, V. 6wi s. C. Library Lanolins, llch rotc receives SFNIOR PARTY state at ypsi College Militiamen Pass band concert Thursday's Election commendation today; losers Inspection Tests Safely will feature Will Close Political of inspectors at ohio twicejrichards solo Activities for Year Vitil.og Officer, View Parade, Parker to Take Slab After Hilt h, Kill lit Ittrk <• fit IW Lint's "Hungarian Fantasy" to Xanruvrri unit Clniiwork al Annual Frilrral Impaction. an.I Krnnbncb I'ail at Ohio .>.fi miiitHtv Re Given as Piano Solo by Take Plare in Union Lobby From JI A. M. Until Slate. ' • M'i '\'l '' ' """j" 'J'" Minn Hr.nl Tomorrow Night. B P M "nHr' S"l,rr",,nn •' S"",'nl Council; Twnlvn Officer* to Re Chosen for Positioni. HONORED AT BANQUET KOBS CHANGES TO BE LAST IN SERIES „ S|lriw I'noffuisl Opinion is Expressed Rattling ILirk on Pirit Rate and i h.i. .n.i UniKi.t, ' mi Variety of Selection Chosen for That Loral Unit Will Retain Weimer Play* in Left Field ..• .. ,.....n .i, ,H.i >»',• i"!u i« "i. .Program of Last Cotirerl in Maltoi mi? Hating of Excellence. Today. W[! u'n! , "'u! "" ..." t.i..h* ,r, Spring Series by the Rand. it. u ilium: "»•« ' The third ami I...1,1 miMim* 'bdafe, ;o,,l. llu.l t'u- Spartans left lie- ttie tnirttoMf makes survey Key es i'f i Mum Slate off their si heitule f"i Ihi-t season ill1,! •r of u' K. ft. '1'. r. units, loft e», j * r i\ «r a eiiirig- al after bavin* ml opinion that fit. th, Earninf Own Way do « Retler in Classes o't III. K in tin f**llt tll'itigc < a i;; musicians give hai'K pianist, heiol star" rutin* of ex, ell . Toulon Claim rz third recital s d« |>ai t itti Sunday Concerts in Union Ct tifiiie to Re Popular student wins judging teams harvard prize planning show Mav Rrrrirr Srholarilup A. Annual Livnlork JuiIkiiik Con Rrwartl lor F.irrllrnt Work Irit Sfl lor Tomorrow, in Landscaping. plan delivery £• press banquet cf wolverine : plans finished Michigan Simon *Un»#» wu* «tud*n! lhp |r» first eve. First Copies to Be Given Out at 1 '■ C«Wf» AHrrlon In Itr Main ' Speaker al Arnnal Affair. i- ' . Tress Club Banquet Tomorrow Night. a\ fV.iv ,f'! 4-h club hears talk by shinn USD A Worker Oiiowses Survey of Former 4 H Students it Special Meeting. FACULTY ADVISED TO SECURE GOWNS Last Day to Order Commence¬ ment Costume is May 22. LANDSCAPE GRAD DIES IN AMHERST rrialism ayne Lowry, '28. Killed in it will award the key* Automobile Crash. itanding members cf the Floyd Gregarck li*h«d in IW The animal husbandry team in- this publt.shi or Wuivc i ii»; staffs * Forty-nine percent of the fwre«j? eludes Kenneth Anderson, Carl my called I An add'-d feature > f the ban- fire* in 1934 were blamed on care- Brunger. Walter Hurtzler, Donald Ileliostale landscape architecture and horti¬ quet will t>e a pre-showtng ami less smokers, says the Department Bruce, Parr laimont, Hussell copies of the 35th edition of the * culture at the Mu.Muiehu.sctt* State distribution of the 1935 Wolverine of Conservation. Leonardson, and Roland Kaven. Wolverine have been wjJd. college, located at Amherst, Mass, 7 Col. was ttdied Monday morning in an >automobile accident. The details, M. S. C. latter individu T who. K <;' *hi* accident are not known as Military Band Which Presents Last Concert Tomorrow his remarks, gave the offi- Fet believe that a report of Af,rr hi* graduation from here, Prussia Refuses '••nee would be submitted to Mr I*wry received a stlnlarship i-arters. thus assuring Mich- for graduate work at Massachu- More Knowledge State college of the Blue Star w1t? Rut* colegle. and there com- ■e for another year pleted th- work for hi* master's Tickets Goinjr Fast RetiiUocf Arconpaoyioi Sack wing Major Conner as a degree He was retained in the for Garber Dance *■ wai President Shaw who capacity of an instructor after re- Social looovation Caottt k.4*.z*d the good effecta "«»ving hi* dfigree and had Uught ? ; Tickets for the unique danc.t.i Oowofall. discipline, a* taught by the U>c« *or lhr«* or four years. party at the Dell* May 32. fp Tbody, C., may have upon a stu- tea-J krt j tur.ng Jan Garber '* famous or-: N V 'Thr pursuit lifers of and commended the StOlKCliffP Named cheatra were reported a* having i it kr.owU-dgc tn modern Germany the military department . reached 70 per cent of the quota; ^ xir'p cooperation which they Head of Tau Beta Pi ' , »s on the decline," Dr Fredjridt **" by Les Hagt-n. Lansing promoter ;j Wolf, distinguished German play* always shown the college. A sale limitation* has been set by At a regular meeting of Tau j , wr.ght and refugee from Nazi s Mr. Beta Pi, national honorary engin- j Hagen to assure the socialites ji Germany, declared in an interview A. I. E E sufficient dance space thus avoid- j with the Sea-wanhaka. Long Island _,eering fraternity, the following, ing a recurrence of the Crowded VT* officers were elected to serve dur- 1 Jj . 