atsmen JOHN VIGES By JOHN VIGES a.-j Sunday even take Big 10 that was championship ■ ■ crown granted at the State State News Sports Writer meeting of District 4 officials. was an independant team the nine Clancy after his win assured first place, but The Dlini hit only two balls out of the Dlini scored their only r years that Litwhiler coached there and he they swarmed over Maas after the Utica infield The leadoff batter walked on a 3-2 °ft?n, J" the shadows of MSU's had only come close in his eight the entire game. The last two I no-hitter by Kirk Maas Saturday, plus powerful hitting this season, pitching was MSU. years at senior had watched, arms raised in pitches Maas threw gave the MSU outfield pitch and went to second on a passed ball by catcher Bailey Oliver. After the next l Ditching by Larry Ike and Rob Clancy the big factor over the weekend. exaltation, the last out of the game fall into its only action of the game. Shortstop and Rob Larry Ike The two wins over Purdue clinched a tie left fielder Ron Pruitt's batter was retired right fielder Ken Ossola I svidav keyed three Spartan wins that Clancy stifled Purdue 8-2 and 7-2 and a playoff berth for the glove. Garry Nicholson looped a short fly to Gary hit a slow hopper to Rashead. At first he LLpd MSU its first Big Ten baseball to clinch the Big 10 championship and when Michigan's second Spartans and Boyce in center field and the Illini catcher, could not find the handle on the ball and fiioiiship silut' 1954' senior Kirk Maas put the icing on the resulted in a tie (the game with Illinois "It's beautiful, really great," Maas said Larry Swakon, hit the high fly to Pruitt. when he did, he threw it I* conference championship on Friday. season and on his career at MSU with a 2-1 game was called because of darkness) MSU owned the title after he had freed himself from his A walk and three errors by third over Dace's head y )h,i !,, .-bull game on Saturday. What no hit victory over Illinois. The Spartans teammates. "I had been thinking about it baseman Phil Rashead were the only allowing the run to score. The following 11 lost the final outright. things batters all fell before Maas' since the fourth between Maas and a perfect game. pitching. Leonid a baseball team ask for from a to game of the regular season 5-2 MSU finished with a 13-3 conference inning. Mass picked up four strikeouts Illinois. "I had a real good curve ball Rashead's throw pulled first baseman Mj( weekend.' mark and a 36-8 season record. The today, and the Dlini, the best over The this was what I was lit could for the District 4 playoffs MSUs coach championship was the first for Spartans are ranked No. 2 in the country. out on. I getting most of them John Dace's foot off the bag on the first hitting conference play, and he walked only the team in ■ be held at MSU's John Kobs field, and Danny Litwhiler. Florida kept the ball low and they were play of the game. Maas then retired nine Spartans rushed out to congratulate hitting everything on the ground." men in a row until the fourth when the one batter. (Please turn to page 6) Let . . . Monday . the people know the facts, MICHIGAN Wind/ . • • TATE MEWS I and the country will be safe. - Abraham Lincoln STATE . . . with thundershowers. showers. Chance of High between UNIVERSITY 67 and 72. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 24, 1971 Trustees unanimously OK student participation report By STEVE WATERBURY '"Matters of exclusive concern to the policy designed (as in the Code of Teaching who can be either an undergraduate < State News Staff Writer faculty, such as their salary, leaves, Responsibility) to provide remedies for student working toward a professional insurance and other fringe benefits, health poor teaching or negligent performance," it degree. The board of trustees Friday service and housing, retirement. reads. The college representatives will be unanimously approved an amended version •"Matters affecting the distinctively The bylaw amendments also state that selected for one year terms according to of the Revised Recommendations professional duties of the faculty, namely, student inputs, in the area of evidence procedures established by a vote of the Concerning Student Participation in the duties that flow from the faculty's regarding teaching performance, "must student Academic Government popularly known as constituency of the several obligation to maintain the intellectual figure significantly whenever decision colleges. the Taylor Report. authority of the University as a center of concerning substantive issues of tenure are Graduate students will have six The report, a series of amendments to the detached inquiry and disinterested pursuit in process of being formed." representatives selected from those colleges faculty bylaws, will be implemented on an of truth. , However, in the event of a conflict, with which have a graduate training function. experiemntal basis for the next two years. •"Matters in which the distinctively student favoring the reappointment of Ten student seats on the council are Two trustees commented briefly on the professional rights of the faculty are at reserved for student representatives- at - faculty member whose performance the report, which had earlier been rejected by issue, as in decisions concerning the faculty regards as below the level of the large in order "to ensure a systematic the board and sent back to the Academic substantive issues of tenure, that is, the University, "the faculty's judgment would representation of nonwhites and women." Council for revision. re-appointment, promotion, or dismissal of Of the 10 at large seats, at least six are carry." - Trustee Warren M. Huff, D-Plymouth, individual members of the faculty whose reserved for nonwhites, and at least five are Each of the colleges whose primary said he was "happy to see an interim appointment places them under the rules educational task is the education of reserved for women. conclusion" to an issue that has dominated of tenure." The slate of candidates for the at the academic governance structure for undergraduates, will have one - large The report states that teaching remains a positions will be prepared by a Student more than two years. undergraduate student representative, . matter of student coneern. while the Colleges of Osteopathic Committee on Nominations consisting of Trustee Patricia M. Carrigan, D-Ann "Student representatives may, with the Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Human student member of the Arbor, said the bylaw amendments "that steering perfect propriety, raise questions of general Medicine, each will have (Please are proposed for adoption today carry us one representative turn to page 7) further than we are and not as far as many of us hoped." The board's action will increase student COMM. ARTS representation on the Academic Council from three nonvoting members to 31 voting members, and will increase the total Riding shotgun membership of the council from 102 to 133 members. The document provides that "each department and school and each center or institute that has academic responsibilities, Oyer appointed dean By MICHAEL FOX Journalism Student Four New York City policemen of a Harlem precinct talk with whose work and Advisory a or concerns students, shall Committee (J-SAC) boycotted the plainclothesman urmed with a shogun who will be a member of a develop patterns for the significant BECKIE HANES process for selecting students to serve on support unit that will accompany policemen on routine patrols. There involvement of its students in the decision - State News Staff Writers the search and evaluation committee. lave been three attacks on New York making processes by which policy is J-SAC criticized the search and police since Wednesday, resulting formed." Herbert J. Oyer, professor and n the death of two chairman of evaluation committee because two policemen and gunshot injuries to two others. The final version of the report restricts audiology and speech AP Wjrephoto sciences, was appointed dean of the voting students were included on the student voting on: committee of eleven. College of Communication Arts by the board of trustees Friday. Oyer came to MSU in 1960 as an associate professor and director of the oard passes increase Oyer, whose appointment is effective July 1, succeeds Jack M. Bain who Speech and Hearing Clinic. He became announced last October his intention to chairman of the Dept. of Speech in return to full - time teaching as 1964 and chairman of audiology and chairman of the Communications 100 speech sciences in 1967. course. With his doctorate from Ohio residence hall charges By BILL HOLSTEIN - bedroom unit and from $115 to $118 enrollment" for fall term and that raising The board's action ended a six month search for the new nominees. Erwin Bettinghaus, asst. dean of the College of Communication Arts, and Davis K. State University, Oyer received his bachelor's degree from Bluffton College, Ohio and the M.S. Ed. from Bowling Green State University. In 1969 he received the highest State News Staff Writer for a two - bedroom unit. rates tend to hurt the number of students Berlo, chairman of the Dept. of Trustees Warren Huff, D-Plymouth and in dorms. Communication, were also being HERBERT J. OYER faculty honor bestowed by MSU, the Clair White, D-Bay City, voted against the considered for the position. Distinguished Faculty Award. Don Stevens, D-Okemos, remarked that Provost John E. Cantlon received the Friday as a "late item" on the meeting's Under Oyer's direction, clinical speech ie board of trustees increases. residence hall occupancy rates were down Friday agreed to an and hearing programs have been created imistrative recommendation to increase In making the recommendations for because the board "ignored" the three names from the dean's search and agenda. at four hospitals and health care «nce hall rates from $1,080 to $1,140 increases, Roger Wilkinson, vice president administration's recommendation for the evaluation committee in April but was Oyer was not available for comment facilities in Michigan and he has helped he academic for business and finance, said a 20 cents liberalization of residence hall regulations. not supplied any ranking of the Sunday. year, an increase of $20 plan research programs in speech and term. per hour increase in wages for Local 1585, Huff had voted against liberalizing the candidates. Cantlon made the Controversy developed fall term in the e board also increased married recommendation of Oyer to the trustees search for Bain's successor when the hearing in Nigeria and India. a six per cent increase in the cost of food regulations; Stevens had favored them. housing 'fom $109 to and increases in utility costs necessitated $112 per month for a the increases in rates. To illustrate the increase in utility costs, Wilkinson later said the University paid Dismissal $1.5 million for coal in 1968-69 whereas it lraeli envoy policy will pay about $2.7 million this year. He noted that the 5.6 per cent rate hike was less than the normal 6.0 per cent of inflation. By STEVE WATERBURY Qin, found Wilkinson said the new housing rates will add $1,380,000 to the University's revenues for a projected total of The State News Staff Writer board of trustees Following Carr's presentation, board members governance voted to structure ask the to University reconsider result of a motion passed by the trustees in April which offered a one year extension to all faculty members who were not in a motion unless the change is accepted by both the supporter and the mover." The original motion which was seconded Friday $23,700,000 in 1971-1972 above the reappointed in fall, 1970, and who by Stevens, was a class action motion, and 1 unanimously approved a policy statement University policy in this area. Previously at apartment current year's revenue of $22,423,000. Though 6,700 first - time freshmen will which provides that a nonturned faculty member who is not given a further MSU, there was no prohibition against the offering of reasons, but there was also no requested but were denied reasons for that action. Murray and Van Tassell were specifically named in the discussion following the ftUL, Turkey (AP) - The body be admitted this fall, compared to 5,600 last fall, the hall occupancy rates of 90 per appointment, after the expiration of a requirement that reasons be offered. MSU has been the target of two recent A dispute concerning whether or not introduction of the motion. iirv« diplomat was found in a cent will remain unchanged, Wilkinson specific contract term "shall be given the motion was a class action motion, or "The only reason I mentioned i tor a" credits | State News D-Ann Arbor The contract is to be administered by a seven-member joint Wisconsin in 1968 after serving there as director of planning and •Voter Voui administrative board an advisory group which will act as the a progr (See story p. 1) liaison committee between the college and hospital. The joint J^its ago by board will select and recommend members of the hospital staff SEEKS MONEY CONTROL of East for appointment to the MSU faculty and will make recommendations on various research programs for the hospital pes to bring | iear on elei or college. the war in Market plan outlined Prime Minister Edward Heath outlined to his cabinet Numerous other cooperative arrangements are called for in the contract. Warren Huff, affiliation. D-Plymouth, was the only trustee opposing the Election bill hearings set The group colored gree S) who in ti send th ci The Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities document, in London Sunday the British case for joining the WASHINGTON the graduate equivalent of the Academic Freedom Report for (AP) - A devices. Commenting on the eve of ambition and Common Market. Senate panel hearings a host of undergraduates, provides for a judicial structure through which opens Caught in the crackdown the hearings, the National unattractive The first test will come in the House of