Sail on Wednesday . . . . silvergirl, tail on by, your MICHIGAN Sunny . STATE NEWS time has come to shine. - Paul Simon STATE ■ ■ ■ and cool with temperatures of 42 to 48. Fair high tonight, lows of 25 to 30. UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 14, 1971 PUT ON BALLOT Amendment to give vote to RHA, OCC if approved control four votes as opposed to the one Affairs has two voting representatives and it held by RHA is hardly an equitable represents only 3,000 people." The ASMSU student board voted situation. What we approved Monday is the Panhel representative Terry Monday closest thing to a balanced vote that I think Rapchak to place on today's ballot an amendment argued that OCC is not representative or giving the Residence Halls Assn. (RHA) and we can achieve." responsive to most off campus students. - Off IFC President Joseph Ditzhazy called the "Few people are even aware of its - Campus Council (OCC) a vote in all board actions. omission of IFC, ICC and the Panhel an existance," she said."The fact that the The amendment, "inconsistent" action, citing the voting student body will not be able to vote to be voted on by the again student body in status of other specific interest groups. today's election and "It seems to me that the issue is not one of referendum, climaxes a year - long (Please mere numbers," he said. The Office of Black turn to back page) controversy surrounding the struggle by five major governing bodies to be admitted as voting members of ASMSU. The amendment was brought to a vote before the student body in February, but its adoption was overturned by the All - University Student Judiciary (AUSJ) because of voting irregularities and a misprint in the working of the ballot. As originally presented, the amendment 37 vie for included presidents of the Inter - cooperative (ICC), Panhellenic (Panhel)and 4 Interfraternity (IFC) councils. RHA President Mike Flintoff proposed a change in ASMSU in the original amendment which omitted those three groups. The revised amendment was approved by the board by a 6-2-2 vote. Some 24 off - campus and 13 on - campus students will vie "The point was today for positions as ASMSU representatives in MSU's seventh certainly not to Chained disenfranchise the other governing groups," Flintoff said. "The former amendment was all University election. - In addition to the election of district representatives, students |Two women who identified themselves as Judy Lerner, left, and Lorraine Gordon are among a group who simply not acceptable or fair to on - campus will vote on a constitutional amendment which, if passed, will [chained themselves to the fence around the Executive Office Building next to the White House Tuesday. The students." allow the Residence Halls Assn. (RHA) and Off - Campus Council Vomeri said they oppose the Nixon administration's war policies. AP Wirephoto "Allowing four off - campus groups to (OCC) a vote on the student board. "As usual, the elections are about three weeks behind where they should be because of the board's slowness," Diane Rathnow, chief elections commissioner, said. "I've had zero cooperation from the board members in obtaining election commissioners and education proposals lauded recommendations for "Excellence in Student poll workers. You'd think they don't even know there's an election going on." Miss Rathnow and seven other commissioners board Monday, will be in counting and voting validation. On-campus students win vote from 10:30 approved by the charge of all poll workers, ballots, Body Composition attacks a proposal, ind Henry W. Kennedy, also a a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and Education and Equity in Taxation" plan. number of problems in higher education professor of teacher education. 4:30-7:30 p.m. in the lobbies of their residence halls. "The critical nature of funding problems "It looks good to me," Kennedy said. Off campus students will find - t Wharton Tuesday praised Gov. which Milliken outlined Monday. polls at Berkey, Bessey, Natural which face our state universities and Resources and Wells halls as well as the |iken's proposal to establish a Michigan Support for Milliken's proposal for Stanley E. Hecker, professor of Union, Spartan Village administration and higher education, called and International Center. n on higher education, calling it colleges, whatever the commission's increasing personal income tax and finding, certainly lends urgency to this the plan a long - range, Additional off campus polls will be set Inecessary - step in the development of eliminating property tax as the chief source complex technical up as follows: Bogue St. at Waters Edge Street, lid state policies in this vital area." proposal," Wharton said. "We at MSU will of funds for public education was approach which is "not significantly Michigan Avenue at Grand River lilliken cooperate in any way possible." different from the educational reform plan Avenue, Abbot Road at Grand River Ave., MAC Avenue at Grand outlined his proposals for a expressed by many members of the College River Ave., Center Street at Wharton said in his statement that the of Education. of 1969." Michigan Avenue, Bogue Street at n commission in a special message to Grand River Ave., I legislature Monday as a part of his MSU Commission on Admissions and William B. Hawley, interim dean of the Last year the proposal called for a Collingwood Drive at Grand River Ave., and the commuter college, said Milliken was "taking a step in 12-mill limit on local property taxes but parking lot. All polling places will be the right direction" by giving the state a the proposal died in the Senate. It did not open from 8 a.m. to 5 pjn. except the call for an increase in personal income commuter parking lot which will be greater responsibility in public education. open 3 - 5 p.m. taxes. iegulations on towing "It's getting untenable for people trying to plan programs in education never Robert C. Hatfield, asst. professor of teacher education, supported Milliken's knowing if they will be instituted," Hawley said. (Please turn to back page) Hawley favored an increase in personal |o into effect April 26 income tax as something the legislature Laird could do in the short view, while By SYLVIA SMITH State News Staff Writer Local wreckers don't like to be under contract to apartments, he said, because "it does not make for very good business instituting a graduated income tax would require a constitutional amendment. "The simplest tax would be one that took a percentage of federal income tax, says U.S. to keep paid." Hawley said. Iterators air, naval support relations." of towtrucks serving Elast Leland Dean, associate dean and director ljsing Irating Ister the will be required to obtain licenses, rates display their rates, and with the city clerk of teacher education, said he was "very much in favor of any proposal that would build a better base for public education in Asia inning April 26. pie towing ordinance Abortion hearings WASHINGTON (AP) Secretary of naval forces are concerned, as far as air Russians have been building a base for their was approved at a "If Milliken's proposal can do it, then - forces are concerned, that this would be part fial Monday night meeting of the East Public I'm in favor of it," Dean said. "Property Defense Melvin R. Laird said Tuesday the Navy in Egypt. ■sing City Council. The special session hearings on abortion legislation United States will keep air and naval power of the realistic deterrent which we will Overall, however. Laird attempted to keep now pending will be conducted from 1 to taxes have not been able to support maintain in Asia... 1 called to receive the in Southeast Asia, under the a lid on discussion of Soviet arms shipments proposed 1971 - 72 4:30 p.m. and 6 and 9 p.m. today in the education as a minor source of revenue. All longrange "To say that we would not have a presence to the Egyptians, saying [budget. House chambers at the Capitol. of the millage defeats we are seeing now Nixon doctrine, after American ground in Asia under this realistic deterrent strategy he agrees with ie ordinance will take effect April 26. across the state show that troops are withdrawn. Secretary of State William P. Rogers that taxpayers are would be very misleading." "now is the time for quiet diplomacy." no persons representing some East Anyone wishing to testify before the Asked what Vietnamization and the ... not going to continue to take on more Thus Laird was more explicit than ls|ng apartment owners were at the House Committee on Social Services and Nixon doctrine envision in U.S. air support The defense secretary said, in talking taxes." previously on intentions to maintain such feting. Corrections may do so by registering with after the U.S. troop pullout, Laird told a about cost increases in weaponry, that Support also came from William E. news conference: power in Asia beyond the Indochina war. inflation has accounted for more than a 50 nasty business," said Nat the committee before the start of each Sweetland, professor of teacher education, "I would envision that the United States At the same time, he repeated his forecast Pmond, referring to towing cars from per cent boost. who said he was "generally in favor" of the that the United States will complete the ■rtment presence as far as Asia is concerned, as far as He said "I don't believe its appropriate for parking lots. Hammond ■ntified himself as shifting of combat responsibilities in me to comment" on aspects of the trial of representing an Vietnam from American troops to the South First Lt. William L. Calley Jr., convicted of |l,ment owner in East Lansing. Vietnamese army this summer. murder in the my Lai n ■n ■not V ^ard way to make a buck. Perhaps IN CHICAGO However, he said as he has before that scrupulous, but it's a necessary evil." Hammond said there is a direct combat forces will remain in Vietnam to correlation Feen the dollar protect what he called "the American value of glass damage in presence," meaning air and logistics Reseachers f "lenjf end. He said fy car towed. and ►st Lansing Police Chief ^e number of cars towed in $50 damage is done for Charles F. Pegg 4 accused of elements supporting the South Vietnamese. Once again, Laird predicted that the controversial South Vietnamese ground incursion into Laos will prove to have been a link effects of |r'edeoKdXe,nen' h8S "0t bKn CHICAGO (AP) — Four men accused of plotting the assassinations of Mayor Richard set at only $5,000 each, Thomas J. Lyons, director of the police intelligence division, But Jack Schmetterer, first assistant state's attorney, would say only, "We are success, when an analysis is made in September and October whether the enemy is £"d reP''ed to Pegg pot,' tobacco that the $50 J. Daley the Rev. Jesse Jackson were held said, "This is not a prank but... a serious hurting for supplies. investigating and it would not be In,,™!? ■number of more true in the Past because incommunicado Tuesday and a police offense." professional for me to comment," Laird said current attacks launched by the large parties has fallen. official said he expects several more persons A source in the state attorney's office who Tmnn^OUrtow"aways are commuters," will be arrested. would not permit use of his name described The anonymous source in the state North Vietnamese in the Northern and CHICAGO (AP) - Two researchers tercSs^ attorney's office said alleged plotters central region of South Vietnam are being No official or investigator would discuss the alleged plot as a move by black militants reported Tuesday that tars from marijuana 8 real Pr0blem' details of the case with newsmen. to touch of racial strife during which they planned to kill Daley and Jackson just carried out by North Vietnamese troops smoke produced the same destructive skin which were not involved in battling South hamL2n£ aPartment owner Sibillia Although the accused men's bonds were could loot stores and later sell the items. before the election last week in which Daley- was chosen for un unprecedented fifth' Vietnamese invaders in Laos. changes in mice as tars from tobacco smoke. fclem in ?u most Prominent parking And the North Vietnamese, he said, are The researchers, Drs. Raymond D. Magus straight four - year term. Pm:utteersaPartmentshe Iv^Qho 1 ' ,cars Parked °^ates is illegally there Jackson, a civil rights leader who lost a court fight for a place on the ballot, using ammunition, supplies which they already had available before the South and Louis S. Harris of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, cautioned, however, that their studies endorsed Daley's Republican opponent, Vietnamese interrupted the southward flow have not proved that marijuana causes Richard L. Friedman, three days before the of material in February and March. cancer in human beings. election. In general. Laird indicated a belief that the Reporting on their studies at the annual Charged with solicitation to murder and North Vietnam can mount localized attacks meeting of the Federation of American ■ted in ?h vSaid s,h.e does not have a sign awaiting arraignment in Circuit Court April but that "the capability for sustained Societies for Experimental Biology, they 21 are: |ng Sheough the Presidential Commission on Admissions and acting. Polley pointed out that the commission has acted on more how many were involved. is meeting the needs. Areas studied by the increase the student': ht Body Composition was originally scheduled to submit its than 50 subcommittee recommendations in its 11 committee meetings since After a protest against the U.S. Finalized Tuesday, the report include physical of his responsibility Eeport to the president at the end of winter term, the final the beginning of winter term. Embassy last month in which a makes recom^end'aUons^fo" security t0 camPus buildings and maintaining a safe campus. gent will probably not be released until sometime this By the end of this month, the commission will have acted on policemen was killed, Ceylonese ppropriate and additional er, Ira Polley, commission chairman, said Tuesday. nearly 70 recommendations, he said. sources said North Korean By said the commission itself should finish its work by the end Nearly 120 subcommittee recommendations security precautions which v The State News, the student were submitted to Ambassador Hwang Yong U was developed by the committee newspaper at Michigan State jring term but final editing, polishing and preparation for the commission for tentative reaction late in December, but the summoned to the Foreign University, is published every class day during four school commisaon has passed over composed of tudents, residence terms, plus Welcome Week edition in (atior. may require some additional time, many minor recommendations on which Ministry to hear the government's hall September. t additional meetings of the commission have been scheduled there was little disagreement or which were officials, student affairs Subscription rate is $14 per year. closely tied to major feelings on the incident. office officials and a |h May 27. The commission is scheduled to begin discussion of recommendations. The commission has Colombo, fearing a rebel attack representativefrom the Dept. of Member Associated Press, United Press st draft of the actual report at the April 29 frequently deferred editorial meeting, revisions to its outlined in captured guerrilla Public Safety, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated International, [commission must finish its work this term because several of drafting committee, but Polley said the commission has not documents and scheduled for the The idea for plete study Michigan Press Collegiate Press, [udent members are graduating in June and some faculty "stepped aside for" the drafting committee. two - day Tamil and Sinhalese campus security was based Association, Michigan Collegiate Press ■e scheduled to begin sabbaticals at that time. "The commission members have become very knowledgeable and new year period which on Association, United States Student Press Association. informed about admissions and how admissions relate to other began requests by ! Tuesday, was tense and quiet. MSU staff members for a study Second class postage paid at East I commissions original timetable called for the selection of University subjects and areas," he said. "The members have too much respect for the Indian warships lay off the port relating to thefts and assaults - Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Lansing, Michigan. spring term, 1970, preparation of staff documents knowledge of their colleagues to try to city on the Indian Ocean, and gun Services which have occurred on campus Building, Michigan State r, 1970, hearings and deliberations fall, 1970, and preclude a full discussion or examination of any issue. - toting police and troops University, East Lansing, Michigan. |ttion and submission of a final report winter, 1971. "I think the president was especially committee that represents several prudent in using a patrolled the streets. , commissioners were not formally selected until May University constitutencies — The insurgent threat against the 1)70. and did not meet until that June 1, Polley noted, president for student affairs, said Phones: students, faculty, administrators, alumni and so forth. government may be considerably "To be sure, this resulted in an essentially he declined "in he interest of Editorial pimittee work and commission deliberations have also taken lay committee at the lessened if the new year period fairness" to release the complete 355-8252 te than originally anticipated, he said. Classified Advertising beginning, but the representatives have been able to bring to bear passes without incident, 355-8255 Lssup of admissions leads,one, at least tentatively, into a several standpoints and experiences that would never have come to Display Advertising 353-6400 according to some sources. Business Circulation lumber of related areas," Polley said, explaining some of the light from a panel of experts," Polley said. - . 