Monday Everywhere . . . Sunny MICHIGAN STATE NiWS I hear the sound of . pleasant, high in the mid II marching 1,18 charging feet, Mick boy. STATI - Jagger UNIVERSITY ie 63 Number 181 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 17, 1971 lew Wage increase at issue in WASHINGTON dispute with signalmen (AP) - Chamberlain of the AFL-CIO Brotherhood Talks proceeded through the day Government-mediated talks between the of Railroad Signalmen. Sunday with Asst. Secretary of Labor W.J. rail industry and the signalmen's union "Negotiations are almost at an Usery Jr. mediating between the parties. stalled Sunday night with a nationwide impasse." Chamberlain said his 13,000 Chamberlain said talks could continue until strike deadline only hours away. members would walk off the job at 6 a.m. the deadline. "We today ' unless agreement is reached in the "We'll stay as long as he wants," the haven't made any progress, 20 month old dispute. - - union chief said. absolutely no progress," said President C.J. Chamberlain talked at length by ' long-distance telephone with his headquarters in Chicago. "Everything is all set for tomorrow I Buckner hits morning," he said. Money is the sticking point in the talks, Chamberlain said. His union began with a demand for a 54 per cent increase in the I in admissions $3.78 hourly wage for skilled signalmen. He said the union was willing to stretch the term of the contract to the 42 months desired by management, provided enough Abortion opponents march unexplained shifts in admissions policies" for the incoming freshman class. money is offered. Although the railroads have spoken In a letter to Provost John E. Cantlon, Buckner said the shifts have provoked a e than 700 people from across Michigan joined in a march Sunday at the Capitol in Lansing to voice their favorably of a presidential emergency _ dated Friday, ASMSU Chairman Harold number of questions: board's recommendation for a 42 per cent Ipposition to the abortion bill currently in a House committee. State News photo by Doug Bauman Buckner severely questioned "sudden, increase over 42 months, Chamberlain said •"Why, for instance, are many hundreds industry bargainers had not formally of students who were told that they could offered that package. He declined to say not meet MSU standards, now recieving what management's last offer had been. Antiabortion factions rally letters saying they have been accepted to Saturday Usery had said he was hopeful the University? a strike could be headed off and said he saw signs both sides were willing to make concessions. Chamberlain's remarks seemed •"Why are they being provisionally admitted for "three terms only" as their to dash cold water on those hopes. rights to protect only the life of those who abortion for any reason during the first 90 certificates read? A strike, unless stopped by a court order By CHARLES C. CAIN middle-aged parents, many of whom are wanted," she said. days of pregnancy. of Congress, would halt freight service and State News Staff Writer brought their small children with them to Sen. David A. Plawecki, D-Dearborn, was "The liberal abortion laws have been put shut down passenger service for 300,000 carry signs in opposition to abortion •"Why are these students not eligible for „jt 700 people gathered at the state reform. the first speaker to take the podium on the down in other states, and I hope you can financial aid (according to the financial big-city commuters and 55,000 intercity Etoi Sunday to attend a "Rally for the "Let the Unborn Live," "Abortion is Capitol steps, and he spoke of some of the put yours down here," she said. aids dept.)? riders served by the fledgling Amtrak Kom," hoping to influence Michigan Murder," "Life is a Constituitonal Right," problems in the world today. Mrs. Davison said the answer to abortion corporation, which took over virtually all ■makers and citizens to oppose a and "Abortion Kills, Choose Murder," "We have in this world polluted waters, is birth control which she thinks is "great." •"Why have some people in the city-to-city passenger trains May 1. late passed bill currently being were examples of the many signs carried by polluted land and polluted air," he said. Bruce Barton, prosecuting attorney for admissions department estimated that a The two non-Amtrak passenger runs, Jsidered by a House committee which the parents and their children at the rally "We have crowded roads, unemployment, Jackson County, said there is an great majority of these students will fail in between Denver and Ogden, Utah, and lid liberalize Michigan's century-old on the warm spring day. racial unrest and a host of other problems inconsistency in allowing abortions but the first year? between Washington and New Orleans, also ■rtion law. including, some would say, too many prohibiting murder. would be stopped. Noticeably absent from the crowd were Tntiabortion groups who participated at people. "Unborn children are human beings. We •"Why won't these students be receiving Freight service would be halted, with people under 25 and blacks. J rally include; People Taking Action Mary Randall, founder of the Michigan "Yet I can live with these problems do not permit the killing of human beings. special supportive and counseling services possible exceptions for military cargo, |inst Abortion, Michigan Committee for Right to Live Committee, gave the because as long as I live I can at least hope Therefore, we do not permit the killing of that would at least give them a fighting perishables and livestock. n Life, Concerned Citizens Against that these problems can be solved. unborn children," he said. These categories sometimes have been chance? lortion, Michigan Right to Life welcoming address to an enthusiastic crowd. "When we destroy human life we remove Barton told the crowd that they were given special consideration by Kmittee, Law of Life and the Congress "It is a mockery of our constitutional the chance and the need for solving there to tell members of the Michigan •"Why the sudden pressure to choose a strike-threatening rail unions although the (the Unborn. problems," he said. Legislature that their job is to protect the major?" signalmen did not do so when they set their e crowd consisted of predominately Plawecki won his Senate seat last year rights of the unbom, not arbltarily take Buckner said Sunday he obtained strike deadline. A similar situation existed last December, from incumbent N. Lorraine Beebe who them away. information substantiating his questions when other rail unions shut down service was a staunch supporter of a similar liberal from "personnel in the admissions and abortion bill defeated in the Michigan Black aide panel financial aids departments." for one day. Only a special law passed in a )ems favor Senate last year. Plawecki's campaign platform was almost exclusively antiabortion. Petitions for the committee to select black aides for residence halls available in the Office of Black Affairs, are Buckner said students to which his letter refers are "those who were first rejected because they didn't meet MSU standards midnight session of Congress got America's trains running again that time. Congress made no special arrangements Plawecki questioned whether allowing for meeting today. The House scheduled 308 Student Services Bldg. and were later told they could come as legal abortions would not lead to taking •only non-controversial business for a Petitioning closes Tuesday at 5 p.m., regular students without special counseling session starting at noon, and the Senate )r presidential away a life for other "If a child because reasons. mother is allowed to take the life of of personal problems confronting her," the Dearborn lawmaker and interviews will be held between 3 and 5 p.m. today and ASMSU board room. Tuesday in the or tutoring services." He added that persons in the admissions (please turn to the back page) was to convene at 9 a.m. with no major business expected before noon. 1242 may 16 ■RINCETON, N.J. (AP) - Sen. Edward "Which one of the men on this list would said, "shouldn't she also be allowed to take the life of her son or daughter who caused Remedy, D-Mass., has moved ahead of you like to see nominated as the I E< mund fctered Muskie as the first choice of Democrats to run for President, Democratic candidate for President in 1972?" the interviewers asked. her grief and economic disadvantages?" Plawecki said any attempt to liberalize PROF REPORTS Others on this list included the only abortions by virtue of new law is out of the Jrding to the latest Gallup Poll, announced candidate, Sen. George realm of the legislators. wording to the poll, released Sunday, tnedy is the first choice of 29 per cent he Democrats in the country. the choice of 21 per cent. Sen. iphrey, D-Minn., was Muskie Hubert third with 18 per McGovern, D-S.D., with five per cent; New York Mayor John V. Lindsay, with four per cent, and former U.S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy, with three per cent. "Laws which permit murder attempt by the legislature to morals of society," he said. Plawecki said the logical represent an regulate the alternative to Students high on gas' i 10 other possible candidates are abortion is family planning. By DAVID BASSETT to several hours. All described more Others, with either two or one per cent, relatively safe, common and inexpensive iped far back. Jacquie Davison, founder of the State News Staff Writer method of obtaining what some users intense and prolonged experiences with earlier survey, taken in were Senate Majority Leader Mike Happiness for Women organization, said i March, Mansfield, D-Mont.; Sen. Henry M. What began as a dentists' anesthetic describe as a "total body orgasm." subsequent trials using the same dosage. cated that 26 per cent were for the family is the backbone of the United Muskie Jackson, D-Wash.; Sen. William Proxmire, and an energizer for aerosol whipped Lynn said he began his research of Lynn said several subjects reported 25 per cent were for Kennedy, States and some groups, especially cream now appears to be the fastest - amelioration of headaches, shoulder D-Wis.; Rep. Wilbur Mills, D-Ark.; Gov. nitrous to discover the extent to which tennedy has Women's Liberation, are dangerously said repeatedly he is not a Harold Hughes of Iowa; Sen. J. William spreading new "high" among area high it was used in the area, to study the pains, and mental depression as a reuslt lidate for the presidential nomination, preaching otherwise. school and college students, reports Dr. physical and psychological effects of the of nitrous usage. n Fulbright, D-Ark.; and Sen. Birch Bayh, Mrs. Davison, who lives in Arizona with Edward Lynn, asst. professor of He said the study also revealed conducting the survey, Interviewers D-Ind. gas and to compare the "subjective »ed 553 registered Democrats a card her husband and seven children, told the somewhat different effects and results psychiatry. effects between freaks and straights." i the names of 13 men who have Five per cent of those interviewed had crowd to unite and fight to defeat the In a study recently presented before for "straights" (those with no previous no opinon and 5 per cent preferred men current abortion bill which would allow Lynn said the most common method ted prominently in speculation over the not the list. the American Psychiatric Assn., Lynn of using nitrous is to fill a plastic drug experience except alcohol or 2presidential nomination. on any Michigan women to obtain a legal and four coresearchers from MSU found balloon with the gas and breathe the prescription drugs) and "freaks" (those nitrous oxide, better known as contents. Common sources of the gas with prior drug experience including "laughing gas" or "nitrous," to be a include dentists' marijuana, LSD, mescaline or heroin). frlXID REACTIONS CITED offices, whipped cream cans, high performance aerosol Lynn said "freaks generally scored engine starters and restaurants that slightly higher on cognitive tests make their own whipped cream, he said. adminstered during the "highs" and usually experienced a longer admissio While Lynn described nitrous as being Provisional "safer than any other drug I know of which is used on the street pleasureable purposes," he did caution for "afterglow" and "higher high." "This is probably due to the fact that people with previous drug experience "You can have the best counseling services in the world, but if knew what to look for and could make By BILL HOLSTEIN its use in confined spaces. the kid isn't ready for it, they are not going to make any it more vivid," Lynn said. "It's much State News Staff Writer "As long as it is inhaled from a difference," Flemming said. balloon with sufficient ventilation, I the same thing as people smoking pot h school counselors and principals have mixed reactions to He suggested that students with marginal high school records for the first time and not getting high." s recent would say it is safe," he said. It is decision to provisionally admit an undetermined go to community colleges and if they do well there, later apply to Lynn said adverse experiences with of high school seniors after rejecting them last fall. MSU. dangerous, however, when a large container is opened in a small space or nitrous were minimal in the experiment. ne v°iced concern that these students would not be One of the reasons for the action apparently is that the Office Seven "straights" described various when it is inhaled from a mask which , ly Prepared to come to MSU, and others said that of Admissions has realized it needed to admit more students than states they felt as being unpleasurable — 5 covers the face, thus creating oxygen supportive and counseling services would help these it already had. a light nausea the first time, a reminder inalstudents "make it." "As we complete the processing of applications for admission deprivation and possibly blackouts or suffocation." of a previous uncomfortable experience, ® forecast for some is that they just aren't going to be for the 1971 fall term, we have a limited number of spaces a bloated sensation, a decreased sense of remaining for entering students in specific fields of study," the Lynn said the subjects of his study- 2 The question was raised if it was really fair to the said they felt "high" 15 to 30 seconds control, warmth and perspiration and a o put him through a semester and then tell him, 'Sorry, April 28 letter, offering provisional admission to the students' after inhaling nitrous. The initial peak dry throat. )ust don't have what it takes,' " Connalor Flemming, reads. effects lasted for about two to three Lynn said the results of the study Detroit's Redford Union High School, said. None of the three men said they thought economic motives minutes and were described as revealed numerous possible medical uses were behind MSU's attempt to enroll students on a provisional \tki . hls mon*y and put him in a big situation - I just pleasurable by all. of the gas. He said the fact that nitrous ^ " that's fair," Flemming said, basis. ine letter sent to the high school seniors, written by Horace C. One subject described the effect as a is safe and non-addicting and described cetns U"selors and PrinciPals dld not exPress the same King, registrar and acting director of admissions, outlines the "mentholated stone," explaining that it by some subjects as being more was a "higher high" than marijuana but pleasurable than heroin might make it provisional admission. j^mpression we have is that they (MSU) will assist kids who details of a "Subject to your acceptance, we are offering you at this time "much cooler." All described a "head valuable in breaking heroin addiction. "^stance both academically and financially," Donald . admission to MSU on a provisional basis under our "Special rush" or tingling or warm feeling about "Some people have told me that if 'senior counselor at Pioneer High School in Ann Arbor, Program - Undergraduate" classification," the letter reads. "This the face and head and auditory illusory they could get a steady supply of nitrous S> said MSU is provisional admission is for a three - term period (fall '71 and or hallucinatory phenomena. they could wipe out heroin "probably more fair in treating our winter and spring '72) and your progress will be reviewed at the Rebreathing the gas from the balloon completely," he said. viduai l other colleges. They've treated them on an end of your second term (winter '72) for admission to a regular prolonged the peak high. Although the Lynn said other possible medical uses k said TS ~ on a more than basis " ^ peak effects dissipated in a few minutes, include use of nitrous as a relaxant in , degree program. toilslwould,Jsaw n» reason why the provisionally admitted 14 not "To be admitted to a regular degree program, you will need to all subjects described a state of behavioral therapy and as an aid in "make it." well-being that lasted from 30 seconds hynosis. perform academically in accordance with the University's Minimum Academic Progress scale which generally requires a 2.0 ^«Ets\dik it°»agree that counseling services cou,d (C) grade-point average for good standing." Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan MED news summary Ad missions pane From the wire* of AP «nd UM. nears He completion indicated the Polley said two groups In By BILL HOLSTEIN first two State News Staff Writer chapters are descriptive, particular — racial groups and analytical statements and are not lower income groups — are "essentially dependent on the putting pressure on the The end is in sight for the "I grew my hair long, and I recommendations that have been University to be receptive to Presidential Commission on their needs. made." unbuttoned my shirt and I learned Admissions and Student Body how to say 'groovy' and 'far out' For these groups, education Is Composition, Chairman Ira "Chapters 4, 6 and 6 are the m and 'heavy'and 'peace'.. . Polley said Thursday. often a "passport from poverty" chapters that will reflect and After full and an opportunity for some - Burton Cummings, a year of contain the great bulk of the information gathering and recommendations," Polley said. upward mobility, he said. lead vocalist deliberation, the commission is "There Is a growing awareness of the Guess Who likely to submit its report to The commission decided of the number of youngsters President Wharton before the early In March to limit its from lower Incomes who are (See story, p. 6) discussion to a set of about 60 end of classes, Polley said. "I hope It wouldn't be longer preliminary recommendations graduating from high school and f'*- are not going to college," Polley than the first week in June. I instead of the original 120 said. think all of us want to be in a recommendations from the five position where the students on subcommittees. "The more knowledgeable the commission will be able to people in industry, in business, SST renewal costs less discuss and act on any matters that come up," he said. "There's The commission "hammered out positions " on these has In the whole defense establishment are aware that a Overparked? preliminary country as rich as the United The University has provided lots across campus for parking cars, but they have been a great deal of interest in ending recommendations and Is now In neoli™ this exercise." States cannot engage in wasting providing parking for horses. This horse was forced to wait near the steps of the AdnZ T the process of polishing parts of Chief White House lobbyist Clark MacGregor said The commissions the report and writing other its most valuable resources — Building for his rider. • «amini«tr«ion human resources," he said. Sunday in Washington that Boeing Corp. Chairman recommendations are expected parts," Polley said. State News photo by Doug Baumtn to have a widespread impact on William Allen was wrong when he said resurrecting the University policies concerning The commission has three supersonic transport project would cost up to SI billion. Sadat special programs, the enrollment additional meetings scheduled Epo/i'ce| "I am advised . . . today that the board chairman of mix, minority and disadvantage for Tuesday, May 25 and May Boeing spoke too hastily, that he was incorrect and that his technical people are in the process of revising those figures very sharply downward," MacGregor said. students, MSU's "mission and goals" and admissions procedures and standards. 27. Polley emphasized that the urges report has still not been adopted A Boeing spokesman said there would be no Polley said the first two of an by the full commission, a anticipated seven chapters have help build safe process which could entail more to comment Sunday on MacGregor's assertion. been written and are currently Bishop eats grass at rally being reviewed and polished by a drafting committee. The first chapter will deal discussion recommendations "emphasis" and "tone." of the concerning The report was originally new statt with the question, "Why an A 66 expected to be submitted to CAIRO (AP) - President to prevent Sadat from entering - year - old Anglican bishop ate grass in admissions commission?" which to the republican palace carrying sweeping purge of political fa President Wharton and the Anwar Sadat appealed to the radio station if he tried to Trafalgar Square in London Sunday to protest world Polley said is important in posters supporting Sadat's action Speakers attacked the ousts Academic Council at the end of Egyptian police Sunday to help address the people. Sadat and policies. ministers saying, "they poverty. understanding the purpose and motives behind the commission. winter term. him build a "new state in described this as a "coup ... an Peasants came into Cairo from betray! Two thousand youths cheered as the Rt. Rev. which every citizen can feel free our revolutionary principle! The second chapter will "I don't think the failure to attempt to overthrow the neighboring villages to and Kenneth Salisbury, general secretary of the British and secure." express demanding the ousi discuss the procedures of the meet the schedule has created regime." their approval. leaders be punished. Council of Churches and asst. bishop of London, commission and the role of MSU any problem," he said. Speaking to a group of Demonstrations of support for Elsewhere in the country, In Cairo, the new security police who visited him Sadat continued Sunday. ministfl. chewed and swallowed a plate of newly mown grass in Michigan's system of higher Polley said the importance of there were public rallies at which swiftly began reorganization! at Kubbeh Republic Palace to Thousands of workers marched from a south London lawn. education, he said. the commission is in speakers praised Sadat for his their departments. "It's not likely the first two express their support, Sadat It tasted "a little like lettuce," he said. recommending ways In which said: "With your help — chapters will provoke the University can be more Course members of the police — we can changes allow controversial sorts of questions," responsive to various outside Black sheriff on trial Polley said. groups. safeguard the unity of our nation. By keeping order at home, your brothers at the front to The State News, the student newspaper at will no longer feel insecure." Michigan State Alabama's first 20th century black sheriff, Lusius Amerson of Macon County, goes on trial today, accused of beating a black prisoner whose arrest on a drunk University, is published every terms, plus Welcome Week edition Subscription rate is $14 per year. class day during four school in September. "Freedom should, from of the now respected," Sadat declared in citizens on, be a contact with social work brief speech that was broadcast The first major idea to choose from classes with driving charge touched off a gunfight at the county jail. Member Associated Press,"'0Mt&d Press by Cairo radio. By BECKIE HANES realize that social workers was sutf Ameison, 37. and his chief deputy. Richard Coleman International, He disclosed that the man who State News Staff Writer are topics as poverty, mental heatl Inland Daily Press Association, Associated "pretty empirical people,"" Miss Jr., also black, are charged under federal indictments Collegiate Press, warned him of a conspiracy by problems, political a'ctioi| A large number of curriculum Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Andrew said. housing problems orso with depriving the prisoner of his civil rights by some of his ministers was a changes aimed at giving students Association, United States Student Press Association. "We have tried to keep courses movements. inflicting "summary punishment" following the young police officer. Sadat did more direct choice and contact modified as we go to give people Second • class postage paid at East Lansing, not give his name or rank. with the social work profession Methods of social worl shootout at the Macon County jail in nearby Tuskegee Michigan. more opportunity to achieve a This last Aug. 22. Maximum penalty is one year in Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services was the mysterious young have been adopted in the School base line of competence via intervention and techniques^ jail and a building, Michigan State man who handed the president of Social Work, director Gwen choices with options," she working with people in g SI,000 fine. University, East Lansing, two recorded tapes early Michigan. Andrew said recently. continued. are being emphasized in class Thursday morning at Sadat's The basic structure of the "Our second purpose is to Miss Andrew said. Phones: residence. Sadat said the tapes revisions has started in some continue updating course "I don't believe there is asj Obstacles seen to detente Editorial 355-8252 included details of discussions between one member of the classes but will not be officially material," she said. content to feed into a cl Classified effective until fall. These Advertising 355-8255 A new procedure in the school then to be changed drasticall Display Advertising ruling Arab Socialist Union and changes occur at both the requires students to take at least Moscow's Pravda charged 353-6400 years later," Miss Andrew si' Sunday that the U.S. Business Circulation a nonmember. graduate and undergraduate two terms of Social Work 420, a - 355-3447 The tapes revealed a plan by "We must keep up with tl milit ry-ind istrial complex and the North Atlantic level, she said. Photographic 355-8311 six cabinet members he ousted course dealing with social work current scene by continuoi| Trea.y Organization (NATO) arc the main obstacles to a problems. Students are able to revision." genuine detente in F.urope. T ie Communist party paper said the NATO alliance Sigma is "a branch of the Pentagon and State Dept. .. and has become accustomed in the past 20 years to shape policies in western Europe." Kappa "That is why it cannot conceal its irritation at the mounting tendencies in a number of western European in music co governments to uphold the national interests of their Greek Sing competition rendition of "The Song is Lova states." kicked off Greek Week activities In the sorority divisiol Sunday with Sigma Kappt» Sigma Kappa singers dressed! taking first place in the sorority gingham gypsy c0StuT division while coed honors went captured the division title W Wilson discusses LBJ, war to a joint effort staged by Chi their version of "Time t Omega sorority and Delta Chi Love." _ Former British Prime Minister fraternity. Pi Beta Phi took runner* Harold Wilson is quoted as saying that Singing and dancing their way honors in the sororl| across the Auditorium stage, the competition while Kappa u former President Lyndon Johnson Chi Omega - Delta Chi troupe sorority and Sigma missed a chance to end the Vietnam took top honors for their fraternity combined to captj war in 1967 by withdrawing a truce second place in the ACCOUNTING MAJORS division. proposal after it had been handed to Soviet Premier Aleksi Kosygin for 1/5 OF CPA'S IN USA Today's Greek Week fe transmission to Hanoi, ARE FORMER STUDENTS OF will put Greek and residence M Becker CPA Review Course teams in a tug • of • war acrj j Wilson's version of the incident - the Red Cedar River. The ej an excerpt from his memoirs - is Detroit (313) 864-0128 will be held at 3 p.m. ben| carried in this week's Life magazine. It Shaw Hall. also appeared in the London Sunday | Times. MONDAY EVENING MAY 17 Life said it asked Johnson for I comment, but he indicated he will I cover the incident in his own O®E[z)®CD0(ESD 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 9:30 7:30 7:00 8:30 7:00 Harold Wilson memoirs, soon to appear. Big emerald discovered A 26 - year - old rock hound has dug up from a mine in an old North Carolina cornfield what is described as the largest emerald ever found in North America. At a weekend conference at Tiffany & Co., Wayne Anthony of Lincolnton, N.C., said he found the emerald just two feet below the surface in a Hiddenite, N.C., mine in the North Carolina foothills last August. The emerald crystal weighted 59 carats. Anthony Mi salt flats. Followed by PIPJ1 I sold it locally for $700 to an unidentified 227 Ann St. buyer who (between marshall music Paopla, a ravaallngjooMj^ I had the stone cut, producing a 13.14 carat gem. Tiffany and dtacount records) man who bring n,t"r*'*?(10me. fi ihaQulfof Maxicotoyourno vice president Henry B. Piatt set the stone's value at 12-8 mon-*at SI 00,000. Unwanted in t/ia public intortst by Consumers Power Comp»M | Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. May 17. 1971 3 GOAL: INDEPENDENCE [orkers battle linnesota blaze Post Office reorganizing By RAY ANDERSON areas rather than dormitory Mailing first class letters now Agriculture, such as crop and < Minn. (AP) — A fire that has destroyed more than 12,000 pick-up." costs 8 cents, while airmail letter animal surveys, handling forms State News Staff Writer j'of forest land In northeastern Minnesota swept east on The postal department's and postcard rates increase by a for the Internal Revenue Service Lv still out of control, and Forest Service officials said they Increased postal rates that interest in students and the penny. and assisting with alien Jd not estimate when it might be able to contain the blaze, took effect Sunday under the University is understandable, Special delivery raties registration. [spokesman for the U.S. Forest Service in Ely said nearly 300 1970 Postal Reorganization Act because 70 per cent of East increased from 45 to 60 cents, I were working to try to stop the blaze in the canoe country mark the initial step in an effort Lansing's incoming mail, and but the biggest increase is in The rate increase has been a (the Canadian border. by the Post Office to become a more than 60 per cent of the secnd class rates, which includes step in the right direction, l,e spokesman said part of the fire-fighting force was trying to self-sustaining, quasi-public outgoing mail, is campus-related. the bulk of newspaper and Krider explained, because it will Itruct a firebreak east of the blaze, corporation. For that reason, Krider said he magazine delivery. place the burden of delivery her firemen, meanwhile, manned pumpers in an effort to Effective July 1, the Post hopes the annex, located on 316 Krider said it costs the costs where they belong — on I, out the flames with water. Two float planes fitted with Abbott Road, can be kept open. department 6 cents to handle a industry and business whose Office, retitled the U.S. Postal inment to scoop water from lakes and dump it on the fire Service and directed by a board "It is in the natural flow of newspaper or magazine which is mail makes up 70 per cent of I being flown in rotating shifts by Forest Service pilots. of governors, is scheduled to set traffic and makes it easier for much less than the publisher postal business — rather than on Ejtney Lerer, information officer for the Forest Service, said its own rates and create revenue students to pick up registered pays to send it. the taxpayer. Cay afternoon that the fire had moved across one of the in hopes of attaining complete mail that couldn't be delviered The low rates for newspapers Additional funds from the Cr canoe routes. ip*; self-sufficiency by 1978, A. Ray for one reason or another," he originated during colonial times, new rates and the proposed Te burned-over area is in Superior National Forest, about 70 +Z,; Krider, East Lansing postmaster, said. independence will he said, when the only corporate Js due north of Duluth, Minn, and about nine miles from the HS? said. The newly organized U.S. information available to rural greatly improve the departments Cdian border. Lerer said the fire had moved about two miles fT *f4 Beyond the rate increases, Postal Service should improve areas was the newspaper. They efficiency, Krider predicted, and Jward since Saturday evening, and was continuing to move f-Xi Krider said the changes for MSU service for the entire were delivered at low rates to the day is not too far off when Ely eastward. The movement held no immediate threat to *1, students will be "fortunately, community, explained Krider, facilitate distribution, but it took sorting will be done in regional ibited areas, he said. good." because it will be a the Post Office nearly 200 years centers by computers according I added, however, that people at resorts on Big Lake, about "MSU on the whole gets profit-making organization with to rid itself of the subsidy. to-each postman's route. ■ miles southeast of the fire, had been warned to prepare for detailed and funds for new innovations. The kuation. more personal The Post Office has also been After 200 majority of the old system's years of (rest Service officials said it was impossible to estimate when Dancing in the streets delivery service than any other university in the U.S., largely on difficulties stemmed from its asked to perform other jobs for government - imposed e might be contained, or even when it might reach the being a government agency the government which put restrictions, the U.S. Postal Three rock bands provided musical entertainment at the the premise of its being the □icak. dependent on the frugality of additional strain on its limited Service is attempting to bridge oldest land-grant college," he Jjo much depends on the weather," said Lerer. "The forecast is street dance sponsored by Mason - Abbot and Snyder - said. "The only change on congressional allocations, he funds, Krider said. These include the gap and belatedly enter the ■possible scattered showers tomorrow, but it would take a Phillips halls Saturday night. said. tasks for the Dept. of industrial revolution. campus will be collection boxes Tderable amount of rain to help." State News photo by Fred Mendenhall at selected points near dorm "If the Post Office had been organized like an industry instead of a government arm, we'd have modern equipment and operate more efficiently acility policy altered because wouldn't have we Graduation use developed at minimal cost," he continued. "The mail is still sorted here like Ben Franklin did it." and The amendment was finalized The amendment states that if excessive precautions, the group statement Nov. 18 saying that Sorting machines are available By JUDY YATES Friday as an outgrowth of discussion regarding individual the Dept. of Public Safety may appeal the ruling under, "MSU does not believe that any but are often inefficient under Father's Day fctate News Staff Writer determines security procedures procedures outlined in the arbitrary individual search normal operating conditions, he search procedures at a black to be more than routine, Academic Freedom Report, the procedure is morally proper or said, and are therefore not used appropriate for a function taking ||| CARDS security measures for moratorium held on campus additional costs shall be assumed amendment said. regularly because funds are not lc meetings held on campus Nov. 17. It was approved by by the All events held University place on a university campus. available for testing and group sponsoring the on "To our knowledge, this was [ be cleared through the ASMSU; the University Student event. "Security" includes property which are not "for the first time such an issue has maintenance. of Public Safety, an Affairs Committee; Milton B. traffic safety concerns. members only," shall be open to The rate increases that went ever been raised on the idment to University policy Dickerson, vice president for If the sponsoring group any member of the University campus, into effect Sunday are expected l*l and there is no University rule Bding the use of facilities student affairs; and Jack Breslin, contests the ruling of the Dept. without discrimination as to which either permits or prohibits to bring in an estimated $23 executive vice president. of Public Safety for requiring race, sex or national