But . > Tuesday if your hopes should pass MICHIGAN Sunny . . . STATE NEWS and warmer with P'«end that you high . STATI . a away I Simply of 67-72 degrees. can build them again Paul Simon UNIVERSITY - ie 63 Number 162 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 20, 1971 FOR FACULTY CONTRACTS AAUP OKs guidelines on renewal procedures Committee A does not consider it By STEVE WATERBURY provost that the University adopt the policy of providing reasons to appropriate to require that every notice of State News Staff Writer nonreappointment be accompanied by nonreappointed faculty members. a The question of whether reasons should written statement of reasons. "It may not always be to the The American Assn. of University be provided arose last year at hearings advantage of the faculty member to be informed of Professors (AAUP) has adopted before the Michigan Employment by an the reasons, particularly in overwhelming vote a statement on the Relations Commission, at which MSU was writing," the accused of unfair labor practices by two report states. "If he is informed of them, procedural standards to be used in the he can be placed under an renewal or nonrenewal of assistant professors of natural science, obligation to faculty divulge them to the appointing body of appointments, Walter Adams, distinguished Eileen R. Van Tassell and Bertram G. another institution if it inquires why he is University professor of economics and Murray. member of the Executive Council of the The appointments of the two faculty leaving his present position. national AAUP, said Monday. members were scheduled to expire Aug. "Similarly, a written record is likely to become the basis for continuing responses 31, 1971, but were extended one year by special action of the board of trustees last by his former institution to prospective The statement, which was approved at Loofc, up in the sky, it's a Frisbee the fifty - seventh annual meeting of the national AAUP Friday, recommends that week to allow the question of their reappointment to come under new appointing bodies and may thus jeopardize his chances for obtaining positions over an extended period." procedural guidelines. Ken McCue, faculty members whose contracts are not The implications of the trustees' action The report also acknowledges that the Springfield, III., freshman, left, and Craig Piechura, Warren renewed should, if they request, "be may have been discussed at a Monday procedures of evaluation and decision may freshman, exhibit one of the most popular warm weather sports: advised of the reasons which contributed make it difficult to compile a statement of afternoon meeting of the Natural Science Frisbee throwing. All over campus students can be seen sailing the to that decision." reasons which precisely reflects the basis of department's Ad Hoc Committee for plastic disk through the air. State News photo by Jonathan S. Kaufman At MSU, the University Tenure Reappointment and Tenure for fall, 1971. the decision. Committee has recommended to the The meeting was closed to the public. "When a number of faculty members The statement on procedural standards participate in decision, they may oppose a was a recommendation from the AAUP a reappointment for a variety of reasons, few or none of which may represent a l-a ddict Committee A on Academic Freedom and epidemic' cited Tenure. majority view," it reads. "To include every The introduction to the report prepared reason, no matter how few have held it, by Committee A states that in the past the may misrepresent the general view and AAUP has not attempted to discourage the damage unnecessarily both the faculty member's morale and his professional giving of reasons, either orally or in IGON (AP) - Two U.S. congressmen Murphy and Steel blamed corrupt for treatment are not prosecuted. America," Murphy said. "They are not stature." Vietnamese officials and said the South writing, for a notice of nonreappointment, Monday 10 to 15 per cent of "The problem has reached epidemic Committee A also recognized that a rican troops in Vietnam — 30,000 to Vietnamese government has done little hiding anything. They even named the but it has not required that reasons be proportions," Steel said. "Efforts to meet province after opium just like we named given. requirement that faculty members be given 00 men use high-grade heroin and about the problem. reasons for nonreappointment may lead • the problem have only begun and so far are Washington after the founder of our The document reveals that the practice Stion is of epidemic proportions. They quoted the heroin use figures given ineffective. There are enormous "to an expectation that the decision - country." of giving reasons for a notice of y are Rep. Morgan Murphy, D-Ili., them by the U.S. Command and added making body must justify its decision." implications to discipline and the effects Turkey has cut down the number of nonreappointment "varies widely from tep. Robert H. Steel, R-Conn., sent that 60 to 90 U.S. soldiers died from "Notice of nonreappointment may thus on society when these men return home." provinces where opium poppies can be institution to institution, and sometimes by the House Foreign Affairs overdoses last year. become confused with dismissal for cause, Murphy said he and Steel were grown from 21 to 4 and has increased within institutions." 1 even mittee to look into the drug problem The drug is so easy to obtain in Vietnam approached by Vietnamese heroin dealers narcotics raids. Emphasized in the statement is that yd the world. that the U.S. Command is almost powerless in Saigon and about a gram of the durg (Please turn to page 11) y have visited Turkey, chief supplier in trying to control addiction, sells for $1.80-$2.10 they n for the illicit U.S. market, Iran, reported. They praised the recent amnesty "These boys will need a lot of money to and Thailand, the latter two a major -of heroin supplies in Vietnam. program of the U.S. Command. Under this support their habit in the States," Murphy AT D.C. MARCH plan, servicemen who turn themselves in observed. "Unless the problem is checked," added Steel, "it will provide a compelling reason oviets launch to speed up the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam." Veterans protest war craft; In New York City, authorities said the price for a fourth of a gram of heroin was from $2 to $7 depending on its purity. The congressmen said they conferred WASHINGTON (AP) - Capitol Hill returning vets. They are asking the Labor Then comes what sponsors hope will be ace feat envisioned with Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky, who told them he complaints of addiction had received among many young looked briefly like a forward staging area Monday as 2,000 veterans in combat garb demanded an end to the war in Vietnam Dept. to help the ex - soldiers in the job market. They asking the National Institute of are the biggest antiwar rally ever on The National Peace Action Saturday. Coalition, a 0SCOW (AP) The Soviet Union has The Salute craft was put into an orbit Vietnamese. and touched off a spring of protest. Health to help veterans returning from - conglomorate of antiwar and other cause - ted the first with an inclination of 51.6 degrees to the "Ky told if he It was a different kind of demonstration Vietnam with drug problems. They are phase of what informed us put in charge of the was groups, is sponsoring a demonstration ces said would be a equator. This is the type of orbit normally problem that he could clean it up in two for Washington, which has seen hundreds asking the Supreme Court why it has not which will gather before the White House complex space tacular involving several cosmonauts used by manned Soviet spacecraft or the months," Steel said. of thousands of war protesters in recent ruled on the constitutionality of the war. Saturday morning and march to the at least two more spacecrafts, dummy ships they maneuver with. Fifty per cent of the heroin is believed to years. The men were young but harder of The vets end their protest week with a Capitol for a giant rally. tails were from Laos expression and more serious of mein than " kept secret