f. < KUhfe V ' " -• r • ' Monday "m. MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE ;tate mews Volume 63 Number 176 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 10, 1971 West Germans decide to let J" vV mark find BONN, Germany (AP) - The West He would not say own how long West to be taken market level by July 1. "take a little while for the mark to settle German government decided Germany would allow the mark to float. Schiller said the the Sunday to let "It could be several compromise was down, but we will be able to establish a mark seek its months," he said, but own level on important because it would not bring future market." international money markets to stem the declined to be more specific. about a change of currency parity within Birbaum said his chief concern now is inflow of unwanted U.S. dollars. The finance minister said the Brussels the six-nation the Common Market. that the floating rate for the mark should Chancellor Willy Brandt said in a agreement was "a compromise for which In New York, Eugene we all worked hard." It also Birnbaum, vice not persist too long. nationwide television address the move did calls for new president for international monetary affairs not amount to an measures against the inflow of U.S. dollars of Chase Manhattan Bank, said it would (Please turn to oaae 11) upward revaluation of the mark. That would make German goods more expensive and less competitive in world markets. European Common Market finance REAPPOINTMENT DENIED ministers, at an overnight meeting in Brussels, gave West Germany and other Prof refused contract countries the okay to let their currencies float. Karl Schiller, West Germany's finance minister, told a news conference here Sunday he expected the mark to increase By BECKIE HANES Petitions were also being circulated for money available in the budget, but I don't in value State News Staff Writer temporarily. Lawrence Besaw, instructor in natural know where the money suddenly came Speculation on upward revaluation of An asst. science. In Besaw's case, his third one - from," he continued. the mark set off a massive sale of professor in the Dept. of dollars Natural Science who was denied contract year appointment had expired, and he was The purpose of the petitions is to get last week that brought on the not offered a three student support to show University College European renewal but not given reasons for his - year contract. Besaw monetary crisis and forced foreign nonreappointment will apparently not be said he was told the budget would not Dean Edward Carlin students wanted the exchanges to close. able to obtain a one - year extension, allow another appointment. contracts reconsidered, Evnen said. Evnen The decision to allow the mark to float Marking hi is aimed at stopping the inflow of currency into West foreign Germany and halting Richard Seltin, acting chairman of the Natural Science Dept. said Friday. William L. Downes, asst. professor of three Last - week, he said, he year contract. was offered a said he plans to continue circulating Downes' petition at other complexes, he said, but Besaw's petition isn't necessary st German Foreign Minister Walter Scheel is surrounded by newsmen domestic price rises. "I'm very happy about it, but I'm not natural science, Friday said he was any more. or to entering a cabinet meeting in Bonn Sunday. At the meeting, Schiller said the West German Central seeking completely aware of why a position a one - year renewal under the terms of a "The petitions were completely suddenly opened up," he said Friday. ^Chancellor Willy Brandt's cabinet decided to let the mark fluctuate on Bank "will cease its intervention" in behalf of the dollar today but board of trustee's motion in April in "The reason they gave me (for students' ideas," Evnen said. "Neither Downes nor Besaw had anything to do ■international money markets to stem the flow of unwanted U.S. "may intervene at authorizing one - year renewals for two occasions" after the mark is floated and other natural science faculty members. nonreappointment) was that there was no with the petitions." (dollars. AP Wirephoto the situation develops. Bertram G. Murray and Eileen R. VanTassell, both asst. professors of natural science, were granted one - year renewals iuthorities probe failure by the trustees because the department failed to supply the two with reasons why their three - year contracts were not Postal Service boosts renewed. "I have decided to write a letter asking cost of mailing letters )f Ma riner for the one - year extension," Downes said. s Mars shot However, Seltin said Downes would be refused the extension because he did not originally request the reasons for his nonrenewal. The trustees had stipulated in a WASHINGTON (AP) - Write somebody letter. Open your wallet, take out that six-cent stamp and put it on the envelope. to halt the increases until commission, which begins hearings next Monday on a permanent, $1.45 - billion - a the rate launch period where we can stop our preparations and make Murray's and VanTassell's that they This is the last week you can mail it year revenue proposal, has time to act. APE - KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) — "We're heartbroken," a space case corrections to the Atlas-Centaur if they are necessary," Kraemer deserved the extension because they had without postage due. Judge William B. Bryant is tentatively cy official said Sunday as investigators sought a reason for 1 failure of the Mariner 8 Mars shot and said. been denied the reasons for their Because Sunday, unless a federal judge scheduled to rule early this week, but crews prepared a twin The launch team has until June 17. After that Mars moves out frustrates the U.S. Postal Service, postage mMariner 9, for launching May 18. nonrenewal. postal authorities profess confidence he miner of favorable position and won't be available as a target again for "If Professor Downes does write a letter rates are going up. It will take eight cents will not block the temporary rate increases. 9 could be delayed depending on what the 25 months. requesting a one - year extension on his to mail a letter and 11 cents if you send it So confident are they, in fact, that some [EStigation turns up. But hope was expressed that if Mariner 9 is Asked to place a pricetag on the loss, Kraemer replied: contract, he will be refused because of the by air. stamps reflecting the higher, temporary- I, it will be able to perform some functions originally "I guess you can take the total $153.6 million cost of the two trustee's motion," Seltin said. "Penny postcards," which have cost a rates have already gone on sale. More go on lined for Mariner 8. launches and divide by two. That's the financial loss. But the loss Petitions have nickel for a long time, go up to six cents. sale this week at post offices around the he first half of the $153.6 million been circulated by project to orbit Mars with to science — it's hard to estimate that value. We were all very students And all second and third-class rates, nation. D satellites failed Saturday night less than five minutes after throughout South Complex plus some Tff. The second stage of the Atlas- Centaur rocket tumbled out excited about the prospect of having two spacecraft in Mars orbit during the past two weeks supporting fourth-class rates will increase by from 10 Postal reform legislation took from performing different missions." Downe's case for remaining at the per cent to 20 per cent. Special delivery Congress the power to set postal rates. Jfontrol ithe Atlantic 92 miles above the earth and plunged with its payload Ocean 900 miles southeast of Mariners 8 and 9 were the first spacecraft built to orbit University. The students feel Downes is an and registered mail costs also go up. Now, the postal Board of Governors, which Cape Kennedy. another planet. Mariner 8 was to have conducted a broad exceptional professor, Robert B. Evnen, The May 16 boost comes under what takes full control of the postal system ■Themission is lost," came the terse announcement from the July ich control center. mapping mission, while Mariner 9 was to have made repeated Lincoln, Neb., freshman and originator of the Postal Service claims is its authority to 1, is supposed to set its own costs and «al days studies of six selected areas to note atmospheric, surface and the petitions, said. make temporary increases in postal rates bring in enough revenue to break even. may be required to pinpoint the cause of the seasonal changes. Each was equipped with two television cameras pending a recommendation by the Postal Rate proposals, however, must be sent f, but initial study of radio data indicated a fault with the taur's and several sensors. Rate Commission. to an independent, five-member ratu flight control system. The information could determine if conditions exist on Mars It could be A group of mail users, led by magazine commission. The commission is required to something as simple loose broken wire," ■racial said. as a or in which some primitive form of life, such as microbes or plants, Guess Who tickets and newspaper publishers, have challenged return a recommendation to the board of could exist. the right of Postmaster General Winton M. governors within 90 days 1 Robert S. Kraemer, director of planetary programs for the Tickets for Kraemer said Mariner 9 will now take over Mariner 8's Friday's Guess Who concert Blount and the nine other members of the Should the commission not act within T°n®I Aeronautics and Space Administration, said "it is our are still on sale at the Union, Campbell's 90 days, the governors may increase rates r w^e doing the detailed mapping assignment. Postal Board of Governors to use such investigation to proceed right The mapping assignment is to cover 70 per cent of the Smoke Shop and Marshall Music in East authority. by no more than one third, on a temporary [Jwith our plans to launch the second Mariner on May 18. planet and will help experts select a landing site for two Lansing. Ticket prices are $2.50 and $3.50. In a suit filed in U.S. District Court basis, after 10 days notice. 