arty ti fithink mem] Tuesday andits SOMe weens, we MICHIGAN mt pickgd up a olden It looks ungry like party time for but stealthy individuals, some come. jefTo 12 owes w6fo wo OF/ mo UNIVERSITY Volume 63 Number 157 STATE STATE MEWS East Lansing, Michigan cording to an employe of the Holden Tuesday, April 13, 1971 11 food service office. About 8:25 p.m. Sunday night, the olden Hall student personnel manager Lscovered that someone had stolen 12 -unds of frozen shrimp, six and one - f *ue of gallons of chocolate ice cream, six unds of roast beef and six pounds of lied turkey, with a total estimated idence $30, from a freezer in the hall's kitchen. Not since winter term, 1971, when Milliken seeks new source of public education hieves stole meats valued in the hundreds of dollars," has anyone med sinister motives at the Holden ood locker. That incident, along with he current theft, are under vestigation by MSU police. revenue More food has been ordered from By JEFFSHELER of school SU food stores to replace the lost source operating funds after this Last year Milliken proposed a 12 mill limit State News Staff Writer He said the reliance instead -dies which would have adorned the year. on local property tax levies but the upon personal • proposal income taxes and industrial "add - on" taxes olden menu later this week. Menus for In A constitutional amendment to make died in the senate. a special message to the legislature would dence halls are planned in advance, the state board of education an appointed This year the governor called for provide a more equitable growing tax Monday, Gov. Milliken called for elimination source for operating public schools. d other items will come to the rescue of the property tax as the chief source of body. elimination of the property tax except for a f the potentially empty Holden • "Strict standards" of accountability at "This improved elasticity of the total tax funds for public education and proposed 6 mill limit for local the local school district level in "options for structure should eliminate the need for mmies. increased personal income taxes and a new spending enrichment or programs." Police said someone pried off the lock "value added" tax to take its place. state funds. This would include regular increases in tax rates - a problem setting the 12 - foot by 14 - foot freezer, in statewide support levels for teachers' Operating millage statewide now averages which has plagued the educational system in "My plan will provide substantially more about 25.7 mills. recent years," Milliken said. hich temperatures can plummet as salaries. money for education coupled with strict Milliken said the w as 40 degrees below zero. Weather • Consolidation of intermediate school move away from Milliken proposed the two percent add - standards of accountability," Milliken said -nditions in the freezer Sunday districts into property taxes would provide relief for on tax instead of a corporate income tax were in submitting his 15 - point "Excellence in already existing kindergarten - senior citizens, small t available. Education and Equity in Taxation" plan. through - twelfth - grade districts. farmers and low because, he said, the income tax would be • income persons buying homes. "prohibitively high." His recommendations included: Extension of the school year to provide * A constitutional amendment to eliminate reliance upon the property tax as a year - round education in public schools. Milliken also announced he would O Officials establish a 20 - member Commission on Higher Education in Michigan. He said the EW OEO PROJECT commission would: • Suggest goals for all post - secondary ques education in the state. for educational • Assess the current supply and demand Nixon builds program for higher educational services. • state Recommend patterns of governance and management of individual schools and for policy - making. By BOB ROACH State News Staff Writer expressed concern over the -lack of a formula for the state to distribute the proposed tax • Recommend ways of financing higher revenues among local education officials. to aid Vietnam-era GIs education. Gov. Milliken's new educational reform The State Board of Education will submit "The evidence of a package received generally favorable mounting school crisis a plan for equitable distribution of 1972-73 is upon us — in resistance to response from state officials Monday school aid by the end of June, he said, property tax increase for school operation — in although questions were raised regarding the rapidly - although action should not be expected escalating conflict between school boards required constitutional amendments and the before the end of the summer. HINGTON (AP) Contending the government officials and veterans involved and teacher lack of a state plan to distribute educational - in the program after an advantage of GI bill benefits are to recruit organizations — in collective "Taken as a unit the governor's approach s its Vietnam veterans an extra hour - long meeting disadvantaged veterans not only for on • bargaining whipsaw effects that are forcing money. demonstrates a spirit of compromise and of with the President. help, President Nixon the - job training and education under the too many districts into deficit financing — in A housing boom was predicted to result enlightened problem-solving that is at need Monday a $1 - million program Former infantry Lt. Robert Penn, a black GI bill but for other programs student disorders, and above all, in from the proposals which would shift wiio including growing present critically needed," Porter said. ttract disadvantaged veterans to already has been trying to attract rehabilitation for drug - addicted men. public dissatisfaction with our educational financial responsibility for education from While most legislators are out of town on ed 01 bill job and education disadvantaged veterans to GI bill benefits process," Milliken said. local property taxes to increased state Easter recess, Rep. Dennis O. in his hometown of Buffalo, N.Y., said the Frank Carlucci will conduct their out Cawthome, - "Nothing less than a major reform will be taxation on income and corporations. R-Manistee, said the legislative package primary beneficiaries of the GI bill have reach work in the ghettos, slums and the said the Office''of Economic sufficient and nothing less than immediate While "highly encouraged" by the should receive top priority in the legislature. been men with high school educations. barrios. unity program is aimed at direct comprehensive action will be acceptable to governor's proposals, John W. Porter, '~t with the 350,000 Vietnam - era "Somehow they're not reaching the less Carlucci estimated that more than a the people of this state," he said. superintendent of public instruction, (Please ti n to back page) advantaged," Penn said, "what we're going to million low - income Vietnam - era veterans loyed veterans by cadres of former n poor backgrounds who are now try to reach is the high school dropout. are eligible for GI bill benefits but many are Veterans can talk to veterans better." not taking advantage of them and often "ng under the GI bill. >we these men a debt of The cadres of former GIs already taking don't know about them. gratitude r service — but we also owe them hing more," the President said. "The ying fact is that unemployment Vietnam - era veterans antly greater than it is among non - still is Wharton investigation ie same age bracket." programs administered for the by the National League of Cities and .S. Conference of Mayors under a 6,375 OEO grant — is to start in low e and blue of committeecontinues ■ collar neighborhoods in s on a demonstration basis, President Wharton said Monday he would the facts, can I?" he ils spelled out by said,explaining his "no were 18 have no statement comment" stance. regarding his investigation of the AH - University Traffic ASMSU Chairman Harold Buckner sent a Committee until he has talked to all of the letter to Wharton Wednesday onder concert principal people involved with the asking for a "full and public investigation" of AUTC. ~ts for Stevie Wonder in concert at 7 committee. Buckner charged that student members of :45 p.m. April 26 in the Auditorium Wharton said he had talked to some of the the committee had complained often about v available for people involved but added that there were various practices, regulations and actions of $2.50 at Marshall's, bells and the Union ticket office. one or two individuals still to be contacted. the committee, but that other members have "I can't say anything about it until I have been "hostile" in their response. "Either (the other members of the committee) are blind to the many problems that exist or for some reason they wish to see arc/ names things continue letter said. Diane as they are," Buckner's Rathnow, residence hall representative to AUTC, joined Buckner's attack, charging that "the whole committee advertising Kenneth R. Lynam, Perry graduate student in is run by ex - officio members." Miss Rathnow has since refused to elaborate on her charges. Buckner and Miss Rathnow are among business administration, has been appointed State those Wharton has contacted concerning News advertising manager for 1971 - 72 by the AUTC. Advisory Board for the State News and Wolverine. He started work for the State News as a salesman during his freshman year and has served the past two years as the asst. advertising manager. His job consists of the training and supervising of Play tickets Tickets for the MSU New Players salesmen, working closely with merchant associations and addressing himself to the special performance of "Stop the World - I Want problems of merchants. to Get Off" are available at the Union "I find it really challenging to work with an ail ticket office, Marshall's, State Discount student staff that has to sandwich their job and Lums. Performances will be April KENNETH R. LYNAM between classes," Lynam said. 21-24 in the Union Ballroom. ws ANALYSIS ASMSU session to By JOHN JUEL power struggle between en Buckner and Cabinet President Bob State News Staff Writer Grossfeld. On Sept. 29 Grossfeld, under fire from the board for allegedly ZlT!™ ?f the ASMSU Student Board, ending violating the ASMSU code of operations, resigned. The title of betL f!!, the flection of a new board, probably will be cabinet president was changed to "director of cabinet services" and Vicki Banks, Colona, 111., senior, was chosen to fill the post late in t history Spendin«tmore energy doing less than any board In the term. d uT'a ,started a l°t of things this year, but they never During the remainder of fall term, between fights over a proposed budget and cabinet structure, the board proposed a plan to put ner said Monday personalltles" ASMSU Chairman Harold students on the board of trustees and to submit a number of Ride the wild k problems throughout the year, the board constitutional amendments to a student referendum.! Problems over the budget split the board into two factions. These surf dent Servirl fvices "8(?1u#bble over office space on the third floor men willingly place their trust in inflatable rubber rafts as they ride the rapids of the Red Cedar River in Building which quickly degenerated into a (Please turn to back page) back of the Administration Building. State News photo by Larry Uladlhun Tuesday, April 13 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1 I!Lassoci ated!j PRESS news U.S. table tennis delegation summary ;$ of AP and UPI. travels to Great of built Wall of China sections and the Chinese need it as a reminder said the Chinghua visit PEKING (AP) — The U. S. into people - to • people visit sightseeing and new most w»s(k« table tennis delegation got a diplomacy, exhibition matches with the connected its fortifications to of ttfeir ancient culture." open ever conducted,! look at the Great Wall of China The Great Wall was one of the Chinese. form the Great Wall. It Said Mrs. Enroll Resek of New visiting foreigners. He fuller and franker than cZi'I "Nothing less than a major Monday and their smiling things the Americans said they The Americans piled into underwent changes later and York City: "If this had been in ti " sections built around 400 years the United States it would have made by former French Chinese hosts seemed bent on wanted to see on their arrival in buses and automobiles for the For* educational reform will be two - hour ride from Peking. ago are 300 feet high. It has been a great tourist attraction Minister Maurice Couve ! making a success in his venture Peking Saturday for a week's sufficient and nothing less than They wove through a stream of elevated roadways broad and it would be mutilated and Murville last October. Scene of immediate comprehensive action oncoming Mongolian ponies, enought to allow a column of cheapened by discarded paper a bitter i[ru. will be acceptable to the people of this state." Gov. Milliken Students trucks, bicycle and people. After climbing up the crenellated barrier with the rest troops to pass. Observed John Tannehill, player from Middleport, Ohio: a and garbage." On their first full day of sightseeing the Americans also among factions during! cultural revolution it only six months ago after been immobilized since reopew CJ of the delegation, Graham B. "It's just not needed any more. toured Chinghua University. 