in the .Soviet "According to radio information," an come and the rest from service at Washington National Cathedral A similar rally is planned the same day in Program, but the semiofficial sources official announcement said, "The systems Thailand and Hong Kong. the students who largely made up earlier Friday night. San Francisco. the mission would be and research instruments aboard the craft They left Saigon for Hong Kong. crowds. part of the g range Soviet aim of In Turkey, the two congressmen had "Unlike the demonstrators of the past, building an are functioning normally." , ting space station. Details were kept secret. their eyesopened by a trip to the opium we know from experience what the war is "nday's launching initiated a new type The Soviet Union lacks the worldwide growing province of Afyon. Afyon means like," said the Vietnam Veterans Against IN PEACE SPEECH the War, sponsor of a week - long ^manned craft, the Salute, possibly the tracking system that the United States uses opium in Turkisn. of a series. It was described officially in manned shots, but two Soviet ships in "These opium dirt farmers are demonstration. as an "orbital scientific station." TTie the Atlantic have been deployed to completely unaware of the problems in "The violence of Vietnam is something " of its orbit "*'ve * more however, put it in a path craft for joint maneuvers. government newspaper Izvestia supplement their existing network. The announcement of Monday's launch Council session we vets understand," the group said in a statement, "because we were the ones who performed that violence." Froines bla red the brief was couched in the usual vague, The spent the night on the Mall, mostly launching announcement id type on the the Soviet watch for more to rf» »1111 duties and five students have action School officials said the were at thpc 1)011 "If the government won't stop followed protests which began students disrupted operations in officers arrived, police reported. who been suspended for their alleged when a group of black and white five buildings, including the A bonfire with burning railroad ties the war, then the people will roles distruptive and another stop in campus students learned that Cooper burning wooden pallets bla the government. " activities. library and administration were reportedly built by the eroun was not to be rehired in the fall. north river bank and on a blacktop sidewalk The university Building. runnincbet™!' John Friones, of the Chicago 7 also obtained during the weekend a restraining Farm Lane bridge and Kresge Art Center. 8 We® Police said they used about 16 water order from Wayne County extinguishers to n . the flames after the group refused to do so on Circuit Court Judge James Montante barring the professor, 3 trustees Group participants were in violation of MSU OrdiLr? which prohibits building fires in request bv off- Edward Cooper, or any person campus areas, police ofr or persons from further campus explained. No one was arrested in the incidents, police add ri Mideast warning sounded disorders. According to Reginald GM stock d no violence occurred despite verbal abuse directed at them. When asked if the group had 'officers m Wilson, chairman of the U-D Three trustees Monday criticized the decision of their attempted to organize ann^B Amid signs of hardening Arab - Israeli positions. Black Studies Dept., the vice Peoples' Park like the two established in spring, 1970 colleagues to vote the University's General Motors Corp. (GM) officials said they did not know the reason for the president of the university United Nations Secretary - General U Thant said relieved Cooper of his duties and stock in favor of management ai the May shareholders meeting. gathering" Monday that the basis for negotiating a Middle East Patricia Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor; Don Stevens, D-Okemos, and obtained the restraining order SN editorial Dr. Blanche Martin, D-East Lansing, peace was in danger of imminent collapse. on Thant's warning was set off by tiie announced policy negotiations with Israel by the newly projected because of evidence that he had been involved in disruptive activities that have caused of three reform proposals of Campaign GM II. repeated their endorsement The three proposals called for direct nomination of directors by board shareholders, special directors to represent consumers, dealers federation of Egypt, Libya and Syria. "This development is another illustration of what 1 damage to university property. Wilson said the vice president called Cooper's presence on and employes and public disclosure of GM's efforts in hiring, auto pollution control and auto safety. minority for 71-72 announced! have been saying all along - that now is the last chance The board of trustees voted 5-3 Friday to allow Ann Arbor The State News editorial the for peace in the Middle East," he said. campus "a serious threat to the Trust Co. to vote the University's stock. Muskegon Chronicle J safety of the students at the board for 1971-72 was summer. "It is contended by some that adoption of these proposals could university." be detrimental to corporate profit," the three trustees' statement New growth announced Monday by Editor - in - Chief John T. Juel. City editor will be Robertl Cooper had been an asst. said. "We submit that this need not be so and, indeed, that a Roach, Detroit junior. rJ Air service to China? professor of black studies for demonstration of public responsibility through adoption of these Part of nature's David R. Person, Allegan has been the State News , new growth one year, Wilson said, and was proposals could prove to be in the junior, will be managing editor, reporter and now covers United Air Lines (UAL) applied to the Civil a strong corporate asset. spring is lichen not tenured. "In any case, we believe corporate Person, faculty affairs reporter, legislatui Aeronautics Board Monday to extend its route system efforts in the directions covering the stumps oftrees has been the State News staff the Journalism Student Advi Cooper said he planed to suggested by these proposals to be essential and of ultimate on to include Peking, Shanghai and Canton. like a fragile carpeting. explore legal means of getting benefit to all society," they said. SIM photo by Jim Klein for two years. A journalism Committee, "If our application is approved, United will become major, he will be an intern on ,'0'in Borger, ParkersburjJ the first U.S. air carrier to provide passenger service to Va., sophomore, will becaitA editor. Borger, who has the People's Republic of China," Edward E. Carlson, ANTIWAR RALLY SUPPORT the staff for two years, is beeiij UAL president, said. administration reporter. Heil "Our request for authority to serve the Chinese cities member of the jouriull is being made in response to President Nixon's Student Advisory CommitJ leadership in efforts to bring about more normal trade and commercial relations with China" Carlson said. Student Mobe to hold teach-in and the Honors College. Barney White, Tampa, f| graduate student, editorial editor. White, who J The Student Mobilization written for the State News Agn ew raps ping-pong team Committee (SMC) is sponsoring from 1 to 5 p.m. in 109 spring, will speak at 1 p.m. and "Time Is Running Out," an economics, will discuss the war more than two J Anthony Hall and from 7 to 10 show the movie antiwar movie sponsored by the and its effects on the economy years, v a teach-in "Confrontation Detroit Press Club Fou Vice President today in an attempt to p.m. in 100 Engineering Bldg. at Kent." Lansing Area Peace Council, will at 8 p.m. Spiro T. Agnew told Republican build support for Saturday's a member of the Kent State Student Award for 111 be shown at 7 p.m. in 100 A representative for the MSU governors in Williamsburg. Va., Monday he has Washington antiwar rally. 