Monday Cloudy MICHIGAN STATE NEWS . . . chance of showers with a high in the mid 60s. STATE UNIVERSITY East Laming, Michigan Monday, April 12, 1971 AT YOUTH CONFERENCE Task force proposes end to Indochina war specific numbers or deadlines. WASHINGTON (AP) - A task force of the Other recommendations In the reports White House Conference on Youth, called Include: by President Nixon, will urge the group to • Expansion of drug • control programs in endorse Immediate and complete the armed forces and "acceptance and withdrawal from the Indochina War. toleration of unconventional drug programs That is one of the few proposals likely to run and controlled by individuals Involved In embarrass Nixon, among ten task force the drug subculture." reports prepared for the gathering next week • A dual minimum wage; one rate for In Estes Park, Colo. adults and another for youths. The papers range over such diverse • Changing the legal age of adulthood to subjects as Appalachian coal mining and the 18. mechanics of sex education. But the major • The Appalachian coal industry should be storm cloud hanging over the conference is either Appalachianlzed or nationalized and in the report on unemployment and the strip mining should be abolished." economy. The reports will form the basis of "We propose that the Indochina war be discussion for 1,500 delegates, of whom two made the first order of business .. . and call • thirds are between the ages of 14 and 24, for an immediate and complete withdrawal There has been a White House Conference from the conflict," says the report, adding: on Children and Youth every ten years since "It has become clear that the Indochina 1909. This ls the first time it has been war is an overwhelming issue with divided into two parts, the Conference on ramifications in many areas being explored Children having been held last December in by the conference ... We have tried to look Washington. beyond the war, but we keep coming back to Its Impact." The war's Impact runs through many of the reports. A task force on the draft recommends UN predic establishing an all - volunteer armed force by June 30, 1972. One member of the task force, Asst. Secretary of Defense Roger T. Kelley, explained his differences with some 252 millio aspects of the report in an appendix. The report, says Kelley, "contains a fine discussion on why military conscription Is inconsistent with our national leritage of Individual liberty" but '"I would have U.S. by UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - U.N. Train dera preferred that it also stressed the responsibility of our citizens to defend the experts predict that there will be more than a billion people in Communist China by the nation." 1990 and more than a billion in India Chesapeake and Ohio freight train derailed Sunday near the Lansing. Dean Preston, lirand Trunk Railroad detective, said one car year A report on foreign relations calls for by the year 2000, when the world's [Trowbridge diamond crossing, with no injuries reported. The apparently buckled causing six other cars to derail and two more to increasing the rate of withdrawal of U.S. population will total almost 6Vfc billion. jdereilment, involving eight of the 99 cars, blocked all rail traffic east of jump the tracks. State News photo by Milton Horst forces from Vietnam but mentions no Those and other projections by the U.N. Population Division are in the latest issue of the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, circulated here this past weekend. claims Ind The latest comparable U.N. estimates of akistan EW DELHI, India (AP) - Radio Pakistan The radio, the official organ of President men were captured along with a machine with Pakistan," he told newsmen In Mujlbur Rahman's independence forces, the actual population, for mid • 1969, are 740 million for Communist China, 537 million for India and 3Vi billion for the world. The projections show that the world's population will top 4 billion by 1975; nearly gun, two rifles, a grenade and a radio set. Indian government radio said. 5 billion by 1985; 5V* billion by 1990 and 6 lied Sunday two companies of Indian Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan's Northern Chandigarh city. "But I do not billion by 1995, and 6.49 billion in 2000. ler security forces infiltrated rebellious government, said that the two Indian The Pakistani government claimed last think that Pakistan rulers will be so reckless as to embark on a military adventure against The radio said the army had received large Between 1975 and 2000, they Indicate, J Pakistan and were wiped out by companies "were part of the Infiltrators who weekend that it had destroyed a convoy of have crossed into East Pakistan from India." India." quantities of fresh arms and troop the population of the world's more Eminent troops. nine Indian vehicles filled with arms and The foreign minister described previous reinforcements by sea and air to enable them developed regions will go from 1.14 billion ■said the Indians were intercepted "well ammunition in the northern sector of the to move against the east Pakistanis. to 1.45 billion and that of the less developed 'e Pakistani territory" on Saturday. It said the security forces were armed with secessionist province, which shares a Pakistani allegations about armed Indians Pakistani broadcast coupled its mortars, machine guns, rifles and grenades infiltrating east Pakistan as "baseless and regions from 2.87 billion to 5 billion. 1,349-mile border with India. luncement with a fresh pledge of when they were attacked by the Pakistan meant for propaganda." Indian press reports said heavy fighting Meanwhile, mainland China's tally will rise ort from Communist China, army in Jessore district, near Benapole, an Foreign Minister Swaran Singh of India The latest Chinese pledge of support — the was raging in eastern Comilla, a few miles from 825 million in 1975 to 1.03 billion in Indian expressed doubt that Pakistan would attack second In six days — to the central Pakistan from the border of India's trlpura state, with 1990 and 1.16 billion In 2000, and India's also said that political leaders In west border town about 60 miles India during the current crisis. heavy losses on both sides. stan were urging that the "aggression" northeast of Calcutta. government came In an article in the Peking (Please turn to page 9) We will have to safeguard our borders i India be stopped. The radio said that two of the security Peoples Daily which was broadcast by Radio Peking and quoted by Radio Pakistan. Radio Pakistan said China would "support Pakistan In safeguarding its national State News faculty stirs Independence and sovereignty" — which was leffer to presumed to mean that China did not want to see East and West Pakistan split into separate nations. The Peoples Daily article, according to Radio Pakistan, said the United States and lb y new edito chief j lispufe the Soviet Union "were in coordination with over Education Assn. (MEA), is seeking faculty he gave Owen as ideas that might be India on developments in East Pakistan." China, the radio said, also accused India of massing troops along the borders with East Pakistan, sending armed personnel In civilian John T. Juel, Superior, Wis., senior, has been named State News editor • in • chief for 1971-72. The appointment was announced Friday by the [form let er mailed to approximately 0 to become the collective Incorporated into MSUFA policy. clothes Into the province to carry out Advisory Board for the State News and Wolverine. faculty members today has erupted signatures "I did not know they were going to put my a collective bargaining brouhaha on bargaining agent for MSU faculty. name on them and send them to 2,000 sabotage, and "setting in motion its entire 'us. MEA officials responsible for the mailing propaganda machinery to vllllfy Pakistan." colleague*," Cooper said. Juel, a journalism and English major, has worked admit a misunderstanding with Cooper and The Chinese, in a "strong protest" to the for the State News for two years and is currently > ty Associates (MSUFA), presumably concede that his signature was forged. But Cooper's Information to Owen eventually Indian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday, had evolved into a form letter approved by the the ASMSU reporter. He ls scheduled to assume ies the signature of Carl Cooper, they also contend that MSUFA had MSUFA coordinating committee April 5. supported Yahya Khan's repeated the editorship May 2. I- let r, on staionery of the MSU essor of chemical engineering, Cooper's permission to send the letter. allegations that India was "flagarantly it William R. Owen, MEA consultant for Cooper, who has previously attended these Interfering In the Internal affairs of Cooper, who saw the letter Friday, meetings, was absent April 5. Juel, 22, served an internship with the Sunday he was "amazed" to receive it, higher education, said Sunday he In a letter to the State News Friday, Pakistan." Washington Post In 1970, and ls a member of the 1 »e did not sign the letter, did not understood a paper submitted by Cooper Within East Pakistan, the army was Honors College, Blue Key and Phi Kappa Phi 'orize It two weeks ago could be used In any way he Cooper said he is not a member of the reported to have launched a major offensive or even know It was being MSUFA coordinating committee, although honoraries, and the School of Journalism Student (Owen) saw fit. he has "contributed to its discussions." to regain areas now in control of Sheik Advisory Committee. SUFA, an affiliate of Michigan Cooper said the original paper was notes (Please turn to page 9) Owen said he eventually gave the letter to his MEA secretary and Instructed her to telephone Cooper about it. "Apparently, she did not reach Carl," he led China British psychiatrist calls said. Owen said Cooper's signature on the MSUFA letter was probably put there by an MEA secretary. |8 ■EDITORS American "I really don't know who signed the letter," Owen continued. "But It ls standard procedure to sign for an individual If you have his authorization for the contents." American men sissies NOTE: John Roderick wa* people contacts with Americans of all P® of three American newsmen kinds are encouraging. The contents of the letter are another he said. "All the women are crying out for a strong man and he's just ■ mitted to enter Communist China to We base this estimate on the friendly point that Cooper disputes. LONDON (AP) - A British psychiatrist said Sunday American not there. »ver the tour of the U.S. table tennis "I do not know that the statements in the spirit with which Chinese from Shumchun letter are true," he said Friday. "As far as I men are a bunch of weak • kneed, lily • livered sissies. "In that competitive society the men are so tired when they come ■ ro. it wat the flr|t time #uch to the Chinese capital received the 15 Bearded Dr. Joshua Bierer is 70 years old with an attractive 25 • home they are only too happy to let their wives take over all the W'miMion was granted to U.S. know, only the president of MSUFA has the old wife and two young children — a boy two years old and a members of the U.S. table tennis team year • responsibility for home and children. power to determine policy on the use of girl 3*. Dr. Bierer, chairman of the International Association of Social £„ Pondent» «ince the Communists Saturday. It is bolstered by the warmth of authorization cards." Jined power in 1949. the welcome extended to me and two Back from a month - long tour across the United States, the Psychiatry and former superintendent of a London hospital for other American correspondents as we Vienna - born psychiatrist said he had changed his mind since mentally disturbed people, said he found the youth of America BY JOHN RODERICK hurried to catch up with the team Sunday. making a previous survey in 1964 when he said American women stimulating. "ociated Press Writer We are the first U.S. correspondents ever ASMSU aUctions were domineering. "But," he said, "they are confused. "Before I thought that the women wanted to rule the country," "I met with them at two communes - one In New York and one given visas as working newsmen, officials he said In an Interview. "I changed that opinion. Women are In Vermont - and found some very fine young people, many sons here told us. The table tennis team was the Ka^to*9o Th'8 ls my f'r8t dispatch from first American group of any kind invited to ASMSU elections will bo Wednesday. Anyone interested In working held compelled to take over, not fighting to take over." And, he said, "I thought the men who attended some seminars I and daughters of wealthy people. They were just dissatisfied with I>rt wouM rtBl The news 1 have t0 the mainland since the People's Republic spoke at with their wives would shoot me for my remarks - but the rat race and felt there waa something more Important In Ufa fweelu —"a be*n incredlb|e °n»V • aao was proclaimed in 1949. at polling places between 8 a.m. and 5 $1.60 per hour, should contact Instead they all agreed with me. than just money and coming home from work tired. I still believe a youth movement of constructive rebellion can save the Unltad Pole's the Repute 8 WelC°mC pro"Pect» for (Please turn to page 9) p.m. at the AS!VISU Business Office. "It'a still the fatherless society. The husbands are no husbands," States. Now the country la In a mess." wider people- to- 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 12 u news Copters supply besieged base SAIGON (AP) — Nearly a dozen U.S. helicopters broke through Associated Press photographer Neal Ulevich reported from Fire Base 6 has been under attack since March 31 bv <>i I summary a ring of North Vietnamese fire Sunday to resupply Fire Base 6, a frontier South Vietnamese artillery outpost under siege for 12 Pleiku, 50 miles to the south, that an early morning attempt to resupply Fire Base 6 failed after the North Vietnamese let one of two North Vietnamese infantry regiments and regiment. The base overlooks an infiltration trail and the en ^1 making a determined effort to knock it out. oi Wen>yiii :s of AP and UP1. days. helicopter through and then opened fire on the others. North Vietnamese forces overran the base on The rest of the resupply mission, involving about 20 The helicopter that reached the base hovered over it while inflicting heavy losses on the South Vietnamese Mar I helicopters, called back after crewmen kicked out cannisters of water to the less than two $51 four - was man crew was rescued. one chopper was shot down. Its battalions of defenders below. This relieved a water shortage at Vietnamese^wit^je^orcements day after iilia'a oeen pounded by heavy U.S. reoccupied'thT^I U.S. B52 Stratofortresses pounded North Vietnamese positions the base. next artillery that forced the North Vietnamese to flee. air'strUt^ki around Fire Base 6 for the fifth consecutive day. Two waves of Allied artillery and fighter - bombers pounded suspected North Saigon headquarters claims that more than 2nnn » Vietnamese positions in the mountainous jungles through the day ^ been killed in the fighting ' 4kotia the bombers unloaded 180 tons of explosives within less than two IFi.l Vietnamese troops have Lrillos-I In lU.. P! i . . "We learn and are taught to miles of the base, located about 300 miles north of Saigon near and then a second resupply mission of about 16 to 20 helicopters base. the border juncture of Laos, Cambodia and South Vietnam. was sent in. In the air attacks, an F100 Supersabre jet failed to The allied airfield at practice war. Youngsters are Pleiku, major base for the fr ■ North Vietnamese troops attacked a South Vietnamese armored clear a ridge and crashed. The pilot was missing. taught from the time they re born column several miles east of the base with rocket operation, was hit by a 122mm rocket Sunday evening butil! propelled Ulevich reported that eight to 10 helicopters got through, but to be warriors. It takes an were no reports of casualties or damage. ' 1161 grenades and small arms. One South Vietnamese soldier was