I... want at least one fact per MICHIGAN Schlect STATE NEWS . . . | editorial. _ Qeorge Bu,|ard STATE . . . and cloudy. High in the J 50s. Low tonight, 28 to 34. UNIVERSITY Jume63 Number 164 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 22, 1971 REJECTION Delayed implementation of report seen possible The trustee recommendation would in winning the approval of the Academic By STEVE WATERBURY incorporate into this section a statement Senate. State News Staff Writer that in the case of a dispute The Academic Senate will consider the "concerning the application of this amendments at a May 19 meeting. proviso, the final The rejection of recommendations from judgment shall res' with the board of Approval by the senate is necessary before the board of trustees trustees." the amendments can be returned to the by the Academic Council Tuesday may lead to further delay board for approval. in the implementation of the Revised The other rejected amendment provided "Faculty members who feel that Report Concerning Student Participation „hat "any amendment of the bylaws itudent representation in academic in Academic affecting the substance of academic Governance, Milton Powell, 'overnment ought to be given a chance acting chairman of the University Student governance shall be referred to the board should go to that Senate meeting and vote Affairs Committee, said of trustees for its 'or these proposals," Powell Wednesday. approval." urged. "In rejecting the Powell said that the closeness of the "The approval of the amendments is the recommendations, the council may have put the board of trustees council vote on the amendments to the only way in which the Taylor Report could in a position where student participation they will reject the report which were begin to be implemented before fall of this Taylor Report," Powell said. adopted by the council called into question year," Powell said. The council voted whether these amendments would succeed Tuesday to reject two (Please turn to page 13) of six recommendations passed by the board at its March 19 meeting, at which \ the student participation report was presented to the trustees for approval. The two recommendations that were Nixon wants to greet Camp rejected by the council "had to do chiefly with the visiting ping-pong team sn. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., center, with hand outstretched, talks with Vietnam veterans relationship between the board of who are trustees and the faculty," Powell said. Jemonstrating against the war at their camp site on the Mall in Washington yesterday. Chief Justice Warren E. "I feel that all of the amendments that lurger had issued an order banning their use of the mall, the grassy area between the Capitol and the Lincoln are essential to the adoption of some form WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon with Nixon, sources privy to high - level of student representation in academic Memorial, saying they had to be out by 4:30 p.m. Wednesday. AP Wirephoto wants to welcome personally a table tennis consideration of ping - pong diplomacy governance were passed," he said. team from Communist China — just as insisted Nixon will do so — if the visitors In the hope that the council rejection of Premier Chou En • lai greeted Amrican wish. War these amendments would not cause the players there last week. Nixon spent about an hour Wednesday protesters board of trustees to reject the entire Morever, it was learned Wednesday, with Graham B. Steenhoven, president of participation report, Powell said he Nixon already dabbles in the sport and uses introduced the U.S. Table Tennis Assn., who led his a motion at the close of the council meeting which naturally the Chinese paddle grip which team into Communist China. urged that the hasn't been the hallmark of American The chief executive wanted to know trustees consider the participation report fo continue campout amendments champions. about a variety of things, ranging from the separate from the Although the White House is reluctant to amendments which were rejected by the price of a table tennis ball (25 cents) to promise that the expected visitors from Steenhoven's impressions of Communist council. mainland China will meet face to face China The motion proposed by Powell and - - — "Everything we asked for, they passed by the council states that it is the gave us." pfASHINGTON (AP) — A group of Vietnam veterans voted Nixon is expected to be away during two planned antiwar sense of the Academic Council that its While in China, Steenhoven had issued an dnesday night to violate a Supreme Court order and ^ir c&mpout on the Mall as part of an antiwar protest. continue demonstrations in Washington, the first to his and then to California. Maryland retreat action with respect to the rejected trustee Washington buses oral invitation to players there to visit the United States, and they voiced informal recommendations "is not essential to the Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler was asked if Nixon is The Student Mobilization acceptance. leaving issue of student participation in academic Committee le vote, conducted state by state among the estimated 1,000 the capital because of the demonstrations. (SMC) After his session with government and should not prejudice the announced Wednesday that more Nixon, Steenhoven knonstrating members of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, "That is not the motivation behind the buses have been said he now will write a formal invitation k 480 to remain on the Mall at the trip," he said. board's action with respect to that issue." reserved for Saturday's Capitol end, and 400 to Spokesmen for the group said the veterans, if faced with arrest, The firs;, of the two recommendations Washington march. Tickets asking when the Chinese would like |de by the court order. would submit peaceably and "march off as prisoners of war." of the trustees which were available. are still to come and what they'd like to see while Rennie Davis, an antiwar leader rejected by the here. preparing for a massive council was an amendment to Section Anyone interested in making the trip by e hours after the Justice Department deadline for clearing demonstration in the capital next month, spoke to the 2.5.8. This section forbids any act which But Steenhoven insisted, "We would not fc mall had passed, authorities had made protesters bus, which leaves the Union Friday at 1 no attempt to move and urged all but Vietnam veterans to leave the Mall. "diminishes, suspends or compromises the accept any money from the government," |tle • dressed protesters. a.m., should contact the SMC office at 320 to finance the trip by the ' distinctively professional rights of the Student Services Bldg., phone 353 Chinese, who anwhile. the White House announced Wednesday President (Please turn to page 13) - 9799. picked up the tab for the American visit. faculty." He said the U.S. Table Tennis Assn. and private donors would contribute to the kitty. Ruling upholds 1901 abortion law Asked why he would accept no federal subsidy, Steenhoven said, "Because I'm not a politician." He is a personnel supervisor at a Chrysler Corp. plant near Detroit. ■ASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme The District of Columbia law, written In Steenhoven was asked to comment on lrt approved Wednesday by the District of Columbia has interpreted a second ruling, the court said men authorities make a judgment on their recent off - the record remarks attributed prosecution oi Congress for the capital, prohibits the local abortion law in another case. The who claim they became conscientious claims. - hicians who perform abortions, but said abortions except when "necessary for the objectors after receiving their draft notices to Vice President Spiro T. Agnew that the ■nancies can be ended Supreme Court's adoption of the view In a third ruling, the court said the visit of the American table tennis team to legally for mental preservation of the mother's life or would appear to shield physicians against are not entitled to reconsideration by their United States may turn away refugees with reasons. China gave the communists a health." And it stipulates they must be punishment if they certify the abortion draft records. propaganda fleeing communist countries if they settle windfall. P 5 ■ 2 ruling upheld the 1901 performed by a licensed physician. was necessary on physical or mental However, the 6 - 3 decision said they Irtion law for the District of Columbia This is the way the U.S. Circuit Court for temporarily in another country on the ■nst claims that its grounds. cannot be sent into combat until military way. However, it was learned from wording is so vague knowledgeable sources that administration ^tors do not know which operations are officials are concerned lest the visit turn Inissible and which are not. into what one White House official called Jut by authorizing I expectant mother's mental abortions to protect "a circus." health and ■ putting the burden on This official specifically recalled the visit prosecutors to Te an operation is here in 1959 by former Soviet Premier illegal, the justices F physicians considerable Nikita S. Khrushchev. The implication was leeway. lot settled yet is whether that Khrushchev's trip to see the then women have ■ inherent President Dwight D. Eisenhower turned private right to obtain an •rtion simply because into something of a carnival. r they desire to end Preinancy. This issue is pending »re the court in abortion cases from a r dozen states. Trustee gets I'ue Cross nod to head I'd possible AUTC probe By JOHN BORGER )r abortion State News Staff Writer President Wharton Wednesday named By CHARLES C. IYustee Frank Hartman, D - Flint, as CAIN State News Staff chairman of a special committee to review Writer the policies and procedures of the All |rinatehe»nP0SS'bilities folr - a woman to University Traffic Committee. Jn increa<^U,lWanted have Hie review committee, composed of iainc?Tllfeatly via New York ' students, faculty members, administrators ?"cine smi ons> the prospects of and trustees, is instructed to: W an excursl°n have been less • Review current policies regarding traffic and driving on campus, as well as rely :°r seekin8 abortions have had related issues such as fines and traffic K&* fw J" unds to P®y theorbills. - short term - flows. • Study the adequacy of the existing is ,„.°!!en do not realize is that number of parking spaces, their location and the criteria for their allocation and use. t of n.Ue Shield coverage will M 01 the cost, with certain • Review the organization and • d'rect°r of B,ue C™88' Controversial procedures currently allocation employed in the and utilization of parking exnensJ# tenses forP#y the ,ul1 cost of the an A young couple stops to examine a billboard advertising legal abortions Although legal abortions can be performed in New York, it is still illegal spaces. "Hie traffic and parking situation abortion, provided in New York. The signs were erected recently in several western on campus has changed a great deal since in Pennsylvania. Critics of the this committee (AUTC) was established 'Please turn signs say there may not be any legal way by to page 13) Pennsylvania communities, causing sharp reaction from local citizens. to remove tlie signs. AP Wirephoto (Please turn to page 13) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Rift reported offices and discrimination in in pav rak*. summary The &£?&£?n'fS«nT»dbUi,^ we^.y.o TT, .r through open discussion. areas. The six professors who Sandot| From the wires of AP and UPI. alleged grievances of six political science political science faculty to be discontent in writing were 'b professors expressed in a letter sent to their among seem Press' request to Dean Winder that the dean willin boiling. listen to any grievances was apparently made because they would cither k,. —f° colleagues earlier this month were acknowledged leave next year, they noted. . . because of outside pressures on resolving the by Charles Press, chairman of the Dept. of "We witness and experience our department s The Political Science, in a memo to the faculty con(lict departure of more facultv m poor reputation with colleagues in other expected in the near future if the » Wednesday. disciplines, the virtual collapse of our ability to Some professors have talked with President brought out into the open and The six professors had written a letter to their develop and discuss meaningful collective policies Wharton about the atuatk>n< in the department spokesman for the dissident dS colleagues April 12 expressing "distress over the and the alienation of many of us and their which they describe as "intolerable." "In rejecting the trustee unhappy condition of our department." obvious Wednesday. Iaci% I recommendations, the Academic In his memo Wednesday, Press said the letter noted.eagerness to leave this situation," the Wharton reported,y attended one department He also noted that the Council may have put the trustees accusations had resulted in his asking Clarence L. faculty meeting at which time Press declined to down the number of University w,c Winder, dean of the College of Social Science, to "Isn't it time we brought ourselves together, discuss the situation, and that this reduction in positions in the " in a position where they will reject located the causes of our difficulties, and facultv hf** the investigate any grievances. . . ..... Winder said Wednesday that he hoped all ... before the current Taylor Report." Press' memo suggested that faculty members overcame them?" the letter continued. indicated University Milton Powell faculty members in the department would come dissatisfaction set up appointments with Winder to discuss the The sue faculty members who sent the letter to him with their views but that it would be a operation of the department, Ihe said. Acting chairman, situation in the department. have declined to make public their specific voluntary matter. University Student Another faculty member said "In the individual interviews, I will ask each the internal conflicts could be Wednetf, « A ffairs Committee smooth*! faculty member to discuss the department — its Press would delegate some of (See story, 1) his vario !' Student p. judiciary to hear strengths and weakness and problems - as he or to other older faculty members The di she sees it," Winder said. also suggested that the faculty whole chairman come tl, "I will get some suggestions from individuals as a more often for advice. about what might be done if it turns out that Winder said part of the alleged trouhi. most people do think there are problems that . for supersonic*? k *\r\A British and French government nni/nrnmnut minicfprc pnnfpr ministers confer in in 0ff-Campus election appeal aren't being resolved," Winder said. as He said he would move through the interviews quickly as possible, but added that it would ooHege.tbe of "In most respects this units °' "» college has a fedi make-up rather than a London today in talks that could decide the future of take two to three weeks. Press' memo instructed The All - University Student According to Elections reason, have accepted the coordinated homogeneous type of i one of the most costly and controversial projects in Commissioner Diane Rathnow, commission's decision." faculty members to make appointments with effort," Winder said. Judiciary (AUSJ) voted Tuesday Winder's secretary. aviation history - the Concorde supersonic airliner. to hear an appeal of the April 14 Crocker was removed from the In action Sunday, the "The role of the French Transport Minister Jean Chamant and Fred ASMSU off - campus election ballot for failing to file a record commission turned down an "The way for me to go into this thing is with college has been on. appeal by Sylvester Williams, supplying and facilitating the vast program^ tonight. of his campaign expenditures. as open a mind as I can," Winder said. Corfield of Britain are meeting amid growing doubts in The appeal, filed by Steven E. Idlewild sophomore, in the Red on," he said. * msw both countries that the sleek deltawing plane can ever All other races for district Cedar election. Two of the dissident six professors said Crocker, charges that the "As I understand the mood in the become a paying proposition. elections commission "unfairly representatives, except in Case - Williams had charged that the Wednesday that they were uncertain if the collen Wonders where a new election invitation to talk to Winder will be well received good many people believe it is time biased the outcome of the race's winner, Sherry Lesson, to, But if they scrap the project after last month's U.S. was held Wednesday, have been because of fears of reprisal against those who did questions of whether the efforts of the col election by removal of had violated elections should be modified voice discontent. so there is somewhat I congressional decision to withhold funds for the Boeing (Crocker's) name from the certified, she said. procedures by placing a poster autonomy and diversity among units," W„ Co's SST - the field of supersonic travel will go by ballot." "This seems to be a simple within 50 feet of the polls. The resignations of some 20 political science said. default to the Soviet TU144, which may soon go into Crocker also charged that the case of the candidate's failure to Miss Rathnow said the appeal faculty in the last four years is an extremely high commission denied because neither the He said that one area of concern deleted his name abide by established elections was departure rate, department critics point out. is h service. individual faculty grievances should be from the ballot without procedures," Miss Rathnow said. plaintiff nor the defendant could handltf They say that other signs of friction in the exclusively within the department or school Viet engagements few authorization by the elections "Several other candidates, who produce substantial evidence. The Red Cedar election department include yelling at departmental should the college have a role that r procedures. were deleted for the same was South Vietnamese commanders dispatched more certified Tuesday. meetings, an unwillingness to come to their superordinate. troops into the A Shau Valley in hopes of drawing the enemy into a fight but the enemy has not taken the bait, command officers said Wednesday in Saigon. They BY ADVERTISING PROF expressed a belief this could be the result of heavy SPAIN - OLE! enemy losses in the Laos incursion. Student buying estimated "So far the enemy has been trying to avoid engagements so there have been few contacts and we do 3 interesting weeks in SPAIN (June 28 - July 19) with not know if the enemy will stand and fight," said Maj. friends of the Lansing Community College. Gen. Pham Van Phu, commander of South Vietnam's 1st Infantry Division. This fascinating and enjoyable land will be opened up to you During the current fiscal year, Gordon E. Miracle, speaking married, and many have other items from senil University students will spend Wednesday before the children. stations, an average of abootl by Prof. J. Perez - Sabido of L.C.C. His intimate knowledge Premier to stay approximately $132 million, Downtown Business Division of in office of the country, its history, people, and language will make predicts, an MSU advertising the Greater Lansing Chamber of Citing other market statistics, Miracle said students will spend per week per student. Ai half of the MSU students* your vacation a memorable one. ' •" > ' Cambodian Premier Gen. Lon Nol, who resigned professor. This