v r. c. i/tvurary FasI tjftUB IhkT-Mich I WKAtltrd i J 1'nlr Innl.lil unit PtMiir 1 | ibt U <• ''""t V;ll)iril,u { J8o/5SS for ROTC Horse Rec*iveds,'"j:"n Show ;/7'"'/j!v Colina, Willi Oarlock, (rreatest of Ease and Ingleson * to Be Held Next Week fHrt Ami Wntili (Init of MJ (In T tapeting in IihmI Allien al llirii SwittK»itl Nijjlil, Monil.iv, Jiinr .'I. of' Gain Topmost Class Positions ir« In lrnm Hirer States Admitted to Br Here Wminr«i|.iv nrn) llniMtl.iv Comprlr lot Piifm in Many (Unci. Nliulriil. «l Hall Priro In Ito Through Final VotingThursday Voting Mirlts Spring Tier firm for Of In l.l.iirnn Slnl.'i nth minimi II i> T r n> imui roi /m ,|„„v u,|| : SENIORS Will, APS ANU GOWNS m . I illje Vaitrly Shov « m But Few Ort»; tin.l U t-thto'itln. mi»l Ttilllsitu,, Mm "u mnl In I .ifI.I for Political Honori. „ .»i <>«i'rplh\iin| iilti-r|.j.| thi, ■' •l»»w «»l»l* 1'1 *-*». tniliiY liitinrtl M\ mofli ot-;poinrnittee to tioriiiruitf t amli ALL CO EDS MAY ENTER hut i hiioH fin five alumni office •. ,,r* fit the iTns't. ti'iie, tie At the unite ei! thai Nate AWARDS MADE Installation ol Mmtar BonkI iiiui'Hiie and AWS Of firm Will Hrld Tail of lie AT PRESS MEET at Program 21 Rerrivr Pint in Recognition l antern tnplit, one of of Meritorious Service pn ItfMtt 11 adit ion state N -, riiesilnx n,ovt u ill he ran |i I. 1935 YEARBOOK AWS DISCUSSES , ( nllege Puhliraliont next night wh • ils from all elas^H mil through I he hotanit a. NOW AVAILABLE FALL PROGRAM I detn* athl tip to the tovve th I" ( > Mrmlirn nf All Clanri May Orfaniialinn Piopniri Arlivily Now f»rt Their Booh* .it Carnival to he Held Third Wolverine Office. Week in Term. etly, him! aftetwMttl tl)«r,aiue ro of A W S an.l th« be climaxed 1 e Mt the Hot. ait neCUon «1 ration Hiat oil lonfu- lipUlKluliM '.and, hunter ruikr. .»n new offi« cm nf the li tilting The • e gaitrd. jumfH't st.» lied • .-in. fine harness, and » were length t • Military Parade 11 will include loo Utxtw New York Company Holds imier, Mary Mallard mvi l.'wd ■ To Honor Meskill WESTCOTT TO PLAY TEN ENTERTAINED •'•iwsion of the seats entire The show of sub- Welding Demonstration • For Lonfi Service forth a nee* is $8 00 tgins with President Shaw * ay be turned in*to Doui if'thcr Thru was done in Idress. then the installatmn of ,a» Craig, or June Francis, or thi A demonstration of g»« and lessen the expense of the embers of Mortar Board, and A may be left at the Union desk - person The parking electric welding and gas metal I ; S and finishes with singing Tuevti ,!ol< / . kich cutting was given here by the Air . the Alma Mater works on the same the plate '• and accommodating six Reduction Sales company Monday a 'n rm irig that groups that are construe ' i the entire show will night The show was held in the U» design is rid accurate < imturical bocks which are in Hv The general adrrm- mechanical engineering labora¬ BEE SEMINAR BARBECUE now ' tories with an audience of apprnx- *''*! ' eacrve in the library, in order will cost 50c for each ATTENDED BY SENATORS in.atrly 500. r.impo5.-d nf eng.- ' th"n »>*' "»"* ^ that authentically may tx« injected The cutting into the flrjats ^ l>eople having boxes or neenng students, learning men. ' and workmen from the surround* method very rapid for the ' f -—-———— space for the outdoor ing Seminar held its >nnu«i! annual1 tillefy since in* \ virimtv ainity. amount of work /ork done don* A A slue slu e was w as i ne «)«• arminar nna iu ywp a D|oni, vi'w.M Acs will be given reserved seats ; oil thi-' end ol a «,lld «t«l Wrbwu# at P harbecue at Pinetum last Tuesday I ML A riUn.S UUtlll^ Meskill is Uir evening performances to Uon ww Thy purp,« of tlw d«honrtr. to acquaint proplr « ^ J ^ nlfht ,lonwrd guttU „ lh. N Sun(|ay Nj„ht |*ld inside the hall. Students min(jU., fair were three memben of th. VAI" ou,llw' ——— ishjui. the denta wh„ have r«- rank of a«ccnd lieutenant Jlwt.igan State college will be feiiJcd for half price to the gen- electric weldmy The ,lh,,t <" tint rhee«- The hand or p..rt- «v SU"'-S"M" ..... Senators "Case.u="ni Fantgren^ and: The final get-together of the Y takf* charge of the p^r.