felt he could not demean himself by belonging to a union like the name in establish programs they deem INTRODUCED BY STATE Teamsters, Larrowe waxed surly and then exploded. ,1960). SENATOR Jack "Furthermore I've come to realize UFWOC will be appropriate." Faxon, D - "Well, if that professor wants to continue to live in genteel for our faculty due to this Unlveralty's long • Detroit, Thursday would make poverty, knowing it means helping deny an opportunity for 2,200 standing empha^011 the Detroit Public Library's main brothers and sisters to escape, with a living wage, from under the agriculture, its land grant philosophy and its unwaveri* commitment to the fine Michigan folks who produce our AN MSU student Thursday branch a state resource and tyrannical thumb of the arrogant administrators and their groveling food !! announced his candidacy for the provide state appropriations fiber." "1® to lackeys and straw bosses who call the shots in this outfit, then I call third vice - chairmanship of the help pay for its operations. What cource of action will Larrowe follow if, after the him a scab. I've ran across his kind before." facult* Michigan Republican Party. Faxon said he introduced the Where does the campaign go from here? approves the union, the administration refuses to recognize itasth! Dana D. Braden, Rochester bill because over half of the "As a matter of fact I happen to be considering a switch in professors' bargaining agent? " people who use the main branch "You get this, bub, and you get it straight, once and for junior, hopes to fill the post when alliances. I've opened negotiations with Cesar Chavez' United Farm all von the Republicans make their of the state's largest know damned well how Cesar operates. We call for library Workers' Organizing Committee (UFWOC), for one." a nationwide decision at a Party Meeting to be system, are not residents of But why is Larrowe considering abandoning the Teamsters now? boycott, that's what happens." held June 26 in Cadillac. Detroit. "When I started this push I reckoned Jimmy's (Hoffa) parole And If that fails? If elected, Braden would The main branch of the library board would spring him. But now, without Sweet Jimmy himself in "Then, by God, we hit the bricks! Viva la causa! Viva la become the youngest person ever is located across the street from huelga'" to hold an executive position in Wayne State University, and the Republican State Executive many students use its services Committee. extensively. BODY SHIRTS From !8" lo M8« Volunteer opportunities listed EDITOR'S NOTE: The Volunteers are needed to tutor ... . Need a Big Brother for two Big Sister for 10 - year • old temper. Volunteer should be interested in the outd- 12 . year problems.1" - ■ following column lists fatherless brothers, 8 and 11 girl. Girl needs to develop some understanding and outgoing. animals and rocks. Voir having in school. Billy at opportunities for MSU goes to junior high next year and years ■ old. Both are interested independence and interest in Need own car. with car and understanding students who wish to in sports. Walking distance from outside activities. Volunteer Big Sister for 6 - year - old girl the retarded is required. he really needs help to make it. volunteer some time spring campus. must have own car. who demands a great deal of namigSS Car needed. term. Further information is Tutor needed for 13 - year - Need a Big Brother for 12 - Big Sister for 13 - year - old attention. Having problems with available at the Volunteer old Bruce. Needs help in math year - old boy. No father. girl who has many family peer group relationship, volunteer' must be a good Volunteer needs own car. Big Sister for 16 Iboukqvq 541 E. responsibilities. She needs a • Bureau, Student Services and English. Car needed. chance for recreation girl. Was A volunteer is needed to stay listener, help child get involved — to get Big Brother for 6 - year • old abandoned by GRAND RIVER Bldg. in community programs. Must out and enjoy herself. Must have fatherless boy. Likes singing, adoptive parents and now' PHONE 332-6878 Wher| St,|, MlMyfrV A male volunteer, at leas, 21 years old, is needed to give piano lessons to a client of the Family JJ - and to run erra nds. Need a « Big Brother for 14 - own car. Need Big Brother for 8 • year - old boy. No father. Is interested storytelling. Loves physical and sports activities. Volunteer needs with 70 needs - She is a pleasant year • old guard young lady - Approximately Y hours week. year - old boy. He is sensitive, own car. friendship Service in cars, motors and models. Is Trainable retarded 17 understanding desperately, Agency. Times could be needed, J lonely and very bright. Walking - Car - year - arranged. Lessons should be A little boy in Grand distance from campus. easily frustrated and 1 oses his old boy needs a Big Brother. He own car. continued for at least two Ledge needs help with his schoolwork. months. Car needed. Can anyone help? Car needed Family Services needs (unless you live in Grand Ledge). Track system used in ATL volunteers to help take care of a 75 • year - old bedridden, blind Scott, 9 - years - old, needs he|p 4th grade sllbjects W.C. FIELDS is offe rs wi de course ch o ic Bernard F. Engel, departments By MICHAEL FOX expected to cover. For instance, environment in the cities, fia alive and kicking State News Staff Writer The Dept. of American chairman, said in a recent interview. Engel said six tracks, including in ATL 111, the American revolution and Puritanism the general topics. are still presenting the factual pictureo geographer and then studyi what various writers have the remedial or comprehensive Thought and Language (ATL) has classes and the honors classes, are Covering the general topics about the urban situation found the track system a practical would only take about 50 per ,T,HE(W0a^ now offered to students. "This department is kind ol way to offer students more cent of the class time, The whole books track uses leaving the logical place to offer suf choice in the selection of classes, remainder open to individual complete novels instead of interdisciplinary courses becaii instructors to develop other of the anthologies. The film track, University Colle^ areas, Engel noted. T.V. RENTALS which Engel said is very popular, An objective final exam at the emphasis on general education has students read a book and then he said. SUNDAY NIGHT 8 P.M. in the end of the course was eliminated Free Service cn per see the film version of about four last year by the department. Engels also noted that the A1 SHOW BAR and delivery *»-OU monttl or five works a term. instructors teaching The American radical thought Proposals for the ATL residence hall complexes hi' Food Specials Available NEJAC TV RENTALS department to offer some upper track deals with the literature and not reported a greatly increase 337-1300 division courses in conjunction writings of radicalism in the level of office contact wi with other departments are United States during the last 75 students. currently before University Some 50 per cent of the years. The minorities track deals curriculum Hours for Good Friday: 9:30a,m. to Noon; 3:00p.m. to 9:00p.m with black and Indian material, committees, Engel instructors teach and have offia PI22A Engel said. said. One course, Engel noted, might outside Bessey Hall, but studen do not seem to make any gre»« More tracks are being planned be a different approach to number of office visits, he said PAR for the future, he said. Engel said the ATL department EXCELLENCE! is faced with the two problem of providing a standard - fold training in freshman