Pfiet'tant, r!h« ■ "m'.rr;T'wl»ry ni% «**% ty | 90 Co-eds Are Of1 nophotuMi v Kit , (ti« full) * h ,,ilv Women I'totn M1YS I ' " P.lltli. AM m! which t \.'W 11. i .mi »ul ..r Men tin.-; ORCHESTRA TO SENIORS FINISH • VWlv rll.»., N.ln Hannv Htiswdtn ing. Amy .lean i ^ Alio#* llo|«|ihniv Bui-1 Ml, Klrnnoi Kennedy.!, raiherine Kreht.1 it, Alice |dv, Julie I v- 'mi used if t un the ,i ttiNiugti !»«•» etri'llcnt work Meskill G t-tj,» Mann. MatlH i Mm- j Rtiirt, huft»iiig ' i' MoOurdy,. Jean Mr- II- w-M'- mm' i«f thvi i Mfiyi.stentl v rweived high nun i nfltiit staged to give the | undoubte/tl v ;• t Kin* M< Jo-1 - Im Im'V• I have;hiU(|f« ui that Mudy iiH well as the Juniors mi opportunity to learn i tno't teli v. out Milter. Mai» Mi Mullen. i nn Fi'ini rMtw i -, ,,s| ,,f j,,., ,,f study. She the prn« lu «l .tide of coromandirig i 'vears nidtKOg Si'- " Montgomct \ . Bernice | Flirabcth Net!;. Kathrvn j wauidcit hkr "tias?; vttriricr »* the daughter nf j'or the neat «irid final parade of the A,-?-, r Haoul Nh's, Patricia in maki the ground cf,| jed and g«K-. I fjktiwv ft Rodney, r-ommand-'season on the mofrnng of June 10, (give up" Am In . , 1..Yui n Ann Pratt. Iter- fthnkf ke an get you stared an{ f,f the R O T C corps at the!when the seniors will form the ! r «icUm. So d goen S- Marvel Purs Icy. tome time to walk I cnllege. and in .ttie third member i reviewing corps In addition, '» ,.MKiy of itr.v' Henr. Virginia Reynold*, npte you would geti„f the family to matriculate nl afford* the younger men a chance; *ons from th«- n nobmson,. IVatrtce Rolieit- stiif? like that, tmt i .Sfiite Her two sisU-rs, Angelica to get into the swing of their corn- : grand'- Skid more, Chlori* ing enrnp activities v P a Smith. Beverly Jane jT'-mpiar has-his own di*t,ruHi,«. « Appointments and promotions | selection of wearing app»r*-i It < era gowns <--t' Aima Sotnem, Helene Spat- lor today's parade are temporary, Starr. Marjorie Siumr. : j coming toward the end of another wricrean rr.*• Bar-he-nr iV v Thurston. Barbara Trant- Iofficers in charga stated. Juniors year at State, and soon we will tx» from < >r jt» i .a. ! will b«' tested only slightly in the j blessed with • group of specially- The «' yi- of Amer ^ "*• •-* Wilhttc. Talladay. Pat White. Kathryn Wolfe. STUDENTS LEAVE parade; their real trial will come i dressed people of our own. They had ?h,*- ed?c on Brt later when they undergo a periow- hut 3? was really the d stng the Alma Mater. wrA then be icd Jaeger. I av>r a Horning, of strenuous training at '•*.«• .urt camp* »ng black gown and wear a las- the hood* that adder! i tv V . y Hickey, Margatrt Sut- Jane Lough, Mary FORT RETREAT Custer and Sheridan Those who seled cap- -wturt will lie commonly Americanism do superior work there will be known as » graduating senior i other ' the •>rder in which it entered, ***■ lark" One migh? t uld then go lo %lt*» Catherine Wagner. Sue Everybody will be able to tell our nessed.a long line of rota-d degrw*- Yak* !« v < office where Betty Sherrat. THelma S C CU« Of '« by Ihu ilyle holdrf. and they will' Marjorle Frater. Dorothy though. ' i»nl<..