Commons Monday on a bill to plug most of would be dozens of traditional motives complaints and grievances can be resolved and infractions of Committee for an Effective segment of regulations adjudicated and also attempts to define the the loopholes cherished by dodges used by everyone from Congress said Sunday bit Congress" Monday. money blocked action relatinships and responsibilities between graduate students and candidates to hide sources of presidential candidates to dominates the election Political pundits are having a field day - ranging all the system campaign-reform their departments or colleges. money they spent in getting Mansfield himself. and is undermining public legislation recent years. way from speculation that a parliamentary vote could elected. The Justice Department is to The approval Friday culminates more than 21 months of confidence in government and bring his Conservative government down to speculation Part of a package to limit send Deputy Atty. Gen. Richard politicians. For example, Sen. Job that the issue could break up the opposition Labor spending for WHite House and G. Klein die nst as the leadoff Russell Hemenway, director Tunney, D-Calif., listed "N Party. Congress races, the measure witness before the Senate Rules of the for his spending last Everyone seems to agree that most members of Parliament favor Britain going into the European Quake victims would force a detailed public listing of where the money comes from and where it goes. Committee in hearings The two on the charges. days of package already has won statement privately supported, non-partisan NCEC, said in a 90 per cent of the money spent on campaign comes though a spokesman said the cost of the race hit $1.3 fall', economic bloc. Senate passage of the bill, The bill would approval of the Senate from fewer than 10 per cent of plug thi pushed by Majority Leader Mike requiring all of sought in Turkey Commerce Committee for its the people. And most of this is a candid British consul Mansfield, D-Mont., and by Sen. plan to limit campaign spending committees to file full re kidnapped John 0. Pastore, D-R.I., is to 10 cents per potential voter, hidden, he said. Hemenway added that with the Senate and 1 Three considered likely. Its fate in the with only half of that going for to cover all donations men kidnaped Stanley E. M. Sylvester, the ''partisanship, ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) - reports getting out of Bingol, House is uncertain. radio-TV. narrow-mindedness, self-interest. spending. honorary British consul in Rosario, Argentina Sunday Rescue workers continued to The Mansfield mostly by radio, the scene there bill would and a leftist terrorist group called the Revolutionary drag living and dead from the Residence halls was one of stark tragedy, with close the gaps that allow Army of the People issued a communique later saying it ruins of Bingol, eastern Turkey, survivors scrabbling in the ruins candidates to omit was responsible. Sunday, and the death toll from for relatives and friends. money reporting raised by numerous remove The communique said Sylvester was Saturday's earthquake mounted campaign committees, funnel kidnaped in toward 1,000. "It's horrible," shouted a other funds connection with the second anniversaryof the death of a telephone operator in a brief through hidden The quake destroyed 90 per groups in the nation's capital, night banks for security conversation from young leftist in a clash with police here in 1969. cent of the town, including the a and use quake-struck town near Bingol. dummy names and It was accompanied by an identification card of hospital, prison and high school. Sylvester, 58, who also is director of the huge Swift de The official death toll now The earthquake hit Bingol as la Plata meat packing complex in Rosario. stands at about 800-half of them in the town itself and the rest in residents were preparing for bed. The town was plunged into U' College By JIM SHELDON Underwood reception added desks have been many bathrooms connecting one r< to another in many i outlying villages. darkness, and steady rain State News Staff Writer burglarized but said he did not halls. Seale deliberations resume Officials said, however, hampered rescue work. know the total loss from these A jury of five blacks and seven whites resumed contact had still not been made Turkish slates bylaw Due to a recent robbery at the Williams Hall armed incidents. Between $100 and Through the other prog with many, of the mountainous authorities, drilled in $150 Was lost in the three already under experiment deliberations at noon Sunday on the fate of Black province's 322 villages and earthquake relief techniques reception desk, residence hall Holden and Wilson Halls robberies. officials have ordered that cash Panther Chairman Bobby Seale and codefendant Erika Huggins in New Haven, Conn. hamlets. The province has a total population of 150,521. after annual disasters since 1966, began sending a stream of relief vote by mail banks will no longer be available after closing hours in women's No staffers have yet been injured, he said, and officials are telephone will be installed in vestibules on the women's of residence halls. The i Members of th According to the few sketchy supplies into the area. Deliberations were interrupted Saturday morning residence halls and in Williams removing cash banks to make doors will remain open. listributed "Tr At their last meeting of the when a juror became mildly ill. Hall. sure no injuries do occur. year University College faculty Change still will be available Persons wishing to The Sunday jury session marked the fifth day of deliberations in the case involving the torture and slaying two years ago of Panther member Alex Rackley. m don't decided Thursday to send proposed changes to college bylaws to the faculty for a mail Robert C. Underwood, manager of residence halls, said three robberies of reception during regular business hours. Two other security measures, proposed by the campus security building living areas will required to telephone destination for an escort, 0ED Phone strike forget vote. The changes include an increase in student participation desks this year have made it "not worth the risk" to staff committee, will begin next fall in residence halls. Chain locks men's side of residence h open 24 hours a da urged on University College standing personnel who work alone at the will be installed on doors of have the service. Pc L1IMS committees and creates a new desks at night. Bell telephone employes T0DAY were urged Sunday to Night staffers are too authorize a nationwide strike if the committee, the Student Affairs utility does not Committee. vulnerable to attacks, raise its contract offer. Underwood said, and residence Joseph A. Beirne, president of the Communications Workers of America, made the plea from Washington in SSfgf is dark Macel Ezell, asst. professor of American Thought and Language and chairman of the hall officials are more concerned with the safety of students rather than the loss in money. OCC vote an unusual television ad hoc committee on student "Membership Meeting of the Air" The decision to remove the irregu lariti es participation, headed panel broadcast over 65 television stations. Beirne called Bell's 11 per cent basic wagehike offer double day consisting of Mary Tomkins, associate professor of American a cash banks was made by officials because of concern over the inequitable, and noted the union's economists urged 25 Williams incident. On May 16, Thought and Language; Allen per cent increase immediately. Stiles, Lincoln Park junior; and the Williams night receptionist Thursday's Off-Campus Council (OCC) elections were thro COLD MEAT PLATE Gerald Scarborough, Lansing told police he was alone at the out by the OCC elections commissioner early Friday becauseo number of irregularities in voting procedures. desk when two men entered the Laxity causes concern sophomore. building, one of them drawing Election Commissioner Sara S. Ulrey, East Lansing sem Includes sliced corned beef, a knife, and demanded money. said that confusion over the number of write-in ballots allow Gen. Creighton W. commander of U.S. forces in Abrams, Vietnam, turkey, USDA CHOICE TOP MTWTh Robbers escaped with $91.63 in cash and with $8 in postage discrepancies between the ballot count and the number of on the OCC tally sheet, and the fact that the polls were not o| was reported Sunday deeply FOOT LONG from 8 a.m. to noon as required by elections procedures were I ROUND OF BEEF, ham, stamps. concerned about an apparent laxity in cottage cheese and an HOT DOG MEDIUM .50 Other earlier robberies this year occurred South factors behind her decision to declare the elections Miss Ulrey said that later investigation invalid. removed military fundamentals at Charlie 2, an at orange section. PEPPERONI 1 Cft Wonders and South Hubbard discrepancy between the ballot count and the tally sheet, but s outpost where a rocket took a heavy S1 25 1.3U Halls. Although these were not the elections were still invalidated. toll of lives. I PIZZA .. TUESDAY SPECIAL ONLY armed robberies, Underwood "Somewhere between the time the election boxes were pic The attack Friday on the fire-base, four miles southeast of the 332-6517 said the receptionists were "conned" out of cash - on - up and when we began counting ballots, some of th<> t? -y s disappeared," she said. "But we found the tally sheets, later o DELIVERY hand. He asked that descriptions Miss Ulrey said that 71 ballots were cast in the invali a demilitarized zone, came up during Abrams' staff meeting Saturday at his 251 MAC 351-2577 VARSITY DRIVE-IN of these incidents were not printed so as not to give ideas to elections. Approximately 12,000 students live off campus. Off-Campus Council representatives met over the weeke headquarters on Tan Son Nhut Air would-be thieves. discuss plans for new elections. Base near Saigon. Some reports said Abrams was furious the incident, and BOWL FREE! over a ABRAMS military source described the general as "deeply concerned and disturbed." 747 termed moneymaker Some airline executives in New York say they are confident the 747 jumbo jetliners will prove to be big BULLETIN Wtitkt moneymakers although they flew with most of their GRADUATING SENIORS seats empty in the first yyear of operation. Boeing's 360-passenger 747 took to the skies early in 1970 when the economy was in a strong downdraft. te,'" xn p With the recession cutting into sales and profits, corporations grounded a lot of their executives, and GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS coi individuals cut back on vacation trips about the time the ^ou, slud 747 came along. ARE NOW AVAILABLE "LOCAL CL> Black caucus disappointed We are '3131 851- now taking applications for our The chairman of the congressional Black Caucus said summer bowling leagues. For information call FOR PURCHASE , Coll Sunday the group is deeply disappointed over President 355-3357. Nixon's response to their demands for better Stanley H. t opportunities for minority groups and the poor. Cu«tional, "1 think the consensus of the 7^gu,DA( is deeply group is that the report Limited Supply — Get Yours Now disappointing," said Charles C. Diggs Jr., UNION BOWLING LANES Ste** I)-Mieh., chairman of the 12- member organization. "All we ended up with was simply codification of xvlut ^ the administration already has been doing," he Basement, Union Building MSU BOOK STORE ^1jaid."This is the tragedy." Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 24, 1971 ^ Disturbances rHATTANOOGA, p" Acitywidecurfew A citywiae cuncW was in Tenn. Guard, we'll here to protect the do that too. We're simply "notified the state," a The trouble began hit "l city." Friday scheduled was $2,500 as seats 141 and 109, with the Jt Sunday nicht L night afti after two Armour was sent to move Armour judgment. said was good night after the star of a rock were ripped and doors jarred were great majority of them charged of disturbances. A state Chattanooga after Mayor Robert music show, Wilson Pickett, from their hinges. with disorderly conduct in the £ said there was no plan at Kirk Walker said Saturday night Mayor walker said Sunday refused to perform, saying he There was no monetary Jient to use National that he had asked that Guard troops be made National afternoon and a "voice of respect responsibility is prevailing in had not been paid in advance. As estimate of the damage Saturday early morning hours Saturday and with curfew violation available. a result, young blacks roamed night. cftTsafety Commissioner However, Armour said Sunday Chattanooga" and that the city was the downtown area, breaking an Official police arrest figures Saturday night and Sunday. Police said there were 81 lude Arniour said, "If it takes that Walker's communication relatively quiet, but he estimated $8,000 worth of for Friday and Saturday nights 1 state police, well get was not an actual request for declared a 7 p.m. to 8 a.m. windows in businesses. were 71 and reports involving extensive curfew for the second 57, respectively. property damage during the two in If >t takes the National troops but that the city had straight The damage estimate in the However, reporters who counted nights, mostly involving business night. auditorium where the show was arrest reports said the totals firms. Postcards Late Saturday, the city fight Viet commission called a state of emergency, including a curfew 3y State CHARLES C. CAIN News Staff Writer congressman, senators, and to President Nixon, pledging their "We contribute to death. Our Martin Gal, chairman of the war for the city of 119,000, after it was reported that bands of youths were breaking windows and throwing missiles at cars. presence is politcally dangerous to support a vote for these individuals at unworthy of our program. quick end to the war," he said. Walker said there had been "Voter Voucher to End the American ideals." I a program begun four re-election time if they will .. Representatives