'pending on what is learned, we have additional time in the Projec Viking craft which are to land on Mars in 1975 to search for life. here, the mailers are seeking an injunction The governors' proposal went to the rate commission on Feb. 1, 99 days ago. The mailers who want to block the $ —J, lizard's employes temporary increases while saying they believe higher rates are inevitable contend the Postal Service cannot use the temporary authority until the rate commission has once acted. Since the commission does not even vote unionization begin its first ever hearings until the day after the temporary rates are scheduled to go into effect - the action is illegal - the mailers claim. By RAY ANDERSON representation and began picketing the State News Staff Writer following morning. The workers primary grievance, according to a spokesman, was job days of student employe insecurity and low wages. Three recently Mon/c - '8 against Idav^h ^ "Lizard's," „ Abbott Road, concluded released employes have filed complaints with the state labor mediation board b Q afternoon with a management because they believe they were fired for biftk JL.A?ement emPl°yes could y w'" become unionized. and vote to employe discussing the possibilities of union organization. Samuel A. Howes, a "Lizards t leaves lbeh0u'mS ■ eld aSreed that secret balloting manager, said they were released because Wednesday to decide t£jhirdsof the employes the union approve of scheduling problems accompanying their part - time status. "There was an extraordinary amount of asking SAIGON (AP) — A young Buddhist to win k' Wa'tresses, bartenders and imagination, goodwill and common - sense monk burned himself to death in Hue i J1 represented by Local 235 of on part of the employes, management and Sunday in protest against the Vietnam war. ,s Hotel, Restaurant and union,'.' said C. Patric Larrowe, professor He left behind letters * union. asking President of economics, who added that he "acted as Nixon and President Nguyen Van Thieu to CCemployes' who up their the catalyst." work for peace. The Monk urged Nixon to Ms anVhursdaV. said they hoped their "I think it is about time students "withdraw your troops from South f*AbhJU„PPOrters C^ott Road would now return realized the power of organization, and I Vietnam immediately." bistro. was very glad to participate and advise," he The letters are being held by Nguyen PndeTj16 prob,em stemmed from a added. Thu Tan, chairman of the Hue University rfo" att lng over regulations," Larrowe, who spent 18 hours on the Buddhist Student Union. He said the | the JTy' Lewis A. Smith, said. picket line, praised "Lizard's" management Monk, Thich Chon The, 27, died in "an VtatinnP °yes se,ect for union for their restraint. appeal for immediate peace in Vietnam and "latelyne8°tiations will begin the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. I****-*. occurred when Judiciary seats forces." The held a placard saying that he would ltlllr%mpI?S£!ltative first approached Applications for six sophomore and burn himself at 8:40 a.m. At exactly that 1 StlELVednesday evening with a junior positions on the A!l - University time he doused himself with gasoline from ed jn j "g. names of employes Student Judiciary and two sophomore - an ammunition box and set himself a thev 4ng' Lewls He then junior positions on the Student Faculty Restaurant employes strike ablaze. In death, his charred hands still pltt sun "° '°°k at the ,ist untU a Judiciary are still available in Judicial clasped his prayer beads. l^'oyescS election ,n whlch ■" Programs Office, 339 Student Services In his letter to "President Nixon and r4Lyesdrrticipatewa8he,d- ^n of fu M,d' took this as a Bldg. Applications must be returned no Employes of Lizard's, picketing over low wages and job insecurities, ended their protests with the restaurant management. Sunday after meeting U.S. leaders, " The said, "I beg you to , their desire for later than 5 p.m. Wednesday. State News photo by Bruce Remington (Please turn to page 11) union 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May ]0 , news Panel to University actually acts. study U' stock policy issues, the guideline of making University and the business not conern itself with how its against management summary By BILL HOLSTEIN State News Staff Writer "The real question Is whether the University serves in two the most profit on the University's investments is no corporations is that many corporations, such as U.S. Steel, stock is voted but regard its But Little said investments as the concern of recommendations eS °" he hoped J ■ different positions: one as its From the wires of AP »nd UPI. longer adequate, he said. support basic research on companies such as Ann Arbor would give the UnivjL' The chairman of a academic stance expressed by its The University, according to university campuses - with little Trust Co. posture that is subcommittee to study and constituent groups, students, its 1969-70 Financial Report, hope of applying that knowledge Ann Arbor q, ls the consisted? make recommendations facu,ty and administrators and, owns stock in companies such as to making more profits - and Little said the University's stock voting agent. <*rry "sort of Univ, concerning the ethical uses of secondly, how it acts as a General Motors; Dow Chemical ajg0 support students through unique tvj Universty holdings in corporate entity in itself," he Co.; Texaco, Inc.; Xerox Corp.; fellowships, Little said, He saidThe subcommittee may He said the subcommittee may deride the University's role in in society so that they take as instituting^™ thT^J corporations will be announced sai'1- U.S. Steel Corp., and Standard Thursday, Robert Little, An example of this Oil Co. of New Jersey. find the relationship "ar social matters is not best served higher learning on as matters J associate professor of discontinuity, he said, would be One issue that complicates the impossible, intertangled mess* by attempting to influence corporate responsibly "If Professor Dowries does engineering and chairman of the if the University voiced alarm Business Affairs Committee, said ®v®r the social responsibility of relationshipl between the an(| recommend the University companies by voting its stock important and influential I write a letter requesting a one - year extension on his contract, he Friday. and "turned around and will be refused because of the Little said the composition and size of the subcommittee bought Fleetwood cars from ^M. HOUSE VOTES 77-22 t trustee's motion." will also be announced then and . There s no continuity," Little will probably include 10 to 12 —Richard Selton, acting chairman The subcommittee is also 'No-fault'divorce students, faculty members and an Dept. ofNatural Science administrators. attempt to formulate a policy The subcommittee's study of "that will eliminate the necessity the extremely complicated of consideration of singular relationship between the positions, such as the GM Stock University and business issue," according to a letter from corporations may lead to Business Affairs Committee By JOANNA FIRESTONE 24, will be sent to the Senate for further action. circuit court in the same manner and on the same grounds as an Law January. Revision Committee IV recommendations to the Office to the board of trustees at their State News Staff Writer The liberal divorce proposal, action for divorce, Strikes of Business and Finance April 16 meeting. In either case of divorce or "The elimination 0f {J plague Rome attempting to make consistent In the past, the role and The Michigan House of passed by a 77-22 margin, is designed to replace the current separate maintenance, the grounds for divorce will inl incidence! - .... way increase the the University's policy, he said, nature of University investments Representatives overwhelmingly grounds for divorce by defendant may either admit the divorce," it Rome put its worst foot forward Sunday for Little noted the apparent was purely financial return, approved a bill Friday that eliminating the requirement that grounds or deny them without the grounds for said. "It will claf divorce J disappointed tourists and embittered residents. inconsistency in University Little said. But increasingly, wou,d institute a "no-fault one party prove the other at further explanation. An divorce proceedings less sutj A strike of municipal employes went into its eighth policy between the "academic with the University taking provision in the states divorce fault for the marriage's failure, admission by the defendant of to the vagaries of the attitudl day, leaving the city filthy with uncollected garbage views" expressed by members of positions on pollution, equal 'aw®- The current law provides for the grounds may be considered the individual the University and how the opportunity and other social The bl,1< introduced March divorce on the grounds of by the court, but is not binding much of the judge and obv] piled up as high as a man along the streets. incongruity f extreme cruelty, adultery, on the court's decision, unfairness of the present Undirected traffic was in chaos and bodies lay desertion, drunkenness, physical The court will still retain the |aL unburied at the city's cemeteries. Tourists arriving at According to Cap! Court asks imcompetence at the time of right to decide money and spokesmen, the bill standT Rome Airport had to lug their own baggage through customs, and hotel guests were without room service, reasons marriage or imprisonment of one party for more than three years. If enacted, the bill will allow property settlements, The provision, modeled after Iowa statute, favorable chance of the Senate. If passagifl approved, the 1 would go into effect telephones, bellboys or elevators. an was jj the circuit court to terminate a recommended by the Michigan 1972. "■ marriage when "there has been a for breakdown of the marriage Truce incident claims 30 A water taxi crowded with civilians headed for market hit two floating mines in a river near the demilitarized prof's dismissa A federal court in Ohio has given him no reason. The plaintiff's rights under the relationship to the extent that the objects of matrimony have been destroyed and there remains no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be Steven steals 'melon federal civil rights statutes." zone Sunday, killing at least 30 Vietnamese. It was by far the worst incident reported in the truce enjoined Youngstown State university said a regulation University from dismissing a prohibited stating reasons for nontenured assistant professor not Judge Battista also told renewing contracts with Youngstown State that if it preserved." The bill's sponsor, Rep. J. Robert Traxler, D-Bay City, said in SN identification called by both sides for Buddha's birthday. decided to terminate Poddar's "unless and until he has been nontenured faculty members. he was very pleased at the strong Witnesses said the 24-foot sampan was lifted into the given both a written statement Judge Frank J. Battista said employment, it must provide support shown the proposal and The State News wishes to apologize to D. Scott Kindschy, l air by one blast and when it settled back into the river it of the reasons for his dismissal the court finds that "the him with a written statement of pointed out the urgency for such the Jackson freshman who has had so much difficulty with I was riddled by a second explosion. and an opportunity for a hearing university's termination of reasons and give him a hearing at a bill in the state. persons misspelling his name, for incorrectly identifying! at which to contest such a plaintiff's employment, by which he would be entitled to be "There is no innocent party him in Friday's paper. | Scott, who presented Holmes Hall government officials! decision." failing to renew his contract of represented by counsel, to in a divorce," he said. "Seldom A spokesman for employment without disclosing submit evidence and to cross - is only one person to blame. The with a check written on a watermelon to protest their I examine witnesses. continued misspelling of his name on dorm dues bills, was! 9 Soviet Jews face trial Youngstown State said the the reasons for such termination, The court's decision is similar bill recognizes this fact." identified in the story printed Friday as Steven W.I university does not intend to constitutes arbitrary and Traxler called divorce a to one handed down by a federal Kindschy, Jackson junior, Steven is Scott's brother. appeal the decision, according to capricious conduct prohibited "traumatic experience" Nine Soviet Jews, accused of complicity in a plot to a recent issue of "The Chronicle court in Wisconsin last year. In Again, just for the record, Scott's name is Kindschy, n by the due process clause of the compounded by the requirement Kinschy or Kinsey, and he is a freshman from Jackson, n hijack a Russian airliner last June, are scheduled to go of Higher Education." 