Friday Judging MICHIGAN Sunny STAT I NEWS . . . . . . . means seeing both sides. STATE . . . and mild. High in the low - Paul Tillich 60's. Low tonight 30-36. UNIVERSITY I,me 63 Number 165 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 23, 1971 Mall camping ban lifted,- 108 arrested on Court steps WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal penalty of c i year in court order - jail and a $5,000 The demonstration delayed regular a banning antiwar veterans from fine. press conference at the National Press tourist stops at the Supreme Court. One Club. camping on the Mall was dissolved Individual bonds of $10 were set and Thursday evening after the Justice the free veterans — their total group included 15 visiting Russians. Rottman, a former information Department made no attempt to enforce it. strength is In another sortie, a dozen lieutenant with the U.S. 25th around 1,000 — set out to raise the veterans, an Infantry The money ex-Army and Navy information officers Division at Cu Chi, was there to development came after 108 by panhandling and selling blood to blood say there is Vietnam veterans were arrested while and enlisted, led by banks at $25 a pint. Ron Rottmann, military censorship of military gathered demonstrating on the steps of the Supreme Corrales, N.M., found they could not have news in Vietnam. Court. The order, banning camping or sleeping on the Mall, was rescinded by U.S. Dist. Court Judge George L. Hart Jr., who had issued it earlier in the week. The order had been upheld Wednesday by the Supreme Court. Ken Bass, a lawyer for Vietnam Veterans Against the War, said Hart had told Justice Department officials he saw no reason to continue the order without an attempt at enforcement. It was then that Justice lawyers asked Hart to dissolve the injunction. The camp itself a few hundred yards from the Capitol thrived with visiting congressmen, speeches, a military - type chow line, tents, some vets toting toy Ml6s, seemingly well rested after sleeping where the court said they couldn't. The veterans at the court were protesting the Supreme Court action upholding the injunction against their sleeping, pitching a tent or building a fire on the Mall, where they have been staying all week as a preliminary to Saturday's major antiwar protest. The veterans arrived at the court singing and chanting "bring our boys home, now," and "all we are saying is give March meeting peace a chance." Dhirendra Sharma, asst. professor of philosophy, spoke to those students planning to attend Saturday's march on Washington Wednesday night in the Union. One young man climbed a tall statue State News photo by Terry Luke representing Justice, smashing a plastic rifle against the figure's head. There were some obscenities, but the tone was generally passive. Twice 'ONLY A BEGINNING' Capt. V. W. Coble announced to the protestors they were violating federal law. When the police moved in many of the Marchers veterans walked to the police vans in prisoner style, hands clasped over their heads. Bill Wiman, 23, Boston,had his friends enc take his wheel chair to the door of a police By BILL HOLSTEIN Sharma said students and other groups "When you're marching, keep in mind van, but the police carefully went around State News Staff Writer working for social change should prepare said the march on Saturday has the to continue their efforts for support him, refusing to arrest him. Then he left his many more of "virtually the entire antiwar movement chair to sit on the steps, still no arrest. He Students should "bring that fire back years because "no movement ever succeeds in the United States." lost both legs to a land mine last August in home" from the Washington or gets the mass together in one moment. demonstration Harshey said the demonstration, Vietnam. and marches and be Simply marching is not enough. intended to be a mass legal demonstration At city jails the 108 (two were women) "subversive to destroy the system that has "It is only a beginning. You must carry "so far looks like it's going to be were charged with disorderly conduct, destroyed humanity," Dhirendra Sharma, that fire back home to parents and successful." rather than the more serious charge cited at visiting associate professor of philosophy. boyfriends and girlfriends and professors," he said. (Please turn to back page) the scene: obstructing and impeding urged more than 150 students Wednesday justice, which carries a possible maximum night. Sharma said students should remain aware of their reasons for marching. Prof points out pattern The Student Mobilization Committee (SMC) announced Thursday that all bus Duvaiier dies tickets to Saturday's march in Washington, D.C., have been sold. Those still wishing bus tickets may pay $25.25 in Haiti/ son of trustee intrusions between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. today in 320 Student Services Bldg. If 39 people sign named heir up, another bus will be ordered. Buses By STEVE WATERBURY application of Provision 2.5.8, "final will leave the Union at 7 tonight. For State News Staff Writer judgment shall rest with the board of information, call the SMC office, 353 - PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti (AP) - The era trustees." of Francois "Papa Doc" Duvaiier ended in 9799. The rejection of two recommendations Section 2.5.8 prohibits any act which Haiti on Thursday and a new one was from the board of trustees by the "diminishes, suspends or compromises the the agony and launched by his teenage son. Academic Council is reflective of a suffering of the people of negative distinctively professional rights or duties of Vietnam," he said. Duvaiier 64, who mixed voodooism and faculty reaction to recent trustee the faculty." Not only the people of Vietnam but the intrigue to make him dictator of Haiti interventions in the operation of the A second rejected amendment would oppressed peoples of the world will know nearly 14 years ago, died Wednesday night. University, Frederick Williams, professor of have required that all amendments "that the beautiful people of America have A palace announcement said he had been history, said Thursday. "affecting the substance of academic marched for us," he said. ill for three months. "The faculty seem to detect a pattern of governance" be referred to the trustees for Sharma called for students to "subvert The official fadio announced that his Sounding off trustee intrusion into the internal affairs of the University to such encroachment upon the prerogatives a degree that it is an approval. Williams said that, in rejecting the al! classes" Thursday and and courteously asking today by politely professors and designated successor, his chubby son Jean Claude, 19, had assumed the presidency flTvi11 veierans opposed to the war in Vietnam demonstrated president and the faculty," Williams said. of the trustee recommendations, "the faculty is saying very firmly and yet very politely fellow students if they are and why or why not. going to march and named holdovers. a Cabinet with only two Since he is considered a ifte r 1 i °n t,1G Steps of tiie Supreme Court Building in Washington. -ts/.ing the One of the rejected amendments would that we have a special competence as Al Harshey, East Lansing senior and playboy, unschooled in politics, the demonstrators to disperse, the police moved in have included in the bylaws a statement faculty, that we have rights as faculty, and member of the steering committee of the implication was that there is a strong |° e:ik up the crowd. AP Wirephoto that in case of a dispute concerning the (Please turn to back page) Student Mobilization Committee (SMC), (Please turn to back page) EDITORIAL Council teaches trustee tbeeiwT"' C°uncil Tuesday reconfirmed what students To no one's surprise, the faculty - dominated Academic hidebound conservatism of the two Republican trustees and the they rejected student complaints but tried to reaffinn their fntion ofol.u,trustces all along: that the faculty has no Council Tuesday rejected trustee proposals suggesting trustees harebrained politicking of three Democrats, the board stumbles with the two recommendations rejected Tuesday in the Academic own Hheti th„ wblishing a truly academic government for 1V.SU. have final say in academic matters. Although the council denies through meetings weighing everything, comprehending nothing. Council. The Academic Council has thumbed its collective nose at ■in a yd .. ca mic Council insisted last term that the faculty it, the rejection of the two proposals borders rejecting trustees' But even the board must now realize that students are right; the trustees. lentsconmi°" stu^Pnt participation in academic governance, constitutional right to govern the University. the Academic Council is an arrogant gaggle of faculty members In a way, the trustees deserve faculty rebuke. By Pudents t a'?ert t',at 8 conditional vote was no vote at all. By now the trustees must realize that students have been who aren't about to dilute their influence with either students or simultaneously rejecting student grievances and featuring tlieir Bents in a j their grievance to trustees, who rejected right trustees. < all along: the Academic Council is a misnomer. It is own academic nest, trustees bit off a little more than lent Parti ?',4 deadlock. In fact, the entire Taylor Report on a faculty Last term, students suggested a student ■ trustee alliance to tney could lobby that, having denied students full academic participation, chew. ■ trustees ~ li°n was sent back to the Academic Council by now has slapped down trustees by rejecting two reasonable insure that academic government become truly academic — not Both trustees and students are now on the receiving end of 'ty votinn" trustees had recommended changes on tmstee recommendations. faculty oriented. The trustees rejected students by sustaining the i faculty condenscension. Students realized faculty arrogance long ^lc wings' S a ^ew c'langesthat would help clip faculty's As a group, trustees are notoriously backward. Between the faculty veto over the proposed student vote in Academic Council. The trustees tried to have their academic cake and eat it, too: ago. Trustees have been a little slow to learn, but students now welcome them to the ranks of faculty - shafted academia. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan FridaV. April 23 >9?i news Trial witness linked to FBI 1963, wrote bad checks totalling $19,215 in Maryland and $1.60 an hour. But he always had lots of cash, sometime* n LEW1SBURG, Pa. (AP) — The key government witness in the in summary alleged priest - led plot to kidnap President Nixon's national security adviser appears to be an ex - convict who played a double Wisconsin in 1966 and assaulted an FBI agent who had come to arrest him. These charges resulted in two federal convictions and $100 bills. In 1968, Douglas received $10,688 government as compensation for a 1964 prison fr,^ U* From the wires of AP and UPI. agent role. a total sentence of eight years, most of which he served. experiment that left his arms and legs scarred. Of thesetnJ ^ Boyd Frederick Douglas Jr. has disaDDeared but those who Douglas was paroled last Dec. 16, attended a campus party in $4,312 went to his lawyers. UeB*nt,; knew him as an antiwar student on the Bucknell University his honor, then went to visit relatives outside Philadelphia for • He told conflicting stories about why he was in prison • campus here are convinced that he was an FBI informer. the holidays. His friends on campus never saw him there again. He moved swiftlv into campus anitwar circles lnn« k. They think Douglas, a smooth • talking 30 - year - old mystery The faculty recently adopted a resolution demanding a probe Berrigan was brought to the penitentiary in mid April ■ ? °* man who divided his time between the campus and the federal into whether the government had used an undercover agent on "I think his involvement in the movement penitentiary, provided testimony that led to the indictment of the campus. attitude at the beginning," Chenoweth says. was V "The legislature has a unique the Rev. Philip Berrigan and five others. Zoia Horn, a 52 - year - , old librarian who befriended Douglas „ , and said to me, 'Guess who I talked to on the "Onedav h ^enU'l , method of taking our minimum Berrigan, jailed for destroying draft records in Maryland, met and later was summoned as a grand jury witness in the conspiracy telephonVtaf'1 operating cost and giving us an Douglas in Lewisburg Penitentiary where both were. serving case, said "One of the most difficult results of this situation is Dan Berrigan.' He was a kid in his involvement with in the movement." theL^H? federal sentences. Douglas was going outside the wall during the that I have to work very hard not to be suspicious of everyone appropriation a cut below that to [ asked Boyd if he was carrying stuff in and out of nth, day to take courses at nearby Bucknell. and everything." Chenoweth recalls, "and he said, 'no,' and that he , force us to raise fees. Somehow, hadnot«\ Douglas dropped from sight Jan. 5, 20 days after he won Douglas led a cozy life on campus, and no convict could wisn that he would not. Sure, he would tell me, he was someway, we've got to figure out parole. On that day, he testified before a secret grand jury in for much better, except outright freedom. seeing nJ2 outside, friends of the Berrigans. But those people knew how to finance graduate Harrisburg about the kidnap - bomb conspiracy. • He had a job in the library working seven hours a week for was coming out of the prison, in and out thatk! every day." education. I hope it will not be The last word many of his friends here had from him came on that January day. through fees." It is alleged that the kidnap • bomb conspiracy involved a Special AUTC Trustee Warren Huff, plot revie - to hold presidential assistant Henry Kissinger captive until D-Ply mouth American involvement in Vietnam ended. The indictments, returned Jan. 12, also charge that the defendants plotted to blow (See story, p. 7) up heating tunnels of federal buildings in Washington. No trial date has been set. The grand jury, continuing its investigation, sent out a new wave of subpoenas last week. The praised by students, defendants have pleaded innocent and attacked the charges as "a frameup." The story begins with Douglas commuting daily to classes under China protests violations a study - release program for prisoners. He became part of the peace movement on campus and later told his friends of a close "The traffic committee on its of good," Bissel said. "People in A By JOHN BORGER disappointment that th Peking broadcast today claimed a U.S. military friendship in prison with Berrigan. own could probably never have authority, the people who officio numbers of Dr. Steven State News Staff Writer AUTC plane intruded into China's air space over the Paracel Becker, a Bucknell physics professor, says, "I done anything this fast," Robert control the pursestrings, will be involved with the - Islands in Kwangtung Pronince on five occasions suspected Douglas was a fed, and a lot of people did. But nobody W. Bissel, University motor become aware of the problems committee. ' made any investigation, and he gradually got more and more into President Wharton's creation vehicle supervisor, said. "What with parking on campus. "I had Thursday. things. He just sort of slipped in." of a special review committee to started as criticism of the hoped that "A lot of the members (of committee would be inr The New China News Agency, in a broadcast I am convinced Boyd was caught carrying messages for Berrigan investigate the policies and committee actually turned out the review committee) have no in that no one on the co- monitored in Tokyo, said "a spokesman of the Chinese and was then victimized by the FBI," Dr. Gene Chenoweth, head procedures of the All - all right." idea what the traffic problems would be a part of AUTC" Foreign Ministry has been authorized, in relation to the of Bucknell's political science dept. and a close friend. "In a University Traffic Committee The review committee is way are, and they'll Ko"" have to learn said. "I'm sure this w ' the people involved in the movement utilized him, as the FBI also military provocation by the U.S. military plane, to issue (AUTC) drew praise Thursday partially a result of criticism of from other people, but I think the committee, but utilized him." from two students who had AUTC by Harold Buckner, I'mnot- the 491st serious warning." the committee will do a lot of how It has disclosed as yet. They should be only that he defrauded an Army post in San criticized AUTC and from one ASMSU chairman, and Diane good," Bissell said, as resource persons but Antonio, Texas, of $19.75 while impersonating an Army captain of the officials criticized. Rathnow, residence halls Bissel said he had "no adverse shouldn't be the only resou Narcotics, weapons seized representative to AUTC. The review committee is comments at all" about the committee's formation. used." "AUTC really needs Nearly 150 officers swept through a three - county area of southern Illinois Thursday, seizing drugs and Course to investigate composed of students, trustees, administrators and faculty. All Buckner and Miss Rathnow echoed Bissel's "good idea" restructuring," Miss Rat said. "I hope outside work on of the ex officio members of opinion. can clean it up and make large caches of explosives and weapons. An investigator AUTC, including Bissel, . said they had information that some arms were headed for the racially troubled town of Cairo, 111. juvenile crime bases been persons" nami to the have "resource review an "If it follows the things I and others have asked for, it will be extremely goi idea," effective." "A quick inside shot going to do the job, thou committee. Buckner said. Forty - one persons, including a number of students at she said. "This investigation Michigan's juvenile officers coordinator Lawrence J. Baril, "This committee can do a lot He e x p r esse • Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, were will some going to take work." investigate the "why" asst. professor of criminal ; arrested in the early morning raids. Another 15 to 20 behind juvenile crime in a course justice, said. "It's more of an : persons named in warrants were being sought. May 3 - 7 at Kellogg Center. orientation to present problems The 144 men who carried out the raids were federal State Police, judges and MSU surrounding the actions of and state agents, sheriffs deputies and municipal police. faculty and graduate students will instruct sessions ranging from the probate court philosophy and procedure to juveniles." Baril expected will said the 30 officers to attend the course McDonel residents Purchasing power rises drug use in schools. be given more of the philosophy behind juvenile The average weekly wage of some 48 million rank - Other areas will indite the crime, rather than technical to host Rep. Vaugh and - file workers spurted social deviant, infcenageiicy knowledge, up SI.37 to SI23.98 in March and conflict, minority groups, abuse The police juvenile officers outstripped last month's rise in living costs, the and neglect, child molestation, course is cosponsored by the government said Thursday. police liaison programs, use of School of Criminal Justice and After deduction of federal income and Social community agencies and Continuing Education Service in Security State Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, "ow jn t'ie House Judiciary 11:30 a.m., dine with an taxes, and allowance for the March rise of three tenths psychological and social aspects cooperation with the Michigan of - involving the juvenile. Assn. of Chiefs of Police and D-Detroit, will live in McDonel Committee. at 6 p.m. and meet inf— one per cent in living costs, the average paycheck was Hall next week as the third The students will remain with "This is not a basic course," Michigan Sheriffs Assn. „ with McDonel women at 9" worth 59 cents a week more in "Guest in Vau8hn for an 8 p.m. session of purchasing power, it Residence' of the the House. Vaughn will also m said. term. The State News, the student newspaper at _ On Tuesday Vaughn will have informally with students In other developments, S5.5- billion public works and Michigan State Vaughn will live with students, Thursday University, is published every class day during four school sharing meals and sitting in on dinner with male students and economic development program won House after failure of a approval terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. discussions,"as pa7t of McDonel's then meet McDonel student The representative will Republican drive to kill an Subscription rate is $14 per year. program of informal interaction government members at 8:30 staying in an apartment or administration opposed construction Just like your dream. - provision. Timeless. between student and public P-m. in McDonel Kiva. men's side of McDonel d It would authorize S2 billion to help depressed areas Member Associated Press, United Press International, officials. Dolores Wharton wife Wednesday will be "ladies his visit. Other visits this build public works Reaching the infinity Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, of the president, was a guest in McDonel. Vaughn will are^ planned^by Lenore R projects, extend for four years at a of a thousand stars. lunch with one women's floor at cost of SI.54 billion the Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press residence this week. a"d Sander Levin. Appalachia and other regional Reflecting a heritage of love Association, United States Student Press Association. Vaughn will begin the week development programs and provide SI.95 billion to help as old as time. Monday with dinner at 5:30 localities upgrade their economies other construction aids. through loans and As young as the dawn. Fleurette by Orange Blossom. Second • class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services p.m. He will elad a group of students to a rally in support of ASMSU sees appeal Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, the People's Peace Treaty on the Michigan. steps of the Capitol at 7 p.m. Women prefer to work special likel He will speak at the Capitol in Phones: support of the treaty and his on vote Would most women workers rather quit their jobs and Editorial 355-8252 proposed bill to exempt stay home if they didn't need the money - No, Classified Advertising 355-8255 Michigan residents from fighting Elections Commissioner Diane from the Case - Wonders concludes a Labor Dept. study. 