You cannot . . . Thursday petition the Lord with MICHIGAN Ch ances . . . of occasional light rain. STATE ... irayer. — Jim Morrison High temperatures from 62 to UNIVERSITY 67. ,63 Number 174 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 6, 1971 15c I!<1N t' i >rH T | y "f'4 7 More than 3,000 take part I) vi! Ll-JJ •Vi ■ r „> mmsm JyC'-"- in U' If * VS. Ji^ '" : 1 Chanting and singing their Beaumont Tower to Demonstration Hall, way from black wooden casket which had been at the head of the procession was placed at the foot of the American flag. For more than war which is destroying this country and that for which it stands. Let us honor the more than 3,000 people marched memory of these who gave their lives by Wednesday protesting the war in Indochina 20 minutes, marchers filed past the casket bringing their living brothers home. and the murders last year at Kent and depositing name cards of Michigan "These men have outsoared the shadows Jackson State universities and in Augusta, residents killed in Vietnam. of our life," Adams said. i.»v : r. V Ga. As ROTC cadets watched through the After five minutes of applause, John Led by Lt. Haywood W. Julian of the windows of Demonstration Hall, former (Please turn to back page) v*~ v .. J-*-: s/ Dept. of Public Safety, the marchers left Beaumont at 12:30 p.m. as part of the tKr Directive to campus observance of Moratorium Day. V1 to r Passing Berkey and Bessey Halls, the procession stretched for more than a *,^ %*i> -t j - i t quarter of a mile as it stopped traffic in all « 1 ~*i ,lr ■ directions. Mi r%> ■ ■ * ^ # ■ i «& * the Although police cars constantly patrolled parade they were never alerted as self-appointed marshals kept the crowd orderly. hit by facumembersPollack said he handed a copy of the When the marchers approached the statue statement to the provost and the president, fPW dead remembered of Sparty near the Women's Intramural By BARBARA FARY who read it and declined to ccumment. Building, approximately 70 Vietnam war State News Staff Writer Pollack said he doubts whether the arly 3,000 persons gathered at Beaumont Tower Wednesday as part of the moratorium activities to hear veterans left the main group and conducted statement will raise any issue. Thirty faculty members met Provost bakers discuss the war in Vietnam. Students then marched to Demonstration Hall a brief ceremony at the statue. This John Cantlon and President Wharton on "Things will continue to go on as carrying the names of those included pinning medals and rank bars on a usual," he said, "while the directive led in the war. the steps of the Administration Building State News photo by Terry Luke dummy symbolizing the 15 MSU graduates remains a document of selective Wednesday morning and presented them with a statement protesting a directive enforcement." Pollack had hoped to force the recently issued by the provost. The group objects to the directive which administration to enforce the directive. banks II dolla rs was issued to remind Faculty members in violation of the faculty members of Teaching Code of Responsibility urope s their responsibility to hold classes can lose se during their salaries. Wednesday's antiwar moratorium. "The University The statement presented was written by is capable of handling Norman Pollack, professor of history, who mass demonstrations, but what they can't By The Associated Press handle is a good case by a competent speculators to convert U.S. dollars into repercussions in this country. For the practically no one wanted at current unsuccessfully attempted to organize German marks, the U.S. government on moment it was a European crisis. exchange rates. Financial sources generally faculty members to violate the directive by lawyer who can expose their prejudices," fteral European government banks he told the group. Wednesday prepared for action to reduce predicted the West German mark, the Swiss not holding classes until the directive was led buying American currency However, the long-term results — if Pollack said the franc, the Dutch guilder and possibly other rescinded. directive raised the kday in the face of a massive rush to Europe's oversupply of dollars. German or other European currencies are The revalued upward as the speculators hope — currencies would be revalued upward Pollack met with question of where the unorthodox, ■liars. government banks of West a group of about 30 could affect against tt. faculty members dissenting faculty member fits in the Wy experts hurried into Germany and four other countries halted U.S. foreign trade by Tuesday night. The academic community. Itations on ways to head off Europe's trading in dollars temporarily, pending ani encouraging exports and — through higher meeting produced 18 signatures on the The price of gold, pegged by the U.S. He noted that faculty members expected miltibillion-dollar consumer prices on statement but failed to stir support of (monetary crisis since 1969. U.S. stores — discouraging foreign products inU.S. government at $35 an ounce, reflected the Pollack's aim to test the directive in court. frequently do not meet classes to attend Vashington, the U.S. government was government "borrowing" of dollars from imports. And, more dollar's weakness by rising to over $40 an banks in Europe and possible other moves "It was obvious that the faculty is just professional meetings or act as consultants |ed to seek to ease the pressure by seriously, it could weaken international and they should be free to cancel classes to to stem the European currency crisis. confidence in the dollar. ounce on Europe's free markets for the not concerned with testing the legality of ng dollars home, first time in more than a attend activities such as the moratorium. year. this curb this rush by European There were few if any immediate The dollar was the one currency directive," Pollack said. C. Patric Larrowe, professor of A continued "I should have called the gold rush could add pressure meeting after economics, told the group he had informed for devaluation of the dollar. the moratorium because the faculty who his students that he would not hold classes So far, the crisis has hardly been felt came Tuesday protested the directive as SECRECY within the United States, although by interfering with their participation in it. I wanted the faculty to stand in violation of on Wednesday and presented a statement Wednesday some American tourists in (Please turn to page 13) the directive for the rest of the term but Europe were having trouble converting dollars into foreign currencies at some they were concerned with it only as a one - Spy satellite launched banks. dav issue." Groups seek 513PINTS (GOAL.) re KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) J of secrecy, - Under the Air Force rocketed a a attack. This is double the 15 minutes that present radar systems give U.S. forces to The spy satellite is intended to replace a similar payload which failed to achieve a survivors of Itellite into space Wednesday to prepare antimissile defenses and to launch proper orbit last November when an upper bombers and misssiles in retaliation. r Russian and Red Chinese missile stage did not fire properly. That satellite pd to provide almost instant alert of ange rocket attack. on The Defense Dept. clamped a secrecy lid the launching. The Air Force issued a still is providing some data but is useless as an around - the - clock missile monitor earth cave-in 1,800 brief statement after liftoff stating merely because it is not in a stationary orbit. - pound superspy would I a 30 that a satellite had been launched by a - minute warning of such an CHICOUTIMI, Que. (AP) — More than Titan rocket. The new payload was aimed to hover 200 rescue workers hampered by driving 24,000 miles above Southeast Asia. From rain pushed through a sea of mud this outpost its infrared and other sensors Wednesday searching for survivors of a would keep constant watch on the giant earth cave-in which may have claimed |.C. launching pads and routes over which 30 lives. protest Russian and Red Chinese missiles Sources reported the sensors instantly detect an all out missile fly. attack Police man were said missing. The bodies of at recovered. least a 28 persons young were girl and a - by Screams heard from the deep pit at spotting the exhausts of rising rockets. cord 10,0 0 This information would be transmitted at once to a ground station in Australia, and from there be flashed to the United nearby St. Jean Vianney when the slide began Tuesday night helped guide rescue workers to the victims. About 70 of them were rescued. States via military communications JSHINGTON (AP) — Three thousand pantoM carried their demand for an congressmen had finished speaking to the crowd, using the demonstrators' bullhorn. satellite. But Wednesday there was silence, and access to the disaster area — a hole about P ® "'etnam war to the doorstep of 700-feet wide, more than 100-feet deep But another congressman, Rep. G.V. and about a half - mile long — was lhi?f dnest*ay and were arrested by i _sui whijp a few Sympathetic "Sonny" Montgomery, D-Miss., rushed one of the demonstrators on the Capitol steps Speaker complicated waters. by sliding mud and rising jessmen watched. and came away with part of a banner. ASMSU's Great Issues presents Peter It was the third serious landslide in the Inf r°UrS a^er l^e crests began, the Camejo of the National Socialist's The blood drive beii.g held in che Shaw Hall lower lounge will be open area in five months. \a TuP'to1 police 881(1 1'200 had been Montgomery, persistent critic of the Alliance at 2:30 p.m. today in the from 2 to 8 p.m. ioday and 10 a.m. tu 4 p.m. Friday. All donors will "Every new and then the ground shakes Due tu Were taken away about 45 current demonstrations, claimed he landed Ui^ion Ballroom. i y were charged with unlawful a punch. Displaying his receive a free bus token enabling them to return home by bus. (Please turn to back page) or trophy — a piece of unlawful assembly, both white cloth with terms of the "People's fieanors. Peace Treaty" lettered in red. Police broke lfecord 10,000 were arrested in the up the scuffle. days. demonstrators had only a Dean hits letter The House and Senate were in session as short the demonstration began, but adjourned imi.fn .arrests were imminent. There L ,,,, announcement over a loud - not long afterward. The last speech of the day was a brief assertion by Rep. Roman iv'/n; few Protestors ran, and C. Pucinski, D-Ill., that "these last three orientation program once they get here." major within that college but is undecided unsuccessful, the only result is likely to be lief I e> James i Vl ^nrbance Unit moved in. M. Powell of the days have frustrated the plans of these By BILL HOLSTEIN "It (the letter) is intended to get the as to which department or which major he confusion and frustration," he said. U.S. young anarchists." State News Staff Writer student to read the catalog and brief will choose. Carlin further said he was "critical" of lconfJU M'd 'le orclered the arrests Edward A. Carlin, dean of University himself (about course of study options.) It "Certain majors," King wrote, "specify the letter because he was not consulted : of ntl"? With House Speaker Carl Oklahoma who College, Wednesday severely criticized a isn't that we're trying to force anyone to particular courses or sequences of courses prior to it being sent out. concurred in the recent letter from Registrar Horace King do anything more than read their catalog," during the first two years which require the King said the letter was his own to!",' u?ld reP°rters: "I was told 'Cuckoo's Nest' which urged incoming no-preference King said. normal twelve terms (average four - year initiative in line with existing policy and freshmen to declare a college preference, if load) of full - time study after entrance to therefore was not cleared by sources said steps and the chief of According to figures released higher ,h , The New Players production of Ken a specific major. Thus, it could be to your in the administration. , Take^ ZSh°U'dbeoff- So I said. Kesey's "One Flew Over the CXickoo's not a major preference. The dean said the letter contains Wednesday by Student Affairs the University College Office, 33.4 per cent of the advantage to change from a University He said his actions reflected the "mood fhe*rgcant\t then"' 1 on,y did Nest" will be presented at 8:30 p.m. erroneous information and "in my freshmen who entered MSU in fall, 1970, College No-Preference program to at least a and intent expressed" by a faculty similar No-Preference program within a committee and a student committee that today and Friday; 7 and 10 p.m. judgment does involve a shift in outside of the residential colleges and the educational policy. college at this time." met to discuss the summer orientation hoseuncement, but Saturday and 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the agricultural technical program were "A mistake was made, is what it no-preference; as of October 1970, 2,057 Carlin said the effect of the letter, if it program. McDonel Hall Kiva. Tickets are $2 and his w mj nearby had a hard time amounts to," Carlin said. He has written a of 6,230 were no-preference. were successful in persuading a large "The damage is done as far as these and orri li ,"You have been may be purchased at the Union Ticket number of freshmen to declare majors letter to Provost John Cantlon expressing In the letter, King "strongly youngsters are concerned. I hope we can ;ly itr- leave tbe grounds Office, Marshall Music, Lums, State his objections to the letter. encouraged" freshmen to focus their within colleges," would be to turn the remedy whatever damage results in the fall Pu will k„ ls an lawful assembly Discount and Campbell Smoke Shop. King, whs sent the letter April 26 as no-preference into at least a college clock back 25 to 30 years." by proper advising," Carlin said. j you "^0 U is now 3 p.m. American thought and language classes part of a series of newsletters to incoming no-preference or similar program. A normal "If you attempt to channel students He said if a freshmen declares a major ted- Leave u. you wi" be for which the novel is required can get freshmen, said the letter did not reflect a no-preference status differs from a college into particular areas before they're ready, his first term "the chances are two out of tis» ave the entire Capitol special ticket discounts with group shift in policy and defended it as an no-preference status in that the latter if you're successful, you're committing a three that it will be the wrong one. But he order Was delayed until arrangements. attempt to provide "a more meaningful indicates the student is interested in a grave error against the student. If you're a few (Please turn to page 13) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, f m. n |.