You know . . Thursday I'm crazy but I' i MICHIGAN Cool . . . STATE NEWS under partly sunny skies. STATI . . . High 53-58. Tonight continued cold. Low 30-35. UNIVERSITY 63 Number 179 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 13, 1971 House votes to restart transport plane project WASHINGTON (AP) - The battle over With the leaders of both parties in the where the SST was killed two months ago developing an American supersonic House behind them, backers of a drive to 51 to 46. transport plane was revived Wednesday breathe new life into the 1,800 - mile - an - "It might be nip and tuck" this time, when the House executed an about-face hour passenger plane won an initial test Mansfield said. by and voted $85 million to restart the 201 to 195 and nailed down by 201 to 197 In a statement, President Nixon project. on a second vote. Eight weeks ago they lost congratulated the House "for having very The Senate will take 215 to 204. wisely reversed their earlier position,"and up the renewed fight next and Democratic Leader Mike added: Mansfield of Montana predicted the Mansfield said the resurrection will meet "The Congress has today taken an outcome there will be close. "very extended debate" in the Senate, important first step on behalf of thousands of workers across the country who have been engaged in the SST program — and Prof whose vital skills and experience might sees littl otherwise be lost to the nation." Nixon restated a pledge "that the SST will not be committed to production until all environmental concerns have been of vote on un thoroughtly satisfied." The Boeing Co., which has laid off more than 5,000 workers since its contract to of the faculty, "if anyone got 30 per cent, develop the aircraft was canceled, said any By STEVE WATERBURY attempt to reconstruct the program must we have enough signatures to appear on the State News Staff Writer be on the basis of an entirely new contract. ballot by a comfortable margin." "This new contract must fully recognize There is little chance that a collective According to PERA, if a prospective the rights of the parties under the bargaining election will be held during bargaining agent secures enough signatures for a MERC supervised bargaining election, terminated contract and the large costs spring term to determine whether faculty which will be incurred in re-establishing and members wish to be represented by a other organizations can receive intervener status and a place on the ballot by securing carrying out the new program, the bargaining agent, C. Keith Groty, asst. signatures from 10 per cent of the company said. professor of labor and industrial relations, said employes in the defined bargaining unit. Speaker Carl Albert of Oklahoma told Wednesday. the House it would be foolish to kill the "The time that would be necessary to "The faculty of MSU, as of early spring, 1971, did not seem ready for collective plane after spending $1 billion on it. secure additional signatures on ASMSU tackles policy authorization cards and to initiate the election process would take longer than the bargaining," Nosow said. House Republican leader Gerald R. Ford of Michigan said Congress "was acting in the dark" when it killed the SST eight luring their weekly meeting Tuesday night, ASMSU questioned the legality of the University's housing policy as time available during the remainder of the (Please turn to page 15) weeks ago — and said the SST workers who I regards those students who, because of age, will not be allowed to move off-campus in the fall. academic year," Groty said. Collective bargaining authorization card have been laid off since then demanded State News photo by Tom Dolan that decision be reversed. circulation drives were launched Feb. 18 Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wisc., the by MSU Faculty Associates (MSUFA) and leading SST opponent, said the House ISMSU PLANS SUIT Feb. 25 by the MSU chapter of the American Assn. of University Professors reversal "makes a travesty of the legislative process." (AAUP). Both organizations set spring There is no more reason now than there term target dates for the completion of was in March to vote money for this white their efforts to secure signatures from 30 lousing challeng elephant," Proxmire said. per cent of the faculty members. The House vote makes no sense The Public Employment Relations Act whatsoever, he said. (PERA) of 1965 requires that signatures be secured from 30 per cent of the employes or early August," Doug Callahan, and Charles Massogla, asst. director for Legal in a bargaining unit before the prospective ASMSU board director of ASMSU Wednesday. "I consider Legal Aid Services, said the board's approval by Aid Services, told the board Tuesday night that the tactics to be used in the students' case may include arguments based on the bargaining agent can petition the Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC) for a bargaining election. Motion put off Tuesday night acclamation to be an indication of their First, Eighth and the Fourteenth d by acclamation a motion to go d with a $2,000 challenge to the ersity housing policy in Federal concern for the civil liberties of students," he said. amendments to the U.S. Constitution. "The University has arbitrarily created a "It would appear that neither of the prospective bargaining agents have achieved their goal," Groty said. to pull troops Callahan said ASMSU's first step may be class of people under 21 by not allowing trict Court in Grand Rapids. Sigmund Nosow, president of the MSU In their weekly meeting, the student 1 questioned the legality of the to seek an injunction against the University to keep them from penalizing students who them to live off campus on the basis on financial need," Massogla said. chapter of the AAUP, said Tuesday that although the AAUP did not succeed in its from Europe move off campus inviolation of current He said that in the Moliere vs. efforts to gain signatures from 30 per cent housing policy. (Please WASHINGTON (AP) - The Nixon turn to back page) (See related story page 7) administration succeeded Wednesday in putting off for one week a showdown on a proposal to halve U.S. troop strength in |hersity policy which they said Student reveals profits Europe, giving it time to find a way to trily discriminates against students block the move. I are not 20 years of age by the third After ■ of fall registration a day of maneuvering and by prohibiting them behind-the-scenes meetings, the Senate » moving off campus. agreed to vote next Wednesday on the Ttoold Buckner, ASMSU chairman, said troop> ' *. ■ ^ Mathias Jr., R-Md., author of a pending alternative endorsing President Nixon's I The MSU New Players will present Ithaca, N.Y., senior, said that housing The section of the preliminary report in plans to maintain U.S. troops strength in |"0m Paine" nances in a series of weekend committee members should look into the profit margins of East Lansing landlords as question recommends that zoning regulations presently allowing a maximum T. director, Michael Conlisk, city planning disagreed with Ipcar when Topsy-turvy- Europe, said they were ready to vote at any time. beginning at 8:30 p.m. 'V and Friday and at 7 and 10 p.m. a possible explanation for the lack of low - of five persons in a single - family dwelling contacted Wednesday afternoon. Gary Rosenberg, Detroit But Sen. John C. Stennis, D-Miss., cost housing in the city. in a duplex zone be changed to allow a "We've looked into this," he said, "and chairman of the Armed Services ■V. in the Shaw Hall Little freshman, sometimes finds it a Charles' presentation touched off a long maximum of four. we think that an extremely small number little hard to keep his feet on the Committee and floor manager of the f- Tickets are on sale for $1.50 at * evening of debate and criticism at the This recommendation would affect draft-extension bill to which Mansfield Union, Marshall Music, State ground. hearing, which was attended by about 50 housing in Zone R-3, an area roughly offered the amendment, said many "ountand Lum's. (Please turn to back page) State News photo by Jim Klein persons, ranging from self - described bounded by Burcham Drive, Grand River senators want to speak on the proposal. unfunded project battles drug addiction BV JIM SHELDON by the program, except for space in the addicts — often unsuccessfully — to the At least 45 minutes are spent during a rap "We just don't know where we are," she State News Staff Writer corner building also occupied by the West few beds available in area hospitals. One session while volunteers assist the addict in decared. "We're trying to find a way to get Side Drug Education Center. bed is currently reserved in the Ingham together to help the people." relating to his family, community and job. Medical lp foffkseven Lansing residents seeking Anyone — family, friends or the addict himself — who comes in with a problem project. Hospital for addicts sent by the His habits and reasons for his addiction are A volunteer described one April 2 of this year which incident L i-. ^ero'n addiction have died identified, and necessary treatment is occurring on ary of this year because area will be helped, the workers say. "I don't have anything to promise explained. illustrated the plight of the project and of But the project itself has had problems, because I would hate to have them (the "We have cured more persons in five the persons it tries desperately to help: FrnmrulQ(Wt>re unable to supply the and help has been long in coming. Project addicts) lose confidence because I didn't A 38 FdireHn ,S they needed, according to months than hospitals have in a year," a - year - old man, married with workers have waited for about five weeks give them the things that I promised," Mrs. volunteer declared. "At this time they're children, came to the project on \farch 25 Ingram r a west-side Lansing drug for word from Model Cities about a McMullen said. not messin' around. They're workin'. A car with a letter from his probation officer $45,000 allocation which was approved C5#."cMulle„, founder and April 13 by Lansing City Council. two Currently aided by and studying under psychologists from the Ingham County can only Mrs. cure himself." McMullen said that although ordering him to join a drug program. Recently out of prison where he had | exDlL!rJ.ect Reach' 600 s- Logan Mental Health Dept., the six volunteers the Stlv fink. and six volunteers are persons keep coming, the project has little spent six months for grand larceny, the Mrs. McMullen said Wednesday she work with the addict seeking help to to offer. There's no place to send groups titles fnAu8 for doct°rs and medical contacted Model Cities on Tuesday about familiarize him with his problem so he who are searching for help; but they come (Please turn to page 15) new Sma" bui,din8 where about the promised funds and was told the money doesn't get "hooked" again once he has hoping the project lend Wiofhoi 6/Sons come each week in would probably arrive within a week. withdrawn from a drug. anyway, hand, she said. can a Married students inject rP ?r t|le'r addiction to heroin. Second in a series She said she was meeting Wednesday In addition to helping an addict find The project workers don't know where ,, each is a west-side Lansing Petitions for candidates for the afternoon with Model Cities officials to try medical treatment, the project also does to turn for assistance, she added, and ug program organized about Married Students Activities Assn. are The nonprofit project, supposedly in the to nail down the funds which are referral work helps addicts find jobs ago by Mrs. McMullen, persons die because hospitals — also short available beginning today at the Day a project volunteer as a process of receiving vital funds from the desperately needed to support resident and holds "rap sessions.' in which*persons of crucial space — turn them away while in Model Cities project in Lansing, is manned doctors and medical facilities at the project Care Center in Spartan Village. The seeking aid are told that help must come the process of withdrawal. Doctors are eitiino ™her who wanted to do by six volunteers, four of whom are MSU building. from within themselves — that the project needed in the project, and patients are petitions must have 15 signatures and be ctioa» dr«g addicts and drug students. No donations have been received At present, the project can only refer can only assist. returned by May 21. always available, Mrs. McMullen said. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday May 13, |9] Union may By BILL HOLSTEIN State News Staff Writer union money to rebate part to each student which of the add student ranks for it," he said. Grosvenor said other problems qualify for inclusion in the union. said this would management to hire fewer part - force "about half" mav, if the unionizatil f811""'* would make a "screwy per capita in including students in Local Parks said his local union has time students successful n att«mpt, He said students are "When employes union Local bookkeeping arrangement." Service 1585 in addition to the dues been in contact with the you . Repas said he was pleased would be defining how few International regarding the proceeding with their plans to enough, you i w 1585, is "exploring the organize despite the risk that chance,"he said • feasibility" of changing its Local 1585 made the decision to hours per week a student may possibility of suspending dues Uke 1 look into changing the bylaws. work and still belong and what for part time student workers. bylaws to provide student - MiiaaiiMiiiiMMir. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■( "I'm membership within that union, taken. glad this action has been I hope they follow types of student position would Answer sought Darwin Parks president, said "We're trying to get an answer Wednesday. through on it," he said. from the International which Views expressed Education unit will probably be in late summer. Thursday' treat Parks said he expects the "In tha' the (Man and Brian Casteleyn, Detroit necessary changes to be made to They'd almost have to call a Nature) booksta is set up as a freshman and one of the leaders allow students to join Local special convention to suspend corporation, vvt lave no control 1585 paying reduced dues of the student unionization attempt, Wednesday expressed elects McKee the dues," Parks said. over what tley do. After before classes start in the fall. "Hopefully, it'll happen before similar views on the union The major obstacle to having school starts next year." consulting with }egal counsel, we ; --smiles at U' action. student workers in Local 1585 is The director of MSU's Local 1585 cannot refuse have located num< rous problems." "It's great. It opens up a good the $6 per month dues, of which Evening College has been elected students who seek union - Diane Rathnow, the union must pay $4 to its possibility," he said. to the board of directors of the membership but in the past The union structure is roughly ASMSU director parent organizations, Council 7 Adult Education Assn. of students have not belonged to equivalent to the city, state and )f cabinet services and the International American Federation of State, County and federal government arrangement Michigan. Charles A. the union, Parks said, because of the dues and because it would sli Today is Gentle Thursday. And, as ASMSU Chaim. McKee, associate Harold Buckner would say, to attempt to define the with the local, council and Municipal Workers, AFL-CIO he professor of continuing endanger his employment. (See story p. 7) said. international respectively in education, was named to the "If the students drew exactly M °r in its historical origins (a group of gentle people d 1966) would be to mar its spontaneous spirit "Students working 25 per cent place of the political units. 15-member board at the the same wages (as union m "Gentle Thursday is something you can't To suspend or greatly reduce Hor iiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim'imiiiiMiiifiiaiiiii of the time cannot be expected to pay full - time dues nor can the fees for student workers, association's annual recently in Grand Rapids. meeting members', it would jeopardize their jobs," he said. "Just the H f feeling and or decree," if you haveBuckner said. "Gentle Thursday ^ both the Council and the to stop to think about rJl Currency uncertainly continues the union be expected to subsidize the students," Robert International would also have to McKee joined the MSU faculty in 1955 as an instructor minute a student signs a union card, he may be jeopardizing his ttx Thursday, you'll never have that feeling " e Widespread uncertainty over money values in Europe's Repas, professor of labor and agree to change their in mathematics and received a job. M with .,f°' g° old yOUr Cight °'c,ock with a shake hands industrial relations, said constitutions in special doctorate degree in Students paid an enemy, get into a good rap, think eenti! currency crisis sent the price of free gold to an conventions. now are m thoughts of peace, love and harmony, and help sDrcari II administration 18-month high in bullion markets Wednesday. Wednesday. Repas is also the Roberts C. Grosvenor, education from MSU. He served and higher substantially less per hour than "Gentle Thursday feeling." p a the unofficial adviser to a group of full - time workers and if they London dealers said demand for the metal was steady student workers attempting to president of Council 7, said as asst. director of University belonged to the union would and persistent for fat from panic level. Wednesday proposals to lower Extension from 1967-68. draw about the organize themselves. the dues for same pay. Park" The price was marked up 50 cents an ounce students have Repas said the only way "never been able to get through Wednesday morning in London to woo sellers into the within the present constitution conventions. market to meet the growing demand. The maneuver the student could be allowed to pay less money in dues is for the "In the past, there has not SEEKS EXTENI apparently worked. The price backed off 25 cents at the been great demand or support afternoon, fixing to $40.45 an ounce. Prof's appeal supported The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Tie-up agreement reached University, is published every class day during four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Chrysler Corp. and Mitsubishi Motors, Japan's third Subscription rate is $14 per year. largest automobile manufacturer, reached agreement Member Associated Press, United Press International, By STEVE WATERBURY recent action relevant to the reappointed and who requested, Bertram G. Murray and Wednesday on a tie-up involving a $100 million Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate State News Staff Writer nonreappointment of members but were denied, reasons for the R. Van Tassell, were eligible Press, of the Dept. of Natural Science investment by the American auto firm. Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press A nontenured faculty action. the contract extension under member in the Dept. of Natural has adopted a class action, be it The appointment extension terms of the board's Under the terms of the agreement, which is expected Association, United States Student Press Association. actk Science who is requesting a one - resolved that this action include was offered to enable the Seltin said. to be approved formally by the Japanese government Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. year extension of his contract Downes, and that this action be question of the reappointment However, Murray I next month, Chrysler would acquire 35 per cent of Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services will have his appeal supported outside the tenure program, and of nontenured faculty members accepted a job offer ft Mitsubishi Motors, a wholly owned subsidiary of by his department. that this action be subject to the to come under new procedural Rutgers University and has building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mitsubishi heavy industries, one of Japan's largest Michigan. Richard J. Seltin, acting wishes of Downes," the guidelines which include the applied for an extension. chairman of the department, resolution reads. offering of reasons for a decision Petitions have been circula conglomerates. Phones: said Wednesday that a motion Downes, an asst. professor of to not reappoint. in South Campus for over i Editorial was unanimously passed during a natural science, said Friday that Two faculty members in the weeks by students supportin Income rise slackens Classified 355-8252 May 3 meeting of the Natural he planned to request a contract Dept. of Natural Science, contract renewal for Downes. Advertising 355-8255 Display Advertising 353-6400 Science Dept. faculty which extension. The rise in national offered to extend the contract The board action referred to personal income slackened in Business - Circulation 355-3447 April, the government said Wednesday, supplying new Photographic 355-8311 of William L. Downes, for a one - year period. by the department resolution extended the contracts of all African weekend to feature evidence the economy has yet to match the Nixon "Whereas, the board by faculty members who were not administration's ambitions. The Commerce Dept. reported that personal income films, speakers, soul dinner of Americans advanced by a seasonally adjusted $4.5 A Pan African between 1 and 5 p.m. Friday billion last month, trailing February's increase by $1.7 - Weekend, sponsored by the Black United the African Studies Center at billion. International Center. Front, the Pan - African Although personal income isn't regarded as the most Students Organization in the Although all progr sensitive barometer of economic activity, the slower America's and the Black arrangements are not comple Liberation Front International, the organizers said they plan gain fit into a pattern of generally unfavorable economic will begin activities Friday. show a film on Malcolm X statistics announced so far for April. Students interested in the p.m. Friday in 109 Anth activities majt pick up Hall. The Saturday speak Postal reform announced a schedule program includes SekoureTo from the Republica of Guin Postmaster General Winton M. Blount disclosed Kwame Ata from Detroit ' MSU