T uesda j-fie artist . . . MICHIGAN Summertime . . . is the mo«t important STATE NEWS .and the livin' is hot and community . . . STATE . . ,ber of any muggy. A chance of showers or j difficult to remember a thundershowers. High 80 to 85. |kbroker from the Roman UNIVERSITY ie63 Number 182 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 18, 1971 Signalmen's strike paralyzes rail traffic jr factories _ \reateri total for continued Idusfry First - class mail continued to move but WASHINGTON (AP) - A nationwide strike halted the nation's rail traffic an embargo on bulk mail beyond a 300-mile limit was imposted by the Postal Monday and quickly threatened to spread Service. paralysis to other major industries. It 7TR0IT (AP) — The auto industry appeared it would be Tuesday before Detroit auto makers promptly A relies on railroads as an integral part announced job cutbacks and predicted Congress could act on President Nixon's I assembly lines, was hit hard and fast request to end the walkout. plant closings if the strike lasted 48 hours, lay by a nationwide strike of railroad "A nationwide stoppage of rail service government officials said some 300,000 big len. would cause great hardship to all city commuters were affected and ie General Motors and Chrysler Americans and strike a serious blow at the predicted snowballing effects on mining, plants went on short time nation's economy," Nixon told Congress in meatpacking, chemicals, steel and other Idiately while the rest of the industry a message from his Key Biscayne retreat in industries unless the strike were quickly [ the possibility of a total shutdown if Florida. ended. ■strike lasted more than three or four "It is essential that our railroads Prices on the New York Stock Exchange continue to operate," he said. dropped sharply. jhrysler put its huge Twinsburg, Ohio The Senate Labor Committee scheduled The Senate Labor Committee called Jping plant, a key supplier to its eight afternoon hearings a few hours later but Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, land Canadian assembly plants, on half Chairman Harley O. Staggers, D-W.Va., of union president C.J. Chamberlain and chief V Monday. There were indications that the House Commerce Committee said his rail industry negotiator John P. Hiltz to ■plant would be closed entirely after the committee couldn't consider until Tuesday testify. fe second shift. Nixon's request for an end to the strike Chamberlain said in an interview his union would abide by whatever law leneral Motors had seven plants until July 1. Congress imposes. "Whatever they do, we Lting on short time Monday as the The fourth nationwide rail strike in will do it — relectantly — but we'll do it," Jtry faced up to a double threat — a Rail shutdown hits nearly half a century began at dawn as a ■ilment of the flow of raw material ts plants and inability to ship finished Railroad cars auto industry loaded with new automobiles stand motionless Monday in the shadows of the Detroit relative handful of signalmen left their jobs in a wage dispute and the rest of the he said. The union struck after failing to win its lout by rail. skyline. approximately 500,000 rail workers demand for a 54 per cent wage hike over Michigan's auto industry was hit hard and fast by the nationwide strike of railroad signalmen with several plants refused to cross their picket lines. The three years, retroactive to Jan. 1, 1970 lord said it managed to keep all its going on short time immediately with the rest of the industry facing the possibility of a total shutdown if the striking AFL-CIO Brotherhood of Railroad when the last agreement expired. Wages for is operating normally Monday but that strike lasts more than three or four days. AP Signalmen numbers some 13,000. the men who operate the railway signal Wirephoto Jutdown of some Ford plants would system now average $3.78 an hour. within 48 hours if the strike Only three rail lines, unaffected by the Jnued. strike, remained operating. They were the ■ Kenosha, lerican Motors said its car Jations, which are located in Milwaukee Wis., will close down Inesday if the strike continues. building as of Trustees' motion Trustee Clair A. disputed "My motion was not a class action action motion which applied to all faculty Pittsburgh & Lake Erie and the South Shore & South Bend, whose signalmen are represented by another union, the the Long Island Railroad, owned by the state of New York and also with another union. the railroad walkout hit just as many White, D-Bay City, said Monday that he did not consider contract motion," he said. "It was aimed members who were not reappointed in fall, Hodgson said most other rail workers' I were pointing to a strong spring for unions had already settled for wage hikes extension motion he introduced to be a specifically at (Bertram G.) Murray and 1970, and who requested but were denied ■auto business. The four U.S. auto firms of 43 per cent over 42 months and that a class action motion. The motion extends (Eileen R.) Van Tassell." reasons for the decision to not reappoint. ■ scheduled a healthy two - million car A dispute over whether a motion settlement should also be possible for the passed for one year the contracts of Murray and Van Tassell, both asst. Richard J. Seltin, acting chairman of the ■uation goal for the May - June - July signalmen in line with that pattern. by the MSU Board of Trustees in April was nonreappointed nontenured professors of natural science, have appealed Dept. of Natural Science, said Monday that faculty |od, reflecting increased confidence intended as a class action motion has been members who were denied reasons for the to committees within the University and to Mrs. Carrigan, Stevens and Martin have Hodgson said there are no complicating se of sales reports. reactivated. the decision to not be reappointed. Michigan Employment Relations stated in two separate meetings with issues over work rules in the signalmen's Commission in attempts to gain a reversal natural science strike, such in the case of the United department faculty as of a departmental decision to not members that the trustees motion Transportation Union which fears IF E. LANSING BANK was reappoint them. intended as a class motion. thousands of job eliminations if it agrees to Their case before the employment The still - to - be - approved minutes of industry demands. relations commission charged the the April 16 board meeting quote White as Nixon asked Congress to order the University with unfair labor practices based stating that the board is concerned about signalmen back to work until July 1 to Man held i handed her a note saying he had a gun and in part on the denial of reasons for the decision not to reappoint. White's motion was supported by trustees Patricia Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor; "those contracts few were faculty members whose not renewed in December, 1970, and who requested, but were denied, reasons why they were not reappointed. allow time for further negotiations. Housing hearing Hall from information supplied by Don Stevens, D-Okemos; Warren M. Huff, "To ensure that none of these faculty By JIM SHELDON witnesses. Police said Johnson offered no wanted "all the money she had." Police D Plymouth, and Blanche Martin, D-East State News Staff Writer - members is presently being denied the due The East Lansing Joint resistance at the time of his arrest. said the gun had not been recovered at the Housing Lansing. process which will be guaranteed when the Committee has scheduled Police were not certain Monday time of the arrest. a public I Following sharp criticism of the trustee new procedures are available, I move that • year - old Lansing man was afternoon how much of the $8,300 was A bank official said the robber appeared action by faculty members in the Dept. of hearing for 7:30 p.m. tonight in the ted in South Case Hall late each shall be given, upon request, a one Monday to be calm and the teller courtroom of the City Hall. All those recovered in the arrest. Officials were still frightened. After Natural Science, Mrs. Carrigan released a vear extension of his contract," the ning on suspicion of robbing the East statement whcih maintained that the with rental - related problems counting the money and said it would be (Please are sing State bank, at the corner of Grand held as evidence until court action is (Please turn to back page) trustee motion was intended as a class turn to back page) encouraged to attend. rer Avenue and Abbott Road, of complete. |300. Witnesses in the bank told police they i°bin D. Johnson, allegedly acting alone saw the man flee after the hold - up across ■the robbery late Monday morning, Grand River Avenue into the Mayo Hall Tianded preliminary examination at area on campus. County prosecutors AT COMMENCEMENT •ignment Monday afternoon in East declined to release details on the Ting District Court on charges of armed investigation but said police traced the man 'berv. to Case from witnesses' descriptions.. Assisting in the trackdown were State Ie failed to post bond set at $5,000 by Prict Judge Maurice E. Schoenberger 1 was expected to be taken to the Police officers and Federal Bureau Investigation agents, who take jurisdiction over a bank robbery investigation if the of Carnegie president J«am County Jail. bank is insured under the Federal Deposit |>hnson was arrested at about 11:30 Insurance Corp. (FDIC). !' Monday jMrs who traced by MSU and the man East Lansing to South Case The robbery took place about 10 a.m. when a man approached a bank teller and to give major speech secretary of the board of education, The president of the Carnegie Corp. of director of the press, director of New York, Alan Pifer, fnvoys meet to debate will deliver this broadcasting, information secretary and spring's major commencement address at 4 permanent representative to the UN. p.m. June 13 at Spartan Stadium. Pifer and United Nations Secretary - Also receiving honorary degrees at spring General U Thant will headline the list of commencement will be Adrian R. JSV Russian pullouts distinguished guests who will receive honorary degrees from MSU. Pifer is president of the Carnegie Corp. Chamberlain, president of Colorado State University and Dr. Lester J. Evans. Chamberlain, a 1951 graduate of MSU, lohn^ T "- Beam ~~ U.S. Ambassador met Monday with Soviet wide - ranging discussion in a reportedly cordial atmosphere. The embassy gave no and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. He heads the will receive an\ honorary doctor of . 8" engineering degree. He assumed the Minister Andrei A. Gromyko to details on the talk, but diplomatic sources Colorado State University presidency in ,.ou' the possibilities of later said Soviet officials were indicating Carnegie Commission, funded by the New a. a mutual 1970. York - based parent corporation, which I Th n °f f°rces in Eur°Pe- they were seriously interested in reaching made news this year when it issued a major 1 ' Embassy Beam had asked negotiated agreements with the United A professor of civil engineering at m r States. report calling for sweeping reforms in Colorado State since 1956, Chamberlain lidav , myko following a proposal Beam clearly was acting on instructions higher education. also served as acting dean of engineering, nersi tfle Soviet Communist party Pifer also serves as director of the New vice president for administration, executive from Washington in pursuing the troop it no!^'et.ary' Eeon'(^ '• Brezhnev, to York Urban Coalition, the National reduction issue with Gromyko. vice president and treasurer of the hnam0 laments * • 'ons on reducing troops and Assembly for Social Policy and in central Europe. In his Friday sppech at Tbilisi, the governing board before assuming the Development and the Council on Social presidency. capital of Soviet Georgia. Brezhnev said: ■ Dronl!neiV "0ted that he had made such on March "Some NATO countries show an evident Work Education. In addition to academic responsibilities, 30 at the 24th He is Chamberlain has interest and even nervousness concerning a 1947 graduate of Harvard who worked in local Kenti,, the Soviet Communist party. reductions of armed forces and armament pursued graduate work at Cambridge community improvement projects and in Km k impatlent that the earlier in central Europe. University in England. national scientific projects. He is currently PeatoH . ®d n°t been followed up, he "Their spokesmen ask whose forces are Both he and the UN secretary - general a member of the board of trustees of the fotiatinl 881(1 11 's time to start to be reduced — foreign or national, what will receive honorary doctor of laws University Corp. for Atmospheric ly detflilf The embassy declined to give armament, nuclear or conventional? If degrees at MSU. Research. From 1967 to 1970 he was a ■int it Monday's discussion beyond anything is not clear to somebody, we are member of the U.S. Public Health Service >tltLCOncerned "the Possibility of ready to make it clear." Thant, a native of Burma, has been the chief executive of the UN since 1962. He National Air Qualtiy Criteria Advisory We" °.n mutua' force reductions in Brezhnev likened the failure to was educated in Burma at Committee. He was chairman of a special jrttniu "«> the „ that the embassy would State negotiate to attempts to determine the U. College, commission on weather modification for Dept. on the talk. Rangoon. In Burma, Thant served his quality of wine without tasting it. government in many positions, including |lUalklDtedabout 30 minute*. Rogers' comment on this was: "He talked about tasting wine. We would like to ADRIAN R. CHAMBERLAIN (Please turn to back page) LESTER EVANS myko m s first meeting with know first - is it sweet wine or is it sour?" ce April 30, when they had a *2. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1 iK'stla* news Black lawmen face charges summary OPELIKA, Ala. (AP) - Alabama's white attorney general, acting as defense counsel for a black sheriff and his black chief deputy, told a But the government said in Its opening statement to the jury of seven white men and five white women that Sheriff Lucius Amerson and Amerson, 37, took office as sheriff at Tuskegee in January 1967, the first black sheriff in Alabama since Reconstruction. sheriff struck Harris one a moment after the Coleman kicked him one blow / on th gun fir.. .he,,iod From the wjres of AP and UP1. federal court jury Monday that his clients did Deputy Richard Coleman Jr. of nearby Macon He and Coleman, 27 are being tried in federal officers acted in tim,, IfT and Ik nothing but protect themselves after a prisoner County willfully attempted to inflict summary court under an indictment charging violation of self-defense and strain after being shot at 28 ^ fired 28 pistol shots at them. punishment following a gun fight. civil rights growing out of the arrest of Wilbert The attorney general times ^ Un^| Dean Harris of Tuskegee on a drunken driving agreed that ,k made a mistake in charge last Aug. 22. Harris also is a black. denying striking u 0,flc WITHOUT CONSENT U.S. and defense attorneys agreed in their FBI agents questioned U.S. District them 18 *> Judge Robert F v», opening statements that Harris managed to pull a irors iif jurors they would be "(NA TO) spokesmen ask whose small pistol, disarm other deputies and began that the two defendants influenced forces are to be reduced — foreign or national, what artnament, Bill would allow minors firing, wounding one officer when a bullet richocheted. Amerson and his deputies fled to jail and attorney general being by newspaper stories broadcasts about the or a !.bJacks>'hest! invofved'Tn radio thM<7""l and , ."*1 nuclear or conventional? If returned the gunfire case. No from outside. would be influenced. J r "H U anything is not clear, ready obtain contraceptives we are Harris finally surrendered. Then he Varner is a newly to make it clear. " -Secretary Leonid /. Brezhnev, to complained, he was beaten. Harris faces trial in state court on four charges was named was sworn in appointed federal ,,,h„ by President Nixon last April 30. ISH nll)« J of assault with intent to murder. The The judge was first Soviet Communist party charges appointed by NixnnU might be able to talk the young and about one year ago, we grew out of the same gun fight. Two weeks ago year but was not confirmed ' (See story p. 1) couple into waiting before they made still another exception Harris was arrested on another gun charge after complaints that the because ^0 get married, Allen said, he may allowing doctors to treat minors two men accused him of pulling a pistol on them. Association, of which he then Montgomm Minors would be allowed to ver> wel1 bt> unsuccessful in with drug problems without Atty. Gen. Bill Baxley volunteered to help excluded blacks. Varner said «LZL In- obtain birth control information persuading them to abstain from informing the parents." defend the officers because he said their Israeli kidnaped in Turkey policy and would take steps to correct if and services without the sexual activity. Allen said he thinks the conviction would jeopardize the safety of other permission of their parent or chanqes for House approval of law enforcement men. He said Amerson was He was reappointed In Istanbul, Turkey, four leftist terrorists Monday after the new lepal guardian legal guardian under under a a bill bill Under the proposed the bill are very good. fearful that Harris was still armed. He said the took office and this time u slugged and kidnaped Israeli Consul-General Ephraim legislation a doctor or ciergyman was confirmed introduced Monday into the could * , refer th the vmin„ ™ to Elroni, a police officer turned diplomat who was the young couple Michigan House. No. 2 interrogator of Adolf Eichmann, the executed a place where they could get Rep. Richard J. Allen, birth control Admission of more information. Nazi war criminal. R-Ithaca, sponsored the Israeli sources said the kidnapers identified themselves legislation. "This is a distasteful subject "My philosophy is that to many, but we cannot hide "our to other residents of Elrom's apartment building as anyone who wants birth control heads in the sand," he said, members of the Turkish Peoples Liberation Army. This service has an obvious need for , group is believed to have close ties with it," he said. "No year there *ere over unusual a radical band one wants 2.