You . . . Friday can say I want to be free, MICHIGAN I can 3 say someday I James Number 160 - will be. Taylor UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Fair . Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 16, 1971 Two incumbents defeated in ASMSU board election By JOANNA FIRESTONE Ada freshman and a candidate in the State News Staff Writer If no appeals are filed contest, had apparently filed a record of today, these elections will be certified at 5 his campaign expenditures which was p.m. Two incumbent later Two amendments to board members, the ASMSU including ASMSU Chairman misplaced, causing his disqualification. constitution were passed in Harold Rufus Rhea polled a Wednesday's Buckner, were defeated in ASMSU majority of the vote. Proposal A provides that the elections Case Wonders vote. • Wednesday. Richard Kibbey, In the Akers Fee district, Steven constitution can be amended by a majority former off - vote of the student board or campus representative, also by a petition failed to gain re-election. Landrum, Saginaw junior, upset Buckner. of 10 per cent of all Despite his defeat, Buckner announced qualified voters. MSU Greeks, three Amendments will be effective within two running as a slate, Thursday that he will run again for board captured five out of six off class days. - campus seats on the new board which is scheduled to chairmanship. A second amendment Other gave presidents of take office next week. on • campus winners are: Holden both the Residence Halls Assn. Greeks Kevin Harty, (RHA) and Judy Knofsky, Wayne Simmons, - Wilson, Ronald Wahula; McDonel Shaw, Off Campus Council a vote in all board - Dwight - Newell and Richard Vanderveen, Larry Stemple; West Circle, Michael actions. The proposal had been with incumbant Robert along McGraw; Red Cedar, Sherry Lessen; Brody, hotly Rosenthal, all were contested by Panhellenic Council. IFC and elected to off Cullen King Hunt III; Hubbard - campus positions. - Holmes, the Inter - Cooperative Council who also Mark .Jaeger. Interfraternity Council (IFC) President sought voting status on the board. Joseph Ditzhazy, who said he was extremely pleased" at the off - campus vote, said Thursday that both suits protesting the absence of a polling booth at MAC Avenue and Grand 2 PROPOSALS OFFERED River Avenue have been withdrawn. "After careful examination of the 12 ASMSU be one of the minutes, we have agreed that the site was not intended eight off by the board to April Board action - campus polling places," he said. "In my judgment, the absence of a poll at MAC and did not hinder the unduly." Grand River election procedure on student The election, however, cannot be By JOHN BORGER University Business Affairs Committee certified by the elections commission until State News Staff Writer regarding Campaign GM II. a decision is reached in the appeals case of The committee has recommended that Steven Crocker. Two separate proposals for Crocker, who was omitted placing the University not vote its GM stock in from the ballot, claimed that students on the board of trustees are he was favor of the consumer • interest group's discriminated against by the commission's scheduled for action at today's meeting of three proposals. First call in 22 years failure to notify him of his impending the board of trustees, said Thursday. University sources The three Campaign GM II proposals disqualification. call for: london operator Pamela Gee sits at her board ready to make the first telephone call to China in 22 years Elections Commissioner Diane Rathnow One proposal, supported by the •An amendment to the by • laws to kursday. It took three and one - half hours for the call to go through after the Chinese opened th3 circuit. The said the case will be reviewed majority of the student - administrator • allow Sunday. trustee committee chaired shareholder nominations of 1st call was from a British Broadcasting Corp. journalist, William Hardcastle, to In on • campus races. Miss Rathnow by Dr. Blanche candidates for the GM Board of Directors George Barrass, a second said a new election will be held April 21 in Martin, D-East Lansing, calls for three to be placed on the fcretary at the British mission in Peking. the Case nonvoting students to sit in on all board corporation's proxy AP Wirephoto Wonders district. Phillip Haeck, statement, which is sent to all shareholders. meetings. They could be excluded from some closed sessions of a "confidential (Please turn to page 15) nature," such as those involving land hinese welcome Americans transactions, at the discretion of the president and the University attorney. The students, who would be elected by procedures outlined in the proposal, would Commission be reimbursed for all expenses incurred from their board work and would receive JHAN'GHAI (AP) — China's army, often which we hope extends to all the American match with games ■el as ready to throw the American Issor into the sea, gave an enthusiastic people." The team played its second goodwill players. The U.S. players against were older Chinese Tim Beggan of seeing and played an exhibition. At a banquet in Premier Chou En Peking Wednesday, all information distributed to the board members. The minority proposal, supported regular told blacks Thursday night to the 15 match in the drafty Shanghai Chiang Wan - lai welcomed the by libers of the U.S. table tennis team. Merrick, N.Y., Dick Miles of New York City Americans warmly and described them as Trustee Kenneth Thompson, R- Grand Gym. and Soldiers made up about 80 1 5,000 spectators who watched an per cent of The blue uniformed, red - soldiers of the army are ping - starred pong George Buben of Detroit. They hammed it up part of the time. All are in their 40s. the forerunners of country. more U.S. visitors to his Rapids, primarily differs from the other proposal in that the students would be fear genocide libition match between U.S. and enthusiasts. They outdid the In their final night in the capital, the invited to sit in on board meetings only WASHINGTON (AP) 18,000 All of them showed flashes of the form - A black family- Inese teams. They clapped spectators of the first match in Americans saw a Chinese opera, "Taking once a term. Peking, that made them top players in their day — Student trustee planning consultant told the U.S. Irously when the Americans appeared, both in applause and gusto. They clapped Miles was 10 times national champion — Tiger Mountain By Strategy." access to closed board population commission Thursday that jhe Americans got a warm welcome loudly when the American and Chinese The Americans were lodged in the meetings would also be more restricted and when they did the under this proposal. many blacks see talk of zero population n they arrived in China's largest city players marched into the steel applause rolled spacious Ho Ping, or Peace Hotel, formerly - raftered down from the men in blue. growth as genocide aimed at them. the Cathay and one of the best in The trustees are also scheduled to p Peking and a meeting with Premier Fn I, who said he hall. Across one side of it was strung the Of the three only Miles won, 23 • 21, China. consider the recommendations of the "To many blacks the zero sounds like legend: "Warmly welcome the American • • expected more but win or lose it didn't seem to matter. zero black children," Naomi Gray said. •ricans mild visit China soon. table tennis delegation." "White interests in this question have The crowd was prepared to smile or 1 Chinese sports official said he The soldiers responded with laughter, laugh was to make the Americans feel wanted. ranged, in my experience, from a desire to 7 glad you have come to murmurs and shouts to the antics of three have the charge refuted, all the Shanghai" In welcoming the Americans, way to I the visit was "a Yang {Tickets American old still sign of friendship - timers who kicked off the finding out if blacks are really smart Shing ■ ya, chairman of the China Sports Assn. of Shanghai, presided at a luncheon enough to figure out that whites would like to get rid of them in some polite featuring smoked duck and two kinds of way." rice wine. Mrs. Gray, a former vice president of Three VREAU REPORTS American newsmen Planned Parenthood World Population, is for - Cliburn's accompanying the team attended the now president of her own luncheon. private New The head of York City consulting firm specializing in the U.S. Table Tennis family planning advice to minorities. Job Assn., Graham B. Steenhoven, thanked placement She testified in the second and final day Yang for the "warm and friendly Tickets are still available for the Van Cliburn of the first public hearings by President hospitality we have received here." concert scheduled for 8:15 The group later went sight - tonight in the Nixon's Commission on Population seeing then Auditorium. Growth and the American Future. practiced for exhibition matches against a The noted pianist's performance is a Series The commission is formulating a Shanghai team. for By JONI BENN education Hopes haved dimmed in recent months as The Americans were invited to China with several other teams at the end of the world table tennis championships in last week. Japan "B" attraction in MSU's Lecture Concert Series. G Minor" Beethoven's "Sonata in E Flat three works by Debussy — "Feusx d'artifice. - Cliburn will play Brahms' "Rhapsody No. 2 in Major," proposed U.S. population policy that is to be published sometime next year. "It could then legitimately be said that some white interests are more concerned State News Staff Writer recruiters refuse to make definite promises "Claire de Lune" and "L'lle Joyeuse" — and with causing certain black babies not to get They are the first U.S. citizens admitted three works by Chopin — "Ballade in G Minor," about available positions in their school born than they are with the survival of as a group to mainland China since the "Nocture in E Major. Opus 62, No. 2" and J the number of systems, usually delaying confirmation of those already born," she said. Communist government took over in 1949. job interviews employment until July. "Scherzo in B Flat Minor, Opus 31." Scorning white liberals who "have gone pses and a chance of being hired They arrived in Peking from Hong Kong by a Coupled vuth the anxiety is the fact that Cliburn, who last performed here in 1966, is traipsing off after daisies and low Saturday. - ■nt ,,Schoulthe system becomes more interviewing schedules at the Placement The Americans flew to this big industrial on a 60 • city tour, performing both in recitals phosphate detergent s' she advocated > University's 1971 graduates in Bureau, which last year placed 3,000 VAN CLIBURN and as soloist with major orchestras. community control for blacks and said, if L ,n are fpPling the pressure of the port and largest of all Chinese cities from teachers, are down 23 per cent. left to themselves, blacks probably would Peking, the capital, where they went sight - fuon J°b markct the area of The problems, as viewed by Jack embrace family planning. Shingleton, Placement Bureau director, are ■a ridlred an "insurance policy" largely financial. With the failure of millage ImiL t('aohin8 certificate is proposals, upcoming teachers salary $$ needed 1 ■nupJ !ess useful «s the market aid negotiations and proposed cuts in state aid | t0 become oversupplied. to education, Shingleton said many school systems are forced to make cutbacks in their teaching staffs. Coupled with the declining economy, in programs Shingleton said, is the psychology of the By JOHN BORGER appropriations were not included in the terms of 100 students per year. The figures of financial aid and taxpayers. As they question the results of State News Staff Writer study. in the study have been reduced to the basis supportive service systems. Ier9y feel today's educational process, they are doubtful that they are money's worth, he speculated. receiving their Although a surplus of teachers exists in more The University spends almost $2,000 per year upon each and economically "educationally student Income to the tuition General averages undergraduates, $540 for master's degree Fund $630 for from of an average student story, however. Basic education costs are: per year for this Undergraduates who are "economically disadvantaged" each require $2,400 of financial aid, while "regular admits" disadvantaged" freshman candidates and $360 for doctoral students. * For instruction and departmental some areas, Pat Scheetz, asst. director of than upon a "regular admit" average $554. One half of all financial aid Although tuition rates for graduate squeeze elementary and secondary education in the Placement Bureau, said jobs are still cost study presented to the Presidential Commission on student, a Admissions and Student students are higher than for research, $745 for freshmen and sophomores, $958 for juniors and seniors, is paid from the General Fund. About 46 per cent of all undergraduates undergraduates, graduate students $2,164 for master's degree candidates and tss*(AP) ft light io ,0ns' feeUn8 ls ~The dergy' the pinch available for those who accept geographic relocation. are willing to For example, he said, teaching jobs are Body Composition shows. Increased financial aid supportive service systems account for the needs and generally take a lighter credit load and thus pay a lower total fee per year. The admissions $3,021 for doctoral students. * For general administration, plant maintenance and improvement, libraries, receive some financial aid, "Economically disadvantaged" graduate students receive full financial support — lament awen I?ar'sters jobs as Job shortages are not uniform of educating a "regular admit" is $1,352, commitment to the educationally and the University's — $960 per student, both graduate and transportation. re comnanv » and stock brokers. throughout the area of education. while the cost for "educationally and Regular master's degree candidates 1S in !0 cities ft! Mainstream, has »lrni is a division S8n. Although one job position or less is economically disadvantaged" students is economically disadvantaged segment of Michigan's population, had requested the undergraduate. The dramatic difference in educational receive about $1,085 of financial average doctoral students receive $2,340. aid, while ess is brisk- available for each graduate in areas such as $3,275. These figures represent the study in an attempt to obtain some idea of costs between difference "regular admits" and Approximately 48 the social sciences, English and foreign between total costs of the cost of such per cent of all page 15) educations and student tuition. State a commitment. "educationally and economically (Please (Please turn to page 15) The cost study turn to page 15) figures were presented in disadvantaged" students comes in the areas 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan F"day, ApriU6 |g7|| M \\\\ news N. Viets end talk boycott, summary From the wires of AP and UP1. resolute on peace terms PARIS (AP) - North Thuy had boycotted the talks — Total and unconditional administration accepts the fruitless quest for victory, you Vietnam's Xuan Thuy ended a since March 4 to protest what he withdrawal of all American Communist terms, North would do better to begin six - week boycott of the called U.S. "threats and acts of forces by June 30 or by Vietnam will step up its responding reasonably to the Vietnam peace talks Thursday war" against North Vietnam. "another reasonable date." penetration of Laos and needs of peace. "The important thing is to let and delivered an After conferring with North — Cessation of all U.S. Cambodia and "resolutely carry "For more than two years the American people, the South uncompromising restatement of Vietnamese leaders in Moscow bombing and reconnaissance on the war of resistance until now . , , you have avoided Vietnamese and indeed the world Communist peace terms. The during last week's Soviet flights over North Vietnam. total victory." negotiation, you have refused to United States, said the North Communist Party Congress, lie — Establishment of a Thuy's speech indicated that end the killing and you have know that there is a deadline to V ietnamese, were trying to returned to the talks with a coalition regime in Saigon the leadership in Hanoi was less pursued your desire to dominate our participation in Vietnam. " dominate Indochina "at the promise to newsmen of concrete removing President Nguyen Van willing than ever to compromise the peoples of Indochina at the Sen. Clifford P. Case, R-.X.J. point of a gun." new proposals for ending the Thieu and Vice President over its demand for total and point of a gun. It is time for you Thuy and U.S. negotiator war. Nguyen Cao Ky from power. unconditional withdrawal of to stop. On our side there is a (See st t, P. 3) David K.E. Bruce devoted much The proposals turned out to Bruce reiterated that these U.S. forces. sincere desire to end the war. of the 109th weekly session to be a restatement of the two - terms are unacceptable to the Bruce, in a sharp reply, told But the actual return to peace mutual accusations of refusing old Communist United States. Thuy that "instead of wasting year - peace depends on you." to negotiate while pursuing a terms, condensed into three Thuy went a step further and time and lives with self - serving Bruce repeated the American military victory. points: warned that unless the Nixon propaganda and pursuing a position that troop withdrawals can only be discussed on a S. Viet drive launched mutual basis and as part of an ABORTION REFORM over - all settlement. Both Thuy and the Viet South Vietnamese troops under launched a drive in the central highlands Thursday a U.S. air umbrella Cong's Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh m Bill floor said no progress toward peace is against North Vietnamese forces who have been on the attack tfiere for 15 days. In a push through the jungle - covered mountains, the may go to House possible until the United States sets a date for the unconditional withdrawal of all its troops. South Vietnamese were trying to track down and destroy a regiment of North Vietnamese regulars on the By ROBERT ROACH than to try to measure of the issue. the depth of public opinion on either side The Communist negotiators reiterated that a U.S. withdrawal h State News Staff Writer "Although I've been keeping a sort of score card of my own, southern sector of the highland front. date announcement would the committee as a whole is not interested in sheer numbers. We Opposing them were elements of four North quickly lead to a cease - fire and are more concerned with garnering expert testimony." discussions on the release of U.S. Vietnamese regiments, estimated variously from 6,000 - Changes may be expected in the procedural format of public Gast said he thought there is now in the oemmittee "a 8.000 men and probably backed up with reserves across hearings on abortion in progress across the state, one member of the presiding House Social Services and Corrections Committee generally conceded opinion" that the bill should be reported out prisoners. Trimming the border in Laos and Cambodia. to the floor. Mrs. Binh accused President perfected Thursday. "One important thing we have learned since the beginning of Nixon of ignoring this long Spring means tree trimminfl As a result of the hearings, Rep. Harry Gast Jr., R - St. Joseph, and more landscaping for th<| the hearings," he said, "Is that this issue has strong support from standing offer to justify his said that the bill will likely be sent to the House floor for a full grounds department I Ceylonese action lessens debate. both sides, and I think it will have to receive full debate on the House floor.' refusal date. to name a withdrawal SN photo by Fred Mendenhall When the bill was initially assigned to the committee, The government appeared confident it was in control observers felt the members opposed reporting out the bill by a 6 - of CeyloVs 11 - day - old leftist rebellion Thursday, 3 margin. Milliken favors funds! ensii'g its curfew over t' e island nation. Colombo, the "At the Lansing hearings Wednesday, we heard from some of capital, returned to a semblance of normality. In another development, reliable sources said all Nort Korean diplomats had been ordered out of the ■ the same people we'd heard earlier at hearings in Muskegon and Saginaw." "These people who are following the committee around the state state are denying others the right to speak and be heard and I country, presumably in connection wit' t'.e uprising. think the committee will be forced to do something to correct to Railpax's losses An armed service spokesman said, "There is no room this." for complacency yet," but only scattered clashes between t ic youtMhl rebels and government forces have Gast also said that he anticipates no change from the committee's present procedure of alternately hearing speakers for cover and against the legalization of abortion in Michigan. bee reported i 11 ;e past two da vs. The committee hearings, which resume in Flint on April 23, Gov. Milliken indicated $162,000 for Michigan." were designed to operate on a fact - finding basis, he said, rather Soviets protest harrassment Thursday that he favors a state subsidy to cover partial his Milliken said he had position on the indicate^ The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State operating losses which the Milliken said he understood "The suggested approach," he legislative leaders but had m The Soviet Embassy has protested about fresh University, is published every class day during four school National that if the other states complied, said, "which allocates fch* costs y«^,jc®ptacted the gpverpoiJ "Zionist hooligan acts" - including the use of frogs and ^Rai1 , ssenger Corp. terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. (Railpax) sustain in a Railpax would continue on a train - mile basis, would the otjjer states. mice - against Russian property and personnel in Subscription rate is $14 per year. provisional utinuation of east - operating the route for six result in an annual subsidy Legislative leaders could on Washington and in New York, the State Department bound raii service beyond May 1. months while the states requirement of approximately be reached for comment Member Associated Press, United Press International, In a letter to Railpax reported Thursday. Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Chairman David W. Kendall, As it has before during the recent wave of protest Milliken said that he will seek Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press activity in the U.S. against Soviet treatment of Jews in Russia, the State Dept. deplored the use of violence and apologized to the Soviets, saying measures were being Association, United States Student Press Association. Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. legislative approval to - cover two thirds to the company's losses for continuation of the Detroit - Lever Brothers Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Toledo passenger link through taken to prevent such incidents. Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, July 1, 1973. The measure's Border violations cited Michigan. Phones: Editorial projected cost is approximately $162,000 a year. In his formal request for continuation of to holt pollution 355-8252 service, the India and Pakistan have accused each other of Classified Advertising 355-8255 governor also said that he will Display Advertising 353-6400 seek pledges of similar assistance PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — U.S. District Court to halt Brothers is a Maine corporation agg'-essio'i i ; connection wit' t'.e civil war in East Business - Circulation 355-3447 from other states along the full Lever Brothers Co., one of the Federal Trade Commission plans Counsel for Lever Brothel Pakistan. route, which runs to Buffalo, nation's largest detergent to require pollution warnings in filed a motion for a preliminil Photographic 355-8311 In i :c most serious exchange of protests since the N.Y. The states involved are manufacturers, has filed suit in advertisements. injunction last Thursdil three - week India - Pakistan war in September, 1965, It claiming the ETC's rule • makiw Hearings on the agency's proceedings violate the 196f b t co;s tries said Thursday that their territory had proposals for such a regulation Fair Packaging and Labeling be . viiil: are scheduled in Washington and the 1969 Nati()pJ a| THE NEXT LOGICAL April 26 - 27. Environmental Policy Act. Court officials said the suit A hearing date on the motio| was filed here because Lever has not been set. FBI action defended A Senate Republican leader said STEP IN RECORDING Thursday in Washington that the FBI was at an Earth Day rally here last year not because Sen. Edmund S. at HOLIDAY LANES OPEN 9 a.m. daily Stevie Muskie was a speaker but because Ever wonder if records Wonder as we now know them will become obsolete? OPEN BOWLING All weekend starting Fri. 8:45 p.m "such individuals as Rennie Quite a few knowledgeable HiFi people believe they will - and in the Davis" very near future. Then what's next you may ask. Cassettes. And a st North of Frandor 487-3731 were on the same platform. cassette deck will become as important to a stereo component system as a turntable is now. And, right now HIFI BUYS is having a factory Michigan Sen. Robert P. Griffin, milliards • Cocktails Good Food authorized sale of what most professionals refer to as the "ultimate" the GOP whip, told the Senate that in cassette recording. The ADVENT TAPE DECK MODEL 200 is now priced at $219.95, down from $260. By employing the DOLBY "this should be obvious to anyone SYSTEM this deck removes that bothersome background hiss added who read" an FBI agent's report that by a tape machine during the recording process and opens the way to Vanguard Records p increased frequency and dynamic range. And, given the tremendous Muskie, D-Me., disclosed Wednesday convenience and reliability of the cassette medium and the new COUNTRY JOE SUNDAY in accusing the FBI of spying on Earth Day conservation rallies around the savings - The Advent Model 200 is a "best buy" for any top level system. Added features include tape counter, headphone jack indicator tights and large VU meters. So Step Inside HIFI BUYS and MCDONALD It s , HoldOn country. hear what's coming up next... Coming Celebrities assemble ADVENT Movie celebrities by the hundreds headed Thursday night for the annual Academy Awards ceremonies in Hollywood amid suspense generated by a man who wasn't there: George C. Scott. The actor, long critical of the competitive aspects of Take a friend and help selecting Oscar winners and of the "contrived suspense" was a leading nominee for "Patton" but asked to have yourselves to cuisine from his name withdrawn. It wasn't. 1000 lands. As much as you want all day Sunday (1 to 8 p.m.) For information Postal suit filed , call 372-6550 NOW A suit to halt temporary increases in postage rates, OK fflMMlIfY, [ERROR CMIS1 THNf... Mil WIK PLAZA I e>.; ccted by May 16, was filed Thursday in U.S. district court ;:ere by organizations representing newspaper and $219.95 THE magazine publishers. MCDONJUD CAN MAK[ (HE CHANSES! The suit seeks a preliminary injunction barring (Former Jack Tar Hotel) implementation of the increases, which the suit says HI-FI BtJ 125 W. Michigan would cause "very severe and irreparable injury, loss and 310 1101 E. Grand River Availalileatyourrecordstare across from the Capitol damage" to the publishers. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 16, 1971 3 Senators question terms of Vietnam exit must also exist for the r enemy jsz.sjsrjzzt Mathias asked. Case said he Nixon and his top a advisers "with quite different view of whether Both Case and Mathias, and Sen. Edward W. Brooke, R - Vietnamese and indeed the understands world know that there is a withdrawal to mean "complete the President had in mind a Mass., who joined their deadline to our participation in in Vietnam definite date for full discussion briefly, called on e to be used withdrawal of American troops Vietnam," he added. and withdrawal" than those who Nixon, to set a public date for withdrawal also from Another Republican war "irawn^They "urged the further activity, whether in the only heard his speech. Senate GOP leader Hugh total Vietnam. U.S. withdrawal from critic, Sen. William B. Saxbe of n administration to clear it air, or on the sea or on the Scott and Democratic whip Case Ohio, said he fears setting a ground." endorsed the Vietnam public withdrawal date will Robert C. Byrd said the Clifford P. Case of New Besides the question of future Disengagement Act, which telegraph U.S. intentions to the President indicated to them that would force withdrawal by Dec. '"and Charles Mathias Jr., use of U.S. air power, Case he has a specific date - the end 31 but suggested the date be enemy. At a news conference [ advocates of « publicly noted that Republican and of his term on Jan. 20,1973 ■ as moved to mid - 1972. "The his return from upon minced U.S. withdrawal Democratic congressional leaders Vietnam, Saxbe a goal for U.S. withdrawal. The important thing is to let the said the war is came back from a j said there appears to be a meeting with White House denied this. American winding down rilet between President people, the South faster than he had anticipated. „ and Secretary of Defense in R. Laird on the question. ■Nixon, ■ ina in his to radio-television the nation on last Wednesday, said goal is a total American Comm arts committee fails Ihdrawal from Vietnam," Case linded the Senate. Iftut the lublican Clary of defense said New Jersey added that the to list preference for dean Lhing quite different more By MICHAEL FOX David K. Berlo, professor of Lntly with regard to the State News Staff Writer provost will have will be the recommendation for a new dean communication; Herbert J. tabulation ftinuation of air efforts for an The Oyer, chairman of the Dept. of of a conducted last fall among the mail vote at their meeting today. However, jefinite period." College of the provost apparently is not Communication Arts Search and Audiology and Speech Sciences, faculty on the three nominees. ■Laird was asked at a news and Erwin Bettinghaus, asst. ready at this time to make a Evaluation Committee, to find a The complete results of the vote recommendation Iference Tuesday if American replacement for Dean Jack M. dean of the college, were the have never been made public. president, who will submit a to the 1 and naval units would Bain, apparently made no actual names sent to Cantlon this week. In that vote, however, it was name to the board. ie to fight in South recommendation to the provost The search and evaluation announced that Oyer and Berlo m after the withdrawal of in its report this week, a source committee had been meeting received equal percentages of the A successor to Bain will not t ground troops. close to the committee said since the start of winter term to vote and that be named until the trustees May Bettinghaus prepare a recommendation for meeting, the noted. J»I wouldn't care to discuss Thursday. the provost. received the remainder. source |t question," he replied, Tunnel The three names originally The only other evaluation the The committee had originally Bain is returning to full - time King that "To say that we nominated by the college faculty hoped to have the board of teaching as chairman of the |uld not have a presence in A playground pipe near Cherry Lane apartments provides these two youngsters last fall apparently were sent to trustees consider a Communication 100 course. ■sunder this realistic deterrent with a private Provost John E. Cantlon with no place to exchange confidences or secrets. ■rategy would be very ranking or preference expressed, FOR PROUD PARENTS State News photo by Jeff Wilner the source said. And even prouder grandparents 1,000 ANNUAL BENEFITS ON MOTHER'S DAY(MAY 9th) State GI Bill ho "If you vote for Advocates of a Michigan GI a program," he said, "You have to vote for University's financial situation State News interview. asking for anything more, we're e told at a campus rally and gave statistical evidence of "The present (national) GI taxes. You have heard of the the rising cost of education. just asking for the same thing," Jdnesday that legislative Bill does not cover the cost of he gaid Incial troubles make the bill's taxpayers revolt." He said that in 1965-66 the education like it did after World Rallies similar to the one held s at the state house look Pittenger said it seems likely legislature appropriated about that taxes will have to be raised War II. It should be equitable are planned soon at various charm $1,087 to MSU for each student with its predecessor. We're not Michigan 57.50 fehe state GI Bill, which just to keep current educational and this past year it was $1,439 campuses. pm programs where they are today. per student. $10.00 |ild subsidize young veterans A number of veterans Colorful Gifts for Proud Parents ij Michigan up to $?,06CK not happy with the excuse. were CoBts per student, however, have nearly doubled. MEN'S HAIRSTYLING |ual!y while they are in "You find money In 1965-66, Wilkinson said, inspired gift idea! Tasteful jewelry that lets proud par¬ >1, it to introduced Tuesday can for cars Socializing in Long Cuts ents (or grandparents) brag about their offspring, beau¬ and judges but not for the rest," the cost of tuition, board and tifully. Custom set with simulated birthstones for one |Rep. Edward E. Mahalak, one veteran to six children. A thoughtful gift they'll love—gift boxed. lomulus. charged. "When all room and a minimum of Owner the (Vietnam - era) veterans are incidentals was about $1,650 per ■peaking at the rally of about back and voting, then you'll find 1 Vietnam • lip 0. Pittenger, R-Lansing, era veterans, Sen. the money pretty damn fast." single undergraduate student. This year's cost is $2,200 and I BILL SLACK ItheGI Bill did not have high Pittenger and Leonard Zimmerman, legislative chairman "we project for next year it will be $2,400 to meet minumum XM[ (the barber who can On the §1 DOWNTOWN LANSING I ... prity with the legislature. for the Michigan branch of the needs." grow it and cut it too) Alle' American Legion, said a bill to The cost for a married couple §§ 116 E. Michigan ■ FREE EVENING ■ 319 E. Grand River '/■ 393-4090 PARKING ■ Park free LS.J give a bonus to all present - day with no children has risen from with East Lansing, Mich. purchase scturer veterans was higher on the priority list than the GI Bill. $2,800 to $5,400 in the same five years, he said. i A 1# APPTS. IF DESIRED Phone 337-1314 The two men pointed out Spanogle told the assembled chedules that a bonus would reach all Michiganders who have recently served in the armed services, veterans it was up to help press for favorable them to legislation through work with THE HEAD SHOP while the GI Bill would reach Corner of organizations, writing their Jolly and Cedar (Jolly Cedar Plaza) lights talk only education. those seeking According to the Veterans higher representatives and talking with people. He reiterated Thursday fames Spe, rer, a life ristian Scientist, will discuss are - long Administration in Detroit, there comments made in a recent presently 189,000 Vietnam - (here Do Our Rights Come era veterans in Michigan, of pm?" at 4 p.m. Monday in the which 23,601 are enrolled in ^fanoff Lounge, Student colleges and universities. vices Bldg. Pittenger said he did not 1eDcer, a native of Miami, know about the proposed GI Bill SPECIAL i attended the University of until Patrick W. Joy, DeWitt ttnsylvania, the University of junior, told him about it. ™na and Principia College, Designer Vest Suits e served Joy is the legislative on active duty with coordinator for the Michigan Marine Corps in the Korean Assn. of Collegiate Veterans. Mas a Christian Science Also speaking at the rally s49 entative. He also served as 'M Science were Roger E. Wilkinson, MSU minister for vice president for business and services in Miami and finance, and Robert Spanogle, Designed by Lucien Piccoid i'Westfrom 1957 to 1966. Okemos senior and president of ® lecture is sponsored the by the National Assn. of Collegiate . . most important Umpus Christian Science Veterans. anization. Wilkinson explained the money-soving buy you can make right now! Imported doubleknit wool, velour or corduroy belted tunic flare pant suits with that knowledgeable European attention to tailoring , 9 am Saturday for a and detail. Sizes 38 44 N Studebaker 4-door sedan (Just bring (his ad & your student ID) And Check These Special Deals. '65 VWBus '67Camaro """MoVcm! "damping Pf"nl' Allready for &fun $995 so v8 anyother ^8Pontiac r»ebird » Firebird Vinyl top air '680ldsDelmont & conditioning, automatic power steering & brakes $1995 $1995 JacobsoiiS S TOYOTA OSED CURS INC - Mi.-i.;,,- 372-0975 Michiga MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE MEWS Trustees should become UNIVERSITY familiar with U' dorms To the Editor: hour dorm's invitation to visit us undo, KENNETH R. LYNAM To Kenneth Thompson, MSU trustee: Guest - In - Residence Program advertising manager Having observed your voting habits as a ignorance may have been member of Michigan State's Board of no locks on our eliminated? doors is a fallacv »*' Trustees, one wonders if you are playing student's MARK EICHER,'managing editor trite political games rather than serving in room, the rooms "" ED HUTCHISON, city editor considering, has a thick door win BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor the student or public interests. Your recent adequate lock, I assure you. KEN KRELL, editorial editor decisions and statements unfairly degrading You had stated that the father of a to, GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor co - ed housing possibilities are the ones 1 am coed contacted you to complain abW referring to. It seems that, in the long run, 24 - hour visitation the public is interested in establishing policy. At no college career should this student . poinUnl Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award stability on its campuses, rather than required to use the visitation policv i. for outstanding journalism. alienating the students by imposing simply a policy that exists for those 1 unrealistic demands which in no way would wish to benefit from it, thus the rieh.! adversely affect the public. Unfortunately, others are not impaired. Any proh,J as a member of the board, you have which could result from the policy EDITORIALS seemingly failed to grasp this. Do you believe that you are serving the handled by such groups as the judiciary. stud! 1 public interest by increasing tension, As to the 24 - hour visitation policy »„ promoting disatisfaction and disillusioning mentioned that you were the numerous young men and women who admit your position as a "ashamed"! trustee of Businessmen—trustees worked on and anticipated the increasingly popular concept of co - educational living; a university that permitted "such goings on Tell us, sir, would you be ashamed tot! concept which is overwhelmingly endorsed trustee of the University of by the supervisory staff of this University? Michigan perhaps Harvard University, both of whic Or are you responding to an illogical demand responsive practice praiTuct- this whs policy? poncy: Tell ieu US us sir Wki »•n in for a "crackdown" on the students? The university would you not be ashamed tok mocraticaiiy ir question has arisen as to whether you are connected with? What •——- university woul Board of actually informed of the current policies and satisfy your backward philosophies? Ai Today the trustees consider make GM a more responsive public - practices in the dormi tories. The State News what do you mean by "such goings on''" said that you had complained about the 24 - you are referring to certain biological drh( whether to support the Campaign oriented corporation. which, I might add, you as a human beii GM movement by voting the General Motors is the University's 2,500 shares of General largest A PRESIDENT'S PERSPECTIVE also possess, these drives can be sufficient manufacturing company in the satisfied in the daytime, as well as at nty Motors stock in favor of three world, employing more people and Had you retained an interest of campuslil proposals. more money every year than the you would have visited our dorms rath The first proposal would make than having spouted simple statementsth four largest states combined. General were founded on biased directors more responsive to Motors ignorance. is responsible for yields pride Well, sir, now is your chance to shareholder concerns by permitting all stockholders to make approximately one - third of this nation's air pollution by tonnage, Environment represent the public. Many studentsinfart of the existing visitation policy, some nominations and to choose among employs only 11 black dealers out of whom are registered voters, also desire have their wishes known. Any opposing candidates for director. 13,000 and has investments in South By CLIFTON R. WHARTON JR. attemptl re establish an enforced visitation The second proposal would allow Africa in excess of $125 million, - policy! narrow minded act that consumers, dealers and employes of infringes upontl where it is a subscribing member of Taking pride in one's university does not interest, whose motivations are partisan or sensibilities and rights of a vital Amerio University community and our pride in the the corporation the right to the South Africa Foundation which require blind acceptance of things as they personal, and whose questioning takes the institution itself. resource — the student. As a member oft are, nor does it imply agreement with the form of self service rather than service to the participate in the selection of three works to improve world opinion of administration or board of trustees on all Examples include the effort put forth by public which you so self-righteously sene institution. Those who sound the trumpet directors. Proposal Three would apartheid. the professor in the classroom to create an request that you air our views at the ne issues. It is not merely a cheap form of of high principle but who would subvert the environment conducive to learning. The board meeting and halt your verb direct the corporation to publish in Yet GM's 1.5 million stockholders patriotism — "my university right or wrong. decision making process for their own gain - indignities which can only further forgetl its annual report progress being made ." Quite the contrary is true. In fact, those professor who really cares about his . do not serve the University well. I have remain powerless to alter these students, his work and this University will public's misshapen ears. A failure to do so in auto pollution control, auto safety who raise serious questions about the adopted this view precisely because I am make the extra effort and therefore is an an indication of your unwillingness and minority hiring. practices because the decision - policies and direction of the University are proud of MSU and deplore those acts and often among those with the greatest pride asset to the students and the University. The faithfully and rationally serve your publ There is little likelihood, however, making power rests with the that behavior which sullies her integrity or relationship will be reciprocal and mutually directors, and stockholders currently and fondness for Michigan State. They care which seek to degrade her. Jim Brun that the trustees will vote to support beneficial. so much that they are unwilling to remain There possess little power to influence are many important and Students can also affect the living - Farmingtonfreshm these proposals. The University silent or allow events to pass them by. They constructive ways of reflecting pride in our choice of directors. learning environment in the residence halls. April 12,19' Business Affairs Committee voted see problems, inequities and the need for University — not merely in the 5,000 acres They indicate their respect for their fellow down the proposals and The University's vote will not change and reform. Or, they may see what of land or the 200 buildings on the campus, reccommended that the trustees not significantly alter the situation one they consider to be uneeded change which in but in the people of the University and what students as well as the University to the extent that they attempt to maintain Bookstore prices their view violates or is contrary to an they are-trying to achieve and in the learning support the Project on Corporate way or the other, but a vote for cleanliness In the halls (by preventing important principle or goal. The point is— atmosphere they are attempting to create. To the Editor: Responsibility's recommendations. corporate responsibility would serve whether he be student or faculty memberor littering and other forms of anhealthful All of this seems to fall under the broad waste disposal) and their willingness to 1 can feel no sympathy whatsoever