sister Wednesday MICHIGAN Showers . . . STATE NEWS . . . partly clearing by STATE afternoon. High mid 60s. Low tonight mid 40s. UNIVERSITY East ,e63 Number 178 Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 12, 1971 5use vote Senator recalls briefing resurrect T delayed during committee hearing troop withdrawal from South Vietnam," iSHINGTON (AP) - House leaders WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton's testimony came as the Senate continued debate on the draft - extension Eagleton said, "none is currently planned i a move to resurrect the supersonic Eagleton quoted the No. 2 U.S. general in bill that will be the vehicle for a proposal and an indefinite extension of U.S. air and t program professed confidence Vietnam Tuesday as saying he assumes a logistical support is assumed." v that they have the votes to win, U.S. force will remain in Indochina for an by Sens. George S. McGovern, D-S.D., and L postponed the decision untU indefinite period and air power will be Mark O. Hatfield, R-Ore., to force Describing the briefings he received withdrawal of all troops by the end of morning, noon and night in Vietnam, the ,fier 10 supporters had to leave, maintained "for an even more protracted Missouri Democrat 1971. said, "Unanimously publican Leader Gerald R. Ford of period." Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of these military men told me that plans ln said he believes the drive to revive Eagleton told the Senate Foreign Montana introduced his long - threatened under which they were operating called for ded SST project would have won if Relations Committee that all the generals, a residual American force for an indefinite pte could have come before 5 p.m. colonels and captains who briefed him on a proposal to cut U.S. troop strength in one - week visit to Indochina last month Europe from about 300,000 to 150,000 by period of time and for a protracted period of massive American airpower" both from said they made that assumption. the end of 1971. He promptly made it the was very encouraged then, Ford said, within Indochina and from U.S. bases in the Democratic and Republican Outside the hearing room, he identified pending Senate business but no time was t set for Thailand and Okinawa. two of them as Gen. Frederick Weyand, a vote. ip put the vote off until today Eagleton's fellow Missouri Democrat, the Amendment what Ford called 10 sure votes had deputy American commander, and Maj. committee member Stuart Symington, said Gen. Robert E. Milloy, deputy U.S. Sen. Richard S. Schweiker, R-Pa., ,ave for a Democratic dinner in he expects President Nixon to pull out commander of I Corps in South Vietnam. formally introduced his amendment to cut lelphia and a Democratic rally in the two year draft extension back to one Army troops but that "I am becoming Common Cause said Tuesday 130 - i Carolina. increasingly doubtful he wants to get the members of the house have signed year, but let the Mansfield proposal take » Sidney R. Yates, D-Ill., the leading Air Force out for an indefinite period." statements backing complete U.S. military precedence. i SST opponent, said it was clear SST Sen. John C. Stennis, D-Miss., chairman Legislation withdrawal from Vietnam by the end of ers believed they could win of the Armed Services Committee, David Cohen, chief lobbyist for Common this year. asday and said opponents were introduced the latest in a series of Cause, said an amendment to pending Cut-off signing to get every "no" vote to the proposals to limit to 30 days a President's defense procurement legislation will be The self - styled people's lobby said also tfloor. offered by a senior member of the House legislation in the form of an amendment power in the future to commit U.S. troops |e probably won't know until the overseas — and then only in certain Armed Services Committee. Cohen did not will be introduced in the House seeking to is taken what our strength is," Yates circumstances. name the member but said Common Cause force a cutoff of the war. has been negotiating with Rep. Lucien Brock Adams, D-Wash., said an of one House quorum call taken Walking John W. Gardner, chairman of Common Cause, said while the 110 Democrats and Both Eagleto/i and former Secretary of Health, Gardner, Education and Welfare John chairman of Common Cause, Nedzi. D-Mich. The House version of the Senate's indicated SST backers could have John Schimpke, Birmingham* flreshman, displays the fine art of slalom 20 Republicans signing the statements are now Hatfield - McGovern bill is caught up in the far short of a clear majority of 217 in the endorsed the McGovern - Hatfield early in the afternoon by two votes, skiing as he makes a few waves on Lake Elizabeth. By the loo* on his proposal. committee machinery and given little hope vote will be on an amendment to a present 433 • member House, the list is of a House floor vote. face, he doesn't seem confident that he can quite make the turn. "Despite public announcements that supplemental appropriations growing and does not include several doves Common Cause said a majority of the an $85.3 - million contract - State News photo by Jeff Wilner who can be expected to vote for it. eventually there will be a total American Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs penalty item into that much Committee have signed a withdrawal resume work on two SST statement, and two - thirds of the Med school ypes. Democrats on the Ways and Means e House halted all federal SST money last March 30 by only 11 votes, [to 204, and SST cancellation notices lent out after the Senate capped -'decision with a 51-46 vote. Qw Ull I ur\ I CTCIM year degree-granting program, did not Ballard said the increase in funds was fund Committee. Gardner also said Common Cause would begin May 23 broadcasting special television programs on its antiwar drive in some 65 markets across the country. Gardner said the programs are being College officials say that a second Republican SST backers Including •ffect the funding of other University "two-dimensional." The large increase, he distributed in prime time slots through > Leader Ford Fears among administrators ijnd faculty lihlls. building, Life Science II, will help the urged the party's members that funds for the new College of said, w«nt »oward providing not only the college to eventually enroll 100 students snydication because all three networks SST opponents at a closed Before the 1969-70 fiscal year, neither refused to sell Common Cause air time. Human Medicine are appropriated at the hew faculty and supportive services each for a full medical program. nee Tuesday to switch their votes — the governor nor the legislature earmarked required to expand the program to ing there is ample justification for expense of other University units are specific amounts of the University four-years but also the preparation of unwarranted, Elliot Ballard, assistant to the appropriation for the medicine program, [tote switching. students in the first two years for work in Office of Admissions president, said Tuesday. Ballard said, which means that funds for later years. He said the increase in the college's the college may have been at the expense past week's run on the U.S. dollar Ballard said that if a program did not pe, they argued, showed a need for budget for this year was "totally funded by of other units. grant a degree, it did not have to include a specific line-item appropriation from the *-g and selling an American SST But in 1970-71, the governor's many types of programs necessary for a to halt orientation help to strengthen the U.S. balance- of Michigan Legislature." recommendation, which was later approved four-year degree program. •nts position and the dollar, A line-item appropriation is one by the legislature, specifically included an would also maintain the American restricted for a certain use — in this case increase of $1,087,000 for the third and "You have to gear up for those things. lead threatned by the Anglo - for the College of Human Medicine. fourth years of the program. You can't instantly go from one level to McKinnon's comments were an attempt Concorde SST, they argued, and "In the absence of that (medical) By BILL HOLSTEIN of The program is expected to admit 78 another," he said. Ballard said that even to clarify a misunderstanding that had State News Staff Writer concern would restore an estimated program, you can say with certainty that students for the 1971-72 academic school though $1,087,000 was appropriated for developed over an articles in the State 0 American our total appropriation (from the year compared to the 44 the college, only $1,074,000 was actually jobs lost with that were News Tuesday which said the Office of "tion of the SST in March, legislature) would have been that much admitted in 1970-71 and 32 in 1969-70. Of used by the college, the difference of The chief academic adviser of the Admissions and Scholarships has advised major American SST contractor, less," Ballard said. those 78 students, funds for 64 come from $13,000 was used by other programs and Summer Orientation Program (SOP) said students on majors and other student He said that MSU, by requesting and Boeing Co. of Seattle, has laid off the University's general fund while funds offices outside of the College of Human Tuesday "no academic advising of students problems prior to the SOP bui did not say "workers. receiving a $1,087,000 appropriation for for the other 14 come from the federally Medicine. will be done by the Office of Admissions" "during" SOP. the expansion of the college into a four He said the colleges this year — unlike sponsored Physicians Augmentation Grant. The college has been holding classes in at the two-day summer program. various buildings across campus, but this Peter A. McKinnon, associate professor years before — will have an opportunity to fall is scheduled to use the facilities of humanities, said all academic advising give presentations to students who are will be done by representatives of the provided by Life Science I which is due to be completed during the summer. various colleges. (Please turn to back page) 0USES' FLOURISH Dope a Lansing reality street, wait for the pusher to drive by and By JIM SHELDON then pay for and snatch the dope when a State News Staff Writer hand reaches out the open window of the passing car. e d°wn some J'wnsing South Logan Street in west During a visit to Project Reach, a ' afternoon about three volunteer ran outside to find a junkie he i just when had seen about a half - hour before. Oldsmobile is changing i and you'll see small Returning alone, the volunteer said the groups of men wys clustering on front junkie had headed for a dope house in porches and corners. favor of the project. of them lean against poles or slump • ™if hands in their But the problem doesn't end on the pockets. Others uneasily on the sidewalk. The hard, border of Lansing's West Side. A volunteer ous leers on told about one junkie who lives in East their faces make you ,™ey re waiting for something. Lansing near MSU and supports an $80 - a - 'hey are. Three o'clock on Lansing's day habit by getting money any way he e' can. On campus, he continued, much of according to a volunteer in the Pfogram Project Reach, 600 S. Logan the dope used by students is sold directly time of day for Volunteers say many customers are from residence halls. many when the Pusher comes around. poisoned by their purchases. Even more relevant to probably a greater Cars with MSU stickers on the windows number of students is the volunteer's travel to the houses for "exotic dope." The °^n'many eers "dope 'n the project estimate there houses," same license plates reportedly are seen each speculation that much of the campus crimes are committed by junkies who come places where dav, parked for about 10 minutes outside j>ets for ° in that narcotics, as there are the houses while the drivers do business to MSU and steal to buy a fix. area. Parents watch „ no more than 13 inside. , . About 90 per cent of the drug problem years old come fug stores" where thev One MSU student, a project volunteer in west side Lansing is attributed by the use money claims, comes frequently to a dope house . volunteers to heroin. Usually once a I, s"atched from purses B they can to buy and each time buys about $200 worth of month, someone takes an overdose and shoot up," volunteers heroin — no soft drugs. , . , must be taken to a hospital. One such girl "The only time a cop gets involved is who overdosed woke^ up in a hospital after when they see a white man go in," project doctors, who believed she was dead, were ,ut some whites, ' *liere too, workers say. "They know every house, m 14 to 30 years drawing a sheet over her head, volunteers "edly frequent , old, junkie and means to get dope. They turn said. the dope their heads. That's the God s truth. Whv does this happen? Volunteers say policemen "think white brains are better ^*titioning than black." Average Black men don have as nood an education or the means to get Chinese film petitionj| one as do whites. So officials want to save Ancient mariner's 105 "J9 for the College of Social the brains - white ones - which can do The Chinese Student Club is tod" Advisory Committee something for society, volunteers conclude. sponsoring the historical Chinese movie, Retired Adm. Richard H. Jackson, the nation's oldest flag officer, waves the hat he wore ?s commander of the "A little agility and good eyesight are Wedp«-j"d -0ntinuM through said to be the keys to getting a fix on the "Tiao Chan," at 8 pjn. today in the U.S. battle fleet. "You've got to add a little dressing to life to make it really worth living," Jackson said Monday Auditorium. Admission is $1. as he turned 105. AP Wirephoto West Side. Often, addicts stand beside the 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May news Publishers WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Postal Service to appeal rate rule summary Tuesday won Under the reorganization legislation, the power to set postal the first round of a court fight against In their request for a preliminary Injunction temporary postage rate rates is removed from Congress. The rate commission must the ma ■ increases scheduled for next week. But magazine and recommend to the Postal Service's Board of Governors rates that newspaper publishers contended that the From the wires of AP »r<1 UPI. publishers who challenged the new rates said they will appeal. newspaper governors ne will put the Postal Service on a break • even basis. invoke that authority this time around. ' cou'd nr U.S. District Court Judge William B. Bryant If the rate commission does not make its recommendation rejected the In anticipation of the higher temporary rates publishers' request for a preliminary injunction to block the within 90 days after receiving the revenue proposals from the Service has printed and distributed to post ih. d ■ temporary rate increases, holding they could not prove their Postal Service, the Board of Governors has authority to make offices' ar " ^I contention that the increases were illegal. temporary increases of than one third the existing nation billions of new eight - cent and 11 cent cards, aerograms and other stomps - stamnsrOI|n<1 "*1 The temporary rates, scheduled to go into effect Sunday, raise no more - reflecting the new rat' p0st| the price of a first - class stamp from six cents to eight cents, air - "Despite public announcements that eventually there will be a total mail stamps from 10 cents to 11 cents and cents to six cents. post cards from five HOUSE DEFEAT URGED American troop withdrawal from Second - class rates, which cover newspapers and magazines, South Vietnam, none is currently increase by 20 to 30 per cent and third - class rates increase by about one third. planned and an indefinite extension Legal lotteries blasted A spokesman for the Magazine Publishers Assn., one of five of U.S. air and logistical support is groups that sought the injunction, said Bryant's ruling will be assumed." appealed. Meanwhile the independent, five - member Postal Rate Sen. Thomas F. Eagle ton, D-Mo. Commission, which begins hearings Monday on a permanent, $1.45 - billion - a - year Postal Service rate package, ordered the The Michigan service to back up the cost and revenue estimates Council on was passed in the Senate last the prohibition against lotteries expensive' taxes to collect ciJ Alcohol Problems (see story page 1) on which the urged the week. in Michigan, but further th.e New Jersey lottery which1 request is based. «tate legislature Tuesday to The Postal Service The council, which represents legislative action would be ne^s 'he state c"' ~ according to the commission, "has taken defeat a proposed constitutional about 4,000 churches in needed to set up a state cent of the ticket sales Tristar agreement reached the position that the Postal Reorganization Act doe. not authorize the commission to analyze or review initial estimates of amendment to remove the Michigan, criticized the lottery lottery. He criticized the ' ilottery! U( states prohibition against state - as an "irresponsible scheme to deceitful and unstable. total costs and revenues." Supporters of a state - run operated lotteries. The proposal "All the Lockheed and Rolls-Royce signed a conditional finance government by chance, "The council feels there is lottery say the game would bring the winners, never publicity talks abJ contract Tuesday in London by which the British badly needed dollars into the t' both .amoral and 'ethicalI he said. state coffers without levying Aerospace company will supply RB211 engines for the American company's TriStar plane. The conditions of the contract were not disclosed. But Attorney Carr's opinion responsibility for all of assume paying the responsibility of for the costs of us to new taxes. Hammond called the lottery a egressive tax that would appeal Hammond said lotteries in New New York have revenues fu Hampshired steadfl two known conditions are that Congress vote to education, mental health and to the declined, promoting the' 2 placing state all kinds681 poor, "resort ' - to ■■ ] sought on travel funding other important services of guarantee a $250-million loan to Lockheed and that the state-owned British European Airways buys the TriStar. governmentnstedo gv It II in cut i ii a t c a u ui government preying in the position of Inr» preylnB on human weakness." on inducements, lures to in advert depending on the whim of those He called it "one of the most encourage the"publicI■ who may be attracted by some participate." Britain presses market University Attorney Leland dominate, contribute to or game of chance," Robert L. W. Carr will be asked for bargaining. Hammond, council executive an interfere with the formation or Jackson intr * was scheduled to go Britain's Common Market negotiator, Geoffrey Rippon, called Tuesday in Brussels for an end to the opinion concerning the legality of the University providing administration organization." of any labor on a fact-finding trip to Ann Arbor for the committee. director, said, The Senate - passed proposal, jf approved by two - thirds of Senator funds for the traveling expenses Gordon L. Guyers, chairman "dialog of the deaf' between Britain and the market's of the ad hoc committee on of the Steering Committee, We haven't actually paid for the House, would place the ^negotiators. Rippon spoke after urging the Common Market to agree on a form of words he could use in talks with collective bargaining. Provost John E. Cantlon said Monday. questioned Cantlon Monday to the traveling expenses of any of question on a statewide ballot in determine whether it would be a our committees except According to Section 10 of conflict of interest for the selection," Cantlon said. ?ye.m r' Voter approval would j .. remove new lake Countries in the Commonwealth sugar agreement so these the Public Employment University to pay the traveling Guyers pointed out that the Relations Act (Act 379 of the expenses for Herbert Jackson, ad A "truth in pollution" bill "I'm convinced countries could make their plans for sugar growing for hoc committee was a surveillance! the period after their agreement with Britain expires at the end of 1974. Michigan Public Acts of 1965), professor of religion and fact finding unit, "unbiased and it is unlawful for a public chairman of the ad hoc balanced" and was neither for Viet diplom which to for would require industries report and pay penalty fees the right way to approach problem," said Rockwell," employer to "initiate, create, committee on collective nor pumping pollutants into the I think it's only right those against unionization. Rippon had urged this action Tuesday morning but air has been introduced into the do the polluting pay for the Common Market ministers afterwards failed to to any agreement. come to speak Michigan Senate. The measure is similar to a surveillance." Gov. Milliken proposed ^PtffectTut-Oii su Nguyen Ngoe Bich, member of bill passed last year by the the South Vietnamese mission to legislation in his special ni legislature which requires Irish leader dies It right on tweaus* It's custom mad* from your the United Nations, will discuss industries who pollute the state's to the state legislature in ti| environment. recent developments in South waterways to report and pay ifwasuromtnts. Thtso bikinis art mado to flattor British troops Vietnam today at 1 p.m. in 334 "The Air Pollution Contil flushed a handful of weary Irish rebels and fit In bright Hawaiian prints or vivid solids. fees to finance surveillance of Case Hall and at 3:30 p.m. in 33 their polluting activitives. Commission is from Dublin's post office in the 1916 Easter uprising Thoy com# In two stylos ... Tho Californlan or inadequate Union. The air pollution measure, staffed to do its that started Ireland on the road to independence and tho Scant! adjustable ring suit... both with tlo Bich and another member of introduced Monday night by monitoring air polluton frol captured a 16 - year - old schoolboy named Sean string tops. Compliment your suit with matching the mission were unable to speak Conservation Committee industries and other sources," | ^emass. cow-tips In backloss ... tlo shoulder ... and at the Union Tuesday night as chairman Gordon Rockwell, said. "This year, we must exU "Go home to your '' the concept of 'truth I ' mother," they told the uoungster, shift stylos. scheduled. R-Mount Morris, would finance ind the legend of "the boy hero of the Easter rebellion" The discussion is sponsored by surveillance of air polluters to be pollution to include industif Tho Porfoct Put-On Is croatod for comfort, the Conservative Students of carred out by the State Health air pollution." was begun. stylo, travol and you! MSU. Dept. Rockwell said, however, ij The legend ended Tuesday when Lemass - seven years bill was drawn up independent! prime minister of the Irish Republic and the virtual of the administration. father of modern industrial Ireland died in a Dublin draft draw - Under the bill air pollutl nursing home. He Death was 71. penalty appealed Top would pay a fee ranging frol $20 to $8,000 deepending the amount of polluting of f tl atmosphere they do. The » ; A jrow 37 - year - old delivery man on Maryland's death for 10 years is risking his life in an appeal to the to remain collected could not exceed tr appropriation to the heall Supreme Court that could mark a new turning point in capital punishment. The Selective Service >ontlv recently annntinnorl announced that System that tho the Defense Dept. .15,000. Piouslyannounced The DcfGHSG Tll6 DGDt. hflS has now FlOW JgJ-* ^ tftt© highest random sequence requested 88,000 through June, ; William A. Ralph moved to the Supreme Court number that any local board 1971, as compared to 99,500 The water pollutiJ ^Tuesday with a claim that the confession used against may call will remain at 125 through June, 1970. surveillance law requires r him at his trial was not voluntary. By appealing, he is through June, 1971. The highest random sequence industry to pay fees rang® gambling that he can upset the conviction and win a The action follows number reached through June of from $50 to $9,000 per year® 1970 was 170 as compared to each of its plants which dumP jiew trial or go free. At the same time he is providing an announcement of the ceiling of 125 through the pollutants into rivers, streams* Opportunity for the justices to reaffirm his death Department of Defense that the fj^t sixmonths oTthis'yTan' lakes. Sentence. May and June draft calls will total 20,000, all to the Army. Cancer fight financed The May draft calls had been Poet to read works President Nixon summoned Congress Tuesday to "put our money You Are Here ^ where our hopes are" and finance a massive new assault on cancer, over to Learn the "FREE" B's ■ from new collection ■ _ which he is taking personal leadership. ■ A. J. M. Smith, English Dept. poet-in-residence, will read! Bowling 6-11 p.m. ■ selections from his poetry at 8 In a briefing for newsmen, in a p.m. today in the Union Goldl Billiards 6-11 p.m. ■ Room. statement, and in proposed legislation, Bingo 7-9 p.m. | Nixon followed up his call for "an B His readings will be principally from his last book "Poems:! ■ New and Collected." 