T Everybody . . . uesday says music is love. MICHIGAN Cloudy . STATE NEWS David Crosby STATE — chance of showers later. High near 70, Low tonight 45. UNIVERSITY 3 Number 17? East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 11, 1971 Eummer jobs |0r students |a||ed By BARBARA FARY scarce Husby declines to comment News Staff Writer marchers' prosecution State Le loloyment Isoite outlook for student summer a appears Placement Bureau I bleak, on Iheerleading" campaign aimed at E,n|oyers. along with the cite the student records policy if he were Kohn D. Shingle ton, director, said every By JIM SHELDON peace council, organized the demonstration but said he was not certain Eldon R. Nonnamaker, vice president ILof mail leaving the bureau is stamped State News Staff Writer whether these groups applied for a for student affairs, said Monday the Dean contacted for help in marchers. identifying the a College Student This Summer.' In Lansing Police Chief Derold W. permit. of Students Office has not been Husby Applications for a parade permit must The policy states that only student data ion, Gene Washington, asst. director, said Monday afternoon he had "no approached by any police agency seeking idea at first be made to the police department. If "of a public or 'directory' nature „t a tape, which will be aired on radio this time" whether he will seek to identify students or faculty members may be prosecution the chief approves the released publicly." This information )ns, encouraging employers to hire against demonstrators who marched to the application, it is sent involved in Wednesday's march. to the city council, which has the final includes the student's name, student Itge students. Washington, a member of Capitol Wednesday Although the Dean of Students Office during the day's authority to grant the permit. Persons may number, campus address and phone, home ['Minnesota Vikings, is featured against moratorium activities. apply directly to the city council if the maintains a permanent file containing address, sex, marital status, class, major I background of the Spartan fight song. Thursday he had said that chief denies an application. student identification photographs and (Please turn to the back page* ■We're trying out best to help students," police "will attempt to identify and personal data, Nonnamaker said, he would Ijngleton said. prosecute as many of them (marchers) as njeanwhile, William E. MacLeod, asst. we can." NO WORK-NO PAY Ltor of student employment, paints a Husby also declined to comment Ethan glowing picture of the 1971 Monday on how Lansing police will inner job market. proceed to identify the estimated 500 MSU E^ith continued unemployment at all Kipling s full-time summer employment is MacLeod said. "Students will be for jobs with other students, students and faculty members who were photographed and filmed by police during the march. The University » has not yet been UFAC endorses Lily men who have been layed off and approached for assistance in identifying the wans returning from the service." marchers, the chief continued and added By STEVE WATERBURY Mrs. Warden said that at its May 4 colleagues, we are prepared to hold JicLeod said the number of summer job that he did not know whether police will State News Staff Writer meeting, UFAC unanimously passed a hearings and recommend sanctions to you Kings at the Placement Bureau is down 40 request help from MSU. resolution. It "reaffirms the responsibility should it be necessary. V cent from last year. Employers this The University Faculty Affairs of our colleagues to provide instruction. Husby refused to answer further "The committee feels that the privilege V are more concerned with hiring back questions over the telephone in a brief Committee (UFAC) is prepared to hold "We believe that deliberate withholding of faculty involvement in University tkers they have laid off than with interview Monday afternoon. hearings to enforce the University's no of services as a method of emphasize governance carries with it a concomitant Lting summer jobs for students, he said. He said he had nothing to add to work - no pay policy, Sandra A. Warden, espousal of a particular point of view is responsibility," the statement reads. committee chairman, said Monday. fThejob market is starting to look up," Watson pleads comments he gave the State News last Provost John E. Cantlon issued a indeed a violation of the professional ethics UFAC has not yet received notice from ftcLeod said, "but the results will be slow week concerning the march. and a contradiction of the policies of the directive reiterating the University's no provost of any violations of the "no Jcoming and I don't think we'll see much According to the chief, demonstrators academic freedom on which the University work - no pay directive sent out a week ■uimprovement this summer." Charles (Tex) Watson, the only did not have a parade permit to march work • no pay policy shortly before the is based," the UFAC resolution reads. ago, by the provost Mrs. Warden said. teLeod said his contacts with private, antiwar moratorium on May 5. Several Mrs. Warden said that she has written a male member of the Charles through Lansing and were in violation of a Cantlon said Monday that the timing of ite and federal employers indicate a city ordinance requiring them to obtain faculty members have submitted letters to letter to Cantlon which contains the his directive was not designed to coincide trioad of applicants in the job Manson's hippie style family the provost informing him market. permission. Husby added that identified they did not go wording ofrthe resolution, along with the with the moratorium but was issued in 'Some stores have put signs on their indicted with the clan leader in to their classes on the date of the statement that "while do not relish the marchers may also be charged with we response to a letter from a faculty member onto discourage job seekers," MacLeod the Sharon Tate murders, is moratorium. task of sitting in disorderly conduct and impeding the flow judgment of our to the board of trustees. It "What's more, many employers are returned to of traffic. jail in Los Angeles The provost's directive reiterated the W bothering to place want ads or A Monday after pleading innocent spokesman for the Lansing Area Jilldze job opportunities in any way and innocent by reason of Peace Council Monday confirmed the (Please turn to the back page) pause they don't want to be flooded marchers' failure to obtain a permit. The Ih applicants." insanity at his arraignment. peace council neither applied for or (Please turn to the back page) AP Wirephoto attempted to obtain a permit, the spokesman said. He added that other student Controversy groups, DN EUROPEAN MARKET surrounds monk's death Dollar By T In Switzerland, where the franc was value the trading fluctuations on foreign SAIGON hierarchy (AP) - The Buddhist Monday excommunicated a iciated Press revalued upward by 7 per cent, the currency exchanges, monk who burned himself to death in a ■The dollar plummeted on some decision had a depressing effect on the Money dealers in London and Frankfurt protest against the Vietnam war. Hue ppean currency exchanges Monday but stock market. Shares declined sharply, reported that profit taking, that is, to buy University students charged that monks of wed slightly in the first trading day Widespread uncertainty about the effect back revalued currencies with dollars, was the Bao Quang pagoda were striving to fee a weekend flurry of decisions to ease of the monetary decisions was evident in on a sma" scale. keep his gravesite a secret. hope's monetary crisis. The students said Thich — venerable — ■The dollar was steady in London and C'.ion The 27, was to be secretly buried in is up slightly in Milan. Britain, l"ce and Italy did not follow other lopean nations in taking steps to halt ■influx of dollars. They said they had no Floating mark carries — an effort to deny him antiwar cause. martyrdom in the The dispute between the Hue students traditionally South Vietnam's most JMary problems. Jiopean J" is the first foreign trading day since most exchanges closed varied consequences on the German currency. militant usually anti — and their natural allies in the - Saigon government An Quang Buddhist sect resulted in disruption of d;i\ to halt the NEW YORK (AP) - The floating Chon The's funeral procession, after his heavy flow of The new price is almost certain to be Pars caused German mark means a higher price for self immolation was disavowed by other by speculators, who traded higher than the old, fixed one. In the first - Volkswagens in the United States, more monks. Jwsfor ■ No largeother currencies. volume of exports of American grain and less threat frenzied dealings Monday, the price was up Thich Chon Kim, a spokesman for the money movements to 28.23 U.S. cents. P reported as traders reacted with to steelworker jobs. Bao Quang pagoda, which is allied with the The higher price for imported goods will Pm and confusion to the changes For Washington, it means fewer worries An Quang, declared: "Self - immolation is »ered by West about the balance of payments. And for apply only to German products and those not the policy of the Buddhist Germany's decision from other countries which revalued or let % to let the mark find its own level the tourist, it may mean higher prices for community." their money float. He said Chon The's suicide by fire in | ®»1 with a massive inrush of dollars. that trip down the Rhine. The early Monday dealings showed the Hue Sunday — 2,515th anniversary of nn said the dollar influx was adding to The Detroit auto worker, the Pittsburgh mark was up about 3 per cent. Buddha's birth — was "the decision of one ■Mation problems. steel mill hand and the Midwestern grain Revaluations of European currencies monk." farmer have reason to welcome the German in.it f>°vernment measure was action. Even the Boston and West Coast generally run about 2 to 7 per cent, so the "This man disobeyed the church. We JJJ Central ned during Bank the day when the West ordered a check on electronics factories should find it easier to price increase for German goods should be tried to stop him, but he escaped and his in this range. ?• Payments sell overseas. supporters helped him. Because he on foreign currency The other side of the coin is that the The West Gennan government, in effect, disobeyed, he is no longer part of the L, The w »• ^'sCentral wou'd discourage Bank dollar changed the value of the mark upward by prices of U.S., goods sold in Germany will Buddhist community. must approve be down by about as much — unless "His funeral will be a family funeral Jll rest payment. letting it float. This means that instead of a Germany restricts imports of such U.S. This cat is not perched 20 feet above the ground on a tree limb because fixed price of 26.7 U.S. cents, the cost of only, not the funeral of a monk. In the Lr! ,^erman government also barred the mark will be set by the law of supply farm products as corn and broiler chickens. he likes the view. What isn't shown in this picture is the dog at the foot name of Buddhism, we refuse to accept Xstm fr°m purchasing such and demand. The demand has been greater Cheaper U.S. goods should increase the of the tree. this act, but for the sake of humanity we |i, e"ktheas domestic bonds. This also than the supply, putting upward pressure volume of dollar sales in Germany. must have a funeral. This year we must all influx of dollars. State News photo by Jeff Wilner concentrate on praying for peace." Administrators cite orientation criticisms college serves as another example. their job is just to get students here? " he By BILL HOLSTEIN News Analysis The letter was sent out without the prior asked. pay and their fees are subsequent subject to tuition hikes »ate News STaff Writer knowledge of University College, in whose rebilling, one Moreover, the actual two-day Summer administrator said. and should continue through Welcome well as administrators, have said this jurisdiction no-preference students fall. Orientation Program (SOP) itself has been The same administrator said the time Lj af?ears lo be growing conviction Week in the fall. It should not with discontinuities." be spaced arrangement leads to a situation where the student arrives on campus and often is Part of the subsequent criticism leveled at king's letter by the University College was criticized on a number of grounds. required of incoming freshmen to come to ■°«ssofimin,Strators that the entire confused by directives from many different that they were not consulted. One administrator said the emphasis on MSU for the SOP may endanger their jobs. B^Wbe tklenlation of incoming students He recommended "an overall University offices and departments. "The whole hassle is a matter apparently "A lot of employers aren't going to put l<:r(u.gh,yre-a'-ted. coordinating body, that decides what is An example is the freshman who has his that there was not adequate testing and registering should be played down during the orientation program with up with this in the middle of the summer," he said. "lanv nfr lssue's so complex and communicated to students, when it is financial aid for the first year arranged by communication between the various "olved s and personalities are greater emphasis placed on how higher communicated to students and how it is the Office of Admissions and Scholarships offices," one administrator, not in the education differs from secondary school, lb to'iJif,1?, few administrators are ■^Hentati y voice their doubts about communicated to students." but then finds upon arrival that his aid University College, said. how MSU fits into higher education as Cavanaghspeaks (WITprocess- The Office of Admissions and must come from the Office of Financial Aids for his remaining years at MSU. Another administrator questioned the appropriateness of having the Office of opposed to schools such as Harvard and ASMSU's Great Issues presents Jerome Tole hue;" take a very hard look at the Scholarships, under acting director Horace finally a broad orientation to MSU itself. P. Cavanagh, former mayor of Detroit, at responsible for all contact with The controversy surrounding an April 26 Admissions The timing of SOP also came under |Histriit„ness of orientation," one King is letter from Registrar and acting Director of students and Scholarships advising noon today in the James Madison Library piified .r',who asked not to be freshmen before they arrive on campus in on majors and other student criticism. in Case Hall, at 1:30 pxn. in the Phillips the fall. Any material the incoming Admissions King to incoming problems. Because the board of trustees does not Xth f.