You . . . Friday are accountable for none MICHIGAN Cloudy . . . STATE NIWS it yourself. STATE UNIVERSITY ie 63 Number 170 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 30,1971 ry acquits DISMISSAL REASONS >touc of jet maiming Nat sci council urges amendment MCPHERSON, Ga. (AP) - A bylaws L, jury acquitted Capt. Eugene M. L Thursday of maiming a Viet Cong let during an interrogation after the to fai assualt of 1968. Committee for Reappointment and Tenure [jury of seven Army officers, six of for 1971. "I think the letter from Mrs. Carrigan is 1 Vietnam veterans deliberated for going to calm things down quite a lot," he A letter released Wednesday written by said. I more than an hour before returning The Trustee Patricia M. Irdict. Dept. of Natural Science council has recommended that the defended the action Carrigan which Seltin said the departmental faculty will I acquittal leaves only one other departmental by the board, has meet on Monday to consider what means r Capt. Ernest L. Medina, yet to be bylaws be revised to enable any helped to "clear up" several sources of to use in giving reasons to Murray and Miss on criminal charges arising from the nontenured faculty member who is not dispute over the board action, Seltin said. Van Tassell, in compliance with the retained by the "There is no question in my mind that Li raid and its aftermath. Medina, who reasons for the department to receive there has been a lack of communication instructions from the board. Laiting trial here, is charged with decision, Richard J. Seltin, The bylaws presently in effect in the acting chairman of the Dept. of Natural here," he said. department do not provide that reasons Science, said Thursday. Seltin said that Mrs. Carrigan's assurance fnds and relatives of Kotouc, 37, of Seltin said the bylaw amendment that the motion passed by the trustees was must be given to a nonreappointed faculty member, Seltin said, but neither do they ioldt. Neb., cheered in the courtroom would a class action which be considered by the applied to all presently [the president of the court- martial departmental faculty prohibit the giving of reasons. "later in the term." Amendments to the employed nontenured faculty members Manfred D. Engleman, chairman of the 1, Col. James Burkhart, announced the who have been notified departmental bylaws require approval by a that they will not Dept. of Natural Science Ad Hoc ft majority of the faculty. be reappointed, and who have lank you, sir," said Kotouc as he requested Committee for Reappointment and Tenure A 1970 decision reasons for the decision and have been led a salute to the jury. The round - by the Natural Science for 1971, said Thursday that although the department faculty to withhold denied them, as served to diminish "a 1 balding paratrooper, who was an reasons for a decision to feeling that the department Igence officer at the time of the My not reappoint nontenured faculty members resulted in two slapped down. was being (Please turn to back page) Jassault, tiien walked out of the the filing of a complaint with the |oom with his auburn - haired wife Michigan ir three children. Employment Relations Commission and has made the department the center of a [told newsmen outside that he would ^ . n the Army. the best damn army in the world, fc you," said Kotouc, smiling. "Today Universitywide controversy. On April 16, the board of extended for one year the contracts of trustees the War policy unchanged two nontenured | day to be happy and not critical. I'm faculty members, Bertram |out to be with my family." Happy family G. Murray and Eileen R. Van Tassell, to in going to take this uniform off and my beer drinking clothes and go to " he said. Capt. Eugene M. Kotouc of Humboldt, Neb., is flanked daughter, left, and his wife as he leaves the courtroom at Ft. by his enable the question of their to come under which include the new reappointment procedural guidelines giving of reasons for a decision to not reappoint. by protests, Nixor. says |ouc declined further comment, McPherson, Ga., Thursday. Kotouc had just been found innocent of a The board extension of the two WASHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon him to comment people who haven't been tried on the possible e charge that he maimed a Viet Cong prionser in 1968. Kotouc was an contracts was said Thursday night neither demonstrations diplomatic recognition of Communist ie said. sharply criticized in a letter intelligence officer. AP Wirephoto to the provost endorsed by members of the in the streets nor opposition in congress China, despite the recommendation of a Dept. of Natural Science Ad Hoc will make him change a Vietnam policy he special commission that the United States believes will bring "not just peace in our seek Peking's admission to the United time" but a lasting peace. Nations. oratorium By BARBARA FARY students. The resolution was made to "I would impression that not of fact," Nixon said. want those to leave the who came to demonstrate were not listened to. It's a rather hard not to hear them, as a matter He noted that the United States has moved to ease trade and travel restrictions toward Communist China. "We have broken the ice and have to test the water," he said. now we by Tower. A Holmes Hall representative Mark F. meeting is planned at 8 p.m. Americans and Vietnamese in the war, the He said as he watched television As for Vice President State News Staff Writer Jaeger, Tuesday in 34 Union to discuss student deaths at Kent, Jackson and Spiro T. Greenfield, Wis., sophomore. coverage of the demonstrations, he noted Agnew's privately expressed reservations ASMSU Chairman Harold Buckner said Wednesday's action. SMC also plans to Augusta and the genocide the United that many participatns were teen - about administration China circulate letters to the faculty urging them States is committing against the agers, policy, Nixon liational student moratorium against he would write formal letters to President people of and "my responsibility is to said now that the administration course has to use class time Monday and Tuesday to Indochina." bring peace, wietnam war will be observed on Wharton and to Jack Breslin, executive but not just peace in out time but been set, the vice president peace in supports it. lis Wednesday with commemorative vice president, discuss the war and to cancel classes Following three speakers, the peace their time." requesting recognition of Asked about U.S. operations in Laos, i sponsored by ASMSU and the the moratorium by the administration. Wendesday. council will lead a march for a "People's Nixon told a White House press SMC is sponsoring Wednesday's Nixon said the possibility of any further Jnt Mobilization Committee (SMC), Jaeger said tentative ASMSU plans call Congress" outside the Capitol to discuss conference he is convinced that a moratorium with the Lansing Area Peace ratification of the Peoples' Peace Treaty. action of major proportions "is pretty moratorium on "business as usual" to for a memorial service in the Alumni precipitate withdrawal, before South rpmote." I the deaths of students at Kent and Chapel and a teach - in for students to Council. Plans are for students to meet at A peace vigil will be maintained at Vietnam is able to have a chance to precent "The war is winding down, the In state university and in attend in lieu of classes. Details are noon at Beaumont Tower where they will Demonstration Hall all day and all night a Communist takeover, would increase Augusta, being the Americans are coming home. We will last spring and to protest the war has negotiated although permission to use the be asked to wear around their necks cards Wednesday. danger of future war in the Pacific. achieve our goal of total bearing of Michigan soldiers killed in withdrawal," but jcalled for Wednesday by the National chapel has been obtained. the names "We are aware that classes must be met Nixon said to a question about China only after the prisoner of war question is Mobe, the Associated Student "We would like May 5 to be a war. policies that some speculation about the foments and the day under the provisions of the Academic settled, Nixon said. National Student devoted to bringing people together to They will then march silently behind a recent U.S. ping pong team's visit to Asked if he would consider ligation. discuss the war and other black coffin to Demonstration Hall where Council," McGraw said. "We would like Communist China has not been useful. setting a problems," he safe date such as end of 1972 I ASMSU Board of Directors passed a the coffin will be placed on the steps of the professors to meet their classes at He said he aims at a normalization of for total U.S. said. withdrawal from Vietnam. Nixon said he lution by acclamation Wednesday Beaumont Tower and Demonstration Meanwhile, SMC has called for students building and the namecards dropped in one attitutes toward Communist China. saw no need to set a Hall." date at the end of I calls for the University to be closed to boycott classes Wednesday to attend a by one. "We have moved in the field of travel. 1972. or middle of 1972, if this ■Wednesday in memory of the slain memorial service at at "We will be bringing the war deaths to McGraw said volunteers are needed to We have moved in the field of trade," he country noon Beaumont got nothing for it. the door of the military," Michael J. letter name cards at the SMC office and said. to McGraw, Fullerton, Calif., junior, said. coordinate the moratorium. Interested Nixon said progress is not helped by "We would like for this to be a very students may contact the SMC office at speculation that goes beyond that progress. Student teaching somber occasion to mark the deaths of 320 Student Services Nixon said it would be premature for Bldg. [antlon Applications for student teaching for rejects idea winter term, 1972, may be turned in beginning Monday to the Student Teaching Office, 253 Erickson Hall. no classes May 5 N. Viets offer By DIANE PETRYK Cantlon places himself and the Wharton State News Staff Writer administration on the side of those who, ivost John E. Cantlon warned in a by their quiescence or outright complicity, help perpetrate the war in Southeast Asia." to help U.S. In his message, Cantlon stated that ■randum this week that ■ a the times and Wednesday the day set aside as part of ■tionwide moratorium, classes must places scheduled department chairmen and directors must report the "precise details" of any unauthorized faculty or graduate assistant set departure absence from class. PARIS (AP) — North Vietnam has lifted to deans, directors and "Such a report," Cantlon said, "should proposed negotiations with the United I™""1 ''hair men, the Cantlon be made to the dean of the college with a States "today, tomorrow or any day of Imir quoted the following copy to the provost, and should include your choice" to fix a date for the J 10 ouncil resolution of Oct. 6, information as to the total load of the staff unconditional withdrawal of American member, so that some estimate can be troops from South Vietnam. the instructional staff made of the percentage The Viet Cong delegation, in a separate of service that has lerf rV any Provision of the been withheld. move Thursday, hinted it would consider a fte r h„u °f Teachi"g ^Id responsible. The Responsibility "The committee on Faculty Affairs and cease • fire with American forces. Conference sources said the offers V mate University Faculty Compensation will be asked by the were payment of new in form if not in their objectives. wages and provost to conduct a hearing in each case Tohn„y pt'rson who, without proper and make recommendations to him for But in Washington, the State denounced the proposals as propaganda Dept. ■sfor I8 u° withhold any of the suitable University response for any l ,l!th,ch he or she is employed." individual thus abrogating his teaching and said they contained nothing new. I S?®dWednesday night, responsibilities." White House press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said the United States has suggested PedneSay S ^ cancelled Opinion among faculty as to whether cancel classes seemed mixed Thursday. to a cease - fire before at the Paris peace talks, Tiittpn^ Student Mobilization Victor E. Smith, professor of but the Communist delegates have been "unwilling" to discuss it. frndum [JPH* to Cantlon's economics, said he was against Bay which said: 8 3 statement cancellation. "It seems to me we have a great many U.S. Negotiator David K. E. Bruce urged Hanoi to name a neutral country or lsSdeantf«",Si(COnSpiCUOUSattempt ling class** members from serious things to do in this world and very few of them get done by cancelling organization to act as "protecting power" for prisoners held by both sides to make sure they receive humanitarian treatment. ml?n^y5'thedate°fthe classes," Smith said. The South Vietnamese negotiator, Pham ■ Points P for am 2 ?llUnUniversity's , °n 'business as lack of Gerald Miller, professor of communication, said he does not have any Dang Lam, offered to transfer 1,200 North classes this term, but would cancel them if Vietnamese prisoners to "temporary I April 2fi rfPf °f llumanistic values, detention" in a neutral country named ftudents S fment that professors he did. . North Vietnam to unlock the stalemated by "I'm generally in favor of a cancellation J'1* classes attend scheduled fk" u™ »n Pain of loss of of classes on a Universitywide basis." Miller problem of POWs. Both proposals were rejected out of Bned to said. Ration or th' I® any mass ,.^a8es is obviously , On cancelling classes, Alexander Butler, professor of humanities, said, "I suppose I Ready for hand by the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegates who pushed their demand Pi7rfh7SonaT;?aVKentand I 8 thls statement, Provost would. I'd ask the class and be guided by their decision." Floats carrying signs praising the Communist system of government are parked just outside Moscow's Red Square. They will be driven through the square Saturday as part of the annual May Day parade. AP Wirephoto for the United States to get out of South Vietnam, linking it with a possible cease - fire. Hritla 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan IN CAMBODIA Lon Nol abandons! efforts at reform PHNOM PENH, Cambodia premier before Lon Nol resigned answer as soon as ■ (AP) - Marshal Lon Nol because of ill health. sPedal broadcast said'I abandoned his efforts to form a Lon Nol gave up in his The expectati I new government Thursday and attempt to form a new Cabinet however, that Sirik Mil '"I Lt. Gen. Sisowath Sirik Matak, in the midst of a dispute that run into opposition his close friend, was asked to try involved his brother, head of army and the i'OIII|l in his place. Cambodia's intelligence service. Assembly. The |att """I Sirik Matak, great - grandson The chief of state then called approve a new Cabinet of one of Cambodia's kings, had on Sirik Matak to try to form Lon Nol resigned a served as Lon NoPs deputy the government and asked for an on April 20, saying th^tm?1?! suffered in him from February carrying on £*J Guard Th Tower of state, him to remain Cheng Heng on, fo - new Cabinet. freshmen The premier, 55 only an hour a clay allowed to mi because! stroke left him DarJ!L Fifty will be - five freshman women honored for their Sandra Dorothy Smith, Carleton; Piercefield, Muir; paralyzed, immediately to began f„rm WJ** Cabinet. outstanding scholarship, Kathy Falahee, Jackson, Four elder potential leadership and servce Angela Gillem, Arlington, states®J at a tapping of the prospective Va.; Mary Erickson, Lansing; recommended that Premier Sisowath Sirik DeZI Tower Guards at 7 a.m. today at Deborah Mallinson, Mt. Mart an old friend of Beaumont Tower. Clemens; Toni Ihrke, Saginaw; Lon Nol's j Being honored are: Karen Kathleen Peoples, Jackson, Miss, included in the new Cabinet] Krause, Houston, Texas; Amy Sakai, Chicago, III.; Nan key member, government Christine DeMoore, St. Clair Giblin, Birmingham; Eliza sai(^- Shores; Murl Kasten, Clawson; Callow, Farmington; Donna These informants indicaij Nancy Keils, Pontiac; Sally Pirek, Dearborn. however, that the preRlu| Johnson, Rosebush; Joella Herwaldt, Flint; Nancy younger brother. Col. Lo„^" Jean Rice, Linden; Ruth Dornbas, Grand Haven; Kathy objected to Sirik Matak! Scott, Laingsburg; Barbara Diehl, Grosse Pointe; Sherry The diplomatic informJ Crossman, Pontiac; Jacalyn Rowe, Wayne. Itzkow, Albany, N.Y.; Amy Carol Casbon, Valparaiso, reported later that Sirik refused to MaiJ serve in a governn Bornstein, Bay City. Ind.; Stacy Flander, Jackson; unger remained influential Reinhood, Muskegon; Joyce Debbie Meahl, Lansing; Karen sidelines. It was then, A Burger, Monroe; Martha Kuyper, Grand Rapids; dioplomats said, that Lon |3 Schmitzer, Battle Creek; Chris Rebecca Matheys, Lake decided to give up Schneider, St. Clair Shores. Orion; Diane Cooper, Jackson; formal new Cabinet. Jane Schulteis, Birmingham; Patricia Delap, Midland; Brenda Carol Stelter, Birmingham; Seitz, Chelsea; Julie Snodgrass, Lon Nol, in addition 1 Birmingham. heading the Cambodil Debbie Stetson, Tewksbury, equivalent of Centii| Mass.; Leslie Brown, University Two (2) T.V.'s City, Missouri; Celia Wilson, Mt. Intelligence Agency, c the army's 15th Brigade u everything9 Marion, N.Y.; Marilyn Brookey, heads redtape on a given away Flint; Birmingham. Tabitha Dodge, coordinating committee thatll won him numerous enemies, T Sunday. Melissa Haynes, Lynn Snellman and Nancy Fry, all ol The sources added that so Birmingham; Lisa Sewell.after Lon Nol submitted his| Indianapolis, Ind.; Mary resignation he was pressed to I Perrault, Royal Oak, Barbara reconsider by his brother, who I Gillin, St. Clair Shores, and feared his enemies would strike I Anne Dickworth. the moment Lon Nol left office. I Show-cause hearing j planned on injunctiol In a show - cause hearing at when McCloud could not p« See our BLUE ad on 2:30 p.m. today in Lansing the $2,000 necessary to stopli the BACK PAGE in this Circuit Court, Lansing city action by a local contractor, r paper for details! agencies will try to stop an injunction against the proposed Correction I erection of power lines in Grand Woods Park, located in The Day Care Center ufl northwest Lansing. Married Students Activity Uifl The hearing is the result of a is staffed by the Dept. of FraT "class action" complaint filed and Child Science, not the DepT last week by William C. of Family Ecology, as «j .... McCloud, Lansing graudate reported in Thursday's paps student, that attempted to halt The Psychology Dept. and fl the removal of trees in the park. Counseling Center arc if suto The trees were cut last Saturday The Union Cafeteria providing staffers. its new olT "Welcome announces -Back-to-Spring" Until American & June 30, we'll give you $1 for any old watchband (no matter what make, material or All Dinners Served 5:00 7:00 P.M. condition) • when you On MONDAY, May 3, AUSTRIAN DINNER $2.10 Veal Paprika — Fried Potatoes / Rosemary trade it in Cabbage Salad - Vienna Bread Linzer Torte - Beverage on a new TUESDAY, May 4, GERMAN DINNER $210 stainless steel Sauerbraten w/Potato Balls Sweet Sour Red Cabbage "or Salad Hard Roll and Butter A/k£> - Fruit Beverage gold filled WEDNESDAY. May 5, GRECIAN — DINNER $1 a . ^frSpeic Speidel Parsley Meat Balls - Pilaf UNIVERSITY Salata - Soft Roll and Butter watchband. Baklava - Beverage As Advertised On TV THURSDAY. May 6, ENGLISH DINNER $1 Roast Beef w/Yorkshire Pudding PANT starts monday Parsley Potatoes - Carrots & Rutabagas Baked Fruit Pudding w/Custard Sauce 227 Ann St. Beverage gc STORE 12-6 p.m. FRIDAY, May 7 SOUTHERN Baked Ham - Candied Sweet Beet Greens DINNER Potatoes Job applications 319 E. Grand River Biscuit and Honey friday 1-4 p.m. East Lansing, IV Key Lime Pie - Beverage Phone 337-1314 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April 30. 197! 