|r t).,n thrir Atidomaa upon ppa» of K'iwn Hut th» inatttutum ta (C.rftttnua.1 00 paga 2' **** and Charlotte wti'ion of in. r„rlp! pi>d*rl]f Wheetley filled out arni signed ! YiUnun 0 IN MKMOKI \M Passing Show Send Your Interesting Hook Baggage Display Found In Home by liotany Building Many Yalwnrs of Boakt R»pr. Sport Shirts RAILWAY EXPRESS Short Starve* Kti! Ymrt of Coll«ctio| No i»Md to boMian riurwlf with Ui* transport**' $1.65 to $1.95 b> Dm Bnxy. •11 h mf by Railway Hxpt*m. tb* way...merely talephro* Railway i Sport Coats •••11 calt fof-the •«v«rr ahiymrou—whak Uwm away , trains, awifily and safety to dwujrsat'v Blue. Brawn, Gray . Raw* •orpttarf' 'irr : ' *--■ •" • r>ur.;hcr. p*v « visa to tV. F A $12.50 nae«»dpy'* *x$k* in u*r Botany v- *.?»" Tk. Plants and Cut Flowers &>**>-'* library ■ - j«-e. Sii*» H-vi a«2«tadf two ckvuikU complrioly of hooka,' i i 'aiN.;:vi. Tlse Eissr ' »^surtMil# and pamphlets deaUna Straw Hats » ch%-tniti£ In Modorwsth *wne take or ether of botany, fl.»0 to I for Memorial Day w v. *• v Mr wheh These book% ate the product of receded, and «**• forty-five years -of teaching on the * r \s .; tt v! several flora! jam of Dr Tcssey a father, who at the i graduated from Michigan State in >'*" . SCftVING THt NATION IO« •* en dtcnaftfo ?>f the piano lffi®, and then taught botany at I HOUSE of FLOWERS wrtyir-s of the violin wurks the Umvrroty of leva and the w-ry j-dmirAb'y by; University of Nebraska few the re- Railway express Miller. who alvo re- mainder of his life, and : lis W. (.road Rnr' rkono S321* l«enti|; se^ er. vj-ars of lea.-hing on thip'paiT CJ. - NATION .W 101 SAIl.AII 11 ' v 1 hf Ai^dwtjce i of Dr Be*»ey himself, who taught . 'riwf'iny* m»v iojia Piitfn Tlirr* Annual Inlor-Frafoiiiity Parlv IMANIlKI IIHKNI Staff Beer Baron Offers Hold in fivmiiasiiim \ais( Friday Foaliirod Ann Arlmr Orolioslra 1 ,'Ur,v!! f Studio GIVES RECITAL Static Tips to Carefree Seniors I alt nlr«| I Ma Aiimiswl l»v C'nlUgr Sumlitli May l»r Helpful l«i Many Pupil t»f Hit It aid* Krndoift V'atird Piogmni in Wli« Arrit'l lor lined Hi Study , I'mow Monday. State Theater II tp tMTlONM v M I i in i OI.I.MP; Barratt's Shoe Repairing When you come bock next •^"51 PATRONIZE 1 i> r a beach suit or jacket J ! j M.nan Kirby of Drtro.t I ribboned this with Dr and Mr., i A &*«*> dinner guest#. Maw w w«i. Thursday i vt ruiifi Lyda Whitney of Kaiama- . NEWS "nil shorts with as much Izoo woe a week-end guest of lli i* ! xr* as yoy order your en l-cc at the hou« rutins habit. , ENTOHOLOGY PROFESSOR P ttcd Swiss for cvcning.l LEAVES ON TWO DAY TRIP • must have a rubber bathing suit. They Will Appreciate Your Support Record-Breaking EASTERN MEET Two Michigan Games Feats Viewed by Scribe ATTRACTS M^SC. Cports Menll This Week For State; O rail U tlH-al Student One of latgc Crowd Ttul Applsttib Prftntmancr nt Ohio State Sptintei. C.irat RrHBT|MIW I BflL»lsir TRACK MEMBERS Lose to Teachers 5-2 tt« littUttJ I IMUAtll u mi whir Young Uhitaiileil as to Starter* * in Annual Fastrtn • IterR Starting Tutlav With Pntrhin Oppntine Hint on Mmiiui Memmial Hay Game llric Willi Mill Pinbahly to Oppott l.arton; Itranill Wim Own (tame It* SI Tilt II i u Unptdlv ttcitring l ho • Irotch • *1 I hi- foil ilylllg «• >11. . , i .i-t~i> ill «i «• -mi i ••nit lx«»i •- wnx in Ami Artnti tmln\ w h| ■; u ,.i f«« till « i oi v i»n« thin wt.H'k with I lit \\ \ i I jiii f)(. I 11 \ « i I f \ .1 Ml. Ililfoll A go 111 "t the 111! I,t inn. it< *» i M-nduig Johnnie Iti'ig. th»* titll Iloitilioiu» I < i*i.