1 unprecedented attack on this Union Board ■ Smith was awarded the Governor General's Medal of CanadaH devastating disease." This was Union Day ■ for his first book of poetry, "News of the Phoenix." He receivedB ■ the Medal of the sounded in his State of the Union Monday, May 17 Royal Society of Canada and was a delegate to J message in January and in a special t J the World Poetry Conference at Expo '67. message to Congress a month later I asking for an additional $100 million •t|*M MSU Union PRESIDENT IMIXON to pour into the battle. Building BILLIARD ROOM Bumper demonstrated An inventor Tuesday showed senators an auto bumper Send check or money order with coupon to. \Wiich he said far exceeds new federal regulations for impact protection and would meet the rules at a third of tjjhe cost estimated by the auto industry. ' Paul H. Taylor, of Buffalo, N.Y., testified before the Senate Commerce Committee with the aid of color ,("Perfect Tut-Oij ) ijiovies. 154 Calle de Los Molinos, San Clemente, Calif. 92627 : He said the shock-absorber - type devices that are the basis of his invention could be installed on next year's 12 Pool Tables oars without boosting prices any more than $30. State 2 Snooker Tables _ _ -Zip _ Tensions close schools MEASUREMENTS FABRICS: (please check) 2 Billiard Tables Dress Size Solid Colors Height All Grand Rapids high schools were shut down Bra Size Orange Pink Lemon Purple Cup Size _ _ Tuesday afternoon as racial tension spread in the school Hip Size (at fullest point) Hawaiian Prints: Students, Staff, Faculty and Guest? sjystem. (D cup and larger available) Pink & Red Green & Blue of MSU ■ * Suspension of classes, affecting 6,685 students, was drdered as STYLES Blue&Purple Brown & Yellow a preventive measure after minor WELCOME! disturbances were reported at Ottawa Hills High Californian Scanti Tie Shoulder Shift School and Central High School. Bikini ($17.95) Bikini ($18.95)_ Cover-up ($8.95) Dress ($14.95) , Union high school was closed Monday after 13 V Ba Backless Cover up ($11.95) (California residents add 5% sales tax) Play the pinball machines while dudents were arrested and seven injured in a free - for - watting for a table! all between black and white students there. State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Wednesday. May 12. 1971 3 lollar strengthened / * Tax panel seeks European trade data on finances The Senate Taxation Committee has refused to bills increasing the state income tax until it consider any nNDON (AP) - The u s- costing seven-tenths of a cent new gets "some straight anti-inflationary measures answers" out of budget experts on where the state stands in fiscal U lengthened on European more to buy a mark. will be drafted by the Cabinet matters. \ exchanges Tuesday but The shortage of dollars on the Friday. "I think it's time we got some straght answers out of these nev speculators held on London exchange sent the Uncertainty over the monetary people on where our money is going, how much is needed and , to the West German British pound down from situation sent the price of gold why we need all the taxes they say we do," said Senate Taxation l they boughtfnrbynrofits. ™ the billion 2.417 45 dollars to 2.4165 up in Europe's free markets. Chairman Harry De Maso, It-Battle Creek, at a Ink hoping for profits. . ». indicating indicating sncculators speculators were Wpon wprp keen Gold is a traditional parking meeting Tuesday. stormy committee in •lite shortage of dollars to sell pounds for dollars. place for money in times of "I think the solution to the state's fiscal !ld in much of western The dollar was stronger in worry or uncertainty. at problems is in looking expenditures closer," DeMaso told committee members. "I oe as speculators brought Paris, Zurich and Milan and The price rose 16 cents to just l/nood hatever was available to continued to move ud during the the dollars they had day. It ooened in Paris in the an ounce at the in London and went morning fixing $40 Riding on tiny wheels don't feel everything's being done to You can only go so far in taxing Sen. Anthony keep expenditures down. people, you know." B u..., mnrks range of 5.5275 to 5.5350 francs up another This student seems to have just taken Stamm, it-Kalama/.oo, said he wanted ,hort t" b°y marks- . . 20 cents in the afternoon. The quite a fall. Actually lie is in this position on purpose to budgeteers to "begin leveling with us." was ironic, because it was and by midafternoon reached the ride on his skateboard down the sidewalk near . official price if $35. Bessey Hall. "If we don't get any straight answers, I'll move we (lut of dollars that prompted range of 5.534 to 5.5375 francs. adjourn the I State News photo by Fred Mendenhall committee until we do," he said. Germany, Switzerland, the in Zurich the range was The committee set next Tuesday as the date for meeting with > tnerlands and Austria to take 4.1050 4.12 Swiss francs >sUres Sunday to rid against Monday's 4.09 - 4.11 but EXECUTIVES' SALARIES Gov. P'illiken's budget director, Glenn Allen, State Treasurer Allison Green, Senate Appropriations Chairman Charles O. Zollar, *' fives of dollars to check most trading was done at over R-Benton Harbor, and the House Taxation Committee. j 4.11 francs to the dollar, Following the committee meeting, De Maso pulled out lists of rssaid there was,astrong premjer estimates given him by Airline Gaston ns budget personnel on the revenue needed ["cationpal onsPfhc"^,lITf probe urged to run the state in the Belgium announced his coming fiscal year. The numbers varied nding Irks, waitin8 he in Ln currency than the 3 value hhLor ^°off the Wes ** per country's decision not to allow the Belgian franc to find its own ()iarket va,ue ,jke the ^ and pay with the agency supplying the information. The tax bill the committee is increase the state income tax from 2.6 this October. The same bill formulated now keeping tied up would per cent to 3.6 per cent the Uutch guj,der This Wfls WASHINGTON (AP) - An letter to Sen. Howard Cannon, by Milliken would hike $150,000 a • year salaries." |t it showed .' "^ay contrary to general expectation. AFL-CIO union executive D-Nev., chairman of the Senate to the construction industry the corporate taxes from 5.6 per cent to 7.8 per cent and financial [ thin trickle of marks was Tuesday urged a Senate Commerce Committee, that Commerce said he had nation's highest. By comparison, institutions taxes from 7 per cent to 10 per cent. IP hv' small traders in Europe, Switzerland and Austria were committee investigating airline proposed that ALDA join with the average in the manufacturing The raise is estimated to cot/1 Thic when hearings on airline other labor organizations in bring in anywhere from $160 million wii specialists said. This the only ones to revalue their labor costs to look also into industry is $3.36 an hour. to $175 million more in fiscal 1972. Cio Ih- enough to hold the currencies upward, Switzerland industry economic distress presenting the union viewpoint The Other revenue measures are also airline executive salaries, some airlines told resume May 18, the committee to the Senate committee. being considered. | wnh the dollar fairly by 7 per cent and Austria by of which exceed $200,000 a study Civil Aeronautics Board committee also that the average Earlier this year, Milliken drew up budget bills for fiscal William Winpisinger, general My Movements were in the 5.05 per cent. year. files pay of a flight crew including 1971-72 that would cost the state $1.97 billion. That showing the salaries, vice president of the figure |e °f about one ^ The Belgian decision covered Robert Commerce, expenses, stock holdings and International Association pilot, copilot and flight engineer rose from represented an increase of $225 mllion over the current budgrt $i9)700 in 1965 to year ending this June 30. |tl( between 28 and 28.2 currenc|e8 are |jnj{ec| Dispatchers Assn. (ALDA), said "If the contention is that that airlines |ts. the committee hearings to date some organized unit labor costs are with vice presidents. are overloaded The State News, the student |l,e dollar opened in Eyskens announced separation inkfurt at 3.5450 marks, the of the foreign exchange market had been unfair by permitting producing financial woes for the "But we are not prepared to newspaper at Michigan State Bivalent of 28.2 cents to the into an official market for bona the airlines to detail rising labor airlines, perhaps we had better go on a screaming campaign," Ferris College University, is published every class day during four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. expenses, without allowing the explore the entire spectrum," Winpisinger said. He explained Ik It was set at the daily fide trade dealings and a free unions to reply. Subscription rate is $14 per year. |ng a 3.5535 a 3.5535 marks, marks, equalequal toto market market for for speculative speculative money Commerce said United Air Commerce said. A committee aide said that distribution of one gets HEW grant executive's salary proportionally Member Associated Press, United Press Jl American American cents. Just before transfers. The franc-dollar rate Lines, as an example, lost $40 Cannon had not seen Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Internationa], I close a rate Jose of 3.57 was remains pegged on the official million last year, yet put $20 Commerce's letter and would among an airline's thousands of Collegiate Press, BIG RAPIDS (UPI) - The Led equal to 28 cents for a •- ■ market but will be allowed to - • million into the mutual aid fund not comment on it. employes would hardly make a Ferris State College School of Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Kk. The official mark rate find its own level on the free for other airlinesMosed down by Commerce said Stuart G. penny's difference in a worker's Health Sciences and Arts has Association, United States Student Press Association. Jrf the currency crisis pay check, was exchange. strikes. Tipton, president of the Air The airlines told the Senate been approved for a renewal Second class postage paid at East 3 cents. Thus it is now Lansing, Michigan. - The Belgian premier added Commerce proposed in a Transport Assn., spent the better committee that in 1970 grant of $104,642 by the Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Dept. part of a day before the Senate employee wages increased 11.4 of Health, Education and iuilding, Michigan State _____ University, East Lansing, classes taught to inmates committee telling how much per" cent, and that the labor Welfare for the fiscal year ending Michigan. labor's demands were costing the agreements signed provided for March 31, 1972. airlines. But Cannon made no additional increase of 8 per Phones: an The grant is for support of provision for the unions to cent this year and another 8 per programs for preparing students Editorial 355-8252 testify, he said. cent rise next year. medical technologists, Classified Advertising 355-8255 Irom Ingham County jail of "The airlines are losing a lot money," Commerce said. "But we look wistfully at industry, The airlines said also the average hourly pay in the $5.92, is second only sanitarians, dental hygienists and X-ray, dietary and sanitarian technicians. Display Advertising Business - Photographic Circulation 353-6400 355-3447 355-8311 program is going to bo based on the jail population as a whole. the number of men who don't "Today's blacks are By JANE: DENYS very return to the jail after their much aware of what education release," Locatis said. He can do for them individually," Locatis "I (Gordon Local is. social studies explained that normally a high feel that the :herand 19/0 MSU giadualt percentage of inmafes return study of black heritage, for "s each teaching day by for repeated offenses. example, is a very vital part of their educational experience and laining the release of his 40 One of the purposes of white inmates also. Jdents from their cell blocks at of the Recently program is to encourage inmates the class direction ■himCounty jail. was to continue in adult education determined by an expressed Ilocatis said that many of after their release. need to study black history." inmate students are Books ( on social Highly motivated." The class, "Many come in with a problems and psychology are popular with the J>rdinati-d through the jail's negative attitude toward their students. Locatis said he hopes to ■ucational rehabilitation ability in academic areas," fgratn, is sponsored by Locatis stated. "We have to present some material on drug education in the future. Adult Education reverse that attitude by presenting material which they Most of the students are in the first find relevant." signs of spring for ■Locatis, is one of five the 19 - to - 21 - year - old age factors at the jail. Others Program officials attempt to group, Locatis said, but his class Miss J has one 50 year- old man. are ZumZums. . . Jch mathematics, English, arts assist with job placement by - Jl crafts and auto mechanics, working in conjunction with the ■licipation is voluntary and, Locatis said his teaching at bright voile dresses come Michigan Dept. of Vocational the ■tording to Locatis, the Rehabilitation and other service Ingham County Jail is more lutes are enthusiastic. Some organizations. rewarding than his past breezing along with fresh ■ the classes are at their experiences in substitute fcimum capacity of 12 and Locatis remarked that black teaching in the Lansing area. He little touches like *a waiting list. participation in the program said he even provided one exceeded that of white inmates, inmate with law books with I'The real success of the which to research his own case. smockings and balloon although blacks do not dominate sleeves Pick flowers PKAR to air or swirling circles in crispy polyester/rayon rar h earings Sizes 5 to 13 ■Today and Thursday WKAR 'AO (870) continues with live Left: Shirt-style of the in red/navy U.S. Senate rr Relations Committee Exciting ... the Ageless Right: Gathered voile with 8s on ending the war in ""it Asia, beginning at 9 Beauty of Genuine... GEM OF THE AGES elasticized neck, waist Fashions come and go, but and cuffs. Navy or elegant, genuine Amber jewelry lives on forever Exquisitely beautiful and purple with beige excitingly styled in «>"■ cloudy yellow or ch tawn; brown. See our full seiecn $20. of leading fashions in Genuine Amber -,e^e,Ty You'll be amazed at tne low prices A Exciting Amber Nugget Necklace in a New Shade of Amber B Exquisitely Carved Amber Leaf 4 /JLop" Earrings C Amber Cherry Pm with Golden Leaves. Gold Filled Setting. D Large Oval Cabochon Ring m a Clear Antique Amber 14KGold Mounting. J Whil. DMOIIO1™™ fin* Jeweler#. 219 E. Grand River Phone: 332 3917 Ja.oobsot i's MICHIGAN UR READERS' MIND STATE MEWS UNIVERSITY 'No work, no pay' edict: KEN LYNAM advertising dock the president, too manager To the Editor: seemed repressive in spirit. . DAVE PERSON, managing editor For the above I agree in principle with the provost's reasons, I ask the BOB ROACH, city editor JOHN BORGER, campus editor philosophy of "no work; no pay." I may to dock Dr. Wharton's pay I do running this University is more »hlPH even be persuaded that attendance at BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor 5 job. He was reported professional society meetings might be RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor moratorium at 9:15 and speaking construed as part of the professor's duties after. It is clear, then, that for JL and not subject to penalty. I do think that he Was .i? Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award time spent consulting, if any, should be from his duties at the Building during this time. Admink,!?1 aministr»t'« for outstanding journalism. subject to docking. I think that those who participated in the moratorium would I would like to apologize for askin. J forego their pay if the above abuse was this action. I am glad that Dr spoke, finally, though I disagree Hi eliminated, and if the directive was wiTT universally enforced. The way it was issued optimistic view of the nation. I , ' EDITORIALS asking for equal treatment for all. Keith J. Du J Letter Westchester, III. % e, id Did any coun The State News welcomes all letters. They should be typed and signed with the home town, student, faculty or staff Real iissues standing, and local phone number included. No unsigned letter will be To the Editor: In reference to the State from the accepted for publication, and no letter will News aii mon "Has it occurred to any of you that he might withdraw be printed without a signature except in extreme circumstances. AH letters must be "Bank Officials Blast Report," (State News, May 6, Minority HfoL mj ALL the troops and leave us here?" less than 300 words long for publication Michigan National Bank's ^ersonJ without editing. manager, Richard D. Allen's statement 1 Amid the hysteria of last week's However, such crises will continue so-called monetary crisis, the to occur as long as exchange rates is not the bank's policy to release information to officii - just anyone." The fact ■ American public once again felt itself between currencies remain fixed that I called the bank and asked for ta at the mercy of a circumstance it while prices and incomes within personnel manager. I was told hewasbu but that I could talk to his could neither understand nor those countries, which determine the assistant control. Americans have been true value of a currency, are allowed introduced myself by name and said was taking a survey of all the tha|| The Doctor's Bag local baifl to fluctuate. Germany's move to let perpetually befuddled by the for a public hearing to be held bytT intricacies of international finance, a the mark finds its own yalue on the Personnel Committee of the Ingl field which America's self - international money market is a County Board of Commissioners. The object of the open supportive nature has relegated to significant step in the right direction. By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. hearing was! gather information and opinions as 1, the hinterlands of this nation's Within the context of the free whether a pending resolution calling fori awareness. enterprise system, prices and There are no problems associated with the administration of citizens committee to investigate racisB In the short run, Americans can incomes must not be rigidified, Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. and sexism should be formed. I wasthl oral polio vaccine. In fact, it is generally recommended that Names need not be included unless a personal reply is requested. told that they (Michigan National Ban! almost completely disregard last meaning the currency cannot have adults who have not had the Sabin vaccine receive it. The Sabin week's crisis. The effects on the any set value over the long run. vaccine is based on the use of a live virus and confers fairly long didn't give out personnel information.! I taking birth control pills and wonder if douching is American consumer will be Allowing the value of money to am necessary if I am not having intercourse? This is terribly lasting immunity. In fact, a spreading effect occurs as replied that I didn't want information, only the numbers or tl persowf fluctuate with economic conditions, immunization can take place through contact with people who negligible. However, the important as I will be living at home this summer and my parents are infected with the Sabin virus. The Salk vaccine is based on a percentage of minority groups employ! circumstances which created last though, would reflect this economic do not know that I am on the pill. killed virus and is not as effective or long lasting, though by the bank. He then said that he wo'i! week's crisis have not been fact of life. Douching (washing) the vagina is accomplished using a small give out the information if it was for publ obviously, it has had considerable value. Currently, there is and he didn't feel that my reasons corrected. Free-floating nozzle and a container of an appropriate solution. Most women increased concern over the large number of people in the use f( A free - floating money market do not have to douche as the vagina usually keeps itself clean. wanting the information fell in If America had a more favorable population who do not have antibodies to the polio virus and the Vigorous douching with some substances can cause irritations. category. balance of payments with western would, of course, present problems. possibility of an outbreak of polio has been raised. I then stated that a public hearing call! Aside from treating specific vaginal infections douching may The Health Center will supply Sabin oral vaccine for a modest Europe, the crisis probably never One, the machinery for such a be of help for some women on birth control pills who develop a fee to cover the cost of materials. The Ingham County Health for by the Board of Commissioners J would have occurred. Over the past market would have to be planned vaginal discharge. The pill can cause a change in the bacterial Ingham County was about as public asyf Dept. provides all immunizations free of charge. It is located at could get. Needless to say, that ended J 10 years, the number of dollars perfectly. Any errors in setting up content of the vagina resulting in an infection. Women on 808 Southland Ave., Lansing and the telephone number is such a system could result in the antibiotics for acne, as well as for other reasons, sometimes find it conversation. I then went out to all t| leaving the United States for 393-5960. + J)£ + branches and offices of MNB i necessary to douche because once again, the normal ecology of Germany has greatly exceeded the most dire circumstances. Also, such a Is there the vagina is altered and certain fungi begin to grow in excess. apy giodias^ proof that going "bra - leu" causes conducted a walk-thru survey. I conn number of marks leaving Germany system would be subject to sagging of the breasts? two black employes out of the I Intercourse, is not a reason to douche, and it has no contraceptive fc)r the United States, creating a vast speculation and all the dangers which value. The breast is mainly fatty tissue and sits on the chest in such a employes that were visible by me,] monetary surplus. This gave might result from interests trying to With a small amount of practice douching takes about four way that there is very little firm support. Smaller breasts are light potential customer and citizen of minutes. Assuming that you do this in privacy of your own enough to tolerate being bra • less without any long - term county. Both black employes were womJ Germany more dollars than - she profit from day - to - day fluctuation distortion. The heavier breast is just not engineered to sustain the a teller in the main office and a filing clfl needed for either transactions or of an international standards market. bathroom, you can hide the highly portable douching apparatus The effects of last week's crisis along with your supply of pills and no one need find out. A forces of bouncing and shaking that occurs when a woman goes in the Installment Loan Dept. f reserves, thus inflating the German convenient solution for douching is two tablespoons of household bra-less. My question to Mr. Allen and Mich J money supply, and, in turn, the will not be felt significantly in this vingegar (not wine vinegar) in a quart of warm water. A Factors influencing breast sagging include genetic National Bank is this: where or why doyl German economy. country. Volkswagens will no longer colleague tells me that sitting in a bathtub filled with a few predisposition, age, size of the breast, weight, and the number of hide the other 60 minority employes >1 When Germans discussed raising be such a bargain. Timex sales may inches of water and V4 cup of vinegar does a very good job of pregnancies the woman has had. The bra - less renaissance had its mentioned and also what kind of positiA beginnings in an attempt by the women's lib movement to do they hold in the bank? These are u the value of the mark to stop the increase as the price tag of the Swiss cleaning the area around the vaginal opening and helps to reduce minor irritations and odors. de-emphasize the breast as a sex symbol. I suspect that the real issues here — public exposure and | flow of dollars, the crisis was watch becomes less attractive. authority. Both, in my opinion, seer original plan backfired. As for "medical proof I can only offer catalyzed. Speculators began buying American goods, on the other I am curious about the possible problems connected with the my personal observations based on watching coeds run for lacking at Michigan National Bank. classes: A lot of attractive women are wearing out their attractive Howard marks hoping to profit from a hand, will be more competitive administration of Sabin oral polio vaccine to adults. I have not breasts in an awful hurry. Lansing junf revaluation, dumping more overseas. Grain exports in particular had any polio boosters since 1956 or 1957 when I had one shot Copyright C.P.S. 1971. May 7,11 unwanted dollars on Germany, will increase. of the Sal k vaccine. flooding an already swollen stream All in all, the revaluation of West of U.S. legal tender. European money will aid both RAY ANDERSON Inflation American and European economics. To prevent rampant inflation European inflation accelerated by a from this added dollar flow, swollen flow of dollars will be European banks simply stopped impeded. That portion of American buying dollars. This action did not reflect dollar, lack as many of confidence in claimed. Instead, it the unemployment which was created by a comparative advantage of European goods will be alleviated. Vets for Peace: pass the won was an emergency measure, the best Presently the picture is rosy for alternative available for all involved, all concerned. However, the I get home, I hope 1 get hit! Pollution fills your mind with the same is less likely to be ignored." expansion will neutralize the awareness when giving Common Market nations a international monetary exchange certainty that it fills a gutter, and the It is that personal approach that the they've worked so hard to create. lightning" Maybe we all ended up thesj chance to handle the situation. machinery which precipitated last mental litter is deepest where the thoughts Veterans For Peace hope will lessen apathy The foregoing hasn't added anything to way, trying to erase that amorphous all Some nations simply revalued week's crisis remains. Extant also is are thickest. A lot of it has been engendered by "communication the decade-long chronicle of Vietnam, but that threatened to swallow us for a yea| their money upward; others decided the condition which contributed the contributed by Vietnam. over-load." They believe Lansing area that wasn't its purpose. Its purpose was to more. But it doesn't go away. Rogardiesj to let their currency seek its own It's all been said — at least twice — for citizens will react to a personal account of get citizens, particularly GIs, to think and what you say, what you've seen ■ most to the dollar drain - the and against. By the left and by the right. what a GI has seen or done in Indochina in make their opinions known where it experienced, it has become a part o n level on international money presence of American military forces We've heard about killing children, and the name of God and Country with the counts. The government does not run It's not necessary for every veteran* markets. The net effect of each en masse on European soil. Last we've heard about healing children. Some silent majority's silent consent. "If we can itself. jump on the moratorium bBndwago ■ people say it's leading us toward get 5,000 around here to write a letter, or It's bad enough that the majority of to return to the United States thin* approach is the same: with higher week's so - called crisis may have valued communism. Some people say it's leading in some way show their support for the veterans (myself included) went to we've done our duty is missing e [*■ European currencies, comparatively small repercussions Vietnam like obedient animals, but to see us toward facism. peace movement, we'll have succeeded!" If you think that the war is European goods will be more for the American public, but as Between these extremes stands the silent Boling continued. the destructive nature of American policies the Vietnamese from the evils■ expensive abroad, making them less things stand now, similar crises loom majority. The United States epitomized as and rationalize it as preservation of communism, don't tell the long 1 competitive. This should reverse the in the future, for it seems no nation a mental retard. An unspeaking unthinking Credibility Vietnamese freedom is frightening. The were arguing with at Lizard s, ■ dollar stream for the time being. has learned from this one. blob of humanity cast by a jello mold. Rah Maintaining the fragile credibility is a irony of the situation is that many of us President. If you think we f - rah - rah for the great American amoeba. primary objective because it is the one spent terrified evenings behind bunkers withdraw slowly to give theVie * "Everything is going to be all right because thing that separates the Veterans for Peace vowing and praying, in the same breath, to chance and lessen the possibi!ity J somebody will take care of it. Besides, it all from all other Lansing peace groups and return home and right the wrongs. or My Lai type massacre, tell the YK m works out for the best," the amoeba says. also makes them an effective voice against If you think the war is the bigges 1 Still no need "We can't stop the war, no one group is going to, the whole thing is rather veterans organizations like the VFW and American Legion, who claim to speak for Freedom bird Then we boarded that "freedom bird bound for the world" and all the the government's ever President. made, . hrf I frustrating," says Bob Boling, "but I feel as all veterans. The point is don't waste you 1 The SST was supposedly grounded votes in the light of French President though I have to do something. You can't They are adamantly opposed to violence. rationalization of fulfilling my obligation, doing my duty, making the world a better telling me, or any other nobodyl straddle the fence on this issue, you either Boling expressed the idea this way, couldn't care less, because we 1 earlier this year by a Senate vote of Pompidou's announcement that the "Trashing doesn't accomplish one hell of a place for liberty were forgotten. I did my support the war or you bitch about it." 51 to 46. Now, in an attempted French work would continue on the Boling is a former captain in the U.S. lot because it chops off whole segments of the population, and if we ever intend to thing for my country and tried to keep the gooks free. Who ever heard of anything so th\VeSmay not be living under an_ohg«J latter day revival of the Lazarus French - English Concorde. Army, an ROTC graduate and a Vietnam inane as fighting for another but let's face it; there are only«i wjjl veteran. He is also one of the original end this war and future ones like it we're who make tne legend, an amendment will be "freedom" and country's in the nation j offered on the House floor today to Congress has already spoken founders of the Veterans for Peace, a going to need unity." ignoring your own. only way this system of government is The They depend on the n°k '® rr0|T developing Lansing area peace group. Therefore, the Veterans for Peace intend make them. If they don t «• divert $85.3 million from the $6.9 decisively once this year on the SST. Today's manuever is a deliberate Unique to limit their activities to the local area, going to work, (of the people, by the they'll make them on their owr>• 1 billion supplemental appropriations bill for the purpose of continuing attempt to catch anti - SST forces The group believes their unique feature is although they interested veterans in are willing to assist organizing similar people, for the people) is to take an active part in it. an/honor we can bestow on the, J their credibility. "We've sacrificed our I have died in Vietnam it is to off guard, a less than admirable use independent groups in other communities. can remember a close friend of mine not only exist bu construction of the plane. The $85.3 time, energy and, in some cases, parts of that we of legislative power. The organizers believe that too much saying "If I ever look back at this place alive. million is now scheduled to finance our bodies to protect and defend our termination of the SST project. country," Boling stressed. "Most of us have Tactics aside, though, there are no seen the war and what it is doing to the On the surface it sounds like a better reasons now for supporting Vietnamese. Our opposition is not based good idea to use the funds to work the SST than there were before. The on cowardice or disloyalty, but rather on a on the SST instead of tearing it SST caters only to a few small simple moral conviction that what is down. However, the real rationale interest groups and could potentially happening is wrong." behind the maneuver is to resurrect wreck havoc on the environment. Unfortunately, convincing detached Americans of that fact has not been easy. the SST for good. SST backers feel The SST still rates too far down the "Americans are conditioned to ignore some congressmen may be having list of national priorities to merit any things they see or read," Boling said, "But second thoughts about their SST Vietnam vet telling them what he's seen additional funding. a State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Wednesday, May 12. 1971 5 British mood effects emigration LONDON (AP) - "This about 20 per cent fewer than the Canada country reeks of decay and 5,242 of 1969 — and a accepted 16,497 are finding jobs scarce. weather, like Maj. William said, adding: "Here we just exist. vast Britons last year, down from incompetence and failure" — from the 19,056 who leftdrop for Others are fed up with life in Barker, who installed 72 In America we managed to Jeremy Pitt, a 20 31,977 in 1969 and fewer than what they feel is a declining, radiators at his home in live." - year - old America in 1964. half the 63,000 in 1966. medical student. country— London may be a Stratford on Avon to keep his Davies was part of the"brain "With our own people out of "How can Why do Britons flee to life swinging city, but it only swings Italian wife warm, then gave up drain" — the exodus of British anyone with work there isn't the room for abroad? self-respect want to stay? My British immigrants that there for those who can afford it, and and moved to sunny Italy. talent which prompted one dad has worked hard all his life Some are escaping from used to dreary besides, not every Briton lives in Some just want to travel. psychology professor to warn and he feels be," explains an dead-end jobs, low 'why bother?' I'm pay and poor London. A public opinion poll Others — including many that British civilization was in American Embassy official. living standards, or downright getting out before I feel the Before the U.S. Immigration Act this month said only one person doctors and scientists - aren't danger of extinction. In the same" John unemployment. More than in five thinks Britain is an up - to 1960s, more than 6,000 - Bairbridge, 18, of 1965, Britain had a quota of 800,000 are out of work in getting away from anything as electrician. - date nation. much as they are looking for scientists, engineers and doctors "I feel like 65,361 emigrants it could send Britain, incluidng 70,000 a political refugee, to America every year. better research facilities or more emigrated annually. with all the executives. University graduates taxes and the scope and recognition in their frustration. I'm leaving" A British recruiting team tours — jobs. James Hannington, farmer. North America every year, like The important and exciting "I'm not going to talent scouts, interviewing and stay and things in the world today are Outing club offers atrophy here" — Joanne mostly technological, but enticing emigrant scientists and Maxwell, 20, sociologist. nobody cares here," said Dr. engineers back home with These are the voices of John Davies, a Ph.D. who does specific job offers. young And many young Britons who Britons, disgruntled at home, nuclear research. "British who want to go to North America these days emigrate to lands industry just hasn't the capacity where they think the future shines and the opportunities are greater - Australia, Canada, the United States, South Africa. outdoor adventure to keep its brains." But Davies is a contradiction of his own views. He worked in the United States, for General plan to spend a couple of years enlarging their experience to boost their return, across the careers when they rather than settling ocean. Fifty-four per cent of all Electric in California, and then By CINDY STEINWAY Bloomington, Ind., this spring, one during the Britons under the age of 35 middle of this month and chose to come home again for A new twist has been added one over the Memorial to would quit the one-third the salary, simply country if they Day weekend. the "brain drain" in the past could, a recent Gallup poll Members of MSU's Outing Club have because of England's emotional explored Members who climb are trained before each year, said a spokesman for a volcanoes in Mexico, pull. reports. Even among the older backpacked into the trip in backpacking techniques, proper footwear , , consulting firm which advises wilderness of the Upper Peninsula Davies* wife, Vickie, though, the British generation, the shock survey and shot the and prussik and rappelling rope skills. Climbers rapids on the Potomac River. government on the J found that two out of every five scale parking ramps, campus thought the American way of problem. "It's a buildings and cliffs life fine. In the California answered "yes" when asked: "If nonmechanized, go - on - your - own in Grand Ledge. was "An increasing number of steam group; weather, the family ate their Americans you were free to do so, would definitely not a travel Training is more expensive for are looking for work you like to go and settle in organization," according to one married couple meals out of doors, skied at in Britain these mountaineering. Climbers learn to cling to cliffs , another country?" who met through the club. Squaw Valley, ate and dressed reported. days," he in the area, to develop handholds and to climb Thomas and Judith better than they do here, found "Many of them are out The answers were influenced Przybylski described the with equipment. They also run several miles a - of work aerospace - members as ranging from "extreme excellent schools for the people, but by the worrisome mood of life hippie types day to build endurance. some write that in to extreme children, and filled their lives to they just want Britain over the past few straights." The Club has taken extensive trips to the experience the British way of years. Britons The club, founded in 1964 by Robert with acitivity. None of that was traditionally think Rockies and climbed mountains in Mexico on life. Very few jobs, though." of settling abroad, and Arundale, a Lyman Briggs instructor, and Bruce three different occasions. possible back in England, she Stewart, asst. professor of natural science, has They climbed emigration surveys always score 15,000-foot Mt. Popocatepetl and the volcano high marks. But jobs are grown to include more than 40 members. Orizaba and took side trips to Acapulco. Eric Heinz, Louisville, particularly scarce in 1971, Ky., junior and club The club spent one Christmas break at John inflation is pushing up the ct>st of living at alarming speed, labor president, said the only requirement for joining is "a love of nature." Penecamp State Park in Florida where they went boating, skin diving and scuba diving off the TIAO CHAN Op art or natural art ? unions government are battling the "The members are fantastic, some very while others specialize in one active, activity such as coast and visited the Everglades, the Beach and Daytona Beach. Keys, Miami — already this year Historical Chinese Movie more working hours have been caving or climbing," he said. i piece of art being displayed at the student art "Some of the best climbers Climbing sand dunes in upper Michigan, rock with English Subtitle in Kresge Art Center? No, nature and man lost through strikes than any are deathly afraid climbing in Wisconsin, long distance bicycling, of heights but learn to trust their time since 1926 - and the future equipment," he and caving in Indiana are some of the club's Collaborated on this art work. It is the design of the rail of the man in the street looks said. Tonight at 8:00 p.m. ■fence near Bessey Hall transposed on nearby stairs by the spring activities. University Auditorium unpromising. Femininity definitely has a place in the The club meets at 7 p.m. every Tuesday in $1.00 Admission at the door. wnshine. In 1970, 4,164 Britons Outing Club, according to Patricia Gillman, 116 Natural Science Bldg. Membership is open to State News photo by Jeff Wilner emigrated to the United States, Rochester, N.H., senior. students, faculty, staff and alumni. Dues are S3 a Miss Gillman will lead two caving trips in year or $1.50 a term. said to menace rights Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday f some federal employes U (WASHINGTON (AP) - A family relationships, about Ervin said the thrust of his if a drive to spell out bill is religious beliefs and about sexual to "protect the leral workers' rights said activities," he said. constitutional rights of ex¬ lees no justification ecutive branch employes and I making Sen. Sani Ervin, D-N.C., FBI, Central FLARES prevent unwarranted ■telligence Agency and prime backer of the legislation in governmental invasions of their Itional Security Agency the Senate, said the version privacy." ■loves "submit to invasion of which passed the Senate last The so-called federal employe year, and which he has bill of rights legislation would • - ("Considering all the charges introduced again this year, bar such things as requiring a Tt have been leveled at our exempts the FBI "and there are worker to disclose race, religion piled secret agencies lately, I certain carefully drawn or national origin, to compel Jngly feel that this is no time exceptions" for CIA and NSA so him to attend lectures or I the Congress to encourage ;he that there are no limits on meetings unrelated to his job, or TiblUhment of a 'thought - national security duties, Ervin to submit to questioning about Jce' system by exempting the added. his personal life. famous manufacturers II, CIA and NSA from federal ■loves bill of rights slight imperfections • - wtion," Rep. Charles H. Jon, D-Calif., told a House PService subcommittee. FRANK ZAPPA ^ilson said his proposal jopts the FBI, CIA and NSA regularly $10 to $20 values director of each and The Mothers of Invention agency, or his ■fiee, makes a personal with LIVINGSTON TAYLOR Now Pj! ■"dual to with regard to each be tested or ■®ned that such test or •"nation is requred to and Bambu Bp' the national security." Inderal Wtants have workers andbeen "compelled Sat., May 29, 1971 8:30 P.M. 1 ,nswer TWO. s12°° questions about Oakland University's Outdoor Baldwin Pavilion . TWO JOHNS General admission $5.00 |ER APARTMENT, 1 Rtwp alc0nies'to°- I lirr S EDGE AP"TS. Tickets available at J.L. Hudson's, Head West in Rochester and Birmingham, Marshall Music in Lansing, Little Things, I ffi'fEDGE APTS. 1 | r Frank or m campus State Street, Ann Arbor. TOWN HALL PRODUCTIONS. $6" per pair Joanne . 