Tuesday Porgey . . . MICHIGAN Cloudy Tirebiter, he's just i UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS . Lows . . high in the tonight 34-39. upper 50s. ie 63 Number 167 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 27, 1971 Commission urges seating JSenat, of Communist China in UN WASHINGTON (AP) - A presidential The commission, headed by President Nixon was studying a separate may not control all of the areas they commission which views membership in Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge favored U.S. government report dealing with claim." the United Nations as "a duty, not a also UN seats for East and West Germany, recommendations for U.S. strategy at the This appears designed to bridge over privilege" Monday urged President Nixon North and South Vietnam and North and United Nations toward the China question Nationalist China's claim to be the to back UN seats for both Communist and South Korea as well as the two Chinas. and for U.S. recognition of the Peking government of all of mainland China Nationalist China. The report came at a time when regime. although it controls only Taiwan. It would It was released also at a time when the also take care of Peking's claim to Taiwan. State Dept. confirmed that the United Both Peking and Taiwan regimes have Moo, Nixon States had utilized third governments as go-betweens President to Nixon inform wished Peking to that improve rejected "The any two-China commission policy. has found," the report said, "growing public support in the relations with the Peoples Republic of U.S. for the involvement of the Peoples China. Republic of China in the work of the UN. desire to get State Dept. spokesman Charles Bray confirmed that the Nixon administration's desires had been discussed with a number There is also a deep American commitment to the continued representation of the Nationalist China in the UN. of other governments and it "seems quite The report said a great many Americans NEW YORK Chinese leaders of Mr. Nixon's "new possible that representatives of those other think it is fair to have two separate seats (AP) - Chairman Mao Tse assure governments made known our views to the - tung has said he would like to talk with outlook" on Asia. for two different governments, each clearly Peoples Republic of China." President Nixon in Peking, and Nixon has "Nixon was firmly determined, it was controlling different areas. The report by the blue-ribbon Lodge expressed a "thirst" to visit China, Life said, to withdraw from Vietnam as speedily "This is not a question of dual commission said the United Nations "can magazine says this week. as possible, to seek a negotiated best do its job of war prevention and representation of one China, but the Edgar Snow, an American writer who international guarantee of the provision of two seats for two settlement of disputes if its membership has long known Mao, writes that Mao told independence of Southeast Asia, to end the governments." includes all governments of the world him in a five - hour conversation last impasse in Sino - American relations by December that Nixon would be welcomed provided they subscribe to the principles of Lodge, the former U.S. ambassador to clearing up the Taiwan question and to the UN charter." because "the problems between China and Vietnam and Chief peace negotiator at bring the People's Republic into the United the United States would have to be solved Nations and into diplomatic relations with It said this meant all governments which Paris, now is Nixon's envoy to the with Nixon." the United States." govern specific areas, "even though they Vatican. Hugh Sidey, Life's White House columnist, writes that Nixon declared to "extend the hand of friendship" to China last year during the Middle East crisis. SUPPORTS PEOPLES' TREATY Nixon said Russia won't make any effort to approach China, so the United States would have to do it. Otherwise, Depicting war Nixon is quoted as having said, the world will be in mortal danger within 20 years. "If there is anything I want to do before Peace vigil underway I die, it is to go to China. If I don't, I want The group originally planned to divide in two and progress my children to,"Nixon said, according to to the Canton Trade Fair walk past a huge mural depicting the Sidey. approximately eight feet per hour toward the Administration war. The slogan in Chinese characters reads, Snow reports that messages were Building., meeting at 9 p.m. today and conducting a "Sing For "Victory in Peace" symbolizing the division created by war and the unity delivered last year from Washington to the War. Kill American Imperialists." The photo was made by A somber, shivering group of 24 people gathered at the edge of which they hope the Peoples' Peace Treaty will bring. Chinese government by go-betweens. Roderick of The Associated Press while visiting China with the Circle Drive in front of the Administration Building Sunday at 11 These plans were later changed when the vigil's organizers ''The purpose of such tennis team. AP Wirephoto p.m., beginning a 64 - hour peace vigil in symbolic support of the decided that too few people were participating in the vigil to communications," Snow wrote, "was to ratification of the Peoples' Peace Treaty. make the symbolism of the split obvious. Spokesmen for the group said they plan to conduct the vigil John Clobridge, a member of the Lansing Area Peace Council until 3 p.m. Wednesday. and an organizer of the vigil, said the group still plans to conduct After listening to a benediction from the Rev. Warren Day of the songfest this evening. University Methodist Church, the group began inching its way to ntiwarriors' At 7 a.m. Wednesday, the group will begin climbing the nine the steps of the Administration Building. IPIpaw turn tn hark nanp) nsurgence at HINGTON favor of a $6,500 income for welfare Goldwater aide Leonard Kilgore said one (AP) - Antiwar roamed the families,, and the demonstrators heard five of the demonstrators would fire a toy Capitol Monday in a I extended guerrilla theater of shouts congressmen ask them to be peaceful. machine gun, and others would toss plastic a "wailing wall" on the About 50 demonstrators jammed into bags of blood - colored paint. The senator ^nd a paint - splashing spinoff into a the office of Sen. Barry Goldwater, wasn't in. '.sional office. R-Ariz., splashing red paint on the walls of Sen. John Tower. R-Tex., said between "antiwarriors" were in small groups one room, saying they were producing a 30 and 50 protestors "stormed" his office, under the general theme of massacre. shouting, taking over the reception room. 's Lobby." This is a follow - on to _ y's peaceful protest which drew ■than 200,000, and a prelude to a I (See related story, back page) Judge fines attorney Day week of widespread calculated pons by a predicted 50,000. day's activities had conduct of no measurable governmental until witnesses appear were arrested for blocking a CHICAGO (AP) - Judge Joseph A. 1969, police raid which resulted in the n Power held a special prosecutor in death of two Illinois leaders of the Black entrance, nine for shouting in the nine for blocking contempt Monday for refusing to present Panter party. an intersection orgetown. more witnesses to a grand jury investigating Judge Power, chief of the criminal a police raid in which two Black Panther division of Circuit Court, issued the ■Jf • hour shouts ™me w'th Senate of debate was halted party leaders were slain. contempt ruling before the special grand "stop the war," f n?5'" ■ ant* "what about the Judge Power, who empaneled the special jury, which then returned to its closed session where it as expected to hear ) in Vietnam . .. You're a bunch of grand jury in December, told Barnabas F. hree shouters were removed Sears, the special prosecutor, that he would testimony from State's Atty. Edward V. by police and the spectators' be fined $50 an hour until he complied Hanrahan, whose office conducted the was cleared and closed but with the judge's order to present to the raid. An act of concern ,a 'n a short while. grand jury all witnesses who appeared A group of neighborhood newspapers students began a fast in the office before a federal grand jury in 1970. reported Sunday that the special grand jury Students conducting a peace vigil in front of the Administration Building make themselves ugh Scott of Pennsylvania, the The federal grand jury completed its planned to indict Hanrahan and some of comfortable for their can leader. his aides on charges of obstructing justice. planned 64 - hour stay. The vigil is being held to support ratification of the Peoples' Peace Treaty. , report in May, 1970, but did not indict State News photo by Jim Klein I Was a ra'ly on Capitol steps in anyone in connection with the Dec. 4, (Please turn to back page) any By WANDA HERNDON State News Staff Writer blacks reject American originate in Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya and other countries in Africa. Khutsana has not changed his name legally, he said, because it is not necessary for him to go became surnames strong. I was making a new evaluation of myself. I began to understand who I identified is Though an many blacks say that a name change important step toward black consciousness, with when I had a name like Lewis which came there are others who do not feel the necessity for Kenalu - was - Khutsana (formerly Keith through the bureaucratic procedures. a name change. Smith "My mother recognizes the legality of my from the slave masters during slavery. and Thomas — typical American Parker), Detroit junior and PASOA minister of name, and this is the only legal channel I feel I "I decided to make a new identification to the thnsa names- Today many blacks are information, began using this name in 1969. Sherrie Carter, Detroit junior and Plack have to go through," Khutsana said. mother country, Africa, therefore, I chose to be names and "After you obtain political awareness and United Front (BUF) executive board member, are taking African Khutsana states that he will resort to using his called by an African name," Karega said. recognize the contradictions that exist in the said that when a black changes his name to an old only when the situation dictates. Though Karega chose his African name, his social, political and economic arena, you realize name nam!?0 Students wishing to select an m that black people were given Euoprean names to Ahmed Karega (formerly Leslie Lewis) parents still refer to him as Leslie Lewis as do old African name it is not a complete change because tidn in M Pan • Afr'can Students tear down their morale and to dehumanize them. Detroit sopnomore and one of the directors of acquaintances. when he must sign a check, he has to use his d a nl u, Amer'cas (PASOA) has Because I realized this and in attribution to the the Office of Black Affairs, says his African name He has not changed his name officially and American name to collect. TheS'f calle> mi. jl , . . . ,, , Israel is isiaci is the uic hope mjue of me Jewish ui the jewisn . , , . . , o ■ASHINGTON (AP) - I hf theory behind them and may not placed on any other class of sharking should be left to local people who have been running or simply a human being is not year and they will need to have should attend the meeting on ■ p«.„i MnnHav aavp the other slates tn aHnnt annnnh " KnvHa cniH "Thev ,e Court Monday gave the other states to adopt enrouraup «;itu,- ran /.in*kinn encourage citizens _..n tramples the values that authorities. .... = ... for nearly 4,000 years, .. the enough," Korda said. "They can food, clothing and housing as Thursday, April 29, Room in towns and cities all like procedures the 14th Amendment was The ruling affirms the committee says. and should help other Jews." well as to learn a new language 100 Vet Clinic, 6:30 p.m. I America the right to block Provisions for referendums designed to protect.' conviction of a New Yorker, Even now the Jewish people Korda said they are asking for and to develop vocational skills, Movies of the Europe and iruction of low - rent public demonstrate devotion to Alcides Perez, who was are oppressed in Russia the student contributions because The humanitarian needs have Aspen Trips will be shown, as ftng in their communities. democracy, not to bi^ The ruling grew out of a test sentenced 18 months in committee asserts. The the adults have always taken the always been the responsibility of well as last spring's canoe ■he 5-3 decision may blunt a discrimination or prejudice," case in San Jose where the City prison for 'brutal collection government is allowing about auuui lead ,ln he*P»ng and the the free world Jewry - - , the trips. Y campaign to disperse poor Black said. He was backed by Council had voted to put a methods" against a Puerto Rican 100 Russian Jews to emmigrate committee wants to have committee said. ties from inner cities to Chief Justice Warren E. Burger public housing project in the butcher who had turned to him to Israel every week, but most of ling areas. and Justices John M. Harlan, city, but the electorate overrode for a $3,000 business loan these are the older people going Iistice Hugo L. Black spoke Potter Stewart and Byron R. the decision. In the state as a ■he court as it sustained an White. whole almost half of the Lightest pastel shadow Jidment to the California Justices Thurgood Marshall, proposed public housing units for highlights. that requires voter William J. Brennan Jr., and defeated at the ballot, Registration set n were loval for federally assisted Harry A. Blackmun dissented Jc housing. He said the 1950 while Justice William O. Douglas In a second ruling, the court jidment was not aimed at disqualified himself. Blackmun's upheld the 1968 federal law that ■racial minority and though vote was his first major makes "extortionate credit ly disadvantage the poor it difference with Burger, a fellow It unconstitutional. Minnesotan also elevated to the Jleven other states have court by President Nixon. actions" a federal crime. Justice Douglas, giving the for school vote r voter checks on public