composition as is required in most universities Ed seminar to use and with giving students something substantial to write about. With each of the 80 ATL instructors handling three phone conferences sections of up to 32 students in Conference telephone calls course will meet from 8 to with authorities in far each class, this task is often more places will p.m. five Wednesdays beginnu be included in a seminar on difficult than the students realize, Wednesday in Edgewood Unit* he said. education in today's world Church, 469 Hagadorn Rd. The department has moved offered by Evening College this The course will deal 1 away from a standard course spring. contemporary crises syllabus this year and instead "The World Education Crisis: education, review critics the most natural thing substituted certain general New Demands, New education, examine Responses," subjects which the instructor is is its theme. The discussion university's role in humanize in accessories. . . bright society, debate the case again compulsory education $ explore new ways of meeW burlap with brassy Male Students Wanted: civilization's need for Among speakers will be Haro educate touches and tender embroidery Taylor, New York City. ^ president of Sarali l^wi DOMINO'S is a very special look this spring for pay for participation in College, and Ivan Illich, dir« of the Center for Intereultu" Ihe very fashion-minded Shoulder pouch. Documentation at Cuernavac 966 Trowbridge Mexico, both of whom 11*8 in navy/white, red/navy or natural/bone. $11. MOTIVATIONAL speak by conference telepW* 351-7100 arrangement. Speakers from the UniverJJ For pick-up or free Belt from our collection in pastels, $3. RESEARCH will include Cole director of the Institute BroinWJ delivery to East complex, Shaw Nylon umbrella with embroidered burlap Lane, South complex, Brody dorms and married housing. PROGRAM International Education; George Studies Open 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. weekdays; 5 - p.m. 2 a.m. Fri. cover in spring pastels, $11. former chief - of - party with'' & Sat.; 4 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sunday. - - MSU group at the University John F. W1" - For information call: Nigeria, and 353-5343 professor of philosophy. . or come to Room 400A Most of the speakers w The pizza people Computer Center between written books in the educa field. Educators are espec» of MSU. Jaeabsoris 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. April 5-9 invited to enroll. Information on this none course Office is available fr0") , of Internal rMt Extension, 8 Kellogg Center. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April l>. 197 I 15 STATf NEWS CLASSIFIED Classified ads will get you what you want. Place STATE NEWS 355 8255 one today for fast results. CLASSIFIED 355 8255 The State News does not permit racial or discrimination religious Scooters & Cycles speaking by Phil Frank For Rent For Rent for Rent car/Sfy you* PS in its CYCLE INSURANCE. Central advertising columns. The TWO MEN NEEDED for 4 NEEDED ONE Fast! Michigan's largest insurer. Any man, man for four man. State News will sublease, $50 a month. Call not cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON April rent free. Deposit is yours. accept 353-2764. 5-4-9 advertising which INSURANCE AGENCY. Call 393-2961. 4-4-9 • automotive discriminates against 332-5335, 484-8173. O two WANTED: ONE man for tri - level Scooters & Cycles GIRL NEEDED to share ROOMMATES wanted, 2 duplex North Frandor area. Own religion, race, color or bedroom one bedroom luxury apartment. WE HAVE moved. ROLL apartment furnished. Pool. Auto Parts & Service national origin. - ROSSER $75. 349-1736. 5-4-9 $55 each. Call 351-5970 room. Call 485-8433. 2-4-9 Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. before Aviation Phone 489-4811. Our new address 3:30 p.m. 4-4-9 GIRLS. FALL or summer. Near . EMPLOYMENT 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF STUDIO EFF 'MENCY apartment. campus. Furnished. Parking Close to campus. Modern, parking. 332-8903. 3-4 9 . FOR RENT 1971 Quiet. 349-9269. 5-4-15 CAMPUS VIEW Apartments Automotive KAWASAKI Excellent 250. 500 miles. TWO FOR eight girl. Near campu, condition. Helmets APARTMENTS Houses GTO $800. 351-2356. 1-4-9 ONE GIRL for 2 man along Grand Bath. Deposit. Rent negotiable. CONVERTIBLE. 1969. Low River. Cheap. Call 351-8102 or Jackie / Sandy. 351-2605. 7 4-9 Rooms mileage. Rally wheels. Across the street from Other 351-3633. 2-4-12 |.FOR SALE extras. 332-2135. Before 5:30 p.m., CUSTOM CB 350 Honda 1969. Rebuilt. Must sell. $500. Call Williams Hall Ave. on Michigan DELUXE. AVAILABLE in Fan. Animals 5-4-13 After, 351-7528! 355 0957. 3-4-13 LANSING OR East Lansing. One University approved Walking distance. Furnishe.1, Mobile Homes bedroom furnished. Large, airy Supervised apartments for fireplace, completely carpeted. 4 rooms. Air conditioned. women students. Leasing responsible girls, references. $80 IMPALA SS 1966. Prime 1970 HONDA 450 Scrambler. 3400 • PERSONAL condition. Beautifully maintained. Suitable this week for each. 332-5320 after 6 p.m. 5-4-9 V-8, 4 speed. Extras. 353-6226 miles. 393-2472 after 6pm summer and • PEANUTS PERSONAL 5-4 13 5-4-15 for faculty, grad students, business fall. Call today: people, married couples. Lease. SUMMER. 8 girls, near . REAL ESTATE campus, JAVELIN 1 970 SUZUKI 250X6 Mint 332-3135 or 882-6549. O 332 624G parking, laundry. 2 baths . RECREATION 1969. Low mileage. condition. 33 hp. Must see. 351-2605. 6-4 9 Excellent condition. 4 new tires [. SERVICE 353-9503 or 351-6349. 3-4-9 355-8806. 5-4-12 ONE GIRL. No rent until Immediate occupancy. May. Call 351-1765. GIRL NEEDED now for 3 man DOWNTOWN. ROOMMATES LOW RATES. 5-4-13 apartment. Spring term. Rent paid Typing Service Specialising in needed for huge furnished house through May 1st. Phone 351-3053 ; TRANSPORTATION WANTED DEADLINE MGB GT 1966. Chrome wires, motorcycle insurance. FEIDLER INSURANCE 676-2449. 3-4-12 AGENCY. NEED ONE furnished man for four apartment. 393-1218 or visit Apt. man well Call ONE mornings and evenings. 3-4-9 BEDROOM apartment, stove, $75 includes own service. 487-0046. 5-4 15 bedroom utilities, house privileges and maid Michelin tires, Abarth exhaust, 102, I 1 P.M. one class day radio, $1050 or best. 393-8697 1970 KAWASAKI 100 Centurian. Building 6A, Meadowbrook Trace. refrigerator, utilities furnished. 1019 West Ionia. 393-6586 or GIRL, SPRING term, own room I 5-4-14 Excellent, only 50 miles. Best 6-4-9 close to campus. 2 fireplaces, before publication. offer. 655-2413. 3-4-12 372-5440 after 5:30 p.m. 3-4 13 dishwasher, pool table. One week I Cancellations - 12 noon MORGAN 1958 4+4 Roadster. SUMMER, ONE girl for 2 man. Cedar Village. EFFICIENCY. free. Small deposit. After 5 p.m class day before Asking $650. Phone HONDA 68, 305 Scrambler. Reduction. Robin, UNFURNISHED 332-5272. 3-4 13 Charlotte, 351-7384. 3-4-12 except | publication. Mi., 543-2856. 3-4-12 Excellent condition. after 5 p.m., 355-1186. 5-4-14 $425. Call range and Across from campus. Reasonable refrigerator. FOR SUMMER. Sleeps 8 to 10 A uto Service & Parts PHONE MUSTANG 1967. Yellow 2 door. 1968 BSA LIGHTENING, 650cc. Employment ONE MAN wanted for 3 Collingwood, $55. Apartment 3o man at ED 2-0792. 5-4-15 people. Modern Lake, 35 miles from campus. conveniences 3558255 Deluxe interior. 6 cylinder, 3 Excellent condition. Call CAR WASH, 25c, or automatic wash, PART TIME employment: 351-3522. 3-4-12 Isolated. 349-3653 or 355-6683. RATES speed. Call 332-0472 or 332-1628. 489-0211 or 489-0159, ask for 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. 