355-3447 Support by friendly and evaluate the proposals. Photographic governments He said 355-8311 apparently administrators will PEACE CAN NEVER COME UNTIL EVERY MAN ON EARTH HAS A FULL BELLY" NORMAN BORLAUG (AMERICAN AGRONOMIST, WINNER OF THE 1970 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE) FARM QUARTERLY — JAN., FEB., 1971 • THE SEED OF MIRACLE WHEAT ALONE WILL NOT DO THE JOB. • THE PACKAGE FOR SUCCESS MUST INCLUDE IMPROVED FARMING TECHNIQUES. • THIS MEANS NEW IDEAS MUST BE PUT ACROSS TO SUBSISTENCE FARMERS, AT THE VILLAGE LEVEL. If you are a senior or graduate some first hand farm experience), this message is for you: I. Check your major. H. Check Corps: the Peace agronomy AGRICULTURAL 1. TALK WITH FORMER VOLUNTEERS. . . ARNIE APPLEGATE agricultural HORTICULTURE CATHERINE dairy BOTANY winfrey science TED POULTRY CASS - chile chemistry SCIENCE so il science AGRICULTURE E AT THE PLACEMENT OFFICE APRIL 14-16 home economics NUTRITION 2 FILL OUT AN APPLICATION animal science AGRICULTURE B FIND OUT IF YOUR SKILL general FOOD SCIENCE THERE IS NO OBLIGATION agricult MICHIGAN BARNEY WHITE STATE ME UNIVERSITY @ Nouveau hip bag: ASSEMBLY LINE QUALITY KENNETH R. LYNAM advertising manager C0NTR°L denying basic truth MARK EICHER, managing editor iNs^rf" ED HUTCHISON, city editor I was at a friend's house the other night yes, he really did still own a blazer BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor the other hand, felt compelled KEN KRELL, editorial editor when one of our group chanced to spy a toconu'2 GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor picture on the wall. With a whoop he lept up former Goldwater for President affiii!? from the sofa, ran over to the photograph while Tirebiter Informed us that h - and with great drama inquired: "Hey, who originally come to State as even had to tell about a sociolo^1 Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award are these dudes?" being an Easlp for outstanding journalism. The cue having been given the entire Etc. 8 assemblage arose, sauntered over to the wall It's a strange, college town in and much to the chagrin of our host began to phenemona that we had been engaged intimately examine the picture. It was one and is by no means uncommon. It is of those fraternity group photos with 30 the particular affectation of a nev, EDITORIALS odd mug shots of clean, bright and shining grouping that, for want of a better word faces, a housemother and a one^yed dog. be dubbed the Nouveau hip. The words* "Say, Cuthbert," the discoverer said with different, but it's pretty much the sardonically-cocked eyebrows,"I didn't game that is played now and ii know that you were a Sigma Zorp." the so-called Nouveau riche. "Well, yea," replied Cuthbert, Let's face it, there just aren embarassed, "but that was a long time ago." real, stoned-in the wool hippies in the wo3 ASMSU does Stress on the last four words. The scene thereupon fell into well-oiled I mean, the scene has only been about five years, so unless you were nr around social grooves, and we spent the better part precocious of awfully old (and if this i of the evening playing "Yes, and this is what case what are you still doing hanging arc I looked like before I grew my beard." Amid Big East Lansing?) it's just about impost gales of laughter Cuthbert had to admit that to have attained sufficent seniority to' gOVCTUlUg group VOtO rubbi he'd been a pretty gung-ho Sigma Zorp and, ranked as an "Old Head". Of course logic is not usually applicable social conventions. Thus, while none c were any closer to Nirvana than The five major student 20 organizations are involved. Cuthbei governing still got very uptight about his "st • groups have been pushing for ASMSU Previously the board was comprised background. This is the most peculiar student board votes since they lost of six governing groups and a myriad all of us have spent at least the first 80 their franchise when student of at - large representatives. The cent of our lives being "straight" government was restructured a year ago. Winter term the student body present board structure, based on the "one man, one vote" principle, was The Doctor's Bag generally speaking, mostly we still are. Such a revelation, however, does not very far toward reinforcing our newly voted to restore the vote to the major established to give equal By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. self-image. It seems very important to - governing groups, but the representation to all students. to the world how hip we are All-University Student Judiciary Giving votes to interest groups assure ourselves that, in fact, we really threw out the proposal on a Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at miss your next menstrual period without time could they be harmful to posture? Thus, the Nouveau hip are very contradicts the "one man, one vote" technicality. MSU Health Center. Names need not be being pregnant; instead of becoming Are they better than a firm mattress? spot. He's the dude that spends hi concept on which the present board is paycheck at Free Spirit so that he can - Today, the major governing group included unless a personal reply is panicked, you might visit one of the health Waterbeds are mattress - shaped bags modeled. The rationale provided for center physicians if you have not had a made of a heavy weight flexible plastic and his pad with a constellation of propri- vote is up for student approval in a requested. giving RHA and OCC board votes was period in another month. In the meantime, are filled with about 200 gallons of water. posters, psychadelic knick knacks and different, but no more acceptable, that the heads of each organization if you remain upset very much longer, it Because the water can shift around within of funny-colored • cigaret papers, form. At Monday night's ASMSU would contribute to the board My ex-boyfriend recently forced his would be wise for you to talk this out with its container, a comfortable sensation of always goes to Revere's (though Lir Student Board meeting, the board attention on me in spite of the fact that I someone so that this experience does not lying on a supporting surface that yields rapidly emerging as the new East Ij through their experience in student "in" place) and not the Gables b; decided to delete the Interfraternity told him I was a virgin. When he was jeopardize future relationships with men. completely to any small movement is government. Your ex-boyfriend sounds like he needs created. People who purchase them claim "there's nothing but frat rats there." In Council (IFC), Panhellenic Council through with me, he stated that I couldn't the Nouveau hip usually have a lot of Yet the RHA and OCC presidents have been a virgin because "it went in too professional help. that they help induce restful sleep. (Panhel), and Inter - cooperative Advertisements play up how enveloping, things to say about their "straight" brot Council (ICC) from the list of major are already ex - officio members of the easily" and I didn't bleed. It is my body Is there any harm in digesting the shells security inducing and relaxing the Probably the most depre- board. Whatever special insights they and I know that I never had previous manifestation of "Newly-awakened" governing groups. This means today's of salted peanuts or salted sunflower seeds? waterbed is. They also hint that there are referendum proposal will provide just might have can already be contributed sexual relations. Please clarify this because I've been eating them for quite sometime some sexual benefits to be reaped from is a oneupsmanship process called to the board. Giving RHA and OCC he honestly believes I'm a loose woman. their use. than thou". Take any four East for the addition of the presidents of and so far have had no problem. freaks sitting around a bar table, votes on the board caters only to the I'm writing this the day after it Whether the waterbed enhances the Residence Halls Assn. (RHA) and )enecL but are there any very early conversation has to do with who's k individuals who control those happened There is sensuality would be difficult to evaluate. A the Off - Campus Council (OCC) as probably no harm in eating the friend indicates that a new dimension is where ("Yea, Oshkosh is nice, butt signsi of pregnancy? I seem to feel sick to voting members of the student board. organizations. The campus as a whole stnmarh shells you mentioned. If you look real added to intercourse since the bed is so Francisco is outtasight"), how mami my stomach. has nothing to gain. closely you might discover that you are not heads you knew "when" ("I rem The idea of adding more voting responsive, but he adds that if one is in a Very sadly, situations such as the one actually digesting them. Some animals have when Cuthbert barfed at rush-fra members to the board, though, has Vote "no" on giving student board bacteria in their gut that have the proper hurry, it is easy to lose your balance. you describe happen frequently, and I, for The recent medical literature does not rush, that is. Heh, heh, heh.") a little merit, no matter whether two or votes to RHA and OCC. enzymes to break down cellulose and other one, have a difficult time distinguishing contain information about harmful or knowledge of transcendent phenemonr such an event from rape. In addition to fibrous materials such as shells and husks. as rock groups ("Yea, the Cosmic Av beneficial effects when the waterbed is Man is not endowed in this way. a groove, but they haven't got it togethe being grossly selfish, your ex-boyfriend is used for back trouble or posture. My also ignorant of some basic sexual facts. Nondigestable materials are important in well as the Funky Freedom Fighters")." orthopedic consultant advises that sleeping Ease of intercourse the first time and an increasing the bulk of the stool and tend to don't have blazers or ties, of course,so on your abdomen in any kind of bed Back to the absence of bleeding is no indication of a lack of virginity. A woman has the right not to have prevent constipation. Some people worry that things such as shells and small pits can get stuck in the large intestine and cause would aggravate back trouble. For low back pain, sleeping on your side on a firm have to compare bellbottoms. Etc. workshirts mattress or placing the mattress on the The moral of all this, I guess, is thatwi intercourse unless she wants to and this inflammations. People have also thought that shells may act as a mechanical irritant floor is recommended. If you must sleep really not as far away from home as we'1' should be unrelated to whether or not she on your back, pillows should be inserted we are. This is not a bad thing unlessw( and cause diarrhea. My consultant on cigar ( and is a virgin. Rather than hide behind to deny its instrinsic truth. Where you' its under the knees to flatten out the hollow intestines and their contents tells me that technicalities, she should be prepared to of the back. been doesn't really matter so much as take drastic measures to insure her basic there is evidence disproving both these A word of caution, a gallon of water you are now-and those holds as equally human rights. "straights" as for "hips". In fine,a weighs eight pounds. Some waterbeds It is too early to tell if you are pregnant So you've given up eating fried worth it. Or at least one East Lansing weigh nearly a ton. Not all second floor person is after all a good person regar now, but it sounds as if the way you feel Recently there have been many bedrooms in old dwellings can support affiliation. chicken because your doctor says all physician has his doubts. advertisements for "water beds." Are they may be related to the upsetting experience such a weight. And underneath the beads and blazers that grease is a sure killer. And you've Dr. Richard Bates says he can tell you had. In such circumstances you may good for the back? Over a long period of c.C.P.S. 1971 are all still brothers. cut down on he amount of milk you how to live to be 100 but claims it you've been drinking because you may not be worth the trouble. heard it was rotting your bones. Last week you ate your last chocolate "It profits a man very little to set his goal to live to be 100," the good OUR READERS' MIND eclair because at your last checkup doctor explains, "if he has never your doctor said you had to start known the soft glow of drunkenness, watching your weight and now you're not even sure whether you ought to use butter or margarine, not knowing the luxury of an after-dinner cigaret, the sweet guilt of illicit love, only to be struck down at 40 on the freeway." 'Proxmire strain' indispensable which one is lower in polyunsaturated Ah, such sweet, ordinary common whatever... sense from a professional man. To the Editor: joined at times by a varying handful of congressional adaptation and refinement of And, of course, you haven't had a Don't be deceived, however. Bates, meaningful change, with the exp" The recent and unseemly exhibition by colleagues — resisted, and finally led the the rude and contemptible good cigar since the surgeon general's a 50 - year - old internist, may not methodology and historical perspective that only the Congress and the administration in the forces that ended, the squandering of long cherished by coteries of court - house years can provide, cooperating with^ report was published, and you're want to live to 100 at "risk or not SST affair is the latest and most blatant funds? That this senator is exceptionally cronies and city - hall hangers - on; that he to effect a thoroughgoing Reform- worried about your liver so you've having lived in the first place," but evidence of the depths of connivance — intelligent, hard - working, dedicated to the is the bane of "pork - barrelling colleagues, The indispensable essential is a ms and perhaps corruption — to which discharge of his responsibilities is attested defense contractors, lobbyists and given up that after - dinner brandy, sees moderation as a worthwhile infusion of honesty — The Proxmire ostensibly honorable men have sunk. That to by his record. But these attributes, consumer frauds." The senator could wish into all branches and levels of the but it doesn't matter anyway because — philosophy. "Practice moderation in there exemplary as they are, provide no clue as for no higher tribute. are honorable, intelligent and politic. you have no time to drink since the all things," the doctor advises, dedicated members of the Congress, to why only he had the insight to see Too many members of Congress, and of doctor says you have to be in bed by "including moderation." whatever their number, will not be through the super - myth of the supersonic the administration, exhibit all the 10 p.m. every night. What sort of moderation does the disputed by reasonable men. It is obvious, transport. symptoms of being infected with a political however, that there are many members The answer seems to lie in Sen. variant of the fictional Andromeda Strain. Well, you can forget all that doctor advise? "Polyunsaturated dry who do not possess these qualities in Proxmire's honesty and strict sense of In this, realistic variant the nonsense now. Even the doctors martinis - that's the kind without an malignancy combination. honor. It is reported that he refuses to manifests; itself in who've been feeding you all that olive." a psychological How otherwise explain the recorded fact become a member of the Senate "club;" conversion of their constituents' votes into moralistic advice don't believe it's Praise the Lord and pass the booze. that for ten years only Sen. Proxmire — that he disdains participation in that an unconscionable will to power, and an MISPLACED arrogant irresponsibility and indifference to the clearly evident disintegration of the nation and its institutions. MEMO Only an idiot - atsrekA RHA, OCC topic explosive To: The Student Body Innuendo — Fee politician - can wonder at the or a alienation and disaffection of so many of our citizens, especially the alert, intelligent, Re: ASMSU Elections In the To the Editor: should be in a form that will provide f"d Idealistic youth. Every reason that early hours of Tuesday more than a passing chance the Again last night the issue of the major proportional representation so that it will their minds and hearts bring forth justly rejects acceptance of the system Dear Voters morning a clandestine group of vitriolic handout was, in fact, governing group vote was brought before have a chance for passage. As the proposal re,ects operates. acceotance of fho .. » - dubious individuals leafletted the circulated by personal enemies of the ASMSU Student Board. stood before it was amended, We older citizens have Akers - Fee electorial district with a Buckner's who are not residents of The question of extending the vote to doubtful that it would pass in a vote of the alternative courses of action. exactly two We can Today's the day to either pummittee unemployment problem. "In "unemployment is like a source January, 1970, the of chronic infection in our Council of Economic Advisers Society which shows up in many By JONI BENN Itate News Staff Writer The interim dean, William B. Hawley, was chosen from the ranks of the college faculty to education, will provost on represent the committee. The provost will also appoint an the predicted that the average rather surprising symptoms. unemployment rate for 1970 "There are correlations last 4days would be 4.3 per cent," he said. between changes in the serve until a permanent successor additional member to serve as )ean's Searcu and "In March, 1970, I challenged unemployment rate and the rate to Ivey can be found. liaison between his office and the Committee for the this figure and said that within a of incarcerations in state prisons, Grab the gang and groove committee. Although the liaison » of Education will meet Members of the newly formed year the national rate would the rate of admissins to state I first time Thursday. member is expected to come in on these great spring committee are from each very probably be above six per mental hospitals, the rate of from within the college, he can |it of the committee department in the college plus cent, and the Washington suicides among middle • aged and summer famous ;re recently selected come from any area in the economists scoffed at my men and the rate of family break one representative from the | the various areas in the nonaffiliated areas. University. prediction." - ups. label fashions, now at Two student representatives The unemployment rate for "I like to believe that we while the selection Representatives include James were elected to committee seats fabulous savings! was being ratified by a H. Nelson, professor of March, 1971, was six per cent. would have a stronger society, a ff the total college faculty. administration and higher during p^registration winter Killingsworth advocated that richer society and a less racist term. The student representatives "all of our manpower programs society if we had enough jobs lack of speed in the education; Lee Schulman, of the are Michael Pasternak, East Jon process in "inherent in Dept. of counseling personnel be greatly increased in size." for everybody who is willing and procedure which tries to services and educational Lansing graduate student, and "The biggest gap in present able to work, "Killingsworth said. Barbara Collar, Ewell, N.J. junior. ; many people as psychology; Donald Nickerson, Ible in the democratic associate professor of elementary The committee, once Polyesters! Cottons! Blends! Jacquards! Prints! Solids! Is," according to Archibald and convened, is expected to begin special education; Gale active recruitment of possible Stevie r o f e Mikles, of the Dept. of Health, nistration and higher i. Shaw will preside over Physical Education and Recreation; and Carl Gross, candidates. Selection of a new dean is expected to be completed by June, 1972. Spring Dresses, Pant Suits Iday's meeting until the chairman of the Dept. of $24 (elects a chairman. Curriculum and Secondary were to $55 I group is the second dean Ton committee active in the this year. The first, by Shaw, selected an Education. In addition, Hugo David, professor of teacher education, was chosen to represent Apartment Phi Living Kappa Tau - Style Wonder S9M to s39 replacement for Dean nonaffiliated areas in the college. t. Ivey Jr., who announced 332 3577 Jean LePere, professor of ■gnation winter term. and cial Polos! Wallace berrys! Tanks! Solids! Jacquards! Stripes! SHEPARD'S Summer Tops And Tee's 'Birth pangs' difficult Were $4 to $8 I TRUCK ON IIS lie past two weeks of bloody violence in East 2 lor s5, 2 for s7, 2 lor s9 S ■stun may be the birth pangs of a new nation, but US O Over 60 styles, over 800 pr. of men's and Others from $4.99 175 million people of the province have much to l about the arts of war if they are to wrest women's sandals. All sizes. Ipendence from their rulers in the West, an AP Snap front "battle" style in 5 colors! Trenches! Safaris! Pant coats! Tespondent said in Calcutta Tuesday, lie Bengalis, generally a docile race of clerks and Nylon Jackets All Weather Coats ■ant farmers, are pitted against the martial peoples of Ipunjab, who make up the tough core of President la Mohammed Yahya Khan's Pakistani army. DOWNTOWN 326 S. Washington aras j. EAST LANSING 317 E. Grand River Great at Only Were $26 1 proud words were weapons the Bengalis would be a s 1 of conquerors. But they are learning that flowery •dies do not win battles. Since 1944 - First Choice of MSU Students s5 NOW s19 Permanent presses! Nylons! Jacquards! Bell sleeves! Short Sleeves! 