1 conditions that featured the last | university newspaper. Mew Officers ing the 1935-36 school year: ( As evidence of his statement, he - j President. David W. Stonecliffe; j appearance of the famous dance! ri:ed the fact that during the past At the annual business meeting vice-president, Arthur Hulbert;re- i * U>c j year there has been a decline ot M S. C. Student Branch cording secrMary, Harold C^per; Demand for university en-- a return engage- j thirty per cent in American Institute of Elec-' corresponding secretary, Frederick j rnent influenced Hagen to bring -oilmen!. and the authorities have j Jj*1 Engineers for officers were Ainslee. treasurer. L. N Field; i Garber and his entertainers I Lansing again. Last year a ca- to declared this to be a favorable *ign the coming year, and cataloguer. Harold Lindqulst. ! parity crowd filled the armory 'German officials believe that it T^ard Gezon, of Grand Hap- Following the election of offt* ! floor and acclaimed the band the 7*; elected chairman, with cers,-temporary plans were dis- too much,** he said.. Dr. Wolf is *J«» C Achenbach, of Unionvillc, cussed for the 50th anual national | best one to appear in Lansing in I recent years. This year the dance it present visiting universities and ^■-president. •N Herbert Berendt convention of Tau Beta Pi. to be olU ges here and at .the conclusion rthville was chosen secre- held on the campus here next | is being held at the Dells to offer J-treasum. the dancers a better floor and at¬ if his tour will go to Russia to Mr. Burr K. fall, at which the Michigan State 2°orn will #ct as faculty ad- chapter wUl be host to i mosphere and present indications supervise the production at ana ! point to a complete sellout. of his plays. ■ %M jfrom «7 other schools. MICIUtiAN STATU NEWS RELATIONS CROUP 7 wm ~mv Comics to Dolls Michigan Stale News Spartan Orach TO MEET TONIGHT;—. Faculty Facts ^ Model Irnfop AurmMv D c 1 c - < j ,1/vwm McDonald jalM lo Cm* Rfpotli. 1n ontemporary ampus nrTRMl.TFR TO TAIK HI RE R 0 T C UAH'S Htl.HFST - AGAIS " i DIJfiNE YATES 40c | ,N" ",s ,rt" * AIR-CONDITION YOUR FEET • pne* with firt-nntcM you p»» in »b«f« that let vmir frrl lirfttbf. ^ Otir KootJr* am perforated—ai mint- \ ilitiniifil. Smart tv pi ami putieltittg \ ELECTlOSS THl'RSDA) Barratt's Shoe Repairing Something New Every Day WALK-OVER HCRTON'S WALK-OVER SHOD •t SANDY'S 221 South Washington Our Advertisers THL CHA'S UTTER will appreciate your patronage It will help YOUR paper Thank You! istf an*! that those ytftm ta&'i if you will mention the THE *i» wrr* glad t» -"hn* wkwicj ; STATE NEWS when -an? pe-al«ifl* cennms t« :.: MICHIGAN i* Ktifnutaiing, »*. kw*i Pes making purchases STATS MEWS !i mart "STba IuacfcV' ..(ay. Mny 21, 10MR MICHIGAN STATU NKtVH Pnifi' ThieO l iiusiial Decorative Schemes State Theater SORORITY NAMES Latent Literary Lice Feature Spring Term Parties RYERSE DELEGATE Lampoon Linked Letter Of Fast and West Marv Mavo Pragmas Will Allrml Nslioniil Onv.n'inn p«|nu« I \HT TIM I- ||rwJv R«IPJ,t. Rrvml Rirnrhrtini Reprrruiiioni Rr TOIMV "I Al|ilt« Gamma IWla. aultmg Rr Rrrurrini Round Rnh.n. "fterfclrm ' With - Jrmi ItaHnu. tVlttl* i EXTEND TIME FOR CGC ENCAMPMENT Junior F.ttrnlep* Now Have 18 Month* tn Slav In*trad of 12. : collk<;I: ; I BULLETIN-! Studio »» Static \iv < 'o-Starml in New Musical Film \ - <- ■' •* "i'i M»55atww tvratas at * o'dack. entertain all the underclassmen at Colgate He also gave a lit fie' ma. soprano, at 3 p. w. *2.03 to *25.00 Tuesday for dinner following a. idea of lite future of basketball at; , tradition of the sorority. M S C. How do you like the way the At US A short discussion was held on sports event* are being handled? ' Mrs R, $. Shaw and Mrs L. C.; future rushing for the summer and We have many letters on these Emmons, patronesses at Mortar ; next year, and then a short in- broadcasts and we appreciate any, tSykStop Board, entertained the old and new | formal get-acquainted period v h> comment?, favorable or not. Why. j members of Mortar Board at a j| made interesting by Molt Heath, not drop a card to WKAR and let breakfast last Sunday morning.; who played his marimba. i us know what you think of them, i Titciilav. Mav 5i MlrittOAN STATE NEWS Tdf* F. SPARTANS AGAIN WIN STATE TRACK TITLE STATE NETMEN STUDENTS SPEAK S' Michigan State Takes 9"/" -'gxpgssR TO HOME EC CI UB Cports Menll IN HARD TILTS Meet From Western wOPF O Thn R'rrlt U Galax* of Western Start to Mat tin nod Konop D»*rmi Varied Project* Monday Show Here; I', of M. Win* Friday Flrpnfth in Ftidd and DwtificP Front* Rrtns* Spartan* wp From ft* tIAWVtV WI^MFR n. IIM tit iitlfw Rrhiiul In Ont Wp*tern Statp ht «1 Point* Pim*** Mtt«r Ypailinh Trail* tn Third Place *