14th Amendment, and violates that case, the judge ordered that one party must be deemed a junior. But he has a brother named Steven, who is a on trial in Leningrad Tuesday after a delay of four The university had informed Wisconsin State University at junior! guilty. from Jackson, and his name is spelled just like Scott's, that! Oshkosh either to grtmt a months, Jewish sources reported in Moscow Sunday. Bhagwati K. Poddar, asst. According to the "no-fault" It would be the second trial in Leningrad of Jews professor of sociology and Theater hearing to an asst. professor of provision, an action for separate is, Kindschy, we think ... anthropology, that his contract political science or to reappoint maintenance may be filed in the accused of being involved in a conspiracy to flee the Soviet Union by trying to seize a plane at Leningrad would not be renewed for the festival him. An 1971-72 academic year, and had appeal in the Wisconsin case is Marchers now pending before the Airport June 15 and fly it to Sweden. rais Tickets for the Performing U.S. Court of Arts Company's (PAC) Theatre Appeals in Festival go on sale today at the Chicago. The Wisconsin case was one Fairchild Theatre box office. of several cited by University Diplomat near death Tickets price is $2 for each Attorney Leland W. Carr Jr., A Colombian diplomat wanted in the shooting of a millionaire playboy was near death Sunday in Santiago, performance and the box office when he recommended to the hours are 12:30 to 5 p.m. on weekdays. The festival features take three trustees in February that MSU steps to implement a policy for world's d plays, "The Rope which would Chile, after falling out of the landing gear compartment Dancers," "The Tempest" and require that "The Country Wife" which will reasons be offered to a As many as four million United States, spokesmen said Organization says occur inl of a department jetliner during an escape attempt. nontenured faculty member who persons — from statesmen to 150,000 Americans walked in world from hunger Police said Eduardo Espinoza de Zuleta, 30, second play in a rotating schedule from was not retained hippies and children — trekked 113 U.S. towns and cities hour. May 20 until June 5. by the miles for dollars Sunday in the . secretary at the Colombian Embassy in Washington, University. first "international walk for Saturday and raised nearly The worldwide walk j D.C., plunged more than 60 feet to the runway from a $1,250,000. organized by the Freedol development." The money went By midday Sunday From - Hunger campaign oil Braniff DC8 jet Saturday night as it was taking off from to feed the world's hungry. spokesmen has reported 55 UN agency, which has! Pudahuel International Airport for Miami. Marchers in 600 cities of 50 countries covered at least 10 walks with 403,000 participants. headquarters in Rome. I A goal of $5.5 million for The walkers raised m| million miles. In some cities, Saturday and Sunday had been with their sore feet and a such as Accra in Ghana, the set in the United States. Power limit from "sponsors,' proposed walking began Friday. In Rome, groups set off 800 backs promised to pay anything I Hundreds of thousands — at a time. That's symbolic of the 10 cents to many dollars! most of them young - marched 800 deaths the United Nations Sen. John C. each mile wnlked. Stennis, a strong Sunday in cities across the Food and Agriculture A pet boa constrictor.se supporter of the Pentagon and of the Nixon administration's conduct of the high school track teams ar NOW HEAR THIS FROM estimated 200,000 teen • Vietnam conflict, said Sunday he T1IK YOP HINGE hiked Sunday in Chicago ai AT Till. plans to sponsor a resolution designed STOHE WITH THE RED IJOORI suburbs. Friends and neigli to limit a president's powers to make of the teen - age owner oj war. COME SEE OUR SELECTION boa constrictor had pledged for each mile of a 30 • mile (| Stennis's resolution would allow a of Free Hand Danish Pipes by the snake slithered. President to commit U.S. forces in KNUTE and BEN WADE 25.00 emergencies, including surprise attack The sheriff of Lake Cityl to 75.00 and whenever Americans who are challenged the mayor! complete a 30 - mile walK B lawfully in another country are in Minneapolis, Minnesota s» endangered. In such cases, he said, he Democratic senators, envisions a 30-day limit by which time Campbell's Shop Humphrey and Walter Monf Congress must pass a declaration of spoke to 20,000 persons bj war or the troops would have to be The Store With The Red Door Ph. 332-4269 they began a march t JOHN STENNIS withdrawn. Minneapolis and St. Paul. Hard times for seafood 'nuts' ASMSU Great Issues Government presents the warnings against eating swordfish because of high-mercury contamination have made it tough on Ex-Mayor of Detroit and seafood lovers in many cities who defy the warnings at 1972 Senatorial Candidate their favorite restaurants. While many restaurant owners have taken swordfish off their menus, others, including restaurants at San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf, are still serving it, and report customers still ordering it. Still others report little JEROME CAVANAGH call for it, an Associated Press survey shows. speaking on 'Mass psychotherapy' urged "Crisis in the Cities: Problems A California psychiatrist suggests that one way of and Alternatives for the 70's" dealing with world problems might be "mass psychotherapy" for nations. Bryant Wedge, director of the Institute for the Study TOMORROW, MAY 11th at the following: 11:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. - Madison Library, Case Hall - of National Behavior at San Diego, says recent work he 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - has done indicates mass psychotherapy also might assist Phillips Cafeteria 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. - Room 137 Akers FREE in bringing other conflicting groups, such as motorcycle gangs and police, closer together. n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 10. 1971 3 IN TRUONG KHANH 2 5 Viet women recount NGHIA HANH, Vietnam (AP) — Five Vietnamese women people in it, and they're responsible for it. I want some unresisting women and children. Truong Khanh 2 area on atrocity April told their version of the U.S. military records show 18 and that the following day, a incident say the Americans came in the kills." Sunday at a resettlement site that Notley's unit, part of the U.S. reconnaissance patrol found morning and burned the houses, Following this, Notley told 11th Infantry Brigade of the near this village, a short distance came back in the afternoon 18 bodies of Vietnamese men of from and an unofficial panel headed by Americal Division, suffered one now deserted Troung killed 60 people in two military age, plus a wounded Khanh. groups, Rep. Ronald V. Dellums, killed and one wounded by a then bombed the village. boy and a girl, in the hamlet. Only one of the five claimed D-Calif., that his squad and booby trap near the hamlet on Both children were evacuated They said this happened one several volunteers — about 10 by to have been in the hamlet when day in April, 1969, in the farm April 17. helicopter. the men in all — entered the village Americans came. The rest hamlet of They also show that a The women, their faces Truong Khanh 2, and systematically killed 30 bombing strike was flown in the weathered were working in rice fields about 20 miles south of and expressionless, Quang nearby. Ngai in the north. "I saw the Americans come It agrees in some into the respects and disagrees in others with the account given by Army sergeant, Danny Spencer a former U.S. Riots in Rome conclude our village. They burned houses, then killed the people," said Mrs. Nguyen Thi Mam, 68, who cares for a five • Notley. He testified before an year - old girl whose mother was Rogers' Mideast mission informal congressional shot. committee April 28 that men of Mrs. Ho Thi Cho, 59, said her his unit killed 30 civilians in husband and two children were Truong Khanh in revenge for the among the victims. booby trap death of a soldier. ROME (AP) — Secretary of American withdrawal from The most serious block to an "The Americans came to our State William P. Rogers flew Notley, 23, of St. Paul, Special blood Minn., said the incident occurred home Sunday with a mildly Indochina. Seven policemen were hurt in the disturbances, agreement reopening the canal is the question of who should village about three times a month, but there was never any donation April 18, 1969. He recounted optimistic report for President which flared in crowded, control the area now held Nixon on the results of by trouble," she added. "They just „;e 513th pint of blood was given Thursday in the Arnold Air Society's blood that after a popular soldier was his downtown Rome, far from the Israeli forces in Sinai. drive by Ken Middle East peace mission. walked through and looked in I Osterman, Hesperia soph. The donor received a theater pass for his contribution. killed by the booby trap, a suburban Hilton hotel where Rogers sees a Suez deal as the our houses." lieutenant declared: "there's a Rogers had spent 26 hours in Rogers was staying. potentially most promising first State News photo by Milton Horst Rome on his way to She said most adults, village over there, and there's Washington Summing up his findings in step toward moving out of a from the Middle East. including herself, were in the During his talks with Israeli and Arab long deadlock on a broad fields on the day in question and liTS 739 PINTS visit here the secretary of state encouraged keep up their Italian own leaders Middle East to officials, Rogers said "prospects have been improved to some extent" for an accord opening agreement to bring permanent peace to the troubled area. the only ones left in the hamlet were old people and children. peace efforts. the Suez Canal. But he added llood drive reaches goal Rogers' vish to Rome, that this did not mean "the following a swing through five prospect for the opening of Suez Middle