[associated! press J news Legal aid services expanded B organizations, representing ASMSU in all suits in program ended debate over expanding the service Michigan and providing legal advice for students. that has existed since December. Last term the summary The current legal aid budget balance of $3,800 was authorized to cover the costs of hiring the board balked at hiring one individual for the legal aid service, preferring instead to investigate hiring Buckner said he legal aid services worked hoped that out a if ta! 1 «. to 15 cents per student From the wjret of AP «nd UPI. In an expansion of its legal aid services, the firm. a firm. might bet!!!!>0( ASMSU board Tuesday authorized the hiring of Kenneth Smith, the current ASMSU part-time The new plan does not involve the training and the program self-sufficient Thi! ,^tto the Lansing law firm of Hildebrandt, King and lawyer, was to be available today on the third use of lay advocates, a point of concern in would eliminate the student f,J\ Smith to provide consultation with students at floor of the Student Services Building as a result previous legal aid proposals. legal aid. ** f°ru*0, least 11 hours each week. of the expanded services. In the past, Smith was Harold Buckner, ASMSU chairman, said A committee will be available only on Wednesdays. established to Wednesday the 11 hours of legal aid service a m The services would include providing legal review the legal aid program, The board's approval of the new legal aid week was a minimum and would be increased if Buckne* opinions to the board and registered student The board waived their operatic- the demand arose for more service. "We cannot change a damn "There is a very definite need for legal aid approve a resolution submitted by ?« * Holden- Wilson district representatl? thing if we are relying on spontaneity. We must take a scientific approach if we are to ASMSU prepares services for the student government individual members Buckner said. of the student body,"' and a review of the University alcoho, resolution stated that ASMSU registration policy for social affZ Ir¬ fifti "The increased use of courts as a tool of overcome the evil of this decedent change creates a need for competent legal advice liquor is the University's tool for law. «? Ir" planned 4-lane highw society." so one knows what is going on," Buckner said. Sam Riddle, on Buckner said the cost of the students is $3 per 15 minutes, but he added that no additional fee In other business, the board • Loaned $200 to the MSU Raiim,,. MSU Black will usually be charged if the appointment runs allow them to purchase a torch Veterans zlssn. cut off Spartan Village marriec preliminary minor business," over 15 minutes. • Proclaimed May 13 as Gentle By MICHAEL FOX Th,,^ housing units from the rest of Jack Larson of the State ASMSU will actually pay the firm $800 a • Declared May 16 as State News Staff Writer "day of An ASMSU resolution the campus, present a hazard to students and run too safety Highway Dept. said Wednesday. He said appraisers are now month, of which $528 will be collected from student fees for the legal advice. The remaining MSU students and East program to Lansing increase communication. JL; criticizing a proposed four - lane ciose to Fee Hall. determining the amount the highway that would cut across The board chairman sent a state will be willing to pay for South Campus appears likely motion to the ASMSU policy buildings along the current AT CAPITOL RALLY after mention of the road plan at Viet Cong switch tactics committee to request the State route. Tuesday night's board meeting. Highway Dept. to consider The buildings on the south The proposed highway would side of Trowbridge Road will be discuss location for the Demonstrators South Vietnam charged Wednesday that North another Vietnamese troops have switched tactics and are shelling extend from 1-496 east to Park highway. It will be reported out razed to allow construction of Lane Road, east of East Lansing, next week, and the board will the highway. Larson said the civilian centers to avoid casualties they might suffer in running parallel just north of the then act on Miss Rathnow's buildings will be purchased at attacks against defended military positions. Grand Trunk railroad tracks, motion. commercial value, based on The government advanced this theory amid a general lull in ground fighting but an increase in B52 bomber raids against the much - battered northeast corner of Letting of contracts is scheduled for November, 1973. The planned highway came to the attention of the ASMSU The proposed would serve as a bypass for Grand River Avenue through downtown boulevard East Lansing and comparable sales in the area, Buildings which would be razed for the proposed highway include the MSU Credit Union at Peoples' Peace Treaty "If you love your Uncle Sam, was for the South Vietnam and in sensitive sectors of Laos. board Tuesday night when Diane would be a relocation of M-43. 1019 Trowbridge Road; By CHARLES C. CAIN most State News Staff Writer bring 'em home, bring 'em jovial. Numerous signs call™ Rathnow, cabinet services "We are still negotiating and Sherman's Standard Station, 901 home, Support our boys in an end to the Vietnam wir director, said the highway would working with local officials on Trowbridge Road; Trowbridge Vietnam, bring 'em home, bring be seen in the crowd Enco Station, 1051 Trowbridge About 600 people gathered at Embassy charged with spying Road, and Little Caesars' Pizza the main entrance of the state 'em A home," he sang. six -foot- high cloth sign was brightly colored balloons' "Vietnam must live" | The Soviet Union accused the U.S. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Treat, 1071 Trowbridge Road. Capitol in downtown Lansing placed behind the speaker's above the crowd. Embassy's cultural University, is published every class day during four school Landowners along the Wednesday to discuss how the attaches Wednesday of spying on Russians and indicated terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. proposed route first heard of Peopled h,"TK*,tv "Pm,ta flff*rtprf podium listing the^ demands of «There jg no deadljm(o[ Peace Treaty " affected that all American students and professors who come Subscription rate is $14 per year. the highway plan wheii pubUc them and what action they the peace treaty The treaty calls ratification of thp here under exchange programs are potential spies. hearings were held in 1965 by could take to guarantee its for a fixed date for American speaker said. .>But ^ The accusation was in an article in the weekly Member Associated Press, United Press International. fho state Hiohw»v Pnmmiuinn implementation. withdrawal in Vietnam, the wait wai(. tho more the mnro hopeles newspaper issued in Moscow Literaturnaya Gazeta, or Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, ^SSL'SSTSSS!^ the route The demonstration was re^ of cosponsored by the Lansing and respect for the prtsonere of wa, situation will become." Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press cross - camDus Although the Literary Gazette, the official organ of the Soviet Association, United States Student Press Association. proposal dates back to 1947 and Ate. Council and the independence and neutrality of was mainly Writers' Union and a major journal of Soviet cultural 1948 The University has Student Mobilization Laos and Cambodia, college ap younger, there were many affairs. Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. purposely not constmcted any Committee. John J. Masterson, associate faces in the group. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services buildings along for this the proposed Until 4 p.m., when about 300 MSU students converged on the Professor of mathematics, pledged to the crowd, that he East Lansing resident Eid Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, route reason. Black Michigan. Larson said the University is Capitol, the crowd was would do all in his power to end Harrison, 75, representing pilot gets post now reviewing detailed plans as predominately high school the Iwar. teach mathematics and that Fellowship of Reconci" Phones: they are developed. Landscape students who had skipped classes "T »«., ill was the oldest speaker to A World War II pilot instructor who once found Editorial 355-8252 review and some surveying has f°rRonald the day. C. no longer be my first the podium. Classified Advertising been started, he added. Slabaugh, East priority," he said. "Ending the cockpits of commercial airlines closed to him because he 355-8255 Lansing post doctoral fellow, war will now be may first "War is the most selfish," black named vice president of Eastern Airlines Display Advertising 353-6400 Construction of the highway was was a ... thing that man has Wednesday ln,rN THE ORIGINAL Ttsl) International, an association of black pilots, said And it's fun to show you care. Now." Plinton's appointment meant "we're on the threshold of Our delicate and fresh Antique finished "Would you say it again# equality" in the airline industry. "Promise Rings" are for the young in love who colleagues can hear it know they care. perhaps come out," the lawmaker said. TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: Legal aid sought for poor "It's appropriate people came here to the" t President Nixon asked RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT state government when Congress Wednesday to set up should an independent Legal Services Corp. which he said is supposedly support7 designed to make federal legal help for the poor 2418 E. MICHIGAN views to end the war,, "immune to political presures." 99c tommorrow but said. yesterday," The quasi - public agency, similar to the Public "We must continue Broadcasting Corp., would take over a service - which struggle," he said, 4100 S. LOGAN when we stop, the w# Nixon says is "surrounded by controversy" - provided escalated, genocide is escal" by the Office of Economic Opportunity for the past six In the crowd one *" years. declared, ''Something missing." A second voiceii crowd an Privacy invasion charged "Commitment." California Gov. Ronald Reagan angrily accused newsmen Wednesday J grad studen in Sacramento of invading his privacy I by having asked whether he paid any meet for electi y California income taxes this April. Journalism graduate st Reagan, who once said "taxes should hurt," had answered Tuesday will meet at 7 p.m. t0°a* Journalism Reading K°o that he paid no taxes because of elect officers and vote on thesis option plan. and other income. RONALD REAGAN I busines los es that offset his salary Today, Reagan told newmen, "Obviously I would have preferred to make money and owe a tax then to )iave j0S{ money and therefore not paid a tax." FOR MOTHER'S Detergent suit filed DAY An association representing 115 detergent manufacturing firms announced Tuesday in New York, 6 RED ROSES it has begun legal action to prevent the enforcement of ordinances in Chicago and Detroit which would ban the arranged in milk-glass a vase $599 use of phosphates in detergents. The Soap and Detergent Assn. said the suits filed in SPRING FLOWER *5" the two cities follow similar legal actions begun in BOUQUET Akron, Ohio, and Dade County, Fla. 12 CARNATIONS S3" Invitations issued GIFT BOX of ROSES Gov. Milliken and Detroit Mayor Roman S. Gribbs & CARNATIONS 54" have issued official state and city invitations mainland Chinese table tennis team to for the visit Detroit CARNATION OR ORCHID CORSAGES S)« during its tour of the United States. The letters, supported by letters from the Detroit Open Evenings & Chamber of Commerce and the Detroit Convention Bureaus, were addressed to Graham G. Steenhoven of Jon Anthony Detroit, president of the U.S. Table Tennis Assn., who 809 E. Michigan led 15 American table tennis Free Parking Behind Store players on a tour of Communist China last month. • • • Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 6, 1971 3 Students observe moratorium "The lesson which perhaps we asst. professor of philosophy, "I disagree with President By BARBARA FARY have learned from the war and we kid ourselves if at 10:30 a.m. in the Alumni Kent and said. "My Lai is an extension of State Newt Staff Writer Jackson Wharton," Benjamin said. "I we are waiting for him or Chapel. About 100 people were State is a reinforced the extermination of the red don't see things as quite so rosy. anyone else to cure our sickness. present to hear a reading on w _ j „ . , validity of common sense, in a Indian, a culmination of what The war may, in fact, be "Kent and Jackson State are death by Marvin Dunn, East moratorium wly 8 Campuf ^ of justice and a respect for has gone before. There is a close entering its most terrible stage." part of long list of ugly notewftt "? thiTEMS?! f qH othe« to build constructively on lw'th th® ASMSU teach-.n what we have learned," he said link between racism and the war in Vietnam. One cannot be vocal "War is only a symptom of a a reminders of what we are. What Lansing senior, and prayers by the Rev. Edwin Schoettle of St. sickness in our society," Trustee we become will be decided The mnra? K Vietnamization is a cover-up against the war without oeing Patricia Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor, you and me," she said. by John's Student Center. The Rev. Orin Smith of People's Church ASN1S U and th'e Student '-^.mechanization war," Martin Benjamin, of the visiting vocal against discrimination." racial said. "We are waiting Richard Nixon to get us out of for A memorial service for the gave the memorial talk. Mobilization Committee, picked students killed last spring began "This time of mistrust, hatred, up more support at noon when alienation and violence all the an estimated 3,000 people more underlines the need for participated in a march from IN SENATE many of us to participate in Beaumont Tower to those forces for Demonstration Hall. The bringing about trust," Smith said. moratorium was part of "The prophets play Age bill's OK expected nationwide student action to on the flutes of dead students and protest the Vietnam war and the murdered people's bones in My killings at Kent and Jackson Lai," he said. State universities and Augusta, Ga., last spring. "an even chance" for passage in The bill, which would legalize Participants in the service President Wharton was the By JEFF SHELER the Senate and predicted a tough committee. listened to three antiwar songs off - track betting in Michigan, "We generally take the House first speaker at the State News Staff Writer battle teach-in, on the drinking and passed the House in swift action accompanied by a guitar - bills in the order that they come which began at 9:15 a.m. in the gambling age provisions. and was sent to the Senate State 'of Infor Richardson, who says he is into more difficulty in Front, which launched the 17515 West Nine Mile Road not opposed to lowering the committee. current insurrection. Southfield. Michigan 48075 kOFS INVITE SPEAKERS drinking age, said Wednesday there is "no question" that the Phone: (313) 352-1900 i_would like additional Senate will pass the bill "in some C Day Progi form." 