12 - 20 CEDAR GREENS 2-4-9 hours per week. 5-4-12 Automobile Frank. X-5-4-13 430 South Clippert, back of Koko STUDENT FOR four Cedar 1 bedroom furnished 1 day $1.50 required, 351-5800. O man, Bar. 0-4-9 Village. No deposit. Call POOL 15c per word per day MUSTANG MACH I, 1969. Black, 1969 KAWASAKI 650cc, 4 cycle. 332-5227. 3-4-12 Rooms 3 days $4.00 sharp. After 5 p.m., call 351-7459 Excellent condition. $850. Call For Rent Call 351-8631 13Vic per word per day 10-4-16 355-6121. 2-4-9 Employment TV AND stereo SUBLET SPRING one SINGLE ROOM furnished. 334 rentals, satisfaction man Spartan Aven 5 days $6.50 MUSTANG 1965, V-8, automatic, TYPING AND library research. Must guaranteed. Free delivery, service ONE, 2 Michigan Avenue. East Lansing HONDA CB350, 1969. Very well 3-4-12 girls sublease Spring. 351-7492. 3-4-9 13c per word per day air, power steering. Disc brakes, have work study approval. Call and pick-up. Call NEJAC, Reduced rent. Air conditioned. cared for. 351-9339 after 4 p.m. (based on 10 words per ad> radio, excellent, $795. 332-2423. Mrs. Marshall 353-9047 or 337-1300. C FASCINATING, FRIENDLY 351-1315. 5-4-13 3-4-9 3-4-12 LARGE STUDY bedroom. Male, 353-5228. 3-4-9 frolicsome females need fourth for senior or grad. Parking. Near Peanuts Personals must be 70 PARKING, Vi block from Berkey, fantastic flat. Across Berkey. NEED ONE girl for 2 bedroom. MUSTANG. 1967. TRIUMPH. Daytona 500 with HANDYMAN WANTED. $2.50 an campus. 351-6059 after 5 p.m. prepaid. Fastback. behind Polachck's. $20/term. Phone 351-2546, for sure! 5-4-13 S80/month. 351-7907, after 5 Automatic. 1 owner. Clean. Best extras. $1150. Call 482-5626, hour. Experienced in plumbing, 3-4-9 after 5 p.m. 8-4-9 351-3348. 3-4-12 . 5-4-13 There will be a 50c service offer. 351-2140. 4-4-9 carpentry, painting, etc. Call SUBLEASE. 2 TV RENTALS man. Beginning May HALF DOUBLE for woman. Near 349-9500 3-4-13 - Students only. Low 1st. 208 and bookkeeping charge if Beal, apartment 2. OLDSMOBILE 1964. 55,000 miles, 1968 KAWASAKI 1 20cc monthly and term rates. Call Houses Union. $10 per week. 332-1895 this ad is not paid within 351-4082. 3-4-12 good tires, air, $125. Call combination Road Trail. 2,000 RESPONSIBLE SITTER needed for 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV 3-4-9 one week 351-7083. 5-4-14 miles. $300. 355-3057. 5-4-9 afternoons and/or evenings. RENTALS. C TWO SAGINAW 1 GIRLS needed for Chalet AREA. Partially child. Call 332-0573. 1-4-9 GIRLS ROOM near campu.-., The State News will be Apartment. $56 month. 332-5966 furnished, 3 bedrooms, 1Va baths. OLDSMOBILE 1967. All power, REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for evenings. 3-4-12 Full basement. $180/month. cooking, 351-0798 between 12 responsible only for the automatic, radio, clean. Must sell. Aviation rent. A TO Z RENTALS. Security deposit. References. p.m. and 4 p.m. 5-4-13 day's incorrect 351-0144. 3-4-12 NOTICE 349-2220. O ONE GIRL needed to sublease 489-2673. 3-4-13 LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight spring ■ insertion. and summer terms. Reduced rent. SINGLE ROOM,male student. Liner, OLDSMOBILE 1966. F-85, 4 door, training. All courses are SUMMER JOBS available in Torch ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. ONE MAN furnished. Near campus. Phone 332-3137. 3-4-12 to sublet. Own room. sedan. Power steering and brakes. government and VA certified. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV Lake Resort area for 2 sharp $67/ month. Nice house. 332-1682. 3-4-9 Good condition. 663-4349. 5-4-12 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport 731 attractive gals. Reception and RENTAL, 372-4948. O BURCHAM. Sublet. 3rd floor. Road, Call 484-1324. C _ 332O 7 ^8^ 2-4-9 NICELY general office work. Housing Cheap! 485-3241, ext. 474; FURNISHED, pleasan- REFRIGERATORS FOR 351-9058 after 5 p.m. 3-4-9 NOW RENTING houses and OLDSMOBILE 1965 stick. Good available. Send picture and resurfie rent. near campus, parking, no cooking. GROUND SCHOOL. Basic course for UNITED RENT ALL. 351-5652. apartments for summer and fall. ED 2-1183 after 5 p.m. 4-4-12 Automotive shape. $450 or best offer. Drafted beginners. First class and to Mr. Rankin, MIDWEST 8-4-9 - Groups of 2 to 6 girls, all must sell fast. 332-6417. 2-4-12 RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, ONE GIRL to share house, 229 registration Monday 4-12 at MSU Ml 49615. 20-4-30 Linden. $65/month extremely nice. Clean, furnished. EAST LANSING. Male IRRACUDA 1966. Must sacrice. Union, Room'31, 7 p,m. Open to T.V RENTALS. Color and 351-0736 332-5320 after 6 p.m 5-4-9 students. ■ Excellent condition. New tH*es OPEL RALLYE, 1968, 1.9 liter, 4 black.*,^ -- afteffc p.m. 3-4-9 S.ngle rooms. Parlyrg. . non - members. $30 includes white. MARSHALL MUSIC, East ■ $750. 351-1189 3-4-13 speed, yelloTv and biack. Best LINfc. UP a spring job now. Car LOVELY 3 bedroom unfurnished Refrigerator. 332-5791. 5-4-WF . texts. Offered by MSU FLYING Lansing. 351-7830. C-4-9 offer. Call 484-8884 anytime. necessary. Also train for full time KEDZIE STREET. Vi b'ock from CLUB. 2-4-12 home. Appliances included. Close 3-4-9 summer work. Call 351-7319 for campus. Wanted, one man for 2 ROOM. SHARE cooking. Private to University. Call 332-1936. If no interview appointment. C entrance. Use of washer, PONTIAC 1962. Bonneville, Auto Service & Parts Apartments terms. Mornings, anytime, 351-5800. 6-4-9 351-9045 or answer, 339-8666. 3-4-9 337-2437. 3-4-12 dryer. excellent condition. $300. Call WAITRESSES FOR CD CLUB. 4122 NOW RENTING for summer and fall, LIBERAL STUDENT share house, KICK RIVIERA evenings, 355-1485. 5-4-13 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East North East Street. Apply NOW LEASING: 2 and 3 man MEN. TWO blocks. Private entrance. 1966. Air, vinyl , Tuesday one and 2 bedroom furnished or Lansing, $55/month. 484-3565 ■ top, everything $1400. Call Mike Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. and Friday evenings 7 - 9 p.m. apartments. Close to campus. TV, phone, lease. $50 month. . . . after 7 p.m. 3-4-9 PORSCHE 1956, Coupe. 1967 VW unfurnished. Choice of apartments $170. 126 Mil ford. 372-5767 and First two weeks free; 351-0497. on, 489-3776. 5-4-14 Complete auto painting and Saturday and Sunday, 12-3 p.m. engine. New paint, interior, .oilision service. IV 5-0256. C 4-4-9 are, Bay Colony, Beechwood, 489-1656, evenings. 20-5-3 3-4-13 Delta Arms, Evergreen, Haslett MEN - TWO girls want room in |evr0let VAN 1964. Excellent _ wiring. $645. 487-0046. 2-4-12_ NOW - EXPERIENCED BROILER man. A Arms, Princeton Arms, University exchange for domestic duties SINGLE: male student, block Union condition. New tires / exhaust. RAMBLER AMBASSADOR, 1963. get summer resort hotel Mackinaw Terrace, University 372-9521, Diane after 5:30 p.m IS606.50. 332-8894 5-4-12 — Villa and 3-4-9 Cooking. $13 weekly. 314 all the . Radio, V-8, good condition. $300 Island. June 10 - September 12. North Pointe. Special discount Reasonable. 332-1297. 5-4-13 Evergreen 332-3839. 3-4-13 or best offer 355-4864. 5-4-13 Bugs Call 332-6839. 3-4-9 rates for those signing prior to June 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham service & body work 1st. Call HALSTEAD 15 4-9 SUNBEAM TIGAR 1967, V-8 engine, white convertible, British RECISION PUBLIC RELATIONS receptionist - secretary. Work part time now — MANAGEMENT, Avenue, 351-7910. O 444 Michigan Drive. furnished 135 Kedzie. apartments. 2 man Includes If Your Car Has Spring Fever IevELLE heat. $62.50 to S90 per man. I 1964. Bucket seats, automatic floor ■ shift. Small V-8, power Malibu SS. stripes. 487-6237. 