Last year, the trustees voted not notice to the corporation that one of administrator serving on an important question of the quality of our educational actively fight against "noise pollution." the bookstores in East Lansing that cli to support a student - faculty its larger stockholders is not willing committee, as a member of the Academic environment. Environment has become a that they would not be able to competed Council, an active participant in student critical issue both on and off the oampus. The degree of commitment which committee recommendation that one to consider itself merely an investor, the MSU Bookstore if MSU's boc' government or the student newspaper — he The students make toward improving and Campaign GM proposal be but is rather a part owner in the University has responded and reduced the price of used books to cares enough to sacrifice his time and energy anticipated the issue with the establishment maintaining an environment conducive to cent of the original price. supported, and, in a now infamous corporation, as stockholders must be in an attempt to improve some aspect of the of the Center for Environmental Quality. learning and at the same time to living Students wishing to sell books have t telephone vote, the trustees voted to if corporations are to respond to the academic or social life on this campus. In the cooperatively with one another is indicative Many departments in a variety of fields now little choice as to the price they will receh of their for the University support management at the public's needs. policy - making arena, and in seeking to offer courses which related to ecology and concern as a One simply has to take what the booksto chart a course for the future direction of the the protection of the environment. New, whole. stockholder's meeting. This morning the trustees will offers and a return of 50c on a $7 book is University, the voice of the constructive action oriented student organizations have - No one — student, faculty or staff or much. Similarly this year, the trustees decide the issue. We urge students critic or the serious questioner can be one of been created and long established ones have alumnus — should be reluctant to view with The article also fails to mention that will likely end in a 4-4 deadlock, and faculty members who are the greatest evidences of pride in the become recognized for their past and pride the University as a whole or in part for East Lansing bookstores resell a book at thus not voting the stock for the concerned about corporate institution and highest service to the current efforts. For some, the University's fear that he would be scorned or thought out per cent of its original cost regardlessof he Campaign GM proposals. responsibility to attend and watch University community. response as an institution as well as from the of step with the times. For a dynamic pride many times it has been used. The student But the trustees would do well to our businessmen - trustees respond However, I would draw a distinction individuals within the institution is a source in Michigan State is one which considers past the one who ends up paying. I should like between the role of constructive critic and of pride. consider the ramifications of to a business question of immense achievements, measures current progress see the figures to support the bookston that of the chronic complainer who has only Respect for the environment also can be and studies current problems in an effort to claim of losses on book sales. abdicating their responsibility to public importance. negative comments and complaints to make viewed as it relates more narrowly to the forge an even better and stronger University no positive suggestions or real alternatives. — campus. The degree of respect which we give in the future. Pride in this institution as it is, Sharon M. Anders There are also those individuals, regardless that environment often reflects the degree is a prerequisite for building the University Niles, III. sophomo of role, who speak from a platform of vested of have for other members of the concern we that can be. March 31,19 Student repres LOUIE BEHDER resting on on The fate of student representation the board of trustees is soon to be The first proposal is a fair one for students and what the majority of and you is the contestee decided. At Thursday night's closed the administration - student - trustee session, the trustees Because of the resounding response to probably committee favors. The second Lantz Rentzel - Photography 288 last term's Phillip J. May Memorial Corner - discussed the two proposals aimed at proposal is not without support Putting Yourself Into Each Exposure. Cutting Contest and Residence Hall Sale securing some form of student voice either, but it is a poor compromise (Holden Hall residents are now mailing Joseph McCarthy — History 1099 on the board. to the students' desire to have a their rent checks to Howard Hughes, which The person submitting the winning suggestion Seminar to Attempt to Determine One proposal would guarantee worthwhile voice in trustee affairs. is all right, if you don't mind the croupiers will get to enroll in the course tuition - free, and Identity of the Leader, or "Ting," three elected students the right to sit We urge the trustees to follow at every cafeteria table) the State News is will receive Vandals Who Sacked Rome (forma an automatic five - credit 4.5. Which Hun Ting?). proud (as a low - volume pizza burp) to in on all board meetings except those through on their decision to grant announce a new contest: Everyone who enters the contest will be deemed of a "confidential nature" students a much needed and wanted The guaranteed a reserved seat in the class. "J" - Political Science 598 - TheRI Every - Entry - A - Winter Giant and Fall of Hoover. by President Wharton and the voice. We further urge that they Distinguished Visiting Professor and Bench accept the first proposal and reject Jockey Lucky Number Sweepstakes. Theodore Roosevelt — Spanish 489 University attorney. The students will be reimbursed for their efforts the second. The trustees will have The idea is to decide whom you'd best Ordering Parts to Repair Worn - like to have come to MSU for a quarter as a Boots When at War in a Spanish - Spea and will receive all information conceded very little, indeed, if visiting professor, and what you'd like him Country (required text1: Send OneHeei). distributed students are allowed to sit in on only to teach. members. to regular board one out of three meetings a term. Like Gene McCarthy is going to teach Clair White — Education 465 — The — Tap Dancing for the Geriatric. Moshe Dayan — Real Estate,,2ff. 20th Century University: What Will It Be Paul VI - HPR 104, Section 2 - Keeping An Eye Out for va A decision such as this would, in poetry at Maryland for a semester; LBJ Like? Natural Rhythm. Acquisitions. The other proposal would restrict teaches political science at some school in effect, be granting the students only Billy Graham — Russian History 467 — Erich Segal — Economics 444 — David Ben Gurion — Real Est the students to sitting in on only one Texas; Vonnegut is teaching creativity at Emotional Securities (formerly Crying - partial voice when full representation Harvard. Rasputin's Good Points. All Unloading Assets. . < trustee meeting The Way To The Bank). a term. is needed. Write down your choice or choices Henry Cabot Lodge — Home Economics 245 — Table Setting. John Wayne — Education Phillip J. May - Computer Science 378 — — IBM for Fun and Profit. (they can be either living, dead or Richard Nixon — TV and Radio 458 — Eddicating Darkies So They Can Take fictional); mail them to me, care of this The Effects of Little Red Arrows Viewed Their Rightful Place In Society But Not Ralph Ginzburg - Journalism w Versa. Do Law of the Press and Vice paper, before April's over. Before May's your head over the judges (Provost John Trustee Pat Cantlon, Carrigan and Contestor Louis Bender) will decide which is the best entry on Black and White Televisions. Robert Welch — History 385 — Contemporary Russo - American History Before Durn It All. William Calley — Communication 440 — Methods of Mass Persuasion. Richard Daley - Physics 490 - Rates of Lester Maddox — Forestry Volume Purchasing of Axe Handles. Charles Manson — MUSIC and write that person an invitation to teach (from Ike the Red to the present). Interpreting Lennon and McCartney. The Festival of Community and not only as it ought to be but as it Clifton Wharton — Interdisciplinary Voting Machine Sinkage (with field trip to his subject here fall term. Hustle your entries in. Now. Life Style Alternatives, a can be. Course 199 — The University as a Non - Lake Michigan). * * * heady title The person submitting the winning tt Political Institution**. tor a most joyous gathering. A time Life does not have to be an eight - suggestion will get to enroll in the course J. Edgar Hoover — HPR 104, Section 1 George Romney - Military Science 246 **Class cards may be secured a Techniques of Brainwashing. — for people to come to- five proposition — a continual tuition free, and will receive an automatic Political Science table. together and - ^ know one another. An bout with bad water, bad air and bad five - credit 4.5. opportunity Everyone who enters the contest will be THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! SHE SAID, to seek a path out of the dark wars.Allow yourself to be reborn and jumble guaranteed a reserved seat in the class. 'DEAR FRIEND." YOU DON'T CALL of contemporary in doing strike blow living. so a for Examples 50ME0ME WHO'S SOUR FRIEND freedpm. With a little help from my friends, I 'DEAR" IF MDU DON'T MEAN IT.' A staggering galaxy of groups will Go, for the free films, feasting and* have come up with a few examples of the participate in the celebration, and the music. Go, become a part of the kind of suggestions the judges will be they are all good. Yet for all this fun and the success. Go, above all. looking for: diversity the focus of the three Alexander Portnoy — Human Medicine - day because it will be really good for 699 festival remains simple: to salute life. — Preparation of Organs for your head. Tonight, 7:30, Shaw Hall. Transplant. ii State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 16, 1971 5 OUR READERS' Broadcast journalism coming into its can't seem to broadcast journalism is accept the fact that takes a longer time if he has to Mishra also suggests that networks should own coming into its edit film or cut a develop and of them got their start as own. For them the tape cart. No more facts "heed constructive comments in newspaper their classes that broadcast print medium is the bringing journalists. To cast doubt on either their journalism can't iShriisiTi""accused broadcast journalism only medium. Their attitude is, "if it's not or objectivity are for broadcast than lost in preparing a story about reform." Whose constructive professionalism or ethics is unbelievable. be objective or factual because it depends . „ir™kine" and "sensationalism." I in print it can't be are lost in preparing it comments? Spiro Agnew? In that case financially on the government and is mU good," which, of course, for print. Showing documentaries during prime therefore under the government's evidence in that article to is totally untrue and "constructive comments" is a euphemism control unfair. Contrary to Mishra made the brilliant statement that time is yet another suggestion. Most In closing, I " t>ntiate Mishra's charges. Nor, for that journalism department (sic) for controlled censorship. major would like to pose one popular belief, 'television is becoming an documentaries are shown at 9 or 10 at question. If broadcast iter, do I see any evidence of it on the there's more to it than just rip and read. It TV has always been an escape medium." Another suggestion is that "networks night. In case Mishra doesn't know it, that journalism is so o'clock news. takes just as much time escape medium; it is should employ more professional immature, unreliable, and effort for a basically an entertainment medium. But personnel is considered prime time. unfactual, l fL| there is more personal bias in broadcast journalist to gather and evaluate does that and ethical journalists." You can't get Mishra's final suggestion is that the unobjective, unprofessional and unethical then why is it that 'S statement thart fact. A good many facts and write a necessarily mean that the news it much more professional and ethical "more people story as it does a provides is any less factual than government subsidize or provide a tax believing in TV and less in are credible? rnalism professors' and students just newspaper reporter. It more than likely Less than 40 per cent or Walter Cronkite, Mike Wallace, Harry break to networks in order to ease their news? newspapers for (Mishra's statistics) Reasoner or Eric Severeid, to of the print space in papers is devoted to only mention financial problems and "provide a few. These men are news. Does that mean that credible, recognized inducement for better coverage." I'm sure the news that is journalists. Most of them 'have been Mary Ann DuCharme GM's stake in the 'U' provided is unreliable? The news provided by TV and radio is no more a reflection of reporting news since World War II, and all that if the government did either of these things, professors like Mishra would tejl Dearborn senior April 13, 1971 the entertainment element of the medium the Editor: proposals. There is no question that GM than the news provided in a CM proxy this spring are four would be paper is the 3 a better, more responsive and reflection of the advertising segment of One advocates that GM either democratic Abbie: I didn't cancel, honest s more a that medium. It amazes me that if corporation were these a story ii,draw operations from South Africa or proposals adopted. on TV is made 2 challenge the South African's interesting then it's called GM, however, contributes a lot of money entertainment. But if a story in print is vemmcnt's policy of apartheid. The to MSU. On Friday we shall see whether interesting then it's said tobe"holding the er three proposed by Campaign GM II decisions at this University are made on the readers interest." To the Editor: To suggest I canceled a speech for a press free to print and vocate that stockholders, dealers, basis of fear of reprisals from management I also find that Mishra's Someone just sent me a notice from your conference is ridiculous. I haven't appeared distribute, provided it "suggestions" to gives the profits to a right - on cause such Lcumers and workers participate of a major contributor or on the basis of provide better coverage leave much to be paper claiming I canceled a speech there. at a press conference in six months and have That is absolute crap. As of two months as the defense of the Motor L-ocratically in selection of members of decency and support or the principles of desired. Mishra suggests that there be no great urge to. - City Three, or makes the book available for free. If fs Board of Directors and that GM democracy. control of the electronic media ago, I was to speak there on April 6 and Regarding my book steal this book. you're by letting — interested, write me. Hose detailed figures on minority hiring, Vincent J. Salvo nonmedia members have a voice in everything was agreed upon. About three After 30 rejections by publishers, I did it weeks ago, the Have a neat spring and see to pollution and auto - safety. professor of sociology programming. I'd like to see him try that sponsoring group called and all myself. Now it is you in - meeting censorship on is Friday the MSU Board of Trustees James Heyser one on the print medium. It would said they wanted the talk changed to April the other end, especially in Detroit. It Washington May 1 - 5 when we're all taking Ljdes whether to vote MSU'sGM stock East Lansing graduate student certainly be tagged repression of freedom 7. I said that date was impossible since should have been in the Henry Kissinger out for a midnight snack. r friends and I had worked out this Michigan area these proposals or for management. Wallace Reese of the press if nonmedium members started some beginning about April 12, but very few Abbie Hoffman .re is not question about the decency, multi - mix video presentation for the Okemos senior suggesting to papers what they should or stores and no distributors as yet are willing 213 Cooper Station n the conservative nature of these should not print. educational TV station here, and it was to take the risk of April 14,1971 carrying it. If your paper New York, N.Y. impossible to change it on that late notice. is willing, it can have the entire book for April 12, 1971 NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS Academic Advising, Enrollment, and Registration For 1971 Summer and Fall Terms SUMMER ENROLLMENT COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE The 1971 summer term Schedule of Courses and Academic JUSTIN MORRILL COLLEGE Handbook is available to students at the counter in Room All undergraduates in the College of Arts and PRE VETERINARY 150, Letters, except Hannah Administration Bldg. Students may also Studio Art majors, may see their academic advisers All students should see their adviser SUMMER TERM. JMC students planning on pick up a during by April 30. Appointment taking courses at Registration Section Request form which should their office hours on Monday, schedules are posted outside adviser's office. MSU during summer 1971 should discuss their be completed Tuesday, Wednesday and plans with their and returned to Room 150 no later than Wednesday, May 5. academic adviser during the period April 20 - 30. Course Thursday, April 26, 27, 28 and 29. ENGLISH MAJORS SHOULD GO FIRST TO THE UNDERGRADUATE OFFICE VETERINARY descriptions for JMC summer courses are available now in the The course sections that students request in IN MORRILL HALL 213. MUSIC MAJORS SHOULD GO All students will be "mass enrolled" Advising Center, 11 Snyder. Enrollment instructions are in the enrolling on the by the Dean's Office. Registration Section Request form will be reserved for them FIRST TO THE DEPARTMENT ADVISING Those students not course descriptions. SENIORS are reminded that for CENTER, wishing to be included in "mass only through early registration which will be held in the Men's MUSIC BUILDING 155. Advisers will be in their offices at enrollment" must notify the Dean's Office by April 30. graduation, your Field of Concentration must be approved in I.M. Bldg. June 8, 9 and 10 (Tuesday - Thursday). All students least one hour each morning and afternoon of these four writing by your JMC faculty adviser. All advisers will not be days. who register at regular registration on June 21-22 must obtain Check with department offices for the hours of individual COLLEGE OF EDUCATION available in the summer, so if you will be a candidate for class cards for each course. advisers. Make an appointment to minimize Students in Health and Physical Education should consult degree at the end of summer term, see your adviser April waiting in line or with 20-30. ACADEMIC ADVISING if you cannot come at the hours scheduled. You may also see advisers in the HPR Advisement Center between Students enrolled during this spring term who April 20 and plan to attend your advisers before these dates during their regular office April 30. Students majoring in Recreation, Industrial Arts, or the 1971 summer term hours or by appointment. Your discussion with your adviser JMC students planning on taking courses from another college and/or fall term should see their Special Education should consult with their academic adviser according to the should be based on The Student Academic respective or university (non-MSU courses) should pick up a copy of the arrangements in the colleges Progress Plan which academic advisers during the same time period. statement "Transferring Courses To and departments. This information will be announced in the you have already developed or which you wish to modify or Michigan State University and Justin Morrill College" available in the ,e News during the week of April 19. develop further in conference with your adviser. Bring your Undergraduates assigned to the Advisement Center in Erickson Advising Center. Progress Plan with you. Hall, who need special assistance, may arrange a program - FALL TERM. JMC students can sign The catalog, and college and departmental mimeographed planning conference any time prior to May 1, by coming to up for fall term 1971 JMC courses on a first - come, first - served basis on materials, will be available for use by academic advisers in Studio Art majors should see their Art advisers on Monday, 134 Erickson Hall or calling 355-1900 for an appointment. May 26, 27 and 28 from 8 - 11:30 a.m. in the working with advisees during spring term. The fall term April 26. All Studio classes will be dismissed on that day and Snyder trophy room. Schedule of Courses and Academic Handbook will be Course descriptions will be available in the printed advisers will be in their offices from 8-12 and 1 - 4. Graduate students should contact their Advising Center after the final meeting of the Academic respective advisers. May 14. This internal sign-up will give present JMC students an Council in June. Any graduate student who is in need of assistance with FALL ENROLLMENT problems of a procedural or administrative nature should opportunity to reserve fall JMC courses before they are COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE opened up to incoming freshmen during summer Orientation. In July, the fall term Schedule of Courses and Academic contact the Office of Graduate Student Affairs, 252 Erickson Reservations made during this period will be held Handbook (including a blank Registration Section Hall, or should call 355-7346. only if a Request 1. Schedule an appointment for a conference with your student also early enrolls through the mail during the summer form) will be mailed to each student who has enrolled during academic adviser by signing the appointment sheet designating with the Registrar's office for the same courses. spring term, and who plans to return for the 1971 fall term. his available hours. This sheet will be UNIVERSITY COLLEGE - NO PREFERENCE posted on or near his office door about 19 April. Conferences are to be held NON-JMC STUDENTS. You cannot early enroll for JMC The student at that time should during An appointment card for a conference with (1) refer to his "academic the period 26 April to 30 April. your academic courses. JMC summer courses are open to you at Registration progress plan" developed with his academic adviser has been mailed to each No Preference student adviser, and 2. For your appointment for June 8, 9, 10 or June 21 and 22. JMC fall courses will be complete his bring to your academic adviser program planning for Fall term. If you have not received a with that plan,'and Registration Section Request form in accordance your planned program for Summer and/or Fall term and card or were unable to keep your available to you at Registration Sept. 20, 21 and 22. More (2) return the completed Registration discuss it with him for his suggestions. appointment, you may come information on Justin Morrill College and courses in the Section Request form bv mail to the advisement office before to the Office of the Registrar no 3. All College of Natural Science May 1. college is available in the Advising Center, 11 Snyder later thi n August 13. majors must see their Each No Preference student who has earned 85 credits or call academic advisers EACH TERM to discuss their 3-9599. The Center is open 10-5 and 7-10 p.m. Mon. - Thurs. programs. (junior standing) by the end of Spring term 1971 must declare and 10-3 p.m. on Fridays. You should see a major before the end of the term. This your academic FALL REGISTRATION may be done at the • adviser for information on how a Justin Morrill Advisement Center or at the Counseling Center. College course The completed can be used in your program. Registration Section Request forms will be COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE No Preference Advisement Centers: Residents of Case processed through data - processing, and preliminary class lists The Handbook of Undergraduate Courses in the Wilson - Wonders Holden, S33 Wonders; Residents of and tabulations will be - Brody prepared and distributed to assistant College of Complex, 109 Brody; Residents of East Campus. 