East countries, touched is bright." off wild rioting Saturday night. Israel Newspapers said the U.S. A thousand Maoist - line leftists official's visit had created threw fire bombs at police, progress toward reopening the News Staf/writer burned two police cars, broke |IcState ^News Stan writer Kenne th p - Osterman, Hesperia sophomore, was the Saturday to raise the total for the donated the blood were taken to shop windows and erected street canal. "Time will tell whether week-long drive to 739 pints, Sparrow Hospital, so that their barricades. spring term blood drive donor of the 513th pint, which Robords said. blood could be taken there and anything will come out of the jred by the Arnold Air raised the total of pints of blood used in surgery without They denounced Rogers as a present efforts" said the May of the Air Force ROTC collected at MSU in the having "hangman" and demanded Jerusalem Post. past five The three pints collected to have chemicals added to A its goal of 513 ponts years to 19,000. it, he day of dialogue Saturday were of a special blood said, md 7:45 p.m. Thursday, In all, 207 pints of blood were - type, Robords said. They were between students and community irding to Alan Robords, donated Friday and three more Everyone who donated blood Jbe State News, the needed for surgery conducted student newspaper at Michigan State (Valley Court Park) [sophomore. pints were specially donated during the drive was given a University, is published every class day during four school Behind the bus station in East that afternoon. The people who chance in a drawing for free Lansing terms, plus Welcome Week edition in * Tickets for The Carpenters now on sale passes to area restaurants and September. Subscription rate is $14 per year. theaters, Robords said. The 43 prizes will be mailed to Member Associated Press, United Press International, Itudenfs the winners, he said. Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, question Early last week picked up the wrong beige jacket after giving blood, Robords said. He asked that everyone who someone Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. Second class postage paid at East - owns a beige jacket and who Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student If campus Services gave blood last week to check to Building, Michigan alcoh State University, East Lansing, make sure that they have their Michigan. own jacket. If someone has the wrong jacket, he said, contact Phones: him at The students maintain that the 3£ 3-7 514. Editorial 355-8252 Powers said the group intends Classified policy violates Article 1.5.02 of to exhaust all University Advertising 355-8255 the Academic Freedom Report, channels before taking the issue , I . Display Advertising 353-6400 which says "there shall be no to civil court. ^ SlU 0 e fl IS Wlfl Business - Circulation 355-3447 We're Photographic 355-8311 regulation unless there is a trying to keep this group of students has demonstrable need for it which within the University," he said. !t0 tan eJ ?rC ^ is reasonably related to the basic "But if the University preSS OW O ssity Student Judiciary doesn]thave re- and necessities of the examine the policy and JSJ) Tuesday their challenge purposes ^ n^vpwitv enough people still interested in Steven Allen, Louisville, | the University's alcohol y" the issue, we'll go to civil court." Kentucky, junior, and Edward I that requires all on - Powers said the students feel Residence Halls Assn. and Hutchison, _ Midland graduate his parties with alcohol to be that the campus police have the ASMSuTast week student, won second place prizes jtered and approved by the authority to enforce the alcohol reSolutions favoring a "re ie of the Vice President for ordinance and that Thursday night at the Detroit further examination of the Tent Affairs. University' Press Club Foundation banquet enforcement is unwarranted, alcohol ordinance. in the Sheraton Cadillac Hotel. lie students involved, about Hie students also contend that idents of the fifth floor, "Hopefully, the hearing Allen received the prize for the regulation violates their Tuesday will add some "expression of opinion" by a luring in Holden Hall, were constitutional rights to momentum to ed to AUSJ last month for "freedom of assembly." our attempt to college student. Hutchison's have the policy re - examined," entry was in the category of i? a party that was not lered. They contend that The bylaws of the board of Powers said "This is the tot ••feature writing" by a college tZJ '/ ■registration policy violates , trustees in question state that test test of oi the validity of the student. Both awarded $200. -°f the Academlc -health, University must maintain ordinance. were m Report, the bylaws of safety, good order, ■ ■■■■■■■■■■coupONia of trustees and their harmony and discipline" on Ktutional rights. campus. This coupon is ^ support the ordinance "We contend that while the J alcohol f. on campus," University is bound to abide by Powers, Holden Hall state law, it is not an worth $2.00 OFF " adviser, said. "We're in enforcement agency of the law," the Price of (tfntion with the Powers said. lentation set up ||of the vice president." 1 by the The students said they have encountered little sympathy for NEW SANDALS registration policy their cause from University Good Thru May 15 s students to provide administrators. Pnation on the at in and date, "We are told that we were time of the '"is for event, rocking the boat," Jeffrey G. M.S.U. SHOE REPAIR financing, the Strousss, Birmingham freshman, 3-MINUTE HEEL SERVICE j[ Party *®>ies for to bo held and said. "They said that the alcohol excluding those ordinance was on tenuous I ™ le?a' drinking age. ground." open Thursday and Friday evenings until 9:00 p.m. take care of your tender complexion with Clinique Moisturizing Lotion .. . Just a few drops of this allergy-tested. fragrance-free formula helps maintain the important level of moisture that leads to a dewy-fresh feeling. Slip it on under your makeup, it goes beautifully. 2 fl. ozs. 7.50 Jacobson'0 Michil MICHIGAN TRB FROM WASHINGTON STATE ME Of' Notes from inside D.C. fountain s< UNIVERSITY JOHN JUEL editor-in-chief a To begin with I know, at last, what an the Supreme Court KENLYNAM This is the first time I have ever made magnificient Capitol. Down below me on - a B()Vernm notes inside a fountain. It is a circular idea looks like whose time has come. It is a suddenly grasped its awful misuu advertising manager Pennsylvania Avenue where they have the cement bowl and the architect must have Popsicle tricycle parked smack in the Injunction dissolved at the d stopped traffic are perhaps half a million middle of thronged Pennsylvania Avenue tongue - lashing from the ?' DAVE PERSON, managing editor BOB ROACH, city editor JOHN BORGER, campus editor designed it for me; the curve behind is wonderful back rest for a man who has walked five miles, and the block in front a people wandering about good - naturedly, as many going as coming, perhaps a quarter of the number listening to the speeches. from which all cars are excluded. It is boys looking like Abe Lincoln with girls in public relations disaster administration from start to judge ' finu r cr going around with yellow plastic can't win an argent para J. where, I suppose, the water lilies grow, is The speeches come from little men serapes witb a BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor - The deeper problem RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor just right for a foot brace. Fortunately standing up there on a platform while right bags trying to show their law - and • order is, thou? By A they haven't turned the hydrants on yet or beside me on the terrace is a battery of respect by picking up cigaret butts and happens now? What do you dog ! State N I would be two feet under water. A Coke bottles. It is the reverberant voice government that fights couple loud speakers with a Satanic roar that a war that 7 from the sky as loud as God's at Mount Seven.timo recipient of the for outstanding journalism. Pacemaker award of exhausted marchers are lying basin, too, with sleeping bags over in the their would knock a cat off a rail fence. Sinai saying, "Please take lost children over Znl?Lthe be higher since PUl!lic rejects ' 8 Michigan State s, \. »t Lansing, Michigan 19)1 -SPORTS- S'golf By CRAIG REMSBURG State News Sports Writer schools took part in the two day. 36-hole event, and saw an - In the College Division, a squads Detroit College of Business team Mark Engelman, 77-76 - 153; Mark Timyan stroked a 76-77 - seniors decided to play good golf Denny Vass, 76-79 - 155; and 153; Bill Dickens finished at Saturday and I'm very pleased, tie 742 yd. 742 mar*. Second mark. the longest single for v_."place In , Spartans will be drive class Championship at th* d tJurn !?8T'I all senior MSU 'A' team took first place honors with 776, tournament individual defending 74-80 - 154 and Bill Marx at of course, with the results of the went to the University went of Columbus. Ohio m.„ ^e^Ten^eamJteU'179T5,* - „ overcome an eight stroke first far ahead of Saginaw Valley's champion Ron English, 77-78 77-77 - 154. tournament." Toledo's"Fred Colli, with a hit of The weather wr perfect, round lead by the Spartan 'B' 788. Aquinas finished third with 155, all for the MSU 'A' team. The balance of our teams "The weather was the best 258 yds., one - foot. to participate ln the the- competition jnse, a team to tie at 747 jn the 794 and Notthwood Institute For the State 'B' squad, Tom was obvious," Coach Bruce we've ever had for two days The next action for the tournament. 11(1 course record was established UmVersitv Division. The 'A' and placed fourth at 801. Murphy shot a 73-78 - 151; Fossum commented. Our running in the history of this and two MSU squads finished in .g. Spartan teams last year In individual competition, tournament, and combined with a tie for first place in the sixth Jeff Reaume, Eastern Michigan the competition we had here, it pjaced 1.2 in the tournament, annual Spartan Invitational golf tournament held at the 6,854 yd. Forest Akers West Golf The University of Michigan number one squad placed third at 761 while 0hio State and sophomore and defending Western Junior champion, defeated the Spartan's John made for a real fine tourney," he said. "Special credit must be given Stickmen Nd| Course over the weekend. state finished at 762 and Peterson for the title by sinking to Ron Foote, Supt. of the A total of 178 golfers and 28 final respectively. a 12-foot putt on the first hole Forest Akers course, for the of a sudden - death playoff. Reaume had set a course excellent condition course. The greens, especially, of the in seconds Flankers plagued record Friday with a sizzling five • under - par 66. He carded six birdies and one bogey in his were lovely," Fossum said. As an added attraction to the tournament action, a driving By MIKE MOODY was a timely one. The game was tvnir«i record round. contest was held Friday MSU - Notre Dame After nine holes Saturday, afternoon in the Forest Akers clash It, by inexperience By GARY SCHARRER Reaume was only one - over - par and seemed a sure bet to win the title. But in the last half of West practice area. One golfer from each team was selected by his coach to hit three drives - ■ - - In past performances the MSU a tough physical contest m "tickmen have found themselves by hard body checking, it 1 wlshlng for just a few minutes close match as the two ev. more to play as time ran out. matched teams battled , the round he blew up and soared down a special 50 yd - wide for State News Sports Writer to a 78 total, thus forcing the fairway, competing for a dozen But in Saturday's game, the time win. was right as they defeated arch - MQIT . One of the positions on the football field that carries variety playoff. golf balls donated by a major Peterson shot a fine 70-74 - golf equipment company. rival Notre Dame, 7-6. * a 2-11, of responsibilities and often times a spot where the finer techniques go unnoticed by the spectators is flanker. 