319 E. Grand River Display Advertising 353-6400 in undeclared wars. Rathnow announced Wednesday Business Circulation The bill is patterned after a district in Wednesday's r "The majority of employed women would continue East Lansing, Mich. - 355-3447 night that Robert Shubert was Photographic similar Massachusetts bill and is election. An appeal is e their jobs 355-8311 elected ASMSU representative even if they had enough money to live Phone 337-1314 The election was held comfortably without working," the report said. because the name of It also compared the job attitudes of white and black candidate, Phillip Haeck, women and found some similarities, and some accidentally deleted from regular April 14 ballot. In V#jfeCaesat£ differences. For instance, "Black women are more Stevie first election, Rufus Rhea " favorably inclined toward the idea of mothers working," the majority of votes cast. it said. Miss Rathnow said Rh# expected to appeal the elft- the grounds that elei VVonden on Desegregation bill stands procedures were violated. Ervin, The Senate D-N.C., rejected Thursday desegregation bill into to switch a a general a proposal by Sen. Sam $1.5 revenue - billion - school sharing plan. Beat If filed, an appeal reportedly be commission decided ty today. Theelec- will be certified 24 hours after ij The vote on the amendment was 60-22. appeals are settled. Under Ervin's amendment, the money would have been distributed among the nation's school districts on the basis of enrollment to use as Caesars :pr.z'zja the specific purpose of they saw fit. The bill, however, makes the funds available helping solve desegregation only for Webster's Has Shirts problems. Districts would have to apply for it and agree to follow strict guidelines on Pickup or Delivery -Patterned Dress Shirts spending it. 3 different styles ON CAMPUS OFF CAMPUS , long - sleeved, 2 button cuffs, 1071 TROWBRIDGE 1203 E.GR. RIVER tapered fit, permanent press, sizes S-M-L. 337-1681 337-1631 Auto laws proposed Sen. introduce back Phillip A. Hart, D-Mich., said Thursday he will a bill soon making it a federal offense to turn V an automobile odometer. "Today one million cars yearly are sold with odometers turned back to show mileage much lower than what the has car experienced. Obviously, consumers are being deceived and are paying more for - these cars than they would if they knew the true mileage," Hart said in a speech to a conference on motor vehicle technology. The Michigan lawmaker also said he will write legislation requiring inspection of cars for pollution. He said the bill would require that standards be developed to determine how much various aged cars could pollute and still be acceptable. Lansing Mall Meridian Mall Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April 2}. 1971 3 Hf j House leader denounces FBI for thought control' WASHINGTON (AP) - House charges, said: "Let me repeat government "which are most Majority Leader Hale Boggs of categorically: the FBI has not sensitively involved with the Louisiana, calling again for the tapped the telephone of any lives and liberties of the people." resignation of FBI director J. member of the House or Senate, "We have authorized and "We have sanctioned the use Edgar Hoover, said Thursday the now or in the past." permitted the bureaus and of bribes and payments to citizen FBI is moving toward thought Over the years, Boggs said, agencies to assume powers that to spy upon citizen. control of the American people. Congress has been surrendering belong to Congress," he added. In a speech to the House its duty of oversight over "We have established the rule "We have consented to the following up his earlier request bureaus, agencies and of the dossier. accused for Hoover's resignation, being denied the right to Boggs organizations in the federal ''We have conferred confront his accuser. said an apathetic Congress has permitted the FBI to expand its spying practices unchecked. "Over the postwar years," he said, "we have granted to the elite and secret police within our Off- campus pe system vast new powers over the lives and liberties of the people." Bogg's speech, which awaited as his answer to demands of Hoover's defenders that he offer proof of his was reported os charges By RANDY GARTON off that the FBI tapped the - campus presented evidence lias yet been granted phones State News Staff Writer of special of a medical disability, Mrs. Congressmen, went beyond permission, Mrs. Bender said. his The chances of students Bender said. Last year almost every student earlier remarks in its "These students had denunciation of Hoover and the seeking special permission to live extremely applying for special permission off severe medical problems," she had FBI. - campus next year are his request granted. said. "Only those students Permission He said telephone company "virtually nill," the director of was mostly denied to off whose problems cannot be students whose parents had investigators had found evidence - campus housing said handled by any of the supervised that the phone in his home had Wednesday. refused to sign the release, Mrs. ■been tapped, and he repeated "I don't want students to get living units on campus will be Bender said. other alleged instances of FBI their hopes up," Dolores Bender granted special permission." But starting this year, she said. "In the three weeks we Mrs. Bender said it was very surveillance that have come to explained, special permission to light in have been accepting unlikely that any students would move off campus will be almost recent days. receive - But the main thrust of his applications, 250 students have special permission for impossible to obtain. financial reasons. Just over speech was an assertion that the liberties of Amricans have been applied and 60 have had their applications reviewed by the "Exemptions may be granted to those students who, in the "It's going to be at least as hard to get special pernission as undermined by the secret special permission committee. it is to break a After dinner housing on a warm night, volleyball games can be seen a daily activities of the FBI. Only five have been granted opinion of the financial aids contract," she said. "The special occurrence during spring term. underway actross campus. These games in East Complex are State News photo by Richard Pohtowski Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, permission to live off - campus." office, are qualified for financial permission committee is trying in a reply to Boggs' Under the revised housing aid, but cannot get enough to use the same criteria." original regulations recently passed by money to cover living in Mrs. Bender said the Off - the board of trustees, for University housing," she said. Campus Housing Office would tESIDENTIAL HOPEFULS students to get special No student claiming be taking applications until permission to move off campus - "extraordinary circumstances" September. they must present medical or financial evidence that they Dems call for wit cannot live in supervised quarters. Students citing "extraordinary circumstances" living will also receive consideration. GHETTO JEW, "LIBERATED JEW," ■ASH1NGT0N (AP) Six Indochina policy Thursday night The few students who have EMBARRASSED JEW; concluded Sen. Edmund S. Sens. ^ential Democratic ■dential candidates criticized in a broadcast response to Muskie of Maine. "The Hubert H. Minnesota, George Humphrey of The System Columbia and Broadcasting been granted permission to live YOU'D BETTER DO SOME FAST THINKING. President Nixon. S. McGovern National American people know it is of South |ious aspects of U.S. "This war is wrong," Dakota, Birch E. Bayh Broadcasting Co. declined Start by experiencing the film, "LET MY wrong. And we want to end it." of Indiana, and O'Brien's request for air time to PEOPLE GO," Harold E. this Sunday, April 25th at 2 p.m. in the Union, Room 35. Except for Sen. Henry M. Hughes of Iowa. Lawrence F. respond to Nixon's April 7 See how you fit into the juthwest's drought Jackson, D-Wash., the speakers urged Nixon to set a specific date for ending U.S. involvement O'Brien chairman of the Democrati Committee, c National speech announcing that 100,000 more U.S. troops would be withdrawn from Vietnam emotion overcomes you, we will — and your conscience. picture. If a choking sense of help you clear your throat opened and closed in Vietnam as the best way to the program, which between May and November. was )nsidered disaster spur the deadlocked Paris peace talks and assure release of U.S. prisoners held by North presented in prime time While noting "there is no single formal Democratic Party Vietnam. position on all aspects of the ■ALLAS, Texas. (AP) — A drought that U.S. Secretary of "While I do not support the Vietnam war," O'Brien said ■culture Clifford Hardin terms "a major agricultural disaster" immediate announcement of a "there is growing belief among larts of the Southwest gave no indication Thursday of ending. deadline," Jackson said, "I Democrats . . . that our Ind half a continent away, Florida, too, remained in the grip of understand how many government should announce a lolonged dry spell. Americans have come to focus date for the total withdrawal of Ihe dry weather has stretched into western Kansas, dried farm on that proposal because of a all American troops from ■ds in Missouri and was causing concern among foresters in lack of confidence in Indochina. past ■nsylvanian Texas, Ohio, Arizona, New Mexico, Mississippi, assurances." "We further believe that a Irgia, North and South Carolina and Tennesse. He urged the Nixon substantial majority of the ■heat was geing plowed under in parts of Texas, Oklahoma and administration to "provide the American people share this view Bth Dakota because there wasn't enough rain for it to grow. American people with a out of a deeply held conviction Icattered thunderstorms in the past two weeks have eased a continuous public accounting" that this war must end," he lcial situation in San Angelo, Tex., but the hit - and - miss of the war that reports failures added. pnpours failed to blanket the hard - hit state. They came too as well as successes. If such a step fails to produce I to save most winter wheat or to prevent a heavy sell - off of Besides Muskie and Jackson successful negotiations O'Brien Be lacking drinking water and the taped program featured said "under no conditions would grazing. our prisoners be abandoned." t^obi, Jr fecanworKH" o# (who music ey LENNONf McCAfemey). 3SI-38oo A9MSU(in cooperation with Motown Refirihq Corp., presents the will Wonder 5y\on, mill! : Charlotte Stele, Tanya The Monicla Hart, and(Jhuru! $1.04, Our everyday low price Shaved Ham on Raiser Roll, Giant Dill Pickle, and Soft Drink Monday April 26 Main Aud. , , All seats ^2.50. Tickets on sale at Marshall's, Hobie's Spartan Shopping Center Trowbridge at Harrison 7C1.70QQ ^OW J Campbell's, Times- 7 00 £ 9:45 the Union and EDITORIAL APRIL 24, 1971 March for Peace: One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind! • 1: <#' ■ •Mm, , , ^ 9i » ft No More War Michigan Statu News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 23. 197! 5 i|NT or VIEW A PRESIDENT'S PERSPECTIVE Time for antiwar action Poll not propaganda By CLIFTON R. WHARTON JR. jlTOR'S NOTE: In the practice of criminal warfare. grandchildren what you were Does the action of the board owing Point of View' Finally, we come to the organized and supervised the administration alone. The realization that no matter how doing when your country was of trustees regarding "student cent J- Salvo, asst. camping activity were charge included designing the much we have done in the doing genocide. Call the Lansing advisers" mean that student fessor of sociology, past Area Peace Council 482-2962 entertained, it takes a voting mechanism and the whether it be little or much - input to the board or the considerable amount of money ains why he will not hold East Lansing branch offia ballot, selecting the topics and it has not been sufficient. and planning to conform with To 332-6726. University administration will be publicizing the results. jn May 5. ~ _ stop the war we must do more. limited to once a term? laws, ordinances and health The University administration year is constructed of And doing more means regulations. Most important, risking Absolutely not. The board obviously had no control over Every day for too many more. For some of us, however, the students who the way questions would be risking acted the U.S. government has our comfort, our security, on a proposal setting up a established People's Park last ,ed the people of the futures, our lives is not new. our For OUR READERS' MIND particular formal relationship. spring were given the answered, and the only However, I fully intend to advantage it gained from the poil j States and the people of others it is new. New or old to opportunity to plan a permanent was better knowledge of how in a hopeless, risking, continue my practice of inviting more must be done. camping site with the University individuals felt about various criminal war. Every And so now we are faced with student leaders and if they would agree voluntarily issues. It takes vivid 7or 'We're all mad here' a too many years the real organizations, who have a to cease cooking and to remove "enemy." The real imagination to see anything in it men and Southeast concern in matters before the their tents from central campus "enemy" is selfishness and fear. deeper than that or to view it as n, women and children It is natural not to want to lose board or proposals to present, to in the meantime. appear at the informal "public relations." Is it relevant wvn killed in the cities, what we own and what we are Thursday The students in the park to the "fields and forests by the evening sessions with the board. refused to accept this proposal. University's "public comfortable with. It is natural to Every day for too And where appropriate, students relations," for example, that 71 be afraid of have President Nixon and all the This refusal and making fools of In an article entitled "Two young people who take dope will still be invited to speak in unsavory per cent of those who voted — years American and ourselves. In the Amerika of leaders and businessmen to look developments attracted highly- students, faculty and staff — felt ieast Asian people in Link Pot to Mental Ills But Two regularly. They're very happy, behalf of issues at the formal unfavorable publicity and threw 1971, assassination, oppression, Others Dispute It" that up to and inspire me to awaken intelligent, creative people. board meetings. Additionally, the Laotian invasion was (m, Cambodia, Laos and repression are real. We have the in the Detroit Free Press on appeared all my latent murderous and When I observed the the whole camping concept into unjustified? Or suppose 72 flnd have witnessed the testimony of the Chicago Eight, soldier tendencies. Maybe that's same 40 University officers and myself total disrepute. In short, there of per people three years ago they were cent the voters had been maiming and capture, April 19, the two who evidently will continue to meet with the be the Harrisburg Six, Kent State, linked marijuana to mental why my attention is poor. Take frustrated, Student can no University camping dissatisifed with their |s by the "enemy," of Orangeburg and Jackson State. illness present their observations some dope, think about it, fall destructive people. angry, self - Advisory Group area at this time, and the relationship with MSU (instead [ friends and loved ones, But we must conquer the fear. into despair, Marijuana composed of student leaders at University will strictly and of the other way around as the of 38 young "patients" try to do leads to fulfillment of all least once month to discuss y day lor too many years We must conquer it with the who, something about it. Become a promptly enforce its ordinances "previously had shown no signs frustrated and suicidal. repressed secret desires. I'm many matters of mutual interest poll revealed)? Would this have jican and Vietnamese belief that life is better than of mental illness." Also the Maybe frustrated, but that's a secret. I and concern. In short, we will prohibiting such use of been good propaganda? ► must suffer hunger and death. We must conquer it with I'll enlist in the Marines to University property. "patients" manifested apathy, decided for my study to observe continue to welcome and Suggesting that the poll ption, must go without hope in the my suicidal tendencies. j treatment, must live in of life power of the forces depression, poor attention, poor escape Or get drunk and happy people. Unless they're encourage vital direct results should not have been over the forces of death. social judgment, and the women forget about it. fooling me. If they become relationship with students. Was the February MSU disclosed is equally specious. [and hovels, must endure We must conquer it and seemed to be "promiscuous," No, I'll go live it up in a factory. unhappy in a month, say, due to The proposal adopted by the Wouldn't this have led to some and degradation because No, I'm Opinion Poll really overcome our self - righteousness with more clever than that. irrelevant like wild speculation that we were a "high incidence of reasons death board was short of what administration ces necessary to improve with trust in the I'm going to work in advertising. many "propaganda?" people of unwanted pregnancies and among their friends or pain of us had hoped for, including deliberately suppressing quality of life are America and the people of venereal disease." Also suicidal, I already know everyone's inflicted by the people they the much broader Hardly. The poll idea unfavorable information! There Hered away in the endless, Vietnam. weaknesses. Maybe I should take advisory role stemmed from the events last was no attempt to mislead or "some were found to have some love, I guess that I'll just have to recommended by a committee k quest of killing the It is advantage of important to act now. We my skill. conclude that dope leads to spring when students and others exaggerate the scope of the iy." Just as innocent contribute to the continuation memory difficulty and composed of students, results. The impairment of concentration for depression, suicide, etc. administrators and trustees. on campus sought nonviolent announcement „.nese people are killed by of the war if we do not act. "Promiscuous" women. Have up to two years after giving Perhaps with this start, however, means of collectively expressing carefully stated mat responses js and bullets and napalm, Silence can only be interpreted marijuana." up mercy. I wouldn't call my worst Well, I've admitted it. I'm it will develop in time into a their opinions and ASMSU were of those "who voted" and [same bullets and rockets as support for the policies of the Forgive me for my anger, but I enemy "promiscuous." I'm sure insane, but I'm afraid to let more substantive relationship. sponsored a campuswide poll. gave the actual numbers of the Lpalm are killing American Nixon government. We cannot have failed to express this glad that I'm not one of those During the summer, a participants. [e by robbing them of allow promiscuous people. Now what anyone know lest they lock me Meanwhile, I think it should be I hope that feelings of frustration and legitimate anger for years, so do I mean by that. I've repressed up in something like "paranoid looked upon as another means representative group of students, any future polls id food, medical care, futility, despair and depression bear with me if it seems of communication rather than as faculty and staff representatives will be looked on as a Land justice. to rule my own sexuality and pretended' schizophrenic, hebephrenic considered an opinion poll to be our conscience and will. cooperative venture and a We unnecessarily ugly. I'd like to that