Who . • • Wednesday are you? MICHIGAN Cloudy . . STATE NEWS and occasional showers STATE . . . and thunder showers, diminishing in the afternoon. High between UNIVERSITY 52 58. 3 Number 168 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 28, 1971 LAIRD ANNOUNCES CUT protestors hjcket local 1971 draft q uota termed raft board By DAVID BASSETT State News Staff Writer smallest in seven years WASHINGTON (AP) Projecting ahead for the rest of this Ia demonstration by more than 150 - Secretary of year, Laird said "I would estimate the draft Defense Melvin R. Laird announced ftoie protesting the draft Tuesday at the calls would not exceed the 10,000 figure Tuesday a cutback in the draft call for May E Selective Service office in Lansing was and indicated total 1971 inductions will be for any month." Laird's news conference was Ireful despite demands by some the lowest in seven years. He hinted the calls may fall below that unannounced in advance and came amid Etbers of the group that the building be average and that the final draft figure for fresh antiwar demonstrations in the capital, Ered forcibly. Laird told a news conference the actj0ns 1971 might be around 42,000. That would suggesting it might have been intended to ihree people were allowed to enter the are possible "because of the progress we be some 21,500 below last year and the take some of the bite out of those have made" in lowest total since the 12,500 in ■ding at one time. Vietnamizing the war and 1964, the demonstrations. »he demonstration, sponsored by the withdrawing U.S. troops. Ling IL Area Peace Council as part of its Meanwhile, the Senate Armed Services Committee approved Tuesday a offensive began at 3:15 p.m. bill Ksday when more than 100 people extending the draft for two more years and Kched from Durant Park at the corner of permitting President Nixon to end Bhington Avenue and Saginaw Street to ■ draft board office, just over a mile deferments for college undergraduates. The bill, close to the version requested by the Nixon administration, is expected to face a Rogers revis fcuring the march the group split into strong fight in the Senate frorr I cadres of about 50 people each. Indochina war foes and advocates of an al ■The number of demonstrators rose to Ire than 150 when a group from East - volunteer army seeking extension to just one year. to limit th Red China Ksing High School arrived 30 minutes Consideration is expected in the Senate in about two weeks. The current draft law readiness to LONDON (AP) — Secretary of State support Peking's entry lr the first brigade. expires June 30. William P. Rogers has pledged U.S. backing provided Nationalist Chinese on Formosa fence at the Selective Service office, a The two year duration is the same as - for a constructive role by Red China in remain a member of the world body. Xstantly moving picket line was voted earlier by the House. But the Senate Asia. He indicated the United States will This "Two - China policy," urged again Intained for more than an hour. version carries only a $987 million increase Monday by a presidential ccommission under , vera I demonstrators were allowed A hand in the crowd |n pay and allowances — the figure sought decide within about four weeks on how to handle the issue of Chinese representation Henry Cabot Lodge, is unacceptable to the ■de the building. Only those with by the administration rather than the $2.7 in the United Nations. Chinese Communist and the Nationalist ■homed permits were allowed to review An antiwar protestor, .inong those staging a sit-in at Selective Service billion approved by the House. The secretary told the Chinese. opening session of ■ flies. hejdqturters Tuesday, gets a handshake, from one of the employes Both versions would give the President a two • day conference of the Southeast China's new diplomatic posture the authority he sought to end deferments Asia Treaty Organization Tuesday that his dominated the exchanges within SEATO. (Please turn to page 15) leaving the draft office for his lunch break. /\p Wirephoto of college undergraduates. The alliance was formed by eight nations government welcomes Peking's overture for The Senate version would make this a new relationship. seven years ago as a shield against the real effective with enactment of the legislation, Later, in private, he discussed the China or imagined threats and thrusts from T HEADQUARTERS thus permitting all students now in college to finish their undergraduate education. question with Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Peking. Since then things have changed. France, no longer frightened of the Douglas Hume of Britain, a country that The House version would make the Chinese is boycotting the meeting, recognized the Peking government in 1950. authority retroactive to April 3, 1970, Rogers gave Douglas - Hume to Pakistan, friendly to Peking, is being Group hits draft WASHINGTON (AP) - Nearly 150 anticipation of mass arrests were quickly system demonstrators if they wished outside the making students who entered college last fall eligible for the draft at the end of the current academic year. The defense secretary in effect cut the May call from 15,000 by combining it with understand Washington will make up its mind finally on the matter of Chinese representation within the informants said. in next the United Nations four weeks or so, represented only by an observer. Rogers hailed "the Chinese overture" for a new relationship with the United States. "V/e believe that the People's Republic of lwar demonstrators blocked the doors sent away. China has a growing role to play in Asia," building. But Tarr refused to let the group June and setting a two - month quota The issue for years has been a source of ■ Selective Service headquarters here Four he said. "The aim of our policy is not to persons were arrested for in. totalling 20,000. disagreement between London and day, preventing about a dozen workers crossing police lines behind the building. deny that role but to encourage it... to be Draft spokesmen had agreed Monday to This, he indicated, means that about Washington. k returning after lunch. Three were freed after posting $10 a constructive rather than disruptive role. allow a delegation of perhaps a dozen 10,000 youths will be called up in May and Britain wants Peking to take over China's lome employes, however, climbed over collateral on the misdemeanor charge. The another 10,000 in June. demonstrators inside the building, but they seat from Nationalist China even though in "Our ■ demonstrators to enter the fourth held. policy must be carefully and building was changed their minds Tuesday upon This will be a sharp drop from the the past it has backed American demands ■were not stopped. realistically implemented, taking into Despite the efforts of some members of receiving police reports that some 17,000 a month draft quotas in the for a two third General Assembly account the response of the > stood by watching, but two the crowd to arouse more vigorous action, - margin People's I buses demonstrators would try to range through January - April period, totalling 68,000 on the question. Republic of China and other foreign policy brought to the scene in the demonstrators went along with Peter the entire building. The Nixon administration has considerations." displayed Blood, spokesman for "The People's Lobby, who urged that they remain nonviolent. [o Idwater The demonstrators remained outside the close D.C. doors through the afternoon waiting for the 200 or so employes to leave after work. Police said that, barring violence, any mass arrests would be up to Selective Service officials. Court wiretap rule sought WASHINGTON (AP) - The Nixon subversion and electronic surveillance of When the crowd first gathered, draft By a 2-1 vote, the appeals court upheld investigation. Bice urs. director Curtis W. Tarr told officers he did not want it cleared away forcibly. administration will ask the Supreme Court to uphold its claim to wider electronic surveillance without prior court approval in foreign spies. Atty. Gen John N. Mitchell, who says the Constitution gives the President an Judge Keith's ruling, which would require advance court approval for wiretaps used in domestic national security cases. Under In the case that was before Judge Keith, the government admitted overhearing — with no sanction by a court— conversations PASHINGTON (AP) By a show of hands the demonstrators "inherent right" to use wiretaps to protect - Sen. Barry the name of national security. the Omnibus Crime Control Act of 1968, of Lawrence Plamondon, a member of the pwater. R-Ariz., announced blocking the door voted to let the draft the national security, maintains there is no Tuesday he In the absence of a Supreme Court the government must seek advance court defunct "White Panther employes leave the building peacefully at now Party" who is | clnext ose his Washington office day the Senate Thursday, the close of the workday. ruling, the administration has claimed the distinction. permission to use a wiretap in a criminal accused of bombing a CIA office. is scheduled to President and his attorney general have t, until further notice or until But they agreed with shouts and cheers adequate to return today and block the doors again, unlimited power to tap the telephones and ration can be supplied for his office •with a view to preventing the workers from bug the premises of individuals suspected Jonnel, entering. of subversion, without getting a judge's poldwater cited in a statement the For the most part, the permission. lent demonstrators Monday in which he said antiwar Solicitor Gen. Erwin N. Griswold, the estors forced their squatted on the sidewalk up to the double way into the office, government's spokesman in the Supreme PPted work, threw red glass doors and sang and chanted or paint on books listened to antiwar speakers. Court, announced Tuesday the Justice I ^ Indian art object and refused to They waved at draft employes looking Dept. will appeal a lower court ruling that jeuntil staff members called the Capitol down from upper story windows and would restrict citizens in so electronic surveillance of - called national security » shouted "Join us." But there were no people who forced their way in on cases. apparent takers. EL Were unlawfu>. crude, foul - Draft employes stranded outside by the Two district courts have ruled for, and §lr ■ TOona an<* c°mpletely irresponsible," demonstration engaged in little discussion two against, the government's position. Republican said. "I resent the of the war or the draft with those who had Meanwhile, the head of the Justice Ik . refl>rring to this kind of come to talk with them. Dept.'s internal security division contended En!!3S„ bying for peace' or having a The People's Lobby had demanded to the government has not only a right but an §hf T tlu'ir C()ngressman.' enter the draft headquarters in large obligation to gather intelligence on groups |P,rase "'obbying for peace" has numbers and visit employes in their offices. or individuals it feels are violence - prone. Euntc ■ gfeneraHy °t ky the antiwar demonstrations. news media in Tarr circulated a letter to employes Asst. Atty. Gen. Robert C. Mardian suggested in a speech that the encouraging them to meet with assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and the deaths of four students at Kent State University last year might have been '^erans list tortures averted had the government's intelligence been better. Although Mardian's remarks dealt with AT ASCOT RACE r aides, Viet captives all types of government surveillance, the question the government would like to see settled by the Supreme Court is limited to wiretapping. Hot pants get royal ban Specifically, Griswold served notice the LONDON (AP) - The Royal Ascot, the annual This follows Princess Anne's snub of hot pants. She said government will appeal the decision by the horse race on television recently: "There are certain things that I will Dellums, D • Calif, which has no official Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in for high society, okayed hot pants for women at this year's told • ~ Vo,unteer Cincinnati upholding a ruling by U.S. running. But then the Duke of Norfolk, the queen's uncle, not do and that's the limit." ■el Tue,H„fn 'nformal congressional standing and no subpoena power. heard about it and said absolutely not. The duke's edict could not have surprised the hot pants Btary jnter y that while serving as They said Americans who dealt with District Court Judge Damon J. Keith of Detroit. The officials of the race, held each year in mid June, pioneers among London's topdrawer society who habitually Ictrical toP ^ ^ey routinely used prisoners or Vietnamese civilians were In that ruling, Judge Keith maintained decree what people can wear in front of Queen - Elizabeth II fill the royal enclosure during the meeting. Bcopter . Phone hookups and encouraged to use any degree or torture in the royal enclosure. The avent garde has been waging a fashion war with His - there is a distinction between tapping the ■"•®P.S„PeV l0,tUre ™d just so intelligence information resulted. Ascot officials said Tuesday that hot pants for women Grace, Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan Howard, Duke of phones of U.S. citizens suspected .of would be all right if they were worn as part of an ensemble. Norfolk, for years. Michael Uhl, a former lieutenant who Last year his officials turned away a deb wearing a two - frded by othfc S[K:d"Usl ""1 supervised teams of questioners said the This means a skirt with a slit that can go up to the hip. But the duke, who is the queen's representative at Ascot piece midi outfit with a bare midriff. Before that, the a s„n e '"terpreter was unspoken rule was, "I don't care how you I' sloPe anywaT"Wh0 ■tic. yway. meaning ^ "She she W8S was get the information, just so you get it." Fellows deadline and whose family motto is "Virtue alone is unconquerable," changed all that. trouser suit was banned and previous fashion victims included Bermuda length shorts. - "I wish to make it abundantly clear," he said, "that the When the Ascot officials said hot pants would be allowed Uhl said he served with the American The deadline for submitting applications this year provided they were part of an J8ns was'offerorf11 °f f'Ve Vietnam Division in 968 when he witnessed Vietnamese civilians wired up to electrical for Presidential Fellows is Saturday. only form of ladie's trousers permitted will be suits with long trousers." sounded too good to be true to the avant garde. ensemble, it ■Crinies inauirv u Jefore an ""official Applications are available in the President's I quiry headed by Rep. Ronald (Please turn to page 15) Office. 2 Wednesday, April ?» Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigai news Chicago raid dispute rekindlec CHICAGO (AP) A standoff between a judge and a special to charge Hanrahan and other top officials with obstructing However, Daley, who also runs the Democratic nan r Jixor levi summary - justice. post as chairman of the Cook County - Chicago n ^ prosecutor rekindled Tuesday the controversy surrounding a Committee, has not indicated that Hanrahan, whose t 1969 police raid in which two Black Panthers were killed. The jury reportedly is focusing on statements made by top next year, is politically out of favor. °Cratic officials defending the raiders, rather than the conduct of the raid From the wires of AP «nd UPI. The Dec. 4, 1969, raid was carried out by Chicago policemen assigned to State's Atty. Edward V. Hanrahan who was nurtured politically and slated for his office by Maybr Richard J. Daley. which led to the deaths of two Illinois Panther party leaders, Mark Clark. 22, of Peoria, and Fred Hampton, 21, of Chicago. Seven Panthers seized in the raid were indicted by a regular In fact, Daley invited Hanrahan to share the when he delivered his victory speech April 6 after h election to a fifth term as s mayor. podium T"1 l il11 ls landslid onfe Hanrahan, flanked by bodyguards, entered the special grand It will be up to Daley to decide if jury chamber as the panel reconvened for its Tuesday session. county grand jury in December 1969, but Hanrahan dismissed the Hanrahan yashingt There were published reports over the weekend that Hanrahan charges for lack of evidence five months later. again for state's attorney, for another office or for rpMrn"6 ^ •sident Nixoi would be indicted. Hanrahan, a former U.S. district attorney for northern Illinois Power, 54, was elected to the old Municipal CounT"!; ite House n< who was picked to run for the state's attorney's post by Daley in shortly before Daley's first election as mayor He hi 54 j will be ope The special prosecutor, Barnabas F. Sears, 68, continued under Circuit Court judge when the Illinois judiciary was rem a $50-an-hour, around - the ■ clock fine assessed Monday after he 1968, was severely criticized for his explanations after the raid me television coi refused to call more witnesses. and some editorials suggested he resign. 1964 and was named chief of the Court's criminal (jatUze