144 while State's John John Muller, of Western With two seconds left and the [h^n quart.er- Notre Dal Receiver coach Joe Carruthers admits that the flankers corps VanderMeiden carded a 145, Illinois, took first place in both score tied at 6-6, senior {J?1 "ored the «0efaJ are a little weaker than some of the other positions on the MSU good for third place. Rick contest categories — for the midfielder Emery Freeman score at 3-3 b *>"8 t°-even team. Woulfe shot a 146 for the longest single"*drive cumulative and the distance, found the net and registered the Team's final tally. ^ftuVd6 ^®mselvj "It's one of the inexperienced positions that we have in our Spartans, including a 70 in the longest longest cumulative distance. ~:j backfield," Carruthers said. "Henry Matthews is lining up number last round, to finish fourth. Muller took the single drive title _ _ In the last seconds of the final « , 1ay one right now, but Randy Davis is right behind, if not even." State's Dick Bradow (74-73), by" blasting his first shot 260 Period. Freeman saw his first danger^of 8oinfing(ame Was| Carruthers said the biggest problem is that the Spartans don't Tom Birney, from Ashland, yds., one - foot. His prize - shot blocked. But when Notre wh/n FreJL g lnto overti| have the complete player who can catch, block and run. He said Ohio, Joe Meglin, from the winning total distance was 770 ce was 770 Dame's goalie could not handle Msu the that there were certain things that one of the players at that University of Toledo and Terry yds. the ball, Freeman took the rebound and skipped the ball Val Washington and position could do better than others. Becker, from Saginaw Valley, all I finished with 147's. Tou rnament champion into the net. It was only his Kalvalage continued "Henry can block real well and he can run well, but his Reaume came in second in the second score of the season, but t catching leaves something to be desired," Carruthers said. "Davis Other Spartan scores were bombardment of h ■ total distance category with a can catch and run, but he isn't as strong a blocker. "Mike Danielewicz, who has just switched from defensive Graham Cooke, 77-73 - 150; RICK WOULFE JOHN PETERSON for Freeman and the Spartans, it opponents nets. Washington the first three Spartan T got halfback is doing well. And Archie MacGillivray is doing a real before being slowed by Nol fine job for a fellow who lacks some of the physical qualities like BIG M SCORES 2 Dame's defense. It Washington's third hat trick I v| speed and height. He makes up for it with sheer determination." The flanker can also be used as a slotback. When lining up at the season. 1 the slot position he will be about one yard off and behind the Kalvalage, leading the team I Canadiens tackle at the split end side of the offensive line. The slotback's dump Black Hawks total points, increased | primary responsibilities are blocking, especially for the off- tackle previous scoring record with J power play. Because the slotback is close to the interior line he has a more difficult job "fighting' his way out, past the linebackers goal and three assists, jfl Walters and Dan Denov bj for a pass pattern. scored once for MSU. Waltl The player lining up at flanker will be off of the offensive line MONTREAL (UPI) — Frank tie the best - of - seven series the teams were playing four a prime factor in sending Boston and behind the tight end. The flanker is used mainly as a reciever. Mahovlich's two goals equalled a Tuesday night when the clubs side. down to defeat in seven games in ass'ste(* by Kaivelage wij His secondary responsibilities include blocking downfield, and playoff goal record Sunday play the fourth afternoon to lead the Montreal game of the Yvan Cournoyer scored the the quarterfinals. Denov 80016(1 unassisted taking the inside linebacker or corner back on end sweeps. series. tie-breaking goal at 6:23 of the The Canadiens are seeking Goalie Fred Hartman u.,_ "We do not feel that flanker is one of our solid spots," Canadiens to their first victory Mahovlich tied the record of their second Cup in the last final period after being set up by away 19 Notre Dame shots wJ Carruthers reiterated, "but any of those guys could jump right of the Stanley Cup finals with a 13 goals set by Phil Eposito of Terry Harper. three seasons, while Chicago is suffering from a strain! ahead of somebody else. It's a tough spot. It's a skilled position. 4-2 triumph over Chicago that Boston last season as he got his The goat of the game after a out for its first Cup since 1961. shoulder. You have to be big, strong and quick like tight ends." cut the Black Hawks' series to first goal and 12th in 16 playoff Ironically, the Hawks beat play in the first period, moved Carruthers said that some switches might be made when Eric 2-1. games to tie the game 2-2 when the puck from his own end of Montreal in the finals in the last The victory was also a Allen and Jesse Williams return to the lineup next fall. The Canadiens will attempt to the Canadiens had a twoman the ice along the boards and got season they won the NHL one for the Spartans. Junifl advantage at 17:34 of the behind the Chicago net where he championship. midfielder Jim Walters, a f second period. was checked by Magnuson and The' series will remain in player, suffered a separ?i He blasted the puck from Stan Mikita. He managed to find Montreal for game number four shoulder and will be sideliJ 40-feet out after 18-year veteran Cournoyer unguarded in front of which will be played on Tuesday tor the remainder of the seajf Jean Beliveau won the raceoff the cage and passed him the night. Game number five will be Filling the spot left by the 1 outside the Chicago cage. puck. played in Chicago, and if a sixth of Walters will be a toil Mahovlich added an insurance Pete Mahovlich was in the game is required, it will be assignment for the sticknfl goal to make the score 4-2 at penalty box at 3:09 of the played in Montreal. If the series and head coach Ted Swobol 12:13 of the final period when opening period when Cliff Should go to a seventh and ,IIliV 4. , t 1 he converted a pass from Guy Koroll connected on a backhand deciding game, it will be played Wlth the victory over N(l Lapointe. drive behind Montreal's rookie in Chicago Dame, the stickmen set anoM The Canadiens were trailing goalie Ken Dryden. The last time Mintreal was varsity record by making it I 2-0 early in the second period Bobby Hull scored his 11th FRANK MAHOVLICH down two - games - to - none In a row.Ifs their longest win| Sunglasses - when Pete Mahovlich scored goal of the playoffs and 58th of was in 1966 when Detroit won streak „f,ffer last ye"sJ after stealing the puck from his playoff career to give Jim Pappin battled the puck the first two games while in the Wlth two 8ame*'"'I Chicago defenseman Keith Chicago a 2-0 lead at 13:38 of away from Harper and passed it Montreal final Montreal final series. The the momentum going for thf series. The Magnuson. The younger brother the opening period. The goal to Pit Martin. The Chicago Canadiens Canadiens came came back, however, Spartans could finish | MSU T-shirt of Frank Mahovlich stickhandled from the corner of the rink tied him with Bernie "Boom Boom" Geoffrion for fourth center spotted Hull racing down in front of the net and before to sweep the next four eames- tseason in good shape. Yvan Cournoyer scored the before firing the puck past place on the all-time playoff go the puck hit the ice, Hull tie-breaking goal at 6:23 of the f || I Chicago goalie Tony Esposito as scoring list. whipped it past Dryden. final period after being set up by TI fl PI" ^ I H tOl Frank Mahovlich, acquired Terry Harper. The goat of the ' from the Detroit Red Wings game after a play in the first | midway through the season in a period, moved the puck from his t/ «-» I LI RIDE WITH YOUR MUSIC! three three - for - one deal involving young Canadien players, own end of the ice along the boards and got behind the |\V- KOYCMS/O* P NoteiooK—i added depth to the Montreal left Chicago net where he was DETROIT (UPI) ~ 1 NOW THERE'S A TEAC FOR flank and caught fire in the playoffs. Mahovlich was the checked by Magnuson and Stan Mlkita. Hopkins took advantage of I his second start of the sefl Sunday by driving in four ■ Hot Pants iooKs THE CAR. with a bases-loaded triple afl Wrist WatcK ENERGY! solo Kansas home triumph over the run to lead! City'Royals to a I Detroit Tm TRY US Joe game Niekro lost his in five decisions in the! fo| MSU State Nsw* FIRST! inning when he sandwi® walks to Joe Keough andB Kirkpatrick around AmosT been to bat 11 times previ| this season, greeted the reliever used by Detroit, 1 Patterson, with his first "I You could almost expect the first true innovation in car stereo to run of the season to lead oij come from the makers of the finest, high performing tape systems seventh. 1 on the market today. So here's the TEAC AC-7. And what puts this auto cassette player ahead of all the others is Teac's unique Norm Cash's sixth1 home! continuous reverse. This device senses when the cassette has reached of the season and third n« the end and automatically reverses the tape without any external 1 shot inf controls., sensing tapes, etc. No other manufacturer has perfected this operation for car players. There's also automatic loading - that drops the cassette onto the drive mechanism very gently - just like an automatic record changer drops a record. So look to Teac for This is one MSU coed. new levels ln stability, features and reliability in auto performance. Only at HIFI BUYS. Just say TEAC (Tee-Ack), and then ride onl Special Offer If you purchase a Teac cassette deck for the home DO - YOU HAVE THE NEW LP's by (one of 40,000 MSU students) rf your a these artists? She spends money. In fact, data shows $129.95 Guess Who Grand Funk that MSU students spend $132 million annually, over - - Rolling Stones - Temptations - Procol Harum - Doors - Carole and above tuition and dorm fees. King - James Taylor - John Mayall -Jethro and That's 13% of the Lansing area restaurant market, 8% of the Lansing area food market, 10% of the area auto service market, for example. TEAC Tull Five - Leonard Cohen - Tom Paxton Jackson - So capitalize on this great market We try to never be '•out" of a bestselling LP! opportunity. Advertise in The State News. State News Display Advertising Department HI-FI CumpuA Auri 344 Student Services Bldg. 353-6400 1101 E. Grand River 217 E. GRAND RIVER 332461* Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 10. 