245 Fee; All deans and departmental Social Science is being prepared to assist students in chairmen, following the procedure of selecting others (Off COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS the winter and courses for their Fall Term Schedule. It will be available - campus students, residents of Abbot, Mason, spring terms this year. prior Phillips, Shaw, Snyder & West Circle Halls), 170 Bessev. to the end of Spring Term. Watch for an announcement in the Advising Schedule for Fall and/or Summer term, 1971 State News after May 12. Students enrolling in evening classes only may confer with Comments and suggestions for the will always be improvement of registration an adviser by telephone (355-3515). welcomed by the Registrar from members of Handbooks may be examined in the Libraries, Residence Anyone who wants to pre - enroll and pre - register for Advertising 355-2314 April 20-30 the faculty. Halls, Fraternities, Sororities, Co-op Houses, Counseling Center, in Summer term should see an adviser before Audiologv and Speech Sciences 353-8780 April 20-30 each Social Science Major Department with academic May 1 in the Journalism 353-6430 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS advisers appropriate Student Affairs Office as indicated above. Pre April 20-30 and in each Dean's Office. Please ask for it if not - Television and Radio 355-8372 Academic advising for Summer and Fall readily enrollment sheets must be in the Registrar's Office by May 5. April 20-30 Terms, 1971, will take displayed. Communication* 355-3471 Pteee during the April 20-30 t0 period of April 20-30. Students should adhere the following schedule: Labor and Industrial Relations — Graduate Students should COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND *AU students who expect to enroll in the Summer Session !• Freshmen and Sophomores in see their advisers before enrollment and 1971, and/or Fall Quarter 1971, should see their advisers Accounting and Financial registration. NATURAL RESOURCES ministration. General Business, General Business Prelaw, Social Science — Undergraduates — Office hours of the during regularly scheduled office hours and complete the required early enrollment forms. I ana8ement. itutional Marketing, and Hotel, Restaurant, and advisers are posted in 207 Linton Hall. Please see your own All students Resources should in the College of Agriculture and Natural Management should see counselors in the adviser. Graduates — 206 Berkey Hall. Phone 355-7531. see their academic advisers by appointment p v!sen)fnt Center, PP ey Center. Office of the Assistant Dean, Room 7 during the period of April 20-30, 1971. Appointments should Counselors will be available from 8 5. - Anthropology — Mrs. Judy Tordoff, Undergraduate Adviser is be made as early in the advising period as possible. JAMES MADISON COLLEGE reshmen available in her • and Sophomores in Economics, Business office, Room 118 Baker Hall, Daily from 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. During the period between April 19 30, all James MadiSon H„ °"' Distributive 'Education, Office Administration, and COUNSELING CENTER students - asked to meet with their academic advisers to d°[S Collt>Se should see their advisers in the respective Geography — Mr. Michael Graff, Undergraduate Adviser in the CHANGE OF MAJOR are Summer and Fall term schedules. Students should make an plan hoursments dur'ng the advisers' regularly scheduled office Department will be in his office, 318 Natural Science, during UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STUDENTS appointment to see their advisers at this time, and to use this posted hours, April 20 thru May 5. (Freshmen and 3, Juniors and Seniors in all majors should see their advisers in Sophomores) opportunity to undertake some long - range academic Political Science — Students wishing to be advised planning. You are reminded to bring your Student Handbook srhJeiSpective departments during the advisers' regularly prior to Changes of major are initiated in a Counseling Center Office. and MSU catalog when you see your adviser. enrollment and registration should call Miss Susan siari ! office hours- AI1 Seniors should review their Lawther, Students living in a Residence Hall Complex should go to the 4 rid" requirements with their adviser. Faculty Adviser for Undergraduates, anytime between April Counseling Center Office in their complex. All others should 20 and May 5. go to the Counseling Center in the Student Services r®spectlve ad Students shou'd make appointments to see their Psychology — Mrs. Mary Donoghue, Undergraduate Adviser in Staff will be available according to the following schedule: Building. COLLEGE OF HUMAN MEDICINE the Department, will be in her office, 112 Olds Counseling Center 207 Student Services Building MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (Summer and/or Fall). All Hall, April 20 No THE HONORS COLLEGE thru May 5, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. 1:00-5:00 M, T, W, Th, F students must see their academic adviser 353-7800 for an appointment. by May 28. Call to Lr?"-" s,udents a highly effective pastor. Some of themJ were said with _ to have known of his marital the "Because of our experience . Father _ - Duryea, we feel Church's rule of celibacy that Gaffney Murphy, "saddened J and Sister said at .. the . they loss" Joan were of short playJ Pastors, The from his post after Church thriving and^ Past°^°f 4,000 the member St. status for more than a year but which deprives our community Duryea's leadership, and added: Theater Gazebo Barir.» ■ authorities discovered he has Peter's Catholic - Church of kept it in confidence. of a minister such as Father "His inspiration has been the performed by'21 been married for nearly seven suburban Pacifica. His "leadership of our Duryea should be changed as leading source of unity, warmth Kanley Creative DraLM years, it was learned this week. community as a married priest soon as possible." and love of this Christian Troupe from Western Mi2 ®P « uuryea, . Q 4y, was vice Parish lay leaders clergy " staff and other members voiced has ima been excellent," .saiu uctru CAt'CUtni, member elected parish council, lilt? 15 said the lu -- San oaii riwitiatu Archbishop Francisco mtiiuiMiup Joseph T. McGucken expressed community. iiniuiiu devoted mvy. His 111c uia life as» as a very pastor gives living University, short dramas at will p^ent W! three differ( regret that the action testimony to the fact that a locations on campus The 11 Mondav necessary, but said married priest can be effective in - member troupe ttL_ Lutheran students group statement: "By the law of the Church, today's Church. gratitude and support go with Our love. to communicate ikl ''excitement and urBencv A his action involves automatic excommunication and, of him as future." he and his family face the being alive," according to one its players, Patricia De jL J|1 prohibits the exercise of His marriage, on June 16, Man's course, lack of perceptional host collegiate convention his priesthood. We will keep him in our prayers, as well as the welfare of the people of the 1964, was by a fellow Catholic priest, associates said, but declined to identify him. Father relation to himself, his and God are revealed plays, Miss De Jong said. brothel 7J I MSU Lutheran Collegians are are °Pen to the public. A business meeting at 7 p.m. parish which is uppermost in our Duryea also declined to further She said the troupe wants J hosting more than 200 young Delegates will meet at 1:30 today in the Albert Pick in the Union Ballroom will be minds." followed by the opening vespers Duryea, a tall, handsome and identify his wife at this time. Father Duryea said he and his share their belief that need each other and that ^1 Lutherans from the Midwest P m- Chfcl region at the seventh annual Hotel followed by workshops at 9:30 p.m. in the Alumni gentle clergy man, said he was attractive wife, now 30, met is all that is needed to reach thrtl National Luthern Collegians and Bible studies at 3 p.m. in the TT~:— D"H A n Memorial Chapel. leaving his ministry "very much seven years ago but declined to goal. Union Ballroom. A German A business meeting will begin against my will." He readily ■ - ■ - Convention here this weekend. say where. Performances will be held ot style supper will follow at 5 p.m. at 8 a.m. Saturday in the Union acknowledged that his marriage He said he planned to leave the Union steps at 4 p.m in The theme of the convention jn the Emmanuel First Lutheran Ballroom with Bible study breaks a Church law but he said: St. Peter's parish this week to is "A Mighty Fortress is Our Church, 222 W. Kilborn St. at sessions on "The Christian in a "My conviction is that the join his wife and son at the lobby of Owen Hall at 7 PQ and in the Emmons Hall I God." All scheduled activities North Capitol Avenue, Tensing iouJ| Pagan Society: Paul Speaks to law is detrimental to the life and home they have maintained for at 9 p.m. *I Christians in Corinth and growth of the Church, and must several years "somewhere in the College." Business meetings will be changed ... I have proved to Santa Clara Valley," which is The performers will readings, short scenarios audi preseilt| WE SERVICE ALL MAKES resume at 12:45 p.m. with an election of officers at 1:50 p.m. myself and to anyone with an open mind that the traditional about 50 miles from Pacifica. He said he would not disclose songs after the organized! program before they leave 0J in the Union. objection to a married his wife's maiden name or their their spring tour to DELL TELEVISION SERVICE colleges inl There will be a banquet at 7 priesthood is nonsense. .." address because of "possible Grand Rapids, Holland, ChicaeolI p.m. in Kellogg Center followed Canon Law 2388 provides for reprisals and harassment." and Kalamazoo. 1000 E. GRAND RIVER by a talent show at 9 in the excommunication of any priest Father Purcell named acting The performance is sponsored! Albert Pick Hotel. that contracts marriage without administrator of the parish said by the Geneva Forum, thel A worship < service will close a dispensation from their clerical in telephone interview that Ph. 482-0868 the convention at 7:45 orders. a student group of the Christian! a.m. ^ Father Duryea was a "very holy Reformed Church. Sunday at the First Emmanuel Other St. Peter's staff man who inspires others, Lutheran Church. members, the Rev. Lawrence P. authorized PANASONIC servicenter UNIVERSITY 2 posfs| FIRST ASSEMBLY EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY AT M.S.U. OF GOD 1125 Weber Dr.. Lansing (Blk. No. of E. Grand River BAPTIST CHURCH teen-agers at Downer) The Rev. Jack Hllyard, Chaplain Phone 351-7160 Rev. Richard W. Bishop, Pastor 9:45 A.M. COLLEGE CLASS 10:50 A.M. WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC or John D. Walden For Information Transportation Bus Schedule - Pastor 332-1888 332-8472 with Presbyterian church youths were chosen by I SAN ANSELMO Calif. (UPI) progressive in demonstrating differing viewpoints because "a congregation because J ALL SAINTS CHURCH — Two teen - agers here are concern" for the problems of Breat dealis oMhe sermons worth of our lost because they're showed commitment to I First Church of 800 Abbott Road believed to be the youngest society- church, not because they ■ officials of a Presbyterian church And they say the older one person's view." the Brethren in the United States. church members feel He said he would like to see vocal spokesmen for youth. 1 UNIVERSITY _ "The church is not goina Walter Bucher, Pastor EDGEWOOD UNITED The congregation of the First necessity for the ideas and the the church explore "different 3020 S. Washington CHURCH SEVENTH-DAY Presbyterian Church formally participation of youth in Wgys of worship — with music, say, 'Hey, we've got here,' " he said. someyo| Worship 10:00 A.M. Discussion Group 11:00 A.M. 8:00 Holy Communion 469 N. Hagadom ADVENTIST CHURCH elected Doug Harnsberger, 16, as meeting the church's obligations with dance and other ideas — ' 'Each of them 9:30 Morning Prayer & Serm Ecumenical Fellowship an elder for a three - year term to. society. a way of relating to to her For more Information nursery available adult discussion program An on the session, the church's lay "I want to bring the church's 0f life.' ways listened to on the basis of i| and transportation Sabbath School 9:30 he; has to contribute as a jKq ph. 351-3389 or ll'.OOHoly Communion & Serrr Worship Services I1 governing body, and Michael generalized concerns about the The Rev. John O. Najarian, tblher than 484-7589 9:30 and 11:00 Worship Service 11:00 Faw, 15, as a deacon. war, the draft and other the church's pastor, said the two representative." Sermon by Dr. Truman K. G. Smith, pastor Botb high school students say problems into the congregation's Pastor E. Eugene Williams A. Morrison they feel the Presbyterian level," Harnsberger said. Church is "probably the most "Another problem is that EAST LANSING IRINITY CHURCH Campus Church Bus Service, Morning and Evening Call 149 Highland Ave. Call 351-8994 if you need transportation ithe pattern of worship doesn't communicate with me. I hope to Methodists set talk 332-0606 or 332-8693 Central United Methodist work with the session on making E. Eugene Williams, I 841 Timberlane Drive the services more meaningful to Minister Stanley R. Reilly, | East Lansing Telephone: 351-8200 OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Across from the Capitol youth." "The way the sermon is on modern ministry Assistant " introduced turns young people Interdenominational 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos William H. Likins, associate S. Harrison Road, off, regardless of the point the University Class 9:45 a.m. (2 mi. E. of Hagadom, V4 mi. S. of Gd. R. behind MEIJER'S) Topic minister is trying to make," Faw director in the Dept. of Ministry Likins, a native of Kentucj for the United Methodist Board has responsibility for minista Stanley R. Reilly, "Trees that Walk" 6:00 p.m. "The Dawn of A New Day" said. He called for restructuring An Independent Church With A Biblical Message the whole service to express the of Education, will speak on the enlistment for United Method 7:00 p.m. Rev. Robert Betts Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer message." topic of "Ministering in the Church. ' Faw suggested a series of Modern World," at 9.30 and 11 Likins has a bachelor of| 9:45 a.m. Church School — all ages Church School 9:45 to 11:45 short sermonettes by a.m. Sunday at the University degree from Asbury Colleger 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship Services UNIVERSITY UNITED congregation members with United Methodist Church, 1120 bachelor of divinity degree M Candler School of TheologfJ METHODIST CHURCH For Transportation Call 349-2830 349-2533 or Emory University and a d< of theology degree from Be 1120 South Harrison Phone 351-7030 W.E. Robinson, Pastor First Church of lansing mall University's School of Theolol Jaycee Auxiliary He has also studied at Louisif Guest Speaker Dr. William Likins UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN Christ, Scientist Presbyterian Harvard Seminary l Divinity School. Assoc. Dir. Dept. ofMinistry of United Methodist Church CHURCH 310 N. Hagadom CAMPUS HOUSE 251 W. Grand River Spring Craf EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m Today and Saturday CALIFORNIA-ARIZONA HAWAII I ALWAYS OPEN Over 50 area artists and craftsmen Church School 9:30 and 11:00 Buses on Campus exhibiting and selling original artworks. Minister, Kail Ruffner Also special luncheon Saturday in Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Lansing Mall's community room. Christian Reformed Church 8:00 p.m. Free Transportation Sunday School to age 20 and Student Center lansing mail in the J 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy. r.U. DUA UJ . I LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 920371 Visit our new Student Center — OPEN ALC LCA LCMS Weekdays —9-5 p.m. open daily 9 a.m. -11 p.m. - Lunch Wednesday 12:30-1:30 for Students and Faculty at University Lutheran Church Division & Ann Streets for Students at Martin Luther Chapel 444 Abbott Road Mon., Tues., Thurs., Frl. eves. 7-9 p.m. Ifs the real thing. Coke. MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE 332-2559 332-0778 Real life calls for real taste. 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Pastor David Kruse For the taste of your life—Coca-Cola j /* 1 Rev. Brink, Rev. Hoksbergen preaching preaching WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP PEOPLES CHURCH 8:15 a.m. Matins 1st and 3rd Communion V--' <««>$ "Keep In Touch" 9:15 a.m. Common Service 9:30 and 11:00 for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 10:30 a.m. Common Service 2nd and 4th Matins 9:30 only EAST LANSING ; J Ni 11:30a.m. New Expressions Interdenominational 200 W. Grand River lo SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH at Michigan * * % ,M\ in 1518 S. Washington SUNDAY SERVICE 9:45 A.M. "The God You Can't College Bible CJass Escape" COLLEGIAN 9:30 and 11:00 "What Works for You" n Call or 2 FELLOWSHIP in the fireside room. Rev. Stacer Dr. Ted Ward, MSU, Teacher Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor CHURCH SCHOOL Glenn R. Blossom, Youth Pastor 9:30 4 11:00 11:00 A.M. "Miracle Next Door" Crib through Adults FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Coffee Hour Call 482-0754 for information. After Services n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 16, 1971 7 Anthropologist social system in Ethiopia By TONI PELLILLO Boston University, said the and sacredness is specified by an commentary songs at meetings. southern Ethiopians have The Galla characteristic of age group in the cycle, Legesse created a balancing mechanism said. But, this system does not dual organization divides the A lack of defensiveness about within their society by set society into two halves of interaction with neighboring up government by the integrating aspects of their "aged," Legesse said. "moioties," each having equal societies and a balancing social tradition into the nation's A generation separation of five rights, obligations and structure are two outstanding institutions. grades, always exists, Legesse importance in the decision characteristics of a people in said. southern Ethiopia, an Ethiopian "They are an expansive making processes, Legesse said. Where they roam anthropologist told some students of Subsaharan Africa 500 society," Legesse said, "for they are receptive to the ideas of "This supports the important African idea that generations Kinship groups are determined by birth, Legesse said, and an other societies, which ■p,js landscape is not the usual kind found on college Wednesday. they must balanced," he individual retains the group's n be found just off Hagadorn Road Asmaram incorporate." said. campuses. Roaming horses are a rare light, but these grazing Legesse, asst. identity for life. State News photo by Jim Klein professor of anthropology at This lack of defensiveness Women do not play a role in generally is not characteristic of Legesse, a native of Asmara, the "gada" system, Legesse said, has done field work in southern some African cultures, Legesse but they can influence decision - Ethiopia and published works on Ec alumni to added. making by chanting social his studies. ome gather The Gallas, characterized by a common culture and Cushitic language, hold a central position ^RAMS 7$ in southern By JONI BENN annual reunion titled From Ethiopia and changing trends in the field, alumni will be divided into comprise approximately 50 Staff Writer Dept. of Human Environment per ctate News Ecology," , graduates 1° ,!fUT fo."