of the group Gal said the present the group is to get the idea to goal of "We want to put tangible votes nine reported injuries, including consistently vote against said the war will in the pocket of a senator or two policemen, but none Lies ago by a nonpartisan authorizations and funds for the end eventually, catch on nationwide and then congressman who will support serious. was Ln of East'Lansing citizens, Indo but, they said, even if the war is have about nine per cent of the - china war. The president our idea. Peace should not mean U to bring political pressure is ended by Dec. 31, At one point Saturday night, asked to 24,000 lives voters in every political suicide." bear on elected officials to complete U.S. on both sides will have been area bring police headquarters said there military withdrawal by Dec. 31 based on lost, political pressure on their e war in Southeast Asia. weekly death toll The postcard distribution had been two confirmed gunshot 1971. elected officials by way of the [The group circulates brightly estimates from both sides. expenses are met woundings. They later changed "Our continued postcards. exclusively by colored green postcards to military The group has distributed Gal explained the necessity of private donations. the figure to one, then presence is not purifying the rs who in turn are requested about 4,000 of these eliminated that when the democracy of postcard this since many officials think it Gal said the group hopes to s'end them to their South packets in East Lansing in the physician who treated the victim Vietnam," the postcard reads. last three politically unwise to go against get campus groups, concerned said he thought he had been hit weeks, according to the administration's way of handling the Southeast Asian ministers, and local merchants by a rock. But the man, who was Double image interested in the voucher drive released from conflict. the hospital, These doors in Bessey Hall serve as a mirror to relfect a to these people can be utilized in insisted he had been hit in the double image of a student gazing out of a window. "Many in congress feel it the voucher distribution process. head by a bullet. State News photo by Martin Overholt Highway's benefits told By MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writer MSU board of trustees reaffirmed University approval of the the railroad tracks for the first time, Baron said. Harrison and Hagadorn Roads by lights, and that it will be as example of what can be done within the highway right of way highway in September Farm Lane will remain as it is well sited and m , , 1969 when it agreed to the State now with M-43 landscaped as to demonstrate an excellent The .... planned construction of - running under it. possible. treatment of the right of way. M-43 as four-lane Highway Dept.'s preliminary A Red Cedar Street feeder route "The State Highway a highway pians> Baron said, Dept. is Our campus planners will work south campus will benefit off M-43 to allow access to the across Opposition to the planned budgeting within the constraints in concert with them," Baron more than harm the University stadium is envisioned by the of their funds as attractive and said. four.lane road was voiced community, Milton Baron University, he noted. parklike a road as possible," recentl b the director of campus parks and A11.University Traffic lights would be Baron said. Baron said current Traffic Committee. ASMSU is installed plans call planning, said Friday. at Harrison and "The state has been most for the highway to be in The highway will serve as an expected to pass a resolution in Hagadorn Roads at either side of interested in making this a fine the near future operation some time in 1975. east-west bypass for Grand River criticizing the campus. An interchange to allow Avenue, extending from the highway plan uninterrupted flow at the M-43 "Throug'h the years in and Harrison Road intersection I o49^ Road ,ntenrc^ge to Park Lane#n j * a» of the dormitories has been sought by some people The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Road, east of an(j facilities, we have held back University, is published every class day during four school East Lansing. It will run parallel on campus, Baron noted. in construction so there would terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. just north of the Grand Trunk John M. Patriarche, East Subscription rate is $14 per year. , ^ no interference when and if railroad tracks, about 200 feet Lansing city manager, said the highway came about," Baron I from Hoi den Hall in south Friday that a New Jersey turning Member Associated Press, United Press complex and 150 feet from Fee pattern where traffic that International, He said the highway will serve Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Hall in east complex. wanted to turn left would first Collegiate Press, as a vjtaj east-west link between Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Baron pointed out that the go right and then cross the Lansjng and communities to the Association, United States Student Press Association. Panther idea for the highway is hot new. The trustees of what was then east Grand River Avenue and median would adequately handle traffic at the intersection. Second class postage paid at East are now the main east.west "We don't have the - Lansing, Michigan. Michigan State College agreed on routes and money or Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Oct. 20, 1949, to keep the land they are fjve to six the right of way that would have miles t Baron noted to be acquired for an building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, embers of the Black Panthers spoke to an ATL class 200 feet north of the railroad overpass at Thursday in South Kedzie Hall and From the University's Michigan. Idistributed "The Black Panther" newspaper. tracks clear of buildings for the Harrison Road and M-43," State News photo by Doug Bauman viewpoint, the highway will future route of the road. The Patriarche said. Phones: |o EDUCATING alleviate the heavy use and Baron said the four points in hazardous conditions on Grand Editorial 355-8252 OPPRESSED River Avenue in downtown East favor of the highway include its boulevard design, (including a 20 Classified Advertising Display Advertising 355-8255 Lansing. This would reduce the foot median strip), that it is not 353-6400 artificial barrier created between Business - Circulation " " envisioned as a high speed "447 road, Photographic Panfhers shift emphasis main campus and East 311 Lansing that it would be controlled at - by Grand River Avenue, he said. The plan worked out between the University and the State ■ Highway Dept. will make Bogue the Black Panther Party lias about the poverty cycle .. the Street the major north-south worry destiny of the black "Since a peer is a person „ from Inged its emphasis from have time to look at their community, proper education, the same educational, road on campus, Bogue Street social, I'arism to educating the environment and see what kind exclusion of blacks from economic and racial background wil, be extended from Wilson Road south, running under M-43 1, three Black Panthers 1 American of tem they-re Uving in » she military service, freedom for all as a person, blacks should b> and the railroad tracks. This will Thought and black political prisoners, an end tried by black juries. -n—~ „i— ^er.„ ■nguage (ATL) classes ' allow a clear traffic route across to police brutality and the right "rsday afternoon. 4. . . S,nce the survAval Pro8r»™ to a trial by a black jury. — — ■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ICO UPONi ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ flhe three asked to be started, another Panther said, »The Constitution guarantees ftified only as representatives Political consciousness has risen AmeriCans a trial by a jury of This coupon is I the Detroit branch of the am°ng blacks in^thejjetroit area their peers," one Panther said, lckPanther Party. despite efforts by the "pigs" suppress female the program. "moc to tri The M T W Til worth $2.00 OFF : told of how the the Price of l p goal now . is to make telephone company reportedly FOOT LONG people Ig cu^ telephone wires during |I P g the revolution. their situation, Gne breakfast in order to cut off' communications with the Black HOT DOG MEDIUM .50 NEW SANDALS Pilitarism will not work yet, Good Thru May 29 Panthers' main office. PEPPERONI 1 member said, because the F8 of people are not The three summarized the PIZZA 1.50 at ? ready Black Panthers' goals by reading ■roup the gun. M.S.U. SHOE REPAIR : Pe were nung up on death the Party platform, adopted in October, 1966. Among these 332-6517 3-MINUTE HEEL SERVICE pigs for awhile," he said, DELIVERY ' goals, they said, are decent we're concerned with ■vating the masses.' housing, lull employment, freedom and power to control VARSITY D Tjjperorder to do this, a female said, the Black Panthers Miss J has the coolest look [^sponsoring "m s as ""children. a that includes such survival free breakfasts for We're Having under the sun when she's people who don't have to looking through sunglasses fwFukire Close Out Wigs from our collection. The stkeTect. frames are black, mock JKWSMIIom tortoise and FWiar MMna Large Assortment of manufacturers close - outs. goldtone wire J. lt»M Greek Boy, Dutch Boy, Side Part, Semi - Curly, in round, square, |3U"J°n f°r tests required hexagon ■C ,n PQ,t " Folate and free-form shapes m lewlon courses • Small with lenses in the coolest ,tudy material for $8.88 ■U(hfield Prepared by e*Perts eye-saving colors. $3. pOCAl 1313) CLASSES - 851-6077 c«» Collect J JJan'ev H. Kaplan L^ona! Center ■tuu Gu,0ance since II 541 E. Grand River Jacobsoris DOWNSTAIRS Paramount Newi 332 3341 Of East Lansing MICHIGAN BARNEY WHITE STATE NEW! The Taylor UNIVERSITY documen KEN LYNAM advertising manager The J monument to attriti0 faculty has won the long war of executioner's ax finally fell DAVE PERSON, managing editor attrition over the Taylor nee McKee nee D Th« resultant emasculated tv BOB ROACH, city editor Massey Report. Friday, the board of Report has now become legal trustees passed the enfeebled .skeleton of writ f JOHN BORGER, campus editor University It BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor the original Report on Student representation on grants students the ArarW c£l J?8® RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor Participation in Academic Governance. ftom the start the odds were in the but explicitly consideration of <£££*££* "matters 0f faculty's favor. In the wake of the student concern to the ,v. Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award activism of the late sixties and the faculty, matter* for outstanding journalism. movement's demand for a piece of the the distinctly faculty" and professionalZes'*' academic power pie, the Academic Council "matters in whi(! agreed to begin work on a "second distinctively faculty are professional rights at issue." i tenure, promotion hiring and '* Academic Freedom Report," an Translation , fij EDITORIALS emancipation proclamation for the student body. - in general, the academic governance. central concl But as the passage of time has borne Two years ago such a momiffilln out, this concession was little more than a delaying tactic. To expect the bad faith would not have student acceptance. But two stood a Z FBI-Boy Sc prerogative-jealous faculty to freely share their body is power as mandate with the student realistic as assuming that the white supremacists or South Africa would the academic life time of student. Most of the student participation years is t' original cadre proponents have - and those who came after fell swav to take blacks into their government. 'Be Prepared' for Keeping faith with the letter of his charge, Massey drafted a document that implied faculty threat gone out of our way, so take it or To the latecomer to that "We'veal leave the stu would have represented a concrete, though participation battle, not truly cogniza One of six documents said to be that sought to help scouts report partial, realization of student participation the broken promises that went in academic before those stolen from the Federal emergencies and crimes. But they did governance. This mild seemed like a reasonable among contention ' Bureau of Investigation has turned not deny that, in effect, the scouts recommendation, however, proved too all 31 seats, though limited in bitter a pill for the Academic Council to franchise seem to represent a vast up more unsettling information were acting as a grass roots swallow, and though it took two more improvement 3 non-voting memberships. Besides about the FBI's controversial spying extention of the police department committees to do it, the academic Taylor Report has been enacted' operations. without any vital training or provisionally for a period of two y According to the document. experience. Conclusion: the students had "Operation Safe" (Scout Awareness OUR READERS' MIND what they have gotten and use better this The bureau's mania for gathering springboard for for Emergency) supplies Boy Scouts more substantial g; data for the sake of having data is 1973. with identification cards listing Such reasoning overlooks two questionable enough. That they have police, FBI. and other emergency important realities of academic polit: attempted, however slightly, to numbers 011 the reverse side. They are asked occurrences or to watch for unusual lack of activity in expand their spying mandate to children only serves to reinforce the Abortion edit emotionally laden the one hand, once a imperfect, becomes written statute it to turn to legal granite document, ho- highly resis outcry against "Keystone Kops" change. Secondly, the faculty won the neighbors homes, plus numerous battle of the Taylor Report by exten tactics characterized by misinformed To the Editor: the other things including "criminal and potential of human life. However, this family planning "is truly