°? u"^ond ^pregnancy newslett of Palestinian guerrillas. information birth control or among service who doesn't have a need In t e Detroit area for it. Therefore, in my opinion, a,one- , anyone who has the need might Allen pointed to a liberal Slick threatens channel better have it than not." trend in the medical treatment The Office of Instutional Changing Times, the Kiplinger has openings this fall for Allen said that under present of mjnors in Michigan. By BILL HOLSTEIN m A new oil slick from the damaged 13,718 - ton Michigan law a minor can be State News Staff Writer Research for the National Assn. magazine, reported in its May and women freshmen u, given birth control service only "Three years ago a physician of State Universities and Land - MSU is one of at least transfer students on both til Norwegian tanker Herulv threatened England's Channel if the parent of the minor could do virtually nothing for a Grant Colleges last month 650 colleges and universities that sophomore and junior levels. 1 MSU's recent decision to admit coast beaches Monday. approves. He thinks this can lead minor without parental an undetermined number of high reported these institutions r®port vacancies in this autumn's "From the student's p A British helicopter pilot spotted the slick and experts to problems. permission," the Ithaca legislator « mn«. th.n entering class. view, the outlook is brightd school seniors on a provisional en The magazine said r>nn it this said they were running into difficulties in dispersing it Allen illustrated his point said. "Two years ago we made basis appears to be an unusual fnl'j snJ the h face f of . , constituted an increase of about than There's last year in many ™f with detergents. with a hypothetical example of a an exception and allowed one in light of the economic "record more room for freshmd freshmen 50 colleges with freshmen who want to live on The Herulv was in collision with a 14 - year - old girl and a 16 - doctors to treat a minor with situation of the nation's other admissions campusi Paraguayan vessel year - old boy who want to get venereal disease without first state universities and land applications." openings since a survey last well as for day students Moi off the South Goodwin spring and an increase of about lightship in the English Channel married. While a clergyman obtaining parental permission, grant colleges. colleges than last vear on Saturday. The tanker has moved into a berth in the "Self - imposed enrollment 70 over the year before. 670 - have transfer openins The Changing Times survey jctm Thames estuary for examination by drivers for quotas set for a number of these more - nearly 570 - are wil damage large campuses coupled with did not restrict itself to state tQ Government acts to avert below the waterline. consider C-averu housing, classroom and faculty universities and land - grant candidates," the article read shortages are cited as the major colleges, but included many The students who are beii reasons for his high turndown private institutions. provisionally admitted to MS Laotian plateau seized rate," the newsletter read. The Office of Instutitonal may have averages between 2 rieni~ ^tant Research would not release and 3.0, in which case MS electricity crisis MSU recently sent letters to North Vietnamese forces have seized almost complete summer high school seniors who were MSU's responses to the questions on the two surveys reflects the trend of the universities in accepting less thi control of the strategic Bolovens Plateau in southern denied! admission last fall unless approved by Horace King, B WASHINGTON (AP) — The average students. "The electric power supply urging them to accept admission Laos for the first time in the war there, a Laos said Monday. dispatch from federal government, predicting situation in parts ot the United registrar and acting director of Moreover. admissions. King was unavailable hall situation would indicate MSU's residentM^"^ an electric power crisis in some States appears to be worse than late Monday afternoon to release The plateau, 60 miles wide and 50 miles this summer announced last generating capacity just isn't The has been interpreted by among the universities whit long rising to areas summer,' the report said. move a height of 1,100 feet, is on the western flank of the Monday a nationwide campaign Electric generating capacity is there, and breakdowns coupled with summer heat waves some observers as a Sminute the information. According to the survey, MSU have "more room for freshim who want to live on campus." to conserve may attempt by the Office of North Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh supply trail. electricity. too low for adequate safety overtax the a report issued system. Admissions to attract marginally by the margins in most areas except the "At the present time," said the West Coast, it said, and such auair^studentrVoMSUto OF M All AMD IIATUDF indicated that safety margins as do exist report, "the most feasible way g".p 'aUevSeThe University's ***" AND WATURt pathizt Philly race draws interest brownouts and blackouts are depend largely on new likely to occur in some areas, as equipment that could be to avoid an emergency power situation this summer * financial situation financial situation, et ci ich f delayed Panel extensive conservation program Roy Simon of the Office of to give Voters go to the polls today in in other recent and on old Philadelphia in a equipment prone to to exercised by the Institutional Research, said the primary that has pitted former Police Commissioner breakdowns. government, industry and the University participated in the ting Frank L. Rizzo a self-styled public during the critical study but "not to the extent of - "tough cop" - against a hingt' summer months." stating why those predictions Kennedy-style congressman and a black lawyer in the The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State fed ab< probe' s resu Its It said conservation during made." race for the Democratic mayoral nomination. University, is published every class day during four school were se had times of peak usage is the key to Indications are that Rizzo, 50, who has the terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Of the 92 universities included party Subscription rate is $14 per year. avoiding major power endorsement, will win the nomination. He is the in the survey, 78 said they had interruptions this summer. received a total of 28,867 more A special investigative committee will present its findings personal choice of retiring Mayor James H.J. Tate. Member Associated Press, United Press George A. Lincoln, director of International, the Office of applications for admission to the the legal and financial status of Man and Nature Bookstore in an On the Republican side, Thatcher Longstreth, a Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Emergency freshman class in 1971 as open ASMSU meeting today. former city councilman and Chamber of Commerce executive, has only token opposition for the mayoral Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. Preparedness, said power conservation has received little attention until now. compared with 1970. on The meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the ASMSU office* the third floor of Student Services Building. "P nomination. Other primary races around the state have "We could build better ASMSU is expected to issue a statement indicating its polic; Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Canadiansenjoy - drawn little interest or and position in the controversy during its board meeting tonigW insulated houses and use less fuel controversy. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, and electric power," Lincoln The board meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. at Delta Tau Deltt fraternity house, 330 N. Harrison Road. >rc Michigan. said. "We could use lower - lower postal rate Mark Jaeger, Hubbard - Holmes representative, said Monda Role shift viewed powered and less polluting and less gasoline. We could have cars that with one - third of the student body living off campus Phones: ASMSU is makjng an attempt to bring the board meetings to tn Editorial less ostentatious and wasteful on mail to U.S. A tota Secretary of the Army Stanley R. Classified 355-8252 lighting in many places." people. Resor Advertising 355-8255 The last session had one meeting off campus, but the curren ity (Yi predicted Monday the Display Advertising Energy equivalent to the 353-6400 OTTAWA (AP) - Canadians session would like to make it more convenient for everyone to be remaining U.S. troops in Vietnam Business - Circulation 355-3447 discovery of a major oil field Hoffm could be saved by 1980, Lincoln now get a bargain when they able to attend the meetings, he said. would be unable "to significantly Photographic mail letters to the United States. . artmen 355-8311 The board will receive a recommendation from the agenoa affect combat activity" by this fall. predicted. Under it durir a reciprocal agreement by committee to defeat an allocation of $1,500 to Intrafraternity Resor said the major combat role which the two countries handle Council (IFC) in conjunction with Panhellenic Council for t has shifted to the South Vietnamese each other's mail at domestic purchase of an offset printing press, after the request w 10,0001 The r and "it will rates, a Canadian can mail a withdrawn by IFC. continue to shift." letter for six cents and have it . t ganizer Also, a recommendation will be presented to the board However, he would not foreclose the delivered in the United States, show. ASMSU appropriate $3 to the State News for sum i' possibility of major American where the first class rate now is subscriptions for those members who will not be on campus operations in the coming months. When eight cents. summer, so that they can keep up to date on campus events mi risoners "Just Benefit increases approved iked. I The g the SPECIAL si A 5 per cent increase in Social tried Security benefits for 26 million recipients was written into the mammoth Social Security welfare reform bill Monday as the House Ways and Means Committee 15 The raise would be effective June be in addition to this per cent increases. The bill is expected to finally approved it. 1, 1972, and would year's 10 per cent and last year's SALE ir. celebration of the go to the House in early June. Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, D-Ark., and other backers Carpenters' visit tonight! predicted the House will approve it by a bigger than it gave the 1970 welfare margin bill that died in the In Senate. Midshipmen expelled ,00^ 5000 > The U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis admitted Monday that two of the three seniors expelled over the weekend for using drugs were in the top 15 men of their 900-man class. The three seniors were among a total of eight midshipmen dismissed from the academy for the latest drug incident. One of the midshipmen involved in the drug Stereo Shoppe I 543 E. Grand River — Phone 337-1300 I investigation said Monday that nearly one-fourth of the >Mfrom Berkey Hall — Next to Paramount News 4,300-man brigade smokes marijuana on a regular basis. jy4iChigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. May 18. 1971 3 TO PURSUE EDUCATION Scholarship for foreigner'swives r * 1970-71 school year were either clothing and coats fro in education or developmental unprepared foreign students. It research. lends household and baby goods A scholarship program for the One woman, a Nigerian, has now. wives of foreign students was received two scholarships. She During the intervening years i-i: recently established by a local had three children under eight CCID has expanded to include £ volunteer organization, the years of age, Mrs. Frame committees of hospitality and & Community Committee for explained, and without the $22 English language programs to >•: International Development she would have been unable to help foreign students, (CCID), which is a member of continue. Recipients last year particularly wives, establish the National Assn. for Foreign besides the Nigerian women social contacts. There is also a Student Affairs. were two women from Korea, homemaking committee to help The scholarship was and one each from Isreal, Greece accustom wives with all the implemented to provide those and Singapore. unfamiliar things of American women with additional funds to Scholarships for the coming culture, and a transportation pursue an education that might year will pay for three credit committee to show students otherwise be postponed, Mrs. J. hours, she said. The funds have around the campus, or city, and |i|: Sutherland Frame, scholarship been solicited from various provide other rides in chairman said. individuals and organizations. emergencies. $ Husbands are generally CCIP hopes they will have The most important function supported by scholarships from enough to give three scholarships of CCID at present is providing the school, or their country and per term. host families for more than 500 Greek ijij in some cases their families, said No scholarships are now given of MSU's 1,400 foreign students. Mrs. Frame, but their wives can't during the summer term but While these students are get scholarships from MSU. plans are being made to expand presently living in 378 different Defending the honor of the independents, residence hall teams emerged victorious in the Phi | Therefore they don't have enough to four terms, said Mrs. Frame, homes, Mrs. Peter Tack, CCID Tau tug - of • war Monday afternoon. On the other side of the Red Cedar River, the men's money to maintain a home and because most foreign students president-elect, said they can Greek team was seen damply emerging from the river. Also in the contest, continue their education. attend school the entire year. sorority women always use more volunteers and drenched the residence hall teams in the tugging contest. To be eligible for the $100 the The schorarship program is the asked that interested people In Sunday afternoon's Greek Sing competition, Chi Omega sorority and Delta Chi fraternity *j:': women must be previously latest in a series of services the contact the organization rise to the stage in brilliantly colored costumes for their winning rendition of "Time is Love." £: enrolled and be pursuing a field CCIDhas offered since 1959. between 1 and 4 p.m. Monday that will have some practical It State News photos by Milton Horst and Terry Luke began in that year as a through Thursday in 206 S application in their native lending center whose primary International Center, or call country. Those during the task was providing winter 353-0657. I ixperienced leaders dominated May Day I By BERNARD GAVZER regional organizations would One of the best known of and coordination only. There are Connecticut, Western the Capitol, it was clear that the He explained: "Sometimes AP Newsfeatures Writer News come. movement 'generals' sitting in Massachusetts, Chicago, Rhode Analysis no people remaining could not you'd have a persons who these regional leaders was closed rooms making decisions Island and Baltimore. inherited |\SHINGTON — Behind the possibly mount any effective, some money, or Froines, who of course, holds a binding on any participant." There were daily calendar large - scale action. someone who had cash and felt Day antiwar offensive, authority of traditional role as a national leader. His On hand - drawn charts in the fth tried but failed to shut had descriptions and newspapers published and The May Day collective had it was vital to the peace photographs of target sites, such leadership. The May Day region covered New Haven and May Day collective the regions distributed among the 15,000 to money trouble from the start. movement. That person might Jn the government, there was as DuPont Circle and collective itself was created to Western Massachusetts. and targets were detailed. For 20,000 persons, mostly young ■dominant group (a cadre) of Key But it was kept alive mainly give it to us as a loan but it was Bridge. give a new role to young people A separate coalition knows as example, Key Bridge in people, who stayed for the May through the efforts of Dellinger, often understood that he'd have Irienced antiwar leaders and and to move away from rigid the National Peace Action Instant scramble for funds, There was central control of Washington was to be blocked Day activity. Rennie Davis and Froines, who to wait to get paid. The first - the May Day activity to the structures. Coalition, whose national by people from upstate New The two big days of traffic went on marathon speaking line creditors got their money ■y Day - the last event of For two weeks before May coordinator is Jerry Gordon, was York while the Virginia end was io-called spring offensive extent that an information