^l Orientation should begin no-preference freshmen urging them to "What qualifies the admissions office to determine the budget until its July meeting, Hall cafeteria and at 3 p.m. in 137 Akers ■ ^iversiu Contact the student has with freshman receives has been either written y declare a no-preference program within a be experts on students' Hall. whatever that contact is - or approved by this office. Students, as problems when the students who register before that and 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan news Foreign strategists summary From the wires of AP and UPI. seen SAIGON (AP) — Soviet, aiding N.Viets advisers might have been were needed by the regime and Chinese, Cuban, North Korean American prisoners of war, Tan were asked to stay, and French "military strategists" replied: "No. Hanoi propaganda "They were asked, yes, but are advising Communist-led says American GIs are fighting some were forced to stay." f orces fighting in South with the VC-NVA but I have Tan attributed his defection to Vietnam, a high-ranking defector never seen this with my own gradua| disillusionment - "No "The trustees' action was an from Hanoi claimed today. eyes one reason but a lot of little He said the Frenchmen were "The men I saw were Russians, emotional experience - sort of roasons over a long period of former prisoners of war from the Chinese, Cubans, North Koreans j :ust began to feel like running into your old French Indochina conflict who and French. They came south to tjme commUnism was outdated, not a i girlfriend with your illegitimate were not repatrated under the study the situation and see how suitable system of government i son while you are on your 1954 Geneva accords. they could help. I have seen for a country." | honeymoon." The defector is Dr. Dang Tan, them deep in South Vietnamese Harold Buckner, a former official in North territory. I have heard them ,s |)e A SMSUchairman Vietnam's Defense Ministry sent speaking their foreign reumted °ne day with his wife to South Vietnam as "minister languages." and two daughters, although his (See story p. 3) of public health" in a proposed The slight, bespectacled defection probably subjected revolutionary government. medical man joined the Viet them to some kind of reprisals. He said he personally saw Minh in his native Quang Ngai "My wife would have foreign Communist advisers at rest stations on the Ho Chi Minh trail when he traveled south Province at the age of 16 and became a Communist three years later. His membership was denounced me by now," he mused. "It is something she would have to do. The party Morning o through Laos in 1967. sponsored by Pham Kiet, now requires it. But I still love my Just the vague outline of a freighter can be seen on the horizon between two trees on the shore Exiles seek contact In the next two years, while he vice minister of public security family. After all, I am just a of Lake St. Clair in Grosse Pointe Shores. was establishing a guerrilla in Hanoi, and Nguyen Don, now man." State News photo by Jim Klein hospital in South Vietnam's vice minister of national defense. Pleiku Province, Tan said, he saw At that time a Communist Francois Benoit, a Haitian exile who once tried to "four or five groups of foreign Chinese entry into the Indochina SST revival bill reported organize an invasion of his homeland, said Monday in military strategists, each war was considered a possibility San Juan, Puerto Rico, that he hopes to form an numbering three to five men." and Tan was selected for opposition movement inside Haiti. They always carried arms usually interpreter training. He studied wore black pajamas and were Chinese for a year in Binh Dinh Benoit, 35, said, "We are talking with prominent invariably accompanied by Province, but plans for Chinese leaders" in the Haitian government now headed by "large security forces" of North participation in an offensive able Jean-Claude Duvalier, 19-year-old president- for-life. to win House approva Vietnamese soldiers, he said. were scrapped and he was Benoit heads the revolutionary movement, known as Tan, 4 2, spoke to the allowed to move to Hanoi for MR 12, which is one of several exile groups seeking to Associated Press through an medical training, make contact with the young president. interpreter in his first interview There, Tan married another since his defection Sept. 26, Southerner, Nguyen Thi Minh, March 30 and contractors across termination costs in the bill 1969. He later appeared at a who was a senior employe in WASHINGTON (AP) - they've takeh no vote counts, news conference but it was not Hanoi's Finance Ministry when Sponsors and foes aHke say a _r - Rep. Sidney R. Yates, D-Ill . . the country have laid off an turn the money into funds Project 'go-ahead' near explained why he had been kept he saw her last in 1967. _ _ _ concerted, leadership-backed the leading House SST estimated 15,000 SST workers continued development of under wraps by Saigon's Chieu _.B The Geneva agreement ending drive to resurrect the dismantled opponent, said he does not and begun dismantling and SST prototypes Defense Minister Lord Carrington said Monday in Hoi open arms ministry for more the French Indochina war was U.S. supersonic transport know whether the move could packing nearly that many SST The $85.3 million would the SST alive for the rema signed while Tan was still program has a chance of winning pass the House. But he said he is parts and tools. Ri than lVi years. London the state-owned Rolls-Royce Co. and American The motion backers say the two months of Lockheed are on the point of agreement to go ahead Tan's revelations could help to studying to be a doctor, in the House. confident it would not pass the fiscal explain recurring reports of Nevertheless, he was appointed Speaker Carl Albert of Senate. amendment they will introduce ending June 30 - and with the Tristar Airliner Project. Caucasians seen fighting with chief of the medical staff of the Oklahoma and Republican Tuesday to a $6.8 - billion Congress would face anot The two firms are negotiating a new contract, Viet Cong and North Defense Ministry's POW Leader Gerald R. Ford of Congress halted all further supplemental appropriation bill fight over whether to fund federal SST funding effective would leave $85.3 SST contract plane for fiscal 1972. Carrington told the House of Lords, which must rest on Vietnamese units. These never exchange section. Michigan both put their weight ASHINGK the twin pillars of U.S. and British government support. have been proven conclusively "Many prisoners were not Monday behind the effort to second because U.S. and South repatriated," he said. "Some 'urn $85 million for SST ths, the Vietnamese forces have never married Vietnamese and did not termination penalties into money to keep it alive. The Government found any Caucasian bodies want to go home. Some Criminal acts charged among enemy dead. volunteered to stay and study contracts called for payment of Asked if some of the foreign our Communist system. Others indemnities to some contractors Consumer crusader Ralph Nader accused the auto if the project were canceled. industry Monday of "criminal fraud or criminal Ford denied the Nixon when "1 jury probe of The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State administration had anything to negligence" by making unsafe cars, provoking Sen. University, is published every class day during four schbQl do with the revival effort. ! commiss Theodore Stevens, R-Alaska, into an angry, shouted terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. "This was something that got est criticisi rebuttal. Subscription rate is $14 per year. started up here in Congress," The outburst came at a Senate Commerce Committee Housing Ford said. HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — end in sight to the grand jury' N.Y., dentist, and two coi opment, bi hearing in Washington. Member Associated Press, United Press International, ut no one was saying The government said Monday a work, students, Theresa McHugh. hat it callei Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, definitely Monday who would federal grand jury probe would of Philadelphia and Will ? civ Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press be the one to make the continue into an alleged Connelly testified before U.S. Gardiner, 21, Morrestown," be shared Mayday quizzes revealed Association, United States Student Press Association. extraordinary move on the conspiracy to kidnap a District Judge R. Dixon Herman was necessary in the continu House floor Tuesday — including at civil contempt procedings investigation of the case. presidential adviser and destroy Investigators from the House Committee on Internal Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Rep. Edward P. Boland, D-Mass., government property and that it against three persons who Security questioned prisoners arrested in last week's Attorneys for the three Mayday demonstrations while they were in jail awaiting Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, who other backers said was was going to make it. "possible additional indictments would be returned." refused to testify before the sought unsuccessfully to I r en grand jury although they had the grand jury discharged. court hearing. Michigan. "My guess is that we're going been granted immunity A spokesman for the committee, formerly called the to have one helluva job," said The jury, sitting since last from prosecution. They claimed that the jury Phones: Boland, who said he would December, has indicted the Rev. handing down indictments A House Committee on Un-American Activities, said six or Editorial 355-8252 support such a notion but did Philip Berrigan, imprisoned "The b ___ grand jury is continuing ^ ___> 30 that ^ increased the number uiju mKlvtuseu seven committee staffers may have talked to as many as Classified Advertising 355-8255 not plan then to make it himself, antiwar priest, and seven others to inquire into certain unlawful defendants from six to ei| hundreds of young people. Display Advertising Business Circulation 353-6400 355-3447 Boland, Ford and other SST deS "dTaft ?"?• had completed its work and "It was kind of a routine thing," the spokesman said. "The people questioned were people involved in Photographic - 355-8311 Ackers chance of they have winning although . fsTr,™d, S'S'SS'ytid no. to hoa, USSELS ( twice li country> Burton Caine, attorney bids to jo groups the committee recently voted to investigate." William Connelly, a Justice He said the testimony of Miss McHugh said that on Market Sear conces Dept. lawyer, said there was no George McVey, a Rochester, grand jury is trying to _ evidence and this is Charges to be explained more violation of federal law and > proposa into the A former serious business." Frenc Army sergeant said Monday in New York that he would give an official inquiry a "full ATTENTION CAR OWNERS was Connelly, in however, the public interest said nd for a pri in British Commonw account" of his charges that American * Complete front end repair and force Miss McHugh and % Jamaic others to testify. soldiers killed 30 women and children alignment in a Vietnam village, but that he * McVey had refused Brakes * Suspension would not reveal the names of the GIs grand jury whether or the low-ranking officers. * Wheel balancing * Steering participated in any discussi The ex-sergeant, Danny S. Notley, concerning the kidnaping* public official, Connelly said. 23, of St. Paul, Minn., told conference he did not want to let the a news A New Camper's LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center The three claim tl constitutional rights woul gmA Army make the men into "scapegoats 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 violated if they were fore° W* ' Calley." Notley said the second massacre As Near As NOTLEY occurred at Truong Khanhthirteen months after the My Lai incident involving Lt. William L. Calley Jr. Your Credit Union With experienced advice and a low-cost loan from your MSU Employees Draft bill faces debate Credit Union, you've got everything you'll need to travel and camp in comfort. The chairman of the Senate Armed Services And with a credit union loan you get life and permanent disability insur¬ Committee said Monday it would be "a calamity for our ance at no additional cost. Best of all, you can repay your loan by convenient nation's security" if Congress undoes the draft in an payroll deduction. effort to end the war in Southeast Asia. Your credit union wants you to get the most out of life. If you've got the Sen. John C. Stennis, D-Miss., said the war is the time, we've got the money. For all your recreational needs, your credit union's underlying issue in what looms as a marathon debate ready to help. Give us a call or stop by soon. over a two-year extension of the Selective Service System. Senate majority leader Mike Mansfield, D-Mont., said £pring the debate will last for weeks. He said he does not know whether the bill will be finished before June 30 when the current draft law expires. MSU Emp Regulations relaxed — a trifle The Army relaxed its hairstyle regulations Monday - but only by a whisker. Sideburns can now extend to the bottom of the ear opening, which could be anywhere from a 16th to a 1019 Trowbridge Rd. Phone 353-2280 quarter of an inch longer than what was previously Open 9:30 to 5:30 Monday thru Friday acceptable. The Army also eliminated the three-inch restriction on hair length. But that doesn't mean shoulder length locks. State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Tuesday. May I 1, 197! 3 jdge quits ASMSU expected to protest [f Angela student adviser proposal m q aKAEL, Calif. (AP) - The latest in a procession of * the Angela Davis case disqualified himself Monday, Tges in trjai murder-kidnap hearings against the black By MICHAEL FOX emotional experience ■ y'nfintellectual and a codefendant. and like running into — sort of legally closed," The COGS Kenneth Smith, ASMSU's K n vis an avowed Communist, is charged along with black your old resolution read. VERONICA CARTER girlfriend with your illegitimate lawyer, recommended allocating * iS Rucliell Magee in the courthouse shootings which killed a "The board seemed to be in a State News Staff Writers the money of which $500 would son while you are on ■ nd three other persons last Aug. 7. your hurry to pass something and in cover court costs and $1500 W ' Dretrial hearing Thursday, Magee made a peremptory The ASMSU board honeymoon," Buckner said. the end they really didn't pass would go for attorney fees. of Superior Court Judge Alan A. Lindsay, specially tonight is He said the tack that might be expected to lodge a strong anything," Buckner said. He said ASMSU is also considering a ■ Hfto the case by the California Judicial Council. used in ASMSU's resolution that ASMSU had not wanted to protest against the "student loan of $100 to the Veteran's tonight would include citing the Rndsay ruled Monday that the challenge was valid and adviser" proposal approved by history of why the student react action. hastily to the trustee's Assn. which will enable them to the board of trustees at its send 5 students to the national to * flolvy cases under California law, a defendant has one 16 meeting, Harold April Buckner, trustee proposal -was developed and what the proposal meant to "At one time the student trustees proposal seemed like a convention. challenge which enables him to disqualify a judge ASMSU chairman, said Monday. The question of the extension f the students. Jt giving a reason. The student trustee adviser "Our reaction will be very shoo-in. Now, I really wouldn't bet the ranch on it." of the Pop Entertainment ticket number of challenges are permitted for cause, meaning proposal calls for three similar to that privilege to two per member is of COGS — '"aood reason must be supplied. Miss Davis already had failed undergraduates and one graduate (Council of Graduate Students) In other action tonight, the still in committee. ■ShHeneing ,,ud8e Lindsay for cause contending in vain that he student who "will meet at least — very distraught," he said. agenda committee will Motions which may be i »a white racist." She has not exercised a peremptory once per term with the trustees COGS last week adopted three recommend to the board that presented by the policy or a committee of trustees to they approve the use of $2,000 committee tonight include a ■Se earlier caused withdrawal March 17 of Judge John P. discuss potential problems, proposals outlining the role of student trustee advisers. COGS of the Legal Aid Fund to pursue resolution supporting relocating Brrav of 'W0 County> who a8reed with Magee's contention current issues and future said it would find the current a challenge of the University of the present site for the Ehe was prejudiced against him. direction." board proposal for student Housing Policy in the Federal highway extension because of the Ii ndsay then was assigned March 3 from Alameda County. All The trustees rejected proposals advisers unacceptable and would District Court in Grand Rapids. allegedly severe safety problem T, Marin County judges disqualified themselves because of at the time that would have Douglas Callahan, Fenton it creates for students traveling refuse to send a representative Indship for the slain judge, Harold J. Haley. provided senior, director of Legal Aid to and from campus. stronger student "unless he can perform a e prosecutor, Albert Harris Jr., a deputy state attorney Services for ASMSU, and Two other probable motions participation. Rights for meaningful role and be in a ,1 contended Magee had used up his peremptory challenge students fused by the trustees are on-campus taxi service for position to make positive ■ ' ne 0f the Marin judges, but Judge Lindsay held this lUenge *as meaningless, since Magee was not represented by a include inviting advisers attend and speak at all to contributions to the University." 