origin, the million in additional revenue per amendment said. such a procedure," the week and reduce government statement said. subsidies considerably. Huey P. Newton, Black 'O coeds initiate project Panther minister for defense, spoke to students participating in the black moratorium fall MSU RUSSIAN CHORUS term which was called to protest SPRING CONCERT the treatment of blacks by the recycling of LITURGICAL & FOLK judicial and law enforcement >r newspapers agencies of America. The MUSIC moratorium was planned by the TUES. MAY 18 PEOPLES Committee for a Black newspaper recycling impulsive thing which began About one half of the coeds 8:00 p.m. CHURCH Moratorium. Let started last term by about one week before finals in Mason are now contributing A spokesman for the |rie Bartoletti, Detroit winter term, they said. to the project, Miss Allison said. committee Nov. 17 said that FREE GRAND and Diane Allison, After clearing the project Miss Bartoletti is remaining in ADMISSION everyone entering the RIVER I sophomore, is expanding with their resident assistant,they Mason next year and said she Auditorium would be searched (one to two halls. put up posters asking students to plans to continue the project. before being allowed to purchase |liss Bartoletti and Miss put out their papers Saturday Miss Allison, who is moving a ticket. n both live in Mason Hall, before 1 p.m. Friends helped to Williams, said she will try "to The University issued a le the project was originally them pick up the papers and organize the whole circle." Ined. Now Abbott Hall is store them in Mason's pressing "It would have been more Take A Breather So we must, in a sense, Ing the recycling effort. room. successful if the RAs would have Or, for that matter, is Los of engineering capabilities ing information, not, by neces¬ At the Union sity. people and things. catch up with the technological TOur big goal is Hubbard. The papers are kept until held individual floor meetings to Angeles? Or Chicago? Or Phila¬ which we already have. Coke or Coffee 5c delphia? Or Dallas? Not only do we have the Your home will be the ab¬ potential and apply it for the ' have more than 6,000 Tuesday, when they are picked let everyone know what was solute center of your life. benefit of all mankind. ALL DAY Or any other city groping tools to provide the means for rs a week," Miss Bartoletti up from Mason's loading dock going on," Miss Allison said. She its way to an uninhabitable new styles in human settle¬ You will work from home, All we need sacrifice are ■recently. by the Volunteers of America said she was surprised at the Union Day - May 17 the antiquated work practices anachronism. ments, but also to rebuild, in a shop from home, "visit" with The for recycling. initial interest, however. and our anachronistic traditions. project was originally an A curious situation has de¬ sociological sense, the crowded family and friends from home, inner core of our major cities. receive in your home any intel¬ At RCA, through research veloped in America. Eighty per cent of the people in this coun¬ The combination of inter¬ lectual or cultural achievement and product development, we national satellites and cable known to man. are committed to closing the try live on less than ten per cent Fantastic, yes. Fantasy, no. technology gap and cancelling SONY For Gift Giving of the land area. will provide the means of bring¬ It is quite within reason to the contradictions. There used to be a good ing individuals all the informa¬ reason for this. tion they need or want without expect these changes by the This is an age of innova¬ At the time of the industrial interference or control. 1980 s. tions as well as contradictions. revolution, we congregated in And without the need to be If we want them. Nobody understands this better Vacations than RCA. Graduation - Birthdays - cities because, that's where the sources of energy were. Coal. in any specific place. (Think for a moment about want If a we want to change. If we better life for ourselves. Technology has advanced reer You may in be planning a ca¬ industry—if so. you could Water. Electricity. the Apollo 11 moon landing in to such an extent, that man is be part of our vision of the And our communications July, 1969. 500 million people network was so limited that we around the world saw, via tele¬ now, literally, capable of chang¬ from WHALEN'S ing his world. We invite inquiries through had to be in close proximity to vision, precisely the same thing each other for business and at the same time. Being in New Yet, today, a certain gap your College Placement Direc¬ has developed between the po¬ tor—he can supply additional social purposes. York or Los Angeles held no tential of technology and its use information about an RCA No more. advantage over being in Keokuk There are no longer any or Harrisburg.) by mankind. There is an obvious contra¬ We are an equal opportu¬ good reasons to continue this Historically, we've been diction in a method which can nity employer. hopelessly outmoded life style. preoccupied with moving peo¬ land a man on the moon, yet With the advent of the ple and objects. Thus, our intri¬ whole spectrum of new com¬ cate network of highways and tolerates, perhaps even accepts munications available to us (wide-band communications, laser beams), we will have the railroads and airlines — all of which have become enormously inefficient (not inherently, but in as ance a inevitable, poverty and ignor¬ here on earth. There is a contradiction in method which affords the best ItCil opportunity to live in signifi¬ application). The future will see us mov¬ of everything for some, and next cantly less dense population centers. to nothing for others. This is no idle prophecy. The concept is quite real¬ istic and well within the bounds SPECIAL PURCHASE IS NEW YORK Sony makes your favorite programs look better. Shelf-top or table top elegance from SONY REALLY Par brighter. TV-930U Framed in a handsome walnut finished NECESSARY? And the picture is sharper. To make better color TV, Sony developed a better cabinet, dark filter face and chrome accents, its system. rich appearance is matched by excellence in Trinitrons Sony's system. Turn on this solid state set and watch the Trinitron system with a 12" performance. Sony's TV-930U has an 8 ' picture diagonal measured diagonally, an adjustable VHF telescopic screen bring better color into view. Beautiful antenna, a loop antenna of UHF, and jacks for walnut cabinet styling. Come in and see the picture. outside antenna and earphone. Manufacturer's List $299.00 LIMITED SUPPLIES OPEN MON. & FRI. TILL 9 P.M. You Always Pay Less At 2709 WEST MICHIGAN WHALEN'S ™ " DUHM XZ A* PHONE487-6074 MICHIGAN ART BUCHWALD STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY WASP's moving Up KEN LYNAM in Navy's mess ha||J advertising manager DAVE PERSON, managing editor WASHINGTON - There was so much Filipinos," the report stated "Th.„ BOB ROACH, city editor publicity attached to the announcement just not been given u I the >m., , yM last week when the U.S Navy promoted its opinion that?»fty J JOHN BORGER, campus editor prove it. It is our BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor first black officer to rear admiral that little Navy hopes to recruit iT' 'H RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor attention was paid to another the Anglo-Saxon race, it had breakthrough in rigid Navy tradition. With no little pride the Navy announced that it up its kitchen and pantries servicemen." uucasid H Seven -time recipient of the Pacemaker award had appointed its first white Anglo-Saxon for outstanding journalism. Protestant waiter to serve in a U.S. Navy Stung by the report, the that Jones had been Navv H J officers' mess. The lucky seaman was John Paul Jones an officers mess appointed to because he was i?] VII of Akron, Ohio. whfc 1 "Jones " EDITORIALS Up until Seaman Jones' appointment as a selected because he Navy spokesman was said the mos?!, H - J mess boy, only Filipino and black sailors waiter we could find." iMifiei were permitted to serve naval officers. But after a secret Defense Dept. race relations The public information questioned about the fact officer that JI report, it was decided that if the Navy was . going to have black admirals it would have appointment came only one week If. In »ept. EM Nixon cancer to have white mess boys to even things out. Although the U.S. Army, Air Force and Marine Corps all use WASP mess "I'll admit," he report was said, "It SOunHc n M'J attendants, the Navy, according to the coincidence, bot the U.S. »«■ going Navy. ,„ report, had been dragging its feet. The „ have to take my for him Navy kept saying that it couldn't find any has been more qualified WASP seamen to wait on officers' looking for qualified WASP 1 boys for the last 192 years. tables. But the report found that mess boys "I would like to in the Navy were not being selected add, gentlemen ih,l John Paul Jones VII will not The all-out effort against cancer announcement should not be according to qualifications, but according be the lad WASP mess boy to make it in announced Tuesday by President denounced simply because he stands to race. is our policy to see that the Navvl "There our office, Nixon is most welcome. Doctors to gain politically from the move. are many white sailors who are as galleys are staffed by the best good at serving officers as blacks and available, regardless of me have long claimed that all that is Unfortunately, Nixon's .total race, creed health program still does not deal color." lacking to find a cancer cure is OUR READERS' MIND money and organization. The properly with this nation's complex The public information officer | President has now provided both but health problems. Medical technology introduced Seaman Jones to the p™ Jones read a statement: "1 am has done so with so much hoopla has provided us with the means to to be the first one of very J that one can only wonder whether treat a wide range of illnesses. Yet my race to Lansing needs parade laws selected by the U.S. Navy to serve in J he is concerned about the quality of the nation's health care or is simply the social aspects of medical care remain by and largely ignored. new officers' mess. For many seamen were only permitted years WAS to work intj hoping for a cancer breakthrough Hospital care costs around S100 a pantry. I believe this policy, which wj ordinance's failure to establish a definite "this law has proven to leave much to be now been before Election Day, 1972. day now, meaning most American time in which the city officials must changed, will benefit not onli desired." my brother WASPs, but the U.S. By taking personal charge of the families cannot afford illness. Most To the Lansing City Council: respond makes it virtually impossible for We will be waiting for your action. Navy J well." cancer fight's organizational rural and compacted urban areas do definite plans to be made, and, again, Peace Now. The events of May 5, in which a group Seaman Jones seems to be designed to prevent free mass was asked if he expecta structure, Nixon has made an not even have enough doctors. These of students from MSU marched to the to find any hostility among the other mi obvious play to identify himself with real health expression of a political nature. Dennis Sullivan are problems facing Capitol down Michigan Ave., and the For these reasons, action should be boys. for the Student the fight against cancer. The desired America, problems to which the subsequent declaration of Lansing Police taken now to revoke this unconstitutional "Pbrhaps at first, but I'm Chief Husby of plans to prosecute these Mobilization Committee going to prov result, doubt, is that, President has yet to address himself. that WASPs can do anything no should a marchers have highlighted an urgent need ordinance. The ordinance should be May 12, 1971 Filipinos can abolished and unless a better proposal can I feel I represent every white cancer cure be developed, the As things now stand, even if a to reassess and revamp the city ordinances Anglo-Saxoi be formulated, we suggest that the previous EDITOR'S NOTE: The Protestant whose dream it has been for 19 public will give Nixon the credit. team of researchers came up with a Lansing pertaining to parade permits. ordinance be reinstated. years to serve in Navy officers' messes o Still, cancer is the number two cancer solution tomorrow, most We believe that the ordinance, as it City Council has placed discussion of There is wide support for these demands land as well as on sea. This is a stands is intended to deny the expression this letter on the agenda of its golde cause of death in this nation. A cure Americans could not afford to be to revoke the city ordinance. Many of the opportunity, and I plan to make the mo! is cured. of opinions by groups with whom city meeting, to be held at 7:30 p.m. today of it." desperately needed and Nixon's officials do not agree. The ordinance is faculty and students on the MSU campus on the 10th floor of the City Hall. After the press conference Seaman Jolt are strongly opposed to these unfair hazy, giving wide latitude to officials in Interested students needing a ride to Paul Jones VII was taken to the Whit regulations regarding parade permits and granting the permits, and enabling them to want to see them changed* The St.ite the meeting should meet at 7 p.m. in House, where President Nixon presente arbitrarily >'etermine which groups shall be Journal also suggests that the ordinate 320 Student Services Bldg. him with a white mess jacket and a given the ot portunity to express views. As MSU: what a State Jou nal editorial of May 8 points out, the or 'inance is most indefinite in should be reviewed and in fact, states that aluminum tray. Witnessing the scene wa Jones' father, a retired U.S. Navy admira who at the end ol the ceremony broke establishing what constitutes a "parade or procession." Trustees have done it again tears. Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times intj Also, the ordinance requires that To the Editor: not really wh applications tor a permit be made 30 days in advance of the event. This is especially destructive to free political expression as I have been noticing the vicious attacks made upon the trustees for their actions in the Van Tassell - Murray affair. With such congratulations to the trustees who challenged the unilateral and unfair actions of the Natural Science Dept. With our it is demonstrations of this kind, by their very archaic minds as the "Ad Hoc Committee support, I hope the trustees will be continuing to drag MSU administrators and Letter policy There is an interesting little MSU - - philosophy." More like: take - nature, cannot be planned this far in for Reappointment and Tenure for 1971" the world it when the advance. In this critical time, especially, department heads, kicking and screaming, pamphlet circulating about the - - as - - was acting as "rubber stamps" to the eudal from the 13th century into the 1970s. The The State News welcomes all lettei University and the nation entitled trustees were young. major political developments can occur lord structure of University departments, trustee's action is a lesson in true They should be typed and signed with tl "Information for "We are public, tax - assisted, overnight and the people have a right to not just natural science, it is a wond,.- ,vhat Prospective a march and rally in direct response to these the democracy and academic freedom to those home town, student, faculty or sta Students." land grant institution, the first in faculty members mean by ' academic who subvert their meaning to get rid of the standing, and local phone numb Essentially, it is a - developments in order to make their views freedom" and "cbe process." The medieval the nation," and we still don't have "trouble makers." Again, well done, included. No unsigned letter will I relatively harmless promo and, known to the government. Thus, this minds t.