and disruptions were set for Monday engagements to raise capital. promptly." tactical center was set up in an Day, Washington was the scene developing its traditional earmarked for Southern and Tuesday, May 3 and 4. They "I made 66 speeches," said The first - line creditors were s the Vietnam war office at 1029 Vermont St., NW. of several concerted antiwar organizing for a mass rally or Virginia, North Carolina and failed. Police roundups on May 3 Froines. He declined to say how the office landlord, the Itegrated as police arrested demonstrations. The Vietnam march. The main constituency Florida. DuPont Circle was to be accounted for the arrest of much he raised. "0 in street sweeps. On the Washington. telephone company, the rental Veterans Against the War of NPAC is the Socialist Workers blocked by people from New 6,892 persons. Bob Levering said money came sound systems, the printers, the ionstrators' side, there had While there was no national conducted guerrilla theater Party, Young Socialist Alliance York City and Long Island; By Wednesday, when a large from a variety of donors, some of utilities companies, the travel I as much improvisation as leadership in day to day actions dramatizing their and the Student Mobilization Mount Vernon by people from demonstration was planned for whom were listed as "lenders." ■d planning for the protests, - - agencies. direction of what went on, opposition. On April 24, there Committee. These are groups ■h brought together young nationally known movement was the national antiwar march which cling to Trotskyite Icalsand older pacifists leaders called "heavies" which brought 250.000 persons disciplines. They are referred to |o n e y c i m e f r c were on hand. They included together for a peaceful - and by other movement people as Bpathuers as gifts or loans, ■et collections and from Dave Delinger, Rennie Davis and legal - rally. This was followed "Trots." John Froines, who were by the People's Lobby in which NPAC was principal architect Tech fees of movement defendants in the Chicago Seven small groups called upon of the April 24 march and rally conspiracy one which got cooperation — cases. members of Congress to lobby ly the time the first from the government. The The development, organization against the war. Some of those jtingents arrived in and conduct of the May Day who took part in the Vietnam People's Coalition became ■hington, they were well ■fed about targets and tactics. activities were characterized Veterans actions remained for cosponsor and Dellinger and the May Day demonstrations. others contend that NPAC >e had been spelled out in a mainly by a move to The umbrella organization for would have failed to mass more ■ page tactical manual which decentralize the power and the May Day events was the than 200,000 persons had it not People's Coalition for Peace and been for PCPJ. Justice. It was also a consponsor While there were general plans of the April 24 rally and PCPJ for the activities of various personalities also took part in general organizations, the May ippie scream-in the People's Lobby. The PCPJ Day collective consciously had within it elements of various assured young people the mobilization and moratorium collective was "oriented toward kotests arrest peace groups, veteran, student, providing information, support pacifist, civil rights, welfare and special interest organizations. The office on Vermont ran on k MSU Folklore Society | By NAT ABBATE presents a State News Staff Writer a 24 - hour basis. There were I SPRING FESTIVAL J sleeping bags in halls and rooms. | You've got a new car. I A total of 15 people participated in the Youth International May 21 & 22 V Almost all the wall space, as well Irty (Yippie) "scream - in" on the Bogue Street bridge Monday ■protest the arrest of Abbie Hoffman by the FBI. as doors, was used for posting signs and information and im Friday night in concert ^ I Hoffman was arrested May 5 in the lobby of his East Village personal notes.. * JIMMY McDonel 8:30 p.m. COLLIERKlva i* jartment house and charged with interstate travel to incite to It was to the Vermont office k ? Tickets 1.50 at Marshall I Pj during antiwar demonstrations In Washington. He also Tused of was that representatives from the Music or Door » assaulting a policeman and was released May 6 on JO,000 I The mood bail. of the demonstration became light when its COLLEGE GRADS: Vganizers apparently realized that not many people were going I show. Four or five persons who acknowledged affiliation with p I When party sat around and swapped tales of their previous arrests. ■ctures and a State News photographer arrived, the group posed for IF YOU CAN TYPE, WHY Our new car gasoline began shouting, "Free Abbie! Free all political NOT ENROLL IN LBU'S helps fight pollution. Toners! Free all cultural prisoners!" Just what is a cultural prisoner anvway?" one of the leaders fked. I The group sat back down and gave out an occasional scream, MINI-SECRETARIAL the suggestion of a bystander, one person stood in the street ™ tried to stop traffic. After a few close calls with a few cars COURSE THIS SUMMER pi truck, he succeeded in bringing a bicycle to a halt, finally, after about 45 minutes, the group dispersed. One "®n reportedly went to listen to a record he had just bought There's no doubt about it, good jobs are scarce right now. a few others returned to watching a tug - of - war near Shaw Check the want ads through and you will notice openings This year over 75.000 col¬ premium gasoline. I As they left, one for secretaries. Yippie muttered, "You can get more people lege students will own a '71 Now you can use a gasoline frame to a baseball game on this campus than you can get to a car. And most of these new in your car and know that ■^onstration."' cars have been designed to you're not putting lead pollu¬ LBU's Mini-Secretarial Course includes SPEEDWRITING get top power and perfor¬ tion in the air And you'll be SHORTHAND (the easiest and quickest form of shorthand mance from gasoline made helping your car, too. Because to learn), typing (on new electrics taught by an instructor) with no lead Most owner's there won't be lead deposits and filing or business English. manuals recommend lead- to foul your spark plugs or free. lead fluids to chew up your So we make a lead-free exhaust system. Both could gasoline: Lead-Free Amoco* last at least twice as long Why don't you call today for details — This low cost It also works fine in many of Your new car . . . our new package, with the help of LBU's Placement Office, just the 2 million college students car gasoline. They're made for might get you on a good job earning a good income by fall. older cars that don't require a each other. Roses RED * SUMMER TERM BEGINS HOSES | D0Z MONDAY, IUNE 28 You expect more from Standard and you get It.. 'on Anthony Florist LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY 809 E. Michigan IV5 - 7271 Corner of Capitol and Uttawa j) Standard Oil Division ^ fwe Parking Behind Store Phono: 489-5767 American Oil Company MICHIGAN TUB FROM WASHINGTON STATE MEW3 UNIVERSITY JOHN JUEL editor-in-chief WASHINGTON Washington gets back D. C. to work KEN LYNAM - Washington well-trained police and Chief Jerry Wilson. that's the story). the word. snaps back quickly. Just last week this Somehow Kd Muslcio advertising manager (It takes a Mayor Daley of Chicago or an Most people think the antiwar affair was the confidential lovely city was in the throes of antiwar Ohio Kent State National Guard to squeeze counterproductive. We disagree (but could memo and I801 - DAVE PERSON, managing editor disturbances but now government has the real blood out of a situation like this). be wrong). We are fighting a wicked war, Mr. Nixon said 'program that's he 1^' BOB ROACH, city editor turned again, in the high tide of spring, to and the public has so decided. Last week's going to mL°Pp0,i»- JOHN BORGER, campus editor the serious business of passing out favors to We cherish two small memories: First, Harris poll showed an extraordinary tide of for Americans - n!8l^n BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor special groups. the four mounted park police standing guard on the sidewalk before the White revulsion: Was Laos a "failure?" "Yes," 45 th.n wirlime politically mollvlu.d X""S,»"» " RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor Before leaving the distrubances, however, let's give them a word. The House, across from the equestrian statue of to 24. Is it "morally wrong" to be fighting in Vietnam? "Yes," 58 to 29. The Washington »ou|d»do«£. longhairs were right in one respect, they caracoling General Jackson. They were faucet is„'t Seven -time recipient of the Pacemaker award That's the poll. Why don't we quit? for were out to provoke people and they knew wearing riot helmets. (The police, not the on corporations; it's J for outstanding journalism. Because we must help Mr. Nixon find a that blocking city traffic is the one horses.) The plexi-glass vizors were materialistic. Church-affiliateH 1111 tactful way out that will spare him (and us) unforgivable sin. It's all right for the extended straight out, exactly like King embarrassment. To you and me the run into a crisis na! ,hool« suburbs to blockade the city. They can throw up Berlin walls that block busing Arthur taking a last look at the joust before setting his lance and snapping down sacrifice of a few thousand young men's attendance has dropped 20 1°, lives for that object is, of course, his lid. wholly on School Finance EDITORIALS and the bursting ghetto and the city tax collector. But that is an invisible blockade, The other incident was that of a friend justified. To the Crazies, it's nonsense. 1970), that "while the explaining, PZPd, ! Anyway, Washington has got back to nonpublic schools not physical. The right of the suburbanite who came to town inappropriately with his normal again, doling out its goodies. Let are closing at th to drive into the bankrupt city at the long-haired Princeton son. College and one a day." Now the panel (,«! us note a few. Farm subsidies, for No rationale town's expense is universally respected. So everyone denounced the longhairs and their disturbance which, fortunately, was street youths are as indistinguishable today as Chinese peasants. Every cop glared. The alarmed parent finally took his son into the In a just published study by economist Charles Schultze (budget director, example. with a report and says "some public revenue support pupils is urgently needed " for mS nS The ow 1965-68), he figures that the total annual given. Nonpublic schools handled with minimum violence by a exclusive Metropolitan Club (or anyway. cost of present farm subsidies is $9 billion the lighten 2. municipal burden perha^ U.S. so to $10 billion. To give you an idea of the should get tax troops size, the comparative cost of all welfare programs — federal, state and local, including Medicaid— is about the same. the money. While whether it's constitutional panel, which has written a we * we can -J- rewrt parochial schools without once America has more troops now in countries for soldiers with families. And these farm subsidies, Schultze sadly u sensitive word. Europe than in Vietnam. Three Black GIs find immense racial concludes, primarily help the big, rich Washington is where who gets. ■ hundred thousand Americans with barriers. In sum, America has farmers; the vastly more numerous small, decided. Oddly enough, in one case- 200,000 dependents are stationed soldiers stationed in Europe under across Europe, allegedly in defense less than pleasant conditions for a of the free world. In the event of a less than clear military purpose doing conventional Soviet ground attack, a less than beneficial service to the That's the poll. Why don t we quit? Because we the troops might come in handy. In world's economy. must help Mr. Nixon find a tactful way out that any other context they are part of a The Senate will vote Wednesday on will spare him (and us) embarrassment. To you commitment America no longer has a bill introduced by Sen. Mike and me the sacrifice of a few thousand young any business making. Mansfield, D-Mont., to the men's lives for that object is, cut of course, wholly Europe has now recovered enough number of American troops in justified. To the Crazies, it's nonsense. from World War II to be able to Europe in half. This bill should be defend itself from any non-nuclear passed. Soviet party chief Leonid attack. However, America is still Brezhnev has called for talks chained to a NATO commitment to involving all troops in Europe, which struggling farmers, he says, "are helped Central — Congress refused to bail itJ relatively little." Well, that's Washington Now Rep. Wright Patman is exploring provide a given number of soldiers to has created hesitation among some. for you. the common cause. It is time for this The fears of "what if we withdraw Interesting sequel; how did * Then there is Lockheed. We sympathize Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank commitment to change. Germany, all our troops and they don't" are deeply with the unfortunate 15,000 to the prescience to sell its 2 France and Belgium should begin running rampant once again. 30,000 highly skilled workers, let alone the Central shares just before the bottom banks that have the company in hock. The out? It suddenly sold around $14: bearing the lion's share of their own Such defense. concerns are groundless. One, White House asks Congress for a market that plunged to $6.50. in a nuclear age no nation would . government guaranty of a quarter - billion - coincidence Penn Central's chairman i Granted, America should be dare initiate a conventional attack dollar loan to bail Lockheed out. Some director of Chase. Was there a hint? W responsible for defending western without congressmen have asked sums of a similar legal? Rockefeller says it was ji provocation. Two, what order for the five million or more Europe from potential Soviet nuclear would the Soviets do with western people judgment; "clairvoyance," s blackmail, but this should be the presently unemployed, but that would astonished Patman, who demands limit of America's responsiblity Europe if they did overrun it? Russia lower their self-respect. It could reduce the information. According to Richard~ has problems enough on her own dignity of "scrubbing floors or emptying (THE AMERICAN CORPORA" towards her NATO allies. There is no side of the Iron Curtain. Three, if bedpans." $7.95, Outton), Chase and the nation1! ^nore reason for Americans to be in Another proposed subsidy is $3 billion biggest banks hold half of the cor' West Europeans still feel a need for Europe than for Europeans to be in tax relief to industry in the form of total bank assets, and they have di" Alaska. For all practical purposes the large ground forces, they can raise depreciation write-off three or four times on 300 of the nation's 500 their own. faster than now. Its purpose is to stimulate threat of Soviet attack died with corporations. It's a cozy po economic recovery and who can quarrel concentration at the top Joseph Stalin. Not since the where the S America's troop involvement in with that? When the administration first gets around, and where the govern" aftermath of World War II have the Europe, of course, is just one aspect dreamed up the idea, it tried it out on a expected to cooperate — saving the Soviet deliberately tried to expand of a much larger problem - the treasury tax man who said it was Office by making it a private corpora! their territorial sphere of influence. "If you have any business sense.. you'll save unconstitutional; Congress, not the and saving the railroads by making the myth of America as world . President, he said, writes tax law. Poor Additionally, American troops in all your public corporation (Amtrak), i policeman. We have learned in welfare checks for a rainy day" chap; he was just a deputy asst. secretary; bolstering free enterprise with genei Europe have contributed heavily to Southeast Asia that we cannot take he changed his mind quickly when he got subsidies. the dollar drain which precipitated it upon ourselves alone to make the the recent European monetary crisis. After a 25- year involvement, the world safe for democracy. OUR READERS' MIND Hopefully, the Senate will remember Army has been unable to obtain that lesson when it votes on America adequate housing in many European Mansfield's amendment basics Wednesday. must return to OCC should To the Editor: free to "do their own thing" for themselves movements in other parts of the world. What is universally needed is n We have allowed our government in and their families. No one wants to follow Jerry Rubin's America to become negation but a reaffirmation of top - heavy, both Early Americans were acutely aware of command to "kill your parents." What all American revolution and the principle all off-campus through continuous a burgeoning' involvement in that bear no rational bureaucracy and foreign wars relationship to our the very principle upon which the young people today are basing their actions: that no government or system has a right to of us want is to sit down and discuss our differences with our parents, and to each other adjust to one another's help "life, liberty and the pursuit of happin for which it stood. true - self - interest. We have created control the lives or individual destinies of views, just as we need to negotiate and settle our Richard Harrin| The students voted in this term's authoritarian and militaristic agencies to the people within it. If OCC doesn't differences with the North Vietnamese. Lansing