Ski Club has Wednesday a sweeping reorganization of the U.S. Postal Jochannan from Ethiopia.' Service that congressional sources say may spell early and place have not yet All those retirement for as many as 3,500 of the service's 750,000 should call 353-5199 or stop by selected. A soul dinner employes. the club office between 1-3 M-F. planned for 5:30 p.m. Satur II John at 351-8647. in Holden Hall. The reorganization plan, the product of postal-reform legislation that takes full effect July 1, eliminates 10 of 15 regional postal headquarters and realigns the chain of ■OPEN HOUSE at the UNION authority between Washington and the postman on his route. ! Union Day — May 17 Lockheed purge pushed I Schedule off Events Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif., said " WHAT WHERE WHEN Wednesday an administration bill to | Butterfingers (5c) Magazine Counter All Day save Lockheed Aircraft from collapse I Rock Band "The Dogs' Mixed Lounge 12 Noon 3 P.M. faces serious trouble in Congress [ Scavenger Bakewalk (15c) Hunt 2nd Floor Concourse 4 P.M. unless it UN Lounge requires a purge of top I FREE FILM ORGY Ballroom 4-11 P.M. management. I ' Special Dinner Commenting in advance of the P.M. expected introduction today of a bill j (with entertainment) Cafeteria 5 6-11 P.M. I Free Bowling Union Bowling Alley providing $250 million in loan I Free Billiards Billiard Room 6-11 P.M. i guarantees, Cranston said he will offer 7-9 P.M. an amendment requiring a clean sweep J Free Bingo Parlors A, B, C 7 P.M. I Ping-Pong Tourney UN Lounge [ of Lockheed's 14 directors. Without such a purge the bill may I fail, the senator said, forcing MOTORCYCLE ALAN CRANSTON Lockheed into a billion-dollar bankruptcy that would throw 24,000 people out of work. Pollution suit filed Five Navajo Indians, beating an Indian-conservationist coalition to the punch, have sued to make the federal ROAD RALLYE government shut down air a major power plant because of Saturday May 15 pollution. SUNday Putting a new twist in environmental tactics, the suit filed in Washington alleges that the Interior Dept.'s 100 Miles approval of contracts permitting construction of the plant on a Navajo reservation was illegal because the 10 AM department failed in its legal duty to protect the Indians. people talking to people. Starts from the Okemos Meijers Store Germ dump 'on schedule' It's a picnic lunch to share The tedious plan for destruction of deadly germ or come and share the food. 750 for MSU Students/Faculty with ID warfare agents by the Army at the Pine Bluff Arsenal in Pine Bluff, Ark., is It's hippies, old folks, cops, frats and everyone $1.00 all others proceeding "right on schedule," according to Col. Bob Rump of the arsenal's public talking, listening, and learning. information office. CALL 355-9490 First stage in the destruction process began Monday as \klley Court Park ttm/k •AA 180 microbiologists, chemists and technicians at the arsenal started a verification process involving about two MAY 16 (behind the bus depot) J.JL t:#UU No Experieoce Necessary months of laboratory analysis before actual destruction of the agents commences in mid-July. TROPHIES AWARDED State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Thursday. May 13, 1971 3 War leaves Pakistan in ruin Lortrosenblum nm"Be,"!a"s ,ciated Press Writer The resultant fiehtinp .j •» *ihlle"'tSy ffiqT,'Bergl"S National Assembly seats167 10 to the government. to fke back instead Hinduism and "Calcutta culture." Hindus were widely East Pakistan A brought damage World War II reminiscent of !f Tf 3 ' it must come Sheik Muhibur Rahman's Awami u Jthout foreigners to look after League m December. He is But betting is heavy that blamed for fomenting the butchery World War H Marine med lu dhtribution. now Yahya won't last the year as conditions leading to war. jailed, the party is banned ,nd President. As a result, the army singled L'^'fiSS. -'S i" anH ridiiticjil devastated. were cut at Road and a doyen dozen rail major links mainr cHuTpUS.SJ ari,V.i'„T Chittaonno ic L"T ^hnimri V t~"'' ""M""" n :j »"i. . """"" """" <*»■«•■*• among * Pakistanis Bengalis, West Sh"K»d out homes Hindus. were Their shops and smashed and points, - i P p I i n eg 4nn nnnt 400,000 tons 'f goods, of 100,000 President Agha Mohammed and Indian migrants who settled bumed. A temple in Chittagong communication. tons Yahya Kahn, who went back to here at partition in 1947 blown completely on its Lkistan though broke, is to more than it handles the West after talks with Mujib Radical Moslem students was industry and to side. Undamaged shops in lgj more Tnnrt'The than $2 million army that commerce between the two normally in a month. on restoring civilian rule rejected the religion that bound otherwise devastated Hindu Politically, the problems are collapsed in Dacca, maintains he them to west lt0 Sjhineffunned this wings of Pakistan are Pakistan, espousing areas sometimes bear signs in r1 ■incc of 0 75 million into of incalculable. stalled So are the effects English and Urdu, the Western . .. development. The 55 tongue, proclaiming the owner a SiV'ri'SDO'isibly estimated ^ills that turn out jute, East Moslem. j f£number »h« dnce the war started more than the Pakistan s chief money-maker, are working are 15-20 per cent Bill seeks establishm The job of rebuilding what the army and rebels burned and 000 id capacity. by nature in last battered down will take massive Kin . cyclone. This time, Reporters touring East. human and financial resources. Pakistan found that millions face Whole blocks of two-story f death family's means a bitterness. was indiscriminate, starvation from famine and from halted relief distribution. Some people say the army is of stude brick buildings in several cities and towns lie in rubble. What wasn't burned or destroyed in talis bent on a separate East nation slaughtered believed to have taken over fragments was looted. , Bengal'®- settled .•moved in, it When the ,be jeeps — meant boats and Japanese for relief, creation of a 52? ■££?ISS 2Tdot higher education colleges and universities. rm~*~ is This All over East decimated families pick among Pakistan just another example of the blackened remains of their The proposal, introduced by the private sector's profiting at homes and businesses, Sen. Jack Faxon, D-Detroit, is the cost of those least able to wondering where to start again. loarc/ of educatio aimed at establishing a kind of public housing for students. "There is constant profiteering by apartment and house owners pay." The bill, a re-worked form of prior House bill, is not expected a Local commerce was largely by Hindus and West controlled Pakistanis, and many are now to receive much support from gone for good. at the cost of students," Faxon the Senate, "We will manage," said Lt. elay on 'Age of said. "Students are usually on Gen. Tikka Khan, the military limited budgets and can't afford to pay the outrageous prices, but "Realistically speaking, this proposal will probably not governor in charge of quelling Spring reflections initiate any real action," Faxon the rebellion and rebuilding the The water in the pond reflects a double . .. have no real choice." "The main object at this provice. "Nature has a way of image of the tulips CHARLES C. CAIN that . By prove youths are | involved Faxon said and the spectators in the Horticulture Gardens in a publicly financed time is to bring to the public's putting things right and we are near the State News Staff Writer disproportionate number of the state's fatal housing for students would be Student Services Building. accidents, and questioned whether allowing these attention that there are no real making good progress." initiated through federal funds alternatives in student housing State News photo by Doug Bauman L member of the State Board of Education youths to drink would not compound the and operated on cooperative L<|ay asked the state Senate to delay their problem. Perhaps when this is realized plan. can move - for ' |on the "Age of Majority" bill until they can "Since the drivers in the 18 and 19 some positive, - - year old "Profits made by such low concrete action." Idule public hearings to consider the full ARTHUR TREACHER'S groups represent only five per cent of the driving cost housing would be plowed Faxon said the lications of making 18 - year - olds legal population but already are involved in 9.4 per back into more student housing pian may be designed public housing ■tsin Michigan. cent of the fatal accidents," he said, "would this projects," he said. ■he House - passed legislation is currently cooperation with university (lower drinking age) lead to deaths and injury of "I've seen student dwellings in housing administrations. Kiting action by the Senate Judiciary many more youths and adults." Knittee. O'Neil is also concerned about what the THE ORIGINAL lames F. O'Neil said in a letter to the Senate impact of the lower drinking age would be on the the is particularly concerned with the section ■the proposed legislation that would grant state's high school students, many of whom are 18. Glenn Herriman, Inc. Te in the 18 - 21 - year - old age bracket the "How will the school handle those who go out TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: Bright to consume alcoholic beverages. and drink alcoholic beverages at lunch and return ie legislation, which was approved by the to school," O'Neil asked. ;an House last week, would also allow Prior to House passage of the age of RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT in this age bracket the right to sue and be majority bill, an amendment designed to remove the lower commit themselves to in ones own name, drinking age portion of the bill was introduced. 2418 E. MICHIGAN ftul institutions, drive a school bus, own Jerty and make wills. It was soundly defeated. 99c and at *1 am seriously concerned that all the O'Neil said Michigan has the fifth worst crime rate in the United SlTttACHWV ■cations and consequences of the proposed States, adding that those under n to lower the age of majority to 18 will 21 commit 75 per cent of the major crimes. 4100 S. LOGAN considered prior to voting on the pending "This can hardly be considered as ■lation," O'Neil's letter states. justification for lowering the age of majority " "Treat Yourself to tkeTfttaKhHr^TWH'e" ' B'Neil cited driving statistics which he said O'Neil said. PHOIME: 482-S226 T RHODES m AMERICAN DREAM ^ \ ® The Old American Dream The New: Expressed many ways. A dialectic emergence of romanti¬ cism, aesthetics, honesty, and art. A lot of it is expressed through music. We feel Emitt Rhodes has captured some of this essence in his new album: The American Dream SP4254. A&M Records and Tapes. MICHIGAN POINT OF VIEW STATE ME' UNIVERSITY (0 The real tragedy of Vietnam KEN LYNAM who marks his battalion commander for •nd repetitive; By WALKER ROBERTS operation? Immersed in turbine scream so they successful, advertising manager East Lansing Graduate Student loud you cannot converse with the man death if the old man is ever stupid enough buck. It stops with too far from the t» * DAVE PERSON, beside you, you think, remember that the to get caught forward In a fire fight. The private dislikes his sergeants, maybe hates private ft?"£* managing editor BOB ROACH, city editor To this battle-tempered infantry officer the apex of tragedy in the Vietnam conflict platoon will probably take five or six more casualties, remember that you have long them, but he saves especial passion for the communications the blame up the necessary chain ofcnm £J.- rther JOHN BORGER, campus editor stupid young lieutenant who constantly Does this is not found in a few dead Oriental civilians run out your odds. You are an old timer; habitually succesJfu?"!' BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor at My Lai. Few combat-hardened infantrymen would care if Highway 1 from you are one of the four left in the 40-man platoon which despite a constant stream of falls to look out for the private's interest, fails to provide proper tactical security and ambitious forgive and young forget off,? that his unit - fails to have any concern for life other than Hue to Saigon were paved with dead Vietnamese. The height of tragedy is replacements never manages to field more than 30. his own. enough to kill him and commanders regard him R? Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award as m Animals The rise of animal instincts is necessary competent, to be disciplined for outstanding journalism. symbolized by the recent death of a young r You and most of the 30 with you are for survival in combat, but it's an acid that threats of Army officer, dead at the hands of an being relieved? Never animals. Civilization, a memory. A can of eats at the guts of units, the strength of the The instincts of angry enlisted man armed with a fistful of youth course in hit cookies in the mail. The anger, the acid dependent upon member personalities. instinct for survival and revenge - a grenade which was hurtled into It accelerates the destruction of American guts; fatigue presses his brain the lieutenant's quarters. frustration, the fear, the fatigue are the ,? EDITORIALS The tragedy is that American soldiers and their officers must become animals to explosives in the grenade which killed the lieutenant. The bloody law of fang and life through internal conflict, facilitates a retreat to narcotics and assures that society slowly loses its grip on his his compatriots - soul'aTh. dead, wounded V- survive the tension and repetitious claw is not selective applying only to a will be polluted by an unnecessary and half a platoon is shot exposure to death of Vietnam - style Charlie sniper. It applies to the lieutenant increment of scarred personalities. It is obvious to fromun'dt private and lieutenam combat. How many times do you crawl driven to see his command as rebellious Pressures that the old civilized values must be Let's face the pressures. The lieutenant, a the meager Ballenger's onto the choppers and lift off for a jackals fit to be prodded by a bayonet and major opportunity for survival i.u junior member of an elite group, is subject to error — not only his own, but of those maximized. which New values are J* prevent, the distraction^ above him and below him. All the private conscience when he squeezes a can see is that the last maneuver was stupid; trietpw watches the blood spatter from a • equal role for He can communicate to neither his privates nor his battalion; both dismiss him as trying to A bill sponsored by State Sen. only because that is usually their shift blame for his mistakes - both are William Ballenger, R-Ovid, would only choice. suspicious. Neither can afford to believe the lieutenant, serve as an important step towards Ballenger's proposal will offer for to do so would be to accept more equalizing women's role in these women the opportunity to complications into their world than they can employment. choose between working or comfortably Under the legislation, a working handle in the rapid flux of combat. attending to their baby after the woman who becomes pregnant pregnancy. Society places the burden would be guaranteed leave of of propagation largely on the female, his life was risked unnecessarily. "Dumbass absence from her job to have her yet allows her no compensation. The Lieutenant!" None see the pressure on the Vietnamese hit by rifle fire at close- baby. A woman could return to her pregnancy bill will serve as an officer from the company to move faster, They must be fierce and angry and become so mostly as an act of job before her leave expired. She excellent base in alleviating unequal or the pressure from battalion to company will. their would be returned to her previous or from brigade to battalion. No one can employment practices caused by that Angry men explain to the private, or even to job with similar seniority rights burden. Ithe lieutenant, the changes in the mobile Fierce, angry privates are led by unless for ''justifiable, The preganancy bill has two war that mean failure without reckless angry lieutenants are led by fierce, nondiscriminatory reasons" it was failings, however, that should be speed. And, the lieutenant cannot explain colonels. Only by being almost not available, in which case she amended before the legislators vote. to the battalion commander why he can't dangerous to themselves as they an to would get a similar job as soon as an Women should be guaranteed no move his frightened privates faster. enemy can they hurtle themselves He communicate to neither and again into combat. opening occurred. more than a year leave of absence. can his Even for the chaplain the privates nor his battalion; both dismiss him pressures Any woman who has worked a Any more time will place an as trying to shift blame for his mistakes — combat are more effectively relieve* least one year for a firm will be unnecessary burden on the employer both are suspicious. Neither can afford to Jack Daniels than by Jesus Christ." guaranteed a year leave of absence. who must find interim help. The believe the lieutenant, for to do so would may be no atheists in foxholes, but no On the other hand, a female employe be to accept more complications into their prays on a search and destroy pa* purpose of granting these females a heads up and alert or your odds |— with more than three years of work world than they can comfortably handle in leave of absence is simply to allow of making it to heaven the rapid flux of combat. Battalion sees the prematurely. Mi for a company will be guaranteed them to have their baby, care for it it is this difference between foxholes lieutenant as an uncooperative slacker. two years off. in its first vital months and then Privates see him as disregarding their search missions, between front lines This particular type of legislation is return to work. To grant them more safety, unconcerned about their lives. platoon size patrols to be sacrificed as badly neededebut little discussed by that make the difference in recent wars. than a year is defeating to that J>1 ?. Abetted Aifllt shock is traded for ghastly e legislators, women have traditionally purpose. And, the problem in the platoon Is scan from life under the law of assumed a subserviant role to males abetted by combat-hardened sergeants fang claw. Not just scars of the brush of in the job market. Their basic role as Secondly, in this bill, women are anxious to insure themselves against the Ire but scars of having given up hope mothers and housewives has been an either given their old job back or are of angry privates. They are close to their survival, abandoned civilized \ put on the top of the waiting list. troops; their communications are personal lived for hatred itself. inhibiting factor in equalizing their role in employment. In our However, these women could contemporary society, however, potentially have to wait months BARNEY WHITE women are shunning the standard before that opening arose, especially in small companies. The bill should housewife role and donning work be amended such that women are clothes, often to supplement the family income. Unfortunately, women are still held back by their time - consuming guaranteed comparable return to their one as old soon job as work. Interim help could or a they But do you really know them be trained to fill in until the female1 role as a mother. Many employers have refused to hire young females, returns to work; if she decides not to I was at a party the other day when a re-evaluate my friends and acquaintances. alien to his return, the interim help would friend of mine walked up and inquired, In a great many instances one common being. Beyond this, Herkimer extension of the "Know thyself' rap. asserting that they will probably "Who are you?" simply does not live by the "my girl, your a little extra effort when you meet* become pregnant and quit. At the become full time. theme emerged: my mental image of them girl" Top 40 teeny-bop type morality. and try to get into their heads. You My initial reaction was to figure that she was decidedly two-dimensional. Because of present time, these employers may Quite obviously, the employer will Sure, he dates Rosalyn, but It's a really free a kind of cage if you surround y~ was putting me on — we had been lack of opportunity or motivation I had and be largely correct, but only in open scene. If she wants to date with incomplete people-images: in be assuming the burden of equalizing acquainted for several weeks through seldom attempted to view them as the mutual friends and, in this light, her someone else, that's groovy, he couldn't what you have are posters suitable assuming that these women will women's roles in the job complex beings that they must certainly care less. All that matters to question did not compute be. both of them hanging on walls, not friends to in become pregnant. However, they are market. However, business should as serious. So I is that they have a good time when exercised the "when in doubt try to be I had always they with. not necessarily correct in the presumed Cedrik, the consider it its duty to amend the clever" option and answered: "Well, what nuclear physics are together, for so long as they are And remember that it's a two major, was a dull and together. assumption that these same women discrimination and injustices against exactly did you mind?" bookish fellow: primarily because I had sword. If you don't take the time to would automatically quit. They quit But, because Cuthbert's head was still out the personality matrices of t women perpetrated in the past. "No," she protested, "I'm really serious: always run Into him drinking coffee In the back in high school he automatically I just realized that I don't know you at all, Union with a sllderule stuck through his around you to get their true measure, and I think that I may figured that Herkimer was there too. will they possibly be able to do the r have formed a very belt. In truth, when he wasn't smashing It's old incorrect picture of you." an theme, simply a kind of for you? atoms he was a very witty, hell-raising son "Too much ouzo," I thought, but of a gun. More control continued: "How do you mean?" Slowly the story emerged. Sure, we had known one another for several weeks, but Similarly, Cuthbert's girl friend generally came across as lighter than air (after all she is dating Cuthbert). This presumption was OUR