those horrible impulses variety, chronic a limit to contact. desirable and feasible, set out beneficial means of exchanging i is the enemy that cannot allow political refute the misleading nature of come from undifferentiated." Maybe I'll life? The "enemy" is somewhere else. It the guidelines for conducting s analyses and differences to keep this article because I feel that it sure is a have to go insane to learn how points of view, rather than an Ent Richard M. Nixon who us from good thing that I'm not such polls and recommended the for locking arms against the is representative of many of the one of those "schizophrenics." to laugh at myself. But you must What are the chances of excuse erecting and t to answer the will of the future use of our taxes, our contradictions of our time. I also I've never met a sane realize that this is not an establishing a permanent establishment of a committee to demolishing straw men. energies, our lives, our souls in person in out the proposal. The i people and of the feel that my own experience expression of my insanity no camping area for students on the carry the business of genocidal death. my life. Heaven help me when I se people to end this with dope and "mental illness" do. longer being able to campus? charge to this Opinion Poll We cannot Being alive leads to mental cover up for Committee at the time it was > "enemy" is Army - assume that others and my thinking on the subject illness. I said that. itself. This letter has merely I- of Staff Gen. William will get the God, would There is definitely no created was therefore quite • job done. may be of some worth if only to Freud or the Bible dispute it? I'll been a "protective, reactive" loreland who orders men vent my anger. strike at society. possibility for this year for a specific and based upon the Spring say it anyway! Put myself on |nbat and who was U.S. Those of "Mentally ill" carries np equal footing with Freud! number of reasons. Even if the considerable prior work of the Vietnam at the us wno have idea of a permanent, ad hoc summer group, not by i weight with me. Wno is going to Delusions of grandeur. Is what properly I the My Lai massacre. despaired, now in this spring it is John Bristol tjme to hope. Those of us who tell, me what warrants this I'm doing rational? terrible stigma. I'm mentally ill. Ann Arbor senior have felt frustration and futility, Politics I think 111 change my name now By the way, I've observed 40 April 19,1971 now is the time to lock arms "enemy" is the civilian to Mentally 111. That's an inside against oppression and tyranny. lilitary planners who have Those of us who have been joke. It's only funny to us. If " Id policies of warfare which oftQqmwl you're one of them, well, I'll I massive aerial, naval and benefiting from this society in forgive you. I think I'll go back complacent obliviousness, now is Iy barrages, which result the time to speak out or forever to my womb, fantasize I specific atrocities such as endure the fate of the "good gratification of all my desires lai, but in the systematic Christian Germans." For those and needs and fake the world programmatic atrocity of out by not showing any signs of of us for whom this antiwar The "enemy" is the "mental illness." movement has become "too lations and their leaders 1 respectful," now is the time to Horrible! I've let the world profit from the do something disrespectful. know! I'm manifesting my iandising of death. The Iy" is the propogandists We must demonstrate to the "latent tendencies." I'm a latent leaders who control the murderer, latent homosexual, political hacks like Gov. , who, more interested apparatus of power that the latent Christ, latent barber, ig in power than in the people will not leave that power soldier. I am apathetic. I am If the war, would have us in the hands of war criminals. We must demonstrate to the J that V'ietnamization and leaders who control the It sure is a good thing that I PHONE: 482-6226 filling" are equal to peace. apparatus of power that business ie most insidi ous enemy as usual will not go on so long as } enemy within us. The they engage our country in war, jy" is a misplaced and and pit our people against the |ndedandfaith in the words, » people of Southeast Asia in promises of our criminal and barbaric conflict. what's new under the sun for s both in and out of Jr. The "enemy" is If you want to join in the action for peace, go to jlized obedience to the low Washington Saturday but either Miss J is here in a collection of dictates of •" ■tutional order wh stay there and work for peace or bikinis, two-piece boy-leg Jnds conformity. is The come home and work for peace. the feelings of Help to build a strong peace Jii and _ impotence in the movement. Help to wage peace. suits and coverups |f yean of failure to change policies and actions of the If you do not, begin to think of the answers you will use to lovernment away from the explain to your children and tingling with color and vivid prints in acrylics, QUALITY DAIRY CO. velours and acetate ANNOUNCES A NEW LOCATION FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE knits. Sizes 5-13 947 TROWBRIDGE RD. Swimsuits. S15-$25. OPENING SPECIALS WU SPECIAL /o Low Fat Pitcher Pak 69c i [arm large eggs Fresh Grade A do,. 44c I banquet FROZEN TV DINNERS 2/79c pXCEBARs 1 Quality 3/10c p0tato chips 59' Meet Mark White. Age 19. Jewish. Doesn't talk know about. The Jewish People. I Fo^the ,Hlrchase of Potato Chips about it. Doesn't think about it either. In fact, he Hey Moishe, I mean Mark — there's a film called | ^ENCH ONION CHIP DIP 10' can't understand why there should be a State of Israel. After all, why a Jewish State? "Let My People Go." ItH be shown this Sunday, April 25th, at 2:00 P.M. in the Union, room 35. He never knew his great grandfather, Moishe See it. Start to understand the meaning of MY °PEN 7 DAYS A WEFK Witofsky, murdered in a pogrom. Aunts and PEOPLE. Start to understand the meaning of Jacobsoris 1 MM uncles gassed to death in concentration camps. liberation. Liberation means "LET MY PEOPLE -12 PM 1ese sPecials are also available at Right now a lot more of his family have their GO." 1201 E. Grand River lives on the line. In the Soviet Union. In Arab M.S.U. Jewish Liberation Project countries. And in Israel. Family he doesn't even Phone 355-6779 6 Friday, April 2a Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mich Week's peace actions set Hitchhiker A raped b Wednesday members of the Monday .where State Rep. Jackie many boys have been killed in as exemptions and tax forms for By EDWA By DENISE McCOURT coalition will be lobbying at the Vaughn III, D-Detroit, will Vietnam and for women to the Michigan dead Wednesday. C State News Staff Writer Internal Revenue Office and present the Peoples' Peace register with their local draft Local officials, churches and The Spring Offensive in Washington Saturday through Thursday at the Dept. of Health, Education and Education and Welfare. Welfare. The United States spends $5,500 The Treaty to the legislature. The council is urging people to boards. People will be filing 1040 call the Michigan Selective forms, amended tax forms businesses are being used to stop payment of the 10 per cent federal excise tax on phone bills L_ motorist [f you havi ,netarium :ience eased to 19 ki May 5 will be paralleled in every three seconds on the war Service on Tuesday to ask how claiming Indochinese casualties A 20 that goes to defense. - year - 0|d M„ Lansing by the Lansing Area and only $1,600 a year for a old police she wT* Peace Action. family of four on welfare, Wednesday night Saturday's in according to coalition COMMEMORATES DEATHS area of campus in after a k re/j ^ EE ! Washington, sponsored by all spokesmen, peace groups in the Peoples' The coalition will be joined by hitchhiking ,.,,'^' *1 Lansing and accepted . Z Coalition for Peace and Justice, the Southern Christian ■ man driving alone. * is aimed at committing Leadership Mule Train and nonviolent civil disobedience in Washington to bring the violence welfare mothers. Every door marked "no entry" A/lay 5 moratori no The coed serious reportedly Suff#1 injuries 2 H in Vietnam to a halt. will be opened at the U.S. incident, and police said s J The People's Washington from Monday Lobby in Justice Dept. Friday so the people can learn "what is really student groups' probably treated and from Olin Health Center. re * By State DIA Nei through Friday will be there to talk with all employes of the happening," the coalition promises. msmg No arrests have by MSU police, who said th yet b»n „. 'Whether t federal government, urging them The first days of May will possibility of organizing strikes. ar>d demonstrations ( i this to sign the People's Peace Treaty continue the nonviolent struggle rallies, memorial meetings and M13* day. are investigating a descriptio, i't know, The Student Mobilization demonstrations for May 5. He said SMC plans to ask the assailant given by thee# and to participate in a national for peace and social justice, ™ businesses in the to close ff, d - Ply business usual culminating in the May Committee to End the War Katz said representatives were area moratorium on as r After the coed about 10 g May 5. Each day a People's national moratorium and "Stop (SMC) is supporting a massive present from Central Michigan f°f the day to commemorate the ride with the accepted h en Hall Wt Lobby will assemble at a Business as Usual" day in National Student Moratorium on University, the University of student deaths, voluntarily entered the veto man peaking < different government agency. commemoration of the killings May 5 to commemorate the Detroit, Wayne State University Katz said he couldn't predict police said, the man drove ■t gradua The coalition plans nonviolent at Kent State, Jackson State and student deaths in incidents at (WSU) and various other colleges the scope of the moratorium, but that some participation was what police described J MSU Kent State and Jackson State and high schools. training at various area churches Augusta last year. "remote area « ccessful around Washington on Sunday Local churches in Lansing are Universities last year, Mike McGraw, Fullerton, expected from every major on campus"« slature or raped the girl. and also at Algonquin Peace being asked to discuss the _ m"-* National Student The J Assn. Calif, sophomore, said a university in the country. nplexity Park, formally known as Rock Peoples'Peace Treaty with their and the Society of American representative from the MSU Moratorium plans at WSU, he Police said they were versity's g congregations and members of Student Governments are also Student Mobilization Committee said, include petitioning the i Creek Park. certain what treatment, if, The legisla The coalition is lobbying in the Lansing Area Peace Council supporting the moratorium, did not attend the meeting administration for a monument the coed received at Olin H« hod of ta Congress Monday, calling for an plan "guerrilla theater" skits David Katz, office coordinator because of work on Saturday's in commemoration of the deaths Center. The name of the rating cos' end to the war this year, the outside churches Sunday for SMC in Detroit, said. antiwar demonstration in and organizing a convocation Don't let go! was not released. o ropriation Student government Washington. with the help of WSU President release of political prisoners now morning, protesting the war. force us force i " 1 and a guaranteed income of Guerrilla theater is a small skit, representatives from Michigan McGraw said that after William Keast. In addition, SMC If this student in front of Bessey Hall had just a few more Police said the route sum incidentshoi me incident shoi Som $6,500 for a family of four. about three minutes long, colleges and high schools were Saturday's march in Washington, hopes to close the university for balloons, he might get carried away. act as a deterrent to MSU co got to Lobbyists will be going into performed on the sidewalk, invited to a news conference SMC will be working on the May the day and use its facilities for State News photo by Larry Gladchun who accept rides with strain nee gradt the National Selective Service street or hallway to illustrate a Wednesday at Wayne State 5 moratorium. He said he would moratorium activities. e it will Headquarters Tuesday to discuss political message. University to discuss the like to see memorial meetings the criminal nature of the draft The council needs people to system in Vietnam. lobby at the Capitol EDGEWOOD UNITED UNIVERSITY IN SALVAGE YARD CHURCH SEVENTH-DAY EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY 469 N. Hagadorn IANG An Ecumenical Fellowship ADVENTIST CHURCH MSU refuse finds home AT M.S.U. Worship Services 9:30 and 11:00 Sabbath School 9:30 Sermon by Dr. Truman A. Morrison Worship Service K. G. Smith, pastor 11:00 M Dr. Robert Harris, Choirmaster artillery shell. another University department These items from the resida 149 Highland Ave. By MICHAEL CASSIDY Kletke said he collects might be able to use them, halls are turned over to I Campus Church Bus Service, ALL SAINTS CHURCH Morning and Evening Call Call 351-8994 if you need transportation It's not Alice's Restaurant — anything the use_ Discarded University can't items such as "In the 25 years that I've been supervisor at the salvage yard, campus police and held forth months before they aresentto in First Church of 800 Abbott Road 332-0606 or 332-8693 but you can get almost anything beds, mattresses, chairs, hot we've salvaged everything from the salvage yard. the Brethren you want at the MSU salvage piates, band uniforms and egg hatchers to a three - ton About 800 bikes are at Walter Bucher, Pastor T» o Rev. Wm. A. Eddy, Rector The Rev. Richard Randall, Curate UNIVERSITY FIRST ASSEMBLY yard. dressers show up at the yard. safe," Kletke said. At one time off at the yard every year. I 3020 S. Washington Frederick W. Kletke, Other items such as galvanized the salvage yard received 400 auctions take place during ti Worship 10:00 A.M. BAPTIST CHURCH OF GOD supervisor of the yard, said a #,ipe, doors, windows, light refrigerators and sold them in spring and summer terms. Discussion Group 11:00 A.M. customer will eventually find nxtUres, electric motors, one week, "Students should lock U For more Information whatever he is looking for if he and transportation Venetian blinds, washing Kletke said some of his best bikes," Kletke said. "A lot 'he gallery is patient enough and makes bikes wouldn't end up m Ph. 351-33*9 or machines, rabbit cages and a customers are church and public wit 484-7589 John D. Walden Pastor frequent visits to the yard Veterinary Clinic operating table recreation camps and students salvage yard auctions if stuJi - located on Harrison Road. ire Mozarl ajj find a place at the saivage trying to furnish apartments. would check with the ci r"and Fj For Information Rev. Richard W. Bishop, Pastor Salvaged items at the yard 9:45 A.M. COLLEGE CLASS yard He said art : ludents make police as soon as they find th lor, Opus OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH or Transportation range from a black and white don't know what we're going frequent visits to the scrap piles 10:50 A.M. WORSHIP missing. Bus Schedule 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC teddy bear to a 16 - inch naval 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos to get untii j receive a request to in the yard in search of sculpture "Anyone that can pi erforming # pick up materials from a materials. ownership of a bike at the) be pianis (2 mi. E. of Hagadorn, >4 mi. S. of Gd. R. behind MEIJER'S) dormitory or University Personal items, including profes can have it back," he said. Central United Methodist suitcases, rings, watches, skis and department," Kletke said. The salvage yard is located! An Independent Church With A Biblical Message He said chairs, desks and items anything else a student might Pastor E. Eugene Williams "When Maturity Scores" 11:00 A.M. with interchangeable parts are lost, eventually find their way to Harrison Road across frouf entrance to the South S 9:45 a.m. Church School — all ages repaired and stored if he thinks the yard, he said. 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship Services EAST LANSING RINITY CHURCH Drive. The yard is open toj public Monday through FY Topic For Transportation Call 349-2830 or 349-2533 841 Timberlane Drive "Deadly Religion East Lansing and Vigil slatel W.E. Robinson, Pastor Comic Christians" Telephone: 351-8200 Rev. Charles D. Grauer Interdenominational Church School 9:45 to 11:45 UNIVERSITY UNITED suppod University Class 9:45 a.m. Crib Nursery METHODIST CHURCH Eugene Williams "You Be The Judge" 6:00 p.m. 485-9477 to 1120 South Harrison Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. Phone 351-7030 UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN PEOPLES CHURCH EAST LANSING peace pad "The Old and The Young" Rev. Pohl CHURCH 310 N. Hagadorn CAMPUS HOUSE 251 W. Grand River Interdenominational 200 W. Grand River Our Food Is A symbolic 64-hour support peace vfl of I Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m ratification of the Peoples'!! at Michigan Treaty will begin at 111 Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 Church School 9:30 and 11:00 Buses on Campus Minister, k 332-5193 J 351-7844 ALWAYS OPEN SUNDAY SERVICE 9:30 and 11:00 UURANTIKft Steak - Chicken Sunday in front Administration Bldg. Cosponsored by the Co for Human Survival, the F» for Peace and the East Peace Council, the vigil wi! of I Uj Christian Reformed Church ransportatlon at 3 p.m. Wednesday. f Organizers of the vigil «| and Student Center directed by Beef - Fish • Sandwiches "Sing for Peace" will bell 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES 600 N Homer at E. Saginaw near Frandor Shopping Cantar from 9 to 11 p.m. T" Dr. Corliss Arnold 6001 W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall the site of the vigil. Visit our new Student Center — ALC - LCA LCMS CHURCH SCHOOL open daily 9 a.m. • 11 p.m. for Students and Faculty at for Students at 9:30 4 11:00 University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel Lunch Wednesday 12:30-1:30 Division & Ann Streets 444 Abbott Road Crib through Adults 332-2559 332-0778 MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE Coffee Hour Pastor David Kruse 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. After Services Rev. Brink, WORSHIP WORSHIP HOURS preaching 8:15 a.m. Matins 1 st and 3rd Communion First Church of 9:15 a.m. Common Service 9:30 and 11:00 10:30 a.m. Common Service 2nd and 4th Christ, Scientist for transportation call 11:30 a.m. New Expressions Matins 9:30 only 351-6360 or 882-1425 Grand River at Haslett Entrance East Lansing SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Services 11a.m. Lesson — Sermon Subject 1518 S. Washington "Probation After Death " Glenn Blossom speaking Wednesday Testimonial Meeting 9:45 A.M. 8:00 p.m. COLLEGIAN College Bible Class FELLOWSHIP Sunday School to ago 20 in the fireside room. 8:30 p.m. Dr. Ted Ward, Fireside Room MSU, Teacher Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor OPEN Glenn R. Blossom, Youth Pastor Weekdays -9-5 p.m Mon., Tues., Thurs., eves. 7-9 p.m. Dr. Sugden speaking All are welcome to attar FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Church Services and vlsl use the reading room. Call 482-0754 for information. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April 23, 1971 7 brams adds New World' to star ly EDWARD HUTCHISON City Editor has indeed dawned. longer consist only of twinkling on the dome. Programs no stars <- "The^Np!!^ w'lS - • now with Wor,d• a sc,ence " intelligent beings launch spacecraft stocked with many of their own kind, but in a minutes the show runs, there is enough to boggle any mind — sort of program, the majority are still concerned with shows of the of the effects — gazing only additional pieces of equipment a few it means to him. A multi - media suspended science fiction, ecological, or the Big Dipper, variety. montage following the mai" animation. They are to restock were purchased. The rest of it K" 191 claffi, you'll be planetarium personnel produced 0ry ? before a and inhabit other planets in the questing truth - oriented Technician Ken Parr, with came through home made program has brought tears from fced to know Ibal a new day varieties, at least one nianefs • John Hare who coed, Parr says. its "ARC *70" show. TTte change S^i.^Telt £ system. In the approximately 60 Although other planetariums in the country are beginning this wrote program, says "The New World" is an experiment to utilize the the ingenuity combined existing facilities. with room The show has drawn only sitting crowds since - it Ue Two men are needed to run full projection capabilities of the opened March 12. Parr says the status undetermined sky theater. The show started with an idea the show, or as Parr man as says, one long as he has four planetarium plans to buy more equipment with the profits made hands. Complicated fade - outs, from the show. With an created by planetarium director fade - ins and other planetarium admission charge of 75 cents for Von Del Chamberlain last fall Huff hopes nuances require a thorough term. Parr and Hare took the students, the show is probably knowledge of the equipment and against the entertainment and idea and developed the effects, its learning capabilities. bargain of the year. keenly aware of the Parr says the show is written "The New World" ends planetarium's facilities. with the individual in mind. May What is remarkable is that 16. Following that, By DIANE PETRYK largest producer of Ph.D.s in the and Each viewer is supposed to I United States and education, a graduate concern. Graduate Abrams' personnel devised most "Stellarphonic Moog" begins a J state News Staff Writer growing all the time, he said. Graduate student must liberate himself from his professor and strike out assistantships may or may not coincide with said. "That was in 1956. 