3 illiken seeks third budget cut news y JEFF SHELER continuing budget bind on completed in three weeks, with national economic conditions passenger service in Michigan to to include a route connecting State News Staff Writer final enactment by July 1. eastern stS tne eLtem summary one route connecting Detroit and^ lingering effects of last Milliken said he has aksed and Chicago. Det o.t with the states, 0V Mill'ken said Thursday he year s auto strike. Republican U.S. Senator Robert ? ' confer with legislative g°Vf/r fa! Cu"ent Griffin to push for a six - month He said the extra time is Milliken said the governors of From the wires of AP and n, w problems needed to negotiate with the UPI. next week on paring with the state , s welfare postponement of the Railpax the states that would be affected „ the state's budget for the p gram can be solved only by semiprivate corporation to by his proposed eastern route system which would limit rail widen the proposed rail service j ,ime this year - this time fundamental reforms' on the gnerally favor the Kproposal H offset a projected $20 million federal level. "Until we get that reform it's $30 * million year - end deficit. "ustrnents far this year in state revenue pvnenditures have prevented two going to be difficult administer the state welfare program," Milliken said. to IFC rep blasts state from "»ing $150 He urged swift action on a "It's the best damn army in the ■ion into th red. The wide-ranging drug control bill Lan Constitute : prohibits state ^position. from falling into a GOV. MILLIKEN introduced in the House Tuesday by Rep. J. Bob Traxler, D-Bay City. The bill wouldrl reduce possession of "from Off-Campus ' world. I'll tell you. Today is my day to be happy and not critical. I'm going out to be with my illiken told newsmen he marijuana from On behalf family." -t know for sure what the Milliken called for limitations on a felony to a misdemeanor. By MICHAEL FOX of IFC, Barry planning on discussing the The eovemor met with Larman, West Hartford, Conn., Capt. Eugene M. Kotouc - ^rr,tf!r»wUht May.bu m themeanwhUt ■ ""d °UllhS"lc moratorium on *""•of" he purchase wXiday to State News Staff Writer sophomore Wednesday filed a membership section of their constitution at its meeting later W1H call for a general new supplies until next year, and discuss the drug bill /hich Students living in Greek suit with the All - University that night. i) closelv Student Judiciary contending •tening up of expenditures ,n a limitation ofali new follows the e trying to clear up the hiring recommendations in his n ffe 1 u,nfair|y that excluding fraternities from eg0V-rTSv subJect ,to Milliken s personal issue of representation of'off r°m - in a letter to "p-p-ro,"L on drug abuse last month. tho the nff Off-Campus ers^'P m^Council (CC), occ membership denies Greeks campus students on the Off Milliken He said «• ■»" he "o-«- hopes final House an fln intprfrntovnif adequate representation , 1 attributed the Interfraternity\r Pminnil Council (IFC) h„„L Jibe . . acmcit actlo„ r>n tho Kill £>te^„„idThS.y„„ij rfl J-.. ' A&MSJUDOard. "We^want to petition to get possibility that OCC and the bombing probe ASMSU board would be able to Iraqi Jews receive posts "straighten it all out" without the OCC Constitution prohibits going to the judiciary. Iraq approved Thursday in Baghdad the appointment those living in fraternities from ... „ of four He said he could not speak on Iraqi Jews to the board of the government - OCC membership," Larman said. behalf of the OCC about their controlled Iraqi Press Syndicate. Suspect's bond backed He said it was his attitude towards Greek The appointments were announced understanding that OCC is membership on the council. by syndicate supposed to Chairman Saad Kassim Hammoudy, editor of A1 represent all OCC and the Residence Hail students living off campus and Assn. (RHA) have voting seats Ghoumhouria newspaper. that this was not The appointment of Jews to a ASHINGTON (AP) - The disclose when Miss Bacon would currently the on the ASMSU board. government controlled parts of the Senate wing of the Court ot Appeals backed be moved. The grand jury had Hirschkop referred to SI as a ""'th. SF body is believed to be the first since the creation of the !government Thursday in its subpoenaed her to appear Capitol. No one was injured. "creepy undercover agent" and fho nrr "P**"'?"01} on the ASMSU board until last Israeli state in 1948. The move was suggested he "mieht have beena constltutlon regarded as part of rt to hold a blonde, teen - Wednesday. Although she is not charged as Iraqi government efforts to improve its image after last peace worker under Miss Bacon, a member of the a defendant in the case, an FBI SDurne(j suitor " year's execution of two Iraqi Jews who had been ,000 bond for testimony Mayday Collective sponsoring agent testified Wednesday she is residing in residence halls, to have regained voting seat Asst. U.S. Atty. Harold fraternity, sorority or University convicted of spying. '•a Seattle, Wash., grand antiwar demonstrations here suspected of having following a referendum last fall, participated Sullivan aruged against releasing recognized cooperative houses but that vote was later declared investigating the March 1 next week was guarded by in the bombing. Miss Bacon on bond in spite of shall automatically be members void because of bing of the U.S. Capitol. marshals at an undisclosed technicalities ie Bacon, 19, will be taken location following her arrest „ , promises by Hirschkop that she the °CSA (Off - Campus involved However, her attorney said would go voluntarily to Seattle Student Assn.), unless declining ballot the worlding of the Bombing raids continue -attle by federal marshals, Tuesday night as a material 'Justice Dept. said after the witness in the Capital blast. Bacon """" is" 'implicated " °a if?! but to testify before the grand jury, membership in writing." AUSJ procedure in such suits U.S. B52 bombers returned to targets in the Sullivan said Miss Bacon "has led The als court rejected attempts The government contends Miss want her to testify about a case was pronipted calls for the judiciary to northwestern corner of South Vietnam on Thursday in nomadic life, . . Bacon has "personal knowledge conversations she allegedly the country." traveling all over by a desire t0 have fraternity next Tuesday night to decid< — is Bacon's lawyers to free " ' another intensive effort ot dislodge North Vietnamese residents petition for OCC board of the circumstances and whether they will her from jungle bases. persons overheard. He said the undercover positions. The OCC election is if it decides" to hear t bert L. "" Stevenson, Justice responsible for" the bombing agent scheduled for Mav 7. Six waves of the eight - engine bombers struck at a "7 t "She told she would t (.spokesman, refused to J ♦ that caused Mnnnnnj $200,000 damage to me knows was convinced that she would handled cither Thomas A Leone of OCC Thnrcrfnv mountainous region running along the Laotian border noth,ng about the CapHo, f,ee if given the opportunity. - • said ° ■ ■ Thursda> following bombing," said lawyer Philip Thursday the council■ was Tuesday. from just above the A Shau Valley to the southern edge o licy change Hirschkop. He contended of the demilitarized zone. This is a frontier area used by the North Vietnamese KELLOGG CENTER the government's case thus far relies to slip into South Vietnam on the numerous outlets of the word of an unidentified the Ho Chi Minh trail. Selective on informant given the name "SI" during testimony in a hearing on ON CAMPUS OPPOSITE BRODY HALL French decision pending Miss Bacon's bond. Selective Service The uncement said a A Chinese "technical adviser" r Arthur A. Holmes Hirschkop ^^ FOR ACCOMMODATIONS IN THE LUXURY OF ONE emerged from a drugged person seeking transfer of boards temporary order ptevfcKting her OF THB193 WELL trance Thursday in Paris, while police sources disclosed jounced Thursday that, "in good faith" will be able to APPOINTED GUEST ROOMS. AIR transfer to Seattle While he that the French *tive May 1, it will no longer do so, provided that he go to an asked the appeals court for a CONDITIONED, COLOR TV, TWIN BEDS counter-espionage service knew in «ible for a person drafted examing station at least three advance that Peking Embassy officials would writ of habeas corpus. The try to the armed services to days prior to his scheduled force him onto a jetliner to fer to another draft board ^ appeals court rescinded its order Shanghai. induction date, when it denied the writ. But authorities, e last minute as a means of apparently trying to keep the case FOR from becoming a u,ing down the induction RESERVATIONS major diplomatic incident that could CALL 332-6571 ruin French - Chinese relations, kept silent on whether The State News, the student der the newspaper at Michigan State Chang Shi Jung would be turned over to the Chinese or new guidelines, a University, is published every class day during four school i ordered to report for terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. granted asylum. ction will have to go to his CORNER OF MICHIGAN Subscription rate is $14 per year. draft board on the day AND HARRISON fied, or he may report to Member Associated Press, United Press other examining station International, Med he does so at least Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Troubled Turkey visited Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press days prior to his induction Association, United States Student Press Association. U.S. Secretary of State William P. Second - class postage paid at East Rogers arrived in Ankara, Turkey, i implication of the new Lansing, Michigan. Thursday to attend a Central Treaty hat a Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services person who " induction will be referred Building, Michigan State University, East Organization (CENTO) meeting Lansing, ( prosecution to the judicial Michigan. before launching his weeklong Mideast let which serves his local tour aimed at Phones: promoting a peace '• Under settlement. present law, it is ble for a person to transfer Editorial 355-8252 Classified Advertising Martial law prevailed in this one board to another and 355-8255 troubled Turkish capital. Helmeted Display Advertising X refuse 353-6400 induction, in hopes Business armed troops were stationed along the finding a softer judicial - Circulation 355-3447 liction. Photographic 355-8311 18 - mile route which Rogers followed from the airport into town. There incidents. lit were no Commanders of Ankara and 10 other VittkCaesat$ provinces under martial law have started a strict crackdown on left - and right - wing extremist groups which have disrupted Turkey in recent months. Yfefj Beat as Poor's diet Compared to seen deficient more affluent persons the poor are twice deficient in four essential diet ingredients, a 10 - state mzzja. government survey reported Thursday in Washington. Caesars the knack for needlepoint But the Public Health Service said that in two measurements of actual hunger, total calories and comes in a kit for Miss J. protein, there is little difference between the poor and everything she needs nonpoor. Pickup or Delivery to work a bright, unique 6*6 Although the poor appeared to be eating as much as wall hanging is here. Silk-screened the nonpoor. the report said, "many low - income canvas, ON CAMPUS OFF CAMPUS families are not eating food containing all the necessary 1071 TROWBRIDGE 1203 E. GR. RIVER wool yarn to complete the design and background, ingredients for good health." 337-1681 337 1631 needle, white wood frame and instructions all in a Air safety suggested handy handled bag. Stitch up a bird, fish, butterfly, Alarmed at turbulence injuries aboard the world's snail, bees or flowers and get in on the fun largest airliner, safety experts called Thursday for Kit. $6. tighter seatbelt discipline on flights of the Boeing 747 jumbo jet. The National Transportation Safety Board suggested & Jsdlcp' that the Federal Aviation Administration require: OR *Strict enforcement of * use ot' seat belts. Repair or replacement of defective mechanisms locking on overhead luggage bins. ^Improvement of headrests on economy class seats so that the headrests will not break loose under severe Jacobean^ turbulence. * Installation of narrow carrying boards for the injured, for use in 747 aisles that are too narrow for standard stretchers. MICHIGAN TRB FROM WASHINGTON STATE NEW' UNIVERSITY The poor subsidize the rich emotional issues in the country, the way about a quarter of those now living below services after defense is only in 8 WASHINGTON We have things KENNETH R. LYNAM advertising upside down in - America, the poor the poor people subsidize the affluent. This the poverty line.) it is 26.7 per cent Canada; 30.9 per cent in West acrosst h! manager broken - down worker, old at 63, put in a And what a nice subsidy these poor Get subsidize the rich: take the case of Juan per cent in the U.K Delacruz, Dr. Robert Nolan told the Senate lifetime producing goods for you and me people pay the rest of us! They work and U 6 MARK EICHER, managing editor subcommittee on health about him the and then at the end we, in effect, chucked then they can be junked. TTiey pay higher France and the highest of'al|P!,CeBt ED HUTCHISON, city editor other day. A team of physicians found him him on the ash dump. We avoided the cost taxes in proportion to their income Sweden, 36.8 per cent. GranM S BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor sick in a crowded shack in Hidalgo County. of paying health insurance for him, giving because most taxes are regressive: a smaller countries don't com?1 KEN KRELL, editorial editor GARY WALKOWICZ, sports editor Texas. He was just a human discard. He him a better education, training him in Council of Economic Advisers' study showed those with $2,000 incomes paid Soviet Russia in an arms the status luxury of a race S other skills or providing those Vietnam had been a migrant worker since age nine fact still remains that we ameliorations that make work worthwhile, out 44 per cent of their income while those in Am 1 and was willing and anxious to work but with incomes of $15,000 or more, paid 35 the wrong land of taxes Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award too weak to do so: no electricity, no housing, parks, beauty. At the end we got a heavily on the wrong peonle th.u?* outstanding journalism. mean little dividend by tossing him aside. per cent. hk * for refrigeration, nobody to administer the Writing in the New York Times and that we let the dSd ' insulin which he had but didn't Suppose now we multiply him 24 million times, because that is the number magazine section, March 7, MIT Professor effect, subsidize the rest of us bv» understand. of economic of people in America who live on incomes Herbert J. Gans said that this problem is deprivation that * "After a lifetime of hard work helping automatic as to be below the subsistence level, as calculated "really at the heart of the American virtually uncoj EDITORIALS to produce our food, we had excluded him from the benefits we make available to by the Census Bureau. About 12.5 million economy." He notes that "the economy This column has President Nixon for many times everybody else," Nolan said. of them are on welfare; the balance are too can produce relative affluence for perhaps coming forwi But this isn't a sob sister story about ignorant or too proud to get on welfare, or two - thirds of the population because it is his Family Assistance ftomTL looking for jobs, or are actually free to exclude or underpay the remainder which last week he once more J Throwaway are an one hardluck case; this is a practical is his number one and pass the burden for their upkeep to the exploration of American economics and it working at low - paid occupations. (The priority, speaking^ s to the heart of the most difficult and working poor with full - time jobs make up government." Of course, if the excluded Republican would governors at WiUhnSJ and underpaid (who are citizens and provide a cash allowance hnl taxpayers like everyone else), "had to be inadequate, based on family W deposited in , incorporated into the economy as full would lead inevitably (we think) income floor for members," Gans says, "they would reduce everybody A J' the affluence of the majority." Democrats who didn't propose ill A year ago America weathered its year's legislative session, insiders all Simple, isn't it? — the poor are their party was in power now deficiencies. Well, let them do point J agreed the ban on throwaways would subsidizing you and me because to raise better! first eco - barrage, seven days of their standard of living ours would have to Nixon is the pioneer. continual eco - indoctrination called be passed. Now under pressure from drop a bit. Or, as Gans adds, "If the poor Having said this we have to admit a Earth Week. Earth Week I was to food and beverage manufacturers Mr. Nixon's indirectly subsidize the affluent by being advocacy of FAPtothefl inform all of us about the and labor unions, the move to environment. The mission was throwaway all throwaways has just accomplished - the nation was about been thrown away. We avoided the cost of paying health insurance flooded with talk of eco - systems, Only strong political leadership can eco - studies, mondo - eco and the turn all the talk about banning for him, giving him a better education, training him in other skills or providing those like. throwaways into legislation. The ameliorations that make work worthwhile, Last week's Earth Week II was throwaway ban is currently sitting in supposed to follow last year's talk committee. It may well die there. housing, parks, beauty. At the end we got a mean little dividend by tossing him aside. with action. The populace was Michigan citizens must realize that supposed to turn out en masse to talking about pollution will not solve cleanse America's polluted woods the problem. Very strong private conversatives of and streams. kept from participation in the economy, was one the n interests are standing in the way of exasperating speeches we have ever I The informational phase of the the affluent ought to subsidize the poor in rigorous environmental legislation. return by income in lieu of work." FAP is a radical proposal. But he is ecology movement was a brilliant Citizens must recognize the strength This idea seems pretty radical. It is all to sell it to conservatives by appealinj success. The political phase has been the profound contempt with which m of these political groups and begin right to pay farmers for not producing less successful. Nearly all participants Americans regard poor people, by imply crops, but it is not all right to pay humans playing their political power game in for not working, even though tests show that welfare workers are lazy, that fl in the political process have earnest. This means pressure from must be forced to work ("empty most of the unemployed want to work. indicated an interest in restoring the every possible direction to pass Compared with other modern countries bedpans" if necessary), yes, and that environment. Only a dedicated few U.S. taxes are relatively low; furthermore, plan will ultimately save money. It tough ecological legislation. have followed interest with action. after we collect the tax money, we spend discouraging because the basic concept A case in point is the Michigan Nature will soon begin enforcing such a thumping proportion of it for noble one and we doubt if it can be sold movement to ban no - deposit cans some laws of her own unless we all defense that the ratio of Income available ignoble arguments. for health, schools, sanitation, fighting Notes: J. Edgar Hoover will quit in and bottles. At the beginning of this act now. first lull, Washington thinks crime, sickness and pollution is relatively . . . S| small compared to other countries, too. Agnew begins to talk about not rii Senate not c The National Urban Coalition h^s just published a valuable 350-page paperback:' "Counterbudget: Statement on National again for not .... •pfer^ Seits . . Tare's a huge sale of. . . Sen. Eastland got $164,1 growing cotton last year ... Priorities" (Praeger, $2.95) with a striking nearly 10 million AFDC - Aid for Farai comparative table in it. The authors are not of Dependent Children - only one pert all draft po wild men, the group includes James Roche, head of GM; David Rockefeller, head of Chase Manhattan Bank; H. I. Romnes, head are able • to the contrary bodied, unemployed men, mi .... political race (election October 3) i The Ky • 1 of AT&T; besides educators, unionists and make Americans more eager than ever updated version of Russian roulette. politicians. In the U.S., the table shows, quit Vietnam. Legislation which would prolong the percentage tax yield available to Copyright THE NEW REPUBLIC. the draft two more years has casually The only difference is that the breezed across the House floor and government pulled the trigger for through the Senate Armed Services them. AP NEWS ANALYSIS Committee. The Senate needs to consider not A majority of the Senate seems to only the draft, but the necessity of a want has to extend the Disagreement in the senior chamber arisen only over how much draft. large standing army. The extension debate has revolved around an incorrect assumption. Most believe Haiti: who holds th e power now longer it should be extended. So - the only alternative to the draft is called antiwar senators have pushed an immense all - volunteer army. By ISSAC M. FLORES believe it is just a question of time before minister of interior and defense; Max prevented any coalition of ideas fortin for a one - year extension. Almost Actually there is another alternative: the politically naive youth is pushed aside power so far. Associated Press Writer Dominique, ambassador to France and everyone else wants to give Selective a small volunteer army. The Raymond brothers certainly to by one of a number of strongmen. young Duvalier's brother - in - law; Service two more years to live, with Enough men already join the Army PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti Doc" ran out of time. - "Papa Duvalier ruled Haiti for 13V4 years Dominique's wife, Marie - Denise; and strong - perhaps the strongest • some suggest they may be content toll hand,J some holding out for a four - year because of the force's romantic and because of a tenacious power in the violent Duvalier's widow, Simone Ovide, now in These are the words being used by strife of Haitian politics. His legacy is one her 50s. Jean - Claude remain as president. I draft extension. patriotic appeal to provide for the knowledgable Haitian observers to describe filled with imponderables for the future. Dominique, Jean Claude's tall, ^ One theory on the apparent smooth - Some senators want to end the war, defense of this country. the situation facing this black Caribbean and ambitious brother in • law, is* There appears to be a consensus that sailing in the first few days is that there is ■ but do not want an all - volunteer With a small force, pay could be nation's new teen - age