is over and above Commerce, said he bases this more than: car, accounting for 10 pag tuition, on - campus room and estimate on several years of * $10 million on food, of service station sales. Tuesday in Phnoin Penh citing poor health as his reason, $685.00 from New York board and other fees. area | study of the student market. accounting for about eight per • $11 million i appears ready to take back the reins of government with The student market, he cent of area food store sales. stores. A substantial portion] a new Cabinet and increased Price includes round trip economy class jet (group fare) by stressed, is one that should not * military prestige. $1 million in liquor and Lon Nol was formally asked Wednesday to stay on as Iberia Spanish Airline, sightseeing by air conditioned motor SHARE be overlooked since the student party stores, an average of about this amount, he said, ii their home communities nl coach, room & board at A-1 hotels, and tips. population accounts for about $30 per student. than in the Lansing area. premier and form a new Cabinet. The request came from Cheng Heng, the chief of state. For further information contact: Prof. J. Perez WATERBEDS 13 per cent of the population of the Lansing area. * $5.5 million in eating and • $4 million in apparel sta Sabido, drinking establishments, again, much of this is spent FINAL SALE - Sources close to Lon Nol said he would accept. Language Arts Dept., Lansing Comm. College, 489-5731 Although most of the 40,000 accounting for about 13 per cent their home communitij students at MSU are single, he of the Lansing area total. ext. 359 especially in September bd Ky to ENDS NEXT SAT. said, more than 8,000 are * $5 million on gasoline and returning to school. oppose Thieu Miracle pointed out thitl Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky came (May 1ST] 1 Lansing area merchants ik better job of communicd Thursday Night's Special - close to declaring his candidacy for $29" with students through id president Wednesday and said South King, Queen advertising media, infornr Vietnam's elections next fall should or Regular Fluffy Three them of the advantages! be free from all outside influence, College Travel buying in their stores, theyj including American. Egg-Ham Omelet very likely be able to ir their sales to this vast stirij Speaking with newsmen at a market. reception in Hue, an ancient imperial plus Pancakes 1.25 In compiling the data foil Don't studies, Miracle said tr capital, Ky referred to "my electoral platform" but when asked if this Forget Our Daily Specials 1,000 students report their ed Opposite Sears incomes and expenditures J meant he was running for president he 301 Clippert said only: "There is a big possibility." - Across from Fraridor daily basis during various tij periods. His other remarks, coupled with his speech - making in recent days, left NGUYEN CAO KY little doubt that he would oppose President Nguyen Van Thieu for the summer flights country's top post in the national election Oct. 3. det.-lon.-det. 6/15-9/3 $229' Youth solutions det.-lon.-det. 6/24-8/24 $229 urged Interior det.-lon.-det 6/25-9/11 $209 Secretary Rogers Morton sat down with more than a dozen young people drafting environemtnal det.-lon.-det. 6/27-9/7 $229 recommendations Wednesday at the White House det. -frankfurt - det. 8/1-9/1 $219 Conference on Youth in Estes Park, Colo., and told them "I want to get youth on the solution side" of the det.-lon.-det. 8/9 #14 $199 problems facing the country. The tall, graying Cabinet member, who replaced youth - favorite Walter J. Hickel, assured the young people the national administration would take their recommendations to heart. Cost of living increases A sharp rise in grocery prices boosted over - all living costs three tenths of - one per cent last month, while home mortgage interest and new car prices eased, the 0 government said Wednesday. The March increase pushed the Labor Dept.'s Consumer Price Index to 119.8, meaning it cost $11.98 last month for every $10 worth of typical family expenditures in the 1957 base period. AMC out of red UP American Motors Corp. Wednesday reported a $1.1 million profit for the first half of fiscal 1971 and Love comes in all shapes. predicted a profitable outlook for the remainder of the year. .«« a nt u«c iniiiraH ij! other police acticnTuesday, the 23 inch long machete inside i her around the neck and added. week. meeting this Njred - A„ 20 - year . old Holmes Hall ,resident the vehicle's trunk. "sexually motivated assault" i between her legs. Thursday when a resident burst into a South Holden was about 8:45 p.m. for apprehended at _ - .. ■ Police .... said the studentJ was coed told police she .. the north .. - ^ wSoitrtde , After a struggle, the coed told But he said the branch with the greatest need to increase Gordon E. Guyer, chairman of the chairman of the University Steering Dept. of Entomology and p taken to courtyard door to police the man fled toward Committeee, named the five - Ingham County Jail Emmons Hall when a. man volunteers, the Army, "is faring man committee which the Elected Faculty Council at its tiered!1 beer bottle over his southwest Brody Hall. The coed meeting acUt;"^iinT«te'ISr".n7tor Sin * pro8ecu'or! take belwee" 18 and 22 vears old not injured. relatively less well than the other services in getting public service earlier this month had asked the The committee members are Loran L. steering committee to form. carrying a pistol, a switchblade Bieber, associate he victim, 21, of the assault knife and a machete knife, Another student, 21, from professor of biochemistry; Jacqueline Brophy, associate East Lansing, was professor not seek medical treatment, Officers on pa patrol stopped about 1:15 p.m. apprehended PEABODY AWARD of labor and industrial relations; Donald R. Come, professor of social science; William J. Hinze, rs "ft. fLi^foi^nstYha rii* Tuesday by professor of geology, and Herbert j sought Tuesday against the circle car on West patrol officers who discovered a C. Jackson, professor of Drive for defective stolen faculty religion. .year-o d assailant. equipment 0fficers reportedly parking sticker on The specific charge of the committee as passed by the Elected Pentagon' wins prize he victim, a Bryan Hall the windshield of the coed's Faculty Council is to "carry on a continuing effort to collect data checked the sticker number and "ent, told police he was in discovered automobile. and to arrange for it was included on a appropriate forums for discussion of the issue room when the assailant list of Officers said they were of collective bargaining by the faculty." stolen permits which ned the unlocked door. An police compile. cruising through the parking NEW YORK loop in front of South Wonders (AP) - The will survive the current attacks expanded. He ment ensued between the Officers said at that time controversial CBS suggested that the they Hall documentary upon its integrity and freedom 3'/a hours a week The State News, the student 1IBU when WI1CII they ran aa routine of prime time newspaper at Michigan State • *°?* T8, 21/5I :h the assailant struck the ob4*?rve? the butt of a Pisto1 check on the coed's permit. ruu, "The Selling of the received a special award proud Pentagon" while remaining faithful to the being taken away from the University, is published every class day during four school jutting from under the front seat — heritage bequeathed by networks in the fall should have terms, plus Welcome Week edition in i on the head with the of The coed was arrested when September. the automobile. After the she returned to her Wednesday from the George such men as Ed Murrow and Subscription rate is $14 per year. j. student automobile Foster Peabody Awards National Elmer Davis." gone instead to news was arrested, police and The Peabody committee broke programming, fter the two wrestled, the found the was later booked and Advisory Committee. switchblade knife Member Associated Press, United released until Press International, county Another of the 18 Peabody with tradition to honor "The oriented Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, awards went to NBC's Selling of the Pentagon," which Wpri® Wednesday Hav flf tte at the Hotel Pierre. Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press fficiaIs express (J | 1 y, ^ "Migrant," which stirred has been attacked by Vice widespread criticism and praise President Spiro T. Agnew and Awards, administered Peabody yj | || last summer when it detailed the some congressmen. It will be the Henry W. Grady School Other winners of the by the of Association, United States Student Press Association. econd • class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. plight of migrant workers. subject of a congressional Journalism, Editorial and business offices at 347 University of Student Services Paul A Porter a committee investigation. Ordinarily, it Georgia; are: WFBE - FM, Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, ver financial aid deadl member and former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, said: ™ul?.not historic recognized be eli^le u.nt" but the committee felt ^ documentary" should now. this be to teach listening skills in the Flint public schools, Michigan. Phones: Editorial incial aids administrators "Broadcasting has, I think, Porter called for Television News, CBS for "60 Classified 355-8252 that more students will need reached a state of a new "Bill of Minutes" and WPBT, Miami, Advertising Scholarship Service by May maturity 355-8255 expressing concern that financial assistance this 1 where it can he tni«t»d Rights for Broadcasters," under Fla., for "Politithon Display Advertising year and the '70," a 353-6400 -fits who need financial aid than last year because of the separate MS" rusted, which he said the time available Business - Circulation the 1971 - 72 school year economic situation, application must be returned the Office of returned'*to Financial Aids in HT^s^n^he^r^mt to networks for news and 7 ,,eiwoI*s .™ statewide political telecast to serve all candidate for 1 public Photographic 355-3447 355-8311 today fofS" miss the May 1 application Roderick one reason the the Student Services Building. docurnentar.es would be office. Awards. -I believe -nald Roderick, associate the application deadline is so early is broadcasting "lengthy process involved t0o t°L^"!ailC'a| -1 2,500 students a'(*S' may still wit*1 each application.' applications that must be Scholarships and financial aids ;ed in before May 1. included in the May 1 deadline said financial aids will be are: Educational out on a "first come, first Opportunity - Grants, Student Aid Grants, ed" basis as long as the College Work - Study Program, ~'s funding remains. National Defense Student Loans, f we run out of funds, those Health Professions Scholarships apply late absolutely can't and Loans and Law -nsidered," Roderick said. Enforcement Education 're concerned that everyone Program, wants to apply and who The Parent's Confidential ends to apply has an Statement and/or the Student rtunity to do so." Confidential Statement must be derick said he anticipates received at the College Free to The college seniors YAWL and graduates: Come hear Stevfe a Honeywell "Wecan work it out (uie computer career MUSIC ey LENN0N| Mc£AKTNey): seminar. A9NlSU,in cooperation 'college didn't Honeywell Come to can. prepare you for a place in the real world, may- The Y with Motown Recording Core Honeywell's computer career seminar and learn "jout exciting high-paying careers in computer sciences. ™ records shows more than 100 instances of powers. The vacuum means to achieve racial balance in latest Supreme Court decision will created by actual or authorized use of force outside its withdrawal of European the schools. The ruling will at long powers help complete a task that has already national jurisdiction. In about 75 of these, filled by Indigenous forces result™ last force, if at all possible, all been delayed much too long. military might has been actually used or viable socio - political standards presently segregated school districts This nation's education system has displayed; about 50 times there has been Institutions from within. to desegregate. many other crises to resolve besides an occupation of territory, longer or It has often been argued that If the districts do not make their shorter; in more than 30 cases some of the western nations have been involved for the integration problem. Teachers territory thus affected has been eventually long in the affairs of Asia to speak of own plans for real integration, then are restless. In many areas the federal courts will have the power to quality of education has reached a make plans for them. The judges will nadir. Urban high schools are being have the power to require busing, broken by racial conflict. Education Even if Vietnam and the current Asian alter school zones, pair two zones adventures are considered an aberration and systems need to address themselves not having common boundaries and to the very problem of education. America's role in the two world wars as apply racial ration as a guide to for permissable and praiseworthy, an examination of The Supreme Court ruling may integration. diplomatic and military records shows more than The decision, a final blow against finally eliminate de jure segregation 100 instances of actual or authorized use of in the South. The court, though, force de jure (intentional) segregation, outside its national jurisdiction. cannot deal with the attitudes which does not apply to de facto created segregation, be it de jure or segregation - a situation prevalent in de facto. the North. Presently, contradictory annexed to the United States. With such a total withdrawal from the continent lower court decisions stand on Racism created segregated schools, glorious record and with the Monroe However, viewing the Japanese - U.S. whether schools segregated solely on and even if segregated schools may Doctrine blazing down on the scene, now Slno - Canadian relations during the one has to understand themisB>on> of this two decades of the cold and hot tin, the basis of geography must eventually become just an ugly mark great philanthropic Republic in the terms can be said with on America's past, widespread black greater certainty the integrate. If the court applies the law of "peace with !honor," "defense of U.S. economic and cultural interests«3 uniformly, it must soon decide unemployment, compacted ghetto democracy," "security of the U.S." and for better protected in Asia if Was whether de facto segregation is living conditions and massive "protection of the unprotected" from the changed Its aggressive military posture malnutrition among blacks mark the ruthless and unscrupulous Red barbarians equally detrimental to the child. Having annexed the Hawaiian " The school desegregation question racial attitudes prevalent in this rolling down on the peoples of Asia from and Guam In 1898, having o- nowhere! Microneslan Islands and will be resolved if this new decision many i country. The court has treated the Since the new strategy of the Nixon is quickly and forcefully applied. It Japanese territories since the end of symptoms, not the disease. administration, of withdrawing the War II, by backing the French in I~ American boys and Vietnamlzatlon of the and now having demonstrated war, there seems to be a lull In the antiwar destruction can wrought on its aJ" movements. This new move has ln Asia, the United States has Military's a significance, in that Washington wants to get by negotiation what it could not win on the battlefields. Since the Geneva accord in 1954, U.S. intention has been to succeeded in horrifying the Asian" into reading its own Domino Theorv reverse; Washington has least impressed developing Asian nations of its huma divide Vietnam like Korea and Germany and freedom loving traditions which# step to voluntee - between two ideological blocks. never honored with reference to Asia It is this proposition that has been other Third World nations. Washi rejected by Hanoi and the majority of the would be better advised therefore Uncle Sam is no longer pointing a less Choose One: A. East Pakistan B. Ceylon C. people of that nation. It is for this reason offensive than a conscripted My Lai D. Hue protect its long range economic that Washington totally relies upon the menacing finger at America's young army. E. All of the Above cultural interests by withdrawing men entreating them to enlist in the support of the minority Christians, rich military power from Asia totally As obvious as this concept seems, businessmen and psychopathic military Army. Instead, the military has unconditionally. it somehow escapes congressmen. launched a massive advertising campaign that informs young men They cannot no business see at that war a country has if it cannot OUR READERS' MIND that the Army wants to join them At muster enough volunteers to time of fight a nationwide protest of that war. military American activities men million campaign as a waste. in must view the Vietnam, But perhaps they should consider $10.6 The real test of a hawk is whether he is willing to lead the charge into enemy machine gun fire. Hawks - Tax resistance protests war especially species congressman - another aspect of the Army's To the Editor: try and communicate to one more person seem reluctant to support their — even though I don't know who willingly and knowingly contribute to the If we act together now. maybe advertising. A volunteer To the Internal Revenue' Service: you are I army offers rhetoric with action. Neither the — the person who happens to handle war. can control this amount of money — won't be necessary next year. 1 know 3 a viable alternative to the draft. Last year I sent you a letter explaining my as I cannot control what must cause you extra work. I am sorry silent majority nor vociferous income tax return — why I feel it is gets withheld from my paycheck — and I can be certain Forced servitude alienates and repels why I was not going to pay the balance of necessary for me and others to refuse to congressmen form very long lines at that it goes to an organization dedicated to Susan M. many Americans, especially my income tax — in protest against the pay our taxes until the war ends. those Army recruiting offices. continuation of the Vietnam war. I am human values, to peace, and not to war. I Lansing graduate stu who are uprooted to serve. Obviously, the lack of my $104.46 is believe it is necessary for American citizens April 12,1, Somehow, we doubt that the new sorry to have to do so again this year, and not going to make any dent in Given that a U.S. Army is a $10.6 million campaign will lengthen for the same reason. spending for to take at least this amount of control over Socialism , the war, or even any appreciable dent in necessity that can be debated Please read through this letter the war — to refuse to — even those lines. — don't whatever domestic program pay for it whenever it will possible. - it seems that a volunteer army is stop here — and if it strikes any kind of undoubtedly be cut from. But I hope that responsive chord in you, maybe show it to And, while this is a negligible amount as by refusing to send it, I can make it clear far as the U.S. government Is To the Editor: the people you work with. I would like to . to the federal government that I will not concerned, it We note in the Weekly Peopk is not quite so negligible for shoestring Work before pleasurePerSonal programs for ending the war. They official organ of the that the real murderer of the Socialist Labor Viet