unn By MIKE ABERLICH honored well-versed in the world of football will be to take in, was $107,000" Munn for 25 e' C laughed. came after his graduation, from there he ulturi State Newt Sports Writer on hand for the dinner, including Murray "Now we take in over $2 million." went to Albright College in Pennsylvania, Warmath, University of Minnesota football But money wasn't the only thing to Syracuse University in New York, the i£goaioni th image About the only thing that Biggie Munn coach; Frank Kush, Arizona State University football coach; Dan Oevine, change. Football did too. University of Michigan, and then back to died. itw| doesn't have on his office wall is an Green Bay Packers head "In the years I remember," Munn said, Syracuse as head coach. After one season Oscar, coach; Elroy Hook yeai but he may end up with one yet. Hirsch, University of Wisconsin athletic "equipment was made of leather; now it'sall with Syracuse, he came to what was then d|ng pictui The MSU athletic director will be the director; Bump Elliott, University of Iowa plastic." Michigan Agricultural College. "d honored guest tonight at the "I've scratched my head many times and maketh Lansing Civic athletic director; Forest Evashevski, former The days of the single platoon and leather asked myself why I came here," Munn said. 'ightening. | Center to commemorate his 25 years at Iowa athletic director, and Bronco Nagurski, equipment have passed as have Munn's "When I first came here I 3 think Re MSU. former all-American from thought I was Minnesota. coaching days. But while they were here, iddenly j|,t they were quite successful years for MSU. committing suicide." lidable rivj In 1949, the Big Ten selected MSU to Munn's the one who put MSU on the Munn played fullback, tackle and Tickets for the 6:30 guard take Chicago's place in the league. athletic charts. It was during his football program cost $20. in his college days with Much has changed in the Minnesota, gaining In his seven coaching years Munn's teams coaching reign that the Big Ten decided quarter century all-American honors in his senior year, as in which Munn has compiled a 54-9-2 record, including a MSU was worthy of becoming a member. worked atMSUcoaching well as being named the Big Ten's most A number of distinguished teaching and directing athletics. valuable player in 1931. 28-game winning streak and a national guests "Our budget back championship in 1952, when he was named then, or what we had A job as assistant coach at Minnesota coach of the year. BIGGIE MUNN 1 repetition fe not evi Thursday ublic scho Preserve . . . incorport . your memories; they're all this can Hatfield he that's left you. - Paul Simon MICHIGAN Sunny , STATE MEWS . . . and a little warmer. High STATE 52-57. Gradually cooling this evening. UNIVERSITY Lolume 63 Number 159 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 15, 1971 RELAXES TRADE EMBARGO Nixon issues program to ease China relations WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon • The United States is prepared to give • The U.S. government will prepare a list announced Wednesday five fast handling for visas, or entry permits, for of nonstrategic goods which may be a - point program to ease relations between the visitors or groups of visitors from Red China. exported directly to Red China, without a United Statesand Communist China, largely • U.S. currency controls previously specific license. Following a presidential through relaxing of the long - term embargo barring use of American dollars in dealing review and approval of items on this list, on trade between the two countries. with Red China will be dropped. direct imports of specified items from Nixon's long - awaited decision, coupled • American oil companies may now mainland China also will be authorized. with Premier Chou En-lai's statement to supply fuel to ships or planes going to and American table tennis players about "a new from Red China, except on Chinese-owned The new Nixon action places U.S. trade or Chinese chartered vessels sailing to or page" in U.S. - Chinese relations, marked a - policy toward Red China generally on a par notable step in the gradual thaw replacing from North Vietnam, North Korea or Cuba. • with that toward the Soviet Union, officials the prolonged freeze between Washington U.S. ships and planes may now carry said. American firms are allowed to sell and Peking. Chinese cargoes between non - Chinese nonstrategic items to the Russians and East Presidential press secretary Ronald L. ports, and U.S. - owned foreign flag ships call at Chinese ports. European Communist countries. Ziegler said Nixon made his decision two or may three weeks-ago following a high - level administration review begun last December. "So the substance of the action was not connected with the recent action by the Peoples Republic of China in its invitation to the U.S. table tennis team and surrounding 3 booths, like this one at the Haslett Street Entrance, were set up at various locations around campus circumstances," he said. But White House officials acknowledged that the timing of Nixon's announcement Premier to [Wednesday for ASMSU elections. State News p'.ioto by John Harrington was, as they put it, appropriate in the aura of ISMSU ELECTIONS good will stemming from Peking's hospitality in the unprecedented current visit to China by a U.S. table tennis group. The Nixon announcement did not deal from U.S. en with U.S. policy on the strong move expected in the United Nations this fall for PEKING (AP) — Premier Chou En-lai, Canadian, operate here regularly on a develop restricted basis. Controversies admission of Red China to the world body. announcing that U.S. newsmen will be Nor did it get into what the United States allowed to enter China "in batches." hinted The American writers and television men might do in the future about officially Wednesday that he wants to visit North invited in for this week's visit by the table recognizing the Peking regime, with whom it America. tennis team comprise the first group of U.S. By JOANNA FIRESTONE numerous controversies now has no diplomatic relations. Ziegler said He also said a "long cultural exchange" correspondents to come here in 22 years. over polling and campus polling places. The site was listed in State News Staff Writer balloting procedures. a Washington decision on that is still "way between Britain and China may be in the Chou, who was formerly foreign Wednesday's issue of the State News. Five candidates, Steve Crocker, James "Fraternities and sororities do not have down the line." offing and discussed the American hippie minister, recognized an AP correspondent ■ ASMSU elections reportedly drew a Faulkner, Phillip Haeck, Brian Jordan and The presidential announcement issued movement. from his assignment to China 23 years ago. •vy voter turnout equal voting rights," Larman said. "All the — Wednesday amid Judy Pick, were deleted from the ballot asa dormitories have ballot boxes but Greek by the White House as a one - page statement Chou, 73, spoke at a reception for table Chou said: "Mr. Roderick, you have opened result of what Elections Commission Diane houses do not. Since our houses are — dealt with a range of travel and trade tennis teams from the United States. Britain, the door." Rathnow called a "failure to comply with restrictions which have been in effect since Canada, Nigeria and Columbia. These were The hint that Chou would like to visit residences sanct ioned by the University, the Jixon s eeki election regulations." Miss Rathnow declined to comment on absence of discriminatory." ballot boxes is highly the early 1950s. In line with his state of the world message invited to visit China when the championships ended in Japan a week ago. world North America came in a remark that he had never seen that continent. He thus did not specific violations, although it was reported Larman said he would try to delay last February promising to "examine what Resident American correspondents have specifically speak of a visit to the United hvironmenfa/ that several of the omitted candidates failed to file a financial statement of their campaign expenditures. validation of the entire election and referendum until such time as the case is decided. Miss Rathnow would not comment further steps we might take to create broader opportunities for contacts between the Chinese and American peoples," Nixon been barred from China since 1949. A few writers have been admitted from time to time for brief visits. Other groups of foreign States, which has no diplomatic relations with Peking. Canada has such relations established recently by the Pierre Elliott "It was the unanimous decision of the as to the probability of such action. said he has decided on these actions: correspondents, such as British, French and (Please turn to page 13) pre: By bob roach Agne eight commissioners to delete these five people from the ballot," she said. "Although they may, according to elections ■ DETROIT State News Staff Writer procedures, appeal our decision, no appeals have yet been filed." Police end - Reviewing the Miss Rathnow also revealed that two pninistration's antipollution cases have been filed with the commission pre-election programs, f, *jes'dent Spiro T. Agnew said charging irregular polling procedures inoff- pnesday that their high costs must be campus districts. Interfraternity Council (IFC) President (See related story, p. 3) ■ with the ultimate burden '"can citizens as consumers falling on and Joseph Ditzhazy jr. and Barry Larman, West Hartford, Conn., sophomore, each filed suits Klan rally ►Payers. protesting the absence of a polling booth at MAC and Grand River avenues. By JOHNBORGER Jjeynoting the three - day National According to James Humes, council for State News Staff Writer K J100 Control Conference at Cobo Hall, Larman, the MAC - Grand River location The "Ku Klux Klan" held a rally | lce President told some 400 delegates was approved by the student board at its (Please turn to page 13) • behind Conrad Hall Tuesday night. April 12 meeting as one of the eight off - They burned a five - foot - high cross and sang songs and chanted for 10 leakers debate bill minutes before two campus patrol cars rolled in and chased away most of the 30 to 40 demonstrators, corralling a few for questioning. No arrests were made. Eldon R. Nonnamaker, dean of |° legalize abortions series of statewide hearings before the Social students, issued a statement morning that the "student responsible for the incident is known, and appropriate action will be talten against Wednesday s,!viEFFSHELER ^te News Staff Writ. Services and Corrections Committee, headed by Rep. David S. Holmes Jr., him." Nonnamaker said the case is still D-Detroit. under investigation. When the rrti«nlawreforl Ilhe state Canit^ u?'^'8 . ,h for and a8ainst The emotional tenor of the hearing began with the first speaker who identified herself investigation is completed, the case will pub,ic hearin8 be turned over to either All - University |alize aborT Wednesday on a bill to as an unwanted child. Student Judiciary or Student Faculty Jchigan n,0ns for any reason in - "I'm glad I was left as a living human being Judiciary, he said. abandoned on a doorstep and not asa pile of The incident apparently was a T!* [d Affections p PaSSCd by the state Soc,al Services flesh and bone in a bucket," Lorraine Govan said. Crossburners "student election campaign Nonnamaker said. prank," tchiganresidenkwmMlUee' Cation for anv f 8St 90 days to have Would a,low Miss Govan, who said she is a registered nurse, graphically described the abortion A chanting crowd of people dressed in white sheets gathered Tuesday evening in the center of East Complex and set "There antic had any are no indications that this racial motivations," he |jahysoufPregnancy hearing dUring the f,rst process which she called "inhumane." fire to a cross. Campus police dispersed the meeting. State News photo by Milton Horst (Please turn to back page) Wednesday was one of a (Please turn to page 13) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April |5 Michi BATTLE ENTERS THIRD WEEK news summary S. Viet relief force by the SAIGON (AP) - A South Vietnamese near the base were recent withdrawal from Laos. But was a South Vietnamese U.S. helicopters, and drew r command South Vietn. to From the wires of AP and UPI. Vietnamese relief force engaged missing. These reports however, the helicopter's crew shoved and paratrooper battalion. This form the North Vietnamese. the relief o enemy units in heavy fighting a half mile from the besieged Fire lacked official confirmation and the U.S. Command in Saigon said kicked them off. No reason was announced for ss ^ u •sP Base 6 in the central highlands it had no word of missing lifting out the four U.S. advisers. Correspondents in the fighting miles southeast of Fire Base 6 by to eight that a.e now committed h,Khtand^Ct^i situation in South Wednesday. Some of the base's advisers. Vietnam Members Cour defenders tried to flee on the At the hilltop base itself, sector speculated that they were Saigon headquarters r* peace landing skids of a U.S. helicopter about 40 South Vietnamese exhausted by the prolonged siege fresh enemy shellines Federal Bui taking out U.S. advisers. The battle at the base entered soldiers swarmed around the U.S. helicopter that evacuated the and were brought out for a rest. The lone remaining adviser, an Nixon gives support South eastern Vietnamese Cambodia. forces Wednesday n -Spectre of I its third week. four Americans Wednesday officer, volunteered to stay coffin to an "If antipollution rallies are a The U.S. helicopter lifted out afternoon. behind with some 500 weary Headquarters said official to F subject of intelligence concern is anything immune?" -Sen. EdmundS. Muskie four of the five American military advisers at the frontier base close to the triple juncture of Laos, and to Eight of them jumped aboard were flown with the advisers South Vietnamese defenders, newly bolstered by a 4,000 man relief force that is deployed in the to prisoner proposal gunners rounds recoilless fired or more than mortar, rocket rifle fire int( dollars to fi SN ph a rear headquarters. Cambodia and South Vietnam. immediate area. A lead element Field reports said that three Some of the others tried to cling to the chopper's landing of the relief force reached the WASHINGTON (AP) —- The chief executive said the Vietnamese task uL* ^ other U.S. advisers, attached to base Tuesday night. President Nixon endorsed South Vietnamese proposal fe field positions along skids and fly out in much the It was one of the units of the Wednesday a week - old Saigon short of ^ot®1 re,east' of a and north of it" Highway jn'h''"7 the South Vietnamese relief force same way that some South that engaged the North Vietnamese troops did during the South Vietnamese relief force proposal that sick, wounded and P"s«ners, which is our goal, Cambodia easte that locked with the North long - term prisoners on both but said the suggested first step Vietnamese a half mile northwest sides in Vietnam be interned in a "would be a reasonab e and The three shelli ON ASMSU BOARD _ of Fire Base 6. neutral country responsible way of alleviating the communique said, resulted The fresh fighting erupted Although White House plight of prisoners of war on both 'Vietnamese casualti officials said the United States s|des. a a Absence supports rumors TriO hltS IO Tuesday night and did not break had been aware of the South off until midday Wednesday. „ n — _ __ _ — — Vietnamese recommendation DROP-OUT REPORT ciHAnt Inran/viic President Francois "Pnm Duvalicr Hid "Papa Doc" Hiivfllipr did not not turn turn The South Vietnamese Com before it was made at the Paris mand in Saigon reported 96 out Wednesday in Port Au Prince, Haiti, for a parade in talks last Thursday, Nixon waited North Vietnamese were killed in FOR I honor of his birthday, as government sources had said he of Greek reps the six hours of fighting. six days to make a formal Panel would. to weigh statement on the subject. A command spokesman, Lt. Asked to explain the delay, "The doctors have told him to take a rest," a Col. LeTrungHien, said about 50 By RANDY GARTON of the total were killed by U.S. press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler government spokesman said. There have been reports said the timing of the statement State News Staff Writer and South Vietnamese air strikes Duvalier, Haiti's "president for life" had suffered a stroke was prompted by the fact that committee bid Three MSU students said they will file a complaint and artillery fire. recently. today with another Paris negotiating session the AU - University Student Judiciary protesting Hien said South Vietnamese The same official last week denied reports that that MSU is scheduled for Thursday. losses were 4 killed, six missing Duvalier was near death. fraternity members are inadequately represented on the student - Ziegler acknowledged that the ByDENI tax supported ASMSU board. and 37 wounded. He said 32 enemy weapons were captured Saigon proposal was not new - By MICHAEL FOX State Nei John W. Dunn, Lodi, Wis., sophomore; Ronald L. Barnes, Royal even last Thursday — which Economy still sluggish Oak senior, and Ronald J. Newth, Livonia junior, state in the including two machine guns and two recoilless rifles. seemed to indicate a new and State News Staff Writer The Univei complaint that their constitutional rights under Article I, Section wider effort by the United States proposal to t It was after this engagement The University College Advisory Council will consider a reques Output of the nation's industries barely inched ahead IV of the Academic Freedom Report and Article II, Section V, of to get most American prisoners of for a report on student withdrawals from the University whenth Health, Educa the ASMSU constitution were being violated because the that the reports reached rear in March, providing fresh i evidence that the economic out of iNorth Vietnam for Interfraternity Council (IFC) does not have a vote on the ASMSU headquarters that three U.S. war as council meets at 4 p.m. p.m. today in Wonders Kiva. Wednesday snapback sought by President Nixon lias yet to develop. advisers were missing. soon as possible. The University College Steering Committee has recommende drug educatii board. The Federal Reserve Board reported Wednesday that From Tan Canh, seven miles The press secretary said 378 that the council request a report by representatives of the campus. The part of the Academic Freedom Report in question gives Americans are known to be colleg The proposa industrial production moved toward by less than two - students the right to adequate representation in student northeast of Fire Base 6 and student affairs office and the Office of Evaluation Services on th [he U.S. Offi. tenths of one per cent last month. government and the ASMSU constitution states that a tax of at least headquarters for the South prisoners of the North reasons for withdrawals espcially during the freshman which was at Vietnamese and some others are The production index indicated the economy still is 50 cents to support the board will be levied as part of student fees Vietnamese forces in the sophomore years. held elsewhere in Indochina. The steering committee also recommended that the counc )rug Abuse B during registration. highlands Associated Press [970 to suffering from considerable slack. "We feel that the Off - Campus Council doesn't represent the photographer Nick Ut reported Nixon's effort to promote request information on the desirability and feasibility of furthi sup that enemy gunners fired two broad movement on the prisoners study and action and the problem of student withdrawals. college • and interests of fraternities off campus," Dunn said. "IFC represents irug educai - of war issue was underscored by Rail settlement proposed this section of the student population, and it's not fair that we pay rockets into the headquarters the fact that, in his statement, he Donald R. Come, professor of social scienceand c'nairmanoftl Preliminary taxes for representation we really don't have." base late Wednesday afternoon. steering committee, said the college is especially concerned abou made no reference to the fact that iniversitiesare A no preference students who "drop out" of the University. presidential emergency, board has recommended a IFC Chief Justice James J. Humes Jr., Grosse Pointe Woods He said two Americans and the Friday. five per cent general wage boost for members of the freshman, agrees with the complaint. Saigon plan would affect only Come said the steering committee is interested in knowin several South Vietnamese soldiers the sick and wounded and those MSU's prop "I feel that I'm not adequately represented on the board," he whether students withdraw from the University because ofaser Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen who had threatened a were wounded. held prisoner for an undefined of failure or because of a sense of accomplishment. LouislHekhuis said. "I hope this complaint helps to straighten things out." nationwide rail tie - up. tudents, calls l Humes said that AUSJ probably will pass the question of the Except for the South "long" period of time. In the later case, the steering committee wants to know what, if MSU's The board's findings will now go to the union and the Vietnamese troops that fought He said: the drop - out's mind, the University is lacking. student tax on to the Student Faculty Judiciary. Jurisdiction is railroads represented by the National Railway Labor • "I welcome the Republic of The steering committee also has recommended that the colle 'reject, inclu not clear in this case, he said. the lengthy engagement a half Vietnam's proposal, made on Education Cei Conference. They will have 30 days in which to consider The Greeks are making the complaint to call the attention of the mile from Fire Base 6, the other advisory council authorize an ad hoc committee to draft rear. The tota the document and reach a settlement. University to the question of adequate student representation on reinforcing troops advanced into April 8 in the Paris negotiations, statement on the philosophy of general education. for internment of prisoners of An interim report from Macel Ezeu,1 asst. professor of Ametni Although the union's 10,000 members represent only the ASMSU board, Joseph A. Ditzhazy Jr., president of "This is an emotional issue," he said. "We feel the IFC, said. positions in the area without resistance. war in a neutral country." thought and language, on the work of the college's Faculty ^ University The President went on tb say Hekhuis si two per cent of all rail employes, other unions would should be aware of it." Student Committee on Student Participation Associated Press photographer r how ma honor their picket lines should they go ahead with strike that internment of war prisoners Governance is also on the agenda. Neal Ulevich, reporting from in a third country would mean ;nt in proposa Macel said this week that the final draft of his committee plans after 30 days. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Pleiku where the U.S. support iniversities will they no longer would "serve as should be given to the dean Friday. The committee has been writii University, is published every class day during four school helicopters are based, said the hostages for political or military the report for four weeks following open meetings on the rolei 3 if their progi terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. latest reinforcement unit sent in purposes." student participation in University College governance. Subscription rate is $14 per year. Jackson, HHH rated high Member Associated Press, United Press International, AFTER CHURCH ATTACK Darkhorse Henry M. Jackson and 1968 loser Hubert H. Humphrey are Democrats mentioned most by editors Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. Spi who were asked to name one with the best chance of beating President Nixon next year. In a random sample of 40 members Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Protestants, troops battle BELFAST, Northern Ireland wounded. The street fighting left Thomas Martin in the legs and asC riot appeared in court Wednesd attending the American Society of (AP) — Protestant rioters battled 20 civilians and two soldiers hurt. grazing three adults. Almost 2,000 DETRO Phones: British Prime Minister Brian Faulkner accompanied by the milita Newspaper Editors convention, Sens. troops in Belfast Protestants attacked Protestant leader, the Rev. I most famoi Editorial 1,000 355-8252 Wednesday after attacking a blamed "hooligans and hangers - Jackson of Washington and Humphrey British troops with fists, rocks Paisley. Ten were ordered h Pollution ( Classified Advertising 355-8255 Roman Catholic church for the on" for trouble which was "an of Minnesota emerged virtually neck and firebombs. until Friday and the rest relear President S] Display Advertising 353-6400 second time in less than 24 hours. unnecessary sequel to an Easter Then they tried to storm St. and neck, and slightly ahead of Sen. Business Circulation on a $480 bail each. keynote spe - 355-3447 Four hundred militants pelted period which had until then Matthew's, earlier claimed to be a In a predawn se •"Water Edmund S. Muskie of Maine. Photographic 355-8311 soldiers with rocks. Troops in riot passed mainly without incident." hideout for snipers. The mob Wednesday, police seized Washington armor grabbed a youth pinning a Rioters smashed store threw a hail of gasoline bombs automatic pistols, two revolt two-thirds British flag to a post just outside windows Wednesday and looted but troops extinguished the and bags of ammunition I Potomac." the main doors of the church. merchandise along Newtownards Surveillance termed 'vital' Beware the Body Shirt Snatcher! Elsewhere in the Ulster flames. detonators in a Roman Catho •"Many Road. Eighteen men arrested in the pollution c capital, Roman Catholic mobs Troops and police sealed off blouse: the\ U.S. stoned police patrols in a violent Catholic streets from Protestant intelligence "will have a major and vital role in any •"I'd 1 finale to the Easter round of crowds gathered at St. Matthew's international agreement to limit strategic arms," Director documental Richard Helms of the Central Intelligence Agency told an religious and political parades. church. Peabody Av The new trouble followed a The brawl Tuesday exploded •"We th editors' meeting Wednesday. While giving the American Society of Editors a rare public report on the functions of his Newspaper bloody seven - hour riot late Tuesday which erupted after a Protestant child was shot and after an unknown gunman fired into a parade of young Protestants, hitting 12 - year - old Holy Outlaw' tells But did : competitor oppression? supersecret agency, Helms said it would be "unthinkable took away h to conclude strategic arms limitation agreement with the of Berrigan's work Both th S.T.O.F. a Soviet Union without the means for compliance." monitoring Student according tc "The Holy Outlaw," a National Fducational Television (NET Holiday documentary on Rev. Daniel Berrigan, indicted by a grand jury'® his involvement in an alleged plot to kidnap Henry Kissinger Op, Bill to protect horses presidential adviser, will be shown at 8 p.m. today in Edgewoo United Church, 469 N. Hagadorn Road. Heeding emotional appeals from school children and 35 days in Europe Admission is free. conservationists, Congress will consider next week a federal law to protect the nation's vanishing herdsofwild horses and burros. Pop 5 days in London Pending before the House and Senate Interior Committees are bills sponsored by 97 House members and 4 days in Rome 17 senators to establish no less than a dozen 3 days in refuges for Florence the remaining wild, free - roaming animals and make it 5 days in Paris a crime to capture, kill or molest them. The legialation would designate the unbranded and plus other intriguing cities unclaimed horses and burros as "a national esthetic Departing: resource." June 21 July 5 Auto standards softened You're fair game when you wear a July 19 Aug. 2 Satisfaction is j Only $1352 from New York The Dept. of Transportation softened its original VAN H EUSEN' includes sightseeing, ftlURANTiil position Wednesday in announcing requirements for improved bumpers on 1973 automobiles. The deportment held to its proposal of last fall that Body Shirt. all hotels, most meals form Foil this foxy female! Buy two Van Heusen 417 Body Pick up your free brochure at: front bumpers absorb a five - mile - an - hour crash Shirts. If she snatches one off your back, you won't without damage to vital car systems. lack for another of the best fitting shirts on in campus! Check out the Body Shirts Beef Sandwich 95 The department's National Highway Traffic now at. College Travel . . Safety Administration also postponed for one year, until 1974 WEBSTER MEN'S WEAR models, a requirement for uniform and back. bumper height front Lansing Mall Meridian Mall 130 W. Grand River 3 I ftlrftr. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 15, 1971 3 Refugees NEW DELHI, India (AP) - m D„i. I ., .. . 1 M, , . pour , , . ... reported in defensive positions . . into India children." The Pakistani army is also a news conference the 75 million people of East Pakistan Refugees from East poured into India Wednesday, Pakistan to y n T"? e Bangoan y SPakistan. ^ W,t trying to build an alternative ultimately must be given their Spectre fleeing from advancing Pakistani T. q.( Radio Pakistan reported that a group of leaders around Nurul Am in the only National Assembly rights with an end to exploitation and creation of fair rule under troopsseekingtocrushthethree- .£ °L Lansing Area week " " old rebellion intheeastern h ^ member from East Pakistan not oneflag. I correspondents showed that atf nort*weSt ^ °aCCa - numbers of the commited to the rebels, "This is going to take a long Ip^e Council picketed the I Federal Building in Lansing province. "What was a trickle has 'east TnHlfl 1 refugees had entered linked up with an army garrison at the university town of Raj In time • there is hatred and passion become a stream," a high Indian f hip lllrtnl/ fw/vtw> Jiff/vanMi .L_L ! fl. 1 ! 11_ Karachi, Bhutton, head of in the hearts of the people," he I Zlnesday moments after their _ . ""V" *T^o said. I "Spectre of Death" presented a official said omclalsa,d parts along the 1)349' ' n mile The broadcast quoted an At the border with East Pakistan. official statement in Dacca as II coSin to an Internal Revenue same time, one of West Pakistan's top political leaders many saying the column "pacified" I °" Official to protest use of tax called for an end to martial law CCMATC I dollars j fund thnthe Indochina Indochina conditions in the east and urced ^3" chl,dren who had7T!" ™ lost ^ Pab"a-and Natorebefore m "nM their raching Rajshahi. ♦ the resumption of political iuLi menfolk - were coming from the "The entire area now is free of SN photo by Milton Horst Jessore region in the western activities. Zulfikar Ali Bhutton, former foreign contended in Karachi that only a minister, of the province where resistance ^ible. eligible. was now reproted part army miscreants infiltratorism" the statement said. and Muskie raps political settlement can end the Clandestine radio braodcasts bloodshed. jousnea A witness East Pakistan from East Pakistan called for While Indian officials would abandoned their not refugees, disclose the number of more than 5,000 East exploded. « J f,rst a V army mortar she11 arms and ammunition to help the separatist forces. They urged governments giving military aid FBI's spying Pakistanis to Pakistan to suspend were staying at Their flight caused panic forthwith their supplies to an army of murderers who WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Chinese organization. are killing - the India India army units were innocent Edmund S. Muskie broadened Muskie commented that a • Pakistan border. men, women and cor^eaaorad critksn of the FBI large percentage of congressmen Wednesday by accusing it of believe their phones are tapped" for federal funds massive spying on 40 to 60 of last and told reporters that while I April's Earth Day antipollution make no such assumptions, I do observances. not refute them either." "If antipollution rallies are a 1° his speech, Muskie subject of intelligence concern" proposed creation of a new U' submits The money will be available drug the Maine Democrat said in Senate immune?" speech, "Is He said there is no anything justification a independent board to oversee FBI and other federal intelligence agencies. He released also what he said was an FBI report describing the By DENISE McCOURT July Besides a continuation of the for any part of the federal in detail activities in Washington State News Staff Writer 1. University has three experienced prevention and treatment of the already existing program, the and trained students from the drugs, and in dispelling the myths intelligence community during last year's Earth Week, "I do think we have a good rather than the symptoms, federal proposal calls for the surrounding these drugs—in the surreptitiously observing and including a rally at which he J The University submitted a chance for receiving the aid since development of Drug Education Center to staff a The office noted . that services belief that a drug abuse federally funded only through reporting on legitimate political spokeonApril22,1970. ■proposal to the U.S. Dept. of we do haw an on going program of education course to be offered as student" program, several volunteers: such as drop in centers may be education of the individual will events which do not affect our "I understand that this is but ■Health, Education and Welfare drug education here at MSU," a multidisciplinary course consultant assistance from the volunteer essential parts of education effort, the entire ttoiXldMl b. able to make security of which do not one of about 40 to 60 FBI reports (Wednesday for a federally funded Hekhuis said. available to all students. Students sensible and informed decisions involve a potential crime." of Earth Day rallies on April 2, Idrug education program on The Drug Education Project from the Drug Education Center professionals in the College of Human Medicine and the MSU's proposal states that the regarding drug usage." Muskie, an unannounced 1970," he said, ■campus. was begun last year under the have been addressing Education candidate for the 197 2 Muskie declined to specify his | The proposal was submitted to auspices of the student affairs necessary office space and program places its major said the Drug 450 students this term to Democratic presidential sources but said "this report was Ihe U.S. Office of Education, office and staffed by studentsand equipment. emphasis' on informing the Education Program disseminate drug information to nomination, accused the FBI of not taken from the Media, Pa., Ttihich was authorized by the former students. The board of would-be teachers, Hekhuis said, The U.S. Office of Education student population, incredible continued even if MSU does not engaging in general political FBI files, "" J is in no way said the primary emphasis of the "of the effects ffirug Abuse Education Act of trustees allocated $16,000 for the The proposal also notes the ways, and receive the federal aid, but at a surveillance without any connected with that theft of FBI 1.970 to support innovative pilot project. federal proposals should be on consequences of usage of popular greatly reduced budget. indication of a specific target. "It material." He said also "this ■college • and university based The preliminary proposal was a fishing expedition," he *ePort contains no classified |drug education programs. submitted to Washington outlines said. designation," and declared that Preliminary proposals from Food scientists link pn, the accomplishments of the drug Muskie said neither President k> "and evidently many others ■universitiesare due in Washington program, including the drug Nixon nor Atty. Gen. John N. like it, has been circulated widely Vriday. Education Center, located at 405 Mitchell "will do anything to to T MSU's proposals, drafted by the entire intelligence Grove St., a library of drug change this situation," adding community, and perhaps even to Louis I Hekhuis, associate dean of information and pamphlets, a that "The President, in the face of local police . . jtudents, calls tor a continuation volunteer speaker's bureau and reports of investigations that ftf MSU's Drug Education higher blood research on new drugs. should outrage the levels nation, "Old Towne" New England •reject, including the Drug "The project has proved to be remains silent." Tducation Center, begun last 4ear. The total budget for the program, excluding University filling the needs of campus students to the extent possible with available resources," the sugar Neither the FBI Justice Department had any immediate comment on Muskie's nor the CLAM BAKE! •Whole Lobster •Clams "Shrimp Support was$47,000. proposal states. "Proposals for the two hormones which are the speech. •Corn-on-the-Cob J Hekhuis said he does not CHICAGO, III. - The there continuation of the program have hormones in birth control pills ingredients of birth control glucose as rapidly as the other rats was a range of responses FBI sources indicated that any Every Friday 6 to 11 p.m. ■now how many colleges have included finances too extensive among individual rats." TOSSED SALAD-CORN BREAD ■ent in proposals, but he said the affect the rate of sugar pills — progesterone and estrogen not 8iven the hormones. For such reasons, Yang said, surveillance of Earth Day DRAWN BUTTER for the University's current — to female rats in activities might have stemmed CALL FOR INFORMATION Universities will be notified April metabolism in women, according dosages We will hold the CLAM BAKE resources at a time when the state women must take a number of from efforts to keep tabs on such for if their programs are accepted. to MSU food scientists. comparable to that for women private parties has directed budget cuts. The implication is that the physiological tests before taking Women who take the pill taking the pill groups as Students for a BILL'S e thing is happening in birth control pills, and women Democratic Society and cannot use up sugar as quickly as Alter four weeks, a period women who who take lane the me pin,pill," ne he with diabetes, «i or a family iu a uuuuj history RESTAURANT & BAR normal, and consequently they equivalent to five or six months in wira uuwws, Progressive Labor Party, which it said. "Somehow these hormones of it, should not take the pill have higher blood sugar levels," humans some of the rats showed describes as a pro - Communist slow up the utilization of sugar." Spiro zero Modesto G. Yang, asst. professor higher blood sugar levels. of human nutrition and food science, said. Kai Yui Lei, Ontario, Canada. u * Lei tested the rats a«gar levels ^ This effect lBllu iIllo cllcvl is not known to be harmful in normal women, Yang emphasized, "but it is a highly graduate student in food science individual response. Even in our asCobo cornb and human nutrition, reported the results of tests he conducted with Yang, to scientists at a • The rats which had been takmg progesterone, and carefully controlled experiment +++++++++ Federation of American Societies progesterone and estrogen DETROIT — Honored with the presence of the America's for Biology together, showed higher blood yL most famous amateur comedian, delegates to the National Experimental meeting here Wednesday. sl,gar levels for longer periods of 1 SUNDAY Pollution Control Conference at Cobo Hall heard Vice Scientists have noted higher time after eating glucose than did JAM President Spiro T. Agnew dispense the following in his role as blood sugar levels in women taking the control rats, keynote speaker: birth control pills, but there have „ Using radioactive glucose, Lei IN THE * •"Water pollution is a big problem also been reports of lower levels, fo"nd that tissue taken from rats everywhere, even in UNION Washington. We know that water accounts for about two-thirds of the earth's surface — and about half of the Lei said given progesterone, or the two In the study, Lei administered hormones together, could not use . *Call 355-3355 Union Board** } Potomac." •"Many Americans have the same attitude toward ★★★★★★★★★ pollution control that men have toward the RUSH THETA DELTA CHI RUSH THETA DELTA CHI see-through - - RUSH THETA DELTA blouse: they're great — on someone else's wife." '"I'd like to pause to congratulate CBS. Their I £ documentary, "The Selling of the Pentagon," just won a Peabody Award — for excellence in fantasy." • We think this table tennis tournament in China is great, out did you hear about that 18-year-old American competitor who told some Chinese that he knew all about oppression? We've found out that his mother took away his bath just recently tub toys." Both the vice president and the conference bombed, according to reliable sources. Open Petitioning ASMSU SALE Deck Shoes for Miss J Cop Entertainment 2 pairs for S9 One pair $6 Committee Just a limited time to buy two pairs of action P The Brothers of THET X J shoes at great savings. They re sturdy canvas I Invite You to Fraternity Open Rush a with ripple soles, and built for comfort. White or ts/rom April navy in sizes 5Vj-10 narrow or 4-10 medium. 5 TONIGHT, Thursday April 15th £ F°rms may be d at their house on 5 J Ab>p° z Student ? 139 Bailey Street f \8ldir. x Call 332-2563 for rides § Tacobsoiis liUuSH THETA DELTA CHI - RUSH THETA DELTA CHI - RUSH THETA DELT/ Michil MICHIGAN TRB FROM WASHINGTON STATE HE' UNIVERSITY Ni;ixon losing economic game To the Editor: fiscal and monetary remedies KENNETH R. LYNAM President Nixon started his invented General Motors and the United — Means classic of 1932. Gardiner C. some good - not enough, r advertising manager administration with economic game Steel Workers union. Today maybe 40 per Means, a co - author, who is still going an plan that didn't work and had to be cent of prices are controlled. The free strong 40 years later, told the Joint is probably on the way, but so s|ow ?h ^ MARK EICHER, managing editor junked. Then he suddenly made the market got Mr. Nixon's theological support Economic Committee the other day, "The plenty of cash and credit, Burns the consumer is holding back insist^!! ED HUTCHISON, city editor announcement that he was a "Keynesian," at a time when it no longer existed. As Nixon Game Plan is aimed at a type of Whv^ u BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor which astonished some as much as though Professor Robert Lekachman said, "Mr. inflation which had already passed when it column has mentioned the before, and Burns re circutmu!! KEN KRELL, editorial editor the Hanoverian succession had embraced Nixon has attached himself to an economic was made public; in spite of the waste and - emphasizes th7 The consumer is cautious GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor Catholicism. That was Game Plan II — and hardshipit is creating, the plan for depressed because h ■ policy which was quite up - to - date two scared. He's scared of inflation; he's it hasn't worked either. Mr. Nixon or three decades ago." activity followed by reflation cannot be of unemployment; he isn't embraced Keynes just when Keynesian ism expected to bring us to full employment buying thf Well, inflation got color TV because he's Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award worse and and stable prices." trying to s was going out of date — at least for the unemployment got worse. No wonder! Mr. today's income to cover for outstanding journalism. Events slowly pushed Mr. Nixon back tomorrow's problems that beset America. Nixon in effect had notified big business costs. Or, to put it in Burns' economJ At his first press conference, seven days into an activist economic role, kicking all and big labor that the lid was off. He did the way. He rapped the knuckles (gently) jargon: "he has cut down his current rat after he took office, Mr. Nixon abandoned, of spending and is this when he smugly announced, "I do not abruptly and arbitrarily, the presidential of Bethlehem Steel and got them to give up accumulating |j0u go along with the suggestion that inflation assets." (March 10 testimony to the EDITORIALS role of guiding wages and prices. It is called "jaw - boning," or "incomes policy." Mr. can be effectively controlled by exhorting half of a proposed 12 per cent price increase. He is now trying to jockey the Banking Committee.) Sen. labor and management and industry to Why now? Nixon proudly said he was a supporter of a hard hat construction workers into reason follow certain guidelines." free market economy — letting under threat of dealing with lower - paid Why bring this up now? Other events™ competition set reasonable wages and Cure nonunion groups on government projects — thundering through Washington. Amerto WMSB progra prices. The free market economy — laissez faire He set out to depress the economy and let the "free market" cure things. You no mean clout since government accounts for one - third of all the nation's building. Mr. Nixon doesn't have a better friend in top icon, J. Edgar Hoover, we fiJi believe, is on his way out. You M practically feel the Vietnam war eominet was outlined by good old Adam Smith in would have thought he would have known — the econimic world than Arthur Burns, the an end! Why then at a time like 1776 and it worked fine until they about "administered prices" from the Berk; this ta man he made chairman of the Federal about fusty economics? Because a novel TV ex Reserve System. Back in 1960 Burns warned the vice president that a slump was of America's plant capacity is idle? the gap between actual and production is now $60 billion; becau potential^ coming that might defeat him unless Ike acted. Ike wouldn't act. As Mr. Nixon there's six per cent unemployment - an sadly says in his "Six Crises," jobless rolls because it's largely unneccesarv. Critics have called television a news, one innocuous editorial, five a Good evening my fellow 1 for me to lay all of the Resto, increased 452,000 in October, 1960, and consumer confidence and we wasteland. They speak truth. minutes of weather - guessing and 10 a Americans. 