in. S. C. Library wrATiirn I Fair InnUM iltil l tempers turf. UiIm (irnli- { ship Hunilsty. Bv Illinois U. Officers ENLIST TO ACT as GRADUATION Was Complicate Famed Ballots On Monday Morning AS COUNSELORSDAY EXERCISES /„ Elimination Vote Vanderhiit Professor Will GlVP 1„,ir it 8 O'florlt W.ll Oprtt lu pr.lion of Military °"r V;i11 •" (U*rn ,n m •M'MwMUm Petition Candidate* attrl Losers Through Ineligibility (on- Commpntimrnl Addrm fin Dypirtmort; Divition Minonvm and Trtt. Al(l ,n »' ,n""" »1 •• ; fuse Procedure Yesterday at Finals, Sef for "Inrrr Resources." to Follow I all i I In* Sanm Day toNr" F»"- ,17?* a N« x| Thursday. Draw Near Ii\ HUH i'or/iii UNGDON, ANDHOS I.F.AI) DRAW CARNIVAL TOPICS , ,, Oiifilioitifiitr Answered l»y (iirli , President Wynand Wither* of n1( .dtriMiuiia l»;ill"tiny "ih. i ■.. ;!» v h. ». ti.>«« - In <•»;«•■ i. Im I.! I'll II,. i. ai, ,11 1 Reveal* Nmd (or Allerationi Hope College (hosin "Bar-' I"*""' wnh .• elimmotr ««anummit for I - Mtl tin in Present Plan, ralaureate Speaker. , j|(, j(|, t| s,,f.,,t, | |ul, , -in t h. I in :i» \ .1 Tin* Mi< lily dtp nillr ' ,,#l Inliil.vK |.i ' i.'n Mill l.n, if! v lU Im • In If Hi ii M '.n (htniitrh i HOME ECS HEAR i tin .|< ■•;«» till* Kaplan's Ho dp '£€£■ DR. E. VINCENT In A I tin- itt 1nii11\ I.I .1 Finnllp Lvares Detroit Woman DitfilssPt Per »f the I nt\\i\ For X.)'. Home tonality at Annual f'*nr|ii« I Burial of Appendicitis Victim Will he in New York City. PRESS BANQUET DEAN OF MEN IS DATE IS MAY 22 SELECTED HERE Telegraph Editor of I ariing Frrd T. Mitrhrll Named by Stat? Paper Will bo Principal Hoard In Fill Position as Sprakpr at Affair. Mrn Students' Advisor spirit I. Ilifh MSC GLEE CLUB TO SING SUNDAY Garden .Superintendent Relief Bill .ntl. Newlris, i the M.ifiti.m of Mi. .Former heads Opinion Given YVa's Active in Late War fk twee Brad fold in in 19.1.1 and Me 1914 By Economics Professor Chapman S.rseJ With British Army Both in France and Under The ulee ( luh ,*• irit; •' ij» DunforH Amweri ( Popular Question as to Economic Effect Allenby in the Holy Land. STUDENT RECITAL it is be user!, for that that the fund* will of Expenditure of Billions. final List for Thnr%ds.f'« Voting Th< program as f.xllows Mi H H I. (h.pnuu . . TO FEATURE HOYT frayer of Thanksgiving Kremscr My c«KORGB UNDRNTtlAL Whjt Wl„ thl. ,.,„norni( , doitars. (Continued n page. 41 indent of the Beal Bota ..... .. f#.rf „f tht? „f % y of the Kngish government i b Now is the Month of ardens, has extFC-rieneed a 800,000,000 over which the pre Chap-; Pianist Give Dating Bureau at !: and varied career profession, a botanist, but H i v» tiiidria>v /if atiuknt rentals _. , . business administration on the: will be given toward a revival of months under General "Butcher"; A Kappa Kappa Gamma Fel- ' ' c- Th« Little Chapel in the campus, says that Jn the first the capital goods industry which As .