1971 SPORTS 9 tW I I Spartans win rerun' By DON KOPRIVA Butchee's 21.3 effort cracking the track mark set 11 years ago by State News Sports Writer Michigan's Tom Robinson and tied in 1970 by Indiana's Mike Reruns are commonplace on early spring television shows but Gooddrich. the MSU track team Both ran on the winning 440 relay, with Herb came up with one of its own Saturday leading off and against Purdue. Butchee anchoring. John Morrison and footballer Mike Holt were In a meet similar to their 83-71 win over Ohio State sandwiched in between. the earlier, Spartans dumped the Boilermakers 87-67 As against Ohio State,the Spartans won all but two at State's Ralph running Young Field with 1-2 finishes in the last two individual events events, falling only in the steeplechase and the 440-yard dash. and a come - from behind mile relay win. - "We're progressing well," Spartan assistant coach Jim Gibbard As Ohio State had done, Purdue made the meet close said, "and we should be ready to give defending Big Ten with wins in five of six field events. champion Indiana a good battle this Saturday. . . . Bob Cassleman started Only Eric Allen could break the out behind Purdue Riveters' monopoly there, with his 48-5 "But we're aiming for the Big Ten meet three weeks from when he triple jump winning got the baton (left) from easily and falling only four - and - one - half inches off Jim now," Gibbard said. "That's what counts and we'll be ready for John Mock, but at the Garrett's varsity mark. it." end, After Spartans LaRue Butchee and Herb Steeplechase: I. Paul Erler (P) 9:32.8; 2. Doug Kurtis (MS); 3. Randy his 46.8 Washington had gone carry gave MSU Kilpatrick (MS). 1-2 in the 220-yard another mile relay win. dash, Purdue loaded the three mile in an 440 Yard Relay: 1. MSU (Washington, Morrison, Holt, Butchee) 42.1; attempt to stop the Spartans from getting the four points needed 2. Purdue 42.3. to insure the dual 660 Yard Run: 1. John Mock victory. (MS) 1:19.5; 2. Larry McAfee (P); 3. Jim But it was all to no avail, because Jackson (P). sophomore Randy Kilpatrick High Hurdles: I. John Morrison (MS) 14.7; 2. Dave Martin (MS); 3. and freshman Doug Kurtis rebounded from sub-par steeple - chase Wayne Hartwick (MS). efforts earlier and ran 1-2 in the three. Mile Run: 1. Ken Popejoy (MS) 4:08.8; 2. Kim Hartman (MS); 3. Joe Bob Cassleman put the Daley (P). frosting on the cake and gave the Spartans a 20 point bulge with a stellar 46.8 anchor 440 Yard Dash: 1. Carl Capria (P) 48.9; 2. Tom Spuller (MS); 3. Mike mile leg on the Murphy (MS). relay, giving MSU a 3:17.5 come from behind win. The 100 Yard Dash: I. Herb Spartans have yet to lose to a league team in the mile Washington (MS) 9.8; 2. LaRue Butchee (MS); 3. Don Price (P). relay this year. Intermediate Hurdles: 1. Wayne Hartwick (MS) 52.6 (ties track record); John Mock continued his superb running and ran down two tough Purdue rivals, Jim Jackson and Larry McAfee, with wins in the 660 and 880. Mock's 1:19.5 gutty performance in the 660 puts him at the top of the conference in that event while his 1:52.8 half mile effort moves him - among the leaders there. He later ran third on the mile baton unit. LaRue Butchee and Herb Washington also turned in triple efforts. They coasted through a 1-2 100 finish against a seven mile wind and then reversed their finish in the 220, with )SU GAMES CANCELLED S' batsmen sweep By JOHN VIGES news that Wisconsin had just Two first inning and J State News Sports Writer upset defending champion another fine runs performance by against only one loss, A pair of first inning walks and the Spartans scored all their that just evaded a shoestring |Rtin and some fine pitching Minnesota twice. innpsn a u> oo pitcher Larry r f Ike -wvwt m accounted for a single acounted for Indiana's runs, catch attempt by Indiana's iled MSU's baseball team to Perhaps the message gave MSU one win against Indiana center fielder, Jim Shoup. ,y an undefeated road trip added incentive or it mig... have only run and the only other The Hoosiers had scored twice In the nightcap a two run ,ugh Ohio and Indiana last eased the pressure. Whatever, the rally trouble'i'ke" was'in came in the tad. Spartans' were able to hand a in the Leisman's sixth fifth preserved Dave third when a pair of errors and a double, Bailey Oliver singled him to to thirH third anA whan and when the Hoosier \° even the/1score Leisman and some » a" errork heads by up base win. Leisman walk filled the bases with one |Reaching Bloomington, Ind. tough Indiana club 2-1 and 5-3 was aided by Kirk Maas, who running by Shoup. tr Friday's rains had forced leva* in a pair of close games, negation of the Spartans' The two wins gave MSU a 28 6 checked the Hoosiers for the out. A double play, the second of three MSU twin killings, aft°e^a°I^uTnfieH^hit K5TJtJ ^SIJ Following a walk and a single, Shoup laid down a perfect bunt. final two innings. started luble header with Ohio State, overall record and more by Ron DeLonge's diving second and third. Leisman fielded the bunt, scored Ike had a shaky start but stop of a hard grounder got Ike ... 5U players and Coach Danny importantly, a 7-1 mark in the as a hit, and threw it past Dace settled down after the third out of the inning without An intentional walk set the I;*::u.n» greated with the »'-"i g 10. 6 at first base scoring one runner, inning to pick up his sixth win damage. stage for Phil Rasheads two run single before a Indiana reliefer Shoup then was cuaght Ike, who has received little between the bases in a came in to end the threat. Jetters stop OSU, 9-0, support from Spartan batsmen lately, was given the only runs he needed in the first After Indiana rallied to tie the score in the fifth inning, MSU rundown and he avoided the tag iong enough to let Indiana's other runner score, inning on retaliated with their final runs in extra base hits by Gary Boyce MSU was trailing Ohio State thesixth. and Ron Pruitt and a single by $-1 in the third inning when the Indiana Whitey Rettenmund's infield clouds erupted with a jrop close one to DeLonge. was For the rest of the game MSU stymied by Indiana's hit, sandwiched between two that showed no line outs, was followed by a even after the game was called, sing'e from pinch hitter John MSU will not replay the games downpour signs of abating, By MIKE ABERLICH unchecked, with the only real Coach Stan Drobac inserted pitching ace Ron Beatty. The Rohde and a double by Boyce with Ohio State. ■ I ante State mews News aporis Sports Writer vvnwr threat »lu.mns to their sweep coming «at Jim Pritula in the sixth slot at Spartans' could get only three — ■Mothers' Day weekend may No. 1 singles, where MSU weekend infield sin8les and a two out singly for the two weekend * pbeen one of rest and solitude captain Tom Gray ran into matches, and the Detroit junior P V • Jr many but not so for the stubborn Rick Bowen. <*me away with a win in the MSU found Indiana pitching as JSUnetters (Two d one scheduled Gray's biggest problem, league meets however, was his own errors as makeup road match he double faulted 14 times in osu meet- a 6"4> 6"3 decision over Steve Metzmaier. — tough in the nightcap with the exception of two innings when ~ "PRIDE" is not a dirty pt the tennis men active last the first two sets. Bowen took Jeekend, and they came away |th lite a 9 0 shutout against Ohio on Friday only to the first, 7-6, before Gray came back for a 7-5 win in the second, drop After that, the Spartans No. 1 EUROPE word in our company!! Iturday's encounter with settled down and took a 6-2 win. Bdiana, 5-4. Against Indiana, Gray has an NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS TRAVEL (The third match was a late easier time of it, topping Mark SERVICE INC. See if you qualify for one of our Management Training Programs iday afternoon meeting with Bishop, 6-4, 6-2, but instead it Join NOW for FULL Benefits (Starting Annual Salary: $7,008-810,692 with |tre«Dame, which a few of the was No. 2 DeArmond Briggs more to come!) reported prefaring not to who had the close match, finally * Round trip flights to Europe from $220 . beating Geoff Hodsdon, 7-6, 3-6, * Intra-European Charter Flights Jlie split in league closed the 7-6. tttan conference slate at 5-4 * Charter Flights to Africa, Israel and India No- 3 Mike Madura disposed * A LEADER Eurail pass, Britrail pass & Cycle,rental h 51 championship points of Tom Dgnker, 6-4, 6-4, to •cumulated, keeping them even the score at 3-3 going into ,kin reach of league leaders doubles play in the Indiana ina and Michigan. meeting. P%n beat the Hoosiers Madura and Rick Vetter won 5-4, to make the race their doubles match going away, en tighter. Indiana, prior to but Gray and Briggs were Mefeat was * lone undefeated, but stopped by the Bishop - loss and their five Hodsdon duo, 6-7, 6-4, 6-1, and "tb wins The Marine Corps Officer Selection Office administers MORE MONEY: The against MSU gave the No. 3 doubles team of Jim amount an officer is paid is based on em56 points. applications for both the Platoon Leader's Class (PLC) Symington and Rick Ferman length of service as well as rank. This longevity is counted I'M Spartans Program and the Officer Candidate (OC) Program. swept past OSU ,ost also, 5-7, 2-6. from the time of application. Thus a freshman who enrolls Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors are eligible for the PLC in the PLC Program has a three year advantage over the Program. College seniors, graduate students and graduates senior enrolled in the OC are eligible for the O.C. Program. In terms of salary this program. Certain graduate students can mean over $2,000 in additional annual compensation are eligible for the PLC Program and its benefits. ASK A after graduation and MARINE! Listed below commissioning. Freshmen will benefit are some of the features of both most, however all will benefit! programs. [milk-ice VIARITAL RESTRICTIONS: None. ANNOUNCES A NEW LOCATION COMPLETE COLLEGE: Draft deferment until graduation. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE You must obtain at least a Baccalaureate degree before OBLIGATED SERVICE: 947 TROWBRIDGE RD. commissioning. Aviation Officer (Pilot) - 3V4 years plus 13-16 months flight training. This is one (1) full year shorter than current GRADUATE AND LAW SCHOOL DEFERMENT: PLC USN or USAF flight programs. Note: The Marine applicants have the opportunity for deferment in order to Corps OPENING SPECIALS currently operates 32 jet fighter squadrons and 24 jet attend graduate or law school. milk special helicopter squadrons! U Low Flight Officer (Navigator) 3 Fat Pitcher Pak ... 