1 think the might pertinent facts before you all the campaigning he did "could not have a quite spectacular recovery Televised tripe has become the order minutes of sports. Having thus 1 time has come... counteract that one hard fact." yearend. of the airways. For every half - hour of performed their public service for the Action Burns deserves well of America. news or public service programming, Federal Communications Every statement Burns makes today June, 1970, the U.S. was on the brink of television stations broadcast hours Commission, typical stations rack up signals to Mr. Nixon that he ought to act. I liquidity crisis; an old - fashioned "mow have a copy of five formal talks in front of panic." The stock market had made upon hours of unfunny situation reels of 1953-vintage tripe until the 1970 1971. I heard Burns deliver sickening, two me, - year drop, the ja comedies, grim Grade D westerns and 1971 - vintage tripe begins to beam aced in a c silly quiz shows. over the network. irgers, police Attacks upon inanity have begun, Local stations, with more liefs are them however. Locally, WMSB-TV airs resources than WMSB, do little to ipocritical, fo Today maybe 40 per cent of prices are original productions many quality offer variety or substance to controlled. The free market got Mr. Nixon's Fourthly, it i cuts above the mindless buzz that programming. They're out for a buck, allowed to theological support at a time when it no longer ot passes for entertainment on other public be damned. Station owners existed. As Professor Robert Lekachman said, n 8 a.m. to stations. 'ficials give the justify mundane programming with "Mr. Nixon has attached himself to an economic mates sleep a! Particularly, "Assignment 10" on "that's what the public wants." Not policy which was Quite up - to - date two or three ill be up all r WMSB probes significant issues and so. The viewing public has little choice decades ago." mates that wisl approaches them from angles of local but to watch what is aired. interest. But Assignment 10, through the Several weeks ago, for example, efforts of Halverson, Skubick, most of them. administration's Contrary to Nixon's planned recession the show investigated the use of Executive producer Dave Rice and and let you judge for j 1 mean... yourself economic advisers at the White House of taking hold. Mr. Nixon had just horril i i Ritalin, a drug used on unruly school children to keep them quiet. Producer - Writer Jim Cash are making a substantive option available. It's yourselves... whom George Shultz is top, Burns insists there is plenty of money available, the nation with Cambodia. Broken houses were failing. The wildest rumo v\ag< speaking slowly and emphatically on March circulated (one: "Chrysler was go Last Sunday, producers Craig only an hour at 10 p.m. on Sunday. Halverson and Tim Skubick stirred But it's an hour that offers an option 10 he testified, "we face a problem unknown to earlier generations — namely, down" but you could substitute youn choice.) Then, on the weekend of June21 ippr< r r unusual insights into the peace to Jackie Gleason's a high rate of inflation at a time of 21, the Fed learned that the tottering] ..y movement by grilling Eqbal Ahmad, pseudo - drama of tft substantial unemployment." Not merely Central would finally collapse. of six citizens accused of Burns but the whole Reserve Board, he In one of the most romantic storiai one the movie. m reported later (March 31), favor "a multi - modern banking — a story that hasn't be conspiring to kidnap presidential aide Television has a legitimate faceted incomes policy" including a Wage - published before — Burns and his I Henry Kissinger. Price Review Board. What is that in worked 48 hours to tell big banks a entertainment function, but fat bus Other subjects have ranged from English? — he wants the president to step America that on Monday the "dis the merits of vascetomy to the defects drivers, natty lawyers and intense window would be in, knock heads together, "mobilize public kept open," interns have exhausted their potential followed it next day with a suspensii in Lansing - area ambulance service - opinion" (Burns' words), maybe, scream a to entertain. Even if they were still little (mine). And finally, perhaps, cut subjects of a type untouched by other ceilings on large certificates of deposit area television stations. supremely entertaining, it would taxes. the technical equivalent of a slug of whis seem commercial stations also have a Burns is a conservative economist and to a heart patient. The danger of a wav There is just so much value in liberals don't always go along with him, fear passed. The result without this se watching Jackie Gleason reruns, Lucy responsibility to balance but he knows as much about the business effort? We don't know. Some reruns and Let's Make a Deal. Once programming with equal chunks cycle as any man in America and he points Washington's biggest stories are thingsth una they held of nonescapist airtime. out the funny situation the economy is the canned laughter begins to grate on now in. It's on a hairline. Conventional your ears (hopefully by the age of Assignment 10 is a sampling of reason), it is time to seek more alternate television. If you watch substantive programming. more and enjoy it less, tune in POINT OF VIEW But there is precious little of it Sunday. Be entertained without around. Most stations confine local having your intellect insulted. It's a public programming to 15 minutes of novel television experience. Prof ratings Faculty must demand end to war Editor, MSU A EDITOR'S NOTE: the following strike, MSU had such a strong faculty group May, 1968,13,000 students were calling for sons, brothers and loved ones ... prayed f< ;ATCH YOl point of view was submitted by Mike for peace that even President Wharton immediate U.S. withdrawal, and 68 percent peace and now we DEMAND peace!" broader dis McGraw for the MSU Student Mobilization Committee. recognized "the sincere concern, deeply felt among many faculty and students at MSU the issues." of those polled wanted an immediate end to the bombing of North Vietnam. These I urge the concerned faculty and this institution to band together, endoi staff* ?AVE! o. of From Hollywc 28.00 Call: Fc over feelings have been supported recently by and promote the mass, peaceful actions There is a need for a coherent and vocal 1028 (after 6 p This group, called New University frequent faculty letters to the Straight (sic) protest of the Indochina war, beginning wi Every term in nearly every class Evaluation Services begin sending faculty group at MSU which will stand up students fill out green and white and demand an end to the war in Vietnam. Conference, organized facilities, raised bail News concerning the war. the Veterans March April 18, and t SIRS form results for each instructor money for arrested students, and raised In May, 1970, James P. Wang, chairman of massive street march of April 24 Student Instructional Rating System At present, there is one small group known to his department office and to student interest in the strike issues in and the Dept. of Linguistics, spoke for that Washington, D.C. As one activist sai SEE ( (SIRS) forms. As many as 35 items as Faculty for Peace, headed by John out of the classroom. Although the battle ASMSU where the ratings can be open Masterson, associate professor of department's faculty when he wrote: recently: appear on the questionnaire, covering for public examination. Sequestering mathematics. This group, working with against the war and repression had then "There is every reason to believe that the "We're fooling ourselves when wesaytj subjects ranging from information student evaluations of instructors Lansing Area Peace Council, has set up barely begun, a long summer vacation war will continue to expand until we have nothing can be done. We stopped ti about the students in the class to wild important talks (like Eqbal Ahmed) and effectively dissolved bonds between the obliterated the indigenous civilizations of bombing once and maybe we can do it ag«i subverts the purpose of the SIRS group members, leaving the University Indochina and leveled the villages and towns How will you explain to the Indochme card "teacher's choice" questions. films (like "You Don't Have to Buy War, form; student ratings have no value Mrs. Smith") sponsored by the Womens' community until today without a vocal in which they flourish. The action of the people why you weren't in Washington o The Office of Evaluation Services when the students faculty antiwar position. This week is the United States (Cambodia)... is an outrage April 24? Will you tell them it was because never get to see International League for Peace and processes the completed forms and their own evaluations. Freedom. start of the 1971 Spring Offensive for Peace, to the humanistic principles of our was only a mass march for immedia and a faculty voice is badly needed. withdrawal?" sends the results only to the Still, Faculty for Peace is too small to be discipline." _ This February's campus opinion poll Several community people recently said it James Wang, Meyer Wolf, Ken Harro instructor. Students are left in the an effective rallying point for faculty opinion. During last May's student - faculty shows 72 percent of faculty and students this way: "We have voted for peace . . . Edgar and Kathryn Schuler, Walter Adair cold concerning instructor evaluation. Students never get to see the results of the forms they fill out. You Today is Support the Pentagon bough opposed to the invasion of Laos. As early as petitioned . . . written letters ... sacrificed A1 are Hudson, Dhirendra Sharma, you? OUR READERS' MIND Student advisory groups in a few departments run their own surveys, Day, otherwise known as the time when income tax is due. Alas, the Misplaced memo] but otherwise students are left in To: Clifton Wharton public has exhibited a downright "bad ignorance about ratings of an instructor's performance. In fact, since only the instructor receives the attitude" about this American tradition. Obviously, John hallowed Nixon trades lives for elections Re: Your investigation of the University Traffic Committee All SIRS printout, the form presently has Q. Public has not considered the vast Mr. President - benefits he reaps from rendering unto To the Editor: involve the sacrifice of 3,000 or more an end to rather little pragmatic value. A It has become quite apparent from recent American boys principally to enhance the our bombing of their land. professor can receive consistently Washington: pronouncements of the U.S. President, the prospects for re-election of Messrs. Nixon, Therefore, I urge that you and every member of the too We regret to inform you that yo< inferior ratings with no fear of heads of state of South Vietnam, Sen. Ky and Thieu. (73 per cent, at least) join in - long - silent majority clamor that parking space has been moved ' eo|)le •Spies that play an out of sight Griffin, and others, that the grand strategy Secondly, and equally important, there is end the a Cowles House to Lot X. \ repercussion, since he knows that he is we war and END IT NOW. ?'ei' Hie wo, Ping-Pong game. of our administration in Washington is to the light of our prisoners of war and their the only person in the University who nurture the existing state of war in families. No sane man can seriously believe - The President's PeiJ ,e|,niany. knows how he was rated. Leo Katz Subcomm»« There's _ _ •The best wire tap gadgetry that Southeast that their captors will release these Professor and Asia and maintain some director, Statistical Laboratory 0 Unless ratings can be made public, Ket it. On, money can buy. considerable U.S. forces in that area until prisoners short of an end to the conflict and April 9,1971 use of the SIRS forms should be late in 1972, at least. Thereafter, the •A fine Defense Dept. "think plan discontinued. Except in the largest envisages that the announced "victories" FORGIVE ME, MIS5 SWEETST0RV, lecture sections, a professor cannot tank" to create things like the will lead to the re • election of various FOR SHARING OUR IMTIMATE "Kissinger plot." incumbent politicians and justify the costs CORRESTON0ENCE, BUT I NEED INSlOt > help but get some feedback from of this policy. I should like to call A SUGAR COOKIE... P*HtLS T students concerning the quality of his •Tfce friendliest bunch of South attention to a couple of terrible costs teaching. Vietnamese aristocrats you ever ran entailed in the policy. The SIRS questionnaire in its into. present form serves no one. Firstly, even if we are able to keep the We recommend the Office •And, of course, Spiro Agnew's U.S. military death rate to 50 per week, of the time horizon of 60 to 70 weeks will speechwriters. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. April 15, 1971 5 |OUR READERS' MIND POINT OF VIEW Wilbins column off base Pogrom' in Vietnam will not be able to. EDITOR'S NOTE: the Well, so much for the think contrives to continue 1 To the Editor: Adult following Point of View by tank's packing us Education Program. Vietnamization into the cannon's muzzle and - , had tho privilege of reading toileli'olernow.TnVSe showers C^8 ""ge from junior high to Jose F. Trevino, chairman of "pogrom." But then, after all, "pogrom" us right out of |,n I article"Jails: newspaper do in yourIneffectual not plug up, for the plumS ^e'^el. Subjects consist of svsti,m h* "» English, math, social studies, the Assn., MSU was Chicano Veterans submitted last these are not American taking the casualties, but "gooks" boys existence. ZPG. Not only that but with the emphasis shifting from ■institutions" by Rick Wilbins in efficient and science, art, physical education rubbing out "gooks." And as a Asia to Latin America those ■ Aoril 9 issue a"d auto mechanics. It is possible final consolation. Blacks, Spanish ■J""1 The Madhouse Mob's - speaking Chicanos , . Sixthly, it is not true that the to obtain a GED certificate in the Vietnamization "pogrom" is not Chicanos, Human Beings and should prove an invaluable asset I am an inmate of the lngnam inmates are taunted (at any time) Pr°gram. We also have a drug Puerto Ricans have been bearing to the peace - loving nations of inty Jail and have been rortne by turn.keys (guards) holding going well at all. Over the past few the brunt of American casualties discussion group, an alcohol weeks we watched this army of the West, indeed. Just put some ■a» 1° months. My 'enow just out Qf reach and then education class, a job placement the Vietnamized war cover 50 anyhow. The McCarren Act and jingle in our pockets and bread in Emates and I thought it quite eating it in front of them. In fact, counselor and a vocational the built - in institutional racism our belliesand we'll be there. lilarious that Mr. Wilbins was so we are able to obtain candy, gumi rehabilitation program where it is rugged miles of enemy territory of the draft boards in this racist ,vely misinformed. We know cigarets an(j toiletries from the (25 in and 25 out) in what the Like it or not, domino crilTlP nroblem. for WG Possible to get grants to go to system have cunningly conspired theory crime problem, for we tail DtMfn boobe tube euphemized as "a n is a jaij ^ore fnlioao - to that end. jo college r\f im/iotinMnl or vocational training modest or no, the United States is getting > a part of it. operation to disrupt a healthy Asiatic bootprint in its As if this were not enough, the _ in his a oihtitlo second subtitle ui Low nui Mr Wiibins ai^, stated that education is a key factor in Of course, being in jail is not a enemy communication supply lines on the Ho Chi Minh and think tank at the National Shrine money - making behind right out picnic but after all thov HiHn't of THEIR continent and about Lvel treatment" we thought the rehabilitating inmates of a penal invite us here trail." All this of course, with is now planning on hiring its own time. President Spiro Nixon's Contents of this quite slanderous, institution. The Ingham County profuse promises that we would elite corps of protrained bass ackward policy of first, it is true that a new inmate Jail, under the direction of be out in a week. With some mild torpedoes. VA, volunteer army • pulling Thomas Hughes out by pushing in is almost Tiust get his hair cut. The jail Richard Paynton and the Lansing Ingham County Jail inmate persuasion on the part of those they call it. always right and it almost never Authorities state that this is for School District, has produced an April 13,1971 dirty commie rats, sure enough With a four - year hitch in the always has been. never ealth reasons. Although, we do are. military representing a step ish that this rule could be Walter Cronkite could barely We have a sneaky suspicion upward in social mobility for the Lended to the extent that if the hold back the tears as he related underprivileged, disadvantaged, that same game of dominoes is mate keeps his hair neat, clean how "South Vietnamese going to pop up in Latin America ART BUCHWALD troops and hungry in this country, we ,nd at a moderate length that he were withdrawing after one of the can predict what the bulk of this all over again. hould be able to keep it. most successful raidsof the war." VA is going to consist of, yep, Then POGROM (according to a couple of days later they Human Beings (who are almost I Secondly, it is true that new were performing "a rear guard extinct Webster): an organized massacre required to take a anyway), Chicanos, 'I ■mates are action under and looting of helpless people Spy' ping-pong moderate enemy Blacks, Puerto Ricans, etc. lower and be disinfected while pressure." Finally, in what usually with the connivance of Key are being processed. The appeared to be a rightous So Der Fuhrer and the brain officials: such as a massacre of lublic must realize that not all outburst of reporting integrity, machine at the National Oracle, Jews: to massacre in a pogrom: lew inmates are saintly clean. We the television exposed usto a 10 - with a master stroke of one who organizes or takes part in le jnmates do not wish to have second tape glimpse of ARVN organizational genius, cleverly a pogram. Xnereal disease, body lice and troops hanging on to chopper ■ther discomforts in our midst. cabs, clinging to chopper skids WASHINGTON - It's very before the U.S. team took off for and wrapped around I Thirdly, the people that that the Central exchange for finding out what month ago for telling a friend that propeller OMCOODQ^TDN WITU rare jrade the jail because being Intelligence Peking. Mao Tse-tung is really he didn't like J. Edgar Hoover's blades in a calm stampede to Agency (CIA) gets caught flat - thinking. perform this "modest rear guard laced in a cell with pimps, footed, but the other day when barber." trgers. police assaulters and Red China invited the United Ping The CIA also held an employes Pong tournament during "The ideal, of course, would be to send "Then it looks like the U.S. action." If this was a planned AAOTCWN DQCODD5.DQE5ENT5 Kiefs are themselves being very States to send a table tennis team - lunch hour with cash a champion Ping - Pong table tennis team may have to prizes of up player who also can figure out go withdrawal, we would be afraid Hypocritical, for what are they? to Peking, the CIA discovered it to $100,000 of unaccountable what is going on in Peking. But so to Peking without CIA to witness what the military I Fourthly, it is true that we are had no champion Ping - Pong funds to encourage more people far we can't find representation?" I said. might term a rout. Another anybody." )t allowed to lie on our bunks players in the organization whom to take up the sport. tape of similar duration shows "Unless we can come up with a . to 8 p.m. The jail it could send along on the trip. "Why is that?" I asked. American troops at forward fcicials give the reason that if the Yet, despite these desperate "Surely in this vast organization sleeper," the official said. "Our CIA officials were going crazy recruiters out support bases folding up the tent, measures, officials of the agency you must have some excellent are on the college ■mates sleep all day, then they so to speak. Seems that at this trying to find someone before the are pessimistic that they'll be able table tennis players." campuses right now and their ■ill be up all night. And other U.S. team left for Peking last point we graciously offered these to develop orders are to find someone, Tmatesthat wish to sleep at night anybody worthy of unique strategic positions to the Saturday. playing Red China at table tennis. "Unfortunately, most of our anyone. It doesn't make any Vietnamese who, in turn, In panic, the CIA officials agents are golfers," he said sadly. difference if he can pass a security "What difference does it make "We also have delivered a terse message which, decided to hold some tennis players clearance as long as he has a a crash program if he isn't a after translation, read in champion?" I asked a and a few people who play vicious backhand." something Ping - Pong. Neighbors who live CIA official. like "no thanks, you can have croquet. But no one here ever Magazine around Langley, Va., where the top - secret agency is located, reported seeing truckloads of "We have a serious problem," thought to recruit Ping - Pong he said. "This is the first time players." "Will anyone be punished because the CIA was to unprepared them." Of all the implausable missions the military has brewed we're playing Red China at provide an agent for the Red yet, this one takes the grand Ping - Pong tables going through any approach the gates. They have reported that they sport. Table tennis is the most important game in China. "Couldn't you champion borrow a player from another agency of the government?" China table tennis tournament?" I asked. award. EQCPT DCDCODMANCE P0QTIC can't sleep at night because of the 'The USIA (U.S. Information "They only one who would "Our personnel director was demoted and transferred to MARTIN LUTLQ WNGJ 5CUQMIIP RJND i Agency) and the State Dept. want Jo the Editor; noise of thousands of balls being the United States to field the best have qualified was a man who Iceland the other day, but at the 11 appreciate David Bassett's Jthusiasm for the MSU Alumni hit back and forth across the tables set up in the CIA team it can find because they worked for the FBI and had won the intercollegiate Ping - Pong last minute President commuted his sentence." Nixon /VONDAV, ADD1L 26 TWO SUCWS igazine ("Editor alters alumni gymnasium. believe that if we can defeat the Chinese at Ping - Pong it would be championship of 1956. But AT TOO 6-9 45 ■ MSU AUDITORIUM S Iriodical," State News, April Any agent who ever played I), however I fear he has not Ine justice to the efforts of the Ping - Pong in boys' camp or at the beach had been the greatest propaganda victory of the Cold War. unfortunately, he was fired a ALLTKMITS J.250AVAILABLE AT! given leave Jevious editors. The ni Magazine has always been MSU from his regular duties and "On the other hand, the Joint MAD5UALLS-CAAAPBELL'5• /W5U UNION I brought to Langley in hopes he ■ATTENTION CAR OWNERS Chiefs of Staff and the CIA feel it Bnsidered among the best in the might be developed into a would be better to send a J Ten and in my meetings with 3 heads champion Ping - Pong player mediocre team and risk defeat in litors from other schools, I have * Complete front end repair and |ind they held a great deal of alignment jpect for my predecessors. I link Mr. Bassett's point is simply * Brakes * Suspension The new Norelco 90-slot ■at each new editor influences a design that lets you shave up ■blication in his own way and in * Wheel Tripleheader III. Now to 50^ faster than any previous Tf manner he believes will best balancing * Steering with micro-thin heads Norelco. Floating heads that pe his readers. We all have our that shave you up to follow your face. Pop-out trim¬ LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center n approach. Which is not to 44% closer. A new ■S one is necessarily bad mer for sideburns. And more. or good. 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 _ Ron Karle I Editor, MSU Alumni Magazine April 13,1971 The Union Ca IATCH YOUR PERFECT SOMETHING- rWE! From the Waterbed t?" °' Hollywood, starting at -SPRING' ■28.00 Call: Four I'028 (after 6 p.m.) Rivers, 351 American & 2 heads SEE OUR DISPLAY AT THE MERIDIAN MALL The new Speedshaver II. With Same heads. Same blades. SPORTSCAR SHOW one less head. And a very small Same close shaves. An price. But otherwise, just like Ziebart the TVipleheader. I inexpensive shaver with an expensive shave. rustproofs All Dinners~Served S:00 7:00 I'.M On Monday, April 19aspecial S1.70CHINESE DINNER Irving will be served, monday - $1.70-complete CHINESE DINNER Pepper Steak w/Tomatoes on Rice Bean Sprouts - Mandarin Style Fruit Cup and Almond Cookie Beverage The world. On April 20 TUESDAY - $2.10 - Complete FRENCH DINNER Irving doesn't shave. But Worldwide voltage selector. Veal Cutlet A La Francaise if he ever changes his mind, Heads that Parsley Potatoes - Green Beans Almondaise flip up for easy Tossed Salad Norelco will be ready. We'll cleaning. Even a handsome Chocolate Eclair - Beverage even make it easy. With 18 metal travel case. On*Aprif 21 self-sharpening blades. Norelco. I"vei-ne°1>le wll° llave to l)e sure of their automobile rustproofing demand Ziebart all WEDNESDAY - $2.10 - Complete IRANIAN DINNER Very easy to take. l(:e,'ni 'mvW0,'ld' F,'°m Cannd« to Central America. From the South Pacific to West Beef Kabob with Saffron Rice Banana Nut Salad Hard Roll & Butter Chocolate Chip Date Nut Cake ;°Ket if ? '• Une°nly of one z»eUart rustproofing process. And there are over them's right here-in your own back yard. From us. 200 places THURSDAY Beverage On*Aprif 22 - $1.85 - Complete More/co Corporation, 100 East 42nd Street, New MEXICAN DINNER The new Norelco Tripleheader III and Polio en Estopado (chicken) Refried Beans new Speedshaver II are now available at: Mexican Salad ZIEBART Almendrada (Mexican Molded Fruit) ZALES Beverage On*April 23 FRIDAY $2.25 - Complete ">««"^.ssssa - 'tNWRS *NO SUPPORTS INSIDE WHCii WILIS 484—2559 ^ ~ FISHERMAN'S COVE Sole, Shrimp,Scallops,Clam Fritter 318 S. JFWFLERS F. F. Potatoes Cole Slaw or Washington ( across from FREE SPIRIT) 437 N. LARCH, LANSING Tossed Salad Lansing Mall Thursday, April 5. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 19711 Law aids med schools' anatomic training and research purposes. the spouse. declared invalid for testamentary purposes, the gift, to the extent Expanded medical programs at MSU have brought about an • • an adult son that it has been acted upon in good fath, is nevertheless valid and Autopsied bodiesare not accepted by the school. The Uni increasing need for human anatomical materials, according to a or daughter. Dept. of Anatomy spokesman. • either parent. effective. does not buy bodies but does pay all expenses for transnnn ^ • adult brother sister. "A gift may also be made by document other than a will. The cremation and burial afterdeath. nsPortati0 This need resulted in legislative action a year ago pertinent to the an or • guardian of the of the decedent at the time of his document must be signed by the donor or signed for him at his After a body has been used by the school, its willing of bodies for teaching and research' purposes. a person remain, I Act 189 of Public Acts of 1969, known as the "uniform death. direction in the presence of two witnesses who must in turn sign the • document in his presence." cremated and placed in a cemetary plot maintained bv TI anatomical gift act," became effective in March, 1970. any person authorized or under obligation to dispose of the University. If the donor or family desire the ashes return^ # ' Public awareness of the new act has brought an increasing body." Section Eight of the act states that "the donee may accept or Subsection Five of Section Three states that "the rights of the reject the gift. If the donee accepts the gift of the entire body, the burial in the family plot, the University will comply with J k ■ number of bequests to MSU. donee created surviving spouse, next of kin, or other persons having authority to requests, if they are so stated on the forms returned to the Dent , I According to a Dept. of Anatomy spokesman, MSU's need will by the gift are paramount to the rights of others, but Anatomy. p of I direct and arrange the funeral and burial may, subject to the terms probably be met through donated bodies and receipt of unclaimed are subject to the alws of the state prescribing powers and duties If a member of the program dies in another state the bodies. with respect to autopsies." of the gift, authorize embalming and the use of the body in funeral bod I In the past five years, the department has received about 300 Section Five, Subsection One of the act, provides that "a gift services." should be taken to the nearest medical school in the state wh I promises from prospective donors. A few of these have been may be made by will. The gift becomes effective upon the death At the present time, MSU's medical college and osteopathic death occurs, as the costs of transporting a body are too ureal i ,1* I received. without waiting for probate. If the will is not probated, or if it is college are in a position to accept only whole bodies for teaching supported by the University. ^I Unclaimed bodies available to medical schools are decreasing in number because increased public welfare funds have provided a source of burial costs for institutionalized patients. Law cha To date, MSU has been able to meet its needs through cooperation of various state institutions and the medical schoolsat Wayne State University and the University of Michigan. Most states' medical schools receive their anatomical material from city, county or state institutions in which patients die without known relatives. The Dept. of Anatomy reports that it receives about three or well above that of a doctor or practice divorce cases were taken out of paving the way with a no - fault 21 to 18 in Michigan, Kelley said voting age and the difficulties of I four requests each week for information on the Willed Body dentist but the practice hasn't the courts, the dockets would be divorce system. the legislature will probably be maintaining dual systems for I Program. Responses, they say, are generally from adults but done too well recently despite cleared by 50 percent. Viewing the prospects for pressured into it by the current voting and legal status of those I sometimes from students. The future practice of law lies hi8h barriers to entrV- KelleV *>id- Kelley noted that California is lowering the age of majority from national drive for lowering the between 18 and 21. Calling New York's off. "Most who respond are in very good health," a spokesman said. in the public sector rather than Lawyers have a long tradition "They have heard about the program and think it's a good idea." the private sector, Atty. Gen. of contributing greatly to human betting system "a cop - „ut anda I stupid cheap stunt," Kelley said | In accordance with the: anatomical gift act, appropriate legally binding forms have been prepared by the Dept. of Anatomy and may be obtained by writing: Dept. of Anatomy, 274 Giltner Hall, Frank Kelley told members of the MSU Pre - Law Club Tuesday. "The ri8hts< Kelley said, pointing out that most of the tamers of the great challenges of Constitution as well as leaders in Genius' mother criticizes that taxing gambling is carry - another! over from the philosophy! of taxing the sinner to MSU. today are not in the private the civil rights movement were pay the | Section Three of the act provides that "any individual of sound practice but in the government or lawyers- way for society. He said this is | mind and 18 years of age or more may give all or part of his body for any purpose specified in Section Four of the act, the gift to take affect upon death." quasi - public service," Kelley Even if a lawyer knows the said. Public service lawyers are "system" and how it works for concerned with issues such as 500131 cha,n^ tbe J«wyer must education for gifted child also involved in the alcohol and tobacco virtually made taxes which the government have! a | Subsection Two of this section also provides for donation by the consumer protection, civil serve individual interests to Public school systems across IUUI1V the advanced work. But she said commitments would have to partner in these industries, liberties, civil rights and other provide for his own livelihood, he change, she said. This association taints the! " ~ decedent's survivors and establishes an order or priority for granting the United states ;es are doing little the holding of special classes for this permission. It states: public causes. Law is one of the ~; - to encourage or educate the gifted children is almost "The United States is churning image of government. Kelley I "Absence of actual notice of contrary by the decedent oractual few areas that pose tremendous . Commenting on the future of intellectually - gifted child, the nonexistent in U.S. schools. out ivory tower slogans while because the taxes bring in suchil notice of opposition by a member of the same or a prior class, the possibilities for women he added. , mother of one of MSU's youngest "Administrators think that is churning out 300 „ large revenue that the| ... es would come into following persons in order may give all or part of the decedent's Kelley cautioned against the hands gra(juates told the annual segregation of the intellectually superior minds a year," she said, government has a vested interest body for any purpose specified in Section Four of the act: expecting a highly exciting career conference of licensed practical elite «s dangerous and "I find that frightening." in their continued success, ..." law or expecting great financial marriage cou nselors and that the nurses on campus Tuesday. undemocratic," she said. In Mrs. Grost said she wrote her baying the system of "let the] rewards. Around the turn of the lawyers would only handle Audrey Grost, mother of Russia, she noted, 300 13 to 14 book because she and her sinner pay the fray" won't work, Watch the 10th Week! a century a lawyer's income was Pr°perty disputes. The divorce court is largely - Michael Grost who earned a year - °,ds a year are singled out husband, who live in Lansing, Kelley pointed to Las Vegas master's degree in mathematics ^or superior intelligence and were amazed about the where practically all vie "Oscar" Show, carry over from medieval Complete shows Today - from MSU at age 16, is the author taught in a special school, misconceptions of gifted been legalized. The i Thursday. April 15 1:00-3:00-5:00-7:00-9:05 T.V. RENTALS England when divorce of the book, "Genius in She referred to a newspaper children. there in every classification isthel PROGRAM INFORMATION 482-3905 at 10 PM, in color on your -] ^rtte^stu«ty™r°.°egr^tsta ""»• "°» 15 ^-ye"Is;e°t-h?,trol.e^ s: She said the uninformed highest in the country, Kelley| and the court had to determine Z working toward a doctorate Office of Education official as public thinks the gifted child is a sai('- _ NBC-TV channel spoiled brat, a sissy, a bookworm, "The highest crime rate is not! what breach of contract was degree at Yale University. saying, "Helping gifted children is and a troublemaker who is unable 'n Detroit, or New ork or Wattifl Referring to the like taking up a collection for involved, Kelley explained. If the "noneducation" of the to establish enduring but in Las Vegas where the vicesB gifted Howard Hughes." any NOMINATED FOR I child in U.S. schools, Mrs. Grost She wrote a letter to the Office relationshiops and commits have been legalized and taxed,"■ MSU Lecture Concert Series said all this country has done in °f Educaion asking for an suicide at the age of 30. he said. I ACADEMYi presents this area is to conduct some studies which are "now gathering explanation of this comment. An aide replied that, for the United Her belief is that gifted Explaining this ruling onl children grow into gifted adults, migratory workers issued this| AWARDS! dust because of no money to implement them" and to provide States to change its stand on gifted children, present do not "burn themselves out" by week, Kelley said dignity the age of 25 or 30 and can be rights were given to thousands of BEST PICTURE enrichment reading programs and institutional policies and productive for their entire lives, western Michigan workers living BEST DIRECTOR BEST ACTRESS Van acceleration. to By acceleration, she referred brighter children skipping . . Sleeping illness ... Mike's relationships with his in conditions that were the same brother, 14, and his sister, 16, ""tha•" have always been healthy, she 'as the slaves in the pre - Civil Wail south." BEST ACTOR grades when they could handle said, with his siblings regarding The decision made inviM| Cliburn BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR trespass laws used by HAVE A BALL on a hits Botswana Wmn(^»S-brother,secondlyM farmers to keep migratory! BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY Hollywood Waterbed from BEST ORIGINAL MUSICAL SCORE FOUR RIVERS. ..startingat MAUN Born.,AP)-The J^feS'S JS^JSTJuttSSd Friday, April 16-8:15p.m. Series B $28.00 RIVERS, 351 Contact; - FOUR 1028. (after S2JWU tSJZ has been jammed with 50 patients you know, anyway*'" him, "What do dwellings, dwellings. Kelley called the property taxi ! Students $1.00 with full - time 6). Ali MacGraw-RyanO Neal validated I.D. Tickets at the afflicted with sleepin, sickness ff"h'e were to answer her and tell her all the ability of the owner to W-f John Union Ticket Office. FOUR ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS Marley& Ray Milland ★ BEST ACTRESS ★.BEST ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE he knew, it'd probably take 10 He joined Gov. Milliken in rallinfl ★ BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN CINEMATOGRAPHY years." for abolition of the tax. KelleyB said corporations should havetoH ★ BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN pay their share of the costs rather I SOUND^, than taxing the general publicinH An RHA Presentation v ) A story of love. excess. Filmed by David Lean A OPEN 12:45 — 4 Shows Daily 20TH CENTURY-FOX Presents 1:00-3:45 -6:45 -9:15 Job outlook for| MAE WEST JOHN HUSTON Ryan's v DLST1N HOfFMAN^ Chem students RAQUEL WELCH Daughter fxjl ^ ^ to be discussed! Starring ROBERT MITCHUM -TREVOR HOWD £S CHRISTOPHER JONES • JOHN MILLS Martin A. Paul of the National™ \ X LEO McKERN and SARAH MILES iGPl Academy of Sciences and! MYRA BRECKINRIDGE ACTIOGaa.nJSLraimwON*'- Research Council will speak top chemistry graduate studentsat3B p.m. Friday in 138 Chemistry■ "LITTLE BIG MAN" Bldg. on the job market forj Kxi*Technicolor* g Ph.D.s in science. TONIGHT Paul, executive secretary ol division of chemistry anoB J**-' the 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 3325117 ENDS TONIGHT >"OSCAR" chemical technology, will discus® "THE TWELVE CHAIRS" SHOW the placement of recent Ph.DsB [M- Open 6:45 ■ Feature 7:25 - 9:35 and expectations for the future* The talk is sponsored by tMB The book that couldn't | TOMORROW 1 * f ^ wr'tten's novv Chemistry Graduate Student J I Vilk the mot!on Picture Colloquium Commit tee. i cou,dn't be made! MARK IT MUST SEE! ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF THIS AND MANY A YEAR! HELD WAITUNTILY0U SEE IT!ENTERTAINING OVER "Go ask Alice, .. .HUMAN, VIVID, COMPASSIONATE when she's ten AND HUMOROUS. ... feet tall." GraceSlick^l mem - Kelly's Heroes MAsrmm They had a message for the Army: "Up the brass!" Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Presents a Katzka-Loeb Production starring Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Don RicWes, Carroll O'Connor and Donald Sutherland inKELLYS HEROES" ICHABOD & MR. TOAD ALICE IN WONDERLAND I Written by Troy Kennedy Martin Produced by Gabriel Katzka and Sidney Beckerman Ir-cnl Directed by Brian G Hutton Panavisiorfand Metrocolor ^ mom Thursday 111 Oldt Hall, The Friday 108 B Weill Hall Tonight in Brody Tonight in Conrad ORGANIZER RENAIO ANNIE Alice in Wonderland 7:00 & 9:30 FOLCO 8:30 7, 9:30 SALVATORI- 6IRARD0T- LULU Ichabod & Mr. Toad 8:30 & 10:45 S i .00 admission I.D.'s required $1.00 admission I.D.'s required (Unclassified) ' $1.00 Children 50c Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 15, 1971 "J Van Clib urn to perform Van Cliburn, one of America's Union in 1960 sponsored best known concert by the remained his only instructor until Foundation Award with his - pianists, will U.S. State Dept., the reknowned he went to New York perform at 8:15 p.m. Friday in City in playing of Liszt's "Twelfth professor of piano, Nehaus, 1951 to study at the Juilliard the Auditorium. teacher of Gilels and Richter, School of Music with Mme. Rhapsody." This gave1 him the His appearance is a Series "B" proclaimed him "the real and privilege of playing in concert Rosina Lhevinne. with the New York Philharmonic His summer appearances have attraction in MSU's Lecture - brilliant successor to He has won included Saratoga, Ravinia Park, Concert Series. many musical at Carnegie Hall. Rachmaninoff!" competitions during his career, Interlochen, the Garden State He will play Brahms' Cliburn began to study In 1959, Cliburn's career piano but his most was Festival in New "Rhapsody No. 2 in G Minor," at three with his important threatened. An infection in one Jersey, mother, an achievement came in 1954 when Philadelphia's Robin Hood Dell, Beethoven's "Sonata in E Flat of his fingers necessitated a accomplished pianist. She he won the Edgar M. Leventritt the Hollywood Bowl and Major," three works by Debussy delicate operation, forcing him to — "Feux d'artifice," "Clair de Tanglewood. lune" and "L'lle three works Joyeuse,"—and by Chopin — FORECAST WITHHELD "Ballade in G Minor," "Nocturne in E Major, Opus 62, No. 2" and Oscar "Scherzo in B Flat Minor, Opus - 31." Cliburn, who performed at MSU in 1966, is recital and as currently on a 60 city tour performing both in soloist with the By ROBERT KIPPER State News Reviewer offerings dubious and tormented individual. Best Actor record to lack Scott's performance would be similar to became cloying. Miss Black major symphony orchestras. epitomized the empty - headed Musical In 1958 he skyrocketed to Tonight, for the 43rd time, the George C. Scott's performance of the title role in "Patton" is a a history of Rome forgetting Julius Caesar of the doll who dotes on Tammy international fame after winning story of Wynette records and services the Motion Picture Academy of Arts magnificent study of ambition, baseball overlooking the Van Cliburn, world famous concert pianist, will perform Friday evening in the Auditorium as a the First Tchaikovsky and Sciences will dole out its egomania and delusion in high man whose shadow she lives in. contributions of Babe Ruth. For her efforts, Miss Black's part of the Lecture - Concert Series. Competition in Moscow. When Oscar awards. command. Scott creates such a Cliburn returned to the Soviet Best Actress character finds a mistreatment By the forceful portrait, the viewer's now futility of Sarah Miles' performance as her limited mind cannot predicting the winners must be preconceptions of Patton are Rosy in "Ryan's Daughter" is a rationalize. IEEKEHD AT SHAW obvious to everyone. Any award group that nominates "Airport" shattered. After treatment, simply loving Scott's or lingering study of a girl - women, unsure of her aspirations, sure for best film and Ali MacGraw for hating Patton is no longer easy. only of her discontent. A surface SDS forum best actress can't be expected to Scott doesn't want the Oscar. loveliness conceals the tangle of He has asked to be excluded from Festival be logical or pertinent when it emotions, dashed hopes and Students for a Democratic to urge change to the nominees. But, for the Oscar comes choosing winners. uncertain longings that torment Society (SDS) will host a forum This year no predicitons will Rosy internally. on the Lt. William Calley - My Lai be offered from this corner. Best Supporting Actor affair at 8:30 pjn. today in 35 Nature Bookstore and My reluctance stems partly Chief Dan George made what Union. By DAVID BASSETT State News Staff Writer Liberation. The Listening Ear and the Women's Corner Society and the Suitcase Theater. Balloons and flowers will be given by the Women's feast depends on bringing their surprises." "everyone from disinterest. Many of the year's finest achievements — Barbara Streisand's Doris ("The Brody site could have been a performance an eloquent display of seasoned wisdom, standard A spokesman for SDS said that the purpose of the forum is to DEC will present a "psychomat" A speech by John Friones of compassion open discussion on the massacre, Community, involvement, ;ial action and celebration will to show people how to deal with various personal and community International League for Peace the and Freedom and the Man and Nature Bookstore. Chicago 7 at 8 Sunday night in 104B Wells Hall will conclude Owl and the Pussycat"), Alan Arkin's Yossarian ("Catch - 22"), and Leonard Frey's Harold ("The of concert and humor. As Old Live Skins, George gave "Little Big Man" its as well as to "suggest actions that the people should take." jund in and around Shaw Hall problems. most lasting image: the "We believe that the festival. sight of a Calley is a iis weekend as the first Festival A "Red Line" tour of the A concert Boys in the Band") — were not man confused by the difference racist murderer and should be featuring Dogs and Organizers of the festival Alternative Life Styles mid offices of immunity Action for Social engaged in military - industrial iange opens on campus. University personnel work will be conducted Archangel will be presented emphasize that this weekend's Saturday night. Geodesic and air activities are an attempt to domes will be on display, and the encourage people even nominated. In place of guesses, what follows are personal choices—the by singers between his simple vision of the world and the events. A punished, not by the military but bloody reality of by the people," an SDS blind Indian spokesman said. Saturday- to "come nominees who in one man's From geodesic domes to afternoon by the builders of The Black Sisters of experiences white mistreatment Lansing Area the domes will together." from plays and skits to Peace Council. OCC will "This is a festival of life, a opinion most deserve to win. Butterfield Hall are presenting of his people and sees and , also encourage people to assist them films, the festival is an conduct a tour of in festival They probably won't. But, to the Donald Vails Choraleers of perceives all. subpar student building additional copies. of spring," Lenny [tempt to bring people together housing. A potluck feast will be held Brenner, East Lansing graduate one who has viewed nominated film and performance, each Detroit in concert at 7:30 p.m. Best Supporting Actress TRYOUTS id engage them in community Saturday in the south dining Karen Black's depiction of the Pantomime and satire will be student, said. "If you come, the for rtionand social change. Sunday at noon. Sponsors of the festival they should. room of Brody Hall. The concert simple waitress in "Five East displayed by both the Street festival said the success of the can be whatever you want Best Film is being sponsored Pieces" was so complete it often f Star Spangled Girl Four hours of free social it to be." by the Center inge films will be shown "Five Easy Pieces," Bob for Urban Affairs and admission { The Odd Couple Rafelson's stunning probe of an is free. i Fantastics iinning at 7:30 p.m. Friday In Shaw Hall lower educated drifter, towers above The choraleers have T.V. RENTALS ! Butterflies Are Free lounge. the other nominees — perfomed Saturday's activities will begin w v-—' — // / \N\ "Airport," on several college and university I Thurs. 6:30 10:30 p.n - noon with more than 40 groups. >— "Love Story," "M*A*S*H," and campuses, including Wayne State "Patton." | Studio 49 tiding workshops ssions and formation tables. Groups involved and maintaining rap! incj^de Capital Capsules The film focuses on one inciting curiousity with his misleading personalty, man, University, Howard University and Saginaw Valley have College, and performed in various states. They have accompanied NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300 j Auditorium udents for a Democratic involvement with his growing popular singer Freda Payne on STATE SEjN. JOHN F. "was of one those chronic complexity, and fascination with her recordings such ;iety, the North Side Action TOEPP, R - CADILLAC, has SECRETARY OF as "Band of STATE problem drivers." his unanswered contradictions. In Gold." nter, the Drug Education invited Tricia Nixon and her RICHARD H. AUSTIN said "Between August, 1968, and the course of the film, a nter(DEC), Gay Liberation, E future husband, Edward F. Cox, Appearing with the Donald Tuesday he will seek to take February, of this year the Dept. seemingly ordinary laborer is Vails Choraleers will •UAL, Off - Campus Council, to stiffer action against habitual be the honeymoon in the Great Lake of State suspended his license for "fleshed out" to a complicated Gospel Vibes of Butterfield. X), the Student Mobilization State. traffic violators as a result of an • a total of 15 mmittee, MSU Veterans for months," Austin In a letter to the President's accident in Detroit last weekend he International eldest daughter, Toepp described that took seven lives. said. He said he would review BEAL FILM GROUP presents Bditation Society, the Man and Michigan resort areas and tourist Austin said John Glidden, 20, attractions which he said would whose car, traveling at 100 miles present guidelines to determine if more stringent action should be TONIGHT thru FRIDAY provide the newlyweds "comfort per hour, jumped a guardrail and taken "even from ortuguese rule, single FIRST LANSING SHOWING! a and privacy." slammed into oncoming traffic, offense." "Please believe me, Michigan rmed struggle would love to have you, and we would expend every effort at our command to give your impending epic ted by film marriage the successful, auspicious start that every A film entitled, "Angola — American wishes for you," Toepp VALDE2 m wrote. urney to a War," will be shown 8 p.m. today in 117 Berkey OPEN AT 7:00 - IN CAR HEATER! 1$ COMING The film is COLOR by Deluxe* United Artists t« hp being sponsored by ! pan African Students isOA)'0" A tHe Americas NOW! ALL COLOR! PASOA spokesman said the n features the barbaric and OUTLAW WHEELS IN ACTION '"man Portuguese rule in MAN DOES NOT LIVE DY DLOOD ALONE! In Bloodcurdling Color ? a and explains why "cans hi living in Angola have Also on this fabulous program W themselves in a BROTHER JOHN" J«utionary armed struggle, ■following the film a SIDNEY Starring BRADFORD NOSFERATU E°n,,0n the situ»tion in 109 7 Cofor □ |lr be fair taken afterheld"the Uonat'°ns film. A Howling Hellcat Humping A POITIER DILLMAN X « yrs. old Anthony 8:40 $1.00 RATED GP 10:20 worth it Steel Hog on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge. Next week first TODAY AT: 7:30-9:30 Rated 'R* Shown at 7:45 p.m. Anniversary Showing ALSO BABY VICKIE ONE MAN ("a little chap") rODAYi r TWO FEATURES his Wife (typically English") At 2:40-6:2s-Late mv -R' PHONE 349-2700 Shown Once at 9:40 Mistress ("Glorious Russian') RS JACK NICHOLSON Mistress ("Typische Deutche") FIVE EHSU PIECES Mistress ("All-American") 0 2 Daughters ("Both girls") Barbra Streisand a + NO SONS ts "heart" - the KENWOOD KR 3130 Receiver. It's a sensitive but receiver. strong AM-FM100 watt Naturally the best selling receiver in the Kenwood line with a fine balance of economy and top performance. It boasts features like headphone jack, FM hush, capacity or 'wo record players and two speaker sets and much more. Combined with the EV14 two way speaker system and GARRARD SL55B record changer with SHURE M44-7 cartridge There's '"is adds up to a stereo system you should consider primely. Step Inside and save. a deep bill pocket that keeps currency secure. Fold - out card case keeps identification . . . cards . . . photos easy to find. Folds flat to fit the pocket. In so many fine leathers That tricky chick is after your new Van Heusen Body Shirt! It's the shirt with perfect body fit. long pointed collar, two-button cuffs and the newest, • Cowhide s450 smartest patterns. Keep your Body Shirt on, man, and keep the Body Shirt Snatchei off your back! • Saddle Leather s500 VAN H EUSE N 41 7 Body Shirt . Water Buffalo s8°0 • Calfskin MO00 UP FREE Personal Monogram Hpmmmw fjfrop $400.00 has VAN HEUSEN Body Shirts HI-FI B 1101 E. Grand River 2E3 iSStJSS DIRECTLY ACROSS EAST LANSING-209 E. Grand River Ph. 332-3531 FROM THE MSU UNION DOWNTOWN-107 S. Washington Thursday, April IS, 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan lg7l Survey By BARBARAFARY and on UThe main health universities, including Harvard, follow this plan. advantage of the proposed plan, he said, is that it provides coverage for students who often experience difficulty in care needs proposed Although the program would be first implemented as a pilot program with limited service in the College of Human Medicine clinic as it now exists and the in-patient care at community The survey may indicate a lack of interest in t Huntington predicted, among single students. "We surveyed the student body three years ago and founH,». DAVID BASSETT 84 per cent were covered by their parents' insurance " State News Staff Writers obtaining health care away from home, especially married students hospitals, Huntington said its 9cope could eventually be expanded hesa a' « with small children. to include office calls, house calls, dental work, rehabilitation doubt if a single student's most important area of inters' i!1 A proposal to conduct a survey to learn what various members of "East Lansing physicians are often reluctant to add new patients therapy and medical - social services. health." 18 hi* the University perceive as being their health care needs was to their practice, especially if they are transient like most college Health care plans for specific groups are the latest trend in discussed this week by the All - University Health Center Advisory students are," Huntington said. "A plan that would guarantee medical news and "HMO's" (health maintenance organizations) are Another factor to consider, Huntington said, is that mostsinirt Committee. health care to students and their families would be a great help to being considered by Congress as a possible solution to the nation's students leave the campus on weekends and during the summer ann The survey would study reactions to the possibility of a prepaid students and particularly to faculty and staff who make their homes medical needs, Huntington said. most faculty appointments are 10 months long. a group health care package for the MSU community. here." "The kind of HMO that we would like the University "This type of plan is most valuable to a stable communitv like Robert Perrin, vice president for University relations, said that President Wharton introduced the plan to improve the quality community to consider," Wharton said, "is one which would be the company towns under the Kaiser Plan," he said. "However while no formal survey now exists, various recommendations have and availability of health care and reduce costs. tailored to our particular health care needs and would also aid our married students are automatically dropped from family health been made by the Urban Survey Research Bureau. "If such a plan can be successfully implemented at MSU, it educational and research projects aimed at improving health care." plan and might respond most favorably to a University plan." These include 75 in-depth interviews with students, faculty, would also be helpful to the education of physicians and other The plan would be implemented with the assistance of the staff and administrators to determine what type of questions health professionals and could prove to be a model system," he said. The All -"University Health Center Advisory Colleges of Human and Osteopathic Medicine, Huntington said, Board, which will h should be asked on the survey questionnaire. Rom this data, a survey could be made to be distributed to President Wharton had introduced the plan to improve the which are being built to train community physicians. responsible for the survey, was appointed last year by Wharton to give members of the University communitv » vn.J Presided quality and availability of health care and to reduce costs. "Our medical students would then be training in a real approximately 1,250 people, with results available by July 1. "If such a plan can be successfully implemented at MSU. it community setting," he said, "treating children as well as adults. the policies of the MSU Health Center. cein A spokesman from the research bureau said that "at least 250" would be also helpful to the education of physicians and other And the new student or married students with families would not The board is composed of both graduate and undergraduat questionnaires would be sent to students. health professionals and could prove to be a model system." have to worry about moving to a new city where they did not know students, faculty and staff members and nonvoting professional Also studied at the meeting was an information pamphlet Wharton said. where to find good health care." members. explaining the features of a prepaid health care package. This pamphlet explained that the package, in its simplest terms, would provide University people with a broad range of services for a set, pre-paid fee. Urban 4-H seeks volunteers James Cook, health center administrator, said that the cost to students for the group plan "probably would be around $13 per student per term." Clair Huntington, administrative assistant to the vice president for business and finance, said that it is possible that student fees, including tuition, would be reduced if the plan were implemented. "We need more volunteer make wall hangings and things come from broken or unhappy mother works." Miss Siebert said. All new volunteers The pamphlet also said all students might not be required to join By BARBARAFARY are glYeil educators to work with kids in like that," she said. "I didn't homes and have little self - respect "We will help her learn that skill." on the scene the plan, but the cost for each student would be greatly reduced if State News Staff Writer - - training from these projects," Duff said. "No know a thing about boutiquing, Volunteers are urged to meet or pride in their environment. We experienced volunteers before they did. but my partner did, and it was fun with parents and try to involve The Urban Lansing 4-H Club is special knowledge in any subject try to teach them new skills to taking over a group of their own. Huntington said earlier that the plan might better be termed a learning with the girls. We try to give them self - confidence.*' them in the projects, she said. total health care plan. recruiting MSU students through area is needed. The main thins ,s At present, students from match up a volunteer with a "As long as we have a MSU and Lansing "It differs in fee - for - service plan in that the individual makes a Wednesday to work this term to be interested in working with The 4-H activities are relevant Community special skill with a volunteer who volunteer out in the community, monthly payment which covers all the medical care, both in- and with disadvantaged youths youth who need to have an adult to the young people they serve, College meet with youth groups to look up to." has no one area of interest, as in she said. For example, girls in a we want them to do something at between the ages of six and 18. area schools, churches, out - patient, that he receives through the University," he Kay Siegrist, asst. coordinator, my case. worthwhile and not just babysit." "Over 650 young people are cooking class are taught how to community centers and club explained. "It differs from the Blue Cross approach which said she learned as much as the "The kids we work with our Volunteers spend from three houses. reimburses a member after he has paid his medical bills." now involved in the program prepare low - cost but to five hours week with their which, for many, is their only girls she worked with last year are disadvantaged," Miss Siegrist nutritionally balanced meals and a "We'd like interested students Huntington said the proposed plan is not only feasible, but has when die and another girl taught said, "but in more ways than just how to shop wisely. group and are provided with to call us or drop in at the 4-H been practiced for the past 20 years as the Kaiser Plan. planned activity outside of school," John Duff, 4-H boutiquing. coming from a low - income "Sometimes a young girl in a transportation from the MSU urban office at 175 S. Anthony The Kaiser plan was begun by Kaiser Aluminum Co. employes volunteer coordinator said. "We taught the girls how to neighborhood. Many of them fatherless home may have to do volunteer bureau or fellow Hall, because we really need who were able to finance a clinic and hospital to take care of their all the cooking because her volunteers. families through monthly "More could be involved if more them," Miss Siebert said. pooled contributions. Several volunteers can be found." Sports Car Club sponsors The 4-H volunteers work in pairs with small groups of young gymkhana Sunday at mall people in activities ranging from cooking, crafts and knitting to small engines, chorus, newspaper, The MSU Sports Car Club will Marsh Road and East Grand POLICE BRIEF sponsor a gymkhana from noon River Ave. art, sports, drama and to 6 p.m. Sunday in the back A gymkhana is a timed event photography. parking lot of Meridian Mall, in which drivers compete one at a time against other drivers A MOTORCYCLE valued at MSU POLICE SAID they missing from the Holden Hall whose cars are similar in weight, received a call Tuesday from cafeteria coat rack, police said, $30 which had been missingsince style and engine size. and sue of the books were taken fall term, 1970, was returned SIMON REAL Interested doctors at Sparrow Hospital in people in the from a shelf in the Bailey Hall Lansing who said they were Tuesday to its owner, Patrick M ESTATE greater Lansing area are invited of Gerald D. Canali, to treating an MSU coed in serious room Casey, Buchanan senior, after compete. East M.S.U. OKEMOS condition from an apparent Lewiston, N.Y., junior. two Lansing youths overdose of drugs and alcohol. discovered the vehicle hidden in i BRANCH OFFICE POLICE SAID THEY Information from dump of bushes in the Sandford 4217 Okemos Rd. Students' group sources close to the coed indicated that RECEIVED four complaints Woodlot, behind Holmes, Ph. 349-3310 the overdose did not result from a Tuesday from students who said McDonel and Owen Halls. thieves stole a billfold, a radio, a to show film suicide attempt, officers purse and wallet, a camera and a Police said they received acal from East Lansing police, reported. Police declined to "Alaska Wildlife identify the coed. tape recorder, with a total the two notified about the estimated value of $182. discovery. Wonderland," a travelog In two of the incidents, adventure film will be shown at 8 NINE TEXT BOOKS, with a students told officers they a were DANIEL J. RHODES, St p.m. Friday and Saturday in the total estimated value of $88, were absent from their resident hall at Joseph freshman, told polic Vet Clinic auditorium. *5 Bedrooms the time of the theft and left the someone apparently had thrown The film is being presented by reportedly stolen Tuesday from ♦Large Lot With Trees doors closed but not locked. a ball through the windshield Campus Advance, a Christian two students who left the books The other thefts occurred Ten Minutes to MSU his automobile parked on Abbot student organization. Admission unattended in public areas and Call Corrie Drobney when students left items Road between 6:30 p.m. an is $1.50 for the public and $1 for from one student who left his 372-8044 unattended for five minutes and 11:25 p.m. students and faculty. Children books inside an unlocked room, MSU police said. for a half - hour in public areas of Damage to the windshield wa under 12 will be admitted free. *River View Three books were discovered Bryan and Holden halls. estimated at $125. *5 Minutes from MSU T.V. RENTALS I. R. S. ♦Informal layout ♦Lots of trees Call Tipi Eyke Poll finds stud 349-9314 SALE mixed The majority of college students, according to a marriage conflict owing to the differen (INSTANT REFUND SALE*) recent campus survey, are convinced that total racial equity may be more a hoped - for ideal than a values held by the couple's families. Interviewers posed the same question ■ CLIP AND SAVE " fact. students concerning interfaith marriages. Less than one in eight indicated that they would hav Notwithstanding the attitudes of a generation which has probably been as tolerant of one any strong doubts about this type of union. another's opinions and actions as any previous, A response representative of many of th 1.00 about two out of three college students would students' thinking came from one Berkley coed assess the prospects for a successful interracial who observed: marriage as slim. The skeptical outlook is attributed more to the "I think that many years ago, an interfaitl pressures brought about by society than to marriage would have been more handicapped thar it is today — people are better educated, mor personal incompatibility in such a marriage. tolerant of one another's views, and probably l« Asked about the prospects for harmonious interfaith marriages today, the large majority of apt to blindly follow the dogma of their particular faith." students were much more optimistic. Interviewers polled 1,085 college students in OFF A Interestingly, no difference existed in opinions mid - March. A cross - section of 43 representative between men and women. Attitudes did, however, BUCKET OR BARREL colleges and universities were sampled for the noticeably vary according to geographic region. (Offer Good to April 18) survey. They were asked: Students attending eastern schools were more "How would you gauge the chances for success optimistic in their answers to both questions- of an interracial marriage today?" particularly on the chances for success of an The majority of students who expressed little interracial marriage. confidence in the outcome of an interracial Doubts were considerably stronger i marriage frequently cited as their reasons: South, though, where students almost 1. reluctance on the part of society to fully unanimously questioned society's acceptance of» accept the marriage; mixed marriage. 