president. some sort of ruling council is in operation, not one individual who has the muscle to strong position for several reasons ! raised enough to make the Army a The loyal followers of President with Jean - Claude as the titular head. husband to Papa Doc's strong • fl army they feel will be an all - black move alone. army as a by - product. Some others serious vocational alternative for all Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier had hoped The members of this unofficial council For instance, although Gen. Raymond daughter, he is an official member «1 Americans. By increasing Army pay he would live long enough to permit his are thought to include several Cabinet in theory controls the 5,000 man armed ruling family. He is said to be well liWJ supposedly want to end the draft but son a longer period of political ministers and special advisers named by Jean Claude and his mother and Army standards more people forces, many of the army's officers and - are pragmatically compromising for a indoctrination before taking on the task Duvalier's intense dislike for him. of Jean Claude a day after his father's death. - rank and file are believed loyal to Papa one -year extension. And, of course, would be drawn into Army careers. governing. Dominique, a former army c°|0,1N Among them are: Brig. Gen. Claude Doc's memory, and to his family. a few senators see the draft as an If the Army could make itself Jean - Claude Duvalier, 19, assumed the Raymond, armed forces chief of staff; his In other words, these theorists say, the not expected to return to his poj title of president for life after the death brother Adrien Raymond, newly appointed divisions Papa Doc fostered among the ambassador in Paris for some time, inei outstanding American tradition, a competitive in the labor market with industry, the possibility of an all - last week of his 64 - year - old father. Some foreign minister; Luckner Cambronne, bearers of arms and holders of political a possibility he may receive a 1 necessary step for any American boy experienced observers of the Haitian scene former secret police head who was named influence are still strong enough to have assignment that will permit him tor aspiring to manhood. black army would be avoided. in Haiti. nj The debate the draft extension The doves in the Senate will no Marie - Denise, wasFap«l on OUR READERS' MIHD His wife, secretary. Exp«*l has so far neglected one thing: the longer be worthy of their wings if confidential observers say she holds a strong m 1 consequences of the draft on they allow the Pentagon to push any American life. The draft by its very sort of draft extension down their over Jean Claude. ...J nature is discriminatory. Some people get drafted; others, do not. throats. Senators have talked about wanting to end the war; they once Administration leaders shameful Duvalier's widow was been unhappy about her decision to have Jean - Claude reportea "i s "<"1 fl Many avoid the draft because they again have a chance to help end that To the Editor: Mr. Cantlon knows his faculty well. In officially sanctioning this basic the presidency. She is said to J were born on a lucky day. For others war - stop the draft and cut off the Mr. Cantlon, in reissuing his no work/no the event of a purge, they can be depended ethnocentric distinction— one standard for son's safety. Some reports say sh 1 the lottery had been more like an military's manpower machine. pay directive (April 26), once again seeks upon to look the other way, especially if the respectables and another for the the job should have gone to Dominiq I to intimidate dissenting faculty. I protest the cost - of - living escalator is sufficiently radicals. Despite the lofty rhetoric Cambronne is highly regardedI i»J this somewhat muted species of academic oiled. So be it. The fact remains, his emanating from the president's office, Mr. Haitian power structure. He a "| is fascism. Anticipating the possibility of a directive flagrantly embodies the political Wharton, through his able administrator, Assembly deputy. moratorium for Wednesday next, or, quite double - standard. Does he inquire into Mr. Cantlon, is dedicated to the principle 'Right on9 for likely, simply reinforcing the spirit of order that has come to characterize the dominant such representative cases of failure to meet classes as that of a faculty member attending professional meetings or serving as a consultant to business or government? of business who regard as usual — the creed of those stabilization as an end in itself. Meanwhile, a morally insensitive nation! continues its barbarity. In such a context, SN lacks Gov. Milliken recently announced that he is refusing Arkansas' request offer in Michigan, a home with his mother and stepfather and that he appointed time and place. Infractions of this cardinal article in the code of teaching Why single out the radical? Moreover, if the consultant, for example, has I, speaking as an individual, am deeply ashamed of the leadership provided by the Perspective to extradite Lester Stiggers, an felt his life would be in serious responsibility are, presumably, to be procedures open to him for making up class time, why does not the radical have the central administration. President Wharton's column, ^ ^ brought to the attention of the central Perspective, does not app«' escaped convict. This move is jeopardy if he were returned to administration. same opportunity? because Wharton is out o Norman Pollack nothing short of exemplary. Arkansas. When the rationale informing this policy Mr. Cantlon reduced the notion of an professor of history Stiggers was sentenced to life directive was brought to the attention of In summarizing his decision, Gov. academic community to a sham by April 27,1971 the faculty last fall (by Professor Larrowe imprisonment in a one - day trial for Milliken stated that "The and myself, in separate communications to the murder of his father who, he IT ISN'T ? HOW ABOUT SIX ? preponderance of evidence is that the State News), I was not surprised to find FOUR? MIME ? TUJ0 ? TIEN? said, sexually molested him. He was Mr. Stiggers can that there was hardly a murmur. This is a ... be a useful and only 15 at the time. remarkably compliant faculty, bold in its After six years in one of the contributing citizen in Michigan." defense of academic freedom as the right nation's most oppressive, medieval of departments to fire for political reasons We would add that the governor's prison systems Stiggers fled to (without trustees' interference), but more L action has provided a measure of self - restrained in antagonizing those Detroit. faith in a judicial system that too within the internal structure who regulate In his plea against extradition he often forgets its prime responsibility the pace of advancement and dispense the presented evidence that he had a job should be to rehabilitate. prerequisites of academic office. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 30. 1971 5 |UR READERS' MIND lew faculty: measure up (IT'S on l-1 i I didn't do I the Editor: |,ttle known to most of your because many of the members voted nontenured "No," deduced appointment are usually selected from quite a few afr/WHI INITIATION nothin', honest' applications; iLs is the fact that Drs. as a arithmetic. certainty by simple such is MSU's hard won To the Editor. member of the Winged Spartans. |rrav and VanTassell were - effective board participation, I have believed all prestige. They are aware they As is usual with Wednesday Two: you covered my blond hair. I .ally heavy factors In along that should perform to morning, after an ASMSU board for, as to paraphrase the State Lulating, with others, the EL which they urged as a the specific results important of these votes should be so as perhaps exceed the possible equal or meeting, I foggily stumbled out Three: I don't have more than one blazer which I purchased News, "a voice without vote means performance of nonselected of my room and down to the nothing." That there are, disclosed so the campus yesterday, after the State News the State News terms them, ■ptection from possible persons. It is a period in which back stairwell to find one of the went to print, from Redwood as ■fairness by a one ■ man community may know the one five "Greeks" on the board does regard in which gives his best self - many copies of the State News and Ross. Four: the cartoon these two not guarantee now or in the ■irinan decision, cooperates, differs if need be, that are usually there. Can k was this document in the aspirants have been held. you displayed a vast, but not future that fraternity, sorority, Teacher nonreappointment is consults, rises to the highest imagine the expression on my unusual, iartnu nt which called for the level of ability wihtin misconception about or other organized living units' him, and face as I finally reached the the ■ hoc committee set - up. It quite unlike the firing of people in the best spirit spring '71 referendum and interest will be represented. My in other lines of possible. editorial page (like most MSU any 1 called for secret balloting. work, and this legal suits filed with AUSJ feeling is "right on" to the RHA has import for the What the experienced, tenured students, I start at the back). My that still remain. The areas U in no paragraph did it call question of - OCC vote, but include IFC, "giving reasons." It is not simply faculty apparently said in 1969 picture! This was a dream come affecting this misconception are A reasons to be given. The Panhel and ICC. by their vote, and what the full true! I was like Charlie Brown follows: Lmittee specified the vote failing to sell a product, nor does as 3. Yes, there is a new dawn it involve errors or department faculty in effect said with a letter. There were, 1. The RHA OCC ft not to be made public; but workmanship by the combined vote of tenured - (glad to see you got one thing that can be pointed to. It deals however, four major problems. referendum was confirmed last Mt they could know It and nontenured faculty — a vote One: I was not now, nor have I straight). One aspect of it is the with a complex combination of Friday and there were no suits Justice Dept. of the IFC which Ividually if they separately ideas, attitudes, "world views," in which VanTassell and Murray ever been, not have any of my from my office pending at that Id was in the bylaws. cast ballots - is that the known relatives ever a time. takes cases for IFC members and ftr almost a year, VanTassell, priorities, cooperativeness and performance of these people in ... synthesizes them and represents scores of big and little details 2. The only suit pending Krav and their friends have conduct that emerge at different of this particular kind of before AUSJ to my knowledge the litigants. To my knowledge Ked themselves of the several times in different contexts and professional skill — general which even vaguely affects the IFC is the only major fcues of appeal carried in the Jartment bylaws and other Kwson campus. At every turn are same remembered. And at the time, professionals education in science measured up. — It has not matched what the has not Greeks: top drawer ? governing group (of which OCC is the only one affected) involves the following: three any governing group which does so on a however, does full - time not basis. This, necessarily T, have received the same recognize that the world of majority of 32 persons in one fraternity mean that the Executive Board To the Editor: house presidents at their own Iponse: there was nothing rubber education does not thrive on case and nearly 60 in the other Fraternities complain that down. I am not naive in any I think that there are enough volition have filed suit with agrees with the suit. IFC exists, Kular in the actions of the - stamping by its new case, believe can be shown by one is interested in the Greek no way, but I was appalled. I was real perverts running around AUSJ because they feel the if you would read our Kmittee. faculty. someone told the next day by a DG that constitution (it's like the federal "waiting in the wings," system anymore; it is on its way East Lansing without the results of the current ■he most recent such appeal Individually, some reasons are ready to join us: an as it was a fraternity initiation, in fraternities adding to it. I know one), under a separation of yet out. After what I referendum represents taxation Jed together the entire faculty others hardly worthy of mention; unknown who can are. Like little present to saw Monday night, April 19, I don't blame which they tied the initiates to that not all of them have hazings without representation in any powers. We request Justice Dept., but that doesn't things of the ■he Dept. of Natural Science. droplets in this campus and these and future students for not wanting to the anchor in front of the DG such as these anymore, but those a minor "sprinkle" on a sunny students well conceived "go house and don't release them meaningful form and housing mean our requests are \ group was nearly equally insight Greek." who still do give Greeks a bad unit discrimination. These two granted. Jded as to tenured and unnoticed. day, some reasons almost go into the scientific interpretation I was until they promise to take off name. Indecent exposure concepts are inextricably tied to Many have indicated they Rtenured. Dr. Mullins, a But little by little, of man, life and traveling down Grand their underwear. We had a perceive a split in IFC. I say I'd sociey — River Avenue in a car around certainly is not funny, at least one fact. The last available league, presented a lengthy, events the meaning of these small and the insistent balanced, understanding, nine o'clock, and as I passed the prowler at our apartment the not to me. If this is what the constitution of OCC indicates rather a split and due process than one rule. Imalized document which cooperative and deep. Delta Gamma same night, and we summoned Greek system has to offer, no that fraternities, sororities and - man bosed a reconsideration of repetition of the larger "drops" house, I saw a the police to whom I mentioned Uncoln Pettit wonder they don't get many pledges. co ops are not eligible members X two people by the ad hoc begin to grow. Professor of natural science young man approach the corner with nothing but his briefs on. this incident. He took it as if the Jill E. Holden - of OCC. Due to the hasty actions Joe Ditzhazy tiittee on the grounds the Who knows when such a April 26, 1971 He then proceded to "initiation" were an everyday Tecumseh junior of the last board, these Northville junior shower turns gradually into a pull them groups IFC president ftimittee had created an occurrence. were disenfranchised from any April 18, 1971 ■versary" situation in the downpour, a torrent, a deluge? April 27,1971 ■cedure. which incidentally, Who can say at which point the ■ been read in advance to the separate, relatively minor Irtment faculty. reasons (which, if that's all there Eajn, in traditional secrecy was, could be ignored) transform Wf[ outside scrutiny, the into a convincing — even iussions and the vote: overwhelming — pattern of Aiishingly Mullins' effort was unquestionable rejection? ■n voted, and this happened • Aspirants on probationary iet help not docked ie Editor: was promoted to full professor J friend and colleague of with little scholarly work It. who announced publicly published and another is now a I he was cancelling classes for dean. JMay 5 moratorium, has been I would like to announce that lified that he may be I have cancelled all my classes |plined by the administration for this Friday to join the g this. Apparently this is demostration at the Warren [mnection with the so-called Tank Plant. I am not forsaking no pay" rule passed - my students for I urge them to Bthe Academic Council last join me at thq ta»K plant. John Masterson lis repression of faculty Associate professor of mathematics Ivement in political activity April 28,1971 insisting that rigid |duling is an academic jssity) I with the excuse that Misplaced University is politically ftral amazes me. the Vietnam Project Memo Ited here, several faculty To: ASMSU Chairman fibers were allowed to e themselves from Harold Buckner m teaching to participate Re: Surprises that are no Ithe repression of the surprise at all Jnamese peoples' right to ine their ow n Dear Returnee - fciment. Although no one ■ it at the time, we were Congratulations on your Pg the stage for what can re-election: we were ^ now be called mass worried about what to do pide. for copy next year. J only was their pay not led by the University, but I of them were paid more The New SN Editorial The biggest loan - ■ their academic salary. One 3oard Attention: ^•13 oz. Denim Bells $4 $5.00 we've ever made Denim Shirts $3.00 f^Denim Jackets $7.00 ""'•Denim Coveralls $8.00 Beat That On Grand River! We, at East Lansing State Bank, do business One of our officers talked to them and found with people. And we like to keep it that way. out what they needed. A short term credit line: W Abbott Rd. We love you! Personal and friendly. a personal loan from the installment department. Next to the State Theatre We worked with them to solve their It's more than a matter of particular simple interest, col¬ lateral. payment schedule and unpaid balance. problem. It's more than a little book with 36 stubs that ^BRAMS rip off. Then we approved the loan. 4 All $76.00 of it. For example, when Mrs. Joyce Frank's second That ytm the biggest loan of their lives. was i \ ■ grade class at Vera Ralva Klementary School ap¬ pUNKTARlUM plied for a business loan, we didn't run out and And that's the wav we look at everv loan we check their Dun and Bradstreet. We didn't make make. We know how — important it is for von. And Fiction them wait around and lill out that's why they call us the HomeTown Bank. sive'lv fn and Produced umpteen forms. «Wm chPTn,a,ion in the K Mi.,!? cha|nber. Mil wit k'J". Ibo'uiK omewhat abstract. ■dS anJ Vision8, """J" ' media ■ darkness perlods of f8 c|i ldrenV.iSed '° accomP»ny IS'am Schedule East ' ■ 2:30, 8:00 Lansing State Bank p.m. "2:30 & 4:00 p.m. r 16, 1971 WorldJ.eased Interest in INFORMATION v sn,>v^PrClgram' ,wo 355-4672 Ahrams Plani-tanum. \ m, - Ir Science Rd. and Shaw Lane, MSU, East Lansing. SKY SCAN: East Lansing Okcmos Haslctl Rrookf leld Plaza Red Cedar at Trowbridge * Free program emphasizing current " L s Lhunga's - sky study, second Thursday of each month. May 13. 8:00 p.m. Friday. April 3 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Shift in issues in student movement nofed signal a reversal in the divisive in the period through the second shift was the necessity of producer individualism to the Depression and the kinds of Savio noted that the press has Savio said he and h| _ trend. world war, the social ideals for supporting the epxanded war consumer individualism, that values appropriate to that had a great deal of curiosity whom he met (lurinij tlto*''*11 By BILL HOLSTEIN In those elections, one black working people was production, economy with increased just calls it all into question," period, and here they are in a about the leaders of the early Speech Movement, haveI State News Staff Writer was elected mayor and two it had to become consuming at consumption. Savoi said. "Here are these period that's seen a 180 degree student movement, usually moved with their tWo others city councilmen while a some point in the 50s," he said. "If you can make that radical young people listening to their turnabout. Now it's patriotic to around the theme, "where are to Venice, Calif. an(j ( | white woman was elected to Savio said one reason for this a turnabout in your values, from parents describing the rigors of consume." they now?" unemployed. 8 ^ii Mario Savio, one of the occupy another council seat. leaders of the 1964 Berkely Free movement, said "People seem to have plan first conference Speech Thursday the current student overcome a lot of these movement grew out of white difficulties." Savio said. students' experiences with the civil rights movement in the South, in the late 1950's. The Berkeley elections and a growing unity may signal "something that really can Chiconas According to the Houston scheduled for May 28-30 in sponsored by MSU coeds. Young Women Committed to against?, what is the r "The student movement I happen," he aid. Women from Saginaw and Action of Houston's YWCA — a planners, the objectives of the in the By ROSA MORALES Houston, Texas. Sponsors for m(,vitn. -i knew was concerned with civil Pontiac have already contacted branch which serves a large conference are: (movement);, "There was a lot of friction the event include Chicana * "To women i, 4* rights movements," Savio, who within the coalition but there Michigan Chicana women will members of the Houston YWCA the group about sharing rides Mexican - American population. explore, under the - "La Raza Unida" partv tZfl was on campus to address soon be heading south for what and other Chicana activists. and expenses. A group of young women guidance of competent Feminist Movement was a real sense on both sides freshmen honors students, told appears to be the first large According to Elma Barrera, then put out a general call for workshop leaders, the role and that "we can take it over only if The Lansing Chicano J" it?, education mm newsmen. gathering of Spanish speaking community newspaper, "Sol de publicity chairman in Houston, interested Chicana women on potential of Mexican - American suppression and exploit,!