mm ■■mi "•••*> mm Wednesday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Volume 63 Number 163 STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 21, 1971 Council passes 4 proposals written for report, bylaws By DAVE PERSON professor in James Madison College, said. distinctively professional rights or duties of invite the trustees to interfere in internal State News Staff Writer "We (the council) went on record as being the faculty," final judgment would rest affairs of the University. against quota mongering in general." with the trustees. A proposal originally stating that nothing The Academic Council Daniel F. Cowan, asst. professor of The proposal was soundly defeated. Tuesday passed in the faculty bylaws would prevent the four of six proposals which had been pathology, opposed the proposal, saying Frederick Williams, professor of history, recommended by the MSU Board of that it was "patronizing" and said the passage of such a proposal would (Please turn to page 15) Trustees for incorporation into the "pessimistic." He suggested that if students Taylor Report on Student Participation in regard this matter of great importance, Academic Government and the faculty they could put it into action without AT ABORTION HEARINGS bylaws. having rules. The council considered the The proposal was supported by Willard proposals, which had been composed for Warrington, professor and director of evaluation services. He said that although it incorporation into the two documents by the University Student Affairs Committee (USAC), as requested by the board. Recommendation 1, which states that was a recommendation that the council had opposed previously, he has reservations as to whether it had been well thought out. House official Another recommendation concerning necessary support for academic Academic Milton Powell, acting chairman of the University Student Affairs government on the University level rests with the provost and the vice president for student affairs, passed by a wide margin. nonwhite nominations to the at-large seats passed the council in the following form. "The slate prepared by the Student absence of ■committee, proposed amendments to the Revised Recommendations Another proposal which would insure at Committee on Nominations shall name at least two candidates for each position to be By JEFF SHELER think anyone else does either," he said. least five of the 10 ■Concerning Student Participation in Academic Governance before a at-large seats on the filled. The committee is free to set its own State News Staff Writer "No one can say at this point whether the ■ special meeting of the Academic Council Tuesday. In the foreground council be reserved for women, passed committee will vote the bill to the floor or by a rules. David S. Holmes, D-Detroit and House narrow margin after considerable debate. whether they'll hand on to it." ■are Gordon E. Guyer, University Steering Committee chairman, and "This is not something that escaped our "It is, however, expressly instructed to Social Services and Corrections Committee However, last week state Rep. Harry (President Wharton. State News photo by Terry Luke attentions," Chitra M. Smith, associate insure that candidates for at-large seats Chairman, said Tuesday blacks and Gast, R-St. Joseph, a member of Holmes' designated for nonwhite students be indigent mothers have been committee, said he thought the committee nominated by appropriate nonwhite "conspiculously absent" from hearings his would vote the bill to the House floor for student groups in a manner conducive to committee is sponsoring on a Senate - the final decision because of the !ourt approves b using, fair representation among such groups. "In addition, the committee is to entertain nominating petitions from student groups and individuals and is to passed bill Michigan. to legalize abortions in "I don't know why," Holmes said "We've set it up so that no citizen would controversially of the proposal. Holmes said he hasn't spoken out for or (Please turn to page 15) be more than 100 miles away from provide in the ballot for the possibility of a hearing, and our time schedule should acial balance in schools write-ins." USAC had allow anyone to make it to at least one originally written this proposal to state that there should be "at least 22 candidates for the 10 positions to session." The series of statewide hearings will Panel formed be filled." precede a committee vote to either kill the This wording was questioned by Mrs. bill or to send it to the House floor for ■ASH1NGTON (AP) — In a sweeping a unitary school system." Broadly, the small school children is undesireable. Smith because since at least five must be consideration. segregated schools, the Supreme Tuesday ruling ran counter to announced to investigate )h at There was no specific and immediate Nixon administration positions in White House reaction to the court's won*n .nd at least six must be nonwhite, The bill would allow Michigan residents approved unanimously Tuesday live busing and limited racial balancing of at least 90 days to have an abortion for opposition to massive busing and in decision except word from press secretary through the process of elimination it was ■oper ways of assuring black children support of the neighborhood school Ronald L. Ziegler that the ruling will be possible for the individual with the least any reason during the first three months of amount of votes to be elected to an at-large pregnancy. After that time an abortion ■tegrated education. leaking through Chief Justice Warren concept. Dismissing arguments against busing, the considered fully after there is time to read it. Then, he said, it will be decided whether seat. Charles C. Killingsworth, professor of could be obtained with a physician's approval if the mother's health was at stake AUTC acts Burger, the court said school officials ™ court said transportation has been an any new policy statement would be issued. or if the child use all available tools, including integral and normal part of the public Response elsewhere to the decision was labor and industrial relations, agreed and appeared to be "deficient." President Wharton is expected to ■wandered districts and sometimes education system for years, with 18 million offered instead the wording which was Holmes was critical of the way Senate widely divergent. announce today the formation of a student 1 free transportation, "to correct, by a or 39 per cent of the nation's public school subsequently approved. hearings on a similar abortion bill were - trustee • faculty - administrator "It's all asked The last three proposals to conducted last year. ncing of the individual and collective we for," said Julius L. were committee to investigate policies and tests, of the condition that offends the (See related story, back page) Chambers, young black lawyer for the incorporate wording into the Taylor "They were aimed at a certain type of procedures of the All - University Traffic ■titution." NAACP Legal Defense and Education Report and faculty bylaws, statements of people so that a certain type of response Committee children transported by bus in 1969 would be received," he said. "Our hearings (AUTC). I the school boards do not act, ■ Fund, who has been the principal trustee preprogatives in certain matters and An Burger 1970. are designed to allow a good cross of investigation was requested nearly I federal judges should exercise their combatant for the blacks in North were met with severe disapproval by some two weeks ago by ASMSU Chairman lets to fashion "Desegregation plans cannot be limited Catolina. of the faculty members. citizens to give its opinion on abortion." Harold Buckner. a remedy that will assure to the walk in school," Burger said in a Holmes said he has learned "many new - One proposal stated that in a dispute Wharton has spend the last week ruling that approved an extensive bus plan concerning whether or not an act points" from the hearings so far but the use of racial ratios as a guideline in A "sad day for America," said William contacting various people connected with H. "diminishes, suspends or compromises the declined to say what effect the testimony the committee. Booe, |rop-and-add Charlotte an attorney elected to the school • Mecklenburg County, North board has had on the chance of success for the Buckner, joined by Diane Rathnow, Carolina. on a strongly antibusing slate. He bill. predicted it would hasten the flight from residence hall representative to AUTC, Similarly, he said, federal judges erred However, based on what he called his public schools to private ones. originally charged that most of the when they did not order school officials in Mobile County, Alabama, to consider using But Dr. Charles McDaniel, the Clare Petitioning ends "personal observations during committee committee was "blind to the many executive sessions," Holmes said the nine )ulup County, Ga., superintendent of education problems that exist or for some reason (the - buses and to adopt new attendance zones Petitioning for the 1972 Senior Class causes to bring black children from the said "I am extremely happy ... so that all Council closes Friday. Candidates may man committee appeared to be split — three in favor of the bill, three against and committee members) wish things to of us in education will know what is continue as they are." predominantly black eastern sector of the expected of us." return forms to 307 Student Services three "swinging." The AUTC was established by the board metropolitan area to schools in the mostly Bldg. "I don't have a crystal ball, and I don't of trustees in July, 1963. ping errors white western Undercutting zone. the school concept, and by striking at neighborhood Ex-GIs march to the -- a failure in the Nixon administration which endorsed processing ot a it, per of drop and add cards, some Burger said neighborhood school zoning is Pents may be unconstitutional if it does not accomplish n the receiving incorrect billings trar s University, a spokesman for the desegreation. office said "All things being equal, with no history Tuesday. WASHINGTON (AP) - Nearly 1,000 ,e °^'ce does not know how the error of discrimination, it might well be y its fatigue - clad Vietnam veterans quality control checks but desirable to assign pupils to schools demonstrated inside and outside the halls a ed the number of students invoved nearest their homes," he said. e of Congress Tuesday in opposition to the mistake to be about 240. "But all things are not equal in the war in Southeast Asia. employe of the registrar's system that has been deliberately After staging a guerrilla theater in which i M'd 'i'1, number was about 3,000. constructed and maintained to enforce they simulated search - and - destroy Mifl fi-,loract> C- King scheduled a racial segregation. tactics near the Old Senate Office Building ■ter ° SLaff lHday to invest'gate the "The remedy for such segregation and on the Capitol steps, the group chanted maybe administratively awkward, for 10 minutes: "Bring our brothers home, BtLl!!!1?111 ■' pokesman sub,nitted a drop and an inconvenient and even bizarre in some now." said, and only the add situations and may impose burdens on They charged with clenched fists or ltn! l^'d' he maV receive an some; but all awkwardness and plastic toy rifles held high over their heads. ■ iff. b'll,nB- However, King advised inconvenience cannot be avoided in the Some tourists stopped and watched. Irreri .nt receives » bill he thinks is interim period when remedial adjustments Others continued on their way, and this Jection'6 wait a few days f°r a are being made to eliminate the dual school prompted one of the demonstrators to systems." shout: "Stop and watch what we're doing. I corrpw^ a"(' a<^8 were reprocessed The Nixon administration has taken a We're bringing the war home." |niorningVt' S,atemt,nts wi» be sent out position against forced integration through housing and busing,saying massive busing of Between the staging of theater throughout the day, the members of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, which is conducting a week - long demonstration, visited with their congressmen and •hinese players OK attended Senate and hearings. House committee Leaders of Dewey Canyon III, the name of the week - long demonstration, became |eturn matches in U.S. disturbed when a rumor circulated that President Nixon had said less than 30 per cent of the group actually were veterans. A White House spokesman denied Nixon had hese In Washington, the White House said tabu- i • ~ A de,eB«tion of President Nixon will meet this morning made the statement. ■ invitation t !S. p,ayers has accepted Nevertheless, the veterans were asked by liming th« ?..vlsit lhe United States, " 0A <»" to tto with Steenhoven to discuss the recent visit of the American table tennis team to their leaders to submit some indication of their active - duty status- China. Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said PStmST"' d °n its rhi °f ">e who ,ed the U-S- there was no doubt Nixon about the Chinese acceptance of would talk the March meeting invitation to have its ping - pong team visit «V that the T,k?err Visit' announced the United States. Interested A meeting will be held at 8 p.m. _•*' RenuhMf. r Tennis Assn. of the He said also that the Nixon today in the Union first floor loounge linvitati»n to send * future to eJ!" -a team here "In the h#d accePted administration, in keeping with the Vietnam veterans, protesting the war this week in Washington, filled the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for all people interested in going to Saturday's march in Washington. President's policy to broaden contact with Jches." i" a series of friendly hearing room Tuesday as its chairman, J. W. Fulbright, D-Ark., foreground, questioned Sen. George S. Dhirendra Sharma, professor of (Please turn to back page) McGovern, D-S.D., at the witness stand, on the war in Southeast Asia. AP Wirephoto philosophy, will speak. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan news Firms seeking Chinese trade China's relations with Britain, commitments to Tanzania, foreign business to finance the grumble that I summary and LONDON (AP) — European the annual semiofficial Japanese businessmen are agreement. Yet, despite a 33 per trade preparing sales drives to stop up cent jump in business with China Pakistan and many other countries is estimated at more purchase of vitally materials and needed raw sophisticated France, Japan West Germany, and shows few cultural or Murville, minister who the Maurice n f<»rmer °?Ve.« From the wires of AP and UPI. trade with Communist China last year, they had to sign a than $800 million. In addition, machinery. political dividends. China's Ambassador to S.B^ continuing trade deficit with all Peki^ '* before American companies denunciation of their own support for Hanoi in the four has posed heavy financing years ago, was gj * * Vietnamese conflict is believed Businessmen from Japan, make their bid in the wake of government "for trying to revive Nixon's friendly militarism." to amount to about 400 million, Britain, West Germany and other difficulties. reception by his when he visited ChirL S President The present thaw in China's for a total of 1.2 billion. countries have flocked to For France, the first Western the C0UnJ*4 overtures. But veteran China watchers relations with the capitalist This is more than China's Canton for the spring trade fair industrial country to name a full year. Britain in 1950 the first countries WJ world began for some countries combined trade last year with at which the Chinese lay out the - fledge ambassador to Peking, to rr ° warn that warmer relations with the relationship has brought diplomatically the "Some scientists have accepted Peking in the past have rarely as far back as late 1969 with the Japan, West Germany, Britain wares they have for sale. little more than the exchange of Republic. and France — Peking's main the challenge of waking the brought an improvement in end of the four year turmoil of - few museum exhibitions and trade. the Cultural Revolution. Trade capitalist trading partners — and At the same time Britain and a creation of life a national goal at a is undoubtedly a strain on the some other countries are folklore groups. Some Paris time when this nation is Conversely, the Japanese have has increased steadily ever since. found that more trade does not Observers see many reasons country's resources. stepping up the commercial department stores have staged destroying life." — Erwin Chargoff chairman of Dept. of bring closer political ties. behind Peking's efforts to forge delegates swiftly reached undoubtedly econimic. agreement with the Chinese on China's overseas Foreign trade does not loom Only recently Japanese new links with the West. One is large in the economy of 750 million people. But there must aid be an urgent need for more representation in their China Weeks to show Chinese diplomatic missions to promote goods with the help of Peking's the sale of goods. An Associated Press survey of embassy in the french capital. But French diplomats CombodiJ Biochemistry at Columbia University premier quits postl spreads in Italy watch Unrest SAIGON (AP) wrestled with a Unrest and violence spread through Italy Tuesday as a crisis Tuesday battled to hold the while°~its'fo3 new wave of strikes, political bombings, demonstrations nationW and a riot gripped the nation. highway to the sea and bombers U.a3 Thousands of maritime, hammered postal, textile workers — even troops threatening a,w soccer players - are striking or preparing to. important highway to the n™ the Ships in Italy's major ports - Naples, Genoa. Venice The focus of the Indoch. and Leghorn - were idled. war switched to Cambodia *t action in South Black - helmeted raiders wearing red handkerchiefs Vietnam J Laos hit momentary lull. over their faces threw six firebombs over the wall of Cambodia's political c_ Milan University, a stronghold of leftist organizations. developed with the resignatj The bombing was in apparent reprisal for the beating of Premier Lon Nol and | last week of two rightist students. A young girl was Cabinet. Gen. Lon Nol, 57,(J slightly burned. poor health in his letterj resignation to Cheng Heng, J birdie China chief of state. Lon Nol, who! policy hailed served also as minister of defej in his government of NatiJ U.S. Ambassador George Bush termed Communist Salvation, suffered a strotel China's welcome to American table tennis players a February, leaving him paitij victory for President Nixon's openings toward Peking paralyzed. I through the past several months. He returned to the capital! Phnom Penh last month (h "I think this was responsive to the President's Honolulu, where overtures," the American chief delegate to the United Nations told reporters Tuesday after conferring with undergone treatment at a u] hospital. Jack Howard, nonplaying captain of the team that went He has headed tl| to China. Cambodian government s March 18, 1970, whenPtj Bush declined to comment on Vice President Spiro Norodom Sihanouk Agnew's recent critical comments about the visit. removed from office. But he said, "The President's policy is to break down Consultations the polarization that exists between the two countries. government leaders are expect to begin shortly to find A Nol's successor. CBS defies subpoena On the battle front, I results of fighting for contrdll CBS declined Highway 4, Phnom Penh'saf Tuesday to provide a* congressional link to a deepwater port, dl investigating panel in Washington with rfontelecast were not known, more thul meterial subpoenaed in connection with "The Selling of day after enemy forces launchf the Pentagon" but voluntarily furnished all that an attack against a m actually Cambodian garrision at Pfchi was used in the documentary. Pass. f Chairman Harley O. Staggers of the House Commerce Committee's special investigating subcommittee then Latest reports indicated the Cambodians still held Hi tlj released a lengliy statement saying the sole purpose of pass, 63 miles southwest! the inquiry involves whether TV Phnom Penh, the capital, if producers are engaging the heights above it that cow in "factually false and misleading filming and editing the vital highway link to I practices." port of Kompong Som. J There were scattered repJ of ground action Tuesday | Merger challenged w South Vietnam and Laos. The Federal Trade Commission Tuesday challenged the 1970 merger of Warner - Lambert Co. and Parke, Davis and Co., two of the nation's largest drug GIs' fraggingl manufacturers, in a case that was referred to the FTC by the Justice Dept. The Justice Dept. referred the case to the FTC last in war zonel November. Warner Lambert is represented by the law - firm that used to include President Nixon and Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell. —, .. you re doubles in 71 In a proposed complaint, the FTC alleged that the acquisition of Parke, Davis and Co. by Warner - Lambert student teaching Pall . WASHINGTON (AP) I Fragging incidents among tfl eliminates actual and potential competition between the Term '71.Asa service troops in Vietnam doubled P two firms. 