READERS' MIND consider the circumstances: we had been predicated on the personality facet she just sort of running into each other at bars exhibited in the single situation when we over ubiquitous and parties and that sort of thing. And the vast bulk of our communication had been limited to "Want another beer?" or hey, I bet Cuthbert strikes out with that "Pssst, were together: bar-crawling on a double date. Further investigation turned up the previously absent fact that she was the whiz kid of the political science Booklet: what purpose President Nixon chick he's trying to deal," or "Who'se tum department. She just couldn't see any To the Editor: is supposedly studying options ranging from whatever it is supposed to do? is it to go after the pizza?" reason to come on strong when we were If the University's administration wants considering the revamping of the I would like these questions answe creating a cabinet - level department Hardly a heavy rap, but because we'd nation's out having a good time. to save money, it might eliminate some of also think it would be a good m intelligence agencies. of intelligence to simply clarifying been in relative proximinity for a certain Lately I've realized another dimension to its Presently the authority of public relations publications. Earlier this review all MSU PR publications needs the authority of CIA head Richard fairly long period of time we both the nature of misunderstanding. We not quarter I picked up "MSU, Profile of a to spending money on making intelligence officials is vaguely automatically assumed that that we had tnem^ Helms. Plainly something miust be only evaluate people in terms of atypical University" at the information desk in the (By the way, I didn't ™ * stated, responsibilities being done with this country's intelligence gotten metaphysical introductions out of situational contests and slanted feedback Administration Building. This booklet does pictures of the electric pencil sha the way. from other people — no, when in doubt or not contain any substantive relegated in an almost random material not and wooden desk calendars a bureaucracy. It seems the only Intrigued (and appropriately disinhibited for want of better data, we often ascribe found manner. accurate information intelligence by spirits) we sat down and compared motives to others relative to where we are in "This is Michigan State carpeting in the fourth floor offices University, 1971 Facts Book." The facts profile book.) Although organizational structure bureaus are gathering comes from mental notes and personal impressions — at. book, in fact, is a comprehensive look at F Neila Pom may not be to blame, current places where they have no business and discovered that we were both way off Cuthbert asked Rosalyn out. the University. East Lansing base. intelligence practices have created snooping. Immediately thereafter he discovered that The profile appears to be a booklet to Since we knew each other through a she had been dating Herkimer on a fairly either attract people or widespread concern. Federal Another alternative the President money to the group of people who were basically a party regular basis. "Jesus, Barn', Herk's gonna University with its carefully selected snooping into the lives of private citizens and public officials has prompted widespread debate about should seriously consider is the establishment of a federal crowd (i.e., that's about the only reason they ever got together), and because that cream me when he gets wind of this. Maybe I'd better break the date," etc., photographs of well - rounded life at the U. Thus, I would like to know what it was Miipiocid Mem intelligence commission handling all was the only contest in which we had ever Ctithbert moaned. doing out on the information To: Richard Nixon the counter, very purpose of federal government intelligence activities. It gotten together, she unconsciously It was really uncanny hearing this. which is used primarily by people with Re: The bleak summer jobsiw intelligence activities. presumed that all I ever did was stagger Cuthbert had known Herkimer on a fairly business to do at the would also put intelligence about making lewd jokes. To a very real intimate basis for over a year, but in all Is University. this booklet sent to People have been asking who is policymakers into the public eye, extent this was a valid conclusion based that time had never gotten into his head. students. Is it sent to alumni incoming This is one problem we'd l*« responsible for all the electronic hopefully subjecting them to public upon her only sources of information: Herkimer comes on loud and aggressive, financial solicitations? Just who along with work on, too. surveillance going on, and what is feedback from our party friends and but he's actually a very gentle soul; the gets It and influence. why? Furthermore, is It their motive questions for which the nature of the personal proximity. thought of "creaming" anyone is totally succeed in luring students necessary? Does It - The Student Present federal intelligence policy or money or there are no easy answers. is being made now in the darkest Conversely, I was equally mistaken about her. I had presumed that she was of a The quality of U.S. intelligence corners of the Pentagon and the basically dismal, uncommunicative nature; abroad has been lacking. Last Justice Dept. A federal intelligence in actuality she was a very vibrant, December's Polish riots took commission would simultaneously outgoing personality. Simply, I had met everyone by surprise. her as she was In the middle of the Faulty clarify relegation of intelligence disolution of intelligence in Vietnam led to a very trying love affair and abortive POW raid and an policymaking duties and exert more was, therefore, literally not herself. an ill - fated public control on the ubiquitous It was a very eye-opening conversation. Laotian expedition. snoopers supposedly operating under Afterwards I pondered on the matter at The President reportedly is everyone's bedsheets. great length, attempting to more honestly State News, East Lansing, Michigan . M«chigan Thursday, May 13, 1971 5 Population By JUDY YATES four people born every second, government," he said. "Agricultural chemicals used world or co perish," he said. State News Staff Writer he said. He cautioned that "The commandment in the changing in the right way have much to governments does not solve contribute," he said. Borlaug. directing his "The time has when Bible that man should be fruitful comments to the students in the come problems. population growth must be and multiply was important in Borlaug said DDT has "You can't accomplish audience, said the true Utopia stopped to provide the the beginning, but it is no longer anything where there's political advantages as well as will never be found. necessities of life for everyone," relevant," he said. instability and chaos," he said. disadvantages. Norman E. Borlaug, 1970 Nobel He said the lack of "But don't be disillusioned. ample job Borlaug urged students not to "DDT is not all bad. It has We need idealism to build a Peace Prize winner, said opportunities is a result of the be "stampeded" against done a great deal to control better world," he said. Tuesday. "monster of population agricultural chemicals. malaria," he said. Borlaug delivered the 1971 growth." "Some people say we should "I Borlaug, an agricultural Distinguished Lecture in am confident that unless go back to organic planting and He said although science has scientist, was invited to improve Agriculture there are opportunities for to and Natural stop the use of chemicals for improve conditions in the production of wheat in India Resources. 1 m mediately employment, youthful energies fertilizers. But you will starve underprivileged countries there and Pakistan in 1963. He will be used for destructive is still preceding the lecture President half the population if you stop extensive work to be introduced new dwarf varieties Wharton conferred an honorary purposes irregardless of the the use of chemicals," he said. done. which started the "Green Doctor of Science degree on Revolution" - an increase in "One of the good things God Borlaug. grain production which brought Nobel winner Borlaug cited rapid gave us was work," he said. more than $1 billion into the population growth as a cause of Borlaug said he tried to be a economy. E Borlaug. Nobel Peace Prize winner for his development of special high yield wheat many of society's problems. catalyst provoking change. received an honorary doctor of science degree Tuesday in the Auditorium. Making the There are 2.2 people born "We must change in this ^esentation was President Wharton, left. State News photo by Tom Dolan every second now. By the year 2000 there will be more than newspaper SEN. GORDON ROCKWELL, R-MT. MORRIS, a member of a received from Atty. a boost Wednesday Gen. Frank J. Kelley. A Greek always did joint commission of legislators Kelley filed a motion to on announced Lake Erie pollution, Wednesday that the intervene in the case of United States vs. Joseph Hassle, of Van know how to Feast! Grapevine' to alter style commission will propose tough Buren County, who is accused of antiphosphate legislation. preventing federal assistance The proposals, he said, would agents from entering his migrant set limits on the amount of labor camps. discussed in detail. phosphates in detergents, permit Kelley asked the court to By JONELLA THOMPSON are Neither of the two newsletters the Michigan Water Resources are enjoin Hassle from interfering State News Staff Writer politically oriented. Commission to ban harmful with the agents, who are Project grapevine is presently funded by ASMSU, the Center for > Grapevine" a weekly newsletter published by Project Urban Affairs, Student phosphorus substitutes and attempting to maintain programs Activities, the Placement Bureau and the would set penalties of $2,500 of health, welfare, training and rine to communicate information concerning minority Office of Black Affairs. Representatives are now in the process of and one-year imprisonment for education for the migrant ients, will be turned into a newspaper beginning June 3. requesting funds from these and several other organizations for violations of the law. workers. e newsletter is now distributed weekly, with the main the operation of the newspaper next year. "Phosphates can the f of relating information concerning job cause opportunities, The thought of expanding "The Grapevine" into a newspaper death of Lake A PUBLIC HEARING ON 5, and other services available in the Lansing area. Next was first formulated by Ballad and Leon Erie, and we must „ie newspaper will add pictures, feature stories and relevant Gant, Detroit senior. move quickly to alleviate the THE AGE OF MAJORITY BILL They said they felt that working toward building a better threat to this body of water will be held at 10 a.m. today in Is stories on a weekly basis. newspaper for minority students was a necessity on which provides the water supply the Prudden Building in Lansing. campus. Icording to James Ballad, director of Project grapevine, the Next year Project Grapevine will staff 10 to 12 students for 10 million people in four The Senate Judiciary Committee sletter is available to give as much information as possible on employed under the work-study program. Applications for MSU Greeks will keep that tradition. Their Greek Feast states," Rockwell said. will sponsor the hearing. ur of the moment, photographers, reporters and staff writers will be taken soon. All will last all the way from 4 p.m. to The commissin includes midnight, with je newsletter is not here to conflict with the State News or interested students should contact James entertainment by 3 bands, a KENTUCKY FRIED Ballad, 4 Student legislators from Michigan, Ohio, | other newspaper on campus but to inform minority students Services Bldg. Pennsylvania and New York. "NO EXIT" CHICKEN dinner and coke all fot the ridiculous price of jxactly what is available to them," he said, Ballad is urging all students who are not receiving "The * * * S2.00. Feast day occurs Sat., May 22 on the ATO lawn ftoject Grapevine also publishes a monthly newsletter, called BRODY ROOM B Grapevine" to contact their black aide or the Project Grapevine A FEDERAL SUIT AGAINST (Evergreen & Oakhill). Tickets for the all university event Jo." In ttjis newsletter agencies such as the Financial Aids office so that copies can be made available. He is also encouraging a Michigan farmowner accused May 14, 15, 16 8:00 P.M. are advance and available from any Greek house. e, the Placement Bureau andtbeEqual Opportunity Program all students to make A PLAY suggestions to improve "The Grapevine." of interfering with federal Get your tickets now! programs for migrant workers ally set LIEBERMANN'S oppose Lightweight, tough and kruiters so versatile . . . our ■ rally to protest the presence e Corps recruiters on "NO-NONSENSE" LUGGAGE Jpus will take place at 11 . today outside the iment Bureau in the Student es Bldg. ! Marine Corps Officer i Team has been on 5 since Monday and is cted to remain until Friday, May 21.22,23 - 28,29,30 tie rally is sponsored by the bittee to Abolish ROTC, Fri - 8and 10pm Sat - 2:30,8 and 10pm Sun - 4pm only I Womens' International Tickets available at Union & Planetarium box offices $i so ie for Peace and Freedom, ■Lansing Area Peace Council, ■Faculty for Peace, the Joint The Moog Synthesizer TWO WEEKENDS ONLY He, the Student Mobilization LIVE ONSTAGE at ABRAMS PLANETARIUM Nttee (SMC) and Students - P Democratic Society (SDS). Moog music, featuring a 10 channel multi - stereo sound system, performed LIVE by members of the MSU Music Department. jiiiiiBiipiian Fantastic visions by THE EYE SEE THE LIGHT SHOW CO. Many new far out lighting effects blend with the electronic moods of the [thursday NIGHT' ■ moog synthesiser. ADVANCE TICKETS on sale now. STELLARPHONIC MOOG . . don't miss it! FOLK . . : [CONCERT - f the union grill ■ 9:30 11:00 ■ "ALL TONY BUSCH ! _ 351-5547 ■ ["■■■■■■■■■■IB Flexible, durable, foldablc for compact storage .. . that's our new "no-nonsense" luggage It's made of specially woven No. (■> duck or denim with webbing handles as strong as rope. Bright, gay colors, too: red or beige duck; blue denim witli red trim. • BACK PACK diamonds for birthdays (21"x13"*8") are the sparkling centers of our • SHOULOER 10 It delicate orchid arrangements in 14K gold every bit as lovely as the thought behind the giving The ring. $45. Pendant. $30. Fine Jewelry JaoobBoriS EAST LANSING DOWNTOWN - 209 t.. Grand Rivet 107 S Washington 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Lenore cessfully opposed Sen. She is in favor of giving 18 likes volunteer army concept and Romney. By RANDY GARTON Philip A. Hart in last November's year - olds the vote and other was for American withdrawal "There is a most delightful, Stato News Staff Writer elections has visited with many responsibilities. from Vietnam although she did stimulating atmosphere," Mrs. college students recently. "If they have the privileges, support the Cambodian invasion. Wharton said, recalling her Len..i-« Romney, like the "I was at Oklahoma State and they should have the She found almost total experience in the hall. "And I McDoi guests - in - a|so at the University of responsibilities, and vice - versa," unanimity among the students was made to feel a part of it." )i( her. found Maryland," she said. "The she said. she talked to on these issues. Mrs. Wharton lived at no "open and conversations start with politics, Since the election in "Everyone seems to be t(> reach out to McDonel during a week that was , friendly but j( always gets into broader November, Mrs. Romney has against the draft, the war and devoted to art and culture,, her y(>11 fields." been serving as chairman of the the Nixon administration," she main interests. '•!"]<; not only wanted to Mrs Romney has found National Conference of < said, "but students here and across the Mrs. "1 was treated as a guest," she Christians and Jews. She is the Romney also th< \ u;.nit'd !o tell me how it is country more aware "politically second woman to hold that said. "The students were , willi i'leii! " an(j academically than in position. antima'terialistic attitude interested, involved, and curious. Mr Ho m n e y w ho previous vears." "We have been exhibited by of , honoring many the The guest - in - residence people who have stimulated students. program was developed by the interest in nonviolent racial "I'm very pleased with their advisory staff of McDonel Hall progress," she said. "We must attitude toward money and early fall term, with the support have better understanding ^CINE^p. SERIES between the races,." Mrs. Romney said she found material things," she said. "I think it's very healthy for them of Milton B. Dickerson, vice president for student affairs. * - to realize that other things are "The purpose of the program Guest-in-residence WZ? students interested in the racial * ORgOA problem and also the variety of living experiences available at more important." Mrs. Romney, who is also on was between to create interaction students and guests Lenore Romney, wife of former MSU. the executive board of the from various walks of life," Michigan governor George Romney, gets a taste of coll I "Most of the students I National Center for Volunteer Richard Stimson, head resident by talking with students during her temporary stay in McDonel Hall. 696'"e ■ talked to seemed to like the Action, was firmly in favor of advisor of West McDonel, said. State News photo by Doug Bauman coed residence halls," she said. the guest - in • residence program "I've talked to a few freshmen, at McDonel. though, who wish they had had "It's a very good thing to FOR CONSUMER a few months of living in a dorm invite people to live on campus," with some restrictions until they she said. "I've had a wonderful Electricity prices to rise could adjust to the social life time, another dimension has here." been added to my personal Mrs. Romney herself had decision about coed experience." living or 24-hour open houses. Mrs. Romney was the last "I really don't think I know person this spring to be involved CHICAGO (AP) - The maintain construction schedules reserves for the summer "are In his enough about it," she said. "It's in the McDonel guest - in - president of Detroit Edison Co. "because of intervention by speech before! light only in a few areas that conference, sponsored by I little early for me to evaluate residence program. She said Wednesday that higher environmentalists and the labor have been pinpointed trade publication . . . such as the program." preceded by Mrs. Clifton R. electricity pri for the problems," said William G. New York City." Elect World, Meese urged In ' campaign, Mrs. Wharton, who enjoyed her i inevitable. He said, "There will be no n0( company executives to denJ supported the in McDonel as much as Mrs. Utility firms are faced with the Meese addressed a conferenee problems unless there are an that contractors in twin problems of rising labor of electrical utility executives theirempi unusually large number of big "resist unreasonable waged costs and ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ an inability to then spoke to newsmen. "Increased costs to the generating units forced out of benefit requests." commission by equipment inevitable," he said He added that consumer are failure." management! 2 BIG RUNS AT A (cjHgfljg utility companies generally "T George C I Mine at the news conference. "I can't say how much higher prices will Meese said equipment failure remained aloof and uninforX Scott Woodward 20 years ago would not have Local Drive In! go because we don't know how on the events occurring at 1 They Might Be Giants" Open at 12 Noon much longer increases in labor posed the problem; it does today for two reasons. bargaining table... TOO GOOD TO are going to continue." Meese said, however, "I don't "All that can be said about I BARGAIN HOUR 2 BIG RUNS AT THE Mon. - Fri. 1:30-2:30 MISS ... together believe there will be a time when "First, we had more reserves then," he said, "and second, we present method of a l< federation of contractors, si in one great show! we run out of power." ALL SEATS 75c DOWNTOWN ART! AT: 2:00-3:50-5:35-7:25 9:15 8 Academy Awards He said that generating didn't have the big units that are now in service. If several small large and with a some small, powerful union * bargainl units failed, It didn't cause the equipDed with experienj NOW!