'Tuesday' students and a resolution which favors allowing students to park public COGS said it would expect board meetings, sending advisers Due to space limitations, their motorcycles in bike racks student trustees to "be able to ■Magee. who v has spent 16 of his 32 years in prison, has insisted advance copies of the board "Tuesday," the State News near residence halls. participate fully in all matters lading as his own lawyer, rejecting a succession of six agenda and allowing advisers to related to open meetings of the weekly supplement, will not The ASMSU meeting will be irtappointed attorneys. He was technically represented suggest items for future board of trustees, except they appear this week. "Tuesday" held at 7 p.m. today in Hubbard v bv Ernest L. Graves of Los Angeles, but has spurned n 100. Enjoying economics meetings. Buckner criticized the board's shall not have the right to vote." If a question exists as to will return next week. Hall. Bn stepping aside, Judge Lindsay declared anew that Magee was Allan Mandelstamm, professor of economics, is known for action at the time as "not even a whether a meeting shall be ompetent to represent himself and "would harm his own his humorous antics as well as his step sideways." legally open, the student adviser teaching abilities during "We put a lot of work into the shall "solicit from the his television lectures in Wells Hall. attorney Bliss Davis, 27, a former UCLA philosophy instructor, is student trustee proposal," general an opinion as to whether esented by six attorneys, headed by Howard Moore Jr. State News photo by Jonathan S. Kaufman "The trustee's action was an or not the meeting could be IPTY PROMISES' Rights panel hits bureaucracy lit IaSHINGTON (AP) - For from the President on down." and fall back to _ sleep again," document in which the promote 1 second Imission the time in Civil seven Rights accused the federal The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, president of Notre Hesburgh conference. said at a news commission asserted hostility towards civil that rights, considerations decision making. - civil in rights federal Frfrn ^ Dame University and chairman If the commission's warnings plus bureaucratic inertia, But leadership from the ■eaucracy Monday of of the bipartisan six - member top, threatened to nullify civil rights the commission May 21.22,23- 28,29,30 Ttimting empty promises for commission called for a moral continue to go unheeded, he said, "must be laws of the past two decades. made an institutional function enforcement of reawakening of the American said, "I see happening a divided Fri-8and10pm Sat - 2:30,8 and 10pm Sun-4pmonly The basis of Monday's of the White House staff. kscrimination laws — at a nation; I see happening social report Tickets available at Union & Planetarium box offices $i so people to prevent racial | when "time is running polarization of society with its disorders; I see happening the was a response from 27 of 40 attendant threat of violence. hypocrisy of saying one thing agencies covered in the earlier TWO WEEKENDS ONLY commission reserved its and doing another; I see study to questions on how they The Moog Synthesizer ® lest criticism for the Dept. He said the cliche that "you happening an enormous were carrying out the Open meeting LAST WEEKEND LIVE-ON STAGE ■ Housing and Urban get the government you deserve" frustration on the part of our commission's recommendations at ABRAMS PLANETARIUM holds firmly for civil rights. of last October. There will be an open lopment, but said the blame minority citizens." Moog music, featuring a 10 channel multi - stereo sound system, meeting at 8 tonight in the performed LIVE by members of the MSU Music Department. pat it called ineffective and "Unless you have bombings The commission's report The report found little Union essive civil rights action and Lounge to discuss Fantastic visions by THE EYE SEE THE LIGHT SHOW CO. Many burnings and violence, follows by seven months the progress, and in the housing allegedly repressive campus new far out lighting effects blend with the electronic moods of the I be shared "by everybody people have a tendency to forget issuance of a 1,115 • page area, regression. It praised the moog synthesizer. ADVANCE TICKETS ordinances and defense for those on sale now. efforts of White House counsel STELLARPHONIC MOOG . . . don't miss it! who marched to the Capitol on Leonard Germent and George M. May 5. It is sponsored by the rench ease reg Shultz, head of the Office of Management and Budget, to Student Committee. Mobilization British entry Say ■USSELS (AP) Schumann and other Common which is what the other * — France, mice has blackballed market leaders. members and Britain want most fe bids to join the European to know about. The British negotiator told n Market, made at least The Common Market is made reporters at Brussels Airport the ar concession Monday in French offer was a sign that a up of France, West Germany, »' proposals on bringing through the bargaining Italy and the Benelux nations goodbye way Belguim, the Netherlands and Jjn into the economic club, difficulties would begin to Luxembourg. pe French dropped a appear in the next few days. A British official said the pi (or a promise of drastic Another new French proposal I in British sugar imports French did not specify how the was disclosed only in broad rebate was to be determined, but iCommonwealth countires, outline. It dealt with the sum "ly Jamaica, Guayana and added he thought it could be Britain should contribute to the us. Common Market budget in its agreed on from year to year. Britain has proposed that it pwas certain to disappoint P sugar beet growers, long first years of membership. start by paying three per cent of Other Common Market Nrful group. But it won the the total budget. countries appear to favor the approval of other stanclby! outline. It lays down a formula |ffl°nissionMarket members and including collections from of optimism from British duties on farm and Rippon, the chief industrial products, and a sum |® negotiator. calculated from the size of met'ts tQday with Britain's gross national product. «® Foreign Minister Maurice There also would be a rebate, Why be left at the gate when for just a little more you can get a reserved seat on Delta? Delta's reserved seat Youth Fare Plan saves you 25% compared with regular Day Tourist. Costs just a trifle more than standby No waiting (and waiting!) You know exactly when you're scheduled to leave and arrive We honor Youth Fare cards from all other airlines Or purchase one from us for only $3 00 It's accepted by all carriers. Anyone from 12 to 22 years of age is eligible. For reservations call Delta or see your Travel Agent. Compare these typical standby fares with Delta s reserved se at Youth Fares. DELTA'S Standby fares on RESERVED SEAT Between other airlines YOUTH FARES Miami/Ft Lauderdale to Chicago $58 $67 Atlanta to New York City $40 $47 Chicago to Tampa $51 $57 Detroit to Houston $55 $63 Los Angeles to Dallas $60 $68 San Francisco to Dallas $70 $79 Kansas City to Atlanta $39 $45 Dallas to Phoenix $46 $52 Houston to New York City $68 $77 Atlanta to Miami $34 $38 Chicago to Houston $49 $55 All fares include the 8% U.S. Transportation Tax. Delta is ready when you are! pilL'S(AMPBtlL^NION MICHIGAN POINT OF VIEW STATE ME' UNIVERSITY Turn awareness against war By ARNOLD M. PAUL Professor of History inflicted. And, third, that the American jungle-like territory, and because the South Ignored, suppressed, contra KEN LYNAM advertising manager Five years ago I prepared for some of military-political elites believe they cannot Vietnamese mercenaries will not fight for the Americans against a determined enemy betrayed (as any black these ideals of man can basic tihlM accept, geopolitically or ideologically, a fairness the colleagues in the antiwar movement in Communist victory in Indochina, with its - as the Laos failure plainly revealed. dignity, and the equality of man s'ti,, i""! DAVE PERSON, managing editor California a "strategic analysis" for implications for world-wide movements of Inevitable? the American psyche. That is vvhv HP BOB ROACH, city editor bringing the Vietnam war to an end. Time confirmed the correctness of this social forces and national alignments. Is protracted conflict inevitable, with its Lai and the conviction of^t of, JOHN BORGER, campus editor BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor has analysis and its solid relevance for the From this viewpoint, there has never terrible drain on the human condition In (or all their Initial mean more for ambiguous" ^ Indochina and America, and its constant ending the wnTk 1 continuing antiwar protest. I would like to been any possibility of successful arguments T I RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor dozen reasoned political share publicly some of these ideas in the negotiations, compromise or detente — danger of worldwide escalation? The conviction that we are at the decisive crest except as a thin face-saving device for American government is clearly prepared why the grim rejection of thV T Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award in the movement to end the war — and that sensitive American politics. There is no to accept this; but somehow the American brutality by the Vietnam vet* ! for outstanding journalism. a our proper perspective will help guide us in choice of tactics as we enter this last, ground for compromise. The Communists are in, either totally, or in well-known stages through the process of people, their anti-communism notwithstanding, seem not to have appreciated these imperatives of grand •Washington has such t„ Revulsion «;] , but most dangerous, phase of our antiwar As the brutal coalition governments — or they are out, strategy, as seen through the eyes of a schrechlichkcit of ou J protest. In Vietnam and only the Americans can keep them Rostow or a Kissinger. They have grown comes implacably EDITORIALS First, My analysis rests on these assumptions. that the Communist-led out. war weary and apparently would like an end to the "mess" — but not strongly growing revulsion will overcome American people. As the hoim.1 J revolutionaries in Vietnam, north and The current "pacification" and awareness of J contradiction between our ideals south, have the active or passive support of "Vietnamization" programs must be seen enough, until now at least, to rise up by and J in this light, as desperate last attempts to the millions and demand out. acts comes imperatively to the surface J the majority of the Vietnamese people and stabilize the military - political balance in President Nixon, long known for his American people at large will earn tJ Registrar's could easily control the country except for American military intervention. Second, that knowing this full well, the leadership of North Vietnam and the National Vietnam: on the one hand, by destroying the South Vietnamese countryside and breaking the will of its people; on the other slipperiness and public relations techniques, attempts to play his usual double game: manipulate and pacify public revulsion to the very We who are dedicated to doorsteps of theWhl House, literally and symbolically ending the J | Liberation Front in South Vietnam, both hand, by building up a large mercenary opinion at home while maintaning critical as soon as possible must direct all 0I pressures as communists and accept nothing less as nationalists, can than the total force under the Thieu regime. But this program is also doomed — short of American military power in Vietnam. In this he might succeed, given traditional American political apathy (and all the efforts to must show, in quickening this our commitment awareness 11 ourol sampled several University withdrawal of all American military unrestricted, full-scale genocide North and other confusions of the time) — if the war awareness of the evil - dra'maticj One hasty, ill - considered letter intervention — expecially after the terrible South (and this is one of the dangers). It uncompromisingly. Nonviolent c] disciplines. The program is was doomed by the tremendous resistance itself was not so utterly cruel and wasteful, disobedience becomes from a single middle - level losses in human life and ecological so utterly immoral in its character and now a significj immensely popular - nearly one out that the Americans have of the average Vietnamese, by the symbolic force. Along with traditioT bureaucrat may cost hundreds, destruction perhaps thousands, of students in the of every three freshmen took methods. immorality of the war, fully demonstrations and marches, such acts! advantage of t.he no-preference It is this witness as all-night vigils and sit-ins! class of 1975 the opportunity to consider their career choices in option last fall. detail. Headache Registrar Horace King, who is also Undoubtedly, no-preference For, at last, the essential immorality the acting director of admissions, options make for administrative of the American position can no longer two weeks ago sent all no-preference headaches, a consideration which be concealed. No anti-Communist entering freshmen a letter which may have prompted King's letter. It cliches will do. The American people, is hard to accurately predict what effectively ordered them to declare a once aware of what they have long field of study. King has argued that majors these students will eventually suppressed, will not bear the bloody the letter was merely an attempt to choose, and thus hard to make long - stain of its truth. And the war will end. give these students "a more range budget allocations to colleges And a new day for the reconstruction of meaningful orientation program" and departments on a per student society will come. and was aimed primarily at getting basis. But administrative channels students to read their catalogs more supposedly exist to serve student closely. needs, not vice versa. Administrative considerations should not dictate evident as far back as 1965, which will government buildings, conductl Unfortunately, the letter is much bring about the final defeat, justly and resolutely and peaceably, will powerfiJ more than that. Consider a high undue limitations on student choice. reinforce the rising national revulsion| righteously, of American military school senior, a little unsure of just Furthermore, there is evidence to intervention. the war. what the University situation will be suggest that even if these freshmen Wrong factors For, at last, the essential immorality! like and eager to please, who receives do declare a major or a field of Until very recently, most liberals have the American position can no longer! emphasized the wrong factors in their concealed. No anti-Communist cliches * a letter which tells him: "I'm writing interest, the result will be more antiwar politics; such as the reordering of do. The American people, once awarel you now because I strongly headaches, not fewer. University national priorities (why should the what they have long suppressed, will f encourage you to focus your College studies have shown that suburban middle-class really care?); the bear the bloody stain of its truth. And I And a new day for f 'No-Preference' into at least a college no-preference students average fewer numbers of American casualties (still slight war will end. by most standards of wartime sacrifice); or reconstruction of society will come. 'No-Preference,! qr a similar program changes of major than do students the weakening of the constitutional But there is a danger of equal likelihifl at this time." • ' who declare a major immediately balance of power (most Americans have which we should recognize, And if that weren't enough to upon entering. Forcing freshmen come to accept presidential domination In the military-political elites, desperate I make the freshmen jump through into declaring majors may produce foreign affairs). All these factors together, their coming defeat, will stop at nothinf the greatest flood of major - changes while they have weakened support of the escalate the war, impose dictatorship® hoops, King had another clincher: "To help us more effectively plan to this University has ever seen. war, have insufficient dynamic thrust for home (constitutionally disguised) i King's letter may have already the kind of mass nationwide movement genocide abroad. They may seek to d serve you during summer which alone can compel the governing the public awareness of guilt into! orientation, please write and let our caused irrevocable harm, but some elites to accept the inevitable in Vietnam destructive fury outward against r Office of Admissions and countermeasures should be taken (political surrender) and end the war. protestors who have helped awaken it. f Scholarships know your choice of a nonetheless. First, a second letter But buried deep in the American This risk we shall take. This challeij should be sent immediately to all consciousness is the awareness of the if it comes, we shall confront - or wi major, or a 'No-Preference' or similar humane ideals of our nation's founding. will stain our souls. program within a college. Be sure to no-preference entering freshmen, identify yourself by name and explaining the error of the first student number, and your change letter. This letter should be written POINT OF VIEW from University College by a person who can knowledgeably No-Preference to " defend the no-preference system. Day of the real university' comini Risk Reluctant That letter seriously risks Administrators may be reluctant pressuring freshmen into choosing a to distribute such a letter, because it major before they are ready to do so. is an admission of error on the Some freshmen may indeed opt for University's part. Students will no-preference simply because they eventually discover that they have By CHRISTOPHER SOWER departments and courses. be displaced until the substitute democl whole University organization to get out of have not wanted to bother about been misinformed in any case, Professor of Sociology It is this whole bag of obsolescence system had been put to a test. I line with the real world, especially during choosing a major. But many, however; it is best that the While it is so easy to remain silent on the last few decades when we have which students would begin to question if Therefore, just more student protl probably most, of the no-preference University freely admit its mistake controversial issues, I must congratulate transitioned the idea of small colleges into they gained power over University decision editorials, letters to the editor and ff freshmen before that mistake has progressed you on your forthright editorial which making. They would try to move education trustee and legislative action are to II are simply not rigid large-scale bureaucratic toward creative learning and scholarship, avail. As has been discovered in other t| too far. criticized the faculty for refusing to permit multiuniversities. psychologically ready to choose their more student influence upon and In a direction where education would of large-scale organizations, efre® life time career, yet may be coerced - Secondly, the second