1970 over the previous year.ttl to you we're laKinq Pentagon disclosed Tuesday. L The Pentagon released M War hearing opens your Wolverine ' on the number incidents after of Senjl Democratic Leader M* The Senate Foreign Relations Committee examination Tuesday of a series of began Senior picture early! Mansfield told the Senate aOT" proposals aimed at the murder of a young hastening troop withdrawal from Southeast Asia in a hearing enlivened by the presence of cheering Vietnam like this week! Point graduate in enlisted man who hissieepoy* tossMJ veterans. grenade into an officers The veterans, Fragging is a term de"; ,■ wearing a rag-tag collection of upside - So if you wont be on J incidents involving the hurlinm down campaign ribbons, beards, jungle hats and a fragmentatin grenade by1* camouflage jackets, sat quietly through testimony American servicemanag^ J during which Sen. George S. McGovern accused American forces in Indochina of war crimes.. campus fall of I97l| fellow GI. Pentagon had Although J pre*'?"] But, watched by half a dozen Capitol policemen, then call us now acknowledged these in were increasing, the n they whistled, clapped and shouted when the South Dakota Democrat and presidential aspirant concluded. at 55?-5"292. were never disclosed. j The Pentagon com'"j report o take them for free I Mansfield's fragging incidents in last year and said this co F Chrysler chairman kept with 96 in 1969. There a*l records for previ°us ye^ .1 A move to replace Chrysler Corp. Board Chairman Lynn Townsend with former chairman George H. Love Appointments at men According to were thePentag^J killed la8*J jjJ and to make former newscaster Chet Huntley a co- the Union Roo, , fraggings Statistics were and 39 not aval "1 | chairman was soundly defeated by the stockholders Tuesday in Detroit. 9-1 or. 2-6 J the numbers number of convictions wounded or j charged in the incidents. Th The motion on a resolution for Townsend's resignation was defeated on a voice vote at the annual stockholders' meeting with Townsend himself Monday- Because of the Mansfield said, the sometimes disarming mjjjJf ^,| announcing the proxy committee would vote against it. in noncombat oncomD.ii AXT;in.A u| Love is a member of the boardof director of the auto said, "the only solution ( company and served as chairman from 1961 to 1967 total dissolut'0'1 (| when Townsend became chairman. involvement, in Vietnam. . Townsend, in his report, said Chrysler, like its major A Pentagon is not unusual for GIs spokesm^ competitors, will make less frequent styling changes. their weapons in Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 21, 1971 3 ew y The AMoclated Preu state Among the 40 legislatures meeting this antipollution Business interests, however, often say . vear after the first Earth Day most year, antipollution laws already have been industries to spend a lot of money in legal passed by Arkansas, enough already has been done legislatively, fees and place businesses at the whim of pollution emissions was a factor. L-ulatures, under pressure from Colorado, Idaho, although as conservationists celebrate the tn.ervationlsts, are talking about Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Mexico, North Dakota, Nevada, New first anniversary of Earth Day this week "environmental kooks." "We already had some antipollution devices at the plant. But it was Itipollutlon measures. But few bills are South Dakota, Utah and West Pennsylvania, Virginia. there seems to be no letup in their Colorado's legislature has approved only six of the 150 bills on environment and Minnesota's Senate passed a providing civil penalties of up to $10,000 bill and it wouldn't have been very old economically campaign. ■ IuacksPr°hrough state laws on the The Dept. of was Environmental Resources created in Pennsylvania to The ban the bottle fight is continuing House Speaker John Fuhr of Aurora for polluters and an additional $5,000 feasible to install more weren't making any equipment. We first locally published in such areas as education, peace come see ■de to Michigan social Every Friday 6 to 11 p.m. ■d alternative life change action, legal aid, vocations, drug TOSSID S/M-AD—CORN BREAD style groups centers, crisis intervention DRAWN BUTTER ■now available in the Vocations CALL FOR INFORMATION • Social Change (VSC) office, centers, liberation groups, draft counseling and housing. Ve will hold the CLAM BAKE for private parties a special showing of P Student Services Bldg. BILL'S ■"eluded in the guide are Persons interested in updating RESTAURANT & BAR Trusses change a"d descriptions of groups in the state the directory can contact Lenny Brenner in the VSC office. LEATHER APPAREL at the J shop kjtfleCaesa^ for young men April 22 through April 26 WFPIAI Ul LUIIIL ^9 Beat FOR SPRING! It's "a special" collection leather tops, leather .... 4 WAY ST. CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG BACK TO THE ROOTS JOHN MAYALL bottoms, shorts and shirts - Do your thing. Pick your style and color. Please allow five weeks for delivery. Jacobson's J, Jj iiiili1' Shop for young men u WOOKJO MERIDIAN MALLC:™" Jttfc >qPQ(5r^,i?'VPfiA^ ""hMaf*h\ -u" ) M3 I MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NEW3 UNIVERSITY Campus ROTC protest co-opting human values KENNETH R. LYNAM advertising manager To the Editor: I have the feeling it's going to be a long, ' the whofc | MARK EICHER, managing editor hot spring here at MSU. And unless there One might say that to be Involved - I ED HUTCHISON, city editor BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor develops a one moiecontroversial cause (perhaps of Nixon's witty, well - timed Rotsey is really a co-opting of values, but the fact remairu b?l KEN KRELL, editorial editor wonders), the ROTC units on campus living In a culture that will even con.^1 GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor stand to take a lot of verbal, if not the taking of blame away from sua person as Lt. Calley is a co-optinfi of.1'1 I physical, abuse. Witness the red - lettered Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award signs on the sidewalks, the ones with the tasteful brown background. Witness the Yes, things might get a little spring for all the little tin soldiers if*I rougSl for outstanding journalism. posters, which are signed because they see one marching around cimi!! aren't in any danger of being called sometime, and you happen to be wJh!l the uniform of the day "destructive to public property" (don't (long hair sandSI laugh, big brother IS watching, you know beads), chuckle to yourself. He'mivkl EDITORIALS and with the best damn phone - bugging devices tax money can buy.) chuckling to himself about you. ' The thing that messes me up is that Alan Bihl 'You weren't anyone from within the University can rightfully be called hypocritcal for attacking the Rotsey (sic) institution, or Charleston, W.V».juJJl APril 1 S.IJM Ombudsman! even its rights to be on campus. The whole idea of a university is to promote academic because, well . . . investigation, and some of the lost souls on campus happen to be interested in military training, the art of war and other such To the Editor: I am writing concerning <,„ No one ever told assistant The American Assn. of University garbage. To ask them why they are ombudsman on campus. I recently Professors has endorsed this idea. studying such things and to make value wentijl professors of natural science Eileen to discuss a problem with him and in tbl judgments on the applications of such R. Van Tassell and Bertram G. Administrators and faculty seem knowledge is to question the whole system discussion he said something to the effect! Murray why they were not being unenthusiastic about the upcoming we live under. One cannot stop with that existing laws should be enforced-I strictly — because they are the laws m rehired for the 1971 - 72 academic change in firing procedures. One ROTC; one must question grades, therefore, are the only regulations w year. The powers that be in the administrator summed up this structured courses, tax support for to abide by. Dept. of Natural Science simply attitude by saying that a change in My rebuttal, or at least suggestion, |J decided they no longer needed the the tenure procedure "will be that the persons in authority should discretion in the enforcement of the l» j pair's services. contrary to practice among and therefore give them flexibility. Hed Friday, the board of trustees gave universities all over the world for not agree and eventually the talk ei. Van Tassell and Murray some time, centuries." with his apologies that we could not a; extending their contracts one year. Perhaps it will. But history is on this subject but that possibly w This means the department will have to go through the entire "not hardly the place to turn for humane employer - employe relations. Witch The Doctor's Bag agree on some future topic. But I question how he can be of sei to any student on any future gripe wt rehiring" process once again with the burnings and inquisitions were also his position seems to be enforcing existii duo. However, "not rehiring" Van once practices "all over the world for By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D laws without considering that the law it* Tassell and Murray may not be such centuries." In operating a modern may be faulty, or that certain situatioj an easy task the second time around. university, administrators must weed should lend some degree of leniency in! out those archaic practices which Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at almost V4 inch beyond my finger tip. They absolute enforcement of the law. f Van Tassell and Murray already though the hair does serve a purpose? MSU Health Center. Names need not be cause no discomfort or interference in generally do not complain about thiq had a suit before the Michigan rightfully belong only to history. Indiscriminate firings - without included unless a personal reply is typing, writing, sewing, dishwashing, etc. If has they like, and since it is usually i Employment Relations Commission, a woman a large amount of statute or law that students run upagi requested. Recently a dermatologist, who claims these pubic hair making normal hygiene appealing their dismissal on the reason are one of the — are the longest nails he's seen in his life, cumbersome, there is no reason why she in dealing with the University, what goodfl grounds they were never told why anachronisms that need destroying. the ombudsman to the students I've heard that after a bee or wasp sting, told me that unless they are kept trimmed should not trim some of It off. In some whenl| they were not rehired. If the The nontenured faculty issue will a piece of meat can be placed over the down considerably, I'm certain to be cultures, women share off all their pubic can only offer strict and unyieldj commission rules in their favor, soon go before the Academic wound to draw out the poison and/or hair as baldness in this area is considered enforcment or at least interpretation o| plagued with infections since tension on these laws? every Michigan university will ha\e Council and the Academic Senate. stinger. Is this merely an old wive's tale or long nails causes them to become sexually attractive. Obviously, this is a to give untenured faculty members Their duty is clear: they must amend is there some truth to it? matter of personal preference, and in our permanently separated from the nail bed. I Stan G. Thoal reasons for their not being rehired, if the Unviersity hiring policy so a consider it society most people seem to consider Midland juil a preposterous assumption that A piece of meat on a bee sting will do pubic hair sexually exciting. they so requested "nonrehired" faculty member can long t. .nails necessarily presuppose the April 14, 111 Even if the MERC doesn't rule in nothing that a cold coraprens will net do, dangerous deformation A word of caution, If you shave off all receive, upon his request, f%3Sons for and subsequent Van Tassell and Murray's favor, the University's tenure policy still may his dismissal. At present dismissals can be based except draw flies. Honey bees sting only once as they leave their stinger in the wound or lose it soon after the sting, dying infection he specified. Your opinion please. the pubic hair and then decide to allow it to grow in again, two of itching. be prepared for a week or Fairer To the Editor: news| information, short while later. The wasp is less change. The University Tenure on erroneous a Quick calculation indicate that there are I attended Committee has recommended correctable defects or out and out dramatic and recovers its stinger to use and spoke at the pubi| hearings on abortion law reform. 11 nontenured dislike of an individual. They should again when the occasion arises. faculty members be The venom deposited during the sting is must be I've been told that slightly unequal committee carefully alternated speakenlj kept clean. In the normal course of and against reform so that each side wo' given reasons why they are not be based only on inability to a complex substance and includes materials breast size is normal for most women. Is events, one would expect that such long rehired, should they request them. perform adequatly on the job. that break down cell walls and cause nails would be good places to trap bacteria. this true, and if so what causes it? Also, is have an equal chance to present theird It's unfortunate that the State News J swelling. The venom gets into the blood Mechanical injury certainly would be one breast more often larger? stream fairly rapidly. Some people develop enhanced and I would tend to support the not show similar fairness in its the hearing. The news item printed* reporting March this severe allergies with repeated bee stings and can have a fatal reaction. Other people automatically desensitize (most bee opinion of the dermatologist. Fingernails seem designed for grasping small and as antennae sensitive to touch. Both objects Slight inequalities in breast size are quite usual. Often the differences are so April 15 reported excerpts from t« speeches opposing the bill and li keepers) and have very little response from these functions would be impaired by small that the owner never notices them. speeches supporting it. Please tell it lib! With the veterans march in the mood of the people and act As far as I know, either breast can be the is, and keep your opinions on theedito" thestir^. If you develop a marked reaction super long nails. Washington Monday, the spring accordingly. Certainly, Nixon bears to a sting, it would be wise to visit a I see little potential for being helpful in larger one. It is more typical for man to be P^e- ™ -J offensive has now begun. But if asymmetric than it is for him to have Marlene Wad primary responsibility for the war's physician and determine if you are answering you as I can't get my mind off identical halves. Lansing alunJ Americans who oppose the continual continuance, but he could not have becoming allergic. In such a case, several questions your letter raises: Doesn't Vietnamese bloodbath have learned controlled desensitization is recommended, personal hygiene become hazardous with The disparity in breast size can be April 15,19| spent those 18,000 lives without the and you might be advised to equip yourself such long nails? Also, (please pardon the minimized somewhat when the woman has EDITOR'S NOTE: In general, f anything from so many years of implicit consent of Congress. with a supply of emergency medicines to a baby. If she breast feeds on the smaller intrusiveness) don't they complicate your reporting requires that all sides of m seemingly futile effort, it should be If Congress, including those treat a severe allergic response. sex life? breast more than on the larger breast, the issue be presented as they are » that changing the course of a nation senators and smaller breast will increase somewhat in allowed to ride on their own it representatives on size and when she stops breast requires more massive, intensive and record as opposed to the war, can feeding, numerical balance of interviews is, tin I receive numerous comments on my sustained j, jt advisable or "advantageous" for a they will be more nearly equal. of less importance than is the a< agitation than has find no means to halt Nixon, then fingernails, the longest of which extends C.C.P.S. 1971 woman to trim or shave her pubic hair even representation of the intensity i previously been exhibited. they must be replaced by persons thrust of the issues. Seventeen months have passed willing to assert congressional since a massive demonstration authority to make - and hence to occurred in this nation's capital. stop - war. The people of this POINT OF VIEW Seven months and thousands of lives country will simply not accept and billions of dollars and the Congress' cries of frustration and invasion of two more countries. On lack of ability to bring the executive Nov. 15, 1969, Mr. Nixon watched a football game. The President refuses to comment on his planned activities for this Saturday, but few expect a branch under control. Hopefully, that is the meaning that congressmen will discover in the Environment: a lot in a year march this weekend. Perhaps