1958, when I got on the board In conjure up in his own mind what nine - day run on May 21. "The New World" shows at 8 IWhether there will be a fee programs here have increased on his own," Muelder said. individual study interests, he (of trustees), we told the federal and 10 p.m. today, 2:30, and 8 Tease this year I'm sure I 100 per cent from 1963 to said, forcing students to take government we wanted out of and 10 p.m. Saturday and 2:30 Xt know," Trustee Warren 1969, but percentagewise MSU Concerns their second or even third level that and 4 p.m. Sunday. To be sure Prof named contract and we got out. fff D Plymouth, told a group is receiving less money for them. Associated with MSU since priorities. - ■about 40 graduate students in "In 1958 we started our 1955, Muelder said he has never Job worries a "I voted at communist one time not to let speak on this to group of getting a seat, stop by the box office at the planetarium at least known this institution to have Job »en Hall Wednesday night, medical program here, and only opportunities are campus. I'm not proud of that. 30 minutes before the show is ■peaking on problems that in the past year have we received been free of intensive self - becoming increasingly confining We all make mistakes," Huff to one's academic scheduled to start. Set graduate students, lluff money from the state for it," criticism or significant growth training, and ■d MSU has not been Tcessful 'n selling the Huff said. "Next year we will be close to admitting the same and development. "According to national students are worried about personal finances and the cost of said. GM issue Another student asked how to advise HEW head ■slature on the importance, number of students to our statistics," he said, "in 1968 education, he said. Huff could account for voting "There was a time," Huff said, Inplexity and cost of the biomedical programs as the MSU ranked 12th in the nation for "when bright students could against the Campaign GM Iversity's graduate programs. University of Michigan and we production of all the proposals, especially the one Janet Wessel, professor of physical education has been named doctorates awarded up to that make it through by loans, grants jThe legislature has a unique will be receiving much less concerning South Africa, and to a committee that will advise the U.S. secretary of health, Ahod of taking our minimum money." time." and earning, but now it is still claim to be against education and welfare (HEW) on physical education and ■rating cost and giving us an According to Milton E. Huff attempted to outline the increasingly difficult." discrimination. recreation programs for handicapped children. areas of Huff added, however, that ■ropriation a cut below ^that Muelder, vice president for widespread concern for "Do we help the blacks in Six other physical educators, including Olympic decathalon there has not been a generation ■force us to raise fees," he research development and dean graduate students. South Africa by pulling them champion Rafer Johnson, were also named to the committee, "Somehow, someway, of the of college students in the United which School for Advanced "I'm not out?" Huff asked. "Or are other operates under HEW's Bureau of Education for the always as well - States that has had such a keen _,c got to figure out how to Graduate Studies, who also informed as I would like to be," methods likely to be more Handicapped. ■nee graduate education. I social conscience. The first report will be issued later this spoke at the gathering, 7,999 he said, and he asked the successful? sprine. e it will not be through Some other complaints of graduate students are now students to tell him what their "People I know in the black enrolled at MSU. graduate students, Huff said, are concerns are. community have mixed tday MSU is the seventh "Through independent study Huff cited funding as one that programs are too course - oriented and that transfer of emotions about the South African proposal. This is not a credits from other institutions is defense of GM but I'm not bANO QUARTETS difficult. Women's burden convinced the racial problem in South Africa will be solved by "Women have an added requiring GM to pull out." burden," Huff said, "in that In answer to a question about marimekko MSU faculty added to problems they face their roles. their a academic conflict of the Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities document, Huff Exhibit and — Sale of Textiles Dresses, Hand Silk said student fees are running $30 Screened Designs in Brilliant "Our society is still groping for million a year and the argument Pure full personal realization of the Colors from Finland. in free gallery woman as a person. Circumstances surrounding the female graduate student at MSU is pretty strong for a student in policy making. say UNIVERSITY April 25, NOON - IIMN 7 PM. SUN, are still discriminatory in regard ftn ensemble of MSU faculty violinist, Walter Verdehr, asst. The Faure to opportunities for licians will perform two quartet, in professor of music; violist contrast to the Mozart work, is a assistantships, travel and so ■resting piano quartets at 3 Lyman Bodman, professor of 1 Sunday, in the Kresge Art youthful work. Nevertheless, forth." music, and cellist Louis Potter Potter says, "it is a masterpiece. During the question and pry. Jr., professor of music. Verdehr, It is very romantic and has a Ihe gallery concert, Potter and Bodman are members answer period, one student open to sensuous ethereal beauty." asked Huff why MSU got of MSU's Beaumont ■ public without charge, will String In addition to hearing the involved with federal money in lure Mozart's "Quartet in G Quartet. concert, visitors to the Kresge the 1950s that created an MSU lor" and Faure's "Quartet in Potter described the Mozart Gallery can see the current program in Vietnam. linor, Opus 15." quartet as very powerful. "The exhibit of works by aria - like slow movement shows eight "I think we were infiltrated. I Michigan artists. do not think willfully so," he Informing in the ensemble Mozart's operatic style." It is | be pianist David Renner, one of the composer's later professor of music; works. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS 10:30a.m. (AM): MUSIC AROUND THE WORLD. 1 p.m. (FM): MUSIC THEATER: "On a Clear Day You Can 9 am Saturday for a I TODAY i Forever." 1 p.m. (AM): LECTURE DISCUSSION: "Renewing '67 RAMBLER REBEL SST - our rironment." SATURDAY (Just bring thisad & student ID) 1 pm. (AM): GREAT your DISCUSSIONS: "West Germany: What le in Europe." 5:3° p.m. (AM): URBAN CONFRONTATION: "The Trauma: And Check These Special Deals: Mai Life and Citv life." W $695 '67 VW Stevie '65 VW Bus '66 VW $995 $795 '68 VW '63 Triumph Spitfire $495 $1595 Wonder WHEELS TOYOTA USED CARS INC 2112 E. Michigan 372-0975 sale! Sunday buy two and save, on either of these Maidenform styles Mini tricot contour bar adds just a little to the petite figure. Soft, natural, with the merest fiberfill, to Take a friend and help round out curves under today's styles that cling. White crepeset. 32-36A, B. 2 6.58 re«ularlv 2/S8 Sweet Music bra has cool, all-cotton cups, stretch yourselves to cuisine from back, and elastic framing in the cups. Comfort and THE PLAZA 1000 lands. want all As much day Sunday (1 to 8 p.m.) as you breathing ease always. White, 32-36A, and 32-40 B, C. 2 5.58 regularly 2/Z7 (Former Jack Tar Hotel) For information , call 372-6550 125 W. Michigan across from the Capitol Knapp's Foundations, second floor Downtown and Meridian Mall Friday, April 23 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan "n I 'STOP THE WORLD' THX — brilliant, antiseptic, Actors' the best in sci fi since'2001' saved m George Lukas made his first conformity and informers; with other roommates in a room whereupon the couple is By KENNETH STERN Vnt ■ movie — a one - minute penalties fall on those who dare not take enough drugs and those so large that its extremities fade from vision in a blur of white, State News Reviewer the out - of - the I animated feature — when he was Sludgepool office ofR1! a student at the University of who engage in sex. "We cannot THX decides to explore. Finding allow ellicits," a stern - faced his way to the outside, THX Stop the show, I want to get company. Littlechap rises froL, I Southern California, using university equipment. juror bellows, speaking for her dares to attempt escape from out! tea pusher (no executive. pun) to . 81 1 His movie won 30 student society. civilization. All he need do is Unfortunately, I did want to Domestic troubles arise festival awards. In this world of rectangled cause more trouble in escaping several times during the latest hero's amorous wh I New Players' effort, an uneven our advent!! I affairs >1 A featurette on the filming of rooms, long corridors, no than the city budget allows for turn to foreign "MacKenna's Gold," one on the sunlight and wall - sized 3-D the apprehension of criminals. revival of the Leslie Bricusse - business trip to the Soviet ul I filming of "The Rain People" televisions, Lucas unravels his For the rest of the film, a Anthony Newley musical, "Stop he sleeps with mechanical style advances the the World, I Want To Get Off." home he has Any a, and! I and many festival awards later, story. It is a simple story made his Germ, I Lucas began work on "THX fascinating by the strange setting story. "THX 1138" is antiseptic The show is basically a domestic and brilliant to the eye like its Ilse, then in Amrioll 1138," a project he wrote and and the technical artistry with glorification of Anthony meets Ginny, an All planned to direct. which it advances. sets and usually hard and Newley. He starred in the cabaret girl. - Americwl Now, at age 25, Lucas can lay One man, named THX, unflinching like its mechanized original production, gave himself Littlechap enters politics k| personal claims on the finest closely shaven heads as shiny as discovers he loves his roommate, police force. all the good songs and put made Lord and then science fiction film since "2001: the carefully scrubbed floors. LUH. They have sex. LUH This style is precisely right. himself in the spot light. Whew! a retire, I ■ Here, policemen are chrome • becomes pregnant. They are Emotional compromises and Hie leading role of Littlechap, A Space Odyssey." "THX 1138" tender interludes (beyond the At the end, Newley is film that is almost too pure masked automatons. Roomates discovered and separated by the therefore, demands a formidable . Bricusse and a uncompromising to be are selected by computers. state. two mentioned) would have talent. throw in some! philosophical tidbits and advice I enjoyed in the usual sense but Confessionals are mechanized THX is judged incurable and softened a film that had to be In a circus setting (life is a That one too fascinating to be missed. with a benevolent Christ figure sent to a reconditioning home. rigid to be terrifying. circus to the authors) we in the a circle is round doesn't! The world he presents is an dispensing "I understand" at LUH is sent to a reproduction Unlike Stanley Kubrick in audience are made to sit through prove anything, but it „| something to think about, sai various intervals to create the center. Later, THX learns of her "2001," Lucas never overreaches Littlechap's life cycle — birth to antiseptic one, populated with Criminal action Littlechap. unisex humans with clothes as illusion of one who listens. fate: death for her crime. himself to dabble in metaphysics death, and everything in white as the building walls and Premiums are placed on At the reconditioning home, of intentional ambiguities. between. "Stop the World" the best music that has tx has soneofl THX grows restless. Confined "THX 1138" is severely Robert Duvall and Maggie McOmie make love, a forbidden The hero is an ambitious chap written for the musical structured and faithful to the act in the futuristic world presented in "THX 1138." stage 1 with an eye for the girls and structure. The viewer is rivited George Lucas' science fiction film is now showing at the advancement. He knocks up the "Gonna Build a Mountain"! "What Kind of Fool Am to his seat but rarely involved or Spartan West Theater. boss' daughter and marries her, I?"am "Once In A Lifetime" entertained. The viewer is m relegated to the position of open musical comedy classics. Higl - mouthed observer, possibly FOOD, MUSIC show is entirely dependent upogl stunned by parallels with today its music, for without it "Stopl that can be found and surely the World" would be Ted Ho His in his role «■ nothing. I spellbound by the visual displays of photography and set design. Discussion of acting is beside the point. Robert Duvall as Club to Littlechap constantly varied! between mediocre giving a good and il performance. OpenJ night Hollis seenu-d somewj THX, Maggie McOmie as LUH and Donald Pleasance as a fellow hoarse and saved his voice |J inmate of the reconditioning home, perform their assignments in wind-up fashion. In other Arabian belt out the last notes of songs. That left the middlesH J sometimes totally inaudibleM words, the acting is as Arabian students and friends Wars Hall, 2108 N. Cedar St., Since its inception, attendance Hollis was not bad, but he didim impersonal and programmed as win gather for an evening of Holt. at Arabian Night has grown, all other elements involved. The MSU Arab Club sponsors attracting Arabian students from have the power to make thtl Arabian food, music and dancing show his. 'THX 1138," now showing Arabian Night once a quarter, other campuses in Michigan. Saturday night, at the Spartan West, should not except during the summer. Tickets may be purchased at Juliana Boehnlein didl the door, or by contacting however. She maintained li be missed by science fiction More than 250 persons are It's strictly a social affair," or anyone looking for the expected to attend the evening's members of the Arabian Club. usual standard of excellence il says Arabian Night chairman unusual1 onH o and fitlKr fully realized on tha nn the fpsHvit.iPS festivities whlPrl will nPUin flt. S which Will . . . . Jamal Al-Sharif. her roles as all four oT often lacking movie screen. p.m. in the Veterans of Foreign The purpose of Arabian Night, KA ppfi Littlechap's female companion# n ri Her English, Russ he said, is to give Arabian people lYlCCI II I U and American speech u the opportunity to meet other Accounting Majors people and to share with them a actions were a pleasure to sd Earn $12,000 Annually part of their culture through their food and music. slated to and hear, and she changed froa one to the other with speeduf accuracy. An Arabian band will play National organisation working exclusively with college housing what Al-Sharif described as The production is directednnl units (fraternities, sororities, independent establish and operate office on campus of his the only computerized accounting system dorms) seeks man to choice. We have in the country programmed for undergraduate housing record - keeping. This "very music. emotional" Arabian accompanied by They will an be Arabian plan drive staged by Gary KlinskyH Southfield senior. A meeting to organize The orchestra, under tli program can be handled on a part - time basis evenings until full dancer. potential is reached. Extremely small cash outlay required. If canvassers for the People's direction of Michael T. Griffitl A1 • Sharif will lead all the you want a secure income with real growth opportunity, write E. Cleveland senior, many timel Arabians and guests in a dance Learning Center will be held at today for complete details. 7:30 drowned out the singers and J called "dabkie." p.m. Tuesday in 138 FRATERNITY ALUMNI SERVICE times lacked snap, although fl A highlight of the evening will Chemistry Bldg. Division of The Carson Company be a prize - giving drawing which The center is a nonprofit was basically satisfactory. the Arabians refer to as rotary, organization in Lansing designed "Stop the World" is ai 611 South Boulevard, Evanston, III 60202 - Tel. 312/869-8330 to provide high school dropouts enjoyable show, nothing to N with an education. It is partially really ecstatic about, ' financed by the Lansing Area worthwhile for the talents o| United Ministries, Miss Boehnlein and Hollis. ted lucas IOHN CAMPBELL MARK TALABA ROB CARR & BILL KAHL 8 pm ^Donbers lUtoa "Sensational! It shows some pretty spirited sex Vou I Tonite in Wilson 7:30, 9:45 aren't prepared to enjoy sequences that might | some, try it on roue'friends. first!" Saturday in Brody 8:30 & Conrad 7:30, 9:45 $1.00 admission I.D.'s required women! METRO 60LDWYN MAYER wwms "A racy Swedish - Danish movie . . . starring a beautiful g«J named Essy Persson I hope I make myselfclea'w that | i "IIX ... A JOHN FRANKENHEIMER FILM say that I doubt if we will be seeing more of her b" I we will surely be seeing her some more!" . .line f -Brendan Gill, New Yorker JAMES 6ARRIER EVA MARIE SAINT YVES MONTANA TOSHIRO MIFIJNE Tonite in Brody 8 p.m. & Conrad 9 p.m. Saturday in Wilson 8:30 MSU ID or 18 Thurs. 7:00, 8:45, 10:30 108 B Wells $1.00 admission I.D.'s required Friday 8t Saturday 7:00, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 23, 1971 9 DANCE CELEBRATION SET m otown appears Monday Stop the World,' music, concert, films top scene By DAVID BASSETT State Newi Staff Writer ,vhen someone mentions "courageous entertainers I insurmountable physical handicaps," the first ° r to come to mind is that of Danny Kaye rolling The weekend choice is p.m. Sunday in Wonders Kiva. ind in a wheelchair on a Broadway stage while the between a play, a dance iflm is dazzling. Otherwise, it is concert, $1 admission. ar(?Lce salute him with tears in their eyes, an act which three music events and six movie Movies dime store melodrama with James Garner and Eva Marie has to be one of the schmaltziest public appeals for programs. THEY SHOOT HORSES, Saint giving performances the Stage DON'T THEY dance ^Tt^th^other end of the spectrum is Stevie Wonder, STOP THE WORLD I WANT marathon prize - a script but no viewer deserves. of $1,500 brings Check ads for showtimes. whpn asked by Carson or somebody several years ago what TO GET OFF - Anthony together a collection of lost t was like to be blind, he replied to the effect that "a Newley's musical about a man's FARENHEIT 451 - Ray souls who endure the handicap isn't a handicap unless you make it one," a phrase search for fulfillment, a search Bradbury's fascinating novel exploitation of promoters, the made tedious thanks he has constantly reiterated during his more than 10 years that lasts from birth to to Oskar scrutiny of spectators and the I n show business. His lias been a life of accentuating what reincarnation. The play presents trauma of competition. Werner, Julie Christie and !an be done and ignoring what can't. him as a clown among other As Gloria, the most embittered director Francois Truffaut I His first big hit, "Contract of Love," was recorded when clowns in a stylized circus participant, Jane Fonda is Shows with Hitchcock's "North I h was 11 years old and is the form which Donny Osmond atmosphere. "What Kind of Fool tremendous. by Northwest" Friday and I and Michael Jackson have copied - screaming the high Am I?", "Gonna Build a PUTNEY SWOPE Saturday in Wells. Check ads for I - Roger showtimes. notes, growling the lows, maintaining an optimum energy Mountain" and "Once in a Downey's free - wheeling blast at THE RETURN I level of motion. Lifetime" are among the play's Madison Avenue, a satire about EGAN OF DREW I His recent million - sellers "Yester - You, Yester - Me, 17 music numbers. Performances Admission is $1.50. an all black ad agency that PERKINS — two old and SINGLE SHOT I Yesterday" and "My Cherie Amour" (both his own at 2, 7:30 and 10 p.m. Friday, at SPRING CONCERT - the - dishes out "truth and soul" westerns I compositions) and the Beatles' "We Can Work it Out" are 7:30 and 10 pjn. Saturday and MSU State Singers will present starring William S. Hart in the messages and panders to the former and Tom Mix in the I only three of his dozen gold records. His others include "I at 3 p.m. Sunday in the Union its annual spring concert at 8:15 almighty dollar. At 7 and 9 p.m. latter. Shows at 7, 8:40 and I Call It Pretty Music," "Fingertips" and "Uptight." Ballroom. Tickets are $2. p.m. Sunday in the University Friday in Wells Hall, Saturday in 10:20 p.m. in 106 Wells Hall. I Born Steven Judkins almost 21 years ago in Saginaw, he DANCE CONCERT - the Methodist Church on South I studied music in Braille as a child. MSU Orchesis Dance Troupe's Anthony Hall. I, A WOMAN - Essy Harrison Road. Admisssion is GRAND PRIX in the - high - Pearsson sighs along with her I Since he recorded "Contract of Love" at 11, he has annual spring celebration, with free. powered driver's seats at I learned to play piano, organ, drums and the harmonica. He 13 dance numbers, 40 student FOLK FREAKOUT - Bill trackside, recording the or pre audience. At 7, 8:45 and 10:30 1 was graduated from the Michigan School for the Blind in dancers and music from modern - p.m. Friday and Saturday in 104 Kahl, Mark Talaba, Munson - race and race excitement, the Wells Hall. Lansing in 1969 after three years of study there. rock composers. At 8 p.m. Valentine, Ted Lucas and many Stevie Wonder will appear at 7 and 9:45 p.m. in the '"Wonderful Friday and Sunday and at 2 p.m. more will perform beginning at 8 Auditorium. Tickets for the concert, sponsored by ASMSU We Can Work It Out" will be one of the Saturday in Fairchild Theater. in cooperation with Motown Records, are $2.50 and are songs sung by Admission is $1. I available at Campbell's, Marshall Music and the Union. All Steve Wonder in concert at 7 and 9:45 Auditorium. His appearance is presented p.m. Monday in the Music FOLK CONCERT - John What is a proceeds for the benefit concert will go to the Martin by ASMSU in | Luther King Jr. Scholarship Fund. cooperation with Motown Recording Corp. Campbell, Mark Carr and Ted Lucas will Talaba, Rob SUB VILLA appear, beginning at 8 p.m. Friday and ? 