1%7 ■ An overturned stone lionJ (See! ry, P. 1) waiver tri Steenhoven, president American Table Tennis Assn. observed: "I've seen Hadrians of the It's a museum piece. Of course A Westerner living in Peking the gate bore mute the violence of ul witness confrontation. The Office of Evaluation American Thought and Language Wall between Scotland and It was destrowl Services has released figures on with 55 out of 134 successfully England but it is just a pebble by in the campaign to do awavJS waiver exams taken spring term waiving ATL113. comparison." old things. '^1 Israeli proposal rejected indicating that 51 per cent of Students taking the Dept. of The Great Wall was designed Cut down from its orjgJ enrollment of more than 20 1,218 students were successful in Natural Science waiver had the to protect China from enemies 0M Egyptian officials Monday turned down a suggestion by their attempts to waive greatest success with 60 per cent to the north and at its zenity Chinghua now has students who {fyl Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan to withdraw Israel's University College courses. of 334 students waiving courses stretched more than 1,500 miles took \,j Some 168 students took waiver in the department. Some 149 of across northern China. examinations but were selecJ troops from the Suez Canal under a permanent cease - fire exams for courses in the Dept. of 238 students, or 63 per cent, The original sections were by workers, peasants , and agreement that no Soviet or Egyptian troops will waived Natural Science 193. built about 2,400 years ago. soldiers after they had do» the canal. manual labor in the factories J On the Dept. of Social Science Emperor Chin Shih Huant Ti r cross Sadat demanded the partial withdrawal of Israel's forces from the Sinai Peninsula as the first step toward .exclusive! 1 waiver exams, 475 students took exams with 48 per cent waiving farms. It was hard to believe ti only a few months ago thtq courses. Fifty-one per cent, of House sets j Student relinquishing all Egyptian territory occupied since 1967. 142 of 277, passed the Social girls in pigtails and boys 1 Sadat said he would then reopen the canal. Science 233 exam. nondescript blue cotton mjj The Dept. of Humanities exams shrilly denouncing U.0 Ceylonese air war escalates i fares to were taken by 241 student, with 49 per cent waiving courses. hearing on imperialism. If they had been AlbanJ T Humanities 243 had 53 per cent the Americans couln't have be] Government forces, heavily outnumbered on the ground, have stepped up their air war against the Che \ Europe waiving out of 160 students who took the test. abortions treated with more courtesy^ friendliness. Given the fact tla Guevarist rebels who are still reported in control of 1 Soveupto At the start some of winter term 1,882 students took the Public hearings on abortion the Albanians have n< wavered as China's tiny Ceylon's outlying jungle and plantation regions. European ally, that is sayinjl | '212 waiver exams with 43 per cent legislation now pending in the There was increased air activity over Colombo Monday waiving courses. That figure was state legislature will be held great deal. The AmericJ and the government announced aerial attacks on the one of the lowest percentages in from 1 to 4:30 p.m. and 6 and 9 responded with close attenticd terrorists in Kosgama and Waga, rubber plantation 2 round-trip jet the history of waiver exams, Willard Warrington, director of p.m. Wednesday in the House and questioning. Chen Wei chang, , districts near the city. Icelandic Airlines jets Chambers at the Capitol, before • s you from New York to LUX¬ evaluation services, said. the House Committee on Social returned to China in 1946 af 'S embourg in the heart of Warrington said it is amazing Services and Corrections. teaching in the United StiL China sides with Pakistan at Europe for best connections how the percentage of successful Troubled waters described how studenl 4 to everywhere. If you stay Anyone wishing o testify may waiver exams is usually between do so by registering with the criticized his teaching methotf ft overseas over 45 days or Simon and Garfinkel find their sink at South Complex a Premier Chou En - lai of Red China has pledged his 45 and 55 per cent. committee before the start of during the cultural revolutiJ | under 17 days, our new little too confining for their aquatic activities. and said: nation's support to Pakistan against attack by "Indian 6 student fare of $300 round He said waiver exams provide each session. State News photo by Dave Shakespeare "My eyes J trip saves you $212 as additional flexibility for students The State News had previously opened." expansionists," Radio Pakistan said Monday. 1 against lowest comparable who do not wish to enroll in some Chou's message to President Agha Mohammed Yahya reported that persons wishing to jj; fares of any other sched- of the general education courses testify must first call the Khan followed 6 uled airline. Effective for strong Chinese note to New Delhi last Hesburgh asks educators a offered by 5 students, ages 12 to 26, University College. committee. Tuesday claiming India was interfering in the civil war ™ who depart before June 1 raging in East Pakistan. 2 or after August 15. Even The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State 2 lower fares for groups. Save Chou's message said China had noted the Indian University, is published every class day during four school g* via Icelandic no matter how government recently had been carrying out large - scale long you stay. See your terms, plus Welcome Week edition to aid search for dignity j in September. interference in Pakistan's internal affairs. S| travel agent. Mail coupon. Subscription rate is $14 per year. §5 630 To: Icelandic Airlines Member Associated Fifth Ave., N.Y. 10020 Press, United Press International, Viet bomb use adapted 8 (212) PL 7-8585 Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) - their search for this dignity. and values that will civilized Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Today's youth revolution stems "The youth revolution stems make for reasonable humi U.S. planes are dropping 7Vi - ton blockbusters on North Association, United States Student Press Association. from "a new perception of from progress and lasting peace a new perception of human Vietnamese besieging Fire Base 6 in the first use of the human dignity,"the Rev. earth," he told the Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. dignity, a new concern to Catholic educators. 2 Name Theodore M. Hesburgh said achieve powerful bomb on enemy troops, U.S. military sources Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services more dignity and "For the student born in 2 Stre at Monday. sanctity for human life, more said in Saigon Monday. Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 21 years old today," said Fathd Michigan. Father Hesburgh, president of meaning and more rights for all Around Fire Base 6 in the Central Highlands, said one human beings," Father Hesburgh Hesburgh, "one can say tlq State the University of Notre Dame, more has happened in 1 military source, "we are not as interested in putting in Phones: urged delegates to the National said. helicopter pads as we are in knocking out troop My travel ai lifetime, more change of e* Editorial 355-8252 Catholic Educational Assn. concentrations." "If our lives in education have kind more rapidly accomplish Classified convetion to help the young in Advertising 355-8255 any meaning or significance, it during these 21 years, than d The blockbusters are being adapted as antipersonnel ICELANDIC i Display Advertising 353-6400 will be in our reading the signs the total millennia long histo - LOFTlflDIH ' Business Circulation 355-3447 weapons because of their lateral blast, exploding on the - of the times and in educating the of mankind before 1950." surface rather than digging holes in the ground. Photographic 355-8311 "Should we wonder if they inj young of our times in the visions different, that they S950 nil'n't I S2500 .''n,, somewhat in rebellion againfil Nixon's fiscal policies hit Apartment - Style the world we have made, tl they are engaged in j A former chief of White House Living counterculture, that thd University T.V. Rentals Phi Kappa Tau economic advisers said Monday question traditional life stylal 332 3577 culture and values?" Fattep President Nixon's multibillion - dollar Hesburgh asked. tax break for business could be inflationary, would actually hurt investment in the near future and should be withdrawn. "This looks to me like the wrong tax cut in the wrong way at the wrong time," said Walter W. Heller, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President John F. Kennedy. Doubts about the legality of the plan $25.00 buys the 3-way con¬ "will have a chilling effect on vertible tips from carry-on to tote to knap¬ investment plans, thereby reducing the sack. Opens from 12'' to 22 ". Beige, red or economic impact of these proposals," yellow i Heller said. Civil Service changes eyed Uncle Sam is looking for a way tomake it easier to fire his hopelessly incompetent employes while saving those who can be helped. One system change currently under study by the Civil You re open minded, concerned Service Commission staff would hack away some of the $15.00 buys the 19 Strapped - ... now do yourself a favor and lor shoulder sling, hand gr p. or to carry at become well red tape from the appeal procedures open to employes ore i nd. Also 22" size, $20.00 Both in - rounded — come up and visit us, we'd enjoy beige, fighting dismissal. showing you around. But the other half of the proposed revisions would TOTE-PAK ™ also available $17.00 provide counseling and rehabilitation for faltering We have been in business since 1833, we have employes whose jobs might be saved if their work a 16 bedroom home, improves. traveling light is our bag. we own a city block in East Lansing, and we consider ourselves as progressive a group as any off - campus organization. Gun controls proposed ATLANTIC is the tastic. It's canvas bag with get-up-and-go. Makes your trip a light fan¬ light, bright—right on! Made in all the styles you need to tote, to stuff, to strap on. ATLANTIC'S GOT IT. THE SLING-PAKS!™ You're cordially invited over to OPEN RUSH Tuesday Detroit Mayor Roman Gribbs, pointing out "there is a proven relationship between the illegal possession of guns and Wednesday from 7:00 P.M. through 10:00 P.M. and Detroit's homicide rate," is seeking tighter nil controls for the city. Gribbs announced over the weekend legislative proposals aimed at restricting the purchase of handgun LACTIC Call 351-4686 or 351-4687 for a ride. ammunition in Detroit and preventing confiscated handguns from returning to circulation. The city's homicide rate week That two a . - - surpassed the 200 mark last day homicide rate is compared to 156 homicides in Detroit through all of April of last year. SLING-PAKS / LIEBERMANN TRUNK CO. 107 SOUTH WASHINGTON LANSING PSI UPSILON Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 13, 1971 3 -ain derailm Revised tax plan assures extension program fund: lows rail By BARBARA PARNESS "To unify and consolidate the rural development effort in each revenue sharing program. The University's concern for Campus Editor state — I am today proposing elimination of the extension i—«vmsi I'T ™ derailment, r'.cr'of^ and original service is for If President Nixon's program rural that the federal government establish a $1.1 billion fund to program was manifested in a letter from President Wharton fcesday on wreckage nn ag caused not expecteci to be restored for community be shared equally among all the development through revenue sent this month to all members WSLiLStaoJ: J Bever#'mored«ys- sharing had gone to Congress in its original form, MSU might states for fully discretionary spending to meet their rural of the Michigan congressional delegation. 