'eterans visit classes, "But 'antiliquor" whether forces or not the guess are strong enough to cut the lowered drinking age from the bill, I just elate don't know," Richardson said. war experiences He said he expects a close vote on an amendment to cut wno the drinking age from the bill. The Other Computer Company. "But I don't think the vote lit 45 professors invited class, Herda said, he bill itself will fcs of the Veterans fctf " "It \v"as our way. of educating there, Richardson said. Honeywell ■to speak to their classes the University community," he the hard way, and I don't want Senate Democratic Floor 1 the Vietnam war on said. "We 'We wanted to reach the anyone else to have to learn that Leader Coleman A. Young, ■day, in response to an people who are not involved in D-Detroit, said the bill stands pement run by the group protesting the war because it is |State News. because of the silent majority i were pleased with the that the war goes on." Craig Herda, East The Veterans for Peace will ISRAEL IS 23 YEARS OLD! [g junior, said. "We wanted man booths at Berkey and J able to tell students, Bessey halls and the COME CELEBRATE WITH Wly the men who will International Center today to Illy be in the service, what answer questions and distribute jr in Vietnam and how we ■bout the war and the literature. The veterans available for are also THE ISRAELI COMMUHITY AT M.S.U. speaking ■ administration." engagements and can be |veterans addressed classes contacted at I or King in on twos or threes, the size of the Services Bldg. "We want to 327 tell Student people TONIGHT GREAT TASTE [★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★ at 8 P.M. in the UHION BALLROOM ASMSU Great Issues presents ^ In the Program: 7 PETER CAMEJO { • Vitzhak Lior, Counsul to Israel in Chicago. - General Member of the National Committee • Moti Giladi, one of Israel's top of the Socialist Worker's Party ^ singing stars. and 1970 candidate for U.S. Senator from Massachusetts ^ • Israeli Folk Dances THURSDAY, MAY 6 2:30 3:30 p.m. - UNION BALLROOM Free Admission The Israeli Club at MSU peasant shirts in the city spend a lot of time looking fresh and pretty with patio skirts and sportswear separates. In permanent press polyester/cotton of solid white, or black or red checks 30-36 sizes $7. >Yes, in fact you should see its apartments Jacabsoris •1971. THEODORE HAMM CO.. ST. PAUL AND OTHER CITIES MICHIGAN BILL HOLSTEIN STATE NEW? Rate this UNIVERSITY column Qd KEN LYNAM good, fair, poor advertising manager I am one of those lucky students to have presupposed all possible DAVE PERSON, managing editor answ** BOB ROACH, city editor been randomly chosen to participate in the On . university camp™*? , JOHN BORGER, campus editor Student Survey Project 1971 to help too painfully numbers in the middle aware that *«1 determine the feelings and attitudes of BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor college students toward their role in students with the six-digit structure 0f the numb?'000 I society and the university. very I am guaranteed complete anonymity by seems to prevent us not send me a letter from bn 'H Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award not having to affix my name to any of the chosen randomly from telling ^ ^ for outstanding journalism. views I express and was even given a will be guaranteed niv amOn anJ, '^l 0 J number, A-123 to shield myself. The number is to be used to contact those students who neglect to return their survey number. It's like a policeman and then being hit 0»J having £% for your comments EDITORIALS forms. on polic^I The poll is ostensibly an effort to Moreover, students polled generation ever. We've u, are narUMi I measure my alienation or feeling of P disenfranchisement from society and the prodded, analyzed, polled and he process toward fol university but it can't come close to doing a rhamriiatSi Traxler drug so. It is in itself preventing a full expression of the depth of human feeling. It is in itself thought processes. And thesZLl is that action is these polls. "I've been rarely taken on t f J another manisfestation of a structure that causes the feeling of alienation. life. In almost every taking class And J jjj ever happens," one student told me. 1_ long oeeded My alienation is because of things like polls where I am prodded for my views on any number of serious issues and the possibility of my saying anything The people who sort of actually are submission should preventing the polling us int.J realize k!!l Last year, the federal government lenient in comparison to the old communication they intelligent is limited to what I can fit into further. If the only way I can ostensibly 21 get ■1 passed the Drug Abuse Prevention laws. Simple possession of narcotics several possible response boxes. If a is by and Control Act of 1970 which carries a maximum four year pollster is really looking for new insight on across strongly agreeing a question, he will never find it in the agreeing, mildly disagreeing or si? significantly reorganized and sentence. Possession of all but results of a poll because he has disagreeing, I don't want to bother updated old federal drugs laws. In an narcotic drugs is a misdemeanor. attempt to unify drug codes Simple possession of marijuana is I suggest to every other student who receives this likewise j throughout the nation, Washington punishable by 90 days in jail rather OUR READERS' MIND it in. Force the people who poll not toi encouraged states to adopt a similar than a possible 15 years. aresupp«L interested in how feel we totalktoj drug control act which could be to face rather than try ing to fit ml The new bill also establishes more coordinated with federal drug abifte scientific, statistical, computerized 1 extensive regulatory system for the laws. Polls have many side-effects.I. It appears that Michigan is wisely following the federal government's legitimate handlers of drugs to curtail illicit drug diversion. The system would require that legitimate handlers register with a designated Raindrops forming Pettit' deluge reinforce the notion that the idea exists in the number of are willing to express it and not nt validity! p«' progressive lead. State Rep. J. in the intelligence or reasoning W Robert Traxler, D-Bay City, has state agency, maintain records To the Editor: abstention. This hardly constitutes the content and vote of the November Polls reinforce the notion that thiM introduced legislation aimed at "the and make biennial inventories of all Much has been written in the past 12 evidence that the nontenured faculty meeting. If we knew what the raindrops to make up one's mind about the3 control of the legitimate drug controlled drug stocks. months about the Murray and Van Tassell supported the tenured faculty in their were, I'm sure that Dean Carlin, Provost to adopt the views of the majority!! case by outsiders without comment from decisions regarding Murray and Van Cantlon, President Wharton, the board of they are in black and white — y industry and the curtailment of the Minor revisions me, but I cannot let pass the gross Tassell. trustees and the University community even have to think about them. importation and distribution of illicit distortions perpetrated by an insider. In a Pettit further suggests we were fired would reject the "deluge." Optimally, drugs and their use Obviously, a university drugs in Michigan." The Controlled should be stricken from the criminal letter to the State News (30 April) Lincoln because "relatively minor reasons . . . The dean, the provost or the president or hi transformed into a convincing . . . pattern administration should know win Substances Act of 1971 is noticeably Pettit reported the results of two could have avoided this whole sorry mess if statutes and placed under of unquestionable rejection," just as people it controls are feeling. (Th| similar to that utilized at the federal confidential meetings held last November any one of them had given us a hearing on government regulation. This done, by the Dept. of Natural Science. Pettit "droplets in a minor 'sprinkle' turn into a our qualifications. leave aside the possibility that the A level. an institution rules should be the ■ the monies spent for law states that Murray and Van Tassell suffered downpour, a torrent, a deluge." He does The bill classifies all narcotics, enforcement could be channeled into rejection on substantive grounds by the not tell us what the droplets are, so we can Bertram G. Murray Jr. who are ruling.) There's a very realnf nontenured as well as the tenured faculty: only wonder If he has distorted the Asst. professor of Natural Science know what's going on in the hetdl marijuana and dangerous drugs educational and rehabilitation student population. Why an "what the full department faculty in effect raindrops into a deluge, as he has distorted May 2,1971 subject to control into seven programs, treating the problem said by the combined vote of tenured and tremendous resources that go Litol schedules, witjj scientific criteria for rather than the symptoms. polls be used to conduct the detaj the placemliit of drugs in each We should not fault the Traxler nontenured faculty ... it that the performance of these people measured up." He also states that the ... has not Thanks to McDonel Hall of attitudes hi a more personal! articulate pebple from the coifl category7~The proposal also To the Editor: were Interviewed - of all ideologii proposal simply because it declines "group was nearly equally divided as to for the optimism and enthusiasm they prescribes specific fines and tenured and nontenured," and that "many A legislator's life is filled with phone transmitted to me. and shapes — probably the samewfc sentences, provides law enforcement to make radical changes in our of views would emerge. This of the nontenured members voted 'No,' calls he has to answer, people he has to I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to agencies with new tools to improve conservative society. As a step in the deduced as a certainty by simple meet, dinners he must attend but can't eat Dick Stimpson, head adviser of West hopefully be an improvement oil direction of sane drug legislation the "scientific" polls whese superficinl! their investigative efforts and arithmetic." because of the lunches he has to attend — a McDonel Hall, for the dynamic range of bill is decidedly progressive. Still, melange of duties and commitments activities he and his associates planned for really can't explain why studein provides interim education and I will alienated or why they are anxious] taken in this context, there are forgive Pettit for making the results essential but not necessarily enjoyable. me, and to all the students who escorted training programs in the area of drug of these confidential meetings public, but I out In that world and make a certain changes which would make My "Live-In" experience at McDonel me to meals, organized discussion groups, abuse. must oorrect these gross distortions in his Hall this past week was a delightful Art Buchwald, in last Wednesday® or donated their residence hall rooms for the Traxler legislation even stronger. reporting. In fact, in November the departure from the rigors of legislative our informal talks. News, hit the matter right onthehir More realistic approach department faculty considered only one routine. It is difficult to believe that I had great fun. I learned probably "The world will not end with abi| so These provisions are overdue, but The proposed drug statute, for question: whether to recommend that the pleasurable and relaxing a week could fall much more from the students than they ad hoc committee on reappointment into the line of duty. whimper. It will probably end witk j Michigan is still a frontrunner in example, still treats marijuana use learned from me. And I would recommend he said. reconsider their decisions with regard to I sincerely believe I received more than I a week in McDonel Hall to any public new, more progressive drug and distribution too stringently. A legislation. Only 13 states have significant minority of the public reappointing Murray and Van Tassell. In gave during this week — my interactions official about to seek the impetus behind The question will read, "AlHnJ fact, there was no discussion of our with the students of McDonel Hall once our changing society. you proud to have been a enacted new laws similar to the condone and/or use marijuana with this world?" qualifications. In fact, there were 33 more awakened my pride and trust in the Jackie Vaughn III federal act. This bill represents a far tenured and 17 nontenured members at the some regularity as surveys have intelligence, the maturity and the superb State Representative The responses: "yes, definitely;! more realistic approach than the shown. To treat marijuana meeting. In fact, the vote was 33 against unpretentiousness of the young, and I 23rd District somewhat;" "yes, but only further consideration, 16 for, and one would be hard pressed to reimburse them present statutes. distribution as a felony, and - April 30,1971 "no somewhat;" and "no, definitely® possession as misdemeanor Recognizing that "law enforcement alone cannot solve our punishable by 90 days in jail and a $500 fine is too unrealistically POINT OF VIEW drug abuse problem," Traxler's restrictive. Marijuana has not been proposal leaves considerable leeway unanimously judged harmful, and its for leniency and flexibility, replacing the stiff, mandatory sentences of the old law. use is far too prevalent to warrant such legal prohibition. The law simply will not be effective, as a result. The Pakistani crisis: an analysis Michigan is currently plagued with dominant leadership of the Muslim an assortment of distinctly EDITOR'S NOTE: the following is the the period 1959-60 to 1969-70 the annual that East Pakistanis began to League (the party responsible for the rate of growth in West Pakistan was 6.2 grievances against the dominant el part one of a two-part Point of View repressive, duplicating and vague Inconsistent but creditable creation of Pakistan) during the struggle percent, while It was only 4.2 percent in of the Western wing. The poll««■ laws that challenge a lawyer's The Traxler proposal also fails to by Krishna Kumar, New Delhi, India, for independence. As a result, when the East Pakistan. the East felt that it had little roiej- be consistent in its enforcement graduate student. Part two will appear freedom came, it was this elite that Until 1962-63 East Pakistan showed the conduct of national affairs comprehension much less a citizen's. Friday. These laws are not in the least provisions. The new law allows the assumed power in Pakistan. Even in the significant surpluses on foreign account, the domination of Punjab's an , Now that the military resistance offered military and civil services, the westerners and in recent years small deficits. By the ruling military junta. i» I comprehensive, omitting many drugs police to use felony enforcement had an edge over