7 ? 7 Saturday in Wonders Kiva. lUMMER CAMP OFFERED A BR AM S Ai t# nevi n MSU Unpolluted graduate student is individually or in interest groups stream cost: are located on the site. $12 tT PLANETARIUM vmm> date, and Rossi said he hopes to Jering students 30 days of as part of an experiment in More than 125 people have limit the number to 300, "about piugiam, wriucn anu proaucea Bution free living in a semi - "living, loving and - learning" expressed interest in the camp to one person per acre." exclusively for presentation in the Jderness area of central during August. planetarium chamber. THE NEW WORLD is |ario for $12. If the camp is successful, for a mature audience designed fcrno Rossi, a former high Rossi said, he plans to establish a material presented being .... the thought pol social studies teacher in similar program for high school provoking and somewhat abstract. is organizing a students as part of their regular You will witness multi - media sounds and visions, and Jmmunal culture camp education. total darkness. periods of ftrned to provide students While individuals are Parente arc advised to accompany i the opportunity to live encouraged to stay the entire young children. month, it will also be possible to stay one week for $5. Rossi said Program Schedule the fees will cover the costs of londay meal chemical toilets and rent for the land. Fridays Saturdays Sundays 8:00 p.m. 2:30, 8:00 p.m. 2:30 & 4:00 p.m. t 16, 1971 At War With the Due to the increased interest in INFORMATION Army Campers will be expected to si.00 ffered at club supply their own food and other accommodations, although food the New World program, two additional scheduled: shows have Friday 10p.m. & Sat. been 3SS-4672 Abrams Science Rd. and MSU, East Lansing. Planetarium, Shaw Lane, I.D.'s Not Required Fri. 7:00 & 9:00 Sat. 8:15 & 10:15 The Faculty Club will be will 10 p.m. At the Catholic Student Center on N be sold at the site. The SKY SCAN: in for luncheons for members nearest Music: Following Free program emphasizing current village is six miles from Friday & Saturday night shows "Bolero," sky study, second Thursday of jn 11:30 Indays. a.m. to 2 p.m. the camp, and is "easily Philadelphia Orchestra. each month. May 13, 8:00 p.m. accessible by road." ■The Faculty Club has Rossi said drinking water will Iviously been closed for PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-5817 Doors Open 7:00 p.m. Feature 7:35 9:35 be available from wells, and that TODAY - Iches on Mondays. natural beaver ponds and a Saturday & Sunday - Doors open at 1:00 p.m. Feature 1:35-3:35-5:40-7:40-9:40 A GENUINE WORK OF GREATNESS HONEST AND ICINE < SERIESPM^ A SPECIAL ALMOST PERFECT - John Schubeck, ABC-TV 215 ABBOTT RD. DOWNTOWN - Shining like a miniature "WOODSTOCK" DOUBLE FEATURE Vivid! Unique! - Saturday Review - Sidney Skolsky National Columnist "EXCELLENT!...OSKAR WERNER, JULIE CHRISTIE ARE BOTH MAGNIFICENT... DON'T MISS THIS ONE!" "CHALLENGES US AS WE ARE RARELY CHALLENGED IN MOVIES... HAS A POWERFUL EMOTIONAL IMPACT!" Only Cary Grant and Alfred Hitchcock ever gave you so much suspense in so many directions so we METRO GOLDWYN MAYER p-ewnu brought it back! The Rolling Stones GIMME SHELTER IN ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S From the world■ w/.;Ray Bradbury mmw " »»-. CYRIL CUSACK ANT°ND|FFRING - JEREMY SPENSER^ ALEX SCOTT Francois Truffaut •' 'RANCOIS TIM FAUT „ f AN LOUIS RCHARD RAY BRADBURY UWtSM ALIEN VISTAVlSION TECHNICOLOR " co-itarrHic JESSIE Mitttn bi mhii ROYCE LANOIS ERNEST LEHMAN ALFRED HITCHCOCK I 'Htrnattonally acclaimed and most unusual motion picture w tNTCRPWSt VMYARO FIM PRODUCTION ■ A UNIVERSAL Rf LEASE Ml Shown at 6:45 & 11 Shown at 8:45 Only! Fri. & Sat. Rm 108B Wells $1.00 ID's required Next Attraction - "Catch 22" Friday, April 23 T0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan '97J I Group discusses methods Representatives of the University Waste Control Authority addressed the Sierra Club and E-QUAL at a of campus pollution control teach-in held Wednesday much or don't do a satisfactory computing costs," Foster concerning waste control and . job," he added. as night in Holden Hall part of the Campus Earth recycling on campus. "We want feedback to find Also, Power Plant '65 has *h?n imputing cost, the cost theecoritl to ik I what the Waste Control been converted to gas and MSU's Week activities. SN photo by Sue Steeves The MSU Waste Authority Committee met Control out Authority should do," Emery G. Spray Committee has eliminated the use of polluting insecticides emlronmmmustb,,^! Foster, chairman of the Recycling of IBM cd, Wednesday night in Holden Hall campus, according to the done , committee, said. "If the board on by the University to answer questions from of trustees follows our committee's report to the member said. nn students concerning the University's role in controlling recommendation and places trustees. However, Howard A Tanm,, I pollution. someone in authority — if we The committee reported that a task force is working on the professor of fisheries wildlife, said he feels I A small turnout of Sierra start today with stringent rules recycling of glass, not the only answer recycling I MSU shouldn't be a pollutant paper and to tfll - Club and E-QUAL members directed questions and made in the community." metals from residence halls. pollution problem. I "It's suggestions to the committee The described committee's some members of the a social problem when "It is a selling, research teaching and process," he JI I "We're being too idealistic precautions that are now in Honeymooner if w.| effect. A permanent glass bin is say we are going to make all th.| open Saturdays in Parking Lot L breakthroughs. It's more than I Extradition University Village. The kept his word just a dirty problem of waste I near v I sorted, clean glass will be "Some say pollution is a lack of collected by the Owens - Illinois Glass Co. for recycling. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Stuart "Once ingenuity," Tanner we flush it out, we've saidl Bell kept his promise to a federal log! He told officials at the hearing "Another prime pollution our chance for ingenuity." I By BOB ROACH reviewing the case and his armed trusties who he said Michigan attorney general acting problem was married housing," judge who allowed him a The $1.7 million that he had turned himself in to project! decision may come before the terrorized the predominantly behalf of Arkansas, said at Foster said. "The fact that we honeymoon before a five - year State News Staff Writer end of next week, according to white Tucker Prison farm. on the time he was convinced of police in Detroit the day after burned both garbage and trash in prison term for bank robbery. Tanner is working with taketl and I water and extracts the waste The fate of Lester Stiggers, Kenneth Franklin, the Stiggers also told of his first - Stigger's rehabilitation but felt returning to Michigan to begin incinerators caused a Mr. and Mrs. Bell, married 60 sprays it where it can be used. I a' young black fugitive fighting governor's legal adviser, who degree murder conviction at a the final determination would an immediate extradiction fight, hours, arrived punctually at the useful I considerable amount of air This can create more extradiction back to the presided at the extradiction one day trial in 1965, following have to be made by Arkansas the authorities said they courthouse at 8:30 a.m. 'Arkansas penal system, may be hearing April 2. - the shotgun shooting of his authorities. couldn't hold him there without pollution. We are now Monday, embraced, kissed and land and recreation activities,! experimenting with plastic bags The four - year - old project is I decided by Gov. Milliken next At that time, Stiggers, 21, said father when the youth was 15 The fugitive had come to a warrant. said goodby. Then he turned "week. Arkansas could years old. He said his father had If allowed to remain in and having them hauled away himself in. financed by the Ford I his return to Lansing last June to enroll in an with much success." ' The governor has been mean his death at the hands of repeatedly beaten and sexually automotive technology program Michigan, Stiggers has been Phosphates in laundry ''I'm confident of Rockefeller Foundations. and KresgelI abused him. administered by Lansing promised a job with a Southfield rehabilitation," Bell, 34, told detergents have been eliminated "We must work at both ends! , PROGRAM INFORMATION 372 2434 Open At 7:00 Testimony was also heard on Community College. Completing construction company and a but dishwashing detergents are newsmen. "I'll be eligible for of the pipe," Tanner said. "If it's 1 ELECTRIC the fugitive's self - rehabilitation his studies in November, Stiggers after he fled to relatives in home in Detroit with his mother and step • father, where he spent posing a problem, Foster said. parole in three years." He said he had needed money a pain to take the metal band of!I returned to Detroit and found to support IN CAR Michigan while on a five - day a most of his younger years. "The substitutes for from a bottle intended fori job on his own when the school phosphates either pollute just as a compulsive gambling habit. recycling, put pressure on the! furlough in February, 1970. couldn't place him in the bottle company to discontinue! HEATERS J. Ronald Kaplansky, assistant Lansing area. using these metal bands." ft One student voiced concern I TONIGHT! ALL COLOR! Open At 7:00 over the University's single consumer. It is much actionsasi! I ELECTRIC "Affecting and consistently easier to influence one| IN CAR consumer's buying habits than it! funny chronicle of HEATERS is to influence thousands of I individuals, he said. 1 connubial collapse... NO INJURIES WERE to find the assailant. A STEREO CONSOLE, a cafeteria table, clothing and a set Foster said he is willing to I work with anyone who has ideas! marriage a la mode." TONIGHT! ALL COLOR! REPORTED by an MSU coed from Mayo Hall who told MSU SEVEN BICYCLES, with a of master keys, with a total estimated value of $350, were or plans for waste control oi -NEWSWEEK total estimated value of $225, campus. police she was walking about recovered about 6:41 a.m. . TIMES THE 9:12 p.m. Wednesday on a were reported stolen Wednesday Wednesday by patrol officers sidewalk west of Mayo when a to police from students who left who found the items in the . > Lauqhter.-- man about 20 years old grabbed her on the buttocks. the bicycles parked in campus areas. Police said six of the southwest corner of parking Lot O, south of Owen Hall. Plaque found TIMES THE The coed said the man fled bicycles were reportedly locked at the time of the theft, and one Police said the items near Greek cityl immediately after the attack. ^TPVINCJ! Police said they were not able was left unlocked. apparently belonged to the University and were returned to CORINTH, Greece (AP)-aI Owen, from where they were 7th century B.C. marble plaqarfl NO! NO! I LOVE MY WIFE! POSITIVELY NOT! I LOVE MY WIFE! reportedly stolen sometime showing two female figures ml IN A DAVID L WOIPER ProduChon ACADEMY AWARD WINNER between 2 and 6:40 a.m. discovered in a field near thi| ancient Greek city. ELLIOTT GOULD "I LOVE MY WIFE!" Wednesday. Shown at 7:50 and Late ticmwcoiov BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR AND . . . ON THE SAME PROGRAM! John Mills WHAT OTHER WOMEN DREAM...SHE DARED! BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY Services held Robert / James Stack Farentino Bibi Andersson COLOR - A story of love. Filmed by for Luboshutz WES JOAN LARRY David Lean Memorial services were held Thursday in Maine for Pierre I Story of a Woman STERN COLLI NS HAGMAN mc Luboshutz, former head of the Dept. of Piano at MSU. £l> Ryan's Luboshutz died Sunday at his home in Rockport, Ma. Hewi Annie Girardot A UNIVERSAL an AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTUHE an AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURE 76. ED ^ Shown"!'9f50Qnly AtT:50 and Late At 9:50 Only Luboshutz and his wife, Genia, joined the MSU faculty as artists! in residence in 1962 and headed the piano department until ■ Daughter ROBERT MITCHUM TREVOR HOWARD 1968. They performed professionally as Luboschutz appearing with practically every major symphony and Ncmonoft, I orchestra in the I I CHRISTOPHER JONES JOHN MILLS world. They were also recording artists. LEO McKERN ... SARAH MILES Mrs. Luboshutz is the only immediate survivor. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★I }yt FIRST THE GLADIATORS PRIZE WINNER AT CANNES FILM FESTIVAL SHOWTIMES J UNION BALLROOM Monday thru Friday evenings at 8:00 p.m. * BEGINNING 1:00 p.m., SUN. APRIL 25 Wednesday 2:00 & 8:00 p.m. Saturday 2:00 & 8:00 p.m. Sunday 2:00 & 7:00 p.m. J" * CONTINUOUS SHOWING EXCLUSIVE! $1.00 TODAY AT 8 P.M. TONITE OPEN 7:00 P.M.—SEE THE FINEST IN DRIVE IN ENTERTAINMENT! RED SCREEN Program starts ai Watch ■ f. ! in ' Coldie things ERl^ GOLDIE SELLERS^ HAWN SPECIALLY MATINEE TODAY PRICED 2:00 clAerctaGilrlintM/Soup paiiL NEWMaN p.m. in the Union Ballroom Friday 2:00, 7:30 & 10:00 p.m. Saturday 7:30 & 10:00 Burt Lancaster (Plui, just bugs the Establishment^^ * MARTM RANSOHOfT'S PWXWCTION for $1.50. Babysitters will be p.m. SUNDAY SPECIAL provided at the Union to care MATINEE 3:00 p.m. Tickets Castle Keep for small children. Tickets at at the door. $2.00 HmSKBMt the door. 15 PIECE ORCHESTRA. A i$0lUMBM PICTURES RUEASt TECHNICOLOR4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April 23. l«>7| AT BUF MEETING Harvard scientist Students told about jobs, aid drug, voginol NEW YORK (AP) - A commented editorially, points to The researchers, who did their synthetic hormone drug given to a direct relationship between work at Massachusetts General seven women United Front (BUF) in during pregnancy the drug and the cancer, in the Hospital in Boston, discovered Black an "organized seminar" apparently has caused a rare way birth defects have been Wednesday night in the Wilson Hall auditorium, met to the apparent link between vaginal cancer in their daughters caused by German measles and stilbestrol and adenocarcinoma stimulate the interest of blacks on campus toward events 15 to 22 years later, Harvard the occurrring here. drug thalidomide. of the vagina after the rate cases Medical School scientists showed up between 1966 and Six of the women are alive but It was reported that the Urban Corp. will be rehiring all reported Thursday. 1969. one died. work study students this summer. Residents or future The scientists theorize that the - This touched off some medical Herbst emphasized that the residents of Lansing may file applicatiosn with Model Cities durg — stilbestrol — somehow, detective work in the science of seven cases are few for summer employment. they don't know how, altered considering epidemiologym. The researchers the thousands of New the development of the England studied the patients and 32 BUK urged a" Interested students who are vagina, women believed to have been having allowing the abnormal growth. other young women, a control difficulty finding employment to check with Iluey Edwards given the drug. It was used to The New England Journal of group, all born about the same or Gene Washington in the Placement Bureau. treat pregnant women with a Medicine hailed the work as "of time, the same area, under history of miscarriage from 1946 similiar circumstances. A spokesman for BUF announced a "Slush Fund" that great scientific importance and to 1951 in New England. It has makes money available to students with medical and serious social implications," and not been used much A long list of possible factors said it "adds a new dimension to since, the personal problems. Financial aid applications were also scientists said. was eliminated — including made available for those who had not applied for aid the whole matter of what cigarette smoking, mother's age next drugs year. are safe or unsafe to give to Therefore, the risk to any one at pregnancy, X - ray exposure pregnant women." woman whose mother was given They were left with the fact that BUF is sponsoring a breakfast program in Lansing for Dr. Arthur L. Herbst, Harvard the drug is very small. But he the mothers of the seven women underprivileged children. More participation and donations BUF also said he does not know the are needed to help BUF maintain the program. Marsha Wilson, Flint junior, left; Ahmed meeting obstetrician and gynecologist and principle author of the extent to which the drug may have been prescribed elsewhere all had been given stilbestrol. mostly during the delicate first The BUF is also sponsoring a black political Karega, Detroit junior, and Gayle King, Grand Rapids report, said that as far as he three months of pregnancy. sophomore, discussed the Black United Front and the knows nothing like this, and in the country or around the None of the mothers of the 152 theater. Performances will be held in each complex, and the problems tliart black students on campus face Wednesday world. cast hopes to travel to other colleges and universities. night in the Wilson Hall auditorium. with the time lag involved, has controls had been given the been found before. The drug — its full is StatJ News photo by Jonathan S. Kaufman name drug. The evidence turned up by the diethylstilbestrol — is on the Despite their conservative Harvard researchers, the journal market now, but for such uses as approach to their findings, the treating symptoms of researchers recommended that menopause, vaginitis, and cancer doctors be alert to the of the prostate. A description of possibility of malignant disease Activities amendment drafted one company's product warns of "possible adverse reaction on the fetus." in young women at the time of their first menstrual there is irregular bleeding. period if ly DAVE PERSON State News Staff Writer ?n\apm^a|baB'[fItnl,ClandfStiue international —*»•««=» activities ""u into its reviSCd P°licy guidelir*s of the maintaining its integrity and * NORTHSIDE Drive in ■ fM „ policy guidelines, according f ,,Cy nU'^e I"6®' according to iu> committee. coramiuee. to offpn-H offered hv The rne amendment was by Battistini, a credibility, credibility "\ y' the University member not1 underLke . shall university shall dissemination this activity. of all the facts of magazine in April, 1966. The policy guidelines of the .i. . * " ii * ■ ^SffreaTre JA subcommittee^ of ^the ■ A SUDCOIINI1III.w ui uic an - k.FL lj.ii. Battistini, Diiuis professor of of the committee. " has any acUvity that Internationl Projects Committee, JWTT irwf .'