resii change its own protect the government from those who The young people are ASMSU elections to give the telling their May 8,1 constitution, a suit could be filed strongly disfavor those policies. parents that America is itself in danger of presidents of Residence Halls Assn. against them in the student The older following the path of totalitarianism, and (RHA) and Off - Campus Council generation has become judiciaries to do it for them. The distrustful of the young, their seemingly that they will not allow it to become (OCC) voting seats on the ASMSU Now, the rationale for another Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia or Student Panhellenic Board. The Council names (PanHel), of groups a student board weak in the first place giving major governing vote was since the eccentric life - styles and values. Yet what the young are really telling the old is that the value of creative individualism which Communist China, where tens of millions of people were systematically exterminated or forced into communes. sensuous professo Intrafraternity Council (IFC) and district representative plan was early Americans possessed has somehow Despite their good intentions, the older To the Editor: better than average SR he will see to it I been lost by the babbitry and materialism Intercooperative Council (ICC) were adopted. But if RHA and OCC must of their descendants. generation and the present power structure One thing just naturally leads to a fair percentage of these drolleriesa left off the referendum have student board votes, measures has mistakenly seen fit to another. First there was that book "The an erotic or at least suggestive character proposal so In this context, the plan the "greening of Sensuous Woman." Next, one entitled as to prevent these comparatively should be taken to make sure that, as America," the social phenomenon so well suppression of minority and revolutionary "The Sensuous Man." Then Louie Bender this way the glands of even the small interest groups from having a pair, the two described by Charles Reich, represents in rebellions, bringing about the very apathetic undergraduate can be brog organizations totalitarianism they think they oppose. did a column for us on "The Sensuous a state where attention and perhap board votes. This move was further fact a return to an earlier and represent every student at MSU. meaningful And they have exhausted considerable Student." It is, therefore, inevitable that rationalized by the fact that Greeks some learning is possible. Americanism, in which individuals were resources and lives in someone should enlighten us concerning Nowhere is the professorial SR m fighting revolutionary and coops were off - campus the sensuous professor. stake than in the matter of P organizations, theoretically, placing under them, OCC's Off the trackvote as individuals in This development is this era of smacking of the authoritarian only fitting because permissiveness anything schoolmaster Professors with ' who teach electiv high grading curves tend to g jurisdiction. SKs, wniie proiessurs . A proposal to institute off-track is out: students must be enticed into ones) teaching required courses This point of information has betting in Michigan presently To the Editor: learning and seduced into understanding. curves tend to get lower SRs. , campus representatives and as such This is a tall order, but been forgotten between the ASMSU languishes in a Senate committee. On April 14, 1971, five Greeks were conscientious Once in a while a professor com represent all off - campus students. We are professors are accepting the challenge by deai in the automatK There is probably a more than elected to the ASMSU Student Hoard by who is known to dc«. elections earlier this term and not the property of IFC, Panhel, Delta Tau making their classroom personalities more _ uweisn It does not have much Thursday's OCC elections. The OCC passing chance that the bill will off - campus students. Since then several misconceptioas have arisen concerning us Delta, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, Sigma winsome. Fortunately, some prescriptions capable student, who can ge 8 ,n""e^®d ml o know Jcked. suffer an inglorious death there Delta Tau or any other organization that for this are constitution still prohibits residents of Greek and unless public pressure forces the which we feel are both unjustified and we may be affiliated with. Off - campus These beginning to emerge. prescriptions are greatly in almost any course, but likely to inflame the nothing^ . units from voting cooperative housing issue out onto the Senate floor. unfounded. We have been characterized as a faction reps will be keeping office hours in room facilitated by survey research resulting marginal student, whose re po Pa^°n i5 for, or holding 311A Student Services and in the vice from student instructional OCC office. It also seems The arguments to date against of the board that can be expected to vote chairman's office. rating forms. pedagogic equivalent of ()^as™'illumina they would as a block on all issues. The There is an obvious parallel with the These examples will, I trus , like to keep things this off-track betting have been primarily voting record researches of Kinsey and others. way. emotional or moralistic. of the Seventh Session of ASMSU would Kevin Harty As an example of the arts of matter which has too the level of taboo long'hj hj If OCC is to continue to hold a thus far indicate very little agreement Rick VanderVeen pedagogic andf mty j lifetoseri It is the very same people who seduction let seat on the ASMSU Student among the Greeks on major issues. The Jodie Knofsky us consider professor who hopes to get even a humor. The what we subject the facts of Board as vote down school millage after "nebulous" Greeks have exhibited that Dwight Newell scientific study and the broades the representative of all off - resonably adequate Sensuality Rating (SR) dissemination. campus millage who seem intent upon they are individuals and indeed Wayne Simmons must be wt students, they must allow Greeks autonomous as far as their votes are prepared to spice his lectures and Leon w and co - op residents to depriving the state of "sinful" concerned. ASMSU off-campus representatives demonstrations with anecdotes and participate gambling monies. We have been depicted as the left May 12, 1971 witticisms. In fact, if he wishes to get a on the council. The wing two seats added The simple fact is that the state is of the IPC's political flying machine. If this term provide extra severely strapped for funds and that machine ever did exist, which is GOOD FOR Y0U...AS LISTENERS representation for every student on doubtful, it is now defunct. The pilot is people, legally or illegally, do CALL IN, YOU'LL BE A3LE TO campus except Greek and co dead and the right wing was never there - ENC0URA6E THE EXCHAN6E - op gamble. To state otherwise would be residents, except in a few people's imaginations. OF DIFFERENT IDEAS... technically to ignore the realities of the A closer examination of these five disenfranchising them from the situation. individuals reveals a wide spectrum of student board. If every other student The is to have double question is: where do we social, political and philosophical altitudes. representation, so want the This can hardly be construed to be the should Greek and co money, in the state's op dwellers. foundations of a Greek power base or a - pocket or the Mafia's? prerequisite for block voting. We are off - Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 18. 1971 5 residential candidates sought negotiation for Pulitzer given to annpnrnncoK hu pofiticians such afsen™Edward ^ore eagerKt0 ....... By NAT ABBATE °n ^°'le?e Halpern the series has able to attend the lectures, cents a person admission." State News Staff Writer mM Kennedy ivenneuy D-Mass "Mass., Sen ben. I? pUfBuhe said. V the past, received some criticism over the Halpern said. Although it would In addition to what it ta Edmund Muskie, D-Maine, and vears years herai.«> because moct most nf the of the k. be k»of <•„. best for students if the admission charges, Great Issues Jtudents who u ii nron,ri„n wMl^ preparing Sen Georce McGovern DSD ..r th , th; . ' speakers marks ..B u„ puuuuu gaiters nave Deen liberals. a change in added that conservatives He have lectures took place at night, it is receives a budget from asmsu, cartoonist fnie back. items were left unattended ■ Police said they searched the outside their fourth floor rooms. but did not find the men, The suitcase was valued at $20 P'leved to be about 20 and 23 ■ears old. and the trunk and clothes at 1 * * * $200. Police said East Lansing officers recovered both items ■ Walter j. owiesny, while on patrol near Forest and ■earborn Heights sophomore, Harrison roads. •ported the theft of his 1964 W0r(f automobile Damage to the trunk and whch clothes was estimated at $87. VPparently occurred sometime Both items were returned to J*ween Saturday and Sunday owners. Right now, Ii')'rJnat°d parking Lot tlle Car'S V8,Ue F. He at f- that goes double ^ Knit Shirts , / told officers he did I low if the vehicle had been locked. Pick up I^oe saving shortsleeves TWO 6-paks I" says; of the longsleeves ln|y lift left from fe? if1 King of Beers®. - l» Irstvilio ■Jvllle: uldmg ■ * u$e Stairs elevator. in s«burban out of order. $3.20 MsU Folklore WHEN YOU SAY Soci*7 ""i P'esents a ' SpRlNG FESTIVAL Budweiser. t UNIVERSITY ^May^2i&22 | PANT 227 Ann St. i * ev & °wen McBRIDE'* Tl° p,m- McDonel Klva "mM"slc 1-50 at Marlh«11 I YOU'VE SAID IT ALL! STORES (between marshal! music and discount records) 12-8 mon—sat | or Door • ANHEUSER-BUSCH INC • ST 10UIS J^yi8j,7| Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. May 18. 1 <->71 7 'THE NIGHT VISITOR' Look magazine has called Sidney Glazier's "The If you're Suspense flick arrives tired of winds create the unsettling seeing appropriate and devastating Poe Night Visitor" a "chilling "Psycho" and "Wait Until atmosphere for the tale. himself probably wouldn't mind I violent suspense thriller." Dark" and "Hush, Hush, Sweet The primary settings are an old the theft, The movie, starring Trevor Charlotte" over and over again farm house and a prison-like Howard and Liv Ullmann, simply because there hasn't been ..The Nj h v asylum for he cnmrnally w playing at the State a good suspense film in years, The protagonists are msan^ actQrs who kenQw q how 2mm an Theater. take heart. imprisoned man accused of to act b ^ > "The Night Visitor" has murder, his faithful sister and his react to it each ^ T arrived. 4U • , . Howard■ as „ oe otl an . investigator; Max other sister and her husband - ... , If you see it soon, before word all with, varying degrees of Von g dow ^ ^ * man - of mouth discussion takes the - sanity accused of murder; yvB Ulimann [ fine edge off it, ' as the scheming sister who you'll find the By ROBERT KIPPER r» . is RevenSe for a past murder drjven by suspj6cjon anrf J suspense film you've been State Ne- - - Reviewer me-up is the prime waiting for. jnto betrayai Qf her husband and Here is murder and terror Per Oscarsson as the husband and, above all, who is robbed by past plausibility to satisfy to talk about and frustrating to undoer of what would have been guilt and even the most present terror of his remaining demanding horror review. the slickest of crimes, buffs and to traces of sanity. keep enthralled If one discusses anything more Beyond these essentials. I those who have learned to settle than its plot essentials he does resist telling more. Perhaps the "The Night Visitor" is a for much less. disservice to a fine film and risks best long measure of the film's overdue macabre treat, void of "The Night Visitor" is film a spoiling the eerie fun for those success is that the tale is told so cheap thrills, that should not be fascinating to watch, tempting who haven't seen it. Yet "The well the viewer doesn't mind missed. Director Laslo Benedek Night Visitor" is clever and that the ending is a forgery. A and screenwriter Guy Elmes can DETROIT frightening in such new or at least masterfully reworked ways copy of one of Edgar Allen Poe's surprise endings, the finale is so take a bow. Hitchcock, hiraelf, should be dazzled, that it is hard to keep its details to yourself. Ethnic Human Rights discuss Like all good pulse-quickeners, the suspense mounts steadily, parly to organizations will participate in group's peaking at unexpected moments and threatening throughout. Its pauses become as nerve-racking petitioning, council canidacy The Human Rights party will host a Lansing area meeting at ly NEILA POMERANTZ American Indian Assn., the afternoon at which two as its violent moments, the 7:30 p.m. today in 38-39 Union. Wayne arrive on a first come first np'onip of° WJMT .! *XeC"tiVe d'rect?r °f the State Professors apprehension of terror becomes - wi" sne*k on served basis. For information Representatives of Veterans for Peace will discuss their efforts ■The second annual f.. thr"u^ Michigan Civil Rights "Is There A Need For An Ethnic call as spellbinding the many in Lansing and Washington, D.C. . (313) 577-4688 write outbursts of it. Inference on the Ethnic Rthni^ S cultural Commission, black and white Studies Institute in Detroit?" or Plans for stepping up the Human Rights party petitioning in heritage. clergymen, lawyers, Detroit program coordinator, James M. "The Night Visitor" takes the imunities of Greater Detroit The area and "Some Views Ethnic Lansing area and the East Lansing City Council candidacy of conference is a newspaper publishers, professors on Anderson, Ethnic Conference place near the Nordic coastline Human Rights party member Phyllis Evans also will be discussed. ited for Wednesday through combination of Research." Office, 100 W. Kirby, Room small where the bleak sights of winter |nday a' Wavne Wayne State htate H™™ i,^ m„„„i discussions J3? large general sessions from Michigan universities representatives of many other and The conference officially 101, Detroit, Mich. 48202. and the sounds of heavy ocean versity. and and nrtlstlo artistic festivities, starts Thursday morning with interest groups. pearly 100 religious, cultural, Participants include the registration and a welcome business and educational preconference luncheon address by Norman Drachler, president of the North will Youths to depict held Wednesday superintendent of the Detroit Public Schools. Various panels are scheduled fAC to present for Thursday morning and afternoon, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning and life in black slum afternoon. General sessions are An directed by Thomas Ilates set for Thursday evening, Friday adaptation of White, 3 plays &jsssseven,ne and D j roadway hit "The . ■* presented by the Blact Theater will Me be Detroit junior, choreography by Delora White, Detroit junior. Both are with theater All events will be held in the at 8 tonight in the Wonders Hall majors. ■•Theater Festival," three plays In sometimes poetic language understand or resist. Community Arts Auditorium kiva, with a cast consisting of "The children are not ■ repertory by the Performing the play tells the story of stars, an " Mariam Duckw™all; a PAC guest and McGregor Memorial Center Lansing youths between the ages only a dozen eager teenagers B Company (PAC), begins at 8 Irish-American couple at the artist, will play the leading role on the Wayne State camPus" of ?i"d 17 • J «oawi eager teenager jn. leater Thursday In the Arena turn of the century, whose of Margaret Hyland. Mrs. A »DeoDie's 6 dren sm8' .dance . the low th^Si™ with the Initial daughter has been born with six Duckwall asst nrofessnr nf , peoPle b theater" theater will will and. atwve a all, communicate a need to identify the filth of the neea lo identity, the filth of the ■rformance of "The Rope fingers on her left hand and later theater, has also directed several May 21. 22,23- 28,29.30 The festival continue', becomes the victim of an P erfo.rm . Fndhayt ®venln8. truth of ghetto life," a theater lit,J;mthe d™g*' pus[l®r? spokesman said. The Fri lough June 5 with the opening ailment that appears to be St. play was J*the they are," the spokesman added. - Sand 10pm Sat - 2:30,8 and 10pm Sun 4pm only - Dept. of Theater. Er rait 17^, "They Tickets available at Uhlon & Planetarium LIS ]d "The IempfSt''wffn»MOMay Country Wife" on May VitUS'DanCe- ^ „Jh7Her;ehdi^r0!^Will?e played by John GoodJin, who Theater, the Polish Folk Grad student are potentialities." truly conveying their box offices si so Theater, the Filipino Admission is by donations, (tl ■'The Rope Dancers," written r» ... an * . .. alcoholic, the mother is .. . J"* ^£ea.red, a? Sun," and'n 'Royal Hunt of the «zarr,° Organization of Detroit and the and through proceeds the TWO WEEKENDS ONLY The Moog Synthesizer I Morton Wishengrad, La?jn American Urban Theater to present slide youths won the convinced that the child's plight by Brenny Watt. Actors Bob American uroan i neater. hope to see the professional LIVE - ON STAGE at ABRAMS PLANETARIUM ■use fo the New York critics is their punishment from God. company perform the play. McDonald, John-Paul Mustone a "cultural celebration" is show on Alaska Moog music, featuring a 10 channel multi - stereo sound Jen itcastplayed fth headed on Broadway Believing that the guilt is and Gary Stephenson will appear planned for Saturday evening "DEAR MR. HITCHCOCK: It IS typ performed LIVL by members of the MSU Music system, Department. a by Siobhan partially her own, she becomes In supporting roles. Earlene which will include cat of my brother lo Attempt t Fantastic visions by THE EYE SEE THE LIGHT George A. Nadeau, Quebec, SHOW CO. Many iKenna, Art Carney and Joan embittered, resentful and Helderman, Alice Foster and by 10 ethnic dance performances deceive his constituents. It wa new far out lighting effects blend with the electronic moods of the londell. Writing in the New ingrown. Mr. Wishengrad has Russell Howes complete the groups Canada, graduate student, will moog synthesizer. ADVANCE TICKETS on sale now. ftrk Times, Brooks Atkinson explored the torments, street folk dancing and folk present a slide show, "No Place STELLAR PHONIC MOOG . don't miss it! on Laugh-In, just as you sus¬ . . cast. singing bv candlelight in the Else to Go" at 10 p.m. tonight fed the play "All gold. 