Marshall said that "singling 8-1 decision, said there was Voter for the June 2116 Haslett Road, Haslett; ling. The ruling supports the out the poor to bear a burden ample evidence that loan sharks 14 schoolregistration elections is open until Lansing City Hall, 124 W. operate in a national setting to iicii.ii w put the crime on ^f^rral'leveT May 14 to all qualified U.S. Michigan Ave., Lansing, and He said the loan - shark racket citizens. The election involves Lansing Township Hall, 2909 W. )ard members set provides organized crime with millage issues and selection of millions of dollars and "holds its members of the State Board of Genesee St.. Lansing. Offices are open from 8 a^n to 5 p.m. guns to the heads of the poor Education. Monday through Friday, and rich alike." To be eligible, a voter must be LPcrr begin new session The Stewart, dissenter, said the Justice law is 21 on or before election day, a Michigan resident for six months and a resident of his city or naDanese exner Japanese experimental filrr 7 and 9 pm comrad auditorium ■lie seventh session of ASMSU is scheduled to take office unconstitutional because a man township for 30 days, mon & tues apr. 26-27 Klit in the first meeting of the new board. could be convicted without any Registration is held at East The mascara that lengthens $1.00 P'hough not officially on tonight's agenda, the board is proof that interstate activity was Lansing City Hall, 410 Abbott lashes with every stroke. involved. He said control of loan- Road; Meridian Township Hall, feted to call for election of the board chairman and the ■lion of cabinet director. Barold Buckner, chairman of the sixth session, reportedly has B>gh promised votes to be re-elected on the first ballot. ■J the race for vice chairman, the outcome is not Pugh McDonel - Shaw representative lPus representative Kevin Harty are lenders. as decided, Larry Stempel and off - reportedly the leading I Eyes Kit. Pmes Humes, Diane Rathnow, Lynne Schaefer and Michael * have all submitted petitions for cabinet director to replace Now there's a compact that holds P Banks. all you need for beautiful eyes. p cabinet director iis traditionally selected during the first ling of each session. The new Maybelline All Eyes Kit. And it's specially designed for all eyes ... in kits for blondes, brownettes, I The State News, the student and brunettes. newspaper at Michigan State ■university, is published every class day during four school Each kit has a pencil for a shapely Tr,nisi Plus Welcome Week edition in September. brow. Three shadows with Proscription rate is $14 per year. applicator to shade, shape, and highlight. InlsfTrf■ Assoc'ated Press, United Press International, Cake Liner with fine-line brush. fj.a" Dai'y Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, And a special feature, famous Cla ^rPSS. Association, Michigan Collegiate Press on> United States Student Press Association. Maybelline Ultra Lash Mascara. All packed I Frht"1^ iL'aS!i l)osta8e paid at East Lansing, Michigan. into the most compact Builrii °r ancl business offices at 347 Student Services compact there is! Mchig"8 Michigan State University, East Lansing, 355-8252 ■ta.«Advortis'ng 355-8255 ■Li!. Advert'S'ng 353-6400 Circulation " 355-3447 355-8311 ^West Consist Prices in the Midwest! The finest in J eye make-up, yet sensibly priced. GRAND FUNK SURVIVAL Thinking about repainting, air condi¬ And when n comes to financing your tioning, adding a family room, putting project, you can't beat the helpful ad¬ up a fence, building a garage, or fin¬ vice and low-cost home improvement THE ALL EYES KIT $359 ishing the basement? It pays big dividends in better living loan rate at your Phone today credit union. for an appointment with a loan counselor and start turning and other fine Maybelline cosmetics and resale value to maintain and im¬ are available at those dreams into reality. l^i>e>ii£vv*a:c 4 prove the old homestead. State Discount L2!2NE3B?H,?7P, MSU EMPLO ^^^^O.Kj377 operated Recorc 307 E. Grand River Ann St 1019 Trowbridge Rd. • Open 9:30 - 5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 -'MowtoMln-A-Mart Next to the Card Shop MICHIGAN ART BUCHWALD STATE ME1 Paranoia spread UNIVERSITY JT KENNETH R. LYNAM by phone tapping advertising manager f^\5-j# noATsn £ pmuaiAT? v*;; 2 iTO j c MARK EICHER, managing editor ED HUTCHISON, city editor BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor KEN KRELL, editorial editor WASHINGTON status town, but the trouble has a way of changing all the months ago, you rated in (he - Washington is a is that status time. A few capitol if you Listen. Do you hear it?" "I don't hear anything " "Exactly. Most phone lines in , GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor received a telephone call from Martha country are filled with static nn„"(' think it's odd that Mitchell after midnight. we have a r But that's old now because almost connection?" p Seven -time recipient of the Pacemaker award everyone in Washington has gotten a "Well, now that you mention it in for outstanding journalism. midnight call from Martha Mitchell. The seem odd. But why would the FBI *,! new status symbol is to ha\e your phone tap the line of someone who putS n, tapped by the FBI. newsletter on tropical fish?" 1 While senators and congressmen, "Why would they want to monitor EDITORIALS newspapermen and even officials have shown administration great public speeches of Sen. Ed Muskie and the nt people who spoke on Earth Day'' v knows why the FBI does indignation over the FBI tapping lines, things'*" "But Broadbeam. All I called secretly everyone hopes he is important about that my guppies have been enough to have J. Edgar Hoover's men getting sick- I though you might know listen in on his calls. why." Agnew a blin XZ ANP Z MAKE ¥, ¥ TIMES 3 IS THERE AKE IZ" IN The other day I put Broadbeam, who writes a newsletter on in a call to tropical fish for pet stores all over America. "I can tell you why," "The quick brown fox white fence." "What are you talking about?" Broadbeam jumped over As soon as Broadbeam picked up the a RULER, K/N& G£Oma >ya5 RULER OF ENGLAND, ENGLAND "That's code, stupid," Broadbeam in ping-pong was ruler of the seAs. in the seas there: are fishes, phone, he said, "I told you never to call me at the office." "Where should I call you?" I asked him. "It will take them days to out. They can tap me all they want to figure that a! - I'm not going to make it any easier F/SHLS HAVE FINS, ihe FINNS WERE INVADED By RUSSIA, "I'll give you the number of a telephone booth at Wisconsin and 0 Streets. Ill be them." Harry Truman was proof to Rubbing our eyes and looking again will not make it disappear. Nor will a THE RUSS/ANS ARE p£D, fire ENGINES ARE RED BECAUSE there every night between b and 6. Let the "Look, Broadbeam. You miy be go, Americans of two decades ago that to a lot of trouble for nothing. Supposed phone ring three times and then hang up. any citizen can become President. continued boycott of the mainland myre always rl/ohin' to a fire, we want a cease I'll call you back." FBI isn't tapping your line?" Vice-President Agnew is proving change the balance of power in Asia. the "That's a dirty thing to f/Rt ...AND I WAN'i TO MAKE THAT PERFECTLY CLEAR "But, Broadbeam. Why all Broadbeam said angrily. "Don't you China knows that its once strong thii' today that a rational perception of mystery?" I'm important enough to have my phJ international and domestic affairs is relations with Russia are tapped?" not a necessary qualification for deteriorating, and it certainly cannot OUR READERS' MIND "I didn't mean that. But I just afford to have two great enemies at office, including Vice-President. thought the FBI would have much in, the same time. Under Chou En-lai, in who writes Recently, while talking with someone a newsletter a reporters at the GOP governor's conference at Williamsburg, Va., China seems to be coming out or its self-imposed diplomatic isolation, Give airwaves to private groups tropical fish." "That's how much yesterday I was followed for four bl- you know, • Agnew criticized what he called expanding foreign trade and in by two men wearing raincoats." "ping-pong diplomacy" and said that general getting ready to take its "What's so strange about that?" las To the Editor: would be able to sell them to others. The by such actions as its stifling of pay-TV. Red China had scored a major rightful place as a world power. The State News is a little late in FCC would go out of business. Control of Anyone doubting the feasibility of this "It wasn't raining," he shouted. But Agnew considers any relaxing "Oh. I didn't know that. I guess t" propaganda coup. He rejected the recognizing the threat to Jrc«ric-m broadcasting would be taken from a proposal may consult H. H. Coase, "The of relations with China traiterous to Federal Communications Commission," are interested in you after all." idea of accepting China's invitation represented by the FCC. "Dope soup " s.r«* government agency and scattered among private owners. Concentration in the Journal of Law and Economics, October, "Listen, about your guppies," he from the beginning. Taiwan, which we officially not "the first target." For years thi FCC, "I'll leave a message while allowing brewers to advertise on control of broadcasting could and should 1959. for you under the IL recognize as China. Perhaps Agnew column of the Jefferson Memorial far! According to Agnew, our television, has prohibited comn -rcis s be guarded against through action under John H. Beck should realize that we are not living Kenosha, Wis., senior the White House." liberalized relations with Mainland showing the consumption of the l.-rewei-.' the antitrust laws. This would be beneficial in 1949. If Taiwan is China and its reversal of the FCC's fostering of oligopoly "Thanks Broadbeam." 1 hungui China might dishearten the Taiwan products. A more recent infringe -en! ■ >' April 20,1971 inhabitants the Chinese, then who A few minutes later, my wife call1 freedom was the ban on cigaret ad. rti >ir ; government. He also alleged that "Do you know what your son Joel the other 800 million people provides quality on television and radio. According i.o ,i the lopsided reporting tainted in China's favor helped Chou En-lai win are living on the mainland - prisoners of Unidex poll, 73.8 per cent of co.l.vi students favored this ban. If eollej< Tenure with my car this morning"?" she said. "For God's sake," I cried, "don't' the temporary Communist regime as me on the phone. They're tappf a propaganda coup. students are predominantly "liberal," cVii To the Editor: between "adequate" and "good" or we thought in 1949? Not quite. between "good" and "very good" not Broadbeam's phone and now that I ca selective support for free speech, denying i Your editorial concerning "dismissal" of Agnew, it appears, is so hopelessly Some observers believe Agnew's between "inadequate" and "adequate," for him, they're probably tapping mine." to the "filthy capitalists" of the tobacco nontenured faculty ended with a sentence behind the times, so stubbornly few ever note in a sealed envelope and hide it in "Ping-Pong" remarks were part of a industry, shows them to be hypocrites which I believe is the best argument .against hired can truly be judged anti-Communist, so unwilling to In attacking the latest threat to fretd>> the requirement that reasons be stated. You inadequate. cherry tree and I'll read it w hen I carefully orchestrated White House home." change at the very thought of red he from the FCC, I believe the State N«vs said, "They (the reasons) should be based I am not opposed to a required plot to quiet right-wing reaction to failed to get at the root of the problem only on inability to perform adequately on statement of reasons, if those reasons can Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times charges like an insensitive bull into the dawn of the new China policy. because the editors failed to attack one of the job." If, in truth, we must rehire every be built largely upon the argument that the international politics. He has made a But Agnew's prolonged opposition their opponents' basic promises: that ti>e nontenured faculty member who is needs of the University are such that it colossal ass of himself, not to to better relations with Communist FCC should license broadcasters in sue*- a performing adequately, we will have feels that it can improve by hiring instead mention embarassing the China would seem to discount this manner that "the public interest " is doomed ourselves to mediocirty as a someone from outside the University. The Misplaced mem adminsitration and the United States served. As long as the public interest is University. reasons in turn for this opinion could be as well. Government officials of the theory somewhat. determined by government, there is no The tenure system demands that we be stated and might, for example, be that the To: April 24 marchers world are breathing sighs of relief Agnew seems to be fighting a guarantee of freedom and diversity in extremely careful in selecting faculty to University feels that it can obtain, by one-man war for the old guard, the Re: Bringing it all back home broadcasting. receive tenure status. The burden should be hiring another instead, strength in another and hopefully monitoring what internationally stagnant-minded, The solution, as advocated by Profei-sor on the nontenured faculty membe< to subject area, or stronger research potential, Brothers and sisters clearly seems to be definite progress who cannot Milton Friedman in the Dec. 1, 1969, issue his worth to the University. In his or stronger teaching ability. seem to adjust to the prove toward easing strained relations of Newsweek, is to sell to the highest sense a nontenured faculty member wlu is Saturday was something, but we world of the 1970's, applying 1950 between Mainland China and the bidder the rights to .use the airwaves (with not reappointed has not been dismissed, James Stapleton, Chairman still got a long way to go. thinking to contemporary problems. specified frequency, power, broadca^ing