/TWvy SrTS ■nivcrsity International Projects social science. The two ,,as concealed «-onceaiea funding lundm* and "University personnel shall not Immittee is presently working The statement - part amendment undisxlosed purposes use a University project as a into which the amendment will - an anie^ment was to the passed states that: classified in such a way . ; vehicle for carryng on activities be incorporated, were revised in afiniiTTiTi mum—m i it— rewntly putp„se for any undisclosed March to cover a broader area. agency." purpose or The guidelines were broadened NOW THRU Tues. EXCLUSIVE! IY FORMER STUDENT The amendment was made, to have the committee examine MEET WILBUR STEEL. Battistini said, to prevent the reports from individual occurance of another program professors who go abroad as well "SUPER DADDY"! Spring strike fines paid as reports of such as the military assistance University • related program in which MSU was contracts. foRCEd AqAiNSTllis will IO siRF A RACE involved with Vietnam. Of SUpER-pEOplE, wilbuR SERVE(J, ANcJ I A former MSU student who David M. Moon, 20, from The program technical was assistance responsible for What is a arrested in Bldg. valued at $189. restitution April 16 after his SERVECI AINd SERVEd ANd SUB s spring, 1970, Silver Springs, Md.. received the trial. training the Saigon police. kturbances Another charge that he was on campus is free sentence April 16 in Ingham Moon was arrested Central Intelligence Agency Is week after paying a $500 County Circuit Court before responsible for breaking two May 1, 1970, by MSU police who saw (CIA) involvement in the project lUE MOST bEAiiriful BSU te and $300 in restitution to for damages he caused Judge Donald L. Reisig after he windows, with a total value of $248, in Kedzie Hall was him breaking the windows in was revealed in Ramparts Kedzie VILLA? qinls in tIhe worM SERVEd UNdtR Ii'im! pleaded guilty March 1 in circuit Hall and in the ■ring an incident at the court to dropped during the trial. Adininistration Bldg. charges that he broke a ■ministration Bldg. window in the Administration A spokesman for the circuit court said Thursday Moon paid the $500 and the $300 » ZUBRA & BARNES » dancing FLORAL * 5 nights a week OF EAST LANSING ■ THE MICHIGAN COMMISSION ON LEGISLATIVE Tues. - Sat. at HOLIDAY LANES APPORTIONMENT will meet for the (list time Frlda\ to lanning the reapportioning of the stale's legislative districts ■ The commission, begin ROSES SAY SO MUCH bO i OPEN BOWLING OPEN OPEN 9a.m. daily Republicans, composed of will discuss procedural loui Democrat* and matters, since actual four [31-Aim HJLLY ; Every night BOWLING All weekend starting Fn. 8:45 p.n .Bur portionment cannot * Just North of Frandor 487-3731 begin until final data from insus are received. the 1970 gj Billiards • Cocktails • Good Food * * «B no one ■ STUDDED TIRES MUST BE REMOVED from * vehicles We : I0E JOSEPH'S . * telegiaph flowers pveling on Michigan highways by May 1, the Dept. of State Bghway's reminded motorists Thursday. worldwide * PRO BOWL HORRY!LAST 5 DAYS ■ The metal studded tires are • 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 Boxoffice Opens 12:45 legal from Nov. 1 to May 1 under Tate law. J * * * "Willbur" Shown 2nd at 9:30 ■sen. oscar e. BOUWSMA, R-MUSKEGON, Thursday called ■r a $100,000 appropriation to the Michigan Tourist Council to FRIDAY - 100 ENG SAT 1060 WELIS 2nd Adult XX Feature ■n an "advertising blitz" aimed at increasing tourism in the state. ■Bouwsma said the "special emergency appropriation" could badly needed revenue to the state by bringing in more jurists this year. ACTION & ^Vk"7s" Open At 12:45 p.m. y 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 485 648S "A RAMBUNCTIOUS TRIUMPH! (gHjaa 2 At exciting features! 2:45-6:20-Late ROMANCE THE '70s FIRST GREAT EPIC!" What happens when a professional With horses and girls to make LOVE STORY look like an existential trip "DUSTIN HOFFMAN IS A MARVEL! "Lilla" once Fri. at 8:00 p.m. Twice Sat, at 7:45 -12:30 through hell ilin it nirj aonut Md fill if 3rd Hit Sat "Born Wild" at 11:00 dazzling snrprim!" p.m. kilter violates the code?... Get Carter! Wm.S. HART "ONE OF THE YEAR'S 10 BEST!" MIDNIGHT MADNESS in "The Return of Drew AT THE NORTHSIDE! Egan" "A LARRUPIN' LALAPALOOZA!" War of the Zombies Haunted Palace TOM MIX in & "QUEEN OF BLOOD' "Single Shot Perkins" Michael Caine TONIGHT and SATURDAY I Due to the "SPECIAL PROGRAM POLICY" Special arrangements for the Mid Nile Madness I Get Carter both films Program the box office will close at 11:00 tonight, and you may come as late as 9:00 and still see War Between The At 7, 8:40, 8:20 75c no ID Planets and Superargo. Following this at 12:00 1:00-4:35-8:15 p.m. the theatre will be emptied and the box office Mid-Nite, will reopen they turn on . .. for our Mid-Nite Madness Program, Admission $1.00 per by falling free! DUSTIN HOFFMAN 11 nil BIG MAN" person. I SPECIAL NOTE: There are two separate programs this I , Burt Lancaster Next TUESDAY Live WED. SAT. The Swedish Sex Panavtsion technic ok* CHIEF DAN GEORGE [gpK I evening you may si- > either one or both. I War Between The t'lanets and I'rogram No. 1 On Campus LM Kit Carson Manifesto of Freedom • FAYE DUN A WAY Superargo, 6:30 to 12:00 - I Mid-Nite, Adm. vi.75 director - The American Dreamer FREEDOM TO IOVE Next! . . Program No. 2 Mid-Nite I Jason Robards I Madness from 12:00 Mid-Nite on. Adm $1.00 per person. Att. • Katharine Ross in "FOOLS" I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April 23, 1971 SPORTS 'S' By CRAIG REMSBERG State News Sports Writer golfer he Further evidence of his came to MSU. No competitive nature can be seen by now "hungry" recruiters pounded on his door Woulfe In 1969, the six - foot, 175 pound Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. senior nor did letters flood his mailbox played in 28 rounds, averaging 76.6. In 1970 he averaged 77.9 for wrote a letter to Fossum asking for his talents. Instead, he 19 rounds of tournament action. When the MSU golf team travels to Bloomington, Ind. inquiring about the Spartan golf This season he has placed 26th and 20th in early tourney play, program and his chances to make the team. Saturday forthe lndiana Intercollegiate Tournament, one player plus finishing fine eight in the Mid-America Invitational at urill be sure to make the trip. My guidance counselor at high school had been from a Kalamazoo and he recommended Ohio Oxford, Ohio Monday. He shot a four - over par 148 for 36 - You see, Spartan co-captain Rick Woulfe has never missed a State, U of M and MSU," holes. Woulfe said. crheduled school tournmanet, team practice or team play - off in "He has a natural I wrote to Coach Fossum ' asking about swing and flair for playing golf and is a hard Ms three years of MSU competition. opportunities at MSU and he said there were none scholarship worker," Fossum said. "If he makes up his mind to be the best "That should tell you something about Rick's attitude and his available at the golfer in the Big Ten, he can be." » coach Bruce Fossum said. "He hap i Uemendous appetite time, that I would have to be a walk-on athlete. But I'm glad I Woulfe introduced to the game by his father and has been came to MSU." was Fossum is happy too. on the basis of Woulfe's swinging for nine years. To improve his game, he receives some performances. instruction from a professional at his home course whenever he can get home. He has enjoyed a couple of real high spots in his golf career. (Chamberlain backs off, Like a 65 first round in the Eastern Amateur Tournament recently ("the biggest thrill I've ever had in golf"), and playing in the U.S. Amateur Open in 1969 at Oakmont, Penn. ("the course there is the best I've ever played on — beautiful but unbelievably tough"). As to the best part of his game, Woulfe names his irons but fight plans cancelled says his woods are just starting to come around this year. The economics major believes the Spartan team is improving rapidly and that the Indiana Tournament Saturday should show how the team will play for the rest of the season. "We liave a real even team this year and the regulars are all HOUSTON (UPI) — Muhammad Ali's proposed 12 - round capable of winning any tournament we play in," Woulfe said. fight with 7- foot - 2 Wilt Chamberlain, the greatest scorer in "John VanderMeiden is really coming along, Dick Bradow and basketball history, was cancelled after John Peterson are both a two - hour dispute playing well and (co-captain) Denny Vass, Thursday when Chamberlain refused to of course, is a top agree to terms of the golfer." contract. Law school or a graduate school of international business Chamberlain had previously agreed to the" looms in the future for Woulfe. He is terms, but at the last thinking about becoming a minute he backed out of the bout, four years in the making, professional golfer if the opportunity presents itself, but not for because his counsel said he would have to two or three years, until he makes pay too much taxes on up his mind. the one - night, $500,000 paycheck. Chamberlain and his attorney arrived at 12:45 p.m. in a helicopter, and they met with officilas of the astrodome and Top BASEBALL STANDINGS Rank, the promotional group, before refusing to go the bout. through with Ali, the former heavyweight champion, left the news conference a half hour after the scheduled 3 p.m. start of the American Notional news conference for the official singing, and he never returned to EAST hear the doleful announcement that the fight would not take place. Pittsburgh The promotoers had predicted that Montreal Chamberlain would make New York $l-million on the bout, which they expected to gross $10-million Philadelphia to make it the second richest Chicago boxing event in history. He had been guaranteed $500,000 against 25 percent of the revenue for the fight, which was to be telecast on closed circuit. W 11 S L PCT. .688 GB - WEST San Francisco W L PCT. Pizzas, Submarine Ali, five years younger then the 34 Atlanta for the Los Angeles Lakers, was to get -year a - old basketball star guarantee of $1- million 8 6 6 8 .571 .429 2 4 Houston Los Angeles Sandwiches Game Room: or 45 percent of the revenue. Kansas City 6 9 .400 4Vi Cincinnati was Talk of the proposed match still began four years ago when Ali Milwaukee Chicago 6 6 9 9 .400 .400 4V4 4W San Diego 3 II .214 FREE DELIVERY after 5 PM WILT CHAMBERLAIN heavyweight champion. However, he was stripped of the TODAYS' GAMES TODAY S GAMES title and barred from the sport after On campus call Northwind 351-4731 refusing induction into the Chicago at Boston New York at Chicago army in 1967, ending hopes for holding the fight at that time. Milwaukee at Washington San Diego at Atlanta (night) or West Grand River 337-7704 Minnesota at New York San Francisco afPittsburgh (night) Cleveland at Kansas City Los Angeles at Cincinnati (night) (night) DETROIT at Oakland (night) Philadelphia at St. Louis (night) SUNDAY IN IM Baltimore at California (night) Montreal a louston (night) The Weightlifting Michigan AAU Senior State Weightlifting championships meet here BOOT SALE 10/ first place and set many new state and MSU records. I and the Mr. Michigan contest will be staged at MSU's Men's IM Wandell placed second at 132 pounds to the national I Building Sunday. I The events are being sponsored by the MSU I Weigh-in will be at 1 p.m. and the events Weightlifting Club. but set three state records. He hefted 370 in the dead lift and totaled 1155. champion squat, 480 in the OFF begin at 2 p.m. The Dave Burke also placed second but set two records. He lifted I meet will draw some of the best lifters from the I team captain Leonard Espinosa said. nation, MSU 650 in the dead lift and totaled 1535. FRYE 4 TEXAS 1 In their respective catagories Leonard Admission for the competition is $1 for the Espinosa finished first 211 Abbott Rd. general public and Mike Nelson, John Sulkowski, Larry Hansen and I and $.50 for students. Jay Breslin Next to the State Theatre I Espinosa all finished fourth. doubts his team will be coping any team titles as it is I not the type of lifting that the MSU club specializes in. I Three MSU lifters will be involved in the competition. Gary ■ Wandell will represent MSU at 132 HOURS: pounds, Dan Paulot will vie at Qhscount records 1198 pounds and MSU graduate Dan Gillis will DAILY 9:30-8:30 I pounds. compete at 242 SAT. 9:30-6:00 I Roger Callard, who last week won the Mr. Southern Onterio SUN. 12:00-5:00 I title in the novice division , will attempt to add the Mr. Michigan 225 Ann Street | title as well. MSU took second place to Torio's Health Club of Toledo in a I meet in Windsor, Canada last week and gathered one individual The world's finest music is available to you through the Angel and Seraphim labels. Angel brings the The Union Caf newest, finest recordings of some of the greatest SOMETHING-ISE classics in the repertoire. Seraphim makes available PI22A . American . -SPRING'. the Great Recordings of the Century in unenhanced PAR & mono, plus great values on more recent genuine stereo recordings. Come in and see them all at EXCELLENCE Discount Records. ■s Served 5:00 - 7:00 P.M.1 On Monday, April 26 $2.10 • Complete New England Boiled Dinner Corned Beef w/Cabbage Carrots & Potatoes Pickled Beet or Tossed Salad Corn Bread & Butter Deep Dish Apple Pie Beverage I, Capitols Capitol» Capitol, Capitol, Capitol, Capitol, Capitol. Capitol, Capitol, Capitol, Capitol, Capitol, Capitol, On Tuesday. April 27, $2.25 Complete DOMINO'S • Western Dinner BBQ Lumb - Baked Potajto Squash - Wagon Wheel Salad Hard Roll - Butter Painted Desert Parfait 966 Trowbridge Beverage On Wednesday, April 28, $1.60 • Complete Italian Dinner Lasagna • Garlic Toast 351-7100 Italienne Green Salad Pizza I' igliata (Fruit & Nut Roll) For pick-up or free delivery to East complex, Shaw Beverage Lane, South complex, Brody dorms and married On Thursday, April At last! The first housing. 29, $1.90 - Complete Grand Funk's Starting off big Open 5 p.m. 1 Hungarian Dinner Jaime Brockett with a specially - a.m. - weekdays; 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. - Fri. Beef Goulash newest and best & Sat.; 4 p.m. <- - Paprika Potatoes album, once difficult - 1 a.m. - Sunday. "cumber in Sour Cream or Tossed Salad album to date. priced (two for the Roll Butter to get, now on price of one) album. - Cherry Torte - Beverage Capitol Records Heads, Hands & Feet The pizza people On Friday, April 30. $1.85 - Complete $3.97 $3.97 Indian Dinner Curried Turkey on Rice Choice of Eight Condiments $3.97 of MSU. Salad - Roll - Butter These Capitol albums are also available Fruit Cup w/Sherbet, Beverage on tape. .1 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 2.1 i -SPORTS Duffy * sees help from freshman prospects By RICK GOSSELIN State News Sports Writer on mir nn the As our rprnrH. a frosh record. slight refresher course, team of last season » i 'We had a really good - offensive line last year, and most of those linemen are still in at capturing the job „f Hayner and H0u ^ conceivably shpLj c°ul posted two wins in three games, contention for a starting spot on Saturday afternoon! ft, Mia Mike Holt. Bob Mills. Paul securing wins against two of the varsity," Rutherford said. the starting defensive h next , " Hayner. Mike Hurd. Bill Chada. Ron Kumiega. Do these names MSU's favorite whipping posts, Notre Dame and Michigan. "I'd say that the lineman with the best chance of making it Into While Arnmj-t1 Rutherford's eves sound familiar? If not, they soon will. Ed Rutherford, the man who the starting line would be Mills lot of people"' a*' ran the freshman club last at center." defensive line. Duffy Daugherty has a crew of season, was abundant in his Rutherford considers his "The varsity 33 lettermen returning from the might m praises of the members of that quarterback last season, Mark lot of players numbers team of last season, which is in team. Niesen, an excellent prospect, from that itself enough to make a coach freshman "You won't find a better but the competition at that spot Rutherford noted, "but a' optimistic. But the new faces — is about as high pitched as you will be the faces of last year's freshman group of kids to Rutherford said. work with," "They'll do will find on the team. getting the kids as fl? team — compound Daugherty's anything you ask of them." Bill Simpson has a fine chance ?K these ^g0eS- kids is very',,ho attitude g00d." hopes for a strong team next Talent was abounding on that season. freshman team, with players Asked depending how on much he the players up from the freshman team, Duffy was from all positions considered serious contenders for openings Trackmen in Relays left on the varsity roster this was realistic in his thoughts. (Continued season. Time to evaluate on "How much are we depending them? They're it!" "They are quite a few who Hartwick, Dave Martin and Howard Doughty. That same will play a lot for us," unit was second to Texas A & M It's that time of year when 22 positions on a football team fall. In this sequence, the quarterbacks go through snap Daugherty said. "They've got to Daugherty said. "I'd venture to here a year ago and with Rich drill* with thn centers under the watchful eyes of a few give us a big lift along with the say a lot have chances to step are open and the coaches have to evaluate dozens of players Jacques running for Doughty in players coming off last season's into a starting role. to determine who will be in the starting line up for next Spartan coaches. State News photo by Jim Klein Florida ran 56.7 for a tie of the injuries if we hope to improve The offensive line would be an NCAA mark. excellent spot for that freshman MSU's mile relay, sixth in the WILL STAY IN PITTSBURGH team relief in to provide some sort of the minds of both meet last year, will again have tough going, with Rice, Texas A Daugherty and offensive line & M and Kansas State rated coach Buck Nystrom. The offensive line is the key to all among the better entries. But Group buys NHL's Penguins the regular unit — Murphy, good offenses. A good back is Mock, Holt and Cassleman — nothing without a good line in has not run outdoors together front of him. Aau listening to Rutherford talk, you've just got yet and State could be ready soon to uncork a good one, like to believe that MSU's incoming NEW YORK (UPI) - The approved the sale of the Jack Riley, assistant general them as: a group headed by of the franchise in the national the 3:12.9 effort that won the sophomore line crew can provide indoor Big Ten crown and set a financially troubled Penguins' Penguins to the local group manager. James and William Fuller - of league." some of the answers confronting franchise of the National headed by Thayer R. Potter, Campbell said the group had Detroit and a corporation called Potter, a marketing executive, world mark for an eight - lap its coaching staff. Hockey League was awarded to Elmore L. Keener, A. H. agreed to a closing date of May Management Control of East and grandson of a Pittsburgh track. a group of Pittsburgh residents Burchfield III and Peter H. 10 for payment of the Liverpool, Ohio; a group headed industrialist, Col. W. F. MSU will also enter a distance Wednesday for approximately Block. franchise's principle liabilities in by Bill Putnam, entertainer Rockwell, will function as the relay squad, with Mike $7 million. Clarence Campbell, president The new owners announced that Red Kelly would be cash. He said the indebtedness of the franchise total Andy Williams and promoter chief executive officer of the San D medleyrunning Holt the quarter mile - Jerry Perenchi; and Chemalloy team and will serve as the leg, John Mock the half - mile, of the NHL, said the league's retained as general manager and was approximately $6 million. Minerals Limited of Toronto, governor to the NHL board. Dave Dieters the three - quarter board of governors unanimously coach of the Penguins as will The NHL took over financial control of the Penguins on Dec. headed by David Winchell. Campbell gave three reasons Keener related by marriage to the Rockwell family, is a partner will ke mile and Ken Popejoy the anchor mile. 1, 1970, when owner Donald H. for the board's choice of the in a Pittsburgh brokerage firm of Individually, MSU has a W atch f Parsons of Detroit was unable to sell the club. Parsons granted the league power of attorney on Pittsburgh group. "They have the financial resouces, they have management Arthur, Lestrange and Short. Burchfield is vice president of Rockets number of entries, with two — Hartwick and Washington — rated nationally and among the Oct. 7 to become effective Dec. Joseph Home Company, a SAN DIEGO potential and they are resident (UPI) - A best in their events. 1 in the event of default. owners," he said. "I would think Pittsburgh department store, and Block is a Pittsburgh attorney tentative agreement was reached Hartwick had the fastest race Three other groups also were it is proper to say they fulfill the late Wednesday to keep the San who was instrumental in of his life, 51.4, out here last NEW M bidding franchise. for the Pittsburgh Campbell identified major requirements which will contribute most to the scucess bringing the franchise to Pittsburgh when the NHL Diego Basketball Rockets National Association team year in the NCAA intermediate hurdles race while this track has from moving to Omaha, Neb. been somewhat a bad place for KEN POPEJOY expanded in 1967. Terms of the agreement Herb, as he placed fifth in last and varsity record holder at4lfl and ELEGANCE IN DINING Potter said that his interest in obtaining the franchise started between the city and Sports Enterprises, Inc., were not year's Drake 100 and then 'A, and freshman pole vaultl Jim Stevenson. seventh in the NCAA. when he learned it was in revealed, but the matter was to Other Spartan entries incl., But the Flint junior looked difficulty. be placed before the city council Morrison in the 120 yard strong at the finish in winning at • hij_ Thursday. Sports Enterprises hurdles, with a best of 13.9 tB Columbus and could be primed NEW PR I "Being felt the a native of Pittsburgh, ownership should owns the Rockets, the San Diego Gulls Western Hockey League for a good effort here. Field event entries for MSU year, and Butchee in the 1M| with a 9.6 so far and a really be in the hands of people team and International Sports needed to qualify for the from Pittsburgh," Potter said. Arena. include Eric Allen, triple jump in June. N'C.Ajj winner at the Ohio State meet BACK POPULAR REQUEST! BY "THE ONES" & Jjggl * Buffet Dinner DANNY . . .BUT FIRST LET ME TELL YOU Every Friday night from 5 Or choose from our ■ 10 P.M. varied ala carte menu HERNANDEZ For reservations, phone 337 1741 AT THAT AT HIFI BUYS YOU CAN • SAVE $14 ON THE ADVENT Corner Saginaw (M-78) and Grand THE DELLS River (M-43), East Lansing. 