treaty for peace desperately need every cent. I don't begrudge the money — I would be happy villagers at May Lai was U.S. capita®1 to know that my taxes were Its quest to dominate and exploit The going to meet natural resources, markets and cheap Michigan Dept. of Social entire funding problem, but it seems To the Editor: and genocidal war. some of the needs of this country. But I Services had to stop all state And: of Southeast Asia. To accomplish» sad commentary that they cannot knowingly spend money for a What's happening this spring? B52s, Medicaid payments Thursday. This launched their sensors murder machines — replace U.S. May 1 — May Day festival downtown oppression of another people, or for risking Its own destruction and that personal holiday — Lansing. abridging their right to self determination, world in a nuclear war with its imp«' week up to 50,000 Michigan families GIs and the campuses are silent. The before settling matters of state. After May 5 — Nationwide moratorium. (Who or for expanding American economic rivals China and Russia. . may not have received Aid to United States is rightly charged with The Weekly People states that n their much-publicized, recent raise, is organizing the campus???) interests at other people's genocide as Vietnamese, Laotian and expense. Dependent Children payments. This government will not make wars we must end the cause 0 it would seem that pressing business Cambodian casualties rise. peace; Therefore, I am sending my $104.46, Before leaving for Easter recess, the people must. If you need help, posters, the money I "owe" the capitalism, and replace it with should come before personal What's happening this spring? Buses to government, to a the state legislature did not take time D.C. for one day. Here's what else: info, peace treaties, etc., call the Lansing program dedicated to fighting the society, the Socialist Industrial Rep«°» pleasure. Area Peace Council, 482-2962. continuation of the war. I will send that Labor. to provide the Social Services Dept. Stay in D.C. — actions are planned David Dwyer amount to the Lansing Area Peace Council, Socialism, real socialism, with adequate funds. The through May 5. competition and the profit mot Lecturer in linquistics along with a copy of this letter, and department was scheduled to receive Misplaced memo Come back to Lansing and work and organize. Organize departments and dorms. George Hildenbrandt consider my taxes paid in full. I am also generates strife and leads to war- $45 million from the uninsured Get people to sign the Peoples' Peace East Lansing graduate student going to send a copy of this letter to my cooperation and production for 1 To: The People of the United States local newspapers, in the necessary basis for peace and motorists fund, a cavern of Treaty. MSU, East Lansing and Lansing Jim Heyser hope of offering Re: War East Lansing graduate student brotherhood. prank" seldom-used loot. could declare peace with Vietnam this encouragement to others who may be The separate Brothers and Sisters spring. We could implement the treaty by Ann Francis considering tax resistance as a way of legislative chambers - protecting any young men who resist the Lansing Area Peace Council expressing their opposition to the war. disagreed on the manner in which The first wars to disappear will be draft. We could implement the treaty by the fund should be refilled. The those into which usurpers have demanding that local industry, including IT'S A MA6AZIN6 PHOTO-STORY House wants the state to pay the $45 Miss helen sweets author forced their subjects in defense of the University, GM, Motor Wheel and ABOUT WUR FAVORITE AUTHOR... OF THE BUNNY-UUNNlE SERIES, million back to itself with interest; their pretended hereditary rights. Abrams Instrument Corp., stop producing NOW, 4WLI GET THE CHANCE RELAXES HERE IN A PORCH the Senate simply wants the $45 war goods. We can support H.B. 4710 and TO SEE U)HAT SHE LOOKS LIKE.. SUIN6 SURROUWPEP BY HER Nations will learn that they cannot million repaid. For this reason, final resist war taxes. And guerrilla theater and TU)ENTV-F0UR PET conquer other nations without losing nonviolent training workshops are action was not taken on the transfer their own liberty. working. You could implement the peace before the legislature's Easter recess. Antoine Nicolas de Condorcet - treaty in your own way. We can refuse Legislators eventually resolved the (1743-1794) collectively to cooperate with a government engaged in a hideous, immoral Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 22, 1971 5 rgB FROM WASHINGTON No regular press conferences for Nixon "Mr President, when half a when he makes these attacks Anion peace marchers came to (which Hubert Humphrey calls guilty of shooting unarmed, contradict your television No reply. speech fSgton a year and a half ago 'media guerrilla warfare') do you unresisting men, women and babies, has 'damaged the of April 7; would you explain?" Some of these topics are Question he gave after he was defeated for House outlook and appears again ■mi watched a football game on countenance There isn't a reporter in governor of California. He and again in Nixon comments: them, or would No answer. touched in the levision; will you see them this on you comment?" military judicial system;' would panel Washington who hasn't asked recalled it in Kis hour - long "I would you "conversation" at the American interview suggest that you ladies No answer; Mr. Nixon reply?" "Mr. President, sir, files that question. I think it is partly with Howard K. and gentlemen isn't No Society of Newspaper Editors Smith: always pretty I No answer; Mr. Nixon isn't holding regular press answer; no press stolen from the FBI office at convention in personality and partly an much underestimate what I am regular press conferences. conferences. conferences. Media, Pennsylvania, indicate Washington D.C., institutional suspicion of the "You will remember that in April 16. But a single televised capable of doing in terms of ir President, the vice "Mr. President, Senate press which is unequalled in 1962 I had my showdown with "Mr. President, Capt. widespread surveillance of withdrawing forces the press has been the prosecutor in the Daniel, Republican leader interview with Howard K. Smith modern times. Mr. Nixon thinks the press and I have avoided and so ■psident says Hugh Scott schools, colleges and black one forth." "I realize that night after Calley says you have definite terminal over ABC, or a panel discussion the press is gunning for him - since. I have respect for the lC a hatchet job on the South trial, says your intervention after a student groups; is your night for the past three weeks on date for U.S. with newspaper editors isn't the fcetnamese campaign in Laos; Calley was unanimously found troop withdrawal confidence in Mr. Hoover still out to "shaff'him is the word. press. It is true that of all the television there is a drumbeat of from Vietnam; this seems to unshaken?" same thing as a regular press Professor James MacGregoi presidents in this century, it is conference. Press conferences suggestion (i.e., defeat in Burns calls Mr. Nixon "probably probably true, that I have less, as keep the public abreast of Cambodia), not all, but for some ART BUCHWALD going on. what's They abort suspicions the most introspective president of this century." He is a somebody has said, supporters in the press than commentators" . . . "This game very any president. I of trying to divide the before they fester. No delegate understand that and I do not President private man, constantly from his Secretary of State can answer these questions; it complain about it, because it is . . . appraising himself. He gives tht has been going on for as must be the President. Yet Mr. impression of being aloof philosophical." long as I can remember ..." And Sino-gin Nixon has held only 17 so on. general brooding, lonely; he lacks ease Nonsense! There was Lyndon What team returns press conferences in 28 months. Mr. Nixon hints Mr. with his fellow men. He has a Johnson and Harry Truman and That's a little under one in two Agnew shouts. It's not a healthy penchant for orderliness and poor old Herbert Hoover and months, eight a year; presidents situation, not good for the press, takes great care in preparing Woodrow Wilson. But how the president or the Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower himself for the occasional public public. and Truman revealing. Copyright THE NEW averaged over two a ordeal — which is admirable. He The idea permeates the White month. REPUBLIC. uses this requirement as an iVASHINGTON - "Good American people. Everywhere the things they wanted us to see. By what right does the press lining comrades. This is Wo we went, people said, 'We may For example, they wouldn't let I asked if we could take a train demand conferences? It has no excuse for not doing what he dislikes doing, exposing himsell T„g of the Mao Tze-tung not agree with what your us see Los Angeles." the next day and he told us right. But most modern Joadcasting System In Peking. government stands for, but we "What reason did they there were no passenger trains in presidents have thought it wise. to unrehearsed he feels, are hostile. questioners who. Lted with me in our studio really like Chinese food.'" give?" the United States any more. Of That, 1 Eight are the members of the "Comrade Lo Song. Did you ''s Republic of China Gin find the American *mmy team. Last week, in an well-clothed?" iprecedented diplomatic move, people "They said no one could see Los Angeles because of the smog. They said on most days even people who lived there course, none of us believed it." were "Comrade Dan Gum. What visit?" you impressions of the Walter Lippmann called them "not court a necessity." privilege but an organic Congress and the can't ask the President think, is the real secret. a man The other day a reporter and who has Mr. Nixon's best interests at heart and who ha.' Stevie "The older people seemed to couldn't see Wonder \ Americans invited our team it. They expected us "The thing that questions. Nor is he an aloof been an adviser in other have enough clothes, but the to swallow this impressed me days I visit the United States to story." the most was the cult of Nixon monarch. True, with television, were chatting. Reporter: "Why young people were very poor. "Comrade Hu Toy. Do he doesn't Mr. Nixon see the Jmpete in the Gin Rummy All the young people we saw had also feel the Americans tried to you we saw cult of Mao everywhere. It is like our leave can command prime the Democrats time and more often?" The press other, ■xed Doubles Classic at Pebble torn pants, dirty sweat shirts and Tze-tung with one gasping prevent you from seeing what with rage. But that becomes self tentatively, "The people around |ach, Calif. This is the first none of them had major difference. In the People's any shoes. you wanted to see?" him think the press is hostile." Ee that citizens of the defeating and now even the - People's Our translator said that the "Yes. But they were very Republic of China, we give networks begin to question its Reporter (exploding), "They art Xpublic of China were young people in America clever about it. They said we credit to our belowed chairman one sidedness. no more hostile than ■rmitted behind the Nylon could go anywhere we wanted Mao for everything good that - they are tc preferred to dress this way, but every president! And suppose |rtain and we would like to ask we knew this to, so one day I asked to go for a happens here. In the United Add these other facts: Mr. EMBARRASSED ABOUT BEING JEWISH? »m their impression of what was capitalistic States, they blame Mr. Nixon for Nixon has an excellent some are hostile — they are propaganda. Why would people drive in the countryside. memory, They everything bad that happens professionals first, critics later >y saw in this most mysterious who could afford it walk around took me on a road which he is good at press they conferences, they must write what he says!" BECOME A WASP! lall Western countries. In their bare feet?" call there." he can control them, he can a freeway. We traveled five "Comrade Ro Po-li, what was The other, catching fire, too: fLet us begin with Tai Bun, miles in four hours and filibuster, the advantage is on his "That's what I tell them! What \ captain of the Gin Rummy "Comrade Bu Wong. Did the by the the highlight of the trip as far as time we got out of the side, he can recognize But if this alternative doesn't suit tm. Comrade Bun, what Americans let you see city, our you're concerned?" are they afraid of? I can't you or if you admit that everything translator said we had to go back acquaintances (he identified 12 understand it." you are a bit unsure about your ■pressed you the most about you asked to see?" "I think the highlight of the of the 17 questioners at his identity, then start to think because it would take us another about who you are. Maybe there is Always |ur visit to the United States?" "No they didn't. They were four hours to return to our trip was our private visit with latest conference, March 4), he It has always been like that something more about I'The friendliness of the very careful to let us see hotel. So we didn't see anything. Vice President Spiro Agnew. He has a dramatic forum in which your people than bagels and lox, Sunday school, and B'nai only was very friendly and he told us with Mr. Nixon. On the Nixon Brith. Find out. See the film "LET MY xto get his points across. PEOPLE GO," this many things about the United candidate's special train in New Sunday, April 25th, 2 p.m.. Room 35 of the Union. States that no one else would Furthermore, he would enhance Jersey in 1960 a poisonous credibility, break down isolation IP NEWS ANALYSIS talk about." and find out what the atmosphere of "Such as?" public noncommunication existed with wants to know. Why, for "He told us that the American press and television networks heaven's sake, then, doesn't he have them? the accompanying press Then Mr. Nixon remembers the corps. LIEBERM ANN'S were full of lies and they slanted unhappy "last" press conference Hanoi caught in middle the news and took things out of context so the American people Everything you need for never knew the truth. exactly what Mao Tze-tung had It was BEAUTIFUL VIEW ■AP I By WILLIAM I. RYAN make a choice," said an editorial political situation in South told us and we were hear it confirmed from the happy to lips CHINESE COOKING Special Correspondent published in all Peking party of a high American Vietnam. President Nguyen Van government |here seems a good chance newspapers. It suggested that official. At the end of our Thieu may be opposed in a 1 China has put North Communists either support true interview, Agnew gave us a presidential election next Itnam's Communist leaders on Marxism-Leninism, meaning October not only by Vice souvenir golf ball which he said * uh ■ost uncomfortable spot, and Peking's brand, or "trail President Nguyen Cao Ky, but he had personally played with. Right on the riyer T this will have an impact on behind." by the popular Col. Duong Van The ball had a slight dab of blood *Lots of trees J future of the Indo-china The statement agreed that Minh, who headed the on it, but our translator refused *Real informal - open (flict. ltrained relations factions are bound to develop in government briefly in 1963 after to tell us why." layout between revolutionary the overthrow of Ngo Dinh Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times Boi and movements, but *Call Tipi Eyke 349-9314 Peking, indeed, may added that people sooner or Diem. In a fair and free election, - e played a part in a Red 'ater should be able to tell "Old Towne" New England e Decision to direct "Big Minh" might win. Such a some from correct, friend result would be SIMON erroneous widely regarded Jtative smiles in the direction ■ the Americans, by way of from enemy, and "eventually as an opportunity to open the CLAM BAKE! cast aside all that is erroneous." door to efforts •Whole Lobster ■ He tennis new for diplomacy. P any event, it is altogether If, as the editorial suggested, settlement of the war. •Clams •Corn-on-the-Cob "Shrimp REAL ESTATE bible that Peking, there could be no third path, the Peking is aware, too, that MSU OKEMOSBRANCH concluding Chinese could well have told Hanoi's forces have not been Every Friday 6 to 11 p.m. It sooner or later the Vietnam TOSSED S/M.AO-CORN BREAD 4217 Okemos Rd. I was bound to wind down, Honoi to choose between spectacularly successful of late, DRAWN BUTTER despite the claims in Laos CALL FOR INFORMATION 349-3310 Bided to get ready. It would Russian revisionism and Peking Ve will hold the CLAM BAKE for ■ want to be elbowed aside in purity. fighting. The North Vietnamese >rivate parties BUYING seem bogged down, at least for BILL'S SELLING J settlement, particularly if a It would be a tough choice. now, in Cambodia. In South or Beding American presence North Vietnam gets a half-billion Vietnam, they fight only along RESTAURANT & BAR *tokened a vacuum. dollars worth of military 711 E. GRAND RIVER, LANSINCl CALL US! the Laos borders, in the north [eking might have been hardware and other aid annually and in the central highlands. Joyed enough with Hanoi to from Moscow and could not Peking now may be telling ►template some serious carry on the war effectively Hanoi that China can exert as ('twisting, in fact. without that help. It gets far, far much ■anoi's top leaders defied less from the Chinese, but China pressure as might be ~ necessary to assure the Chinese not for the first time — is a next-door neighbor and an authoritative voice in shaping ^ sent legation to a high- powered Hanoi would not want to risk any Southeast Asia outcome, the Soviet offending her. whether in the near or in the fimunist party congress in Peking is not unaware of the distant future. Iscow last month. Le Duan, I Hanoi Communist I aides stopped off in chief, and Peking, 20% DISCOUNT ON 4: Vhaps to explain their ^dicament. "ty to have But Peking seemed made its position TYPEWRITER REPAIRS lu«t before the Hanoi FOR MSU STUDENTS j* [?n arrived, the Chinese From small adjustments to major overhaul I pncllose t'ie catenary on all makes and models I"6 "ar's Commune, a jnnve French revolution, to FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ALL MAKES ■ ■'et ut,e Wor'd Communists about revisionism. CALL B the face of the present y revolutionary movement, revolutionary party and AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES The cuisine of China has survived wars, famines and ■y Haslett Road, Haslett floods through the centuries to evolutionary will have to 1477 339-8258 provide discriminating gourmets with exquisite dishes that combine inventiveness, flavor and economy. Our gourmet shop has all the authentic tools and quality utensils for Coordinate the Newest Looks Chinese cooking. Oriental Wok complete with ring and cover. 