«at dominate most University trustees! You have made me proud to be a accepted for publication, and no letter w needless to say. paints good old MSU any money. aspect of the ordinance interferes with the departments deserve this frontal attack student at MSU. be printed without a signature except in sky-glo colors. "We keep our costs as low as constitutionally guaranteed right of upon their so-called "prerogatives." Michael S. Clinansmith extreme circumstances. All letters must I citizens to peaceably assemble and to I and those who support true "academic In the interests of equity, possible in line with the needs of a ^ast T .a .si',; gr tfv.ato student less than ,300 words long for publicatic however, it might be worthwhile to freely express their views. Too, the freedom" on campus offer sincere truly fine educational program" and April 30,1971 without editing. play Mills to the University's Parsons the dictates of the legislature. and offer some humble "We guarantee on-campus POINT OF VIEW "translations" of the doughty dormitory housing to all new document. The introductory page, students" and old students and labeled "Is This Your Kind of anybody else we can coerce into An open letter from Jerusalem Education?" summarizes the helping pay off the mortgage. pamphlet and, thus, is most "Our students come from all over meritorious of "translation:" Michigan . . . the United States . . . "The spirit is high, here at State." and all over the world," but mostly Especially if you are downwind of from Detroit. Peoples' Park. "They succeed, too." In getting EDITOR'S NOTE: The following "The competition is keen" to get drafted, generally. day we petitioned the Almighty: "Gather agreed to your request to internationalize city to be destroyed rather than have "We do our best to help everyone Point of View was submitted by Paul from the four corners of the world, a parking space. Korda for the MSU Jewish Liberation us the city. It was a deadly combination that governed by Jews. No matter ho "You know you're achieve his goal." Of course, if bring us upright to our land; return in did the job: British officers, Arab diplomatically you phrase it, the age o in a University gunners Project. It was written by Eliezer Ben mercy to Jerusalem, Thy city, and dwell in and the American - made cannon. prejudices seep out of every word. that stands for something - that is you're in social science or secondary it as Thou promised." Yisrael, a Jew in Israel. And then the savage sacking of the Old going somewhere." No work, no pay education, well, the job situation On every Yom Kippur and Passover we If our return to the city has tiedlyd City: the willful slaughter, the wanton - and to the bars, mostly. hasn't been too good lately. I am not a creature from another planet, fervently voiced the hope that next year destruction of theology in knots, perhaps you had every synagogue and "... we offer the strength of a "Around MSU, there is the thrill as you seem to believe. I am a Jerusalemite would find us in Jerusalem. Your religious school; the desecreation of Jewish re-examine your catechisms. After wna like yourselves, not passive — of a man of flesh and inquisitions, pogroms, expulsions, the have been through, we are large complex University coupled discovery" of the narc in your blood. I cemeteries; the sale by a ghoulish with personal attention to students." residence hall. am a citizen of my city, an integral ghettos into which you jammed us, your government of tomb stones for building going to accommodate ourselves o I part of my people. forced baptisms, your quota systems, your materials, for poultry runs, army camps — twisted idea that we are to suffer etern Try getting past the hold card line "If this is your kind of'education I have a few things to get off my chest. homelessness until we accept your some time. we welcome you to MSU" Mr Because I am not a diplomat, I do not have genteel anti-semitism, and the final even latrines. j ... unspeakable horror, the holocaust (and And you never said word. yearj . . a to mince words. I do not have to please For the first time since the "We have no take - the - world - as . uh, what was your student number? worse, your terrifying disinterest in it) - you, or even persuade you. I owe you all these have not broken us. They may Your hearts bled when Berlin came there is now complete religious free cm nothing. You did not build this city, you have sapped what little moral strength you under siege. You rushed your airlift "to for all in Jerusalem. For the fust. tuw^ do not live in it; you did not defend it still possessed, but they forged us into save the gallant Berliners." But you did not the Romans put the torch to the I B when they came to destroy it. And we will steel. Do you think that you can break us send one ounce of food when Jews starved everyone has equal rights. (Y°u Pr J Mr. Mitchell be damned if we will let you take it There was a away. Jerusalem before there was now, after all we have been through? Do you really believe that after Dachau and in besieged Jerusalem. You against the wall which the East Germans thundered to have some more equal than ot e loathe the sword — but it was y° •'jj a New York. When Berlin, Moscow, Auschwitz we are frightened by your ran through the middle of the German forced us to take it up. We crave peace Attorney General Mitchell, American right wing this moniker London and Paris were miasmal forest and threats of blockades and sanctions? We capital — but not one peep out of you but we are not going back to the p ] about that other wall, the one that tore swamp, there was a thriving Jewish have been to Hell and back - a Hell of 1948 as you would like us to. cohatchet man of the Nixon could easily be attached to anyone through the heart of Jerusalem. community here. It gave something to the your making. What more could you administration, has once again standing left of Strom Thurmond. world which you nations have rejected ever possibly have in your arsenal that could The only time you came to life was We are home. It has a lovely soiind^ necromanced the ghost of Joe Mitchell since you established yourselves — a scare us? when the city was at last re-united. Then nation you have willed to wander 1 was equally neglectful humane moral code. I have watched this city bombarded face of the globe. We are not leaving McCarthy. At a recent breakfast you wrung your hands and spoke loftily of have redeemed the pledge made about spelling out what percentage Here the prophets walked, their words twice by nations calling themselves "justice" and the need for the "Christian" y , meeting with reporters, the attorney of forefathers: Jerusalem is bemg. J antiwar coffers are filled with flashing like forked lightning. Here a civilized. In 1948, while you looked on quality of turning the other cheek. general stated that some leaders of people who wanted nothing more than to "Next year" — and the year ' "red" dollars. One wonders how apathetically, I saw women and children , The truth is last week's antiwar protest had be left alone, fought off waves of heathen blown to smithereens, this after we had — and you know it deep after, and after, until the end of t> "Communist-oriented or related many unknowing congressmen have would-be conquerors, bled and died on the inside your gut — you would prefer the Jerusalem!" had their campaigns helped, if ever backgrounds.'. He further indicated battlements, hurled themselves into the that he had "no doubt" that some so slightly, by Mitchellesque flames of their burning Temple rather than SOMETIMES IT'S ONLY A LITTLE "Communists." surrender; and when finally overwhelmed THINS THAT GIVE5 US HOPE.. antiwar groups were funded in part by sheer numbers and led away into A £MILE FROM A FRIEND OR A by "Communist sources." For a public official, the attorney captivity, swore that before they forgot 50NG, OR THE SIGHT OF A BlRP Mr. Mitchell declined, however, to general shows an accomplished Jerusalem, they would see their tongues 50ARIN6 HI6H ABOVE THE TREES.. indicate what, if anything, a cleave to their palates, their right arms knowledge of the well-turned buzz wither. "Communist-oriented or related" word—and a surprising lack of For two pain filled millenia, while we background might be. Indeed, in the responsibility in wielding the were your unwelcome guests, we prayed parlance of segments of the broadsword of innuendo. daily to return to this city. Three times a Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. May 17, 1971 5 IINMATES RUN PROGRAM 9 up Prison permits conjugal visits s ha||J PARCHAM, Miss. (AP) - The Bell Williams and Warden The administration of the exists at six state prisons, and a U.S. District Court, asking that lawn is shaded with oak trees. Thomas O. Cook are changing program also is left entirely in spokesman for the Corrections he be allowed Conjugal visitation Picnic tables dot the freshly cut practices there. the hands of inmates, who have *tat(>d- Department says plans are to rights. The 5th U.S. Circuit "They h,J grass. Family clusters gather At the same time the prison's devised a system of signals and have it in all state prisons and Court of Appeals ruled last u' around lunch baskets, the adults °PPortunitv tJ long-standing tradition of time schedules to allow each most state correctional camps by month that a federal prisoner's ,hat ifthe ul on talking quietly, the children permitting conjugal visits — man 20 to 30 minutes alone the end of the year. Sexual constitutional rights do not chattering. including sexual relations ZZ " had rubers I better o, To the children, the chain link between a prisoner and his wife with his wife during the three-hour visitation periods. relations are permitted if a prisoner is visited by his legal include the right to have sexual relations with his wife. llru>s l° fence around the lawn is — twice Caucas a month has won Mississippi was the only state wife. something to climb on. To the widespread praise and to have An inmate at the federal In adults, it is a reminder that no — conjugal visits until 1968 Mississippi, however, attention — around the country. when California began a pilot prison in Atlanta, Ga., John officials view the program as ;the Nayy deiJ PV" ed to serve! matter how many picnic tables or oak trees there are, the setting The program — without basis program. That program now Brent Tarlton Jr., filed suit in fulfillment of a moral obligation. in state laws — has been in effect ;ne was white. 1 is still a prison — the Mississippi since the prison was built in E.L. panel hearing kesman said State Penitentiary, 10,000 acres 1900. thp most qualifieT of sprawling delta farmland. The prison has a reputation for brutality, and a committee of Of inmates, to the approximately 1,900 some 380 are entitled sets ation officer participate. ont> fat'1 that week after (J n JonJ Leaning tower Mississippi legislators has said: "Cruel and inhuman treatment by sadistic guards and trustees is Asst. Warden Jack Byars said the inmates at the prison's 17 scattered camps on low-cost housing plan "as leaked to th "run the whole a fact well documented in our By looking up this staircase in Morrill Hall, an observer would probably imagine that the show," dealing with the conjugal building was built by a lopsided architect. State News photo by Jonathan S. Kaufman files." Prison officials claim that visits program. Except for a The East The committee last week Lansing Joint East Lansing city planning reforms instituted by Gov. John six-room unit at the first - Housing Committee will hold a heard many East Lansing residents claim that sections of director, who said that the new of M offender camp and another second public hearing at 7:30 regulations would not decrease complex under construction, all p.m. Tuesday in the city council its recommendations favored IT FRIDAY MEETING physical facilities for the chambers in East Lansing City local landlords. low cost rooming facilities, and - might even increase them. program have been built by hall. Several persons said the I. gentlemen, ti prisoners from scrap materials. The hearing, called because proposed new zoning regulations At the hearing Tuesday, the Trustees could set rates ill not be the At some of the larger camps, committee members claimed would force low - income committee hopes that a large ? it in 1^1 there are as many as eight lack of publicity, made residents into expensive number of student and the Navy.lf that our clapboard and tin buildings, impossible a representative apartments or out of East non-student East Lansing the best office^ most enclosing only a single bed, hearing last Tuesday, will deal Lansing. residents will air their views on mei Their contention was later the committee's report and East f lacking electricity or running with the committee's race, creed o By RANDY GARTON Flintoff has been in contact This year, however, the Flintoff said the main concern water. recommendations on low - cost denied by T. Michael Conlisk, Lansing housing in general. State News Staff Writer with several trustees and University has wage of University officials seemed to Inmates and prison officials housing in East Lansing, ion officer administrative officials who recommendations rfeady much be that the board would not ■ Chances are good that the are alike call the shacks "Red including recommendations for les to the prea ■oard of trustees will set unopposed to setting room and earlier than in past years. houses." new zoning regulations. "1 am approve any increase in room very prow ■971-72 room and board rates at board rates now. "We do know what our labor and board rates. )f my race to j Lir Friday session, Michael S. Roger E. Wilkinson, vice costs will be at this time,'' "With labor and food costs ivy to serve i any years WASl ■lintoff, Residence Hall Assn. president for business and Wilkinson said, "it would be going up, it would be naive to HERE'S WHY SO MANY PEOPLE WEAR GLASSES president, (RHA) , said Sunday. finance, said that in the past the possible for the board to set the assume that there won't be some ted to work in thl board had to wait until labor rates if they wish." J"I don't think there will be increase," Flintoff said. "And FROM VISION CENTER Jolicy, which vJ Ly trouble about it," he said. costs for the new academic year Also unopposed to any board some board members have stated benefit not onil ■Of course, you can never had been determined. Usually action on the room and board they are against any more the U.S. (edict exactly what the board these costs rates is Robert C. Underwood, Navy t were not available increases in room and board until late summer. manager of residence halls. rates." led if he expectel Flintoff said he would be ong the other m< meeting with student leaders this I'm going to provj hing Filipinos can lo Id cord polic week and would continue contact board members on question. to this vhite Anglo-Saxo it has been for 19 officers' messes snce This is a golde to make the Seaman Joh pes into is in the case of bad checks. provide effect the student with a Here are a few reasons why there are so many satisfied patients wearing Vision Center Glasses: ken to the Whit Hold cards may byplaced in a written statement of alleged Nixon presente .. student's card packet ** violation of regulations and A ss jacket and a hold^ caird ^policy «•"< efines and i limitste t the i.eo a lich registration for financial, judicial condition . enrollment impending judicial or administrative proceedings when • Eyeglasses At Prices Everyone fan Afford. 'Sunglasses In Many Shapes And Color ing the scene wi cards against J.S. Navy students reasons. attempts to reach the student by • Any Doctor's Prescription Filled adrpira registration was approved L ■mony broke inl . The financial hold card may certified mail and telephone ^day by Roger E. Wilkinson, be employed to "collect any have proved unsuccessful." • Verilite Contact Lenses At Reasonable ice president for business and ngeles Times obligation due Condition of enrollment inan ce, and Milton " University's operating - - ickerson vice president for student loan funds. hold cards must be approved by udent affairs. the dean of students and top These obligations include issued only after the student has .. The policy will go into effect tuHion room and board fees had "reasonable opportunity to OOllCV * illterm, 1971. The hold card traffic violations, charges for be informed of, and to comply policy was damage to University property. with the condition." ,mmK all letter lcomes |pttp, orm ed ecommended by and J ® I n 11 y Library fines, bad checks passed the University b students or charees Under the nd signed with t uaness Affairs Committee and policy, the student faculty or sta le University Student Affairs originating in the University must be in noncompliance with ueanh Center, the Union or the a condition of enrollment as so phone numb d letter will Veterinary Clinic. designated by the board of and no letter w , , Registered student trustees. , nay be prevented fro™ organizations, student ignature except' ■egBte' ing by a hold card only if All letters must R his; received govemment organizations and "adequate prior student newspapers are not ng for publicatii Kte of the action. The only permitted to issue hold cards for GRANDMA. . . I boy(riend or pet canary. Giant 2H """""ion the warning clayse the collection of debts under the ft. posters anyone or anythinyM Send photo (returned) any sl/e,H a beauty gift for tender complexions. . .the policy. 2.95 plus .25 postage to ■ hinese prof Judicial hold cards may be placed against students who have Personal Posters P.O. Box 42972 ■ ■ Clinique travel pak of allergy-tested L. A. Cal., 90050 ■ fragrance-free skin care is yours been suspended or "in order to with any tans lecture Clinique purchase made May 17 through May 21. Held Over 1 The pak contains moisturizing lotion, mild n )n literature ■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■couponibbb ■■■■■■■■■ facial soap, funnel and travel bottle. This coupon is A. Wu-chi Liu, a native of China Extra-strength soap bar, 7.50 B. Hair spray, ither than have nd chairman of the '•Dt. at the University in linking, China, will speak English worth $2.00 OFF 12 oz., $5 C. Moisturizing lotion, 2 oz., 7.50 No matter h Moral and Aesthetic Values in on the Price of D. Clarifying lotion, 6 oz., $6 E. Scrub cream, jse it, the age Wnese Literature" at 3 p.m. 31/2 oz., 7.50 F. Gentle cleansing cream, 3% oz., $5 ery word, city has tied y< pday in the Union Green NEW SANDALS G. Very Emollient cream to add an extra measure Good Thru May 22 The author of ips you had beti more than 10 of moisture, 2 oz., $15 H. Wrinkle stick, $6 sms. After what i >ks, Wu-chi Liu is a regular at are not passive •ontributor to Chinese and ourselves to t "Wi periodicals. He has also M.S.U. SHOE REPAIR 3-MINUTE HEEL SERVICE „ e to suffer fed and taught in both China ccept your Savii ind the United States. 225 E. Grand River ,m,nQ Chinese refreshments will be 501V4 E. Grand River dd2-3bl9 iince the year """at the informal talk. !■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■COUPON! ■■■■■■■■■■■■ religious freed* the first time si ■ch lo the Temf Is. (You 1 than others.) prefer Lansing Community College Registration June 21 Classes: June 22 - Aug. 17 t it was you " - IV 9-3751 Ext. 232 We crave peace I ART 8:00-12:00 N TTH ;k to the peace' ;lo 1 jesic ^ i Intro to Drawing s to. |ART 102 design ii 351015 8 : 00-12•00 N MW Intro to Painting lovely sound fori arr art 103 drawing i 351025 6:30-12:30 PM PM MT MT o wander over tl^ io4 drawing ii 351035 8130-12:30 art 8:30-12:30 PM MT re not leaving. * 105 drawing iii 351045 art 201 painting i 351065 u00- 5:00 PM MT Jge made by « art 201 8:00-12:00 N TTH 351070 is being rebujj art 202 painting painting i ii 351075 8100-12:00 N TTH e year after, • Art 203 8:00-12:00 N TTH end of time painting iii 351085 N-Art 220 sculpture i 351095 6:30-10:30 PM TTH N-ART 221 sculpture ii 351105 6:3^-10:30 PM TTH N-ART 222 sculpture iii 351115 6:30-10:30 PM TTH •i FOR MOPe^) Art 2^0 N-ART 241 advan painting 351125 arranged ceramics i 351130 6:00-10:00 PM TTH art 2^1 ceramics i 351135 art 242 ceramics ii 351140 1:00- 5:00 PM TTH ART 250 advan sculpture 351160 arranged Jaccxbsoris N-ART 251 serigraphy i 351170 6100-10:00 PM MW n-ART 252 serigraphy ii 351175 6:00-10100 PM MW art 300 1100- 5:00 PM TTH life 0rawing i 351195 art 301 l«ocr- 5:00 PM TTH life drawing ii 351205 art 3q? 1:00- 5:00 PM TTH life drawing iii 351215 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Moiula Winemaking class trains students to do it yourself' T*19 Gl,e" Who rock nfpu. concwt t|,j ■ ■ p ammc HEFKO More than 20 MSU students wine "snobs." who can distinguish between the different currant wine and dandelion wine homemade wine is about 25 the plastic tubing from the first in his cellar. cents, Van Horn said. to the second container. After **■"*. j.