Pakistanis. Punjabis and by the followers of Sheik Mujibur Rahman contrast, the West's foreign trade has Industrial and commercial interest] that are commonly used and abused, powers (no warrant) when arresting Pathans have been long known to be the shown substantial and chronic deficit that has almost collapsed, the time seems more martial races and therefore it was natural jealous of the advantageous p» and classifying others in the same suspected possessors. On one hand, opportune to have a factual look at this has absorbed virtually all foreign exchange their counterparts in the Wei the legislators imply that the unfortunate civil war. The purpose of this that they virtually monopolized important made available through foreign aid. East to voice their dissatisfaction. L category with dissimilar drugs. Further, the present drug statutes possession of a drug should only be brief article is to provide to the readers of positions in the military. Conditions Pakistanis have charged the federal educated middle class develop! display little if any control over the of misdemeanor status, but on the the State News some background worse The conditions became worse when the government of investing the major portion Pakistan which gradually beca "■ other hand, suggest that it warrants information about the civil war, the factors of foreign aid as well as foreign exchange fixed its eyes on the caree" J legitimate handlers of drugs. and forces contributing to it and its army junta led by Ayub Khan seized power earnings in the economic development of services, army and other pr felony enforcement. These two from the civilian government in 1958. As West Pakistan. domination oi implications to the future of Pakistan. criticized the trains of thought are not congrous the top brass of the army came from the Steps taken in them. Pakistan's two wings Progressive legislation Pakistan as a nation western wing, the easterners felt neglected To be fair to the Pakistan government, it Aswami League and, therefore, by including both, came into existence One only has to compare the new and overshadowed. While the Ayub regime the thrust of the bill becomes in 1947 when then British India was should be noted that of late it has been The Aswami League under the 1 laws with drug statutes in the present did provide political stability and taking steps to arrest this economic partitioned into two nations. Its two wings of Sheik Mujibur Rahman inconsistent. stimulated economic growth, it miserably imbalance. For example, while the share of criminal code to realize the — east and west — are separated from each failed to accommodate the regional East this surging nationalism. « I Pakistan in progressive revisions the legislators other by 1,200 miles of the Indian total development breakaway section of the o . J Rep. Traxler maintains that the territory. There are significant cultural, aspirations of the Bengali population. expenditure (public and private) was only party but soon strengthened J have made. Under the old code What widened the gulf further has been 20 percent during the period 1950-51 to law enforcement officials must linguistic and ethnic differences between suPP°r narcotics, hallucinogens and the differential economic conditions in the by winning the d mid| these two wings. The cultural traditions of 1954*55, it reached 36 percent during the bourgeoisie and a secularised J cooperate with them for the bill to marijuana are all lumped together the east are very different from those of two wings of Pakistan. There is no denying third Five-Year Plan (1965-66 to 1969-70). who was not easily swaye J pass; therefore, they must concede the fact that not only are there significant under the law, ranging from classification as a Class A felony this consistency. This type of the west. The mother tongue of East Pakistanis is Bengali, a very rich and highly differences in the per capita income in the There has also been an East upward trend in Pakistan's share of public of religion. In 1967. * six-point program t gi compromise is defeating the stated two wings, but also that this difference has development expenditure from a little over (highest offense) to a Class C felony expressive language, and every Bengali been widening over the years. A recent 25 percent in the period 1950-1955 to provincial auto.not(i deml purpose of the bill: to make the new (whether Indian or Pakistani) is very controversial items m ^1 (lowest felony). No mention of drug report, for example, by a panel of experts around 45 percent in the third Five-Year use as a misdemeanor is present. drug laws more consistent and more proud, if not chauvinist, about it. to the Planning Commission to the Plan. Aswami League related t ^ judicious. In West Pakistan people speak at least Government of Pakistan shows that during trade and International am j four different languages — Punjabi, Urdu, Under these conditions, it was natural subjects. The new code is a far different Pustu and Sindhi. They are stout, The legislators deserve credit for story, however. Besides the four the bill, even considering the further well-built, handsome people with sharp SOMEPAH' THERE'S 'GOING TO schedules that the federal features and wheatish complexion. The BE A FIELD TRlP U)HEl?£ revisions still needed. It is a hopeful East Pakistanis, on the other hand, are EVERYONE GETS OFF THE m, government created, Michigan has Bl/T NO ONE HAS TO LINE UP... included two separate schedules to commentary on our legislative relatively short-statured people of brown process that a bill such as Traxler's color. However, the integrating force handle the control and usage of the between the two wings has been Islam: can, with minor adjustments, come most commonly encountered religion was the basis of partition of India. forth as a meaningful and realistic hallucinogens and marijuana. It is interesting to point out here that the step in the direction of satisfying the Muslim elites and intellectuals from The penalties for drug abuse are needs of contemporary society. northern and western India had provided Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 6, 1971 5 aternity holds art fund drive Commission settl es claims Alpha Mu fraternity members(Sammies)and their Little will be on campus Assn. Friday collecting funds for the Michigan Several collectors will be stationed at Bessey and in 16 discrimination cases -halls, while more than 60 others will canvass the entire Sixteen persons who had filed The second complaints largest award, the result of the work of MCRC payment on the car, six monthly members will be carrying red, white and blue cannisters alleging $4,000, went to another black field id discrimination with the Michigan representative Eugene payments, court costs and j own design. On the handmade labels, a series of Civil Detroiter, who claimed that he McCrary. Rights Commission attorney's fees, the dealer agreed Iting blue lines surround three small red hearts on a white (MCRC) received cash awards was discharged by an auto McCrary's investigation to pay in full the man's account equipment manufacturer findings totaling nearly $28,000 during supported the for the balance of is car loan ""heart association only takes charity; it can't sponsor March, 1971, Milton J. because of his race. He also claimed harassment of himself complaint, filed by a black with a finance corporation. a which is why we had to make the cannisters Robinson executive director of resident of Detroit, that he had In the other cases eleven ourselves," and other black chairman Harvey Heller, Grand Rapids sophomore, said. the agency, announced employes. It was been sold a stolen car by a recently, a cash settlement complaints were filed against Sammie Little Sisters group made the cannisters for The largest single amount, in lieu of suburban automobile dealer and s drive. The Little Sisters are headed by president Diane reinstatement. that he had $7,100, went to a black In been refused Detroit area, three i ine. South Bend freshman. Detroiter who is affiliated with addition to the cash reimbursement because of his and two in Fenton. lies' goal for the drive is $500, the same amount collected the settlement, the manufacturer race. The three jfaii UN1CEF drive on campus. Revolutionary Black agreed to instruct its foremen to In addition to receiving a cash Lansing awards Workers movement. He separate claims of heart fund collection is a nationwide project sponsored alleged observe the by that he was discharged because company's settlement of $2,600 to cover employment discrimination ma Alpha Mu national office, as one of several he had nondiscrimination policies and the complainant's down charitable complained about the based on sex. s sponsored over the past year. procedures. treatment of black employes in The most unusual of the 16 ve tried to concentrate on social action We want to do something to help people." projects," Heller the auto plant where The $7,100 he worked. represented the cash awards during March was ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ a Alpha Mu members and their Little Sisters painted the unity Action Center last year and held a Christmas toy difference in wages he lost during the period February, SUPPORT * " -r mentally retarded children. a|s0 hosted an "underprivileged children's day" at 's Planetarium during fall term. Canisters Have like this one a heart will be located all 1970, through January, 1971. In adjusting the matter, the company did not admit to the Israelis to mark i u iiies sponsored a benefit dance in April for the People's the American Heart Assn. fund drive over being campus for sponsored by charge of discrimination, nor did nation's freedom * center in downtown Lansing. Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. the adjustment represent a finding of discrimination against The Israeli Club is * State News photo by Terry Miller t he company by the a sponsoring celebration marking the 23rd * commission. anniversary of Israel's * ;EN HALL DISCUSSION independence at 8 p.m. today in the Union Ballroom. Taking part will be Yitzhak Lior, Israel's counsel - general in Mail Or Drop Off Donations J Dean talks Chicago, and Moti Giladi, one of J VETERANS FOR PEACE * graduate Israel's top singing stars. There on ri ghts will also be Israeli folk and singing dancing 327 Student Services y TONYPELLILLO R. Nonnamaker, dean of but makes no provisions for the refreshments. along with Israeli Students, faculty and staff East Lansing, Michigan Bldg J students, said Tuesday in an rights and duties of graduate basically with the students' Responsibilities document is are invited to take part, ^ r H R Students esnonsihilities 'nformal discussion at Owen Graduate HalL students. The Graduate Rights and campus duties responsibilities, the graduate and scheduled to be voted Academic Senate on on by the May 19. It ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Nonnamaker explained that document covers such other must also receive the approval of ENJOY WONDERFUT • nt is an a ttemDt P to Responsibilities document is not the bill areas as community u originated because the simply University employment the board of trustees. an extension of the Academic Freedom (graduate assistants, fellowships FOOD " Report of Academic Freedom Report, Nonnamaker said the bill should & COCKTAILS j ents and co eg nolpidon , 1967 ,provides the privileges of sufficiently for Nonnamaker said. While the and general University become effective by the WINES undergraduates employment) and judiciary beginning of fall term, 1971. — ALES undergraduate bill is concerned processes on the departmental, The graduate document, a college and University level. product of DINNER MUSIC - CANDLELIGHT a joint Nonnamaker viewed the student-faculty committee IN OLD WORLD ATMOSPHERE Since 1861 document as "constitutional" rather than "definitive." chaired by Nonnamaker, was Rntfaketfer Yo«r Hosts — Stan & Max Brauer The authorized by the Graduate serving luncheons importance of the report is that Council in 1969. According to specializing it provides procedure and the report, its GERMAN AND AMERICAN CUISINE purpose is to sat. 5 pm-10 pm processes for grievances, he said, define the relationships between "SauerbrateQ Sehr Gut" With the the graduate student and various DOWNTOWN LANSING EE SNYDER HALL of the area wou|d not have been rights and 213 South Grand Avenue liHWMBIM HHB Call now for ■NTS two 19 practical. the typewriter were stolen irom from responsibilities of all three units of the University, to codify Next to Grand Avenue ilH maxm vear - the Music Building, Auditorium academjc components of the the equity prmc.ples involved m Parking Ramp MOTHER'S DAY 'r. 01 vear - old will be * * * and from the West Akers Hall University ■« p!o»'ul^tewe^ FOUR THEFTS ttf FOUR Itf WHICH tlrst floo, Tlrst floor lounge aft-, after theth, kcuUy, ^ - undergraduates, graduate students 1 ^Ct" sludentettha nrovide eradaute students with Open Soon FOR RESERVATIONS ! MSU patrol officers thieves stole a diving mask, d them at about 5:30 contact lens, a watch, a wallet, a owners left the tpms outlined this would in a ^ common - S TrucSre report, Jumc,ai SSje ^ffS fm structure sumcieni fo, ior a Outdoor Bier Garden - Call IV 9-4311 unattended. undoubtedly support resolving grievances. Jnp«H»v .nesday camping.-i"p in two typewriter in two and a purse The other items were stolen three credit cards from an unlocked ,ocker and J"e "community" community conceptconcept of oi the University, Nonnamaker were investigated between from an apparently locked said- -ers reportedly ordered Sunday and Wednesday morning locker in Jenison Fieldhouse. The Graduate Rights and s to take down the by police. The total value of the "d released the students ite™was estimated at $407. scene. Police said no 0ff,cers 88,(1 the Purse and 20% DISCOUNT ON "Old Towne" New England TYPEWRITER REPAIRS "n East YEAR OLD student - Lansing awaits • • CLAM BAKE! Whole Lobster Clams FOR MSU STUDENTS work shirts ion this week after •Shrimp officers discovered •Corn-on-the-Cob formerly $3.50 y morning that the Every Friday 6 to 11 p.m. had stolen tossed salad-corn bread a faculty - FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY rking sticker on the d of his automobile. said patrol officers BILL'S the student for tomobile on speeding Red Cedar RESTAURANT & BAR 711 e. grand river, lansing AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES Chestnut Street. They 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett 339-8258 ly discovered the permit n after checking against reported stolen permits. MSU COED TOLD e was walking on a east of the Music Bldg. about 12:35 p.m. when a man between 25 years old passed by osed himself through trousers. ">ed said she then 'he to building. Police said - the coed's the delay in incident, a search W Trade-Ins *ln All Sizes 1969 vwSl H $1495. ' ^W»Supe,Spo„ '""Inn • 9ulet crr s'eer'n9 six shooters UNIVERSITY PANT 227 Ann St (between discount records and tnarshall music) 13SW T ' 'nC- fcjfis.