351-8862 REGULAR & KNII SHIRTS Je9UlaleV°M0 M.S. I/. KARATE CLUB TWO lor *0 LADIES SALE Now s898 KARATE TOURNAMENT DRESSES & PANT DRESSES to $4995 Eliminations 12 noon Sports Arena MA Y Free Alterations Michigan Bankard Master Charge Canterbury MAC at Grand River OPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHT 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May ,2 Players score 'Wife' makes poor attac|< first with Paine' on church celibacy rule By BAR When "Tom Paine" opens on campus Thursday, the MSU New Campus Thinly disguised as romantic Players will become the first amateur theater company in the comedy, "The Priest's Wife" is country to present Paul Foster's biographical dramatization of Apropos instead but not very the nation's most fervent revolutionary. an angry potent attack on the Catholic being unromantic Th?'?y Urban Acted, directed and staged by students, "Paine" will be Church. idies will presented at 8:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and again at 7 and What makes the film purely irersity Marcello 10 p.m. Saturday, in the Shaw Hall Little Theater. detestable is not its choice of Mastroian?' Performances are also scheduled for May 20 - 22 in the Wonders target (the tradition steeped gorgeous Sophia Him s criticisms lZ Robert I never 1, Hall Kiva and May 27 - 29 in the McDonel Hall Kiva before - Catholic Church is in many ways universal than Center returning to Shaw June 3 - 5. that. "Tom Paine" is in the vanguard of the contemporary theater, a a prime one) but the ridiculous The people JA), »id way it attacks this target. Miss Loren Mastroianil center New Players spokesman said, and the audience is expected to participate as well as observe. The production is an attempt to "The Priest's Wife," as its By ROBERT KIPPER of anyone s play prove concern JJ TV [ree-gra> title should suggest, is about a portant ct catapult the audience back in time so they can become a part of the revolution, as well as observers of it. priest who wants to marry. State News Reviewer worthy only Mastroianni ofeachoC Green ar Instead of excommunicating aim °n .. . a n n«! Newst Wl11 Pul>ljsh will be on campus to recruit maker, machinist, auto/diesel hiring more students "when tsa'du interviewers ■«incements of the freshmen and sophomores who mechanic, architecture, Students ||„ graduating seniors' find a business picked up." Rlir„nil „ . e PJacement ... .ure®" special will be unable to complete their radio/TV service, business interested in interviewing „ fl in a tightly squeezed job "We're calling them to nn«iH 85 y under the standing education. administration, secretarial, data with the institute should contact the bureau for an 'Look, we've got so many say „ 0p€.n students to headline accompanying this processing, fashion a disclosed that story. appointment. Students should Inirector John D. Shingleton students who were not placed. unemployed students can Today and The institute trains and places merchandising, radio and TV also contact the bureau for more I announced that the Can you use them now ?" use next Tuesday the people in electronics technology, broadcasting, office machines, information. Xement Bureau, which usually Shingleton said. Inns scheduling recruiters in not sent recruiters The first respondent to the Cambodian on campus. if. May, wil1 remain °P®n The message in both Placement Bureau "SOS" was hit cases is iroufihout the summer. that a sizeable number of IBM, which interviewed students ■"We're I viewer L oarnpus available to any who wants to come to use our facilities," students are still available for interviews. Shingleton's office has MSU job also last week. An "extra" Civil Service examination was also given through the Placement monument J said "We realize the contacted every school district Bureau last week. _ r03 reru8'-^ in a n«Mby pagoda and Government forces were ordered The Ifficulty many students have in the state that had Shingleton barrage, fired by Angkor Wat said the additional national""t'r^sureand the ofThetem^U ^ed the »uth side not to attack tor fear that a is the largest Id finding jobs, and we're previously hesitated to interview students calls and letters to employers famous temple most ^Tthra fighting wouW ^ t^5mm how!jer battery, hit single edifice in the vast Angkor Jing everything we can to get because of represented a large amount of northwestern in Angkor in months ago but has beTn S y .th® s,de. of "?ai" complex, covering ' b? the government thl ™nP upcoming millage Cambodia, has nearly a ■cruiters here. elections. added paperwork and that it been severely damaged by a secret £oort, of th h ir temple, destroying the third square mile, including the moat ■Shingleton said his office was "We're asking them to recruit would be difficult to predict just Cambodian army artillery informants aid frn^tii , 8 fl°°r of the southern gate, the and vast courtyards, Mntacting companies who had here if their millage was passed The huge temple Cambodia's Siem Rpan ' re urnin*> ror" sources reported. Built in the 12th centurv ■terviewed sUdents earlier this ,ar as well as those who had and they are now in a to hire students," he said. position Z&uzr-*sa«-- The shelling killed — Viptnamocc ♦ rr\r\r\c i. l -_.i saw bv la . ° centurv century, it . it has hpf>n rhnnrtKt K*r . been thought by _ e war uiatuiy spread across Cambodia, the viii tin? urat nuur, . damage. damaging a fresco depicting the i • . , , . UNIVERSITY ROLE SEEN UNCLEAR story of the Khmer or ^ ^ s ° e a tomb H Cambodian empire. The history of the Khmer Seven rounds also hit the empire is depicted in its carved nearly pagoda where the stone frescoes, considered Rapid refugeeg were living, the change sources among the world's outstanding said. examples of bas-relief art. The rapid social change that universities are experiencing is only preparation for what will acquisition of knowledge skills. and offers the an whole ideal opportunity for university, not just "Health care is too important to be left to the physicians and 20" "We need a larger sense of the medical Dr. Scott N. Swisher, common purpose, an school, to learn to medical education is too come, Dept. of Medicine, has written, academic principle which will overriding deal with problems of human important to be left solely to the ARTIFICIAL values. "At present, only the medical school," Swisher's vaguest provide a major organizer for outlines of what universities most of our activities. Among the problems cited in article maintains. "The time to must become in order to fulfill a "A coming together within the socially viable role can be university to deal with problems the article are basic decisions to how many and what kinds as of act on these axioms is now." PEONY doctors and other health The faculty and students of gleaned from the rhetorical and values can with each permanent wave provide such a workers should be trained and medical schools, have "a great babel which arises from the force," he writes. Offer ends May 29, 1971 what level of health care can and taste for people-centered contending groups," he wrote. He says medical education should be attained. Writing in the spring issue of problems," Swisher says. The MSU Centennial Review, I • MEIIER "Can the university recapture the role it once had in Ohana native to lecture THRIFTY ACRES Sunset silhouette which medicine, science and religion were intimately BALCONY I This couple enjoys the beauty and solitude of a sunset 1 the light shines through an over - hanging tree limb. State News photo by Jeff Wilner as interrelated, for the concerned men? a meeting ground dialogs of educated and at Malcolm X Academy BEAUTY SALON "Can something be done to G- K- 0sei of Ashanti, Ghana, will speak at Books by Osei include, reduce the confederation of 7:30 p.m. today at the Malcolm X "History of African People," "Europe's Gift to Africa," and FOR APPOINTMENT, CALL: mutual tolerance which most Communication and Skills Academy, located at "Journey Into the African Past." 372-8766 large universities have become?" W. St. Joseph St. in Lansing, S125 W. Saginaw e..,Ose»» director of the African Publication His visit is sponsored by the Black Liberation . . . restore the unity they once had , , Society, will speak on "Africa, Its Historv From Front Ancierft' Tm* and Its Futur' and SAVE 14c GAYLORD FROZEN c SAVE 14° CO* CRINKLE CUT !co^ K 245 Ann St. East Lansing Open Tonight until 9:00 [ I | ■ FOOD CLUB COLBY LONGHORN CHEESE Any Size Piece FRENCH FRIES I i PILLSDURY FODGE DROWNIE MIX ^ Expires Saturday May 15, 1971 f * M MUSIC CO. Lansing's Exclusive coupon | I Expires Saturday May 15, 1971 51b. SONY so Component Dealer 65c Member SUNday II, May 16, a day of dialogue between students and I Meijer THRIFTY ACRES Ml bag CD Me,jer THRIFTY ACRES I ^munity at Valley Court Park behind the East Lansing Bus Station. 5125 W. Saginaw —6200 S. Pennsylvania — Grand River at Okemos Road Wednesday, M;n 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan •2,197| Rocket, CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) - The Apollo 15 moon rocket rolled to the launch pad Tuesday has to crew ever conceived before. We're flying the mission." ready for launch looking forward a spot where the batteries were replaced. Officials noted it is unlikely such a failure seemed to of moving enjoy themselves despite the difficulty in earth's gravity with heavy suits and and mission commander David R. Scott called it, He referred to several new scientific devices' could occur on the vehicle they will drive on the back packs. which he and Irwin will deploy on the moon and moon. That buggy is built differently, for use in Irwin dug a small trench in the side of a crater "The beginning of one of the most singular, which Worden will use while flying alone in lunar one sixth gravity, and its long- life batteryies and joked, "Gosh, it looks like seashelts. Does significant scientific expeditions ever - conducted." orbit for three days. Included is the four - wheel will not have to provide as much power as those that mean there was water here once?" rover which they plan to drive about 22 miles on the earth practice vehicle. Scott retorted: "Profound discovery you made Later, astronauts Scott and James B. Irwin suffered an embarrassing moment when a model over one of the oldest regions of the moon, an When they got started again, Scott and Irwin there, Irwin." of their moon buggy conked out in front of a area named Hadley - Apennine which is penned large group of newsmen. But the problem, bad in on three sides by high mountains and on the batteries, was corrected quickly and they continued their lunar exploration rehearsal. Scott, Irwin and the third Apollo 15 crewman, Alfred M. Worden, watched from a site a few fourth by a deep, winding gorge. The astronauts also displayed the emblem they have selected for their journey. The red, white and blue circle features three boomerang shaped Hart bill to hundred feet away as their 36 - story Saturn 5 symbols of flight over an artist conception of spaceship moved out of its hangar at 6:30 a.m. Hadley - Apennine. in suing b usinesses on the broad back of a tank-like transporter. Then Scott and Irwin went to the training area The tracked vehicle moved ponderously at and donned their bulky spacesuits for the maximum speed of one mile an hour and exploration rehearsal that was open to the press. required more than six hours to reach the launch They drove the model of the moon buggy onto a pad, 3 1/2 miles away. sandy make - believe moon dotted with craters, When Apollo 15 blasts off for the moon July rocks and rills. WASHINGTON (UPI) — Sen. of false advertising or unfair (FTC) to bring action against the 26, the Saturn 5 will travel considerably faster, They were less than half an hour into the Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., competition. business, and even then there is exercise when the buggy suddenly refused to introduced in the Senate Tuesday Hart said the bill was needed no restitution for the consumer, nearly 25,000 miles an hour. Scott gazed up at the gigantic rocket and said: budge. The astronauts rode back to the training u bill which would allow because the only recourse a Hart's bill would allow suits by "There is more scientific equipment and building, their legs dangling from the back of a consumers to sue for treble consumer has now is persuading individuals or as a class against capability contained in this one vehicle than man van, while technicians pushed the moon rover to damages against businesses guilty the Federal Trade Commission such actions. Although his office refers "hundreds of complaints yearly hits to the FTC which are subject AFL-CIO N under the law," Hart said, "Few get a full-blown investigation." "If we judged from the number of cease and desist orders entered yearly by the FTC (forsuch alleged violations) ; ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) - The defense areas has aggravated establishment of a Cabinet - level impact at a time when maximum underemployed. AFL-CIO executive council direct federal * we might think that violations unemployment. committee to political effect is desired." Speedy passage by the council urged the are almost novel," he said. charged Tuesday that President The assistance. The administration has said Senate of the accelerated public Nixon is playing politics with President to release the funds "The decision of President the funds are being withheld as works bill providing $2 billion $$L2 billion he has withheld from immediately and offered an Nixon to withhold $12 billion in an anti - inflation move. for stepped-up public works Hart said the FTC orders federal spending and said that 11-point program to aid areas congressionally appropriated AFL-CIO President George construction. dealing with such violations KSs failure to provide for hard hit by declining defense funds is a callous political device Meany, in a news conference * And a program of federally ranged from 167 in 1960 to 75 declining business investment in production, including the that victimizes the American later, said of the President's financed extended in 1970, even though there are Water creature people and disrupts vital action and his subsequent unemployment insurance for the more than 300,000 manufacturing organizations and What appears to be a log floating down the Red Cedar River national progams," the council comments that he hopes funds long - term unemployed whose said in statement adopted 1.7 million retail outlets in the is actually an otter taking a leisurely swim in a Detroit Zoo a eventually can be released benefit periods have been during its quarterly meeting. "leaves the suspicion" he is exhausted. country. pond. State News photo by Jeff Wilner EUROPE "It is obvious that a cynical playing politics. political decision has been made Meany said the council feels NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS TRAVEL to hold the funds until they can American defense spending be doled out piece - meal to should be sufficient to keep it on HEATH ORDERS PROBE SERVICE INC. achieve maximum economic a level with other countries, but purchasing Join NOW for FULL Benefits that surplus defense funds Round trip flights to Europe from $220 Intra-European Charter Flights Charter Flights to Africa, Israel and India Formosa seeks should be diverted to pubic works spending. The council program also Data Eurail pass, Britrail pass & Cycle rental loan for schools included: concerned. * Legislation providing LONDON (AP) - Prime The Guardian made no direct Transport, the Aliens Campus Representative Wanted TAIPEI (AP) — Nationalist immediate assistance to Minister Edward Heath ordered accusations of Communist Registration Office, the Criminal Experienced civil servants were communities which are affected an investigation Tuesday into espionage but claimed tax Records Office and the Home sometimes recruited by private China has applied for a $9 million World Bank loan to by high unemployment, similar claims that business firms and records, bank statements, social Office, which handles internal inquiry companies before they to federal disaster aid programs. foreign embassies were buying security files and other security, the newspaper said. retired, the report contended, improve school facilities, and * A nationwide public service confidential information from government records were being The Guardian said the and others went into busine# plans to raise another $6 million British government files. regularly tapped by private information was being obtained for themselves supplying insidf on its own for the same project,' ^employment program to create officials announced. jobs for the unemployed and Heath's announcement to the information buyers. through telephone calls by information for a price. House of Commons followed a Information was being leaked confidence tricksters, report in the Guardian from various departments government employes or retired Heath said the government was! newspaper saying, "Confidential including the Dept. of Trade and civil servants posing as officials "following up the cases listed in^ information on individual Industry, the Ministry of familiar with the documents the article" citizens is being systematically obtained from government files and from banks for commercial V-——' ^ vV //1 \N\ ^ interests, foreign embassies and Capital/ Capsules private inquiry agencies." Questioned in Parliament, Heath added that reducing tht number of Communist (I J 0 ) » >\ agents operating in London under ATTY. GEN. FRANK J. rely on Edison steam for heating Whitmer said the 25 per cent diplomatic cover was under and cooling who are challenging reduction in operating hours will consideration by the foreign KELLEY Tuesday challenged a the public service commission's enable the liquor commission m secretary, Sir Alec Douglas - recent steam rate increase by Home. Detroit Edison Co. affecting approval of the rate hike. eliminate overtime and bettej The building owners and utilize its existing manpower. some 1,200 customers in Detroit. Kelley charged that they were not notified beforehand of the Edison raised rates by about rate increase. A BILL TO BAN use o BHot jq 20 per cent after the State * * * Public Service Commission studded tires in Michigan wa Pizza Ml approved the increase. STATE - OPERATED LIQUOR STORES will go on introduced in the state Senatfl Tuesday. | Kelley joined the owners of a downtown Detroit buildings that five - day work weeks and shorter work days starting May The bill, introduced by Donald E. Bishop, R-Rochestej Seij 24, the Michigan Dept. of was the second proposal in tw# Commerce announced Tuesday. days aimed at making metall SHEPARDS State Commerce Director studded tires illegal in the stat j presents Richard E. Whitmer said the A similar bill was introduce* total operating hours of the 87 in the House Monday by RePL stores will be reduced from 60 Thomas G. Ford, KGranj to 45 hours per week. Rapids. THE JFratikn^lfinj tetmmmf 220 S. Howard St. 371-1752]! IN NEW regularly | WEDNESDAY NIGHT $6.50 - $7.00 - $7.50 |trivia tlite* Frank'n Stein's own show. §THURSDAY NIGHT 8:30 11:30 $8.00 - $9.00 . . . - In stock in red / white / blue -;D^II KI •. * Jonny Jakovac & NOW ALL suede, sizes 8 thru 12, §■ Olkq Nlte WaltOzanich hayride tan suede, with matching grain trim, sizes |FRIDAY NIGHT 6:30 12:00 DANCING V '4 90 . . . - . . . 7 thru 13, blue denim . suede, with matching grain trim, sizes 8 thru 12. hiie* B°bK°»°"Accordia"' Helmut & Werner^ $20 |SATURDAY NIGHT . 