*?1 have been fermenting wine this types Gf grapes and who strictly 0^erve ruies of wine etiquette — Special concentrates sold in A simple recipe for dry red commercial winemaking stores table wine calls for 16 pounds of secondary fermentation stops, the wine is racked again. It can sNph„,oby0sF;9,l*<«. spring, following completion of wj1jte wjth fish, red with meat, can be used in place of fresh can be grapes per gallon of wine. Test be allowed to age a four-part Free University sheiTy before meals and port fruit. Unlike the traditional grapes for sugar and acid content drunk immediately, course on winemaking. after dinner. method, this kind of and campare with a table to "You can make wine out of • — Legally, only the head of a Although grapes are the most winemaking relies on the use of compute how much sugar and household is entitled to make anything you find in the store," popular base, wine can be made chemicals: an acid blend of acid to add. Add yeast. Violent Richard Van Horn, Battle Creek wine, and is limited to 200 from blueberries, apricots, citric, tartaric and malic acids to fermentation takes place in the senior and class instructor gallons a year. However, a head pineapple, oranges, grapefruit correct any acid deficiencies in primary or first container, the of a household is loosely defined contends. and even some vegetables such as, the wine. Prepared yeasts are non metal bucket. " "I've had raisin wine, ~ by the Internal Revenue Service "" onions and carrots. One available, the violent dandelion wine and even black as anyone who make wine in his instructor has made banana fermentation ceases the wine is own home for his own walnut leaf wine," Van Horn wine. the cost of bottle of "racked" or siphoned off with said. a consumption. a Van Horn said wine can be made with materials found in Groups parody, put down rodj the home - any non metal bucket, a sheet of plastic, plastic tubing , a wooden spoon, bottles and corks. Van Horn, who began making wine about a year ago, has had preoccupied with their music to give Wilson an opening to cigarette smoldered on the edge of his organ he |«,t in. I homemade Spanish red wine, disaster. deprecating attack on the trimmings of being a rock starlvi'l And the perfect remedy to Wilson was Burton Cummings, lead to the Byrds' "So You Want to be a Rock and vocalist of the Guess Who, a rock performer rare enough to know "I grew my hair long, and I unbuttoned Roll Star" ■ Ljour Future If you missed the Zubra-Guess Who concert Friday night you missed the greatest self-parody in rock and roll as well as the exactly what he is doing and why. how to say 'groovy' and 'far out' and my shirt and I l«rnaj 'heavy' and 'peace' Awaits tkfc Test.. greatest put-on put-down of everything the "American Woman" With one of the strongest, clearest and most beautiful voices in that other shit," he chanted. P and rock, Cummings' true worth was shown in a 20-minute version of From there he continued into a diatribe $ J] jilDJjTJ 3 6RE U DAT rocky roily money-grabbing scene stands for. the million-selling "American Woman." agianst the Marv Wilson, lead singer of Zubra and a former woman who's "gonna mess your mind," who's mmm wsmsmn While Cummings' devastating voice is sufficient in itself to "van ■ choirboy-pseudo-opera star from Traverse City, gave a brilliant shatter Tricia Nixon's Lennox China, the lyrics of the bridge-playing suburban friends are gonna step on you." ^ ])$S7 LlJiMCAT display of how to almost wreck a great band with trite histrionics. A superbly accomplished jazz band that has been doing the three-minute original probably snapped her v-belt when he sang them to her last year in the White House. When the they ain't announcer said, "They're through. You can claD hi local bar scene for some time, Zubra was enormously successful "American woman, stay away from me. American woman, gonna come back," after the Guess Who had left stage, most of the audience probably was too overcome IP Friday despite the efforts of Wilson. momma let me be. I don't need with ttJ * Six session courses * Small your war machines, 1 don't need power and excellence of the band to appreciate the Apparently trying to be a combination of Zubin Mehta, Jim fact tha groups your ghetto scenes. Colored lights can hypnotize, sparkle is labeled by most as a mindless teeny-rock group is quite po*,,™ Morrison and Rasputin, Wilson repeatedly tried to draw the Voluminous study material for someone else's eyes," the only band willing to Cummings screamed. home study prepared by experts audience's attention away from Zubra's excellent musicians with As his hands remained firmly planted in his pockets and a rock-star concept. publicly testify to the absurdity of tJ ' ™ in each field his hand-waving attempts at unheeded direction. Even when the band launched into a sentimental parody of |—LOCAL CLASSES —i Sha Na Na's parody of Danny and the Juniors, Wilson continued Sleuth fixation in Giants' (313)851-6077 in his self-appointed role of a dignified orchestra director, holding his head high and his feet firmly planted as the band Call Collect j kick-stepped and falsettoed its way around the stage. It was sad yet almost comical to watch the drummer, Stanley H. Kaplan organist and horn players play every note in perfect synchronization while Educational Center ALL SEATS RESERVED AND GUIDANCE SINCE 1: Wilson pranced about the stage with his arms raised in intrigue, warmth $6.00 • $5.00 - $4.00 Chaplinesque anticipation. While the drummer joined in the act Tickets On Sale Now At WURZBURG Stores to some extent, the remainder of the band usually were too weaves THE CARD SHOP, E. Lansing and MARLO'S in Jackson I can't think of any movie that is now super sleuth Holmes in an essentially intelligent m - BUY NOW! had less chance of succeeding search of his mortal enemy The special detective walk,t| than one about a man who Moriorty. When his brother instant command of e thinks he is Sherlock Holmes. attempts to have him situation, the brilliart quips al Yet, "They Might Be Giants," a committed, Blevins meets a the businesslike handling of | film with such a plot, is a success female analyst whose name, romance with Wttson i modest to be sure, precious aspects of a bravtj — a success conveniently enough, is Dr. but a warm and wonderfully Mildred Watson. performance. strange one all the same. Instead of committing Blevins, Miss Woodward, made o Thanks to George C. Scott's Dr. Watson becomes his partner, again to look mousey, is fine! fine madness, Joanne accompanying him in his search. Dr. Watson, a lonely spinaF Woodward's super sanity and the Blevins brings a sense of spirited quite willing to jeopardize I collaboration again of director departure to Watson's drab life, career and suspend follow Blevins. hersanity| Anthony Harvey and writer Soon her reactions toward him James Golman (who did "The change from professional Together, Miss Woodward aJ Lion in Winter") the film glides than the thousands of people interest to a sense of loving Scott make a fine pair I along on a quixotic course, considered sane. "They Might Be admiration for the kindness and detective partners as well I intriguing and charming the Giants" takes a romantic keenness of the man romantic ones. outlook toward its hero, treating Scott, recently Oscar-ed and "They Might Be Gijnts"' . his belief that he is Holmes as a Emmy-ed, once again proves show at the Spartan Twin commendable one. that he is an impeccable actor, through Tuesday Like Don Quixote, this man is What shows here, beyond his a dreamer who approaches usual intensity, is a fine sense of everyday situations and sees in comic timing. As Blevins, Scott them romance, danger and a rides the screenplay's many of high adventure that twists and bends as if he completely sane eyes could not invented them, playing up behold. Holmes as tongue - in - cheek Once a lawyer, Justin Blevins stereotype yet treating Blevins as The Placement Bureau v hold interviews from 1 to 5 p.l BREWSTER Wednesday for with the a summer jf Walter and M| MCCLOUD Reuther Recreational Educational Center. Previol BUD CORT m camping experience is requireT as the job vacancy is fori SALLY KELLERMAN supervisory capacity in r summer camp. & A representative from t American Service IntornationB also will be at the Placeme| Bureau Wednesday to recrj students for part-time positions for credit caj insurance. Students from f majors and colleges are eligibj The interviews are part of t| Placement Bureau's new pol«| of keeping the bureau open pa its regular mid-May closing to help students find jobs. TICKETS ON SALE Fairchild Box Office Weekdays 12:30 5:00 P M. Performing A THEATRE FESTIVAL 3 Plays in Repertory May 20-Juiiej> THE ROPE DANGERS TICKETS $2.00, $100 THE TEMPEST THE COUNTRY WIFE PHONE 355-OHO Ia>\ May i Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 17, 1971 7 Director reports Cigarettes 10% OFF The Discount Price Kodak Color Film 2.25 Flashcubes on all 126,127,620 3/95' fee for poo" use Limit 1 Film Developing No Limit 12 exp. 39C Limit 1 3's 5 J19 Limit 1 i£ For the first time, rates will be (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) charged at the outdoor pool at (Coupon) •ue$s Who owtt I the Men s Intramural Building summer term. Expires After 5-22-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 5-22-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 5-22-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 5-22-71 East Lansing Store Only Although the charge will be only 25 cents, this move to meet rising maintenance costs may be judged "all wet" .49 by student 100 Count swimmers who traditionally spend summer term by the pool. , . Fi«ldhoutt I The pool opens Saturday. Frank Beeman, intramural 5 X 7 Color Enlargement to cover the cost of director, said the fees will be charged conditioning the pool. Costs cover labor Boxed Envelopes (From Kodacolc>r Negative Only) Aspirin needed to drain, flush, sandblast and repaint the pool; remove rust from fixtures; replace broken tiles, and check electrical 100 equipment, he said. the Students will be admitted free to the pool until June 21 when Count JQc LI Limit 1 3! Lim it 5 11' new fee schedule will take effect. Students will be charged 25 Limit 1 | :~$m2 cents but students who were last enrolled winter term will be (Coupon) Expires After 5-22-71 E MSU wins, 16-6 and a six run inning spurts. A triple and two singles Rashead dropped a high fly ball p 14-5, over the Spartans' batting produced Clancy, who dropped his first p|av6R Northwestern Saturday but the highlighting each game. opened the game for MSU but over the left field fence to cap w enough runs to give three of game of the year after nine wins. wh"t it will coach of tit Spartans had trouble against the S Wisconsin Friday, and had to be ge Webster said content with a split. The IN BIG TEN Spartans won the opener 6-3 before losing 7-5. A Greek always did The trio of victories put Coach Danny Litwhiler's squad in S' know how to Feast! Like Mike Madura Madura, an Evanston, III. native, returned home last excellent position to win it all in Big 10 play. MSU upcoming is on the road, this golfers pla weekend, for (weekendTheandMSU took an individual title in the Big Ten Tennis junior became the first doubleheaders against Purdue By CRAIG REMSBURG State News Sports Writer very well and deserves a lot of Spartan netter to and Illinois and if the credit because he was the team's Spartans bpture individual honors in three years. can bring home two victories, Spartan John VanderMeiden steadying factor," Fossum said. State News photo by Milton Horst The MSU golf team, leading they will represent the played very well and finished conference Purdue by three strokes with Peterson has run into some in the District 4 second with a 72-78-70-79 299. playoffs Memorial nine holes left to play, fell prey - tough luck lately. He lost the over Day The Grand Haven junior won a letters take 4th, weekend. The closest contenders for the winners spot, Minnesota (11-5) to a late Boilermaker ended up in second place in the 52nd Big Ten Golf Tournament charge and medallion for his effort and his third - round 70 was the lowest round of the tournament. Coach individual title in the Spartan Invitational sudden some - last week in death playoff, and had trouble in the last two a and Illinois (9-5) each lost over held in Columbus, Ohio over the Fossum believes that holes of the last round in the Big the weekend. The Gophers weekend. split |ut Madura wins VanderMeiden's second place Ten tourney or he would have a twin bill with Illinois and the Purdue won its eleventh Big finish is the highest position ever finished in second place, ahead Illini also lost to Iowa. Ten title — but its first in six achieved by a MSU golfer in any of MSU now owns a 10-2 mark years — with a 1,501 score for VanderMeiden. Peterson Big Ten tourney. MSU Greeks will keep that tradition. Their in the Big Ten, good for a two 72 holes. The finished the round with a double Greek Feast By MIKE ABERLICH Spartans finished The Spartans' John Peterson, will last all the way from 4 State News Sports Writer game lead. The Spartans, ranked at 1,510 while host Ohio State bogey and a bogey on 17 and p.m. to midnight, with with a 74-74-75-77 - 300, along 18. entertainment by 3 bands, a KENTUCKY FRIED second in the nation, raised their was third, two strokes behind, at with Purdue's Ross I 1,512. Defending champion Biddinger CHICKEN dinner and coke all for the ridiculous poor second day proved to be disastrous for the MSU netters season record to 33-7. and Ohio State's Larry Fossum also had words of $2.00. Feast day occurs Sat., May 22 on the ATO lawn price of I weekend as No. 3 singles player Mike Madura was the only It was a momentous weekend Indiana and Illinois placed in a tie for fourth at 1,523. Stubblefield, finished in a tie for praise for Bradow ("he had a (Evergreen & Oakhill). Tickets for the all university event n to survive the semi - finals in Evanston, 111. in the Big Ten for the Spartans in many third place at 300. very steady tourney and his aspects. Not only did they near "Purdue has a real tough are advance and available from any Greek house. ,„„jMect. Other MSU scores were: Rick future is bright") and Cooke [jadura went on to capture an individual title but the rest of the championship but Litwhiler team — they just owned the Big Woulfe, 73-78-78-73 -302, good ("he helped us the first three Get your tickets now! I Spartans didn't fare nearly as well, finishing in fourth place in reached his 400th win as a Ten this spring," Spartan Coach rounds which is for tenth place; Dick Bradow, more than we I ten team field as Michigan, for the fourth straight year, swept college coach, accumulated in 17 Bruce Fossum said. "But I give 76-76-74-79 asked of him"). - 305; Graham |theleague title with 123 points. years, at MSU and Florida State. my guys a lot of credit because Cooke, 76-75-75-82 - 308; and "Our guys gave it everything Indiana grabbed second with 95 points, and Iowa (86) took Saturday's second win made they gave Purdue trouble." Denny Vass, at 78-85-78-68 - d. this year's squad the winningest The Spartan mentor said they had, and I mean 319. Dur Spartan singles men advanced to the semis as did two of team in Spartan history, tourney officials set the course a everything," he added. "But "VanderMeiden had a terrific Purdue was steadier and they three MSU doubles teams in the first day of the three - day little harder in the last round, breaking the record set in 1968. tournament and Peterson played deserved to win." r, but Friday's results were anything but encouraging as Tom Rob Ellis set two personal moving the driving markers DeArmond Briggs and Rick Vetter dropped their matches marks in the record books. The farther back at each hole and rom Cassleman the doubles teams of Madura - Vetter and Jim Symington - changing the cups at each green. explosive junior belted two ler Spartan win ; Ferman did the same. home This, combined with the thought runs Saturday to set a new Spuller in the ladura topped two players that had given him trouble during career mark and he also passed that the players might have been Hartwick in tired after 63 holes of golf in regular season on his way to MSU's first individual tennis title Steve Garvey for season runs # hurdles and e 1968. The Spartan junior surprised Michigan's Dick batted in. Ellis and Ron Pruitt just two days, could be a couple leading a V, irreby, 6 0, 6-3, in semi - final play and edged Iowa's Craig each slashed triples which tied of reasons for the Spartan weep in the ndvig in the finals, 6-7, 6-4, 6-4, to gain the title berth, them for the single season mark collapse. oel Ross of Michigan upset Spartan No. 1 Tom Gray, 6-4, 6-2, of six set in 1931 by Abe In the race for the individual Friday and went on to a title at that spot, beating Eliowitz. title, Minnesota's Dave Haberle rthwestern's Bill Meyers in the finals, 7-6, 4-6, 6-0. won medalist honors, Ellis had an outstanding shooting thir leoff Hodsdon of Indiana got by Tim Ott of Michigan and Rod three rounds of 72 - par for the weekend, getting six hits in 12 i iroeder of Illinois (who had beaten MSU's DeArmond Briggs) appearances at the plate. He also 7,120 yd. Ohio State Scarlet take No. 2, and Michigan's Ramon Almonte decisioned Iowa's drew four walks and belted two Nagel for the No. 4 title. fly balls that sent Northwestern as Steve Hougfitfen grabbed the No. 5 honors and fielders all the way to the fence Varsity Club licagc Mike Ware No. 6 to wrap up the singles winners, while the closest doubles match, Ross and Ravreby of Michigan lost to make the catch. The Spartans fattened their The MSU Varsity Club will the Hodsdon - Mark Bishop combination of Indiana at No. 1. hold its annual chicken fry Tuesday night in the International Center. No tickets abs even series again; will be sold at Members are asked to pick up their tickets at Burt Smith's the door. office. nal game on Tuesday 3NTREAL than four minutes after Frank's record set last season GRADUATING (UPI) - Peter iv iding the ich scored two game winner while goals, goal had tied the game at 3-3 at 5:10 of the final period. He got Peter Mahovlich's first goal of the game in the second period MEN AND lean was shorthanded, and the winner while rookie Rejean gave Montreal a short-lived 2-1 Frank Sunday afternoon added another as the Houle was sitting out a holding penalty. lead as the big Montreal forward skated around the Chicago net WOMEN! 