69' GUARANTEED OPTIONS: Choose the specific occupation specialty you desire: Aviation, Flight Officer or Ground - electronics and radar specialist training. years plus 8 months of Fresh Grade A Officer. All Marine ground officers state the Ground Officer - 3 years. Period. LaRGE eggs », 44c fields they prefer, and in three out of four cases occupational they get CONDITIONAL CONTRACT: PLC's sign a conditional Banquet their first choice. contract with FROZEN TV DINNERS 11 oz 2/79c You can be this thin if... commissioning. no obligation until graduation and TRAINING: The best officer training there is, and it is Your body is not just any body. You react dif¬ conducted during the summer for PLC's and after Pno?'9rape' P0PSICLES oran9® r«B- 7c Now 21V ferently under every diet program. That is why graduation for OC's. Training pay is $300 per month. you need an individual diet. Diet Watchers Quality offers an individual diet; plus personal classes SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS OR P0TATO CHIPS 14 oz. bat . 59< to give you the attention you want. Diet Watch¬ SHOULD YOU DESIRE TO TAKE ANY OF THE ers works. Want to know the secret? Call now. QUALIFYING EXAMINATIONS, CONTACT: I J'reNCH fo the purchase of Potato Chips You only have your weight to lose. ONION CHIP DIP ,M. 10c East Lansing UMHE Hall Tues. 9:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Room 216, Federal Building On Campus at the Placement OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Next to University Methodist 231 W. Lafayette Avenue Bureau May 10 thru 14 from 7 AM Church Harrison at Detroit, Michigan 48226 - 12 PM - Trowbridge 9 AM to 4 PM. hese »Pecial« are 351-3215 Phone (313) 226-7764 alio available at 1201 E. Grand Rivar 10 M°nday, May |0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan . Estate news classified Read the classified ads regularly for the best buys! classified 355-8255 355-8255 Automotive fteankLy speaking . by Phil FranK For Rent For Rent For He MhfitAds The State News don not permit racial or religious 8 OLDSMOBILE 1963. Automatic, N5ED ONE girl for duplex, summer, SUMMER: GIRL needed for REDUCED RENT iSfi&im ■ discrimination advertising columns. The in- its V-8, 4 door. 489-2748. 5-5-10 $300. Phone close. Reduced rent. 332-2270. 2-5-10 subleasing Norwood Call Corrine 351-3832. 3-6-10 apartment. Apartment for 3 351-1014.3-5-10 73, a H Burch« State N*ws will not PLYMOUTH SAVOY 1963 2 door 6 NEEDED ONE girl to share four man ROOMMATE WANTED, own Norwood • AUTOMOTIVE accept advertising which cylinder sedan. New tires. summer term for Cedar Village. bedroom, $60, 337-9722. After 6 Apartments discriminates Now renting large Scooters & Cycles against 351-4407. 5-5-14 Call 355-7019. 2-5-10 p.m. 393-8143. 5-5-12 one „ religion, race, color Auto Parts & Service national origin. or PONTIAC 1964. Lemans convertible. TWO GIRLS needed to sublet ONE MAN to share luxury 2 fin rail. Close fortosummeran r?°m camnu Aviation summer term, 3 bedroom bedroom Twyckingham, $95. Reduced summer ratec r Excellent condition. $650 or best • EMPLOYMENT offer. 675-7414. 5-5-14 apartment in Meadowbrook Trace. Call after 4 p.m., 393-8875. Immediate occupancy. 361-7732. 3-5-10 332-2712 after 3 p.m C ► FOR RENT 3-5-11 TWO GIRLS Apartments RAMBLER 1964 Classic 4 door. School year NEEDED for7" Good transportation. Call 1971-72 - Houses Automotive 349-2778. P-5-14 SUMMER SUBLET. Efficiency, 355-9218.3-5-11 Rooms furnished apartment. Air AROUND THE CHEVROLET 1962. Good TORINO 1968 289 conditioned, close. Call 351-4139. FOR SALE automatic. • Animals condition. All accessories working. Excellent. $1200. 1720 Park 3-5-11 CLOCK SERVICE fOR GLAD something you've tiding^ | Call 351-9604 ask for Johnson. Avenue, or call 372-4589. 3-5-12 Ad. Dial 355-8255 lost with ,uj Mobile Homes 5-5-12 TWO GIRLS for large beautiful close When you need us, we'll be TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1970. Radio, • to - campus apartment. Reduced . PERSONAL there no matter what time. CHEVY BELAIR 1963 2 door. Runs good condition. $1775 or best rates. Summer. 332-2911. 5-5-14 FURNISHED FOR 4" • PEANUTS PERSONAL bedroom. Close, prjj8) good. $85. Call 641-4232, after 5 offer. 694-8727. 5-5-11 • REAL ESTATE THREE MEN needed to sublet in 4 That's why we have a 24-hour Parking. Summer or f p.m. 3-5-10 for summer term. Across 351-9561. 5-5-11 • RECREATION TRIUMPH TR-4 A 1967. Excellent. man answering service. CORVAIR 1963, 4 door, buckets, $1150 or best offer. Call street from campus. Very oeai street • SERVICE new tires, new exhaust. Runs 349-3162. 5-5-11 reasonable. Call 332-8370. 5-5-13 Apartments | Now Fall, 1 block from campus I Typing Service good. $150. 393-7918. 5-5-14 Leasing. • TRANSPORTATION TRIUMPH 1963. Custom body. New FURNISHED APARTMENTS, bedroom, 2 or 3 person! summer leases available. furnished, balcony, M • WANTED CORVAIR MONZA 1964. Good overhaul. New white top, tonneau Reservations now being accepted Burcham Woods conditioning. ■ mechanial repair. Dependable. cover. Excellent condition. ECTEE <3N£ Me THB95 TCtCCTS. ■ for September. 731 BURCHAM, 216 Beal St., Apt. 2A DEADLINE Good body. $350. 355-6200. 393-4085. May be seen at 1216 East Lansing. See these sharp 745 Burcham 1 P.M. one class day 3-5-10 Victoria. 5-5-12 CUEfEfc MV F.B.I. TAIL..!' luxury units including shag 351-6088 before publication. 351-3118 LARGE TWO party CORVAIR 1966 4 speed. Good TRIUMPH carpeting, ultra modern kitchen furni Cancellations - 12 noon engine, body, interior. Clutch miles. 2 1969 Spitfire. 18,500 tops, snow tires. One with dishwasher, swimming pool, If no answer — 484-4014 efficiencies. Air conditioned ell one class day before slips. Cheap. 351-5699. 5-5-12 Fine condition. Best offer. beautifully landscaped grounds, to campus. fall. Call $135 summer's! owner. and ample parking. Only $175. 484-0585 484-iT Around $1700. Call 489-3489 Scooters & Employment U| publication. CORVAIR 1965 red Monza, after 5:30 p.m. 6-5-14 Cycles Open daily and Sunday 10 a.m. - SUMMER. Collingwood NEED 2 girls for Apartments. 10-5-17 PHONE noon, 1 -6 p.m. 351-7212.0 automatic, buckets, clean. Make offer. 355-2109. 3-5-10 WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE Dishwasher, air conditioning, NOTHING LASTS foreverl Sol 355-8255 TRIUMPH GT6. Low mileage. One Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. Experienced carpenters for work in ONE AND 2 bedroom for summer balcony, parking. $50. 351-6047. new or newer household go Good 5-5-10 check today's Want Adsl owner. condition. Torch Lake and fall. Call 332-0625 after 5 RATES CORVETTE 1956. Classic condition. 484-2157. 5-5-13 Phone 489-4811. Our new address resort area. Please 1 Best offer. Phone IV 5-2737 or 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF only experienced carpenters p.m. 3-5-11 day $1.50 15c per word per day 351-8988. 3-5-11 VOLKSWAGEN 1971. Green. Radial CYCLE INSURANCE. Central apply. Space 70 homes, 616 - 533-8668 or 616 533-8245 ONE BEDROOM furnished 711 east apts. LANSING bedroom OR East LansinjT]j furnished. Large, - 711 Burcham 3 days $4.00 DODGE CHARGER, 1971. 2 door. tires, plus many options. Must sell. Michigan's Largest insurer. Any evenings. 14-5-24 apartment. 1 block from campus. rooms. Air conditio* Call 655-3160 after 2 p.m. 3-5-11 Deluxe large 1 bedroom Beautifully maintained. Suit! 13%c per word per day Power steering, power brakes, cycle, any rate. LLOYD'S of $130. Call 351-7318 after 7 p.m. furnished apartments. for faculty, grad students, bus! vinyl top, 9,600 miles. Like new. LANSING, 332-5335, 482-5585. Full Time Summer Jobs 3-5-11 5 days $6.50 VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK, 1970. Suitable for 2 & 3 man. people, married couples I $2,900. 393-0425. 3-5-11 Subsidiary of Alcoa . . . Car 13c per word per day 5800 miles. No salt. Exceptional APARTMENTS: SUMMER, as low as Now leasing for Summer 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 necessary. Interviews on Monday, (based on 10 words per ad) condition. $2200. 349-2762. and Fall. 9 & 12 month DODGE DART, 1964. 2 door 5-5-10 Auto Service & Parts May 10th, at 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m., $115/month. Call Jerry or Rick: Peanuts Personals must be automatic. $295. 655-3496 after 6 p.m. 3-5-11 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m. Stefanoff Lounge next to Placement Bureau 332-5048. 3-5-11 leases. 337-7328 337-0780 SUPERVISED APARTMEN| VOLKSWAGEN MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Now pre-paid. BUS 1963. Best , in Student Services. C-5-10 GIRLS: 2, 3, 4 man available 351-4878 renting 3 and 4 n, offer. Mrs. Houk, 489-7435, 9 - 5 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. ENGLISH FORD 1967. Automatic, . . . Summer and Fall. Close to efficiencies for summer ai. There will be a 50c service p.m. 10-5-10 Complete auto painting and and bookkeeping charge if 4 door. Only 26,000 miles. After 3 p.m., 332-8475.3-5-12 collision service. IV 5-0256. C SUMMER AND part employment: 12-20 hours per time campus. IV 5-2737 or 3-5-11 _ Now 126 MILFORD leasing: 2 and 3 man fall. $125 - $150 per term. | this ad is not paid within VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Needs repairs. AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and week. Automobile required. apartments, close to campus. 351-6317 Make offer. Phone 5 - 7 p.m. week. 351-5800. O $170. YES. .TWO JOHNS 351-2207, one American cars. If we can't fix it, it 372-5767. 393-0332. 3-5-10 126 MILFORD can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O 489-1656. 24-6-4 The $tate News will be Summer Leasing: only 3 left. 2 responsible only for the For Rent apartments, close to FORD Scooters & Cycles first insertion. day's incorrect 1964. Galaxie 2 door eight cylinder. Automatic transmission, three good tires, completely new VW - RANDY'S GUARANTEED MOBIL. repair. 1-96 at TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction PER APARTMENT, APARTMENT DISCOUNTS Summer from $47.50 351-2207, 372-5767, 24-6-4 - Okemos Road. 349-9620. C 1969 BSA 500. Like new. Call guaranteed. Free delivery, service Fall from $52.50 ignition system and 24 month battery. Good running car. $350. 677-6687 evenings or weekends. 3-5-10 1965 FORD engine 352, fits years and pick-up. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C and balconies too. We manage and have 9 apartment buildings an apartment for every CEDAR GREENS ! 487-3096. S-5-5-10 '60-'65. Also two transmissions, KARMANN GHIA 1964. Good tires, 1969 TRIUMPH 650. Excellent one 3-5-10 Ford, one Pontiac. 882-8853. ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. RIVER'S EDGE need. **Bay Colony, Haslett - 1 bedroom furnishwl | Automotive condition. $995. Call Wayne SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV Hagadorn, 351-3211. POOL ALFA ROMEO, 1958. $300 or best 2 new studded snow tires. Runs good, $350 or best offer. 351-3921. 5-5-12 Aviation RENTAL, 372-4948.0 and Beechwood, 1130 Beech Street, 351-0965. Call 351-8631 351-5379. 