7:30-9:30... DANCING DANCING * Bob Koss ' on Gu'»l Vhepards onAccordian 227 Ann St. * Paul BassettOnBass^ (between marshal I music and discount records) H (p E S Watch 12-8 for details about our Mon. - Sat. EAST LANSING DOWNTOWN MAY-FEST 317 East Grand River Ave. 326 South Washington Ask us about free parking in city ramp Next Week! Michigan State News, East Lahsing, Michigan Wednesday. May 12, IM7I 11 First Indian-Chicano university founded v ROSA MORALES The word "Deganawidah' into four jjate News Staff Writer was actually the name of the with colleges: Deganawidah, courses, the school will teach its 647 acres of flat farm land in Indian founder of the emphasis on native students leadership, universtiy. Six American studies, community Yolo County, grant from both the Office of "folk" nature and values J Deganawidah - Quetzalcoatl Nations or the Iroquois law; Quetzalcoatl, culture and which deals development and legislative east of San Calif., 75 miles Francisco. In 1968 the Donner Economic Opportunity and the different from those of the* quite llniversity. Federation. "Quetzalcoatl" was the name of the Aztec with Chicano history, culture processes and begin structuring a The site the Foundation supplied Forbes Ford Foundation. Further dominant society. T what's the name aeain? vocational university with a $20,000 grant to study god - training program and funding is expected to J Eanawidah - Quetzalcoatl leader and patron of the arts. and law; Carlos Montezuma Medical School, named for an remedial and academic courses. presently occupies was formerly an Army communications center the possibility of an all - Indian from contracts with come public llniversity in Davis- California, is The university is the first Indian doctor and Tiburcio A 50 - member volunteer built in 1953 university. Then, in 1969, agencies, foundation grants, They both have little desire to "assimilate" and instead seek T' first Indian - Chicano school of higher learning for Vasquez Vocational College. staff which included with faculty conditioned buildings. Final 10 air - Indian and Chicano educators gifts, tuition, voluntary services to retain their unique identities ■diversity in the United States. Indians since the 1500s from the united to secure federal surplus when, The school University of California acquisition of the and perhaps annual state and and Kficult as the name is to according to historical sources^ in April with 10 officially opened at Davis and Berkeley, other nine site ended a year struggle. Plans for the land at Davis. At this time they federal appropriations. languages. Tonounce - the Indian. - Chicano Aztec scholars at Santa Cruz del' evening and California college personnel and first learned of the abandoned weekend classes in Indian law Indian Chicano education By 1975 the university F. rsitv combines the rich, Tlatelolco in Mexico individuals from the Chicano - communications base outside The Indian and Chicano both taught for the layman, Indian - coalition were begun in 1962-63 expects to be completely Inlorful allure and ethnic Latin and other music Indian communities make Davis. subjects to the and up the when Jack functioning with an enrollment suffer from an extreme degree of dance, tribal business Forbes, U of C-Davis individuality of both groups sons of the Spanish conquerors. management, "Chicano" Spanish backbone of the university. anthropologist and Powhatan A major competitor for the of between 300 and 3,000 neglect and discrimination, being fithout a clash of ideas or spirit. The new university is divided and history. Besides these DQU, as the university is Indian, proposed a native land was the University of California Davis administration students. DQU, incorporated in literally at the bottom of all commonly called, is located on American - 1970 as a tax - exempt, indexes relative to education, and Mexican who wanted the land for its rice nonprofit corporation, is open employment, income and life research and its buildings for to all races and creeds. expectancy. biomku.oal research. But after In the United States Indian students occupied the today (Jnbusy there are approximately seven to Both beav base for two months U of C - have been denied" eight million persons of opportunites for Davis withdrew its higher application predominantly native American education and, in for the land. descent. About one million are to the black sharp contrast On April 2, 1971, the Dept. Indians community, the descended from tribes Indian and Chicano do of Health, Education and native to the U.S., and the not possess their own Welfare (HEW) officially balance are Mexican - Americans universities fhe and blame do not receive transferred the abandoned or Chicanos descended from federal communications center to DQU support in any way comparable tribes native to regions in to that trustees by the passing of a received by black Mexico and the southwestern peace pipe and a "Chicano fiesta colleges and universities. For U.S. these and other reasons - Indian powwow." The Indian and large Beavers who inhabit Chicano numbers of workmanship The title to the Chicanos and enrolling in some post land, peoples possess a great deal in Indians have considered Meadow Lake near Eagle and prefabricated materials, however, will be placed in the graduate engineering common, aside from their wisdom of -River on the Keweenaw Leroy Austin, district courses, Austin said, "I think the new escrow so that if DQU fails common racial origin. The both initiating higher ■ Peninsula obviously have never engineer for the Dept. of education programs generations of beavers paid financially the land will revert to possess cultural traditions of designed to ^ ■ heard the oft • quoted cliche, State Highways, would the government. a -neet the needs of their people. less attention I«A» busy as a beaver." Or probably say that even to dam According to Luis Flores, a I maybe they were just on maintenance than their beavers are taking shortcuts DQU trustee and director of parents did." ■ strike last week as the in their work, as well as Chicano Studies at U of C • ■breakage of several beaver longer lunch breaks. And while the beavers hide Davis, an "honest education is [darns was In part, blamed by Austin said the breakage their faces In shame for not possible in a public Ji state highway official for a of several beaver dams caused falling to make sure that university because the public ■ flood that demolished a the flooding of 1,000 feet of and its institutions do Mother Nature's way of not ■restaurant, a souvenir shop M-26 between Eagle River doing always agree on the Chicano and ■and several motel units. things was provided for, the and Eagle Harbor. Indian view of American history, ■ In days when people highway department is Hinting that perhaps working like beavers trying to statecraft, westward expansion ■complain of shoddy beavers ought to think about repair the damaged road. and human relations." At present the university has less than $10,000 on hand, but it has applied for a $200,000 jJ^olunfeer ■he i following opportunities available for student The Hubbard Hall Information Center needs people to collect afternoons. provided. Transportation is things with. Own car needed. openin employed. He needs a positive need of a big brother. Child has ■lunteers. For additional A 15 - year old girl would data and give out Information An - model, some one who will care emotional problems and his ■formation, contact the elderly couple needs help like a big sister — is in special about him. over the telephone. No car is with parents are separating, setting llunteer Bureau, cooking and light education and intends to quit An 8 • year - old fatherless him back even further. necessary (campus). housekeeping. He is lame; she Is school as soon as she turns 16. boy i New Community needs Volunteer math needs a big brother. Boy smiles a A fourteen - year • old tutors are blind and bedridden. A car is Need own car. girl i committed to social needs a big sister. Not needed to help Lansing residents great deal but Is pretty sad on doing well necessary. A 16 • year old girl needs big In school. Likes sports activities je to help assemble an up - pass the OED exam. • the Inside. Car A twelve • year - old girl needs sister. Olrl Is physically and • date bibliography in A 10 • year < and movies. necessary (Lansing). a big sister. Only child ■ old angry boy national reform as well as a Volunteers — no emotionally neglected. Needs a needs are sought to help access to recreational activities. big sister who Is dependable. a big brother to care about A five - and one - half Icument of criticism! and staff several day care facilities In him. Someone warm and year • A six year old boy needs big Need old Headstart youngster needs a lernatives to the grading Lansing. A car Is necessary. - - own car. accepting and able to help child brother - father In jail — has a A ten • year ■ old boy needs big brother. He has no father ptm. Typing skills are A volunteer with skills in sister, but wants deal with his anger. and needs wry. No car is required (on a man to do big brother. No father; mother A 6 a male figure to handicrafts is needed to run a • year - old boy badly In identify with. (pus). program for sixth-grade girls at it People's Learning Center 1* volunteers to Waverly School through the teach and YWCA. A car Is necessary. |ruitmatlve drop-outs for this An emotionally disturbed to the public schools, i 11-year boy needs a piano tutor. center emphasizes A car is necessary (Lansing). latlvity, relevance, A volunteer artist is needed to ■[■expression and practical help a group of women learn to ptience, A car Is necessary paint on Monday evenings in a ping). Lansing housing project. A car is necessary. Jeeting set A needs OED Lansing • area Indian woman help in math to pass the exam. A car Is necessary. 72 band A recreation club of children from kindergarten to third grade ^ MSU needs volunteers (especially Marching Band will males) to help supervise and plan Ji a special spring ■•m. Saturday In the Music meeting at activities on Saturday » band room to organize Pyear's band. NEED COPIES? Phe meeting is Your complete copy center, open to all old . Poets and any male The COPY SHOPPE V»ns Interested in 543 E. Grand River P' first call 355-7650 to joining 337-1300 (free estimated Open 8-6, Sat. 9-12 F* they will attend. reg. $7.42 Woodstock Two or Chicago Wednesday. May |2i,9? 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Parole outlook U' survey studies for Hoffa d ims prepaid health recommend passage President Wharton, of the health care plan to who will present out James CHICAGO (UP1) - A federal judge has denied a motion by R. Hoffa to allow the Detroit tac&| 299. Hoffa was Hoffa's ^ convicted of * recommendation to the board of trustees," imprisoned teamster president to Bender said. serve two prison terms 1964 19b4. He Hp " jUfy was convicted J He explained that the various surveys would concurrently. tampering You could be instrument' in the differ not only in the number of subjects The ruling Monday by U.S. Tenn., and began implementation of a prepaid health care plan at District Judge Richard B. Austin sentence in serving tlu interviewed but in the scope of questions asked. 1967. ! MSU if you are one of 75 members of the The first survey is largely composed of has the effect of dimming Austin's decision University community chosen to participate in un Hoffa's chances of getting the undoubtedly I,,,,, Mme open-ended "feeler" questions. Participants are an introductory survey. U.S. parole board to reconsider the union's The survey will be administered by personal also asked to rank services which the proposed its refusal to grant him parole. on election two months preside? plan would offer on a five-point scale. For from interview during the next few weeks by the Frank E. n« Urban Survey Research Unit. It is Phase I of the example, subjects are asked to rank outpatient Austin said the two prison Kitzslmmons, acti prepaid health care plan proposal. services, including visits to doctors' offices and terms - a five - year sentence for president of the Interna.! visits to emergency rooms as very important, mail fraud and an eight Brotherhood of If approved, the plan would provide health year denied Monday that care services — out and in-patient, dental care, important, somewhat important, slightly term Hoffa is now serving on the uni important and not important at all. executive board had are not related asked H prescritions, etc. — from a set amount of money- The first survey concludes with a four line jury tampering - to say whether he should be Imposed will paid to a group of doctors, nurses and other and re-election this summer health professionals. Rates would probably vary according to age, marital status and other factors, space for subjects indicating whether they would prefer receiving health care in a prepaid health Feeding the consecutively. Fltzslmmons also denied coalition of officers like insurance rates. care package or in the same manner (fee for ... Nowhere . . , _ . alive than at the Horticulture Gardens near the Student . A Hoffa not only retains the had * service), as they are now receiving. on campus is spring more position of president of the formed to oppose Now in the planning stage, the plan could Hoff. Bender said the second survey will consist Services Building. The sprinkler system provides water daily to the growing tulips and daffodils. Teamster International Union re-election at the union possibly be put into effect by July, 1972. primarily of multiple-choice questions based on State News photo by Tom Dolan but he continues as president of convention in Miami in The first survey to assess health care needs July the responses to the open-ended questions of the the basis he should not of potential plan subscribers will be taken from first survey. re-elected while still serv|ni three groups: administrative, clerical-technical "The third survey would be the most STATES COMPETE prison term. ' and hourly personnel and single and married specific," he said. "It would ask the student to When asked If he students. Its purpose is to collect data and would check which services he would want and how for election as perma organize questions for a second, more extensive much money he would be willing to pay for president, Fltzslmmons said t Top primary slot sought survey to be administered by mail to 260 faculty would depend on the c them." members, staff and students later this term. meeting of the 14.m A third and final survey will be administered Although the proposed plan has been largely the work of the College of Human Medicine, a board, which Is expected to assess costs, If results from the first and wind up second surveys Indicate an Interest In a prepaid consultant advised that a pilot program not be Thursday. established until the entire University Alaska and Florida, replied: Attention for the state, for dollars of free publicity to the Last health care plan. month, Hoffa community was surveyed for their reaction to "We're In session longer than one thing, Florida legislators state. turned down on his parole The survey was written by the Urban Survey- the plan. The All-University Health Center Who will hold the first they are . .. We're going to keep supporting the early primary by the parole board Research Unit. Its results will be studied by the Advisory Board was chosen to "monitor" the presidential primary in the the first • In • the - nation noted that the attention would And elections committee Lewlsburg, Pa., where li All-University Health Center Advisory Board, of survey because it Is a committee representing nation? Several states are contrast the snows of New chairman Elvln primary, so inform Alaska and Martinez, serving his prison sentence. which David C. (Louie) Bender, East Lansing faculty, staff, married and single students and battling for the honor, but New Florida." Hampshire with the sun of their D-Tampa, added, "After our Hampshire says It'll fight to stay "I'm a believer In graduate student, is chairman. ex-officlo members who are administrative Each state. primary, they'll go to first. primary Is set up doctrine of deterrence," A "On the basis of the survey we can personnel. House Speaker Richard Wisconsin's April 4 primary with As of Tuesday, it looked like differently. said, adding he did not feel a suntan. I think It will In New Hampshire, all It Pettlgrew, D-Mlaml, said, "An help the was right for a person to be i Alaska was In the lead. health of the candidates by takes to get on the ballot is two incidental benefit of the early The Alaska House passed and . . to commit as many crimes as sent to the 50-signature petitions - one . primary will be millions of campaigning Florida - style." wanted and then serve only governor a from each of the state's sentence. senate-approved bill creating a congressional districts. presidential preference primary to be held the last Tuesday in The Alaska bill gives the lieutenant governor authority to Veterans encourage "The board (parole) Is in better position to know of February. (Hoffa's) record and whether That's two weeks ahead of place candidates of both parties should be released, than I a traditionally first New on the ballot after determining education the Hampshire primary held on the that "the candidate's candidacy second Tuesday In March. is generally advocated or GIs to get They recently made th decision and I don't feel I sha overrule them," Austin add It's also ahead of Florida recognized in national news media Plans made by the MSU passed a bill throughout the United States." The objective is to get them to were whose House The Florida measure sets up Veteran's Association to take advantage of the benefits Tuesday revising its primary law to provide an election also on an the second Tuesday in March. elaborate presidential candidate selection committee encourage returning veterans to further their education in the offered through the GI Bill to further their education, Board wake of the annual College Andersen said. New Hampshire isn't giving headed by the secretary of state who would submit an initial list Veteran's Association Six MSU veterans attended the up, however. Marshall Cobleigh, speaker of c°iWjUillilop. last weekend at convention, which attracted new IF Middle re n n esse nf State than 100 delegates from tne New Hampshire House, more asked about the developments in Why the fight for first? University. 17 states Ronald Barnes, Royal An educational fair is being junior, was elected president planned for sometime late in Robert W. Spanogle, Okemos the Interfraternity Council (IL June or July as a result of the at executive board meet' senior, former College Veteran's an conference. Tom Andersen, vice Monday night. Assn. president; Robert W. Gast, president of the Veteran's Assn., Lansing senior, MSU chapter He succeeds Joseph Ditzha said Monday. president; Thomas E. Andersen, Northvllle junior, who recen This fair will be u discussion Albion senior, vice president; resigned. session between MSU and Patrick W. Joy, DeWItt junior, Lansing Community College president of the Michigan Assn. In a recent interview. B veterans and other veterans from of Veterans, and delegates outlined his program neighboring counties, aimed William D. Mason, East Lansing strengthening IFC's posit primarily at those with less than junior, and Richard L. Gilmour, among campus groups. a high school education. Birmingham sophomore, "We need to concentrate m attended. on exterior relations," he "We're very well struct ■ STUDENTS ! The MSU Veteran's Assn. is Internally thanks to Ditzh * Looking for a Cheap Date? * trying to model its activities but now we need to work ~ after the Veteran's Education with ASMSU and other cam J Spaghetti Dinner $1.25 J and Training Actions organizations to achieve ■ Union Cafeteria — May 17 ■ Committee, organized by the U. goals." S. Mayor's Assn., Andersen said. Barnes also discussed importance of Greek W saying, "It isn't just a week fun and folly for Greeks - for the entire University, and hope everybody will attend events." IFC elected Rando Kalember, Mason sophomo: fill the vice president posi left vacant by Barnes. William Keeton, Canton, sophomore, was elected j on the IFC judiciary. New Africa to meet tod Chokwe Lumum representative of the ue Council of the Republic ot Africa, will be the guest sp of the New Africans meet'! 7:30 p.m. today In 109 Ant Hall. Lumumba "Nation will Building. »e 18 »Je*k Celebrate Spring expected to discuss th In Mississippi that to Men With a picnic special from Hobie's. Your choice of one submarine the first model wnjun or two sandwiches, giant Kosher pickle, two fudge brownies, bag of the Republic of New Africa. chips and two regular drinks. Picnic basket and a genuine red and A cultural showcon^l dramatic skits and African white checkered tablecloth with deposit. will be presented by ■* New Africans. The S mba Doga (Little Lions)- ^ Hobie's African Military Drl T do precision drills g background music drums. The New AW«» Spartan Shopping Center Trowbridge at Harrison 4M».ilT-UWN 251*3800 J nationwide |t»W people who b™, nd Republic ot New At want to develop a bla May 12, |9?|l Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. May 12, 13 -SPORTS- 1971 GARY SCHARRER George Webster: SPEND *5.00 at Wrigley still impressive e Webster Is back on campus. The famed two-timed this week and SAVE 76° ■ American Is taking a few courses this spring and is also T • a Coach Duffy Daugherty with the Spartan linebackers, - if" footb'all1969 Webster was voted by fans as the greatest Spartan ii history. His famous jersey, No. 90 has been retired I J1' u the memories of this outstanding athlete are still reality. It h/> impossible for the talents and accomplishments of ,£tW "rgo forjotten. After Webster left the green grass and spacious confines of Tun Stadium, he immediately made his presence known in the «ican Football League. In his first year (1967), Webster was ted the AFL's rookie of the year. And he has been a perennial Knro pick since. When you see Webster you can't help but feel awed. His size , physical dimensions are impressive, but it's his smooth Jter which compliments his greatness that leaves you with ,ur mouth gapping. «He is first a tremendous person," Daugherty said about bster "He's also been a great help to us. A lot of respect is • -en to him by the players." Following the 1966 season in which Webster was a senior at ISU he was named to nine major all-America teams. No other utan has been selected to more. There are few players in tbaii history that have hit as hard as George Webster, and he |V V' ,• . ' VV 9 ownsa owns an added talent of always || ) " * »» - seeming seemini to be where the ball is. "He has instincts that make a I* <\J*4 J 1 great "Hf at football player," Yf AWt • ♦ m Dauehc Daugherty said. "He rarely, if ■ if*ever, made a false move and he rJ(hhad that uncanny knack of doing the right thing at the right time." Daugherty said he hopes that ^ the competitive drive which Webster possesses will rub off on V 1 \ t j-tww the MSU players in spring V MBjV practice. Webster said it feels be here. "It's changed a good to bit," he commented, "but it's always good to get back. This is still a beautiful place to see." He said that it's a different J feeling to stand down there in L* x the massive pit than his playing ■■ days a few years ago. "It's different since they put GEORGE WEBSTER that artificial turf down," he said. "You remember when the stands used to be full, and you .nember Notre Dame, and Michigan games. There are a few nemories," he said, and then broke into a quick smile. Barring injuries, Webster thinks that MSU should have real elects ood football team this year. He is particularly impressed the the im because it's young and showing signs of potential greatness. "They have a good group of players In the defensive backfield nd good linebackers in Kenny Alderson and Gail Clark," he said. C h 'Buck" (offensive line coach Nystrom) has done a hell of a job rith the offensive line. They will be coming off the line hitting lames, Royal 0 iople this year." ;cted president Webster still follows MSU football and said that when Houston beat the Spartans several years ago, he couldn't go out of his nity Council (IP ve board meet house for one week. George said he was kind of surprised when named the greatest Spartan, because there have been so many great players coming sut of MSU. He said It was "a hell of an honor." Next time you watch the Houston Oilers play, concentrate on i, 90. You'll be watching one heck of a man and one hell of a Interview, Bar ootball player. s program i g IFC's posit > groups, concentrate m ^IBA, ABA players jlations," he well structu hold All-Star ■ nks to Ditzha o game eed to work NEW YORK (UPI) - The a prepared statement, said: tyers of both professional "The Super Game, promoted iketball leagues threw a direct by the players, will show that discussed »Henge at their club owners , the two pro leagues can play of Greek We wday by announcing that, on against each other at the highest t'l just a week lit own, they will promote competitive level without an for Greeks - * participate in an all star illegal merger." University, and me between the top players of Players who will take part for ly will attend lcl> league in the Houston the NBA are forwards Bill trodome, May 28. Cunningham, Dave Debusschere, „ Robertson, president of John Havlicek, and Elvin Hayes, ted Ran * NBA Players Association, centers Lew Alcindor and Nate son sopnomouje the announcement, and Thurmond, and guards president po 'ealed that the top names of Robertson, Earl Monroe, Dave Barnes. t rival American Basketball Blng, and Walt Frazler. The ABA ton, Canton, 0 Ration had agreed to join squad will be forwards Rick ,as elected jus ;,NBA players in the contest. Barry, Roger Brown, Willie iarv * Blasting last week's meeting of Wyse, and Dan Issei, centers owners, at which the ABA Zelmo Beaty and Mel Daniels, NBA committees indicated and guards Charlie Scott, Larry *y Wo"ld seek congressional Jones, Bill Melchionni, and \fric0r j^^^erge^^bertson^ Jimmy Jones. todc et liscount records 225 Ann Street i L u mil 351-8460 ; of the De the first B Republic of . . AND THE LAST > the guest spe Africans meetln ya In 109 Antn las"" will speak fsct'thelintends that is anj ,eJ cormminH jf New Africa, show consist »8"dAfrlC!nU ited by/ f $2.99 $3.59 The Slmba original Big Brother and the Holding Company has en 3 Lions), a remixed and re-released with two previously iry Drill Tef and i "b'e Cutl added to the original album; "Coo - Coo" ni music of S« *>«; % be. Time" have the same rough-hewn beauty that can anrttk" a^e others Bye' BV° Baby," Down on Me," "Call on Me IN OKEMOS on this early album. NEXT TO K MART Africans LCOLUMBIA JANIS JOPLIN ALBUMS 40% OFF DEPARTMENT STORE group °\ ONE WEEK 19 —.»u. HCCA ONI VII 'VI^' 12 MAY - , belong . UIMLT '«• ew AW08 ® lop a black na W *LS0: stones $3.69 - Chicago III $5.98 - Met t Coupon! good »h Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Ma"V 12.1)1 -SPORTS- 'S' batsmen dump Irish twice ilJte1 By JOHN VIGES State News Sports Writer Paced by four home runs, the MSU baseball team defeated In the three run opening inning of game two, a pair of home runs (a blast by Ron Pruitt and a solo home run by Ron DeLonge) staked the Spartans to a four run lead. Gary Boyce and Rob Ellis both walked to set up Pruitt's three - run blast over the centerfield fence. bases which broke his record of last season Kirk Maas was the keyman in the opening Irish to six hits and igniting the team's winning run homer. John Dace doubled to the left field fence to (98) rallJ , !XHnl ' y Wlt" a twol Ip«h I single to l.