« final gesture to a most suc¬ Minneapolis, Minn — Romance Bui fin. taking part in such »'f-hip award amounting to Sonata in G major for piano . Valley Loessler pja/4, ,t should be noted that this has been throttled by the N'RA cessful year. Use Newman club. bureau won't work, activities as the Som offensive. w,ll lie available to any woman Haydn d Keep in the Middle of the 13 riot the first attempt, during the program and the deliberate '• "i.'.iKh. thr«e band rnnrrrt. on l>. nlvt.'lutolv pro • Wednesday nights and the Snndav , until the leader Slnlo New, Offltv aftern.tnn twwl> ate really hi, an,heme. tit money baok in .imitation. Help- Help; north while That. tno. Is meant feelinits Sotnelti fo» people who enjoy music It several pauses it he • hnrle on hi« rebuttal. It occurs to .seems to me thai it's realh hod then imagine \ » question Did his grandmother use his taste to go to a concert just to men! it jfotifrr* It working to Itet fleM." That .rem, to hate horn wjen there There air all by it.elt RADIO RAWS OUT OF ADOLtSCESCE DUANE YATES Felt Pillows and Blankets 15% Discount State CollegeBook Store Thv RHYTHM'S BIG VALUE e.. j~» STUDEST PULSE Passing Show I ——---■ "♦ ht \K1tlt R 1 \RHI 1 1 REVUE i STATIONERY W St ,11 I !•;!."» Daiuv Koxue, Thn Come : MKGII1M SIMMONS SI IHNII. Ol HAM IM. j KaMrm High Srh»«>l Auditorium ] Fineweave 100 Sheets White— 50 Envelopes Vrlluni Kinith— Monday, May 27 Attract it rl> IU>\rd prr Ik»\ Piedmont Linen Novelty | Correspondence Paper and Ink ! White Linen Suits Cards Package Sil\«?r Bordered $12.50 2" Voided, white Vrllum Sheets. 20 K n v cl u p r > 10c with Small liottle Green PACK At ib "t,uink" Tropical Worsted With Two Pair PanU Odds and Knda $12.50 $16.50 PICNIC SUPPLIES Envelopes Sport Coats fancy Ureoraud Paper Plato— Plate and Napkin eumbinaliun... pk*. m SwlJ g| — Several Colors and •ltd Kinislui.a $10.00 KHl bib—ird. white 10c Paper Napkins 10c PACKAGK REGULAR SUITS. $22.50 RICHMAN BROS? The Campus Press »iH>.S. \\Air. la*. 't Open Till 9:00 Saturday Just One Hirhmajt Store in l*ansmg 106 West Grand River Avenue IVi'lnv, Slny 17, 1!M MICHIGAN hTA'l K NKWS East Mary Mayo Spring Term Formal Tomorrow Night Will "^7jw~[YALE HAS LEAD GROUP ~ Feature M eek-end Social Whirl Pr®vra®§ IN SENIOR PLAY ™ "OLD RETREAT ' Margaret Omnhos Take ,Firs! nMh,. r„!!m P'tpl" Churrh Rrli*i»ui Corn- rv.nihg. M-i> ictl Plans Memorial Event. f- > u.- Frtniniaf Role iin Production rv 'tiiiiK. May 15., _ ! Ah hie Black ..f l»W» BMtip gave of Chanticleer. T()n n.llKloUs Ounctt i»f the un fhr pin-' |vnj.lrs < hut ch N phtl|til®tk»ll,v ! Fresh Pineapple Sundae HOME EC MEET toe SETFORSUNDAY Mary Stewart's ftjiM I.on Him:, Mich Ih. E A llrssrv Will he C.tif.t Speaker at After- noon Tea. 0F5 HERE! I Starr hrtl tollar abt*carancv . . . nilhont %tarth! 