* we unite," he said. and Spanish - speaking women in But two factors led the women in the history of the Axtlan," recently reported on the conference is intended "to Dec. 1, 1970, to plan the women: The Ph "■ student movement to focus its Savio said the radical Chicano movement. plans for the conference and reach Mexican - American and conference. The YWCA Houston the decade of the 70s, including Perspective. Chlc,>l The national conference for encouraged Chicanas in Michigan other Spanish - speaking women board of directors authorized who we are and what we can attention on issues away from movement has not been Other discussion . ■ Chicana has been to join the state delegation commited to advancing the the request to plan a Chicana achieve. the old - fashioned black civil supported by much scholarly, women include: cause of the second largest conference, with the * "To form a channel of marriage rights movement: the escalation radical analysis of the American of the Vietnam war and the Society and has been, in fact, minority in this country, and to understanding that the national communication between style, sex. religion, dmicSl Chicanas: Business inn J'I PRAISES BERRIGANS increase awareness of the needs, board would be asked for concerned women so that Mississippi Freedom Summer of retarded by the Vietnam war. 1964, which he called the "last aspirations and abilities of assistance without altering the together we may have a voice In sales, commerce, the Cjf and greatest attempt" of the "The constant focusing on Chicana women." nature of the conference which the decisions affecting us that American Woman's self public Li made in this nation. - image and identity problems 9,000 miles away or "The Chicano movement is Minister lauds black civil rights movement to the women at the Magnolia Park are are we? "H * "To work toward form an alliance with the white more on certain things which we becoming stronger every day, branch might wish to develop. student movement. can scarcely understand has but we as women often find As a result of four months of developing a feeling of unity of Interested MSU ChicJ tended to be another factor ourselves isolated as a group," planning the conference's purpose among our women in coeds and other Spanish T ''The experience in retarding the emergence of a Miss Barrera said. "We need Chicana leadership has scheduled achieving racial justice and peaking coeds who want mM of priests' work serious radical analysis unity to develop strength for La a series of discussions, lectures dignity for our people and for all information the Mississippi gave impetus to the on « blacks to go their own way," he contemporary conditions," he Raza and ourselves." and workshops to involve all the people." may contact Rosa Morii said. The racial and cultural said. The idea for a conference participants from across the Workshop titles include: 355-2050. or Ana ask himself why he is not doing differences that existed even By DICK MEYERS grew out of a meeting of the nation. Machismo — what are. we up Valenzuela, 355-3515, Savio noted a shift in the what the Berrigans are doing. before that summer were ideals of white Americans in the The inadequacy of liberalism According to Morrison, the "brought to a head" by the close interaction of the two groups, he 50s that may have contributed to an atmosphere in which a in meeting America's critical needs has been dramatized by Berrigans are also giving Roman Catholicism a sense of WOMAN'S ROLE, MORALS student movement such as the the actions of two Catholic- immediacy and radicalism along noted, however, that Free Speech Movement could Great Issues topics set Savio priests, the Berrigan brothers, an with a new depth of social the recent radical coalition of take root. East Lansing churchman said dimension. blacks and whites in the recently. The United Church minister "For the white students, one Berkeley city elections mav The priests "understand, said that the Berrigan brothers important factor is that, whereas "The Role of Women in associate professor of philosophy; John Hazard, social science; Mary Sharp,i* reflect and live out this are reinforcing a new trend within the Catholic Church that Society" and "Values and psychology; Gretta Borgstrom, professor of marketing and director of the EqiJ inadequacy," through their acts IMAI lUlvAL Central United Methodist of civil disobedience, the Rev. will give it greater relevancy and Morals" will be the central professional writer and editor transportation administration; Opportunity Program: w'illJ (Okemos); Marolyn Frost, Lawrence Krupka, professor of Vincent, instructor I Truman Morrison of Edge wood restore its integrity. points of study and discussion POETRY for the summer and fall terms of activities director for Extended natural science. humanities; Jem WeJ Across from the Capitol United Church on Hagadorn The most recent action of the Road, said. Berrigans focuses on the the four - credit Great Issues Care Center. Judy Krupka, asst. professor professor of American thouJ WORSHIP SERVICES in the He specifically cited the "Harrisburg Six," who are course, UC 499. Neal Garland, asst. professor Counseling Center; John and language; and Lewis 9:45 and 11:15 a.m. Mo Hoy, associate professor of All seniors are eligible to of sociology at the University of professor of philosophy JuIy6-14,1971 burning of the draft files in chargod by FBI Director J. Topic Catonsville. Md., in May, 1968, Edgar Hoover with conspiring to enroll, regardless of major. Since Akron; Lawrence Krupka, festival of poetry, poets, & students of poetry on the campus of Thomas "The Give and Take and added that each person must kidnap a government official. a different issue is taught each professor of natural science term, students can re-enroll for course coordinator; Judy Jefferson College near Grand Rapids Readings, workshops poetry events, ibits. 8c Early enrollment suggest of Family Living" Dr. Lyman MISSIONARY CONVENTION UNIVERSITY credit up to a total of 12 credits. Course methods include Krupka, asst. professor in the Counseling Center; Daniel U' farms to ed For bulletin: Poetry Festival. TJC. Church School 9:45 to 11:45 Frl. & Sat. 7:30 P.M. BAPTIST CHURCH lectures, class discussions, a wide Kruger, professor af Labor and College Landing, Allendale, Michigan Crib Nursery Industrial Relations; Barbara of reading and written Animals range 49401 CORSO CREELEY LOGAN 485-9477 Sun. 9:45 & 10:50 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Meeting temporarily at Wardcliff Elementary School reports. The following individuals will Polk, asst. professor of sociology at Wayne State University; Small FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD participate in the "Roje of Margaret Poloma, asst. professor WAKQgKJ - YOUNG HALL John D. Wakicn PasteV Women in Society" this of sociology at the University of Chicks, baby pigs, calves, the baby animals 1125 Weber Dr., Lansing For Information summer: Etta Abrahams, Akron; and Elizabeth Santos, lambs, colts and other baby agriculture students will guidfl BLY ■ SANCtf EZ MAC LOW (Blk. No. of E. Grand River 332-1888 or Transportation instructor in American thought senior in psychology and animals will host children visitors and answer question!® Bus Schedule 332-8472 and language; Dorothy Arata, sociology. visiting MSU farms Saturday. Samson said. Rev. Richard W. Bishop, Pastor asst. provost for undergraduate The following faculty "From 9 a.m. to noon, all For transportation call Maps and other infori Worship Sunday School education; Andrew Barclay, members will teach "Values and children and their parents are fro EDGEWOOD UNITED 484-6640 484-2807 will be available 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Morals" in the fail: Robert invited to University Farms." information booth at Farm aii CHURCH UNIVERSITY Anderson, professor of religion; according to Richard W. Shaw lanes on the south camp* 469 N. Hagadorn ALL SAINTS CHURCH Dorothy Arata, asst. provost for Samson, East Lansing senior and An Ecumenical Fellowship OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SEVENTH-DAY undergraduate education; Albert chairman of Small Animals Day. Last year more than 5.0i 800 Abbott Road Worship Services ADVENTIST CHURCH Cafagna, asst. professor of "Children will be able to pet people visited the farms. 9:30 and 11:00 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos The farms are part oftlj Sermon by Dr. Truman (2 mi. E. of Hagadorn, lA mi. S. of Gd. R behind MFIJER'S) Sabbath School 9:30 College of Agriculture ii Natural A. Morrison Dr. Robert Harris, An Independent Church With A Biblical Message Worship Service 11:00 At Uncle John's facilities. Choirmaster K. G. Smith, pastor Campus Church Bus Service, 8:00 Holy Communion 10:00 Holy Communion 9:45 a.m. Church School — all ages 149 A BARMS Morning and Evening Call Sermon Highland Ave. 332-0606 or 332-8693 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship Services Call 351-8994 if you need transportation Pancake in nail For Transportation Call 349-2830 or 349-2533 OF EAST LANSING! Pastor E. Eugene Williams "Concern for Others" 11:00 A.M. W.E. Robinson, Pastor Is A east iansing Trinity church PEOPLES CHURCH Work of Art UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN E. Eugene Williams, 841 Timberlane Drive EAST LANSING Minister Iff I East Lansing CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE Interdenominational 310 N. 251 W. Grand River StanAsysistanteilly' Interdenominational ■« * Telephone: 351-8200 Hagadorn Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m 200 W. Grand River at Michigan Open University Class 9'Ab a.m. Sun. thru Thurs. /Jiv vv<> telegraph n°wB| Eugene Williams "The Husband ■ wijt Relationship" 6:00 p.m. ALWAYS OPEN 6 a.m. to 11 p.m Frl. & Sat. UBS* worldwide Holy Communion, follows I Ruffner Campus Minister, SUNDAY SERVICE 6 a.m. to 4 a.m. 215 ANN ST. Kl) 2-OMj Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. Gary Hawes 332-3035 351-7844 351-823! 9:30 and 11:00 Christian Reformed Church "The Earth Is... " this week we a Re fe.Atuiwnq and Student Center Dr. Wallace Robertson these speciAlly pmced ips 1509 River Terrace LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES (across from Hubbard Hall) Visit our new Student Center — LCMS CHURCH SCHOOL open daily 9 a.m. -11 p.m. for Students and Faculty at for Students at 9:30 & 11:00 Martin Luther Chapel University Lutheran Church Lunch Wednesday 12:30 -1:30 444 Abbott Road Crib through Adults Division & Ann Streets 332-2559 332-0778 MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE Coffee Hour Pastor David Krusc Jesus Christ, Superstar 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. After Services 2 LP's Derek and the Dominos Rev. Brink, WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP 2 LP's preaching 8:15 a.m. Matins Island 3rd Cc First Church of Mud Slide Slim 9:15 a.m. Common Service 10:30 a.m. Common Service 9 :30 and 11:00 2nd and 4th Christ, Scientist James Taylor 3.59 323 e. grand for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 11:30 a.m. New Fxpressions Matins 9:30 only Real Live river John Sebastian 3 gg Remember the Wind and the Rain open daily SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH James Brockett 9-9 (includes legend of the U.S.S. Titanic) Lesson — Sermon Subject sat. 1518 S. Washington Sunday 7 p.m. 3.59 "Look! A Man Falls" "Everlasting Punishment" 9-6 What unusual events in the life of Wednesday Testimonial Meeting individual lead to collapse? 9:45 A.M. 8:00 p.m. foBcjet to check ouq Rack College Bible Class COLLEGIAN Sunday School to age 20 which always teAtuaes At leAst FELLOWSHIP in the fireside room. 8:30 p.m. 90 ip s discounted 40% & mope, Dr. Ted Ward, Fireside Room MSU, Teacher OPEN Weekdays - 9-5 p.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fr eves. 7-9 p.m. "When Doors Swing Open" PHONE 351-5380 e to attend Church Services and visit an FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening use the reading room. Call 482-0754 for information. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April 30. 1971 7 fv Dept. courses toward concrete problems, from "star gazing philosophy," "We've been a little with the 100 level overhauled displeased philosophy courses could change Callaghan said, - courses as with the description in the involving a more historical, advertised in the reflective approach. catalog," catalog showing no sign of the He said the $60 to $80 The Dept. of Philosophy, in a Callaghan said. In the reshuffling of change. required to develop a courses, The "pretty thorough overhaul," has the following class numbers were men said changing a "We're frankly worried departmental catalog cannot be dropped nine lower level courses course description was a "pretty because in no available catalog spared from the "grinding and substituted dropped: PHL 120, The Classics three, William J. of complicated process," and or list is there even a necessities" of Philosophic Literature; PHL operating a Callaghan, department chairman, 130, Introduction consequently, they feared the description of these courses," department. said this week. to Ethics; PHL 137, Introduction to the The shift in course structure also reflects a shift in Principles of Eight Reason; PHL in the philosophers in society to "doing philosophy rather than emphasis conception of the role of 140, Introduction to Philosophical Problems; PHL 155, Introduction to the Design studying philosophy," Martin Philosophy of Religion; PHL 220, Representative Benjamin, asst. professor of philosophy, said. Bruce Miller, asst. professor of philosophy and chairman of the department's curriculum Philosophical Systems; PHL 231, Classical Ethical Theories; PHL 237, Traditional Logic, and PHL 240, Persistent Problems in More than 300 student- produced will be displayed when of handicrafts like variety trivets, mirrors and table centerpieces are Philosophy. "Design '71" opens one highlight of the show. According to Grace committee, and Richard J. Hall, In Sunday at the Union. associate professor of their place, three Martin, show coordinator and specialist in human Exhibits in Design '71 include loom introductory products — environment and design, all of the tiles are hand ^0\ philosophy, were also at the courses have been woven wall added: PHL 101, Ethics and hangings, place mats, scarves and cut after the student has worked out his mosaic meeting to discuss the changes. textiles — and the crafts The four Values, will deal with topics laboratory — sand design in charcoal and then in colored paper. The men said the casting, copper embossing and enameling and such as moral responsibility, tiles themselves are imported from California. department is undertaking a glass mosaics. 'Flapper' era shift in teaching style from lecture format to more good morality. and evil and law and PHL 102, The show will run from 2 to 5 33 Union and will continue p.m. Sunday in Macrame, the ancient art of knotting, and couching, an old embroidery technique enjoying White ties, wide - brimmed hats and 'machine guns' were discussion groups led by Epistemology and Metaphysics through Friday. The new popularity, will be exhibited. commonplace at the Roaring '20s exhibit area will be open to the tinner in Shaw Hall. The steak dinner was a costume contest with the '20s as the theme. graduate teaching assistants. The will deal with skepticism and a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through public from 9 All exhibits were produced in weaving, crafts, assistants will be somewhat certainty, matter and mind and Friday. textile design and interior design classes offered State News photo Brilliant mosaic designs on utilitarian by Jeff Wilner personal identity. PHL 103, objects by the Dept. of Human Environment and Design. relieved from their traditional paper - grading duties. Logic, will deal with deductive and inductive "We are anxious to reasoning. v——' — x/1 bring Miller said one improvement in \N\ >— genuine philosophy in line with the course structure is that now Capital Capsules perfectly real issues. But we students with little won't feel excluded from talking background in philosophy will be able to about a historical approach," he distinguish '( I J 0 ) ) M said. "Philosophy ought to teach one philosophy IHIEF JUSTICE THOMAS SEN. OSCAR E. BOUWSMA, department authority to people to do something. The student ought to learn to course of the The from another course on description. the basis four men noted their asu w«rt> ENSEMfi^ ""with Guest Soloist Warren Covington ■KAVANACH said Thursday R-MUSKEGON, introduced a supervise, manage and develop philosophize about problems "battle with the system" in their 1 judges in criminal cases bill Thursday to create a the state's natural "in that need to be philosophized resources effort to change their lid take part in pretrial department of Life and Ecology an orderly, efficient and about." ■ferences with defense department with the main to control environmental effective manner and carry out a Callaghan distinguished "genuine philosophy," directed criticism aimed at the catalog of ~ jazz ensemble ljrneys, prosecutors and pollution in the state. coordinated program of _ IN CONCERT ■ndants to make sure the "Michigan residents have a pollution control" ■sed pleads to a proper fundamental right to live in a * * * ■avanagh said the judge's role vital in e va 1 uat ing healthful and pleasant environment and to benefit from the proper development and use of its air, water and other STUDDED SNOW must be removed from vehicles traveling on Michigan highways TIRES 34 Nobel tances, and to make sure by midnight tonight, according mises are made and no »s are put on the accused lettle for charges against his natural said. The resources," Bouwsma bill would give the to state law. The tires are legal in from Nov. 1 to May 1. Michigan Prize-winners KENNETH BLOOMQUIST, CONDUCTOR BRUCE EARLY. JAZZ ENSEMBLE CONDUCTOR CLAUDE T. SMITH. GUEST CONDUCTOR called the lest. Kavanagh said that such ■erences would become a I of the University of court record,and ■id help eliminate many lal cases. FEE HALL Chicago home. [pring Bash Friday, April 30 9 - 12 p.m. You can too. The University of Chicago is This summer, you can call UC one of the world's great Free beerV schools, and this year the home. 312/753-3139 Summer Session is open to •e legal)\ irfjf Summer Session ft ' SANDWICH 'N TRIMMIN'S part-time, visiting, and transfer students. Wide variety of The University of Chicago 1307 East 60th Street TURKEY SANDWICH On egg bun with - lettuce, courses, on campus and off, Chicago, Illinois 60637 tomato, mayonnaise. Served with tangy day and evening classes. Full Gentlemen: Please send me cranberry Sauce. University of Chicago complete course listing and ^9^ demic credit. Distinguished aca¬ application information. SPECIAL SERVED MONDAY & TUESDAY faculty includes scholars and /I GREAT WITH A TALL, scientists of international rep¬ utation. New library of almost by three million volumes. Hous¬ BreakWater Solid rock" 10:00 I Underground flicks p.m. COLD DRAFT BEER! ing, athletic and recreational facilities. The Summer Ses¬ The University 1|XP0Entertainment sion: June 21 to 2000 9:00 p.m. 231 MAC Ave. September3. of Chicago Daily 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Write or call for the booklet [Admission Only $1.00 Sunday 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. PHONE 351-2756 with full details today. Summer Session IT'S TOP-DOWN TIME — COME IN AND SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION! AL EDWARDS SPORTS CAR CENTER Re&wooiURoss 1200 E. OAKLAND - OPEN MONDAY, THURSDAY TILL 9 Open 9-9 Wed. & Fri. OVERSEAS DELIVERY ARRANGED — 482-1226 Friday, April 30, | 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing Michigan B,S and T concert tops music, The Blood, Sweat and Tears concert in Lansing and several 12 p.m. Saturday in the Shaw Democratic Convention, the film Hall lower lounge. Admission is combines a fictional story with actual events. The climax, when provides background mechanical story of a captured Englishman who seeks his for a film fare 50c. music and movie offerings on freedom. Richard Harris stars. MUSIC DOUBLE BILL - a Southern mother searches city campus are entertainment The MSU Wind Ensemble, with streets for her lost son during Check ads. attractions this weekend. THE RUSSIANS ARE Music guest soloist Warren Covington, the Chicago riot, is devastating. and the MSU Jazz Ensemble Check ads for show times. COMING, THE RUSSIANS BLOOD, SWEAT AND FALSTAFF "Orson Welles ARE COMING - the title is the TEARS - $6, $5 and $4 tickets appear together in a concert that - begins at 2 p.m. Sunday in does justice to Shakespeare, to only thing repetitious about this are still available for the 8 p.m. often hilarious comedy. A Fairchild Theatre. Student cinema and to his own great Sunday concert in the Lansing Russian submarine accidentally Civic Center. tickets are $1.50; regular tickets, talents," wrote film critic Judith Crist. " 'Falstaff' is a testiment lands on the New England coast FOLK CONCERT - The $2. a situation disturbing to panic — Movies to the enduring genius of Welles. MSU Folklore Society presents striken New Englanders and THE GREEK - From five Shakespeare plays he - ZORBA Tim Julian, Bob Boyer, Debbie By ROBERT KIPPER j Anthony Quinn in the role he has constructed a dramatic dazed Russian sailors alike. Alan Benedict, Gregorio Camus and , State News Reviewer f was born to play. A lusty old history