°ft Lthesixtl Notre Dame twice by the scores of 5-2 and 6-4 in South Bend. Ellis connected for a solo home run In the third inning which and scored when Phil Rashead lined a Indiana Tuesday. hit the flag pole in dead centerfield. The umpire ruled that it stepped up and watched two balls and a strike « u lll4 The pair of victories was the 29th and 30th of the year for the had hit above the fence, enabling a home run to be signalled. delivering fly ball over the left field fence 345.f,J°a y kfol Spartans. The Spartans are currently rated, number two in the In the fifth inning, MSU got its last run as Ellis lead off with a The Spartans' three run rally broke a 2-2 tie and u ' nation in the latest collegiate baseball rankings released today. double and was advanced to third on a sacrifice by Bailey Oliver. to hold off a sixth inning Irish uprising to win his s^xih ^ Brian Liekfelt survived a Notre Dame hitting barrage in the He scored on another sacrifice fly by Pruitt. the year. tn game second game to pick up his third win. The Irish left 16 men on base against Liekfelt. Notre Dame scored four times on eight hits as Liekfelt was in After two men were out, Maas struck out a Dinrh hi». I trouble all afternoon. Notre Dame had one in the first, another in himself out of the sixth inning with the bases filled 10M the third and two in the fifth inning. The Irish scored their final two runs on two angles, an error Another record for MSU Inning of the first was set by Gary Bovcp in ,u I by shortstop Steve Cerez, and another single that accounted for game when he hit him 133 career hits, breaking the old record an infield sinclp V fl of 132 h ih k9! the four run tabulation. Biedenbueh in his career extending from 1964 Liekfelt walked five men and hit three batters with pitches. throuohio2 For the Spartans, it was their final Rob Ellis set a new season total base record for MSU in the now must look ahead to the final non-conferenj'taf* I second game with his double and home run giving him 103 total weekends of the ,aill gam J they face four Big Ten teams for a total of eight * Ralph Simp happy bei was going, if not partially to his By MIKE ABERLICH family. State News Sports Writer Simpson, meanwhile, was surprised at the reaction that Its happened to most everyone had been growing in his — that so-called "Great hometown. 'I never said American Dream" where the REG. 49.95 to s65 anything to the people who nine-year old kid dreams of wrote that article," he said, becoming a professional baseball refusing to say anything further or football or basketball player. about his contract. And it usually lasts until about G us Ganakas, Simpson's the age of 12, when other things college coach, likewise alarmed become more important. at the allegations, backed his But then there's Ralph former cage star. Simpson. He never did stop "Ralph is not the kind of dreaming at 12, and well, to person who would willingly make a long story short, he now forget his family," Ganakas plays basketball for the Denver explained, "he may have just Rockets. miscalculated his allowances. Simpson's "dream" didn't end "He now finds himself with there, though. What he didn't car payments and payments for expect was the problems that his an appartment, and the bulk of new-found popularity would his contract is in long term bring. payments." After a sensational sophomore The ABA has continued to season at MSU, Simpson was lure college prospects away from signed out of the college ranks the campus, signing George RALPH SIMPSON by the struggling ABA as a Mclnnis of Indiana, Johnny "hardship case." Neumann of Mississippi and As to if the jump will hurt the don't have to impress His family was on welfare, and Julius Irving of Massachusetts player's development, Ganakas did in college. a sizeable bonus along with a this year. answered (citing Simpson's "Plus." he added. ">i| healthy contract offered by the Ganakas views the signings as a case), "he would have been everybody is good, you arJ Rockets was too good to pass "struggle for survival" by the stronger had he finished school," double and triple teammedl up. ABA agA^nst the more but added, "in the end it won't the time, so the pros can't rei But after one year in the pros, established NBA." make much difference." stop one person.-' the skeptics began to harass the The Denver forward, how "They've (ABA) got to get Simpson, meanwhile, feels that young cage star. His family those kids," Ganakas noted, "its he made the right decision, apparently feels that his a remained on the welfare list, education is important, too,I a competitive business and the claiming he is happy in the pros. which lit the fuse for a barrage two leagues will have to merge "Its really easier in the pros," intends to finish his schooling of unanswered questions. for survival." the talented Rocket said, the off-season. "you Last month, a Detroit newspaper ran a story on Simpson, but it wasn't the usual feature on a professional star. It raised questions about Simpson's Vandals damage IM poolj contract and where his money DON'T let anyone reproduce your THESIS or DISSERTATION causes d elay in opening until you have your FREE estimate from ... An unknown number of delay the opening of the facility reported it to the pol THE COPY SHOPPE Beeman said. 543 E.Grand River persons caused an estimated to the general public until May Workmen said it took til 337-1300 $150 in damage to the outdoor 22, Dr. Frank Beeman, IM Open 8 - 6, Sat. 9-12 IM pool Saturday night and will Director, said Tuesday. about four hours Mondayl These correct the damage. Tr persons apparently climbed over the brick wall painted over the affected d surrounding the pool, since there then used paint remover muriatic acid to lift the pf j AND NOW THE AD THAT was no sign of forced the gate. Beeman said they entry to from the cement. Included in opened several new cans of white estimate is the 1 paint, left by workmen who were the I ASKS THE QUESTION- painting the bottom of the pool, and wrote one four-letter workmen to clean ($60), five gallons of varj remover and muriatic aci® obscenity in about four-foot sprung scaffolding and an er CAN A MUSIC FAN FIND letters on the cement deck of the facility. day to finish the painting. The vandal(s) also tossed a wheeled scaffolding and broke TRUE HAPPINESS several end of the light bulbs in the deep pool, and turned on a The MSU Varsity Club vwl | large water hose in the pool tonight at 7:30 in »l« itaJ WITH THE BSR RTS-20? overnight. Pool supervisor Dominic Clubroom. elections The agene of new o Marino discovered the damage when he came to work Sunday afternoon and immediately the pi,ar/a Community Owned... Serving the Community FEATURES PARENTS WEEKEND SPECIAL AN OUTSTANDING REDUCED FROM REGULAR STOCK Golly Gee, yes. If they're on the lookout for an economically priced, quality sounding compact component Buy it now, the new sport coat you've wanted at Buy 2 Pairs system. Here they'll find a 20 Watt AM/FM Receiver. Strong but Sensitive. And the RTS-20 features AFC and Automatic Gain Control for solid FM reception. Then VISIT US AND BE SURPRISED AT THE substantial savings. Select SUMPTUOUS FOODS PREPARED FOR from 2 & 3 button single breasteds, For Only $22 there's the space saving micro-mini turntable and two wide range speakers. Walnut trimmed, it'll enhance the looks of YOUR DINING PLEASURE double breasteds, belted and any room. Priced at $129.95. So if you know someone on the lookout for stereo savings, like you for instance, tell in the bi-swing backs, tropicals, This huge collection includes year-arounds in solids, plaids all wools, dacron and wools, them to look no knows?... Happiness could be further than THE DISC SHOP. Who - The BSR RTS-20! GAS BUGGYROOM and stripes. Many colors in $129.95 SERVING FROM 12:30TO 8 P.M. dacron and rayons, in patterns, Yes!... Your favorite Cocktail Is AvailM» regulars, shorts, longs. solids, stripes to coordinate Music For Your Listening Pleasure! with any sport coat or blazer. Many charge plans available. Sizes 30 to 38 in the group. RESERVATIONS NOT NECESSARY .. • BUT FORI YOUR CONVENIENCE, JUST PHONE 3/Z-o I Webster Men's Wear Webster Men's Wear Lansing Mall Meridian Mall Lansing Mall Meridian Mall tup: plaza Open Every Night 'til 9 Sunday 12 -5 Open Every Night 'til 9 125 WEST MICHIGAN AVENUE Sunday 12 -5 On The Crest of Washington Square State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan -SPORTS- Wednesday. May 12. 1971 15 it ■ Erngr'- ****** | Defensive n mt. m.*Z5SmKr" w- broke into the MSU starting sophomore who By GARY SCHARRER was injured last State News Sports Writer lineup as a sophomore and was a season. first-team all-Big Ten pick in "We are fortunate to have five map 1969 as a junior. Curl, who tackles of that caliber," Perles MSU football teams have achieved distinction two years said. "They're doing everything always lived with the tradition ago by blocking five kicks, sat we ask." of rugged, hard-hitting defensive out last season with a broken Sophomore Ernie Hamilton units. It appears that the Spartan arm. blossomed into a steady defensive corps, paced by some Both Stolz and defensive line I seasoned veterans and performer last season at middle promising Coach George Perles expect guard, despite playing with an newcomers, will again stamp the Curl, who was listed on several MSU trademark in the 1971 aggravated shoulder that he pre-season All-America lists last injured in his freshman year. I season. year, to have an outstanding Hamilton has missed the most Defensive coordinator Dennis senior year. part of spring drills because of , Stolz said that "one of the real "We're certainly happy to see surgery on the injured shoulder strong points in the ball club will Curl back," Perles said. "He's an but is expected to plug the hole be the defensive line because of excellent football player. He's a at middle guard in the fall. i good depth and experience." great pass rusher, and does an Hamilton, 6-0, 200 pounds, I Last fall's injury epidemic, exceptional job on the speciality possesses natural ability of , paradoxical as it may seem, is teams, — punt and extra point quickness and agility and was a partly responsible for the rushing. I anticipated depth of personnel pleasant surprise for the Spartan Curl's side kick. Bill Dawson coaches in his rookie year. "We | next fall. It provided numerous will be back in the fall following think that he will be as good as RON CURL ERNIE HAMILTON • sophomores an opportunity to a knee operation early last any middle guard in the ifiEai „ as *•. • Play which they might not guard and doing a fine job. pound Bill Chada, who will give season. The Tucson, Ariz, senior conference," Perles said. w: I otherwise have had. started with Curl as a sophomore Daryl Smith is running number Perles said that the Spartans us a lot of help and Tom Also, a number of previously and is expected to battle for the one at middle guard at the "will be very strong at the Kronner, who has done a lot established players who missed other tackle position or middle defensive ends." Doug Halliday better job than we anticipated." present time and according to Green all or received part of the 1970 campaign another year of guard. Dawson, a 6-2, 245 pound Perles is making great strides of progess. returns as a starter and Wieleba has been switched from Ralph Another propect is 6-5, 230-pound Jerry Martin. He eligibility and are 'hungry' for two-time letter winner, hasn't defensive back to one of the end missed last fall with a knee first team Green defense attempts o attack the second unit White action. Freshman Ron Kumeiga is ,e quarterback before the competed in any physical positions. injury and was hurt again this is thrown. Leading the pass rush in Saturday's scrimmage are left to right: Heading this list is defensive activity this spring, but is trying listed as a linebacker but with "Two freshman that I think spring but is expected to make a Doug Halliday, „y Alder son and Daryl Smith. State News photo tackle Ron Curl. The big, 6-1, to built up strength in the Hamilton out of the lineup he is are exceptional prospects," strong contribution when he by Doug Baurnan 250 pound Chicago product injured knee. Dawson, notorious seeing some action at middle Perles said, "are big 6-4, 240 returns. for his tremendous desire to >M FAVORED 'stick' an opposing ball carrier, was in expected to be turned loose pads Tuesday by the Spartan Lee Rowan organizers coaching staff for one-on one iSU netters loo k f< drills. "Dawson is mouth to get said, "but we foaming at the contact," Perles know his ability. speed spring It's a healthy situation to have I Bv MIKE ABERLICH dou^es tea™ fromf Minnesota fourth spot holders, both have a him come back. He should be a Ho* ■State Newstp ^Soorts Writer Mows Sports Writer 'u makeup of a rain shortened match held earlier in - chance for individual honors, candidate for a starting position, spruce-ups too> Drobac noted assuming his knee is good I'll he a five - way race for theJear* . .. . . Madura has posted a 6-3 we think it is." as as lit Ten title is the way MSU Eve" ug Wolverines recor(j at No 3 and sophomore In Dawson's Kh Stan Drobac sees havef theJ6&e ^ Jhe Vetter has run up a 5-4 mark, absence the f weekend's league meet nothing is certain Drobac havj a particularly strong coaches are getting at seniors Duane McLaughlin a good look multiple Petition , at Evans ton, 111 P°'fnted out; sow finish at No. 4. ■ and Gary VanElst. Perles said skirt hanger ■e ending champion surface cour s at Northwestern Msu hasn-t had a Big Ten \ that he is very happy with the I an stands as the favorite, "h,ch make for t>ulte a individual champion since 1968, improvement McLaughlin is Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and "vhen ElbetpPspoTrin and 1)eArmond 6 ?riggS Drobac's biggest hopes cBesjdes Gray the best ^at Mjk Monan and Steve showing, and VanElst is coming on exceptionally strong. Perles singled out rookie 2.25 loach- Brian Eisner's an mdlv,dual. !f' . . ... No. 1 include Minnesota's Jim prospects, Jim Taubert and Rich Marvel chrome plated skirt hanger ines have amassed 59 . . yK J j . in Ebbitt, Michigan's Joel Ross and Hulkow for giving the team holds 6 in place of 1, has sure - grip afthe end of dual match his sophomore and junior years, Iowa>s Jim Esser Esser added depth in the interior line. but Indiana is right on ^ ^ Br ggs ^ay his only dual meet lo. in Taubert is a big 6-3, 260 pound clips, hooks for belts. Weymouth, Mass. candidate, year, that one to Michigan's 'SL'trjsr" •c,Me who starred for the freshmen new Ideal team last year. Hulkow is Ott, Briggs (and Geoff a Hodsdon of Indian^ Will mfost slack s when . they meet . .. the Mike Madura and Rick likelygo down to the wire at No. pole y the Sparlan third and 2, while at No.3, Ohio State's MEN'S IM fanny Senn, Chip Clements (Illinois), Craig Sandvig (Iowa) $10 jomen swimmers and Dick Ravreby (Michigan) will make the going close. New slack pole fits from floor to closet rod, holds 8 pairs in space for Inish in fourth place with Vetter will have to contend Minnesota's Carter DeLaittre, Bruce Nagel (Iowa), Has Entertainment Really one. Arms rotate full 360 easy accessibility. degrees for Holds securely, Kevin Morrey (Dlinois), and Gone to installs in seconds. ■even members of the MSU Green Splash team were awaited Indiana's Tom Snyder at No. 4. "THE DOGS"? th place honors in the annual Intercollegiate Synchronized Madura and Vetter combine See them for yourself! nraing meet at University of Michigan last weekend, it of the 14 midwestern schools entered, Ohio State for the best Spartan chance in doubles play. RICK VETTER Union Day - May 17 12 Noon Union Mixed Lounge multiple Jversity ■ts. Kent State captured the first place trophy with a total of 53 slack hanger University scored second with 46.5 points |le Michigan tallied a 41.5 overall score. MSU received 19 ipetition ts in was divided into two categories: individual stunt junior and senior divisions and routine competition, 2.25 of the Midwest Intercollegiate Synchronized Swim Assn. followed. Marvel slack rack holds 5 pairs in place iU swimmers received fifth of 1. Chrome - plated arms with place ribbons for a music - kchronized routine, "Russian Peasants," directed and turned-up plastic tipped ends. feographed by Joan Barch, Green Splash coach and instructor physical education, routine was judged on style (audience appeal, originality construction of the routine), synchronization and execution, adjustable uleen Hoag, Plymouth freshman, ranked second in solo ipetition with 47.5 points for her performance entitled, "The car bar «ra: Opus I." fli Barrett, Livonia freshman, placed ninth with 36.5 points wrsolo, "Aragk." B" 2.50 Hoag and Miss Barrett placed fourth for their duet, "The tion." Marvel chrome - plated car bar is i Splash swimmers placing in senior stunt competition convenient, practical, sturdy. Extends Carleen Hoag, third, Teri Barrett, 18th, and Joy Schmidt, from 3&-ft. to 4'/i-ft. Hangs on hooks 't freshman, 23rd. over car windows, rubber rings prevent ®ults in the junior stunt division were: Diane Beck, Detroit sliding when car turns. roan, ninth, Ellen Harrison, Hinsdale, 111. senior, 17th and Haven-raft, Greenbush freshman, 18th. sturdy storage chests what this country from Bogene . needsncw $15 each is a good 5 discrimination in its for checkpoints in Saturday's race. work. Long term employment rentsl, a7, guaranteed. Free h«i' "!t«W WtefJ advertising culumns. The State News will accept advertisinq which not FIREBIRD 1967. Gold convertible. 400 cubic inches. 4 speed AM-FM Call 355-9490. 1968 3 5 12 TRIUMrcQ\_D>- ,n P*'*1 opportunity. Apply in person, Mr. Rick Root, STABLES RESTAURANT, 2843 NORTHWIND 8Ugr *3 AUTOMOTIVE radio, factory stereo tape, low condition. $,ju. Phone 351-6676. East Grand River, East Lansing. discriminates against 5-5-14 Scooters & Cycles mileage. Good condition. Call 1-6-12 Auto Parts & Service religion, race, color or 393-0752. 5-5-17 Aviation national origin. CYCLE INSURANCE. Central BABYSITTER THREE nights a "OH'h. Reserve now H Michigan's Largest insurer. Any week, one child. Must have own FORD 1964. Galaxie 2 door eight EMPLOYMENT cycle, any rate. LLOYD'S of transportation. Call 351-7997 FOR RENT cylinder. Automatic transmission, three good tires, completely new LANSING, 332 5335, 482-5585. before 5 p.m. 1-5-12 _J61-5830. 2i.fl.4 W Apartments ignition system and 24 month APARTMENT only $8.50/mont"h battery. Good running car. $300. GARDEN furnished, Houses A utomotive Auto Service & Parts all utilities plus. One mile from 487 3096. S-4-5-14 Rooms campus on bus line. Exchange for CAMARO 1970 V-8. Power steering care and nurture of children 8, 11 • FOR SALE FORD FAIRLANE 500, 1965. 289 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East STROBE LIGHT ti^Tj , after school plus minimal rentals by Animals V-8, automatic. $500. Phone Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. or weekend. Call Marcu.T transmission. Low mileage. $2850. 482-7816. 5-5-17 maintenance of property. Complete auto painting and MUSIC. 351-7830. C Mobile Homes 393-0028. 3-5-14 collision service. IV 5-0256. C Available June. Days call 5.12 ' .PERSONAL FORD FAIRLANE 1965. 355-4510; evenings 349 1474. V-8, "TOGETHER" « PEANUTS PERSONAL CAMARO 1971 8 cylinder. Excellent automatic, power steering. Greg AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and 5-5-14 for stable ROOMMATUJ situation Writ. J condition. 3500 miles. Zarie, 332-1026. 3-5-14 American cars. If we can't fix it, it » . REAL ESTATE RECREATION 332-0821.3-5-12 FOR SALE: Hornet 1970. Standard can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O DELIVERY AND stockroom work. 20-25 hours per week. Mornings 3-5-14^ 2 S,,teNJ CHEVROLET 1967 Belair. Power Apply in person RENTALS-StudenVonly J shift. Take over payments. VW - GUARANTEED repair. preferred. TV •SERVICE Typing Service steering and brakes. $1000 or best offer. 332-3635, evenings. 10-5-21 882-4871. 