25, the Expression of Opinion in In faculty and students Ralph Hanson, Detroit Engineering Bldg. Veterans for Peace will address misgivings about the American table tennis team's tour Speeches and films are planned indicted for inciting to riot last sophomore and a member of the Alan Shelley, instructor in The new editorial board ulj the group after Shelley's speech. of Communist China. over May 2. Office of Black Affairs, will A Republican source also said Agnew had indicated The State News, the student discuss the role of the black in newspaper at Michigan State earlier he had doubts about the current administration University, is published every class day during four school the war. course in dealing with relations with China. At the Monday luncheon of the Governors' conference, Agnew was quoted as Republican terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $14 per year. Laura Robb, a member of Wayne State University's Student group meel saying the Member Associated Press, United Press Women's Liberation group, will International, ping - pong tour of China had been overemphasized at Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, speak at 3 p.m. home. Agnew was quoted also the team, whom he did not name, as saying that one member of appeared to be Michigan Pi°ss Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, Liited States Student Press Association. Louise Goodman, Detroit office of SMC, and from the to boost ranksy Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Bonnie Garvin, a representative returning home talking the Communist line. Michigan. The Student Education Assn. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services of the National Peace Action general organizational plan of one A faculty and will hold a meeting at 4 pjn. Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Coalition in Detroit, also will general chairman and four communication committee I ICC reports on Penn Central Michigan. address the group. today in 103 Bessey Hall in an committees. Elections to fill the planned to help increil attempt to attract new members. positions are planned for todays The group is attempting to interchange between the ti The Interstate Commerce Commission said Monday Phones: The draft counseling center, meeting, he said. groups, he said. t ie Penn Central Railroad's former management took Editorial the Young Socialists Alliance, organize student activists in the A curriculum committee will 355-8252 "Lack of extra Classified Advertising 355-8255 Women's Liberation, the Lansing College of Education. deal with student teaching, various steps to hide financial troubles from the public. visibility of instructors I Display Advertising Area Peace Council and SMC Stephen R. Hecker, East required courses, course content The ICC report said these included special accounting 353-6400 students, and students I Business - Circulation 355-3447 will have literature and Lansing junior, said Monday that and the grading system, Hecker procedures and it cited the association has established instructors, is seen I a private memo seeking a pay Photographic 355-8311 information available a said. raise for one accountant who was praised for his throughout the teach-in. contributing to the problem the college," Hecker said. "imaginative" work that was "adding millions of dollars Another committee i annually to our net income." handle existing teaching realitii the alternative modes f Decision challenge seen outside the publ Stevie teaching Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller said school system and alternatil means of securing an educatw Monday that New York plans to challenge the U.S. Supreme Court either within or outside tip college, he said. ft decision "1 think barring state residency requirements for welfare recipients. we'll win Rockefeller told the annual luncheon this," VVonder A publicity committee promote the idea that studen can be an important componj one message at the Welfare, said although research of contraceptive opening population growth must be measures, (his session it would be to call training programs for reduced to maintain quality of ■be public not to let its ardor life, he foresees no federal policy ■and to pursue Tts w'th antipollution regulating "fertility rates" in the continued pressure The Union Ca near future. SOMETH1ISG-ISE Tuesday Night -SPRING' at American & pitcher icv-v2 The Ko-Ko Bar Pitchers are greatly reduced in price! ■^aiiSTofr Kalamazoo East Lansing State University Dark & Light Beer Our enrollment depends entirely on von. Help a student help himself Ln H through college. Buv Student Aid Bonds, exclusively from East Lan¬ i cui tjr_n i I s sing State Bank. Fully guaranteed by the Michigan Higher Education N c o R P o R Assistance Anthoritv and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Indian Trails . . All Dinners Served 5:00 Today, April 20, a • 7:00 P.M. special complete these bonds yield 5.13C(, per annum dailv compounded interest. Stu¬ (AS FRENCH DINNER will be served dents are selected upon the basis of need and the recommendation of seveni7) Veal Cutlet A La Francaise rsley Potatoes - Green Beans Almondaise the University and with the Tossed Salad - Chocolate Eclair approval of the Michigan Higher Educa¬ every tion Assistance Anthoritv. For further information, ask for our bro¬ TO CHICAG On Wednesday, April 21 IRANIAN DINNER a special chure at anv of our branches. Leaving at: 6:25 A.M. Beef Kabob with Saffron Rice Banana Nut Salad - Hard Roll & Butter 7:55 A.M. Chocolate Chip Date Nut Cake 10:40 A.M. Beverage $2.10 2:20 P.M. 5:10 P.M. On Thursday, April 22 6:20 P.M. a special MEXICAN DINNER Polio en Estopado (chicken) Refried Beans , 10:20 P.M. Mexican Salad Schedule in effect April 25, 1971 Almcndrada (Mexican Molded Fruit) Beverage ■batt, ■ P on,- lnterrT»ediate Stops. $1.85 LEcrEEK, KALAMAZOO, SOUTH BEND East Lansing State Bank \ KENNETH R. LYNAM To the Editor: me or my friends as scapegoat* r I To Dean Nonnamaker: racist blunderings or racist 1m '"I St lntent advertising manager I am the student "responsible" for the State Journal. of] KKK farce in East Complex. I am curious MARK EICHER, managing editor £ary A.S, ED HUTCHISON, city editor as to what "appropriate action" is to be Detroit jw BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor taken. APril 16, J KEN KRELL, editorial editor First, I must admit to one serious GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor mistake. To associate Jim Hill with racism is unfair, for he is certainly not a racist. ATL zoo To the Editor: What started as a parody on his moderately Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award If you want to see a conservative views was blown up to a real zon for outstanding journalism. ATL class held in Wells vicious untruth. On this point I am wrong Hall at 7 n'l8* and stand accountable. Tuesday night. The part of my mhlL retains idiotic Somehow, it seems like all the fuss is thoughts recalls an EDi because an outside source has fabricated prof conveying to the class one davSJ EDITORIALS the incident as a "racist incident" (State Journal — "Cross Burn at MSU Stirs Racial thought it a privilege to instruct freshmen. Let us abandon for a m Co? what we all know as fact and Tension"). If anybody had bothered to assume,, look, part of our group was black, and also pubescent neurotics have , any "racial tension" on that scene was resemblance to the human race The structure of this FCC notice quickly corrected since most everybody knew what was happening. For smearing a person's name (and if written comparison film; It is on these fateful particular between novel com that the film renditions are Tuesday m you want to get picky about two burning shown Sh sticks in a massive field of mud, MSU's fire yes; heard, no. Every fresh in , radio program fre code was violated — congrats to MSU firemen for bringing four fire trucks and auditorium were on obviously wishes he the screen. If the film's is audible at all (very (or] sound! For th only needing 20 minutes to put it out) I rare!), every |jK am accountable. After that, let me be dialog or piece of action merits bustle, of trite, obscene or somekj clear: I will not humbly submit to you or nonsensical rom®. display The First Amendment to the and "A Little Help From My It all proves again, friends, any other bureaucrat of this racist that nollj Constitution guarantees American Friends"). institition if you deem it necessary to use or no