but has instead failed to convince the U.S. Agnew's criticism of relaxed Dept. of Statistics Were it up to Agnew, the 70's would hours, etc.). The owners of these r ights; University that it cannot do better in h;ring and Probability —The Human relations sticks out like Nixon's five be no different than the 50's as far as would possess them as private property ant another. Most choices we must make are April 21,1971 o'clock shadow. Either the whole lot of world government officials are diplomatic relations with China were concerned. wrong or Agnew is. But like white socks and the hula POINT OF VIEW China, with its 800 million people, hoop, Dulles-type 1950 diplomacy will stay a world power whether the belongs to another area. Apparently, United States recognizes it or not. so does Agnew. Holmes needs better planning two members absent, everything EDITOR'S NOTE: The following D.C. bus trip Point of View was written by Mark Jaeger, Greenfield, Wis., sophomore Now, because of the financial status of the residence halls and the basic idea of a residential seem a I am to be fine. For my own part,ho slightly worried, the reason motion introduced by being my and Hubbard - Holmes ASMSU district college he in,a tnat the college's students live president requesting; that the transfeis representative. together, neither the triples nor Briggs students East Holmes be frozen unless a cu resident has requested that person sloppy service source good Housing options available to students living in the residence halls have been a of confusion and contradiction. A case in point is Holmes Hall. Earlier assigned outside of Holmes are desirable. So the trustees' mo i ion, reconsideration of which apparently started with the provost, came as a roommate was ruled to be beyond rights and powers of the legislature^ makes me wonder how really necesa in the term, after several • cry heated godsend. whole hassle was to begin with, No one expected the 12-hour bus services were, in general, substandard meetings, the hall legislatu v approved management doesn't seem to be w trip to Washington. D.C., to be a and the prices inflated: 50 cents for about overassigning East Holmes now^ designation of two houses, one men, one its merry way to a justifiable lower unit transferred to one of the first floor houses. What is the point I am trying to picnic. But then, no one expected an eight-ounce carton of milk, $2.50 women, as quiet houses. Bad feelings were cost level. Somewhere between March and If all the girls on first floor could be the Indian Trails Bus Company to go for a meal highly reminiscent of somewhat smoothed over through the Basically it is twofold. First, to i efforts of several groups of students. These April, it seems that student living options transferred out, certainly, they felt, the that reaction against the current" out of its way to make the trek cardboard and half-dried groups helped to both demonstrate need became lost, to be replaced by quiet house shouldn't have the special options does not mean that stude another "Great March" either. papier-mache. administrative convenience. for the quiet houses and ea^e the relocation Why the privilege of not being moved. It is longer wai't the full range of o There were certain bonuses, of displaced students into other houses. contradiction of student attitudes on somewhat understandable that Ron Smith, passed in principle by the board of The first foreshadowing of fell housing options? From the people I have the manager of Holmes, objected at this in February. Second, to request however, rendered unto the travelees Before the quiet hous< issue was fully happenings came when the coaches talked to, the feeling I get is that it is not point. Room sign-ups have already been arrived slightly late at the Union. by the bus folks. One was a guided resolved, however, the board of trustees university's administration use - so much the option itself as the manner in even far more hectic than is usually the tour of scenic Georgetown at 7:30 passed a new section of "housing options" foresight this next year is prepara The second omen appeared to the to be initiated at the administration's which the option came about. Not only is case, and Sue Koviu, our housing clerk, is fall, '72. Many of our current pro a.m. which, unfortunately, prompted it a strictly one - way option (women about ready to throw everything (literally) 300 student marchers in the form of discretion. In povticuhr, this was to be could have been avoided if decisio _ some detractors to suggest that the won't be housed in East Holmesl, it came the window frustration. an oil leak in one of the seven used to ailow one fir or of West Holmes out in during last fall term had taken into drivers were lost. A second treat not in recognition of a legitimate student Fortunately, a compromise was quickly the ramifications of unlimited charter buses. Hall to be de^i': > rated as a men's living area. came when the 300 peace marchers The rational' f just.'ication ran something request through established channels, but reached; as a result (here are now three enrollment in LBC. Some like this: cyman driggs College has a because of an administrative request men's quiet houses in holmes Hall. It is considerations should be Siven , Undaunted, the seven courageous were given an extra hour and a half through procedures and channels that can suggested that the men in the present quiet Indian Trails coachmen set off for projected freshman enrollment of about desires of the present residents, a to enjoy the good Washington 460 students, at the 2:1 male - female ratio only be regarded as hazy at best. It was house (No. 11) move to one of the West less consideration to the conven points East in splendid sunshine since that was how late the that has been characteristic of the college. inevitable that the Sunday meeting Holmes quiet houses. In the meantime, the Lyman Briggs College. ( wagon-train-fashion. While this buses were in arriving for the return Add to thi:. th. fj*t that more men will be produced much heat but little concrete legislature placed a two - week freeze on If any of what I have said is wron«' action. the designation of house no. 11 to allow follow-the-leader format may have trip. returning tivn wo mm, ind East Holmes is willing to be shown and make The actions came the following night at Mr. Smith some breathing room. At t!u kept aboriginal raids to a minimum, The climax of the whole venture suddenly » ;r:ifM.ned (remember the gold apology; likewise, if I have unwa the hall legislature meeting. The girls end of this period, the quiet - house its net effect was to insure that no when the aghast crowd noted old trip'e * Hie West Holmes has empty offended anyone, I will ma h, | came rooms. V *, because of the financial status requested that the two guys' houses to be designation will be re-evaluated. apology. I vill, however, note less than 300 people would be forced that there were six buses, where located on first floor be designated as quiet Since this arrangement is agreeable to of the n ic.ence halls and the basic idea of houses. It was then requested that the Mr. Smith, and the legislature approved it my statements are necessary again and again to converge upon a before there had been seven. One a reside dial college being that the college's clearing the air over these issues. had broken down, the students were stude its I've together, neither the triples existing sixth floor guys' quiet house be with 20 "yes" votes, two abstentions and single snack bar for a harried 20 minutes before reenbusing. told. ncn ileitis students assigned outside of ■ UMLV4 VkiH—7 1 Z-Z I GOT A "C" IN MATH.. : As the trip progressed it became The Indian Trails peopl. cmo Holmrs an.' r«fir»bh\ So the trustees ( I GOT \ got A "C" IN ENGLISH AM? ■: mot'on reiciiisidoriition of wnich A "C" :N ... evident that the bus magnates must through like champs thougi lacking 60T A "C" .N REAPINS •c, iraritly sta ted v/ith the provost, came live in some sinister symbiotic half of the disabled coach'. w Lito .. ijodsmid. U relationship with the rest stop rip-off the aisles of the remaini ' uses !Jui is this change of heart, really a restauratuers. The coaches always managed to stop at one of those highway parasites euphemistically known as "family restaurants." The and leaving the other sightsee in D.C. for the it would take carrier running to get again. l \ >ki to go*. end" At a meeting on Sunday night, !.. girls 'rom Wes'. Holmes h.rll » seemed • if o' that opinion. What th \ saw was i ...a nu ns .hat the.v \ < i soli u ...v co. beini, ,i v doutof itinue on Zf) 0a 1 ..J Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 27, 1971 Black author states need for review of past decade the same time create new In the first By JAMES BAR FIELD place, if we review earlier in some other form. concepts to make up for the the trend and development of Black studies will have to State News Staff Writer unfinished decade of the 60s, black studies as an academic establish a historical framework What does or does not occur Cruse said. discipline, we are going to have so that these things can be seen, in the 1970s will depend on how But black people must to become historical, Cruse said. Cruse said. If we do this, some we review the decade of the 60s. evaluate and determine what We are going to have to events that happened will be Harold Cruse, professor of people are saying and what it accept the fact that we can't more clear and we will better means and also what history at the University of they are understand anything unless we understand why they happened, Michigan, said Sunday in Holmes trying to achieve, he added. We understand it historically, he he explained. Hall. didn't understand what we were said. into in the 1960s and it will be The visit So much happened during the The one fault of the 60s was by Cruse was last decade that those involved up to black studies to help us that we failed to realize that sponsored by the Black Action had very little time to evaluate find out, he said. Committee of Holmes Hall. very little had not happened what they did, Cruse, author of "Rebellion or Revolution," said. Cruse explained that part of the70s should be used to review some of the events that took place in the last decade. MTU pro f cite Briefly, the beginning of the 1960s saw a whole new stream Leading? I This small boy seems to have of black movements emerge on the scene, movements Cruse said. include the These Black for U.S. poverty Panthers, SNCC, sit-ins, black lis hands full when walking a studies and Pan-Africanism. He compared some other no one knew how to help them, Ljoq in the ha"s °* the From recent development of By BEA FRIEDEBERG countries to the United States; the programs failed. Industrial State News Staff Writer ■Student Services Building. the latter two, people are now Russia had the same 8 to 1 discipline was the big problem trying to re-assess them and at relative income situation. Japan with this group, not cognitive I SN photo by Doug Bauman Too much emphasis on and western European countries skills, which were taught. education and a focus on the have about 5 or 6 to 1 ratio. The group that needs the help tfudenf intern wrong type opportunity main of poverty and equal Czechoslovakia has a 2 to 1 reasons programs are the ratio, but economists say this is for poverty because there isn't enough of poverty programs would be the workers that work full year around for less than $3,000 he problems today, Lester Thurow incentive to work. suggested. But these were not told a group of students and goals, In general, he said, higher hn SEA faculty last Thursday. taxes cause more work. One plan Thurow, professor at the suggested was taking some from workers are employed. eligible for help under the programs of today because the Michigan Technological the top, giving it to the bottom and Thurow ■A student intern with the SEA is an activist student emphasized that University, talked about thereby getting everyone to people must be willing to pay lichigan Education Assn. group seeking educational "Poverty and Discrimination" work harder. HEA) will speak on the relation reform in the College of money to help the poor. and later held a discussion on He suggested doing away with I that group to the Student Education. A review of the the problem. "It costs more money to get a the minimum wage requirement, man's location Assn. (SEA) at 4 p.m. general goals and objectives of He redefined America's and capacity to increase $1 in Mdayin 103 Bessey Hall. the SEA will also be conducted substituting it with a public his lifetin.e than to just give him poverty problem. He said the employment minimal wage law. $1. We must be ■Duane Smeltekop will discuss at the meeting, a spokesman United States has a relative This would willing to pay ■fhat is SEA?" at the meeting, said. guarantee everyone more than $1," he said. income problem. jobs, and business would have to The range of incomes has a come He also said that this country up with better wages then ratio of 8 to 1 consiaeilng the the is much too education - minimum wage of the oriented. average of the top and bottom 20 government. per cent. Thurow stated that the equal As an example, he noted that If this relative income is when he bought opportunity programs now being some skis concentrated to the top and used are "completely, utterly recently, the salesman had a bottom 5 per cent, the ratio is worthless." He called them a degree in engineering. Thurow 30 to 1. "game of musical chairs." said he felt this was unnecessary J A LANSING WOMAN was expected to be arraigned Monday At times of an economic He explained that U.S. for selling skis, and in effect this ■ternoon in Lansing District Court on charges that she slashed an recession as the United States is programs were focused for the man had stolen the job from a ■SU officer's finger when he was serving an arrest warrant on her experiencing now, the black bottom, "the ghetto hard - core high school graduate who would liat morning. income is about 50 per cent that unemployed," and that