-- — """v nil 12—8 pm 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday THREE ALARMS v Bomb By JIM SHELDON at the International Center, threats unknown telephone caller said prevent persons from making evaluated the seriousness of the State News Staff Writer following each incident. that a bomb was set to explode further false threats to test the threat. Police reported that no at 10:30 a.m. system. A search of public areas by University police investigated explosive devices were found The woman receiving the call About 500 persons, including police and firemen was followed three bomb threats Tuesday and that they had no suspects in reported it to her supervisor, building personnel and persons by a search of the office areas by which they said may have been the incidents. who immediately initiated a passing through, were evacuated building employes. connected to moratorium The first threat, aimed at the bomb threat procedure, details by police about 10:10 a.m. after The building was reopened activities, but employes were Administration Building, was of which were not released to police and University officials about 10:45 a.m. allowed to resume their work in received shortly after 10 a.m. at In the second threat, received the Administration Building and the registrar's office. An about 11:40 a.m., an office SHIELDS NEWS SOURCES worker in the International Center said an unknown caller told her a bomb was set to go Senators hear off at noon. Police were called and MOTHER'S searched the building, finding nothing. Although no formal protection bill evacuation was initiated, DAY building personnel made periodic announcements to DINNER A bill which would protect the rights of journalists to refrain from disclosing news sources or information obtained in the persons in the cafeteria and in the lobby, notifying them a Explosion threat had been received. course of gathering news was introduced into the Michigan Senate At about 1:30 p.m., a third President Wharton, second from left, was one of 500 persons evacuated fron, *. I Wednesday. threat was received by an Administration Building Wednesday after a bomb threat was telephoned to thereai«,vl Sen. Jerome T. Hart, D-Saginaw, introduced the "Freedom of International Center employe. State News photo Complete dinner with tomato juice or >| soup. Information Bill for Newsmen." office. by Tom DohJ I "The threat to a newsman of being charged with contempt and • ROAST TOM TURKEY with savory of being imprisoned for failing to disclose his information or its force regulatio dressing, cranberry sauce $2.85 State may source can significantly reduce his ability to gather vital LONG ISLAND DUCKLING with information," the Saginaw lawmaker said. * orange glaze and Chef Robert's dressing Hart said at present Michigan has a 25 - year - old law which $2.95 protects the anonymity of news sources, but added that this law YOUR CHOICE OF: Potatoes, Salad plus only pertains to grand jury investigations. "Freedom of the press is one of the foundations upon which of rental deposits, reps sa Dessert and Beverage. Don't forget our other specialities our form of government is based," Hart said. "A representative New Hours: Friday and Saturday 7 a.m. democracy such as ours cannot exist unless there is a free press both willing and able to keep the public informed of all news." to 1 a.m. mum Hart said that, to his knowledge, no newsman has ever been jailed in Michigan for refusing to disclose information, but he By RANDY GARTON have not had them returned." owners who are responsible will noncommittal and c added that "we should not wait until it happens to give newsmen Nelson said that part of the eventually be driven out of that government State News Staff Writer i.e would force his rent this protection." problem was that many of the business because their policies will create a bad reputation "We use damage rateipl Hart said a dangerous situation exists when the government leases landlords draw up do not Two state representatives told depo4| can play an active role in the editorial decisions of news specify the condition they wish among the students. part of the normal cash ty a group of East Lansing "I Joel L. distributors. the apartment or house left in. covet every tenant we Altman of A. landlords in an informal meeting "If the day ever comes when any agency of government can "We need a guideline as to get," Patrick J. Pulte, owner and Management Co. said. "Ktl Wednesday that consumer compel news media to divulge their sources of information," he what 'wear and tear' is," he said. manager of Cedar Village, said. funds are put into a trusttnf complaints may force state said, "the effect would be to silence the sources and thus deny regulation of apartment damage "Legally, the damage deposit "In a small community like ours we can't afford to do anything state, the rates will haven] the public information to which it is entitled." deposits. belongs to the person who pays up." Hart said he is confident that his bill modeled after a similar it, and he is entitled to know that would give us a bad image." Cash flow normally is An RHA Presentation — Rep. Earl E. Nelson, bill passed by the New York State Legislature — will be reported D-Lansing, and Rep. Thomas G. what is being done with his In a discussion following the an investor has after expend out of committee and passed by the Senate. He said he was money." legislators' departure, the The landlords, informal Sharpe, R-Howell, members of a unsure of what the House reaction to the bill would be. Landlord response to the landlords agreed that some Nelson that some of them if special House committee be called to testify befoul legislators' comments was action concerning damage Spend a marvelous evening with eight of the boys. studying damage deposit abuse in the state, said many persons mixed. Several objected to deposit abuse must be taken. Security Deposit ComriT SEETHE ORIGINAL'PSYCHO' have had part or all of their government interference in a While some favored government appeared uncertain about! highly competitive business, and regulation, most were final position they w ! THE VERSION TV damage deposits unfairly withheld by landlords. questioned whether the "These complaints aren't just representatives understood the Prof petitions for slol from the student and low - problems that landlords face with difficult tenants. income community," Sharpe said. "Tenants in "|»-c«lled commented that he luxury apartments, paying a understood 'the problems of $300 or $400 damage deposit renting property since he once rented houses in a rural area and said he believed that damage on E. Lansing ballot deposits are a "must." However, he said that real Stressing the need for student city government. _ abuses in the damage deposit Mart Crowley's SHOWING AT: 7:30-9:00 field exist. representation, a founding "Approximately 40,000 rfl member of the Human Rights Lansing's 60,000 resident! MTHE COS IN THE C4NDM ft] SPARTAN WEST Most of the landlords present party filed a petition early this students, and yet tttfjl admitted that there are abuses week to become a candidate for literally without any kill A C merrn Ce^tei film, fteventar. j* an efort to nature walks, bird walks and born, will meet with the the dfba.te ^ encouraged. iiiustrated evening campfire t to Life Committee in an _ Th'® ls ,th®. CaP,tal program will begin at dusk tion reform caucus at 7:30 RePubllcans first caucus. The Friday and Saturdays on the evening in the Lansing 8rouP expressed hope it will lawn west of the Women's mmunity College fncourage a series of discussions intramural Building. Slides on liitheater 'n area c'tizens can obtain various nature subjects will be ocal legislators, including information and voice their shown. Phillip O. Pittenger, °Pinions °n v'tal issues relating a nature walk will be held Insiliable,ng; R-Lansing, kemos, Rep. JimRep. and Fred to the public. Brown, from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturdays and will report le current status of abortion "A STUNNING, BEAUTIFULLY n legislation, fie caucus, sponsored by the MADE FILM-ONE THAT y organized Capital County YOU WILL NOT FORGET!" I 1 I UNIVERSITY INN "EXCEPTIONALLY POWERFUL ' VvL-> ' 1110 Trowbridge Road IN BOTH CONCEPT AND I E. Lans., Mich. 48823 EXECUTION! A HIGH LEVEL fFffiSfe) ' A Genuine Work of OF CREATIVE CINEMA!" Please send a Best Western [( "motelsJj J Greatness Honest and Almost Perfect. J Travel Atlas and your brochure to: John Schubeck, ABC-TV | shining like a miniature "BRILLIANT! REMARKABLE!" | NAME | "WOODSTOCK" ] ADDRESS | j CITY/STATE/ZIP | THE FIFTH HORSEmnn IS FEAR TONIGHT - 7:30 P.M. UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM Admission $1.00 FIRST MICHIGAN SHOWING fie Rolling Stones TONIGHT 109 ANTHONY ilMME Beal Film Group Presents Through Saturday 8:30 PM McDoncI Kiva DENNIS HOPPER IS SHELTER THE AMERICAN DREAMER "A pep rally, a psychic energizer. It cuts through the bull shit to bring you the HEART of the struggle between the brain police and the street punk. ... It records the epic struggle between the individual and the We all believe that we are kings and that someday we will State." be recognized and the others will apologize for having - Richard Ogar BERKELEY BARB mistreated us for they didn't know our true status — BUT PROGRAM INFORMATION 4»VM»S WE ARE NOT KINGS ^WHEN I WAS A CHILD, I THOUGHT AS SHING10N- A CHILD; NOW THAT I'M A MAN I STILL °Pen at 12 Noon THINK AS A CHILD.** Mints Hopper TOO GOOD TO MISS... together in one great show! 8 Academy Awards Including Best Actor |ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST Ken Kesey's Best-selling Novel IfeW T°II/MAUH:N94S *H Brought to Life on the Stage. fcvno\" The Eye See the Light Show. I pLUS At 3:00 Music by Moog ... I and 7:sop.m PASH The longest running drama Opening for the first time ever to on a play in San Francisco — now in its second year. college campus tonight, playing May 6-9 and 13-16. Tickets at the Union and the Door. $2.00 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 11 i i 11 i iTTT Thursday 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SHOPLIFTING INCIDENT Chase by clerks, police results in felony charge "Bring 'Em Back Alive" was the slog*,, that coed across the avenue, said they Followed by the clerks, the A flight across Grand River are charging the coed with a officer chased the coed through led Wednesday's march Avenue Tuesday afternoon the east door of the Human to Demonstration Hall felony. resulted in a felony charge for a A clerk in Hosier's, 203 E. Ecology Bldg. where he lost Traffic was halted for a 19- year • old South Wonders Grand River Ave., told officers sight of her and requested time by the processional Hall coed who reportedly left an assistance from other East he observed the coed browsing SN photo by Jeff Hast Lansing store without Wilner through the store. As the coed Lansing and MSU policemen. paying for a pair of yellow pants was leaving, a security alarm Patrol cars arrived immediately valued at $11. and surrounded the building. sounded and the coed began After a search, the coed was Usually, shoplifting in East running across the street toward discovered hiding inside a first Lansing is punished by a campus. floor room. Police said they misdemeanor charge, depending Meanwhile, an officer outside near Hosier's saw the coed dart arrested her and took her to the on what was stolen, on whether the offense has been repeated out the door. As he was entering station, where she was booked Hosier's two store clerks ran out and released until prosecutors and on the circumstances of the offense. East Lansing police, and told him the coed has stolen issue a warrant. something. A clerk, who said he saw the who were forced to pursue the coed throw down the pants from under her coat, recovered the See ii All clothing between the Union and the Human Ecology Bldg. TONITE . . . A Weathervane Bikini Fashion Show Rallies Thousands of Americans State College in Mississippi. About 25,000 persons were on markstudents charged a bandshell stu joined rallies and marches across There were scattered hand for a rally organizers stage and pushed white youths 1,000 persons of protests by staged a series sitting, lying or block the entrance to Base in Sufcl Albuquerque, N.M., the nation Wednesday to protest disturbances and arrests. promised would be "legal, off. The blacks were yelling standing in the streets-first in the U.S. involvement in the Crowds at the widespread orderly and peaceful." Some "Free Huey Newton," and "Free heart of the downtown business arrested by military police.lj Indochina war and to demonstrations in small towns 10,000 persons jammed the the Panther 13." district, then half mile away at of the 60 protesters at the bJ a limited their activities to wi commemorate students killed and large cities seemed smaller Common in October, 1969. The main protest in City Hall, then three blocks placards at the entrance. last year at Kent State than similar ones last year. A rally by 2,000 students in Washington, D.C., went into its further distant at the Federal University in Ohio and Jackson Police in Boston braced for New York's Central Park broke third day, with its numbers reduced. About 1,500 pefsons Building. Seventy-five to 100 UnmnJ possible violence as Boston up after an hour when fist fights At least 80 were arrested. of Maryland students at Cofal Common, the nation's oldest erupted between blacks and marched on Congress to demand end to the war, while Ten students from Macalester Park seized one of the school! public park, became the focus of whites. Empty bottles and cans an College in St. Paul, Minn., and administration buildings, andd antiwar protests in that city. were thrown after black riot-equipped police awaited the school's head chaplain, Rev. in the lobby and stairwell ot J Show her you their arrival at the Capitol. Alvin C. Currier, 39, were' building chanting, "TrooptoT care on At Kent State, where four arrested after they allegedly of Vietnam, cops out of 4 Mother's Day students died last year from blocked the entrance to the ghetto." Outside the buildio(,i with Lovely National Guard gunfire, a small federal building in Minneapolis. American flag fluttered upl flowers from group of demonstrators kept Demonstrators who tried to down. Edgar Winter's closed a building housing ROTC White Trash classes. Elsewhere on campus, Introducing Jerry la Croix Barnes Floral including: Whore Would I Be/Let s Gel II On Keep Playtn Thai Rock N Roll 1,000 students attended where speakers called for a ban a rally 'Pied Piper' returns on ROTC and repeal of a state CLINIC Dying To Live/Save The Planet law fixing punishment for back campus disorders. Sen. Vance Hartke, D-Ind., for 2 MSU matinees told 800 persons at Cornell "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" has returned to MSU for tm University in Ithaca, N.Y., that Saturday matinees in Fairchild Theatre, following a performm President Nixon's tour of lower Michigan, the Upper Peninsula and Canada Mi*tiitui)ii«iibn>. program was "a The children's play Is a musical version of the original fair)* plan to eohtinue the war with a contemporary touch. The John Baldwin and Win indefinitely," using South Penn collaboration has made the citizens of Hamelin litter bop We telegraph flowers Vietnamese conscripts to carry it and the problem is one of pollution control rather than [# worldwide out. control. In Rochester, N.Y., more than A diverse selection of songs and dance, colorful medieni costuming and a unique setting make it "a delightU Hot entertainment for children of all ages," Jon Baisch, Mis* B graduate student, said. Tickets for the 1 and 3 p.m. performances can be purclwll Pizza for $1 at the Fairchild box office between 12:30 and 5 Thursday and Friday and at 9 a.m. Saturday. I .151-7100 All at the A GIFT FOR MOTHER'S DAY store next to The p.ennetff ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY * 4 "Chilled Tappers *lce cold beer & wine *Kegs of beer available for [ ♦Delicious pizza to go Ko-Ko Bof true-to-life portraits IN COLOR r x i The one book every couple should read before marriage. It's sort of a manual. It tells you how to buy fine diamonds for less. It's the 1971 edition of the Vanity Fair profits to drive up the price. Diamond catalog. Vanity Fair has been selling the If you're thinking about engagement and wedding rings, you need Vanity IN LIVING-COLOR ' finest diamonds to dealers across the Fair. Visit our showrooms at 55 E. country since 1921. Now these same Washington, Chicago. Or send for our diamonds are available to you at the 3(i-page, full color catalog. We'll send 5x7 COLOR PORTRAIT, or a set 1 AQ Something very different same low prices (50% of retail). it to you free if you send us this coupon. OF 4 WALLET SIZE PHOTOS M Our secret? for that unique girl. Express EACH ADDITIONAL 5x7 PORTRAIT 1.49 VVe handle the whole process of ! Vanity Fair Diamonds 2 CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHED TOGETHER .. 