letter University Specifically, we have fragmented be more relevant to the needs of the 'innovations can come only m decision making. The difficulty, of course, knowledge into little areas of subject by the authority of King's title into should be reinforced by sympathetic is that if students have such power they matter which are convenient for research, society. They would have the learning continuing research and develop! advising during the summer process produce a product which is useful programs which design and test new I' making an unwise choice. will try to change the obsolete and this during the time when the real to the society instead of learning now for These need to involve the yo« King's letter - which was orientation program. departments, courses and procedures of the world has become much more wholistic — University. the whole environment, the whole city, the some vague future application. They would generation before they get into the n apparently all his own ideas since Thirdly, the central have professional schools prepare them for professionalization and to be freed It is so pleasant for the faculty to accept whole community, the whole person and other officials involved in the administration should implement the updating the other major institutions of adverse controls by administration the historic proposition that we know what the whole organization, including the no-preference program were unaware suggestions of several administrators is best for students. Yet, in our respective the society instead of producing tradition. Instant updating from just1 and establish an all - University University. Then we force-feed these bits professional degrees on how to maintain committees has little potenti' of the letter's existence until after it concentration upon our own narrow areas and pieces of information through a distributed is student - administrator committee to of subject matter, we have permitted the the status quo. producing such workable new m was - doubly skull-cramming process of fragmented Naturally, these student desires are These mostly play musical chairs unfortunate in the light of this coordinate the orientation program threatening to the faculty. We have the maintaining the status quo. University's long - standing and newsletters. Such a committee OUR READERS' MIND University organized to our own advantage, Yet, the idea of the University has commitment to no-preference might well have avoided the present and thus resist change. As in the case of the tradition, so I am sure that we w ■ young natural science assistant professors, ways of maintaining creative learn SB Greeks options. The MSU no-preference difficulties. system, universities a model for other across the country, Students pay expect an their tuition and education, not a SN ignores the senior faculty will deny tenure to young people who want to make the University relevant to the needs of the scholarship as an inherent part oftne| University system. It hardly seems § now obsolete multiversity can kill | allows freshmen and sophomores to programming. The least the university. This is our next task. decision on a definite University can give thm is a fighting To the Editor: campus. Nor is this incident of indecent hP th® se"io'faculty to postpone a Those of us in the Greek system are tired exposure indicative of all Greeks activities, f disadvantage. We have confined ourselves of study until after they have chance for that education. >ntothe a°u ,0ng 4fat T policy] course of the obvious selectivity of material that Not only is constructive Greek activity h presents only anti - Greek sentiment. What ignored in total, we are misrepresented *°nt-want to 11 Pe°plew^° Letter is particularly hard to understand is that without defense. Greek activities are not too*'miMJ abort the real world which is vastly different from what 6It9 in Clare a those who write the attacks seem to have no connection with or knowledge of the publicized as part of State News policy, yet we are an integral part of University life. professors write in textbooks and report in The State News They should be welcomes typed and signed all Greek system. Every Greek knows that And you call yourselves open - minded? lectures. home town, student, faculty sweeping generalizations can not be made Kitty Kane, Detroit senior " see"18 c,ear. however, that the system ^ They're seein' the light over about the entire system. Jill Juhrend, Birmingham junior of faculty control of an obsolete system standing, and local phone They call it "it." Included. No unsigned letter yonder in Clare. What "it" is, they aren't sure, but Concerning the incident cited in the Carolyn Kaminski, Detroit sophomore wil1 change only with some new and Local teenagers were the first to letter to the editor of April 30, — the powerful external force which has designed accepted for publication, and n and tested workable substitute learning spot what some townspeople now as one farmer said, "I doubt if it's anything, but whatever it is, I hope writer admits that this is an isolated EDITOR'S NOTE: The above - programs. Even the Divine Right of Kings be printed without a extreme circumstances. d|J«tu All ie . j incident of indecent exposure, yet implies believe to be indications of "some they catch it." that all Greeks must be perverted. Such a mentioned State News policy came as System continued for several generations less than 300 words long f°r P 1 quite shock to our full time Greek after it had been discredited. It could not without editing. kind of saucer up in the sky." conclusion is only an expression of a - It seems that a week ago Clare residents all differ in their beat reporter. Saturday personal bias and certainly should not five teenagers sighted a opinion of "it." Some dub "it" a merit State News space, much less an WE SHOULD 0R6ANIZE A mysterious editorial cartoon to draw further attention I WONDER tiff, light about the "size of a baseball." flying saucer, others say it is a ghost, H0P5C0TCH TEAM..WE COULD MANAGERS HATE and a few have suggested "it" is the to it. TRAVEL ACROSS THE COUNTRY Though "scared to death" they If some houses are still engaged in such DRAUIN6 HOPSCOTCH SQUARES ON watched as the light "came over a legendary "deer man." childish activities, it does not mean that SIDEWALK* AMP CHALLENGING OTHER hill, then swooped down towards the the rest of us are. We are sure that , Therefore, Sagaon said, he Capital/ Capsules your punch line. The has' tcT be 'sugar-coated with ** during the entertainment," he said. ^plng of the Program "Is the (i j >\ Biographies of well-known SAh™ Is J pleasant?' o ) > Chicano leaders, facets of Are the shots okay?" THE use of studded tires in Michigan tire history, consumer tips, health Sagaon was hired by WMSB as MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE may be reduced has been proposed to the use could Michigan $28 million soon cost features and cultural prod"cer of uLa Avista" six per year in from 148 to 132 members if a Michigan House of repair costs alone." entertainment make up the ™"th* „aj& "e was formerly recently proposed amendment Representatives by Rep. Thomas format of "La Revista." ™th ^HBF:JJ',uRoc0kJsland; to the Michigan Constitution is G. Ford Sr., R-Grand Rapids. MICHIGAN JAYCEES have The philosophy behind "La I"" and ™th he Office of The proposal, based on begun an intensive study of the Endless Revista," according to WMSB, is Ec°no™c Opportunity assisting approved by the legislature and given approval by the voters. information revealed by the Michigan House of to provide Spanish-speaking m'fa"t workers^ The resolution, which v/ould State Highway Commission, Representatives' I Railroad tracks are simply pieces of steel and pieces of wood placed on the ground for miles viewers with enough infoVmaion f As producer he « responsible reduce the House from 110 to seeks to wipe out use of studded create a one-house proposal to in their native tongue to enable f°r d^erm,n.ng the format of S*°W' arrhangmg fle"1 a"d 99 representatives and the tires on the grounds that they Michigan. legislature in | and miles. But on these tracks near campus, traveler can reach almost any point in the country. them to enter the world around . Senate from 38 to 33 men bers, actually increase stopping Rep. Joseph P. Swallow, State News photo by Jim Klein them and take advantage of its ™g asf cohost with Cecelia would not take effect until distance under wet or dry road R-Alpena, sponsored the bill and various services. ^ares. Inf°r™' Sagaon and Mrs. d,alog Mares bfw„een bridges 1981, according to its sponsor. conditions. has requested Jaycee chapters the "In addition to the potential gaps between pretaped "Reducing the number of throughout the state to segments for the final packaged legislative districts will serve two safety hazards, I'm concerned participate in a petition drive to Ingineering program aims show. One of the problems he faces as a producer is getting talent, he said, like singers, dancers and major purposes," Rep. Mai tin D. Buth, R-Comstock Park, said. "First, it will obviously save a great deal of money. Second, by about the monetary implications of the department's findings," Ford jaid. "It's estimated that continued expansion of studded gather the 300,000 signatures necessary to place his one-house constitutional amendment the ballot in 1972. on musicians. having odd-numbered Houses, "Fortunately there's a lot of we avoid any tie situations such |o recruit minority students fine talent in the as we have had in recent years." Mexican-American community," If approved by a two-thirds Sagaon said. "For example, one vote in both the House and trio could be cutting records Senate, the Buth amendment now if llackengineers may not be as faculty members, students and Rather than forming the black youngster never sees a they had the backing." But since WMSB cannot afford would be submitted to the Be in the future because of administrators, the program's voters in the next general committee, the faculty members black engineer, so he doesn't to pay the talent, Sagaon must election. |orts by the College of chairman, Bruce W. Wilkinson, went ahead and formed the relate to the field. He's more rely on volunteers. Many times lgineering to recruit minority associate professor of chemical Engineering Equal Opportunity likely to look up to a preacher, a fonts and help them stay in engineering, said Monday. they will arrive late or not show LEGISLATION TO BAN the Program, Wilkinson said. teacher or an athlete and aspire i°°l , The program emphasizes ... . , to one of those professions." ■Si's Engineering Equal tutorial help in such areas as Until this year, the programs Vrtunity Program, now in its rd year, is a joint effort by mathematics, chemistry and only means of recruiting The program, which is open to LOOK TO US physics. It also provides for m'nor'ty students was word-of all minority students, has been AIIARANTIitt ■ . . work-study programs only help the student that not m°"th, Wilkinson said. This year' however, some of the black relatively successful, Wilkinson said. He said four years ago, FOR QUALITY Unionization financially, but give him a student will go back to their old there were eight black students •complete selection of one-to-one working relationship high schools on a formal basis to in the College of Engineering, frames , , , with a faculty member in his s[>e®k f° gr^d.uatmg h'gh sc|lo°1 whilelast fa'1 the enrollment was •Sunglasses and wire I Mo fiorJ students and inform them of the 67. He also said there is rims You'll - Enjoy It r nr area. §UIC LIU I II I C vJ Wilkinson said the idea for existence the program, he currently one Mexican-American •prescription lenses ground such a program "evolved" out of said' student participating in the •repairs while you wait I Monday's State News article 1 the, "Lizard's unionization" a coffee-hour discussion among fac^y members in 1968. He Wilkinson said that few blacks program- tiahvi Ribeye Steak lie incorrectly reported that a said the interested faculty ^thirds vote by employes members approached the dean have eatered the engineering field because of the "image" it holds for them. lack of Wilkinson operates said on the funds program from 0ege by means Computer scoring W°„U? campus with your unregistered There's really no reason to "Sparty" intersection is so 8hel £ car when you can drive right feel that fate has been of the Dept. of Public Safety, said. It is also an increase of bad that it's good," he said, seven student different consideration. cE/ through it. There aren't that particularly unkind to you. approximately 20 per cent "because people get frightened many cops around — or are Since last July 4,173 people when they near it." Students during the past year. are indicaUne r, there? have received summons for "But the traffic situation is Sergeant Ferman A. Badgley said the increase can be traced to better here on campus than it is Jfco-d the .„d third following topi„: choi^f in many cities, because for some the last year's reduction of the University in TRANSCENDENTAL unregistered vehcile fine from reason people don't seem to drive "Politics of the FuturS as fast on college campuses." - "nso*ia' Noncomm $25 to $10 for the first offense. MEDITATION Many student also find it Figures support the National Priorities" »u, „ expedient to leave their cars department's contention that the problem is significant but Justice," "Technology" " d Kenneth Clarke, unregistered and park in metered an art hi t • areas and gated lots as visitors. improving. Total motor vehicle on "Civilization." Registration performs a accidents through March of this as lauglit by Maharishi variety of necessary functions, year are 224, compared to 270 The selection has been used with process J Zutaut said. It allows the Public for the same period last year. the prN- Mahcsh Safety Dept. to control traffic Personal injuries in these symposia, starts with the DolV accidents is down from 29 to 22, of faculty membirs Yogi by limiting the hours motor , vehicles are allowed to drive on although there has been a narrowing the 100 suggestions campus and by giving students marked sustained increase in in injuries 'Guess Who' seven or eight choices for student questionnaire designated areas in which to motorcycle EJ park. accidents. Everyone involved in Lunde, asst. professor But more importantly, he this year's eight motorcycle American thought and The next in the series of ASMSU sponsored concerts will be the Guess Who performing with lan accidents has required medical and chairman of the Transcendental meditation is a natural spontaneous tech¬ said, it enables the University to Zubra at 8 p.m. Friday in Jenison Fieldhouse. Tickets for the concert are $2.50 and $3.50. symposjH keep an accurate record of the attention. committee said nique which allows each individual to expand his mind and Monday, number of vehicles on campus. improve his life. Revenue from registration sales, TO PERFORM FRIDAY Introductory Lecture he said, helps service campus streets and parking lots. The seemingly zealous Wednesday, May 12 for registration has Who—big boost concern 4 and 8pm IGbS Wells brought complaints from many students who say they see more meter - maids on campus then they do patrol cars. "I think we could have better Guess to rock By DAVID BASSETT believe that J. Edgar was important than most of what is studio, you have problems. Lettermen and Three Dog enforcement with more people that the Guess Who N'ig State News Staff Writer unaware being said in rock today, their Usually overcoming these "These Eyes," "Laughin' but we still couldn't be received gold record for the impact is similar to that of Jane a lyrical faults, however, is a "Undun," "No Time," everywhere 24-hours a day," After inviting Grace Slick to a commie-faggot-dope fiend-hippie Fonda and for many of the same superb manner of presentation. the Land" and "Amen Zutaut said. "Our primary reunion of Finch College "American Woman." reasons; instant revolutionary At the top of this is Burton Woman" all have earned - concern is prevention, and we're alumna, the worst mistake Tricia "American woman, stay away social critics sometimes suffer Cummings, the group's lead records, and their latest." doing the best job we can with ever made was inviting the Guess from me. American woman, from a lack of knowledge, vocalist and one of the finest the resources available." Flasher," promises to do Who to play for her and Eddie momma let me be. I don't need awareness and historical singers today. same. There are many external and Julie and Davey and Daddy your war machines, I don't need perspective. When you link that Cummings' soaring vocals are factors limiting the department's Dick at the White House last your ghetto scenes. Colored with the fact that members of The Guess Who will appear) complemented by a chorus of Jenison Friday at 8 p.m. Tic' effectiveness, Zutaut noted. The year. lights can hypnotize, sparkle the Guess Who are from Garry Peterson, Jim Kale, Kurt for the concert are $3.50 budget hasn't permitted any While understandable, some one else's eyes," aren't Winnipeg and have seen the Winter and Greg Laskiw, $2.50, and are available significant increase in manpower considering that her only exactly