0) freight train derailed have lost the needs and accelerate their rural In his letter, Wharton urged ■t 3:45 p.m. Sunday near the $2.6 million it receives from the federal development," Nixon's original that "the most earnest thought ■bridge diamond crossing, m C & 0 spokesman said government to run the message to Congress stated. be given the revenue - sharing Cooperative Extension Service. The term "fully discretionary proposal before more than 50 Iday the derailment The President, however, prior Erently occurred after a to spending" would have allowed the governor of each state to years of experience and ■-cubed, 89-foot boxcar having the bill sent to development are discarded." fcled, causing other cars Congress, has revised it to decide whether he wanted to Under Nixon's original guarantee that the states continue the present extension (,d it to derail. He said he was continue to fund the cooperative proposal, even if Gov. Milliken Xertain whether the accident extension program in his state, cut back agreed to continue the extension ■jted from a mechanical programs at their on the program or eliminate it program, MSU would have been 1971 level. entirely. forced to discontinue its e of the car or from the Under Nixon's original revenue 'I don't how the extension programs in urban K 0 officials were at the scene sharing plan, the President University could continue the combined funds for 11 rural - Cooperative Extension Service Nixon's original message to incident Monday related programs, including the without this kind of federal Congress stated that money and could not be Icted to learn the extent of Cooperative Agricultural support," Robert Perrin, vice given to the state under the Extension Service, into the president for University Rural Development Program >e to the equipment, Rural Development Revenue relations, said before learning of "would have to be spent for the team hook, or crane, was Sharing Program. Nixon's change in the rural benefit of persons in rural areas ling Monday to pick up outlined in the statewide Turned or derailed boxcars as plan." [other wreckage in the area, Documentaries show The MSU extension program t cars will be placed on new Is to be pulled for repairs to operates an urban 4-H program in several of the states er Grand Rapids or [outh. Extensively damaged metropolitan areas as well as an Lrs will be placed on a flat | be taken for repairs. plight of farmworker urban program. expanded nutrition Ilroad traffic was restored George S. Mclntyre, "Harvest of Shame', Jh of Trowbridge Road "Decision at Delano," two films and Shame" is a comprehensive cooperative extension director, said the changes in Nixon's Kay morning at the diamond report of the living and working , where railroad tracks on grower - farmworker conditions of the people who revenue sharing bill will allow problems, will be shown at 8 harvest fruits and vegetables. the continuation of these urban g to the C & 0 and to \ Trunk Western Railway p.m. today and Wednesday in The the programs. ect and continue on in an 31, Union. points of the grower, The MSU Cooperative lest direction. A CBS - produced migrant laborer, itinerant Extension Program employs documentary, "Harvest of more than 600 people, ■ffic had been halted until minister, American Farm Bureau including Tmen replaced bent rails with and the federal government. 100 faculty members on campus and operates on a budget of ■ ones. Temporary repairs The second feature, "Decision ■completed Monday morning nearly $10 million, including Meet at Delano," is a documentary ■tracks were reopened to federal, state and local funds, I a C & 0 passenger train Clear the tracks recording the drama and controversy surrounding the Mclntyre said. Jgh about 9 a.m. and a Grand with dean organization of the Delano grape The extension program was Ik eastbound mail line Teams of men and machines work around the clock to the Trowbridge diamond crossing, west of campus. workers by Cesar Chavez. Lively created at MSU in 1914 with the Eldon R. Nonnamaker, dean lgh about 10 a.m. repair the damage caused when a train derailed Sunday near State News photos by Jim Klein and W. Bruce Remington of students, will meet informally dialogs between key figures in passage by Congress of the the labor dispute arc presented. Smith - Lever Act. with graduate students at 9 p.m. today in the Owen Hall main cafeteria. ITERS CHICAGO POLITICS Nonnamaker will discuss graduate rights and Stevie responsibilities with students and answer questions. Public housing ruling protested |CAGO (AP) order to - put A federal public could be suburban areas. constructed His ruling came on a suit filed in a perpetuation of racial that time would be used segregation. politically during the mayoral — which petition — ultimately denied the did not act until Apartment - Style Living Phi Kappa Tau 332 3577 Wonder g in Chicago's white Shortly after the first of this campaign, March 8 and met with ■borhoods has caused a by the American Civil Liberties year, Judge Austin ordered that However, the Supreme Court immediate and critical comment. K;al and social controversy Union in 1967 which charged the CHA comply with his 1969 I still developing. that construction of public ruling by publishing, by March conflict over Judge housing units in black areas was 5, a list of sites for the housing |rd B. Austin's order was a units. vsue in last week's CHA officials petitioned the (ley n which Mayor won a fifth term Richaro over Readings U.S. order. Supreme Court to stay the They said publication at an Richard E. ley had [s ruling. condemned the on poetry See Our Display at Meridian Mall Sportscar Show ZIEBART INNER COATING order also prompted 1st SEALS YOUR C«lt AGAINST RUST RUT! demonstrations |)orhoods who feared ts of white by their scheduled 6 would depress in value if t housing units were built Daryl Jones, East Lansing ir areas. graduate student, and Dennis i Austin of U.S. District Pace, Detroit junior, will read from their poetry at 3 p.m. [ruled in July, 1969, that Wednesday in the Union Green Jhicago Housing Authority Room. ■>). built 1,746 new units The presentation is the second it 75 per cent be located in a series of readings and e neighborhoods. He said ne - third of the units informal discussions scheduled for campus this spring. Jones has published work in |rs worn many small magazines, including Plaintiff, Happiness Holding Tank and Northwest Review. Pace has also contributed poetry to various magazines. He Notjortlieblafis Sometimes people will use their charge cards just to make charms has had two volumes of his work published and is presently the themselves feel a little better when life's got them down. But there are better times and better reasons. For example. poetry editor of the Red Cedar Master Charge can mean up to twenty-five days of free credit Review. pILA, the Philippines (AP) if you pay on time. That means your money can continue to perstitious Christians in the earn interest T.V. RENTALS through this period. re of Cotabato wear as It can cut down the number of checks you write and must I- luck charms the left ears pay for. Simply by consolidating your many bills into one fslems they have killed in and'deHvery $9.50 mon.l monthly statement and one monthly check. | By DAVID BASSETT and we had the responsibility to great deal of food, consumer may leave it on the items left on the shelf, but if the 1 State News Staf Writer do it," according to Earl Holton, However, Rose said, items shelf in preference of an item problem does arise, it will be r In an attempt to aid shoppers vice president in charge of which are a day or week older with a more recent date. met by better operation. "We'll moke, ashes and rodents are a in reading expiration date codes operations of Meijer, Inc. than another item need not Holton disagreed with Rose's ,g of the past for many have to order closer so we don't on perishable foodstuffs, Meijers necessarily be suffering from a conclusion. He said he doubted have the back up," he said rtan Village residents, and Thrifty Acres recently initiated a "There's really no reason for the public i probably will be for many consumer education program added. not to know," he >s to come. which explains coded shelf lives lovable steel "dumpsters, or packaging dates. "We can't change the dates on n being used in Spartan Village "The public has been fooled manufacturers' products, but a trial basis, are gradually we're providing the information lacing incinerators in the area, —aST to° many times," said Norma to decode the dates and we run SSali Klettke, secretary to the in Roetman, married housing "*" * full page ads to help the manager at the Meijer store at nager, said. £** 5125 W. Saginaw St., Lansing. customer figure it out." our dumpsters were placed in In all Meijers food stores are But in the s made out for $2,150.80 was estimated value of $22 w; northeast corner of Spartan books indexed by manufacturers opinion of J.W. Rose, manager of the Michigan seeking complaints and warrants reportedly taken between 1 and removed between 4 and 5 p.n jlage last September after names which explain numbers Council of Food Chain Stores, etman and the Grounds Sunday from a jewelry box o on packaged food that may the recent Meijer action is a l of dresser in her West Wilson Hall pt. decided that "incinerators either indicate when the product apprehended Saturday afternoon reiust unfeasible. "promotion gimmick" and an Nancy J. Meyer, Detroit junior, was packaged or the date before for We were constantly having "excellent psychological tool." leaving an area bookstore She told which the item should be sold. with a book for which he did police the room door tating problems," Roetman The books also explain where Rose said the merchant has a not pay. locked when she left and |. "The incinerators have to be locked the time of the theft. She the date is to be found on the unlocked when she returned. responsibility to make sure there A security guard in the gajj she had endorsed the check, id fired, usually by the product. is nothing in the store that is pot Student Book Store told officers todian but occasionally by which had been written by If the manufacturer's code quality merchandise and he i he watched the student place the ants. number indicates the date the do that "without the expense that book, valued at $2.95, under his addition to Soot and smoke item was packaged, the books and build up of public dating." coat and leave the store through * * * |onvenience, we periodically indicate how many days after to clean the incinerators, unburned matter into 30 - This Spartan Village incinerator may become a thing of the packaging the product is good. Rose said he thinks Ihis action 'tJ" mrtLid he followed the , D?NNA \ !,OLfJES' Detro" vel on drums and haul them to past when the new system of trash disposal takes effect. Meijers instigated the decoding on the part of the Meijer stores will only result in increased food student and Sked him to return freshrnan' told P°llce ,a Pair of curb where they would be State News photo by Tom Dolan system because "we thought the to the store. He was taken from earnngs and a watch wlth a total prices because people will not there to the police station, nped into garbage trucks." buy the freshest foods if they booked and released until oetman said another factor are aware of packaging or shelf countv prosecutors take action, OGUJNCOODCDMDN WITU mpting the change were State official to life dates. This, Rose said, will help teach * * * .nerous complaints by result in a build up of foodstuffs a PERSONAL CHECK which |dents, mostly over smoke, MOTOWN D0CQDD5.DDE5ENT5 es, debris, and "occasionally ★*★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ oetman said the original four MSI Veterans Association IMltS." course on policy-making ipsters, which were used by apartments, proved to be eptable to both marreid sing, the Grounds Dept. and By MICHAEL FOX presents n Village residents. deal with general policy making State News Staff Writer permission of the instructor, he and then concentrate on two or said. Non i result, eight more were A state - political science tailed last week, bringing total government official has three issues. majors also will be welcome, he liber of apartments using them |360. Roetman sad he hopes volunteered to help teach a course on state policy • making, One or two evening meetings will be held to supplement the added. Press said that Whitmer came LENDMAN ASSOCIATES all incinerators will be Charles Press, chairman of the work of students assigned to to him with the offer to teach a * laced by next fall. Dept. of