the warmer reception this year when President will watch television, but EDITOR'S NOTE: The following through April 24,1971, as Earth Week." On Tuesday, April 20, we'll be thousands come calling at his home. Congress must start listening to the Point of View was submitted by Fred One year ago, what has been commonly different films on the environment in 213 showing Remember to 1) have the glass clean,! The marches, the speeches, the urgency with which the American J. Moore, director of E-Qual. called the ecological revolution, started. A Agriculture Hall, starting at 7. Wednesday Take the metal rings off of the neck oij petitions, the telegrams all seem so people seek peace. lot could have happened in the year since (Earth Day) April 21, we're sponsoring, bottles and 3) Separate the glass intoJ "Few concerns facing America and the that first Earth Week and it did. One three types color (clear, green and < Jt futile, so insignificant compared to But we must have learned by now along with the Sierra Club, a "Bike - In" at Glass can also be taken to the r world today are more compelling than the summary of the local events which happen 2 p.m. (more details later in the the 18,000 American soldiers who State that a weekend in Washington will quality of our physical environment. All might go like this — a blight tour of News), that night at 7:30 in G 8 Holden Arboretum (2020 E. Mt. Hope), ana J have become victims of Nixon's not alone stop the war machine, - also take paper and magazines \ that we do, all that we hope to achieve for Lansing, a lecture series entitled "Man — Hall will be the Earth Vietnamization program since he the Endangered Species," a mini - Day meeting of E - bundle the newspaper and m»P* much less stop the government. The ourselves, all that we hope to create for our park Qual and the Sierra Club. took office. The millions of steps offensive must be continued locally, children will go for nothing if the world built in an urban ghetto area and House separately). That's Earth Week 1971- The guest speakers will be the taken by thousands of demonstrators as well as nationally. Go to itself is made unfit to live in. The question Bill 3055 was made into law (it gave the private citizen the right to take a polluter Waste Control University Authority. The authority What comes after Earth Week lWjj appear to have come to naught. of what we do with our environment is a Qual will be supporting the envijon . Washington this weekend. You can to court). Further, the advises the University on matters matter of cosmic consequence; there is a Michigan Student relating legislation (such as House Bill 4b»» Seventy Americans and thousands of still sign up for buses. But hopefully Environment Confederation was formed to our environment. Mr. Emery Foster, the is to require the use of returnable w Vietnamese on both sides continue limit to how long the matter rests merely chairman of the 1 we learned 17 months ago that one with man, and if that limit is exceeded, the (this is the state student - run authority, will give a containers and to pressurable pe JT to die each week so that America's environmental office - its location is 406 speech on what has been done in the day in Washington is not enough. It success of man or an earth creature may E. Michigan Ave., phone number is 484 environment area by the and paper recycling are just a coup J ego might be satisfied with a vaguely must be followed by that day - to - itself be limited by forces he no longer - University. A things well be working on with y T 7421), our glass recycling project (we question and answer period will follow. If defined "honorable peace." day effort to build the antiwar controls. collected 22'/, tons of glass with the you want to find out what the An environmental revolution o i "The earth and its atmosphere are a help of University is But the marching has made a movement. the Greater Lansing Christian Organization doing about anywhere without the support oi j ■ closed system. They are finite. The good pollution, to the difference. A clear and overwhelming Task Force on Environmental meeting. come the people. We need you to helpJJ 1 majority of Americans now oppose water cannot purify itself indefinitely. The Environment Political Conference, the Quality), an consider things like this: "After se 1 good air cannot cleanse itself endlessly and Thursday at 7 p.m., we'll be showing of research into the problem oi -j University Waste Control Authority. the war, many of whom never March on D.C. the good earth cannot sustain and repair All of this the films again, this time at 158 Natural waste disposal, we've finally com 1 conceived of the injustices of man forever. Man must happened with one Resources Bldg. Saturday the permanent conclusion that it's better to ■ opposing their revolution of the earth around the sun help to put his own earthly house in order. glass recycling bin will be open. This bin government's policies 17 months Donations, requests for "We have made a beginning in this, but which brings us back to Earth Week 1970. has been in operation around than, to pile It up. W*y I ago. Although Congress continues to we have only begun. Now there must be a since April 3. - support your local environment. information, etc., for the Student grope for a solution, a majority of conscious, sustained effort by every Mobilization Committee and OR SHE'LL INTffcPUCE ME TO them seek some way out of the American and, we might hope, by every Saturday's March on Washington, citizen of the world if our posterity is not HER A6ENT, OR MM BE SHETL BE quagmire of blood and destruction. 60 IMPRESSED WITH MY WRITING The question now becomes not D.C., should be sent to 320 to look back in sorrow and wonder why, THAT SHEU. WANT/ Student Services Bldg. on campus. when God had created the earth and seen (jJITH HER ON A whether a majority of Americans that it was good, man did not agree and This information was demand an end to the war; they leave it that way. inadvertently left off of Tuesday's clearly do. The question rather is advertisement. The SMC phone "Now, therefore, I, Richard Nixon, whether their government possesses President of the United States of America, number is 355 - 9799. do hereby designate the period of April 18 enough responsiveness to recognize Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. Aprii 21. 1971 5 Math project aids city schools When you mention geo - school program, students are of classes in math and science boards, polyhedral labs and referred to MSU Students also are able to do 1970 there were 165. This geometric stix to by school during the sue - week workshops individual study, field work Urban Affairs, some inner - administrators or summer Vance is aiming for 200, or teachers from designed to supplement the Six gradaute students also are city students, they know what the 11 long - term research projects, or depending on available funds, you're talking about. participating school curricula of their schools. Classes involved. Each spends one day a districts - Battle Creek, participate in small seminars or The projec t is currently funded In fact, these terms are Ecorse, range from algebra to statistics laboratory work with professors, week in an assigned school quite Grand Rapids, Inkster, and by the National Science familiar to students and teachers Jackson, elements of computer That first district, meeting with teachers. Lansing, Muskegon, Pontiac, summer 120 high Foundation. Office of Economic programming. school administrators and students in participating in MSU's Inner Saginaw, Muskegon Heights and students took part; in. Opportunity and the Center for the schools. City Mathematics Project. Northwestern High School in The program is the brainchild Detroit. Representatives of these of Irvin E. Vance, associate professor of mathematics who districts serve on the program CLASS ON COMMUNITY believes that , advisory board. math can be All of the combined participants begin successfully with with extensive training during Agency works explained behavioral sciences in offering a summer workshops on campus. new approach to teaching urban When the project school children and their inner began, 54 teachers. - city teachers came to East Lansing to learn how to Now in its third year, the present classroom contact for mathematical problems By BECKIE HANES our remaining classes. project is aimed at providing to social agencies will also their students with State News Staff Writer students," Pearl Aldrich, course This agency background will provide a efficient math skills to students students with criteria to evaluate humanistic approach — by developer and instructor, said. alert the students for and teachers at all A class that is concerned with types of services of other communities levels, giving the students a "The provisions to look for in a elementary through graduate and also showing an interest challenge Community: Its Needs the they might live or work in, Miss in and Resources," a new class community is more community. Miss Aldrich, said. school. Aldrich said. the subject, materials meaningful for the students. "People who need an "It's by no means a remedial a new being offered this term, is Miss Aldrich said. As a final project, each Math f\un techniques. designed for students interested agency's help are not always the student will choose between program." Vance said "All the "The long Speakers from various so-called students have college potential range payoff in understanding the functions agencies such as the Listening disadvantaged," she writing a proposal for an action comes from the teachers," of said. "People sometimes just Vance, director of the MSU Inner City Mathematics and we're interested in kids who community agencies and Ear will address the class in program that would make some n Vance said. a need the are unable to go to organizations. right channels of contribution to a community or reject, illustrates the fun side of math to school children college Inner panel - type situation. Miss - city high school "The basic purpose of the information, not money." ■and teachers participating in the cooperative college without economic help, students in grades 8 - 12, are Aldrich wrote approximately Each student will also travel design some type of intensive class is to alert students as to research program that is relevant chool program. particularly minority groups." involved in another way. These what goes on in a 150 letters to Lansing into the Lansing As a cooperative community. community to a community. college - students are offered their choice We want more outside organizations in January to see if with a prepared questionnaire - the - any were interested in for a representative of a participating. Each student is required to community' agency. questionnaire will provide data The SHARE 'ouse OKs participate in two • four - or five WATERBEDS f the 2 on operations and member panel and is interrelationships of more than responsible for reading necessary to background keep the 40 agencies serving the area. "This contact with the FINAL SALE discussion active. RfiR ROACH By bUB«UMv.n enabled Michigan welfare recipients to receive their expected to hinge on the passage of two hills passed in the Senate supplemental funds from the conclusions on the problems of Charles director Chaskes, of the executive community will also eliminate the common stereotype that our ENDS NEXT SAT. ■ State News Staff Writer Michigan students just cook and sew," she Imely action Tuesday by bimonthly checks on time today. before the legislature adjourned for its Easter recess. state's general fund to the department of social services. providing interest on the $45 million transfer, and of proposed Commission to the class and on the Aging, spoke supplied films of said. The questionnaire is designed (May 1ST] 1 - ig members of the state of Representatives Mailing of the checks, totaling about $1.4 million, was The first called for The second proposed a transfer of $45 million from the increases in the assessment to uninsured motorists. his organization's work. Neil White, of the Capitol to give the student experience in $29" appropriation of $50 million in King, Queen uninsured motorist fund to the Rep. Marvin R. Stempien, talking with someone in a area comprehensive health or Regular general fund. The Senate D-Livonia, had been in contact community service agency and planning assn., Helen Goodwin at the v—^ w approved the transfer with a five from the floor same time, make the // i \N\ '——>— - year repayment schedule but conference committee and with the of the Visiting Nurse Assn., and Dr. Eugene Friesen, director of community aware students can offer a of what MSU 55995 Capital/ Capsules without requirements that announced that they had arrived t he community Jumbo, interest be paid to the Dept. of Ingham County Mental in terms of service or volunteer Round at a decision on the interest Health Center, are some work. Miss Aldrich said. Inside of State, which administers the issue. scheduled speakers for uninsured motorist fund. the This contact with various Free Spirit Interest payments on the As the House paved the way unpaid tCRETARY OF STATE 1971 White House Conference yearly balance of the now account for 18 per for the supplementary welfare transferred funds, the committee ■HARD A. AUSTIN said on Youth. cent of the work force on federally appropriations to be paid out of decided according to Stempien, ■day he was considering Rep. Thomas J. Anderson, aided the general fund, represenatives would be determined jointly by testing legislation which D-Southgate, will serve on the highway projects in the state. This compares with 11 were informed that the the legislature with yearly- d provide stiffer penalties conference which will address conference committee had determinations per cent in 1968 and 18 per cent beginning in drivers convicted of repeated itself to areas of youth concern, in 1969 overcome the impasses that had 1973. pc violations, and developing plagued it in a special meeting stin's remarks were in direct Bonner said the department's Preliminary indications were recommendations for Monday night. that the interest would be paid to Easter goal is to increase minority snce an Sunday "institutional action over the representation to 25 per cent of That meeting ended with no retroactive to 1971. Immobile accident which next decade." the total force, because, "this Is i and injured 24. A .i'.v <■ roughly equivalent to th«* [driven by a 20 - year - old RALPH W. BONNER, urban proportion of minority group ie man, at about 100 miles program officer for the Dept. of citizens in the urban areas where Ihour, jumped the center State Highways, reported the biggest share of highway ■d rail and hurtled into Tuesday that minority groups construction is in progress." ftming traffic. It may be necessary to lider legislation that would |ide Stevie in certain instances for, ps, even permanent, e revocation of a drivers Inse after an incorrigible A shirred-yoke pant suit r has been suspended at is a sheer delight. Woncjer I three times," he said. 1 * * * I When Emily M. makes it. C0CHAIRMAN of the ligan House Committee on Because Emily M. makes Jervation I invited and Recreation has good Junior clothes. by President Nixon yerve as a delegate to the Like this striped, delight. Our Marietta Spring stripe. Navy, red, green and purple and white. Pull-on pant. So nice. OPEN WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY UNTIL 9 PM Educed prices on food and the bagpiper Sponsored by the Senior Class Council of '71 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Orch esis dancers to stage Show to feature annual 'spring celebration' WMU quintet Zappa, of the now defunct it's a satire of the role playing - community and the Lansing area By CINDI STEINWAY Mothers of Invention rock that people do in our society. The Faculty Brass Quintet of Western Michigan need to discover the estheric and group, called the song "a ballet "These University will perform at 8:15 p.m. Thursday in the Music young dancers cultural value of modern dance. that didn't make it." This served discover the point of performing Building auditorium. The MSU Orchesis Dance The quintet will be joined by pianist Phyllis Rappenon as a "dare" to her. Miss Dufford Ticket sales begin today at Troupe will present its annual through the concert, which is said. what dance is all about," said the Fairchild Theatre boxoffice also of WMU, to perform Paul Hindemith's "sonata for <^pring celebration at 8 p.m. The title of her dance is the group's adviser, Dixie Durr. of the Union Ticket Office. Trumpet and Piano (1939)" and Donald Erb's "Thn*. Friday and Sunday and at 2 p jn. "Free Association of a Coke Miss Durr works with the Pieces for Brass Quintet and Piano (1968)." General admission if $1. Saturday in Fairchild Theatre. Bottle," in which she relates all The program, consisting mostly of 20th dancers the year 'round in Performing Arts Company centurv Thirteen dance numbers her movements to verbal quotes preparation for the concert. She season coupon books can be compositions, will also include Bach's "The Art of the choreographed by students will from Zappa. Miss Dufford said said she believes the University exchanged for tickets. Fugue," Eugene Bozza's "Sonatine" and Gunther Schuller's compose the one and a half hour "Little Brass Music." concert. Forty student dancers The quintet's performance at MSU, open to the public will perform to the music of without charge, is in exchange for a concert last fall at such modern composers as rock silver Stephen Stills and jazzman Isaac Hayes. The electronic moog synthesizer of the music Teacher-lecturer Western Michigan by MSU's Richard's Woodwind Quintet Playing principal trumpet in the WMU Quintet is Donald Bullock, active as a trumpet soloist and chamber musician and chairman of wind and percussion instruction at WMU dept. will be used in several of Second trumpet is Mark Skolnik, graduate assistant in the numbers. music at WMU and principal trumpet in the Kalamazoo Victor Stornant, senior, who choreographed Adrian "Vessare," said the dance is a Christian Science Symphony Orchestra. Neill Sanders, a founder - member of the famed Ensemble and a professor of music at WMU, is the Melos group's "concept of moving through French horn player. lines and space, of personally perhaps there will be Russell Brown, associate professor of music at and, at the same time, a greater source WMU becoming the medium of the art plays trombone. Formerly trombonist with the South Bend form." By PETER MAGEE sense of freedom to everyone peace and freindship throughout the world," he said. (Ind.) Symphony, he teaches trombone at WMU. Playing Heather Sisto, Taylor junior, everywhere," Spencer said. with nine years of dancing Spencer served He said human rights can best Science representative with the as a Christian Top fcbrass' tuba is Robert Whaley, asst. professor of music, asst director of the WMU marching band and a tuba teacher. experience, will dance "The A Christian Science lecturer The be established by knowing the Marine Corps in Korea and Faculty Brass Quintet of Western Michigan University Miss Rappeport, an associate professor