  • nm union, shooting deaths oi Charleston and in the rural counties nearby indicated a 8 p.m. Room 38 in the Union former students and curfews lekNavy piann, Hbmarine next heavy voter turnout from among the 154,000 voters, white and black. A check of other precincts in this district showed a moderate turnout. GROSSE POINTE DETROIT The Relief rolls slowed government's latest welfare statistics, ANN ARBOR DEARBORN GRAND RAPIDS EAST LANSING Buy released Tuesday, show the first significant slowing since mid-1969 in the booming expansion of relief rolls. But the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare said it is too early to tell whether the leveling - off in January the latest month for which statistics are The MSU Ski Club is going to the Caribbean KLM's DC-8 to Aruba, Curacao, and Jamaica on June 13th; fly Delta's 747 to Miami and (Kingston & Montego Bay). available - signals a definite trend away from rapid public assistance inflation. The number of welfare Trip includes two nights in Miami at the famous Fontainebleau Hotel 14 acres of pleasure on the-ocean, tennis courts, skating rink, putting greens, spa & gymnasia, ind° recipients increased by 24 per cent during 1970. pools, billiard room, bowling alley, and free golfing at the Country Club of Miami. Four nights in beautiful Aruba at the Holiday Inn; which has its own shopping cen Law takes effect today (tax free); swimming pools, casino, etc. Three nights of sun, fun and all the comforts of Hilton, the Curacao Hilton at Piscadera 19" The first federal nationwide job health and safety law Bay, tennis courts, pools, golfing, and its own casino, and shopping center. . { goes into effect today with the Nixon administration Finally, three days and nights at the all new Holiday Inn on Montego Bay; swimmm* urging voluntary compliance and labor unions demanding pools, nightclubs & casino, sailing, etc. stiff enforcement. All hotels include a wide variety of water and land The Labor Department said several hundred newly sports. Deep sea diving, sailing, etc. All rooms are fully air conditioned, have 24 hour switchboar, , Recei\ trained compliance officers will go into the field to laundry, valet, auto rental, entertainment, etc. Each hotel is also situated directlyM>n» f°untair begin supervision of the law but organized labor beach. Accommodations are based on two to a room with great savings for 3 and every spokesmen said that isn't enough. room. No passports or Visas are required for U.S. citizens. This trip is open to all alum j SuPer-q< tV, Staff, faculty, staff, and and students students or or thpir immediate fnmllv their imiru*riinta member is each momhpr family: nnr»h is fllSO Cntlt G The AFL-CIO and other labor oranizations said the new law is one of their greatest victories since the 1930s toifdl oJtir UMStfoLJU' bring one guest. Trip is based on G.I. T. Regnlations. Sign ups will bei taken at larg% Thursday night's meeting. but union leaders said soft enforcement and lack of funds could make It meaningless despite penalties for um, mumuttH- For further info call John 351 - 8647 or stop by the Ski Club Office ttborti 140, Mens IM, 1-3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Office phone: 353-5199. employers who violate it. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 28, 1971 3 sets jixon >le vised Offensive possibility of total genocide in calling for l immediate end to has not yet been put on the enters By DENISE McCOURT Indochina visited the Capitol supporting will become a and withdrawal of all «a. agenda, is patterned after the one issue," she said. State News Staff Writer reality." American troops and influence one passed by the Massachusetts So far Sens. Coleman A. jonference State Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, (i Indochina. Legislature last year and signed Young, D-Detroit; Daniel D-Detroit, read the Peoples' The lobbyists asked their The Federal Building in „ e r -— ^ — —— into lawmn by the uj governor. The mc gvmnvi. *■•*> Cooper, D-Oak Park, and Jack Lansing will be the site of 1Teaty t0 the cr°wd and representatives and senators to courts have not yet ruled on the Faxon. D-Detroit, have today's Lansing Area Peace would introduce it to a support a House bill introduced Massachusetts ** law's . . supported Vaughn's bill. Many Council action, the fourth phase joint session of the legislature. by Vaughn Feb. 8. Under the constitutionality. of the secretaries and aides at |ie House news conference of the council's Spring The Peoples' Peace Treaty, bill, a Michigan resident would Ann Francis, director of the the capitol also signed petition* I will be open to live radio Offensive. circulated by peace groups not be required to fight in peace council, called the lobby supporting the bill, Miss Francis | television coverage Thursday The council is urging visit the Internal people to across the country, is drawn up undeclared war. th® A™eri??.n people "very successful." said. Revenue Vaughn's bill, which was sent ''It was obvious — that it's been „ a Meeting uuulue outside tne the chambers cnamoers A the East Room Service office in the Federal and the North Vientamese to the Judiciary Committee but long time since so many have with the peace lobbyists, many Building and file income tax IT precede the President's forms listing legislators said the war was i tie about 12 how. later Vietnamese casualties as exemptions. war issue which only Congress could f «p nt an A abbreviated tnp to Iforiiia and the western White prime purpose of the will be to welcome back Tax forms for Michigan residents killed in Indochina also will be available from 8 a.m. to 5 Judge directs jury to find remedy. Rep. Thomas that Vaughn was a publicity G. Ford, R-Grand Rapids, told the group I p.m. First Marine Division - the | hound who was "no more My Lai defendant innocent The council also plans I to return from Vietnam. picketing the Federal Building competent to set foreign policy than I am." between 11 and lixon's latest news conference a.m. noon, "We're bringing 'em home," he lthe White House was on leafleting and street theater shouted back, "only it takes Lh 4 but on April 16 he held >nstrating between noon FT. McPHERSON, Ga. (AP) — several who testified had been able to testify about a time. We can't just pick up and and 1 p.m. on the comers of A military judge directed a jury ■uestion ■ and - answer panel Kotouc's character, before the neck cutting incident that leave." on with representatives of I Washington and Michigan Tuesday to Find Capt. Eugene M. court - martial was recessed for formed the basis of the assault Most of the legislators told the Avenues and distributing war tax Kotouc innocent of assaulting an American Society of the day. charge, and claimed that that lobyists they were happy to hear and White information to state legislators unidentified prisoner after the lftpaP''r Editors The judge, Col. Madison witness could not say whether a from them, but were The topic was pence between 1 and 2 p.m. My Lai raid in 1968. The judge i.andlHsecorrespondentS" The Spring Offensive began let stand a charge accusing Wright, directed the jury to find Kotouc innocent of the assault knife was used. "The government has had to the bill, noncommittal about supporting State Rep. Jackie Vaughn, D-Detroit, lower left, addressed Monday when the group Kotouc of maiming the same after the prosecution concluded rely on the accused to present ■eler gave the Lansing Area Peace Council gathered at the Capitol to tell prisoner by cutting off part of his its case by a reading of a the facts in its own case" Cooper Monday night on the steps of the Capitol where the group had legislators that "the Indochina finger. statement from the defendant. said. Tsday that the President was gathered to speak with War has gone on too long, that it Led to produce any major their representatives concerning the People's Peace Treaty. has cost too many lives, and that The defense then opened its In the statement, Kotouc Maj. William Eckhardt of Cuncements Thursday. . State News photo by Terry Luke if it does not end soon, the case and called one of 13 denied assaulting the prisoner by Starkville, Miss., the prosecutor, scheduled witnesses, including cutting him on the neck. He argued that it was only necessary admitted cutting off the tip of to prove the prisoner was injured his little finger, but said it was 10M 'U' COMMUNITY accidental. Kotouc, 37, of Humboldt, Neb., is the fourth soldier to be tried on criminal charges arising Firm bans Blood drive from the My Lai assault and its to net 19,000th pint aftermath. He faces maximum hot pants a sentence of seven years inprisonment. Capt. Norman Cooper of NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - I Southern Pines, N.C., one of By BARBARA FARY This notice was placed on the three defense attorneys, had I State News Staff Writer CONSENT AND RELEASE FOR PERSONS UNDER TWENTY- ONE YEARS OF AGE bulletin board of a Nashville asked that both charges be insurance office: 19,000th pint of blood thrown out, saying the e (This form is required for each blood donation by a person 18 years of age or over who has not yet reached the Any of you show up Jted by the MSU community majority as defined by the laws of the state in which he makes the blood donation, EXCEPT when such a age of legal government failed to prove wearing those hot pants will person is a member of either accusation. |be collected sometime next the Armed Forces of the United States.) have to take 'em off — - the minute I during the spring term Cooper argued that only one you walk through the front id drive sponsored by the son of the six government witnesses door." lid Air Society of the Air My daughter , being under the age of twenty-one (21) years, has my permission i4kt. gold overlay TeROTC. ward Florentine circle with |e drive will be held from 2 blue forget-me-nots and 3 for civilian or military in such The i., May 3 through May 6, use way as ■from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., May Cultured Pearls. | the Shaw Hall lower lounge See our selection of I release and discharge The American National Red Cross, its agents, and others connected therewith, from all claims for dam¬ ■d the Lansing blood region le American Red Cross, ages arising directly or indirectly from such blood donation. Hair Style fine jewelry by Krementz. we're urging students to tribute' blood to Ideal for^Iother's Day help the I Cross fts in get through the low the Lansing region Date Signature of parent or guardian by i and to build up Address of parent or guardian ' (City and State) Michael J. Vincent, 501 Vz E. Grand River Ave. |nos senior and blood drive n,said. fine Jeweler* noted that MSU blood when 1,397 pints were collected, the Lansing Blood Region, detects hepatitis and enables rare recoveries and to be distributed 219 E. Grand River have supplied the Lansing (College students are considered blood to be kept indefinitely for as an antihemophilic factor for A „„„„„ u„„i,u Phone: 332-3917 " residents.) A donor and his future use. clinical use. All blood collected past ^five'years! »1 hi ri9- rf P j ce s t i immediate family is also covered The whole blood and its is used domestically and Open Fri. till 9 p.m. ier 513 pints will push the qual,fied l.° S>ve blooJ1- l!ar®nt?1 for up to one full year or for the fractionated plasma products are sent overseas. Charge or layaway under *}l?S confnt for T^ki? to 19,000 total pints 21 available at numbef Qf donated hg until after the 1 run because shore black the club meeting at 6:30 people p.m.. Room 100 Vet Clinic. 7:30 p.m., Friday, April 30 ■ such goings - on would Lots of uncola and movies. Pure romantic heroine and |en Re fish, Call John for information at 109 Anthony Hall antebellum romance — a Navy planned to sink an 351 8647. - Tara's Thertie' lawn dress of f"marine next Monday. white cotton lace. Victorian collar and long sleeves, slim skirted with a waist-cinching >uy and a CoKe band. 5-13. 54.00. 321 e. grand river, e. lansing and keep the gas light village, e. grand rapids westmain mall, kalamazoo 1200 s. university, ann arbor 218 Washington, grand haven glass. only. . . |fourt?eiv^a 9reat old-fashioned Start today and collect of 6 or 8 I everTl- Ga Co,a 9lass Isudo,. me y°u buy a super-big your set authentic 16-oz. I i ""9ood Barnbuster and a I ar9e Coke. RED BARN There's one near you. Michig' MICHIGAN ART BUCHWALD rogi STATE MEW' UNIVERSITY Plight of America; rem GEORGE BULLARD n W JT editor-in-chief KENNETH R. LYNAM surveyed to death 4 «0-minute *A.wo31A??D V % advertising manager hi o" WKj over to the manager I II take an i( CilUMlTI v.. ^ MARK EICHER, managing editor WASHINGTON — The world will not end with a bang or a whimper. It will taxi. A pretty girl in a went out to h mini skirt J iproach t irnalism whei ED HUTCHISON, city editor probably end with a poll. Americans are clipboard came up and said, ' •woulTh Monday. BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor being polled to death at the moment and answer a Tew questions for a survl "All Things l company is doing on New York KEN KRELL, editorial editor you can't leave your house without GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor someone asking how you feel about "I'm very late," I pleaded ^ program < something. "It will only take a moment l|0w tional Pu have you been waiting for a taxi'" shington, D Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award The other day I had to fly up to New "Just a few moments. There's jes of nev for outstanding journalism. York. As I adjusted my seat and got ready said. ' ni erest on a to snooze, the stewardess handed me a "Please, sir. I still have some cumenti'd ba> questionnaire. "Would you mind filling this to ask you." ques Highlights of out for our airline?" I looked at the "Hurry," I pleaded. jamming ir with our the rise of re EDITORIALS questions. service?" "Are "How you many happy drinks did you "Why did you come to New York''' "For meetings," I said anxiously ■k and count buy?" "What is your color preference for "Then not for pleasure?" the four • < our baggage racks?" "Why did you choose "Well, I'm hoping to get some n|«, ike resulting report c - to fly this airline?" a in, but I can't until I find out wh 1 dutifully filled out the questionnaire tell me at the meetings. There iestic workei Faculty hand-s and went to my hotel. After checking into the room I found a questionnaire on the nightstand. taxi." She stopped me continued. "What irks you the from goes hailing mostato it WKAR usidered. 0 6:30 p.m. wil! . • ' New York City?" "The management would be grateful if igram of < right move f you will fill out the following: find the room made up when you in? Were there enough towels bathroom? Wash cloths? How orten do you Did you checked in the taxi." "Being polled while I'm trying to hi "I have only 20 more questions sir. When you walk around New toi York, ,duced by be aired da tl plan to take a bath during your stay?" And you look in the shop windows?" And so The rift between the board of and Van Tassell. But since it is these so on and so forth. and so forth. M trustees and the Dept. of Natural very procedures that are under I canceled my lunch so I could fill out I finally got rid of her, but there Science has become an open war. attack, it seems spurious to stand 011 no taxis in sight so 1 had to walk t< the questionnaire honestly. After turning it Last week, Manfred Engelmann, them as a defense for one's acitons. appointment. Ten blocks later I No empathy stopped by a man with a briefcase professor of natural science, wrote said, "I beg your pardon, but could,, The faculty has exercised a an open letter "strenuously" tell me if you think Mayor Lindsay isdo ecause of protesting the trustees' action in complete lack of empathy in the better, doing worse or holding his own ironmental rehiring two asst. professors over the Murray - Van Tassell case. Were New York City?" emment in The Doctor's Bag decision of a faculty committee. tenured faculty members subject to "I don't know. I'm a stranger here.l of the mi dismissal without specific reasons, in Washington." rcury conU The letter was overwhelmingly "Washington?" He took another in halted, endorsed by the members of the they might themselves be differently out of his briefcase. "Do you tl oved, accord Dept. of Natural Science Ad hoc disposed toward such procedures. By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. President Nixon is doing better, do chemist, Committee for Reappointment and Ah, the poor faculty. They must worse or holding his own?" lit there's st Tenure for 1971. alone carry the cross of higher "What gives?" I asked. "First you Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. These pains are very sharp and prolonged. What causes these pains me about Lindsay, then Nixon?" s'ow we have Engelmann wrote that the board education at MSU. Waving flags of Names need not be included unless a personal reply is requested. and since I refuse to abstain what can I do about them? (This "Don't tell anyone," he said. "But. action has "perturbed and academic freedom, they charge to letter was written by a man.) moonlighting and working for two polit disheartened" the tenured faculty of the ramparts to defend truth and What are the symptoms of diabetes ("sugar")? I have the pollsters at the same time." the Dept. of Natural Science. He purity from the ravages of students Prolonged sexual arousal without release can cause pain due to I tried to get around him but he bloc notes that the faculty followed all and trustees. following symptoms: My eyesight has worsened in the last three months in spite of the fact that in the past 11 years my vision has the swelling of the testicles. The swelling is due to vascular engorgement. Abdominal pain with sexual arousal in a man is my path. "Look, if you don't wanttol about politics, I'm also doing a survey 3QI existing procedures in firing two Engelmann wrote that the board been stable. I have also been craving food even after a meal. I action "strikes at the very heart of extraordinarily rare. A urologist tells me that it is possible to have market research company on chocola professors last year. have been drinking large amounts of water and have had periods a seminal duct cyst in the abdomen because of some flavored cigars." That procedure, however, is faculty authority to manage its own of exhaustion and muddled thinking during the day. developmental abnormality. When