one is relevant to the col citizens the right to free speech. Unconstitutional freshman except the .7" K , ""r college fresh, Iresha The ramifications of the FCC's himself. Apparently, however, the Federal ' ' J. ve jsat ■ " ™: through "—iwnsof two terms of| _ r same barnyard behavior to Communications Commission (FCC) latest move, at this point, are subject AP NEWS ANALYSIS point - brink - of writing this letter J bring me to does not believe this holds true if the to individual speculation and no one spoken my opinion spuiieii upiuiun in in ciass, class, but out they da do speech is put to music. seems to agree on the "whys" and hear. Since I understand they don't,, don't 1 r\ H Recently, the FCC issued a notice "wherefores" of the notice. But one either, this is perhaps pointless. I ask, that rr Lower age of draft boards to all radio stations, but most thing is perfectly clear to all: the you run a random sample determine how many of them were pointedly FM stations, that the notice is poorly and ambiguously reti James D. in solitary confinement. playing of records which might worded and, if followed to the limit, .... Dep William J. Andes nancial promote drug use may raise "serious by the FCC in action against radio Southfieldsei amed dea questions as to whether continued stations, unconstitutional. WASHINGTON (AP) - The prospect of like There is harassment in terms of April 7,1! usiness At ... . Age and service provisions in the House operation of the station is in the this point any arguments younger draft board members, including nasty telephone calls, hate letters. There bill would push niversity t 20 per cent of the present public interest." The responsiblity for playing the record rests, concerning the FCC's motives must be overlooked in view of the most teenagers, is emerging in Congress at a time when it's increasingly difficult to get are greater work loads. There is a too, of what one does with volunteerism," limit, 19,000 members off the nation's 4,100 boards. The annual turnover rate has been A man agaii Edwards' oard of anyone to serve. said one of Tarr's chief aides, Kenneth To the Editor: fective Jul according to the notice, with pressing issue - that the FCC notice The White House and Selective Service 12 to 15 per cent, a range personnel 1 became a Coffey man for the third time, Edwards I "someone in a responsible position." clearly is unconstitutional in its see it this way: boards will be more experts say Is very good, better than some Though draft boards legally need meet corporations. happened today. 1 received my 1A. culty sinc< It appears that perhaps drugs are implied repression of free speech. representative and responsive, and draft matter of fact, they think I'm such ai once a month, they meet at least once a A certifie< but one area of songs in contention. Any other assertions must be history shows members of whatever stripe week in some areas. A typical member goes Finding members, even teenagers, will they want me to kill. They want to ichigan an most often do conscientious, creditable be a problem. Coffey said, "We've had Nicholas Johnson, lone dissenter in considered mere speculation, but the to a meeting after supper, drags home in medals on my chest. They want to ■esident jobs. trouble getting people near to 30," the them near my heart. I guess the heart is 5-1-1 FCC decision issue the the wee hours and his volunteerism minting to printed word of the notice is The age provision in a draft bill passed present minimum. amounts to 30 or 35 hours a month. He'll symbol of "true grit," ala John Wayne. the Citi notice, commented that dope songs damaging proof of its illegality. by the House recently gets at the question One reason so many older people are on Don't they know the pain of a b« have nothing to show at the end except a State of may only be the first target. A recent issue of the Rolling of old men sending young men off to war. certificate of appreciation. boards — a 1967 survey found one hundred runs both ways. While my mind is climb He is the Stone magazine tended to lean The House bill calls for lowering the 85 - year - olds - Is that they are often to Its greatest heights they want me Still, Coffey said, board membership is a 10 books Pentagon influence maximum age for board members from 75 retired and have time as well as dedication. toward the paranoid in its reaction quiet affair in most of the country, with fight. They want to teach me to lie "The thing I find most ominous is to 65 and the minimum from 30 to 18. But Tan's emphasis on the young has animal — to screw — to eat - to kill# to the notice, perhaps because their waiting lists in some rural areas. that the presentation we received Length of service would be limited to 15 was put together for the president by very existence depends on the years, compared to the present 25-year Such events as the court martial of Lt. - William Calley and the Cambodian invasion lowered the average age to 51. "We've got It down from the killed — and now and then to wash, you tell me I've never had it better! etitic success of rock music. But, in our restriction. At least, in grade school Iwaspui the Pentagon, and the Defense Dept. prompt the rare resignation that can be grandparents to the parents," says Arlo opinion, this particular notice itself With passage of the bill, could an 18 • connected to an event, Coffey says. for fighting and awarded for thi Tatum, 48, a Philadelphia CO group ' briefing on song lyrics, in fact, used a lot of song lyrics that aren't talking does not present a real threat to the year - old consider his own case? "I want to see them as young as we can As for antiwar member sentiment, worker. What happened? Are high ideals only| At future freedom of speech in music: Coffey says this is already reflected on Tan has moved In another direction, for school boys? You say, "the kill about drugs at all - they're antiwar appoint them," said Draft Director Curtis messed up. The army w ill do him goa no responsible court will ever uphold many boards, "which from our point of too, limiting the age for agency staff songs attacking the commercial Taff, 46, "but I do not think a man should view makes no difference if they do their members to 70, which ousted several straighten him out." You are right, da o mm standards of society, the standards of a ruling in favor of such outright be in the position of judging his own case." jobs conscientiously." hundred staff members. straight. There is not much room to In Just what kind of younger person may Petitioninj conspicuous consumption," Johnson censorship. However, what is rather The chief work of board is The staff age limit also amounted to or curve in a coffin. get on the board will be decided by the a classifying retirement for 15 state selective service And the war goes on. Here we go'rm iMSU repi said in an interview with a San frightening is that such an attempt White House and Tarr. He several the young man, and the stickiest part sees directors, and now the average director is the mulberry bush — the monkey da mmittee was made by the sole Francisco radio station. governing, body possibilities, such as sole survivors, 4Fs, concerns conscientious objectors. CO in his 40's. Tarr has suggested governors fill the weasel. Jjects, the for radio and TV as advised by the women and perhaps a applications are running 9,000 a month mmittee young man who is vacancies with younger members. Fair warning has been given, My The FCC notice is unquestionably with one in three being approved. Pentagon, a body that must be 1A, but whose maximum exposure in the Tarr, a former university president and will not be driven, To give up what is ograms. vague, and the commission is eager looked upon dubiously for its open - lottery has passed. The draft board member generally is asst. secretary of the Air Force, not only Because you have all the might. Intereste for a court test. Commissioner minded attitude towards rock music. Regardless of their age, draft board sobered by the thought that if he defers or thinks young but wants to abolish his own Shut up! Ya dumb kid! Never . pick up Robert E. Lee does not consider the members