'real Canadiens evened their The seventh and deciding game and fired a quick shot past Check Your Education lev Cup final playoff series will be played at Chicago Esposito. • Agriculture degree or three games each with Tuesday night. experience ago bv ks. 4-3. beating the Black The game featured a National Hockey League playoff Liquori nips • 3 year Nursing degree or B.S. in t Mahovlieh scored less first when Frank Mahovlieh was • B.A. in English plus awarded a penalty shot early in Ryun in mile foreign language a the first when period. This resulted Esposito came out of his • Degree in primary or secondary ed. able to teach The Sensational onley's homer net to stop Mahovlich's Marty Liquori had to register math or science breakaway and in the process he threw his goalie's stick at the the fastest time in the mile ever on defeat the Eastern Seaboard to • Civil • Engineering degree Forestry or Fisheries,degree "HOT PANTS" Jim Ryun Sunday 'ngs Tiger win puck. or experience Referee Art immediately awarded Montreal a S k o v afternoon at the International Freedom Games in Philadelphia. • Math emphasis or science degree or WIG Liquori hit the tape to win at er Senators penalty shot, but Esposito came out of his net to block the shot. 3: 54.6 and Ryun followed for • Urban planning or is pleased to announce its . . . the perfect playmate architecture degree second place honors one foot 'ASHINGTON Yvan Cournoyer got the other • Liberal Arts for your Hot Pants fashions (UPI) - Montreal goal early in the first behind. summer major with experience in schedule of events for this week: «y Stanley homered twice Norm Cash hit his 300th period while Jim Pappin, with construction, health or "er in a his ninth and 10th goals of the mechanics. Detroit uniform % to power the Tigers to a ltOB0ry °Ver tht> Washin8ton current playoffs, and scored for Chicago. Chico Maki The Canadiens were trailing Then Check ight-Pizza Feast 3-2 when Frank Mahovlieh got the Peace Corps •% broke a 4-4 tie with the equalizer after he took a pass $34.95 B 7,000 American Volunteers, 193 A & ec.ond homer of the game to ■ •"I the w eighth inning against Denny Riddleberger. from Jean Beliveau. It was his 14th playoff goal this season and set a new all-time record. Phil most of them just out of college. Black and white. With the kinds of educations listed above. Tuesday-Flaming j s lenian went the distance Esposito of Boston had 13 goals Working hard in 180 languages Hog Night first start against his in the 1969-70 to help people in 60 countries 1to ?mmates t0 run his assists gave himplayoffs. 'fa 4-0 His two 27 points and help themselves. • Wear it long and flowing! That's the Peace Corps. You also equalled Esposito's all-time can be part of it. (all the beer you can drink) • Divide it into Contact your local Peace Corps pigtails! office or send in the coupon. • Tie it back with scarf! Tfi a .00 Each.)" lAPTmm Wednesday-Girl's Made of lustrous Kanekalon that's washable and needs just the flick of a brush to keep it looking great. All Srs, •' 'Wan Corner of Ann & MAC Teaching Subversive Activity the Peace Corps lor graduating | (all girl's drinks reduced) Night Future Shock foii're OK The I'rophet Heart at Wounded Knee MANY OTHKRS Central Michigan Quality Bookstore Thursday-Quart I 30% Off on aM New Downtown Frandor — 210 S. Wash. Shopping Center East Lansing — "East DOWNSTAIRS Lansing 's Only Wig Boutiaue '' Open 332-46Hardcover Books with this Coupon j Paramount New, ^Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday [ 207 E. Grand River (Come Listen to Brian Paul Thomas) 332-3341 54, E CranJ R|w Z^unS^m. 10-b Mon. - Fri 10 Michigan State News, Hast Lansing, Michigan Mondi STATE NEWS All Student Ads Must Be Prepaid Starting *tatenews CLASSIFIED 3558255 Thursday, May 20th, at 1 p.m. classified Automotive pRAnkly speaking . by Phil Frank Employment Employment MfootAKafir The State News does not permit racial or religious FORD GALAXIE 500, 1967. WAITRESSES - POSITIONS EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car discrimination in its 126 Ml Yellow, power steering, available for noon hour shift. 11 - necessary. Call 351-7319 fpr Summer LPOFm ~ advertising columns. The automatic, radio, new tires, low 2 Monday through Saturday. Also interview. C Leasing: only\ ,, State News will not mileage. Clean. Call 351-7208 have openings for evenings. 5 days apartments, Cl0*J*} after 6 p.m. 5-5-19 / week. 351-2207. 372-57R7 accept advertising which Experience preferred. CAREER OPPORTUNITY. If 24-6-4 67' 489.16S • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates Apply in person 2-5 p.m. approved by home office, can Scooters & Cycles against JAGUAR 1966 XKE Roadster. 4.2 SCOFE'S RESTAURANT AND train at $150 weekly with 123 GIRL Auto Parts & Service religion, race, color or liter, 4 speed, 44,000 miles. New LOUNGE, 2609 South Cedar St., year old highly respected life NEEDED, 0i and next national origin. paint and top. 482-8181. 2-5-17 year p ""'"roil Aviation Lansing. Phone 393-4160..7-5-24 insurance company. We are an equal opportunity employer. necessary '2 ™ ^"ll • EMPLOYMENT JAGUAR XK-2 1969 Roadster. Full MOTHER'S HELPER. 2 year old and Phone 482-6275. 5-5-19 353-3264.3 5-17 35l °9< • FOR RENT maintenance records; Ziebart new baby (expected mid - June). Apartments rustproof, AM-FM, chromes. Part time now, then 5-6 days / WAITRESSES NEEDED for new 372-0346. 5-5-19 week. 9 - 5 p.m., mid June thru NORTHWIND STABLES Houses Automotive summer. Possible flexible hours. RESTAURANT, 2843 East Grand Rooms KARMANN GHIA 1964. Good tires, 351 5802. 2-5-17 River, East Lansing. Full time FOR SALE CHEVELLE 1964. Convertible. V-8 2 new studded snow tires. Runs • only. Apply in person. Peg Perry. automatic. Newly rebuilt engine. good, $350 or best offer. A NEW division of an old company Animals 3-5-18 Some rust. $250. Phone 351-5379. 5-5-19 has openings for sales Mobile Homes 882-3692. 3-5-19 representatives. Full or part time. 124 CEDAR GIRL FRIDAY. Some travel, for real Street i29 bT • PERSONAL MACH I 1969 Automatic. Power We train. Good pay program. Call estate executive in Northern steering, brakes, AM-FM sports 351-3700.3-5-18 furnished • PEANUTS PERSONAL deck, $2,000. 351-4661. 3-5-19 Michigan. Write P.O. Box 129, heat. $62.50 to apartment,' * • REAL ESTATE VETERINARIAN PATHOLOGIST. Gaylord, Michigan. 5-5-19 Leases starting June $90 ^ CHEVROLET Ph.D. desirable. Relocate. $21,000 15 and itfTHDtXXf WILKES PRESSMAN EXPERIENCED for employer. 10-5-21 355-1666.3-5-18 * 3-5-17 evening hours. Permanent DEADLINE Of TH£ COMMITTEE ON TEACHING QUALITY! position. 372-7700. PERSONNEL 711 EAST CHEVROLET 1967 Belair. Power MGB 1968 green with black top. CONSULTANTS. 3-5-17 For Rent ARTS, 1 P.M. one class day steering and brakes. $1000 or best 711 Burcham Overdrive, 24,000 miles. before publication. offer. 332-3635, evenings. 10-5-21 353-7032. 5-5-19 RECEPTIONIST. TYPIST. For FURNITURE RENTAL Deluxe large 1 bedroom Cancellations - 12 noon Lansing promotional firm. $425. Student special starting at $20 a furnished apartments CHEVROLET 1966. 4 door hardtop. month. Reserve now for Fall Suitable for 2 & 3 man. one class day before 372-7700 PE RSONNE L Good condition. Automatic. Term. CONSULTANTS. 3-5-19 BISHOP FURNITURE Now leasing for publication. $500. 353-7952. 3-5-17 Summer 482-4147 1 5-i7 Automotive Scooters & Cycles RENTAL, 4972 Northwind Drive and Fall. 9 & 12 month PHONE SURVEYORS V/ANTED 351-5830. 21-6-4 CHEVROLET 1969. Irnpala Club leases, MUSTANG 1966 convertible, VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1963. To work in India, British Honduras ledroor 355-8255 coupe with air conditioning. V-8, CYCLE INSURANCE. Central TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction 337-7328 337-0780 automatic, 6 cylinder. 351-0636 Best offer. Call Coleen at Michigan's Largest insurer. Any and the Eastern Caribbean. 2 year nan apl RATES automatic, power steering, 24,000 after 5 p.m. 5-5-21 tour. Must be single. One year guaranteed. Free delivery, service 351-4878 miles. Real nice condition. $1950. 351-6699.3-5-19 cycle, any rate. LLOYD'S of ipus. L and pick-up. Call NEJAC, 1 day $1.50 LANSING, 332-5335, 482-5585. experience or 15 credits MAN FOR four man, 332-3362. 3-5-18 337-1300. C summer, MUSTANG 1967 V-8 automatic. VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Sedan, O acceptable. All living, health, 15c per word per day conditioned, University T ' COMET 1965. 289. End 2 Jensen, 65 Power steering, vinyl roof, sunroof. Rebuilt engine, new shocks. travel expenses. Plus $1500 upon $58.75. 332-0150. 3-5-17 3 days $4.00 Console. One owner. $995. Good deal, price open. 351-2062, ask ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. watt auditorium speakers for TRIUMPH 1967 650cc Bonneville. completion. For more information 13Vic per word per day 339-8072 after 5:30 p.m. 5-5-19 for Bruce. 5-5-18 Best offer. 351-7598. 3-5-17 contact: Huey Edwards, MSU SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 5 days $6.50 motorcycle. 450 372-6830. 3-5-19 or larger Placement Bureau. B-5-19 RENTAL, 372-4948. O $50. ONE girl for 3~m*. , MUSTANG MACH I, 1970. Excellent VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Low mileage. conditioning, dishwash 13c per word per day WE HAVE moved. ROLL ROSSER Summer. No lease condition. Many extras. Call Radial tires, studded snows, extra - WAITRESSES, EXPERIENCED. TV RENTALS - Students only. Low 353# (based on 10 words per ad) CORTINA GT 1966. 40,000 miles. Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. 3-5-17 332-8054. 5-5-19 wheel. Becker AM-FM. 349-2227 Both full and part time. All shifts Needs some transmission work, Phone 489-4811. Our new address monthly and term rates. Call 3-5-18 available. Apply in person at 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV Peanuts Personals must be otherwise okay. $250. Phone MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1966 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF GIRL TO share apartment CONNOR'S 24 HOUR RENTALS. C pre-paid. 355-3525. 3-5-17 V-8. Deluxe interior. Good VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Good summer. Close. Reasonable RESTAURANT, 3231 West condition. $650. 355-0706. 3-5-18 condition, new tires. Runs Auto Service & Parts 489-3494. 5-5-19 There will be a 50c service CORVAIR 1965 Monza. Two door, Saginaw, east of Waverly. 5-5-21 excellent. 351-3217. 5-5-18 and bookkeeping charge if automatic, white, red interior.' OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, S Apartments FEMALE ROOMMATE m.. this ad is not paid within Excellent condition. 355-6581 convertible. 1968. Very good VOLKSWAGEN 1966 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East HORTICULTURALIST Now and/or summer. Close sedan, 1 , APARTMENTS. SUMMER and/or 3-5-18 condition. 320 Julian. One block Kalamazoo Street Since 1940, campus. Free rent one week. owner, good shape. $700. Call . .. off Saginaw, 4 blocks east of 489-3581. 5-5-18 Complete auto painting and NEEDED next year. One half block from Reduced rate. Call 351-101 The State News will be CORVETTE 1965. 327-365 collision service. IV 5-0256. C campus. Two, three or four man. 5-5-19 Lansing Mall, 372-2306. 5-5-20 responsible only for the horsepower. Good body, running VOLKSWAGEN 1960. Above Immediate occupancy. 126 condition. Wheels sidepipes. 4610 To be in Orchard. Phone STUD first OLDSMOBILE Excellent motor. New FOUR FENTON mags. Polyglas, charge of 339-2219, TWO ROOMMATES wanted toi day's incorrect AIR - conditioned average. 337-2082. 22-6-4 Lansing Rd. 482-9509 after 5 p.m Dynamic 88, 1965 4-door tires. Body fair. First $175 takes F70-14 mounted. Used two Horticultural Research 2 bedroom C 011 i ngw insertion. 1-4-19 31, El it. 482-7300. 3-5-17 months. 355-6077 before 5 p.m. activities at the Haile Selassie hardtop. Power brakes and apartment for summer. $1 3-5-18 I University Branch Research Beal Street Apartments COUGAR steering. Automatic. 332-6120. man total. 332-5733. 5-5-19 1969, yellow with black 66 BASED VW dunebuggy. $1000 or 5-5-18 Station at Cebre Zeit, Fall, 1 block from campus, 1 vinyl top. Full power, automatic. will trade for large road bike or AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and Must sell. 485-6267. 5-5-17 van of comparable price. Call American cars. If we can't fix it, it Ethiopia. The principle work bedroom, 2 or 3 persons, ONE GIRL for 4 ma OLDSMOBILE 1967. Cutlass Jay, will be furnished, 489-8064. 5-5-18 can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O conductive varietal balcony, air Campus Hill. $45/month. Dam Automotive DODGE 1964. Many new parts. Lots Convertible. Power brakes, screening trials and culture conditioning. Open 6 - 7:30 p.m., Monday - Thursday. 216 Beal St., deposit. 332-3635. 16-6-4 of miles left. Call 337-2341 or steering. Automatic. $11t)0. VW - GUARANTEED repair. practices most suited to the Apt. 2A. 351-W)B8 or 349-1076. Jl 372-6194. 5-5-21 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 MKIII 353-1485.6-5-17 Scooters & Cycles RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at farmers and ecology of the LOVELY FURNISHED effici 1 967. Green, best offer. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C area. FALCON PLYMOUTH SATELLITE, ATTENTION GIRL student teachers 915 Lilac. $120 plus electr 1966. One owner. 351-4477. 5-5-18 for Traverse City. Room available. Excellent condition. 4 door. Convertible, 1967. Looks, runs CAR Available May 16th. 349-36I WASH, 25c or automatic wash, Advanced 351-3051. 5-5-18 882-6114. 3-5-18 like new. New tires, bucket seats. 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. Degree in 5-5-18 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000, 1963. $900. 351-5547. 5-5-20 Horticulture with emphasis in Newly rebuilt. Best 430 South Clippert, back of Koko LARGE offer. HONDA TWO party furnished 305, 1967. Low mileage. Bar. 0-5-14 vegetable crops preferred. DUPLEX, JUNE and September 332-6148, 332-8113. 3-5-19 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 1967. Condition like new. WESTERN efficiencies. Air conditioned, close and 3 Clean. Single men, married couples, bedroom. Clean, dependable, 20 miles per AUTO STORE, Williamston. to campus. $135 summer. $150 372-1629. 17-6-4 BUICK 1962, $75. Power steering, gallon. Must sell, $550. 355-9007 Aviation or family with no children fall. Call 484-0585, 484-1328. FIREBIRD 1967. Gold convertible. 5-5-17 brakes. Good tires. Low Dick. 5-5-20 over four years old 10-5-17 speed 400 cubic inches. 4 speed AM-FM , ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■I rattle. 355-1000. 3-5-19 1969 TRIUMPH acceptable. All travel, health, radio, factory stereo tape, low P^^just rebuilt. living expenses provided. 2 TWO GIRLS for summer term, New BUICK SPORTSWAGO I, 1967. mileage. Good condition. Call PONTIAC 1963. Excellent mechanical condition. Good tires. $800 3-K-17 or bercOVer. 255-5790 year tour. Couple will receive Cedar Village. Call 353-6178. ■ Cedar Village urcf 393-0752. 5-5-17 LEARN TO FLY Fully equipped, excellent 3-5-17 condition. 5-5-17 Best offer. 351-4058 FORD 1969, Galaxie 500 2 door. $150. Phone 393-4085. 5-5-17 PONTIAC LEMANS convertible. 4 KAWASAKI 1970 Mach III 500, in good condition, $750. 487-3301. Faculty - Staff $3,000. Family $4500. Plus return completion. air ticket For upon more GIRL NEEDED for Cedar Village. | Apartments Sports roof, V-8, automatic, Students Next year full time. 353-1214. speed, leather interior, Perfect 5-5-21 and/or information contact: ■. . . provide continuous fr power steering. One owner. New » immediate Huegy 3-5-17 ■maintenance toilel tires. 882-4861. 3-5-18 condition. 332-8175. 3-5-19 family. Edwards, MSU Placement on 1969 SUZUKI TS250 Enduro. Lowest "garbage disposals, stoves, a CAMArtO, 1970. V-8. Take over FORD FAIRLANE 500, 1965. 289 SIMCA GLS 1970. Excellent Excellent condition. Helmet included. $450. 349-4327. 1-5-17 MSU rates FLYING CLUB. through Bureau or Special Placement, PEACE CORPS, 903-B, USPL ^conditioners, and many oth HP alance due. V-8, automatic. $500. Phone condition. 20,000 miles. $1250. Call Roger, Flight & Courthouse, Cincinnati, campus view ^appliances. Cedar Village all 332-5733. 5-5-19 482-7816. 5-5-17 ■has 24 hour emergent Must sell. 482-0996. 3-5-19 YAMAHA 1970 Scrambler. 200cc. instructor after 5:30 Ohio 45202. apartments • Like new. $525. 4000 miles. 2191 p.m. 332-6246. ■service by our on-6ite staff. CAMARO 1969. 307 engine, new FORD GALAXIE 1966 convertible, VW 1966 from California. 1500cc, Across the Park Lane, Holt. 694-8555. 3-5-19 street from tires. Stick shift. Phone 627-6026. Burns no oil. Power. Original Williams Hall 5-5-21 owner. $650. 332-4589. 3-5-19 Extractor, $900. gages, mags, 355-1231. 5-5-21 more. HARLEY DAVIDSON LEARN NURSERY AM and ATTENDANT, Sunday PM; Wednesday PM. First Ave. on Michigan University approved J Now Leasing for Sprint 250. TO FLYI Complete flight ■ Summer Term $275. New tires, battery. Call Baptist Church of Okemos. Call Supervised apartments for training. All courses are Steve, 351-1728. 3-5-19 349-2830.3-5-17 women students. Leasing ■ government and VA certified. 332 - 5051 flTtopctungfjam FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport this week for summer and 1968 HARLEY SPORTSTER. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: Full or ■ Road, Call 484-1324. C fall. Call evenings: part time person with wilderness Custom seat. Electric start. 74 rear ■ Bogue St. at the Red Cedar and family camping background. wheel. 6000 miles. $1400. 332-6246 351-7904. 2-5-18 Employment Retail sales experience preferred. ■ ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ has it .. . Call for appointment 489-4188 Mr. Johnson. 5-5-19 heated p 332-5053. 5-5-21 Torch Lake resort only experienced carpenters area. Please ROOM, BOARD and salary. Upper class or graduate student to live CROSSWORD PUZZLE TRIUMPH Excellent 1968 Trophy condition. 500 Phone apply. Space 70 homes, 616 - 533-8668 616 with children family and help with 3 young beginning sum □hedhh nan® or - 533-8245 and all 339-7572. 5-5-21 evenings. 