1 export valuej ected to rise ACAS, Venezuela (AP) 3vernment of estimated the petroleum and — DON'T MISS THE ACADEMY AWARDS.] RENT A TV TODAY I I Music Famous Label Shirts, Blouses S4» t0 luct exports for 1971 at billion and said the total University T.V. Rentals Company ppected it to increase by 2.5 Presents In P« annually. 2 pocket zip front styling! Fits great! Looks great! Flare Leg Denim Jeans Hair Styles Were $8 by Pa 2 for s9 I 50114 E. Grand River Ave. Splashy prints! Great styles! Cottons! Polyesters! Prints! Solids! Bikini Swimsuits Pants'n Skirts ONLY . . . Were $7 to $16 vme on out and enjoy MO01 s4" fo s12w EARLY BIRD Wednesday, April 14 in the East Lansing Store 3:00-4:00 p.m. Canvas! Suedes! Leathers! Stripes! es! Prints! Solids! Solic "HAPPY HOURS" Free Autographs 8-10 pm Special Sale on Loussier Trio Records Happy Hot Pant Havoc (all drinks price) Wed. Only. Were $10 to $18 TONITE • ■ . (and every Wednesday) 245 Ann Street East Lansing !6" fo s12" Music Co. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 14, i9?1 Michij Collectomaniac opens JAZZ CONCERT SET Sc shop to buy, sell nostalgia of M 'swing with Bach' A team natural step was to open his own Trio to f ui°re wisconsin envir>,nnl,'! Wander underground sometime jt>s your DUTY to buy stamps, The Jacques Loussier Trio from France will present "Play successful in using Bach's music, established his Effective I reputati and enter the wholly different Scores of provocative - as - usual shop, which he did in mid - Bach," a jazz concert based on improvisations of the music as a jazz musician when he released his first "Play Bach" orograms, the> world of Spiderman, the Green bunnies smoldering on the covers February. of Johann Sebastian Bach, at 8:15 p.m. tonight in the recording in France. bVexpenS. Hornet and the 1914 Victory of 10 . year . old piayb0y Auditorium. The concert is a "special" in MSU's Lecture - Since this first disk, he has continued to record anH Girls. So far, Walsh says, the volume magazines. A few 1936 "Sex Concert Series. perform in concert with bass player Pierre Michelot and of sales won't throw GM into a One of the major local dealers Facts for Women" Old jazz Bach, said Loussier, who studied piano at the Paris drummer Christian Garros — two of France's best ia panic ("My slowest day was 78 musicians His fourth record in the series won the in nostalgia (as he describes it) records. And piles and piles of cents'), but he'll be around Conservatory of Music, "is the only classical composer who awarH cleaned out his basement used science fiction books and swings. for the top French disk of 1963. He has been awarded sometime last year and the comic books dating back to that buying, selling and trading nostalgia at least through the "Bach's music can be translated in the modern way, and we improvise his work in a gold records in Germany and received another in for French record sales. two DecpmhJ. ★ C cumulative result is the Curious "when I was a kid" era - and summer. very respectable way. I'm sure if Book Store in the lower level of earlier. he heard it, it would please him. A native of Angers, France, Loussier entered the "When I started playing the piano at the age of 10, his Paris 541 E.Grand River Ave. , . ,, Walsh currently has a display in Conservatory at 15 to study with the late Yves Nat. Walsh personally has the MSU Museum's collector was one of my first pieces — a two • part invention. I don't In 1960 he bgan composing and arranging. He has written THE MICH] Ray Walsh, Detroit senior, is collectomania for science fiction show case which includes a Buck think there are any other classical musicians whose works PUBLIC HE/ and performed numerous film scores. owner, manager, chief clerk and books and comics and can be played with the sound of today." Tuesday that tour guide of East Lansing's most volunteered his services to Rogers pocket watch in addition JACQUES LOUSSIER Tickets are available at the MSU Union Ticket Office. to science fiction books and Loussier, one of the first modern musicians to be tests to Miehi| extensive popular culture shop, operate the used science fiction about to be mi Among the findings: original section at Man and Nature comics- L. to-be to deter World War I posters telling you Bookstore for a year. The next have ever had r measles. Occupational libraries expand The disease unbron babies seff associates limited presents contracts it in pregnancy. PIayBacII with the / Maurice S health directoi career files and occupational Besides the information on 2 career, the library offers the make referrals to occupational specific companies in a senarsu the new plan ^°f Kit,e^ea Occupational Exploration specialists in the Counselling facility located in the Placement Jacques materials to branch facilities in specific careers, the facility 'every women State News Staff Writer provides encyclopedia of '* do - it ' - yourself task Center ~ who ' administer more Bureau. discover wheth Wilson, Brody and Fee Halls, an 32 Union and on the second careers, college catalogues, designed to offer selections from intensive tests, tct vaccinated Information in the University's than 300 based general LoussiERliiio more careers addition to six occupational libraries to aid floor of the Undergraduate including a listing of degree on in sefore she bee the student's input of interests women who has students in academic major, Library. requirements for the programs occupattional literature, graduate school, and career "Uncertainty is a normal offered at this University, the and abilities. including required reading, . kxcePt ">r the branch facility or who has selections is constantly being condition," Mrs. Smith Occupational Outlook For students who choose to go nature of the work, work the Undergraduate Library, disease, will no deeper into the "science" of the occupational library and its Lecture-Concert Series updated and expanded , according to Camille Smith, explained. The main purpose of the libraries, she said, is to help Handbook and several graduate education reference books. career selection, personnel at the conditions and employment outlooks, the occupational branc|>cs are open 8 a.m. to inborn child." information students become aware of the For students undecided about occupational libraries can libraries provide information on P-m Monday through Friday. SPECIAL education specialist. - career thousands of career THE MICH _0MMISSIC With main facilities in 207 opportunities that are available ruesday that it Tonight — 8:15 p.m. Student Services Bldg., the to them — and means of FOR TRAVELERS iquor licenses University Auditorium occupational library provides pursuing those careers. ;hat have discri their byla Dati] Immunizations suggested M««t and earned that c They buried SINGLE Hundreds of eligiblesi wont wonf to by COMPUTER meet you in the area's largest J fo me lave a license c< liscriminate ag his pride. I group of tested, computer-matched, nputer-match jingle odults. No obli- ! 1 by club memt I gation for information n and questii and questionnaire. Stanley | By BECKIE HANES foreign countries. Also, Feurig recommended "Many times students wait But they , K DATA-MATE of LANSING . A smallpox vaccination lasts for typhoid shots for travelers until finals week, and so • . I ♦Tdov'ft- I I oddress today to. —y y ✓ 1324 DM Commerce Center J State News Staff Writer three years, Feurig said. It is staying In lodgings where health people do get reactions from ™ BURT forgot his old i Him* M|ch|gan 4sg33 1(1 | I A smallpox vaccination is the only immunization required for American travelers in Europe, Dr. important not to let the vaccination expire before returning to this country, he conditions are questionable. A polio vaccination was also prescribed. J «-•«--- Yellow fever • serum causing them to miss finals or postpone their trip." he slid, Serii I Address I LANCASTER uniform, I City Stat* Zip J James S. Feurig, director of the MSU Health Center, said while noted. Various optional vaccinations immunization is required for visitors to India. Feurig advised setting up m immunization schedule now. Itb his fronthifdl Nationally — C«nf/cf«nf/o/ Service J discussing immunizations may also be taken, Feurig said, "The only mandate is the possible to take as many as recommended for traveling in Since many student travelers smallpox vaccination," Feurig injections at one time if they an VALDEZk Sharps rifle, may be hosteling or hiking, said. "That's the main thing to compatible. More than thra could result in "serum sickness,"1 kcomincTk and his Rush incidents of skin punctures may occur, making tetanus immunization desirable, Feurig remember." Feurig added that if a traveler is on a government or an exchange Feurig warned. The new »untry comes spii -Then and No\ FIJI said. A booster may be all that is program, the program will Hfc suggested bringing to Shown In necessary if the traveler has had establish an immunization policy immunization register publish ivel Series at an active tetanus shot in the past that is usually more by the World Health Organizatlc the Auditoriu comprehensive. to the health center to I Mildred Capr He also warned against delaying stamped, indicating thi ind narrated tl immunization immunizations received. escribes Irelani ragedy and laui Jacques > 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 LAST DAY :00-3:00-5:00-7:00-9:00 WALT DISNEY'S ^»ildand lonely 1 lemories. World famoi LoussiERlmo "BAREFOOT EXECUTIVE" Mt«rer and pi will make personal appearance for Thursday... a ducati autographs at Students wh ■complete in Marshall Music Co. inter term sh «kson Hall as NOW SHOWING 245 Ann St. see about chi EA::T LANSING ON M 43 » PHONE ED. 2 1042 | EXCLUSIVE Getting there T 7:00 - ADULT FILMFARE (DOUBLE XX) is all the fun! East Lansing She Forced an Entire Lifetime of Passion 109 Anthony Today, from 3 to 4 p.m. Into One Lust Filled Summer! NOW! 3 AD harry hovak P,«enls prior to their performance ENTIRE PROGE Four Academy Award Nominations at the Srika 's Mot BEST ACTRESS - Sarah Miles University Auditorium At 1:00-4:35-8:15 p.i IHEVIRi Tonight at 8:15 p.m. ANDTHI BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR John Mills NORTHSIDE Dnva -in lftui$,Mlneand OURS ^PnntsbvVWbb BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY * BEST SOUND V'"*. * * , iJ * . ,s"S[Qeaire 10 BRITISH ACADEMYAWARD 7HTT && NOMINATIONS 5k Rom MGM, producers of David LearisDootor ZNvago A story of love. Rimed by David Lean Ryan's Daughter ROBERT MlTCHUM TREVOR HOWARD CHRISTOPHER JONES EXCIUSIVI MID-MICHIGAN ENGAGEMENT NMONDAY THRU SATURDAY v Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. April 14. 1971 7 I of Sociologists forsee effective ecology plans Aa team of .*011 University MSU and University business business firms firms sociologists forsee citizens will voluntarily bear the nnr nor individual i» Warner, Wisconsin, of - the University of beeinnine benefits involved," Morrison "Since environmental reform * Wisconsin^ e " |„ the high costs. have number of observations prepared on the a As these predicted, costs the surface, he 'Moreover, many people simply do not will call for greater production competition will 3r able to not be willing make the changes "power - oriented" groups ■■""'nmental movement. Denton E. Morrison, associate environmental movement for a popularity of widespread for the . care if the land is costs in many instances, firms in individually," he said. "It must seeking to force their demands Jittered the through legislation, economic ive pollution control professor of sociology; Kenneth forthcoming anthology. concern or streams are be made environment illegal for all firms to L they say, are going to E. Hornback, Rock Island, III They include that ecology sharply. will decline polluted." Radio tune pollute the air so that all pressure, letter other measures. - writing and pex pensive, and neither graduate student, and W. Keith minded activists will increasingly - Consequently, Morrison said Some of the costs he he believes environmentalists producers and consumers will While the idea of appealing to press their cause through mentioned are higher consumer participate in the greater costs." citizen coercive legislation legislation rather rather than than nHrpsnn will concentrate more on such fo fCploCC sir6flS Morrison, a student of social responsibility will prices on mnnu many nrnrfuptciwancp products because a r pnc nc banning the continue, he said, it will be less asking for voluntary action. of pollution control expenses manufacture and CAPE TOWN, South Africa movements, said effective than the "General power - awareness of the cost incurred environmentalists have, up to by manufacturers, nonreturnable bottles and high (AP) — As a possible substitute oriented approach as the high implications of halting and higher taxes and utility costs, for sirens on emergency vehicles, now, been divided between the phosphate detergents, and costs of preserving the reducing air and water pollution and possibly some an efforts to the city traffic department is "participation - oriented" groups environment become is bring about more only beginning to be unemployment, voluntary changes in family testing a three - tone horn that urging voluntary programs, and visible. apparent," Morrison said. "Individuals will not, in consumption patterns. tootles the theme song Mainly this is because from a concrete general, voluntarily accept these Business practices will also be commission chairman, said all popular South African radio environmental reforms !oMupI?TH annJunSd only are costs for the the target of legislation. or8anization with private clubs- largely invisible program. '"BUC thaHt will offer blood | Tuesday ^^^SSeZ^moth^- |about to ^ mamed or mothere - tQ determ|ne if the dubs ■ of ^eir bylaws to the coramZ IN CALLEY TRIAL to. be to determine if the£omen discriminate * * * liave ever had rubella, or German lmeasles ACCORDING TO A SPEED Grant of rinnio kill J or The disease can cnpple or kHl SURVEy conducted by the lunbrr fi'fthi earfv sUei of DePt- of State Highways, (contacts it in th y g Michigan motorists are traveling ■pregnancy. faster on the state's highways J Maurice S. Rej^' than they did four years ago. FT. McPHERSON, Ga.(AP) — against the captain. He said that |health director, explained that said he , , The was present for Kotouc's charged about a year ago and Thp ripnartmpnt department estimated that |the new plan the average speed for passenger p military judge ruled Tuesday under questioning Kotouc testimony at Ft. Benning and that before he testified at the ■"every wom®"in extended,g of immunity affirmed he was near the village took extensive notes. Calley trial the government had ■discover whether . ^ghifshould . . shesnouid cles has increased from 63.9 vehic,es __ has increased from 63,< u , ♦ a an officer who of My Lai on March 16, 1968, Eckhardt acknowledged he already established he was near l«T get vaccinated vaccman against b rateUa to 64.5 January 1967, U.♦5 u7Cn h°uran hour a"miles January i W"llam i °oU,, * "V"*181 of when the Army alleges that he L. Calley does not was at Ft. Benning to hear My Lai on March 16, 1968. before she becomes pregnant. A ofthjsyear in bar the chopped one finger off a Viet Kotouc but that he could Referring to the Calley trial, Army from prosecuting Cong suspect and then cut him [women who has been immunized, ' * * * * * * "promise this court that the Eckhardt said Kotouc limited his « who has already had the . ?n charges of assault and on the neck during an prosecution does not intend to testimony to events that A REQUEST FROM lisece, will not pass it on to her MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED n^'m'ng a suspected enemy near interrogation. My Ul' use this testimony against him." occurred March 15 and not ICHAB0D8. MR. TOAD inborn child." GAS COMPANY to increase their Kotouc was attached to the He promised that the March 16 when he is alleged to Wednesday Attorneys for Capt. Eugene * * rates by $13 million dollars was Kotouc, 37, of Humboldt, Neb., Lai operation as an prosecution would be bound by have committed his offenses. 