of merry lechers and Arkin, Carl Reiner, Eva Marie Michael Leach in concert Saint, Jonathan Winters and Paul Greek journeys to Crete with a tosspots grown old. Their games beginning at 8 p.m. Friday in Ford star. Shows at 7 and 9:15 McDonel Hall kiva. $1 ROCK CELEBRATION - young friend to teach him a glow in their own memories but spirited approach to living. are seen for their stateness and Friday and Saturday nights in admission. Archangel will appear from 9 to 108 Wells Hall. Shows at 7 and 9:30 Friday and crassness through the cool eyes FREEDOM TO LOVE - A PROGNAV lfNH.'KMAHUn 453-0403 Saturday nights in 108 Wells of youth coming to maturity." OPEN AT 1:15 p.m. y y I 1 «om*« Hall. Shows at 7:30 tonight in the Swedish marriage manual flick. Two psychotherapists present a TODAY... atl:30 MEDIUM COOL - Haskell Auditorium. series of erotic case histories. Wexler's uneven but stunning A MAN CALLED HORSE - 4:10-6:50-9:30 p.m. essay on America's social and An unusual film of savage and Shows Friday and Saturday in political ills. Set in Chicago haunting beauty. The simplicity Wells. Check ads for showtimes. OSCAR WINNER . . around the time of the 1968 and pageantry of an Indian tribe Off-campus films FIVE EASY PIECES - The film that should have won this year's best picture Oscar. At "You will enjoy 'AIRPORT' immensely, Meridian 1. and you will find yourself talking about it RYAN'S DAUGHTER - A BST due in enthusiastically to your friends." o»ny„Po%i massive and magnificient film about a passionate young woman and the revolution - Blood, Sweat and Tears, the musical group characterized by tight harmony and a strong brass minded community that section, will perform at 8 p.m. Sunday in Lansing Civic Center. Tickets at $6, $5 and $4 are still available. punishes her. At Lansing Mall. BEGINS SUNDAY AIRPORT BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET Undergrad art show study, including prints, eight student members. Faculty set emphasis on sculpture 11 GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES By MICHAEL J. BEYER sculpture, painting, drawing, jurors were Allen Leepa and year," he said, "because of the I ceramics and jewelry. Irving Taran of the painting recent introduction of casting at I VAN HEFLIN MAUREEN STAPLETON More than 150 pieces of In addition to the Committee; Jens Plum and Kresge." I BARRY NELSON LLOYD NOLAN Manschot also said there will artwork will be featured when undergraduate display, there will El don N. Vanliere, drawing; the annual undergraduate art be works from the "Core James Lawton, sculpture; Noah be a blank canvas on display foil JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES show opens at 2 p.m. Sunday at Group," the introductory Alonso, ceremics; James Fagan, "an audience participation ait I the Kresge Art Center Gallery. undergraduate courses, and from prints, and Margaret Yulll, experience." I The show, sponsored by the master's degree candidates. jewelry. Invitations to the Sunday! Dept. of Art, will run through The works to be shown were Peter J. Manschot, Bloomfield opening have been sent to tlifl heads of all MSU department™ May 19, and includes works selected by six jury committees Hills senior and student member from all levels of undergraduate of eight faculty members and of the sculpture committee, said and to President and Mis.| the show will concentrate on Wharton. The gallery will be openl "abstract expressionsism. ? KEEP A COOL, COOL HEAD p.m.,and! tw£HfffifflilBIID ThT~H "There should be a stronger Sunday from 2 until 5 on the following days it will be I open from 9 a.m. until noon,ll 1 ¥ ifflffllBltn Kwik Stop has j until 5 p.m. and Tuesdiyl evenings. (B> SPECIAL! 7 | / *Chilled Tappers * Ice cold beer & wine 3 Pepsi Quarts 89c ? Peace council| An RHA Presentation ? *Kegs of beer available for parties jf All at the store next to the Ko-Ko Bar | plans caravar| 'Medium Cool' is dynamite! As § 410 S. Clippert off Kalamazoo 4 IP YOU PREFER INCLUSIVE A man called "Horse" & Open till 2:00 7 Days 4 ONE RELIGION OF A "peace caravan" sponsoitM becomes an Indian warrior impassioned and impressive a a.m. a week BROTHERHOOD by the Lansing Area PeaaB TO SECTARIANISM WHICH Council will travel throughout! in the most electrifying film as any released so far greater Lansing areil ritual KEEPS RELIGIOUS PEOPLE SEGREGATED INTO SECTS, the Saturday 1 eafleting anil ever seen! this year! Signals perhaps WHY NOT SEND FOR AN EMBLEM LAPEL PIN? circulating copies of the PeoplsB a new boldness in American THERE IS NO CHARGE. Peace Treaty. 1 The caravan will assemble lift cinema! Extraordinary!"—Time 10 a.m. in Francis Park, 2MB Moores River Dr. in Lansing..# picnic lunch will be held thereilj noon. RICHARD HARRIS as "A MAN CALLED HORSE" "-—js: medium cool Also Starring DAME JUDITH ANDERSON Co-Stamng JEAN GASCON MANUTUPOU Introducing CORINNA TSOI'KI Induced by SANDY HOWARD Screenplay by JACK DE WITT Directed by ELLIOT SILVERSTEIN A SANDY HOWARD Production Music by LEONARD ROSENMAN R\NAVISION#TKCHN [COLOR' A NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES RELEASE robertforster/marianna hill A CINEMA CENTER FILMS PRESENTATION fipTw,! iHij m *o«. ao-mo Co - starring Peter Boyle star of "Joe" technicotcy* | y/ ' Tonite — 2 locations a paramount picture \w/aaU*Ma| —; Wilson 7:30, 9:45 Tonite in Conrad brody 8:30 7:30, 9:30 (s.w. Dining Hall) Saturday in Wilson Saturday in Conrad 7:30, 9:30 7:30, 9:30 $V00 admission I.D.'s required $1.00 admission I.D.'s required Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 30. 1971 arried involving married students students pla MSU Cine Series Presents i bv randy garton and off campus. to create an organization that with members ot the medical the activities planned are for all ■ State News Staff Writer "We had 60 people at our would exist even after the school faculty in the proposed members of the married student said. "We'd like to build a "We hope that we can first meeting last week," Mrs. people who are presently feeling of community here." clinics, which would also provide develop effective organization L-n - air band concerts May Emery said. "That was the involved leave the He said that community." an opportunity for research in community, in University housing and off campus. Foreign students in married an that will provide needed social Tl lfiare among the activities largest meeting in married now students were child behavior. "We're trying to find ways to student housing are also getting and recreation services for 7 married students in housing since the last veterans working on projects such as Mrs. Emery emphasized that involved in community married students and expectant parent clinics, reach off their ■prsity housing are planning left around 1954." planned - campus people,' she activities, Mrs. Emery said, families," he said. ■this spring, representatives Mrs. Emery said that parenthood advice and baby ■ T the Student • Faculty who attended the persons meeting are sitting service. "We hope FOR DRUG PROGRAMS Jdinating Committee said now working on different projects that would hopefully the parent clinic will do expectant more than Ed Mitchell and Sue provide married students with show people how to diaper I v Spartan Village Group babies," demands increased services. Mrs. Emery said. tnls' said that the opening "We're going to "Students with children will attempt to relate how ie new Day Care Center and get people organized here," having a family Hed Students Activity Unit Mitchell, a member of the newly changed their lives and what to fcarked student interest in organized Married Students of expect from family life." By JAMES SHELDON said, they are trying the facilities. with the She drug problem, Kng a variety of activities MSU (MSMSU) said. "We hope said students hoped to that married State News Staff Writer "direct method" to obtain Most persons in the drug demonstrators said, and that cooperate improved drug services and will program believe that these About 30 blacks, whites and not leave the mental health persons act only on a professionals are not concerned "verbal level". Chicanos demanding "support, center "until they get it." committment, and No confrontations with police understanding" for community or with hospital administrators drug programs by Lansing had occurred as of Thursday officials and administrators, afternoon continued to picket and negotiate as demonstrators picketed in shifts of two each 4 MOTHER'S DAY DINNER t late Thursday afternoon at the along Oakland Avenue in §0 ■ Lansing MSU STUDENTS, an driving resident and a on or near campus since A REPORT THAT a man Community Health Center in Lansing's St. Lawrence Hospital. Lansing. In addition to the at April 1. negotiations ■ng ltv resident face action by prosecutors this week A PHILLIPS believed to be between 17 and 20 years old tried to The demonstration about 1:30 p.m. began Thursday when with Sister Mary Janice of St. Lawrence and Dave The Albert Pick Motor Hotel HALL COED forcibly Sanders, In Honor Of |r they were arrested who had taken an "unknown kiss a coed sitting in the seventh the group arrived at the center president of CDAI, the group fnesday night and early quantity of drugs" was rushed to floor study lounge in South seeking release of $125,000 in was preparing a list of Hubbard Hall was received about federal funds which has been for better hospital staffing, more requests All Mothers and Their Friends day morning for drunk Sparrow Hospital by police Featuring ng on roads near campus. about 5:30 p.m. 3 p.m. Wednesday by police. approved for a comprehensive drug program facilities and more * Baked Virginia Ham, X?e of those arrested told Wednesday The coed said she was drug program. Sherry after her roommate found her employment of ex - addicts to Demonstrators say the funds wine sauce »ers they were returning unconscious in her room. approached by two men, one of work with addicts seeking help. * ■ bars, and the other person whom tried grab and kiss her. have been tied up since Feb. 1 in Members of the Lansing drug Country Style Roast Police said a witness told them Ad to tell officers where he the coed took capsules and pills, Police said they did not Community Drug Action, programs "Once" and "Reach" Chicken, Pan Gravy ■been. Police said the four investigate the incident since the Incorp. (CDAI) and in Lansing's formed the West Side Drug * Casserole of Lobster which were not identified by the "Act 54" board, winch controls |ons were lodged in the coed reported it a few hours Coalition recently and decided witness. Police said Thursday the tri and Shrimp Newburg, |m County Jail until they they had no report on the after it reportedly occurred. health funds. • county area's mental Wednesday to sit - in at the Steamed Rice and Bed up. * mental health center to ^ * * condition of the coed, whose Tired of projects Ill officers have arrested a A STEREO being stifled "demand attention" to the drug Chutney I of 37 persons for drunk name was not released. TAPE CASE by professionals, demonstrators * problems and inadequate Roast Prime Ribs containing 24 tapes, all with a total estimated of Beef and Au jus value of $230, were reported stolen between 7 p.m. and midnight Monday from the automobile of Jazz quartet to play Sunday : SERVING Please call for Reservations XOOX A Robert Staley, 20, of Coleman. Coleman told police someone at St. John's Student Center ALBERT PICK had broken into his vehicle _ MOTOR HOTEL The Les Rout Quartet will College. Admission is 50 cents PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS parked in Lot G. Police said the theft might i have been committed appear for an evening of jazz at which will be used to cover Ph. 337-1741 Corner Saginaw (M-78) and Grand j 8:30 River (M-43), East Lansing. 48823 y TODAY SUNDAY by two juveniles who were p.m. Sunday at the St. costs. Producers of the concert 2 John's Catholic Student Center, sa'd others will be scheduled if , (FM): MUSIC p.m. (AM and FM): arrested Monday for stealing Iter: "Roberta." CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA. items from automobiles parked Rout, „ , . enough interest is shown. professor of history, ■ p.m. (AM): LECTURE - 4 p.m. (AM and FM): FROM in the Lot g area. won the best baritone sax award ■ussion: "Violence in THE MIDWAY: in 1961 at the Notre Dame "Reconciling T Science and Democracy." REBECCA MSU Folklore MONDAY K. SAARI, Bessemer sophomore, told police Collegiate Jazz Festival. The concert is sponsored by Society proudly presents 1 p.m. (FM): MUSIC her coat, valued at $105, was the students of James Madison fubor. I p.m. SATURDAY (AM): MSU THEATER: "Two By Two." 8 p.m. (FM): WORLD OF OPERA: "The Pearl Fishers" Bizet. by removed from the public coat racks outside the East Akers Hall cafeteria sometime between 6 ZUBRA FOLK CONCERT *3 ball: MSU and 9 p.m. Wednesday. , vs. U-M from & with H ■ LISTENER'S dancing |ce: Classics by request. 5 nights a week Tim Julian Bob Boyer Tues. Sat. Ho (2) T.V.'s Dick Jennings Debbie Benedict OPEN BOWLING E Iven away GLENN HERRIMAN, INC Every night Gregario Camus Mike Leach, MC 1 Sunday. at I0E JOSEPH'S Friday April 30 0 0:8 pm, .fi McDonel Kiva PRO BOWL $1.00 N. Logan at Gr. River PHONE: 482-6226 372-7502 L-SSffl | y / 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-5817 215 ABBOTT RD.-DOWNTOWN TODAY - DOORS OPEN 7:00 p.m. Feature at 7:35 Saturday & Sunday - OPEN 1:00 Feature at 1:35-3:35-5:40- 7:40-9:40 - 9:35 p.m. G 2ND BIG WEEK R eeour BLUE ad on |eBACK laper for PAGE in this details! A GENUINE WORK OF GREATNESS HONEST AND ALMOST PERFECT John Schubeck shining like a miniature "Woodstock" abc tv \NDAY NITE \IC 8 I'M CENT E PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS E o The Rolling Stones Ali MacGraw • Ryan O'Neal K I c|vic center i box office lpen saturday all day! J1 Seats $5Reserved LI GIMME SHELTER ntififr nWjfi Jhe Year's #1 A HOWARD G. MINSKY ARTHUR HILLER Production - Best Seller ANTHONY QUINN ALAN BATES IRENE RW\S SiCHAELCACOANNS PfiOOOCIION 'ZORBATHE GREEK' sPS aNfltt $4 John Marley & Ray Milland ERICH SEGAL ARTHUR HILLER [>• r»t So-o HOWARD G. MINSKY DAVID GOLDEN FRANCIS LAI paramountrctur? |urrv! choice seats are SI RiCORDs] a ft Friday & Saturday Room 106 B Wells t^AlLABLE! xt! THE NIGHT VISITOR " i "THE PRIEST'S WIFE" Shown at 7 & 9:30 $1.00 ID's 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan /"day. Apra ](| SPORTS Batsmen face tough U-M The Spartans batted Detroit for fans who like close games last two times, out," Spartan By JOHN VIGES and Coach Danny Litwhiler said. out of its spacious park one good pitchers. State News Sports Writer "He took a little time getting week ago and although they did Michigan has relied on its Eastern Michigan pitching staff all season and they started this season but now he is The idea that good pitching not overpower can always beat good hitting will or Western Michigan Monday or have had tremendous success in pitching very effectively. He Tuesday their hitting perked up getting the opponents out. The would have won the game be thoroughly tested today and Saturday when MSU faces some. biggest problem the Wolverines against Western if he had started The intra - state battle today mound staff has face is the it." Michigan in a crucial Big 10 series. will be at Michigan's field, a nine inability of their hitters to If Clancy or Ike falters, support them with runs. Litwhiler will not hesitate to Michigan will test Spartan inning contest beginning at 2 batting power with a pitching p.m. Saturday the teams will Although the spotlight has bring in Leisman. The Lansing staff that has given up only 1.28 meet for a double header on been placed on MSU's hitting, product has exactly what earned runs per game. MSU's Kobs Field at 1 p.m. The the Spartans have also had very Litwhiler wants in a relief MSU will counter the first game Saturday will be nine good pitching and they will have situation, control. their top hurlers rested and Leisman has given up only Wolverines pitching strength innings and count towards the conference standings and the ready for the weekend series. four walks in 30 innings of with a line-up that has shown signs of breaking out of a minor nightcap will be a non - Rob Clancy will be on the pitching and if he has to come mound in today's game and on to put down an opponent's slump that has plagued it for conference seven inning affair. Larry Ike will pitch the nine threat the most important thing two weeks. Each game should be a boon inning contest Saturday. Dave is to first get the ball over the Leisman will be ready in the plate. Litwhiler said that he wants THERE'S A BOSE SPEAKER: wings to relieve either man or pitch the second game Saturday someone ready to come ir. and if he isn't used in either of the throw strikes and the lanky • CLINIC THIS SATURDAY • nine inning contests. junior has done that all year as he worked his way to a 4-1 Clancy has been almost \ perfect for the Spartans all record and a 0.58 ERA. AT Hi Fi BUYS, ; season and he will come game with a 7-0 record and a into the ROB CLANCY Michigan has received amazing pitching. The Wolverine Clancy has picked up good speed staff had a string of 17 Close 0.42 earned run average. I STEP INSIDE AND TAKE j The sophomore southpaw has since last year and his curve and completed games before relief a new screwball have made him a pitching was needed in their last MSU's Ron Pruitt slides safely back into second base after an attempted pickoff in a » IN THE BOSE SOUND i given up only two earned runs all season and he has completed y game he has started. most frustrating pitcher to hit against. two games. Jim Burton heads the Spartan game. MSU has a big series with Michigan Field at 1 p.m. on Saturday. this weekend. The Wolverines will beatS! I Ike has come on very strong Wolverine's with a 5-1 record in the last two games he has and an ERA of 0.77. A hard State News photo by Doug Baum«| pitched beating Detroit and thrower with a good fast curve handcuffing Western in four Burton stilled the strong MOVE UP IN POLL innings of relief. Minnesota bats in a 1-0 game in The big right hander was the opening weekend of especially sharp ngainst Detroit when he pitched eight shutout innings to pick up his fourth win conference action. Pete Helt is close behind Burton in earned run average 'S' batsmen of the year against one loss. and strike outs per inning "Ike has looked real good his average. TUCSON, Ariz. (UPI) - The and MSU. top 10 were South J MSU baseball team, with a 23-5 Rounding out the top 10 were University, Frostburg. UVtiiP season record, moved up from Santa Clara, Miami of Florida, Marietta, New Haven, J ACADEMY AWARD WINNER sixth to fifth place in the latest Southern Illinois, Miami of Ohio Lipscomb State. and .JacksonS college baseball rankings released and Tulsa. Wednesday by TTie Collegiate In the second 10 in order were BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Baseball Newspaper. Florida State, South Alabama, BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY John Mills Two teams from Texas head the rankings. Pan American, 38-5, retained Georgia Tech, St. John's of New York, UCLA, Minnesota, Connecticut, Washington State, Denehay| the No. 1 spot, followed closely by Texas A&M, which has won Delaware and San Jose St. The college division was called upi 29 of its first 32 games. headed by Florida Southern, A story of love Perennial contender Southern 25-3. Second was Central Filmed by David Lean California, 32-6, was third, followed by Arizona State, 38-9, Michigan was third was Cal Poly of San Luis Obispo. Also in the by Tigersl DETROIT (UPI) - J Detroit Tigers, still looking 1 Ryan's some added pitching pun have called up righthander D e n e h a y from tbtfl 1 I SUPPORT Daughter ROBERT MITCHUM TREVOR HOWARD what this country International League farm dfl in Toledo, announced Ohio, Wednesday. To make room for the 25- yJ CHRISTOPHER JONES JOHN MILLS LEO McKERN SARAH MILES needs new - old former New York Met,lfl Tigers optioned right) M I. L. F is a good 5(RJ Special Meek M"" ' , "Devil Rider" shown 2nd at 10:00 p.m. Saturday KM1'1* ALSO "HELLS BELLES" DOWNTOWN LANS PLUS "SHE DEVILS ON WHEELS" at 11:30 p Shown 3rd at 10:00 p.m. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 30. SPORTS I «)71 11 ' netters Running ' key to meet J |eef foes events I road with Ohio State Saturday bvMIKEABERLICH By DON KOPRIVA i News Sports Writer State News Sports Writer But the Spartan machine still won't be Dave Dieters is still running at full strength. Th« story doesn't recovering from a virus that sidelined him at change for MSU (rack teams, Drake and probably won't be entered per out' rained out match, talented, no matter how while Al Henderson is still LgU tennis team will be on no matter what year. Dual meets are tough for the on the mend and likely won't compete until the Big Ten draws load this weekend for a pair MSU Coach Fran Dittnch alls Spartans to win, and although near. fctfiie r contests. toss Saturday's clash at Ohio State a But other key personnel should be at full strength and ready scheduled Wednesday - up because of lack of Spartan field event for double, strength, MSU is or even triple, efforts. John Mock will 30 in the certainly much the better squad. 