°^ed of the with ,by discu«,on P(>ri(,ds „ . special interest groups where and Design. Craham will present cent of the nation's total vm - , . , .. the alumni. More than 200 alumni of the they will be briefed on the a tribute to population, Legesse said. co||ege will be briefed on the Keynote speaker for this women by yj changing trends in today's highlighting the significant roles |mer College ot Home changes expected to in direction pursued by evening's session is Herman E. society. Differing widely from social PLANETARIUM are by the coj|ege since jts they have played in a variety of organization in northern campus today ana Koenig chairman of tht> Dept Included in the special creative fields, ° restructuring and name change, of Electrical Engineering. interest groups are presentations Ethiopia, the Gallas are Graham's presentation and characterized by kinship groups, An original imped Co eg Human . by Todays sessions, presented Koenig, a director of the by two students, "New Programs several others are expected to dual organization and an program, Science Fiction written and produced faculty from the College of Systems Science Program, is for a Generation in Crisis" and a age emphasize the changing styles exclusively for presentation in the and 22nd Human Eco,°gy< are expected to expected to acquaint the alumni grading system, Lesesse said. planetarium chamber. , symposi presentation on the changing life and roles of women, Beatrice provide orientation to the with an overview of the concept IHK NEW WORLD is designed r"?f. styles for women by Lawrence He described the of Leonardson, coordinator for "gada" for a mature audience the ecosystems in address .... an Krupka, professor of natural system as a structure which material presented being continuing education for the thought , titled, "An Ecological Approach science, and his wife, Judith, college and chairman of evolved from age grading, provoking and somewhat abstract. * 7(N/ KID i I r"> s"" r> f\ If C. I v7vJScjS /«• to ^uality Living." Adding to the visiting group's asst. professor in the counseling center. weekend activities, said. Since almost all of the mechanism by which responsibility is handed over a political You will witness multi - media sounds and visions, and periods of total darkness. | Jr. \ !1 orientation to transitions in the A within age groups. report on returning alumni are expected to Parents are advised to accompany college, Jeanette A. Lee, dean of recommendations of the recent young children. :fs|y $28.5 be women, Mrs. Leonardson said "The males of the society are the college and a member of its White House Conference on the programs will focus on the faculty for 34 yeras, will Children will also be heard dvided into 10 age groups or Program Schedule moderate a in Our College." panel discussion Keynoting the Saturday Saturday on "What's Happening program will be "Women and Creativity," a multimedia new opportunities and roles open to women. All students and faculty are invited to attend the group grades," Legesse said, "each grade being eight The years long." Fridays Saturdays Sundays 8:00 p.m. 2:30, 8:00 p.m. 2:30 & 4:00 p.m. WifSS? Much 12 - May 16, 1971 WASHINGTON (AP) — With a boost from automobile proper time for the Prior to a luncheon honoring exercise of warriorship, marriage Due to the increased interest in INFORMATION iduction, the nation's economy bounced back vigorously in presentation by Richard sessions whi< h start at 9:30 a.m. the New World several graduating classes, the program, two 355-4672 Abrams Planetarium, mary, February and March, recording the steepest Graham, asst. professor of the today in 106 Kellogg Center. and fatherhood, political power additional shows have been Science Rd. and Shaw one quarter Lane, since 1958, the government said Thursday. scheduled: Friday 10 p.m. & Sat. MSU, East Lansing. 10 i m. SKY SCAN: The Commerce Dept. said Gross National Product, output of Music: Free program emphasizing current Following Friday &. nation's goods and services, advanced by $28.5 billion during th Saturday night shows "Touch" sky study, second Thursday of period, the largest on record in sheet dollar volume, but still rt of Nixon administration hopes. QUALITY by I ouch each month. May 13, 8:00 p.m. Although the figures showed the economy is expanding after year's slowdown, they also disclosed that inflation is far from ng conquered. LEATHER Inflation surged by 5.2 per cent during the period, down from upward revised 5.9 per cent of the previous quarter, but still (ering about the 5.3 per cent level that prevailed for all of PURSES 70. President Nixon has predicted the inflation rate will drop fftreoper cent by mid - 20% OFF ase-Wilson bus line 211 Abbott Rd. Next to the State Theatre PHONE. 482 6226 stay in operation [Y umors circulating around The Spartan Village bus does th Complex that Case not always keep on schedule STUDENT TEACHING ion bus service will be because trains dividing Spartan fjKentuc ontinued Monday are only Village from South Conplex Max Neils, manager of sometimes stop the bus on its omotive service, said route, he said. nesday. eils said a drop in riders on Case Wilson line last week • sed the department to "Unless happens something unusual we will leave the Case • Wilson line on for the rest of the FALL TERM '71? iider stopping the service, term," Neils said. He defined owever automotive service "something unusual" as a complete stop of ridership. THEN YOU'D BETTER M (o k< the Case- Wilson on its route oval would leave the because its Spartan "The system is designed for the students and the adding or GET YOUR SENIOR PICTURE ige bus as the only service to taking away of buses is based on th Conplex. he said. usage," he said. TAKEN EARLY-THE WOLVERINE WILL BE P122A PAR Stevie SHOOTING PORTRAITS NEXT WEEK ONLY AS A SERVICE EXCELLENCE! Wonder TO EVERY SENIOR WHO'LL BE OFF CAMPUS FALL '71 x> V ■ JUST CALL 353 5292 Now two I >» locations East Lansing I DOMINO'S 966 Trowbridge Call 351-4731 I 351-7100 or 337-7740 a Foi Lane, pick-up housing. South or tre« delivery to East complex, Shaw complex, Brody dorms and married Open 5 p.m. 1 a.m. - weekdays; 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. - Fri. & Sat 4 p.m. 1 , a.m. Sunday. Submarines - Pizza The pizza people Chicken of MSU. 1°^ ^2Daily hours 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fnday- April lfi | Variety of events mark weekend calendar An unbirthday party, Mae West at her best and worst, the Mixers Otis will appear from 9 to 12 Movies AROUND THE WORLD IN Winner of the 1956 Best Film Oscar, it remains of the Toad." showtimes. Check ads for SCIENCE FICTION FESTIVAL — Scl fl freaks, and at 7 and 9:35 p.m c,. I rise of a superstar, a globe - p.m. Friday in Brody Hall. 80 DAYS - Mike Todd's most entertaining one films ever PRIVILEGE - Peter Watkln's smack your lips: five — count In Conrad Hall audii?"'! trotting extravaganza and a slew Admission is 50c. spectacular adaption of Jules made. Shows at 6:30 and 9:30 1967 film about the rise and 'em — five films in a special all p Can MYRA BRECKFnrTdoJ it really be as JJ of monsters and vampires Esther and the Pups will Verne's novel. Phileas Fogg and p.m. Friday and at 2, 6:30 and exploitation of a rock superstar. night program. Bring pillows and highlight campus screenfare this perform from 9 to 12 p.m. his servant, Passeportaut, 9:30 p.m. Saturday in 109 Bosley Crowther, former New blankets. Begins at 8 p jn. Friday everyone says it iS9 , Mae West .N ■ Weekend. in Holmes Hall. "King Kong," seems to be JX Friday in Wilson Hall in the east scramble around the world to Anthony Hall. York Times film critic, said it ball but A Van Cliburn concert, two cafeteria wing. Admission is 75 win brillance and Raquel Welch JP a wager, employing "has startling "Gorgo," 'The Time Machine," Reed look M dorm mixers and a planetarium cents. everything from balloon to ALICE IN WONDERLAND satiric bite. This film generates 'The First Men on the Moon" disgusted as iT in the audience. Mvrnn show provide off - screen — Walt Disney's delightful screen and power." Pfcul Jones and "Forbidden Planet" will be 1 elephant for transportation and entertainment. Planetarium show experiencing a globeful of version of the Lewis Carroll reason and model Jean Shrimpton star. shown. becomes Myra B. to I her sexual fantasies" "aw L Music THE NEW WORLD An beauty, danger and adventurr. classic. Alice explores her Shows at 7, 8:45 and 10:30 p.m. KELLY'S HEROES - A war Sh 1 - 7 «..r|."iea'rn COGS "El Teatro Cultural," the first Chicano theater of Its kind on "'and (brotherhood) "carnalismo" to Chicano THIS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 TTWfy •yitr/* . JT7S5 EXCLUSIVE Lansing In Michigan^ audienc*' ^ ",d- |A television (MSB at 11:30 program a.m. on wll(present three Saturday American Dteam,""The Auction' skits: "The "We're trying to message to 'La Raza' (the portray a HORROR SHOW 1 examine and "American Justice.' race — faduate Students (COGS), the Council of The theater group - all Spanish ■ speaking peoples) of 3 HORROR f program will delve Into Its of 12 MSU Chicano students and four Lansing area Chicanos — composed freedom of the expression,"rReyw director, said, "A guy can rap for two glasses • drink specials • etc. FEATURES (3] ^FREE COFFEES Ipose, its structure, Its lation to the was organized five hours rest of the weeks ago by Diversity government, what V'S has done and what It can Mario Soza, Saginaw Mike Reyes of East junior, and Lansing. on anything and not anything," Soza said. "But put on an act like this and say you SPARTAN TWIN THEATRES JOIN THE GANG & DO-NUTS TONIGHT! In essence, the you acting calibre can relate better." 3100 EAST SAGINAW ROAD [Those participating in the • 351-OQ3Q fussion include Elliot Ballard, istant to the II D LUCAS I COMING APRIL 25 BARGAIN HOUR! 1:30-2:30 president; Jack the College of co*ct ; THE GLADIATORS Cbnputerized warfare on MONDAY - FRIDAY ALL SEATS 75c (mmunicai.on Arts; Gerald "er, professor of mmunication; april duate students. and five 23 24 NOMINATED FOR BURT ACADEMY AWARDS LANCASTER VALDE is If SUSAN CLARK' 0 COMING"' ROLAND KIBBEE I .ELMORELEONARD! EDWIN SHERIN BEST PICTURE [GP] the most Coach PeIlerin wero positions. the final 2 and 2/3 innings to get lvf* 1hur,®rs on the MSU worried about the small number MSU has within its reach the the victory. jjaflf s» ftir, wiM throw against of MSU hjts jn thfi nightcap chance to get a tremendous jump towards winning the league title, an achievement that has eluded Litwhiler in his seven The Yankees wasted numerous chances as they stranded 13 runners and had the bases loaded on three different £opKhers- Maas especially, agajnst Albion ne owes the Uophers that mattered was the final '« ■»>Spartan batters are still score, that a], Golfers could be best years at MSU. occassions. The Tiger pitchers team Maas said, and I really hjuing we„ aboye 35Q wjth By CRAIG REMSBERG Coach Bruce Fossum, swings "The purpose of this event is last year's tournament. were helped out by two fine want to be on a winner. I think outfielders Rob E1|is and State News Sports Writer into a busy weekend of to establish a rapport between SUNDAY, MAY 2, 8 P.M. catches by Mickey Stanley in we can go all the way but we Gary .... . .. competition, beginning with «>olfers and the are looking forward to playioil Boyce plus second baseman Ron young „ .... ihoro naoin »• Cmat. there again," Fossum said, u "ij CIVIC CENTER centerfield and a spectacular win these games t0 do it. DeLonge ,eadjng the „ . ,, MSU Varsity Equity faculty, and also to create a little a real diving catch by Jim Northrup in 111 be reaayio i ii oe ready to ao do my part, three my pan tattj way A„ The Spartan golf team, Tournament Saturday, fun for all," Fossum said. tough course to play on,"B thou;J tu. *nn he added, smiling at the WVIC PRESENTS after the way they hit me last h Q potentially "the best golf team 6 Xhis tournament, the first of k MSU has ever had, according to Monday, the Spartans travel of such a challenge, its kind at MSU> wi„ (.onslst of to Oxford, Ohio to compete in One problem is to find a 20 varsity players joining about the Mid- America Invitational BEAl FILM GROUP presents 50 or 60 faculty members at the Golf Tournament at the Hueston golfer to take along on the to! u™,. At.,, w™. n»itn Forest Akers West Golf Course. Co-captains Rick Woulfe a Woods Golf Course. Denny Vass, averaging 76.5 andl TONIGHT ONLY Tee off time will be 12:30 p.m. - and the public is invited Indiana, Purdue, MSU, Ohio 78.3, respectively, in roundil University and Ohio State are thus far, along with Johnl FIRST LANSING SHOWING! with (who Each varsity golfer will play three faculty use members their handicaps) in four- considered to among be the favorites the 17 teams scheduled Peterson VanderMeiden (75.5) and (76.5), Dickl to play in the 36 - hole tourney. ball competition. Bradow (78.8), have earned t J SEX "We were the runner- up in top five spots the basis of their sharp play OPEN AT 12:45 p.m. ^ 1 program information 4856485 A 54- hole playoff among theI Barbra Streisand NOW All Seats Reserved . COMEDY HITS! . . TWO f ' 'l=ffj remaining Spartan sq members, held late this will determine who the s w $6, $5, $4 I The Owl and the SHE THOUGHT REDCHINA WAS A SET OF DISHES! starter will be for Mondiy'il action. Fossum indicated eitlisl Graham Cooke, Ron English «l TICKETS ON SALE NOW 0s!» Adults 90c, 5:30-6:00 Mrs. Pollifax, Mark Engelman have (he track at this point. inafrl LOST MARINER, E. LANS The Spy Who Came Out Of The Kitchen. or both WURZBURG stores « HOWARD W. KOCH- i the laugh noi HURRY FOR CHOICE SEATS! HILLARD ELKINS PRODUCTION oleyear Km DOES Mot LIVE at BEOOD ALONE! Men's IM loiterHotttiau In Bloodcurdling Color Also on this fabulous program Rosalind Softball schedule Elaine liav a cinema classic NOSFERATU Russell SUNDAY, APRIL 18 Main Fields 4:10 p.m. 1 Superstition - Setutes "AlfeoLer 2 1.10 Spec. - Junkies (OF) MSU ID or 104 B 7 8:40 "Mrs. 3 4 Engineering - Peace Inc. (OF) Syndicate - B & S (OF) 5 Soilers Amer. Scholars (OS) 18 yrs. old WELLS - j [Gj Color by MOVIELAB Saturday: 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 10:20 6 Philosophers - Atkins Mir. (os) Meridian 4 Frl- Twl-L-Ite Hour, Adults 90c, 4:30-5:C 7 Cavanaugh - Moes leers (OF) Friday: 6:00, 8:00, 9:55 8 AFA 999 Fat J's Pop Shop (OS) I lii - Saturday: 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, 9:55 Anniversary Showing 9 D.P.'s Bluecoats (OS) - Frl. Twl-Llte Hour, Adults 90c, 5:30-6:00 PPIVILEGE BABY VICKIE East Fields 4:10 p.m. 11 Marvel Men - Indians m information 333-6944 12 Fensalir - Fenian NOW SHOWING HURRY! ENDS SOON 13 Fern - Feral 14 15 Stalag 17 - Spyder Felony - Felch EAST LANSING ON M 43 » PHONE ED. 2 1042 | EXCLUSIVE Boxoffice Opens 12:45 5:20 p.m. 11 Abel - Abaddon ADULT FILMFARE (DOUBLE XX) 13 Akohol - Akhilles 14 St. Elmo's - Beavers She Forced an Entire Lifetime of Passion 6:30 p.m. 11 Hubbard 2 - 5 SToP THE WoKJ?' Into One Lust Filled Summer! ^ 12 Akua Pahula - Aklion 15 Pi Costs - Dennis Hunt Macl IS PIUS At 1:00-4:30-8:15 p.m. 7:40 p.m. Srika's Mot "i RAMBUNCTIOUS TRIUMPH! LUCILLE BALL HENRY FONDA 11 Hubbard 8 - 12 12 Hole - Hovel 13 McBeth - McGregor 8:50 p.m. 11 Chem Grads - Hasbeens THE'70s FIRST fiREAT EPIC!" - Stefan Kanfer, Time Magazine 12 Hot Rats - Baumadiei 1 3 Bad Gnues - Olde Fer "DUSTIN HOFFMAN IS A MARVEL! Aliit it niry aiaut ui fill if dialing nrprim!" Nrwiwrrk MqniH SToP THE WoRJ^ "ONE OFTHEYEAR'S 10 BEST!" "A LARRUFIN' LALAPALOOZA!" SToPTHEW*!? I WANT *k lb GET OFF April 21 & 22 at 8:00, 23 at 2:00, 7.30 & 10:00 24 at 7:30 & 10:00 UNION BALLROOM Special Sunday Performance April 25. 3:00 P.M. Tickets at DUSUN HOITMAN 'UlTIE BIG MAN" UNION, MARSHALL'S, Ranaviston1 Technicolor" (OP) «»• STATE DISCOUNT CHIEF DAN GEORGE . FAYE DUNAWAY 8. LUMS - $2.00 Next! Att. Jason Robards • Katharine Ross in "FOOLS' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 16, 1971 ]] SPORTS- tickmen home AT OSU RELAYS or paof gomes S' trackmen in action By NICK MIRON that is a sign of things to come. By DON KOPRIVA State News Sports Writer "I expect he's capable of the State News Sports Writer Herb Washington defends the good thing for MSU and a not so type of play he played against 100 - yard dash title he won as a good thing for Allen's The MSU lacrosse team may Wesleyan," Swoboda said. freshman in 1968. Prime With opponents. The South Carolina in for one of its severest tests Swoboda said the goals may COLUMBUS, Ohio - MSU has Wayne Hartwick, Rich competition for the Flint give junior should be a consistent 48 f the season this weekend when Washington more confidence a solid winning tradition Jacques, Dave Martin and John speedster should come from 49 foot going Morrison all entered in either the • jumper when he's -v entertain two powerful foes and make him move toward the for it in the Ohio State Relays, teammate LaRue Butchee, with on high hurdles or intermediate target. 2 o.m. clashes on Saturday net more aggressively. "He Friday and Saturday. And it's a 9.5 career best, and Ohio Other hurdles as well, it's not likely the Spartan entries with Dd Sunday on Old College should be good for three goals a not likely to change this year in Staters Jim Harris and Jerry Hill. good shots at winning indude the game." the expanded two Spartans will port another 56.7. Eric Allen is triple jumping three spring oriented - day version But they may be relays, the Saturday's guest will be none The Spartan offense has been of this "warm - up" for next looking for this spring, and that should be a 440, 880 and sprint medley. er than perennial Midwest balancing out well. Doug added "psyche" value at Drake week's Drake Relays. Denison. Last season Kalvelage leads with six goals, and a national record here might ower The r PROGRAM INFORMATION 372 2434 Open at 7:00 -nison laughed the Spartans Washington and Dan Denov have Spartans have had a long be just the thing. J the field with a 25-2 four and Jim Walters and Paul rest since the end of the indoor season and most are rarin' to The four mile and distance Safran have three each. go Sunday will find MSU pitted The Spartans received in this first of the two outdoor medley relay units are among an relay meets preceding the dual other strong Spartan entries and •nst Ohio State, who like offensive spark with the return meet portion of their schedule. should be in the thick of the -nison, is a member of the of Safran who has been playing races there. Running on the dwest Lacrosse Association. with a broken thumb. Swoboda A number of MSU relays A howling hellcat medley unit (440 - 880 - 1320 Ithough the Spartans are 1-3 hopes to accent his offense should be granted better than - humping a hot steel hog the season they are 1-0 In further this weekend with the Mile) are Mike Murphy, John even chances of winning here on Mock, Dave Dieters and Ken on a roaring rampage -gue play and statistically are possible return of attackman , V the crumbling rubberized track Popejoy. Pete Reiff and Randy of revenge. e of the leaders. George Larkin, who has been on Ohio's gray horseshoe Kilpatrick will join the latter two is Coach Ted Swoboda looks for sidelined with injuries to his squad to make a better back. Sorry abou stadium and one or two individuals have to be rated on a squad. potentially fine four mile owing than in previous Freshman Val Washington (dark Although the MSU defense has uniform) puts a move on a shots at winning their events. asons, although he noted that been off and Ohio Wesleyan player and catches a stick on through out the in the back for his The mile relay, a strong point efforts. Washington and his compatriots vie Most powerful of the Spartan SU had never really been in a season, Swoboda pointed out Saturday and for State indoors with a national me with the Denison ten. Ohio the performances of Denis Sunday in 2 p.m. clashes on Old College Field relays in the shuttle hurdle record against quartet, which swept to Florida - breaking 3:12.9 best, ate is expected by Swoboda to Monahan and Mike Moody Denison and Ohio State, could be as respectively. and Kentucky relays titles, hurting a bit in this ssent their typical group of consistent and solid. State News photo by Bruce first meet. Junior A1 Henderson ard nosed kids." ■ Remington posting a collegiate record - is out indefinitely with an injury MSU will have to neutralize while anchor man Bob e Denison feeding game to pull t a victory as Denison has MEET N'WESTERN, WISCONSIN Cassleman is recovering from a bout with mononucleosis. But ditionally been a good passing he will join Mock, Murphy and -m. Denison, however, has lost Tom Spuller for what should -ny players to graduation and still be a strong quartet. -y not be as -vious seasons. Swoboda ashington's noted strong as in that three goal Val Netters open home slate ZUBRA I'M GONNA SET MY GUN AND... rformance SPARTAN against Wesleyan By MIKE ABERLICK State News Sports Writer A loss to Dlinois last weekend chance the Spartan netters have to take but a pair of victories this weekend may indeed have hindered what the conference crown, year before, Michigan's in the No. 2 spot. John Hainline. This time, however, it This year, Gray may be the one to beat as last year, but two more formidable foes for Gray, namely Jim Ebbit of Minnesota anc promise to make it tough was Hainline graduated 6 & dancing nights a week burHiangel AND ... ON THE SANE ACTION SHOW! THEY LIVE HARD...THEY LOVE HARD.. could still keep them within Mark Bishop of WEEKEND striking distance. Indiana. OPEN BOWLING Northwestern and Wisconsin will be the weekend foes for MSU, [Here's the varsity sport Stan Drobac's six will Sat. nights as get their first chance to be the hosts this hedule for the MSU campus "Must be regarded as year. among the best in the is weekend: Friday's Northwestern world... a gem of a company." encounter will start at 3 p.m. on the BASEBALL - MSU vs. Spartan courts, with the Saturday meet against Wisconsin -Clive Barnes, N.Y. Times innesota (doubleheader), 2 scheduled for the same time. m. Friday. MSU vs. Iowa The Spartans No. 1 and 2 men are still undefeated. Tom -ubleheader), 1 p.m. Saturday 6 - 1, 7 - 6 win over Western Gray's FIRST AMERICAN TOUR Kobs Field. Michigan's Jerry Smith Wednesday TENNIS - MSU vs. gave Gray his third two match set in a row, while sophomore Following New York and London Triumphs DeArmond Briggs stayed on the winning side with a 6 - 1, 6 - 1 prthwestern, 3 p.m. Friday. pasting of Rick Westhoff in the Spartan's 8 -1 triumph. SU vs. Wisconsin, 1 p.m. Gray, a Waterloo, Iowa senior, is the team captain and has been SHERMAN PITLUCK presents urday at MSU tennis cowts. one of Drobac's most successful acquisitions since THE CELEBRATED LACROSSE - MSU vs. coming to MSU. As a sophomore, Gray played No. 1 and had a fine nison, 2 p.m. Saturday. MSU year, d Ohio State, 2 p.m. Sunday at College Field. taking second in the Big Ten meet. A second place finish in league junior year also, as he lost to the same play was man waiting for Gray in his who had beat him the NETHERLANDS MSU Lecture Concert Series DANCE THEATRE eed, NY presents FABULOUS COMPANY OF 40 Must be seen to be believed! urting for Van Series A Mon., April 19 Series B Tues., April 20 th game Students $1.00 with validated s NEW YORK (UPI) - Now the New York Knicks' turn Cliburn full-time I.D. Lecture - Concert Series be conm.iod about their