the sexual apparatus becomes I started to run down the street exactly the archaic point that is affairs." His statement presumes that excited that piece of it which is still inside your belly becomes followed me so I sought sanctuary 16 • YEAR You have listed a number of the cardinal signs and symptoms of being contested. Under current firings are exclusively a faculty affair excited too but presses against a variety of structures that have a church on Fifth Avenue. fas apprehe untreated diabetes. You should hasten to a doctor immediately as and not also the business of plentiful nerve supply, causing the pain. Evaluation by a The service had just finished p.m. Mond procedures, reappointment dangerous situation can develop if you do have diabetes. Other - a G after MSU committees do not have to give students who must pay for and signs may include frequent infections, weight loss and frequent urologist, including x-rays to show kidney function, would be minister handed me a mimeographed si indicated if this symptom persists. of paper which said "In order to make mplaint fror endure learning processes and urination. JfiA| reasons for not rehiring nontenured said their ta( When there is a history of diabetes In one's family it is wise to afternoon services more relevant instructors,. A faculty committee trustees who are constitutionally estimated 1 be tested periodically and to be on guard for symptoms of the I am planning on having another child soon and hope to nurse you kindly tell us whether you were: stolen meets secretly, votes secretly and responsible for them. disease. A deficiency of insulin, a product of the pancreas the baby, but have been reading lately that mother's breast milk emotionally involved. (B) Spiritu mobiles parkt But even if firings were strictly a fulfilled. (C) Satisfied with the mus merely has to announce the decision necessary for utilization of sugar, causes the difficulty. The has so much DDT in it that it could not be sold in a store. Is this said the number selected by our organist. (D) - without particulars. faculty affair, the faculty has abused disease is treated by supplying insulin by injection, decreasing the true? Since DDT is stored in fat tissues can you get rid of it by id over to hi Wishes ignored its power in the Murray - Van Tassell demand for insulin by changing diet and weight loss, or by the you have a good view of the altar?" dieting? I filled it out and left. The man with litioned to use of drugs which change the requirement for insulin. A In his letter, Engelmann deplores case. The trustees appropriately Also we eat a lot of liver, heart, etc.; is that where DDT is her suspect i combination of approaches is generally used. The potential briefcase was standing in front of that the board of trustees "has reasserted their authority when the diabetic is advised to change diet and lose weight if they are stored? church. "How about giving me being invest mage to the chosen to ignore majority faculty faculty showed itself incompetent to overweight. With good medical care, a person with diabetes While it is true that trace amounts of DDT can be found in thoughts on hot pants?" mated at $ wishes ..." His statement implies handle authority wisely. functions quite normally. human milk (as well as in cow's milk) the amount is very small Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times irrred when that the faculty is infallible and need Duty abandoned and fortunately not harmful. The presence of DDT in mother's ed their v milk has been used to dramatize the degree to which we have not have checks upon its decisions. Had the trustees not acted, they mobiles. That concept does not seem valid, would have abandoned their become poisoned by a variety of substances along with our environment. Some women have been frightened into thinking Letter Policy '0 OTHER r especially considering that the consitutional duty. Frequent or overly aggressive nose picking can cause minor nose that it is dangerous to breast feed their children, but mother's The State News welcomes all lett lies parked in Of course, the board is not bleeds. Unless gross bacterial contamination occurs, infection is trustees have the constitutional milk is generally a pure product subject to fewer contaminations They should be typed and signed with which t obligation to supervise the infallible either. But in the Murray - quite unlikely. than cow's milk. home town, student, faculty or aps, a steerin Public nose picking tends to alienate people — sometimes an A faculty member who is an expert in pesticides helped with University. Van Tassell case, it is the faculty standing, and local phone ni shift shaft undesirable effect. When performed in private it does not.cause the following information: Losing weight only tends to included. No unsigned letter will ttted valu Apparently, there is some who are caught on the wrong side of blindness, craziness, loss of hair or sterility. concentrate the amount of DDT in less fat. It has no advantages in accepted for publication, and no letter sentiment among faculty that the' fair play. Engelmann wrote that the eliminating the DDT. He also indicated that organs such as liver, be printed without a signature excep trustees should let the faculty do board considers its judgment more During the past couple of months, whenever I become sexually brain, kidneys and heart tend to contain much less DDT than extreme circumstances. All letters mr* aroused, even the slightest bit, I experienced extreme stomach other parts of the body. At least in part, this is related to the less than 300 words long for publk what they wish - even if faculty competent that the judgement of the pains anywhere from a half hour after arousal until the next day. relative absence of fat in these organs. without editing. actions result in an abortion of faculty in the matter. justice. Such an abortion happened Sadly enough, trustees have indeed in the current case at hand: Eileen shown themselves more competent Van Tassell and Bertram Murray were than faculty in the Murray - Van OUR READERS' MIND not given specific reasons for Tassell case. Trustees see injustice in For all the public knows, estimatf dismissal. firing procedures; faculty do not. ages occur dismissal could have been for the Trustees have acted to correct the een Friday color of their eyes, or the contour of their jaws. Whatever the reasons, the pair deserved a specific list of grievances. injustice; faculty have not. Faculty performance in the case is sad commentary on the faculty's ability to manage its own affairs Ombudsman: fair enforcement 1 someone Was a 15 sharp square pie, of movie us< s administration and continue to evi ■S'nBerkev H How else can they defend judiciously. And how utterly To the Editor: I am sorry that he mistook my belief in a procedures when they seem in his this regulation as well as others. Physical p themselves? embarrassing for the faculty to have Though I seldom react publicly to society of law for an insistence on an judgment to be causing problems to James D. criticisms of my actions as Ombudsman, I inflexible, even Draconian, enforcement of significant numbers of students or to be Engelmann is correct: the Dept. of it known that the MSU trustees — of Ombuo believe that I must respond to the letter of each letter of every law. (For law in this gravely unjust to even a few students. Since Natural Science followed established all groups - can be more responsive Mr. Stan G. Thomas in the April 21 issue April 23, instance, read University regulation.) It is not more than six or eight students out of procedures when it dismissed Murray than the MSU faculty. of the State News. not the function of the Ombudsman either many thousands each year seriously to enact rules or to encourage students to question the validity or the enforcement of violate them. On the contrary, this office the regulation in question, I have not Contest Hairy policy attempts to see that rules and regulations are and administered and enforced fairly as possible. as uniformly thought it necessary to request a review of the matter by the committee. I have, however, discussed the matter with those Friday is your last day to Billboarddammerung: To the Editor: Last Saturday, April 17, admittance to a public roller I was denied rink (Edru) in Mr. Thomas violated a regulation that affects virtually every student at MSU. It responsible for its day to day into Winner the Every - Entry Giant Visiting Professor and Wn Disting"® ' Holt, Mich., because my hair w.-u: too long. was written by a joint student - faculty committee and enacted by the Academic Out now! Jockey Lucky N»»* According to the management, a male's 'sticking9 up hair must be tapered and above the collar (such illustrous people as Tarzan, Mr. William "Billy" Graham and General Council. The person charged with administering this regulation has to my certain knowledge displayed much To the Editor: According to your editorial (State News, April 21), more agitation is needed to Sweepstakes. likely Pick anyone at all. Iigure course for him to _ j Jje MSU SKI Sfcy.Apri hls Custer would not be allowed to enter the flexibility in his dealing with students. Mr. » your Thomas admitted that he had broken the accomplish the goals of the antiwar write it down and send it t° ( One wonders where it all will end. roller rink). I asked a fellow who was movement. Since the campaign has been Like Vietnam before it, the great ejecting me if a girl with long hair would be rule, but the reasons given seemed going on for quite some time, the rhetoric Bender, State News, ^nipuj- Michigan Battle of the Billboards When the resourceful "bandits" admitted, and he said yes. So, I called insufficient, both to the administrator and is becoming somewhat repetitious. I would One last example: Po 1 threatens to escalate into a first - develop a defense for "punji sticks" several legal experts and asked what I could to me, to excuse the infraction. like to suggest a new slogan: Pilate and Lady MucBeth (« class war. Recent reports indicate will the roadsign entrepreneurs feel do to stop this asinine discriminatory Furthermore, there are serious discrepancies in the stores told to each of "Peace now — North Vietnamese go taught) Health, W that certain advertising magnates are compelled to escalate like barbed policy. They told me that male long - hairs home!" Educaton and Recreation us to explain his violation. are not protected by the Civil Rights Act, considering boobytrapping their wire, mine fields and fire bases? Another function of the Ombudsman is Ojars Upathnieks Personal Hygiene. The precedent set here could have and that there was nothing I could do. Technical Staff TV-Broadcasting billboards to keep away the to recommend changes in regulations or April 22,1971 "buzzsaw bandits." staggering ramifications. Before long I just wanted to tell all men with hair The present scenario apparently the entire nation could become an involved enshrining signs in fields of armed camp, bristling with stockades over their collars that if they decide to go to Holt and partake in the "blue collar" 2* for Viet Cong "punji sticks" - around sewers, antiaircraft guns over national sport of roller skating — don't bother. Instead, go to the store and sharpened stakes that can perforate garbage dumps and armed convoys the feet of the unwary. for oil slicks. purchase a pair of skates, and skate on the The fact that sidewalks. a "punji stick" seldom discriminates But then, as the aroused advertisers between feet of "bandits" and hikers certainly know, extremism in the is apparently lost on the advertising Thomas Kieselbach preservation of our priceless national avengers. treasures is no vice. Kent, Ohio, junior April 20, 1971 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 28. 1971 5 rogram remieres Groups begin experiment n WKAR in glass recycling, „ take an unprecedented An experimental glass according to an E-QUAL their work. Greater Lansing Christian i rh to broadcast recycling program which may reprewntat've E-QUAL announced that the Organizaton Task Force on .Ssm when it premiers at 5 (ntually be eventually oe expanded expanded „*,?a r T 150,000 $1000 it had received from Environmental Quality, S Monday. ( "Ail Things Considered . . ., „ throughout dedicated aicaiea on on East Lansing was campus Tuesday. Snected^if^Th^e SnUo f°rmer Secretary of the Interior mlHL T!"!Stewart Udall after his visit here E-QUAL's programs were described as' being*> too / small for xuesaay. Owen Illinois f»la«;c hottlp 1 "CIC ..ri8inaling wlh a I pjogram - , The program is based on the producer in Slotte . , , Spri"g was given to the adequate use of the funds" [tional shington. D.C., " Publi. R.d.o will tackle ;limntinn assumption recycle our fhat that "if resources we rinn'^ "if we don't uro will The „ Granger Construction and feature Co. is working with Meijer stores Special studies neWS soon run out," Ronald Granger in leisurely, well - the Lansing area on of the Granger Construction Co., -umentcd basis. said. corrigible products, paper, cardboard and other materials to 'Highlights of the first week s Taking Rimriseminofg religious include a feature themes in ceremonies were part Students for the reduce incinerators, pollution from of which religious rock the many sntal Quality have been dismantled. k and country music, a look L four day week and a (E-QUAL) Director Fred Moore; present most of this is used for East Lansing Councilman Mary landfill, but eventually it is 'ke resulting from this issue, . Sharpe; Rep. Thomas Anderson, hoped that the products may be "Jesus Rock," part of the news and public affairs series „ report on the plight of ■ D-Southgate, and Granger, recycled, Granger said, presented by WMSB, will be aired at 10 p.m. Sunday on Channel uestic workers. whose company is 10. This hour long feature connected with the shipping the - "Assignment 10" kvKAR will air "All Things glass to a recycling plant. series will examine contemporary forms of religious expression. n Jdered..-" weekdays from 6-30 p.m. ' A morning news Recycling pollution The program at present is an experiment started April 3 and simJ'ar programs. Rep. Anderson said the glass The program will try to determine what "Jesus Rock" where it came from and what its message is. Examples of this is, of the same style East Lansing City Councilman Mary Sharpe joined located at Parking Lot L to recycling program actually type of music will include Judy Collins' "Amazing Grace;" James representatives of E QUAL in duced by the WKAR staff experiment in glass recycling. A glass recycling bin is located at Lot L near the initiating an determine 3 University br!"gs Taylor's "Fire and Rain;" Ocean's "Hand in the Hand," and "Jesus Christ, Superstar." ie aired daily from 7 to 9 The bottle to be recycled must be clean and free of metal police Station Village residents will grade and WI'' need wide public exposure rings. A look at the religious rock movement will include a visit to State News photo by Tom Gaunt dispose of 6glass properly, and °Pi1n,°" successful *° mf£e adventure. He saidJ*thata local religious commune and examination of a a religious street there were good prospects for theater and multi - media religious presentations like the the program. "Mustard Media." The special, written, produced and directed Mercury At present Anderson has a danger by Jim Cash, a bill in the Consumers and WMSB producer, will experiment with special efforts dealing with Agriculture Committee in the electronic feedback. The effects will correspond with the music, Michigan House that would according to Cash, similar in effect to a light show. A ghost like require the use of returnable effect of a person nailed to a cross was achieved with this bottles. electronic feedback, Cash said. ecause of pressures from hard look at the indirect sources ironmentalists and the of mercury contamination," If the . „ Mrs. Sharpe pledged to work Appearing in the special are Rev. Orin Smith of People's D Itn estimated that the sludge eventually fQr whatever support could be Church, Rev. Alden Burns of University Methodist Church, Rev. eminent in the past year, Frank M. D'ltri of the Institute The plants incinerated as in ^asf T.»n«ino ""hp"11 v.«uiU uc indiscriminate disposal William Mielke of the Dept. of Religion and of the major sources of of Water Research told the 75th can discharge between 400 and he said, thp Erovided by the EJst Barney White of the ,t»,y ""n^jnKting of MJcMpn of these products by an uninformed population," he SOO pounX TTereuiy per million population per yjlnm 1ercur^apesfinto City Council. This would State News. n halted, identified or oved, according to an MSU Academy of Science, Arts Letters. and said, "represents an important urban environment, ^ageXu'ZmeUmfia as a soil conditioner. 2d SS^she^'fcom limentetihe Programs appearing weekly in the "Assignment 10" series will deal .with issues of local concern or national issues pertaining to environmental mercury - ■ ■ the community. »xchemist. He noted that mercury is contamination route into the sponsors of the program it there's still work to be found in many industrial and nation's rivers, streams and At the East Lansing sewage consumer products such as lakes." plant near the University he e have to take a long paints, pharmaceuticals, found the raw sewage entering paper Sewage treatment plants serve contained 20 parts per billion mercury and the effluent contained only one or two parts per billion. But the activated □ LICE BRIEF sludge remaining in the plant had 25 parts per million $1.00 cheap $1.00 cheap mercury; that is, the mercury has been concentrated a SUPER SUNDAY thousand times. 