880, and mile relay while miler Ken 660, we Dame encounter was Popejoy will go in the 880 For instance, Northwestern ar.d mile. L| because of a sporadic rain, indoor, but MSU beat the Cats dumped the Spartans 70 - 67 «> Stan Drobac s netters a by 16-in the Big Ten meet. So as a Others likely to see double action on the track team battle, the meet with the Bucks is Cassleman with the intermediates and include ■extra days rest. That match "We don't really have a dual meet virtually meaningless. mile relay, Morrison with the high hurdles and 440 I been rescheduled for team," Dittrich said. "With relay, Hartwick with the intermediates Marv Roberts and Mike Holt out for and high hurdles and Mike May 9, on the Irish football we lose points. Murphy and Tom Spuller with the "In a nutshell, it's our 440 and mile relay. running events against their field events and we're giving up 18 points in the shot and discus." surprising Iowa Hawkeyes s ' t as hosts for the Spartans with Minnesota doing Spartan But from an individual standpoint, it is most important for MSU. It's the first of three dual meets before the end of ★ ★★★★★# ★★★★★★★★ m, ■ chores for a Saturday Charlie Morse, the MSU Big Ten meet and hopefully the - weather in Columbus will be - May * Man & Nature Bookstore * gymnastic team's only voted team captain for next champion in last year's Big Ten Invitational more conducive to last times on OSU's §10011 match. year by the team players last week. was track than the East crumbling rubberized jf presents a Lansing climate has been to hard workouts + fwa has compiled a Jctable 12-4 mark this year, State News photo by Tom Leone since the return from the Drake Most important, the meet Relays. * May Day Rock 'n' Roll ■ding four league victories. represents a solid chance for some PLAY TONIGHT of MSU's runners, who rank with Wisconsin and Illinois' as the * Celebration Insin (5-4), Northwestern league's most talented, to pop off some fast times I, Minnesota (6-3) and Ohio will admittedly be some against what * ARCHANGEL ft'(8-1) have all been victims meager opposition from the Bucks. Bucks Herb Washington faces Shaw Lower Lounge perhaps the most challenges in the e Hawkeyes thus far, with , rence powerhouse Indiana the Hawks their only setback, 5-4. to fa meet. In the 100 he'll once again face Ohio's Jim Harris and Jerry Hill, whom he edged two weeks ago in the OSU the longer sprint, the Relays. And in 220, Herb will have his hands full again, * May 1st 50c 9-12 p.m. Ea has relied for much of BALTIMORE (UPI) Oscar Shots of pain killer have kept club has made in the three title with Harris, Hill and fast - improving MSU teammate LaRue *************** Robertson, the veteran who calls Johnson going the last few games played so far. Butchee, all top - notch in that event. ■ scoring on the bottom four the shots in the Milwaukee Bucks weeks. Bob "We did the Cassleman, billed by the Spartan coaches as a potential Ebors of their lineup, offense, said Thursday he Feldman said guard Earl things we wanted to do in the first two great in the intermediate hurdles, will run the MSU INTERNATIONAL fcially No. 3 man Craig expected his team to win the Monroe would probably play said, "but we gave up too games," he time Saturday, event for the first joining teammate Wayne Hartwick, who's Kg, who has grabbed his National Basketball Association Friday night, despite a pulled easy shots because of careless many currently rated best in the midwest in the event. FILM SERIES matches and 14 of 16 on abductor muscle in his championship tonight. groin. errors." If the Bucks Monroe was injured in ta, on the other hand, make good on Robertson's expectations, Wednesday's game. The Bullets double stalled, ran and ★★*★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Jecoived exceptional playing ■ their top two, Jim Ebbitt they would become only the second team in NBA Coach Gene Shue considers - teamed Wednesday and managed to hold Lew Alcindor J UNION BOARD'S THEATRE TRIP TO ♦ )ave Sterns. s to be one of Spartan Ebbitt win the title in four games. The Boston Celtics won history to straight Wednesday's effort the best his to 23 points arid 20. Robertson to J JESUS CHRISTj [ Tom Gray's toughest foes in fourth straight in 1959 * by SUP * oliscount records downing the old Minneapolis [('ophers are 1-3 in Big Lakers. J GRAND RAPIDS MAY 12 J After dropping the third game J 7 P.M. BUS AND THEATRE TICKET $6.50 of the best of seven series DEPARTURE FROM ABBOTT iden 225 Ann Street ENTRANCE)^ reported 107-99 in Milwaukee Wednesday to St. Louis night, the Bullets limped home to patch themselves up in 351-8460 iSign Up 11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Union Board Flights Office ^ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ preparation for Friday night's game. Tonight — 7:30 p.m. ■ LOUIS (UPI) - While the ■s of General Manager Trainer Skip Feldman said forward Gus Johnson was still a Lecture—Concert Fairchild Theatre Admission $1.00 ■v Bowman remains in doubtful starter for the game. ■ the St. Louis Post- Johnson did not even suit up Series B Hi reported Thursday that Wednesday due to I Sinden, who led the trouble in both knees. Feldman cartilage THE CECILTAYLOR QUARTET CHARLES MINGUS PRESENTS presents the TONIGHT & SAT. 106 B Wells n Bruins to the Stanley has kept Johnson on the bench. THECHARLESMINGUSQJaRTET fciampionship He inside track fcfh a year ago, to take over of the St. Louis Blues "He was really upset at not being able to play," Feldman said. "But, he is not getting any AIR FE^lURINGERICDOLPm BARNABY proudly re-releases the great LONDON BACH Beal Film Presents a Group Grove Press film recordings of the defunct Candid label. (a Swedish marriage manual - injections." SOCIETY more Until now thesa were illustrated study of pornography) treasured collectors' The New Bourgeois society still tries hypocritically to deny the facts Players items, but now they're on its first North American Tour of available at Discount physical love. As a result, most people live in a more or Last 40 exciting voices and 20 musicians less permanent state of sexual frustration. No wonder, then, Night Records for only Mon May 3-8:15 p.m. that such frustration should frequently find expression in OPEN TRYOUTS , acts of hostility and aggression University Auditorium - Students $1.00 . . . or in such sex for UNION TICKET OFFICE substitutes as alcoholism . . and drug addiction as well $3.29 . ... as in a formal obsession with sex antisexual attitudes, BOOKER ERVIN IRMA LA DOUCE . . . HAT'S IT! an unrealistic code of ethics, prejudice, and , ignorance have led to censorship and the enactment of antiquated, "The French Musical99 Music of Our Time ridiculous and inhumane sex laws. This film is opposed on Barnaby Records . . 11 men, 1 woman — 7-11 Parlor C Union to all interference by the state, with the private sex of the citizens . . and unequivocally pleads for Friday \ 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 6944 ... . A HOWARD W. KOCH ■' I -1TM HURRY! ENDS SOflU RATED X BARGAIN HOUR! HILLARO ELKINS PRODUCTION k ALL TICKETS 75c 12:45 1:45 Boxoffice Opens 12:45 _351-0030__ (OaiterMntthini Elaine Hay vVV [J A Hew Leaf " c Colo • v M WIELAB "A RAMBUNCTIOUS TRIUMPH! M Weston, THE 70s FIRST GREAT EPIC!" 5:00, 8:00, 9:55 /: 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, "DUSTIN BOFFMANISA MARVEL! ! 8:00, Hour, Adults 90c, iliu it wtrj momut Ml fill of dazzling surprises!" 5:30 • 6:00 march rood vincent gardenia JACK BRODSKY euzabeth wilson jonkorkes JULES FEIFFER "ONE OF m TUR'S 10 BEST!" i nvn misy "A LARRUPIN' LALAPALOOZA!" 3 ACADEMY AWARDS l TONIGHT AT: ' 7:00 9:30 1H6 Drs. Kronhausen LION IN WINT6R are Paris based psycho¬ therapists specializing COLOR in working with teenaged and young adult schizophrenics. This film includes case histories, excerpts from GEESE, WORD PLAY and THE BEARD and --ar exhibition of Erotic Art which U S. customs refused to lei ^:ter this country, interviews with John Frevelyan DUSTIN HOFFMAN "UTTIE BIG MAN" (Secretary of the British Board of Censors), Hugh M. Hefner, Kenneth Tynan and others. It opened in New York Panavision Technicolor" (G§-SI- last June at $5.00 admission and played Detroit a little ovj CHIEF DAN GEORGE • FAYE DUNAWAY a month ago. S£IP0L6 KATHARINE I BURN Next! Jason Robards • Katharine Ross in "FOOLS" NEXT WEEK: DENNIS HOPPER in "The American Dreamer" 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS LOOK FOR SECOND WIN V -Judomeefj ' be to fie Stickmen face Ashland By NICK MIRON State News Sports Writer Bowling Green 13, MSU 2. What more can be said? very much like "stick men." The power of the Bowling Green attack and MSU's inability to stop it were personified in the statistics. Bowling Green took eight shots on goal in the first period, only two were stopped. judo weekend at Joeson^isX^gJ in M After six straight losses, things have got to pick up for the tm, How about the MSU stickmen play Ashland, Ohio at 2 p.m. Saturday on Old College Field and things have to start looking Spartans. MSU Coach Ted Swoboda was very displeased with Saturday and Sunday """"I better. the Spartan performance and Assistant Coach Rick Bays summed MSU's judo wrestle^ J will Wednesday at Bowling Green the Spartans reached the dregs of it up in one word, "flat." four a straight their '71 season when the defending Midwest Lacrosse To dwell too long on the Spartan loss would be a mistake. MSU championship SaturdJ 5# meet will Association champion Falcons scored six goals in the first quarter can play better than it has been. It's preseason matches, of which begin 1 as though they were taking target practice. Only a supernatural they won three of four, is ample proof. Sports Arena of the u \ rally could have overcome a lead like that, and as their 1-6 tally Doug Kalvelage picked up a goal, Saturday, and assisted Dan Denov in another. Kalvelage was assisted by, of all people, Building. There will admission charge (# ['j "V this season indicates, the MSU stickemen are no gods. Although the Spartans did make a respectable showing of defensemen Mike Moody. Bi« Ten compete, and there schoohl willll themselves after the first period, in the first 15 minutes the Back - up goalie Rick Partrich replaced Fred Hartman late in entries from the Falcons used an unlimited number of plays and made MSU look the third period and received his initiation to the *71 season as conference schools schools J" #«**•#********************** Bowling Green whipped two past him. enteriJ meet are Ohio State 2J Purdue, University of'uJJj THERE'S A BOSE SPEAKER! Wisconsin, „,inois Jf* CLINIC THIS SATURDAY » NPL °"ice called in as Eagles \nSA Several defending champions are due h»I including MSU's Wine W«h J AT Hi Fi BUYS, I suspect tampering with Barton (139) and Ricky Sunday's tournament Marietta! J CTPP IN AND TAKF ** PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - The trying to woo away missing an invitational invohbl w I Cl .. IIN«JILSI. .. n f, r r> iniXL | iik ip\ Philadelphia * Thursday they Eagles said are wondering quarterback Greg Barton with an attractive financial offer. Rugged number of the college and university and clubs. Big Ten 21 Z] IN | HC bU JL W>L/UINU * whether another National Pete Retzlaff, general manager, stickmen (dark uniforms) battle an opponent for possession of the ball during Starting time is J aJ!j * and the meet will Football League team may be said that if the Eagles suspected A pair of Spartan another team had made an offer a recen* Spartan game. MSU will be at home Saturday to face Ashland at 2 p.m. at Old College staged in the Men's IM sJr to Barton while the contract he State News photo by Doug Bauman Arena. Admission is $1.00 brought with him from Detroit was still valid, the NFL office would investigate. The NFL IN KENTUCKY DERBY office has already been asked to join the search for Barton. STARTING SATURDAY MAY 1st Bold and Able favorite 20-stall starting gate unless one their own 14 stall and LOUISVILLE, KY (UPI) - A ■ 6ft OPEN 24 HOURS near were record 21 thoroughbreds entered Thursday for of the entrants was scratched. But Starter Jimmy ITiomson gates together. Twist The Axe aw MON thru SAT Saturday's 97th and richest running of the Kentucky Derby was reluctant to send such a bulky field on its way with one poorly in the draw forsfc. berths, getting no. 12 inl horse standing flat • footed on second largest field ever to n1 SUNDAY TILL 11 P.M. and the draw for post positions caused a change of favorites for the outside. At his request, Churchill Downs officials the post in the first of the Classics. Twenty • two H the first of the Triple Crown 3-j Classics. planned to borrow a 12 • stall olds started in 1928' UNIVERSITY gate from Keeneland over in Reight Count was the Impetuosity, the blue grass u™ BIG BOY stakes winner who will run Lexington and haul it to and 21 in both 1923 when! Louisville Friday morning. won, and in 1929 when OA coupled with Twist The Axe, 1050 TROWBRIDGE RD. drew the extreme outside post They then would hook it to Van Dusen was the wirnal position, and for a while he was their 14 - stall gate. If there was those days the horses all linedl 351-5132 scheduled to start outside a a scratch, they planned to hook behind a tape, not ii gate. The Calumet Farm entryI Bold And Able and EstT Fleet took over as favorite! <>"lC fro"1- % the rose run at odds of 5 to 2.1 We pui 12-inch Do these questions perplex you? cheese piz Come hear a forceful analysis of for $1.00| Sunday. BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS WILL Evolution vs. Creation A color-slide illustrated lecture: BE IN THE DISC SHOP THIS "Where Do We SUNDAY 7:30 Tonight . AND THAT'S NOT ALL! p.m., Sponsored by: MSU Bible Student Assoc., 136 E. Shaw Hall, Ph. 355-8805 See our BLUE ad on From 3 to 7 this Sunday afternoon, several members of Blood, Sweat and Tears Rock the BACK PAGE in this | Group will make a personal appearance at THE DISC SHOP for a "rap session" and paper for details! answer all your questions, Like, "Is the drummer married?" But that's not all for there's also a special sale on PIONEER Receivers at our stores. PIONEER, the professional Hifi line that this great group recommends for that full, natural sqund. And it's people like these accomplished musicians who know stereo hifi components who will tell you that Pioneer offers the most value for the money. Both in Don't Forget quality sound reproduction and convenience features. MOTHER The 40 watt Pioneer SX-440 AM-FM stereo receiver is now only $169.95 (formerly $199.95). Or, if you're upgrading your present stereo system, there's the 70 watt Pioneer on her day SX-770 AM-FM stereo receiver for only $199.95 (down from $249.95). And, if you (May 9th) purchase a Pioneer receiver from either HIFI BUYS or THE DISC SHOP this week you'll receive a free ticket to the Sunday concert by Blood, Sweat & Tears at the Civic Center. Purchase a complete system featuring a Pioneer component and you'll get two free tickets to Sunday's show. So move up to Pioneer! — Now's the time! Seutinii'iittil Gift I for Mothers ^7a//uZu (Q4lin/n /I SAVE $30 SAVE $50 Ine simulated Pioneer SX-440 Pioneer SX-770 Irthstones f<"" 40 watt AM-FM This great 70 watt AM-FM ach child (up 1 stereo receiver group digs stereo receiver .14, Our everyday low price grandrnotlv Only $169.95 OA PIONEER Only $199.95 Shaved Ham on Kaiser Roll, Giant Dill Pickle, Father's iew $7.50. and Soft Drink Pendant ^/illicit $l| The Disc Shop and HI-FI BUYS L Hobie's Spartan Shopping Center Trowbridge at Harrison JJj-JQQQ j 319 E. East Grand Rl«1 Lansing. Phone 337-13^^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 30, 1971 ]3 state news CLASSIFIED 355 8255 Getting ready to move? Sell excess items quickly with a classified ad. STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 3558255 tAds The State News does permit racial or not religious GM Automotive fiankLyspeakinq by phm Frank Scooters & Cycles Employment Employment discrimination 1966 Van. Paneling, carpeting, in its cabinet, sink, bed / bench. $950 WILD CAT CUSTOMS. WANTED PART TIME employment: 12 advertising columns. The or best offer. 353-4014, 5 Motorcycle FULL or part time - 2C State - 6 p.m. customizing and chopping. Exotic representative. Contact consumer hours per week. Automobile News will not and 10-11 p.m. 6-4-30 painting and Velvetex. Free buying service. 351-3700, 5 - 9 required, 351-5800. O accept advertisinq which Automotive discriminates estimates. 2901 (U.S. 27). 5-4-30 N. East Street, p.m. 3-5-3 I Scooters & Cycles against For Rent I Auto Parts & Service religion, race, color or TELEPHONE SOLICITORS female 1967 YAMAHA 250. Good national origin. Full time pay — for part time I Aviation condition. $325. 353-1362 or work. Excellent opportunity. TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction 353-1216. 5-4-30 Employment Apply 2101 West Holmes Road, behind Quality guaranteed. Free delivery, service and pick-up. Call NEJAC, ior rent KARMANN GHIA 1968. 1970 BMW R75/5, white, 6,000 X-2-4-30 Dairy store. 337-1300. C I Apartments Automatic, miles, luggage rack. 351-5345. stick shift, $1250. 627-6928 after 2-4-30 I Houses A utomotive 4 p.m. 5-5-5 PRETZEL BEL RESTAURANT now ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV I Rooms LEMANS 1966 convertible. 4 HONDA 305, 1967. Excellent hiring waitresses, busboys, kitchen help. Applications taken by RENTAL, 372-4948. O CHEVROLET, barrel, |0rsale I Animals 1965. Convertible. Stick shift, power Impala 3 speed, 389. $600. Call after 5:30 p.m. 3-4-30 676-5005 condition. $350 or best offer. 355-8818. 2-4-30 Robert Cullum at 1020 TV RENTALS. Color and black and steering and brakes, good Trowbridge, afternoons 2 - 5 p.m. 2-4-30 white. MARSHALL MUSIC, East ■ Mobile Homes condition. $595. 484-0120. 3-5-3 1969 SUZUKI, Road and Trail MG MIDGET 1965. Roadster. Lansing. 351-7830. C-4-30 Good Scrambler. 2,600 miles. Many personal condition, wire wheels. Call CHEVROLET extras. Best offer. 393-3381 or Ieanuts PERSONAL convertible 1966. automatic. White 351-3674. 2-4-30 882-3516. 2-4-30 NOTICE TV RENTALS - Students only. Low monthly and term rates. Call Ieal estate running California product. Good MUSTANG 1969. $1750. Call SUMMER JOBS 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV iecreation Asking $850. Dan Kildea 353-6453 between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. TRIUMPH 1970. Trophy 250. Just broken in, tuned. Helmets $675. Lake Resort available area for in Torch 2 sharp RENTALS. C 487-6141 or 337-9320. 3-4-30 Service Ask for Jim. 2-5-3 484-2893. 5-5-6 attractive gals. Reception and ■Typing Service CORVAIR 1965 Monza convertible. general office work. Housing Apartments MUSTANG, GT, 1968. 2 door CYCLE Iransportatioiv Good around town car. after 5 p.m. 882-2165 hardtop. Green, power steering, INSURANCE. Michigan's Largest insurer. Any Central available. Send picture and resume to' Mr. Rankin, MIDWEST BEECHWOOD: 2, 3 and 4 ffanted weekdays. 3-5-4 automatic, excellent 302 cubic condition. inches, $1445. cycle, any rate. LLOYD'S of LANSING. 332-5335, 482-5585. RESORT PROPERTIES, Bellaire, Ml 49615. 20-4-30 bedroom furnished apartments, man 2 deadline CORVAIR for Summer and Fall. Spacious, 196 669-9946. 3-4-30 I P.M. one class day transmission, ^ twecf goes my mtmbcfiship /n MARRIED COUPLE to act as parking, close. Discount for all 9 and 12 month leases signed prior condition. $200. 70 TRIUMPH Daytona. 500. $1050. More publication. ' fresidcmts fllt-piulerlcakl team1.' Call 482-5626 between 6 - 8 evening supervisors in Lansing to June 1st. Call 351-0965 or Incellations - 12 noon CUSTOM RIVIERA, 1964. Good p.m. 5-4-30 church in exchange for apartment and utilities. Reply stating HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, age, 351-7910. O class day before condition, with air. 54,000 actual church affiliation, occupation, miles. $695. 663-4394. 3-5-3 Jhlication. Auto Service & Parts number in family, address and marigold apts A utomotive Automotive phone number. References 911 Marigold Ave. phone CUTLASS 1 bedroom furnished SUPREME 1968. required. Reply to Box A1, deluxe 3558255 Automatic shift, radio. All power. AT MEL'S we repair all TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, 1970. Yellow, foreign and Michigan State News. 5-5-5 2 man apts. Across from 482-5976. 5-5-6 American cars. If we can't fix AM-FM radio. 12 track it, it rates ♦ OLDSMOBILE 442, 1966. Power other tape, and can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O campus. & Fall Leasing now Summer accessories. 351-6925. DRIVER REQUIRED for summer ^ $1.50 COUGAR CONVERTIBLE, 1969. steering / brakes. Lots of extras. 1-4-30 and 337-7328, 337-0780 WAGON CAPRICE 1966. season. Limousine and sports car. 351-4878 |c per word per day radio, 487-3245. 5-5-3 Loaded, air, power brakes, steering, etc. 'W - GUARANTEED re Travel here and abroad, with lays W.00 Phone power steering and brakes. 669-9251 or 627-7196. OLDSMOBILE 1966 4 door sedan TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1970. Blue. Excellent condition motor and RANDY'S MOBIL. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C I-96 thirty two year old male. Business EAST LANSING. Hagadorn area. Two bedroom furnished, $160. l/ic per word per day 4-5-5 with $1975. Good condition. One body. (No rust, California and vacation. Must be single, sharp One bedroom furnished, $140. power steering and brakes. NOW and with few attachments. lays $6.50 Call 663-4349. 7-5-3 owner. 372-3169. 3-4-30 product). New polyglas tires plus 2 snow tires. $1295 - get letter of interest with non-studio Submit Available starting summer term. |c per word per day OPEL TRIUMPH GT6+ 1969. Good or reas. 355-9744 anytime. 4-4-30 offer. all the photo to: Driver Position, Box Utilities included. Phone ed on 10 worper ad) 1971 1900. 6,000 miles. condition. $1900. Call 882-7008. 