14-5-24 quarter. Private air - conditioned blocks Bath from and phone. Two ACROSS 1. Festive 27. Pingpong paddle 28. London's clock campus. Call 332-1105 8 - 10 a.m„ 8 - 10 p.m occasions 29. International 5-5-18 6. Breakfast meat language 11. Font 31. Praised SUMMER AND 13. Extract 33. Ship-shaped part time employment: 12-20 hours per 14. Mosque tower clock week. Automobile required 16. Reverberate 34. Cap 351-5800. O just trim around "THE EDGES... B0T leave the 4620 S. Hagadorn sipeburns just north of Mt. Hope Rd, The Sportabout. Qur feminist movement! TWYC KING HAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury And Free Fun In The Sun Value Book! apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central-control air Stop at E & M Auto Sales and conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. Recreation is get your free Fun In The Sun planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom units start at $60/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY Value prices Book on merchandise and good name at for special brand franchised n FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. food outlets! THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. (3 and 4 man apts. only, starting fall.) _. , _ E & M AUTO SALES Alco Management Company 1717 E. Mich. Ave. I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 17, 197! J For Rent Service Art forms tiDELUXE 2 man apartment. LANSING OR Eeit Lansing. One bedroom furnished. Lerge, airy MUST SELL - Red / yellow bead K,mer. Varv c,0,•, rooms. Air conditioned. curtain ($10), posters, lemps ($7). Animals GALE - AK Psi and I are proud to NEED COPIES of - Term papers - (Us B-1"6"17 Beautifully maintained. Suitable Yellow gold carpet with - ped, 9x9 WANTED GOOD home for cute make MSU your home away from theses - classnotes — Your copy blended in apart me nts. for faculty, grad students, business Houses ($45), red curtains ($20), gold kittens. Cell after 5 homes. Congrets little sisterl Rich. headquarters. THE COPY curtains p.m. 1-5-17 SHOPPE, from people, married couples. Lease. ($10). Unique 4'x*' 351-8665. 5-5-21 across campus. 2 man. F.ll. Clo» to Phone 332-4222. Free estimates. 332-3136 ONE 4-Chennel Color Organ ($300). Jill 361-8238. O sky show or 882-6649. 0 BEDROOM in house. $60 332-3848, 9 -11 p.m., anytime ANN, CONGRATULATIONS Little C-5-21 __ monthly with house privileges. LONELY LAST kitten looking for i^ent furnished. 484-1542 after 6 p.m. 3-6-17 weekends. 5-5-21 Sister of the Yellow Rose of AK « o«id 8°^* only- C>" ,ft,r All YES. .TWO JOHNS THREE BEDROOM FACULTY DYNACO 120 power amp. Dual good home. Call Lois. 351-5590 1-517 PSi. BB/GW. 1-517 TYPING SERVICES IN MY East Lansing home. Phone 332-3306. The blending of two new art p m or a" day Saturday and home. June 15, 1971 - September 1010 automatic changer. Gerrard 0-517 forms, music and lighting, will J, iv 2-8877. 3-6-19 mala roommates, PER APARTMENT, 15, 1972. Femily only. 351-4397. 3*5-17 lab 55 automatic Panasonic 8 track tape deck. changer. FREE CUTE HEALTHY good homes. Call 372-7066 or 351-4287. 3-518 puppies to PROFESSIONAL be featured Moog," the in "Steilarphonic next production at Norelco stereo cassette recorder. DIANNE: WELCOME to AK Psi's THESIS Abrams Planetarium beginning and balconies too FOUR summer. MAN house Fully to sublet for furnished end Scott model 17 speekers. STEREOS SIAMESE KITTENS sealpoint, male and female, 10 weeks old. Have bouquet of yellow 1-5-17 roses. Tom. PREPARATION Friday. The program features the ■ p^OPLE to share 4-man In X Village. 353-7106, evenings. RIVER'S EDGE cerpeted. 5 minutes from 332-3795. 6-5-17 Berkey Receivers, $59.95 up. Speaker sets, $19.95, up. Compact stereos, $39.60 up. 8 track automatic tape first shot. $10. 641-6165. 5519 FRIENDLY KITTENS free to CONGRATULATIONS NEW AK Psi Little Sister Carol. This time I wes moog the synthesizer, on stage in sky theater, in .18 synchronization with a ■rims for summer term near and THREE BEDROOM, furnished, air conditioned In good players, $29.50 up. 8 track tapes, used $2.50, new $4.00. Stereo friendly calico, people. Orenge - white, grey. Phone 337-0052. there. Love, B.B. Larry. 1-517 Csmplsts Prefesslenal Thult Service far Mutir i md Oectoral Candidates Frss prerecorded multistereo sound 10-channel 3-517 CONGRATS: LIL sis Cindy. I know Srichuri ind Coniultstlss. Plllll Call setup. The TTpu. »urnl«h«d. 361-0981 or 1-9386.5-5-21 WATER'S EDGE neighborhood. Availeble cheap, June 16 to September 3, in return for care of albums, $1.50 down. Italien wall tapestries. Oriental bedspreeds. AM-FM clock and SHIH - TZUS and Bichon Frise you'll like AK Psi. B.B. Dale. 1-517 Cim iiitf Paula Haufhiy 337 )527 ar SJ7 2S3S unusual lighting effects will be provided by the Eye See The pets. Phone ED ■E R N A P A R T M E N T, ■.dltioning. swimming pool. air APARTMENTS (Next to Cedar Village) 7-0060. 7-5-26 porteble radios. TV sets, walkie telkies, tepe recorder, and surf puppies. Small Rare little Gems of Distinction. Odorless, non - DEBBIE CONGRATULATIONS to the best pickle picking little Sister BARBI No MEL: Typing, multllithing. job too large or too smell. Light Show Co. which did the lighting for the ARC 70 show at board. Merchandise tested end shedding house dogs. Block off campus. 332-3255. C the planetarium in November. Eitble lummar tarm or longer. HOUSES, APARTMENTS, summer, LA See Frank or JoAnne guaranteed. WILCOX CHATEAU KENNELS (World of the Yellow Rose OF AK Psi. fall. Close to The music for campus. Kitchens. "Steilarphonic p.0239. 3-5-19 351-8862 349-3919. 5521 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 E. Known) Member of BFCA end Love, Brian your Big Pickle Transportation Moog" was written exclusively Michigan, AKC. Phone 882-7318. 3-517 Picking Brother. 1-517 Kcr GIRL naadad 4 man In 1050 Water's Edge Dr. SHARE Lansing. 4854391. Hours dally: 8 a.m. Phone for the program and has been HOUSE 3 men, Llberel - j,r Village. 363-8062, 5:30 p.m. C HORSE CO-OP. Near campus. Large CONGRATULATIONS TO my new TWO STUDENTS need ride, scored to enhance the lighting in Restrictions. $50. Utilities paid. ^075. 3-5-19 box stalls. 373-6794 or 349-1328. AK Psi destination California, finals week. the sky theater. iman Summer sublet, ecrou furnished. campus. RE^ISSon'. $136. 332-0937. 3-6-18 N.„ Phone 393-8380. 5 521 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, most __3-51_7__ Little Sister, Friendship is forever. B.B. Don. Linde, 3558877, 3550452. 3-518 This special program will run iM*'1'' brands. 30% off list price. Rich: 1-517 . I IBI-AOO? Reduced. 361-4627 FOUR MAN DUPLEX. $240 per PUPPIES. PART through May 30. 351-5869.0-5-17 Beagle and Public shows LOWER DUPLEX. Two bedrooms. month. Call 351-6616 after 5:30 p.m. 3-520 Schnauzer. 5 weeks old. $10 each. CONGRATULATIONS AK Psi Little Wanted 10 p.m. are given at 8 and Furnished, carpeted. For June RCA 21 Inch portable television. 339-9203. 5518 Sister. Your eyes ere beautifull Fridays; 4, 8 and 10 JALE SUMMER air 16th. 361-5964. 7-6-24 * p.m. Saturdays, and 4 p.m. : TWO PEOPLE needed. Reduced rent. Good condition. $60. Call Love, Tom. 1-5-17 COUPLE SEEKS summer sublet for ■ndltlonlng, wood panel 355-8733. 1-517 Mobile Homes $100. Call Barb Clark, 353-3481. Sundays. close ONE MAN needed for 4 Spacious house. Block from campus. man Fall. 2-513 Admission is $1.50. Advance 7 Ceder Village. Rick, 351-0918, campus. 351-8513. X-3-5-19 GREAT BOOKS of the Western MARSHFIELD 1969. 12x65 Front Real Estate tickets are available at the Tim, 353-8372. X-2-517 World. 54 volumes and Durant's planetarium or the Union ticket SIX STUDENTS. living room, 2 bedrooms, new Ker sublet. Furnished plus Excellent Bungalow home. location. Story of Civilization. Best offer. carpeting. Furnished, unfurnished, SUPPORT YOUR business with a BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for all positive. A negative, B negative office. Kitchen, boost from Want Ads. Advertise Itris. $150 APT. No. 61. Ceder SUBLET SUMMER, 2 girlseech own parking, laundry, 332-1918. Great graduation gifts. 355-7837. skirting. Corner lot et Brookview. and L jiytime, IS-&-21 bedroom. $62 across from 55-21 services there. Diet 355-8255. AB negative, $10.00. O 2-518 6257186, lot 54. 5518 campus. 361-6485. 6-5-18 negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Wanted [MARIGOLD 911 Marigold Ave. APIS TWO BEDROOM furnished, for 4 HUFFY Bl KE. 90lb. barbell set. Size RICHARDSON 1967 12'x52' 2 Recreation COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 507'/j East Grand TWO GIRLS needed for summer. 10 Kelkeska River, East people summer and/or fall. Near boots; Miller bedroom. Center kitchen, fully edroom furnished deluxe Cedar Village. Call Jean 351-2412. Lansing. Agove the new Campus campus. $55/person. 351-0194. bindings, poles. 353-1922. 2-518 furnished. Set up on lot one block OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos - job kun apts. Across from 3-5-19 156-4 from Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 city bus line. Excellent application photos in 15 minutes. Jnpus. Leasing now Summer p.m., Monday, Thursday and condition, immediate possession. PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 tenance, etc. 351-9295. ■Fall 337-7328, 337-0780, CAPITOL VILLA. Summer sublet. FOUR BEDROOM unfurnished. Easy CHECK Sacrifice price. Phone 484-3469 3 5 1-6 26 2. A nything "d 351-4878 Specious apartment. Pool. Air access to campus. $160/month. LEONARD WHOLESALE'S after 5:30 p.m. 5518 photographed anywhere. 21-6-4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C conditioning. 351-4376. 3-5-19 Garage and 393-6051. LOW PRICES ON Inished APARTMENTS, carport. DETROITER, 10x40. ■mmer leases available. EFFICIENCIES FOR oneor two. Air Ask for Bob Atkinson. 3-518 Air Europe - Summer 71 COMPONENT SYSTEMS conditioned, furnished. Excellent $220 Round Trip - Jet AIR s now being accepted conditioning. Across campus. SUMMER FOUR girls near campus. 2 shape. $2000. 351-2462. 3-518 f September. 731 BURCHAM Summer, $115. Fall, $145. Intra European Chartered t Lansing. See these sharp baths, laundry, parking. 351-2605. 332-4418, 351-1258. 5-5-21 15-6-4 flights, Eurail Pass, nits including shag * Fisher ♦Scott Lost & Found Britrail Pass & Cycle ^ing, ultra modern kitchen BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY estate: ♦Wharfedale th dishwasher, swimming pool, utifully landscaped grounds, Furnished efficiency apartment neer Williemston for 1 or 2 adults. DETROIT STREET, South, 314. Two bedroom. Furnished for three students. $175 pnonthly, ♦Midland •Panasonic SAVE TO LOST: MASON hall, brown leather jacket. Please return I Reward, rental flights — Chartered to Africa, [| ample parking. Only $160. Available June 5th. First floor ♦Philco Mark, 3559422. 3-518 Israel and India. >n daily and Sunday 10 a.m. - ■ 6 p.m. 351-7212.0 private entrance, carpet, utilities included, telephone available. Fall. Also available for summer. 351-3969. O ♦Garrard ETC. 50% 351-8604 Call Frank Buck $125 per month. Call 1-521-3842. Personal or N.U.S. 393-1616 WEST OF campus. 2 miles. Newly 5-5-21 ISAS MEMBERS Charter flights to remodeled. Furnished, 3 bedroom, LSAT, ATGSB and GRE Board $225. 351-3969. O Exams. Kaplan tutoring classes Europe. Student travel CEDAR GREENS, 2 man apartment. information contact: Tom Cook |E STUDENT roommate to share Looks out on pool. Reasonable. now being formed for June, July Telephone No. 351-4335, Monday ii 41 NEEDED FALL, three men to and August exams. Call WITH MAX SHULMAN an, close to campus. Write Call 351-5571 (313) -Friday. 7-11 B-1-517 or 351-0248. occupy downstairs, great location. 851-6077 collect. 16-6-4 p.m. By the author of Railu Round the Flag, Boyt.. Dobie Giltts 1x31, East Lansing. 3-5-18 B-5-17 Parking. 351-0358. 3-518 . ... rfr > LANSING. 3 PPM Service rooms upstairs, THREE BEDROOM furnished Is There Why Fight The furnished including laundry carpeted, double - WATER BED UNITS, mattress, liner, Life After Commencement? garage, heater and frame, $76 The measurement ppm — PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free except electricity. No children or recreation with bar. $250 any size. I.M. Pool Crowd? room REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, parts per million - is seen estimates. Grad students, pets. $100. 669-6695. 5518 plus utilities. 349-4516. 6-521 If you are looking for the adorable Lansing. 489-6168. TF more than ever before. One experienced, references. Brighten whimsy which has made up your house for this column such a popular favorite among Our residents have spring. my wife and my little 125MILFQRD TWO MAN house. Upstairs, .2 GIBSON HUMMINGBIRD with hard ppm is about equal to one - 349-4817. C dog Spot, you will not find it today. For this is my last column of I their own heated pool. bedrooms, Near campus. the school year and therefore a Now leasing: 2 and 3 man garage. shell case. Excellent condition. drop in a 160 gal. tank, one leave-taking, an occasion of sweet Soak up the rays, 351-4389.3-518 GUITAR, DRUM, Banjo lessons. apartments, close to campus. $300. 353-8397. 3-518 cent in $10,000, or an ounce solemnity. I will notary to be funny in this final column. (I've been take a relaxing dip, $170. 351-2207, 372-5767, Prviate, Folk, Rock, Classic. told I often achieved this goal in earlier EAST OF of sand in 3% tons of columns, but those were ftnd meet your neighbors. 489-1656. 24-6-4 campus. 10 miles. New SOFA, $9.95, chair, $2.49; chest, MARSHALL MUSIC, East only lucky accidents. Today it's on purpose.) country home. Available for fall. concrete. $11.95; TV, $17.95. ABC Lansing. 351-7830. C-5-17 Further, because of the gravity of the occasion, there will be Furnished studio, 1 Furnished for 4 conservative men. You can be a one inch part of no commercials today for GIRL TO share 2 bedroom 3 man SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 my sponsor, the brewers of Miller High I and 2 bedroom apts. summer. Air conditioning, pool, $225. 351-3969. O the more than billion dollar a STEREO AND TV service. Most Life Beer. In this decision the brewers of Miller Turner. C High Life con¬ from $135/mth. walking distance. $55. 3557047. year Want Ad business when major brands. THE STEREO curred readily—nay, enthusiastically!—an act of industrial states¬ LIBERAL ROOMMATES for nice SHOP (next to Paramount News). 3-518 GUITAR MARTIN,Model 18C. $225 manship totally typical, you would say, if you knew the brewers house. In East Lansing. Jim. you use State News Classified C-5520 NOW LEASING with case. Like new. 484-1740. of Miller High Life as I know the brewers of Miller 351-9160. 55-18 Ads. Smart businessmen go High Life; SUMMER TWO bedroom, 1 block 6-518 I mean here are gentlemen gray at the for more profit every day and temples and heavy with ^urcham Woods off campus. Air. Reasonable. Call after 11 a.m., 351-3373. 2-517 Rooms STOVE, REFRIGERATOR, washer get large size results with STALLION quarter SERVICE: horse, Danyboy Waggoner, Register honors who still rush to the brewery as if they were youngsters only just eagerly every morning beginning; I mean all they care 745 Burcham and dryer. Excellent condition. Want Ads. Start to reach a P-116149 16-1 hands. Dapple. about in the world, the brewers of Miller High Life, is to put the . . . 351-3118 MAN NEEDED Meadowbrook Trace Cheap. Leaving country, must . . 851-8793. B-1-517 best of all possible beers inside the best of all MEN. CLEAN quiet rooms. Summer ready made audience. Dial possible cans and If no answer 484-4014 • for summer. Call after 4:30 p.m., sacrifice. Call 351-8449. 3-518 bottles and then go, heads high, into the market place with their term. Cooking, close to campus. 355-8255 for a helpful Ad PIANO LESSONS, summer term. 393-7981. 3-518 wares, confident that the inborn ability to tell right from 485-8836, 487-5753. O Representative today! Call Barb for information. wrong, WATERBED FRAMES $35 and up. good from bad, meritorious from shoddy, which is the proud herit¬ 3557114. 7-521 age of every American, will result in a modest return to REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, NEW IDEA IN STUDENT LIVING STUDENT MOTHER desires roomer. $50. Close. woman Available Lansing, 489-6168. TF LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial the brewers of Miller High Life, for their labors-not, it goes without saying, that money is of any conse¬ themselves, long hours and dedicated Bachelor Apts. now. 351-1356. 3-517 355-8255 now for a quick - action Classified Ad. Typing Service quence to the brewers of Miller High Life; all these simple men ROOMS, MALES, summer and fall. COMPLETE THESES service. require is plain, nourishing food, plenty of Miller High Life, and Kitchen privileges. Parking. Peanuts Personal Discount printing. IBM typing and the knowledge that through their efforts the lives of beer drinkers Featuring: 349-3919. 5-5-21 GUITAR: RICHENBACHER 12 everywhere have become a little more relevant-an attitude which Enclosed Pool string with case. Sells, new $435. binding of theses, resumes, Sauna publications. Across from campus, I, for one, find heart-wrenching; indeed, so moved am I that I wish Used, good condition, $275 or Shag Carpet (new) Snack Bar — Juke Box MEN NEW house 3 single rooms, best offer. Call Jodi, 332-4443. corner MAC and Grand River, to state right here and now—I declare it publicly and proudly—that furnished. as long as there is breath in Extra Storage Extra Rooms for Guest Cooking, parking. 4-520 below Style Shop. Call my body, I shall have only the highest Summer, Winter terms. Phone COPYGRAPH SERVICES, regard for the brewers of Miller High Life, no matter how my Game Room (Pool Table JEANNE, CONGRATULATIONS - Ping Pong) 351-8399. 14-6-4 YOU CAN see the savings with and welcome to AK Psi Little 337-1666. C lawsuit for back wages comes out. Sisters. B.B. Ken. 1-517 (I am only having my little joke. Of course I'm not suing the ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. quality glasses from OPTICAL brewers of Miller High Life for back wages. Price $129 for one TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. They have always - $139 for two Completely furnished. 372-8077 DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan Rapid accurate service. paid me promptly and in full. True, they have not paid me in All utilities paid except before 4 p.m. C Ave. 372-7409. 55 21 telephone Experienced. 393-4075. O money, but I'll bet you never met anyone who's got as many Miller Drop in and talk to our leasing agent today. COOKING, MEN, summer and fall. PORTABLE SEWING machine, bottle caps as I do.) Close to Union. Call ED 7-9566. Kenmore. $25. Straight stitch. CATHY HAPPY 20th - Bestest to TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 5-5-18^ ROOM AND BOARD. Summer term. Good condition. 