16- YEAR - OLD Lansing reported the incident to police, A SLIDE TRAY, a coat, a is apprehended at about wh° sa'd the building and rooms raincoat and a scarf, with a total ^.m. Monday in parking G after MSU police received .^plaint from two persons were P/obably open at the time estimated value of $228, were of the incidents. f, w. * * * reported missing Monday when owners left the items unattended SUNWORSHIPPERS The MSU Ski Club will be going to Miami, Aruba, Domino's Dollar Deal said their tape decks with a A SLIDE PROJECTOR AND Curacao, and Jamaica for 12 estimated value of $146 in open campus building areas. days and nights of May 2,1971 4:PM-1:AM Sunday e stolen from their waterskiing, skin diving, mobiles parked there, sailing, etc. All those lice said the boy, who was :d over to his parents, will interested should attend the meeting on Thurs. April 29, Domino's at Trowbridge :titioned to Probate Court. Room 100 Vet Clinic at 6:30 ?r suspect in the incident is being p.m. Trip is open to all investigated. Alumni, Faculty, i to the two vehicles, Staff, uated at $50 and $10, Students, and their •mred when the immediate families. suspects ed their way into the nobiles. 0 OTHER THEFTS from les parked in Lot L and Lot 1 which thieves stole Your old slacks a steering wheel and a • shift shaft, with a total value of $195, regardless tigated Monday by police. !ce said "w of one an ie occurred when a vent estimated $5 in automobile was of [I open to unscrew the "g wheel and gear shift. No 6e was reported in the incident. are w ' ESTIMATED $475 in aS*s occurred sometime SSiSIi , gram which | stnatal can bedridden. A car is needed (Lansing). pride itself on and glamorize via San Francisco's Altamont seems to be for the Stones what and began "Symphony fort| iperation wit the media at its disposal: movies, Raceway in 1969, shattered the "Let it Be" was for the Beatles: Devil." started Suddenly fight, An RHA Presentation records and magazines. Woodstock came be myth. Four were killed in a violent clash that broke out a casual look at the men and their music in perf«™»n™ and »"H started in the the stage. The music tk. crowd in front stonj considered more than just an between members of the Hell's private discussion. Jagger pleaded for nonviofit isolated event. It became Angels and those in the crowd. Like "Let Be," the The music resumed The most defense of a generation's The Angels were there to performing segments of "Gimme conclusion Shelter" the best. Mick electrifying style and evidence that young keep the crowds from the stage are inciting more outbreaksIn beyond the people can be gentle and loving and the performers. When the Jagger, the Stones' lead singer, audience. ritual ever age of innocence... even when placed in the performers appeared on stage dominates one's attention Finally, with the appeari™ throughout. of a gun and the into the age of awareness Gimme music impossible condiditons of the crowd groped forward. The _ flashing of w major rock festival. Angels took their assignment Prancing on stage, dressed in knife," the film's coven® The Woodstock myth grew seriously — too seriously. long scarves and ruffles, rolling Altamont comes to a dose Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones star in "Gimme and was supported by each his eyes, tossing his hair and fatal stabbing is recorded Amid the mass hysteria and Shelter," a film filled with people and music, currently excitement of the festival, no waving his arms, Jagger is the replayed in slow motion following rock fest, save one. being shown at the State Theater. expose the details that and excitement covered confusij "Gimme Shelter' dSI Mental health goals cited becausei interesting film partly craft and partly because circumstance. One gets impression that the film planned merely as a close • upi riminal the Stones and became medium Michigan has no "untreatable" mentally ill or mentally retarded treatment goal," Yudashkin said The severely ill patient can be in remarks at the opening session treated to sit up, eat and survive, make the person untreatable." frisky, he's hospitals for the offenders. Mental health professionals more by accident. ew people, the director of the of the third annual Spring he said, but "if the goal is to Thanks to Jagger, "Gin® While the state is dedicated to must be careful not to smother cool state's Dept. of Mental Health u Miiuuier Mental Health Meeting, n, u ,, . RICHARD HARRIS told nearly 300 doctors and the idea that no one is too sick or usurp programs staged in fhe,ter J .tunning at fa as "A MAN technicolor#/nal Awn. for Foreign Digest Foundation for le Streetcorn< ^nd^^Gypsy^floths^ adequate or even more adequate Student Affair. (NAFSA) and "outstanding contributions rical sketches ««*■ dean o International iHiNGioN -QOWMOWN TOMORROW At l:30-4:10-6:50-9:30 than state programs for the development of internatio ial interest, alroholirs and drue addicts Programs and Studies, accepted Oscar Winner "Best Supporting formance a with psychiatric ■ major •w.rd tor NAFSA it. understanding '|™u!h .... Prison settings, Actress.... Helen Hayes uded sketches treatment facilities, he added. New York City last week. and practical sap port Consequences, "AIRPORT IS TOP FLIGHT ALLTHE WAV!" are often better than mental NAFSA was honored by the educational, technical exchange program cuHiiral I Selective S ——————— - Chicago Daily Ntwi The award are presen the "Women's 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-6944 "George Seaton has scripted and annually to an individual, the role < directed a sure-fire hlt!w-Doro»j.,Monn.,.. L.A. H.rald Examintr 0he\d°v"aqa,n' Open 12:45 ■ 4 Shows Dally educational institution, a prii organization, a communityi [temporary also ha\ 1:00-3:45-6:45-9:15 corporation. ertoire of s< ROSS HUNTER xooucnoH President Whail . TODAY IS LADIES' DAY - 75c to 6 P.M. Last year icky Dicky," AIRPORT accepted the award which he tune of the BURTLANCASTET • DEAN MARTIN presented to MSU as ) theme song. JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET "4 RAMBUNCTIOUS TRIUMPH! educational year institution, Stanford Univers ie society's p ormal, with GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES VAN HEFLIN BARRY NELSON MAUREEN STAPLETON LLOYD NOLAN THE 70s FIRST Q&EAT EPIC! received that award. ers dressed i black knit sh 'Littli lit 111* ii thi biw wistm ti bigia ill wittini!" SUNDAY, MAY 2,8 Pi are covered DANAWYNTER BARBARA HALE CIVIC CENTER substance TECHNICOLOR Eg ^ WVIC PRESENTS with blac "DDSTIN HOFFMANISA MARVEL! IN CONCIHT it in the fo bol. The tro NORTHS IDE Dnva-in Alin it mry Bomnt isd hill of dialing sarpriw!" but its ore :^n?eafr? * * * * ij 4 • j.Hi. i 'jriKm'/;i v. ' 2UB & Now Showing 3 Action Hits danci Exclusive First Run Showing 5 nights i crumbling, grotesque playing themselves. The filmj Tues. - L mansion lies hidden in an old is photographed by John Tsection of Hollywood. Inside, Seitz, one of the great silent - and an THE CYCLE JUNGLE OF PEN BO »-an aging woman turns to her era cameramen oldj Lkept man and cries, "We I didn't need dialogue. We had friend of Von Stroheim. And Wilder constructs his work/ HOT STEEL AND \ y Every i VFACES!" with the post - War realism ^ at One of the cinema's most f memorable is also moments, one of many this SIH1M techniques, of his plot - one for contrast to the freakist nature added of Hitch - ^ ) RAW FLESH!i DU811N HOFfMAN LITTIC BIG MAN' Panavision CHIEF DAN GEORGE Technicolor*[gFl iriller, part thriller, V> ^ myriad references and cross ON WHEELS! - Lcomedy and part references to the past work of ) nentary, this Swanson and Von Stroheim, - Tmasterpiece not only gives a Desmond's haunted lunacies, Billy Wilder has created a film * Lnostalgic portrait of the but he went much further that intrigues, stuns ~ 1 decline of silent film stars, than that. He patterned his convinces,ending as a work > [but unflinchingly documents plot after "Queen Kelly," the which not only comments on Lthe distortions of unfinished film which . . „ , [Hollywood's dream factories concluded Miss Swanson's °private fantasies as well. f as well. silent career, and then hired Basically the film deals the director of that film Erick Norma Desmond, [with Norma Desmond, a von Stroheim, to play Norma Bette Davis' indelible Margo J f former queeen of the silent Desmond's ex-husband and Channing, is a character who 3 who, in middleage, director, who has since been haunts anyone who sees her, i remains insanely convinced of reduced to the role of her not because of her servant, looking on as she grotesqueries, but because ) draws a young gigolo (William she goes far beyond her roots J^.her wealth. In Norma become * ^Desmond, Gloria Swanson Holden) into her web. one of our ^ (who was a silent star herself) century's great tragic ) in eastman COLOR And Wilder did not stop heroines, whether from film Jk. found her greatest role, * 3 'infusing her bizarre character there. An actual segment of or literature or any other art * ROSS KANANZA • SHARON MAHON • RIDGELY ABELE with a conviction that makes "Queen Kelley" is used as an form. She is the Lady ) Oi.ei led b, BRAD F GRINTER i; „ id i, BRAO F. GRINTER »nd CHARLES G WARD Bette Davis' Baby Jane look example of Norma Macbeth of our times. And if * n.sKibuted t, GOLOSTONE FILM ENTERPRISES, INC 4B>[Rj that isn't gushy enough for ^imemeresnowmgon. Desmond's work. Norma's "Devil Rider" shown 2nd at 10 p.m. Jy Director Billy Wilder knew old friends include people you, go see her for yourself ) ji.that Miss Swanson like Buster Keaton, Cecil B. ^understood Norma DeMille and Hedda Hopper, anck. make up your own ^ 2nd Hit "Hells Belle." at 8 p.m. metaphors. 3rd Hit "She Devil on Wheel." at 11:30 n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. April 28. 1971 J jenefit set [0 finance programs Maybe Stevie is terrific By DAVID BASSETT State News Staff Writer one of the best performed. - From the opening bars of perfection, the working center of within a show but equally exciting was the years, the three guys and a girl "For Once in My life" to the a paradigm "warm up" show, an were extraordinary considering "Crystal Blue Excursion" - created by people who know their enormously talented display of lack of professional Lkend to raise money for Mavbe it because several S0?1* f* °f S'gned> 863,6(1' how to enterk"n. to put on a - was some of this area's best training and experience. While I.Hvantaged children and of his fo rm ere la ssm atesfro m De,Jvered/ his conce>* was show, to please an audience. young of only average musical "arc-facilities will begin m! u' ! the Michigan classmates from professional entertainment at its School for the To talent. (as compared to giants such as ability anyone who has heard his f10 p.m. Kri^y with a cabaret best While Uhuru and two the Temptations or Four Tops), IHolmes Hall. Adm.ssion is $1. Ma'ybe ""was" prou/^fand bu™ ^ records, seen his appearances television and read the coast on stunningly beautiful female their spontaneous enthusiasm The weekend, sponsored by - to vocalists were a pleasure to more than ,j Beta Sigma fraternity and tl&tihis°2irthe was ?5 thaMMOhdhy 21st birthday. Maybe he glittering masters to put on a coast rave reviews of his club act, his concert should have night watch and listen to, the show - compensated for any deficiency of musical expertise. ,j Beta sorority, will also fect show near . stoppers were the Montclairs, As an unsolicited suggestion, the a formal, semiformal ball Zpfi T hp m t'I 8 Stevie W«nder was just that, a come as no surprise. four kids just out of Lansing next time you need a J'Tn P.m. Saturday in the kZ \ Sh King Jr. he Martin Scholarship Fund.Luther show veteran of -J- 10 years in But it did, and I guess that's Sexton High School. dance, mixer or group for a concert, give Imes Motor Lodge on 1-496 Or maybe Stevie Wonder business, artist with the magic of Stevie Wonder. 'em a call; you won't be a picnic at 2 p.m. Sunday at every move practiced Of a decidedly lesser caliber Together always puts on a show like that, as a group for three disappointed. East Lansing Park on a constant geyser of power, |«adorn Road. warmth, humility and pride. |Zeta Phi Beta is involved in a Maybe he always gets off on the Lram which provides pre and drums, organ and harp like he BY ENGLISH DEPT. Istnata I care facilities in did Monday night. Iperation with the March of Maybe he always sings the same songs night after night with ■phi Beta Sigma sponsors a ■ween the brother nsing area, program in the working with boys ages of 9 and 11. the same enthusiasm as the first time he rehearsed them. Maybe it takes a blind man to first find the precious beauty of Literature meet planned program includes black ory classes and tutorial Keep it dry sound and then convey this beauty to others. ^ New York drama critics will headline "Conference on Modem Literature" at the Dept. of English's Kellogg Center auditorium The conference will close Saturday with a panel discussion by Stevie Wonder's Friday and Saturday. Whitaker, Clurman, Lahr and Detroit playwright Father Broner of The plastic tote bags obtained from bookstores have a concert TThe Afro Armados will be This year the conference will focus on Wayne State University. They will discuss "Modern Drama - • variety of uses. One student uses a bag to Monday night was the best show contemporary drama and Direction and Dimension." J featured band at both the his bike parked in front of the keep the seat of on this campus in the four years the viability of the new theater as literature. Let and the ball. There will Student Services Building I've been here — the best - Highlighting the conference will be an appearance by John All of the meetings are open to students and faculty at no dry during bad weather. Jno admission charge to either produced, the best - directed, Lahr, author of "Notes on a Cowardly Lion," the biography L Charge. Motfc details on the conference are available from Linda ■ ball or the picnic. State News photo by the best his father, actor Bert Lahr. Doug Bauman - choreographed and "Wagner, conference coordinator and professor of English. A troupe of MSU players will present a scene from "What the Butler Saw," by contemporary British playwright Joe Orton. MSU INTERNATIONAL ISU drama Lahr is currently working on a biography of Orton. He is also a drama critic for the Village Voice and the Evergreen Review and a group literary adviser to the Lincoln Center Theater. Thomas Whitaker and Harold Clurman will also Whitaker is a professor of English at the the author of critical studies on Yeats and University speak Friday. of Iowa and FILM SERIES presents Williams. Clurman, founder of the pioneering Group Theater in 1931, is a lew form of communication drama critic for The Nation and a New York Times. He has written three books on directed on the New York stage for 40 atte frequent contributor to The years. theater afid ) all the issues." "Through traveling and AAAAAAAAAAAAA "The goal , , u . of the society's , Ve perform an important working together the group has union board's theatre tl function by making people evolved into a cosely knit circle yL Ill the world is a stage to the performances is to get people aware of the problems, and by of frlends' Tull said. Currently ^ /p S I/S ( fit! IWT fcetcorner Society, ty, a two- year . thinking about important social inducing them to join in four members of the group live ^^ ■ MSU drama troupe that has issues, such as the war, ecology collective efforts for social together in a house at 218 River formed around the country and women's liberation," Eric R. Jparks, on campuses and, sure Tull, a one - year veteran of. the change," Charette said. st-> and the 8rouP ,s now looking for a house where the SUPERSTAR Currently the group consists of whole cast can live this summer. grand rapids may 12 ■ugh.streetcorners. troupe, said. 15 members, seven of whom y Wed., ■rested by MSU theater . "The group is trying to are The society is planning a six - bus and theatre ticket $6.50 ■ Thurs., May 29 & 30 - 7:30 p.m. |dents. the society appeared introduce a new form of MSU students. It has made four w e e k mmer summer tour r 7 p.M. departure from abbott entrance Fairchild Theatre amous mpus 5 amPu? during during .r J ,tn.ethe the communication, to bring the *..» c™ tours performing in Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Boston, L Sign Up 11:30 a.m. • 4:30 p.m. Union Board Admission $1.00 lemative Life Styles Festival, theater to the public," Tull - Philadelphia, New York and New York and Philadelphia. Flights Office Baltimore. The troupe also was |ave its first performances at d later in Washington, fo*mer MSU theater student sa'd- , invUed tojjerform last summer P)ans for the streetcorner future jnciude production! a of r★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★# ■ring the 1969 antiwar \atoriiim. Connie Ruffner, Kittanning, Pa-> junior, said the society's in Wayne, Pa. Romeo and Juliet " Now Showing TONIGHT 100 VET CLINIC type of production is better than Beal Film Group presents Tonight thru Saturday Ihe Irical Streetcorner Society does sketches on topics of conventional theater because it reaches people more effectively, M 43 » PHONE ED ? 