3-5-14 "we students are curremiw RANDY'S MOBIL. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C 1-96 at BROTHERS SUPPLY, 2326 South RESTAURANT Cedar ninthly and term • TRANSPORTATION CHEVROLET 1962. Good FOUR WHEEL drive Bronco, 1966. control of only side the o Street, Lansing. 3-5-14 3R5ent7a9l0s°cun,versiM WANTED Good condition. 15,000 miles. Aviation its » condition. All accessories Call 351 9604 ask working. for Johnson. 332-8589 after 5 p.m. 3-5-14 builping- unr3rtumatew GIRLS: SUMMER employment, free training, unlimited earnings. Set DEADLINE 5-5-12 MGA 1957. inside"!' LEARN training. TO FLY! All Complete flight courses are own hours. 353-8248. 2-5-13 Apartments 1 P.M. one class day Fiberglas top, rebuilt and VA certified. APARTMENTS, before publication. CHEVROLET BELAIR 1967. V-8, engine wheels. and transmission, wire $500. 339-8390, government FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport STUDENTS WANTING summer next year. summer"* One half 283, automatic transmission. 1 block fJ Cancellations - 12 noon Road. Call 484-1324. C employment full or part time. Excellent condition. $975. Phone 543-3833. 6-5-14 campus. Two, three class Interviewing Thursday, 4215 or foum one day before 489-9230. 4-5-14 Immediate occupancy ■ Glennwood, apt. 6, Lansing. A utomotive Automotive Orchard. Phone 330 J publication. CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 1968. MGB 1967. Wire wheels, new top and brakes. After 6 p.m., 353-2194 Employment 1-5-12 337-2082. 22-6-4 9 "■ PHONE Automatic, low mileage. Excellent 3-5-13 OPEL GT 1969. Tan with black VOLKSWAGEN 1965. 30,000 miles. MATURE ROOM, BOARD and salary. Upper INDIVIDUAL. Self 3558255 condition. Call John, 882-1924. 3-5-14 MGB 1967 hardtop convertible. Wire interior. Low mileage. Sharp. Java green, radio. Good condition. starter. Sell needed service. class or graduate student to live Beal Street Apartmenti| RATES 393-1228. 3-5-13 1 owner. $800. Call 484-7461, Commission basis. Full or part time. with family and help with 3 young Fall, 1 block from wheels, Michelins, overdrive. Call children Iday $1.50 CHEVY VAN 1963. New tires, runs ext. 14, Miss Page. 3-5-14 Call 372-8110. 3-5-12 beginning summer 332-1367.3-5-13 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 1963 2 door 6 quarter. Private air - conditioned 15c per word per day good. $250. Bob, 349-2436. cylinder sedan. New tires. conditioning. Open h 5-5-18 MUSTANG VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Good MALE STUDENT part time, 21 or room. Bath and phone. Two 1968. $100 down, take Monday Thursday. 3 days $4.00 351-4407.5-5-14 blocks from campus. Call - 2 over payments. 6 cylinder condition, new tires. Runs older for bartender and cook. Will Apt. 2A. 351-6088 or 13Vic per word per day automatic. Call 355-6093 after 6 excellent. 351-3217. 5-5-18 train. Must be available thru 332-1105 8 -10 a.m., 8 - 10 p.m. CHEVY NOVA, 1966. 283. 3 speed. 5 days PONTIAC 1964. Lemans convertible. 5-5-18 $6.50 Excellent mechanical condition. P.m. 5-5-13 summer. See Mrs. Hilton, 10:30 CAPITOL COMPLEX 5 , Excellent condition. $650 or best VOLKSWAGEN 13c per word per day 485-2365. 3-5-13 1968 Fastback. a.m. 11:30 a.m. or 1 - 3 p.m. at Furnished, offer. 675-7414. 5-5-14 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY carpeted, fire™ Rebuilt motor and new brakes. CLIQUE BAR, 801 East Saginaw. employer (based on 10 words per ad) COMET 1967 automatic. Power MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE V-8. Deluxe interior. 1966 Good Phone 349-4063. 3-5-14 3-5-12 desires minority group fashion and garage, or $165. 2 rooms, married $115,(J PONTIAC couple. GTO, 1965. 3 speed, photographic models. Call Jobob, 489-1276. 5-5-13 Peanuts Personals must be steering, power brakes, radio. condition. $650. 355-0706. 3-5-13 power steering, excellent. Best VOLKSWAGEN 1966 WAITRESSES. EXPERIENCED. 487-0046. 3-5-14 $950. Call Deb 353-3401. 2-5-13 sedan, 1 prepaid. offer. 332-2471. 3-5-13 Both full and part time. All shifts MUSTANG 1969 Mach I. 428 Cobra owner, good shape. $700. Call ROOMMATE WANTED, available. Apply in person at WORKI MAKE money, own boss. There will be a 50c service CORVAIR 1965. 2 door hardtop, 4 jet. 4 speed, excellent condition. 489 3581. 5-5-18 bedroom, $60, 337-9722. Afl PONTIAC 1963. Excellent Connor's 24 Hour Restaurant, Free training, take a look. and speed, 140 horsepower i. 393-8143. 5-5-12 bookkeeping charge if Very Blue with black interior. Tape. mechanical condition. Good tires. 3231 West Saginaw, east of 351-7702. 1-5-12 clean. Call 482-0580. after 5 p.m. Phone 349-3426. 5-5-14 66 BASED VW dunebuggy. $1000 or 'his ad is not paid within $150. Phone 393 4085. 5-5-17 Waverly. 5-5-14 3-5-14 wiM trade for large road bike or one The week. State News will be CORVAIR 1964. Good condition, MUSTANG cylinders. 1967. 3 speed. Extra tires. Excellent 6 PONTIAC 1965 Catalina 2 door van of comparable price. Call Jay, 489 8064. 5-5-18 STENOGRAPHERS, good abilities for Lansing firm. GALS with SALESPEOPLE exciting gift TO store. work Full in an time NOW LEASING | hardtop. V-8, automatic, power positions. Available for mature for summer and fall responsible only for the 54,000 miles. $75 or best offer. condition. Phone 484-0164. Full steering, brakes. $595. 882-6142 time, permanent. $6500. individuals. Many company first 349-3608. 3-5-14 3-5-14 day's incorrect after 5:30 p.m. 3-5-14 Scooters & Cycles 37 2-7700. PERSONNEL benefits. Regular increases. insertion. CONSULTANTS. 3-5-12 Cashier and sales experience Studio, 1 bedroom, CORVAIR 1963. * MUSTANG door, buckets, 1969 Mach I 390 RAMBLER CLASSIC 1965 6 preferred, but not necessary. and 2 bedroom apts. - I new tire.cOV-^ exhaust. Runs automatic. Phone 372-8376 after cylinder automatic. Perfect NORTON COMMANDO, 1969. 4000 PUBLIC RELATIONS. Experienced, Apply in person, between 10 a.m. all furnished good. $150 393-7918. 5-S-14 5 p.m. 3-5-14 miles. $1000 or best. Extras. condition. Phone 351-5522. degree. Permanent position. - 5 p.m., SPENCER GIFTS, 3-5-14 351(-3052. 5-5-13 $8000. 372JJOO. PERSONNEL Meridian Mall. 3-5-14 rent from $135 month I CORVAIR f966 4 speed. Good OLDSMOBILE AIR condition^ - CONSULTANTS. 3-5-12 Automotive engine, body, interior. Clutch Dynamic 88, 1965 4-door, flAMBLER 1964 Classic 4 door. 1969 SUZUKI TS250 Enduro. SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE slips. Cheap. 351-5699. 5-5-12 hardtop. Power brakes and Excellent condition. Helmet PART TIME male and female Exp«rienced carpenters for work in Good transportation. Call AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite 1968. Real steering. Automatic 332-6120. included. $475. 349-4327. 3-5-14 telephone canvassing. Good Torch Lake 349-2778. £-5-14 resort area. Please CORVETTE STINGRAY. 1963. 4 5-5-18 sharp. Make offer. 485-8315 hourly wages. Must have good only experienced carpenters 1970 BSA 250. 700 miles. Excellent, 1-5-12 speed. condition. Convertible. Phone Good 484-0164 OLDSMOBILE 1963 98. Full power. Nice clean car. $250. 339-8349. TORINO Excellent. 1968 289 $1200. automatic. 1720 Park extras. 353-4402, or 353-6839. speaking voice. Call Mr. Vance, 393-5460. An equal opportunity apply. Space 70 homes, 616 - 533-8668 or 616 - 533-8245 Burcham Woods! 3-5-14 3-5-14 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 MKIII 3-5-14 Avenue, or call 372-4589. 3-5-12 employer. 10-5-21 evenings. 14-5-24 1 967. Green, best offer. COUGAR 1969, yellow with black OLDSMOBILE 1964. Power steering YAMAHA 1965. 250cc. Needs JUNIORS AND above. Education or SUMMER 351-4477. 5-5-18 TRIUMPH 1963. Custom body. New AND part time vinyl top. Full power, automatic. and brakes. Automatic, good tires. engine work. $100. Frank, library science majors to sell employment: 12-20 hours per overhaul. New white top, tonneau educational products part time. If no answer 184-4014B BARRACUDA 1967. Must sell. 485-6267. 5-5-17 Best offer. Call owner, 489-4263. 332-2946. 3-5-14 week. Automobile Automatic required cover. Ex-_\Ot condition. Liberal commissions. Call Mr. fastback. New tires, low mileage. 3-5-12^ 393-4085. iSV oe seen at 1216 1970 YAMAHA 175 Enduro. Perfect Helson 882-2431 3-5-13 351*800. O 484-3567 after 5 DODGE POLAR A, 1969. 2 door, p.m. $1000 OLDSMOBILE 1968 442 W-30. Four Victoria. 5-5-12 3-5-14 power steering, brakes. condition, low mileage. BUICK RIVIERA 1967. Private Economical 318 engine. Low mileage. 355-8105 or 373-7214 speed. Anson mags, air lifts, new tires. Low mileage. 337-9960. 3-5-12 TRIUMPH 1969 Spitfire. 18,500 Accessories. 332-4374. 3-5-14 EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car necessary. Call 351-7319 for NEW IDEA IN STUDENT LIVING 3-5-13 miles. 2 tops, snow tires. One 1970 SUZUKI TS250. Excellent interview. C One or two Bachelor Units owner. Excellent condition. owner. Fine condition. Best offer. condition. Best offer over $600. Beautiful car. 332-0080. 10-5-14 OLDSMOBILE VISTA Cruiser A NEW division of old company DODGE 1964. Many new parts. Lots Around $1700. Call 489-3489 353-0905. 3-5-14 an wagon, 1964. Beautiful shape, has EbiCK SPORTSWAGON, 1967. of miles left. Call 337-2341 or new muffler, tune-up. Excellent after 5:30 p.m. 6-5-14 openings for sales Featuring: Fully equipped, representatives. Full or part time. excellent 353-1485. 5-5-17 tires, brakes, luggage carrier. $745. 1969 BMW R-60US. Set up for Enclosed Pool Sauna condition. Best offer. 351-4058 We train. Good pay program. Call TRIUMPH GT6. Low mileage. One traveling. Call 332-6144 before 5-5-17 ENGLISH FORD 1967. Automatic, 332-6226. 3-5-13 owner. Good condition. 3:30 p.m. 5-5-13 351-3700. 3-5-13 Shag Carpet (new) Snack Bar - Juke Box 4 door. Only 26,000 miles. After 484-2157. 5-5-13 Extra Storage Extra Rooms for Guest OLDSMOBILE 1968 442 DIGNIFIED SALES program. If you 3 p.m., 332-8475. 3-5-12 WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER Game Room (Pool Table — Ping Pong) convertible. New engine, have neat appearance and pleasant Oldsmobile mags, four - speed, TRIUMPH SPITFIRE Mark III 1969. Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. FALCON 1962. 2 door, automatic, Wire wheels. Excellent condition. Phone 489-4811. Our new address personality, you owe it to yourself CAMARO 1969. 307 engine, new stereo tape, full warranty left. good transportation. $95. Call Best offer. Dave 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF to investigate the short hours and Price $129 for one - $139 for two tires. Stick shift. Phone 627-6026. Best offer over $1550. 351-4404. 355-4570, high earnings offered by our 5-5-14 353-6851 after 5 p.m. 3-5-13 4-5-14 351-6481.3-5-14 All utilities paio except telephone 1968 TRIUMPH 650 Bonneville. leading national cosmetic VALIANT CONVERTIBLE 1964. Excellent condition. $975 or best. company. Call 355-1241 between Drop in and talk to our leasing agent today. 4- 7 p.m. 2-5-12 Automatic, buckets, radio, power 355-6819. 3-5-14 (Etopcfemgfjam top. $350 or best offer. 355-9757. X-2-5-13 VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Beige sedan HONDA 1969 condition. 393-4299. 1-5-12 450 Scrambler. A-1 Reasonable. Phone Tlove HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT East 444 Lansing Michigan Avenue Phone: 351-7910 with sunroof and radio. Excellent has it .. . condition. Call 882-2738. 3-5-13 HONDA, 1971. 350. condition. 1,100 miles. 485-2365. Excellent cedar VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Sedan with 3-5-13 □□□ □ w heated p village CROSSWORD raj A] 1966 1500cc van engine. I Excellent mechanical condition. 1971 BENELLI 65 cc. 300 miles. 2 MlElNt $500. 349-3172. 3-5-13 sprockets. Must sell. 332-8661 ask forCB. 3-5-13 . .. and they're PUZZLE ACROSS and all VOLKSWAGEN 1969. sunroof. Rebuilt engine, new shocks. Sedan, 1970 TRIUMPH Daytona 500. now leasing for 1. Exceed 25 28 Bright Maiority |R!Uj ||N| Bilsl $1050. Call 482-5626, between 6 - Good deal, price open. 351-2062, ask 9 p.m. 4-5-14 Summer! 4. Knight's title 7. Semitic deity 29. Orchestra attI for Bruce. 5-5-18 30. Girl's nickname Strife 31. Individual fll R HONDA 305, 1967. Low mileage. Compliments of 12. Digit 32. Actuality OiM^e Condition like new. WESTERN Cathy Bowers 13. Heraldic 33 Valuable rawEina MEl Rent a TV for the last month of AUTO 5-5-17 STORE, Williamston. 332-5051 bearing 14. Bombastic 37. 38. Yellow ocher Deep affection □bli iuuu u ml|v! flvBf the term 16. Arrow poison 39. Eloquence . . . NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300. 1967 TRIUMPH 500. Good Bogue St. at the Red Cedar 17. White lie 43. Poems condition. $650. Call Dirty Ed, 18. Exclusive 44 Horseplay 332-3575. 3-5-13 20. Smoke vent 4 Short penc« 45. Turn light DOWN 22. Piggery 46. Occident 1. Both 5. Charged p 4620 S. APARTMENT DISCOUNT Summer from $37.50 Fall from 23. Legal matter 24. Siouan Indian 47. Nourished 48. Steer wildly 2. Blade 3. Lavish particle 6. Army 7. Seethe Hagadorn - $52.50 just north of Mt. Hope Rd. We manage 9 apartment buildings and have an apartment for every need. r- 8 Eng. comp| Herring sJ1 ,o 3 « 5 • 7 a 9 9. Apartments Addresses Phone % 10. Old Eng. cc % il >3 stjlemale ■ Bay Colony Haslett & Hagadorr 1130 Beech Street 351-3211 351-0965 "i % 16 15 19 Watched P Beechwood Delta Arms 235 Delta 351-3580 7 iff" % 20. narrowly Monk | Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen 332-1313 % f 11 Sr % 21.Shank 22. Draw ga"1®] TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS Haslett Arms 135 Collingwood 351 7662 % %% V 24 Hautboy are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury Princeton Arms 1308 Haslett Road 332-3511 a sr 25 26 25. Similarity 1 apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean i 1240 Haslett Road 351-3407 % yA > Mi'i-ca^" I furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central-control air ► North Pointe University Terrace 444 Michigan Avenue 351-9117 26 1 i9 % »o 21 32. Explosive V Quali'1®" B conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. Recreation is 1 M planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If University Villa 635 Abbott Road 337-2361 % % TT % *r 91 fr 33. Snow remoB Motored P %% 34. you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom units start at $60/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY *ln view of Campus >0 «» % Mb HI HZ 35. Lawyers I pation sat® **Pool or Pool Privileges FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. N3 w< W5 36. Gusto THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. (3 and 4 man Models open at each showing. complex Monday through Saturday from 3 - 5 p.m. for private Mi Y/< % MB 37. 40. Beach Herb ol« apts. onjy, starting fall.) . Contact Resident Manager today at above telephone numbers for your choice of % % 41. Turmeric ■ MANAGEMENT EXCLUSlVEl Y BY: Alco Management Company apartment or call HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 444 Michigan Ave. East Lansing - 42 Red-berry ■ evergreenl 351-7910. State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan dnesd;i\. May 12, 1971 17, For Rent If dab Street. 129 Burcham LARGE TWO party furnished 513 HILLCREST. 5 minutes walk to f 135 Kedzie. 2 man efficiencies. Air conditioned, close Union. Air conditioned, fully GIRLS. GROUP of 3 or 5. Walking WATERBED FRAMES — $35 — and ■v#; apartment*. Include* , to campus. $135 summer. $150 distance. Available June 16th. REBIRTH, 402 1 uM. PENTAX SPOTMATIC, Takamur OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos I «2 50 to $90 per mW. fall. Call furnished, carpeted, dishwasher, 332-5731. 3 513 Call 1— East Michigan, lenses: 50mm fl.4, 28mm f3.5, - job?; 484-0585, 484-1328 disposal. Most utilities furnished. Lansing, 489-6168. TF application photos in 15 minutes/*- I\ darting J""" 15 and Sept. 10-5-17 1 or 2 large bedrooms. From 300mm f5.6 custom case and PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL accessories. $400. 371-1403 after r , 487-3216. Evenings til 10 $45/person. URGENT - Renters needed for MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE 6 p.m. 5514 LOST: 500 block Abbott, short hair 351-6262. Anything 351-0705, K*882 2316. O CEDAR GREENS 655-1022.3-5-14 or summer. 2 houses, Call 351-2356. 2-512 great location. including chests, desk and chair. calico cat. Grey, white, orange. photographed anywhere. 21-6-4 Also golf clubs. Orange eyes, tall, slender. $10 I;:nS,NG,' house. Residential ILA 1 bedroom furnishod SUMMER SUBLET, 2 bedroom, after 9 p.m. S-5-14 Call 482-9805 THREE FAMILY garage Furniture, antiques, clothing, little sale. reward. 3559564, 489-3367, SUMMER FLIGHTS TO Europe. - , Haaadorn. Two bedroom FOUR MAN house to sublet for 489-1669, 489-4041. 3-514 $165 round trip jet - air. Call i W <5160 One bedroom. POOL furnished. $170 per month. summer. bit of everything. 3490 Taylor, Frank Buck, 351-8604. 15527 a Fully furnished and WATER BED UNITS, Cities included. Available Call 351 8631 Corner of Hagadorn 332-4352. 1-5-12 - Mt. Hope. carpeted. 5 minutes from Berkey. heater and frame, $76 mattress, liner, any size. corner of Abbott. Friday and BLUE POINT male Siamese cat. Gold 332-3795. 5517 Saturday, 10-7 p.m. 3-514 -(ing summer Mjm ■.5285 evenings. Ji-15-14 Phone FOUR REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, Lansing. 489-6168. TF collar, lost in vicinity of M-78 and Hagadorn. After 5 p.m. 351-0604. Real Estate THREE MEN needed to sublet in 4 MAN, fall, close to Union. TEAC A1200U DUPLEX — 3 man. Summer sublet. Tape deck plus 3-514 man for summer term. Across $13.50/weekly. Call ED 7-9566 accessories. Like new. $250. |T0 wble«- street from 5518 Utilities. Close to campus. ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses? Save 393-5937 after 6 p.m. 3-514 SPACIOUS THREE bedroom ranch , Call 'rene 349 0832 campus. reasonable. Call 332-8370. 5-5-13 Very $70/man. 332-2029. 3-5-12 at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 near campus. Why rent, invest that js 3 5-12 TWO GIRLS needed for summer East Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. COLOR TV 23" Zenith. Also Wilson money and split the payments *• GIRLS. SUMMER or fall. Near C-5-14 with your friends. Call Bill Thelen, £ FURNISHED term. Cedar Village. Call Marsha APARTMENTS, campus. golf clubs, full set. Call 3555661. 351-6500 or SIMON summer 351-2087. 3-514 Furnished. Parking. REAL ". leases available. 332-8903. 5-5-14 DYNACO 120 power amp. Dual 3-514 REWARD. LOST Helbros calendar ESTATE, Okemos, 349-3310. Reservations now being accepted 1010 automatic changer. Garrard watch. Campus area. Call Jeff, —' utilities paid. Private for September. 731 ATTENTION GIRL student teachers CHURCH 2-5-13 BURCHAM, lab 55 automatic RUMMAGE sale. Friday 355-9044. 3-513 KLe $H0 / month plus East Lansing. See these sharp for Traverse City. Room available Rooms Panasonic changer. and Saturday, May 14th and 15th, EAST LANSING, Best buy in town. K Phone 627-5454. 5-5-14 luxury units including shag 351-3051. 5518 8 track tape deck. Norelco stereo cassette recorder. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., at 147 Lexington LOST SIAMESE (Sealpoint) male Very nice 3 bedroom Colonial carpeting, ultra modern kitchen MEN. CLEAN quiet Scott model 17 speakers. behind Brookfield Plaza. Clothing, cat. Near Cedar Village. Reward. saltbox. In fine neighborhood. Z rooms. Summer ■ V 7l7EAST APTS. with dishwasher, swimming pool, beautifully landscaped grounds, SUPERVISED APARTMENTS Cooking, close to campus. STEREOS toys, furniture, household items, 351-8102.3-512 Garage, fireplace, studio. By 711 Burcham Now 487-5753. O Receivers, $59.95 up. Speaker miscellaneous, and Bake goods. owner. $29,000. 647 Sunset Lcne. renting 3 and 4 • Luxe large 1 bedroom and ample parking. Only $175. Open daily and Sunday 10 a.m. - efficiencies for summer man and TWO ROOMS available June 15th. sets, $19.95, up. Compact stereos, $39.50 up. 8 track automatic tape 3-514 LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial 355-8255 now for a quick - action 351-0098.3-514 Burnished apartments. noon, 1 -6 p.m. 351-7212.0 fall. $125 Quiet. Fine location. Gentlemen. SCOTT AMPLIFIER. LK60 Voice of Classified Ad. Citable for 2 & 3 m®"- - $150 per term. IV 2-8304. 3-514 players, $29.50 up. 8 track tapes, used $2.50, new $4.00. Stereo Music turntable and Kustom 200 SOUTH OF MSU. Large, old kept home. 2 acres / $39,500. nicely ' ^ fltt leasing f°r Summer 126 MILFORD 351-6317 albums, $1.50 down. PA top. 484-6880. B-1-512 REWARD. LOST amethyst ring, JOHANNA SARGENT, broker. pd Fall. 9 & ,12 month Now leasing: 2 and 3 man ROOMS SUMMER. Three blocks Italian wall tapestries. Oriental yellow gold at Deacon's Bench, IV 5-6128. 1-512 ' H leases. apartments, close to campus. SUBLET SUMMER, 2 girls each own from campus. Air conditioned. bedspreads. AM-FM clock and CONN CORONET. Excellent Grand Ledge. Call Chri.tina 1337-7328 337-0780 B $170. 351-2207, 372-5767, bedroom. $62 across from Call 332-2501. 3-514 portable radios. TV sets, walkie condition. $75 or best offer. Call Brown_33^_572._551_2_ 351-4878 489-1656. 24-6-4 campus. 351-6485. 5518 talkies, tape recorder, and surf 355-6262. 5518 _ COOKING, MEN, summer and fall. board. Merchandise tested and LOST: LIGHT green wallet, Kellogg ; ifT ONE girl for Eden Roc. LANSING OR East Lansing. One SUMMER SUBLET, 2 men needed Close to Union. Call ED 7-9566. guaranteed. WILCOX U.S. DIVER 72 cubic inch doubles. Center Tuesday. Desperately need PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free 5518 With twin backpack and boots. for identification. No questions, estimates. Grad students, ■Sue, 351-0303. 5-5-14 bedroom furnished. Large, airy for 4 man apartment, 351-0659. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 E. . Michigan, Lansing. Phone Used only twice. $120. 3554535. 35 54588, 482-5850. S-5-12 experienced, references. Brighten rooms. Air conditioned. 3-514 > SPARTAN 3-514 ftlRLS for large beautiful close Beautifully maintained. Suitable HALL, singles, men, 4854391. Hours daily: 8 a.m. - up your house for spring. artmem. neaucea for faculty, grad SUMMER ONE women. Now leasing for summer, 5:30 p.m. C 349-4817. C , 332-2911. 55-14 people, married couples. students, business girl needed: Cedar fall. 351-9286, 372-1031. O VM 4 track stereo tape recorder. 4 Personal Lease. Village. Michele, 353-1138; 332-3135 or 882-6549. O months old. Must sell. Call YOUR PLACE or mine. Volkswagen Elaine, 353-1201.3-514 FRATERNITY FREE .A lesson in complexion CHECK repair service. Seeded for two man summer HOUSE open for 663-8863. 3514 . . 4856500 after 5 . care. Call 484-4519, East Reduced. Near summer rent. For information call LEONARD WHOLESALE'S Michigan P.m. 3-514 399. 3-513 RIVER HOUSE & ALBERT Houses 332-5053. 55-17 LOW PRICES ON CITIZENS BAND radio. 