2.98 your love with engagement making a ring ourselves, from buying the rough stone in Antwerp or Lon¬ Great color portraits, as only the "Pixy" photographers cap¬ and wedding rings like these don, to selling the finished l ing to you ture them. All portraits are delivered to you at our store. You have your choice of several poses. No mailing, handling, A GViiiif^iir or other charges. Age limit, 12 years. Photographer's hours: Thurs, Sat - 9:30-5:30 Fri. 9:30-8:30 Jacobgontf FINE JEWELRY Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Jnderclassmen key S • i o S' offe nsive line to Michigan, Bob Mills, from Lakewood, the team speed and will By GARYSCHARRER see a lot MSU'S title hopes in tennis Colo., has been labeled by of action at w> dulled slightly Wednesday State News Sports Writer split end. The Jackson Parkside when the defending league champion Nystrom as the most product Michigan Wolverines pulled out a close 5-4 win on the Spartan courts. fou can't win if you don't outstanding freshmen prospect carries the potential to be L The Spartans don't have and may move into the center another Gene Washington, The Wolves jumped to 12 lead in singles play before the MSU L established, punishing spot next fall. Other freshmen doubles's teams made a desperate .i back try. according to receiver coach Joe [back to open his own holes, candidates likely to see action in Carruthers. The No. 3 singles niat ded three sets to top Joel Ross believes that DuPree Gray grabbed the first sei.' before Ross evened up the score in |U offensive lines have good job," Freshmen Coach Ed can develop a (5-1 set. ittered with inconsistency. Rutherford said. "I thought that into one of the Gray came, back to blitz the visitor and take the country's' match, however, 6-0. The onh other |t year numerous sophomores in some instances they did an outstanding tight ends next year. "I think we are came from No. 4 man Rick Vetter. Spartan win in ingles play who set down Ramon ke into the lineup and will be outstanding job. getting a good Almonte. 6-4, 7-6. lected to carry the load in the "They may not be regulars," consistent effort," Nystrom said. lErrol Roy is the lone senior Rutherford said, "But they will "We are getting better and are Altogether it was a successful day for Vetter, as he and his doubles team partner Madura won tin re i [the offensive linemen give us a little more depth at showing some strides of getting win from Tim Ott and Mike Ware. with a 3-6, 6-1, 6-3 Lending for a starting berth, offensive line than we have had off the ball. They all need ■olding down one of the in the past. They are going to |rd positions is Joe supplement the kids who we will technique, they need playing time, experience and a lot of Billy joe Jim Symington and Rick Fermai. win. The No. 3 doubles team en.<-d «'< > :< • biiied i r the last spartan «» unonte Billy Jo Dupree, a junior tight end, will again 6-4, 5-7, 6-4. Lamielleure. The 603, have back from last year." repetition. But I think we can provide an ample target for MSU passers this coming season. Dupree nabbed 21 passes Spartan No. 2 DeArmonu Bri„:, dropped his first Lpound Center Line product Besides DeLamiellure and put it together." including three touchdowns last season in giving the match of! Spartans stability at the tight end spot. the year after lonsidered by the Spartan Roy, the Spartan coaching staff State News photo by Milt Horst eight straight, losing to Ott ; m-s play. 0-4, 6-4.: fhing staff as one of the is using Chris King, Marv Jistays in the young line. In Roberts, and Mark Loper, I sophomore campaign last sophomores from last season's I DeLamielleure was selected squad. Nystrom said he is very OLIVER, PRUITT ■ the all - Big Ten second satisfied with the progress of King, Roberts will be a fine Catchers inner MSU all - America Carl player and Loper, after being produce Ik" Nystrom has returned to switched from defense, is (lma mater and is working showing big improvements. I the offensive line during "I think the potential is kg drills. At the present time there," Nystrom said. "They're By JOHN VIQES another homer, two ■rom is switching around the working hard and are State Newt Sports Writer triples and a concentration and host of singles. In four games the swinging hitter out of the line up, so Kor lineman to find the down on the ball and I work at Oliver is likely to catch three of concentrating at being good. Flint junior went 10-17 at the this." ■ng points in the rookie This club can get better as we go What does a coach do when his MSU>s four games this weekend second string catcher plate and raised his average to Litwhiler can't keep pdates. along and success hurts no one. begins .329. a .367 with Pruitt in the outfield. I really like to move people They know they have a chance bat hitting like he knew his favorite Oliver has seen action in Vd and see what they can of being a good, solid offensive was going to break only half of MSU's games this season tomorrow? J he said. "Errol Roy has team. The but he will definitely participate Irn us things at center, so While the interior line lacks logical answer would be to in a greater ■ we're using him at guard, make him the first percentage after his experience, the Spartans tight string torrid hitting of the last two paving the offensive linemen and split end spots are being catcher, but for MSU, this move games. two positions gives you is not simple. I contested for amongst veterans ir balance and better over - and talented freshmen Bailey Oliver, Tuesday's home In the nightcap against prospects. run hero and former ■strength," Nystrom said. Steve Kough, a two - time letter back-up Michigan, the big sophomore man to Ron Prultt, is had a single and a vicious |en a position is open, my winner has excellent hands and hitting line well enough to drive double that left ftsophy is having the best kid runs patterns well from split push aside a ■ that spot. You want to get end. Veteran Frank anyone. Anyone but Pruitt, who permanent mark Butler adds against on the is also hitting at a |ix best football players up depth at split end and has made good clip. canvas covering the fence in I and the next six behind So Pruitt moves back to the some fantastic catches in sprill right field. drills. Freshman Mike Hurd outfield, where he was stationed gives last season, and creates further Against Western, Oliver had myi4INJENI^0NTI(^ra350 line-up complications. four hits and he almost made * his 3 bedrooms John Dace moves back to his tenth homer Call unnecessary with a * first base slot, line shot that the Broncos' Large living room Bob Homan replacing John * $21,100 Easy Terms leaping second baseman snared ATMA^All'S-CWLlL'SUNION Rohde. If MSU coach 349-3310 349-2013 Icindor, Bing gain Litwhiler wants Rohde in the game he has to put him at third base replacing Phil Rashead. Danny and turned into a bases "I concentrate on loaded doublfl play earlier in the game. l-NBA recognition The problem with drives," Oliver hitting line REAL ESTATE Rashead is that he will not be benching said. "It takes •VlSU LIEBERMAN N S able to break out of his current - OKEMOS DETROIT-LONDON lurn YORK (UPI) Lew Alcindof broke - Kennedy, in announcing team the batting slump if he is playing. Litwhiler's option not on $194 Get acquainted with Saturday, said the Rashead would be to Irith one of his rare smiles in move him fcwledgment T unanimous backing as the of receiving remainder included of John the first team Havlicek of Boston I 1.312 votes) and Billy back to last years catcher, thus completing the position, CALL FRED 355-2824 AMERICAN TOURISTER V on the 1970-71 National circle. Itball Association all - star Cunningham of Philadelphia (10.017) at the forwards and a Luckily for the Spartans the ... and SAVE $10.00 backcourt tandem of Jerry West problem is one of having too Icindor, leading the of Los Angeles (14.615) and many good players. lukee Bucks to the NBA Dave Ping of Detroit (12 591 The crux of the matter revolves around Oliver and ■ionship in only their third |>f play, drew 16.938 votes Pruitt, currently the hottest Alcindor, who also received Spartans with the bat. possible 17.000 in balloting piters and broadcasters in Sport Magazine's award of an Pruitt proved to be a automobile as the outstanding remarkable prognosticator when Say J league cities. player in Milwaukee's four - |ch_city received one full game title sweep over Baltimore, two weeks ago, while in a minor slump, predicted that he vould one city had five credited the acquisition of Oscar ■pating voters, each one's start to hit well soon. Robertson and the maturing of 1 would be worth two - the Milwaukee players for the He began his surge against I of a point. Bucks' Michigan, Friday, with a pair of sweep of the |mmissioner hits, including a home run and in goodbye Walter championship. the next three games he added Gc all the way... PICK A PAIR stanclby! In brewing Bud-, our choice is to go all the way. We hope beer matters enough | to you to that you too will go all the way • Budweiser. I And right now, that goes double: I Pick up two 6-paks of the Why be left at the gate when tor just a little more h s the King of Beers you can get a reserved seat on Delta? smart way to buy. Delta's reserved seat Youth Fare Plan saves you 25% purpose J4 compared with regular Day Tourist Costs just a trifle more case for ladio ! WHEN you say than standby. No waiting (and waiting!) You know handy utidci exactly when you're scheduled to leave and at r ive We honor They come Budweiser YOUVESAIDITALL! Youth Fare cards from all other airlines Or one from us for only $3.00. It's purchase accepted by all carriers Anyone from 12 to 22 years of age is eligible For reservations call Delta or see your Travel shades for nit LADIES' 24" PULLMAN Compare these typical standby fares with Delta s Agent [Regularly w) reserved seat Youth Fares. NOW 38-' Miami/Ft. Lauderdale to Chicago $58 MAN S CARHY ON Atlanta to New York City Chicago to Tampa $40 $51 1 SUITER Detroit to Houston _ $55 Los Angeles to Dallas San Francisco to Dallas Kansas City to Atlanta Dallas to Phoenix Houston to New. York City Atlanta to Miami Chicago to Houston All fares include the 8% U.S. Transportation Tax. Delta is ready when you are! Thursda .10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan May 5 , Poll Results of a nationwide poll of college fnew students leave little attitudes affairs once a person has chosen a mate are different matters. almost wrong not at sex BETWEEN PERSONS prevajWHO KNOW towa room to doubt the fact that a new set of attitudes toward sex Interviewers asked: always always oniy , all no CASUALLY: wrong for a wrong for a anothe8 now prevails on the nation's campuses. While the opinions "If he is single, would you say it is always wrong, almost always wrong wrong sometimes wrong opinion revealed in the survey lend small comfort to those who yearn for wrong, wrong only sometimes or not at all wrong for a young ENGAGED 11.4% 5% 29% 49.8% 4.8% young man young woman Males 31.4% 36.3% the "good old days," they do suggest that there is, in fact, a man to engage in sex with a woman he knows casually? How DATING STEADILY 15.5% 9% 38.5% 31.6% 5.4% Females 51.9% 60.1% certain ethic embodied in the new morality. about if they date steadily? And if they are engaged? CASUALLY 29.4% 16.3% 33.8% 14.9% 5.6% Interviewers talked with 1,043 college students on 40 Student responses to the three Questions are shown below: almost wrong not Last, the students were asked about extra-marital affair, representative campuses from coast to coast the week ending always always only at all "Would you say it is always wrong, almost always wron? April 24. Overall tabulations of the interviews indicate that while both male and female responses to the collegians see little or no wrong with premarital sex between wrong wrong sometimes wrong no op^on Listed below are only sometimes or not at all wrong for a married person to t° persons who are engaged or even dating steadily, sex between ENGAGED 10.9% 5.2% 28.8% 501% 5% K questions concerning sex between persons who know each other in sex with someone other than his or her spouse?" en® DATING STEADILY 13.3% 7% 40.1% 54.2% 5.4% casually for a young man and for h young woman. The table The students, while leaving room for certain exceptions, took, persons who know one another only casually and extramarital CASUALLY 24% 15.5% 38.7% 16.7% 6.1% shown below combines the responses of those students who felt fairly moralistic viewpoint: premarital sex on a casual basis was either "always wrong" or almost wrong "almost always wrong." As the results Indicate, college women, Certain carryovers from the more traditional approach to sex always always only not at no before marriage emerged in other questions asked the students. more stralghtlaced In all questions than the men, took a wrong wrong sometimes all wrong opinion Most prominent of these was the "double standard," often significantly more negative view of premarital