1 | Soft collar comfort . . . ml hoot wrinkle*! j SHIRTCRAFT SHIRTS * With the nUrrtilrvi Hverlit ColUe A Moiio liy tho TKUBLNI2INO j»r h our MSC MUSICIAN AT ANN ARBOR Slate 'Cello Ihntl Appears on Michigan Music teachers' Program. $i;65 ami $1.95» SMALL'S PATRONIZE STATE (»'i traditional events held NEWS , i , da: ,njt graduation time ate: Eaifitvin Night. May 20. swmgrout, ; They June 3, senior play, "Chaoticleer"*i.., June 5: and Alumni Day,- June 8, The program for the La»« xalaur- I cok' and commencement ecu eruon- ) Bat calaureate NEVER A LOOSE END Processional, M.inn from Tann- Will i «9m ^oua fc&C hawsei M S (' orchestral Michael . j Press, conducting. Invocation, the tU v. Ralph B ' Advertisers Putney, fi»t, Paul's Kpiscoptd > church, Lansing. Music, JHI.S.C. orchestra. • Appreciate Address, President Wynand \ 9—JsijtySbukt Wtetters, Hope college Violin solo, Julius istulberg, M • S. C. senior from MarshaU. ! Benediction, the Reverend Put-, Your from "The Prophet" 1 " , -Piecvjsional, "Mtii eh Noble," i ; M. St. C. military band, Leonard j Falcone, director. ; Invocation Dr. N*. A McCune, Support 'Tcopiea church, East Laming, i Musk, Wendell J. UYstcctt, Pianist liom Jackson and M S C. . 1 tobacco that counts, and there are oooccos than those used in Lucki MtcmriAN' PTATF NEWS Friilny. M.iv 17 j.u State Plays Host to BUCKEYES PLAY A FRESHMEN WIN j 1 Thirteen Colleges in STATE TWICE !N IJbPI^M FIRST STARTS- r » COMPLETE SEASON OHIO flENlP, Randall. Walters Star in C.ame 0 Myron McDotWiu TrackMeetSaturcIay GAMES AT Slate Defending CHampion irt Annua! Track Classic Here Knbs Again and I tans to t so Hill hronnacli in Attempt .at This Week: Wright. Ottey, and Dietrich Possible Two Wins. Winners for Spartan Squad in Meet WFIMFR PLAYING FIRST Rattling Absent From line-up as Kohs Makes Changes in the Infield JOBS AWARDED S BUSINESS AU MEN Will be Employed bv Nat»« ally Known Firm* FROSH NET SQUAD DEFEATED BY R. C. Colleges Now in Food City Racqueteer* Take Transition Singe Match From State. 4 .1 Period of Regimentation Being Supplanted by a More Liberal System. SPARTAN NETTERS ENGAGE WOLVES U. of M Holds One Victory • ^Rfver Green and White H« JIM III <*fit w PROFS TOURING SI M L Cl. ASS IK l l.l) GEN. PERSHING VIEWS TROOPS £ owned t t-'f t oiumDu* Ohm Ihr fiu'krtr* In two tilt* 1« \\ • A. A. NKVVS I Fbtbn* Chief ot Staff Attends mmi m*hmi thr trip are »* lot Military Croup* ^ ^2T pew rilrr* Kronhd.h llnpkin* Itilt Iters and llrnklr Ohm Sutr h«» dioun Siild —- Rented — Rep.^rr^ '■ ( tip well t* date tKuMini \ kUulri Franklin DeKleine t •• i *" «i*er Mwhmn \olre Ihmr and 3S0 N. (irand Ave. . other leadinc in*lttutM»n» Ihrouth Phone 2-16.36 Miphnmotr piuhrr from South IU*rn. will he the alanine piUher ' _* in thr initial «la»h at I olumbu* CAMPUS BAKKKR , . with Kronhath ha* ins an evcell SPORT (OATS Uii; nuTTib.-' SHOP Eil*K»r-».:i be a 0 u r 4tWr I . pub.! - U.d» khail. nwv . { Wot Corner Abbot and Grand River THE J»>hn Da*. Sigma Alpha Fpnil.m: rol.lSHft s LAC 1 * Sports MenllU Spenrv R« Sir* ion petition • $10.30 Tki$ Wttk Sophomore flaw: President -- John McKibbin. Phi Drita ThcU; William Inglcson. The!