** trouble that we have when several big units go." negotiators, is that it is a mismatch indeed," Meese sa NOW! OPEN 12:45 CINE^> SERIES MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES Continuous from 1 P.M. 1:20-3:25-5:30-7:30-9:35 presents "touched with ro¬ L V. v'v.' :: 14f!' mantic magic and BRINGS TO CAMPUS ONE OF two remarkable (iKoiuiirc KARLam*w performances.'' LANSING'S AND MID-AMERICA'S (. SCOTT/MALDKN Jason Robords in'I'UTOX" Color - Kothofine Ross FAVORITE FILMS PLUS.../ THE CHILDREN OF EUROPE ENTERED. MASH An Ingo Preminger Production , - - '■ BAR8RA STREISAND M Wf "FUNNY GUI' | V >, *-v. .. ■, •) ■ TECHNICOLOR* PANAV'SiON® C 3C-E Color by DELUXE* I Thurs., Fri. — May 13-14, 7:30 p.m. y 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-5817 ENDS TODAY UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM Novelty Admission $1.00 OPEN 6:45 P.M. FEATURE 7:25-9:25 The Rolling Stones I / 215 ABBOTT RD. - DOWNTOWN vr'SlHg WHOLE ST&fty, A GENUINE WORK OF GREATNESS GIMME HONEST AND ALMOST PERFECT shining like a miniature "Woodstock" John Schuheck abc-tv SHELTER Gp OPEN 7:00 P.M. TOMORROW Feature at 7:35 and 9:40 P.M. YOU Wll 5 NOT FORGET IN ')> THE ULTIMATE YOUR HORRORS LIFETIME, THE « ACHIEVEMENT HIGHEST Will WITNESS YOU, £ K K X X RATING! SPELLBINDING! PERFECTION!' NEW YORK DAILY NEWS with The Platters & Freddie Bell & His Bellboys "IF YOUR FLESH $1.00 Thurs., Wilson Auditorium Fri. & Sal. 104 B Wells DOESN'T CRAWL, IT S ON TOO TIGHT!" onfj w.r iV TONIGHT I AT 8:3£ # ,C|ie F|ew 0ve, the Cuckoo's Nest "THE NIGHT VISITOR'IS 42 4* is Scarifying a fierce pipy and UNCOMMONLY powerful. I FASCINATING! recommend it A CAPTIVATING THRILLER!" strongly." CUvc Barms N.Y-T'""S "Fred Paxton recreated the role "BONE-CHILLING AND of Randle Patrick McMurphy •• • FEARSOME! The cast better than Kesey did in the book' couldn't be better -Cindy Tew STATE JOURNAL if Hitchcock was leading the way." Wonders Kiva Ma^.J3 !fr Tickets at the Union & theTJi^^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. May 13, 1 c>71 7 Board seeks probe of bookstore's introduced status , By MICHAEL FOX the motion to incorporated in fall, 1969, by April of $2,500, but that this I sate News Staff Writer investigate 'the bookstore. She said Wednesday she was the State of Michigan as a would decline in May as bills "This board is working under the concept that the bookstore session was that Mrs. Linehart hour or $500 a term. Eighty per ASMSU meeting that the nonprofit corporation by three were paid. was earning $3.90 an hour for cent of this would be paid by presence of posters, a mattress ka ASMSU board Tuesday concerned whether the individuals who now reside in was set up to serve students, operating the bookstore, despite the government. The bookstore bookstore Harold Buckner, ASMSU and long-haired employes in the ■m called for an immediate was adequately East but people operating it now federal maximum of $3.50 Lansing but are not chairman, said Wednesday the a on would pay the other 20 per cent bookstore intimidated certain Elation of the financial and accountable to the board, currently MSU students, the special committee investigating want to run it their way," work-study sponsored employes, out of profits from the sale of ■*'| status of the whether it was serving the bookstore manager, Elizabeth the Buckner said. a category which includes the pop and yogurt and the students from visiting Man and lint-operated Man and purpose for which it was Linehart, East Lansing senior, several bookstore would have "This board is firmly bookstore. operation of a pinball machine, Nature. ■ture Bookstore, located in established, what the legal status said Wednesday. options to resolve the committed to a student-run issue. Dissolving the "We're not accusing anybody Mary Jane Brininstool, Galesburg KsU office space in the of the bookstore is and whether Miss Rathnow said she was corporation, bookstore. But we are also of being crooked. No one is junior and a bookstore Robert P. the store's moving Man and Nature and Brunton, asst. chief |dent Services Building. managers are concerned that the bookstore opposed to throwing money intentionally trying to rip off employe, said Wednesday. accountant for 1,1 nt Grecu, ASMSU named mismanaging funds. Hie board later in the was operating a corporation creating bookstore or a new student away to the wind like the last the student body," Miss "I don't think we now cater to the University comptroller office, said ■ .trailer, was meeting from a University establishing clear session was accused of doing," I'C.n o't . special received a legal opinion from that the bookstore building and operated a financial responsibilities and he said. Rathnow said. Mrs. Linehart denied she was any one particular group. You can't distinguish our customers Wednesday that to the best of his understanding ASMSU is not JViHtive committee which is ASMSU Lawyer Kenneth Smith University account. management were Buckner as possible listed by Miss Rathnow said one issue earning $3.90 an hour, stating now like you used to be able responsible for the Man and [Jected to meet Tuesday that it had no authority to close the bookstore because it was legally She said these situations conflict with MSU policy and options. discussed by the board in closed that she was earning $3.40 an to do," Miss Brininstool said. It Nature account with the had been suggested in the closed m 0ne point, the board passed incorporated. University. regulations. ASMSU The board ■ consent a motion to close the asks went into the The bookstore has been issued ■nkstore for a temporary second closed session after a office space and was allocated Eiod f°r organizational representative of the bookstore $2,500 winter term by the 1,'ses and an audit by the arrived at the meeting to defend ASMSU board. Bret review committee. This charges made earlier. ■JL, which was adopted after "In that the bookstore is set board went into closed up as a corporation, we have no The ASMSU business office said Wednesday bookstore's account that with the the to aid orientation ^nt0 discuss closing the control over what they do. After University was currently $112. Kkstore, was later rescinded consulting with legal counsel, we in debt. Mrs. Linehart said the ASMSU is formally requesting general knowledge about student said. ■ the board. have located numerous permission to participate in government," Buckner said. bookstore's account with East Last year, ASMSU requested Ajane Rathnow, director of problems," Miss Rathnow said. Lansing State Bank had an freshmen orientation this Without some participation in and was denied the opportunity Kjnet services for ASMSU, Man and Nature Bookstore was average balance for the month of summer, Harold Buckner, the orientation program, to participate in the orientation ASMSU chairman, said ASMSU is hampered in assisting program. Buckner said Wednesday. new students, he said. the rationale for refusal was that He said he is writing a letter to King could not be reached for several student government comment Wednesday. officials were Spartan Aides that that effect which will reach Buckner's letter was year and the orientation officials Registrar Horace King within the authorized by board action said they could tell students next few days. As the acting director of admissions, King is Tuesday night. about ASMSU informally. The board had not acted until ASMSU had responsible for the orientation officially program. Tuesday because of confusion participated in the orientation man, believed to be about 20 Police said they found over who was responsible for the program prior to last year, w . YEAR - OLD Detroit years old, suddenly appeared evidence of forced entry in one If approval is orientation program, Buckner Buckner said. Lremained in Ingham County and molested her. incident when a cabinet was granted, ASMSU will present information on J Wednesday morning after Police said they immediately broken into apparently to steal student government policies and Kj officers apprehended him were called to the scene but did the receiver and tuner. One theft affairs, Buckner said. ftut 6:45 p.m. Tuesday as he not find the man. No further of a wallet and cash occurred "ASMSU would like to help 1 molesting a South Hubbard information was available on the from a locked locker, they freshmen become aware of Jllcoed. incident Wednesday morning. added, and the purse and wallet their rights and privileges, as well ■Officers said they were called were stolen while left ■the 12th floor elevator lobby as restrictions, along with ■ South Hubbard and saw the Land coed struggling. POLICE AND OFFICIALS were continuing to FIRE investigate a fire which occurred unattended in an open room. Beal Film Group residence hall policies and An RHA Presentation ■ No injuries were reportedly presents TONITE 106 B WELLS early Tuesday morning in the ■fered by the coed or by federal poultry laboratory on ljther girl who was also Mount Hope Road and caused a "joe ■sent. Although the coed total estimated $8,000 in used to sign a complaint for Lilt against the man, police damages to chickens and to the building. Oiwar Tj, they arrested him for using Four East Lansing fire trucks Jscene language. were called to extinguish the ■police said they are seeking blaze, police said, Cause of the Xnplaints and warrants from fire had not yet been fcnty prosecutors against the In for both charges. determined. starring THREE INCIDENTS which thieves stole wallets, cash, in Peter Boyle |A WEST HOLDEN HALL a purse and a University - owned BED told police she was tuner and receiver, with a total liking through the field on the estimated value of $299, were st side of Case Hall about i. Tuesday when a investigated Tuesday by police. The Ko-Ko Bar will make Their two best features - WAY OUT WEST at 7 and 9:40 in which they try to deliver a deed and SONS OF Ivoh feel like a DESERT in which they "escape" from their wives to attend THE I QUEEN on Thursday's Ladies night with a lodge meeting at 8:40. Both films 75c. 50c for children. No ID's required. Fri. - Sat. Fritz Lang's John Barrymore in prices you will not believe 1410 S. Clippert off Kalamazoo and Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. Doors Open 1:00,P.M. TOMORROW -.15-3:15-5:20-7:25-9 . fill £lemenly of rfieTruth Caph; red Live on Rim , Tonite in Conrad m ■" 4 7:30, 9:30 $1.00 admission I.D.'s required THAT SCREAMED JACK NICHOLSON FIVE EHSU PIE MAD DOGS & ENGLISHMEN Steve McQueen "Gawd, caught him like a rat in a trap. Nabbed him proper. in "The Reivers" Lookit him . . . He's high as a kite. Tonite in Brody TOM PAINE Southwest Dining Hall a play in two parts 7:30, 9:30 by Paul Foster $1.00 admission May 13, 14 at 8:30 May 15 at 7:00 8. 10:00 Shaw Little Theater Tickets at the Union & the door. I.D.'e ^"nired 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. Ma\ Center's By BARBARA PARNESS help administrators. to society The curriculum for the college philosophy." "Dr. Green and his crew met that emphasized such traditional academic preparation may be inadequate proposal states. The college would focus on student in the focus primarily on one college would of the i will be designed "to translate for specialization in the following areas: units although he would be Campus Editor, 1970-71 in the spring and drafted a • Race and ethnic minority exposed to all three. knowledge into social action," policy statement on what they'd experimental problem solution." A College of Urban Affairs and Green said. like to do," Cantlon said. "We This statement has been problems, including studies of The academic program of the Ethnic Studies would give MSU "I see the primary mission of such minorities and their role in college would emphasize a core reacted; to it as a policy supported by a report of the "A direct and forceful role" in the University as the statement." Behavioral and Social Science the social change process. of multi-disdplinary courses and • solving social problems, development of knowledge for The center staff has prepared a Survey Committee sponsored by Problems of the urban seminars aimed at analyzing according to Robert L. Green, mankind," he explained. "When 193-page draft of a new proposal the National Academy of environment such as housing, social problems and the director of the Center for Urban the universities cease using their which is a overcrowding and pollution. comprehensive Science Research Council. • processes of social change. Affairs (CUA). knowledge and resources to help statement of the philosophy and The report concluded that Problems of institutional The new college would not "Universities are not neutral," mankind, they become useless." program of a College of Urban universities are not equipped change such as poverty, duplicate courses already offered Green said. "The University is An original proposal for Affairs aAd Ethnic Studies. now to conduct research and educational inadequacies, in other units. Students are not composed of neutral college status was written by the The proposal is based on the action programs readily institutionalized racism and working with the center staff to individuals. My concern is to center's staff and submitted to idea that the present methods of applicable to social problems. power relationships. design course offering for the • pull 'together these individuals Second in a series the administration last spring. education train economists, Established departmental Interpersonal relations such college. and get them tuned to social on a proposal to make the center Provost John E. Cantlon said the sociologists and psychologists structures do not generally lend as social alienation and The community action issues." a four-year, degree-granting unit administration did not view this without discrimination. presenting these roles in themselves to interdisciplinary component of the college would He and several members of the that they hope will be as a formal proposal, only a a "true interrelated system with efforts and tend to be ineffective The existing structure within be modeled on the cooperative center's staff have been working acceptable to faculty and statement of "basic other relevant disciplines." in solving social problems, the the Center for Urban Affairs of extension service in the College "As a result, and by virtue of report stated. curriculum, community of Agriculture. this training, (the student) often The College of Urban Affairs development and research Students focusing on views social phenomena as and Ethnic Studies would aim to THE SPORTHAUS unidimensional — either provide "an educational components would be translated under the college proposal to community action would be given field placements in the sociological or psychological or experience which focuses academic, community action community and formal training economic," the proposal states. primarily on social problems and and research units. in administration and "Current evidence suggests their solution," the first college An undergraduate or gradute community INVENTORY program coordination. The research component would allow students to develop new programs for social change and then evaluate their REDUCTION effectiveness. Students would be given background research to evaluate programs. in defining community Our portable "We want to create a SALE living-learning environment where students seek information is a Sharp and use it to solve social problems," Green said. 6988 IFC to sponsor Today May 13 - Saturday, May 22 So how about a small one you can open air concert change around, from room to room? Sharp' The High up portable has 75 sq. in. Interfraternity Council ALL INVENTORY MUST BE SOLD AT a screen This student enjoys instant picture and sound, (IFC) will sponsor an open air a littl concert from 6 p.m. until "outside" reading 82-channel reception, window sill on the fifth floo midnight Sunday at Meridian FANTASTIC REDUCTIONS front speaker and Mall. Four local bands perform. Admission is 50 cents. will of Wonders Hall. SN photo by Jeff Wilne telescoping antenna. Small price, too! CAMPING WATER SKIING Funeral ceremonies SKIING GOLF SHOES JEWELERS My, how youve changed held for 'U' gradual TENNIS SWIM WEAR World's Largest Jeweler Funeral services were held MSU in 1970. May 3 in Lansing for John A. He was affiliated with Air Thousands of Dollars in Markdowns ! Cowan Jr., an MSU graduate; Phi Omega and Delta who died April 29 as the result Upsilon and was a veteran 60 Day Money*Back Guarantee Vietnam of an accident in Bloomington, war, serving i Use one of our convenient charge plans* Ind. Navy for four years. SALE STARTS TODAY The 26 - year - old East Surviving are his parents, Lansing resident had been in and Mrs. John A. Cowan of" 3 CONVENIENT WAYS TO CHARGE: graduate school at the University Lansing, and a si SPORTHAUS OF LANSING Custom Charge - Revolving Charge — Bank Americard of Indiana after ACCOUNTING MAJORS graduating from Edward Sykes of Penningt, N.J. The Rev. Wallace Robert 2320 EAST MICHIGAN AT FOSTER 318 S. of Peoples Church officiated Washington (across from FREE SPIRIT) and Lansing Mall 1/5 OF CPA'S IN USA the services held at the Est* ARE FORMER STUDENTS OF Leadley Colonial Chapel. B Becker CPA Review Course was in Evergreen Cemetery. Memorials may be sent to LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES 1971-1972 Detroit (313) 864-0128 American Bible College. Michigan State University Don't Forget the Season Ticket Patrons OPEN AIR CONCERT behind MERIDIA May 20 LAST DAY FOR RENEWALS of same seats. Renew now by SLNDA J Y, May 24-25 Reserved for season ticket hold¬ ers wishing to make CHANGES 6 p.m. — 1 IN SERIES OR LOCATION First come, first served. May 26-27 RESERVED FOR MSU faculty, Nebula * Francis X & The Bushmen staff, grad students and part- Otis # 8t More time students to make selection as new patrons. Present Uni¬ Sponsored by I.F.C. 50c versity identification at Union Ticket Office. SEASON TICKETS: $20, $18, $17 May 28 Ticket sale PATRONS. opens for all NEW Honeywell has a graduate school OCT 24 SAAR CHAMBER ORCHESTRA, ANTONIO JANIGRO, SAAR CHAMBER ORCHESTRA, JAMES BUSWELL, that can put your education Michigan BankAmericard Master Charge conducting (FESTIVAL 71 ATTRACTION) violinist (FESTIVAL 71 ATTRACTION) to work witht a computers. UNION TICKET OFFICE HOURS: OCT 29 GARRICK OHLSSON, pianist. Winner, 1970 Chopin prize 8:15 a.m.-4:30 p.m., weekdays NOV 18 BUDAPEST SYMPHONY Start working for your future major was in college, you ORCHESTRA, GYORGY in the computer industry by can leam computers from (FESTIVAL 71 ATTRACTION) LEHEL, conducting learning all you can from our experienced instruc¬ one of the world's leading tors. With proven course NOV 2 GERSHON KINGSLEY'S FIRST MOOG QUARTET NOV 24 SIERRA LEONE NATIONAL DANCE TROUPE The structures and text materi¬ computer manufacturers Tasteful multi-media show original African dance company and educators. Honeywell. als. And you'll gain valuable Only Honeywell Institute experience on the very NOV 29 / JAN 20 YEHUDI MENUHIN, violinist. World-famous virtuoso. of Information Sciences has latest on-site compute^ a tuition education program terns. Financial assistance exclusively for college grad¬ is available. , FEB 21 MARTINA ARROYO, soprano. Leading Verdi soprano uates, our Postgraduate If you want the kind or JAN 19 ALVIN AILEY AMERICAN DANCE THEATRE During with the Metropolitan Opera Studies Program for mana¬ work your education 5-day residency at MSU gerial candidates. deserves mail this coupo • ^ No matter what your Or call. FEB 28 CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, DANIEL FEB 4 OSIPOV BALALAIKA ORCHESTRA Direct from Moscow BARENBOIM, conducting, JACQUELINE DU PRE, cellist with singers and dancers from the Bolshoi Admissions Officer Honeywell Institute of Information Sciences 17515 West Nine Mile Road FEB 27 DANIEL BARENBOIM-JACQUELINE DU PRE-PINCHAS MAR 8 ANDRE WATTS, pianist. Young American artist Southfleld. Michigan 48075 Phone: (313) 352-1900 ZUKERMAN TRIO. Performing together for the first time I would like additional information on your: atMSU. APR 17 AN ENTERTAINMENT FOR ELIZABETH New York Pro □ Day Programs □ Evening Programs Musica's Renaissance spectacle. □ I am eligible tor VA benefits VIENNA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, JOSEF KRIPS conducting 1971-72 LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES 112 University Auditorium The Other Computer <■ 'omp*® Honeyw". State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Thursday, May 13, hi |UNday II: attempt Union to feature Board free unite community open Union Board will sponsor an house Monday. Featured will be free billiards current Union Joanne Board Swan, president. Dearborn won Lynn Schafer, Lansing junior, $50 for "Service to the junior, won the "Service Award University as a Whole" for and bowling from 6 to 11 p.m., Landaherndon Thomas Westgate, president students will come out in greater numbers," Arnold added. bingo from 7 to 9 p.m. in Union Scholarship" which consisted of $100, Young said. running the book exchange for two years. L,e News Staff Writer of the East Lansing - Meridian Chamber of Commerce, has Parlors A, B and C and a seven - Thorn Bushouse, Kalamazoo The Rev. William Work of the Irnday II. 8 day designed to encouraged the widest possible Lansing Council of hour "film orgy," from 4 to 11 senior, was awarded a Margaret Dolan, Union Board adviser, was honored with a |2e dialog between participation in the event. Churches has contacted most area churches p.m. in the Ballroom, Chris Young, Detroit junior and Union scholarship for "Continuous Service for Four Years," which jeweled watch for her two year East Lansing - and the and encouraged service. members of Board publicity chairman, said also consisted of $100. Kinitv will be held from 11 To stimulate interest in their congregations to attend Wednesday. K> 4 p.m. Sunday in the SUNday, the Chamber of and I'v Court Park located Commerce has sent letters enoughbringfoodlunch baskets with A cake walk will be held at 3 E) the East Lansing bus promoting the event to all the student. service clubs in the East Lansing to share with a p.m. in the Concourse, and scavenger hunt will begin at 4 a Knit & Suede Lansing area, and to chambers p.m. in the UN Lounge. SUNday I grew • , year's This informal exchange of ■ 'an idea conceived by ■ da Novik, Farmington of commerce in other cities that have Michigan colleges located ideas gives community citizens and students the opportunity to Entertainment during will be a rock lunch band, "The Dogs," WALKING SUITS T and Uouglas Solomon, within them. These cities have beginning at noon in the Union get a better understanding of The 6SUN9 is L' spring, N.Y., senior. The J also have helped to been asked to send representatives to observe how it each other, Work said. This smiling sun shining cafeteria. For dinner, local folk guitarists will entertain. ONLY SJJ can be seen on posters all over East campus to Coke and chips will cost five linate this year's SUNday, operates and possibly begin such Lansing Mayor Gordon publicize SUNday being held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. cents each all day. isssm L. Thomas said he lwith the East Lansing - events in their respective cities. strongly Sunday in East Lansing's Valley Court Park. At the Union Board Awards supports the upcoming event lidian Chamber of Jack Arnold, vice president of because he feels that Banquet held in the Green Lrce to once again give external affairs for the Chamber will be SUNday Room Tuesday night, four 541 E. K$t Lansing community and beneficial to 12th Yates seminar the GRAND RIVER of Commerce, attended this awards were given. tnts a chance to mingle. community and the students and PH0NE 332 6878 Twday will bo conducted on event last year as representative of the Chamber of a hopes that a lot of students and community citizens will attend The "John Howard Worker of the Year" award went to Bill Where Stvle Style IsIs Altfav^ In" n 1c lunch basis with Joe Commerce. the Page, Skokie, 111., sophomore, event. ■"tti local musician, a mjing folk music. Though the event was held Bate ReP Jim Brown> during finals week last year, gave his approvalWednesday Gov. Milliken rescheduled for fall