the type of lyrics one United States largely from a resulting in harmony seldom that could be used to extend exposure to the group probably Campbell's, Marshall Music* would expect a band to sing to concert stage or recording found except in the Beach Boys, the Union. traffic patrols from the current was a free copy of their 1965 G. Harold Carswell's alter ego. three cars to six, per eight - hour smash "Shakin' All Over" shift. The biggest Canadian enclosed in her bottle of Many of the campus streets Femlron, it seems hard to contribution to American rock since Paul Anka, Andy Kim or Neil Young, the Guess Who has Married studen achieved what most rock .bands hope to-financial successv\vhile preserving a modicum of artistic integrity. activities associ While many of their songs, Elections for representatives be candidate for election, one would be divided into f especially the most recent, have a social/political themes, most fail for the newly organized Married must either be a student or zones, with two representat' each from three zones and to achieve the supposedly Students Activities Assn. will be spouse of a student, living in representative from zone f( tSsho intended effect due to held sometime late in May, a married housing or eligible to oversimplified structure and spokesman for the group said live there and must be in the Burgoyne said zone maps available at the Married Hou Today at 5:30 and 8:15 distracting musical Sunday. University community for Twl-Lite Hour, and spring terms. Office on Service Road. Adults 90c, 5:00-5:30 accompaniment. L. Kipp Burgoyne, political summer While far more intellectual and chairman for the group, said to "Our main goal is unity Candidates for office within the married housing pick up petitions at the day SHOWING AT: 7:30-9:00 community," he said. "We center in Spartan Village sU would also like to establish ties Wednesday. Each canJ with married students living off • must have 15 signatures to campus." on the ballot. ^ewSrdesses Burgoyne said Cherry Lane, Burgoyne said interest University Village and off ' - organizing a married stu" campus students would each group began with a mtetin have two the new day care center earl representatives. Spartan Village representation April. "We realized that EASTMANCOLOR STEREOVISION students with children different needs than most stolen bicycle. signs of forced entry to the room, which is usually locked. Iiliol officers reportedly mi the student on Shaw * A WAfcLET containing $14 K near parking Ramp 1 for cash was stolen sometime X the bicycle without a between 9 a.m. and noon Friday Idlight. Officers then from the instructors' locker mered the bike was stolen room in the Women's Intramural ■ checking it against a list of Building, Anna M. Pizer, East ted stolen bicycles. Lansing graduate student, told le student was released officers. ■prosecutors take action. y K. SPRAGGS, sophomore, told police ZUBRA ; ■ cycling helmet and her & : 7l bag and contents, with a dancing ; busing panel 5 nights a week * Tues. - Sat. # pns hearing •OPEN BOWLING; East Every night : pe Lancing Joint Bring Committee has : piled ■tonight a public hearing at in 34 Union. : at ALL SEATS RESERVED $6.00 - $5.00 - $4.00 1* committee lunation and is seeking proposed : ioe Joseph's : Tickets On Sale Now ltions on community • pro oowl : At WURZBURG Stores THE CARD SHOP, E. Lansing i«s, especially student - id MARLO'S in Jackson Indent Ml and student - BUY NOW! conflicts. a distinctly modern love y-very human and | moving at depicted by Jason Robards Having the want is one thing. Having the and Katharine Ross. wherewithal is another. The trouble with being Robards is lovably outrageous, STARTS WEDNESDAY! young is that all too often you have the one without the other. delightfully whimsical and always Boxoffice Opens 12:45 But the 1971 MG Midget is Continuous from 1 p.m. something else again. terribly real. Katharine Ross is a Here is a true sports car for under $2500* — J Mural! An unusually literate script." Feature Presented the lowest price you can pay for the real thing. - Daily N«WI 1:20-3:25-5:30-7:30-9:35 In this case the real thing includes a race- winning 1275 c.c. engine. Racing-type rack-and- "endowed with style Wednesday is pinion steering (2.33 turns lock to lock) for cool, and substance. Deftly played by Robards and the LADIES' DAY 750 SU crisp driving. Heavy-duty suspension for superb road-hugging. Disc brakes up front for straight-line, non-fade stops. Twin reclining luscious Ross." bucket seats. And full sports car instrumentation with an electric tach. Which only goes to show that, even though MG has been engineering sports cars for over 40 years, there's no generation gap. For the name of your nearest Austin-MG dealer and information about overseas delivery, dial (800) 631-1971 except in New Jersey In • romantic where the number is (800) 962-2803. Calls are toll-free, of course. vlly *5S£fc lma8ic and two remark¬ 'Manufacturer's suggested retail price Does not include transportation charges, dealer preparation, state and local taxes, if any. British Leyland Motors Inc., Leonia, N.J. 07605 able and affecting «n performances. Robards is marvelous. He is ' "ny. tender, infinitely affecting. IN LANSI hintl"6 Ross conveys an emotional I'Uvttll ° r0n9e °* deep *eelin9s 1 I I I GrmiUa'e'. ?$0 womanly beauty) which 900d ^er Pr°m'*® 'Tb® 'Fools' is a wonderfully acted and strongly moving ,0Phisticated modern romance." Joson PnhQfCjS l| Katharine Ross BROOKS IMPORTED CARS 5014 North Grand River —loi Angtln Timtl nCOlO' GP 482-1473 Tuesday, Ma, 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Spring ByGARYSCHARRER There will also be a limited number available for seats in the famed game of tickets confines of the The athletes awards. Henry will be vying for outsUnn Matthews and George Mihai n"8 Pl,yi State News Sports Writer stadium pressbox The price is $5 each. All tickets of last year s Matthews was winners competing again £•** named the Green l»l also may be purchased at the stadium the day of the team's ton JPrii Because of tight security this year, not too many 8 the press-radio-TV voters, and Mihaiu was I k4 people have seen the workouts of the 1971 MSU The structure of the teams will differ than in the same award on the White team. fl football squad. But the public will be able to get a previous years. Coach Duffy Daugherty announced at preview of the upcoming Spartans Saturday, May 15 in the annual Green-White game. a press luncheon Monday. Two years ago the first Former Spartan ail-American Gene Washing I unit green's romped to an insignificant 82-0 victory again organized an added feature. Pro football ^1 Kickoff for the conclusion of spring practice is set for 2 p.m. at Spartan Stadium. Tickets for the game over the second team white defense. Last year will be at the stadium to sign fans. autographs and i nfl ""SB Daugherty evened the teams and the first string go on sale Wednesday at the MSU athletic office in offense bumped heads with the first team defense. Jenison Fieldhouse or at Paramount News stores in The pros will be in the stadium at 1 The defense, wearing green last year, and its p m Lansing and East Lansing. Some of the players who counterpart, the second team offense, won, 12-7. will kp k I The tab is $2 general admission to the general For this spring's game Daugherty will divide the Washington, Clint Jones, and John Hen, *1 public and $1 to MSU students and kids of high coaching staff, representing the two teams. They will Minnesota; Ron Johnson of New York (' school age and younger. All proceeds again will go to hold a player draft today to choose the two squads. Webster of Houston Oilers; and 10 I)Si',T the Martin Luther King Jr. Spartan Aid Scholarship All players at a certain position will be picked before including Jerry Rash, Lem Barney, Char and Earl McCullouch. I? "e the coaches go to another position. Fund. COACH EXPECTED IT Canadiens finally click MONTREAL behind the Chicago net. when standing ovation from (UPI) - the en Montreal Coach Al MacNeil they (the Black Hawks) went to after Cournoyer's goal. knew his team wasn't out of the check him, I saw that John Chicago Coach Billy rj Ferguson and I were alone in had little comment game despite its 2-0 deficit about | front of the net, unguarded. It after the first period his poor offensive showing of I Canadien players justified their was easy for me to score that club. They managed only shots and gave Montreal L coach's faith. goal." roofl Harper, who was booed by goalie Ken Dryden the easfl The Canadiens overcame that the crowd when he lost the puck in the first period and Hull time in any of the 16 has played so far in this gams! two goal deficit with two goals \el in the second period and two eventually scored, received a playoffs. " more in the final session Sunday to defeat the Chicago Black Hawks 4-2 and post their first triumph in the Stanley Cup finals. The best - of - seven series resumes here Tuesday night with Chicago holding a 2-1 edge. "We were on top of them from the start and we outshot Karate Club them in that first period so I The MSU Karate Club will hold its fifth annual Open Karl knew the game wasn't over" Tournament Saturday in the Sports Arena of the Men's I.M 1 MacNeil said. May 15. Eliminations begin at 12 noon with the finals at 7:30 pj Chicago had taken its 2-0 lead Contestants will compete in fighting and forms in white bC Triumph? on goals by Cliff Koroll and Bobby Hull, who scored his 11th green belt, brown belt, womens and black belt divisiJ Demonstrations of board breaking, kendo, and self - defense J There was joy in Black Hawk country for at least one of the current Dlavoffs. be given during the finals. period of the Chicago - Montreal Stanley Cup game last The MSU Open is the largest University held karl MacNeil added, "We were Sunday afternoon as Bobby Hull scored to make the score getting a lot of chances and the tournament in the Mid-west. Last year over 150 fighters frj Chicago 2, Montreal 0. The Canadians came back to win in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois competed. This year a way we were playing I knew we people are expected to compete. later periods, by a score of 4-2. AP Wirephoto would take advantage of them. Rugby Club That second period goal by Peter Randall Peart's two 40-yard penalty kicks overcame a I Mahovlich really gave us a lift. SONY® WEEK t From then on they couldn't stop us. At the pace we were hitting I deficit as the Detroit Cobras beat MSU 6-3 on Saturday. Jo Balch opened the scoring 10 minutes into the first half will 30-yard drop kick after a Cobra penalty. Peart tied these May 10th through May 15th knew we were going to turn that minutes later and won the match on his only other attempt i game around." 10 minutes left in the game. FREE AMPLIFIER CLINIC CONTINUING In the "B" game MSU scored twice on the ground to b| Frank Mahovlich scored the TODAY AND TOMORROW IN E. LANSING. first of his two goals in the Detroit, 8-0. Rich Parkar took a pass and ran 30 yards to MSU an early lead. John Balch converted after the try. I Special System Prices featuring SONY, and second period to tie the score 2-2. His total of 13 goals in the Fobes scored from 15 yards out in the second half to provide! factory reps, to answer questions. final current playoffs equals the margin of victory. Water Polo Club all-time record set last season by Phil Esposito of Boston. The Spartan Water Polo Club went undefeated in winningB I¥46UM * MUSIC CO. Right winger Cournoyer, however, scored what proved to be the winning goal at 6:23 of the final period. Cournoyer said, "Terry Harper Yvan Michigan AAU Mens' Indoor Water Polo Championship fori fourth straight year this past weekend in Detroit. The MSU Club defeated Wayne State University, 17-3,1 Royal Oak A.C., 12-7, in the preliminaries. In the semi • finalsH Spartans beat Ann Arbor Swim Club, 9-6, by withstanding fourth period Ann Arbor rally when the Spartan goalie receivB one minute penalty. The Spartans won the final game againsF j 245 ANN STREET, EAST LANSING made a fantastic play. He carried 402 S. WASHINGTON AVE., LANSING the puck along the boards and undefeated Detroit - Osborn club by an impressive 16-6 nr DID YOU KNOW? . . . THAT MARINE FLIGHT PROGRAMS FOR PILOT TRAINING ARE ONE(1) FULL YEAR SHORTER THAN CURRENT USN OR USAF FLIGHT PROGRAMS? . . . THAT THE MARINE CORPS CURRENTLY OPERATES 32 JET FIGHTER SQUADRONS (PHANTOMS, INTRUDERS, SKYHAWKS, V/STOL HARRIERS) AS COMPARED TO 24 JET HELICOPTER SQUADRONS? T^FIN^OlnMORE ABOUT MARINE FLIGHT TRAINING, ASIO^ARINE^TH^MARINE^OflPSOFFICER !i SELECTION TEAM IS ON CAMPUS AT THE PLACEMENT BUREAU MAY 10-14. 9 AM to 4 PM State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Tuesday, May 11, 1971 9 -SPORTS S at Notre Dame for pair By JOHN VIGES when the Spartans play total. ineffectiveness but in his last start State News Sports Writer doubleheaders against Wisconsin against the Hoosiers but the Brian Lieckfelt and Kirk Maas rainout of Friday's twin bill with and Northwestern this weekend. appearances has not had much The last chance for MSU to will get some much needed work trouble in Ohio State left Larry Ike. MSU's 2-1 and 5-3 wins over getting the opponents relax, away from the pressure of Indiana gave the Spartans a 28-6 against Notre Dame. The two out. currently the toughest hurler on a Big Ten game, comes today hurlers have done more throwing Maas' latest effort against the Spartan staff, free to start record, good for a no. 5 national in the bullpen than the field when the Spartans are Indiana saved a win for Dave against Indiana. ranking by Collegiate Baseball entertained by Notre Dame in a lately and today's games will Leisman and more importantly, Uncertain of a starting berth Magazine. 1 p.m. doubleheader at South Two wins today and three help them prepare for the crucial kept the Spartans two games for a time, Maas has come back Bend,Ind. conference victories would give upcoming conference action. ahead of Illinois in the loss to become the important fourth A pair of wins Maas has pitched a few column. over the Irish, a MSU 33 wins, one better than innings man in MSU's pitching rotation. club in relief, and looked that has not had a good record compiled by the 1968 impressive, Although he gave up two Lieckfelt's task for MSU has thus far, would put Danny but his last starting walks in the last inning, five men year squad. MSU has four games to assignment mostly been to come in from the Litwhiler's squad in position to was against Iowa, almost three were set down on strikes by play after the upcoming bullpen to shut off opponents' break the record for victories weeks ago. Maas and no one scored. weekend to add to their win rallies, but he has also been a The ine Utica U[lca senior hit nit a spell oi spew of Mass had been Mass naa oeen scheduled to spot starter for Litwhiler. He is the most likely replacement for MSU netters close slate, one of the regulars if a sore arm should occur. The junior college transfer has looked very good at times during the year, but shaky in others and drop .«■». Litwhiler wants him to get some You're South Bend Sunday along with finale to extra peak contests. Also work for so the expected he will be at conference to see some a Dame was the makeup of an Spartans, playing at Nos. 4 and 5 more action are shortstop Steve By MIKE ABERLICH two other members who hadn't out on the Spartan State News Sports Writer respectively. seen any action this year, only Sophomoru pitcher Larry Ike watches Spartan first baseman John Rohde (9) complete a putout to come home on the wrong side Vetter was the lone MSU on a U-M player. The Spartans take their 28-6 record to South Bend, Ind., this afternoon in a Coach Stan Drobac took of a 6-1 decision. match was the last winner in the meet, winning Cerez has been utilized in a only oubleheader against non-conference rival, Notre Dame. three members of the regular season meet for the both of his sets. Briggs, however, defensive light for the Spartans regular of late and has been seven - man tennis squad to The meeting ° with Notre Spartans, giving them a season - ran into stubborn Irish No. 1 fighting a anAirifi 7 EL RllQtpr Rrnwn lncincr hie mafnh Tf ending 7-5 mark. It was fVin tir«c the ^n1i> only Buster Brown, losing his match batting slump. He will probably break IEEPS FIELD AGAIN loss the Spartans suffered out of conference play all year. in three sets, doublM p|ay ^ and get a chance to start, and out of it in one of the game";. DeArmond Briggs, Rick Vetter lost in two short sets, 6-4, Rohde, bothered most of last Vetter and Rick Ferman were 6-2, and Ferman and Fodell week by a sore ankle, come back Orr wins Hart, Norris awards the only regulars to make the trip. Briggs jumped from No. 2 singles to the first slot for the match, Vetter played at No. 2, didn't fare much better at No.2, dropping their match, 7-5 The Spartans now must prepare for this weekend's Big with Indiana a crucial pinch hit against and the sophomore will probably start Detroit one of tadays games at first base. and Ferman (who hasn't been Ten Meet in Evanston, 111. MONTREAL (UPI) - Bobby Bruins, the Art Ross Trophy for goals." playing singles for the Spartans No. 1 Tom Gray and No. 2 Iof the Boston Bruins, who the individual Hockey Writers Association. the award a record seven times. in the last few meets) was at No. scoring Esposito, who had a record of Orr gained 208 of a possible DeArmond Briggs will most ■ awarded the Hart Memorial championship in the NHL; and Points in the four awards 3. 