because have been just as capable. I According to MSU police, the warrant was issued by county of the white income. However, ■osecutors after the woman was apprehended in early April for in a boom it is 60 per cent, •rowing a chair through a door in Holmes Hall. whereas the white income I The Boming, women refused to let offers: into her house Monday police said, and she threatened to shoot them. After rs pushed through the door, the woman slashed one of them changes relatively little, Thurow said. Thurow speculated on several Learning center a 10-inch long fishing knife as he was serving the warrant, possible solutions to the to hold meeting llice said. problem of unequal income. One 1 The officer received cuts on his right index finger and was would be a negative income tax leated and released Monday from University Health Center. plan, where no family would I POLICE ~ INVESTIGATED a complaint Sunday afternoon have a lower income $2,400 a year. But this would than A meeting to organize People willing to donate in Downey, 23, of East Lansing, who reported four canvassers for the Peoples' several hours this weekend litomobile hubcaps were stolen sometime Sunday from his only raise the entire quantity, Biicle parkpd in the bays, north of the Auditorium. while the rank and order of Learning Center will be held at contacting high school dropouts 7:30 tonight in 138 Chemistry and charitable organizations J Police said no damage was done to the vehicle, and no attempt position wouldn't change, he Bldg. should attend the meeting. s made to enter the car. said. The center is a nonprofit organization in Lansing /Ill ited ministries providing high school dropouts with an education. It is partially financed by the Lansing Area United Ministries, but most i-part funds come from donations. marriage ■Communicating in a marriage person you plan to marry, effective if they attend as a ■ationship and maximizing human sexuality, the tensions, couple and exchange ideas and Tential for success will be conflicts and pressures of information with other ■cussed in a four • part seminar marriage and marriage as a life couples." Pniored by the United style. The seminar is open to all students at no cost except Kur'es PHE) at MSU in higher Education "Actually, the content isn't refreshments and books which and several lal churches. as important as the process of may be purchased from the wide Pe seminar will be held at learning how to communicate selection that will be available. F P.m. this Wednesday and effectively and openly," Pohl Any number of sessions or all P 5,12 and 19, at the UMHE said. "Although individual four may be attended. More l!ce ?t 1118 S. Harrison Road. students may attend, the information is available at the conference will be much more Jsthe f°urth UMHE seminar UMHE office. ^Preparing for marriage. ■ "is year the seminar will be in that we are LOOK TO US luting talks by experts," I w. Keith Pohl, UMHE FOR QUALITY I, m.ator, said. "Instead, we •complete selection of M.„. ®. sharing knowledge Tu8h discussion." frames ■i]nj fssions will be centered 'Sunglasses and wire - rims |naf /ace us: The d Na,'°ns ssion /or Economic Europe has 1970 report, the first F*o«ol whkh h: Wea- COnc,"'ons in 1969-1970 ■Michigan Beet Sugar 48 With this coupon Limit one please, with $5 purchase. J °d consid- 'SvlviviCLIP A SAVE^j&x-y skiers 1 is holding the Ad Fpartv for the Aspen lursdL aP® Ski TriPS- \ |Vh April 29. following C L 'Ub meeting at 6:30 L'7m 1°0 Vet Clinic. JohnU«COla and mov'es- P -8647 °r 'nformation a* Tuesday, April 27, 197] 6 Michigan S'ate News, East Lansing, Michigan Director outlines Two other programs, third year Russian Odle said the benefits overseas of the overseas information about overseas studies study projects "This is especially true with language other disciplines would be available in Leningrad and graduate comparative education in London, have been study trip are "study first — and then learning to get along on your own abroad." programs through offered by other schools and MUCIA (Midwest Universities students," Odle said. "The students who go abroad speak the language 24 hours a day among its people. Their experiences will as other departments in sponsoring them. indicated an i!?1SOo# lerest as "Although we receive some complaints Consortium for International Activities), of completely filled. enrich their teaching of the language back "From time to time other den,* To date, 190 students have enrolled, about housing, which some students expect which MSU is a member. A U.S. Dept. of State warning about like communication arts and to be country club style, most of them home." • 14 what to do if arrested on drug charges in a including seven students who will be taking justice offer programs abroad" hi'"1'"31 noncredit American Language Education come back enthused with the experience of Odle agrees with Sheldon Cherney, At present all overseas offerings are "But if a student wants to foreign country' is included in the Center (AMLEC) courses. living in a new environment and meeting director of the Office of International offered exclusively during summer term studv in Sai<1' Information provided to students by the AMLEC was the former name of the new people," he said. Extension, who said it is an anachronism and most of them are in liberal arts. Odle, which is not under MSU sponsorship Overseas Studies Office. Overseas Studies office until last year when The office coordinates programs at the for a student to spend four years in college however, is negotiating a new spring term are many other opportunities and J *! Keith B. Odle, overseas studies director, and not spend time abroad. course in social work and said programs in help him find them." We*ill it was changed to indicate the diverse request of the department. said the office "sees the student through all "We work closely with the number of course offerings available. the way." This includes coordinating his "We began in 1965 with the language department," Odle said. "We find out trip and meeting him at his destination. where the course will be taught, who will "We also like to talk with returning courses abroad," Odle said. "The response so good that we followed with a teach it, what course credit will be given. HITS MASS MiDIA students to get feedback," Odle said. was "When the course is approved by the "Every year the programs are revamped to political science course in London and last year added social work in Oslo. These are University our office works out the details benefit the students as much as possible. and publicizes it. Then students apply, We're not going to set up a program if we MSU ■ originated courses carrying MSU can't do it right. This office exists for students." This summer students can earn MSU credits and taught by MSU faculty." He said overseas are most of the students going sophomores and juniors and finance their trip through current grants make a deposit and the department reviews their transcript. If the student is accepted we inform him, bill'him the balance and help him get ready." ZPG speaker seeks credits while studying language, and scholarships or Student Aid Loans Every program abroad has its own short humanities, political science and social from their home bank. The Financial Aids briefing session, Odle said. In addition, the science in Paris, Vienna, Barcelona, Mexico City, Oslo and London. The Overseas Office is accepting office has a list of participating banks. Many students are financed by their office sends each student an information packet of maps, clothing and packing guides, passport and innoculation forms. better communication applications for these programs until May parents or through personal savings, he added. The office also has a complete library of take a concerted effort on the part of tl Face - to - face communication is more mass media and face to effective than the mass media encouraging - . (w communications to make the public a\ population control, Hideya Kumata, Bishops discuss celibacy of the problem, he said. director of MSU's International The sooner the public accepts this Communications Institute, said at a Zero Kumata said, the sooner we can Population Growth meeting Sunday. refo„ schools and laws towards an acceptance! Speaking on affecting social change population control. through communication, Kumata said that Zero Population Growth, sponsors people don't realize how bad the problem semiannual conference the speech, will hold another of overpopulation is becoming, even in the meeting,! at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, May 23, in the " United States. Gold Room. There has to be an understanding of the population problem before it can be would advocate a change. attacked, he said, and there is no common DETROIT (AP) - The Roman Catholic open. If we're going to retain credibility understanding of it in the United States. rule barring priests from marriage has emerged as an open issue before the with on." our priests, we have to face it head a What brought the matter series of studies to the head was examining the attitudes The mass media have been ineffective in informing the people about population Grad church's American bishops for the first As the approximately 250 bishops of priests on a national scale, and gathering views of laity and priests in countrywide control, Kumata said. "If you already time. gathered for their semiannual meeting, understand it, then the media can affect "It has been a question in limbo up to now," Bishop Mark J. Hurley of Santa Rosa, Calif., said Monday. "Now it's in the starting today, there was no possibility that they could change the rule, a Vatican prerogative, nor any expectation they regional meetings. Reports from 11 of these regional deligations, in which bishops also took you," he said. "But if you don't know anything about population control, which most people don't, then you generally plans poefry| part, offered varying conclusions on the won't listen." celibacy question, some favoring an immediate change, giving priests the option Kumata indicated that using shock presentation Chemical so to marry, others opposing such steps. In the broad studies among priests, most of them wanted the ban lifted, although tactics in the mass media to induce to use population control will not work. "When you shock people they are people Jay Paul, graduate student in English! few would marry if free to do so. horrified at what they see, and they will read from his poetry at 4 p.nl generally dissociate themselves from the Wednesday in the Union Green Room. "The total imput of these studies must mm"MHKC shock. They tend to blame the other Paul's work has appeared in several lil 2-day lecture be weighed," said John Cardinal Dearden of Detroit, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Top row seat persons for the problem instead of themselves," he said. about "What we need is a lot of people talking overpopulation, to promote a magazines around the country, presently has a volume of poems undej consideration for publication. He has be active in campus literary activities as th An internationally known research Chemistry Bldg. and are open to the Reports of the studies, costing $500,000, This lone student on the general awareness of the problem. We need co-editor of PREVIEW. chemist and educator will be on campus public. were the main working documents before grandstand at Kobs Field is to give something to do to each person The presentation will be the fourth inl Wednesday and Thursday to present the Djerassi has published approximately the meeting, here which is to dfvplop a, 23rd annual American Chemical Society 700 scientific pagers and six books dealing consensus of American bishops to, put probably waiting for a glimpse of directly so that people will get involved." series of readings bringing poets anT the Spartan baseball team. Basic attitudes are difficult to change interested people together for informi Lectureship Series. with mediciiaT chemistry and the before the international Synod of Bishops Carl Djerassi, professor of chemistry of natural products. in Rome next fall. SN photo by Doug Bauman once they are instilled, Kumata said. It will discussion every Wednesday this spring. ] chemistry at Stanford University will speak on medicinal chemistry and oral contraceptives and birth control. The lecture series is sponsored by the Renaud Foundation of Lansing and the MSU section of the American Chemical Society. Djerassi's lecture schedule is: 3 p.m. Wednesday, "Applications of Mass India, Pakistan close commissions NEW DELHI (AP) - Feuding India and Pakistan closed their diplomatic missions in actually be repatriated. The Pakistani government, in a note control Calcutta, of no the Pakistani mission West Pakistani diplomat has in unlawful possession of it." India also announced it had imposed security of concerned personnel," a rx sent said. to the Pakistani High Commissiol Spectroscopy in the Steroid Fields;" 8 p.m. Dacca and Calcutta Monday but could not delivered to the Indian Foreign Ministry, been able to get inside the building for the restrictions on the exit from the country of Wednesday, "New Prospects in Birth last nine days. Pakistani diplomats and staff members and The Indian government charged inl said all officers and staff of the Pakistani agree on how to bring their staffs home or families at the Pakistani protest note Sunday night that the wifeJ Control," and 3 p.m. Thursday, "Organic mission in Calcutta should be sent back to India has maintained that the their High Chemical Applications of Magnetic Circular guarantee the safety of their records. Commission in New Delhi and the deputy the Indian high deputy commissioner wf The missions involved are deputy high Pakistan. occupation of the mission in Calcutta is an Dichroism." internal affair for Pakistan to resolve, while high commission in Bombay. searched at Dacca airport last WednesdJ commissions, similar to consulates. However, of the 100 members on the The lectures will be presented in 138 Pakistan has asked India to clear the "The purpose