have tough decisions to make and what is right or wrong. Use your educi udent Servi exempts one man he's got to find another job. Dangerous joke service today is no lark. who may end up in Vietnam. Last year to The comm censorship in any form .however, and Would it ever come to paying a draft get a job. Commissioner Johnson, "What used to be an honorable duty, 163,500 men were drafted; 83,000 have board member to serve? John K. Bt presentativc feels it will pass through the courts. one for the pillar of the community, is now remarking on the Pentagon's been called for induction through May of "Well have a volunteer army before Hillsdale ju solved He maintains that the purpose of the influence in the ruling, said that it in some locations one a lot of people don't this year. that," he said. April 6,'" ograms, notice is simply to inform station "raises some questions about what's aduate Stu managers that they "may no longer defend material on the grounds that going on here. If the FCC is going to be used by the administration to POINT OF VIEW he didn't know it was being frighten broadcasters to carry only broadcast or what it meant." stuff favorable to it, then this MSU and the U.S. Saturday, the FCC attempted to country is in more danger than any clarify the notice, stating that it had never banned the playing of songs about drugs over the radio. But then of us has imagined." Perhaps there will be more like this one, and more test cases. notices war machine c< turned it around and refused to rule out the possibility that broadcasters Perhaps the next time, the EDITOR'S NOTE: The following a unconstitutionality of the FCC's scholarship — the willingness to evade of Wesley Fishel, and MSU began who do play such songs might Point of View was submitted by John rather than contend a unique As if this were not enough, it turned 9 directive will not be so with truth. (It was assistance program in Vietnam. It obvious, and was to be later that the MSU group was operatic jeopardize the renewal of their the threat of restricted Masterson, associate professor of amazing that one Asian scholar and a the largest such operation, involving 54 a front for the CIA. Five agents (they I licenses. The programming mathematics and a member of Faculty handful of other faculty came to hear this professors and 200 Vietnamese. A four broadcasters, they much greater. eminent scholar speak). Upon asking my - named in the article in Ramparts, " asserted, have a responsibility not to promote the illegal use of harmful Perhaps, with the constant threat for Peace. We are coming to realize, though we VUiy Brother tiuilll ^ ate on]y ttiiira are scurry around attempting to world and his life is his who is in its for religious discover why Brother John responsibility. 01 Doc should salvation (thinking John is the The MSU New Players will The musical's purpose, returned and 'why he'd visited have left well enough alone But the damage was done, Messiah) Tnd his' cirifriend, present Anthony Newley's Klinsky said, is to demonstrate every exotic foreign port known. Louisa, whoi* in it tote saved English musical _«Stopthe World the vicious circle of status Thev"f»nticaify search for a and John grew up. dropped out ^^nin^'erhood " "™ 1 *ant to Get Off" Wednesday seeking as the lead character hidden meaning as the audience of high school and departed v through Saturday in the Union goes through a series of extra - anticipated a concrete clue to from his bigoted hometown. But Finally, Brother John blows Ballroom. marital affairs and becomes a Brother John's wanderings. J°hn wasn't satisfied with his it. He mentions he is leaving on The "new - style" musical, member of Parliament, only to Brother John finally tells f'rst exit. He had this habit of the next bus, and presto, he is in directed by Gary Klinsky, has a realize his lack of fulfillment and them straightforwardly that he "just passing through" on the jail. The sheriff and friends simple setting with few props to desperation at the end when he simply liked to see the exactday world the day his mother died and enjoy the riddle and aren't about convey its theme of "a circus of sings "What Kind of Fool Am and moved when the wind blew ^'s father's ^av of his father's death, to have the main piece with the life" and uses mime to create death. tr» haw the main niwp with the lifp" anrl lisps mimn tn pruito I.' r" What a letdown. too. black edges run off. illusions with the 12 - man cast. Besides "What Kind of Fool Perhaps the blame goes to Dr. Townspeople become curious Brother John then talks with Klinsky said the simple plot Am I," the musical score Thomas and that is his follows the life of the lead contains "Once in a Lifetime," and Date second mistake (or third if you character, Littlechap, played by 'Gonna Build A Mountain" and J 'SINGLE Hundreds of by COMPUTER eligible* wont to meet you in the oreo's largest J count appearing in the movie). Ted Hollis, a graduate student. He mentions that Charlie Gray is through his birth, death and 17 other presentations. The costuming is simple to dead before anyone discovers.it. reincarnation. I group of tested, computer-matched, single odults. No obli- I conform with the theme and I gotion for information ond questionnaire. | setting, and consists exclusively , \ DATA-MATE of LANSING , of tie • dyed leotards for the 10 women and clown pants for the two male characters. The circus atmosphere is continued in the clown make-up, worn by the entire cast. A LANSING HUSBAND AND WIFE hairdressing team who co - contributes mass to .he mounting of misinformation being ^TtTtep^ided'by pjece orchestra under the .'ll Start the authored a book about passed onto the public, they direction of Michael T. Griffith, The hit musical "Stop the World, I Want to Get Off" will be presented by the MSU New Players reconditioning human hair, have said. * * * E. Cleveland, Ohio, senior, filed a tormal complaint with THE STATE Wednesday through Saturday in the Union Ballroom. State News photo by Sue Steeves LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION LIFELESS ADVENTURE Joyce and Rotert Bowles, 224 sr,«ifes2 months of 1971 * E Hillsdale St., claim the television ads erroneously state the shampoo will restore split That figure exceeds $29,401 fine figure levied the against bars and retail outlets for a comparable period in 1970. Pollifax bombs plot eccentric mother of two who, before she returns home safe and By ROBERT KIPPER widowed and free from sound. State News Reviewer household duties (her children The going is rough on Mrs. But too often Mi>-. Hi have grown up and moved away) Pollifax but rougher on the settles back into a pedes) The pleasure of having decides to become a spy for the audience. What might have been Rosalind « ii Russell i back i. on the an amusjng uttie adventure of an matronly state, mori' lackluflj is enough to get you than the nun's habit she wo screen 0 Sent . . to .. . Mexico City ingenius dame turns out to be an those "Troub! Wit I through the first 20 minutes uf on a uninteresting trek of a not so '-j films. She receives no assist "Mrs. Pollifax - Spy." ht[}e efrand she winds up a resourceful woman who would from Darren McGavin, Unfortunately, you still have an captive in an Albanian prison. j,e better off with her children hour and a half of film to She must charm a prisonful of or at the ladies' luncheons back plays a fellow agent and cellnutl guards, mother a fellow agent home. with about as much ( Pa,,h- energy as a block n"n1 Mr. Pollifax never emerges, as escape pia.i, scale a spirited character. The blame mountains, hide in a sheep herd can be shared bewteen C. A slightly and shoot rapids in a rowboat McKnight for writing such a bland character and Miss Russell for surrendering Film bland ness. At times Miss Russell's improvisational spark shows as she prances about the prison, to fea stuffing her enormous handbag with anything that might aid her escape or knock out a as she prepares to prison guard with a 'Kon-Tiki' A film festival organized H the Dept. of RomancJ SENIOR Languages will on Wednesday. feature twofilnff J "Forgotten Village," product! NIGHT in 1944, is the story I superstition and niodetl medicine in a small MexiiJ means.. village. Credited by the Nef York Herald Tribune] belonging "with the finest flW of the screen," it will be sbo«J at 7:30 p.m. in 106B WellsHa "Kon - Tiki," produced 1947, is a documentary of Tf Heyerdahl's historic voyage WJ Peru to Polynesia to prove tn" the Polynesian islands *'e populated by men who fled"! Inca conquest. It will be5" at 8:30 p.m. in 106B WellsH» Admission is $1 per show "Must be regarded asH among the best in thewotWl ... a gem of a cornpWJlij -Clive Batr FIRST AMERICAN TOUR I FOLLOWING NEW YORK:A*»f LONDON TRIUMPHS SHERMAN PITLUCK presents THE CELEBRATE" netherlands dance theatre Fabulous company of 401 Series B - Tonight Auditorium - 8:15 P1"' Students $100 with full - time validated Lecture— Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. April 20. 