sex for a young 56.4% 22.7% 18.7% 3.3% 3.9% viewed by young people and advocates of women's liberation as a woman than for a young man. Copyright 1971, Unldex Corp., Bloomington. Ind. symbol of archaic ideas about sex and male domination of women. More interesting, however, was the fact that the double standard of upholding strict moral guidelines for women while treating the men's sexual behavior with more lenience prevailed REQUIRES CAR CHECK mostly among college women themselves. Senate to hear proposal The students were asked about sexual behavior for women in much the same manner as for men: "If she is single, would you say it is always wrong, almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes or not at all wrong for a WASHINGTON (AP) - "My amendment will result In cars as clean as possible." substantial reduction, young woman to engage in sex with a man she knows casually? Legislation requiring the nation's substantial prevention and The Rlblcoff proposal calls for emissions on all How about if they date steadily? And if they are engaged?" vehicle, 80 million motor vehicles to control of air pollution at its the federal government to meet properly tuned engine." undergo a yearly Inspection to principal source — the vehicle on all the costs of creating state-run ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ see whether they meet air the road," Ribicoff said. safety-and-pollution inspection Such a tune-up will rtd«J emissions by 30 per * ASMSU Great Issues presents pollution standards will be "My amendment challenges the private sector, the programs. Cars would be subject to two more, Ribicoff said. ( introduced In the Senate today by Sen. Abraham Rlblcoff, government and the people to sets of emission standards. The Rlblcoff D-Conn. cooperate toward a common Models built in 1972 or later plan PETER CAMEJO The Rlblcoff proposal comes as an amendment to a pending goal environmental quality - which can never be achieved by would be subject to the Clean Air Act regulations requiring dovetail with the bill by Sens. Warren G. Maenim introdua any of the three acting alone. automakers to reduce noxious D-Wash., and Philip a. Hi Member of the National Committee bill to require all cars to have a "The auto companies must emissions. D-Mlch., to require safety ched of the Socialist Worker's Party yearly safety check. yearly, whenever a Ribicoff, in a speech prepared make cars that are as Older cars would have to meet and 1970 candidate for U.S. ownership changes and wheim for delivery in the Senate today, pollution-free as technology Dept. of Transportation Senator from Massachusetts a vehicle is involved In said the automobile remains the permits and exercise more social specifications for each model. accident. largest source of air pollution, responsibility. Ribicoff said there could be THURSDAY, MAY 6 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. "The must do their responsible for spewing 90 car owners no single standard for older cars. Half the costs would be pi UNION BALLROOM Free Admission part to demand greater efforts million tons of contaminants — "However, there is one simple, under the Highway Safety A 60 per cent of the total — Into by the government and the inexpensive, fair and extremely and half would come from J ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ the air each year. private sector and to keep their effective way of achieving Highway Trust Fund. OPEN DAILY 10 10, SUN. 10 To 7 THURS., FRI., SAT., Mother's Pay Discoup BILLFOLJ KEYCASE SET Reg. 6.96 3 Days 484 Charge ft MISSES' PENDANT WATCHES FAMOUS 17-JEWEL WATCHES LOVELY WALT HAM* WATCHES Our Reg. 5.88 - 3 Days Only Our Reg. 36.66 - 3Days Only Our Reg. 29.64 - 3 Days Only 4.54 High fashion pendant watches in Give her an exquisite Benrus qual¬ Graceful 17-jewel movement Wal- popular shapes and styles. Choose ity wristwatch of enduring charm. tharn watches with 10K gold filled in white or yellow-toned metal. bracelet or band. Some diamonds. Accurate 17-jewel movements. STERLING SILVER PORTABLE ANTIMONY CHARMS TYPEWRITER JEWEL BOXES? Rmg.92S4- 3 Days Reg. 2.96 - 3Day* 77*. 3" 96 Reg. 96i TJt Reg. 1.46 1.17 Charg' H Reg. 1.96 1.57 Reg. 2.46 1.97 Reg. 2.96 2.37 "Galaxie Deluxe" model A lovely gift Jor mother! Reg. 3.46 2.77 with power space for elec¬ tric-like action. 12 in. Three stylish old world Reg. 3.96 3.17 car¬ jewel boxes in a gold or i riage. Full 88-character silver metal finish. All have • keyboard. Save now. 'ir, red cotton velveteen !jjj|F pppfpi' LANSING - W. Saginaw St. near Waverly — S. Cedar JSt., near Jolly Road O K EMOS ~ Grand R iver near Okemos Road Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 6. 1971 11 state news classified No Matter What It state news 355-8255 May Be . . . You Can Sell It Fast With A Want Ad. classified 355-8255 The State Newt does permit racial or religious not Automotive FIAT 1969 124 Spyder fRAnkly speaking by Phil Frank Scooters & Cycles For Rent For Rent wr/Sfy you* needs: discrimination convertible. in its Excellent condition. 5 speed, new advertising columns. The NEW Fasti State News will not Pirellis. 351-3685. 3-5-7 FIREBIRD Apartments ONE bedroom unfurnished. Dishwasher, air furnished conditioning, close to campus. or l automotive accept advertising which excellent 400 1967. Black, Auto Service & Parts BEECHWOOD: 2, 3 and 4 man 2 $165 per month. 332-1183 after 5 Scooters & Cycles discriminate* condition, expertly bedroom furnished against maintained. 353-7233, 484-1542 apartments, p.m. 3-5-6 Auto Parts & Service religion, race, color or 3-5-7 1965 FORD engine 352, fits for Summer and Fall. Spacious, national origin. years parking, close. Discount for all 9 FURNISHED FOR 4. New Aviation '60-'65. Also two transmissions, and 12 month leases 2 FORD 1964. Galaxie 2 door signed prior bedroom. Close, private home, one Ford, \ EMPLOYMENT cylinder. Automatic eight transmission, 3-5-10 one Pontiac. 882-8853. to June 1st. Call 351-0965 or parking. Summer or fall term. f FOR RENT three good tires, completely new AT MEL'S HALSTEAD 351-7910. O MANAGEMENT 351-9561. 5-5-11 ignition Apartments system and 24 month we repair all foreign and ONE MAN battery. Good running American If we can't fix it, it needed for 2 Houses Automotive 487-3096. S-5-5-10 car. $350 cars. can't be fixed. Call MARMAX APTS. Summer sublease. man. 332-3255. O Pool, reduced Rooms rent. 351-7978. 3-5-7 AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite. 2 and 4 man — Summer and FORD \FOR SALE Excellent condition. Many 1969. extras 1957. Good running condition, excellent tires, needs VW - GUARANTEED repair. RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at Fall — Close — Modern, Air PINECREST TOWNHOUSES Animals 353-0129. 3-5-6 and fender. $80. Call 355-0918 after 5 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C conditioning. duplexes. Perfect for young Mobile Homes P.m. 2-5-7 families. Includes basement and AUSTIN HEALEY 3000, 1963. Best 225 Division TWO I PERSONAL offer. Must sell. WHITEWALL, 3 blackwall, 13" dishwasher. Two bedrooms. 332-6148 FORD 1966 Fairlane 500 700x6.50. Like 351-7368. $207.50. Three bedrooms $260. I PEANUTS PERSONAL 332-8113. 3-5-6 V-8 automatic. wagon 289 3-5-7 new. EAST LANSING, quiet residential On Lake Lansing Road, Excellent just west I REAL ESTATE condition including rubber area near Hagadorn. Two bedroom of Harrison. 351-7194. 3-5-7 AUSTIN HEALEY Roadster 1958. MASON BODY SHOP furnished, $160. One bedroom I RECREATION Excellent condition, $600. Phone 332-3467. 2-5-7 Kalamazoo Street , 812 East furnished, $140. Utilities . . Sinco 1940. GIRL NEEDED for . (service 393-1296. 5-5-6 FORD 1965 station wagon. V-8 Complete auto collision service. IV 5-0256. C painting and included. summer Available term. Phone 351-5285 starting apartments next Twyckingham year. Phone j Typing Servicfa BMW 1968 1600-2. automatic. Good condition. Call evenings. 4-5-7 332-1738. 2-5-6 Radio, radial I TRANSPORTATION tires, good condition. $1495. Call Fred 351-3799. 2-5-7 '"ms is "me Aviation Norwood Apartments IWANTED 355-6107. 3-5-7 KARMANN GHIA 1964. Good tires, podftv THDS ^-f 355-9468. 2-5-6 miniature ? £ TWyCKWGHAM 7WYCl 4620 S. HAGADORN ColUngtoood WIRE FRAMES? Many styles, white or yellow gold at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan AKC 393-6366. be7glesfor^' registered. 5-5-H $,69,CJ just north of Mt. Hope Rd. APTS. Apartments Avenue. 372-7409. C-5-7 . 393-7973.3-5-7^ S \BX.IATCUFF\ management exclusively by: (formerly Northwind Apts.) Mobile Ho*** J MARSHFIELD 1969 I MT.HOPt RD- AICO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Call 351-8282 MODEL OPEN DAILY 2771 Northwind behind the living carpeting. room, skirting. Corner * FjrnlS,nVat 8'°° Yankee Store 625-7186, lot 64. % I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan rhursday, May 6, 1971 13 For Sale |,CAN 1968 12x50. Partly HOT COMBS, driers, everything for Tjshed, carpeted living , skirted on lot in Windsor room. 3s from MSU. your hair UNION BUILDING BARBER SHOP. C-5-6 Eurail UNION BOARD OFFERS passes, International I.D., Travel Insurance, auto and bike Letter criticized sell at $3600. Call sales and t0 rentals, amps and (Continued from page 1) f6380af.9r6p.rn.B2.5-7 HIGHWAYS optional tours. UNION BOARD Check out a new life si at 11:45 p.m. Monday at Beaumont will have lost that term of courses that may not help them, TRAVEL OFFICE. Open 11:30 Cooperatives will be holding a Tower. All are welcome to 5 p.m. today to the Dept. of Business being King said, "they should get The join them and Office able to look around without Interstate Highway a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call 353-9777. house from 7 lo 10 P-m- ,odaV Administration, 215 any going and get some of the C-5-6 Eppley Center. Officers will be particular axe to grind." System will have cost an myths of the tower. selected at the scheduled prerequisites out of the way." WITCH (Women Incensec meeting at King said the . estimated $60 billion before 7:30 letter was part Traditional Coed Hoopla) wil p.m. today in 118 Eppley of Alternatives to the draft: an attempt to prepare the U 1969 12'x60'. 2 bedrooms, it is completed and another Real Estate Draft Counseling Center is now open Holden Center. All interested students are student for academic orientation Carlin said the letter may be $320 billion is needed for invited to run for elective office in more laths. Extra large living room, to help you. The academic office, the Pre-Law Club. at the damaging to the road construction in the next EAST LANSING, 3 E-212 Holden Hall, is from summer orientation understanding of parents who calk in closet. Located in bedrooms, dining open 15 years. room, fireplace, study. Fenced 6:30 to 9 p.m. Monday through program. read the letter ir Estates. 646-6494 after 3 JerVlCe Thursday and frc The Pre-Law Club will present a than to the For a car worthy of the "Hfd, ideal small children. 2 blocks Selective Service information forum "My experience has been that students themselves |2-5-7 super mpus. Central school campus. Saturday and Sunday, :t the at 7:30 p.m. the student didn't highways you'll be on the district. ANN BR°WN: Typing and multilith office, call 353-6712. today in 118 Eppley really know "particularly on the guy who's ■ eDERE right road when you check By owner. 351-5166 after ' offset printing. Complete service Center. Attorney John Brattin, who after he got here what the been 1959. 10x50. saying to Johnnie since he 10-5-18 for specializes in conscientious objector Tjshed. Completely carpeted. 2 the State News Automotive dissertations, theses, Capitol County Republicans will cases, and Richard Oleksa, professor options are," King said. was ten years old, 'What are you skirted. On lot near Columm in the Classified manuscripts, general typing. IBM. present an abortion reform caucus at Rather than students taking 21 years experience. 7:30 of business law, who also handles going to be when you grow up?" 351-7719, evenings. Section. Servic 349-0850. C p.m. today in Community College amphitheater. N. the Lansing draft cases, will be featured speakers. All students and faculty members are Lorraine Beebe, former state senator invited to attend. No Directive hit COUPLE TO live in desirable NEED A babysitter? in favor of reform, and The Right to admission home in Lansing weekends, Available Shouldn't You Be Life Committee, against charge. exchange for some weeknights and reform, will companionship to lady. Salary. afternoons. 353-3011. 2-5-7 Using This Space? be featured. Petitions are still available for the 489-1662, 485-2766.3-5-6 Interested in helping high school Dept. of Social Science Student (Continued from page 1) Typewriter Advisory Committee in 129 and 287 perversive of a free intellectual ■CTIVE 12x60 2 bedroom. CALL 355 8255! dropouts'? All are welcome to meet of his own to the provost. Repair climate on which | rooms, skirted. Best offer. Peanuts Personal with People's Learning Center at Bessey Hall. Eleven positions are The statement presented to learning (Electrics) 7:30 p.m. today in 138 thrives. With this directive, the 655-2917; evenings, Chemistry Cantlon reads in part: Foreiwi <£ Domestic BARBI MEL: Typing, Bldg. provost calls into question the •ville 521-3987. 4-5-7 multilithing. IT'S AN UGLY WORLDIII 1-5-6 No job too large or too small. "We, the undersigned, reject integrity of a segment of the Campus Typewri Judy Krupka and Gersh Kaufman the loR '966. 12'x60' with Block off campus. 332-3255. C provost's directive on academic community, will speak suggesting ' expansion. 3 bedrooms. THE MEN of AGR congratulate the Sr. ED 2-0877 on "Sexuality and Sexual maintaining business as usual as that some members canrot be y Inadequacy" at 8 p.m. today in the 34-9534. 3-5-7 new Rhomates 71-Kathy, Elaine, COMPLETE THESES service. Day Care Center in the Married MECHA will meet at 7:30 p.m. discriminatory, intended to trusted to discharge fuiiy their Debbie, Jeri, Mary Ann, COLLEGE STUDENTS available for Discount printing. IBM >day in 34 Union. intimidate Pam, typing and Students Activity Building in Spartan t ten Plans for dissenting faculty and teaching responsibilities." Suzi, Cathy and Fran. 1-5-6 Spring and Summer work — binding of theses, resumes, Village. Babysitting will be provided. ding the Herston Chicano ,ost & Found painting, yard work, odd jobs. Call publications. Across from campus, RAY RED, fayette, mint chip, ballet 355-6277. S-5-6 corner MAC and The Perfor Conference explores Grand River, ling Arts Company and you. Cheryl. 1-5-6 below Style Shop. Call PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free COPYGRAPH performances of the children's SERVICES, musical "The Pied Campus Action will meet at 9 ROBIN. CONGRATULATIONS on estimates. Grad 337-1666. C Piper of Hamelin" students, at 1 and 3 p.m. p.m. today in the Union Oak Room. experienced, references. Brighten Saturday in Fairchild Jim making Mortar Board. Your Theater. Seregow, director of U-M counseling methods up your house for Campus Action, will speak on topics Sisters. 