Icmos, said he feels that there still was a good turn out, program: j "Swing Into Spring to the The 12th annual Yates Conference, scheduled for lav is a cooperative effort he said, but there were more today at Kellogg Center, has been postponed until next fall, Lester Harcus, Identsandthe East Lansing community people there than "I believe such efforts as | PICNIC Kunity to bridge the gap students. Lansing public relations director for the Tuberculosis SUNday have enormous and Respiratory Disease Assn., has announced. Ten themselves. "This year we hope that potential for resolving misunderstandings which difficulties today," he said. many cause Gordon Mead, director of medical education of the American Thoracic Society, was to have been guest speaker, but he recently SALE" free "SUNday is an attempt by cancelled. Mead explained that he is preparing for a national convention in j SAVE UP TO AC sponsors concert,- |^65 people who seek communication Los Angeles, Harcus said. The conference was cancelled because ■ to bring about an there was not enough time to get another speaker, Harcus said. ON YOUR CHOICE OF exchange of information in an atmosphere of The Yates Conference was founded 12 lurrock, brass bands to play understanding. years ago in memory of Maurice Yates, former president of the association. The seminars were set up to create a liaison between S ANY 3 FIXINS WITH I "People who believe technologists of medical ■ PURCHASE OF A BUCKET OR A BARREL AT free band concert is bands. Walden Bond, a standard research and laymen. themselves to be in disagreement Iduled for Saturday from rock band from Ann Arbor; will discover that their feelings The School of Journalism, the Dept. of Human Medicine, the Your Choice of Cole Slaw, COLONEL SANDERS' RE- _ [until 5 p.m. between Wells Rastan, a brass band from Ann Dept. of Biology and Medicine, the Dept. of Veterinary Medicine, frid flttektw Baked Beans, Rolls, Potato are not unlike the Krickson halls. Arbor; Detroit's Tepid Hand, feelings of the School of Nursing and the MSU Medical Society have helped Salad and More! The Colonel's L music fest, sponsored by also a rock group, and others," he said. to coordinate the conference in past years. Recipes Make Them Extra Special! J Student Mobilization Ragamuffin, also from Detroit, ■lition, will feature four will provide music. (OFFER GOOD MAY 13- 16 ••••••••••••••••••••• "Old Towne" New England WITH THIS COUPON) CLAM BAKE! •Whole Lobster • Clams "Shrimp •Corn-on-the-Cob DELIVERY Every Friday 6 to 11 p.m. TOSSED SALAD—CORN BREAD DRAWN BUTTER CALL FOR INFORMATION SERVICE BILL'S RESTAURANT & BAR 332-5025 "sailor-button fly" blue jeans, twills, all colors reg. $9.50 now $7.60 cords reg. $10.50 now $8.40 BeautHy America. \J» UNIVERSITY PANT 227 Ann St STORES (between discount records and marshall music) 12—8 pm 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursd; ^Mavu,, SPORTS- Boyce By JOHN VIGES State News Sports Writer makes Spartan fans and his own teammates remember the adage Tuesday as most career hits. big the Spartan with the 1964-66, into second place. Another mark sure to fall are man still seeking their conference crown and right now first Spartan coach Danny Litwhller said. "He makes the pitchers i that "good things come in small The diminutive Spartan led before the St. Johns senior is the first place and no. 2 national pitch to him and they are in Gary Boyce is placed in an packages.' The nickname off the doubleheader against through the runs scored record ranking feel good, trouble right on the first batter. very appropriate spot in the "Pygmy" that his teammates Notre Dame with a vicious of Chuck Matthews, who played "It's really great to be "His real asset for the team is MSU batting order, leadoff. gave to him is by no means ground ball over second base, in 1952-55. Mathews scored 87 plavingfora big winner," Boyce that he not only scores runs but It becomes appropriate when derogatory. The Irish second baseman was times in his four year stint at said. "I think the biggest drives them in." one notices that Boyce is leading The crowning achievement of able to dive and stop the ball, at MSU. Boyce has crossed the difference between this team Boyce has very good power the team in at bats and runs Boyce's career is still ih the the expense of a dislocated pi#te 82 times in his last two and the others is that this year for a small player. At the plate scored, leading every man that possible future, if the Spartans shoulder but Boyce easily made years and his runs in his senior We have better team unity, and leaning back in his stance, ever donned a Spartan uniform can win the conference first base. year should account for the new Other years we had good he does not appear to be a batter in base hits and is helping to lead championship or go beyond The single was the 133rd hit record. individuals but no capable of being second on the MSU to their first conference that, but he had an individual of his three year career, enabling Although he has played on a championship, team in triples and total bases championship since 1954. moment of glory when he put Boyce to move John winning team all three years at "As for me, I'm glad that I and third in doubles, home runs Standing only 5-7, Boyce his name in the record books Biedenbach, who played in MSU, Boyce and the Spartans am having a good year. I think I and RBI's. was hitting better last year but "I try to be relaxed at the I'm definitely not dissatisfied." plate," Boyce explained, "and I MUST WIN AT HOME Perhaps it's easier to look to concentrate on the ball at the the past than the present same time. I just try to meet the because the statistics do not ball and go with the pitch. I get hold up Boyce's claim that he most of my power from my Pressure now on Hawks hit better last year. Boyce has been to bat 11 fewer times but he already has work more shoulders and wrist." Boyce realizes that he must on his doubles, triples, home throwing but he has high hopes defense and while the first minute, by Pete ,Uua, RBI's and runs scored than of playing professional ball after runs, CHICAGO (UPI) - The Hoxvbc' mstrh Riiiv Hawks' coach Billy Reay, wSched Ronv defensemen But But ai AI MacNei1- Macneu, admitting that the Hawks have Mahoviich who with brother lastBoyce year. he graduates. GARY BOYCE (12) Chicago Black Hawks, their one - whoo watched watched hishis detensemen defensemen . . Frank, harassed the Chicago is lacking six hits from time 2-0 game lead in the commit errors and his wingmen advantage^ of two more tied defense night iong The Hawks last year's total and his average is Stanley Cup finals dissolved to a sputter on offense, said "We'll games at home it on a power play goal by down from .375 to .361 but RIDING HIGH 2-2 tie after their fourth game have to play much better." 'dvanuge and if the g™, st>„ Mlk|t> ^ (wo ^ ^ with the Montreal Canadiens, seven games - promised the minutes later> but the grand old brine it up. came back to what they hoped S°rt °/. ^ £!"? of the Canadiens, Jean was friendly home ice Wednesday and went right to work for Thursday's fifth game. game XrKrl that the p Canadiens have man " Beiiveau Boyce has been an ideal put the Canadians leadoff batter in his three »head for kee"s in ,hc 'lrsl .tMSU.ftieULg.SuSet vears Golfers seek Soundly outplayed in the "I know we can bring this per!2f . , „ to pitch to along with the ability Canadiens' 5-2 victory Tuesday same stv°e of hotkey back to „Chlcago, mu?1 °nce a*a,n fal1 to hit the ball as well as draw night at the Montreal Forum, CuLmaJrithus"heLid Chicago with us, before offenslvely he said before onto the walks, Boyce has been a potent in of the Hawks returned early and took a morning workout at the leaving>wntrea has proyen Bobby Hull, who ^ M he goes ^ go offensive threat, «Gary is a great leadoff man tournament of I Stadium. The fifth game will be Montreal a eoj^Tuesday nighUn he is o„ base so much." played here, the sixth at The sixth and last spot will go 70 in the final round of Montreal, and a seventh, if By CRAIG REMSBURG to Graham Cooke. Fossum said necessary, back in Chicago. at The Hawks at the Forum. won the first two, home; Montreal the next two, BOBBY HULL EURAIL State News Sports Writer After capturing first place he decided to play Cooke after studying the team statistics and not by the team playoff system Spartan Invitational with a fourth place. 146 score, Third place in the S to i good Unlimited 1st class finishes in their last two outings, used so often this season. Invitational went FINE LINE OF NORELCO PRODUCTS AVAILABLE AT Muslim Students Celebrate PASS travel by train in Europe the MSU golf team travels to Columbus, Ohio to compete in the annual Big Ten Tournament on Friday and Saturday. is "Cooke's playing well now and getting better each day out," Fossum said. "I just wish we could play seven or eight players VanderMeiden, who has playing some fine golf rece He will carry a 76.0 Columbus. averaj PROPHET 21 days $110 1 month $140 Coach Bruce Fossum's squad instead of six." WoirfcG Slightly behind VanderMf MOHAMED'S 2 months $200 3 months $230 will invade Ohio State's par - 72 The Spartan mentor looks for in average, with a 76.4 mai Scarlet Golf Course hoping to a tight four team race for the Big Bradow. He carded a 147 ii BIRTHDAY Ten crown. Indiana, Ohio State make it two Big Ten titles in Invitational which tied hin JEWELRY DEPARTMENT On May 14th Friday, 7:00 p.m three years. The Spartan team of and Purdue are expected to offer fifth place with three < MERIDIAN MALL 1980 GRAND RIVER AVE >m Tad eral 35. eshments. Totonjl, of Union. the Speaker — Fre Secretary Di International STUDENT- 1969 MSU golf. won the first conference championships in the history of The 1971 Spartan linksmen the stiffest competition to the MSU team. For the individual medalist honors, Purdue's Bill Hoffer, golfers. The runner • up for individual title in the tot last weekend was Peterson RAILPASS lie Federation of Stude recently won a quadrangle Michigan's Rocky Pozza, Ohio OKEMOS, MICHIGAN Organizations. Topic: Islar match at Western Michigan and State's Steve Grooves and was defeated in a sudden ■ t playoff by Kastern Michi Dynamic Religion. enjoyed the distinction of Indiana's Don Padgett, along Jeff Reaume. Peterson's! placing twp squads in a tie for with the Spartans' Woulfe, is 76.6. Br 2 months unlimited 2nd class travel for $125 fiTSt^ififce Invitational, held in the Spartan last weekend. Peterson and VanderMeiden, appear to be the best bets to "I felt sorry for John w.„ lost because he played I Norelco introduces the micro-thin head. In the forthcoming 72-hole Big Ten tourney, regulars John win. The best performer on the MSU team at this point is wonderful golf for us," Shaves up to 44% closer, 50% faster College Travel VanderMeiden, John Peterson Dick and Bradow, co-captains Woulfe, according to Fossum. The Ft. Lauderdale, senior has a said. "I hope he can come and win the Big Ten title." The coach is also hoping than ever before. 130 W. Grand River 351-601 Denny Vass and Rick Woulfe will make the trip. fine 74.9 average for 19 rounds of competition this season. top performance from Vass State co-captain has avei Woulfe fired a one under par 77.2 per - round. Pa-FI' k'-J New suPer Microgroove™ !£! 1 ' 0.09mm-thin heads shave you up to 44% closer than the that beat the blades. ones GOOD BUY - CLOSE TO CAMPUS New 90-slot design shaves you up to 50% faster,and far smoother than last year's. Whichever Tripleheader III you buy, cord model or rechargeable, you micro-thin get B""1 ■ Mrrnr rf | w new heads—plus all the proven quality features of Itf Jm the world's » >s-Sli .rilH ■ favorite. * Rotary 3 bedrooms Call action for * smoother Large living room Bob Homan 349-2018] * shaves. $21,100 Easy Terms 349-3310 Floating heads to follow your face. 18 sel f-sharpen- ing blades. With SIMON REAL ESTA) MSU - OKEMOS pop-up trimmer for sideburns. And metal travel wallet. BRANCH OFFICE | 4217 Okemos Rd., Okemo Phone 349-3310 SALE Deluxe Tripleheader III. Rechargeable model 45CT. Deck Shoes for Miss J 2 pairs for $9 One pair $6 Just o limited time to buy two pairs of action shoes at great savings. They're sturdy canvas The new Norelco Tripleheader III is now available at: with ripple soles, and built for comfort. White or navy in sizes 5'/?-10 narrow or 4 10 medium. ZALES JEWELERS 318 S. Washington ( across from FREE SPIRIT) and Lansing Mall NOW 3 CONVENIENT WAYS TO CHARGE: Custom Charge - Revolving Charge - Bank Americard Jacobsorig Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Thursday, May 13. 1 c>7 I our 'S' trackmen Club Sports t ast h ome meet open This weekend ho use the MSU 351-0995. this w KENDO — Demonstration 1 Confederation of Club Sports OUTING CLUB — Rock mile relay quartets. p.m., Sunday, in the Sports bv don kopriva "John's been out of action," Gibbard said. presents events programmed to climbing at Grand Ledge, Arena. Contact Kurt a great performer Sunday from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 gate News Sports Writer for us for three years on the "Many others would have given appeal to a wide range of Schrumcker at 353-2185. up, but he hasn't and is interests. The following clubs p.m. Contact Eric Heinz at varsity," MSU middle distance to help us in the aiming 332-9276. Big Ten now will sponsor events throughout JUDO hn Mock has got a problem coach Jim Gibbard said. "He's RUGBY — Following th» ft". of the pleasant type that going to be very hard to replace justHoward as he did in cross the weekend and invite Two matches with weigiitlifting exhibition at : — country." people Doughty has been to visit and become further the Detroit Cobras at 2 p.m. and p.m. matches and instruction for d be settled easily Saturday and he's always performed in a „..v. injured much of his four years at acquainted with recreational 3:30 P-m- at 01d College Field the beginner. Contact Wing Wh;i U's final dual meet of the team capacity, whether it's been MSU but the Fort Wayne, Ind., activities available to area on Sunday. Lum at 482-9876. here against Indiana. in cross country or in running a native has helped the Spartans to residents. along with three other mile." numerous shuttle hurdle relay SAILING CLUB an'seniors, will be making Wayne Hartwick will be facing titles and - Sponsoring the Midwest ATTENTION CAR OWNERS was on the quartet final appearance on Ralph off in the intermediate hurdles that recently tied the collegiate Collegiate Sailing Association .ne Track in the green and against the man who edged him record at the Drake *p of MSU. Seniors Wayne for Relays. Championships at Lake Lansing runner-up honors in last "Howard's done a fine job on all day Saturday and Sunday * twick. Kim Hartman and year's Big Ten meet, junior Jack Complete front end repair and relays for us and has had the morning. Contact Chuck White ard Doughty will also be Keeler of the lloosiers. He'll also misfortune to be hurt a at 353-7430. alignment their final bows, and be lot," running the high hurdles Gibbard said, "and with * -fully running well against only a KARATE CLUB Brakes * Suspension Saturday, but it's in the vicious few meets left now we hope he'll - defending Big Ten champion race that requires quarter-mile be Tournament competition speed and hurdle finesse that running in top form." Four names. Four trackmen. Aloha . . . Saturday noon in the Sports * Wheel balancing * Steering Arena. Finals will be at 7 problem is simple: he's Hartwick has established himself Four who've contributed and . . . might be a suitable word for intermediate hurdler p.m. both the 660 and 880 in as best in the Midwest. Contact Bruce Henderson at ,i action thus far, and -ui!h the 880 is his event, his and low hurdler, but he's made a intermediate will contribute again "Wayne was recruited as a high Mock, half-mile. Hartwick Saturday: hurdles. Hartman, Wayne Hartwick and three other seniors. John Hartman and Howard Doughty will be appearances at MSU at 1 p.m. Saturday when the Mock, Kim making their final 351-4471. SPORTS CAR CLUB - LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center mark in the 660, 1:19.5, Is fantastic adjustment to the mile. Spartans Parking lot racing in Commuter 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Doughty, high hurdles. meet Indiana in a prelude to the Big Ten meet. Lot, Sunday from 12 noon to 6 -rior to his 1:52.8 half mile, intermediates," Gibbard pointed t Saturday he'll run only out, "He's one of the hardest p.m. Contact Bill Coy at half- And with Indiana's workers on the team and has IN PREAKNESS «Chokey entered in the race given an excellent accounting of a 1:52.2 best, Mock should himself." MSU Union Building ' red of a fast race. We been real pleased 660-880 doubles," Mock with Kim Hartman will be the mile running Saturday. It's easily his favorite event and it's one that Cononero BILLIARD ROOM "but I haven't had the he placed in twice in Big Ten BALTIMORE, Md. (UPI) - They draw for others, Jim French, Bold Reason, Eastern '•$ to run a really good half, meets post positions today for Saturday's Fleet, during his sophomore the $150,000 added Preakness running of Vegas Vic and Impetuosity, all of whom will be ONE HOUR OF BILLIARDS splits on the mile relay have season. Stakes, but no back for a se< ond shot at the one appeared worried Kentucky - bred good and my 47.6 at Drake But his junior year was as they were two weeks colt. He was shipped to Venezuela as a yearling HALF PRICE the fastest I even ran that ill-fated and knee surgery after ago at Churchill Downs. and came back at three to win Then, 21 colts were scheduled to run in the racing's most being hit by a car during the coveted prize despite numerous obstacles. |,Monday, May 10 thru Thursday, May 13 3-11 P.M.' k will likely be the lone 1969 cross country season Kentucky Derby and Churchill Downs officials Executioner, Sound Off, Limit to Reason and put wondered how they would with this coupon run entry in the 880 in the Hartman out of commission get them all Spouting Horn, who passed up the Kentucky Ten meet later this month, until last fall. As underway and trainers sweated out the draw. Derby, complete the field. (Regular price $1.00 co-captain of But only 11 horses were per hour) never won an individual the 1970 harriers, he expected to be While they did not care what placed entered for the second of the post positions in the conference — with 12th in the league and Triple Crown their colts drew, several trainers were third and fourth places helped classics and post positions were not concerned MSU to another Big Ten crown. likely to play about how the young horses were as vital a role as handled at the 12 Pool Tables the has run on two winning "He's come back after a year they did in the Kentucky Derby. starting gate. Canonero II, the Kentucky Derby winner, Trainer Juan Arias was particuarly concerned broke from post position No. 12 in the Rose Run about Canonero II. The colt is 2 Snooker Tables just as good today linois' LaBadie and the outside horse in the Preakness will be 11. At No. as he was prior to the Kentucky Derby, and he expects to grab the winner's purse of $137,400 2 Billiard Tables Louisville, Canonero II defeated, among from the total Preakness purse of $189,900. imed at record mile M.S.U. KARATE CLUB'S 5TH ANNUAL YES . . TWO I0HNS Students, Staff, Faculty and Guests of MSU CAMPAIGN, III. - (UPI) - PER APARTMENT jversity of Illinois junior Lee die, who ran 3:58.8 in a "I knew I had it KARATE TOURNAMENT and balconies, RIVER'S EDGE too WELCOME! going into the meet Tuesday night to last 220 yards even Eliminations 12 Noon FINALS 7:30 P.M. ome the first Big Ten though I was getting heavy,". LaBadie S6l0,,"l *PJay the pinball machines while .V v'Arena Men's I.M. . —daute to break the four '••• bs; barrier in the mile run, had the desire and my responded. I always had body MAY 15 -'«'^DtGSE See Frank 351-8862 waiting for a table! he wanted to do just that, confidence I could do it." Championship matches In white belt, told questioners that he green belt, brown out with the intention of He later finished second in the belt, women's and black belt divisions. Demonstrations of self - defense, board breaking and other martial arts. ning under four minutes. 880 yard run in 1:51.7. LET US SHARE OUR ANXIETIES TOGETHER Six hundred people were canes, typhoons, storm centers. setting machine. It's called the We're involved with them. And DISCUSS BETWEEN US, TELL OTHERS TOO, We can spot sea ice and snow VideoComp. with so much more killed by one in New England in cover. Calculate wind speeds 1938 It can set type as fast as We like to think that at RCA WHAT SORT OF MEN WE CAN'T BE ANY LONGER Anywhere on earth. 