*de ad-nusion seats. lhe **rbecu* those M. C. A for the present school T^ay Jh^.. fo_ * J « ®JJ ."obudet* riT.p. "uc" orecent After A member touched practically every uko( f 0( able torch is used a great deal in _ ! participated in a ball year will he in the form ol a viawn. and the rewl, ' Key will be at the en- i ill) » the ^ to make sure that no one the company > machinery, »nd and locomotivea One ma- *a,n'' <- ,M', <*"* "*•>< haM-hall game me" wl" h"v* flatoom, Pastoral ... . . Scarlatti. *a,and Scarlatti rticiety, folio wing a ba.net utd -a the J*• dents take advantage of allowed conclusively that .electric welding could be ur« In urej■- ™" the college athletic Held, we.t aquadron. ami balaJloma CaprwxW Prelude and Fugue in E Major Union, In addition to the' pledge#, offer. of the varsity baseball diamond,i •l:,! "•a,on r"r thlJ >' prepare the atafl members of. I almoat every industry Th. men scarring POOL TO SfEAK AT FORUM Sunday evening at 7 10 junior officers for a parade t„ > -from ■ the Well Tempered jp announcing for the shows in c harge were New York f pre- ed metal. i - . held In June In honor of ^lora in Ciav icliord. Rook 1. No. 9 Rath department i J®**kphone ** dnne through a new system sentatlves of the compmfand Bertrlcand lu^lf wlll the military H Thc following men will take the-* which will enable some local dealer, from mrolt glccn a Thc lort o( „ Kri„ ol tw0 ullu the rtmIt ,nd (eid detriment who are Toccata in C Major .Schumann initiation: J. C BreienwUcher» D. 1 People to haar clearly 1 ir metal g<^ n»tm ^ demon , problem of as be followed by a rtmrt program, at - K/*fua,m< "Urn III . E Christian. Dayne L. Corey, executive committee for the The demomtration jUaUon. TTm flatd 1.^venr lm- wm J ^ by ^ „Y„ whjch A, Jumm a„Pd "Rlchqrd»^ "view the troop, at ths. pa- Four Etudes. Op 10. No 11; Op Robert K Fowler. Ronald a Gar-\ "* fonsisu of Colonel D. » 'fromTheavy'riwl rr STitk A^i e%y ^a^l to ■, structural work where it ia rapidly M" *'• kind replacing riveting. There is also the student parlor. In People, ference at Camp O-h.-yew,-will Bnd. delegates to the recent con-1 ' 25. Noa. t. 10 and 12 Scherzo in B Minor , Chopin lock. Miiton M. George, George Chopin Gray bill, Dyle Hennjnfl. Robert ^ ^ de^l cSTb, . of cut a l.rr- demand lor welding of church. report on their stay at the con- 24 ENGINEERS GO ON TRIP IV. Pernn. and Luther Lawrence* out of thi. plate Jiong the pipe^ particularly 6 inches in dl- Ne.t Sunday's apcaker, aacmrad vmtson. In addition. Stuart Mid- Marche Milrtaire Schubert-Tauxig Lawrence is the only junior being of ameter. becauK of th> large net- by Dr R M. Olin of the college vi'lowtU ducius plan, of the Y.1 Twenty-four seniors in the me- Danse • Debussy i initiated. ^Captain Marion I Voorhc. caml "eears. .ear blfka. crane ■ work of pipeline, used by oil health department, will be Dr A. for next year. chanical engineering department Suggestions Diabolique Election of officers for the next m p|pmg their oil from i Pool, Saginaw health officer and J. L. Hurrle ha. charge of tha left on a field trip to Sag.raw . hooks, and other singl^^ prod- school year will take plad during, . Captain Voorhoa ii A great deal of re- formerly with the state depart-! complete affair, while Dave yesterday morning. They left at - the business meeting "which, wiU charts of the entire and repair work has t ment ft health. Dr. PooTa topic ChrisUan ia fupervising the hot j 7 o'clock in the morning with Pro- ' follow the banquet '■In.if—--" A bean made poaaiblc by thaw ad- i will be on "The Understanding of i dog moot A charge of 15c will; feuor. Sating, Surls, and lux of obje/to be cut iglvanced methods. jOur Sex Problem. '; jbe mad* tor the evening. 