1967 or 485-7197, MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS Lansing Mall. APARTMENTS Demco Satellite. 5 watt. Base PROTECT YOUR DAMAGE ROOMS 10 minutes from STUDIOS. C-5-13 lisHED APARTMENT, 4 Fall & Completely furnished. 372-8077 campus. PHOTOGRAPHY station. 3-514 Many extras. 482-8181. DEPOSIT!! PORCELITE expertly repairs . Private, parking, Summer, 1 block from before 4 p.m. C chipped porcelain 89-0450. 5-517 campus, 1 - 2 bedroom, 2 - 4 ROSY SALES PITCH plumbing fixtures and appliances. EAST LANSING - Students. One, 2 AMPEX AUTO Usual amount withheld: $40-$50. reverse tape recorder, persons, furnished, balcony, and 3 Cosmeticians in bedroom California JbEDROOM quiet residential air conditioning, study. Furnished duplexes. For Sale Lafayette auto reverse tape deck, a Average Procelite repair: $15-$20. Bghborhood near North including utilities. Clark 12" speakers, KLH drug store are encouraged to Discounts for multiple orders. ■ ■ rn. Call 332-1027. 3-5-13 REDUCED SUMMER RATES. 204 River St., Apt. Summer. REALTY, 351-5300. 5514 CLAUCHERTY GUITAR MARTIN, Model 18C. $225 SAVE TO speaker, Miracord 484-3567 after 5 p.m. 3-514 8" turntable. wear sunglasses in the store with the price tags Free estimates. Call now! Phone 372-5882 after 5 p.m. B2-512 6. 351-3484 or 332-0255. with case. Like new. 484-1740. hanging ; from the frame. [|RL needed for 4 girl su Lr Vp£\\lT 6-0,031, STODDARD APARTMENTS. TWO OR month. three girls for fall. $60 a Close. Call 332-2023. 6-518 50% SONY INTRAGRATED amplifier TA-1144, new, stereo You'll look at the world Typing Service FISHER FM receiver, 40 watts. Sony through rose colored Furnished, 2 man. Close to 3-512 4-track stereo tape deck. Both glasses Pre-set tuning. 11 months. $125. when COMPLETE campus. Call 351-8238, 332-2920. excellent. Must you attract new THESES service. sell. 353-6831. . WARDCLIFF. 353-8238. 3-513 customers to 126 MILFORD FURNISHED, 3 • 3-514 your business Discount printing. IBM typing and L Leasing: only 3 left. 2 man bedroom house. $250/month. economically with State binding of theses, resumes, close to campus. NEED FURNISHED Family only. 332-2364. 3-514 GUITAR, WILSON 6 string. Like News publications. Across from campus, efficiency near Classified Ads. Dial . §2207, 372-5767, 489-1656. campus. Fall term only. Call new, complete with case and Animals 355-8255 Classified Ads. corner MAC and Grand River, lesson 309 N. ] 351-0746. 2-512 THREE GIRLS needed to share 4 books, $200. 882-4735 Washington below Style L girl Shop. Call after 5 p.m. 3-5-13 house behind Inn America for Lansing ALASKAN MALAMUTE puppies, REMEMBER! "EYE See The Light COPYGRAPH SERVICES, , summer and fall. 351-6326. 3-513 young dogs, adults. Impressive and Show," dances, concerts, parties. 337-1666. C Norwood Apartments PANASONIC 4 track stereo devoted tape SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. companions. $50 up. 372-7740, 353-9523. X-2-513 | renting for large one and summer and campus. 332-3844. 3-512 IMMEDIATELY: GIRL for house. recorder. Dual capstan and Brand new portables — $49.95, 669-3423. 10-5-14 TYPING SERVICES in my East Ti Double room. Close. No lease. automatic reverse. 393-1076. Wl LL ANYONE who saw the arrests Lansing home. Phone 332-3306. FOUR GIRLS 3-513 $5.00 per month. Large selection 0-512 [ Close to campus, wanted for 4 girl 351-9302. 3-5-14 of reconditioned used machines. PUPPIES. PART Beagle and late Wednesday afternoon on May d summer rates. Call apartment, 10 weeks summer Schnauzer. 5 weeks old. $10 each. 5th in West Circle Drive at term. Private home. 349-9368. MUST SELL Red / yellow bead Singers, Whites, Necchis, New ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith H2712 after DUPLEX, three bedrooms available — 3 p.m. 339-9203. 5518 Kalamazoo please call 355-2813. curtain Home & "Many Others." $19.95 1-512 for summer term. $220. ($10), posters, lamps ($7). 3-5-12 offset printing. Complete service Yellow - gold carpet with pad, 9x9 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS for ■ &RAD for 2 ma 351-0787.3-514 FREE 10 month Terrier, size Collie, dissertations, theses,- ($45), red curtains ($20), gold DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, Pished, garage, All shots, spayed. 339-9090. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. curtains ($10). Unique 4'x2' 1115. North Washington, 21 years experience. 349-0850. C 67.50 I month. Available ROOMMATE NEEDED summer, 2-5-13 4-Channel Color Organ ($300). 489-6448. C-5-13 - i 7th. 373-0699 between 8 - 5 option for fall. Own room. $55/month. 351-9421. 3-514 332-3848, 9-11 p.m., anytime Rent a TV for the last month of ■„ ask for Dennis. 3-5-14 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, AFGHAN - BLOND female, AKC, 5 TYPING - TERM papers and theses. LOVELY FURNISHED efficiency, weekends. 5514 the term. . . NEJAC TV canisters and uprights. Guaranteed years old. $200 or best offer. Call Electric typewriter, fast service. 915 Lilac. $120 plus electricity. THREE MEN RENTALS 337-1300. ■ ONE girl for 4 girl summer, to sublet 3 bedroom 332-8586. 3-513 Call 349-1904. 18-6-4 SIGNATURE ELECTRIC typewriter, one full year. $7.88 and up. 1 Cedar Village. Available May 16th. 349-3604. furnished house. Summer term. 332-8594, 6 months old. Only $149, new DENNIS DISTRIBUTING A. 2513 5518 Just north of campus. Call $220. Must sell, leaving country. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. ST. BERNARD pups, AKC. Between WE DO take appointments. UNION PROFESSIONAL TYPIST seeks term 351-2705. 3-514 Call 351-3799. 2-5-12 Opposite City Market. C-5-13 Jackson and Eaton Rapids, south BUILDING papers, theses. Best rates, speedy DUPLEX, JUNE and September. 2 BARBER SHOP. llSHED APARTMENT for and 3 bedroom. of Tompkins Center, Ramsey's. C-5-12 service. 351-4619. 19-6-4 , Clean. Call SUMMER: FIVE bedrooms, 2 baths, 10 GALLON fried couple. Available June 372-1629. 17-6-4 garage close. Also apartments, fish tank with SAILBOAT 8' Sportyak dinghy. 5517 Close to accessories. Call Bruce the Fish Great car - top boat, like new. TYPIST, BOOKKEEPING in my campus. Peanuts Personal . 16 month. 332-2495.3-5-13 332-3357. 5518 Man, after 5:30 p.m., 332-1786. FREE home. NEED ONE girl to share apartment Complete, delivered, $150. Ken, TWO furry multi - colored Pick-up and delivery. For summer term 3:513^ 353-6400. S-5-12 kittens, eight weeks old. Trained. faculty or businesses, phone near campus. LIBERAL ROOMMATES for nice Call 4853826. 1-512 655-3458.6-513 (AL VILLA: Summer sublet; 3 332-0143, or Ann, 337-0228. house. In East 14' CAMPER trailer. Stove, CHICAG, THANKS for making a sad pool; furnished. Lansing. Jim. SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49; chest, 1-512 351-9160. 55-18 refrigerator, sleeps 5. $450. Call guy happy. You're beautiful. PROFESSIONAL §0419.3-5-13 355-2960. 5-5-14 $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC DOG All breeds. Reasonable rates. K-9 grooming. Always, Scott. 1-512 PROFESSIONAL THESIS i SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 ONE GIRL needed for 4 man. School FURNISHED, ONE bedroom, PARIG0LD APTS ALTO SAXAPHONE Good Turner. C COIFFURES. 694-0098. 10-514 PREPARATION | year. Close to campus. 353-6198. children, pets, summer or fall. IBM | 911 Marigold Ave. Typing . 3-514 condition. $135 or best offer. $130, includes utilities. 351-9421. m furnished deluxe Judy. 3-514 Phone 351-7427.5-5-14 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, most Mobile Homes • Multilith Printing brands. 30% off list price. Rich: • Hardbinding ts. Across from LANSING. 3 rooms upstairs, 351-5869. 0-5-12 us.Leasing now Summer furnished including laundry THREE GIRLS, 21, fall, furnished. RICHARDSON 1967 12'x52' 2 Complete Professional Thesis Service far Jill. 337-7328, 337-0780, except electricity. No children or East Lansing house, $55/month; HAIRDRYER OSTER. Hooded. In bedroom. Center kitchen, fully Master's and Doctoral Candidates. Fret 1 351-4878 pets. $100. 669-6695. 5518 one girl summer, 351-9421. Judy. NEIGHBORHOOD. GARAGE sale excellent - furnished. Set up on lot one block Recreation Brochure and Consultation. Please Call 3-5-14 condition. $20. Phone from city bus line. Excellent Cliff and Paula Haughey 337 1527 or 627 2936 May 14th 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., May 351-8464. 3-5-14 15th 9 condition, immediate possession. - 5 p.m. 1842 Melrose. SUMMER: 4 girls, near campus, Sacrifice price. Phone 484-3469 TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. Women's clothes, children's MAGNAVOX TROPHIES & PLAQUES parking, STEREO, two years after 5:30 p.m. 5518 Rapid accurate service. laundry. 2 baths. clothes and miscellaneous items. 351-2605. 6-513 old, portable, $80. Call Dav OVER 1000 TROPHI-S ON DISPLAY Experienced. 393-4075. O 2-514 351-1674. 3-5-14 1968 REMBRANDT. 12x50. Air NO WAIT HIS IMM'DIATt DEL/VERY conditioned. Furnished, near ipccW Pticti tor BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. - I Quentlt/ Purchattt No job too large or too small campus. $3400. 351-2036. 3-514 Block off campus. 332-3255. C _ r PROFESSIONAL MARSHFIELD 1969. 12x65 Front ENGRAVING OUR SPECIALTY SAVE SAVE SAVE living room, 2 bedrooms, new Xerox copying — offset printing — carpeting. Furnished, unfurnished, best quality at reasonable prices. skirting. Corner lot at Brookview. THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East 6257186, lot 54. 5518 Grand River. Phone 332-4222. C-5-14 TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. 1965 BELMONT 10x50. Excellent Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary condition. In lot. 332-3700, Ann Lance, 626-6542. 0-512 351-6814. 4-514 ' LANSING'S HOUSE OF TROPHIES" BELVEDERE 1959. 10x50. UNION BOARD PRESENTS Wanted Furnished. Completely carpeted. 2 bedroom, skirted. On lot near European flights: Detroit to London. 6/15 9/3, $229; 6/24 8/24. COMPANION NEEDED to share campus. 351-7719, evenings. - - Sir per man! __5512 FOR GLAD tidings look for something you've lost with a Want $229; 6/25 9/7, $229; 8/9 - 9/11, S209; 6/27 - Detroit to Frankfurt, 8/1 - 9/1, $219. Caledonia - 9/14, $199. house with 10-524 widow. 332-6125. or Madam, whichever!? Ad. Dial 355-8255 353-9777. C-5-12 Airlines. Call BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for Join the Mob at... GOING, SIMPSON WE'RE IS all positive. A negative, B negative > \ NEW ON THE JOB... and AB negative, $10.00. O ! VO YOU MlNP HVR III iF HE negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN V LISTENS IN WHILE COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, I; GOING, X LANP YOi>? 507'/a East Grand Lansing. Agove the new Campus River, East *- i Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 APARTMENTS ^ !lbr£u8h, it all together! For openers, there's the You meet the nicest people at GONE p.m., Monday, Thursday and Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 ' carnn„cTuJ -M'NI-BUS. Free rides to and from p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C f inR es a day. Goodbye to tardiness, park- Collingtoooi) TWO CaniDiic u'i,a.nd gas money. Say "Hello" to the FEMALE GRADS want area p ■ Mob who enjoy the romantic social Avoid the last summer sublease close. Call alone thon,K !,ables' Bar-B-Q pits, acres of grass minute crunch 353 4793 or 351-3707 after 5 "fw svvimm s of the PurP'e Cedar. Wow! Band during finals. p.m. 3-514 PeTp^-Sins Pool. All together for a mere $52.50 &,rlAir Conditioning ■ ■ I clnE'W ■ Studv a All Utilities Carpeting Throughout ■ Drapes F"rn'sbed ■ Balcony or Patio Units included 10 week summer $400.00 total leases Apartments! (formerly Northwind Apts.) For a choice location one block from campus, COUPLE SEEKS 2-513 summer $100. Call Barb Clark, 353-3481. sublet for leaS Area w'th drop lite ■ Walk thru Kitchen •UNLIMITED PARKING 'DISHWASHERS fall leases hurry to «Dishwa T Re,r'8erator ■ Range ■ Disposer *SHAG CARPETING I UrSBttT ^ ■ Laundry facilities ■ Storage and Parking. ■ p#rty Room *AIR CONDITIONING "BALCONIES now being WATER'S EDGE *AND MUCH MORE accepted and RIVER'S EDGE Fall leases now being accepted, $200/2 2 man/ $200 APARTMENTS 349-3530 $210/3 man man 3 man/ $210 It is the policy of the State News that See Frank or Jo Anne Rent a TV for the last month of $220/4 man 4 man/$220 Student Ads be Prepaid the term at 1050 Water's Edge Dr. . . . NEJAC TV 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind starting May 20th at 1 H'-NTALS 337-1300. Call 351-8282 Yankee Store) Call 351-8862 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Mi Action WASHINGTON (AP) former high government officials — Five The officials, in a statement prepared on behalf of the William McChesney Martin, Randolph Burgess and sought Preparing the statement were Treasury Undersecretary W. which are now being taken," they said "it is most important on a multilateral to leading and following through effort," the avert should cooperate In attempting to find a solution to the crisis in International exhange rates, it The council critical called development relations that j„ called Tuesday for decisive prestigious Atlantic Council, said former chairman of the Federal Livingston T. Merchant, former to re-examine the more basic statement said. can onlv hi action to bring the U.S. balance of payments deficit into line to bringing the payments deficit Reserve Board, former Secretary executive director of the into balance "is a national and of the Treasury Henry H. International Monetary Fund. elements Involved In the situation and to seek longer - Western Europe and Japan said. through long-term sofifi1' avert more international international responsiblity of Fowler, former budget director "Over and beyond the term solutions to prevent such monetary crises. critical priority." Percival F. Brundage, former immediate and palliative steps crises jn the future." The council did not spell out the solutions, nor did it say what specifically should be done to Admissions to halt ON CAMPUS reduce the deficit. In 1970, the balance of payments deficit reached $3.9 billion on a basis which includes advisement at orientation Minority employment all foreign transactions and climbed to a record $9.8 billion on a basis which includes transactions with foreign continuity for the incoming not in response Of the total minority employes, 712 are black, 278 oriental, (Continued from page one) to feeni, Minority employment at MSU has increased nearly 71 percent governments and foreign central freshman. from parents received after in the past five years, data compiled by the Office of Equal 122 Spanish-surnamed and seven American Indian. banks. "When the kids come in the The figures are contained in the latest Equal interested in a particular college. summer's orientation Opportunity Programs reveals. Employment The dollar crisis erupted when "The colleges wanted to be a fall, they'll remember that that the advisers were profI The latest survey shows that minority employes number opportunity report which the University is required to submit large amounts of short - term little bit more involved," he said. there's a guy called an RA who tellii incoming freshmen about 1,119, or 10.2 percent of the university's 10,984 full-time and annually to the federal government. capital flowed to Europe, where can help," McKinnon said. It shows continuation of the steady increase in minority Consequently, each college evils of college life, inc|tt graduate assistant employes. interest rates were higher than will each have about an hour in marijuana and premarital employment over the past five years. In 1967, the minority they are in the United States. the afternoon of the first day to Besides the change in name, percentage of total University employment was 6.6. It rose to 7.4 The council, a private tell students "what's going on the aides will no longer give Another change jn th. percent in 1968, 8.2 percent in 1969, 9.4 percent in 19'» 1 and nonprofit organization formed academic advice but will refer format is that now stands at 10.2 percent. to improve relations with and what's expected of them," the student to full-time formal ROTC there w 1 During this period, the number of minority employes in the Atlantic countries, said the he said. Other changes include a academic advisers from the presentaTio„ "professional" category, which includes faculty and graduate United States alone cannot reach colleges, McKinnon said. "ROTC isn't assistants, rose from 302 to 538. Minority individuals included in two-day format rather than required so , equilibrium in its balance of three days, "resident advisers" should there be a the "officials and managers" category climbed dramatically from 3 to 34. Another significant increase was in the office and clerical payments position. "It should be achieved through rather than Spartan aides and no The RA, just like the aide, will presentation? But if a to join or even to kid w! formal ROTC presentation. talk about "anything a kid feels listen I tfc category where minority employment rose from 35 to 157. The multilateral cooperation with he should have , McKinnon said the move to he wants to talk about," he said. the ch>i total employment of minority females increased nearly 84 the United States taking the RAs was an attempt to preserve He said the move to RAs was McKinnon said. A lawyer will be at ASMSU from officers will be held, and reports on percent during the five years (from 318 to 584J, 9 a.m. to noon and from I to 5 p.m. lhe national and state conventions every Wednesday and from I to S wi" be given. The club still needs p.m. every Thursday this term. Call players for spring sports. 353-0659 for an appointment. There is a $3 nominal charge. for your appointment, When coming please check a Chinese Student Assn. will present classical Chinese movie at 8 p.m. ON THOUSANDS-] FROZEN in at the ASMSU business office, »««Jay in the Auditorium. It is a FOODS 307-B Student Services Bldg. historical love story of a beautiful DAIRY FOODS, MEAT young girl who sacrificed herself for the safety of her country. Tickets PRODUCE, HEALTH 1 Reservations are now being taken cos, $, and wjM be avaj|ah|e at the & BEAUTY AIDS for the Union Board Flea Market - from 1 to 6 p.m. in the Union Board office. Registration fee is $3, payable Paolucci will Dr. speak on upon sign-up. The Flea Market is "Family Finances and Home open their to students, faculty, staff and families and registered student Management" at 8 p.m. Thursday in BONUS SPECIAL! the Day Care Center of the Married Students Services Bldg. in Spartan t Farmer Peet's Smoked Village. Babysitting will be provided. Vigil for peace will be held from 8 ' a.m. to 4 p.m. every Wednesday in ' The Rodeo Club will meet at 9 front of Bessey Hall. If you wish to p.m. today in the Judging Pavillion. ; ' help dramatize the need for the end The club will hold calf roping and of the war now, come and join the goat tying practice at 5 p.m. before group on a weekly or casual basis. the meeting. For information on practice, call 355-6107. Attention all fraternities. Don't miss your chance to get high! Get Attention chemistry students: the /our entires in for the Alpha Delta Pi ACS student affiliates will meet at pyramid contest to be held at 5 p.m. 7:30 p.m. today in 323 Chemistry May 22 during the Greek Faast. Bldg. to elect officers and plan this term's party. All interested students MSUSport will meet at 7:30 are welcome. Refreshments will be Thursday in Snyder Hall Class D. Those interested in workii 3301 EAST MICHIGAN BONUS SPECIAL BONUS S competing in the motorcycle Saturday should attend the me The Soaring Club will ^ Home Style Meaty ^ For information, call 355-9490. 7:30 p.m. today in 30 Union 5 LB. PKG. OR MORE - LEAN 10 MSUSport a.m. Saturday announces term's first motorcycle road ralley at Okemos Meijer's store. There is beginning spring a at 75 The Cycling Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in 31 Union. Guests will banning speak on automotive the possibility of traffic from , SPARE RIBS cent charge for students and faculty; campus. The club will review the $1 for all others. Trophies will be race, awarded. The fifth annual open karate The Chess Club will meet at 7:30 tournament will be held Saturday in p.m. today in East Holmes Hall lower the Men's Intramural Building sports lounge. Please bring sets. arena. Eliminations will be held at Fisheries and Wildlife Club will noon, and finals and demonstrations meet at 7 p.m. today in 183 Natural will be held at 7:30 p.m. Resources Bldg. Backpacking and the ANRC conclave will be discussed. A The College of Social Science fisheries biologist from the Dept. of announces petitioning for five seats Natural Resources will present a slide on its Student Advisory Committee, lecture on Michigan's fisheries Petitions may be picked up from 8 management program. a.m. to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. today through next Wednesday in the OPEN 7 A.M. -11 P.M. "Gas 'Em All" was the message dean's office, 203 Berkey Hall, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK REG. PRICE left on one of the project's posters in WITH COUPON a-dormitory. It can't happen here? Reminder: To persons who have Don't bet on it. The Jewish already purchased tickets for the SAVE 25c On 5 Banquet Frozen Liberation Project will meet at 7:30 Union Board theater trip to see HALF GAL. COUNTRY FRESH GRADE A p.m. today in the Union Oak Room. "Jesus Christ Superstar" - the bus will depart at 7 p.m. today from the SEVEN The Promenaders will meet and Abbott Road Entrance next to the VAR. dance from 7 to 8:15 p.m. today in BUY 4 - SAVE 33c Union. Union Parlor B. All are welcome. NEW SIZE! Scot Lad Frozen LIMIT 1 PER COUPON PER FAMILY: Residence Hall Assn. will meet at BIG E JUMBO MFGRS. COUPON GOOD THRU SAT. New Mortar Board members will 6:30 p.m. today in the Shaw Hall meet at 8 p.m. today in the Union Captain's Room. special dining room. All interested students are invited to attend. MAY 15 No. 1 [ FREE FREE FREE FREE SAVE 25c - Scot Lad Canned ESTIMATES n all your copying and printim THE COPY SHOPPE Veterans Assn. will 543 E.Grand River WITH THIS 337-1300 SAVE 28c - Scot Lad Canned COUPON Open 8 - 6, Sat. 9 12 REG. 1.44 CHASE & SANBORN || 4:99' f SAVE 12c — Scot Lad Strawberry COFFEE LIMIT 1 PER COUPON PER $1,9||j|| FAMILY MFGRS. COUPON GOOD THRU SATjji feiijj MAY 15 . .. 'cause my shirt is so comfortably lovely! It's soft cotton knit, printed in wonderful SAVE 12c ON POLLY ANNA colors. It's got long cuffed sleeves and WITH THIS a pointed collar. COUPON • And I can wear it tucked in with REG. 38c STARK 1ST LIGHT skirts, or slipped 32 FL. OZ. BTLS. NO RETURN BTLS. over pants! Were $10 L Junior Sizes LIMIT 2 PER COUPON PER FAMILY GOOD THRU SAT. MAY 15 No. 4 WITH THIS COUPON EACH FRESH PINEAPPLE Across from the Union