76 goals and 152 points, said, "I 210 points in the Norris likely be contenders for a crown |phy as the National Hockey Ed Giacomin and Gilles have to earn my trophy, but it Runner-up was Brad Park of the voting. were given for a first on the basis of five Freshman Joe in their classes, with the biggest Ues most valuable player, Villemure of the New York was a great team effort that gave New York Rangers with 57 - place vote, three for Fodell and hope for a doubles contender fther James Norris Memorial Rangers, the Vezina Trophy for it to me. I owe a lot to my a second and one for a third. Henry Jacobi both made their coming from the Mike Madura - fcnv for best detenseman, points, followed by J.C. Runners-up for the Calder first goaltenders with the lowest goals wingers Kenny Hodge and Tremblay of the Montreal appearances for the Rick Vetter combo at No. - - 2. ■ Monday, "It's a great thrill Award were Jude Drouin of against average during the Wayne Cashman. I'm happy to Canadians with 35 points. [win these awards, but I'll L season. see I was second to Orr in voting Harvey, former defenseman with Doug Minnesota and Gilles Villemure of New York. *************************** my two trophies for one Bucyk, commenting on the for the Hart Trophy. iy - the Stanley Cup — Lady Byng Trophy, said, "It me. There are other players took me a long time in this jy team who could just as league to finally win a trophy. It my teammates did." Giacomin If 1 Montreal, New York, Detroit couldn't win it, at least one of and St. Louis also won the Norris Trophy four seasons in a Dave Keon of Toronto and Jean Ratelle of New York were runners-up for the Lady Byng J ASMSU Great JI | receive the Hart Trophy." even took me a season where I Jn won the Hart Trophy for Isecond time and the Norris scored 50 goals. I guess you have to say I'm a clean - type hockey commented, row. During his career, he won "When I was a kid I always dreamed about playing in the Trophy. ; JEROME CAVANAGH J NHL, but I never thought I kphy for the fourth pcutive time. Pr has now won at least one player. minutes season." I only received eight in penalties this would win one of the great awards such as this." J Ex-Mayor of J n each of his five years Perreault, who came out of Villemure said, "It's a great thrill for me to share the award 1972 Candida * leNHL. Junior "A" hockey directly into with Eddie, especially in pher winners of NHL the NHL, led Buffalo with a rookie year." my the U.S. Senate * is, announced at a Monday total of 38 goals and 72 points, Orr, who was runner-up to teon, were: Johnny Bucyk, both records for a rookie. "I set Iran m left • winger of the Bruins, the Lady Byng no goals for myself before first season in pro hockey," he my Esposito in the scoring race with 139 points, including a record 102 assists, was the player "Crisis in The Cities: Problems * y for sportsmanship and ■lemanly conduct; Gilbert said. "I just said I was going to try as hard as I could. I was closest to being chosen unanimously in the Hart, Lady and Alternatives for the 70's" } Jwlt of the Buffalo Sabres, happy to set off new records for Byng, Norris and Calder awards ■Calder Memorial 11:30 am—12:45pm—Madison Library, Case ■league's outstanding rookie; Trophy as rookies. Who knows, next year maybe I'll be able to get 50 — decided by polls among the members of the Professional J a of the Boston Jl:30pm—2:30pm—Phillips Cafeteria EmiVs B EN'S IM Restaurant prese J 3pm—4pm—Room 137 Akers Hall j Jt fraternity track preliminaries In held immediately following a meetingtoday at 4:45 p.m. in All-You-Can-Eat t★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ TODAY Free Admission J • i08 of the Men's IM Building. ■ preliminaries will ^Proximately Mlnalsfor both get underway 5:30 p.m. fraternity and Spaghetti Dinner M50 every Tuesday hall track competition will 1 «n Wednesday, May 12, at deadline for fraternity and EVERY ■'Undent golf teams it 12" Pizza, 11tem, 165 u * 1 NIGHT IS PITCHER NIGHT 2012 E. Michigan Ave. paepcwreo BY A9MSO pOPW*lLrNT*RT?UNM6NT The word is out on Donny Hathaway. break lifts the record to a new elevation-r A few weeks ago, the superb com¬ followed by a string ensemble that takes poser-singer Carole King picked up eight it yet higher again—climax upon un¬ copies of Donny's first LP ("Everything believable climax. When I played his Is Everything," produced by himself) fHEWORD IS OUT ON Little Girl side for its writer, the wonderful and distributed them to her heaviest Billy Preston (great artist that he is in his pals and gurus— such as Lou Adler and own right), Billy was transfixed by the James Taylor-with the exhortation to dig. record-Donny's singing, keyboard The next portent came at Aretha playing, and fantastic arrangement for Franklin's recent epochal appearance voices and strings. DONNY HATHAWAY at the Fillmore West, where she and Ray Charles were rapping backstage about Donny, who, in their modest opinions is And I would like to be there when Bobby Scott hears what Donny does with He Ain't Heavy, the definitive soul rendi¬ just about the "baddest" new entry on tion that a lot of people I know have been the scene. waiting for. And a few days later, at the Criteria I have been playing the album for some freedom now! short shorts! Studios in Miami, superstar Steve Stills, weeks now for friends, family and col¬ working on his new album, sounded me: leagues, and the reaction is always the Cool, casual, comfortable. . .and "Hey, what's the chance of Donny ■vfiNS'DE 1 (EVERYTHING IS EVERYTHING) Hathaway coming down to pick on my same joy and stunned disbelief. We are in great hopes that this portends a wide ,INE c LOVE YOU) • I BELIEVE TO MY SOUL album?" acceptance by an appreciative audience they II take you just about WlKVftnTuu * SUGAR LEE * TRYIN' TIMES The word is definitely out. for Donny Hathaway and this album, MASTER (FOR MY SOUL) • THE GHETTO 0 BE YOUNG, GIFTED AND BLACK The liner notes to Donny's first LP produced with abiding love, meticulous anywhere. Rust, wine or navy inform us that he (1) Was born in Chicago care, and, we dearly pray, impeccable in 1945 (2) Attended Howard University taste. cotton corduroy, wide belt (3) Played his first music jobs in the My special thanks to our own King Washington, D.C. area (4) Then achieved Curtis, who found Donny Hathaway at heavy acclaim in the trade for his singing, a trade convention and who brought him loops. 27 to 36 sizes. $8. playing, arranging, composing, and posthaste to my of/ice. And the same to producing for such as Roberta Flack, our own Aril Mardin who split with Donny Curtis Mayfield, Jerry Butler, and others. the arranging chores. coming through Here at Atlantic, where we have had with his usual brilliance and unfailing the privilege of working with Ray Charles, musicality. Listen to the flutes and cellos Aretha Franklin and Otis Redding, we on Aril's treatment of Leon Russell's are daring to hope that Donny eventually ineffable A Song For You, and I think you GIVING UP • A SONG FOR YOU • LITTLE GIRL may join them in the special pantheon of will see why Arif's is probably the fastest HE AIN'T HEAVY, HE'S MY BROTHER those specially gifted few who: growing reputation among the new breed |I MAGNIFICENT SANCTUARY BAND • SHE IS MY LADY Sing the best. of arrangers and musicians. And thanks, MAGN.HOt^ ^ ^us|c # jAKE A LQVE SQNG Play the best. deeply, to our great rhythm section: PUT YOUR HAND IN THE HAND Compose the best. Cornell Dupree on guitar, Chuck Rainey Arrange the best. As for his string, horn, and choral arrangements, please listen to the soul- on bass, and the legendary Al Jackson, who come up to New York from to handle the percussion. Memphis Jacobson's | Shop shivering instrumental interlude in Giving JERRYWEXLER Up where first King Curtis' tenor sax (TAPES DISTRIBUTED BY AMPEX) for young men ON ATCO RECORDS & TAPES 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. ]V| ay 11.1J STATE NEWS state news CLASSIFIED Bargain hunter's paradise . . . that's classified ads. Read and use them often. classified 355-8255 3558255 The State News does not Automotive P»nkly speaking by Phil Frapk Employment For Rent ForR{ent MhatOds permit racial or religious discrimination in MUSTANG 1968. $100 down, take A THINK Thought Transportation, FARM Inc. is WOMAN FOR summer Own bedroom. Close to campus. sublease. TWO summer Girls needad its over payments. 6 cylinder term 3 "" automatic. Call 355-6093 after 6 growing ideas and concepts among Pretty cheap tool Call 332-3746 advertising columns. The Fast! State News will p.m. 5-5-13 the cows and chickens on its after 5:30 p.m. 5-5-14 srrT accept advertising which not Williamston farm. We seek artists, 3-5-11 " 393-88]| MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1966 graphic designers and marketers to 126 MILFORD • AUTOMOTIVE help us create and market graphic lusr discriminates against V-8. Deluxe interior. Good Summer Leasing: only 3 left. 2 man Scooters & Cycles and knowledge communicating religion, race, color or condition. $650. 355-0706. 3-5-13 apartments, close to campus. Auto Parts & Service materials. Call 655-3202 for national origin. 351-2207, 372-5767, 489 1656. Aviation appointment. 5-5-13 * EMPLOYMENT MUSTANG 1969 Mach I. 428 Cobra jet. 4 speed, excellent condition. SUMMER AND part time 24-6-4 and ioin Blue with black interior. Tape. 126 MILFORD * FOR RENT Apartments Phone 349-3426. 5-5-14 employment: week. 12-20 hours Automobile per required. Now leasing: apartments, 2 and close to campus. 3 man the fun . Houses OLDSMOBILE 1964. Power steering 351-5800. O $170. 351-2207, 372-5767, Rooms and brakes. Best Automatic, good tires. offer. Call owner, 489-4263. for Rent 489-1656. 24-6-4 1 block from campUs I * FOR SALE Animals Mobile Homes CHEVV NOVA, 1966. 283. 3 speed. Excellent mechanical condition. 485-2365.3-5-13 3-5-12 OLDSMOBILE 1968 442 W-30. Four TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction FEMALE SUMMER sublet. Large, air conditioned apartment. Near RIVER' WATER'S SEDGEand[ guaranteed. Free delivery, service campus. 332-3844. 3-5-12 EDGE speed. Anson mags, air lifts, new PERSONAL CORVAIR 1963, 4 door, buckets, and pick-up. Call NEJAC. * new tires, new exhaust. Runs tires. Low mileage. 337-9960. 337-1300. C LANSING OR East Lansing. One APARTMENTS • PEANUTS PERSONAL 3-5-12 bedroom furnished. Large, airy $50 per man, per good. $150. 393-7918. 5-5-14 Air mo. • REAL ESTATE FURNITURE RENTAL rooms. conditioned. OLDSMOBILE VISTA Cruiser Beautifully maintained. Suitable See Frank, 351-8 ♦ RECREATION CORVAIR 1966 4 speed. Good Student special starting at $20 a wagon, 1964. Beautiful shape, for faculty, grad students, business engine, body, interior. Clutch month. Reserve now for Fall roommate wanted ♦ SERVICE new muffler, tune-up. Excellent Term. BISHOP FURNITURE people, married couples. Lease. ■ slips. Cheap. 351-5699. 5-5-12 tires, brakes, luggage carrier. $745. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O bedroom. $60, 337 9722 Typing Service RENTAL, 4972 Northwind Drive, AfJ 332-6226. 3-5-13 351-5830. 21-6-4 P.m. 393-8143. 5 5-12 * * TRANSPORTATION CORVETTE 1956. Classic condition. Best offer. Phone IV 5-2737 or Norwood Apartments OLDSMOBILE FURNISHED FOR ♦ WANTED 351-8988. 3-5-11 1968 442 v ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. 4 Now renting large one and bedroom. Close, DEADLINE convertible. New Oldsmobile mags, four - speed, engine, 1M€ DOCTOR IS our- PAR. OUT!' SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV two bedroom for summer and parking. Summer pnva or RENTAL, 372-4948. O 351-9561. 5 5 11 COUGAR 1967. Automatic, power fall. Close to 1 P.M. one class day stereo tape, full warranty left. campus. steering, brakes, vinyl top. Call Best offer over $1550. 351-4404. Reduced summer rates. Call before publication. 349-9214. 1-5-11 TV RENTALS Students only. Low TWO GIRLS NE EDE I) 4"J 4-5-14 332-2712 after 3 p.m. Cancellations - 12 noon monthly and term rates. Call School year 1971-72 " 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV 355-9218.3-5-11 one class day before COUGAR 1969, yellow with black OPEL GT 1969. Tan with black LARGE TWO RENTALS. C party furnished publication. vinyl top. Full power, automatic. interior. Low mileage. Sharp. Scooters & Cycles Employment efficiencies. Air conditioned, close PHONE Must sell. 485-6267. 5-5-17 393-1228.3-5-13 to campus. $135 summer. $150 GIRLS: Summer 2, 3, and 4 man "ova Fall Close I 355-8255 DODGE POLARA, 1969. 2 door, PLYMOUTH SAVOY 1963 2 door 6 LICENSE REVOKED, must sell. JUNIORS AND above. Education Apartments fall. Call 10-5-17 484-0585, 484-1328. campus. IV 5-2737 or 35iaf power steering, brakes. cylinder sedan. New tires. Honda S-90, 2 helmets. $100 library science majors t sell RATES Economical 318 332-6906. 2-5-11 APARTMENTS. SUMMER and/or engine. Low 351-4407. 5-5-14 educational products part Beal Street Apartments! next year. One half block from TWO GIRLS for large beautiful close 1 day $1.50 mileage. 355-8105 or 373-7214. Liberal commissions. Call Mi 15c per word per day 3-5-13 PONTIAC 1964. Lemans convertible. THIRTY MOTORCYCLE enthusiasts Helson 882-2431. 3-5-13 campus. Two, three or four man. occupancy.♦ 126 - to - campus apartment. Reduced Fall. 1 block from campus,! 3 days $4.00 Excellent condition. $650 or best for checkpoints in Saturday's race. Immediate Orchard. Phone 339-2219, rates. Summer. 332-2911. 5-5-14 bedroom, 2 or 3 persoH DODGE 1964. Many new parts. Lots offer. 675-7414. 5-5-14 Call 355-9490. 3-5-12 furnished, balcony, d 13'/2C per word per day of miles left. Call 337-2341 or 337-2082. 22-6-4 THREE MEN needed to sublet in 4 1968 TRIUMPH conditioning. 5 days $6.50 353-1485. 5-5-17 500. In perfect for Across PONTIAC GTO. 1965. 3 speed, condition. $750. Phone 351-6676 ROOMMATES NEEDED this man summer from term. 216 Beal St., Apt. 2A I 13c per word per day street campus. Very 351-CPUS DODGE CHARGER, 1971. 2 door. power steering, excellent. Best 5-5-14 A NEW division of an old company summer, Meadowbrook Trace. reasonable. Call 332-8370. 5-5-13 (based on 10 words per ad) Power steering, power brakes, offer. 332-2471. 3-5-13 has CAPITOL openings for sales $50. Pool, fun, sun, friends. Call COMPLEX 5 r CYCLE INSURANCE. Central vinyl top, 9,600 miles. Like new. representatives. Full or part time. 351-3081 or 355-9107. S-5-11 FURNISHED APARTMENTS, Furnished, carpeted, firt™ Peanuts Personals must be PONTIAC Michigan's Largest insurer. Any pre-paid. $2,900. 393-0425. 3-5-11 1963. Excellent mechanical condition. Good tires. cycle, any rate. LLOYD'S of We train. Good pay program. Call summer leases available. garage, $165. 2 rooms, $115,1 351-3700. 3-5-13 Reservations now being accepted or married coi $150. Phone 393-4085. 5-5-17 LANSING, 332-5335, 482-5585 for September. 731 BURCHAM 489-1276. 5-5-13 There will be a 50c service DIGNIFIED SALES program. If you East Lansing. See these sharp and bookkeeping charge if RAMBLER 1964 Classic 4 door. ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■III 1970 CL350 Honda Road Scrambler. have neat appearance and pleasant luxury units including shag this ad is not paid within Good transportation. Call Fall & Summer, 1 block from personality, you owe it to yourself carpeting, ultra modern kitchen one week. ENGLISH FORD 1967. Automatic, 4 door. Only 26,000 miles. After 349-2778. F-5-14 3800 miles. Very good condition. $700. 393-7346. 6-5-12 to investigate the short hours and campus, 1 • 2 bedroom, 2 - 4 with dishwasher, swimming pool, ■ Cedar Village! Apartments I The State News will be high earnings offered by our persons, furnished, balcony, beautifully landscaped grounds, 3 p.m., TORINO 1968 289 automatic. ■ 332-8475. 3-5-12 HONDA, 1971. 350. Excellent leading national cosmetic air conditioning, study. and ample parking. Only $175. responsible only for the Excellent. $1200. 1720 Park condition. 1,100 miles. 485-2365. company. Call 355-1241 between REDUCED SUMMER Open daily and Sunday 10 a.m. - first day's incorrect FALCON 1962. 2 door Avenue, or call 372-4589. 3-5-12 3-5-13 4- 7 p.m. 2-5-12 noon, 1 -6 p.m. 351-7212.0 ■ i insertion. RATES. 204 River St., Apt. ■. . . provide continuous ffl good transportation. $95. Call 6. 351-3484 or 332-0255. ■maintenance oi 353-6851 after 5 p.m. 3-5-13 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1970. Radio, GARDEN APARTMENT furnished, ONE AND 2 bedroom for 1971 BENELLI 65 cc. 300 miles. 2 summer good condition. $1775 or best sprockets. Must sell. 332-8661 ask all utilities, plus. One mile from ONE GIRL needed for 4 girl summer. and fall. Call 332-0625 after 5 ■garbage disposals, stoves, | FIAT SPIDER 850 yellow offer. 694-8727. 5-5-11 forCB. 3-5-13 campus on bus line. Exchange for Cedar Village. 332-5031, Jerrie. p.m. 3-5-11 ^conditioners, and many of convertible 1969. New tires, radio. care and nurture of children 8, 11 5-5-14 g appliances. Cedar Village afl Automotive Spotless. Best offer. 676-1358. TRIUMPH TR-4 A 1967. Excellent. 