1-5-6 spring 349 4817. C relevant to live Christianity. Transportation p.m. The Physics Club will meet at 8 today in 106 Holmes Hall. T. YOUR Little Sisters of Tau Delta Phi will Recreation PLACE or mine. VW repa7r Edwards of the Dept. of Physics will hold a car wash from noon to 4 Innovative "A service. 485-6500 after 5 pm SUPPORT YOUR business witha discuss lasers and holography. p.m. approaches to Systemic Approach to 3-5-5 Saturday at Lawther's Shell Station boost from Want Ads. near Coral Gables on Grand River counseling the culturally and Counseling" will be the topic of Advertise ASMSU Great Issues will services there. Dial sponsor Avenue. Cost is $1. economically deprived student a major address by Thomas TROPHIES & PLAQUES 355-8255. Peter Camejo, Young Socialist will be explored in a over 1000 tio phms on display Typing Service Alliance leader, as part of the moratorium at 2 p.m. Young Socialist Alliance will hold conference at Kellogg Center. May 17 Gunnings, asst. director for minority student programs in fcLACK / white cat (male) today in the ■ Durand Street. Please call no wait:; is i MAI :d/at( DtLIVlKY TYPING. TERM papers, manuscripts, Wanted Union Ballroom. Mr. Camejo will an educational conference Friday and Saturday at the University of the Counseling Center. tptt'ol him lor speak About 100 high school ■291.3-5-7 * tttht i Que nil;/ Pur chant theses, letters. Experienced. Fast on "Making the American Michigan Angel Auditorium "A." The Conference on Counseling FACULTY COUPLE coming to MSU Registration will be held at 7 p.m. counselors from selected school the service. 355-4667. 3-5-10 Culturally and Economically I AST Friday imitation seal _ professional for summer, would like to Israel's 23rd Independence Friday and will be $2. Ruth Ann districts in eastern Michigan, Disadvantaged is sponsored by enoravino Day Miller will speak on "Feminism and ■ Siamese with bent tail, in our specialty TYPING, THESES housesit from June 20 will be celebrated at 8 including the metropolitan area, the Counseling Center and the and letters, etc. - August p.m. today in the Coming American Revolution" rsity Village area. Rapid accurate * service. 20. Will supply excellent local the Union Ballroom. Performance at will participate in the sessions. references. Contact Jay Raphael, one of Israel's by 8 p.m. Friday. Tony Thomas will Michigan Dept. of Education. 0795. 2-5-6 Krlns In Your Experienced. 393-4075. O top entertainers will be featured. All are welcome to come speak on "The Revolutionary Trophl.i or PloquM 38 Columbia Avenue, Athens, for Profctilonol and dance Israeli folk dances and Dynamics of Black Nationalism" at LOST amethyst ring, Ohio, 45701. 5-5-6 gold at Deacon's Bench, Engraving 24 Hour Strvic* DISSERTATIONS, papers. THESES, term Expert typist with degree enjoy Israeli delicacies. 10 a.m. Saturday and Peter will speak on "Making the American Camejo GREAT SHAKES! Ledge. Call Christina in English. IBM. 351-8961. 0-5-6 TUTOR NEEDED MSU Volunteer Probation Officers Revolution" at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. sow vine st. Phone immediately for ^ 337-1572. 5-5-12 A party with refreshments will assistance in Otis Davis, coordinator of the OUR NEW - 332-1667 graduate course follow. TYPIST, BOOKKEEPING in my AFA840. Good Ingham County Probate Court's" pay, call I.IGHT green wallet, Kellogg Larry Cushion Sporting Goods home. Pick-up and delivery. For 355-6Q16. 3-5-4 Volunteer Probation Officer "Horizons" will present "Films >r Tuesday. Desperately need 1 UK. N Of MICH -WEST OP SEARS faculty program, will speak at a question - "LANSING'S HOUSE Of TROPHIES" or businesses, phone for Radio" at 5:30 p.m. Saturday on No questions, answer session for all MSU Volunteer . 655-3458. 6-5-13 BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for WKAR-AM. Jerry Sikorski will Probation Officers from 3:30 to S 8, 482-5850. S-5-12 all positive. A negative, B irterview filmmakers Dennis Wickline OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos - job negative p.m. today in the Volunteer Bureau, and Roger Guiles, and Steve Raddock PROFESSIONAL and AB negative, $10.00. O 26 Student Services Bldg. application photos in 15 minutes. THESIS will speak about the Film unit of the negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL PREPARATION Broadcasters' Guild. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Lamaze childbirth classes are now 351-6262. Anything 507% East being taught on campus. A series range A lesson in complexion Grand River, East "Gamut" will present "Gamut photographed anywhere. 21-6-4 . begins today for couples expecting in ill 484-4519, East Michigan Lansing. Above the new Campus June or July. For information about Grand Prix" at 10:30 a.m. Saturday 185-7 197, Lansing Mall. Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 on Channel 10 WMSB. The these and future classes offered by fascinating sport of Grand Prix racing If NORMAN COSMETICS SUMMER FLIGHTS to Europe. Complelt Professional Thesis Strvic* for p.m., Monday, Thursday and the Assn. for Shared Childbirth, call will be investigated from a driver's ■lOS. C-5-6 $165 round trip jet - air. Call Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Eileen Eberlein at 393-5427. Mister's and Doctoral Candidatoi. Fre* p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Frank Buck, 351-8604. 5-5-6 Brochure and Consultation. Please Call Sune Akerman of the Historical JIVE SONY amplifier clinic. Cliff and Paula Hau|hey 337 1527 or 627 2936 TREADLE SEWING machine. Good Institute. American Section, Upsala The Society for Anachronism will hold its Crown Creative 10th through 12th. FREEPORT, BAHAMAS condition. $30 - $50. 351-6445. University and visiting professor at fcSHALL MUSIC, East TYPING IN my home. Manuscripts, Tournament at 9 a.m. Saturday in MEMORIAL DAY 3-5-10 Charles Warren Center of Harvard the field behind Jenison I ieldhouse. theses, letters. IBM. Experienced. University, will speak on "Swedish SPECIALS for Fly with STUDENTOURS From $119 372-1758^5-5-7 VISITING PROFESSOR needs Migration to the United States since 1860" at 4 p.m. today in Union If the weather is bad, the tournament will be held in the Men's Intramural TRY ONE! your special THESES run for only 7c per page. furnished apartment Building dirt arena. The Coronation Call Fred or house. Parlor A. pody. Mary 353-2517, 576 THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East Total family four. June, July and Revels for the Middle Kingdom will rs. 4-5-11 355-2824 begin at 8:30 p.m. in the East Grand River. Phone 332-4222. August only. Phone 882-8844. All students who wish to run for C-5-7 5-5-11 an office in the Pre-Law Club for the Lansing American Legion Hall. Look For Th* Go/dmn Arches 1024 E. Medieval costume is preferred for the 1971 - 1972 school year should submit their nominating petitions by tournament and required for the revels. McDonald's GRAND RIVER AND TOYOTA plans to have 85' ATTENTION CAR OWNERS GRAND RIVER * * * Complete front end repair and Brakes Wheel balancing alignment * Suspension * Steering m 234 W. AND 100% LEAN BEEF HINT: THE SHAKES GO GREAT WITH OUR CRISP FRIES HAMBURGERS! LISKEY'S Aula Safety Center 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 McDonald's We Guarantee: oi its dealers on an exclusive basis 1 ou9re a fool if you don't by the end of next year KALEIDOSCOPE hear speak our on General Counsel the Draft. 45 Days Toyota accepts the fact that most dealers who in Europe Thursday, 7:30 p.m., sell an import as a side line are unable to Spend 45 fabulous days visiting: Eppley Center provide proper service for their customers London Venice Copenhagen Florence Berlin Rome He's the best — we know Salzberg Paris Just another reason why Toyota owners and more! are among the most satisfied everywhere. Departing New York June 14 and 28. Complete round trip $1634.00 rjs3 mish«d'ui WHEELS TOYOTA INC. 2400 E. MICHIGAN A VE. 5 blocks College Travel 130 W. Grand River Draft Information Center 507 East Grand River — west of Frandor 351-6010 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ALL Olpm) 1 mmek fill m wiTH owner of an eight - foot - round waterbed, said that A San Francisco waterbed owner filled his bed on the lawn to test it for leaks and watched dumbfounded as the bed everybody wants to try it out. He calls it his "social By CRAIG PIECHURA center." began to roll downhill, amoeba - like, crushing hedges and shrubs before oozing to a halt. "It's not only a bed," Ustay said, "but a table, a couch, chair and a dance mat." Not a new invention, the waterbed has been used in If lying on a giant bowl of gelatin sounds like a pleasant a sensation, you are ready for the latest craze - the waterbed. "It's also a better media for lovemaking," he said. hospitals for paraplegics and other patients permanently Its popularity began in California and has spread to East Ustay said many girls have asked to sleep on his waterbed confined to bed. A Sparrow Hospital spokesman, said the Lansing. Such beds are sold locally at the Magnolia but that he has to be selective. hospital owns one waterbed. Thunderpussy, the White Monkey, Free Spirit and Aquarius "I don't want my waterbed to achieve that kind of According to a local orthepedlst, however, a recent Waterbeds. reputation," he said. experiment in Ohio showed the beds offer little A waterbed is a vinyl sack filled with water which ripples One of the highest priced waterbeds is the $2,800 therapeautic value. Two paralyzed dogs were observed to and undulates at the slightest movement. Buffs now refer to "Pleasure Island," an eight • foot - square waterbed see if they would contact bed sores; one on a waterbed, the the old - fashioned mattress as the "dead bed." featuring contour pillows, color television, a stereo system, other on a foam rubber mattress. Neither dog contracted Davis Crown, an employe at Magnolia Thunderpussy, said a bar and directional lighting. sores but the dog on the waterbed bit a hole in the vinyl the bed's rippling motion "rock and rolls you to sleep." Waterbed heaters with thermostats are sold for $40, but and drowned. George Bichebjan of Royal Oak was not so satisfied. He drawbacks have been reported. A California couple was Michael Valentine Zamaro, a 53 - year • old California returned his waterbed, complaining that it made him electrocuted while sleeping on their heated waterbed. businessman, was first to realize their commercial potential. seasick. Crown said. "I saw a wave of blue water like a breaker," Zamora has "I couldn't go to sleep on it; it sloshed whenever I moved Steel combs and claws of pets can puncture tlie vinyl, and most waterbeds are equipped with a repair kit. However, said. "On the wave in golden script was written: 'The World and I almost threw up," he said. Wants Waterbeds.' " Enver Ustay, Istanbul, Turkey, graduate student and the kit cannot remedy some emergencies. Ex-GIs conduct ceremony (On,,™* from P=* one, 22T5A " ' SSUSft Richard Oleska, assistant professor of business law and down sidewalks and knocking plead guilty we would be kept in anybody over who happened to jail until July, they made us during march the way this empire is being run in a few weeks," Riddle said. "We can change the way this mei STRUGGLE! STRUGGLE! "We cannot change a damn spontaneity. We scientific approach overcome i if the evils w.1*! If■ office administration said that be in their way." walk around with our hands in Masterson, associate pro lessor new which we must continue." empire is headed by only one thing if we are relying on decadent society." Corroborating much of what the air as they beat us, they of mathematics, praised the Masterson said the May Day actions of the antiwar movement Stengel said was David Bradford, pushed 14 of us into a five by Spring Offensive activities of the actions in the nation's capital must remain peaceful. In Put your parents up past week, especially those of were "very successful, despite referring to the suggestion that a march be made on the Capitol Wilmette, III. freshman, one of seven jail cell and made us sit several MSU students arrested in there for hours while they said with us! "the courageous people in what the press said." Washington. Bradford began by they were waiting to process Parent's weekend despite the fact that a parade permit had not been granted, correcting the person who us." May 14,15,16 introduced him by saying, "We A lengthy criticism of the said the Survivors sought Oleksa weren't in a detention camp; we often haphazard actions of the unconstitutionality of arbitrarily granting and refusing parade were in a concentration camp." peace movement was given by Bradford said that those Sam Riddle of the MSU Black (Continued from page one) Neighbors and relatives of the permits could be challenged by arrested were beaten, teargassed, Veterans Assn. and the Pan and a house begins to slide down missing waited through the night breaking the law. intimidated, and "fed an African Students Organization A lengthy description of the at the edge of the gorge. Several the hole" one rescue worker incredible pack of lies. of America (PASOA). homes in the area were past week's activities in said. "We are trying to get at "They told us if we didn't "We are not going to change evacuated and a hospital at Washington was given by some of the houses that haven't Mitchell Stengel, assistant sunk too deep." nearby Jonquiere reported professor of economics. Stengel Another said: "Anything that treating about 20 persons for goes into the hole now, which is shock. strongly criticized press coverage of the demonstrations, recalling Pro-Keds filling up with water, will just Roger Landry, a survivor, said Weekend Special! "I saw only one or two broken he searched in vain for his wife disappear." windows during my entire stay St. Jean Vianney, a village of and five children in the darkness in Washington, and the incident MOTOR HOTEL and left to stay with relatives. 2,000 with about 150 homes, is about two miles from where the "It was Riviere des Vases meets the indescribable," he said. He was dreadful, of trashing which was shown on television was very minor. "On the other hand," Stengel $15»s Reg. 18.95 One mile east of M.S.U. in the basement of his home Sanguenay. It is 115 miles north Larry Cushion Sporting Goods of Quebec. when the landslide started about 11 p.m. continued, "I saw countless instances of police senselessly Plenty of Parking Rain over the weekend and a "I called my family until I clubbing people, of police heavy spring rWQff have raised thought my lungs would burst, needlessly gassing Ated Code 517 2736 E. Grand rii«| the levels of rjvers in the region. 337-1621 East Lansing but there was no answer," he demonstrators, of police riding Small earth tremors were felt in their scooters and motorcycles said. the area Wednesday. TENDER SWEET CLAM STRIPS-w/half order French Fries, Tartar Sauce GOOD DEALS "19 OSBS IK* PERMANENTLY LOW PRICES ON DRAFT Michigan Sales Tax On All Items