the others were called back after the one helicopter was shot A South Vietnamese spokesman at Pleiku claimed immense amount of brainwashing killed, four were wounded and one vehicle was damaged heavily, down halfway through the mission. Maj. William E. Adams, 31, 53 m Vietnamese troops were killed in heavy fighting to turn an innate coward into a field reports said. Craig, Colo., was commander of the downed helicopter. Saturday iu the northeast of Fire Base 6. courageous warrior." Field reports said at least six South Vietnamese soldiers*, killed and 18 were wounded in the fighting. Five g Terrell Phenice, JAMES FARMER TO SPEAK Vietnamese1 were missing. Saigon headquarters reported that reconnaissance planes asst. professor of anthropology eastern Cambodia spotted 10 North Vietnamese soldiers in two Russian • made trucks six miles south of Mimot travelJ nist on J HRI other side of the Vietnamese border. A communique said artill ■ arts sem and U.S. helicopter gunships were called in, trucks and killing all 10 soldiers. destroying thei In southern Cambodia, North Vietnamese and Viet Congttt Easter Sunday observed James Farmer, civil rights seminar entitled "The through a full schedule of events kept up their pressure on Cambodian outposts on Phnom Penh's Highway71" leader and former asst. secretary Businessman 1971 — A Social Although the weekend highway to the sea. ending with a continental activities are focused on members From the of health, education and welfare, jungles of Vietnam to the crowded streets of Activist." breakfast Sunday, of the local community, the will be the keynote speaker Other speakers at the seminar, Jerusalem, Christians around the world celebrated Easter seminar is expected to attract A Saturday at MSU's annual to be held from 2 to 5 p.m. communique said one Cambodian soldier was killed andfml Sunday. In a world of strife, hope was expressed for a day The weekend is planned to give many people from the University were wounded in attacks Saturday night on Picli "Hospitality Weekend." Saturday in Union Parlor C will local businessmen and interested Nil, 63 m without war. community, particularly southwest of Phnom Penh. Hospitality Weekend, include Robert L. Green, director members of the community an Thousands of Roman Catholics, Protestants, Greek sponsored by the School of of the Center for Urban Affairs, sfudents Richard Siriannf Informed sources said the troops at Pich Nil are short oil opportunity to become better executive chairman of the event' Orthodox and Jews observed their holy holidays Sunday Hotel, Restaurant and Frank Sargent, associate acquainted with the HRI said. supplies, weakened by malaria and subjected propaganda barrages by loudspeakers calling to repejJ Institutional Management (HRI), professor of business on them in an intermingling of religious faith. at Norwich facilities. At the same time, the y will combine gourmet food and surrender. For them all. the Holy City was the center of Easter, University, and Chester Hall, event enables the students who Student tickets for the seminar In Saigon a terrorist tossed a grenade into a bar on drink and a seminar aimed at educational director of the Saigon have organized the weekend to Palm Sunday and Passover celebrations. are available for 50 cents on the main street, but it failed to go off. providing increased social Natinal Restaurant Assn. combine classroom knowledge fourth floor, Eppley Center. f The Nixons attended Easter services Sunday at a little awareness. Weekend activities will begin at with practical experience. Tickets for the entire weekend It was the third terrorist incident in Saigon in the past (J Methodist Giurch in Thusmont, Md. ami heard a preacher who the Farmer, one of the founders of noon Saturdav with a Spanish activities, for $16, or for the wine days. On Thursday night, a 44 • pound bomb wrecked a front night club crowded with American soldiers. The blast kilJ rivsf works partime for the White House pray tht God give this Congress of Racial Equality, Buffet Luncheon and follow The weekend's dinner theme will be one of four speakers in a tasting reception and semi - one U.S. serviceman and a Vietnamese girl and wounded a - wi)| emphasize the food, wine and country's leaders "the wisdom, determination and the formal dinner Saturday night, for Americans and five Vietnamese. On Saturday night, terrorist music of Spain. Besides Spanish will to do Thy bidding." $14, are available by calling 355 • hurled a grenade at a three • wheeled mini - bus on a downtoJ T.V. RENTALS delicacies served at both the RUSH buffet luncheon and semi • formal 0110. Saigon street and wounded five Vietnamese civilians. •JftS $9.50 PHI KAPPA TAU dinner Saturday evening, the HRI Moves made in Mideast students will hold a wine - tasting Defense Minister Moshe Dayan came out in favor 125n. Hagadorn,332-3577 reception in the lobby of the International Center. Student board to consider! Sunday in Tel Aviv of a partial settlement with Egypt constitutional amendments! which would involve an Israeli troop withdrawal from the Suez Canal area. Trade-In Wiglet Sale! But he stipulated there would have to be a permanent cease - fire on the waterway, an end to the state of Do You Have A "Sick" By JOHN JUEL discussed at the meeting. in a referendum winter termhJ Wiglet State News Staff Writer The first amendment proposal declared invalid by the Ail belligerency, and that "no Soviet or Egyptian troops will was Stuffed Away? Trade It would make the heads of five University Student Judicif cross the canal." The sixth session of the major who ruled that the proposals At the same time In This Week On A governing groups — Pentagon sources say Russia may have ASMSU Student Board will hold Residence Halls Assn., Off • been unconstitutionally plJ introduced its newest and best jet Fighter, the Mig23, into Rose Petal its final meeting tonight before Campus Council, Interfraternity on the ballot and the electij Wiglet the election of a new board Egypt amid an apparent standstill in diplomatic efforts to Council, Panhellenic Council and procedures had involved) solve the Arab - Israeli dispute. Or Wednesday. Intercooperative Council — conflict of interests. ; Two proposed constitutional Topette Demi-Wig voting members of the student The second propoi| amendments and the approval of board. amendment would Or elections commissioners will be Fighting continues in Ceylon A similar proposal was passed constitutional passed in a amendma referendum fioi Cascade Fall The State becoming part Ceylon's army forces battled young rebels in Colombo News, the student newspaper at Michigan State constitution until a final ni and scattered parts of the nation Sunday. Hospitals here $17.95 University, is published every class day during four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. has been made on a were ordered to forego routine surgery to handle Under the c u rreel Reg. $24.95 Subscription rate is $14 per year. government casualties. constitution, amendmeDll The government reimposed 24 - hour curfews on eight Member Associated Press, United Press passed by referendum International, immediately become part of AT administrative districts where fighting was reported the Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, constitution. heaviest. There are in the southern, north central and Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press 541 E. Grand River New Hour* Association, United States Student Press Association. It appears no action will ■ central provinces of this island nation. DOWNSTAIRS 10-6 Monday taken on a revised legal if The rebels claim Ceylon's leftist government is not Saturday Second - class postage paid at East program until the new I Paramount News 10-9 Wed. A Lansing, Michigan. takes office. moving fast enough toward full socialism. They also Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services The complain about unemployment. 332-3341 Thurs. Evenings Building, Michigan State University, East original proposi| Lansing, including the hiring of a " "East Lansing's Only Wig Boutipue" Michigan. time lawyer, is in committi Phones: where it is being considaf Nader force hits governme nt Editorial along with a proposal Ir 355-8252 ASMSU Chairman Classified Advertising 355-8255 Buckner to retain a law firmi Ralph Nader's Task Force on Water Display Advertising 353-6400 Pollution Sunday accused the federal Business Circulation handle the legal aid program. J ASMSU. IN COOPERATION WITH 355-3447 - Tonight's meeting will be htf government - and especially the Photographic 355-8311 at 7:30 in the West AkersHi Federal Water Quality Administration conference room. of contributing to a declining purity - of water by failure to act against polluters. vigorously MOTOWN RECORDS. PRESENTS Since the federal government became involved in water pollution control in - 1956. Nader said in Washington, "It's effectiveness to date can be concisely assessed by the virtual absence of evidence that the seven laws passed and more than S3 billion spent by the any Stevie federal government have reduced the level of pollution in any major body of water." Wonder Separatists draw complaints A black separatist group's dedication of land as the first step in a plan to establish an independent nation has drawn complaints and warnings {rom Mississippi officials. BENEFIT PERFORMANCE FOR THE The group, called the Republic of New Africa, was You're open - minded, concerned formed in Detroit and has for years talked of .. now do yourself a favor and setting up a . separate black nation. Members appeared in the Jackson, Miss, area last MARTIN LUTHER KINC.IR SCHOLARSHIP FUND become well showing - rounded you around. — come up and visit us, we'd enjoy month, and on March 28, 150 of them including armed - sentries - dedicated the land for the capital of their new We have been in business since republic which they say eventually will include five Southern states. MONDAY, APRIL 26-TWO SHOWS we own a city block in East 1833, Lansing, and we have we a 16 bedroom home, consider ourselves as progressive a group as any off - campus organization. Law would limit authority AT 7:00 & 9:45 • MSU AUDITORIUM You're cordially invited over to OPEN RUSH Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:00 P.M. through 10:00 P.M. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee may act shortly commit on legislation to limit the president's authority to U.S. forces overseas - without hearing testimony ALL TICKETS $2.50 • AVAILABLE AT Call 351-4686 or 351-4687 for a ride. from the Nixon administration. The reason: inability to agree on a time for testimony MARSHALL'S -CAMPBELL'S-MSU UNION PSI UPSILON on the subject by Secretary of State William P. Rogers. The committee has been trying for some weeks to get a commitment from the secretary to testify on three measures dealing with the subject. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. April I 2. 197| 3 Wharton denies trustee incomes, the increased number of University graduates within the academic push structure, and to develop preliminary plans for a recent years and the major capital fund relatively low level of past alumni - raising drive. contributions. Scott is particularly well - qualified to do this because of his President Wharton said Friday the appointment of Leslie W. Although Scott will not be paid, his appointment by the board work with the of trustees gives him official status to academic, administrative and alumni sides of the Scott of Chicago as a special consultant for fund - carry out his duties, raising Wharton said. University operation, Wharton said. activities is not an attempt to offset trustee criticism of his own fund raising abilities. Wharton described Scott's assignment as twofold: To review the "We have never had a good hard look at the private fund - "Mr. Scott and I have been existing organization and structure of the University's private raising structure and how it relates to the University's discussing his taking on this fund raising efforts, with particular attention to the work of the - administrative structure," Wharton said. "Mr. Scott will be taking assignment for the last year," Wharton said in an interview. "In Alumni Development Fund and see how this structure relates to such a look." fact, I approached him with the suggestion in December, 1969, before I even took office. "The majority of the trustees were aware of this," he added. Wharton said the appointment was delayed until March 19 US AC undecided trustee meeting because Scott was not available until then. Scott, who is a vice president of Amfac, Inc., will continue in that position while serving as Wharton's unpaid consultant. "In my mind, he was the ideal person for the position, and I felt I would rather wait for him than put someone else in," Wharton said. Wharton said he heard of Scott through Scott's many varied activities in the MSU Alumni Assn. Alumni donations represent a potential source of revenue which the University has not fully utili/.ed in the past, Wharton said. He pointed out that alumni contributions to the University went up for council repr Appointment revealed this year, despite a decline in the giving by alumni of other universities By DAVE PERSON minority student representatives to the Academic Council. these bylaws shall prevent the compromises the distinctively across country. State News Staff Writer board of trustees form taking professional rights President Wharton elaborates on the reasons for appointing The or duties of "Despite other factors, this increase in giving is an indication of committee, however, did prompt action on urgent the Leslie W. Scott as a special consultant for fund - raising The University Student Affairs faculty" rests with the great alumni affection for the University," Wharton said. Committee incorporate five other financial and personnel matters board. activities at MSU. Other factors which might also account in part for the increase (USAC) failed recommendations of the board when such action is in the best USAC also State News photo by Jeff Wilner in alumni contributions include the Friday to decide on the of trustees into the Taylor assigned rising level of alumni interest of the University. nominating procedure for responsibility for all procedural Report on Student Participation "Such emergency actions do steps essential to implementing in Academic Goverment. not, however, relieve the board and financing the report upon the MIMOSA, TOKYO DEBATE The recommendations were made by the trustees in March of its commitment to utilize to the fullest extent possible the recommendation of the board, Such responsibility will rest after a subcommittee of the advisory judgements provided with the administrative official board studied the Taylor report, for in these bylaws." in charge of the academic unit The trustees assigned USAC the U.S. stance in land Another recommendation where the action will be taken, dispute hit responsibility of incorporating explains that "any amendment At the all - University level, these recommendations into the of the bylaws affecting the responsibility will fall to the report. substance of academic provost on faculty matters and Based on one board governance shall be referred to to the vice president for student recommendation, USAC added the board of trustees for its affairs on student matters. ■AlPEI, Formosa (AP) chain — where Okinawa t had made ionalist Chinas Foreign strong Japanese claims to the islands. American oil companies that it to of the Taylor approval." which are to be given up Milton Powell, professor in by the representations with the United In a separate statement, the could not protect survey or report the provision that at least These recommendations were listry took strong exception United States to the Japanese States its decision to take " Justin Morrill College, chairman over Foreign' Ministry also denounced drilling ships in the area of the five of the ten student at - large added to 9.1 and iday to a U.S. decision to take next year. Japan's side on the issue. the