1970 TRIUMPH Daytona 500. after school plus minimal ONE BEDROOM furnished ■ has 24 - hour emergeJ 1-5-11 $1150 or best offer. Call $1050. Call 482-5626, between 6 • maintenance of property. apartment. 1 block from campus. ■service by our on-site staff ■ STUDIO, SUBLET summer. Single 349-3162. 5-5-11 9 p.m. 4-5-14 Available June. Days call $130. Call 351-7318 after 7 p.m. luxury near campus. Furnished. AUSTIN HEALEY 3000, 1963. Best offer. Must sell. 332-6148, TRIUMPH 1963. Custom body. New HONDA 305, 1967. Low mileage. 355-4510; 5-5-14 evenings 349-1747. $92. 337-2522. 2-5-11 3-5-11 J Now Leasing for " 332-8113. 3-5-11 Summer Terra J overhaul. New white top, tonneau Condition like new. WESTERN EAST LANSING, house. Residential FIREBIRD 1967. Gold convertible. Excellent condition. AUTO WANTED RELIABLE person to take cover. STORE, Williamston. area near Hagadorn. Two bedroom BUICK owner. RIVIERA Excellent 1967. Private condition. 400 cubic inches. 4 speed AM-FM radio, factory stereo tape, low 393-4085. May be seen at 1216 Victoria. 5-5-12 5-5-17 preschool children to Spartan Village area approximately V4 - 1 furnished, $160. One bedroom, $140. Utilities included. Available Rent a TV for the last month of J 332 - 5051 ■ Beautiful car. 332-0080. 10-5-14 mileage. Good condition. Call 1967 TRIUMPH hours mornings or evenings. the term. NEJAC TV 393-0752. 5-5-17 500. Good 353-7902. 1-5-11 starting summer term. Phone 351-5285 evenings. 5-15-14 RENTALS 337-1300. . . ■ Bogue St. at the Red CedJ TRIUMPH 1969 Spitfire. 18,500 condition. $650. Call Dirty Ed, BUICK Fully SPORTSWAGON, 1967. equipped, excellent FORD 1964. Galaxie 2 door eight miles. 2 tops, snow tires. One owner. Fine condition. Best offer. 332-3575. 3-5-13 SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE GIRL TO sublease summer, $40 ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■I condition. Best offer. 351-4058. cylinder. Automatic transmission, Experienced carpenters for work in month. Call Irene 349-0832 5-5-17 three good tires, completely new Around $1700. Call 489-3489 Auto Service & Parts Torch Lake resort area. Please ignition system and 24 battery. Good running car. $300. month after 5:30 p.m. 6-5-14 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East only apply. experienced carpenters Space 70 homes, 616 - evenings. 3-5-12 NEW IDEA IN STUDENT living TRIUMPH GT6. Low , 124 CEDAR Street. 129 One 487-3096. S-4-5-14 mileage, Kalamazoo Street . .. Since 1940. 533-8668 or 616 - 533-8245 Burcham or two bachelor Units owner. Good condi Drive. 135 Kedzie. 2 man Complete auto painting and evenings. 14-5-24 484-2157. 5-5-13 furnished apartments. Includes FORD FAIRLANE 500, 1965. 289 collision service. IV 5-0256. C CAMARO 1969. 307 engine, new V-8, automatic. $500. Phone WAITRESSES, EXPERIENCED. heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. Featuring: tires. Stick shift. Phone 627-6026. VOLKSWAGEN 1971. Green. Radial CAR Leases starting June 15 and Sept. Enclosed Pool Sauna 482-7816. 5-5-17 WASH, 25c or automatic Both full and part time. All shifts 5-5-14 tires, plus many options. Must sell. wash, 50c. Wax and vacuum. 1. Days, 487-3216. Evenings til 10 available. Apply in person at • Call 655-3160 after 2 p.m. 3-5-11 U-DO-IT. 430 South Clippert, p.m., 882-2316. O Shag Carpet (new) Snack Bar — Juke Box Connor's 24 Hour Restaurant, CAMARO 1971 8 cylinder. Excellent KARMANN GHIA 1964. Good tires, back of Koko Bar. 0-g-11 3231 Extra Storage Extra Rooms for Guest 2 new studded snow tires. Runs West Saginaw, east of VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Beige sedan Game Room (Pool Table - Ping Pong) condition. 3500 miles. Zarie Waverly. 5-5-14 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. South, near good, $350 or best offer. with sunroof and radio. Excellent AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and 332-0821. 3-5-12 Michigan Ave. Large furnished 351-5379. 5-5-11 condition. Call 882-2738. 3-5-13 American cars. If we can't fix it, it STENOGRAPHERS, GALS with studio. Utilities paid. Private CHEVROLET can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O Price $129 for one - $139 for two 1967 Belair. Power good abilities for Lansing firm. entrance. $110 / month plus VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Sedan with steering and brakes. $1000 or best MGA 1957. Fiberglas top, rebuilt Full time, permanent. $6500. deposit. Phone 627-5454. 5-5-14 All utilities paici except telephone 1966 1500cc van engine. W GUARANTEED offer. 332-3635, evenings. 10-5-21 engine and transmission, wire - repair. 3 7 2-7700. PERSONNEL wheels. Excellent mechanical condition. RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at CONSULTANTS. 3-5-12 Drop in and talk to our leasing agent today. $500. 339-8390, 1 - $500. 349-3172. 3-5-13 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C CHEVROLET 1 962. Good 543-3833. 6-5-14 condition. All accessories working. PUBLIC RELATIONS. Experienced, degree. Permanent position. halstead management Call 351-9604 ask for Johnson 5-5-12 MGB 1967. Wire wheels, new top and brakes. After 6 p.m., 353-2194 Scooters & Cycles ^viation $8000. 372-7700. PERSONNEL Seeing is Believing 444 Michigan Avenue LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight CONSULTANTS. 3-5-12 East Lansing Phone: 351-7910 3-5-13 NORTON COMMANDO, 1969. 4000 training. All courses are CHEVROLET BELAIR 1967. V-8, miles. $1000 or best. Extras. Spacious apts. government and VA certified. PART TIME male- and female 283, automatic MGB 1967 hardtop convertible. Wire transmission. 351-3052. 5-5-13 A Excellent condition. $975. Phone wheels, Michelins, overdrive. Call FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport telephone canvassing. Good mple parking Road, Call 484-1324. C hourly wages. Must have good 489-9230. 4-5-14 332-1367. 3-5-13 100 MILE motorcycle road rally. No speaking voice. Call Mr. Vance, Heated pool CROSSWORD experience necessary. May 15. 393-5460. An equal opportunity Optional bars Employment PUZZLE Colli n q in oo ti 3-5-11 employer. 10-5-21 Apartments shown from 2-7 1969 BMW R-60US. Set up for MATURE INDIVIDUAL. Self YOUNG LADY companion, live-in p.m. daily and on weekends. traveling. Call 332-6144 before starter. Sell needed service. and do light housework. Not full 3:30 p.m. 5-5-13 21. Fuchsine Apartments Commission basis. Full or part time. time. South Lansing. 393-0108 l Reception 23. Homespun Call 372-8110. 3-5-12 4-5-11 NOW LEASING. 4 Glacial 25. Small bird WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER snowfield 26. Simurgh Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. MALE STUDENT part time, 21 or GOSPEL SINGERS needed. Bass, means... Phone 489-4811. Our new address older for bartender and cook. Will baritone and soprano. Must be Burcham Woods 8 Brut ll. Conjunction 29. Grape conserve 31. Agitate ROlAM I £3 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF train. summer. Must be available See Mrs. Hilton, 10:30 thru available weekend and summers. A unique opportunity for singers 745 Burcham Dr. 12 Solo 13. lever 33. Violet ketone 37 Sweetheart R"S-ULV|5E [Tjulsls 11 ;Ewt&A 11:30 a.m. or 1 - 3 p.m. at 351-3118 having to walk a.m. - who have committed their lives to never more JOEY PoEiM'T CLIQUE BAR, 801 East Saginaw. Christ. For auditions, call If no answer - 484-4014. 14. Black gram 38. Foo yong HAVE. A POGJ 3-5-12 351-6431. 3-5-11 SO-X'fsA 43 Malt drink 46. Seine than a few feet from your HIM OURS COR THREE CEMTS A PAY APARTMENT DISC0UN1 44. Bucket 45. Ex-G.l. 47. Overornate 48. Vicia orobus 2 Register h! Summer from $37.50 - Fall from $52.50 3 Confuse j 4 Nuclea' I We manage 9 apartment buildings and have an apartment for every need. submarine* apartment to your car... Apartments Addresses Phone 2 S £ 5 r- 7 % 8 9 .O 5, Irish lake V 6 Compete I Bay Colony Haslett & Hagadorr 351-3211 •9 1 New-born ■ with all the unlimited parking Beechwood Delta Arms 1130 Beech Street 235 Delta 351-0965 351 3580 — - iV £,s 10 8. 9 Ardor I Verdi ope■ 10. Young swaM Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen 332 1313 % fr* % 16. Name there is around. 135 351-7662 20 Haslett Arms Collingwood 22 18. Scamp > Princeton Arms 1303 Haslett Road 332-3511 iM 21 Creek % w lnoppo',uJ Call Collingwood Apartments h North Pointe University Terrace 1240 Haslett Road 444 Michigan Avenue 351 3407 351 9117 17 w; rj 14 # 7/M 22. 24 Prayer 26. Type of s be® | University Villa 635 Abbott Road 337-2361 31 S3 27 Songbirf| *ln view of Campus 37 % 36 28.1. -"M Fall leases now being accepted, $200/2 $210/3 man man **Pool or Pool Privileges 39 $ VA M2 $220/4 man It is the policy of the Models open at each complex Monday through Saturday from 3 - 5 p.m. for private ¥5 '/,* i State News that all showing. (formerly Northwind Apts.) <« 3b Student Ads be Prepaid Contact Resident Manager today at above telephone numbers for your choice of Call 351-8282 MODEL OPEN DAILY 2771 Northwind behind the Yankee Store starting May 20th at 1 apartment or call HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 444 Michigan Ave. East Lansing - r p.m. 351-7910. __ State News, East Lansing, Michigan |Micliigan Tuesday, May II. 1971 11 For Rent f or Rent forHent For Sale For Sale Personal Real Estate Service FURNISHED l^'jsrvss APARTMENT for DUPLEX 3 man. Summer sublet. married WATERBED FRAMES $35 and PENTAX couple. Available June Utilities. Close up SPOTMATIC, Takamur AVON SPECIALS for your special EAST LANSING, 3 bedrooms, dining SAVE SAVE SAVE to campus. REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan 1st. Close lenses: J-«° .3.5 13 to $135/month. 332-2495. 3-5-13 campus. $70/man. 332-2029. 3-5-12 Lansing, 489-6168. TF 300mm 50mm fl.4, 28mm f3.5, f5.6 custom case and somebody. Mary 353-2517, 576 room, fireplace, study. Fenced Xerox copying - offset printing Wonders. 4-5-11 yard, ideal small children. 2 blocks best quality at reasonable prices. fcplEOSTUDENTS SUPERVISED APARTMENTS GIRLS. SUMMER or fall. Near ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses? Save accessories. $400. 371-1403 after 6 p.m. 5-5-14 FREE campus. Central school district. By owner. 351-5166 after 1 p.m. THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East FACULTY campus. 332-8903. Furnished. 5-5-14 Parking. at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 ... Call A lesson in complexion 10-5-18 Grand C-5-14 River. Phone 332-4222. East Michigan care. 484-4519, East Michigan J NO SECURITY Now renting 3 and 4 efficiencies for man and C-514 Avenue, 372-7409. SEWING Brand MACHINE Clearance Sale. new portables - $49.95, or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. ■pOSlT REQUIRED summer MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS Rooms $5.00 per month. Large selection Service PROFESSIONAL fall. $125 - $150 per term. NEIGHBORHOOD. GARAGE sale STUDIOS. C-5-13 of reconditioned used THESIS machines. I KNOB hill 351-6317 MEN. CLEAN quiet rooms. Summer May 14th 9 15th 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 9 p.m.. May 1842 Melrose. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New PROTECT YOUR DAMAGE P R E t » R A T I 0 N ■apartments ■ GIRL NEEDED for two man summer term. Cooking, close to 485 8836, 487-5753. O campus Women's clothes and clothes, children's Home & "Many Others." $19.95 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS SNAIL'S PACE DEPOSIT!' PORCELITE expertly repairs chipped porcelain, 3494700 miscellaneous items DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, and or fall. Reduced. Near 2-5-14 plumbing, fixtures and appliances. 1115 North Washington, Usual amount withheld: $40-$50. 111:00-7:00 Mon.-Sat. campus. 355-1399. 3-5-13 MUST SELL Red / yellow bead 489-6448. C-5-13 A snail's pace is Average Porcelite repair: $15-$20. Complett Professional Thesis Strtict fir Master's and Doctoral Candidates Frei I 2:00-5:00 Sunday curtain ($10), approximately .03125 miles Discounts for multiple orders. Brochure and Consultation Please Call I shown by appointment CEDAR GRF.ENS - posters, lamps ($7). Yellow gold carpet with pad, 9x9 100 USED canisters and vacuum cleaners. Tanks, uprights. Guaranteed per hour. If your car is chugging along Free estimates. Call now! Phone Cliff and Paula Hiufliey 337 1527 or S27 293S 1 bedroom furnished SPARTAN HALL, singles, men, ($45), red curtains ($20), gold 37 2-5882 after 5 p.m. B2-5-12 0nOkem°s "d. Across women. Now leasing for summer, curtains ($10). one full year. $7.88 and up. at a snail's pace, check ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith L okemos High School POOL fall. 351-9286, 372-1031. O Unique 4'x2' DENNIS DISTRIBUTING SONY AMP 4-Channel Color Organ ($300). today's State News Classified CLINIC. Factory rep offset printing. Complete service Ciill 351-8631 COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Ads for a peppier, winterized, available. Tuesday and 332-3848, 9 -11 p.m., anytime Opposite City Market. C-5-13 for dissertations, theses, ROOM AND Board. Summer Wednesday. MARSHALL MUSIC, term. weekends. 5-5-14 new or used model. Turn manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Theta Sorority. 349-9371 East Lansing. C-5-11 21 years experience. 349-0850. C SAILBOAT 8' there now! FOR GLAD tidings look for 337-0100. 2-5-11 Sportyak dinghy. Great car - top boat, like new. PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free BARBI MEL: something you've lost with a Want Typing, multilithing. \ji quiet residential Ad. Dial 355-8255 ROOMS 10 minutes from Complete, delivered, $150. Ken, Wl LL ANYONE who saw the arrests estimates. Grad students, No job too large or too small campus. 0,l near North Completely furnished. 372-8077 353-6400. S-5-12 late experienced, references. Brighten Block off campus. 332-3255. C Rent a IV for the last month Wednesday afternoon on May I 332 1027. 3-5-13 before 4 p.m. C of 5th up your house for spring. in West Circle Drive at Houses the term . . . NEJAC TV SOFA, $9.95: chair, $2.49; chest, Kalamazoo please call 355-2813. 349-4817. C TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. FRATERNITY RENTALS 337-1300. HOUSE open for $11.95: TV, $12.95. ABC 3-5-12 Rapid accurate service. summer rent. For information SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 call Experienced. 393-4075. O 332-5053. 5-5-17 Turner. C RAZOR DYNACO 120 power amp. Dual CUTS, straightening, TYPIST, BOOKKEEPING in my D APARTMENTS. 1010 automatic changer. Garrard Monday - Friday, 8 - 5:30 p.m. home. EAST LANSING BOAT, STARCRAFT Pick-up and delivery. For 2 man. Close to — Students. One, 2 For Sale lab 55 automatic changer. Aluminum 1970. UNION BUILDING BARBER j TV for the last faculty or businesses, phone and 3 14' with trailer. NEJAC TV ,11351 8238, 332-2920. bedroom duplexes. Panasonic 8 track tape deck. SHOP. C-5-11 655-3458.6-5-13 Furnished Excellent condition. 482-5349. RENTALS 337-1300. including utilities. GUITAR MARTIN,Model 18C. $225 Norelco stereo cassette recorder. Summer. CLAUCHERTY with case. Like new. 484-1740. Scott model 17 speakers. REALTY, 351-5300. 5-5-14 6-5-18 STEREOS Peanuts Personal DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term papers. Expert typist with degree Receivers, $59.95 up. Speaker in English. IBM. 351-8961. 0-5-11 TWO OR three girls for fall. $60 a FISHER FM receiver, 40 watts. sets, $19.95, up. Compact stereos, month. Close. Call 332-2023 Pre-set tuning. 11 months. $125. $39.50 up. 8 track automatic tape TYPING — TERM papers and theses. 3-5-12 353-8238. 3-5-13 players, $29.50 up. 8 track tapes, REFRIGERATOR 13.7 cubic foot, G.E. Revolving FREEZER Typing Service Electric typewriter, fast service. used $2.50, new $4.00. Stereo Call 349-1904. 18-6-4 THREE GIRLS needed to share 4 girl shelves, right hand magnetic door. STEPHEN GUITAR, WILSON 6 string. Like albums, $1.50 down. Excellent - HAPPY Birthday to the "OMPLETE THESES service. house for summer and fall. Italian wall tapestries. Oriental condition, $75. new, complete with case and greatest. Best always. Love, Me. t KAY'S TYPING SERVICE. Theses, Jowbrook 351-6326. 3-5-13 349-4223. 3-5-11 printing. IBM typing and lesson books, $200. 882-4735 bedspreads. AM-FM clock and til... binding of theses, resumes, after 5 p.m. 3-5-13 portable radios. TV sets, walkie GIRLS. GROUP of 3 or 5. WATER BED UNITS, mattress, liner, publications. Across from campus, papers, etc . 393-3588. B-1-5-11 Walking talkies, tape recorder, and surf corner MAC and Grand River, heater and frame, $76 any size. jous living and summer distance. Available June 16th. Call PANASONIC 4 track stereo board. Merchandise tested and below PROFESSIONAL TYPIST seeks term 332-5731. 3-5-13 tape REBIRTH, 402 East Style Shop. Call Michigan, Jor the young at heart. recorder. Dual capstan and guaranteed. WILCOX Lansing. 489-6168. TF COPYGRAPH SERVICES, papers, theses. Best rates, speedy E>ipi( pool < lub URGENT Renters automatic reverse. 393-1076. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 E. 337-1666. C service. 351-4619. 19-6-4 ortv Exercise Room needed for 3-5-13 Michigan, Lansing. Phone summer. 2. houses, great location. 485-4391. Hours daily: 8 a.m. - m pool Tables Call 351-2356. 2-5-12 tereo: Sharp 20 watt amp. AM-FM Aeyball SANSUI TUNER, model 555. __5_30_p.m._C tuner with matching speakers and Almost SANDY, CINDY Tina, Mary Jo. ■bdr. apts. from $155. FOUR MAN house to sublet for new. Excellent condition, 14' CAMPER trailer. Stove, V-M turntable. $90. Gibson flat Glad , $90. 