Political Science, said various areas of state Monday. government. course on state* government and that he would probably be * A no fee job search |tch dumpster costs $330, but Richard E. Whitmer, director The current plan calls for appointed as a visiting lecturer * n protective screens and pads of the Michigan Dept. of firm for former JUNIOR putting two students in the for the winter term. "esthetically pleasing" Commerce, will join Press in governor's office, two with the * nations are added, the total teaching a five - credit field work The department regularly Democratic House leadership, offers a field work course spring OFFICERS & ENLISTED MEN BCNCPT DQ5C0RMANCC COPTIC ; could amount to $1,000, he . It many also be necessary for course, PLS 404, "State Policy Making From the Inside," next Grounds Dept. to acquire an winter term. two with the Republican Senate term and leadership, two with state of presidential years. usually during fall term } pril 14 7 p.m. MAPT1N UJTUCD IdNG. JR 5CUQUD6UID KIND agencies, two with each political Visiting speakers from both * itional truck to carry the The Dept. of Commerce is one of 19 agencies which form the party, two with lobbies and two parties are expected to visit the witib newspapers. PLS 404 course planned for next * E. L. American Legion Hall MONDAY ADPIL 26TW0 5UCWS 'he initial outlay is naturally executive branch of the state Press said they are looking for winter, he said. * (behind the E. L. Bus Dept) AT 700 & 9^5-MSUAUDUOQIUM than for incinerators," government. students who might be ktman said, "but in the long Although details for the course interested in this special course. * ALLTICICT5 J2.50AVAILA5LE AT All Interested Vets are Welcome it shouldn't cost us any are yet to be worked out, Press said the course will probably The prerequisites would be the normal * M/\D5UALL5CAAADBELL'5-AA5U UNION junior standing and s950 J"h s2500 i!'.I ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ e added tht most reaction of dents has been positive, with Apartment - Style B Hot PO I a few complaints concerning Living inconvenience caused pping refuse in plastic bags by Pizza Phi Kappa Tau University T.V. Rentals obvious. The computer provides a solution by performing high The computer affords the way to store u knowledge ii quality instruction for large a directly usable form—in mi a wa' carrying them to the 332 - 3577 The computer. the computer can be compared that permits people to app!, 351-7100 We've all heard the stories with the invention of the printing cally.6 without having to master it ii about people making, say. a S30 press. Our goal is to make it pos¬ purchase. And then being billed Engineers engaged in the sible for a teacher to provide in¬ for $3,000 by the computer. development of computer sys- dividual guidance to many stu¬ Nonsense. dents, instead of few. The danger is not that the e to computer makes mistakes, but develop i struction is not a concept which nected computer systems capa¬ has been enthusiastically em¬ ; rolls ble of offering a wide variety of braced by all. There are many Ji services to the public. who feel that the computer will changing h raijojl I. They must be correctly solution of problems. They do By necessity, one-way replace teachers. mechanizing, rather tt We tecl noloi applied fo m exactly what they are told. Not This situation can be changed sonalizing, education. what they ought to have been by developing computer-based Everywhere in our lives systems that offer each indi¬ the effect and promise of I people. vidual an almost unlimited range computer, That's wh> Its ability to predict < —you may be f tion. Each individual will select in industry—if great a depth he wants to delve interested. At his choice of time. a computer terminal device for Apply this principle to greater efficiency in home shop¬ ping and much wider diversity creativity by freeing man of bur¬ What it densome routine tasks. instruct i. To n Do we really believe that simultaneously t ourachievements in space could have been accomplished with¬ out computer assistance? Do we really believe that we function From a practic lurely progress. itc/i can efficiently in our complex modern environment without computer assistance? ARE THEY FOR US OR AGAINST US? the bold bedroom bursts into spring with a flash of color. . . contemporary plaids and geometric prints designed with the young and lively feeling of today. Here, from the collection, is Focus by BloomcraftJ a machine washable permanent press cotton bedspread with closed kick pleat fitted corners, corded edging. Blue, gold or melon top with coordinated giant plaid skirt. Twin size spread, $16. Full size spread, $20. Jacobean® 6 Tuesday, April |3 , Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Prof blasts TV's immaturity, The television industry is entering a phase of sensationalism and muckraking, similar to the "yellow journalism" period of the print more escape film fare because it's less expensive. Television is becoming an mediam. Even documentaries and newscasts are made to be Commenting news on the relationship between government and the media, Mishra said he believes the media must exercise muckraking To provide better coverage, networks and the audience, both from the standpoint oftk. Mishra offers a few suggestions media, according to an MSU professor. entertainiilg." surveillance over the government to provide Americans with ♦Some kind of control should be used with the electronic m * Vishwa Mishra, asst. professor of journalism, said that TV is a A problem facing the industry as a whole is that it is in very information on what is going on. perhaps something similar to the Press Councils operating inl7 "green" medium in the hands of "green" people, whose maturity serious financial trouble, Mishra said. "the public does have a right to know," he said. "I don't want to England and Germany, where nonmedla members have s voSl leaves much to be desired. "This financial crisis could be attributed to three factors," he the media reduced to cheerleaders for government. There has see programing; * "One sign of the networks' immaturity," Mishra said, "is their said. "First, they have been forced to withdraw cigaret advertising always been an adversary relationship between the government and ♦TV networks should have less egotism and should h inability to size up the intelligence of Americans. Their executives which depletes their resources considerably. Second, the general the media, and this is healthy." constructive comments in bringing about reform. ^ believe they should 'talk down' to people." trend of recession and inflation has caused a lack of sponsors for As of last October, President Nixon utilized all three networks 18 ♦Networks should employ more professional personnel w However, he stressed, recent surveys show that more people are expensively produced programs. times during prime viewing time. The total time used by the ethical journalists. Universities should help in this area by teachi believing in TV and less in newspapers for news. "Third, all three networks could save money by pooling their President is more than the prime time used by Presidents students more about handling news for radio and TV and Since TV has high credibility, Mishra said, the networks should | resources, which they refuse to do. Each network, for example, has Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson combined. about management. realize that credibility and reliability are correlated, and they have its own crew for the massive election night coverage, and it's very Mishra said TV networks must look at the total picture a little ♦Factual documentaries should be shown during prime time an obligation to be factual in whatever they put on the air. costly." more objectively. ♦Government subsidizing, or even a tax break, could helntk. "I don't think that TV has ever been serious about providing good Another problem of the industry, he said, is the "image game" "Objectivity does not mean detachment, necessarily," he said. financial crisis faced by the TV networks and provide documentaries," he said. "The networks give the American public they play. "In my opinion, it's searching for truth." for better coverage. induce^ m CHORUS, ORCHESTRA PERFORM Requiem'--musical Dvorak made his point clearly whole thing less of a musical swallow and muffle the sound. Tenor J. Loren Jones' pleasant By DALE SCHRIEMER and coherently in the first two - marathon. The tenors were the only real voice interpreted the music well. Guest Reviewer thirds of the work. At first, the The first two - thirds were, in flaw of the chorus. Their Although Keith Dearborn 1 haunting melodies and truth, stunningly beautiful. The entrances were poorly executed billed as a bass he seemed to lack ! Dvorak's "Requiem" is a unabashed show of emotion troubled strings open with an and weak, probably because of the bigness that this sort of massive musical work. Maybe were exciting, but being almost choral plea to God. The the meager size in proportion to super - romantic music requires, ; too massive. By the end of the continually bombarded with this University strings handled it well the rest of the chorus especially in the lower registers. performance Friday by the heavy music I was a numbed and set the scene for a deeply (approximately 150 members). The conductor, Harold Brown, University Chorus and victim of overexposure by the dripping experience. The unified But overall the chorus had a was able to unify the chorus, Orchestra, many were quite end. chorus and soloists were then pleasing sound. orchestra (except for a few | ready to leave. Dvorak could have kept me added to the sometimes Wagner • The soloists were excellent. It radical French horns) and Most of the second half of the crying and feeling the things he like music heightening the was unfortunate, though, that soloists in an ambitious work. program was just too repetitive. felt if he would have made the dramatic effect. about a fourth of the audience It was more than regrettable The chorus, composed of couldn't see some of them. that the majority of the the music and nonmusic majors as Giovannia Burkh, soprano, audience probably couldn't well as community people, did opened with sensuously understand a word that was Jacques not seem to be aware of the beautiful intensity of the words and skyrocketed in praise. music. It simply lacked guts melodies and later being sung since it was in Latin and no Ethel Armeling, contralto, had included with the translations programs. were Musical Lou^erImo sometimes. This was probably a lovely and sensitive p rapport because of the horrendous with the text and the music. The The members of the MSU Chorus and Orchestra spent many hours rehearsing for their Easter Sunday performance in the Auditorium. State News photo by Tom Gaunt acoustics of the Auditorium which University serenity suggested by her vocal tend to manner was especially satisfying. Afro book will make a personal appearance for autographs at display Marshall Music Co. ATTENTION CAR OWNERS Edward Vaughn, owner of the first specialized Afro-American Film depicts war profits history book store in Detroit will * Complete front end repair and eshibit a book display at 7:30 245 Ann St. * Brakes alignment * Suspension p.m. today in Holden Hall's Black Cultural Room. The display will consist of of household item ma kers "You Don't Have to Buy War Affairs, illustrates how much historical books, children books, peace talks at Wednesday^ East Lansing * Wheel balancing * Steering posters, black greeting cards and Mrs. Smith," a widely acclaimed profit the household product meeting. other items relevent to the black documentary about household manufacturers are making by Letherer went with tlel 3-4 p.m. Wed., April 14 community. This display is product manufacturers who producing weapons for the Michigan delegation to iT produce Pentagon war products, Vietnam war. Companies cited 0$ w "prior to their performance at the USKEY'S Auto Safety Center opened to the public. * will be shown at 8:30 p.m. included Bulova Watch, General Wednesday in Edgewood United Electric, Westinghouse, Citizens' Conference on Endf I the War in Indochina. The conferred with the heads of tkl gral University Auditorium 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Church, 469 N. Hagadorn Road, Whirlpool Corp., General North Vietnamese delegation Wed., April 14,8:15 p.m. T.V. RENTALS and at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Telephone and Electronics and i| well as other Vie 104B Wells Hall. General Motors Corp. Catholics and Buddhists uil The film, featuring Bess The Lansing Area Peace citizens of Laos and Cambodi| Myerson, New York City's Council and the Women's The Commissioner sponsoring groups * of Consumer International League for Peace hold business meetings at 7:3® and Freedom, sponsors of the p.m. Wednesday before the flu film, will discuss plans JACK NICHOLSON ® Rush Wednesday night for a large - scale economic boycott of w r five EHsy pieces certain consumer goods in the 'Alphabet 261 I A Today at 6:15, 8:15 4 ACADEMY l\ FIJI Lansing area. L" 30'. Call 332-5053 Sev al and Barbra Streisand Elec. In-Car Heaters organizations in the Lansing area already have been working on to show filmsI a the project and will present proposals for discussion. A group of MSU graphial The Owl and the Ken Letherer, a field staff students calling themselrtl organizer for the Michigan series of "Alphabet 26," is sponsoringl| Today at 5:15, 7 Clergy and Laymen Concerned experimental films oil TONIGHT! ALL COLOR! about Vietnam, will also report campus this term. on his recent trip to the Paris j Meet Henrygf The film "Pyramid 90," willl*| he ^netta... ^ ^OWARDELKINS laugh noi HILLARD W. K0CH- uilLARD ELKINS PRfin PRODUCTION . uuhot/th* AoryT^ presented from 7 to in Conrad Hall Auditorium. 