of this new procedure is before being allowed to fly to Karachi | The two diplomatic missions officially staff, about 70 are East Pakistanis who route to India. have declared their allegiance to Bangla building "of persons who might have taken to insure reciprocity and the safety and stopped operating at the request of Pakistan, which had said that its new Desh. deputy high commissioner in Calcutta was The Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman Group VC spokesman reports unable to function normally. said India definitely would not accept the Technically, the Pakistan Deputy High argument that "all members of the Commission in Calcutta stopped normal Pakistani mission in Calcutta should be sent back home." to campaig operation April 18, when East Pakistani diplomats converted it into the first foreign mission of the self - proclaimed He said that similarly the Indian government would only insist on U.S. soldiers deserting government of Bangla Desh. repatriation of those Indian diplomats and The East Pakistanis, headed by former staff members in Dacca who want to return against Deputy High Commissioner Houssain Ali, still remained in control of the gray brick to India. The two countries also have to resolve The Mother's Father's Day Consumer building. the problem of hpw to remove their • Boycott Committee has begun a campaign Mahdi Masud, the new Pakistani envoy records and archives from each of the PARIS (AP) - The Viet Cong day from the Viet Cong command. This American sympathizers, Thao recalled thj to Calcutta, was in seclusion after being the delegation at the Paris peace talks said promised safe conduct and "appropriate the Viet Cong previously made an ofMI to encourage the public to eliminate the diplomatic missions. target of anti - Pakistan demonstrations Pakistan has insisted that the principle Monday that "a certain number" of rewards" to U.S. servicemen who cross money to deserting soldiers of the Soul customary exchange of gifts on Mother's the enemy lines out of sympathy for Vietnamese army. But in the case • since he arrived last Wednesday. of reciprocity should be strictly American deserters are fighting in enemy over Day and Father's Day this year. observed. the Viet Cong cause. American soldiers, he said, "their 1ii?«l India and Pakistan agreed to withdraw The Indians said they told the ranks against U.S. forces in South Vietnam. Instead, the campaign literature urges Pakistanis that money usually spent on gifts be used their staffs from Dacca in East Pakistan, they can go in and get their records from Duong Dinh Thao, chief spokesman of In reply to questions, Thao said: "A reward surely is to be recognized as fig V on programs for peace. and Calcutta on a "reciprocal basis," but a the Calcutta mission. the Viet Cong delegation, called a news certain number of American soldiers are for peace." , I "By entering into a boycott on the problem has developed over who will However, with the East Pakistanis in conference to distribute an order of the fighting in the ranks of the National He told a questioner that the or ■ traditional mother and father gifts, we Liberation Front. The number is still small the day applied only to Americans an T because the battles in South Vietnam are to Australians, South Koreans or 1 hope to decrease profits in Ingham County," said Betty Honey, chairman of particularly bloody." foreign troops fighting in Vietnam. L the committee. Thao claimed a much larger number of He said all deserting American soia'i Mrs. Honey encouraged citizens to American deserters are behind Viet Cong would at their request be given a • lines but are not in the fighting. conduct to a neutral country fe „ intimidate the local business man, Mrs. School for Advanced Gradua oppose the war and those who, on the will chair the discussion. Honey said. She said it is an opportunity facUl| contrary, "eagerly carry out U.S. aggressive for the average citizen to do something policies." All foreign and . FulbrlfLted I non-violent, legal and effective to help members and their wives ar ■ The Viet Cong order of the day bring an end to the war. attend the meeting. ^ will I "Our main purpose is to try to raise the level of social consciousness of people not Learning on the lawn instructed all Communist command troops in South Vietnam not to fire on A social hour with refreshment held following the discussion. jng » I previously concerned," she said. "It's also a surrendering or deserting American Those faculty members P Q pal testing ground for further actions if the As the weather gets nicer and classrooms become warm and stuffy, more and more classes will be held out - of - soldiers, but to give them "good treatment attend should contact Milie • f fl administration does not change its doors. This class found a relaxed and cheery atmosphere on the grass near Wells Hall. ... aid and protection." foreign scholar adviser, in tn actions." State News photo by Martin Overholt Asked what the rewards would be for International Programs. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 27. 1971 7 SPORTS lancy and Leisman shine Bulls, Cond to discuss ]S batsmen beat EMU dominated the Hurons. Clancy twice PITTSBURGH (UPI) Bezahler, president of the - Don in the NCAA tournament, to a contract. Porter was to come DeLonge went awry when Cerez Clancy and a Boyce's third hit of Pittsburgh Condors, said here for a news conference By JOHN VIGES yielded only two hits as he Monday he would meet with "with all the proper pomp and State News Sports Writer dropped the ball and after the the game brought home picked up his seventh victory officials of the Chicago Bulls to ceremony" about a week later. and took one more step toward play he was still upset and threw DeLonge. the ball past discuss the disputed contract However, Porter denied he Rob Clancy and Dave his goal of a 12-0 season. Clancy on the MSU wrapped up the scoring rights to Villanova All - signed an agreement with „ lowered their earned pitchers mound. The double ever For Leisman, in the midst of in the seventh when Rob Ellis American Howard Porter. Pittsburgh and he dropped out Averages and raised MSU's a fine season, it was his fourth error moved the runner to third when he scored on a fly ball. walked, Rohde tripled and The meeting between the two of sight for a few weeks. He win with only one loss to mar catcher Bailey Oliver singled clubs will take place Wednesday surfaced in Chicago last I tnnQ to a Pflir ° his record. MSU had gone ahead in the home Rohde from third. in New York, Bezahler said. Saturday, saying he had signed jjjes over Eastern Michigan The rangy right hander held the Hurons hitless first on a pair of doubles by In the nightcap MSU scored The Condors announced last with the Bulls. March l0£y'two hurlers kept the until the fifth inning and was not threatened until the seventh leadoff batter Gary Boyce and John Rohde and it took the lead three times in the fourth to 29 they had signed Porter, the most valuable player He indicated the Condors Jons at bay, each allowed when an error followed by two to stay in the second. break open a pitching duel were preparing to go to court, 1 the one unearned run, between Leisman and his EMU but refused to describe the "hie batters etched out singles enabled EMU to score its counter • part. noueh " MSU runs to canry runs to their 23rd win of the the lone run. Clancy gave up his only run Clancy went to third walked on a and he single to right Rohde walked with one out and Ron Pruitt belted a double Rodeo club alleged "contract" with Porter fearing it would hurt his case. by Boyce. When the Huron's L„ against only four losses. in the first inning of the opener right fielder bobbled the ball off the fence to send Rohde to MSU travels to Western ichigan today for a nine inning when after a single a pair of errors by Steve Cerez and a Clancy came in with the lead third. DeLonge lined a single to right to score both runners and takes 12th mtest The game will be sacrifice fly brought in the run. scurried to second on the throw Sast over WKAR at 2:30 DeLonge walked to open the to the plate. Phil Rashead drove y and Leisman easily A started potential double play by second baseman Ron war for another Spartan score. A DeLonge across the plate with a passed ball, a bunt single by single to center. in field ENDS TUES. - ALL COLOR A The MSU rodeo club ELLIOTT GOULD pair of runs in the sixth IN A DAVID L. WGLPER Production finished the Spartans scoring. competed in an intercollegiate Pruitt led off with a single and rodeo held at the University of "I LOVE MY... Nebraska at Lincoln over the DeLonge doubled him to third. No where to g° weekend. MSU finished 12th in WIFE" The Huron pitcher then gave a field of 20 at the rodeo. MSU the two runs by throwing Baltimore's Earl Monroe (10, light uniform) sees MSU advanced two riders into nothing wide on a pickoff play at second but enemy arms as he works the against the Milwaukee Bucks' finals, but could land only --AND -- •which scored Pruitt and set Bob Dandridge (10) and Lew Alcindor (33) in one placer. Kathy Heath tied for WHAT OTHER WOMEN OREAM. SHE OARED I Sunday's DeLonge to third and he then NBA playoff game. The Bucks won, 102-83, and will take a third in the girl's barrel racing. eased Bob Bragg advanced into the Robert Stack James Farentino DeLonges route home by 2-0 lead into Wednesday's third game at Milwaukee. throwing a wild pitch. AP Wirephoto finals in the bareback riding r Bibi Andersson rmn- I category, but failed to place. MSU took four riders to the Story of a Woman IN STANLEY CUP PLAY competition, and the other two riders missed the finals as they were disqualified on technicalities. 'Stars surprise The New Players MONTREAL (UPI) - The Hard two teams - hitting Minnesota get set to clash at the Montreal Canadiens and the for LAST NIGHT defenseman, Tom Reid, one of Forum the fifth game Minnesota North Stars have a the reasons for the Stars' two big Tuesday night. "You win one couple of things in Each team common. has won two wins in this series, thinks his club's chances are good as the game, then you win another. OPEN TRYOUTS Well, then, we can surely win games as they enter the fifth in four," said Reid. their best - of - seven series. And Minnesota Coach Jack both teams are giving a drubbing Gordon will go with Cesare to most self styled experts. - Football Maniago as his regular goalie for ANTIGONE Most expects had it figured the balance of the series. The A play about disobedience in Society No. 5 there wouldn't be a fifth game, other regular netminder, Gump Tuesday 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Parlor A in the Union. with Montreal rated as likely to walk away with four straight manager Worsley, aggravated a groin ■ Atlanta's Hank Aaron connects on home run No. 599 in Sunday's game against San Diego in injury in pregame practice wins. Anyone interested in ■ Atlanta. Aaron will attempt to become the third man in baseball history to hit 600 home runs Saturday. Montreal won the But the, they were the becoming a manager for the Saturday game handily. Rookie I when the Braves play San Francisco today. AP Wirephoto experts who also didn't believe MSU varsity football team is Gilles Gilbert, who had i the Canadiens would topple the asked to call Rick Drobot at outstanding games during the Boston Bruins in the quarter 337-1611. becomes season Maniago's kicks' Reed to undergo finals. Now they're wondering if there might the making: be a third upset in Minnesota doesn't back-up. seem to know when It's supposed to be beaten. [urgery ■NEW YORK (UPI) on injured knee The First Day - Willis the operation "for revision of pain pd, the center for the New ( Knicks who was ailing the attachment of the tenrion above the left knee to relieve the and • on killing shots in the knee April 16th when the of May Brings Knicks were eliminated by Rich of last season, will tendonitis" the following day. Baltimore, he received shot of Something a ■ergo surgery on his left knee Reed is expected to be ready for idnesday, the Knicks xylocaine both before the game next season. and at half time. Bounced Monday. Reed traces the tendonitis ■Reed will ^ irewTuesday and enter the hospital team doctor back to a game in Atlanta in November of 1969 but it didn't Reed also suffered a sprain in the joint of his right shoulder near the end of the season but Special to Patterson will perform bother him that much in the 69-70 season when he was the doctor said that rest will HiFi Buys named the league's most tiif filed valuable player and led the Knicks to their first National Basketball Association crown. lunningliam However, missed six games this season he because of the injury and wasn't at his best JCREENSBORO, ■ N.C. (UPI) head of the Carolina most season. in the latter half of the Tgars said Monday it was Reed periodically received IfMry to bring suit against Jj Cunningham because "it is |datory to begin plays for ■^season immediately." ■TcCougars ■U-S. Middle filpd suit Friday District Court T, ® eP Cunningham from ■,° any other pro *etball team. ■ he suit Cunningham, an laHo,p[° toward for the I fclphia 76ers for the past latPi^S0IjS' I® e'y and indicated both publicly he did not Perform for the !Tmad°N SAI-E NOW V, Tuesday, April 27, 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ] StATE STATE NEWS NEWS CLASSIFIED Get a shower of results with a low-cost classified ad. Call 355-8255. classified 355-8255 355-8255 The State News does not permit racial or religious Automotive fRankly speaking . by Phil Frank Employment For Rent For Rent 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham discrimination in' its MUSTANG 1965 V-8 stick. Very Drive. 135 Kedzie. 2 PRINCETON ARMS " re¬ advertising columns. The nice inside and out. 351-4255. NOTICE furnished man Includes furnished and unfum ^ r00lfl State News will not 2-4-28 apartments. heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. utilities and paid, except J* accept advertising which SUMMER JOBS available in Torch Leases starting June 15 and Sept. telephone. Offerino i 12 month leases. 