2. the potential problems of acceptance the Each bucket Includes Copyright 1971, Unidex Corp., Bloomington, 15 Pieces of Delicious couple's children might face; and Kentucky Fried Chick¬ en, the Colonel's Spe¬ 21 Pieces of Chicken A9MSU IN COOPERATION WITH for Hearty Appetites- cial Gravy, and Hot Great for Get-togeth- . MOWTOWN RECORDING CORP PRESENTS ARTHUR TREACHER'S CLIP AND SAVE mmmmmmmmmmmmm KevieWonder *When you bring in this coupon, we will give you another coupon for $1.00 off a bucket or barrel. . Good April 19th to the 23rd! This coupon will NOT be advertised in the newspaper ^ THE ORIGINAL Ttsl) TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: MONDAY, APRIL 26 • TWO SHOWS RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT jGMtvwbi Tried ^ki^ktu. 700£945P* • MSU AUDITORIUM 2418 E. MICHIGAN : ■ii '., TICKET? • $2.50 -MARSHALL' 5,CAMPBELL'?, 99< Ae oeuvenv na-56«H and at UNION 4100 S. LOGAN BENEFIT FOR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. SCHOLARSHIP FUND , "Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 15, 1971 state news classified The best bargains in STATE NFWS ever are today's classified ads! CLASSIFIED 3R58255 The State New* does pRankLy speaking not permit racial or religious Scooters & Cycles by Phil Frank Employment For Rent For Rent discrimination in its /ZZ2S5m^ M advertising columns. The 1966 HONDA 150. Low mileage, PHYSICAL THERAPIST PARKING. fasfl State accept News will not advertising which electric start. Must be seen. $250. 351-6473. 2-4-16 Must be eligible for Michigan licensure. Full time staff position. $20/term. 115, $8/month. 332-8849. 1-4-14 123 Albert. 353-2243, LANSING bedroom rooms. OR East furnished. Air Lansing. One Large, airy conditioned. automotive discriminates 1966 TRIUMPH Opportunity to assist with against 500. Chairianti Beautifully maintained. Suitable development of TV RENTALS Students only. Low Scooters & Cycles comprehensive - religion, race, color or forks. $550 or best offer. 237 rehabilitative services for hospital for faculty, grad students, business monthly and term rates. Call Auto Parts & Service national orioin. Kedzie. 3-4-19 and community. Excellent 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV people, married couples. Lease. salary. 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 Aviation Full benefits. Apply Personnel RENTALS. C 1969 HONDA 450CL. Excellent, Department. St. employment 4,000 miles, helmet. After 7 p.m. Hospital. 5-4-20 Lawrence REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for MARRIED STUDENTS for rent 332-3882.3-4-19 & FACULTY rent. A TO Z RENTALS. Automotive NURSE - ANESTHETIST Apartments 1965 HONDA 305. Good shape. CRNA or eligible — for obstetrics. 349-2220. O Live In a LUXURY Houses METEOR 1962. Good $275. Tim, after 1 Full time or part time. Rotate day 2-Bedroom Apartment condition. p.m. 332-0834. STROBE LIGHT rentals by the $250. Engine runs well. Call 1-4-15 and night with a study (a Rooms evening shift. Excellent salary or weekend. Call MARSHALL place 332-2951. 2-4-15 plus on call bonuses. Full benefits. to get away from it ,for SALE 70 TRIUMPH Daytona 500. $1050. MUSIC. 351-7830. C-4-14 all) Apply Personnel Department, St. Animals 482-5626, between 6 p.m. and 8 Lawrence Hospital. 5-4-20 TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction W1 UNFURNISHED Mobile Homes P.m. X8-4-24 guaranteed. Free delivery, service COOK TO KNOB HILL PERSONAL go North to Harbor and pick-up. Call NEJAC, MGB 1968. Red, wire YAMAHA 1970, 250cc Street. Springs. July / August. 332-1239. 337-1300. C APARTMENTS PEANUTS PERSONAL excellent wheels, Excellent condition. $500. After 4 3-4-16 349-4700 condition, $1500 REAL ESTATE 332-4241. 4-4-16 P.m., 355-3165.1-4-19 ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY RECREATION 1967 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 1-6 p.m. MUSTANG MACH I, 1969. Black, TRIUMPH Bonneville. New RENTAL, 372-4948. O Also shown by SERVICE sharp. After 5 p.m., call 351-7459 clutch, brakes, carburetor. appointment On Okemos Rd. across Typing Service 10-4-16 Excellent condition. After 7 p.m. DON'T CALL unless you are ready 349-9617. 1-4-15 to quit college. No — you can be from Okemos High School TRANSPORTATION MUSTANG 1965. Silver blue successful if shown how. WANTED convertible. Standard shift, 6 CYCLE . INSURANCE. Central Promoters and people with ideas EAST LANSING, near MSU. 4 211V4 MAC. Furnished 1 bedroom cylinder. $475. 482-5061, 1007 Michigan's largest insurer. Any call 4-7 p.m., 694-8483. 2-4-15 apartment. S130/month. Grad deadline bedroom house, furnished for five cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON students and married couple May St., Lansing. 3-4-16 men - available June 15th for 1 P.M. one clais day INSURANCE AGENCY. WANTED COUNTRY air talent preferred. 332-2495. 4-4-16 332-5335, 484-8173.0 summer. Single rooms also before publication. MUSTANG 1965. Fastback, 289 - combo first ticket. Part timer available. References needed. ONE GIRL for 4 man Cancellation! - 12 noon V-8, automatic transmission, 22-35 hours a week. Must have 332-4076. 5-4-19 Spring Term. 1968 Honda 305 Scrambler. 1970 Haslett Arms. 351-1536. Reduced. radio, whitewalls. Good condition adult voice. Some experience, no one das« day before 353-2847. 3-4-16 Suzuki TS-90 Honcho. Both beginners. Good 4-4-16 excellent breadll conditions. publication. Telephone for MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, 1966. 332-6158 after 5 p.m. 3-4-15 Auto Service & Parts 393-1010 after 10 a.m. David interview, Apartments NEAR SPARROW hospital. phone 27,000 miles. 6 cylinder, stick Employment Donahue, program manager. $145/month. Utilities paid 355-8255 shift. 355-7916. 5-4-20 61 COUNTRIES 7-4-22 GIRL NEEDED to share one 694-6461. 5-4-19 around the world need HRI STUDENT to cook part time at bedroom apartment. Furnished, rates people who know engines $75. 349-1736. 5-4-16 WE'RE LOOKING for OLDSMOBILE 1967. All power, 1969 SUZUKI X6 Scrambler 250cc. and transmissions. If you know night. Apply in COOKS, BUSBOYS and dishwashers two bedroom, person, 1 day $1-50 automatic, radio, clean. One Excellent condition. 4200 miles. motors, see the Peace Corps Team HOSPITALITY MOTOR INN, needed for a new operation. Full two bath, Meadowbrook Trace. Near pool, sublet summer. Call 15c per word per day owner. 351-0144. 4-4-16 $450 or best offer. Must sell. this week in the MSU Placement I-496 at Jolly Road exit. 5-4-21 or part time. Flexible hours. NOW LEASING: 2 and 3 man 351-3081. S-3-4-16 3 days $4.00 OPEL, 1970 GT. Excellent condition. 355-1530. S-4-20 Office. 5-4-16 Apply daily between 10-3 p.m. apartments. Close to campus. WAITRESSES: TO work weekends. MR. STEAK RESTAURANT, $170. 126 Milford. 372-5767 and 13%c per word per day Low STUDIO EFFICIENCY apartment. mileage. $2695. Call Apply in person, HOSPITALITY 5919 South Cedar, Lansing. 489-1656, evenings. 20-5-3 5 days $6.50 393-7397 after 2 p.m. 3-4-19 HONDA 1969, SS125. Superb Aviation MOTOR INN, I-496 at Jolly Road __3±!_6 Close to campus. Modern, parking. condition. Must see to believel Quiet. 349-9269. 5-4-15 13c per word per day exit. 5-4-21 $300 firm. Call 349-1314 LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight BOTSWANA, PLYMOUTH FURY III 1969. Dark or MALAYSIA, Nepal, (based on 10 words per ad) 355-7055. S-5-4-20 training. All courses are and India want Peace Corps CEDAR GREENS green, four door sedan. Air EXPANDING MANAGEMENT sales UNIVERSITY VILLA: now renting government and VA certified. Volunteers with Agriculture or 1 bedroom furnished Peanuts Personals conditioning. 677-2751 2 and 3 and 4 man furnished must be or TRIUMPH 1970. FRANCIS AVIATION, concern is looking for personnel. Rural backgrounds to help them 650cc. TR6C. Airport prepaid. 676-5936. 5-4-21 Perfect condition. $1100. Call Will train. 351-5547 for POOL apartments for summer and fall. If Road, Call 484-1324. C grow. See the Peace Corps Team appointment. 4-4-20 Call 351-8631 looking for low rates, this is the PLYMOUTH 1964. 6 cylinder, stick. 339-2914. 2-4-15 in the MSU Placement Office all There will be a 50c service building. Call 337-2361 or 2-door. Rebuilt engine. Good this week. 5-4-16 HALSTEAD and this bookkeeping charge if ad is not paid within running economy car. Phone HONDA CB 160. Mint condition. Car Employment DRUMMER NEEDED for rock group. Call slightly insane. 349-4239; IF YOU WILL have an agriculture GIRL NEEDED for 4 351-7910. O MANAGEMENT, 355-8186. 3-4-16 carrier. Helmets. $325. 355-5987. man beginning EXTRA 337-9495. 4-4-20 degree by this summer; Botswana, me week. 5-4-20 TV'S sell fast in spring with May 1st. Call 337-9285 after 5 p.m. Brazil, India or Malaysia would UNIVERSITY TERRACE: Now low - cost Want Ads. Dial $52.50/month. 1-4-15 Ilie State News will be PONTIAC TEMPEST, 1966, with a like to telk to you. See the Peace renting 3 and 4 man furnished WE HAVE moved. ROLL • ROSSER ORGAN OR piano player. Must have (sponsible only for the 1970 high performance engine. 400 Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. 355-8255^ band experience to play late Spring Corps Team in the MSU AIR apartments for summer and fall. CONDITIONED 2 m&n cubes, stereo tape deck (fast). Make Phone 489-4811. Our new address LIBERAL ARTS graduates are the Placement office this week. Also Walking distance to campus. Call day's incorrect and Summer dances with apartment to sublease summer. Call me an offer. 372-8077.10-4-28 backbone of the Peace selected exotic places. 5-4-16 351-9117 or HALSTEAD nsertion. 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF Corps. established commercial band. Call 351-4260.3-4-19 Africa, Latin America and the between 5:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O HOSTESSES and waitresses needed RAMBLER 1965. Automatic, low 1970 HONDA 450 Scrambler. 3400 South Pacific all need new 699-2819.1-4-15 for a new operation. Full and part SUBLEASE 2 mileage, good tires. Excellent miles. 393-2472 after 6 p.m. volunteers for Special Projects. time. Flexible hours. Apply daily man, beginning May conditio*!. $600. 349-2339, after See the Peace Corps Teem this 1st. Beal Street Apartments. Mt-1* LINE UP e spring job now. Car between 10 - 3 p.m. MR. STEAK 3-4-19 3 p.m. 3^-'t6 hi' ' the Close. 351-4082.^3-4-16 week MSU' Placement necessary. Also train for full time RESTAURANT, 5919 South 1970 BULTACO. Circle S200cc. Office. 5-4-16 summer work. Call 351-7319 for Cedar, Lansing. 3-4-16 CAPITOL COMPLEX in Lansing. 3 Automotive RENAULT 16, 1969. Radio. Scrambler with extras. Call interview appointment. C room furnished, $130. Also 2 room V* Michel ins. 675-7161. 5-4-19 EXCITING SUMMER camp jobs. 45 Quick sale price, STATION CAMPUS VIEW miles from Lansing for young ATTEN^-'qITS wanted. efficiency, $105. Includes utilities. ICK SKYLARK Sport coupe, $1425. Also Volkswagen tires. Students prFlM-J: Apply at Bay. Girls or married couples, no """6. Excellent condition, air 641-6280 or 484-9176. 3-4-16 HONDA 1969. Model 350 CL. 2000 single nurse, RN or LPN, and NOTICE 6535 S. Cedar. 3-4-15 APARTMENTS young woman who has a WSI children or pets. Call 489-1276. ver steering, hydromatic, miles. $625. Excellent condition. tewalls. Must TRIUMPH 1964 Spitfire. Red 351-7307. X-4-4-16 certificate and waterfront IMMEDIATE OPENING available for 5-4-21 Across the street from I sell, $995. SUMMER JOBS available in Torch Williams Hall 355-9760. 3-4-16 convertible. Will consider trade for experience. Must live in. 2 Lake Resort area for 2 sharp experienced inhalation therapy 513 HILLCREST. Close in pleasant on Michigan I motorcycle. 351-4547. 3-4-15 1970 SUZUKI 250x6. Mint sessions. June 18- July 9, and July attractive gals. Reception and assistant. Competitive wage and area. Air Ave. University approved I MARO CONVERTIBLE, condition. 33 hp. $500. 355-8806. 29 - August 19. Call 646-6709. benefit conditioned, dishwashers, Supervised apartments fori 1967, general office work. Housing program. Apply tasty furnishings. 1 or 2 large 327 stick, good tires, TRIUMPH 1967. Spitfire convertible. 5-4-20 5-4-16 MCPHERSON women students. Leasing I power available. Send picture and resume COMMUNITY bedrooms. Summer and fall leases. ing, radio. $1100. 349-9276. 25,000 actual miles. $950 or best PART TIME employment: 12 - 20 Mr. HEALTH CENTER, 620 Byron this week for summer and to Rankin, MIDWEST From $45 person. 351-0705 or | offer. 676-1930, ask for Don. hours per week. Automobile RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, Road, Howell, Michigan. (517) fall. Call evenings: 655-1022. 3-4-19 required, 351-5800. O Ml 49615. 20-4-30 546-1410. An equal opportunity EVROLET 1965. Impala SS396. 332-6246 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham 4-speed. Good condition. Rick VOLKSWAGEN YELLOW 1971 KAWASAKI 250 Enduro. 550 Drive. 135 Kedzie. 2 man 351-1162. 5-4-19 convertible, 1970. Immaculate, miles- Excellent condition. furnished apartments. Includes CEDAR GREENS. Summer. 2-man, 15,000 miles. AM-FM. $2000. Helmets included. $800. $950 heat. $62.50 to S90 per man. furnished. Pool. Reduced rate. EVY CONVERTIBLE 1964. 332-4241 4-4-16 value. 351-2356. S-5-4-20 Leases starting June 15 and Sept. Call 351-0073. 3-4-15 Impala. Yellow console, buckets 1 Days. 487-3216. Evenings til 10 •II Power. 353-2840. 5-4-19 VOLKSWAGEN 1969 sunroof, like 1966 BENELLI. 125cc. Excellent SUMMER p.m., 882-2316. O TERM, two girls. $45. new; low mileage, extras, condition. First $125. Phone Cedar EVY VAN, 1965. New reasonable. 355-8154.1-4-15 655-3854 after 6 p.m. 5-4-16 Village. Call Mary, """ engine and TWO BEDROOMS, unfurnished. 353-1043. 3-4-15 end- Body in good condition. Near MSU, Okemos area. Heat •6131.3-4-15 NORTON 750. Mint. 1970 VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Radio, good furnished, modern air MALE ROOMMATE for two man. Commando Roadster. 4000 miles. EVY DUMP tires, recent engine overhaul. conditioned, carpeted. $160 per $50 a month. Utilities paid. truck, 1963. 2 ton. 372-1660.10-4-23 Excellent condition. $875. month. 349-1586. O 485-4469. 3-4-16 scrifice. $995. 882-8729. 349-2339, after 5 p.m. 3-4-16 THREE BEDROOMS, full basement. GIRL TO share 2 ^pAoom, 3 man. A uto Service & Parts VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE, Unfurnished. $180. Stove, Spring, sur«^VTir conditioning. HA 1967' Metall"c ,0t)0 miles. blue. 289. 1969. 7100 miles. AM-FM. Like MASON BODY SHOP refrigerator. Call 332-1094. 2-4-15 Pool. $50.ob1-8904. 3-4-15 Ziebarted. $975 , 812 East 2. 3-4-16 new. $1600. Phone 332-1259 Kalamazoo Street . .. Since 1940. BEECHWOOD APARTMENTS: Now before 7 p.m. 3-4-16 BAY COLONY: 1 and 2 bedroom Complete auto painting and renting, 2, 3 and 4 man 2-bedroom , -6. Window van. Converted collision service. IV 5-0256. C apartments furnished and ° VW 1970. Green, redio, walnut dash, furnished apartments. Discount for unfurnished. Located on corner of «mper. $800. Call after fc m 5:30 all 9 and 12 month leases cocoa mats, radials. GT-wheels, signed Haslett Road and Hagadorn. 1882-1380. 3-4-16 prior to June 1st. Call 351 -0965 or extractor exhaust. $1900. AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and Offering 3, 9 and 12 month leases. 484-6692.3-4-16 American cars. If we can't fix it, it HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, Call 351-3211 HALSTEAD b, "WO J®49'actual Two d°°r. Six cylinder. can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O 351-7910.0 MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O or miles. Original ition. 372-7094 VW 1969 light blue. Excellent or 484-7816. condition. $1425. Call 669-9875. VW - GUARANTEED repair. 1969' 3-4-19 RANDY'S MOBIL. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C 1-96 at CROSSWORD 6 cylinder, Studded: VW 1965. Sunroof. Factory rebuilt PUZZLE engine. New tires and battery. $450. 355-5729. 3-4-15 ACROSS 26. Has lunch KEEPS YOUR CAR 1. Compassion KAMIN'S 27. Converse 7. White 28. Honey badger: IN TOP SHAPE MEADOWBROOK TRACE IS vestment 10. Short aria 12. 30. Cab in a park 32. Provided WITH THESE SPRING SPECIALS 14. Diagonal Miner 33. Morsel 34. Evergreens 15. Proficient 36. Compute Guaranteed 16. Lamb 39. Moslem priest 2|( 200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING FUN IN YOUR OLYMPIC MUFFLERS POOL 17. Small branch 41. Small bouquet FREE FREE..., j|( ROOM, ^ FELLOWSHIP AND RELAXATION AND EXERCISE IN YOUR CLUB ROOM TV 19. 20. Building wing Mixed type 43. Nevada resort 44. Copy DOWN 1. Tempo front INSTALLATION! ^ ROOM. $ SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS. 21. Reddish-brown 45. Unrefined 23. Wardrobe 46. Thundered 2. Lined up 3. Fired clay 5. Inflammation of the ear end Alignment When 2 5 6. Simmer Thinking of Tires, Give 3 7 8 $ PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS. 1 7. Camel's hair coat WITH EVERY " 12 13 8. Munificent Us A Call!! £ READING ROOM FOR PRIVATE STUDY. TUDY. IN Te~ 9. Dances brake relined 11 Beard of wheat All Sizes on Hand At Low Prices FREE INSTALLATION £ SUNDECKS. SPECIAL SUMMER - 16 <7~" fin 13. Vends P * SJJSO ONLY RATES FROM 18. Function I 484-4596 I J|C INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS. 20 22 20. Kitchenware s26" $ MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA. /PERSON/MONTH 23 2M 25 Z€> 22. Atoll 23. Siren 24. Red sage 27 28 SAVE $6 to $20 25. Royal fur ■ £ 1, 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS 30~ 3, 27. Chorus 29. Gauze AffiASOWB&OOK trace To get to Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State Campus 55~ 39~ I MO 3H V/s in 3!r % 42 36 37 31. From 35. Frisk 36. Bedouin's headcord on 1-496. Exit M3~ west onto Jolly Road and go to comer of Dunckel Road. 5S~~ y/M i 37. Appointment 38 Changed color PHONE 393-0210 * OPEN 10-6 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT v/m 40. Hay stack 12. Utmost hyperbole Thursday, April 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan |S,I97| For Rent For Rent For Sale For Sale For Sale Peanuts Peru For Rent For Rent AKC ALASKAN Malamute puppies. SINGLE. SHARE bath with one male. 45 USED sewing machines, $12.50 SCHWINN BOYS bike. Racer, PRINCETON ARMS: 1 bedroom HASLETT ARMS: 4 man, 2 TWO FOR eight girl. Near campus. 10-speed, $50. Call 641-6770. Champion blood lines, $50 and , Bath. Deposit. Rent negotiable. No cooking facilities. Near Holt up. 18 cabinet models, 38 669-3423. 10-4-19 -u,<| furnished and unfurnished. All bedroom apartments, furnished. 5-4-21 up. portable models. Singers, Whites, utilities paid, except electricity Now renting for summer and fall. Jackie / Sandy. 351-2605. 5-4-16 and 2-4-16 Aurelius Road. 694-0829. Kenmores; Zig - Zag 8nd straight BEAGLE - BRITTANY: Affectionate Tiy and telephone. Offering 3, 9 and Discount for 9 and 12 month FISHER 600 stereo tuner and ONE MAN for 4 man. Block from stitchers. All guaranteed. Also leases signed prior to June 1st. female. Needs good home. Free. 12 month leases. Call 332-8511 or used vacuum cleaners, $5.50 up. amplifier. Garrard changer. $200. Real Estate Call 351-7662, 332-1313, or campus. Over 21. 351-8513. ROOM FOR male student near 351-3199, 353-5225. 2-4-15 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, Electro Grand, 804 East Michigan, 641-6770.5-4-21 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 5-4-19 campus. $15/week. 627-5812. 