effective at this the debate and misdirected surveillance Your proabortion is over a two-year period editorial of May 19 is not until the two unite that this point in time only among those people suspicious" acts. thereby, effectively wearing down The program, as pointed out in operations. emotionally laden and fraught with potentiality becomes actualized. When this who least need it: established, resistance. There is no evidence to ind' "scientific ignorance, weak analogies and occurs, that "mere division and economically independent, middle-class the that things will be different between document, provides 20,000 "Operation Safe" is just one in inconsistent thinking" — charges which specialization of cells" is in the process of white Americans." Yet, you are blissfully and 1973. "extra eyes and ears for the police a long list of indictments against our you unjustly level against the becoming human life. For this reason, to ignorant of the fact that to date abortions If students are to ultimately obt" antiabortionists. A careful examination and include abortion in the same category with have served only this same class. How department." That these "eyes and nation's police force. Clearly, it is voice in the decision—making pror; ears" comparison of the two arguments will birth control, family planning and many poor people have the money to fund are mostly children imperative to re-examine critically this University it will not be beeai prove theirs to be the worthier view. masturbation is ludicrous. The latter an abortion the costs of which range inexperienced, untrained, and the bureau's operations. Still an Taylor Report. Only department First, contrary to the antiabortionists' prevent conception while the former upwards from $250? The present innocent of the implications involved effective crime fighting organization, definition of human life beginning at terminates it. This is an important and not college doors remain even partially ineffectiveness of family planning to meet student participation, and it i in spying on their neighbors is not the FBI has become sidetracked into conception, you aver that it is the ability frivolous distinction since terminating the exigencies of the poor doesn't negate its levels that the student power base m mentioned. to reason, the ability to comprehend one's conception terminates human life. Apparently such affairs not particularly its business, instrumentality. Under proper direction it built — and rapidly, for there considerations of little existence, that is the distinguishing feature Thirdly, the first maxim of a civil society can benefit all classes. are concern such as snooping on anyone and the manifest danger that the T of human life. You add: "Most scientists is that its citizens be responsible for their to bureau officials.. everyone antiestablishment. precedent will soon begin to trickle , ^ agree that the fetus does not exhibit that actions. By willfully engaging in sexual Finally, abortion is an ex post facto v. Boy Scout officials have denied The analogy' is almost cliche, unique feature at the end of 90 days." This through all levels of the Academic C" a intercourse, a woman forfeits any claim to Ofcontrol of unwanted pregnancies. Isn't it the student body ^ finally gave in to steadfastly the FBIs ailedged use of but one still cannot repress a shudder is truly a profound statement. My son is 16 the "constitutional right" of not carrying more humane to attack the problem at its the scouts as informers. Rather, they months old and he still doesn't possess this unwanted child. If faculty contention that an impe when "Operation Safe" is viewed vis an a woman wishes to source (i.e., to prevent conception) rather document was better than none. In contend, the stolen document refers - a vis the Orwellian young "spies" requisite human characteristic. Am I to reject the "burden of propagating," she than allow the problem to occur and then - the Taylor Report may tend to esta infer that my son is not human? Or should take the necessary precautions to to a project initiated two years ago of 1984. attempt to eliminate it? strict parameters for student power further, does this give me the right to slay prevent conception. Currently, I know of will endure for the foreseeable future. my son? It is evident that your definition only two 100 percent effective, preventive In the future, think through the pros and And the student body will com would place children in a precarious measures: sterilization and sexual cons of an issue and don't be moved by realize that the key they were h position if pro abortion legislation is SALT abstinence. If a woman refuses to consent blind talks: passed. Secondly, you purposely misrepresent to these two methods, then she must be held responsible for the consequences of prejudice to make value judgments. Thomas J. Quarles served not to open participation in academic governance, rather to lock them securely in a the door the antiabortionists' potential actual her actions — including East pregnancy. Lansing senior where they can bother argument. Human sperm and ova possess Fourthly, you correctly suggest that May 19,1971 themselves. hopefully n POINT OF VIEW President Nixon's recent announcements can be made at the announcement concerning progress present, the Americans and the in the long-stalled strategic arms Fight southern African racism Russians have finally realized the limitation talks must be taken with, need to limit their nuclear stockpiles pardon the pun. a grain of salt. For for the sake of world peace. the past two years the SALT talks It is unfortunate, though, that it have symbolized progress in Soviet - has taken the Americans and the By Pan-African Students American relations. Yet the talks Soviets this long to reach an Organization in the Americas ideology of "racial partnership," assembly: these were the legislative softened up for the dispatch °, have been seemingly as abortive, understanding. Each nation is still Today, in southern Africa, the the alliance between Welensky and traitor measures. Tne police were encouraged in qualitatively larger troop contingenu from a pragmatic point of view, as confrontation between the white Tshombe and secured independence of the use of torture with water and Portuguese colonial territories, plunging a great proportion of its Zambia under revolutionary leadership of electricity and such mental strains as context the commencement of tig the Paris peace negotiations. imperialist regimes and the African people, gross national product into nuclear Kenneth Kaunda, it had also consolidated solitary confinement. Between 1963 and within South Africa itself becom between the forces of racism, fascism and The President revealed Thursday weaponry neither can afford to use. forces of reaction. 1965, thousands of activists, and many matter for strategic decision within colonialism and those of democracy and that the United States and the Soviet The nuclear arms race has prevented nonracialism, is under way. Yet almost no In Malawi, reactionary president Banda innocents, were jailed. Some had talked, total southern African Union have agreed to concentrate on America and Russia from giving their attention has been given by those in the dismissed the more progressive section of some had been informed on. Others had Ultimately, in other words.• fo" - outside world who support it to the his cabinet and set a course which would committed suicide or been murdered by white South Africans must beresp working out an agreement for the internal problems proper bring him into formal alliance with overzealous police. On July 11, 1963, for the defense of white privilege limitation of the development of consideration. strategies of this confrontation, to the apartheid regime of South Africa. And came perhaps the biggest blow of all: the subcontinent. antiballistic missile systems. They development by Southern African Southern Rhodesia, third colony of the arrest of almost the entire high command For the present the President's liberation movements of a sophisticated also have agreed to agree on some statement on the SALT talks should abortive federation, was under the openly of Umkhonto We Sizwe (Spear of the Such a task - maintaining an indu plan for revolutionary change in which the racist rule of imperialist Ian Smith and Nation), the military wing of the African economy as well as armed tor limitations of offensive missile be taken with a wait and see present armed struggle is only the recent contain a guerrilla movement ope systems. attitude. Simply agreeing to agree is stage. among 28 million African* - isint* As recently as 10 years Agreeing to agree hardly sounds a far cry away from nuclear ago, the South African run quite impossible. Their eftoj like act of overthrow of the apartheid and Portuguese public opinion is being softened bound to fail because they oppose an great political import. disarmament. The U.S. should work Yet the manner in which the imperialistic regimes of southern Africa up for the dispatch of a qualitatively larger troop current of history. Like in Vietnam for a rapid breakthrough in the seemed, to many outside observers, an amtit&nt to the Portuguese colonial territories. In western imperialism headed by announcement was made a SALT talks. With nuclear stockplies impossibly distant goal. After the heady this context the commencement of fighting States of America will be defeated nationwide TV -radio address at wine of the previous decade, in which a African people. Our pledge is only growing on each side of the Iron within South Africa itself becomes a matter for score of African countries had regained at noon implies that the SALT talks Curtain, the world cannot afford to carry on the fight for least a nominal form of political strategic decision within the total southern are about to become fruitful. A fair let cold war mentality continue to independence of southern Afr' » chance exists that, while no formal independence from the colonial powers, African context. vindicating the cause for which m guide nuclear policy. the southward thrust of nationalism was our people died. ME: halted. The white racist regimes, assisted would assert its independence from British National Congress. REMEMBER, n by western powers and even by the United REMEMBER, THERE WILL imperialism in the UDI of November, The opening of a guerrilla front in Nations, were staging a counteroffensive. 1965. DEMONSTRATION AND In the vanguard was the irrepressible southern Africa closed the strategic and Ride a bike: Moise Tshombe, the stalemated in his western-backed traitor who, In South Africa itself the situation in this period was, if anything, even more geographic gap that had existed before. Now from the Indian Ocean to the AGAINST AMERICAN AND - IMPERIALISM AND JHEIR S to separate the mineral - attempt rich Katanga from desperate. After the banning of the African nationalist organizations in 1960, a slow Ethiopian Ocean there is continuous OF SOUTH AFRICAN PORTUGUESE REACTIONARY APARTHEID It is fact. Last week's the Congo, had been installed as premier of activity: Angola, Mozambique, IN AFRICA ON MAY 25,1971. now a that the average American does not and difficult process of regrouping had Ziambabwe, Nambia and Azania. Already "Great Bike the central Congolese government. His Race" proved that if melt in a drizzle or solidify in a mandate from the forces which backed him begun underground. Meanwhile the there are 1,700 South African troops at The solidarity day - MJJ 2f ^ you live within approximately 2.7 flurry, but considering this nation's apartheid government launched a massive least in Zimbabwe who are indispensable to appears to have the potential of simple: to crush by any means mass «*■*• was miles of campus you can get here creature comfort consciousness we and brutal campaign of persecution, the maintenance of Ian Smith's of the largest necessary a revolutionary movement in the international level ever spo ■ faster and, probably, safer on a spearheaded by Justice Minister Vorster, to imperialistic regime. South African troops would be willing to concede the Congo which was seeking a second and crush all manifestations of opposition, to African world. The and equipment are in use in Mozambique, bicycle than in an automobile. point and say drive. Only use genuine independence. remove all potential cadres. Tanzania, Zambia, Guine. From Zimbabwe (so-called Rhodesia) Angola and Malawi. onse Think of it. Most of the academic ecological logic: let one car carry six and Detention without trial, house arrest, African states have given their con Azania (South Africa) white community lives within the people and, thereby, decrease the mercenaries streamed into censorship, restrictions on movement and South African public opinion is being support. prescribed 2.7 mile radius from the "fight automotive problem by a factor of communism," which in this context meant university. If everybody got into the six. to kill Africans and maintain the puppet 10 START EACH NEU) 0W bike habit there would be less Tshombe in power. They were supported WITH A SMILE ON M UPS... A pipe dream? Perhaps. An by American CIA-sponsored Cuban exiles congestion, less pollution, healthier American without his car people and you would not have to flying American planes in strafing and experiences the same sort of free - bombing missions. By 1965 the rebellion take your life in your hands every floating anxiety that a cowboy used had been crushed. time you tried to cross Farm Lane. The collapse of to get without his horse. But then the central African What about rain and cold apartheid federation further south was by exercise, such as cycling, is an weather? In the abstract it is clear no means an unmixed blessing If it had excellent tonic for allaying anxiety... exposed the hypocrisy of the Welensky Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. May 24, 1971 5 Moog stars at light show By TONI PELLILLO State News Staff Writer begin manipulating the control