1 OLDSMOBILE 442, 1966. Power Lake Resort area for 2 sharp Call 332.hr,,' discriminates against 1 Days. 487-3216. Evenings til 10 • AUTOMOTIVE steering / brakes. Lots of extras. attractive (jbIs. Reception and HALSTEAD MANAGFM Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or 487-3245. 5-5-3 general office work. Housing p.m., 882-2316. O 351-7910.0 ageMEn Auto Parts & Service national origin. available. Send picture and resume NORTH POINTE: 1 Aviation OLDSMOBILE 1966 4 door sedan to" Mr. Rankin, MIDWEST CEDAR GREENS and 2^" • EMPLOYMENT with power steering and brakes. RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, Ml 49615. 20-4-30 1 bedroom furnishocl apartments, lur^h*!? Call 663-4349. 7-5-3 POOL unfurnished. and picnic area. swimm, JJ HasDiscount * FOR RENT Automotive ATTENTION GRADUATES. Young fo,^ Apartments Houses OLDSMOBILE 1966. 88 convertible, power steering, power brakes, people with needed to fill positions rapidly expanding company. Cull 351-8631 riTfiraa? Rooms COMET 1963. 6 cylinder. Standard transmission, with air. Call automatic, Excellent premium tires. condition. TU 2-6235 For interviews call 694-9122 CAPITOL COMPLEX near. »5.L4Io.oD M4N4W«w" ♦ FOR SALE 349-2179. 2-4-27 after 5:30 p.m. 3-4-28 (Holt), 9 a.m.-noon. 5-4-30 Furnished. Utilities. 2 rooms, EVERGREEN: ALL 4 Animals $115. Three rooms, $130. Five man Mobile Homes CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE, 1964.4 OPEL 1971 1900. 6,000 miles. ORGAN OR piano player to play in rooms, $160. No children, pets. bedroom apartments Now renting for summer furniihJ speed, no 332-2139. 1-4-27 rust. AM-FM. $400. Leaving country May 1st. Best top band. Call after 6 p.m., 699-2819. 1-4-27 489-1276. 5-5-3 Discount for 9 and and 12 mom (J ♦ PERSONAL offer. 349-3097. 5-4-27 leases signed before PEANUTS PERSONAL TWO GIRL apartment, own room. June lst p! ♦ ♦ REAL ESTATE CORVAIR 1965. Sharp. 4 door, E X PERIENCED STUDENT Reduced rates. Immediately. Call 332-1313, or MANAGEMENT. 351.7QM halsteS! radio. Good mileage. One owner. photographer needed. August 351-2147. 3-4-29 0 * RECREATION Excellent condition. 489-2373. wedding. East Lansing. 355-8969, MARRIED 3-4-29 PONTIAC 1964 LeMans convertible. 6-8p.m. 1-4-27 ROOMMATE WANTED. $40/month. STUDENTT • SERVICE Excellent condition. $650. Phone Utilities included. Parking. Call & FACULTY Typing Service CORVETTE 1969 Coupe. 435 675-7414.3-4-29 WANTED: MALE 8nd female part John, 641-4554. 3-4-29 horsepower, 4 speed, Kustom side time full time. Lucrative NO SECURITY * TRANSPORTATION or headers, power windows, low PONTIAC LEMANS, 1970. Vinyl ' opportunity with international SUBLET FURNISHED deluxe 2 man DEPOSIT REQUIRED * WANTED mileage. 484-8309. 3-4-27 top, automatic. Very good TurnJ RBNTCTI U£ WAVE"MB corporation. For information apartment, summer - very close. KNOB HILL 1 DEADLINE P.M. one class day DATSUN 2000 Roadster, 1968. condition. 3-4-27 Best offer. 351-5238. ANA6®?/WNT H/nHWE&BMVlWIT room 102, Kellogg Center, Wednesday, April 28th, 7 p.m. 351-5669. 4-4-30 APARTMENTS Good condition. Best offer over 2-4-28 SINGLE MALE wanted to share 3 before publication. $1200. 489-2886. 5-4-28 PONTIAC 1968. Firebird man furnished apartment. 3031 349-4700 Cancellations 12 noon Power steering, brakes, air South Washington, Apt. D-11. Ph. - FIAT 1970. 850 Sport Coupe. 3,700 conditioning. 337-9488 after 5 For Rent Open: 11:00-7:00 Mon.-Sat, one class day before 393-8992. 3-4-29 miles. Best offer. Must sell, call p.m. 2-4-27 2:00-5:00 Sunday publication. Jan, 351-0734 after 5 p.m. 5-5-3 Scooters & Cycles Scooters & Cycles ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV ONE BEDROOM furnished mobile Also shown by appointment PHONE SUNBEAM MINX 1967. Good home, $25/week. 10 minutes On Okemos Rd. Across FORD 300 1963. Fair condition. condition. $250. Call 351-0694 1971 KAWASAKI 250E. 600 miles. 1965 DUCATI. Low mileage, recent RENTAL, 372-4948. O campus. 641-6601. 28-6-4 355-8255 after 9:30 p.m. 5-4-27 from Okemos High School $150. Call 337-2005 after 6 p.m. Excellent condition. Helmets. overhaul, road or trail. 355-9376. RATES 3-4-29 $750. 355-3156. 5-4-28 5-4-28 TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction SUBLET SUMMER 2 bedroom guaranteed. Free delivery, service furnished, air UNIVERSITY VILLA: 1 day $1.50 TRIUMPH 1964 Spitfire. Just T 250 SUZUKI 1969. Great conditioned, 4 n FORD 1968. Fastback. Excellent installed 1967 engine. Body good. WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER and pick-up. Call NEJAC, blocks from campus. Reduced 2 and 3 and 4 mar 15c per word per day condition. Road Bike. 669-9843 condition. $1400. 339-9318 after 355-9784. 3-4-27 Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. 337-1300. C rates. Call Mark, 332-8834; Frank apartments for summer 3 days $4.00 . 5:30 p.m. 3-4-28 after 6 p.m. 5-4-27 Phone 489-4811. Our new address 351-4389. 5-5-3 looking for low rates, this is-1 131/2C per word per day TRIUMPH GT6+ 1969. Good 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF TV RENTALS — Students only. Low building. Call 337-2361 FORD 1964. 1970 TRIUMPH Trophy 250, 1,600 HALSTEAD 5 days $6.50 $75. Body good - condition. $1900. Call 882-7008. monthly and term rates. Call PINECREST TOWNHOUSES and MANAGEMENT miles. Just tuned. $700 includes 13c per word per day engine needs repair. Call 5-4-30 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV duplexs. Perfect for young 351-7910. O 353-7006. 5-4-28 helmets. 351-9428 after 4 p.m. Auto Service & Parts RENTALS. C families. Includes carpet, (based on 10 words per ad) 3-4-29 VOLKSWAGEN 1964. New battery, dishwasher, air, basement, pool TWO GIRLS for summ MASON BODY SHOP , 812 East FORD CORTINA GT, new October generator. Needs engine. Call Bill REFRIGERATORS AND Stereos for and playground. 2 and 3 Hill. Free bus, pool. 353-7380 Peanuts Personals must be TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 250. Just Kalamazoo Street . .. Since 1940. 1969. 36,000 miles, extra clean. 349-3636 after 5:30 p.m. 2-4-28 rent. A TO Z RENTALS. bedrooms for $195. Phone 2-4-27 pre-paid. $1260.616-749-9175. 1-4-23 broken in, tuned. Helmets. $700. Complete auto painting and 349-2220. O 351-7194. 3-4-27 484-2893. 3-4-29 collision service. IV 5-0256. C There will be a 50c service VOLKSWAGEN 1970 sedan. ONE GIRL. Cedar GM 1966 Van. Paneling, carpeting, Immaculate, fun to drive, light CAR WASH, 25c, or automatic wash, LANSING OR East Lansing. One Immediately. $55/monthiy, and bookkeeping charge if 351-1165, 351 6234. 2-4-27 blue. 675-7326. 5-5-3 this ad is not paid within cabinet, sink, bed / bench. $950 or best offer. 353-4014, 5 - 6 p.m. 50c. Wax and vacuum. 430 South Clippert, back of Koko U-DO-IT. Apartments bedroom rooms. furnished. Large, airy Air conditioned. one week. and 10-11 p.m. 6-4-30 VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Excellent Bar. 0-3-12 Beautifully maintained. Suitable 711 EAST APTS. BEECHWOOD: 2, 3 and 4 man 2 condition. Under warranty. Any BMW, R69 , 600 cc's. Engine, for faculty, grad students, business 711 Burcham The State News will be transmission overhauled. bedroom furnished apartments, HORNET 1970 2 door reasonable offer considered. YOUR PLACE mine. VW repair people, married couples. Lease. Deluxe large 1 bedroom responsible only for the or for Summer and Fall. Spacious, 355-8086. 2-4-28 Fiberglass side baskets, new tires. orange. Take over payments or service. 485-6500 after 5 p.m. 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 furnished apartments. first day's incorrect $750 or best offer. 332-2094. parking, close. Discount for all 9 best offer. Phone 882-4684. 3-4-29 3-4-29 and 12 month leases signed prior Suitable for 2 & 3 man. insertion. 3-4-27 VOLKSWAGEN KARMANN Ghia to June 1st. Call 351-0965 or COUNTRY SETTING, 2 bedroom Now leasing for Summer 1968. Excellent condition. Radio, AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, unfurnished. 15 minutes from JAVELIN 1968 S clock, wire wheel covers, new HONDA CB160. 10,000 miles. New and Fall. 9 & 12 month American cars. If we can't fix it, it 351-7910. O East condition. Many i tires, new disc brakes. 45,000 electrical system and tires. $295. Lansing. $150 a month. leases. can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O 393-6393. 4-4-30 655-3468 or 372-7417. 6-4-28 353-0032. 3-4-29 liles. Mujst sell. $1425. Phone MARIGOLD APTS 337-7328 337-0780 5-4-29 —iLMl- VW GUARANTEED 911 Marigold Ave. 351-4878 HONDA 90. Excellent corttfflfon. - repair. LARGE TWO A utomotive 1 bedroom furnished deluxe party furnished VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1963. Best RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at New paint. Must see. $95. Call efficiency. Air conditioned, close BAY COLONY: 1 and 2 bedroo offer. Mrs. Houk, 489-7435, 9 - 5 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C 2 man apts. Across from Andy 332-5039. 2-4-27 to campus. $135 summer. $150 apartments furnished i AUSTIN HEALEY 3000, 1963. MERCURY p.m. 10-5-10 campus. Leasing now Summer fall. Call 484-0585, 484-1328. unfurnished. Located on corner 1965, Monclair sedan. & Fall. $1000 or best offer. 332-6148, 1967 YAMAHA 250. Good Aviation 337-7328, 337-0780, 10-5-3 Haslett Road and Asking $200. Phone 332-1240. VW 1970. and 351-4878 332-8113.3-4-29 Sunroof, automatic shift, condition. $325. 353-1362 or 5-4-29 Offering 3, 9 and 12 month l~ 19,000 miles. Days 335-1700; 353-1216. 5-4-30 LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight THREE GIRLS needed. Sublet Call UNIVERSITY TERRACE: Now 351-3211 or HALSTEA AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE 1965. MGA 1958. Rebuilt nights 349-3640. 5-4-28 training. All courses are summer. $55. No deposit. Call interior, renting 3 and 4 man furnished MANAGEMENT, 351-7910.0 ; Yellow with black top. Good exterior, engine excellent, other NORTON 750. Mint. 1970 government and VA certified. 351-2367. 3-4-27 VW 1970. Sunroof, automatic apartments for summer and fall. condition. $425. Phone TU extras. 349-1749. 5-4-28 shift, Commando Roadster. 3750 miles. FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport DREAMS COME to life in off of 19,000 miles. Days 355-1700; Walking distance to campus. Call 2-3155. 3-4-29 372-1660. 5-4-30 Road, Call 484-1324. C 351-9117 friendly new rentals advertise or HALSTEAD MAN NEEDED for 3 man. MGB 1967 nights 349-3640. 5-4-28 hardtop. Convertible, Twyckingham Apartments. the Want Adsl overdrive, Michelins. Excellent WILD CAT CUSTOMS. Motorcycle ^MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O BUICK owner. RIVIERA Excellent 1967. Private condition condition. $1500. 332-1367. customizing and chopping. Exotic Employment TWO MAN apartment to sublease Summer term. 355-5308. 5-4-30 - $1850. 332-0080. 5-4-27 painting and Velvetex. Free summer. Close to campus. NEW ONE bedroom. Furnished or NOW LEASING estimates. 2901 N. East Street, FULL TIME pay for part time work. MGB 1963. Convertible. 4 speed, WAGON CAPRICE 1966. Loaded, (U.S. 27). 5-4-30 Excellent opportunity. Apply _JL3Z_1195J.!!±?Z unfurnished, dishwashers, air CHEVROLET 1 966 white conditioning, close to campus. for summer and fall 2101 West Holmes Road, behind THREE BEDROOM, full basement, wire wheels. Glass side windows. air, power brakes, steering, etc. convertible automatic. Good $165 per month. 332-1183. $500. 482-8292. 3-4-29 Excellent condition motor and KAWASAKI 1968 350 Avenger. Quality Dairy Store. 5-4-28 stove, refrigerator. $180. running California 5-4-30 Studio, 1 bedroom, ■ product. 332-1094. 10-5-5 body. (No rust, California Excellent condition. 339-8340. Asking $850. Den Kildea COUPLE to live in desirable Lansing and 2 bedroom apis — MUSTANG FASTBACK product). New polyglas tires plus 3-4-27 487-6141 or 337-9320. 3-4-27 1969 3 FOURTH GIRL wanted summer, GIRLS WANT to live in apartment all furnished 2 snow tires. $1295 or reas. offer. home in exchange for speed. Excellent care. 34,000 Eden Roc apartments. Phone Fall - Spring terms. 353-7380. 355-9744 anytime. 4-4-30 HONDA CL 350. Very pretty bike. companionship to lady. Salary. CHEVROLET 1964 6 cylinder. miles. Must sell immediately. Call 351-0303 Sue. 5-4-27 3-4-28 . $280. Call after 5 p.m., 351-7405 353-1078 ask for Deborah. 5-4-27 Excellent condition. _ 662. 4-4-30 rent from $135/month Conscientious owner. Extra parts, SUMMER TERM. 2 girls, $45. Cedar : 3-4-29 MUSTANG 1965. Convertible, 6 Scooters & Cycles helmet. Best offer. 355-2445 PHARMACEUTICAL REPRESENTATIVE for leading Village. Call Peggy 337-9515. ONE MAN, Cedar Village, summer. heated pool S5-4-28 $45. 351-4068, after 11 a.m. CHEVY VAN 1965. 532 Ann Street, cylinder. Standard shift. Must sell, firm. Lansing area. $9000. Fee 3-4-28 1-4-27 ample parking Apt. 9. 337-9976 after 4 p.m. leaving country. 482-5061. 1007 70 TRIUMPH Daytona. 500. $1050. paid. Car furnished. 372-7700, 2-4-28 PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. NOW LEASING for summer and fall May St. Lansing. 3-4-29 Call p.m. 482-5626 between 6 • 8 5-4-30 3-4-28 terms' 3 man furnished NEED ONE or 2 girls summer. Cedar Village. $45. Call after 7 p.m. Burcham Woods apartments. Girls only. Sufficient Anita, 353-1152, Margie, CYCLE INSURANCE. Central STENOGRAPHERS. GALS with parking. 9 and 12 month leases 353-8043. 2-4-28 (Etopcfungfjam good abilities for Lansing firm. starting fall. Reduced rate for 12 Michigan's largest insurer. Any month lease. 694-8266. 1141 cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON Full time. $6500. 372-7700. NOW RENTING 1 and 2 bedrooms. INSURANCE AGENCY. PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. Albert. 10-5-7 Summer and Fall. Norwood If no answer - 484-4014 332-5335, 484-8173.0 3-4-28 SHORT OR long term lease, 2 Apartments. 332-2712. 4-4-30 has it .. . 1969 HONDA 300. Excellent LINE UP necessary. a spring job now. Car Also train for full time bedrooms. Appliances, air. 332-0449. 5-4-28 condition, 4100 miles. Call summer work. Call 351-7319 for 351-0490 after 5 p.m. 5-4-29 CROSSWORD PUZZLE 33090 heated p CB 450 H°nda 1967' interview appointment. C PART TIME employment: 12 - 20 CAMPUS HILL immediately. Reduced - 1 bus. Pool. Woods. Lots of boysl girl needed rates. Free ACROSS 32. Printer's mark asdsssi $600. See and ride to appreciate. hours Call 353-5328. After 5 of omission per week. Automobile p.m., 355-0905. 