1971 7 |Justin Morrill College compiles itatus report on 1969 graduates By bill holstein State News Staff Writer ZSSSXSr* as many students. "The students here m0"latCd Kl."°f,e°ln8 toral,e * kill " h , i/i" ne said. '"-disciplines "* ,uch as as l»n8U,8 JMC r^Mo"L arer attending graduates , " j. the^JMC graduate effect JMC u.cu ««pioyeu played inin a student a biuueni corporations ana corporations and 12 iZ per cent in Charles Niles, asst. dean of realize that when they that when .. they graduate school. The Thp students stnHpntc am umririna choosing his career or not being the armed forces, Peace Corps are working »„ «_j able to find one, Niles said, ■ HC compiled a report showing ... . ,hat 177 of the college's 253 Lduates are currently doing IN NATIONAL DIRECTORY L what they hoped to do n school. example, Karla Meyer, |%9 graduate, is employed in le Intelligence Dept. of the Inion Corp. in South Africa. Bark v uvvr Mowry, another 1969 ,te) is a foreign relations with the U.S. Dept. of Ecology By BEA FRIEDEBERG Hornback went to Washington to help collect questionnaires Cite, arranging U.S. delegations State News Staff Writer and then proceeded to digest the data into a workable directory format by putting the information i world conferences. After nearly a year's on data processing cards. ■Niles said JMC graduates aren't work, a national directory of Originally, funds were supplied by the Corporation for Public environmental organizations will be released this taking a "k'11" in the Job The directory was month. Broadcasting, but funds were also granted by MSU for the coding larket but added that they of compiled by Denton E. Morrison, professor sociology, and Kenneth E. Hornback, Rock Island, III., and analytical work. Hornback said research is being done this term as to how the graduate student, in affiliation with a tactics for solving environmental problems differ between called Environmental Washington, D.C., group states. Resources, Inc. He said this work will have to come to a halt Japanese report The directory lists almost coded information on their 3,000 organizations, along with membership, activities and scope of because of a lack of funds. States that responded in the sometime in June interests. largest numbers to the questionnaires were New York and California, with the fewest lensus statistics "The purpose of the communication between the large number of . directory is to facilitate cooperation and answers coming from many of the Southern states, Hornback environmental groups across the country," Morrison said. In Michigan, about 200 were returned at I TOKYO, (AP) - The Ministry Beginning in June, 41,000 questionnaires first, but then a mailed shorter questionnaire was sent which |f Justice reported that 707,640 various members of environmental were to brought the total number of groups. respondents to 721. lersons from 100 foreign The questionnaires sought information on the respondent's Hornback noted that recently a switch of tactics has occurred lountries, including 19,045 individual action, his educational experiences, the organization in many groups. Whereas last year is, are living in Japan, with which he many organizations consisted was affiliated, other Bhich organizations he was familiar of ecologist activists who advocated a radical has a total population of with and some change and biographical data. reconstruction of America to eliminate the |)out 100 million. problem, "a Only 12,000, or about 23 per cent, were returned. de-emphasis of progress," many groups now are reverting to a more direct political action power - oriented focus, he said. "It's our feeling that the nature of environmental movement is in a transition. Commercial enterprise is coming out with >r. Kuiper elected fellow attempts to explain "crisis" situations and finding this helpful to business rather than injurious," Hornback said. Hornback said it is too early to diagnose the success of the groups. He pleads an "intellectual cop-out," saying that too few resources and information are available to come up with a >f College of Physicians solution. "Until such time as we spend as much social problems of our environment as we do money examining the l)r Donald H. Kuiper, asst. marketing some of Other members of the College of our flavored brands of toothpaste, we can't expect to make any lofessor of medicine, has been of Human Medicine faculty who Psychiatry; Dr. Leu G. Suhrland, professor of medicine; headway regarding social research," he said. Beted a fellow of the American are ACP fellows are Dr. Scott N. Dr. David S. p- of Physicians (ACP). Swisher Jr., chairman of the Greenbaum,' ? honor is open only to Dept. of Medicine; Dr. Allen J. associate professor of i"«Hicine! and Dr. Tom M. icians who have been Enelow. chairman of the Dept. Johnson, asst. ftified by a national examining profes^pr df medicine, ■ |ard as specialists in internal cine and who have been LOOK TO US ignized for scholarly |earch. FOR QUALITY iper, a specialist in •complete selection of i Serology (study of the ill and frames intestines), joined I faculty in January, 1970, •Sunglasses and wire - rims having served on the fcilty of the University of •prescription lenses ground Jhigan Medical School. •repairs while you wait finally from Grand Rapids, Jiipcr received a B.S. degree at QcUqji O^Aicicuvi College in June, 1960, an M.D. ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. degree at Loyola Idical School in-1964. Watch the birdie... Especially if you're student teaching Fall F\ Term 7/. As a service to you we're Senior picture ear taking your WolSerine wont be on e kiweek -tfiis l,ylI So if you campus fall of 1971 then call us now at 353-5292. iVe take them for free I Appointments attha Union,Rm.^ 9-'** ^ Mnn-Thiir'| ESTATE CHEVROLET 1965 Impala. Good # RECREATION condition, air, many extras. PLYMOUTH FURY III 1969. Dark 4-20 S5-4-22 NORTH POINTE : 1 and~2 bedr^l 489-2093. $550. 5-4-26 green, four door sedan. Air apartments, furnisf ♦SERVICE ZIP CODE distribution firm needs MARRIED STUDENTS unfurnished. Has conditioning. 677-2751 or swimming | Typing Service CHEVY VAN 1963. Good condition. 676-5936. 5-4-21 supervisors to spend Summer in & FACULTY and picnic area. Discount for all major Michigan cities. Training and 12 month leases • TRANSPORTATION Engine just overhauled. $400. here this term. Requirements / 21, signed»»■ PONTIAC 1 964. to June 1st. Call * WANTED 351-6838, after 5 p.m. 3-4-22 LeMans. Contact Placement Bureau for NO SECURITY 351-3407 .1 Convertible. Excellent condition. car HALSTEAD management! DEADLINE CHEVY 1960. Good condition. Must $650. Phone 675-7414. 5-4-26 *.7HJS TAFT mil SEL-f-DBSIZUCJ further information. 4-4-23 DEPOSIT REQUIRED 351-7910. O NT > 1 P.M. one class day sacrifice. Portland, 647-2441. PONTIAC LEMANS 1U FW£ ZecoHD£..." VOLUNTEER WSI'S needed, KNOB HILL EVERGREEN:' 3-4-22 1970. 350. ALL 4 „„„ before publication. Automatic. Perfect condition. Michigan School for the Blind. bedroom apartments APARTMENTS furnish I Cancellations - 12 noon COMET, 1962. Excellent 351-5328, after 4 p.m. 3-4-22 Contact Nels Bullock, 373-3730, ext. 63 after 1 p.m. 1-4-20 349-4700 Now renting for summer and In'I one class day before transportation, many new parts. PONTIAC TEMPEST, 1966, with a Discount for 9 and 12 leases signed before June montJ $185. 