351-2615. 1-5-11 you walked in the door. ■bdr. apts. from $190. summer. Fully furnished and refrigerator, sleeps 5. $450. Call top guitar, LGO model with case. Welcome. 1-5-11 I bdr apts. from $220. carpeted. 5 minutes from Berkey. 355-2960. 5-5-14 $70. Call 351-1052. 3-5-11 SIGNATURE ELECTRIC typewriter, Idelsopkn daily 332-3795. 5-5-17 6 months old. Only $149, new ALTO SAXAPHONE Good TYPEWRITER SCM. New, used few Recreation $220. Must sell, leaving country. CHATHAM ROAD, 2501. Nicely condition. $135 or best offer. times, $60. Retail price, $95. Call 351-3799. 2-5-12 POWBROOK 355-6007. 3-5-11 Phone 351-7427.5-5-14 OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos - job furnished, carpeted, 2 car garage, 3 bedrooms, and 2 fireplaces. application photos in 15 minutes. TRACE Deposit, references, IV 9-6190, IV SONY TC-630D tape recorder, PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL I Jolly Rd 9-2984 5-5-11 months. Excellent conditic 351-6262. Anything $185. 351-1150. 5-5-11 photographed anywhere. 21-6-4 ■lit, then to corner of SUMMER 10 GALLON fish tank with MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE I Dunekel and Jolly accessories. Call Bruce the Fish including chests, desk and chair. 1M-0210 Man, after 5:30 p.m., 332-1786. Also golf clubs. Call 482-9805 Animals lurail UNION BOARD OFFERS after 9 p passes, International I.D., ALASKAN MALAMUTE puppies, Travel insurance, auto and bike WITH MAX SHULMAN sales and rentals, young dogs, adults. Impressive and amps and devoted companions. optional tours. UNION BOARD $50 up. 669-3423. 10-5-14 TRAVEL OFFICE. Open 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call 353-9777. AFGHAN - BLOND female. AKC, 5 C-5-11 Groovy Gifts for Grabby Grads years old. $200 or best offer. Call 332-8586. 3-5-13 SUMMER FLIGHTS TO Europe. Yes, I know how busy you are—cramming for finals, decipher¬ $165 round trip jet - air. Call ing your notes, helping old grads find their dentures after Class Frank Buck, 351-8604. 15-5-27 COLLIES, AKC. Lassie type. 6 weeks Day-but let me interrupt your manifold activities-cramming old. Good disposition. for finals, deciphering your notes, searching for meat in the dormi¬ Reasonable. 393-4877. 1-5-11 tory stew—to remind you that Commencement Day is almost upon This us, and it's high time you started shopping for presents to give ST. BERNARD pups, AKC. Between your friends who are graduating. So pause a moment in your busy Jackson and Eaton Rapids, south schedule-cramming for finals, deciphering your notes, raising of Tompkins Center, Ramsey's. bail—to look over this list of charming gift suggestions. MALE 5-5-17 BLACK and white kitten. 8 weeks. Free. Call 355-0835 after 5 applicator We will start with the hardest gift problem of all: what do you give the person who has everything? Well sir, here are some gifts I promise you he does not have: p.m. 3-5-12 PROFESSIONAL DOG was filled 1. A low hurdle. 2. A street map of Perth, Australia. 3. Fifty pounds of goose fat. grooming. 4. A supply of Miller High Life Beer. a week All breeds. Reasonable rates. K-9 "What?" you exclaim, your young eyebrows leaping in per¬ COIFFURES. 694-0098. 10-5-14 pendicular incredulity. "The person who has everything does not have a supply of Miller High Life Beer?" you POODLE, TOY, black, 10 weeks. rasp, your young lips curling in horizontal derision. "What arrant nonsense!" you AKC, shots, adorable. $50. 349-3458. 3-5-11 ago... snarl, making a coarse gesture. But I reply with an emphatic "No!" The person who has MINIATURE SCHNAUZER puppies. everything, I insist, does not have a supply of Miller High Life AKC registered. 8 weeks. Phone Beer-not for long anyhow—because if he is a person who enjoys a beer light but mellow, 393-6366. 5-5-11 hearty but delicate, a beer that cloys not, neither does it pall, a beer that is forever amber and forever ambrosia, a beer deliciously dependable and dependably delicious, Mobile Homes a beer, in short, for all seasons—if, I say, he is a person who enjoy such a beer-and who does not? eh? who does not?-then he does MARSHFIELD 1969 12'x65'. Front not have a supply of Miller High Life. What he has is a supply living room, 2 bedrooms, new of empty Miller cans and bottles and a thirst that could turn carpeting. Furnished, unfurnished, dangerous if neglected. skirting. Corner lot at Brookview. So of course we will give all our graduating friends plenty 625-7186, lot 54. 5-5-11 of Miller High Life. And if you're looking for some additional gifts, too, here are more suggestions: a few places Model apt. c-17 open 1969 GLOBEMASTER $4450. Can Call 627-9038. 3-5-11 12x60. arrange financing. EVERYDAY 1 - 6 except Sunday IMl for summer & fall Phone 332-6441 MARSHA CHANEL or 372-2797 hWCKlNGHAM lTh«i. spacious APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. luxury 351-6814. 4-5-14 apartments are completely carpeted and ■ furnish,(| with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each ■Un'' has a BELVEDERE 1959. 10x50. dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - Furnished. Completely carpeted. 2 |"ntral |hani,s have air conditioning and Hotpoint appliances. These four man ■ been UP to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time \o mo. leases 6 mo. leases bedroom, skirted. On lot near campus. 5-5-12 351-7719, evenings. Gl33E> For someone graduating with a degree in American history, adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, 9 mo. leases PRE-FIL ■ feation rooms and how about a hand-blown jade figurine of Millard Fillmore with a private balconies. If you want to be among the 12 mo. leases ■ m residents of Lost & Found ( mtvueptu* 0.foam clock in the stomach? (Mr. Fillmore, incidentally, was the only TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units American president with a clock in his stomach. It's true of c ■*urting a, $60/mOnth per man. that James K. Polk had a stem-winder in his head and Chester A. LOST ORANGE and white kitten Only 3 and 4 Arthur, as you know, chimed on the quarter-hour, but only Mr. (male). Vicinity of Grand River Emko research has produced man apts., Fillmore of all our chief executives had a clock in his stomach. and Kedzie Street. Please call a new applicator for applying To be sure. Franklin Pierce had a sweep second hand and Zachary starting fall 351-7886. 3-5-13 foam contraceptive . . . new Taylor ticked and Martin Van Buren had a Swiss movement but, term I repeat, Mr. Fillmore and Mr. Fillmore alone had a clock in his Emko Pre Fil features an ap¬ stomach. Moreover, Mr. Fillmore was the first president with glasses in red case. Near library. plicator that can be filled in 353-1190. 5-5-17 power steering. Small wonder they called him "Old Hickory!") advance of use. .up to a week But 1 digress. Returning to Graduation gifts, here is another ahead of time. that is sure to please-a gift certificate from the American Society REWARD. LOST Helbros calendar of Chiropractors. Accompanying each certificate is this enchanting watch. Campus area. Call Jeff, % topcfemgJjam The filling of an applicator at little poem : 355-9044. 3-5-13 the time of need can be emo¬ Is your tailbone now a failbone? Has your sacrum been dislodged? REWARD. LOST tionally disruptive .. can lead amethyst ring, Are you hating vertebrating? yellow gold at Deacon's Bench, to "skipping"... Emko Pre-Fil Come right in and get massaged. Grand Ledge. Call Christina is a way to help overcome Brown 337-1572. 5-5-12 this Is your lumbar growing number? problem ... to assure Has your pelvis run aground? better family planning. 4620 S. HAG ADORN LOST: LIGHT green wallet, Kellogg Does your caudal tend to dawdle? Center Tuesday. Desperately need Come right in and let us pound. TW/ckwgham just north of Mt. Hope Rd. for identification. No questions, Emko Pre-Fil... highly effec Finally, if you have a music-loving friend, how about a per¬ tive, substantially free from APTS. 355-4588, 482 5850. S-5-12 sonal portable radio that plugs right into his ear? Next year you side effects, easy to use. Ask can give him a little pick to dig the plug out. * management exclusively by: LOST cat. SIAMESE (Sealpoint) male Ne?r Cedar Village. Reward. your physician about EMKO* and EMKO PRE FIL™. 351-8102. 3-5-12 Availableat drug stores every ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY When the excitement of Commencement is over,we, the brewers LOCATE LOST where without prescription. of Miller Beer, have what seems to us a fine suggestion: sit down PETS fast. Dial 355-8255 now for for a peaceful moment and relax with a glass of Miller. If you' a quick - action Classified Ad. got the time, we've got the beer. Tuesda May || 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan |( Summer (Continued from page one) the part-time job offerings. The Library is the second largest confined because to the Lansing area they will be attending rojofsb "There are a sizeable number really have to work at finding a of on-cmapus jobs available," he job, however, and probably will contact the Placement Bureau before pounding the pavement availaoie jobs throughout the country. stude in -tie state and In refuse involved to or idpntif salaries * 1 addition, students may fill out student employer on campus. summer school here, and college said. "In addition, some have to accept a job a bit less in search of a job. The bureau MacLeod employment said on-campus is down this MacLeod said some students will face special summer job women, of for whom the number job opportunities is employers are still debating desirable than whether they can afford to hire year." they had last maintains a listing of current local job opportunities and applications which the bureau attempts to match with foof Students who are h in-coming employer requests, summer along with everything else. The Library, for example, problems. These students are will suffer cut-backs traditionally small. summer workers. Students will MacLeod advises students to several loose-leaf binders listing although all job offers are take a job •nd later find without an^ will have no full-time positions those who in scholarships, grants and posted. with paying them*,Js f„r _ MacLeod said students who available and will cut down on work-study programs; students NO WORK-NO PAY will be on campus should that they cannot contact individual departments companies are out to on their !!1 shoul6, salesmen and sh IT'S WHAT'S g in person. They should also be avoided." na endorses listed by the temporary job UFAC agencies like Manpower and Kelly Girl. Students going home for the summer should first visit their Another cloud employment J"Iy or August on h«,; possibility Of a sterili the whLh «h stl1 (Continued from page one) John J. Masterson, severely content of a of mathematics, said Monday local Chamber of Commerce, he affect the and construction / resolution passed on Oct. 6, that if the University Faculty Vivian S. Hixon, instructor in said, to get an idea of student industlf 1970, by the Academic Council. Affairs Committee "docks" his "Faculty members all over the employment conditions in their Making a good sociology, said that faculty city. Another place to check is impressio, "The University will not make pay for missing claims on the campus cancel classes for prospective employers is members who participate in the local branch of the Michigan payment of wages and salaries day of the moratorium, he will religious reasons, because they important this summer "more institutionalized" forms Employment Security to any person who, without consider taking the matter to are consulting for pay, because ever, MacLeod concluded of political activity have not had Commission and local parks and proper cause, chooses to court. their research gets in the way, advises students their salary reduced because of t0 „ withhold any of the services for or, for that matter, because they recreation departments. "There is no possible way to personal contacts, t0 which he or she is employed," missing class. bored with teaching," "Students should not hesitate , determine how much of my pay are accordingly for interviewsan the council's passed resolution comes out of that class," he said. "Faculty members who are Larrowe said. to contact friends and relatives" make follow-up calls and i reads. Several other faculty members giving advice to the State Dept. MacLeod said. "These to employers. also cited the impossibility of can take off for days at a time Larrowe is one of several possibilities aren't much, but and nobody screams," she said. everyone should be out grabbing ''This year determining what percentage of faculty members who submitted employers what they can." afford to be letters to the provost informing choosy." he Capitol march a faculty member's salary is paid out for class time in relation to such time spent in such areas as C. Patric Larrowe, professor of economics, said that to punish only those who missed class for him that they cancelled their classes on May 5, the date of the MacLeod cautions students against accepting employment "They will hire appears to be most it the person academic advising, research and the moratorium would be moratorium. with agencies or employers who getting the job." (Continued from page one) a and date of graduation or degree. Identification pictures remain confidential, according to the policy. oU:ir The policy also states that personal data "may be released to faculty and staff of the University if it is necessary Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. in the discharge of their respective responsibilities. Such personal data shall be released to ■l announces spring other sources only with the lotorcycle road rally to This Wee ) a.m. Saturday starting The Soviet film "And Quie written consent of the student . . ; Okemos parking lot. Flows the Don" will be shov will be awarded. Charge for 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 101 N. Kedzii Nonnamaker said the and faculty is 75 cents, ir all others - SI. University itself is making no attempt to identify students or faculty members who marched Transportation to the Capitol. Richard O. Bernitt, MSU \ OUNG LADY wants to rHe to and director of public safety, said from Grand Ledge, Eppley Center. Hours: 8 - 5 p.m. 627-7548. Monday he has not been approached by Husby for help in identifying marchers. He added Custom On The Spot "Gas 'Em All" was the message MSU police do cooperate with Wanted left on one of the Project's posters in a dormitory. It can't happen here? Don't bet on it. The Jewish Libertion all police agencies seeking information from permanent - COMPANION NEEDED to share Project will meet at 7:30 p.m. house with widow. 332-6125. Wednesday in the Union Oak Room. department files on students arrested and prosecuted. 10-5-24 An organizational meeting of the Those files become public WILL pay $10 Undergraduate Philosophy Club will information after students are for 10 page anthro be held at 7 p.m. todav in 7 Morrill case study on families. Kathi, arrested and after county prosecutors issue warrants on IMPRINTED 353-1156. 1-5-11 them, Bernitt said. Files include ERRAND MAN — I'm 22 have semi mug shots and information on long hair and a strong body. I'll do students arrested or involved in a anything. Call 351-3873. 2-5-11 criminal action, he continued. BLOOD DONORS needed. S7.50 for If prosecution is dropped and all positive. A negative, B negative no warrants are issued, Bernitt and AB negative, $10.00. O explained, the information negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN volunteer work from 3:30 to 5 p.m. remains confidential and is COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, today in the Volunteer Bureau. 2 6 returned to the students. 5071/2 East Grand River, East Student Services Bldg. Lansing. Agove the new Campus CANOER SPORTSWEAR Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 Fisheries and Wildlife Club will Due to popular meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday in 183 MSU Ski Club I p.m., Monday, Thursday and Natural Resources Bldg. Backpacking Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 and the ANRC conclave will be p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C discussed. A fisheries biologist from the Dept. of Natural Resources will present a slide lecture on Michigan's Or else call John at 351-8647. fisheries management program. THE SPORTHAUS by L.G. Balfour Co. INVENTORY Fraternity - Sorority - Club Dorm Houses Teams Individuals REDUCTION - - We'll special imprint frat/sorority crests SALE Club Names-Team Name-Numbers-your name| Wednesday, May 13-Saturday, May 22 on T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Jackets ALL INVENTORY MUSI BE SOLD AT Come to Special booth at MSU Book Store FANTASTIC REDUCTIONS Tell us what you want-pick out your garment| Watch while we make it SPECIAL for YOU CAMPING WATER SKIING SKIING GOLF SHOES OFFICIAL TENNIS SWIM WEAR Fraternity - Sorority - MSII Class Rings by Roberts BOOK MSU Thousands of Dollars in Markdowns ! • Pins SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY MAY 13 • • Necklaces Bracelets by Balfour STORE SPORTHAUS OF LANSING See - Order - Today IN THE INTERNATIONAL 2320 EAST MICHIGAN AT FOSTER