U.S. government's warning to islands. seats on the Academic Council of USAC, will present his mt'c cirip in a Hisnute over the respectively of the present be reserved for women. committee's actions to the The Nationalist and "The Chinese government has Faculty Bylaws. Communist Chinese claim the found it difficult to understand This recommendation was Another recommendation faculty steering committee today. suspected to be Senkakus, also called the Tiaoyutai Islands, are part of why the State Dept. has made such a statement even before it Committee responsible, in part for USAC's inability to reach a decision on the recommendation that "at amends 2.5.8 of the Taylor report to say that the final China's continental shelf over has given a reply to the Chinese judgment as to whether an act large seats designed for "diminishes, suspends or UnTecTStates°'wants^the Wh'ch ea°h C,aimS iurisdiction- government's representations and ids' administrative rights The islands lie about 250 miles hence takes strong it," the statement said. The exceptions to Min-a-mart's white students be nominated appropriate non - white student by THE led over to Japan in 1972. southwest of Okinawa and about groups." .. issue over the islands is one the same distance eastward from Chinese government referred to here means the Nationlist With at least five of the 10 at - COGS meeting PI2L2A ;h both the Nationalist and Communist China. The United government of Chiang - Kai - yearly profit the committee !arge students having to be imunist Chinese agree — but States took them from the Japanese after Japan's surrender shek. By RAY ANDERSON State News Staff Writer $75,000. The Council of Graduate Students (COGS) meeting PEOPLE ■through any joint effort, scheduled for today has been in World War II. Butterfield said Sunday that he what kind of slate of nominees lie dispute has been simmering An ad hoc committee calling cancelled. He last fall. Japan claims the The Nationalist agrees the prices are high, but said would be appropriate for voting COGS will meet at 3:15 p.m. Foreign Ministry States in many years came on the itself the East Lansing Committee he doesn't have the buying power purposes. Ads as part of its Rvukvu in Taipei said in a statement that Thursday in 107 Erickson Hall. heels of Peking protests against for Fair Food Prices began a to operate competitively with The Taylor report requires "at boycott of the Ann Street Min-a area supermarkets because his 'east two candidates for each Mart Friday morning following the appearance of an article in the store operates as a fill-in for position to be filled." "Joint Issue" alleging the weekly shopping trips. USAC members debated He said he is willing to let them whether it would be better to management's excess profit. reight train cars derail A committee spokesman said the immediate aim was lower to (the boycott committee) operate have one slate of at least 20 the store if they will get a lawyer candidates or have each of the guarantee him $10,000 and the 10 positions separate, prices. He said the picketing had maintenance of the building and The matter was finally tabled effectively turned many people the equipment. until Friday when the away- Rill riork snokesman for the committee will meet again. Trowbridge "Three 'We don't want to drive the of the recommendations ear crossing market out of business, because it fair were price committee said they not interested in operating included directly concern the is convenient. We're willing to nt" board of trustees. pay for the convenience but the e s ore' One states that "nothing in premium is too high in this case," "There's just a general need for light cars of a 99 car derailment occurred as the , , , backwards, causing , , s.x to derail .. the spokesman said. lower prices. I can understand a Isapiake and Ohio (C&O) Detroit bound train was being and two more to jump the ■ht train derailed at 3:4 5 p.m. According to "Joint Issue" the few cents, but a quarter," backed onto a side track near the „c s; Min - a - Mart primarily serves Clock said. iday near the Trowbridge Grand Trunk - C&O crossing. Preston .. .. , . said the loaded care, . Wiond elderly social security recipients, SO SO per $7LJTOO 1 term Per crossing, blocking all weighing about 200,000 pounck students and „under employed ' month Iraffic east of Lansing. "We're not sure yet what each completely blocked both . Ba injuries were reported. hairs; - who don't have Apartment - Style caused the accident," Preston Grand Trunk and C&O lines. ™ to larger more competitive Living ■rand Trunk Railroad sa'd. "It appears that one car Qean- up, he estimated, would supermarkets. PHI KAPPA TAU University T.V. Rentals ptive Dean Preston said the buckled as it was being moved take "at least a day.' It is further contended that Min A spokesman for C&O said a 332-3577 a - Mart owner, Roger crane is being sent from Grand utterfield, is operating a Lansing co Rapids to aid in uprighting the cars. "It will be a long time before they know how much damage monopoly and requests to lower has ignored ices d ite a The Union Cafeteria was done," he said. "They'll do get annual more upright." damage getting the cars Like to be part announces its new it a special meeting to receive the 1971-72 city budget tonight, I East Lansing City Council is also expected to act on the recently ■posed ordinance Rail officials said the accident was the worst in recent years. A complete investigation is of the Senior "Welcome Back-to-Spring" to license and limit the actions of wreckers ■hinthe city. expected to be called for by C&O. Class Council of American & ■he proposed ordinance would 1972? impose certain limitations on ickers, inc luding requiring rate schedules be registered with the T.V. RENTALS V clerk and posted conspicuously about the premises. Petitions for the ■> addition, any wrecker which removed a car without the ■nor's permission must Council are now notify the police department and supply available outside formation Piber and the concerning the location of the car, its make and license person NEJAC TV RENTALS 307 Student Services Bldg. employing the service. 337-1300 ■he meeting is scheduled for 8 p.m. today in City Hall. Large assortment of MSU Spring jackets All Dinners Served 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. On MONDAY April 12, AUSTRIAN DINNER S2.10 Veal Paprika - Fried Potatoes/Rosemary Cabbage Salad - Vienna Bread Linzer Torte - Beverage TUESDAY, April 13, GERMAN DINNER S2.10 Sauerbraten w/Potato Balls Sweet Sour Red Cabbage Salad - Hard Roll and Butter Fruit - Beverage for the next 10 days only! WEDNESDAY, April 14, GRECIAN DINNER $1.90 Parsley Meat Balls — Pilaf Salata - Soft Roll and Butter Jackets available in Baklava - Beverage navy, green,tan, orange, THURSDAY, April 15 ENGLISH DINNER $1.90 yellow, gray and other Roast Beef w/Yorkshire Pudding popular colors. Parsley Potatoes — Carrots & Rutabagas CAMERA Baked Fruit Pudding w/Custard Sauce SHOPS Beverage Student Book Store FRIDAY, April 16, SOUTHERN DINNER $1.95 Baked Ham - Candied Sweet Potatoes Beet Greens 421-425 E. Grand River Ave. Biscuit and Honey Across from Olin MICHIGAN POINT OF VIEW STATE ME UNIVERSITY |i> Pot' EDITOR'S NOTE: The following point petition: four attacks. Aspirin may kill you if taken in an valid reasons 1) We may actually get this passed either by the city council or™ i KENNETH R. LYNAM of view was submitted by James Heyser overdose, while routine use can cause a 2,000 signatures is not very m«nv h?' for the Coalition for Human Survival. The thinning of the blood making clotting more when you have a group of people 2J" advertising manager first section states the coalition's position difficult. Sleeping pills can kill if taken in go door to door. The number of Zm overdose. Certain persons will die if given an favoring legalization who are over 21 MARK EICHER, managing editor on marijuana and its use. The second ED HUTCHISON, city editor injection of penicillin. Pep pills give the user be a majority in East Lansing Th.« I section addresses itself to the initiative the illusion that he can stay up and alert for currently 12,000 voters with around 4Om BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor petition being circulated in East Lansing ever which is not true. Sooner or later the students registered. KEN KRELL, editorial editor to set the maximum fine for marijuana user will fall asleep, and too often this occurs students Approximately n'S are 21, if you GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor possession at $1. on the highway consider Erad, students, seniors, and parrt of the ■ We have not made the usual comparisons then can a person get a maximum sentence Student opinion could easily ju7. Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award At present there is no scientific evidence of marijuana with tobacco or alcohol, of 10 years and $5,000 fine for the first boomed offense of possession of marijuana? majority opinion and the majority f, for to indicate that the use of marijuana is in because on a relative scale ranging from not outstanding journalism. We believe that this high penalty exists legalization now. (State News, 1/5/71) anyway harmful to the user (Time Feb. 15, proven harmful effects to proven severe 2) A successful petition drive tnav I 1971 p.46). The same statement cannot be effects, alcohol and tobacco would be near because marijuana has been mainly used by said about caffeine in coffee and coke, the end of proven severe effects, while minority cultures in the past. First, the action by the Michigan legislature to the state law to a much lower ch.!! marijuana would be right on the end of no Chicanos used it, then the black ghetto penalty AM aspirin, sleeping pills, penicillin, or common EDITORIALS pep pills such as No - Doz. Caffeine may in proven harmful effects. Comparisons dwellers and white street gangs of a decade to lower the penalty for misdemeanor sponsored by possession! time be considered dangerous because there between marijuana and alcohol or tobacco ago, then the hippie culture of five years ago. Rep i Warner (R. Eaton Rapids) passed is an increasingly statistically are just not valid, because the latter two are In each case these groups were considered the HoJ valid correlation that it may promote heart definitely proven to be more harmful. Why undesirable by the majority of middle class but failed in the Senate in the last legislat®L whites. Now even the children of Now Gov. Milliken has maximum fine of $100 and 90 recommended! conservatives such as Judge Carwell's son, days. AloJ election showing that 40"f or more and moderates such as former Michigan of |J Governor Swanson's son and New Jersey voters favor our ordinance «)uid|3 Committee9s Governor Cahill's son are being arrested for possession of marijuana. Now also you see the penalties being lowered as marijuana use convince a few members in the change their vote and not fear a str negative voter reaction in the next elect Senjtel can no longer be considered a characteristic 3) The petition drive will provide uswi„ of an undesirable minority. list of registered voters who will probablul In Michigan, the cities of Dearborn, receptive to other reform ideas suehasj unacceptable Livonia, Birmingham, East Lansing, and Ann Arbor have lowered the penalty for possession by local ordinance. All these cities are overwhelmingly white middle class revision of East Lansing zoning more low cost housing, the downtown shopping mall banning of autos from certain streets J lawstofiX creation oil through iT areas. Apparently a double standard may full enfranchisement of all students J Last week the University Business stated that voting MSU's shares is not develop whereby it is considered less make this town possible through the moil harmful to use marijuana in a white middle which they and MSU put in the econoj Affairs Committee voted not to the proper way to exhibit concern, and that the proposals seemed class town than in a city with large minority and the support of a slate of rtfoJ support three proposals submitted by and lower class populations. candidates for the city council. T Campaign GM, "project on corporate unworkable or ineffective. They We hope that many well intentioned 4) Drug laws need to be totally reviJ responsibility." In so doing the selected instead to express their liberals will see the laws against possession This petition drive could provide a ni committee committed an act of moral position in a letter to the MSU Board abdication. of Trustees. We have not made the usual comparisons of Proposal 1 would have required the These answers are unacceptable. In marijuana with tobacco or alcohol, because on a General Motors Corp. to allow any a nation based upon democratic relative scale ranging from no proven harmful shareholder to nominate candidates in principle it seems inconceivable that effects to proven severe effects, alcohol and advance for the company's board of the members of the Business Affairs tobacco would be near the end of proven severe directors. At present only company - Committee would consider a direct and effects, while marijuana would be right on the end nominated candidates are placed on legimate vote as an inappropriate of no proven harmful effects. the written ballot. Shareholders are means of expressing concern. Indeed, limited to making verbal nominations what other way is there that is not at from the floor at stockholders least a partial cop-out? and sale of marijuana by persons over 18 for of people willing to work toward that pj what they are — racist laws of the past! We As citizens of a free society we reject■ meetings. This gives corporate - hope that these same people will support concept of "locking people up fortheirJ approved individuals a marked edge Perhaps the prevailing wisdom of any action that will speed the legalization of good" which the possession laws ■ over other contenders. the second proposal can be debated, marijuana. The failure of prohibition, and apparently aimed toward. but the other two issues stand on firm now the failure of laws to suppress We feel that heroin use is increasingll Proposal 2 would mandate the marijuana use, indicate that in a free society two reasons; one is it is a very profitilf ground. The contention that it would cjeation of three additional be inappropriate to require pollution you cannot suppress the use and sale of a black market item which gives pusheifl Constituent" directors who would be substance that a large segment of' the strong incentiw to find new customers,* reports from GM because the population wants without becoming a much two, young pebple tend to not taktil nominated by and representative of the interests of employes, consumers Corporation is not the only polluter more severly restricted society. warnings about heroin seriously when* sidesteps the main issue. The crusade hear the same dreadful warnings il and dealers. The intent here is to The Coalition for Human Survival and must begin somewhere - and the marijuana, but do not experience any J insure that the Genral Motors Corp. others are circulating an iniative petition to consequences. Gov. Milliken's drug ad will be more responsive to the needs University does not own any other lower the penalty for possession of has recognized that legal penalties forhei automotive stock. and desires of the three marijuana to a maximum fine of $1.00 in possession should be removed, not tx East Lansing. We need approximately 2,000 heroin is harmless, but rather because Hi constituencies. Further arguments contend that the valid signatures of 15% of the registered spread of heroin addiction will not| Thirdly, Campaign GM proposed 5,000 plus shares owned by MSU voters to sign this petition. Then the city stopped until addicts can be legally tn that the company be required "to constitute but a drop in the barrel of council will either have to pass this for addiction. A program where recognJ disclose in its annual report data in the the General Motors corporate ordinance or put it on the ballot at