109 Anthony Hall THE MICHIGAN LIQUOR criticized Tuesday by Atty. Gen. asserted at a pretrial hearing that intelligence officer and the the immunity grant which "He testified about transaction Thursday 111 Olds Hall OMMISSION announced Frank J. Kelley as being imyayshe the grant of immunity granted directly in the raid did not participate promised Kotouc that nothing he said at the Calley trial could A and is being tried Friday 108 B Wells Hall transaction B," said Eckhardt. iesday that it would not grant excessive. Kotouc during the Calley trial later be used against him. "Two separate transactions are Alice in Wonderland uquor licenses to private clubs Kelley said he will ask the State should serve as the basis for "If this information (his Kotouc, he pointed out, was involved." 7:00 & 9:30 that have discriminatory clauses Public Service Commission to dismissal of charges. testimony) was not important to n their bylaws and further dismiss the request filed April 5. But the military judge, Col. famed that clubs that already The company was granted a this case w^y was the Ends Thurs. Madison Wright, upheld the government present, why did "THE TWELVE CHAIRS" ive a license could lose it if they $12 million rate increase in position of the Army, which they stay, and whY did they Open 6:45 P.M. pscriminate against guests brought March, and Kelley said further held that Kotouc's testimony at leave the moment Capt. Kotouc $1.00 Children 50c lnby club members. rate increases at this time were Calley's trial was unrelated to was finished?" asked Lane, [Stanley G. Thayer, "unwarranted." the charges pending against him. ^ government asked for a A RARE MOTION PICTURE... Wright then recessed the verbatim transcript of his 8EAL FILM GROUP presents hearing until Wednesday testimony," said Lane. "That "mark it must BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE! ieries presents morning when lawyers for both showed an interest in what he sides planned to wrap up pretrial was saying." Sil! ONI OF THE BIST! MMFHfl LIFE Mw3azine TONIGHT thru FRIDAY matters. They planned to begin selecting a jury Lane said that Wednesday pant of immunity is "kind of accepting a FIRST LANSING SHOWING! on Ireland afternoon. ,ike being pregnant." MASIROIAIINhsThe I The Kotouc's trial is scheduled to "You either begin April 26, but his lawyers aren't," he said. "You're not say it could begin sooner if a a little." are or you just ORGANIZER SEX new spirit of a changing attempts to Wintry comes forth in "Ireland of capture the new spirit Jury of officers is swiftly seated. _ L Then and Now, acolorfUmto reflects a aWh^^renai^nce'as it At"least five "military"jurois are He charged that the grant of t shown in the MSU rising national mood. needed before testimony can immunity was extended so that) World >avel Series at 8 p.m. Saturday _ begin. the government tfould pick up? m w'" focus on the information that it could use In the Auditorium. landscapes, sagas, shamrocks, jigs Kotouc spent 3'A hours on the against him in his trial. I Mildred Capron, who filmed and P'P615'and other remnants of witness stand at the court - lid narrated the documentary the P*51' in contrast to the martial of Calley, testifying as a Lane pointed to Maj. William describes Ireland as a place where exPanded industry, growing rebuttal witness for the the Eckhardt, the prosecutor, and Jragedy and laughter converge, a cosmopolitanism, traffic jams, government, rild and lonely land of myths and and younger generation that exist memories. ° ay- Capt James Lane, one of Kotouc's two military defense ■ World famous as a film - Tickets may be purchased at lawyers, argued that the grant of purer and photographer, she the Union Ticket Office or at the immunity extended to the door. proceedings now under way fcducation200 I Students who received an ■complete in Education 200 Pinter term should go to 238 Irickson Hall as soon as possible |o see about changing the grade. IN COLOR A PARAMOUNT PICTURE 8 Wednesday, April U, 19?| Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan World affairs seminars link studies, action then participants assume the roles of policy makers. better appreciation of Latin and Indian cultures. By BARBARA FARY "Sometimes participants are given geographical responsibilities "We believe the world affairs seminars Applications for "Encounter" are available at the Internal!,, , State News Staff Writer and make recommendations to the group regarding military aid to Extension Office hi Kellogg Center. Information mav al^l? have taken hold because the participants the Middle East," Cherney said. obtained about other extension activities. w ■* This year, 1,000 Michigan residents will become "maximizers" "At other times, they must emerge with a general policy, are doing something they perceive as For example, communities may arrange for a member through participation in world affairs seminars sponsored by the significant," Cherney said. "They "third world team" to visit them for one or two days. The tl ofm Office of International Extension. perhaps indicating whether land reform or birth control efforts by developing nations must procede our foreign aid. In this way, research issues, serve as specialists and are composed primarily of faculty with extensive oversT* A "maximizer," Sheldon Cherney, extension director, they are forced to come to grips with specific issues." take positions. We at MSU are fortunate experience. as explained, is a person who can influence government policy Participants are also provided with monthly mailings of At a community's request, the team will discuss the makers regarding world affairs. The seminars, he said, are to have faculty with international c paperbacks, pamphlets, the extension newsletter and data on issues facing developing nations before school and civic designed to help Americans find and take more active roles in expertise to call on." and through local media. e international policy decisions. specific legislation before Congress. They are shown how to utilize community and stale resources and participate in other The teams are also available to make speeches at "What we're bucking now is not really 'New Isolationism, ' el Cherney said, "because most Americans have always had gaps in seminars. "We believe the world affairs seminars have taken hold because paperbacks dealing with the problems of developing nations. At the minimal, they may host foreign students during the luncheons, dinners or meetings. Their "sampler" program from the world education crisis, food and population programs rani their international knowledge. the participants are doing something they perceive as significant," holidays," he explained. the changing role of the Peace Corpsman. "Most Americans do not know enough about world affairs to Cherney said. " They research issues, serve as specialists and take To make seminars more realistic, the International Extension In addition to bringing the world to the take a stand on the Middle East or Pakistan or even to community th* positions. We at MSU are fortunate to have faculty with Office is sponsoring an on-site learning tour, "Encounter," for International Extension Office also brings MSU students into intellectualize the Vietnam conflict. Our purpose is not to th advocate any one solution, but to get people aware and informed international expertise to call on. approximately 30 Michigan residents who will accompany an world via the Overseas Studies Office, which coordinates stunJ "When our experts work with the community we do produce MSU professor to Columbia and Ecuador in July. - abroad for MSU students. of the problems." "maximizers," people who will initiate other seminars, write "The purpose of "Encounter" is to make the concepts "We have much to learn from other countries and Seminars are conducted by men with an international cultures editorials or communicate with congressmen. They may develop discussed in the seminars come alive," Cherney said. "The trip is well as to teach," Cherney said. "We might do very well to dimension in work, study, business or friendship abroad who look committees on international affairs within their own truly an encounter, and not a tourist tour. Participants will come into the solutions being developed by others to our own meet one evening a week for four or five weeks with groups of 30 problems organizations or distribute the MSU Bookshelf, a collection of away with an expanded understanding of the two countries and a of infant mortality and urban growth. Rl citizens. The conductors provide the group with information and BACKS BARGAINING, FORBIDS STRIKES THETA CHI The new Resi Farm labor la RHA) has t eeome a pov tudent opinion [HA, Michael £ arbitration, was announced unfair labor practices that Migrant workers will be exclusion will probably By BOB ROACH apids junior, State News Staff Writer Tuesday by State Rep. Dennis O. includes a ban on secondary protected under the legislation, he deleted before the bill nterview. Cawthorne, R - Manistee. boycotts. explained, because the legislation introduced because farmet "I think tl In announcing the proposed Explaining the boycott ban in does not require the workers to A legislative package granting might be tempted to hire onlj ^satisfaction legislation, the vice chairman of terms of recent court decisions, be employed at the same farm for students without granting then rjth student Michigan agricultural workers the the House Labor Committee said Cawthorne said unions may consecutive years. the labor rights included in tl* lintoffsaid. "I right to collective bargaining, but there is evidence that farm labor publicize their labor disputes and Cawthorne said the student legislation. 1HA provided ! forbidding strikes in favor of problems occurring in California picket retail outlets as long as n the open hoi compulsory and binding may spread across the 'country they only urge shoppers to avoid outs for womer and that Michigan should be a particular product and not the HA can pi Rush prepared. store in general. FIJI "Currently, farm employers and employes in Michigan and nationwide exist in a legal "The bill would prohibit any person from further JMC faculty, jdership." Flintoff, a threatening, restraining or vacuum with none of the benefits coercing any other person for the FOR RIDES CALL ED 2-3581 453 ABBOTT RD. Call 332-5053 and protections that fair labor legislation bestows on other purpose of preventing him from handling, transporting, packing, hold weekend Dea segments of the economy." distributing, purchasing, Explaining the strike ban, consuming or using an Justin Morrill College (JMC) has organized a weekend retreat for Cawthorne said that if a strike agricultural product," Cawthorne this weekend. occurs at harvest time, the crops said. Workshops will include painting, drama, dance, (Gestalt) art,clay cannot be held for later sale when The legislation, which modeling, and haiku poetry taught by JMC faculty and students. the dispute is resolved. Both Cawthorne hopes will take effect Free time activities will include canoeing, candle - making, and strikes and lockouts would be on Jan. 1, 1972, will apply only filmmaking. punishable by a $500 a day fine. to those farms that employ four The workshops will be held at Camp Wesley Woods, neai The legislation would also or more workers for four or more Dowling. establish a five man agricultural - weeks in consecutive years, labor relations board that would exclusive of the farmer's supervise labor disputes and enforce a proposed listing of immediate family, students and clerks or supervisors. Anthropologist to tall( " oft on southern Ethiopia Asmaram Legesse, asst. Legesse was invited to campu professor of anthropology at by Harold G. Marcus, associitl Boston University, will speak on professor of history and Africa "Pastoral Social Structure and Studies; Ronald J. Horvath, Development: The Case of asst. professor of geography, an Southern Ethiopia," at 7:30 five graduate assistants. p.m. today in 108B Wells Hall. The public is invited to a Born in Asmarmara, Ethiopi coffee hour with Legesse attended Tafari Hig Legesse School there. He earned preceding the speech from 4 to 5 bachelor of arts degree p.m. in the African Studies Center in the International University College in i PHONE: 482-6226 Ababa and a master's Center. doctoral degree in educatifl from Harvard University. pr ASMSU IS THE Legesse taught anthropoloj at Haile Sellassie I University fa BIGGEST JOKE two years followed by ft Art (jarved work in southern Ethiopia.' has been at Boston Universit AROUND . .. since 1970. So stop wasting your tax Legesse will speak in I dollars. Abolish ASMSU! interdisciplinary course i Write - in Thomas Bertrand Subsaharan Africa. for ASMSU off campus rep. - Marcus said future lecturen TODAY! will be economists, historian^ and political scientists. You're in love! Now find the matched ArtCarved love rings, that express that love uniquely for you. Our ArtCarved collection includes styles for every MERIDIAN MAIL taste. Contemporary, antique and floral patterns, with accents FUIM & GAMES WOW! For of deep-etched scrolls, delicate florentines, PINBALLS YOUR HIDDEN TALENT? GUNS, MISSJLES, BOMBS B-PALERMO SET Always or fiery diamonds. All say love in many beautiful ways. Come in TORPEDOS, (RELAX-THEY ONLY KILL THE LIGHTS!) & C-EL GRECO and choose yours. MOTORCYCLE & CAR RACING .... ZOOODM BASEBALL RAH! RAH! RAH Choose from the area's largest selection NO SMOKING B00 of fine and unusual rings. - ^ NO MUNCHING DOUBLE B00 NO ADMISSION COST WHEW! SPECIAL RULES 1. STRAIGHT JACKETS FREE OF CHARGE TO II Alle' AUTCINTM V ANYONE SPENDING OVER $100. * Parle fra<> Park free 319 E.F firnrirl Grand Dlu». Rlv*r 2. NO PLAYERS OVER 400 LBS. with purchase East Lansing, Mich. Phone 337-1314 Open everyday until we close. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 14. 1971 9 EFFECTS IN E. LANSING These sailors have to carry Youth franchise weighed their canoe back Enfranchisement of 18- to 20 The councilmen agreed that - relatively close. That is, one issues, etc." up the year - olds for local and state students are relatively person is elected by a margin of Red Cedar River elections probably wouldn't uninterested in issues that don't 200 to 300 votes. There may be a bright note in have a very noticeable effect on Throwing the pessimistic outlook on the to avoid going over directly affect their life another 1,000 votes into the East Lansing, "In involvement students are willing the rapids. according to four sheer numbers, the picture may change any one members of the East local politics: SN photo by Lansing University community could (local) election." said Thomas, City Council. outvote the resident Tom Gaunt "We don't have "They are temporary residents According to Thomas, "The any idea what community," said Mary Sharp, going to school, and they might longer you stay here, the more numbers of 18 - to 20 - year - councilman and asst. director of feel it more intelligent not to things you're olds will going to find that register to vote in Equal Opportunities Programs, vote on bond issues, school tax affect you." university communities, but if I "However, their interest in the were to judge by the 21 - year - roads, water and waste olds, I would say it would be a treatment plant is fairly very small proportion," said Wilbur Brookover, and professor of councilman sociology. transitory, or has so far appeared to be." Mayor Gordon L. Thomas Church to show film concurs with Mrs. Sharp: "Very few students are really on Berrigan's work RHA's potential stressed interested in local government. They are on specific issues such as prices in stores, rents, parking "The Holy Outlaw," a National Educational Television tickets and towing, but not in (NET) the documentary on the Rev. Daniel Berrigan, who was indicted by a schools, our park and grand jury for his involvement in a plot to kidnap Henry Kissinger, recreation program, the streets, special adviser to the President, will be shown at 8 p.m. today in I The new Residence sewers and water plan." IrHA) has ^IsAssrr ova^of b°frdJ"?1*8 for next year- The increase in assaults on of Volunteer Bureau buses to Yet if students under 21 years Edgewood United Church, 469 N. Hagadorn Road. Admission free. is I^ome . f ' • . .,P wjf. . wir 1 thl"k 't would bf naive to campus has also been discussed drive students, especially coeds, of age were enfranchised for Eudent opinion, a. p r,h, nrlsident of worked for left residenceiTn the pread hall 35511,11(1 that w«n t be some increase in room and board by members of RHA, Flintoff around after dark," he said. local elections and did take The careers showing of the film will begin a three -week discussion on the and ideals of Father Berrigan and his said. brother, Phillip, also & Flintoff said the feasibility of interest in the issues, their |HA, Michael S.FlintO' 5[°UPS temPorari,y without rates," he said. "We feel, though, "We're looking into a student vote priest. Two other seminars, to be led by William Hixcn, asst. lapids junior, sai directiion that a large increase would drive taxi service and the possible use these two proposals was now "may change individual elections professor of history, will take place at 8 p.m. on April 22 and 29 at Interview. , The result, Flintoff explained, many students to off - campus under study by members of RHA. because our elections are the church. _ «I, think there's - »««—• general js that many students — are not • housing • and the ^ University ■issatisfaction among students aware of the influence they can cannot afford that." lith student government, wield within the administration RHA's tentative plans to fight Wjntoffsaid. "In the past WIC llHA provided strong leadership In the open - through RHA. «i want the students house question and that RHA is more than just the to realize any proposed increase would include letters to members of the board of trustees, the state Fraternity lours for women, and I think that sponsor of some on campus - legislature and various |HA can provide similar movies," he said. organizations within the jdership." RHA is presently concerned f Flintoff, a former MHA with possible increases in room and University, Flintoff explained, our "1 don't know how effective efforts will be," he said, "but we will exert as much influence as SPORTSWEAR Death spectre' we can." According to Stephan H. Terry, asst. vicepresident for business LETTERED & and finance, the administration joappear in has not yet compiled its area recommendations concerning ■ To ■ accentuate "the cruelness \ Tansing Area Peace Councils - |d grotesqueness of war, the , „„ Lctie of Death will appear