2-4-9 TRIUMPH IMPORTS also offering full time this summer. Must have typing skills, be able to meet the SUBLET SPRING. One man. man $80 monthly. Call Bennett, for two Leases starting June 15 and Sept. 1 Days. 487-3216. Evenings til 10 Give it a tune-up tonic from Kramer's steering, 1963 Spitfire. Rebuilt public and be free to do some Hlike new interior, low mileage, good tires. $600. Phone 355-9909 with 1967 engine. 17,000 miles. Call 351-8504. 3-4-9 complete foreign care models for all traveling in Michigan this sumrrier. Call Mrs. Kirk between 9 - 5 p.m., 332-5053. 7-4-9 p.m., 882-2316. O Our Large Inventory find - service I or 372-5790. 3-4-9 371-2480. 3-4-9 VOLKSWAGEN 1967, Excellent Blue sedan. condition. 26,000 Call and body work & repair Low Prices Will Save 1204 E. OAKLAND 484-4411 WANTED RELIABLE babysitter for JEVELLE, 1969. SS396. ■ Convertible, ■ Phone 351-6685 3 speed after on 5 floor. p.m., 349-3526. 4-4-12 VOLKSWAGEN BUS camper. 1963. AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and 3 month old in my home. No housework necessary. Call after 6 You Money! ■ weekdays. 5-4-9 American cars. If we can't fix it, it p.m., 351-1147. 3-4-9 We Stock Over 50 hp, engine paneled, fold - down can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O a Million Puns beds, curtains, best offer. PROFESSIONAL, VERSATILE pVELLE ■ convertible, 4 1964, Malibu, speed, rebuilt 327, 351-8474. 3-4-12 VW - RANDY'S GUARANTEED MOBIL. repair. rhythm Everlon guitar, Nevermor. must 313 lead sing. KRAMER AUTO PARTS I-96 at Jlrece'ptsi- ■ 351-7904. 3-4-9Sacrifice $450. 835-3328. 2-4-12 800 E. Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 ^kemos>iRoadii349-9620^^i__i_ii ITWANGMJ U V I A CROSSWORD PUZZLE BICYCLE LRE MOR ABE VE NT E L I X I RBTE N.SE, $52™ irvette, 1968. Convertible 350 [E'L DjoI MlAI Tt_ ■ "P, 4 speed, one Scooters & Cycles ■ 20,000 miles, like new owr.jr, under ML I L AClSAP condition. ■Phone 485-6929. 5-4-9 HONDA CB 450, 1970. Excellent ID I C E RlREMOTE condition. Call between 6 and 8 337-1181. 5-4-13 E;D I T'ORBRE NEW p.m. W.i TMN"A vEwm BnR|VETTE luTfocMuSt 85-6973. sel1' 2-4-9 couPe. Phone a,t°r Low 5 1970 HONDA 350. Excellent. $600. Realistic AM-FM tuner, matching speakers, Garrard player, $175. SALE Sir per or main! Madam, whichever!? |0R EjlMOMiT I P ITT'I L TiBT OROSE [R I 'N'SEIEN I GMA |LC0N 1962 automatic. G~.d 351-6214 before 4 p.m. 3-4-9 &CEA'NMVF'AST ■ban'p"9 COndltion- New tires and HONDA 1969. 450 Scrambler. $725, ■ 3557770 after ,Aski°9 $275- Call ■>ib5-7779 noon. 3-4-12 excellent condition. Extras. Call after 5 p.m. 627-6882. 5-4-13 Join the Mob at ) Bengal quina 1 Cheer word ■ New fT?TI0N WAGON 1965. YAMAHA 1969. 180cc. 3,400 miles. ill I Bewildered ■ iV9 7q^8S' ba,terV $400 firm. Helmets included. Call 355-5914. BIV 9-7954. 3-4-13 DOWN APARTMENTS 2 3 6 6 We brought it all together! For openers, there's the - 12. '3 famous MINI-BUS. Free % now i rides to and from campus 5 times a day. Goodbye to tardiness, park¬ IM IS ing meters, and gas money. Say "Hello" to the Campus Hill Mob who enjoy the romantic social area. Picnic tables, Bar'-B-Q pits, acres of grass — P %% along the banks of the Purple Cedar. Wow! Brand 19 2o 21 22 new swimming pool. All per person. together for a mere $52.50 23 %% %27 2P ■ Central Air Conditioning ■ All Utilities included % except electricity ■ Carpeting Throughout ■ Drapes ■ Completely Furnished ■ ■ Study Area with Balcony or Patio Units 19 d 35 31 36 ff d % Bicycle Sale: Friday. April 9, 1971, 1:30 P.M. at Salvage ■ Dishwasher ■ drop lite ■ Walk thru Kitchen featuring ■ Refrigerator ■ Range ■ Disposer % 39 m Mi 37. Drjvidian Laundry facilities ■ Storage and P 39.Ibsen di ■ Unlimited Yard, 1330 So. Harrison Road, Michigan State University Parking. ■ Party Room • - 45 Campus. Various makes and conditions. All items may be seen at Salvage Yard, April 8, from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. and April 9, from 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. ES5H53 On Grand R«ver West of Okemos Rd 349-3530 i M7 b6 51 41. Son of Seth 42. H.iiangue Terms: Cash Practically next door to Coral Gables | Open 9 a.m.^_ to 6 p.m. % % 43. Corn spike Jzt Friday, April 9 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan , For Sale Service FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil htmi For Rent For Sale For Sale Personal MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, all FOX HOLE PX, Frandor: Cigarettes, HORSES BOARDED. Ten miles OWN ROOM girl without car. House brands. 30% off list price. Rich: 35c per pack; paddle balls, 57c; Mobile Homes BOARD EXAMS - Kaplan tutoring northwest of Lansing. Box stalls. privileges. For $55.. 351-8820. 351-5869. O classes now being formed for June Ample lighting area. Reasonable X-3-4-13 paddle ball paddles, $2.50; aviator MOBILE HOME and July. ATGSB Exams and July 12x60, two rates. 372-3515. 5-4 13 sun glasses, $3.98; tennis balls, 3 bedroom. Large aluminum shed, LSAT Exam. For information call MODEL 70 Winchester rifle, 308. for $2.29, tennis racket, $5.95; 5 ROOMS FOR men students. 1 block skirting, can be sold on or off lot. (313) 851-6077, collect. 18-4-30 BORED OF ironing? Let me do itl Immaculate condition. $165 or off campus. Cooking, parking. HP outboards, $99; mummy best offer. 353-1858. 5-4-15 $4,500. 625-3481. 10-4-13 Freu pick-up and delivery. 351-9749. 34-K3 sleeping bags, $14.88; camping LADIES! Great Opportunity If you 351-4745. 3-4-9 saws, $3.90; army folding shovels, MARLETTE 1969, 12x60, 2 like children. Day care center SPARTAN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. All HALL, Singles, men, $2.98; canteens, 99c; bqck pack bedroom. Call 646-6686. 294 available. Ownef retiring. Licensed women. 1/a block from campus. brands. 30% off list price. Rich: $2.88; pup tents, $7.1*8; shag WOULD LIKE to care for one child 351-5869.0-4-9 Cambridge, Windsor Estates. for 20 children, room, for over 1 year. In my home. 351-9286, 372-1031. O balls, $1.98; waders, $12.50; 7-4-16 expansion. Earns up to $20,000 denium bells, $5.99. 0-10-4-14 Weekdays. Reliable mother, loves net per year. Lower 3 bedroom ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. 45 USED sewing machines $12.50 children. 482-8004. 3-4-9 CLEAN NEAT and spacious 12x60 apartment for you. Interested? Completely furnished. 372-8077 up. 18 cabinet models, 38 FENDER ELECTRIC guitar with 1969 Richardson mobile home. before 4 p.m. C Phone Lloyd Bergren, 484-9876 INCOME TAX - Are you ready for portable models. Singers, Whites, and The home has two bedrooms, all case amplifier. 351-4067 after or CROSBY REALTY, 351-5044. this time of year? If not, face it Kenmores; Zig-Zag and straight built - in kitchen and one 4 piece 6 p.m. 2-4-9 B-3-4-9 without fear. For Income Tax ROOMS IN house. $50 a month, stitchers. All guaranteed. bath. To see call Maynard Beery meals optional. Call Ron ELECTRO GRAND, 804 East service, phone 882-4749 day or - SUNN COLISEUM PA system, West 351-52.10 or SIMON REAL MCAT EXAM six day kaplan 351-7226. 5-4-14 Michigan, Lansing. Hours 9 5 night, we'll handle it just right. - Fillmore 8 12", 6 15" West ESTATE, Okemos MSU Branch tutoring course being assembled 4-4-9 p.m., 9 - 12 Saturday. 3-4-9 Cabinets Fender bass, 349-3310. 7-4-16 for May 1st exam. 851-6077. 2 EV MEN SINGLE room, 3 blocks from horns. Caff 351-8193. 2-4-9 15-4-23 SUPPORT YOUR business with a Union. Phone 337-1408 or ANTIQUE LIVING room suites. AMERICAN, 1968 12'x50\ Front boost from Want Ads. Advertise 351-5076 after 3 p.m. 3-4-12 Office desks and files. FOOTE BRAND NEW all electric Royal BOOK SALE living room with avocado services there. Dial 355-8255. FURNITURE COMPANY, 1439 Old books, magazines. Big, little portable typewriters. Never used. carpeting. Partly furnished, fully MEN. ROOM. $130 a term. Clean, West Grand River, Williamston. books. Pults, collector's items, etc. $95 with warranty and $75 skirted. On lot in Windsor Estates. MOTORCYCLE HELMETS painted. quiet, cooking. 