9p.m.todij| of the year- Admission for the show is Slil (Palter Moil and all profits will go into the! "Alphabet 26" fund so tM| Elaine Hay interested students will financial resources available »| WJ film-making. A Hew Leaf" On April 19 and 20, the Oil P Color by MOVIELAB :s 90c, 6:00-5:30 : ZUBRA : "Andillusion and foreign Dog," "Flatlanfl animations will#! Meridian 4 Today at 6:30, 8:30 : & : shown. On April 26 and 31 Japanese experimental films w| M Twl-Llte Hour, Adults A : dancing ; be shown. W WALTmSNEY |^! ALSO . . . ACADEMY AWARD : 6 nights a week ^ADDUCTIONS WINNER . . . "THEY SHOOT » "it takes the average lamilfm Ta BAREFOOT & HORSES, DON'T THEY?" at 9:5 ; OPEN BOWLING; year to earn the $10,000. It Federal Gover ((EXECUTIVE M Open at 7:00 Elec. In-Car Heaters program information U2 ?4?9 : Sat. nights ; 36 seconds to paperwork, spend $10,000'«TJ 15 second! : spend $10,000 for intr'*'"1 at : the national debt, and 3 : joe Joseph's : to spend $10,000 on welfare. And jpetkini "I : pro bowl : Feder, * N. Logan at Gr. River * april 12-13 * 372-7502 * t takes." 150 £• conrad aud. 7and 9 p.m. fA DUST1N S1 / HOFFMAN sett associates limited presents 9 LITTLE BIG MAN i Shown at 7:30 Only Jacques DOORS OPEN 6:45 p.m. Feature at 7:25 - 9:35 ••**** "Battle. Loussiatltio Highest rating A COMEDY GEM!" ofRntam A Harry Sail/man Production Lecture-Concert Series | "THE TWELVE CHAIRS' , Starring Jl SPECIAL I Ron Moody Wed., April 14, 8:15 p.m. j Color (G) Rated 'G'-Shown at 9:S0 Only University Auditorium Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 13. 1971 7 Center finds evaluation difficult By DAVID BASSETT State News Staff Writer said he wishes more trying to overcome this by having kids to wisely budget their time," "If for no other "working-class" youngsters were more courses in auto mechanics, Wood said, "and we often had the school has been reason, I think As appears true in any availing themselves of the center. math and English, and I hope that good for my radical, "We work closely with the problems because none of us kids because they are unstructured approach to it will make a difference." happier Malcolm X Academy for really knew where we were going than ever before, and this education, a major problem Ken Wood, director of the or even where we Communication Skills (a project Lansing Area United Ministries really wanted to happiness has affected their confronting the staff of the of the West Side News go. On the whole, however, I learning. Peoples' Learning Center in designed to and center coordinator, said the think we have done a impart communication skills on center has failed in some ways reasonably Lansing is measuring and good job." "I think people learn best when young blacks) and the Quinto Sol and succeeded in evaluating what the students have many others, its they are happy in a happy, learned. project (a Chicano youth center most important benefit in Lansing) trying to meet the being its easy-going environment. I can For the center's director, Cliff ability to make youngsters "more The best example of Wood's definitely say that the center has needs of all the Borbas, this problem is especially young people in whole human beings." optimism is the fact that he has made the area. my sons grow important because he would like "I think we were often naive two sons attending the school "The Academy reaches blacks, about the immeasureably. They have shown public high schools to adopt ability and desire of part-time. remarkable progress," Wood said. Quinto Sol reaches Chicano many of the features of the Last in a series center. For high schools to do youngsters, and we try to reach He said one of the major whites. The only problem is that this, Borbas said, they would have to be shown that young people negative aspects of the center has working class kids have shied TICKETS ON SALE NOW! been its attraction to can leam in the center's loose only upper away from the center," he said. TED HOLLIS middle class white Stiff knee youngsters. "I think the primary reason for structure. While the center was "I am thoroughly convinced proposed to this is our not offering many be primarily for that young people can learn at whites, Borbas usuable skill courses. We are SToP THE WoiyP least as much in an atmosphere call collagen like ours," Borbas said, "and I also think that what they learn Research underway in the College of Engineering might I someday contribute to a remedy for "football knee" and will be more meaningful. "The difficult part comes in trying to convince the schools that what we are doing is Stevie I MUTE GET Off other more serious ailments. with valuable. T'ley find it hard to "What Kind of Fool Am I?" Robert W. Little, professor of metallurgy, mechanics and materials science, and Roger Haut, a doctoral candidate in the same area, are studying the mechanical properties of collagen. "Collagen," Little explains, "is a fibrous material found in believe that books and classes aren't the best way to leam." One learning situation Borbas has found invaluable is a concert Wonder JULIANNA BOEHNLEIN Book, Music & Lyrics by LESLIE BRICUSSE and ANTHONY NEWLEY April 21 & 22 at 8:00, 23 at 2:00, 7:30 & 10:00 such soft human tissues as ligament, skin, cardio - vascular which the students at the center 24 at 7:30 & 10:00 UNION BALLROOM tissue and the comea of the eye. Tickets at UNION, organized as a fund-raising MARSHALL'S, STATE DISCOUNT & LUMS $2.00 "It is the load ■ bearing substance that ties muscle to bone - venture. All organization of the and bone to bone and helps account for the elasticity of the concert was done by the students, ! skin." and all proceeds will go to the Using equipment devised by Haut as part of his doctoral center. work, the two are putting various forms of stress of strands of Borbas said a trip he took with collagen removed from rat tails. 12 of the students to Chicago last They intend to collect enough data to construct a month resulted in greatly mathematical model describing the mechanical properties of expanded awareness on the part the material. of the students. A similar With that knowledge, Little says, it might be possible to statement was made about replace damaged ligaments in the human body with a another to Washington last week prosthetic substance that responds like healthy collagen to by 10 of the center's students. normal stresses. "How do you make educators "Understanding the mechanics of collagen can also aware of the value of having kids contribute to new diagnostic techniques and allow us to go to Washington and lobby predict how the substance is affected by such factors as diet against the draft, talk to senators and age," he added. and representatives and watch the decision be made to cut off funds to the SST?" Borbas asked. isurance, investments »pics in 3-day seminar :e, stocks and bonds, will review the legalities of pitfalls and procedures of stock Pis, credit and trusts and contracts and leases, and a market investing, estments will be topics of representative of American Bank A question and answer period at financial affairs and Trust will discuss trust funds will follow each presentation, essions at 7:30 p.m. and wills. Say, Wednesday and Thursday The problems of buying on |101 N. Kedzie Hall. credit also will be discussed. The r is being sponsored closing session on Thursday will | Alpha Phi Omega, national feature a team from Merrill, ; fraternity, and Gamma Sigma, national service Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, Inc., who will outline the Jority. J We wanted to present %dents with financial lormation president relevant to them," jnneth Opelia, Dearborn senior of Alpha Phi I. R. S. liega. said. ■Our speakers are people who SALE daily with the types of |ancial problems students e up against. They are [ coming to sell or advocate their companies, I to inform." (INSTANT REFUND SALE*) e seminar opens today with ? AND SAVE ■ |»lk by three local agents who 1 discuss life, car, home and ■pital insurance. J11 Wednesday, an attorney purmond ■jon ■e told * uncommitted ioLUMBIA, S.C. lorn Thurmond, Jis "not going to a news says (AP) - Sen. R-S.C., says campaign Republican" next year, as a conference 1.00 OFF A BUCKET OR BARREL ■ntby he was "not altogether ■isfied with (Offer Good * done." everything Nixon THE WORLD IS FULL OF BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE AND PLACES. To help you get there, TWA introduces the Getaway Program. It youcould dig hitc h-hiking across Spain or It has the independent Getaway brochure. For camping along a road in England. Staying at a those who would rather travel by themselves than chateau in France or living near a beach in with a group. California. TWA brings you Getaway. And it has applications for lx>th the Youth OFF THE ♦When you bring in this coupon, we will give you I nst there's the Getaway* Card. With it, another coupon for $1.00 off a bucket or barrel. you can Passport and Getaway Card. charge airfare, hotels, meals, cars, just alxwt Mail in the coupon for lAVAs free Getaway GOVERNMENT Good April 19th to the 23rd! This coupon will NOT be advertised in the newspaper anything just about anywhere And then take up to two years to Vacation Kit And find out how easy getting away pay. really is TIT! I here's also the Youth Passport* Card. It lets you Quit subsidizing th .it basis. 33V«% off on all domestic flights on a standby The Getaway Program special interest It also gives you reduced rates at many places U.S.A./EUROPE/ASIA/PACIFIC/AFRICA groups with your you'll be staying. dollars! Youth Passport is good | TWA, P.O. Nov 4(r>, on 20 other airlines. It cost 1 Abolish ASMSU' $ 1 and it's available to anyone between 12 and 21 iFarmingdale N Y. 11735 Write in - And if you send in the I Please send me coupon, we'll send you the Getaway Vacation Kit It has a Getaway Hook, jTVVYs t ree Getaway Vaca a 224 page look at I4) of I Name the great cities of the world I luce brochures, one on America, one on Europe, and .i third on Africa, Asia, the Orient, and the j Audit Z'P Tuesday, April 13 . 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS- Good 'S' pitching I know our team is oversh going to get this season," Leisman said season is ell within southpaw was one of only two before yielding the Cardinals know that the team • By JOHN VIGES possibility." men who struck out an average only hit of the game, a homer, in me some runs." will J 1 State News Sports Writer "I know that I can hold off of more than one man per inning the seventh. Ironically that lone Dave Leisman and Larry Ike round out the starters for MSU I know that I will be ball games." able* I? the other team long enough for and he is keeping that mark run raised Clancy's earned run Pitchers on the teams of and both will pitch Wednesday In the past our guys to get some runs and intact this year with 31 strike average and it now stands at mostly a fast k.„ MSU's opponents have not been when the Spartans face Albion. pitcher, Leisman worked h with an opportunity to start outs so far in the season. 