at fund the a. war. . .. ... Following the presentation at the Federal Building, the group will move to the Capitol to . fees for the board of trustees. ,eve, "The University is always anxious to maintain the present f ^ to stud£nts at t costs " he said "If this is WHILE-U-WAITI Inoustorget points throughout present information regarding he not possible,'we are anxious to at the make the sma,lest IprilandMay. use of taxes to members of the ■The peace council will portray Michigan Legislature, increase and still m£t our financial obligations." fath in the black -cloaked image In addition, the Lansing Area a spectre in hopes that area Psidenls and legislators lecome more ■tilityofthe Indochina aware ■The spectre will make its first of war. Peace area Council and will present will guerrilla theater in the downtown the plans to leaflet the Washington - Michigan Avenue area with pamphlets protesting a Apartment Phi Living - Kappa Tau Style MSU BOOKSTORE ■pearance at 11 a.m. today at the funding of the Vietnam war 332 3577 Wednesday - Be Federal Building. The spectre through American taxes. pd other council members will (sent a coffin of death to the Iternal Revenue Service to fotest the use of tax dollars to April 14th & ,Ethiopii i afari Higl earned i tgree fron DON'T MISS THE Stevie in Addi ACADEMY AWARDS. ster's ani educatia RENT A TV TODAY! Wonder T Shirts thropolofl liversity fa I by H hiopia. Hi UniversitJ Sweatshirts $375 :ourse lecturfll historian: $400 Long SI BIRMINGHAM GROSSE POINTE DETROIT ANN ARBOR MANY COLORS AND DESIGNS DEARBORN GRAND RAPIDS EAST LANSING FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE!! ALSO AVAILABLE JACKETS WITH SEWN TACKLE TWILL LETTERS DELIVERED IN ONE WEEK SEE BEAUTIFUL DISPLAYS OF BALFOUR FRATERNITY AND SORORITY JEWELRY NOW Being Sold and Distributed through the MSU BOOKSTORE °£a(jour at M.S.U. BOOKSTORE Right in the CENTER of CAMPUS 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wcdnesday. April |4 -SPORTS- „7] 'S' botsmen in game home if they show their ID and faculty and staff members need only opener unnecessary as they have held opponents to just over three runs a By JOHN VIGES State News Sports Writer their faculty and staff cards. Admission for other adults will be $1 game. and for children will be 50 c. Dave Leisman and Larry Ike will take the mound against Albion Back home at last, after an excellent spring trip and a relaxing In case anyone thinks the Spartans will be looking past the intra - but Litwhiler is expected to let neither go the whole route, afternoon spent at Ball State, MSU unveils its power - packed state game with Albion toward Friday's contest with defending Big especially if the Spartans take an early lead. MSU still has some baseball teambefore the home fans at 2 p.m. today at Kobs Field. Ten champion Minnesota, they need only to look at the record relief pitchers, that need the action and Litwhiler does not want to The Spartans entertain Albion in a double header, the first of tire either of his pitchers as he anticipates four tough games this book to see that MSU must vanquish the thought of a 3 -1 loss to three twin bills in four days for MSU. MSU students can enter the the Britons last season. weekend. Litwhiler hopes that he will be able to get all of his players into The Spartans managed only one hit, a home run by Shaun Howitt, action during the two games and he will definitely shift the infield in last years' contest but this years squad should make up for the personnel, either between games or during each game if the hitting that was lacking in the game last year. Spartans begin to pull away. SPORTS Coach Danny Litwhiler's Spartans are batting at an .352 pace and The "400" outfield of Howitt, Gary Boyce and Rob Ellis will lead they are already well on the way to annihilating the home run the Spartans. Among the regulars only four batters own averages SHORTS record set last season. MSU has hit 22 balls out of the park already over the .400 mark and the outfield! trio own three of them. this year and need only 16 more to break the record. In the infield Ron DeLonge, who holds the other .400 average on By United Press Inte "We may not have any more games like we did against Ball State," the squad, and Whitey Rettenmund will both work second base. In the largest penalty ever imposed for a National Hockey Litwhiler said, "but this is a good hitting team and I think we can Steve Cerez will be a shortstop for at least one of the games and League game, league president Clarence Campbell Tuesday score five or six runs in every game we play." John Rohde and Phil Rashead will share third. John Dace will be the DAVE LEISMAN slapped the New York Rangers and Toronto Maple Leafs with MSU pitchers have been making a good deal of the Spartans scores Spartan's first sacker. fines totaling $16,550 as a result of a brawl between the clubs on April 8 at Madison Square Garden. Fourteen players from each team were fined — $3,300 to the Rangers and $3,250 to the Leafs - and both clubs received HAS 33 LETTERMEN BACK penalties of $5,000 — the maximum penalty allowed under the NHL'srule amendment of 1968-69. Duffy confident * * * Michele Briere, announced here. Pittsburgh Penguin center who suffered a brain injury in an automobile accident last May 15, died Tuesday in Marie Claric Rehabilitation Hospital, in Montreal, Canada, it was By RICKGOSSELIN team. his spring roster. as spring drills the team. But we've open year, and again during (ftl on got more The Philadelphia 76ers of the National Basketball Association State News Sports Writer Maybe it's the fact that 33 Whatever the reason, depth this year, and we feel we're practice. Curl was a firs' team fihl Team selection in his announced Tuesday the signing of collegiate star Dana Lewis, lettermen return from last season. Daugherty is endeavoring to in a much better position to junior ye«l their first round choice in the college draft. Duffy Daugherty is smiling Maybe it's because he's got two of mold this team into his first sustain injuries." and will be competing in hisfinall once again. the nation's finest defensive winning team since 1966. The Among the returning lettermen year this season. I Not the smile that MSU linemen back after a year's layoff Spartans opened spring drills the numbers one, three, four, Brad VanPelt, a member of the! TAKE are followers have grown accustomed to bolster an laready established Tuesday. Football News' sophomore all T and five leading rushers; the American team, will miss Wootco to in the past few seasons. There defensive team. Maybe it's "The ability and talent on this team's top two scorers of last drills this season because of spring! is more confidence behind this because in the team's number hisl YOUR squad are the best we've had in a one season, six of the top seven DEPARTMENT STORES smile. Not since 1965 and 1966 has Duffy parlayed such position — quarterback has the same two men who — Duffy few years," Daugherty said. "I've receivers from the team of last membership baseball team. on the Spartan!I had reservations for the last two year; and, of course, the two men PICK!! assurance in his claims about a manned the post last season on years, I was never completely sold that ran the team last season, quarterbacks Mike Rasmussen In the offensive backfield, thel Spartans have more able bodied! • REG. 4.32 each and George Mihaiu. players than at any other! I DESPITE 11 HITS The most explosive player on position. Besides Alien and| Ahewfrufcoh,i*htOClM*A£taiG*(j the team, Eric Allen, will again Williams, offensive backfield! carry much of the offensive coach Gordie Serr has Eari! Anderson, Doug Root. Jim Bond! foil s, burden for the Spartans in the Tigers to upcoming season. Allen was named the team's most valuable player last season after rolling up Rick Kluge, Paul Manderino, and! Bruce Anderson to work Henry Matthews and MacGillivray were moved with.| Archie! out ofl 811 yards from the line of NEW YORK (UPI) - Stan Bahnsen gave up a sixth - glove of Gates Brown, who made scrimmage for MSU. Allen the backfield to the flanker spot,! Bahnsen scattered 11 hits and inning homer toNotm Cash and a a long, lumbering run for the will not participate in spring drills, and speedster Mike Holt, whol tripled in a fifth • inning run seventh - inning triple to drive in left. Brown was playing however, as he is competing for Daugherty describes as il Tuesday to lead the New York pinchhitter Kevin Collins — who for Willie Horton, who was the track team this spring as the DUFFY DAUGHERTY "potential super player," was! Yankees to a 5-2 home opening scored on Dick McAuliffe's benched with a .158 average. moved across the line into the! triple jumper. The Yanks' first two runs off Nicholson has possible defensive backfield. victory over the Detroit Tigers. ground out — while evening his Jesse Williams, a freshman a record at 1-1. loser Joe Niekro, now 0-2, came sensation of two seasons ago who ruptured disc and Dawson, as in Daugherty, convinced that this! Bahnsen also boosted in the fourth inning. Roy White impressed Spartan followers with the case of Williams, will be given team has the talent to reap the! the hit a one - out home run, and additional time for his right knee glory as so many Spartan teamsoM his varsity showing during spring Yankees' lead to 3-0 in the fifth the past have, is going all out Bobby Murcer walked, stole drills last season, will be held out to recuperate. Dawson was forj with a run - scoring triple off the second and then scored the spring drills. on of contact this spring. Daugherty injured in the first game of last panny Cater's single. hopes to give Williams extra tij$e season against Washington. "liie kids are in pretty g REMOVAL. T.V. RENTALS ; In other games Tuesday to mend the knee that kept hitfi Ron^url, a sidekick lo Dawson shape as it stands nop"! * FACIAL afternoon Oakland beat out of varsity competition last on the defensive line, will be back Daugherty said. "But tWswillii! * ARMS & LEGS * HAIRLINES Milwaukee, 2-0; Houston ripped St. Louis, 8-4; Montreal beat the fall. this upcoming season after be our most arduous, intense spring practice strenuous,! by Virginia Hanchett Also being held out of spring missing last season with a broken we've ever! 12 Years Local Experience New York Mets, 4-1; and drills are Jim Nicholson and Bill forearm. Curl broke his forearm had. It'll be spirited from the! 110 E. Baker St. 484-1632 California nipped Chicago, 3-1. Dawson. during the spring game of last standpoint of competition." faidWotu: B^EAD and ALE ® There is a a time for love. There is time for peace. For you the time is now. Diamond rings of artistic excellence and quality. Starting at $ 135. highest Fine Jewelry ^ I Jacobean^ Special on light BIG BOOK SALE and dark beer next 10 days only! at reduced prices Assorted titles values to $10 All new books Non-Fiction Bibliography Humor Poetry Reference 2ZZZZ2^ZZZ22222ZZ^^^l2ZZ^l 131 E. Grand River (JmpooK^jiBRe Across from the Unio" Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 14, 1971 11 SPORTS IT OSU FRIDAY By Trackmen don kopriva As a result, Spartan Coach open season Fran Dittrich Pitt, Notre Dame, Miami, State News Sports Writer warns that nothing Spartan distance corps outdoors. Michigan and Ohio State.' Four The Illinois natives great can be expected. u wi,i be a well • rested MSU Spartan hurdlers — Wayne placed in the "We don't expect any Big Ten and NCAA miles, with i, team that runs in Ohio great Hartwick, Rich Jacques, Dave £'s great horseshoe stadium performances, just the usual first meet Martin and John Morrison — Popejoy third in the NCAA and fifth in the league and Dieters Sdav and Saturday. hurdlers kind," Dittrich are in good said. "Our headed South over the vacation fifth in the nationals and second The great majority of Spartans Vor, Pnnoir»> onH shape and novo niotorc and ♦i won shuttle hurdle relay in the conference. fine* of fko PlnrMo on/4 Obviously, in this era of the sub - four minute mile, both are aiming for that still - magic mark. Popejoy's career best is 4:04.4 while Dieters is at 4:08.1. Both will be running on the four miles and distance medley relay squads this weekend. Herb Washington, aiming for a better outdoor season than he's ever had, is working hard and will be aiming at a repeat of the 100- yard dash title he won here as a freshman in 1969. His chief competition is likely to come from Michigan's Gene Brown, Ohio State's Jerry Hill and Jimmy Harris and Purdue's Don Price. Bob Cassleman, Big Ten champ at 600 yards, will begin his first outdoor season as a Spartan Friday and Saturday, but he is likely to see only limited action. The Grand Rapids freshman is still recovering from a virus that sidelined him over the break and affected him late in the indoor season. Erick Allen has the OK to go full - time with the triple jump this spring and will miss the spring football sessions. The South Carolina junior, who won the indoor Big Ten crown as a sophomore, has his sights set on getting back into the championship picture he missed out on indoors when he fouled three times in the league meet. The rest of the Spartan schedule looks like this, with two home meets slated for mid-May: April 23-24 Drake Relays Three key relay men for th® Spartans in these early meets are (right to left) John May 1 at Ohio State Mock, Ken May 8 Purdue Popejoy and Dave Dieters, here running against Northwestern in a 1970 meet. Mock will tee action on mile and distance medley likely May 15 Indiana relays while Popejoy and Dieters will join him on the May 28-29 Big Ten at Iowa June 3-4 | medley relay entry and also run on the four mile team. Central Collegiate at B G June 11 USTFF at Wichita, Kansas State News photo by Bill Porteous June 16-18 NCAA at Seattle, Wash. wear the flSIT WESTERN MICHIGAN originals! Netters look lean and The Spartans split a pair of Gray and Briggs sent the By MIKE ABERLICH sophomore barely lost, 6-4, 5-7 matches on their first weekend of Spartans out front early against State Newj Sports Writer ° ° regular play with an 8-1 romp Illinois. Team captain Gray tan Drobac once again doesn't >w what to expect when his nis team travels to Kalamazoo over Purdue before surprising Illinois turned them back, 6-3. ousted Rick Wack, 6-3, 6-4, and Briggs edged out Ron Schroeder, Schroeder and Gray and Madurs' attempt to bring the visitors back within Wack foiled rugged Tom Gray and DeArmond 6-1,3-6,6-1. striking distance, and the Morrey ay to meet with Western Briggs, MSU's top two men, went - Clements team topped Briggs :higan. through the weekend undefeated, while the other four Spartans lost once in singles play. Kevin Clements, Morrey, Barry Chip Maxwell and and Vetter, 7-6,3-6,7-6 Levi's8 Miles Harris brought back the T.V. RENTALS Gray topped Purdue's Nick Illini into the lead to stay. ■tie deadline for entering residence Giordano, 7-6 and 6-2, on Friday Vetter's close match with ■M volleyball and Briggs set down Jim Authentic "Tied to 5 teams has been Morrey was the turning point, .. . long and lean s for the p.m. Wednesday, Mansfield, 6-3,6-3. noted Drobac, as the Spartan NEJAC TV RENTALS ... the true, original mixed doubles in Third man Mike Madura beat pdleball 'adder are being accepted Levis that won the West 12 noon Boilermaker Mike Smart, 7-6, Friday. Entries are still H taken for the paddieball 6-0, Rick Vetter defated Phil were great then, and singles Hammond, 6-3, 6-2, and the great now! We have Spartan number five man Jim EVER WONDER WHAT them in waist sizes [heerleading Symington had no trouble with Rick Cochran, beating him, 6-2, 7-5. 28 to 40. Pre-shrunk in tough XX blue [youts begin Rick Ferman made it a sweep in the singles for the hosts, taking his HAPPENS TO YOUR denim, $7.50. Or Super Slims that are 'fyouls for the MSU match from Ron Kriznik, 6-2,6-1. super lean, $7. "leading squad will begin irsday and will be held ■sdays and Thursdays for RECORDS? Store for Men. Mezzanine Downtown and Meridian Mall roximately five weeks in the Record wear; if any, takes place where the edges of the stylus touch "s Arena of the Men's IM. % trials will be held from FARMHOUSE the groove walls. To the stylus, the record groove presents one torturous obstacle course. And the stylus must groove without a trace that it's been there. As the record go through that long, jj7 toP m.9 and Thursday trials the rapidly changing contours of both groove walls force the rotates, p.m. stylus to move up, down and sidways at great speeds. So when you hear a Knapp's bass roll on the right - hand speaker, the right wall of the groove is causing the stylus to vibrate - say thirty times a second. Or if you hear a flute on the left speaker - the stylus is vibrating on the left wall about I 5.000 times a second. Hopefully, all these "confronting" vibrations bring a full "alive" sound into your home or apartment. That is, if all goes well. And HIFI BUYS recommends DUAL for that precise performance needed to keep your records sounding new. Featuring its precise anti - skating feature where you can set exactly the proper tracking force on each groove wall. And there's more on the three Duals to insure that quality performance you should demand - if you consider the investment you have in your record collection. DUAL at HIFI BUYS from $99.50 to $175. Step Inside. enjoy baby more after our classes in baby care Knapp s free baby care classes for Mothers - to be make baby more fun! - grandmothers nes of 7 - to - classes be arc invited too. start Thursday April 2 'ln n®PP*s fifth floor auditorium, at hn£n\Start any time; learn how to nop/' /?ed' and tend to ^by's every ^•Classes are conducted by Mrs. noSrngee ' 3nd' °fc°UrSe' lhCrC'S HI-FI Wednesday, April |4. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan |9?| SAIGON S. Viets attempt to recapture elements of a (AP) - Advance 3,000 - man South could land. sometimes The bombs are called "Daisy Another Vietnamese four battalions, about South retaliatory blow to the South Vietnamese drive into Laos in missiles sites inside Laos three to five miles southwest of the Mu the U.S. planes and fire. Results of the base preparing to 105 miles northwest of Saigon. U.S. strikes Headquarters said South Vietnamese relief force pushed Cutters." 2,000 or 2,500 men, were February and March, although Gia Pass, a mountain gateway were not known, the command Vietnamese losses were 16 killed to within opposition Tuesday in " The B52 bombers, flying in reported in reserve in a rear area. Hanoi's troops have mounted leading from North Vietnam said. an(j 33 wounded. 