TONIGHT -8:15 P.M. tional Basketball Association le asperations. Willis Reed's Series B Students $1.00 with full - time Beal Film Group Presents Tonite & jured right shoulder and two "ight losses to the Baltimore llets shifted their validated I.D. Tickets at the Union Ticket Office. Sat FIRST LANSING SHOWING! playoff 'tunes considerably. me New York hosts the fifth of the eastern conference Four Academy Award Nominations "ACIDLY st of seven finals ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT!' • - against Itimore tonight (ABC - TV 30 p.m.) and the Knicks' BEST ACTRESS - Sarah Miles — PLAYBOY Magazine BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR nces of success w depends upon much pain Reed can ire. John Mills THIS IS THE WOODSTOCKNA TION. ted, who scored 14 points - Duck Soup Cinema Review grabbed a lamentable four °"nds in 39 minutes of BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY * BEST SOUND "The most interesting film released in the U.S. OPEN AT 7:00 - CARTOON AT DUSK Wednesday night's 10 BRITISH ACADEMY AWARD this year . . . Privilege is excellent. It is full of T0NI6HT! ALL COLOR! ™ satirical cynicism." game, ureday by team doctors was examined and NOMINATIONS - Films in Review THREE ADULT FEATURES er% a remedy can be escribed that will tone " pain. down L>D.GH.GLawi€'nce,s |«|ggS~5S| from past experience, when Diems a was hampered by knee cortisone injection THE VIRGIN AND THE GYPSY r t0 the game seems in order, must compensate, somehow, Jnearminability « to to utilize his THE MINISTER'S DAUGHTER its fullest HER FATHER TAUGHT HER degree "... has brilliance "... remarkable Deanft pew to be ' killin8 the answer. injection and startling satiric ABOUT GOD U ...unmistakable THE GYPSY TAUGHT HER n tr,ue!en more frustrating bite... This vigorous I brilliance... it is a ABOUT HEAVEN ^e thigh injury that almost — protest picture striking film, a y0ffs "J of »ast year's generates reason moving piece of work. " S L a,u,s A"**"," Penelope Gilliat avert T', 1 went out and Rom MGM. producers of David Lean's Doctor ZNvago The New Yorker "tion ' k utfStyougame "Wy on can't play a A story of love. Shown at 7:45 Only ""lease turn to Filmed by David Lean page 15) _ A Dimitn Dr Grunwald presentation Ryan's Daughter m JO\NNA SHIMKUS FRANCO NERO d h lawrence's , THE VIRGIN AND THE GYPSY" HONOR BLACKMAN-MARK BURNS -FAY COMPTON HIT NUMBER 2 HIT NUMBER 3 ROBERT MtTCHUM T RETVQR HOWARD CHRISTOPHER JONES * gp rc> EXCLUSIVE MID-MICHIGAN ENGAGEMENT TECHNICOLOR* fitfSiSSKB Mon. Sat. 2 & 8 p.m 106B Wells $10° COLOR - mall theatre Sun. 2 & 7 p.m 7 8-45 and 10:30 and™r* IN CAR HEATERS SHOWN LATE 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April |6 197I Y-Ped'educates teen-age unwed mothers By RAY ANDERSON High at 500 W. Lenawee St. return to their former high Casler, "but many of them are but It's a lot better than before." there should have I along with other special Mr. Webb said they would State News Staff Writer education programs. school immediately after childbirth, although the majority bitter because they weren't able to make a choice." like to get a public health nurse better, easier or mS The school is presently "The girls many times have the feeling getting in^J An unwanted pregnancy is staffed by two graduates of they've committed a horrible crime and of them now have chosen to remain until the semester ends. Like all roses, this one has its thorns. The instructors and to teach a maternity course, but there aren't enough funds to about the "Y - Kd ' likely unpleasant experience suggested an MSU's special education for are being punished. They find a sense of Knowledge of the program is Webb agree that the program is a hire one now. Miss Johnson and posters J for any woman, but it is perhaps mimeographed sheets j„ Jl even more so when that physically handicapped program. relief when they see 4 7 other girls with still rather limited, and the girls success educationally, but that a Mrs. Casler say the present locker rooms and rest Their primary job is to continue have discovered it in a variety of chasm exists in the area of rooms the same problem." speaker arrangement is too "woman" is attending junior or the girls' education at their ways. One was prepared to emotional, social and health personal, and many of the girls . ^"^significant probu. is the lack of a senior high school. What particular grade level, to counsel forfeit a year of school when her problems. Miss Johnson readily withdraw rather than ask nursery "uu 1 _ two girls happens to the pregnant seventh them as they are able and to ^ just prior j mother heard of it. Another admits, "there are a lot of needs questions during the short through twelfth grader? connect them with adoption graduation, because uJ Qf program by her not being met because we are lectures. couldn't afford Most of them, according to baby situ* T agencies such as Michigan Rapids school system four years post - natal child care. principal while she was preparing not properly trained for them, The students also thought had to quit," said - William Webb, Lansing School District director of pupil Children's Aid and Catholic agQ Mrs. Casler said that home - Social Services when they are bound The teachers say many of the to drop - out. A third heard Mrs. Ca^ tutoring is another girls fear rejection and are thus about it from a distant friend personnel services, "drop out of asked to do so. alternative to leaving school for allowed to attend economics and who had also been pregnant school for various reasons other The program operates to many Michigan residents, but vocational courses with while in high school, than pregnancy because they are enable the girls to continue she added that it didn't offer the ashamed and don't want anyone continuing education students. Some are familiar with the school with as little credit loss as advantages of "Y - Ped" which When recently asked about program because they've been in to know." There is an alternative for possible. To accomplish this sj,e has been teaching for the attending such classes by Janis it before. Webb said, "We encourage past two years. Johnson, another instructor, she But, the teachers say, most of Ingham County residents known schools to keep their girls until she expressed preference for said, "the girls emphatically said the girls are glad to be in the as the "Young Parent the end of a marking period a cjass room situation: "The Educational Deveopment . they enjoyed being with other program once they get involved, before transferring them to the g|ris many times have the people." program" that drop - outs can "They feel more comfortable "Y Ped' program." now use to their advantage. - feeling they've committed a The teachers agree there is a than they did in the school they The present enrollment of 47 horrible crime and are being "Y - Ped, as it is called, began growing trend among the girls to were attending," said Mrs. is the school's highest but the punjshed — they find a sense of in the spring of 1969 at Sparrow lenient daily schedule enables relief when they ^ 47 other Hospital, Lansing. It has moved the two instructors to give each g}r|s with the same problem." twice since and is presently located in the old West Junior girl individual attention. Pat Tangible advantages of the Casler, one of two program are a wider variety of instructors, began working with classes, and having the girls State to pregnant girls as "Home-Bound" together enables the instructors project tutor in the Grand vehicles, obtain speakers on pre - and National SCCA CHAMPION BACK BY Class F Production Snow plows, State Police cars and "Bluebird" buses are among POPULAR the items to be placed on sale at 10 ajn. Saturday in a public auction at the 119th Field Artillery Armory on Marshall Street, REQUEST! Lansing. For those not interested in buses or State Police cars, the state "THE will auction chairs, desks, filing machinery at All items noon today at the sold cash armory. cabinets and other office are on a only basis. Buyers of vehicles Summer's - ONES" must prove insurability or pay the $35 uninsured motorist fee. Further information can be obtained by calling D. D. Dodge 373-0303. at This solitary boat on Lake Michigan waits alone in the sun but, with vacations nearing, it will & probably have more company out on the water. DANNY UNCLE JOHN'S State News photo by Terry Miller HERNANDEZ AT 2820 E. Grand Rive v/ ~ // i\N\ 487-3761 ^ ^ THE DELLS Capital Capsules Sun. thru Thurs. Frll'ASat. P'm' LAKE LANSING (( J d ) » >\ license plates with cash crea! Starting Friday, April 16 PUBLIC HEARINGS on a bill The second bill will permit considerable Inconvenience,"! for_2 weeks to regulate all outdoor persons to refuse to accept advertising billboards in inheritances and not be liable for governor said. * * * Michigan have been scheduled inheritance taxes. DR. CARL S. SCHUL1 Drinks at Popular Prices for 9 a.m. Tuesday in the House The third new law will allow chambers of the state Capitol. director of population affainl Michigan vehicle owners to pay with the U.S. Dept. of HeA Sponsored by Rep. Marvin D. by check for their license plates. Education and Welfare (HEW Stempien, D - Livonia, the bill The measure provides for Automc Only a 50c Cover would restrict the number of suspension of licenses and will be the featured speaker 1 WANTS YOU billboards on interstate and collection of monies from Gov. Milliken's "Earth Wed 1971 Report to the People primary highways with respect persons whose checks are not to the distance from the valid. Schultz will speak at the rim Check "Ffl highway and between the signs. "People today do much of general session of the conferenct • •••I Local municipalities also their business by check and for at 2:45 pjn. Monday at " would be allowed to adopt many, the necessity to pay for LansingCivic Center. stronger measures than those PH 4 proposed in the bill. SPITFRE The bill would also provide for compensation to firms for the removal of billboards termed Class on state's role illegal. Special Offer Stempien contends that the bill is necessary if Michigan is to in Civil War offered withthisad receive its full share of federal highway funds. Two instructors in the Dept. of American Thought an and purchase Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley is reported to support the bill. Language will teach an Evening College course beginning Tuesday of ai year on * * * night on Michigan's involvement In the Civil War. The course, which costs MSU students $5 for six sessions,™ GOV. MILLIKEN signed our lot, we three bills into law Thursday. depict Michigan's role in the war. Erik S. Lunde, asst. professor of American thought a# The first will allow chartered will include language, and Douglas Noverr, instructor in American thought savings and loan associations to and language will handle the course. hold funds under trust and to Lunde said few people realize that Michigan's 4th Cavalry Unl make contractual arrangements with members providing third captured Jefferson Davis in 1865 or that General George Custs FREE party accounts. payments to savings was from Monroe. Specific Lincoln and areas which the course includes are Civil Warsoldicn Michigan, the antislavery movement in the staU minority groups, industry and agriculture and popular culture an AM push button radio - The Michigan during the war period. Lunde sees Michigan's involvement in the war as a microcoffl of the northern experience. EXP other One of the sessions will feature a film strip, and the class wii make a trip to the Michigan Historical Commission Museum 1 No, are. Corporate identity is The CBS eye, not quite a household word. But the symbols IBM's initials, Coca Cola's flowing script. Each odor Lansing. Additional information on the course is available from h Ofh THE NEW tries to portray at a glance, the company's best attributes. No feminine spray Evening College office, 19 Kellogg Center. Sys' 71'S East Lansing State Bank has just introduced a new trademark. It is modern, friendly and strong. Because we want to be all these things. can stop it. The "other" odor. It starts in ELEGANCE IN DINING $0 Most of all, it is easily recognizable. GT 6 Mark 3 Outstanding. Uniquely identifi¬ the vaginal tract where no spray can work. You can't spray it able. We have been these things to the TR 6 community we serve. First to away. And it's mote offensive initiate Student Aid Bonds. Only bank to offer Master Charge service than external odor caused by 4 Spitfire Mark 4 to students. A drive-in branch just for married housing. perspiration. That's the reason you need We want, not only to establish a standard of banking, but also to Norforms*... the second deodor¬ improve our quality of life. East Lansing State Bank, your Hometown ant." These tiny suppositories kill germs—stop odor in the va¬ Bank away from home. Member: F.D.I.C. ginal tract for hours. Something SPORTS no spray can do. And doctor- tested Norforms often as necessary. can be used as They insert easily, quickly. Get Norforms protection for CAR the "other" odor no spray can East stop. Lansing State Bank The second deodorant. CENTER Your Hometown Bank away from home at 1200 E. Oakland 482 1226 Fast Lansing OLemos Haslett Brook Held Plaza Bed Cedar at Trowbridge Buffet Dinner Open Mon Thurs - Every Friday niflht from 5 -10 P.M. until 9 P.M. Or choose from our varied ala carte menu For reservation*, phone 337 -1741 Overseas Delivery Organ Music 6 -10 p.m. Arranged. Don't forget zip cod*. Corner Saginaw (M-78) and Grand your River (M-43), East Lansing. »-197|| Michigan State News, East L&nsing, Michigan Friday, Aprill 6, 1971 13 state news STATE NEWS classified Make Your Budget Go rs 3558255 Further, Shop The Classified Ads Every Day CLASSIFIED 355-8255 Th# State Newt does tMds not and t)i permit racial or discrimination religious in its A utomotive wikly speaking by Phil Frapk Auto Service & Parts Employment For Rent MUSTANG MACH I, 1969. 61 COUNTRIES advertising columns. The Black, around the world PHYSICAL THERAPIST ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. State sharp. After 5 p.m., call 351-7459* need people who know engines NfcWi will not 10-4-16 and transmissions. If Must be eligible for Michigan SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV you know ■ccept advertising which licensure. Full time staff position. RENTAL, 372-4948. O motors, see the Peace Corps Team i. automotive discriminates against MUSTANG 1965. Silver blue this week in the MSU Placement Opportunity to assist development of comprehensive with Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or convertible. Standard shift, 6 Office. 5-4-16 rehabilitative services for hospital TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction cylinder. $475. 482-5061, 1007 guaranteed. Free delivery, service Auto Parts & Service national origin. May St., Lansing. 3-4-16 NOW - and community. Excellent salary. and pick-up. Call NEJAC, Aviation ' get Full benefits. Apply Personnel 337-1300. C L EMPLOYMENT MUSTANG 1965. Fastback, 289 - all the Department. St. Hospital. 5-4-20 Lawrence V-8, automatic transmission, Bugs |» FOR RENT Automotive radio, whitewalls. Good condition. out here—service & body work ALERT Apartments MALE or female. $50-$75 Apartments 353-2847. 3-4-16 time Houses BUICK SKYLARK RECISION part weekly income. Full Sport coupe, time employment offers unlimited GIRL NEEDED to share MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, 1966. IMPORTS one Rooms 1966. Excellent condition, air income bedroom apartment. Furnished, 27,000 miles. 6 cylinder, stick potential. Exciting new power \FOR sale whitewalls. steering, hydromatic, Must sell, $995' shift. 355-7916. 5-4-20 also offering industry — international firm. For interview, phone 349-9363, $75. 349-1736. W-16 Animals 355-9760. 3-4-16 complete care for all OLDSMOBILE Friday, April 16, 1971, 7 - 10 Mobile Homes 1965 Cutlass foreign models —(service p.m. 1-4-16 Yes ... two BUICK convertible. Four speed, four i personal RIVIERA, i966. Air, vinyl and body work & repair johns per barrel. Blue / white top, everything, $1295. Call Mike top. NURSE ANESTHETIST ■ peanuts PERSONAL Patterson, 313 - 663-9135 after 6 627-5464. 3-4-20 1204 E. OAKLAND 484-4411 - apartment. .. CRNA or eligible - for obstetrics. 1 real estate p.m. 5-4-22 and balconies too. Full time I recreation OLDSMOBILE 1967. All powe7, and or part time. Rotate day evening shift. Excellent salary WATER'S EDGE automatic, radio, clean. One CHEVROLET 1965. Impala SS396. plus on call bonuses. Full benefits. ■service owner. 351-0144. 44-16 and 4-speed. Good condition. Rick Apply Personnel Department, St. RIVER'S EDGE J Typing Service 351-1162. 5-4-19 OPEL, 1970 GT. Excellent condition. Aviation Lawrence Hospital. 5-420 ■transportation Low mileage. $2695. Call APARTMENTS CHEVY CONVERTIBLE 1964. 393-7397 after 2 p.m. 3-4-19 LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight COOK TO North to Harbor Iwanted Impala. Yellow console, buckets all power. 353-2840. 5-4-19 training. All courses are go Springs. July / August. 332-1239. deadline PLYMOUTH FURY III 1969. Dark green, four door sedan. Air m wvp hap am last too government FRANCIS and AVIATION, VA certified. Airport 3-4-16 P.M. one claw day CHEVY DUMP truck, 1963. 2 ton. wen .1 mini vRefitA .../• Road. Call 4841324. C WANTED conditioning. 677-2751 or COUNTRY air talent lefore publication, Must sacrifice. $995. 882-8729 676-5936. 5-4-21 combo first ticket. Part timer LANSING OR East Lansing. One 5-4-16 ancellations - 12 noon 22-35 hours a week. Must have ie dasj day befora PLYMOUTH 1964. 6 cylinder, stick. Employment adult voice. Some experience, no bedroom rooms. furnished. Air Large, airy conditioned. 56 CHEVY Nomad. Body and 2-door. Rebuilt engine. Good beginners. Good iblication. . LIBERAL ARTS graduates the bread!! Beautifully maintained. Suitable engine. Good for parts or running economy car. Phone are backbone of the Peace Telephone for interview, for faculty, grad students, business phone restoring. Best offer. Joe 355-8186. 3-4-16 Automotive Africa, Latin America and Corps. the 393-1010 after 10 a.m. David people, married couples. Lease. 641-4478.2-4-19 3558255 South Pacific all need new Donahue, program manager. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O PONTIAC TEMPEST, 1966, with a VOLKSWAGEN 1964. New brakes, 7-4-22 COUGAR 1967. Metallic blue. 289. CYCLE INSURANCE. Central volunteers for Special Projects. rates 1970 high performance engine. 400 $400. Call 482-9761 after 6 p.m. NOW 40,000 miles. Ziebarted. $975 Michigan's largest insurer. Any See the Peace Corps Team this LEASING: 2 and 3 man cubes, stereo tape deck (fast). Make 382 North Hayford. B2-4-19 COOKS, BUSBOYS and dishwashers apartments. Close day $1-50 332-3882. 3-4-16 me an offer. 372-8077.10-4-28 cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON week in the MSU Placement needed for to campus. VW 1970. INSURANCE Office. 5-4-16 a new operation. Full $170. 126 Milford. 372-5767 and per word per day Green, radio, walnut dash, AGENCY. FORD 1966. Window Converted or part time. Flexible hours. 489-1656, evenings. 20-5-3 van. cocoa mats, radials. GT-wheels, 332-5335, 4848173. O lys $4.00 to camper. $800. Call after 5:30 RAMBLER 1965. Automatic, low extractor exhaust. EXCITING SUMMER camp jobs. 45 Apply daily between 10-3 p.m. $1900 miles from MR. ) » Hasten Arms. 351-1536. Reduced. are (HE! Automotive ' P5"PERT.E" SS[ RESTAURANT, 5919 Cedar, Lansing. 3-4-16 South 4-4-T6 speaker MUSTANG 1965 yellow hardtop. VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE, 1969. 7100 miles. AM-FM. Like 1969 SUZUKI X6 Scramb^r 250cc. 1971 KAWASAKI 250 Enduro. 550 Ml 49615. 20-430 arth Wee IK THEM OVER! See the Want Completely overhauled, no rust, Excellent condition. 4200 miles. IF YOU NEAR SPARROW hospital. new. $1600. Phone 332-1259 PART TIME employment: 12 - 20 are searching for greater e People ds for the living quarters you're new battery, two spare tires. $450 or best offer. Must sell. economic opportunity, if you $145/month. Utilities paid. before 7 p.m. 3-416 hours week. Automobile it the fin Check "FOR RENT" nowl $475,482-4931.3-4-20 355-1530. S-4-20 per 694-6461. 5-4-19 desire a challenge for personal and required, 351-5800. O conferew social development and if you are HONDA 1969, SS125. Superb 1968 ROYAL Enfield Intercepted lay at HRI STUDENT cook part time at striving for more than the average condition. Must see to believe! 750 cc. Purchased abroad, to mundane life, I would like to have CEDAR GREENS $300 firm. Call 349-1314 beautiful machine, world's finest night. Apply in person, or an interview with you. For 1 bedroom furnished 355-7055. S-5-4-20 $1000. 351-3567. 3-4-20 HOSPITALITY MOTOR INN, I-496 at Jolly Road exit. 5-4-21 appointment call Win Smith, POOL 351-6444 between 1 p.m. and 5 >le Call 351-8631 HONDA 1969. 450 Scrambler. Auto Service & Parts WAITRESSES: TO work weekends. p.m. 1-4-16 Superb condition. Extras. 353-0937, 5-12 p.m. 3-4-20 Apply in person, HOSPITALITY MASON BODY SHOP , 812 East MOTOR INN, I-496 at Jolly Road For Rent BAY COLONY: 1 and 2 bedroom 1968 350 HONDA. New paint, Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. exit. 5-4-21 furnished . . . apartments and ed excellent condition. $500. Call 332-2607. 1-4-16 Complete auto painting and collision service. IV 5-0256. C EXPANDING MANAGEMENT sales concern is looking for personnel. TV RENTALS-Students only. Low monthly and term rates. Call 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV unfurnished. Located Haslett Road and on corner Hagadorn. of AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and Offering 3, 9 and 12 month leases. 70 TRIUMPH Daytona 500. $1050. Will' train. 351-5547 for RENTALS. C Call 351-3211 American cars. If we can't fix it, it or HALSTEAD ought a« 482-5626, between 6 p.m. and 8 appointment. 4-4-20 can't be fixed. Call MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O lg Tuesda p.m. X8-4-24 332-3255. O REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for DRUMMER NEEDED for rock group. rent. A TO Z RENTALS. /W - GUARANTEED YAMAHA 1970, 250cc Street. repair. Call slightly insane. 349-4239; 349-2220. O RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at 337-9495. 44-20 Excellent condition. $500. After 4 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C UNIVERSITY VILLA: now renting p.m., 355-3165. 1-4-19 TV RENTALS. Color and black and 2 and 3 and 4 man furnished CAR WASH, 25c or automatic wash, PART TIME - Full time white. MARSHALL MUSIC, East HONDA 1967. 350 Scrambler. 