3-4-27 1. Divulge LWAIL and all required, 351-5800. O 485-7610. 5-4-28 5. 8. River bottom Stocky horse 34. Vermin 36. Bathe ■pMt SUMMER SUBLET. Capitol Villa 2 11. Bitter drug 37. Globe raraaHfiLi mm ColUngtoooti bedroom air conditioned, pool. Our $155 women own a furniture and month plus utilities. Single preferred. Call 351-0599. china. 12. Samuel's mentor 13. Milkfish 14. Uprising 39. Deceiver 43. Ague 47 Unoccupied 48. Keel-billed QHpJ □Ha as Apartments 10-5-7 15.Aged cuckoo 49. Grampus rascals SUMMER SUBLET, 2 man 17. Vow 50. Racetrack 3HG13S furnished. Air conditioned, pool. 18. Genus avena 19. Mischievous tipster 351-6146 after 6 p.m. 3-4-27 51. Moccasin 2. Charles Lamb 6.Anne* means . . . MALE FOR Capitol Villa. 3 month 23. 26. Repetition Graphic scenes 52. Wag 53. Shade trees 3. Booty 7. furbelow 8. Crates 30. Joshua's father 4. Deadly sublease. Swimming, air. 351-9144 9. Hooter 31. Hawaiian DOWN 5. Spelling after 5:30 p.m. 5-4-27 10. Cove 4620 S. Hagadorn just north of Mt. Hope Rd, never having to baking pit 1. Elephant's ear contest 16. Musical perception ; Cedar Village ■ m 20. Arikara wash the dishes i 21. Short visit I- " Apartments S 22. Hawaiian dance ■ £ Parson biro ■- . . provide continuous free" 24 toilets,J iniKi mmm 25 Abstract be TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS by hand and ■maintenance ■garbage disposals, ^conditioners, and many otherB on stoves, air| 26. Dickens character are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury 27. Fr. friend apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean ^appliances. Cedar Village also' 28. Rural "UNLIMITED PARKING *BALCOIMIES ■has 24 - hour emergency! fourteen I fjr furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central-control air iq ■service by our on-6ite staff, conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. Recreation is #SHAG CARPETING ♦AND MUCH MORE g 33 sediments " rock planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If *AIR CONDITIONING ■ . you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom ■ Now Leasing for ■ jS hrn^'f 38. Forehead units start at $60/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY Fall leases now being accepted, Starting at $200/2 Summer & Fall Terms 40. Favorite FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. $210/3 man man ■ J 41. Astringent THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. (3 and 4 man $220/4 man J 332 - 5051 S■ 42. 43. Soaks J* CartograP" apts. only, starting fall.) .. . _ , _ ■ 44 Anecdotage MANAGEMENT tXCLUSI VEl. Y BY Alco Management Cnmpany Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind ■ Bogue St. at the Red Cedar i 45. Bib name Yankee Store) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. April 27. 1971 9 For Rent For Rent For Sale For Sale GOVERNOR'S GROUP ROOM FOR man. Over Revco store ff I ARMS: 4 man. 2 21154 Grand River, upstairs SCIENCE FICTION SALE " 7 . apartments, furnished, 2 for 45c. The Book Addict, 12454 Animal!s Mobile home panel asks 5-4-30 renting for summer and fall. W. Grand River, above Gibson's. N0W Dlsc0U !r 9 and 12 month Paperbacks always half price. OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog. Female. 7 ianed prior to June 1st. 34-29 months. Doug or Ann, 372-6206, '^35 7662, or HAUSTEAD 11 a.m.-9 p.m. 5-4-27 Sl'JoEMENO.IWO.O For Sale 25% off BODY. Canon 50 camera. TLQL F1.8 lens. Full ' mm POODLE, PUPPY, i old, added tenant rights, taxes guarantee. Retail, $199.95. Now AKC. Samoyed puppies, AKC. $150. Call after 6 p.m., 694-9159 K-9 COIFFURES, 694-0098 or HARMON KARDON stereo. I ,^'M.Hord. 372-5767 and Slightly used component system 3-4-29 372-0925. 5-4-27 gg-1656, evenings. 20-5-3 with matched speakers, original ALL TYPES of clothes, sizes 8 - 10, ST. GABRIEL. St. Bernards. cost $449, now $295. Used plus wedding and floor length Beautiful 5 week old puppies, Realistic stereo amp and extension study of mobile home living ever made in Michigan." he aid. "It is Houses dresses. 351-8249 after 5 p.m registered AKC. Puppy shots By JEFF SHELER speakers. Selection of used 24-28 portable stereo phonographs. Bell given. Excellent temperament and State News Staff Writer our hope that this report will enable Gov. Milliken to recommend and Howell stereo cassette marking. 5 females, 4 males. $125 legislation that will, if enacted, improve the quality of life for all rtiallv furnished. All appliances, 1970 BRITANNICA. plus extras. and up. 393-6458. 5-4-27 persons living in mobile homes in Michigan," he said. IUm' eR SUBLET thre bedro ms, ^'campus. Call 351-4932. recorder. Used Westinghouse portable TV, plays good $45. New Best offer over $325. 351-8249 after 5 p.m. 2-4-28 _ EXOTIC BABY Jaguar Rondi Gov. Milliken's Task Force on Mobile Homes has called for increased tenant rights and an increased share of local tax burdens The report called for increased tenant rights for persons living 3-4-27 9x12 Oriental pattern rugs and on rented lots to insure adequate health and safety conditions. mountain foxes, straight from the for Michigan mobile home dwellers in a report released Monday. wall WE BEDROOMS furnished, carpet. tapestries. 1500 used and mountains of the Yucatan. Very The 55-page report also included recommendations to prevent fake Lansing, 5920 Potter guaranteed stereo records and 8 LARGE AQUARIUM. 29 gallons. All beautiful. 351-8102. 5-5-3 racial segregation and require better safety and health standards PROMOTIONS Haslett. Available June. 482-6906. track stereo tapes. Hermes glass. Stainless cover, with light. in mobile home parks, to insure high construction standards and 1-4-27 portable typewriter, excellent Accessories. $25 total. 351-0632. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppy. 12 1-4-27 to improve marketing and financing of mobile homes. condition, $39. Selection of weeks old. Female, has shots. "It is estimated that approximately 200,000 Michigan citizens immediately for 3 Names NEEDED 35mm SLR cameras used. 353-1283. 2-4-28 I1"' hnine Own room, Polaroids and movie cameras. NEW LUXURY bar. Formica top, were living in mobile homes at the start of 1971 and the number Bosch and Lombe 8'x4'. Must sell, leaving. is expected to double by 1975," Richard E. Whitmer, task force 485-2095. 2-4"28 r> microscopes. Used 8 track and used offer. 351-8102. 5-5-3 Best Mobile Homes chairman said. cassette auto tape players, all "We believe the task force conducted the most comprehensive completely from facu TWO bedroom tested and guaranteed. Bargains on LESLIE ORGAN amplifier, model MARLETTE, 1968 12x53 feet. used lovely diamond ring 251. Fine condition. Best offer. Excellent condition. Furnished or ■ 337.1294. 4-4-30 engagement sets, $39 up. 337-1500.3-4-29 unfurnished. With shed. On lot. it's what's Layaways„Bankcard, Master charge. 694-9374.5-4-30 PENTAX JlREE BEDROOMS furnished, WILCOX SECONDHAND SPOTMATIC and ' The following promotions for Roy T. Matthews and Peter A. Saginaw. $115. .M ■ carpet. 827 East STORE, 509 E. accessories. Like Call Michigan, new. f t> 17' faculty members approved April McKinnon, humanities; ■ 482-6906- 1-4-27 Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours 372 1 865. 34-29 ^°8t & * ound 16 by the board of trustees were Mohammed Abou-El-Seoud, daily 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. C Helen B. Hiscoe, John A. Millins MOLDED PLYWOOD pleasure boat, LOST WEDNESDAY evening - accidentally omitted from J STORY, 4 bedroom house. wire rims, Student Services. Monday's State News. and Bruce Stewart, natural I I, partially furnished, GUILD ELECTRIC guitar, Standel 14 foot. Well built, $125. near REWARD. 353-5834. 3-4-28 627-7170. 5-5-3 science; Vincent Lombardi, ■ fireplace. Prefer young couple. amp, no speakers. Must sell. Promotions to associate ■489-5988.3-4-29 351-6699. 2-4-27 professor included: Michael Jost, George S. Paulus and Ronald LOST: LADIES gold Longines The MSU Chess Club will meet The Spa n Pistol Club will hold STEREOPHONIC EQUIPMENT: 10 - watch, black band. Cherry Lane Wednesday at 7:30 Plant Research Laboratory and Pugek, social science; Clifford W. p.m. in East election- an open meeting for tST LANSING furnished. 3 SUNGLASSES, tempered SAFETY or 50% off; turntables, speakers, Apartments area. Reward. Holmes Hall lower lounge. Pli those interested at 7 p.m. today at botany and plant pathology; Welsch, anatomy; Jerry B Hook. edrooms, fireplace. Walk to lens or any Optical receivers; Sony, Bose, Dual, 353-2460. 1-4-27 Hall Rifle Range. pharmacology; David A Heink- ■ campus. Lansing - Furnished 3 needs. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, Sansui, Marantz, etc.; Evenings Jerzy Borysowicz, physics; , 2615 East Robert J. Sprafka, physics; pharmacology; Thomas S.' ■ bedrooms, 2 baths, bar. Each Michigan Avenue. 351-4856. 1-4-27 A lawyer will be at ASMSU from Gunnings, Counseling Center ■ $225/month. 12 month lease. Call 372-7409. C-4-30 Personal 1 to S p.m. every Wednesday this The Israeli Club will sponsor a talk Lynwood G. Clemens, zoology; and Center for Urban Affairs, term. Call for Terrell 1337-0409. O TYPEWRITER. Portable Remington ZENITH STEREO Panasonic 9" appointment. 353-0659 an by Menachem Milson, professor at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem on W. Phenice, and Richard Fetters, television cassette tape recorder. anthropology; Robert C. HELP SAVE AMERICA Attitudes Toward Israel" E LANSING. 4 man luxury with carrying case. Call 489-2960 Like new; 355-3736 after 6 p.m. "Arab Trojanowicz, criminal justice; intercollegiate athletics. Join the AMERICAN VIGILANTES! Wednesday at 8 p.m. 38 Union. anytime. 3-4-28 Recreation Promoted to the rank of asst. ■ duple*. Furnished. Summer only. For information — Buy and Read Stanley D. Brunn, geography; ■ u', i.M's paid. Call after 4 p.m. THE AMERICAN VIGILANTE Nikola Koljevic, asst. professor of Charles Craypo, labor and professor were: Paul Deussen, WATERBEDS, $29,95. 10 1485-6222. 5-4-30 guarantee. T.J. Enterprises, 2800 year DURST ENLARGER, 35mm, Brand By Alaric, Branden Press, 221 SUMMER FLIGHTS to Europe. English literature at University of industrial relations; Neil art; James Lawton, art: Peter W. new, $30. Slide projector, 35mm, Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass., $165. New York to London. Call Sarajevo, Yugoslavia and currently an Landry, theater; Richard W. 1972 school year. Large Woods (1301) Lincoln, Nebraska. 1 year old, $25. 351-6650. 3-4-29 exchange professor at Hope College, VandeVord, labor and industrial Frank Buck. 351-8604. 17-4-28 Levering, theater; Gretel . 02116. $4.95. 15-4-27 ■ home Excellent location, kitchen, (402) 488-0459. 4-4-29 Holland, Michigan, will hold a talk on relations; Paul Abramson, laundry. 8 women the "Modern Yugoslav Novel" at Stensrud, theater; Robert W. Inarkinq AQUARIUM 22 gallon, Stand, political science; Edward E. students 332-1918. 2-4-27 SAILBOAT 18' National I design, Service 2 p.m. today A-716 Wells Hall. Bull, Center for Laboratory - Everything, $60. 337-1493 after 5 Azar, political science and Animal Resources and medicine; 25' mast. Main and Genoa jib. ■3 or more graduate students, men p.m. 3-4-29 PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free The Russian and East European Computer Institute for Social Thomas Tobin, pharmacology: $700 or best offer. 351-9258 or NEEDED IMMEDIATELY amen, share furnished house, Studies Group will present the film Science Research; Timothy 655-2743. 10-5-7 people not afraid of estimates, grad students, John Narcy, intercollegiate SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. "Lenin in October" at 7:30 today. to campus. 351-8177 after 5 Hennessey, political science; and or weekends. 1 -4-27 Brand new portables — $49.95, challenge and hard work. experienced, references. Brighten ioi'n.' Kedzie 1971 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan AAUP compares Ten universities were 5.6 per cent, while compensation are demands for scarce faculty salaries By STEVE WATERBURY Ivy League institutions increased their institutional funds from other sources, State News Staff Writer such as demands for educational faculty salaries by 4.6 per cent. Average Compensation By Rank The AAUP report states that "there is opportunities for minority groups and Faculty members at MSU received above-average salary increases during the every reason to fear that real student requests for financial assistance. (Nearest Hundred) 1969-70 academic year in comparison to compensations in higher education will be "Importantly also, there are groups in their colleagues across the nation and to eroded drastically. the academic community who are more militant and less well paid that faculty — Prof. Assoc. Asst. Instr. I "The intensifying financial crisis of faculty members at other Big Ten $ 25,700 $ 17,600 $ 14,600 universities, according to a study instituitons of higher education, the from teaching assistants to custodial Northwestern University $11.200 conducted by Committee Z of the cutback in federal spending and the employes - who are pressing salary claims collapse of the academic market for those that seem to the public at least as urgent as University of Michigan 23,800 17,500 14,400 11,000 American Assn. of University Professors seeking faculty positions. All mean that it further faculty compensation," the report (AAUP). The preliminary report of the committee, will be difficult to secure the increases in indicates. Purdue University 23,500 17,300 13,900 9,500 I enumeration necessary to offset the The study states that the academic 22,900 17,000 14,400 presented at the 57th annual meeting of Indiana University 11.900 the National AAUP on April 16, revealed effects of rapid inflation," the report reads. profession "inevitably faces a host of hard that during the 1969-70 average academic The report, which is entitled "At the questions with respect to how to respond to severely limited funds. University of Iowa 22,400 16,800 13,900 10,400 I year compensations faculty rose Brink," states that the financial crisis of "The choices we face are of two different 22,300 16,500 13,500 11.300 approximately 6.2 per cent, while the institutions of higher education is the University of Minnesota product of both long-run trends and kinds: First, the sorts of trade-offs the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by nearly 6 per cent over the relevant academic year. shorter-run factors. profession will choose in distributing University of Illinois 22,200 16,100 13,100 10,600 I "It is clear that the continuing war limited resources and second, the modes of "The increase in real terms thus was Michigan State University 21,300 16,600 14,200 11.700 barely noticeable; this was, on the average, expenditures and the troublesome inflation response to the pressures of financial a year of standstill," the report states. account for some of the shortage of federal funds; it is clear that the recession affects difficulty. Two means of coping with the financial University of Wisconsin 21,200 15,600 13,000 10.800 1 However, figures for MSU indicate the professors here received average salary both private giving and state and local restraints that are viewed critically by the Ohio State University 21,000 15,900 13,100 10.000 I increases of 7.1 per cent, associate finances," it reads. report are increasing the student/faculty Part of the economic difficuties now ratio and decreasing the stress on research professors received increases averaging 9.4 in relation to facing the academic profession are also teaching. per cent, asst. professors salaries increased by 11.7 per cent and instructors salaries attributed to a shift from a sellers' market The report also states that the short run Source: "At the Brink," a report by Committee Z of the American Assn. of University Professors. 