knobs, you might think you provided coordinate appropriate and controlled combinations of presentation was live but that images. signals and permit their wave various other portions were were about to witness pilots Suddenly the moog became The old musicians worked a frequencies and alternate others. partially or totally taped. preparing for a takeoff. war machine. As slides of Voltage-controlled oscillators are New Yorker Robert A. Moog with valves, strings and wood to make their music. The new ones Instead, the lights flash and military men flashed all around, generators (or creators of invented the machine in 1955 swirl from 12 hidden the moog emitted sounds of use wave projectors signals) that produce periodic The first synthesizer was hugt generators, and the electronic sounds begin military equipment in heavy fire wave forms under the control of enough to fill a small room and synthesizers, wires and filters to oozing out. After a slow start and produce their music the jungle noises, and externally applied voltage cost $100,000. Today, man^ — and an eerie "electronic sound." buildup, the moog successfully created the ("control voltage"). groups (Beatles, Rolling Stones, players jumped into a terror-filled atmoshpere of war. The machine used at the "Stellarphonic Moog," an supernatural theme Emerson-Lake-and-Palmer) often — sounds Injected among the warfare were eerie light and sound show that planetarium presentation was a rely on the moog for unique imaginable during the Creation happy, colorful slides of children $25,000 monstrosity owned by electronic sounds they insert began over the weekend at as the earth whizzed Abrams through laughing and playing — the the MSU Dept. of Music for two into their recordings. Planetarium, is an space — bounced off the ceiling placidness of peace. On your example of a totally "electric experience," using a relatively and walls while the light show Accordingly, the moogplayers vears. Players commented that the Experts say that in the near future totally computerized new musical instrument, the adjusted to create a fitting opening and closing of the moogs will be commonplace. of the Greek Week celebrations included the Lambda Chi "500" races held mood. Part ,he Women's I.M. Pushcarts are the vehicles used as the participants race to Saturday near moog synthesizer. An MSU Youth institute Regardless of the complicated the finish line. State News photo by Tom Dolan graduate student and two music majors were at the controls behind the moog. The Eye See ■ to hold meets i ■ and technical aspects of the moog (rhymes with vogue), it has the capacity to be a musical Meetings t the Light Show provided the unior500/ instrument rather than just a t visual effects. The The Michigan Youth Politics sky theater (alias the Institute will hold recruitment memory bank computer. The moog uses electronics, physics minority art planetarium) was a red glow as meetings early this week for and math to create a medium of The possibility of an MSU Room. She will also meet with the crowd filed in. On volunteer researchers who will stage, expression. The technical minority fine arts cultural students from 10 to 12 a.m pleU Greek do work in their local Week there was a heap of metal, knowledge is necessary to build festival will be explored during torn e countless knobs thousands of wires, a few tape and dials, communities this summer. Meetings will be held today at sounds and tones from their component parts. Edith Badger's visit to campus today and Tuesday. Tuesday in the conference room of the Center for Urban Affairs Mrs. Badger, a resident of 7:30 p.m. in C-101 Holmes Hall recorders, a microphone, a The basic elements of the Sponsored by the Center for Westchester Pa., has done and 9 p.m. in 35 Union. Two major events, the Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Evans In action digital counter and a piano-like moog machine are amplifiers, Urban Affairs and Supportive extensive work in Sunday, Alpha Meetings also will be held at developing ibda Chi Alpha "Junior 500 Scholars placed third. Gamma Delta keyboard looking strangely out mixers, filters and Services for Minority Students, cultural programs in the Boston sorority placed 7:30 the Delta Chi tricycle race, Kappa Delta sorority , , the p.m. Tuesday in 106 voltage-controlled oscillators. Mrs. Badger will meet with black Bought Greek Week to a close triumphed first in the Delta Chi tricycle °f P.6 amo"g Holden Hall and 9 p.m. in Brody area. She is also affiliated with umphed in the women's race, with Zeta Tau Aloha and Alpha and scientifictype surroundings. Auditorium. Amplifiers alter the intensity students from 2 to 4 p.m. this the Martin Luther King purday and Sunday. division, with Delta Zeta and Delta Gamma sororities taking Three chairs face of a sound signal. Mixers ailow afternoon in the Union Green Memorial Center. | in defiance of a long - Sigma Kappa sororities close second and third, machinery and the back of landingsnared tradition, two non out Greek behind. of three In the epic run of the race, reads: High Voltage. When the one The only non - campus one girl fell over the finish line, players walk in, sit with their prizes in the men s division K Saturday afternoon's "Junior BO." Sororities held firm in-the in's contest, taking all three sponsored entry, the Mac's Bar Flamers, who shared their liquid provisions with competitors during the race, their winning the race for her house, Recital to feature works backs towards the audience and 2 WAYS TO MAKE YOU SMILE ■ophies. made a valiant and nearly JIntest Placing first in the pushcart around West Circle Drive successful effort to qualify for the finals only to wipe out on WMtt"6n f TOT o 2 • DICinOS hHnM^ A IIVJMVJO MSU JEWELRY lis Asher House Men, followed the treacherous turn near " ' L last year's c hampions, Sigma Gilchrist Hall. Piano music of the 20th century will be heard in a two - piano rnr 7"^ recital by two University music students at 8:15 p.m. today in the Music Bldg. auditorium. William Moulton, East Lansing senior, and David Neumeyer, Bay City junior will perform works for two pianos and for four hands on a single piano. Both are members of MSU's New Musical Arts Ensemble, which is sponsoring the free public concert. The pianist will open with Eric Satie's 1903 composition, "Three Pieces in the Shape of a Pear." Also included will be two ■AN MSU COED living in East and a mini-bike and a bicycle. compositions by MSU composers: Jere Hutcheson's "Electrons a tnlH MSU nolire she was both valued at $225, were (1968)," a piano solo performed " * ■ by * living the main sitting room of reported stolen from a Mustang , L. Earl ISI3^ 3 two"piano WOrk by ! Union about 7:30 a.m. Parked in Lot F and from the Morgan, music composition senior. ftiday when she noticed a man Parking area outside a Spartan (ween 17 and 18 years old Village apartment, police said, NOW 111.AH THIS FROM TIIK VOP HINGE tiding by the door with his Officers said the incidents AT Till. STOHI WITH TIIK RED DOOR! lousers pulled down to his occurred between Friday and Les. Saturday. Nq. apparent attempt The perfect gift for the cigar smoking Fhe coed said she was studying was made to ertfer the Mustang,a le sitting room and saw the police said, and the mini-bike Father. in enter and smoke a cigaret, and bicycle, chained together, Try one or a Box of our very own Cigars - 100 % *r which he left. apparently were carried away. All Long Imported Filler. Coronation Shape.35 [Police said le they arrived at the but did not find the man. TWO BURGLARIES in which ea. Box $8.25 Corona Grande $9.50. Shape .40 ea. Box • Necklaces thieves stole a stereo amplifier ITO LANSING YOUTH who valued at $400 and three rings • Charms and cash with a estimated value Campbell's Shop id escaped from the Lansing aining school were of $105 were reported stolen between Friday and Saturday The Store With The Red Door fi • Pins Ph. 332-4269 prehended about 7:55 p.m. from student rooms in West Fee fcurdav as they were begging Jt money from student rooms and Landon halls. Police said the Fee room • Keys ■East Shaw Hall. IPolice said a third-floor Shaw reportedly was locked at the time of the theft. The Landon • Bracelets iident called police when he ? suspicious of the youths. i youths, room door was left unlocked. Police are investigating suspects FRANK ZAPPA • Rings both 16, told in the Landon incident, icers they needed money for fc tickets. and The Mothers of Invention • Pin guards poth youths were returned to SENIOR • Lavalier |e training school. Police said iction will not be with LIVINGSTON TAYLOR NIGHT and Bambu . AND MUCH MORE P ESTIMATED $50 in damage (Ihe last One] furred 10 between 12:05 and Sat., May 29, 1971 8:30 P.M. a.m. Sunday to the right This Wednesday Oakland University's Outdoor W window of a 1971 Hornet f'onging Baldwin Pavilion Ijfetzke, 21 of Lansing. If0 items to Carolyn M. were reported May 26 25( General admission $5.00 WONDERFUL SRADUATION GIFTS P'ng from the automobile, 8 2 • was - a.m. K of the re|x)rtodly locked at thi> Tickets available at J.L. Hudson's, Head West in Rochester incident, according and Birmingham, Marshall Music in Lansing, Little Things, |officers. State Street, Ann Arbor. Main Store Sale Area Only n the^B^ RADIATOR valued at $80 TOWN HALL PRODUCTIONS. STARTING MONDAY Today M.S.U... MAY 24th tomorrow the world! BOOK SALE Caps and Qohog \ for wq term 'u at ion 3 Lbs. for $1.00 Sfj^l be or 35C/lb. or traction Monday, «3une 7 W _ _ throuah jr fW3du, 3unell Selection of textbooks, Art Books, , r 8-30 Am - 5-30V1V fourth floor Union Contemporary Fiction & Non-Fiction, Etc. •for information call; Main Store Sale Area Only N's ctgs? Union Desl{ 355-3498 fcown~210s-Wash- 1 andor Shopping ■ J^t Lansing- center Academic apparel for faculty and advanced ^'iree candidates must MSU Book Store TueC In the International Center ^ ^ R- Grand River msEsmmm O Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 24 , SPORTS- Batsmen win Big Ten crown 'OHM VICES 1 (Continued from page one) Ike and Clancy completely Ellis losing his bid to win Confidence key plate in the second inning, was controlled the powerful Purdue scoring on four hits. The big the conference batting title. MSU, however, hitting Friday, giving up a pair had equal of runs blow was Rashead's two run Going into Friday's contest he Purdue's to S success trouble with the pitching of apiece. Ike yielded a two double, scoring Ron DeLonge trailed Terry run homer and Clancy was and Whitey Rettenmund, who Wedgewood .489 to .486 and Illini Bill Hodges, and both touched for a home run and a were on the bases with a walk after the double header was Spartan runs were unearned. The first nine single, double salvo that scored a and a single. behind by only .001. The key word is confidence. Spartans had run. Back to back leadoff home Since the beginning of the baseball gone down in order before a Both pitchers appeared in top But Ellis, playing with a season even,** runs by Rob Ellis and Ron Pruitt MSU baseball team knew they could and throwing error by Nicholson form and were never in serious started a three run seventh slightly injured wrist, could not title. would wi^H. Wln the 0n allowed Spartan leadoff man trouble. Clancy raised his record get a hit against Illinois in four Big ft Boyce to reach base in the inning. After two men were at bats, while Wedgewood Even before the season started, the to 10-1, tieing a season record retired, Rettenmund walked and Spartans wp~ , fourth. "I can't wait to get going on the The batters for wins set in 1959 by Dick llashead and Clancy delivered clobbered the Michigan pitching while he was still working for Gus Ganakas' baseball" uJLa0' next two outs for Hodges and he were Ratatz. Ike won his eighth singles scoring Rettenmund. for four hits in seven trips to the "I'm real confident. We are going to have basketball?* H " easy straight plate. game, bringing his Litwhiler wanted to play and everyone on the team knows it. If we a verv appeared to have Pruitt out on a record to 8-1. don't do everyone who made the road there is something wrong." fly to right. But for the second In the first game, MSU trip, so in Saturday's second Ike proved to be the spokesman for the straight day the right fielder became disaster jumped to a 2-0 personified as he run homer lead on a two game he put together a Big Ten entire squad practiced hard during winter months, anticipating th* ♦!. tk by Pruitt and the makeshift line-up and rotated dropped the fly ball, allowing Florida when they would first put their Spartans were never behind or four pitchers on the mound. W L PCT. hopes and actions Boyce to score. Oliver then tied connected for the first of only again that day. MSU went ahead 2-1 on a 13 3 .812 The reports A walk, three straight singles two run blast by John Rohde 11 S .688 coming back from the South were all f,„ L two MSU hits, driving in Pruitt 10 5 .667 and when the Spartans returned Assistant Coach FrankPi. and a double to the fence by Ike but Brian Lieckfelt and Rick 10 7 .588 with a sharp single to center. made a simple prediction for the upcoming regular season gave MSU their last four runs of Deller each gave up two runs Wisconsin A miscue on a fly ball against the game in the sixth inning. Michigan, Friday, had given the A four run inning also 5-2. resulting in the final score of Ohio State Purdue They d d™ g°lng ** °f ^ games'" he kno« The pitching staff knew it could do the Wolverines two runs in the highlighted the nightcap. The Perhaps the only job. "I think I'll go 12-0." - Rob seventh to tie the score. Spartans sent nine batters to the disappointment of the weekend Clancy. The soohnm southpaw lost a game but still has a chance for 19 victories. 1 or 1,10 FINISH SEASON 4-7 "This is going to be my year." - Kirk Maas. The onlv ani¬ on the staff has won seven games and he pitched a no-hit Saturday. 