1 drive to break a two ■ week from their Thailand base, struck ready to move out if the fighting highlands attacks at this time of into the Ho Chi Minh trail. South Vietnamese The fighting erupted early * North Vietnamese siege at the six times to clear the way for the escalates. the year for the past few years. headquarters said 148 North central highlands outpost. relief force, unloading some 600 At the base itself, located 14 In Washington, Secretary of The command said the U.S. Vietnamese troops were killed in Tuesday when the North jets attacked enemy tons of explosives. miles east of the border, are Defense Melvin R. Laird said the fighter - bombers fired two fighting near the eastern Vietnamese shelledseven and attacked South missile sites in Laos and heavy There was no report of fewer then 1000 South North Vietnamese have lost the missiles at two sites after radar Cambodian town of Suong on one fighting was reported by the fighting either at the Vietnamese and a handful of capability of mounting gear on the planes indicated the Highway 7, about 20 miles west Vietnamese task forces in South Vietnamese in Cambodia, around it, as has been the case U.S. advisers. sustained offensive in South ground sites were "locked on" of the Vietnamese border and eastern Cambodia. The relief operation at Fire almost daily since the first North The base has been the focal Vietnam despite their attacks in ; 6 began after massive U.S. Vietnamese attack March 31. It point of fighting in South the central highlands. Air Force B52 strikes, heaviest was possible the enemy forces in the highlands in nearly a year, has pulled back to regroup and pounded the area a mile east of resupply, although there were no the base. solid intelligence reports to Vietnam since the end of the Speaking at a news conference, South Vietnamese campaign in Laird said enemy forces battling Laos, the " one of a string of hilltop involved in the It is 14 highlands were not Laotian ICC president In addition, two U.S. C130 confirm this, outposts in the central highlands operation. "Any attack is a cargo planes dropped two more The relief force was made up 7Vi-ton bombs into an area west Qf four battalions of South of the base near the junction of Vietnamese infantrymen, who blocking some of the outlets of serious attack," he said, "but the the Ho Chi Minh trail. Elements of two capability for serious attacks in North that area is not great." corporation po the South Vietnamese, Laotian pushed toward the base on foot Vietnamese infantry regiment, Small - scale fighting was If approved, the proposed ICC said Monday. SHC is a proposed federation and Cambodian borders. Two of with their U.S. advisers, and one about 7,000 or 8,000 men, were reported elsewhere In South the blockbusters were dropped airborne battalion, which was originally reported in the area. Vietnam, MSU Student Housing Corp. "I think the Student Housing MSU co-ops into a property - on Monday. The bombs has been lifted in by U.S. helicopters to a Their offensive in the The U.S. Command said two (SHC) will enhance the position Corp. would bring the co-ops holding corporation, eligible for used previously only to blast point 2'/i miles from the highlands was believed by some F105 fighter - bombers attacked of the Inter - cooperative closer together," Michael grants Housing from andthe Dept.Urban away jungles so that helicopters outpost. allied commanders to be North Vietnamese surface to air Council (ICC), the president of Novak, ICC president, said. Development (HUD). Novak said he doesn't believe that SHC would diminish the stature of ICC. When you can get Wrigley "We're (ICC) in favor of SHC," he said. "If all the co-ops agree to federate, I'm sure the ICC will continue to operate." . Premium duality at Discount Prices Novak said he is not sure just what effect the SHC would have on the structure of ICC but is Swing high |jj) can you really be happy confident that the two groups WRIGLEY would cooperate. we "As soon as a decision is made, will immediately begin to discuss our organization with Ann Krell, Kingsport, old for a ride on a swing. Tenn., junior, finds she's never too anywhere else? SN photo by Doug Bauman SHC," he said. ALLIKO SUPCRMARKITt, INC. MEADOWDAIE HICKORY SMOKED , , „ PA. Veterans Assn. sets Sliced Bacon »« 58c HICKORY SMOKED Q OC G.I. Bill rally today Center Ham Slices Oft. Campus veterans will have an opportunity to gain information, USDA CHOICE BEEF AA. offer support and give suggestions on the proposed state 01 Bill at Swiss Steak s 98 . a rally at 4 p.m. today in 108B Wells Hall. The rally, sponsored by the Michigan Assn. of Collegiate YOUNG TENDER SLICED W A Veterans, will entertain guest speakers which include State Sen. Beef Liver 55' FAMILY FAVORITE Phillip O. Pittinger, R-Lansing; Roger Wilkinson, vice president for business and finance; Leonard Zimmerman, State American CAMELOT SKINLESS (JlQ FLORIDA SUGAR Legion chairman, and Robert W. Spanogle, president of the Fresh Jfc Ml Meat Franks 2I19 National Assn. of Collegiate Veterans. The GI Bill, the product of a year's work, calls for increased PESCHKE WHOLE OR BUTT PORTION Smoked Hams..m.55' _ _ Hamburger Sweet benefits for Michigan veterans, including greater state contributions to help defray the costs of books and tuition. The bill is expected to be introduced in the House this month. | LEAN TENDER CENTER CUT Juice Rib British chemist 78: CAMELOT PINEAPPLE. CHERRY Apple Pie lraTQc 19 Pork Chops Oranges to speak at MSU Cmnamon Donuts Chorry Sweet Roll* VKiasnsrr. 3"" 88° S"" *1M m M71 U.S.D.A. CHOICE CHUCK Boneless Beef Roastt m QQd O 5 58 of Geoffrey Wilkinson, a professor chemistry at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London, will discuss recent popie is vvho a theoretical chenr has worked on molecul' applications mechanics and of mechanics, particularly quantuJ statistic- nucie WASHINGTON STATE research in his laboratories at 4 magnetic resonance. SWEET JUICY FRESH LEAN ROLLED PORK LOIN DtNJOU PEARS 10 79 K tod,y 138 c'lem'stry Wilkinson, the first in a series of In 1968 he Wl! ¥*f°* „„ded °''JfJS 5 49' guest speakers sponsored by the ancJ, p . q ietv QQg Delicious Applet e"°w of the R°yal Society Boneless Pork Dept. of Chemistry during April and May, will discuss the instability of transitional metal L0"*10"- Pople is also the 1970 recir 5.,-.59' Loin Roast ■•king Potatoes... giggs"—■ • • , 2 -39' alkenese. He is a fellow of the Royal of the Irving Langmuir Chemical Physics sponsored Award Society of London and the the General Electric Foundat NarbleChips 48-,1" American Chemical Society and a Paul Delahay, professor foreign member of the Royal chemistry at New YC WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM STYLE Danish Academy of Science. University, will discu He is also a Lavoisier medallist "Photoelectron Emission Libby 15' Breakfast Drinks of the French Chemical Society Solutions," and conduct and won the American Chemical seminar on "Photoele: Com ALL GRINDS COFFEE Society award in inorganic Emission by Solutions: Details Maxwell House 3 L. $922 CAN M chemistry. John A. Pople, professor at Theoretical Aspects t Experimental Methods," May Carnegie - Mellon University, will -20. CAMELOT OLD FASHIONED present three lectures, May 10 - Delahay will discuss how ot 12, concerning "Applications of puzzling observations Carnation Slender.. 8 3jioo chemistry can finatly Draft Molecular Orbital Theory." Salada Tea Bags... correlated In a simple paw ■ through a unifying theoretic GALLON B0100 Syrup 46° Root Beer BTLS. model. Details of theory a experimental met ho concerning his research in properties of excess electrons Why Pay More polar media will be c,""",!SI MEADOWDALE OR BEAR LAKE DELICIOUS during the seminar. Frozen Strawberries 19 Appian Way Pizza Mix Brooks Catsup Kraft Bros sing 26' 15* 25* STOP UP AND VISIT OUR MEIIER THRIFTY ACRES CAMELOT FRESH CRISP Crisoo Shortening — 79' Potato Chips 38' Fruits & DELICIOUS MoHs Juices BALCONY BEAUTY MEL-O-CRUST FRESH SLICED Apple Sauce Sauor Kraut White 29* SALON Bread UbbjTBoots Snoot Pots... Pinoajiplo BrapefruH Brink Libby Pineapple & OPEN EVENINGS For appointment, call: —» 372-8766 393-8568 349-3400 Print (M4 thru TMWr. *1 5125 W. Saginaw 6200 S. Pennsylvania 2055 W. Grand Lansing Lansing Ok"™"* Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 14, 1971 13 StudentsBv MICHAEL FOX the Academic Freedom rate Report The Office of profs--only profs Evaluation see results was passed, according to a The three aspects to the SIRS Services only state News Staff Writer spokesman for the Office of completed forms processes the operation are: The forms which University College with 543. general is positive," O'Connor forms can be and does not ask a student to rate from A report issued by the Office obtained Evaluation Services. sa'(^- adequately. J I U university i known computer scoring to some as Some half • million green and get than involved in any way other interpetation of results, strongly agree to disagree on up to 35 strongly The office will probably of Evaluation Services based on a study of the winter, 1970 One of the questions they ask students is whether or not use He said of the results an increasing posted in 138 white Student Warrington said. items; a process some 60,000 to 80,000 Wells Hall indicates the Instructional manual and results, indicated that 70.4 per evaluation of a course with the "One would like to think that supporting material of these SIRS forms for winter evaluations are used. I ?ributed greatly to the Rating have System been (SIRS) forms students are filling out the forms available to instructors, and the term, Warrington said. cent of the students completing the forms were required to take ■movement for increased student completed by computer printout the instructor Last students since the evaluation objectively, but I sometimes year, an ASMSU the course and that only 16 ■^valuation of instructors since wonder how much concern a gets back summarizing what spokesman wrote to professors per process 1969, began Willard director of evaluation in December, Warrington, services, student has for the fills out in one day," ratings he gives when it is the fifth form he students think. The results of an instructor's evaluation go only to the asking them to make a copy of the results available to ASMSU. In these instances when the cent had recommended to them. Although the student course access to Family series leteran said. said. Warrington instructor. The Evaluation Services only Office of instructors requested that an instructor common, evaluations the is Dept. of not talk it "Some departments more thoroughly are using and The Services Office of Evaluation advises instructors to data for college and University level uses compiling department, the extra copy of the results be sent to ASMSU, the office Mathematics Student Advisory Committee has established an on Parent-child relationships will be discussed parent regularly than others, but the wait until after the seventh week cooperated, he said. Thursday at the first jid plan statistics, Warrington said. evaluation system of faculty evaluation system is generally of class to hand out the "The results are most with results meeting of the Family Issues Series. used form, He said that generally if an meaningful to instructors, available to The five week series, sponsored by all departments," but it need not be saved until instructor has a large section of him giving students. - by the Married Student Activity Warrington said in a recent the last week, he said. a service that he wouldn't Unit, will begin at 8 p.m. in the new Spartan Village 75 or more students it is hard "We have designed our own center. day - care interview. have access to otherwise, :riticized He pointed out that no Warrington said. The form is designed to cover form because the SIRS form is not suitable to the math Arthur Seagull, associate professor of guest speaker. At the conclusion of the psychology, will be the (Continued from page 2) University policy requires the use of courses. student evaluation in The practice is not Council, facultygroup areas of instructor student performance, involvement, interest student and department," Patrick O'Connor, Charlotte, N.C., junior, said. be formed for further discussion. Successive weeks' topics and guest meeting speakers a small group may are: marriage enrichment, Daivd Imig, Mason graduate student, and his April 22 — I He said that of the "policed," he said. to screen antiwar film instructor interaction, course He Student said the Mathematics Advisory Committee wife. April 29 — infancy, Hiram Fitzgerald, asst. professor of Currently it is not known if demands and course still has the Office of Evaluation pshchology; May 6 — sexuality and sexual inadequacy, Gersh Approximately four million any colleges or departments The film "Time is Running Out" will be shown at 9:30 p.m. today organization, he said. Services convert the evaluation Kaufman, asst. professor in the counseling center, and Judy Ejetnam veterans in the United require the evaluation on any in the Snyder Hall cafeteria. Some blank spaces for forms into computer cards with Krupka, asst. professor in the counseling center, and May 13 — Btfltes one million of them are regular basis, he said. "The film documents the madness and inhumanity of the war in questions specific to the family finances and home management, Beatrice course their Paolucci, [disadvantaged." The increase in Indochina and explains how the Peoples' Peace Treaty was are included for an instructor to optical scanning equipment, but that the students professor of family ecology. Is of $1 million would be nn Furthermore, no colleges or created," John J. Masterson, associate go beyond the generalized A small discussion group may also be formed from the marriage professor of mathematics, have a special computer age increase of one dollar departments apparently make questions printed on the form, for their printout. program enrichment program. veteran. the results of evaluations All programs in the _er Warrington explained. The back "The reaction of students in Family Issues Series will be followed by group |"This to us seems a fairly low available for students to study in of the form is also available for discussion. figure," Spanogle said. selecting instructors, he noted. Discussion of the role MSU written comments. played in creating the Indochina situation and how people can As of Feb. 15, get involved in the spring offensive 1971, some of also will be part of the the greatest users of SIRS forms program. Discussion will be led by Ann Francis of the included the College of Natural Council and by Masterson, who is Lansing Area Peace Science with 739, the Peace. a member of the Faculty for College of Education with 614 and I FOUR REPORTS of thefts TWO WATCHES, a diamond Bom vehicles parked in campus Keas involving an estimated ring and a ruby ring, with total K06 in personal property were estimated value of $280, were Ivestigated Monday by MSU apparently removed sometime between Jolice. Saturday and Monday ■ included among the stolen from a jewelry box on a shelf in Tems were an eight • track tape the West Wilson Hall room of Sue C. Jeck, a casette tape player, a Salensky, Traverse City [ereo reverberator, a sweater, an senior, police said. Xibrella and two tail light No signs of forced entry was Isemblies. Police said they found by officers. |und evidence of forced entry K two incidents. A VET CLINIC EMPLOYE told police Monday that three ■SIX BICYCLES belonging to 35mm three - inch projector |SU students were reported lenses, with a total estimated value of $195, had been stolen |olen Monday from campus leas. Police said the estimated sometime between Dec. 15, Jlues $25of Jom the bicycles rpnged 1970, and Monday from three slide projectors oh a shelf In a to $60 each.1 Four ■cycles were reportedly locked room in the Vet Clinic. A9MSU IN COOPERATION WITH 1 the time of the theft and one The employe told police the las left unlocked. room is usually locked. . MOWTOWN RECORDING CORP PRESENTS /KAR to broadcast tbortion bill hearing r Joadcasts. ■esent 3 special radio WKAR (870) will today's entire iteviewoto MONDAY, APRIL 26 • TWO Toceedings of a public hearing I the Michigan abortion |>m the floor of the House bill at 7006945P* • M9U AUDITORIUM k Capitol. ffhe House Committee on TICKETS; $2.50 -MARmL'S.CAMPBELL'S, ■cial Services and Corrections ■studying the measure, Senate T1 Three, UNION through a series of ings. e Lansing proceedings will BENEFIT FOR MARTIN LUTHER KINS, JR. SCHOLARSHIP FUND Why Pay More! Why Pay More! topco 8ieachi9< ■ca88age ■ 84 nr« 1 I 11 s*vE w with this coupon s H' 17 14' A 5 SAVE 14' with this coupon 14' SMALL SHEETS 49* toward the purchase oft ^ SCO* OH g ^ toward the purchase of; !co* | DREAM WHIP 8 Oz. 1 ZAPATA 7 Os. ■ TOPCO BLUE POWDER l'*»S S TACO KIT K53c ! DETERGENT Wt! Box 38' Coupon 1 EXPIRES SATURDAY APRIL 17. 1971 I F*PIPFR SATURDAY APRIL 17. 1971 ■ I j EXPIRES SATURDAY APRIL 17. 1971 j ® IHrTfTy"acres" "siuPtH MARKETS Q El THRIFTY ACRES'.^SUPER MARKETS El] © 42c - SAVE 42' with the coupon S 42' 12< tL ^ SAVE 12' S^ 12 I | nr? m 35 toward the purchase of: ^ with this coupon I I A with this coupon ^A CO* CONFIDET REGULAR 40Ct. iiflV v w ~ toward ,he ourch#ie °,! 50 02. Wt. Box *n u ii N■ 1 ,co* toward the purchase of: ~ on! TOPCO AUTOMATIC i I BETTY CROCKER 18% to SANITARY NAPKINS EXPIRES SATURDAY APRIL 17.1971 97CC 1 DISHWASHER0™1 ! CAKE MIXES | EXPIRES SATURDAY APRIL 17. 1971 I [LL) IHRIFTY ACRES SUPER MARKETS Q (XT) IHRIFTY ACRES -"SUPER MARKERS U I THRIFTY ACRES -^ SUPtR mKH Wednesday, April 14, |97, 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS 0 STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Plant a classified ad for whatever you wish to buy, sell or rent.! CLASSIFIED 355-8255 355-8255 The State News does not Automotive P&xnkiy speaking . by Phil Frank For Rent For Rent ForR,ent MfontMds permit racial discrimination or religious in its FORD 1949. Two door. Six cylinder. TV RENTALS monthly - Students only. Low and term rates. Call LANSING bedroom OR East Laming. One furnished. Large, airy UNIVERSITY VILLA: 2 and 3 and 4 man nowTen,^ furnishu I 37,000 conditioned. apartments for summer advertising columns. The actual miles. Original 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV rooms. Air and f» i „ State News will not condition. 372-7094 or 484-7816 RENTALS. C Beautifully maintained. Suitable looking for low rates "hi, ' J' accept advertisinq which 3-4-15 for faculty, grad students, business building. HALSTEAD Call 337-2361' REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for people, married couples. Lease. MANAGEMENT • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against JAVELIN 1969. 