1042 3 Big Hits a Grove Press film ■ial interest. The group's Miss Ruffner said the society's "DEMO DERBY " first at 8 p.m. Iformance at the festival performances are inexpensive ■uded sketches such as "Draft since there are few props or It's a Feline Frolic. Bourgeois society still tries hypocritically to deny the facts ■Consequences," a satire on technical requirements. of physical love. As a result, most people live in a more or J Selective Service System, "The closeness of the less permanent state of sexual frustration. No wonder, then, I the "Women's Play," a satire performers to the audience that such frustration should frequently find expression in 1 the role of women in removes many of the barriers of acts of hostility and aggression ... or in such sex ■temporary society. The conventional theater," she said. substitutes as alcoholism and drug addiction Inbers also hav« an extensive . . . as well Dana Charette, Ferndale ... as in a formal obsession with sex antisexual attitudes, ■ertoire of songs, such as junior, is one of three remaining . . . unrealistic code of ethics, prejudice, and ignorance have licky Dicky," which is sung original members of the an ■the tune of the Mickey Mouse Streetcorner Society. Charette,a led to censorship and the enactment of antiquated, ridiculous and inhumane sex laws. This film is opposed jb theme song. Vietnam veteran, joined the . . lie society's productions are group to find a mechanism to to all interference by the state, with the private sex of the |ormal,dressed s with most in of the protest against the war. He said citizens . . and unequivocally pleads for ... . black jeans the main idea behind the group's 1 black knit shirts. The caA's shows is "to get people turned e covered with a RATED X greasy |te substance called "clowr THURSDAY NIGHT! WALT DISNEY productions C with black lines painted it in the form of Jbol. itTheits troupe a peace uses few JAM KINGofrite orchestra includes ' IN THE UNION GRILL GRIZZLIES ********** £ 9:30-11:00 7IIDDI + ■ CALL TONY BUSCH ^dka j ■ 351 5547 . dancing • 15 nights a week » Shown 3rd at 10 p.m. 1 Tues. Sat. * BARGAIN HOUR! MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES - TPrC 349 ?700 MtHID'AN MAI I _ m BOWLING ; | i ika DURING W GRAND RIVIR K MARSH RQ TWI LITE HOUR1 EZZ2ZQZH |12:45 -1:45 - ALL SEATS_75c Today at: 1:15-3:20- Paramount Pictures presents 5:20-7:25-9:30 Meet Henry & Henrietta.. Every night : AMC ~ k the laugh riot \ of the year. A HOWARD W. KOCH HILLARD ELKINS PRODUCTION "A MAD, MAD MOVIE. DEVASTATINGLY I 3t I FUNNY. AND COMICALLY DEVASTATING" JOE JOSEPH'S MrMotthmi J, I N'Logan PRO BOWLat Gr. River : » Elaine May 372-7502 flNeo) Leaf '»V; JACK NICHOLSON f five ms Kronhausen are Paris based psycho¬ therapists specializing ** color V in working with ""r teen aged and young adult schizophrenics. This film includes case histories, excerpts from GEESE. WORD PLAY and THE BEARD, and exhibition of Ecotic Art which U.S. customs refused to let enter this country, interviews with John Trevelyan •;i_» (Secretary of the British Board of Censors), Hugh M. ttefrUf, Kenneth Tynan and others. It opener in New York last June at $5.00 admission and played Detroit a little over a month ago. P6T6R NEXT WEEK: DENNIS HOPPER in "The O'TOOL^ KATHARINg HgPBtttN American Dreamer" Wednesday, April 28 5,19? 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Committee urges Triple T project involves £ educators in area schools faculty a Hie University Steering Committee will recommonH . Elected Faculty Council that the MSU faculty consider,0 th« "Classes were taught by theory, with the Assn. of Michigan College Faculty, Thomas H p11 The Triple T program expanded in fall to include both elementary and secondary not practice." steering committee secretary, said Tuesday. ' reet, (Training for Teachers of "We are the only major university in the state that k Teachers) of the College of schools and would receive Professors in the Triple T member at the present time," Greer said. Education and Lansing School federal funding for its third year program are paid full salary of operation. Faculty at 13 colleges, including the University of Michio District is recruiting educators while doctoral fellows are paid a Wayne State University are now members of the association ill for fall, 1971. yearly income of $3,500 plus an "Through Triple T, professors originally started as a lobby for faculty of Michiran1* » r* allowance for Begun this year, Triple T and doctoral candidates can dependents. colleges. B s clleB involves MSU faculty members teach in a school and then bring Special arrangements can be The group does not represent institutions, but instep , made for doctoral students to in community school teaching to this current experience to faculty of the colleges, Greer noted. d1 earn graduate credit while The association has three regular meetings each year help them revamp University students in education courses," serving an internship on the members review education problems and education courses, particularly Valenti said. budgeting at th t methods courses. project. level, which provides a different perspective than that offp«!u® Coordinator Joseph Valenti "In the past too much of Valenti said that although other faculty associations, Greer said. ^ said the teacher education was based on positions in elementary teaching Although the group has a constitution, it has no no program was so successful that it would be a lack of experience," he said. have been filled for next year, However, it can pass resolutions. 1 Wer' The difference of this group and the American A«n opportunities are available in secondary education. University Professors (AAUP) is that the Assn. of Michij0" Prospective candidates should Dated College Faculty represents the faculty bodies. Greer said the steering committee would send a letter to th. ga° contact Robert Hatfield, Elected Faculty Council this spring, but that the council probahl associate professor of teacher A hood scoop on a 1971 Ford Mustang wouldn't surprise anyone but the 429 "Boss" i wouldn't act on the recommendation until fall. y education, in 253 Erickson Hall pickup truck in front of Snyder Hall is something you don't see every day. "Just as a communication channel it can be useful," for more information. State News photo by Doug B Greersad School By MICHAEL FOX the current level million to $20.5 million next may of $39.6 Health, Education (HEW). face cut in funds and Welfare and "The whole idea of science higher education seems to limbo theii i r" and that questions about to a long time. They were alv initially set up with State News Staff Writer Cuts in one HEW division, the be up for retrenchment by the cutbacks were just beginning to expectations that the U would take over after awhJ In Michigan, the proposed Social Rehabilitation Services, federal government,' grants have been But state support Federal funding of social cuts would probably affect which funds much sdcial work Andrew noted. now work education at MSU could be 23 faculty positions at the four education, are now planned to "There has been some talk awarded so far and we hope to hard to get," Miss Andrew sa cut by 75 per cent within the colleges that teach social work reach 63 per cent, dropping about such drastic cuts of some know by mid-May pretty well Minority group work next few years, Gwen Andrew, education. The University of from $11,420,000 in 1970-71 to kindhavefor had the some last two years and minor five per with said. regard to most grants," she medical training would be director of the School of Social Michigan, Western Michigan $4,255,000 in 1971-72, we h""a h"A ^ reas affected by some of tl Work, warned this week. University, Wayne State ' Although the new budget cent cuts over the last four The idea of cutting back cutsT'heshe noted higher education support seems Miss Andrew said faculty cuts „ Ms 1971-72 federal budget o - - t,e^. to President Nixon's wou|d range from one to ton being considered by Congress $830,000 in federal funding, she by leaders of social work entire programs is a new pushing of loans for graduate but there is no defii u —!_i.—.. would cut social work education education to either reverse approach," she said. students rather than stipends. indication of just how mucl Miss Andrew said that the "Programs such as social tj,e cut can be blocked at funding by $19.1 million, from "Forty - five student stipends cutback decisions or to redirect School of Social Work was "in work education have been on for for the next year are also funds still available, tjme s|ie diamonds for birthdays affected at the four schools," Miss Andrew said. are the sparkling centers of our "We probably have close to 90 per cent of our graduate delicate orchid arrangements in. Kelley clarifies position Let us help you: students on some sort of PLAN AHEAD . . . financial support from the 14K gold. . .every bit as lovely To Become a CPA federal government," she added. THE BECKER "I can't make an estimate of the thought behind the giving the cuts we would need to make on state 18-year-old vote as CPA REVIEW COURSE for next year, but it is conceivable the MSU funding The ring. $45. Pendant. $30. Detroit could be cut in half," she said. Fine Jewelry have done so. The funding of social work "Anyone who will be 18 4' Should education by the federal By CHARLES C. CAIN years of age at the time that any Jacdb^on'B government form of is mostly in the $2,000 to $2,500 State News STaff Writer Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley and state consequently cannot hold or local office. election is held which has a candidate for federal office on (ratification of the ai P<™ ^ars °f, a&e student stipends each year plus Although many persons had the ballot is entitled to register for both state and local °(offif tuition, and in grants and awards said in an option sent Tuesday assumed the 1970 voting act as of right, the opinion said. as well as federal offices to faculty members. to Secretary of State Richard H. amendment meant just that, it Kelley said the reason for not said. Almost all of the funding Austin, that persons in the 18 - was the first time the attorney allowing the 18 • 21 year - olds Some confusion had arisen! comes out of the U.S. Dept. of 21 year old bracket can vote genera| hatj clarified the state's to hold state and local office is "ALL THAT HIFI BUYS AND THE DISC because they are not qualified to whether 18-year- electors for those offices. f'8n petitions Kelley clarj SHOP CAN PROMISE YOU THIS WEEK -msl attorney general for a ruling on However, a constitutional th® mat*;er > y say'"8 J PANCAKE Wednesday's Special the question of how long prior to an election a person who amendment which would lower the voting age to 18 was recently . petitions for federal of ic ^lble 1 made dressing with mashed - fourths of the states - 38 ?ny e,ectlon that ™ght„T STUDY SOUNDS states — and at present 20 states from Petition circulation. potatoes and gravy, garden green tossed salad .... only $^45 E STUDY SOUNDS ken kesey's Daily Specials ELECTRONICALLY Don't ForgetOpposite OurSears E THIS TO HAPPEN 301 Clippert — Across from Frandor One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Tickets at the Union * A SPECIAL PERSONAL APPEARANCE BY MEMBERS OF COLUMBIA RECORDS BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS ROCK GROUP AT THE DISC SHOP. THIS SUNDAY AFTERNOON BETWEEN 3 AND 7. SO DROP BY THE DISC SHOP AND MEET SOME OF THE STARS FROM BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS. * Receive a free ticket to B, S & T's Sunday Concert at the Civic Center with the purchase of any Pioneer Receiver. * And to make it easier — there's new low prices on Pioneer's most popular receivers. The 40 watt Pioneer SX-440 AM-FM stereo receiver now only $169.95. Formerly it was $199.95. Or, if you're looking for still more power and refinements, you can save fifty come see how a beautiful coffee mug dollars on the 70 watt SX-770 AM-FM stereo receiver — it's now priced at $199.95. Pioneer gives you the most features for your money — ask for a demonstration. becomes the greatest, fastest coffeemaker. . . * Free! While the supply lasts — this Sunday while you're collecting autographs,telephone numbers just say "PIONEER," and you'll receive a colorful B, S & T wall poster or Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 29, 30 and May 1 concert program. Remember it's Pioneer, the name for quality in stereo components. Meet Mary Jo Veldt who will demonstrate how this mug-size coffeemaker brews and fillers an individual serving of aromatic coffee with real honest-to-goodness flavor! Set includes one porcelain mug, one white plastic fiItertop, 40 filterbogs, measuring spoon, instructions. 2.50 DISC SHOP HIFI BUYS Jacdbgoris k! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. April 28, 1971 9 Woofeo Ht,./ laJuoh, it* MOCm*A*taia*q Harrison All Things Must Pass Jesus Christ Super Star REAL Jackson 5 Love Story Andy Williams Love Story Diana Ross Friends Survival j Encore jS Loves, Lines, Angles and Rhymes Tumbleweed Connection Tea for the Tillerman WOOLCO MERIDIAN MALL 1980 Grand River Ave. and Marsh Road WOOLCO 4655 351 24-21 %iss kooesn shop pi SHOP MONDAY thru SATURDAY 10a.m. til 9:30 p.m. OPEN SUNDAYS 12 noon til 6p.m. Wednesday. April 28,,, 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Spring: By JAMES SHELDON someone pedals away on your bike, later to exchange parts and winter or summer when most students and bicycles are gone from campus. 'tis her common law husband would bring to campus four or five children who would look for buses. year, the problem they were before the In the 1969-70 school the total number of combination of season numbers. (Zutaut told about the time when police arrested a young identification inconspicuous places. Officers make marks periodic checks in finds a stolen bicvclp Statistics on r» bicycles indicate an !C,°Verel State News Staff Writer later serial numbers before who was carrying a on campus bicycle racks against Some students fail to lock unlocked bicycles and ride them registered bicycles declined 15 man selling it off to an out - state shopping bag full of the dial - a list of reportedly stolen bikes. second hand bicycle dealer. their bicycles adequately to away. per cent over the previous fiscal A check is then run through a file It's nice to pedal your bike - type locks. The person claimed racks, Zutaut explained, Police finally caught the year. around campus when the sun is Springtime, along with early he only stole locks — not the in the station, and the owner of fall term, is the season for providing someone with the group, arrested the parents for Despite the decline, Zutaut high and the breeze is cool, said he believes a problem still bicycles.) the questionable bicycle is recovered durinR the bicycle thefts, according to opportunity to pick up a free contributing to the delinquency cutting a class or two to rekindle Capt. Adam J. Zutaut, ride. of a minor and recovered about exists on campus, and he offered * Make sure your bicycle is contacted. Sometimes, when an officer period. The department the spirit with sunshine and the sight of browning bodies uniformed commander of MSU Persons needing to make a quick trip across campus will 30 bicycles. "There's been a definite several tips for bike owners to follow: licensed and registered with the vehicle office, so ownership can stops a rider in violation of a JB? 1968 ■ and kHepr -hiaj figures n police. Zutaut added that it is a traffic regulation, Zutaut said, scattered across the campus "seasonal type" of criminal sometimes take an unlocked decline in the number of * Use strong and durable be determined if a stolen bike is he checks to see if the bicycle is available for the trorn 1965 following J lawns. offense, few of which occur in bike and drop it off someplace registered bikes since the bus combination or key locks to later recovered. through Vr But it's not so nice when after they reach their system went into effect," Zutaut secure your bicycle to the rack; * Record the bicycle's serial included on the list of stolen MSU total of 122 person! J police also for J numbers and not the part vehicles. arrested by police destination, he said, but added said. "anybody can figure out" the numbers. cooperate with East Lansing bicycles. The numbealiJ teach that the vehicles are often kept. Due to this, he explained, chain • type locks which can be Visitor to Zutaut said that although it hasn't happened this year, in the bicycle thefts aren't half the opened only by dialing a certain * Scratch distinctive police when that department students involved in was not available. Zutaut estimated the the t J ^ past organized groups have been averJ arrested for stealing ENCOURAGES APPLICATION value of the 3,368 bicvJ political science on campus currently registered ,,n ca, bicycles, altering their to be between $50 and t appearance and then selling piece. them. He added that off - BUF anticipates decrease Duncan Black, former professor of economics at the campus juveniles are also a problem. University of North Wales, will be a visiting professor at MSU for a year starting this fall in the Dept. of Political Science.