1 the department. PATRONIZE OUR APVERTTW Michigan Stale News rAUD\ K ' coi.i.wiK j 31 ARE NAMED State Theater campus H.\mn:i{ SHOP CYNIC'' i151,1 L—! FOR HONORARY Pir^un^s 1IISPW AMI HMIMMIAV "Trtiirtlns Salr*tod>" Willi to:»n Hloudrll. Itiuli Mrilwtl rnrnrr Vlitiol And fli And lu«M a nil l Hernia lairrll Phi KsifipA Phi/National Srht laitic Swirtt, MsU Student* fm Membership. Send Your Baggage j Home by CRWIHTIOS THfS MW4T RAILWAY express PAGEANT PLANNEH BY GREEN SPLASH ■ StRVINl. tHl N At ION I OS *» > c . I hi ouch ihe Sea Shell u ul WrHnodav* Event. Railway Kxinu ss A«i|N< I hi. N ATIQN Wint RAH All? SI e 'What's the trouble. Son. Indian underwear ? " ll you are a iii lini of i'irf|ti»ipi«tl ct>4 fmemtKrt of the sister urg*nuh« iabnc*! Smart fct! And tht r >... '.rj> j tier.*. Mortar B<>»rct and Towtt, price wo!t*t break bark roUI S19.7S1 Try one tht ogj Guard I the junior «HiT.t)ei> of and senior . Mortar Board. and the $1.65 ca today' j sophomore and Jrohmaft mem- jber* of Tower Guard. A }«jblic address system and a • ft poys to shop of BUY NOW AND SAtE ON YOUR TICKETS Ijag •platform will be set up where the, i 'band stand is now in order that ■ fiHMBT'f I lard's | the Lar.tem I be beard. night speakers might; Pnjro Thro#. FIFTH RECITAL :(^~i:cLASSIPlED ^ Ay Hull, ™,™,GRANGE PLANS h I.hub Parker foun* Ann Arbor Orehcstrsi Secured TO PRESENT 14 Advnnrrd Mmir SlnilrnU ANNUAL EVENT ™,r— to fo At Croup lo Ifoltf .Spring Trrm M Myfopl ItfcHOPhllff viitp Com pi I in Union B.i! Breakfast in rinetum ""—^—**—***»" room Sunday Afternoon. ,l Sunday Mottling. Thefamily parade-|>n«sr* in ■ Rtwmvh Knwrinrrr (n Talk an Tim^iIhv DANCE SOCIETY We Cater to Every Student INITIATES TEN Ceremony Held in Danre Studio After Banquet, I'orntrr CAFETERIA* Prrtiiirnlt Auul DININC; skkmi K itAKi:d roods BLUE PLATE LUNCHEONS 25c SUNDAY NITE SUPPERS RHYTHM'S REVUE :l!>r> Danre Itevue SOc \l I IS \V. Allrtt ll p Csyle BOTANY CROUP Order Your Picnic l.imclies TO HOLDFORAY from Anyone Interested tn Subject Monday, May 27 Invited to Attend Cvent Nr\t ihurrdiy. ©|c 5Himt Jtui& DUANE YATES Ml Millie Typewriter* Sold — Ken ted — Repaired franklin DeKleine t o. TOO N. f.run'l Axe. |.4n»lftf flume ZU.'iA It AliVfill I1HI.K q)\VtDlk CjOOTd New Jewelry Accessories 5m ycnxA ^uwuil(j «d bj> thi (.rushy Squire iihion obacncr and faithfully Itftoducal from ibe wo«k J< famous custom bootmakers C. J. HENRY TO HEAD CAMP C. J Henry in ■ a sensor the zoology department, ha* just re¬ ceived a position in the Btotogktrt Survey, in which he is to have; lO THAT COUNTS. And tli MERRJETT & BAILEY Dakota ot a CCC camp in North Henry went to the University of i Washington fai three years, trans- ferricg to Michigan State at the MS Ikon lk.se uswl in lucl ' start of the fail term. ^ i nl'lnv, Mnv l |n>- MTrfttrtAN AT A TV! NfiWa other durtilbt -.Mhbt Western State Here I'REP RUNNERS POWERFUL NET Tomorrow for Return INVADE CAMPUS TEAM DUE HERE Duel: Pitch Kronbach HELD DAY» esfetlt »ltn«s in ^lile l ift | Pnupinrttoe IVpatthiehl; »* FIEND Meet SpAtUm Ittmounw M*lf *f«.n on Vulrtu Mr**l AfUt Fdt'*« 0«! Wm live* HipH Mkmtl AlM'tet In Vf.iUHi fttrta IWmMliil BhI Wtun^f r„wrH# Ma.U.n fieM Mm Imp Hmler V ISO TEAMS ENTERTO I ttAmpipD* in t h. Sole, led out I R.Vo.d. !r { M. vS. C. Banners and Pillows 1.5'Y» Discount Pin-; Itinu ■ (m I iKinrllr ( (|vn« IIimiU ITiiIh loi ('oinmrnrrnu'iit toll. TIMF POR State College Book Store STRAW H MS SILKO-UNE -'Sra|~ tttttltt ANI» SAlltltlU Slmntiinu «n|»lor > thnlrd Thlto |*««r Mv«Icm ' "The Casino SI.Oil Murder Case" Mm MoMtn Itoim A MMIM.im "TU VVI' I.INt; * 'wi ■« v Imii |1li 0»*ipnne by -C~.> 17r ^ iW;T Thoor I* vat hlvlnVAh pre. to eflord th« «imc»t ta t -r muidftn m comfort for work. k or, 14>f\\ ' Brandt . ptcy or dret*. A mild The Snwrlwi hiiiM*. hewever, have taker, U> h» a lanu with *