'The) repressions and denials of people "The Rope Dancers" Is being Monteith coffee house in the small dining room of pected. On the other hand, you ftpe Dancers' makes the theater caught in tragic circumstances directed by Peter Landry, with need not worry about it Hss INFORMATION BRAMS AB •• ...u.-u which »U„.. Owen Hall. greatest deception is as yet place of truth again." they seem unable to setting i by - Gretel Stensrud, . Those interested ma> The slides will depict his undiscovered. It was I. nof he. costumes by John Schuldt, trip who was elected to the Senate. preregister or register when they to Alaska. lighting by Alyson Arnold and you have noth- if*.— IS. academy properties by James Fineman. Performances will be given in bout orry — SKY SCAN: ram secund emphasizing current yT the Arena Theater at LOOK TO US F. Buckley ■ VIEW, Thursday of each 8 p.m. >2 ' 50 E 33 St PLANETARIUM. fharton as Thursday and are - Sunday; May 28, 30 31, and June 5. All tickets $1. The box office at FOR QUALITY • ■President Wharton has been elected to the American Fairchild Theatre is open complete selection of Academy frames ■ Arts and Sciences along with more than 100 other leading weekdays from 12:30 to 5 p.m. Bholars, scientists, statesmen and artists. For reservations and information •Sunglasses and wire • rims ■President Wharton was one of nine men elected telephone 355-0148. Wednesday at •prescription lenses ground Be group's 191st annual meeting in Boston in his particular field • ■ achievement — eductional and scientific administration. repairs while you wait ■Also elected from Michigan were Horace Richard Crane and Bmes Van Gundia Neel, both from the University of Michigan. ■Alan Guttmacher of the World Qcdm Optician Population Center; Roger fcns, chancellor of the University of California at Berkeley; and ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. V* Frankel of the New York Times also were among the Plows elected at the meeting. Other world figures include vdjeatmoko, Indonesian ambassador to the United Nations; V.L. -CUTOUT AND SAVE" inzburg of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and actor Sir J furence Olivier. J A New Boat's Student ! LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL DOWNTOWN As Near As Your Credit Union Idisiount i 309 N. Washington in the new Leonard Plaza With experienced advice and a low cost loan from your MSU Presents for Your Dining Pleasure Employees Credit Union, you've got everything you'll need to put to sea in that new boat you've been dreaming about. I Qive students a break, with special reduced TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL And with a credit union loan you get life and permanent I J3tescultyin and Hilton Hotels from Boston to Honolulu. graduate school students get a dis- French Fried Shrimp $1.69 ance at no additional cost. Best of all, you can repay your loan disability insur¬ by convenient I c°unt too.) I uL,et us send !I * < WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL payroll deduction. I otels and Inns that I a Hilton Student you a pamphlet listing the Hilton offer special student rates. Also Schensul's Famous Fried Chicken $1.35 Your credit union wants you to get the most out of life. If you've got the time, we've got the money. For all your recreational needs, your credit union's Identification Card to use when- | o I ever you register. THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL ready to help. Give us a call or stop by soon. I Mail this coupon to Hilton Hotels Corporation, ■ ■ g H Breaded Pork Chop w/Apple Sauce $1.51 I wW ^ePartment, National Sales Division, 9880 I gPRING i Blvd- Beverly Hills, California 90210. ■ FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL $1.69 \a/ I tk I. wan* make it easy for you to come visit ■ . Baked Pepper Steak I theHiltons.X Narrie I " SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL MSU Emp | j Baked Swiss Steak $1.69 I | Address c'ty College 9 — State.. . . Zip- I I" B S ^ | I ' i OPEN SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. r^^umoj 1019 Trowbridge Rd. Phone 353-2280 Class of 19 I I Open 9:30 to 5:30 Monday thru Friday Evening Specials include roll, butter and beverage and choice of ILIOn HOTELS: j a two of the following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. CUT AND SAVE 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday -SPORTS- RICK GOSSELiu DeLonge wins spot Passing to Wjn. given chance "I put him in as a pinch hitter lots of fun JOHN VIGES everybody told me that I would State News Sports Writer one game and he hit a double. at least get a chance to play, so I The next time we used him he wasn't worried." had a pair of hits. It seemed like The hitting of DeLonge The MSU football team introduced a There is nothing as tentative every time we used him he came forced Rettenmund temporarily new we as a walk • on's position on a through for us and pretty soon to the bench but when the Flint offensive arsenal in the annual Green-White „aponinto major college athletic team. he was starting." senior regained his batting eye Saturday. It's called the forward pass. game pU Sure, the Spartans have experimented with it in th Unlike scholarship holders, DeLonge was at the plate he was put at shortstop where he could never really be considered a the walk - on is not guaranteed a only twice last year but this has done a consistent job for the passing threat | ' nation's great throwing clubs go. Games chance to display his abilities, season he has appeared in all but Spartans at bat and in the field were still | and if he is given an opportunity five of MSU's 40 contests. One during the last three weeks. game than the Spartans' themselves could. he must produce immediately. year ago the Cranford DeLonge has made the It was always the quick, flashy, break-a-w Ron DeLonge walked onto N.J. sophomore had one official secomd base slot his permanent the Spartan offense. The type of runner MSU's baseball diamond, and at bat and no hits, he now owns home and since becoming a that could and then turn it on through the after a frustrating freshman year, 37 safeties and a .378 batting starter, the only time he hasn't secondary. B- ' can't be depended upon to win ALL he received his chance and average. been in the line games. - up was the Dame did to the awesome running game of capitalized on it. When DeLonge "Getting a chance to play final two games against number n™ "■ Texas last New Year's Day in the Cotton returned from the Spartan's makes a lot of difference," Michigan. A Wolverine base you Bowl. Any look at It, a team needs a passing game to function waving Florida trip, there was no doubt DeLonge said. "Last year I runner had spiked DeLonge the that he had earned the Spartan's didn't go down south so I didn't Duffy Daugherty realized this and a few season* day before causing a stiff and innovated a triple threat offense in an second base position. get much of a chance after that. sore leg that kept him out. attempt to add ™L his attack. But still the emphasis rested on the The hard "We really didn't have many play "This season I've been able to and I always felt I could An excellent hitting weekend when the passing phase of the running earn triple threat game is aL„, plans for Ron at the start of the against Wisconsin and don't have much of a threat. l' MSU second baseman Ron DeLonge proves he is as tough a man on the base paths as he is at year," Assistant Coach Frank play well enough if I got the Northwestern (7-13) raised One look at next year's roster seems to the plate. In a game with Northwestern on Saturday, DeLonge bulldozed the Wildcat catcher Pellerin said. "Down in Florida chance. There was pressure to verify the fact DeLonge's average to the second Duffy will be dependent on the running game once mln « who was blocking his path to home plate. DeLonge was one of 30 Spartan runs against he came on so strong we come through, of course, highest of MSU regulars, behind ball carriers like Eric Allen, Jesse Northwestern on Saturday. couldn't keep him out of the because Whitey Rettenmund had Rob Ellis. Williams. Bruce a Anderson lined up in the backfield, one line played second for two years. would e State News photo by Jim Klein • up. Attacking the first pitch to Spartans to have that same drab Before we went south though, come within the strike zone, game plan of run on first down, whenever possible, DeLonge run on second down; pass on BIG 10 OFF TO AUSTRALIA collected three doubles among his seven hits. third down, and punt on fourth down. DeLonge has shown good But no. No. No. No. And if power at the plate although the Kilgore selected for you were in attendance at last power is channeled into line tour team drives that reach the fielder quickly that he is usually held to a single. so Saturday's Green-White you would have seen why. There's red-headed slinger on the Spartan roster who has game, The tour marks the first time of the 10 games played. River "Whenever I'm at the plate I GARY SCHARRER Rouge, established himself shown signs of converting Duffy any major athletic conference Coaches for the squad will be as one of the finest sophomores concentrate on hitting line State News Sports Writer over to the passing game. This has sent an all - star team to play Northwestem's Brad Snyder and in the Big Ten last season. drives." DeLonge said. "Also, MSU center Bill Kilgore was this year redhead, senior Mike Rasmussen, on foreign courts. Reed said the former Indiana University head Kilgore, a 6-7, 196 pounder, I'm not worrying about selected to a Big Ten cage all - put on a passing display of the Big Ten cagers will be repaying coach Lous Watson. MSU's head was the Spartans' leading pulling the ball so much and this like on the artificial turf last star team to tour New Zealand last winter's visit trainer Gayle Robinson also will rebounder (12.8 per game) and has helped." by the Saturday that MSU backers and Australia this summer. The Australian National basketball accompany the team. second leading scorer with a Adjustment to the second haven't seen since chuckin' 15 - man contingent of Big Ten squad which The 12 - player squad consists base position, after playing third played all ten 14.2 average. He was second in Chuck Hixson clogged the players and coaches conference schools in a four - of player from each and outfield, has taken time but was one Big Ten rebounding to Indiana's airways two years ago when announced Monday by Big Ten week swing through the conference school plus two extra George McGinnis. DeLonge is now fielding his SMU was in town. Commissioner Bill Read. Midwest. Big Ten teams won 9 men picked by the coaches. The Kilgore, majoring in business position well and against Indiana Rasmussen took total control roster includes four he made a diving stop of a players administration, gained honorable of the game and hit receivers at selected as Most Valuable Player mention all - Big Ten and was ground ball and turned it into a will in running up a 35-0 half on their teams last season, three selected to the all twin killing that preserved a win MIKE RASMUSSEN - tournament time lead over the favored Green ATTENTION CAR OWNERS second - team all • Big Ten choices and two men who paced their club in scoring. squad at the Lobo Invitational in Albuquerque, N.M. last season. At the end of the year he for MSU team. In the first half alone, Rasmussen was 13 for 18 ir for three touchdowns and 190 yards. When the day finally to an end, the slender Californian had punctured the G Booters * Complete front end repair and Representing the Big Ten on received the Chicago Tribune defense for 274 yards on merit of 19 completions. And with the month long tour are Rick Award as MSU's alignment - most valuable passing attack like that, a coach would have to be crazy to let * Howat, Illinois; John Ritter and basketball player. sit idly on the side while the knock-knock, beat 'em up Brakes * Suspension victimized Frank Wilson, Indiana; Kevin Australia is known as the game chums away. Especially if you're behind on the score * Kunnert, Iowa; Wayne Grabiec, "land down under," and Kilgore What makes Rasmussen even more the threat is his ability Wheel balancing * Steering Michigan; Jim Brewer, said he was pretty excited about scramble when the pressure is on. Something along the lines of Minnesota; Rick Sund and Mark the trip since itH mark the first left-handed Greg Landry. Rasmussen is not a fast runner,L LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center Sibley, Northwestern; Mark time that he'll be leaving the Wagar, Ohio State; Bill Franklin, country on a basketball team. Purdue, Clarence Sherrod, Kilgore figures that itH be a by mm more of a deceptive ball carrier. He knows that when the isn't open — and isn't going to get open — he'd better get on horses and get the hell out of that backfield. No sense stanj: 124 SOUTH LARCH Wisconsin and Kilgore, MSU. good trip and said that he is Closing five weeks of Spring IV 4-7346 forever back there. Needless to say, Rasmussen picked up Kilgore, an all - stater from looking forward to some good practice on a rather sour note, yards on the ground in the scrimmage. perennial Class B powerhouse basketball games. BILL KILGORE the MSU soccer team lost a 2-0 But in all fairness to George Mihaiu, Rasmussen was given bet decision to an all-alumni team protection on Saturday. Lineman Errol Roy, Bob McClowry," Saturday, indicating that trouble Peters, Chris King, and Jim Higgins gave Rasmussen enough ti may lie ahead for the varsity in the backfield to play a when competition begins in the couple quick games of soli Rasmussen was able to stand in the pocket like Bart Starr fall. able to when the Kramers', Thurstons', and Greggs' Coach Payton Fuller, pressed into service to play with the patrolling the Green Bay line. The best way to dest Rasmussen's play in the Green-White' would be to say he"" alumni when 1970 ail-American Buzz Demling couldn't make the good use of his time." And with the receivers Mike had running the sideline pat contest, saw his varsity squad for him, it was no wonder the game turned into an air circus. lose to the "Oldtimers" for the If it wasn't Frank Butler lugging one of his two touch second straight year and didn't passes into the end zone, it was Billy Joe DuPree reaching that like what he saw. "It right hand up in the air to snatch another one-hander. And was a good contest, but no DuPree and Butler weren't at the immediate disposal of outstanding performance by the Steve Kough would be wandering somewhere free in the G varsity," Fuller said. "The backfield. The list goes on and on. players are still fighting among themselves for positions instead In conclusion, Mike Rasmussen could break all records by M of placing as a team." passers next season. A player of his calibre can make the exci "Since we don't appear to portion of football even more exciting. With his talent, have much depth, 11 guys will receivers, and his line, Rasmussen could be the beginning of MSU passing powerhouse. be playing most of the time in , _ With Rasmussen at the helm, losing would even be exciting, the fall so they know that their jobs are pretty safe," the former with the talent that Rasmussen possesses, losing wont commonplace. And for the first time since 1966, losing (1964) MSU all - American said. even be absent from the Spartan record. It appeared in Saturday's contest that the varsity would move toward the alumni goal and fail to connect a on a goal because a player would shot or Canonero owne try to carry the attack by himself instead of looking for a teammate to pass the ball to. Tony Keyes (1966-67-68) scored the first goal for the won't sell horse alumni in the first BALTIMORE, Md. (UPI) wife, who received the colt half. He - moved Canonero II, sold for $1,200 as a wedding present from P right in on the varsity crooked - legged yearling and Baptista, his father - in • law. goal after taking a nice pass from "We turned the offer d" a teammate and blasted a shot shipped off to Venezuela to apparent obscurity, cannot be All the money in the w into the left - hand corner of the couldn't buy this horse. No. net. purchased for any price today, am not at liberty to reveal In the second half, Van following the colt's record - Dimitriou (1963-64), clinched breaking victory Saturday in the person who made it," he ad Preakness Stakes that gave him the game for the alumni by The South American inva two thirds of the Triple Crown. from 20 lengths bacK - head-butting a shot into the came lower right - hand part of the net win the Kentucky Derby, after taking a corner pass. "We already have had an offer was expected to try the "I was a bit surprised that the thing in the Preakness. of $4 million for alumni players had so much him," said Victory Scialom, a spokesman red onion. good commented. soccer left in them," Fuller for owner Edgar Caibett and his Instead, jockey GustavoA . .a deep, full-flavored color coming through for Miss J sent Canonero to> the the start and the c in patent leather, kidskin and suede lace-ups. The shoes are broad of EmiVs 47,322, the biggest in " racing history, heel and toe. and the color will walk off with all the honors this fall. disbelief. Restaurant presf A Crinkle patent. $15. B Kidskin on stacked heel, $14. C. Red onion/grey suede, $15. Canonero challenged Oj" Fleet AilYou-Can-Eat Farm's Eastern lead. He caught his rival 4HUA J A^jOp* first turn and the two R Spaghetti Dinner stride for stride, nose into the homestretch. an ^ with only an eighth o s150 every Tuesday go in the 1 3/16 m'ly- JacobBoii'0 12" Pizza, 11tem, *i65 __2012 E. Michigan Ave. EVERY NIGHT IS PITCHER NIGHT Canonero inched by a length and one ^ smashing the track 1:54 3/5, set by Nashua » ahe with a 1:54 flat clocking. 