900 lines per minute. Compare the drive toward innovation Four years later, eleven This program exemplifies thousand this with the 15/minute of me¬ should be everybody's concern WHAT SORT OF MEN WE NOW DESIRE TO BE. were killed by one in the importance of interdisciplin¬ chanical typesetting, or the 300/ Because this concern is India ary engineering, the engineer¬ minute of photosetters. The winds of a hurricane ing concept of the future. It is our goal ultimately to needed if we are to continue yevgeny yevtushenlco are over 75 the forward direction of crea¬ miles an hour. It is becoming increasingly produce an RCA electronic tive technology for people. It takes the form of a circle more apparent that in the fu¬ printing system that will accept You may be or an oval, sometimes as much ture, the engineer will touch planning a ca¬ as 500 miles in diameter, a manuscript as input and de¬ reer in industry—if so. you could It was foggy on the Monterey Peninsula that morning. The roads were lined with young virtually every aspect of our liver printed copy — packaged, be part of our vision of the future There is no prevention. lives. From medicine to the arts But if we reduce the ele¬ to education to leisure products. addressed and sorted shipping dock. — to the We invite inquiries through people—old people—in-between people—all people. The noonday sun peeked through the ment of your College Placement Direc¬ surprise, we can reduce And he will do this in con¬ Now consider another field ils tor— he can supply additional grey. Blue skies and a warm summer afternoon mingled lightly with pastel shirts and deadly potential. And we've taken steps so junction with other disciplines to complement, overlay, and which had previously been out¬ side the realm of the engineer, information about an RCA pleasant scents. The unite his output for an end re- medicine and health services. We are an equal opportu¬ grandstands were packed as Joan Baez walked center stage amidst a tremulous roar of applause. RCA has designed, devel¬ oped and produced the world's complete Think for a moment about development of a mobile labora¬ nity employer. ^ Aptly titled: celebration; it was. More than anything else it reflected man's tory to provide comprehensive most advanced family of weather an endeavor which, like mete¬ physical examinations in on-the- ability to create a microcosm of beauty amidst a world torn by violence and hatred. It recon¬ satellites. It's called the ITOS program. It's the most sophisticated orology. is seemingly unrelated to classical engineering: the graphic arts industry. spot locations to people other¬ wise out of the mainstream of our health services. I1CJ1 firmed his innate goodness. It reinforced our belief that each person makes an important con¬ weather detector tribution to the whole: We all sent offour own man. and yet devised by perhaps one of the Recently, RCA engineers, working in conjunction with that And we've researched a tiny ripple. Multiplied a thousand fold, we created high-speed turbine drill to in¬ a tidal wave of most beneficial facilities man industry, developed the world's crease the efficiency and de¬ understanding. It was one hell of a beautiful day. Merry Clayton was there; j|as created since he broke the most advanced electronic type¬ crease the pain in dental work. Kris Kristofferson, too. Linda Rondstadt and the Beach From the detailed photo- work in developing facilities for Boys and thousands of people singing, 3'aphs transmitted back to aarth. we can see the formation teaching speech to the retarded. enjoying, swaying, loving. And thanks to Lou Adler, some of the day was captured Communications? Comput¬ a"d plot the course of hurri¬ er education? Oceanography? on tape. Now there's an album. Its y__v\ title: celebration. The artists and produc¬ ers are donating all royalties from its sale to the Institute for the Study of Non-Violence, Palo Alto, Calif, It's the time the world took a moment to stop and listen. / Distributed by A&M Records and Tapes, 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS- Thursday^ ,3 Frosh highlight secondary By GARY SCHARRER are promising young sophomores "Clask is the best prospect consideration as a potential of the secondary's strong points. I cu *— 3E State News Sports Writer - to - be with speed and size," based on his performance last starter," Youngs said. "He Brad McLee will be back for his Daughertv said. "They're the fall and this spring," linebacker doesn't have the range as the senior year and has been one of The biggest chore for the MSU coaching staff at the outset of spring football drills was the finest group of young backs that I have seen in a long time." With only three seasoned coach Ed general, he has that a Youngs said. "In linebacker a lot of ability needs, like other guys but he has the strength and size to block the inside running game." the hardest hitting defensemen since Webster. the days of George |X n veterans returning, the freshmen speed and strength, and he has Backfield Coach Sherman In last Saturday's scrimmage, rebuilding of the defensive secondary. Six three-time lettermen from last season's will be called upon role. Several of candidates may to play a key the rookie nail down the knack of knowing where the ball is." Alderson played fullback last Lewis indicated that freshmen Mike Holt, Paul Hayner and Mark Niesen are in the thick McLee, playing at the strong safety spot, hit with such an impact that he broke his helmet. ■r:S squad were lost by expiration of miAUTC starting berths, defensive of competition for a starting "He is just very, very good," eligibility and the gap loomed as a definite problem. coordinator Dennis Stolz said. year but made the switch to linebacker this spring and has position at one of the two Stolz said about his ace safety. ■ Scoc But the rapid development of While trying to find a solid shown steady improvement. corner backs. Of the three, "He is exceptinally strong 91 Autc young defensive backs has been defensive secondary, the Spartan coaches have found the Youngs is encouraged by Alderson's hitting and timing Lewis said that Detroit St. Ambrose product, Hayner, a against the run. He gives the line tremendous support because of I B Avia EMPL' the most pleasant surprise of Spring practice, Spartan Coach linebacking situation to be a ability and pointed out that the has been the most impressive, his great tackling ability" forf slight problem because of only thing the Baytown, Texas especially with the way he hits The other safety position is puffy Daughertv said. Apar • "Mike Holt, Paul Hayner, Bill injuries. Senior Dan Kulikowski product needs now is people. manned by freshman Bill Hous feimpson, is considered to be a starting experience. Holt is a Highland Park track Simpson. But the Royal Oak i'heuerkauf Bruce Harms, Bob and John Lorente candidate but has missed spring Senior Tom Barnum is speedster and Niesen, who Shrine product will be 1 Roon drills because of a shoulder another linebacker prospect, posses natural ability, is hard-pressed by Brad VanPelt ■ FOR S ailment. after being switched from alternating between defense and next fall. As a 6-5, 225 pound Anim Take A Breather At the Union Sophomores Gail Clark and defensive line. Barnum is big and quarterback. Senior Doug Barr is sophomore last fall, he made an Blocked! ■ Mobil Ken Alderson are running with strong and will be an asset because two-time letter winner and awesome debut as first string Coke Coffee 5c a PERSC safety. He led the club in 1 or the first team and impressing he can play several defensive giving the freshmen a battle in PEANl ALL DAY everyone. Clark started at positions. trying to retain his right corner interceptions with six and in Union DAy ■ May 17 linebacker midway last season "Barnum is another guy who back spot. passes broken up with seven, and '■ flECRlREAL and did an outstanding job. will definitely be given some The was second in tackles with 80. line to block a punt in Saturday's scrimmage. safety spot should be one ■ m SERVI Typin OPEN DAILY 10-10; Sun. 10 TO 7 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY M TRANS m WANTI Game 1" DE The P.M. annual Green •fore pu White clash is 15. Tickets are Saturday i *<*llati now ons 1■ the Paramount News $ ne daj in Lansing and E. Lansin ublicatio A Division of th« S. S. Krosge Company at the athletic officie P Jenison Fieldhouse. Ti m for the 2 p.m. 35 game ai for adults and $1 for students and others of ■ R school age or i day ... younget MEN'S limited number of press tickets at $5 ■ ■ 5c per w diys •• AQUA VELVA* 10-OZ.*NOXZIMA sold. 3%c per i also i Tickets days NO-IRON AFTER SHAVE SKIN CREAM purchased at the may 3c per w< wed day of the game. I on JACKET eanuts ire-paid. P( 76* Cool, refreshing, 8 1/2 o 68* \ here will 1jdbooM lit id is 4.66 Ice Blue after shave. •Fluid Or . >■ 1 ! hi State ■tponsiblcda nt urtion. Reg. 6.66 - 3 Days NY Nets No-iron polyester/cotton. ■ Au() With floating shoulder, 7'/'-0Z.* WILLI AIMS BOTTLE OF 100 popular Knit collar. Choice of stylish spring colors. Small, LECTRIC SHAVE BUFFERIN*TABS ■TIN167, HE; ft Gi medium, large, ex-large. 11-44 7 7 5 . Charge it at Kmart. Kmart Price ■IRACUD/I itback. Ni 1 14-3567 a 9 7« 58* 1 ■ i M4 CK RIV Pre-electric shave lo tion. shaving. For smoother points a game in three; varsity bali under coach McGuire. He tolds f I | Mia CK SPC Carolina's 1 1lllly eq single game Ddition. E record of school's 56 points a career mark of ■ H7 points. i ARO 196 M Stick t 44/46" PRINT ■ U4 figure annual salary. 1 six - COTTON TERRY WO 197( id bra CLOTH FABRIC ;M028.3- f Mi— C year or possibly three • J - Sew And Save no-cut contract" at the figure the Nets paid him, bu uIAR0, 19 the Suns wanted to defer S-5733. 5 of the salary payments. 1 i MEN'S "I just felt that the VELLE IS 97'r. ! i»ed. 655 contract offered me security," Roche added, ■ vrolet" most of all it was a chai ■ "#• Rum come back and play i" '5-7326.3- i I IVY - STYLE Our Reg. 1.33 Yd. - 3 Days York." Lou Carnesecca, the VHOLET coach who tried to lure I v, ~ Your favorite casual fabric for play-time to St. John's when he cu » f !3. «»«ent auto co fashions is sale priced. Choose from a large the Redmen, said, "This 8-9230. 4- selection of 44/46" cotton terry prints espe¬ fellow I've chased for five cially great for beach robes, tops, I finally got him." _ fy wear, FLARE JEANS shorts and home decorating. 15-18 yd. pes. Roche, narents. accompanied bv ■ .said .he with the Nets on the decided fl ad his lawyer, Chicago a o Arthur Morse. a. 44/45" SUMMER PRINTS Kieno set| 2.96 Our Reg. 84' Yd. 3 Days Only 74 to run Reg. to 5.44 Colorful group of Daisy/Tulip prints in bright or"Patriot" red, white, blue. Cotfon broad¬ cloths, poplins, canvas. 10/20 yd. pes. in Phillyl 3 Days PHILADELPHIA (UPJ . . TEXTURIZED COTTON possibility that Kip Kj L b. join the super mile ll«'J 1 by Jim Ryun and Marty-MB at the International 1 Ivy-styled, flare jeans in choice Easy - of solids or your stripes. care, long wearing. Men's sizes 29-38. You can Our Reg. 3 Days 54' Yd. Only 44 Games here expressed Wednesday 3 1 director Bert Uncaster. next Sunday 1 Lancaster didn't overflow 1 I charge it at K-Mart. 35/36" all white, permanently texturized, optimism over/fhePKef i washable cotton fabric. Ideal for uniforms, children's dresses, decorating. 20-yd. lengths. noting of Ryu" greater runner a triple g JI I "Keino said he * Lancaster said at » ol,ll| I AN SING W. Saginow St. Waverly dedar St., , n^ar — S. near Jolly Road OK EMOS ~ Grand River near Okemos Road news conference an . ■ "but the Ethiopean I hasn't confirmed it V«- ■ ly, May 13 , ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 13, 1971 13 STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Make your budget further 355 8255 go — Shop the classified ads every day. CLASSIFIED 355-8255 The State News does not Automotive ffeankLy speaking . by Phil Frank Scooters (.yelp* & permit racial or discrimination religious JAGUAR XK-2 1969 Roadster. Full Employment For Rent in its maintenance records; Ziebart CYCLE INSURANCE. Central advertising columns. PART TIME State News will The not rustproof, 372-0346. 5-5-19 AM-FM, chromes. begin! selective Michigan's Largest cycle, any rate. insurer. Any LLOYD'S of male telephone canvassing. Good and female 513 HILLCREST. 5 minutes walk Union. Air conditioned, to fully, hourly wages. Must have good furnished, carpeted, dishwasher, i automotive •ccept advertising which discriminates KARMANN GHIA 1964. Good tires, service phvsigal LANSING, 332-5335, 482-5585. O speaking voice. Call Mr. Vance, disposal. Most utilities furnished. Scooters & Cycles against 2 new studded 393-5460. An equal opportunity 1 or 2 large bedrooms. From Auto Parts & Service religion, race, national origin. color or flood, $350 snow or tires. Runs best offer. exam h ~ A uto Service & Parts employer. 10-5-21 $45/person. 351-0705, o t 351-5379. 5-5-19 655-1022.3-5-14 j Aviation JUNIORS AND above. Education or I EMPLOYMENT MALIBU 400 1971. 10,000 library science majors to sell FOUR MAN, fall, close to Union. miles, MASON BODY SHOP 812 East ■ for rent buckets, automatic, tape player. Kalamazoo Street , .Sinco 1940. educational products part time. $13.50/weekly. Call ED 7-9566. List ... Liberal commissions. Call Mr. 5-5-18 ADartments $4200, sacrifice $3100 Complete auto painting and 355-9504. 1-5-13 Helson 882-2431. 3-5-13 collision service. IV 5-0256. C j Houses Automotive Beal Street Apartments ROOM, BOARD and salary. Upper J Rooms CHEVROLET Belaid >8. Body, engine excellent, AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and class or graduate student to live i for sale 1967 steering and brakes. $1000 Power aint, must sell. 349-1749. American cars. If we can't fix can't be fixed. Call it, it with family and help with 3 young n Animals or best 332-3255. O children offer. 332-3635, beginning summer evenings. 10-5-21 conditioning. Open 6 - 7:30 p.m., J Mobile Homes CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 1968. VW - GUARANTEED repair quarter. room. Private air Bath and - conditioned phone. Two Monday - Thursday. 216 Beal St., ■personal Automatic, low mileage. Excellent 353-7032. 5-5-19 RANDY'S MOBIL. Okemos Road. 349-9620. I-96 ai blocks from campus. Call Apt. 2A. 351-6088 or 349-1076. ■peanuts PERSONAL condition. Call John, 882-1924 C 332-1105 8 - 10 a.m„ 8 - 10 p.m. NEEDED ONE girl for summer term,- 5-5-18 ■real ESTATE 3-5-14 MGB 1967. Wire wheels, new top and Aviation close to campus. Cheap.* ■recreation CHEVY VAN 1963. New brakes. After 6 p.m., 353-2194 3-5-13 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY employer 351-1047. 3-5-14 tires, runs ■service good. $250. Bob, 349-2436. desires minority group fashion and LOVELY FURNISHED efficiency,* 1 Typing Service 5-5-18 MGB 1967 photographic models. Call Jobob, hardtop convertible. Wire LEARN TO FLY 915 Lilac. $120 plus electricity. 487-0046. 3-5-14 ■transportation CHEVY NOVA, 1966. 283. 3 wheels, Michelins, overdrive. 332-1367. 3-5-13 Call Available May 16th. 349-3604.' 5-5-18 speed. SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE iwanted Excellent mechanical condition Faculty - Staff - Experienced carpenters for work in MUSTANG 1968. down, take Students and/or DUPLEX, JUNE and September. 7- DEADLINE 485-2365.3-5-13 Torch Lake resort area. Please | pM. one claw day over pay£Q\>> automatic. 6 cylinder 355-6093 after 6 tmiucs tz> it- meh immediate family. only experienced carpenters and 3 bedroom. 372-1629. 17-6-4 Clean. Call; COMET 1967 Lowest rates through apply. Space 70 homes, 616 - n publication, steering, automatic. Power uf sAr mr-A/acr." MSU FLYING CLUB. 533-8668 or 616 power brakes, radio. - 533-8245 itions - 12 noon $950. Call Deb 353-3401. 2-5-13 evenings. 14-5-24 MUSTANG 1969 Mach I. 428 Cobra Call Roger, Flight CEDAR GREENS dass day before jet. 4 speed, excellent condition. instructor after 5:30 SALESPEOPLE TO work in 1 bedroom furnish'*! ition. CORTINA GT 1966. 40,000 miles. an Blue with black interior. Needs some transmission work, Phone 349-3426. 5-5-14 Tape. Automotive Automotive p.m. 332-6246. exciting gift store. Full time POOL PHONE otherwise positions. Available for mature okay. $250. Phone Call 351-8631 3558255 individuals. Many company 355-3525. 3-5-17 PONTIAC 1964. Lemans convertible. 6 BASED VW MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1966 dunebuggy. $1000 or LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight benefits. Regular increases. Excellent condition. $650 or best RATES CORVAIR 1965. 2 door V-8. Deluxe interior. Good will trade for large road bike or training. All courses are Cashier and sales experience THREE MEN needed to sublet in 4, hardtop, 4 offer. 675-7414. 5-5-14 rt of comparable price. Call $1.50 speed, 140 condition. $650. 355-0706. 3-5-13 Jay, government and VA certified. preferred, but not necessary. man for summer term. Across- horsepower. Very 5-5-18 . FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Apply in person, between 10 a.m. Be per word per day clean. Call 482-0580, after 5 p.m. MUSTANG 1967. 3 RAMBLER CLASSIC 1965 6 Road, Call 484-1324. C 5 SPENCER street from campus. VeryJ p.m., GIFTS, - 3-5-14 speed. 6 reasonable. Call 332-8370. 5-5-13 Idiys WOO cylinders. Extra tires. Excellent cylinder automatic. Perfect Scooters & Meridian Mall. 3-5-14 *c per word per day condition. Phone condition. Phone 351-5522. Cycles $6.50 CORVAIR 1964. Good condition, 54,000 miles. $75 or best offer. 3-5-14 484-0164 3-5-14 Employment For Rent Now 126 MILFORD leasing: 2 and 3 man- 1969 TRIUMPH 650, just rebuilt. jjeper word per day 349-3608. 3-5-14 MUSTANG 1967 V-8 automatic. RAMBLER 1964 Classic 4 door. $800 or best offer. 255-5790. STILL SOME positions open for apartments, $170. close 351-2207, to campus.; 372-5767,' id on 10 words per ad) Power Good transportation. Call 3-5-17 TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction CORVETTE STINGRAY. 1963. 4 steering, vinyl roof. dishwashers and cooks, summer. 489-1656. 24-6-4 Console. One 349-2778. £-5-14 Mackinaw guaranteed. Free delivery, service speed. Convertible. Good owner. $995. City. 353-1283, inuts Personals must be 339-8072 after 5:30 p.m. 5-5-19 CUSTOM 305 Honda. Excellent. and pick-up. Call NEJAC, condition. Phone 393-5738. 5-5-19 LANSING. 3 484-0164 rooms upstairs, [re-paid. 3-5-14 4500. Chrome metalflake. Must see. 489-3925. 2-5-14 337-1300. C ' furnished including laundry MUSTANG MACH I, 1970. Excellent CAREER OPPORTUNITY. If re will be a 50c service ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. except electricity. No children or • condition. Many extras. Call approved by home office, can id bookkeeping charge if COUGAR 1968 BSA 650. New SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV pets. $100. 669-6695. 5-5-18 1969, yellow with black 1969 engine, __332-8054. 5-5-19 train at $150 weekly with 123 |iis sd is not paid within vinyl top. Full power, automatic. Must sell. 485-6267. 5-5-17 MUSTANG 1969 Mach new Insurance battery, and 5,000 miles. helmet included. year old highly respected life RENTAL, 372-4948. O I 390 insurance company. We are an RIVER HOUSE & ALBERT automatic. Phone 372-8376 after $850 or best offer. 4-12 p.m. FURNITURE RENTAL TRIUMPH 1969 equal opportunity employer. APARTMENTS it State News will be DODGE 5 p.m. 3-5-14 Spitfire. 18,500 351-6496. 2-5-14 Student special starting at $20 POLARA, 1969. 2 door, miles. 2 Phone 482-6275. 5-5-19 a tops, snow tires. One nsible only for the power steering, brakes. owner. Fine condition. Best offer. month. Reserve now for Fall Fall & Summer, 1 block from Economical 318 engine. OLDSMOBILE AIR conditioned Term. BISHOP FURNITURE day's incorrect Low — Around $1700. Call 489-3489 NEEDED SOON babysitter. In your mileage. 355-8105 or 373-7214. Dynamic 88, 1965 4-door home for one 16 month girl. RENTAL, 4972 Northwind Drive campus, 1 - 2 bedroom, 2 - 4 after 5:30 p.m. 6-5-14 hardtop. Power brakes and persons, furnished, balcony, 3-5-13 TRIUMPH Prefer experienced person with _352-583a 2V6-4 air conditioning, steering. Automatic. 332-6120. DAYTONA 1968. Good children. Hours Monday - Friday, study. TRIUMPH GT6. Low mileage. One TV RENTALS-Studentsonly. Low DODGE 1964. Many new parts. Lots 5-5-18 condition. 500cc. Asking $700. REDUCED SUMMER 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Please call days of miles left. Call 337-2341 or owner. Good condition* 1-5-13 monthly and term rates. Call RATES. 204 River St., Apt. . 353-5223; evenings 351-1509 Mrs. 351-7900 UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 1963 98. Full power. 484-2157. 5-5-13 TV 6. 351-3484 01 332-0255. 353-1485. 5-5-17 Wenke. 5-5-19 Nice clean car. $250. 339-8349. RENTALS. C Automotive TRIUMPH SPITFIRE Mark III 1969. 1969 SUZUKI TS250 Enduro. 3-5-14 Excellent condition. Helmet SUBLET SUMMER;"'?girls each own ' FALCON 1962. 2 door, automatic, GIRL FRIDAY. Some travel, for real HORSE CO-OP. Near campus. Large Wire wheels. Excellent condition. included. $475. 349-4327. 3-5-14 bedroom. $62 across from \ good transportation. $95. Call estate executive in Northern box stalls. 373-6794 or 349-1328. ■TIN HEALEY 3000 MKIII OLDSMOBILE VISTA Best offer. Dave 355-4570, ' campus. 351-6485. 5-5-18 353-6851 after 5 p.m. 3-5-13 Cruiser Michigan. Write P.O. Box 129, 3-5-17 ■67. Green, best offer. 351-6481.3-5-14 1970 BSA 250. 700 miles. Excellent, wagon, 1964. Beautiful shape, Gaylord, Michigan. 5-5-19 fel-4477. 5-5-18 extras. 353-4402, 353-6839. SUMMER SUBLET, 2 men needed \ new muffler, tune-up. Excellent or TRIUMPH 1964. Red 3-5-14 for 4 man apartment, 351-0659. tires, brakes, luggage carrier. $745. ; 0RACUDA 1967. Automatic 332-6226.3-5-13 Removable 2 section hardtop. TR-4. CLEANING LADY Mondays Fridays. Own transportation. and Apartments 3-5-14 back. New tires, low mileage. $450. 355-0660. 1-5-13 YAMAHA 1965. 250cc. Needs Phone 332-8573. 2-5-14 APARTMENTS. """7 after 5 p.m. $1000. SUMMER and/or OLDSMOBILE SUMMER ONE girl needed: Cedar ; FIREBIRD 1967. Gold convertible. 1968 442 engine work. $100. Frank, next year. One half block from convertible. New VALIANT CONVERTIBLE 1964. 332-2946. 3-5-14 Village. Michele, 353-1138; • 400 cubic inches. 4 speed AM-FM engine, NURSERY ATTENDANT, Sunday campus. Two, three or four man. Oldsmobile mags, four Automatic, buckets, radio, power AM and PM; Wednesday PM. First Elaine, 353-1201. 3-5-14 speed, Immediate |CK RIVIERA 1967. Private radio, factory stereo tape, low stereo tape, - full warranty left. top. $350 or best offer. 355-9757. 1970 YAMAHA 175 Enduro. Perfect occupancy. 126 Excellent condition, mileage. Good condition. Call . Baptist Church of Okemos. Call Orchard. Phone 339-2219, mtifu! car. 332-0080. 10-5-14 393-0752. 5-5-17 Best offer over $1550. 351-4404. X-2-5-J3 condition, low mileage. 349-2830.3-5-17 337-2082. 22-6-4 4-5-14 Accessories. 332-4374. 3-5-14 VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Beige sedan with sunroof and radio. Excellent NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: Full or CAPITOL COMPLEX 5 ■ Cedar Village J SPORTSWAGON, 1967. FORD 1964. Galaxie 2 door eight 1970 SUZUKI TS250. Excellent rooms. Pll» equipped, OLDSMOBILE 1965. Full condition. Call 882-2738. 3-5-13 part time person with wilderness Furnished, carpeted, fireplace, excellent 'dition. Best offer. 351-4058. cylinder. Automatic transmission, three good tires, completely new excellent transportation. $325. power, condition. Best offer over $600. and family camping background. garage, $165. 2 rooms, $11 5. Girls ■ Apartments J After 5 p.m. 355-3188. 2-5-14 353-0905. 3-5-14 Retail sales experience preferred. married VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Sedan with or couple. Phone ignition system and 24 month battery. Good running car. $300. 1966 1500cc van engine. WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER Call for appointment 489-4188 Mr. Johnson. 5-5-19 489-1276. 5-5-13 S. . . provide continuous freej Excellent mechanical condition. ■ maintenance 487-3096. S-4-5-14 OPEL GT 1969. Tan with black $500. Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. on toilets,J ; interior. Low mileage. Sharp. _349-317_2_3- 5.13 Phone 489-4811. Our new address WAITRESSES, EXPERIENCED. TWO GIRLS needed for summer ■garbage disposals, stoves, aira FORD FAIRLANE 500, 1965. 289 393-1228.3-5-13 Both full and part time. All shifts term. Cedar Village. Call Marsha, "conditioners, and many otheri VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Sedan, 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF V-8, automatic. $500. Phone 351-2087. 3-5-14 !0 1970 V-8. PLYMOUTH SAVOY 1963 2 door 6 sunroof. Rebuilt engine, new shocks. available. Apply in person at m appliances. Cedar Village also! Power steering 482-7816. 5-5-17 Connor's 24 Hour Restaurant, cylinder sedan. New tires. Good deal, price open. 351-2062, ask 1969 BMW R-60US. Set up for ATTENTION GIRL student teachers ■ has 24 - hour emergency* , .brekes, mission. Low automatic 351-4407. 5-5-14 for Bruce, 5-5-18 traveling. Call 332-6144 before 3231 West Saginaw, east of for Traverse City. Room available. ■service by our on-site staff, g mileage. $2850. FORD FAIRLANE 1965. 3:30 p.m. 5-5-13 Waver ly. 5-5-14 W28.3.5.U V-8, 351-3051. 5-5-18 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. 30,000 miles. automatic, power steering. Greg, 332-1026. 3-5-14 PONTIAC LEMANS convertible. 4 Java green, radio. Good condition. HONDA, 1971. 350, Excellent j Now Leasing for JjMO, 1970. ■Jvminti or V-8. Take balance over speed, leather interior. Perfect condition. 332-8175. 2-5-14 1 owner. $800. Call 484-7461, ext. 14, Miss Page. 3-5-14 condition. 1,100 miles. 485-2365. 1 Summer Term | due. 3-5-13 I FOR SALE: Hornet 1970. Standard ■2-6733.5-5-19 332 5051 I shift. Take over payments. PONTIAC GTO, 1965. 3 speed, VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Good - 1971 BENELLI 65 cc. 300 miles. 2 A NEW division of an old company Rent a TV for the last month of |veUE655-2529. ■«Md. 1970. SS, 396, 350 hp, 5-5-19 882-4871. 3-5-14 power steering, excellent. Best offer. 332-2471. 3-5-13 condition, new tires. excellent. 351-3217. 5-5-18 Runs sprockets. Must sell. 332-8661 ask for CB. 3-5-13 has openings for sales the term RENTALS 337-1300. . . . NEJAC TV I I Bogue St. at the Red Cedar | ] representatives. Full or part time. FOUR WHEEL drive Bronco, 1966. We train. Good pay program. Call PONTIAC KtRuns 1955. well. Ha, 50000 Best Good condition. 15,000 miles. 332-8589 after 5 p.m. 3-5-14 1963. Excellent mechanical condition. Good tires. VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Fastback. Rebuilt motor and new brakes. 1970 TRIUMPH Daytona $1050. Call 482-5626, between 6- 500. 351-3700. 3-5-13 offer. »• 3-5-17 $150. Phone 393-4085. 5-5-17 Phone 349-4063. 3-5-14 9 p.m. 4-5-14 DELIVERY AND stockroom work. 20-25 hours per week. Mornings □Era sum nana S?0lET BE LAIR 1967. V-8, FORD Yellow, GALAXIE power 500, 1967. steering, PONTIAC 1965 Catalina 2 door VOLKSWAGEN 1966 sedan. 1 HONDA 305, 1967. Low mileage. preferred. Apply in person CROSSWORD PUZZLE □□□ dee Hans owner, good shape. $700. Call Condition like new. WESTERN BROTHERS RESTAURANT wem ' au'omstic transmission! automatic, radio, new tires, low hardtop. V-8, automatic, power 489-3581. 5-5-18 AUTO SUPPLY, 2326 South Cedar ErUHQfflCTH □□□□ condition. $975. Phone mileage. Clean. Call 351-7208 steering, brakes. $595. 882-6142 STORE, Williamston. after 6 p.m. 5-5-19 after 5:30 p.m. 3-5-14 5-5-17 Street, Lansing. 3-5-14 □nra mayaa VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1965. Good ACROSS □BEE □□□ condition, motor just rebuilt. Ray. 1967 TRIUMPH 500. Good GIRLS: SUMMER employment, free □□□ EQEQ EQQ „make 351-3525. 2-5-14 condition. $650. Call Dirty Ed, 332-3575. 3-5-13 training, unlimited earnings. Set own hours. 353-8248. 2-5-13 1 Luncheon dish 6. Nightstick 27. Ballads 31. Sluice □EO [DEEMS □□□ KAMIN'S VOLKSWAGEN 1960. average. Excellent motor. New Above 1968 TRIUMPH 650 Bonneville. Excellent condition. $975 or best. SUMMER AND employment: 12-20 hours per part time 10. Flourish 11. Possess 12. Short jackets 35. Racetrack tipster HsnBriE nam HEQB ees raaaa EQQOEHn your tires. Body fair. First $175 takes it. 482-7300. 3-5-17 355-6819. 3-5-14 week. 351-5800.0 Automobile required. 13. Armadillo 36. 37, Embrace Shank hqbs oram 00a sound I'M G0INJ6 TO TAKE" 1968 TRIUM^f 14. Noah's boat 15 Kind of coffee 39. 40. Emulate "The msa □□□ aua head¬ THEM AROUND "WE NEI6HB0RH00D AND Yes, We Have 17. Fr. season 18. Fare 20. One of three Tentmaker" 42. Vanity quarters 44. Roster SELL TWEM TO FOX'S WM0 WANT TO MAKE NORTON COMMANDO, 1969. 4000 miles. $1000 or best. Extras. Location... 22. Scour 24. Vinegar worm 45. Vandalize 46. Sketched DOWN THEIR OWN TREES1 for 351-3052. 5-5-13 1 Block from 25. Deserter 47. Harangue 1. Blending device 2l. Science i. Told stories your COMPLETE SYSTEM J. Prevent Campus... u m 5. Wish home AT ONE LOW PRICE 3. Rolled tea and 1. 2. 3. AM/FM-FMX Radio 8-irack cartridge player Two home speakers $15995 • Spacious living and fun for the young at heart. Olympic pool / Club summer WATER'S EDGE i 7. 3. ■). Revers Grape Cap conserve 3. i • 4. 3-specd record changer Color TV I Exercise Room Type of lens I. Bounders car! • Stereo headphones Saunas / Pool Tables 5. 6. Chrome and wood stereo cart • Volleyball and 6. 9. Pastry Rotate 484-4596 One bdr. apts. from $155. 1. Scenario Two bdr. apts. from $190. Three bdr. apts. from $220. RIVER'S EDGE I22 m 3. 6. Judge's bench Shipworm MODELS OPEN DAILY 8. Amateur 11 A.M. 7 P.M. - APARTMENTS 1 9. 0. Pretense Stalk MEADOWBROOK P 1.Tendon $3495 It is the policy of the State News that all Out 496 East to Jolly Rd. TRACE 2 Roommate Service Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Furnished, Balconies i 2. Wit 3. Marble 4 Ger automatic Student Ads be Prepaid See Frank JoAnne 8. Davenport j year or exit, then to corner of warr starting May 20th p.m. at 1 Dunckel and Jolly at 1050 Waters Edge Dr. m 1 Bleak 3 Loop and knot 351-8SG2 aas>2i» 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May j3 For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent Student ONE GIRL needed for 4 man. School NEED ONE girl for 4 girl summer, ONE GIRL needed for 4 girl summer. MAN FOR four man, summer, air WARDCUFF. FURNISHED, 3 tPi031, DIRECTORY Close to campus. 353-6198. Old Cedar Village. 332-8594, Cedar Jerrle. conditioned. bedroom house. $250/month. year. University Terrace, 3-5-14 Jane. 2-5-13 $58.75. 332-0150. 3-5-17 Family only. 332-2364. 3-5-14 MARRIED STUDENTS TWO ROOMMATES needed Male. THREE GIRLS needed to share 4 girl FEMALE SUMMFf-.pQ1- Large, air - For house behind Inn America for conditioBt^-iment. Near & FACULTY Cambria Townhouse summer and fall. 351-6326. 3-5-13 campus. 332-3844.3-5-12 apartments - Hagadorn and M-78. MSU BARBER SHOP TWO GIRLS for large beautiful close Twelve month lease beginning SPECIAL! campus apartment. Reduced NO SECURITY 209 MAC Ave. - to - summer term. Call IMMEDIATELY: GIRL for house. Volkswagen muffler replacement STODDARD APARTMENTS. 351-9086. 351-1110 Summer. 332-2911. 5-5-14 $29.95 complete, (type 3 - $35.95) ,sFor Furnished, 2 man. Close to Call 351-8238, 332-2920. rates. DEPOSIT REQUIRED - 2-5-14n Double room. 351-9302. 3-5-14 Close. No lease. All work guaranteed. Try us for your next Ren| campus. CAPITAL VILLA: Summer sublet; 3 KNOB HILL RANDY'S MOBIL styling, razor cut or Ca" 4 man; pool; furnished. NEAR MICHIGAN School for the Blind. One bedroom furnished and DUPLEX, three bedrooms available 1-96 at Okemos Rd. special cut. 355-8255, 351-0419. 3-5-13 APARTMENTS Norwood Apartments utilities $100. Phone 489-2329. for summer term. $220. 349-9620 Appointments available. NOW!! 349-4700 1-5-13 351-0787. 3-5-14 Now renting large one and FURNISHED APARTMENT, 4 ELDORADO GOLF COURSE bath. Private, parking, Open: 11:00-7:00 Mon.-Sat. CONTACT LENS two bedroom for summer and rooms, $50. ONE girl for 3 man. Air ROOMMATE NEEDED summer, 2:00-5:00 Sunday 3750 W. Howell Rd., Mason fall. Close to campus. lease, $140. 489-0450. 5-5-17 conditioning, dishwasher. option for fall. Own room. SERVICES " °f Reduced summer rates. Call Also shown by appointment Summer. No lease. 353-6218. $55/month. 351-9421. 3-5-14 Student Rates — Weekdays. motility 1 D. M. DEAN, an 332-2712 after 3 p.m. TWO BEDROOM quiet residential neighborhood near North Hagadorn. Call 332-1027. 3-5-13 On Okemos Rd. Across from Okemos High School GIRL 3-5-17 TO share THREE MEN to sublet 3 bedroom furnished house. Summer term. Driving more range, information carts, equipment, rental clubs. For golf call 210 Abbott Rd. Suite #16 BOB JONES PA,NTst LANSING OR East Lansing. One apartment thru bedroom furnished. Large, airy summer. Close. Reasonable rent. Just north of campus. Call 676-2854. 332-6563 rooms. Air conditioned. GIRL NEEDED for two man summer 351-2705. 3-5-14 Beautifully maintained. Suitable and or fall. Reduced. Near WASHDAY SAVINGS for faculty, grad students, business campus. 355-1399. 3-5-13 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted SUMMER: FIVE bedrooms, 2 baths, 25c per load COLLEGE TRAVEL people, married couples. Lease. Now and/or summer. Close to garage close. Also apartments, The best for leu • glasses l OFFICE 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 126 MILFORD ONE MAN to share luxury furnished campus. Free rent till June. 332-3357. 5-5-18 Special Texas Washer 50c • CONTACT lentl LARGE TWO party furnished Summer Leasing: only apartments, 3 left. 2 close to campus. man 2 T bedroom wyckingham. apartment. $95/month. Reduced 5-5-19 rate. Call 351-1087. LIBERAL ROOMMATES for nice WENDROW'S ECONOWASH 130 West Grand River Ave. DR. I.L. Collin., Optom(SJ efficiencies. Air conditioned, close 351-2207, 372-5767, 489-1656. 351-7732. 2-5-14 house. In East Lansing. Jim. 3006 Vine St. 351-6010 Co-Optical ServirJ to campus. $135 summer. $150 24-6-4 GIRL NEEDED for Cedar 351-9160. 5-5-18 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. l blk. W. of Sears 3218 S. Logan, 'C< fall. Call 484-0585, 484-1328. Village. Next year full time. 353-1214. CAMPUS VIEW FURNISHED, ONE bedroom, 10-5-17 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. South, near BROOKS Imported Cars BEAD CRAFTS, f AR-M0R~" 1 Michigan Ave. Large furnished 3-5-17 APARTMENTS children, pets, summer or fall. GOLF MALE GRAD for 2 man apartment. studio. Utilities paid. Private $130, includes utilities. 351-9421. Sales and DECOUPAGE SUPPLIES, COURSES Illuminated Driving I Furnished, garage, porch. No entrance. $110 / month plus ONE MAN needed for 4 man Fall. Across the street from Judy. 3-5-14 if|u| ART REPRODUCTIONS gj lease. $67.50 / month. Available June 7th. 373-0699 between 8 - 5 deposit. Phone 627-5454. 5-5-14 Cedar Village. Rick, Tim, 353-8375. 2-5-14 351-0918, Williams Hall Ave. on University approved Michigan THREE GIRLS, 21, fall, furnished, Service 482-1473 candle making supplies Enfield's Incorporated LHutPar:i&R^4 p.m., ask for Dennis. 3-5-14 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham Supervised apartments for East Lansing house, $55/month; 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing 693 M-43, Okemos, 349-1940 Corner Park Lk. ed 2-3'"" Rd.&EM.I Drive. 135 Kedzie. 2 man "TOGETHER" ROOMMATE wanted women students. Leasing one girl summer, 351-9421. Judy. furnished apartments. Includes for stable situation. Write Phil, 3-5-14 this week for summer and Protect Your Damage Deposit heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. Box B-2 Michigan State News. FRANDOR KARMELKOf fall. Call evenings: Leases starting June 15 and Sept. 3-5-14 ONE BEDROOM in house. $60 PORCELITE Shouldn't You Be for those parties 1. Days, 487-3216. Evenings til 10 monthly with house privileges. end get $135/month. 332-2495. 3-5-13 TWO ROOMMATES wanted to share 332-6246 484-1542 after 6 p.m. 3-5-17 Expertly repairs chipped porcelain Using This Spacer together:. p.m., 882-2316. O plumbing fixtures and 2 bedroom Collingwood appliances. Free estimates. Popcorn Balls and Caramel Ap J Built-in Bars SUBLEASE. ONE furnished. Near campus. $140. 351-7253 or 332-6109. 1-5-13 bedroom apartment man for summer. total. 332-5733. 5-5-19 *$125 / TWO GIRLS for summer term, New Cedar 3-5-17 Village. Call 353-6178. THREE BEDROOM home. June 15, 1971 15, 1972. Family only. 351-4397. FACULTY - September Call now. Phone 372-5882, after 5 p.m. CALL 355-8255! ..SL-KKr-sf 351-4468 GIRL NEEDED winter and/or spring 3-5-17 in Perfect for FURNISHED APARTMENTS, Twyckingham, three man. Call Houses For Sale For Sale summer leases available. 337-2394. 2-5-14 FOUR GIRLS. Summer and/or fall. For Sale party lovers! Reservations now being accepted Furnished, clean. 1420 Snyder. An ONE GIRLS. GROUP of 3 or 5. Walking WATERBED FRAMES $35 and up. option for September. 731 BURCHAM GIRL for 4 man, summer. distance. Available June 16th. Call $50/summer, $60/fall. After 6 SEVEN PIECE drum set, Ludwig. miscellaneous furnI available for East Lansing. See these sharp Campus Hill. $45/month. Damage p.m. 332-5320. 1-5-13 REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, including chests, desk 332-5731.3-5-13 Extras, double bass, double torn, an luxury units including shag deposit. 332-3635. 16-6-4 Lansing, 489-6168. TF Also golf clubs. Call 4! floor bass, cymbal, with 2 stands only $5/ mth. extra carpeting, ultra modern kitchen ONE PERSON $55 plus utilities. after 9 p.m. S-5-14 FOUR MAN house to sublet for and high hat. Excellent condition. Just one of with dishwasher, swimming pool, GIRL NEEDED, own room, summer, Own room. Duplex. 574 Gunson. HAIRDRYER - OSTER. Hooded. In summer. Fully furnished and 1 % years old. $600. C-G Conn alto the beautifully landscaped grounds, and next year. East Lansing, car 332-8734. 2-5-14 excellent condition. $20. Phone special and ample parking. Only $160. carpeted. 5 minutes from Berkey. saxophone. Rockwell trumpet. necessary. Ziva, 351-0943, 351-8464. 3-5-14 features at. .. 332-3795. 5-5-17 351-6818. 2-5-14 Open daily and Sunday 10 a.m. - 353-3264.3-5-17 noon, 1 -6 p.m. 351-7212.0 Rooms MAGNAVOX THREE FAMILY OFFICE DESKS, files, chairs, stands, STEREO, two years garagt, - IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY for GIRLS. SUMMER or fall. Near old, portable, $80. Call Dave, Furniture, antiques,clothing! Burcham Woods EAST LANSING, house. Residential eligible couple. 1421-C Spartan campus. Furnished. Parking. MEN. CLEAN quiet rooms. Summer term. Cooking, close to chests. 1 439 FOOTE W. Grand FURNITURE, River, 351-1674. 3-5-14 bit of everything. 3490 Ta area near Hagadorn. Two bedroom 332-8903. 5-5-14 campus. Village, (one bedroom). 1-5-13 corner of Abbott. Friday1 745 Burcham 485-8836, 487-5753. O Williamston. 8-5-14 furnished, $160. One bedroom, SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. 351-3118 $140. Utilities included. Available CEDAR GREENS, 2 man, across SUMMER: 4 girls, near campus, Brand new portables - $49.95, Saturday, 10-7 p.m. 3-5-14 f TWO ROOMS available June 15th. SONY INTEGRATED stereo if no answer - 484-4014 starting summer term. Phone from pool. Call after 4 p.m. parking, laundry. 2 baths. $5.00 per month. Large selection TEAC A1200U Tape t 351-5285 evenings. 5-15-14 Quiet. Pine location. Gentlemen. amplifier TA-1144, new Sony, of reconditioned used machines. 351-0077. 2-5-14 351-2605. 6-5-13 accessories. Like net IV 2-8304. 3-5-14 4-track stereo tape deck. Both Singers, Whites, Necchis, New 393-5937 after 6 p.m. 3-5-141 excellent. Must sell. 353-6831. Home 8i "Many Others." $19.95 ROOMS SUMMER. Three blocks 3-5-14 AlsovJ Your to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS COLOR TV 23" Zenith. Blueprint from campus. Air conditioned. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, RUMMAGE SALE. Everything from golf clubs, full set. Call 355-H Call 332-2501. 3-5-14 1115 North Washington, 3-5-14 A to Z. Saturday, May 15th, 9- 2 489-6448. C-5-13 COOKING, MEN, summer and fall. p.m. 1445 Spartan Village Court. CHURCH RUMMAGE sale, fi Close to Union. Call ED 7-9566. 2-5-14 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, and Saturday, May 14th andS 5-5-18 canisters and uprights. Guaranteed 9 a.m. 4 p.m., at 147 Lexifl - TAPES - 8 track stereo, will record, full one year. $7.88 and up. behind Brookfield Plaza. Clotf SPARTAN HALL, singles, men, 64 minutes, $4.00. Dennis DENNIS DISTRIBUTING women. Now leasing for summer, 351-3820. 3-5-17 toys, furniture, household if COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. ^=3 fall. 351-9286, 372-1031. O Opposite City Market. C-5-13 miscellaneous, and Bake gf 3-5-14 WIG: ASH blond, shoulder length. FURNACE FRATERNITY HOUSE open for Hardly worn. $25. 351-4472. summer rent. For information call ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses? Save PENTAX SPOTMATIC, T«kl 1-5-13 at OPTICAL 332-5053. 5-5-17 DISCOUNT, 2615 lenses: 50mm fI.4, 28mm | East Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. 300mm f5.6 cus ADVENT DOLBY 101. 4 months C-5-14 EFFICIENCY ROOMS, close in. old. Warranty. $100. Must sell. accessories. $400. 371-14031 6 p.m. 5-5-14 $85/month. Call 663-8418 before 355-9468. 2-5-14 DYNACO 120 power amp. Dual noon or evenings. 2-5-14 1010 automatic changer. Garrard 1970 ZENITH Trent stereo console. lab 55 automatic changer. Animals STUDENT MOTHER desires woman List $425, sacrifice $175. Panasonic 8 track tape deck. roomer. $50. Close. Available 355-9504. 1-5-13 Norelco stereo cassette recorder. ALASKAN MALAMUTE [ now. 351-1356. 3-5-17 Scott model 17 speakers. young dogs, adults. Impressiv| LIVING ROOM STEREOS devoted companion , KITCHEN SINGLE ROOMS, East Lansing. Receivers, $59.95 up. Speaker 669-3423. 10-5-14 / 12x 15 8/12 8 6/12x 12 10/12„t^--=t I Nicely furnished, quiet, parking, sets, $19.95, up. Compact stereos, kitchen 14' CAMPER trailer. Stove," privileges. 351-5604. $39.50 up. 8 track automatic tape SIAMESE KITTENS sealpoint, 2-5-14 refrigerator, sleeps 5. $450. Call players, $29.50 up. 8 track tapes, and female, 10 weeks ol • 355-2960. 5-5-14 used $2.50, new $4.00. Stereo first shot. $10. 641-6165.1 ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. albums, $1.50 down. Completely furnished. 372-8077 ALTO SAXAPHONE Good Italian wall tapestries. Oriental before 4 p.m. C FRIENDLY KITTENS I condition. $135 or best offer. bedspreads. AM-FM clock and Phone 351-7427. 5-5-14 friendly people. Orange ■' | TERRACE inn, For Sale portable radios. TV sets, walkie talkies, tape recorder, and surf calico, grey. Phone 337-B 3-5-17 ;; 5x10 8/12 SOFA, $9.95: chair, $2.49; chest, board. Merchandise tested and MUST SELL — Red / yellow bead $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC guaranteed. WILCOX SHIH - TZUS and Bichon | SECONDHAND STORE, 509 E. curtain ($10), posters, lamps ($7). SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 puppies. Small Rare little Gi i Yellow - gold carpet with pad, 9x9 ($45), curtains red 4-Channel Color curtains ($10). ($20), gold Unique 4'x2' Organ ($300). CONN Turner. C CORONET. Excellent condition. $75 or best offer. Call Michigan, 5:30 p.m. C Lansing. 485-4391. Hours daily: 8 a.m. GUITAR MARTIN,Model 18C. $225 Phone - Distinction. shedding CHATEAU Known) Odorless, house dogs.I KENNELS IV Member of BFC/m Still a few places MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN 332-3848, 9-11 weekends. 5-5-21 p.m., anytime 355-6262. 5-5-18 with case. Like new. 484-1740. 6-5-18 AKC. Phone ST. BERNARD pups, 882-7318.3-511 AKC.Bi EVERYDAY 1 6 except Sunday 10 GALLON fish U.S. DIVER 72 cubic inch doubles. tank with Jackson and Eaton Rapids,M With twin backpack and boots. left for summer & fall Phone 332-6441 or 372-2797 MARSHA CHANEL ar^ ssories. Call Bruce Man, after 5:30 p.m., 332-1786 the Fish Used only 3-5-14 twice. $120. 355-4535. 353-8238. 3-5-13 of Tompkins Center, Ray 5-5-17 3-5-2:3. TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. NEIGHBORHOOD. GARAGE sale VM 4 track stereo tape recorder. 4 GUITAR, WILSON 6 string. Like PUPPIES. Schnauzer. 5 PART BeaglJ weeks old. S'J May 14th 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.. May months old. Must sell. Call new, complete with case and These spacious luxury apartments are 339-9203. 5-5-18 completely carpeted and 15th 9 - 5 p.m. 1842 Melrose. 663-8863. 3-5-14 lesson books, $200. 882-4735 furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each Women's clothes, children's after 5 p.m. 3-5-13 unit has a dishwasher, clothes and miscellaneous items. CITIZENS BAND radio. 1967 FREE 10 month Terrier, siwl garbage disposal and individual control - All shots, spayed. 3^ central air conditioning and Hotpoint 2-5-14 Demco Satellite. 5 watt. Base PANASONIC 4 track stereo appliances. These four man tape |3 mo. leases station. Many extras. 482-8181. 2-5-13 units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure recorder. Dual capstan and time 6 mo. leases 3-5-14 automatic reverse. 393-1076. has been adequately planned for with a AFGHAN - BLOND fe giant heated swimming pool, 9 mo. leases 3-5-13 recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the AMPEX AUTO reverse tape recorder, years old. $200 or best ofN| first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call 12 mo. leases Rent a TV for the last month of 332-8586. 3-5-13 today. There are units Lafayette auto reverse tape deck, WATER BED UNITS, mattress, liner, the term NEJAC TV . . . Clark 12" speakers, KLH 8" heater and frame, $76 any size. starting at SCO/month per man. RENTALS 337-1300. PROFESSIONAL DOG 9r°ll speaker, Miracord turntable. REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, Only 3 and 4 484-3567 after 5 p.m. 3-5-14 Lansing. 489-6168. TF All breeds. Reasonable" J man apts., COIFFURES. 694-0098-j1 starting fall term APARTMENT DISCOUNT Mobile Homes Summer from $37.50 — Fall from $52.50 We manage 9 apartment buildings and have an apartment for every need. RICHARDSON 1967 J2 *5! bedroom. Center ki >■ Apartments Addresses Phone furnished. Set up on o | «»Bay Colony Haslett & Hagadorr 351-3211 from city bus line- Beechwood 1130 Beech Street condition, immediate P N-x 351-0965 Sacrifice price. Ph°"e # Delta Arms 235 Delta 351-3580 after 5:30 P.m. 5-5-1B # Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen 332-1313 # Haslett Arms 135 Collingwood 351-7662 1968 REMBRANDT. 'L conditioned. Fu n«hrtf I »# Princeton Arms 1308 Haslett Road 332-8511 campus. $3400. 351-2036. J ##North Pointe 1240 Haslett Road 351-3407 B 7WCK/NGHAM 4620 S. HAGADORN # University Terrace 444 Michigan Avenue 351-9117 MARSHFIELD living room, 2 bed 1f9bJroomS,| J just north of Mt. Hope Rd. University Villa 635 Abbott Road 337-2361 carpeting. Furnished, u" X APTS. skirting. Corner lot at Br°ol *ln view of Campus 625-7186, lot 54. 