the next addicts are given either methodonel election held in the city. There are several limiting amounts of heroin appears to bell three areas of immense concern to holding. However the intent of reasons for working on this initiative drive. only realistic program. shareholders and the public: air - Campgain GM has not so much been pollution control, auto - safety, and actually to win the proxy fight as to^ minority - hiring and franchising compel responsible change by AP NEWS ANALYSIS practices." bringing pressure to bear on the The benefit from this appears corporation. In part, similar effort last year resulted in the election of GM's Party singling out Breshnev twofold. In addition to making the first black director. corporation more sensitive to the public good, it would have established In sum, it seems that the Business a powerful precedent, since General Affairs Committee has chosen to stick Motors is the largest business concern its collective heaii into the sand for MOSCOW, (AP) — Leonid I. Brezhnev's of the congress suggests a well orchestrated Brezhnev." working people, his unbending will todoB in the United States except for the fear of enraging the mighty General drive for pre-eminence in the Kremlin is attempt to fix his supremacy in a nation This time, not only is Brezhnev's report much as possible in their name, his coril federal government. Motors Corp. Such an act hardly being encouraged by a rising chorus of praise where one - man rule has not been a passing graded as "incisive," "brilliant" and attention to people, and his tireless wortB In befits an academic institution pledged for him at the Soviet Communist party's phenomenon. "eminentlly instructive," but the person of the name of the prosperity of »P rationalizing the Business Affairs 24th congress. The adultation lavished on Brezhnev Brezhnev is singled out for praise. homeland." Committee's actions one member to furthering the public good. recalls the time when Nikita S. Krushchev One But none was as glowing in his praiseasdj However, there are signs of resistance to delegate from Turkmenia said he was his ascendancy on the part of senior officials was the party's first secretary and the grateful for the "fatherly milkmaid from a collective farm, k concern for the in the party and his colleagues in what began ' premier, and as far as the outside world was Turkmen people . Smirnova, who told the congress of ner . . displayed by the more than six years ago as the collective concerned, the unchallenged leader of the Central Committee and 5,000 hardened party officials: personally by "I do not conceal the fact that 1 hadtfl leadership of the country. Soviet Union. Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev." of joy and pride in my eyes when As general secretary of the party, It also contrasts sharply with the manner Another declared he has "won the sincere Ilyich, who went through the flames oil Which Brezhnev is due some special recognition at in which delegates at the undesi this gathering of the party's supreme body. But the kind of praise he has received - and habit was to mention last congress, in 1966, spoke of Brezhnev. At that time the "the Central respect of our our country." entire party and all peoples of Still another said Brezhnev deserved himself, spoke so warmly and report of the labor exploits of our»r veterans. cordially'"jj perhaps encouraged - during the first week Committee report given by Comrade mention for his "love and j respect, for the "Yes, our dear Leonid Ilyich. impossible for us to rest after the war. • In the face of this Brezhnev b< do we keep OUR READERS' MIND Western specialists have noted resistant J the part of heavyweights like UkranianPT boss and Politburo member Pyotr SMJ President Nikolai V. Podgorny and D*1^ is Apparently someone at the Capitol getting upset about rowdy demonstrators upsetting the state's were Supposedly the new security rules proposed because of "unpleasant" experiences in the past Progress primary goal of U' Minister Andre A. Grechko. These men and others have lin1'tc references to Brezhnev to only theMr_ ^ nerve center. with tent villages, motorcycle rallies formality, a significant sign of reserve ■ Consequently the state system where open debate has died and large student demonstrations. To the Editor: Each has a vital contribution to make; both therefore, special nurturing at this point in Dept. of Administration has proposed points are made as much by omission In the wake of recent actions by the need to acknowledge that fact, and build time. a number of new Capitol security However, it seems as if these speech. T board of trustees, some students have come on it. If I "anti" have had little effect am anything, it is those discerned by measures. occurences on to view the board as "anti" student and It is my own view that we have positions and attitudes, in whatever sector Other indications ^ the efficiency of the governmental made haste too slowly in fostering the kind of the university specialists included: iK In effect the measures, if adopted, labor force; the Capitol is just as "pro" faculty. community they may be —Treatment by Tass and sonic prov of educational partnership needed to found, that stand in the way of a truly will make Capitol security much inefficient as ever. Responding to some of the same actions, papers of the praise. Tass, ior exarop some faculty members have been led to an address today's challenges. I stand firmly cooperative endeavor toward mutually tighter. Security officers would be trimmed some glowing praise. on the side of progress toward that end. ^ Although some of the individual opposing view of the board as "anti" important goals. I hope that is the task to authorized to remove from any state faculty and "pro" student. I am therefore "pro" faculty, whose which all of us will increasingly address -The fact that Podgorny Presldf'jL the opening of the congress. Though J building any person or group at any regulations may be necessary, as a I significant role in the is, far I ourselves. am deeply concerned at the process so as member of the trlmvirante along time. They could even refuse to admit package, the new regulations seem implication, in both positions, that if one is know, undisputed. . more like a device to keep I also Brezhnev and Premier Alexei N. K0^ them. Security officers would be "pro" something, one is necessarily "anti" am "pro" students, whose Patricia M. Carrigan allowed to, if necessary, lock doors to "undesirable" elements out of the something else — and, implicitly, that potential contribution has only recently MSU trustee Podgorny has no statutory C,'amlc°h|e| state Capitol. The mere presence of a few benefits to one group are, ipso facto, to the begun to be recoanized and needs, function at the congress, since h<~ c' buildings even during working April 3, 1971 state. hours. The proposed regulations longhairs indeed annoys quite a few detriment of another. people, and some of those people may The greatest resources on any university would also prohibit erection of tents MISS HELEN 5WEET5TORY AUTHOR on Capitol grounds without be exerting their influence in this case. campus are its human resources. These OF "THE SIX BUNNY-WUNNIE5 AND proper include, but are not limited to, students authoriztion. THEIR UJATEl? BEP"!! SHE An opportunity has been provided and faculty. An effective role for ANSUEREP MY FAN LETTER.' Also under the rules security guards for the public at large to exert its own universities in promoting the educational would have the power to inspect all influence. Hearings on the proposed betterment of society rests on the direction of these resources, in concert, to the briefcases and packages on the security rules will be held April 21. Be grounds^ all animals except seeing complex challenges of higher education. - there. The only way to really keep Those challenges will go unanswered if eye dogs would be barred and undesirables out of the Capitol would students and faculty are to regard one soliciting would be prohibited. be to hold recall elections. another with the wariness of strange dogs. I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 12, 1971 5 Cigarettes 10% Off the rofs link history, view of man 3A5< Discoont Price all Film Developing oo Phenice showed a film in which chimps were shown to have Limit 1 No Limit By BILL HOLSTEIN (Coupon) manv characteristics and abilities generally reserved for their (Coupon) State News Staff Writer Expires After 4-17-71 'ires After 4-1/ mr . '"anced counterparts: East Lansing Store Only Lansing Store • ^ largely negative view of man that has predominated hunting as an "ordered social affair." Lean history and still exists today, has shaped American • 30 to 40 vocalizations. ■utions two MSU professors told freshman honor students • A wide range wsday. joy. of facial expressions portraying anger as well as KODAK Color Film luglas Miller, associate professor of history, traced the • The touching of hands as a common Flashcuhes [rical development of a negative view of human nature in • The touching of lips with a "friendly, expression of greeting. 126.127,620 Jrican history. necessarily asexual meaning." reassuring but not fcrell Phenice, asst. professor of anthropology, supported a 89< • ■ of man as an animal with "innate aggressive drives," but who Cooperation to help disabled members of the community 2exp. survive. 0 be taught to kill. Limit 1 In captivity, chimps have in recent experiments painted oil iler said the classical liberal view of man as "improvable" and (Coupon) paintings "the rival modern art that we see in museums" and have Expires After 4-17-71 more negative conservative view where man is basically evil, East Lansing Store Only used symbolic language with 120 words fcssivc and competitive have always been in conflict in consisting of nouns, verbs and prepositions, Phenice said. iriea. 1 said the Founding Fathers were in conflict over the nature i. The Declaration of Independence which said all men are Bed equal reflects a more positive view than the Constitution Nude Look Panty Hose ■h proposes a system of checks and balances to prevent |le from dominating society for their own interests, he noted, fcreover, Miller said, the conflict exists today with the Intereulture" assuming a more positive view and the both TERRELL W. PHENICE "aggressive" was used in a larger fighting and running from sense a DOUGLAS T. MILLER by Phe-iice to suggest that fight constitute aggressive or Fellowship Sheer From Top to Toe 6 shades fcblishment" a negative view. antagonistic behavior. 99c prof's "We learn and are taught to practice war. T said a reversal of the negative view of man which has Youngsters are taug'it Limit 3 lorted the status quo would threaten the fundamentals of ky. The view of man as sinful, evil and aggressive supports a from the time they're born to be warriors," he said. "It takes an immense amount of brainwashing to turn an innate coward into a resea (Coupon) ires After 4-17-71 -ansing Store Only courageous warrior." Norman E. Good, professor of today by the Guggenheim |rchical and authoritarian society, "where possibilities of Phenice said virtually all primates, men included, are by nature jvement were strictly curtailed by this view of human runners, not fighters. botany and plant pathology, has Memorial Foundation, is one of " Miller said. been awarded a Guggenheim 354 such awards to scholars, Phenice attacked misconceptions about man's "unique Lnice, author of "The Pleistocene Hominidae," said men have characteristics" that supposedly differentiate him from Fellowship to continue his research for one year. scientists and artists across the United States and Canada. Ooe Size Opaque One Size Stretch > aggressive drives but are also innate cowards. The term chimpanzees. The fellowship, announced Recipients were chosen from more than 2,000 applicants in the Panty Hose Panty Hose 47th annual competition. ■STRUCTURED CLASSES According to the foundation, 99c 79c the fellowship awards collectively Limit 3 Limit 3 amounted to $3,787,000. (Coupon) (Coupon) Drop-outs educated Expires After 4-17-71 Expires After 4-17-71 at center The fellowship will allow Good East Lansing Store Only Eas: Lansing Store Only to continue his research on the movement of ions into and out of cell organelles. He will be students, not those of industry." stimulus for change in high "A shoestring budget" would schools as well as an end in itself. be an exaggeration of the center's Summerhill did." The curriculum of the school is spending the at the next academic year University of Bristol. Perfect Fit Special One "We have such a supportive bks - when they want them, financial status. It received some atmosphere here that kids can't arrived at through an often Good "eceived the bachelor's Panty Hose Size Panty Hose money from the United help but learn more stormy process of weekly degree in 1948 from the s - when they want them, meaningful ers - when they want then, Ministries, some from a things than they would in high foundation grant, but most of the school. There rules meetings between students and staff, as well as constant University of Toronto, and the Ph.D. from the California 99c 2 pair for M00 y? — The drop outs, the are no here, - time it makes do with nothing discussion between all involved in Institute of Technology in 1951. Limit 3 no authoritarian adults to cramps buts, the push - outs of more than its own teeth the center. Courses are now (Coupon) area high schools, - gritting. the kids' style both in their Expires After 4-17-71 Wood devoted 75 percent of his education as well as persona) offered in basic auto Good is a member of the East Lansing Store Only ired together in the Peoples' time from the United Ministries attainments. That just can't maintenance, English, math, American and Canadian societies ning Center. to the center, one full • time and psychology and women's of plant physiologists, Sigma Xi ■de the center's rambling, happen in high schools," Borbas 1.10 Bhackle building on St. two part - time workers make up said. liberation. A course is being science honorary and the 20% OFF The fth Street in the center of the rest of the staff, which is able Classes, books, desks and to handle as many as 30 students. teachers are found at the planned consciousness." in ''white American Society of Biological Chemists. Crest ling's black district they Cliff Borbas. the center director, but they are there because the center, Discount Price on all play, study and First in a series is a genial former high school students' want them. Courses are "I think we are slowly turning Toothpaste Jionally sleep — 15-20 Wood is an ordained Presbyterian teacher (one year at Pontiac developed as students express back towards a more structured Rush Polaroid Sunglasses disenchanted, energetic form," Borbas said, "but our 5, white, middle - class kids, minister, director of the Lansing • Area United Ministries and the Central and two at East Lansing) who sees the center as both a their interests in a subject. "When we first started basic pattern is very loose, open „ 59' lafive center to exists as formal, structured an center's coordinator. His two October^ we had regular classes last and antiauthoritarian and will, continue to be so if the students FIJI Limit 1 (Coupon) Limit 1 (Coupon) teenage boys attend school part • and attendance was pretty good," Expires After 4-17-71 Ex pires Af t er 4-17-71 fschool education,education time and devote the rest of their want it that way." :ast Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ) the center's students and time to working at the center. Senior wins Borbas said. "As time went by, however, the kids started losing I see as repressing the minds "We see ourselves going out of " interest. They apparently realized Ting people. we want Kh the high schools as they I exist," Ken Wood said. to do is to business in three to five years," Wood said, "after high schools have assumed the responsibility for meeting the needs of their merit award David C. Bixler, East