9600 apartments for summer and fall. If 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. management position. $300 per Lansing. 351-7830. C-4-16 miles, knobby. Nice. $400. 430 South Clippert, back of Koko month minimum. Call 351-0586 looking for low rates, this is the ivalry Un 355-6156. 1-4-16 Bar. 0-4-16 between 6 - 8 p.m. 1-4-16 building. Call 337-2361 or >rge Custe HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O ar soldiei the state culture! k I\PE\S1YE? No, But Beware^ Of Imitations System Price IG SOOQ95 nusm 7. Eloquent speakers CARTRIDGE & NEEDLE 8. 9. 10. Chills and fever Skins Clique * bring in your complete turntable Z 11. Curved letter 1 3 GET IT ON. 14 5 6 7 8 9 >0 " and let a representative from Shure Cartridges give you a complete Eiee Analysis nf your cartridge's performance. No obligation. 12 1 13 15. Unit of reluctance w 19. Historical * or SPECIAL TRADE - IN SALE - Should you need a new cartridge The way to haul your treasures, your friends, •M 15 % 16 21. name Form of rummy needle, we will give you a $10.00 trade-in allowance toward any '7 10 >9 24. Deep current new Shure cartridge or $3.00 toward any new Shure needle during this event. your kegs. 20 % 22 2i 2U y4 is 25. Parson bird * % 26 % 27 28 % 29 30 26. 27. Spring month Shoemaker SPECIAL hours for this today Free Clinic: 10-9:00 DATSUN ^ TON PICKUP. $1916 TOE Al i2 3% 3M % 35 29. 33. Leaf cutter Droplets of saturday 10 5:00p.m. p.m. . . 36 % if 38 % 39 WO 35. water Antiseptic % % 37. Berate LOW STORY = H2 *5 39. Solidify %% % 42. Bulging pot The Stereo Shoppe DOWN PAYMENT AVAILABLE K6 «9 43.Judges bench 45. Hankerings 50 *Sl 52 46. Curve and 543 E. Grand River - East Lansing - 337-1300 Next To Paramount News 2 DATSUN SALES §3 m 54 47. Draw Big Lots to Serve You Open Monday, Thursday, and 49. Fr. shooting East Michigan Ave. at Frandor match Friday evenings until 9 3 blocks East of Showroom PHONE 351 0400 51. Poet Eliot's initials Friday, April l6 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 197|| For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent ForSale ForSale 45 USED sewing machines, $12.50 ONE MAN needed for summer. ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. BEECHWOOD APARTMENTS. Now TWO GIRLS sublet PRINCETON ARMS: 1 bedroom , furnished and unfurnished. All SUBLET SUMMER. 4 man apartment. Air, patio, lawn. Good renting, 2, 3 and 4 man 2-bedroom deposit. $60 summer. month. No Call Private room. Phone 351-7380. Completely furnished. 372-8077 up. 18 cabinet models, 38 portable models. Singers. Whites, Animals furnished apartments. Discount for 351-2367.3-4-16 1-4-16 before 4 p.m. C location. Cheap. Cindy, 351-1054. Kenmores; Zig - Zag and straight utilities paid, except electricity S5-4-22 all 9 and 12 month leases signed stitchers. All guaranteed. Also FREE KITTENS." and telephone. Offering 3, 9 and OKEMOS AREA. 2 bedroom home, MEN. ROOM. $130 a term. Clean, friendly homes. prior to June 1st. Call 351-0965 or NEED ONE man to sublet deluxe used vacuum cleaners, $5.50 up. Box 12 month leases. Call 332-8511 or BEDROOMS, full basement. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, apartment summer term. Ideal partially furnished. $125 per quiet, cooking. 1 block to campus. Electro Grand, 804 East Michigan, 351-7020.3-4-16 ' HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, THREE month. Call 349 0330 9 a.m. til 5 487-5753, 485 8836. O 351-7910. O Unfurnished. $180. Stove, 351-7910.0 location. 351-5877. 5-4-20 Lansing. Hours 9 - 5 p.m., 9-12 refrigerator. Call 332-1094. 2-4-19 p.m., weekdays. 5-4-22 Saturday. 5-4-16 BASSETT PUPPIES? AKC~fi NORTH POINTE: 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, furnished and NEAR DOWNTOWN. Lower, TWO BEDROOMS, unfurnished. Near MSU, Okemos area. Heat Houses GIRLS NEEDED. Immediate For Sale ELDORADO ACOUSTIC guitar ji,r -h- *£*5 furnished, modern air occupancy. $50 per month. unfurnished. Has swimming pool unfurnished, 2 bedroom, 5 room, PANASONIC AM-FM FM stereo and fast action with sound of a Martin conditioned, carpeted. $160 per Utilities included: furnished. Free and picnic area. Discount for all 9 utilities paid, parking for one car. $ 1 40/month deposit and month. 349-1586. O bread and milk. Ideal location. cassette with speakers. $150. Must at half the pricel Hard shell case included. $165. 351-5217. 3-4-16 FREE KITTENS. playful, box Lo^g~~ and 12 month leases signed prior , 337-1611. 3-4-20 sell. 355-8817. 4 4 16 - trained 7 '! to June 1st. Call 351-3407 or references, lease. 489 5233. 1-4-16 MALE ROOMMATE for two man. TWO BLOCKS to campus on Abbott. 351-7730.3-4-19 " HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 5 bedroom furnished house. $65 SCHWINN BOYS bike. Racer, DICTAPHONE - DICTATING, $50 month. Utilities paid. ONE OR two girls. To share 351-7910. O GIRL WANTED to sublet winter 1972. Cedar Village. Call a 485-4469. 3-4-16 September - June; $50 June furnished 4 bedroom house. 10-speed, $50. Call 641-6770. Transcribing Norelco 150 machines and recorder. QUALITY OLD English ^ August; includes all utilities. 5-4-21 cassette puppies for sale. Pet 485-4833. 54-21 8nd ^ EVERGREEN: ALL 4 man, 2 351 1966. 2-4-19 Best offer. 355-5814. 3-4-16 available. Call bedroom apartments furnished. WE'RE LOOKING for two bedroom, Vacancy for 4 girls in fall. Summer vacancies FISHER 600 stereo tuner and 393-5919.5.4.21] two bath, Meadowbrook Trace. available. Lease. Call Now renting for summer and fall. HASLETT ARMS: 4 man, 2 351-8219 489 4363. 10-4-28 amplifier. Garrard changer. $200. SONY TC8, cartridge player LHASA APROX Near pool, sublet summer. Call or - moving to Nio 1 Discount for 9 and 12 month bedroom apartments, furnished. 641 6770. 5-4-21 recorder. Used only 25 hours. Call Must find good people to 351-3081. S-3-4-16 tahj leases signed before June 1st. Call Now renting for summer and fall. 353-8169. 3-4-19 dog. FREE. Includes 50 TWO BLOCKS to campus on Bailey. rv 332-1313, or HALSTEAD Discount for 9 and 12 month THREE BEDROOM house, 2 baths. food. 655-2955. 2-4-16 Furnished 4 bedroom house. WATER BEDS KING SIZE, MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O leases signed prior to June 1st. for 6 Newly decorated. $160/month. TARGET RIFLE caliber 22. 711 EAST APTS. Vacancy girls next fall. 76"x88" direct from West Coast. 2971,485-0761.5-4-21 Call 351-7662, or HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O 711 Burcham Summer vacancies available. All 484 Special sale $39.95. Lowest price Complete accessories. best offer. 351-9004. 6-4-19 $140 or FREE KITTENS. 6 and playful. Call weekTold"^ AIR CONDITIONED 2 man Deluxe large 1 bedroom utilities included. $60 September GIRL NEEDED immediately. available for quality. Ken, 353-3191,3^1 apartment to sublease summer. Call June, $50 June - August. Lease. 351-1698. 125 North Hagadorn. SUMMER, CHEAP. Next to campus. furnished apartments. $50/month. No damage deposit. MORE FUN in the sun with Sun AKC 351-4260. 3-4-19 Call 351-4658 or 4894363 5-4-21 REGISTERED. St. t Call Rick or Jerry, 332-5048. Suitable for 2 & 3 man. Utilities included. Close. 351-2098. Shades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, puppies. Well 104 28 marked 3-4-20 Now leasing for Summer 34-19 2615 East Michigan Avenue. 663-3689. 5-4-20 NEED ONE girl for 2 bedroom. TURNTABLE - TUNER. Garrard and Fall. 9 & 12 month 372-7409. C-5-4-16 $80/month. 351-2147 after 5 p.m. model 50, base, Pickering stereo EFFICIENCY SUMMER term $90. leases. SEVEN GIRLS starting September for AKC REGISTERED black L 3-4 19 cartridge, excellent, $39. Eico Air conditioned, close to campus. large, well-kept, furnished house. STEREO EQUIPMENT. Sony model spaniel. 5 months. Has all 337-7328 337-0780 mono fm tuner, $17 332-0313 630 tape recorder, Sansui tuner 332-1769. 3-4-20' Utilities paid. Close to campus. . Good with CAPITOL COMPLEX in Lansing. 3 351-4878 ONE MAN for 4 man. Block from after 6 p.m. 2-4-16 children Phone 351-8182. 5-4-21 model TU-555, MacDonald 655-2975. 10-4-19 room furnished, $130. Also 2 room campus. Over 21. 351-8513. turntable model 300. All in good GIRL NEEDED spring term for 2 efficiency, $105. Includes utilities. GROOVY YOUNG male share 5-4-19 condition. 353-7739. 1-4-16 along Grand River. Cheap. SIAMESE KITTENS male Girls or married couples, no man Meadowbrook Trace apartment Rooms $10. Call 489-4271 after 8 w, 489-1276. Call 351-8102 or 351-3633. children or pets. Call with same. Jim, 393-3700. 5-4-19 NEED GIRL immediately. SPOKED WIRE wheels hubcaps. 15" 5 X-3-4-19 2-4-16 5-4-21 $50/montj»E,NTE®. parking FEMALE SHARE two small rooms. in cartons, never used, $60. available. Can 351-1204. 5-4-19 SUBLEASE 2 man, beginning May NEW TWO bedroom luxury Close, own bedroom, cooking. 355-9395. 1-4-16 513 HILLCREST. Close in pleasant 1st. Beal Stiaet Apartments. 351-1366. 5-4-19 area. Air conditioned, dishwashers, apartments. Central air, NEED ONE girl this term. Two girls Close. 351-4082. 3-4-16 dishwashers, garages, fireplaces. In VOX JAGUAR Combo Organ, $150. CASTRO STUDIO couch. 1 year old. tasty furnishings. 1 or 2 large summer and next year. Car CAPITOL NEAR studio. Conn trombone with case, $75. SILVER attractive four unit building, - one room Gold silk upholstery. Originally, POINT Siamese e bedrooms. Summer and fall leases. 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham necessary. 485 8588. 5-4-19 Both in fine condition. Call after furnished or unfurnished. Furnished, redecorated, pleasant. $795. Must sell, $250. 489-3751 male kitten. Litter i From $45 person. 351-0705 or Drive. 135 Kedzie. 2 man 3:30 p.m„ 641-6652. 34-19 332-1183 after 5 p.m. 10-4-26 Cooking. A lady. Parking. $12.50 ext. 253, mornings. Ask for Barry. 339-8302. B1-4-16 655-1022. 3-4-19 furnished apartments. Includes GIRLS. FALL or summer. Near a week. IV 4-5150. 5-4-20 3-4-16 heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. Campus. Furnished. Parking. Call UNIQUE WICKER wet bar and bar PEDIGREE PUG, 10 months d Leases starting June 15 and Sept. NEED ONE girl, now. Cedar Village. 332-8903. 4-4-16 stools. MEN, SINGLE rooms for rent. $60 Unpainted hutch to be GRETSCH TENNESSEAN Electric housebroken, $50. After 5 M NOW LEASING 1 Days. 487-3216. Evenings til 10 $72.50. Call Debbie, 351-2394. 3-4-16 per month. 131 Bogue. Call antiqued. 372-5671. B2-4-16 Guitar. Very good shape. Best 351-8650. 5-4-22 p.m., 882-2316.0 TWO FOR eight girl. Near campus. 337-9091. 5-4-20 offer. 355-9503. 5-4-20 for summer and fall Bath. Deposit. Rent negotiable. AKC ALASKAN Malamute pupJ Studio, 1 bedroom, If Your Car Has Spring Fever Jackie / Sandy. 351-2605. 5 4-16 MAN IN single room. 3 blocks from Union. 337-1408 or 351-5076 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, most brands. 30% off list price. Rich: Champion blood lines, j up. 669-3423. 10-4-19 and 2 bedroom apts — NEW TWO bedroom. Furnished. after 3 p.m. 3-4-16 35J-5869. a4-16 all furnished live it a tune-up tonic from Kramer's Central air conditioning. Available for summer and/or fall. Phone SINGLE. SHARE bath with one male. PIONEER RECEIVER model SX770. Cost $250 new. Very 28MM, 400MM lens for Canon, FREE KITTENS to good Trained to litter box. 48225] No cooking facilities. Near Holt clean. Like new condition with Electrovoice speakers, Voigtlander rent from $135/month Our Large Inventory And 332-3202. 5-4-23 and 2-4-16 Aurelius Road. 694-0829. carton, $140. 393-3228. 3-4-20 camera, call 355-8024. 5-4-21 after 4 p.m. 1-4-16 SUMMER: 4 girls, near campus, heated pool Mobile Homes ample parking Low Prices Will Save parking, 351-2605 6-4 23 laundry, 2 baths ROOM FOR male student near DOUBLE Suits, BED size and 42, springs. $20. best offer. HAMMOND ORGAN - one year old, double keyboard, Leslie speaker. campus. $15/week. 627-5812. Miscellaneous household goods. Features many instruments. Like CLEAN NEAT and spacious 12^ Burcham Woods You Money! SUMMER AND FALL. Groups of 1 2-4-16 Joe, 641-4478. 2-4-19 new, $200 down, payments. 393-3796. 5-4-21 take over 1969 Richardson mobile hi The home has two bedrooms,! to 4 girls needed. 332-5320 after 6 We Stock Over a Million Parts UIRLS KITCHEN privileges, etc. 5 ACE - TONE portable organ. Four built - in kitchen and one 41 p.m. 5-4-16 bath. To see call Maynard Be blocks from Union. Call between 5 octaves. Excellent condition. $250 LESLIE, MUST sell, perfect. Make If no answer — 484-4014 KRAMER AUTO PARTS GIRL GRAD, senior; own room, small house. Leaseless. - 7 p.m. or weekends. 351-8177. 2-4-16 or best offer. 353-0095. 1-4-16 offer. Call 356 7062. 5-4-21 Jeff, 351-8291 or 351-5210 or ESTATE, Okemos MSU Bi SIMON RE*| $65. CORONET. CONN Victor. Opera 349-3310. 7-4-16 800 E. Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 482-5270. 3-4-16 MEN: SPRING term opening in coed tuning. New, used twice. Half off HARMON - KARDON stereo. coop, $180 room and board. 332-2671. 3-4-20 Slightly used component system GREAT LAKES. 10'x50'. FurnijJ HEDRICK HOUSE, 140 with matched speakers, original Air conditioner, piano. I Your Collingwood, 332-0844. 5-4-21 PORT A CRIB. $15. Ask for cost $449, now $295. Used shed. $1,900 or best offer. uJ Blueprint - - Kathy, 655-1793 after 6 p.m. Realistic stereo amp and extension SPARTAN., HALL, singles, men, 1-4-16 ^ speakers. Selection of used, women. Now leasing for summer, portable stereo phonographs. Belli 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, fall. and Howell . stereo cassette 35J-9286, 372-1031. O canisters and one full uprights. Guaranteed year. $7.88 and up. recorder. Used Westinghouse MARLETTE, 1968. Excellent condition. FurnisM| portable TV, plays good $45. New SINGLE ROOM. Male student. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING unfurnished. With s VESTIBULE Linens furnished. Near 9x12 Oriental pattern rugs and 694-9374. 5-4-16 campus. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. wall tapestries. 1500 used and Phone 332-1682. 3-4-20 Opposite City Market. C-4-15 guaranteed stereo records and 8 track stereo tapes. Hermes MARLETTE 1969, 12*60,■ portable typewriter, excellent bedroom. Call 646-6686. ™ condition, $39. Selection of Cambridge, Windsor Esta? 35mm SLR cameras used. 7-4-16 Polaroids and movie cameras. 1969 TWO bedroom Monarch™ Bosch and Lombe used home with 7x10 microscopes. Used 8 track and cassette auto tape players, all beautifully finished Meditei tested and guaranteed. Bargains on decor, one 5 piece bath, st used lovely diamond ring shed, porch, landscaped d sodded lot, all in engagement sets, $39 up. condition and located in Layaways„Bankcard, Mastercharge. WILCOX SECONDHAND Lansing's finest mobile STORE, 509 E. Michigan, courts. To see call MaynardBN 351-5210 or SIMON T Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours daily 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. C ESTATE, Okemos MSU BrW 349-3310^ 7-4-16 MUST SELL EVERYTHING. Desk AMERICAN 1970. 12x60 LikeI ($30). records (50c - $1.50), English decor, 2 bedrooms,fil 4-channel color organ, bookcase carpeted, disposal. Brookvifl ($8), curtains, tapestries, lamps, Mobile Park. Perry, (off M-78I.1 blankets. Red shag carpet / pad, lot with every modiB 8'/i x 14'/, ($90). Gold carpet / pad, 9x9 ($45), dishes and morel convenience. 339-8777^5-4-Mj After 9 p.m., 332-3848. Open 10x50 VANDYKE. Two bedroK house Saturday, April 17. 5-4-16 furnished. Patio awnings, ex Behind Coral Gables. $2,500.(1 337-9490 evenings. S-5-4-20 j SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49; chest, Still few WEEK $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 1968 MARLETTE Expando. Many 694-9781.2-4-16 12'x63", » extras, f a places 1961 ELCAR 10'x50'. remodeled inside. Call 6! CEDAR left for summer & fall FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. summer VILLAGE 10-4-28 GREAT LAKES, 1954. 45'xfJ Park Lake. 2 bedroom. After 5 p.m., 641-4525. TWYCKIISIGHAM APARTMENTS is where leases... are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - central air conditioning and Hotpoint appliances. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time only the resident comes first Lost & Found with has been adequately planned for with a giant heated recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units swimming pool, J400w maintenance 351-7988. 5-4-22 Sc"! starting at $60/month per man. *AIR CONDITIONED and service LOST: TIGER torn cat. tail. Named Liefer. WE JWJJ1 ♦DISHWASHERS Now leasing for Summer & Fall Fine reward. 351-1656.^5-4- J ♦UNLIMITED PARKING Thiee, Six, Nine and Twelve *SHAG CARPETING 332-5051 Bogue St. at the Red Cedar LOST: BLACK / white Monday on campus. pe*lj Month Leases Available 353-6068.2-4-16 * #* PLUS ® topckmgfjam NEW FURNITURE * FRESHLY PAINTED ► NEW CARPETING ► NEW FURNISHINGS 4620 S. HAGADORN Colli it atoooii just north of Mt. Hope Rd. management exclusively by: Apartments (formerly Northwind Apts.) ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Call 351-8282 MODEL OPEN DAILY 2771 Northwind behind the Yankee Store Michigan Sfate News,T ust: sing, Michigan Friday. April 16. 71 15 personal Real Estate Service Employers IMMACULATE 3 bedroom set interviews I "uci P SAVE AMERICA Cape EXTRA TV'S sell fast in IthHeEA;ERlCANV.GILANTES. I" nformation Buy and Read Cod, in excellent repair and located clote to a park and golf low 355-8255. cost Want firing with Ads. Dial fc'nAMERlCAN EAlaric Brandon Prett, 221 VIGILANTE course. Home has full first floor, 1 four piece carpeting on bath, and |I,uI^s Avenue BO,ton. Ma.,. single car garage. financing available. To see FHA, VA Typing Service The K2116. $4.95- I**-" anytime call Maynard Beery ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith be following employers will Co., Inc.; Corning Glass Works; Products; Flushing Community Brothers Inc interviewing from April 26 - April 27: Winkelman Stores, Itme„ , binge 351-5210 or SIMON ESTATE, Okemos - MSU Branch REAL offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses, 30. June and August graduates of all degree levels see Grand R">k,s Public r~o,ry. eligible to International importers. ■,82 658:1. 3-B4-16_ 349-3310. 4-4-16 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 21 years experience. 349-0850. C interview indicated. unless are otherwise rn?r%fnJ'nl?tep,,hT,d 1 neat place to place your resumes, with the armed forces. call "related fields' — counseling, Philadelphia Baptist Associate Ivertising nu,ssa8e '* ^te OKEMOS with - NEW 3 bedroom bi-level beautiful field stone publications. Across from campus, corner MAC and Grand River, to about 40 clergymen," said April 26: Mich. Dept. of Taylor, noting the firm counsels any names. "Usually the story is they're teaching, social work. Anything but. They go ipto all kinds of fcws Classified Ads. And the fireplace; all built-in kitchen, deck below Style Shop. Call Treasury; Midwest Bridge Co.; between 300 and 400 clergymen frustrated; religious institutions (ople you reach are those Xo have already decided to Kv Put your advertising off of kitchen and two full baths and two car The home is priced at dining room, garage. $32,500 COPYGRAPH 337-1666. C SERVICES, U.S. Army; McLouth Steel Co.; monthly in such cities as New April 27: Battle Creek Public York, Chicago, Dallas and San Schools; Cluett, Peabodv and Francisco. Some of the inhibit their personal freedom. sales, stocks and bonds, fund raising, public relations, management," Taylor said. Study findings Kjlar where it gets results. *,1 355-8255 for an Ad with M.G.I.C., conventional Equity Out financing available. To or TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann Lance, 626-6542. 0-4-16 1 Billboard Among Episcopalians, the situation is more than the (Continued from page 1) master's degree candidates Epresentative today! see any time call 351-5210 or Maynard Beery SIMON » IT'S WHAT'S frustration factor aren't — there just 74 per cent of all doctoral REAL BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. . enough jobs with decent students receive some financial ESTATE, Okemos MSU Branch 349-3310. 7-4-16 No job too large or too small. problems pay, he said. support, including gradual' WPPHMi Block off campus. 332-3255. C Marian Hood, in charge of assistantships. clergy placement for the 188 Undergraduates who ar BARD $200 for information Service TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. Episcopal parishes in the educationally disadvantaged, mounting ano Lading to the arrest and Rapids, accurate service. Philadelphia area, said, "We have who may AVON or may not t* tion of persons who PRODUCTS are available to Experienced. 393-4075. O many more clergy than parishes economically disadvantag< d Burglarized Apt. 41 Burcham you on campus. Contact Mary at NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE Illegal billboards are going up to put them in. People today are well, each receive about $1 0D< loods ( ..n(| t n break. 5-4-19 353-2517.5-4-20 not going to church. So the in academic and other supp COPY SHOPPE can show you The following Free U classes will Dr. Robert Keith Wallace of the along Michigan's interstate • a lesson in compexion WILL DO any kind of typing in meet this churches have less money. services. This figure repre . my how to get two Xerox copies for weekend: Drawing and Harvard Medical School will speak on freeways about three times as i re. Call 484-4519, East Michigan home. Also occasional babysitting. the price of one. Phone 332-4222. Painting, 10 a.m. Saturday, 136 Fee "The Physiology of Transcendental fast as the state is able to take "And, coming at the same an extremely general e- : . 485-7197, Lansing Mall. Call 393-1073. 5-4-21 541 E. Grand River. C Hall; Yoga, 9 a.m. Saturday, Union time that there's less money, it because of the Green Room; Establishment Meditation" at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in them down, Henrik E. Stafseth, difficult} i lEPLE NORMAN COSMETICS Muckrakers, 8 p.m. Sunday, 300 the Union Gold Room. Those with a State Highway Director, said takes more to support a priest," determining the variou TuPIOS. C-4-16 PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free COMPLETE TYPING and printing M.A.C. Ave., Apt. 5; Sensitivity, 8 professional interest in the field are Mrs. Hood said. components of the suppor . estimates, grad students, service. Copy stored on magnetic urged to attend. For information, call Thursday. p.m. Sunday, Union Parlor B. Stafseth She said that seminarians are system and the costs of these IPeanuts Personal experienced, references. Brighten tape. This eliminates all re-typing Anyone interested can get a spring 351 - 7168. said a recent warned in advance that there are components, which include up your house for spring. except author's changes and term Free U Catalog at Man and Highway Dept. survey showed 349-4817. C Nature Bookstore Come, enjoy and rap at the that 364 signs, about half of no assurances they'll get church - counseling, tutoring, special |py BIRTHDAY Bertha Miller. corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT Services Bldg. or at 325 Student Alternative coffeehouse from 9 p.m. them illegal, were erected last related jobs. Of the 22 who courses, special tracks Sweetheart and the MAIL ADVERTISING, across to midnight today at 4930 Hagadom Impkin Friends. 