351-7910. O Lansing. Hours 9 - 5 p.m., 9 -12 2-4-16 351-7910. O SEE THE Regency Police Scanner, 8 NEED GIRL immediately. Saturday. 5-4-16 Cod. in excellent NORTH POINTE: 1 and 2 bedroom channels, on display at re«,ir apartments, furnished and NEW TWO bedroom luxury $50/montbENT£O, parking GIRLS KITCHEN privileges, etc. 5 SCM ELECTRIC typewriter with MARSHALL MUSIC COMPANY. located clow to a park ' *1 available. Can 351-1204. 5-4-19 blocks from Union. Call between 5 course. Home has unfurnished. Has swimming pool apartments. Central air, carrying case. Excellent condition. C-4-15 full cam "1 dishwashers, garages, fireplaces. In 7 p.m. or weekends. 351-8177. first floor, 1 four bath" - and picnic area. Discount for all 9 Call 371-1997.5-4-19 p ece four unit building, NEED ONE girl this term. Two girls 2-4-16 •ingle and 12 month leases signed prior attractive AR AMPLIFIER. Very good car garage FH.'W furnished or unfurnished. summer and next year. Car financing available Vll to June 1st. Call 351-3407 or MEN: SPRING term HARMON - KARDON stereo. condition, with cover. Call Mike, t« HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 332-1183 after 5 p.m. 10-4-26 necessary. 485-8588. 5-4-19 coop, $180 room opening in coed and board. Slightly used component system 332-0271.1-4-15 Mobile Homes 351-5210 or Ca" MaVnard A 351-7910. O HEDRICK with matched speakers, original SIMON oVll Houses DOWNTOWN. ROOMMATES HOUSE, 140 cost $449, now $295. Used WATERBEDS - KING SIZE, ESTATE, Okemos MSU Br EVERGREEN: ALL 4 man, 2 needed for huge furnished house. Collingwood, 332-0844. 5-4-21 Realistic stereo amp and extension 76"x88" direct from West Coast. GREAT LAKES, 1954. 45'x8' on 349-3310.4-4-16 Br,ncl $75 includes own bedroom, Park Lake. 2 bedroom. $1400. bedroom apartments furnished. speakers. Selection of used Special sale $39.95. Lowest price Now renting for summer and fall. utilities, house privileges and maid For Sale portable stereo phonographs. Bell available for quality. Ken, After 5 p.m., 641-4525. 5-4-19 COUNTRY LlWiTiH Discount for 9 and 12 month service. 487-0046. 5-4-15 and Howell stereo cassette 351-1698. 125 North Hagadorn. •hopping. If this then this clean 3 iswha,Vo7J leases signed before June 1st. Call TWO BLOCKS to campus on Abbott. recorder. Used Westinghouse 5-4-21 GREAT LAKES. 10'x50'. Furnished. bedroom rJ 4761 NORTH Meridian Road. 5 west of Williamston 332-1313, or HALSTEAD 5 bedroom furnished house. $65 MUST SELL EVERYTHING. Desk portable TV, plays good $45. New Air conditioner, piano. Utility is the miles east of East Lansing. ($30), records (50c - $1,501, for you. The home MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O September - June; $50 June - 9x12 Oriental pattern rugs and TURNTABLE - TUNER. Garrard shed. $1,900 or best offer. Must has a two J Available June 1. $50 a piece. 4-channel color organ, bookcase 694-8934 882-2293. garage, fenced yard, fU|| August; includes all utilities. wall tapestries. 1500 used and model 50, base, Pickering stereo sell. or basemJ and priced at GROOVY YOUNG male share Vacancy for 4 girls in fall. Summer vacancies available. Lease. Call Utilities included, required. Four minimum. Men or deposit ($8), curtains, tapestries, lamps, blankets. Red shag carpet / pad, guaranteed stereo records and 8 cartridge, excellent, $39. Eico 5-4-20 $21,900. FHa/J Meadowbrook Trace apartment track stereo tapes. Hermes mono fm tuner, $17. 332-0313 351-8219or 489-4363.10-4-28 women. Secluded. 484-1596. 8X x 1454 ($90). Gold carpet / 1968 MARLETTE 12'x63', 7x12 Administration financino with same. Jim, 393-3700. 5-4-19 portable typewriter, excellent after 6 p.m. 2-4-16 , available. 5-4-20 pad, 9x9 ($45), dishes and more! After 9 p.m.. 332-3848. condition, $39. Selection of Expando. Many extras. Phone To see call Beery 351-5210 or SIMON RpJ Mavnl Open 694-9781.2-4-16 NEED ONE girl, now, Cedar Village. TWO BLOCKS to campus on Bailey. GIRLS. FALL or summer. Near house Saturday, April 17. 35mm SLR cameras used. ESTATE Okemos MSU Br.* $72.50. Call Debbie, 351-2394. Furnished 4 bedroom house. 5-4-16 Polaroids and movie cameras. Campus. Furnished. Parking. Call 1961 ELCAR 10'x50'. Newly 349-3310.7-4-16 3 >| le Vacancy for 6 girls next fall. 332-8903. 4-4-16 Bosch and Lombe used Summer vacancies available. All 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, remodeled inside. Call 655-3106. microscopes. Used 8 track and canisters and uprights. Guaranteed OKEMOS NEW 3 bedroom TWO GIRLS sublet summer. No utilities included. $60 September - ONE GIRL needed, own bedroom, one full year. $7.88 and up. cassette auto tape players, all 10-4-28 with - beautiful field . bi^ deposit. $60 month. Call J"ne; $50 June - August. Lease. must like cats, $50/month, Robin, tested and guaranteed. Bargains on AMERICAN 1970 12x60. Like DENNIS DISTRIBUTING new. fireplace; all built-in kitchen 351-2367.3-4-16 Ca" 351-4658 or 489-4363. 355-8288. 3-4-15 used lovely diamond ring VOX JAGUAR Combo Organ, $150. off of kitchen and 4 10-4-28 COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. English decor, 2 bedrooms, fully engagement sets, $39 up. Conn trombone with case, $75. dining rood Opposite City Market. C-4-15 carpeted, disposal. Brookvlew two full baths and two NEED ONE man to sublet deluxe Layaways„Bankcard, Mastercharge. Both in fine condition. Call after Mobile Park, Perry, (off M-78). On The home is priced at car ja J apartment summer term. Ideal ONE OR two men. Own room, Rooms WILCOX SECONDHAND 3:30 p.m., 641-6652. 3-4-19 $3;3 TARGET RIFLE caliber 22. lot with every modern with M.G.I.C., convention.ll location. 351-5877. 5-4-20 $45/month. 337-0414. 2-4-16 STORE, 509 E. Michigan, Complete accessories. $140 or convenience. 339-8777. 5-4-15 Equity Out financing available FEMALE SHARE two small rooms. Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours UNIQUE WICKER wet bar and bar GIRL NEEDED spring term for 2 ONE OR two girls. To share furnished Close, own bedroom, cooking. best offer. 351-9004. 5-419 daily 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. C stools. Unpainted hutch to be MARLETTE, 1968. 12x53 feet. see any time call 351-5210 or SIMON Maynard B«J man along Grand River. Cheap. 4 bedroom house. 485-5579. 351-1366. 5-4-19 antiqued. 372-5671. B2-4-16 Excellent condition. Furnished or RfJ Call 351-0102 or 351-3633. 5-4-21 TYPEWRITER SCM Sterling 12, SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. ESTATE, Okemos MSU BrawP new, used few times. $60, retail unfurnished. With shed. On lot. 349-3310.7-4-16 M BASEMENT ROOM in house for 1, Brand new portables - $49.95, CLAR ICON 20 watt amp AM-FM 694-9374. 5-4-16 THREE BEDROOM house, 2 baths. price $95. 355-6007. 3-4-15 $5.00 per 2. Versatile, large. 351-0082. month. Large selection stereo receiver, two matched THREE BEDROOM, full t_, THREE MAN summer sublet luxury Newly decorated. $160/month. of reconditioned used machines. Claricon speakers, 1 small Garrard CLEAN NEAT and spacious 12x60 apartment. Close to campus. 484-2971,485-0761.5-4-21 __3j4-15 ELDORADO ACOUSTIC guitar - Singers, Whites, Necchis, New turntable. 1 Nikromat FTN, 135 with furnished recreation room] 1969 Richardson mobile home. SPARTAN HALL, Singles, fast action with sound of a Martin car garage, large lot Nights: Tuesday, Wednesday, , men, Home & "Many Others." $19.95 mm Nikor lens. Durst M600 The home has two bedrooms, all n Thursday, 351-1671. 2-4-15 GIRL NEEDED immediately. women. V4 block from campus. at half the pricel Hard shell case to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS enlarger plus complete darkroom built - in kitchen and one 4 piece MacDonald and Marble Schol $50/month. No damage deposit. 351-9286,372-1031.0 included. $165. 351-5217. 3-4-16 DISTRIBUTING June 15th occupancy. $2471 COMPANY, set up, $400 cheap. 1 Browning 12 bath. To see call Maynard Beery Utilities included. Close. 351-2098. 1115 North 351-2192. 12-4-16 ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. Washington, gauge automatic shotgun, $150. 1 351-5210 or SIMON REAL CEDAR 3-4-19 Completely furnished. 372-8077 DICTAPHONE Transcribing - DICTATING, machines and 489-6448. C-4-15 Rueger Carbine 44 automatic. ESTATE, Okemos MSU Branch SEVEN GIRLS starting September for before 4 p.m. C Norelco 150 cassette recorder. PANASONIC AM-FM FM stereo and Contact Richard French, 325 West 349-3310. 7-4-16 Recreation VILLAGE large, well-kept, furnished house. Utilities paid. Close to campus. CAPITOL NEAR - one room studio. Best offer. 355-5814.3-4-16 cassette with speakers. $150. Must sell. 355-8817. 4-4-16 Shiawassee No. 5.1-4-15 10x50 VANDYKE. Two bedrooms, Furnished, redecorated, pleasant. LESLIE, MUST sell, perfect. Make furnished. Patio awnings, extras. STAFF Phone 351-8182. 5-4-21 Cooking. A lady. Parking. $12.50 QRETSCH Guitar TENNESSEAN Very B00d jhape Electric Best SONY TC-255 Tape deck. Like new. offer. Call Jeff, 351-8291 or Behind Coral Gables. $2,500. Call SUMMER AND FALL. Groups of 1 a week. IV 4-5150. 5-4-20 offer. 355-9503. 5-4-20 353-8755, 351-0336 after 5 p.m. 356-7062^5:4-21^ 337-9490 evenings. S-5-4-20 has 1000 friends to 4 girls needed. 332-5320 after 6 __3-4*l_5 ELECTRIC GUITAR with Bigsby MARLETTE p.m. 5-4-16 MEN, SINGLE rooms for rent. $60 CASTRO STUDIO couch. 1 year old. 1969, 12x60, 2 -and they're all tailpiece, $90. Amp, $20. Both, bedroom. Call 646-6686. 294 per month. 131 Bogue. Call Gold silk upholstery. Originally, SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49; chest, $100. 355-0692. 3-4-15 CEDAR VILLAGE DELUXE HOUSE. 4 girls, furnished, 337-9091. 5-4-20 $795. Must sell, $250. 489-3751 $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC Cambridge, Windsor Estates. SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 7-4-16 dishwasher, study. Completely ext. 253, mornings. Ask for Barry. RESIDENTS! carpeted, fireplace. $80 each. MAN IN single room. 3 blocks from 3-4-16 Turner. C Animals 1969 TWO bedroom Monarch mobile 332-5320 after 6 p.m. 5-4-16 Union. 337-1408 or 351-5076 SONY TC8, cartridge player home with 7x10 expando after 3 p.m. 3-4-16 MODEL 70 Winchester rifle, 308. - FREE KITTENS. Need care and Immaculate condition. $165 or recorder. Used only 25 hours. Call beautifully finished Mediterranian Now leasing for GIRL GRAD, senior; own room, friendly homes. Box trained. best offer. 353-1858. 5-4-15 353-8169.3-4-19 decor, one 5 piece bath, storage small hou«e. Leaseless. $65. 351-7020. 3-4-16 Summer & Fall shed, porch, landscaped and 482-5270. 3-4-16 STEREO EQUIPMENT. Sony model sodded lot, all in perfect MORE FUN in the sun with Sun BASSETT PUPPIES. AKC 6 weeks 332-5051 Shades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 630 tape recorder, Sansui tuner, condition and located in one of TWO BEDROOMS furnished for old. $50 each. Phone 484-2288. MacDonald turntable. All in good Lansing's finest mobile home students. Summer and fall. Call 2615 East Michigan Avenue. Bogue St. at the Red Cedar condition. 351-5847. 3-4-16 4-4-19 courts. To see call Maynard Beery SUMMER FLIGHTS ED 2-4541. 5-4-20 487-5753, 485-8836. O 372-7409. C-5-4-16 351-5210 or SIMON REAL $165. New York to London,(1 FREE KITTENS. Long - haired, HASSELBLAD 500C; 80 mm and •ESTATE, Okemos MSU Branch, Frank Buck. 351-8604. 174(1 150 mm lenses 511 "cases and playful, box - trained. 7 weeks. 349-3310. 7-«V16 other accessories. Excellent 351-7730.3-4-19 condition. 355-9468. 2-4-15 Service Buy TOYOTA Now QUALITY OLD English Sheepdog Lost & Found your 28MM, 400MM lens for Electrovoice speakers, Voigtlander camera, call 355-8024. 5-4-21 Canon, puppies for sale. Pet and show available. Call 393-5919.5-4-21 LHASA APROX moving to Morocco. FEMALE COLLIE. with black and Gray and white tan Choke chain collar. Last seen by markings. AVON PRODUCTS you on campus. 353-2517.5-4-20 are Contact M avails WILL DO any kind of typing HAMMOND ORGAN - one year old, Must find good people to take our Museum on campus. 332-2067. in] dog. FREE. Includes 50 pounds home. Also occasional babysitt] still have double keyboard, Leslie speaker. 1-4-15 while we Features many instruments. Like new, $200 down, take over food. 655-2955. 2-4-16 LOST: BLACK / white pearl ring. Call 393-1073. 5-4-21 AKC REGISTERED black cocker Typewriter payments. 393-3796. 5-4-21 Monday on campus. Reward. spaniel. 5 months. Has all shots. 353-6068.2-4-16 Good with children. $50. 655-2975. 10-4-19 j>FOR RUMOR CONTROL^ Personal and General Information MCAT EXAM six day kaplan Call: H.I.C. 353-8114 AKC REGISTERED. St. Bernard tutoring course being assembled PAINTING EXTERIOR, t puppies. Well marked. Phone for May 1st exam. 851-6077. estimates, grad *563-3689. 5-4-20 1_5^23_ experienced, references. Briflti FREE ... A lesson in compexion care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan S SOME TURNTABLES or MERLE 485-7197, Lansing Mall. NORMAN STUDIOS. C-4-16 COSMETICS VERSATILE YOUNG man in work after school and w Phone 332-1976 after 5:301 S HAVE THESE FEATURES. STOP IN and try our new styling booth. UNION BUILDING 4-4-20 INDIVIDUALIZED RESl| £ But none has this price. BARBER SHOP. C-4-15 TROUBLE GETTING off campus SERVICE; Includes: writing resumes, and co' typing. 489-4473. 5-4-16 next year? Call Mike 353-1320. 1-4-15 HELP SAVE AMERICA Typing Service Join the AMERICAN VIGILANTESI ANN BROWN: Typing and mi For information - Buy and Read offset printing. Complete # THE AMERICAN VIGILANTE for dissertations, tMj By Alaric, Branden Press, 221 manuscripts, general typing! Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass., 21 years experience. 349-08?™ 02116. $4.95. 15-4-27 During Grand received our Opening LEATHER FRINGE Jackets, $29.95 and vests, INTERNATIONAL IMPORTERS, 482-6583. 3-B4-16 $10.95. extra shipments # This BSR McDonald 310/X 0 Total Turntable is the best buy around. REWARD $200 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of who X ★★★"*:«*** ★★★ persons Milter's in* Oietini burglarized Apt. 41 Burcham selection is better than Woods during term break. 5-4-19 ■richuri 11 i Cllfl CMMlW'"-/" Pull Hiuimy 337 1527 ¥ S CARTRIDGE & NEEDLE CLINIC BOARD EXAMS — Kaplan classes now being formed for June tutoring COMPLETE Discount THESES printing. IBMtyP ■ and July. ATGSB Exams and binding of theses, ' • FRIDAY and SATURDAY LSAT Exam. For Information call July publications. Across from* See us + BRING IN YOUR COMPLETE TURNTABLE # (313) 851-6077, collect. 18-4-30 THINKING OF someone special? corner below COPYGRAPH MAC and Grand 337-1666. C Style Shop, j SERVi"| Send a "Peanuts Personal" message with a Want Ad. Come in # for a complete free analysis of cartridge Free today. 347 Student Services. COMPLETE TYPING and P Gifts and Door Prizes ® performance. service. Copy stored on n DIET RIGHT tape. This eliminates a" f 1 author's We're open £ ★ SPECIAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE for your For $20 a month a Phila., Pa. except ALDINC*r0IJ during April every evening except Saturday until 9 PM ® worn needle or cartridge. firm will provide weight corrections. MAIL ADVERTISING, 3 watches with a computerized from Frandor. Phone 337 J diet tailored to their weight, tosavt'l J ★ PLAN ON COMING TOMORROW. height and tastes. You'll find lots of things NEED COPIES? Want COPY SHOPPE can s WHEELS TOYOTA INC. tailored to your tastes each how to get two Xerox day in the State News the price of one. Phone 3 541 E. Grand River. 0 Classified Ads . . . things like The Stereo Stioppe sporting hobby goods, items, antiques, home TYPING7 THESES andI furnishings. And there are big 543 E. Grand River • East Lansing • 337-1300 0 things there too like cars, Next to Paramount News 2/tOO E. MICHIGAN AVE—5 blocks west of Frandor homes, apartments, jobs. Make it a habit to read the BARBI MEL: Typffl.' Want Ads daily. Start now! No |ob too l8f89 0'3256,1I Block off campus- Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 15, 1971 13 Speakers debate China's premier speaks 0f Michigan a Trudeau named Chou (Continued from page 1) government. Tuesday. is often Ambassadors spoken of were certainly meet with the majority support of our two peoples." Chou said many "American (Continued from page 1) He said each as China's friends" year hundreds of discarded leading moderate. He said his government came to China in the past. "You have made a infants are found in wants to have contacts with all start "Sometimes the aborted fetus cries," she garbage cans in Detroit countries — here, and I believe in the future more as the result of even those with which it has no American friends will .. «i wonder how many more will cry." unwanted births. diplomatic come to "Wouldn't we improve the China," he relations. He indicated Chinese teams would said, adding that Americans and Chinese will Moments later, Denise Coburn, asst. by raising the status of quality of life accept invitations from "in the near future be able ofessor of social work, described child fear to a pregnancy from a the British, to have many reasonable choice?" he asked. Nigerians, Canadians and Columbians to contacts. I believe it will not be Uting and cruelty which she said was Rabbi Philip Frankel of slow in play table tennis in those countries later this coming." kiHicted upon unwanted children, Congregation in East Shaarey Zedek "in many of these instances he Lansing said he reflected the view of most hoped year. Jack Howard of Seattle, The United States traccption had failed, and case studies Jews, Wash., captain of recently relaxed especially liberal Jews," when the U.S. team, told Chou he restrictions on Americans' travel to !how that most of these children were supports abortion law reform. he said he team would visit the United hoped a Chinese States. The and a few hours after Chou's China, unDiannod and unwanted," Miss Coburn One can, within a premier replied this news religious orientation, was up to Graham conference the White House announced said She said she supports abortions "for see abortion a as moral, necessary and Steenhovenn, president of the U.S. Table loosening of trade inhibitions. social reasons. Tennis Assn. Steenhoven said later worthwhile," Frankel said. the Glenn Cowan, 19, Santa Monica, Calif., Morality of abortions developed into a State Chinese had been invited. Democratic party Chairman James one of the 15 members of the U.S. maior issue during the early testimonies as table McNeely, a Catholic and father of seven, said Chou said that for Britain in particular tennis delegation, asked Chou what both sides claimed moral positions. the abortion question "is not what is one's the reciprocal table tennis matches "may be he thought of the American hippie movement. The Rev. Thomas Stark of the University religious belief. It's at what point does life the beginning of a long cultural exchange begin'?" between the young people of China and Reformed Church said it was "unfair" for "I'm not very clear about it," the supporters of abortion law reform to England." Mandarin turned "I don't think the legislature should revolutionary replied. "In criticize Roman Catholics, Dutch Turning to the Americans, the premier the second place what I have seen is only attempt to make the kind of theological said, "In the past exchanges between the Reformed and other religious groups who distinctions involved in abortion very superficial. But perhaps the youth of peoples of China and the United States have oppose the proposal "by accusing them of McNeely said. "An abortion laws," should be Abortion satire oeen very numerous. They have been cut off the world today are dissatisfied with their trying to force their moralson society. viewed merely for a long time. Now, with present situation and want to seek the truth. "No one can address himself to the asanoperation." A satirical look at the abortion controversy your acceptance The young present was of our invitation, "should always try to find abortion question without reflecting his presented Wednesday by the Streetcorner you have opened a new something in common with the great Erickson Hall. Society in page in the relations of the Chinese and the own moral attitudes," Stark said. "It's not Following McNeely, former state majority," the premier said. "In this way the American people. I am confident that just the tactic of one side." Democratic party Chairman Zolton State News photo by Jonathan S. Kaufman this great majority of mankind can make Stark compared abortion to Ferency, representing the Greater Lansing beginning again of our friendship will progress to advance and achieve happiness." "infanticide," a practice which he said men American Civil Liberties Union, said the have tried to justify throughout history. current Michigan abortion law is "If you pass a law making abortion convenient in Michigan, how long will it be unconstitutional constitutionally vague." "because it's Pollution cures sought IT'S WHAT'S J until you are asked to have the state provide free abortions for the poor, or to require abortion after the second child is born as a method of population control?" Stark asked the committee members. John R. Hurley, professor of psychology, "It should not be deemed a crime for a woman to seek, or a doctor to abortion in Michigan," perform, an Ferency said. He said the rights of the poor under the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution that (Continued from committed the to be equitable and effective. "The page 1) administration is finding environmental solutions that will of six of the great national for 1971," Agnew said. The vice president outlined present administration programs before moving to future actions goals at exhaust emissions oxides from coal industries and emissions. leaded - °f sulfur burning gasoline HG The first class of the Thursday icussion groups will follow. said about 25 per cent of maternal deaths are are being denied "because abortions are President feels very "These taxes," the vice evening expectant parent classes will Babysitting will be provided, he said deserve be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. the result of illegal abortions. readily available to the rich but not to the strongly that we must preserve special attention. president said, "are expected to today Recent programs have involved in Everett High School, Students for "Is it moral for the legislature to our environment — so strongly Lansing. The a Live Christianity will poor." reduce the consumption of such first Thursday day class will be held leet at 7:30 p.m. that in his State of the Union new legislation, utilization of fuels without Monday in 38 and condemn hundreds of Michigan women to Rep. Holmes has said he hopes to from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. today in the 39 Union. All are welcome to discuss death at the hands of quack abortionists?" conclude committee deliberations on the message in January of this year he existing laws and re-organization them. The actually prohibiting Ingham County Dept. of Health. For Glossolalia (speaking in tongues) is if of agencies. money raised by the identified restoration of the information, call IV 4 j Hurley asked. bill by late May or early June. sulfur oxide tax would be used answer, call IV 7 - - 1357. If 6111, ext. 284. no deep say. a religious experience quality of our environment as one The President has proposed for government programs to legislation in 37 areas, enhance the quality of our SDS will present an open forum Agnew "Hang Calley, Racist Murderer" on said, although Congress has not environment." at Transportation acted on all of them. Colliquium of the 3 p.m. term will be held 8:30 p.m. today in 35 Union. All Congress, The administration hopes to today in the Union Sun Porch. points of view welcome. Student Service are Hide NEEDED to Indianapolis or however, has appropriated $1 Clyde Morris will speak on "A billion this year for construction strengthen existing programs for Fantastic Voyage: A Communication MECHA 1 Bloomington area. Thursday or pesticide control and improved members Experience." For information, call Chicano dinner I Friday. Share cost. 355-4815. of waste treatment plants, he at 5:30 p. DIRECTORY water quality, Agnew said. To 353-2936. the Akers Hall Cafeteria. said. assist the water program, the Marian Kinget, professor of An open night will be held from IDE NEEDED: Two Leslie President Nixon is using President has asked Congress for psychology, and Robert Anderson, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday in the area $6 billion as the federal share of a chairman of the Dept. of Religion, will Observatory. A new ■ students, to and from school. existing power under the Refuse three 24 - inch ■ Classes 8 Act of 1899, he added, to order a - year $12 billion municipal speak on "The Love Relationship" in reflecting telescope will be used for 3 p.m. Phone WASHDAY SAVINGS - waste the Akers Hall sexuality symposium at visual observing if the sky is clear. • EYES EXAMINED treatment program, he ■ 1 589-9115after4 p.m. 3-4-19 25c per load COLLEGE TRAVEL nationwide permit program, with added. 