0.66. the only hurlers left in the wake nine or 10 more times I think 1 A relief pitcher last season, Hard throwing and with a Ike tied with Phil Fulton for the through the winter t„ deV(J„ of the booming bats of the can reach my goal of 10 wins." Clancy has come on to win a good curve and fine control most Spartan victories last year fine curve ball that he can *1' Spartans. Maas, who was 5-3 last season, starters spot and he has proved Clancy is confident of what the with eight. Leisman has come on upon. n MSU's own mound staff has is already well on his way to to be MSU's top hurler thus far season is going to bring for strong this year and had an In the bullpen the main fa,*. I Lieckfelt, afc I received little credit for its job will be Brian reaching his mark, much less top in the young season. Clancy is himself and the team. impressive spring trip winning thus far in the season because the spotlight has been focused last season's record. He now unbeaten at 4-0. "I think that I can go 12-0 for his only start and finishing with college All - America, andfi I on the Spartan hitters. owns a 3-1 mark and his earned Against Ball State, Clancy the year," Clancy said. "I know a 0.90 earned run average. Bewley, a sophomore. hard throSI 1■ run average just a little higher spun a no-hitter for six innings I can get the other team out and "My attitude is a lot better Rob Clancy and Kirk Maas than last year's 2.45. both turned in fine Maas says that he is throwing performances against Ball State the ball harder than he did last Saturday giving up on one run season and his curve ball is apiece and a pair of Spartan reliefers shut out the Cardinals working as well as it ever has. Maas chalked up seven strike in the last three innings of the second game of the double outs against Ball State in only four innings, although he doesn't header. KIRK MAAS ROB CLANCY consider himself a strike out "All of our pitchers had good last year," Coach off of us." pitcher. summers more runs top flight season in his U t year A hurler who is a strike out Danny Litwhiler said, "and this Among the six men destined as a Spartan. has helped them alot. Our staff to see most of the pitching "This is going to be my season pitcher is Rob Clancy. Clancy took over the season strike out is going to be in good shape. action this season, the only and it's going to be the whole lead from Maas Saturday, when They pitched well against Ball senior is Maas. A right hander team's season," Maas exclaimed. he fanned 12 Cardinal batters, State, a team that usually gets from Utica, Maas is looking for a "I really want to have a good almost two per inning. year and I think a 10 victory Last season the sophomore FINANCIAL AFFAIRS SEMINAR Stanley Cup play Tuesday niqht "Insurance" continues tonight — Wed. night — "Legal Aspects of Financing" Thursday night - "Investments" Each SEMINAR at 101 N. KEDZIE at 7:30 EACH NIGHT While the Chicago Black Hawks sit back and wait, the six other Sponsored without charge by contenders for hockey's coveted Stanley Cup start all over again Alpha Phi Omega and For further information tonight in what amounts to best - of - three competions. Montreal will be at Boston, Toronto at New York and Minnesota Gamma Sigma Sigma call 351-8168 at St. Louis in the fifth games of the quarter - finals, with all three of the series deadlocked at two games each. Chicago, runaway winner of the West Division race during the regular National Hockey League season, became the first team to qualify for the semi - finals by beating the Philadelphia Flyers, 6 - 2, Sunday afternoon to complete a four - game sweep. The Black Hawks earned at least a week's rest before meeting the survivor of Montreal's frank Mahovlich glides behind the Boston net Bobby Orr (4) and goalie Gerry Cheevers look on. Orr made the Toronto - New York series. after scoring a goal in the opening period of Sunday's up for this defensive lapse as he scored three goals as the Boston, which is favored to make a successful defense of its Montreal - Boston Stanley Cup game. Boston defenseman Bruinswon this game, 5-2. AP Wirephoto Stanley Cup championship, appeared to snap out of the doldrums with a convincing 5 - 2 victory at Montreal in Sunday's fourth game. Bobby Orr became the first defenseman in some 40 years to register a hat trick in the Stanley Cup, and Coach Tom Johnson called the FROM BUCKS' OFFENSE game "our best of the series." The Rangers also feel a bit more confident after registering their first road victory in 13 years in Cup play by beating the Leafs, 4 - 2, Sunday night. Of equal importance for the Rangers was the fine play of goalie Gd Giacomin, who had been hearing more and more lately that he chokes in big games. "I haven't even picked up a newspaper in a few days because I Costello eyes explosion knew what I'd be reading," he said, adding, "It was a good game for MILWAUKEE (UPI) — Larry following the Milwaukee Bucks Costello was talking about the Milwaukee shot 48 per from the floor, and the o ca| all of us to win, and if we continue to play like that we won't have trouble." Costello issued a warning to the 91-73 win over the Lakers. shoddy offensive performance reason they won was becausetlxl any Los Angeles Lakers Sunday "We're going out there ready by his Bucks, a performance Lakers could only hit on 33 psl to explode," Costello said, which was good enough to win, cent of their shots. "We're way overdue and I can but stil1 way below the Bucks' The 73 points run up by th feel it coming." standards. Emil's Bai & Lakers tied the record for th fewest points scored against th ant| Restaurant Erickson si Bucks in their history, Costello credited that defense by Milwaukee he called "superb." 12" Pizza, 1 for rest of "Our defense for us," he said. won the gam "Theguyswti really hustling, forcing them (tin All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner Lakers) to take bad shots. W» MILWAUKEE, Wis. (UPI) - appendectomy Sunday night. Tuesday Nite $1.50 Keith Erickson, starting guard were superb." Erickson had missed the "EVERY NITE IS PITCHER NITE" for the Los Angeles Lakers, will Sunday afternoon game against miss the rest of his team's NBA the Bucks at the Arnea after Pizza is our Speciality 2012 E. Michigan Ave. playoff Milwaukee series Bucks with the after complaining of severe stomach Varsity Club cramps earlier. He watched the undergoing an emergency second half of the game in street clothes and afterward was taken meets Wed. to Lutheran Hospital. The MSU Varsity Club will T.V. RENTALS meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdayiir DID TAXES TAKE A the Stadium Club Room. M seniors must attend to ix measured for rings. University! vice president Jack Breslin willb«| the guest speaker. The only pattern that's really a Kit. BIG A Kit giving you the tools to maKe your own Kind of BITE? T-Shirt or T-dress in 4 or more lengths from midriff to floor. Pattern pieces include: 5 different sleeves. 7 different necKlines, 3 basic pocKetsand 6 sizes of star and circle appliques. Plusdrawingsofallthepiecesand a mannequin drawing on which to combine them. The T-Shirt Pattern Kit is the only pattern engineered If your taxes are paid and you're feeling wiped out, don't fret. Instant to give you a second-sKin fit: sKinny sleeves, narrow shoulders, Cash is waiting at your MSU Employees Credit Union. tight torso in hip length, loose at the hips in longer lengths. Borrow up to $5,000 on your signature and arrange a repayment And all without a single dart. It costs only $1.50 and it's made by New Life Patterns, schedule to fit your budget. Use convenient payroll deduction for a new company with a new idea about clothes. painless repayment. Credit life and permanent disability insurance is included at no additional cost. And the low, low credit union o o o o & {I Hew Life Patterns l enclose $l.50for each pattern Kit. interest rate is interest refund rate subject to was a 10%. refund at the end of the year. Last year's ■ Send cash. checK or money order. mibisl. To get back into • (Designed for Knits only.) the black fast, phone or stop by for some Instant Cash right away. | Check your size: □ Petite Dsmall ■ D Medium O Large Addres ■ Size guide by bust size: I Petite: 30-33" Small. 33*2-35" Medium: 35'/2-37" Large: 37v2-40" city MSU I ■ I Mall to: NEW LIFE PATTERNS INC., P.O. Box 134 Old Chelsea Station. New YOrK. N.Y. 10011 state 1019 EMPLOYEES Trowbridge Rd. • Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 13, 1971 9 CHANCE TO RELATE Dept. undergrads When Mom & Dad drive down for Sunday's establish colloquia By MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writer assistants in the department so they can anticipate the number programs for undergraduate students. Some 40 to 45 students dinner, relax. You can count called coming. A attend the department's first program "undergraduate colloquia" has been established in the Dept. of He said the colloquia can also serve as a forum for the exchange colloquium. "We are hoping this will be a on us for the very best. Communication to bring together of information, such as faculty prototype for other majors in the department for the members who are working on departments," Grossfeld said. research that students He said basic premise of the purpose of exploring common might not a academic interests. necessarily hear about in the departmental undergraduate - "* Robert Grossfeld, classroom. colloquia is that the living unit Students who have produced a focus or the all undergraduate assistant in the - University focus department, said the colloquia term paper or other project that on an academic community will a offer students a chance to contains an idea they wish to not work as well as a develop themselves academically further develop might find the departmental organization. outside the classroom without colloquia an excellent place to do "It is the this, Grossfeld said. responsibility of the having to worry about grades. students, not the faculty, to put "The colloquia also offer a He said he had not heard of other departments offering simiar something like this together," chance for faculty and students Grossfeld said. to relate outside the classroom," Grossfeld said. Fancy skating "We strip all barriers between students and faculty and between ■Doug Karafa. Hale freshman, is about to take students and other students." a spill as he |rides his skateboard on the sidewalk near Wells Hall. Grossfeld said the State News photo by undergradaute colloquia is Terry Miller modeled after the typical graduate level seminar system used in most colleges. The basic difference is the subject matter ON HOT SUMMER DAYS this year, when pavement blow lumonities covered, he said. The first colloquium was held at the end of winter term when occur on the state's highways, the Michigan State Commission says it will be ready and hopes to • Highway ups substantially -■ David K. Berlo, chairman of the Dept. of Communication, decrease repair time. The commission will use precast slabs of concrete to Specials this week: fponsors attempted to provide focus on "What Communication About." Is All damaged highway lanes. In the past, damaged lanes took several days before repairs could be made,and traffic could resume use of the lane. repair FRESH, LEAN GROUND # * * Entries are being accepted for the annual essay writing The colloquium listened to I contests sponsored by the Dept. of Humanities. Berlo and an exchange of GOV. MILLIKEN HAS PROCLAIMED April Cancer Control The entries should be approximately 10 to 15 double questions, answers and dialog Month in Michigan and urges all citizens to - acquaint themselves I spaced typewritten pages and submitted in duplicate to the with cancer's danger signs. followed, Grossfeld said. | humanities office in Bessey Hall. A second colloquium Is planned Praising strides made by medical science in combating the The contest is open to anyone who has bee., enrolled in for 3 p.m. April 15 in the Union "enemy cancer," Milliken said, "with present knowledge and with I Humanities 241, 242, 243, 250 or 341 Sunporch when Clyde Morris, present methods of treatment, one out of every two cancer during the 12-month I period preceding the due date of May 1. The essays must be related to the course content of one asst. professor of communication, will speak on patients can be cured if diagnosis is made in time and treatment is then undergone." proper i'"- I of the five humanities courses. Entries may include "Fantastic Voyage: A A PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING the I manuscripts submitted in previous humanities courses but Communication Experience." regulation of outdoor advertising billboards will be held at 9 a.m. may not contain additions by anyone but the author. Grossfeld said that they hope to April 20 in the state House chambers, it was announced I Awards for the contest will include commemorative certificates and checks for $100, $50 and $25. keep the colloquia as open as possible but would appreciate it if those interested in