48823 LAKE LANSING LOUDSPEAKERS Starting Friday, April 16 You see there are two versions of Henry Kloss' Advent Whether you prefer MOI ir XAPRil. 26 • Two 9UOA-S for_2 weeks loudspeakers. And the only difference is in cabinet design. ■root MSU AU:iTC;Wv! The higher priced one, at $116, has a walnut cabinet so it the new or the old ■ Drinks at Popular Prices looks a little touch fancy. Then there's the "lower priced" Advent with an easy to clean vinyl cabinet. It's only $102. Ti'.f:rR'*zboj.campbcu'S with And that's where the difference ends. Underneath they're union the same unit that STEREO REVIEW called, "... the CENEHT r'OR MARTIN LUTHEK KING .,'R. SC.'-.OLAMHIP FW 0 Only a 50c Cover smoothest and widest range speaker system we have had the pleasure of testing." The Two Advent Loudspeakers only at HIFI BUYS. Step Inside. Now back to our story . . . HOP IN - THE ADVENT ^ DRIVING'S FINE!I You can find your look at TEST DRIVE THE NEW TRIUMPHS TODAY AT AL EDWARDS $102.00 ^ree, SIS S.^AS«l»f&TorttAYC. S SPORTSCAR CENTER jLfWSItfc 48133 SEE ALL THE NEW '71s HI-FI - MARK 4 SPITFIRE, SPRITE, GT 6+, TR 6. 337-2310 HOI E. Grand River tftUPK0ME(si7) 37X-W04 I2DD E. OAKLAND • OPEN MON & THURS UNTIL 9 • OVERSEAS DELIVERY • 482-122^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 23, 1971 15 state news classified They May Look Small, But They Bring STATE NEWS 355-8255 Big Results — State News Want Ads CLASSIFIED 3558255 The State News does HbgJte permit racial or discrimination in not religious its Automotive jRdJiklyspeakinQ by phM Frank Scooters & Cycles Aviation For Rent MERCEDES BENZ 1968 280S advertising columns. The automatic. Immaculate State condition. News will May consider trade-in. Call LEARN TO FLY! not Complete flight TV RENTALS - Students only. Low accept advertising which 332-2952. 1-4-23 training. All courses are monthly and .automotive discriminates against MERCURY YAMAHA 1970 175cc, 21" front government and VA certified. 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color nr 1965, Monclair sedari! wheel, fork brace, racing and FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport RENTALS. C Asking $200. Phone 332-1240 Road, Call 484-1324. C Auto Parts & Service national origin. « 5-4-29 street exhaust systems, $550. REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for Aviation OSSA 1967 175cc, glass tank, rent. A TO Z • employment MGA 1958. Rebuilt chamber, $300. Both bikes fine condition. Employment 349-2220. O RENTALS. exterior, engine excellent, other Might take older » for rent extras. 349-1749. 5-4-28 Matador in trade. 616 - 749-9175. BARTENDERS, WAITERS, TV RENTALS. Color and black and Apartments Automotive 1-4-23 waitresses. Weekend work only. and white. MARSHALL MUSIC, East Houses MUSTANG FASTBACK 1969 3 Call 339-2916 between 9 a.m. and Lansing, 351-7830. C-4-23 CHEVROLET 1966 KAWASAKI 1968 350 Avenger. white speed. Excellent care. 34,000 noon. 3-4-23 Rooms convertible automatic. Excellent condition. 339-8340. Good miles. Must sell TV AND stereo ,for sale running California immediately. Call 3-4-27 rentals, satisfaction product 353-1078 ask for Deborah. 5-4-27 NATIONAL FIRM expanding in guaranteed. Free delivery, service Animals Asking $850. Den Kildea Lansing needs management and pick-up. Call NEJAC 487-6141 or 337-9320. 3-4-27 1968 BRIDGESTONE, 100cc. 3300 Mobile Homes OLDS F85 1965 automatic. Power miles. Helmet included. $200. Call trainees. Part time to start. Call 337-1300. C Mr. Orsburn, 489-2114, between 3 steering. $300. 351-4290 after 4 , personal CHEVY 1966. Belair, p.m. 3-4-26 353-2085, 12:30 - 5 p.m. 1-4-23 - 7 p.m. 2-4-23. ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliverie tires. Excellent condition. .peanuts personal , $550 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 332-2376. 3-4-23 1969 HONDA 300. Excellent OLDSMOBILE PART TIME employment: 12 - 20 . real estate 1966 4 door sedan condition, 4100 miles. Call RENTAL, 372-4948. O with power hours per week. Automobile recreation COMET 1962. Recent valve job, steering and brakes. 351-0490 after 5 p.m. 5-4-29 . Call 663-4349. 7-5-3 required, 351-5800. O good rubber. Excellent SERVICE Typing Service transportation, 5-4-26 $185. 351-8737 OLDSMOBILE 1964 F85. Stick CUSTOM CB 450 Honda 1967. $600. See and ride to appreciate. MOTHER'S HELPER. Summer Apartments shift. V-6, runs cottage, Petoskey area. July, good. $350. 355 0905. 3-4-27 TRANSPORTATION CORVAIR VAN, 1960 355-7996. 2-4-23 August. Call 351-4555 after 6 UNIVERSITY TERRACE: Now with 1962 fWANTED engine. Runs good. Phone 1968 HONDA 350 Scrambler. __p.m. 5-4-23 renting 3 and 4 man furnished Excellent condition. 8000 miles, apartments for summer and fall. 349-2274 after 5 p.m. 5^-26 OLDSMOBILE FOR deadline 1 968 442 'OH ROqfR, VOO BR3KE P0(AlN ANP helmet and SALESPOWER try a little Walking distance to campus. Cah convertible. Excellent shape. Low extras. 332-2201. Classified Ad to sell a large mobile |l P.M. one claii day CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE, 1964. mileage. New tires. 882-3826. WTO N£(Ai Q)\T Ul6 ftXWrOS!' _Jv4;23 home! Dial 355-8255 today. 351-9117 or MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. HALSTEAD O [before publication. Excellent condition. 4-speed, wire 3-4-23 1966 YAMAHA Twin 100, plus wheels, no rust. $500. 332-2139. LINE UP spring job jCaicellations - 12 noon 5-4-26 helmet. Best offer. 351-4714. a now. necessary. Also train for full time Car BEECHWOOD: 2, 3 and 4 n an ? one class day before OPEL 1971 1900. 6,000 miles. 3-4 26 bedroom furnished apartments, summer work. Call 351-7319 for Leaving country May 1st. Best for Summer and Fall. Spacious, [publication. CORVETTE 1969 Coupe. 435 offer. 349-3097. 5-4-27 HONDA CB160. Very pretty bike. interview appointment. C parking, close. Discount for all 9 phone horsepower, 4 speed, Kustom side Automotive Scooters & Cycles Excellent condition. NEED GOOD WORKERS? Help and 12 month leases signed prior headers, power windows, low PONTIAC 1964. LeMans. Conscientious owner. Extra parts, to June 1st. Call 351-0965 355 8255 Convertible. Excellent condition. Wanted Ads in Classified get 'em or mileage. 484-8309. 3-4-27 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Rebuilt 1969 TRIUMPH helmet. Best offer. 355-2445. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 650 Bonneville. fast! Dial 355-8255 now. rates $650. Phone 675-7414. 5-4-26 S5-4-28 351-7910.0 engine, no rust. California body. Custom paint, pipes, fenders. CORVETTE $600. 487-5798. 5-4-26 |1 day $1.50 with hard COUPE 1964 $1495, Call 327 PONTIAC LEMANS, 1970. Vinyl Immaculate, beautiful. Getting CYCLE INSURANCE. Central YOUNG LADY companion, live-in 711 EAST APTS. 15c per word per day top. married. $1099 including and do light housework. Not full top, automatic. Very good VW 1970. Sunroof, automatic Michigan's largest insurer. Any 627-6635 or 484-9904. 3-4-23 shift, insurance. 355-4050. 3-4-23 time. South Lansing. 393-0108. 711 Burchani Jdays $4.00 condition. Best offer. 351-5238. 19,000 miles. cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON Days 335-1700; 3-4 26 Deluxe large 1 bedroom 3-4-27 nights 349-3640. 5-4-28 INSURANCE AGENCY. 13'/ic per word per day DATSUN 2000 Roadster, 1968. 1966 BRIDGESTONE 175cc. furnished apartments. Engine 332-5335, 484-8173. O b days $6.50 Good condition. Best offer over VW 1969 Bug. Excellent condition. mechanically good, body needs FULL TIME pay for part time work. Suitable for 2 & 3 man. PONTIAC GTO 1967 400 cubes, 4 jl3c per word per day $1200. 489-2886. 5-4-28 speed. 21,000 miles. Mint Radio, extras. $1550. 489-3963. minor work. 355-0542. 3-4-23 Helmets. $160. Auto Service & Parts Excellent opportunity. 2101 West Holmes Road, behind Apply Now leasing for Summer on 10 words per ad) 2-4-23 and Fall. 9 & 12 month DODGE DART condition. Make offer. 355-5527. 1964. Good MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Quality Dairy Store. 5-4-28 3-4-23 , leases. condition, SUZUKI 250cc f wuts Personals must be 351-6422. 3-4-26 6 cylinder. $300. VW DUNEBUGGY. Red fiberglas condition. X6. $375. Call Excellent Kalamazoo Street . . .Since 1940. WANT TO MAKE MONEY and have 337-7328 337-0780 i -paid. 337-9960. Complete auto painting and body, white convertible top. 10-5-4 351-4878 collision service. IV 5-0256. C fun too? Men or women (no age •e will be a 50c service DODGE 1968 Window Van. Licensable. Extra sharp. limit) to introduce fantastic new Excellent condition. Must sell. 485-3508. 3-4-23 NOW LANSING OR East Lansing. One d 1968 HONDA CB350. 6000 miles. - cosmetic and wig line. Ambitious bookkeeping charge if RENAULT bedroom furnished. Large, airy 355-9352. 3-4-23 DAUPHIN 1961. Runs VW $475. Call after 8 p.m., 351-9360. get person average $5/hour and |his ad is not paid within good, economical $75. George 1970. Sunroof, 4 speed, radial tires, radio. Header exhaust 5-4-27 all the can up. Full or part time. We train. rooms. Air conditioned. ! week. DODGE CORONET, 1965. Power 353-0674. 2-4-23 Beautifully maintained. Suitable system. $1850. 349-2638. _ Bugs 655-3991 after 6 p.m. 2-4-23 for faculty, grad I State News will be steering. Reliable transportation. 1969 HONDA 50cc, 4000 miles, out here—service & body work students, business X-3-4-23 $175. 351-2264, Milla. 5-4-26 excellent city transportation, trail people, married couples. Lease. lesponsible only for the bike. $150. 332-8080. 3-4-23 RECISION 332-3135 or 882-6549. O NOW TAKING bids NOTICE day's incorrect FORD CORTINA GT, new October on a 1967 VW sedan, model 113 and a 1970 IMPORTS TWO MAN 1969 36,000 miles, extra clean. WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER SUMMER apartment to sublease SUNBEAM JOBS . MINX 1967. Good Toyota pickup truck. Contact available in Torch $1260.616 749-9175. 1-4-23 also offering summer. Close to campus - condition. $250. Call 351-0694 John DeBow at MSU Employes Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. Lake Resort area for 2 sharp 337-1295. 5-4-27 after 9:30 p.m. 5-4-27 Credit Union. 353-2280. 3-4-23 Phone 489-4811. Our new address complete care for all attractive gals. Reception and FORD ECONOLINE, 1964. 2400 North U.S. 27, Good to Lansing. TF foreign models — service general office work. Housing MARIGOLD APTS fair condition. $100. Call TRIUMPH 1964 Spitfire. Just available. Send picture and resume Scooters & and body work & repair 911 Marigold Ave. 351-2040. 2-4-23 installed 1967 engine. Body good. Cycles NORTON 750. Mint. 1970 to Mr. Rankin, MIDWEST 1 bedroom furnished deluxe Automotive FORD 1963 Fairlane for sale. New 355-9784. 3-4-27 Commando Roadster. 4000 miles. 1204 E. OAKLAND 484-4411 RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, Ml 49615. 20-4-30 2 man apts. Across from 1970 BSA 250. Only 700 miles. 372-1660.10-4-23 tires. Runs good. 372-6739. AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and campus. Leasing now Summer |FA CLASSIC sports car, 1958. 3-4-26 TRIUMPH 1970 GT+6. $2750. 5,000 Excellent. Helmets. Must sell. $675. 353-6839. 4-4-23 1965 DUCATI. Low mileage, recent American cars. If we can't fix it, it ZIP CODE distribution firm needs & Fall. 337-7328, 337-0780 |Needs work. $300 or best offer. miles. Excellent condition. Signal overhaul, road or trail. 355-9376. can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O supervisors to spend Summer in and 351-4878 ■371-2166; 355-2074. 2-4-26 red. Call 355-6844. 5-4-26 FORD FALCON 1963. Reliable, 5-4-28 major Michigan cities. Training 1970 HONDA S90. Female owned VW here this term. THREE BEDROOM, full basement iRRACUDA 1965 cheap. Call 337-9558 after 5 p.m. and driven - GUARANTEED repair. Requirements / 21, - red, white VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Automatic, equals excellent 3-4-26 RANDY'S MOBIL. car. Contact Placement Bureau for stove, refrigerator. $180 Ind blue, mint condition, sharp! radio, one owner. Still under condition. Phone 393-7984 after I-96 at Okemos Road. 349-9620. C further information. 4-4-23 332-1094. 10-5-5 9:30 p.m. 5-4-23 [372-6857. 3-4-27 FORD 1964. $75. Body good warranty. 882-2051 days. 3-4-23 CAR WASH, 25c |lCK RIVIERA 1967. Private engine needs repair. Call VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER Bus, 1971 KAWASAKI 250E. 600 miles. T 2 50 SUZUKI 1969. Great or automatic wash, SUPPORT YOUR business with a MEADOWBROOK TRACE, 4 mar 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. Excellent condition 353-7006. 5-4-28 1968. Pop tap, sink, icebox, radio, Excellent condition. Helmets. condition. Road Bike. 669-9843 boost from Want Ads. Advertise finished, summer, $190 month, 430 South Clippert, back of Koko $50 deposit. 393-3094. 5-4-23 ■$1850. 332-0080. 5-4-27 Jalousie windows, sleeps 4. $750. 355-3156. 5-4-28 after 6 p.m. 5-4-27 services there. Dial 355-8255. Bar. 0-4-23 GM 1966 Van. Paneling, carpeting, Excellent condition. $2100. Call ImaRO 1968 convertible. cabinet, sink, bed / bench. $950 351-5607. 5-4-23 High Performance ^Excellent condition. Private or best offer. 353-4014, 5 - 6 p.m. VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Squareback. M301 $1595. 332-0080. 5-4-27 and 10 11 p.m. 6-4-30 - Good condition. $475. 351-3435 RADIAL TYRES ■EVELLE SS, 1964. Convertible. GTO 1968 4 speed. Buckets. Will after 5 p.m. 3-4-23 ■327, 300 h.p., 4 speed. No rust. sacrifice. Make offer. 489-9763. 165 SR 13 BLACK VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Sunroof, dark ■Cherry. $550. 355-4050. 3-4-23 3-4-23 blue, top notch condition. $795. 332-1274. 1-4-23 BEVR0LET 1962 automatic, V-8, ■9ood transportation. $100 / best VOLKSWAGEN KARMANN Ghia ■<>«er. 351-1740. 3-4-26 1968. Excellent condition. Radio, Bevrolet 1965 Impala. Good clock, wire wheel covers, new ■condition, tires, new disc brakes. 45,000 air, many extras. STORY TW9-2093. $550. miles. Must sell. $1425. Phone 5-4-26 489-0049. 5-4-29 TIRE CENTER 3165 E. Michigan Ave. Lansing 351 - 0400 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 28. Leek-green quartz 1. Limpid 31. Blue grass 6. Kind of trout 32. Embrace 10. Tubular part 33. Golf instructor 11. Gold 35. Friable 13. Thundered MEADOWBROOK TRACE IS limestone 14. Salt water 39. Hostels 15. Roman bronze 41. Termite 16. Knock 43. Signal 18. Solitary 44. Heedful 19. Afterpart of a 46?Heavy $ 200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING FUN IN YOUR OLYMPIC POOL keel 21. Heart rainstorm 48. School subject 5. Prepare to publish 3|l FELLOWSHIP AND RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB ROOM TV 23. Stationary 49. Overjoyed You'll never have parking ROOM, AND EXERCISE ROOM. SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS. 24. Dexterity 26. Roman roads 2 3 50. Hankerings 51. Courser 7. 8. 9. Fling Melodic Hall carpeting % M 5 « 8 9 problems like this at Jft PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS. 13 i 12 10. 12. 17. Health resorts Congregates Ital. river £ READING •M 20. Liquefied ROOM FOR PRIVATE STUDY rUDY. CoUingtoooi) £ SUNDECKS. SPECIAL SUMMER 15 20 16 '7 % >e 22. 25. petroleum Brazil, seaport Corded fabric' * S3750 •9 21 22 ONLY RATES FROM % 27. d% Cap I 10week summer leases £ INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS. 24 25 X 27 28. Glass bottle % $400.00 unlimited parking Apartments; #r> ICUIA/ACUCDC dishwashers $ MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA. £ 1, 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. /PERSON/MONTH 26 32 29 30 33 % % 31 35 %%% 36 37 ae 29. 30. Airstrip Related on the father's side shag carpeting ♦balconies 4o % 31. Muse 34. Sun god KffiADOWBIlOOk trace 39 Ml M2 M3 air conditioning ♦and much more MS 45 46 % 47 36.Keen 37. Ger. autornatig Fall leases % rifle now being accepted. Starting at $200/2 man To get to Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south ot Michigan State Campus Me 49 38 lust desert b $210/3 man on 1-496. Exit west 40. Rind onto Jolly Road and KO 51 go to comer of Dunckel Road. $220/4 man PHONE 393 0210 7/t % 42. Tissue 45. Abstract being ^J|^5lj3282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind YankeeStore)_ OPEN 10-6 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT 47. Varnish ingredient -16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fri<%, April 23 | For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale For Sale for Sale SUMMER SUBLET. Capitol Villa 2 GIRL FOR 2-man, Summer. Close to pARK TRACE - Large 2 bedroom HARMON KARDON stereo. 513 HILLCREST. Close-in pleasant ONE GIRL for five girl house - bedroom air conditioned, pool. campus. Air conditioning. unfurnished. $165. Sublease. immediately. Own room. Call Slightly used component system area. Air conditioned, Our own furniture and china. 351-2207. 5-4-23 phone 349-2742. 5-4-28 332-4261. 3-4-26 with matched speakers, original dishwashers, tasty furnishings, Evenings. 489-3514. 3-4-26 redecorated, secure. 1 or 2 large $155 a month plus utilities. Single cost $449, now $295. Used bedrooms. Summer and fall leases. women 10-5-7 preferred. Call 351-0599. SHORT OR long term leas bedrooms. Appliances, CEDAR GREENS GIRL NEEDED immediately for 3 Realistic stereo amp and speakers. Selection extension of used CAR TOP carrier. Will accommodate GREAT DANE effective pUnQifi:r^J From $45 person. 351-0705 or man house. Own room, small boat. 349-2690, after 3 p.m. proter.: #n,l,l| portable stereo phonographs. Bell 393^499°^ 332-0449. 5-4-28 1 bedroom furnishori $54/month plus utilities. 3-4-26 655-1022. 3-4-23 SUMMER SUBLET, 2 man POOL 485-2095. 3-4-26 and Howell stereo cassette __349-9558 or SPRINGER" ;: J MALE FOR Capitol Villa. 3 month furnished. Air conditioned, pool. CAMPUS HILL - 1 girl needed recorder. Used Westinghouse COPPERTONE defrestless 16 cu. ft. ENGLISH 351-6146 after 6 p.m. 3-4-27 immediately. Reduced Call 351 8631 portable TV, plays good $46. New sublease. Swimming, air. 351-9144 rates. Free SUMMER: 4 girls, near campus, refrigerator, $198. Antique weeks old, AKC c. bpani«.| after 5:30 p.m. 5-4-27 TWO MAN summer Cedar Greens. bus. Pool. Woods. Lots of boysl Call 353-5328. After 5 p.m., parking, 351-2605. 6-4-23 laundry, 2 baths. 9x12 Oriental pattern rugs and wall tapestries. 1500 used and dresser, $100. 482 4909. 2-4-23 339-8579. M-23 " PRINCETON ARMS: 1 bedroom guaranteed stereo records and 8 Pool, furnished. Reduced rent. 485-7610. 5-4-28 BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE bed and furnished and unfurnished. All huan°ar'an vizsuT m. .TWO JOHNS 351-1946. 5-4-29 Hermes track stereo tapes. EAST SIDE. 3 bedroom furnished, large dresser with mirror. Call AKC. Born March n utilities paid, except electricity TWO MAN apartment to sublease for $160 month plus utilities. April - portable typewriter, excellent 484-4343. 2-4-23 $100. 349-9615. PINECREST TOWNHOUSES and and telephone. Offering 3, 9 and condition, $39. Selection of 5-4-26 summer term. Close to campus. September. After 6 p.m. PER APARTMENT, duplexs. families. Perfect for Includes carpet, young Cheap. Call 351-2757. 2-4-23 12 month leases. Call 332-8511 or HALSTEAD 351-7910. O MANAGEMENT, 332 0425. 5-4-23 35mm Polaroids SLR cameras and movie cameras. used. WESTERN SADDLE, tan with turquoise seat. Tapaderoes. Used Mobile Home* dishwasher, air, basement, pool NEED TWO girls for 3 man summer Bosch and Lombe used only once. $75. 675-7286 after and balconies too, and bedrooms playground. 2 and 3 for $195. Phone term. Close to campus. 351-1047. NORTH POINTE: 1 and 2 bedroom EAST LANSING 4 man duplex. Furnished. Long or short luxury microscopes. Used 8 track and tape players, all 5:30 p.m. 2-4-23 SUNRISE Expando PARK~~i96g---J 351-7194. 3-4-27 3-4-26 apartments, furnished and term leases. Call after 4 p.m. cassette auto tested and guaranteed. Bargains on of - 7V x 23' EV'2J SPRING COAT. Beautiful light green extra. $7500, hJJ? RIVER'S EDGE 485-6222. 5-4-28 or unfurnished. Has swimming pool used lovely diamond ring wool. (9-11). New. $20. 625-7723.4-4-23 0,1 NOW LEASING and picnic area. Discount for all 9 ONE GIRL to share 2 man apartment engagement sets, $39 up. 349-3075. 2-4-23 in Northwind Farms. Call Debbie and 12 month leases signed prior Rooms Layaways.Bankcard; Mastercharge. 1968 MAR LETTE and 351-4416. 2-4-26 for summer and fall to June HALSTEAD 1st. Call 351-3407 or MANAGEMENT, WILCOX SECONDHAND FOR SALE Playboy, Mad, Popular with extras. 12x53 484.3ric! MEN. ROOM. $130 a term. Clean, STORE, 509 E. Michigan, Mechanics, National Geographies, 489-4578. 3-4-26 5■ WATER'S EDGE LARGE TWO party furnished efficiency. Air conditioned, close Studio, 1 bedroom, and 2 bedroom apts — 351-7910. O EVERGREEN: ALL 4 man, 2 quiet, cooking. 1 block to campus. 487-5753, 485-8836. O Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours daily 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. C comic books. Science Fiction - 1915 to 1971. CURIOUS BOOK GREAT LAKES, 1954^! to campus. $135 summer. $150 APARTMENTS fall. Call 10-5-3 484-0585, 484-1328. all furnished bedroom apartments furnished. Now renting for summer and fall. ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. Completely furnished. 372-8077 PREMIER condition, DRUM set. 4 drums, hi-hat, Good SHOP, 541 East Grand River (below Paramount.) Open 1 - 6 $1400. On Park now or summer. Lake, 64M5->cT^Hnd July. / Fxai rent from $135/month Discount for 9 and 12 month p.m. 3-4-26 before 4 p.m. C cymbals. Must sell. Highest bid. CHAMPION 1969. 12x50 See Frank or Jo Anne THREE GIRLS needed. Sublet leases signed before June 1st. Call 484-6064. 2-4-23 A.B. DICK folding machine, model condition. 2 bedrooms. TxJ 332-4432 summer. $55. No deposit. Call heated pool 332-1313, or HALSTEAD SPARTAN HALL, singles, men, No. 58. Excellent condition, Lots of storage space. Furni 351-2367. 3-4-27 ample parking MANAGEMENT. 351-7910. O women. Now leasing for summer, BELL AND Howell FX camera. rarely used. Price $250. Call minutes from MSU Skirtsdl F NEW TWO bedroom luxury fall. 351-9286, 372-1031. O Canon lens, 50 mm. Call 332-0408 355-8285. 1-4-23 393-5853 after 6 UNIVERSITY VILLA: now renting Houses after 6 p.m. 5-4-28 p m * apartments. Central air, 5-4-23 dishwashers, garages, fireplaces. In 2 and 3 and 4 man furnished Burcham Woods GIRL NEEDED for house _ apartments for summer and fall. If ONE MAN needed to sublet- Own portable 1968 attractive four unit building, looking for low rates, this is the bedroom and bathroom. $67 / immediately. Close to lease or utilities. campus. Double No room. BE LAI RE player. 8 track $50. Great sound. Don, tape 12x50 Rembrandt fu7nj.m. vitamins may be removed as iron and some B bunded more logical in p.m. Sunday in the Kresge such Monday in 104B Wells Hall. well," she says. "Patients on vitamins, she said. Art pieces as Alice Newsound, kidney machines may need vitamin "ribing the condition more Center. No admission charge. Trip and Bugaloo Bill. Tight supplements that they seldom get." "We are not saying that scurvy is widespread," Mrs. Burge said. "But we are hoping that doctors will fcurately. Nikola Koljevic, Mrs. Burge presented her look more closely at the Today is the last day for asst. professor of findings at the Chicago meeting of vitamin status of their patients." ■nd if the word angup petitioning for next year's Journalism English literature at University of Inscribes your money Student Advisory Committee. Peoples' Learning Center need Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, and currently Doctors have been hesitant to add vitamins to the diets of loblems accurately, help put T end to them with low - Petitions Journalism are available in 103 Bldg., and should be help recruiting drop - outs. All those interested should bring a car and an exchange professor at Hope College in Holland, will speak on patients on kidney machines, she research has not proven a need. said, because until recently L State News Classified returned to that office before S p.m. meet at 9:30 a.m. Volunteers, Saturday Student at MSU "The 7:30 Modern p.m. Yugoslav Novel" at Who's Whose blood just make more work for the Unnecessary vitamins in the machine. As soon as you stop Services Tuesday in A-716 Wells Dr. John F. Sullivan, Deadline for undergraduate Building. For information, call 355 Millhisler, Midland junior. using a different machine, found similar results at the Brooklyn - Cumberland something that might - Bing applications for the School of Social 3246. Medical Center in New Work for fall, 1971, is York. *Ve value to someone else, become an undergraduate May 3. To Linda Lenox, Allen Park sophomore A. McKay, Grosse Pt. Park ■a| 355-8255 major you MSU Volunteers Veterans Assn. will hold to Gary Van Eerden, Grand Rapids sophomore to William P. Mallindine, "Not much is known about nutritional must have completed 70 Bernie a car wash deficiencies caused kidney machines because they have been in common use for by - credits and from 9 senior Ainha i^anna pc: or. Alpha be Offerman, instructor in the Dept. of a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at Kappa Psi. Greenville junior. taking or have completed Social CrD EXAMS Kaplan tutoring Work 205. GPA is Labor and Industrial Relations, will Larry's Gulf, 504 W. Michigan Ave., 10 years," Mrs. Burge said. only often Easses now being formed for June consideration. Applications a major be available to you in a question and opposite the $1.75 will be Beal Street entrance. Valerie Wolshon, St. Clair Shores Barbara Ambrose, Farmington MSU A kidney machine works nd July ATGSB Exams and July available in 254 Baker Hall. are answer session on "Techniques for charged for a complete freshman Wayne to John Martinow, grad to Don Shires, by passing blood through a selective Social Change" from 3:30 to 5 job and $1.25 for the outside Detroit junior, Alpha Farmington membrane which removes toxic ■ SAT Exam. For information call p.m. only. Kappa Psi. senior, Evans Scholar. materials, if nontoxic materials, Tuesday in the Stefanoff Lounge, like vitamin C or ascorbic acid I313I 851-6077, collect. 18-4-30 Women who would like time in to spend Student Si— es Bldg. Please *- plan t( HiIIel will meet for Kabbalos Linda are also removed. molecules, are small enough, they Washington Saturday through Shabbos services at 6:30 MacLake, Livonia junior to Nancy Beer, Ann Arbor sophomore May 5 should contact Anne Francis p.m. today. Don "The vitamin C Riddell, Detroit senior, Alpha Wpeanuts Personal of the Lansing Area Peace Council. Dinner will be served. morning services Saturday will be held at 9:30 Kappa Psi. to Paul Klintworth, junior. Spring Lake deficiency cannot be made up by diet alone," Mrs. Burge said. "Many foods rich in vitamin C, cannot be eaten a.m. John J. AuneI will sneak on bv kidney patients because All are welcome to join the they are also high in potassium." women's contingent and march In her research, Mrs. on Burge found that a kidney machine Washington Saturday. Bus tickets can removed up to 60 per cent of the vitamin C from the blood of be purchased for $23 through dogs and humans within a half hour. Women's Liberation in 314 Stud< Services Bldg. or Stude Mobilization committee Student Services Bldg. Child be available. ■riLYN, EILEEN. Ilene, Zero Population Growth will meet fcrabeth: Congratulations on your at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the Union Love, Your Sisters. Gold Room. Hidaya Kui discuss "How to Effect Social Change." Persons interested in ZPG or population issues are invited to ask questions following the Gay Liberation Mc meet from 7 to 9 ■KING OF someone special? p.m. Sunday in 30 Union. For information, call the a "Peanuts Personal" GLM office in the afternoon at 35 3 je with a Want Ad. Come in 9795. - ay. 347 Student Services. Ghetto Jew, "liberated" Jew, Real Estate embarrassed Jew, you'd better do some fast thinking. Start by seeing the film, "Let My People Go," at 2 LANSING. Contemporary p.m. Sunday in 35 Union. «ood home on wooded lot, 2 I - 4 bedrooms, den, Petitions for ASMSU representative kitchen, large deck. to the Committee on International For sale by owner, Projects may be obtained through 18.000. For appointment, call ■V6814. 5-4-26 JiCULATE THREE bedroom Service excellent repair and to a park and golf TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. se. The home also has full Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ming on the first floor, 1 Ann Lance, 626-6542. 0-4-23 ce bath and single car garage. |a, VA financing available. To PROFESSIONAL t call Maynar4 Beery TMESIS ■1-5210 or SIMON REAL PREPARATION ■TATE, Okemos Branch, P-3310. 2-4-26 Recreation Complete Professional Thesis Sarvlc* far V BOARD Mister's ind Doctoral Candidates. frit flights to Europe, Brochure nd Consultation Pitas* Call ling $199. Detroit CIHf and Paula Hau|hey 337 1527 of S27 ?93» es. 353-9777. C TYPING, THESES and letters, lUROPE SUMMER '71 Rapids, accurate |f with STUDENTOURS Experienced. 393-4075. O from $194.00 BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. | FRED SANCHEZ No job too large or too small. 355-2824 Block off campus. 332-3255. C I AD is worth 50c toward one jr of play at GOLDEN EIGHT Transportation ILL BILLIARD LOUNGE, ■9 East Michigan. 484-9533. EXTRA TV'S sell fast in spring with low - cost Want Ads. Dial 355-8255. rUDENTS-GRADS Wanted PING TO EUROPE? I Check with us first. TO RENT. Farmhouse. Summer. 4 to Fican Union of Students 6 bedrooms. 355-4879, 332-2312. ■ save you 5-4-27 money on all lets of your European |el- Contact: Becky FOUR MAN, Cedar Village few, 351-331 3. apartment to sublease summer term. 353-2394 or 353-2373. $194. Studentours round 3-4-26^ ■ if' to London. Summer 1971. BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for ■ Eddie, 393-7520. 33-6-4 all positive, A negative, B negative and AB negative, $10.00. O FLIGHTS to Europe! negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN gUButk. LYork to London. Call COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 351-8604. 17-4-28 507Vi East Grand River, East Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday, Thursday and lING EXTERIOR. Free Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 |m9tes, grad students, p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C f'enced, references. Brighten [Crc h0use '<* spring. SMALL house FAMILY for wants summer. furnished Ownership t?es. L AaiP work jq, . reroo,in9- Free guaranteed. care, guarantee with security deposit. Box 26, Alma, Michigan 48801. 5-4-29 [!^;4782. 3-4-26 MSU ARTISTS. Sign up for UNION Kping Service BOARD FLEA MARKET. $3.00 fee. C-4-23 Porinr Tvpi"9 and multilith I dis.p9; Comf)l«e service ■"scripts S* ,heses. ■ears e»'nfneral 'VPing. IBM. ■ experience. 349-0850. C * Spcant 10 Mve? THE Our residents have L-Ec'S.t; their own hinted pool. Soak up th> rays, take a relaxing dip, STORY DATSUN and meet your neighbors. Furnished studio, 1 «ant Ad$| adv»rtli«d in and 2 bedroom apts. NOW LEASING Burcham Woods 3165 East Michigan stvu 8nd River- 745 Burcham Dr. ■YGraph ^h°P- Call Bfi66.C .SERVICES, 351-3118 If no answer - 484-4014. Phone 351-0400 F"day, April 23 1 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan i March (Continued from page 1) About. 305 MSU students going in eight buses. Students going in these buses should are Duvalier's death reported the announcement of a national referendum. that there (Continued from page 1) After secretary is Andrien Raymond, a will be « I assemble at 6 p.m. Friday to Duvalier promulgated the Duvalier's death and the transfer brother of Gen. Claude struggle, and if it fo, N leave at 7 p.m. constitution in 1964. It made usual pattern it Harshey said labor support of guiding hand behind him. Jean of power to Jean Claude, a first - Raymond, chief of the armed him president for lijgto carry on Duvalier's wire was will beh? 1 the march was "real Claude was designated president year law student at the National forces general staff. Luckner what he called "tl g Duvalierist have opposed the repoSj tremendous" as seen in a for life, as was his father. University of Haiti, the radio Cambronne, a former minsiter revolution." '"I her son as his desiS?" hospital workers' union in New Neither the palace played funeral music. forced out of politics by father's2 announcement nor the radio Port au Prince was quiet. Many Duvalier, is the new secretary of Duvalier ruled with an iron fearing he might be killed York City that is sending 1,600 gave the cause of Duvalier's Haitians seen on the streets, interior,defense and police. fist, shot many of his opponents, of its 50,000 members to the death. They withheld the wore crying. The palace guard and made enemies who plotted march. All other Cabinet members an? announcement for about 12 band played somber music. He said the march has the known friends of the Duvalier against him. But he managed to hours. Duvalier's health had Jean Claude made his first magistrate who had endorsement of eight U.S. failed after a series of strokes. appearance after being sworn family. ride out each crisis and died in teacher. hJ!l senators and several He also suffered from diabetes. into office in the morning. He It was because of declining bed, a luxury not allowed many make He had protngl representatives as well. It was ironic that the emerged from tlwpresidential health that Duvalier announced .of his predecessors. Many persons have speculated a birthday month to show he appealJ People going to Washington announcement of Duvalier's palace to the garden in front and last January that his son would was hi from Michigan should assemble was cheered and applauded by a succeed him. The national death came on April 22. before 10 a.m. Saturday along Duvalier considered the 22nd large crowd. legislature adopted an 15th street near the ellipse. The it was reported that Duvalier's amendment to the constitution day of the month lucky. He march is scheduled to start from that month lowering the assumed the presidency Sept. body would lie in state so the the ellipse at 10 ajn., progress minimum age of a president 22. 1957, and often made public could pay its last respects, around the White House and but no details were made public. from 40 to 18. The amendment mportant decisions on that day down Pennsylvania Avenue to In the new Cabinet as foreign was overwhelmingly approved in of the month. the Capitol. On the west steps of the Capitol tentative speakers to the rally include Ralph Abernathy, executive director Southern Christian Leadership of the U.S. surveillance following Conference; Bella Abzug, U.S. representative from New York; Sallye Davis, mother of Angela Davis; David Dellinger, one of the Chicago Eight and Duvalier's death coordinator of the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice; WASHINGTON (AP) - The Cuba will not take advantage of father's death. Vance Hartke, U.S. senator State Dept. said Thursday the any political instability which Bray said it was his from Indiana; and Coretta Scott United States has increased its may arise in Haiti. understanding that the situation King, widow of Martin Luther military surveillance of the The eastern end of Cuba is in Haiti is calm. He said he had King Jr. general vicinity of Haiti. within 45 miles ofHaiti. no word of any extraordinary Charles Bray, a department Bray said he had no action taken by military forces Harshey said that "if someone does happen to get spokesman, said the action was information on whether Cuba in the neighboring Dominican taken after Haitian President has been supporting arrested — again we're not Republic. expecting this — "they should call the Listening Ear in East Lansing collect. The Ear will Modern dance Francois Duvalier's death "so that we have an of the situation." understanding revolutionary Haiti. insurrection He also said the question of in There are about Americans in Haiti, Bray said. 2,000 The United States, he added, Art Auction collect pertinent information Members of Orchesis, the modern dance group at MSU, Bray emphasized the U.S. diplomatic recognition of has had no direct bilateral about the arrest and the person's increased military surveillance the New Haitian government assistance program in Haiti since rehearse for their dance concert performances at 8 p.m. whereabouts and has nothing to do with the does not arise and that relations 1963 because of what he relay the Friday and 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday in the Fairchitd Theater information to the necessary internal situation in Haiti. between the two countries are described as an inability between auditorium. Other sources said the U.S. continuing. people. The Listening Ear State News photo by Doug Bauman the two governments to reach number is 337-1717. action is designed to insure that Duvalier's 19 - year - old son, agreement on administration of Jean Claude, was sworn in as the aid program. PROF REPORTS president shortly after his Trustee intrusions noted IM W)SUNDAY dinner SPECIAL the Academic Council and the the board over the last year are (Continued from p B 1) resolve our differences in a climate of moderation and good Academic Senate. perceived by the faculty as that respected. these rights must be will, realizing that we are all striving toward the same end. Thomas H. Greer, professor of humanities and secretary of revealing a lack of confidence in faculty competence." Mama Burger Chitra M. Smith, associate "Yet at the same time, we respect the ultimate authority of "If we don't operate this way," Williams warned, "we the University Steering Committee, said that the professor in James Madison French Fries trustees cannot amend the College, said Thursday that the original works of graphic art—etchings, lithographs—| the board," Williams said. may be on a collision course Williams t he trustee spoke against one of recommendations at which could achieving the be harmful goals of to the bylaws without faculty consent faculty "genuinely propose "unless they want to declare null nothing that would dimish board Large Root Beer by leading 20th century artists: Pablo Picasso Johnny Fricdlacndcr iMare Ch,igall| the University." and void the whole system of authority. But to the faculty it Regularly 90c Tuesday council meeting, Salvador Dali, Alexander Caldcr Joan Miro stating that the amendment Williams said it is "almost bylaws and institute a new set of looks as though the board is ALL DAY SUNDAY, APRIL 25 "authorizes intrusion into the beyond comprehension" what bylaws without faculty trying to decrease the degree of Georges Rouault Victor Vasarely and others. internal affairs of the would occur on campus if the consent." autonomy that we were University." He said there is a need for trustees were to seek to insert the rejected amendments into Greer said that the board of trustees has historically "not granted in the past." "I am afraid that effective 60{ MERIDIAN GALLERY'S 2ND ANNUAL invoked itself in the day - to • decisionmaking on the part of with this ad "understanding amongst all the components of the University — the bylaws without the consent of the faculty. day functioning of the both students and faculty will be ART SHOW, SDNDAY APRIL 25m The University." badly eroded if the expectation INN AMERICA University Room students, faculty, administrators bylaws require the and trustees. I hope that we can approval of all amendments by "By specifically requesting gets around that any group that at STEEN'S (k w) 2736 E. Grand River that these words be included in gets defeated on a key vote can (behind Oade's) AUCTION TIME 3 P.M. - EXHIBITION 1 to 3P.Mj the current set of bylaws procure trustee nullification of Admission FREE All New Works U secretary wins top honor amendments,the board seems to suggest that they are questioning the vote," Mrs. Smith said. the delegation of their authority in Secretaries Week to others," he said. Greer said that the "real issue This was a special week for professional secretaries on involved" is the issue of whether secretaries and an extra special one for Mary Sawyer, administrative secretary to the dean of International Studies campus, Mrs. Sawyer was chosen on the basis of education, experience, professional qualifications and the or not the board of trustees has "confidence in the MSU faculty to perform its professional tasks. "Statements and actions by The Expenses of Spring and Programs. recommendation of her boss. Hot pants, motorcycle helmets, frisbees, cowboy boots, dog leashes, suntarr She was named Secretary of the Year duing this National She was honored as Secretary lotions, box kites, tuneups, ice cream cones, bush jackets, new tires, late Secretaries Week by the of the Year during a dinner at registration fees, income tax, parking fines, gas charge bills, record albums, members of the Lansing Tuebor which her boss Ralph Smuckler — who was named Boss of the and of course books. chapter of the National Secretaries Assn. (International). Year last December — was the One of two certified keynote speaker. Straighten them out with your own Master Charge account. UVJSU Student faster Charge .Application Hi i m i ii this week we ,\ue fe.vtuRinq (PLEASt PRIN I ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW) MIDDLE INITIAL 1 ONLY [ these specially puieed ips | YOUR LAS I NAME FIRST NAME [STUDENT NUMBE R AGE | DRAFT STATUS j SPOUSE'S STUDENT NUMBER I F,JLLNAMEOFr'P"USF- CITY | STATE Br RENT I | ZIP CODE □ OWN 1 I TELFPHONF NUMBER SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER CLASS I |GPA POSITION | NAMF Ol" IMH SENT f MI'LOYER (IF" ANY) HOW LONG MONTHLY SALARY I BUSINESS PHONE j j ri• < II M mum -.t MPLOVIR POSH ION j NAME AND AODRESS OF YOUR PARENTS . SF"uSEO? □ CHECKING Q SAVINGS Q LOAN Q (OTHER) CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG FOUR WAY STREET 2 LP'S 5.98 323 e. grand j CREDIT REFERENCES BALANCE DUE MONTHLY PAYMENT 1 WOODSTOCK 2 river I MORTGAGEHOLDER OR LANDLORD 2 LP'S 5.98 TEA FOR THE TILLERMAN open daily 1 ST»R"&orHFR CAT STEVENS 2.98 9-9 1 3. ROCK ON sat. 1 4. HUMBLE PIE 2.98 9-6 i w,,7i,,r(,LpvRfu?^',;r^u';n ION ls true andcomplf• e understand that yOUr bank • i i don t fORc,et to check our racR which Always feAtupes At LCAst 90 Ip s discounted 40% & mope, PHONE 351-5380 SS East Lansing State Bank East Landing Okemoa Ha»lett Brook field Plaza Red Cedar at Trowbridge