165, River Forest, Illinois 60305. 351-5285, evenings. 5-5-6 Leaving country May 1st. Best 5-4-30 _ Bugs 3-4-30 out here—service & body work FIAT |gnuts Personals must be 124 Sport Coupe, 1968. offer. 349-3097. 3-4-30 Scooters & Cycles ONE TO 2 girls wanted to share Excellent condition, Dunlops, 4 le-paid. speed, 351-6298. 5-5-4 OPEL RALLYE 1900, 1969. Stereo 1968 TR4A IRS. recision CYTO - TECHNOLOGIST. Full apartment next fall - spring. t condition. Call 1965 HONDA 15< time, 353-8008 or 353-8006. 3-5-4 import; as a pathologist - directed ■ere will be a 50c service tape, new exhaust. $1200. Jim, Fter 5 p.m., weekdays. Helmet inc. Wi private laboratory. 2 weeks annual 1 bookkeeping charge if FIAT 1970. 850 Sport Coupe. 3,700 353-8390. 3-5-3 393-7034. 2-4-30 also offering vacation, sick leave, holiday and 513 WALNUT, miles. Best offer. Must sell, call furnished unii |s ad is not paid within complete care for all hospitalization benefits. Salary Jan, 351-0734 after 5 p.m. 5-5-3 VOLKSWAGEN 1966 camper. Bed, TRIUMPH 500. 4,000 miles, 21 inch negotiable. Contact From $45 week. W. E. t refrigerator, Take foreign models — service 655-1022. 1 -30 canopy. over magnesium front wheel. Lots of Maldonado, M.D., Laboratory of e State News will be FIREBIRD, 1967. (400) Headers, payments. 337-0801. 3-4-30 chrome. 372-2036. 3-5-3 and body work & repair Clinical Medicine, 1322 East new clutch, headwork, and valves. AM-FM radio. Priced to sell. AVAILABLE NOW. Private ansible only for the Michigan Avenue, Suite 102, day's incorrect Excellent condition. Reasonable. 355-8326 or 1 ■ 682-4367 after 6 VOLKSWAGEN 1970 sedan. 1968 YAMAHA 250 DT-1. Good 1204 E. OAKLAND 484-4411 [ Lansing, 372-8180. 10-5-11 furnished one or two bedroom, After 5 p.m., phone 489-0687. p.m. 2-4-30 shower, utilities paid. Immaculate, fun to drive, light shape, extras, $400 or best offer. MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Parking. 3-4-30 blue. 675-7326. 5-5-3 , Studio apartment available June. PONTI AC 1965 GTO convertible 4 482-8881, 351-8159. 3-5-3 Kalamazoo Street . .. Since 1940. WAITRESSES FOR lunch hour and Male only. 1214 E. Kalamazoo. speed. Condition very good. Call Complete auto painting and evening shifts. Experience FORD 1964. $75. Body good, engine SUZUKI 1970 TC-90 trail and street 5-5-6 351-3164 after 6 p.m. 2-4-30 VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE collision service. IV 5-0256. C preferred but will train. Must have needs repair. Call 353-7006. 3-5-4 1964. Rebuilt bike. Like new. Only 900 miles. transportation. Call THE POUR engine and Frt. BAY COLONY: 1 and 2 bedroom PONTIAC 1664. LeMans coovtrtibtei Spawtop, ratty body. Trade for $325. 337-2722 before 5:30 p.m. CAR WASH, 25c, or automatic wash, HOUSE, 646-6261 for I Automotive FORD CORTINA, 1964. Station Excellent condition. $650. Phone 250cc or bigger bike or $350 firm. 5-5-5 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. appointment. 5-5-4 apartments furnished and Runs well. $100. Call Call 485-5637 after 5 430 South Clippert, back of Koko unfurnished. Located on corner of wagon. 675-7414. 1-4-30 p.m. 3-5-4 LINE Haslett Road and Hagadorn. 339-9234. 1-4-30 WANTED 65-70 Triumph. Basket Bar. 0-4-30 UP a spring job |N HEALEY Roadster 1958. now. Car Offering 3, 9 and 12 month leases. it condition, $600, Phone STAGE 1 VOLKSWAGEN DUNEBUGGY. case. Condition not important. necessary. Also train for full time motoring accessories - Call 351-3211 or HALSTEAD 1-1296. Fiberglass body, rebuilt engine. 353-6918. 3-5-3 SELL OR trade - new mag wheels summer work. Call 351-7319 for 5-5-6 FORD COUNTRY Sedan 1966. Accessories, performance and for a Mopar or Ford cars. interview appointment. C MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O Automatic transmission, power replacement parts for Imported 372-1412, IV 2-0285. 3-5-3 WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER Complete set of locks, spacers for |LAC CONVERTIBLE, 1968. steering and brakes. $600. and domestic cars. (Vega, Pinto). disc brakes, 15" rims. Cost $175, PRINCETON ARMS: 1 bedroom t, leather air. Must sell. 372-6863. 3-4-30 Some parts for motorcycles. 5% VOLKSWAGEN 1970 automatic. Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. ATTENTION SENIORS. Young , Phone 489-4811. Our new address trade for riding lawn mower or furnished and unfurnished. All |B5 489-5988_2-4;30 off list. 353-7721.3-4-30 Very good condition; still under 2400 North U.S. 27, sell. 351-5868. 1-4-30 people needed to fill positions utilities paid, except electricity Lansing. TF with rapidly expanding FORD 1 963 warranty. 882-2051.3-4-30 company. and telephone. Offering 3, 9 and , 1964. 3 speed. Good - Excellent For interviews call TRIUMPH 1970 GT+6. $2750. 5,000 694-9122 on. $300. Call Pat, transportation. Best offer. Phone 12 month leases. Call 332-8511 or 353-4000. 1-4-30 miles. Excellent condition. Signal VOLKSWAGEN 1964. New rings. HONDA CB160. 10,000 r Aviation (Holt) 9 a.m. • noon. X-5-4-30 |2-t5. 3-5-4 red. Call 355-6844. 5-5-4 electrical system and ti HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, Valves, tires, tuned. $450. 351-7910. O 393-6393. 4-4-30 LEARN TO HOUSEKEEPER, FOR general 351-8753. 3-4-30 FLY! Complete flight housework. 3 times a week. Phone training. All courses are 371-1467. 3-4-30 VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1963. Best government and VA certified. now leasing offer. Mrs. Houk, 489-7435, 9 - 5 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Road, Call 484-1324. C EXECUTIVE SECRETARY p.m. 10-5-10 for summer and fall 1967 YAMAHA 250. Good Administrative assistant capable of condition. $300. Call 646-6387 assuming responsibility and VOLKSWAGEN 1970 Campmobile. evenings or weekends. 5-5-4 Employment completing tasks without Studio, 1 bedroom, Pop top, interior equipment and supervision. Prefer person with and 2 bedroom apts — tent. Over 10,000 miles of DUCATI 250 Scrambler. Helmet n desirable legal experience or interest. 80 all furnished Lansing warranty left. Excellent condition. included. $275. words per minute, Very good some dictation, 393-3614. 1-4-30 condition. 351-7168. 5-5-4 to and editing. Salary negotiable for rent from $135 month lady. Salary. this full time position. Occasional VOLVO 1970 144. Only 12,000 travel Call Saturday only 9 heated pool ... 6 305 Honda. New racing pistons, - miles. Assume payments. 12 a.m., 351-1785. 1-4-30 676-1381. 3-4-30 megaphone pipes. $350. ample parking 355-9361. 3-4-30 MANAGEMENT SALES positions. Some sales during training. Call 489-2114 between 3-7 p.m. for Burcbam Woods appointment. 1-4-30 GIRL NEEDED to babysit evenings in my East side home in exchange If no answer for room and board. 487-0997 — 484-4014 before 2 p.m. 3-5-4 MEADOWBROOK TRACE IS 12. Beard of wheat 35. Constituting a whole 36. Humans 37. Barrel stave 39. Sun-dried brick ■200,000 gallons of swimming fun in your olympic pool 42. Unmarried 45. Construct knnl;?v!ship ■r00m, and exercise and relaxation in your club room, tv 46. Invojve 47. Tree trunks 3. "Mother of President-" room. 48. Things to be 4. Ptmcely Ital. ■saunas, pool tables, ping pong, volleyball courts, done family 5. Spider monkey ■parties for residents and guests. 2 3 * 5 6 7 8 9 .o " 6. Youth Ireading room You meet the nicest people at 12 i 13 7. Feelers 8. Restless for private study. tudy. ■M i 15 9. Kiwi 10. City railways ■sundecks. special summer CoUutgtoooi) - 11. Meadow barley 17 Individual storage only rates from V//< % % % 17 Senator * S37M 18. Citadel areas. IB tr 20 21 22 23 ■master color tv antenna. /PERSON/MONTH 25 % 26 27 19. Pitcher 21. Street urchin ■ 2. and 3 Apartments 28 %29 3O %31 32 22. Bobsled 23. Persia % - bedroom luxury apartments. 10 week 24. Relinquish 33 3W 35 29. Adroit summer leases MEADOWBROOK trace fall leases 31. Eying $400.00 total (formerly North wind Apts.) 36 37 36 . ° now accepted being 39 %% % 43 MM 34. Requires 38. Poker stake to •UNLIMITED PARKING 39. Warp yarn Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State Campus •DISHWASHERS 2 man/ $200 40. Song for two 496. 1% Exit west onto •SHAG CARPETING MS M6 Jolly Road and go to corner of Dunckel Road. •BALCONIES 3 man/ $210 41. Kerosene PHONE 393 0210 *AIR CONDITIONING 42. Ocean •AND MUCH MORE 4 man/$220 M7 MB 43. Cover OPEN 10-6 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT 44. Utmost 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) hyperbole Friday 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Rent For Rent f For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent NOW LEASING for summer and fall CEDAR Street. 129 HASLETT ARMS: 4 man, 2 SUMMER - TWO man Cedar Greens. Houses EAST lansinu 2 ./--J TWO GIRLS for Eden Roc NORTH POINTE: 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, furnished and terms 3 man furnished 124 Drive. 135 Kedzie. Burcham 2 man bedroom apartments, furnished. Reduced, air, 332-0707. 3-4-30 pool, balcony. j"«PU.. two J;;^( Apartments. Fall - spring. unfurnished. Has swimming pool apartments. Girls only. Sufficient furnished apartments. Includes Now renting for summer and fall. Discount for 9 and 12 month ONE GIRL FOR duplex, summer. Arable $'B° .» Per iw'B 353-3452 or 353-3456. 3-5-3 and picnic area. Discount for all 9 parking. 9 and 12 month leases heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. leases signed prior to June 1st. HASLETT - ROOMMATE to share $40. Own room. 485-2989 Phone 3 "8I''n9 and 12 month leases signed prior starting fall. Reduced rate for 12 Leases starting June 15 and Sept. Call 351-7662, or HALSTEAD modern, furnished, completely evenings. 3-4-30 B28B' Mmi,, CAPITOL COMPLEX near. to June 1st. Call 351-3407 or month lease. 694-8266. 1141 1 Days. 487-3216. Evenings til 10 EAST LAIM^iwr MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O carpeted 2 bedroom apartment. Furnished. Utilities. 2 rooms, HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, Albert. 10-5-7 n . 882-2316. O After 6 p.m., 339-8094. 3-4-30 SEVEN will GIRLS September. Large kept, furnished house. bedroom furni.L,sh«d f0rfj $115. Three rooms, $130. Five 351-7910. O OBr m„„,. ^ ONE BEDROOM furnished mobile CHEAP. 2 5 man; across from rooms, $160. No children, pets. $25/week. CEDAR GREENS - campus, for summer. Call Jerry or SUMMER SUBLEASE - two man Utilities paid. Close to campus. summer term A„Vailable it*,; 489-1276. 5-5-3 EVERGREEN: bedroom ALL 4 man, apartments furnished. 2 home, campus. 641-6601. 28-6-4 10 minutes 1 bedroom furnishotl Rick: 332-5048. 3-4-30 apartment near campus. Pool. Phone 351 8182. 3-4-30 even|ngs JjJ P*one 351-0704. 3-4-30 ONE MAN for two man. % block Now renting for summer and fall. POOL EAST LANSING. 4 man luxury GIRLS, SUMMER SUMMER TERM, sublet, old Cedar LARGE TWO party furnished from campus, Kedzie St. Discount for 9 and 12 month Call 351-8631 efficiency. Air conditioned, close SUMMER SUBLET. Beechwood duplex. Furnished. Summer only. campus f • 1,1 349-1908 evenings. 5-5-5 leases signed before June 1st. Call Village, 3 or 4 girls. No damage Utilities paid. Call after 4 p.m. 332 89fvi 1/i o Apartments. Two men needed. 332-1313, or HALSTEAD deposit. Call 351-0734. 5-5-6 to campus. $135 summer. $150 485-6222.5-4-30 "A"30 fall. Call 484-0585, 484-1328. Cheap, close. 351-0659. 3-4-30 MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O TWO MAN apartment to sublease NOW RENTING 1 and 2 bedrooms 10-5-3 EAST SIDE furnished 3 bedrooms, 2 wt NEW ONE bedroom. Furnished Why Fight The SUBLET SUMMER 2 bedroom summer. Close to campus. Summer and Fell. Norwood SUMMER SUBLET. Four man, or baths. Rec room, bar. KOOnia Apartments. 332-2712. 4-4-30 unfurnished, dishwashers, air I.M. Pool Crowd? furnished, air conditioned, 4 355-3056, 332-2254. X-3-5-3 $225/month. 12 month lease. 1 Meadowbrook Trace. Starting conditioning, close to campus. blocks from campus. Reduced 337-0409. O MEN. CLEAN quiet r^Tl June, $160, will give you security $165 per month. 332-1183. rates. Call Mark, 332-8834; Frank 711 EAST APTS. BASEMENT APARTMENT term. Cooking, close to Our residents have deposit. 393-1255. 2-4-30 5-4-30 « 351-4389. 5-5-3 711 Burcham Gentleman working or graduate SMALL HOUSE for 4 students. 485-8836,487 5753 0 Cil their own heated pool. student. $95/month utilities paid. Summer. 626 MAC. $60/month, Deluxe large 1 bedroom Beal Street Apartments ONE GIRL for 3 man luxury. Close, -- Soak up the rays, Call ED 2-3231. 3-4-30 all utilities except phone. Call SINGLE SUBLET FURNISHED deluxe 2 man furnished apartments. dishwasher. $58.33. 351-9223. ROOM r < ~ take a relaxing dip, apartment, summer - very close. Suitable for 2 & 3 man. Fall and Summer, 1 block 332-1918. 3-5-4 Parking. Private 'entrant SUBLET STUDIO apartment. 3-4-30 and meet your neighbors. 351-5669. 4-4-30 Now leasing for Summer from campus, 2 bedroom, 2 Natt, cool. ED 2-1317 SLl and Fall. 9 & 12 month Partially furnished, air or 3 persons, furnished, GIRL TO share 2 man. Own GIRLS. GROUP of 4 and 5. Walking - ' . Furnished studio, 1 conditioned, carpeted. $105. Neer distance. Available June 16th. Call NOW LEASING for summ T NOW LEASING: 2 and 3 man leases. balcony, air - conditioning. bedroom. Twyckingham. Summer. and 2 bedroom apts. apartments. Close to campus. 337-7328 337-0780 Pennsylvania - Shiawassee. Phone 489-6310 after 5:30 p.m. 3-4-30 REDUCED SUMMER $100. 351-7889 after 6 p.m. 332-5731. 1-4-30 terms. Single women. No furnished''o!!! from $135/mth. cookma <;« $170. 126 Milford. 372-5767 and 351-4878 RATES. Open 6 - 7:30 p.m. 3:4;30 HOUSE. SUMMER SUBLET. Block parking. 694-8266 lui 489-1656. evenings. 20-5-3 ONE OR 2 persons needed to share Monday - Thursday UNIVERSITY VILLA: now renting from campus. $55/month. 10-5-7 " NOW LEASING LANSING OR East Lansing. One house furnished. Own bedroom, 216 Beal St., Apt. 2A 2 and 3 and 4 man furnished 363-2837, 353-2840. 5-5-5 bedroom furnished. Large, airy Capitol. 484-8337 after 8 ROOM AND board Burcham Woods UNIVERSITY TERRACE: Now rooms. Air conditioned. near p.m. 5-5-4 351-6088 or 349-1076 apartments for summer and fall. If looking for low rates, this is the EAST LANSING. 2 bedroom Theta Sorority -1 renting 3 and 4 man furnished 745 Burcham Dr. Beautifully maintained. Suitable GRADUATE OR married students. unfurnished. Carpets and drapes. 337-0100. 5-4-30 " apartments for summer and fall. building. Call 337-2361 or 351-3118 for faculty, grad students, business MALE ROOMMATE, $40, no Your own bungalow, short walk Available June 15. Faculty, Walking distance to campus. Call HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, HALSTEAD people, married couples. Lease. deposit, now thru August, phone to campus. Attractively furnished. 351-7910. O couple, grad students, only. SPARTAN * If no answer - 484-4014. 351-9117 or HALL ^ MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O 332-3135 or 332-1095. 3-4-30 $165. Call 332-6717.3-5-3 351-9082 after 6 p.m. 5-5-5 women. Now leasing"!, Jj COUNTRY HOUSE to share. Own fall. 351-9286, 372-103l'n0 11 room. Huge yard, trees. Call ROOMS 10 minutes f,„ 489-9756 or 353-9359. 3-5-3 Completely before 4 p.m c furnilh^ ONE MAN needed for three man house. On river, Okemos. ~ r . $43/month - 641-4478 after 3 r Or dale p.m. 2-4-3.0 HARMON • KARDON « FOR SUMMER. Space available in 3 Slightly used components, bedroom house. $45/month or with matched speakers 0 less. Immediate occupancy or cost $449, now $2] move in June. Call 355-9460. Realistic stereo amp and 3-5-3 speakers. Selection portable stereo phonograph1 STUDENTS AND singles. and Howell stereo Comfortable home for rent. recorder. Used West;,, Completely furnished. Available portable TV, plays good S45 jJ, June 16th. Phone 337-2015. 3-5-3 9x12 Oriental pattern rugi J wall tapestries. 1500 ustdiL DREAMS COME tc life in off of the guaranteed stereo records«| friendly new rentals advertised in ,rack s,ereo ^Pes. the Want Ads! portable typewriter, t condition, $39. Selection] SUMMER: 4 girls, near campus, d5™™. SLR parking, laundry. 2 baths. 0 ar°' s and 351-2605.6-5-5 ®°sch and,,UsedLomt* microscopes. 8 SUMMER SUBLET. 3 bedrooms "fV ;H" L furnished house near campus. s® a" fluaranteed. Bargain J Option for fall. 489-3951 after 6 used love'v dlamond pm 5-5-4 engagement sets, S39 Layaways„Bynkcard, Masterc SUMMER. LARGE ... r „ furnished flat. 2 ~ ^" L(l0 X buy SE£c.°^H'J o I Uric, MichioJ Laming. Phone 4854391 H Jo2-24Ub. 5-&-4 dajIy g ^ g ^ YES. .TWO 101 PER APARTME1 and balconies I RIVER'S EDM and WATER'S EDS 96 HORSE-POWER We brought it all together! For openers, ^ - MINI-BUS. Free rides to an WAGON now famous 5 times a day. Goodbye to tardmeiss. I OVER HEAD-CAM campus ing meters, and gas money. Say Hel'0,.. ,oCial $2350 P.O.E Campus Hill Mob who enjoy the romantic area. Picnic tables, Bar-B-Q pits, acfeso r, i \ along the banks of the Purple Cedar. Wow. new swimming pool. All together for a mere ■? per person. . STORY DATSUN ■ Central Air Conditioning ■ Alt Utilities except electricity ■ Carpeting Throughout ■ Unj(5 ■ Completely Furnished ■ Balcony or' r» he(t ■ Study Area with drop lite ■ Walk tnfUnj5poser featuring ■ Refrigerator ■ Range ■ an<) ■ Dishwasher ■ Laundry facilities ■ s,° ■ Unlimited Parking. ■ Party Room 3165 East Michigan UdtiUi 349-? Phorie 351—0400 | I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 30, 1971 15 For Sale For Sale Personal Recreation Service Service fc>ED FRAMES $35 and up. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, most PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos Wanted Who's Whose KrtH 402 East Michigan, brands. 30% off list price. Rich - job ling, 489-6168. TF 351 5869. 0-4-30 application photos in 15 minutes. PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL, LO£t8255Ln™ J£! "J" * TUTOR NEEDED immediately for assistance IbEDS ANY size, $29 thru ALTO SAXOPHONE. Good Cartnappers Beware! 351-6262. 5-5-4 A F A840. in Good graduate course Julie Dyer, Jackson J, 5 year factory guarantee. condition. $135 or best Phone 351-7427. 3-5-4 offer SUMMER FLIGHTS to Europe. COMPLETE THESES service. - — ■ 355-6016. 3-5-4 pay, call Phi Beta to Don senior, Gamma FrtH 402 East Michigan, A Miami, Fla., discount store $165 round trip jet - air. Call Discount printing. IBM typing and Heaman, Marysville, ling 489 6168. 0-4-30 LAWTHER MODEL pistol, 9 mm. has rigged all the shopping Frank Buck, 351-8604. 5-5-6 binding of theses, resumes, publications. Across from campus, QrWCQ rHINKING OF someone special? Theta Delta Chi. carts in its supermarket with Send JSagFart show Purchase $100, sell $90. "Peanuts Personal" Mary Ann Hasselschwert, Dearborn corner MAC and Grand River, a Gerry 10 foot MSU ARTISTS. Sign up for UNION extra large sleeping bag, high poles on the EUROPE SUMMER '71 below Style Shop. Call BOARD FLEA MARKET. $3.00 message with a Want Ad. Come in sophomore, Henry Ford C.C. to lts paintings, ceramics, accommodate -10 degrees, fronts to make it impossible Fly with STUDENTOURS COPYGRAPH SERVICES, fee. C-4-30 today. 347 Student Services. Curtis G. Geisler, Dearborn Heights, ■el'ry, stained glass, purchased $115, sell $100. for customers to walk from $194.00 337-1666. C sophomore, Evans Scholars. lint! stichery, Macrame'. Necklace bracelet set, silver filigree through any of the store —— MIKE AND John, Happy Birthday! Open Tryouts for f ist thru May 9th, 9 til 5 with Philippine pearls, appraised $110, sell $100. Stereo, $80. Call exits with You'll the carts. STEVE KAUFMAN 393-6850 IT PAYS to look twice at the services offered in today's Classified Ads. Mike, Mary and Ralph. 1-4-30 new Anti War Play - THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER ENGAGEMENTS 1 1883 Ann Street. be able to fill your 351-9063. 3-5-4 shopping cart with the extra _ FQR SALESP0WER try a |itt|e and HISWIFE Marsha Lyn [TASSES, SAFETY or dollars you get by selling EUROPE, $194. Studentours TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. Classified Ad to sell a large mobile 7 p.m. tonight Weingarden, Southfield, senior to Jack Stuart ) lens or any Optical BUFFET DINING table, chairs, round Rapids, accurate service. Rosenberg, Oak good useable merchandise trip jet to home! Dial 355-8255 todav. f OPTICAL DISCOUNT, cocktail end tables, sofa bed, desk. you no Call London. Summer 1971. Eddie, 393-7520. 33-6-4 Experienced. 393-4075. O Room 33 Union Park, senior, Alpha Epsilon Pi. East Michigan Avenue. 482-5976. 5-5-6 longer need through a fast action, inexpensive State FACULTY COUPLE coming to MSU BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for ^409. C-4-30 MOLDED PLYWOOD pleasure boat, News Classified Ad. MEMORIAL DAY FOR GLAD tidings look for for summer, would like to all positive. A negative, B negative Victoria Hansberry, Royal Oak MSU grad to Rafael Marinez, E. Lansing, something you've lost with a Want housesit from June 20 - August and tV TRAILER, sleeps 2. $275, 14 foot. Well built, $125. 355-8255. WEEKEND Ad. Dial 355-8255 20. Will supply excellent local AB negative, $10.00. O sophomore, offer. 353-1723. 3-4-30 627-7170. 5-5-3 negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN CASTAWAYS HOTEL references. Contact Jay Raphael, COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, EDUCATION / STUDENT teaching / NEED COPIES of term papers — Carol M. Meier, Dearborn junior to GOLF - 38 Columbia Avenue, Athens, 507'/2 East Grand IelMET, like new. 7'/«. $35. CLUBS. Haig Ultra woods; curriculum: 4 p.m.. May 4th 3 days and River, East James J. DeRubeis, Dousman, Wis., - nights theses - class notes - your copy Ohio, 45701. 