351-8737 after 5 p.m. Open: 11:00-7:00 Mon.-Sat. l(t. cnl publication. 1970 high performance engine. 400 POSITION OPEN for full time day 332-1313, H a LSTEAdi 5-4-26 cubes, stereo tape deck (fast). Make Scooters & Cycles Auto Service & Parts waitress. Prefer young, attractive 2:00-5:00 Sunday or MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. PHONE me an offer. 372-8077.10-4-28 with 0 CORVAIR VAN, 1960 - with 1962 CYCLE MASON BODY SHOP 812 East woman some experience. Also shown by appointment INSURANCE. Central 355-8255 , engine. Runs good. Phone Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. Inquire at KNIGHT CAP, 320 ONE MAN needed to sublet RAMBLER 1958. Good condition. 2 Michigan's largest insurer. Any . . . East Michigan Avenue, 489-7433. On Okemos Rd. Across a, 349-2274 after 5 p.m. 5-4-26 RATES new tires. $65. 351-1766. cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON Complete auto painting and bedroom and bathrooij 3-4-21 from Okemos High School 1 day $1.50 INSURANCE AGENCY. collision service. IV 5-0256. C ^-4-20 $67/month. 332-1788. 3-4-21 CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE, 1964. 332-5335, 484-8173. O 15c per word per day SIMCA. 1967. 4 door. Economical. VW CAMP STAFF needed male, female Excellent condition. 4-speed, wire ACCESSORIES and speed SUMMER TERM. Sublet 2 3 days 355-7763 after 6 p.m. 4-4-23 counselors, assistant cook, 19 GIRL FOR 2-man, Summer. Close t bedrocx $4.00 wheels, no rust. $500. 332-2139. NORTON 750. Mint. 1970 equipment. Phone 487-3512. efficiency apartment. One bloc.- years old and up. Also need campus. Air conditioning. 13Vac per word per day 5-4-26 3-4-22 STEP VAN 1964 Chevrolet. Cheap. Commando Roadster. 4000 miles waterfront director, horse 351-2207. 5-4-23 from campus. $135. 351 7nil 5 days $6.50 217 Burcham 12 - 7 p.m. 3-4-22 372-1660. 10-4-23 wrangler, 21 years old, up. Call 3-4-21 " CAR WASH, 25c, or automatic wash, 13c per word per day 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. Rex Miller, YMCA, 489-6501. SUBLEASE APARTMENT for (based on 10 words per TOYOTA CORONA 1969. Excellent 5-4-23 months. Two or three ad) $175. 351-2264, Milla. 5-4-26 430 South Clippert, back of Koko summer CEDAR GREENS condition. Brand new tires and Bar. 0-4-20 man. Very cheap. Call 332-6783 Peanuts Personals radio. $1450. Call NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 5 people 1 bedroom furnished must be ENGLISH FORD Cortina GT 1968. 332-2952 1969 SUZUKI X6 Scrambler 250cc. University Villa. 3-4-22 2-4-20 not afraid of a challenge and hard POOL pre-paid. 4 new tires. Stereo tape. 30 miles / Excellent condition. 4200 miles. AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and American cars. If we can't fix it, it work. Call 393-8081. 2-4-20 SUMMER SUBLET Two There will be gallon. Excellent condition. $450 or best offer. Must sell. - men Call 351-8631 a 50c service TRIUMPH 1970 GT+6. $2750. 5,000 wanted, Beechwood Apartments. 355-1530. S-4-20 can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O and bookkeeping charge if _^S r-3637^ 2-4-21 miles. Excellent condition. Signal LIVE AND travel with Chicago Cheap, close. 351-0659>3-4-22 this ad is not paid within FIAT 1970. 850 Spider. New radials. red. Call 355-6844. 5-4-26 HONDA VW - GUARANTEED repair. family as mother's helper for 3 OWN 1969, SS125. Superb BEDROOM. N $1650 or take over payments. Call RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at small children. You must have ONE GIRL to share furnished. Pool. one week. condition. Must see to believel deposit. Across from campus.$5) 371-1098 after 5 p.m. 3-4-22 VOLKSWAGEN 1965 black. Radio, Okemos Road. 349-9620. C experience with kids, be patient, Cathy after 5 p.m., 351-2069. $300 firm. Call 349-1314 or per month. 351-6856. 5-4-23 The $tate News will be trailer hitch. Very good condition. tireless, flexible and fun. Room 1-4-20 355-7055. S-5-4-20 and board and salary. Call Paula, responsible only for the FORD 1965, Fairlane 500. 6 $500. 355-8124. 2-4-20 Aviation MEADOWBROOK 337-9644 or Becky 351-2765. TRACE, 4 n* first cylinder, stick shift, good body, GIRL IMMEDIATELY. Haslett day's incorrect 1970 BSA 250. Only 700 miles. 3-4-21 furnished, summer, S190 imJ tires. Needs some mechanical VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER Bus, LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight Arms. $35/month. Ask for John insertion. Excellent. Helmets. Must sell. $50 deposit. 393-3094. 5-4-23 | work. $225. 332-4184. 5-4-23 1968. Pop tap, sink, icebox, radio, training. All courses are 337-0490. 2-4-21 $675. 353-6839. 4-4-23 Jalousie LIZARD'S: FULL time broiler cook. windows, sleeps 4. government and VA certified. FOURTH GTO 1964 389 4 speed. New tires, Excellent condition. $2100. Call FRANCIS Apply in person. 224 Abbott NEEDED ONE male roommate May GIRL wanted SumntJ HONDA 305. 2700 miles. Excellent AVIATION, Airport $45, Cedar Village. F chrome reverse, tach, gauges. 351-5607. 5-4-23 Road, Call 484-1324. C Road, 3 - 5 p.m. Must have 10 - October 1. $10/week. Call condition. $450. Call Mark, Sharp! 351-4765. 2-4-21 experience and references. 3-4-21 393-1490 after 6:30 p.m. for Debjjie. 3"4"21 351-6067. 3-4-22 Automotive VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1966, FREE SKYDIVING movie 7:30 further information. 4-4-23 UNIVERSITY VILLA: now re MUSTANG 1967, Sprint. Yellow, 6 pop-up top, ice box, bed. 600 1968 ROYAL Enfield Intercepter. p.m., Wednesday, 21 April, Room MOTHER'S HELPER. Summer 2 and 3 and 4 man furn SUPPORT YOUR"teusiness with a cylinders, 3 speed. Excellent miles on rebuilt engine. Good 750 cc. Purchased 102B Wells. 2-4-21 cottage, Petoskey area. July, 711 EAST APTS. apartments for summer and Mi abroad, boost from Want Ads. Advertise condition. 332-0472 or 332-1628. condition. Phone 669-3689. beautiful machine, world's finest, August. Call 351-4555 after 6 711 Burcham looking for low rates, this istM services there. Dial 355-8255. 3-4-22 3-4-22 $1000. 351-3567. 3-4-20 p.m. 5-4-23 Employment Deluxe large 1 bedroom building. HALSTEAD Call 337-2361 ( MANAGEMENT,] VOLKSWAGEN 1964. New brakes, furnished apartments. 1968 HONDA 350 Scrambler. BABYSITTER for two year old boy. 381-7910. O $400. Call 482-9761 after 6 p.m. NOTICE Suitable for 2 & 3 man. Excellent condition. 8000 miles, My home (Center Street). Now leasing for Summer UNIVERSITY TERRACE 328 North Hayford. XB-4-21 helmet and extras. 332-2201. Tuesday, Thursday, 1:30 - 3:30 SUMMER JOBS available in Torch renting 3 and 4 man furn and Fall. 9 & 12 month 5-4-23 p.m. Call after 4 p.m. 351-9225. Lake Resort area for 2 sharp apartments for summer and fall VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Rebuilt leases. 2-4-21 engine, no rust. California body. attractive gals. Reception and 337-7328 337-0780 Walking distance to campus. Cfl $600. 487-5798. 5-4-26 1968 TRIUMPH Daytona 500. general office work. Housing 351-9117 or HALSTEAlT AMBITIOUS, 351-4878 Custom paint and high bars. Good condition. 355-9002. 3-4-21 needed to OUTGOING sell latest women's gals available. Send picture and resume MANAGEMENT, 351-7910.0 f to Mr. Rankin, MIDWEST fashions. Full TWO BEDROOMS, unfurnished. BAY COLONY I and 2 b or part time. Ask RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, for Near MSU, Okemos area. Heat furnished 1970 HONDA S90. Female owned Cindy. GREEN'S, East Ml 49615. 20-4-30 apartments i and driven equals excellent Lansing store. 4-4-23 furnished, modern air unfurnished. Located 0 VW 1970. Sunroof, 4 speed, radial condition. Phone 393-7984 after conditioned, carpeted. $160 per Haslett Road and Hagad(n| tires, radio. Heater exhaust WANTED COUNTRY air talent TEN GIRLS wanted 8:30 month. 349-1586. O system. $1850. 349-2638. 3-4-22 9:30 p.m. 5-4-23 - 2 p.m. combo first ticket. Part timer Offering 3, 9 and 12 month lea 1971 KAWASAKI 250 Enduro. 550 Wednesday April 21 for inventory. 22-35 hours a week. Must have LANSING OR East Lansing. One Call 351-3211 or HALSTEAjJ May's of Michigan. Lansing Mall adult voice. Some experience, no MANAGEMENT. 351-7910.0 J bedroom furnished. Large, airy Scooters & Cycles miles. Excellent condition. 489-7521. 