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 18, 1971 9 SPORTS Cup finale tonight MONTREAL (UPI) — Canadiens' center Henri Richard admits he talked out of turn when he blasted Montreal coach A1 MacNeil The Mahovlich brothers, Frank and Pete, led Montreal to their comeback win. Frank scored one goal to set an all-time National after Thursday night's loss to the Chicago Black Hawks in the Hockey League playoff record of 14 goals, and added two assists Stanley Cup finals. to equal the playoff total points record of 27. Both records were But maybe it's all the Canadiens needed to held by Phil Esposito, who set them with the Boston Bruins in spur them on as they fought off a one-goal deficit Sunday afternoon to win 4-3, the 1969-70 playoffs. and force a seventh and deciding game in But Frank was more concerned over the Chicago Tuesday night. penalty shot he missed Richard was asked if he thought his remarks calling MacNeil in the first period when Chicago goalie Tony Esposito made a "incompetent and the worst coach" he ever played under helped great stop. (It was the first penalty shot ever called in an NHL Montreal win Sunday's game. playoff game.) "I wish I could do it over again, only this time I'd "I don't want to make any more statements, I skate in much slower," Mahovlich said. just hope the whole thing will die down. But I know well win the His younger brother, Pete, scored two of the Montreal Stanley goals Cup," Richard answered. including the winning one, which came with Montreal MacNeil played a major part in another drama connected with shorthanded, midway through the final period and less than four the game Sunday after his life was threatened minutes after Frank had tied the by anonymous score 3-3. callers and he was assigned police protection. MacNeil said, "My brother did most of the work," said Pete. "The puck however, he wasn't worried about the threats. seemed to bounce onto his stick and he got it over to me. I "As far as I was concerned, my only thoughts were winning flipped it over Esposito's shoulder." that game. And I knew that the situation was in Yvan Cournoyer got the other Montreal goal, his 10th of this good hands when the team provided me with protection," MacNeil said. year's playoffs, with a fine maneuver to tie the score 1-1 in the Six plainclothes detectives surrounded MacNeil as he stood first period. behind the Montreal bench and coached his team to victory in the Black Hawks' Coach Billy Reay praised Jim Pappin, who scored sixth game. "Now it's back to Chicago," said MacNeil. "After 78 two of Chicago's goals, but was annoyed with his team. "We gave regular games and 19 playoff games it's all down to one single the game away. We got those two good goals from Pappin and contest. But I know that even though we haven't won yet in another fine one from Chico Maki and then we let them score Chicago in this series, we have the talent to do the job." when we have a one man advantage," Reay noted. Not this time I Rookie Montreal net minder Ken Dryden has been if the key factors for the Canadiens in sending the Stanley Cup finals series into a seventh giame. Here Dryden thwarts one entire NHL season Chicago tonight, and Stanley Cup. has boiled down to one final game, in to the victor goes the spoils - the Table tennis g I Jim Pappin's shot in the sixth game played Sunday. The AP WIREPHOTO RECORD, THOUGH by Foreign Stu Super mile satisfies fans By MICHAEL J. BEYER Dell and Connie Sweeris of "What we are really trying to fun, some new friendships and a Grand Rapids, Mich, and do," Demery said, "is get the lot of interaction." members of the United States American students involved in a Demery said the team The MSU Foreign Student Table Tennis Team which sport where, for once, the edge competition should offer the IHILADELPHIA (UPI) - The figures did not approach year - old Liquori, a Villanova their desire to win the race, then Office will sponsor the second recently toured China, will be is not theirs, and at the same beginner a chance to understand ■ Ryun, the world's foremost Ryun's world record of 3:51.1 senior and resident of Cedar that's where the excitement is in annual MSU Open International present to play a number of time get the foreign students the sport of table tennis. "Each and Liquori was asked how Table Tennis Tournament exhibition matches and also act involved in a sport in which they team will consist of five ir kept rubbing his eyes. Grove, N.J. "In my mind, a four track." much the time meant to him - minute mile looks the same as Saturday and Sunday in the as coaches to all of the feel some confidence. The end members and anybody can get And that's where it was at Sports Arena of the Men's participants. The husband and result, compared with beating Ryun, 3: 51 if you are out there by we hope, will be a lot of together and make up a team. whom he Franklin Field Sunday. Intramural Building. wife team have been the U.S. practically sent into yourself. I feel I don't care if it's retirement with a beating in There will be three areas of mixed doubles champions for a four - minute mile or a five • "It's not beating the other Indy time trials halted Miami two years ago. competition, student and staff, the past four years, and Mrs minute mile. To me, if two guys guy," Liquori tried explaining, women's Sweeris is currently "I can't see too much are struggling down the "It's triumphing over yourself team competition and a the U.S. excitement running against the title. Singles and doubles women's champion. backstretch, with both of them that's more important. listing properly again, the clock," said the outgoing 21 revealing a lot of themselves, Remember, there were a lot of competition will take place in all Charles Demery, foreign by high temperatures - jf a man trying to breathe a circumstances involved today. categories. Jackets with the student counselor, said the winner's name inscribed will be |f more deeply so that maybe For example, he had to fly in entire theme of the tournament [pain in his side might abate a the act of a man fighting to Bonnie Lau here from the West Coast; I just presented in all areas. Team had to drive down a little way competition will be determined is to get people together. American students could care "Many INDIANAPOLIS, IND. (UPI) runs to a minimum. Only three on the basis of four h back the feeling of from my dorm." categories, less than interact with foreign — The search for speed by cars cars made successful nationality club, residence hall, students, and many foreign still hoping to qualify for the qualification attempts Sunday Midwe Liquori is good with figures. academic department and He knows he has beaten Jim off-campus status. Referees will Ryun three times now in 11 be provided, and all matches will students go home to top position jobs in their countries 500 mile auto race may have to - wait until later this week. before a windstorm closed down the 2 1/2 - mile oval track. that in the Martin without ever really getting to Temperatures soared into Weather forecasts indicated races and likewise knows that be conducted under know any Americans," he two MSU sophomore co-ed Bonnie Lauer successfully defended the the 80's Monday for the second more days in the 80's before averages out to .273 against international rules. added. day in a row, holding practice a gradual cool off Midwest Collegiate Gold Championship at the 1971 meet held - . Ryun's .727. May 14 and 15 at the University of Minnesota. Miss Lauer of Huntington Woods captured the championship Marty Liquori out-runs Jim in her freshman year and her two-day score of 162 last weekend Ryun now and then; he never beat 74 co-eds competing from 18 schools. runs him down. A SPORTS GAR YOU CAN AFFORD WHILE YOU'RE STILL YOUNG ENOUGH TO ENJOY IT. It's a cruel trick of Fate that most performance engines. sportscars are too expensive for many The red line on the 850 Spider's of the people who get most out of power unit is all the way up at 6,500 them-people under 25. rpm and it enjoys working at those That's why we designed the 850 speeds. Spider. It's the lowest priced true And with disc brakes in front sports car you can buy in America. and independent suspension all round, It lists from $2,295? you get all the road holding you need And, for many people, it's the to handle the hard driving this car en¬ best looking sports car on the market courages. 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We want you to use your money wisely. East Lansing State Bank, your Hometown Bank. Member: F.D.I.C. anna The biggest selling car in Europe. East Lansing State Bank BOB BAKER RAMBLER, INC. East Lansing Okemos Hasten Brookfleld Plaza Red Cedar at Itowbrldge 1231 Michigan Ave. E. Lansing, Michigan 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS ■STate news CLASSIFIED Plant a classified ad for whatever you wish to buy, sell, swap or rent. 3558255 classified MfoatJkfc The State Newt does not Automotive pRAnkLy speaking . by Phil Frank Aviation Employment permit racial or religious LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight EARN UP $3000 this summer. Car discrimination in its to training. All courses are Call 351-7319 for Jbsf! advertising columns. The State News will government and VA certified. necessary. interview. C Summer Lea^ng '^ not FORD GALAX IE 500, 1967. FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport apartments, close J1 • AUTOMOTIVE accept advertising which Road. Call 484-1324. C GIRL FRIDAY. Some travel, for real 351-2207. 37257c7 ^ discriminates radio, new tires, low 24-6-4 576?. %|j Scooters & Cycles against , estate executive in Northern mileage. Clean. Call 351-7208 Auto Parts & Service religion, race, color or after 6 p.m. 5-5-19 Employment Michigan. Write P.O. Box 129, °NE GIRL f0r 4 -4 national origin. Gay lord. Michigan. 5-5-19 Aviation Campus Hill $4S/m- ' ^ SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE deposit. 332-3635. • • EMPLOYMENT FORD 1969, Galaxie 500 2 door. Sports roof, V-8, automatic, Experienced carpenters for work In ROOM, BOARD and salary. Upper i6?4D|fl FOR RENT power steering. One owner. New Torch Lake resort area. Please class or graduate student to live G|RL TO Shar, - only experienced carpenters with family and help with 3 young Apartments tires. 882-4861. 3-5-18 children summer. Close r 1 "ment apply. Space 70 homes, 616 - beginning summer 489 3494. Houses Automotive FORD GALAXIE 1966 convertible. 533-8668 or 616 - 533-8245 quarter. Private air conditioned 5-5-19 ^"* Rooms Burns no oil. Power. Original evenings. 14-5-24 room. Bath and phone. Two female . FOR SALE BUICK 1960 LeSabre. Good runnei $650. 332-4589. 3-5-19 blocks from campus. Call Now roommate,". Animals Good body. $175, Phon owner. RECEPTIONIST. TYPIST. For 332-1105 8 • 10 a.m„ 8 10 p.m. campus. and/or Free sun,^* 349-3844. 4-5-21 Lansing promotional firm. $425. 5-5-18 re Mobile Homes IMPALA very 1962 automatic, power, nice condition. 3 7 2 7 700 PE RSONNEL Reduced 5-5-19 rate. <£!, 35'" ® CADILLAC 1961, Good George CONSULTANTS. 3-5 19 SUMMER . PERSONAL 353-0674, 393-8140. 1-5-18 AND part time transportation. Best offer. Call employment: 12-20 hours per • PEANUTS PERSONAL 351 -8513. 1-5-18 JAGUAR XK-2 1969 Roadster. Full SURVEYORS WANTED week. Automobile required river house & • REAL ESTATE To work in India, British Honduras 351-5800. O albeit. • RECREATION maintenance records; Ziebart and the Eastern Caribbean. 2 year apartments rustproof, AM-FM, chromes. •SERVICE 372-0346. 5-5-19 tour. Must be single. One year For Rent Kail & Summer, 1 block fn, experience or 15 credits campus, 1 - 2 Typing Service KARMANN GHIA 1964. Good tires, acceptable. All living, health, TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction bedroom 2 travel expenses. Plus $1500 upon persons, furnished, baL - TRANSPORTATION 2 new studded snow tires. Runs air guaranteed. Free delivery, service » WANTED 332-5733. 5-5-19 good, $350 completion. For more information conditioning, stUH CAMARO 1969. 307 engine, new 351-5379. 5-5-19 or best offer. contact: Huey Edwards, MSU Placement Bureau. B-5-19 and pick-up. Call NEJAC 337-1300. C reduced RATES. 204 River summS DEADLINE St. Am 1 P.M. one class day tires. Stick shift. Phone 627-6026 MACH I 1969 Automatic. Power FURNITURE RENTAL _h. 351-318 I or :i:{2-02aa 5-5-21 WAITRESSES. EXPERIENCED. before publication. steering, brakes, AM-FM sports Both full and part time. All shifts Student special starting at $20 a ATTENTION GIRL student tg Cancellations - 12 deck, $2,000. 351-4661. 3-5-19 month. Reserve now for Fall for Traverse City. noon CHEVELLE 1964. Convertible. V-8 available. Apply in person at Room*, automatic. Newly rebuilt engine. CONNOR'S 24 HOUR Term. BISHOP FURNITURE 351-3051. 5-5-18 one class day before MERCURY 1963 Some rust. $250. Phone Monterey. Needs RESTAURANT, 3231 West RENTAL, 4972 Northwind Drive publication. work. $95 best offer. Tom, ONE OR two 882-3692. 3-5-19 or Saginaw, east of Waverly. 5-5-21 351-5830. 21-6-4 roommate 332-5991.3-5-18 A utomotive Scooters & Furnished PHONE • Cycles ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries bedroom. One apartment, 355-8255 METROPOLITAN A-1 ORGANIZATION requires 3 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV campus. $50 block'|n 1962. Coupe, VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Excellent CYCLE people for direct specialty sales. or $60 351« INSURANCE. Central 2-5-19 unique style. $200 or best offer. condition. Red $1200 Call Excellent RENTAL, 372-4948.0 RATES 337-0614. 3-5-20 Michigan's Largest insurer. Any opportunity for CHEVROLET 1963. Belair. 882-1230 after noon. 1-5-18 qualified candidate and college 1 day $1.50 Engine cycle, any rate. LLOYD'S of TV RENTALS GIRL NEEDED good, body poor. Call after 5 graduates and teachers. Salary and - Students only. Low summe p.m. LANSING, 332-5335, 482-5585. 15c per word per day MUSTANG 1966 convertible, VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Fastback. By monthly and term rates. Call Reduced, near campus. 3551' 355-0841. 3-5-19 commission to qualified sales 3 days automatic, 6 cylinder. 351-0636 351-7900 UNIVERSITY 3-5-20 $4.00 owner. 5,800 miles. Exceptional personnel. Call 487-5953 for TV 13'/2C per word per day CHEVROLET after 5 p.m. 5-5-21 condition, European use only HARLEY DAVIDSON Sprint 250. appointment. 4-5-21 RENTALS. C 1967 Belair. Power no salt. Call 349-2762. SUMMER SUBLET. Furnished 5 steering and brakes. $1000 or best 5-5-24 $275. New tires, battery. Call days $6.50 MUSTANG MACH I, 1970. Excellent man. Reduced. Air conditio) offer. 332-3635, evenings. 10-5-21 Steve, 351-1728. 3-5-19 CAREER OPPORTUNITY for sales 13c per word per day (based on 10 words per condition. 332-8054. 5-5-19 Many extras. Call VOLKSWAGEN 550, 1964. Good people if approved by home Apartments Close. 353-2428. 3 5 20 ad) CHEVROLET 1969. running condition. Must sell Pat 1968 HARLEY SPORTSTER. office. Can train at $150 weekly Impala Club APARTMENTS. SUMMER SUBLET. Small 351-4571. 3-5-20 Custom seat. Electric start. 74 rear with 123 year old highly respected SUMMER and/or apart Peanuts Personals coupe with air conditioning. V-8, MUSTANG MACH I 428 Cobra Jet, next for 1 or 2. Two blocks n must be wheel. 6000 miles. $1400. life insurance company. We are an year. One half block from automatic, power steering, 24,000 ram air, 4 speed. Gold, black VOLKSWAGEN campus. $125. 351-6393. W pre-paid. 1969. Sedan, 351-7904. 2-5-18 Equal Opportunity campus. Two, three or four man. miles. Real nice condition. $1950. interior. Clean, good condition. sunroof. Rebuilt engine, new Employer. Immediate shocks. Phone 482 6275. 2-5-19 occupancy. 126 There will be a 50c service 332-3362. 3-5-18 $1795. 393-1119 after 6 p.m. Good deal, price open. SUBLET TWO man, suft 351-2062, ask TRIUMPH Orchard. Phone 339-2219, 3-5-20 500, 1970. In good and bookkeeping charge if for Bruce. 5-5-18 condition. Best offer. Phone 337-2082. 22-6-4 rent. Pool, air condition DODGE CORONET 1968. $600 or HELP WANTED part time. this ad - Apply 337-9330. 3-5-20 is not paid within best offer. 332-6148. 332 8113. MUSTANG 332 5053. 5-5-21 in person, STAR LITE DRIVE-IN, CONVERTIBLE 1966 VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Low mileage. 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham one week. 3-520 V-8. Deluxe after 7:30 p.m. 5-5-24 interior. Good Radial tires, studded snows, extra Drive. 135 1967 HONDA Scrambler, 305cc. In Kedzie. 2 man Norwood Apartments The State News will be condition. $650. 355-0706. 3-5-18 wheel. Becker AM-FM. 349-2227 furnished apartments. COMET 1965. 289. End 2 Jensen, 65 good condition. Call 1 - 6 p.m., Includes Now responsible only for the 3-5-18 heet. $62.50 to $90 per man. renting large one i watt auditorium speakers for 332-5227. 