1 block to campus. without. 2343 Eiffert Road, Holt. Just 15 minutes from MSU off CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 541 East Create your own design. Call 487-5753, 485-8836. O 1-96. $4,000. Call 646-6380 after Grand River, (underneath ELECTROVOICE AMPLIFIER. 70 355-6066. 2-4-9 6 p.m. 2-4-9 Paramount News). 1 - 9 p.m., watt. Like new. 351-1000, after 6 Thursday Saturday. 2-4-9 - PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free For Sale p.m. 5-4-9 1969 TWO bedroom Monarch mobile estimates, grad students, home with 7x10 expando MUST SELL beautifully finished Mediterranian < Peanuts Personal experienced, references. Brighten EVERYTHING. Desk ($30), records (50c - $1.50), decor, one 5 piece bath, storage up your house for spring. ifB WHAT'S 349-4817. C bookcase ($8), chest ($30), EVERYBODY KEEPS trying for shed, porch, landscaped and until BOOK SALE better employees. Get them with a sodded lot, all in perfect curtains, tapestries, lamps. Red MOVING? EAST Lansing - Lansing shag carpet / pad, 8% x 141/* Old books, magazines. Big, little Want Ad. Dial 355-8255 nowl condition and located in one of area. 14' van. $10/hour. books. Pults, collector's items, etc. LAUREN GREEN 404952. What is ($90). Gold carpet / pad, 9x9 Lansing's finest mobile home 351-3050.3-4-12 CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 541 East courts. To see call Maynard Beery your phone number? The ($45). Dishes, table ($7). And Animals Chemist. 1-4-9 morel After 10 p.m., 332-3848. Grand River, (underneath 351-5210 or SIMON REAL Open house Saturdays April 10 Paramount News). 1 - 9 p.m., ST. BERNARD, female. AKC. ESTATE, Okemos MSU Branch, PUTT, REALLy sorry, really sorry, Typing Service and 17. 5-4-14 Thursday - Saturday. 2-4-9 349-3310. 7-4-16 Beautifully marked. Show quality. really sorry, really sorry! Jon. ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith 8 p.m. Sunday in REGENCY MONITOR radio, all 5 months old. Reasonably priced. 2-4-9 offset printing. Complete 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT on fish STAR, 12x60. Two bedroom. transistor police radio, TMH1. We must sell. 349-1862. 1-4-9 Skirted. Garbage disposal. Many for dissertations, theses, and all other live merchandise MSU Volunteers (take a friend home to dinner). Phone 393-3410. 3-4-9 extras. 393-2152. 5-4-9 Real Estate manuscripts, general typing. IBM. interested in joining a n KITTENS. 7 weeks. Black and furry. 21 years experience. 349-0850. C DOCKTOR PET CENTER, at the Lansing Boys' Tra SOLID STATE Magnavox stereo. Lrtter trained. Call 485-3826. AMERICAN-1970 12x60. Like new. Meridian Mall, 349-3950. 5-4-9 COUNTRY LIVING but close to Sierra Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. should attend a meeting Detachable speakers. Excellent 1-4-9 English decor, 2 bedrooms, fully April ;.i shopping. If this is what you want PROFESSIONAL Monday in 30 Union. Plans for Earth For information, call 35 3 4400. condition. Phone 372-9428. 3-4-9 carpeted, disposal. Brookview then this clean 3 bedroom ranch TMESIS Week activities will he disciktsed. All SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49; chest, COLTS FOR SALE: 1 black yearling Mobile Park, Perry, (off M-78). On west of Williamston is the home PREPARATION This weekend at the Albatross $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC and 1 registered. 6 month old lot with - every modern for you. The home has a two car Dave Greenwald and t'.len Scon SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 Appaloosa. Are halter broken and convenience. 339-8777. 5-4-15 The Baha'i Club invites all (Scotty) will perform today, anj Turner. C lovable. Call 224-2772 or garage, fenced yard, full basement John interested people to a fireside at 7 Campbell will perform 351-1765 after 5 p.m. 3-49 and priced at $21,900. FHA, VA 1970 PARKWOOD 12x60. Two p.m. Sunday at 614 N. Hagadorn Rd. Saturday. The coffeehouse will ),■ and Farmers Home bedroom. Raised kitchen and For rides or information, call 351 - GOYA GUITAR G-10. Good MAGNAVOX CONSOLE stereo with STRAWBERRY TOM, tasseled ears, Administration Tmplttt PrtfiisilMl Tkiils Service for utility room. Call Webberville, financing is 8193. condition. Best offer. 355-2012. AM-FM multiplex. Must see to of good character seeks owner of available. To call '-Mailer's and Oectoral Candidates Free of $1 will be collected. after 6 p.m., 521-3996. 4-4-9 see Maynard 3-4-9 believe. 355-3228. 5-4-13 Srsckire and Consultatien Please Call Students interested in theological good character. Reasonable. Beery 351-5210 or SIMON REAL 351-9084 after 5 p.m. ESTATE Okemos MSU Branch Cliff and Paala Hauler 137 1527 er 627 2936 education are invited to a conference The Alternative Coffeehouse nil! 4-4-12 ORANGE BLOSSOM diamond ring, SONY TC8, 8 track cartridge player Lost & Found 349-3310.7-4-16 April 17 at the United Ministries in be open from 9 p.m. to midnight! FREE EASTER kitty. All black, TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. Higher Education Center, 1118 S. today. Come for folk - r< ' " Rapids, accurate service. Harrison Rd. Twenty - five graduate expression, friends and J female, 4 months old. Box REWARD! LOST man's 1971 MSU OKEMOS - NEW 3 bedroom bi-level schools of theology will be (He's alive, and it's beautiful) at trainpd. Phone 372-5790 or class ring. Gold with black onyx with beautiful field stone Experienced. 393-4075. O GARRARD TURNTABLE, Solid represented. For information, call Hagadorn Rd. across from llubbirjl HARMON - KARDON stereo. 355-9909. 3-4-9 stone. Initial PRD, 351-6612. fireplace; all built-in kitchen, deck 332 - 0861. Hall. walnut base, magnetic cartridge, COMPLETE THESES service. 1-4-9 off of kitchen and dining room, Slightly used component system make offer, 332-2670. 3-4-9 Discount printing. IBM typing and with matched speakers, original IRISH SETTER. 2 years old, AKC two full baths and two car garage. The Pre - Law Club will meet at The following Free U clasi registered championship breeding. The home is priced at binding of theses, resumes, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 118 Eppley meet this weekend: Yoga. 9 cost $449, now $295. Used YOU WONT BELIEVE our large $32,500 351-7873. 5-4-13 with publications. Across from campus, Center. Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley will a.m. Saturday, Union Green Realistic stereo amp and extension selection of frame M.G.I.C., conventional or MAC and Grand River, styles. corner be present to discuss a wide area of Drawing and I'ainting. 10 ais.l speakers. Selection of used OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East LOST: FOB, resembles small gold Equity Out financing available. To below AKC REGISTERED black cocker see any time*Call Maynard Beery Style Shop. Call topics and to answer questions. All Saturday, 136 Fee Hall: Sen portable stereo phonographs. Bell locket. Two stones. students and faculty members Sunday Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. spaniel. 5 months. Has all shots. Heirloom. 351-5210 COPYGRAPH SERVICES, are p.m. I'nion !' and Howell stereo cassette or SIMON REAL invited to attend. No admission. 1 stablishnu-nt MucKr.iKni.:, s -B C-5-4-9 353-7717.3-4-13 recorder. Used Westinghouse Good with children. $50. ESTATE, Okemos MSU Branch, _ 337J 666. C Sunday, 300 M.A.C. Ave., Apt. 5. portable TV, plays good $45. New 655-2975. 