of music, teaches Songs of Wodzuwob." The basic and teacher on campus Monday true nature of divine rights. Christian Science minister for will perform music from the 20th century Thursday night applied piano and piano accompaniment. In 1970, she inspiration for her work, she said it is easy for individuals Recognition of them provides an the armed services in Miami and in the Music Building auditorium. headed the piano dept. at the Blue Lake Fine Arts said, comes from the poetry of whose rights are not threatened Camp. effective way of gaining true Key West from 1957 to 1966. American Indians. to say we all have equal rights. human rights for all, which Using primitive, ghost like James Spencer, who spoke to cannot be taken away by people movements, Miss Sisto said she more than 60 students, related •vants to express the escape the basic Christian Science tactics contained in the rituals of philosophy to the changing or circumstances, personality or appearance, he said. AMERICA—UNLIVABLE JUNGLE this suppressed people. trends in human rights and "People are continually Leanne Dufford, Lansing external pressures of the times. labeled black, white or rebel," 'Little Murders' junior, composed her dance to "Recognition of the divine Spencer said, "yet what they Frank Zappa's song "Lumpy source of human rights gives a want most is to be themselves Gravy." greater sense of freedom to life inside and not labeled by an outward appearance." Divine rights can also free a Literary critic Rebecca West dangers that threaten and hostility or even a heavy • have it, an indication of lovefal man from his own feelings of wrote, "To write satire is to traumatize its helpless breathing caller can dull. CINE < SERIES inferiority or superiority, perform a miracle. One must inhabitants. what conditions should b Eventually, knowing Alfred Feiffer criticizes like l Spencer said. What man hate the world so much that His characters are a collection shatters her positivism. impatient man with a bomb it| understands about spiritual law one's hatred strikes sparks. But of urbanites who make daily Patsy's parents are also one hand. He offers i A REDISCOVERED and how he applies it to the one must hate it only because it survival concessions. archetypical survivors. solutions. His view of the wortlH world will change his thinking, disappoints one's invincible love Alfred Chamberlin, a self - Newsquist lives his life in portrayed by this film-if — as he said. for it." named "apathist," is a segments ("First, I worry about so hopeless it doesn't suggoil FREDRIC Spencer said man is denied According to Miss West's photographer who survives by not getting up in the morning; then I that others seek solutions. human rights today, and people definition, the film version of responding. He doesn't worry about getting to work In the end, "Little Murde Jules Feiffer's "Little Murders" respond to his parents, his without being run over by a car; MARCH must recognize man as spiritual before these rights can be is not satire. It strikes sparks girlfriend, stangers or even then I worry about entering my doesn't just mirror a dreadtyl from beginning to end. But no muggers. He never argues and office without getting mugged topic. It is tainted by thattopq . . gained. miracles result and the vital love rarely speaks. infected with the "When man is no longer for something missing is Patsy Newsquist, an interior Mrs. Newsquist plasters a impersonality and amontyl Feiftitr merely blasts away at decorator, faces the myriad daily Feiffer set out to criticize. ignorant of the basic laws of nowhere to be found in Feiffer's homey smile on her face and modern society, presenting hassles of city life by writing. serves up apple - pieisms to make It is unfortunate, because*! urban America as an unlivable maintaining a Pollyanna - like her "home" a happy oasis from awhile "Little Murders" sputa PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 Last Day 2 Hits jungle of many seen and unseen optimism that neither pollution, the lurking dangers in the along with much promii "Mrs. Pollifax - Spy" streets. Initially, one can savor il MlNfO£MAT(ON 33? $||7 Ends Thursday Plus - "Yours, Mine As "Little Murders" sardonic wit, the "THE ORGANIZER" —._ Doors Open 7:00 P.M. continues, the hassles pile up pessimism and even the suffer^ OPEN AT 12:45 p.m. Feature at 7:10 - 9:20 and collective sanity strains. characters. But this invert! Alfred learns to respond, charm ultimately palls. 1 THURSDAY. . two exciting hits! A GENUINE WORK OF film's promise is left HE'S NASTY GREA TNESS HONEST AND involving Patsy's family in his unfulfiMj Michael deadly response. the film, unresolved. The fii' . . . VIOLENT AND A LADIES MAN! STARTS FRIDAY AL^?Sl - John Schubeck, ABC-TV Patsy's becomes the 345th is Feiffer's apology for getUid nowhere. 'Caine The unsolved New York City murder Plus What happens when Rolling Stones in six months. Alfred and father and brother Patsy's death with their own Patsy's answer "Little Murders" doesnlj deserve most of its cast. At In Elliott Gould surrendei| professional killer GIMME a brand of impersonal rage. Their personality to character i Room 75c Buck violates the code? targets: random strangers in the Alfred. Newcomer Marcia Ro^ 104B Wells IDs Rogers Thurs. Q 9 P m- city • jungle below the makes Patsy refreshing ii Chapter 6 Get Carter! Get Carter Newsquists' window. Throughout "Little Murders" positivism, but distressing in M loss of it. Elizabeth Wilson, «N ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ At 2:45 SHELTER - 6:20- Late Feiffer blasts his criticisms in all played Benjamin's mother if A very rare film, the Fredric March version of "Dr. "GYPSY MOTHS" directions, never satisfied with "The Graduate," makes V" Jekyll & Mr. Hyde" is considered the best version made, with the one target, never capable of Newsquist an outrageoij handling the many he chooses. stereotype to sympathize «i transformation so fantastic it staggers the mind. * NORTHSIDE His writing generates such hatred for what society has become, the and pity in turns. "Little Murders" was dim i-. , iJ * ' * ■ ..rtteatre NOW SHOWING film becomes hateful in itself. by Alan Arkin. It is impo to determine to what degreeM| SPARTAN TWIN THEATRES EAST LANSING ON M 43 » PHONE iD 2 1042 3 ADULT HITS hope What is or, missing is as a spark of Miss West would or Feiffer is to blame. At be "Little Murders" III 31QO EAST SAGINAW ROAD 351-OQ3Q Located Just 4 Miles E. example of r • on M-43 discouraging that** Visit the future where escape NOW Exclusive XX Program ambitious undertaking HEB wrong somewhere. At worst, is the ultimate crime. comic horror story - If TONIGHT AT: 3 Big Features All In Color bloody and unrewarding. times the "Little Murders" opens to MEET WILBUR STEEL... Til 7100 m at the Spartan East. "SUPER DADDY"! Lauqhter- foRCEd AqAiNST his willTOSiRE A RACE r TONIGHT ONLY of SUpER-pEOplE, wilbuR SERVEd, AN(J times the FIRST SERVEd ANd SERVEd ANd '|pV|ng! ANNIVERSARY T^E MOST bEAUTiful What the girls did qiRls IN l\\E WORld SERVEd UNdER hiivi! to Paxton in the Attic... SHOWING Colin is doing to the girls in the Cellar! IS«a» COLOR Shown 2nd at 10:00 p.n WES JOAN STERN COLLINS WAGMAN LARRY jut* ftPHC MAGGtTWaTr-N«N AN american INTERNATIONAL wnmt 21- «N american internationalpictum 2nd Hit "Lila" at 7:45 Shown 3rd at 11:20 Shown 2nd at 9:4ft 3rd Hit "Born Wild" at llTlO ALSO JANE FONDA in BARBRELLA at 7:40 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 21, 1971 7 itudent relates Kent State confrontation DEMISE McCOURT | Bv State News jw te imbws Staff Writer ^Tuesday tome "to KenTSate Sr Mav 4 to or "fhTlETdiM *"e medical^ and produced by the art department from the Office of Black Affairs, commander instead of whites. representative of the population to hnnnr t legal at the university, interviewing Women's Liberation and "Blacks government support, they have not be involved most affected by the war, the Stamps, one of nine students killed last year. injured during protests Stamps, his cheek scarred from ^enT*! 'rf* ^he .8tuden*® at students and residents in the Veterans for Peace addressed the in the drto of another give East asked the him special spokesman said his fraternity was sponsoring the contest to Varsity Cab Co.'s taxicab license was renewed pending raise money for their annual compliance "ORCHESIS in CONCERT" of ceit aih p r is a in "a need for male a women's dominated permission to advertise sidewalk with the use of on an the A - business field trips. specifications. a program of modern dance ** Jety" to provide abortion frame sign. Student Artiits directed by Dixie Durr iiseling, a self - defense Sidewalk advertising is luction and free day care, prohibited by a city ordinance. ■e council told the group Gary Lazar said there Fairchild Theatre April 23- 8 PM ^ is some question as to are stores located in the basement of three Jole Riding of government In Maiden Voyage Record Shop, Box Office Opens for certain social 217 Ann St., which have no April 24 - 2PM I i number of these items to relate to health and other means to advertise than via the sidewalk advertisement. April 21-23 Jh services which at this time ■rovided for by the county "Without it (the A - frame 12:30-5 PM April 25 - 8PM ■1th advertisement) we may as well department," said close our doors," he said. "We Icilman Mary Sharp, don't have the money to do an e don't have a city health and if you feel advertising campaign." •. some of b health problems are not The council members told t in this community, Lazar they could not grant him ■county health dept. is the permission unless they amended H to which you should the ordinance. They suggested Jess yourself. I don't believe it is proper for further discussion with the current leases of the building in Tmment to provide services an attempt to reach a decision fed lucas / |qhn Campbell ^ viark talaba carr & bill kahl 5pm &)onber<5 2Uba MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES™..™"" JUDyceopwcFs r PHONE 349-2700 JACK NICHOLSO® v t FIVE EHSy PIE '' 4 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS llToday at 615 * Best Picture Best Actor j H°Ur:Adu5,ts90c.5,45.fiilS I Barhra Streisand s | The Owl and the I Meet Hi"lenry ft Hpnriottn Paramount Piclures presents ^ • the lauoh io," A HOWARD W. KOCH ohheyear H,LLARD ELKINS PR0DUCTI0N liter M Elaine May l@ Co'or by "AHeoLeif MOVIE LAB Twl-Llte Hour, I Meridian 4 Today Today at 6:30, 8:30 • Wl-Llt« Hour, Adults 90C, 6:00 • 6:3^ 8 Wednesdiay. April Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 21 | Involvement in U' affairs poses By MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writer News University College ombudsman office in 287 Bessey student "Students don't get in academic involved "for the dean's search and government because selection committee. now The proble m$ bylaws, revised Jan. 1, require that open meetings limitations worked out, but are no Stile, J*l| I While student participation in Analysis Hall. The office is a service for they can't get involved in the He suggested that more students should have realized of the University College pUn would allow regula^*1 academic government is still a students who want to cut red classroom. The professor tells steering committee be •cteoc. cow*, to controversial issue at the "Many students are not aware University College Dean's tape or rectify other problems them what books to read, when that the committee membership announced so that students can rapidly. njn*e «s«| would have looked impressive on present suggestions for agenda University level, significant what academic government is or Student Planning Committee, related to University College. to read them, what attitude to student records even if Items. In other departments«»J being encouragedparticip,^! strides have been made in some of the fact they can get said the extensive competition Stiles said have towards the test and what their co lege, student one problem motivated by Stiles noted that students MSU colleges and departments. involved," Stiles said. Typical of a college which is "Those who are aware don't between students' many groups for attention specific to University College is the attitude of students that the he expects," Stiles said. "That's what education seems they were not participation desires. were successful in initiating of Natural by the nl'l causes ad hoc Science offering increased student have the time, they don't care, Currently, development of a new waiver participation but facing student or they don't think it's difficulty into the in pulling students participation general education courses are a requirement to be met and then to be all about: someone else makes the decisions," he committee is an completing the exam for the Dept. of Social seemingly ignored of American in the Thouow^B nil! disinterest is University College, worthwhile," he added. movement. forgotten about. lamented. writing of a report on student Science. The proposal, endorsed by Language. ght uT He noted that those students participation on the University a college which each term enrolls about 18,600 students in four who do get involved often Jim LaMacchia, Lansing He said, however, if students could effect a He said academic government does not seem to be as much a College advisory council. the department's faculty, would The Dept. of Hum,J operating smoothly, co*nH junior, echoed this feeling, change in general education courses. become frustrated with all the saying it is difficult to "take education in University College, power game as a persuasion If approved, specifications entirely separate the subject LH2iM is ,dvfeory Allen Stiles, Lincoln Park committee meetings or other senior, said he sees a threefold things which discourage them participation in academic such as by instituting credit - no game — going in and talking with credit evaluation, this would a faculty member to sell a point. for the number and selection of students for the council and its matter of the independent study waiver exams from the subject The Dept. of s£ffM problem is getting students from participating in the college government more worthwhile standing committees would be matter of social science taught in committee is CU«SP involved in the academic government. than going out drinking or have a significant effect on the classroom attitude in Stiles noted that other College of Education had a hard the included in the University the classroom. petitioning for but Stiles said little new met2 playing baseball." interest Stiles, who is chairman of the College bylaws. Practical applications and been indicated on government of the college. LaMacchia works in the colleges of the University. time soliciting student members the Z students. w Edward A. Carlin, dean University College, does? Turkey - Meat Loaf - Salisbury Steak ^ HA IB fllHB anything unusual about the DINNERS TOP FROST of student participation in acai interest FROZEN ■ WHY PAY MORE! chicken SHEDD'S LADY BETTY ■ WHY PAY MORE ■■ I WHY PAY MORE ■■■■ Pkg. ■ WHY PAY MORE ■ government. not more "The great bulk of going to get involved® than the great citizens are going to studeits® get bulk invoj db in politics, say a CongressJ FOOD CLUB FROSTED PRUNE JUICE 39c SAFEGUARD SOAP IDAHOAN 6ALA race," Carlin said. "It's a similar situations TOASTER PASTRIES FOOD CLUB (BATHSIZE) POTATOES FAMILY NAPKINS does not disturb me," he He noted that addJ facJ GRAPE JUICE -V; 59c Pink or Beige i gratin participation in academi government - at th> departmental meeting level 29° PILLSBURY choc. pkg. of 10 1? 4,5 bar 3/40c 29{ 160 ct. pkg. 18c often sparse, if things with coupon operating smoothly. INSTANT BREAKFAST a 59' This lack of interest by faculty often carries its seeds of destruction, howt because faculty members are involved in the operations SWISS STlJUCs2?79«:i£77,ON LINK PORK SAUSAGE 69' swiss miss change and opportunity* politics and business for » ■FOOD CLUD Sib. INSTANT COCOA MIX 14 oz. wt. minority student. _ 00C 400 members ij I SAFEGUARD SOAP BAG jO oscar mayer 12 Some of the Dept. I ; oz. I I Bath Size CANE SUGAR with coupon LUNCHEUN MEATS janitor in drum 120c off label 59 alumni Accounting are expecteflj Coupon Expires April 24, 1971 | Coupon Expires April 24, 1971 a attend the dinner and a ■WHY PAY MORE ■■■ LIQUID CLEANER £fl 01 57' program. j ^ "QD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES Qj] Meijer' f HRIFTY ACRES jjj TOP FROST FROZEN manor COFFEE house 32 . oz. wt. can reg. or Electric . Perk 1 Along with iniation members of the annual Beta of honorary- Alphai 1 TATER TREATS chase & sandborn scholarship will be present** COFFEE 32 oz. wt. can MSU's top senior in 8CWUJT II 40' « SAVE 40' 18' * 32 oz. charmin Initiation ceremonies conducted at 5 p.m. in K I A with rtiif coupon foword the purchase of: * with this coupon toward »ho pwrchato of: wt. bag 3/s100 TOILET TISSUE Center, followed by8*8"- - at the Faculty Club starMJ i C0 |CT 5:30 p.m. Dinner and the a*"1 | MAXWELL HOUSE ■ Top Fro«t Frozen program begin at 6:45 p.»' ■ PUDDINGS INSTANT COFFEE I in Kellogg's Big Ten Room. I 4 Flavors -17 oz. wt. cup | Coupon Expires April 24, 1971 | Coupon Expires April 24, 1971 DRIVE DETERGENT Huff to speofl I Meijer THRIFTY ACRES [[fl Meijer THRIFTY ACRES 49 oz. box 65c Vj at Owen Hoi Kb c SAVE 10' with this coupon 4c ^ SAVE 4 Trustee D-Plymouth, an"Tf Warren jjl Muelder, vice prei'de" !co^ toward the pwrchato of: toward tho purchase of: development ana • JENO'S PIZZA !co* ■WHY PAY MORE ■ FOOD CLUB research of the school for 8» graduate studies, will F | | with cheese 10' ; "Problems o 0I.l HEINZ KETCHUP thrifty or pepperoni | OFF J COLD CUTS acres Education at MSU | Coupon Expires April 24, 1971 with coupon ■ Coupon Expires April 24, 1971 today in the Owen w many varieties THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 AM Hall main dining hall. Sponsored by tne GD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES BIBClD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES flj 67' TO 10 P.M. DAILY, EXCEPT ^S/HOPPINC HOURS 10 A.M. CONVENIENCE. SUNDAY FOR SUNDAY Committee Center, the of Owen lectu**tion n 1 to 7 P.M. followed by 8 quests T answer period. w i 5125 W. Saginaw — 6200 S. Pennsylvania — Grand River at Okemos Road The meeting public and the is commit 1 J aU graduates to attend. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 21, 1971 9 Sickle cell anemia studied Black members of the MSU carriers are highly resistant to guesses. We ought to have better To do so, he has community are urged to go to falciparum malaria, a very severe data." developed type of solution. The sickle cell and is testing a the University Health Center and type of malaria. Because the Scott • Emuakpor is looking screening solutions are opaque, whereas contribute a blood sample to technique that enables him to solutions 1 w ' mutant gene aided survival, it only at the MSU black process 60 blood samples in an from containing hemoglobin help themselves and their fellow unaffected subjects are f became fairly common. population in a pilot study hour. clear. I This means that the men. Unfortunately, many people supported by the Center for The The request comes from a do not know they are carriers technique is based on the samples can be screened rapidly Urban Affairs, but eventually he research Warn headed principle that hemoglobin from with a by Dr. until a child is bom with the would like to screen the entire carriers or sickle cell patients spectrophotometer, an Ajovi Scott - Emuakpor disease. If the carriers are instrument that measures the Lansing area. does not dissolve in a certain (e-MWAH-por), asst. professor of identifed and informed of the amount of light absorbed. anatomy. He is trying to help risk, they can make informed people learn whether they are decisions about family planning genetic carriers of side cell Library to extend hours and health care, Scott - anemia and how they might be Emuakpor notes. affected by the trait. The disease, which is Although a new treatment for a major the disease has recently been I health problem among blacks, announced by Dr. Robert M. during spring finals week occurs when a carrier — a person Nalbandian of Grand Rapids, the with a certain mutant gene — disease will continue to occur at marries someone with the same present rates unless carrier mutant gene, and a child is born identification and genetic with two mutant genes. and rising operational counseling influences family The total of expenses. These children have incoming students using the Even though extended hours severe planning. Library's extended hours during final's week are on the top anemia, jaundice, liver disease Also, Scott - Emuakpor points priority list, the book budget and salary and heart defects. winter term was 772, while those They suffer out, carriers should be aware leaving the adjustments for the staff must be considered extreme pain; many die Library during the three - hour extension totaled young. that they may sometimes suffer 4,414. first, he added. Sickle cell anemia affects black Chapin said two problems might result if Life's some of the same symptoms but These totals resulted from a people almost exclusively but not the the same extent as sickle tally kept by the extended hours are instituted. apparently for geographical cell Library during the 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. extension "We would probably have patients, especially if they March 3 -18. difficulty finding I Waiting to give Wood samples for the sickle cell anemia study being conducted at the rather than social reasons. The are in an oxygen - poor situation students and staff willing to work until 2 a.m University trait evolved in sections of The Library will continue to have 1 Health Center are, left to right. Dr. Scott - Emuakpor; Dr. Maxie such as might be encountered extended Chapin said. "Also, the janitorial staff claims Jackson; Diane Harris, hours this term during I Highland Park junior; Eugene Washington, and Dr. Joseph McMillan. Africa in which it was an asset to during an airplane trip or Chapin, director of libraries said. finals week, Richard E. extended hours would create a cleaning be a carrier of the gene because stressful physical activity. The extended problem." hours will begin 10 days The MSU researchers want prior to and during Second and third floors would be the finals week. The exact dates hve only not been [CE PROSECUTORS to obtain some reliable figures on the incidence of carriers of determined. The Undergraduate floors affected if the extension occurred. floors include the assigned These reading section and sickle cell anemia. Library is the only section periodicals. with extended hours. The estimated extra cost "Estimates indicate that 10 to for this procedure is "Many students objected to the fact that the 20 per cent of the American $250, Chapin said. entire Library wasn't open during finals week," Police The possibility of black population are carriers," maintaining extended hours Chapin said. Partially opening the Library until 2 arrest for the entire term is he notes, "but these are being investigated, Chapin a.m. is more only said. This move deoends on next year's financially feasible than opening budget every floor, he explained. By JAMES SHELDON On Sunday, police said Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More they arrested a 21 - year- old Holmes State News Staff Writer Hall resident on Shaw Lane near Akers Hall after the student emerged from his automobile and dropped a bag of what police light MSU students this week face action by county said was hashish in front of an approaching patrol officer. THIS WEEK ONLY—SAVE $1.31 jsecutors for their roles in five different incidents occurring The student had been driving on Shaw Lane and was stopped jween Saturday and Tuesday which resulted in their arre6t by for a traffic violation, police added. The bag is being held as ■U police. wo tot students, 18 and 19 years old from North Wonders and halls, were apprehended about 3 a.m. Saturday in the evidence. In an incident Monday afternoon, a 24 - year - old Spartan Village resident was arrested for littering on Shaw Lane near MEN'S SURFER lirtyard between Case and Wonders halls after a patrol officer McDonel Hall after he grabbed a ticket from a Tr them removing from Case a wood and metal table with an Imated value of police $75. said the students were leaving Case through a west side hand and tossed it to the ground. Police said the student was patrol officer's driving on Shaw Lane and was stopped by patrol officers who had suspected the student was JACKETS i>r with the table, which reportedly was obtained from a room illegally operating the vehicle. $01 ■the sixth floor of the building. As the officer was writing the ticket for illegal student on - campus driving, the man reportedly grabbed the summons. Police said the ticket is being held as evidence, and the student will have to pay it sometime in the future. Three students, two 19 - year - olds and a 22 - year - old who were among a group of about 60 persons, were arrested early Tuesday morning for lighting bonfires on the north side oiAhe Red Oedar River behind the Auditorium. The group, which later shrunk to eight persons, reportedly gathered at about 11:30 p.m. Monday for the purpose of near the river that camping I 21 - YEAR - OLD East from a closet and desk in his evening. Police said they were watching the group and apprehended the three after they started to ■ rs Hall resident was East Akers Hall room, which was fires. light the Itified Monday by witnesses apparently locked at the time of The fires were extinguished ling respongble. for lighting a the theft. by police, who received no resistance from the students. |kage of at least 20 Lighting fires on campus in a violation of MSU Ordinance 20.01. :rackers and POLICE RECEIVED A sliding them In another incident this week, a 21 - fcr an East Aker's room door, COMPLAINT Monday night year - old student was be said. apprehended at about 12:10 a.m. Tuesday after a patrol officer from a Spartan Village resident saw him peeking inside a first - floor window at East McDonel |h e incident who said she saw a man peeking Hall. edly occurred Sunday night at through her apartment window. rs and was Police said they searched the reported Monday |other students in the area but did not find the man. STOP UP UNO ence hall. Police said no The incident is not believed to |ies were sustained from the be related to other prowling VISIT Dill MEIIER firecrackers and no complaints which have been Iplaint was signed agiinst the received this week. THRIFTY HIES ®e incident is still under Jtigation by police. MSU grad « MSU COED ■ was told walking Monday on a police to read BALCONY T"»lk along Shaw Lane in It of Wells Hall at about 6:50 1 when a man, about 20 P old, passed by her and The third poetry reading of the spring series will be at 4{>.m. today in the Union Captain's BEAUTY Jally removed his trousers. Room. Roy Brian, whose poetry Je coed reportedly continued recently featured in SALON was and reported the Tuesday, will read. He is a ^ent to police about two graduate of MSU and has worked on a Masters of Fine Arts program at Bowling Green OPEN EVENINGS A. COLLIER, State University. He has J? sophomore, told police published two books of poetry ■jacket and For appointment, call: glasses, with a — "Prison Break" and "Grand estimated value of 372-8766 393-8568 349-3400 $95, Portage." His poetry has also | stolen sometime between appeared in many small literary 5125 W. Saginaw 6200 S. Pennsylvania 2055 W. Grand River rm'an<* 8:30 p.m. Monday magazines around the country. Lansing Lansing Okemos Head Start On th The Fox D PP^BBi mrWma ^quise Cut $325.1 Heart Shape $425 Interlocking Trio $295 Tiffany Solitaire $250 10% Discount For MSU Students thrifty acres > 5125 W. Saginaw-6200 S. Pennsylvania - Grand River at Okemos Road 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 21 Free University to offer 41 spring classes By JOANNA FIRESTONE State News Staff Writer alternative to "the boring and expensive classes at MSU." "We do it because we feel the University is unresponsive to the "You can sUrt your own class on any subject you wanl to, well give it publicity and arrange a room for it," Miss Hitter and said. winemaking, herbs, modern dance, D.H. Lawrence, altern styles; ' atlv« life I I needs of its students," she said. "Learning is simply giving "Well even try to find a resource person if you want to have a Thursday - love and social change, radical capitalism «. , I A spokesman for Free University said Monday that at least 41 something of yourself to another and taking what he or she has to class but don't feel qualified to lead it." backpacking, dealing with the draft, edible wild plants Y, Pnt I classes ranging from witchcraft to edible plants are being offered give. That shouldn't cost money." Free U was started in 1967 and was appropriated about $1,200 and health, advanced guitar, macrame; ' um*nih> I as part of the spring curriculum. For convenience, Free University classes run Saturday - drawing and painting; approximately a year from ASMSU's educational reform. Shiela Ritter, a Free University coordinator, said the idea of a according to MSU's regular schedule. Classes can start anytime, Spring term classes are as follows: Sunday - establishment muckrakers, sensitivity revni,.« wide variety of free and nonacademic classes evolved as an however, and can last "as long as people want them to." Monday — Movement improvisation, drawing, astrology, male - socialism, yoga. oniI)' | female relationships, long distance bike riding; Miss Ritter said several other classes, Including geodesic h Tuesday — Relating to delinquent youth, organic agriculture, tenants union, education reform, horseback riding anH Sal* Dot* thru Saturday W* r«t»rv* th« right jazz, beginning guitar, withcraft, art appreciation, hypnotism for mechanics, are scheduled to begin later in the term. * to limit quantiti*t beginners, hitchhiking, books and book collecting; For information concerning class times and locations I Wednesday — Alternative job rap, beading, harmonica, should contact the Free U in 325 Student Services 3^-j qi", ntl I DISCOVERIES 'MISUSED' THE DISCOUNT Scientist raps colleagues By MICHAEL FOX war) on the radio. It makes little because of the misuse of theilI STORE WHERE State News Staff Writer ense." He questioned those scientists discoveries, he said. Leonardo da Vinci kept thJ YOUR DOLLAR A distinguished scientist campus Monday night said on who have accepted "the shameless task of creating life in blueprints of the submarine J designed secret because he had,! a test- tube. fear the submarine BUYS MORE modern scientists seem to be regarded by many as "sorcerer's "Some scientists have accepted the challenge of making the used for warfare Chargoff noted. would pumossl bd 1 apprentices who have opened a gate they can no longer control." creation of life a national goal at He said chlorine gas was by chemists in 1774 found I "What can be done should be a time when this nation is harmful effects and to h^l done — this seems to be the destroying life," he said. therefore avoided wiJ devil's maxim that guides their Genetic engineering of nature by 4-oz. work," Erwin Chargoff, from what it is should not be generations of chemists. "In 1914, the idea came chairman of Dept. of toil CLAIROL Biochemistry at Columbia attempted, he insisted. "The Nazi extermination few great men that the should be used in war," nastynl CONDITION University, told some 150 camps also started as an Chargotl students and faculty. experiment in eugenics," he said. said. He questioned why the pi had not been used for the lOOtil HAIR CARE 141 Speaking on the "Current Revulsion from Science," Chargoff called his colleagues "In these bad times forgotten we what human have 150 years between its and eventual lethal discoveiyl application! conscience and responsibility "practitioners rather than Chargoff speculated that soial really mean." "deep changes" in scientists! disciplinists." He criticized those He said more policing by scientists who allow their scientists is necessary so they seem to have occurred. ft discoveries to be used in warfare. Chargoff's talk was sponsonM 1 LB. JAR will exercise more control over "Science in the last 10 years frwin CHARGOKF the application of their by the graduate students of tbl MIITRI TONIC has gained a mandate over life ERWIN CHARGOI-F discoveries. Dept. of Microbiology aoM and death," Chargoff said. it is deadly. For the last seven "Science, which did begin as Public Health. He wasthethJ a "When the built in statistical morning while I am speaker in the annuill SHAMPOO - years, every thought process of scientists is shaving I have listened to the sincere and profound Distinguished Scientists Seminil LILT applied outside their field to life, body counts (of the Vietnam investigation of nature, has series. |09 become an assault on nature," SPECIAL Chargoff said. Although many of the motives HOME Reg. 1.27 that propel scientists are pure, BUF meeting he said, they must 'hink more PERMANENTS about what they are being led to locations foldl c BARNES & and what their efforts might result in. "I am concerned Ibytte The Black United Front (BUm wetting sou/ton HINDS widespread aversion to science will hold complex meetings 7:30 p.m. today in the Wilal fl among many young people and Reg. 1.29 WETTING not a few older persons," Hall auditorium, 121 Akersilfl SOLUTION Chargoff said. the Brody Hall multi • purpon 0 "Science has been corrupted room. Financial aid, the Taykrl by technology, and technology Report, the Center of Urttfl in turn by the profit motive — Affairs and an off • camptil by the media and advertising," cultural center will be discuskl he added. A spokesman for BUF uiftM Reg. 1.33 The image of scientists has all black students to attend tbtl gone from "worse to worse" meeting held in their compleil 1 SOMINEX TABLETS |09 4U eVs 203 E. GRAND RIVER 32 s R«g. 1.46 SINUTABS For Sinus Relief 30's 133 Rise Right Guardf}Ac Deodorant OO 2? 7 OX. «*8 l.0t *9 \«8* ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 70% 16 oz. 13°R*g. 31* INFRA RUB SMALL TUBE 61° WERNETS R*g. 83* Sale ! DENTURE CREAM 65e R*g. 93* Washable Denim Flare Leg Jeans *5| Campbell's SPECIAL LABEL Institute of Information Sciences. It's the only school ol i 8 4 NEW VARIETIES 4^4^ ** Comet offering a course exclusively for college graduates. Banquet jfStc So come on. Bring a friend. Refreshments will be serve . Buffet Dinners OO Pork & Beans Cleanser 8* * Thursday, April 22,6:15 pm assorted flavors pillsbury Minute Maid Orange Juice • •"»« 48° Albert Pick Motor Hotel Cake 22 1-lb. 1427 West Saginaw Street 2-OZ Cast Lansing, Michigan pkg Vegetables Mixes !" I Admissions Officer Postgraduate Studies Honeywell Institute of Information Sciences | 17515 West Nine Mile Road. Southfield. Michigan 48075 EARLY GARDEN _ j Phone (313) 352-1900 Del Monte i lb i oi iflC mel-o crust giant sliced | ! I will not be able lo attend Honeywell * Career ru»h me full Information about the Sem|n»r- Honeywell Instil"'* Peat C!N .19 I matlon Sciences. Bel Monte Beets » 'AS 19° 24° » 3 - 78' | | j Name. Street, City_ Telephone: fHomal (Business). The Other Computer Company | Pfkw |||| turn Tnw—y. «rma W m Honeywell Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 21, 1971 13 SPORTS By 'splits with CAiU, 5-2.2-1 . —.. JOHN VIGES Thp The hnrH hard KlfHnrt hitting outfielder, second on the team in home J f l\ the «> fSvnl first Avtra extra Snntnx inning no as U 11 .. , . _ I State Nevw Sports Writer Ural Michigan put together and batting with an runs, average of •351, dove head first into third Kt,Sr?,nhe^ Jim W.tkln. L"m*" opened the Howrtf. I.)aiy, outndd wM inning, but the Lieckfelt had given up came in the third on a only triple and a run £ singles to the eighth fnning base on an attempted steal and Chipg eighth lonlng with a high sacrifice fly. Leisman got nightcap of a double he either landed on the shoulder Lieckfelt out of a jam in the t0 win 2-1 and gain a or jammed it on the base. £T Sf.hfSw before he was Ugged seventh by retiring two men »U MSU Tuesday. The Howitt was removed from the w . Machemer put down i a . by catcher Bailey Oliver. after the bases had been loaded. a perfect n„m .. / '' ' wvfl the first game 5-2. . . game immediately and taken to bunt between first base and the MSU found itself unable to hoon^n ris Tjeckf-u Lieckfelt had had been not only lost their fourth Olin Health Center where Dr. _if„. an tr effective handle me muuie the piicning pitching 01 of tne the the year, against 19 James Feurig said that he would ■ ries but the Spartans be out of action from four to six S^ZhLe^t^r Ssman reS his ni^rhino pl,chei the rePeated,y shuttin8 the door on "ander. MSU had a two hits in the second and IV gn even greater loss weeks, which would cover the co^eT «£? Mill Darin on Jh* ChipS althou8h CMU scored a run on three hits in the R eenter felckr Shaun Howitt rest of MSU's season. ited his shoulder in the Central Michigan broke open a Sb./sa?';;,; M a Leisman ptlch "^hT'KTd0-^^ ssbu' s? "f19 f"1"- finning of the opener. pitchers duel in the top half of to right s with no one out in the first w^ndTd" h""'" " MSU had little batting trouble in the opener as it collected eight hits off the ace of the lamorous track meet Chips mound staff Dave Weisler. MSU opened the scoring with a pair in the third inning. Gary Boyce pounded his first pitch Safe!