senior, will receive the merit Lansing that they were just studying the same reasons old stuff for the same old in a different place. "I think we are starting to get in QjpJIrtC oftS&v»icgJ! $1.00 OFF The Discount Price on all award of the Ladies Auxiliary to the groove now, as the kids begin 8 Track Stereo Tapes the Grand Valley Chapter of the to become motivated by things Michigan Society of Professional which interest them in much the Engineers. same manner that Neil's pupils at Limit 1 (Coupon) Bixler, majoring in chemical Expires After 4-17-71 East Lansing Store Only engineering, will receive the As advertised in LIFE, the award at the group's meeting quality WATERBED is tonight. available for $28.00. Call: 4 The award is presented RIVERS, 351 1028. (after 6 KAN SULAIMAN, student female near the Administration annually to one of the most p.m.) - Water Fink Vaseline Intensive J in East Owens Hall, told Building. outstanding married men at •us police he MSU. PHONE: 482-6226 walking 1 Bogue Street and Shaw was A COFFEEPOT in 233 Snyder Squirt Guns Care Lotion I when a vehicle passed him Hall boiled itself dry and burned TWO FOR THE in occupant threw struck him on the left an egg a hole in a rug about 6:30 p.m. Saturday. Damage was estimated TONIGHT! PRICE OF ONE. E SPEAK SOFTLY AND 16c 5oz. $119 Limit 1 Limit 1 ■der. The incident occurred at $22. (Coupon) (Coupon) It 8:40 p.m. Friday, I * * * Expires After 4-17-71 Expires After 4-17-71 ■ice have no suspects in the EVIDENCE of larceny to a an attempted vending machine CARRY A SONY FROM East Lansing Store Onl' Eart Lansing Store Only was discovered in the women's ■ YOUNG MAN was caught restroom of East Akers Hall. Prell Concentrate Rng pictures at 5 p.m. jday of a topless young Police reported that someone HIFI BUYS. Tampax had used a flat object, such as a screwdriver, to pry open the 10's Shampoo ology group door of the sanitary napkin dispenser sometime before 1:30 Enjoy Fish and Chips Anytime - $1.50 anyone JFc Like tWrrC - 80 Cassette to shout when it • comes Corder. There's no need for to recording, for the TC - 19c loz. tube 69' a.m. Sunday. Limit 1 pns discussion Nothing was missing and no 80 features Sony's revolutionary built condenser microphone which will pick - in electret ■e damage to the machine. Police Zoology Undergraduate reported no suspects. Town astonishing clarity from anywhere in a room. Small but voices with sensitive. If you can hear that soft whisper - so will the TC - * * * wisory Committee is 307 S. Grand St., Lansing 80. And Sonymatk' recording control guarantees flawless ■soring a p re-professional M to be held JOHN TRAXLER, McDonel, told police a $20 513 W. recordings - every time! It's ideal for recording lectures, 200 OFF The ■Chemistry Bldg. at 7:30 p.m. in motorcycle helmet was stolen conferences — just a great little notetakev for anyone on the Discount Price Gillette Platinum go! Cheer up - there's always a SONY for vou at HIFI - ■ speaker from the faculty of from between 12:30 BCollege of Human Medicine p.m. his room and 1:20 p.m. Friday. The BASIC OUTLINES BUYS! on all TANYA Plus Razor Blades ■ a medical student from the room was unoccupied at the ATL: 111, 112, 113 ■ersity ■MSU will attend. of Michigan (U-M) time, with the door closed but' not locked. Hum.: 241, 242, 243 Soc.: 231 A, 232A 8. B, 233 A 8. B SUPERSCOPF Suntan Products 5 s 49c B11' students will Nat. Sci.: 191A, 192A 8. B 8. C, 193 A 8c B Limit 1 discuss You never heard it so good. (Coupon) ■emic procedure, T.V. RENTALS Chem.: 130, 141 Expires After 4-17-71 curriculum, ■'cations and what medical Economics: 200, 201 East Lansing Store Only Free Service Per ■ol is like. Catalogs from U-M ■ Wayne State and delivery vo.Ov month Geography: 204 University 2.50 1.75 ■>cal schools will NEJAC TV RENTALS History: 121, 122 be made Math: 108, 109, 111, 112, 113 •able. 337-1 300 Psych: 151 Assorted Prince Arrid Extra-Dry Phys. Sci.: 203 Statistics: 121 Matchabelli Colognes Deodorant Sfe, Corner of Ann & MAC 1 "PLUS "(These Book Digests Devil in Massachusetts Citizon Tom Paine Puritan Dilemma At $1.00 Each.)" 1.8 0, SJ" «. 99c Limit 1 (Coupon) Expires After 4-17-71 East '.ansing Store Only NEW SHIPMENT FROM Autobiography of Ben Franklin The Black Experience CHINA BOOKS Afro - American History - Frazier $109.95 State Discount * Five articles Uncle Tom's Cabin * Poor White Quotations from chairman Mao if Biography of Malcolm X ^ * Mao Posters 307 E. Grand River Many others Camp* Auric Shop. ______ I rShp?^nt4iand back issues ~ Whole Earth Catalog. Also: HI-FI B I in centr-^S u WS 7 & 8- Best "lection of science fiction 337-2310 1101 E. Grand River Next to the Card Shop LcollStiv gan' 0wned and operated by Armageddon 217 E. GRAND RIVER 332-4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mond;,y< April |2,9 Panelists criticize television for stereotypes of blacks rear scratching, white styled scheming Jew, the political and Maryland College presented a "Television has become more films of the 30s and 40s as crooked Italian, the losing paper noting the various black ubiquitious than the Bible. It is central heating is to the pot American Indian and many images on contemporary accepted and commonplace. It bellied stove," Buchanan told others. television. Panelists discussing stereotypes has a high degree of intimacy, some 75 listeners. "What gall, what innocuous Dixon listed several television and is a confusing medium," of blacks on television strongly He charged that the electronic stupidity of us not to think that shows which contain featured Carson said. criticized the electronic media at medium is still working with and it will stereotype the loving, black actors in their the first national meeting of the regular paying homage to the age old happy, fun loving, musical, casts. He pointed out that the Popular Culture Assn. Friday in "nigger - type" representation sometimes crazy good ole "Not one of them would have confusion of television is its Kellogg Center. and presentation, but that he is Negro," Buchanan said. to alter their show if all the versitality in presenting things "Historically, as far as now "synthetic." Buchanan criticized the Pepsi characters were white. There is ranging from marches on Selma presenting the black image via television is concerned, we have "We can answer the age old question of whether 'tis nobler Cola television tribute to the late Martin Luther King last week no network show now on the air that regularly utilizes black and fighting in Vietnam on news shows to talking horses and Jazz perform only moved the corner saloon to to present the dumb, stupid which he said turned out to be a actors to portray black dancing beer cans In Maury Crane (clarinet), Robert Felkel (drums), James Hartway (piano) and Gene Rebeck the middle of the block and are 'nigger,' or the savage, bestial female tribute to this great black characters who must deal with commercials. (ba i I doing business as usual," singer "Bucky" Buchanan of Purdue "nigger,' or the happy, carefree, man. The other black their blackness in an honest perform as part of the Conference on Popular Culture. A large crowd attended performance Thursday in the Lincoln Room at Kellogg Center. t * singing, dancing, comical panelist, the social context," Dixon said. University said. 'nigger,' the other hand, to Rev. Paul Gopaul, of St. John's State News photograph by Jonathan S. "Although many black faces or on present the new super know - it - University, delivered a talk on "Mod Squad" and "Room 222" were praised by Dixon, but Kaufman I can be seen and in livid (sic) all 'nigger,' or the oreo cookie the need to cut the "celluloid Lloyd Haynes, who is a black color — the sustance substance of the vehicles in and 'nigger,' or the all but masculine umbilical cord" of television. history teacher in "Room 222," DURING DEPRESSION 'nigger,' and, or occasionally "My rebellion is against a type was criticized for not being which they appear are as of multi now, the gay 'nigger,' " - media murder of involved in the show with reminiscent of the- one Buchanan said. which I feel myself the females. 'Pulps' brought hope dimensional, demeaning, He noted that television also particular object of genocide," "Now this man (Haynes) has it historically slanted, head and seems to stereotype the Father Gopaul said. all — a good job, good looks, Gopaul said television after he's articulate, charming, cool — Vice President Agnew's attacks but, man, don't this cat play last year seems to have examined around at all? I'm not suggesting its conscience and thought it was he should walk through the halls Army which "shipped them all over", Cook said. Both men published journals for guilty for having conveyed the of Walt Whitman High School pulp magazines cnthusiastsil "current American Revolution." Humphrey Bardshaw swears to tip the axis of the world, melt all have collections, that when considered singing 'Knock Three Times on together, constitute oncl the only near - complete sets of the He pointed to the Kerner the Ceiling If You Want Me,' but the ice at the pole and flood the world. pulps, they said. T Commission statement that "the show some awareness of the Another equally sinister and demented genius plans to subdue Hickman brought a small part of his collection and psychobiosis of race relations in existence of the opposite sex," the population of a large city by dropping a chemical in the water development of several magazines including "Argosy." "ArcJl traced J a white racist society makes it Dixon said. supply. late in the 19th century, contained the works of Horation impossible just color - symbol Dixon said he sees hope for Who came to restore peace and sanity to a world threatened by his rags to riches success stories. Alger J wise to speak white without i the future, particularly with an madness? Heroes like the Shadow and Doc Savage. thinking good, pure, fine, ABC pilot run on March 30 These characters of the "pulp" magazines, the writers and the Hickman showed examples of magazines from around 1890 J patriotic, American. And not called "The Sheriff" starring society they reflect, were the subject of a presentation by two World War II. Titles of adventure magazines included: "Thr®l thinking that black is evil, night, Ossie Davis. The plot of the pilot collectors, Frederick S. Cook and Lyn Hickman, Friday during first Adventures", "Hollywood Detective." "Popular DetectM police brutality, sin, nightmare revolved around a white national meeting of the Popular Culture Assn. "Underworld," "Sure Fire Detective" and "Ace Mystery." ■ Westerns included: "Frontier Stories", "Two Gun and bad." Max W. insurance agent's sexual assault These highly successful and sensational pulp magazines which Stoitfl Dixon of Western and beating of a young black stressed crime, action, and adventure were "banned by parents, "Quicktrigger Western", "Western Trails", "Western < girl. seized by teachers and deplored by social scientists," Cook said. Magazine." The fourth speaker on the Even though most of the pulps were not "breezy", some were panel was Herbert L. Carson of considered to be adult reading matter. Ferris on He State image formation. said the College who discussed television's influence "(The Writer's) heads danced with plots and probably knew better than anyone since Homer how to keep readers from what would happen next," Cook said. He said the success of the pulp magazines were due knowing Drug center gets! portrayal of largely to ABOLISH ASMSU! minority groups must descretion because on television be done with delicacy and people react people of the 30s who didn't have any money or even hope of overcoming their plight during The Great Depression. "But if they could pick up a magazine and find out that a could overcome insurmountable odds, it gave them a little bit of guy foundation awar WRITE-IN very strongly to the electronic media. hope that they could get ahead," Cook explained "The pulp A Freedoms Foundation award has been presented to the Ea THOMAS BERTRAND magazines were created for a market that wanted to be entertained Lansing Drug Education Center, 405 Grove St., for its "workil because there was no community education." for ASMSU MEMBER entertainment." The heroes were clean', simple and manly and stood for ideals . ,, iohn R. Dethmers, former Michigan Supreme Court Justicl that the made the presentation of the "Honors Certificate Award people could identify with — old fashioned values, Cook said. i| AT-LARGE, on a Cook and Hickman said the pulp magazines died out in the late Community Programs" Saturday. 30s and early 40s The Drug Education Center (DEC) which began to take shapil Platform of Ripping when production and the economy were stimulated by the threat of war. People were last May, was organized by a group of MSU students, professosl beginning to work and community volunteers for off ASMSU - more and were no longer as interested in spending much time helping local youth and thaT reading science fiction and fantasy. Instead they preferred comics. parents. The center offers services in counseling, referral and dnijl Quit Pouring Your The death of the pulps was also hastened by a education. r shortage of paper "The Tax Dollar Down a Rat Hole! because of the war. Moreover, comics "got a big push" from the people involved with DEC are delighted that thiskindo| recognition has been given us for our efforts in working withdn HAVE A BALL on a abuse in our community," Dr. Edward Lynn, asst. professor oil Hollywood Waterbed from T.V. RENTALS psychiatry and DEC president, said. The Freedoms Foundation is a nonprofit FOUR RIVERS ... starting at organization desijneil to "award those people who $28.00 Contact; FOUR speak up for the principles ofH RIVERS, 351 - 1028. (after America," H. J. Post, the foundation's regional vice presidentH said. 6). YOUR OLD SANDALS ore worth $2.00 (JO.. . uuhoLr th* /toryV) towards NEW SANDALS I at M.S.U. Shoe Repair 3 - MINUTE HEEL SERVICE 225 E. Grand River ' 332-3619 J Getting there is all the fun! OPEN AT 12:45 p.m Feature at 1:20 FRI. - SAT. 109 Anthony 3:20-5:20-7:25-9:25 WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS' ALSO . . . ACADEMY AWARD WINNER "THEY SHOOT BAREFOOT . . . HORSES, DON'T THEY?" at 9:50 EXECUTIVE . TECHNICOLOR' 7 & it 7:00 Elec. In-Car Hea PROCRAM INFORMATION U? ?4?9 DUSTIN Hoffman LITTLE BIG MAN » HSKKCH■ I M WfOMHATIOM 3B MIT t dthe ye^r HILLAR° ELKINS PR0DUCTI0N Shown at 7:30 Only Walter Mntthau Elaine Hay. Feature at 7:25 •••*•* - 9:35 Highest rating A COMEDY GEM!" "Battle. . "ANeoLetf NEW YORK DAILY NEWS "THE TWELVE CHAIRS" ofRritain A Harry Sail/man Produclion Starring Meridian 4 Today at 6:30, 8:30 Twl-Llte Hour, Adults 90c, 6:00-6:30^ Color Ron Moody (G) Rated 'G'-Shown at 9:50 An Only | Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. April 12, 1071 7 sports- tfsmen blast Ball State, Stickmen x homers pace big wins By JOHN VIGES Spartans contests but the heavy Snnrt.flns through both antj scored scoring surge began innocentlyJ seven runs. The lose by 12- Spartans rnntinnpH continued thoir their .«_ « By NICK MIRON late News Sports Writer onslaught throughout the day. enough as Boyce got on base on State News Sports Writer soft _ hit that got past the I C, will dedicate a new Pey addet!8 S'X mnjnni"8' two pitcher. John"Biice Uid^down MSU's Lacrosse team put together its best offensive effort of teC«omsu's; „ three run scoring baseman z™-' »"ince bu"'bul tried to force whenBoyce ,hef"si the season Saturday but stumbled on defense, resulting in alj 9 - [out the basepaths on the bingt,s Not to be outdone by the second both runners were safe. at defeat to Ohio Wesleyan. Wesleyan netted four straight goals in the third quarter to build The Ball State pitcher walked [ough Ball State will say pounding hitting of their had already planned to Spartan slugger Rob Ellis setting a 9 - 6 lead going into The lightning swift the fourth quarter. m shot of Spartan freshman Val Washington ; w nark because the ,teami™tes fo"r Sfarta" Pitchers the stage for Howitt's blast c Hotted a hat trick with goals in the first, second and last '""LZtS'ZoZ - p was inadequate, a strong and Rob Clancy just missed a '» *"*. center. quarters. The muscular Washington opened fire from outside the Three lent can bo made to the bj(J for" no-hit game when he more runs came in that Wesleyan defense and shot hard past the opposing goalie. that Spartan spikes inning as the Spartans were Wesleyan's Don Wright did Washington one better with four yie)ded j - » home run in the helped , ... unfillable trenches in the bottom of the seventh of the by an error and an goals, one in each quarter. Teammate Andy Stringer also scored as they completed an interference call. The third three times for Wesleyan. first game .» 