10-4-19 349-3310. 7-4-16 "Gamut" will present "The Boob STEREO COMPONENTS: Complete Personal TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. Tube is You," an experiment in 9x12 Oriental pattern rugs and set. Mcintosh, JBL, Revox, Dual, Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary The Society for Creatm| wall tapestries. 1500 used and FREE LOVABLE kittens. Box SPACIOUS AND VERY Ann Lance, 626-8542. 0-4-9 subjective video tape communication Anachronism will meet at Shure. 1-857-4835. 3-4-13 HELP SAVE AMERICA trained. 10 weeks old. 351-8615, BEAUTIFUL FIVE bedroom consisting of a montage of music, Saturday in the third flon guaranteed stereo records and 8 Join the AMERICAN VIGILANTES! BARBI MEL: underground film and manipulated Tower Room. All those who track stereo tapes. Hermes 351-5385. 2-4-9 Colonial home. Solidly built. Typing, multilithing. BOY'S 3 speed bicycle. Used 3 For information - Buy and Read No job too reality where te'evision folds back attend the May Crown Toi portable typewriter, excellent Extra nice floor plan. So many large or too small. months. Perfect condition. into itself, at 11:30 Saturday should condition, $39. Selection of THE AMERICAN VIGILANTE quality features. Formal dining Block off campus. 332-3255. C Channel 10 WMSB. a.m. on attend the meeting. | 351-9363.2-4-12 by Alaric Branden Press, 221 Rogers of University of Wiscona 35mm SLR ' cameras used. room. Warm and cozy family Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass., will speak on "Medieval \V Polaroids and movie room with fireplace. Three COMPLETE TYPING and printing cameras. RUMMAGE SALE. Old pictures, Petitions are now available for the For information, call 353 - 8379 02116. $4.95. 15-4-27 service. Copy stored on magnetic Bosch and Lombe used separate bathroom areas. 2 car 1972 Senior Class Council outside of 353 - 8380. Indian bedspreads, records, etc. AKC ALASKAN Malamute puppies. microscopes. Used 8 track and „ attaohed garage, And much more. tape. This eliminatesr,»U•re-typirHJ: lift07 Student 'iSewices Bldg. They Saturday, 9 - 7 p.m. 539 Ann Champion blood lines, $50 and cassette auto tape players, all Priced at $41,900. Really a great except author's changes and must be returned noujater than April The Musicians' Guild of t Street. 1-4-9 up. 669-3423. 10-4-19 tested and guaranteed. Bargains on POSTAL PREDICTION buy. To see this lovely home, call corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT 16. Society for Creative Anachronisn MAIL will meet at 3 p.m. Saturday in the used lovely diamond ring SPEEDLIGHT. BRAUN. STANDARD SCHNAUZER; male, 7 Martha Mertz, 339-9466, or ADVERTISING, across 515 The Badminton Club invites all Music Building lobby to ?!)>■ SIMON REAL from Frandor. Phone 337-1773. C engagement sets, $39 up. professional. Call Bob, 351-7857 months. AKC. Salt and pepper. ESTATE, students and faculty members to play* medieval music. New mr"L Layaways, Bankcard, Mastercharge. Phone 393-7275 after 5 p.m. 3-4-9 It is predicted that by 1975 it OKEMOS BRANCH, 349-3310. after 5 p.m. B1-4-9 NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE from 6 to 9 p.m. today in the lower welcome, and music will b WILCOX SECONDHAND will cost $.25 to send a first Call 351 - 1690 for inform COPY SHOPPE can show you gym of the Women's Intramural STORE, 509 E. Michigan, FLOOR LENGTH velvet skirt. ONE BASSETT puppy, 2 months class letter within the United Building. TO is needed to check out - how to get two Xerox copies for Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours THREE equipment. Another series of Expec old. Purebred. Call 353-8281, States and that by 1980 it BEDROOM, full basement the price of one. Phone 332-4222. daily 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. C Handmade. 485-5002. 2-4-9 Jerry or Larry. 2-4-9 with furnished recreation room. 2 classes will begin Monday. The serial will cost a $1.00. 541 E. Grand River. C car The Cantilever Club will meet at are taught by registered nurses anil garage, large lot near 7:30 p.m. Monday in 183 Natural are sponsored by the I'.vpectaw MacDonald and Marble Schools. Parent Committee of Greatei But a message that reaches 50,000 people in State News June 15th occupancy. $24,750. Transportation Resources Bldg. Multicon Homes from Columbus, Ohio, will provide a Lansing. Class Enrollment is S12 p« 351-2192. 12-4-16 film and program on their operations. couple. For information, call IV 4 Classified Ads costs as little as FOR SALESPOWER try a little 1357. If no answer, call IV 7-6111 Elections of next year's officers will $1.50 for a 10 word ad. If Classified Ad to sell a large mobile Ext. 284. LOGAN NORTH. 3 bedroom home, home! Dial 355-8255 today. you have good things around large rec room, walk out Wanted your home you'd like to sell to cash buyers, make a list of basement. Take over Phone 372-2906. 5-4-9 contract. Wanted Who's Whosel them, then dial 355-8255 for BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for a helpful Ad Writer all positive, A negative, B negative today! Recreation CMU PROF wants small unfurnished and AB negative, $40.00. O house within 15 minutes of negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN WATERBEDS, KING sized. Only Jeanne Honeyman, Lansing to campus for 71-72 academic year. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, $40 or rent one for $10 per SUMMER FLIGHTS to Europe, Will caretake for Sabbatical prof. 507'/> East Grand River, East Anthes, Rosslyn Farms, Pa month. Call 351-5988, after 12 f165' New York London. Call Modest rent. Phone collect (517) Lansing. Above the Campus Delta Sigma Phi. noon. 5-4-12 Frank Buck- 351-8604. 17-4-28 773-9646. 5-4-14 new Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 Barbara Ambrose, Farmington, MSliB p.m., Monday, Thursday and Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 grad to Don Shires, Farmingt«\| senior, Evans Scholar. p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Diane Augustine, Niles, freshman,P*l EXTRA TV'S sell fast in spring with Mu to David Mathis, Monroe, junior,! low cost Want Ads - Dial Sigma Alpha Mu. 355-8255. ENGAGEMENTS Carol L. DeCoster, Grosse ?oin* CoJIingtt>o0& senior to Neal Richmond, grad student. L. Ban* apartments (formerly North wind Apis.) Lansing, senior, Phi Kappa Tau. MEADOWBROOK TRACE IS . . . Elaine Furu, Ceresco, junior Baker, Marshall, junior. toL»n'( Susan Humphrey, Akron, senior to Howard Terebf.'B 2|C 200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING FUN IN YOUR OLYMPIC POOL Southfield senior, Sigma Alpha J| J|CFELLOWSHIP AND RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB ROOM TV Feme Gaines, Southfield, . room, and exercise room. Angel Flight to Andrew Farkas, ■ Cave, N.Y. junior, Arnold | $ SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS. * SHAG CARPETING Society. GET IT ON. * NEW FURNITURE £ PARTIES FOP RESIDENTS AND GUESTS. * UNLIMITED PARKING £ READING ROOM FOR PRIVATE STUDY. TUDY. The way to haul your treasures, your friends, * * DISHWASHERS AIR COND. I LOVE SPECIAL SUMMER £ SUNDECKS. - * ON THE BANK OF your kegs. * S375» ONLY RATES FROM THE RED CEDAR $ INDIVIDUAL * STORAGE AREAS. * 4 MAN $220 Mo. 3 MAN $210 Mo. CEDAR £ MASTER £ COLOR TV ANTENNA. 