^ In the past and for no special reason, the captain said, the Black is noted for his mathematical analysis theories and has rates of reported bike thefts done much work with statistic correlation with politics. in financial aid for blacks He is a visiting professor at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute from Brody Complex were quite in the Center for Social Choice. heavy. No real pattern currently exists in the problem, he said. He will teach courses in proportional representation, political He related an incident which participation and committees and their procedures. The latter occurred about six or seven applications for next year. approximately 300 financial aid topic deals with how the procedures of committees often sites for the center, one of them ill influence their outcome. years ago, when a mother and As a result, many black applications to distribute them being the old Knapp's building students will not receive as many to those black students who on MAC Avenue, Kinchen said. Educational Opportunity not filled out an Your mother loves you, no matter what. Financial aid for black MSU have Scholarships, or application, Send her Grants, Miss Kimbrough, A breakfast program under a BigHug students appears to be the most Student Aid Grants as were said. the direction of George Fleming, bouquet, and send it pressing problem facing new awarded in 1970-71, the board "This is the first time that I New Haven, Conn., graduate early. Make Mother's members of the Black United The only believes. money have seen a student group student, is conducted each Day last a little longer. Call or visit an FTD Front (BUF) executive board. available will be National demonstrate real positive morning in the Lansing florist today. He'll take In a meeting earlier this Defense Loans which must be action," she added. community as another project of it from there. Delivered month with black officials in repaid with interest. The present BUF executive BUF. Each morning student almost anywhere in the financial aid (Amos Johnson, To combat this, BUF will be board was elected by the BUF volunteers driven to the MM, are country. A special JoAnn Collins and Sandy delivering applications to representative council in Westside Drop-In Center to gift. At a special Kimbrough) the board found students so they can be returned February but assumed their prepare breakfast for the price. For a special that more than 70 per cent of before May 1. duties at the start of spring term. children in the community. mother. Yours. the black students have not BUF members took The new board members are: turned in financial aid Linda Landers, Detroit The BUF also is planning to coordinate cultural and political sophomore; David Kinchen, activities aimed at increasing Detroit freshman; Sherrie Carter, Detroit junior; Elias Tyler, student participation and awareness of the organization. Igdjej Aliquippa, Pa., sophomore; Under this plan movies relevant what this country Ervin Armstron g, sophomore; Forest McCants, Detroit sophomore; Wynonia Detroit to blacks are shown each week. This week's movie is "Black History Lost, Stolen and m Ward, Detroit junior; Ralph — Borrowed. It will be shown at Hanson, Detroit sophomore, and Study ledge needs new Leon Gant, Detroit junior. The establish BUF an off - is seeking campus to cultural 7:30 tonight in G-8 Holden. "By use of these strategies BUF hopes to attract students to This coed has attained ni heights in studying I coke' If is a good 5 findings. When Wrigley drastically reduced food pri¬ Wrigley policy not only saves you nickels If Congress decides ces throughout its stores last September, and dimes individual items, but many trucks to act on she said she supports we became the price-setter for this entire dollars )W sooner, putting the "advocacy function area. Week in and week out, Wrigley con¬ on your total weekly food bills. When you can get premium In the tinues to set prices and hold down food quality and Federal Trade discount prices from the price-setter, why |An ordinance regulating tow Commission on an interim LEAN FRESH PICNIC _ _ costs for you. This permanent, consistent go anywhere else? icks operating in East Lansing basis." ps into effect ■cording to today. However, East Lansing Last approved Year, the Senate Pork Roast U.S.D.A. GRADE A 38° CALIFORNIA LONG GREEN FRESH setting up an U.S.D.A. CHOICE FULL CUT Ininistrative assistant Harold independent consumer TENDER TIMED NOROEST JR. fA. Itkins, the ordinance will not protection agency and a * enforced for "about 30 Small Turkeys "Ck48k 95: tevvms presidential council of consumer CAMEIOT AU MEAT advisers - while the House Rules _^ he r ordinance will license all trucks operating in East using, require them to post r fees about their place of Committee blocked floor action °n a bi)1 approved by the Government Operations Committee, Sliced Bologna TOP SIRIOIN OR CENTER CUT BONELESS Pork Loin Roast... 79 M iness and register their fee *or ^is sess'on, a new 28! IEAN MEATY COUNTRY STYIE OR SMALL SIDES FRESH i with the East Lansing city version of that House measure is being backed by more than 60 members, Holifield said. Spare Ribs Jhe ordinance was passed by This plan would create an U.S.D.A. CHOICE ROUND OR OONELESS J East Lansing City Council on independent consumer - protection agency "primarily for Rump Roast radio to air Dairy Freahablea CAMELOT ASSORTED FLAVORS [enate hearings Ihe final day of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Irings on ending the war in Southeast Asia will be broadcast Fresh Gelatin,, Salads iat 9 a.m. today by VVKAR radio. Ihe programs produced by National Public ■work consisting of noncommercial stations. Radio, a national The hearings will %nt live from Washington, D.C., via telephone lines, pional Public Radio will also broadcast the ■nmittee hearings in favor of the war when Foreign Relations ■ational they are held. Public Radio is a new national interconnection ■gned to bring a "new look" to noncommercial radio. The ■work will attempt to convert the educational radio format ia more appealing approach. SHOPPING CENTER Flower & Handcraft I All local service SHOW clubs, charities, schools, AND individuals ■ Shn.f' 'nvited to reserve space in the Frandor linH m!m, nter for May 28 and 29- Participants display ■art r.h V anc* art'ftclal flowers and plants, handicrafts, I5!l?t0graphy and related exhibits. ■ Merrh TS aW'" ,t)e. on a f'rst come, first serve basis. The ■entries311 ociation reserves the right to approve or deny j Name Address City , Phone '' Name and Address of Organization (if any) Pj| ^ype of Display and/or Activity Planned: What do0 y you plan to sell? IS X* s pnd0r merchants association cr ^ trandor Ave., Lansing 48912 351-8300 EsUtn,,!yau'gr()UPs ' are welcome to sell sandwiches, have an ''sh fry, bar-b-que or pancake cookout. I y, Ju5t another FREE service of Anti Freeze — ___ DfllCIOUSKICH lpl.4M.JjV 1PB8I Log Cebki Syrup MIAOOWMLI DfllCIOUt f±~ 1IM. JQ« PHc*» t—4 Wifcnfc) April to to Tweedey May 4. Wm rwMtve Ike c%M to tlmH qvantM**. PINQ CENTER Wednesday, am28|( 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan r SPORTS" Batsmen By JOHN VIGES In both of those frames they their no. 6 ranking in the nation. hitter Bailey lose Oliver cut off Kirk Maas the third came on to pitch in inning and also gave up put the first two batters on base Western Michigan was rated 14 th chances for a big inning. State News Sports Writer run. Scott Kemple, who but any traces of a big inning in the country going into the a Unable to come up with a faded as John Rohde grounded DeLonge came home on plagued the Spartans all day game. Oliver's ground out and Rashead sustained rally when the into a double play in the eighth Brian Sullivan pitched a great scored with a trio of hits and a walk, a moment later when belted triple and reached home opportunities were present, MSU and a pair of ground ball and a game for the Broncos as he Boyce reached base on an error a fell to Western Michigan, 5-3, fly to deep center ended the spaced the Spartan hits and was but John Dace hit a long fly ball when Maas walked two batters , Tuesday in Kalamazoo. ninth inning threat. able to get out of trouble when and hit another. to center field to end the game. The Spartans had seven hits in MSU threatened. The loss left MSU with a 23-5 A double, triple and a wild the nine inning contest, but MSU put its leadoff batter on MSU had a runner as far as could not score until the eighth record for the season and could third base in. the fifth inning pitch by Maas gave WMU their base five times, including once third and fourth runs in the cause the Spartans to fall from when Rettenmund singled, went and ninth innings. on a double and another time a fourth inning. three base hit. to second following a walk and MSU weightlifter 1st All attempts to score fizzled for the Spartans, however, until the eighth when Gary Boyce reached choice. third on a fielders Larry Ike pitched the last four innings for the Spartans and was the only effective hurler the reached base on a single, John DeLonge led off the seventh Spartans used all day. Ike gave up in state tourney Dace drew a walk and Rob Ellis lined his first hit of the game, a inning with a triple, but was thrown out at home on a his only run in the seventh when, after two men were out, single to left, which scored grounder to third. batter walked and scored when a Gary Wandell placed first in the 132 class for the MSU Boyce. Western jumped on Spartan line hit got past Ellis in right for Weightlifting Club Sunday in the Annual AAU Senior State Olympic Lift Championships at the Men's IM. Also competing for Second baseman Ron DeLonge and third sacker Phil Rashead starter Brian Lieckfelt for a run in the opening inning after two a triple. Down MSU were Dan Pavlot and Dan Gillis. both walked to lead off the final had been retired. The Ike yielded only two infield Several state records were set in the meet which saw Stiff's men hits besides the triple and he Don McLeod of Tacoma, Wash, winds up under his motorcycle as he takes a spilt during the Gym of Flint take the victory. inning but ground balls to the Broncos put together a pair of Roger Callard of MSU placed third in the Mr. Michigan Bronco second baseman by singles and Lieckfelt wild registered six strike outs in his 125-mile National Championship Race Sunday at Gainesville, Fla. Neither McLeod nor his bike I Physique contest and Ron Fritz was sixth. Whitey Rettenmund and pinch pitched the lead runner home. four innings. were hurt. AP Wirephoto | Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More SHOP MEIIER THRIFTY ACRES: Monday thru Saturday Sunday - — 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. I Bucks' fans m sweep up of eye MILWAUKEE, WIS. (UP1) - There's a kind of fever build™! in this city. It's the type of fever called "pennant fever" some cases "sweep fever." In some of the bars in this city famous for bars, the patrons J already oiling up the beer mugs in anticipation of a poss sweep by the Milwaukee Bucks over the Baltimore Bullets. The Bucks lead the series 2-0 following a convincing 102-8}l win Sunday in the Civic Center in Baltimore and could makeitl 3-0 tonight at the Milwaukee Arena. They could sew up tlitfl National Basketball Champtionship Friday back in Baltimore. I About 1,000 cheering fans welcomed the Bucks home froml Baltimore at the airport Sunday night. Even the Bucks' themselves are talking about making it acleaJ sweep over Baltimore. "I don't even want to think about it because 1 get tool excited," Bucks guard John McGlocklin said. "But it wouldb« nice to get next Sunday off, and the next three months besides.® Greg Smith said "sure it's on our minds. It can't help but be* We've just got to keep on playing our game, that's all." SPORTS SHORTS Scotty Bowman, coach and general manager of the St, Loufl Blues Hockey Club, flatly denied Tuesday that he has resigned J been relieved or his duties in a dispute with the team o was reported. The Baltimore Bullets Tuesday announced they signed Oregi University forward Stan Love to an estimated $500,000, nultfl year contract, making him the highest paid rookie in history. ^ why Pay M Saginaw — 6200 S. Pennsylvania— Grand River at Okemos Road 52IS!eroW. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 28, 1971 13 SPORTS [AY, BRIGGS UNBEATEN * *KifeR Wounds I .lUi healed, Notre Dame netters at Bowling Gre to test Spartan duo A well By NICK MIRON State News Sports Writer rested Spartan lacrosse After two disastrous goalie Fred Hartman shellings by Ohio Wesleyan and Denison, friends with the net in his last made Spartans could gain the incentive to be a winner in its second half of the season, which is considerably lighter than the By MIKE ABERLICH The Irish gave the Spartans we're big and have good net - team travels to match and held Ohio State to first. Bowling Green, State News Sports Writer one oj three setbacks last year in games. That's what you need in Ohio today to engage in a battle four goals. Under normal Emphasis will be on penalties I■ unpArmond Briggs has »iu Ten high a 6 - 3 match. with defending Midwest circumstances that would have for the Spartans, as the flags and «"of taking a Big ,•si crown Ten crown Briggs started off the year on Besides Gray and Briggs, No. 3 Lacrosse Association champion been enough for a second whistles have cost MSU victory I', nlv his sophomore year on the Spring trip as the No. 1 man, Mike Madura and No. 4 Rick Bowling Green. Spartan victory. The MSU attack more than once this season. fce° MSU MSU lenni® hite tennis team if he but Coach Stan w,"uai off his tongue first, changed mrtifinn Drobac his mind about that soon auuu .. elter have Pr°d"ced winning MSU should be in fine shape welched on its half of the deal, however, and MSU lacrosse It will take a superior MSU . -t fccords records both in sinplps »nH for the engagement, with the performance today, but with a ..j u called it just an ;.,«?* «n m o vo move, moving the blond kL.» j singles and continued on its dreary way. full offense and Ifartman coming doubles play. Madura is 4 -1 and offensive line all reporting in at lunc^onscious thing," but sophomore to No. 2. Vetter 5-1, while as the No. 2 top form. A large portion of the With a win over Bowling Green in its last away game the off a good stand, the Spartans ■hatever it is, his habit of "i threw him to the wolves a doubles combination, MSU scorers have spent time could beat the big one. lewing o" ,lis ton8ue while on I'ttle too early," Drobac noted, compiled a 3 0 mark. they have - sidelined with injuries this [e courts must be doing "he had trouble in one match so season. Kmething, as he remains one of We put him in at No. 2." The weekend road contests Bowling Green, coached by Loundefeated Spartans. "Dee has never played a bad wi" a,so be a challenge ; jTlie Rock Island, HI. native has majch) though," Drobac Spartans will visit Iowa on 1970 Coach of the Year, Micky Cochrane, played Denison last Sfoutkh&tnn Wi |ily once in his six matches had continued, "he plays a strong for Friday and take to Minnesota Saturday for leadership in the 1 go three sets with any overjiea(j game ancj he's only Iponent, as the 6 - 3, 170 soph." a Saturday afternoon match. Both matches are crucial ones, as conference and was defeated, 7-2. Bowling Green is sure to be tetaunmJ fund sophomore relies on his Since being teammed with MSU is struggling to keep pace still feeling its bruises. 220 S. Howard St. 371 1752 lerpowering I • utIn height and urnrlr in his with the conference leaders, Whether MSU can put together Illinois, Michigan and Indiana. - combination, Briggs and his a winning performance against "If Bowling Green after five straight NEW Erth Briggs and senior Captain 'nat<\ have had little trouble in we can get by this losses remains to be seen, but E! , v will be out to protect doubles competition, going 3 - 0. weekend," Drobac pointed out, "we'll be in real good shape in with the return of a strong Hir undefeated marks when a " r°m and 1 hoth have pretty Spartan offense, a close match WEDNESDAY NIGHT long Notre Dame team visits at good serves," Briggs noted, "Plus the standings." DeARMOND BRIGGS would seem likely. Tm. today. trivid tlite* Frank'n Stein's own show. phe Irish hold an enviable 16 - iecord this year and have won IN SPRING FOOTBALL DRILLS THURSDAY NIGHT 8:30 11:30 (ir last ten straight, including . . . - ns over Indiana (5 ■ 4), Illinois Jonny Jakovac & . l) and Iowa (5 - 4). Polka Nite* Duffy likes gridders' attitude Ichigan set back the Irish in the year, 6 ■ 3, for their »■ loss to a Big Ten team. FRIDAY NIGHT . . . 6:30 - 12:00 . . . DANCING Koach Tom Fallon's leading pens have been John Allare i Buster Brown. Allare, the 1 3 man, has compiled a 16 - By GARY SCHARRER the mediocre records of the past four seasons. star Eric Allen is concentrating his athletic abilities for the MSU and Daugherty expects the spirit are capable of helping us. AuAUicut hde;Accorf1 Helmut & Werner rrKSingers * * But to carry over into next fall. "We aren't completely State News Sports Writer Spartan Coach Duffy track team and the highly [match record, while No. 1 n Daugherty . 'augherty , -. is ..... ' " of better opt.rn.stic " - — touted Jesse Williams is on the --o—j "I think the squad is satisfied vet but we n has beaten 14 of his 20 dedicated to the idea of wanting " " SATURDAY NIGHT 7:30 -9:30. It's been things to Daugherty, e daylight ahead." .. . fconents. a long time come. sidelines with a knee injury to win," Daugherty said."And known for his optimism, has Purdue University evidently Spartans will have their 1966. MSU hasn't fielded a sustained last spring. Williams [hey "realize~"that"getting ' the irk cut out for thein as the winning football team since the reason gridiron to look forward to the next fall, will make the fall. his varsity debut in attitude to win is a^uuc tu w... more difficult » nuieuu incut respects that daylight & t f tb „ because t . DANCING Bob Koss * Jim Basel handily downed the only glorious years of 1965 and *66. however. season than winning. 