~either way- Drake Relays a classic against the fence in right field for a double, advanced to third on when could a ground out and scored CMU's third baseman not handle a Howitt Bob Ellis slides into third base in first umpire called Ellis game action against Central Michigan safe, a decision that was bitterly protested by the academic, however, because Ron Pruitt walked on the pitch Tuesday. The Chips. The call was forcing Ellis automatically to third. State News photo by John By DON KOPRIVA kissing the Tartan track after his Harrington always seem to come Saturdays better, to compete, to do well ground ball. Rob Ellis, who had I State News Sports Writer world record. Or it's the one can see in the agony after sunny Fridays. It's the athletics. in walked, eventually scored on a eyes of a Netters names and sacrifice history involved with Relays, individual events, fly by Ron DeLonge. m this time Kses flow freely Bersity in Des Moines, of year, the press from Drake a runner when he relay. It's drops a baton in the parade of officials this meet — commissioners John Griffith and Tug Wilson to the present - day's Big Ten running events, field None is less important than other and all receive events. any win Kirk Maas picked up his fourth of the year and was very continue effective against the Chips until ■merica's self - proclaimed into the stadium, the crowds of Bob Ehrhart. from the crowd. It's tradition. plaudits the seventh ■etic classic, the Drake 16,000 - plus regardless of the It's inning. stop Wayne the Drakes, known It's expected Maas had yielded only two hits is this weekend. More and it's part of « weather, and the roar from those affectionately by so many what makes the Drake before the Chips spaced four ■, a track meet, it's crowds as a raspy - voiced athletes and fans. It's the meet Relays one of America's best track meets. ■ention, carnival, parade and announcer who rolls his r's singles around a pair of where the first places watches strikeouts Big Ten schools have to two Ids all rolled into one. announces a record possiblity as are worth a lot, not in monetary traditionally done well there and score runs. One thing about the Spartan Gray and Briggs continued on ■'s the glamor of a Ralph a runner h^ads into the terms nearly so much as for the crowd is netters is they don't like to their merry way as the No. 1 A, the world record - holder homestretch. what they mean as friendly toward waste time. doubles team, with a 6 - 1, 7 - 5 symbols of league teams. The Spartans have ■the intermediate hurdles, It's the torrential rains, which man's constant striving to be a better than average shot at Penn eager They let hosting Wayne State No. 6 Jim Pritula, who was playing for Jim Symington, gave win. Madura and Vetter stopped Mann and Bagor, 6-1,6-2, and know Tuesday with a quick 9 - 0 winning the shuttle hurdle title the hosts an idea of the Spartan the Ferman Pritula team shutout of the Detroit team, - they claimed runner up honors - depth, defeating Mike Yambrach downed WSU's No. 3 team, 6 - in last year, with all four coach resigns with the Spartans taking wins all the way across the board in handily, 6 - 2, 6 - 0. 2,6-4. member of that 1970 quartet just back for another shot. two sets. The win made it four Only PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - in a row for MSU, trouble is that Texas Dick Harter, 39, who hiking their shuttle champ, returns three of its four. A&M, the five - year term as capped a University of Pennsylvania basketball coach regular season mark to 5 while WSU suffered their first - 1. Accounting Majors But the Spartans, with setback in four outings. Earn $12,000 Hartwick, Rich Jacques, Dave Martin and John Wayne by leading the Quakers into the NCAA eastern regional finals last Senior Tom Gray spotted the Spartans to lead with a 6 3, 6 - National organization working exclusively with Annually college housing Morrison March, resigned Tuesday to - units (fraternities, sororities, independent dorms) seeks man to running in their first three accept the head coaching job at 4 win over WSU junior Van establish and operate office on campus of his choice. We have meets, have zipped to a 56.7 the University of Oregon. Hooks. MSU No. 2 DeArmond the only computerized accounting system in the country programmed for undergraduate housing record - keeping. This national record - tying clocking The resignation of Harter was Briggs likewise had little trouble, program can be handled on a part - time basis evenings until full enroute to titles at Florida, announced by Penn Athletic foiling Joe Spolnicki's bid for a potential is reached. Extremely small cash outlay required. If Kentucky and Ohio State. Direct Fred Shabel after a match, 6 -1, 6 - 4. you want a secure income with real growth opportunity, write Senior Howard Doughty, on lengthy conference between the today for complete details. Third man Mike Madura the squad last year, will replace two men. Harter's resignation topped Jim Bagor, 6 • 2, 6 - 1, FRATERNITY ALUMNI SERVICE Jacques as the fourth man on had been rumored since he Rick Vetter ousted Mark Division of The Carson Company the unit. Jacques will go as visited the Eugene, Ore., campus Schneider, 6-1,6-1, and Rick 611 South alternate. a few weeks ago. Ferman bounced Ken Mann, 6 - Boulevard, Evanston, III 60202 - Tel. 312/869-8330 The Spartans will be entering three other relays, with*'the distance medley baton foursome TRANSCENDENTAL offering perhaps the best chance for success. Mike Murphy on the MEDITATION Wi SfcaimmtnJ 440, John Mock on the 880, Dave Dieters on the 3A mile and -i Ken Popejoy are likely to go for 220 S. Howard St. r- State. 371-1752 , as taught by Best bet for individual Maharishi IN Spartan success in junior sprinter Herb Washington, who posted a good 9.4 in winning at Ohio Mahesh NEW Entertainment and for the Speed kills Gray, State last week. Old nemesis Mel the defending champ in Yogi WEDNESDAY NIGHT ■ Spartans it hopefully will be enough to knock 'em dead at the Drake the Drake centry, will again be the trivia nite* erb Relays, Frank'n Stein's own show. Washington (right) and LaRue Butchee are two key members of Spartans' man to beat. With a host of ill be counted relay teams and on for some fast races which will produce other 9.4 sprinters along, Herb winning results. should have his work cut out for Transcendental meditation is a natural THURSDAY NIGHT 8:30 - 11:30 State News photo by Bill Porteous spontaneous tech¬ . . . him. nique which allows each individual to expand his mind and Hartwick also has to be rated Jonny Jakovac & improve his life. Polka Nite* NBA title series open a good shot at placing in the intermediates. He was second at Florida and first at Ohio and Introductory Lecture FRIDAY NIGHT with a 52.1 best on the 6:30 12:00 DANCING Continued from page 12) Thursday, April 22 . . . - year . . . Baltimore than New York. Baltimore being able to beat rates as about the fourth best at js, and they said it before "Alcindor should be able to ■ame. But this is for the 1 championship and handle (Wes) Unself better than Milwaukee was in containing the Drake. This was the site of his Bucks' great center Lew best race last year as he clocked 7:30 p. m. Ill Olds AuiUicut. tide "°"°AccorQdi Helmut & Werner Singers K*an * maybe he can handle (Willis) Reed," Alcindor. 51.4 in placing eighth in the For jnore is a better team than information, call 351-7168 ■York." Mullaney said. "Any team with "The thing with Alcindor is NCAA meet. SATURDAY NIGHT Alcindor on it can go all the . . . 7:30 - 9:30 DANCING you can't hope to stop him, you . . . Vs Possible that the Bucks, ■ had been way." just contain him to a degree," looking forward New York guard Walt Frazier Jneeting letdown the Knlcks, will is one of the Baltimore backers Reed said. "If you keep him to 30 - 35 points a game, you're DANCING Bob Koss " Jim Basel a against on Accordian Guitar In a backhanded sort of way. THE SUN DOESN'T SHINE on - ■"ore, and this can't help going okay. You can win. I don't "If the Bullets play the Bucks think Milwaukee is such a cinch * ■crease the Bullets' Paul Bassett On Bass chances, the same way they played us, ■waukee has to be favored in against Baltimore. The Bullets they can beat them," he said. "If have a guy like Monroe and you ■ series. The Bucks beat Tiore five times they go back to their one - on - know he's gonna get his. Unself ALL THE TIME . . . P1 season while during the one stuff though, they won't plays Lew fairly well. I think losing only beat them." I the playoffs are a whole Willis Reed said the key to they could give the Bucks a good run." ... but that doesn't mean Don't Let The Low Jeason, and both teams have raincoats have to be ■own supporters. dreary Angeles Laker center Wilt JiberUin - after hlg team too! Check our new Price Fool You. ■ own eliminated by the collection of coats to Here's the BSK McDonald RTS-20, a natural ■ ~ ^ he didn't care if the high for great stereo ■* sounds at a low economical price. Played New York or Starting with the sensitive but wear over strong 20 watt AM/FM receiver all the way to the i ore m the finals. pants and turntable, you'll find a natural winner for stereo sounds and mini-pro space t^rkee's 8°in« a» under cloudy skies — saving in the dorm, apartment or home. And the walnut finished wide - range speakers give this music center the added plus that'll • "They're tighten up the looks of any room. So drop by the DISC SHOP and turn on to the RTS-20. in canvas and cottons. Only at the DISC SHOP-the place where TS ??ach Joe Mullaney great sounds and economical prices will always turn you on ■dhl B have a better uUght Milwaukee -naturally! chance over From $25. FORD'S "owntown 323 E. Grand River • Washington Open Mon. Fri. 9 - a.m. - 9 p.i Sat. 9 a.m. • 6 p.m. Across from the Union Phone: 351-5380 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 3TATE NEWS "ate news CLASSIFIED Spring Out In A Like New Car From The Classified Ads. Read And Use Them. classified 355-8266 355-8255 The State News does not Automotive by Phil Frapk For Rent . . For Rent For permit racial or religious discrimination in- PLYMOUTH FURY III 1969. Dark SUMMER SUBLET. 2 man NOW LEASING: 2 and 3 man its advertising columns. The green, four door sedan. Air furnished. Marigold Apartments. apartments. Close to campus. $170. 126 Milford. 372-5767 and Housei conditioning. 677-2751 or Close location. 332-1632. 5-4-23 State N^ws will THREE not 676-5936. 5-4-21 489-1656, evenings. 20-5-3 campus. MAN furni.h'w ~c. - accept advertising which GIRL IMMEDIATELY. Haslett 337-1779 or • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against PONTIAC 1964. LiMam. Arms. $35/month. Ask for John evenings. 3-4-23 Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or Convertible. Excellent condition. 337-0490. 2-4-21 $650. Phone 675-7414. 5-4-26 CEDAR GREENS LADIES. NICE Auto Parts & Service national h0uw origin. 1 bedroom furnished Very close. June 15 '. Aviation NEEDED ONE male roommate May 16. PONTIAC $165 each • LEMANS 1970. 350. 10 - October 1. $10/week. Call POOL P|U| " EMPLOYMENT Automatic. Perfect condition. 351-5705.3-4 23 1 393-1490 after 6:30 p.m. for • FOR RENT 351-5328, after 4 p.m. 3-4-22 Call 351-8631 further information. 4-4-23 Automotive TWO GENTLEMEN V Apartments PONTIAC GTO 1967 400 cubes, 4 GIRL FOR 2-man, Summer. Close to Furnished h0u„ "M Houses TWO GIRLS. Fall. Carpeted, $50/month, 351 Rooms CHEVROLET 1965 condition, air, many Impala. Good extras. speed. 21,000 miles. condition. Make offer. 355-5527 Mint campus. 351-2207.5-4-23 Air conditioning. furnished, walking distance. 5705. iqjl • FOR SALE 489-2093. $550. 5-4-26 3-4-23 $62.50 each. 332-5320 after 6 0N.E two Bins. ~To~~J1? p.m. 3-4-22 furnished A SUBLEASE APARTMENT for bedroom Animals CHEVY VAN 1963. Good condition. summer months. Two or three 485-4833. 5-4-21 * Mobile Homes Engine just overhauled. $400. man. Very cheap. Call 332-6783 BEECHWOOD: 2, 3 and 4 man 2 • PERSONAL 351-6838, after 5 p.m. 3-4-22 University Villa. 3-4-22 bedroom furnished apartments, ATTRACTIVE RANCH fZj for Summer and Fall. Spacious, Summer $50 each • PEANUTS PERSONAL CHEVY 1966. Belair, automatic, new parking, close. Discount for all 9 girls. 332-5320 after 6 f,h j! SUMMER SUBLET - Two men p.m. jj • REAL ESTATE tires. Excellent condition. $550 and 12 month leases signed prior wanted, Beech wood Apartments. • RECREATION J332^376. 3-4^3 Cheap, close. 351-0659. 3-4-22 to June 1st. HALSTEAD Call 351-0965 MANAGEMENT, or EAST SIDE. 3 bedroom $160 month plus utillti funjj •SERVICE CHEVY 1960. Good condition. Must CAPITOL COMPLEX in Lansing. 3 351-7910. O September. After sacrifice. Portland, 647-2441. SUNBEAM Typing Service 3-4-22 MINX 1967. Good room furnished, $130. Also 2 room 332-0425. 5-4-23 condition. $250. Call 351-0694 • TRANSPORTATION efficiency, $105. Includes utilities. • WANTED COMET, 1962. Excellent after 9:30 p.m. 5-4-27 Girls or married couples, no LARGE TWO conditioned, party efficiency. Air close to campus. OKEMOS AREA. partially furnished 2"bedroom1 children or pets. Call 489-1276. 1 transportation, many new parts. $135 summer. $150 fall. Call DEADLINE $185. TRIUMPH 1970 GT+6. $2750. 5,000 5-4-21 month. Call 34903309,„1 1 P.M. one class 5-4-26 351-8737 after 5 p.m. miles. Excellent condition. Signal I'M mxa\cpvimis i' 484-0585, 484-1328. 10-5-3 p.m., weekdays. 5-4-22 day red. Call 355-6844. 5-4-26 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham before publication. CORVAIR VAN, 1960 with 1962 Drive. 135 Kedzie. 2 man GIRLS FOR to campus. summer term. Call between 8 4 blocks 1 LOVELY duplex. THREE IK baths "bedroo, 1 Cancellations - 12 noon - VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Automatic, furnished apartments. Includes - , engine. Runs good. Phone radio, one owner. Still under heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. p.m., 332-0143. 3-4-22 basement. 15 minutes class toe™- one day before 349-2274 after 5 p.m. 5-4-26 $205. Couple. After warranty. 882-2051 days. 3-4-23 > starting June 15 and Sept. 5al Scooters & 1 Days. 487-3216. Evenings til 10 MEN NEEDED. May or sooner. 393-1247.3-4-22 1 PHONE CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE, 1964. VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Squareback. Cycles Employment p.m., 882-2316. O Luxury apartment near Berkey. Excellent condition. 4-speed, wire 351-1918. 3-#22 SUMMER: 4 girls. Good condition. $475. 351-3435 1970 BSA 250. Only 700 miles. MARIGOLD APTS 355-8255 wheels, no rust. $500. 332-2139. after 5 p.m. 3-4-23 ZIP CODE distribution firm needs parking, laundry 2 J Excellent. Helmets. Must sell. 911 Marigold Ave. 351-2605. 6-4-23 5-426 supervisors to spend Summer in SUMMER SUBLEASE. 2, 3 man. Vi RATES $675. 353-6839. 4-4-23 major Michigan cities. Training 1 bedroom furnished deluxe block from campus. 351-3214. VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER Bus, Iday $1.50 CORVETTE COUPE 1964 327 1968. Pop tap, sink, icebox, radio, here this term. Requirements / 21, 2 man apts. Across from 5-4-26 HONDA 305. 2700 miles. Excellent 15c per word per day with hard top. $1495. Call Jalousie windows, sleeps 4. condition. $450. Call Mark, car. Contact Placement Bureau for campus. Leasing now Summer Room* 3 days 627-6635 or 484-9904. 3-4-23 further information. 4-4-23 & Fall. 337-7328, $4.00 Excellent condition. $2100. Call 351-6067. 3-4-22 337-0780, HASLETT ARMS: 4 man, 2 13ftc per word per day 351-5607. 5-4-23 and 351-4878- bedroom MEN. ROOM. $130 a apartments, furnished. lnm,H DODGE 1968 Window Vai SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: Camp quiet, cooking. 1 block tow 5 days 1969 HONDA 50cc, 4000 miles, Now renting for summer and fall. $6.50 Excellent condition. Must sel VOLKSWAGEN Sequoia, N.Y. Male counselors PRINCETON ARMS: 1 bedroom CAMPER 1966, excellent city transportation, trail , Discount for 9 and 12 month 487-5753,485-8836.0 13c per word per day 355-9352. 3-4-23 head; waterfront, dramatics, arts furnished and unfurnished. All pop-up top, ice box, bed. 600 bike. $150. 332-8080. 3-4-23 leases signed prior to June 1st. (based on 10 words per ad) miles on rebuilt engine. Good 8i crafts, nature, music, 22 years utilities paid, except electricity Call 351-7662, or HALSTEAD SINGLE. PARKING. $50.1, DODGE CORONET, 1965. Power +. Female: waterfront, condition. Phone pioneering, and telephone. Offering 3, 9 and First and last months' Peanuts Personals steering. Reliable transportation. 3-4-22 TRIUMPH 1968 650cc. A-1 shape. nature, dance, physical education. 12 month leases. Cali 332-8511 or MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O rintl must be Custom tank, seat pipes, chrome, Kedzie, 351-9584.3-4-22 $175. 351-2264, Milla. 5-4-26 pre-paid. etc. $850 firm. After 5:30 p.m., Interviewing Thursday April 22. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, VOLKSWAGEN 1964. New brakes, Appointments at Placement 351-7910. O There will be a 50c service ENGLISH FORD Cortina GT 1968. $400. Call 482-9761 after 6 p.m. 489-1834. 1-4-21 Bureau. 1-4-21 ALBERT STREET. Student J 4 new tires. Stereo tape. 30 miles / CAMPUS VIEW desires young woman n and bookkeeping charge if 328 North Hayford. XB-4-21 NORTH POINTE: 1 and 2 bedroom Now! 351-1356. gallon. Excellent condition. 1969 TRIUMPH 650 Bonneville. i this ad is not paid within Custom apartments, furnished and APARTMENTS paint, pipes, fenders. one week. VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Rebuilt NOTICE unfurnished. Has swimming pool GIRLS, ROOM available FIAT 1970. 850 Spider. New radials. Immaculate, beautiful. Getting Across the street from engine, no rust. California body. and picnic area. Discount for all 9 The $1650 or take over payments. Call married. $1099 including Williams Hall on Michigan Cooking. 351-0798 betivwnll State News will be $600. 487-5798. 5-4-26 SUMMER JOBS available in Torch and 12 month leases signed prior insurance. 355-4050. 3-4-23 and 4 p.m. 3-4-23 responsible only for the 371-1098 after 5 p.m. 3-4-22 Lake Resort area for 2 sharp to June 1st. Call 351-3407 or Ave. University approved ^ first day's incorrect GTO 1968 4 speed. Buckets. Will 1966 BRIDGESTONE 175cc. Engine attractive gals. Reception' and HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, Supervised apartments for MENS SINGLE. Students A general office work. Housing 351-7910. O women students. Leasing insertion. sacrifice. Make offer. 489-9763 mechanically good, body needs available. Send picture and resume kitchen carpeted, pmjl 3-4-23 this week for summer and VW minor work. Helmets. $160. to Mr. Rankin, MIDWEST EVERGREEN: ALL 4 man, 2 fall. Call evenings: 351-7473, 337-9612. 3 4-23 1 DUNEBUGGY. Red fiberglas 355-0542. 3-4-23 GTO 1964 389 4 speed. New tires, body, white convertible top. RE§ORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, bedroom apartments furnished. CHICK: SUBLET attic chrome reverse, tach, gauges. Licensabte. Extra sharp. SUZUKI 250cc X6. -Excellent Mr11*49615. 20-4-30 Now renting for summer and fall. 332-6246 No damage deposit. Sharp! 351-4765. 2-4-21 485-3508. 3-4-23 Discount for 9 and 12 month condition. $375. Call 337-9960. Remainder Spring. 3SM WANTED COUNTRY air talent leases signed before June 1st. Call Automotive MUSTANG 1967, Sprint. Yellow, 6 10-5-4 combo first ticket. Part timer 332-1313, or HALSTEAD NEW TWO bedroom luxury __3±13__ VW 1964, $500. Also Honda 90cc, apartments. Central air, cylinders, 3 speed. Excellent $125. 351-9295 between 7 968 HONDA 22-35 hours a week. Must have MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O ROOMS 10 minutes from CM BUICK RIVIERA 1967. Private - 9 CB350. 6000 miles. dishwashers, garages, fireplaces. In condition. 332-0472 or 332-1628. adult voice. Some experience, no owner. Excellent p.m. 1-4-21 $475. Call after 8 p.m., 351-9360. attractive four unit Completely furnished. 2 condition 3-4-22 building, 5-4-27 beginners. Good breadll 711 EAST APTS. before 4 p.m. C $1850. 332-0080. 5-4-27 furnished or unfurnished. VW 1970. Sunroof, 4 speed, radial Telephone for interview, 711 Burcham MUSTANG FASTBACK 1969 3 332-1183 after 5 p.m. 10-4-26 SPARTAN HALL, singles, i tires, radio. Header exhaust CYCLE INSURANCE. Central 393-1010 after 10 a.m. David . Deluxe large 1 bedroom Now leasing for sm BUICK RIVIERA, 1966. Air, vinyl speed. Excellent care. 34,000 Donahue, women. system. $1850. 