39 circuits of the park Kirk Maas hurled the first four baseman, without the ball, was MSU's six other goals came as individual scores. Dan Denov, I a doubleheader Saturday. . .. mnings of the nightcap and ... , the path of Phil Rashead, and Doug Kalvelage, Don Grey, Steve Urbin, Jim Walters, and Paul when the two collided Rashead Safran each scored once for the Spartans. rst game was won 19-1 and p^ked up his third victory of was awarded a run. As was the case when the Spartans last back for a 20-1 then came [ Cardinal pitchers trudged ,hl> the vnnr |jj£ year. Maac Maas yielded „„i., only The big inning in the second g^e was the third when MSU Ready, aim Fred Hartman found himself too often to be a played Michigan, goalie Wesleyan often was able to isolate Hartman from the rest of the solitary man. ■ , m.nrf and watched as , l y.' f L,eckrelt scored six times. Five hits, MSU attackman Paul Safran (11) cradles the ball in his stick, poised for a shot on the Ohio defensemen and charge the net. In the second half when LS« went z7n,?n« p,at **** Ellis' home, wllh , Wesleyan net. Val Washington (10), who scored three times in the 12-9 Spartan loss broke a 5 - 5 half - time stalemate, the Wesleyan visiting stickmen shot 14 telders most most ot tne long K St!lfe OUt 22 B,an State l?ttersin Clancy was almost perfect man on,Accounted foV the ™'ns" seems headed for a hard landing. Saturday, times. All 14 shots were on goal. The two teams waited six minutes for the >on- his game, allowing only three from there on the action was fierce. opening score, but Spartans failed to store in wa,Rs In the inning he Wesleyan sported a husky- ,ne inning during the two the fifth of the first faced Dennis c^ingis third batter, who Bflrry ^ NICKLAUS SECOND team which handled the ball well. which showed in the number of MSU relied ground balls more on their speed gathered by both was teams. MSU picked up 46 to Wesleyan's 13. . , .. leading off the seventh. No MSU put 34 shots on the Wesleyan goal. Wesleyan was able to ba"S,»c?irr'!K °V6r ! sooner had a pair of Ball State Coo aim only 24 of its shots on the Spartan goal but it made the dy • for MSU, three co"J'nB fans said "If we're going to get a captures ho bat of centerfielder shots count. Howitt. A grand slam hjt guy w|n ^ £ doBjt „ The loss was the third straight for the Spartans, but no one is when Barry lashed Clancy's first in the opening inning of yet seeing shadows of last season's 1 - 9 record. ^ thjf fence - game and center field. .asts in the second game AUGUSTA, GA. (UPI) - seesawing in and out of the lead fonr hnlo Two more men reached base, Tigers B1 Toxan Charles back with win . Coody cmacu tifacaH f ho erased the ^hvmi/fViAiif i_I a birdie at the par Imong Kn f/\n» ....... the five hits Howitt I an error and a walk before uaac, vi.cica vwuuj we throughout turuugliuui the < four oays Hie lour days OI .f 4. of me the* 11H, L I J - memory of his blowup here two tournament, sank a rpair of AH However, as the lanky young . led for the day. nMA.. iU. j uu _ 1 » , ,1 ... r° ,, lun "ole andfmm Nirklanc mnffoH when years ago by winning the Masters 1 Nicklaus muffed a chr»f • • 1 tho . ., a clutch 12 foot birdie putts Mi,,er be8an 8iving ground to the . i Boyce blasted a four Gold - shot from the „ar n™> rpntpr fiplrf "uv """ """ OMUW uul°' «vi.u Tournament luurnameni by oy two iwo midway through his final nine Pressure, Coody birdied the 15th ed8e of a crwk at No. 12, the 1^1 filimmoiBH p„w For the left handed sophomore strokes Sunday and, in the and wound up with a 2 • under - V o n PrSft «,rh <,«rf ' It was his fourth win against losses. no process, ended Jack Nicklaus march toward an unprecedented par 70 that gave him9- under • and 16th to forge to the front .urge 10 me irom ------ -- — and then parred the final two Pr°tege of 1970 Masters Champion Billy Casper was tied —- on 11th inning rs In the nightcap. _ MSU began the run parade in par 279 and $25,000. holes to wrap up his first - ever for .th® lead with Coody, a "Grand Slam." Nicklaus, a three • time major title. stroke ahead of Nicklaus. BALTIMORE (UPI) - Bill in the eighth and ninth it.umps rven run could st game ng in the "first'"inning"of"' lead offhaveinnicarried when It sent 12" - men 'the' ■ to the opener plate . The 33- Abilene, 'who year • old pro from Masters winner and the rlVl s h""6 pen" anV'PGA reigning Millar's birdie at No. 14, Freehan's home run leading off Tom Timmerman picked >p n had been B rhumnlnn champion npvnr never ar%t got u a nkaroa charge thS0d8troWkhe0leaTirThurfsd^v,as . opening round with ... . coupled with Coody's bogey the 11th Inning powered the Detroit Tigers to a 5-4 victory victory in relief. a §lx under there, gave the ITTERS SPUT (S"nd«y and his even • par . par 66< wa8 tled with Nlck]aus . Californian a two - young stroke lead over the Baltimore Orioles T.V. RENTALS Sunday In the first game of 001/v 281 that Ti » "AV tied him V forUnrunnerup "P#r at seven • under going Into and It appeared that he was on doubleheader. a honors with 23 • year • old John Sunday's final 18 holes, his way to winning the Masters In his first appearance here as a Freehan's blast off Pete polfe rs 2nd in 1 MSU teams went Into count. tourney Brlggs, playing In the first two Miller, who shot a 68 after letting holes. a two - stroke lead escape by bogeylng two of his last three When he and Nicklaus both shot 35s on the front nine, the two still were tied at eight - under and Miller, who had pro. Apartment-Style Rlchert, decided the game after the Orioles railed to tie the score Coody had been trying for two started the day four strokes off Friday but faltered the VanderMelden was second to medalist Dave Haberly slots for Drobac, pulled out years to get people to forget that Individual wins, while the he had a one • stroke lead going the pace, had closed to two back Living PHI KAPPATAU EXPERIENCE A Iid action In convincing John with a 33. .. . day, allowing victory of Minnesota who shot 222 over number three doubles team of into the final three holes of the 332-3577 Pizza to slip Miller moved to one stroke through their the 54 holes. VanderMelden Symington and Rick 1969 Masters and bogeyed all finished with 227. Ferman also came out on the three to wind up in fifth place. Spartan golfers fished John Peterson and Dick winning side. He appeared out of this, the . in the Robert Kepler ;ional at Ohio State and Bradow finished seventh and eighth, firing scores of 230 and A trio of set matches could 35th, Masters, have swung the meet in MSU's bogey at the par • four 14th hole top, when his Tuesday's Special TONIGHT AND |SU tennis team split their 232. favor but the Spartans lost them dropped him two shots behind . nd 81 action, on whipping Friday and The netters disposed of hosting Purdue as Coach Stan all. At No. 4 Rick Vetter lost a the unheralded Miller, who had bard fought match 6-4, 5-7, 6-3 just made his third birdie in a Fluffy Three EVERY MONDAY F to Illinois 6-3, Saturday. IN THE SHOW BAR I golfers had held ead a five - Drobac and his squad opened their regular season. The a"d in the doubles Gray and Madura lost 6-1, 3-6, 6-3 and Egg-Ham Omelet over defending Spartans swept the six singles Briggs and Vetter went down i v Indiana Friday and hance for first place matches, with the Boilermakers getting their lone score in the plus Pancakes 1.25 [Saturday's first 18 holes, number one doubles match. CATCH YOUR PERFECT :ou!d not keep pace in the ■ne holes and took second The Illini, however, caught WAVE! From the Waterbed Don't Forget Our Daily Specials FULL SIZE PIZZA ONLY $1 MSU off guard, coming off a Co. of Hollywood, starting at In the tourney. successful match with defending $28.00 Call: Four Rivers, 351 Opposite Sears •i' iinished with 1155 Big Ten champion Michigan. 301 Clippert ■ MSU dropped to a 1165 Tom Gray and DeArmond -1028 (after 6 p.m.) — Across from Frandor Can We Discuss as varied as a spring weather Your Sleeping report. . .our rain-and-shine coats by collection of Problems? N.Y. Mackintosh . . .long, short and everywhere in between, these are coats to go where you go. SIERRA SLEEPER Short pant jackets, above-the-knee When sleep is the most important thing on your mind after coats and longer lengths in single a day in the outdoors. At the Weathervane. Central Michigan's largest camping specialists, we have a model of and double breasted styles of bag designed especially for each outdoor condition from summer camping to arctic expeditions. water-repellent polyester/cotton *Prime northern goose down *Prime duck down with equal poise in foul and fair *Nylon construction ♦Temperature ranges -50 degrees to 35 degrees weather. Sizes 5 - 13. *Dacron 88 ♦Largest selection of down sleeping bags in Central A. Belted long coat in navy Michigan ♦Prices from $35 to $120 or ale, $32. ♦Some models are available for day weekend or B. Pant coat in coral, navy weekly rental. Stop in and let the specialists discuss your sleeping or ale, $16. problems. Snapped pant coat of navy denim, $28. GERRY Body-shaped coat in navy or ale, $28. •Jacob Sori'S 2283 Grand River 351 -9494 - Okemos 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Monday, April n „ STATE NEWS state NE(vs CLASSIFIED Get a shower of results with a low-cost classified ad. Call 355-8255. classified 355-8255 3558255 The State News does not A utomotive feankLy speaking by Phil Frank For Rent For Rent For Saie MfantMrts . permit racial or religious discrimination in its MORGAN 1958 4+4 Roadster. LANSING OR East Lansing. One OWN ROOM girl without car. House Asking $650. Phone Charlotte, bedroom furnished. Large, airy privileges. For $55. 351-8820. UP- 8 cabinet advertising columns. The m-." State News will not Mi., 543-2856. 3-4-12 rooms. Air conditioned. X-3-4-13 portable models s,n^*' Beautifully maintained. Suitable Kenmores, Zig . accept advertising which MUSTANG MACH I, 1969. Black, for faculty, grad students, business ROOMS FOR men students. 1 block AUTOMOTIVE discriminates off Cooking, parking. used vacuum cleaner, jl * campus. against sharp. After 5 p.m., call 351-7459. people, married couples. Lease. Scooters & Cycles 10-4-16 882-6549.0 351 9749. 3-4-13 Electro Grand, 804 Ea«u I religion, race, color or 332-3135 or Auto Parts & Service national origin. EAST LANSING. Male students. Lansing, Hours 9 . 5 " "Si MUSTANG 1967. Fastback. ONE BEDROOM apartment, stove, Saturday. 5-4-16 "'1 Aviation Automatic. 1 owner. Clean. Best Single rooms. Perking. refrigerator, utilities furnished. Refrigerator. 332-5791. 5-4-14 • EMPLOYMENT offer. 351-2140. 5-4-16 1019 West Ionia. 393-6586 or WIG. DARK brown. Cut * FOR RENT 372-5440 after 5:30 p.m. 3-4-13 shag. Synthetic i,k. W OLDSMOBILE ROOM. SHARE cooking. Private Apartments Automotive good tires, 1964. 55,000 miles, air, $125. Call EFFICIENCY. UNFURNISHED entrance. Use of washer, dryer. __3_6!'6646' 882 3493 5^16f 337-2437.3-4-12 Houses Rooms BUICK RIVIERA 1966. Air, vinyl 351-7083. 5-4-14 except range and refrigerator. Across from campus. Reasonable. WEDDING DRESS Brand new. andTe7J top, everything $1400. Call Mike OLDSMOBILE 1967. All ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. 355-6646. power, ED 2-0792. 5-4-15 . FOR SALE Patterson, 489-3776. 5-4-14 Completely furnished. 372-8077 automatic, radio, clean. Must sell. Animals 351-0144. 3-4-12 before 4 p.m. C WANTED PEOPLE ELECTRIC GUITAR wjth CAMARO, 1968. Vinyl roof, Mobile Homes automatic, excellent condition. $40 per month. Ideal location. SPARTAN HALL, Singles, men, best offer. Call OLDSMOBILE 1966. F-85, 4 door, 33 • PERSONAL $1705 or best offer. 353-0972 Furnished, utilities included. women. V, block from cempus. sedan. Power steering and brakes. after 5 p.m. 3-4-14 337-1161. 5-4-16 ♦ PEANUTS Good condition. 663-4349. 5-4-12 351-9286, 372-1031. O PERSONAL ♦ REAL CHECK ESTATE CHEVROLET VAN 1964. Excellent DOWNTOWN, NEAR - 2 bedroom, MEN. ROOM. $130 a term. Clean, * RECREATION condition. New tires / exhaust. OLDSMOBILE 1965 stick. Good unfurnished. Carpeting, drapes, air quiet, cooking. 1 block to campus. LEONARD WHOLESAJ $606.50. 332-8894. 5-4-12 shape. $450 or best offer. Drafted conditioning. Women preferred. 487-5753, 485-8836. O LOV.'PRICES ON * SERVICE must sell fast. 332-6417. 2-4-12 IV 2-2743. 2-4-13 CHEVY DUMP truck, 1963. 2 ton. Typing Service Must sacrifice. $995. 882-8729. PLYMOUTH CLOSE, QUIET room. Male. $12 a 1964. 4 door, radio. ONE, 2 girls sublease Spring. No cooking, • TRANSPORTATION 5-4-16 Runs well. Snow tires. Reduced rent. Air conditioned. week. no parking. $150. 351-1754. 2-4-13 » WANTED 351-2716. 3-4-14 351-1315. 5-4-13 CHEVELLE 1964. Malibu, 1 P.M. DEADLINE one class day convertible, 4 speed, rebuilt 327, (receipts). Sacrifice $450. PONTI AC excellent 1962. condition. Bonneville, $300. Call 'these imvmvflonal femc|n§ meets NEED ONE girl for 2 bedroom. $80/month. 351-7907, after 5 NICELY FURNISHED, near campus, parking, no pleasant, cooking. before publication. 351-7904.1-4-12 evenings, 355-1485. 5-4-13 Are GErrofc our of imp !' p.m. 5-4-13 ED 2-1183 after 5 p.m. 4-4-12 COMPONENT SYSTFMQ I Cancellations - 12 noon us makers si COMET, 1966. V-8. 4 speed, crager, PORSCHE 1956, Coupe. 1967 VW Scott, Wharfed_ class SUMMER, ONE girl for 2 man, Cedar For Sale one day before mags, many extras. 337-2239. engine. New paint, Panasonic, Phiko', Interior, Village. Reduction. Robin, publication. 5-4-12 wiring. $645. 487-0046. 2-4-12 351-7384. 3-4-12 Auto Service & Parts For Rent MUST SELL EVERYTHING. Desk PHONE DODGE DART, 1964. Red, radio. RAMBLER AMBASSADOR, 1963. ONE MAN wanted for 3 man at ($30), records (50c - $1.50), Automatic shift. Bucket seats. 2 4-channel color orgen, bookcase 355-8255 Radio, V-8, good condition. $300 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East TV RENTALS - Students only. Low door. Good tires. Best price over , Colllngwood, $55. Apartment 38 or best offer. 355-4864. 5-4-13 Kalamazoo Street . .. Since 1940. monthly and term rates. Call 361-3622.3-4-12 ($8). chest ($30), curtelns, RATES $150. 351-4967. 5-4-16 Complete 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV tapestries, lemps. Red shag cerpet 309 N. 1 day $1.50 TRIUMPH 1969 TR-6, AM-FM auto painting collision service. IV 5-0256. C and RENTALS. C / pad, 8V4 x 14v, ($90). Gold WashingtoTI STUDENT FOR four Cedar 16c per word per day FALCON 1962 automatic. Good tonneau, $2295. Excellent Village. No man. deposit. Cell carpet / pad, 9x9 ($45). Dishes, L^nslm; running condition. New tires and condition. 489-5988, days. 3-4-14 table ($7). And morel After 9 3 days $4.00 AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for 332-6227.3-4-12 battery. Asking $275. Call 332-3848. Open house NEPTUNE WATERBEDS- 13ttc per word per day American cars. If we can't fix It, it rent. A TO Z RENTALS, p.m., 355-7779 afternoon. 3-4-12 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ VOLKSWAGEN 1967, Blue sedan. can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. 0 349-2220. 0 Seturdey, April 17. 6-4-14 queen size; both bsd enc. 5 days $6.50 Excellent condition, 26,000 Call $39 485-6181 between 6.9 ■ Cedar Village S . FORD STATION WAGON 1965. 