12", $ij>.UU; i4 , $16.25; 16", $18.50. Stir Fry Spoon, - Perfect with Hot Pants the 65c. Wok Scrub Brush, 79c. Cleavers, $3.59 and Shag, Lion's Mane, $5.95. Wok Cook Book, $3.95 Long Layered Look, and newest Impish Look add the finishing touch. These latest cuts, blow comb, and thermal iron styles require a minimum of care for the busy Choose a folk guitar for coed. your spring pleasure from our Come in and meet our new stylists Pam, complete selection of steel and nylon - string guitars. Priced as low as $37.50. Cheney, and Gary Dailey, the manager. Lessons, rentals and supplies also available. louU Heauhf £alxm 226 Abbott Road 332-2369 ft* A flL ' MUSIC CO. 245 Ann Street EAST LANSING-209 E. Grand River DOWNTOWN-113 S. Washington 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan RELEASES RECORD Singers to stage] Recording s spring concert MSU State Singers, directed by Harold P. Brown present its annual spring concert at 8:15 p.m. Sunria'v*!" beginning pe the University Methodist Church on South Harrison The concert, open to the public without feature works from the Renaissance to the nrJ! performed by the 60-voice MSU choir and its 11-pieee b R If charge mI Grotesque Record's founders. of guitar duets by Kahl and Rob ensemble. ra® By NAT ABBATE "What we're trying to do," State News Staff Writer Carr, 23, of East Lansing, was The performance will feature works by two msit Kahl said, "is get together a released April 3. He said Kahl composers. "Mourn Not the Dead," by Adolphu r place where performers can get and Carr were accompanied in Hailstork III, won the international Ernest Bio h started without getting ripped various places on the album by Composition competition. Hailstork, a doctoral candidate off by the music industry." friends. Carr's girfriend sang two in music, wrote the work especially for the State SinseiT An East Lansing recording studio, where performers can vocals, Wayne Thomas of the This will be Its East Lansing premier. 8 Kahl said that the idea for a Universe group played in one of "Eldorado" by Jere Hutcheson, asst. professor of begin their careers without music the songs and another friend having to spend large amounts of recording studio began when a uses brass, percussion and choir. It was performed here time and money dealing with friend, Bob Hurwitz, of East played bass on two songs. eight years ago. "It was a community project," major recording companies, is Lansing, bought a four - track The choir and brass ensemble will open with "Jubilate Kahl said. "We recorded it in growing. tape recorder and began to Deo." Written in the 16th century by Giovanni Gabrieli it Rob's living room, did the on Psalm 100. experiment. is based Known as "Grotesque layout for the album cover and The program will also include "Plorate, Filiae Israel" bv Hurwitz decided to set up a are handling the distribution by Records," the company has Carissimi; "Holy, Holy, Holy" by Mendelssohn; "Tears" bv released one record and has recording studio and Grotesque ourselves.". Roy Harris, and one of the "Trois Chansons" by Ravel. definite plans for two more, Records was born.. The tape was sent to a Using the text from Psalm 117, "Praise the Lord, alive according to William Kahl, 28, The company's first record, company in Ann Arbor, Kahl nations," the State Singers will perform "Laudate of 649 Evergreen Ave., one of "Communications 1," an album said, where a master tape was Dominum" by Mozart. Soprano Gloria Hill, Detroit made and sent to a company in New Jersey, where the records were cut. Spring sophomore, will be the soloist. Lynne Palmer of Lansing, accompanist for the group, will ATTENTION CAR OWNERS The album is selling well in East Lansing despite the fact that Grotesque Records is Harold Brown directs MSU's State Singers perform a cappella as well as during a rehearsal on campus. The 60-voice choir will with its own brass ensemble Sunday night at their annual spring perform "Impromptu in E Flat, Opus 90, No. 2" bv Schubert. The State Singers recently returned from a five day tour - Complete front end repair and * of Michigan, Ohio and Indiana where they presented 11 handling distribution by itself, concert concerts. alignment he said. * Brakes * Suspension * Wheel balancing * Steering LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 'Girls' seclusion found tedious' eccentric. She is not afraid of The girls once had the being taken Democratic group, and over by a They find out, however, that does Mimsy, who has he; L people either. In fact, she has a fortune of the Vanderwycks, a won't stand for that. Hettie their lawyer has sold the patents set on men, or rather p|J big mouth that could shut up wealthy and influential and by various complications Hettie realizes that all politiJ "The Girls in '509'" just anybody. conservative New York family. and occurences, the girls owe are basically the same creeps,! aren't my type. That is not to The reason, as author Howard Their current position is one of professed failure of a journalism him some money. All is well two - faced and seek only rI Teichmann reveals to us, is that near poverty since they pawned associate professor seeking full„ again when the journalism prof, election, say, however, that they're not professorship. somebody's type. The middle - Aunt Hettie, a staunch and loyal most of their possessions to keep ' u:~ "Eventually, " " he Pucey, uncovers shares of Republican as she is, resented discovers that they hold the aged audience with which I saw alive, * ii u . j original General Motors stock "The Girls in '509'" will plitl the election of Franklin They haven't paid the rent in patents to cellophane, nylon and on thejr wa|j at the Qkemos Barn April 3T this latest Community Circle Roosevelt as President. She eight months and are about to air conditioning and their Aunt Hettie has many more and 24. Student tickets 11 Players' effort just loved them. distrusts and abhors Democrats The girls, Mimsy and her (,e evicted since the building is troubles seem to be over, meaningful things to say than $1.50; others $2.50. with blind prejudice and, to Aunt Hettie, are bizarre people. protect herself and her loyal Mimsy, a middle - aged teenager niece from their impurities, M n^ ■ m — _ m in thought, action and dress, has been in voluntary seclusion for retires from society PENDING APPROVAL 26 years in two rooms of a once They will not speak to - fashionable hotel with her anybody except their porter, who daily delivers their aging aunt. Aunt Hettie is not feeble minded or an invalid, mind you — just terribly breakfast them. but has speak to anyone, or hear never They do not see anyone, anyone. As to keep up with her seen Club sports to fill PE need Charles T. White. 'education, Mimsy takes members of the confederation contain a minimum of 15 By CHRIS RUBLY Ohio, and senior president otH correspondance courses while teach three sections in the students and a single graduate Aunt Hettie reads and rereads physical education dept. each student would oversee all three confederation, said he belkl .c. on~r.u n.vc'R-DOWNTOWN Balzac. Pending official approval of term. Each section would sections. the change will be advantaged LAST 6 DAYS! Milton B. Dickerson, vice to both the University and tin OPEN 12:45 — 4 Shows Dally 1 president for student affairs, clubs because it will stimuli! ••00-3:45-6:45-9:15 students next year will be able interest in both club sports in to fulfill their physical education requirement with classes such as PAC seeks the physical education dept. I White said he think| Dickerson will give hisappron rugby, sailing or hiking. The change, initiated by the this term. newly formed Confederation of Club Sports, would have for roles i The confederation, includes 23 of the 30 s| "Stop the World- I Want to Get Off" „ clubs on campus, was concer The Dept. of Theater is 5. Each will be performed at winter term when the clutfl seeking children six to 10 years least five times. organized to gain support fa SPECIALLY PRICED MATINEE of age to appear with The Several children are needed to the University. 2:00 p.m. UNION BALLROOM $1.50 Performing Arts Company portray wood - nymphs and Tickets at the door. Regular Performances $2.00 LITTLE BIG MAN (PAC) in performances of "The street - urchins, nonspeaking After being Panaviston* Technicolor* IGPlo Thursday April 22, 8:00 p.m. CHIEF DAN GEORGE Tempest" and "The Country roles. Try-outs for these parts by ASMSU, representatives^! Wife." will be at 7:30 p.m. today 49 the confederation met i' Friday April 23, 2:00, 7:30, & 10:00 Next! Jason Robards Auditorium. Only children sue to Saturday April 24, 7:30 & 10:00 Harris F. Beeman, intraraua| Katherine Ross in 10 years old will be eligible for a director; Biggie Munn, direct Sunday April 25, 3:00 "FOOLS" These plays, with "The Rope part. They should be dressed in of intercollegiate athletial Dancers," will be presented in a play clothes and accompanied Dickerson, and others to disct^ rotating schedule, three plays in by an adult. their requests. WINNER OF 2 ACADEMY AWARDS repertory, from May 20 to June BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR folk/Uue^/ragu/jg; Westside News sets John Mills BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY * rob ca black art exhibition The Westside News Inc. will sponsor an art show from 1 tojB Sc p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the Malcolm »■ Communication Skills Academy, 404 W. St. Joseph St., I-anaM bill ka The art show will feature black artists. The special guest art*B will be Fred MacFadden who recently presented Coretta Seei ■ on $ale King with a portrait of her late husband, Martin Luther King g A reception with refreshments will be held Sunday. rprnrua marshall mufitf Stevie Department of Theatre — Michigan State University Wonder presents "ORCHESIS in CONCERT" a program of modern dance Ryan's Daughter Student Artists directed by Dixie Durr Fairchild Theatre ROBERT MITCHUM TREVOR HOWARD CHRISTOPHER JONES April 23— 8 PM JOHN MILLS LEO McKERN and SARAH MILES Box Office Opens Ongrnal Screenplay by ROBERT BOLT Produced by ANTHONY HAVELOCK'ALLAN April 24 - 2PM GP METROCOLOR and SUPER RM4AVISION MUSIC by MAURICE JARRE MGM^^ April 21-23 SHOWTIMES Monday tfcri Friday eveniip it 8:00 p.m. Wednesday 2:00 i 8:00 p.«. 12:30-5 PM April 25 — 8PM Saturday 2:00I 8:00 pSunday 2:001 7:00 p.n. Lansing exclusive and 1 hour before concert mid-michigan Frl. 7:00 & 9:00*|flQIB|EIM^i^=^$1.00 ■ 48«-4«o3j engagementi Telephone 355-0148 All Tickets $1.50 Sat. 8:15 & 1O:15»*^*=!?0^:'^ I.D.'s Not R«IUF] At the Catholic Student Center on MAIL. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. April 22, 1971 J >tuder>t co-ops >ffer food, room By RANDY GARTON State Newt Staff Writer Price increases foi pa I students seeking cheap - reaUy cheap - accommodations By DENISE McCOURT the tool of the tyrants," he has been faltering since the nfi their summer vacations need look no.farther than the State News Staff Writer said. 10 more years." at the Fisher 1960s, Shelly said. He called mc.i like Senators Body Plant and v student co-ops across the United States offering a Hie L for a maximum daily rate of $3. hosteling expansionary measure "We begin to see this Zolton Ferency, former The average American is used by the government Muskie, Hatfield and Democratic candidate for I The co-ops, members of the North American Student country come apart with the McGovern "first paying for the war through helped to lower limits of - class governor. looDerative "Organization (NASCO) will offer two meals and a increased prices in consumer unemployment for a while, Key nesian chauvinists," not really P g t0 sieep for persons holding a NASCO goods, Alan Shelly, instructor but economics, the limits of the dedicated to peace and Robert Boling, East Lansing hosteling card, a no longer does high urban IaSCO representative said recently. in economics, said Tuesday inflation guarantee less urban centers and from the - rural society," he respecting the Vietnamese graduate student, said the purpose of Veterans for Peace 1 According to James R. Jones, president of the MSU Student night. unemployment, he said. said. people, but riding a wave of is to call for an immediate lousing Corp., the co-ops got the idea because of the poor Speaking at the Student But now the workers are The public sentiment against the Lality the y°uth ho8te,s in the United States and Canada, Mobilization Committee against the war's inflation and defeat of the war. cessation of fighting and f "Youth hostels in this country are few in number and hard to teach in, Shelly said the U.S. • are demanding more money. supersonic transport system After Shelly's speech, four educating the people in the o " Jones said. "And the restrictions on travel to The proposal showed that area. these government printed more government has the members of the Veterans for America has reached some Icilities - y°u can t drive there — reduce their effectiveness to money in 1965, used this power, Shelly said, to Peace spoke to students, This is the first time men L crowds of students traveling during the summer." money to buy war supplies engineer a recession so the technological limits also. have criticized a war while it "This country is doomed explaining how they feel | Though NASCO hosteling cards are available free to members and therefore bid up the price workers will be forced to about the war. was still in L naSCO, and for fees ranging from $1 to $3 to in its present progress, Boling members of of goods. accept lower wages. situation," said. It is costing the Shelly said. "I certainly The group has about 230 country ■ASCO co-ops, persons not involved with cooperative can also "Inflation has always been The economy in America wouldn't give this economy $130 billion and it's not Itain a card. members, including employes worth it, he said. f "Persons who are not members of NASCO must pay $5 for a Ird to get the same privileges that regular members do," Jones I Jones emphasized that $3 was the maximum daily rate ($1 for CHECKS MAILED The State News wishes to apologize for its error in the New om and $2 for the two meals), and that some co-ops would Players ad for "Stop the World — I Want to Get Off" of fer a place to sleep free of charge. Wednesday, April 21, 1971. The ad read "Opens Tonight" "It depends upon the number of visitors they have in the and "Opens Tomorrow." It should have been Welfa re buse at that time," he said. "Also under some circumstances "Opens Tonight." ors t don't have to pay the entire rate. For example, if they need food, they wouldn't have to pay for it." I The holder of a NASCO hosteling card gets a booklet [e co-ops' that are participating in the program, Jones said. listing In a late session issue reso The moves enabled the Dept. Ived The correct times Thursday 8:00 p.m. are: Friday 2:00, 7:30 & 10:00 p.m. Saturday 7:30 & 10:00 p.m. [ "There are some in nearly every college town in the country," Tuesday, the Michigan Legislature resolved of Social Services to proceed payments on the transferred affect low income drivers. Sunday 3:00 p.m. s said. "At MSU, Hedrick House and Ulrey House are money. The measure also provides for sticky problems on a with the scheduled mailing of Approval of the irticipating and other co-ops will vote on the question soon." supplemental transfer elimination of $1 assessment on I The co-ops expect a heavy traffic this summer because of the welfare some 11,000 welfare checks followed the conference all drivers to appropriation and the transfer of totaling $1.4 million that committee's report support the fund smal employment picture, Jones said. calling for when certified uninsured motorist funds that recipients would normally payment of surpluses exceed "A lot of kids will be traveling around the country and will interest and by 50 per cent combined claim had threatened to leave welfare receive today. increased assessment to the ^>d a place to crash," he said. "We hope this will help some of administrators penniless through At issue in the legislature was state's uninsured drivers. payments and reserves in the the end of June. the appropriation of a $50 The committee preceding year. The general concluded assessment could be reinstated million supplement to the that interest would have to be when the surplus falls below that welfare fund, and a transfer of included on a five ■J ' — - year level. //1 \Y*v $45 million from the uninsured repayment schedule beginning in motorist fund to cover the 1973, but sidestepped the Capital Capsules '(I J o ) >M appropriation. After House approval of the welfare supplement that had cleared the Senate before Easter, difficult problem of specific rates by recommending that the legislature set them at setting a "Sensational! It shows some pretty spirited aren't prepared to enjoy sequences that sex ... if you later day. might embarrass ENDS TONIGHT some, try it on roue'friends. first!" Increased security in investment in state - owned legislators had to wait for the "THE ORGANIZER" -N.Y. Post AROUND the state buildings and grounds, and are SACKETT, R-PORTAGE, outcome of a joint House - Doors Open 7:00 p.m. Jtol was discussed at a public entitled to receive assurance of introduced a resolution Senate conference committee to $45 a year from the present Feature at 7:10, 9:20 King Wednesday in Lansing adequate protection of such Wednesday to exclude smokeless meeting to resolve the $35, despite objections by some iroposed rule$ of conduct for property," Hettiger said. powder and black powder from controversy over interest lawmakers that this will the mainly STARTS FRI.! Ions in state buildings. The definition of explosives rules, which would under a Doors Open 6:45 p.m. ■illiam N. Hettiger, director include authorizing public act. security Sackett said the powders Feature at 7:35, 9:35 |ie Dept. of Administration, guards to check parcels carried the rules, which the into state Irtment can enact without were "inadvertently omitted" buildings, were from a list of materials that proposed in the wake of recent Economist hits view Shining Like Miniature A would .. . native approval, would not be considered bomb threats and frequent "WOODSTOCK" ve only those buildings and explosives under the law. Inds owned by the state and the authority of his demonstrations outside the Capitol. state Consequently, sportsmen are he said, having to secure of bl ue-collar wo rker Irtment. permits to buy the powders IThe taxpayers have which they use to load their own WASHINGTON (AP) - A issue out of a large STATE REP. WAYNE B. it," Levitan said in ammunition. ranking economist says a panel an interview elaborating on a "This was definitely not the of top level Nixon recently completed study he (iterview dates set intent of the measure passed by administration officials erred in the legislature," Sackett said. protraying America's blue - "My resolution would just collar workers as economically made Taggart III. with colleage Robert simply state that fact." trapped, socially scorned and in "A racy Swedish - Danish movie Placement Bureau * * THE STATE COURT OF * need of special federal attention. In fact, said Sar A. Levitan, named Essy Persson say that I doubt if ... we I .. . starring a beautiful girl hope I make myself clear when I will be seeing more of her but the whole concept of a blue - that we will surely be ■The APPEALS Wednesday ruled collar crisis — which the seeing her some more!" following employers will be interviewong from May 3 to -Brendon Gill, New Yorker e and August graduates of all degree levels are eligible to unconstitutional a state law that President's top advisers Magazine 1 irview unless otherwise indicated, limits salaries of circuit court embraced in their call for NOW SHOWING n you are interested in judges to $30,000 a year. administration action last June -ALL COLOR a woman an organization, please sign up in the The - ■ement Bureau as soon as decision must be — is a myth. possible and at least two school days ■dvance of the interview date. Students are advised to interview with matched Court, by the state Supreme however, before it is the "I think it's more a figment of What the girls did to Paxton in the attic . . . Colin is t employers even though imagination of the Fourth doing to the girls in the MSU ID or 18 p have not completed their military service. Many employers enforced. Estate than it is a reality and cellar! Thurs. 