1-4-16 VERSATILE YOUNG man needs from Frandor. Phone 337-1773. C Road, across from Hubbard Hall. year along 948 miles of freeway graduated from the Philadelphia established courses, A free social change film festival work after school and weekends. to kick off the first annual Festival of Folk rock, dialog, poetry and the in Michigan. Divinity School last year, half additional learning resources. IRK: CONGRATULATIONS on Phone 332-1976 after 5:30 p.m Community Prince of Peace - Jesus Christ - will The department, working went on to graduate work, or "Educationa' ve accepted and Chris. 1-4-16 to law school, 4-4-20 Transportation and Life Alternatives will be held at 7:30 p.m. - Style be featured. with the attorney general's into social work, or teaching, or disadvantaged" undergraduate INDIVIDUALIZED RESUME today in Shaw Hall lower lounge. Petitioning is now open for next office, removed about 60 illegal something other than standard earn an average of nine . , RIDE NEEDED: Two Leslie area year's Journalism Student Advisory billboards in Ingham, Livingston, priestly occupations. per term. The extended perioa Recreation SERVICE; Includes: interview, students, to and from school. MSU Volunteers interested in Committee. Petitions and "For each job we get 40 or of study is an additional ( writing resumes, and cover letters, Classes 8 3 p.m. Phone joining a new program at the Lansing newsletter have been mailed to all on a Oakland, Calhoun and Branch IMER FLIGHTS to Europe. Boys' Training School should attend counties. 45 applicants," Mrs. Hood said. factor, the study noted. typing. 4894473. 5-4-16 1-589-9115 after 4 p.m. 3-4-19 campus journalism majors; off - - «5. New York to London. Call a meeting Monday afternoon. For more information, call 353 - 4400. campus students may obtain them in nk Buck. 351-8604. 17-4-: FOR GLAD tidings look for 103 Journalism Bldg. Petitions something you've lost with a Want Wanted Hillel Foundation should be returned to 103 Journalism will meet for lob Ad. Dial 3 Bldg. by April 23. students-grads DIRTY BLUES vocalist needed who plays instrument. 355-8090 or Sunday Sunday supper and speaker at 6 p.m. in Hillel House. Leon S. Cohan, deputy Attorney General for thestate of Michigan, wifl speak on The final presentation of the Akers Hall sexuality symposium will placement down be held at '1 p.m. Sunday in 137 W. 355-8091.3-4-16 "Law Enforcement seemingly uneconomical S9.G > Today."-j Akers Hall. Dr. Carol Varner and Mr. schooling to give them more (Continued from page 1) time in hopes that next year GOING TO EUROPE? Women interested in and Mrs. David Moore will discuss yearly salary. WANTED: SMALL garden plot to spending Another alternative, suggested time in Washington from childbirth, and the film "Birth" will may be better than this one in rent near MSU. Call 355-2852. April 24 be shown. languages. Industrial arts, through May 5 should contact Anne terms of the job market," he by Placement Burea Check with 5-4-22 Francis of the education of mentally us first. Lansing Area Peace said. representatives is Council. "Once Upon A Mattress," a handicapped and women's training i musical comedy, will be presented at The become teachers in areas of GIRL'S ENGLISH racer. 3, 5 or 10 physical education are termed College of Education's American Union of Students speed. Will negotiate. 353-5787. All are welcome to join the 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday in the Office of Graduate Affairs higher demand. can save Women's Contingent and march on McDonel Hall kiva. No admission high demand areas. "With an additional 23 you money on all 1-4-16 As the confirmed that a steady rise has charge. uncertainty of aspects of your European Washington April 24. Bus tickets are occurred in the number of credits," Scheetz said, . travel. available through Women's obtaining jobs in a chosen area graduate in social scien Contact: Becky DESPERATELY NEED 1 man The Young Socialist Alliance will graduate school applicants, Liberation, 314 Student Services meet at 7 p.m. Sunday in 33 Union continues, many graduates are secondary education can vetr.< Bigelow, 351-3313. apartment near campus. Starting Bldg., or the Student Mobilization although no figures on the fall term. Call 355-6962. 3-4-20 to discuss "The Relevancy of the expected to seek alternative to teach in the area of Committee, 320 Student Services percentage of the increase were Communist Manifesto Today." All solutions to the job - hunting Bldg.. for $2 3. Child care will be interested persons are welcome. available. elementary education." available. problem. Elementary educatioi The Placement Bureau, for Unfortunately, both An alternative life style begins The Baha'i Club invites anyone suggested, is presently espec;... with an independent investigation of who is interested to a fireside at 7 example, cites an increase of Shingleton and Scheetz agreed, profitable for males, who are in p.m. Sunday at 614 N. Hagadorn teacher candidates seeking in many cases it is not profitable truth. Begin your search. Find out Road. For rides, call 351 - 8193. great demand. who Baha'u'llah is at the Baha'i alternative career choices. Most to enter the job market with an Booth at the Festival of Community Despite the present "Good Erwin Chargoff, speaker for the common choices include advanced degree. The demand Business this weekend in Shaw Hall. Psychology." third annual distinguished Scientist retailing, banking, insurance, the for both doctoral and masters Shingleton suggested, the job Seminar, will speak on "Remarks on service industries and other jobs candidates has increased as market is not Elementary Hebrew classes are the Current Revulsion from expected to take resuming this term. The first class Science," at 8 p.m. Monday in 100 requiring a liberal arts employers become increasingly an upward turn for at least will meet at 8 p.m. Monday in the Engineering Bldg. background. concerned with monetary another quarter. Union Mural Room. Another alternative, considerations, they said. Even if the turn should occur The Black Sisters of Butterfield Where most first year teachers Women's Liberation will hold a Shingleton suggests, is for the that early, he added, it wi!! Hall will present "Gospel Vibes" at potluck supper at 4 p.m. Sunday in graduate to continue his in the state average a starting N. Case Hall's 1961 Room. This will 7:30 p.m. Saturday in the Brody Hall probably take even longe for south dining room. The Donald Vails schooling. salary of $8,000 a year, those the prosperity to filter doun ti¬ be a business and social meeting. Choraleers and singers from campus "Many seek additional with masters are paid a the area of education. will be featured guests. No admission The Veterans Assn. will hold a car charge. wash from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday An open night will be held from Student-trustee at Larry's Gulf, S04 W. Michigan 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday in the Ave. opposite the Beal St. Entrance. A duck will be in front of the station. Observatory. A new 24 - inch reflecting telescope will be sued for visual observing if the sky is clear. Children under 13 should be Who's Whose accompanied by an adult, one adult for every three children. There will (Continued from page 1) reject committee a student - faculty suggestion that one Council (COGS). of Graduate Students be no admission charge. Presently, only management's Campaign GM proposal be Although the matter is noi nominees are included on the supported while another be Students for A Live Christianity presently on the Im. < will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday in 38 proxy statement. opposed. The board then Clair White, D-Bay City, is Cindi Simon, Southfield sophomore and 39 Union. All are welcome to *An amendment to the decided not to vote the to Robert Epstein, Southfield grad expected to ask his colleagues t< come and see if Glossolalia (speaking by-laws which would guarantee University's GM stock at all, fire Norman P. Weinheimer. student U of D Dentistry School, in tongues) is as deep a three directors to religious represent only to reverse that decision Weinheimer. the executive Alpha Omega. employes, consumers and through a telephone poll when director of the Michigan Assn. of The feature dealers. Frank Hartman, D-Flint, ENGAGEMENTS - length color movie, School Boards (MASB), holds a "Alaska, Wildlife Wonderland," will *A requirement that GM changed his mind. salaried professorship in MEADOWBROOK TRACE IS non - be shown at 8 p.m. today and include data on its efforts in Justine Barry, Greenville senior, Other items scheduled for the College of Education. The Saturday in 100 Veterinary Clinic. Sigma Kappa to Tom Gudritz, Admission is $1 for students and air-pollution control, auto - action include approval of an MASB has office space in the Saginaw senior, Sigma Nu. faculty and $1.50 for others, no safety and minority hiring and amendment to Article Seven of MSU Credit Union. admission will be charged for franchising practices by included the Academic Freedom Report White has charged that children under 12. in the corporation's annual which will allow the board to 200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING FUN IN YOUR OLYMPIC POOL Wanted report to shareholders. Weinheimer was instrumental in "Horizons" will present "Head initiate amendments to that breaking a strike by teachers in Start," an overview of the Head Start In a similar situation last report and approval of interim RnnLft?V!SH,P R00M,AND AND RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB ROOM, TV FOUR PIECE dance band. Read program, its effectiveness, history, spring, the trustees split 4-4 to grievance procedures for the Reese, Saginaw. a small town east of EXERCISE ROOM. music, must back up variety acts. funding and future. Eileen Earhart of the Institute of Family and Child SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS. Summer resort. Contact H. L. Weiss Services will be interviewed in the (616) 637-4701. South first of the two part show at 5:30 Knicks hurting - parties for residents and guests. Haven. 3-4-16 p.m. Saturday on WKAR - AM. FOR SALESPOWER try a little "Gamut" will present "COGS, the READING room for private study. fudy. Classified Ad to sell a large mobile Council of graduate Students" at (Continued from page 11) collected 17 rebounds for homel Dial 355-8255 today. 1 1:30, Saturday on Channel 10 Angeles after being acquired Baltimore, Wes Unseld 16 and SUNDECKS. SPECIAL SUMMER - WMSB. This program will examine the council's purpose, its structure, whole series or two series that Jack Marin 14. from Portland, hit five of five field goals in the pivotal third * s37i« ONLY RATES FROM SINGLE BREASTED tux. Black or its relation to the rest of the way." In the other NBA semi - final indiv'dual storage areas. navy 40-42. Dial 373-5520 or University's government, what COGS can do and what it has done. What started out as a series Los Angeles won its first quarter. In that 12 minute span, the Lakers outscored Milwaukee 393-5248, ask for Rex. 3-4-20 runaway for New York after master color tv antenna. /PERSON/MONTH Alphabet 26 and the Dept. of Art Baltimore's Gus Johnson was game of the series Wednesday 34 - 22 to go ahead by 13 10 SPEED bicycle. 349-2462. 3-4 20 night in Los Angeles. points, 90 -77. will sidelined by a recurrent knee r.2, ' and 3 present experimental films at 7 and 9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday in Little used Pat Riley ignited - Chamberlain, 10 bedroom luxury apartments. BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for the Conrad Hall auditorium. problem and Kevin Loughery's a third period rally with 11 of than years older bruised right heel became too Alcindor outscored the all positive, A negative, B his 24 points and Wilt MEADOWBROOK negative Milwaukee center 24 - 20 i and AB negative, $10.00. O Open petitioning for ASMSU painful even for a sneaker touch Chamberlain overpowered Lew : trace negative, $12.00. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, MICHIGAN Popular Entertainment will continue through Thursday. Forms may be picked up in 101 Student Services has turned like curdled milk. The Knicks lost the' third game Alcindor as the Lakers beat the Milwaukee Bucks 118 - 107. outrebounded him 24 Gail Goodrich, who average-1 - 19. on fdQ096 Meadowbrook E*it west Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State Campus 507'A East Grand Lansing. Above the River, East new Campus Bldg. lat Sunday by an overwhelming margin and dropped The Lakers, now trailing 2 -1 in the series, and the Bucks meet only 13 points in the firs' * onto Jolly Road and go to corner of Dunckel Road. Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 An Egyptian film, "My Wife, The games at Milwaukee, and happy Wednesday's game, 101 - 80. here tonight. The fifth game is Hairston popped in 24 points PHONE 393-0210 p.m., Monday, Thursday 8nd Boss," with English subtitles, will be Not one Knick rebounded in scheduled at Milwaukee Sunday. Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 presented at 8 p.m. today in 102B apiece w • • >okie OPEN 10-6 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT double figures for the fourth p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Wells Hall. All are welcome. Riley, who didn't even start a McMilli. her Las Donation is $1.25. game while John Tresvant regular season game for Los starter, h 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan IVidav April l6 , Halls not act in a supervisory position. programs to at the University offer scholastic house in Landon HaU. of the rare book section of the in Butterfield is a conn* s ■ "The upperclassmen will be "Ours is not just a scholastic MSU library. of prompted us to look into this," similar program hjjl a the there, not to give the student he said. "We hope it will help house," Linda L. Hungerford, "We'd like to get girls from last year. At least three new special - direction, but to help him find the students involved get the Cheboygan junior and RA for all over campus who are his own direction," he said. most out of their University the Landon house, said. "The interested to sign for the house," »» year, Karen interest houses will be offered in Schoch i MSU residence halls next fall, Personality evaluation tests experience." girls will decide what activities Miss Hungerford said. "There's resident adviser iviser of ButiJ will be available to the students Two other special interest they will have." no GPA requirement, and we are said. "We had % including a unique if they wish to use Possibilities include regular not them, Smith houses next fall will be an specifically designated a upperclassmen thev '*■ "developmental" house in Bryan added. dinners with faculty members, - t academic quiet house in quiet house." as*""*- - HaU. "The lack of orientation Butterfield Hall and a cultural - visits to art galleries, and a tour "The academic - quiet house The basic idea behind the developmental house is to help students, mostly freshmen, adjust to college life and to increase their self - awareness. AT COMMUNICATION COLLOQUIUM "We hope that this project will help the students understand themselves and be Prof leads trip into computer sensitive to the behavior of others," Gary A. Smith, asst. resident adviser of Bryan Hall, said. "It's really a kind of orientation program." Smith said that the hall By MICHAEL FOX be when only one of the two seven years, said that it is easier do." initially would be divided into circuitry of a computer. He seven or eight blocs, each with State News Staff Writer noted that the computer is inputs is true, as in registration to gain an understanding of a Morris said machJ when a student must present concept such as a computer if should be used to an upperclassman aide who will Communicators must relate basically composed of "flip - a grea either in state or an out you can relate it to a common receive training by the MSU their subject matter to the flop" units which conduct a an - - extent for drudge tasks nj Counseling Center. Each bloc simple "and/or" operation. state computer card. experience such as registration. done by humans, but notedttf experiences of the audience they A flip - flop actually is "In the final analysis, all the Lofty view will meet once or twice a week to discuss questions, problems — are trying to reach, Clyde Morris, asst. professor of In these "flip - flop" units two inputs can be analyzed and something that is stable in an on computer ever does is say yes - machines creativity of cannot man. replace t The long ladder or an off position, such as the no," Morris said. He said the computer afforded this man a lofty view of the anything the residents wish. The communication, told students a logical decision made. For is noti surrounding aree. Perched on Mason Hall, he contemplates blocs would be dissolved at the example, the flip • flop might light switch on a wall. He called computers "great obstacle, but a challenge atj Thursday afternoon. the activity below. end of the term. Morris referred to the student require that both input „ Morris, who worked as a big, extremely fast morons offers a way to run socM Smith said the aides would statements be true before a computer systems analyst for which do what you tell them to better. 1 State News photo by Jeff Wilner registration process in conducting a fantastic voyage "yes" decision is made. into the inner An analogy was made to thL - workings of a sitution when, in the registration computer" in a talk to a Dept. Min-a-mart of Communication undergraduate colloquium in the Union. process, a student is required to have both a fee card and completed check to pass beyond a certain point in the registration a Using a zoom camera to line. bypass the metallic box of a brings lower prices computer, Morris attempted to An example of the "or" explain the logical electric operation of a flip - flop would The Min - a - mart boycott, during a series of negotiations to lower the price on 25 items Spirit, staged by the East Lansing with Min - a - mart owner Roger the committee deemed essential Committee for Fair Food Prices, Butterfield. to the community. These items ended Wednesday afternoon, Butterfield said Wednesday will be marked with red tags, according to spokesman Bill that "there was a lot and he has promised not to raise Clack, "with unprecedented both sides. cooperation between students I'd gained by like to prices on other products to 915 S.£ftswi>fcTort®AY£. compensate for the loss unless and business." compliment orderly behavior." them on their his sales volume drops. iMSIffc, *8933 Clack said understanding had been reached that an Butterfield said he has agreed Butterfield said he is 3eLEPKW£ (sir) 3TZ-W06 presently attempting to establish an affiliation with the federal food stamp program to assist his NOW elderly customers. He also plans to stock low - OPEN phosphate soaps and accept returnable bottles. Butterfield said he could only take $1 worth of empties from an individual at COMPLAINTS AND Patrol officers reportedly present because he doesn't have driving past the parking lot the labor to accept Utile Caesars WARRANTS are being sought were room or this week by MSU police against when they noticed the student more. a 20 - year - old MSU student with the knife. He was released He said he is also examining from East until prosecutors issue a his wholesale purchases in hopes Lansing who was apprehended about 12:30 a.m. complaint and warrant, police of finding savings to pass to customers. Thursday for carrying an added. The knife is being held as apparently stolen fire evidence. Butterfield has promised to * * * construct a bulletin board and extinguisher inside his automobile. GINTARAS R. KASTYS, suggestion box which his Patrol officers said they Chicago, 111., senior, told police customers can use to air their Pizza Treat stopped the student in his his sports car's convertible top, grievances. automobile on Shaw Lane near valued at $60, was stolen Both groups have expressed Eppley Center for a traffic sometime between Tuesday and their satisfaction, and, violation and noticed the Wednesday. The automobile was Butterfield added, "I would like extinguisher, valued at $60, parked in the bays off Brody to throw a party for these when they approached the Road South near Bailey Hall. people with police permission, vehicle. Police said someone removed to show my gratitude for the The student was released the top by unfastening the snaps cooperation and understanding until county prosecutors take which held it onto the vehicle. that was achieved.' action. Police are holding as evidence the <. itinguisher, which is believed to have been stolen from Holmes Hall. ASMSO,INCOODCQATION WITU Caesars :p:i:z.'zja A 22 - YEAR ■ OLD Snyder Hall student also awaits action MOTOWN QQCQQD5.t)DE5ENT5 by county prosecutors this week after police arrested him about 12:25 SAVE $1.00 on a BUCKET OF CHICKEN a.m. Thursday for carrying in his hand a bone - handled knife with a six - inch - long blade. SAVINGS COUPON INAIIUIMAL POETRY $1.00 OFF July 6-14,1971 on a BUCKET OF CHICKEN A festival of poetry, poets. & students With this coupon of poetry on the campus of Thomas OFFER GOOD Fri. Sat. and Sun. Jefferson College, near Grand Rapids April 16,17, and 18 Readings workshops, poetry events, exhibits &c Early enrollment suggest ed For bulletin Poetry Festival. TJC, College Landing. Allendale. Michigan 49401 CORSO CREELEY LOGAN PICKUP OR DELIVERY or WAKOSKI BLY SANCHEZ MAC LOW YOUNG HALL ON CAMPUS & MANY OTHERS 1071 TROWBRIDGE 337-1681 SAVE 500 on a Med. or Large PIZZA PARENTS VISITING? There's only one place they can stay and still be in the center of campus activity. Reserve them a room at OFF CAMPUS 1203 E.GR. RIVER KELLOGG 337-1631 CENTER _ , On the campus at MSU Corner of Harrison <£ Michigan Color TV in Every Room Reservations 332-65 71