11 "My attitude has changed. This I have Stickmen beaten in finale " year a lot „ confidence." - Dave Leisman. Leisman has once in relief. won six, losing onp Every hitter on the club expressed the belief that he could hi any pitcher he faced. Most have. Rob Ellis has hit over .400. Ron By NICK MIRON Washington on scores. The goals injuries all season, and Mike Eighteen of the infractions DeLonge, Shaun Howit John Dace, Gary Boyce, and Ron Pruitt batted Kirk Maas State News Sports Writer gave Kalvelage 17 for the season. With 15 assists for a total of 32 Moody, an irreplacable were against Wittenberg and mark. Whitey Rettenmund and Bailey Oliver were over the ?" defenseman. MSU's inability to capitalize on in the 290' and Phil Rashead has come on points, Kalvelage led every these opportunities cost it the strong after a slow start. The MSU lacrosse team If penalties be It takes extra confidence to be a "walk on" and THE VERY LAST looked like Midwest champions aspect of scoring this year. Washington with 15 goals and indication of how can rough a game any game. MSU Wittenberg scored penalty once but on a by spot from an established player. DeLonge and John Rohde hw try to w„, Saturday — for about three Denov with 12 are the reason is played, then the Coach Ted Swoboda's rule of at been invaluable to the Spartans. SENIOR NIGHT minutes. the Spartans have begun to come MSU-Wittenberg match was least one goal for every three Spartan Coach Danny Litwhiler summed up the feelings The Spartans raced off to an brutal the team last week when he was asked if he felt up in the lacrosse world. beyond all previous penalties, the Spartans should confident goin early 3-0 lead over a powerful Two Spartans were injured in matches. Thirty-one penalties have scored five more, into the final weekend with a two game lead. Wittenberg college team, but enough the bone-jarring battle. In the were distributed and the grass in "I've never been worried," Litwhiler said. "I've known that - will be this Wednesday couldn't sustain the drive and stretch MSU lost George Larkin the penalty box didn't see for a 11-9 win. MSU lacrosse, 4-7 this year, would win the title since the beginning of the year." fell, 9-6, in what had to be the sunlight for the full two hours. May 26 . 8 pm-2 am most physical game of the year. who has been hampered with has the come a long, long way from days of 25-2 drubbings and a Playoffs MSU received a big boost in its national title aspirations whe Doug Kalvelage faked short it was learned that the District 4 playoffs would be held at longest season winning streak of th at the and fired long past the one. The Spartans moved out Spartan's John Kobs Field, beginning Thursday. Wittenberg goalie with only 25 of the Midwest Lacrosse MSU, Ohio University, Southern Dlinois and University 0 seconds elapsed in the game. Cincinnati will participate in the three day, double eliminati Association cellar this year and Dan Denov scored his 11th and 12th goals of the season in the Football tickets ended the season tied with tournament. All games will be nine inning affairs. Ohio will face Southern Illinois at 1 p.m. Thursday, follow Oberlin for sixth place with a next two minutes and it looked 1-5 conference record. Denison by MSU vs. Cincinnati at 4 p.m. There will be three games Frid' like another MSU runaway. and one or possibly two on Saturday. In the event of rain, Regular game tickets for the 1971 MSU football season go on won the division with a perfect gam- Wittenberg, now 7-3, was not sale for MSU students Monday morning at the athletic office in 7-0 record. may be played either Sunday or Monday. to be brushed aside so easily and The decision to hold the district tournament in East Lansir Jenison Fieldhouse. scored the next six goals to snap Students must have ID and will be limited to two tickets per gives MSU added confidence. The Spartans have played the MSU winning streak at three. applicant for the home U-M game and away Notre Dame and capacity crowds all year and it is always a boost for the ho Kalvelage blew three shots by Ohio State contests. Tickets are $6 each except Notre Dame Gene Littler wins team. the Wittenberg goalie and The selection of Kobs Field the basis of the tickets which are $8 each. was on quality ~ assisted Denov and Val Students will be requested to give mailing addresses to which the Colonial Tourney the playing field and the number of fans that could be expect* at the games. tickets can be sent and will be charged 25 cents for each game to cover mailing costs. There will be an admission charge for all students and adul Tickets will go on sale to the public June 1. at three-over Players show class With the championship sewed up on friday, Litwhilerwante FORT WORTH, TEX., (UPI) to give his second line players some extra work against Illinois' — Little Gene Littler birdied the 9econd game. He did, however want Maas to pitch the ft three of the last six holes to game. storm out of the pack and win Leisman had been scheduled to work the first game and Mr the wind - wracked Colonial the second but Litwhiler reasoned that Maas was a senio National Invitation title Sunday pitching his final regular season game and he wanted to give If with a 37-32-69 and a three - an extra chance to impress any professional scouts. over - par 283 — highest winning Little could be more impressive than the no hit game that t tour total since 1963. Utica senior hurled at the Mi, There are many ways to "class" ball player. Rob showed one of them Satur Fighting for the Big Batting Championship, trailed Purdue's Te Wedgewood by .001. Spartan junior had injured wrist Friday, leaping again fence in a vain attempt tost: homwer, and he would have every right to sit out both ga against Illinois. Not wanting back into the title he playe the first game and be Litwhiler to let him play second game also. Tigers bomb Denny McLoi DETROIT (UPI) - Two- home runs by A1 Kahne Norm Cash in the first game Sunday doubleheader dec the first pitching meeting Mickey Lolich and IJ McLain as tne Detroit TO. - - defeated ■ • the Washing Senators, 5-0. . Lolich's four hit - shut gave him a, 7.3 t-o record *. McLain, who always out-sn Lolich when both were with Tigers, dipped to 4-7 with new club. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. May 24, ll)7l / LPSULES Diplomat found murdered near consulate in |r0V MILLIKEN Thursday r the state income tax rate amount of THE STATE COURT l„,d for 1.3 Per cent increase appeals ruled Thursday that the drugs found in a of (Continued from May 31,1962. an Turkey accountant. page one) Police sources said ■Active next Jan. 1. person's possession must be the Police said that on Saturday |!fhc proposed increase, an considered in drug possession imposition of a 15-hour curfew apartment where Elrom was night, before the curfew started Kempt t0 offset Pr°iected cases. to permit a house - to - house found belonged to a woman, at midnight, five young men left KflriU " in the state budget at the Court precedent search of Istanbul by 30,000 Semiha Olcayto. She told them the apartment carrying suitcases of fiscal 1971-72, exceeds had allowed previously troops and police. she rented the apartment 45 and told the concierge not to sa\ convictions for days original proposal last illegal possession of It was during this search that ago to two young men who anything or he would be killed Lruary which called for a 1.0 regardless of how smalldrugs the body was found. The said they were an engineer and He apparently complied. Cent increase. amount was discovered in a an apartment building is just under ■Under MIMken's proposal, the person's possession. a half mile from Elrom's home I, percent raise would be The court ruled that and only 1,500 feet from the Continued July 1,1972, when *ate would return to his courts must determine the amount found "is a Michigan whether Israeli Consulate. A massive manhunt, in force All-volunteer Hginally proposed 1.0 per cent of a larger usable amount." remnant since Elrom was abducted from his home in Istanbul on Monday, ■Miiiiken's action came two made, fcvs after one of his top "If that illegal inference can possession be is continued for the killers. His body was flown home to Israel in a flag-covered coffin gets YMCA established," the court ruled. Tonomic advisors warned that WASHINGTON (AP) — Completing its first foray into political The ruling was meant to Sunday night in a Turkish air jovernor's original proposal L L|d not prevent the state discontinue convictions based Xi falling into the red at the only on discovery of traces of Splash: you'r force jet that also carried his widow. matters, the YMCA Sunday endorsed the concept of an all - volunteer army and urged Congress to permit the draft law to expire June 30. Everyone got drenched during the water fight between the men of Shaw and Abbot halls. Elrom was well known in Kd of fiscal 1972. illegal drugs found In a person's pail», wastebaskets, balloons, squirt gum and Using Israel as the No. 2 interrogator The 450 - member council of YMCAs in approving the possession. anything else that could hold water, they fought resolutions asserted "our national defense can and should be t0 a t'e- of Adolf Elchmann, the Nazi State News photo by Tom Dolan insured by those who willingly volunteer for war criminal hanged in Israel military service." The council one day earlier called for "complete withdrawal of all military forces from Vietnam Trustees OK Taylor Report ... at the earliest possible time." The action came at the end of the three • day annual meeting of the 7.5 ■ million - member organization. In other action, Donald M. Payne, first black president of the organization, was re - elected, the only person ever to hold the two yearn. office for three consecutive terms. ■(Continued from page ona) The report of the Student On November student committee for revision. 5, 1968, the Participation in Academic ■mittee, three undergraduates council directed the Committee The new committee was authority of the board of Government (SPAG) committee fcolnted by the chairman of on hoc Committees to select an ad Issued in April, 1969, declared chaired by James B. McKee, professor of sociology. Its The council accepted trustees the the shall be the final Academic Council authority with BASIC OUTLINES jMSUand three graduate committee "to study the that effective student report, which became known as recommendations concerning regard to the Interpretation of ATL: 111, 112, 113 [dents appointed by the matter of student participation participation "Is best achieved by the McKee the inclusion of a provision these bylaws." Hum.: 241, 242, 243 Xldent of COGS, In the academic government of bringing students, In sufficient suffered the Report, eventually which ensures council The council rejected a trustee Soc.: 231 A, 232A & B, 233 A & B kt least four of the six the University, same fate as the representation for women, and ■ notably with numbers, Into the existing policy proposed amendment which Nat. Scl.: 191A, 192A & B & C, 193 A & B trnbers selected by COGS and respect to the question of the Massey Report, after It secured included in the report the making and decision - making Chem.: 130, 141 - would have provided that any JmsU must be nonwhlte, and freedom of units of the bodies and committees of passage in the Academic Council but was defeated in the statement that "within the amendment to the faculty Economics: 200, 201 ■jeut two of the six must be University to determine whether departments, schools, colleges constriants of the constitutional or not student members will be Academic Senate. bylaws "affecting the substance Geography: 204 and athe University, rather than [here will be a total of 98 given the right to vote." A third and final committee by proliferating parallel student appointed by the Electric train of academic governance shall be referred to the board of trustees History: 121, 122 Jdent positions open on the The ad hoc committee chaired advisory groups." council, for its approval." Math: 108, 109, 111, 112, 113 chaired by John F.A. Taylor, ■mmittees of the Academic by Gerald J. Massey, professor This statement, along with the Psych: 151 luncil, with the exception of of philosophy, who has since left 1 new committee on Faculty MSU, first met in recommendation professor of philosophy, that wherever succeeded in steering a student introduced MEMORIAL DAY Ptiys. Sci.: 203 Janurary, student are members of a body participation WEEKEND Statistics: 121 ■(fairs and Faculty 1969. report through Jmpensation, which will have The committee spent several or committee they should be both the Academic Council and to Scot system 3 DAYS & NIGHTS "PLUS "(These Book Digests At $1.00 Each.)" given a vote, remained basically the Academic Senate. However, ■student representatives, months collecting informaton unaltered through several major the CASTAWAYS FREEPORT ■he participation report about the extent, nature and report was subsequently GLASGOW, Scotland (AP) - BAHAMAS revisions of the report. Devil in Massachusetts Ksed by the trustees has been effectiveness of student After extended debate, the rejected by the trustees. Britain's national rail system is ♦Departs Fri. 5/28 11:30 p.m. Citizen Tom Paine • object of extensive debate at The trustees returned the spending $60 million to electrify participation in academic Academic Council recommenHpH ♦Includes Round Trip Jet Puritan Dilemma Idemic Council and Academic government at MSU and at other that the SPAG report be report to the Academic Council 230 miles of track between from Windsor lite meetings for with instructions to ensure the Glasgow and the English city of Autobiography of Ben Franklin more than universities. returned to a new faculty ■ $119 representation of women Grewe, which will complete The Black Experience students on the council and to electrification of the 40-mile DETROIT - LONDON Afro - American History - Frazier include several statements Glasgow-London line. Round trip jet from $194 Uncle Tom's Cabin lercury v ' ' testing cause r' WOULD YOU GO ON A TRIP WITHOUT A SPARE TIRE? CHRISTMAS 1971 Jamaica $249 oiugrapny ot iviaicoim A Id! Hawaii $279 igher priced c Spain $249 Call Fred 355-2824 Campus Mmcc Shop. 217 E. GRAND RIVER 332-46 STUDENTOURS WASHINGTON (AP) - All the dangerous cans have dockside to detect and eliminate ■nsumers soon will pay been removed from the market, fish with high mercury levels. lough the pocketbook for new, the FDA said. For another, American canners V#tieCaesat£ ftoved, low • mercury canned The tuna industry has have stopped importing large varieties of tuna - particularly instituted several safety blue fin and big eye — which e nation's entire stock of precautions to insure that ir fish has been free of accumulate the most poison. mercury levels are kept low. bardous levels of mercury The mercury problem has not. Ison since February For one thing, Nordstrom said, however, forced any change in Vtea Treat according the catches from all American the I the Food and Drug fishing habits of the tuna boats now are tested at American fleet. jministration. But costly dockside testing ■ selection will be required to W canned tuna safe adding to TONIGHT! FREE DELIVERY I price consumers soon will Jit at the grocery store. |Tm very much afraid the [My program will increase In Iw." Robert Nordstrom of appreciation for your continued Be. National Canners Tociation said in an interview. Jichard Ronk, head of the business, Little Caesars is offering ■A's mercury surveillance ■»> agreed. lud guess at Neither how much official FREE DELIVERY, NOW UNTIL more Jto Pof tuna will cost. tuna industry's drive to THE END OF THE TERM!! ■»inate fish •centrations of mercury with high PICKUP OR DELIVERY ■owed the FDA's initial ■"n8 last December that 23 |"*ntsamplesof a limited number of OFF CAMPUS exceeded safety 1071 TROWBRIDGE 1203 E. GR. RIVER lieline» of 0.5 parts of 337-1681 337-1631 million parts of J"WaryFDA'showed s final te6t figures in ■ Hanger significantly 3.6 per cent of the iFILL YOUR DAY WITH MUSIC - ^»» supply of 166 million «i° canned tuna exceeded » Here's a quality component system that will make ■Sideline. * any day pleasurable. Featuring Pioneer's SX-440 Stereo Receiver a * sharply designed, modestly powered, yet high performance, AM/FM stereo receiver. The amplifier section offers a power output of 40 * watts. For interference-free FM reception even in areas of station crowding, the unit has a 'V * * FET and three-gang variable capacitor. A 40B a totally reliable record system that is rounded out with the Garrard changer with a cueing lever to gently put the arm and the Shure M44-7 cartridge on your records for you. Then there's the fine sounding EV 12 loudspeakers just to fill your day with your choice of music. Specially priced at $:100. It'll be a great gift too! Monday is Men's Liberation Night. i, ^Reduced rflPrin X _ ■■ ^Br'ng the Frat ^to the s300°° HI-FI 1101 E. Grand River Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michig J*TATE MEWS state news CLASSIFIED All student ads must be prepaid . Only 8 papers left til end of term. CLASSIF|E0 Fori 3bo-8255 3558255 'NSING OR bedroom tun (00ms. A The State News does not Automotive fRankly speaking . by Phil Fran* Employment For Rent geautifullv « (or faculty, grs HbatAas permit racial or religious discrimination in' NOVA 1970. Bucket seats. Disc CREATIVE WRITING skills to help SUMMER, FALL. One end two people, marri 332-3135 or 8 its develop dissertation / book. Share bedrooms. Near campus. Call brakes. 3 speed automatic 396. advertising columns. The any future publication copyrights. 349-3919. 6-5 28 Low mileage. 655-3953. 3-5-26 State News will not Days 373-6638; evenings CEDAR 351-6159. 5-5-27 ONE MAN needed beginning June 1. 711 1 bedroo » AUTOMOTIVE accept advertising which discriminates OLDSMOBILE 1961. F85 wagon. Automatic. $50. Call 355-4684, 8 Rent $52.50. Close. 339-2753. EASTAPTS P< Scooters & Cycles against - 5 p.m. 3-5-26 PART TIME delivery help, for 56 28 n, 711 Deluxe large Burcham 1 religion, race, color or further informetion cell 485 6634 bedroom Call 3 Auto Parts & Service furnished apartments national origin. or 1 546 3324, Howell. 10-6-4 • Aviation EMPLOYMENT X RAY. HALF time registered Suitable for 2 Now &Tman, leasing for Summer technologist needed to work SUMMER SUBLET: Couple for and Fall. 9 & • FOR RENT PLYMOUTH SATELLITE, i2month mornings. Excellent salary and furnished apartment one block convertible. 1967. Looks, runs, leases. Apartments working conditions. Apply from Beal entrance. Utilities 337-7328 337-0780 „ TO sha like new. New tires. Bucket seats. Houses Automotive Best offer over $600. 353-9777 Sparrow Hospitel Personnel. Included. 351-1708. 1-5-24 351-4878 ipartment. Sui Rooms 5-5-27 149-0335. 5-5-: after 5:30 p.m. 626-6476. THREE MEN sublet summer TWO GIRLS • FOR SALE CHEVROLET 1961. Good X2-5-24 needed for 4 HELP WANTED - Ceshlers. Pert furnished, 3 bedroom. Just north Norwood Animals condition. Best offer. Must sell, p.m. 332-2144. 1-5-24 PONTIAC GTO, 1968. Bucket seats. time. Apply In peraon. STARLITE of cempus. 351-2705. 3-5-28 SET-c"' i ow renting Mobile Homes DRIVE-IN, efter 7:30 p.m. 5-B-24 4 speed. Excellent condition. FURNISHED, TWO bedroom, ONE OR 2 men bedroom • PERSONAL CHEVROLET, 1962. Good 882-9019. 3-5-25 EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car balcony, air. Close. Pets ellowed. •her. four man needed, jumml Close PEANUTS PERSONAL condition. Call 351-9604, ask for with • 351-3373, afternoons. 2-5-25 aJuced sum Johnson. 5-5-26 RAMBLER AMERICAN 1968. necessery. Cell 351-7319 for person. Own bednZ, 32-27 1 2 aftei REAL ESTATE • • RECREATION CHEVY II 1969. Power brekes, Radio, Low reliable trensportatlon. mileage. $750. 353-9293, Interview. C ROOMMATE NEEDED, luxury »»£«««. .0,,. 5. SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE duplex. Rec room, fireplace, yerd, VELY, FUFW « SERVICE steering, $1750. 351-4683 after 5 351-8130. Evenings. 3-5-26 carpeted. 351-7396. 5-5-28 JNE and one - be< THREE men for Un^ - p.m. 5-5-25 Experienced carpenters for work In Typing Service Terrace. Summer. |\j0 Available Jum • TRANSPORTATION CHEVY II 1962. 4 door, standard, 0 SIMCA 1968. Leaving town, must sell. $500. Will bargain. 332-4793. 'ITWINKTWrFAOMS INVOLVED IN THIS Torch Leke resort eree. Pleese only experienced carpenters LANSING. 3 bedroom epartment or 2 bedrooms with study. Carpeted $58.75. 332-0150. 5.^°i ,<«*, • WANTED cyllndtr. must sell. Good transportation, 355-7922.'2-5-25 5-5-27 F&CIDRV-7U6VR5 INNcfungfjam • monthly and term rates. Call (Next • 332-5051 to Cec p.m. %••••##••/ 332-6246. 351-7900 RENTALS. C UNIVERSITY TV £ 332-6246 J Bogue St. at the Red Ced Frank c 351-8 WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER 1050 Water has it Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. Phone 489-4811. Our new address Employment Apartments 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF TYPISTS CROSSWORD PUZZLE p FULL and part time DUPLEX, JUNE and September. 2 ive' heated afternoons & evenings, 60 wpm minimum. Apply in person, 427'/a and 3 bedroom. 372-1629. 17-6-4 Clean. Call it's Albert St., East Lansing, 4-5pm. W QIRLS. STARTING summer and fall. 29. Towards shelter Completely and the RESEARCH SUBJECTS WANTED. $2.00 for 45 minutes Wednesday Rentals for 2, 3 or 4 girls. 1. Parents 31. Succor 33. Nautical rope Bedroorr night. May 26th. Call 355-4463. Conveniently located V, block from campus. 332-2495. 5-5-25 5. Trench 34. Kiloliter V time 3-5-26 CAREER OPPORTUNITY 8. 11. Haughtiness Disregard 35. Passport endorsement - CAMPUS VIEW 12. Harem room 38. Aphoristic For all students to make sure Salesman. Those approved by 13. Advocate 42. Rustic home office can train at $150 APARTMENTS 14. Girl's name 45. Hal. resort your Bill with the State News weekly with 123 year old highly Summer leases $45/mo. 15. Flaxseed 46. Ger. city is paid before May 28th or respected life insurance company. Across from Williams Hall 17. Dictatorial 47. Grassland your name will go on the We are an equal opportunity 19. 48. Electromotive Call 332-6246 evenings. Equipment HOLD LIST. employer. Phone 482-6275. 20. Bib. spy force DOWN 3. Dissent 6-5-26 49. Razorbill 4. Platform 24. Combat 1. Village 5. Sun rooms PARTMENT DISCOUNT 26. Van Winkle 50. - - - Aviv 2. Cupid 6. Mine entrai 28. Sweetheart 51. Dollars 7. Fright 4620 S. Hagadorn Summer from $37.50 - Fall from $52.50 8. Simian just north of Mt. Hope Rd. We manage 9 apartment buildings and have an apartment for every need. X 3 r- T~ T" 8 r- .o 9. Fury Apartments Addresses Phone " M % TT~ % 13 10. Surveyors. instrument] , , Bay Colony Haslett & Hagadorr 351-3211 % 16. Strike bre. Beechwood Delta Arms 1130 Beech Street 235 Delta 351-0965 3930625 •M 1 ,S 16 18. 21. Blemish Embassy % deco1 17 22. - Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen 332-1313 if purchase I %% i5~~ zb 22 23 SUMH TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury Haslett Arms ► Princeton Arms 135 Coliingwood 1308 Haslett Road 351-7662 332 8511 21 K 26 % 57 28 24. 25. Existed High in mi Reserv apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central-control air ► North Pointe 1240 Haslett Road 351 3407 % & at % 32 33 27. 30. Crucial . Periods oil conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. Recreation is University Terrace 444 Michigan Avenue 351 9117 29 VA % if 32. Blurred P 31 Aggran^L %¥ w 35 35. planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If University Villa 635 Abbott Road 337 2361 37 Broadside■ sr tlo you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom w 39 Arrow poisP units start at $60/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY *ln view of Campus **Pool or Pool Privileges % V//< 4* 40. Vai" L FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL, 372-2797 or 332-6441. M2 Hi 41. Light beds* Models open at each 42 Legume P moc THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. (3 and 4 complex Monday through Saturday from 3 - 5 p.m. 4T « ' MS man Ratitebi'l apts. only, starting fall.) % 7/< ll 43 44. Consult P 10:00 MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: 11 AlCO 11 MSnagCIII6llt COKipSnjf a Contact apartment or 3B1-7910. Resident Manager today at above telephone numbers for your choice of call HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 444 Michigan Ave. East Lansing - 19 1 W Mi ALT Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 24, 1971 9 for Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale for Side Recreation fclNG OB Ea«t Lanslnfl. Vinorn furnlshad. Largt, One airy Now 126 MILFORD LUXURY LIVING for summer. Nice 2 and 3 mar, GREAT BOOKS of the Western B , Air co nditlon#tt. apartment., clow to 5 bedroom and beautiful 3 World. 54 volume, and Durant'. KING mobile ARTHUR'S Court. home. 12x50 with front Baron ISAS MEMBER charter flights to ■ "tifullv maintained. Suitable ■ScultV.fl^d student., busin.* $170. 351-2207, 489-1656. 24-6-4 campu* 372-5767 bedroom for 5 and 4 person.. Call 351-3118 between 6 - 8 p.m. Story of Civilization, 10 volume*. Both new condition. Best offer. kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, power humidifier, carpeting and Europe. Student Contact: Tom Cook. travel information Telephone Dismissal policy |^,ple married couple.. Lee» 12-6-4 Great graduation gifts. 355-7837. more. Small down payment will No. 351-4335, Monday - 11 p.m. B-5-24 Friday, 7 |g 35 or 882-6549. O - TWO GIRLS needed fall X-5-5-24 move you in with financing term. Close LIVE IN Ulrey House Call 355-4418 or 355-443l" Co-op summer. assistance. For a personal showing, (Continued from page one) Room / board. $200 SALE: OLD BOOKS & MAGAZINES Europe - Summer 71 5-5-24 term. Guys call Dave Swank, 882-3527 or and $220 Round Trip - Jet AIR CEDAR GREENS girls. Call 351-0100. 5-S27 Playboys, comics, science fiction, 372-7943, HUBBELL REALTY CHRISTIAN FEMALE nostalgia. Intra European Chartered faculty members, Van Tassell, 1 bedroom furnished grad wain, WEST OF campus. 2 CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP COMPANY, REALTORS. 3-5-26 Murray and William L. Downes Cantlon defended at length POOL another roommate. Fall miles. Newly flights, Eurail Pass, 641-4501. 5-5-26 remodeled. Furnished, 3 bedroom 541 Grand River (below Jr., asst. professor of natural both the need for a tenure Paramount). Britrail Pass & Cycle Call 351-8631 $225. SB'-nqefl. O 1 -6 p.m. 13-6-4 science. system at MSU and the need for rental - Chartered APARTMENTS FOR summer. 220 carpeting. Furnished, unfurnished, Stevens, after citing a court probationary appointents. Cedar skirting. Corner lot flights to Africa, decision He said the tenure set up One to four Street. which granted a was IS FOR summer. 351-1394 C 1 bedroom. Call Rooms 625-7186, lot 54. 5-5-26 at Brookview. Israel and India. to prevent L,n $120 for term. 361-6317 LEONARD WHOLESALE'S nontenured faculty member the the fauclty member Call Frank Buck jj.64 SINGLE ROOMS. $110 LOW PRICES ON FLEETWOOD 1971. Repossessed 351-8604 N.U.S. 393-1616 right to counsel, the right to from being "harassed by board ■T TO share Cedar Green. Houses Free utilities. Near summer. 12x60, or present evidence and to cross of trustees and by provosts" and campus. Call new appliances, furnished examine witnesses, asked Carr if other elements of society. Lartment. Summer. No deposit. 337-1714. 3-5-26 PHOTOGRAPHY or unfurnished. Priced to sell. UNION BOARD PRESENTS LUXURY HOUSE for 6 or the University could still be sued ■349-0335. 5-5-26 7. 625-3111.3-5-24 European flights: Detroit to London. "We must continue to have Available fall. Too many ROOMS, MALES. Summer and fall. * Nikon 6/15 - 9/3, $229; 6/24 - 8/24, by nontenured faculty members Norwood Apartment! describe. 676-2828. X-13-6-4 extras to Kitchen privileges. Parking * Minolta USED 1968 Ritz Craft 12x50 $229; 6/25 - 9/11, $209 ; 6/27 - who are not reappointed. temporary appointments," * Mamlya furnished. 2 bedrooms. $3800. Cantlon said, in order to give 349-3919. 5-5-28 _ 9/7, $229; 8/9 - 9/14, $199. Carr replied that "the interim renting large one and _ _. , 372-8520 after 5 p/n. and departmental faculty time in SAVE TO Detroit to Frankfurt, 8/1 - 9/1, ,0 bedroom for summer and (H Close to campus, HOUSES, FOR campus. Call 5 or 6. Summer. Near 349-3939. 