-hi who h.i n i »i In! t poltn- opening iln\ \•> I'd. Inn wii- t*\ p«» I •.' I»c Ihr MiMuiHiiitf hill Id | It. r.,-1 n ,1! hn. .'II I •oil.'-go field foe till- - . M. III. I Ir.l .« II h{it I!• . .. I Inn STATE NETTERS WIN AND LOSE took Good Defeating Ypsilanti Friday. I o»e to Western Satitrdar. YEARLINGS WHIP FM;,*riRSv,mru"w BATTLE CREEK J. C. Plioro t:\PKKl IHSPIAK 1ILIOKI SIGMA PI SIGMA («!Im Star. ii Freak N< Ik IT V- Mn Mvo. PrMMM " FROSH PLAY TWO GAMES THIS WEEK Sold All Moke — Rented T> pew filer. — Hepaired I r.tnklin IteKleine I « Try fur Nsond Win O.rr We.t- Iff it; it Jatk.on Pn.on AIM. . £(U: a la?-off of nearly two Mum.nurr \**»s.sen: h.m *.) Middle ot the match with a case of wveks Ihc fieshmen hascUall team will :r*uroe it* achedule Wed- , nwaslcv Giving the cancellation RAINBOW RECREATION nesday. Ma? 29. when they oj.en of Jhc ma**'b their road trip by going to K.'hi- State * p'inis were gathered by] HOWLING • BILLIARDS masno to meet the Western Stateja u*,tt ^ jri Steal? ir. the single*, frxwh in a return game The an^ w:ns ,n both the double# en-1 THRKK SNOOKERS KIM I M(son pnobabl?1 be at third and short in partment to their group . ir* menu as yet The changes will which bases it* work on but! P^ple act. as they do. has elected Professor Hunt of the etiology de- Some of the other members of why SfCTATE .. *■. ^ ' J,. . the Infteld and at right fleld in the j this committee are Dr. Lawrence .... —r^r-«pTy league in (Snyder of Ohio State university. C w. - Ben Van AUtene and • _ ,k! Walters is the probable Dr. Leon J. Cole of the University gkvfees crtf!'. rue to hit the winning p^r i.' ' - 4 >• * * I rttrter on the mound against of Wisconsin. Dr. Harry II. Lough- X. .nti 1X-. and then w mr .ng ixst u \r^ h >t rv ^ Western He already has one vie- j lin of the Carnegie Institute. Dr S-mntay ft«, u* to* lunmt ur. .thW« w Wayne usttvenatl" • dub ih^, „ Van has f<;re he grab, the sheepskin W,^.' University Medical college. Dr.! jncKTMf potential;?- good golfers and ■ Wlth ar this inttihs*: and ir still m second place J Ucm -should hivr a dh»mpkr.Khij*: wh*il» R»rilin* ii .till low »!Utou(h . . .j! dike of Columbia university, Paul; |' „ ... K.„ ... ... Popenoc of Pasadena. California, j golf tears to add to its vast array ■ drum* out a .mglr ataimt WM. *• "" thc WU *hM1 ,h® '"Mwwn ■ . of champion*. Ken who have looked good, thus far are Bob Her- a Uuir.p (oc «om« tune now and • r»ck, Edri*e KrordanJ Lee Hen- : ■richaorv Gift Hamlin. Xeal v , i"1' Tay¬ h" dropped conaklorably j.nco i Tay. llw fiW month ^ pijiv lor. Clare Bos. and a few other players who are out practicing Support the advertaer. In the | faithfully every day. •Michigan State Neva; thev tap- |lM>rt your coll