1-4-20 beginners. Good breadll Air Helmets included. $800. $950 rooms. conditioned. value. 351;2356. S-5-4-20 Telephone for interview, Beautifully maintained. Suitable 1968 BSA Lightening. Excellent, sell NURSE - ANESTHETIST 393-1010 after 10 a.m. David for faculty, grad students, business CAMPUS VIEW or trade for Ski Boat. Phone CRNA or eligible — for obstetrics. Full time or part time. Rotate day Donahue, program manager. people, married couples. Lease. APARTMENTS 339-2535 before 8:30 p.m. 3-4-21 WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER and evening shift. Excellent salary _7-4-22_ 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. Across the street froml plus on call bonuses. Full benefits. LINE UP a spring job now. Car Phone 489-4811. Our new address Apply Personnel Department, St. necessary. Also train for full time CEDAR VILLAGE: sublet 2 man Williams Hall on Michiganl 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF Lawrence Hospital. 5-4-20 summer work. Call 351-7319 for apartment for summer. Call Ave. University approvedl 351-4516. 3-4-22 i appointment. C Supervised apartments fori women students. Leasing! PART TIME employment: 12 - 20 CAPITOL COMPLEX in Lansing. 3 this week for summer and J WEEK dtopcfcmgfjam hours per required, 351-5800. O week. HRI STUDENT to cook part time at Automobile room furnished, $130. Also 2 room efficiency, $105. Includes utilities. Girls or married couples, no children or pets. Call 489-1276. fall. Call evenings. 332-6246 night. Apply in has person, 5-4-21 it .. . HOSPITALITY MOTOR INN, summer I-496 at Jolly Road exit. 5-4-21 heated p EXPANDING MANAGEMENT sales is CROSSWORD PUZZLE concern looking for personnel. Will train. 351-5547 for appointment. 4-4-20 26. Independent leases... only and all Ireland ACROSS DRUMMER NEEDED for rock group. 27. Reasonable Call slightly insane. 349-4239; 28. Aussies 337-9495.4-4-20 30. Creases 32. Man's FOR SALESPOWER try a little nickname Classified Ad to sell a large mobile '400° 33. Melody home I Dial 355-8255 today. 12. Baby powder 34. Frank TOTAL RECEPTIONIST WANTED FOR East Lansing doctor's office. Must have office experience. *AIR CONDITIONED Call 351-4440. 5-4-26 'DISHWASHERS "UNLIMITED PARKING WE NEED five girls who want to earn *SHAG CARPETING money without leaving their room. Call Mr. Hawk, 351-4801 9 4620 S. Hagadorn (also now accepting fall leases) 3-4-22 just north of Mt. Hope Rd. * * * PLUS * * * NEW FURNITURE FRESHLY PAINTED NEW CARPETING ► NEW FURNISHINGS TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury Colling; tajoot) apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central-control air conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. Recreation is planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If Apartments rthvind Apts.) you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom units start at $60/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. Call 351 B'"*? 2771 Northwind MODUi. behind the Yankee Store MANA GEMENT EXCL US1VEL Y B Y: Alco Management Company Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. April 20, 197] ]] For Rent For Rent For Sale For Sale mn\N I I EASING: 2 and 3 man Lrtments. Close to campus. OKEMOS AREA. 2 bedroom partially furnished. $125 per home HARMON - KARDON stereo. BOARD EXAMS P™L__ AAUP OKs statement month. Call 349-0330 9 Slightly used component system - Kaplan tutoring a.m. til 5 classes p.m., weekdays. 5-4-22 with matched speakers, original now being formed for June 1 489 1Gb6, evenings. 20-5-3 cost $449, now $295. and July. ATGSB Exams and July (Continued from page 1) also contains the NEW TWO bedroom. Realistic stereo amp and extension Used PIONEER RECEIVER model LSAT Exam. For information call and under these circumstances the recommendations: following §w0 GIRLS, Fall. Carpeted. Furnished. SX770. Cost $250 new. Very (313) 851-6077, collect. 184-30 decision Central air conditioning. Available speakers. Selection - making body may become reluctant to • "The I rnished walking distance. for of used clean. Like new condition with faculty member sliould be summer and/or portable stereo reach adverse I J62 50 each. 332-5320 after 6 fall. Phone phonographs. Bell carton, $140. 393 3228. 3-4-20 MCAT EXAM decisions which may advised, early in his appointment, of the 332-3202. 5-4-23 and Howell six day kaplan n. 3-4-22 stereo cassette culminate in grievance procedures." substantive and recorder. Used tutoring course being assembled procedural standards Westinghouse GIBSON ELECTRIC ES330. for May 1st exam. 851-6077. And this, according to the committee, generally employed in decisions tpCHWOOD: 2. 3 and 4 man 2 SUMMER: 4 girls, near campus portable TV, plays good $45. New Excellent condition, hardshell raises the risk "that the renewal and tenure. affecting 9x12 Oriental pattern rugs and 16-4-23 important parking, laundry. 2 baths' ¥ bedroom furnished apartments. wall case. $250. 337-0490. 3-4-21 distinction between tenure and probation I Summer and Tall. Spacious. for 351-2605. 6-4 23 tapestries. 1500 used and guaranteed stereo FREE ... A lesson in complexion will be eroded." • "There should be provision for I narking, close. Discount for all 9 track records and 8 GRETSCH TENNESSEAN Electric care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan Against these "important institutional periodic review of the faculty member's 1 and 12 month leases signed prior GIRLS NEEDED. Immediate stereo tapes. Hermes Guitar. Very good shape. Best or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. situation during the probationary service. I 0 1st. Call 351-0965 or occupancy. $50 per month. portable typewriter, excellent offer. 355-9503. 5-4-20 MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS concerns," the committee weighed the • "The Ihalstead MANAGEMENT. Utilities included; furnished. Free condition, $39. Selection of 35mm SLR STUDIOS. C-4-22 "interests of the individual faculty advised of faculty member should be I 351 791 ° 0 bread and milk. Ideal location Polaroids and cameras used. HAMMOND ORGAN - one year old, member." the time when decisions 337-1611.3-4-20 Bosch movie cameras. double keyboard, Leslie speaker. WATERBEDS. Life guarantee. All The report contends that a nontenured affecting renewal and tenure are ordinarily and Lombe LrGE TWO party efficiency. Air microscopes. Used used Features many instruments. Like sizes. $39.95, Butt-seam. $28.95, faculty member may have difficulty in an made, and he should be given the LOVELY 8 track and ^conditioned, close to campus. THREE bedroom large new, $200 down, take over Round Jumbo, $45. Call appeal process if no reasons are provided. opportunity to submit material which he Mc°35 summer. $150 fall. Call duplex. 1'/, baths, garage, cassette auto tape players, all payments. 393-3796. 5-4-21 351-7466. 4-4-23 "If he wishes to believes will be helpful to an adequate I 484 058b. 484-1328. 10-5-3 basement, 15 minutes to campus. tested and guaranteed. used Bargains on reconsideration of the decision, or a review request a consideration of his circumstances. ^ $205. Couple. After 5:30 lovely diamond ring SOFA, $9.95, chair, $2.49; chest, COLORING, STYLING, razor cuts ■RLS FOR summer term. 4 blocks 393-1247. 3-4-22 pm engagement sets, $39 up. $11.95; TV, and outlines. UNION by another body, his ignorance of the • The faculty member "should have the $12.95. ABC BUILDING campus. Call between 8 - 1 Layaways.,Bankcard, Mastercharge. SECONDHAND BARBER SHOP. C-4-20 reasons for the decision will create opportunity to request a reconsideration WILCOX STORE, 1208 , 332-0143. 3-4-22 SECONDHAND difficulties, both in reaching a decision by the decision making body." Rooms STORE, 509 E. Michigan, whether to initiate such a request and in The Committee A - Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours Peanuts Personal report also contains tj NEEDED. May or sooner, MEN. ROOM. $130 a term. daily 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. C LESLIE, MUST sell, perfect. Make offer. Call presenting his case for reconsideration or guidelines for the review of appeal fLuxury ALSO AVAILABLE ON C.RT tl-TRAC K STFREO TAPES AND CASSFTTES