7:00, 8:45, 10:30 108 B Wells The question arose when the that politicians tried to make f indicated an interest in interviewing the student before and state treasurer cut back the an Friday 8t Saturday 7:00, 8:45, 10:30 104 B Wells J his duty with the Armed Forces. 3 TIMES THE LAFFIN' Pay 3: National Farmers Organization; state's $20,000 portion of Wyeth Laboratories, ...AND 3 judges' salaries in Macomb ■lay 4: A1S Construction Equipment lirance Co.; New York Life prance Co. Co.; Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co.; Prudential Life Pay 5: Aeroquip Corp.; City National Bank of County after the county supplemented the judges' salaries by $11,000, raising the total to $31,000. | TIMES THE I LOVIN ! JESUS CHRIST •rnational Telephone and ■ools; Taylor School Pay 6: Allstate Insurance •sing; Muskegon Heights Public Telegraph, District; Westdale Realtors, Inc. Co.; Foundation for Detroit; Inc.; Owosso Public Cooperative SUPERSTAR Schools; Nutrilits Products, li. er Rouge Board of Education; Trenton Public Schools; fereen Co.; U.S. Air Force. Open At 12:45 p.m. TODAY .SSU o . . At 2:45-6:20-Late rINE<^REDISCOVERED A SERIES PtMMto What happens when a professional killer violates the code? C1970 American Inten "3 In the Cellar" 7:50 and Late "3 In the Attic" 9:50 Only Get Carter! fredric march I LIYIHMXWCKKT THE AMERICAN ROCK OPERA COMPANY The Rolling Stones and GIMME The Grand Rapids Symphony SHELTER MAY 12,7 P.M. Grand Rapids Civic Auditorium ■ Tonight Room Michael Tickets $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 7 nUSi, ■ Only! 109 I 75c *uck Caine, Mail Orders Now To: IDs Get Carter ELLIOTT GOULD Anthony 9 p.m. Chajtw 6 IN A DAVID L. WOLPER Production Grand Rapids Symphony I ^************* I ITHavrriV.ilm' the Fr®*ic IK) INW..OCOIO. © "I LOVE MY... WIFE" Exhibitors Building, Fifth Floor Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502 March variion of "Dr. Jekyll isforma» 10n c°n*idered the best version made, with the Enclose check and self addressed so fantastic it staggers the mind. Deborah Kerr Story of a Woman stamped envelope Shown at 9:50 Only 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS- Batsmen reshuffle defense By JOHN VIGES Gary Boyce and Steve Cerez not forced upon MSU because of first season of varsity ball in the Catching does have some are the exceptions to the rules of injuries. outfield but had no qualms State News Sports Writer disadvantages, however. The "musical positions." Boyce Among the major switches about moving behind the plate constant crouching that the maintains his hold on left field was Ron Pruitt moving from an to handle the pitching staff. MSU baseball fans who saw position demands can be very and Cerez is battling Whitey outfield spot to catcher and Phil "I wanted to do the the Spartans play in the 1970 catching tiring on the legs. Pruitt says Rettenmund to keep possession Rashead's returning to third base this season," Pruitt said. "I had. that he won't beat out as many season should not have any of the shortstop spot. after a year as the Spartan caught some in high school, and infield hits but other than that trouble picking out familiar The shoulder injury suffered catcher. last summer, and I wasn't he is satisfied with the position. faces on this year's squad, but to Rob Ellis has moved from the by Shaun Howitt further worried about playing there. The other changes included identify their positions the fans complicates the pictures. dusty basepaths of second base "I figure that catching would better keep a scorecard handy. putting versatile Rob Ellis in Except for the switch of John to the green pastures of right be the best way to stay in right field after a year of playing Eight Spartans, not including Dace from first base to center field and Rettenmund, who has baseball for the longest time. every infield position for MSU. pitchers, were starters most of field, all of the changes were played a good deal of second "I like the outfield but there last season but at the moment The decision to move the brought about by mutual base for MSU during the past are so many good outfielders Spartan slugger to the outfield only two of them occupy the decision of coaches Danny two years, is now at shortstop. with only same spots that they held one a few really good was made to take advantage of Litwhiler, Frank Pellerin and the "We are fortunate to have the catchers. I can catch well year ago. as as his strong arm and also relieve player involved and they were type of players that we can anybody and this will be the him of some of the tension that move around," Litwhiler said. best way to get to the majors if I comes with an infield slot, so he "These changes came in response can." could concentrate on his hitting. to what the players wanted and could do. "Our team has great depth and versatility and that's why we baseball standings can do some experimenting and make the changes that we do. "We try to have the best defense with the best hitters we have." American National The switch of Rashead from catcher to third was probably w L EAST W L PCT. GB PCT. GB unexpected to most. 8 3 .727 - St. Louis Rashead had moved to the Washington 8 6 .571 1V4 Montreal Boston 7 6 .538 2 Pittsburgh backstop when Harry Kendrick Detroit 5 7 New York 5 5 .500 1 .417 3*4 graduated the year before. Clevelend 5 7 .417 3V4 Philadelphia Rashead did a fine job all New York S 8 .385 4 Chicago year but this season was moved back to third where Litwhiler WEST Oakland expects him to be just as useful Atlanta 4 .667 California 2 1 to the Spartans' cause. Houston 7 .533 Milwaukee 4 The Flint senior held down Minnesota Los Angeles 8 .467 5 the hot in his Cincinnati 7 .364 corner sophomore Kansas City 6 Chicago 5 9 .308 4 1/2 San Diego 10 .231 8 year and was the best third baseman in the league, according WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS to Litwhiler. Big Boston 9, Cleveland 7 Atlanta at Pittsburgh (night) "Phil did a great job at third Washington 9. New York 6 Philadelphia at Montreal (rain) his first year," Litwhiler said. Oakland at California Houston at Chicago (rain) (night) New York at Cincinnati (night) "We think that with Pruitt and Baltimore at Detroit (night) Washington's Frank Howard slides home with a run against the New York Yankees Bailey Oliver able to handle the Chicago at Milwaukee (night) Los Angeles at San Diego (night) St. Louis at San Francisco with the ball bouncing off his arm. Felipe Alou's throw from the outfield Tuesday I catchers job it is real good that Kansas City at Minnesota (night) TODAY'S GAMES Yankee catcher Thurman Munson got away from I we can get Phil back to third." TODAY'S GAMES Atlanta at Pittsburgh (night) as he tried to make a quick tag on Howard. I Pruitt moved into position vacated by Rashead and the Oakland at California (only game scheduled) (night) Houston at Chicago Philadelphia at St. Louis (night) AP Wirephoto | has done a consistent job all (only games scheduled) IN STANLEY CUP SERIES season, playing without an error. Only a junior, Pruitt spent his MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES ZUBRA PHONE 349-2700 JACK NICHOLSON Chicago, NY tied at 1-1 Qrj : » - *• dancing * > If- five Ensy pieces 4 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS by United Press International third game. That set deadlocked at one game each. Bobby Rousseau, a member is of the semi - finals at They can win the series l| capturing all three of the gig Chicafi * The Minnesota North Stars, 5 nights a week * ■ Today at 6:15, 8:15 /TwI'Llte Hour, Best Picture still a little shaken by the of the Canadians for 10 years before being traded to on lost their home ice, where only twice during i d Adults 90c, 5:45-6:15 Montreal firepower they faced in Minnesota, was one of those regular season. One of u \OPEN BOWLING: Barbra Streisand the opening game of their series, try again Thursday night justify the faith of National to awed by the ability of his former teammates. losses, though, was inflictetlfl Chicago, snapping a 26-ja Ranger unbeaten streak at ha : Every night ; The Owl and the Hockey League officials who claim that "parity is here." "I don't Richard will think ever that Henri stop," he said While getting New York has Ix some great goa : at : Time and time again during the regular season — the fourth Wednesday. "He plays like he has wings. And as far as their from Eddie Giacomin, it J ioe ioseph's will have to get its offal : : year since expansion — the cry goalie Ken Dryden is concerned, it just shows how good a generating and put a few pudl was hard from officials of the six ; pro bowl ; I Mee^nrY&He,neua older teams that "they're as scouting job (Claude) Ruel did." past Hawk goalie Tony Espoalf The Rangers have scored or 4 N. Logan at Gr. River k the laugh noi good as we are" and "there's no Minnesota, which managed to four goals in their I 372-7502 hILLARO ELKINS PRODUCTION! such » eYear thing anymore as an hold a 1-0 lead early in the games, two of those coming! expansion team." UtterNotthmi, second period before the overtime sessions. But while some of the Canadians went to work, is "We had our chances III An RHA Presentation Elaine Nay i expansionists have enjoyed a fair amount of success against the established teams during regular making a change in goal for Thursday's game with Cesare Maniago replacing Gump night but we just couldnt M to cash in," Coach Emile FraM said of Tuesday night's 30w season play, they still are Worsley. Chicago. "It seems we dir "BEST PICTURE "ONE OFTHE YEAR'S "ANeuLear looking for their first victory ever against an older club in the "I have nothing against the job Gump Worsley did in the at have time to get off our sk properly and they were chectt OFTHEYEAR" 10 BEST" Meridian 3 Today at 5:30, 7:30 Stanley Cup. opener," • Coach Jackie Gordon us closely. Exposito got a lotfl Twi-Lite Hour, Adults 90c, 5:00 - 5:30 The other semi - final series said, "but my plans were to help in stopping us." Meridian 4 also resumes Thursday night alternate the two goalers from J Today at 6:30, 8:30 A The Black Hawks started® Twi-Llte Hour, Adults 90c, 6:00 with the New York Rangers - 6:30^ the beginning. the aggressor in both the pr hosting the Blacks Hawks in the "You can't fault Worsley on their home ice, scoring ■ because boys weren't in the our first goal in each inst™ game after the opening period. However, the Rangers m " We stopped checking and we to draw even in the final miwj didn't play our positions. They of Sunday night's just toyed with us." winning it in overtime, 21, The Rangers, seeking their goal by Pete Stemkowski. first Stanley Cup since 1940, are Sunday's fourth game in NJ in an advantageous position after York will be televised nation having split the first two games by CBS starting at 2 p.m. fc Art Auction Some Tonite in Con rod 7:30 & 9:30 researdvJQL $1.00 admission I.D.'s "experts" \ required say you can't taste the difference between beers... blindfolded original works of graphic art—etchings, lithographs, What do you^say Pablo Picasso by leading 20th century artists: Johnny Fricdlacndcr Marc <• | METRO GOIDWYN MAYER his,.s mJZM/ ^'rt' A JOHN FRANKENHEIMER FILM Wl/ mMlMfM i WHEN YOU SAY Salvador Dali, Alexander Calder J<>an Georges Rouault Victor Vasarcly and otheft Budweiser. jSff JAMES GARNER EVAMARIE SAINT YVES MONTANA TOSHIRO MIFUNE meridian gallery's 2nd ANNUAL art show, sdnday april 25th Tonite in Wilson 8 p.m. YOU'VE SAID IT ALL! INN AMERICA University Room ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. • ST. IOUIS 2736 E. Grand River $1.00 admission I.D.'s required AUCTION TIME 3 P.M. - EXHIBITION 1 to J ' ■ Admission FREE - All Now Worto Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Thursday, April 22, 1971 9 i juries to V 11 itt MSU sailing club iar Spartans' 2nd in regatta _ By NICK MIRON year it has The MSU a psychological effect on Kalvelage feels his Sailing Club captured second place in a field of 14 ■state News Sports Writer them, Kalvelage said. team has Midwest area teams at the Purdue improved tremendously Spring Regatta last weekend. Lg Kalvelage, Paul Safran, There can be little doubt the rash of injuries has that year over last and is optimistic for the In Saturday morning's competition, MSU, represented Chuck White and Ralph Blasier in the A by ■George m Larkin. marred remainder of the season. division and Dick Davis v are all important names the Spartans bid to better and Bonny Hart in the B their 1 "Last year division, racked finishes in the first eight races to establish a up seven first place we were 7MSU game of lacrosse and - 9 record of last season. Larkin, beat, not only beat, we were getting e time or another this Safran and Kalvelage are getting killed," Kalvelage said. Saturday afternoon, however, MSU fell commanding lead. victim to a series of , they have all missed valuable attackmen in the "This year we're errors, fouls, and disqualifications and Notre Dame MSU getting beat but took over first |n injuries. cause and one need only look as not too badly. We're gaining place. MSU's Sunday catch - up attempt fell short, and Notre Ifran and Larkin were injured far as Sunday's 4 - 3 loss to Ohio ground." Dame won the regatta. Purdue finished third. T in the campaign and have State to see what a little extra MSU, now sporting a 1 - 5 This weekend the sailing club travels to the Ohio State f recently returned to the offense could do for the record, will enjoy a somewhat Intersectional Regatta, which is the largest intercollegiate regatta 1 Kgivelage, who led the stickmen. in the world. At the Ohio lighter schedule in the weeks to State Regatta MSU will face the X in scoring previous to his Recently returned Larkin may come and, by prophesy of nation's top teams, Rhode Island, Yale Tulane and USC. not be ■ty, will return April 28 seeing a great deal of Kalvelage, can be expected to 1stBowling Green when the action in the future. Larkin's win at least three of its last five I may be at full strength for early season injury was a back games. Son Diego Rockets moy move Irst time in weeks. problem. "Larkin had problems Of his own chances of coping ,ug Kalvelage, who injured seeing Sunday," Kalvelage the observed. "He team^ title, Kalvelage has )ack against Denison, noted little doub't that he will better he loss of one of the better and said his vision he couldn't see." came was off the field hazy and Assistant Coach Rick Bays' NBA franchise to Omaha us doesn't hurt so much as record of 11 in one season set SAN DIEGO, Calif. —esn't help. When a team is Despite the injuries that have last year. Kalvelage, with one (UPI) - Omaha has offered the Cut one of its better players, plagued the Spartans this season eye looking back, also noted Locked horns Whether the San Diego Rockets National Basketball Association Rockets far better financial that he is not the only player team will move to terms than the club receives in likely to break the record this An unidentified Spartan Omaha, Neb., player (left) squares off against his Ohio State rival in their was at the critical stage today as San Diego. If an impasse is year and mentioned Val recent game. Rising from a face - off, the city officials players seem to have lost the ball which is underfoot. met with Rockets' reached today, Breitbard Washington as a likely candidate. officials and club president Bob is State News photo by Doug Bauman expected to ask the league Breitbard left for New York and Thursday to IN TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS the NBA meetings. franchise shift. approve the TIGHTEN YOUR BELTS Palmer rates MICHIGAN STATE! RNCHO LA COSTA, CALIF. (UPI) - An elite field of 35 golfers answers the starter's call Thursday in the first round of pro Still, Bruce Crampton, Bruce Devlin, Bob Lunn, Charles Goody, 72 - hole $165,000 Tournament of the Tom Shaw, Miller Barber, Dick Lotz, Dave DIET WATCHERS IS Champions with Arnold Hill, Bob Nichols' Palmer installed as the favorite to win this title for the fourth Doug Sanders, Bob Murphy, Bob Goalby, Homero time. Kermit Zarley, Harold Blancas, Henning, Deane Beman, George Knudson, Mason Rudolph and Babe Palmer, 41, qualified for the T of C by tournaments — the Bob Hope Desert Classic and thewinning two Hiskey. COMING! Citrus Open. The forecast was for fair weather with temperatures in the 60s. Only winners of designated PGA tournaments plus the British Open Champion are eligible to shoot for the $33,000 first Having trouble with last year's bikini? Does the on the 7,114 • prize Muscle yard La Costa Country Club course. Par is 36 36 Shirt show more bulges than muscles? - -72. hole Defending champion Frank score of Beard won last year with a 72 273,15 under. He had a seven shot edge over - RIB KNIT SHIRTS Diet Watchers is the way to get in the slim swim for - Player, Tony Jacklin and Billy Casper who were tied for second. Gary summer - No starvation diets - a sensible plan to take the and This year the rough has been a half inches off the ground permitted to grow higher — two predicted 284, four under par, would be good — and pro Eddie Susalla only $700 excess off and keep it off, forever. Free Lectures All the big names of pro enough to win. - Tuesday, April 27, 9:30 A.M. or 7:00 P.M. golf are here except Casper who is UMHE Bldg. Next to University Methodist, Harrison at Top rookie playing host to the King of Morocco at the request of the State Department. Casper spent Hagadorn, - some time in Morocco last year giving fiouSmjj^ \ Celtic rookie Dave Cowens waits for the king golf lessons. The Come Listen Learn a taxi in pro golfer was eligible for the T of C • - taton shortly after learning that ha was a but declined so he can escort the co-winner, along king on his current visit to the 541 F Ith Geoff Petrie of Portland, in the United States. Ph. 351 6550 balloting for the Player, winner in 1969, is back GRAND RIVER - |BA's Rookie of the Year Award. and so is Jack Nicklaus, the reigning British Open champion. PHONE 332-6878 AP Wirephoto There are seven newcomers who won their first official PGA ^ Style ,, Is Alwa^'ln" Student tournaments during the past 12 months. They are: Brian "Bud" Allin, Carlyle Snead, Tommy Aaron, Hugh Royer, Cesar fun enters Games, Bill Garett and Gibby Gilbert. Sanudo, Another three - time winner here, in addition to another crack at the title is Gene Littler who Palmer, for got in by winning >pes to face Keino the Monsanto Open last Sunday. {! discount Other entries: Jacklin, Dave Stockton, George Archer, Ken PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - World mile recordholder Jim Ryuu, ling back in stride after an 18-month layoff, said Wednesday Twill enter the Martin Luther King Freedom Games here in Jes Bya's of competing against Villanova's Marty Liquori and We give students a break, with special reduced Kip Keino for the first time in three years, rates in Hilton Hotels from Boston to Honolulu. wyun's entry will set up a super mile for the third ■ annual (Faculty and graduate school students get a dis¬ les, but Keino's appearance is not certain. count too.) Keino defeated Ryun and V) Liquori in the 1968 Olympics in the Let us send you a pamphlet listing the Hilton meters. Hotels and Inns that offer special student rates. Also a Hilton Student Identification Card to use when¬ ever you register. iUMMER AjMiJ INi COOPERATION WITH MOWT3V.i' REOKIW6 CORW FRONTS Mail this coupon to Hilton Hotels Travel Department, National Sales Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, California 90210. Corporation, Division, 9880 IOBS 50,000 VACANCIES WORLDWIDE % n ® We want to make it easy for the Hiltons. X you to come visit 7-by-country listing* of HOW AND WHERE to apply for if jobs everywhere in the world. viOi Buties, qualifications Directory explains ;;PR:L 26 ■ TWO SUOA'5 required, and salary offered. In¬ cludes every type of work from chambermaids to sailing "00;. • MSU AU:iTC?.!"J!v! Instructors . choose the JOB and the COUNTRY ! ■ ravel, you education, and experience opportunities are unlim- •Wiam.L'? ,:AMPbCLL? J«d to those who apply early. Don't delay I Send $5 to : UNION Jobs • P.O. Box 10353 - Ft. Lauderdale, Flo. 33305 CEWTIT ;'Ok MARTIN U'THEk W.O .JR. SC!