5-5-28 GUYS - GIRLS. Cooking. Call 351-0798, For 'summer. 10 :S weekends. 5-5-27 $219. Caledonia 353-9777. C-5-24 Airlines. Call grievance procedure which I have been working on for several which to determine the merit of new faculty members. am - months and which I expect will jjduced summer rates. Call Ji2.2712 after 3 p.m. ROOMMATE, over 21 to share large furnished house. $75. Own room. 3 p.m. 9-6-4 * Polaroid 50% Lost & Found OFF.ICIAL PASSPORT photos application photos in 15 minutes. - job come before the Academic Council in June, will supply the The motion passed by the North of MEN: NOW renting for ETC. trustees provides that the terms Frandor. 482-0353. summer and PHOTOGRAPHY BY second step." rELY, I FURNISHED efficiency 3-5-25 fall. Furnished, paneled, carpeted, ' LOST: WEDNESDAY. Valley Court 3 5 1-6 26 2. PAUL and conditions of employment j 0ne ■ bedroom apartments, parking, cooking and laundry Park. Men's registered Accutron A nything Stevens said he supported the be provided in writing to the photographed anywhere. 21-6-4 proposal which offers reasons to ■available June. $120 - $140. SUMMER RENTAL. 3 bedroom facilities. Two blocks from watch. Great sentimental value. new faculty member at the time 49 3604. 5-5-24 home June 10th campus. Call Don Kiger, 351-2103 $30 reward. 355-8058. 3-5-16 the nonreappointed faculty - September EUROPE $194. Studentours round of his appointment. 10th. Pleasant or 355-1627. B-5-5-25 member "with the hope that we neighborhood. I trip jet to London. Summer 1971. Jo GIRLS to share bedroom. IV Walking distance MSU, town, 309 N. Washington g| LOST: GRAY Persian cat, pregnant, Call Eddie, 393-7520. 33-6-4 will improve on it through the These terms of employment (5.5495 before 5 p.m.; 351-1857 public school, recreation program. ATTRACTIVE SINGLE for | Lansing Gunson Street area. May 16th. Fur clipped short. $25 reward. procedure talked about by should include the time period Kfter. 106-1 337-0168. 4-5-26 responsible graduate woman. University Attorney Carr." covered by the appointment , 351-701 5 anv hours 3-24_ Style Shop. Call COPYGRAPH Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 351-8920. 5-5-26 SAINT BERNARD SERVICES, Ever wanted to lead or join a STEREOS pup. Beautiful CONGRATULATIONS TO our 337-1666. C p.m., Monday, Thursday and wilderness trip? The Outing Club . and FOUR MEN needed to fill large, Receivers, $59.95 up. Speaker sets, $19.95 up. Compact stereos, markings, outstanding features. 1 male, 9 weeks old. Stud service brothers of Phi Kappa Tau. Greek Week Frisbee Champions. Love TYPING SERVICE in East Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 P.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C invites all to join. The club meets at 7 IWATER'S EDGE my p.m. every Tuesday this term in 116 clean house near campus. $39.50 up. 8 track automatic tape also available. Call KEN'S your Little Sisters. 1-5-24 Lansing home. Phone 332-3306. Natural Science Bldg. 393-7094 after 5 p.m. 11-6-4 KENNEL, 482-5887. 2-5-24 0-5-24 players, $29.50 up. 8 track tapes, 1 APARTMENTS used $2.50, new $4.00. Stereo SUMMER FOUR girls near campus. 2 albums $1.50 down. Italian wall OH HERM, How could You? Free Real Estate THESES RUN for only 7c Veterans - Veterans Assn. will hold its last meeting of the term at 7 per page. baths, laundry, tapestries. Oriental bedspreads. puppies / seven weeks. 393-0067. THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East WANTED. HOUSING. Married p.m. Wednesday in the East Lansing J (Next to Cedar parking. 135 American Legion Hall. A progress Village) Cedar. 15-6-4 AM-FM clock and portable radios. 3-5-25 SOUTHEAST - ELEGANT 4 Grand River. Phone 332-4222. teachers, daughter. June 19 - July I See Frank or JoAnne TV sets, walkie talkies, tape bedroom tri - level featuring cozy C-5-5-28 31. Call collect, 313 373-0750. report on the state GI bill will be 5-5-28 given, and the summer club will be 1 351 8862 SUMMER. 2 girls needed to share recorder, and surf board. family room, with charming organized. modern house. Merchandise tested and fireplace. There are 2 full baths, TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. Ll050 Water's Edge Dr. Call 351-1425. formal living room, full basement Rapid accurate service. WANTED TO 5-5-25 gu a ranteed. Wl LCOX rent or lease Block and Bridle Club will hold its SECONDHAND STORE, 509 E. FREE: ADORABLE kittens, box witfi furnace room and 2 car Experienced. 393-4075. O immediately or by September last meeting of the term at 7:30 p.m. Michigan, Lansing. Phone trained. Weaned. 641-4035 after attached garage. To further 15th, for MSU faculty and family, Tuesday in 131 Anthony Hall. The noon. 5-5-26 enhance this lovely home, the TYPIST, EXPERIENCED, 3 bedroom unfurnished house in club will elect next year's officers ive The "Good Life" 731! 485-4391. Hours daily: 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. C spacious yard has been Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary East Lansing. Call 355-7903 or and discuss this year's events. HALF GERMAN Ann Lance, 626-6542. 0-5-24 353-6373. 3-5-26 Refreshments will be served. shepherd, half professionally landscaped, and ■Completely burnished Deluxe WHITEHILLS LIQUIDATION SALE huskie pups. $10. Inquire 127 offers a unique terraced patio *160 Ferguson. 5-5-25 BARBI MEL: Typing, Saturday 9 - 5 p.m., 1219 adjacent to a beautifully wooded multilithing. Colltitgtoooi) - T'Bedroom Apartment Hitching Post Road. 1-5-21 area. FHA and VA terms, or No job too large or too small. It*" FREE KITTENS, trained. old. 551 Albert, No. 1.332-8 8 weeks owner Call will consider land contract. Dave Swank, 882-3527 or Block off campus. 332-3255. C 3-5-24 372-7943, HUBBELL REALTY We will even Spartinrnts • Shag Carpeting COMPANY, Realtors. 4-5-27 Throughout furnish the EAST LANSING by owner. • Spacious All Colonial in central school area. Appliincei 1966 VAN Dyke. 2 cookbook & Including Dishwasher furnished, carpet. bedroom, newly Must sell. All This lovely home has been completely updated, redecorated means... offers 5-5-25 considered. 482-8081. and carpeted. Large living room, dishes... I SUPPOSE YOL) CHAMPION 1964. 10x55. 2 dining room, family room, new kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 11% baths. Shady double lot. Call owner at For a limited never having to walk more • KNOW YOU'RE OUR bedroom in good condition. Party and $2550. Immediate possession. 361-70M. 3-5-25 Community Room BI66EST POLLUTiOM PROBLEM AROUND HEffE! Located in quiet park on Grand LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial time, we will than a few feet from your River Ave. in Williamston. 355-8255 for • now a quick action Swimming Pool 655-2684. 5-5-28 - Classified Ad. give the (♦Full i'imt Professional NEW IDEA IN STUDENT LIVING apartment to your car... Management College Cookbook One or two Bachelor Units and a set nf dishes with all the unlimited SUMMER LEASE AVAILABLE Featuring: with every lease signed parking Enclosed Pool Sauna Reservations Accepted Now for Fall Shag Carpet (new) Snack Bar — Juke Box plus... (bring this ad) there is around. Extra Storage Extra Rooms for Guest Game Room (Pool Table - *the best location in town Ping Pong) LOCa'«d at 731 Burcham Drive. East Lansing *2 johns per apt. "balconies & patios Call Collingwood Apartments V4 Mile East of Abbott Road Price $129 for one - $139 for two All utilities paia except telephone •roommate service Fall leases now being accepted, $200/2 man model hours daily and sundan Drop in and talk to our leasing agent today. WATER'S EDGE & $210/3 man 10:00 A.M.-NOON- 1 ;00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. • RIVER'S EDGE $220/4 man model phone 351-7212 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT APARTMENTS (formerly Northwind Apts.) 444 Michigan Avenue Call 351-8862 Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind Al.TMAN MANAGEMENT CO. East L«n»ing Phone: 361-7910 (next to Cedar Village) MODEL OPEN DAILY behind the Yankee Store $1.15 $1.59 $1.39 $1.39 $1.29 $1.15 Clearasil lergens Close-Up Cigarettes Crest Scope Arrid Extra Dry Dove Toothpaste Mouthwash Deodorant Complexion soap Vanishing Lotion Toothpaste 1.2 oz. 9V4 oz. 1"J C 6.8 oz. 59c 3/95c 6.75 oz. 59c 17 oz. 97c 6 oz. 27' Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) Limit 2 ExpiSUn ExpJ.'SnU,! Expires After V29-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only $1.79 Bonnie Bell $1.19 $1.59 $U)9^^^ Right Guard Sea & Ski 8 Track Stijreo Tapes Sparklers Toni Sun-In Head & 1006 Lotion Shoulders Dry Deodorant Indoor-Outdoor Lotion Hair Lightener Dandruff s3 00 Shampoo 16 oz. 5339 2oz. QQc S-J19 2.7 oz. # -» Limited Quantity ! 6oz. 57' Tube 77 6' 4.7 oz. Limit 1 Tube Q^)c Limit 1 Limit 1 Limlit 1 Limit 6 Limit 1 Limit 1 pon) (Coupon) (Coupon) ExpiresCAftern5-29-71 Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only ler 5-29-71 East Lansinc1 Store Only Expires After 5-29-71 ■s£35»a 1 $1.00 $1.89 .79 79c lOz. ^^1 79c Raid Stereo L.P. Sale Mennen Cosmetic Ivory Dishwashing Trylon Protein House & Garden ALBUMS PRICED SALE PRICE Iodine Detergent Concentrate Shampoo Insect Spray $377 $2" Baby Oil Cotton Balls *11 4 TQc 359 47' 260's 39C 22 oz. 57c oz. L7 13VS oz. 99' 4 oz. 13' !; Limit 1 (Coupon) ;' Tube Limit 1 (Coupon) Limit 1 (Coupon) 577 (Coupon) 399 Limit 1 (Coupon) Limit 1 (Coupon) Expires After 5-29-71 Expires After 5-29-71 Expires After 5-29-71 Expires After 5-29-71 Expires After 5-29-71 Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 79c $1.00 $2.00 $2.00 49c $2.10 20% Off Jean Nate Solarcaine Gillette Super Stainless Swedish Tanning Bain de Soliel Paper male The Discount Price * Suntan Creme After Bath Lotion Flair Pens for Sunburn Steel Razor Blades Secret Tanning Butter on all s139 59c Zoz 59c 3*oz. Sf 39 8oz. S159 29' Limit 1 5*s Limit 1 Limit 1 Polaroid Sunglasses Limit 1 j Limit 1 Limit 6 Exp^rk™ East Lansing Store Only EL^L^nsi^gs'tore OnW (Coupon) Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires0 Attar "5- 2 9- 71 East Lansing Store Only «£5>J 79c $1.59 $1.09 $1.59 $14.96 $1.00 1 $1.50 Value Men's Zippered Colgate Coppertone Suntan 6-12 Sea & Ski Sunlamp Frisbee Travel Bag Instant Shave Lotion or Oil Insect Repellant Suntan Lotion w/Stand 69' ii oz. 49c 4 oz. 99< 66c 4 oz. 99c $899 69' Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 (Coupon) Limit 1 (Coupon) Limit 1 1 Expire(SCX°rn5)-29-71 Expire(sCAfte°n5-29-71 Ex pi re^After "5-29-71 Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only 1 East Lansing Store Only 'East Lansing Store Only | i $2.25 ! $2.00 $3.50 20 Exposure j Kodachrome 20C Off The 10% Off The Kodak Color Film Black-Lite Wella Balsam Flashcubes Discount Price Slide Processing on Discount Price on 126,127,620 Pesters Hair Conditioner all Tanya Products all Film Developing 12 Exp 89c 3's Sj09 $1» $2" 99c Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 3 16 oz. Limit 1 Exp, Limit 2 resetter's- 29-71 Limit 1 No Limit (Coupon) Expires After 5-29-71 East (Coupon) Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only * < (Coupon) Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only j Lansing Store Only 29c 4 Place $1.00 $1.00 50 Count Values to $5.00 1 Settings 5X7 Toothbrush Trylon Lemon Trylon Egg Styrofoam All Wire Rim Dinnerware Set Color Enlargement Holder Concentrate Shampoo Cnncentrate Shampoo Hot nr Cold Cups Sunglasses 17' $3«9 4 oz. 39° 4oz. *)Qc Close out! Tube LI Tube LI 39c s2" Limit 1 Limit Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 (Coupon) Expires After 5-29-71 2( (Coupon) Expires After 5- 29-71 (Coupon) Expires After 5-29-71 Expires After 5-29-71 (Limit 1 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 7 Inch 29c $1.85 $1.39 Bon Ami 100 Count Liquifilm Strobe Hinged Breck 1 & 1 Candles Scouring Cleanser Paper Plates Cream Rinse Wetting Solution Soap Box Baby Lotion 69c 17' 14 OZ. ^2^ 59c 16 oz. 99° 9o, 89° 2 oz. 5)29 'j Limit 1 Limit 1 ! Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 | (Limit 1 EExpJsCwtT5-2^ 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) > Expires After 5-29-71 Expires After 5-29-71 > East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 25 Count 1 Pint .98 $4.95 j Plastic Coated Assorted Trash Can Mystic or Leg Hugger Rubbing No Doz Men's Black Playing Cards Sponges Liners Panty Hose Alcohol Umbrellas 29' 8C ZGal- 74c 50c 16° 36's 59C s2" Limit 1 Limit 3 Limit 1 Limit 6 Limit 1 (Coupon) Limit 1 Limit 1 (Coupon) | | (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires After 5-29-71 ExplrefAftwUsa-?! ExP,re(sC=n5,-29.71 ! Expires After 5-29-71 Expires After 5-29-71 t Expires After 5-29-71 j Expires After 5-29-71 1 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Stor^MJ $2.00 63c $1.69 59c 79c 1 Cantrece II l&l Men's & Women's Coated Masking Eaton's Corrasablel Nude Look Panty Hose Panty Hose Band Aids Sandals Tor "Hot Pants" Rubber Bands Tape Bond Typing Papel 79c 49' Close out! 33-s 39C sp 89c 10* 39c 39c Limit 3 Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 3 Limit 2 Limit 1 Limit 1 (Coupon) | ■ (Coupon) (Coupon) ; ExplresCAftPe°n5-29-71 Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only ExPlreSCAftPe0rn5-29-71 • aSa Expires After 5-29-71 $1.29 Close out! Close Out! $1.00 $1.89 Close out! $1.00 1.79 One Size $2.00 Opaque Burlington Ballet Opaque Sheer Nylon Fitalon Virginia Maid Perfect Fit 1 Stretch Panty Hose Panty Hose Panty Hose Knee Sox Knee Sox Panty Hose Panty Hose Panty Hose 1 2/M00 89c SJ09 63c 57< $117 99c 77' Limit 3 (Coupon) Limit 6 (Coupon) Limit 3 Limit 3 Limit 6 U™"6, 1 Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only Explre(sCAfte°n5-29-71 «,P ,£issrun (Coupon) Expires After 5-29-71 East Lansing Store Only Hours CT Ho urs 1 1 Mon., Tues., Fri., Sat. w 1 ATE Dliscourit Wed., Thurs. 1 I 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. 307 E. Gra nd River 9 A.M. 1fo 9 P.M. I next to the