6 They have to be J .. its 1971 4 i on Accordian on Guitar that beat MSU this year, And Spartan football fans have Daugherty has three flashy able to - - - - opponents outlook, Besides expect a lot of effort and MSU is named the team to ls become lean and hungry after having seasoned runners at the same position, so enthusiasm which as *• Paul Bassett On Bass veterans they are beat for the Big holding down key he will have to find a solution Ten title in ' doing." positions the Spartan coaches for the pleasant problem, have a large number of first - Daugherty also cited the BASEBALL STANDINGS year men eyeing starting roles, be "Bruce Anderson is a fine football going to player," competition between the players Shop Tonight 'til 9 p.m., Thurs. thru Sat. 9:30 to 5:30 Bruce Anderson, a freshman Daugherty said. "He's very as bringing out the best in American National from Wisconsin, impressed everyone last year as he led the frosh in rushing from his versatile. He's a good blocker, a good runner and a good receiver, He's good at playing flanker, people and all the players are profiting from the competition. "I think we are starting to ItVs W L HCT. C.U tailback position. tailback and slotback. find out some of the answers to 203 E. GRAND RIVER KAST In last Saturday's scrimmage Moutri.nl St. Louis Anderson again showed promise "He's big and strong and som,e the Problems that face Pittsburgh active," Daugherty added. "He's us-' Daugherty said. "Wp ITROIT 8 9 .471 V/i as he broke loose for several long going to help the team a lot next certainly b having some young incredible! runs and repeatedly found holes football players coming to the year." in the line for shorter bursts of Recent front and showing us that they Spartan teams began WASHABLE - WRINKLE RESISTANT three, four and five yards, their seasons on notes of L HCT. GB Anderson, however, is running at optimism but the good attitude I 5 ,737 first team tailback for spring have been lagging and WOMEN'S IM may 100% Antron Nylon _ 9 9 .5 50 3'A .526 4 drills only because established frustrations resulted in long 9 .500 8 .529 4 4'/j 10 .474 5 11 .450 S'/i seasons for both players and eld entries will be Thui 11 .313 7 V, supporters. In drills this spring 12 .294 8 Varsity Club :lub will meet at 7:30 everyone is talking about the great attitude being generated, !9 at 9 p.m. The meet w n Monday, May 3, if thei Polo Shirts MONDAY'S RKSULTS light ii i the Spartan Stadium Philadelphia 2. Houston I clubrt New honorary members New York 12. St. Louis 2 (only games scheduled) >n, to and all past honoraries attend. Plans will also Members are urged to Don't Miss The Boat! Were S8 $599 ies scheduled) (show iY'S RESULTS * TUESDAY'S RKSULTS Perfect casual top Today thru Saturday at New York CANOERS (night) Mor icago n.stph sat Oakland (night) *Washes beautifully A at California s at Pittsburgh (night) (night) New York at St. Louis (night) 'Button placket front IT at Kansas The MSU Ski Club will be City (night) San Francisco at Atlanta (night) with ta at pocket Washington (night) San Diego at Cincinnati (night) having a canoe and camping ec at Boston (night) Row, row, row your boat to the *Great colors - yellow, Philadelphia at Houston (night) trip over Memorial week - TODAY'S GAMKS Lansing Mall boat show. red, navy, mushroom, end; All those interested at Boston Montreal at Chicago Outstanding ideas in boating from grey, peach, cream, should attend the meeting on New York (night) Los Angeles at Pittsburgh (night) Lansing's leading dealers. white, blue, lilac at Oakland (night) New York at St. Louis (night) Thursday, April 29, Room and pink. at California San Francisco at Atlanta (night) 100 Vet (night) Clinic, 6:30 p.m. * Kansas City (7:30 p.m San Diego at Cincinnati (night) Sizes S, M, L ' at Washington (night) Philadelphia at Houston (night) Movies of the Europe and Aspen Trips will be shown, as well as last spring's canoe m lansing mall 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy. oft trips. Why Pay More! W hy P ay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! GALLON MI1K FRESHLIKE CARTON Cut or Whole or GREEN French-Style BEANS CORN Cream or Whole Kernel PHONE: 482-6226 GARDEN PEAS \1 c 12 oz. wt. cans I/ f UP AND I" OUR P!Y ACRES MEIIER ■■WHV PAY MORE CARNATION STUFFED I FAYGO PORK C«0PS59< Hl-C Drink . Campbell Home Style _____ Food Club Roll Pork 39c ■■■iWHV PA V IVinDPr BHBI SLENDER 12 fl. oz. can SAUSAGE ICE CREAM 16 fl. oz. btl. GRAPE PORK & BEANS tvv< 73c Eggnog-Milk Choc.-Choi All Flavors or ORANGE Food Club BARS 10 fl. Why 16 oz. LINKPORK SAUSAGE 69c pkg. of 12 Pay More 8', 10-99" 1 6 ° 99c Hygrade West Virginia Thick SLICED BACON 2'/2 fl. Each oz. 59c 10c o SAVE 10c © 10c SAVE 10c c* 10c 8c SAVE 8c |l0c£ SAVEIOc !cCRtS j 6200 S. 5 Pennsylvania 2065 W. Grand River J^nsing Qkcmos_ why Pay More!SI25 W. Saginaw - 6200 S. Pennsylvania — Grand River at Okeaot Road i -why Pay More." Wednesday, April 28, 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan state news STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Classified Ads Will Get You What You Want Place One Today For Fast Results classified 355 8255 355-8255 For Rent For Hem The State News does not Automotive fRankLy speaking . by Phil Frapk Employment MfoatMds permit racial or religious discrimination in- it* MUSTANG, GT, 1968. 2 door PHARMACEUTICAL REPRESENTATIVE for leading 124 CEDAR Street. Drive. 135 Kedzie. 129 Burcham 2 man Includes UNIVERSITY VILLA 2 and 3 and 4 man nov/rera I advertising columns. The hardtop. Green, power steering, firm. Lansing area. $9000. Fee furnished apartments. heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. apartments for summer and ?* I mast! State News will not automatic, 302 cubic excellent condition. inches, $1445. paid. Car furnished. 372-7700, PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. Leases starting June 15 and Sept. rizrsi^-i-l •AUTOMOTIVE accept advertising which discriminates against 669-9946. 3-4-30 3-4-28 1 Days. 487-3216. Evenings til 10 p.m., 882-2316. O SmSKO0 Manage^| Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or MUSTANG 1965. Convertible, 6 STENOGRAPHERS. GALS with MARIGOLD APTS THREE GIRLS Wuga for Auto Parts & Service national origin. cylinder. Standard shift. Must sell, good abilities for Lansing firm. 911 Marigold Ave. 4 . ■ Aviation leaving country. 482-5061. 1007 Full time. $6500. 372-7700. 1 bedroom furnished deluxe apartment. year. 1971 Private home . 1972 * May St. Lansing. 3-4-29 PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. * EMPLOYMENT 3-4 28 2 man apts. Across from 1-4-29 • FOR RENT OLDSMOBILE 442, 1966. Power MALE and female part SUMMER steering / brakes. Lots of extras. WANTED: SUBIET Beerh"! Apartments Houses CORVAIR 1965. Sharp. 4 door, 487-3245. 5-5-3 time or full time. opportunity with international Lucrative Apartments. Two Cheap, close. 3510659.3.4.30 "Jjl FALL TERM only: Cedar Village Rooms radio. Good mileage. One owner. OLDSMOBILE 1966. 88 convertible, corporation. For information model. $77 per man per month. EAST * FOR SALE Excellent condition. 489-2373. power steering, power brakes, room 102, Kellogg Center, CEDAR VILLAGE LANSING furn 7" 3-4-29 automatic, premium tires. Wednesday, April 28th, 7 p.m. apartment across from Animals APARTMENTS, 332-5051. TF Prefer married Excellent condition. TU 2-6235 2-4-28 couple Mobile Homes DATSUN 2000 Roadster, 1968. after 5:30 p.m. 3-4-28 CHEAP. 2 - 5 man; across from grad student. Available June No children i?l I Good condition. Best offer over 01 .PERSONAL NOTICE campus, for summer. Call Jerry or 332-8552. 3-4-30 $1200. 489-2886. 5-4-28 OLDSMOBILE 1966 4 door sedan • PEANUTS PERSONAL Rick: 332-5048. 3-4-20 with power steering and brakes. * REAL ESTATE Call 663-4349. 7-5-3 SUMMER JOBS available in Torch HASLETT ROOMMATE t( Lake Resort area for 2 sharp SUMMER - TWO man Cedar Greens. modern, ♦ RECREATION furnished, com Reduced, air, pool, balcony. OPEL 1971 1900. 6,000 miles. attractive gals. Reception and carpeted 2 bedroom apa.,^, 332-0707. 3-4-30 ♦SERVICE Typing Service FIAT 124 Sport Coupe, 1968. Excellent condition, Dunlops, 4 Leaving country offer. 349-3097. 3-4-30 May 1st. Best general office work. available. Send picture and resume Housing After 6 p.m., 339-8094.3*1 MIDWEST GIRL WANTS to live in apartment • TRANSPORTATION speed, 351-6298. 5-5-4 to Mr. Rankin, RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, Fall - Spring terms. 353-7380. SUMMER apartment SUBLEASE two~n< having withdrawal wins near • WANTED FIAT 1970. 850 Sport Coupe. 3,700 m Jtiff , Ml 49615. 20-4-30 X-3-4-29 351-0704.3-4-30 campus fa DEADLINE miles. Jan, Best offer. Must sell, call 351-0734 after 5 p.m. 5-5-3 PONTIAC 1964 LeMans cc flFmTHE PRESIDENTS NEWS OWEREMCE> ATTENTION SENIORS. Young COUNTRY SETTING, 2 bedroom ONE MAN needed, one block fa- class day unfurnished. 15 minutes from 1 P.M. people needed to fill positions one FIREBIRD, 1967. (400) Headers, Excellent condition. $650. Phone with rapidly expanding company. East Lansing. $150 a month. campus, Spring, cheap. 355-122(B before publication. 675-7414. 3-4-29 new clutch, headwork, and valves. For interviews call 694-9122 655-3468 or 675-7417. X6-4-29 Cancellations — 12 noon Excellent condition. Reasonable. STAGE 1 motoring accessories - (Holt) 9 a.m. - noon. X-5-4-30 FOUR MAN LUXURY. Block one class day before After 5 p.m., phone BASEMENT APARTMENT. campus. Summer performance and t| Cycles or publication. 3-4-30 Accessories, A utomotive Scooters & HOUSEKEEPER, FOR general Gentleman working or graduate Spring. 355-1224. 2-4-29 replacement parts for imported housework. 3 times a week. Phone student. $95/month utilities paid. PHONE and domestic cars. (Vega, Pinto). FORD 300 1963. Fair condition. VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE, 1971 KAWASAKI 250E. 600 miles. 371-1467. 3-4-30 Call ED 2-3231. 3-4-30 WANTED TO sublet Some parts for motorcycles. 5% or re 355-8255 $150. Call 337-2005 after 6 p.m. 1964. Rebuilt engine and Frt. Excellent condition. Helmets. summer: 2 bedroom apartment J off list. 353-7721.3-4-30 3-4-29 Spare top, ratty body. Trade for $750. 355-3156. 5-4-28 SUBLET STUDIO apartment. location convenient toMSU.Hi RATES TRIUMPH 1970 GT+6. $2750. 5,000 250cc or bigger bike or $350 firm. Partially furnished, air child and kitten. Call collect (9[ 1 day $1.50 FORD COUNTRY Sedan 1966. Call 485-5637 after 5 p.m. 5-5-4 CYCLE INSURANCE. Central conditioned, carpeted. $105. Near 293-8368. 5-5-4 miles. Excellent condition. Signal Michigan's largest insurer. Any 15c per word per day Automatic transmission, power Pennsylvania - Shiawassee. Phone red. Call 355-6844. 5-5-4 VW 1970. Sunroof, automatic shift, cycle, any rate. HENDRICKSON For Rent 489-6310 after 5:30 p.m. 3-4-30 3 days $4.00 steering and brakes. $600. 372-6863. 3-4-30 19,000 miles. Days 335-1700, INSURANCE AGENCY. 13V4c per word per day TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1970. Blue. 332-5335,484-8173.0 TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction $1975. Good condition. One _^ll34!"3640! 5;^28 ONE OR 2 persons needed to share 5 days $6.50 FORD 1968. Fastback. Excellent guaranteed. Free delivery, service house furnished. Own bedroom, owner. 372-3169. 3-4-30 VW 1970. Sunroof, automatic shift, HONDA CL 350. Very pretty bike. 13c per word per day condition. $1400. 339-9318 after and pick-up. Call NEJAC, near Capitol. 484-8337 after 8 GIRL TO share 2 5:30 p.m. 3-4-28 19,000 miles. Days 355-1700; Excellent condition. 337-1300. C (based on 10 words per ad) TRIUMPH GT6+ 1969. Good nights 349-3640. 5-4-28 Conscientious owner. Extra parts, p.m. 5-5-4 bedroom. Twyckingham. Summed condition. $1900. Call 882-7008. $100. 351-7889 after 6 p $75. Body good helmet. Best offer. 355-2445. ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. Peanuts Personals must be FORD 1964. - 5-4-30 MALE ROOMMATE, $40, no 3-4-30 VOLVO 1970 144. Only 12,000 S5-4-28 engine needs repair. Call SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV deposit, now thru August, phone pre-paid. miles. Assume payments. 353-7006. 5-4-28 VOLKSWAGEN 1966 camper. Bed, RENTAL, 372-4948. O 332-1095. 3-4-30 TWO MAN apartment There will be a 50c service 676-1381. 3-4-30 70 TRIUMPH Daytona. 500. $1050. to : refrigerator, canopy. Take over Call 482-5626 between 6 - 8 summer. Close to 1 and bookkeeping charge if FORD CORTINA GT, new Octob payments. 337-0801. 3-4-30 STROBE LIGHT rentals by the night 355-3059. 332-2254. 3-4-30 p.m. 5-4-30 this ad is not paid within 1969. 36,000 miles, extra clea or weekend. Call MARSHALL CEDAR GRF.ENS $1260.616-749-9175. 1-4-23 VOLKSWAGEN 1964. New battery, MUSIC. 351-7830. C-4-28 LANSING OR East Lansing. Oi one week. WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER 1 bedroom furnishiwl generator. Needs engine. Call Bill bedroom furnished. Large, » The $tate News will be GM 1966 Van. Paneling, carpeting, WAGON CAPRICE 1966. Loaded, Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. TV RENTALS - Students only. Low POOL 349-3636 after 5:30 p.m. 2-4-28 air, power brakes, steering, etc. Phone 489-4811. Our new address monthly and term rates. Call rooms. Air conditional responsible only for the cabinet, sink, bed / bench. $950 Cull 351-8631 Beautifully maintained. Suitab Excellent condition motor and 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV or best offer. 353-4014, 5 - 6 p.m. for faculty, grad students, busine first day's incorrect VOLKSWAGEN 1970 sedan. and 10-11 p.m. 6-4-30 body. (No rust, California RENTALS. C insertion. Immaculate, fun to drive, light product). New polyglas tires plus 1965 DUCATI. Low mileage, recent people, married couples, lea] blue. 675-7326. 5-5-3 CAPITOL COMPLEX near. 332-3135 or 882-6549,0 2 snow tires. $1295 or reas. offer. overhaul, road or trail. 355-9376. JAVELIN 1968 SST. Beautiful Furnished. Utilities. 2 rooms, condition. Many extras. $1650. VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Excellent 355-9744 anytime. 4-4-30 5-4-28 Apartments $115. Three rooms, $130. Five MAN NEEDED for 3 1 353-0032. 3-4-29 condition. Uhder warranty. Any rooms, $160. No children, pets. Twyckingham Apartmi BEECHWOOD: 2, 3 and 4 man 2 reasonable offer considered. Scooters & Cycles A uto Service & Parts bedroom furnished apartments, 489-1276. 5-5-3 Summer term. 355-5308. 5-4| 355-8086. 2-4-28 A utomotive BODY SHOP 812 East for Summer and Fall. Spacious, GIRL apartment, own room. MASON , TWO NEW ONE bedroom. Furnished! Since 1940. parking, close. Discount for all 9 Reduced rates. Immediately. Call VOLKSWAGEN KARMANN Ghia Kalamazoo Street . . . unfurnished, dishwashers, T and 12 month leases signed prior AUSTIN HEALEY 3000, 1963. 1968. Excellent condition. Radio, Complete auto painting and to June 1st. Call 351-0965 or 351-2147. 3-4-29 conditioning, close to ca^M $1000 or best offer. 332-6148, clock, wire wheel covers, new collision service. IV 5-0256. C $165 per month. 332-llfl 332-8113. 3-4-29 1970 TRIUMPH Trophy 250, 1,600 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, ROOMMATE WANTED. $40/month. tires, new disc brakes. 45,000 5-4-30 miles. Just tuned. $700 includes CAR WASH, 25c, or automatic wash, _351-79iaO Utilities included. Parking. Call LEMANS 1966 convertible. 4 barrel, miles. Must sell. $1425. Phone AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE 1965. helmets. 351-9428 after 4 p.m. 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. John, 641-4554. 3-4-29 3 speed, 389. $600. Call 676-5005 489-0049. 5-4-29 BAY COLONY: 1 and 2 bedroom Yellow with black top. Good 3-4-29 430 South Clippert, back of Koko 711 EAST APTS. after 5:30 p.m. 3-4-30 Bar. 0-3-12 apartments furnished and 711 Burcham condition. $425. Phone TU VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1963. Best unfurnished. Located on corner of SUBLET FURNISHED deluxe 2 man 2-3155. 3-4-29 MERCURY 1965, Monclair sedan. offer. Mrs. Houk, 489-7435, 9 - 5 TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 250. Just broken in, tuned. Helmets. $700. YOUR PLACE or mine. VW repair Haslett Road and Hagadorn. apartment, summer — very close. Deluxe largo 1 bedroom | Asking $200. Phone 332-1240. p.m. 10-5-10 Offering 3, 9 and 12 month leases. 351-5669. 4-4-30 furnished apartments. BORGWARD STATION sedan, service. 485-6500 after 5 p.m. 1965. 5-4-29 484-2893. 3-4-29 Call 351-3211 or HALSTEAD Suitable for 2 & 3 man. I 83,000 miles. Good 3-4-29 condition. $200. 355-7800. 3-4-30 VOLKSWAGEN 1970 automatic. MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O SINGLE MALE wanted to share 3 man furnished apartment. 3031 Now leasing for Summer I MGA 1958. Rebuilt interior, exterior, engine excellent, other Very good condition; still under AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and Beal Street Apartments South Washington, Apt. D-11. Ph. and Fall. 9 & 12 month | CHEVROLET 1966. White warranty. 882-2051. 3-4-30 American cars. If we can't fix it, it leases. 393-8992. 3-4-29 convertible automatic. Good _ extras. 349-1749. 5-4-28 BMW, R69, 600 cc's. Engine, can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O Fall and Summer, 1 block 337-7328 337-0' MGB 1967 Convertible, VOLKSWAGEN 1964. New rings. from campus, 2 bedroom, 2 351-4878 running California product. hardtop. transmission overhauled. ONE BEDROOM furnished mobile Asking $850. Dan Kildea, overdrive, Michelins. Excellent Valves, tires, tuned. $450. VW GUARANTEED repair. 3 persons, furnished, Fiberglass side baskets, new tires. - or home, $25/week. 10 minutes 487-6141 337-9320. 3-4-30 condition. $1500. 332-1367. 351-8753. 3-4-30 RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at LARGE TWO party or $750 or best offer. 332-2094. balcony, air conditioning. 641-6601. 28-6-4 3-4-28 3-4-29 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C - campus. efficiency. Air conditioned, ell CHEVROLET 1964 6 VOLKSWAGEN 1964. Rebuilt REDUCED SUMMER to campus. $13!) summer. $■ cylinder. $280. Call after 5 p.m., 351-7405 MGB 1963. Convertible. 4 speed, engine, new battery and generator. RATES. Open 6 -7:30 p.m. SHORT OR long term lease, 2 fall. Call 484-0585, 484-13J wire wheels. Glass side windows. Phone Eaton Rapids, 663-8149. HONDA CB160. 10,000 miles. New Aviation Monday - Thursday bedrooms. Appliances, air 3-4-29 10-5-3 electrical system and tires. $295. $500. 482-8292. 3-4-29 1-4-28 216 Beal St., Apt. 2A 332-0449. 5-4-28 393-6393. 4-4-30 CHEVY VAN 1965. 532 Ann Street, LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight 351-6088 or 349-1076 SUMMER TERM, 2 girls, $45. &■ Apt. 9. 337-9976 after 4 p.m MUSTANG 1965 V-8 stick. Very training. All courses are THREE BEDROOM, full basement, Village. Call Peggy 33 7-95B nice inside and out. 351-4255. government and VA certified. PRINCETON ARMS: 1 bedrbom 3-4-28 2-4-28 , stove, refrigerator. $180. 