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. /PERSON/MONTH DATSUN '/2-T0N PICKUP. .. $1895 ™ * 2 MAN AND NINE MONTH LEASES ALSO AVAILABLE VILLAGE! | on MEADOWBROOK To get to Meadowbrook 1-496. Exit west trhce Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State Campus onto Jolly Road and go to corner of Dunckel Road. DOWN PAYMENT LOW STORY "" _ _ DATSUN SALES _ FINANCING AVAILABLE MODEL OPEN DAILY behind the — Pat Pulte 332-5051 2 Big Lots to Serve You °P®n MondaV- Thursday, and Yankee store OPEN 10-6 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT East Michigan Ave. at Frandor FridaV evenings until 9 Bogue St. at the Red Ced» I 3 blocks East of Showroom PHONE 351-0400^ call 351-8282 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April 9, 1971 fronk thee Cereal controversy hit breakfast cereal Using United States figures on mi„Ui„ Mickelsen said * Off-track n makes any labeling because of recent of cereal's nutritional cereal sales cM«re.krTn°t«k?idf and consumption the u, j wch infonnatlon from u .u the » .. U.s! "0n the other hand- they «»"»»'l"wth In humm may Mickelsen said he could value at this time of see little having running N.Y. .v„.8„ r legislation that requires the PER NEW YORK (AP) Grand Central Terminaltook Agricu,.r „n c.l„,ie he s.id, .he pk» by one values on breakfast cereal labels. a racetrack - grandstand Thursday as the city's Off Track on the air of ls■e rouehb critic" forK cereal compiles to put He offered encouragement to Corp., the nation's first legalized off - Retting track wagering system, An if .• . . Protein efficiency ratios (PER) workers in the food industry who finally broke from the gate. "... any effort to improve the pvtr Tn(a exists, he said, VaCU?alSO on package iables is not that in the significance have to translate nutritional Alread\ $5.5 million in debt, the nutrient intake by changing of ways of meaningful since PER's corporation took its first are knowledge for the bets at a 10 window facility in the railroad breakfast cereals will make only in cereals. measuring —value mea8Ure^ with ^ animals. housewife, but average said he sees no - window parlor in Queens and depot, at a six - a Eyen jf these pER>s werp by telephone from customers who Two methods used in recent answer to the whole problem at had previously established credit. small impact." translated into human needs, this lime. studies mticizing cereals The opening was a happy provide though( Mickelsen said, there is day for Mayor John V. Lindsay and facts on the effectiveness of Howard J. Samuels, corporation chairman and doubt if this kind of information president. cereal proteins ,n promoting The terminal, normally a MSU food nutrition i*1"80" represent only about 1.5 would ^ meaningful to the byway for commuters, shoppers and r't an would like to have some P®"1 cent of the daily caloric rapid growth of test animals, not humans. average consumer. Dieters' loss businessmen taking short cuts through the crowded concourse, became throughout the day as up to 600 persons stood in line to He answered. requirement, lheproblemsar.se when this Yorkpointed to a survey in New «, track i Landon Hall and Butterfield Hall the members of the Way in the Hubbard Hall have made provisions for houses prospective Professional personnel, such as .i Saturday ir. tbl bargaining unit. librarians and counselors, would lobby to ptiil |- purpose room catering to cultural and academic Other slew members b (entertainment will feature prospective bargaining he included in the unit, c will i Information. be provide! Leaf Club performing plosion." Records will be interests. "The individual determine how their quiet houses halls will agents can obtain ballot by obtaining signatures from 10 a place on the If the interested parties cannot agree on the size of the ) \ ,An Y.;>>. ^^>urnacf ; I— J per cent of the bargaining t v<> ESTI: r Expectant Parei and special interest houses will e unit, the final members of the | lonilay. The serii Bation for the dance will be set up," Miss White said. "It will bargaining unit, determination will be made by istered nurses an Neither organization has the employment probably differ from hall to hall." relations 1 the Expectant! publicly announced the exact commission. mittee of Great#! is si: r«| J tM! HI ent lution, call IV 4 call IV 7 - 611! ■ I Jj| jo O) I Wliostl "N LIVING ROOM KITCHEN ; i J 12x 15 8/12 8 6/12 x 12 10/12.!=- -=* ! O IJ ; : h- TERRACE . ; | 5 X 10 8/12 ,sel freshman, is, Monroe, junior,! L r, Grosse ?ointlB Still a few places I ' L. Bandlw J FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: ident. Arbor, junior «| left for summer & fall MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. , Ypsilanti, junk*! TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. Ft. Lauderdik! These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and chael C. Mills. ^J furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each i Kappa Tau. unit has a dishwasher, UUIJU1 garbage disposal and individual control ,o juniorc to : I central air conditioning and Hotpoint - appliances. These four man You units have up to 3 parking spaces never heard it so good. per unit. The student's leisure time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, , Akron, recreation rooms and private balconies. If ward Terebe'l *FOAM EAR CUSHION you want to be among the Sigma Alpha P first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units •FULLY ADJUSTABLE starting at $60/month per man. ♦COILED CORD Three. Six. Nine and Twelve SAVE 1/3 Month leases Available >VI COMING during this WEEKEND SPECIAL NEXT WEEK at Your 4-Channel Stereo AGE!] >AR CARTRIDGE FREE Headquarters — GTtopckmgfjam CLINIC The Stereo Shoppe TWYCKINGHAM APTS. 4620 S. HAGADORN just north of Mt. Hope Rd. Complete analysis of t Pulte 1505- your stereo No obligation. cartridge. cost Friday, April 16th, and Sat., or 543 E. Grand River Hours: Mon. - East Sat. 10-5:45 Next to Paramount News Lansing - 337-1300 Open Wed. till 9:00 / BX.\ATCUFF 9B- management exclusively by: e Red h Ced» I April 17th. Convenient terms available - Bank Cards accepted. +rr. nopi ro. ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Fridaay April 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 9, |971 Class compares "War and spring. Morality" offered this in war September from Miami general philosophical principles University of Ohio, said the during the first four sessions. to today, World War || obey all the orders of their questionable combatants. This alternative nationwide refusal would entail a "Civilian of teachers, actually be defense tested to „ , L°U,lll4 I superiors. "The course concentration on evening course will cover a third This leads to a discussion, in the Course discussion will also deal politicians, mass media workers works," then Benjamin neither said 1*1 One novel the class will read with justification arguments and businessmen to cooperate can th "■ The best way to deal with the issues in the context of World of his departmental philosophy last two sessions, of Vietnam issues of war and morality today War II rather than Vietnam is course, "Contemporary Moral and alternatives to war. deals with an incident in 1946 such as the just war doctrine and with the invading country, he system. But the find rauntL ^1 is to study similar World War II deliberate." Benjamin said. "It and Political Issues." which is surprisingly similar to the principle of double effect. explained. The plan would work a new alternative W "ll"® Parallels issues, Martin Benjamin, visiting minimizes emotion and rhetoric He explained that the course, can be drawn. Benjamin said, between the trial the Calley case. It concerns a German submarine officer who Benjamin defines double effect as a defense, he said, if aggressive muddle through with the war'aftl* asst. professor of philosophy, so we can focus on philosophical which consists of six Wednesday as the idea that one isn't to nations could be made to realize present said while describing