5 5-24 Waitress Needed two bedroom for summer ai OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, S Leases starting June 15 and Sept. first day's incorrect motorcycle. 450 or larger. convertible. 1968. Very good VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Good 1. Days, 487-3216. Evenings til 10 fall. Close to campi insertion. 372-6830. 3-5-19 1970 CB350 Honda, 1200 miles, For new Northwind condition. 320 Julian. One block Stables Reduced summer rates. 0 condition, new tires. Runs Excellent condition. 351-6823 p.m., 882-2316. O off Saginaw, 4 blocks east of Restaurant, 2843 East Grand excellent. 351-3217. 5-5-18 after 5 p.m. 3-5-20 River, East Lansing. 332-2712 after 3 p i CORVAIR 1965 Monza. Two door, Full time Lansing Mall, 372-2306. 5-5-20 only. Apply in person. Peg Perry. FOURTH GIRL needed fall through automatic, white, red interior. VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1963. TRIUMPH 1968 spring. Close $65. Kathie. FOUR MAN, fall, close to Uni Excellent condition. 355-6581. OLDSMOBILE 1965 4 door Trophy 500. Needs Best $13.50/weekly. Call 3-5-18 valve job. offer. Call Coteen at Excellent condition. Phone PRESSMAN EXPERIENCED »6r 355-1666.3:^18 ED V Body fair. $17? 5-6-18 Automotive 882-3692. 2-5-19 35^ 66", 3-5-19 393-7572. X-5-5 24 evening hours. Permanent LOVELY FURNISHED efficiency, CORVETTE 1965. 327-365 66 BASED VW dunebuggy. $1000 or position. 372-7700. PERSONNEL FURNISHED APARTMENT YAMAHA 250 Enduro 1970. 915 Lilac. $120 plus AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 MKII horsepower. Good body, running OLDSMOBILE AIR will trade for large road bike or CONSULTANTS. 3-5-19 electricity. - conditioned Available May 16th. 349-3604 1 967. Green, best offer condition. Wheels sidepipes. 4610 Immaculate, best offer over $625. Reservations now being Dynamic 88, 1965 4-door van of comparable price. Call.Jay, 5-5-18 353-1516. 1-5-18 BABYSITTER for twins. for September. 731 BURCHA 351-4477. 5-5-18 Lansing Rd. 482-9509 after 5 p.m. hardtop. Power brakes and 489-8064. 5-5-18 5 days a 1-4-19 week beginning mid-June. East Lansing. See these sha steering. Automatic. 332-6120. AUSTIN TRIUMPH 500 1967. T-100c. References. Own transportation. DUPLEX, JUNE and September. 2 luxury units including - HEALEY, 3000 Mark II. and Excellent condition. Call after 5 3 bedroom. Just painted, great shape. Good CORVETTE 1969. Silver convertible. Scooters & Cycles Call 337 7495. 3-5-20 Clean. Call carpeting, ultra modern kitch tires. Also 100-6 for 4 p.m. 351-7614. 3-5-20 372-1629. 17-6-4 with dishwasher, swimmini parts, extra speed. Positraction. AM-FM OLDSMOBILE 1967. Cutlass engine. R.A. Schofield, 351-1060 $3200. 353-7928. 3-5-20 TEACHERS. NUMEROUS school, beautifully landscaped gr Convertible. Power brakes, 1969 HONDA 350 Scrambler. YAMAHA 90 1970 Road Bike. TWO ROOMMATES wanted to share Evenings 882-7549. 3-5-20 college positions. CLINE and ample parking. Only $11 steering. Automatic. $1100. Excellent condition, 3,250 miles. 2 bedroom Excellent condition, 180 miles, TEACHERS AGENCY, 129 East Collingwood Open daily and Sunday 10 a FAIRLANE 1964 6 cylinder, stick. 372 6194. 5-5-21 $625. 355-7246. X 1-5-18 apartment for summer. $125 / $335. Call 372-7338 after 5 p.m. Grand River. 3-5-20 Over 20 miles per gallon. $300 noon, 1 -6 p.m. 351-7212.0 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 1963 5-5-24 man total. 332-5733. 5-5-19 Must sell. 485-8501. 2-5-19 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE, Newly rebuilt. Best offer VETERINARIAN PATHOLOGIST. Convertible, 1967. Looks, runs 332-6148, 332-8113. 3-5-19 FIREBIRD 1967 gold convertible. like new. New tires, bucket seats HARLEY DAVIDSON Sprint - CRS. Ph.D. desirable. Relocate. $21,000 I LOVE BUGG EYE Sprirt i960 Good 400 cubic inches. 4 speed AM-FM radio, factory stereo $900. 351-5547. 5-5-20 Many or trade new parts. Asking $250, sell for street bike. 485-8501. - $23,000. PERSONNEL 37 2 CONSULTANTS. 7 700. NOTICE engine, body. Call after 6 pm 332-8370 4-5 21 mileage. Good 393-0752. 5-5-24 tape, condition low Call PONTIAC LEMANS convertible. 4 speed, leather interior. Perfect 3-5-19 The Fall CEDAR TRIUMPH 1959 650. KAWASAKI 1970 Mach III 500, in Term 1971 condition. 332-8175. 3-5-19 Racing cams, WAITRESSES NEEDED for new Handbook of Undergraduate BUICK brakes. 1962, $75. Power steering, FIAT. NEW paint job and overhaul, RAMBLERS 1964, 1967. Blocking head, mags, geared, custom tank, solo saddle, near chopper. $350, good condition, $750. 487-3301 5-5-21 NORTHWIND STABLES Courses for the College of VILLAGE Good tires. Low speed Excellent condition RESTAURANT, 2843 East Grand Social Call driveway. Will accept reasonable or best offer. 393-1941. 3-5-20 Science will be rattle. 355-1000. 3-5-19 353-1438 River, East Lansing. Full time 1-5-18 offers. 337-2315. 3-5-20 and they're A uto Service & Parts only. Apply in person. Peg Perry. available after May 20 in the .. . HONDA 1970 SL350. Best offer over SI MCA GLS 1970. Excellent 3 5-18 Libraries, Residence Halls, condition. 20,000 miles. $1250. $650. Call after 5 p.m. 351-9241 MASON BODY SHOP Fraternities, Sororities, Co-op now leasing for 2-5-19 , 812 East Must sell. 482-0996. 3-5-19 Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. PART TIME male and female Houses, Counseling Center, Summer! Complete auto Each Dean's Office and with 1970 HONDA 750 with fairing and painting and telephone canvassing. Good VW 1966 from California. 1500cc, collision service. IV 5-0256. C Academic Advisors in each luggage rack. 500 miles. Going to hourly wages. Must have good Compliments of Europe, must sell. 351-2572. speaking voice. Call Mr. Vance, Social Science College Major 3-5-20 CAR WASH,, 25c or automatic wash, 393-5460. An equal opportunity Department. Please ask for it Cathy Bowers 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. employer. 10-5-21 if not readily displayed. The VOLKSWAGEN KARMANN Ghia, 430 South Clippert, back of Koko 1966 HARLEY 250cc. Engine Handbook contains course 332-5051 1969. Exceptionally clean. Bar. 0-5-18 rebuilt. New paint. Runs WAITRESSES POSITIONS outlines Excellent - submitted by the condition. $1500. excellent. $300. 355-6289 2-5-19 available for noon hour shift. 11 Bogue St. at the Red Cedar 351-5926. 5-5-24 AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and 2 - faculty. WE HAVE moved. ROLL American cars. If we can't fix it, it Monday through Saturday. Also - ROSSER have openings for evenings. 5 days VOLKSWAGEN 1966 sedan, 1 Motorcycle Insurance can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O Specialist, / week. Experience owner, good shape. $700. Call Phone 489-4811. Our preferred. new address 489 3581. 5-5-18 2400 North U.S. 27, VW GUARANTEED Apply in person 2-5 p.m. Lansing. TF - repair. SCOFE'S RESTAURANT AND RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at Okemos Road. 349-9620. C LOUNGE, 2609 South Cedar St., CROSSWORD PUZZLE Colling tooob Lansing. Phone 393-4160. 7-5-24 . FOUR FENTON mags. Polyglas, ACROSS F70-14 mounted. Used two 29. Yellowish- months. 355-6077 before 5pm 1 Slaps brown 6. Mischief Apartment# 3-5-18 30 Kind ol coffee 12. Bay window 31. Hit notice per man! means... CARTER THERMO new. - Quad - Brand $55. 619 Cornell Avenue. East Lansing. Robert. 1-5-18 13. Laundiy machine 14. Do military 32. Conceit 33. Benefaction 35. Young rabbit Sir or Madam, whichever!? service 37. Inhabitant of 15. Baby's glove suffix CAR WASH, 25c or automatic wash, 16. Join the Mob at.. never having to walk more 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-IT. 430 South Clippert, back of Koko BUT MOM CASHES THEM Vinegar 18. Famous worm Southerner 39. Flushed 40. 43. Fair Dress trimming Bar. 06 14 GETS 19. Cheat 47. Unwilling MONEY ALU 3 Conife' than a few feet from your DON'T SIGN THE TIME 23. Basta 26. Grain 48. 49. Hurts Cylindrical DOWN 1. Romaine 4 BodyW 27. Sponsorship 5 Pullman car 50. Tips 2. Scot, chemist THAT LEASE. 6. Ha?y .. 1 Seed cover APARTMENTS apartment to your car... g Sacred soul r We brought it all together! For 9 Aardvark openers, there's the Unless your apt. includes a amc0U^ ■MIN|-.BUS' Fr*e rides to and from 10. Turn right campus^ 5 times a day. Goodbye to tardiness, park¬ balcony or patio, two johns, ]| Sea bird in meters Campus and gas money. Say "Hello" to the Hill Mob who enjoy the romantic social with all the unlimited parking walking distance to campus, on site free maintenance 17 Authorized 19 Corncrake ai^no the banksh'es. along ♦h0"!? Bar-B-Q pits, new l of the acres of grass Purple Cedar. Wow! Brand swimming pool. All together for a mere $5230 per person. there is around. service, large rooms, carpeting, and modern furnishings, air conditioning P 11 p ip 20 Accost ?1 Spraying instrument ■ Central Air Conditioning ■ All Utilities and congenial resident 22 large strea i included 24. Corral I except electricity ■ Carpeting Throughout ■ Drapes managers like Frank and o Completely Furnished ■ Balcony or Patio Units ■ Study Area with drop lite ■ Walk thru Kitchen Call Collingwood Apartments Jo Anne. 25. Clove hitch 28. Many featuring ■ Refrigerator ■ 34. Ga/e f»ed Range ■ Disposer ■ P'shwfsher ■ Laundry facilities ■ Storage and WATER'S EDGE and 36. Elicit ■ Unlimited Parking. Fall leases being accepted, $200/2 Orient W- ■ party Room now man 38 $210/3 man 41 Pingpong RIVER'S EDGE racket i 349-3530 $220/4 man p,ayer beafl On River West ol Okemos (formerly Northwind Apts.) APARTMENTS It is the policy of the State 42 »emale run Rd News that all student , _ „ Call 351 8282 2771 Northwind ads be 44 Rolled tea PREPAID starling May 20th Pullet & 351-8862 45. MODEL OPEN DAILY behind the Yankee Store 46. Curved Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. May 18, 1971 ]| ■ For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale For Sale For Sale NOW LEASING for summer and fall \ Personal LANSING OR East furnished apartment for 3 girls. Lansing. One EAST OF GREAT bedroom campus. 10 miles. New BOOKS of the Western SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. Also single room. 6 blocks to furnished. Large, airy SHIH - TZUS and Bichon Frise FREE A lesson in rooms. country home. Available for fall. World. 54 volumes and Durant's Brand new portables - $49.95, complexion Air puppies. Small Rare little Gems of IruDENT roommate to share campus. Parking. 694-8266 after 5 Beautifully conditioned. Furnished for 4 conservative men. Story of Civilization, 10 volumes. $5.00 per month. Large selection Distinction. Odorless, non care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan lose to campus. Write p.m. 10-6-1 maintained. Suitable . for faculty, $225. 351-3969. O Both new condition. Best offer. of - or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. it Lansing. 3-5-18 grad students, business reconditioned used machines. shedding house dogs. LA Great graduation gifts. 355-7837. MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS SUMMER people, married couples. Lease. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New CHATEAU KENNELS (World AND FALL 1 bedroom. LIBERAL X-5-5-24 STUDIOS. C-5-20 _0 share 2 bedroom 3 man 332-3135 or 882-6549. O ROOMMATES for nice Home & "Many Others." $19.95 Known) Member of BFCA and Furnished. Utilities paid. $120 house. In East Lr Air conditioning, pool, Lansing. Jim. to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS AKC. Phone 882-7318. 3-5-17 FUTURE 332-3357. 5-5-24 351-9160. 5-5-18 SALE: OLD BOOKS & MAGAZINES CPA'S. Learn how to "3 distance. $55. 355-7047. Houses Playboys, comics, science fiction, DISTRIBUTING 1115 North COMPANY, SIAMESE KITTENS sealpoint, male prepare for the CPA exam. Becker GIRL NEEDED for 2 Washington, CPA review Call collect. man furnished. nostalgia. 489-6448. C-5-20 course. and female, 10 weeks old. Have Close to campus. Sublet for HOUSES, APARTMENTS, summer, Rooms CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP first shot. $10. 641-6165. 5-5-19 313-864-0128. 1-5-18 hurry $50 summer. per month. Call 541 Grand River (below Paramount). fall. Close to 100 USED 332-3148. 5-5-24 campus. Kitchens. vacuum cleaners. Tanks, 349-3919. 5-5-21 WANTED 1-2 girls beginning fall 1 - 6 p.m. 13-6-4 canisters and uprights. Guaranteed FREE CUTE HEALTHY puppies to term with prof family. Private full good homes. Call 372-7066 or - HOLOGRAMS - iand join one year. $7.88 and up. LARGE TWO party furnished SHARE HOUSE 3 men. Liberal apartments, full bath. Phone. GUITAR, WILSON 6 string. Like DENNIS DISTRIBUTING 351-4287. 3-5-18. A true 3-D picture? efficiencies. Air conditioned, close Restrictions. $50. Utilities paid. Excellent eating available. Close to new, complete with to campus. $135 summer. case and COMPANY. 316 North cedar. Come and see. $150 Phone 393-8380. 5-5-21 campus. Call 337-1525. 5-5-24 lesson books. $175. 882-4735 Opposite City Market. C-5-20 LONELY )e fun . . . LAST kitten looking for fall. Call 484-0585, 484-1328 after 5 p.m. 3-5-20 Public lecture good home. Call Lois. 351-5590. 13-6-4 FOUR MAN DUPLEX. $240 ROOMS, MALES, summer and fall. EKO and demonstration per SIX string guitar, good 1-5-17 Kitchen privileges. Parking. month. Call 351-6616 after 5:30 SEVEN PIECE drum set, ■lock from campus ONE GIRL wanted for 2 349-3919. 5.5.21 Ludwig. condition, $75 or best offer. Also Introduction to lasers man P.m. 3-5-20 Extras, double bass, double torn, matching Vox twelve string. HORSE CO-OP. Near campus. Large apartment. Own bedroom. Call floor and holography. MEN bass, cymbal, with 2 stands Phone 351-1614. 2-5-19 box stalls. 373-6794 or 349-1328. |VER'S edge and after 6 p.m. 332-5120. 4-5-21 TWO PEOPLE needed. Reduced rent. NEW house 3 single rooms, furnished. Cooking, parking. and high hat. Excellent condition. 3-5-17 T.H. Edwards Spacious house. 1V4 years old. $500. C-G Conn alto GUITAR: RICHENBACHER water's edge TWO GIRLS needed fall term. Close. Block from Summer, Winter terms. Phone saxophone. Rockwell trumpet. 12 PUPPIES. PART Physics - Astronomy, rm. 120 campus. 351-8513. X-3-5-19 351-8399. 14-6-4 string with case. Sells, new $435. Beagle and lpartmeimts Call 5-5-24 355-4418 or 355-4431. SIX STUDENTS. Bungalow home. ROOM AND BOARD. Summer 351-6818. 4-5-21 Used, good condition, $275 or best offer. Call Jodi, 332-4443. Schnauzer. 5 weeks old. $10 each. 339-9203. 5-5-18 Tues., May 18, 8 p.m. term. Lr man. per mo. summer TWO Excellent location. Kitchen, Theta Sorority. 349-9371 DYNACO 120 power amp. Dual 4-5-20 BEDROOM, studio. Air parking, 1010 automatic changer. Garrard >e Frank, 351-8862 conditioned. Call after 5 p.m., 2-5-18 laundry. 332-1918. 337-0100. 3-5-18 lab 55 automatic YOU CAN Mobile Homes changer. see the savings with 332-0265. 3-5-20 Panasonic 8 track tape deck. quality glasses from OPTICAL COOKING, MEN, summer and falL RICHARDSON 1967 12'x52' 2 GIRLS GROUPS of 3 and 5. Norelco stereo cassette recorder. - Close to Union. Call ED 7-9566 DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan bedroom. Center kitchen, fully ONE OR 2 Walking distance. Call 332-5731. 5-5-18 Scott model 17 speakers. Ave. 372-7409. 5-5-21 furnished. Set up on lot one block male roommates, 2-5-19 STEREOS signal when wet Meadowbrook Trace. Own room, from city bus line. Excellent $65. Double $42; plus deposit. ROOMS 10 minutes from Receivers, $59.95 up. Speaker PORTABLE SEWING machine, Now there's tR SUBLET. Furnished plus campus. condition, immediate possession. a diaper pin that EAST LANSING.. 3 bedroom Completely furnished. 372-8077 sets, $19.95, up. Compact stereos, Kenmore. $25. Straight stitch. L $150 APT. No. 61. Cedar 882-1698. 4-5-21 duplex. For lease before 4 p.m. C $39.50 up. 8 track automatic tape Good condition. 337-7841. 5-5-21 Sacrifice price. Phone 484-3469 will signal mother when baby - summer or fall. after 5:30 p.m. 5-5-18 e. 15-5-21 wets, via a radio frequency $180 and $220 a month. Call players, $29.50 up. 8 track tapes, LUXURY HOUSE for 6 or 7. transmitter 332-2361. 1-5-18 MEN. CLEAN quiet rooms. Summer used $2.50, new $4.00. Stereo WATER BED UNITS, mattress, liner, housed in the J-SUMMER, 2 girls each own Available fall. Too many extras to MARSHFIELD 1969. 12x65 Front term. Cooking, close to albums, $1.50 down. heater and frame, $76 enlarged head of the diaper |oom. $62 across from describe. 676-2828. 13-6-4 SUMMER: 3 bedroom 2 fireplaces 485-8836, 487-5753. O campus. Italian wall tapestries. Oriental REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, any size. living room, 2 bedrooms, new pin. us. 351-6485. 5-5-18 bedspreads. AM-FM clock and carpeting. Furnished, unfurnished, unfurnished. Completely carpeted. Lansing. 489-6168. TF You get big results from a TWO GIRLS needed for summer. SPARTAN portable radtos. TV sets, walkie skirting. Corner lot at Brookview. 351-7124. 3-5-20 HALL, singles, men, small Cedar Village. Call Jean 351-2412. 625-7186, lot 54. 5-5-18 space when you use women. Now leasing for summer, talkies, tape recorder, and surf GUITAR MARTIN,Model 18C. $225 fcedar GREENS 3-5-19 State News Classified Ads to TWO GIRLS for four girl house. Fall. fall. 351-9286, 372-1031. O board. Merchandise tested and with case. Like new. 484-1740. DETROITER, 10x40. Air sell outgrown children's (bedroom furnishr*l CAPITOL VILLA. Summer sublet. Own rooms. $55. 20 minute walk guaranteed. WILCOX 6-5-18 conditioned, furnished. Excellent furniture. Make a list today, POOL from campus. Call after 8 p.m. FEMALE, CLOSE MSU. Summer. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 E. Spacious apartment. Pool. Air shape. $2000. 351-2462. 3-5-18 dial 355-8255 for a friendly- 351-9421. 2-5-19 Very reasonable. 353-0769. After Michigan, Lansing. Phone SOFA, $9.95: chair, $2.49; chest, I Cull 351-8631 conditioning. 