349-2638. Michigan's largest insurer. Any program manager. furnished apartments. MEADOWBROOK TRACE, 4 man top, everything, $1295. Call Mike miles. Must sell immediately. Call 353-1078 ask for Deborah. 5-4-27 X-3-4-23 cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON 7-4-22 Suitable for 2 & 3 man. furnished, summer, $190 month, fall. 351-9286, 372-1031.0 | Patterson, 313 - 663-9135 after 6 INSURANCE AGENCY. Now leasing for Summer $50 deposit. 393-3094. 5-4-23 ONE BLOCK from L p.m. 5-4-22 VW 1970. Sunroof, 4 speed, radial 332-5335, 484-8173.0 LIZARD'S: FULL time broiler cook. MUSTANG 1966. 1 owner. 39,000 and Fall. 9 & 12 month $55/month. Furnished. 312 tires, radio. Heater exhaust Apply in person. 224 Abbott FOURTH miles, automatic, power steering, GIRL wanted Summer, Street. 3-422 system. $1850. 349-2638. 3-4-22 NORTON 750. Mint. 1970 Road, 3 - 5 p.m. Must have leases. CAMARO 1968 convertible. mint condition. After 6 $45, Cedar Village. Phone p.m., experience and references. 3-4-21 337-7328 337-0780 Excellent condition. Commando Roadster. 4000 miles. 353-1112 Debbie. 3-4-21 Private 351-0885. 1-4-21 NOW TAKING bids 372-1660.10-4-23 351-4878 owner. $1595. 332-0080. 5-4-27 1967 VW CEDAR I on a MUSTANG 1965 289 4 barrel MOTHER'S HELPER. Summer sedan, model 113 and a 1970 UNIVERSITY VILLA: 1965 750 Norton Matchless. $900. cottage, Petoskey area. July, now renting CAMPER 1964 Ford automatic. New polyglas, many Toyota pickup truck. Contact ONE MAN needed to sublet 2 and 3 Econoline. own and 4 man furnished August. Call Stove, ice box, sink, sleeps 5. Pop-up top. 20 mpg. 355-6327 or Ithaca 875-3653. 2-4-22 extras. 3-4-21 Best offer. 355-8819. John DeBow at MSU Employes Credit Union. 353-2280. 3-4-23 1968 Call 351-6612. 2-4-21 HONDA 350 Scrambler. p.m. 5-4-23 351-4555 after 6 bedroom and $67/month. 332-1788. 3-4-21 bathroom. apartments for summer and fall. If looking for low rates, this is the VILLAGE! building. Call 337-2361 or Scooters & Excellent condition. 8000 miles, LINE UP a spring job now. Car 513 HILLCREST. Close-in pleasant HALSTEAD is where CHEVELLE SS, 1964. Convertible. OLDSMOBILE 1968 442 Cycles helmet and extras. 332-2201 necessary. Also train for full time area. Air conditioned, 351-7910. O MANAGEMENT, 327, 300 h.p., 4 speed. No rust. convertible. Excellent shape. Low 1968 BSA Lightening. Excellent, sell 5-4-23 summer work. Call 351-7319 for interview appointment. C dishwashers, tasty furnishings, the resident I mileage. New tires. 882-3826. redecorated, secure. 1 or 2 large Cherry. $550. 355-4050. 3-4-23 3-4-23 or trade for Ski Phone UNIVERSITY TERRACE: first | Boat. 1968 TRIUMPH Now Daytona 500. PART TIME employment: 12 - 20 bedrooms. Summer and fall leases. comes 339-2535 before 8:30 p.m. 3-4-21 Custom paint and high bars. Good renting 3 and 4 man furnished hours From $45 person. 351-0705 or CHEVROLET 1967 station wagon, OPEL 1971 1900. 6,000 miles. per week. Automobile apartments for summer and condition. 355-9002. 3-4-21 655-1022. 3-4-23 fall. Impala. Power steering, air, Leaving country May 1st. Best T 2 50 SUZUKI 1969. condition. Road Bike. 669-9843 Great required, 351-5800. O Walking distance to campus. Call with 485-9568 after 5 p.m. 3-4-21 offer. 349-3097. 5-4-27 1970 HONDA S90. Female owned 351-9117 or HALSTEAD after 6 p.m. 5-4-27 FOR SALESPOWER try a little MALE FOR Capitol Villa. 3 month and driven equals excellent Classified Ad to sell a large mobile sublease. Swimming, air. 351-9144 MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O maintenanceI condition. Phone 393-7984 after home! Dial 355-8255 today. after 5:30 p.m. 5-4-27 9:30 p.m. 5-4-23 BAY COLONY: apartments 1 and 2 bedroom furnished and and service I RECEPTIONIST WANTED FOR ROOMMATE FOR House trailer, WE HAVE moved. ROLL East Lansing doctor's office. Must unfurnished. Located on corner of - ROSSER close, comfortable, $60/month. Haslett Road and Hagadorn. Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. have office experience. Call Nights 332-3700. 2-4-22 Phone 489-4811. Our new address 351-4440. 5-4-26 Offering 3, 9 and 12 month leases. Call 351-3211 or HALSTEAD 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF 4 - 6 PEOPLE summer. Central air, WE NEED five MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O girls who want to earn dishwasher, pool, 1J4 baths, Auto Service & Parts money without leaving their unlimited parking. After 5 p.m. room. Call Mr. Hawk, 351-4801, 9 351-1191. 3-4-23 11 a.m. 3-4-22 CROSSWORD PUZZLE - MASON BODY SHOP , 812 East Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. DEWITT. CLEAN 3 rooms ACROSS •Complete auto painting and For Rent completely furnished. Heat, 5. Scruff e utilities furnished. 669-3211 1. Provisions collision service. IV 5-0256. C 4. Redact 7. Drive 3-4-23 AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and TV RENTALS - Students only. Low 8. High in the slantingly American cars. If we can't fix it, it monthly and term rates. Call FOURTH GIRL wanted summer, scale 8. 2. Blossoms IviRi 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV Organbird can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O RENTALS. C Eden Roc 351-0303 Sue. 5-4-27 apartments. Phone 11. Biped 12. Miss Turner 5. Welsh sanei N|E jj a|n VW 9. Madder - GUARANTEED repair. 13. Romaine RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for COUNTRY SETTING, 2 bedroom 14. Favoring 0. Treatment P{E _Okemos Road. 349-9620. C rent. 349-2220. O A TO Z RENTALS. unfurnished. 15 minutes from 15. Leave 1. 2. Shrewd Ital. daybreeze dBdi ip VW ACCESSORIES and speed East Lansing. $150 a month. 17. Basted 3. Church bench SNTP equipment. Phone 487-35I2. TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction 655-3468 or 372-7417. 6-4-28 19. Meat 4. dBHT 20. Failure Having wings 3-4-22 guaranteed. Free delivery, service GIRL WANTED: May 1st until June 5. Chasm 22. Solder and pick-up. Call NEJAC, 15th. Super cheap. 351-1527 26. Skilled artist DOWN 5. Smear g Firewood I 337-1300. C Aviation 2-4-22 31. Pigeon 1. Scamps 6. Concerning 10. Residue f 32. Hubbub 2. Diet 7. Geste 16 In error STROBE LIGHT rentals by the night LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight 33. Kept from 3. Anemone 8. Medieval 18.Di'f|Cult weekend. Call MARSHALL training. All courses are or MUSIC. 351-7830. C-4-21 flying 4. Sprite shield problem L government and VA certified. 337-1295. 5-4-27 2i Excavate® I FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport 2 3 I I* If 23. Loser I ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. You meet the nicest people at RoadjCall 484-1324. C 1 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 24. Prosecutt 1 NOW LEASING 2b.ConiPlel( 1 FREE SKYDIVING movie 7:30 RENTAL, 372-4948. O p.m., Wednesday, 26 Front 21 April, Room for summer and fall 102B Wells. 2-4-21 27 Cretan is"1 28 Gold in Collin gtoooi) Employment SUBLET Apartments SUMMER. 4 man Studio, 1 bedroom, and 2 bedroom apts all furnished — mmww/Mwmwwm mmmmmmmwm hcraldr* L 29 Acco'dWB 30. Not "1*1 apartment. Air, patio, lawn. Good BARTENDERS, 34 This m*! apartments WAITERS, and location. Cheap. Cindy, 351-1054. waitresses. Weekend work only. rent from $135/month S5-4-22 Call 339-2916 between 9 a.m. and summer leases (formerly Northwind Apts.) noon. 3-4-23 LANSING OR East Lansing. One heated pool i $400.00 total fall leases now being HRI STUDENT to cook part time at night. Apply in person, bedroom rooms. furnished. Large, airy Air conditioned. ample parking 1 PI p HOSPITALITY MOTOR INN, Beautifully maintained. Suitable BURCHAM WOODS •UNLIMITED PARKING accepted 1-496 at Jolly Road exit. 5-4-21 for faculty, grad students, business ♦DISHWASHERS 2 man/ $200 people, married couples. tide *SHAG CARPETING Lease. •BALCONIES ~w i BABYSITTER for two year old boy. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O *AIR CONDITIONING 3 man/ $210 Call 351-8282 •AND MUCH MORE 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) 4 man/$220 My home (Center Street). Tuesday, Thursday, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Call after 4 p.m. 351-9225 2-4-21 CEDAR apartment VILLAGE: for sublet summer. 2 man Call If no answer — 484-4014 :i: 351-4516. 3-4-22 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 21, 1971 15 For Rent For Sale For Sale For Sale fclSHED Without ■ BASEMENT. Female car. Now. Summer. SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49, $11.95; TV, $12.95. chest ABC HAMMOND ORGAN double keyboard, Leslie — one year old, For Sale ST. BERNARD pups and stud Peanuts Personal Academic Council ilMe5 in conservative hou»e. SECONDHAND STORE, speaker! kE PHI Pledges: Congratulations on (Continued from page one) 1208 Features many Instruments. Like service. 2 males. AKC 5 351-8820. 351-3439. 2-4-21 482-5887. 3-4-21 registered. your raid - what a surprise. Love, disapporval to the final three new, $200 down, take over Your Sisters. 1-4-21 trustees from taking action WATERBEDS as advertised in Life. on proposals. t. spriNG term opening in coed payments. 393-3796. 5-4-21 All sizes available. urgent financial and personnel In other business, Gordon E. FISHER Starting at $28. ST. BERNARD. _Ln $180 room and board. 600 stereo tuner~Tnd Call 4 Rivers after 6 p.m., Male. registered. 18 months. All shots. AKC matters was modified and passed Guyer, chairman of the Dept. of IEDRICK B HOUSE. 140 amplifier. Garrard changer $200 641-6770.5-4-21 LESLIE, MUST sell, perfect. Make 351-1028. 3-4-22 699 2549. 3-4-22 by the council. Entomology and chairman of .wood, 332-0844. 5-4-21 offer. Call Jeff, 351-8291 or The 356-7062. 5-4-21 modification states, the University Steering MAGNAVOX CONSOLE STEREO. HUNGARIAN VIZSLA "within the constraints of the puppies. Committee, announced to the PORTABLE Excellent condition. 1969, also AKC. Born March 13. Females. For Sale TYPEWRITER, case, HARMON - KARDON stereo. Bear grizzly bow and aluminum constitutional authority of the council that the steering table. Aquarium, men's $100. 349-9615. 5-4-26 board of trustees, the academic ties Slightly used component system hunting arrows. 353-4099. 2-4-22 GAMMA PHI pledges: committee had appointed a five bricks. Cheap. 355 8091. with 3-4-21 matched speakers, original Congratulations council shall be the final member ad hoc committee to ■SON ELECTRIC ES330. cost $449, $295. Used FREE KITTENS to good home. Box on raid. The Actives. 1-4-21 a successful lxcellent condition, hart SONY TC630 tape recorder. Realistic stereo now amp and extension SANSUI 350 receiver and dual 1212 trained. 482-2510 after 4 p.m. authority with regard to the make a continuing investigation e. $250. 337-0490. 3-4-21 Like turntable. $150. Phone 355-9498. 5-4-26 interpretation of these bylaws." into the issue of collective new $300. 353-2837. 3-4-21 speakers. Selection of DUCKY used 3-4-23 DUDDLE, Congrats on a A final portable stereo phonographs. Bell well coordinated proposal was defeated bargaining for faculty at MSU. QUALITY OLD convention. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, most and Howell stereo English Sheepdog T'was wunnerful. by about a two - thirds vote of "x88" direct from West Coast, cassette ADDING MACHINE. Electric. $40. puppies for sate. Pet and show Quack Quack. brands. 30% off list price. Rich: recorder. Used the council. Westinghouse Typewriter, $35. 1956 available. Call 393-5919. 5-4-21 1-4-21 acigl sale $39.95. Lowest price 351-5869. 0-4-21 portable Porsche, The proposal stated, "Any TV, plays good $45. New $595. 487-0046. 3-4-23 ailable for quality. Ken, 9x12 Oriental pattern rugs and BARRY, CONGRATULATIONS on amendment of the bylaws 125 North Hagadorn. MINOLTA SRT Mobile Homes Abortion 101. Extra wall tapestries. 1500 used and accessories. Like new: FOUR GOOD seats behind home. winning SAMMY recorder. You're affecting the substance of Savage guaranteed stereo records and 8 fantastic. Love, Cheryl. 1-4-21 academic governance shall be 110LD 300 Winchester Tigers vs. Baltimore. Tonight. - mag with track stereo tapes. Hermes SUNRISE PARK 1969 12'x60'. 372-5841. 1-4-21 referred to the board of trustees st repairing and replace Leopold 2-7 variable; golf clubs. portable Expando TA' 23'. Every kind (Continued from typewriter, excellent - x Real Estate for its approval." page one) frames. OPTICAL 355-8027. 2-4-22 of condition, $39. Selection of LIBRARY BOOKS. USED extra. $7500, or best offer. isCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan 35mm over 625-7723. 4-4-23 Mrs. Smith said that with the against the bill because "it SLR cameras used. 20,000. 10c each. 2000 50c each. ue, 372 7409. C-4-23 SONY MICRO TV 5" plays EAST LANSING. Contemporary, passage of this amendment, the wouldn't be fair" to - - car, Polaroids and movie cameras. 200 Rare books. JERRY'S FLEA his redwood home on wooded lot, 2 beach, warranty, $90. 332-370o! Bosch and Lombe used MARKET, 7'/a miles North of AMERICAN 1970. 12x60. Like new. trustees would be able to committee to give his opinion CETTE RECORDER. $45. 2-4-22 microscopes. Used 8 track and Lansing on US 27 669-9311 English decor, 2 bedrooms, fully years old - 4 bedrooms, den, interfere on any vote of the "and then go out and try to Fjtar, Must sell. Ben, 355-9406. cassette auto tape players, all Auction Saturday 1 p.m. 3-4-23 carpeted, disposal. Brookview family - kitchen, large deck, council or Academic Senate conduct public hearings." 1-22 RUMMAGE SALE — Sponsored by tested and guaranteed. Bargains on Mobile Park. Perry, (off M-78). On intercom. For sale by owner, concerning academic governance Women's Society, University used lovely diamond lot with every modern $58,000. For appointment, call ring OLDS. CORNET, recorder model. and, in effect, could "declare the "That's what the committee Methodist Church, 1120 South 351-6814. 5-4-26 I Dick folding machine, model engagement sets, $39 up. Good condition. $125. 351-9530 convenience. 339-8777. 5-4-22 losers, the winners." chairman did last year in the l Excellent condition, Harrison, East Lansing. Thursday 58 Layaways„Bankcard,\Mastercharge. after 5:30 p.m. 2-4-22 The council passed a Senate, and later her opponents fely used. Price $250. Call April 22, 9 8.m. til 9 p.m. Good used clothing, household WILCOX SECONDHAND CHAMPION 1969. 12x50. Excellent Recreation resolution introduced by Milton used it to beat her k8285. 3-4-22 items, STORE, 509 E. condition. 2 bedrooms. Furnished. over the Michigan, MATCHED SET golf clubs, $65. miscellaneous. 1-4-21 Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours Lots of storage space. Skirted. 15 UNION BOARD flights to Europe. Powell, associate professor in head," he said. Dictaphone, Travelmaster. AC or IrBED FRAMES, $35 and up. daily 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. C battery. Like new. $175. minutes from MSU. Must sell. Beginning $199. Caledonia Justin Morrill College, saying IbIRTH, 402 E. Michigan WEDDING GOWN dotted swiss, 8 - 393-5853 after 6 p.m., weekends. that the last Last year Sen. N. Lorraine 332-2331, evenings. 3-4-23 Airlines. 353-9777. C three 3. 4-4-23 10. Imported silk veil. $75. 100 USED vacuum 5-4-23 Beebe, R-Dearborn, cleaners. Tanks, recommendations do not a proponent 351-3630. 3-4-23 canisters and uprights. Guaranteed of abortion law concern student participation in reform who 1968 ■eRBEDS, $29. Five year one full year. $7.88 and up. Animals 12x50 Rembrandt furnished, TROPHIES & PLAQUES academic government and Tory guarantee. REBIRTH, 402 ROBERTS Three TAPE deck 650XD. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING partially carpeted, air over 1000 tro phi ts on display council vote on these proposals Michigan, 489-6168. 4-4-23 motors, 3 heads - COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. PEDIGREE PUG, 10 months old, conditioners, washer, dryer and no wAir:, is i maud/ate surprised her colleagues when automatic reverse. New condition. shed. Located 0ei/vmt should not prejudice the trustees she Opposite City Market. C-4-22 housebroken, one mile from admitted to having Paid $400, $50. After 5 p.m.' campus on paved lots. 351-2036. #Ttrh* <«»/ Frictt for | Quentl:,' in regard to student sell for $200. 351-8650. 5-4-22 furehamt undergone an abortion, CHECK 627-9592. 2-4-22 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. 3-4-23 participation. jjfr professional 1 sponsored similar statewide Sandra Warden, associate (ONARD WHOLESALE'S _ Brand new portables OLD ENGLISH - $49.95, Sheepdog. Female. 7 fnoravino hearings, and was later defeated | LOV.' PRICES ON WEST AVALON guitar amplifier $5.00 per month. Large selection months. Doug or Ann, 372-6206, Lost & Found our specialty | professor in Justin Morrill in a re-election bid by Sen. with two 15" Ut8h of 11 a.m.-9 p.m. 5-4-27 speakers. reconditioned used machines. College and chairman of the David Plawecki, D-Dearborn Arvin portable TV, two portable Singers, Whites, Necchis, New FOUND: LONG haired female calico tring In Your 1 Trophiti or PloquM University Faculty Affairs Hts., who opposes abortion law tape recorders. All merchandise in Home & "Many Others." POODLE, PUPPY, 8 weeks old, cat on Evergreen. Call $19.95 332-0654. for Profaialenal Committee, told the council excellent condition. to $39.95. AKC. 3-4-22 Engraving reform. is Nikon, 349-0718. Terms. EDWARDS Samoyed puppies, AKC. early in the meeting that her U Ho«r Service Pentax, 2-4-22 DISTRIBUTING K-9 COIFFURES, COMPANY, 694-0098 or committee supported the first . Howell, 1115 North 372-0925. 5-4-27 REWARD: FOR return of ring. Blue Holmes said it looks now as if Washington, 3020 vine st. P/lOnt three ROYAL TYPEWRITER nearly new. 489-6448. C-4-22 star sapphire set in silver band. proposals with his committee will not finish 332-1667 "considerable Originally $90. Sell for $55. Call ST. GABRIEL. St. Bernards. Lost near Demonstration Hall? philosophical deliberations until the first or WPONENT SYSTEMS Diane, 351-6234. 3-4-23 16' Beautiful 5 week old 353-8177.3-4-22 Larry Cushion Sporting Goods reservations." second week of June. Earlier he RUNABOUT, 33 hp, Scott puppies, 1 (IK. N. OF MICH.-WEST OP SEARS Atwater. Electric registered AKC. Puppy shots She added that her committee said he had hoped kers such as Fisher, BICYCLES: USED, 5 and 10 speeds. start. $275, given. Excellent temperament and BLUE TINTED right eye contact. "LANSING'S MOUSE OP TROPHIES" had voted 8-1 to give their they would trailer included. 349-4757. 2-4-22 finish before the end of May. larfedale, Midland, NEW COMMUNITY marking. 5 females, 4 males. $125 Found on Case Beach. 355-6737. Ksonlc, Phllco, Garrard, BfCYCLE THIS AD is worth 50c toward one SHOP, 351-7118. 1-4-21 and up. 393-6458. 5-4-27 2-4-21 SAILBOAT, 1970 Triumph. 60' hour of play at GOLDEN EIGHT square. Nylon sail. Kick LOST: FENDER SHOWMAN amplifier with rudder. Like new. $325. Also 11' up GREAT DANE puppies. Gentle but BLACK kitten. 6 days BALL BILLIARD 2019 East Michigan. 484-9533. LOUNGE, 11*5 WHAT'S lis* wnni a^ . i one 15' JBL. $300. Call pregnant. Reward offered. Call 351-1052. sunflower, $195. 349-4757. effective protection. $200. 353-0775 or 355-8350. 3-4-23 3-4-23 HflPPESfflG 3-4-23 3-4-23 349-9558 or 393-6499. 