* Kappa Barratt's Shoe Repairing hHOlS UTLtt AST COLOR tsj'i By DON ALD HITTII Nu Vice-president Barbara - 101 East Orand Riser Under llurd > Tranter, Kappa Kappa Gamma Eleanor Bishop. Alpha Phi, Sec¬ HOME , retary—Kay retarv-Kay MoldsMulching. mg. Chi Ome- Omr- Natarda*. M»> II C4 Eltaabelh Elisabeth Lilley. Alpha Phi.Phi PHONE S-Mdf Track—Twentieth annual sUte. Trcaiurrr — Arthur Hms. DelU We*k tUf Matinee. Ml 1^ j inUrctllcgiates A» defending Chi: Robert champion*, the Spartan* play hoc!, to the tracker* o! Michigan col-: Voting In the final election! next Thursday will be held from 1! nivid NifhU and Swnday , 25r ESSLEY SHIRTS leges in the running of thii clastic : until < in the Union lobby and will miDAY AND Preliminaries were held this al- be conducted by the Student Orit>rinat<»r* GET O.N BOARD, EVERYBODY! ternoon, and things start booming.Council. Gt thai >W aah t .*ad.-t W. f. fwi*. js«rtse< • ■ Trubenized Collar •!S U«*tfc r*rhtoat-.» . »Iot» of rfwoltoo ld>t . r>- held Wednesday. Mi. ?l Opnri point* Illinois came back ui the 1** Wi ^ "iO *>** tr*+9 ttmgimt "«*im* Kim". • »('• » Complole assort ni<-m in a}! swimming ftflflrwwdfc There will individual aoldiri drill and placed . Intrrf raternit . lUXG CJiOSBY — *V. f, FIELDS slet've katjrfhR. The ong- ■ be « swimming meet with Wjiyw one of their men In first position.. ^ **«•*« with iniii, bo will, titxuri collar* | university Saturday wfuch prom- • On Saturday night the Ohio * kee« rivalry (CooUnued from page 1) i n»e* to lie a real contest that are porous, jet hold sponsored military ball ho»*e* on rami ! M,r«» rt Konop, and Nancy Far- ^MISSISSIPPI" ' • company a Tennis—The nettrrs will be In • \V A. A ha* secured some dark; their freshly laundered ap¬ ! at the Oeahkf WalliCk hotel All ^ler fraler Ana Arbor in an attempt to stroke lf5. green Jacket* which ma/ U pur-1 of the visiting men were given The Ti ... pearance. Try one —t ou ; chfcfced for M 10 by mensbm of blind dates on request through the a victory from thr Mane and Blue . A «» presented to Mr*. W'ili want tnore— ' W A A. only. Order your* now ; ****** Nas all m i - — j Newberg, who is leaving this year dating bureau. The men from M. lhl* haat week. I j slurp shooting Notre Dame squad,; and who has been the advisor for from Mi*. Hayes in the ©tnna-j The tennis team which has!the Home Economics board for the $1.63 and $2 |S. C gave their ladies a ride to,1** J1® "M K. and fiorn in army transports ewi-ttadi la 1 Jo life lately takes on the! past four years. Also a gift was JOAN BENNETT "" . v„/uw, ,w — w.! Wolverines in Ann Arbor and plan !presented to Ester Licbermann, If. th* tract ■ ^ dertded the m(*t wU not bi r»*aU ■« he an lb* mm* far revenge at lca»t to rare extant retiring preaident of the organo¬ MAY BROS. id that ih ** raWd Sutr ae epert take kri(1 4, M s c ncTt yw dur ,a.tbe TV* .tu Bee* *r the bat tar tbe crushing defeat the Mirhi- Uon jj,, Uck o! txlirTtrMt an(j C.K nhile Naiaa