7 p.m. today in the West Akers formal Children under 13 should be The belt for leu • GLASSES the Justice Dept. lounge. The final presentation of the prosecuting accompanied by an adult, one adult Special Texa* Washer SOc OFFICE • CONTACT LENS violators. Akers Hall sexuality symposium will for every three children. No admission Wanted WENDROW'S ECONOWASH Agnew said the administration be at 7 p.m. Sunday in 137 West Akers 130 West Grand River Blvd. DR. I.ly. Collins, Optometrist also has asked for Hall. Carol Varner and Mr. and Mrs. The Council new regulation 3006 Vine St. on on the sale |/ITARISTS. Meet April 18th, 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., • blk. W. of Sears 351-6010 Co-Optical Services Environmental Quality and the with streamlined and use of pesticides David Moore will experience of childbirth. The film discuss the Faculty for Peace will present the widely acclaimed documentary, "You ill 2 - 4 p.m. for 5218 S. Logan. procedures for "Birth" will be shown. ■Happening. 393-4230 Environmental Protection Don't Have to Buy War, Mrs. Smith" UB. 4-4-15 canceling or suspendingtheir use. at 7:30 p.m. today in 104B Wells Hall. Agency (EPA) are helping the Anyone interested in joining |llR PIECE dance band. Read SPECIAL! CONTACT LENS President to monitor and control The cost of all these programs Students for McGovern for President The film illustrates the degree of VW participation of most familiar sic, must back up variety acts, Tune-Up.$14.95 Complete SERVICES pollution, Agnew said. The will be very high, Agnew said, but should attend a general meeting manufacturers of household goods in nmer resort. Contact H. L. Including parts.All work guaran council developed this year's they must be borne by both the Tuesday. For more information, call the production of war materials and D. M. DEAN, an 484-8217 after 5 p.m. ss (616) 637-4701. South BOB JONES PAINTS the high percentage of profit from RANDY'S MOBIL 210 Abbott Rd. legislative program and ensures government and the private such production. /en. 3-4-16 1-96 at Okemos Rd. that all federal programs are sector. Suite #16 Open petitioning for ASMSU evaluated for possible Popular Entertainment will be held The Black Sisters of Butterfield Hall ^ SALESPOWER try a little 349-9620 332-6563 "Most important." he said, "is enviromental impact. today through next Thursday. Forms will present "Gospel Vibes" at 7:30 ■Classified Ad to sell a large mobile that although the costs of may be picked up in 101 Student p.m. Saturday in the south dining *"me! Dial 355-8255 today. Services Bldg. room of Brody Hall. The Donald Vails BRANSON BAY Under EPA, he said, the controlling pollution may seem ELDORADO GOLF COURSE Choraleers of Detroit and singers from Y BLUES vocalist needed President has consolidated several high, they are as nothing this campus will be featured guests. who GOLF COURSE and 37SO West Howell Rd., Mas( pollution An Egyptian film, "My Wife, the m instrument. 355-8090 or enforcement compared to the tremendous cost Admission is free. DRIVING RANGE of not Boss," with English subtitles will be J55-8091.3-4-16 authorities that were previously controlling pollution." presented at 8 p.m. Friday in 102B The 6'/4 miles W. of Mason ill - coordinated among several following Free U classes will on Wells Hall. All are welcome. Donation ID DONORS needed. $7.50 for federal agencies. Because all the costs meet today: Free University Columbia Rd. phone 663-4144 $1.25. organizational meeting, 8 p.m., 215 p positive, A negative, B negative ition call:676-2854 ultimately will fall to the J AB Evergreen St.: Love and Social. negative, $10.00. O Agnew said that future individual, Agnew predicted a Change. 7 p.m., 210 Bessey Hall; Pegative, $12.00. MICHIGAN shift in consumer demand The Veterans Assn. will hold a car COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, BROOKS Imported Cars BEAD CRAFTS, administration actions that leading wash from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Radical Capitalism, 7:30 p.m., 210 should merit special attention to increased Saturday Bessey Hall; Camping Backpacking, ■W'-i DECOUPAGE SUPPLIES, expenditures for at Larry's Gulf, 504 W. Michigan Ave. East Grand River, East Sales and Coupon $5.00 Coupon include financial "disincentives," 7:30 p.m., Union Gold Room; Edible ansing. Above the mass public transporation. opposite the Beal Street entrance. Wild Plants, 7:30 p.m., 304 Bessey new Campus ART REPRODUCTIONS Good for $5.00 toward a king Service proposed laws and strengthened •Look for the duck in front of the Hall: fook Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 candle making supplies waterbed at the H20 Shop. 314 laws. Individual citizens as well as Humanity and Health, 7:30 p.m. Xm" Monday, Thursday and 482-1473 Evergreen, behind the East Lansing industries will be asked to alter West Owen Hall conference room; ■ r,daV- Tuesday and 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing Enfield's Incorporated State Bank. 2 5 year guarantee. their behavior toaccommodateour Advanced Guitar, 9 p.m., 135 and 141 m Wednesday 1 693 M-43. Okemos. 349-1940 Tryouts for Studio 49 productions Music Bldg. »6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C of "The Star Spangled Girl," "The new concern for the Odd Couple," "The Fantasticks" and environment," Agnew said. Young Socialist Alliance will meet at "Butterflies Are Free" will be held 7 p.m. Sunday in 33 Union to discuss from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. today in "The Relevancy of the Communist Studio 49. Manifesto for Today." All are welcome. Snyder Hall will present free rock and roll featuring the cozmic energizer The Astronomy Club will have an music of Archangel from 9 to 12 p.m. observing session with telescopes at today in Snyder Hall lower lounge. 8:30 p.m. today on the roof of the Physics - Astronomy Building. All has it Campus Action will meet at 9 p.m. today in the Union Oak Room. Rev. Eugene Perrault of Berea Tabernackle, interested students are asked to meet first in 315 Physics - Astronomy Bldg. If cloudy, the meeting will be Detroit, will speak on topics relevant cancelled. p to living Christianity. heated Soul food will be served from 5 to 7 The Marketing Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in 114 Eppley Center. p.m. today in Owen Hall Cafeteria. All A former MSU student will discuss are welcome. "Changes and Opportunities for the and all "Horizons" will present "Head Start," an overview of the Head Start Student Entering the Business World." program, its history, effectiveness, funding and future. Eileen Earhart of VW Trade-Ins the Institute of Family and Child Services will be interviewed in the first of a two - part show at 5:30 p.m. Come In All Sizes Saturday on WKAR - AM. "Gamut" will present "COGS, the Council of Graduate Students," at 11:30 a.m. Saturday on Channel 10, WMSB. The program will examine the Council's purpose, its structure, its relation to the rest of the University's government, what COGS can do and 1968 VW Sedan ,v —- 'Q — —^ 4620 S. Hagadorn what it has done. riginal dark blue finish, itewalls, excellent motor. ■ou get just north of Mt. Hope Rd. Alphabet 26 and the Art Dept. will plenty of room (and trunk space, present experimental films at 7 and 9 'too) p.m. Monday and Tuesday in Conrad Hall auditorium. 1969 Camaro at The Boxing Club will meet 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays this original red finish, new Poly glass tires, conditioned, automatic, ColUngtooob TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury term on the fourth floor of Jenison Fieldhouse. The feature - length color movie, "Alaska, Wildlife Wonderland." will Spartmenttf(formerly Northwind Apts.) apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central-control conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. Recreation is planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and air be shown at Saturday 8 p.m. Friday and in 100 Vet Clinic. $1 admission for students and faculty: $1.50 for others; under 12, free. 1967 VW Sedan UNLIMITED PARKING #DISHWASHERS you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call private balconies. If The financial affairs seminar red finish, whitewalls, radio, A - 1 condition SHAG CARPETING today. The 2 bedroom concludes at 7:30 p.m. today in 101 'BALCONIES units start at $60/month per man. MODEL $1295 AIR OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY N. Kedzie Hall with a presentation of CONDITIONING *AND MUCH MORE FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. investments and investing. The seminar is sponsored without charge as fall leases THREE, SIX. NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. a 351-nooo now being accepted, at $55 per man a service of Alpha Phi Omega and Glenn Herriman ^ Gamma Sigma Sigma. 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) Volkswagen, Inc. MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVEl Y BY: Alco Management Cnmpany Arthur Seagull will speak on Parent - Child Relations at 8 p.m. today in the 6135 W. Saginaw St. Phone 482 6226 Day Care Center in Spartan Village. Open Mon. & Thure. Till 9. Thursday, April 15 | 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Chinese-American relations PEKING (AP) - Suddenly some positive American Peking might be anticipating leap forward people in the West believe that at Wednesday's reception. threat the Chinese say thev h,J News there can be no peace in Asia until Yet the Americans, being of felt for years from the S*! Chinese - American relations have taken a great leap forward. The Analysis level. the government some more the long - significant changes in sustained American the China question is resolved. In the ordinary apple - pie type with ?'t?.ry Pie8ence in Asia £| question now is: can the What these are has not been restrictions on Chinese trade — the past any small Chinese a couple of erudite exceptions, momentum be maintained? restrictions underlined in the concessions were acclaimed. Now were bewildered by the fact that thaw. The warmth with which for individual Americans always spelled out, but that is likely to be all around them they have seen Premier Chou En - lai set the Chou greeted the Americans has been there, but it has not been apparent soon. Korean War 18 years ago. Word of they seem to be pouring out. tone of the new look when he A first guess is that Peking the Nixon administration's new The ping - pong players chosen slogans which picture U.S. suggested that China's offer of judged useful or politic for nearly told 15 U.S. table tennis players and officials Wednesday that "a friendship at the human level is two decades to restore people - to hopes to see a change in U.S. moves toward relaxation of the rules reached Peking in the to be the catalysts for this "imperialists" in less than transmutation of the base metal flattering terms. encounter with the did not say Americans .nything j |,UJM no passing fancy. The door has - people contacts. In doing so now opposition to this country's entry of hostility toward the purer They couldn't reconcile this •bout the Nixon new page" in links between the been opened more than a crack. the Chinese recognize that the into the United Nations when middle of the night, and no alloy of good will were charmed with all the sweetness and light. the slogans So two nations has been opened and barriers have been up too long. that issue comes to a vote this fall. reaction is yet evident. r "• ® The slogans represent the where they are. that Americans soon may be It would be underestimating a But they apparently also count There also have been signs that In some way or another most by Chou's versatile performance streaming to the mainland. pragmatic, hard - headed group of Until Chou's meeting with the leaders, however, to suppose that team in the great Hall of the their campaign of smiles is based OPEN DAILY Thurs., Fri., Sat People, no one was quite sure on a new - found affection for America. Possibly the affection how to measure the Chinese 10—10 SUNDAY MSU team plans 10—7 police libraries Automatic Stereo A three man team of MSU criminal justice experts are laying the - groundwork for 14 regional police libraries in Michigan. William G. Horn of Riverdale, 111., and Frank S. Horvath of East EIGHT-TRACK ( Lansing, master's degree candidates in the School of Criminal Justice, have been traveling through Michigan studying possible TAPE PLAYER Reg. 59.87 - A Days j 11*1*91 sites for the libraries. Lawrence J. Baril, asst. professor of criminal justice, isdirecting the project. Baril said each library is expected to have about 300 volumes on subjects such as psychology, sociology, police management and criminal investigation. "We want (the policeman) to improve himself in other fields than just the one he's in. We want him to know something of the sociological and psychological impact of what he is doing," Baril said. Baril also said the two graduate students have primarily been interested in placing these books in community college libraries with already existing law enforcement programs. Fourteen sites have tentatively been selected but more may be added later. By placing the libraries in community colleges, policemen that are attending classes as well as professionals will have access to the books. The project is being financed by a $9,100 grant from the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Baril said they are also working closely with the Michigan Training Council. *1/ ifi/r KKK' rally (Continued from page 1) of a fire," a policeman was telling RUSTIC-WEAVE a newly arrived colleague. said. "Nevertheless, such a "I don't care about the fire, FABRIC SALE! misguided 'joke' is in extreme bad man," a black bystander taste and served only to expose interjected. He did not elaborate the lamentable judgment of the on what he did care about, and no 28& one asked him to. perpetrators." The rally and cross - burning Police tried to put out the apparently were an attempt to burning cross with a portable fire ridicule or embarrass James P. extinguisher, but the Fire Dept. AM TABU RADIO AM/FM TABLE RADIO AC/DC PORTABLE had to be called in to finish the Hill, Pickford junior and a Reg. 13.88 candidate for Akers representative to ASMSU. Hill appared to - Fee district connection with the incident. He have no job. The crowd out in the chill night air had grown to nearly 500, according to later police 6.74 Reg. 7.77. Attractive solid 4 Days 9.94 Enjoy both AM and FM with.this modern low-profile Reg. 10.57. Operates on 4 Reg. 68c yd. textured rayons, rayon/ acetate, rayon/silks to spark your spring estimates. Several hundred more wardrobe! Posh pastels, bold ton's, could not be reached for state,instant-play radio. 3" table radio. Instant-on, solid-state circuitry, built-in watched from their dorm penlight batteries or AC g: brights; new patterns! 44-45" widtl s, comment Wednesday. dynamic speaker. Save! AM/FM antenna. Walnut grain finish. Charge it. current. Slide tuning. AM . It hadn't been much of a rally. windows. 2-10 yd. lengths. Shop and save. The dozen sheeted students and "You might as well leave, their hangers — on, white and folks," a policeman told them. long - haired, grinned self - consciously as they mixed cries of But the crowd stayed even WEDGEFIELD after the police had left, stayed to "Right on!" and "Seig Heil!" A late - comer wandered by, chant "Hill, Hill, Hill!" and ELECTRONIC I mumbled a question to two girls. laughed a little. WATCH SALE Giggling, jumping up and Boy to girl: "Oh, yes, we're Reg. 29.96-4 Days down excitedly so that their sheets flapped slightly in the really committed to Hill." Girl to boy: "There are some BEAUTY AIDS night, they told him: "We're having a KKK rally!" All the while, a wooden cross people here who should be committed, all right." 26" T r a n s i storized The crowd, losing interest, models for year wrapped with cloth burned in the run began to drift away. center of the group. Two male students walking or more one Water-resistant.* battery 10.5-0Z.* TWICE "Hey, everybody, let's have a prayer, every Klan rally has to away stopped to pick up the AS NICfSHAMPOO have a discarded sheets. ". Look great •When case, etyfljl remain intact prayer," called the . . on the wall." (unsheeted) apparent leader of the rally. And he commenced to At 9:30 p.m., a bugle sounded TRAVEL ALARM pray: "Oh White Heavenly Father, look down with favor upon our "Taps." The sparks from the burning cross died slowly in the mud. CLOCKS IN FOLD-UP CASE GALAXIEDELUXE 97* racist University." Reg. 3.96—4 Days S h a mp o o/conditioner. Save! Another time: "Who do we TWELVE PORTABLE want, who do we want? Hill, Hill, Jim Hill!" So it was a farce, a prank. "If we shout real loud, maybe Prof to speak 2.96 Beautifully styled 82.00 our man himself will come out. on Head Start travel alarms in Portable offers amazing 'power-space' tor electric-like We can't expect too much — this good-looking plastic carriage action. Full-sized 88-character keyboard, Eileen Earhart, asst. professor 12-inch carriage, two changeable type bars. Full- man has a lot of rallies to go to case. Shop and save. tonight — but we can try." This of the Institute of Family and length tabulator with professional target bar. from the "leader." Child Services, will be interviewed on WKAR AM at 15-0Z.'ALBERTO "Seig Heil!" roared the group. VO-5®SHAMP00 5:30 p.m. Saturday concerning "Seig Heil, Seig Heil, Seig Hill, the Head Start program. Seig Hill, Jim Hill, Hill, Hill, The program will give an Reg. 1.5 7 Hill!" overview and 96( The cross tottered and fell. an analysis of the The group moaned. program as well as its history, All of this took place between effectiveness, funding and the 9 and 9:10 p.m. Then the police, future. Rich-lathering shampoo who had been called at 9:08 p.m. arrived and people ran. Discarded Undertakers told sheets fell onto the muddy ground. Some students were taken to change black inside the patrol cars for questioning. The rally "leader" for tropical suits approached one car. A black 15-OZ: VASELINE student intercepted him and asked him what was happening. JOHANNESBURG, South INTENSIVE CARE* Africa (AP) — Undertakers "Oh," he said, "there's this should swap black suits for Reg. 1.37 - 4 Days guy we don't like and so we tropical garb to match South 17-JEWEL WATCHES K MART'S K-FLEX*BAND decided to hold a rally for him." A crowd was beginning to gather. Africa's weather, the editor of the morticians' trade magazine Reg. 18.96 TRADE-IN SPECIALS 88* 14.88 Funeral Forum wrote in his "... And they started one hell column "Grave and Gav Talk " 4 Days K mart will allow you $1 off on the regular price of a K-Flex® watch band when you bring in any old Men's watch band as a trade-in. K-Flex® bands, for men's Wedgefield® calendar T.V. RENTALS n Hot watches. Water-resistant when and skin divi.- model case and crystal remain and women's watches are ultra-smart, made for long Watch the Academy Awards T.V. from... on a ■■ B3 IV Pizza BS Ui ...intact. Strap or expansion bands. Charge it. wear. Hurry for your choice while selection is large. NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300 PO IDII X)i-7ioo U! H LANSING -r W. Saginaw St. near Waverly — S. Cedar St., near Jo 11/ Road OKEMOS ~ Grand River near Okemos R0O1