13c per word per day New brakes, battery. $400 firm. 349-3526.4-4-12 VW - GUARANTEED repair. TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction PRAKTICA NOVA 1B 35 mm SLR 6-4-12 " (based on 10 words per ad) RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at guaranteed. Free delivery, service camere, built In meter, 50 mm, IV 9-7954, 3-4-13 VOLKSWAGEN 1966. In good Okemos Road. 349-9620. C and pick-up. Call NEJAC, ; Apartments ■ F1.8 lens, case. Also Sears zoom, Peanuts Personals must be GTO CONVERTIBLE, 1969. Low condition. $650. Tan. Phone 337-1300. C 90-230mm F4.5 for same cemere. BRAND NEW all electric ^ pre-paid. mileage. Rally wheels. Other 351-0452.3-4-12 61 COUNTRIES around the world |. . . provide continuous free! $120 for both. 351-7572 after 5 portable typewriters. Ne $95 with need people who know engines warranty 1 extras. Before 5:30 PARKING, V4 block from Berkey, ■maintenance on toilets,B p.m. 3-4-14 p.m., VOLKSWAGEN BUS camper. 1963. and transmissions. If you know without. 2343 Eiffert Hotel There will be behind a 50c service 332-2135. After, 351-7528. 50 hp, engine paneled, fold - down motors, see the Peace Corps Team Polachck's. $20/term. ■garbage disposals, stoves, alr| 351-3348. 3-4-12 LIKE NEW: and bookkeeping charge if 5-4-13 beds, curtains, best offer. this week in the MSU Placement ^conditioners, and many other! Sony TC-8 cartridge player and recorder. Plus 8 track this ad is not paid within 351-8474. 3-4-12 ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. ^appliances. Cedar Village also' one week. GTO 1965. Low mileage, 3 speed, Office. 5-4-16 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV ■has 24 - hour emergency! one microphone $85. Phone MAGNAVOX CONSOLE AM-FM multiplex. 1 smto| well cared for. 351-5944. 2-4-13 Wayne, 332-2471. RENTAL, 372-4948. O ■service by our on-site staff, believe. 355-3228. 5-4-13 g The State News will be 1-4-12 Scooters & Cycles SOLID STATE MAGNAVOX stereo responsible only for the ■ Now Leasing for console. Dorm si2e. $50. Phone MODEL 70 Winchester rifli,l first day's incorrect IMPALA SS 1966. Prime condition. HONDA CB350, 1969. Very well Aviation Apartments ■ 355-3074. 3-4-14 Immaculate condition, SlC insertion. V-8, 4 speed. Extras. 353-6226 cared for. 351-9339 after 4 p.m. Summer & Fall Terms best offer. 353-1858. 5-4 15I 5-4-13 3-4-12 NOW RENTING for summer and fall, LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Most 1 training. All courses are one and 2 bedroom furnished or brands. 30% off list price. Rich: SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49 J JAVELIN 1969. Low mileage. HONDA CB 450, 1970. Excellent government and VA certified. unfurnished. Choice of apartments 351-5869. 0-4-tf $11.95; TV, $12.95.1 Excellent condition. 4 new tires. condition. Call between 6 and 8 353-9503 or 351-6349. 2-4-13 p.m 337-1181.5-4-13 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport are, Bay Colony, Beichwood, SECONDHAND STORE, 1 Road, Call 484-1324. t Delta Arms, Evergreen, Haslett ■ Bogue St. at the Red Cedar FENDER ELECTRIC TuiTWr. C ■ guitar with Automotive MGB GT HONDA 1969. 450 Scrambler. $725, Arms, Princeton Arms, University " ■ case and amplifier. 351-4067. 1966. Chrome wires, Michelin tires, Abarth exhaust, excellent condition. Extras. Call GROUND SCHOOL. Basic course for Terrace, University Villa and ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a 2-4-13 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT*! BARRACUDA 1966. Must sacrifice. beginners. First class and North Pointe. Special discount brands. 30% off I radio, $-1050 or best. 393-8697. after 5 p.m. 627-6882. 5-4-13 FASCINATING, FRIENDLY Excellent condition. New tires. registration Monday 4-12 at MSU rates for those signing prior to 361-8860. O 5-4-14 frolicsome females need fourth for MORE FUN in the sun with Sun $750.351-1 (89. 3-4-13 YAMAHA 1969. 180cc. 3,400 miles. Union, Room 31, 7 Open to June 1st, Call p.m. HALSTEAD fantastic flat. Across Shades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, STEREO COMPONENTS Cod non members. $30 includes Berkey. Helmets included. Call 355-5914. - MANAGEMENT, 444 Michigan Phone 351-2546, for surel 5-4-13 2615 East Michigan Avenue. set. Mcintosh, JBL, Revoil 5-4-15 texts. Offered by MSU FLYING Avenue, 351-7910. O 372-7409. C-5-4-16 Shure. 1-857-4835. 3-4-13 f CLUB. 2-4-12 1968 RIVERSIDE 125cc. Must sell. Houses HARMON KARD0N I GUITAR, GIBSON SG Standard, • Excellent condition. $150. Call CEDAR GREENS 355-6829. 3-4-14 Employment 1 bedroom furnished SAGINAW AREA. Partially Gibson amp. Fender fuzz and wa-wa. Make offer. Call 372-0849. Slightly used with matched component^ speakers, «i furnished, 3 bedrooms, VA baths. HONDA IOTSWANA, MALAYSIA, Nepal, POOL Full basement. $180/month. 3-4-14 cost $449, now $295. | 1969. Model 350 CL2000. Realistic stereo amp and e»: and India want Peace Corps $625. Excellent condition. Call 351-8631 Security deposit. References. Volunteers with Agriculture or COMPLETELY EQUIPPED. 20 speakers. Selectio 351-7307. 4-4-15 489-2673. 3-4-13 Rural backgrounds to help them gallon aquarium. Also 3 Michelin portable stereo phonograplii| X whitewall tires. Mick, 482-1625, and Howell si grow. See the Peace Corps Team SUMMER AND FALL. Groups of 1 1969 KAWASAKI 650 cc, 4 cycle. WE'RE LOOKING for two bedroom, ' in the MSU Placement Office all to 4 girlmeeded. 332-5320 after 6 339-2055. 4-4-15 recorder. Used Westing Excellent condition. Call this week. 5-4-16 two bath, Meadowbrook Trace. Near pool, sublet summer. Call p.m. 5-4-16 portable TV, plays good S45.J 351-3081. S-3-4-16 WEDDING DRESS. Train and veil, 9x12 Oriental pattern rugil CYCLE INSURANCE. Central IF YOU WILL have an agriculture DELUXE HOUSE. 4 girls, furnished, size 14-16. 393-5433 after 1 p.m. wall tapestries. 1500 usedV degree by this summer; Botswana, 3-4-14 guaranteed stereo records q Michigan's largest insurer. Any ONE GIRL to share summer. dishwasher, study. Completely track stereo tapes, cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON Brazil, India or Malaysia would carpeted, fireplace. $80 each. Furnished. Pool. After 5 p.m. FOX HOLE PX, Frandor: Cigarettes, INSURANCE AGENCY. like to talk to you. See the Peace 332-5320 after 6 p.m. portable typewriter, e 351-2069. 1-4-12 5-4-16 35c per pack; paddle balls, 57c; 332-5335, 484-8173.0 Corps Team in the MSU condition, $39. Selection J Placement office this week. Also paddle ball paddles, $2.50; aviator 35mm SLR c NEED ONE man for four man, well WANTED PEOPLE WE HAVE moved. ROLL selected exotic places. 5-4-16 sun glasses, $3.98; tennis balls, 3 Polaroids and it - ROSSER furnished $40 per month. Ideal location. apartment. Call for $2.29; tennis racket, $5.95; 5 Bosch and Lombe i Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. 393-1218 or visit Apt. Furnished, utilities included. HP LIBERAL ARTS graduates are the 102, outboards, $99; mummy microscopes. Used 8 track ■ Phone 489-4811. Our new address. 337-1611. 5-4-16 Building 6A, Meadowbrook Trace. sleeping bags, $14.88; camping 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF backbone of the Peace Corps. 5-4-16 cassette auto tape playe^B saws, $3.90; army folding shovels, tested and guaranteed. B Africa, Latin America and the CUSTOM CB 350 Honda 1969. South Pacific all need new $2.98; canteens, 99c; back pack used lovely diamond 1 GIRL NEEDED to share Rebuilt. Must sell. $500. Call volunteers for Special Projects. one $2.88; pup tents, $7.88; shag engagement sets bedroom apartment. Furnished, balls, $1.98; waders, $12.50; Mastered WEEK 355-0957.3-4-13 See the Peace Corps Team this TWO FOR eight girl. Near campus. Layaways, Bankcard, $75. 349-1736. 5-4-16 week in the MSU Placement Bath. Deposit. Rent negotiable. d^nium^ls^^g^O-1^0-4-14 WILCOX SECOND!* Office. 5-4-16 Jackie / Sandy. 351-2605. 5-4-16 EVERYBODY KEEPS trying for STORE, 509 E. Midi SPACIOUS ONE bedroom, furnished or unfurnished from $150. Lease better employees. Get them with a Lansing. Phone 485-4391 * EXCITING SUMMER camp jobs. 45 DOWNTOWN. ROOMMATES Want Ad. Dial 355-8255 now! daily 8 a.m. -5:30 p.m. C optional. 5 minute drive from miles from Lansing for young needed for huge furnished house. LOW RATES. Specializing in MSU. Phone ROGER PAVLICK summer single nurse, RN or LPN, and $75 includes own bedroom, motorcycle insurance. FEIDLER REALTY, 371-2890 or 372-5781, young woman who has a WSI utilities, house privileges and maid INSURANCE 676-2449. 3-4-12 AGENCY. certificate and waterfront evenings. 3-4-14 service. 487-0046. 5-4-15 CROSSWORD experience. Must live in. 2 1970 KAWASAKI 100 Centurian. sessions. June 18- July 9, and July MUST SUBLET beautiful, furnished, two - three man immediately. GIRL, SPRING term, own room, PUZZLE 29 - August 19. Call 646-6709. close to fireplaces! leases... only Excellent, only 50 miles. Only $132 month. campus. 2 Best 5-4-16 a 351-6065, offer. 655-2413. 3-4-12 351-8183. 10-4-23 dishwasher, pool table. One week free. Small deposit. After 5pm HORSE WRANGLER needed at 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham 332-5272.3-4-13 HONDA 68, 305 Scrambler. 24. Ward off summer camp. Must be at least 21. ACROSS Excellent condition. $425. Call Drive. 135 Kedzie. 2 man 25. Permitted For information, call 353-6189 FOR SUMMER. Sleeps 8 to 10 after 5 p.m., 355-1186. 5-4-14 furnished apartments. Includes 1. 28. 3-4-14 people. Modern conveniences. Heavy volumes Memorabilia heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. 6. Cupolas 29. Soent J400#0 Leases Lake, 35 miles from campus. 1968 BSA LIGHTENING, 650cc. starting June 15 and Sept. 11. Far above 30. Sandarac 1 Isolated. 349-3653 or 355-6683 Excellent condition. Call NOTICE Days. 487-3216. Evenings til 10 12. Bewitch 34. Turmeric ™ 489-0211 or 489-0159, ask for p.m., 882-2316. O 5-4-12 14. Poker pool 35.Injure __Fr^nk^ X-5-4J 3_ SUMMER JOBS available in Torch 15. Red and blue 36. Jap. rice paste NOW LEASING: 2 and 3 *AIR CONDITIONED SUZUKI 1970. T-350 Rebel. Very Lake Resort area for 2 sharp man Rooms 16. Twilight 37. Curative attractive apartments. Close to campus. gals. Reception and 17. Rents 39. Modern dance ♦DISHWASHERS good condtion. Asking $650. $170. 126 Milford. 372-5767 and ♦UNLIMITED PARKING 882-2686. 1-4-12 general office work. Housing 489-1656, evenings. 20-5-3 MICHIGAN - PENNSYLVANIA 19. Girl's name 41. Detective 3. Roadside I available. Send picture and resume 20. Dissocial 42. Ear shell stopover r near. Single rooms for men. ♦SHAG CARPETING to Mr. NORTON 750. Mint. 1970 Rankin, MIDWEST RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire GIRL NEEDED for four - girl References. Also first floor old - 22. Fish sauce 43. Wisdom 4. Newt | Commando Roadster, $1250. Ml 49615. 20-4-30 apartment. Immediate occupancy. fashioned apartment. Married 23. Quadruped 44. Approaches 5. Designer I 4000 miles. 372-1660. 10-4-23 Reasonable. 332-1297. 5-4-13 couple preferred. $125. Phone IV 6. Intensity J 5-6128. 1-4-12 3— 4 6 T" /. Burden t % 8 9 .0 PART TIME employment: 12-20 1966 BENELLI. 125cc. Excellent SUBLEASE. 2 man. Beginning May 8. Damage hours week. condition. First $125. Phone per Automobile 1st. 208 Beal, apartment 2. ROOMS IN house. $50 e month, " i!T- fV 9. Surround | NEW FURNITURE FRESHLY PAINTED 655-3854 after 6 p.m. 5-4-16 required, 351-5800. O 351-4082. 3-4-12 meels optional. 351-7226. 5-4-14 Call Ron IM % 15 10. 13 Respond :] j 1968 HONDA 90cc. Good condition. PROFESSIONAL, VERSATILE lead - rhythm guitar, must sing. TWO GIRLS needed for Chalet '7 %18 18. Worm NEW CARPETING ► NEW FURNISHINGS $250 with or two helmets. 353-8403 353-7377. 2-4-13 Everlon 835-3328.2-4-12 Nevermor. 313 Apartment. $56/month. 332-5966 evenings. 3-4-12 MEN SINGLE room, 3 blocks from Union. Phone 337-1408 or 20 %71 % 22^ -9 21. Bazaar 22 Grandpa*"! MOVING? WE will move you ANYONE WISHING to work ONE GIRL needed to sublease spring 351-5076 after 3 p.m. 3-4-12 23 % TM 24. Saltpeter 25. Lemur 1 I % CoUtngtoooti anywhere in greater East Lansing and summer terms. Reduced rent. ASMSU election polls, April 14. 332-3137. 3-4-12 GIRLS. 26. Models®' I area. $10/hour, 14' ROOM 25 26 van. Anytime between 8 5 at $1.60 near 27 perfection | % campus 28 kr % 361-3060. 2-4-14 an hour. Contact Mrs. 353-0659. 1-4-12 Leonard ONE GIRL. Immediate occupancy. cooking. p.m. 351-0798 between and'4 p.m. 5-4-13 12 2? 31 % *3 27. Short Pfl comb, g 1970 SUZUKI condition. 33 250X6 hp. Must Mint No rent until May. Call 351-1765. V, 28 Aic f°rnYi Apartments; see. 5-4-13 34 As 355-8806. 5-4-12 LINE UP a spring job necessary. Also train for full time now. Car STUDIO EFFICIENCY apartment. MEN. TWO blocks. Private entrance. TV, phone, lease. $50 month. 37 %3B % $o1 30 Lace I'11 . 31.Gr letter L A uto Service & Parts summer work. Call 351-7319 for Close to campus. Modern, parking. First two weeks free; 351-0497 32. Fossil res" j interview appointment. C 3-4-13 Quiet. 349-9269. 5-4-15 33. Fosters | Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind CAR WASH, 25c, or automatic wash, V3 % 35. Instant MODEL OPEN DAILY behind the Yankee Store 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. 430 South Clippert, back of Koko EXTRA low - TV'S sell fast in spring with cost Want Ads. Dial ONE GIRL for 2 man River. Cheap. Call 351-8102 along Grand or S,NGLE: male student, block Cooking. $13 weekly. Union, 314 % Bar. 0-4-9 355-8255. 351-3633.2-4-12 Evergreen. 332-3839.3-4-13 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April I 2, 1971 9 For Sale Lost & Found Real Estate Service Kii Animals SETTER. 2 years old, AKC LOST: FOB, resembles small locket. Two stones. 353-7717.3-4-13 gold Heirloom OKEMOS with - NEW 3 bedroom bi-level beautiful fireplace; field stone all built-in kitchen, deck off of kitchen and Typing Service ANN BROWN: Chiina i welcomes visitors Tgistered championship breeding. LOST HALF Shepherd dog. Flop two full baths and two car dining room, Typing and multilith offset printing. Complete service (Continued from page 1) I crossed the border at the British colony of b1 -7873. 5-4-13 ears, bobtail. Called "Dog" garage. 10:30 on a sunny Easter Hong Kong at 337-0801. 2-4-13 The home is priced at $32,500 for dissertations, theses, morning with John Rich and Jack with Our assignment is to cover the team. Reynolds of the National Broadcasting Co. and two of REGISTERED black cocker M.G.I.C., conventional or manuscripts, general typing. IBM. But the biggest story of all their Equity Out financing available. 21 years experience. 349-0850. C — China — is all around us and Japanese television crewmen, Hiromasa Yamanaka and 6 months. Has all shots. To crying to be told. Masaaki „„„ with children. $50. Personal see any time call Maynard Beery It is too soon to say that all the barriers which have kept Shiihara. >5-2975. 10-4-19 351-5210 or SIMON REAL Americans out of China and Chinese out of America for so With us were four other foreign PROFESSIONAL newsmen, John Saar, an ESTATE, Okemos many BOARD EXAMS — Kaplan tutoring MSU Branch TMESIS years are coming down. But a hole has been made in the once Englishman, and Frank Fischbeck, a West German, both of Time k ALASKAN Malamute puppies, classes now being formed for June 349-3310. 7-4-16 PREPARATION impenetrable wall. Life, and Jose Schlesinger and Bob Whyte from the - hampion blood lines, $50 and and Canadian July. ATGSB Exams and July This is not to say that official relations Broadcasting Corp. j. 669-3423. 10-4-19 LSAT Exam. For information call THREE BEDROOM, full basement have changed or are with furnished recreation room. about to do so. The Vietnam war and U.S. Only Rich and I had ever been to China, and here in 1313) 851-6077, collect. 18-4 30 2 - shek's government on Taiwan bar the backing of Chiang Kai the years before the Communist we were car garage, large lot near way to a rapproaciimenl. takeover. Mobile Home* WATERBEDS, KING sized. Only MacDonald and Marble Schools. Csmpltti PrtftiiliMl Thesis Strike fir But the spring - like warmth in U.S. - China contacts at the $40 or rent one for $10 June 15th occupancy. Mtsttr's mtf Doctoral CiMiiatts. Froo human level cannot fail to melt some of per $24,750. the ice that has 351-2192. 