337-7841. 5 521 TAPES - 8 track stereo, will record, you 1-517 always. Love, Little D.H. Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary Ann Lance, 626-6542. 0-5-17 444 Michigan Avenue Theta Sorority. 349-9371, 64 PAULA, HAPPY 19th birthday Little East Lansing minutes, $4.00. Dennis TYPING - TERM papers and theses. Phone: 351-7910 337-0100. 3-518 351-3820. 3-517 D.H. Have fun today. Eddie Electric typewriter, fast service. Haskell. 1-517 Cell 349-1904. 18-6-4 SPARTAN HALL, singles, men, CONN CORNET, Excellent ollingtuooti women. Now leasing for summer, condition. $75 or best offer. Call KAREN HAVE a happy 21st and a fall. 351-9286, 372-1031.0 3556262. X-5-519 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST seeks term nee - nee - nee • nee - nee, too. Bet and papers, theses. Best rates, speedy FRATERNITY Spin. 1-517 HOUSE open for 4' BLACK service. 351-4619. 19-6-4 light and fixture $18. Also summer rent. For Information call 10 Spartmrnts gallon aquarium and SECRET ADMIRER: This is really But I digress. As I was saying, there will be no commercial 332-5053. 55-17 accessories. Call 353-4080. 2-517 ANN BROWN: Typing and multlllth madness. Tell me who you arel offset printing. Complete service today for Miller High Life because of the solemnity of the occa¬ Dan. 1-517 sion. This is goodbye for many of you, especially those who were SONY STR6066 receiver, AR 3a for dissertations, theses, unable to avoid graduating. To these unfortunates I say, be of T THOD6HT YOU'D speakers. Other components, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. good cheer. It will accomplish nothing to slink home and assume means . . . BE WEARlMG be APS AND LOVE HAVE 351-8907 until midnight. 5520 21 years experience. 349-0850. C the fetal position. Remember, there are other good things in the world besides going to college. I admit they don't spring to mind lon6 HAIR... MOM SAID YOU WERE HIPPY. APARTMENT DISCOUNT at the moment, but there must be. And if not, here's an tion : just dye your hair, shave your beard, change your name, and easy solu¬ never having to We manage Summer from $37.50 9 apartment buildings - Fall from $52.50 and have an apartment for every need. start over again at some other you, my And so college. in these last lambent moments, let gentle readers, it has been a great pleasure writing this me say to all of Apartments Addresses Phone column through the school year. Believe me, pleasure is not a com¬ wash the dishes «« Bay Colony Beechwood Haslett & 1130 Beech Street Hagadorr 351-3211 351-0965 mon commodity in the life of a writer. There are an number of hazards in this game-a drought of ideas, for one; appalling catching your necktie in the roller of your typewriter, for another « Delta Arms 235 Delta 351-3580 -so when a writer is blessed, as I have been, with an audience as by hand and # « Evergreen Arms Haslett Arms 341 Evergreen 135 Collingwood 332-1313 351-7662 alert and intelligent as you, he must take his hat in hand and his necktie out of the typewriter and make a thankful bow. This I now do. • ♦Princeton Arms 1308 Haslett Road 332-3511 Au revoir, gentle readers. Stay happy. Stay loose. And as you Blttl60 PARK!NQ 'BALCONIES «« * North Pointe University Terrace 1240 Haslett Road 444 Michigan Avenue 351-3407 351-9117 travel down life's highway, remember these lines from Shake¬ speare's immortal Pajama Game: P'onZSg l"l8ases now being accepted, Starting at 'ANDMUCHM0RE $200/2 man University Villa •In view of Campus **Pool or Pool Privileges 635 Abbott Road 337-2361 Up your beer enjoyment, fellow. Raise your pleasure quotient, neighbor. Switch to Miller, bright and mellow. You'll enjoy its groovy fleighbor. $210/3 man Models open at each complex Monday through Saturday from 3 - 5 p.m. for private $220/4 man it It the policy of the State showing. Newt that all Student Ads be Contact Now that the year is over and the brewery has survived, Resident Manager today at above telephone numbers for your choice of PREPAID starting May 20th Call 351-8282 at Miller High Life would like to say that we have thoroughly at 1 p.m. apartment or call HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 444 Michigan Ave. East Lansing - enjoyed bringing you this column, no matter how Mr. Shulman's Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) am. lawsuit comes out. Mondai May |7 Black film maker Last meeting Students, loca for council ith or the Dept. of Mathematics urged to attend. Teacher ation plans will be discussed. to discuss work share ideas admission The charge. College of Social Science i Mu Epsilon will hold an Award - winning black cinematographer William Greaves will The final meeting of the 1970-71 academic year of the y Th< rtant meeting for all members at visit MSU to show one of his films and meet with students at 8 Elected Faculty Council will infants, high school studenU, renting to ki.m announces petitioning for five seats p.m. Tueaday in 204-A Wells By WANDA HERNDON on its Student Advisory Committee. Harvey Davis of the Dept. of p.m. Tuesday in Conrad Hall auditorium. be held at 3:15 p.m. Tuesday businessmen and grandmothers and has found18 '0r ^ Petitions may he picked up from 8 hematics will speak on Greaves' visit is sponsored by the Dept. of Art. Noting the considerable interest in filmmaking on campus, Erling B. Braunor, in the Con Con Room of the State News Staff Writer all came to share lunches, listen tn miieif, unrt tn loam nH/lllt to music and to learn about nai>li each were - I rented to m thil if 10L Spaces." Picnic plans will be International Center. through Wednesday in the dean's office, 203 Berkey Hall. department chairman, said Greaves was invited because of his The agenda items are a near-perfect sunny day, other. would be left in E00ri innovative use of film. circle of people, A tea hour with Wu-Chi Liu. Call Beal House this week for Greaves will be introduced by Dolores Wharton, wife of the report on the Michigan Assn. flying frisbees, folk music, football games and numerous Michael one T. Gerstein, an East three would two would be™"* professor of Chinese language and inexpensive and comfortable summer of Collegiate FAculty and be left I literature at Indiana University, will term room and board at 332-5555 or president, who met Greaves through her interest in art and in comments on the status of a discussion groups set the Lansing policeman, spoke to condition. ' ln be held from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the stop b> anytime at 525 M.A.C. Ave. students and East Lansing contemporary black culture. background for SUNday II. Union Green Room. The t special ad hoc committee on residents. He suggests vill be "Mor and The Folklore Society will Greaves, who received the Emmy Award as executive producer collective At 1:30 p.m. there were that . meet at of NET's "Black Journal," also won first place in the San bargaining. The way the government would like to L 4 Values 7:30 p.m. today in 135 Music Bldg. approximately 200 people rent, It will be the last chance to purchase Francisco and Chicago international film festivals for his film, "In Faculty members have any other items to come who Valley Court Park. Students and system is designed, he said, best place to J! hou* discount tickets for the Spring the Company of Men." This documentary film has also received local The Soviet film "The Great Battle before the council are asked residents seem to have people should control Festival All are welcome to attend. four other awards. come out in equal numbers to everything, but everyone knows of the Volga (Stalingrad)" will be contact the Norm shown at 7:30 p.m. today in 106B Unable to crack the discriminatory policies of the U.S. film Steering give their support to SUNday II. this isn't the way it is, he said. Wells Hall. Ever tried climbing, caving, canoeing or hiking? The Outing Club industry in the early 1950s, he went to the National Film Board Committee. Elementary school children, Sharon Plonsker, a Detroit housewife, said she in £ invites all to join. The club meets at 7 of Canada. For 19 years he worked there as writer, chief editor, college students, mothers with housewife and sister of Belinda p.m. every Tuesday in 116 Natural asst. director and director. for the Flea Market in the Union Novik, one of the SUNday II Board office. Registration fee is $3, payable upon sign-up. The flea Se If-K It was there that he pioneered the use of the cinema verite organizers, came up from Detroit to attend the event. employment.'^ Fellowship will technique in North America. market is open to students, faculty, ^eek c yoga, "I've talked with several staff and their families and registered this stressing the postures, proper Returning to the U.S. eight years ago, he was a producer for students and have IVUIIU otuutiiu UIIU found UUl out student organizations, and will be breathing, relaxation, diet and United Nations television before starting . ^ "UltJ ^ held Sunday. meditation, beginning Thursday. The William Greaves what their interests are. This was ?:ca"se PVe*yone is Productions and making three films for the class will he held at 8 p.m. Thursdays U.S. Information quite enjoyable for me," she frie"d'y an1youdo„oth Sheldon Sacks, professor at the in People's Church cym. If interested, Agency. said. University of Chicago and author of call Millie Stinson at 482-1929. He is David Wilson, East Lansing ,d"ded "" mWint X* "Fiction and the Shape of Belief," currently completing his first feature film, will lecture informally on his critical Veterans! Veterans for Peace will "Symbiopsychotaxiplasm Take one," which he describes as an M I H I G A N the poisoner is being too careful High School senior, said he approach to fiction at 8 p.m. hold an organizational meeting at 7 talked to a family about the Thursday in the Union Green Room. attempt to break through the humdrum of present conventional to hurt children," Eaton County p.m. today in Edgewood United Vietnam War and found that cinematic forms. ARBITRATION plan to decide Sheriff Elwin Smith said, Church. Beach Street, East Lansing. The Flying Club will sponsor a Topics to be discussed will include pay disputes between cities and * * * they were against it just like After growing up in Harlem, Greaves was "learn to fly" meeting at 7:30 p.m. lobbying at the Memorial Day moderately their police and firemen may be A BILL BANNING the sale m°st young people are. today in 39 Union for all people successful as an actor in the theater and motion pictures but East Lansing realtor, Robert interested in learning facts about scrapped, Capitol observers have of certain laundry detergents has ' wanted to get into film production to express his diverse flying. An instructor will be on hand MSU Volunteer! - Ern t Shelley, noted. been introduced to the state Metzger discussed realtors' interests. The bill, scheduled to expire for questions. consulting psychologist for the on June 30, 1972, must be acted Senate in efforts to clean up rent*n8 practices in the area, The Math Student Advi Ingham County juvenile court, will The formation of his own production company was the heavilv polluted Lake Erie. Because students are generally session for all interested volunteers culmination of a long - held dream. "I wanted to short - circuit upon this session if it is to be Under the act, violators harder on apartments, a realtor lay bj the negative imagery that was being generated extended. would be fined $2,500 and would more than likely rent to a from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in 26 Student by many white Services Bldg. producers in regard to black people," says Greaves. The Michigan Municipal sentenced to one year in jail for family before renting to League contends the three-man selling or manufacturing student group, he said. arbitration team does not give detergents high in phosphorus, He stated that he has been PUBLISHERS REPORT adequate consideration to the ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ (diatel I the [ town's and cities' ability to pay for raises ranging from 7 to 22.9 ■OPEN HOUSE at the UNION* Essay "Obscenity: Censorship or contest per cent. Police and firemen argue that high awards have enabled them to catch up with nationwide inflation. J « Union Day Schedule of Events — May 17 j S ORDER YOU CLASS bryslei ping f and C Free Choice?" will be the topic Enterprises, a San Diego - based book publishing and distributing essay competition. To announced Sept. 1. ■ WHAT WHERE RING enter, students must WHEN of a $25,000 scholarship essay firms. include their name, address and Qualified students should STATE LAWMAKERS have Butterfingers (5c) NOW! send their essays to "Scholarship ■ Magazine Counter All Day contest sponsored by Greenleaf Donald K. Cheek, vice urged support of a bill to ban Rock Band "The Dogs' telephone number, age, signature ■ Mixed Lounge 12 Noon Classics, Inc., and Reed president and director of the and name of college on a single Competition," P.O. Box 69900, retail strychnine sales in ■ Bakewalk (15c) 2nd Floor Concourse Los Angeles, Calif., 90069. 3 P.M. • Preference of weights, try fa< Black Studies Center of the sheet of paper. Michigan. ■ Essays must be ■ Scavenger Hunt UN Lounge 4 P.M. ilment Human Resources Institute, 3,000 to 5,000 words in length Citing the poisoning of 13 stones, styles, and pr FREE FILM ORGY Ballroom ■ 4-11 P.M. plai Meeting metals Claremont Colleges, and Arthur and typed double space. dogs in the Lansing area, the ■ Special Dinner • 3rd Dimensional Greek Dutby Knight, contributing editor and film critic for "The Saturday Entries will be judged on 'Scream-in' bill's supporters followed recommendation of several local the ■ (with entertainment) Cafeteria 5 P.M. Letter Encrustinc ord sa originality, aptness of thought, Free Evening Review" and professor veterinarians in calling for the ■ Bowling Union Bowling Alley 6-11 P.M. • Fastest delivery in the ts oper of AAUP of cinema at Southern University of California, have clarity, organization and creativity. Material must be original and unpublished, as all Members Independent scheduled a of the party People's "scream-in" for 3 have removal of strychnine from the retail market. ■ ■ Free Billiards Free Bingo Billiard Room Parlors A, B, C 6-11 P.M. 7-9 P.M. utdowi accepted positions on the essays become the property of p.m. today at the Bogue Street "We're checking sources and ■ Ping-Pong Tourney UN Lounge 7 P.M. M. Thompson Jewelry set today judging panel for the national competition. All registered college the publisher. July Deadline for 4. Winners the entries is will bridge to protest the "kidnaping of Abbie Hoffman last week by be the FBI." watching the area, but I believe 223 MAC 351-152 jnerica students, including graduating Kenos The MSU chapter of the seniors who are at least 18 years -V NOW 11F.AR THIS FROM nesday American Assn. of University THK YOP HINGE old are qualified to enter the be rail BS Professors (AAUP) will meet at AT Till. STOKK WITH THK RED DOOK' 7:30 p.m. today in 34 Union to auto bi discuss the results of the AAUP collective bargaining Buckner Don't toss out that old broken schedu uation authorization card drive. AAUP members also will discuss a series of resolutions (continued from page one) department told him these Av\ Pipe. Let our pipe repair service fix it for you. New bits, custom fitted $2.75 and up. Allow two 1ItlIGitflmiIE od, re passed at the 57th annual HUEFlRESHIINC current high seniors had "the meeting of the Natinal AAUP, odds against them and that most weeks. April 17. wouldn't last past the first year Walter Adams, distinguished at MSU. Those who do probably University professor of economics Campbell's AND LIGHT won't graduate because of the and member of the Executive stiffness of the competition." Shop Council of the National AAUP, "Answers like the decision to The Store With The Red Door Ph. 332-4269 i will spe ik on a resolution passed admit these extra students was at the annual meeting which merely arbitrarily made to fill advocates that reasons be the residence hall system with offered for a decision to not little concern for the affect on reappoint a nontenured faculty MSU standards, image or the member. Nominees for four positions affect on those students," the ANOTHER CHANCE TO letter says. on the Executive Council of the The letter urges Cantlon to MSU chapter will be announced at the "get to the bottom of this TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HI Fl BUYS meeting. situation immediately". AND THE DISC SHOP. obin D. the rol For here's another chance to take advantage of TEAC's new low prices on their professional level tape systems. Like the A 24 Stereo landed Cassette Deck. And there's no time like now to move up to Teac. ignmeni For today with the advancing popularity and reliability of cassettes sing Dis such a deck is somewhat of a necessity for any "up to date" stereo berv. system. And the A-24 is loaded with features, like - Auto • Stop - for completely disengaging the drive and playing mechanism at the end of a cassette for long term performance and failed reliability. Hysteresis Synchronous Motor, Dual Level Controls, Snap - button trict Ju operation, 3 Digit Index Counter, Headphone Jack and much more was t that makes this Teac a winner on quality. And the new low ham Coi price makes it a true winner for that combination of economy and ohnson performance that everyone should look for in Hifi components. At $179.50 - Look no further than HIFI BUYS and THE DISC SHOP. Mond iters wh Special Offer - If you purchase a Teac cassette deck, like the A-24, for the home plus the new, innovative care tape player - the AC-7, you'll receive your choice of a $6.98 value pre-recorded tape This man chopped down nv whole forests... TEAC Shouldn't he have recycled his ).S used books instead! MOSCC cob D. Ireign V Every year thousands of trees are "id ou | sacrificed to provide pages and jackets for faction i your books. The U.l But now $179.50 ►Yeah, but you can help conserve our see G forests. Sell your used books at the Way by Student Book Slse, Store where you get books everyday. Save a tree. top cash for your The TEAC A-24 when you pickup nego Hamentf 8rezhn( Recycle your books. a four-pack P'oposa Egress o Student Book Store HI-FI it's heavy*— 'Wently BUYS Mating 1 across from Olin details % it 421 E. Grand River 351-5380 337-2310 • 1971, l°tiatin8 THEODORE HAMM CO., ST. PAUL AND OTHER CITIES tope" ; totl The tali was "myko