5-5-11 offer. After 5 p.m., 371-2166. 1-5-10 NORTON COMMANDO, 1969. 4000 miles. $1000 or best. Extras. LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight TV RENTALS — Students only. Low monthly and term rates. Call WATER'S EDGE •Delta 351-3580. Arms, 235 Delta, TWO MAN, summer, a MGA 1957. 351-3052. 5-5-13 training. All courses are 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV •Evergreen Arms, 341 Evergreen, Fiberglas top, rebuilt Reduced. 351-46271 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000, 1963. Best engine and transmission, wire wheels. $500. 339-8390, 100 MILE motorcycle road rally. No government and FRANCIS AVIATION, VA certified. Airport RENTALS. C APARTMENTS 332-1313. •Haslett Arms, 135 Collingwood, campus. 5 p.m. 1-5-10 offer. Must sell. 332-6148, 1 - (Next to Cedar Village) 543-3833. 6-5-14 experience necessary. May 15. Road, Call 484-1324. C 351-7662. 332-8113. 3-5-11 FURNITURE RENTAL 3-5-11 Student special starting at $20 See Frank or JoAnne ••Princeton Arms, 1308 Haslett, a 332-8511. BUICK RIVIERA 1967. Private MUSTANG 1968. $100 down, take over payments. 6 cylinder LICENSE REVOKED, must sell. Employment month. Term. Reserve BISHOP now FURNITURE for Fall 351-8862 ••North Pointe, 1240 Haslett, owner. Excellent condition. Honda S-90, 2 helmets. $100. 1050 Water's Edge Dr. automatic. Call 355-6093 after 6 351-3407. Beautiful car. 332-0080. 10-5-14 RENTAL, 4972 Northwind Drive, 332-6906. 2-5-11 MATURE INDIVIDUAL. Self ONE GIRL needed for 4 girl summer. ••University Terrace, 444 p.m. 5-5-13 351-5830. 21-6-4 THIRTY MOTORCYCLE enthusiasts starter. Sell needed service. Commission basis. Full or part time. Cedar Village. 332-5031, Jerrie. 5-5-14 Michigan, 351-9117. University Villa, 635 Abbott, I LOVE MUSTANG 1969 Mach I. 428 Cobra jet. 4 speed, excellent condition. for checkpoints in Saturday's race. Call 372:8110. 3-5-12 Apartments 337-2361. •.4MARO 1969. 307 engine, new Blue with black interior. Phone 349-3426. 5-5-14 Tape. Call 355-9490. 3-5-12 MALE STUDENT part time, 21 or APARTMENTS. SUMMER and/or STUDIO, SUBLET luxury near campus. summer. Single Furnished. •In view of campus. ••Pool, or pool privileges. CEDAR tires. Stick shift. Phone 627-6026. older for bartender and cook. Will $92. 337-2522. 2-5-11 Models open at each complex next One half block from VILLAGEI year. 5-5-14 train. Must be available thru Monday through Saturday from OLDSMOBILE 1964. Power steering campus. Two, three or four man. summer. See Mrs. Hilton, 10:30 EAST LANSING, house. Residential 3:00-5:00 p.m. for private and brakes. Automatic, good tires. Immediate occupancy. 126 CAMARO 1971 8 cylinder. Excellent a.m. - 11:30 a.m. or 1 - 3 p.m. at area near Hagadorn. Two bedroom showing. Contact Resident 1969 BMW Orchard. Phone 339-2219, condition. 3500 miles. Zarie, Best offer. Call owner, 489-4263. R-60us. Set up for CLIQUE BAR, 801 East Saginaw. 337-2082. 22-6-4 furnished, $160. One bedroom, Manager today at above telephone ... and they're 3-5-12 traveling. Call 332-6144 before 332-0821. 3-5-12 3-5-12 $140. Utilities included. Available numbers for your choice of 3:30 p.m. 5-5-13 starting summer term. Phone apartment or call HALSTEAD now leasing for OLDSMOBILE 1968 442 W-30. Four CHEVROLET JUNIORS AND above. Education or 351-5285 evenings. 5-15-14 MANAGEMENT, 444 1967 Belair. Power 1970 CL350 Honda Road Scrambler. Michigan speed. Anson mags, air lifts, new library science majors to sell Avenue, East Lansing, 351-7910. Summer! steering and brakes. $1000 or best tires. Low mileage. 337-9960. 3800 miles. Very good condition. offer. 332-3635, evenings. 10-5-21 educational products part time. GIRL TO sublease summer, $40 3-5-12 $700,393-7346.6-5-12 Liberal commissions. Call Mr. Fall & Summer, 1 block from month. Call Irene 349-0832 Compliments of Helson 882-2431. 3-5-13 evenings. 3-5-12 campus, 1 - 2 bedroom, 2 - 4 Pat Pulte persons, furnished, balcony, dtopctuttsfjam YOUNG LADY companion, live-in GARDEN APARTMENT, furnished, Rent a TV for the last month of and do light housework. Not full air conditioning, study. the term. 332-5051 all utilities, plus. One mile from . . NEJAC TV time. South Lansing. 393-0108 REDUCED SUMMER RENTALS 337-1300. campus on bus line. Exchange for 4-5-11 RATES. 204 River St., Apt. care and nurture of children 8, 11 Bogue St. at the Red Cedai 6. 351-3484 or 332-0255. after school has it .. . CASHIER. a.m. - Part time Saturdays 8 6 p.m. and Sundays 9 a.m. - CAPITOL COMPLEX 5 rooms. maintenance of property. Available June. Days call plus minimal a 1 sly 3 p.m. months. Hiring 514 now East for summer Furnished, carpeted, fireplace, garage, $165. 2 rooms, $115. Girls 355-4510; evenings 349-1747. CROSSWORD t [a1 s0 [p t IT N L a 31 heated p 485-1749. 5-5-10 Saginaw or married 489-1276. 5-5-13 couple. Phone 5-5-14 SUMMER SUBLET. Bay Colony. PUZZLE 1 r n Pi m O t I V E a N T Rjl T WAITRESSES, EXPERIENCED. Rent negotiable. Call Bev, 1 s e ■ 0 L A 1 T and Both full and part time. All shifts available. Apply in person at SUMMER, TWO man, Cedar Greens, pool, air conditioning. Reduced 353-5302, 351-4003. 5-5-14 29. Palmyra d e m O l | s h a || palm juice H p U P py Connor's 24 Hour Restaurant, rent. 351-1469. 5-5-11 1. Discordia 31. Convene ■ || V 3231 West Saginaw, east of 5. Entertains m s E d 1 mE 33. Fr. season Waverly. 5-5-14 6 ROOMMATES summer, NEEDED Meadowbrook this Trace. marigold apts 11. Affluent 12. Young bird 34. 36. Quell Supreme Being s C a A n t ft E T A R ifl STENOGRAPHERS, GALS with 911 Marigold Ave. of prey good abilities for Lansing firm. $50. Pool, fun, sun, friends. Call 1 bedroom furnished deluxe 13. Margarine 38. 39. Primate Supplanted t 1 t A I L 1 Jl £| Full time, permanent. $6500. 351-3081 or 355-9107. S-5-11 2 man apts. Across from 14. Sailors 44. Artificial s t e r E O Is a C El vj 37 2-7700. CONSULTANTS. 3-5-12 PERSONNEL WE HAP TO QUIT.... campus. Leasing now Summer 15. Risen language s s D (T R, t CJ & Fall. 17. Nocturne 45. Bowfin genus 337-7328, 337-0780, 19. Cretan PUBLIC RELATIONS. TDWAY BLAKE RAN A and 1351-4878 46. Command to a Experienced, mountain horse DOWN 6. Electric degree. Permanent position. QUARTERBACK SMEAK catfish SUMMER TERM sublet. Cedar 20. Offspring 47. Outcome 1. Love God $8000. 372-7700. PERSONNEL AMP WE HAVEN'T Greens, 1 bedroom. Close, 21. Inflections 2. Infuriate 7. Heron 49.Paper CONSULTANTS. 3-5-12 FOUNP HIM OR. furnished, air, pool, adjacent golf 23. Choose measure 3. Froster 8. Danish isl^i 4620 S. Hagadorn THE BALL SINCE' $145 month. 26. Mucilage 4. Sneakers 9. Tellurium P course. per 50. Struggle just north of Mt. Hope Rd. PART TIME male and female 337-0033. 3-5-10 28. Marshes 51. Hankerings 5. Lockjaw symbol telephone canvassing. Good 10. Scholar hourly wages. Must have good —rr 16. Outmoded I speaking voice. Call Mr. Vance, 18. Egg dfink L 393-5460. An equal opportunity 19, Arrow pois°« employer. 10-5-21 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham 22. From r A THINK FARM Thought Transportation, Inc. is Drive. furnished 135 Kedzie. apartments. 2 man Includes PI 23. Hollywood I award 24. Meaning heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. growing ideas and concepts among 25 Genuine TWYC KING HAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean tha cows and chickens on its Williamston farm. We seek artists, Leases starting June 15 and Sept. 1. Days, 487-3216. Evenings til 10 PPP P 27. Flee a count! furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central-control air conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. Recreation is • graphic designers and marketers to help us create and market graphic p.m., 882-2316. O P* 30. Like 32 Also 35 Organic soil! H and knowledge communicating planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If PENNSYLVANIA AVE. South, near 37. Marriage , you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom materials. Call appointment. 5-5-13 655-3202 for Michigan studio. Ave. Large furnished Utilities paid. Private P portion 40. Placebo units start at $60/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. GOSPEL SINGERS needed. Bass, baritone and soprano. Must be entrance. $110 / month plus deposit. Phone 627-5454. 5-5-14 W 41.81b 42. pronou« Auroral P It is the policy of the THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. (3 and 4 man available weekend and summers. A State News that all 43. River barnej apts. only, starting fall.) unique opportunity for singers WOMAN FOR summer sublease. li U An Student Ads be Prepaid MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: AlCO MdddgCIll6111 CQIliP to talk to the Arabs," mediators J°Kes, he soon had the ai attracted a crowd estimated at House to emphasize the need for , blue and white Israeli flags, the he said. "We need to be able to •■ugning and appiauH|H from 5,000 to 25,000, a crowd public child - care facilities, ballroom was soon filled with a do it ourselves. Only then will enthusiastically. ■ strong in its sentiment for The demonstrators said Giladi ended his victory in Vietnam. approximately six million cheerful babble of Hebrew and English. Buttons printed we be able to achieve a genuine settlement. perform,! taking requests and t] In the previous weeks, antiwar children under age six need child "Shalom" appeared on almost turned the show over demonstrators held forth in - care because their mothers <S guaranteed over 300,000 of these loansj Have Chopped Down a Tree.. Shouldn't he have recycled used books instead! his KELLOGG CENTER g The second step is to 6 you owe. pay back the money ready. And with your help, we '00 ward to guaranteeing loans for generations of college students. u "J 1 g So we hope you will make arrangements The Student Bookstore gives " right now, before you leave school, to So meeting your payment schedules « Located on the MSU Campus opposite the Brody Complex, the Kellogg Center is begin repayment of this debt. help you. It will help other students. it will help society. ^ you top cash for your used books within minutes of every dormitory, and • Check with your Financial Aid Office walking distance from most University everyday. buildings. The State Room, on the to be sure your records are in order. Once more, our hearty congratulation ■ Save a tree. ground floor, provides the finest in dining • Make and good luck as you leave camPuT facilities. All rooms - both single and an appointment with the banker make your mark in the work-a-day w | who loaned the Recycle your books. twin -- are provided with air conditioning, money to you, and arrange a realistic repayment schedule. radio, and color television. All at reasonable rates, too. John H. Mathis, Pr"tde | You need not make your first payment Student Book Store j until ten months after graduation, but UNITED STUDENT AID FUN^'Jat- across from Olin | you will be able to make other plans with A Nonprofit Corporation Serving Higher I far greater assurance if you know now 845 Third Avenue, New York, N. Y CALL 332 6571 FOR RESERVATION