5-5-6 Lansing. Above the new Campus ■jnic ski boots, size 10Vi. $45. Spaulding, Top Flight irons; and 103 Bessey Hall. 1-4-30 headquarters senior. B733, after 3 p.m. S-5-5-6 golf shoes. Call 332-5048 ask for Freeport, Bahamas SHOPPE, across THE COPY Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 from campus. GUITAR, BASSIST Ron or Brian. 3-4-30 Phone 332-4222. Free estimates. to join group. p.m., Monday, Thursday and Linda M. Mulholland, Lakeview, fc SALE - Piano, $70. Picnic S119 C-4-30 also has organ 372-6061. 2-5-3 for sale. Call Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 senior to Mark L. Stout, Sterling 1 porch glider, wicker chair, Irs refrigerator, tables, and WEDDING DRESS, veil, train. Size 7 - 9, flawless. Call 332-2245 after 6 Learn DETROIT- p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Heights, senior. L and more. Cash sales. 644 p.m. 3-4-30 It Street, East Lansing. Near LONDON ,h Middle School. May 1, 2, Macrame' round Sunday trip jet p m. 04-30 Animals f golf- Clubs. 3 irons, 1 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppy. AKC. Well house broken, cute. $2.00 total cost s194 Jj putter, bag. Used once. 353-1972. 3-4-30 $25. ■ 361.1186. 3-4-30 Enroll now for classes in basic macrame'. Bp AMP Combo. Good LABRADOR RETRIEVER, black. Expert instruction. May 5 and Price 66. 3-4-30 negotiable. Must Two females, 11 months and 2 years. 349-0208. 3-5-3 Registered. Shots. May 12. 7 until 8:30 p.m. (Limit 20 persons). STUDENTOURS UNION BOARD flights to Europe. |CH AMPLIFIER, 4 inputs, TOY Beginning $199. Caledonia and Kappa Guitar. 2 POODLES, males, one black, ACE HARDWARE Airlines. 353-9777. C js vibrato, 393-8522. 5-5-4 sunburst guard. one white, 393-2007. 5-5-5 registered. Shots. 201 E. Grand River tr~ Service Take a friend and help PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free SUPPORT YOUR yourselves to cuisine from business with a estimates, grad students, VISIT US AND BE SURPRISED AT THE ST. GABRIEL. St. boost from Want Ads. Advertise fccVCLE, ERECTOR set, Bernards. experienced, references. Brighten 1000 lands. As much as you SUMPTUOUS FOODS PREPARED FOR Beautiful 5 week old puppies, services there. Dial 355-8255. up your house for e, furniture, sewing spring. registered AKC. Puppy shots 349-4817. C want all YOUR DINING PLEASURE records, sleeping bag, day Sunday (1 to 8 p.m.) given. Excellent temperament and set, dishwasher, lots more. Peanuts Personal 1342. 3-4-30 marking. 5 females, 4 males. $125 NEED A babysitter? Available For information in the and up. 393-6458. 3-5-3 , call 372-6550 weekends, some weeknights and JuXURY bar. Formica top, GREETINGS BEETLE 264 Hubbard Hall: Roses are red I'm very afternoons. 353-3011. 1-4-30 GASBUGGYROOM Must 1351-8102. sell, 5-5-3 leaving. Best PEACOCKS 1 pair. Male, female. Beautiful color. 651-5633 after 5 p.m. 3-4-30 I need my calling you. Love and Kisses, Mary Smith (?). 1-4-30 blue, phone so I'll stop COLLEGE STUDENTS available for Spring and Summer work - THE (t\Ws PLAZA SERVING FROM 12:30TO 8 P.M. Musk: For Your ■$9.95, chair, $2.49; chest, painting, yard work, odd jobs. Call Listening Pleasure! W 195; TV, $12.95. ABC EXOTIC BABY Jaguar Rondi 355-6277. S-5-6 (Former Jack Tar Hotel) ■NDHAND STORE, 1208 mountain foxes, straight from the CONGRATULATIONS TO the new Chi O pledges, actives and wake. mountains of the Yucatan. Very 125 W. Michigan beautiful. 351-8102. 5-5-3 Love, Your Sisters. 1-4-30 Typing Service from the RESERVATIONS NOT NECESSARY BUT FOR across Capitol . . . pT, CONN. Like new. Case. CONGRATULATIONS, ANNIE, on YOUR CONVENIENCE, JUST PHONE included. $80. Call AKC REGISTERED quality poodle ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith 372-6550 making Mortar Board! We are It. 332-8483. 3-4-30 puppies. Adorable. Only 2 left. offset printing. Complete service proud of you. Love, DZ Sisters. 489-4891. 1-4-30 for E lens 1-4-30 dissertations, theses, - reflex, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 1522. 2.0 S-5-4 I metering system, lens. $250. John GERMAN weeks SHEPHERD old. Female, 353-2183. X-2-5-3 puppy. has 12 shots. POOH 21 years experience. NOTHINQ LASTS forever! 349-0850. C So for Your Blueprint BEAR - Happy first new or newer household goods Mobile Homes anniversary on May 2. Sir Pooh. check today's Want Ads! 1-4-30 1960 WESTWOOD mobile home. PROFESSIONAL 10'x55'. Located near campus. CONGRATULATIONS New THESIS Call 351-3411. 3-5-3 Tri-Delta Pledges: Aileen, Lynn, PREPARATION Lynne, Julie, Candy, Sue, Sue and Jan! I 1-4-30 . IBM Typin| • Multilith Printing . Hardbindini CONGRATULATIONS TRI-DELTA MARLETTE, 1968 12x53 feet. pledges (Sandy, Kelly, Julie) on Complete Professional Thesis Service for Excellent condition. Furnished or Master's and Doctoral Candidates. Free your successful raid! 1-4-30 |G DRESS 9-10. 2 black / unfurnished. With shed. On lot. Brochure and Consultation. Please Call 12" TV's. Excellent 694-9374. 5-4-30 Cliff and Paula Kau(hey 337 1527 or 627 2936 Voice of Music Stereo, i. Real Estate e. 393-7034. 2-4-30 MARLETTE, EASY TYPIST, living and EXPERIENCED. minimal upkeep in beautiful Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary MP, twin reverb. Lifetime 12x63' modern home in COZY ONE bedroom bungalow near Ann Lance, 626-6542. 0-4-30 i speakers, $300. Stonegate. All paneled, step-up campus. You'll never see your rent aster cabinet, $75. money again. TYPING kitchen, carpeted living room, Why not make a SERVICES in my East appliances, outdoor shed included. four year real estate investment Lansing home. Phone 332-3306. Must sell. Call 393-3409 after and leave college a rich man. $100 0-4-30 5:30 p.m. 3-5-4 per month and $500 moves you in. Call Bill Thelen, 351-6500, or EXTRA TV'S sell fast in spring with CRANBROOK, 1968, 12x50. Like SIMON REAL ESTATE, Okemos, low - cost Want Ads. Dial new condition, carpeted, living 349-3310. 3-5-4 355-8255. room, utility shed. One mile from campus. $2600. 351-9288. 3-4-30 fE SALE, five family Lost & Found n. Thursday, Friday and April 29-30. May 1. n. to 4 LOST WASHINGTON: Please p.m. Furniture, I antiques, dishes, drapes, borrowed black, white checkered k toys, household items, jacket. 351-1587. 3-4-30 ■pvs' bikes. 2601 Tulane T5-4-30 LOST MEN'S glasses, black alligator BT 18 National Vs'. Main and Genoa - I design, jib. case. 3-4-30 Reward. Call 355-9848. Still a few places MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN J>r best offer. 351-9258 or LOST: GRAY tiger cat. Red wire EVERYDAY 1 6 except Sunday - ■<3.10-5-7 bread Obviously Information twister still on flea collar. nursing kittens. left for summer & fall Phone 332-6441 or 372-2797 MARSHA CHANEL appreciated. 351-2240. 1-4-30 TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. |G0WN and veil, size 8- 10. FOUND - WATCH - Identify. Call These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and bargain. 351-3030. 355-8479.2-4-30 furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control LOST - LADIES watch, black band. - I FORWARD saddle Sentimental value. Call 353-1192. central air conditioning and Hotpoint appliances. These four man seat - 3 mo. leases Psold, excellent condition. Reward. 3-5-3 units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time *1-5010. 2-4-30 has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, 9 mo. leases ■-6 string steel, Personal recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the arch top first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call 12 mo. leases *1-5010. 2-4-30 today. There are units SORORITIES AND Fraternities. Cut starting at $60/month per man. down on household expenses and ■ !E C?meril and Projector, step up on quality with ecology in Only 3 and 4 I,'* f2 IV sewing machine. mind. Call 482-7423 for man apts., 2-0285. 3-5-3 information. 5-5-3 starting fall ln?ALE' "9. April 30 1524 Columbine, BOARD EXAMS Kaplan tutoring - May 1st, 9 classes now being formed for June P-m. Toys, childrens' and July. ATGSB Exams and July |s and household items. LSAT Exam. For information call (313) 851-6077, collect. 18-4 30 flour Car Has Spring Fever |t a tune-up tonic from Kramer's , Our Large inventory And • in demonstration for a N-^ ©iipcfemgfjam. Low Prices Will Save TWCKIHGMM 4620 S. HAGADORN just north of Mt. Hope Rd. The Stereo APTS. We St°ck You Money! Over a Million Parts Open 10 To 9 Thurs. & Fri.— Shoppe management exclusively by: At Nejac of East Lansing kl At cuff p* KRAMER AUTO PARTS 543 E. Grand River next to Paramount New Ph. 337-1300 ' mt rtopr rd. ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY .^QQ E. Kalama?™ q> 484-1303 \ 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan JrM'y. April y,, Civilian killings The following Free meet this weekend: U classes will Drawing and Tflllin application held at 10:30 a.m. and study will be Sunday. All those All students office in the pre i vvishin J" run toi.B ■ WASHINGTON (AP) - A corporal in artillery and was Campbell said the shelling admit it to myself that the to allow Lt. William Calley, who attending the picnic at I'otter Park . „„ given the Navy Commendation incident occurred in mid whole thing was wrong,. . . until faces a life sentence for the Painting. 10 a.m. Saturday, I ib Fee Hall; Sensitivity. 7:30 p.m. Sunday, should meet at 3 p.m. Sunday at the 72 school year shouh lh« I»1lP former Marine said TTiursday he - Union Tower Room (note change); MUlel House. nominating petitions , subl"« it! directed artillery shelling of two Medal gave his unsworn August, 1968, while he was well after I came back from murder of 22 villagers at My Lai, Business and Offi '? lhe D«nt. Establishment Muckrakers, 8 p.m. peaceful North Vietnamese voluntary testimony to an ad serving as a spotter with B Vietnam," Campbell said. to testify. Instead, John Sack, Sunday, 300 MAC Ave., Apt. S. Bible Students invited by 5 p.m. Thurnilav hoc panel headed by freshman company, 1st battalion, 1st Dellums said he had tried who is helping Calley prepare his Center. Officers will i? 215 toS villages in 1968, killing at least slide - illustrated lecture on >lutio the scheduled merlin. 20, but suppressed his doubts Rep. Ronald V. Dellums, regiment, 1st Marine division at unsuccessfully to get the Army memoirs, appeared. Gay Liberation is holding a vs. Creation. "Where Do We Go Ft Thursday in l ir |.„ ? al 73opj because "I knew I couldn't be an D-Calif. Con Thien just below the steering committee meeting at 3 p.m. Here'.'", at 7:30 p.m. today in information, call if y The committee of about 20 demilitarized zone separating Sunday in the Albatross. 548% East Anthony Hall. 337-2162. lrry elite killer anymore if I started having feelings." Kenneth J. Campbell, 23, now antiwar congressmen had held four days of hearings. North and South Vietnam. He said he spotted a peaceful War protestors Grand River Ave. All persons who have ideas and time to contribute are encouraged to attend. For help or information, call 353-9795. Check out a new life style! Co-op will be holding open house from 7 ti 10 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday a freshman at Temple University It also heard Thursday from a village inside North Vietnam and in Philadelphia, told an former Marine pilot, Randy asked his lieutenant, whom he For information, call 355-8313, 1 t( Center. Xtt'y. "J* '""»e2 knock down wall Gay Liberation and Radiculesbians 5 p.m., or 332-0844. evenings. unofficial congressional hearing Floyd, who said he bombed did not name, for permission to invite the homosexual community specializes in conseienti™ * 3 that Marine training had taught civiiian areas in Laos and North call in a fire mission. to Sunday Supper from 4:30 to 7 The ciety of Cr. it I v cases, and of Richard o" '' " business law, wh( him to be proud of the killing Vietnam, and from a free - lance "He said, 'Sure, go ahead.' He p.m. Sunday at the Albatross, 548'/a Anachronism [ 8 p.rn draft cases, will he East Grand River Ave. Dinner is Saturday in the Unio fcatur.'T ^4 power or the artillery he could journalist. Fred Branfman, who said I shouldn't worry about it All students and faculty**1 command as a forward spotter. said his investigations confirmed because they're undoubtedly WASHINGTON (AP) - Antiwar and poverty demonstrators bashed down a plywood wall that had been erected to bar them potluck, so bring food to share. For information, call 353-9795. Please buy tickets for the Coronation Feast at this time. Also Tournament 20! - • {."SI Campbell, whose separation widespread U.S. bombing of supplying the NVA (North plans and medieval dancing will take Vietnamese Army) with rice," from the inner corridors of the Dept. of Health, Education and Fee Hall spring bash will be held papers show he served as a civilians in Laos. plac.. Welfare Thursday. from 9 p.m. to midnight today in Fee 351-1690. Campbell said. The wall came down after a milling crowd held a rally in the classrooms 133 to 140. F'ree beer will Lamaze childbirth cla5SM. J The mission was cleared auditorium with the department's consent. be served, and an entertainment fee o o I < Zoology Z Undergraduate being taught „n beings Thursday " ,ampuT*'J through division level, he said. "I of $1 will be collected for the Organization will meet at 7 p.m. MSU |l Council urges used everything I could to kill everything that was there," he The demonstrators broke down the barricade only to find a wall of police on the other side guarding the central corridors. Breakwater underground films. mixer and XPO 2000 Monday in 404 Natural Science Bldg. Center for couple or July. For infor expecting in and future classes o'fciTT?*! said. Several of the militants were arrested and charged with year will be filled at this t Assn. for «i,I ,lJ b)« arid ... The Badminton Club invites al ology n Eileen Kbei ( hiidhirth J (Continued from page 1) the new procedures are available, On the following day he called disorderly conduct or parading without a permit. interested faculty members ant 1 a' -">3-5427. each will be given, upon request, in a similar shelling of another This came after the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, in front of about students to play from 6 to 9 p.m Man and Nature Bookstore will The alt letter from Mrs. Carrigan cleared a one - year extension of his unhostile village, Campbell said. 750 demonstrators in the department's auditorium, scolded a today in the lower gym of th« present a May Day rock 'n roll happening from Women's Intramural Bldg. , picture of President Nixon. celebration featuring Archangel from up some points, "I would still contract," White said. During the shellings, he said, today at 49Jo Hag; like to be able to see the Abernathy's aide, Hosea Williams, called the barrier "Nixon's 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday in the "This will permit a "It began to go through my Hillel will meet for Kabbalos Shaw Hall lower lounge. Admission wording of the motion that was reconsideration of HEW wall," and said, "they used taxpayers' money to build that his mind, "What am I doing?" Shabbos at 6:30 p.m. today; dinner charge will be 50 cents. passed by the trustees, so that I reappointment under the wall against us when we're here trying to redeem the soul of a will be served. Saturday morning new "I just pushed it to the back of can be sure that the actual sick nation." services will be held at 9:30 a.m. procedures," he said. my mind," he said. "I didn't proposal is a class action." BACK Englemann previously has criticized the board action for singling out Murray and Miss ENJOY WONDERFU ; WE SERVICE ALL MAKES : POPULAR Van Tassell. A portion of the still to be FOOD & COCKTAILS WINES — WIS 2 DELL TELEVISION SERVICE ! REQUEST! approved minutes of the April 1000 E. GRAND RIVER 16, trustee meeting, obtained from vice president Jack DINNER MUSIC - CANDLELIGHT ♦ • "THE WW Ph. 482-0868 s P&fT Breslin's office, quotes Trustee • IN OLD WORLD ATMOSPHERE Since 1881 Clair A. White, D-Bay City, as stating that the board is ^ Rathskeller Your Hosts — Stan & Mix Brauer SERVING LUNCHEONS 11:30 A. g $1 OFF on all carry-in items ■ ONES" «S§p concerned about "those few DINNERS 5 PM-9 PM & faculty members whose SAT. 5 PM-IO PM 5 authorized PANASONIC servicenter J contracts were not renewed in "Sanerbriten Sehr Sat" DANNY December, 1970, and who DOWNTOWN LANSING Call now for requested but were denied 213 South Grand Avenue MOTHER'S DAY HERNANDEZ reasons why they were not Next to Brand Avenue Parkins Ramp reappointed. FOR RESERVATIONS AT "To that of these 99« ensure none Open Soon Call IV 9-4311 THE DELLS - faculty members are presently being denied the due process Outdoor Bier Garden ^ which will be guaranteed when LAKE LANSING I Starting Friday, April 16 /% WHAT'S GOOD FOR TURIN WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW IS for_2_ weeks BICYCLE CO-OP IS GOOD FOR 4 LOVE, SWEET LOVE, CANDLE THE U.S.A. like a GIANT CHOCOLATE DROP. It's even 9 am Saturday for a Drinks at Popular Prices Carlton, Raleigh, Robin Hood, wrapped in silver foil, but it's really a with candle. Cocoa-colored, no-drip, and self- ircier, Falcon, Jackson, Pogliaghi. Witcomb, Bob burning. 5" diam. at base. 4" high. A de¬ lectable gift. $5.00 plus 95( post, and hdlg. '62 OLDSMOBILE CONVERTIBLE (Just bring this ad & Only a 50c Cover Touring and Racing parts your student ID) accessories. Complete repair faci "DO YOUR THING" "SMILEY" HE KEEPS SMIL for all Racing and Touring bicycles. LIGHT-ON! ING, WHILE HE BURNS, And Check These Special Deals: BABY, BURNS • « Light up your room with this 68 Mustang $1895 67 Camaro $1295 Great at parties cheerful little candle. "Smiley" V8, fastback 6 cylinder, automatic Like to spend this Summer in Chicago? A signal light in cai keeps his lopsided grin while he 68 Great on glows. Melts the Mustang $1395 r00sevelti camping t .. 69 Opel Rallye GT $1495 Flicks on at the to__ group. In no-drip orange, pi V8, fastback Makes a wonderful gift or yellow. 5Va" across, 4%" hi ligh. The perfect hostess gift. S2..._ 68 Mustang $1295 69 Toyota Corona $1595 TaKes 2 "D" flashlight batteries (not plus 755 postage and handling. V8 2-door included). Comes with GE #406 blinker ... a major university in downtown Chicago offers 68 Pontiac Firebird $1895 68 more than 150 courses on its unique campus bulb. 5i/j" diam. at base. Only $2.98 Toyota 2 door $1395 plus 75$ postage and handling. Dept. C-102 350 S. County Road, Palm Beach, Fla. 33480 amid Chicago's cultural and recreational V8. automatic, power steering I enclose $ Please send advantages. POWER FAILURE LAMP □ Blinker Lamp □ "Smiley" Candle" 2112 N. Clark St., Chicago, III. 60614 hen the power company goofs, you □ Power Failure Lamp □ Chocolate Kiss Candle Telephone: (312) LI 9-8863 Plan to work part-time, full-time? Open weekdays Noon to 8:30 p. WHEELS TOYOTA USED CARS INC r00sevelti Sat & Sun 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 2112 E. Michigan 372 -097S r ***** t ... is flexible. Classes are scheduled daytime, I nighttime, to take your schedule into consideration. I We within blocks of jobs in downtown Chicago. THE FIRST DAY OF are Like to stay on-campus? MAY BRINGS SOMETHING live-in Super Sunday at the air-conditioned Herman Crown Center. SPECIAL TO HIFI BUYS. ... This newly-completed student residence is attractively furnished and houses the dining-room, snack bar and student lounge. Here's your opportunity to take in the revolutionary Want to get a step ahead on Fall courses? It only takes $1.00 to buy DIRECT I REFLECTING sound of BOSE. For HIFI BUYS in cooperation with Bose will be presenting a free Bose Speaker Clinic on the The First Day of May. And this is our summer chance to demonstrate to you the superiority of the Bose s at Roosevelt let you earn up to 901 with any other speaker system. Just on clarity, realism 16 hours (equal to one full semester) u™er' a delicious 12-inch cheese and dispersion of sound — the 901 can't be beat. The something special will be our Bose representative who will be in attendance that day to answer all your questions on the development of the 901 and how it technically graduate credit, 12 hours graduate credit—or simply take courses you couldn't work into you regular schedule. Choose from 3 Summer sessions at pizza. compares with other speaker systems. HiFi Buys' "Computerized Speaker Comparison Demonstration" will plus also be in action that day. So this Saturday, May The First, Step Inside HIFI BUYS and hear what a difference BOSE can make — it's really something special! roosevelti 2 day sessions: June 21 to July 30, and August 2 to September 10 1 evening session: June 21 to August 19 Two (2) T.V.s will be given away to the You can hear the difference now. 400th and 800th person to call or stop in. Registration starts June 16. ■ The winners will be announced on WVIC radio, which will be broadcasting on - the - spot at Dominos, 966 Trowbridge, in the ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY Office of Educational Information Spartan Shopping Center, From 4-8 p.m. In order to speed delivery, the only available extra items will be pepperoni, ham, and mushrooms. 430 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60605 Yes, I want Information on (check below)- COEDUCATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE 351-7100 OR GRADUATE PROGRAMS: □ ARTS AND SCIENCES Philosophy Languages Mathematics So» and □ BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ,Adn* I I Finance ,nd mor® i Marketing □ CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE |odjvido«' I cation, History, Literature, Theory, Composmu'. ■ i in Instruments, voice. □ BACHELOR OF GENERAL STUDIES HI-FI NAME 1101 E. Grand River ADDRESS CITY