3-4-23 KUSTOM FOUND: POCKET watch, key. AMP, speakers, Farfisa SONY TC8, cartridge player FREE KITTENS. Long haired, Outside Berkey, Monday. Rick, STUDENTS-GRADS playful, box trained. Phone 355-1533. 2-4-21 484-0160. 1-4-21 GOING TO EUROPE? LOST: WHITE male Siamese cat. Cross - eyed, kink in tail. Near our Blueprint Brody Complex. Reward. Check with us first. Sierra Club will have a display 351-0248. 3-4-23 from 9:30 a.m. to S p.m. today in the International Center. Posters and American Union of Students LOST GOLD wire r'tmmed glasses in books will be for sale, and other AH are can save you welcome to join the brown case, lost in vicinity of money on all pamphlets will be given away. women's contingent and march on giojotf A kers. Call 353-6033 after 2 3-4-23 p.m. aspects travel. of Bigelow, 351-3313. your Contact: European Becky 1 term. A to lawyer will be S p.m. Call every 353 - at ASMSU from Wednesday this 0659 for an Washington Saturday. Bus tickets can be purchased for Women's Liberation in 314 Student Services Bldg. or $23 through Student Personal EUROPE, $194. Studentours round appointment. Movie versions of Steinbeck's Mobilization Committee in 320 Student Services Bldg. Child care will trip jet to London. Summer 1*971. "Forgotten Village" and Thor be available. HELP SAVE AMERICA Call Eddie, 393-7520. 33-6-4 Heyerdahl's "Kon Tiki" will be Join the AMERICAN shown at 8 p.m. today in 106B Wells VIGILANTES! The Chess Club will meet at 7:30 For information - Buy and Read Hall. Donation $1. SUMMER FLIGHTS to Europe. p.m. today in east Holmes Hall lower THE AMERICAN VIGILANTE $165. New York to London. Call lounge. Please bring sets. The Astronomy Club will have an By Alaric, Branden Press, 221 Frank Buck. 351-8604. 17-4-28 observing session with telescopes at Rodeo Club will meet at 9 p.m. Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass., 8:30 p.m. today on the roof of the today in the 02116. $4.95. 15-4-27 Juding Pavillion. Service Physics - Astronomy interested are asked to meet first in Bldg. All Everyone interested in going to the rodeo school should attend. All 315 Physics - Astronomy Bldg. If LEATHER FRINGE jackets $29.95 PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free interested students are welcome. cloudy, the meeting will be cancelled. and vest, $10.95. estimates, grad students, INTERNATIONAL IMPORTERS, experienced, references. Brighten Celebrate Earth Week - explore 482-6583. B3-4-23 up your house for spring. the campus. Sierra Club will sponsor Anyone interested in skydiving is 349-4817. C a bike - in at 2 p.m. today. All those welcome to meet with the Sport EVERYTHING FOR your hair - interested should meet in the parking Parachuting Club from 7:30 to 9 CHI LDCARE. lot behind the Library. p.m. today in 102B Wells Hall to see combs, tonics, brushes, shampoos LICENSED South a skydiving movie. Questions about and sprays. UNION BUILDING Pennsylvania — Mt. Hope area. E - Qual and Sierra Club will meet skydiving will be answered. BARBERSHOP. C-4-21 Call 482-5003. 3-4-21 at 7:30 p.m. today in G - 8 Holden A meeting for the proposed Paul Hall. Emery Foster of the University WILL COED from Livonia who WILL DO any kind of typing in Goodman School for children ages my Waste Control Authority will be recently bought a gold Shelby home. Also occasional babysitting. five through 10 will be held at 8 p.m. guest speaker. All are invited to Cobra and wanted to trade speed Call 393-1073. 5-4-21 attend and find out what the Thursday in the East Lansing Public boat, please call Mr. Moray University is doing about pollution. Library. at 353-1760 or 882-1414. 2-4-23 Typing Service E - Qual will show films on the The Union Duplicate Bridge Club will sponsor a Newcomer's game at environment at 7 p.m. Thursday in WATERBEDS. Life guarantee. All ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith 158 Natural Resources Bldg. Books 7:15 p.m. today in the Union. All are sizes. $39.95, Butt-seam. $28.95, and literature on the environment welcome. offset printing. Complete service Round Jumbo, $45. Call for will be available. All are invited. dissertations, theses, 351-7466. 4-4-23 The Promenaders wi|l meet and manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Deadline for Still 21 years experience. 349-0850. C undergraduate dance from 7 to 10 p.m. today in the a few places MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN FREE care. ... Call A lesson in complexion 484-4519, East Michigan PROFESSIONAL applications for the School of Social Work for fall, 1971, is May 3. To become an undergraduate major you Union welcome. Tower Room. All are EVERYDAY 1 6 except or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. must have completed 70 credits and - Sunday MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS THESIS be taking or have completed Social Groups and individuals interested Phone 332-6441 or 372-2797 pft for summer & fall PREPARATION in Work 205. GPA is often a major planning and participating in the STUDIOS. C-4-22 local Women and War Day, May 3, MARSHA CHANEL consideration. Applications are can contact Linda at 349 - 0817 or available in 25 4 Baker Hall. BOARD EXAMS 353 - 6719. Kaplan tutoring I twyckingham - APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. classes now being formed for June The Soaring Club will meet at |f . sPac'ous luxury apartments are completely carpeted and I Urnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each and July. ATGSB Exams and LSAT Exam. For information call July 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. All interested persons ire invited. I Un't has a (313) 851-6077, collect. 18-4-30 I central air dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - fl and Paula Hau(kt) 337 1527 *r 827 7936 Transportation The Residence Halls Assn. will conditioning and Hotpoint appliances. These four man 3 mo. leases COMPLETE THESES meet at 6:30 p.m. today in the third GOT THE MESSAGE? service. I ha',LhaVe "P t0 par'<'n9 spaces per unit. The student's leisure time 6 mo. leases Discount printing. IBM typing and WANTED: RIDE for two to floor conference room of South Case Hall. All persons are invited to I 1 rec reation roomsadec'uatelY Planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, 9 mo. leases There were 77,980 binding of theses, publications. Across from campus, resumes, Washington, D.C. Friday. Call Al, 353-1902. 3-4-22 and private balconies. If commercials shown you want to be among the 12 mo. leases on MSU 1 «J1-residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units nighttime television on one corner below MAC and Grand River, WANTED: RIDE to New York City, annual Sport MSU announces the first Pack Rat Award | King at $60/month per man. network in one year. COPYGRAPH Style Shop. Call SERVICES, Thursday, April 22. 487-5189. Competition. The best team on this You can write your own 2-4-21 scavenger hunt will be awarded a 337-1666. C commercial message that will trophy. The competition will be held at 9 a.m. May 1 at Parking Ramp 1 go to EXTRA TV'S sell fast in spring with 50,000 people in one TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. on Shaw Lane. Charge is 75 cents for low cost Want Ads. day at Dial - a tiny fraction of the Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary students and faculty with IDs and $1 cost. The method is State 355-8255. for all others. Ann Lance, 626-6542. 0-4-21 News Classified Ads. If you want to see advertising NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE COPY SHOPPE can show you Wanted MSU Sport, the motorcycle club, will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in results, whether you're a how to get two Xerox copies for Snyder Hall lower lounge. Upcoming housewife selling some used the price of one. Phone 332-4222. competitive events will be included on the agenda. Please bring poster - article or a businessman 841 E. Grand River, p making materials. All interested looking for more business, BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. NOTHING persons are invited. For information, dial 355-8255 LASTS foreverl So for for an Ad No job too large or too small. new call 355 - 9490. Writer today! or newer household goods Block off campus. 332-3255. C check today's Want Adsl The following Free U classes will meet today: Alternative Job Rap, 3 MCAT EXAM six day kaplan TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for p.m., 139 Student Services Bldg.; tut&ring course being assembled Rapids, accurate service. all positive, A negative, B negative Beading, 7 p.m., 109 Bessey Hall; for May 1st exam. 851-6077. Experienced. 393-4075. O and AB negative, $10.00. O Harmonica, 7:30 p.m., 215 4620 S. HAGADORN 15-4-23 Evergreen; Winemaking, 8 p.m., 120 TVWCMM6HAM FOR GLAD tidings look for negative, COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, $12.00. MICHIGAN Physics - Astronomy Bldg.; Herbs, 7 just north of Mt. Hope Rd. apts. Peanuts Personal something you've lost with a Want Ad 50714 East Grand River, East p.m., Dance, 101 7 Bessey Hall; Modern p.m., 218 Women's Dial 355-8255 Lansing. Above the new Campus Intramural Bldg; D.H. Lawrence, management exclusively by: Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 9:30 p.m., 152 Gunson; Alternative ONCE A Sparrow, he was COMPLETE free, now TYPING and printing p.m., Monday, Life Styles, 7:15 p.m., Phillips Hall he's not, he's pinned to me. Love Thursday and service. Copy stored on magnetic Friday. Tuesday first floor library. itl Poob. 1-4-21 and Wednesday 1 tape. This eliminates all re-typing p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY CONGRATULATIONS FarmHouta pledges, Dave, Brian, NEW except MAIL author's changes and corrections. ALDINGER DIRECT ADVERTISING, across TO RENT. Farmhouse. 6 bedrooms. Summer. 4 to 355-4879, 332-2312. Ghetto Jew, "liberated" Jew, embarrassed JeW, you'd better do some fast thinking. Start by seeing Dave, and Fred. 1-4-21 from Frandor. Phone 337-1773. C ine film, "Let My People Go" at 1 5-4-27 p.m. Sunday li 35 Union. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Leaders By The Associated Press the community knows what is react to Massachusetts. tired of this court's integration - Eastland, D - Miss., said the busing decision Florida officials said the for the Little Rock, Ark., school desegregated." ■ expected of it." In Massachusetts, Education segregation business and are court was again "singling out the ruling would have the greatest board, said the courts now are However, John W I Politicians, school officials Commissioner Neil V. Sullivan ready for some answers," he South for punitive, vindictive effect on urban areas, and Rivers "in the position of a super Philip E. Kaplan atto!'N "Maybe now it can react in a and civil rights lawyers reacted said the ruling supports state said. and discriminatory treatment in Buford, general counsel to the school board, making the positive way instead of the to Tuesday's Supreme Court An antibusing bill is pending the operation of the public state school board, said he felt decisions on educational integration negative feelings we've had for efforts to end racial imbalances cases in a l ^ decision on school busing in schools. It gives an all - powerful the court had approved the much the same manner as they the last year and a half," he said. through busing, construction in the Washington Legislature and Gary Little, general counsel judiciary an unrestricted license board's view that "assignment matters." He said courts will have to "Theneighlo ^S concept has But two other members, programs and other means. been have to most desegregation for the Seattle school district to impose impossible burdens on for racial balance was not a determine integration plans orders in the past. Thomas B. Harris and William H. "I consider it a landmark decision in that it clarified the said the Supreme Court ruling Southern schools in the name of desirable thing." individually and decide "how what U is-> the races." device J 86 Booe, predicted large numbers Supporters of school of white children whole question of bussing," said makes it clear that it would be integration." Charles A. Brown, attorney much desegregation is being desegregation called the transferred to the 12 private Sullivan, who presided over unconstitutional. Unanimous decision a landmark. Seattle's plan to institute Opponents said education would schools that have opened in the area during the last year. desegregation in Berkeley, Calif., and was superintendent in Prince busing in the fall to create a FOR 'U' EMPLOYES be harmed. "In my judgment, this Edward County, Va., during a racial balance in the schools has And Gov. Linwood Holton of met with substantial resistance. decision is going to mark the segregation conflict. Virginia, a moderate Republican, Henry L. Marsh III, a black An integration plan for the said: "Virginia will abide by the beginning of the downfall of law of the land." "I am optimistic about the future of our public schools public education," Alabama Beasley voiced said Lt. Gov. Booe. Richmond City Council member Jere and attorney a similar view and desegregation in many cases, said, fall in Durant Providence, R.I., also has been challenged, but Charles H. III, deputy Tax exemptions said the ruling indicates "the "Perhaps now we can end the superintendent, said it now because of the way the children appears the plan meets court Tax Reform Act of 1969, a student of part - time irrational mood which grips our unfortunate preoccupation with University employes, including students and part - time, emplov* themselves, including my own, standards. workers, who do not anticipate any income tax liability on their have a withholding exemption certificate, Form W-4EJ! have responded to increased high court at this time." busing and concentrate on "The effect will likely be the providing for each child in the The ruling drew criticism wages after May 1, 1971, can exempt themselves from paying the Payroll Division, Office of the Comptroll^ ■ integration," he said. Three of destruction of many public system the best possible from some Southern officials, federal withholding tax. Administration Bldg. H 0ller' Holton's four children attend including Mississippi Lt. Gov. A withholding exemption certificate must be on file before the school systems in our country," education. We have lost valuable The form must state that the employe had no Richmond schools where Charles Sullivan, who said: next payroll to have income tax deductions reflected on the next taxes H J Beasley said. "The people of time." 1970 and expects none for the current year. Certificate desegregation has been America will reject this latest "Constitutionally, I disagree check. Students paid under the graduate assistants payroll must » accomplished in part by busing. California Schools Supt. obtained at the payroll division. m attempt to destroy the system of Wilson Riles, the first black absolutely with this decision. I have the exemption certificate on file by May 7. The Supreme Court, in an shall continue to believe that Under the 1971 tax rates, a single person who makes less than If a tax liability is anticipated as yearly earnings increase td education that many dedicated elected to that post, expressed a opinion written by Chief Justice education is the responsibility of $1,700 will owe no tax. This is based on the $1,050 low income exemption certificate can be corrected at the payroll divfcioJ persons have built over the similar view and said the ruling Warren Burger, said courts may order busing as one means of years." would nullify a state law the local governments — and not and a personal exemption of $650. Aiso, married couples filing Also, any employe must sign a new certificate each year if wish to have income taxes withheld for that particular ^ School officials had no forbidding busing without a responsibility of the federal jointly with an income of less than $2,350 will not owe any year eliminating segregated schools. immediate comment on the parental consent. government." federal income tax for 1971. For further information, call Systems and Procedures " The Nixon administration In Washington, Sen. James To take advantage of this withholding 5026. ruling in Mobile, Ala., where "I have a feeling people are break resulting from the had opposed massive forced about 95 per cent of the 69,000 busing, but there was no pupils have been assigned to immediate comment on the schools with biracial ruling from the White House. enrollments. The President has said he favors Clarke County, Ga. which assigning pupils to the schools includes Athens, had asked the nearest their homes. court to overturn a Georgia The Supreme Court ruling Supreme Court ruling outlawing directly affected Charlotte - the system's busing program Mecklenburg County, N.C.; aimed at Clarke County, Ga., and Mobile integrating most of its 12,000 pupils, about one - third County, Ala. of whome are black. Julius L. Chambers, a Negro At the Republican Governors lawyer active in civil rights Conference in Williamsburg, Va., activities in North Carolina, said most governors declined of the ruling, "I think it's great. comment until they studied the .. it's all we asked for." About half the system's opinion. But, Gov. Milliktn said, 80,000 pupils are being bused to schools outside their "Certainly in Michigan, as I am sure in other states, it will be neighborhoods this year pending observed." appeal of the plan, and school "I think I'd have to board member Carlton G. say that 1 Watkins said that now "at least am relatively pleased." said Gov. Francis W. Sargent of Ping-pong match (Continued from page one) Tokyo before the Americans the mainland Chinese, would went to China and received welcome the visiting Chinese assurance of visa approval. team and expedite visas. Nixon wants to talk about He said he has had no contact Steenhoven's impressions of his with the State Dept. about a Chinese visit since returning to trip, Ziegler said. He said it was too early to tell if the the United States Sunday. President will meet with the Chinese No dates or schedules for a Chinese visit have been set up delegation. Steenhoven, a personnel yet, Steenhoven said, adding, executive for Chrysler Corp. in "They will be based to a Detroit, told a news conference considerable extent on the he issued the invitation to Song wishes and preferences of our Chung, acting president of the guests." Chinese Table Tennis Assn., He said the U.S. Table Tennis when he arrived in China and Assn. would need some financial that the Chinese accepted before the Americans left the country. assistance to play host to a The Chinese gave him the Chinese visiting team. But, he opportunity to announce the said, aid would be solicited from acceptance at his convenience, private rather than government he said. sources and no government aid He said he discussed the would be accepted. "We want no government possibility of a return invitation with U. S. Embassy officials in connection," he said. Empress Parly Set 7" silverplated dish with matching Empress spoon for mints, nuts, relishes. $ Gift Boxed Ideal for Mother's Day, Wedding and shower gifts. Charge Open Fri. Till 9 p.m. fine Jewelers 219 E. Grand River Phone: 332-3917