5-5-18 exclusively by: ^ **Pool or Pool Privileges management \ St.!At CUFF PP. Models open at each complex Monday through Saturday from 3 5 p.m. for 1969 HILLCREST 2-bedrooj showing. - private Park. $4150.00. Call 625 ^ ' MT. HOPl fio. ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Contact Resident Manager today at above telephone numbers for vour choice of apartment or call HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 444 Michigan Ave East Lansina - 1965 BELMONT condition. I" ■ 3B1-7910. 8 351-6814. 4-5-14 I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan May 13, 1971 15 For Sale Recreation ■jj ■ i. fit'" i?'x60'2 b9drooms- f" Z large terraced living -• lighted beams, skirted, in 1-5-14 Windsor Estates. SUMMER FLIGHTS TO $165 round trip jet - air. Frank Buck, 351 8604. Europe. 15-5-27 Call Ch ances for (Continued from page one) geology and chairman of the vote viewed diim hundred authorization cards. Service On coordinating committee of "More collective their views on collective the respective departmental today. Monday, AAUP members bargaining bargaining." chairmen." "We are still in the process of lost & Found PAINTING EXTERIOR. will meet to discuss the results MSUFA, said Wednesday that he was "not cards are coming in all of the Trow said that the Herbert C. Jackson, professor laying the groundwork," he said. Free of the organization disappointed or time," he said. "Some further moratorium on the signing of of religion and chairman of a estimates. Grad drive, and to discouraged" An earlier study of collective GOLDEN Labrador students, consider the question of "where by the faculty action by the board of trustees collective House of Pancakes area. experienced, references. Brighten response to bargaining cards special committee set up by the bargaining conducted by a ,r go from here," he said. MSUFA or by the "P your house for we Michigan Legislature Advocated by some faculty Academic Council to gather subcommittee of the |'351 61 78 15 13 349 4817. C spring James W. Trow, professor of organizational attempts and said may inspire many faculty members "tended to cause some University that information on the subject of Faculty Affairs Committee MSUFA now has several members summarily to TwALLET. gol< course. ID resolve people to delay making a collective bargaining, said resulted in a report of more than Ld No questions. 349-4916. Repair decision." Wednesday that the committee 50 pages which was circulated to J; at course. Reward. 2-5-14 (Electrics) A moratorium petition which called upon faculty members not will meet for the second time all faculty members. Foreign Domestic [ maROON wool jacket. Near to sign collective bargaining lit. 3. Call 355-6119. Campus Typewriter Service |l3 No. across from Louis E. May Sr. Union ED 2-0877 authorization cards until Sept. 1 was signed by a majority of the members of the Elected Faculty Former ambas ■pniNT male Siamese cat. Gold SONY AMP A " Clinic. Factory rep lawyer will be at ASMSU from Council and by several hundred ,st in vicinity of M-78 and talk available 9 a.m. to noon "The Art of Id Friday and Saturday. and I to S p.m. everv Chican to A a other faculty members. /\fter 5 p.m. 351-0604. n MARSHALL MUSIC, 402 South Wednesday every and from 1 to S Thursday p.m. background oday in the Wonde os at 5:30 p.rr Hall cafeteria Petition circulators on Washington, Lansing. C-5-13 this term. Cali featuring s 353-0659 for an appointment. There emphasized that the intent of ■ „TTEN female, tiger. Near PIANO is a $3 nominal charge. When Attention all dorms and the petition was to secure more John J. Akar will speak on African arts and culture at 8 LESSONS, coming IsEdge'351-5865. 3-5-14 Call Barb for ! for your in at the appointment, please ASMSU business office, 307 check fraternities. Use your imagination and muscle! Enter the Alpha Delta Pi time in which the faculty could today in 108B Wells Hall. p.m. 355-7114. 7-5-21 B Student Services The Hindu Assn. will meet to consider the issue of collective Akar, former ambassador from Sierra Leone, resigned from his pyramid contest, which will be held - Bldg. talk ONE pair tortoise shell to Babasaheb Aple, the organizer of at 5 p.m. May 22 at the ATO house. bargaining, and said the petition post about two weeks ago as a public renunciation of former s in red case. Near library. Hindu Vishva was not anti- unionization. Prime Minister Siaka Stevens, who declared Sierra Leone a Panishad, Itl90. &-5-17 "Horizons" will present "Vietnam Friday in the Union at 7:30 p.m. Sun Porch. The Soviet film "And Quiet Flows Trow said that MSUFA is republic and made himself executive president. Veterans' Rehabilitation," the Don" will be shown at 7:30 showing p.m. "genuinely sympathetic to the Besides being a public speaker fromthe Danfroth Foundation LOST Helbros calendar problems of readjustment to civilian "Baha'u'llah Is Now" is the theme today in 101 North Kedzie Hall. i Campus area. Call Jeff, life, at 5:30 p.m. Saturday on WKAK for the Baha'i Club youth need for further deliberation by Visiting Lecturer of Africa, Akar is also known as a broadcaster, conference Typing Service AM. Dr. Nagendra, professor of Hindi faculty short story writer, actor, poet, - some 44. 3-5-13 which will be held Saturday. Two at the University of Delhi members," but composer, playwright and programs will be presented at 1:30 India, and sharply criticized "the journalist. eminent Hindi scholar and LOST PETS fast. Dial COMPLETE THESES* service. The Soviet film "The and 7:30 p.m. in G - 8 Holden Hall. critic, will intimidating delaying tactic of His works include the Sierra Leone National of the Great Battle No admission charge. All are speak on "A Plea for the Emotive Anthem, "Valley Discount printing. IBM Volga (Stalingrad)" will be Basis of Literature" at 3 circulating petitions to without Echo," "Cry Tamga" and "The Second Chance." typing and shown at 7:30 p.m. welcome. p.m. today binding of theses, resumes, Monday in 104B in 106 International Center. departments, when some of Akar is also the director and founder of the National Dance publications. Across from campus, these petitions conspicuously Troupe of Sierra Leone, which will be appearing here November Personal corner MAC and Grand River, Campus Action will meet at 9 Dr. Paolucci will speak on bore the signatures of some of 1 as part of the Lecture - Concert Series. below Style Shop. Call A folk festival with >.m. today in the Union Oak Room "Family Finances and Home Tony Busch Management" at 8 p.m. today in the A lesson in complexior COPYGRAPH SERVICES Bob McAllen and o share the Christian life together many others will bt Day Care Center of the Married all484-4519, East Michigan 337-1666. C held from 8 to 11 >uestioners are welcome. p.m. today in th« Students Services Building in Spartan J 485-7197, Lansing Mall. Union grill. For information, cal The Village. Babysitting will be provided. SAVE SAVE SAVE IRLE NORMAN COSMETICS Mrs. Dolan at 355-3354, or just corm Student Duplicate Bridge loiOS. C-5-13 ■ credit cards Xerox copying - offset best quality at reasonable THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East printing - prices. and bring your voices. It's The fifth annual free. open karate lub will hold a Swiss t 2 p.m. )wer lounge. Team of Four Sunday in East Akers Hall For happening all who in care the about schools, People's Learning Center will meet at what's the Project battles addiction Grand tournament will be held 7:30 p.m. today in 138 River. Phone 332-4222. the Men's Intramural Saturday in "Sky Scanning" is Chemistry was approached by the project, away in the past, he continued. a s Bldg. For information call 355-3246. (Continued from page one) I total number of credit C-5-14 arena. Eliminations Building sports will be held at the hospital said the man must Service is bad in some |s in circulation now nears TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. noon, and finals and will be held at 7:30 demonstrations Thursday of ed the second lonth in Abrams A tea hour with Wu-Chi Liu, man became addicted to sleeping first be evaluated to "determine hospitals, the volunteer said. | million, or more than Rapid p.m. Planetarium. "Jupitt professor of Chinese language and pills while in jail. Upon leaving what he was addicted to," Mrs. Addicts sometimes are forced to I for every person in the accurate Experienced. 393-4075. O service. Steps Backward" will be pi literature at Indiana University, will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. prison, he renewed his former 10 McMullen said. "cold turkey" it and are left Monday in alone the Union Green Room. "Mora! and - year addiction to heroin. by hospital personnel, _u've let your credit After this, the man was told he i" with you, you're run BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. Wanted Aesthetic Values in Chinese He couldn't rent because he would have to wait about a week "fixing it so he can walk out," sure to No job too large or too small Literature" will be the topic for couldn't he said. get the pills formerly for the pleased with the help of results of the _ Block off campus. 332-3255. C COMPANION NEEDED supplied by the prison. Nerves News Classified Ads. to share The Sports Car Club will meet at 8 shot and very evaluation, at which time he During the past five months, DISSERTATIONS, THESES, house with widow. 332-6125. The Albatross will meet at 8:30 tired, the man would undergo various physical the project volunteers claim Lugh Want Ads you get papers. Expert typist with Term 10-5-24 p.m. today at 547 East Grand River p.m. today in the Union Captain's wanted to enter a hospital for they for good degree Room to present parts one, two and tests. have helped between 40 to usable in English. IBM. Ave. to plan for next year. The rest. 50 351-8961.0-5-13 three of an epic film the history addicts. indise you no longer Albatross needs you, or it will fold in of on Rather than wait European auto racing. This for word | and you can pop the PROFESSIONAL TYPIST seeks term collection of rare films will be shown Before coming to the project, from the hospital, the man "It takes a cat at least twice," i monev in your credit papers, theses. Best rates, speedy only once on campus. the man began stealing to buy Pre-Veterinary Club will meet at continued stealing for dope and the volunteer said in Dial 355-8255 service. 351-4619. 19-6-4 Rent a TV for the las 7:30 p.m. today in 146 Giltner Hall heroin and cocaine. He had describing the to nominate new officers and sign up The second annual switched back to these due to finally died April 2 from an the time spent in rap sessions. term. N1 . . for the trip to Lancer Arabian Farm mini-conference on language and overdose. "We have at least five ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith RENTALS 337-1300. his nervous condition. people who J ATGSB and GRE Board offset printing. Complete service May 22. linguistics will j,e held in three A volunteer exclaimed that we can say are clean (off i. Kaplan tutoring classes for dissertations, theses, This weekend at the Albatross - sessions at 9 a.m. and 2 and 7:30 The project's bed in St. thousands of persons need help drugs for good)." g formed for June, July manuscripts, general typing. IBM. TWO FEMALE GRADS want Jeff Elliott and Chris Bounds p.m. today in 204 International (from Lawrence Hospital was occupied but have no place to go. "But the others — we have a lust exams. Call (313) 21 years experience. 349-0850. C summer sublease close. Call Englnnd) will perform Friday, and Center. Faculty and graduate They at that time. When the refuse to go to a hospital lot of doubt. They're |^077 collect. 16-6-4 353-4793 or 351-3707 after 5 Joe Janeti will perform Saturday. students from several departments hospital, probably will speak. Everyone is invited. which has 20 beds for addicts, because they've been turned TYPING - TERM papers and theses. p.m. 3-5-14 Albatross will be open from 8 p.m. to chippin' — still gettin' high." and try our new styling, Electric typewriter, fast service. 2 a.m. Cover charge is $1. , UNION BUILDING Call 349 1904. 18-6-4 COUPLE SEEKS summer sublet for llSER SHOP. C-5-13 $100. Call Barb Clark, 353-3481. Busted in Washington? All busted 2-5-13 persons should meet at 9 p.m. today | Gas Mileage PROFESSIONAL in 37 Union to discuss defense, piBERI "EYE See The Light THESIS personal experiences in Washington s, concerts, parties. and future plans. Call Jim at |-7740,353-9523. X-2-5-13 35S-7984. eanuts Personal I Real Estate Completi Professional Thesis Service fir Master's ind Oecteril Candidates. Free Brochure and Consultation. Noise Call Cliff and Piuli Hiu|hty 337 1527 or 627 2936 Plus Performance TYPIST, BOOKKEEPING in my home. Pick-up and JOUS THREE bedroom ranch faculty or delivery. For businesses, phone Jcampus. Why rent, invest that 655-3458. 6-5-13 V and split the payments friends. Call Bill Thelen, ) or SIMON REAL Wanted ■ATE, Okemos, 349-3310 ll3 | LANSING. Open House 328 :. Saturday, 2 - 6 3 bedrooms, fireplace, [node led kitchen and ar garage. By owner. BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for 3692^-5-14 all positive. A negative, B negative ■ LANSING, Best buy in town. and AB negative, $10.00. 0 [V "ice 3 bedroom Colonial negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN In fine neighborhood, COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, fireplace, studio. By 507'/a East Grand River, East «r. $29,000. 647 Lansing. Agove the new Campus Sunset Lane. 1098.3-5-14 Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday, Thursday and Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 | Recreation TOYOTA has the Combination i to 6 30 p.m. 337-7183. C --ON BOARD OFFERS ■ Maes, International T '"surance, auto rentals, maps and and I.D., bike Learn summer - -iiri. UNION ■VEL OFFICE. Open BOARD Progressive linkage dual throat 11:30 Macrame' 1^4:30 p.m. Call 353-9777. ■jal("'0npassport photos job $2.00 total cost leases... only carburetion uses only half the ■ Urography by paul photos in 15 minutes. Enroll now for classes in carburetor for economy in 1^6262. Anything >400' basic macrame'. Expert PTOhed anywhere. 21-6-4 instruction. May 19 and TOTAL normal driving May 26,7 until 8:30 p.m. IAre Rumors Getting (Limit 20 persons). *AIR CONDITIONED ^ 'ou Anxious? J ♦DISHWASHERS Want Power? Push the the pedal J'nd the Facts ACE HARDWARE |WII' H.I.C. 353-8114 201 E. Grand River ♦UNLIMITED PARKING to the floor. It opens ♦SHAG CARPETING the second (also now accepting fall leases) throat and gives you brisk 1*1 IDEA in * * * PLUS ♦ ♦ * student living FRESHLY PAINTED acceleration to well over 100 MPH Bachelor Apts. NEW FURNITURE Featuring: ► NEW CARPETING ♦ NEW FURNISHINGS No wonder TOYOTA CORONA is the I Sha Enc|osed Pool Sauna best selling imported 4 dr. sedan o I a9 Carpet (new) Snack Bar - Juke Box on «tra Storage Room (Pool Table Extra Rooms for Guest - Ping Pong) CoUutgtooob the market !!! drive Apartments? one at P.r^e $129 for one - $139 for two II Dron 'n and uti'ities paiu except telephone WHEELS TOYOTA INC. talk to our leasing agent today. (formerly Northwind Apts.) HUSTEAD 444 management Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind behind the Michigan Avenue MODEL OPEN DAILY Yankee Store 2400 E. MICHIGAN AVE. ■J»»t Lansina Phone: 351 7910 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Matl)„ Student reveals (Continued from page one) family living. the At the outset of the committee showed hearing, film complaints about housing were his family. mainly due to a clash of life profits of presentation, claiming that traffic and health conditions for Ronald Horvath, asst. understanding with his student neighbors created a perfectly area unpaved driveways and parking," he said. Responding to the irate landlord; health and safety of the persons living In these areas," he said. Karl M. Sirotkin, Oak Park alleviated by things a n.ln,k of persons would be forced out strips of overflowing garbage styles in the area. safe environment for his out," he said. Vm8stuJ professor of geography, strongly children. residents, committee members junior and one of two student The — and this number may be bins, overcrowded, muddy Charles Downs of 208 Milford committee, whirl, | disagreed that they were primarily East "frepresentative't18! with Downs' Horvath further stated that said representatives on the committee, - «P outweighed by the increase in parking lots and driveways and St. said he had no complaints contentions. interested in providing an said that the committee was not the duplexes." unsanitary conditions within about the lifestyle of students Horvath, of 628 Cornell Ave., data collected in a rent survey by his students show that the equitable housing situation for saying that students or "hippies" Lansing Commission and HUman jjl responsible for the planning commission th?! Other residents of the area said some dwellings in the R-3 area. who live in the area, but said said there was a great all residents. variety of that the proposal would provide a safer, cleaner environment for Young people in the audience that overcrowding in his lifestyles on his street, but area with the most complaints has the highest rents in the city. "This committee never were sanitation and other problems in hold another public J,J questioned the validity of the neighborhood created unsafe friendly relations and mutual He said that landlords from assumed there should be a the area. Tuesday night, time and outside the city are exploiting all ghettoization of certain "These problems can be be announced. AT 'LIZARD'S' segments of the community that live in rented housing. residents," Wesley P. Hackett Jr., a member of the East "Until we eliminate this Lansing City Planning exploitation, we can never solve Commission, said. problems like trash collection, "We're concerned with the Unionization 20% DISCOUNT ON Employes of "Lizard's," a bar "exercising the campaign rights There had been a previous for organizing drive. the unionization TYPEWRITER REPAIRS restaurant at 224 Abbott Road, of the employer prior to an agreement between Smith and Roses Mean Love FOR MSI) STUDENTS - voted against union election." Weld that another election Speaking for the management. representation late Tuesday Union representative Bill Weld wouldn't be held until next year. Smith concluded "we were RED afternoon amid rumors of illegal who was present at the time management electioneering. allegations were denied by added that "the management consented to an election. We had an election, and we lost. That's The union has filed unfair labor practices with the interested in getting the resolved, Michigan Labor Mediations something to say and now we and the issue election accomplished that. We've got From small adjustments to on all makes and models FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY major overhaul ALL MAKES ROSES 1 DOZ. $395 The Louis A. Smith, "Lizard's" all. The union is completely Board against "Lizard's" for the know Who to say it to." release of three employes alleged CALL Jon Anthony Florist attorney, who said he was satisfied." Smith and Weld declined to 809 E. Michigan give the election results and employes were in a meeting and AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES Free IV5-7271 Parking Behind Store couldn't be Board reached for housing 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett 339-8258 to contest comment. policy in Federal court Today & Tomorrow one) plan which was approved in recommendation that a filing (Continued from p e April. system of cards to match Southeastern Louisiana "After eight months, many ASMSU allocations to student University case before the U.S. hours of work, and a unanimous groups against the organization's Supreme Court, the high court endorsement by the board of payment vouchers was approved. ruled against the university from trustees, the student trustee This would prevent overdrafts of This Wed discriminating solely on the basis adviser proposal has gone the student groups from their of financial need. He said they way of the Taylor Report, living accounts with the ASMSU will need to prove that the MSU options proposal, and the business office. situation approaches the off-campus housing regulation. The board voted against a Louisiana case. That is, to the 'land of almost plan for an on-campus taxi The board approved by was.' service, but no financial funding acclamation a resolution Buckner said that the board is was authorized for this by the Buckner submitted stating that out of contact with day to day board. ASMSU refuses to participate in student opinion and that student I TUES. MAY the student trustee adviser plan outlooks are not always 18, 8 p.m. I unless the board expands it reflected through yes or no CIVIC CENTER - WVICj Custom On The administrative Spot significantly. surveys or "Unless some measure of reports. purpose and reality is added to this proposal, ASMSU can see no A new cabinet structure plan IN PERSON - was^ submitted by Diane THE CARPENTERS purpose in involving itself and Rathnow, director of cabinet the undergraduate students in services, was approved by the this hypocracy," the resolution board. It pools planning and read. publicity for student service The ASMSU resolution such as student IMPRINTED groups followed the COGS statement electronics and Great Issues. last week criticizing the trustees A budget committee CONSIDERED THE OVERSEAS JOB MARKET? Higher pay, tax , vantages, travel and other benefits exist in many occupational fiel i. Why pay hundreds of dollars in agency fees? Each list shown low contains up to 1000 American firms, mailing SPORTSWEAR eign subsidiaries and types of business. Included that gets results. $5.00 PER LIST. ADDED ATTRACTION MARK LINDSAY ALL SEATS RESERVED $6.00 - $5.00 - $4.00 Tickets On Sale Now OVERSEAS REFERRALS P.O. Box 22 Olympia, Washington 98501 At WURZBURG Stores THE CARD SHOP, E. Lansing and MARLO'S in Jackson by L.G. Balfour Co. (SORRY NO C.O.D.) BUY NOW! *★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★* Fraternity - Sorority - Club j All-University Dorm Houses - Teams - Individuals * Open-Air Concert We'll special imprint frat/sorority crests | at MERIDIAN MALL . 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