attending D. Hunsinger, D • Detroit. A bill, currently in the House State Affairs restrict the number of billboards by Rep. Josephine Committee, would Fresh Grade A Fryers as »> 44{ would contact the undergraduate along the state's roads and highways. It also would set up more stringent standards for billboard use, in terms of both distance from the highway and distance from TURKEY DRUMSTICKS 1 29* 1ILY 3-27 TRIP other billboards. A provision in the bill would Eckrich ALL MEAT FRANKS ft 69c provide for compensation to be paid to an advertiser if his billboard were found to be located after the bill went into effect and then illegally incounter group to travel removed. You've Seen the Rest! Del Monte Spring Garden Sale ICE MILK *-■ 59c [o Latin American nations Now Meet the Best. .. r FRUIT COCKTAIL f Orchard Grove gal. Incounter in Latin America is cities and virgin lands being I theme of a travel study colonized. the Amazon, penetrate the rainforest for a look at its unique THE MEN OF DELTA SIGMA PHI INVITE |§ Sliced Yellow £ Fresh Orange luice 59c Cling Peaches • linar on developing nations The Encounter group, led by flora and fauna, skirt a volcano, | ■ch MSU is offering for the Dieter view a glacier, traverse YOU TO MEET THE BEST OF MSU |>nd time this summer. Brunnschweiler, professor of geography, and Robert Encounter, July 3 - University of Illinois professor of Gold, spectacular gorges and enjoy vast vistas. I STEWED TOMATOES I Early Garden Peas 5/100 is year's Tonight, April 13, 1971, join with us as we I Cut Green Beans I I will go to Ecuador and history, will visit Bogota, new The tour is by plane, train, 4/88* boat, bus, minibus and autoferro. congratulate hockey coach AMO BESSONE and Jombia, following the route Cuidad Kennedy, housing project for 100,000, Cali in the fertile Native meals and native ass't coach ALEX TERPAY for ■the first Encounter again being BIG 10 group in Whole Kernal Cream to. Cauca Valley, Guayaquil on the entertainment are on the agenda. HOCKEY CHAMPS in 1970 71, Talk with them - or Style Pacific Ocean, Leticia on the Last year's tour drew the trip is pity open to students, members and staff and Amazon River and Quito high in the Andes Mountains. enthusiastic participants. response from 39 tonight between 7 Call 332 - 5035 or - 351 10 p.m. at 1218 E. Gd. River. - 7226 for rides. it CORN 5/95c ^ be used for graduate ■ergradaute University credit. or They will visit Medellin, called Wiyone interested in obtaining the Orchid City and the City of Eternal Spring, which is actually a 53? Navel Oranges 79c Sauerkraut 5/95c T'her information on textile manufacturing center with Jcounter should write to a population of more than one U.S. No. 1 3 lb. bag Vine - Ripe ■ndall Schuler, 8 Kellogg million. They will spend a few Biter. ■articipants in Encounter will T the Andes, Amazon and days at Cartegene on the Spanish Main and a Caribbean resort. Projects of AID, the Alliance [iohnathon Apples 39c TOMATOES * for Progress, Partners of the f'bbean area while examining Alliance, the Organization of ■sthand the problems of American W^CLIPA SAVE •eloping nations States, the Peace Offer good with $5.00 food purchase - population, limit two, p ■trition, housing, schooling, Corps, the International Center . .. for Tropical Agriculture, the ■employment, transportation, Spartan BREAD • fketing, utilization Colombia Institute for Agrarian of lources and others. ■he »'cials group will of meet with and Social Reform, the Cauca Valley Regional Authority and other developmental activities, as well as three major universities, 2/29« government, Coupon Expires 4-17-71 ■iversity, agency and monasteries and cathedrals are on Tjelopmental Jhange projects; the itinerary. views with their The adventurers will float down ■sessional counterparts, and ■ 4with People on their ■ streets jobs, on T.V. RENTALS and in their homes. Tey wi" v'ew ancient and jaem agriculture, industry and and delive Pmunlcations as they visit NEJAC TV RENTALS f's" Vllla8es colonial and markets, LARRY'S SHOPRITE GOODRICH'S SHOPRITE and modern 1109 E. Grand River, Between ,n Spartan Shopping Center, Gunson & Mllford. Close to East Harrison at Trowbridge. Between Campus. Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 Spartan Village and Cherry Lane kick rfie habit »o 9. Fri. & Sat. 9 to 10. Hours: Mon. ^^^^onsisten^rice^r^h^Mdwest!_ Sunday - £rl. 9 to 9. Saturday 9 to 6. W^kCLIP & SAVE£ES%y Lace into a billy boot. Rugged, comfortable, Mcdonald & giles great to look at. In brown saddle leather. Or dirty buck suede. Far better than barefoot. 5319 At your Plymouth dealer. Or write. PLYMOUTH SHOE COMPANY, INC., MIDDLEBORO, MASSACHUSETTS 02346 RECORD shop / w J. W. Knapp Co., Lansing PHONE 351-3377 Th* only *tudent - own«d, Stud.nt- ^7 operated Rtcord Shop In E. Lansing J. W. Knapp Co., Meridian Mall Sportsmeister, East Lansing ^™£nnSt-J\lextto Mln-A-Mart Tuesday, April 13, |0„ 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Get a shower of results with a low-cost classified ad. Call 355-8255. classified 355 8255 355-8255 The State News does not Automotive (frankly speaking . by Phil Frapk Employment For Rent ForR ent MfoirtMds permit racial discrimination or religious in- its MUSTANG, 1965. 3 speed. Red, horse wrangler needed at LANSING bedroom OR East Lansing. One furnished. Large, airy CEDAR GREENS. furnished. Pool, SummeT^ summer camp. Must be at least 21. Call 351-0073. 3-4 15 advertising columns. The good tires. Best offer. Call after 5 rooms. Air conditioned. * 393-1865. 4-4-16 For information, call 353-6189. State News will not p.m. Beautifully maintained. Suitable for faculty, grad students, business SUMMER TERM, two ' accept advertising which OLDSMOBILE 1967. All power, Cedar people, married couples. Lease. Village. Call u * AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against automatic, radio, clean. One 353-1043.3-4-15 "»■ NOTICE 332-3135 or 882-6549. 0 Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or owner. 351-0144. 4-4-16 Auto Parts & Service national origin. MALE ROOMMATE for twcT" PLYMOUTH 1964. 4 door, radio. SUMMER JOBS available in Torch $50 a month. Utilities Aviation Runs well. Snow tires. $150. Lake Resort area for 2 sharp CAMPUS VIEW 485-4469. 3-4-16 m * EMPLOYMENT 351-2716. 3-4-14 attractive gals. Reception and APARTMENTS * FOR RENT general office work. Housing GIRL TO share 2 bedroom Automotive PONTIAC 1962. Bonneville, available. Send picture and resume Across the street from 3^ Spring, summer. Air conditii Apartments excellent condition. $300. Call to Mr. Rankin, MIDWEST Pool. $50. 351-8904. 3 RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellalre, Williams Hall on Michigan 4-15 Houses evenings, 355-1485. 5-4-13 CAMARO CONVERTIBLE, 1967, Ml 49615. 20-4-30 Ave. University approved Rooms 327 stick, good tires, power RAMBLER AMBASSADOR, 1963. Supervised apartments for n, "all and priced TWO GIRLS need ride SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49, chest, at $21,900. FHA, VA Dayton - Columbus all positive, A r SELL EVERYTHING. Desk area April 16. Call negative, B negative $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC LOST: FOB, and AB The Lansing Boys' Training School records (50c - $1.50), HARMON - KARDON SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 Administration Alita, 355-7402 or Harriet, negative, $10.00. O stereo. financing is negative, $12.00. Visiting Group will meet at 7 p.m. Slightly used component system available. 355-7351. 3-4-15 MICHIGAN jrtains, tapestries, larhps, with matched speakers, original Turner. C 353-7717.3-4-13 S Heir,oom- Beery 351-5210 To see or call SIMON REAL Maynard COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, interested in B.T.S. are urged to ESTATE TWO NEED ride to New York 507Vi East Grand River, East . Red shag carpet / pad, cost $449, now $295. Used ELECTRIC GUITAR with Bigsby LOST HALF Okemos MSU Branch City 4'/> ($90). Gold carpet / Realistic stereo amp and extension Shepherd dog. Flop this Thursday, Friday. Share cost. Lansing. Above the new Campus tailpiece, $90. Amp, $20. Both, 349-3310. 7-4-16 ears, bobtail. Called "Dog." Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 The Family Ld 9 x 9 ($45), dishes and more! speakers. Selection of used $100. 355-0692. 3-4-15 337-2301 1-4-13 Planning Clinic will 337-0801. 2-4-13 p.m., Monday, Thursday and r 9 p.m., 332-3848. Open portable stereo phonographs. OKEMOS - NEW 3 bedroom bi-level abortion and venereal disease in the e Saturday, April 17. 5-4-14 SCOTT SOLID state stereo compact. with beautiful Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 field recorder. Used Westinghouse 80 watts. FM receiver. Garrard Personal fireplace: all built-in kitchen, deck stone Wanted p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Akers Hall sexuality symposium at 7 p.m. today in 137 West Akers Hall. Bused vacuum cleaners. Tanks, portable TV, plays good $45. New turntable. Earphones. 351-2695 off of kitchen a ning ri CMU PROF wants small unfurnished ; and uprights. Guaranteed 9x12 Oriental pattern FOR SALESPOWER try a little The Inter rugs and 3-4-15 BOARD EXAMS — Kaplan house within - Varsity Christian tutoring 15 minutes of Classified Ad to sell a large mobile I year. $7.88 and up. wall tapestries. 1500 used and The I jriced at $32,500 classes now being formed for June campus for 71-72 academic year. home! Dial 355-8255 today. at Bethel Manor, 803 E.Grand River lENNIS DISTRIBUTING guaranteed stereo records and 8 PANASONIC AM-FM FM stereo and and July. ATGSB Exams and July with M.G.I.C., conventional or Will caretake for Sabbatical Ave. Wes Smith will speak on the kNY, 316 North Cedar, track stereo cassette with speakers. $150. Must Equity Out financing available. To prof. tapes. Hermes LSAT Exam. For information call Modest rent. Phone collect (517) PROFESSOR GOING te City Market. C-4-15 portable typewriter, excellent sell. 355-8817.4-4-16 (313) 851-6077, collect. 18-4-30 see any time call Maynard Beery on sabbatical condition, $39. Selection 351-5210 or SIMON REAL 3-9646^ 5-4-2 4 who desires house cared for by of JND NEW all Irtable typewriters. Never electric Royal 35mm SLR cameras used. SONY TC-255 Tape deck. Like new. HANDSHAKING ESTATE, Okemos MSU Branch, YOUNG INSTRUCTOR and wife couple. Call 353-8424. 3-4-14 used. Polaroids and movie cameras. 353-8755, 351-0336 after 5 p.m. 349-3310. 7-4-16 willing to care for / rent during In public life the school year '71 / '72. Prefer ONE GIRL needed for This Space Is For Rent! p5 with warranty and $75 Bosch and Lombe used 3-4-15 world Twyckingham hout. 2343 Eiffert Road, Holt. microscopes. Used 8 track and record, .for handshaking was THREE BEDROOM, proximity to campus. Day, Apartment next year. Call set by President with furnished recreation 2 353-0825: Night, 332-1738. 2-4-13 cassette auto Theodore room. 694-0394 tested tape players, all and guaranteed. Bargains on Animals Roosevelt, who shook hands 3-4-14 Call 355-8255. used with 8,513 people at a New MacDonald and Marble Schools. WANTED: HIGH q 'BODY KEEPS trying for lovely diamond ring IRISH SETTER. 2 years er employees. Get them with a engagement sets, $39 old, AKC Year's Day White June 15th occupancy. $24,750. GUITARISTS. Meet April 18th, NOW!! up. registered championship breeding. House 351-2192. 12-4-16 Union Reasonably tAd Dial 355-8255 nowl Layaways.Bankcard, Mastercharge. Grill 2 4 p.m. for pri 351-7873. 5-4-13 Presentation in 1907. - WILCOX SECONDHAND And Happening. UB. 4-4-15 placing a State News STOR-, 509 E. Michigan, GERMAN SHEPHERD puppy. Free Classified Ad is like Recreation . .two johns Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours daily 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. C to good 5:30 p.m. 3-4-15 home. 332-0333, after hello to matter what you 50,000 people. No saying have to sell, SUMMER FLIGHTS $165. New York to London. Call to Europe. LOOK TO US This ) apartment, sporting goods, household FOR QUALITY applicator Frank Buck. 351-8604. 17-4-28 MARRIED STUDENTS FIVE MONTH old puppy. Part cocker / part terrier. Free! to good furnishings, your home or & FACULTY car, your message goes far home. 351-1047. 3-4-15 Service balconies too. Live In a LUXURY with a Want Ad. Make a list 'complete selection of 2-Bedroom Apartment PUREBRED BASSETT puppy. 9 of your sellables then 355-8255 for dial HORSES BOARDED. Ten miles frames "Sunglasses and wire was filled river's edge to with a study (a place get away from it all) weeks old. 353-7458. 2-4-14 Shots. Phone Writer today! a helpful Ad northwest of Lansing. Box stalls. Ample lighting area. Reasonable - rims and S|85oo UNFURNISHED AKC REGISTERED REWARD $200 rates. 