351-4376. 3-5-19 5 p.m., 332-5622. B1-5-18 485-4391. Hours daily: 8 $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC Ad Writer and get extra a.m. - pin NEEDED FOUR people for summer 5:30 p.m. C SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 Lost & Found money now! EFFICIENCIES FOR one or two. Air SINGLE ROOMS available summer flFUL COUNTRY estate: conditioning. Across campus. and/or school year. Private rooms, and fall. 135 Bogue. Call in MUST SELL - Red / yellow bead LOST: MASON hall, brown leather d efficiency apartment furnished. $60 to $70 per month. p.m. curtain WATERBED FRAMES $35 and up. LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial Summer, $115. Fall, $145. Call 355-6972 or 355-7043. 351-0573. 5-5-24 ($10), posters, lamps ($7). jacket. Please return! Reward liamston for 1 or 2 adults. Yellow REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, 355-8255 now for a quick - action 332-4418, 351-1258. 5-5-21 - gold carpet with pad, 9x9 Mark, 355-9422. 3-5-18 ; June 5th. First floor 4-5-21 Lansing, 489-6168. TF Classified Ad. ATTRACTIVE SINGLE for ($45), red curtains ($20), gold le entrance, carpet, utilities responsible graduate woman. curtains ($10). Unique 4'x2' Ided, telephone available, TWO GIRLS needed for 4 man house Summer and next year, references. 4-Channel Color Organ ($300). STOVE, REFRIGERATOR, washer LOST: MALE Siamese, Abbott Road Peanuts Personal lonth. Call 1-521-3842. behind Inn America. 351-6326. and - Fern Street area. Barb, 332-1746. 5-5-24 332-3848, 9-11 p.m., anytime dryer. Excellent condition. 3-5-20 351-0825. 4-5 21 weekends. 5-5-21 Cheap. Leaving country, must JASPER: THANKS for Spacious living and summer SENIORS, GRADUATE ladies sacrifice. Call 351-8449. 3-5-18 a great time TWO BEDROOM furnished, for 4 Saturday Lai Street Apartments fun for the young at heart. - "speaking words of • people summer and/or fall. Near singles and efficiency rooms. Close MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, most Personal wisdom." Signed, Tea Leaves Olympic pool / Club to Union. brands. 30% off list price. Rich: • Color TV I Exercise Room campus. $55/person. 351-0194. 663-8418. B1-5-18 June occupancy. 351-5869.0-5-17 Animals LSAT, ATGSB and GRE Board 1-5-18 15-6-4 • Saunas / Pool Tables Exams. Kaplan tutoring classes iidiiing. Open 6 -7:30 p.m., • EAST LANSING. Unsupervised HUFFY BIKE.90lb. barbell set. Size Volleyball FOUR BEDROOM unfurnished. Easy now being formed for June, July 'lursday. 216 Beal St., One bdr. apts. from $155. rooms. Private entrance Cooking 10 Kalkaska boots; Miller 351-8665. 5-5-21 and August exams. Call 1-6088 or J40-I076. access to campus. $160/month. (313) 1-5-18 Two bdr. apts. from $190. and parking. Nearly new house. bindings, poles 353-1922. 2-5-18 851-6077 collect. 16-6-4 Garage and carport. 393-6051. Summer or fall. $180 and $192 Three bdr. apts. from $220. Ask for Bob Atkinson. 3-5-18 FRIENDLY KITTENS free to 126 MILFORD GIBSON HUMMINGBIRD with hard per term. Call 332-2361. 2-5-19 COLORING, STYLING, MODELS OPEN DAILY shell case. Excellent condition. friendly people. Orange white, razor cuts SUPPORT YOUR business with a [leasing: 2 and 3 man SUMMER FOUR girls near campus. 2 calico, grey. Phone - 337-0052 and outlines. UNION* BUI LDING 1,0051 from Want Ads- Advertise close to campus. 11 A.M. -7 P.M. TWO ROOMS available June 15th. $300,353-8397. 3-5-18 3-5-17 BARBER SHOP. C-5-18 baths, laundry, parking. 351-2605. services there. Dial 355-8255. 351-2207, 372-5767, Quiet. Fine location. Gentlemen. 15-6-4 6. 24-6-4 meadowbrook IV 2-8304. 3-5-20 I rooms upstairs, including laundry Out 496 East to exit, then to TRACE Jolly Rd. corner of DETROIT Two three STREET, bedroom. students. South, 314. Furnished $175 monthly. for For Sale Your Blueprint J icity. No children or Fall. Also available for summer. GOLF CLUBS complete sef ■ $100. 669-6695. 5-5-18 Dunckel and Jolly 351-3969. O Spaulding Dave Ragan's with bag. 393-0210 Also ladies set - 5 irons, 3 woods, |rried students TWO PEOPLE to share 4-man in WEST OF campus. 2 miles. Newly remodeled. Furnished, 3 bedroom, bag and cart. Call John 355-4673 between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3-5-20 Si faculty Cedar Village. 353-7105, evenings. $225. 351-3969. O 2-5-18 FENDER DUAL Showman. Hofner i no security NEEDED FALL, three men violin bass. Both items like new. TWO GIRLS for summer ten |p0sit required campus, furnished. 351-05 occupy downstairs, great locatio Best offer. Call Ken - 355-4673 351-9386. 5-5-21 Parking. 351-0358. 3-5-18 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 2-5-19 knob hill | apartments MODERN APARTMENT, air TWO MAN house. bedrooms, garage. Near campus. Upstairs, 2 MAN'S THREE - new. Mattress and box speed bike, like 349 4700 conditioning, swimming pool. - springs. 4 Available 351-4389.3-5-18 piece rec room furniture. summer term or longer. 11:00-7:00 Mon.-Sat. 332-0239. 3-5-19 482-6552. 1-5-18 LOVELY, FURNISHED 2 5 2:00-5:00 Sunday bedroom houses. Available June. - SUMMER: GIRL needed 4 man in fc shown by appointment Cedar $150 $180 plus utilities. Village. 353-6062, - Okemos Rd. Across 353-6075. 3-5-19 349-3604. 5-5-24 THE BEAVER is coming. SONY m Okemos High School TC-60 HAGADORN AREA. 2 bedroom cassette recorders STODDARD APARTMENTS. apartment for summer. $160. 1 complete. Perfect for classes or Furnished, 2 man. Fall. Close to the bedroom apartment summer and classics, $49.95. Straight campus. Call 351-8238. O fall, $140, utilities included. stereo answers. MARSHALL Phone 351-5285 evenings. 5-5-24 MUSIC COMPANY. C-5-18 APARTMENT FURNISHED. All ROOM. 2 utilities paid. Boys only. Call after bedroom, 5:30 p.m. or all day Saturday and WANTED TO sublet 2 bedroom SONY STR6065 receiver, AR 3a shed, summer term. $140. duplex for summer. Call speakers. Other components, ■6581. 4-5-21 Sunday, IV 2-6677. 3-5-19 351-0935. 2-5-19 351-8907 until midnight. 5-5-20 FURNISHED efficiency LOWER DUPLEX. Two bedrooms. SUMMER OR fall. Near campus. CONN >ne - bedroom apartments. CORNET, Excellent Furnished, carpeted. For June Furnished. Parking. 332-8903 condition. $75 or best offer. Call 15th. 351-5964. 7-5-24 after 6 p.m. 4-5-21 355-6262. X-5-5-19 JlRlS to share bedroom. IV ■95 before 5 p.m.; 351-1857 AROUND THE new idea in student living f. 10-6-1 CLOCK SERVICE One or two Bachelor Units Still a few places MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN EVERYDAY 1 6 except Sunday Featuring: Enclosed Pool Sauna left for summer & fall Phone 332-6441 or 372-2797 MARSHA CHANEL Shag Carpet (new) Snack Bar - Juke Box That's why we have a 24-hour Extra Storage Extra Rooms for Guest TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS answering service. are now leasing student units. Game Room (Pool Table - Ping Pong) These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each Now Leasing. Price $129 for one - $139 for two unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - All utilities paiu except telephone central air conditioning and Hotpoint appliances. These four man 3 mo. leases Burcham Woods Drop in and talk to our leasing agent today. units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time 6 mo. leases has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, 9 mo. leases 745 Burcham recreation rooms arid private balconies. If you want to be 351-3118 halstead management first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units among the 12 mo. leases 444 Michigan Avenue starting at S60/month per man. If no answer - 484-4014 East Lansing Phone: 351-7910 Only 3 and 4 man apts., partment discount starting fail term Summer from $37.50 - Fall from $52.50 We manage 9 apartment buildings and have an apartment for every need. Apartments Addresses Phone * Bay Colony Haslett & Hagadorr 351-3211 ®topctuncrtam Beechwood 1130 deech Street 351-0965 Delta Arms 235 Delta 351-3580 Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen 332-1313 Haslett Arms 135 Collingwood 351-7662 * Princeton Arms 1308 Haslett Road 332-8511 i * North Pointe 1240 Haslett Road 351-3407 University Terrace 444 Michigan Avenue 351-9117 4620 S. HAGADORN 635 Abbott Road 337-2361 g$ 7V//CKWG/MM Twya University Villa just north of Mt. Hope Rd. APTS. •In view of Campus ♦•Pool or Models open at Pool Privileges each complex Monday through Saturday from 3 - 5 p.m. for private a management exclusively by: Contact apartment or Resident Manager today at above telephone call HALSTEAD numbers for your choice of MANAGEMENT. 444 Michigan Ave. East Lansing - I Arr.nopr rd. ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY 351 7910. 12 e News, East Lansing, Michigan Class action controversy 9 a.m. to noon will be at ASMSU from and 1 to 5 p.m. every Wednesday and from 1 to 5 p.m. reactivated, meeting set every Thursday this term. Call 353-0659 for an appointment. There (Continued from page one) introduction of the motion, by recent action relevant to the L shnn £ our ad til is a $3 nominal charge. When coming for your appointment, please check in at the ASMSU business office, minutes read. "This will permit a White "explained that his nonreapportionnient of members of motion would be limited to two the Dept. of Natural Science has shop ,rnm from 1each week people (Van Tassell and Murray) adopted 307B Student Services Bldg. The Chess Club will meet at reconsideration reappointment under the new of his who were denied reappointment a class action, be it resolved that this action include and you'll save money. Just 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in East Holmes procedures." The new in Decemebef, 1970." . Downes." Europe - $220 Round Trip Summer 71 - Jet AIR Hall lower lounge. Please bring sets. procedures referred to by White White said he will Aafify his Seltin said that he has 9ent letter to the Dean of University a tear it out, check the items you "Roots," a Mexican feature film provide that a nontenured motion at the next trustee Intra European Chartered flights, Eurail Pass, with English subtitles, will presented at 8 p.m. Wednesday in be faculty member who is not reappointed should be given meeting, which is scheduled for College requesting Friday. contract of Downes be extended that the want plus any others you need: 106B Wells Hall. Donation $ 1. Britrail Pass & Cycle reasons for the decision to not for one year, and citing the rental — Chartered Nedbec Productions will present reappoint, if requested by the Seltin said that a third natural motion passed by the MEATS I science faculty member, William deparmental faculty. Revolution or "Is This Black Enough faculty member. Although this is for You" at 8 p.m. June 7 in the not presently University policy, the Academic Council has L. Downes Jr., who did not "It would seem to me that request reasons for the decision the board's action should □ Quarter Pork Loin □ Royal Gelatin nimously endorsed the to not reappoint him, has also include all faculty members who offering ' of reasons. The mic Senate will consider requested an extension of his were not reappointed in fall, contract for one year. 1970, whether they asked for (makes 9-11 chops) 3 oz. all flav. the council recommendation on reasons or not," Seltin said. LB Limit 6 please Wednesday. The minutes reveal that in the Faculty members in the Dept. "Just because a person doesn't of Natural Science unanimously yell about these things does not passed a motion on May 3 which mean that he shouldn't be 58c | discussion following the states that, "whereas, the board included in due process." □ Center Cut D 46 oz. Libby Pork Chops Tomato Juice Service" 355-S6I2. All applications must be siihvr ™JLT. Lower LB. 98c Limit 6 please experienced references5 Brighten soul dinner from 4:30 6.:4S p'm' 349 4817 *0 h0USC f°r SPri"9' wi" be Prov'ded by Black Mirage. □ Glendale □ Del Monte 17 oz. 349-0838. 10-6-1 "Soul Explosion" Ill seen ' Smokehouse Fruit Cocktail from 10 p.m. Flat Boneless Limit 6 please Registrar Horace King's letter later, Warrington said, enrollment and a 1.1 per cent to incoming freshmen which "This would cause an increase drop in total University Ham GUITAR, DRUM, urged students to declare a field in the number of changes in enrollment, ls 9gc □ R.C. Weils HaH* of concentration may cause a major made," Warrington added. drop in no • preference "But I feel very positively John N. Winburne, asst. dean of student affairs in University or Diet-Rite EeFstevens wil|bebe onVhe pa^el and »id R.l h Nlcholi inden! 'roJ gvalu! enrollment next fall, Willard toward the no - preference W.r, Harrington, director of program," Warrington said. If College, attributed this drop to the decreased enrollment of Cola 8-10 oz. botl. studiesCen,er- of luation services and asst. dean the drop occurs, it will disappear 1 University College, said as the impact of the letter freshmen last fall term due to economic reasons. □Grand Prize Call Beai House at 332-ss55 this >ntly. Students may consider the diminishes. The spring term enrollment A 10.1 per cent drop occured in University College enrollment Beef Chuck Limit 6 please ^9^ summeMerm roomand boardforrtop ,etter 811 ultimatum and declare report from the Office of the for the spring term, the report Le a maJor. only to end up Registrar showed a 14 per cent showed. This could also account Steak 79c m.a.c. Ave. □ at 52 5 ;ferring into no - preference drop in no - preference for the drop in the no - preference category since students enrolled in University Comm Arts Assn. College are usually no preference, Winburne said. □ "A change of enrollment in University College effects the □ □ to get alumni charter number enrolled preference," Winburne said in no - □ Monday. PRODUCE The Communication iimni Assn. will receive an Arts for educational, professional and social purposes and to provide To determine whether there was a significant drop in no - □ ial charter itive board of the MSU from the an advisory service, continued Interest and financial support for preference enrollment, the 1971 f*ll term enrollment report □ Fresh Florida ni Assn. at 4 p.m. today in the College of Communication would have to be analyzed, I FROZEN FOODSI 112 Kellog Center. Jack Arts. Winburne said. Sweet Corn Kinney, executive director of the Alumni Assn. will present the charter to the □ Spartan 16 oz. 5/45" mnication arts association's board of directors. It Commencement Strawberry be the 13th alumni assn. to □ Hot House ive a charter at Michigan f. (Continued from . . , page _ one) at Washington University and completed graduate pediatric Halves 29c Tomatoes ,49" lembers of the interim board the National . Science training at St. Louis General Edward Deeb, chairman assn., Detroit; Sandra of Foundation. n* Evans will receive an Children's Hospital. □ LARRY'S ONLY GOODRICH'S honorary doctor of medical ser, vice chairman, Haslett; science degree in recognition of □ We carry a complete "Michigan Week Gordon Thomas, executive Rncf T^ncintJ* :ary, East Lansing; flharloc East Lansing; Emerson Charles ^ Hit contributions century of to the Robbery supply of package Special," Sanders' Cherry Pie 79c :her, East Lansing; Joe improvement of medical (Continued from page one) DAIRY Lansing; David DeVinney, ucaislon reading the note, the teller He the author of "The Crisis MISCELLANEOUS .Ig, ig; Mrs. John Fouts, East James uiuss, ig; uames Gross, uKemus; Okemos; Medical Education" and many cash reportedly handed $8,300 in to Johnson, who placed it □ 16 oz. Spartan Grow East Lansing; Boyd ? recommendations have into a bag and moved quickly iller Haslett- Robert n lncorPorated into the from the bank. Sliced American □ idorf, Williamston; Juanita and Phi|os°phy of the Some 45 persons in the bank an, East Lansing; Phillip tberger, Lansing; Lawrence ~ College of Human Medicine, at the time, except for the teller, £ars he. wa,s executive were not aware a hold - up was Cheese 73c □ will make a Sarbaueh Okemos- Robert fpoclate for medical affairs of in process, the official said. E'ast Lansing,'and "jj ' □ ' □ ' - ', 6 Mike ma major or foundation foundation noted nnlsH tnr for 'its lc Fo,,°wingtheroutine * procedure, tu„ ™bbery i teller pressed the ti ', Detroit. interest in medical education. alarm button, and East Lansing Jack Evans has been Bain, dean of the the World Health Organization an adviser of police arrived about two minutes later. □ □ illege of Communication Arts, since 1952. His honors include Police reportedly detained a seat and enjoy the will review University programs honorary doctor of laws from persons in the bank for about 10 iodav nd related to communication arts. Western Reserve University; the minutes to obtain descriptions The •* purpose of the assn. is to Alumni Award of Washington of the robber and other a framework for the University and the Centennial information. Bank business with common interests Award of the New York Medical returned to normal shortly after, leet fomally or informally College. He earned a M.D. degree the official said. GOODRICH'S SHOPRITE LARRY'S SHOPRITE In Spartan Shopping Center. SUPER WOLVERINE IS HERE! 1109 E. Grand River, Between Harrison at Trowbridge. Between Gunson & Mllford. Close to East Spartan Village and Cherry Lane Campus. Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 Apts. Hours: Mon. - Frl. 9 to 9 to 9. Frl. & Sat. 9 to 10. Sunday Saturday 9 to 6. SPECIAL COUPON! PICK UP YOUR YEARBOOK Gr Beef Roast 30* AT ROOM 30, STUDENT SERVICES 3 lb. or larger 8 AM00 Tn c 30 off T0 ^ PM With coupon and $5 purchase (IF YOU HAVEN'T BOUGHT YOURS —T SPECIAL COUPON! YET, CHECK OUT THE NEW 71 WOLVERINE AT YOUR Lay's "790 bag" FAVORITE BOOKSTORE) Potato Chips 20* n and $5 off purchase