the aim of issues." of Lt. William Calley Jr. and the night two - hour sessions judgments of the International was tried by Americans for blame for paip brought about that an invasion of the United alternative." Benjamin J??! the Evening College course on Benjamin, who came to MSU beginning April 21, will cover Tribunal at Nuremberg, killing French civilians for the during an action when the States would be internally course as important, not oil concerning the defense of orders safety of his men. intended results are good. resisted. college students, but t„ 'Hl Another issue to be raised in non - University people, from a superior officer. During World War II, civilian Scientist He added that British and the course is the problem of the distinctions between combatants Benjamin plans to close the course with the discussion of defense in worked spontaneously Norway, Benjamin said. "People are these Issues," he Uilkine , American war department rules said, "and and non-combatants. Calley used pacifism and other alternatives allowed superior orders as a to war. One unconventional Studies are being made at need a place u, discuss th this argument, Benjamin Harvard and in Great Britain to with evalu i t i s e n s to v defense until 1944. These rules alternative in which Benjamin is were reversed just one year explained, saying that you can't see how it worked. determine who the enemy is — particularly interested is civilian before the Nuremberg trials, defense.. children throw grenades too. when the Allies knew they would win and the rules would programs He said this problem applied "With civilian defense," he provide a Ironically, defense for Germans. he said, Germans had a rule throughout the during World War II. munitions plant worker and the farmer who provide the enemy The said, "instead of relying on military machinery, there would be massive organized civil EUROPE John E. Nellor, asst. vice the war that officers didn't have solder with arms and food are resistance to aggression." president of the Office of Research Development at MSU has been selected to help review SUMMER '71 and evaluate various science programs at Puerto Rico. the University of Halls plan key Nellor was selected along with !!? ROUND TRIP JETS replace four other scientists as a member ~~ of their advisory and evaluation committee. to use from 194" "This survey," Nellor said, To reduce thefts in residence key to a residence hall house is the security people in the ''will include the lost, North explained, all the halls, the University is recalling adjoining women's hall and Commonwealth and Federal many duplicate master keys locks on the floor have to be obtain a key." Agricultural Experiment 1 (submasters) issued to resident changed. This can cost as much as far there have been no *Detroit Stations, the College of assistants. $1,000, he said. So Agricultural Sciences, the Dept. ^ "The more master or submaster "In the past we lost an average complaints, North said, either of Biology at Mayaguez, the of one key per residence hall a from RAs or students about the Puerto Rico Nuclear Center, as Reading dangerously keys you have over an area, the less security there is," Gary year," North said. "This new system. Call your campus well as the Entomological One good wind and this student's book would become part North, coordinator of residency endangers the property of Pioneering Research of the debris floating down the Red Cedar. halls said. students living in the house and Laboratory." State News photo by Doug Bauman When a master or submaster costs a lot of money." representative North said that the residence halls are now involved in NOW! Eddie Wiener FOR SERIOUS TALKS instituting check - a plan to have a key out system at each COMPACT residence hall reception REFRIGERATOR desk for students who lose or misplace RENTALS 393-7520 keys. 351-5256 N. Viets hit Nixon offer Some residence halls, he said, like those in the Brody complex, will not recall the submasters because there is no way for students not living in coed halls to PARIS (AP) - The total withdrawal of its troops Vietnamizing the war and to quickly to Nixon's speech obtain a spare key after the lobby Vietnamese Communists derided from South Vietnam. the policy of agression and Wednesday night in which he press desk closes. President Nixon's latest troop claimed success for North Vietnam accused the war." "We have an identification withdrawal program Thursday United States of "orchestrating a Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh, head of Vietnamization, announced a system to insure the key is given and cold shouldered his call for loud campaign of propaganda on the Viet Cong delegation, slight increase in monthly U.S. to the proper person," he said. serious negotiations. the false issue of prisoners of asserted that Vietnamization troop withdrawals and gave "And men who lose their keys "President Nixon has renewed his call for serious negotiations," assurance involvement that in "American this war is North Vietnam's acting chief "Has run into grave failures." after the desk is closed can go to A Campus U.S. Ambassador David K.E. delegate, Nguyen Minh Vy, said coming to an end." Bruce told the 108th session of the Paris peace talks. The North Vietnamese said Nixon is "persisting in telling lies that "to pretend there were great victories after heavy WE SERVICE ALL MAKES EASTER SUNDAY "I await your positive and to the American defeats is the way the Nixon people." constructuve response. An early South Vietnam, with strong administration seeks to avoid DELL TELEVISION SERVICE peace in Vietnam, and early end U.S. support, proposed a mutual confessing the failure of the to the killing there, demands no less." repatriation or internment in a Nixon doctrine and policy of 1000 E. GRAND RIVER neutral country of able bodied The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong response was to reiterate its old demands for a prisoners who have undergone a long period of captivity. The Communists harked back T.V. RENTALS Ph. 482 DINNER complete withdrawal of U.S. to their old position that talks and delivery $9.50 month at troops from South Vietnam. The Communists reacted on prisoner release must follow Washington's fixing of a date for NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1 300 authorized PANASONIC servicenter Kellogg Center's The \ STATE ROOM Hot Expenses of Spring pants, motorcycle helmets, frisbees, cowboy boots, dog leashes, suntan Menu lotions, box kites, tuneups, ice cream cones, bush jackets, new tires, late registration fees, income tax, parking fines, gas charge bills, record albums, Baked Ham 3.25 and of course Straighten them out with books. your own Master Charge account. Konigsberg Meatballs 2.65 ^ !JV|SU Student faster ChargeApplication Roast Prime Rib of Beef 4.45 JF ORMAT ION REQUESTED BELOW) TTTTTlj lSTUDENT NUMBEf DRAFT STATUS SPOUSE'S STUDENT NUMBER 12 oz. New York Strip Steak 5.75 ^ P RENT Baked Rainbow Trout 4.15 L SECURITY NUMBER Sri Roast Leg of Lamb 3.55 BUSINESS PHONE Crab Ala Newberg on Pastry Shell 3.65 □ (OTHER) Baked Breast of t CREDIT REFERENCES BALANCE DUE MONTHLY PAYMENT Chicken, Amadine 2.65 All dinner prices include appetizer, salad, beverage and dessert. Featured with all dinners are Kellogg Center 's Gourmet Salad Bowl and E Of SPOUSE Special Easter Flowering Sundae. Dinner served from 12:15 p.m. to 6 WW p.m. S East Lansing State Bank East OkemoH Unulott Lanttlng OLomnu I snitlnn flask-it RrnaLflalH Plin Brook field Plaza RpiI ("pilar at Trnurhrl^l Bed Cedar at Trowbridge KELLOGG CENTEBI °n Campus at the corner of Harrison and Michigan