12-4-16 Brochure and CoMlltatiM. Please Call congealed in the long winter of hostility. At Shumchun we went 0 TWO bedroom Monarch mobile month. Call 351-5988, after 12 Cliff and Paula Hau|Kcy 337 1527 or 127 21* through the complex of official -ne with 7x10 expando on. 5-4-12 buildings at an orderly pace, sipping tea, changing our monev and COUNTRY LIVING but close to utifully finished Mediterranian lunching on duck, chicken, port, squid and abalone washed down or, one 5 piece bath, storage ked, porch, landscaped and eyesight shopping. If this west of Williamston is is what you want then this clean 3 bedroom ranch the home COMPLETE THESES Discount printing. IBM typing and binding of theses, resumes, service. UN predicts population by Chinese beer. On the Hong Kong side we left a world of purple morning J>dded lot, all in perfect After the age of 40, eye - for you. The home has a publications. Across from campus, glories for one of lichee trees, banana groves and rice terraces. ition and located in one of sight two car The fourth Everywhere Chairman Mao Tse-tung beamed on us from without glasses garage, fenced yard, full basement corner MAC and Grand River, (Continued from page 11 - ranking United bnsing's finest mobile home rapidly billboards on the side of the track, statues inside the To see call Maynard Beery declines. In near vision, and priced at $21,900. FHA, VA below Style Shop. Call States, with an estimated 203 public irts. sight COPYGRAPH million people in mid - 1969, is buildings and from the lapels of countless blue jacketed Chinese. 1-5210 or SIMON REAL begins to fail rapidly some Hon SERVICES, from 632 million in 1975 to 901 - four years earlier. Adm listration 337-1666. C IsTATE, Okemos MSU Branch, financing million in 1990 and 1.08 billion expected to have 219 million in available. To 1975 and 252 million in 1985, Seminars see call feature W9-3310. 7-4-16 If you have to don Maynard in 2000. glasses to IrICAN read the State News Classified Beery 351-5210 or ESTATE Okemos MSU Branch SIMON REAL TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. Ttlo ' The number . of - people - , ,. the last year of projections for industriaiLd to 1970 12x60. Like new. Ads each day it's well worth Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Soviet Union m the industrialized wJte™ Western m„ntri~ countries. 349-3310. 7-4-16 Ann Lance, 626-6542. 0-4-12 — the world's third lnglish decor, 2 bedrooms, fully the trouble. You'll find a wide The world's annual population most education, history prof hrpeted, disposal. Brookview populous country with an variety of merchandise growth rate is projected to be 2 ibile Park, Perry, (off M-78). On value at Recreation TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. estimated 240 million in mid - per cent in 1980 85, just as in with every modern prices. Check there now! Rapids, accurate service. 1969 is figured to increase from - nience. 339-8777. 5-4-15 SUMMER FLIGHTS to Europe. Experienced. 393-4075. O 255 million in 1975 to 316 1975-80. HFLP SAVE AMERICA $165. New York to London. Call The U.N. experts predict NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE million in 1990 and 329 million rising Lawrence vicmiug, u o lo n i a I |tLETTE, 1968. 12x53 feet. Join the AMERICAN VIGILANTES! Frank Buck. 351-8604. 17-4-28 in 2000. growth rates for Africa, North professor of education and "Transformation p. • >> t condition. Furnished or For information - Buy and Read COPY SHOPPE can show you .America., Oceania and the Soviet til o u ' i» Lifurnished. With shed. On lot. THE how to get two Xerox copies for history at Columbia University, won tKe nanrrnft » C.°f AMERICAN VIGILANTE Union; filing nt» for Asia and Service will be visiting campus Thursday ZeriSn hte3ta 1M2 14-9374. 5-4-16 by Alaric Branden Press, 221 the price of one. Phone 332-4222. Latin America, and constant rates and Friday. "" Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass., 02116. $4.95. 15-4-27 HORSES BOARDED. Ten miles northwest of Lansing. Box stalls. _ 541 E. Grand River. C BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. Letter tar Europe. They expect that the Dutch will replace Swedes as the Currently president of the general wturp National Academy of Education, rremina hut At¬ ?.?, r * Wjth seminars ForW' seminar * Ample lighting area. Reasonable No job too large or too small. HOT COMBS, driers, everything for (Continued from page 1) in fho kii,, ltn sem|nars. F rates. 372-3515. 5-4-13 Block off campus. 332-3255. C your hair. UNION BUILDING urn- c 1.. * Mrs. V OS Transformation of the School" r. . ... BARBER SHOP. C-4-12 Much of the contacted at 355-9568 HILLCREST 2-bedroom, COMPLETE TYPING disputed letter was Birted. Fully carpeted, garbage INDIVIDUALIZED RESUME and printing devoted to SERVICE; Includes: interview, service. Copy stored on assuring faculty Iposal and many extras. Call magnetic MCAT EXAM six day ka~p7an writing resumes, and cover letters, tape. This eliminates all re-typing members that authorization cards IT'S what'S ii a wnni _ i |5-3520. W tutoring course being assembled typing. 489-4473. 5-4-16 except author's changes and for MSUFA would be used for May 1st exam. 851-6077 Happening 15-4-23 ' corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT discreetly, "locked in a safe and HOME 12x60, two MAIL counted CLASSICAL AND FLAMENCO ADVERTISING, across only by non - University droom. Large aluminum shed, guitar lessons. $2.50/% hour. Call from Frandor. Phone 337-1773. C staff." n be sold on or off lot. Peanuts Personal 351-3815.3-4-14 ■,500.625-3481. 10-4-13 Cooper countered other points of the klM NEAT and spacious 12x60 PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free Transportation MSUFA personal letter Friday: letter in his estimates, grad students, "I have ^69 Richardson mobile home, experienced, references. Brighten FOR SALESPOWER try a little Classified Ad to sell a large mobile never urged anyone to The Pre - Law Club will meet at home has two bedrooms, all up your house for sign or not to sign an 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 118 Eppley t in kitchen and one 4 piece spring. homel Dial 355-8255 today. authorization card, and I am not - 349-4817. C Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley will . To see call Maynard Beery doing SO now," he wrote. "I have d'^uss several topics and Assn. Jb 1 -5210 or SIMON REAL GUITAR, DRUM, Banjo lessons. not signed authorization card i! "EST 7." ["2 le Cantilever Club wil ■TATE, Okemos MSU Branch Real Estate Private, Folk, Rock, Semi - Wanted myself. Admission is free. ) p.m. >urces today in 183 Bldg. Natural Multicon Homes The following Frs ■9-3310. 7-4-16 meet t n H a v • Classic. MARSHALL MUSIC, East He said Sunday that he would i Columbus, Ohio, will present j CMU PROF wants small unfurnished not have signed the MSUFA letter and program on their operations MERIDIAN MALL (10 minutes). Lansing. 351-7830. C-4-12 A series °f expectant parent classes JlETTE 1969, 12x60, 2 Large tri • level ranch. Custom house within 15 minutes of had it been presented to him tion of next year's officers will >w the Hall; Drawing, 7'p.m.. Idroom. Call 646-6686. 294 built. 2 or more acres. $43,500. SUPPORT YOUR business with a campus for 71-72 academic year. before program. For information, Hall; Male Female F mbridge, Windsor Estates. Will caretake for Sabbatical mailing. Sparrow Hospital, 1215 E. Michigan 9:30 - IV 5-6128. JOANNA boost from Want Ads. Advertise prof. p.m., 152 C.unson St.; ; SARGENT, Modest rent. Phone collect Ave., Lansing. For information, call Distance Bike Riding. 6:30 broker. 1-4-12 services there. Dial 355-8255. (517) : IV 4-1357. If no The Family i 773-9646. 5-4-14 answi , call IV Planning Clinic will South Campbell Hall lounge. *r anted 7.6111, Ext. 284. present information on birth control, abortion and venereal disease in the New veterans on campus - Akers Hall sexuality symposium at 7 Blueprint rested Veterans Assn. will meet at 7 our Ad. Dial 355-8255 . . Lansing Boys' Training School should attend a meeting next Monday. For « the p.m. Tuesday in 137 West Akers Hall. The Peace Corps will present an Wednesday in the Fast Lai American Legion. Players are ne for fast and slow pitch softball tc USED WOMEN'S golf clubs. Barb, information, call 353-4400. agricultural film at 4 p.m. Tuesday at A smoker at the Coral Gables Farmhouse Fraternity, *51 Bogue St. follow the meeting. 355-7583 days; after 5 p.m., Arnie Applegatc will fca on hand to Spartan Pistol Club will have an 351-7614. 1-4-12 explain the overseas program. open meeting for anyone interested at 7 At 1<. tion all p.m. Tuesday at the PROFESSOR GOING on sabbatical Demonstration Hall The Folklore Society will meet at the first range. For who desires house cared for by information, call 351-7268. 7:30 p.m. today in 134 Musk Bldg. olloqui to discuss the spring festival. All are at 3 p.m. Thursdi couple. Call 353-8424. 3-4-14 Porch. Clyde Mor II spei Petitioning is now open (until May Fantastic Voyage: A Com ONE GIRL needed for 14) for membership on the Dept. of Twyckingham Social Science Student Apartment next Advisory year. Call Committee. Petitions are available in 353-2936. 332-1738. 2-4-13 129 and 287 Bessey Hall. The Sierra Club will meet at 7:30 Apartment - Style FIJI school year '71 / '72. Prefer Earth w«k Living proximity 353-0825; to Night, campus. 694-0394. Day, ,scusse • All are PHI KAPPATAU 332-3577 Rush 3-4-14 Call 332-5053 WANTED: HIGH quality automatic LIVING ROOM KITCHEN turntable with magnetic 12x 15 8/12 8 6/12x 12 10/12.^--= cartridge. Reasonably priced. 489-5138. 3-4-14 THETA CHI GUITARISTS. Meet April 18th, Union Grill 2 - 4 p.m. for Happening. UB. 4-4-15 BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for all positive, A negative, B negative and AB negative, $10.00. O negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 507Vi East Grand River, East Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday, Thursday and Still a tew places MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C EVERYDAY 1 - 6 except Sunday KING left for summer & fall Phone 332-6441 or 372-2797 MARSHA CHANEL WATERBEDS SIZE (6 available at 4 RIVERS for only $28.00 Call: x 7) FOUR RIVERS. 351 • 1028. TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. (after 6 p.m.) FOR RIDES CALL ED 2 3581 These spacious 453 ABBOTT RD. luxury apartments are completely carpeted and I furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each I unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - 3 mo. leases I central air I units have up to 3 conditioning and Hotpoint appliances. These four man parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time 6 mo. leases A WARNING I has been 9 mo. leases adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, I I recreation rooms and first residents of private balconies. If you want to be among the 12 mo. leases about TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units I start'n9 at $60/month per man. SHOPLIFTING Is the stealing of a petty item worth tetopcfungfjam the possibility of a criminal record, loss of potential jobs and s 4620 S. HAGADORN 7V/y«WGHAM the humiliation among just north of Mt. Hope Rd. friends and parents? management exclusively by: THINK REAL BEFORE YOU STEAL ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Public Service ad from the State News 10 Monday, April |2, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Rush these houses Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 7-10 pm CALL FOR RIDES 332-0834 423 Evergreen Alpha Gamma Rho 332-5048 123 Louis Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Phi Alpha 332-1434 451 Evergreen Alpha Tau Omega 351-3921 1148 E. Grand River Beta Theta Pi Delta Chi 332-0866 101 Woodmere Delta Sigma Phi 332-5035 1218 E. Grand River Delta Sigma Pi 332-2591 217 River 337-1721 330 N. Harrison Delta Tau Delta Delta Upsilon 351-0455 Farmhouse 332-8635 151 Bogue Kappa Alpha Psi Kappa Sigma 351-0747 715 Grove Lambda Chi Alpha 351-2984 128 Haslett Omega Psi Phi Phi Beta Sigma Phi Delta Theta 332-3568 626 Cowley It has long been a practice that when rush week breaks the campus becomes divided Phi Gamma Delta 239 Oakhill 332-5053 into them and us. The us is the "frat rats," "fratters," (and other descriptive terms) and Phi Kappa Psi 332-5039 522 Abbott Phi Kappa Sigma 337-1611 236 N. Harrison the them is the "dormies," "dorm - rats," etc. We are addressing this letter in the hope Phi Kappa Tau 332-3577 125 N. Hagadorn that for at least one term this might change. 332-8696 207 Bogue Phi Sigma Kappa Most important, we believe, is the necessity to clear some misconceptions. All dorms, Pi Kappa Phi 337-9734 121 Whitehills Psi Upsilon 351-4687 810 W. Grand River for example, are not holes. As a matter of fact we are continuously impressed by the Sigma Alpha Epsilon 337-9091 131 Bogue dorm's variety and services. The living facilities are in many cases excellant, and the care 337-1714 Sigma Alpha Mu 526 Sunset and maintenance exceptional. Much the same can be said for fraternity houses; they are Sigma Chi 337-9020 729 E. Grand River different like dorms. Some Sigma Nu 332-2501 541 Abbott are quite striking, and some are fine houses with two cats in Sigma Phi Epsilon 351-4160 126 Orchard the yard . .. Tau Delta Phi 351-0250 220 Cedar ... It seems to us that the difference lies not in the physical structures so much as in Theta Chi 332-3581 453 Abbott Theta Delta Chi 332-2563 139 Bailey the atmosphere, the spirit of the people. We think one could safely say that any fraternity Triangle 332-3563 242 N. Harrison is more or less a reflection of any dorm floor at a given point in time,; even the relative Zeta Beta Tau 393-8522 Meadow Brook Trace Apts. numbers are the same. There are some differences however. You know every brothers' name (yes John, even the guy that's the second door from the end on the left) and something about his home, hopes, faults, and positive qualities. Fraternity men's averages are consistently above the All Mens averages and fraternity men share a common bonding experience, A "test of fire" and a sense of history. One thing that has changed, and this change is important, is that fraternities are no longer caught up in re - making individuals. The emphasis has switched to an individual - aid sensitivity type arrangement. The people in your house actually care about you as a brother, as well as a human being because you have all shared the common goal of wanting to be a member. It is hard to attempt to like or care for 40 or so people at one time, but you are reinforced, usually, because those around you are trying the same thing. Fraternities are also selective. Now this does not mean blacks use the back door or your name had better be Jones or Smith. It means that when you walk in the house people are going to try (their best) to determine whether "you are together" in a way that makes them feel they would like to share a room, a house, or a life segment with you in close proximity. It's that kind of feeling that helps you clean up after a massive party, or when a guy is stuck at Lansing Airport and calls you at 1:30 in the winter. Individuals a.m. are going to determine whether you have something positive to contribute to the house or whether you're caught up in a dead image of many broads, too much booze and too few brains. We're not particular as to what your old friends think of you, be it face man, yes man or feathers that gobble. Their opinions are not necessarily ours. We need full living people because we are going places and doing things and we need each other, sometimes to share the load. Finally, we do not mean to construe that these things do not take place in dorms. They do, and all things mentioned above are not appealing to everybody. We are just saying that for those who do want to get together, we think we have something to offer. The President Vice President - Rush Executive Advisor IFC THE FOLLOWING WERE KIND ENOUGH TO DONATE THIS PAGE TO THE INTER FRATERNITY COUNCIL: LUM'S INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES BAGPIPER MARSHALL MUSIC CARD SHOP TOM'S PARTY STORE SHEPARD'S MCDONALD'S CAMPBELL'S CORAL GABLES LEON G OLDE WORLD STUDENT BOOK STORE HOBIE'S BURGER KING