-.PLMWP FW Of HILT0I1H0IEL5 Jarman's speed lace oxford. . . rugged new Leisual with three-eyelet brass rings, cushion crepe sole and heel. Lightweight, fast-paced! Brown brushed leather or tan waxhide. $16. 3 CONVENIENT WAYS TO CHARGE: Custom Charge - Revolving Charge - Bank Americard ZALES Try any of our locations 318 S. Washington (across from FREE SPIRIT) Jacobsoiis 5751 South Cedar and 5417 W. Saginaw 3214 N- Fa«» Lansing Mall 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Antismear bill approved X Speaker relates story of society By United Press International false make campaign charges the House ^ to the Senate candidates from opponents who allegations illegal. A bill to make candidates for against their opponents has legislation which supporters said make unsubstantiated Opponents of the bill, public office guilty of a passed the Michigan House. would clean up political however, said they will try for a accusations at the last minute in misdemeanor if they purposely On a 56-47 vote Wednesday, an attempt to sway an election. campaigns by making dubious revote on the bill since they At age 40, a man is at peace with his peers h„» consider it unenforceable, unfair "It has been documented , threatened by younger people on their way up, the ch»i!l ^ and possibly unconstitutional. many times that a candidate will the University of Wisconsin's Dept. of Psychiatry try to sway the electorate with said on Ingham Health "I don't know how we can Wednesday. unc«npm| possibly apply this," Hep. Roy untrue statements, "lO'Brien said. Dr. MUton H. Miller was the sixth guest consultant tn uo I Spencer, R-Attica, said. "Hie Dept. of Psychiatry to speak this year. He was trained Under the bill, candidates » ' jails aren't that big." Menninger Foundation and is currently studying cross i Another opponent, Rep. Dale convicted of knowingly making cul married interaction. Free immunization clinics are among the locations and housing physical examination, child health, Kildee, D-Flint, said man's false allegation. "If I call you a one reasonable opinion is another man's false statements could be hit with a fine of up to $1,000 or up to a year in jail or both. Miller related a parable "which, like all fairy tales not all true" about a society where older younger people. people did istn kJ not'iiu 1'®| reactionary — The older people of both the Asian and Western seemem services available to married housing residents, according to Janell Madison of the Spartan Wives child hearing, family planning, social hygiene and prenatal clinics. and I think some of you are reactionaries — how do I Rejected lover the hypothetical society exercised social, sexual, economic educational control over the young. The old also Club. Also available through the health department substantiate it?" he asked. "And lives of the young by Involving them in wars controlld!? "Many married students are not aware of the are child orthopedic referrals, public health nurse if some of you call me a left - perishes in fire the young from rebelling. perpetuated to k ^1 opportunities there are to save money," Mrs. visits and a mobile TB unit for tests and free winger — and some of you think In the real world, Miller said, society tends toJ Madison said. "Health care is especially expensive chemotherapy. I left MENC.ES, Yugoslavia (AP) - Preserve J am a - winger — how do rights of older people who also control power and to students on limited budgets." The department will provide health education you substantiate it?" Milan Goleb, 22, rejected by his A middle - aged man may term survival as money"' The Ingham County Health Dept. provides a literature and environmental health services Rep. E.D. O'Brien, D-Detroit, sweetheart, set himself on fire at his self ■ esteem in face of being replaced by being able to ret* I wide range of services, Mrs. Madison said. These (evaluating homes for illness, disease and the sponsor of the bill, said it her doorstep and died, police someone whol include free immunization clinics at nine area accident prevention— upon request. as needed to tect said. younger, stronger, better educated and more vital than he " pro "But I also think that the young of this generation MILTON MILLER are tumJ away from a strong need to compete," he said. He S You can afford it while communal living as evidence of such a trend. I you're still young enough to enjoy it. Billboard campaign aims] to improve society unity By RAY ANDERSON that is all men," ana others State News Staff Writer promoting ni cohesion. "Some Call Him Pig," the billboard recently Lorencen said the response to seen in the Lansing area depicting a policeman Him Pig" was very good, and he "Some oj giving resuscitation to a limp child, came from a its being considered antistudent. wasn't awin] "Joint Is public relations campaign supposedly stressing an East Lansing - based underground new national cooperation and unity. found it offensive enough to Max Lorencen, executive vice publish a „ president of size sequel showing a long - hair Lansing's Central Advertising Co., received the resuscitation with the rant inn perform^]nJ r.n package of billboards from the Nalgele Advertising Agency in Minneapolis following the "The billboard wasn't meant to campaign's presentation at an advertising ( convention last October. Lorencen said he discriminatory," Lorencen said. "They wer sponsored "Some Call Him Pig," immediately supposed to be public service announce® and primarily nonpolitical." because it correlated with National Police Week. The campaign, he said, was supposed to lessen Central Advertising hasn't used the otJ the polarization that seems to be occurring in the because their boards are all presently filled J United States. Other billboards in the series commercial advertising. depict an operating table with the caption Drive General Sales Manager Joseph JonessaidtlJ Fast, Your Table Is Waiting," an Indian head have received a politically oriented ad frond nickel with the comment "Is This The Only Veterans for Peace with the caption "WW Indian You Give A Damn About," another with Home Without A Son," which will beusedri a composite group of people and the underlying the funds are obtained from the group J caption "There's only one man in the world and billboard space becomes available. DONALD L. CRAWFORD, training room at Spartan City sophomore, whosaidi East Lansing graduate student, Stadium, tank was removed somen told police his wallet and cash, with a total estimated value of * * * between 12:01 a.m. and m| $160, was stolen about 6 pjn. Tuesday from his moton POLICE RECEIVED A Tuesday when it was lying parked in Ramp 1 across COMPLAINT Tuesday from Shaw Hall. unattended on a bench in the Gerald Zamborowski, Marine No damage to the moton was reported. A BATTERY, Christ estimated value of ! reported stolen somrtj not between Monday and Tue from a motorcycle also pi served in Ramp 1 and Allan L. Cohoe. Burger1 belonging but to Ont., graduate student. Learn how you No damage to thevehid^ reported. can serve as a Vincentian Prof to tall sick, the oppressed and the neglected. His life was spent ministering to their needs. He preached to even begged for them. Like to serve., them, taught them, fed them and Christ, he came not to be served but on foreig| Today the Vincentians, the As a sons of St. Vincent, carry on his work. Vincentian, you can ease the misery of the poor and the suf¬ fering of the sick. They counsel the troubled and the oppressed. students They teach the young and console the old and enlighten men of all Having the want is one thing. Having the wherewithal is another. The trouble with being ages. They try to meet the needs of the Church wherever they exist. Thfe Vincentians serve. Dr. Milton H. Miller, clurf young is that all too often you have the one For more information of the Dept. of PsychiatiJI on serving Christ as a Vincentian, write to: Wisconsin, will give a lectu# without the other. But the 1971 MG Midget is something else again. Rev. Francis X. Quinn, CM., Vocation Director campus today. J MUler will discuss CM Here is a true sports car for under $2500*— the lowest price you can pay for the real thing. THE VINCENTIANS Students in Wisconsin* Congregation of the Mission, Eastern Province American Students in T«i»H In this the real case thing includes a race- 500 East Chelten Avenue, Room 220 at 4 p.m. in McDonel Kiva. I winning 1275 c.c. engine. Racing-type rack-and- Philadelphia. Pa. 19144 Miller's lecture is pinion steering (2.33 turns lock to lock) for cool, Vincentian Priests and Brothers live by St. Vincent's motto: by the Depts. of Psychiatry crisp driving. Heavy-duty suspension for Anthropology and the superb road-hugging. Disc brakes up front for Studies Center. straight-line, non-fade stops. Twin reclining bucket seats. And full sports car instrumentation with an electric tach. Which only goes to show that, even though MG has been engineering sports cars for over 40 years, there's no generation gap. For the name INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR IN of your nearest Austin-MG dealer and information about overseas delivery, dial MASS COMMUNICA (800) 631-1971 except in New Jersey To be held in SALI, YUGOSLAVIA where the number is (800) 962-2803. Calls are toll-free, of course. June 18th—August 16th $760.00 Includes: 5 weeks room and board, round trip jet air flight and seminar fees. IN LANSI APPLICATION DEADLINE: APRIL 30, 1971 BROOKS IMPORTED CARS Informational Meeting Thurs. April 22 at 7:30 p.m. In the 1961 Room CASE HALL Contact: Beverly Twitchell 323 Linton Hall or phone 353-5302 Sponsored By International Press Institution In U.N.E.S.C.O. 5014 North Grand River 482-1473 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 22, 1971 1] state news classified Make your budget state news 355 8255 go further, shop the classified ads every day. classified 355-8255 The State New* does not permit racial or discrimination religious in its PONTIAC Automotive 1964. jRAnkly speaking . by Phil Frank Employment For Rent For Rent advertising columns. The LeMans. Convertible. Excellent condition. NATIONAL FIRM expanding in TV RENTALS-Students only. Low State New* will $650. Phone 675-7414. 5-4-26 513 HILLCREST. Close-in not pleasant Lansing needs management monthly and term rates. Call accept advertising area. Air ■automotive discriminates which against PONTIAC LEMANS 1970. Automatic. Perfect condition. 350. STUDENT STAHD-PY trainees. Part time to start. Call Mr. Orsburn, 489-2114, between 3 351-7900 RENTALS. C UNIVERSITY TV dishwashers, redecorated, conditioned, tasty furnishings, n Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or - 7 p.m. 2-4-23. secure. 1 or 2 large I 351-5238, after 4 p.m. X-3-4-26 bedrooms. Summer and fall leases. Auto Parts & Service national origin.. REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for From $45 person. 351-0705 or J Aviation PONTIAC GTO 1967 400 cube. 4 BARTENDERS, WAITERS, and rent. A TO Z RENTALS. 655-1022. 3-4-23 waitresses. Weekend work only. 349-2220. O ■employment speed. 21,000 miles. Mint Call 339-2916 between 9 a.m. and MALE FOR Capitol Villa. 3 month ■for rent condition. Make offer. 355-5527 noon. 3-4-23 ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. sublease. Swimming, air. 351-9144 I Apartments Automotive 3-4-23 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV after 5:30 p.m. 5-4-27 RENTAL, 372-4948. O 1 Houses COMET, 1962. NOTICE Excellent TV AND stereo ROOMMATE FOR House trailer, I Rooms transportation, many new parts rentals, satisfaction $185. close, comfortable, $60/month. 351-8737 after 5 pn SUMMER JOBS available in Torch guaranteed. Free delivery, service ■for sale 5-4-26 RENAULT DAUPHIN 1961. Runs Lake and Nights 332-3700. 2-4-22 I Animals good, economical $75. Resort area for 2 sharp pick-up. Call NEJAC, George attractive gals. Reception and 337-1300. C I Mobile Homes CORVAIR VAN, 1960 with 1962 353-0674. 2-4-23 general office work. Housing I - 6 PEOPLE summer. Central air, - dishwasher, Personal engine. Runs good. Phone SIMCA, 1967. 4 door. available. Send picture and resume unlimited pool, 1% baths, Ieanuts PERSONAL 349-2274 after 5 p.m. 5-4-26 Economical. 355-7763 after 6 p.m. 4-4-23 to Mr. Rankin, MIDWEST RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, Apartments parking. After 5 p.m. 351-1191. 3-4-23 Ieal estate CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE, 1964. Ml 49615. 20-4-30 SUBLET SUMMER. 4 man DEWITT. CLEAN 3 Recreation Excellent condition. 4-speed, wire ZIP CODE apartment. Air, patio, lawn. Good completely furnished. Heat, rooms wheels, no rust. $500. 332-2139. distribution firm needs Iervice 5-4-26 SUNBEAM supervisors to spend Summer in location. Cheap. Cindy, 351-1054. S5-4-22 utilities 3-4-23 furnished. 669-3211. MINX I Typing Service 1967. Good condition. $250. Call 351-0694 major Michigan cities. Training (transportation CORVETTE with hard COUPE 1964 327 after 9:30 p.m. 5-4-27 here this term. Requirements car. Contact Placement / 21, LANSING OR East Lansing. One FOURTH GIRL wanted summer, [/ANTED 627-6635 or top. $1495. Call 484-9904. 3-4-23 TRIUMPH 1970 GT+6. $2750. further information. 4-4-23 Bureau for bedroom rooms. furnished. Large, airy Air conditioned. Eden Roc 351-0303 Sue. 5-4-27 apartments. Phone 5.000 deadline miles. Excellent condition. Beautifully maintained. Suitable DATSUN 2000 Roadster, 1968. Signal YOUNG LADY for faculty, grad students, business I P.M. one claw day red. Call 355-6844. 5-4-26 companion, live-in COUNTRY SETTING, 2 bedroom Good condition. Best offer over BEEN WAITING and do light housework. Not full people, married couples. Lease. unfurnished. 15 minutes from Wore publication, $1200. 489-2886. 5-4-28 time. South Lansing. 393-0108. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O East Lansing. $150 a VOLKSWAGEN 1970. ^ncellations - 12 noon DODGE DART radio, one owner. Automatic, Still under 3-4-26 marigold apts 655-3468 or 372-7417. 6-4-28 month. dasi day before 1964. Good warranty. 882-2051 days. 3-4-23 FULL TIME pay for part time work. 911 Marigold Ave. condition, 6 cylinder. $300 GIRL WANTED: May 1st until June iblication. 351-6422. J4-26 Excellent opportunity. 1 bedroom furnished deluxe VOLKSWAGEN Apply 15th. Super cheap. 351-1527. CAMPER 2101 West Holmes Road, behind 2 man apts. phone 1968. Pop tap, sink, icebox, Bus, Scooters & Cycles Scooters & Across from 2-4-22 355-8255 DODGE 1968 Window Excellent condition. Must sell. Van. Jalousie windows, sleeps 4. radio. Cycles Quality Dairy Store. 5-4-28 campus. Leasing now Summer & Fall. 355-9352. 3-4-23 Excellent condition. $2100. Call 1969 TRIUMPH 650 Bonneville. 968 WANT TO MAKE MONEY and have 337-7328, 337-0780, TWO MAN apartment to sublease rates 351-5607. 5-4-23 Custom HONDA 350 Scrambler. and 351-4878 summer. Close to paint, pipes, fenders. Excellent condition. 8000 fun too? Men or women (no campus. $1.50 DODGE Immaculate, beautiful. miles, age 337-1295. 5-4-27 CORONET, 1965. Power Getting helmet and extras. 332-2201 limit) to introduce fantastic new LARGE TWO party efficiency. Air le per word per day steering. Reliable transportation. VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Squareback. married. $1099 including 5-4-23 cosmetic and wig line. Ambitious conditioned, close to campus. HASLETT ARMS: 4 man, 2 $4.00 $175. 351-2264, Milla. 5-4-26 Good condition. $475. 351-3435 insurance. 355-4050. 3-4-23 $135 summer. $150 fall. Call person can average $5/hour and bedroom apartments, furnished. after 5 p.m. 3-4-23 ftc per word per day 1970 HONDA S90. Female up. Full or part time. We train. 484-0585. 484-1328. 10-5-3 Now renting for summer and fall. 1966 BRIDGESTONE 175cc. owned FIAT 1970. 850 Spider. New Engine and 655-3991 after 6 p.m. 2-4-23 Discount for 9 and 12 month $6.50 radials. VOLKSWAGEN driven equals excellent $1650 or take over payments. Call CAMPER 1966, mechanically good, body needs condition. Phone 393-7984 after GIRLS FOR summer term. 4 blocks leases signed prior to June 1st. jc per word per day 371-1098 after 5 p.m. 3-4-22 pop-up top, ice box, bed. 600 miles on rebuilt engine. Good minor work. 355-0542. 3-4-23 Helmets. $160. 9:30 p.m. 5-4-23 WE NEED five girls who want to earn to campus. Call between 8 - 1 Call 351-7662, or HALSTEAD id on 10 words per ad) money without P.m., 332-0143. 3-4-22 MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. condition. Phone 669-3689. leaving their O FORD CYCLE INSURANCE. Central room. Call Mr. Hawk, lanuts ECONOLINE, 1964. Good to 3-4-22 SUZUKI 250cc . 351-4801, 9 Personals must be fair condition. X6. Excellent Michigan's largest insurer. Any - 11 a.m. 3-4-22 MEN NEEDED. May $100. Ceil condition. $375. Call 337-9960. or sooner. 711 EAST APTS. jepaid. 351-2040. 2-4-23 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Rebuilt 10-5-4 cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON WANTED COUNTRY air talent Luxury apartment near Berkey. 711 Burcham INSURANCE AGENCY. 351-1918. 3-4-22 II be a 50c service engine, no rust. California body. combo first ticket. Part timer Deluxe large 1 bedroom FORD 1963 Fairlane for sale. New $600. 487-5798. 5-4-26 332-5335, 484-8173. O [d bookkeeping charge if tires. Runs good. 372-6739. 1968 HONDA CB350. 6000 miles. $475. Call after 8 p.m., 351-9360. 22-35 hours a week. Must have adult voice. Some experience, no NEW TWO bedroom luxury furnished apartments. |t ad is not paid within 3-4-26 Auto Service & Parts apartments. Central air, Suitable for 2 & 3 man. __5-4-27 beginners. Good breedll dishwashers, garages, fireplaces. In Now leasing for Summer i week. FORD Telephone for interview, attractive four unit and Fall. 9 & 12 month FALCON 1963. Reliable, NORTON 750. Mint. MASON BODY SHOP 812 East 393-1010 after 10 a.m. David building, i State News will be 1970 , furnished or cheap. Call 337-9558 after 5 p.m. VW Commando Roadster. 4000 miles. Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. unfurnished. leases. onsible only for the DUNEBUGGY. Red fiberglas . .. Donahue, program manager. 332-1183 after 5 p.m. 10-4-26 3-4-26 Complete auto painting and 337-7328 337-0780 body, white convertible top. ^JM-22_ day's incorrect Licensable. Extra sharp. collision service. IV 5-0256. C 351-4878 FORD 1964. $75. Body good - 1965 DUCAT I. Low mileage, recent NEED GOOD WORKERS? MEADOWBROOK TRACE, 4 man 485-3508. 3-4-23 Help engine needs repair. Call overhaul, road or trail. 355-9376. VW ACCESSORIES and speed Wanted Ads in Classified furnished, summer, $190 month, UNIVERSITY TERRACE: get 'em $50 deposit. 393-3094. 5-4-23 Now 353-7006. 5-4-28 VW 1970. Sunroof, automatic shift, 5-4-28 equipment. Phone 487-3512. f-«l Dial 385-8256 now. renting 3 and 4 man furnished 3-4-22 19,000 miles. Days 335-1700; apartments for summer and fall. FORD LINE UP BAY COLONY: 1 and 2 bedroom 1963. Galaxie 500. 352, nights 349-3640. 