6 cylinder, 332-3135 882-6549. O 351-7910.0 rent. A TO Z RENTALS. or Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or automatic, radio, studded snows. 348-2220. O Auto Parts & Service national origin. $1400 or make offer. 355-5805. WANTED UNIVERSITY PEOPLE TERRACE: N~ Aviation 5-4-19 STROBE LIGHT rentals by the night $40 per mo'i.'i^fcVual location. renting 3 and 4 man furni|h* i or weekend. Call MARSHALL Furnished utilities included. apartments for summer and J • EMPLOYMENT METEOR 1962. Good condition. 337-1611. X5-4-19 Walking distance to campus MUSIC. 351-7830. C-4-14 c,; • FOR RENT Automotive $250. Engine runs well. C8ll 332-2951. 2-4-15 351-9117 or HALSTeS Apartments TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction CEDAR GREENS. Summer. 2-man, _ M_A^_AG_EMENT, 351-7910. 0 guaranteed. Free delivery, service furnished. Pool. Reduced rate. Houses BUICK RIVIERA 1966. Air, vinyl MGB GT 1966. Chrome wires, and pick-up. Call NEJAC, Call 351-0073.3-4-15 SUBLEASE 2 «VbiTnniJ'^ Rooms top, everything $1400. Call Mike Patterson, 489-3776. 5-4-14 Michelin tires, Abarth exhaust, radio, $1050 or best. 393-8697. 337-1300. C 1st. Beal Street Close. 351-4082. 3-4-16 Apartmenti f ' • FOR SALE SUMMER TERM, two girls. $45. 5-4-14 Animals EAST LANSING, near MSU. 4 Cedar Village. Call Mary, BUICK SKYLARK Sport coupe, Mobile Homes 1966. Excellent condition, air bedroom house, furnished for five 353-1043. 3-4-15 Houses men - available June 15th for power steering, hydromatic, • PERSONAL whitewalls. Must sell, $995. summer. available. Single References rooms also needed. MALE ROOMMATE for two man. SUMMER AND to 4 girls needed. FALL.~Group7of I 1 • PEANUTS PERSONAL 355-9760.3-4-16 MGB 1968. Red, wire wheels, 332-4076. 5-4-19 $50 a month. Utilities paid. 332-5320 after 6 0 1 I '485-4469. 3-4-16 p.m. 5-4-16 • REAL ESTATE excellent condition, $1500. CAMARO CONVERTIBLE, 1967, 332-4241. 4-4-16 RECREATION ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. • 327 stick, good tires, power SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV GIRL TO share 2 bedroom, 3 man. DELUXE HOUSE. 4 girls, dishwasher, fu^h* •SERVICE steering, radio. $1100. 349-9276. Spring, summer. Air conditioning. study. Completely MUSTANG MACH I, 1969. Black, RENTAL, 372-4948. O 3-4-15 Pool. $50. 351-8904. 3-4-15 carpeted, firepldce. $80 eat Typing Service sharp. After 5 p.m., call 351-7459. 332-5320 after 6 p.m. 5-4-16 10-4-16 • TRANSPORTATION CAMARO, 1968. Vinyl roof, • WANTED automatic, excellent condition. MUSTANG 1965. Silver blue "IWCIfl, I'P LI OWlfCK VOJ PRWITH TWO FOR eight girl. Near camfius. I $1705 or best offer. 353-0972 convertible. Standard shift, 6 Bath. Deposit. Rent negotiable I DEADLINE after 5 p.m. 3-4-14 cylinder. $475. 482-5061, 1007 OBWnWS fRSIURE W£PPlNG PARKING. $20/term. 115, 123 Albert. $8/month. 353-2243, GROOVY YOUNG male share Jackie / Sandy. 351-2605] 54.15 I P.M. class Meadowbrook Trace apartment 1 day one before publication. CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE, Good condition, new battery, 1957. May St., Lansing. 3-4-16 332-8849. 1-4-14 with same. Jim, 393-3700. 5-4-19 GIRL GRAD, senior; own room I radio. $125. 355-6336. 5-4-19 MUSTANG 1965. Fastback, 289 - small house. Leaseless. $66 P Cancellations - 12 noon 482-5270.3-4-16 NEED ONE girl, now. Cedar Village. one class day before CHEVROLET 1965. Impala SS396. radio, whitewalls. Good condition. Apartments $72.50. Call Debbie, 351-2394. publication. Scooters & Employment 3-4-16 TWO BEDROOMS furnished (or I 4-speed. Good condition. Rick, 353-2847.3-4-16 Cycles students. Summer and falU Call I PHONE 351-1162. 5-4-19 GIRL NEEDED to share one TWO GIRLS sublet No ED 2-4541. 5-4-20 1 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, 1966. 250. $100. BOTSWANA, MALAYSIA, Nepal, bedroom apartment. Furnished, summer. 1966 SUZUKI Rebuilt 355-8255 CHEVY CONVERTIBLE 1964. 27,000 miles. 6 cylinder, stick and India want Peace Corps $75. 349-1736. 5-4-16 deposit. $60 month. Call Impala, Yellow console, buckets, shift. 355-7916. 5-4-20 engine. Needs work. Bargain. Volunteers with Agriculture or 351-2367. 3-4-16 DOWNTOWN. roommates J RATES 351-9055, after 5 p.m. 3-4-16 needed for huge furnished house. L all power. 353-2840. 5-4-19 Rural backgrounds to help them NOW LEASING: 2 and 3 1 day $1.50 MUSTANG, 1965. 3 speed. Red, 1970 SUZUKI 250x6. Mint grow. See the Peace Corps Team man NEED ONE man to sublet deluxe $75 includes own bedroom^ I apartments. Close to campus. utilities, house privileges and 15c per word per day CHEVY VAN, 1965. New engine and good tires. Best offer. Call after 5 condition. 33 hp. $500. 355-8806. in the MSU Placement Office all apartment summer term. Ideal m $170. 126 Milford. 372-5767 and service. 487-0046. 5-4-15 3 days $4.00 rear end. Body in good condition. p.m. 393-1865. 4-4-16 this week. 5-4-16 location. 351-5877. 5-4-20 5-4-20 489-1656, evenings. 2^5-3 13Vic per word per day 882-6131. 3-4-15 ONE MAN for 4 man. Block fr_ OLDSMOBILE 1967. All power, IF YOU WILL have an agriculture GIRL NEEDED spring term for 2 5 days $6.50 campus. Over 21. 351-8513 I CHEVY DUMP truck, 1963. 2 ton. automatic, radio, clean. One man along Grand River. Cheap. degree by this summer; Botswana, CEDAR GREENS 5-4-19 13c per word per day Must sacrifice. $995. 882-8729. owner. 351-0144. 4-4-16 Call 351-0102 or 351-3633. Brazil, India or Malaysia would (based on 10 words per ad) 5-4-16 1971 KAWASAKI 250 Enduro. 550 like to talk to you. See the Peace 1 bedroom furnished 3-4-16 PLYMOUTH 1964. 4 door, radio. NEED GIRL immediately,! miles. Excellent condition. Corps Team in the MSU POOL Peanuts Personals must be COUGAR 1967. Metallic blue. 289. Runs well. SOLO tires. $150. Helmets included. $800. $950 Placement office this week. Also THREE MAN summer sublet luxury $50/month. Close, parking! 40,000 miles. Ziebarted. $975. 351-2716. 3-4-14 Call 351-8631 Close to available. Call 351-1204. 5-4-lf pre-paid. value. 351-2356. S-5-4-20 selected exotic places. 5-4-16 apartment. campus. 332-3882. 3-4-16 Nights: Tuesday, Wednesday, There will be a 50c service PLYMOUTH 1964. 6 cylinder, stick. Thursday, 351-1671. 2-4-15 NEED ONE girl this term. Two girls I 70 TRAMP Daytona 500. $1050. and 2-door. Rebuilt engine. Good NEED ONE for four man, well summer and next year. Car I bookkeeping charge if EDSEL RANGER, 1959 for sale. 482-5626, between 6 p.m. and 8 NOTICE man running economy car. Phone furnished apartment. Call necessary. 485-8588. 5-4-19 this ad is not paid within Reasonable. Good condition. Call p.m. 8-4-23 BEECHWOOD APARTMENTS: Now 355-8186. 3-4-16 393-1218 or visit Apt. 102, one week. 485-9067. 1-4-14 SUMMER JOBS available in Torch renting 2, 3 and 4 man 3-bedroom TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE 1967. Building 6A, Meadowbrook Trace. furnished apartments. Discount ONE GIRL needed, own bedroom, I Lake Resort area for 2 sharp The State News will be FORD 1966. Window van. Converted RAMBLER 1965. Automatic, low New clutch, brakes. Excellent 5-4-16 for ail 9 and 12 month leases must like cats, $50/month, Robin, I attractive gals. Reception and responsible only for the to camper. $800. Call after 5:30 mileage, good tires. Excellent condition. After 7 p.m., general office work. Housing NEW TWO bedroom luxury signed prior to June 1st. Call _ 3_?5-828813-4-J5 first condition. $600. 349-2339, after 337-2367. 2-4-14 351-0965 HALSTEAD day's incorrect p.m.; 882-1380. 3-4-16 available. Send picture and resume apartments. Central air, or GIRLS. FALL or summer. Near I 5 p.m. 3-4-16 MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O insertion. to Mr. Rankin, MIDWEST dishwashers, garages, fireplaces. In Campus. Furnished. Parking. Call■ FORD FAIRLANE, 1963 automatic. 1970 BULTACO. Circle S200cc. RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, four unit 332-8903. 4-4-16 RENAULT attractive building, One owner. Good transportation. 16, 1969. Radio. Scrambler with extras. Call Ml 49615. 20-4-30 BAY COLONY: 1 and 2 bedroom furnished or unfurnished. Michel ins. Quick sale price, 675-7161. 5-4-19 $175 or best offer. 337-7219 after 332-1183 after 5 apartments _furnlshed and 4761 NORTH Meridian Road, it 6 p.m. 1-4-14 $1425. Also Volkswagen tires. p.rTxIO-^-^ unfurnished. Loqated on corner of 641-6280 or 484-9176. 3-4-16 HONDA 1969. Model 350 CL. 2000 HORSE WRANGLER needed at 513 HILLCREST: Close-in. Pleasant Haslett Road and miles east of East Lansi%.| Hagadorn. Available June 1. $50 a piece.■ A utomotive miles. $625. Excellent condition. summer camp. Must be at least 21. small building. Nicely 1960 FORD two door. V-8 stick. TRIUMPH 1904 Spitfire. Red For information, call 353-6189. area, Offering 3, 9 and 12 month leases. Utilities included, deposit T AUSTIN HEALEY bug - eyed Sprite. Family car. 50,000 miles. Sharp, 351-7307.X-4-4-JI6 furnished, wall to wall. Air Call 351-3211 or HALSTEAD required. Four minimum. Men or I will consider Honda. Phone convertible. Will consider trade for __3-4-14 conditioned. Dishwasher, laundry, MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O women. Secluded. 484-1596.1 $250 or best offer. 353-1723. 1970 HONDA 450 Scrambler. 3400 motorcycle. 351-4547. 3-4-15 STATION ATTENDANTS wanted. security doors, parking. Summer 3-4-15 627-4378. 1-4-14 5-4-20 miles. 393-2472 after 6 p.m. Students preferred. Apply at Bay. and fall leases. From $40 person. PRINCETON ARMS: 1 bedroom , TRIUMPH 1967. Spitfire convertible. __5j4-15 6535 S. Cedar. 3-4-15 351-0705 or 655-1022. 3-4-16 furnished and unfurnished. All 25,000 actual miles. $950 or best utilities paid, except electricity Rooms 1966 BENELLI. 125cc. Excellent offer. 676-1930, ask for Don. IMMEDIATE OPENING available for condition. First $125. Phone TWO BEDROOMS, unfurnished. and telephone. Offering 3, 9 and 5-4-19 12 month leases. Call 332-8511 or 655-3854 after 6 p.m. 5-4-16 experienced inhalation therapy Near MSU, Okemos area. Heat FEMALE SHARE two small roomi ■ assistant. Competitive wage and furnished, modern air HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, Close, own bedroom, cookinjl VOLKSWAGEN, YELLOW benefit 1968 HONDA 90cc. Good condition. program. Apply conditioned, carpeted. $160 per 351-7910. O 351-1366. 5-4-19 convertible, 1970. Immaculate, MCPHERSON COMMUNITY month. 349-1586. O $250 with two helmets. 353-8403 15,000 miles. AM-FM. $2000. HEALTH CENTER, 620 Byron NORTH POINTE: 1 and 2 bedroom 332-4241. 4-4-16 or 353-7377. 2-4-13 BASEMENT ROOM in house for 1, | Road, Howell, Michigan. (517) THREE BEDROOMS, full basement. apartments, furnished and 2. Versatile, large. 351-01 V O L KS W A GEN MOVING? WE will move you 546-1410. An equal opportunity Unfurnished. $180. Stove, unfurnished. Has swimming pool 3-4-15 CAMPER from California. No rust, engine just anywhere in greater East Lansing employer. 3-4-15 refrigerator. Call 332-1094. 2-4-15 and picnic area. Discount for all 9 rebuilt. 351-3241. 2-4-14 area. $10/hour, 14' van. and 12 month leases signed prior ROOMS IN house. $50 a mo PART TIME employment: 12 -20 WE'RE LOOKING for two bedroom, to June 1st. Call 351-3407 or 351-3050. 2-4-14 hours per week. Automobile meals optional. Call RonJ two bath, Meadowbrook Trace. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 351-7226. 5-4-14 VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Radio, good required, 351-5800. O 1968 BSA LIGHTENING, 650cc. Near pool, sublet summer. Call 351-7910. O tires, recent engine overhaul. 351-3081. S-3-4-16 Excellent condition. Call Excellent condition. $875. LINE UP , a spring job now. Car MEN. ROOM. $130 a term. Clean,! 489-0211 or 489-0159, ask for EVERGREEN: ALL 4 2 349-2339, after 5 p.m. 3-4-16 Frank. X-5-4-13 necessary. Also train for full time STUDIO EFFICIENCY apartment. man, quiet, cooking. 1 block to campus.B summer work. Call 351-7319 for bedroom apartments furnished. 487-5753, 485-8836. O Close to campus. Modern, parking. Now VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE, 1 appointment. C renting for summer and fall. Quiet. 349-9269. 5-4-15 Discount for 9 and 12 month 1969. 7100 miles. AM-FM. Like Auto Service & Parts CHRISTIAN STUDENTS: SUMMER CAPITOL NEAR - one room studio,■ leases signed before June 1st. Call new. $1600. Phone 332-1259 WORK — Must be free for entire WANTED Furnished, redecorated, pleasant.! WANTEDJ^qPLE P^PL 332-1313, or HALSTEAD before 7 p.m. 3-4-16 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Cooking. A lady. Parking. $12.S0B rr^N^rueal , summer; good pay; only hard $40 per Toeal location, Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. workers need apply! Fred: utilities included. MANAG£ME NT, 35T7910. O a week. IV 4-5150. 5-4-20 VW 1970. Green, radio, walnut dash, Complete auto painting and 332-1437. 3-4-16 337-1161. 5-4-16 HASLETT ARMS: 4 man, 2 cocoa mats, radials. GT-wheels, collision service. IV 5-0256. C MEN, SINGLE rooms for rent bedroom apartments, furnished. extractor exhaust. $1900. PHYSICAL THERAPIST LARGE 2 or 3 man. $100 per Now renting for summer end fall. per month. 131 Bogue. Call! 484-6692. 3-4-16 61 COUNTRIES around the world lust be eligible for Michigan month. 1214 East Kalamazoo. 337-9091. 5-4-20 Discount for 9 and 12 month WEEK need people who know engines licensure. Full time staff position. VW 1965. Sunroof. Factory rebuilt 351-9362, 485-1943. 12-4-14 leases signed prior to June 1st. and transmissions. If you know Opportunity to assist with Call 351-7662, 332-1313, or engine. New tires and battery. motors, see the Peace Corps Team 211)4 MAC. Furnished 1 bedroom development of comprehensive HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, $450. 355-5729. 3-4-15 this week in the MSU Placement rehabilitative services for hospital apartment. $130/month. Grad 351-7910. O after 3 p.m. 3-4-16 Office. 5-4-16 and community. Excellent salary. students and married couple Scooters & Cycles AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and Full benefits. Apply Personnel preferred. 332-2495. 4-4-16 summer IDF :^cc. :oSOV5>. 3 American cars. If we can't fix it, it can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O Department. Hospital. 5-4-20 NURSE - St. ANESTHETIST Lawrence ONE GIRL for 4 man Spring Term. Haslett Arms. 351-1536. Reduced. 4-4-16 VW - GUARANTEED repair CRNA or eligible — for obstetrics. RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 al Full time or part time. Rotate day NEAR SPARROW hospital. leases... only WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER Okemos Road. 349-9620. C and evening shift. Excellent salary $145/month. Utilities paid. Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. plus on call bonuses. Full benefits. 694-646T ^4-_19 Phone 489-4811. Our new address TIRES. 4 new Goodyear blackwalls. Apply Personnel Department, St. SPACIOUS ONE bedroom, furnished 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF 6.45-14. Cheap. After 6 p.m., Lawrence Hospital. 5-4-20 355-1086. 1-4-14 or unfurnished from $150. optional. 5 minute drive from COOK TO go North to Harbor MSU. Phone ROGER PAVLIK s40000 Springs. July / August. 332-1239. REALTY, 371-2890 or 372-5781, 3-4-16 1969 SUZUKI X6 Scrambler 250cc. evenings. 3-4-14 ™ Excellent condition. 4200 miles. Aviation $450 or best offer. Must sell. 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham 355-1530. S-4-20 Drive. 135 Kedzie. 2 man *AIR CONDITIONED LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight furnished apartments. Includes •DISHWASHERS training. All courses are DON'T CALL unless you are ready heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. HONDA 1969, SS125. Superb government and VA certified. to quit college. No you can be Leases starting June 15 and Sept. 'UNLIMITED PARKING condition. Must see to believe! FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport - successful if shown how. 1 *SHAG CARPETING $300 firm. Call 349-1314 or Days. 487-3216. Evenings til 10 Road, Call 484-1324. C Promoters and people with ideas 355-7055. S-5-4-20 p.m., 882-2316. O call 4-7 p.m., 694-8483. 2-4-15 * * * TRIUMPH Perfect 1970. condition. 650cc. TR6C. Employment WANTED COUNTRY air talent PLUS * * * $1100. Call EXTRA TV'S sell fast in combo first ticket. Part timer 339-2914. 2-4-15 spring with low - cost Want Ads. Dial 22-35 hours a week. Must have NEW FURNITURE * FRESHLY PAINTED HONDA CB 160. Mint condition. Car 355-8255. adult voice. Some experience, no carrier. Helmets, $325. 355-5987. beginners. Good bread!! 5-4-20 LIBERAL ARTS graduates are the Telephone for interview, NEW CARPETING ♦ NEW FURNISHINGS backbone of the Peace Corps. 393-1010 after 10 a.m. David Africa, Latin America and the Donahue, program manager. South Pacific all need new 7-4-22 ColUngtooob volunteers for Special Projects. NORTON 750. Mint. 1970 See the Peace Corps Team this COOKS, BUSBOYS and dishwashers Commando Roadster, $1250. needed for a new operation. Full week in the MSU Placement 4000 rnMes^37JJ 660._10-4-23 Office. 5-4-16 or part time. Flexible hours. Apply daily between 10 - 3 p.m. Apartments CYCLE . INSURANCE. Central Michigan's largest insurer. Any EXCITING SUMMER camp jobs. 45 MR. STEAK RESTAURANT, cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON miles from Lansing for young 5919 South Ceder, Lansing. INSURANCE AGENCY. single nurse, RN or LPN, and __3=4;ie (formerly Northwind Apts.) 332-5335, 484-8173. O young woman who has a WSI HOSTESSES and waitresses needed certificate and waterfront for a new operation. Full and part 2771 Northwind 1968 Honda 305 Scrambler. 1970 experience. Must live in. 2 time. Flexible hours. Apply Call 351 8?82 sessions. June 18- July 9, and July daily behind the Suzuki TS-90 Honcho. Both between 10 - 3 p.m. MR. STEAK I MODEL OPtIN, w^.LY Yankee Store excellent conditions. Phone 29 - August 19. Call 646-6709 RESTAURANT, 5919 South 332-6158 after 5 p.m. 3-4-15 5-4-16 Cedar, Lansing. 3-4-16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 14, 1971 15 For Rent For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale Personal Recreation Service mTnutes from campus. BICYCLE, 10 speed, Schwinn. Good 45 USED sewing machines, $12.50 372-M" condition. $40. Phone 482-8988 ELECTRIC GUITAR with Bigsby up. 18 cabinet AKC ALASKAN Malamute puppies. MCAT EXAM six day kaplan 1-4-14 models, 38 tailpiece, $90. Amp, $20. Both, BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. Champion blood lines, $50 and ifore4P-^C portable models. Singers, Kenmores; Zig Whites, $100,355-0692.3-4-15 up. 669-3423. 