372-3515. 5-4-13 •prescription lenses ground 'repairs while you wait a week spaniel. 5 months. CLASSICAL AND FLAMENCO KNOB HILL Good with of water's edge APARTMENTS 655-2975. 10-4-19 ch . $50. burglarized Apt. 41 Burcham guitar lessons. $2.50/54 hour. Call 351-3815. 3-4-14 fiai&i Opiiclcuui ago... Woods during term break. 5-4-19 (apartments 349-4700 AKC ALASKAN Malamute puppies. I ZE D RESUME ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY . Champion blood lines, $50 and WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14. Jacques 1-6 p.m. up. 669-3423. 10-4-19 Loussier Trio in person for e Frank Also shown by appointment autograph session, 3-4 or JoAnne FOR p.m. typing. 489-4473. 5-4-16 On Okemos Rd. across GLAD tidings look for MARSHALL MUSIC^C-V4-13 332-4432 from Okemos High School something youVe lost with a Want PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free FR£E A |esson in compexion "if you've Ad. Dial 355-8255 _ _ care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan estimates, grad students, or 485-7197, MERLE NORMAN Lansing COSMETICS Mall. experienced, references. Brighten seen 'topckmgjam 349-4817. C STUDIOS. C-4-16 HELP SAVE AMERICA SUPPORT YOUR business with a one redwood tree, Join the AMERICAN VIGILANTES! boost from Want Ads. Advertise For information — Buy and Read ias it .. . THE by AMERICAN VIGILANTE Alaric Branden Press, 221 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass., services there. Dial 355-8255. T.V. RENTALS you've seen them ^eated po 02116. $4.95. 15-4-27 MCAT EXAM Free Service and delivery ^ W.OU per month ill I. R.Reagan day kaplan eing assembled NEJAC TV RENTALS ind all am. 851-6077. ASMSO, INCOODCDMDN WITU AOOWN QQC0QD5. PRESENTS Emko research has produced a new applicator for applying foam contraceptive . . . new Emko Pre-Fil features an ap¬ That statement was made about six years ago. Last month, in regard to a major oil spill — the same man said plicator that can be filled in "It could have been worse." advance of use..up to a week Times have changed, but most of the people running ahead of time. this country haven't. Clear Creek is what you can do The filling of an applicator at about it. We're a magazine for doers, telling precisely the the time of need can be emo¬ way things are and what you can do about them. In Clear Creek you'll find reports by Nader's Raiders tionally disruptive... can lead and concerned scientists. We will also have visionary to "skipping"...Emko Pre-Fil I JWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS I apartments are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury articles on ecology, animal behavior, the origin and evolution of life and habitat design. Regular features is a way to help overcome I "m!ture- Each are completely WMt^ and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean BCNCPT DDX0DMANCE C0QUE include works of art, poems, a children's page, organic this problem ... to assure better family planning. unit has a dishwasher garbage disposal and individual central-control air gardening and cooking, and environmental law. Gianni0?9" These four "nits tave up to 3 parking spaces per unit. Recreation .? /VWOIN LUrUCDklN^JRSCUQLAiaJIDrUNE) It's about time you had straight reporting with nothing Emko Pre-Fil... highly effec¬ you JL Vou want toWith 8 9iant h«"ed swimming pool, recreation rooms and private If left out. Get Clear Creek at your newsstand. 50? a copy or tive, substantially free from be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom $5.00 a year. For subscriptions, write: 617 Mission Street, FOR ST 8t ^/-nonth per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY MONDAV, ADPIL 26-TO 5UOA6 San Francisco, California 94105. side effects, easy to use. Ask your physician about EMKO* THREfE< oIAL "FORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. AT 700 & 945 MSU AUDITORIUM j and EMKO PRE FIL™. ALLTICkCTSj>Z50AVAILABLEAT! Available at drug stores every¬ ^management exclusi vei. y by. Alco Management Company Mfl&JAL13CMiPeaL5-M5U UNION where without prescription. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Apri| |3 I Internal problems (Continued from page 1) expense cuts, while Comptroller Grant Grecu claimed the budget I the referendum-including a proposed tax increase-early in closed session trouble student board over the burning issue of whether they should sit at An ........ All-University referendum n stitutional eliminated compensation for .•!»_« board members. It established elections commission and made I cabinet structure, Ivuin .» the — organized since organized the nrst cabinet had been formally -l! l since Grossfeld s time fnrmflllv Grossfeld that occurred .1 il .. elections during the On the . whole, factions in yea/^l 1,1 »<,. AS M P Cabinet Director Miss Banks couldn't be trimmed without winter term, meetings regressed 3JH1HS wi.n... . ^ n.viiwuk b- —b the table „>JIL or on the floor, finally amendments 21 crushed heads of five major resignation fall term. t u a total lack of cooperation. 1 The next suit In the opposite board members ^° SOFA. P entire, accurate picture. I think the birth control program at philosophy has been full color t h c program it was to be. once a colorless fact sheet we cleared up a lot of Olin and a lengthy tribute to - unconstitutionally placed on the In retrospect, the sixth session STh» Official(t student Europ* Tr.,.,„ .111| beyond!) containing the names and faces misconceptions and uneasiness." former basketball star Johnny arresting graphic layout on the of former classmates with hardly Green. ballot and there was a conflict of did manage several constructive third, instead of the interest in elections procedures, J word about today's students — is virtually every In addition to attempts at j "IslCi,u Ul u,e sleep r had the governing accomplishments: the student trustee plan first proposed fall now a magazine that shows alumni magazine, Karle's has making it more interesting to year ago. mono ony o even group question been settled than term may soon be adopted; the graduates what MSU was long often been called nothing more read, Karle has tried to make the ago while providing a glimpse of than an administration house alumni magazine more exciting "I guess the theme of i struggles erupted on the question of improved legal aid what the University is today. board. Ron Mauter, MHA was at least raised, if not settled; organ. When Time recently to look at. While hesitant to magazine is simplicity and The transformation has been wrote that "the basic purpose of criticize the- work of his honesty," Karle said. "I'm trying representative, moved to ° remove the board successfully helped the work of Ron Karle, a 1966 Vicki Banks from the office of defeat a weak Taylor Report; and MSU alumni magazines is really to predecessor, Karle said he has to build respect and credibility ~ " """ cabinet director. The following the board established a standing graduate, journeyman help the academic fund i consciously attempted to make for the University and the printer, former Associated Press week the motion was defeated elections commission to help track down and put the arm on the magazine "visually Alumni Assn., while not ignoring writer and once the editor of a and the board finally approved a prevent the kind or botch-ups contributors," Karle replied: interesting." students." Clinton County weekly. Karle said that when he "Today's graduates — and an accepted the editorship of the increasing number of the old Alumni Magazine in September, his main concern was to make grads — are demanding and getting honest, provocative and Fraternity & people want to read the RONALD KARLE meaningful . . . reporting on all magazine, no small task aspects ... of the University." considering the magazine's SPORTSWEAR former content. administrators, which I'm very To this end, Karle has "I want the magazine to be interested in, but the viewpoints attempted to give equal space to read, not merely sent," Karle of students are often forgotten," both the past and the present by said. "I want to stop readers as enlisting the services of graduate they go by providing interesting students, State News writers and , stories and colorful layout. Karle used the example of the faculty members. When alumni see the magazine recent controversy of co-ed The result has been such LETTERED & D lying on their coffee table with residence halls. Time and Life, I want ours to be interesting enough to make them WHILE-U-WAIT! read it." was Karle's to first accomplishment replace page after page of class notes with feature stories on Prof's book studies what is happening to both the students of today as welj yesterday. In the past, the small number of features which Brazilian education at t printed were concerned mostly with the actions of faculty and "Economic Aspects of Higher the Midwest Universities MSU BOOKSTORE adminsitrators. Education in Brazil" has been Consortium for International "People tend to forget the published by the Latin American Activities, whole reason w|iy we are all Studies Center. After reviewing general here, that being to educate Authored by John Hunter, considerations, Hunter delves students," Karle said. "And professor of economics and into the structure of Brazilian besides, students are more director of the center, the education, educational financing interesting to write about. "People don't have any 84-page study is part of a and the sources and uses of comprehensive examination of educational services, Wednesday trouble getting the viewpoint of Brazilian higher education by He also examines the economic problems encountered in rate - of • returns, planning April 14th & Reform efforts, intra - institutional integration, teaching costs, (Continued from page 1) cent on other consumer items. construction and student time. "In particular, the legislature Lower taxes, Rosenberg added, "Economic Aspects of Higher must, and I think will, give top will create a statewide housing Education in Brazil is available priority to the request for a boom for lower income working through^ the Latin American special 1971 fall election to consider constitutional changes families, _ Studies Center. T Shirts $250 relating to school operating millage and selection of state board of education members," the asst. Republican floor leader said. William G. Rosenberg, director of state housing development, ■ auto called the reform proposals "the most significant financial step the state housing could costs take to reduce for working Dept. 31 A I Sweatshirts $375 $400 __ I families who have been priced out STUDENT/FACULTY GRANT Program Special rates in European overseas travel Long SI. of the housing market. Current taxes, which are unfair for purchase, lease, & rental of cars. For to low income families, the Grant Dept., Auto Europe, 1270 Second \details and brochure write: University J elderly and others on fixed | Avenue, New York, New York 10021. incomes, he said, are equivalent to a 25 per cent sales tax on z MANY COLORS AND DESIGNS housing, compared to four per FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE!! THE BSR AT THE DISC SHOP : ALSO AVAILADLE SOUNDS LIKE IT WOULD COST A LOT MORE.! JACKETS WITH SEWN TACKLE If you're thinking about music systems the BSR RTS - 40 at the DISC SHOP quite frankly sounds as good as systems costing twice as much. Centered around the * TWILL LETTERS DELIVERED IN * AM-FM receiver that pumps out 50 watts of clean music power and can easily handle two ONE WEEK * sets of speakers you'll find a winner of a system. Strong but sensitive for there's AFC to * knock out all the extraneous noise sometimes found on the FM band and there's many * more features here that you probably thought you could only find on the very expensive * models. The automatic turntable included is the 310/X with top of the line features like * cue and pause controls, anti - skate control and Shure M-75 magnetic cartridge. The * SEE BEAUTIFUL DISPLAYS OF speakers are the EV 12 true acoustic suspension two - way system. The oiled walnut * covering will enhance any room, so think twice before spending your money — think * BSR! The RTS 40 priced "student low" at $249.95. And don't - the "Biggest Little Sound In Town" for only $129.95. So remember BSR forget the RTS-20, still * BALFOUR FRATERNITY AND SORORITY found only at the DISC SHOP so start "thinking" today. savings are * * JEWELRY NOW Being Sold and Distributed through the MSU BOOKSTORE $249.95 C2k$)ur at th 323 E. Grand River Open Mon. Sat. 9 - Fri. 9 a.m. • 9 p.n DISC M.S.U. BOOKSTORE 6 p.m. SHOP a.m. - Phone: 351-5380 Right in the CENTER of CAMPUS