1 to a buyers' market. This shift in the effects of shifting resources from more increased by 10.9 per cent. Professors at MSU rank eighth in the Big market for faculty is attributed to a slow in costly graduate education to undergraduate the rate of increase of student enrollments education remain unclear. Ten in terms of average compensation, associate professors rank sixth, assistant and to a rising supply of new candidates Because a great deal of inexpensive Average Compensation By Rank for faculty positions. instruction is done by graduate students, professors rank fourth and instructors rank (Nearest Hundred) second. Other factors cited by the study as "any sharp reduction in graduate student increasing academic enrollments and use of teaching assistants Average compensation increases for Big pressure on will increase educational costs per student Prof. Assoc. Asst. Instr. 1 and thus exacerbate the pressure on the budget for faculty pary." University of Michigan $ 23,800 $ 17,500 $ 14,400 $ 11,000 I Another important choice facing the Wayne State University 22,300 17,100 13,100 9,300 I Judge fines attorney faculty is whether the funds available for academic salary increases should be devoted to "across the board" raises or to "merit" increases. Eastern Michigan University 21,700 21,300 16,600 16,600 13,600 14,200 10,800 11,700 1 I Michigan State University "Devoting all or most of the available 1 until witnesses appear money for compensation increases on an across-the board basis provides no funds to retain those whose market position remains Central Michigan Oakland University University 21,100 20,400 16,100 15,900 13,100 13,400 10,400 11,000 1 (Continued from page 1) "whatever steps may become necessary" to strong, and it may also serve to remove market incentives for excellence," the Michigan Technological University 19,800 16,000 13,200 10,300 1 Hanrahan has not been available for assure the grand jury's findings are the result of a proper investigation. report said. Western Michigan University 19,600 15,200 12,700 9,700 1 "On the other hand, erosion of real comment. Alexander Polikoff, counsel for the income can cause real hardship, and if the University of Detroit 18,900 15,000 12,700 9,400 1 Judge Power called the open court American Civil Liberties Union, said at a distribution of selective raises is made by an session to question the 68 - year - old news conference Monday that "no judge arbitrary or autocratic administration, it Northern Michigan University 18,400 15,900 13,200 10,500 1 special prosecutor about Sears' criticizing may interfere with or frustrate the the judge for holding a secret meeting with proceedings or deliberations of a grand may be that conformity will prove to be the principal ingredient of merit." Lake Superior State College 16,100 13,500 12,300 10,200 1 Sears and the jurors Thursday. jury." Sears told the judge that he meant no Polikoff also said that "since the subject The AAUP has conducted surveys of the economic status of the profession since Lansing Community College 15,500 13,500 11,600 1 disrespect but that his interpretation of the matter of the grand jury proceedings is the 1958. The AAUP is presently sponsoring law was that the judge had no right to state's attorney's office, it would be wrong order Sears or the grand jury to call to grant the head of that office immunity an intensive three-year study of the economics of the academic labor market, Source: "At the Brink," a report by Committee Z of the American Assn. of University Professors. 1 specific witnesses. for testifying." and the forces that shape it. Judge Power read aloud previous orders Fred Hampton, 22, and Mark Clark, 21, in which he told Sears and the jurors that were killed in the raid. Hanrahan has he wanted "a full and complete discussed the raid in appearances at a Marchers voice optimism investigation of the federal grand jury coroner's inquest and a previous county report and that all the witnesses who grand jury investigation. appeared before the federal grand jury The county grand jury indicted seven would appear before the special grand jury. Panthers who were seized in the raid, but Sears was picked by Judge Power in June Hanrahan's office later dropped the charges 1970 to conduct the current special against them. investigation. A federal grand jury spent five months with the vandalism on the Washington thankful that no trouble erupted during A cold wind whipped Washingtoi By MICHAEL FOX As the special grand jury resumed its sifting through the evidence of the raid but State News Staff Writer Monument grounds that occurred during a the march. For a large part, the students during the night, prompting thousands of investigation of the Black Panther raid indicted no one in its report of May 5, night - long rock festival after Saturday's said that the friendliness of Washington campers at the concert to build huge firel there were reports that Hanrahan had 1970. A sense of accomplishment seemed to march. Festival - goers had spray painted police prevented incidents of violence. with wood from the park benches. retained legal counsel in the event he The federal be the general feeling among the MSU the first 12 feet of the monument with panel rebuked all law testified. students stopping at Ravenna, Ohio, slogans such as "Free Angela" and had torn The size of the MSU contingent was One MSU group spent the night oi enforcement agencies involved and Sunday evening on the long return trip to apart park benches for firewood. estimated Saturday at about 2,500 floor of a congressman's office. Capit® Three groups who petitioned last year for criticized the seven Panthers who were in the special grand jury said they would take the raided flat for refusing to appear. East Lansing following Saturday's peace Another student who admitted he was a students, faculty and local citizens. Most police said that during the veteran^ march in Washington. students felt that the police estimate of protests the previous week, The Ravenna bus stop was "hawk" on he war two years ago said he 175,000 protestors was at least half of the legislators had allowed war protestors tl the half - was pleased that the march and rally was real size of the crowd. use their office overnight for shelter. way point on the 12 - hour, 800- mile bus peaceful, but said that the trashing of the trip for some 300 MSU students packed Washington Monument grounds left a "bad Handicapped with only six buses after "There were people all over at tt into six buses. The festive air and high level taste" in the mouths of some. the seventh bus broke down about 15 miles march. It was really fantastic," one MSI of expectations that characterized the bus outside Washington on the trip in, the MSU student said. It was the first time in thf trip to Washington Friday night was "I think we proved to the nation and group was forced to seat students on the history of antiwar protests that the Capiti replaced with a somber reflection on the the world that we are not going to sit on floor of the remaining six buses for the building was used as a background for | march and seemingly more small talk. our behinds and ignore this God damn The bill would make complete insurance return journey. rally. STATE REP. EDGAR A. GEERLINGS, war," a junior girl said vehemently. The girl R-MUSKEGON, is preparing legislation protection compulsory to cover personal "Participating in the march was added that she was happy that adults — Some 20 students who had either driven "I hope Congress gets the message ttii that would establish an on the spot test - - injury wihtout determining fault in an certainly worth the $23 I paid for the bus mothers, veterans, businessmen and labor or hitchhiked to Washington were also people want this war to end," the studed accident. fare," said one long - haired freshman girl, added. to prove driving impairment due to the union representatives - had joined students allowed to ride on the bus to East Lansing The bill would also eliminate civil suits who noted that this was the first antiwar influence of drugs or alcohol. in the march. as they had no other means of "We need to help peace officers with based on fault in cases of personal injury or protest she had ever attended. One Student Mobilization CommittJ transportation on Sunday. clear laws to cover cases where a motorist property damage. The girl said she was upset, however, All students interviewed said they were parade marshal was critical of There little wine demonstration because of the students wiT is obviously impaired in his ability to drive, was or no drinking or were on a "lark." but alcohol is not the cause," Geerlings joint passing on the return trip, which said Monday. contrasted with the Woodstock - like mood "It was like a vacation to some p» on the trip out and during Saturday's for He said a test, similar to present tests match, rally and concert. but then there were many who seriou^ detecting alcohol, should be want to protest the war," he said. administered by police "on the spot." Hitchhikers lined the interstate "We have to carry the spirit of p< highways going out of Washington on STATE SEN. COLEMAN A. YOUNG, Sunday, although many had pulled out home through things like the PwPj D-DETROIT, introduced a bill Monday to Saturday evening. Peace Treaty if the march is to be a rep create "no - fault" insurance for state success," he added. motorists. Most MSU students spent Saturday The buses rolled into East Lansj night sleeping either in Washington around 11:30 p.m. Sunday churches or at the Washington Monument deboarding passengers were told of an IV Peace vigil concert. Although camping was originally allowed only at the Lincoln Memorial by night peace vigil in front of Administration Building. (Continued from page 1) the Police, there were reportedly very few "I'm too tired for that now," was tij people spending the night there. remark of one student. steps of the Administration Building, reading each of the nine points of the Peoples' Peace Treaty. When the ninth step is reached at 3 p.m. Wednesday, the ninth resolution of the treaty will be read and the group will Many blacks reject disperse. Clobridge said the vigil is not a protest but rather "an affirmation of hope, an affirmation of future action for peace. "We aren't feeling guilty for the past," American surnames Clobridge said. "We are feeling responsible (Continued from page 1) is one that is accepted only on a par' for the future. Our vigil isn't basis," Miss Carter said. gUI antiadministration. By maintaining this Miss Carter said black people changing Leon Gant, Detroit senior «n J vigil for 64 hours, we aren't trying to their names to African names is one way of executive board member, said prove that we can remain alert, but rather rebelling against the system. She says she changed his name because he to symbolize the alertness the peace treaty admires the black people who have returned to Africa in a state o m'"1 is bringing this country." "I wouldn't criticize a black per changed their name because they are Clobridge said that he and several other members of the group plan to fast the Center ring collision showing that they have acquired the type of political consciousness that black people has decided to take an African, ,at admire him because he has entire period, consuming only liquids. said- need to survive in this country. level of black consciousness, ^ Dhirendra Sharma, visiting associate In a tangle of hooves, a bull upsets a horse after hitting him during the weekend horseback bullfights in Seville, "Because of the system of government He stated that if a black Pers°n st|i| professor of philosophy, said he plans to Spain. The horse suffered minor injuries, and his rider, bullfighter Alvaro Domecq, lower right, escaped injury in the United States and the social his name to an African name, s0flif| propose to his class that they meet at 3 this afternoon at the site of the vigil. when thrown. The men behind the bull and at right are assistants running to the aid of Domecq. conditions that exist under which black up to it by living black in all P AP Wirephoto people live, a newly acquired African name politically as well as socially-