10-4-19 tutoring for May course 1st being assembled exam. 851-6077. No job too large or too small. ELDORADO ACOUSTIC guitar Zag and straight A,'otaN hall, Singles, m.n, - stitchers. All guaranteed. Also MUSICAL 15-4-23 Block off campus. 332-3255. C 1 ft block from campus. fast action with sound of a Martin used vacuum INSTRUMENTS, most all cleaners, $5.50 up. brands. 30% off list Mobile Homes S^8fv3/M031._O at half the pricel Hard shell case included. $165. 351-5217. 3^4-16 Electro Grand, 804 Ewst Michigan, 351-5869. 0-4-14 price. Rich: WE DO take appointments. UNION BUILDING BARBER SHOP. TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Lansing. Hours 9 - 5 p.m., 9 -12 GREAT LAKES, 1954. 45'x8' on ,t ST lansing. Male students. Saturday. 5-4-16 GRETSCH TENNESSEAN Electric 1-C-4-14 Ann Lance. 626-6542. 0-4-14 rooms. Parkina- DICTAPHONE - DICTATING, Park Lake. 2 bedroom. $1400. Guitar. Very good shape. Best After 5 p.m., 641-4525. 5-4-19 TYPING. THESES and letters, etc. Transcribing machines and WIG. DARK brown. Cut, styled into HELP SAVE AMERICA Norelco 150 cassette recorder. offer. 355-9503. 5-4-20 Join the AMERICAN VIGILANTES! Rapids, accurate service. Best offer. 355-5814. 3-4-16 shag. Synthetic. Like new. GREAT LAKES. 10'x50'. Furnished. For information - Buy and Read Experienced. 393-4075. O 355-6646, 882-3493. 5-4-16 WEDDING DRESS. Train and veil, for Sale size 14-16. 393-5433 after 1 Air conditioner, piano. Utility THE AMERICAN VIGILANTE CHIFFON MAXI p.m. shed. $1,900 By Alaric, Branden Press, 221 «T qFLL EVE RYTHING. Desk worn once, H gowns, size price. 339-8123 13, WEDDING DRESS and veil. Size 6. Brand new. 355-6646, 882-3493. 3-4-14 sell. 694-8934 or best offer. Must or 882-2293 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass., Transportation £> records (50c - $1,501. 1-4-14 5-4-16 PRAKTICA NOVA 1B 35 5-4-20 02116. $4.95. 15-4-27 RIDE NEEDED Xnel color organ, bookcase CRESTWOOD GUITAR. $55. Sony camera, built in mm meter, 50 mm, SLR LEATHER FRINGE Jackets, $29.95 to Bloomington area. Thursday or Indianapolis or -lams, tapestries, lamps. SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49; chest, MARLETTE, 1968. 12x53 feet. F1.8 lens, case. Also Sears zoom, Excellent condition. Furnished or Friday. Share cost. 355-4815. . , Red shag carpet / pad, tape recorder, $90. Call Connie $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC 90-230mm F4.5 for same camera. and vests, $10.95. 1-4-14 '!f (4% ($90). Gold carpet / 351-1356. 1-4-14 SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 $120 for both. 351-7572 after 5 unfurnished. With shed. On lot. INTERNATIONAL IMPORTERS, Service 6'!a q X 9 ($45). dishes and morel p.m. 3-4-14 694-9374. 5-4-16 482-6583. 3-B4-16 P, a om 332-3848. Open STEREO EQUIPMENT. Sony model AVON PRODUCTS Wanted **».«•« 630 tape recorder, Sansui AMERICAN 1970 12x60. Like new. AT FARMHOUSE we sell ourselves, are available to tuner, HARMON KARDON you on campus. MacDonald turntable. All in good stereo. English decor, 2 bedrooms, fully not beer. Stop by for an honest Contact Mary at CMU PROF wants small i'iKED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, condition. 351-5847. 3-4-16 Slightly used component system Animals carpeted, disposal. Brookview look. 332-8635. 1-4-14 353-2517. 5-4-20 house within unfurnished with matched 15 minutes of speakers, original Mobile Park, Perry, (off canisters and uprights. Guaranteed cost $449, now $295. Used FREE KITTENS. Need lot with M-78). On REWARD $200 for information CLASSICAL AND FLAMENCO campus for 71-72 academic year. full Y^ar. $7.88 and up. KID'S LEATHER jacket. Wooden care and every modern Will caretake for Sabbatical . Realistic stereo amp and extension guitar lessons. $2.50/'/j hour. Call prof. SjnS.s distributing box purse, 332-1118. 1-4-14 just like new speakers. Selection of used friendly homes. 351-7020. 3-4-16 Box trained. convenience. 339-8777. 5-4-15 leading conviction to of the arrest persons and who 351-3815. 3-4-14 Modest rent. Phone collect (517) coupw 3,6 portable stereo phonographs. Bell 1969 TWO bedroom Monarch mobile burglarized Apt. 41 Burcham 773-9646. 5-4-14 Opposite City Market. C-4-15 CASTRO STUDIO couch. 1 and Howell stereo cassette BASSETT PUPPIES. AKC 6 weeks home with 7x10 expando Woods during term break. 5-4-19 INDIVIDUALIZED RESUME FOR SALESPOWER year old. recorder. try a little Gold silk Used Westinghouse old. $50 each. Phone 484-2288 beautifully finished Mediterranian SERVICE; Includes: interview, Classified Ad to sell a imd NEW all electric Royal upholstery. Originally, portable TV, plays good $45. New 4-4-19 decor, one 5 piece bath, storage writing resumes, and cover letters, home! Dial 355-8255 large mobile . portable typ hio wnewriters. Never used, ni Oectenl Candidates. Free ESTATE, Okemos MSU Branch BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for NE JEWELRY Diamonds 353-8755, 351-0336 after 5 p.m. 349-3310. 7-4-16 THREE •rickure and Censiltatieii. Please Call SCM ELECTRIC typewriter with FIVE MONTH old puppy. Part BEDROOM, full basement Cliff and Paula Haufkey 337 1527 er S27 2936 all positive, A negative, B negative n styles, 3-4-15 with furnished recreation room. 2 cocker / part terrier. Free! to and AB negative, $10.00. O i 30 day carrying case. Excellent condition. good car / back Call 371-1997. 5-4-19 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. home. 351-1047. 3-4-15 8x45 TWO bedroom trailer behind garage, large lot near COMPLETE THESES service. negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN the Gables, $1400. 351-2462 MacDonald and Marble Schools. Discount printing. IBM typing and COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Brand new portables - $49.95, 3-4-14 June 15th $24,750. 507'/a East Grand River, East SOLID STATE MAGNAVOX stereo $5.00 per month. Large selection PUREBRED BASSETT puppy. 9 occupancy. binding of theses, resumes, 351-2192. 12-4-16 publications. Across from campus, Lansing. Above the console. Dorm size. $50. Phone of reconditioned used machines. weeks old. Shots. Phone new Campus 353-7458. 2-4-14 corner MAC and Grand Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 355-3074.3-4-14 Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Lost & Found OKEMOS NEW 3 bedroom bi-level below River, Monday, Thursday and Home & "Many Others." $19.95 - Style Shop. Call p.m., with beautiful field stone COPYGRAPH Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 MODEL to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS AKC REGISTERED black cocker FOR GLAD SERVICES, 70 Winchester rifle, 308. tidings look for fireplace; all built-in kitchen, deck 337-1666. C p.m. to ,6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Immaculate condition. $165 or DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, spaniel. 5 months. Has all shots. something you've lost with off of kitchen and a Want 1115 North Good with dining room, I best offer. 353-1858. 5-4-15 Washington, children. $50. Ad. Dial 355-8255 two full baths and two car garage. COMPLETE TYPING WANTED: HIGH quality automatic 489-6448. C-4-15 655-2975. 10-4-19 and printing The home is priced at turntable with magnetic cartridge. $32,500 service. Copy stored on magnetic with M.G.I.C., conventional or Personal tape. This eliminates all re-typing Reasonably priced. 489-5138. Equity Out financing available. To ' 3-4-14 Blueprint except author's changes and our BOARD EXAMS - Kaplan classes now being formed for June tutoring see any time call 351-5210 or SIMON Maynard Beery REAL corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISING, across ESTATE, Okemos MSU Branch, from Frandor. Phone 337-1773. C T.V. RENTALS and July. ATGSB Exams and July 349-3310. 7-4-16 LSAT Exam. For information call Mcfolil NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE (313) 851-6077, collect. 18-4-30 COUNTRY LIVING but close to COPY SHOPPE can show you shopping. If this is what you want how to get two Xerox copies for NEJAC TV RENTALS then this clean 3 bedroom ranch the price of one. Phone CASTING FOR FILM 332-4222. 337-1300 west of Williamston is the home 541 E. Grand River. C for you. The home has a two car Auditions from 7 - 9 p.m. Wed. garage, fenced yard, full basement THE 3Fnmkti#tm & Thurs., April 14 - and priced at $21,900. FHA, VA 15, at office 18, Baker Hall. Administration financing is tetminml available. To see call Maynard — All are welcome — Beery 351-5210 or SIMON REAL ESTATE Okemos MSU Branch 349-3310. 7-4-16 220 S. Howard St. 371-1752 Also, opportunities for make¬ up and costume people. EVERYBODY KEEPS trying for IN WATER BEDS, $30 King size. better employees. Get them with a Want Ad. Dial 355-8255 now! NEW bhtb^tanhent Delivered and filled. 355-6265 Recreation WEDNESDAY NIGHT 1-4-14 FREE ... A lesson in compexion SUMMER FLIGHTS to Europe. trivia nite* Frank'n Stein's own show. $165. New York to London. Call care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan Frank Buck. 351-8604. 17-4-28 or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. THURSDAY NIGHT . MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS STUDIOS. C-4-16 TROPHIES & PLAQUES n II ti*. * Jonny Jakovac & BOXING OVER 1000 TRO•PHI'S ON DISPLAY Polka Nite* waito*™* NO WAI71.1Z 1 mat ?ourf Diuvnr The shortest boxing champion *ptf'W fricu for was Tommy Burns of Canada, IfjoihT | Quentii/ Purcham FRIDAY NIGHT . . . 6:30 - 12:00 . . . DANCING champ from Feb. 23,1906 to _ PROFESSIONAL Dec. 26, 1908, who stood 5 ENORAVINO OUR SPECIALTY /] Jt. // .i * Bob Koss on Accordian feet 7 inches tall. You can pack a real Hudiuan j\lue Helmut & Werner Singers * wallop (ring In Your a few places MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN with a short State Classified Ad. All you need is News Trophitt or PloquM for Pfefoiilonol Engraving 24 Hour Sorvic. SATURDAY NIGHT . . 7:30 -9:30 . . . DANCING EVERYDAY 1 6 except Sunday - some good things you no Ml for summer & fall Phone 332-6441 or 372-2797 MARSHA CHANEL longer use and the helpful Ad Writer at 355-8255. She'll help 3020 vine st. _ Phone 332-1667 DANCING ' Bob Koss * Jim Basel you word a result getting Want Larry Cushion Sporting Goods on Accordian on Guitar Ad that will put you in touch 1 uk. n. of mich.-west op sears JWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. with cash buyers. Do it today! "lansing's house of trophies" f Paul Bassett On Bass I f e$e spacious '"xury apartments are completely carpeted and I unt'h W'1^ distinct've Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each I |a$ a dis,1was^er' 9arbage disposal and individual control ce t - 3 mo. leases I unit a r conditionin9 and Hotpoint appliances. These four man h 6 mo. leases I has L 3Ve UP t0 3 parkin9 spaces per unit. The student's leisure time 9 mo. leases I recr r" adequa,elY P'anned for with a giant heated swimming pool, 12 mo. leases I first3 °n r°°ms and Private balconies. If you want to be among the staM r6S,d!I1tS of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units | "art,ngat $60/month per man. the tire treads by Jarman. . . sandals that give extra mileage to your speed-geared casual life. Black or white leather with brass-bright hardware and easy tire tread rubber soles. $10. 4620 S. HAGADORN "nv/cK/^HA M just north of Mt. Hope Rd. apts. management exclusively by: ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY • laeobsoiYs 16 Wednesday, April 14,, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Peking's Under the towering spire of the Chinese have been overtures approach to the United States as of a had been troublesome enough for Moscow, notably in the field of Peking does next. The Russians are aware that President Nixon, From the viewpoint Soviet leaders, Mao's of worried regime has trade, contacts - to commerce, the rest. cukll tut« ideology and in impact on the much of whose career was tied of suggesting It The Russians had the massive Stalinesque Foreign News Background Russian approach in the same an irksome way toa Ministry building in Moscow, direction. The two one - time extreme left. Now China is to antiCommunism, became the can accomplish things faster plodding route with J"' trying to make her presence felt first U.S. chief executive to refer experts of the Far East Division Communist allies, now than the Soviet system. building after Stalin died it ! must be biting their nails, some sort of bad news. official level nor of any accustomed to calling each other in capitals from which she had publicly to Mao Tse - tung's Now Peking is making progress no leap for them. It took' wondering what sort of It isn't necessarily good news softening of Peking's attitude bad names, often accuse one been shut out. The drive is regime by its formal name, with image - building. It is to dispel the forbidding Diftjl, devilment is being cooked up in for the U.S. government, for toward Washington. another of shining up to the making headway, and China is in "People's Republic of China." recognized by more and more Stalin had created and China. Are those Peking that matter. The regime thus far It sounds like bad news to the "American imperialists." a position to be even more of a Premier Chou En - lai took nations and this means cold war seem less make J "revisionists" planning some sort is smiling only upon table tennis nuisance to the Russians. withdrawal of recognition from frightening Russians, however, because they A China relatively isolated public note of it, too. may grieve them to think L of Great Leap Forward in players and the few are as suspicious of a Peking from much of the outside world It remains to be seen what Is China about to woo Chiang Kai - shek's regime on China might leap suddenly J foreign policy? correspondents permitted to Washington actively? Is the table Formosa. Peking is looking for the position of The Chinese are smiling at accompany them on their tennis thing just a curtain raiser? formidable rij Amendment put Americans and suddenly unexpected tour into Red China. The answer for the time being is presenting an amiable image to The reason behind all this is far the outside world. To Soviet from clear. There has been no experts that must surely spell indication of smiles on the on ballot probably "no." But the Chinese probably would just as soon let the Russians stew about it. Education plans (Continued from page 1) The board also passed a proposal whereby The regime, as AP ASMSU representatives will receive ■correspondent John Roderick it's what's on an amendment it passed and which was University credits for their participation in noted, seems relaxed and (Continued from page 1) withdrawn on a legal technicality gives some are "pretty much a repetition student government. The proposal was sent confident of itself, now that the proposal for consolidating of goals that were 2 Happening indication of just how 'representative' the to the Educational Policy Committee for nol nationwide purge and upheaval workable at the public board is." further action. called the cultural revolution has intermediate school districts into level and did not Although IFC, ICC and the Panhel will not In efforts to educate the student body on faded into the past. It can enjoy already existing kindergarten incorporaJ any new concepts. have an active vote in ASMSU, they will its legal rights and responsibilities, the board the luxury of taunting both the through twelfth grade districts. "I don't see how this retain a nonvoting seat on the board if the He said he felt there would be can he agreed to print and distribute cards Russians and the U.S. amendment is approved in today's protests against the strict higher education," Hatfield enumerating citizen rights when approached administration. Its gestures can A lawyer will be at ASMSU from 1 River Ave., behind Arby's. After the referendum. or arrested by a police officer. The cards, be defended standards of accountability at ideologically as to S p.m. every Wednesday this term. meeting a smoker will be held at the In other action Monday, the student board initiated by Robert Rosenthal, will include a aimed at "people," rather than the local school district level as Call 3S3 -0659 for an appointment. Coral Gables. granted 500 tickets to the Stevie Wonder telephone number for legal assistance governments. Peking makes a proposed by Milliken, while this The Soaring Club will meet at 7:30 concert to the Office of Black Affairs. The Prior to its 10:30 p.m. adjournment, the sharp distinction. It commits might help the financial majors: the first undergraduate p.m. today in 30 Union. All are April 26 concert will be SDonsored by board agreed to allocate $100 in cash and itself to nothing, and yet it is in situation. colloquium of the term will be held at 3 ASMSU and Pop Entertainment. $100 in office supplies to the Veterans for Hatfield said he was against a position to reach for dividends p.m. Thursday in the Union Sun The Office of Black Affairs will sell the Peace to continue its membership drive and from all this, should the the higher education goals Porch. Clyde Morris will speak on "A The Promenaders will meet and Fantastic Voyage: A Communication 500 tickets as a fund • raising project. retain contact with MSU veterans. outlined by Milliken, saying they dance from 7 to 10 p.m. today in opportunity present itself. Experience." For information, call Union Parlor B. All are welcome. 353-2936. The Marketing Club will meet at The first class of the Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 114 Eppley night series of expectant parent classes Center. A former MSU student will will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. discuss "Changes and Opportunities today in St. Lawrence Hospital (Mercy for the Student Entering the Business Hall), 1201 Oakland, Lansing, and in World." E.W. Sparrow Hospital, 1215 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing. For information, call IV 4 - 1357. If no answer, call IV 7 - 6111,Ext. 284. The Chess Club will meet at 7:30 The following Free U classes will ' p.m. today in East Holmes Hall lower meet today: Alternative Job Rap, 3 lounge. Please bring sets. p.m., 139 Student Services BIdg.; Beading, 7 p.m., 109 Bessey Hall; MSU Volunteers who are interested Harmonica, 7:30 p.m., 215 Evergreen in joining a new program at the St.; Winemaking, 8 p.m., 120 Physics - Lansing Boys' Training School should Astronomy BIdg.; Herbs, 7 p.m., 101 attend a meeting all day Monday. For Bessey Hall; Modern Dance, 7 p.m., information, call 35 3 - 4400. 218 Women's Intramural BIdg.; D.H. Lawrence, 9:30 p.m., 152 Gunson St.; "The Love Relationship" is the Alternative Life Styles, 7:15 p.m., topic of Akers Hall sexuality Phillips Hall first floor library. symposium at 7 p.m. Thursday in the West A'