5-4-28 a spring job now. Car Walking distance to AT MEL'S campus. Call automatic, power steering, rebuilt we repair all foreign and necessary. Also train for full time apartments furnished end 351-9117 or HALSTEAD brafcM. Reliable. $216. 332-0106. American cars. If we can't fix It, it unfurnished. Located on corner of Automotive VW 1969 Bug. ExcWIeiH cbrtttltton. KAWASAKI 1969 350 twin. 5000 can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O summer work. Call 361-7319 for Interview appointment. C Haslett Roed and MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O __M-22 Radio, extras. $1550. 489-3963. Hag adorn. 2-4-23 miles, $500. 332-3301 after 5 Offering 3, 9 and 12 month leeses. THREE BEDROOM,'full basement, RIVIERA 1967. Private GTO 1968 4 speed. Buckets. Will Call p.m. 1-4-22 VW - GUARANTEED PART TIME employment: 12-20 351-3211 or HALSTEAD stove, refrl|J#tator. ler. Excellent repair. $180. condition sacrifice. Make offer. 489-9763. VW 1970. Sunroof; 4 speed, redial RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at hours per week. Automobile MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O 332-1094. 10-5-5 |B50. 332 0080. 5-4-27 3-4-23 tires, radio. Header exhaust 1966 YAMAHA Twin 100, plus Okemos Road. 349-9620, C required, 361-5800. O , system. $1850. 349-2638. helmet. Best UNIVERSITY VILLA: now renting BEECHWOOD: 2, 3 and 4 man 2 K offer. 351-4714. RIVIERA, 1966. Air, vinyl MAVERICK, 1970automatic. Radio, X-3-4-23 2 and 3 and 4 bedroom furnished apartments, everything. $1295. Call Mike other extre equipment. Low 3-4-26 Aviation MOTHER'S HELPER. Summer apartments for man furnished summer and fall. If for Summer and Fall. cottage, Petoskey aree. July, Spacious, on, 313 ■ 663-9135 after 6 mileage. Perfect condition. Must VW 1970. Sunroof, 4 speed, redial looking for low rates, this is the parking, close. Discount for all 9 ON DA CB160. Very pretty bike. LEARN TO August. Call 351-4555 after 6 h. 5-4-22 sell. 482-3570. 1-4-22 tires, radio. Heeter FLYI Complete flight building. Call 337-2361 or and 12 month leases exhaust Excellent signed prior system. $1850. 349-2638. 3-4-22 condition. training. All courses are __p.m. 5-4-23 HALSTEAD to June 1st. Call MGA 1958. Rebuilt Conscientious owner. Extra parts, government MANAGEMENT, 351-0965 or 1968 convertible. interior, and VA certified. FOR SALESPOWER try a little 351-7910. O HALSTEAD exterior, engine excellent, other helmet. Best offer. 355-2445. FRANCIS AVIATION, MANAGEMENT, Jcellent condition. Private extra*. 349-1749. NOW TAKING bids on a 1967 VW S5-4-28 Airport Classified Ad to sell e large mobile 351-7910. C r. $1595. 332-0080. 5-4-27 5-4^8 Road, Call 484-1324. C homel Dial 355-8255 today. sedan, model 113 and a 1970 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a MUSTANG 1967, Sprint. Yellow, 6 Toyota pickup truck. Contact End your parking ■ JER 1964 Ford Econoline. cylinders, 3 speed. Excellent John DeBow at MSU Employes Cedar Village S box, sink, sleeps 5 condition. 332-0472 or 332-1628. Credit Union. 353-2280. 3-4-23 " worries! f-up« top. 20 mpg. 355-6327 or 875-3653. 2-4-22 3-4-22 Apartments ■ ■ MUSTANG 1966 289 3 speed. New Scooters & Cycles |. provide continuous t freej . . |ELLE SS, 1964. Convertible. brakes. Good running condition, The most parking per ■maintenance on h.p„ 4 speed. No $650. 882-1230, after 4 p.m. unit in East toilets, q •"V.S550. 355-4050. rust. 1971 KAWASAKI 250E. 600 miles. Lansing at 'garbage disposals, stoves, airg 3-4-23 1-4-22 . Burcham Excellent condition. Helmets. Woods. $750. 355-3156. 5-4-28 Furnished ^conditioners, and many otherB ■ROLET 1962 MUSTANG FASTBACK 1969 3 studio, 1 ^appliances. Cedar Village also* ™«l automatic, V-8, bedroom and 2 bedroom transportation. $100 / best speed. Excellent care. 34,000 ■has 24 - hour emergency™ if. 351-1740. T 2 50 SUZUKI 1969. Great 3-4-26 miles. Must sell immediately. Call apartments, from only ■service by our on-6ite staff, condition. Road Bike. 669-9843 g 353-1078 ask for Deborah. 5-4-27 after 6 p.m. 5-4-27 $135/month. 1r0LET 1965 Impala. Good ■ ■ Now Leasing for * OLDS F95 1965 automatic. Power 1970 BSA 250- 0n|V 700 miles, Now Leasing steering. $300. 351-4290 after 4 Excellent. Helmets. Must sell. ■ Summer & Fall Terms ). 3-4-26 $675. 353-6839. 4-4-23 5 Y VAN "'"i just 1963. Good condition, Burcham Woods : 332 - 5051 : overhauled. $400. OLDSMOBILE 1964 F85. Stick HONDA 305. 2700 miles. Excellent , ■ 138, after 5 p.m. 3-4-22 i Y1966. Belair, shift. V-6, runs good. $350. 355-7996. 2-4-23 condition. $450. Call Mark, 351-6067. 3-4-22 745 Burcham 351 - 3118 ■ Bogue St. at the Red Cedar ; automatic, new If no answer • 484 - 4014 ■ Is. Excellent condition. $550. WE HAVE moved. ROLL ROSSER P-2376. 3-4-23 OLDSMOBILE 1968 442 - convertible. Excellent shape. Low Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. Phone 489-4811. Our new address mileage. New tires. 882-3826. 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF 3-4-23 OPEL 1971 1900. 6,000 miles. 969 HONDA 50cc, 4000 miles, crossword puzzle JYSto look twice at the services °""J " Leaving country May 1st. Best excellent city transportation, trail ACROSS 27. Humorist loday's Classified Ads. offer. 349-3097. 5-4-27 bike. $150. 332-8080. 3-4-23 1. Snake 28. Arctic bird 4. Overweight 29. Waterless If AMIII'O keeps your car 7. Grandparental 30. Give forth 11. Song for two 32. Afr. antelope MIYIM 0 in top shape MEADOWBROOK TRACE IS 12. Exist 13 Baked clay 14. Stores 33. Meerschaums 35. Outlet 36. Jet pilots with these spring specials 16. Oklahoma Indian 37. Novel 40. Moppets Guaranteed 17. Elliptical 41. Unsmelted 18. Megrims 9|c 200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING metal FREE MUFI:LERS FREE INSTALLAT l0NI AS LOW AS 5Q9S I 1 i FELLOWSHIP ROOM, AND EXERCISE ROOM. AND FUN IN YOUR OLYMPIC RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB ROOM POOL T 19. Confronted 21. Yowl 22. Ardor 23. Harridan 42. By way of 43. Sole 44. Coagulate 45. Eng. cathedral 3. Mex. volcano 4. Electrical unit eSt Alignment Save $4 to $9 7 I £ SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS. 24. W. W. II area city 5 Seed cnat 6. Social affair 7. Coral isjand with every When Thinking of Tires, Give I £ PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS. » 2 3 H S 0 1 7 9 10 8 Insulting 9. Century plant 1 n a 15 brake relined Us a Call!! 1 £ READING ROOM FOR PRIVATE STUDY TUDY. 'M IB % 16 10. Dregs 15. Kiln 18. Plead $ SUNDECKS. SPECIAL SUMMER 17 '4 19. Not many - %% % * S3750 "om ONLY RATES FROM 20. Fourth calif J|C INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS. «9 2o $2695 11 21. Tibetan ox KAMINS $ MASTER 22 %23 2M %% 26 23. Shanty CHARGE COLOR TV ANTENNA. /PERSON/MONTH % % 25. Stannum JtAMlNS 2$ 26. Bizarre SAVE $6 27 26 to S20 £ 1, 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. io % 31 % 28. Three-toed sloths LUBE %m % 32 29. Dismounted 10B monroe shocks aynjT automotive MEADOWBROOK trace To get to Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State 33 3b 3M % 37 as 38 w 31. 32. 33. 34. Disordered Shine Muscovy duck Religious 88' MB" ^iasi^r*charge gagy specialists on 1-496. Exit west onto Jolly Road and go to comer of Dunckel Road. Campus MO H3 YA 41 V/< *2 35. image Ireland PHONE 393-0210 MM _ PAIR OPEN 1M DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT % MS 37. 38. Heavy mist Fuel 39. Negative vote 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Apn| 22 , For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale Student NEEDED TWO girls summer. Cedar GIRL FOR 2-man, Summer. Close to SUMMER: girls, near campus, SPARTAN HALL, PREMIER DRUM set. Good singles, men, Village. $45. Call Teri, 353-0358. Air conditioning. DIRECTORY campus. parking, sundry, 2 baths. women. Now leasing for summer, condition, 4 drums, hi-hat, 1-4-22 351-2207.5-4-23 351-2605. 6-4-23 cymbals. Must sell. Highest bid. fall. 351-9286, 372-1031. O 484-6064. 2-4-23 TWO MAN apartment to sublease for SUBLEASE APARTMENT for ONE months. Two or three GIRL for five girl house ROOMS 10 minutes from campus, summer term. Close to campus. summer AND Howell FX camera. immediately. Own room. Call Completely furnished. 372-8077 BELL Cheap. Call 351-2757. 2-4-23 man. Very cheap. Call 332-6783 332-4261. 3-4-26 before 4 P.m. C Canon lens, 50 mm. Call 332-0408 University Villa. 3-4-22 JUST ARRIVED! NEED TWO girls for 3 man summer EAST after 6 p.m. 5-4-28 COLLEGE TRAVEL LANSING. 6 bedrooms, 3 SUMMER SUBLET Two For Sale term. Close to campus. 351-1047. - men baths, fireplace, dishwasher. Will BE LAI RE 8 track portable tape SPRING SANDALS OFPICE 3-4-26 wanted, Beechwood Apartments. hold 10 or 12 students. $600. player. $50. Great sound. Don, Cheep, close. 351-0659. 3-4-22 655-2555. 1-4-22 CASSETTE RECORDER. $45. 351-4428 after 6 p.m. 5-4-28 130 West Orend River Blvd, MARRIED STUDENTS Guitar. Must sell. Ben, 355-9406. WARREN SHOES 391-6010 & FACULTY SHORT OR long term lease, 2 GIRLS: FALL or summer. Near 3-4-22 GOOD USED baby items, children's Frandor Shopping Center bedrooms. Appliances, air. campus. Furnished. Parking. clothes, toys, kitchenware, NO SECURITY 332-0449. 5-4-28 332-8903. 2-4-23 A.B. Dick folding machine, model antiques and furniture, collected DEPOSIT REQUIRED No. 58. Excellent condition, from over 10 families. April 23 GOLF DRIVING RANGE CONTACT LENS CAMPUS HILL - 1 girl needed GIRLS NEEDED. Immediate rarely used. Price $250. Call and 24, 1632 Boston Blvd. west of immediately. Reduced rates. Free 355-8285. 3-4-22 MINIATURE GOLF SERVICES KNOB HILL occupancy. $50 per month. Logan, north off Mt. Hope. Free bus. Pool. Woods. Lots of boysl Utilities included; furnished. Free coffee. 1-4-22 D. M. DEAN, an APARTMENTS Call 353-5328. After 5 p.m., bread and milk. Ideal WATERBED FRAMES, $35 and up. Fairway Golf Range, Grand 210 Abbott Rd. location. 349-4700 485-7610. 5-4-28 337-1611. 2-4-23 REBIRTH, 402 E. Michigan River Avenue - A few minutes Suite #16 489-6168. 4-4-23 east of MSU. 349-2850. 332-6563 Open: 11:00-7:00 Mon.-Sat. TWO GIRLS, Fall. Carpeted, ONE MAN needed. Immediate 2:00-5:00 Sunday furnished, walking distance. occupancy. $50 per month. WATERBEDS, $29. Five year ZENITH AM-FM stereo radio with $62.50 each. 332-5320 after 6 Utilities included; furnished. Free factory guarantee. REBIRTH, 402 external speaker. (Walnut WASHDAY SAVINGS ELDORADO GOLF Also shown by appointment p.m. 3-4-22 bread and milk. Ideal location. E. Michigan, 489-6168. 4-4-23 cabinet). $45. 349-2779. 2-4-23 21c per load COuSL On Okemos Rd. Across The best for lea* 3750 West Howell Rd.,Mi«!l m 337-1611. 2-4-23 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham WE DO most repairing and replace SOLID MAPLE bedroom set. Maple Special Texas Washer SOc from Okemos High School Drive. furnished 135 Kedzie. apartments. 2 man Includes EAST LANSING 4 man luxury duplex. Furnished. Long or short broken frames. DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan OPTICAL desk. Maytag automatic washer, suds saver. Call after 5:30 p.m. WENDROW'S ECONOWASH 3006 Vine St. STUDENT RATES weekdays T PARK TRACE - Large 2 bedroom heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. term leases. Call after 4 Avenue, 372-7409. C-4-23 372-6391. 2-4-23 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. l blk. W. of Sears for unfurnished. $165. Sublease. Phone 349-2742. 5-4-28 Leases starting June 15 and Sept. 485-6222. 5-4-28 p.m. more information caiun..] 1 Days. 487-3216. Evenings til 10 KUSTOM PA system, 12" speakers. LAWN MOWER. Power steered, p.m., 882-2316. O ATTRACTIVE RANCH, furnished. Portable organ, made by Lowery. excellent BROOKS Imported Cars BEAD CRAFTS, PAR-MOlT PRINCETON ARMS: 1 bedroom shape, half price. I Summer $50 each, Fall, $60. 4 Evenings, 489-3514. 3-4-26 G0LF COURSES ■ , furnished and unfurnished. AH Telephone 337-9651. 1-4-22 DECOUPAQE SUPPLIES, [yKj ... utilities paid, except electricity CEDAR GREENS girls. 332-5320 after 6 p.m. 3-4-22 Sales and ART REPRODUCTIONS Illuminated Driving Rin J and telephone. Offering 3, 9 and 1 bedroom furnished GIRL NEEDED CAR TOP carrier. Will accommodate small boat. 349-2690, after 3 p.m. FENDER SHOWMAN amplifier with one 15' JBL. $300. Call 351-1052. |f|L« Service candle making supplies LHutPar3&R^l 12 month leases. Call 332-8511 or immediately for 3 482-1473 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, POOL 3-4-26 3-4-23 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing. Enfield's Incorporated 693 M-43, Okemos. 349-1940 Corner Park Lk. Rd. 4 ED 2-3432 EliJ ' 351-7910.0 Call 351-8631 COPPERTONE defrostless 16 ft. KUSTOM cu. AMP, speakers, Farfisa NORTH POINTE: 1 and 2 bedroom refrigerator, $198. Antique organ. Free Leslie with purchase. SPECIAL! dresser. $100. 482-4909. 2-4-23 353-1570. 5-4-27 WATERBEDS! apartments, furnished and NOW LEASING: 2 and 3 man Volkswagen muffler replacement unfurnished. Has swimming pool Rooms $29.00 Any size. 29.95 complete.(type 3- 39.95) apartments. Close to campus. BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE bed and WEDDING GOWN dotted swiss, 8 - Frames $35.00 and up AM work guaranteed. and picnic area. Discount for all 9 $170. 126 Milford. 372-5767 and MEN. ROOM. $130 a term. Clean, large dresser with mirror. Call 10. Imported silk veil. $75. REBIRTH WATERBEDS and 12 month leases signed prior 489-1656, evenings. 20-5-3 quiet, cooking. 1 block to campus. 484-4343. 2-4-23 RANDY'S MOBIL 351-3630. 3-4-23 402 E. Michigan to June 1st. Call 351-3407 or 1-96 at Okemos Rd. 487-5753, 485-8836. O 489-6168 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 349-9620 WESTERN 351-7910. O Houses SADDLE, tan with ROBERTS TAPE deck 650XD. GIRLS, ROOM available now. turquoise seat. Tapaderoes. Used Three motors, 3 heads - EVERGREEN: ALL 4 Cooking. 351-0798 between Noon only once. $75. 675-7286 after automatic reverse. New condition. man, 2 THREE MAN furnished. Close and 4 p.m. 3-4-23 bedroom apartments furnished. to 5:30 p.m. 2-4-23 Paid $400, sell for $200. For Sale For Sale For Sale campus. 337-1779 or 489-2326 627-9592. 2-4-22 Now renting for summer and fall. evenings. 3-4-23 MENS SINGLE. Students house, SPRING COAT. Beautiful light green Discount for 9 and 12 month kitchen carpeted, paneled. wool. (9-11). New. $20. WEST AVALON guitar amplifier MINOLTA SRT 101. Extra HARMON KARDON stereo. AMERICAN 1970. 12x60 LikiJ leases signed before June 1st. Call LADIES. NICE house, furnished. 351 -7473, 337-9612. 3-4-23 349-3075. 2-4-23 with two 15" Utah speakers. accessories. Like new: Savape Slightly used component system English decor, 2 bedroorm.I 332-1313, or HALSTEAD 110LD - 300 Winchester mag with with matched speakers, original carpeted, disposal Brool Very close. June 15 - September Arvin portable TV, two portable MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O Leopold 2-7 variable; golf clubs. cost $449, now $295. Used Mobile Park. Perry, (olfM-)JlJ 15. $165 each plus utilities. CHICK: SUBLET attic room. $50. FOR SALE Playboy, Mad, Popular tape recorders. All merchandise in 351-5705. 3-4-23 No damage deposit. 513 Albert. Mechanics, National Geographies, excellent condition. 349-0718. _ J??®:???.7- Realistic stereo amp and extension lot with every moll speakers. Selection of used convenience. 339-8777.54M Remainder Spring. 351-0688. comic books. Science Fiction - 2-4-22 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, portable stereo phonographs. Bell CAMPUS VIEW TWO GENTLEMEN. Summer. 3-4-23 1915 to 1971. CURIOUS BOOK canisters and uprights. Guaranteed and Howell stereo GREAT Furnished house, close. cassette LAKES, 1954 SHOP, 541 East Grand River one full year. $7.88 and up. APARTMENTS $50/month. 351-5705. 3-4-23 ONE BLOCK from Union. ROYAL TYPEWRITER nearly new. recorder. Used Westinghouse $1400. On Park Lake, h (below Paramount.) Open 1 - 6 Originally $90. Sell for $55. Call DENNIS DISTRIBUTING $55/month. Furnished. 312 Grove portable TV, plays good $45. New now or summer. 64 1 4525 yi Across the street from p.m. 3-4-26 Diane, 351-6234. 3-4-23 COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. 9x12 Oriental Street. 3-4-22 pattern rugs and Williams Hall on Michigan EAST SIDE. 3 bedroom furnished, Opposite City Market. C-4-22 wall apestries. 1500 used and 1968 MARLETTE 12x53 fu $160 month plus utilities. April - SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49; chest, MAGNAVOX CONSOLE STEREO. Ave. University approved guaranteed stereo records and 8 with September. After 6 p.m. SINGLE. PARKING. $50 a month. $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC Excellent condition. 1969, also SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. extras. 484<36is| Supervised apartments for 332-0425. 5-4-23 First and last months' rent. 237 SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 Brand track stereo tapes. Hermes 489-4578. 3-4-26 Bear grizzly bow and aluminum new portables — $49.95, portable typewriter, excellent women students. Leasing Kedzie, 351-9584. 3-4-22 hunting arrows. 353-4099. 2-4-22 $5.00 per month. Large selection this week for and condition, $39. Selection of summer LOVELY THREE bedroom large of reconditioned used machines. 35mm SLR cameras used. Lost & Found fall. Call evenings: duplex. 1!4 baths, garage, GIRL NEEDED for house MATCHED SET golf clubs, $65. SANSUI 350 receiver and dual 1212 Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Polaroids and movie cameras. basement. 15 minutes to campus. FOUND: LONG haired 332-6246 immediately. Close to campus. No Dictaphone, Travelmaster. AC or turntable. $150. Phone 355-9498. Home & "Many Others." $19,95 Bosch and Lombe used $205. Couple. After 5:30 p.m. lease or utilities. Double room. battery. Like new. $175. 3-4-23 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS microscopes. Used 8 track and cat on Evergreen. Call 32 393-1247. 3-4-22 $50. Call 351 -9302. 3-4-26 332-2331, evenings. 3-4-23 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 3-4-22 cassette auto tape players, all ADDING MACHINE. Electric. $40. 1115 North Washington, tested and guaranteed. Bargains on Typewriter, $35. 1956 Porsche, 489-6448. C-4-22 used lovely diamond ring REWARD: FOR return of rinj J $595. 487-0046. 3-4-23 star sapphire set in si engagement sets, $39 up. SAILBOAT, 1970 Triumph. 60' Lost near Demonstrat Buy TOYOTA Now WATERBEDS advertised in Life. Layaways„Bankcard, Mastercharge. as square. Nylon sail. Kick up 353-8177. 3-4-22 your WILCOX SECONDHAND All sizes available. Starting at $28. rudder. Like new. $325. Also 11' Call 4 Rivers after 6 STORE, 509 E. Michigan, p.m.,- sunflower, $195. 349-4757. LOST: WHITE male Siarr 351-1028. 3-4-22 Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours 3-4-23 daily 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. C Cross - eyed, kink in ti Brody Complex. F 16' RUNABOUT, 33 hp, Scott 351-0248. 3-4-23 while we still have Atwater. Electric start. trailer included. 349-4757. 2-4-22 $275, LOST GOLD wire rimmed ( brown case, lost in vie Akers. Call 353-6033 after 2^ 3-4-23 SONY MICRO TV - 5" plays - car, beach, warranty, $90. 332-3700. 2-4-22 LOST: BLACK kitten. 6 I LIBRARY pregnant. Reward offered. H BOOKS. USED over 353-0775 or 355-8350 20,000. 10c each. 2000 50c each. 200 Rare books. JERRY'S FLEA MARKET, 7V4 miles North of Personal Lansing on US 27 669-9311 Auction Saturday 1 p.m. 3-4-23 HELP SAVE AMERICA J Join the AMERICAN VIGILAI OLDS. CORNET, recorder model. For information - Buy and V Good condition. $125. 351-9530 after 5:30 p.m. 2-4-22 THE AMERICAN VlGlUf By Alaric, Branden P Columbus Avenue, Boston,^ Animals 02116. $4.95. 15-4-27 PEDIGREE PUG, 10 months old, housebroken, $50. After 5 pm WEEK HUNGARIAN AKC. Born March 13. VIZSLA $100. 