2-4-28 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport furnished and unfurnished. All 332-1094. 10-5-5 Road, Call 484-1324. C utilities paid, except electricity NOW LEASING for sumi 1967 YAMAHA 250. Good and telephone. Offering 3, 9 and UNIVERSITY TERRACE: Now condition. $300. Call 646-6387 evenings or weekends. 5-5-4 Employment 12 month leases. Call 332-8511 or renting 3 and 4 man furnished apartments. Girls only. SuffeJ HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, apartments for summer and fall. parking. 9 and 12 month m DUCATI 250 Scrambler. Helmet 351-7910. O Walking distance to campus. Call starting fall. Reduced ri" " DRIVER REQUIRED for summer 351-9117 or HALSTEAD month lease. 694-826 included. $275. Very good season. Limousine and sports car. NORTH POINTE: 1 and 2 bedroom MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O Albert. 10-5-7 condition. 351-7168. 5-5-4 Travel here and abroad, with apartments, furnished and thirty two year old male. Business unfurnished. Has swimming pool 1967 YAMAHA 250. Good and vacation. Must be single, sharp aftd picnic area. Discount for all 9 condition. $325. 353-1362 or TEL L u and with few attachments. Submit and 12 month leases signed prior 353-1216. 5-4-30 letter of interest with non-studio to June 1st. Call 351-3407 or CROSSWORD AL ■E L HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, R 1 O T ■e L NORTON 750. Mint. 1970 photo to: Driver Position, Box PUZZLE Commando Roadster. 3750 miles. 165, River Forest, Illinois 60305. 3-4-30 351-7910. O A HJ 372-1660. 5-4-30 EVERGREEN: ALL 4 man, 2 A Rfc H EXPERIENCED PART time clothing bedroom apartments furnished. T A EA U WILD CAT CUSTOMS. Motorcycle customizing and chopping. Exotic salesman, 12 - 5 p.m. Apply Now renting for summer and fall. 1 M U eIl L painting and Velvetex. Free REDWOOD & ROSS, 205 East Discount for 9 and 12 month M C E ■l A Grand River. 2-4-29 leases signed before June 1st. Call 27. Eur. thrush estimates. 2901 N. East Street, ' 332-1313, or HALSTEAD 6. Eastern end of o BP a church 31. Fever (U.S. 27). 5-4-30 CYTO - TECHNOLOGIST. Full MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O 10. Sarsaparilla 35. Spice M L Rjl 69 HONDA condition, 300. 4100 Excellent miles. Call time, as a pathologist — directed private laboratory. 2 weeks annual NEED ONE 2 girls summer. Cedar 11. Infuriates 36. Kiwi 37. Sermon N bp T] c or 12. Use 351-0490 after 5 p.m. 5-4-29 vacation, sick leave, holiday and Village. $45. Call after 7 p.m. 39. That girl 13. Heaps hospitalization benefits. Salary Anita, 353-1 152, Margie, 40. Related 14. Close friend negotiable. Contact W. E. 353-8043. 2-4-28 Maldonado, M.D., Laboratory of Clinical Medicine, 1322 East NOW RENTING 1 and 2 bedrooms. 45. Greenback 18. Venerable 2.Sesame 66 305 Honda. New racing pistons, Michigan Avenue, Suite 102, Summer and Fall. Norwood 46. Weaver's reed megaphone pipes. $350. Lansing, 372-8180. 10-5-11 Apartments. 332-2712. 4-4-30 20. Chinaware 3 Dismount^0 ■ 355-9361. 3-4-30 22. Closed car 47. Aroma 4 pemol'S^B WAITRESSES FOR lunch hour and 5. Outdoor be* You get plenty of room (and trunk space, CEDAR evening shifts. Experience preferred but will train. Must have Around the m u 6. River 7. Haughty is* | 8 Awareo«s ■ transportation. Call THE POUR clock service 1 I g. Ger. city ■ too) at Collingtooob VILLAGE HOUSE, appointment. 5-5-4 646-6261 for i 10 !2. Platform poisonous"J is where FULL TIME pay for part time work. 16. Juncture I Excellent opportunity. Apply l>t i,m:> I 2lptirt tttCH t S (formerly Northwind Apts.) the resident comes first 2101 West Holmes Road, behind Quality Dairy Store. 5-4-28 COUPLE to live in desirable Lansing That's why we have a 24-hour answering service. i '| M 26. !rs: Interested in next year's j< the club will meet at 9 p.m. skirted. Fully carpeted, garbage Everyone for summer & fall Phone 332-6441 or 372-2797 ket •? Graduate school? I ■vanting to attend the rodeo school disposal. Call 625-3520. W PROFESSION :Patrick, asst. director of tl should attend. MARSHA CHANEL THESIS intent Bureau, will talk abo PREPARAT Lost & Found sponsor^ free^olk concert - the life ■ Th APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. LOST - WEDNESDAY evening - ff anted and sounds of folk recording artist, If spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and wire rims, near Student Services. InitV Wit^ tlist'nct'we Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each REWARD. 353-5834. 3-4-28 Complttt Professional Thosis Scrvico for SMALL FAMILY wants furnished ■cent I3'-3 dishwasfler' 9®rbage disposal and individual control - Misttr'i and Doctoril Candidates Fret house for summer. Ownership Cs cling Club will meet at 7: JO p.m. Lits'h concl't'on'n9 and Hotpoint appliances. These four man 3 mo. leases LOST WASHINGTON: Please return borrowed black, white checkered Brochure and Consultation. Ploase Call care, guarantee with security today in 208 Men's Intramural Bldg. ■has bp3Ve UP t0 3 parkin9 sPaces Per unit. The student's leisure time 6 mo. leases Cliff and Paula Hjujhe, 337 1527 or 827 2936 deposit. 8ox 26, Alma, Michigan ■fecreat6" adequatelY Panned for with a giant heated swimming pool, 9 mo. leases jacket. 351-1587. 3-4-30 48801. 5-4-29 help"control traffice for the race May ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith 8. Call Al Marcosson at 332-3574. ■first °n roorns ant' Private balconies. If you want to be among the 12 mo. leases LOST MEN'S glasses, black alligator offset printing. Complete service ■start esdlnts of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units case. Reward. Call 355-9848. for dissertations, theses, Students for a Live Chirstianity will rart,ngat$60/month per man. 3-4-30 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. meet Drugs" at to discuss "The Holy Spirit vs. 7:30 p.m. Friday in 34 Only 3 and 4 21 years experience. 349-0850. C Union. All are welcome. man apts., Personal TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. FOR GLAD tidings look for starting fall Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary something you've lost with a Want term SORORITIES AND Fraternities. Cut Ann Lance. 626-6542. 0-4-28 Ad. Dial 355-8255 down on household expenses and step up on quality with ecology in MSU ARTISTS. Sign up for Union TYPING SERVICES in my East Board Flea Market. $3.00 fee. \ ill be taker mind. Call 482-7423 for Lansing home. Phone 332-3306. information. 5-5-3 C-4-28 0-4-28 of this ir's t(ips will be .vith a irt> f. ,ing FREE A lesson in complexion FEMALE DUTCH exchange student ... TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. ng. Sign Mil a care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan would like to see the West, New Rapids, accurate service. taken for the Memorial or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. Experienced. 393-4075. O Orleans. New York, Washington, canoe trip. Everyone is invited to MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS D.C., with another (exchange) attend; new memberships will be STUDIOS. C-4-29 NEED COPIES of - term papers - student taken. For information, call John at during July. Must travel as theses - class notes - your copy 351-8647 or stop by the office from inexpensively as possible. Write: . COME SEE us before you go home. headquarters THE COPY I to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday Marquerite Zwijnenburg, NMC, UNION BUILDING BARBER SHOPPE, across from campus. in 140 Men's Intramural Bldg. Traverse City, Michigan 49684. SHOP. C-4-28 Phone 332-4222. Free estimates. 1-4-28 C-4-30 The German Club will present the ' 4620 S. HAGADORN TJV/CKW6HAM BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for film "Wis Wunderkinden" ("Aren't We Wonderful") at 7:30 p.m. today just north of Mt. Hope Rd. APTS. No job too large or too small. all positive. A negative, B negative and AB in 106B Wells Hall. This film has won wide critical acclaim including the SCIENCE JUNIORS Block off campus. 332-3255. C negative, $10.00. O negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Best Film Award at the Berlin t il management exclusively by: Interested in next year's job Transportation COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, English film subtitl All vith XjAZCUFp* market? Graduate school? 507/2 East Grand River, East Lansing. Above the new Campus ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY CAREER Seminar in 114 Berkey Hall at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 29,1971. NOTHING new or LASTS newer forever! So for household goods Book Store. Hours: 9 p.m., a.m. to Monday, Thursday and Friday. Tuesday and Wninesday 1 3:30 check today's Want Adsl p.m. to 6 :30 p.m. 337-7183 C Wednesday, April 2 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Report ■ By BILL State News HOLSTEIN Staff Writer on asst. pot' effects professor of pharmacology, said. Arnold Werner, asst. professor of psychiatry and director of psychiatric services, expressed similar views on the report. Werner The seven ■ labeled worthless page j:j report4 did not. deal factors of the disturbances and hence implied actually stated that the symptoms were "directly „,i.h ..thor j„„i with nu«il nn^ihi» «causal other possible and at times attributable to Other criticisms of the study included: Other criticisms of the study included- • There were no controls in the experiment which mM factors could have been influencing the observations • There was not enough documentation in the study ottl« cannabis derivatives." • The study was "anesdotal." writes the weekly State News feature. "The Doctor's Bag." A recent medical journal report on the adverse effects of The report by Harold Kolansky and William T. Moore, both The two professors criticized the report on a wide range of • The age group dealt with in the study is "high risk'' marijuana has been labeled "next to worthless by two University with private practices in child and adult psychiatry and grounds. of developing emotional disturbances. • medical figures. The sample of the study was "self - selected" and not While Werner was hesitant to comment on preconconr psychoanalysis, is based on 38 individuals between the ages of 13 . In separate interviews, they likened the April 19 report in the representative in that the population studied was a group of Journal of the American Medical Assn. to a recent report showing and 24 who had used cannabis derivatives and who consulted people who were seeing a psychiatrist for emotional disorders. men took into their study, McNeill said he had the !?nsth< with the doctors concerning their emotional disturbances. Werner said the article has value as a study of a variety of impression that they were very anti - recreational u 0,19,1 possible chromosomal damages from the use of LSD. That report The report attempted to demonstrate a cause - and - effect drugs. I think they went into this study with that bias " * of was later shown to be not scientifically valid but was still widely relationship between the use of marijuana and a wide range of people in whose problems drugs played a role but, like McNeill, Both MSU doctors said the report is evidence tha quoted in antidrug literature. said it was "totally invalid" to extrapolate from the study of an emotional disorders including psychotic reactions, suicide looking very closely at the use of marijuana in an attempt fn' "This (marijuana report) will make all the police literature and atypical population to a large population. all the garbage that goes out to school kids," John H. McNeill, attempts, sexual promiscuity and homosexuality. ' McNeill said the report left unanswered thequestions: "What is something wrong with it and as a consequence mav % ^ straws in the wind." ®rasP the incidence of this behavior in the general population and in a "The big splash that this report received suggests to m marijuana smoking population?" Werner said there was "no basis" for the cause - and - effect people are looking very hard to find something wrona marijuana," Werner said. g' 'IT prof sees resumption relationship depicted in the study. this "One cannot make any cause - and effect relationship from article," he said. Kolansky and Moore gave no evidence to counter the possibility that the emotional disturbances and the smoking may Ceremony to honor have developed at the same time as manifestations of a deeper of economic growth in 1972 emotional difficulty, the two men said. "The defect (with the report) is not with clinical observations but in linking (the disturbances) with smoking marijuana. The frosh, junior coeds problem is that they took one factor and made it causal without Freshmen and junior women the event of rain. By DIANE PETRYK government - induced recession its quality with high school Approach," was published this any controls," Werner said. will be honored for outstanding was an effort to control graduates," he said. month. McNeill confirmed that criticism. During the traditional ev< State News Staff Writer scholarship and leadership and the inflation, "but if I had a choice I "Today, if anyone tells you he "Drugs can increase normal adolescent troubles but to take women will be tappedi would opt for inflation Kreinin was educated in Israel knows what is going to happen one variable - that being that these people did smoke — and service potential at the annual membership of Tower Gii An MSU economist who anytjme." and received his Ph.D. from the in the stock market, he's attribute all these symptoms to that, in my opinion, is just not May Morning Sing at 7 a.m. and Mortar Board, sophoa Friday in front of Beaumont it.. correctly predicted the recession "it seems to be a trade - off University of Michigan. His lying," Kreintn said. valid," he said. "I just can't believe for the life of me that any and senior women's honor# of 1970 said Tuesday the United tween inflation and book, "International "Economists don't know. Maybe drug is going to turn you into a homosexual unless it's a sex Tower. The ceremony will be Breakfast at the Union States will experience a decline unemployment," he added. Economics: A Policy psycholoeists do .. hormone." moved to the Music Building in follow. in unemployment and a "This is not what the public is resumption of growth as a result wiHing to accept." of politics pursued this year. Kreinin said the level of Mordechai Kreinin, professor unemployment in 1970 hovered of econimics, spoke at the at about 8 per cent. Faculty Club luncheon. "For a society which is already "Barring unforeseen faj|jng apart at its seams, that circumstances and assuming the ievel Qf unemployment can Federal Reserve continues its destroy us," he said, present policy," Kreinin said, "I Kreinin said these three think we can look for expansion options might be able to help in 1972." the American economy to have Kreinin said the 1970 jess unemployment with less inflation: • Introduction of more competition and a break up of big monopolies. • Free imports from tariffs and other restrictions. • Introduce wage and price controls. "Price and wage controls are a tricky business because we don't want to freeze prices and wages," he said. "But for a short period, say three or four months, they would be helpful." Kreinin also said the U.S. economy can be characterized as an "Over - trained" economy, insisting on high school graduates for the most menial jobs and so forth. "Even the Air Force insists on college graduates and the MORDECHAI KREININ Air Force I know of maintains GE grants 'U' gro d Several MSU graduate students Koenig said he believes the will be supported by grants from grants will be awarded to MSU on a long - term basis. General Electric Foundation for research and study of MSU will receive grants environmental engineering and totaling $30,000 this year from other fields. the General Electric Foundation. Grants of $10,000 will be used Herman Koenig, director of the program on design and for faculty development in the management of environmental systems, said the $7,500 in grants is a continuation from last area of accounting , finance and marketing. The General Electric Co. and SKINLESS FRANKS General Electric Foundation are year. "These funds will be used to sponsoring grants for more than augment research that is $2.9 million around the United States this year. by the National supported Science Foundation concerning Thrij-1 -Mart 7 hirst Quenchers the socio - economic aspect of CANOERS research," Koenig said. CAV/C riM CI 1Cfl7 ! I nutf nATT ■ I- i-ni-r 1111-ri i p.nn uimc du i i lc rncn vvi i n caun He said it is significant that NO RETURN BOTTLES FROSTIE I 5 YOU BUY - FL. 16 OZ. BTLS. Run the AuSable over industry has found it important Memorial Week • End; 3 days to support research in environmental especially since the grant was problems, not designated for any particular and nights of camping and canoeing, fantastic food and unlimited uncola. Sponsored Root Beer | Faygo Pop research. Although plans are not yet definite, one of the students by MSU Ski Club. To sign up, attend Thursday, our meeting, April 29, 6:30 6 - 75c i 5 ~ 69c who will be supported by the p.m.. Room 100 Vet Clinic or grant is Lloyd Alvarado, East call John, 351 - 8647. Lansing graduate student. BONUS SPECIAL! Big E Hamburg Or HOT DOG BUNS SAVE 10c — All Var. Except Ham Frozen Hand carved Coral with leaves of genuine roses BANQUET DINNERS Jade ... in settings of All Flavors of Famous rich, Ions-lasting 14Kt. Gold From our overlay. selection ROYAL GELATINS of fine quality jewelry -#■ SAVE 8c BIG 'E' Ideal for Mother's Day gifts. Catsup SAVE 8c BIG E' Peaches SAVE 20c BIG 'E' iZgAiOSV fine jewelers 219 E. Grand River Tom. Juice GOVERNMENT FOOD STAMPS WELCOME! Phone- 332-3917