349-9615. 5-4-26 puppies. Females. and July. ATGSB LSAT Exam. For (313) 851-6077, collect." Examsdl inforrnatio^ WILL COED from summer ST. BERNARD. Male. AKC recently bought a Cobra and wanted t< During our Grand Open registered. 18 months. All shots. 699-2549. 3-4-22 boat, please call Mi 353-1760 or 882-1414.2-4-BJ _ GREAT DANE puppies. Gentle but received MCAT EXAM shipments s extra effective leases... only protection. $200. 349-9558 or 393-6499. 3-4-23 tutoring course being « for May 1st exam. fe FREE DOG. Shots, wormed, house 15-4-23 selection is better than trained. 1 year old. 351-1996. 2-4-23 WATERBEDS. Life guarant«J sizes. $39.95, Butt-seam. J»T Jumbo, $«• ] *400°° OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog. Female. 7 Round months. Doug or Ann, 372-6206, 351-7466. 4-4-23 TOTAL 11 a.m.-9 p.m. 5-4-27 Open House •AIR CONDITIONED POODLE, PUPP>, AKC, Samoyed puppies, AKC. 8 weeks old, SOMETHING FISH Small animals and fl*T J 'DISHWASHERS K-9 COIFFURES, 694-0098 or 1,000 pounds °f P'JJ 372-0925. 5-4-27 Tomorrow an 'UNLIMITED PARKING 'SHAG CARPETING ST. GABRIEL. St. Bernards. slightly larger fi» small ones; a ten P «J J Beautiful 5 week old puppies, eats the eaters, and w J (also now accepting fall leases) registered AKC. Puppy shots devours the bass, hep»,| ' * * given. Excellent temperament and pound. „ tn w PLUS * " it com®® Free Gifts, Door Prizes and Refreshments marking. 5 females, 4 males. $125 But when NH and up. 393-6458. 5-4-27 Ads, one mighty St» NEW FURNITURE FRESHLY PAINTED Classified Ad can Mobile Homes reaching results hfldeet« We're open during April beef up y°ur. bUS II every evening except Saturday until 9 PM NEW CARPETING ► NEW FURNISHINGS SUNRISE PARK 1969 12'x60\ cash dollars. So , Expando - 754' x 23'. Every kind of extra. $7500, or best offer. you don't have som^ 'i need anymore ] help'" 1 ColUngtoood for a 625-7723. 4-4-23 355-8255 WHEELS TOYOTA INC Writer! 1968 12x50 Rembrandt furnished, partially carpeted, air Apartments conditioners, washer, dryer and shed. Located mile from one INTERNATIONAL I campus on paved lots. 351-2036, 482-6583. B3-4-23 3-4-23 (formerly Northwind Apts.) CHAMPION 1969. 12x50. Excellent FREE . . .A le*°,nQ 'IrfM 2400 E. MICHIGAN AVE—5 blocks west of Frandor 2771 Northwind condition. 2 bedrooms. Furnished. erne. Call 484-4519, I Call 351-8282 behind the Lots of storage space. minutes from MSU. Skirted. 16 Must sell. or MERLE 485-7197. NORMAN cqsM^ MODEL OPEN DAILY Yankee Store 393-5863 after 6 p.m., weekends. STUDIOS. C-4-22 5-4-23 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. April 22, 1971 13 Report's implementation delay Personal Chop, c-4-22 ■cams COME to life in off of the If iendlv new rentals advertiied in (Continued from The first of page 1) the trustee from "appropriate student groups. nonwhite consultation Committee on between the Nwniiutinm and Nominations by appropriate nonwhite student designated for nonwhite seen In the version of the groups, in omunc petitions from student groups |the Want Adst in « . recommended student nonwhite student a manner to insure students be nominated provides that nonwhites amendmen. amendments by and ty.*)18 participation Teoort"thaPwas participation report tnat was c fair ntation amontr representation among such such annrnnriflfp appropriate nnn white nonwhite student student and individuals and is to provide whites who are not'members of FPeanuts Personal responsibility for establishes presented to the trustees for ^ ^tees recommended, however, that groups." groups in a manner conducive to in in tho the hallrtt ballot fr*r for tho the w-tccihilifxr possibility organizations may petition implementing . approval candidates for As adopted of write-ins." as and by the council, individuals. the financing the the report and is provisions of ' in included1- - a-' v _ provision that provided was for the at-large seats designated for nonwhite students be nominated the provision reads that fair representation among such n ^e Academic Council has unlikely to "candidates groups." .. Powell said that this .... , provoke dispute in the Senate. for at-large seats wording considered the insures that some nominations question of — The In addition, the committee increased student second amendment will be made by nonwhite participation INKING of someone special? assures that at least five to entertain nominating jn academic Protesters women student governance for more "Peanuts Personal" students will be included in the organizations, but than two years. 10 member at - - large seats. It met with considerable THE doctor has determined opposition in the council before — pa8. ,, jlled-up ; t0 boogers your health. are Dr. it was narrowly passed. Chief Just ice Warren E. Burger issued a statement Department & The third chjmge upheld Tuesday a lower - court interpreting erecting any shelter, tent, other ineflood. 1-4-22 the order as barring "overnight than a medical tent or other participation report proposed by injunction against camping or Tbpa camping or maintenance of a sleeping ** Psi congratulates spring the tn,stees is one which would demonstrating on the Mall, the campsite on National Park land structure; accommodation, lledges. »—John Gary Bracken, ensure that the Committee on grassy area between the Capitol between the doing any digging or hours of : 30 p.m. earth Irawford, Craig Devendorf, Nominations seek nominations and the Lincoln Memorial. The and 9 a.m." breaking; or carrying on ■ eRov ■" Pennock, Tom Swartzloff, Supreme Court upheld Burger's any cooking activities," the weldmg. Mark Wall. 1-4-22 "This is defined as m sleeping; statement said. Former U.S. Atty. Gen. I1*S ua WHAT'S wnni a ^ ^ i Ramsey aark> representing a team of antiwar lawyers, told nmn LANSING. Contemporary the veterans at their site near the dwood home on wooded lot, 2 ANN BROWN: Lincoln Memorial: Id 4 bedrooms, den, Typing and multilith offset printing. Complete "I would like you to kitchen, large deck, service comply for dissertations, theses, with it." For sale by owner, manuscripts, general A veterans For appointment, call 21 years experience. typing, IBM. leader, A1 Hubbard, E<814. 5-4-26 349-0850. C waited for cheers of "Right on," and "We won't Ghetto go," to die down Jew, "liberated" and Said they had ■port your business with a MOFESSIONAl embarrassed Jew, you'd bettei all MECHA will sponsor a dinner for Chicano students at 5:30 a Victory of it from Want Ads. Advertise THESIS p.m. sorts but had to suffer some some fast thinking. Start by today in the Yakeley Hall Cafeteria, ces there. Dial 355-8255. PREPARATION the st because they film, "Let My People Go" could not sleep J# P.m. Sunday in 35 Union. there. Journalism students interested in Hubbard said arrangements Recreation joining next year's Journalism would be made for hot food Sludent Advisory Committeeshould to Compliti Prifusltnil Tktsli Service far be brought to the Mall. petitions Those Mlllir'i and DtcUril Candidatat. Frit Irickiri ind Ctmultallon Pltait Call in Yugoslavia ,his summer are inviled P«Tio" to^J03 who not stay awake cqu^ ° go to private homes or the CIMf and Paula Havfkay 337 1527 ar S27 2938 at-sllde, informational offices 16 congressmen have Case Hai|8i96i Room' All majors are A T *e Societ1?' for Creative made available, he said. Sen. s worth 50c toward one NEED COPIES? Want to save? THE —• COPY SHOPPE can show D Ind.,exercUedhte ur of play at GOLDEN EIGHT you Persons how to get two Xerox interested in the Crown senatorial perogative to let the ■ALL BILLIARD LOUNGE, copies for Tournament and archery contest veterans eat in a 1()19 East Michigan. 484-9533. the price of one. Phone 332-4222. Gay Liberation Movement will should attend or call 353 8380. Capitol Pow¬ wow 541 E. Grand River. C meet from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday in 30 - cafeteria during rush hours. Union. For information, call the University Bicycle class Whether any move would be BARBI GLM office in the afternoon - MEL: Typing, multilithing. at 353 - touring and mechanical clinic, will |0pe, $194. Studentours round 9795. made to clear the Site was No job too large or too small. 7:30 p.m. A group of students Jp jet to London. Summer 1971. today in South uncertain. A Justice Department calling themselves yippies held a pow-wow ill Eddie, 393-7520. 33-6-4 Block off campus. 332-3255. C Campbell Hall lounge. All Demonstration Hall. There were no speakers so the Monday on the steps of spokesman said, "I'd have to individuals conversed among themselves. TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. Deadline for applications for the School of Social undergraduate ^ attend and join the refer yQU to ^ statement.' State News photo by Larry Gladchun I EUROPE SUMMER '71 Rapids, accurate service. Work for fall, 1971, is May 3. To The Boxing Club will rr it become an undergraduate 6:15! Experienced. 393-4075. O major you Tuesdays and Thursdays this fly with STUDENTOURS must have completed 70 credits and the Hartman chairs committee fourth floor of Jenison from $194.00 COMPLETE THESES service. be taking or have completed Social Fieldhouse. Work 205. GPA is often STEVE KAUFMAN Discount printing. IBM a major typing and consideration. Applications are 393-6850 binding of theses, resumes, available in 254 Baker Hall. MSU Volunteer publications. Across from campus, Big Brothers and Big Sisters should plan to attend an corner MAC and Grand River, E - Qual will show films on the in IIMER FLIGHTS to - service training and rap session Furope. below Style Shop. Call environment at 7 p.m. today in 158 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. |l65. New York to London. Call COPYGRAPH Natural Resources Bldg. Books and Stefanoff Lounge, Student Services today in the nk Buck. 351-8604. 17-4-28 SERVICES, literature on the environment will be 337-1666. C Bldg. If you are not to already investigate AUTC policy mailable. All are welcome. Brother or Sister but would like t Service one, call Barb Altschuler at NTING Transportation All velcor the Volunteer Bureau at 353 - 4400. EXTERIOR. Fre« womeft's contingent Petitions for the 1972 Senior Class itimates, grad students, WANTED: RIDE Washington Saturday. Bus tickets ci Council can be picked for two to up in 307 kperienced, references. Brighten be purchased for $23 Student Services Bldg. Washington, D.C. Friday. Call Al, throufc.. Petitioning p your house for spring. Women's Liberation at 314 Student will close Friday. 353-1902. 3-4-22 Carrigan, D - Ann Arbor; Mark Rosenhaft, 19-4817. C Services Bldg. also will serve as a resource person. Mobilization or Stude (Continued from page 1) Michigan TB Fellow in Microbiology and Committee in 3; The current review was touched off two kr vf^. Wanted Student Services Bldg. Child care w Se available. Women who would like to spend Campus Act today in the Union Oak Room. Mike and Dave from Ann Arbor will neet at 9 the board of trustees Wharton said. "The jn the total in July, 1963," University has grown public health and past chairman of AUTC, Adrian Koert, University Traffic Starr Keesler, asst. executive vice engineer; president; weeks ago when Buckner called for a "full and public investigation" of AUTC. number of students, Buckner, joined by Diane Rathnow, speak on how and why intercessory faculty Harold Buckner, chairman of pi & Domestic time in Washington from Saturday prayer works. , . ,f I- ASMSU, and residence halls representative to through May 5 should contact Ann William Greene, president of the Council of AUTC, jampus . 1 Typewriter Service across from Union,' Francis of the Lansing Area Peace The Freshman Home Ec Club will "Given the lapse of time and iU . . the changed Graduate Students (COGS). charged that most of the committee was BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for Council. conditions, the need for a reappraisal of "blind to the many problems that ■1 i-ouls E. May Sr. ED 2-0877 all positive, A negative, B meet at 7:30 p.m. today in 9 Hui the AUTC and its Serving as resource persons of the review exist, or negative Ecology Bldg. "Family Life ii responsibilities is in for some reason (the committee and AB negative, $10.00. O A meeting for the committee will be the regular ex officio members) JSICAL GUITAR lessons now proposed Paul Taiwan" will be discussed. Everyone order," he said. members of AUTC: Richard 0. wish things to continue as they are." negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Goodman School, for children Bernitt, . Flamingo and classical ages is welcome, Wharton said he hoped the review will be COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, five through 10, with director of public "The whole committee is run zation at MARSHALL 507V4 classrooms and learning as open completed by the end of spring term, safety; Robert W. Bissell, by ex East Grand River, East discovery, MSU Voli University motor vehicle supervisor; Louis officio members," Miss Rathnow |JSIC. C-4-22 Lansing. Above the new Campus will be held at 8 p.m. today in the Offerman, 7. InhnrBettie; and although "the complexities of the study F. Hekhuis, associate dean of said. East Lansing Public ... and the need to . . students; "Students are discriminated against Library. . industrial as a , .. Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 provide effective Robert F. Trojanek, asst. land whole." p.m., Monday, 'Thursday and for a question and answer session on recommendations may require additional planner in Groups and individuals interested "Techniques for Social Change" from campus park and planning, and John L. Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 in .planning and time." Before announcing the formation of the participating in the 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesday in the Stefanoff Lewis, administrative assistant in the p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C local Women and War Day, May 3, Lounge, Student Services Bldg. Please In addition to Hartman, the committee review committee, Wharton discussed should call Linda at 349 physical plant. the - 0817 or plan to attend. members are: Trustee Kenneth matter with Buckner, Miss 1 FOUR 353- 6719. Thompson, The current chairman of AUTC, John J. Rathnow, MAN, Cedar Village R - Grand Rapids; Trustee Patricia Baldwin, Bernitt and Milton B. Dickerson, Are Rumors Baldwin, associate professor of theater, Getting apartment to sublease summer Zero Populations Growth will vice president for student affairs. You Anxious? term. 353-2394 or 353-2373. meet People's Learning Center at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the I I Find the Facts Call: H.I.C. 353-8114 __3-4-26 Union Gold Room. Hidaya Kumata will discuss "How to Effect Social help recruiting drop - outs. All thos interested should bring a car and MSU STIPULATIONS TOLD TO RENT. Farmhouse. Summer. 4 to meet at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at MSU 6 bedrooms. 355-4879, 332-2312. Change." Persons interested in ZPG Volunteers, Student Services Bldg. or population issues are invited to ask For information, call 35 5 5-4-27 3246. Abortion finance outlined - questions following the presentation. Management Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the Teak Room topctungtjam of Eppley Center. John Wakely, professor of psychology, will speak (Continued from page 1) expenditures. That aid now can the treatment takes place in a come only after the abortion has Although short - term loans hopeiuily there would be some The Sports Car Club annot be obtained for way we could help the girl," he Blue Cross recognized 8:30 p.m. today in the Union hospital abortions, financial aid by way said. Captain's Roo or c||njc This requirement Ronald Roderick, asst. of tuition money can be received This aid. he explained, could di*u„,o„ wJ°Zlud7° 3.73 .3 Days LP ALBUMS "The Midwest has been ignored on the Chicano conference, Soza said that "the Chicano national level in the movement," he said. . Double Discounts - Gordon Lightfoot Our Reg. 1.78 is viciously absorbed into the mainstream of "Everything is happening in the Southwest. We could become the focal point for the whole Anglo life without ever knowing what happened WS8 66 to his rich background." Terrific super savings on "Best-Selling" albums! There's "If You country if we used a little more sophistication 2 and if we work within the system." "One of the shameful things that has Could Read My Mind", Gordon Lightfoot; "Paranoid", Black Jv Each "We must learn not to quibble about money," happened to the Chicano in the city is that he Sabbath; "Rose Garden", Lynn Anderson; Doors 13; "Great¬ Great hits! Original he added. "While we quibble among ourselves, becomes shamefully assimilated, yet is disgraced est Hits", Kenny Rogers & 1st Ed.; "Tumblewood Connec¬ Gold Soul, "Love's somebody else gets the money." by others because he looks different." Your Choice Three of the six workshops were conducted "One of the evils we must prevent is the tion", Elton John; "Tea for Tillerman", Cat Stevens; Blood- Happening", 5 Stair¬ by MSU people. An education workshop was clutching automation mold that society is rock 11; "It's Impossible", Perry Como and "In Session". steps & Cubic. Also conducted by Anna Marie Valenzuela, MSU making of our people, by excluding us — our "Mercy", Ohio counseling specialist; Mario Soza, Saginaw junior, culture, history and personality," Soza said. Express. conducted the drama workshop, and Alfred Soza said "the seeds of the Chicano activity Rivas, San Francisco, Calif., graduate student, that were planed at the conference Saturday will conducted a workshop on the antiwar movement bear fruit for our children tomorrow." TERRY KNIT Unit seeks TRANSCENDENTAL SPORT SHIRTS MEDITATION opinions 2.66 of students as taught by Mahqrishi Men's short with - sleeve, cotton terry knit shirts mock - ring neck. Solids or stripes The undergraduate Mahesh S-M-L-XL. representative on a search and selection committee for the Yogi Dept. of Accounting and Financial Administration seeking opinions from students is FRAYED-LEG in the department concerning the selection of a new chairman. Donald Gillings, East Lansing Transcendental meditation is a natural spontaneous tech¬ WALK SHORTS WIDI TERRY-CLOTH PRINT] nique which allows each individual Our Keg. 1.33yd. senior, said the selection improve his life. to expand his mind and QJLA committee is seeking to fill the position held by James D. 3 Days Only 00y Edwards who has accepted a position at the University of Minnesota. Introductory Lecture Today, April 22 2.33 44-46" wide cotton terry to sew for beach or bath wear,'10'' decorating too! Stripes, geometries, florals, nauticals. juven Men's frayed prints in quality 9>oz. wt.,15-18-yd. lengths. Charge It- Gillings used students with - leg, jean - style, walk shorts in ^ opinions on faculty members or 7:30 p. m. Ill Olds cotton and polyester / cotton. Choice of poster 55 questions prints or stripes. Sizes 28-36. contact him. on the process to For information, call 351-7168 >v„ ARTHUR TRERCHER'S BRAND CAN THE ORIGINAL TlJgi) £ NOVELTY RADIOS TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT 6.96 Ea. 2418 E. MICHIGAN "LUV-LY'MIRACLE Our BLBNjjjl 77*yd.j yd„or £|J AM pocket radios that look exactly like your 99c and at favorite national brand can. Includes Coke, 3 Days Only Canada Dry, Campbell's Soup, Pepsi. Also Blue Ribbon, Hamm's, STP. 9-V battery. 4100 S. LOGAN polyester/cottons and other miracle I checks, plains. 10-2O~vd. lengths. Charge It at 'Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste" LANSING w. Sagir Jolly Road OKEMOS " Grand Rn